nut-a.gAtif-44,..f, • '":16914 - xkl4lit?: „.. ,CIF: <'E7 • • • , • "inn knee-deep '• ,1* ' 'lam'` - }'be arerWenrllysighing ;. .; ''• " ' 'An4 ' ,ef 4 a I O l r r• - - Year Hoe ••• •qa Tsai; yon ain't •not - • ~, YOU itth r Usen,eteadlli„, "..00TetriyoU Shell not main ; - • Hswittuot Sae the of day ; 2 Tfe,liktlinerepor life Above-7 , 'lle gatS,V;inS friend, and s true, true love, kng: Wine* year Will take-'ens away, " Toio,,y,on must net "go, ",I:;:iWioss N yUn "finis been With us, ' Joys' y.tbu hive iseiriilth 10, - "." Oldlfear - you shill riot go - • r'Ll. ,••= • , ' ,- 101rOthed , hlsbnmpere LO the hrtati • -• A3Slifeiclesi-wiribe.o"not tee ihOifi,holeyeeird waning " - driddikonOoda . foes Speak ill of him 1.4 Side gfriend to toe. = • • . ;;;filit)feurion, not - se laugh ind dry with.yon, • - itestddrtitmind to die with you. . 014,yer;i you must die. - , He Siui full of joke end Jest, .But all his ideriy gripe are o'er ; To f iied iihUdie t 'aerise the aaete, - • His seoksod heir 'doth rlde poet - haste; , • " becdeid befor e; ' • , ,••• Vreri one for his eon - ••• , . -yillt e ,nlghOe starry atileold, my friend, .„ :4.41 - tlieio;r' Tear; blithe , and bold ; my, friend" Poi* u p td -1 ~hnitl t 1 breathes! ()vir the anew I- heard just, noir the °rowing took.' The efisdowe titular-to and fro i • , - TANOC:10t01144;7:thOigli011ill. 6'/3104.: taiAibetoro ion din; , lZibi Our, vollt-deirly,rue for' you, . - • %Iffi e st 0 it'in,iikit'do for-pin s ?"' ''•--3-43f4101:014:befrnititi die.- Sie - • . rice is gritUtug sharp , • . `, Alia!' friendligtinet , - ' dieefiaoo - siis ;41e up his Ohio font - the emi n ssadlet,itlin in r - ' _ - -- Therit*distrd'loniUgthei floor; iny friend, - !="iMi a sorties at the doer, my,friend, faSestitiolloor. , "•" •'" THR-lIALL,CO , TiIE CASTLE. BY '1": - ..ARO:10189r: 21*,T#LX8.' -- • - Noltotonno.,l (4 But 'surely Of no value to :an infant and, a, simpletkOlitriswereil-the lady of Ormonder wherepre,,', ; lie - amend; tbey, may not -lea:VOIR! galled; for.titteltall; , ! ' • - "'- .fAleketrATtlaw; Lay, provell hody,mani there do Settiebanderardypoky,o,nr - - .I*. "nd4faqie - the ,; re? ; AilekeitATteair , , yourooolf*Xto, l2 :o, aaked-thir-ladyf:-a-k. kroartZtitami. 141;; ; Dt ofLoirividdedpititli; I had'a, stater; to'knowArthlur, thaiitifat Sou can tellsOunkoh 1 heaven fOrgivetyon;•Dea= mendrtl*.-Intente; - , lif furtheraneo , of which yon bring ttintettin,y4learted,Dieltertinte%this castre-.1?- - • If-the'eliild and the (del tun 'to resChere,4 rejoined„Desmond, c.f I, pray, len , let it'beat the eridof , thegallery, Out-of hea r ing.'.' To thit Obe. assented, and -the- youni Dori Thomas and SkeenSo '; ix - acebrdiriglywithdreiv• to the,windik* .3 '4l-'`,. And tow; ladictonchingYnniwildspeeeli ct of thn - Ettglialf king's _coming-" , c -hinds to-day; at Waterford, DesMond 'tie as Midas thittH-Englan.d'itsecond-Rlehard —at Witeiford."-' • '• -• ' flush)" cried Desmtind, as - he 'perceived that'Simailiad- again drawn near them, alone,, so cantiously, , that "his- steps -were not. t heard.; , g,noiV,liiiiith; do you dare to pry .into the ills, course_of Yonrlady and miselfrr Sheen': humblyi and.carnestly, dinied.nni euchlobld and 'sinful design ;=and reproved and chiddlin,"th • again -'withdrew; While Desmond went on with-what to'a had to say: ' - • "ladf,/itie *sing 'strange ...I should: not , have heard, or, this; but, let' the king be at Waterford ; I shall have loyal floods to wait on him there before midnight; 4ou:cair hail) The Ormonde .may think of having some' theie l before fuldnight, Desmond."' icAlaek the ., lady I" said Desmond, sighing. Ila!" she cried, receding from, hint; "when you .`put on that , seeming grief; thpre must. he a black tale 'for me to beef, 'in good Booth] you have. jumped, upon his body-' 7 ,-Idid , prostrate by.: thousands for - yolf-41ine thin - passed your coward krilfe through his noble heart.'„ „ "The °monde forced me to the Held, kldY, in jetedefince of My;bounds of- lqude ; but, otherwise, I bore him no. ill, blood; hislife I never sought i , , and;had I soon it threatened, would have savrid it : , but•the last melee was fierceitpofi the bridge, and he fell era I' knew . "Dead.! my Ormond° dead !" she cried, clasping lief hands and fixing her eyes on Deb mond. , . • al bore his banner to your gate—please you to see It in the hall _l 7 -Could he have drawn living breath when that was done?" - Vthink,' no," she. answered - ; , " and you have reached hint then? And, now, Desmond, 'Hs in your mind that all looks clear for the thlfl}ling of an okloath."-:-Stern despair was in her tones as sho'uttered these words. "Sweet lady, pass we that worthless mat ter--and error of ,mere youth, and nought be sides—unlesa we tidd, an ~ outbreaklng of pas sionate love, as pure and true "Insolent fool as well as villain l' again in terrupted the lady : "where are • you,-boy? Come hither to my aide,and hold fast by -my band—hither, -"hither hit" ap she turned round, and looked towards the - , end of the spa cious and dusky apartraent. "My child bath left the gallerywith his poor fool, too I and left it, for what companyi—for What chances! Desmond, I leare you' to go 'seek Min - i and aid me in the task ; and promise not to part us, when I find my boy, and I-will kneel down to, bless you." Terrible fears of Desmond's designs began to press on her -mind, and she scarce knew what she said.fer unwelcome Metter ear nestly promisedlo do as slie requested of him; and they left the gallery, by different doors. Desmond hastened to the ball,.where,:taking lid= • aside ' lie said to him in a,whisper— ,f Diction, if by some Secret outlet the young spawn .or the ,Ormonde hath evaded us, we nearlY lose our-present game. Search well thii:coUrta and outbuildings—" " 'te calls and cries of iho afflicted mother, eelibing through the castle, interrupted his speech. She rushed into the hall, still utter ing the name of her child.' 41 You have mur dered him, too P , she exclaimed, wildly, stop ping before Desmond. Ay, you t evertivbile we spoke above, some devils in your service spirited him away.. Give place P , She darted past him, and left the hall, to engage in :mo ther search. ` , Desincmd-followed close •in her steps to re ceive the child, for himself, if he - should be found.. Alla conflderitial follower explored every hiding4dace out of doors. . None of their succeeded and then Dicken and some trusty comrades mounted their horses to-ride to the town, and through all the surrounding country. - Half an' hour : before ,the lady of Hrmonde missed them ' Simon-Seix, stealing. on tiptoe to the nearest side-door, had carried the child out of. thu gallerY in his arms. By private and 'absolve passages which; as he whispered to his young, charge, the Defortorid's'men would not be found-to - have' yet ;mended - guard , upon, they - then gained nearly the same spot, under the window of the long gallery,_ where, Some hours -:before, -he had .onaeted, - together,the parts of battle-charger and et trumpeter to the _little Lend Thomas. Here bcp,_put the boy on . his'_feot; araFateened .down: upon: .the terra- ~plane!-of "•--“, John, the Tattier • 'of Simony shoiyed it to in more thanonce," he „si34l'; and,. While speaking, 'ho 'contrived to loosen a'small•stone and extract it from the surrounding ones. appeared : he tug ged at it :With :all, his strength, andp square portion_ of the_ sthooth, Jinni! flags, • moved, were displaced,, and discovered - narrow Steps Windleg,doWn' ut (Winless- through the thick