nut-a.gAtif-44,..f, • '":16914 - xkl4lit?: „.. ,CIF: <'E7 • • • , • "inn knee-deep '• ,1* ' 'lam'` - }'be arerWenrllysighing ;. .; ''• " ' 'An4 ' ,ef 4 a I O l r r• - - Year Hoe ••• •qa Tsai; yon ain't •not - • ~, YOU itth r Usen,eteadlli„, "..00TetriyoU Shell not main ; - • Hswittuot Sae the of day ; 2 Tfe,liktlinerepor life Above-7 , 'lle gatS,V;inS friend, and s true, true love, kng: Wine* year Will take-'ens away, " Toio,,y,on must net "go, ",I:;:iWioss N yUn "finis been With us, ' Joys' y.tbu hive iseiriilth 10, - "." Oldlfear - you shill riot go - • r'Ll. ,••= • , ' ,- 101rOthed , hlsbnmpere LO the hrtati • -• A3Slifeiclesi-wiribe.o"not tee ihOifi,holeyeeird waning " - driddikonOoda . foes Speak ill of him 1.4 Side gfriend to toe. = • • . ;;;filit)feurion, not - se laugh ind dry with.yon, • - itestddrtitmind to die with you. . 014,yer;i you must die. - , He Siui full of joke end Jest, .But all his ideriy gripe are o'er ; To f iied iihUdie t 'aerise the aaete, - • His seoksod heir 'doth rlde poet - haste; , • " becdeid befor e; ' • , ,••• Vreri one for his eon - ••• , . -yillt e ,nlghOe starry atileold, my friend, .„ :4.41 - tlieio;r' Tear; blithe , and bold ; my, friend" Poi* u p td -1 ~hnitl t 1 breathes! ()vir the anew I- heard just, noir the °rowing took.' The efisdowe titular-to and fro i • , - TANOC:10t01144;7:thOigli011ill. 6'/3104.: taiAibetoro ion din; , lZibi Our, vollt-deirly,rue for' you, . - • %Iffi e st 0 it'in,iikit'do for-pin s ?"' ''•--3-43f4101:014:befrnititi die.- Sie - • . rice is gritUtug sharp , • . `, Alia!' friendligtinet , - ' dieefiaoo - siis ;41e up his Ohio font - the emi n ssadlet,itlin in r - ' _ - -- Therit*distrd'loniUgthei floor; iny friend, - !="iMi a sorties at the doer, my,friend, faSestitiolloor. , "•" •'" THR-lIALL,CO , TiIE CASTLE. BY '1": - ..ARO:10189r: 21*,T#LX8.' -- • - Noltotonno.,l (4 But 'surely Of no value to :an infant and, a, simpletkOlitriswereil-the lady of Ormonder wherepre,,', ; lie - amend; tbey, may not -lea:VOIR! galled; for.titteltall; , ! ' • - "'- .fAleketrATtlaw; Lay, provell hody,mani there do Settiebanderardypoky,o,nr - - .I*. "nd4faqie - the ,; re? ; AilekeitATteair , , yourooolf*Xto, l2 :o, aaked-thir-ladyf:-a-k. kroartZtitami. 141;; ; Dt ofLoirividdedpititli; I had'a, stater; to'knowArthlur, thaiitifat Sou can tellsOunkoh 1 heaven fOrgivetyon;•Dea= mendrtl*.-Intente; - , lif furtheraneo , of which yon bring ttintettin,y4learted,Dieltertinte%this castre-.1?- - • If-the'eliild and the (del tun 'to resChere,4 rejoined„Desmond, c.f I, pray, len , let it'beat the eridof , thegallery, Out-of hea r ing.'.' To thit Obe. assented, and -the- youni Dori Thomas and SkeenSo '; ix - acebrdiriglywithdreiv• to the,windik* .3 '4l-'`,. And tow; ladictonchingYnniwildspeeeli ct of thn - Ettglialf king's _coming-" , c -hinds to-day; at Waterford, DesMond 'tie as Midas thittH-Englan.d'itsecond-Rlehard —at Witeiford."-' • '• -• ' flush)" cried Desmtind, as - he 'perceived that'Simailiad- again drawn near them, alone,, so cantiously, , that "his- steps -were not. t heard.; , g,noiV,liiiiith; do you dare to pry .into the ills, course_of Yonrlady and miselfrr Sheen': humblyi and.carnestly, dinied.nni euchlobld and 'sinful design ;=and reproved and chiddlin,"th • again -'withdrew; While Desmond went on with-what to'a had to say: ' - • "ladf,/itie *sing 'strange ...I should: not , have heard, or, this; but, let' the king be at Waterford ; I shall have loyal floods to wait on him there before midnight; 4ou:cair hail) The Ormonde .may think of having some' theie l before fuldnight, Desmond."' icAlaek the ., lady I" said Desmond, sighing. Ila!" she cried, receding from, hint; "when you .`put on that , seeming grief; thpre must. he a black tale 'for me to beef, 'in good Booth] you have. jumped, upon his body-' 7 ,-Idid , prostrate by.: thousands for - yolf-41ine thin - passed your coward krilfe through his noble heart.'„ „ "The °monde forced me to the Held, kldY, in jetedefince of My;bounds of- lqude ; but, otherwise, I bore him no. ill, blood; hislife I never sought i , , and;had I soon it threatened, would have savrid it : , but•the last melee was fierceitpofi the bridge, and he fell era I' knew . "Dead.! my Ormond° dead !" she cried, clasping lief hands and fixing her eyes on Deb mond. , . • al bore his banner to your gate—please you to see It in the hall _l 7 -Could he have drawn living breath when that was done?" - Vthink,' no," she. answered - ; , " and you have reached hint then? And, now, Desmond, 'Hs in your mind that all looks clear for the thlfl}ling of an okloath."-:-Stern despair was in her tones as sho'uttered these words. "Sweet lady, pass we that worthless mat ter--and error of ,mere youth, and nought be sides—unlesa we tidd, an ~ outbreaklng of pas sionate love, as pure and true "Insolent fool as well as villain l' again in terrupted the lady : "where are • you,-boy? Come hither to my aide,and hold fast by -my band—hither, -"hither hit" ap she turned round, and looked towards the - , end of the spa cious and dusky apartraent. "My child bath left the gallerywith his poor fool, too I and left it, for what companyi—for What chances! Desmond, I leare you' to go 'seek Min - i and aid me in the task ; and promise not to part us, when I find my boy, and I-will kneel down to, bless you." Terrible fears of Desmond's designs began to press on her -mind, and she scarce knew what she said.fer unwelcome Metter ear nestly promisedlo do as slie requested of him; and they left the gallery, by different doors. Desmond hastened to the ball,.where,:taking lid= • aside ' lie said to him in a,whisper— ,f Diction, if by some Secret outlet the young spawn .or the ,Ormonde hath evaded us, we nearlY lose our-present game. Search well thii:coUrta and outbuildings—" " 'te calls and cries of iho afflicted mother, eelibing through the castle, interrupted his speech. She rushed into the hall, still utter ing the name of her child.' 41 You have mur dered him, too P , she exclaimed, wildly, stop ping before Desmond. Ay, you t evertivbile we spoke above, some devils in your service spirited him away.. Give place P , She darted past him, and left the hall, to engage in :mo ther search. ` , Desincmd-followed close •in her steps to re ceive the child, for himself, if he - should be found.. Alla conflderitial follower explored every hiding4dace out of doors. . None of their succeeded and then Dicken and some trusty comrades mounted their horses to-ride to the town, and through all the surrounding country. - Half an' hour : before ,the lady of Hrmonde missed them ' Simon-Seix, stealing. on tiptoe to the nearest side-door, had carried the child out of. thu gallerY in his arms. By private and 'absolve passages which; as he whispered to his young, charge, the Defortorid's'men would not be found-to - have' yet ;mended - guard , upon, they - then gained nearly the same spot, under the window of the long gallery,_ where, Some hours -:before, -he had .onaeted, - together,the parts of battle-charger and et trumpeter to the _little Lend Thomas. Here bcp,_put the boy on . his'_feot; araFateened .down: upon: .the terra- ~plane!-of "•--“, John, the Tattier • 'of Simony shoiyed it to in more thanonce," he „si34l'; and,. While speaking, 'ho 'contrived to loosen a'small•stone and extract it from the surrounding ones. appeared : he tug ged at it :With :all, his strength, andp square portion_ of the_ sthooth, Jinni! flags, • moved, were displaced,, and discovered - narrow Steps Windleg,doWn' ut (Winless- through the thick <ness'eflite ' _ Now - noble min of the noble Ormond°, and mo - senohle foster-brother of tv born natu ral, remember all You pronifsed mo while we whispered together at the window ever bur heads ' " resumed Simon...Lai Hero be the steps which will free us of the 'castle ; and, though it'scemeth somewhat dark a little way down ward, still trust to ray guidance , for the sake of thy dear lady-mother, and of thy----" , g I frao., not afraid; 'witless," interrupted the child ; atilt° my hand, and lead me after you." , • ,- Without another "word, Simon safely son veyed him to the bottom of the turning steptra hero they. stood in utter darkness, .tho mis named • fool ,groping.,with his .two bands over the rough surface„which temporarily 'opposed their further progress. A - joyful ,exclaination soon told, however,, that - he 'had found what he sought;- and, the neit,moment apart of the wa i l (hem liat; - tv of ,aught thickness),-framed ' in iron ' . .iiieVed - inward ' on -hingei; and they sawthrougha .low 'arched opening, only a feyr , feet front thetra, the river whose rapid dash and Phafif hadieome on their ears as they del ;tieeraledP—. Almiged banic,,eften Interrupted by efidie's ~ sod raiPL.Pf ;iiver, fell Atli fhb foundation of tho widlitito the Nore. -Along bienack tifiriedtd Alin's, bridge and the • 'toWri, and young foitar-hrother,oneo more astride, on Ins' shoulderCalmon- wa s /Jo o n bi r .. vying, :The wall madam' abrupt turn, striking ::otratilght-tirtgleii, Inland': he turned with it, and still pursued ite;couree. the',Paddiclri- truly ;,.fait s nkr3o4 ti,fiforitc tot the chitso,/ , he "Intef,liairtigr , "mddii• eenalderablo. laiYlhin(4sinad". 4ciiir tv; auvdtlaet4 , 444l4l;#lls 4uligann bridle in hand .o Some hay was 'piled in the 'Paddock t from', niiinkly Opp his suggegit-L 'is ta ffeirfron 'We head bt the 'fleet nourifeN— M2l=l2lM placed the-chlld on'the inhrial'sbaok—vaulted up behind him—and a few minutes, over hedge andbrought - themle a highway. Waterford,Raymond i" etied Simon, shaking his hay bridle : and - we have need to-see the end .of the twenty-and-four Irish miles' in little more time than it will take to count them - overt" ' ' ". ceTia`iyellto be',a'fool;ay, and a sleepy fool, too, at lkiws,,Sinon, else ueithse_Raymond, nor-his riders for him, would know the road an well," . Bald the ' • • < 6 There be tricks In all born crafts, your little nobleness;" replied Simon; «else hoW would - tools, or even wise men, win broad ? In sooth, I deemed I might catch a needful Secret behind the arras;, though I wot not of the: road till I bethought me of treading liglitly.backftom the window to hear another Itmas night—but a moonlight one—When the hoofs - of -their courser beat hollOwly along the banks of the Suir 1 they hid avoided the town, and followed the widening of the river a little distance beyond it. Unpractised .as were his eyes to such a sight, Simon soon was aware that a groat many ships floated on the moonlit water; that boats moved to and from them; and that large bodies of soldiers, des tined for taking the field against the formida ble young Irish chief,'Arthur Mac Murchad O'Kavanah, were every moment landing. While he looked a. sentinel challenged him. He reined up his foaming horse, and answered, by giving the "name of the Lord Thomas of Ormonde; and demanding to see' the king. The soldier scoffed at his request; and, as Si 'mop insisted, his words grow rough and high. A; 'group' of nobledookink men, who, from a near elevation of the bank, had been watching, the.. disembarkment, were attracted towards the aPet 1. and one, a - knight completely clad in splendid armor, advanced, alone, from the rest, - saying i "Thei Lord Thomas of Ormonde to have speech of the kind ? whero bides this Lord Thomas; Master mine ? - " ' , . MI am the Lord Thomas of Ormondo 1" an swered Simon's little charge,' spiritedly, and as if in dudgeon that - tie had not been at once, recognised. '' --•- •' ' ' ' , , "Thou, grainererfair noble?" continued the knight; geodMatertutly, as:he:touched his helmet. -:" And` :oh - -What ': weittlity:!- - Mittter. -- wouldst :thou" parley witli'lling Richard 7: , '-i " Arirou lead Me lo hltn, like a civil knight and good 'Richard himself shall learn," re plied the child. - - "Excellent well spoken, " whispered Simon to his _charge ; " abide by that fashion of ' ~ By.oitr lady, then, ' like' civil knight and otiod, will I do my devoir,by thee, Lord Tho• [ Inas of Butler;"-resumed the knight; -it little doubting - that - Alin king will, give• - rnidy ear to thy errand, for passing,Well - he:mtfects one of 'thy name, the Lord dames, Earl of Ormonde." ..."- -- Which :-_noble 'earl, is mine own father : " • isaid' the boy.- .-.-. , , ;,,,,., • -.- • -. t:. ThiCknight showed real' interest at this in ' 'Ailligntivii.larld- iotntnendhig - the horse *bleb bOrti Shnowand the child to be led after hiin, Walked to*tirditlie town of Waterford. '- , ...,."-Italfati beer afterwards;,motinted on a fresh ',lteed„,and accompanted-hrtheir patron and a I *dr oF well-armed soldiers; - our adventurers 'galloped • back to Kilkenny. The knight bad lir) , pressed their y MlL:morning ; but' Lord ,Thomas and la convinced him that for the '644 of.theil efUrinotide•this ought not to „ ‘ lte: , 'Sho required : , not only to have her son restored to' her, but also' to be protected 'against; Elie :Deamend,,f who, ' ere morning's dawn, might work her irremediable harm. • Finding: these reasons good, - the friendly knight resolved to bear them company. . . ,t - Opti 'the' road' he .arranOd with 'Sim : on .Various plans.of proceeding; 'and upon a par; ticular point Was whollrgoverned by the aim platen's,. advice.i. , Simon. said that there was but' one vassal of, the Desmond' in Kilkenny Castle, who, after the tidings they had to com municate, would at all hazards attempt to spill tdoed.. !.‘ Then ,can ye: not make' free with his, before I enter the castle-hall 7" demanded 'the knight.' Simon' demurred, but proposed an alternative. "We will - make him drunk with -wines, : till ho sleeps' soundly," said -Simon;, " and then, upon hearing of my sig nal, a child may. enter the - hall." The knight assented;' but added, "Good ' success still rests uporrthe chance of the Des= inond's army not having yet marched from 'the field-to greet their lord in the Onnonde's - fortress; for; though' our liege comrades hero may well suffce to master the knaves already within its walls, they could not withstand -thousands:" • Notwithstanding this chance against them, the travellers held on, however, and by ma t night, gained the secret door through which Simon had eseaped - froni the castle wall upon the roughand scanty bank of the More. Pre -Acutely, all bad dismounted, and, conducted - by him, were now ushered, stealthily, into the interior of the castle ; and their hopes grew high, when it appeared evident that Desmond's army had not yet come to garrison IL Few moments, then elapsed until Simon en tered the hall of 'the castle, leading his foster. _brother by the hand. By the light of a tripod, suspended from the arched reef, he saw his old father stretched on the tiled floor, mourn fully supporting his head upon his hand, and guarded by a•soldier ; at -the oak'tablo, imme diately', under a Scottish broad sword and buckler, won by the - Drmonde, some years be 'fore, in a battle against the Bruce, when that chieftain made pretensions to the crown of Ireland,' sat Dicken Utlaw, the man whom Simon had meant when be spoke of the single follower 'of Desmond whose hand would be prompt to shod the blood even of his liege king, in defence et his lord, or in revenge of his discomfiture. A wino cup and a flagon stood at the ruffian's hand, by means of which be bad already anticipated, half-way, Simon's designs upon him. Utlaw's voice was high and angry as the two truants appeared-before him ; and, in fact, he was roundly expressing his wrath against them for the useless chase they had led him overall the neighboring roads, and from which he had only lately returned. So soon as his 1 eyes met theirs, he started up, roaring forth commands to the armed man who stood guard over old Selz; to secure the door of the • hall. "It does not need," answered the boy; "we come hither to be your prisoners, good Dicken." . "Ay, thou vagrant impl and whence come ye so suddenly, after all our chase, as if ye grew out of the ground, or wore blown in upon a wind?" asked Utlaw. Poichance, even as thou sayest, we come," answered Simon, "for, all this evening, we have forted it merrily with the fay s of Brandon bill; and be patient now, sweet Dicken Ut law," as the bravo raised his sheathed sword, " and but suffer us to enact for your pleasure one of the good dances they taught us, and I will bribe my father here, the house-steward, to whisper thee in what corner of the cellar thou mayest chance on a magnum of such re nowned Wine as has scarce filled to-night the empty flagon at thy. hand." Dicken became somewhat soothed; and growling an exhortation to the sentinel to guard all his prisoners well, strode off to avail himself of the ready instructions of old Seix. During his short absence, Simon studied the features of the soldier who rested on his tall spear near the door, and drew comfort from ,their tranquil and even benevolent expression. 'Utlaw returned to his seat at the oak table, called the wine good, and gulphed it down 'rapidly; It was of great power, and Simon ,knew the fact well. But it also seemed caps 'ble of ; making,him obliging, for he consented to see the fashion of the dance practised by the hill-elves; and accordingly, Simon, with a whisper to the child, performed a vagary so grotesque that the drunken savage • laughed hoarsely. in, his cup, and the guard smiled quietly on his post. Simon continued his frolics till the critical powers of Dicken began rapidly to desert him. Very soon afterwards he slept profoundly, snoring like, the swine ho was. Simon now, preparing for his most important feat, proposed that Lord Thetnas''nhould take a) ivar-hotio, namely, an old weapon at hand, and ride it about the hall to _the notes of the trumpet. The boy was soon mounted, and Simon, taking up a useless scroll of parchment, and rolling it loosely, applied it to his mouth. Before be would blow his signal blast, how ever, lie glanced into the face of the sentinel, and afterward! to the half-open door of the hall. The man was still smiling good-natured ly at the gleeish gambols of the little Lord Thomas; and, in the gloom without the hall, Simon caught glimpses of armed Men ; one of whom presently entered, unseen by the sol dier, and bent watchfully over the snoring Dicken. "Now to the charge!" cried Simon, addressing his foster-sou; and, to the astonish ment of the sentinel, of the knight who had just stealthily come in (Simon's friend at Wa terford)—and of every ono in the castle—a perfect trumpet sound rang through the spa cious building. Dieken'sprang to his feet, half •conscious, and was- instantly felled to the ground. by a blow of the knight's battle.axe, who had been watching him. Old Seix arose and seized his sword. Simon armed himself with the weapon upon which the child had been astride, and placed himself spiritedly, though grotesquely, 'before„ him, Thu' sentinel quickly brought his- spear to his hip, and stood upon the - defensive, regarding' the stranger knight (who wore his visor down) with a threat ; ening look; but a second knight now gaining that person's side, rendered his hostility, vain. Almost at the same moment an uproar and a dealt was beard throtigh the castle—presently the lady or.grthonde ran shrieking into the ball-.4l4oWalutleked wildly again, though n o En tb;l' aittne Cadence, as rho caught up her Child to her bosom. She was quickly followed by Desmond; now the prisoner of some of Simon's friends. The bold lord- had- fought desperately, and bled from his wounds, though the rage which was upon him did not allow him to think' of • them., "Whattreachery is this? and what villains are these?" he exclaimed, as ho came in, who Calla himself chief here " The knight who wore his vizor down raised his arm; and touched his breast in answer. tfThen call thyself by such name no longer i" continued Dehriondi and with that, be ' sad- Addy freed blfaself from his 'a: uar4o o snatched Tfir 4 :110, ss. t 4ttM'lkOW . 4_l'ffi'it•il" tffiJitStrAY,„ nECE1 4 411 ER 81, 1857. the sentinel's,long spear, and aimed a thrust at the knSghL, . . „ "Traitor! stair thy hand!" exclaimed his antagonist, in' a rbice of high and dignified command ; "thou kneirest not what thou clout —nor that, indeed; thYfeudal sceptre is hero broken to pieces—Look at me now ! " be ex posed hie face. "Richard, the king!'" ealtered Desmond, dropping on his knee, as the lady' of Ormondo and all in the hall knelt with him! tegal Notices IN THE SUPREME COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OP PENNOTINANIA. - - Bestljamaln Il Thomas vs. William Dal is and Henry B. Dolby. Vend Mont Bayonets, January Term, 1868, No. 86 The Auditor appointed to make distribution of , the fund rained under the above proceedings by Sheriff's sale„of all that large Lot of Ground, composed of ten nmtiguous lots, with the unfinished brick buildings thereon erected, situate on the southeasterly vide at Almond Street, 131 feet 6 Inches northenatwardlrfroln Lehigh avenue, in the Nineteenth Ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing in front, on said Almond street,. 144 feet, and extending In depth, eoutheiattwardly, at' right angles with said Almond street, 61 feet. SuJeot. to a yearly ground rent of 144 dollars. Will attend to his duties en TUESDAY, the 12th day of January, A. D. 1858, at 4 o'clock , his (Ace, No. 204 South PIPTII Street, in the city of Philadel phia, when and where, all parties in interact arare. milted to present their claims, or be debarred from corn ing In upon said fund., deBo.lot GEORGE W. DIDDLE, Auditor. 'UETTERS TESTAMT."'" -- •- 1 - 4 EsTAT. _ETTERS TESTAMENTARY ON THE .41 ESTATE ON ANDANW DIMOND, late of the city of Philsdeiphia, deceased, haring been granted to the undersigned.. all persons having. claims against the, Estate of the said decedent are requested to snake known the same without delay. and those Indebted to make paymenta to' ANNA DIMOND, Execll4lX, del7,thlit* N 0.12 Booth rourcis Street IN THE 'ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE. CITY AND COUNTY OS PIIILADELPIIIA. The'Audlfor appolnteeto audit, adJuat, and settle the account 9f WltHam Marone" and Sarah Ann Brown, Administrators of ROMS, 11ROWN,, deceased; and to make oistributton of the laslance In the bands of the ac countants:will meet the parties Interested as his mike, No 115 South FMB Street, below 011ESTNIIT, on TI.IISBSDAY, the Ith of Januar', 1868, at 4 o'clock P. M. • JAMES 11. CASTLE. dat..thmw6iis I,3rovosals TEAM MACHINERY FOR SCREW PR 0- PBLLER 111.00P-OPAYAR. - - - NAVY Darialliatir, December 16, 1857. SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed ' , Proposals for Stearn Machinery for Screw Propeller Stoop-of• War," will be received at thin department until 3 o'clock, the 26th January, 1857, for the complete construction of the ateain machinery and appendages, and placing it on board a screw, propeller sloop-of•war building in the United Staten navy yard at Boehm. -'She offers must be fora sped& sum "tor putting the whole In successful operation; must include all patent fees tar .any arrangements that , may,.be ,proposed; state the time in which the work will boveompleted, and be accompanied by the usual guarantee required by law. The name of the establishment iu which the work is to be executed must be stated. The details of the design and arrangement of the ma chinery will be left with the party whose proposition may be accepted as combining the greatest number of advantages, keeping in view simplicity of construction, readineen of access for adjustment when in operation, and not being subject to derangement in the working pat ts; it being the object ottho department to obtain the most speed and power with the most economical `cortiumptien offuel. sod the greatest stowage of coal which the space available for that purpose will admit. - The boilers to be of Iron, with teles:opie smoke pipe, which must be placed at the greatestpracticable distance from the mainmast; the propeller, with the connections for hoisting to be of composition; the machinery for bilding, for pumps apparatne for ventilating, and ap purtenances of all kinds necessartifor the perfect work. mg of the whole, to he of the most fpprored kinds. The coal-hunkers, ahaft passage, two nth wartships Iron bulk heads, a distilling apparatus for Nak water from which can be made not lean than 600 gallons per day ; all the tools and duplicate pieces necessary and satisfactory for an efficient cruising etearnahip of-war, must be included in the proposition, and a list of them must be furnished. The wood and carpenter work (except the Wring out the deadwood for the shaft) necessary to.adapt the ves sel for the reception of the machinery boilers, and ap pand•gte, will be provided at the expellee of the Navy Department, and it will permit the use of each facilities as ft may have for hoisting the heavy machinery on board. For the accommodation of the entire steam machinery end the fuel, there will be allowed in the body of the ship the entire apace. under the berth deck, com mencing at twenty feet abaft the mainmast. and thence extending forward adistanee of 50 feet. Within this space it is expected to carry coal for 11 days' full steaming, the daily consumption of which the bidder will Wits in his specifications; and the weight of the machinery, water in boilers, shaft, propeller, and ep. pendages, with the mole an spare work, must not ex ceed 320 tons, of 2,240 potmds. - The distance from the aft-side of the mainmast to the aft-aide of the forward stern-poet, will be about 05 feet, and the distance between the forward and the after stern poet will be 7 feet; the depth from the load water line to the top of the keel under the propeller will be 14 feet, Steam-engine manufacturers who desire to bid can ob tain a copy of the section of the vessel upon making ap plication to the department. The proposals must be accompanied by full specifica tions and general drawing., having the position of the centre of gravity of the machinery, 'boilers, &c., marked on them ; giving also the capacity of the steam cylin ders and area of foot and ..livery valves, and of ale pump, and outboard delivering valves, apace for steam above the water line in boilers, the fire and grate sur face; also the diameter, pitch, surface, and kind of pro peller, and other principal points, that comparlsons can readily be made. There will also be given the estimate of the'weight of engine, boilers, water, bunkers, appends. gee, tools, and spare work, in Una of 2,240 pounds. The term, of payment will be that when one-fourth of the materials and labor provided for In the con. tract shall have been completed to the satisfaction of the department, there will be made a payment of one fifth partof the whole amount of the contract; when one-half the work shall In like manner be completed, there will bo a farther payment of one-fifth; when three. fourths the work shall have been completed a further payment of one-fifth; whoa the whole shall have been completed, and have made a satisfactory trial of one week, then a further payment of one-fifth ; and when the ship shall have performed satisfactorily et sea for a period of three menthe, then- the remaining-sam shell be paid. The repairs necessary during this period from defec tire workmanship or materials will be at the expense o the contractor. The proposals must be explicit, and no qualified or conditional oiler tr 11 bo considered. de2l.mth tja2o MUD TOMMY, Secretary of the Navy OFFICE .OF ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE, PlinaneLenz a, December 28,1867 SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until 10 A. 21. of the 30th of January next for furnish ing, by contract, during the year 1858, leather of the boat quality of the kinds herein specified, deliverable at the United Statea Clothing and Equipage Depot, Schuylkill Arsenal, and in quantities as way be re quired, vie : Wax Upper Leather, oak-tanned, shared from slaughter hides. Sole Leather, ealc.tenned from Buenos Ayres or La Plata hides Stock Leather, dressed by the morocco process, and of usual thickness. Black Bridle Leather, oak-tanned from slaughter hidee. Russet Bridle Leather, from hides of the same class, curried down without splitting. Morocco Elkins, Tampico, black kid finish. Vizor Leather, japanned on both tildes, one black, the other green, by the patent process. Chin Strap Leather, Japanned bleak on the grain aide, by the patent process. Slaughter Leather, for welts. Contracts will be based on accepted proposals, for the (ointment of which two or more sufficient securitlee will be required. The names, address, and the responsibility of the persons proposed as securities, with the acknowledge ment of said persons that they will be such security, or will see that good and su ffi cient security be furnished In case a contract to obtained, will bo transmitted with the proposals. Payments will be made on each delivery, should Can -trees have made an appropriation to meet them, or as soon thereafter an an appropriation shall be made for that purpose. Ten per cent. of the amount of each de livery will be retained until the centred shill be com pleted, which will be forfeited to the United States in case or defalcation on the part of the contractor in ful filling the contract. It le to be distisiptly understood by every person ob taining a oontraciffthat said contract is not transferable without the cement of proper authority, and that any sale, assignment, or tranefer of It, without such consent having been obtained, (except under a process of law,) will be regarded as an abandonment of the contract, and the contractor and his securities will bo held re sponsible for all loss or damage to the "United States which may aria° from said abandonment. Propoesle will be addressed to tho undersigned, end will be endorsed "Proposals for furnishing army sup puke and materiale. , • HENRY 0. WAYNE, de2o-tu th s tJa3O Bt. Major, A. Q. Mr. ebrirational H ALL OF ST. JAMES THE LESS, NEAR PALLS OF P.OHUYIACILL, SELECT BOARDING 0011001, FOR BOYS. Rarsaallon TUG RT. RAT. ALONZO rOTTNR. The Rector, Rev. B. R SMYSBR, may bo neon every WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, from 8 to b o'clock, at ROOKER'S Bookstore, S. W. corner EIWITII and OUBSTNIIT, where also circulars may be obtained. Address Rev. B. R. SHYSER, di-2m Falls of Schuylkill, Philadelphia. VRITTENDEN'a PHILADELPHIA COM MEBOIAL COLLEGE, 8. E. corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories. BOOK-KEEPING, PENTIOSIIIP, every style, COMMERCIAL LI:Ma:AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CA=LATIONS. . . . . . . LEOTUBES, Each Student bee individual inetructlon from con3pe• tent and attentive Teachers, under the Immediate eopervision of the Principal. One of the Beet Penmen In the Oonntry has charge of the Writing Department. ' Please call and see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terms. fro. ocB-y PROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, WEST PIIILADELPIIIA. No Seminary whatever Is more like a private family. The course of study is extensive and thoro. Pro femur Saunders will receive a few more pu pils under fourteen years of age into his family. Noire of Mews. J. 5. Silver and Mathew Newkirk, or Col. J. W. Berney, Editor of this Paper, whose eons or wards are now members of hie family. septl4-tf ,dub 'printing' JAMES 11. BRYSON'S BOOK AND JOB PRINTING Booms, 2 North SIXTH Street, Brat above Market, Philadelphia, Blanka, ()anis, Bill. Heade, Pamphlets, And general Printing attended to. Binding attended to in connection with printed head lags of Blanks and Receipts. d2-tf rti EVAIVS,-10,000- I . Cards The - D pi EVAI4E,-110,000—E8INTE it, l A Earth. prrlour: tee Pro,. tbel wee .n.erlookol by we %We Folic'. [gall Pm., at Ibe Isle ritE" 111111.12 ,Prom n A Ettibillea. ....NO T CPA Mak Calm?. Catetbi D L VC t"'" p. VW - '" the very bad .to.—tar Prk. peal, l eaktarerf, FOURTIII MT. below (!posinal GREAT REDUCTION IN ME PRIOR OF ONMETERY LOTS. The Glenwood Cemetery 00. have determined to Nell the lots In their Cemetery at ONE ITALY The present prim for cash. By this reduction Rome of the meet eligible Lots will be cold at TWELVE D9L,LARE. Only 300 lota will be disposed of at there rates, and the opportunity Is offered until January let, 1808. Ap ply at the vibes, No. 431 WALNUT STREET, below Fifth. il2.lce CARRIERS' ADDRETaS prepared by an experienced writer, at No. 11098. SLNWZNIII Street, above Federal. del VLOWUNG BOARD 3-28,580 feet ()mo w iinnoorinit board' s,lfAHTl atlo ,t for sole by Mt MAOALIBTfI ail UP North Wear Strait M OSS -17 bales Carolitia Nom, for Nato by MARTIN & MAOILIB tor At TNR, ion 119 North Waroot m oct • WAN'S RESTA t • ANT, SOU H. , 4vx least corner of BROAD and WALNIIT.—Oame and all. other delicacies la season. flamllies support with Oyeterson the shorted notice, sete7-7m fjjptn. TBRITISH AND NOMA AM RI: tfAti ROYAL MAIL STIMMILItIPB: PROM NOW YOU VO LIIIRPOOL . .. . ~ Chief Cabin Passage - •'' , .4 ' SIM Second Cabin Passage I ' 76 100X,DOSTOS 70 1,191111,00/.. Chief Cabin Peres& •• ' '- - - inil Second Cabin Pitiolege . :.•t.`,.... , .. ,- ..,i 60 The *Wye front ttttttt call at Halifax. PERSIA,Oapt. Judkine. CANADA., Capt. Lang, ARABIA;Capt, 'S: titons. , . AMERJOA, tiapt.Wickinan ASIA, Capt. - ki, a I,ott . NIAGARA, Capt. Eyrie . AFRICA, Pant; Shannon. BUROPA • Slept. J. Leitch. Thee( roseate terry a clear white light at mast-head i, green on starboard bop i, red on port b°l ! • AFRICA' , Shannon,' leave N. York, Wednesday; bee.' O. AMERICA, Lott, , g Boston, Wednesday, Dee, 18. RUROPA, Leitch, , ", ,- N.York, Wedoesdity, Deo. 28: CANADA' Lang, lc • Boston, Wednesday , Dec, 80. PERSIA, Joinable, I' N.Yrrrk, Wednesday Jan 8, , 68 NIAGARA, Wickman, Bostazi,Wedneeday,Jan.l3 , sB AFRICA, Shentlony , i N.York,Wodnesday, JUL 20. Bertha not (moored ;mat paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these Ships will net he McDaniel.% for Gold Bullion, Spade, Jewelry, Preelono Stenos or-Metals unless bills of lading are Maned therefor and tha valne ' thereof therein expreared. iter freight or passage epply to deB.y il, CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green, N. York. , FOR SAN FRANOISCO.—CLIPPEIt OF - SATURDAY, December' 10th.—The nueurpsered Clipper ship 'TWILIGHT ,tlaWaa, Commander. Clipper of THURSDAY, December 2•ltn.—The msg. niticent A l clipper ship LOOK OUT, Ilimicron, Com mander. Both of these celebrated ships ore now loading in New York, nod will soil AB Above. /for freight, et New York rates, aOply to • BISHOP, SIMONS, & 00., deB no Otte 88) NORTH WIIABYER. STRAW:OIIPB STATE OP OBOAGIA KEYSTONE STATE. In censequened of the depreened etas of trade, the above ships will' be withdrawn for the present. October J6th. A. FUJIAN, Jr. '0 8017THAMPTON ,aplacent stearoshipVAN comMander, 6,268 tone, FARE REDUCED 1: AND HAVRIL—The • • • DERBILT, Edward Itiggl will sail From New York for South- From Southampton end ampton and Havre. Havro for Now York. Saturday Oct. 24 Saturday Nov. 14 Saturday Deo. 5 Saturday Dec. 26 Price of Paseage—First cabin, $100; Almond cabin, $6O Specie dellrored In London and Perla. For freight or passage apply to D. TORRANON, Agent, No. 5 Dowling Green, New York. Letters for rngland and Num*, pre-paid, 25 cent+, each half ounce, (by encloaure of postage dative if from other altlea,) will be received at No. 6 Dowling-green, New York, up to 11) o'clock on the morning of ooh ing. colo4l OR ENGLAND AND P ANC ' 0857. New York and Havre Steamship Company.— Th e United Staten Steamshtps ARAGO, 2,6 W ton', Neill Linea commander, and FULTON, 2,600 tone, Famed A,Wotton, commander will leave New York, Haws and Southampton, for t he years 1867 and 28, on the following days: LSAYII NSW TOJIK. 1887. 1888. "h - , r Fulton, Oat. gc. do. Maroh6 Pub. 8 vago L:;. 18 „Ap Fulton, do. pec 12 tt 0. 1 . ;7C, . LILTS NAM. 1851. Aram Tomeleh Aug. 25 Button, do. Bept. 22 Anse, do. Oct. 29 Fulton, do. Noy. 17 Arno, do. Dec. 16 1868. Talton, do. Jan. 12 &ago, do. Feb. 9 Patton, do. Itaroh 0 Ara o, do. April 6 Balton, do. 0117 4 Argo, do. June 1 Fulton, do. June 29 owl OP LUYI 800TOAKFT011. 1867. Arago, Wednesday, Aug, 28 Fulton, do. gept.23 Amigo, do. Oct. 21 Fulton, do. NOT. 18 Arno, do. Dee. 18 18S8. Patton, do, Jan. 18 Arago, do. Feb. 10 Sutton, do. Mar. 10 Arago, do. Aprll 7 Fulton, do. May 6 Arago, do. June 2 Fulton, do. Juue SO ?AMMO': Prom New York to Southampton or Havre—Firs Oabln, $lBO ; Second Oabin, $76. Prom Havre or Southampton to New York—Ptrat Cabin, 800 (mei Second Cabin, 600 franca. Por_freight or plumage apply to MORTIMER LIVINGSTON, Agent, I Broadway. WILLIAM ISELIN, II Havre. 011014KET & 00., " South , ton. AMBRIOAN EUROPEAN EXPRESS AND EX- Paris. OHANGH 00. 506 RE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL UNITED STATES MAIL EITEAMERI3.—The eomposing this Line are : The ATLANTIO, Oast. Oliver Eldridge. The BALTIC, Capt. Joseph Comstock. The ADRIATIC, Cept. James West. 7These ehipa hare been built by contract, supremely fee Uovernmeat service; every care has been taken in their oonstruotion, as 'Win their engines, to ensure strength and speed, and their socommodations for passengers are unequalled for elegance and comfort. Price of passage from Now York to Liverpool, in first, cabin, 1180; la second do., 376; from Liverpool to New fork, 80 and 20 getneas. No berths secured unless paid tor. The ships of this line have improved waterdight balk heads. PROPOSED DATES Olr SAILING. FR= NNW YORE. 1(101 LITtalFOl7l.. Saturday, June 20, 1867 Wednesday, June 24, 1867 Saturday, July d, 1867 Wednesday, July 8, 1857 Saturday, July 18, 1867 Wednesday, July 22, 1857 Saturday, Aug. 1, 1867 Wednesday, Aug. 6, 1647 Eaturday, Aug. 16, 1867 Wednesday, Aug. 10, 1817 Saturday, Sept. 12, 1867 Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1867 Saturday, Sept. 20, 1857 Wednesday, Rota% 1867 Saturday, Oct. 10, - 1857 Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1867 Saturday, 04. 21 1867 Wednesday, Oet. 28, 1857 Saturday, Nor. 7. 1851 Wednesday, Nor. 11, 1851 Saturday, Nov. 21, 1857 Wednesday, Nov. 26, 1857 Saturday, Deo. 6, 1867 Wednesday, Deo, 9, 186* for freight or peoaage, app Wednesday, Dee. 22, 1867 ly to 15DWARD K. OOLLHOII 1 , 10. 50 Wall street, N. Y. BnowN SHIPLEY A bo.,Ltve ß ool. STEPHEN KENNARD & 00., Tr Austin Friars, London. B. G. WAINWRIGHT A 00., Paris. The owners of these Alps will not be accountable for gold, silver, bullion ' rood., actor!' atones or metals, unless bills of lading ,•) I r fled therefor, and the v. 5.143. th ew./ asprom. , 4 therein . - - -- eet.og .... GI*EAT REDUOTION IN FARE TO EU. ROPE. First Osbiu 480 I Second Oabin 130 In the dant-clam paddle-nbeel steamship ADRIEL, 2,000 tone, 0. D. Ltrotow, Commander , and NORTH STR, 2,600 tons, P.S. Lararan, to sell from pier No. 3 North River at noon precisely , carrying the UNITE/ STATES MAILS, 'Ms • Leave N. York for Southampton, Ha- Bremen for Southampton yr, and Bremen. Southampton for New York. Ariel, Saturday, Oct. 31. Weda , day, Nor. 4. N. Sat'y, Oct. 31. Saturday, N0v.23. Weds'd.y, 8e0.30 These steamore touch at GAYA& Spool° delivered In London and Yule. For panne and freight, apply to D. TORRANCID, Agent, No. 6 Bowling Green, New York. oc10•tf Wino anb Vann. RAMSAY'S ISLAY MALT SCOTCH WHISKEY —2O Puncheons of the above Superior Whiskey, now landing from ship Windsor Forrest, at Shtppen street wharf, for sale by JOSEPH F. TODIAS, 208 and 208 South FRONT Street. IRISH AND SCOTCH WHISKEY, Wholesale and Retail, n r RUGII BARR, GOVERNMENT ROUGE, corner of FRONT and WHARTON etreets, (opposite the Nary Yard,) Philadelphln BRANDIES.--« Pinot Oast!lion," Marott, end other Cognacs of various vintages, In half pipes And quarter muleFellevoisln Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, In half pipes, half casks, and one eighth make. Imported and for sale by HBIlltY BOHLEN & 00., sm22 221 And 22. e South Fourth street. ALEXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND MUCCI STORE, No. 220, &rangiest Corner of GNOMIC end 80IITII Brenta. sully CI. LE WIS J _IMPORTER AND DEALER IN PINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, &a., 26 South BUIE Street, PhEsdelphia. aul-lf BRANDIES.—PInet, Castilion & Co., Ma. rettk Co., and other brands of Cognacs orvarions vintages, in half plpee and quarter tacks • Pellevoislo Rochelle Brandise, pale and dark, in half p i l i pos, quarter cub and one-eighth nuke, all in Custom °nee stores, imported and for sale by HENRY BOHLEN dr. CO., en 6 Noe. 221 and 223 South Fourth street, DITHMAR & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 620 (new No. 988) North TLIIRD Street, Philad elphla.--8 hipping orders promptly attended to. Hoots anbr boa BOOTS AND SHOES.—The subscriber has on hand a large and varied stock of BOOTS and 5110E8, which he will sell at the loweet prices. GEO. W. TAYLOR, no2l-ly B. E. corner FIFTH end MARKET tile. FALL STOOK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. —JOSEPH U. THOMPSON & CO., No. 814 MAR KET Street, and Nos. 8 and 6 FRANKLIN PLACE, have new In store a large and wellassorted dock of BOOTS and SHOES, of City and Eastern rsannfactele, which they offer for sale on the beat terms for Olude, or on the usual Credit. Buyers are Invited to esti end examine their etnek nut. dtf *tete u t liteetattranto MERCHANTS' HOTEL, NORTH ROUTH OPREET Aim Halm, PHILADELPHIA. HaRIRDEN b BONS, Paorar• TM. I 0 N A R E o S n , " STREET SALOONS, 72T and 729 ARCH STREET HOLIDAYS! HOLIDAYS! • The Holidayn are close at hand, and Jones's Arch street Saloon Is prepared for the Immense demand that will be made upon it for coxreariona. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S CANDIES IMPORTED .REPRESSLY FOR THE PRESENT 000000! Every variety of Bon Bona, Prestiles, Bourbon Drops, new style of Gum Drops, Eau lucre Drops, L'augli terre Don Dons, and every variety rare and costly candies manufactured in Paris. For Presents, all SUSS and PATTERNS Of Ornamental Boxes, Pyramids, Ribbon Ties tilled with the choicest variety of Confections, and varying in price from One Dollar up to Fifty Dollars. Some of these Boxer are the ROST SUPERB SPECIMENS Or FANCY WORK Ann savanna DESIGN EVER OFFRIIRD IN MD COUNTRY. To the Ladies, an well an to the whole public, Jones's Saloons are the most attractive in the City, and in splendor of adornment and finish are superior to auy in the Union BREAKFASTS, DINNERS, AND SUPPERS, Served up inthe choicest and most expeditious style. FRUIT OF ALI- KINDS, lON CREAMS, JELLIES, GAME, AND OYSTERS, Constantly ready for visitors in profusion. PLAIN, FANCY, AND ORNAMENTAL CAKES AND PIES OP , EVERY DESCRIPTION, NEW YORK TEA BISCUIT, And, in tact, all the VARIETIES, mama, and DELIOAOIBB of crony climo and country BALLS, PRIVATE PARTIES, Presentation Sappers, and , Parnillos euppiled at the shortest notice end on reasonable terms. A continuance of the patronage hitherto so liberally bestowed by the public is reepectfully solicited. des-tt • B. B JONES, Proprietor, CAMPBELL'S RESTAURAN.T.—YENI. V SON, Wild Sucks, 'turkeys, Hesse, them, Preth Salmon, Chlticatique, Opinachique,rdlNCllS Bay, Abet , . Com and Cove Oystere, with every variety of GAMS wild' G or domestic, in season. Green Turtle Soup tad Terrapin Suppers served up at the abotteet notice at at JOHN CAMPEISILL'S, No, 621 (MUTSU? street ,' op. posits the State House. N.D.—No expense °V pains has been spared by the Proprietor In tittlog tip this now entabllehment In the most sumptuous manner—the 'wend story being for the siecommodation of Private Patties for Dinner*, 8174 • n 41 i k t n r ' atite for 14041 toyarin SlAtit street. , aovT•arn RAUB'S • P. O....LDWE L—. hole.. e ant Retail WIIIP end CANA Miourioturor, No. No' 013110/100*, • an{ ifIOALI 00AL I 00AL I-TAGGA.R.T'ff ONLEENATED BERING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH 00AL. • . ,te R. OABT.ER'B6IS2*(WOOD, TAMAQUA 00AL GBOLIGIC ONYDICA'S PIMA 101 LEST EMMY', SILL 00AL. ' RANDALL & MEREDITH' Rave hr sale, and are cousitantly receleing ham above celebrated flotliertee, COAL OF ALL IIZFI3. There ie no Ooal mined anywhere, equal le quality these and a trial will ocarinas any one of their greet superiority. Our Coal Is very carefully screened at our yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free from elate, dust and all impurities. Oar PRICES 'are as LOW as the VERY LOWEST. Orders left' at Our Moe, No. IR Rowan FRONT street, above Walnut. Orders lett at oar Tall, VALLOWRILL street, beloe BROAD street. • • . - Orden left it our Wharf, wei , En 'treat, above OAL LOWHILL.-or tent to either place per Despatch Post, will tenthn prompt attention. Purchasers for Family nit will do welt to call and ex amine Oar °old before purchultis elsowhere. SdHCrYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL. I Jun dilly receiving, at my yard, the beat quality o. mouunKILL AND LBHIGIT. COAL. My ouitomers, and all others who may favor me with their orders, may relly con eta o r al t hat will ,t b e a t a i ta m th e ez to offer at 1,9 W VBIOBB 3 . ALBXANDER. CON VICHY, out-U N. B. corner of Broad and Cherry Ste. LEHIGH AND SOIIITYLKILL COAL. DAIS, PORTER CO.&COAL DEALERA, No. NI PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep conetantly on hand, at the very lowest Mao, a, full supply of Lehigh and dohnylkill Ooal. an 1-6 m illerthant llailaro JOHN P. DOHERTY, ' ?annuity WITH IIeLLY &. BIOTA'S, LATE WITH LUKENS, KELLY, & CO., TAILOR, 014 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH; Has now with him the best Tenons that are engaged la the business in this country. QUAILS" ROTA, formerly the leading tailor of this city; Id. KAMA, formerly cutter for O. Roth & 00., and late Coat and Veit cutter with Lukens, Kelly, & Co.; nanny WAGNER, the beet Bards and Veit cutter la the United Staten, for years cutter with Dopierrie, under the Irving House, Broadway, and with Deplerrls & Pettus, under the St. Nicholas Hotel., Broadway. The meet unremitting attention paid to the wishes of all who patronise the establishment. The beet of Olotbee made at moderato priers for credit, tote prims for cash. ocl3•tf INAME 8 SHERIDAN, MERORANT TAILOR, Nos. 10 indlB South NINTH STREET, BLE ABOVE OSTNIIT. A large and well seleeted stook of OLOTIIS and OASSIMFMRS always on band. All (nothing made at this Establishment will be of the best quality, and In the most fashonable atyle. Pattionlar attention given to UNIFORM CLOTH ING. aua-tf Slt AR PE'S MEN'S AND 130Y5' =TILING, 148 North FOURTH Street, betwees &oh and Rem. atra-ly Commisoion illentants T H. CHASE & CO. or • GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 48 North FRONT and 44 WATER atreet, Philadelphia. CONSTANTLY RECEIVING CLOVER SEED On consignment from the interior of Penneyiyanis, where our new Cleaning AIM Is now in general nee. TIIIOTIET AND ICED TOP &lave on hand. eel2.4f LIANDY & BRENNER-COMMISSION .I.AL MERCHANTS slid Deslora in Foreign and Ame rican HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Noe. 2.3, 25 and 27 North FIFTH Street, Heat aide gore Commerce street, Philadelphia. CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER CHANT end Importer of lIANANA REGAIIB, (New)l3B Walnut etreet. seeond story, aul•ly grobacca anb Gligaro. t_f AVA N A CIGAR' AIL mint ands as Val:74; Partagu, Sultana, Gloria, Jupiter, Ooloso, Oenrerciantna, TOrrey Lope's, Union Americana, Orejon, Flora Onbana, &0., &e., &0., In X, X, 1-0 and 1-10 oleo of all sizes and quill; ties, in sieve and constantly rooekng, and for male low, by OIIARLEO TETE, ' iew) 180 WALNUT Rtrett, below Second, seeond glory A handsome snort- IGAR 0, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS REGAIIB,—A thole. Invoke of tbeile oolebrated brands on board brig New Era," daily eapectod from Havana, and for sale low, by CHARLEB TETE, (Now) lad Walnut, street, Won? Second, out Second Story, inntiture. B. KITE & CO. • BA. IDENITZEN, BEDDING, &o. No. 418 (late 129) WALNUT at. Philadelphia. A now end enperlor 41714 of Opolog Bede. tiDtA B. Kril. JOBErI WAI.TOI an3l 602 nub Canblea SOAP AND CANDLES. REMOVAL from 16T SOUTH FOURTH STREET, to my Manufactory, 10 and 14 RELIEF STREET, be tween Losnbenl eel south, and Front and tiecond etreets. Thankful to my numerous Weeds for their past room I solicit a continuance or the earn° ' miring enlarged my inanUfacto r y eo as to enable me to have constantly on hand •fa e clock of well-seasoned Soaps, free from Filth Oil; I aim, Variegated White Honey, Castile, and all kinds of toilet Soaps, Chemical Olire Soap of pure material, Settled Pale, and Brown Soap, English Pal. Soda and Pearl Starch, Sperm, Adamantine, and Tallow Candles of all Ores constantly on hand. Unclog adopted the cash system, I am enabled to sell my goods at the lowest prices. P. CONWAY. Philadelphia. N. D.—Cash paid for Tallow and Grease. no 14-tim Otationern BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DAVID M. HOGAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, le pre pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or make to order, Books of every description, suitable for Banks, Public Offices Merchant., and others, of the best quality of English or American Paper, and bound to various styles, in the most substantial manner. Orders for JOB PRINTING of every description. Engraving and Lithographing executed with neatness and despatch. A general assortment of English, French and Ameri can Stationery. Concerning Mr. llogarea contribution to the Franklin Institute, the Committee say—. This display of blank books for banking and mercantile use is the best in the Exhibition. The selection of the material is good, the workmanship most excellent, and their finish and ap pearance neat and appropriate." m:0-tf Inruatee. IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT- N 1.19 GAB CONSUMING IIUnNAON CHILSON'S NEW CONE FURNACE, after having been put to the most were tent, during the two COLD WINTORS or 1856 AND 1861, has proved to be the most powerful heater in the world, coring from to X the fuel over any of the beet furnaces now in toe. Timm POlOllO2B are construeted with a cant Iron ash pit, and a broad, shallow pan-shaped Are pot, lined with tiro-brick or iron staves. The tire pot is surmount ed with A SERIES OP CONES, on TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broad at their hue, but tapering to small aper tures at the top, and uniting with the anular chamber, through which the heat and smoke pass to the fine. Tug . waft,' products of combustion in the form of imam and Guess, are suspended directly over the fire, owarresn or compressed into the tapering Coosa and omernstrammr AIMED to the direct action of the rays of heat and light from the lire. This beat and light is brought to a tones I IAOII Coss, not unlike the COLLECTION OP THE SUN'S RAYS, to a focal point through an ordinary lens, canning the strong AND OARED to become intensely heated and, th. roughly oonstruse, by this operation the smogs AND QABSO are YOE [DUALLY AVAILABLE with the TOOL rums for heating purposes, while, in other tumors, it to OADRIDD OFI AND WABTRD IN THE CHIMNEY. All pensone deelroue of obtaining the beet and MOST ECONOMICAL HEATING APPARATUS, should not fail to examine the Now GAS CONSUMING OONE Foacaos, before purchasing any other. The at tention of architects' and builders le particularly re. guested. ARNOLH & WILSON, (Eneeeesors to S. A. Harrison.) No. 420 WALNUT Street, Opposite Independence Square. Qat°, Caps, Rl. SULLENDER 14 PASCAL, HATTERS, au.l-8m No. 8 8. SIXTH shwa. BhBr.delph4 laibmarc QUAKER CITY NAILS, lIEROLIANT BARS, RIVET IRON, Flanurnoturedet FOUNTAIN WUENROLLING MILL, on the Schuylkill, above Spring Oanlen Water Works. VAREIIOIISE, 103 North WATER Street. QTTAKER OITY NAILS aro warranted equal to any made. oc9-tf JOHN HALDEMAN, Agent rimomns E. BAXTER.—ITA'RDWARE, 1 CUTLERY AND TOOLB, No. 010 111ABNET hove Moth, south utdo, nu 1-em XIEDIOINAL BRANDY.---Pure Old Me -11 dicinnt Cogonc, the most powerful strengthener for weak lungs and general debility of the ago ; n sore cure for Dyspepsia, whether ttento or chronic, Low Spirits, .54. Price SI 25 per bottle, or $10.50 per dozen. Warranted pure. Imported expressly for us, " Bole Agents" for the United States. ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Druggists, R. W. eor Second and Oroen. We refer, by permission, to the following members of the Medical faculty, as to the purity and chemical standard of this Brandy; 0. P. Kelehline, M. D.. Fourth, above Tamany. Chas. It. Taylor, M. D. Fourth, above Brown. Chas. D. Roberts, M. Third, below Franklin. Wilson P. Vasey,M. D., Fourth, above Thompson. J. K. Knorr, M. D., Front, above Poplar. dell-tf PUBLIC LA MP .—TiIE PIYBLICIS respectfully Infornirei that Offices have been opened by the Distriet Superintendent. of Public, Lighting, at which ',Miens are requested to give Information respect ing accidents which may happen to the Public Lamps' or of any failure In lighting or extinguishing them at ' the proper time; or If not properly cleaned and In good lighting condition. The Books will be kept by Joseph Bally, No. 808 Wharton at., Pleat Ward; Charles Carty, Supt. of 2d district, No. 8 Haines at. above Sixth; Mims G. lirtrk, No. 820 North Sixth et., above Drown . Twelith Ward; Ai. W. Deshong, No. 2231 Goatee creel, gifteenth Ward; Thee. V. Bowlby, as Otlice,T we nty-Po urth Ward, ((West Philadelphia;) IL Mladden, Gee Office, Twenty.Becond Ward, (Germantown;) Wm. N. Market, Gae office, Twenty-Third Ward (grankford,),and at the Glut Mee In Seventh etroet, below Market. By order of the Trustees of the Philadelphia One Works. A. J. Anil, oci-lim Superintendent of Distribution. C'COACH, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP Factory of .E.W DUELERS, N 0.109 ( late r s) South WORTH, below Ohoatunt etreet, has become Baring of 60 per oat, to our BOUTIIERN AND WESTERN MERORANTS, and oleo the *OEITOIIIIIIICO of haring their old Curlews Lampe new all end bottomed, end seat hr tome to all parts actl2 ly QPISITS TURPENTINE-200 bbls Spirits Turpestise, to arrive, for sale by MAlalfa. to RAGALIFITEII, art 1 1.10 girth Water street. insurance grompanice. STER GREAT WEN INSURANCE AND S COMPANY OF PAILADEPHIA. OFFICE IN COSIPANY'S BUILDING, L No din IVAL NUT, Corner at FOURTH Street. Charter Perpetual. Authorized Capital $500,040 FIRE, INSURANCE, tirritoed or perpetual. HAWN'S INSURANCE on Veined°, Cargoes, and Freights INLAND INSURANO II by Rivers, Canals, Lakes, end Land Carriage. ASSETB, Nor. .1, 1851 Real Estate $57,000 00 Real Estate held to trust, (In Phila.) 28,700 00 Honda and Mortgages . 80,350 00 I' Locks, (par value $02,450) present value.... 57,015 00 kitock notes 38,400 00 Bins receivable 27,448 81 011811 13 bank and on hand 2,164 38 Cash In hands of Agents 7,653 92 Preiniuma unpaid 9,138 80 DIRECTORS. CHARLES C. LATHROP, 1423 Walnut street, Wlt. DARLINO, 1510 Pine street. ALEX. WHILLDEN, merchant, 18 North Front it , ISAAC HAZLEIIURST, Attorney sod Counsellor. JOHN C HUNTER, firm of Wright, hunter, & Co. E TRACY, W rrn of E. Tracy & Co., Ooldamiths' Hall. JOHN R, liI , CURDY, Son of Joneshite, & M'Curily THUS. L. GILLESPIE, don of Gilleapie & Zeller. JAB. D. fiblITH, firm ofJaii.ll. Smith & Co. X HARP ERJEPFRIES, firma Wm. H. Brown ft Co, JON. It. TOODES, office roe. Seventh and Ransom Ms, CHAS. E. THOMPSON, office 413 Chestnut street. ALFRED TAXL L OR, °Moe Cairo City Property. JONA J. SL(ICUM, office 228 South Third street. CHARLES 0 LATHROP, President. Wlt. DARLING, Vice.Troeldent. LEWIS GREGORY, 24 Vice-President, New York, H. K. RICHARDSON, Assistant-Secretary. dei-tf TIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. 22 THE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE CO , 408 WALNUT Street, Will take Marine and Fire Risks on faTorable terms. CAPITAL AND-13Uitii: _ . GEO. II RAE?, i"resitlent. IL R. COOOBITALL, Secretary. CORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COM PANY, 331 WALNUT STREET. Charter perpetual. Capital, 8500,030. Subscribed, $200,000. Paid up, 8140,000. Thla Company la now prepared to Bane FIRE and MARINE POLICIES on favorable terms. Paastoaar—JOHN SWIFT. Irma Paull:Mar—HENßY BIRD. DlllEOl'OllB. 3011 N SWIFT, R. P JACKSON, JAMES W. QUEEN, PLINY FIRE, /NO. 11. PARKER, A. W. THOMPSON, B. P. GRIFFITTS. 11. D. MEARS. HENRY BIRD, LEANDER W. V. H. STARR, See'y. LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM- P A NY.—The PENN MUTUAL LINE INSURANCE COMPANY. Northeast earner of THIRD and DOOR Streets. Capital, E 612,725.08. INSURES LIVES for short terma, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endowments—pur chases life Intermits in Reel Estate and makes all contract.] depending on the Contingeneiell of Life. They act as, Executors, iLdministratore, Assignees, Trustees, mia Guardians. . . , Daniel L Miller, Simnel .E. Stokes, Benjamin Coates, William Martin, Richard S. Newbold, 'James B. McFarland, William P. Hacker, Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Kern, James Euston, Samuel C. Huey, Theophilus Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Edmund A Sander, Henry C. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, hodulphtin Kent, John W. Hornor, William H. Carr, Ellie S. Archer, Edward T Mott, Samuel J. Christian, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. Resin John G. Brenner, P. S. Michler, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL IL. STOKPB, Vice Presit. JOHN W. WORAOII. Secretary. nl3-ly HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN -811/IANOE COMPANY—Office No. 412 WALNUT Street, Philudelphis. The following statement of the affairs of the cowpony is published In conformity with a provision of its charter PREMIUMS aF.Osiygo yowl ♦OOOBT 1, 1858, TO Acooer 81, 1857 Fire premiums Marine premium"... Perpetual premium" Total amount premiums taken Earned Oro premiums 25,012 96 Earned marine premium' 155,005 60-180,019 60 Dednot return premiums Net earned Marine lowles paid. $08,886 76 Flrelnesee pa 11.... 8,031 11 1101,916 85 Selvage re eelved Interest re ceived...4,361 67 e - I new. seer 2,971 62 -8,99.3 60- 93,90 TO Expenses for commissions to 'gents, abatements In ileu of scrip, salaries, office rent, furnishing office, books, sta tionery, he Profit and loss Net profit... ABB.'S thuds on hand '12,515 80 Dille receivable 110,267 02 Doody and mortgages 105,000 00 Btocka 272,100 00 Stock notes 142,900 00 Due by agents and others 22,312 69 $764,095 Si DIRECTORS. P M Pail, Wei P Leech, C. E. Spangler, R. T. Ransil, Abraham Rex, H H. Houston, Win H. Woods, Jos It, Withers, George Howell, Abraham P. Eyre, J Edgar Thomson, W. naive!, 0 0 Sower, Charles P. Norton, John W. Sexton, John H. Lewin', Herman Haupt, James E. Sidles Nathan It. Potts, II 11. StillUng i t t ord. PERCIVAL Dt POTTS, resident O. le SIVANOLISA, Vise Vreeldent.. W. H WooDB, Secretary. 0c92 R. T. %exam, Tresearer FIRE INSEAM:IE. SPRING GARDEN FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY. CAPITAL $120,000, PAID IN OADII, AND szovanr INVERTED, OFFICE, N. W. CORNER OF UNTIL AND WOOD . . . . . BTS., BPRINO GARDENS. °HARTER PARPETUAL LOELSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIRNOTORB. . . John II Dohnert, Henry M. Phil. I, David Woelpper, Lewis Shlrmark Denismin Ihale, John Lueiell, John Brand, Jr Charles Yield, Salley M. Park, William K. Woo . James Durnell, John B. Stevenson, Jasolf S. Mintier., • Corwin Stoddard, Henry Homer, Thos. D. Tillinghast, George It Childs. JOHN H. DOIINEHT, President. L. HRUMBHAAR, Beeretary. eept 21-1 y NEPTUNt INSURAPitt COMPANY.- .L 1 OPFIC/E 411 WALNUT St, Franklin Buildings. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. OAPITAL $lOO,OOO, WITH PRIVILEGE To INCREASE TO 500,000. This Company is now fully organ led, and prepared to make all kinds of Insurance against loss or damage by Fire and Marine Perils, at currant rates. OFYICERS. H. 0. LAUGHLIN, Preddent. RICHARD SHIELDS, The President GEO. SCOTT, Seeretary. DIRECTORS. H. 0. Laughlin, D. Pberirood, Wm. Osborne, Richard Bblelds, T. F. newel!, ARCTIC FIRE IN S URA N CE COMPA NY, NEW YORlC.—Office NI SS Wall street, &d -iming the Mechanic.' Drink—Cish Capital, 120,000, with a surplw. Tbis Company insure Buildings, Mer chandise, Furniture, Vemels in port and their Cargoes, and other property, egeinst Lou or Damage by Fire and the Rieke of Inland Navigation. DIRECTORS. Henry Grinnell, Joshua L. Pope, Caleb Barstow, Rufus It. (harem, Henry 0. Brewer, Henry Davie, Edmund Penfol4, C. H. Lilleiattial, Hanson R. Corning, Theo. Polhemus, jr, Ogden Haggerty, Elieba E. Morgan, Thomas Monagan, Abm. R. Van Nest, John H. Earle, William A. Cary, Albert Ward, Thomas S. Nelson, Charles Easton, James W. Phillips, Louis Lorut, Charles A. Macy, Samuel G. a Ilddeo, Edward 'Hocken, Steph. Qambreleng, Wm. E. Shepard, Thoreau Scott, Charles!, Frost, John Ward, Lothrop L. Bturgel, Henry K. Bogert, Williem It. Poeullek, Peter Ede,, Emery Thayer, Benjamin H. Field, Gee. Weetfeldt, A. It. Frothingharth Salmon Taylor, Time. B. Youngs, Henry E. Blossom. Samuel L. Mitchell, ALBERT WARD, President. Alin/111) A. OAKLEY, Secretary. an 10-1 y mANUF AC T URER S' INSURANCE COMPANY.—Charter Perpetual. Granted by the state or Venntyleania. Capital, MOM°. sire, Marine, and Inland Tramportation. DIUSUTOPO Aaron S Lippincott, Charles Wise, Wm. A. Rhodes, Alfred Weeks, Charles J. Field, James P. Smyth, Wm. 11. Thomas, S. Rinaldo Sank, Wm. Neal, John P. Simons, AARON S. LIPPINCOTT, President. WM A. RHODES, Vice President. ALMS]) WEEKS, Secretary. J. W. MAP.TIEN, Surveyor. This Company was organized with a cash capital, and the Directors hare determined to adapt the business to Its available resources—to observe prudence in conduct ing Ito affairs, with a prompt adjustment of losers. Office No, 10 Merchants' klitchange, Philadelphia. TIIE MERCANTILE MUTUAL INSU RANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA.—Otfice No 222 WALNUT Street, opposite thatirchange. MA RINE RISKS on Tenseln Cargoes, and Freights. IN LAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS, per Railroads, Canals, Boats, .d other carriages. ALL THE PROFITS divided annually among the An. eared, and ample security In caste of loss. mutorbta. Edward Herrin Mllea, Thomu T. Butcher, John M. Odenheimed, Algernon E. Ashburner, Mahlon Williamson, Alfred Fount, Samuel J. Sharpies., Thorne S. Foster, Immo demos, Gustacua English, Henry Preant, Jame' H. Stroup, Edward O. James, Alfred Slade, William L. Springs, A. G. Cattail, Franklin 0. Jones, Charles B. Ceutalre, Daniel Haddock, Jr., Samuel Robinson, William Taylor, John 0. Rafter, James Murphy, John P. Steiner, Wm. F. Smith, Henry Orambo, A. J. Antelo, Wm, J Caner, Samuel L crentaborg. EDWARD HARRIS MILES, Pres!(dent. ALFRED FASSITT, Vice President Jena 0. Kama, Secretary. CilllirTl li. (OAK FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY or HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Capital 1300,000. Losses In Phtladelphia and Vicinity adjusted at the PA iladelpaii Office. By leave we refer to 1 D. S. Brawn & Co., Phila. Hon. Joel Jones, Phila. Chaffeu Stout It Co. ~ li o n . Rufus Choate, Roston Hanker, Lea & 00. ' 4, HOU. T .. 8. Williams, Hart'd We have facilities for p acing any amount of Insu rance in the most reliable Companies. PHILADELPHIA GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 418 (ofd No. 144) CHESTNUT ST. THOMPSON & ROOD, Agents. fILOVER SEED.—NOTICE TO PENN- A../ SYLVANIA FARMERB AND STOREKEEPERS. The undersigned are now prepared to purchase for caeh, prime Clover Seed of the new crop. Pennsylvania atorehespere and farmers, by sending samples to our address, can, at ail timee, ascertain the pries at which we are buying. Parties wishing samples, by which to be governed as to quality, can hare them cent by mill, by addressing no. J CHASE Br 00, seolo it 43 North Front, and 44 Water streets BALE RO E.—Buyers aro Invited to call and examine OUT Manila. pale Rope, which no can can pen se low as American, and warrant it superior in trolls% and durability, WEAVER, YITLY.B & OA., and No. Rd N. Water it. and n N. Waarree. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.—THE GREAT CENTRAL ROOTS, ronneetlng the At lantic Cities with Western, North-western, wad South western States, by a continuous Railway direst Th Road also connect' at Pittsburgh with daily line of steamers to all ports on the Western Rivers, and at Cleveland and Sandusky with Steamers to all purls 01., the North-western Lake'; making the most Dinzar CHEAPEST and RELIABLE ROUTE by which 'height can be forwarded to and from the GREAT WEST. RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITT& BURGH. F 11137 Ouse—Boots, Shoes, Hats, and Caps, Books, Dry Goode, (In boxes bales and trunks), Drugs, (in boxes and bales) Feathers, Furs,ere 00e. per 100 Ile &MUD 01.11113—DOMeltie Sheeting, Shirting and Ticking, (In original Wm) Drugs (Mesas), Hardware Leather, Liquor, (In casks,) Wal l Paper, Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Eastward, tce. &a ISO. per 1001bs THIRD CLASS—Airrni, Chains (In cask.), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted, (loose or la auks), Paints and main) Me. per 100 lbs Foust" Cues—Coffee, tlac Beef. and Pork, (In rusks or Doan eastward), Lard and Lard 011, Nails, fkula Aah, German Clay, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Steel, Manufactured To bacco, Rosin 011, Queemware, Sugar, (bads., Dbl. , and b01e.,) &0., &c 50e. per 100 It a 71.007 , .-4 , 1 per bbl until farther notice Outs-46c. per 100 lbs ' until fur her notice. Corrox-42 per bale, not exeeeding 600 lbs. weight, until further notice. In shipping Goods from any point East of Philadel phia, be particular to - Naar packages" via Pransylvasis - Railroad." All Goods eorueigned to the Agents of thu Road, at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. PLIDHT Aolllll.—Clarke & Co., Chicago; Packer A it CO., Memptil., Tenn.; R. F. Baas & Co. St. Louis, Mo.; P. G. & Co., Evansville , Ind iana; Wm. Bingham, Louisville, Kentucky. • It Me d rum, Madison,lndiana ; 11. W. Brown ' A Co., and Irwir & Co., Cincinnati; 11. S. Pierce A Co., Zanesville, Ohio; Leech dr Co. 1"o. 64 Kitty street , Bostoti; Lerch A Co., No. 2 Astor House, New York, No. 1 William a'. New York E .1. tineeder, Philadelphia; Display A Koons, Baltimore; D. A tewart, Pittsb urgh. H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. H. J. LOMBAXIIT, deft- Superintendent. Ancona, Ea i'2Bs WO 99 SAVING FUND-FIVE PEE CENT. IN TEDE3T—NATIONAL BAPETY TROST CQH PANY.—WALNET STREET BOOTH-WEST CORNER OP THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. IMOORPORATRD OT VIS STAIR Ot PINWITLTIZIA Money le received In any Nun, large or email, aad In terest paid from the day of depoelt to the day of irith &rowel. The office Is open every day from 0 o'clock In the morning till 7 o'clock In the evening, and on Horsley and Thursday evenings till 9 o'clock. HON. LINNET L. BENHAM, Preaident, HOBERT SNLYRIDOS, Tice President. Wo. J. REID, Secretary. INIXOTOIS: Hen. Henry L. Benner, ' O. Landreth Mann., Edward L. Carter, 7. Carroll Brewster, Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry Sarni. K. Ashton, Henry L. Churchman, James 11. Smith, trawls Lee Money is received and payments made daily. The investments are made In conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in REAL ESTATE ItIORT• GAGES, GROUND RENTS, and each Best clsel securi ties as will always Insure perfect security to the deposi tors, and which cannot fall to glee permanency and sta bility to this Institution. anl-ly NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIFE N PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. N 0.83 (241) DOCK STREET.- FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. N O. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.- FIVE PER CE NT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.- FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. aul-ly p 38,729 81 217.709 02 224 00 PENN STEAM ENGINE AND Boil, BR WORKS. REANEY, NEAFIE k CO., PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS MACHINISTS, BOILER-HAHERS, BLACK- '456 • 7 T 48 - - Raving for many years been In successful operation, and been exclrudvely engaged in building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low preserve, Iron Boats, Water Tanks, Propellers, ito &e. respectfully oiler their services to the public, as being laity prepared to contract for Engines of all sites, Marine, Elver, and Stationary. Raving seta or patterns of different mites, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of Pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low Preeeure, Flue, Tubu lar and Cylinder Bollers,ol the best Peunryl Tanis char coal iron. Forging' of all shies and kinds; Iron and Braes Castings of all description's; 801 l Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other wcrk connected with the &Wye business. 9169,869 09 Drawings sad specification, for all work den. at their establishment free of altars'', sad work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf dm* room for re pairs of boats, where they can lay In perfect safety, and are provided with ehem, blocks, bile, &0., &a., for raising heavy or light weight.. THOMAB REAbtfT, JAOOII G. NEM', JOlll4 P. LEVY, aul-y DRAM and FAMES Stesefs, Kenaington 80,880 07 93 40-141,283 27 $24,075 89 1131011. T. blilllolT. J. TAIIONAN KM= WILLIAM I. 111111101. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, TUTU AND WASHINGTON STRUTS, ?UILAOILFRIA. • • MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACIIINIBTO, manufacture High and Low Pressure Stearn Engines, for Land, River ; and Marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Bata, Cut• lags of all kinds, either Iron or Braes. • Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Station'', An. Retorts and Bias Machinery of the latent and moat Improved construation Every description of Plantation machinery, euph as Sugar. Saw and Orist3olle Vacuum Pans, Open iitearn Trains, Defecators, Pliers, Pumping Engines, kc Bole Agents for N. Milieus's Patent Sugar Bolling Apparatus; Nearnyth's Patent Steam Hammer; J. P. Roes' Patent Valve Motion for Batt Machinery awl Steam Pumps. Buyerintandent—B. M BABTOL, aull.y RILARD NORRIS & SON, LOCOMO- STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, GRENIERIXTR lITBEET, HAMILTON, TAMEN/ AID SPRING GARDEN 8 222222 PIIILADELPIIIA. in.gegeol exelaeljr In the mantlfsatere of LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES Renewal:ire to order Locomotives of any arrange ment, weight or capacity, for the toe of Wood or CO., Ilitimmeoas Coal is U. crude store, or WITHOUT ZMITTINCI 1101.1, 0/15 01 /111. In design, material and workinanship the Memo tires produced at theme Works are equal to, and not ex oelle4 by any. The materials used in construction are made on the spot ant insure the beet quality end most reliable stock The luta extent of Shope, and Com plete Equipment of Machinery and Tools, enable them to execute the BEST OF WORK WITH GREAT DESTATCII, Or ANY AIII4IIOIIMENT REQUIRED. OHILLED OAR WHEELS, HAMMERED AXLES, With Forginge of an else or form, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, And MACHINE WORK generally. RICHARD ■oRHI/ AR1.4.7 AGENTS WANTED.—Five to Ten Dol- h‘ri per daly cnn be easily mode, Call on A. BLACK, at Jacob Leman's Sorrel Horse Hotel, West Bing street, Lanca,ter, Pa. dels-tt Ororge Mlutet, W. C. Stoteebury, R. M. Oarllle, 0. 0. Butler ; Oen. Scott. [magi TA_NTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES V CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from 812 to M per month. No man having a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE, at No. 811 3IARKET street above Eighth, north side. WILLIAM B. ROY-aLL, Lt Lieut. 2d Regt. of Cavalry, let 6.3m1 Recruiting Officer. ALBERT WEBER, PIANO FORTE MANUFACTURER, No. ISA Weat Broadway, New York, sole manufacturer of the celebrated Concert Plano. The subscriber would inform his numerous friends and customers that he has greatly enlarged Me manufacturing department, in order to meet the Increase In demand for hie unrivalled Pianos, and au every plane, especially tone and touch, is personally auperintended by the subscriber, the public will be warranted an in ktrumentsrbieh, for beauty, strength, and durability, power and sweetness of tone and touch, stands unsur passed. Every piano sold at the lowest manufacturers , prices A call is respectfully solicited. 0e29-din G OLD MEDAL PIANO FORTES. STEINWAY & SONS, MANUFACTURERS, 84 AND 88 WALKER BTRENT, NEW YORK, Received the following first prise medals in eon:Teti• toe with the beet manufacturers of Boston, New York, Yhtledelphia, and Baltimore. TWO FIRST nun: MEDALS at the Metropolitan Fair. Washington, Menet', MS. A COLD MEDAL nt the Crystal Felon., New York, November 1855 , (being the only Debt Medal given for Pianos within . t . !l! btsl six years) . _ _ A °OLD hIEDAL at the Maryland Inetltnte, DaIU mom, 1831. TILE FIRST PRIZE MEDAL et the Fair, Crystal Palace, New York, November, 1956. Among the Judges were the first musical talent of the country, such as M. Mason, Gottschalk, Wollenbrupt, and many others. St. & S. Pianos (with and nithont iron frames) aro warranted for three years, sal a mitten guarantee given. Pianos packed and shipped without Charge. Prices moderato. octil-tf WONLIDGERTRSFOROIA' ALT.. PE, Patent Non-Explosion SelLoenerating OAS LAffS Is Just the thing to suit all. Price $1.50 up; all may hare a superior Light by calling at their Depot. This Lamp in adapted to all places and purposes, and only requires a hist to teat its adventagva over all others. The Lamp tons its own gas. Our Patent Burners can be fitted to every ordinary Fluid Lamp, with little expense, without the least ramble danger. All are Invited to cull and examine fer themselves. Town, County, and State rights for sale. The proprietors are in want of Agents, giving • rare chance to niske money. PETERS do SIIROPE, Oas Lamp Depot, n024.3m 123 South 4th St , below Chestnut Phi LOINGWORTII' B 01110 WINES. GENERAL AGENCY FOR ALL TILE STATES. To WHOLESALE DEALERS By a special arrangement with Mr. LONGWORTII. 1 am enabled to offer his Wines, in large quantities upon the lowest and beat terms. The Wines to be delivered In Cincinnati, and forwarded by usual mean of convey ance (railroad or steamboat) direct to the purchaser; by which the expenses of storage, commissions, double freight, e 10.., will be avoided. No orders under this arrangement will be forwarded for less than twenty-five cases. All orders must be directed only to FRED. S. COZZENS, 73 WARREN Street, Now Year. By the prevent arrangement a handsome profit on these wines eon be made by the whelessle dealer. aparkling Catawba, vintage 1853, quarts. Do do do do pints. Do do do 1852 . quarts. Do do de do pinta. 84111 Catawba, vintage 18511, quarts. Do do extra, vintage VW, quarts. Fparkling leabella, do do do Btill Catawba, in casks, of various qualities. Catawba Brandy, of superior quality. FRED 8 COZZiNS, General Agent for the hale of N. Lougworth's Wlnee 78 WARREN STREET, (opposite Hodson Riser Railroad Depot,) no2.Bin Ns' Toe'. CHEAP SUMMER FIIEL.—GAS COKE, of excellent quality, la sold at the PUILADELPICIA OAS WORKIi for the reduced price of Bre cents s bushel, and may be obtained to large or small quantity by sp y,lying at the Use Office, No. 20 Booth *INVENT% Stmt. To Purchasers by 'Wholesale, it le old et the Work', In First Ward, by the ton, at a pries equlrslent to in thrsolte, a MO per ton. (Mined,) J. 0. On.VON, Engineer. lIIIADSLIVIA ems wous, Aug. 2i, IT. n 021.11 tiailroab Linte. - antngs faiths illarinnerl2 anb iron. BVITi39 AND YOUNDBBB ANTHRACITE co,A I=== Wants piano fortes Nailroabs. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL BAIL ROAD,IE37. FOR PITTSBURGH IfklTs Cenelowsli, IC Lewis, Lem Chi a Lenient's, New Orleans, at. Yawl, Indlaes_polis Clewelead, KSIBBIJ Terre Haute, Chicago, Nebiiike . Forming ciao tameness tetra all Si, greet Wilt ant Madroadi. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF THZ TB:1017011 TRAINS. At and from the Pennaylvania Railroad Paactogur Station. secitb-east corner of ELEVENTH and MAL KET streets (entrance on Elevesti strafe } TWO THROUGH TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA D Forming close connections AlLY at Pittsbarigh to ail paints West. Fast Mail and Aecccunodation Trains, (Sundays ox. cepted,) vie • past Mall Line at I P. hi , arriving in Pittsburgh at I A. M. Elpre.• Mall Train at It night, arriving Ia Pittsburgh at 155 P. M. Aik vitorrna Way Train at 8 A. LI, arriving at Attnona at 8 P. M. ilarriabarg Accommodation Train, rlik Celarribia. leaver Philadelphia at 1 P. U , arriving In Hard/anon at 9 P.ll. Past Mail Train learns Pittsburgh at S L M., mills in Philad.lphra at II 43 night. Ex pram Mall Train leaves Pittabargh at 9 10P. M., ar. rives In Philadelphia at 1 P. U. Altoona Wa► Train I Altana& at 1.43 A. M., arrives la Philadelphia at 7.70 P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation Train, via Colombia, leave• Ilarriatrufg at O A. M , arriving la Plidaklrkla 12 Boon. The games Rail row dilly, the other brass /as. dare excepted. Baggage will be received at the Padener Depot by the Barrage liseter, at any time daring the day. No charge for handling twangs. NOTIOIL—In ease of Ida, the Company vlll hold themselves reapontible for gamed begin, only, sad for an amount not eseortiog 81130. Nonce --Oionibures Till be is Maims. at the Ng= York Depot to convey pentengers for the Wed to the Pannsylvanda Railroad Station. 1119)1A3 MOORE, llgant, Pameager Line Permaylnata Ballsopi Clo Philadelphia, Nolaantrer 21, 1847. e2l-11 rTO:STERN TRAVELLERS. SPRING AND SUMMER ARRANGEId_V ILwAr ITS. s.vric BA. TWO DAILY E TR AI N S PROM ei. BALTLHORR TO PITTSBURGH AND THJI WRY. On mad alter sane IA 11117, TWO DAILY TRAINS will leave Calvert Station for Pittsburgh and all Weil ern and South or Norttmeeteon tits MORNING MAIL ?WW Leaves Baltimore daily (Sunday excepted) at SSA A. H. connecting with the Mast Train over the tireat Pew.- erlyard• Railroad, and angling In Pittatough at LIS A. M. THE LIITZHNOON XXPAZON Mares Baltimore daily linorlay aieeptea Tl Vl PM. - for Harrishouw. THE NIGHT Extaxsa ralux Li 4,1111 BaMason ETERS' MONT at 10 P. 4„ eta nesting with the Lightning Zapata oriu. the Patairst r Lola Ha fi rma for Pittsbaryh, arrtelly at 130 P. ht. tur thee* trains menet% eteedy at Pittner% with traina ever the Pictsolorgl, Fort Warm awl Chicago Itatiroad, and its Northern, Peittlein aid Western eonasetionc Oa' Passertgers for Chicago, Rock Island, Boding ton, lowa City, nflimaukee, Dubuque, Pt. Peal's, lfid son, and other leading dile. Is the flortheett, coo At/mired miles of travel and [misers in Poe, with four less *bangers of can, by taking this rube. liVv• Passengers for Cleveland. Bandung'', Toledo, and Detroit, go by this route, and the time is sailed being 113 miles shorter than by any other rude. , ug - Passenger. for Bt. Lode, Indistrapolis, Terre Haute, Cairo , and all points on the Lower and r pper Illsalaelppl, make lees changes of cars, and arch's , In ad- Tines of any other route; and to Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton, Lends - Yale, and other prominent tittle, ea quick as by any other route. eli Western Baggage CRICKED THROUGH aid toadied mit/tense. FOR THE NORTH. The 8 16 A.H. sonnets closiely wt th Szpreas Tries over the Dattphln road thrthumped, Ellett% Rochester, Runic, Mama Palls, sad CASLIS, time forming the most dlreet railway route to Northwesters Pennsylvania and Western New York. Passengers will forot this the shortest, cheapest, and awn axpedittana ronte to Niagara Palls and Canada_ Through Tickets are Wined to Plitladelekte Na Co. Mathis sad Lancaster by all the thane at $3 sae*, *tat train having rare connections Passeesgers 17 Ste route avoid tressielled bridges, and all the lacenrandanne of ferrying woes tha Easgeehaana river. Passengers for Hanover, Manchester, QNfyshan, be. ttsburg, CarWle Clumbersberg, go by the tetras as 11.15 A. hi ,and 3P.M. WESTMINSTER BRANCH. The Cars on this road male Gas trip per day, ereaniet. ing with the train at g P. M. For THROUGH TICKETS sad ft:thee lalcrasatica, apply at the Ticket Wise, Calvert Static*, N. E. carom of Calvert and Franklin streets. sep.4B-tf C. C. AMOK, NEW YORK LINEB.—TER AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PICRAPIODIL AND TBM.TOS RAILROAD COMPANY 8 li] • PROM hiluzzixatt Fotrit yowl, AND WA Lear. as follows, Tin: 1131; At 1 A M from Xemsington Depot, via Jersey City, Mall At 6 A. M., via Oliniton And Jam, Otty, Tien M bey icoommodatkus At 6 A. M., TM Camden and Amboy, Aeottainsatia tien„_a At T via Camden and Jamey City, Morning Mui At 10 A. M., by iteambott Trenton, MA Noll" I Orme' city, Moro/rig =mei At 2 P. M., via Camden sad Amboy, 0. and A. =- Pores AtMall 6P. M . e ta Camden and Jamey City, Imam Pld At S P. M., via Camden and Imhof, Accommods- Moo, lot Class .. At 3 P. 11 , via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, 'hat Chas. 1 At 6 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Anson:soda lion, lit Clam At 5 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aeocasonada 2ad Clam The 6 P. If. Lae rang doily, All *there SmtdAys e 9 carted. Xrpresa Lines step at the principal stations only. For Belvidere, Rastas, Flemington, Ae ,at A. and 2.1.c_ I M. from Walnut street wharf. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, WlL9soban Montrose, Great Bud, do , at 6A. M , Tin DetaVar Lackawanrui at Waiters' Railroad. For Freehold, at 6 A. M. mad 2 P.ll. For Mount Holly at TA. M. and SX, it sad P. 116. WAY LINKS For Bristol, Trenton to, at 2,1 i and 6 P. 11. WAY LINR For Palmyra, Reemooaa, Rereetly, Beallagies, lisetsa term &aat 3 D. M. Steame:nt RICHARD TIOCHTON roe Bardamtteien and taterae Date Owes at 3% P 11 Steamboat THIN ;l.' for Toomey it 10 ssof. Zip A. Id., and i P. if. All lines, ezmirt. 1 A. M leave Waleiat shse wbut. trr Fifty pounds of Ma w ar* only allowed sae& gas thing as tenger. baggage Paneeore are prohibitedea ring from taking lla- any ge bat their AR ma °Ter any pounds to be paid fc b ß. apparel. %le cab. 'any limit their responeltdUty for to one doles per pound, and will not be liable or amount So yond glO9, aleept by special contract. Inf. 11. OATIALSR, Agent C. & A. A. it CO. 110 PH I LADE LP HIA, GERNANTOWVIT AND NOR It ISTO WBATI,IIOO,—WWI9I3 &1 11 tANGEM.F.M.--013 sad N after MONDAY, °dabs! 19th, 186 T, FOR GERMANTOWN . . Leave Philadelphia at 6, 7)i, Bx, 93f A. M.,1, 3-10 min. 4,1, 6,1, 9, and 11 P. M. Leave Germantown at 11%, 7-35 min. 9,9, 101( A. M 1.19, 3-10 min 1,5, 6,7, 8, a nd 10 P. 31 ti .""'" The 715 o'clock A. 31. Train from Germantown will stop oily at Warne ?treat Elation. SURDAYB, Leave Philadelphia at 993 tola. , 3 and 6% P. Y. Leave Germantown $.40 mkt. A. 01 , 1- 10 oda mai 6 45 min P.M. CHESTNITT RILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia at TX, S), 13X, , 3,44 , and 9 P. 31. Lear. Chestnut Hill at, 7X ,340 Lod 10-10 Ida A. W., 1244, 340, 6-40 and 7-40 luta. ff. M. am= Leave l'htivAelpkta, 9-Z2 A. M 2_and 1387 P g... .M FILL Leave Chestnut latB A. AL, 12-80 . 4 NI P. N. FOlt ALANAYUNIC, COtiBK4HOCBILN LIND NOILLIS- - . Leave Philadelphia at ex, 9, 11 A M 4M, 1%, U P. M. Leave Norristown at 1,9, II A. 11., and 540 P. M. ON SENDAI'S, Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M., sad 3 P. M. Leave Norristown at 7 A. 11., and 6 P. M. °RESTER VALLEY RAILROAD FOR DOWNING Lease Philadelphia at flti A. M , and $ P. 11. Leave Downingtown at 17C A. , and IP. M. N. K. SMITH, Superintirident. Depot, Ninth and Green street/. Philadelphia NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WINTER ARRANGSKENT. BETHLEHEM, EASTON, ALLENTOWN, MAU C H CHUNK, WILKESBARRE, DOPLYSTQWN, 4c. 4 On and after Wednesday, November 4th. 1957, th • trains on this road will leave Philadelphia duly (Ron. days eurepted) as g O / 101,3 : For Bethlehem, Easton. Allentown Mauch Chunk, and Wllkebbarre (Express) at 9 A. AL For Bethlehem, Allentown, and Mauch Chunk, (Zs. pres,) in connection with L. V. R. R. and Salton, by stage, from Iron Gill Ration at 319 P. IL For Doylestown, (Accomm odation,) at 4.30 P. M. For Gwynedd, do. 1%10 A. M. On Tuesdays and Fridays th• 10 A. M. trial( will mu through to Doylestown, leaving Doylentown to rehire au BS P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Bathelem (Express) at 9 A. 11, and 2.2 S P. IC Leave. Doileetelne, (aceozemedationd at 62. 4. M. Leans Gwyr.eeld, at 2 112 P.M. ON SUNDAYS. For I Prom Gwynedd 915 A. 31. I Gwynedd 293P.51 Doyleste , n 4 50 P. M. I Doylestown 9.45 A.ll Ems to Bethlehem SI 50 Mauch Chant 4 tO Wiltesbmre 4 SO PASSENGER DEPOT. FRONT and WILLOW ELLIS CLARK. Agent. CHANGE OF HOURS.-PHILADEL PIMA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMOSI RAIL ROAD. On and after Moody, Nov. 1881 PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADI4/11A For Baltimore at BA. M.,1 P. M (Eyries, and U P.M. For Wilmington at 8 A. Id , 1, 8.80 and U Y• 31 . For New Caatle at 8 A. M., 1 and 820 P. M. For Middletown at 8 A. M. and 1 P. M. Per Dover at 8 A. M. and 1 P. M. For Seaford at 8 A. 11., and 1 P M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8.40, Expreee, 11 A. M., and 613 P. M. Leave Wilmington it LIS sad 11 4.5 A. if., sad 2 BB 11962P.5i. Leave New Osatie at 666 and 11 66 A. M., sod 8 50 P.M. Leave Ididaletoent at 10 10 A. M. and 7 02 P. M. Leave Dover at 9 eft A. 31 and 6P. id. Leave Seaford at 7.30 A 31. and 2 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORY Leave Wilmington at 0.15 A. M., 2P. M. and 11.12 A. M. SUNDAYS only at 11 P. M. from Philadalyltia to Baltimore do. do. en P. M. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. Freight Train, with Passeager Car attached, will rem as follows : Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and Intermediate pieces st Leave Wilmington for do. da. d 60 P. M. Leave Baltimore for liarre-de-fimme at 6 P. M. no 2.1-17 B. Id. FELTON, President. lire proof Batts. SALAAANDER SAFES. A larva assortment of EVANS & WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURBD SALAMANDER SASES, VAULT DOORS, got Sankt sad Stores. Equal to log noir in use. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, to., On an good tar= as any other satablialetnent la tloi United Staten, by EVANS t WATSON. No. Pi South 1111Thiliknaramit BANE LOGES, MAHE GIVE US A GALL. COTTON-200 bales good MiddXag 10 gjd. dlind lalx Cotlos, in stars as fed dale 6 KAMEN del .119 Malik mee Ark
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