VP?' „,c • it s t-, • • - ' iiai.-0:41".1164141644.1411410ikii4his Pli (lowa Oaf linliegraar .7St”xtry-j•e . §3rl9to Fotoiy, "The • ' - AnotiBIRPIT, Aeon fitietitbeizidiet'PkT_O'Y Thp NATTOAlitilAtiV4Pirtilliagei koi :Marro. "Dia Atiorni:the - iglionirmake xi c Krim! pingle ,l 8Wt 0 •7 140 1_,, etttl/POtil. , • - w-Ornalteciss,4l..wrinerx •arimorp, , AnoTA Ounoirr.—ltildoplin Life 11.1artriledioonolndingwith" hingbibli - afttriptede'i , 'L - " • ,*- • _ - of ..disolo - - sures Mash, tw.oyoung burglars arrA s t e d i n Torestle ward, .01% tuMattYlit.Orning, - the fa!, hoe-. streeeededJn . reoevering ,a uantity of the silks, to.,stolen from the store o Bedd, on the nightof-ithe 20th :Butt.' The geOdS were', found at. thegift book-stors, ef pranois Moore, in Poplar streetOklorrFifth. 'Lowrie, one of the:young burglanioaytt'he sold. the whole of, the goods to Moore hr.-41°11er end a balk' The tatter says he gave fifteen dollars for them.: Miss Budd, the lady who was robbed, valued the goods at one hundred dollars. l 'Moore iisa` arrested and _held, to bait - for a further, hearing, _on the charge of receiving the property, ithowing it to have berm stolen. „- On Monday night e itte.groiery store di:dr:Jae, Galbraith; at -the corner of;. Sixth' and replar otreets,- wee .!roblied of a oaks of soap and about a hundred-Dents: An: equal number of coppers and a (take ,of -soap; • precisely shutter to that stolen; Rare found in the possession Of Lowrie and companion When ,they were arrested, yoster ihy Rocono ...; Yeeterdny.aternoon, Moore had a hearing be fore . :Aldnrtuan - Epeu, on-the charge of-receiving the OndsatoTenfromMiiB Bad& The goods found Who itofow.e.se identified 'by - ,Miss sitedd m her jropettA teop#prdCwitzt worth, she udgadatlioutifty,drdtafa, ,I„ ,t Der Tag e ft tn Jading the :geed on Moore's pion Zewneteld the diem that the defendant,hadgiven hint- a dollar,and a half for Moore, when 'asked. If be had anything to say, admitted that he had bought the goods, but stated tio)Che had..Pald $15.80 for them.. Ile was held $1.,260 hallo answer.- -• , - A air:days siiide a iimall-sized man Who stated ihatvhs,Was coin the Washington House, Philadel phlk and "Mat'. his; name , .was Philip I l eyliput up at Browrs Mr:levi gave a`peekage r titeitha liends,9f bat'tentleT ad* , mottisbiagintiolil:;vOrriterefttlruf A:few days eterivaide" he dialipbeiredi and - when' the i. , 1,- F aki lg o"po t ts toutinwit Itte found to be: a M - 4 Pirjoifi 00 - nlith twenty dol ;ers,,beleiiging P3f , the- bali;tinlaier, Patent leather Etiots,,worthooven :dollare;:.ohd Other, aitlcles of value disappeared from the. hotel -the same day, that the fellow =lnq uiry was made "after bite at House, and it wail war talned.thatAnn had played the same triek , there. lie hid given the 'clerk anarpet-bag,'es if intend ing to stay, asking to hive itearefully pat - away, es it °Obtained': articles Of great Value; but' upon ezenotnitien, - nfter hie 'abrupt: disappearance, it was found to contain nothing' 'but a few oyster Aiello. This fellowis short -in stature, enick -in motion,- apparetitty,.:ebant twenty-three years of age, and had on when at' Norristown. a drab suit clothes.- The - dicer - beaten - So dreadfully by. p ines Arthili,Mallefi k at rourlh, street slid "lies, in- a ...Mica condition. The two Men 'who committed ' . .!'he series of Outihges, which resulted In the brutal boating of the officer, are bre - thew They are well known to the police, but they alwaya menage to escape anwhipt,ofjustioe. Some two or three years 'aim, 11:_illeiman was murdered in the upper part of 'the,.eity,ind Jamos Mullen was charged with having committed the deed. He left the city at the-time, and tai - absent - mitil last summer, when-ho returned and was soon After arrested for some outrageous - proceeding.lle was then ()barged mita ilurracorder of the German, and- he was oom witted to answer.' Forlitle murder he was never ktied. Min lAA feat Was the knocking down and icking of Unolfeddlog weft dill weaken, and the hatiering:in of a .pollbehian's skull With his own. rattle. - - A noted betel thief, :named Zanies Ward; `;rho recently made his eseepe from' Baltimore, where be Is charged with a . ' heavy -robbery, was arrested yesterday morning, in this city, ,on the charge' of having committed a robbery at the hotel of Mr. Henry Ward, NO. 417 South Beciond street. The' prlsonerled it hearing before Alderman Been in the afternoon.: Mr, Henry Ward testified that the defendant - One -to his house in company with another - pe*niatiout,tvia' weeks - -olnoe, and took lodgings for the 'night:: _larly raise morning the Fo men disappeared readdimlyi taking with them tnetbiles Pod th belatigibg. to the _oard ,tlid glean donate in Vitae were afterwards found lying Upon the floor in the room occupied by Wnrd and his friend. , Themoney was identified as the property- of one of the boarders who had been.robbed. On-this evidence the defendant was held for a further hearing. Thera seethe to be seine mystery abiput this case. Those who are behind the scenes say that Ward will Bayer be tried either here or in Baltimore. There s was a Baltimore officer after- Ward yester day morning. ,His party assert that the charge here was` trumped tip to prevent the aroused being taken 'back.-to-the - Monumental city -for 'trial; while some - of the Philadelphia Officers intimate that if he is taken baak'he will be again suffered to ran. Veld marines to get out of most'of his sorapne by some„mysterions process, and it may safely be ooncluded that he will get out of his pre sent difficulties without the fonnalitieb of a trial. Bet Ween twelve and one o'clock yesterday morn ing; Offaer Dunian taw two men rem from the ahoe store and dsvelling of Mr. William Johnson, Thir teenth street - below Market. The men were pur. ailed end one of them was arrested. -It was then ascertained that the store of Mr Johnson bad been entered by.tuniing the key with nippers from the outside, and three palm of boots were stolen. John _Murray, the, man arreited, :Was taken before Al derman Thompson, who committed him to answer: Theodore R. _Garrison was- committed _on the. charge of breaking into the store of Ludlam Mat-' thews, on Tuesday night, and attempting to blow: the fire-proof open with gunpowder. - • Ile was aid, charged with entering the pima of Samuel, ; Nelson, ,a' few nights since, and-stealing therefrom it" quantity of oysterialveS, tools, Ac. Sohn Miller was charged - pith breaking into the stocit.of graph Cleaver , abed tidie. singe and 4cm-leg therefrom a inanGty of goods. _ Il s e was committed fora further bearing. • - „ On Tuesday, a new lager',beer-saloOn. was. opened yypp Chilatian blublaohlager; in Front street, above Hoble,:dbil of ochres the Oak was free t 4 those who linlired to drink all the day.. Seine Glirmana who had beam° infuriated from the effects of the lager, commenced einarrellibg in the evening over the bagatelle beard. -One of the balls was miming, and Mr. M scowled one of the Thirty with taking it. ; At this they all became indignant; chairs, Umbrellas, lager beer glasses, and all kinds of inissilee, , were used over the head of the proprietor. Rio head wits out in a dreadful manner. During the spree a couple of Officera came along and, one. eedded rifresting Several of the party. Ono of them, iiarned,Christian Snider, Who. iippeared to bd the leader; sea einnutitted Aiderniaa Herne in.defeult Of. $1 000• Saki' of Stbdcs.—Jameti Freeman, and-. {longer, sold the folloviing - Mork's, last evening , at timMeroberinalzobange. viz, 150 shares of Eagle Geld Mining Company, Va., at 50. ; 2,000 shares or Monroe Gold Mining Company, Va., at le. ; 83 shares Spring ,Cothpany at $1 ; 300 El Dorado Mining Company, at 56. ; 50 shares Washington Mining Company, N. C., at 50, - ; 200 shares Chesa peake Mining Company, Mich , at 10c.; 350 shares Ontonagon Mining- Company, Mich., at 100. ; 100 sharealluglais , Mining Company, Ilieh., at 600. ; 800110honnaiMinitig Company at $1; 5,800 shares Philadelphia and—California Mining Company, Call., at AOC. ; 1,300 shares Reale Gold Mining Company at' 100. ; 1 shark, being 6.25ths of d of Devlin Lubricating Company.slo ; 100 shares San Francisco •Land Association at $5OO ; 05 shares Seamless Tub° Company. of Now"-York. at $5O; 200 PhSadelptda'and California Mining Company at 10o1; '3,000 Diekerson•Marble Company at le. -- Elegati4 Testimonial, prepared by- the lone of Tensperanee,roonsieting of • complimentary resolutions of- thanks -to' P. O. P. 'Lowers; adopt . ed at 'the lite-annual 'session of- the Grand Giviswin,liare Wen .splendidly written by Leidy, and framed in' a supenor - style by . Mooney k Co., No. 20 N. Sitthetreet, whore they may be seen for a few days. _The temperanee people who hsvo been ter - mime years led off in an impoothiable and un profitable obese aftor prohibitory : legislation, seem now to be returning to their genies, and are re-adopt ing 'the old plan of moral suasion: The Sons of Tompertinoe- aro' based upon this potent idea, and arehappily.inereeeing fifth's 'city and State - and. (as we are informed) in other States. • This being the last day of 180, the differ ent Departments ofthe city are busily engaged in preparing" a statement of -their operations, to be extbmittett to Councils prior 'to the commencement et the regular business of, the new year, which commences,to:tuorrow. , were ;quite" a number of wee before the police nuigistriter yesterday.% Those which were of an Important eheractetwril be found un der their appropriate head. Those which were trivial,- enil for drankenness; , potty, larceny, Ise., we make. no mention of: . ~ ,- .. • .4 Relief Issocation was organized laat eve ninifirtho citizens of the Serenteendi ward, at a roasting held M the school house in Master 'Area abrifisfiroonth. ,-, : -, - - ~ -; ~ . ' Leans' of-the - eiti Maturing on the Ist of '4141,17,1ritt-ts 'paid on sod after that date.- .rogottpf Stivek.--oils-,oile . toils of ingots ill4r - airlired 'atthe fluited - Statis Mint yes terday m'orning,frato New Orleans - This; when oeined,intoMoney, wilt , make eight hundred thou sand dollars.; I - 1 t .= - - . The city, Treasurtr , ,There , was - a lively time yesterday" ; at-the office o£. tbi.clty Treasury. A large number of warrants "rote presented and promptly cashed. A veil ..00risiderable - sum' of money must hare been.paidnnt. • -*use llliiiskin4.--=-Gii6rgo ileattie was be fore Alderman Carter yesterday morning, charged mith breaking into a house in vine alley. ..lio was committed in default of bail. • Sousirrwrir4,Lirreesit , Dartso seph W. Bilpiien, of 'Elizabethtown; N. J., obtained lettertt4tittent for a compound to do 'used-.as above;' , lt the' 2Ptli .of September, 1.057. He takes thiresidnum of the stills of factbrics zuftlie inipOrtant basis of his compound, which:Consiits of - certain products !rem, palm - oil,. lard; hilt*, or other greasy `matterir reniairditg aftet n 'the'stearic acid has been-taken off.: To one gallon of this residuum 4ift added one gallon more or less of rosin oil,' ltratheSo - aro melted together-into , one homo geseoliS mass, then threekluarters of a pound - 0-41thirgels added, and.ohe-pound and a half of umber, together, with three pounds fresh slaked linre,-:and three pounds of oil cake. - This fvhole mess must be carefully mixed and s boiled properly,and, atter cooling, itia brought to a proper consistency by spirits of turpen. tine, when a-good substitatefor linseed drying oil :is -produced.the proportions varying .of course iccoidiu'to dlrcumetances. "I shan't belvith you a great while, Juno,' said jolr..„MOltoki"(tl shan't stay ;hero a graft , • ._gt Oti (Ifr.. , ifolteT, show eau you talk so 1" lialikXrd:4l4.llfr'i with A lugubrious expression 41---- -t_4 3 4' - uan :'.' ti":...n• -: ` i '" . .i'n,' q Ifeel as if' i was most - 41'0 ' . thiltc,kwApyltigi, pmping-Away liken POGO 164 0 ,1 1416 1 .14imiiP.1 , _ —,-, . t ,f, 1%e3P:1,01110s- propbeni the ,riext E x ',,fg,24l4liiii-Wltli -a good and. s,ympa riellpW CITY -ITEMS. •• ' • • ,; • Filltrt Pan Oftt'lY DISC : 6IIIkt PENN4Tffi r ANid. P4fit.i y _ toils ratiderwwho Mal be semi. 'echidna -1 i d to 4i*' dahreelefe4 priitaises to pay remaining,' halide, Witt leirn,Witleomd: tiona anything 44 t t, that they are no* dellfog at the enormous forty per seta. Most of , tite storekeepers, who hug atm been'telting, their at ha;re ceased dola, so:withis the last few days. The new retail dry goods house of Samuel S. Mess, No 923 Market street—whose idvertiseinent will be found in another column—from :certain Special arrangements, entered into with Other parties are enabled to take these bills at par for afeW days ionger without loss to themselvee. From the 'superior eharactei of the fancy and stiple stock of this establishment, we regard this t4tbortdnity, ottgenliiing tilde for these notes as the best howbffored to our citizens. ' irsA .ssu OorssE —Lovers of there table beve rages Will find them in beet and greatest variety at the store of Ammo 00TUENHT, No. 28 South Eighth street. upstairs. Hie le:Miens° stock of every description of o.binese Mods distinguish this establishment as the Only ono of the kind in this Oity. "'A nappy Now Year" is always lama fitly In. atigumted with a handsome gift. We should think that gentleman who was so fortunate as to r'eceive nue of lisforrr's (lio. 612 Arch street) inimitablb .wrappers as a present from his lady, would be made happy enough to, return; the compliment without a scruple. Try it fsdiee! WORDS or Wtsoott.—ito that follows roorea tions instead of his business shall, in a little time, have no business to follow. Ile that coneulteth good . taste and economy will procure his clothes at the fashionable - eMporintitof Clifton, Albright, & Co., ' , dsple's No. 627 Chestnut street. Nausea., In his letters to Lucielius, assures him there *millet a day In Which he did not either write 201netlifivi br had all epitomise some good author." Emulating his example, we admonish °lir imbhke to ;buy their clothing kt the palatial atom Of Orturrille Stokes, N 0.607 Chestnut street. Tug. Oosr of A Langan—lt is stated that it will cost $350,000 to launch the monster steamer Le ilathen. This immense sum of money would be suffi cient to build a large packet ship and toad it with ele gant and faaltionableg e&i:ilents from the iitORD Stone .ClOttling of , Enekhlll & Wilson, Noe. 603 and 605 ch.staus'sipsid, - abOvii tlatth.. SAILIRD,OF IVE'OCRAR' STEAMERS. - : ' .MtOti Tali trattEti STATES. * 8124 iss' . ~,Adia pit "DAY Borneeis' ' ' Mew.Yor.k:.Damiftrg... ~." ' - Jan 1 Adrittiti New Yort.Liferiotd ... 1.. - • Tan 2 'Persia New York..Liverpotil Jan 6 Artigo Ifirrre New York.. ' " Din 0 - - , - .FROM EUROPE. FROM YOE, .• DAY Edinburg Glasgow—New York. Dee 2 -Arago - liarie..New York - Dee 16 Niagara ..... . ....Adverpool t .Boeton - ' Dee 19 Atlantic ..... ....Lirergoole.New York Dec 22 Africa.. . . ... ....LirerpooL.New York - Dec 26 ILiactrionia Ilarnburg.,New York an 1 Fulton llavre..New York Jan 12 Er The California Mail Steamers sail from New York on'the bth and 20th oreach month. . - LETTER BAGS • •At op Merchants' 32chitigs, Philtre feiphia. - Barg& lthite.Wing,Neljng; ..... Laguarra, soon Brig Ocean Tale, Pradden BarSadoes, Dec Sp Brig .1-Nickerson, Nickerson llamas soon Brig Calvert, Willar,...Qamblei and Sierra Leone , 2 - For the Intl Coast of Africa—The brig Calvert, Capt Willer, for Gambia, do, will salt on Saturday, 24 inst. All letters and newepapere for the II B Squadron will tie forwarded, 11 left at the foreign Lotter Ofiles, Philadelphia Exchange; on or before the above date. • illaritte- 3ntelligence. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 31, 1857. 724 I IN 877T8 486 .189 SUN RUM. _ HIGH WATER • .• • , • &brig Sea LatA,'LOckhart, 8 days from Cornwallis, NS, with potatoes WE A Bonder & Co: Bchr J J Spencer, Langstaff, 4 days from Boston, with oldie to A Jordan. • - • ' • r - Bohr Fly, Cheesemani 4 days from Sing Sing, in bal. • • 'last to captain. Behr A-Lea, Thompson, 4days from Boston, in ballast to captain, . „ 01;.EARDD, ,s Steamship Phinene Sprague, Matthews, Boston, Henry Winsor. 'Bohr Isaac Riab, Smith, New York, Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. • BUB Willing, Claypoole, Baltimore, d arorea, Jr: (Correepondenee of thoPhiladelphts Ziehange.) LEWEII. Del., Dee. 29, 8A M. • A barque came in last erening, and remains, la com pany with the schrs 8 N Smith, Eleanor, Elizabeth, Meryl. Milliken, Woodbine, Oregon, Win None, Gem, B Martin, James Hansa, Z D Weston, Stag, Raikes, Helen, Belying, and Hic k man . The barque Cheshire, far Charleston, went to sea yesterday Wind southeast. Weather cloudy, Emma,' -too, WM. M. HICKMAN [sr raL2asini.l (Correspondence of the PhilsidelphlaYachtnge.) CARE ISLAND, Deo 30.6 P M The weather Is so thick. and foggy that nothing can be neon at a a quarter of a mile distance. Wind light from the southward. Yours, ko., THOB. B. HCEMBiI. [HE TELEGRAPH TO THE PREM.] Noarour. Dec 30. The clipper chip Grey Eagle, which wee dianested off Cape Gatterea arrived at this port this erenlog. MEMORANDA `Steamship Palmetto, Baker, cleared at Boston 29th tent. for Phliadelptda. was Ell Whitney, Small, for Sydney, NSW, in 3 days, was at Teekelet Oct 4. Ship Birks, Andrews, from °envie for liabopton Roads, which put Into Valparaiso 241 alt. and resumed her voyage on tke 10th, had uncounted a gale in let 46, which tended her to leak in her uppertrorks. She re paired without discharging, and sailed an above. • Ship Andalusia, from Chinch& Islands, before report ed ashore at Oallao, wan got off (supposed) on the night of the 25th ult. She did not leak. Ship Wiugod Arrow, Beane, from Palos Island for Cork and a market, was et. Guaymas, Mexico, Oct 15, to mall next day. ' • Barque Oak, Ryder, hence at _Boston 29th inst. Barque Wanderer, Caulfield, from Buenos Ayres, at Boston 29th inst. Rate, White Oland; from James River, was going into R 0 de Janeiro 13th rilt. • Bue Clara Heidi, Neilson, from Jamul River, was going q 'into Rio de 4attelre lgtli Barhue 11 tl W Dodge, laralo, cleared at Portland 2811 i last: for Sagas: ' Barque Fred bennig 'H igbee, cleared at No* Orleans 23d inst. for Philadel phia, with 40 bales cotton, 20 do Wee, 485 bade sugar, 124 13b1a molasses. 40 bb's whis key, 20 hoses scrap iron, 270 empty 6616,20 pia mdse. Barque Cavalier, Farrell, cleared at Baltimore 20th inst. for Rio de Janeiro. Brig W D Rice; Mitchell, of Boston, (new) 239 tons, sailed from Boston 28th inst. for San Francisco. . . . Brig Malvern; wrecked on Little Cayman, about 25th ult, on her voyage from Kingston, Ja, to this port, was en A 2 teasel about 200 tons burthen, built in De. !aware about eight yearsago, owned by D N Wetelar & .1:10, - of -this city, and was valued at $lOOO, which was fbily covered by insurance. Her cargo consisted of Sugar, rtim, logwood, and pimento, together with about $9OOO in specie. • Brig Georgia, Carlisle, from Philadelphia for Bunton, coal loaded, recently ashore on Long Jutland, and got 08' 13th, want ashore again on Ward's Island yesterday morning, while towing through Hell Gate. Brig P A Paige, Hiller, from Carlow, )Y 0 A, Nov 8, arrived at New York yesterday. Left ship Atlantic, for New York in 2 d$ Brigs Leghorn;Silatch, and Irene, Waite, hence at Boston 29th inst. Behr Now York,Conmict, hence, Arrived at Richmond 29th init. Behr M Plater, Blizzard, from Wilmington, Del, at Richmond 29th last (3chr Marcie Tribon, Bray, sailed from Richmond 29th net, for Mammas. , Schr Marietta Tilton, Tilton, for Philadelphia., rimed at Savannah 26th inst. Behr& Fred Warren,Coombe, and Mary Delphina, Mace, hence at Bosto n that. Bohr J B Bleecker, Edwards, cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. Bchrs Elate, Facemire, from Norfolk, and B P God- win, Henry, from Milford, Del, arrived at New Pork yesterday. Bohr 0 Id Neal, Henderson, from New Bedford for Philadelphia, arrived at New York yesterday. Behr 0 A Recksher, Stubbs, hence at Charleston 27th inst. fichr M W Morse, Phillips, from Taunton, to load for Philadelphia, at Bristol 27th inst. Behr W 0 Mershon, Mershon at Boston 20th inst. from New Orleans. -Dec 5, lat 28 60, ton 753i,shlpflamuel (I Glover, from New•Orleane from Liverpool, Capt Kilham flick. As the 8 0 0 him not put in any where, it is probable that Capt K had recovered: , 'Dec IT, Tortugas bearing NE 100 mile, chip Dictator, from New Orleaue for Urumqi. MARINE MI6OALLANY Barque West Wind, from New Orleans, at Garden Key, Meow, in attempting to enter the barborl2th inst, without a pilot, struck upon a etoal She het false keel, and was leaking badly 19th feet, Echr A llowe, in attempting to enter the harbor without a pi lot, struck upon the same shoal. She was partly light. sued and got off, extent or damage not known up to the 19th. superior chip of about 1000 tons not yet named, was launched at Freeport recently. bile is owned by the builder, A 11 Stevens, of Boston, and others, and is to be commanded by Capt Curtis Merry men,,lete dap Brandywine -.Norfolk, Dec contract been made to get the ichr G Waterbury MI for MOO. The.sehr /X Watts, from DOStOli for Norfolk, Is ashore eighteen miles south of Cape Ilenry, The captain of the L 0 W ban con ,tracted for 81200 to got his reesel off The edit. Frank, from Wilmington for Norfolk, is ashore on Ourrituck Beach. We had • very heavy easterly gale on the 26th, and we apprehend further disasters on the coast. Fortimouth, Bee 24—The schr 0 Q Waterbury, of N York, previeuely reported, went ashore at 10 o'clock on the evening of the 21st. The wind was blowing from the BE at the time, bite lieu bead on, near the under tow. • too bbls molasiee and 3 hhde sugar have been landed; if the weather proves favorable we will save most of the molasses and part of the sugar. The vessel him sir feet of water in her hold. A Warn pump will be emit from Norfolk as soon as possible; with that It is expeoted the TOMel will be saved without much damage. -Some unnecessary apprehension was felt at Valparai so the safety of the barque Sephronta, which was 'erroneously reported to have left San Francisco Aug 21 for that port. The S Was safe at Ban Prancisco,at a very recent date. lIANDISOIIII TKElTlMOtall...—PfeAlidOnt Buchanan has (mused a splendid silver trumpet to be presented to Oapt W W MeLennon, of the British ship Star, for his gallant conduct in resetting the officers and crew of the Ameri can ecbr Northern Light from shipwreck. The trumpet is of the most beautiful workmakship. Beneath the mouth-plea is an engraved figure of the dolphin, di rectly below which, and encircling the neck of the trumpet, lea silver rope, and along the body are repre oentations of the ancient galleon. One side bears the American eagle, encircled by a wreath; the other side contains the inscription: "The President of the united States to W IQ McLennan, captain of • the British ship Star, for his noble and disinterested conduct towards the captain and crew of the American echuoser North ern Light), NOTICE TO MARINERS. 0a033 Lfinag LOOT &tie, (Delaware Bay.)—Tble teasel has been removed from her station for the winter season, according to previous notice. By order of the Light! , "mae Board. EDWARD M. YARD, Lighthouse Inspector. Philadelphia, Dec 29, 1867. 00.3 E lIIIIHATARI A ANN Tintabid En LIOEITHOUSS, LOUISIANA. Barratinia Lighthouse—A fixed white light of the fourth order catadloptrie of the system of Frestel has beenkibilfited from the octagonal tower recently erect- Inside of Fort Livingston, on the Isle Grande Terre, at the east aide of the entrance to Berratarla Bay, lA. :The tower Is built of brick, 09 feet high, and white washed . The focal plane of the light la 60 feet above the mean level of the sea, and the light ahould be visi ble, In ordinary states of the atmospherv,l3 nautical piles from the deck of a 'vessel 19 feet above the water. • - A P1 1 M 1,0914 Prialtion—Lit 39 16 44 - Lou 89 94 30 W of (I reenwleb. .Tiroballier Lighthouse—A fixed whitiOlicht , of the fourth order ottariloptrio of the notion of /resod has been exhibited trete th e ee t ureee t te hite, tower recently erected on the Weet aide of the Grand lose of Timbal liar, at tha entrance to the bey, Louisiana, " The Saner 3 bnlikof brick, bb feet high cod wh it°. malted, The focal plane or, the light se no feet shove the 11,10102/ level of the see, end the light should KO nautleif :allow s fa, olohisly "Wes of Act Maw sphere,froni the deckers vossellB betabove the water, Approximate position—lA 50 SI N. 'Lenin 11330 Wet Greenwich. iy older id the Lighthottso Board.. r W. U. STEVENS, - Ligkthotlee Inspector, Ninth District. Oxlveston, Texas, DO 7, 1957. • Notice a given that the Frying Danaher& Light Vey- NA; oil Cape Felt, has been thorough; repaired, and will be placed between the Ist and sth oriaunary 1858, AS near her old position as tulip be (mind prooticablo. Due notice will be given, with bearings, depth of water, An. Ly order or the Lighthouse Dowd. TIIOBIAS T. HUNTER, Lighthouse Inspector, Sixth District. December 22,1857. FOREIGN PORTS. At Valparaiso 16th ult, ships Independence, Chad wick; A AI Lawrence °hippo°le; dames Littlefield, Leo; Ellen Rood, !Why; hutorprise, McLean; Flora, Warsau; Buena Vista, Linnet, and Morning Glory, Itobbs, Imo; barques Welkin . , Drown; D 0 Yeaton Foto, and Gold Bunter, Berry, do• Georgiart;lteynOlia, and Cochitu ate, Irvine, for freight or charter. Bld 4tH, 'Hip Alex'. andrie, Bartlett, from New York, Coquimbo, to dii charge her cargo of lumber. At do name date, barque A S Ramos, placed under the Chiller' flag 6th ult. At Rio annelro 12th ult t ship Neptune's Car, Douse, from New York for Ban Francisco, ar Bth, repg; barque Duntington, Baldwin, from Baltimore, ar gth; Panama, Gram, from Oronstadt; brig W Drone, Knight, fm, Daltimoro, vla liable, or 12th RI 6th ult. barque Nautilus, New York; Bth, barque Smallwood, Martin, New Orleans; oth, barq.m Fanny Roirnes, Smith, Mobile; 10th, barques Evelyn, Ames, N Orleans; Elberta, Ilichborn, do; It Janson, (Orem) do, DOBIESTIO PORTS. NEW YORK, Dec 30—Arrived, ship Cornelius Grin nell, Winchester, London; barque Greyhound, ulbrad. gen, Malaga; schr Queen of the South, (a.masted,) Weeks, Havana. Cleared, Behr 11W Brown, Derrick. son, Wilmington, N 0, Below—Ship Jars, Graffant, from Newcastle. BOSTON, Deo. 21L—Ar, ship Black Prince, Brown, N York; barks Nineveh. Robinson, N Orleans; Avola,Ken drick, Charleston; Lindley, Kent, Baltimore; Helen Maria, Nickerson, do; Br schr George Prescott, Ander son, Cape Haytien; schr 8 It Allen, Baker, Richmond, Va. Cld—Bark ClOrdelia, Cook, Curacao; brigs Bird of the Waco, (new, oLKingston, Mass. 179 tons,) Bnrditt, BarcolSna, ( Spain;] 21, W Packet, .Loe, Caps Haytien. Old 213th, brig W D Rice, (iIST) Mitchell; San Fran cisco. tild—Bark Now Empire; brig Selma ; Sid yea; terday, brig Santiago; schr EnslVind. BAL TIMER, Deo 30—Cleared—Ship Mary Goodell, Goodell, Boston; Dashaway, Cooper, Liverpool. SAVANNAH, Dec 26—Cleared—Steamship Florida, 'Crowell, New York; color Loyal Scranton, Lowden, New York; brig Daniel Webster, Boston; steamer St Johns, King, Jacksonville; ice. NEW ORLEANS, Dee 23—01 d, ship Junius. Er skine, Bordoatur; 'Cirque Uncle Bani, Cole,Charleston. 24th, err, ship Eleanor, Watts, Loden; larque Prince of B. Moira% Cumberland, England', Fehr Ed Bar nard, Stone, Drams St Ingo. Old, ship' Olty of Brook lyn, Mitchell, Liverpool) Kentuckian, Merryman, Havre; Oteble, Pierce, New York; bariplei Chavallle, 4nderseh. 20=4 bag 24,— , 714 sh3p4 liaws, Halts, Liverpool; Pyramid, enderaorr, ,Queeriptown, and market; barqtre Alice Motor, Poet, do do. I:rotwinlmmonliioilein:wos74 Up to 12 o'clock Last Night GIRARD 1101:19E—Ohestunt street, below Ninth Uov R J Walker, Washgt'n Mr Duncan & la, Miss J W Duncan, Miss Thee J Mona, S C In T DI Lanahan, Tenn Mr Church, N Y 'll Barnard, Conn 31J Hughes, St Louis A. B Stye & la, Md Mlle Hutchins, Ind F G Van Tient, N Y D Mollwain,'Daltimore II W Shipman, N Y Janes Henderson, N Y Henry 0 Ainsworth, Boston T N Haller, York, Pa Mrs Haller, York, Pa J A 9 Tuttle k lady. N Y Norris Buckman, N Chunk EIiIw„LBTAV .• 3, 'lncision, N Orleann A R Flake, P & 8 R R Joiti,d iieynolde PI Y Z Barnum, Baltimore It hEISIAW Bartioliarg W Brown, Indiana W It Penalton, Vs John 0 Many, Cincinnati N Barrow, Ohio Mrs E 8 Gardner, Ohio Mine P Barrow, Ohio It Denney, Smyrna J W Bavin, Smyrna - J P Honecker, Smyrna E Harris, Richmond Daniel Moore, N York Ralph Trembly, N York 11 IV Kendall. Maine John Patton, Maine W A Holmes; N York -• C 0 Adreon,- Baltimore, Md Henry White, Bentimore,Md W K Webster & la, N Y P W Welohman, N York E M. Johanna, St Louie Jan El Graham, Henry Shafer, N York F Bolivar, Car icons R 3 Malan, (lamas B NE Buckingham, Chicago Chia W Russell, Virginia Gen 11-Walbridge, N York D Mann & la, N York Vln Hodges & la, N York S A Beason, N York CiW Clapp, Maryland W II Starbuck & Is, N Y Miss Defaii, N ;York.. Mute Starbuck, N York Geo B Stetson , Bridgewater Z IVAN, Massachusetts K Carpenter & la, N York S Worthington, N Ybrk Geo P Bissell, Hartford, Ct II King, N York MERCHANTS , HOTEL—Fourth street. below Arob T P Anderson & la, N Y L Andersen, N Y ISt Hammfll N J L O Fry, Trappe, Pa AlBarbrook, Taunton, Mass A 619 Eichelbergerasnover Hon DD Wagner, Easton ER Walker & Elmira W D ToMbler, Chunk IllasE Thompson, Pa Wm Colhoun;Oal Chas noose], N Y • J Lasear, Waynesburg David Barnita, Easton D II Snyder, Easton Wm Young, blifilinburg D W Moore, Clearfield Dr W IWileon, Bethlehem N Weimer, Allentown B F Ifaatings, California W DMcltinatey, Merceiibg Alex Weise, Pa II L Stephens, Wayne co, Pa AMERICAN HOTEL—Ohestnut street, above Binh. J P Cramer, Pa Chas Morrell, New York Miss Morrell, New York J lt Randall, Washington W N Newman, Washington 11 0 Campbell, New York J Meilville, Kentucky 11W Cummings, Ky D D Danville, VIM Jon E Mason, N W B Patten, Dolt nos Street, Belt D W 0 Cleaver, Pa Col Wright, Sunbury W W Johnson, Washington IV Goodwin. Mass Mist E 0 Lloyd, Salt ONION HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth. Saud Zeller, 31d J V Thornton, Scranton Mil% N Williams, Scranton L C Ramsey, Salem, N J D W C Routelle, Pa Chas W Cooper. Allentown 3111 Horn, Jr, Pa Eenraa Reting, Pa A BeMet. Labia co, Pa L 8 Hacker, Lancaster Mrs Elentin, N J 31 A Galli, Dalthnore 31 Graf. Fort Wayne, Ind Chas Williams, Phila 3 L Klimm, N "3 Wm Mintzer, Pottstown E P Richards, 11l John J McClure, 11l Miss Rumsey, Salem, N J .1 P Salmon, Hazleton, Pa E Evans, Reading A J Crosier, Milllinburg STATES llNlON—Market street, above Sixth. Mr N Y J F Huber, Pa W P Lambert, Lancaster co J B Smith, Lancaster co hl D Kendig, Lancaster co J Herr Laneneter co D Hollmau,Lancaster co James Jenkins, Baltimore Elwßomble, Baltimore 0 W Hortman, Pa G W Smith, Phila E J Roach, Phlla J F Smith, Phil 4 RATIONAL HOTEL—Raee street, above Third. S K Moad, Hartford, Coon 0 Heebner, Lee, Mass Ja Stewart, Pa W 8 Warren, Strasburg II S Carey, Delaware Deo W Morgan, Pottsville W 13 Clarke, Phila. A Kline, Lancaster co, Pa MADISON RoNBD-Becohd street, Om Market chas H Grainy, N Stuart, Plttebutgh Wn S Mclean, el El Kreider, Pigi 0 R Briggs, N Jae II Radcliffe, Del E A Diamell, Sumer., Del Jae L Mightier, Pa BLACK DEAR INN—Fifth and Merchant streets. S Leedom, Del co, Pa Mark Brooke, Del co, Pa J P Tustin, Lewisburg .1 W Strawbridge, Ohes co Jesse Thompson, Ohne co A P Yocum, Chestet co Buckwalter, Ches co Mr Carter, Md Wm Van Sweringer, Pa Jno R 'Phonspeon, Downgto Daniel D Swift , Lane co Jno W Swift, Lane co Jno P Swift, Lane co Thos Stilloy Pa (leo Pearson, Chester co L Beck, Chester co Wm Coffman, Chebter co Jno Blakely, Chester co Henry Kool, Pa A Lyons, Md 0 Taggart, Wilmington, Del BALD EAGl,o—Third street. above Callewhill. M Monthhelter, Pa I Reimer, Pa Mrs MonthheHer, Pa Jacob Reimer, Pa Miss Monthhelter, Ps M Weaver, Beaton John Monthhelter, Pa Aug Reinold, Lancaster B Brown, Bucks co D Zook, Cumberland J Keyser, Germantown 0 Zook, Cumberland C Berger, White Haven BLACK BEAR 110TB1,—Third street, ab. Callowhill Wilson Worthington, Ps 11 Yerger, Green Lone 0 Zetty, Pa C Bly, Eariville B Lecher, Berke co Wm D ll Diemen, Pa 0 Ronde, Byberry BARLEY BHEAF—Second street below Tine. A B Largo, Ato P Jamison Bucks co J Heston. Newton it Jamison, Bucks co E Gilltogham , Cheltenham P Price, Doylestown J W Busby, N J B Corbin. Guilford, Ct Miss M J Henry, Pa B Goss Bucks co T P Harvey, NPER J Yerkes. Bucks co J Kilts & lady, Pottsville 0 K Swallow, Pa Mr Hobensack, Pa i3pecial Notices Sewing Machistee.—Call at Sixth and Arch and purchase one of those Unproved Double•Threaied Family SEWING MACHINES. Price $l5 and po. de3o-3tit pollday Gifts.—Gentlemen's Wrappers, Mut• Berri, scarfs, cravats, ties, stocks, shawls, ho. These are most useful presents, and are to be found in great variety at W. W. Knight's, 012 Arch street, above Sixth, at very low prices. del2-d-tdeo. Skates! Skates Shateal—Our readers will find the largest and most complete assortment of this winter luxury, and at the lowest prices, at W. W. Kxionr's, No. 018 Market street, opposite Decatur street. n030.1m B. C. Dewald, Commission Drollness in Com. merclal paper and negotiations of loans, 66 Wainer Sr., opposite the Exchange, Philadelphia. nolo.2in Saving Fand.—National Safety Trust Co., °Mee, WALNUT Street, S. W. corner of THIRD. ARRANGEMENTS FOR BUSINESS DURING THE SUSPENSION OF SPECIE PAYMENTS BY TUE BANKS. 1. Depoalta reeelTod and payments made dolly 2. Current Dank Notes, Checks, and Specie will be received curdeposit. 8. Deposita made In Dank Notes or Cheeks will be paid back In Current Bank Notes. 4. Deposits made In Gold or Myer will be paid back In Cain, Interest Finn ran ORM per annum. no2B Bower's Infant Cordlal.•••Thls lave Wale Cordial is prepared from a variety of the moot choice and efficient aromatics known In medicine, and le the moat perfect and reliable carminative extant for infante and yonng children. By Ito powerful Influence a /merrily cure to effected In all cases of Cholie, windy palm' and spurns. Relieve/ and mitigates much of children's suffering during denti tion or teething, and by Its soothing properties tran unitises pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, &O. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and hen been need in thousands of came with the most abundant stemma. No family should be without It. Prepared only by Ungar A. Dowse, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N. B. earner of Bluth and Green ate., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addressed. And for eels by Droggists generally. an 18-17 Ramat* Saving Fund —ollloe 203 Walnut street, one door west of eeoond street. Receives de posit* In sum' of One Dollar and upwards, from all oluses of the community', and allows Interest at the rote of five per out. per annum. Wide open daily, from 9 until 9 &cloak, and on Mon• day and Asturday until 9 in the evening. Ptesident Franklin Fell i Treasurer and Beeratary, Marisa 11. Mortis, , kyr Perfumed Breath, White Teeth, and Beautiful' complexion, uee ' , Balm of 1,00 Flowers." For dreaillog I,lolesi hair, use a Woodland Cream, a new Pocoade.ii It eurlii(lentlemen'a hair beautifully. ti. P. INTRIDON & Co., Proprietors, N.Y. for sale by T. D. Peterson, 806 Obeetnut; Samuel Dimon, Twelfth and Chestnut; A. 11. Ifttrand, 718 Chest nut; T. 11. Peters 4c 00., 716 Chestnut; 0. 0. Yawns, tflf t Dook•etore, 488 Chestnut; 0. D. Hubbell, 1410 Chestnut; Breach, Rlchazde, k 00., Tenth and Mix. het; A. D. Taylor, Ninth and Walnut; Dr. Morrinon, derentoentle and Obeetnut ; J. W. Slime k lone, Dletteenth And Twenth-llecond and Market; Edward Okletrtiann 100, Obeetuut; Thomas Laneuter, corner 11114ienth and Walnut. - no/14/ THE THURSDAy,;; , ,Dgaiggit 31, 1857. Furs! Furs! Furs 1— Salted off at reduced prices, wholesale and retell, at WM. P. lIESEVIS Faro; rnr Store, No. 152 North Third Street, below Rare street, „ del4-1W Saving Fund OF THE AMERIOAN TRUST COMPANY, S. N. Masan FOURTH. ►No WALNUT STAMM; Has always paid in full on demand, ►ND CONTINI9IS TO DO 00. INTRRIST,IIVN PRA MT. Bold Reps.—Tito attention *I the' public' I* 0811.4 to our oseortmont. Each pen worrnoted to give sale/notion. ' PARR /c THOMPSON, 4.22 d9po Eagle Bonding, 1124 Obeettint Pers.—Joseph lioneubaum's Ware are cele• brated for cheapness, etylo, and quality., Store 4186rch treat, between Fourth and Fifth. N D,—Furs altered into fashionable etyles. We etady to pleme. de4-114 The Greatest Gargalli:is in She Werld.—The eubserlber, being about to close his business, offers his entire 'sleek of superior Reedy-made Olothing for FAN. All In Want of s supotior article are Invited to glee him a call. Store to let sod fixtures for male. II TRACY, 292 MARKET Street. del6-133 Cabinet Ware and UPHOLSTERY, 524 WALNUT BT, °proem - INDEPENDENCE SQUARE.' GEO. J. HENEEL'S, 524 WALNUT Street, 0e22.8m Late of 178 Oheatout Street Bank of Pennsylvania Notice.--Notre of tap Bank taken at par for a Wholesale Stock of Clothing, now being Bold at Retail. deB-1m No.l North FIFTH Street. An Important Feet...-We now see It an. nooneed that the extensive Wholesale Clothing Deal ers, STRAUSS & GOLDMAN, No See MARKET St., atibve Third, have commenced to Retail their entire stock at Wholesale plicee. Good Coffee. Lovers of Coffee cannot realize the full value of their favorite beverage without having it made in the Old Dominion Coffee Pot. ARTHUR, BURNHAM, A, GILROY, irr and ID South Min, cor. of George, d3-am Solo Manufaoturers Jawing', JOB PRINtER, AtBROHANT STREET. 6014,,N0tae, Bratle, Bills Lading, Bill liesde, Cir. celtiri, Cards, and all oilier kaki of Job Printing, at prices to OM the tiiies. On the 2 ith instant, at Gloucester city, by Elder Wm Lauer, Mr. CHAS. V. DI. REDFIELD to Sties RHODE ANN POWELL, daughter of Mr. Samuel Powell, all of New Jersey. On the 25th October, 1557, by Rev. J. B. McCullough, of the Western M. E. Church, Philadelphia, J0.5111'11 BRUNT to FANNIE HUMES. both of Cheltenham, Montgomery - county. Pa By Rev. Francis C Pearson, West Plilledelphia,,on Friday evening, December 25th, Mr. JOHN WARREN to Miss MARGARET 5f AGEE, both of Twenty-fourth Ward. On the ithh„inicati of drdrilipox, MARY HELEN, daughter of Louis L. and Henri& P. Pauly, in the 14th year of her age. The funeral will take place from the resitipttee,b( her parents, No 1516 Poplar stieet, on this (Thursday), afternoon, at 2 o'clock, to proceed. to South Laurel 0111 Cemetery. it . . Oa the 29th Instant, Mr. PETER CAMPBELL, aged 69 yeare. Oa the 28th instant, ANDREW JACKSON HARRELL, aged 23 years. On the 28th Instant, EL.IZABEiII, wife of John Ray, in the 45th year of her age. 117• The Society for Supplying the Poor with Soup will commence delivering Soup THIS MORNING, SIM Inst., at their Lime, No. 23 GREEN Street, neer PINE: • Donatlons are rasped. r ally, solicited, and will be re, calved by Jeremiah Hacker, Treasurer, 310 South Fourth street, by John J. Thompson, Secretary, 12$ %Ina street, by the Committee on duty at the promiros, and by the members generally. de3l-at Mr At the Annual Meeting of the Academy ON NATURAL BCIENUES OF PHILADELPHIA, held, TUESDAY, December 1867, the following Moore wore unanimously elected to servo for the ensuing 700 r: PRESIDENT prolog Oen. VICE PRESIDENTS Robert Bridges, 14. D. Isaac Lea. CORRESPONDING iIECIPY.John L. I. e Coate, M. D. RECORDING SEORETARY.B. Howard Rand, Id D. LIBRARIAN 1 Aitken Alelgs f M. D. TRE4SURER George W. Carpenter. CURATORS Joseph Leidy, M. D. ' John Casein. William 8 Taut. Samuel Aehmead. .Joseph James. Samuel Ashamed. Whit= S. Voila. PUBLICATION 00MIIVE.William 8. Vona. bur Lea. W. 8.14' Rusohenberger M. D. Robert Bridges, M. D. Joseph Leidy, M. D. By order of the Academy. B. HOWARD RAND, M. D , Recording Secretary. AUDITORS !Er City Treasurers Offiec—Girard Bank. CUILSDIELPIIIA, December 29, 1857 NOTICE.—The SEMI-ANNUAL INTEREST on the Funded Debt of the City of Philedelphin, due January 1, 1858, will be pad on end after the let proximo, at thin offioe. W9t. V. IicORATII, de3o-3t City Treaenrer. Uity Treasurer's Offirp_Girard Bank Deoemorer 29. 115.5 T. NOTICE.—LOANB OF THE CITY OF PIIILADEL MA maturing January 1 11359, will be paid on and after tile let proximo, at thleoMee. WM. V. McORATII, de3o.Bt City Treasurer. fl Our names hal lug been published among the list of Failures in the Sunday Trnowript of Dec. 27th, we take this means of eontradicting it, as we have met all our liabilities promptly. de29.3t* P. WAPLEB & CO. fry- The Ladles of the Industrial Women AID ASSOCIATION are ready to receive applications from poling women who are desirous of obtaining em- ployment at the West, and who can lotting satisfactory reference as Itouaemaids, Cooks, °Midi:nines, or nny other domestic business. Room No. Ile South SE. VERTU Street. Mrs. THOMAS EARLS, de29.81 Vlce•President. fl r Office of the Commonwealth Insurance COMPANY OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA.— Pennant to the requirements of the charter of the Com monwealth Insurance Company of the State of Peanut. Tanta, an Election for Ten Directors, to sorra the emu log year, will be held at the Moe of the Compan N. W. earner of FOURTH and WALNUT, on NONDAt, Jammu 4th, 108, between the hours of 10 and '2 o'clock no2B•stuth-tE SAMUEL 8. MOON, Seo'y. lir Literary Burean.—An Experienced Editor, a succeesful author, and a thoroughly educated Literary Man, ornery with twenty-Ave years of the drudgery of Daily Journalism, nos determined to hire out or sell his brains at retail to those who may require their merely'', in any honorable way. Merchants, Bnaineee , lien, Inventors, and dealers of every kind, will be supplied, oft-hand, with Advertise ments, (political or otherwise ) Notices, Clarde, °iron tars, or any species of article desired. Petitioning will be supplied with Speeches, Reports, Reeolutions, Letters, Toast*, Pamphlets, Editorial Ar ticles, Communications, and every other sort of Brain work, which they may find it inconvenient or trouble some to do for themselves. . Ladles and Gentlemen, of evel,Parik In society or oc cupation In life, can have Lettoriwritten en any sub Jett, whether business or sentimental. The advertiser will also conduct or translate Correa fah, of every kind, either English, French, Span fah, German, or Italian. Poetry, Acrostics for Ladies' Albums, Motes Billet doux, Monodies, and Compositions of the moaedelicate and confidential character incident to every possible circumstance or event In life, will 'be furnished in in violable confidante, by writing to the undersigned, and explaining their wishes. Orders by mail, accompanied with cash, will be strictly and promptly attended to. PRILADELPHINAND ELMIRA RAIL ROAD CODIPANY.—QUICKEST ROUTE to El mira, Buffalo, Chicago, Rock Inland, Niagara Palls, 'lildwaukie, Burlington, Montreal, at. Paulo, Detroit, Dunlieth, and et. Louis Passenger tralna will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and VINE Streets, daily. (Sundays excepted,) as follows : 7.80 A. M. DAY EXPRESS, For Elmira, Niagara Folio, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Rock bland, Galena, St. Paula, Barliogton, and St. Louis. 3.80 P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS, For Elmira, Niagara Fella, Bu f falo, Detroit, Chicago, Hllwatikee,Rock Nand, Galena, St:Pauls,'Butlington, nod St. Louie. [Mr" Tickets good till used. Baggage checked to Elmira, Bigfalo, and Suspension Bridge. Williamsport 0 00 Elmira 7 00 Canandaigua 8 01 Geneva, via Gorham 8 00 Rochester 8 90 Niagara Falls 10 00 Buffalo 10 00 Erie 10 00 Cleveland, via N. Y. and Erie 13 00 " via Niagara Falls 13 00 Toledo, via New York and Erie 16 25 Columbus 10 50 Cincinnati, New York and Erie. 19 00 Niagara Falls 10 00 Indianapolis, via New York and Eric "1 Ou Detroit, via Niagara Fella 18 50 Chicago, via Great Western Railway 22 00 Lake Shore Railroad "2 00 Rock island, via Niagara Falls ^7 00 Lake Shore Railroad 27 00 Burlington . 28 00 lowa City 2" 25 St. Louis, via Chicago 29 00 Indianapolis 29 00 Runßeth 27 00 St. Pants 35 10 LW - Tickets can be procured at the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Company's Ticket 019ee. N. W. corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and at the Pan sensor Depot, BROAD and YtNY.. THROUNII EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leaves the Depot, Dread street, below Vlue, daily, (Sundays excepted,) for all points Went and North, at ; P. M. Freights must be delivered boron 3 P.M. to Insure their going the rime day. 1 Freights are forwarded with greeter despatch and Lower Rates than by any line from thin city to the Wont and Northwest. For further information apply to ALLEN k HUGEL, Through Freight Depot, Broad, below Vine, or to the Depend Agent, N. W. cor. Sixth and Obeetnut sta., Philtula. G. A. MOLL% (lent Supt. Phllada. and Reading Railroad. N. A. FONDA, Gent. Supt. Oetawleea W, & R. Railroad. . A, TOSDFIRI,D, deBl-17 Dent. Sept. W i niaport and Elmira Railroad. reSSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. A., —Notice le herebiglven, that the firm of HAM. MAN, BNYDEIt, A. 00. hes We day beon dissolved by mutual content. JAHNS 8, YOUNG Is authorised to use the IMMO of the late firm In settlement of It. affairs Hlguud JOHN RAHMAN, HIMON SNYDNO, JAHEB H. YOUNG, SAltth. P. GODWIN, JAPIEB H. DIMING. linit,aosi.mils, Deo. 8000847, de3l.ot. I $6,000, and $lO,OOO to Invest $2,00(11 In Mortgap. AjOy to lISPLOCH h. PASCHALL, dlatH.ltit Its WALNUT [Most. ANTIID—A YOUNG MAN FULLY mnrotppitotahpohergporp)lothil Drog Mr* Ono who Imo a lkorooglt knowlottko 44 the boNlop.A. Additooi *ibtlVCi(lllllyi pt WO elks. 4014 * Mautageo iltleatba. J. TIIObIPBON, Literary Bureau Box 2285 Philadelphia P. 0., Ps I=lP OLD VIR GIN]. 4 AGAINST TEE WORLD.—Just arrived, the sateen*? Wm. With s flue load of York Elver Planted OYSTERS, and Weals on board, at SPRUCE Street Wharf de3l-It* • 'rump FITZPATRICK. NEW MUSIC—ALONE.—ThIa now and popular Ballad can be hid at ' BEOH & LAWTON'S, O. B. corner OEVENTIO OHEEITNUT. LEE & WALICOMS, deft-6to CHESTNUT, below Eighth Street. %IWO GENTLEMEN AND, THEIR Wires, or four single Gentlemen. will find good Beard, trith all ,the oonirorte of home, in genteel, quiet family, by addressing 3. A , Hgx39o, I' 0. Terms moderato. Location central. Reference ezebanged. %wilt* 350 VALUABLE ENGRAVINGS, , IN ELEGANT PRAXES, P UIII.IC SA I.E, kNENOII, KNOLISIT AND GEHNAN TUT and Colored Engravings, OF TIM eTOQ OF , A. 8. ROB 1 NBON. Will be sold by 61. THOMAS & 8088, Auctioneers, uithout reserve, AT THE STORE, 910 CHESTNUT STREET, . SALE TO use FLAME UN JIONDAY AND TUESDAY, January 4th and 6th, CO6l SIENCINO AT 11 O'CLOCK ricturea once for inspection. Catalogues three days parlous to sale, de29•tu th s mot, REAL MOCHA COFFEE. 75 HALY AND QUARTIIA HALTS HUPTHIOH OOLONG TEA. 400 AJBORTHD PACEAUTB TINII QUALITY. Juat Received at ALLEN CUTHBERT'S FAMILY TS/ STORK, 23 9. BIGHT!! OT above 011E8TNUT, de3o.llt Next Sharplees & Bro., Ur STAIRS T ° Y s FANCY ARTACLES, CANES, CHINA AND PAPER RABIES, GAMES, PIPES, 6EOAR OASES, TRICKS, AND PUMAS, 6:0. With an , endless Variety of other Goods, Just opened GEORGE DOLL, No. Id NORTH SIXTH STREET. CANES of every description mounted with Gold t Silver, Ivory, tie, C 11306, Opilli GINIIII, and Crutches neatly tapered de3o-1w E ENGLISH BOOKS JUST IM PORTED and for sale by O. 1. PRIOE & CO., No. 33 Id SIXTH street, above CHESTNUT. .SPORTING IN BOTH HEMISPHERES. 13y J. D'Ewed.Wore,/ engravings, 12tno, cloth.sl 25. OUTRAN ANO ILAVELOOK'S PERSIAN CAM PAIGN., By Capt. U if Hug - 78tN Highlanders. 'Colored plates, I2mo, cloth THE BUCCANEE RS, or ' the Monarch's of the Main. ByWalter Tborobury. With illustratiohe by Phlz. 12mo; cloth, $1 25. 0051310 N OBJECTS OF THE SEA SHORE. By the Rev. J. O. Wood. Finely colored plates, 12zio, cloth, $l.OO. TILE. MUTINY IN INDIA TO THE FALL OF 12wn, fancy boards, 26 cent/. TALES OF 'WOMEN'S TRIALS. 13y Mrs. B. C Hall. Finely Dlustrated. New edition. Small 800, cloth, Si 60. TUE UPPER RHINE AND ITS PICTURESQUE SCENERY. Beautifully illustrated on steel by Dirket Foster. Small Bra, cloth, gilt, $5. CHARLES MACRAI"S POEMS. New edition U. hydrated, 140,,c10th, Si. LIVINOSTPN'S TRAVELS IN AFRICA. Finely ii. luatrated,wlll omit and plates, 0. Foreign Books fuiPorted to' pler by every steamer. Monthly Ca alognes of de* dnd 9M Englleti and French Books furnished gentle on andleatfott. deSo.3t PHILADELPHIA AND READING ALM ROAD—FAST FREIGHT LINE —Freight trains leave the Depot, BROADStreet, b low VINE, daily, for Buffalo, Buspenalon Bridge, Canada, Detroit, Chicago, htlivraukie, Galena, Dubuque, St. Louis, and interior. dicta pointa. This la the ehorteet route is Canada and the Lake Porte, and goods will be forwarded with greater deepatch to the above polute then by any other route, TAIRI44 Of PRIM flea 100 1.118 Via, Railroad. /et class. 24 class. 84 class 88 65 63 Basperisitinßridge,, Buffalo or Dank lA. a. Chieago, ' at 1 az 1 00 Freight go llig through by rail MI tire way must be merited °V fAiltA.IL. , ` No transhiliment between Philadelphia and Elmira. Mark goods via Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, and send to the Depot, Broad street, below Vine, daily, before 5 P. M. For further information in regard to We route, call at the through freight office of the Philade'phis, Nia gara. and Orrat Western Line, N. W. corner SIXTH and OfILSTIIUT. de3O•F LONGOHAMP% OLD TOM LONDON CORDIAL GlN—The best eperlfic fur Dyspepsia, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all die Urinary organs; run SLIEST Torus AND INTIOORANT. The late important reduction of the duties oh spirits has permitted the Introduction of this remarkable article, used ao extensively in Europe, with the appro bation of the medical faculties, guarantied pure and unadulterated, withdrawn for consumption from the vaults of the Custom House. It Is recommended to all families by the beet physicians, either as a curative or as a fteventore of the above (Denson. F. D LONOOIIABIP, Sole Importer and Proprietor, Z 7 South FRONT Street, Philadelphis, Pa For sale at the principal Drug Stereo of Philadelphia and other titles of the United States. U CLIAMEOIN, 204 South FRONT Street, Sole Agent for tho district of Philadelphia de22•tuthelm*t ATOTICE.-CLIESTNIIT STREET .1.11 BILIDGB. niotjoi Ajtp BSTISI3TEIt for a Bridge over the firer nottuythill, on the line of Chestnut street, In the Oity of Fbiladelphin, will be received by the Chief Bo glomer and garreyor, at the DE'P'ARTMENT 01 , 1311R VBTS, Olty Building, FIPTII Street, berm Walnut, until the itedolad day of January, 1858. 1140.1 Bridge to be of the following dimensions, without any pier, or with not more than one pier in the water-way ; the materials of construction throughout, to be Indestructi ble by Ore. Distance between abutments... • 388 feet Width of Bridge, out to out, not tees than.. 42 6 . Elevation above low water 81 Yor an arch the springing line should not be lees than eleven feet above low water. The Plans and Estimates will be received under the arrangement and conditions epecided in the ordi nance of Councils, approved November 2d, 1857, as fol. lowe, viz Salmon 2. That all plans and estimatee to be received by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City of Phila delphia, each plan and estimate to bear a private mark, and be accompanied by a sealed communication having a corresponding mark thereon, so that the name of the designer may not be known until the plan most ap proved shall have boon selected. &Moir S. That all ouch plane and eetimates shall, when received, become the property of the City of min. delphikand stall be presented within two months after the passage of thie ordinance, when it shall be the duty of the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, by and with the advice of the Committee on Surreys and Regulations, to Invite a commission consisting of three civil one neere, who, In conjunction with the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City, shall examine and decide upon the relative merits and applicability of the plane presented, to the Bridge eite proposed, and report to Councils the number of plans received, the names of the designers, and the character and estimated cost of the three plane by them preferred. Samos 4. It shall be the duty of the Chief Commie• Moser of Highways, upon a certificate presented and M signed by . Chief Engineer and Surveyor, to leene warrants in payment of the coat of the aforesaid Myer tisemente, and also in favor of thole persons who may bare presented the three plans preferred by said com rnieelon ; to the first In point of merit, the eum of $400; to the second, $250, and to the third $100; said warrants to be charged to Item No. 19 of appropriation made to the Department of Highways, Ste., for the year 1857, approved March 10, 1957.1 For further information, or for cross section of river, addrees STRICKLAND KNEASS, Chief Engineer end Surveyor City of Philad e. no&dtjana BRIDGE NOTICE.—THE TIME FOR receiving Plans and Estimates for the Chestnut Street Bridge, has, by Ordinance of Councils, been ex. tended to the Seth day of January, 1826 STRICKLAN KNEASS, de3e-dlja2o ChlecEngln oer and Surveyor REMOVAL. JOHN STONE h SONS, INFORMS AND JOBOLUS OF SILK AND MILLINERY GOODS, HAVE REMOVED TO No. 8O CHESTNUT STREET, ADOVO SUMO. d025.20* KEROSENE OIL, DISTILLED FROM COAL KEROSENE LUBRICATING OILS This Oil is not only CHEAPER, but SUPERIOR TO THE BEST SPERM. It will NOT GUM OR CONGEAL AT A LOW TEMPERATURIt, end It will RUN LONGER AND KEEP THE JOURNALS COOLER THAN ANY OTHER LUBRICATING MATERIAL. Er Machinists and others are requested to call and emit:nine these oils at the sole agency, CIEORGE Lt. FREEMAN, Agt., del9-am-if No. 110 Walnut street, above Front. A N NOUN,CEMENT. XS- The anbscriber begs leave to announce to hie friends and the public, that ho will open his SALOON fur their reception en MONDAY, 14th Inst. Ills stock (a large and rich variety) will consist of PRESERVED sago ORYSTALLIZED FRUITS, APB'. 00TD 1 _ entlinlLES, PINEAPPLES, PEARS, QUIN 0 E & 0., &e • BONBONS—AIarge And fresh memitment. FANCY TOYS—lneehanical Toys, paper, 'rood, nod sugar—an ondlesa variety. FANOY BOXES—Newest styles, fancy and plain, and varied temortmont. of every possible description. BAOB, CABAB, CORNETS, BASKETS, wroltred, PASTILLAUES, hc,, all of recent Importati, and which for extent and variety will d, fy competition. For sale by S. RENRION, Confectioner, des.lm MARKET street, above Seventh. OVERSHOES. -700 Cases Men's Long and Short Boots, Oror•qhnen, Sandals, Clogs, and Foot.holders. Women's Long Bente, (Mere, Buskins, Sandals, and Orsr Shoes of all kinds. Bop' Long Boots, Over Shove, and &iodide Misses' and Children's Long Boots, (laitore, Over Shoes, Sandals, and Clogs, all of the !mist makes, and fresh made. For solo by the rase, dozen, nr single pair, at reduced prices. Wholesale and retail dealers will find our pricco lower than they can ho bought in New York. JOHN TIIOIINIKY, 811 CHESTNUT Street, above THIRD, !mirth Ride de23.2w ORIGINAL. EDITION OF CHARLES KNIGHT'S rIOTORIAL BHA ESPEABE—lnclud lug tho Doubtful playa and Biography, nod illustrated with very numerous Engravi age on Brood, in the high eat style of art; forming 8 vols., imperial 8 vo. The sabsecibers have been enabled to secure three copies of thie magnificent edition of Shakspeare, which him long been exceedingly scarce. Immediate applica tion will be necessary to prevent disappointment in pro curing oopiee. 0. J . PRIDE & 00 , Importer. of English Books, del-y No. 38 South SIXTH St , above CHESTNUT. THE INTEREST DUE JANUARY 1, .1858, on the Mortgage Bonds of the ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD COMPANY, (hold in Philadel phial nIII be paid on presentation of the Coupons at the Oleo of N. 8. WiIEhEN & CO , No. 309 WALNUT Street. JAMES GIBSON, Treasurer. PITIOTUKULI, DOE. Si, 1657. de28.0.2. RILLS AND ACCOUNTS COLLECTED. PHYSICIANS DENTISTS TRADESMEN, and others can have their Bills and Accounts made out and Collected by en experienced Accountant, who can give the beet refs rencee. tiollectione in this city from out nide parties, Promptly attended to and remitted. Ad. drank AOCAUNTANT, No. 27 South SIXTEENTH Street. de2.8.6t BUFFALO OVERSHOES. MEN'S and WOMEN'S 01.714AL0 OVERSHOES for sale by the We or stogie pair, by ORO. W. TAYLOR, 0022-9al R. R, Our. MAILLST.ead HUTU Ems. EN GOODS. RE M 0 V A L. L. J. LEVY & Cl.t , ARNOUttOK TO THI PUBLIC TUT Will. 01 . 63 i TEMA NEW STORE, In CHESTNUT, Om EIGHTH Street, Tills (Thurthiy) EVENINU, NEW YEAR'S EVE .BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA NOTES IllAs TAKEN Al PAR FOlt DRY GOODS CLOAKS AND TALIKAS In every variety, at all prices. BED BLANKETS at 52, 41.10, $3, SI, 5 0 , sai Si, and $0 A few very superior BLANKETS at 12, worth CRIB AND INFANTS' BLANKETS, a lull assort ment.o BALLARDVALE UNSIIIIINK ABLE FLANNELS. al. 37X, 44, 60, 62, 76, $ l. SCARLET, YELLOW, AND TWILLED FLANNELS, all prices. TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, AND TOWEIANGS, every variety. SHIRTING LINEN, RICHARDSON'S best make, all qualities. DELAINES, CASIIMERES, ALPACAS, PARA MATTAS. BLACK SILKS, a few pieces very cheap and good. FRENCH CALICOES, yard wide, Bed goods, and very sheep ENGLISH. PRINT+, 300 pieces, of the newest and prettiest Ayres. BEST CONESTOGA TIOKINGS, severed widths and (pralines. GENTLEMEN'S UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS. LADIES , TINDER TESTS, very nice goods CASSIMEREB, 11,4TTINETTS, AND BOYS' WEAR. BROCHE LONG SHAWLS. BROOM; SQUARE SHAWLS. BLANKET SHAWLS, every price and style, both Lon g and tram FOR FRIENDS, a few chores kinds. KID GLOVES, WOOLLEN GLOVES, SILGLOVES, HOSIERY. YARD-WIDE VELVETS at a great reduction. FANCY BILKS. Several hundred yards REMNANTS for sale VERY CHEAP. We are receiving NEW GOODS every day. SAMUEL S. HESS, No. 923 MARKET Street, north aide de3l-61 between Ninth and Ten ib. rum AND VIENNESE BROM LONG SHAWLS, At $B, $9, $lO, $ll, and $l2. With a large aseortment of auporlorgoods, which we are eelliag at very reduced peic a ' CURIVEN, STODDART, B BROTHER, Noe. 450, 452, and 454 de3o NORTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE WILLOW. BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATTINETS, Boy& wear generally, And Clothe For Ladles , Cloaks From the late Auction Saha, at REDUCED PRICES. . CIHIWEN BTODDART A BROTHER, 450, 462, sal 464 North SECOND Street, de3o shore WILLOW, ••_, "USE FIJ L AND ORNAMENTAL!— Iv PRICES TO SUIT TOE TIMER!—NEW EM BROIDERIES FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTB.—Just opened, now and choice styles of— Swiss, French, and Scotch Collars, from 25c. to $6. Cambric Collars, very cheap, from 26c. to 24. Au Passe Collars, new styles, from 500. to $l. Picclonlill Collars, beautiful goods,from The. to 51 60. Moulton and Maltese Collars, very cheap,76o to fa 60. Valencia, French, Swine, Cambria, Linen, and Moul ton Sete, from 60c to $l5. Embroidered and Hem-stitched Harlketmhlefs. very cheap. Sleeves, Infants , Waists, Prenoh and Chantilly Veils, Flouttclogs, Embroidered Scarfs, Ac. Rib Pons, HIS Gloves, and Gauntlets. CLOAKS AND SHAWLS closing out at at, enornsorte sacrlSce , also, Detainee, Blerinoes, Coblitge, are. Quilts and Counterpanes closing very cheep, at F. & T 11. ULMER'S, 8 W cor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Ste. NARROW BORDERED CLOTH TABLE 1 COVERS —We Imo just received one case of su perior Cloth Covers, in Drab and Brown narrow borders, designed for Friends; also, the same with centre piece., and Piano Covers in similar styles. SHARP LESS BROTHERS, de23 CHESTNUT and EIOIITH Streets. CLOTH CLOAKS FOR PRESENTS. V Gray Cloaks, $2.10, $3 50, he. Bleak Cloche, richly made, $3, $5, &c. Fine Black Deaver Cloaks, $5 to $l6. Cloaks in profusion of efyle, quality, and price. LADIES , CLOAK CLOTHS, Bought et auction, am! for cash, comprising— Fine and medium Black Beaver. Black Lionskin or Mohair, $l, $1.25, $1 60 Black Milt Velvet, for Trimming, 60 cte. Brown and Gray Cloths, very cheap. MOQUE SHAWLS. Scarlet, Green, and two-faced centres. Good Broche Long Shawls at $8 and $9. Blaoa Thibet, Blanket, and Children's Shawle. GLOVES, CRAVATS, SCARFS. Gent' , Shawls, for travelling Warm Gloves, Underdhirte. Drawers, & ace COOPER CONARD. EL R. cor. NINTH and MARKET. N. D. MARA 10. cent Drlnts, in divest', for Ohrlet mu Gifts. dell CHRISTMAS PRESENTS OF REAL WORTH Fine Black Cloth Cloaks for $5. Beautiful Chenille Cloaks for 11. A great variety of Cloak. from $.l to IS. LONG BROOME EILAWLI3, ALL WOOL AND SILK, FOR $B. Square and Long Brecht. Shawls from $0 to $2O. Blanket Shawls, Chenille Shawls, &e., &c VERY EXCELLENT BLACK SILH/3. balmy Lithe cloning out below cost. French 51erinoe at 50c. English Cobourgs very cheap. Figured and Plain all wool Detainee for 25e. per yard Fine quality Plaid Cashmeres for 2.5 e., double width. GOODS OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION. Irish Linens, of the very beet make. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Linen Handkerchiefs. Ladles' and Gentlemen's Kid Gloves. We have a very large stock of Linen Table Clothe, Napkins, Towels, Cloths, Cass'mores, Blankets, Flannels, Carpets, ge., Sc. TRORNLEY & CRUM, N. E con EIGHTS and !WRING GARDEN " We buy and sell fur Cash, and have but one price ' CLOAKS.- 011EAP AND ELEGANT CLOAKS. The largest and handsomest stock of VELVET AND CLOTH CLOAKS In the City, AT 11110001811 0010E0, AT GEO FRYER'S, No. OH CHESTNUT STREET. (19,2 B°"' CLOTHING. F. A. HOYT k BRO. Hare nod' on hand I very large assortment of READY•MADI GOODS, Suitable for the present season, whleh they feel disposed to sell CHRAP. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, 8 W. CURNBB 'MTH IID CHMiTNUT 818 N have a large assortment of uncut goods, of superior quality and make, to order from. di-1m L ADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS HEW 000D8 OPENED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL & SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES 1098 CHESTNUT Street, four doors below Eleventh And 310 8, SECOND St , below Spruce. FACTORIES —Noe. 93 and 97 GEORGE Et , Tenth, end SECOND Street, near Union. Orders nude at a few hours , notice. sal {mit ijolibnp eifto CIIHISTMAS AND HOLIDAY GOODS. W. D. OLENN, No. 2.8 South VURTII Street, offers to dealers and the public a VERY LARGE VARIETY OP FANCY GOODS Suitable for the Holiday season. Being entirely of bla OWN IMPORTATION. The assortment embraces all the NEWEST STYLES, AND AT VERY REDUCED PRICES. Among It ant be found— Paper Mache Work Boxes, Deeka, Portfolio", An. Ladles' Caber and Traveling Bags Porte Monnelea, Purees and Pocket Books, In greet variety. Pearl Card Casts, beautiful styles Bohemian Glass Toilet Bottles, richly decorated. Odor Boxes and Wove Boxes. Fancy Bronze Inkstands, Thermometer', An. Backgammon and Chen Boards, Chessmen. Fine English Scissors, in eels. Fancy Cigar Stands and Cigar Caere Scotch Wood Snuff Boxes and Fancy Articles. Medallions in plastic ivory Memorandum and Ball Tablets, In pearl and Ivory. Together with numerous other articles In the line. PRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS THOMAS C. GARRETT, No. 3 CHESTNUT BTREET, BELOW FOURTII, NVITES PUBLIC ATTENTION TO 1111 LARGE STOCK OF 000DS, SELECTED WITH CARE, AND WELL SUITED FOR PRESENTS, CON• SUITING OF GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DIAMOND AND OTHER JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, FINE TABLE CUTLERY, Ace ,ka de2B-4t UMBRELLAS FOR NEW YEAR PRESENTS, YOH BALE BY WM. A. DROWN & CO., de2B-64 246 MARKET Street 1 1111RISTMAS PRESENTS.- Writing Desks, Portfolios, Portemonnales, Purses, Bags, Card Case., Pocket Knives, Backgammon Boards, Chessmen, Ono Letter Paper, and Stationery of every description, at greatly REDUCED PRICES. J. B JOHNSON, del7•tdeSi* No. 6 North EIGHTH Street. CALL AND SEE The Oreetent VARISTT OF HOLIDAY PRESENTS Ever exhibited In TIM Ora 0? PHILADELPHIA, Which will be sold nt exceedingly LOW PRICES MARESEN ' MASONIC HALL . , 41-t7 713 CHESTNUT ST political CITY COMMISSIONER, CHARLES M. D SMITH, PIRST WARD Subject to Democratic rules. FoR REGISTER OF WILLS— W . U.A,NCOOKS, TRILYTE WARD, d2-31n* subject to Democratic Ruled. FOR SHERIFF ALDERMOZ GEORGE MOORED MATH P 1 .0411 , SubJect to Democratic Rule. F OR SIIERIFF JAMEB G. QIBSON, TRUTT-BSCOND WARD elubitct to Demoaratio Rolm IaTELOOMB RANGE .--SOLD BY CIIIAII V WWI islatO, 102 N. PaCIOND pO. i4ll-11m M TIIO3IAS & SONS, • Noe 139 and 141 WITH FOON.TH ISTREET, (Formerly Noe. 67 sad 69.) REAL ESTATE, 13THOES &O. Pubilo Sales at the Philadelphia Exchange Silty Tuesday Evening 1D Handbills of each property loaned separately to addition to which we publish on the Saturday' previous to each sale one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving full deeeriptione of all the property to be sold on the following Tubed/Ey. 11 .- FURNITURE BALEB AT THE AUCTION STORE everyThttzeday morning _ _ _ REAL ESTAT . EAT PRIVATE SALE. ED" We have a large amount of Ilea Estate at Pri vate Bale, ineluMng every description of City sad country property. Printed Lista may be had at the auction Store. PRIVATE BALE REGISTER. 117' Real entered on our Private Sale Re gister, and adver ti s ed occasionally In oar Public! Sale Abstracts, (of which 1,000 copies are printed weekly) free of charge. • STOOKS, &c 45 MARES CONSOLIDATED COAL COMPANY. On Tuesday Evening, January sth, at 7 o'clock, for account of whom it may concern-45 sham Consolidated Coal Company, Lu cerne county, Pa., par $lOO. Also. 0 alarm' Commercial Bank. L2O aharea Delaware Mutual Insurance Company. $llO scrip Delaware Ilatnal Insurance Company—by order of Executori. -'" Share In the Point Breeze Peck Aseeelation, shares In the Philadelphia and Mercantile bibrarie‘, and Philadelphia Athemeum, demon ticket/ to the Academy of M 5 shares American Academy of Mosta, share in the Aesdemy of Fine 'Arta REAL. ESTATE SALE-JANUARY Sth Tbli sale will include— AN ENTIRE SQUARE OF GROUND, TWENTY THIRD WARD, OPPOSITE THE EPISCOPAL HOS PITAL —The valuable square of ground, haring a front of 585 feet on Front street, 546 feet on Lehigh avenue, 585 feet on Fillmore street, and 548 feet on Somerset street. Your valuable fronts. VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND.—The valuable four story brick store, finished in "[Meru stylo, No. 136 North Third street, above Arch. NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE.—The neat modern residence, No 410 South Eighteenth street, below Pine. Immediate possession Executor's Sale—Estate of Elizabeth Lippincott, Deed DWELLlNG.—Threextory brick dwelling north side of Parrish street, east of Ontario street VALUABLE LOT—Chestnut street, Germantown . REAL ESTATE SALE—JANUARY I2th This sale will Include Or] :phone' Court Sole—Estate of John Ft Jones, Decid. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING —Southeast orner of Ninth and Poplar streets. MODERN RESIDENCE —Neat modern residence, No. 818 North Eighth street, below Green street FARM OF THIRTY AOREEL—Desirsble small farm of 30 acres, with improvements, Cheater county, Pa., near the Chester Valley and Rending Railroads. Full particulars now ready in handbills. VALUABLE AND ELEGANT BOOKS—SUITABLE FOR NEW YEAR PRESENTS. This Evening, December 31st, will be sold at the auction store, Noe. 118 and 141 South Youth street, a collection of elegantly illustrated and bound book, on various cub sects. Included among many others are the following authors Lamb, Spenser. Leigh Hunt, Macaulay Long fellow, Willie, Bancroft, &c., also, neat editions of the Poeta In elegant morocco and calf bindings. Irr For particulars see catalogues and the books, which are now arranged for examination. Also, at 8 o'clock, a COMPOUND MICROSCOPE, with numerous interesting oboe ta. Alto, without reserve, 1 share Philadelphia &the nuns. VESTINGS, SALE OF FURnifFLE, FINE' MIRRORS, ROBE. WOOD PIANO-FORT ES, CURTAINS, he. CARD.—The attention of ladies and others desirous of purchasing is requested to our sale at the auction store, this (Thursday) morning, comprising, besides lots of superior household furniture, 2 elegant Trench piste pier mirrors, fine oval mirrors in rich carved frame*, fine toned rosewood piauo-forte, rosewood 'cot tage piano, fine tapestry, Brussels, ingrain, and venetian carpet*. cults of handsome lambrequin curtain., gilt cornices aunt canopies, chins, gissa, and plated ware, beds and bedding, papier macho desks and workboxes, stores, &c. 11:7" Catalogues no* ready, and the sr • es arranged or examination. Sale Nos 130 and 141 South Poet., SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PINE HMI leS, PIANO PORTE, BRUSSELS CARPETS, AO. This Morning, At 10 o'clock, at the suction store, an extermixe smart ment of second-hand furniture, mirrors, piano-torts, fine carpets, &c . . LAMBROQUIN CURTAINS, dce —Also, several emits or handsome lautbroguin window curtains, with cor nices ; fine rosewood bed sonoples and curtains, gilt cornices, fine mattresses, &c. ELEGANT PIER MIRRORS —Also, 2 elerant French plate pier mirrors, 'Pi by 105 inches, in rich carved, gilt frames. PEREMPTORY SALE OP FINE ENGLISH AND FRENCH ENGRAVINGS OF HIGH OOST AND BEAUTY Stock of Mr. A. B. Robinson. On Monday and Tuesday Alf/rains, Jan 4th and sth, commencing at 11 o'clock, at the store of Mr. A fi Robinson, No 910 Chestnut street, above Ninth, will be cold without reserve 3.socholas and beautiful engravings, many by ,tbe moat celebrated English and French arthde The collection embraces • variety of very interesting subjects, In neat and elegant frames, the whole to be sold, as above stated, without reserve. 117- Catalogues with particular/ will be ready three days previous to sale. Sale for account of United States. CLOTHING, BOOTEES, DRUMS, Ac. On Friday Morning, Jannary 15th. at II o'clock, at the auction rooms, for account of tha United State., 234 uniform costs, 216 pairs woollen overalls, VA fatigue Prtk.ets, 166 linen jackets, 26 match coats, 146 cotton shirts, 32 blankets, (107 pair bootees, 403 knapsacks, 35 yards scarlet cloth, 44 tenor drums. 3 bass drums, 110 drum snares, lot uni form and fatigue cape, pompoons, belts, hair mat. tram., Ac i)=J" Terms—cash, payable in specie AT PRIVATE SALE. Pharos in the Academy of Music ; Point Breese Park ; Ph iledel phia and Atpreantile Libraries; Athenaeum, 44 PARLEY" AT PRIVATE BALE. • The elegant country teat and farm, known its 4 ' Far ley," late the rendence of Richard Paxson, deceased i formerly of Dr. Shipped, is offered at private sets. Full desert ptiona may be had at the auction rooms up. SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, (sneers- Jur• nor to IVOLIERT & SCOTT,) 431 CHWITNITT Bt., opposite the Custom Howse, between fourth end 111th Streets. inenrance Companits THE MUTUAL HEALTH INSURANCE SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA Office, N0e,151 South FOURTH. Street, Above WALNUT, (Up Stafre,) Phil&lelphla . . CAPITAL $1)3,000. BILAS 8. DREW, nissiozn Fiusoetal Committee .—B L. BROWN, J. JOHNSON, E. F HAZLETON The °Meet of this :society is the creation of • Mutual Fund, to be applied in the most advantageous manner for the benefit of its sick members. fly the payment of the following yearly deposits you will become a Life Member of the Society., and will be entitled to a weekly benefit if you should be disabled by sickness or accident from attending to your ordinary business or occupation 'early Deposits of .3lenibt en under 50 Years of do V 2 00 per year draw $2 00 per week. 303 5 . s• 5 5 300 " 55 4 00 " " 6 00 •• i• 600 " " .. 800 i• i. 10 00 •• •i First neek excepted In addition to the above an expense Fes of 11 .50 will be charged tho first year which must be paid at the time of making application and the yearly deposit no thirty day.. All who wish to become members of this Society should make early application. All claims will be promptly paid Ogee open from 9 A M. to SP. M. de3o•y !IR.A_RD FIRE A. MARINE ANCE COMPANY, PUILADELPHIAL—Ofdoo, Ho. 801 WALNUT street, went of UMW n JIBE 11113K8 ONLY TAKEN." DlllO7OlB. Jer. Walker, /no McClure, Tho Craven, A. B Gillett, Turman Sheppard, Vaml. Jones, M D Joseph Klapp, M. D. Wm M Swain, Johg Amparl, Jr., II Iv Burroughs, J B Hughes, F. D Phormen, Wm P. Wacker, J P. Steiner, 11. A. Shackelford, Ilo'n .19E1 Hon G. W. WOODWA.RD, Jno. 8 1 iAIIIIB B. ALIVIID. ANIIMI COMMONWEALTH FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OP THE ;STAY,. OP PENNSYLVA NIA —Office, N. W Corner FOURTH end WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. Subscribed Capital, 1600,000. Pald-op Capital. 120.000. DAVID JAYNE, M. D , President. THOMAS S. STEWART, Vice Prea't. 81MITIL S. Moon, Secretary. and-ly FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! FURS!H! JOHN FAREIRA & CO-, Importer!, Manufaetorers, and Dealers in FANCY FURS, FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN flaring manufactured an Immense Stock of FURS, with the expectation of doing our usual business, the present pressure of tho times, and comparative stagna tion of trade, here left us with an unusual amount of Stock upon cur shelves. It is to meet this difficulty that we hare now DETEIOIINED To dome out our At Prlcea actually lees than THEIR COST TO MANUFACTURE! We bare oleo on hand a hug and complete assort ment of GENTS' FURS, (MOVES, All of which will be sold at very LOW PRIM. No. 818 BURNET St , bet. Eighth end Ninth, nolO-Ow South aide Orttaim — en's farnlel)ing efoobs VINE SHIRTS, mat'e to order, and war ranted, of elegant ma,erial and superior work maudlin. Also, DOOM Stocks ant Oentlexnen'a Wrap pers, at the Premium Store of W. W. KNIGHT, 612 ARCH Street, above Sixth. N -, 47 RAPPERS ! WRAPPERS i WRAP PERS .—A very large and elegant aseortment at reduced prices. Also, heavy under-clothing of all de eorlptlons, for gentlemen's wear, at W. W. KNIGHT'S, 612 ARCH Street, above Sixth. no2I-y WINCHESTER 1 4 : SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SRAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. Ti CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, Is particularly MrDad to this Improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole sale and retail, and made to order. anb-lyll CAVING FUND.-UNITED STATES A. 7 TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD oad CHEST NUT Streets. Large and small mime received, and paid back on de mand, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdiewal. Office hours, from 9 until 6 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Iceland, and Scotland, from Li upwards. Preeident—iSTEPllSN R. CRAWFORD. Treasurer—PLlNY VISE. Teller—JAMES It. HUNTER sel7lllf MEMO COL. G. DE KORPONAT HAS THE honor to inform the Citizens of Philadelphia that be has been appointed INTERPRETER of the Unit^d States Courts, and opened an Office foe translations of all Modern Language. at 1010 GEORGE Streat, above TENTH, where he will be in attendance to all the busi ness transactions in hie lino. STORAGE on SECOND and THIR D FLOORS can be had at 119 North Water street. Apply to MARTIN& DIAOALLSTBR. i 1023 Salta by 2tartian JONES, President. Vice President Md.Nint.t.ts, Secretary. tent Secretary. not-Bm-if ENTIRE STOCK COLLARS, &o Oaks . 1312 'Auction. BY ALFRED HERKNESS, PHILADELPHIA HORSE AND CARRIAGE BAZAAR, southeast corner of Ninth and George Itts between Chestnut and Walnut streets. harness Sales horses. riageo, and , kola regularly every of SATURDAY car ItIORIMIG, thro ughout the year. commencing at 10 o'clock. The largest collection of new and awed-band carriages harness, saddles, to , In the city, may be seen at this establishment for private sale. IL?' Carriages received on storage. Out-door sales attended to on reasonable term. HORSES, VEHICLES. AND HARNESS. On Batarday Morning, At 10 o'clock, at the Bazaar, will be *old, liereee, vehicles, and harnem. JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, NO. 422 WALNUT STREET above 7001711. O.IIID-9AL.E O.V HOUSEHOLD IININITITILY-11/313.. DAY. ED- We beg leave to inform the public that we hold our regular weekly sales of Furniture every Tuesday, at our SPACIOUS SALES BOON, NO. ATI WALNUT STREET, where every possible attention is given to ob tain the highest pricesfor the goals of those who may favor us with consignments. farellios having porticos of their furniture to dispose el, or those dialling home keeping and not wishing stales at their own dwellings, can have their furniture CAREPULLY HILMOYND I'o OUR SALES ROONI, WHERE THEY WILL HIBALILE BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR YUMITLIIR THAN THEY CAN OBTAIN PROM ANY Or THY IiTfRNI. TURF DEALERS OR ANY OTHER AUOT/ON STORM IN THE CITY. - . Mr Persons faeoring na with isceaverrum7l eaa reef assured the: their property will not be sacrificed. Commtseions more moderate than tans akezpd by any other /mason House in the city pler Consignments reepectfnlly solicited ugirr • Sales Dad Named:attar after the goods are Sold. REAL ESTATE SALE—JAN - CA.BY Mb. This sale et the Ercbange, on Wednesday ervestbrire January 11th,1658, at 7 o'clock, will Include— Orpheus , Court Sale—Estate of John Ward, Deed. TWO FRAME HOUSES, SOMERSET ST., EINE TEENTII WA RD.—The lo: of ground, with two frame houses thereon erected, northeeit side of Somerset street, 100 feet northwest from Aimed street, Rae teenth ward, 20 feet front and 106 feet deep. SU ground-rent. ID 150 to be paid at the ale AT PRIVATE LIES. A first-cisas Printing OiSce, with a good am of bad ness, four printing presset, two Ranieri and ens Adams Type and everything necessary for the Imams. Apply at the Auction Store. QAMITEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, NO and MONEY LOAN 077103, No. us eactk THIRD Street, below Walnut, oppOette Put at-, only eight doors below the Eicharege Hours of Nahum from 1 WeINA, A. N., sell 10 o'clock in the evening. Out-door sales, and Judea at the Ludt= Emu, It tended upon the most eatiMeetory term'. OAPITAI, 7200,020. Establithafer the /err Thirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to Mt Dies monde, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, PG& ehandiu, Olothing,Toroiture, Reddin g , ( Lotman* Guns, Rama, Carriage[,, and at siou description. AU goode eau tomato any length of time prod upon. AU advances, from one hundred dollars said:Zowde will be eluuged 2 perrite. eent. per month i 030 0 arm, the lowest market MB Store House having a depth of 110 bet, lossiarge Ore and thief-proofranlts to store all valuables, and psi Tate watchmen for the premises heavy ,• also, a Inn ranee effected for the benefit of persons laving spoke advanced own N. B.—en amount of haslet an anliadtgesiptlal,, this office Is prepared to mans &dimmed on men sae• factor 7 and accommodating terms thin sap Aim la this city. Money ad►aneed to the poor, to anal mom* itUkl ant lay charge. AT PItIVATZ BMX Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Zweskry, Clothing will be sold at 'educed oilcan eah4T MOSES NA. TH AN S, AUCTIONEER AND 11:010f12310N 1011101UNT, 8. N. mew SIXTH and RAZZ Altrudis. . . . AT PRIVATE BALE—GoId and silver patent tem, Lupine, English, Swim, and french watches, jewelry, of every description, musical instruments, Ike, tie. AT PRIVATE BALE—Arranged on aloud Soot, household furniture, of every description, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking glum, fancy Wacky die -e &a., /to. Out-door sales attended to personally by the Audios ear. Charges very low. Cossignments of furniture clothing, jewelry, As., &a , solicited. NATHAN'S PRINCIIPA.L LOAN 01111101, B. E. Corner of Sixth and Rue Street., Where money will be loaned on gold and silver plate Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds , Clothing, Dry Hoods, Groceries, Began H , ardware Cutlery, rarnitura. Bed ding, Horses, Vehicles, $ll4llO, Stocks, and ma ell ar ticles of value for any length of time agreed on, onmero sstisfutery and liberal terms than at any other estab lishment. Td. NATHAN& GREAT CHANCE TO PROCURE CHRISTMAS PRE SENTS POE LESS THAN HALT' THE USUAL, BELLING PRICE. At Prigate Sale, for less than half the selling pried" at the Loan Office, southeast corner of Sixth and itant. streets— Gold and silver watch.' of every deseription, gold chains; gold bracelets; hair bracelet% elegant geld breastpin% scarf pine and brooches; elegant gold fi nger rings; Roe gold ear rings; fine gold sad sliver pencil caves; fine gold spectacles; elegant gold shirt studs, va rious descriptions; jet bracelets: gold keys; Pas gold medallions; ports mounales, and numerous other uttcles of jewelry; notes; accordsons; steel skates; nrimuneopse; sursnyors' instruments; magnetic machines; revolver% he / Ike. tu- Call early and procure bargains. GREAT BARGAINS FOR CPUILSTMAR PUMA AT PRIVATE SALE, AT REMARKABLY PRIORS. flouting ease, doable ease, and doable bottom, Ink jeweled and plans p ylah patent lever watches. Silver Engliah t lever watches. Slanting meet open face gold seespeoseat sad leer watches Bruiting use and open facie gold terns watches. Very line enaaeled Mies' gold watches. Silver lever and !spine watches, English, him, gad French watches, gold &alai Jewelry, inasical astre. meats. and niunerocs fancy Initial. WEBB'B great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Gana, Pistols, Musical Instruments, tn., will Late pima shortly. Due notice will he given. WEBB'S great milt of Dry Goods, Clothing, Debthq, k.e., being forfeited collateral', will take place shortly. Doe notice will be given. AT PRIVATE BALE, AT HALF THE rictus, BELLLNG PRICES —Doable-bottomed and hating um. gold patent Imes watches, of the most ap proved makes; hunting ease and open face gold escape ment lever and lepin• watches. fall jeweled ; fine gold enameled lever and Moine watches for ladles' Fall jewelry of every demnption; sneer lever and • watches, in hunting canes and open face; silver Sirial, and Trench watches; a general amortment fur niture, beds, mattresses, mirrors. Ike. OUT-IXIDit BALM SOLICITED, Oadeborvo to ,It • to tames, low. Connigmenta of every dasolptloa of geode otatettoi for public or prtrata sal*. MONEY ADVANCED oa all sad *Tory Mad al rads, for rialto or private sale, or to bo held for a liattal Mom. Charles low. GEORGE W. SMITE, AUCTIONEER N. B. onset of DAN usd BOUTS Mora *boys Second. ITILNING DALES. MRS EVERT SATURDAY lITENTRO, At TX o'clock, et the Auction Ston, of Hud►tre, Cat! leoy, Housekeeping Articled, Clothing, Welchem, hovel ry, fancy Articled, As. 'Amusements Ap ALs s. D. P. BOwITERTS; STREET ?nu. Sole Loewe M. D. P. BOMNBA. Acting and Stage Manager —MIL ETCHINGS. THURSDAY EVENeiIE, 3lat. 1537 The Entertainulente commencing with the Popular end celebrated Comedy of STILL WATERS RUN DEEP John Whimsy ; Mr Conway; M a Mllinny, Mrs D Bowen; Mrs Sternhold, Mrs Conway. To conclude with the Celebrate I Comedy of the SERIOUS FAMILY. . . . . . .... . . Captain Murph Maguire, Mr Bonifsea . Arnleddab Sleek, I.le 1 E Owens Mrs Charts. Tutees, Ctrs D P Bowers. : Price, of Admission 25 Carib. Secured Sesta in Drees Circle 3 , T 3 El Parquet is it Box Office open from 10 o'clock A M. to 1 P 11. Doors opened at a quarter to 7 o'clock, cute/ will rice at a quuter past T o'clock. IVHEATLEY' 9 ARCH ST. THEATRE. v —SOLE LESSEE W. WHEATLEY THCESDAY EVENING, December 31st The performscees to commence with the Eccentric 1n.4 Popular Comedy. called the SERIOUS FAMILY. Captain Murphy Maguire, Mr E L Davenport; Childs* Torrens, Mr Wm Wheatley; Mrs Ormsby Delmalr.e,, Mel E L Davenport. The performance to conclude with the Grand Spec teenier Play of THE LAST DAYS OF POMPEII Arbaces, Mr E L Davenport, Lydon, Mr Wm Wheat ley; lone, Mice Emma Taylor ; Spite. Mrs E L Nev.:- port Scatx or PRIM —Rolm:s cents; Secured Sella, 33 cents; Oreheatra StalL , SO cents, Seats in Private Boxes, 75 cents,_ Gallery, 13 cents; Gallery for Colonel Persons, 55 cents, Private Box in cistlery for Colored Persons, 38 cents Box Office open from 10 A Si. until 3P. AL Doors will open at 6) o'clock; performance to commence at 7, precisely. NATIONAL THEATRE AND CIRCUS, WALNUT STREET! NEAR EIGHTH. LESSEE WESLEY BARMORZ. ASSISTANT MANAGER R JOHNSTON. EQUESTRIAN MANAGER THOS HOG. THURSDAY EVENING, Dee. 31st, 1557, The performance will commence with the Greet Equetritin Drama entitled the . . . . DICK TERPIN THE HIGMVATILLN Dick Turpin, Mr IT it Derr. Peter Bradley, Mr G W Chle, Eanulph Rookwood, Mr Chas; lburlasssh, Miss French. Mr. Samar' Sharpley ,n hie (treat BANJO 80L0. To conclude with the Laughable Pantomime of !CRISS SHINGLE; Or. A Ilialides• Night Kriss Xrincle, 31r 8 !temple', Clown. Mr Buck; Pan • taloort, Mr F Ricers A GRAND AFTERNOON PERFORMANCE EVERY DAY THIS WEER. Patces or Atmiesios—.l.s Cents to all parts el Ms House. Doors open at eh' o'clock. Performance to com mence at 7 V o'clock. SANFORD's OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. ETHIOPIAN PERFORMANCES THIS EVENING. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by Unfold's Troupe of Stars—liew Dances by the Seaford Children. Doors open at 7 o'clock—to commence quarter before e to t conclade with A LAUGHABLE AFTERPLECE. Admittance 2.3 cents. illonep Q I CULL, CAMBLOS, CO., BANKERS, No 9b South Third Street. The highest premium paid ter AMERICAN GOLD ♦ND NEW YORK EXCHANGE. Uneurrent Funds bought sad sold. Btooks bought and sold on GOMISILS.iOLI only n010....* A MERICAN GOLD AND ;NEST TORE EXCHANGE WASTED AT HIGHE:Fr CURRENT RATES, CRONUS 0: CO • SPECIE BROKERS. 40 SOUTH TIMID ST BW. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS, No 37 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia COLLECTIONS promptly made on all azcesaible points in the United States and Canada Stocks, Bonds. kc , Bought and Sold on Commisaiou Vocurrent Bank Note., Checks dde , bought at the lowest rated. Deposits received and interest allowed, as per agree— ment. nO2-3ns MINCED MEAT.- The Enbecriber has commenced mannfactaring Ni Pisa Infra MINCED MEAT, which he offers to his customer* in LAIOII Of SMALL INANTITIZI. Orders through BLOOD'S DISPATCH will be pear tnally attended to JOSHUA WRIGHT, nlB d /PRIMO GARDEN wad /ILNIISN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers