The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, December 31, 1857, Image 2
'~L ~+ _ i - ii.i ;ii-ts-; ; 0 : ) . ,, 6 , 1 ,i-a'; t' l .;;., - ~,, ."--.. • r2.-,.41.1',--.,•,'",,1.4ein , J'i'. , <, i_ 18R. THEb AfirEEKLY -PRESS. : . 70.4.0010(31 for,' BATOR XPATOsibnoAfelelf SA2ryt, 04. ,Thepreseet nusnber von telrel;bieilaes the nocostkn of SENATOR DOlrotii9,,fo, roptylothOopitioh. of smitton Frrotti the Senate; a vallegf6Wirrintiibldleaeligfo,rongifhlth wfU be fouittliktololloidogi• - • • • . - • , . - - - EDITORIALS. en,for,t-pw.tit,CotiOft ttotliu. , / 4 BAgdriO, i'ENI4P•xI;VANIA!u'PON ,PO2ULAISAVAo....,AUTt, "TfrAtt.O.RRIDINT:AND ~TIIS:,RA:NAAA-441MATION. SOUTHERN ORANRION. FOR 00141 AS. - , BROUSTART , Oif-TtIR - 00.11140NWEALT N. DIDFRANCEIORONNT-.OIkINN -PEOPLE:-OF FIF. TREN4)OI.INTI:ES OF:RAMS* , PfafFAL lAOSNY-01-ORRS.,„ , ODVERNOSI M. F. PAORift. SLOIFFSI4 ORAVINV AND FHB FOUR ORRAT" - f - •, . TRACTRNABURY NOTE RILL. . THE NAVAL STRAMIRO. - • TIIE PRRE4B."•IN cALIFORMA: Tiff NEW'DFALOFKONTS IN KANSAS. cAVIVIOD., OF', 'AU*. ABJAAT ylLlnufrr NRIV'4I44Y,UPON, FOPT3.,ARROVERETONTV. • J 71 1?, 41 * D-QT/04R. -• Tl3BjOjaitil*.i.9ot.c*ritiiXD4. tifitil.,43lj.pSOATßßS. , • TEMARRIODIOAT., NRW, , TEBTAIYIENV, - -spoanze, - *Np„LAIONDs_op, TRAVEL -AND 015. •-TORYi FOit • - AMERICAN' DRAWING BOOK: • ' MISSIONARY. TRAVELS ,AfiLIIRESEAROILES IN '„;;SOUTHAIMOA, ' " • - •. - r , z % Tipp? . IR or,psweLiN;ENGLIIIRPIIMPrEifi;; DELPOLOND-LOPEDITOV;,: , ' Ro?lkei. oy-TgiRERV ;- • • • - WIT ANA HII M QA.; 2 - • ' • COLUMN FOR TILE YOUNG. 1 •' ' • • LEARADE.-:4oogOuht),, • - , • ,• BIEDDInkIIDEATH AMON ;THE, BITE Of A . OAT, LETTER •warrillti: WLIALIAbt •• LATEST INTID/LGENCE • TELEGRAPH AND t MAILS, PEN. WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA, zuRoTE; &c. aßrona- AND CASUALTIES, PERSONAL AND MIS - OELLANEOUS INTELLIGENOE. GENERAVNEWEI. , REDDIREB OF SENATOR DOVGLAS,•IN REPLY TO - THE fIeXEOI OF SENATOR PITCH. ' .MIIVEDENT,OF.TROOPS.. . • :CAPTURE OF CASTILLO BY GEN. NV - ALDER— . . WALKER'S 81DIRENDEIR: TO - THE - U. IL TROfiPsi - WORT - ANT OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS RELATIVE ;I;', - cv,ROAARATTA.T.Ri3. _ • • . , OFFICIAL - DESPATCHES' FROM THE UTAH 'ARMY. nom - • • A L :POLITICA CIIISTMAS GIFT. • CORRESPONDENCE. OGRRESPONDENON FROM WASHINGTON. , - CALIFORNLA,CORRESPONDENOE. • -LETTER - PEON NEW YORK. L••"-L'; 'THE CITY. MIL,NEY; `GAME; 001Q4 , ' ,CATTLE MAIGKETSoke. WEERLy RENEW pa, THE PHILADELPHIA MAR . MARRIAGES AND DEATHS THE WEEKLY PEERS is furnished to subscribers at 81 per year, in advance, for the single copy, and to clubs 'ertwenty, when sent to one address, $2O, to advance. - Slagle copies for sale at The counter of Tax Passe of fice, in -wrappers, ready for mailing. Persons aeuding clutei of twenty or over will please bearin mind that, the paper thus ordered cannot be di coaled to each subscriber, unless the club price of $1.20 pee itnimni, la paid, and paid in advance. This is in - aocordante With .01G published rates, and some of our Mande- Ere overlooked it. Our heavy lista compel ua adNerei to thief mie. _ . F/REIT PAGE.-E49BlOCk• and Mulgrave—A Contrast; France seen through the laid French joemais ; Letter from a Radical Democrat; The Indian War in Florida ;•-• City Police; Catitivissa, Williamsport, and Erie Railroad Company Oeneral. News; Philadelphia Mar kets.: Pouters - Nov.—The Death of the Old Year'; The Tian of thiCastle—coneluded, ...029!" JlOll. - ROBERT. S. WALKER, the lath -fearless Governor of Sanwa, and champion of the of the majority," reached tide city /mat night, and le_ staying at the Girard Home.- - WEEKLY PRESS, We regret to say to numerous calls by every: mail _for back numbers of TIIE WEmity Pesos, that our edition has long since been exhausted. Ottr new, volume begins with to dafs great , number, and „we open the new Year with,glertous auspices.. • ` - "t4TES. NORIO ; leacklw The telegraphed" ',rice"; vra,Odilltz, by,' tbe E.,s: steirper .dramis as late AS tbeltith instant cram England. it is four days later that - by the Persia; and is 'not important. Further faibires bad , Java place in England. Breadstufra had advanced in • price. Cotton was steady. The Funds hid slightly declined. Farlienient had adjourned to the 4th of Febru. i*TIIOII CAIVST NOT SAY I DID IT :1) '"fn our account of the meeting held in this city'n Monday night 2 we noticed the centre, temps thit occurred during its preceedingS, which carae;welhnigh . dietarbing di the general joy _of the whole company." While chosen declaimers against the right of -the ma jority to form their domestic institutions in -their _own way were at the very height of their — Oratory, a messenger ,frtim ,the tele graph Wilco appeared. on the stage with the startling intelligence that; according to r the one-sided vote polled in Kansas on 'the 21a( instant, the Constitution WlTsi !Ilavvar had been Adopted. But this piece of news was withheld Item the meeting, for reasons which wore no doubt satisfactory ; to those who had gotten It up., It would not be en Unprofitable task; to specirla6 how far such Intelligence, if 'announced, might have changed the tone, of the speakers and eroded the diapoiltion of the audience. It was like thn appearance of Banque's Ghost at the !ba ilie board, and more than one was doubtless ready to exclaim, N , v)ili 1ta001), • ; • ~ "Avant, and quit my sight: Let the earth bide thee t.; • Hawse, horrible thadow l" 'We ask, in all seriousness and in good faith, are these who have heretofore been willing to endorse the Lecomajg Constitution, now reidy, to receive it? 1,111 the Democratic re presentatives from the North say that they are prepared, to vote for it in Its present shape? It :was -an easy thing to declare in general Lerma that the people of Kansas bad delegated their' authority' to" the - Territorial' Conven tion; but these fine phrases do not new Suffice to solve a practical question. Sixty days was the Dinh of Senator DonaLes4 prophecy, but thee - runs aPace; and a fortnight has not passed ere we see how the 'Aspect of things his changed, and-the responsibilities of men increased. The election to be held in Kansas On the lith of iatnlary next, will increase "the letereat Which now' attaches to this subject, and will show most clearly, whet the ccwill of time-majority" reallyls aim this groat• question; Ne do, not, understand that, Democratic members in Congress, from - "the•-Nbrth ern ' • States, hare - ever said: that they Were ready to ,force the LecoMpton Constitution on the people • of, Kansas against their fairly-ex, pressed will. The most .that they have said, (except, perhaps, the dissent of Senators Brous and Firm,) is that they, were willing to let the . vcite betaken as pro , thied for by the tichedgje: theConitlintitin,: add notantici iata'the :action of-the people 'by-Congres siornd legislation. Now, however, other means have-been proVided -to reach that result, Since the• meeting of Congress, a new Legia labire, recognised by the Administration as =a legal liody, has been convened, and they have Priivided, by ' law; for a fair election, a on the whole qbastiop., We • feel well assured what, the reenciudi and,, when it comes, what, is ho' atigtimilied. as faction, will as storto„,a ,very different aspect in ; the eyes of those who'have been Only too , servile In their endersument of as , gross a fraud as was ever perpetrated on theliberties`of n free people. , - co:11310130/11K s PAULD.Tio. hq nuniergius friends of this gallant officer, (and.'Whefiver he la known, he is admired and loVed); will 'regret that for.kerferiaing an act,. libtehAelbelfevetl" to; be in aceordanee with his duty, he hae,transcended the strict letter of instructions,: seems to, be admitted, thitelcir,4i taking the redponstbility" ' he will iapilinanded by; the= E*ceptive ; 'and we - 1 , 1 0 --..6lne= of I ..,the''mad, red-hot iffiiiiinOtaarii fee Ms - head, preeisely ha:„tiad,4 ll 9"rted the fiat he t haa served so *4;4 aitrinie long.„ Whatever his intuit) may te,4tore3er, theinottve tbakererepted , him is in !harmony, with Idr. , Buctid,tnArtli , Otter - of lesttlitY.'teldr#4, - however called . ; ; and Alo siiAn o , ii - `!endliatetter:exPlaining hie erisidnet, iiiiiiniii:6rdrfne ;his Manly bearing and true ' sailor franknois, • TIM CoMmodore is the tick ier grandson of that P . anrmotoj who, in the Re === vofutionary War, aided by Wattage, and VAN- Vprc, arrested Major Axpai, and lloonallumble 1M has advanced to the egyithie position:he now occupies in the Anierleiih",)7avy;;---Ite Is worthy of his heroic lineage".. :PhosOU Oen the delicate duty of ehastrstrOlioso :Acandal.. ens expeditions, which shame out good name to all the nations of the earth, overriding treaties, laughing laws to scorn, and offering up human life to gratify a delirious appetite for - carnage iind pillage, the Administration iihotred that they knew their Man. They may reprimand, hins,,for ,too , much, promptitude; .but, at the same time, they will not Withhold itom him that weed of praise which belongs to him, of being , a true. American, a spotless geatlernart, ant an honest man• We print the telegraphic despatches from Kansas, this morning, with ',top regret. But the dews was not unexpected; This sad result was predicted by Governor Mai= in his great letter of resignation of the 15th of be cenlber, as a certain sequel of any attempt to force the Locompton fraud upon the people of Xmas. The following extracts from his let ter aro propheek indeed: The 'power and rewitcossittility being devolved exelesively upon me, by the President of using the Federal power in Kansas to suppress insurection, the alternative wee distinctly presented to' me, by the lineations propounded at Topeka, of arresting revolution by tho slaughter of the people ) or of preventing it, together with that *tell war tohieft masa have extended - ehroughout the Union, by the solemn- assurance then given, that the right oehe people la fra*te their own government,eo ar re my pouter fretUtieti, should be maintained: ut for dal§ 11381111111013,1 i In a conceded Tact that the Topeka State Government, then assembled in legislative aesaion, would have been but into imme diate actual operation, anti that a sanguinary evlltsiota wide the I'?etleral army aml civil war must have ensued, extending it to /Sara through out ilea Union. , Indeed; the whole idea of an inauguraLaddress - originatedln the alarming intelligence 'which had inmettialcaslington oityof the perilous and in olidelstaebel lion, its -Kansas.' Thii insurreotion was reedited:still more formidable en my read ing the Territory by the near approach or the at sembling of the refoltitionary State I,egisiatUre, and the very numerous mass conventions by which it was sustained. . ./tt truth, I had to choose be . tureen arresting that insurrection, at whatever cost of American blond, by the Federal army, or to prevent the terrible catastrophe, as I did, 'by my pledges to the people of the exertion of all I my power to obtain a fair election, and the sub ,nttasioa of the Constitution to the vete of the peoplefor ratification or rejection. • Myittaugural and other addresses were, there ' fore, really in the nature of proclamations, (so .often leaned by •Presidents and Governors,) with A view to prevent, as they did in this ease, civil war end interruption. Now, byy my with of DOM, I was sworn to sup port the Constitution of the 'United States, which I have shown, in my judgment, required the sub- ' mission of the Constitution to the vote of the people. I was sworn also to take care" that the Raises and Nebraska bill "should be faith. fall.? executed," which bill, In thy judgment, as 'heretofore stated, required that the Constitution I "should be submitted to the vote of the people, and I was therefore only perforreinga solemn duty, when, as governor of the Territory, to whose people my Arid obligations wore due, I endeavored to Encino to them these results. The, idea entertained by sours that I should see the Federal Constitution and the Kan sas-Nebraska hill overthrown and disregarded, and that,ylaying the part of a mute in a pantomime of ruin, should acquiesce by my silence in snob a result, especially where such acquiescence in volved, as an immetgate consequence, a clisa,- irons and sanguinary civil war, seems to sue to be, moat preposterous. Not a drop of blood has been shed by the Federal troops in Kansas during my adminlatratlon. But insurrection and civil war, extending, I fear, throughout the country, were alone prevented by the course pursued by me on those occasions, and the whole people, abandoning revolutionary violence, were induced by me to go, for the first time, Into a general and peaceful ideation. These important results eonstitute a sufficient immolation for all the unjust assaults made upon me on this subject. I do not understand that these assaults have ever received the slightest countenance from the President; on the contrary, his message clearly indicates an approval of my course up to the present most unfortunate differ ence about the so-called Lelsoropton Constitution. Inasmuch, however, as this difference is upon a vital question, involving practical results and new instruction, Wks nettainly randi more respectful to the President, on my part, to resign th office of governor, and give hint an Opportunity of fining it, tee it is his right tinder the Constitu tion, with one who concurs With him in his present opinions, rather than go to Kansas and force him to remove me by disobedience to his instructions. 'II is lattter course, in my judg- Mont, would be incompatible with proper respect for the Chief Magistrate of the Union, loon &teat with the rules of moral rectitude or pro priety, and could he adopted with no other view than to force; die President to remove me from office. flneh &course, it is alleged, ,could present use to the public as a political martyr in the de fence, of the great principle of self-government ; but to go'to Kansas with any such purpose, or with a certain knowledge that, ouch a result must fol low, would be alike unjust and improper. My only alternative, then, is that of a respectful re signation, in the hope that Kansas and our be hoved country may be shielded from that civil war 'with which I, fear both are threatened, dy any attempt to firee the so-called Leconepton Con stitutrote upon the people of fratmar. When Governor RANSOM was nominated for delegate to Congress last June, by the Demo. crabs of Kansas in Territorial Convention, a resolution was offered in favor of referring the whole Constitution to the people, after it was framed and adopted, by a vote of forty to one! The same body of Democrats unani mously endorsed %Amor Wmaten. By the following call, it will bp seen that the Democrits had called a great mass meet ing to be hold on the 24th instant, which our advices assure us will be the largest political assemblage ever held in Kansas. This call is signed by leading pro-slavery and free-State Democrats. Judge PLUMMY, ono of the signers, is a pro-slavery Virginian, elected, on the sth of October, President Judge of the Leavenworth Judicial district; Mr. lIALDEIt- ILkN, a pro-slavery Kentuckian, anothor, was at the same election, chosen to the Council or Senate of that Territory; and Dntakit, of Ohio, another, elected to the Legislature, DEMOVItniC TiSStRITORIAL Cotorenttost6--.The general interest of the Democratio party of Kan sas Territory requiring consultation, and concert of action, the party in every county is earnestly requested to appoint delegates to attend a Conven tion to be held at Leavenworth city, on Thursday, the 24th of Deeember next, to immorally) Congress to pass an act enabling us to organise a State Go vernmer4. COMMITTEE. GEORGE W. PUREIREI, JtiO. A. IfAr..DEnmex, 3.11. Et. MATTHEW, CHAR. S. GLICK, H. B. DE:useaf, P. B. POST, A. B. BARTLETT, W. H. ILOGERS, S CEA". NICHOLAS, A. O. Davis, "DANIEL KILLIA, A. B. Ilezzann, Hugo EWING, FEHRILL, V. B. Yousa. THE NEW YORK lIERALb AND THE WILL •08 'rut MAJORITY. The subjoined 'article from the New York Herald, of yesterday, is suggestive. The editor of the Herald can appreciate the current of public opinion better than most men ; and he tries to follow ft. In the following article he gracefully comes into the support of the sug gestion of Judge DOIJOLAS for the settlement of the Kansas question. The Herald la tight at last: Unwa non Kansas—lnn anon %Wyllie re A ann.—The farce over niggers and popular sovereignty" in Ronne is at length drawing to its close. - The elootion upon the slavery (douse of the Lccompton Censtitution, appointed for the 21st instant, appoarsto have passed Off quietly ; and. 'from the returns thus far of the vote cast, the re sult has been in favor of Kansas as a slave State. This would, perhaps, be conClusive with the ./td. ministration, were there no other proceedings to be considered ; but there Ss another side to the 'planets, which, we think, will result in the rejee tion of the proceedings of both parties, and in a new, short, anti simple process for the settlement, decisively and permanently, of the whole ques. Um. Under the authority of the free. State Legisla ture, another eleotion is to take plate within a few MIA at which the Le4o/Ilptob Constitution will bo voted upon in throe forms—first, with the slavery , clause ; second, without the elaVery olause, 'and third, against the said Constittition in any shape or form. The Administration has instructed the new acting-Governor, Mr. Denver, to see that this election shall not be interrupted; and from the apparent smallness of the vote cast at the tato Le oomplOn eleotion, it is evident that the rank and file of the free-Rate party have taken no part in it; but have reserved themsettes for the express purpose of voting down the Imoomptan Consttu• tton on the 4th of January. Nor have we any doubt that it will be thus voted dawn by an over whelming majority; provided, always, that the returns of the late Locompten election are not three or four times multiplied in the making up. Our reports 'from Xmases, however, indicate that Mr. 'John Calhoun is disposed to act fairly and openly In the matter ; nor is It likely that, from tho vigilance of his enemies, he could with impu nity attempt any multiplication of hie voters, even It so inolined. In view, therefore, of the approaching January _election, we do not suppose that the administration will Bodoni the fractional vote already cast for the ,Lecempton Constitution as conclusive in favor of thatinatrament. On the eontrary, we apprehend that the President will wait for the authenticated tetanal of the Januarytieetion, and that the result will be a submission of the result of both elections to Congress, with a recommendation that the pro ceedings thus far, on both sides, in Kenna be quashed ; and that an enabling sot be passed authorizing a new Constitutional Convention to be elected, under such previsions as Congress may :deem eapedient, to the end of the speedy and peariettble ndmission of Kansas as a soy sign 'with or without slavery, as the people bide.b This pion of action will make ehort Woe , tbe Kansas agitators, and speedily put out 'of the. way this rotten obeys° of our mousing poiltiolans, The Adtenietration is not committed to the ao ceptanee of the Leoompton Constitution in any shape, unless it shall be presented at Washin g t o n under a state of facts consistent with a fair es- premien of thepopnlar sentiment of the Territory. 1 1 Thee it is already manifest that the desperate and reddest Kansas nigger agitators and scheming I politicians, inside and outside of the Territory, have overdone the thing, and have thus created the desired opening for a fair and honest solution of "popular sovereignty." We congratulate all honest sad sewage people that this Kenna ea trarsgonsa is pow nearly played out. CIVIL WAR IN KAMA' THE PthIOGRATS IN KANSAS. F e Pness.--PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1857. "A SAFE TREASURY AND A MOUND CUR tiztvcr.'l , Wallow) boon Much intirested in ttilfperusal ora PamPtilet laSly published by Aitv,s Ross Ssolvoin, Esq.i-Pirector' of the - ?Ont. 'lt is entliled "A Measure Proposed to ,Secure to the reoplo a Safe Tretisury.and a Soilnd Cur. rency," and contains a letter'. addrettied - f)37 him to the Secretary of the Treasury, devoted to the advocacy of a measure which'lsthus de fined in the introduction The proposition Considered embraces two objacb4 namely: 1. to 81107000 00iPoato$ tQ be issuod on de. posits or via? bullion, at the Mint and its branches, and the Assay Office, in convenient Aims, at the option of the depositor, And payable to bearer. 2. To permit similar certificates to be issued at the tnintinjl establishments above named, and at the Treaslity and Assistant Treasuriee of tke Uni ted States, on deposits of the gold coins of the United States. Tim mint is authorised, by the 19th section of the general mint law, passed January lAth,lB3l, to give the depositor " a certificate of the net amount of his deposit, to be paid In coins of the same speedos of bullion as thatdeposited." 'But it is proposed to go further,' and perthit several oer tificates to be Issued for the same deposit, by di• riding the amount into such sums as the depositor may wish, and making thempayable to bearer, it might. be proper that neither the bullion nor the coin certificates should be issued for a less sum than twenty dollars; but this point as well as the details of the plan may, with propriety, he left for future oonsideration. If the principle seggested is sanctioned, the details can be very readily sup. , plied." The intrOduCtion'alse'refers to the fact that the coinage of the Meta or, the United StaWs up to ;June tO, lBsr, amciunted, to upwards of $586,000,000, of which $102,000,600 has been received since 1 . 849 from the gold mines of the United States, and that the w world's supply of the precious metals has been Increased" since the latter period wto the extent of twelve hundred and tbrty tnilliOns'or dollars, yt ($1,240,12000,000), awd adds -. , ~ In concluding these preliminary remarks, I think it not inappropriate to refer to the second annual raessagb of General Jackson, in which it wilt he seen that he thought it practicable and Constitutional ' to organize a branob of the Trea sury 'Department, based upon public and indi vidual deposits " The Independent Treasury system has most happily provided for the seoarity of the public deposits; and established as Consti tutional ourreney for the Government. We will have advanced further in the right direction when we provide an equally safe Treasury for indi eidnads ; and secure to the people a paper our rimy which will aotually represent, and be at all. times convertthle into, gold. "If, in addition to this measure, the States adopt thelndepettdent Treasury system, then the country will substantially possess the advantages of a specie currency, and be relieved from tho per nicious influence of banks of issue. The banks will then become what they ought to be, namely, places whore deposits of money may he made, drafts purchased, and discounts obtained. Gold and sliver, and the undoubted quivalent of the former, namely, mint and nein certificates, will then be The general currency of the country." in at rcicatilig the measure described above, the letter discusses frith great ability, and for its advantages, under the following heads: . I. Security to the owners of specie, 2. The practice of hoarding is much Induced by a want of confidence in banks and Indi viduals. 3. The specie thus deposited would not be withdrawn from circulation, 4. The specie thus deposited would consti tute a groat reserve, to be withdrawn, at any time when a special demand for coin might arise, without the slightest disturbance of the commerce, finances, or loah market of the country. 5. The plan, by substituting paper for specie placed on deposit, will avoid the Joao incident to the wear, clipping, and other injuries to coin, through circulation. 0. The plan would obviate the necessity of a Government bullion Mid being retained at the mints. 7. The objection that that' he pro Posed cer tificates would substitute a Government paper currency Aar a specie currency, is answered. B. It is proposed that the certificates be made payable to bearer, and not to order. 9. The probable risk and expense in which the plan would involve the Government, is dis cussed. CALHOUN AT OXFORD CALHOUN has resolved to make the horse sixteen feet high, because he raid so. He Is determined to show that Oxford precinct, Johnson county, Kansas, isgood for nearly all the votes that were falsely polled in October last, and Upon the illegal returns of which Governor WALKER refused the certificate to Catnotm and his party. In order to recall to Our readers the great and populous community Of Oxford, we transfer Gov. WArdrna's pic ture of it. We copy from his proclamation of October 21, 1867 : Influenced by these considerations, and pressed with the grave responsibility resting upon um in regard to the fairness of the Election, and its freedom from all fraud eusoeptible of detection and prevention within the scope of our duties, we deemed It essential to truth and justice that we should ascertain every fact calculated to re fute or confirm the conclusions derived from the face of the papers. Accordingly, we went to the precinct of Oxford, (which is a village of six houses, inoluding stores, and without a tavern,) and ascertained that the citizens of that vicinity, and especially those of the handsome adjacent village of New Santa Fe, In Missouri, (separated only by a street, and containing about twenty houses) that, altogether, not more than one-tenth the number of persons represented to have voted were present on the two days of the election— much the smaller number. not exceeding thirty or forty, being present on the last day, when more than 1,500 votes are represented as having been given. The people of Oxford, es well as those of the neighboring village of Santa ye, were astound ed at the magnitude of the returns; and all per sons of all parties ' in both places, treated the whole affair with derision or indignation, not hav ing heard the alleged result until several days after it had occurred. It appears that thirteen htotdrrd votes were thrown at this precinct, on the 215 t, for the Constitution tvith slavery; but they Ivor° roal votes, doubtless, Inasmuch as the Missourians were present in force. Further comment is useless. i%IESSES. L. I. LEVY & CO. tS NEW STORE. This evening, Messrs. L. J. LEVY ar. CO. will commence business in their new store, Fotridge Building, erected on the central lot of the Butler property, purchased by W. P FETRIDOE, tei., of New York, in November, DM. .SVe say "this evening"—though the actual opening of the store will take pled° to 411011'0W. There Is an old super stition against alma:miming a thing on Friday, and perhaps Messrs. Leer submit to it, in the present instance. They should bear in mind, also, that any day is propitious for doing a good thing, and as to-morrow, albeit Friday, is also Now Year's Day, they do well, and will do profitably, it is to be hoped, in making the opening of 1858 identical with the opening of their new and splendid es. tablishrnent. It not necessary to telt our fellow•ettizens where the Fetridge Minding Is located Outside readers may thank ue tbr informing them, that it is erected nearly in the Wats of *hat was the Butler property, extebding NM the northwest corner of Eighth and Chestnut streets, 01030 up to the Girard House. Fetridge Building (nearly op posite the site of the future Hotel,) rune from Chestnut to Grape street, a clear length of 175 feet, by 00 feet of width. It la four stories high, With a /maraca, but the different doors are to lofty that the edifice adtually oVertoptithe highest stores on Chcotant street, a panorama of the entire city be ing visible from the windows of the fourth story, The front on Chestnut street is built of 0012- aaatteut brownstone, and is four stories in height, each story being respectively 20, 18, 10, and 14 foot high in the clear. The first and second sto ries extend book 175 feet to Grape street; the third and fourth stories aro 85 foot in depth. The general style of the architecture is Roman, being a composition combining the beauties and peculi arities of different orders, yet forming in itself a harmonious whole, Singularly happy in comer.. lien, and evincing great taste and judgment in detail. Each story is divided into five openings, by pil lars, with richly carved caps; the first being finished by a balcony, projecting four feet, and supported by massive and elaborately-carved con soles. The entire building is surmounted by a bold and heavy cornice, on top of which extends a balus trade, with a central panel in which is insert bed, •` FEMME BUILDING: 1857• The principal feature on entering from Chestnut street, is that of extent and height, which is pro• duced by the opening of the Gallery (sevonty.dve foot in length) on the second floor, which is sup. ported by Iron columns with ornamental cape ; this effect is heightened by the abundance of light emitted from the largo sky.llghts in the roof. The walls and ceilings of the two principal stories have boon tastefully painted and orna mented in fresco. The basement, which extends the whole depth of the building, with fire-proof rooms underneath Chestnut street, is nearly two hundred foot long. It is well lighted and ventilated, and it is intended that the heavier portion of the wholesale business of the establishment shall be transacted here. In this part of the building are the steam-hollers, which Supply the necessary boat for regulating the tomporature,—so that, instead of the arid atmos phere produced by the ordinary heating apparatus, a warmth is distributed over every part of the store,— genial and soft as wbat is experienced in the sunny clime of Florida. Entering from Chestnut street, we find an im mense saloon, stretching the whole length of tho building, to (}rape street. The entire retail busi ness will be transacted there. With the exception of one house, (STEWART'S of New Tork,) MOB3ll. vr hare•heretofore done the most extensive try goods business in the United States, and, long mines, have won the reputation of importing the - best goods from prope...tiew end fash ionable premiliee;so-ittelattelY fitted up as almost to invite f r i de , ii)a**lkg.lNVlk'd to gratify even the fastideous tatitri.44 vest expectation lg . Miss Flora lefarßises*.herie/f. They may Og culate on a feat angsdintralii*ef their baldness. The principal part efilile groat saloon lOighted by seven large Akylighbi, Whish llirorr a direct north light, upon• everything—an advantage, by the way, to penitents, as it enables theca to see the peculiar texture of each article. Dirootly under this light is a circular coun ter, at which gives -are to .be Bold—the 'Pieptietera bridentlY desiring to 'ha l " hand and glove with -their custemeraq On 7the. left, side are the paelders' Milne, central, but ooeupy 'leg small apace. At the extreme left, close on Grape Street, to a email room, somewhat a snug- ' gory," in Which, by strong gee light, at' any thee• of the day, purchasers may test the colon of book , article. Our female readers know, (better than we can tell diem,) that many coloreds not show the same in a parlor by day and a ball-room at night. Hoc, they can test-them, and exactly ascertain how a silk will look at night.. Thla little room Is decidedly tvgreat institution. About two hundred seats are distributed over this floor, and gonad- the 'Murders, arranged for the convenience of lady-customers. The counters are of black walnut, sad. this wood, Diternating with Oak, is heed throughout the building. ,The floors, which are tassolated, or inlaid, with walnut, oak, and ash, are extremely beautiful, we may say unique, for they are the that production of an ingenious Amerloan, who has patented his inven tion. At night there is a vast supply of light from numerousehandelters. The effect, when the whole is lit up, Is truly beautiful, as Many dour readers nifty :peroolve, whenever they pleads. It unites palatial splendor with the fullest care for conveni ence And utility. The shawl=roota is in the north end of tbe' handsorielifitted pp, and enriched with, splendid French mirrors, and magnille:ent tables., The numerous Corinthian columns, distributed all over the main floor, which are useful as well as ornamental, will challenge the admiration of spectators. ' - Bat, to our own' taste, the Most attractive fea 'tore in this store-AM very temple of fashion—are the ' stair-pases: Constructed of walnut,' with heattLotoak bannisters, they hare ghat wavy curve which penance considered to be the line of beauty. The hand-rails are cut out of the eolid wood, and, are admirably executed. The second floor will be devoted to the curtain, uphorstery, and furniture department. here, too, in the front, is the counting-house of the firm, consisting of the partner's parlor., with the retail and wholesale depertments,distfielfvely arranged. On the third don't*, the itholesale boieery de yartnicht will bo ideated. The fourth floor will be kept oathwisely for reserved stook. The value of the goods which will be placed in thin store, for sale, before six o'clock this evening, may be estimated at not lOW than HALT A MILLION DOLLARS. This stook, it sho . uld be added, has been selected with the good taste and judgment which, for so many years, have distinguinhed the firm who now enter into the occupation of by far the finest dry goods' store in this tolintii. To what Philadelphia lady is the hake of Levy not a household word I Not &Vert in Paris itself, which SO far bkceik London in this rasped,- is there such si magnificent store as this. The cost will exceed $170,000. We leave the building itself to testify to the good Mete which Mr. Framing has displayed in every part of it. But his enterprise, and even courage, should be noticed. Midway in the execution of this stupen dous undertaking estmelthat bird of ill omen—the Panic. If it alarmed, it did not cripple Mr Farman. In ordinary tildes, when cash and credit were to full 'epqratioh, waUld have been hot difficult to haVe Milli this ~handsome atom an ornament of our ftqr gay. ,But .it required no Cordon ability and Wetness to carry this work on to its corapletien through the financial ditleultiee of the recent Oriels. Mr. FETRIDGE, just an if he bad the magloal purse of Forlunattia, paid his way alt through, and we have described the result. Let it speak for listett We have now to add that Mr. Puratnou and Messrs. Levy are under great obligations to Mr. jonx Poseurs, the architect, whose mind has per vaded, as it were, the whole erection. Ile is 'a young man, we believe, hilt 1.0 balining is A iwr petual testilhonial of bin ability. The stone front has been executed, in a superior manner, by Messrs. J. drnornurts d - Bo's. The granite work by Datum, Witionr, k Co. The brick work by Mr. J. It. door Lox—who is described to ue, on good authority, as " a perfect brick." The fresco painting, which is vary fine, Widessrs KAI SER h Penout. The painting by Mr.Jonw GIBBON. The plastering by Mr. Jeers FRAZER. The Iron Corinthian pillars by Meagre. &ANSON I PutresNo. The gas-fitting by Messrs. WRIGHT I Warm The gas-fixtures by Messrs. Consumes I BAKER, who have executed the lighting deportment of the new Rouse of Representatives, at Washington The staircase by Mr. ALLAN %top; The steam engines by Mews. Prue:, fitness, Oh, We men 'lion the nantes,' banns») when peop'l'e, do their work properly, it is only simple justice to state the fact. Many of our readers, we are eure.vritf be glad to learn that lame J. Lavr, Esq., the principal of the great firm so Well and so long known in this city, in so rapidly Improving in his bodily health that his presence, In his new /tore, way speedily be expected by his numerous old friends nod customers. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH LATI:11 AND EXCITING NEWS FROM KANSAS. CIVIL WAR IN BOURBON COUNTY. The IL Slitarshat Fired tin and Wounded ftetreat of the Pro-Slasery Party ONE KILLED AND TWO MORTALLY WOUNDED THE LAWRENVE coNvistrrioN. Sr. Louts, Dee. 30.—Kansas advises to Die 24th instant have juet been received by the Democrat, which state that civil war has broken out in Dour bon county. Several conflate have occurred between the free State and pro-slavery parties. A number of prison ers have been taken on bath sides. • The United States Marshal, with' 'a 'fordo of eighty men, demanded the surrender of the frac- State party, the answer to which vrailry a volley of musket belle. The dre was returned, and a tight ensued, lasting one hour, when the ,pro-slavery party retreated, with the loss of opu Man killed, and two mortally wounded. The United Marshal etas also dangerously wounded. Gen. Lane bad entrenched his patty in the Sugar Mound, and expressed a determination to fight the United States Drageons, if they attacked tuna. A battle wan regarded as inenvitable.,. Exciting debates have occurred in tlie fregitate Convention, in eession at Lawrence. The . Conimit. tee on Resolutions have submitted three t oportn, The majority report disapproves of the ruoposition to vote at the election for State others. The firet nortty report recommends the norninationof a full State ticket;; the second minority report, eignod hMr. State Reeieet iodpath, n recofo r m the mends a part f d icipation in purpose oestroying the Lecompton Constitution, and that no man be nominated who will not pledge bitnself to crush that Constitution ; that the Topeka Constitution be subtnitted to the people; that loyalty to that instrument be made the test of fealty t 4 the Trco. State party, and that the Legislature repeal the present auto of laws. Messrs. Robinson, Phillips, Conway, Schuyler, and Vaughan favor voting at the ensuing election. During the debates the most radical, revolutionary Speeches were Made. FROM KANSAS. Farther Election Returns, AO Sr. Louts, Deo. 30.—Further returns of tho olootion recently ,held ir, Kansas aro, being re. calved. Johnson county gives 2,000 mijority for the Constitution with the slavery elsxise. Thir teen hundred votes were oast at Oxford., Wyandotte gives fourteen majority against the slavery provision. Ossornor Denver hod given up the Territorial arms to the military. There were various rumors in circulation rela tive to the disturbance at Fort Scott, but none are of an authoritat lye character. FROM WASHINGTON, Wasitmorox, Deo. 30.—Captain Engle, who AO companied General Walker, ae.boaret Of official despatches from Commodore Paulding to.tbo Gov ernment, expects to return to the Rowe kroadron by the steamer of the sth of January. It is positively asserted that Commodore Pauld ing will be recalled. Many distinguished gentlemen beret called on Genetal Walker, in this oily. Nothing k known concerning his future movements. It is his inten tion, at the proper time, to ask the eovarposer4 to reinstate him in the position from rrhioll h'n'ttas recently removed by Commodore Paulding. Lieut. Beale's Pliiiinry Rood,' Waantiityron, Deo. o.—Tbe Wr.r Department has received Ovine to the Nth of October from Lieutenant Beale, in charge of the military road from Fort Defiance to the Colorado River, in which he announces hie arrival in California. The ex pedition ban met with the most complete suctess, and a fine wagon road, from New Mexico to Call • fornia, has been established. An important part of the operations has been effeoted by the camels, which were eubjeuted to trials that no other animals could possibly hays. endured, Yet Limit. 11. terminated his /labors, not only without the loss of a single camel, but they arc admitted, by those who saw thou,in TOISO: to be in as good condition aewben they left Ban Antonio. Purser Charles Murray has been ordered to the Brooklyn navy yard, vice Hartle, detached. The V. R. Steam Frigate iftagarit. WIFIIIINGTON, Dam 80.—A letter from Seoretary Touoey, to Cooper Plaid, Esq., interims him that the United States steam frigate Niagara' wilt be again detailed to , assist in laying' the Atlantic Submarine Telegraph Cable, Chief Engineer Everett has boon given a leave of absence and hla services are tendered to the Telegraph C4ipany. The President and Secretary Touoey aro both fa vorable to the enterprise. • • TheSetilltern WASRENOTON, Dee. 90.—The Southern mall brings papers from all points as late us Ana. The news is unimportant. Departure of the Canada. Roane, Deo. 30.—The R, M. steanuddp Canada sailed for Liverpool at noon to-dny, wltb nearly $BOO,OOO In aped°. FOUR DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF 71116 AitAGO, IlintrAia, - , Deo 30.—The :united Blotto mall eteamehip Arno, from Southampton on the 78th lest , arrtran at thin port this evening. Ittl lagoon Aro four days later than thous fur -06.4 by- th 6 Veraia. „ Ihe royal mall steathshlp arrived on the Alit !natant. , The detailed accounts of the news from India contain nothing of interest further than contained in the telegraphic eummary furnished by the pre• clouts 'steamer. ,Parliament lied adjourned till the 4th of Feb ruary. The royal assent had been given to the Bank Indemnity bill. The following additional failures are announced : Toldor_ph it Co , of London. Row, Preseott, & Co., " Willey'a Co., gl • Litter & Co., Halifax. Saalfeld & Brothers, Leeds. Mr. John Cdward Stephens, of the late London & Eastern Bank, failed to appear before the Bank. ruptoy Court of Edinburgh, and a warrant wee . !trued for his arrest, Henry Smith Might, formerly a largo corn met , ' chant, hoe been sentenced to transportation for ten years for forgery. No further progress had been made in the launch ing of the Leviathan. Trade in the manufacturing districts woe bad, and the markets wore generally inanimate. Sir Colin Campbell denies that he has been on, ill terms with Lord Canning. Milner Gibson had been elected a member of Parliament, for Ashton, by a large innloritY• • Lord Stratford had quitted Constantinople for Trieste. Tho Belgian eleotions had resulted, by a large aintsterial majority. in favor of the liberal policy. It was rumored at Vienna that the Porto, acting with the consent of lho Powers signing the treaty of Paris, had Issued a firman for the dissolution of the divans of the Danubian principalities. Tho rumor required confirmation. The commercial crisis had become aggravated at Smyrna. The Danish Council of State had authorised a loan of £300,000 sterling. - The hand of the Princess Alice of lineuta was to be asked for the Croft-Prince of Gib Nether lands. . • ~ At liambtlrgh itp,to the 13th inst., there was no genbral return of confidence yet manifested, and further failures were expected. The Austrian Government bad loaned the city of Hamburgh ten millions of florins. This suns will be employed in aiding the large houses. A large portion of the crew of the United States frigate Congress were on a visit to Jerusalem. Twenty-seven nuns were about to leave Paris for China. It was stated that the King of Portugal's map riago would 000ur in April. COMMERCIAL INTELLIIANd. No extended ago* Of the Liverpool corkets is furnished, by this steed:abr. The liohitext papers report the following corn nititilal intelligence : The Liverpool cotton market closed quiet but steady Prices were easier, but with no quota ble ohange. The miles for the three days amounted to 6,500 bales, of which 1,000 bales were to specu lators, and the same amount to exporters. Flour had advanced 1.41, closing with an upward tendency. Wheat bee advanced 3d. on the week. Corn was bttoyant, and all qualities hail slightly imp roved. Loxpox MONEY MATIRET.—ConsoIe 01030 d at 911091 d on account. TIVe Mpedillon at New Orleany and New ORLEAN, Dec. 29 —The meeting of MU. sons to denounce the arrest of General Walker, called for this evening, has boon postponed till Thursday, on account of the rain. All the city papers express indignation at the coerce pursued by Commodore Paulding. blooms:, Dec. 29.—A. Nicaraguan indignation meeting has been milled, Gen. Case's reported repudiation of Commodore Paulding's oonduot bee produced but little afreot, and the excitement is Intense. Judge Gale, of Gus kluited• StatesDiS . tr(ot,Court, has decided against the. clearing of the schooner Susan, hound to Groylown, on the ground of non. jurisdiction, but at the 13111216 time declares her de. tention to be illegal. The indignation mooting called for this evening, to discuss Nicaraguan affairs, was adjourned until Saturday, on account of the non-publicity of the call, notwithstanding several thousands of persons were in attendance. The adjourned roosting takes place on Saturday evening. The enlistment is still going on, one hundred and thirty-two men having offered their services to-day. Over fourteen hundred men are now in this city and Mobile, awaiting shipment. The men from the lowqr,part of Texas, elght hundred in nuerittter, sailedon Xhe of , lust, It is impoiolbla t:O.imagine the feeling here, as well as throughout the entire South. So far ee heard from upon this question, tho people are in arms I add eager for the fray. United States Supreme Court. Wasittswyrox, Bee. 30.--No. 13. Christ Church of Philadelphia, os. tho County of Philadelphia. Justice Campell gave no opinion dismissing the writ of error, for mentor jurisallotion. No. 8. William Wynn es. C. B. Morris et al. ; error of the Supreme Court of Arkansas. Justioo Catron delivered an opinion dismissing the writ tot want of jurisdiotlon. No. 12. Josiah Garland to. William Wynn. Error of the Supremo Court of Arkansas. Justieo Catron delivered an opinion, affirming the Judg ment, with costs. . No. IT. Jano Carron et of Alfrod It. Daw son's heirs. Chief Justice Taney delivered an epinion, dismissing the ease for want of juristlio- Von. NOB. land 22. Ilobt. Hudgins et al., vs. W,ynd haat Kemp, and Elliott W. lindens rt a., vs. Wyndham Kemp. Argument continued for ap pellees, and concluded for appellants. No. 23. The Commercial Bankof New Orleans vs. Alexander Campton et al. Arguments coup canoed. for both parties, Loss of United States bupply Scheoue• Cobh. CRARLESTON, 30.—The eutiotnor A. Caratite, which has arrived bore, reports the loss of the U. S. supply schooner Cobb, off Abaco Point, on the 13th hat. The crow were saved and wore brought to this port by the Camille. The Clipper Ship Grey Eagle. Rtelikost, VA., Geo. 20.--A passenger in the t;Sipper ship they Eagle, (praslously reported us il(stuasted,) artired hate this thorning. Ike thinks the ship hnsgone Ashore, And is a total Joey; but when be IA the captain thought he would be nhle to get her to Charleston. Silo is freighted with flour by liteors, Itazatt,l Co , of Riuhmond Beitta. The Steamship Philadelphia New 081.k:ANS, Dec, 29.—Thu United Stites nisi/ steamship Philadelphia, now dne at this port from Havana, has not yet been signalled at tho From the Chinch's Islands NortroLK, Deo. 30.—The ship Gauntlet has ar rived at this port from the Chinoha Islands, Itldtkett Nhve Oht,kAlts. bee, 29.—Sales of MOOD balm of cotton at MOS for middlings. Exchange la better. /dome, Dec. 29.—The cotton market LI un changed. Balce of 5,500 bales cotton. . _ . . ' DeviosOm:, Deo. 30.—Bales of 1,000 bids Ohio Flair today at $4.871. CHARtgIITON, Deo. 30.—Cotton hes declined, oblefly In fine qualities ; sales of 2,000 bales. The market closed with a drooping tendency. ApinfliA, Deo. :O.—Cotton—Min of IMOD bales at Maga. SAVANNAH, Doc. 30.—Cotton-1,900 bale• sold at a decline of FL Great Match of billiards between Michael Phelan anal Ralph. Reitjatain of New York for s2,ooo—The Match won. by Pbrlan.—The long talked of match of billiards, which has excited the amateurs of billiards, came off last night at the billiard rooms, corner of Twelfth and Chestnut streets. The match terminated At so late en hour that we can scarcely do more than chronicle the 'result. The play commenced about half past six, and was not concluded until ten minutes past eleven o'clook, during which time eleven games were played. The game eoleoted was the French carom game of sixteen points, and Phelan gave his adversary three points in each game. The table was the ordinary full sire 81i pocket table, this being selected by Benjamin as being the most difficult to play on, and giving biro sumo advantages. It was brought from McCor mick's billiard room, Broad and Chestnut, and was a very handsome specimen of O'Connor Col lenden's make, with Phelan's patent combination cushions. The first throe games were played with considerable caution en either side, but after that Phelan played with his neoustomed dash, and ova may add his invariable success. Phelan won the first, second, fourth, fifth, sloth, seventh, and eighth games, and in thisgamo boating his adversary by ten points, winning also the tenth and eleventh games, Benjamin winning only two out of eleven, the third and ninth. The match was lo be decided by the winning of the greatest number of games ont of sixteen, and on the deckling game be. lug concluded, there were three rounds of applause given for Phelan and New York, which seemed to give considerable annoyance to the vanquished party. There were about one hundred and fifty persons in the room, composing all the chief ama teurs from New York, Boston, Baltimore and Philadelphia. We shall give a more lengthy ac count of thin grand Vida of skill in our report of to-morrow. :f lcmpled Murder.—Last evening, between sit and seven o'clock, an attempt at murder was made In front of the " Ferry Hotel," at the foot of Vino street, Delaware, which caused the utmost excitement in that vicinity. It appears that a mad named Thomas Javan while engaged in con versation in front of the hotel, wits deliberately shot without the slightest provocation by a Frenchman, named Chardon. The ball took effect in the left breast of Jardin, who fell to the ground, and was removed, in a dying condition, to the Pennsylva nia llospital. Chardon was immediately talon into custody. and convoyed to theElevonth ward station house in Third street. Upon searching hint, a pistol, some bullets, and a small bag of powder, were found In his possession. No cause is assigned for this attempted murder, as the person and his victim are entire strangers to each other. A hearing in the (luso will take place this morning before Alderman fincu at the Central Police Sta tion, which doubtless will threw tome light upon this mysterious affair, We learned, at n tato hour last night, that Jar din remained in a very critical positron at the hos• pith), Street Nomenclature.--. Thin subjeet is now attracting considerable and deserved attention from the publio. It was Introduced to the notice of Select Council, on Tuesday after noon, by a me. tion Of Mr. Nothans', and afforded ample scope for a,prolou and interesting discussion. That the names ofcertain streets should be promptly changed in order to accommodate the demand of the public is uddeulable, and that they will be is equally true., Wo doubt not that the bill providing for a change, In our present system of street non2enela tiVe, when fairly brought before Councils, will speedily become a law. appointments—Judge Ludlow has made the following appointments : Francis Campbell, Mercantile Appraiser for the city and county of Philadelphia, vice Robert Bethel. Wm.ltyrne, Tipatave for Common Plena Court, Fourth ward; John McComb, Tipatere for ,to. do., Seventh word; John Porter, Tipetnve for Quarter Sections Court, Third ward ; Jacob Kritzer, Tip 'dare for do. do., Twenty-fourth ward. THE %'O ICE OF At ORIGINAL lIIN-11ANAN We have received the iollowing letter from ono of IT ,purent, most consistent, and most devotOpemomals in this State—a rmui Wit . ° aitcais /31:clivi 1 , 1'5 friend, and ttus occtipied many important public pod- Correnpondeoce of The Pre•e t 21, 1857. When will wonders ceasDeec '"utaii A few short months since, the Democracy of this country, East and West, North end South, were united, as A band of brothers, in battling fur the principles of popular sovereignty, as enunciated in the husks. Nebraska bill, while all the elements_ of opposi. tion were arrayed against that prideiple. The former mahatalutrag that '• the people ot the Ter ritories, as well AS the States, had a rterfeet right to regulate their decimal° itistltutions thekewn way," and the laithr afsrhallig that p. , wef of Congress over the Territories *as supreme." But how it 'tmid seem, according to the views of some; that to advocate the sovereignty of the people, in an unqualified sense, is to hazard one's position as a Democrat. Now I admit that, in the controversy between the Democratic party and those opposed to them in regard to popular sovereignty, slavery was the question most promi nently discussed, and, I suppose, for the obvious reason that no one questioned the right of the people of the 'Territories to regulate every other domestic institution " concurred in opinion that to the people of each Territory belongs the absolute province or regu'a , ting their affairs in their own *ay, except the institution of slavery ; and that the op position, as before-stated, claimed woe vested In Congress, exclusively. I submit then, whether it is fair now to claim that because the slavery Issue was the ono kept most prominently before the peo. pie, that, therefore, the Lecomptua Conventloia was not bound to submit any other portion of the op genic law to the people of Haneas, than that Pe , toting to slavery. To my mind, the eery tut that the right to regulate every other Institution, war, by common consent, lodged With the people ol each Territory, (and therefore, not diltdisea,' , is a strong , arfiutnelkt in fatoi. Of the position that the whole ' Cirhatitutioß ought to have been eubmittod to the people of Reuses. I do not ptetemito know bow It may have been elsewhere, but it is an histori cal fact, perfectly familiar to every Pennsylvania politician, that it was the broad ground assumed by the Democratic party in 18.36 of allowing the people the exclusive right of self-gm ernment that enabled them to carry this State against the almost overpowering efforts of the opposition. Had the Democratic party, In that fearfulStiuggin, when the hopes nod fears of the ivhdle country were centred on the Beystone State, Wien 11 41 ground that " the true Intent raid meaning," of the Hansas-Nebraska bill area, thdt .thir peoplb at lama were to be altowid to decide fot themselves whether staves should be brought into the State after He admission into the Union, but that they should have no voter whatever in any ether por tion of their organic law, what would bare been the result Who can doubt, that it would have been over whelming defeat. Even the overtowerlng popu larity of Mr. Buchanan, could not have saved us from this calamity, Why then, let me ask. should those who maintain that the people of Kansas should be permitted to pass upon their whole Constitution, be denounced as Republicans. Is this the way to eOnvlnco thew of their error' By what maces of sea:ening, can that ,whlch ma recognized by all aegenhitne redleat qracy, in .18:,6; and Indeed, Made a test of party fidelity, bo now transformed into Republicanism' Take, if you please, the ease of Senator Dols glaa. Can it be seriously contended that be has changed his ground ; that he does not occupy the name position, precisely, that he did when he first advocated that great domestic measure—the Kansas Plobraskn bill 1 And yet be cause that distinguished Senator insists that the people of Kansas should be allowed to rate upon their whole Constitution, be is stigmatised as a Republican. Where is the evidence of his having changed his ground? Why, it Is said that the Republicans In Congress are advocating the came doctrines, with Judge Douglti.s, and there foto ho is "giving aid and toliatort ' enemy." ..tet us ter t the soundness of this logic SupPinits, fur the sake of illustration, that the Catholic Church should embrace Protcatentism,and advocate tuft faith with all the zeal with which its devotees have hitherto opposed it would it be pretended by anyone, that because the Catholics had embraced Protestaxitiere ' that Protestants must, therefore, abandon the faith of their choice, lest, foreooth, they should be charged with Catholicism. Such an absurdity must strike the common sense of every man, and yet, for my life, 'cannot eee the distinction between that case and the one under consideration. In this, I hare as sumed, that the ground now occupied by Senator Douglastie the same that it woe in 1951, andhasbeen ever since. Am I right in thlanazamption? Let Lit SOO The direrence between the Demooratio party and their oppsnents, as I have attempted to show, waa that the former maintained that the people of the Territories had the "right to regulate their do mestic institutions, slavery included, in their own way," while the latter insisted that on the subject of slavery, " the power of Congress was supretre." Now, If this was the true issue between the con tending parties, and if Senator Douglas is still advocating the sovereignty of the people, asabove set forth, then ,it follows that he has not "gone over to the Republicans," as has been alleged, but stands to-day where he, as well as the whole Democratic party, stood in Md. If there has been any change in nubile sentiment, which has brought Judge Douglas and the Republicans to the saute platform, it is be cause the latter have come over to the Democratic doctrine, and not that Judge D. has gone over to theirs. If the Republicans have repented of their folly, in affirming that "the power of Congress over the Territories is supreme," and are wilting to unite with the Democracy in asserting the su premacy of the people, as enunciated in the Kansas- Nebraska bill, and reaffirmed in the Cincinnati platform—is that a good reason for Democrats to abandon this great bulwark of their party faith' Surely not. An impression is sought to be made, in certain quarters, that those who oppose the ad mission of Kansas vtith the Lecompton Constitu tion place themselves in a position of antagonism to the President of the United States. Ido not so understand It. ilad that pure and eminent statenaan made a positive recommendation, that Kansas ehould be admitted with the tecompton Constitutioh, with out that instrument having first been inibmitted for popular approVal, Would have had great weight with be. Such is my abiding confidence in the wisdom, integrity and patriotism of' that groat and good man, that I might well have doubted the correctness of my own opinions, bad found them to bo In antagonism with his. But if I have rightly interpreted the Pl-esidont'e 111014- rage, to go ne farther back, he makes no,specifie recommendation in regard to what action Congress shouhl• take in the premises. No one who will carefully read that able State paper, can fail to perceive that the President would have greatly preferred that the whole Constitution of Kansas had been submitted to the people for their °dup. , tion or rejection What else can be interred from his language, when he says, in speaking on this subject, 4 , I trust, however, that the example set by the last Congress, requiring that the Constitu tion of Minnesota" should be subject to the ap proval and ratification of the people of the pro posed State, "may ho followed on future (woo alone." " Itook it for granted that the Convention of Kansas would act in accordance with alit example, founded, as it to, on correct principles, and hence my instructions, to Cos. VValker, in favor of submitting tho Constitution to the people, wero iiiiiressed in general and unqualified terms Who can doubt, from this emphatic language, that the President believed that the whole Con- • • • - • -. etitution ought to have been submitted to the pco.. plo of Kansas' Could words have made this "true intent and meaning" more clear' It is true, as the President says in a subsequent part sif his message, "In the Kansas-Nebraska bill, however, this requirement, as applicable to the whole Constitution, had not been inserted, and the Convention were not bound, by its terms, to submit any other portion of the instru ment to an election, except that which relates to the "domestic institution" of slavery. But does it follow, that because " the Convention were not bound by the terms of the organic act to rob. mit anything except that which relates to slavery to on election, " that, therefore, they were excu sable for having failed to fulfil the just expeeta lions of the country, and especially of the Demo cratic party, in this respects Certainly not. Nor do I so understand the President. In presenting this highly embarrassing piestion to Congress the President, with characteristic Impartiality and ability, has discussed the whole subject in ell its aspects, and has very properly left himself in that attitude which will enable him to co-operati with Congress In whatever Constitutional mode they may deem most conducive to the peace, and quiet of the country, and the integrity of the Democratic party. Should they pros a bill for the admission of Kansas, with the Lecompton Consti tution, the President would doubtless approve it; and if, on the other hand, after looking over the whole ground, after a free and full discussion, Con gross should deem it best to puma an " enabling Rat" and send the whole subject back to the peo ple of Kansas, there is as little doubt that such a bill would receive the sanction of the President. In approaching the subject in Congress, then. let the same ;spirit of conciliation characterise the debates that ismer:Vest in the message ; lot e rind u ation and recrimination, be avoided as a deadly enemy to the unity of the Democratic party; let no one assume that ho is infallible, but let each conelude that every other hiss an equal right with himself to interpret the " true intent and meaning" of the Kansas-Nebraska bill. Let this be done, both in Congress and through the press, and then, above all. let every patriot unite in honorable and earnest supplication that the great ruler of nations, as well as men, may graciously vouchsafe so to ovettuto the actions of us all (the rulers and the ruled) as that his momentous question may be speedily put at rest, no snore to disturb the peeve and harmony of our beloved country. If I thought that it would avail anything towards bringing about " consummation no devoutly to be wished," I :night state that so far as this locality Is concerned, there is entire unanimity on one joint, and that is, that tbo whole Constitution of Kansas ought to has o been submitted to the people. .411 believe that this was, at least, implied, if not ex pressed, in the organic act. Now far they might be disposed testate:l:ler this principle to expedi eney, or (if you choose) necessity, may depend, somewhat, on future developments. I presume there will be a general a enatesee an . on the part of the Demooarts in whatever Congress may do in the promises. That a love of truth, justice, nnil pa triotism may be the cent roling element, in all that may be cold and written on this :subject, is the Bin uero deeiro of Your faithful trim!. A letter was received on Monday, by Rev. Dr. Murray, of Elizabeth, 81'3.4 the Newark (N. J.) Mercury, announcing the death of Rev. Mr Free man and wife, who wont out to India in the wit !loner,' service some time since. They were taken prisoners by the natives, and after being kept in confinement for some days, were led out to execu tion, retuding wale-deep to blood. About the Boat:fold whore they were beheaded, blood had col lected In such quantities as to submerge the sev eral hoods of previous victims, against which they stumbled as they walked. They died us they had lived, with true Christian bravery. Mr. Freeman was a native of South Orange, in this county, and his wife of the neighboring city of Elizabeth. Suicide.—Coroner Fenner held an inquest yesterday, on the body of a German, about Arty three years of age, who resided at No. 1323 Second street above Phenix street, who committed suicide by taking a dose of laudanum. This not was caused by depressed spirits. The deceased leaves a wife and fire children. The Funded Debt of the City.—The semi attuualintetent, on the funded debt of the city will bo paid on and nfter the let of January nt the City Tronsurer's office, (Jinni Dank Betiding. THE COURTS ItIMIRDAY'S PilOCkttiliGS (Repelled for MO Proool Nl3l PlNS—Judge Thompson.—ln the case of Auble rt. Mason, before reported, the jury re turned it verdict for the platattfr for three bun dyed and Arty dollars F. C. Brewster Cr.( D P Brown, Esq., for theplaintiff; Constant nuitiou for the defendant. Dirrutcr COCRTS.—NOI in session COV.VOY PLEAl.—Judge Thompeon delivered the following opinion in a ease which bad excited :oat interest. Commonwealth re. Meollll.—liabeas Corpus.— Charged with violation of the Inspection law. Thompson, P. J.—The OThicomei produced in mnport of the charge made against the defendant in this ease, showed that the defendant, et the re quest of Siesera..Neshit and, Clarteteont,WPected for then!, oh the 9th "day of fieptember, lea., lathe 'city of Philadelphia, a lot consisting of fifty-live barrels of domestic whiskey, and that a similar in spection had been road. by hint, of whiskey, for another concern. The whiskey thus inspected was not intended for exportation. It was sold accord ing to the inspection made of it by the defendant. The marks placed upon the barrels were made with chalk, and the return or certificate made out was signed by defendant as Inspector. - Upon this evidence the counsel of the defendant contended that no inspection Is required of do mestio distilled spirits which is not mentholfor e-rportation, and that ad the Whiskey laspetted by the defendant was not for exportation, end as the defendant had not Ifilltaied the &arks of the rep. tarty appointed inspector, he was not chargeable with any offence. The prosecutor relied on the 1321 section of the act of lath April, 163 e, which ptov idea that ', all liquors sold by inspection at tF.' Port of Philadelphia, shall be respected and ganged by the Inspector of Domestic Distilled Spirits"—and instated that an Inspection by any oilier person was Illegal, when made at the Port of Philadelphia, whether the liqaors were intended for exportation or not. Did the question ices here there Would be Mom fot Serious &obi-Whether an ol7'enctlhad been Comuilittd fbr which the defendant could hF made answerable under the act f 8.3. That Act provides in terms for the inspection of such liquors as are datigruct for r.rroa r retroti from the i port of Philadelphia, and the nduction should, perhaps, be restricted to that clamor liqaera. But were this otherwise, there is no . penalty provided In the Aot for gauging and inspecting liquors by a , private guager, nor is such ganging and inspecting any mlademeauot at common late—such a penalty was annexed to the similar provision eohtaitted to the 6th section' of the ferret! Ant of 19th March, 1919, but *ea oiVtted in thareVised Apt Of 1833. tinder tit iitterlet Y 1,1 3 1 80E13 to 4 U.5 1 4 - eland bonen in ictthent could be.sustained for the offenee ohtirged . against.the defertclant..... •—• .oThk 'hill section of the Oct of ICth April, 18-19, (P. L 02) seems, however, to embrace the cue in hand. It provides " That any person who shall hereafter act as inspector or deputy inspector of domestio distilled spirits, in the city or county of Philadelphia, not being legally All thOliZed for that purpose, shall for every such offence forfeit and pay the sum of twenty dollars, ke., and shall like wise be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall for every such offence suffer an imprisonment in the county jell for a period of thirty thud." The defendant in this ease inspected dementia distilled spirits in the city of Philadelphia. Hp marked the proof and number of gall Ons on each barrel, and gain n pal er,,etyledu return, exhibiti lug in,enpatate coierrihs the number of cull, ape. I the kinds, the number of gallons and the proof. To this paper the defendant signed his name, and the word ' Inspector" under it. The evidence was clear that the marking, though made with chalk upon the barrels, and the return, or certifi cate, signed as Inspector, were made for the pur pose of telling the liquor according to such marks and inspection The parties employing the do- Pendant knew that he was not the legally author ized inspector, and were not deceived by the title he assumed, but the return or certificate was de signed to be shown to purchasers who should boy the liquors by this inspeotien, and the liquor in question was in fact so sold . Did the defendant, in Matting 613 ifispection l , Ott inspet tor, without being legally atititorited for that purpose? Restyled himself " inspector," give a return similar to that given by the legally author. iced inspector, with the object that the liquor might be sold es inspected liquor. If, in doing 5.7, he In. tended to act as inspector, without being legally authorised, he is amenebie to the penalty imposed by the Section of the act last referred to. Thy fact that he did not mark the barrels in the precise manner in which the inspector is by law required to mark them, would not of itself free him from the charge of having acted illegally. We think the question is proper for the decision of a jury, I and the defendant most therefore be remanded. Qranrdn Sensioxe--Juclge Allison.—Edward Sieber was acquitted of assault and battery en Batty Schaffer. Joseph Drake, William Drake, Joseph Shaw, John Rodgers, police officers, were acquitted of assault and battery on a pence named Laces, of Franktord, and the prosecutor to nay the cuts. Margaret Fauntress, a French woman, was charged, upon two bills of indictment; one with the larceny of a quantity el jewelry, the property of Sarah A. Conver, which the District Attorney abandoned for want of testimony, and in the other with the larceny of a piece of bonnet trimmings from the store of George Fryer. The defendant was in the store of Mr. Fryer at the time the al leged larceny took place. Some lass was foetid in the defendant's trunk corresponding with that alleged to have been stolen. Verdict not guilty. THE MONEY MARKET. PHIL.ADIII.PUIA. Dec. 30, 1837 The month closes with a few more signs of speedy Improvement than were exhibited at its commence ment, though but little progress has been made in the re-establishment of commercial confidence. The process of liquidation has gone steadily on, however, and an immense amount of indebtedness has been cancelled, The disposition to force stocks of goods upon the market has been checked, not only by the low prices, but by the growing ability of their owners to carry them, and many manufac turers are taking heart again, and casting about for new styles of goods for the spring trade. The annual balancing of the books brings with it a thorough oireihauling of the wires on hand,, which are by general consent marked down very low, and the former purchaser, who comes in the early spring with the cash for the payment of his old ecoreo, or the new customer with his capital in his hand, will find oPpsirtunities for laying in a stock of general merchandise such as have not bean seen for many years. For strong notes with prime endorsers there is plenty of money in the market at 10 to 12 per cent , but this quality of paper is scarce, and there is re ally very little doing on the street, In bank the nursing process continues to ansorb a large part of the daily incomes. but a decided disposition to li berality is evinced by some of them, while others carry out the same system of crushing their debt ors, which has so fearfully helped to aggravate the distress of the preeent revulsion. Whether a new race of boirowerl will be found to afford profits upon good paper to all these insti tutionS, is a question Which remains to be solved. It may be that when the stagnation in trade and the cautious slowness of even enterprising men come to show their full effect upon business operations in the next two or three years, many of the bankers who here needlessly and recklessly driven their hest customers to the wall, will look back upon their course with regret. Meanwhile they are preparing for resumption. The country banks are straining themselves to get into line. The city banks ate now ready, with, perhaps, an exception or two, and we may reasonably look for ward to specie payments considerably before the time fixed by the stay law. The banks, at a meeting held yesterday, adopted Saturday as the day up to which their weekly statements shall be made, which will be published regularly every Tuesday morning, commencing on Tuesday, the 12th of January. In the meantime, and before this arrangement takes effect. they will, according to law, respectively publish their condition on the first discount day in January. The stock market is exceedingly dull and feeble. In another column will he found the full report of the Catawism, Williamsport, and Erie Rail road Company, to which we invite the attention of our readers. The Now York Iferakt states as "one of Mr. Gradgrind's hard facts," that since the resumption of specie payments a marked change bins been ob served in the character of the currency at all the leading business concerns in the city. More gold and silver are at presentin general circulation than was ever before known. Thom is but ono inference to be drawn from this , and that is that the recent panic has brought OUT paper currency into general disrepute amongst the working classes They am not disposed to submit any longer to the inconvenience and risk attending doubtful issues, even though they are told that the State guarantees them. Thus the evils of expan sion arc working out their own cure. It Is to be hoped that it will be a lasting and effectual one. The following are the footings of the Dolton bank statement for the past week Dec 21 Der 28 Cmpits! stork..... 31,070 000 $31,950,000 !mass end disci•.. 7,0 209,700 90 377 000 Ise 9189,700 Specie . 4 679,000 4,189,700 lee 210,600 Duo fm other hks. 5 818;00 5,683 000 D. 130,000 Due to other bk... 4 064.700 3 908.000 Dee 60 090 DepoiSts 15,600 000 10,337 000 Inc 723,000 Cirmdathm 5,0:7,000 5,130,400 Dec. 406,4.00 The Providence P, , a, of yesterday, says: '•The Boston papers publish a despatch, dated New York, on the 27th, in which it is stated that the Rhode Island, banks will resume the redemption of their bills nt the Suffolk Bank, Boston, on or about the 11th of January. We presume the de spatch was cent from this city, and are glad to be lieve that the promise which it makes will be kept. It is high time that Rhode Island money had sonic certain value beyond the boundaries of the State. We understand that a bill will be introduced into our General Assembly, at an early day of the approaching session, limiting the circulation of our banking institutions, abolish ing small notes, and allowing the banks and individuals to charge any rate of interest parties may agree upon. It is doubtful whether the measure will succeed. When it was proposed, last year, to repeal the laws against usury, every body in the Lower House seemed in favor of it; hut the tide turned a few days afterwards, and members voted to retain the laws without a word of explanation lithe tt,ury prohibition had been repealed, there can be no doubt that the rates of interest during the recent pressure would have been far above six per cent.; but that they would have reaohed. in thebanks or onto( them, the enor mous rates which have been charged and ob tained by the brokers, is not probable.' The Providence Journal' publishes a detailed statement of the effects of the panic on manufac turers in 'Rhode Island. The number of cotton milts which stopped entirely, counted up a total of 502,291 spindles, and employed 9,6d1 operative., all of whom wars thrown out of employment. The totton-atills still taming asualser Std dS3 sptidlei and employ 4,474) wurkbes. The *osier of wpal en•milll whiels hati.lbesq eterFed. Qi enso:4_ the* full time, is.ifty4Te. .11.feren weglees-t-Ae ate still palming foil time, emplejles. I,2t!besulit The To rn al adds: " The mills, particularly the wooden, that are stopping, wilt about nest those that ate 'darting, and the aggregate of suspended labor Till not. (mut menet appear:n(l4,lre ;reel, dinged. A remind of Mottos cennottre looked fur tilt, Laueg other improvements. the 'wept/mete of the ewe minion merchants ore made more desirable them they are at present.•" The Stiptente (earl of Rhode Island has decreed perpetual Inienetion against the Rho-1e Jetta Central Bunk The anneied is etaieeneat of the" exports, &relative of specie. from New York to foreign peel for the week, tot titre isaaary 1544 ISSI. Total for the weeh...6l;aStAsE 1349.511 licad Vrevioaely re ported ..88,442,CCi 19.994.010 Sive hp I f 050,713.683 1Jp9t431 ,• The Coupons of 43niuy I, tri.sB,eu the boa& of Erie city and tUlalati, 'lan be paid IA *lit city on Monday, the 4th January, by Mears. Wright & Co , Bankers, JT &nth Third Amt. PHILADELPHIA EPOCH DIOILINGE BALM, Decimator SO, DAL gertvd iY R. Manly, Jr., Sboti Bruer, its S6I Wats! strset !IBS? DOARD. 130 Pearm. s'i 1 53‘ 1 10 Yeads. It 11 91 MO do n%5. 1 3 Pattoa 1 SS 100 City Ire , • 5 1 liar ER R /IR 600 do new C&P.92 27 End EL 1 7 .4 1000 ?I Pen= RR 61..514 l'Xi do tu1...11 501 do 61 ...1 2 —414 ..3* do do 15pr0....1 060 CAJ , WI 3 , esd seittrt zvas 6f le: 79 $ Ef .er. 11 r ... 1" 1009 Road R 111... 4.3.31 I 'X/ do 10 11 Norri,town It R.. 64 I Lebiiit Scrip-- 3sll‘ 2 do ..Si 10 Schoyllltr prt1..16% 1 do -.50 3 31n.ltsaica' 8k..," 2 1; rtorto 3 R.. . 5 10 do 1 do .... 0 13 On 1 Pence RR 325( 1 2 do 60 do 38 5; 6 PlOll Bic 6 do ...27,1i 1 do 90 IIITW112( BOLRi47 10 City G31..20 1 100 ERB shratizi_274 l l 9.3 —lO I lOC Co 4 . lr= 11 - ZS Venal 8R 100 Yale. a R ^t3 — MOD -BUM • raWl 3 e - 5 41 190 Bola 81. , it* do 53A t d 3 !COO Rood II d's 9.1.t.5 I 50 do -Pi X 5 liar R R ..... 51 55 L Ulm* a 5... 9j , 10 Peons RR 33 , j •M do 91( 10 do 38 ASTEB. BOLED 400 City MCA. in &MRS 4000 Uri RR es 14-4.5 SLOOING PILICIRB—STERDV. 4.ord. Arktl. l . V States Os '6BIID Bo N6e , Em Prof 17 1.734 Philtre iat 06.45 864 dear._.. 144 BRAS mg Wir.apla Vat 1.13( " Nov .92 0140 do lot moot I% 63 64 rotary!. Ird —Ng BSI( do Ida 44 46 seal! 2 7* 1 fgia de pon d. lo 70 TS Vietnam, de ride/3.93 6S, 10iraid irt do do '11„ Loh!gli not.. Penns RH 3B 6.6 i ralon goods Cool Coa 40 474 Now Casa g &ha N 6s 62—.69 £0 Cattorian R E.. B 6 BY THE PILOT LINE. LETTER FROM NEW YORK. [Corteepondents cf Tim Press 1 NEw roar, Deo, 30.1.37-3 20 P.M There to no movement in the street of say mut There is a slight y-increased pretuorre at toe 'banks for accommodation f bat the paper Whisk,* oreved Is not for the Mort Part df that budoibkdeitaried ter which ele-re the banks are willing to diamant: Very little new paper of the right sort Id being made, and it Is safe to say that no new bulkiest will be undertaken until after the new year's set tlement. It is generally believed that the mums of money which will be set loose after that takes place, will afford great relief. and lead to the inauguration of better days, and I am ales lof opinion that if the banks fulfil th eir preankee, to support good and abort:Moat men,LOU confi dence will come back more quickly, than was an ticipated. Po very little was does to day that I should find It very hard to re you quoted:m y the tater They are winninsil, abds lien, ne,hteted. Mob en fall Is tiefilifel, easy on the best security, and wary dttfieult ea all other securities. The market for sterling exchange is eery dell. There is good rea son to believe that the 'Persia, on Weiser day, will take out a very Large RUB in specie. The Boston steamer to-day took cut $565,000 In geld, sent from this efts) . The Metro politan currency certificates ere Iselag redeemed more quickly than wan expected. it is not op posed that after New Tear s the among uanUred will much exceed 53,500,000. This day the emit try banks retired 8180,000, and have also pearl- dud for the 20 per cent. to be redeemed on the let of January. A new bank, called the Marine Bank, has been authorized to open and do bonizteas at Hoboken, under the banking law of New Jersey. The clear ing house eruktioxes to-day were 1 . 11,5 4 52r555 63, and the bale:tees, 016,125.13. The cash transom tions at the Sttb4reantry were as folk's*: Its septa, 5T3.143:61 : payments, $74,516.66 ; balsam. $44.49.651 64. The receipts itself de MOO frolic curtains ; the payments Mamie 514,060 California drafts The stock market Was doll with &drooping tea dency at the opening of the Int tau& iikich was recovered before the Owe The absence of !peculators makes the market inactive, but there is a good deal of firmness in the general tone, sa3 at the close of the second board prices Irma well maintained. N$W YORK STOOL SICHAROS—rer ruts/ BOARD. . . _ 3000 Teen Es '9O Ktlloo Eris Bail/Nal a/S n 12000 Missouri en 5051 50 do e 11% 1.100 Cal State 7s 70 6z,g 1330 do 1" 1000 Tirgitia es Ks, ;100 stl 15 SO® do 90n 1-1 ir.3lltesoi" ling E 10113 Brooklyn (My ei 20 tied do ;0 .I 4 11000 Erie bonds 1075. 4.11ii200 do as 4 M>o Mod Els% m .14 96 . 1103 nazism It 61 10000 do - .60 Li 1250 • do - ti 6. WA MO Rid mort 10 t llll Mach SoaxtbEgn It 1.39( .500 kf lob Coo 5 per c i 0 Panamall 9 IT lit 31 Skg Pd Coabdi 04 ; 01. do , 11 0000 , do , tgt9,lloo Gol k Chi It SO i 3030 Galk.Cl63 31 att 7014 1/51 do 1.71 70 0000 111 Co Ws 9.1 a2O do ON 10 Bk State co 1Q T9O 150 do b[olo% 10 Km Ex Ilk 100 1100 Clore /4 To! Et 40 10 Put Book 90 1100 do 1•14 41 :A Market, Bank 95 IWO do 1.30 41V .20 Pulite 51411 Co 65,S'a 405 CL! &11 IE. Ti 61 Del&1171C1 Co lin il5O do 711, 90 Com Cool Co .3 9 110 do 160 71 40 do 9`90, do 1(,03131 .200 ,do ~.3 94(114 do b?) 71,9,, In N T Cen It blO 74 , 50 IA Croe“ & S/t1 20% 5 ti• 73 k1.5:X1 do 11 100 do 110 7.111 jl3 C Et&q.ataty P. 51 110 do e 73\ ll=l .ksitrs.—The Market is Inactive—dealers wait ing for the new Inspection Price& thefercre, ars nominal at VS.P7i forPearls.and.b6 for Pubs Ths atock consists of flei bbls Pearls. and 7?2 bbla Pots. Sale/sins is steady at 7c. cash. Correa —All kinds are dull at feebly-m.sin tained picas Lett sales of Rio at ; Mari. caiho at 101alli1r, and Java, in mats, at 15n, months. COTIO'4.—The market cestimses to droop Ths business is very small at Jar fn middlteg CF land4 Ftorn, Ac., —The demand for Western Canal Flour i 3 limited, and the market quite beaoy at our quotations of yesterday. There is a great dif ference of opinion respecting the stack, and many holders will not sell, believing the supply mode rate. The sales are 3,000 bbls. at 54.2014 25, for Common to good State; $4 45a54.60 for extra do ; $4.20a54.25 for superfine Indiana and Michigan; $4 45a5a5.20 for extra do.: SA 5545.25 for common to good extra Nib; $5.23a16-50 for good to choice do.; $5.25557.50 for St. Louis brands; $5,53.07 50 for extra Genesee. Canadian flour is dull and heavy ; the supply Is moderate; sales of 400 bbls at *4 23a54.30 far pa- Fertile, mod cl 5543 for extra do. Southern flour is Inactive at our inside figures; nv grxl tont can be had—mica of 1,7:00 bbla at 5 :10'844 03 for mixed to good brands Baltimore, &c.. and f3m* 50 for better grades. Rye flour is in moderate request at .3344. Corn meal is inactive at $3.10a113.26 for Jeep. Buckwheat flour is doll at $2.121 per 100 lb. Oitata—The demand for wheat is quite light, and the market unsettled—rates of mall lam nf amber Tennessee at 51.17}, and white do $l.-2.1 Barley is irmetire and plenty at fiSa7S.e. Barley malt is dull at 87a90e. White beans are in fair request at i-1.371a51 3d per bu. Canadian peas are quiet at $1.05451 c'S per bu. Southern black-eyed peat are quiet at 52 7:452.521 per bag et 2 be. Rye is easier and is quiet at 72123 e. Corn Is steady—the arrivals are moderate and the demand limited. Sales of 10,000 btus at 53afkla for nett Jersey and southern yellow, and 63e for old do. Western mixed is nominal at 634.631 e.. Oats were in moderate demand and steady at 33 a3sc for Jersey 28333 e for southern; 41a43. fcr State And 4ta430 for western ' . . MOLASSES—COIItintieS inactive. New Orleans is scarce and in demand. PltOristoNs —The demand for Pork is fair, and, with a reduced stock, prices are sustained, al though closing heavy—the salsa are kgo Ehhs at $15.1 , 0 for old mess; 515.STia$16 for nee do; $l5 for prime mete; $13413 25 for prime, and $17..374 .$17.50 for clear. 13ecf is still very heavy—die demand is light for the city trade mainly—the sales are 100 bbla at $5,75a56.50 fo:cenntry prime; $32.510 fordo meets; $10a512.59 foe repacked western mem, and sl.3s $l4 for extra. do. Prime ricsa is active at StSss24 Beef bass are mor active, and held with greater firmness-- sales of $6O bbls at $13.5.01518 Cut meats are quite active. and are steady— sales of 1,10') tea at tia62oe for shoulders, and ClaSno for hems. Bacon doll and nominal at 71a4a Lard 13 heavy the arrivals are light sod the de mand equally ae—eales of 12 bhls and to at are tqe, awl mall lot, at 9ia 9 iu. Butter is in fair demand at for Ohio, and tta:Ve for State, and Orange county at 2,saZic. Cheese is quiet at 6 iitSe. Dressed begs are scarce and in demand, at TaTic. F.C6.lll3.—The business continues small. and in chiefly to refiners. Sates of Cubs at 6al'itc, Re fine,/ are inactire. TEAS—Are firmly bold. Imperten cser spa ringly. Werisarr.—The demand is tair---salee et 3C bbls at 21a2lic. NEW YORK CATTLE 31ARE_ET, WHTNESDAT, Dee. 30.—At market, beeves, 1,473; cows, 181; seals, '6S; sheep, 8,195; swine, 2,o4l l —atich shows, from last week, a deereue of ITS beeves, 67 cows, 213 seals. 113 sheep and lambs, and HS swine. Beef Cattle, owls.: probally to the short ropply and the demand for the holidays *cleansed fo per lb. The yards were In a. very sloppy condition, hat trade was brisk. The quality wee very fair, widt a few superior animals. Cows soli for :2544.5 ; Yeats, ; sheep, .s3a $.5 50; and swine, 511.5145—shish was a littN bet ter for bogs. NEW BEDFORD OIL MAREST—Irt ircsk ending December .% 1--Sperm—llte telket Coe oils lime been 'very quiet eines our lost, An without tranatetiont. There has been sows 54a 11 7 1 how ever, tor sperm, but the views of Were to not come quite up to those of holden, trackball of ilia.* holden !dm base their oil seta end 44 not care to disturb it at present rata