'cAsTLE. ItY . 1111,," MC[ll6ll9 OF THE ceithnl:TAlE,B.-" ;fetwititstAnding that . tbelcaittio :Of Kilkenny, genettglir , held ,a ,strong iptitisoia; upon art"Dc, tuber' evening, in the , year 18pft, its bastions, tossora POintivet.defertuellifota al moat nnintiiined ; its eMirtSolloost ; and but a few very olCor --very'. young- domestics satin ifs great ball, with arid; .in, their hands, and With dottlitatidasixlety impressed on their f ea tiwe l i j ', r yt,„badistit out • its last regular, eel= Ater, together with all of its able-bodied serfs, to shlipdrttifeithird;Tames; - Earl of' Orrnonde, in a attlts .140110 =the Desmond, touching the rightsAidhOyeds-of certain, lands ; and intel7 3igence,pf the iosidt °Ube frayWatcupon this evening, - every moment, eapectedat its gates.. • • The'lady of Alie,fortreas kueltin her, privae el i ftil,at-t? the, altar of the holy steue/, , ferventihnt -not faltering 'prayer.: The pride of rtaddi;the :pride feudal anlinosity, and the 'v414:0 her:love Of her martial husband, 01'17444 'PTV her' -heart:-unconscious, of-fbar. Thentme,st:condoscensimi of her anxiety was to doubt; .but "notiiine.didShe;•qt.irenld She, donlicupenlheiabject arhich engrossed_ her noul l ,so 'far 'as regaided, its. issue by mortal means. -'," UnControlled', by ty= superior power; the, 3otilleT, ilia , OrMonde; the lard of her heart and her life, ever . commanded success against o4tesmentl; 'and she knelt; therefore; onlyto - Pray that Ake Will:of 'Gad Might not , on this occasion, fightugainst her and hers. Her ended;"the slewly arose,, and sifter betiding berlead, and creasing her calm and ,bigh,foreheati.,befere „the, altar, , pabed stung the'solitary chapel, - .and issued " from it 'through paoss - arched - door. = Many'flights of num* ittime steps, twining, upward from the foundations of the Castle, upon 'a level with which'ivris, the ; Chapel-116ot; then"' conducted her to the_suite, of small rooms leading, into her sleeping-phainber thenCe, she a JobbY,Which gave entrance to what Was called " ThQ":"Lring Gallery'" ~of, the - edifice; 'where thaditig' - herselfalonei the lady ''of Ornaonde blaw,a shrill andioudcall upon the little silver whistle Which hunglrepher neck. But di Parton" austicred het' ; and while her scommending_ brow assumed n .severo expres ision;-sho was again about to put the,whistle to her lips, when the notes of, a„,trumPet,.sonnd-,, ing the signal fOr' &feted, rettehed hes front; us she believed,' ~thee: - embattled-Wall! -which faded" ankfell'de . Wn"to the ,Noto, till forty. feet;, ;althopgtl:.ftswee still taueh 'lower than. , the_ foundation .stene - of the fortress it helped .to , defeial.„' TlM:point from which the martial,strain seemed to 'arise vas fully_ coin:. minded by, the.spadeutt end wiiadaw. of the long gallery'; 61:M41400 the'lady of Ormond° now repaired, with a more rapid step than was habifnat to, her. - , Al'ilied ,, '.at" the ' windoiv;. she, boldly , flung open its "casement, and - gazed directly down-. ward;'" Two Siguies Only niet 'her view, those of the, individuals -whom she haCrealitined 'upon - liteetirigin'the gallery after heeretnin front - tho '-4141591-nritnely, Simon.' 8,04 ) 'the Half-Witted fester-lirother *flier Only,sob,,(and only child,; too), and!. that ,only,son, himself, mounted on Simon's' ehouldersiwhagalloped t . or prentied; or, chrVetedi - the'terra;Plarie of the wa11".." ;. , - • “The poor horn-natural!", she_ muttered'; stags : M"oll he disohey,My Commando not to leave"the 'Castle, withhis Young lord? aid leave it for such entice, too,,nndlopbe played upon that pcliilons wail ; and doubtless it was-lie who erewhile Mimicked the sound of trumpet which' Po challenged us - , , _ The lady recollected Nlllloll'3 , talent for imi tating the.tones Of all the ; initruntents of mu sic 'whielfhe bitkey,er beard ida:yed; is well,- indeed, as.i . tf,the voices. ofnutny animaiti p , tuld even at the Moment her stinailstiiiatt,pohtlrm-• ed ;, for, after ;he' bad exceedingly:svell formed - the ' !mad neighingand snorting of en enraged • battle-charger,"ns an.accompaniment to a devious and (still, the lady thought) peril.' one caracole, she saw and heard him blow a second,tintopet blast thrdugh the hollow of his band;-which might Well he „ mistaken .for 'the martial;lmisic At faithfully' copied.. %lilies a strain f victory - -and. triumph.; and, Simon peerried-enamoretr of- his own exedutlini of it; for he • prolonged the_ sends, as - though he' would never end theni",,until; attest, they sitd detily'.stopped, breaking off inn ludicrous Ca dence of:terror es the 'overmastering shrillness of his lady's whistle cut them Short: -Turning up his largo gray eyes to the open window - far above him, be saw the awful figure of his offended mistress half bending from it. ger arm was raised, her hand clenched, and she stamped her foot, and pointed to him to re-enter the castle. The Lord Thomas—so was called the little boy of seven ofeight years on his ,back"- - -looked up also;-but while-Simon assumed a face of the utmost fright and OHM tion,. be only laughed Merrily and graciously, in answer his mother's signs; and then, re sistlnvhis - foster-brother's -preparations to place him on his own feet, he obliged Simon' still to bear him on his shoulders.' In a few moments the little lord Thomas . . appeared .before his mother, in the 'gallery'. Fier 11ratlook towards liim was' one' of grave reprehension; but when,,presurning ,on her love for him, as well as prompted , by,his own love for her,the boy came bounding forward— his perfectly amiable and intelligent counte nance.wearing smiles, which at once depre cated her anger and admitted error, but made light. of it--L-the stately lady's brow, 'relaxed, and; thinking of his. father, she opened her arirtsio, receive him., "Bnt where tarries Simon Suix; bey ? with him, at least, the overgrown adviser and con triver of all thine antics, I shall call a strict reckoning,", she said, after, some previous words betwen-them. - Lord Thomas made a gleeish signal to his mother of a confidential understanding sought at her : hands, and then composing his features, spoke in a voice of mock -solemnity, and he turned towards the door by which he had come in: "Enter., Simon, and face mylady mother." The ill-contrived figure of Simon, short, thick,andbandy-legged, dragged itself through the doorway, and stood still a few - paces past the threshold.- - . His long arms dropt at his sides`; his jaw fell ; his crooked eye-browsbe came proportionately elevated; his heavy-lid ded. eyes turned sideways - upon the floor; and altogether- he presented a very ludicrous cari cature of repentance,fear, and self-abasement, of which. one halrwas, however, only affected; for, with his: young lord for an advocate, ho really apprehended no bid consequences. So; knave,'!' the lady began, " neither your respect for my commands, nor your love and-fear of the lord-of Ormonde, exposed, at this moment, to utmost peril, can keep' you - within the caatleovith Lord Thomas, sage and sedate, as the time requires him• and you to bet" , • . Simon whiningly; yet with - a certain sly ex pression of tone and manner, replied-;-« I wot nol - ,,-,gracions lady, wherefore, at" this time; aught is required - fro* . Lord Thomas, his fa ther's son,- or from me, his poor, simple ser vitor and body-mAn, save the Ifearinf which bespeaks joyousness and trouble past. ' «And why, shrah, wet you not 7" «Because, by this hour of the day, our good battle lath - surely been fought and' won, and a Botitler's foot again planted on the neck of a Desmond," answered Simon,. confidently. "Say you so 7" continued the lady, her eyes brightening; « and- whence come your tidings, sir 7" « From our 'common thought of whatever must be the fortunes of the Ormonde against his present foe; lady," said the reputed fool ; and while be spoke he gave his noble foster. brother an anxious sign to - second his interest ed sycophancy, in consequence of which, as well, indeed, as in assertion of what he really felt, theladyanswered: « True; Simon ; and it would, in Booth, ill become the Ortnende'e only son' to 'show, by wearing of a sad face, this even, a doubt of his own gallant father." " , f that, hxdullent lady I" adjured Sinion, his nobleness repeats the very wdrds drew me from the - castle by his side." « Peace, knave!!! PA. the )ady, her face, voice,,,nrej, manner suddenly changing into great - energy es Ail beard the -well.knoern sounds of lowering the ,draw-bridge before Ehe prinWal gAto bathe walls of the castle :igiay, by My'.11.4.1y, War; she want-on rapidly, While a brirst of wailing voices reached her from the hall below—« here I have. beep Wilfully ban. dvilig'Worda with an idiot,, at the moment that. I should have bent my knee to heaven !".Who comes •to-greet7us Who waitsbelew.?" she cr i e d, pacing inwaids aside-door of the gal. lery : ; ,andt,she ivashbout to issue - throngh it, • when the sena of many feet eoficiect on MA lobby Without.' She- paused, and, great , pale. PresentWold'ichn Seix;the father of Sinion, , clad in complete mail; and 'Melting'. jaded and agitatedaresented himself , before her: the few servants left, in, the eastle croWded at his back, Jig!' „eyes mei lifs ; 'and during' their shortlelf, eloquerieglance, she drew, In - herlips hard, creased one hand • over' her bosom, and with• the other; extended., at full' length, rtle: tioned hilaa to speak. « The noble Ornionde lives, dear lady,'.' an swered-the olenian ; end there he paused. « BO the battle-is •lost, John Seta?" she said, apparently with calmness, Evasively he replied, that his lord; in iiitek retreat upon Kilkenny, close preet by the Desmond,- had despatched him to .bid his lady' summon the citizens of the. town. to efhi r: that:some of them might, help, to garrlspi thentistle„ and some ,hasten; to „Pain his- army at , Green's - - bridge, a mile up the river, where he purposed making,avlastlara*e eland against his old foe. d All things shall be tried," answered his lady : and thereupon she despatched Op'e'do mestic fo iintlierlties_hf the imin, over whom the house of Ormond° held des potic sway ; andiatibtlferto - the ideepreovialch; held the . great: Neck, in the'ehlarLyaref,- with ordera[to ring the dp:,p.,,„, John Seta," she resumed, : walking' uprand, !for ) th e galler y_ beweverhaaytetide'illitilaatatruggl e at the'- hridgeil give.warteho fears for-the dear and precious life of the Ormonde ; ,Sripposing a warlariboner'at the preaentniement, a' Des moildhatlf neief lived who. dares -td harm a hair dtltisheed." «.2 4 7'0r ever ;Maitre., tcf;blll744de 034- mottlat' ? " - dald the almost infant, Land Thomas, comijig, to lies; Adelina taking herbaria; -hi s childish leers, Whichhad flowedetlotin - 4:ozai prisVamira 41;unat ilriekl3p4,gl4o- raised him in her arms,and pressed him to her bosom, but she did not weep. After setting him on the floor again, she continued: _ cc No, old and faithful servant; Ifearhotthe poor Desmond on my lord's account; 'but— should he a second , time Trove fortunate at yonder bridge, and afterwards break hiii rude :way into the castle ) here---then, John Seix =garrisoned and lone . • as we are—then would I fear hhn on mine Oirn account." "-Ana wherefore, mother I" demanded the boy at her side, while old Seix- sighed heavily and issentingly.' cc It need# not that I inform you of the broad grounds , of ray. fear," she• resumed, still ad dressing-her old household steward :cc before my marriage vilth my noble; lord, you return lier his - bold -pretensions to ray favor—they were.plain to all the world; riathless, no living ereiiture;,save myself, can now toll you the es petilal 'reason why—woman, wife; lady and— mother, as I am"—her accents trembled ; she stopt her rapid walk, and put her hand on her son's headovbile he looked 'up into her face moat' intently, though not as if ho compre hended hei present discourse—cc the especial reason why my soul begins to ahrink before the Desmond"— ccHark .to the , noise which comes faintly down the river, lady," said, to her great sur prise,, Simon Seix, the half-lhol, speaking seriously and steadily, as he gracelessly moved from • a corner in which ho had hitherto been standing unnoticed, though, perhaps, not with out noticing all ho saw and heard; and edging round by the wall, approached the end window of the gallery. cc /5 , , and so it does!" exclaimed his mis tress,hurrying to the point of observation be fore him ; cc and, for the nonce, Simon, well have you spoken." ' 'She" gained the open window. Quick as a flash, her glance shot at once up the river, to the bridge, and there fixed itself. The Octo ber evening began to close in, and it was sun less and heavy; yet the twilight did not so 'Much prevail as to hinder her from distinguish ing the general features of things at a good distance. • •. The' faint shouting and uproar still came down the Nero ; but nothing to interest her as yet occurred upon 0.0 bridge. Iu a very short time, however, the wild tumult growing louder, she saw a large body of armed men pour over ,it, iapidly'and in disarray ; and some rallied at the ceuntry side of the bridge, some between its battlements, "and some at its town side. The lady of Ormond() knew that these were.her husband's men, hotly pursued by the -Desmond; and that they .now prepared to Make the last stand of which old Seix had . . spoken to hoe.. 'Nor wore they allowed much time to prepare themselves; nor did they long 'resist the fierce attack of their assailants. The particular ineidenti of the struggle she could not see;_ but in the furious shouts of the Des mond, at first confident and insulting, and then cruel and triumphant; in the haughty blasts of their trumpets;lathe gradual receding from the bridge of her lord's bands, as those of his -enemy - thronged thick upon it ; and in the fre quent pliflige,of men andhprses into the river, ,at that pointevidently.posiessed at first by her friends: in all these occurrences, the unhappy lady. saw, too pleinlY;'siges of discomfort and ,Of wo,io herhusliand; his child, and - herself. Old Soli, -watching her from the Interior of the gallery, 'needed nothing but her action, and, the expression of her countenance, to tell him the issue of the . ,.fray,,and to impart tp his -own' , bosom the successie emo tions which agitated - hers. "When 'she first .looked out from the window he new by. her unbending attitude, extend knew neck, and un .wlnking eyes, that, as. yet, she saw nought which she had expected to see. Suddenly, in answer to the rush of dm Ormoudes over the bridge,' she" - stood upright; - and 'clenched her hands at bee; aides; then she bent low again; and her fingers grasped her knees; and then she started, a second time, to her full . height, 'stamped With one 'foot, waved an - arra around her head with a quick, chucking action of im patient command; and, finally, in observance of a termination which has not been described by us, she throw up her hands; locked theta together, and dropped her lined between her arms. ", Ail is over, lady of Ormonder demanded Seik. . • "It is, John," she answered; "our base binds fly like the pciof deer they are only fit to tend; scattered and 'wild, over the distant country. "Do the Desmonds pursue?" again asked the house-iteward. “ Gallantly l” replied the lady; and all in a body—not a man stays on the bridge." "Then we have some pause, dear mistress; since none of them hasten this way." "'Ay, I grant you, if our townsmen enter the castle In time. But where linger they? false, burgeois churls! Begone, thou, John Seta, and essay to rouse their sluggish spirit) But no—hold an instant—it 'may—it may be so I" She interrupted herself, by speaking these last Words in a joyous, hopeful tone, as she again looked up the river. 'gc The Ormoudes, lady 2" questioned the old man. "By Heaven! I do believe it is, John Seixi Some five or seven mounted mon have parted from the confuhed body of pursuers and ,pursued, beyond the bridge—and now re gain it—now spur fiercely over it—and one keeps ahead of the others—and now I lose him and them as they turn into the town. Quick, quick, John Seix, and mount the tur ret over the grand-gate—thither they repair, whoever they be—quick, old man! I wait you here." - 'The, house•steward did as be was cote. mended. In a short time after he had taken his position In the • turret, seven horsemen galloped up the ascent which led from the near end of the town to the castle; and one, of noble bearing, led the rest, But as It was now deep twilight, and as the riders kept their vizors down, he, could not, at a first look, pro nounce whether they were friends or foes, Coming nearer, he fixed his glance upon a banner which 'they bore, and his heart beat with joy, for it was the banner of the Or monde. lie challenged them, as they milled their reins before the gate ; they, ono and all, shouted the gladdening word, and he hastened from the turret to admit thera within the walls of the castle. Meantime his lady impatiently, pantingly ,awaited his return to the gallery. Leaving the window, the cast herself at first into a seat; then quickly arose, paced the gallery, stopped, listened, took her son's hand, and rapidly walked with him to the door, at the remote end. She had again heard the unbarring of the gate, and the lowering of the drawbridge. Now she distinguished hasty steps ascending through the castle to the gallery. A few paces from the end door, sho stood still; a knight clad hi full armor entered. In height and figure he resembled her husband : but his vizor was down. Upon that she fixed her eye. An instant passed in silence, neither moving. The knight slowly raised his hand, and put up his vizor—Lit was the Desmond Sho did not scream nor start, nor even step back, for her heart bad misgiven her, and spared her a surprise which might have be trayed the heroic lady into some weakness which she would have scorned to show. t".l know you, Desmond," she only said, nodding her head, and endeavoring to look down his deep and fearful stare; ft ay, and I knew you before you put your baud to your opaque." i; You dtd, Potronilla 7" he asked, in a low voice. - Call me by my own name, here in mine own castle, Desmond ; the lady of Ormonde is that name ; none other have you license to utter • and then tell me, what would Piers Gerald - of Desmond with the lady of Ormond° —with her, and with her 801;), whom sho'holds by the hand?" It pleasures me," ho answered evasively, that you know moots you say." ' "And wherefore should RI" Because, the knowledge so little angered you towards me, When I feared far otherwise of our meeting, lady of this eastle.". • . I' And is that all Then I tell you, Des mond, build nought' upon such a seeming. Learn, rather, that there be some in the world who deeply feel, though - they despise much outward show of what they feel ; and who leave actions in the- stead of words to deoido be tween them and those they love or hate, honor or i spurn." And 'tiff well, passing well, that thus calmly-we do meet," he resumed; "for it hits the fashion of the time, and the change of—" • - Of what?" she - interrupted, for a woman, almost sternly—" the change of what ? what change? Think you, Desmond, that, for an hour's mishap, the first he ever knew from vinyl:land, at the least—the lord of Ormonde, o1•1;lalti wife, 1011 brook that word think you thatthat spirit bends or snaps so soon? think yoy that the cowards who fled from you on yonder bridge make a tithe of the Ormonde's truer and loyalor vassals and fighting men? or, grOntiug that he.stood alone to-bight, In seine nook of hltfoifrfwide lands,:think you no other friends may be near, although come from Mr, toitakelis part and give' you back to him, hand to hand, and foot to foot 7" ' a What other friends 7" asked Desmond. ft Hark in your ear—true English friends py 7 Desmond, and with one who loves the Or monde to bid them on—with England's king .to,bid them on I" she continued, exultingly. • is Who hides behind this arras, to witness nur discourse 1" demanded Desmond, striding to the place of which ho spoke, his hand placed on: his sword. + 4 Norm net my poor jester, black Desmond!" erfed.,the little Lord Thomas, springing after lan from his mother's side I cc pone but he, Skeen Selz; the half-witted, is there, and he has,oniy crept behind the arras to sleep." ' t' The child pulled aside the arras as ho spoke, and discovere'd; indeed, Simon Selz, sitting bdhind it, his clumsy, bony knees crippled up into his mouth, and his whole figure curiously 'twisted Into the smallest possible size, while ltd seemed,- at least; to sleep profoundly. "Bid him awaken, and to the hall with you, *for pastime, my brave man," said Desmond, shaking Simon with his mailed hand till he ;opened his eyes, uttering a strange cry, and 'Starting to his feet. May they not leave the gallery, lady ?" resumed Desmond ; "our -speech grows of impart." - (To Ile Conlintied.) , ' THE PRESS.—PMLADELPIIIA, WEDNESDAY, DgdEltitEß 30, 1857. Legal Noticce TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOk THE CITY AND COUNTY OF rarLAAELFRIA. Estate of WILLIAM E. HORNOES, deceased. The Auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the account of Samuel Welch, John Weleb, - andlVillimu Welsh, Executors of the will of WILIAM& E. Roo., NOR, deceased, and to report distribution, will attend tolhe duties of hie appointment on TURBDA.lrrittonerf 6th. A. D. 11168, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his oflloo, — No. 271 Booth PIPTII Street, below PRIMP Street! of Philadelphia. itqlte elty de24.eod-6t JOSEPH A. CLAY, Auditor. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOB THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PIIILADEL. PIM, June Thin, 107; No 68. SsaNtasl by ber next friend, &e. vs. On& STEWART BEATON. Sur libel for Divorce,a vioculo Matrimoni , And now, December 19th, 1861, on motion of William E. Hood, for libellant, the Court grant a rule on the respondent to show cause why a divorce from the Bonds of Matrtmouy should not be decreed—returnable Saturday, January 241, 1868, at 10 &cloak A.. IL Oharlee Stewart Seaton, Sir: Please take notleo of the above rule. WILLIAM B. 1100 D, de24-2taW-2w* Attorney pro Libellant. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF ,PHILADELFHIA. Estate of JOHN SAVAGE, 49cesamt. The Auditor apiminted to audit, settle and adjust the accounts of GEORGE nuNDLE and WILMA'S!. GRIF FITHS, executors of the estate ofJOHN SAVAGE, de ceased, and to roport distribution, will meet the parties interested at his office. No, 243 South FIFTH Street, below WALNUT, on DIONDAY, the 28th day of De cember, 1887, at 4 o'clock F. M. del6-wfux-64 , LEON ADDETT, Auditor. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE J. CITY AND COUNTY OF PUILADELPIIIA. The Auditor appointed to audit, adjust, and settle the account of William Marone.) , and Sarah Ann Brown, Administrators of ROHE WN, deceased, and to make eistributionot the the hands of tho ac countants, will meet the toreated as his office, N 0.115 South FIFTLI or 011E8TM:it, on THURSDAY, the 7th , 2858, at 4. o'clock P. IL • ES It. OASTLE. de24-thuttest* CIFFICE OF ARMY OLOTRING AND O' EQUIPAGE Puu,anoLemy December 4 1857. —.SEALED PROPOSALS are invited, and will be re ceived at this office, until ICI o'clock A. U. of the 4th day of January next, for furnishing by Om:tract the fol lowing Army Supplies and Materials. deliverable at the United States Clothing and Equipage Depot, (Schuylkill Arsenal,) to quantities as required, viz 6,000 yards 6.4 datk iliac (Indigo wool dyed) cloth for cape and Sunda, weighing about 14 ounces per yard. 63,000 do 6-4 dark bine (Indigo wool dyed), twilled - cloth, weighing 21 Ounces per yard. 120,000 do 0-4 sky-blue (Indigo. wool' dyed) . twilled cloth, weighing 21 ounces per per dark blue (indigo dyed) cotton end wool flannel, weighing 0% ounce' ,or yard. , 7-8 white flannel (cotton and wool) to - weigh 6% ounces par yard. 10,000 do 6-4 dark blue flannel, wool (indigo dyed.) 10,000 do 47 inch alpaca, (black.) 100,000 do X canton flannel, to weigh 7 Ounces per yard. X unbleached drilling, to weigh 6% nuance nor yard. X unbleached drilling, to weigh 7X la num per yard. 20,000 do 30 inch cotton duck, to weigh 22% ounces per yard. 15,000 do 30 inch mitten duck, to weigh 15% 03.11403 per yard. 81,000 do 28)4 inch cotton duck, tp weigh 14% Ounces per yard. 25,000 do 28X Inch cotton dock, to weigh 10 oneeoe Per yard. • " 22 loch cotton duck, to weigh 11 educes 10,000 do 10,000 do 175,000 do 25,000 do per yard. • 8,600 do 22 Inch cotton duck, to weigh 0 ounces por yard. 10,000 do 21 inch cotton duck, to weigh 124 ounces 25,000 por yard.' do 33 Inch cotton duck, towel& ounces peryard. 12,000 army blankets - wool, gray. (with the letters U. B. to block, 4 inches In length. In the con tra) to be 7 feet long, and 5 feet 0 inches wido; each blanket to weigh 5 pounds. 7,500 dozen pairs half stockings, 3 sizes properly made, of good sound fleece wool; and with double and twisted yarn, to weigh 3 pounds per dozen. 10,800 pompons for engineers, ordnance, medical de partment, dragoons, rifles, artillery, and Infantry. 30.000 cap bedlam. 12,000 yards glared allk for covers. 140 N. O. 8. brass scales, pairs. . . . . 600 sergeant's do do do 800 corporal's and privates' brass scales, palm. 6 N. 0. B. bronzed do do 80 sergeant's do do do 500 corporal's and privates' bronied do do 76,000 yards 3 ,1 in Worsted lace, I yellow, scarlet, sky 5,000 do 'X' 1y dodo, 5 blue, orange, green. 0,700 do red hunting. 6,000 do white do 2,900 do blue do' 2,500 gross coat-buttons. 3,600 do vest do 3,600 do suspender buttons, whits metal 4,600 do shirt do do 45,000 tent buttons, Wood, small. 12,000 do slips, do do 5,090 do buttons, do large. 1,000 do slips, do do 100 hospital tent poles, sets. 600 wall do do 000 common do do 4,000 galvanised iron wire rode, for tents. 10,000 do do staples, do 8,000 mess pans, iron 1,000 camp kettles, iron, three sizes. 12,000 tin canteens, (3 pints, weskit 11,Ai ounces,) with stoppers. 1,000 pick axes, two sizes. 2,000 do handles. 1,000 camp hatchets. 40 trumpet cords and tassels, orange. 40 trumpet cords and hounds, yellow. 20 do do dr green. 40 drums, Artillery, complete. 70 do Infantry, do 1,100 do heads, batter 700 do do snare. 100 do snares. sets. 200 do sticks; pairs. 200 do do carriages. All the above mentioned aritelee most conform in all ',Spec', to the sealed standard patterns In this ' °Mee, where they can be examined • and sample patterns will be sent by mail, with any additional information In regard to them, which may be requested by manufac turers or other* wiabing to offer proposals. It is deeirable that all the articlee be of domeatic manufac ture. Deliverlea to commence on the 16th day of February next, and one-half of the quantity contracted for to be delivered in equal monthly proportions, by or before the 90th April , 1858; the remainder within four inonthe from that date, in monthly or greater proportiona, as the contractor may find it convenient. The privilege le rererved by the United Staten of in creaaing from one-third to one-half the quantity of all the supplies above mentioned, by giving the contractor one month's notice of ouch desired Increase. Payments will be made on each delivery, should Con gress have made an appropriation to meet them, or all aeon thereafter as an appropriation shall be made for that purpose. Ten per cent. of the amount of each de livery 'lain be retained until the contract dual be com pleted, which will be forfeited to the United Mateo in cm of defalcation on the part of the contractor in fulfilling the contract. Bids will be received from manufacturer% or regular dealers. only, in the articles proposed to bo furnislev and none will bo considered in which the manufacturer's mill or dealer's place of business IS not sipeoltically set forth. Contracts will be based on accepted proposals, for the fulfilment of which two or more sufficient securities will be required. The names, address, and the responsibility of the persons proposed as securities, with the acknowledgment of said persons that they will be such security, or will see that good and sufficient security be furnished lu case a contrast is obtained, will be transmitted with the proposals. It is to be distinctly understood by every person ob. taining a contract, that said contract is not transferable without the consent of proper awhority, and that any sale assignment, or transfer of it, without such con seat having been obtained, (except under a process of law,) will be regarded as au abandonment of the con tract, and the contractor and his securities will be held responsible for all loss or damage to the United finites which may arise from said abandonment. Proposals will be addressed to the undersigned, and will be endorsed "Proposals for furnishing army eup• plies and materials." HENRY 0. WAYNE, dec.4.lmw tJan4 Bt. M.jor, A. Q. Mr Obarntional HALL _c) NEAR S F fl A ' L . try 7 KI E LL LESS Piiii.Atm,Pnt A. SELECT BOARDING 801100 L FOR BOYS. IMEMEZI Tho Rector, Rev. D. It SMYBEIt, may be seen every WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON from 3 to 6 o'clock, at HOOKER'S Booliatore, B. W. corner EIGIITII and OTIESTNIIT, where also circulars may be obtained. Addrees Rte. B. R. SHYSER, (13.2 m Falls of Schuylkill, Philadelphia. VRITTENDEN I B PHILADELPHIA COM MERCIAL COLLEGE, S. E. corner or SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets Second and Third Stories. BOOE.HEERING, •lANSIIIP, every style. COMMERCIAL LA 'y ; ND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CA LATICES. • LECTURER, &c. Each Student has individual instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the inunediate "pervialon of the Principal. One of the Bost Penmen in the Country has charge of the Writing Department. Please call and see Speoimens and get a Catalogue of Terms. tee. ocB-y PROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, WEST VIIILADELPHIA.. No Seminary whatever le more like a private family. The ammo of etudy is eponsive and. thorough. Pro rosier Saunders will receive a few more pupils under fourteen years of age into hie family. Enquire of Messrs. J. B. Meer and Mathew Newkirk, or Col. J. W. Forney, Fdltor of this paper, whose eons or wards are now members of his family. septl4.4l golds anti Utataurants MERCHANTS' HOTEL, NORTH FOURTH BTREBT Azo►r AI PHILARALPHIA. ati24,tt IdoWIBERN & 86m, 280PIIIVT0111 JONES'e AROII STREET SALOONS, 727 mid 729 ARM MEV HOLIDAYS! HOLIDAYS ! . . The Holidays are close at bawl, and Jonee'n Arab street Saloon is prepared for the Immense demand that will be made upon It for CONVROTIONS. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S DANDIES WORM) ISCPBUISLY FOR THE PRESENT BEASON Every variety of Eon Bone, 'Putnam, Bourbon Drop, new style of Gum Drops, Eau Sucre Drupe, L'anglitorre Bon Bona, and every variety rare and coati.) , candies manufactured In Pens. ltor.Preaeats, alt eltaa and PATTERNS Of Ornamental -Boxes, Pyramids, Ribbon Ties filled with the cholcest varioty of COnfections, anal varying la price from One Dollar up lO Fifty Dollars. .4iomo of these Boxes are the MOST SUPERB SPOCIMENS op TAROT WOW( AND ARTIST'S DIMON EMIR °MEM) IN THIS COUNTRY. - - To the Ladlee, as well as to the whole public, Jonea's Saloons are the moat attractive In the City, and In splendor of adornment and finish are importer to any in the Union BREAKFASTS, DINNERS, AND SUPPERS, Served up bathe choicest and moat expeditious style. FRUITOF ALL KINDS, ICE CREAMS. JELLIES, CAME AND OYSTERS, • Coustanily ready for Vila tore in prolnalon. - PLAIN, PANCY ' AND ORNAMENTAL , CAKES AND PIES OE EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW YORK TEA BISCUIT, And, In fact all thaVVARIETIES, unußrEp, and DELIOAOIR.A of every cllme and country, Bats, PRIVATE PARTIES, Presentation llappere, and Familiaa aupplist. at'the' ahorteat notion and On reasonable terms. A continuance of throatronage hitherto so liberally bestowed by the pubalnis respectfully aoliolted. • ' del-tt R. it JONES, Proprietor. ' CAMPBELVS74IIESTAIIRANT.—V,hINI t3ON, Wild Bucks, turkeys, Cecile, arouse, Prosh Salmon, Chineatiqbe, Opines...bleu°, Princess Boy, Alma own, and Cove Oysters, with every vari4ty of CAME, wild or domestic, inseason. Creed Tuttle Soup and Terrapin Suppers served up at the shortest notice, at JOHN CAMPBELL'S, No; 527 CHESTNUT street, op posite the State Notice. N.B.—No expense or pains has been spared by the Proprietor in fitting up tide new establishment In the moat sumptuaue manner—the - seeend story being for the adeommodstion of Private Pullen for Dinners,' Suppers, tco. Br Entrance tor tidies t,owards Sixth Amt. uovi-Eim TTHE BRITISH AND NORTH MURI CAN ROYAL MAIL BTRAMBIIIIII. PBOX NNW XOB% TO LIT6BPOOL Chief Cabin Passage frieoand Cabin Paseage Chief Cabin Passage 5110 Second Cabin 'Passage so The sialpe front Boston call at lII.CAI. PERSIA, Capt. Judkine. CANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AMERICA, Capt.Wickman ASIA, Capt. N. 0 Lott. NIAGARA, Captßyrie. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA, Capt. J. Leitch. Those vessels carry a clear white light at mast-heed ; green on starboard bow ; red on port bow. .I.FRICA, Shannon, have N. York, Wednesday, Deo. 9. AMERICA, Lott, • " Boaton, Wedneaday, Deo, Id. EUROPA, Leitch, " N.Fork, Wednesday, Dee, SS. CANADA, Lang, o Boston, Wednesday, Deo. 50. FERSlA.,Judkine, " N,York,Wednesday,Jann, , Se NIAGARA, Wickman, Doston,Wedneaday,lari.l3l4l AFRICA, Shannon, " , N.York,Wedneoday, Jan. 20. erthe not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. ' The owners of these Ships will net be accountable for Goldper,Dullion, Specie, legality, Precious Stones '. or Me nleei bilk of lading are sdgned therefor and itifet) ni) thereof therein expressed. r 'Air freight or P_Wage apply to ',',' Ada.) , E. CUNARD, a Bowling Green, N, York, ' • _ lOR SAN F'A CISCO.--CLIPPERTA SATURDAY, December 19th.—The•unsurpeeeed clipper ship TIVILICHT, Okras, Commander. • Clipper of TITUREMAY, Decomber 24th.—Tike'rerg, nificeot A 1 dipper ship LOOK OUT,•II.Ati [taus, Com mander. ' Both of these aelebrated ships are now losallogli .. New York, and will sail as above. For freight, at New York rates, apply to BISHOP, S , deb 120 ( late 86) NORTH WH A RVES,, SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LLNS7 — STEAMSHIPS BTATU OF -GEORGIA . Ann KEYSTONE STATE. In connoquence of the depressed state of trwle t the above *hips will be withdrawn for the p resent. OotoberlOth. „ A. =IRON, Jr. FARE REDUCED TO SOUTHAMPTON AND lIA rm.—no magnificent' steam/hip VANS DERBIVY, Edward Mutat, oommoder, 15,248 top!, will mil From New York for South• prom Southampton and ampton and Ilan°. Ilarre for New York. - • • /Saturday Oct. 24 /Saturday Nov. IA Saturday • Doo. 6 Saturday Dec:26 Price of Passage—First cabin, $lOOl almond cable, *5O Specie delivered in London and Paris. For freight or wane apply to D. TORRANCE, Agent, N No. 6 Dowling Green, ew York, Letters for logland and Europe, pre-pald, 25 cents each belt ounce, (by enclosure of portage stamps If from other titles ,) wlll be received at No. 6 Dowling-green, Now York, uP to 11X o'clock on the mendog of ail ing. oclo4l POE ENGLAND AND, k" itNE ' Now York and Havre Steamship Company.—The United Status Mail Steamships AUAGO, 2,600 tons, David Linea, commander, and FULTON, 2,690 tons, /AMU A. Wotton commander, will leave New York, gotta and Southampton, for tka years 1867 and 63, on the following days: WATS Mr WU. , . 1887. 1868. rulton,dalurday, Aug. 22 Arago, Saturday, Jan. 0 Arago, do. Bert. 10 Fulton, do. Yob, 0 Fulton, do. Oot. 17 Arago, do. Alarohd Arago, do. Noy. 14 Fallou t do, April 8 Fallou t do. Doe. /2 Arago, do. Atop 1 Fulton, do. May 99 LNALYI ItATIII. 18.5 T. Fulton Arago, , do Tue4,l6y, 41 opt. 229 g. 26 tt Arago, do. Oct. 20 Fulton, do. Nov. 17 Arago, do. boo. 16 1866. Fulton, do. Fin. 12 Arago, do. Bob. 0 Fulton, do. March 9 &top, do. April 6 Fulton, 40. May 4 Arun, do. :nue 1 Fulton, do. Juno 29 PitIOA 07 71IIIII1011: From New York to Southampton or Barrio—Flral Cobb,n $180; Second Oablu, 576. From Barre or Bouthampton to New York—Pint Cobb, BOP from; Second Cabin ; 600 Irma. For freight or waste ; apply to MOIFFIMEE umarrox, Agent, 7 Broadway. !WILLIAM ISELIN, " gone. CiIi,OIIKICY it 00. " Boutli , ton. AMBRIOAN wzioram: XPIIRES AND SDX-i loParia. mom Co. " ate YfIIIE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL A- UNITED STATES MAIL BTEAMERB.—The Ships composing tine Line are : The ATLANTIC, Capt. Oliver Eldridge. The BALTIO, Oapt. Joseph Comstock. The ADBIATIO, Capt. James West. LiThese ehips have been built by contract, expresalfor tfovernment service; every care has been taken intheir conatruation, as also in theirengines, to ensure strength and speed, and their aeoommodatiens for passengers are unequalled for elegance and comfort. Pries of passage from New York to Liverpool, in fleet &Mu, 2130; in second do,, $76; from Liverpool to New York, 80 and 20 guineas. No bertha seoured unless paid for. The 'hips of this line hare improved water-tight bulk heads. PROPOSED DATES OP SAILING. I ISOM 1111 W TORN. IVION LII , IIIPOOL. Saturday, June TO, 1867 Wednesday, hula 24, 1867 Saturday, July 4, 1861 Wednesday, July 8, 1861 Saturday, July 18, 1857 Wednesday, July 22, 1867 Saturday, Aug. 1, 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 5, 18(47 Saturday, Aug. 16, 1857 Wednesday, Aug. IV, 1887 Saturday, Sept. 12, 1867 Wednesday, Sept. 2, /RI Saturday, Sept. 28, 1857 Wednesday, Sept. 85, 1851 Saturday, oat. 10, 1857 Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1857 Saturday, Oat. 24 1857 Wednesday, Oot. 28, 1851 Saturday, Nov. 7. 1857 Wednesday, Nov.ll, 1867 Saturday, Nov. 21, 1857 Wednesday, N0v.03, 1857 Saturday, Dee. 6, 1867 Wednesday, Deo. 9, 1857 Wednesday, Deo. 22, 1861 For freight or paaaago, apply , to EDWARD K. COLLINS No. 66 Wall street, N. T. BROWN, SHIPLEY .2. bO. L Llveipool. f3T2PIIN KSNNAILD D et VO., 27 Austin Friars, London. B G. WAINWRIOIIT it 00., P.I.V. The °tonere of theme ship' will not be Wow:liable for gold, sliver, bullion, specie, jeWelry.pr salons stones or nsetala, unless bills of lodingt•s iL j rad therefor, and the value thereof expressed therein matt GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE TO EU ROPE. First Cabin 880 Second Cabin 850 In the Bret-clam paddie , wheel steamatilp ADRIEL, 2,000 tons, 0. D. LtIDLOW, Commander, and NORM BTAR, MOO tone, T. E. LEIIITRII, to sail from pier No. 3 North River, at noon precisely, carrying the UNITED STATES MARS, viz; Leave N. York for Bouthampton, Us- Bremen for Southamßton are and Breslau. Southampton for New 1, ark. Ariel, Saturday, Oct. Ell. Weds'day, Nord. N.l3atiy Oot. 81. Saturday, N0v.28. Weds'd iy, 800. 80 These steamers touch at RAY/tit. Specie delivered la London and Paris. For passage and freight, apply to D. TORRANCE, Agent, No. S Dowling green, New York. oclo-tf RAMSAY'S ISLAY MALT SCOTCH WILISKEY —2O Puncheons of the above Superior Whiskey, now landing from ship Windsor Forrest, et Shimin street whorl, for sale by JOSEPH. P. TOBIAS, 206 and 208 South FRONT Street. 11 Wholesale AND SCOTCH WHISKEY, Wholesale and Retail By RIJOII BARR, OOVERNMUNT ROUSE, corner of FRONT and WHARTON Streets; (opiwalte the Navy Yard,) kbßudolph's, fIRANDIES.—“ Pinot Caatillon," Marott, and other Cognace of various vintage', In half pipes and quarter oohs,• Palley&lin Rochelle Brandlee, pale and dark, In half pipes, half casks, and one•elghth eaakm. Imported and for sale by I.IIINRY DOMAN & CO., 4,022 221 and 223 South Youth street. ALEXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND LIQUOR STORE, No. T 26, Southeset Corner el GEORGE and SOUTH. Streets. C/. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN PINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, be., 20 Reath /Inn Street, Philadelphia. BRANDIES.—Pinet, Caatilion & Co., Ma rett &Co and other brands of Cognate of various vintagers, in, half pipes and quarter casks ; Fellevoisio Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipes, quarter casks and one.eighth casks, all in Custom House storm, imported and for sale by HENRY BOHLEN k CO., an 6 Noe. 221 and 228 South Fourth West. !ammo Pormn TAITHMAR & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE -.KJ AND LAGER DEER BREWERY, No. 620 (tom N 0.938) North THIRD Street, PhllleleJAW—Shipping. orders promptly attended to. sul.tt BOOTS AND SIIOES.—Tho subscriber has on hand a large and varied stock of BOOTS and 8110 ES, which he will sell at the lowest prices. GEO. W. TAYLOR, no2l-If 8. E. corner FIFTH and MARKET Xs. FALL STOOK. OF BOOTS AND SHOES. --JOSEPH U. THOMPSON & CO., No. 814 MAR KET Street, and Noe. 8 and I pRANKLIN PlukObl t have now in store 4, large and well-aeaorted stock of BOOTS and SHOES, of City and Eastern nuinufaoture, which they offor for Sale on the best terms for Cub, or on the usual Credit. .B u arv f are inr,lte4 to all end their stook TAMES 11. BRYSON'S BOOR. AND ,TOll P.RiNriNG 1106JIS, 2 North SIXTH Street, first above Market, Philadelphia. Blanks, Garde, Needs, Pamphlets, end general Printing attended to. Binding attended to in connection with printed heed loge of. Blanks and liceetpts. d'd-tt ail' uvANs,--io,000—PHINTICII; A B tort ■ per Dour: 0 Sir lb Pra,stht woevedwked 111 if* wt.J. 41 0 A D rbils,l,lol. freas. st 16 LW a CO W P 11•1101.011111,1.0711 Terns B A tx.ll6ln.a. . 6 .,,,,' v 1 ti , — 1 rat, Nul atol Ovals D L ... v itt f 0 . Tee 11..4h/ Curds P. , 1 , ..th. it is 10s,w ••• ea .r3 , 1,01.1 ) 16-11.2/ M. pal* rear..a. .1U.,. . . , • TM/. VOURTIII 89C. below %Want COLD MINE FOR SALE.—THE SUB scriber offers for sale perfect title, the property known as the ENID GOLD AND COPPER MINE, situated 8 mile. from Concold, Oabarrus county, North Carolina. With the mine ilt.H plantation of 745 acres of excellent land, well watered and wooded, and a large MANSION 1101JSE, with barna, ,nines' houses, powder and engine house, and other buildings; new steam engine, 45 horse power; Chllian mills, stamps, pumps, Au., einitfacingall the machinery and tool. los cog/wry for the full equipment of a mine, In good order The mine has been worked at Intervals for the lut 50 yearn, and has. always been profitable to resident Pro ' prietors, but has never been worked for any length of time with an engine and machinery. The shafts mad galleries are well constructed, the .toppings have never been taken out and from 50 to 76 Miners] can be profit ably employed in the old workings, Oa the property is %formidable vein of copper and lead, which ban never been worked, and a new gold vein has been discovered since the first of this month, at which three men bare been at work, tal.ing out fifteen hundred dollars a day, with a goad prospect of its continuance. noZem CHARLES J-0/I,DMIT. 181 Broadway. G REAV REDUOTION Th L THO PRIM! OF CEMETERY LOTS, The Glenwood Cemetery Co t bare determined to se the lots in their Cemetery et The present priers for cash. By thia ratitzotion saws of the most eligible Lob, will bweold at TWELVE tpilL.L.Aits, Only 300 tote will be dipponed of at thee/ rates, sod the opportunity le offered until January int, 1838.. Ap ply at the office, No. 434 WALNUT EMMET, below Rlfth. d2-1m CCARRIERS'AIr — DRISSAS prepare.(l by experienced writer, at Na 1109 0, ELEVENTII street, above Federal... - dao - PLOW G BOARDS- 7 :,6817i ttiet ()aro llnnooring boards' . IgOlit far rale by itIRT/b? 4 memearra nO Norms Wow poi. 531 14 1 Ping• .VllOl4 DOBSON TO LITIMPOOL LIAYI 001111111IPT011. 186 T. Art, Wednesday, Aug. 26 Yal a, do. Sept .23 Arago,Walton, o. do. Oct.l Arago, do. boo. 16 1868. Fulton, do. Jan. 18 Arago, do. Feb. 10 Fulton, do. Max. 10 Ari l t o o ,;, go o .. t i p o r y i 6 7 Arago, do. Jane 2 Fulton, do. Juts BO Wines anb Lianoro Dotito anb Olicrta .301) printing. ONE NALF VOALI COAL I COAL I—TAGOAAT's O.BI.IL9BATID MING NOVNTAIN LEMON 00AI. J.&, II . O ARTER , SGERENWOOO L TANEAQIJACOAL GEORGE W. ENYDEIPE PINE 10R.EST 1301IIIYL KILL GOAL. 'RANDALL & MEREDITH Hare tor We, and are oonataotly reoeiviag from above celebrated 99111erlee. CAL Wi'Ara, &ZEES. There is no 0011 mined anywhere, moat in quality them, and a trial 'will convince any one of their great Superiority. Oar Coal le very carefully screened at oar y may .WWards, and we will Warrant It Derfeotly free from elate, dust and all impaEST.rities. Oar PRIOEB areas LOW u the v Orders Lett at anr, Olace, No. 161 1101111/ PEONY street, above Walnut. Order. left at oar Yard, OALI.OWITILL Wed, bolo* DRQAD street. Order' left at oar Wharf, WATER street, shore OAL. LOWILII.4ror lent to tither place per Despatch Post, will ieettyll Protile attention. Purchasers for Palnlly nee will do well to call and etc. amine our Coal before purchasing elsewhere. anCtt 1 07 'YLICILL A " QOllllll.. AND LEHIGH COAL.- 1.7 I am daily receiving, at my yard, the best quality o_ toiluxuaLT, AND LEHIGH COAL. My customers *Odell other's who May favor me with their orders, may role! getting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. • No prior Coal kept at tale establishment to okee At LSOW' R71.9) 0 3. ALEXANDER CONVERT, aUI-tf N T E. corner of Broad and Cherry Lite. 1 .EHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.— DALY, SORTER lc CO. COAL DEALERS, No. eta PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep coustautly on head, it the very lowest rates, fall supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, mitt I.ers, itiprtliant traitors JOHN P. DOHEItTY, 1101WISNLY WITH aILLT & / 1 / 1 010iR, LATE WITH LUKENS, KELLY, & CO., TAILOR, 814 CHESTNUT STREET, .4BOVR EIGHTH, Rea now with blin the beet Tailors that are engaged In the heathen to thlit (Wintry. °tranvia 'RUIZ,' formerly the leading tailor of this city; M. Kama, formerly cutter for 0. Both & Co., and late Coat and Vest cutter with Lukens, Kelly, A Co.; firma Wieling, the best Pante and 'Vest cutter In the United States, for years cutter with Dopierrie, under the Irving Rouse, Broadway, and with Deplerria to Pettne, under the It. Nicholas hotel, Broadway. The most unremitting attention paid to the wiehee of all who patronize the, establishment. The best of Clothes made at moderate prices for Credit, lour prices far cash. oot3•tf 'FAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT T 411411 Not, 14 sal IS Boil% NINTII BTRNET, ABOVN OICESTNITT. A large and well selseted stook of CLOTHS and OABSIMERISEI always on band, All Ulotblng made at this aistsbliehruent will be of the beet quality, and in the most fashionable style. Partiettlise attention given to UNlYOltit INO.' '• auti-tf QBARPE'S MEN'S AND BOYS' OLOTHING, 148 North FOURTH Street, between Ara and Sao.. aud•ly gromutiosion Merchants. H. CLEIASE'& O CO. E 111 • ENE J COMMISSION MECIIA.NTS, 48 North FRONT and 44 WATER Street, Philadelphia. CONSTANTLY RISC/SITING CLOVER SEED On consignment from the Interior or Pennsylvania, where our new Cleaning Mill is now In general use. fl• Also, TIMOTHY AND RED TOP always on hand. eol2-tf IaANDY & BRENNER-COMMISSION 'MERU:LINTS Ad Dealers in Foreign and Anlo. Hun HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Nos. 23, 25 and 27 North FIFTH Street, Nut aide above Commerce street, Philadelphia. aul-U CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER V CHANT end Importer of HAVANA SEC AltB (New) /38 Watunt etreet. ;mooed story. (tobacco anb Gligaro. I.IFATA.NA CIGARS ---14. headsoma 'meet- I. IL pent, suck as 7i am, Partarui, Cabana", Sultana, Gloria, Jupiter, Coloso, oouverOlautas, Torrey Lopes, Union Awerleana, Orelon, Blots Oubana, do., &e., Is., in X, X, 1-5 and 1.10 lee, of all sizes and quali ties, in Bible and constantly reoelsiug, and for sale low, by 011. K T Fall, (ntw) 195 WALNUT Street, aul-1y below Betond, 'wad store VIG-kRO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS 31fGAB11.—A choice Invoice of thus celebrated brends on board brig "New Era," daily expected from Ilsvana, and for sale low, by 0111ARliEd TNTIE, (Now) 138 Walnut street, bolos/ Second, set Second Story. Sarniturt. If B. KITE, & CO. 11. FURNITUAN, BEDUIN°, &e. No. 4118 (late 129) WALNUT at. Philadelphia. A new and superior style of Bpring Beds. LY1).1.1 B. Kira. 7osigra Wasoroa mai 6w soap anti (ridable° SOAP AND CANDLES. REMOVAL from 187 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, to my Manufactory, 10 e nd 14 RELIEF STREET, be tween Lombard and South, and Front and Second streets. Thankful to my numerous Wends for their past Wont, I solidi a continuance of the same, haring enlarged my manuractof Co as to enable me to hare constantly on hand aFa e stock of srell•seasoned Soaps, .' free from Irish Olt; ahm, Variegated White [loopy, Oastlle and all kinds of toilet Soaps, Chemical Olive Soap of pure material, Settled Pale, and Drown Soap, English Sal. Sods and Pearl Rauh, Sperm, Adamantine, and Tallow Candles of all sires constantly on hand. Hating adopted the !Aids !pitons, I am enabled to sell my goods at the lowest prices, P. CONWAI . Philadelphia N. ll.—Cub paid for Tallow and Grease. no 11.0 in Otationern BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DAVID M. 110OAN, plank Book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, is pro ofed at all times to furnish, either from the choices or make to order, Books of every description, suitable for Bulks. Public Offices Merchants, and others, of the best quality of English or American Paper, and bound In variant, styles, to the moat substantial manner. Orders for JOB PRINTINO of every description. Ewaring and Lithographing executed with neatness and despatch. & ifenoral usortment of English, French and Ameri can Stationery. Concerning Mr. Iloganbi contribution to the Franklin Institute, the Committee say—' , This display of blank bolts (or banking and mercantile ore Is the best la the Exhibition. The selection of the material is good, the wrrkmarfahip most excellent, and their dulah and ap peirance neat end appropriate." tual-tf Juniata. IMPORTANT IMPR OVEMENT NNW GAS CONSUMING FURNAOI NILSON'S NEW CONE FURNACE, after having been put to the moot severe test, daring the two OOLD WIDTDRS or 1866 AND 1851, has proved to be the most powerful heater in the world, saving from g the fuel over any of the beet furnaces now in one. TAME Bus: acme are constructed with s coat Iron aidi plt, and a broad, shallow pan-shaped fire pot, lined with firebrick or iron staves. The fire pot is surmount ed with . A SERIES OF CONES, ow TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broad at their base, but tapering to small aper tures at the top, and uniting with the auular chamber, through which the heat and make pass to the Due. Top WDOLC products of combustion in the form of at*, and unarm, are suspended directly over the Bra, cesium) or compressed into the tapering Coxes and 0011TINOALLY OXPOSNLI to the direct action of the ray, of heat and light from the fire. This beat and light is brought to a 100011 I tats WU, not unlike the COLLECTION OF THE SUN'S RAYS, to • focal point through au ordinary lens, causing the eno.ar AND a teas to become rutensely bested and tho roughly CONSUMND, by this operation the SWAN AND DANES are MADII EQUALLY AVAILABLE with the FUeL ITSSLF for beating purposes, while, In other furusoes, lEIN OARRIND OF! AND WASTED IN TON CIIIIINST. All persons desirous or obtaining the beet and DIDST BOONOMIOAL REATING APPARATUS, should not fail to examine the Now CAB CONSUMING CONS FORNACIY, before purchasing any other. The at teution of architects and builders is particularly Ira- AnNOL,t) & WILSON, (finoseasors to fi A. Narrben.,) No. 40 WALNUT Street, aul-tf , Opposite Independence Square. 40ato, Caper, &t. SULLENDER & PASCAL, ad-em No. 3 8. SIXTH street. Philadelphia Aiaib wart CItrAKER, OITY'NAILS, ktiI3OIIANT BARS, RIVNT . IIIOII, Manefactored at FOUNTAIN GREEN ROLLING MILL, on tko Schuylkill, al:o7B4ring Garden Water Wolin, WIRRLIORSII,_IOI North WATER Street. QUEER OITY NAILS are warranted equal to any made. ocOtt JOHN lIALDNHAN, Agent. rimOMAS E. BAXTER.-TIARDWARE, 1 CUTLERY AND TOOLE, No. WO MARKET IT. boys Muth, 'oath aide, FM1'461016. as 1-6 m InE d D ic l iii C a l L N: . A o L ac a tb ß e A m N oi D t Y k. .— we r rin u i ro .u. o . l g d th rti on tl. er for weak lunge apd general debility of the age; cure cure for Dyspepsia, whether saute or ehroulc. Low &c. Price $1 25 per bottle, or SIO 50 per dozen. Igarrented pure. Imported expressly for um, Bole Agehte" for the United Rehm . Ca= Wholesale Itruggixta, 8. W. cor Becond and Green. We rarer, by poruussiou, to the following member, of the Radical faculty, an to the purity and rhentleal standard of thin Brandy: 0. 1'.1(elohlino, N. D., Fourth, above Tamany. 0114.11, Taylor, M. D., Fourth, above Brown. Chap, B. Roberta, 31. ll , Third, below Franklin. Wilson P. Vasoy, hi. D., Fourth, above Thompson. J. K. Knorr, 3P. D., Flout, above Poplar doll -tf PUBL IC L AMP S.--THE PUBLIC 18 rempectfully informed that Oilicce have been opened by the District Superintendents of Public Lighting, at which anions are requested to give Information respect ing staideota which may happen to the Public Lamps; or of any failure In lighting or extinguishing them at the primer time; or if not properly cleaned and in good liglitiag condition. The Book. will be kept by Joaepti Bally, No. 808 Wharton et., Bind Ward; Chula Carty, Supt. of 2d district, No. 8 Unities at. abuse Sixthi_ltirstr G. Kirk, No. 820 North Sixth at , above Brown, Twelfth Ward; SI. W. Mahon& No. 2'2Blooates send, Fifteenth Ward; Thde.V. Bowlby, Gas 011 ice,Tirenty-Yourth Ward (Weat Philadelphia;) M laden, q t . ont,' Twenty-813MA Ward, ( Germantown ;) Win. N. Market: (he paws; Twenty-Third Ward (trankibrd,)...sud at the ~, G„,Dgth e itereoth street, below Market. - By Order of the VillitilGß of the Philadelphia Gas Works. A. J. HUN, fhiperfutendent of Distribution. COA.OH, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP Factory of 11.1 V UI3BIIEIIB, No. 109 (late 43) South EMU', below Chestnut. greet, has become a saving of b 0 percent. to out. 801:1THBAN AND WESTERN amaiIANTS, and also the convenience of having thole old Getvlane Lamps new silver-topped and bottomed, wd me shy oßproma to all pate soll9 it SPI/343 TURPENTINE-200 bblehim Turpentine, to arrive, for Bale by_ • • UAAT.W_ 4ILMAtIALIBTXR, as/ Mr* Water atteet insurance CRompanito. FIRE INSURANCE, BT THE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Of rIIILADILLYRIA, On Buildings, Limited or Perpetual, Merchandise, - Furniture, dc.o. z IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. - OFFICE No. 808 WALNUT !WREST CAPITAL, 8177.0211. ASSETS, 5250,413. Invested as follows, vie: In Pint Mortgagee on City Property 8120,200, In Allegheny county 6 per cent. Penn's, R. 11. Loan 10,000 In Pennsylvania It R. Co.'s 6 per cent. Mort. gage Loan, 830,000 Coot 25,500 In Pennsylvania It. It. Co.', Stock 4000 In Sleek Account for shares in sundry luau. rance Companies In Scrip In sundry Insurance Companies. In Bilis Receivable, business paper In hook Accounts, accrued Interest, Ac la Cosh on hand, 2b0,413 CLEM. TINGLEY, fte s stdnt.. DIRECTORB,,. . Clem. Tingley, George M. Strand, Wm R. Thompson, John R. Worrell, ~ Geo. W. Carpenter, Benjamin W. Vestal, Robert Steen ' Z. Lathrop, ' Charles 8. Wood,',, 11 . L Carson, • Samuel Mayhem, Robert Tolend, - Marshall Hill, Cornelius Sterensen, Jacob T. Bunting, Charles Leland ' , William Musser, W. M. staple, Pitta'gh. delS..flowlm D. M. HINCIDIAN, Secretary, plitE AND MARINE INSURANCE. THE QUAKER CITY MIURA...NCB CO, 408 WALNUT Street; Will take Marine and Tire Risks on favorable terms. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 1250.000. GPO. II lirrlPP, President. R.B. COW:MULL, Secretory. dr10•t( PORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COM -331 WALNUT STREET. Chertor porpotusl. CopHAI, $300,000, Subsertbed. $200,000. Paldup,Sl4o,ooo. This Company 10 now prepared to Issue Fox and MARINE POLIOIES on favorable term. PRlalimr—JOHN SWIFT, 'Flom Palmy's:cr.—HENßY BIRD. 1/111OTUBS. JOHN SWIFT, 11 F. JACKSON, JAMES W. QUEEN, PLINY FISK, JNO. 11. PARKER, AW. THOMPSON, S. P. ORIFF/TTS. H. D. HEARS. HENRY BIRD, doll -l on LEANDER W. V. 11. STARR, Seer. IFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM . PANY.—The PENN MUTUAL LIVE INSURANCE COMPANY. Northeast Censer of THIRD and DOCK Streets. Capital $612,724.08. INSURES LIVES for short tams, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endournents—pur °hues life interests in Real Estate and makes all am:areas depending on the contingencies of Life, They act_as Executors, Athululattators, Assignees, Trustees, and CI nardians. 'maims. Daniel L Miller, Samuel E. Stokes, Benjamin Coates, William Martin, Richard 8 Newland, J41:1101 B. McFarland, William P. Hacker, Joseph 11. Trotter, William IL Kern, Junes Euston, Samuel C. Huey, Tbeophilus Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Edmund A Solider, Henry C. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, ltodolpbus Kent, John W. Humor, William IL Carr, Ellis 8. Archer, Edward T. Mott, Samuel J. Christian, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. Resin, Jobu H. Brenner, P. 8. Micbler, Elision. PAlirgb 10. MiLLYIt, President. SAMUEL E, BTOKIS, Thee Pres't. Jong W. Mormon. Secretary, n13.1y - HOIVARD FIRE AND MARINE IN SURANCE COMPANY—Odic° No. 41:4 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. The following statement of the affairs of the company is published in conformity with a provielon of IM charter : muumuus BSC/BMW 711.011 /VOUS? 1, 18541, TO AUGUST at, 185 T; Fire premium; Marine premiums... Perpetual premium; Total amount premiums taken Earned are premium5..........25,062 06 Earned marine premiums 166,045 CO-180,078 66 Deduct return premturua Net earned 8168,869 09 61arlue losses paid. $09,885 76 Tire losses paid.... 8,031 11 $101,918 88 Balvage roc °aired—. 11760 57 Interest re• c01ved...4,351 57 R s -Insur ance 2 971 52 —Loa 53,888 70 Ripeness for commissions to agents, abatements In ilea of scrip, salaries, office rent, furnishing office, books, eta. tionery, /Ito 60,888 87 Profit sod loss 63 40-154,283 27 Net profit $24,076 62 ABISUrB. Cash on baud 612,M6 89 Bill. recelrable 119,28 f 02 Bonds and mortgagee 105,000 00 Stocks "92,100 00 Stock notes 142,900 00 Due by agents and other. 22,612 92 8764,096 84 DIRECTORS. P. M. Pettis, Wm Y. Leech, C E Spangler, ft T. Ransil, Abraham Rex, Il II Ilou.ton, Wm. U. Wood., Joe R. Wither., Geo_rge Rowell, Abraham P. tyre, J. edger Thomson, W. Ralguel, 0 0. Sower, Choate. F. Norton, John W. Saxton, John II Levee, Berman Unapt, James E. Stites Nathan It Potts, 11. U. Skillingford PERCIVAL M. POTTS, Presidant. G. E. BPI/101.111, Vice President. W. II Waive, Secretary. oe2ll R T. Kasen.. Treasurer ric INSURANOS. SPRING 'GARDEN FIRE INSURANOE QOM PANT. OAPITAL $120,000, PAID IN OMNI, AND BEOUKKLT INVESTED, " " 011I0g, N. W. CORNER OF SIXTH 13T8, SPRING GARDENS. CHARTER PERPETUAL LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. BIRROTORB. John H. Dohnert, Henry M. Pkti. a, David Woolpper, Lewls FlDlnnael Benjamin Davis, Joke Landoll, John Frans, Jr Charles Field, staler M. Park, William E. Woo . James Darnell, John Pl:Stevanson, Jaooir 8. Mintzsay Ourwin Stoddard, Hoary Hower, Thos. D. Tillinghut, George K. 011114. JOHN H. DOUNERT, President. L. ARUIDIIIAAR, Secretary. Sept 21-17 NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY.-- OFFICE 414 WALNUT Bt., Franklin Buildings. FIRE AND illdß/N.E INSURANCE. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO, WITH PRIVILEGE so INCREASE TO 000,000. Thin Company is now Dilly organ sad, and prepared to make all Made of Inman/HI against loss or damage by Fire sod klarlue Perils, at current rates, OFFICERS. H. 0. LAUGHLIN, President. RICHARD SHIELDS, Flee President. CEO. SCOTT, Sedtetswy. DIRECTORS. 11. 0. Laughlin, D. Sherwood, Wm. Odborne, Richard Shield', T. Y. Showell, ilkA ROTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMP!. NY, NNW YORK.—Oftles;No tu Wall street, ad Joining the Mechanics , Dank—bash i7applt 1, $260,000 with a surplus. This Company insure Buildings, Mar chandise, Furniture, Vessels in port and their Cargoes and other property, against Lou or Damage by Fire an the Risks of Inland Narigation DIRECTORS. Henry Grinnell, Joshua L. Pope, Caleb Barstow, Rufus R. Graves, Henry 0. Brewer, Henry Davis, Edmund Penfold, 0 11. Lilienthal, Hanson K. Corning, Theo. Po!henna, jr. Ogden Haggerty, RDAs E. Morgan, Thome Hotagan, AM. R. Van Nest, John H. Earle, William A. Cary, Albert Ward, Thomas S. Nelson, Charles Easton, James W. Phillips, Lords Lorut, Charles A. Macy, Samuel ill.Gliddea, Edward !Duckett, Steph. Oattibreleng, Wm N. Shepard; Thomas Scott, Charles L. Frost, John Ward, Lothrop L Sturges, Henry K. Bogert, William R. Hoedick, Peter Ndes, Emery Thayer, BOOillOin 11. Field, Geo. Weetfeldt, A. B. Prothingham. Damon Taylor, Thos. P. Youngs, Henry E. Blossom. Samuel L. Mitchel ALBERT WARD, President. Riau RD A. 0 saucy, Secretary. au 110-ly ril - Act - 37,f.gTILEtts'peir,Noths..u. 'LA..NtadGbP; the State of Pennsylvania. Capital, SSOO,OOO. Ylre, Marine, and Inland Transportation. DIAZOTOSS Aaron 8. Lippincott, Charles Wise, Wm. A. Rhoden , Alfred Weeks - , Charlee:. Field, ;anise P. Smyth, Wm. D. Thomas, J. Rinaldo Sank, Wm, Neal, John P. Simons, AARON 8. LIPPINCOTT, President. WM A. RIIODES, Vice President. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. 3. W. MARTIEN, Surveyor. This Company was organised with a rash capital, and the Directors bare determined to adept the business to its available resources—to observe prudence in conduct. log its affeire, wlth a prompt adjustment of losses. °nice No. 10 Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. aul-dly rIpHE MERCANTILE MUTUAL INSU .A. RANO& COMPANY OF PEILADELPIIIA.—Offtee No. 222 'WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. MA RINN RISKS on Tame'. Cargoee, and Freightc. IN LAND TRANSPORTATION AMMO, per 'K414°6411, Canals, Boats, Cod other earriages. ALL TUN PROFITS divided annually among the As sam!, and ample worn: In cue. of t 0... Thomas T. Butcher, Algernon E. Ashbutaer, Alfred Yessitt, Thomas S. Poster, Gustavus English, Jamas H. Stroup, Alfred Slade A. O. Cattail, Charles B. Caret*lre, Samuel Robinson, John C. Helfer, John P. Steiner, Henry Crumb°, Wm. I Cuter, drenteborg. .KRIS MILES, President. 38ITT, Vice President. ry. aul-11 Edward Harris Miles, John M. Odenhemer, Mahlon Williamson, Samuel J. Sharpleso, Isaac Jeanea, Mewl precut, Edward G. Jawed!, William L Spring., Franklin 0. Jones J r., Dante/ Haddock, William Taylor, Jamul Murphy, Win. Y. Smith, A. 3. Antal°, Samuel L. • EDWARD HA. ALFRED PAR :01111 0. Karroo, Secretar; CHARTER OAK FIRE AND MARINE 'L./ INSURANCE COMPANY OP HARTFORD CONN. Cash Capital 1300,000. Losses in Philadelphia and vicinity adjusted at the PAiladelphits Office. By leave we refer to t D. R. Drown A Co , Phila. Hon. Joel Jones, Phtla. Chaffee/I, Stout A Co , " Hon. Rawl Choate, Roston Hacker, Lou & Co " Hon. T.. R. Williams, Hart'd We have facilities for p acing any amount of Insu rance in the most reliable Companies. PHILADELPHIA 'GENERAL INWRANCR AQ.ENCY, No. Hill (oil No. 1455) CHESTNUT ST. anlAnt THOMPSON A ROOD, Agents. CLOVER SEED.-NOTIOE TO PENN . 4.-/ SYLVANIA FARRIERS AND STOREKEEPERS. The undecalgow:laww. now prepared to pnrchaxe for clash, prime Clover Seed of the new crop. Pennsylvania storekeepers sot:farmer'', by feuding samples to our address, can, at itTI timel_ificertain the price et which we are buying. PdttleMilabing samples, by which to be governed se to quality, Can have thorn sent by mall, by addressing or. J.ll CHASE 3c CO, seoltatf 43 North Front, and 44 Water Weeks BALE litikE.—BuyeriTaie invited to call /LA and simians our Manila Bale !tips, which we can ean soii as low ail American, and warrant it superior In treitirtb and durability. WIA.VBE, PITLER & 00., ant N., an N Water at. WI 42N Wharrea CHARLES P. OIaLDWELL---Whoiesale No lan WHIP sail OMR itosofootwer, No. 4 P iliagf.t. 000 PENNSYLVA.NIA. RAILROAD.—THE 1 GREAT ONNTRAD ROUTS, conneeting the At lento Cities with Western, North-western, and Routh western States, by a continuous Seaway amt. This Road also connects at Pittsburgh with daily lb* of Owners to all ports on the Weatiorn Rivers, and at Cleveland and Sandusky with Simmers to all poi the North-western Lakes; making the meet DIRECT. CHEAPEST. and RELIABLE ROHTE by which Freight Cad he forwarded to and from the GREAT Wrap. HATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTS BURGH. • Vast, GLaalb—Book, Elora, Theta, and Gap, Books, Dry Goods, (In boxes Wes and trunks), Drugs, (in boxes and baler) Feathers, Yarn &e per 100 lbs Elam° Was—Domestic Mooting, Shirting ant Ticking, (in original bales), 'Drags (ln mks), Hardware, Leathar[Elanor, (in cului,) Wall 'Paper, 'Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Eastward, &LAO 75e. par 100 lb' Time, Cr.sas,drivlls, Dhaka, (la !Ask. Heap, Baron and Pork, Peons or la tacks), Paints all) (except tart sal ilk, pa. 100 ,ba loww, Otasa—Golfee, Piah, Basun • Beef, and,Pork, (in caste or beam; • eastward) , Lard said Lard 011, Nails, Soda dab, Ciarinan Olay, Tar, Park , Rosin, Steel, Ilanatrutured To! • - • henna', Anal!) Oil Queenswira:- , Sugar, ibbda, Ws., and boxer, } _ ' &e: " &le: per 100 /Lod—di per bbl , until further notice. flasl3-45e. per 1001bc., until further natio*. OTTON-42 per bare, not annealing 600 lbs. weight, until further notice. 67,36 a 3 ,1 1 14 '9,026 In ehipplug Goode from any point Seat of Philadel phia, be purtionbar Sultana packages" via Posissitraiiiii liailrond." All Goode co ne. - 'greed to the Agents of this BMA, at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. IrsislGHT AO•Iftl —Clarke & Co ,Cbicaio ; Packer & & CO.. Memphi•, Tenn. ; B. P. Sias & Co.. St. Mo. • P. G. & 00., Evansville, Indians; Woo. Bingham, Louisville. Kentucky .; IL C. Me dram, Madison, Indiana • 11. W. Brown & Co , arrl Isms & Co., Cincinnati; U. B. Pierce & Co., 2.ariesrillr, Ohio; Leech & Co , No. 64 Kilbyetreet, Boston; Grab & Co., No. 2 Astor House, New York, No. I William v. Sew York; B. J. (Meader Philadelphia; Magraw & Koons, Baltimore; D A Blawart, Pittsbeirgh. 11. H. EtOUliTtiN, Goners! Freight Agent._. U. J. LOMDARST, Superintendent. Altoona, Ps • SAYING FUND-FIVE PER CENT. IN TERP43I-NtTIONAL BAYKTI TRUST COM PANY.-WALNUT STREET, SOUTH-vaIaCORNRB OP THIRD, RiILADELPILIA. INOORPORATBD BY ?He 8111 . 2 01 PI3IBYLTANIA. Stoney le received in any mom, large or emelt, and in latest paid from the day of deposit to A. day of itch &swat. The office le open every day from 9 o'clock lu the morning till, o'clock In the evening, aid on Mosta, and Thursday gym:lnge till 9 o'clock. DION. HENRY L. BENNER, Prealdeot t HOBERT BELYBIDOS, Tice President. Wu. J. Bill), Secretary. . . Hon. Henry L . Benner, C . Landreth linnets, Ndward L Carter, P. Carroll Brewster, Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry, Baml. K. Ashton, Henry L. Churchman, Jammu B. Smith, Yrencis Lea. Holley Is received and payments made daily. The intestments are made in conformity with the provhdona of the Chaster, In HEAL IdORT• GAGINS, GROUND RUTS, and such drat °teas IlleCUZi - ties as will shvoye haute perfect security to the deposi tors, and which cannot fail Waite permanency and sta bility to this Institution. and-ly NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET. - FIVE /I PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.- FIVE / N PER CENT. STATE SAYINGS MID. i O. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.- FIVE PER °ENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER OENT. STATE SAVINGS TURD. aia.ly $28,720 81 211,703 62 224 00 3238,147 43 PENN STEAM ENCLNE AND BUIL WORKS. REANEY, NEAFIE & CO., PRACTIpAL AND THEORETICAL &NOIRES/fa MACHINISTS, DOILER•MA&EBB, BLACK• Having for many years been in successful operation, and been exclusively engaged In building and repairing Marine and RiverEnglnes, high and low protean., Leon Boats, Water Tanks, Propellers, dre , Re., respertfally oder their services to the mi being fatly prepared to contract for Engine of all slue, Marina, River, and Stationary. Having Asti of patterns of didereut glees, ire prepared to execute orders with quick despatch . Every dutription of Pattern-snaking made at the shortest notice. High and Low Preuure, Flue, Tuba• ler and Cylinder Boilers, or the twat Penney, nada char. coal iron. Yorglags of all sixes and kinds; Iron sod Bram Outings of all dwarlptions; Roil Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawiap and epecldestlone for all work dew at their establishment free of charge, Lad work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf dock room for to palm of boats, where they can lay In perfect safety, ma are provided with 'huh, blocks, falls, itt for ratite/ heart or light weights. THOMAS ItZANILY, JACOB G. &SATIN, JOHN P. LSYY, ear, BIAGI] and PALMER Wrests, Heasingtoa gIIWIL T. 111111110 E. I. TACK/SUN 111111110 K WILLIAM 11. 111111.101. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WAHHINGTON 13T11111, PHILIDIL.PIiII. MERRICK & SONS, INGINNERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pl4lllll/0 Steam %wanes, for Land, SITU and Marine sorrieui. Boilers, Odometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, de , Cod ing' of all kinds, either Iron or Dna. Iron frame roofs for Cu Works, Workahops, Bollroad Station*, Sr] Retorts and Oil Multistory of tka latest and most Improved construction. gran , description of Plantation roaddnary, snob as Sugar. Saw, sod Oristjtills, Vat uiro Pans, Open Steam Trains, DeforAtors, FlSsrs, Pumping Ingines, An. Sole Agents for N. ItHlieug's PontA Sugar Dolling as Apparatus; Nmytk's Patent Srk, Hammer; J. P. Bur' Patent Valve Motion for B t Itscbloary ond Stoma Pampa. Superintendent—B. 11. BARTOL AND WOOD RIORARD NORRIS & SON, LOCOYO - BTRAM KNGINE BUILDERB, swrisnuma ?? ,MVO, PLIITIIw AID RAM GARDEN 81 . 111111 . 11, PHILLDILPRIA. i *intuitively In the Inantifsottre of tr l MMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. ALumfasturs to order Looomotives of any arrange ment, weight or capacity, for the use of Wood or Cake, sr Beresintimer Coal in im crude Slate, or ANTIIIIACITII GOAL, WITIOUT amnia 11012, as■ 01 ran. In dealp, matarhd end workuanship the Ineomo tieee produced at thee* Works an opal to, and not ex• oelle4 by any. The materials used in coostructiap are nude on the opotsod tun» the beat quality and most reliable stook. The large extent of Shops, and Com p/ice Splipounr of Machisay and roar, "cable theca to execute the PEST OF WORE WITH GREAT DESPATCH, OP ANT AIIIIREORI/ENT ENQUIRED. . . . CHILLED OAR WHEELS, HAMMERED ASLIB, With Forging. of any alio or form, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, And MACHIN) WORE generally. SICIII.IID 'ORRIS aul-ly George MB:utter, W. 0. dteteebury, R. W. Cants, 0, 0. Butler, (leo. Scott. faul9-y GENTS WANTED.—Five to Ten Dol .:cm, lore per day can be easily made. Call on A. BLACK, at Jacob Letuan'e Panel lone Hotel, Weet King greet, Lancaster, Pa. deLS-t! WANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from $l3 to $23 per month, No man haring a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE, at No. MT MARICRT street above Eighth, north aide WILLIAM S. ROYALL, lit Lieut. Si Regt. of Cavalry, Oct 5.3m* Recruiting Officer. ALBERT WEBER, PIANO FORTE .111- MANUPACTURER, No. 155 West Broadway, New York, sole manufacturer of the celebrated Concert Piano. The subscriber would Inform his numerous friends and customers that he has greatly enlarged his manufacturing department, is order to ni net the oncres-e. In demand for his unrivalled Pianos, and as every piano, especially tone and touch, is personally superintended by the subscriber, the public will be warranted an in strument which, for beauty, strength, and durability, power and sweetness of tone and touch, stands unsur passed. Every plans sold at the lowest manufacturers' prices. A call is respectfully solicited, oe.P.)- era GOLD MEDAL PIANO FORTES. STVINWAY SONS, kIANUFACTERERS,I34 AND BS WALKER STREET, NEW YORK, Received the following first prize medals in competi. lion with the beet marinfacturera of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. 1140 FIR ST PRIZE MEDALS at the Metropolitan Fair, Washington, March, 1855. A GOLD AIi:DAL at the Crystal Palace, New York, November, 1855, (being the only Gold Medal given for Piano' within the last six years.) A GOLD AfEDAL at the Maryland Inititute, Balti more, 1856. THE FIRST PATES MEDAL at the Fair, Crystal Palace, New York November, 1856. Among tbejtel.vell were the first musical talent of the country, sueb Al. M. Macon, tiottachalk, Wolleuhaupt, and many others St. A H. Pianos (with and without iron frames) are warranted for three pearl, and • voittsu guarantee given. Piano. packed and shipped without charge. Prices moderate oc27.tf WONDERS OF TIIE AGE-LIGHT, LIMIT FOR ALL.—PETERS k SUROPE, Patent Nun-Explosion SelLoenersting OAS LAMPS ti just the thing to suit all. Price 81.50 up; all way hare • superior light by calling at their Depot. This Lamp Is adapted to all planes and purposes, and only requires a trial to test Da advantaged over all others. The Letup forme its own gag. Our Patent Burners eau be iltted to every ordinary Fluid Lamp, with little expense, without the lout possible danger. All are Invited to call ■od examine for themselves Town, Comity, and /State tights for sole. The proprietors are in want of Agents, giving a rare chance to make money. PETI:RS & SIIROPFLOas Lamp Depot, no:{-9m I.23Seuth 4th St , below Chestnut Phi LONGWORTIcs OHIO WINES. GENERAL AGENCY FOR ALL THE STATES TO WHOLESALE DEALERS. By a special arrangement with Mr. LoNtlivotail, am enabled to offer his Wines, in large quantities. upon the lowest and best terms. The Wines to be delivered in Cinciuuat,, and tore anted by usual means of convey once (railroad or steamboat) direct to the purchaser ; be which thn eNpon9es of storage, commissions, double freight, etc ill be aroma No orders under this arrangement will be forwarded (or lens than tweoty•gre cases. All orals must be directed only to FRED. S. COZZ ENS, 73 WARREN Street, Now YO/i. By the present arrangement • handsome profit on these wines cau be made by the wholesale dealer. Sparkling Catawba, vintage 1233, quarts. Do do do do pints. Do do do 1552 . quarts, Do do do do pirit.d. Still Catawba, vintage 1552, quarts, Do do extra, vintage 165 2 . quarts. Sparkling Lisleila, do ,7t, s do Still Catawba, In snake, of 'various qualities. Catawba Brandy, of anroriorquality Tr.:ED, 8 cozzr.xs, aeuero Agent for We isle of N. Longworth's Wines, 78 WARRAN STREIT, (Opposito Andean River Railroad Depot,) nn2-641 ~Haw Yokr CHEAP SUMMER FUEL.—GAS &OBE, of excellent quality, la sold at the PHILADELPHIA. GAS WORKS for the reduced pries of Era cents a totteliel s and may be obtained in large or mall qtuuttity by ap plying at the Om Oaten, No. 20 Booth SIVENTII Street. To Porohamers by Wholesale, It Is sold at the" Works, I n wi n s wool, by the ton, at a price eqtivalent to An. thraehte, a 152 50 per too. (Sigusd,) J. 0. °RIBBON, Engineer. ?SILO/WWI. OA 4441/11, Aug.lll l '6i. n 274 'ltailreab final Savings Janbo NI 01018 illachinerp ads Iron. IWITIIS AND FOUNDED 3 Wants piaiio Sorteo litailroalle. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAIL ROAD, 1'337. YOR ITITTSIttROR. Itkii, Oinetnasti, St. Lodi, Isms City, Louisville, Rev Oriassi, St. PAW, RS, °inland, Eawas, "rnr a raut4, Muse, Nobtaaka. Yb•mi.S ohm tenauctions arid at AI 014111 Will -1111 Rairreads. ARRIVAL AID DEPARTURY OP THY THIOUQB T EAM. At AM from the Pem ispisarnit' Railroad P Statioa south-east corner of DLEVVITH sad ul a t - KUT street* (*airtime oa Elerreatt street-) TWO Tuaorou TEAM LEAVE PHILADELPHIA Watt Yors DAILY daeeloia connections at Pittaborgd to AU paint.. "StadTan Skill and dectinnuodation Thine . (Sundays ex- Vast visSi lane at IP. M., arriving in Pittsburgh at A. If. • , - Express Mail Train at 11 Celt, arriving in Pitt,taugh 014P.M.- AMeuius Way Train at S 2. M., arriving at Altoona at P, 31. fiXoltsbrg i Acrommatatinn Train. ria 'leavas elphis at SP. M., arriving In Harrisburg at 9P.M. • RZTLIANTSG. Tut Mal Train Imre/ Pittsburgh at A. X., lrn red in Philadelphte a: 11.46 night. Expels.' Mail Train leareePitisbargb at :0 P. X , ar rl+te in Philadelphia, at I P. X. 'Altoona Way Train leaves Aitoeast al 7.46 A. X , arrive* in Philadelphia at 720 P.M. liaresburg Aceosonsodation Praia, via Colemtia, leant riarristurs at 6A. X., arrirtng in •PhalnAttptea IS 'won Aso sne Min runs daily, the attune testae, Shur ered. tagsne 'all ! be at tfma the !ausngertti Vani l M te r. ran7 arta6 the 47. Mo clar gLiirwio Nonce—ln cum of IoS4, the Csseepusy wi ll hail themselves respousibLe for parsonal baggage te l 7, set for an amount not exceeding floe. Noeica —Omnibuses will be in rusllsosaa at the Kier Tort IMpot to COWS, paseaugera iCT the Wert to the Pennsylvania Eallsosed Station. THOMAS YOWLS, Aped, Paeseager Line Seuratlvasaa Raaroott Co. Philadelphia, November 21, HST. 14.1-1, ToWESTERN TRAVES. TRAVELLERS. BPRING AND SUMMER AERANGEMVITS. NORTILERII CENTRAL RAILITAY. TWO DAILY TRAINS /EOM BALTLGORR TO PITTSKTROU AND THE WEST. On and alter Anne /MOW, TWO DAILY TRAIITA will leave Calvert Station for Pittsburgh and all will-t -urn and South or Northwestern eitiew. THE MORNING MAIL TRAIN Leaven Baltimore dull y (Sunday excepted) at SA A. M. eonnectin• with the Mall Train over the eiat Pease sylvan/a Railroad, Cal arriving In Pittsbargh at I A. M. THE AFTERNOON EMPRESS TRAIN Leaves Baltimore daily (ituaday excepted) at a T. Y. for Ilarrieburi. TILE NIGEL? rarave, TRAIN Leaves Baltimore EVERT NIOIIT at 10 P. Y . eon as w ith the Liatitolag Express over th e Naas, it. vaaia Mori for PI ttaurgb, anising at L.% P. k_ AB these trains ocmatet closely et Pitteheri ' jib trains over the Pitteherrdh, Pert Wayne as Chirac* Reilro4J, sad Its Northers', soothers sad Western coasectioce. 117- Peomagers for Chinagoßo, Wand, Sc rim . ton, lona esty, hillutankre, Duboqu. , Peers, Rai sou, sad other leading clime 1.. the ltrthocat, rill tan Sac hundrid mules qf travel and ten Amor, in root, with fear lees clumps at cars, by taking this route. l E Passengers for Cleveland. nanduakr ; Toledo, acid Dilt, go by this route, and the time camomile!, Wier 113 miles shorter than by any other mate. Paaseugere for At. Louts, Imtianspolls, Terra Haute, Cabo, and all points on the Lower sad Vpret hiltaimippl, make less changes of ears, and arrive is ad vance or any other route; and to eineituratt, Columbus, Dayton, Louisville, and other prominent titles, as quiz* aa by any other route. All Western Baggage cazcaßD TIMMS and handled with am. FOR THE is - oßnit. The SAS A Si. connects closely with /sprees Vans over the Deo...hin road for Williamsport, NlAttra, Rncheater, Enl4lo, Niagara Pella, and Canada, the. forming the most direet railway route to Northwestern Pennsylreals and Weatern New York. Pasamsgurs will &A this the shorten, cheapest, and coost expedition& route to Niagara Palls and Ceuta Through Tickets are lasined to Philadelphia via Co. lumina and Lancaster by all the trains at gg esa k . train having gar* oceinsetlons Pas/evert by this route avoid Weaselled bridges, and all the torseemeleare of ferrying armee the &membrane river. Paaningers for Hammer, Itenclnester, Illettysbnig, mittsbarg, Chrestersbung, go by the MMa 11.13 A. hi., end 31;.11. - RESITIIINSTN6 BRANCH. The Can on tlls road make one trip per dry, asanect mg with one trot. at $ P. Si. For THROUGH TICKETI and further hilorserties, apply at the Ticket Oboe. Calvert &arise, N, eon. or Calvert and limekiln strata. asp2t-tf 0 0. ADREON, Mart. NEW YORK LINES. -TIEK DEN AND Alf WM RAILROAD AND PIIILAVELPUIA • AND TRINTOR RAILROAD COALPANT'A USIA. /ROM THILADRIPRIA TO NV! TORAC, AND WA PLAOIO. Lam as Mows, irk : WASH At I A. M. from Eamaingtoa Depot, via .7m67 Oity, $ll At aA. , via Cataava sad Jersey Oity, 74* Pet tey Aeootamo.lattott At 6 A. at., Ilia Camdaa sad Amboy, Accomaista,.. At 7 A. 711., via Camden sad Jimmy City,. Manias a Mail At 10 A. M., by stossaboat Traptea, 144 Tian wad Jersey City Morning Home.... ...„ At P. M., via Cassias sod Atalwy, O. zest ist- a At 5 P. M. via Canute& sad Jersey City, Voting Mail At 3 P M., via eaßlidea and Amboy, Accotoz 1 Von, fat Class At 3 P. 151 via Canatsu sad Amboy, Acorounutda. 31 Unit, 3delans. 1 At • P.M. ' via Camden twat dieter, Aaaomatada- Con, litCLaat At 5 P. 11.,via Cazudon and Amboy, Ascoatux*. Wm, Ro d Close Tta ti P M. tins rasa duty, all ottsuras 111 Mptad. Itxpreas Lissa atop at tkoWipe stations only Joe Balvidars, Luton, , at I A. led k from Walnut strait mbar!. for Water clip t B pd , Stroudsburg, Strantoe, Wlltatbart Montroas, Great. ,_ at 6 A. Y., via Detawaa Lackawanna at Woo no Sailroat. /or lreebold, at 0 A. M. sad 3 P. M. for Mount holly at W T A A. had 2X, au/ II P. T L lt had for Briatol, Trtatuu, La , 2g and OP. K. WAY un- M=i==l Itteamboat RICHARD rrocrroN for Boriaotown and inter...Wats plura at Plif P .111 Steamboat SWIM, for Timmy tan sad 11), A, AL, and 4 P. H. H. AU Usti, exe•pt 1 A. M., loan Walnut strio 46Art. g:rimy pomade or Naar calf tllaeel a•oh pat. Huger. Nommen+ are prolatted from taking sap flung as bausgs but their trearlag apparel. All gagscorer My pounds to be paid rh,s pay It their respona:bility for Da... 4 per wand, and will not to liable toe eV =Duda Di yowl 110 a, mop* by emir.. I *outride. WY. It. QV:MC& l_rmt 1-I.y 0. A. 11. co. PHILADELPHIA, GERMA. - NTOWNN AND NO It 818 TO WN aillato.4).—V7NTEß ARRANGF.M.FAT.—On mot otter MONDAY, Octobn. lOtb, 11161. FOR GRR3IAN7POWN. Leave Philadelphia at 6,7 N, ex. 9N, UN A. 9-10 min. 4,5, 8,7, 9, and 11 P. 31. Le4l4 Germantown at 6N,7•35 min. 8,9, HIN A. 11.„ 1-10, 3-10 min. 4,5, 6, 7,8, and 18 P. M. 91Wt - ' The 7.35 o'eloek A. 31. Train from filwranantowm will atop only at Wayne atyeet Station. ON SUNDAYS, _ Leave Philadelphia at 920 tan. 31., 5 and 6% P. If. Leave Germantown B.al redn. A. 31 , 1- /0 min as 5.45 min P. M. Ita4NUT UILL ILAILROAD. Leave Pbilteisighis at TX, 11X, lIX , A. X., 2, t„ and9P.M. LesTo Cheatnat Hill ►t 7.1(,1140 sad 10-10 lola. ♦. M., 12-60, 3-40, 640 and 7-40 min. P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philatelphla:4:2ii.iii;i and SX P. M. Leave Chestnut 11111 at BA. Id., 12-60 sad S-al P. 81. FOR AIANAYUNIC, CON4IIOLIOCILEN AND NORMS- Leave Philadelphia at 84, 9, 11 A. 31 , 8, 44, 6X, and 11 P. 31. Leave Norriatown at T, 9, 11 A. 31., 3 and 610 P. H. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. 31 , and 3 P. M. Leave Norristown at ?A. 31., and 5 P. II CILDSTEN VALLEY RAILROAD YOB DOWNING TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 6X A. M., and P. M. Leave Donn:intern at 7XA. M and 1 P. H. It. K. 6111T11, Superinteideat. Depot, Ninth and Crean street', Philadelphia NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 101 BETICLEHEII, %AFTON, ALLENTOWN, .11A C H MUNE., WILKESBARRE, DOYLESTOWN, dee. .4 On and after Wednesday, November ttli, IEaL tha trains OD aid wad will leave Pluladalphia daily (Sun, dsys excepted) as : For Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown Manch Chunk era, Wilkesbarre (Express) at 9 A. M. For Bethlehem, Allentown, and month Chunk, ( Es. pres,) In connection islth L. Y. It R. and Easton, b,, elate, from Iron 11111 litation, at 2.15 P. 01. For Doylestown, (Aceommedation,) at 4..50 P.M. Per Gwynedd, do. at lel A. Y. On Tousdaya and Fridays the 10 A. M. train will note through to Doyleutewn, leaning Doglastown to return at 1.36 P. hf. TALI - MB 'OR PUTLADELPILIL 91 . .. .. . L.". Batlielez (LIPT•,/ nt 9 A. x., and 2.25 P. M Lees. Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 645 a. M. UST* G synedd, do. at 2 td P. M. ON SUNDAYS. TarTTned Gwynedd 9ISA. M. I I Gwynedd "10 P.ll Dnylmtown ..... 430 P. M. Doyleet4ww..... AIS A.M rue to Bethlehem 22 60 4, ]Guth Chant 2 $0 4 4 Rillmbstre 4 da PAMENDEB DEPOT. iIIONT and WILLOW Ste . Phila. BLLI3 CLARK. Agent. CHANGE OF HOURS.—PIIILADEL. PIIIA, WILMINGTON AND DALTIMORI RAIL ROAD. On azd atter Monday, Nov. W.l, 145/, PA:MINORS ?HAIM LEAFS PUILIBILPRIA For Baltimore at 8 A 11., / P. 11 , (Rwpreak) ;Al 11 P.M. For Wilmington at 8 A. M., 1, 3.30 and 11 P. 111 For New Cagle at 8 A. II , 1 anti S .S) p. Al. Fur Middletown at 3 A. M. and / P. M. Fey Dover at 8 A. M. and 1 P. M For Seaford at 11 A M., and 1 P M. TRAINS FOR PRTIADELPECIA Leave Barnum* et 8.10, .I:nwega, 11 A. U., and 645 P.M. Leave Wilmington at 1.. M and 11 15 A. M , and 2.0 askt 9.66 P. U. Leave:Jew Castle at 8.58 aad ii 82 A. 21., tad BA4 LeiT6 Middletown at 10 10 A. 3f and I 00 P. M. Leafs Dwyer at 9.e5 A. M. and 5 P. M. Lear' Seaford at 730 A M. and S P. M. TRAIN); FOR BALTIMORE Leal. wlhougton at 9.19 A. M., 9 P. )9 A. M. • Lad 16 SUNDAYS only st 11 tim Bal ore. troy P- M. fro • Philadelphia so do 15 P. 3' phiudo from Baltimore to /Wight Train, with Yuri . .phis. as follows aor Oar attached, Ell inn : L esTe Philadel P ") for Parretti' and intermediate place. at 5 CO P Lama eton for do. do. 860 P 31. M. 1 . 6 . 1 ° Blv tiniore tor Haere-drArare at IP. M. no 21 0 ' 8 M. MELTON, Prasident. Sire proof fiafte. SALUWZDER SAFES. A lugs amertopot et SANS b. WATSON'S - PHIL4DELPHi4 PlaptuFacruttsr) , SALAMANDER BASIS. VAL'IT DOORS, BANK WOKS, For Banta And 81u... RipAl to bay now ON. IRON DOORS, 14111JTT.R18, On Alt good tunas u say other estAblidasokat lr WS Voltod States, by EVANS S WATSON, No. 90 Boatk PLEAS) °ZVI TM A CALL /'COTTON-200 bales good Middling to Yid- VV Cu Yak Clotioloos aim sad tonal. by MARTIN & Nuokunia, aol ilg Ranh Wait Arai.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers