kinds ; sates ef pots at s6'ana pearl-ant, $5:874. COYVEZ ptakiag.of Rio. at $i .101 e: 'The tot'ar staele on lined Li 135,002 itaga aria inat B l, o r , which ~1, 0 ,/,, 6 3(1;.1iagt0v, and 0,475 Sava. ; - market-ia quiet at :no for uplauds, , Theraia tto disposition to buy shown at the reduction. „ • • ' • illptheliolitiiniias o fiteArti.T. Weald, Ra are enabled to, prepat the fallowing .irt,adyaitee, of 1,41 a, ethlijaa:!;/;...* .zirocovut It-0 ist, *tfiteln&r; irs eolikpq red walk , i!revioza I:our yfar,r. 18571' ~/ 850:•- 11155, • ISM; : 1853, Nee. stßlts; .415,000 1,0040 1;889,000 854, 1 00' 872,000 Er. to (,11..303,000 '262,000 •:447,000 304.009 243,000 Er.te :127,000 '-490,000: 0000 67,000 Ex, °Pr V.P. 75,000 87,030, 11E1.000 40,000 00,000 Total 1%1,42E480,000 -'400,000-134,000602,000 350,000 Et'k on h0n0.477,900 '050,000 584,009 801,00 408,000 daririg tlifirist week, lablutled above : , • Roe. at P , M.117 000 134 000 137,000 70.00 108,004 Ex: to CI:IC.10. 000 ' 40,000 -32,000 WOW 20,000 Tx, to France 22.000 11,000 12,000 7,000 , - "..0,000. Tx.'et , r P. , P . 15000 " , -22.000 4,000 -5,000 'Potitl.l.l.ip'ts`. 05,000 - , 713,000 - -55,000 • Eapo . 16, 000 BuststiatT:.=-Receipts,.—Deoronse at the ports cootpared 3014 last yertiAlooo Exports - —lsser6 - 6si to grout 13rIttiin, 24400 I.llthironso to Frantoi. 25,000 ; ;deareatO to; other foreign ports, 12,000. Total decrease in .. agitate; 16,t100 - balos. Ftooa, :-(1011114010070fltrOtT1 Canal flour is quite light, and the market is 5 rants lower on State, and 5 tslso easier on-western extras: film inquiry is confined to:the home and -easter teeth), ' ' ' The fish's are 5 200 bbls at 51,20054.2 5 for common to goad State; 11445014.05 for ,extra db,• - 54.204r5.4_25 for: . Fuperhee inoieno O.IVO Dltchigen; $ 4 40010.10 for extra do; SA - 55455.25 for coalmen to good extra Ohio; $5 300 i 50 60 for good. to. choice do; 45 33007 25 for St: Louis brands, and 55.55051 50 for extra tienefee: -' Om/adieu tour is in modetittesequest and is lOwer— !odes et 600 b6to at $4.2144, 30 for supertor and $4.55a $6 00 for extra do. - Southern flour is pressed - on the market, ant le decidedly lower. The inquiry is !bitted ersnat the abatoment —eaten of 1000 bids at $1.504.1 to ' for mixed to good brands lialtithore:ke.; and $5.00e. $6.03 for the hotter patios, • Ilse -hour is inactire and heavy el soasl.oo. Corn Meal is heaiy. Salts of 50 bids jersey at 53 20. Duckwheat 'flour Is limited at 52.121 f per 100.. - • -..- . - GRAIN—Our ,cheat market is dull, lower and unset tled; time ertivalt aro - moderate:-...the sales are 5,000 bus at $1,15 for 'ndxed southern ; $1.09' (Or /nixed In -1.11%[114., 05e'for "red Michigan; 51 05 for- common" white do, and $122 for white Tennessee - Rye to rather easter—small sties of SOULLIOrIi 01 title, and Northern at 74e. Oats are firmly held, and in lair demand at 41a44e for State and Western. Barley - and 'Barley Malt are inactive and ow:0nel. Corn is In modirete 'demand, good dry simply ore in limited request for export at rather easier rates, while damp lota are Stoic' of sates—Hales of 14;000 bus at 53a 610 for new Southern and Jersey Yellow and White= old is owes and nominal: • . . , . 1.1.4.-:%Thie market Off lieu Ormi but quiet—the arri vals light. Eales.e.f - 300 - balda at 58a65c per 100 ibe. "lATV4f. has - 6e4l"mote, active at full ricee. The ealea include 8,400 Buenos Ayres and Rio (]rands at 19620 a, 6 and 8 moo; 1,000 Dry Ilonda. 10 lbs at 15c, 6. mos; merchantable; 600 sarozllla at .13,4 e, men, and 3,000 Orinoco at 17c, 0 mos. AlerArtere—A few retail lots bare been taken at full former priced. • The 'sales aro mainly of Cuba at 22c. Ottu—Are inactive, and there is hardly enough dolng to alter quotations. PaoctszoNs--`r he minket' le - - irregUlar for pork• Ike demand in mainly for mess and le confined to the home trade. - Saleirof 150 bk)o at $l5 50a515 02)4 for old mess; $15.87,14410 - for net , do ; $13413.20 for prime; and $17.35 for clear. ' lieella steady mad ; the arrivals ate limited. Sake of Mt bble at $5.75a50.50 for country prime s9a $lO for do mess;' $101412 GO for repacked Western mere. and sl3aslA for extra do. _ . . _ Prime mess is dull and nominal. Bacon is very quiet and nominal at - Mettle. Cut meats are plenty and heavy; talcs of 150 Ws and tcs at 64'030(0r shoulders and BSc for llama. - Lard is lower; tho demand la modefate—sales of 150 bbls at 93; uDS e, and small lots ut fih Stutter is in moderate demand at IIcITO for Ohio and Idyll fur Wale. - • Cheese is saleable at- OK esBe. Dressed bogs are hi fair 'demand at Teri;(, and small pigs at - Ittoe.-4.11e - et of 'mots have arrived, mailing the stocks - alloat sours 2,000 tea. tinder tho increased sup ply, prices are ast and barons are shy. SUGAII9.—The demand - from rearms is moderate, and prices are sustained. Refined are in fair request at full ' • - "Use are quiet; ;the vieis of holders continue firm. TALLOW —The inquiry. is fair; the stock in light. Bales of 500 lbs primo ;IV at 19c cash. - Wuistar .—The inquiry Is moderate and the market is firm; sale; of 100 bbla at 20%t021. _ . THE COURTS. YESTERDAY'S rßombwas Cornrow PLEAS—Judge Thompson and Ludlow. —Thefo'lowing opinion was delivered ,by Judge Ludlow ' • ItoYal vy. The City of Philidelphia.—Aforion for a Special injuneffon.—The power of Court of Equity' to award a special injunction'le cer tainly one of the roost deltoid° and dangerous powers the exercise of - which can be confided to the judgment of judicial tribunals, for while it may be the moans of affording adtquato and prouipt, 'protection to those who Invoke its aid, it may also, when improvidently : exercised, inflict injury , .as irreparable ita that which it may have, been in tended to prevent. Accordingly it has been esta blished,' by.a series of decielons ito familiar that it is unnecessary for use to cite them, that a Chan cellor most be satisfied upon the proofs before him of the absolute necessity for his interference be yond a reasonable doubt, before be will bo war ranted in the exercise OC a petrel , of such magni tude. A serious doubt isTatal to the application. Let usepplythese prineiptes to the present ease: The city of Philadelphia, by its agents, is now engaged in the construction of a culvert which gads at apoint on 'Blenheim street, in the Twen ty-second ward of said city; thane() extends in an easterly direction to; intereection.of said Men beim street with Manitoba Spring alley ; thence southwardlyelorig said.-Idanheint Spring alloy to the south or southatiatside of Regar street to the boundary line of complainant's property, Where said culvert stops, and itecontonts, as complaitimit alleges ; arc discharged upon his land, by retiSOU whereof, as heaps be will sustain irreparable in jury and loss, especially as he, has created a dsrat-, ling-honse bear to the proposed termination of the culvert, and. Ott land which will be most injured by reason of file Zizehorges from said culvert is tinder cultivation as a garden. If the bill and affidavits of the complainant were alone the subject of consideration, we could not doubt the, propriety of granting the present, motion; far by the evidence which would then he before us it would seem that tho complainant would suffer irreparable loss. ,- The` defendant has, however, presented counter-- affidavits, and from these it would appear that the culvert wiliempty,its contents not upon the land• of the complainant in constant use forprivate pur poses, hut into and. upon a ten feet wide alley, which for many years' hes been the'natural outlet for a spring and old drain; that this culvert wilt not only wet injure the complainant's property, but that less Water Trill flow from thereon than has heretofore run from tho old drain, and that, in the opinion of many o£ the inhabitants of the neighbor hood, no injury can by any possibility arise to the complainant or, hie Property. It seems, further, to appear by the affidavit of the city surveyor for the 'Ninth district, that the ton feet wide, alley, hereinbefore referred, to, has been conveyed to trustees for the public, use, and, finally, that this °hived is a part of a general sys tem of drainage of laestirtiable value to the entire &lath country in which it is located, and to the population of the immediate vicinity, many of whom have been- seriously inoomoooded,-in time peat, by the imperfect construction of the old drain and Its consequent overflow. "Without expressing any opinion as to the right of the nu/diem um the alley referred to, we think a serious doubt exists as to the irreparable injury which will result to complainant should we allow the culvert to be completed. With such a doubt upon our minds, wo would not be warranted in ar resting the crnstruotionnf a public improvement designed to benefit not' a single individual, but an entire community. The motion for a epeeist injunction is, therefore, refused , . The District Courts' were not iu session. - Gums:run Sufism a—Judge Allison.—lnt the case of Mathew Miller, Jr,, charged with dealing in lottery policies, before reported, the jury returned a verdict of guilty. Sentence deferred. Jane Edwards was convicted of selling liquor on Eiunday, and sellingibinor without license. Jane Craig was found= eilty of, an await, and battery on Efargaret Cargill. John Gordon was convicted of an assault and battery on 5. Jacob Oeschlager; keener Of a lager beer saloon in Areb street, above Fifth, was eenviated of keep ing 'a ferocious dog.. ,The testimony was, that a young man passing by wee bitten in the leg, with out in anyway haring Prdouked the animal, Win. 14, for the Commonwealth; J. P. O'Netti,Teq., Or the defendant. - rlif 4)30101 arrest.—A: , turther hearing in the ease of Joseph. Zeiginfos, a supposed ineen diary, took place yesterday afternoon, before Al derman linen, at the Central ?Mice Btation. It was In evidence that the accused set fire to A now and unoecupled building in Callowhill street, near Ts enty-alit& on the night of January 24th, 1857, nearly a year since. The officers on this beat testified:to the feet that ho was seen running from the building:that Was burned just before the fire Was disoovered. • Other - evidence wes adduced in this ease which clearly fixes the crime of arson aporthitn. - won else testified that on the night of August 19th, 1857; Zeigeoftia was seen in the. yard attached to the residence of Jeremiah Reese, No. 2426,00110whi1l street . , and that he was seen to set Ore to some combustible materiola which he placed against the house. Three distinct charges of arson were olearly - fixed upon the defendant, who was committed in default of bail, by Alder man-Enelf;-to answer at the next, tees of eintrt. , pant and Exposure.—Posones Penner yesterday held en in quest at:No.:MI Bakerstreet, shove Seventh, in a cold , and damp cellarron, the body of a female, named Mary Bove,' aged about thirty-Ova years. verdict' of death froinrwmat and exposure was rendered.. The light Was' entirely excluded from this miserable don, whicit Contained two other female lodgers. The only: artieles in it were a furnace which held nothing- bat ashes, and an emptylia cup, The two other females were clod in rags, and in a state of, beastly intoxication. .It is, indeed;lad.ta reflect that ouch a scene of dark ness, death and desolation, can be witnessed in a beautiful city like Our own, and at ad& a Elbert distance franc the site of her wealth and luxury, . • Real Esli.le,; Stocks, 4.c.- . —The - following sales were mule; last 'Welling by Messrs. Thomas A Sens, at the Philadelphia Exchange : Five shares AMOTll3Ba.Actaeriiq of Musk, $246; two shares in the Mercantile Library, $8.25,; taro fiat mortgage coupon hoods, City or Burlington, N. J., 6 percent. triter loan. par 81,0501 each, 11 per cent, brick dwellin; lioplar'atreet; went of Twelfth street, 8500 lot of groltrul t - Thitard avenue, Twentieth ward, $100; let ofground;ritresslor street, south of Diamond, $230 ; brick dwelling, Hthbord street, south of Stiles, $315. Cloak Steaft.—Last.:oceniol, women, who Vtte name of,OaiolinO ltinadale, was ep-, prelle . nded_pn the eharge.of etealteg cloak, from etofe `in - North Eighth street. She waa com mitted to answer at, Court. .Accideni—Laet evening s a inmk named Wolff wag run ovor lky a borne and wegon, Bade' road. and Buttonwood greet, and seriously Inky. ed. liMiortaitano. (Reported for 4'20 - 1 . ree4,l CIIADLESTOkibi A itill,lierriog---280 Wee cotton D BBIOIIIIM & ON 190 do do II Sloan; 86 ice rico ThonWatteon & ,Sone; Z'Ate Pet4ll.lartiu & Co; 2 Loudon,& 00;1 At 0, Meson & Co; I Joe'llernord & Co; 8 806 , 1tieh r , , ,8p4 6 I Ktololoolt t 2 Belli A Doardniao; 0 .111Lippineott . &Sri; I'D /ayne - & ROW 1 Stoteeburg 14- APOst alY,telber; S Stetilon& co;'0 1, .7 o h a s o . Co; (7 alifone & 041)111Mo Talker & Co; I Palmer C Levy; 12 oelte litasany P 152 inuotr bble'Ponitney, & Ateesey,• 20 do 01.10, , :604#fon11040 'biota Parker 4' TOOT; rolllll6i4ir.):o4tkPar. 81,411 feel floor. 111614 M 161TRittrotilli 40,.ikt0 jimpirlop C 4 Irr.V7 1 T E MS . Tjut,,SgAscor as 'IT 13.—The intervathotiden ditriettnea and New Year hei,beeti-thits far marked with %variety of atmospheric phenomena and meteorologic gYniniatica, that Ladles description. Saturday woe pb.l4italY am:4y; from morn. till night the feathery, Hakes swept the airy chambers of the sky, and to add Bistro to The garnished mansion, overhead, encased the earth beneath im a mantle Of . spotleas, white. The morn-, • ing Mtn Of Sunday played upon this winter dress with hie dazzling ray, Imparting to our fair city a shining brilliancy in her 'whitry , robe. ' The sir was cold . and keen, giving to the trodden snow, ' upon the sidewalk. a glassy sinimiltuali that tested the poles , riau , s organ of stand.up-ativeness to - its utmost capacity. The night (dosed in datniiiind WAY, and .with the dawn of Monday the inalitution of street slush and very miry mud were duly iortugurated, and which were soon embeillehed by the fitting accompaui -meat of a most penetrating aqueous inlet, rendering double-soled boots ant silk umbrellas almost as value less as a glass covering In a shower or brickbats. After ehrnitting the blackened etre,* to s night-long con tinuance of this unmitigated ablution of mist, yester day rooming resumed its undid operations without the slightest change either as to qsallty or quantity, and May be said, upon the whole, to have favored se with as uninterrupted a day`adrizzleat WO Must enterprls hig omnibus proprietor, or umbrella merchant could desire. - Those OM have paid any attention to the usual baracter ct the weather at this season of the year, need not hotold that ouch atmospheric phenomena are by no moans uncommon between the :nth of December - and the Ist day,of January. There will, doubtless, be other changes to record between this and the close of the week ; such, for. ekample, as slight showers of sleet and hail, causing congealed end slippery sidewalks, and turning pedestrians noiens'rolens cote the middle of the streole, iu order - to keep the pavements from coming in unpleasant contact with their craniums Aul, indeed, should the old German adage, that fruit trees must be fecundated by having their brauchea encased in sleet ice between Christmas and New Year, Is order to bear welt during the ,coming season,” be correct, we hop, the glib pavements roay- be encountered. This may be but a superstitious notion, though prophecy based upon this circumstance hue often been fulfilled, nevertheless. SAGE of PICTURES POSTPONEE.—Tho great sale of engtavinga advertised to take place on Monday and Tuesday of thin rook, hes, for some important reasons, been postponed until Monday and Tuesday mornings of next week, the 4th and 6th proximo. Mr Robinson having determined to make the collection aa peace:as possible, and every way superior to anything of. the kind Ordi heretofore offered in this country, he fohnd that In consequence of certain unforseen delay in the getting up and arranging of certain pieces of great Merit, imported specially for this occasion, it would be Impossible to offer them_ on the days previously an nounced, without detracting materially from the per fection of his design. We may therefore slate, that although public anticipation law been subjected to .temporary, disapielatotent, the disadvantage m ill be more than balanced by the improvensente the delay is calculated to accomplish.. ThtEAT EMU>: IMO:MANCE COMeANY.--By nn advertisement in another 'column it will be seen 'that the Croat Weetern Ineuranco and Trust 00111tAnly now located in the building belonging to the comm.. uy, corner of 'Fourth and Walnut streets, It is pre pared to lake Tire, Marine, and Inland risks of all kinds; on terms advantageous to properly owners. This company enjoys the reputation of being prudent and prompt, and as it to also considered re/ iab/e, it deserves its share of public-patronage. - PRESENTS FOR Trig HOLIDATS.—Under this bead Mr. Thomas C. Garrett, No, 326 Chestnut Arcot, advertises his elegant stock of watches and jewelry. From the'reputstion this house has long enjoyed, we can recommend our 'readers moat heartily to give Mr, Garrett a calf. STORMY \VW:ME:rt.—As the holidays have not yet expired, wo would remind the public that a hand some umbrella would just now be doubly accept Ole as a present. Drown, No. 246 Market street, has an ole. gaut stock of them. MUDDY STUMM). Such weather and such streets as we base had teltido the pad few dqs remind 'its of the advantage of baviog to our city such an estab. lishment as Thomley's stock of India Rubber Goods. An India Rubber case, from crown to corn, would set be a bad idea by those times. ALMOST READY.—WO perceive that the new stores in Chestnut street, above Biel Lb, are nearly ready for occupation. When they are quite done that section of the city will be more animated and fashion-haunted than ever. Then the ladies will crowd the sidewalks on both sides, and Carols , elegant saloon, No. 112 Eighth street, will be thronged. !Iverything is served up in excellent style at Carols', particularly in the oyster and terrapin line. "thermals!"—Thus exolaimed a famous gala- Mel the other day at Petry rrerea, ae a superbly roasted turkey, stuffed with chestnuts, was set before blot. That turkey well deserved, moreover, the burft of enthusiasm whiebit elicited. Petry Frerea are et err day more and more engaging the affections of our too amts. Their admirable restaurant, it should ho to utembered,la In Third street, near Bt. Paul's Church. CREAM' D LA CREMEL—WO all have heard of the creme de. hi crtnie of docility, Those who would know whet is eminently the creme tic la creme of candies, should go to li. . Whitman az CL'a, tiocoutt areet, below Chestnut, and buy a package of -their cream candy, All of the candies of Messrs. W. lit CO though, that Is the fancy and the plate, are of the most super.a live y-good order. They have done a Vemendous hmi ness during the holidays, both at ,wholesale and retail. Iststutisg.--The orders whiell G. G. Evans re ceives from the country are immense in numbers. \Veil, too, may the country folks patronize him, for they coo bay the best of publicatiorut at the lowest prices, and In addition obtain a girt worth CUM twenty-fire cents up to one hundred dollars Everybody who buys at Evans' gets* gift. This superb store Is at 439 Chestnut street, below Fifth. Evans Is the great original in the gift book store enterprizes. Those Burma WRAPPERS.—Messrs. R. 0. WO.. born & Co. are still selling, and with truly marvellous rapidity, their beautiful gentlemen's wrappers. They have au undiminished demand', moreover, for their en tire stock of rich gentlemen's furnishing goods. Their numbers aro 5 and 7 North Binh street, Sanron Dom,Aa made a alma on the eternal Karim question, at the Girard house cm Thursday night. The little giant expounded most learnedly on that grave-yard of Gavertiora; the Constitutions, of Mamas, some three or four in number; Gov. Walker, and the usual free llghts,but overlooked the min point, that Granville Stokes, No: 607 Chestnut street, less pit received the latest fashions, and is now prepared to till all orders,nt low prices. fittEATIIES there a man with soul HO dead as never to himself to have said, want new clothing ?" If that unfortunate ,ndividuel does exist, let him at once repair the error his ways by wing to Clifton, Albright, & Co., No. 627 Chestnut street, and buying a new suit. They, with a watchful eye to the necessities of tho times, have pat down their prices to suit the .stringent condition of the money market, and will aid ono to appear like a gentleman with very little rust. 'Mr. John W. Albright, who controls the cutting depart ment, is considered to ho the first artist In the country. GENERAL WALKER EN ROUTE TO WASIIINOToN. —The renowned filibuster and Captain Rynders passed through this city today, on their road to Washingten, eller° they are to have an interview with "Old Bock •• Captain Rynders wished to proceed direct to the Capitol, but General Walker Insisted upon stopping at the Brown Steno Clothing Ran of Rockhill & Wilson, Nos, 603 and 005 Chestnut . street, above Sixth. The General knows that appearances go a great way. ftlarine 3ntelliscnce PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 30, 1557. SUN RISES 7 24 I SUN SETS 4 36 7110 U WATER I. 48 IliffiE Bchr P t fall, !tarring, 9 days from Charleston, with eetlen, Ste. to Pettit, Martin & Co. &hi Emma, Straugh, 1 day from New Castle, with corn to Bobeaon Lea. . . CILEARNII. Steamship City of Richmond, Itlttchell, Riehroond, Webster, Jr. Steamship Delaware, Copes, Now York, J Allderdice. Ship Tuscarora, Duniegy, Liverpool, Cope pros Ilrlg Mary Lowell, Pomeroy, West Indica, Outer bridge, Remy Cu. Ste .11 Per, Baltimore, A Droves, Jr. SAILED. The packet chip Tuscarora, Capt Dunlevy, for Liver• pool, let t 'Walnut 'street wharf et noon yrotrrdny, in tow of ktettnatug America, taking Gilt 25 forward cabin nod steerage passengeni, and the following cargo: 334 bags and tierces clove:seed, 9S Istglx bark, 4110 bualseta tore, 1T,759 bust:ela wheat, IVO bbis lard, 4210 harrela gear, and 37 Ditga 'Kane, (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange ) LEWES. Bel., Doc 20. 12 M. , The J S stoop of war Jamestown for Aspinwall, IC at harbor, In company with three brigs and about twenty Schooners. The wind is strong front NE. sod weather so thick 48 to totally present our' seeing whet vet - sole way he in the hay, cleaSkiii at the Breakwater all safe, and no disasters in this vicinity to report. Yours, "&o, WM, 31; HICKMAN. rat TEILUORLPII.j (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) CAPE ISLAND, Dec 29, 4 P DI The weather is quite stormy from NE, and so Moir and rainy that nothing can be discerned at a distance of one hundred yards, Yours, &0., TROB. B. EIIGUSB. TIZLIMAPII TO TUE mass.] BURTON, Deo 29. Arrived, ship Dublin, from CrOnstadt; barque Wan deter, from Buenos Ayres Arrived, brig Larukab, from Belize, Ilendurae; brig A Blanchard, from Turks Island; rehr Life Boat, f ro m Mayaguez for Newburyport Below, Rehr Queen of the south, from 'levant+. CHARLESTON. Pee 23. The steamship Columbia, at this port from N York, spoke ON Cape Hatteras the clipper ship Grey Eagle, Tom City Polot, Ye, bound to Bio .311116f0, With n cargo of Hour, dlemanted. The Grey Eagle refused assistance, but the Columbia took off seven passenger's. 'and brought them to thle pout BA TAN:7Mb Dee;29. Arrived, screw steamship Weeteroport, from N York, NOTIOR TO 11147i/NERS. Cnoss LRDO,F: Moat saw, (Delawitre Bay [sees! Imo been removed from her etntioa for the Winter season, according to ptectone notice, iv order of the Lightimase Board_ Y AHD, Lightlioneo teepee tor. Philadelphia, Dee 29,1857. 30.3 t 111115101tk - NDA. kteavalilp Niagara, Wickman, from Boktou for Liver pool, was passed off Cork 12th inst. BNa/whip Fashion, Coughliti, from Avplowan, at Havana 21st inst. Steam Alp Emplra Olty, )IcOonan, from N Orleans is Ilarana 234, at New 'York 28th Inst. Idtaainahip Granada, garrison, from Aapluwall, at Ita • ana 23d Mat., " Steamship Isabel, Rollins, at 'Havana 22d inst. from Charleston, via Key West. Steanishlp Anglo Saxon, blellaster, sailed from Port land 20tla inst. for lAverpool. shin granola P Sage. Ingersoll, from Obineba Inlands, vSa larapton Roads, at New Yor yesterday. ' Shin Wiser - n*lhr, Scott, from Comm, for orders, wiled frail' Callao 26tli . . . . Ship' Fortuna, Scudder, for Bfaoflla, sailed from 110 olulu Oct 27. Ship Oriental, 'Whipple, for Bombay, was loading at, ondtal nth tut, Lkl;op.; Pearee f from London for limnebte, e.% Bth last, and proceected. 'Borgne Ando, eferrimen, from Portland, at Matanzas 'let last, , - s Barque Wisiiiikakia Hotelier, C9lllas, was tweed Bea from New Orlftaaspla !list septa tattles Jawetti WO, (ea CattPuttat ele4r o 4 at BeJetta, Ne l 21st last. T M P,RESSe,-RRLADELPHIAi . • Barque Nashua, Lewis, for Baltimore, was bel o w Boston 29th inet.• Barqua Ildmund Dwight. Nitkasseu, cleared at Ma nna 21stilost for Baltimore. , „ Barque Garland, Llttesloop, from Now York, at 8t Jago 'de Cuba 6th lust. Brig 11.1„1UUtall, Diital,ell ikons. at Wilmlustoil, Del, 1711; lost, to load car 'wheels for Cienfuegos.. Brig 2eno . pbon, Doak, for Portland, sailed from Its- IMEI 20t11 lust. • llrig Cbarles Miller, Brewer, for payout', sailed from below Bristol, RI, 251.11 lust Brig Alfred Exalt, Beadliug, for Philadelphia, nailed from Ifacana2lat loot. „ • Ili dg Q E Prescott, Gilkey, from Camden, Me, arrived at gay West 2lst inst. • Brig It Bingham, Shannon, from Vonsarola, at Tortu gas lath inst. Brigs' Irene, Wass, and Leghorn,' hatch, hence for Boston, sailed from Mimes Dole 28th ;net. • , Brig Slay Goren, Jackson, cleared at Mobile 291Iriet. for-19evrTork. '• • . Brig Abby & Elizabeth, Malley, for Rio de .larkeiroi with limit', willed from Itishniond 28th Inst. Brig Pinter, Crowell for Trinidad, sailed from Bala. more yesterday. • Fehr A Idandarson, nenderam, far Philadelphia, cleared at, New 011eitas23,1 inst. Behr 1) Ireland, Baker, hence at Charleston 20th inet Rehr A °ornery, Babcock, went to sea from Charles• on :loth lost. for Philadelphia. . Bahr Jos Frances, hence at 'Richmond 28th inst. Rchr W Loporjtobinoon, 'toilet) at Now Bedford. :Mk att. Fehr IV 0 Mershon, Mershon, from Now Orleans, was below Boston 28th Inst. ' . . , Scilr Tennessee, Wooster, hence for lioston, at liohnestioie 23th inst. Sohn K L Tay, Lake, and Story Delphina, hence for Horton, soiled from Holmes !lola 28th inst. Behr J U Asiimettd, Strong, Peace at Key West 21st inst deina 7, A Paine, Itnrtlett, bailee for Eastport, and Geo Eduard, Baker, do for New Haven, at New York 28th hot. Sala - Eva, Wheaton, having ripaired, sailed horn Pro vidence t'ith iust. for Phltadelptda, Seta Ja,oes M Vance, Burgeas, lfi days front llama, at New York 28th inst. Sehr W 0 Atwater, Brown. at 14111101 ‘,151 inst. from Delaware City. MARINE MISCELLANY The new steamship Moses Taylor, of the Aspinwall Hue, made tt trial trip at New 'Yolk yesterday viorniny. Sho will take the place of the Central America, and sail Jan 5. The U 9 revenue cutter Taney wag sold by auction at Savannah 19th cunt. for $lO4. ()apt Lewin, of ship John 41 Richardson, was the purchaser. The C El Waterbury, before reported ashore 15 MilOS Oath of 'Ocracoke, watt built at Hoboken, NJ, in 1845, is 200 tuna burthen. tote,, A 2, and le valued at $12,000. brig blizabeth Mary, of Yarctoutb, NEI, from Ayt, wife coals for Boston, when 8 days out, sprung forename. and received other damage, and watt obliged to bear away for St Thomas, where site arrived Nov 211. Would Bell Cargo there. Nassau, NP, Dee 12—The slip Lemuel Dyer, before reported, Capt Ward, from Liverpool bound to New Or leans, with a cargo principally of salt, struck on a reef nearly two miles NNE of Drown Water Rork, in sight of Doffing, on the evening of the 24 Dee. She was disco vered at daylight of the &I lust, and assisted elf by wreckers. She strived at Nguema on the 4th. The value nt.. the ship is US pill), The passengers, ao su number, will he transferred to another vessel, and sent to New Oilcans. DOMRSTIO PORTS NEW YORK, Dec '2O-1,..rr, steamships Nashville, Murray, Charleston; Florida, Crowell, Savannah Mon day, 34. AM, exchanged signals with steamship Star of the South; Memphis, Watson ; Charleston; sehrs Magnolin, Nickerson, Charleston; Clarion, Hawes, Gloucester fur Baltimore; steamer Locust Point, French, Baltimore. Old, steamer RllLaboth, Laughlin, Balti more. BOSTON, Doc '2B—Arr, brig W J Trost, Park, ga; solos Witch of the Tees, (Br) Bartloy, Algoa Bay, COIL; Emma V, Cook, bonaiyiN Lath Rich, Eickeison, Priam. Edward Island; brothers, Doane, Baltimore; V A Stetson, Cobb, Provincolown Old, shin Sunbeam, Malmo, Savannah; colic Lombard, Harding, Norfolk. PORTLAND, Dec 20—Arr, Lague Canada, Mitchell, Matanzas Cid, barque It C W Dodo, Jarvis, Sagas; brig tiro P IYiltiawn , Hutchinson; Havana. 27th—Ara, schr Anita Damon, Marshall, (16orgetown, SC. for Yarmouth. KEY WE Bee 12—Arr ; brig Mania, Gibbe, Mina titian for Liverpool; crew etch and in want of water; antic Kdw Franklin, Mayo, New York. Chi. achy Coq uina, Whitman, Attakapaa. 14th—err, llr Br echo Violin, Lowe, Abaco. lttb—Arr, echr Voung Amerir t, Lowe, Baltimore. Cid, Largo Mustang, Greenman, Matagorda. ltitir—Cld, barque Ohms Keen, Citation, Galveatoni ear Louira, Nutecomb, Franklin, La, lialt—Arr, brig Lavaca, Parker, 18th—Arr, brig larum Carver, Partridge, Mobile Cid, Behr Violin, Lowe, Mara. 19 1 / 1 -4trr, Me/wirer Storm Cloud, Southwick, Mobile. FOREIGN PORTS -- - • Liverpool—Cht loth inst. Cultivator, Hansel!, New York; tieorgia, litaeloon, Fia;ratinali; and all remained in the raver evening 12th—Ado North American (s) for Portland Dec 30; Niagara. (a) for Boston 10th; Africa, (s) Shannon, for Now York 26th; Kangaroo, (o) Jelfray, for do Jan 13; Margaret 'Tyson, hloarmott o for do 20th; R Robinson, Robinson, for do 20th; A. 7. Croon, for do with despatch; F W Brune, Landis, for Baltimore 20th; Yeniassee, Childs, for Charleston soon; Highland Chief, Swanton, for Savannah soon; Cambria, Perry, for New OrleatiP; 12th; Constitution, Lawrence, for do w,th despatch, Trumbull, Richardson, for do; Beau Monde, Mandel, for Son Francisco Boon, Tornado, Rumford, for Mel; bourne Dec 15; Macaulay, Boom for do Jan 5. Steamer city of Salim( re. which was advertised to loaTti Dec 10, has been withdrawn, according to the N York papers; nevertheless oho ent for loading sth inst. for New York, But for Idg fitly A Z, Breen, for New , roik; 9th, Bal timore, (al do; Trumbull, Richardson, do; 10th, ho preen, Milton. Ent inward at Laudon 9th. Paragon, Driultwater, how Verb. In port 11th, Palestine, Spencer, tor N York, about read); Plymouth block, ltatinnoud, ] or do 17111, tondolb Hurlbut, fur do 24th; Victoria, Champlain, for do 31.3, 31oneka, of Roston, Hamilton, for bile Janeiro, ldgi Hornet, tienson, and Reindeer, Pattcrion, for Calcutta direct; Meteor, 1058 tour, built at itostuu in 1832, for sale, c,yeteile, .13.05 lona, built ut Holton in 1852, do, Old trout Utavesend 12th, W,ld Ranger, Beata, Mel bourne. Deal—Put 10 nth, (before retorted bagged Bth) Reli ance, PaPY, (rota Callao for Dunkirk, and anchored At Rotterdam Bth inst, elilpfl Limo Sta ff ord, for New York, Ng; Mountain Wave, Hallett, fur Charloston In 4 dila, in ballast. ARRIVALS AT TliE PRINCIPAL lIO'T LS. Up to 13 °Wad Lust Night. OIRARD ROUSE—Chestnut street, berme Muth. Oscar Coles, N Y DB Stomford, N Y A Douglass jr, Boston, J A Schreyer, Baltimore I+ T Moutroll. Baltimore 11 0 Anatelead,N 0 E if Cooper, N 0 8 Durgin, Boston 3 Durgin, Boston 0 Maim, Baltimore 3 0 Buttree &la, N Y 3 W Rlatchford, N Y C YosterJr. Baltimore I' Doan, Ginn, 0 E S Leap, Wllkesbarre W B Shorter, Reading Mrs bhuter, Readiog It W Stamper, N Y W Marguand, Boston Reed Sanders, N Y W 3 :Radio, Wash, Pa It Coo/term, Oreensburgh S Brush, N Y D Welty, Is Y W Temple, Delimare .1 flaunt, N I' Mr Douglass k wife, N Y D 0 (tile, St Louis 11 Bile, St Louis .1 3 Zabriskie, N 3 Cot W II Dotter, N J E Walcott, Princeton, N 3 J Moir, Baltimore Copt W It elmrdncr, N Y Chas Davis, N Y Chas II Parker, N I John 13 Richards, Reading il 31 Miliaria, Nl7 Wyatt IY Muller,Safe Garbortlenry II Ramsay, Pa Jos 1' Dail, & wife, Pa I. M Closs,Washington Bit A Spencer, Pa Capt Tyler, N Y Geo II Risher & la. Nl* Wm S. 3inkins, Richmond Weo /1 Iran/grove, Richmond 3 S Suchler, Beading John Sanders, Pa John Billings, N Y Richard Schell , N V Eder Merril!, Neer Bedford 3 Id Merrill & la, Balt J Maediarrold, N I' Jos It bill, Richmond B Babcock, Troy, N V Alfred Joel, N Y Mrs Gannet,' & coo, N Y IlOTEL—Pourth sited, bolos; Mob Col Flt Wilson, tiellolonte Thos II Craig, Philada Col W Esti'wit, D C lion Jos 1C Riley, N J Win Person. Kentucky A P Homer, Salem, 0 11 1) !Woe, Mercer, Pa Josh T Tweltz, Salisbury IY DlclJr ery, Pittsburgh II A Itosi, Harrisburg 1 0 T Lcavenwordt, Scranton lion (leo Scott, Penna John V Smith, Peuna P Kevin, Boston N it Reed, New York UNION 1 1 0TEL—AirliMroet, 'below Fourth. Wn McClure, Shippenshurg Jas Leper, Jr, Bradford,Pa Col W Emery, Washiuoton M E Croxc , Del co, Pa 0 T Make, hhzabeth, N J H flarlilug, Reading, Pa Dartling, Reading, Pa John Racking, California Wm noniron. California V. lilyero k lady, California (leo (larverirh, Pa I' Hodson, Pottsville J F Coxel, P k R U R 11 P Jacobi', Ohio Thou Rice, Ohio Mrs Ileachem, N York Mica L A Drachma], N York Jag Sullivan, Philo, AMERICAN HOTEL—Ohestuut street, above Fifth. J F tiordoo. New York W E Frederick, Ind J W Miroham, Dalt W Il Ileitis, New York J Hawthorn lady. Ohio Miva 111 Hawthorn, Ohio J Lincoln, Boston J 'Telford, Boston 0 It Lincoln dc lady, Boston W W Wiggins, Wash, Et 0 It S Wiggins, Wash, D, 0 L Hawthorn, Dalt N I, Hawthorn, Dalt II Smith, Conn J L Cooper, Pa 0 ilut net. Balt W A llrabiner, Button J 391e':l wain A lady, Pa C Everett A lady, Wash You 1, Hake,. Wilkesbarte J St Yo,bilt. Montrose NV Id Sieiev , N W bleKulght, N Y John I.Lughtss. Conn STATES UNION—Mat ket greet, above Sixth. .I.' 0 John, Pa J II Haney, Pa JAN lieontalv. Balt Jnolitino, Marietta, Pn Ifenry Sbultbach, Pa And'w Foltz, Ilarriihnlg Chas W Paull Oldie liartin'g Win 31 Allison, Altoona 1k J G Trow,Mlilliu, Pa A 0 Pogo, It olt Sam I Cowen, Pa Muter coweit, Pa Jab Good, Lancaster 11. W Hampton, Lancaster Geo IV Hilton, Carlisle NATIONAL lIOTEL—Race street. above Third. 8 halibut], Norti oo Jeineq, Bowling, Pa P Oliphant. Liverpool, Pa II Watson, Liverpool, pa John dickey, Lane'r no. Pa 11 Ventlemon, Pottsville BARLEY SHEAR—Second below Vine. R Myers, Montgomery co Jas Smith, Bucks co Wrc Brown, Brownhburg MLi Eby, White ILiveu .1 Me! Arent*, White liana J L .lanney, Jr, Newtown R Trego, Pa Theo 1' Harvey, N Rlt Benj bloom P. Win Woo, Pa .11. S Linton; Newtown Jno Hoppoek. Newtown F II Huth, lloytehtown L Iloppock, Newton,, C Codwalader, Bucks co M Reeder, Solebury A 'linker, Newtown John Carr, Pa Jae Stucker, Trenton, N J Jonathan Rich, Bucks co Inane Beckman. Bucks co Jonas Ely. Bucks co J A Atkinson, Ducks co Tbos C Atkinson, Bucks co BLACK DEAR HOTEL—Third street, al,. Callowhlll. J W blister, Pa Oen II Garner, Bucks co A Buckman, Peasterville 0 P Shott, Doylestown John Vanardwialen, Pa Mrs Vanardadalen, Pa MV B Varuirdsdaleu, l'a Henry Thomas, Pa Chas Pinney, Pa N Ettinger, Klinesvllle John Ifeistand, Allentown 3 K Bilt, Eariville It Knight, Pnrithrield A Hogeland, Peastervilto Nathan Lands, District N errett, Wm Thompson, Zionsville A Thompson, Zionsville Aaron Lowish, Zionsville hen) Krubt),lwwlrdals I Ilogcland, Peasteryille lieu Krubb, dunineyton n Frank Miller, Somnsytown Thom IV Bye, Burgs co DLACK REAR INN—Fifth and Merchant streets' a Geo D Itlit, Datb, l'a J Starr, Cecil co, lild Ephin Inekecp, Del co, Pa Jacob Cleyenetine, Pa Deter Llndekugle, Da 3 N Hacker, Win . <leo L Edwards, P.l. 3 II Merehberger, Da Stephen D Byers, Chem en Itobt by ale, Cheater no D it' Chandler. Chester co J . E 'toward, neaten / 1143 S 0 0 ,1 ', Del no. Fa E Sigler, Pa 3 I' Steele, Del co, Da John D Worth, l'a II Clark-son, N V (I I. Dougherty, Del co Alin Campbell, Ducks co BALD EAU LE—Third street, ahoy o Cnlluu Lill. Aug Iteinuebe, Lauenetv: J Urine, Del II ( Etrctu%l. , 4tr, P. 'I P Muhllmui, 7L•l%idern dcfen Pearsou, Pu MADISON NOME—t3ecend street, above Market Cleo West, Del Wni II Lightner ' Easton . Ores.ll. Mae NV Ormvinntn,Oblo W 0 Satterfield, rid Jobn Wilcox, N J Opccial 3,3 olives Sewing Machines.—Call at Sixt4 find Arph And •purcliuse one of !Anne Improyed Doubie•Tbreo4e4 r ti cony sEiyiNtl MAOHANES. Pre V 4 nod ud. deC.O-3t* liotWo r y Gifts —Gervtliusen , a Wrappers, Mut- Dere, scarfs, cravats, tes, Madre, shawls, &a. 'nese are most useful prevents, and tad to te found in mat variety at W. W. Ituiglit's, 812 Arab street, above Sixth, at very low prices. dell! d•tdee. Skates! Skates! Skateii I—Oar readers will thld the Wisest and most complef 0 *win:lent of this wAater lasu,rd, ILO at, tlye toweot prloea, at W. W. Itmour's, Ko. ela ?Jacket - greet, opposite Decatur street. no3o-lm M. C. "Oswald, Vornssaission IlnalnessSn VOW morels,' paper and neintlntions,of loans, 68 iVslainV 114.; npposite lbe X7;0111.149, Philadelphia. no]e•2ra Senntett's Saving Fund--Quire tlO3 Wuhan 'treat, One door wost of second street. Item,lves do- PORltalri snout of One Dollur sad ,Ilpwe'rie, from 'all 41a1106 of Ito no rutut*ity, and allows iutotiot at thi'isto of Ave per rout. per , ftntium. 01600 opSu doily, &out 0 until 6 o'cdoel4 and on lion day and guturdey until 0 In the evening. l'tesident lepufklin Fell; aoorotary, Chutes u. Morrie. For Perttunsd prenth, Whkte T,erth, and Beautifal complexion, nee 4, •Baluk of 1.000 Flowera.' , Pot ,dressing Ladies , Lair, use a Woodltind Cream, 6 new Pomade It earls oOntlenten'a ha:ir heautitutly. z P. gsrßlnoc I co., Proprietors, N. N. ;Poi. sato by T. IL Peterson, 300 chestnut; Samuel TwOlftb, and atiestnuE; A. - it: Durand. fl (Meet. nut; T. 11 Peters &„, oq., 710 Chestnut; Gift Fook-store, 420 Chestnut; 0. 8. Nut/hell, 1410 Chestnut; French, Blohards,& Co,, Tenth and dist ill( A - . IL Taylor, Ninth and Walnut; 'Dr garrison, Seventeenth and Chestnut; J. W. tilmoi I Some, Eighteenth and Twenty-Second 'cud Market ; Edward Chrjetmano, 702, Chestnut; Thomas Lancaster, corner Eleventh and Walnut. ' - Fors.—Joseplk Hoeeetbnum'■ Fri nyo ilroted for obeepneas, style, and quality. Store 416 Arell treat, between Fourth.and Fift4. 1 D.—Fors altered into fashionable styles. We study to please. de4.1111 Fur's! Furs! Euro I- Selling aft at reduced prim, 'whole/ode and retail, at Wfd. F. lIRSEL'S Fancy Fur More, No. 162 North Third Eltreet, beloir Race street. del4-3w Saving Fund - OF TIIE AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY, S 008:ao FOURTH eND WALNUT STREsra, - lion always paid in full on &Maud, •RD CONTINURB TO DO 80. . INTEREST, FIVE PER CENT. (1e29.11n1k Gold Pena.—The attention of the public Is rolled to our atolortmont. taoh pan 'Warranted to give satisfaction, FARR & TIIOMPBON, tle22 iltjxo I:ogle Buildlog, 921 Ohootnut etroet, The firentest Untolns In the World.—The subset Aber, tieing about to close his business, offers bin entire stook of nuporior Rolely-tuailii Clothing for rale. All lu want of a ouperior article are invited to give him a call. Store to lot and fixtures for gale. TRAIN, 292 MARKET Stmt. delb-2m Cabinet Ware and UPHOLSTERY, 524 WALNUT 11T; UPPOBITI7 INDEPTINUENCII SWANN, OEO. J. HENKEL'S, 824 WALNUT Meet, 002.1-gut Lao of 178 Oheatuut Street Bonk of Pennsylvattin Notice...[ oleo of this Dettik taken at par for a Wholesale Stock of Clothing, new being nell at Retail deB-lie No.l North FIFTII. Btrcet Ast Important Fact...-We n o w see Is an• nonuced that the estuthave Wholesale Clothing Deal ers, STUAUr%S & GOLDMAN, No. tikie, mmctp. aboro Third, havo contineocea to Detail their eutiro stock at Wholesale prices Savint; Fund .—Natioutst Safety Trust Co., Office, WALNUT Ettrec.t, 8. W. corner of THIRD. ARRANGEMENTS FOR BUSINESS DIMINO TILE BUSRENRION OF A PEOIN PAYMENTS BY VIE BANKS. 1. Deposits received and payments made daily. 2. Current Bank Notes, Macke, and Speoie will be received on deposit. 3. Deposits made in Dank Notes or Obeeke will be paid back in Current Bank Plates. 4. Deposits made In Gold or Bilver will be paid back in Coin. lutoreat Pun era CENT, per annum. n 025 Good Coffer. Lovers of Coffee cannot reellste the full value of their favorite bevorage wibout having it made In the Old Dominion Coffee Pot. &MUM RURNIDLIS, & GILROY, lIT cud 119 South. TENTEr, cor. of George, d3-6m 'Sole tlOoufnetucere Jackson, JOB PRINT 88, ' MBROtIANT fin Err. Checks, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, Bill heads, Oir anima, Oarde, and all other kinds of Job Printing, at prices to snit the Units. illarriaties Oa tho 1010 lostaut, by Hey. Joseph Mesnu, M. JOSEPH . lIENDIIILSON to Wet CATII,SOINV. W. McDONALD, both of thi4 city. On the '2OO i netant, by Rev, 11. II Mnuger, Mr, JOMPIE 5, NIII:OLEIC in Mime FILIZAIO2I'II titteghtoy of Mobutu Brottsy, list' , ell w euty-fourfh Ward, thIY city Un the •54th iustaut, by 'Hoc, Dr. 110(K, T. %VON MITCHEL', to MARY I'ELT7., daughter of the late Samuel Fie ?Al., all or thin city. Ott the iiith instant, at the Catholriii, Cincinnati, by the most Rev. Archbishop PurceII„TANICS EllEisiNAN to KATE II ELINN, of Eitilattelphie. tO otbo. On Sunday morning 2ith instant, ANN, wife of 'Ed ward Tallow, in tho2nth year of her age. The relatores and Mends of the family are respect. fully Invited to attend the funeral on this (Wednes day) morning, at ith o'clock, from the residence of her bubband, S. W. corner of Second and Master streets, to proceed to St. Michael's Cemetery. On tho 29th instant of smallpox, MARY HELEN, daughter of LOUIS L and Ilanosh P. Pauly. in the 14th yoar of bee age. The funeral will take place from the residence of her parents, No 351.6 Poplar atteet„on Tbursday.aftornman, at 2 o'clock, to proceed to South Laurel Rill Came. tery,' Mar On the 2lst (umlaut, ANDREW BARDELL, aged 22 years. On the 26th instant, Mr. JOHN BEATTY, In the 68th year of his Aga, 11:7 - City Treasurer's 0/fice—Dlrard Bank. Dirmantarnit, December 29. 107. NOTICE —The SEMI-ANNUAL. INTEREST on the Funded Debt of the City of Ploiladelpbis, due January 1, 1858, will be pa d on and after the let proximo. at this office WM. V. McDRATII. de3c4t City Treasurer. ➢7 Clty Trea*arer's Oltice—Glrard Einnk. Pot ADRIMI I A , December 29. NOTIOR.--LOANS UITY ON 1911L/MlL toaturing January 1, 1859, wilt be paid on anti after the let proximo, at thin °thee ibM. V lifcallAVll, dr3o.3t City Treasurer IEI At n Meeting of the Stockholders of the 31E7ICAN't/LE L11112.01Y COMPANY, h eld on Thorn- day everdrig, boo. 24, at tho Library, for The pnwoae of noallgating otheor for the ensuing year, JOll ASH• TON Jr., was appointed Ohairinan, and Tana. Sulam Secretary red, That the meet* pro• .r the ensuing year, n hero ',amino Were 110114044. d for On motion. it waft 1030 coact to nominate velem f. upon too following 11111/1011. Directors : W. E. Bowen. 1 Cornelius N. IVeygandt Hobert I:Franco Janice II Ramieli Joseph Comic i John G. Simpson C O Lion ' A. C. DurtiotoW Frederick Pairtlioru David T. Gorr J 11 Ihillec Jr C Ii More Joseph C Grubb John Ashton, Jr Frank T. S. Durley Geo. W. Gibbons Arthur PI. Burton J Il Atwood W I, Schaller Thos Shipley . Richard Wood Thomas Howard Benjamin Gaskill John V. Wilson Edward S. Clarke George G. West, And Charles Illueule was nominated for Treasurer. . . On motion, Tickets containing the names or the nominees were directed to be printed and placed Sn the Library one week preview' to the election, and the proceedings of this meeting to be published hi the news papers. On motion the meeting adjourned. JOHN ASLITON, JR , Chairmen TllO9. &MLR'', Secretary. dee3ojß.6,ld 3t la- Our 11111 Ur i, haling brru published among the list of Failures in the Sunday Troesstipt of Dec. 27th, we take this means of contradiction' it, as we have mot all our liabilities promptly. ile29-2ta P. W.APLI23 & CO The Ladies of the industrial AVornett AID ASSOCIATION aro ready to TPCOI.3 application. from yoaug women who aro deeiroua of obtainlng am ploy inont at the Weilt, and 1010 con bring aatisfaotory reference an Housemaid., Cooke, Childnuniqa, or any other domestic luttnea.. Roam Nn 116 South Sl', VENT I 1 Street. Mrs. THOMAS MUM, Vice-Presided f ir 31tosonle ?Cutlers—The °likensand men; berg of LODOE No,, 3 A. Y. 31., and thu members of tho Order in general. aro requested to tnrot at the Hall, CHESTNUT Street, on 'WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, aE half-past 12 o'clock for tho purpoins of attending the funeral of our late Brother, JOHN RV:ATTY. By order of EMILMII) BREWER, W. 31 Attest, W.M. NI. MARTIN, See. de29..2t* ID" ?Wattle Noticee—The °Werra and Illelll• begs of the K. it'. tho (Hand Lodge of I'eonv3lvania, the members of Rleing Slur Lodge, 12G, and the members of the Order In general, urn requesto4 to guest at the Hall, CHESTNUT Street, au WENINIISHAN AFTERNOON at half-part 12 o'clock. for tho ltiorposa of attending the funeral of llrnther ISAAC W. BIOOKK, IV. If. of 126. 11. FRANKLIN JACKSON, de26-3t Secretary. PANS, of the ukeCity insurance Cont. PANT, 408 WALNUT Street-The annual mooting of the Stockholders of the Quaker City Insurance Com.. party for election of President, Directors. and Secretary, will be holden at their office on TUESDAY, the Bth day of.lanuary, MB, between the hours of 12 and 2. Al.frow-lm U. It. COUOSUALL, Secretary. [l7' Granite Land Company.—The AnnUtti Meeting of the Stockholders or Inid Company will he held at If North SEVENTH Street, on TUESDAY, the 12Th day of ,Tanuary, ISSS, at o'clock P. AT., for the election of °Dicers for the miming year. N. D. Amendments to the Dy-Latve proposed will he meted upon at sold meeting de22.tne* Literary Burenti.--An Experienced Editor, a succeiodui author, and &thoroughly educated Literary man, weary with twenty-ere yams or the drudgery of Nally Journallium, has deternelued to hire out or oell his treble at retail to thooo who may require their mortices in any honorable way. Merchants, Business Men, Inventors, and dealers of every kind, will be supplied, otr-hand, with Advertise meats, (political or otherwise,) Notices, Cards, Circu lars, or any species of article dsired. Politicians wilt he supplied with Speeches, Reports, Resolutions, Letters, Toasts, Pamphlets, Editorial Ar ticles, Communications, and °rely other sort of Brain work, which they Inv find it inconveuieut or 1. °ON fliolio to defer thiatiiiielvec, Ladies and Gentlonten, of every rank in society or oc cupation in life, eon Lave Letters writteit on oily Klll.l. Pict, whether business or sentimental. The tolvertiser also ['wind or translate Correa. poodenco of every kind, either liuKlish, French, tipito• job, Berman, or Italian. Poetry, Acrostics for Lennon. Alio:goon, Note,,, 131110- Ainninlinn, and Compositions of the Ilioet. delicate and cotiGdeutial character, Incident to every possible circumstance or event to life, will be furnished in in violable conddenee, by writing to the undersigued, and explaining their whetteli Orders by we'll, ttecorripanted with cash, will be Strictly arty war:aptly WA ladvi to, Addreas • J. TrioliPsON, Literary Bureau, dttliu DOI 2sl;b 10104400,1 s P. 0., Pt. AA RARE OIIANOE FOR A MAN WITH MODERATE MEANS - , -I'oll BADE —The Rood 'l9lll, Stook, and Histurea of a Wall Paper and Window Stunts Elmo, vaunted in a liouriAtiug County Town, within twenty-five milts of Philadelphia, and doing a good himineea. Emmons for Pel log mote known to Ml p leucite, All communication , ' to ho addrmed“J.J. o. , Dispatch.” • de3o4t* OPPIOE OF %Int LOCUST MOUNTAIN COAL AND IRON C0..--Post.AVELIIIIA, Deo. 10, 18:61.—The annual truietlng of the Stockholder% of this Company will he hold at their office, No, 88 S. FOURTH Street, on MONDAY, the 18th January', at 11 o'clock A M., at olob time there *ill be an election of Di rectors to serve for the ensuing year. de2.o.dtlele WM, C, LUDWIG, Secretary. WEDNESDAY,' DECEMBER, 30, 1857: REAL MOCHA. COFFEE. '4 , RALE AND QUARTER IIALES prlonon OOLONG TEA. 40t1 .U•AoRTED PACKAGNS FINE QUALM. Just Itecotve4 at ALLRN CUTHB E R T'S F.l/111.1* TEA Broils, 23 B. main!' Bp., above 011ESTIOIT, do%)-Bt, Next stuirpteel Jr, Leo , Up settee rr 0 YS, PANe A RTIVI. CWS, ('ULNA AND PAPED DADIEB, OAbIEB, PIPES, BEOAII OABEB, TRICKS, AND ITZALES, Are. NVIII au el:idle:3a Varlet) , a other Ciuoda, luet opened uEonint DOLL, No. 14 NORTH SIXTH STREET CANES or el ery dageriptlon mounted with Gold, Savor, Ivory, he. Cane; °pars alaasen, and Crutch., neatly !repaired ' de3o-1w WWI: POOR ARE SUPFERING.—ImpeI IL led by a sense of duty, the Board of Manafers of 'TUN 11051 E MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF CITY or rfirLAIDELiquA, , appeal mot earnestly to their follow•cithens to emu° forward, to aid them In their ef forts, to stop the cries of distress rising up in all parts of our great city. The Society lam, at this time, under its care some three huinlred nick, while hundreds apply daily at its oiiico for help, which it cannot afford, owing to the low Mato of its treasury. lit some of the Wards of our city there are no Iteliof Assoeiatious , while tho operations of these in the Wards haring snub organiza tions, aro neemaitrily limited. This Society has doter mined to take care of its sick an well and as long as possible, but ulna shall it do for the hundreds that ap peal to It daily for assistance? What .y the citizens of Philadelphia. to Ibis ? This Society bits served then, and raithfutir for twenty-toe years. Shall its operations he stopped in Rocha time of distress no this' The managers wait a response. OP,OIIOE STUART, President. TIIONIAB 'l'. MASON - , Tiolmuree, 431 MAIMET St. fm-lit It. li. 110EFLICII, Secretary. E ENGLISLI BOOKS' JUST PORTED and for calc by C. J. PRICE, No 33 8 SIXTH Street, above cuEsrNtrr. yrournal IN BOTO lIEWIBPLIERES. By J. D'Ewes. Colored engravings, 120,0, cloth. $1.25. OUTRAN AND DAVELOOICB PERSIAN CAM. PAION. By - Capt. Q. 11. Mont 78th Highlanders. Colored plates, Iltino, cloth, $1.25. Tllll BUCCANEERS, or the Illonarchs.of rho By Walter Thornbury. With Mustrations by Phlz. 12mo, Meth, $1.25. , , COSIMON 011JECTS OF THE BEA 80011 E. By the RIIV. J. O. Wood. Finely colored pietas, 12mo, cloth, $1 00. TUR MUTINY IN INDIA TO TIIE PALL OE DELHI. 12n n, fancy I•eards, '25 cents, NALEB 01? WOMEN'S TRIALS. Ily Mrs. S. 0 Hall. Finely Lluetratett. Now edition. Small Sto, cloth, 6S. • TUE UPPER MINE AND ITS PICTURESQUE* SCENERY. Beautifully Illustrated on stool by Billet Foster. Small Svo, sloth, gilt, 14. CDARLES MACK A.1"3 POEMS. Now million Id. hrstrnted ]Zino, cloth, FI VINOSTON'S TRAVELS IV AFRICA. Finely iL lustratod with °Mrs and plates. $.5 Foreign hooka - Imported to order by every 'daintier. kluulhly Ca slonues or now and old English and Proncli hooks furnisbed gratis on application. ile3D.3tr DIIILADELPIIIA AND It EADINGRAIL nomi—rAsT rEEIDIIT LINE —Freight trains leave the Drina, DROADStreet, b low VINE, daily, for MOMIo, Suspension Bridge, Canada, Detroit, Chicago, lialeua, Duhuguo, iSt. Louis, Ulla iNtiltllll3- Mato points, This to the shortest route to Canada and the Lake Ports, and goods will Inv forwarded with greater despatch to the above potato than by any other route • • • TARIFF' OF PRIM PHR 100 LThi Via Railroad, 1A claBs. 24 clam. 34 clam . 88 05 5.4 ~ 88 05 85 Sampenhiou Haidge Dutralo or Dunkirk 1 13 In 1 CO 1 22 Freight going through by rail all the stay must be Marked "VIA RAIL " No tranthlpment butween Philadelphia and Elmira Mark goods vie Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, end wand to the Depot, Woad street, bolo, VILIO, before b I'. M. Yor further thfortuatiou iu regard to thin routo, call tit the through freight oillco of the Pla phla,N la. gars and Great Western Moe, N. N. corner SIXTH awl 011EZTNUT. - deBo-y IN THE SUPREME COURT 'FOR THI EIASTERN DISTRICT OF PhDIMINANIA Dan}amain 11 Tholutui V. William DAYIB, and Henry D Dolby. Yenditioul Exponas, January Tom, 1998, No 90 The Auditor appointed to make distribution of the fund raised under the abets proceedings by Sheriff's sale, of ail that large tot of a round, composed of ten contiguous lots with the unfinished brick buildings' thereon erected, situate on the southeasterly tide cf Almond street, 131 feet. 6 inches uorthedetwardly front Lehigh avenue, in the Nineteenth Ward of the city of Philadelphia, containing in front, on said Almond street, 144 feet, and extending In depth, southeastwerdly, at right angles with said Almond street, 61 feet tuject to a yeat ly ground rent of 114 dollars. Will attend to hls duties au TUESDAY, the 12th day of January, A. D. 1858, at 4 o'clock P. ,at his race, )13. 2O South PIPTII. Street, in the city of Philadel phia, when and whore, all flirt es In tnterent Are re. q aired to progent their el aline, or bo debarred from coin log in upon said (cud. de3ll-let CI &Jail E W. DIDDLE. Auditor. TIVOTICE.—CHESTNUT STREET BRItRIE, PLANS AND ESTIMATES for a Bridge over the River Schuylkill, on the Sue of Cheatout etieet, in the City of Philadelphia, will be received by the Chief En gineer and Surveyor, at the DEPARTMENT OF SUIU VEYS, City Building, PISTIL Street, Pe'owlcaluut, until the secoud day of January, Will. 1 4, Clit lireige to be of the (ollowing dinutusions, without any pier ' or with not were than cue pier lu the water - way; the materials of construction throughout to be iodestroeti bin by fire Diiitance betweeu abutuiente 986 feet Width of Bridge, out to out, not tem than.. ift Elevation above low water 31 . 1 Fur en etch the springing line should not be lean than eleven feet above low water, The Plane and }hairnets., will be received under the arrangement and conditions specified lu the °rill rtuco of Commits, approved Noverubor 2d, 1811, tot (oh lows, viz t Sacrum 2 That all plane and estimates lobe received .by the Chief Eugineerand Surveyor of the City of Phita-• delphia, each plan and estimate to Lear a private mark, and be accompanied by a seated communication having a corresponding tuark.thereon, no that the name of the designer may not be knowo until the plan roost ap proved Mail have been belected. Swims 3. That ail such plans and estimates shall, when received, become tbepeoperty of the City of Phila delphia, and shall bo presented within two timothy after the passage of this ordinance, when it shalt be the duty of the Chief Engineer nod Surveyor, by sod with the advice of the CoMmittee on Surveys and Regulations, to invite a commission consisting of throe civil engi neers, who, in conjunction with the Chl,r Engineer and •Survoyorof the City, shall examine nod docile upon the relative merits and applicability of the plans presented ; to the Bridge cite proposed, and report to Councils the M31111)(4 of plans received, the names of the designers, and the chararter and estimated cost of the three plane by them preferred. Samos 4. It shall be the duty of the Chief commie eioner of highways, upon a cortiticate presented awl signed by the Chief Engineer 111) , I Surveyor, to issue warrants in payment of the cost of the aforesaid advs., tleemento, and aloe in favor of those portions who may have presented the three plain preferred by slid mom mission ; to the first iu point of loon!, the hum of }DA, to the second, $2:4), and to the third $lOO, said warrants to Le charged to item No. In of appropriation mode to the Department of highways, }co., for the yeat 1831, approved March 16, 1667 Por further ioforiultiou, or fur cress section of river, address STRICKLAND ICSEASSi Chief lingineer and Surveyor City of Philada nod titian: BRIDGE NOTICE.--TEIE TIME FOR recciehig I'lllll4 3114 1:110111[111 . 11 fur the Chestnut Street Ucidgc, hue, by Orditomea of C 01111614, heels ex • tended to the tlCtlidity of January. 185 a STRIOKLANU ICNEASS, t1e38 4 1.1 126 Chief Engineer and Surveyor. REMOVAL. JOIIN STONE & SONS, imeowrona Arm JUABSRO OF SiLK AND MILLINERY 0001)8, HAViI REMOVED TO Nu. 90, CHESTNUT biittET, I=3 KEROSENE OIL, DISTILLED FRON COAL KEROSENE LUBRICATING OILS. ThPO Oil in not ouly CHEAPER, but SUPERIOR TO TILE BEST SPERM. It wal NOT CUM OR CONGEAL AT A LOW TumpEnvrullk,atul it will RUN LONGER ANL) KEEP THE JOURNALS COOLER THAN ANY OTHER LUBRICATING . MATERIAL. ff? sfaehluifita t o ' Ottlertl are reptentoil to colt a'] exaluino thane oils at tbt• sole ayeucy, 01:01N111 M FREI:WAN, Agt del9.laeif No. 110 'Walnut sta Vet, übot e Front. A NNOUNCEMENT. 1 The sul.ctiber tnym leave to IttlllolltlCO to him (Handl 31111 the imblie 014 he will open Ids ;+.ll,ooti for roccption on IMi:)Mla= lILx Ftuok (a largoll4 Ii oh viliay) w ill PRESERVED AND CILYSI'AI.I.I7.4:) FRUITS, APILI• COTS, WIERRIf PINEAPPLFB, vEins, LI NI I:8, li 3.(1 Es, (IV IN OE3 o BON BONS—A largo and troll (mini tuieut, FANCY TOYS--.Moebaoleal Top, paper, wood, and tuor—an eudleol Variety. FANCY BOXES—Newell/ elyle9, fancy and plain, and varied nroortment, of every prooiltrle dearription BACK, CORNETS, BASKETS, YIETOIIIA,4, PASTI.I.AIi ES, A,c , all of recent Itepollatlon, and sthlelt for extent and Variety gill d fy coipetitioU. For Kale by S. ON Confectioner. • de3-Iru street. above Seventh, nVER-SJIOES.— 700 Cases Men's Long and eltart Ifootx, Over-aloes, PAndalx, Clop, and Boot holders Won,eu's Long Boots, Clatters, Buskins, Bandida, and, flyer Miokis oT MlMl:els. !toys' [tong !loots Over shoes, sad Burials Mims' arta Chi?area's Lung Boots, Oeiters, Over *hues, Ballasts, and Clogs, all of the hurt make* and fresh made. It'or sale by the rue, dozen, or &ugh. pair, at redueed prices, Wholesale and stall &talent will Met our prices lower Ohio they con he bought iu New York. JOON TIIORNIXY, 011VIBTNI1T Street, de23-2a* above THIRD, north able. nItIGINAL EDITION OF CHARLES KNrotirs PICTORIAL SHAKSPEARE—IneIud- Sng the Doubtful playa and Biography, find illustrated with very nUllletelle Engraving', ou Wood, in the high est style of art; forming 8 vols., imperial 8 vo. The nubseribera have been onableJ to Recurs three copiee of this magnificent edition of Shaimpeare, which ban long been exceedingly scores Immediate appl iert• lion will be necessary to prevent disappolutuieut in pro• curlog copiew C. J. PRIDE & CO , Importere of English Books, deS•y No 33 '8 with SIXTH St ,above CHESTNUT 1111111 INTEREST DUE JANUARY 1, _it 1954, on flu. 3rorfrago Monti of tho VALLI:I: RAILROAD CIJIWANY, (lrrld in I s liiindel• 0,i,, "ill I , . l.,ll,llpre,Pateition of the Vottpati ,, at tho Once uS V. R. W 11 1 ,4 V I`,ll 134 ;109'W A Strert. J AMU Cr I DSOS Tre:Ditirf'r. EN=3 - RILLS AND ACCOUNTS CoLLEGTED. AAP P111S101AN9„ TRADESUN. and others Call have their 11,1(, nail Atenunt, wade not and Coll , ritd by on esperloored Accountant, who can give the Lot references Collections in this city, from out side parties, promptly attended to end remitted Ad dress ACCOUNTANT, No. 721 youth biNTNENTII Street. de29•6t WELCOME RANGE.--SOLD BY COM) WTON it IMO. 107 N. NUMMI) Pl. solliAm Pal i i cal. FOR REGISTER Or WILLS-- WM. lIANDOCXB, TWSLVTI9 WARD, d2-31olt Subject to Democratic R ated. FOR SHERIFF- ALDERNUN OLORGE aIOORE, FOURTH WARD. Subject to Democratic Dolce ao7-Scoili FOR SHERIFF— /AMES CI 011390 N, TWsNire-svo;in Elob4eqttc. Ihni,Ta4livkce. 4.0.3m1F iIDrD Goods PARIS AND VIENNESE 11110 CHE LONG SHAWLS, At $B,lO, $lO $ll, and $l2. With it largo aa.ortmeat or superiorgoale, which we are selling at, very reduced 'one a 01,111{VEN, STODDART, NO. 450, 452, sod 451 (1030 NORTH . SECOND STIMET, ABOVE Iyr-wily, TIROAD CLOTIIS, SATTINFTA, VESTINGB, Boys' wear generally, . And oioolll For Ladlee' Cloaks. From the into Auction gales, et REWORD PRTOES. WELWYN WTODDART & BROTILER, 450, 452, and 454 North SECIOND street, de3o ikole WILLOW U SE P L AND ORNAMENTAL!- PRIOES TO SUIT TUE TIMES!—NEW Ehf- DROIDEItiES FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS.—Just opened, now ani choice Myles of-- Swim', French, and Scotch Collars, from 25nt to $5. Cambric Collars, very cheap, from 250 to $4. Au Passe Collate, new styles, from 50c. to Si. Plecionilli Collars, beautiful goods, from Ito to $450 Houiton and Maltese Cellars, very theap,isc to $7 50 Valencia, French, Swiss, Cambric, Linen, and font. too Beta, from 50e to $l5 Embroidered and lienvetitched Handkerchiefe. very cheap, Sleeves. Infanta' Waists, French and Chantilly Veils, Flouncings, Embroidered Pearl's, &c. Ribbons, Rid Worry, and Gettnt/et4 CLOAKS AND SHAWLS closing out at all enormous flaerftlee, also , Detainer Merinora, Cobutaa, ace quilts And Counterpanes elo4lng very ebeapr, at 1e111.02 P & T 11 111%181181'S, 8. W cor, B.IOIITII end 8141/SD GARDEN Bts 'NARROW BORDERED CLOTB TABLE COVERS —We have jag. received 000 rave of en perior Cloth COVPlii. In Drab and Brown narrow torderq, de , igusit for Friends; also, tho sillllo with centre pieces, and P).9.12t) Covem Ih similar styles, SHARYLESS BROTHERS, den CHESTNUT and MOUTH Streets CLOTH CLOAKS FOR PRESENTS. Gray Cloaks, $2 50, $3 50, Black Cloaks, richly mode, $3, $5, &e. Pt. Black Beaver Cloaks, $8 to $l5, Cloaks In profusion of style, quality, and price. LADIES' CLOAK CLOTHS, Bought at auction, and for cash, comprising Fine and medium Black Beaver. Black Lieitskin or Atehair, $l, $1 25, $1 60 Black Stitt 'Velvet, for Trltrinaing, 60 cll. Brown and Gray Cloths, very cheap, DIIOOII.II SHAWLS. Scarlet, Green, and two-faced centres. (hued 'troche Long Shawls at $8 and $9. Mauls Minot, Blanket, and Children's Shawls. GLOVES, CRAVATS, SCARFS. Gents' Shawls, fur travelling. Warta Gloves, Undershirts. Drawers, Ac. COOPED & CUNARD. S. E. coy. NU{PU and MARKET. N B. English 10-cent Deets, iu dresses, for Christ mita Gifts, doll VIIRISTMAS PRESENTS OF REAL VV WORRIt ! FlllO Black Cloth Cloaks for $5 Beautifel Chenille Cloaks for $4. A great sack ly of Cloaks from Vl to $ 3 10000 ttROCIIE CHAT!' LB, ALL WOOL AND SILK, - FOR $B. • Square and Long "Roche Shawls from $0 to $2O. Blanket Shawls, Chenille 81tawlo, Ac , Ac VERY EXCELLENT BLACK BILKS. F'aucy Silks closing out below coot. French Merinos at 60c. English Cobourge very cheap. Figured and Blain all wool De!slues for 23e per plot Fine quality Plaid Cashmere.. for 25e., doublo width, GOODS OF OUR. OWN ISIPORTATION. Irish. Linens, of !henry best make. Ladles' and Gentlemen's Lingo Ilandkorchiehr, Latium' and Gentlemen's Rid illoveq. We have a very large stock of Linea Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, Cassimeres, Blankets, Flannels, Carpets, ho,, An, THORNLRY 0111851. delthy N E cor EfORTII and SPRING GARDEN. w We buy and sell for Cash, and hare but ono pri,e.' CLOAKS.— cithm , AND ELEGANT CLOAKS. The largest and.handsolast stook of VELVET AN!) CLOT!! CLOAKS In the City, ►T BADOOM.D PRICES, ►T GEO. FRYER'S, No. 919 CHESTNUT STREET. 40-2 B OYS' CLOTHING. Y. A. HOYT es BRO. Nave now on hand a very large assortment of BEADY -MADE tIOODB, Suitable for the present season, which they feel disposed to evit C3B,SP. ASARUBLI! BUILDINGS, e. is, nowise resin AND CrtinTIPUT BT3, N. B.—We have a large assortment of uncut goods, of superior quality and make, to order from. d-1-114 BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA.-SPE CIAL NOTICE —All the notes on the Dank of Penueylvanix redeemed at par for DRY GOODS, selling at lei. than Auction price. tilunline, Littera, Clothe, Cashmeres, Dlcarketa, Shawls, Calicoes, Detainee. at a great iu connection with our entire Moth, which till be NOW at prices which will astonish all who they filler IN with P. call. Pennayirania Bank Notes taken the imuni us npecio. (wa make no dilierenced at OLIVER II JOHNsON'S Panicolvania Dank Note Dry Cootie Store, No 1009 MARKET Sweet, above Tenth, north slip. N H —Onlore received for the very beet Schuylkill Cod! ; l'euttylvatna bank Notre taken In payment OM V Ell 11 JOIV6ON, No 1009 Market street Aims , DRESS TRIMMINGS, /—4 AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS NEW HOODS OPENED DAILY, J. D. bIAX6'EII h SON. WROLESALN AND RETAIL SYORES, 10'36 CHESTNUT Street, four doors below Eleventh Aol 31S S. SECOND St , below Spruce FAC7'OIIIES.—Noe. 95 and 97 GEORGE St , 'Nutt., and PECOND Street, near Hulot, Orders wale at a few hour,' notice. eel!: lull( I.)olthan Oifte pRESENTS FOR TIII: 110upAys THOMAS C. OARRETT, 3) CUYSTNUT STREET, BELOW FOIII7II, INVITES PUBLIC ATTENTION TO HIS LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, SELECTED WITH CARE, AND WELL SUITED FOR PRESENTS, CON SISTING 0F GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DIAMOND AND OTHER JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, FINE TABLE CUTI,F.RY , &c IMBRELLAS von srir YEAR put LLE nr W .N 1 A 101 0 IVS h C de24.6t 24 NAFtK :itreet eIIIIIISTMAS PRES'ENTS.-- IVriting Deolo Poitrotiod, Porteclonnaias, Pur•e•, Una, Card Peeve, Pocket Knives, backgammon boards, Cbcasinlea, tin, Litter Piper., and 6t rtionery u( every description, at greatly . . • REDUCED PRICES J, It JOHNSON, dol7-td0314 - No, 0 North EIOIITIt Street °ALL AND SEE 7 1" The °regent VARIETY or HOLIDAY PRESENTS Ever exlailotol to ruR OITT OF PHILADELPHIA, Which will be wild tit exceedingly LOW PRICES AT 11.3.11.X317N & WITTE'S, MASONIC BALL, d1.t.1 713 CHESTNUT ST FURS I FURSII FURS!!! FURS I! !! - JOHN FAREIRA & CO., Imparters, ganufaeturers, and Dealers io FANCY FURS, FOR LADIES ell I L PEEN . flaring manufactured au ininionele Mock of FURS, with the expectation of doing our usual Gusint , is, the prosout pressure of the and eotoparativa ntagt.• lion of trade, hero Lett us with au uuusual amount of Stock upon our shelves. It is to moot thin difficulty that ern have now //errant zNED To clone out Our NT/ /1 E STOCK At rlittlfl actually leas thau Tll}llll COST TO MANUFAUTURII! We have Ono on hula a laq; and enmplote &snort meat of OLNTS , F ORS, 4:11,0V 9, All of which will be sold at very LOW PR101.•1 No. 1519 MARKET 8t , hot Eighth and Muth, uoNLOw south aide Ilion 12 SCULL, CAMBLOS, CO., BANKERS, No 36 South Third Street. The highest 'Hafnium paid for AMERICAN GOLD AND NICW YORK RYQUANti H, llocurrent Fuuds bought uu4 sat. Stocks bought and auk( on colonli.,sion only nolo-2m ifo lE !CAN GOLD AND ~111:1V YORK EXOn A NOE WANTED AT 1110LIEST CURRENT RATE, 134 CRONISE A: CO S P I 13 110 l RS, 1,624..111 .10 SOUTH 111IRD ST I~Mr. TINGI.F.I - & CO., BANKERS • No :17 South THIRD Street, Philo COLLECTIONS promptly ovule ou all acci,siblv point 1111110 United a Item ant eaoo,ll, Slockv,-Ilottek, A e , llouslxt and 900 nu C ooo oj,j.lo MlCUrrent Dank Lulea, Chvokv, k c , bought at Oa lowext ratei IH•pcmitti recoh el Al,l Intoreet alloAeS, Rs pti agreo nibut, wp2.12.1 Oen!lcinot's Surniabittg t'oobo 'WINE SHIRTS, made to order, and war it' ranted, of elegant lantern,' and superior work utausklp Also, Droll Storks au3 Oeutletnen's Wrap pers, at the Premium Store of W. W. AtilfifiT, 6)5 AIWA Street, above Sixth. no2l-y WRAPPERS! WRAPPERS! WRAP ?ERs !—A very large and elegant assortment a reduced prices, Also, heavy under.olothing a .11 de scrlntions_, for gentlerneu'a wear, at W. W. ht4l(ll.lrs 612 ARCH Street, above filltb. no2l-1 WINCHESTER &SCOTT, GENTLE mEN's PURNlsultio STORE, and PATENT BUOULDRR RNAM 1311IRT MANUFACTORY, No TOO OUESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The atteption of Boutheru and 'Western ►lerchants, end Otrangera, is particularly invited to this employed cut of /Mitts, the most perfect fitting article wade. At whole- sale and retail, and made to order. anU•lytt wANTED-A. VESSEL, TO LOAD IN the LOlllPlittOfl Line, for New °tisane Quiet de„. Spoich and good x Mee giveu Apply to 131.811.0 P, BIMONS, & CO', 8,24-6 t (litto 86) NorStt WHARVES 31• THOMAS & SONS, • Nes, 139 And 131 SOLTVIT FOURTH BTRIXT, (Formerly Nos. BT and 89 ) REAL ESTATE, STOOKS, do. Public Baler at the Philadelphia Exchange *very Tuesday Evening. (IT Handbills of each property issued separately, i n addition to u birth no publish on the Saturday previous to each mile ona tliousetud catalogues in pamphlet rum, giving Intl detcriptious of all the property to he sold on the follonung Tuesday. lt7 FURNITURE BALM AT TIM AUCTION STORE every Thursday morning. REAL MATH AT PRIVATE SALE V" We bare a large amount of Reel Estate at Pri vate Sale, including every delerlption of City and country property. Printed Lists may be had at the auctlou store. PRIVATE HALE REGISTER. ID" Real Estate entered on cur Private Sale Re. Shaer, and advertised occasionally In our Public Sale Abstracts, (or which 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) tree of charm e 46 SHARES TEDCONSOLID COAL COMPANY. Ou Tuesday Everting, January sth. at 7 o'clock. for account of whom it way ,oncern-46 eharea Commlidera& Coal Company, Lu .oree county, Pa , par $lO6 Also, 6 shares Commercial Barak. REAL ESTATE SALE—JANUARY 6th. MlEff== AN ENTIRE SQUARE OF }ROUND. TIYENTY TRIRU wAnv, OPPOSITE THE EPISCOPAL 110S PITAL.—The valuable square of Krems, having front of 585 feet on Front street, 5e16 feet on Lehigh avenue, CM feet on Fillmore street, and WS feet no Somerset street Four valuable front, VALUABLE PUS( N STAND.—The valuable fc,er. story brick store, finished In modern ntylo, No 134 North Third street, Above Arch NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE.—The neat mnient residence, No. 410 South Eighteenth street, below Pine ElteClltor`g bole—Estate of Elizabeth Lippincott, Deed DWELLING —Three-story brick dwelling north side of Parrish atrret, east of Ontario street. VALUABLE LOT—Chestnut street, Germantown 111.1 AL ESTATE SALE—JANUARY 12th This sale will Include Orphans' Court Sale—Estato of John S lone;, Deed. TIIRET—STORY BRICK DWELLING —Southeast corner of Ninth and Poplar streets. MODERN RESIDENCE —Nest modern residence, No. 615 North Eighth Minot, below Green street PARE OF TUIRTY ACRES —Desirable small Imo of 30 acres, with hops." onsets, Chester county, Pa. near the Chester Valley and Reading Railroads Full particulars vow ready ht handbills VALUABLE AND ELEOANT BOOKS—SUITABLE FOR NEW YEAR. PRESENTS. This and Tomorrow Evenings, Dec 30th and 31st, will he sold at the auction store, Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth street . , a collection of elegautly illustrated and bound hooks on various yob sects. Included among MATT allarS are the following outliers • Lainh, Spenser. Leigh 11uut, Macaulay. Loug fellow, Willy, Bancroft,ike.. also, neat editions of the Poets is elegant morocco and calf bindings. For particulars see catalogues and the hooks, wheels are now arrangad for examination. Also, at 8 o'clock, a COMPOUND DITCROSCOPR, with numerous interesting objects. P.ALE OP FDDNITIIRE, FINE AZIRROILS. ROSE WOOD PIANO-PORTER, CUILTAT69, &e. CARD.—The attention of ladles and Oilers desirons of purchasing in requested to our sale at the auction store, on Thursday morning. comprising, besides WO lots of superior householl furniture, 2 elegant Preach plate pier mirrors, fine oral mirrors In rich carved frames, fine-toned rosewood piano-Ports, rosewood cot tage plat, o, Bun tapestry, Bruise) 4, ingrain, and venetian carpets, suits of handsome lambrequin curtains, gilt cornices and canopies, china, glass, and plated ware, beds and beetling, papier macho desks and workboxes, states. km ti::r Catalogue.. nos; ready, and tbe articles arrangell or examination. Sale Nos. 139 awl 141 South Fourth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PINE lIIREORS, PIANO FOSE, SITtUBSELS. °ASSETS, toe. Thursday Morning, At 10 o'clock, at the auction otoro. au exteotive asitot moot of second•h,ul- furniture, mirrors, situto-fortc9, fine carpets, Sca.' LA 11 BROOCIN CURTAINS, te.c.—Also, several snits of handsome lambrequin window curtains, with cor nices, lino rosewood bed canopies and curtains, gilt cornices, One mattresses, Yo ELEGANT PIER lIIRROITS.—AIso, '2 elegant French plate pier mirrors, N by 105 Inches, in rich carved, gilt frames PEREMPTORY SALE OF FINE ENCILISII AND FRENCH ENGRAVINGS OF UIIR COdE AND BEAUTY Stock of Mr A. 8. Robinson On Ylondar end Tuesday 3fOrnings, Jan. ith and sth, commencing at 11 o'clock, at the store of Mr, A. S. Robinson, No 910 Chestnut street, above Ninth, will be sold without reserve =choice and beautiful engravings, many by the most celebrated English and Preach artists. The collection embraces* variety of very interestingsubjects, in neat and elegant frames, the whole to be sold, SS above stated, without reseue. it Catalogues wi tb particulata will be ready three d aye previous to sale. Shama in the Academy of Music; Point Pram Park; Philadelphia and Mercantile Libraries; Athenream,&e. The elegant country seat and firm, known as " Fars ley," late the residence of Ilichanl Paxson, deceased, fortuerly of Dr. Dhippen, is offered at pH rate sale. Pull descriptions may he bad at the auction rooms 1.4 SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, (succes s nor toNVOLSEhT & SCOTT,) )S1 CIiEST NUT St., oppeeita the Custom Muse, betreeect Faulty. and Filth Street. CARD —The particular attention of purebasera is in ited to the largo and elegant assortment of furs, in Aet „ 0E40.1 and carriage robot, fur glb,rs. eny,,,te Alto, bunch.. long and I,Lnara shswl. embroldertea, ribbons and millinery goods, French xrtitieiala Also, Germantown knit gouda, lamb's wool 'bias and draweri A Ino..rWB vats •L pots, linen rhirts, cora.rts anti cravat , , Sr. porte•wonuatee. and fancy articles generally, to ho et t.p ,atalogue, tut, norumg, eowaleackv,,, at 10,-; o'clz4k precoolj —the whole to be colt without rettivr COultuetiCalg at 104, o'clock, will he sold, a. large aril valuable stuck of fur in rots for and mis.e.' Wear, gent,' fur collars, capes, gloses, he Also, an ast.ortnient or sli igh and carriage rotes, LADIES` CLOTII CLOAK'S —Also, a line of Salle,' cloth cloak., dusters, :Sc. Also, a line of French and Scotch embroideries, rib bons, French artincials, millinery gouda generally, .S.e moo, a general Assoctment or superior tiermantown knit Woollen vial', norh as wool comfort., lambi wool abirt+ and drawer., wool hood., coats, hose and ball. ID - Samples and catalogues early on the morning of sale. ineuranct Tompanies 911 HE MUTUAL HEALTH INSURANCE SOolll2l' OF PENNSYLVANIA Office Nu lit 1 4 .outle FOVBT/1 Street, alfol3 WALMTF. a - p : 310M. Phflaielpbet . . . . SUVA A. DREW, rassMaT. Financial ColanntLie L BROWN. J JOHNtiON E F HAZLETON The ailed of thi, Saeltty rt the creation at s Afatati Fund, to he applied tit the moat alvaatageoas manner for the benefit of its s,c)r member-, ❑y tha payment of the following :rest depo..te you will become w Life Member of the Qonety. suit will be entitlihi to a weekly benefit if you should be disibled by •geknec, or ara lent from atteuiling to your orsluery Or occupatioo =lll 1 . ad!, unfir Vs s of 4g $2 00 per year draw t:n./ per lapel. 390 ,• • • 300 • • 40 , 1 • {OO , 0 00 '0 00 •' •• 1, C, 00 8 00 •• .• 8 00 9 00 • • • 9 1.10 10 ' • ` • • • 10 •• • Yrrv[ neck eccepted In addition to the above an expense Fee of iI 50 will bo charged t h e titAt year rvhich must be pail at the Woe of making applicat.nn and the yearly deposit lit dor!, dayo All r.ho wish to I.venino members of thin Society make early application All claire, will be promptly paid liaico op.. from 9 A 5f to SP. Al GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY OF I'MtLADELPIRA OFFICE IN COMPANY'S BUILIONO, No 403 WAL NUT, Corner of FOURTU Street Charter PorpetuaL Authorized Capital $500,000 FIRE, INSURANCE, limited or porpotont. MARINE INSURANCE ou Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights, INLAND MURANO' bi Rivera, CAnals, Lakes, ant Land Carr ago Heal Estate held in trust, (tu WA : , 1.0,11 , 4, (par vhlue pre4eut nutov 3:4,400 00 Bit h 4 'Teri, able Cash its bans), mut ins Insukt cAqt, w hand= or Agent, Pn•wuuua unpaid DIRECTORS CHARLES C. LATHROP, 1-I2 IValuut street. WM DARLING, 1510 in street ALEX WHILLDEN, merchant, 14 North Trout et. ISAAC lIAZIAEIFORST, Attorney ant Count!"Ilor. JOHN C HUNTER., tßul of Wr14111., liuuter, .1, Co E. TH,l.Ol', firm of 11 Tracy k Cc., lioldsmiths' JOHN R. xrcuitur, firm of .13nealVhlte..t. 3ECnnly THOS L GI LLESPIR, arm of Oilleipio k 'Lollar. JAB. Ii SMITH, arm of Jo 11. Smith Y Co Y.' HAM` J EVVIIIES , firma Wm. lt Brown S. Co JON It VU(; DES. altve cor. Seventh and Sat.:WM Ai C 1135 E. (Alice 413 Clae+tput street L I , ItED TAYLOR, ollke Guru Gay Vroperty. lON.. J SLOP CM, orNee 2JC, South . Thud street CHARLE:3 C LATHROP. President COLLAIIB, ,te =IEMME LEW N GKEGOItY,Im vice-rr,ident, Now York H. K HICHARNOS, AB,lotant-Secretary. (1111ARD FIRE ANA MARINE INSUR. ANC) COMPANY, PUILADELPIITA—Orate, No. LW WALNUT ntreat, went or THIRD “Yllth; RISRA ONLY TAECNN.” DI iiotoll3. der. Walker, Joao blcektro, Tho. Craten, A 9 Gillett, Putout EtLepptna, SAMI. Jones, hl D. Joseph g.tapp, D, Wm ID Owath, Johtt Auspach, Jr , • Burnmels, J D llugher, • D. dherwan, Wu Y. Darker, J P. /Rainer, 11. A. BblLeteltiod, ltoo JOIA, JONNR, Protrlant lion O. W. WOODWARD, Tice Proerleut Iso. R. Afonocus, Sanatory /muff B ALTOIND. AefiihtalltS2C - retray uo2 30-tt COMONWEALVI riitE INSUR/LNCE M COMPANY, OP TILE STATY. OF PENNSYLVA NIA --Office, N. W. Curt., FOURTH mud WALNUT iitreete, Pl:lll4thlffios du - Went...l ()spite], Iboo,ooo. Pald-up CILWet. 2.:.00 OW 9/0;19 SAVER, VI 9 ,Fcekeinst. THOMAS S STEWART, Vice Pteet. S Ato, N, Secretary _ - - DATIN PAPER 1N CAMDEN.—ON J the pill T 510 ND JANI:NitY. WA, the on.lerm,lo,l 111 n the pubhestlen et aLI ft, I I:Nl:tii 111 lh the city of J . tiLl'otel. to tie . Inter.. IVe,t Jertey to eet , ltttou tn the a 1,1 coat. at., tat a. paper. arrAttgetnentg are loin., ”I,le Talent totelltgenee front all parts cr this and the ~O r. rounding ceunliel. I t 1. the ildr,tlon uul,r• to .4 pare neither Pt p , n ,, in UP 4 .11, t to pinto The. Jon nest en a Vii,.11&111 MVO) . a &trat Will 13 in rtery in this Fierttou of the St kt, The price of •• It 111 X," NO.O tb,pacttel by mull, 1011 be 3ntiullk AO 0.2 lor kit month,., 1/1 .2/11. >i% CO kOp te on.] rent. et the Office, ur sci rent, por Reck, prat], to the ceirters ADVERTISFMVITS ineerted at the rate of fire tents per line for the tint ineettioa, and titter rent per title for earb toserrem No insertion made for leas than jOie. trots. Matrimonial and Obituary Notirrs at the tame rates. The Office Ifl non open tor the reception of olden for the Paper, Advertleiny. nail Job Printing, la the ter Three-Story Brick DoMing on the north side of MAR KET &rant, Camden, Bye 110011 below the corner of - Front etteet (tiaTi-atl p J IiRAS SAVING FU.- ND-UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner of VIIHD ant CHEST. NUT Streets. Large and email mime received, and paid back ou de mod, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT IN LER EST from the day of deposit to the dAy ofn Office hours, from 9 until 5 o'clock every day, and oo MONDAY EVENINtI3 from 7 until 9 o'clock. - . . ViLATTS tut vale uu. Eukland, 1163.nd, taLl Ezotit.i feom upwsrd% President—eTENlEN K CRAWDAD Treasurer—PLlNY 11811. Teller---JAAIRS 11, HUNTER Oaks bn %nction AT PISIVATR BALE FURS' FURS. lifornun CAPIT,IL, S2O,DOC) ASSETS, Nor 1, 1457 MEM t..11J 0-11 ng gales bn caution: Br ALFRED M. lIERKNESS, Pint.AvELPRIA nORSE AND CARR! AGE BAZAAR, ..,...tbra.• cornet an N.:l sal aeurot , ,, between ebelimr: tai D lieu: etre, NI Ey - elle; of borees, carmairer. awl liernees, regularly erery SATURDAY throaglivut the year, commencing st 30 o'clock. ter l'he largest collection of new mkt itexind.laani eassieges, harms, saddles, &e , is the city, may itm seen et this establishment for privets sale Carriages received on storage. RP' Out-door eulee attended to on reeuonatde terms. Roust:A, vr.litoLus, AND HARNESS. Oa Saturday Morning, At 10 o'clock, at Ike Samar, will be sold, hatbox, I .oleles, and ?wanes. TAMES FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, NO'44 W&LNUT STREET aboro DASD—SAIN OF HOUSEHOLD FIIRNITITBB—TIII4- , Y. frr We beg ND A INO to inform the publie that we hold our regular weekly &lee of Purniture every Tueedoy,At our SPACIOUS SALES ROOM, NO. 4°. WWIIIT STREET, where every postible attention le given to ob. tofu the bfgheat prices for the good" of those who say favor us with row/vw/3 ta. famine.' hawing Rotorua of their furniture to &vow, of, or those &penning house keeping; and not wishing Wes at their own derenium can have their furniture CAREFULLY REMOVEP TO OUR SALES ROOM, WHERE' THEY WILL KRALILS BETTER PRICES VOR THEIR FURNITURE MILAN THEY CAN OBTAIN PRO)! ANY OP THE PUILVt.. TURR DEALERS OR ANY OULU AUCTION STORY' IN THE CITE. 117' Persons favoring as with oonaignmenta can rest assured that their property will not be sacrificed. fCr Comithafona more moderate than those ahiargisti by any other Auction House in the city. Conaignmenta respectfully solicited. Ur' Sales paid immediately after the goods are salt lisle O. account of whom it may concern. MOVES, This Evening, December 50th, 'lOl, will be soli, on account of whom it may concern -150 shares of Eagle Gold Mining Company, Virginia. 5:00 du Monroe Gold Mining Company, Virginia. b 3 do Spring 11,11 Company, Virginia. 300 do El Dorado Mining Company, Virginia. 50 do Washington Mining Company, North Ca rolina, 2)0 shares of Chesapeake Mining Company, Michigan. 550 do Ontonagen do do do. 100 do Douglass do do do. DO do Bohemian do do do. 5500 do Philadelphia sod California Mining Com pany, California. 1300 shares of Lewis Gold Mining Company, Mortis Carolina. 1 share, being 6-25 of ,of a. certain {..TttAi.ll sal patent known as Declan Lubricating Company. 2 original shares San Francisco Land Association. 4 do do do do do do. as do do do do do do. 30 abates Seamless Tube Company, New York. 35 do do do do do. 2uoo do Philadelphia and California Idinini Con paw', California. woo a harea Dickersonlidarble Comkartyoff!innessea. REAL ESTATE . , This ante et the Exchange on 'Wedneadny wresting, atallif 131 h, et 7 o'clock, mill include— Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of John Ward, Deed. TWO FRAME BM:ARS, SOMERSET BT., NINE TERSTII WARD —The lot of ground, with two frame houses thereon erected, northwest side of Bomereat street, 100 feet northwest from Almond street, 000, teenth ward, 20 feet twat and 100 feet deep. fi: ground-rent. Err VA to Le paid the sale. aT PKIV&IT. SSLID A firtt.elaaa Printing Office, with * good TIM a bug nese, four printing preeaes, two !toggles and one Ada= Type and eierythlng oectuAry tor tliOnaineal. Apply at the Auction Store. SAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OMOE, No. 111 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, optioelte Pear at., only eight doors below the Richange. Hoare of busbies* from 1 o'clock, d.. IS., oaUt 1.0 o'clock In the evening. Dot-door sales, and salsa at the Anetion House. St , tended upon the most satisfactory tame. CAPITAL A.X6,000. _ . . .EsSablia /safer SA* id.l2 Thirty Peals. Advenete made from one dollar to thousands on Dia moods, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, bier chore - hoe, Clothhig, Purnitime, Bedding, Cigars, &Wake] Instrnmente, Guns, Horses, Carriages, nod 0004/ of every deseviption, hl,l peas teat remain any leisgth of time weed 12P011. All selves:tee, from one hundred dollars and nprorda will be ehergad 2 per neat. per month; IWO and over, the lowest market mite. This 9 tore Rouse hiving a depth of 120 teat, has lards are and thief-proof multi to store all valuables, amt pn vats watchmen for the promisee; alio, a heavy Joao mate effected for the benefit of all persoas h►ving wood" advanced upon N. 8.-0 a 'wont% of Wring an anttniltel caldtal, this office is prepared to mate :advances cos more satie. tutory and accommodating terms than imy other in this city. Money advanced to Ova paw, In small mounts, 'with Out any Marge. . . Gold Patent Lever and other Watabee t Anrary, apt Clothing will he mold at minted prieee. MOSES NATHAN S, AUCTIONEER MOSES AND COMMISSION =KILLS'S, S. 11. emir &Miami RACE Streit'. AT PRIVATE SALE--Gold and nitres. patent lever, Lepine, English. Swiss, and French vetches, jewelry, of every description, musical instruments, & e. , tte AT PRIVATE EALE—Areanged on eocond Eon:, household furniture, of every deaccipVon, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking glasses, fancy articles, A.e., &0.,A0. Out-door isles attended to personally by the Anntioa ear Charges eery low. Eonsiguntesits of fr_rnitari clothing, jewelry, &e , Ace , &whetted Ii A THAN'S PRINCIPAL ULAN OrilC2, S E. Comer of 'distil And Rant Sir a, Whin* money .at be loaned on gold and silver plid• Witches, Jaorolry, litioarwride, ( . I.thing, Dry Goal., Groceries, &gars,, Cutlery . Furniture. Bed ding, Hones, Vehicles, Ilarnesa, Stocks, and on all ar ticles of Isise for nay length of tiona sgroei or., on lance astirfsreiory and libernt to curs trisal at tiny other estab lishment X. NiSTILINS. GREAT CUAtiCE TO pßoin - RE C111118731A3 PEE riENTS FOB. LLS3 THAN HALF TLVAL BELLISG ?BAC F.. at Prtvat, thra is!: th, prays, St ti Los. Jae:, sautht,t G,tu2r of :%tith and Raz* Gold and *Fiver watches E.( every descripl 00, gold chain+, gold bracelet+, hair bramiete, elegant gold breastpins, scarf p,ns snit brooches, elegant gold tango nags, fille gold eor Tmo, fiOd 011 and silver perw..l cities; doe gold spectac le s. elegant gold ahirt stole. slain' descriptions; jet bracelets, gold key., hos tgi medallions; port., toomastes, arid 'tumor oat other or titles of iairelry; dotes, scoordsous; steel skates; Mieroscdpea, soirrayors' instruments; cmgnatic coseitlcea; rovalreas; E Call early and procure bargains GRVAT BARGAINS FOR CRILISTMAS RRV....ANTA AS PRIVATE SALE. AT fIRMAIIRAFILT KOW PRICES Iluottng ease. double ease. and doribla b.:Au., Inll jeweled and Nam Frighsh patent Ingo wstobas StSeer I:nglish patent lacer watzben Runtlng ewe and open faro goht aseapsctrd tri lava awb!his Last age.<6. sal opa face go:I Pplos sctteati Very rusznele.3 iratzttee Silief teTer snit w,Achee, }legion, Srte. , act ritentb aatcbae, gotta:L.llU, ifiltra 11lerkti. ant rinnictonit laity articles. WEBB'S 'mat sale of forfeited. Watches Jewelry, Gans, Yiftals, /antic-al Instraceents, & c ,wllftaikekle ebortlf Due notice rill be peen WEI 3 IPS great lists of Dry Goals, Clottung, Sentry, .4o , boinj forfeited eollaterale, will cake plant shortly. Dna sloc2ce w,U to gireo • AT PIUS - ATT. SALE. AT nALt THE SELLING PRICES —Nentle E.:turned. and. LuntLeg care gold patent lever watcher, ct the moat ap proved wakes; hunting (well:I./open faze gold meet lever and lepao watcher. full Jeweled; Sae volt enameled lever and lepme watches fcr l stew, gz,ll jewelry of every descrlpEcn, salver lever and lep:na watches, in hunhae, cases and open face, silver TrEglish, Swiss, and French watches; a general assortment of ha l:Mare beds, mattresses, mirrors. he. OUT-DOOR SALES SOLICITED, eadeltugae to snit the tmei, low Courigniceuta et every description of good; solicited for public or prirAte aala • BIOS •dfIiVINCED bn all and every tint cf gooda, for public Or prorate rale, ur to be heti for a boattea twit. Cliarke3 GEORGE W. SMADI, AUCTIONEER N. S. corner of EAMON auht .5013T11 Etzteto above Second. svrxrilo HALES, SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENINH,, At 7) o'clock, at the Anetaon Store, of Hardware, Co.t lory, lloosekeeplog lithelea, Clothing , Watertac, hire( . ry, fancy Artielce, Ac. C.lmnsrments ps. D. P. BOWERS' I 114LNU1' TREET DIZEATEE. Sole I, SIR.* P BOWER.? Actaq and iLL, MlLr. xr —.3111 RI NIL NOE. t.DNEiaILY EVENISti, DecWl b. 17;,; Cutert...,,ent, c,waneLuzill.; sAltt the sit c•l , brat, I CoTeds STILL. tt ATL It EUS DEEP Juba .Mihtmly, Mr Conucey ,tl 3 Malta ?Ire D P Bot,ers, Mrs •,tersihohl. Mrs Cowl - 3y re couelule with the Mestie ',egret oatitted TUE KING - OF TILE 3.115 T, Martin. Mr Pornface ; Peter Block. Mr Chap u tn ; Dante £l.ry, Mrs Silsby; Gertrude, Mb- t.! l'riees or Adurksion 113 t:eut. Secured Seat; in Dress etrele rt.; Par.inet ‘. 13os Othoe oren front 10 o'rl,,ek A M. to 3 P. 3.1 Doors oi . .enot at a quarter 0 . <10f1; curtasu ria, at a tauter r. ,t 7 u-doek W w iIE.A.TLEY's ARCH ST. THEATRE. LE6SEE. W. IFM:A TLET IVEUSESIMY EVESINO, December )111. The pvrtormanc‘,3 Collo.llCne Fab TO),ISAYLOWS Populrr entttled STILL. W ITEIt iltS . DEEP Jim 31111t0i3 Mr E I. btreaport Cap!, n 11411 E, ler, WI 1),,1,11no . Iv, 3,,ha Mtlam%i - 711. E Stemhol I, 31,3 Ellaore The Fe.for...moat to c,nelute wall the Orval il.!c tacul.r 413 y kJ! TOE 1..15T DAYS OF POMPEII Arturci. Mr L DArenport , Lyacy: Mr Wm le). tom', Migs Eturne Taylor Nytiia. :Mrs 1 L DAS - cri. port tIe.LF ~ v Fated —Boxes, 21 ; Se<nred State, 3i crnh, Orclie,ta ant,, Srati rn Privato Boles, 7.,) cents; (44111.ry. 13 cents, t. tame t.,r Polorei 2.5 M1'0; at.) 801 for CiAntel err4ous, 33 cents 13t1 Office open from 10,1 H until 3P. 51 Deors trill open et 68 o'clock; perfolmagq, to commence at 7, precisely, IVATIONAL THEATRE AND CIRCUS, 1. WAI.NIiT SIREET., LESSEF WESLEY /3 ATMORE .4!,3IBTANT MANAGER P JoliSsrOyi. E4I.7ESTRIAN MANAG,EE TIIO3 KING. WEDNESDAY EVENING. D.n• :1):11..1;57. BENEFIT OF 31It gIi%FtPLEY, THE IN MMMMI The ptrfortuniee will cowmen, witti the Sr.len.l:l French Dian, ent,t:',l th• 111.0 PILkFli OF r tais Father R Ns,.ne, Ranri E , rftilz, Mr CIVIv , tre Mr+ C Mr S lo= .;rat EANJO SCILO rt,t , l tht 1.,11:h5t.10 or A ILI J., 1 4 1A . Nrr Ital-. 1, Chan Mr Pa.- r:ltc...” 4.11tN AFI'I.RNOoN PELIFvII , IANCE EVERY U\l TUN R lEK PetoF,"l Ceut, 3,11 11 ,40 D,Ol , vptn C , -- meueo 7 1 1 A,SFORIV8 OPERA lIOUSE— =', ELEvEyrn Street, at,t , Ch,t,t ETHIOPIAN PERFORAf ANCEr , THIS EVENING' Etblotkan I.lfe Illu+trattA TroLirl cf Stars —lc', ekkr.forA Chi siren Doors otßn at 7 u'el,,A rtnre To conclude with A LAC(IIIADLE ATTERPIECV Admittance 25 cents - - R ITEM.° OVERSHOES. LMEN'? std ITOMEN'S BUFFALO 0VE1,910E.3 for este by the rue or +thee pair. by OEO. W. TAYLOR. dr22-tjal S E. Cor MARKET and PITT/ISL UFFAL 0 ROBES— CLOSING OCT without retard to profit, at N. 402 MARKET Strait, south 614 e, one door above Fourth street Tha entire stock of buffalo Robea must be c 105.0.1 out before the 1" of January. THE STORE Ti) REST Apply on the prernia>a ile23 JOl 1N CAMPIIELL & SON, BIBLIOPO LISTS, la the eth'TO:al 1101'51; blVe ways ter tale rare .111 scarce 11.7. A., Worms are to call =A judize as to pr, ea and ea riety Law sad rcoscellaaeoue bock:, knich,,i is email or lugs 4 v:int:am. Books coutiaaatly receiclez troa &action Ilairth to Ems
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers