- - • ~.,, '',:.-• ---,-:':': •k ":i -',',B *DNESDA.Yi DEOEMBER 80, 1857. l'iitai'Paui.—Return of the Poles from Eatle; The Magazines; Literary Criticisms; CeirdattiliC4tionit' The Tariff—Have :You VisitetOini;Sillei'i game; The City; City P.'6oii:AletleralAeo:s; Singular Death from the, a' Cat Philadelphia Markets. PoluttiriPsee—Tbe Hall of the Castle, by tire Authors' 0f.,i4 D'HartkTaleg. iiIIePRES - :S IN CALIFORNIA. We,,gratefully - acknowledge the receipt of fotOimired and: oghtv:Ae, dollars , from our, frleittia in California, by the lest Roamer, for' sn*eriptiona to -the Califoinia,`Pauss, Ritd °O.. :i!rdei, from BfoMrxx, news agent,' of.J3attlFranelictt; for seiten'hundred extra cobles", Iti!tidditiort tO' ‘ the tw,o' thousand fur niatie*,,our regular agent, Mr. StILLIYA24. We have no reotn - Olive to the nubile all the letier9're4iveil by the last steamer, from kind .proinising to exert themselves still further in favor 'of the California Paris, but the" , folloWing extrnets froth leading journals itt that State, foiwhich - we MC' indebted •will not be uninteresting to our largely. increasing list of readers in the Allan i Sierra Denwerati - ' , 'FOittni o e PearanseutA PrtneS.—a:vr, Sulli van, the asoommodating, San Pranolsoo newsman, favored 'tts with the first number of this now Borneo:kilo paper; edited and published by Col. John W.-Forney,- former editor-of the Pennsyl vanian. It is a large, neatly printed sheet, and,. of course, an able expounder of.the faith. • • ' 'The Press hag csisiderable . M say about OMM:r -ib-and Californiana.lts,editor is reputed to be in the oon.fideneo of the groat Pennsylvanian at the Whilealimse,..and, altogether, it wilt be an Requi sition to the ewe-monthly supply of papers by the steamer ; and -Pe hope It will,reeeive n hearty map port in this , . [From the Hereld„Creseent City, Del Norte cennty.J FOTENET'S PatomstritA. Patias."—A apatite' edition of this valuable- paper prepared for Cali: ferule,- will , be' hereafter forwarded' by every steamer. The peepla of this State, particularly the Demeeralle portion of them, have long felt the want of a steamer paper from the east of their Orill po litics, Which they could depend on ae reliable, they, havinglieien compelled heretofore to rely almost entirely on opposition journals for politiord intent gene°. This want Will be supplied by The Press, *filth paper, though but recently established, has already gained a national reputatisin for ability. As wnewspaper, It la, not melted -by any other ournal as a political paper,- there is not one Torwarded to California, for general circulation. that approaches it in ability and fairness. J. W. Sullivan, of San Francisco, is agent for it, and will supply all demands. (From Mokelmune 11111 Chronicle.] `FoltAir'S " PiIESS"—ADDRESS TO CALteorisis. REA.DEnn.—The following from The Press to the readers of California, we, take pleataird in laying before the readers of the 'Ohm. nide: " We have • received a number of letters by the two last; steamers from California, oalling upon us to publish the 'Steamer Press' for California; and we hay - concluded to make the experiment, leaving it - to our readers in the Golden State to ea y whether it phan be continued." The terms or The Press' will be found in this paper, and the terms of The ;Steamer' Press,' published fortnightly, the same es the Hew York steamer papers. "California, contains a large proportion of cal sensor Pennsylvania, many of them the friends of the editor of this journal. Among the inhabitants of California are ale° to found thousands who know his name and whose confidence and friend ship he has enjoyed. With this steamer we forward a large edition of Tim Press, and invoke our friends to give us their aid in circulating it." In furtherance of the above, we take pleasure in inforioing our friends that J. W. Sullivan is the authorised agent of The Press, and that Messrs. Rosonfoldtt Heilman are the agents at Moltelumno Hill; who will receive a supply on the arrival of each steamer. ' [From the Sante Cruz Pacific Sentinel ] • We have received a copy of a now paper entitled "Forney's -California Press", published -in Philadelphia. is one of the best and cheapest newspapers( published in the lAtlantic States. Jerry Sullivan, of Sea Eradiate, is the agent 'for California. . [From the Mariposa Gazette.] A Nan' Parsu.---We received from J.W W. Sulli• van, agent for California, a copy of the first num= her of Forney's Plidadelplito Press, a paper which in typographical appearance, and a general variety of news and other interesting reading matter, will, we think, compare favorably with arty of the Atlantis journals. The Press is an ad vocate of the present Administration, and will bo likely' to find Rigor with the reading public of Cali fornia. [From the Placer Courier.] Tillieira.—We are thankful to J. W. Sullivan. of San Francisco, fora bundle of Atlantic Straps' papers. in which we find Forney's Philadelphia. Press, a new Democratic paper, published in Phi ladelphia. We advise the reading public to try a few numbers of it.. It is ably edited, and con tains twenty-eight columns of interesting reading matter. It 'is our determination to make the Califor nia Pans ono of the most . popular and read able journals in America. The next number will be ready on Monday, January 4, at noon. 111, OPNIENT IN KANSAS. While the people of Kansas have in every • shape, voluntary and legal, protested against the Lecompton fraud; While their representa tive or delegate in Congress has protested against D J while Governor ROBERT J. WALKER and Secretary FREDERICK P. STANTON, both men of strong Southern attachments, and one of them a native of the South, have denounced it as unworthy of the age; the ready answer of its advocates, at least to us of the free States, bas been : «We admit that it is hard to insist upon such a Constitu tion—we admit it Is wrong to force it upon the people who spurn it with loathing as a thing abhorred; but then slavery was the only issue is the late Presidential battle, and as slavery is sure to be voted out on the 21st of December, the mere matter of the Constitution can be soon amended after Con gress, has compelled the people to take it." Such arguments as these, backed up by the idea that, after all, there was no practical issue at stake, lulled the minds of many good, easy men. And then the fact that nearly every leading man in the South had declared that Kansas was not intended by climate or by events to become a. slave State,,was -the clincher to the nail in the coffin of all adverse argumen tation. If it needed anything else to settle the ghost of objection to the Lecompton fraud, and to its virtue and justice, a few allusions to ti Black Republicanism" were sure to perform the work. - , But the apparition will not down. THE PRACTICAL QUESTION HAS TRANSPIRED! The election of the 21st has passed off; and slave ry is decreed in Kansas. It was given out, as we have said, in more than one quarter, that if the Constitution was accepted, slavery should be prohibited. We were even told that the pro-slavery men, and that CALHOUN and his accomplices, would themselves vote out slave ry. if only, the people would take the Lecomp ton Constitution. The sequel is before us. A most contemptible faction in Kansas voted for this Constitution and for slavery; and now like submissive and law-abiding men we aro called upon to accept the decree as a boon. Had the slavery clause been stricken out, and the odious provisions protecting slavery' in that Territory been retained, the majority of her people refusing to' ote on account of the test oath, and' various other disabilities imposed upon them in advance of the vote, binding them to submit to a Consti tution upon which, they were not per mitted to vote, and convicting them of perjury - _ in the event 'of refusing to obey Its provisions, we should still have raised our voice against, the'decree, and in so doing, we believe, would — have been sustained by an overwhelming majority of the Democracy of Pennsylvania. - It is against the Con stitution framed at Lecompton by a minority Convention that 'the people of Kansas pro test. It is against the instrument which in 'its Bill of Rights, declares that it is ge an inalienable and indefeasible right of the people of Kansas to amend or alter their Con. atitution 'wheneiter they please," and in its schedule,.' Which followti, that when ever the Constitution may be amended they shall not be permitted to 'make any amend ment affecting the right of property in slaves it is against this high-handed at tempt•to elevate the right of property in slaves over every other domestic institution, that the people of Kansas protest. It la against the assumption by the Convention of • legtoamve functions; against the provision for the creation of a monster bank ; against the, aristocratic and anti-Joffersonian dis qualification of adopted citizens; against grants to railroads ; 'against the unprecedented and' partial selection of a site for a State Capitol; against the arrogant provision of the right to tax and Itigisliktover the lands of the United States ivithiti:the borders of Kansas equall7 with the lands of individual Citizens— it is against • these and malty other Clauses of this Constitution that the people'of•Kansas have arrayed themselves. • Bat even lithe instrument had heen all that the' Waillington` Union originally deo:Tared it to bd; "eVen ifitdeSeried the °static eulogy cotiferred, upon; it by , that .journat; "if the Katuifis, - are t 9 .4Te it, refused so to regard it, we--3, portion ht the constituency of those representatives in Congress wbo are to accept the instrument or to reject it, we—a. portion of the Democratic party which voted for hfr. Bt multiat in 1856, and pledged ourselves that the people of:Kan sas should form and regulate their own institu tions in their own way should steadily sus ' twin them in their course. ' . We perceive thlit censure has been cast upon the men who have voted to make Kansas a slave State. At all events, we repeat our ad miration of their courage. , Their course was natural. - They saw a number of Northern men' solemnly pledging themselves to vote for the" Lecompten - Constitution, with slavery or without slavery, and they determined to make sure of their interests, to leave nothing to inference and to doubt; and so they voted in the slavery clause. And, notwithstanding the cunning preparation for the protection of slavery in the event of -the rejection of that clause, they preferred the other course, and now call upon those Northern men who pro mised to abide by the election of the gist, to coins forward and fulfil their obligations I - But may we not now readily excuse our 1-fellow-countrymen who on the 21st in Kan sakrefusca tc , vote They found themselves, as we have said, in danger of being challenged to support a Constitution upon which they had no right to express their opinion. Who will say, with the fact before his eyes that nine teen counties out of thirty bad been practi- I oily disfranchised in the election of delegates to the Convention, that the people of Kansas were' under any obligation to vote for ,a con trivance so odious? Who ivill say that they were obliged to vote for it in the face of the broken pledges of CALHOIM and his followers to submit their work to the ballot•box? The great body of the people of Kansas stood .aloof from the contest, and allowed the minority to proaeed in their own' way, (however we may differ Item Their policy,) time presenting to the American Congress and the American people, the sublime spectacle of an overwhelm- Mg majority of the citizens of a free Territory refusing to be bound by the mandates of a faith less cabal, and wailing . the hour when they might legally indulge in the expression of those opinions, which is the inalienable right of all ettizens of - the United Slates. The practical question, we repeat, has trans pired; IS NEXT TO BE none? What will Congress do I Will this miserable farce of the 'slat of December be elevated into the dignity of a popular vote I Rather, will not the patriotic men of all parties in the National Legislature, combine in favor of such an enabling act as has been presented by the distinguished Senator from Illinois 7 We do not regard the President of the United States ai committed to the recognition of this treble Lecompton fraud—a treble fraud, having its Inception in the Juno election for delegates to the Convention, in the proceedings of the Convention, and in the preparation of the Bill of Rights, - the schedule, and the body of the Constitution itself, and now, finally, in the manner In which it has been referred to the popular vote. We believe that the President of the United States, catmlynonsidering the vast responsibility of his position, and investigating the fully de veloped volume of public opinion on this sub ject, will not ask Congress to force this Con stitution upon the reluctant people of Kansas, NEW JERSEY UPON POPULAR SOVE REIONT ' In pursuance of the recommendation of the Continental C engross, New Jersey adopted, two days before the Declaration of Indepen dence, a form of government temporary in its character, but which, with some legislative al. terations, continued to bo the Constitution of the State for nearly seventy years. Its defects had often been pointed out, and were univcr ially acknowledged, but the dominant party of the day, of either politics, never deemed it its interest to hazard its present power for a spe culative good, by proposing the call of a Con vention to the people. The whole power of the Government was vested in the Legislature, (which was the re presentative of counties and . not of popula tion,) who, in joint meeting, annually elected the Governor, and filled all the judicial and other offices in the State, to the amount of several hundreds, many of them being very valuable,•and possessing great local influence. Tho Governor was ex officio Chancellor, and of course must be a lawyer of eminence, and the choice was therefore confined strictly to mem bers of that profession. The Governor might suit of black, and the next; as Commander-in Chief of the Army and Navy of New Jersey prancing on 'a high-mottled charger, in fel revolutionary uniform, with his gold epauletts and plumed•chnpoau, surrounded by his aids and military staff, in gorgeous military array. Still the Legislature was the fountain of all power, and united in itself all the legislative, most of the executive, and a large portion of the judicial functioni of the Government; and yet the election of this all-powerfnl body was often controlled by a few county officers, whose terms of office were expiring and who were looking for re-appointment to the joint meeting. In 1843, several eminent citizens of New Jersey, under the lead of one of the present distinguished Senators from that State, took up this great question of reform, and addressed the people at public meetings, without distinc tion of party, explaining clearly the radical defects] of their present Constitution, which had been framed whilst it was still a colony, and was originally Mended only as a tem porary expedient. The consequence was the election of a Legislature strongly in favor of immediate and thorough reform, who, on the 23d of February, 1844, passed an act to pro vide for the election of delegates to a Conven tion to prepare a Constitution for the govern ment of this State, and for submitting the same to the people thereof for ratification or rejection. This act provided for the election of dole gates on the 18th March, and they were to me.it in Convention on the 14th May ; and for the purpose of ascertaining the sense of the people as to the adoption or rejection of the Constitution agreed upon by the Convention, an election was to be held in the several counties of the State on the second Tuesday in August, and every person qualified to vote for delegates to the Convention authorized by this act were entitled to vote at such election. In this old-settled State, one of the original thirteen colonies, this • same act extended the right of suffrage upon this great question to all white mole citizens of the United States, above the ago of twenty-one years, who hadre sided in the State for one year next preceding the election, and who had been actual resi dents in the township, ward, and county where they offered to vote for three months next preceding such election. The delegates to this Convention, composed, by general agreement, of the leading men of both political parties in the State, after a session of forty-six days, agreed upon the present Con stitution, which waif adopted, with but one dis senting voice, and was Immediately published by Governor HAtriza and distributed over the State for the information of the citizens to whom, on the 13th August, 1844, at an election held for that purpose., it was submitted for ratification or rejection. Out of 23,871 votes polled, there was a majority for the Constitu tion of 16,750. Such is the simple history of the present Republican Constitution of New Jersey ; and will not the people of this glorious little State, whose revolutionary battle-fields of Trenton, Princeton and Monmouth are watchwords to every friend of liberty, demand for their breth ren in Kansas the same unalienable rights of framing the Constitution with which they are to ho admitted into the Union—from the call of a convention, the free and fair election of its delegates, and the final submission of the whole Constitution agreed upon, to the ratifica tion or rejection of the people? We are sure they will ask for nothing more, and will be content with nothing less, and that they will reject with scorn and contempt the base Le , 'Compton frauds, the product of a small squad of unscrupulous politicians, in defiance of the kriown and ascertained will of an overwhelming Majoril of the people of this fair and fertile Territory. ‘ MP. FORIIEST It gives us much gratification to say, with immediate reference to the statement, in the yesterday's evening papers, that Mr. EDWIN FORICEST " lies dangerously ill, at the Ameri can Hotel, in Cleveland, Ohio," that a tele gram was received from him.last night, stating that hd expects to be at home, in this city, durlmlthe preSellt week, THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBEit W, 1857. IVIIAT lIAS BECOME Or THE (ft:coup AND M'GIIEE FRAUDS': It will be remembered by the readers of 'I Tun Pe uss, when, at an early day w6)xposed and denounced the frauds at G r xford and Nl'Ghoe—and when, for so doing, we were sus tained by this entire community end by the whole State, Including men' of all parties—an attempt was made in some quarters to construe our course into an assault upon Mr:Brons.- NAN's administration. These frauds, so glaring and so boasted over by those who perpetrated theta in Kansas, were allowed 'to pass unno ticed and unrebuked by the Washington Union, But when the President's Message appeared, no censure was inflicted upon Governor WALKER and Secretary STANTON for the part they acted in detecting and defeating them. The course of Tut Paxss, and those inde pendent journals that united with It in execration of these frauds, the course of WATACER and STANTON was thus sustained by the authority of the Chief Magistrate of the Union. In 'the discussion which has grown out of the Subsequent effort of the Le compton Convention to force an obnoxious Government upon a protesting people, slight reference is made to theta° frauds. They were so monstrous, that even Southern men, with few exceptiotis, refused to touch them. They sunk into infamy, and a united public opinion condemned them as unworthy of our ago, and even unworthy of the bold, bad men who resorted to them. It must not be forgot ten, however, that the very Constitution which Congress is now called upon to compel the people of Kansas to accept, contains a provi sion, making these, very frauds a basis of ap. portionment for a new Legislature, called under that Constitution which, strange to say, assumes legislative as well as judicial powers, and by this Legislature two United States Senators are to lie elected, to hold their places for six years, and to hold theta by means of false votes never polled! We revive this circumstance for the purpose of lotting our readers see that even these frauds, though unanimously and indignantly repudi ated by the people of Kansas end by Ihe poo -1 ple of the entire Union, have been einbodiei iu the Calhoun Constitution, and are expected to be made, with the consent of Congress, a part of the future action of the Government of Kansas! SENATOR 11UNTER'S ORGAN The Richmond South is understood to he the organ of the llon. R. M. T. liesrua, Senator in Congress from Virginia. The South, the Charleston Mercury, and the New Orleans Delta, represent that interest in the slave States, which is looking„deliberately to the dissolution of the American Union. They expect to unite the Southern people against the Northern people upon the basis of the Lecompton Constitutional Convention, and in their abuse of Governor WALKER, Senator DouorAs, and others, opposed to that Consti tution, hope so far to influence the Southern mind as to compel all conservative men else where to unite with them in a sectional organiiation. How far does Senator Ifutaxa approve these assaults ? He is understood to deprecate and de plore the present excitement in Kansas, but it is due to himself and to the people of the North, as well as to his own constituents, to say whether be is committed to the calumnies of his organ, and whether ho is ready to become a party to the scheme which looks not only to the overthrow of the Democratic party, but, as a consequence, to the overthrow of the American Union 7 Senator lIUNTER is a can didate for President. The delegation in Con gress from Virginia are supposed to favor his pretensions. Now, we repeat that justice to all these interests requires that he should come forth, and, failing to do so, be held responsible for the distinion efforts of his organ and the attacks made by this organ upon men with whom ho has been in the habit of associating politically and personally. BY MIDNIGHT MAIL FROM WASHINGTON Correspondence of The Press.] Weetimuios, Deo. 28, 18;7 The Kansas altair has boon entirely supplanted by the now trouble In which the President is so unexpectedly involved by the rash, precipitate, and unauthorized proceedings of Oom. Paulding, in the arrest of Gou. Walker within the territory of Nicaragua, and the breaking up of his enterprise. This incident threatens to kindle a now dis sension in the ranks of the Democracy. The flame will grow and rage more violently as ff,hhn ifitres of the Gulf of Mexico, it will, like a prairie tire, sweep everything before it, and involve the whole South in one grand conflagration of filli buster ftfrore. At the North, Walker, his character, motives, and schemes are held In little favor, and his defeat by what means scorer, will cause little grief But in the South it is very different. The fillibuster feeling is a very prevalent one among the warlike Southrons, and this feeling has received a new and pow erful impulse from the failure of the South to secure Kansas as a slave State. Southern expansion is now the great idea, as essential to maintain, at least, an approach to equi librium of the North and South to preserve the Union, and to draw the South off from the unwise policy of seeking to extend slavery into the north ern latitudes. The Democratic, party through. out the Union will acquiesce in this policy. The acquisition of Cuba or of Dome adjacent Southern country, is the very best slop to calm and extinguish the discord which has for come time disturbed the quiet of these States. It was wisely said to Mr. Buchanan, a few days ago, by a gentleman whose opinion ho asked as to the beet remedy for the Kansas trouble; " Change the programme; substitute Cuba for tiansyrs, and the Ostend nutni /este for the Leeomptan Conven tion." The President twilled and brightened up at an idea which went home to one of his warmest feelings and aspirations. All the troubles, disagree mente and misadventures that may occur to hint, in an administration which begins already to be an eventful one, will be forgotten in the splendor of the realization of the aim and object of the Ostend Manifesto—the acquisition of that magni ficent possession, "Cuba querida." These feelings in the South will impel their repre sentatives to a violent denunciation of the conduct of Paulding to Walker. I cannot imagine a justi fication for such conduct. The Administration will be cleared of all responsibility in the ' matter. Captain Engle, to whom Walker surrendered, has just arrived, and delivered his deepatehes to the Secretary of the Navy. A meeting of the Cabinet has been (tailed at an early hour to-morrow,to consider this matter; moan tint° it isamorted that Paulding proceeded with out orders, and Captain Engle admitted as much this evening, saying, "we don't require orders to know how to perform our duty." The friends of our gallant navy will lament this incident, as calculated to increase the 111-feeling which al ready exists in Congress against that arm of the national defence. Prodding will have occasion to make as precipitate a return to the States as ho has compelled Walker to make. The formidable, and, though often-conquered, never-subdued little fillibueter, will be here tomorrow, motes having been taken for him at Brown's. General Hen flings= is here, and was preparing to join Walker when the news of the latter's return arrived. The arrival of Senator Toombs is an event of unusual interest in the present state of parties. PM proceeded immediately to the White House, and had a long conversation with the President, in the course of which he expressed his de cided - dissent from the President's views in regard to our neutrality obligations and our co operation with Great Britain in guarding the coasts of Central America. The hope has been indulged that, as the father of the enabling ant of the last session, Senator Toombs, would support Douglas' proposition. I fear he will not, though he is much less violent than others who stand by the Lecomptozi wrong. Ho laughs scornfully at the folly and impudence of the upstart denouncers of his gallant associate chief and co-laborer in es many hard-fought battles. There is no man in Congress who could wield a larger influ ence, and achieve a higher fame than this able debater and fearless legislator, by rising superior to an absurd and weak sectional fooling, and taking his position on the high ground occupied by Douglas and Walker. Ido not despair that he will yet contrive the satisfactory adjustment of this diffieulty. X. MOVEMENT or Tnom.—Five companies of Colonel Sumner's Regiment, First Cavalry, have within a few weeks past, been ordered from Pori Leavenworth to Fort Riley, K. T., and have taken quarters at said post for the winter. Fort Riley, by this addition, le new garrisoned by six compa nies—officers as follows Major W. 11. Emory, First Cavalry, Command ing Post, and First Regiment Cavalry. Assistant Surgeon It. IL Coolidge, Medical Mil car, Company F., Sixth Infantry, Brevet Major L A. Aru.istead, Captain Sixth Infantry. Company A, First Cavalry, Captain W. N. It Beall, First Lieutenant J. N. Perkins. Companyß, First Cavalry, Captain B: B. Sacker First Lieutenant P. Stockton. .- - Company D, First Cavalry, First Lieutenant D S. Stanley, Second Lieutenant L. L. Lomax, Fos Adjutant. Company 0, First Cavalry, Second Lteutenan G. D. Bayard. Company II First Cavalry, Captain E. W. T 3 Newby, First Lieutenant JamesMorntyre, A 4 Quartermaster, and 4, A. C. Seeend Mouton ant D, Lung. E. /IL /ANN AT 1113.5rICAL FUSD HALL LAST in - I:NI:s(:. At the appointed hour lost evening, blur cal Fund Hail was filled with It large and highly respectable audience; ,to bear this popular hut• pit' orator, on the subject of "Social Forces." It is hard to say, when we consider the extreme onolemoney of the evening, whether the large au dience assembled to hear this intellootual treat, was a greater compliment to the abilities - of the distinguished leeturer, or the good sense anti re. Pried taste of our citizens. The good taste and commendable enterprise of tho People's Literary Institute is of course not to ho overlooked In this conneetion• At a quarter before eight, Mr. Chapin appeared upon the' stand, when Secretary Collins, •aftelt stating to'the audience that Mr. Beecher would lecture at that •plane on the evening oP the 21st of January, introduced the lecturer of the even ing, who emu forward, looking as hale anti rotund as ever, and commenced his lecture. The discourse which followed was replete with all those oharaoteristios that tend to make a lec ture interesting to a popular audience. Without being overstrained or far-fetched in any particular, it was sufficiently brilillant in its imaginative flights anti rhetorical bursts to please, delight, and profitably entertain. The introduction to this graceful, yet powerful production, was a fit profane to the whole.. All things moved. The leaders on the towering Alps, which feed the onward flowing rivulet at its base below, were said to Move. ' Yet, so steady and imperceptible was their motion, that at a single glance the beholder failed to recognise the fact. The truth was, however, that 0/ the wes moved, and humanity and society formed no exceptions to this• rule ; and to con. eider the moving forces of society was the object of his looture. To speak with scientific accuracy, it might be said that there was hut one motive force, and that was ontod—human intelligence moving through the ideas of men. • Ina brief analysis of this subject, the speaker proposed to consider (Aree capital agencies as em• bodying the forces that move society. Those were the Mechanical, Intellectual, and Moral.. Under the head of the first, the lecturer argued with much form) the ellect of soil and climate as - a developer of mind at,d action, and in the course of which he concluded a sublime tribute to human genius, by saying that the keels of our merchant men had written our autograph all around4l6 ; globe. The very soul and spirit of machinery—if wo may use the phrase—woe hero dimeeted. • When we saw some nettle piece of mitabloory, the speaker said, it was taking a look at a man's in. tolleot turned inside out, and which might well overawe us in its embodiment of resistless power. The dininction between the genius of Watt and Fulton, on the one hand, and Shakopoare on the other, was hero skilfully drawn. If, upon the whole, the latter was regarded as the greater, it was only bonus° The former had merely in yenta, whilst the latter had created; tile ono merely moulded into fain; by the aid of gravitation, whilst the other, from the resources of mind alone, evolved his spiritual mentions. Speaking of the concentrating influence of ma. chinery in bringing great power into a small com pass, the man of the nineteenth century was said to be a condensed Mothusaleh ! The grandest idea alma the me eohanic arts in their highest sense was, that they lifted'the man above his work, and enabled him, amid the dust and cinders, to catch a glimpse of those higher beauties only found in the regions of thought. It would be-hard, indeed, if our great mechanical in ventors were to be productive of nothing higher than corn and cotton; their tendency, he con sidered, was to elevate and humanise the race. But now, approaching the second topic of the lecture, he said that the dead might of machinery was not like the intelligence of 111471. And in con sidering the intellectual as ono of the main forces, the speaker recognized three distinct means through which this force was allooted ; these were, intel lootual apprehension, ptlblio conviction, and eau cation. Truth, considered in the abstract, was like a great tolling ohairt—one in itself, but made up of innumerable links. For this reason no one truth could properly be said to ha totally diatinot from every other, and, accordingly, oven the most mag nificent inventions bore upon them the unmistaka ble lineaments of plagiarism. The discovery of America was not in the brain of Columbus : but in the womb of the fifteenth century. The power of thought was here depleted with signal ability, and was shown to be infinitely more resistless in its Onward march than legions in battle array. At this point, Mr. Chapin rose to one of his most exalted preludel flights, and as he moved along In all the majesty of thought and power of deliv ery, with which he is no peculiarly gifted, his elo quence was like the surging billows of the deep, evolving from the crest of every succeeding wave still nobler and sublimer climax. The influx of social force was to be found in every additional work of Art and every new-born thought. The great opposition which truth bed always to encounter was next dwelt upon, and the speaker said we ought to thank God If abstract truth ever because a concrete power. bl It wee true that the puic opinion :mu not trite i t, welsh lee referred to as an evidence that there was a dis tinction between public opinion and public con viction. Ifis analysis of the character of true and spurious martyrdom to public opinion was here drawn with en mush original wit end spicy com ment that the audience were fairly convulsed I with laughter, while the speaker's remarks Were ' literally drowned amid. bursts of applause, Ile I know that good men were often liable to perseeu lion, but he remembered with a great deal of pleasure that their assets were. always equal to.' their liabilities. Now, as public conviction was one of the effee tive levers through which society could be moved, the Beet plan of securing it was of paramount im portance. In this connection, it was said that education was the main instrument through which public conviction could be 'reached ; so, that after all, a plan of education really comprised the sum and substance of all our puzzle about the hest moans of effecting social, and hones moral and intel lectual improvement. Viewing this vast subject of educating the race in an extended sense, it WAS said by the speaker, that we must necessarily pass through trials, that coming generations may be blessed ; the graves of the dead were but the stepping stones of the living. To meet and suppress falsehood, was the work of philanthropy, although error from its nature must always be short-lived. No matter how plausible it may seem for the time being, its shell would al ways ho crooked in passing through the mill of events. The education of the human mind to ap preciate anti apply the truth, was the great cork to ho accomplished to move humanity into a higher state of being; an education not consisting in the more acquisition of facts, but that which would fit the mind for applying knowledge properly after it Is acquired. Properly, education should not be re garded ns a mere prop to the men, but rather as the man himself. The boy who came from college with his mouth full of Horace and tobacco smoke, was only fitted for the great ditties of life in pro portion as he had learned to use his faculties in harmony with truth and eighteoucnees, Lastly, au increasing conviction of law oat in• troduced as a most important point in this great social problem. The VD , CO wore but slew in coming up to the important conviction that the world was being governed by is universal law, and he would say, happy the race that in all its doings main tained a superior reverence for the right, end that did not attempt to unteadatnize the ten command ments into a highway as a road to fortune. The lecture, of which the above is but a very hurried and disconnected synopsis, was received, not only with apparent satisfaction. but witk ex pressed enthusiasm, as was well attested in the frequent and hearty applause with ieltloh It was greeted. _ LETTER 'WRITTEN fly IVILLIANI PENN [From the llarriaburg Telegraph.] During a visit to the Land Department we wore shown the annexed copy of a letter written over one hundred and seveaty-fire yea', ago by Wil liam Ponn, the founder of our State. It appears to be the credentials of an agent of the Society of Froo Traders, an organized body of mordants which once oxisted in London, whose objects woro to trade with Canada, at that period a compara tively unknown country. The " Emperor of Canada" was supposed by the company to be a celebrated Indian chief. The letter is written on a piece of parchment two and a half foot wide by three foot in length. The totters aro about an inch in length, slightly inclining to the right, bold and of very symmotrical formation The first letters of the first and second lines are largo and highly ornamented, a style which is yet kept op by some of our first-class publishers, who introduce orna mental initial letters to chapters in their books. The signature of Perin is nearly an inch long, with the same inclination to the right, but the !attars are not quite as bold or gracefully formed as those in the body of this dooutuent. The Great God that made thee and me and all the world Incline our hearts to love peace and Justice that we may live friendly together as becomes the workmanship of the Great God The King of England who is n Great Prince bath for divers Reasons granted to ine a large Country in America which however I am willing to Injoy upon friendly terms with thee And this I will say that the people who MINS with Inc are a just plain and honest people that neither make war upon others nor fear war from others because they will be just I have sot up a Society of Traders in my Provinoo to traffick with thee and thy ; people far your corn. modities that you may be furnished with that which is good at reasonable rates) And that Saab). ty bath ordered their President to treat with thee about a future Trade and have joined with me to send this messenger to thee with certain presents from us to testify our willingness to have a fair Corespondenee with thee And what this Agent shall do in our names we will agree unto I hope then wilt Kindly Receive him and comply with his desires on our behalf both with respect to Land and Trade The Great God be with theelAmen , Wilt. PENN. PHILIP TIIIIGDORE IMINNLAN, London the 21st of the iteurth month called June,lss2. FIN/I POOKB AT PUBLIC SALE„--The sale dbeau tifully-illustratoil Books will bo continued this and to-morrow ovonlng at Thomas k ,sotie Mono* Booms. 1 TH E LATEST IN EWS BY TELEGRAPH. Front Washington, WASHINOTON, Dec. 29,—The Indian Bureau has received official Information denying the truth of the reports that the disaffection of the Indians in Utah Territory, created by the Mormons, had boon communicated to the Indians on tho borders of California, and espeolailY 'those in the southern portion of that State, All remained quiet, and, so tar as appearances were concerned, there wee no reason to anticipate a different state of things, Private letttors from California state that too regiments of volunteers were reedy, at the top of the drum, to advance against the Mormons, and that ten regiments could be mustered. in less than sixty days for the same service. 0010141 Despatch front cony. Paulding. WASHINGTON, Dec. 29.—The following Is the of ficial letter from Gym. Paulding, detailing the cir cumstances of the arrest of Gen. Walker : SIIIP WABASH, Off Aspinwall, Deo. 151957. . SIR—My letter of the 12th instant Informed the Department that I had broken up the camp of Gen. Walker, at Punta Arenas, disarmed his law• less followers, find sent them to Norfolk in the Saratoga. The General osme here with me and will take passago In one of the steamers for Now York, where lie will present himself to the Mar shal of the District. The department being in possession of all tho foots in relation to Walker's escape with his fol lowers from the United States, as well RS the Jot ters of Capt. ()Ward and General Walker to me, after lie landed at Punta Arenas, the merits of the whole question will. I presume, be fully compre hended. I could not regard Walker and his fol lowers in any other light than as outlaws, who had escaped from the vigilance of the rasters of the Government, and left our shout for the purpose of Tapia° end murder, anti I saw no other way to vindicate the law and redeem the honor of our country than by disarming them anti sending them home. _ . In doing so, I ant sensible of the responsibility I have inourretl, and confidently look to the tio• vernment for my justification. Regarded in its true light, the case appears to me a clear one, the plats being few and strong. General Welker dame to Point Arenas (rout the United States, hav ing, In violation of the law, sot on foot a military organization to make war upon a people with whom we are at pence. He landed there with armed men lend munitions of wer e in defiance of the guns of is ship of-war, placed there to prevent his landing With nothing to show that he doted by authority, he formed a camp, hoisted the Nicaraguan nag, called It the "Headquarters of the Army of Nicaragua," and signed himself the Commander in•Chlef. With this pretension he claimed the fright of a lawful Government over all the persons an t i things within eight hr his flag, Without right or without authority be landed forty men at the mouth of the river Colorado, soloed the fort of Castillo on the San Juan, captured the steamers and goods of merchants in transit to the Interior, killed men and made prisoners of the peaceful 'nimbi tanta, sending to the harbor of Sin Juan del Norte ounce thirty or fifty men, women and children, in tho steamer Morgan. In doing these things without the show i f authority they were golity of rapine and murder, and must he re gallica as outlaws and pirates. They earl have nd claim le he regarded In any ollirlight. Ifs ' inanity, as well as law, juetioe, and the national honor demanded the dispersion of these lawless men. The remnant of the miserable beings who surrendered at ItWal were convoyed in this ship last wanner to New York, and their sufferiegs aro yet fresh in tho memory of all on board. Besides the sufferings that must necessarily be inflicted upon an innocent and unotrendlng people, these lawless followers of Gen. Walker, misguided and deceived into a pareor of crime, would doubtless have perished hi Cehtral Amorlon, or their muti lated and fostering bodice have boon brought back to their friends at the expense of their country. For the above roamers, which appear to my mind quite sufficient, I have disarmed and sent to the United States, General William Walker and hie outlawed and piratical followers, for trial. or for whatever action the Government, in its wis; dom, may think proper le I,ureue. Captain Gmivany,'Of H. B. M. ship Brunswick, offered to co•operate with me in removing the party from Point Arenas, but, as they were my countrymen, I deemed it proper to decline the participation of a foreign flag.' In a letter of December 18th Com. Paulding gives the particulars of tho landing of the marines and 8011111011 at Point Aroma, under circumstances of great difficulty ; yet everything was done in so seamanlike and skilful manner, that it was accom plished in the shortest Tomible time, and without loss or accident. To the excellent discipline and li se beating of tho officers and men ho says he is indebted, in the performance of this most unplea sant service, far the exemption of all casualty or aoeldent. There was no ono injured, and no loss of any kind was sustained. No commanding offi cer was so supported by a body of officers and mess in a manner more highly to maimed his admira tion and respect. Tho Cabinet had the matter before them to-day. Although the arrest of Gon. Walker is not strictly justified by the instructions to Commodore Paull rag, it is conceived the ease is very much palliated by the circumstances under which, WI explained Icy him, it was effected. (ten. Walker will be released front his present arrest, and it is probable a process will be emu , Trimmed to bring litmus to trial fci a violation of the neutrality laws. Captin Enle had e lon interview with the Preside a nt to-day , and detailed to him all the Mr ' munstances connected with the arrest of General Walker. General Walker arrived in this aity this evening, accompanied by Marshal Itynders, and T. F. Meagher and Malcolm Campbell, his attornies. He was received with cheers by a large concourse of people as be entered his quarters at Brown's Hotel. Shortly after Marshal Itynders with General Walker repaired to the State Depertment, when the former stated to General Cass that he had re ceived a communlemige Cent Commodore Paula. arrorted Ittemes enr ears, lag on an unlawful expedition against Nicaragua; that Walker had promised him upon hie honor to surrender himself to Ityndera as Marshal of the Southern District of Now York, on his tiniest in that city. That Walker had done so, and that he (Rynders) had accoutpenied Walker to Washing ton to ascertain the views of the Department. Gamma Casa replied that the Executive Delbert went did not recognize General Walker 119 a pris oner, and that it was only through the action of the judiciary he could be lawfully held in custody to answer any charges which may be brought against him. Marshal Itynders then informed General Walker that ho had tut further authority to detain hint, and both withdrew. Sr. Loris, December 29 —Dates flan Leaven worth, Kansas, to the 25th instant, give the vote of that city, at the election on the 2lsl, as 23 for pro.slavery provision in the Constitution, and 9 against. Much excitement prevailed et the polls. There wore many Missourians presout, somo of them voted, Ow taking the form of oath administered, viz' Aro you at this instant an inhabitant of this Terri• tory Several messengers were arrested, but Judge Leoompte issued writs of hobedi minis for their release. (femoral Calhoun was burned in effigy. Ely Moore was shot in the leg by a German. It was rumored that Acting-Governor Denver had issued an order for the arrest of Lane. The News of General' Walker's Capture a Nsw ()cleans. Nnw OuLtAxs, Dee. 23.—The news of the cap ture of lien. Walker, on the soil of Nicaragua, by a United States officer, was received in true city with general indignation. An announcement of the feet was made to the audiences at Spaulding Rodgers' Amphitheatre, and the St. Charles Theatre, immediately on its receipt, and caused great execration. Calls have been issued fur a mass meeting, to be held to-morrow at twelve o'clock, M., for the pur pose of considering the act. An intense feeling prevails here in favor of im mediately reinforcing Colonel Anderson, who holds pcesessiun of Fort Castillo. Election at Quebec—Serious Riots December 211.—At the election, which took place yesterday, several serious riots occurred at tho polls. Three Irishmen were killed and tunny others injured. The military was called out to dis perse the rioters. The candidates of the Ministerialist party were successful by .1,1100 majority, Tito Clipper Ship Grey Engle in Distress. CHAR bLST O N, December 2.9.—The Acaroship Co lumbia which bas arrived at this port, reports that who off Cape flattens, Au spoke the Clipper ship they Engle, from City Point, Va., bound to Rio Janeiro, a cargo of flour, di:quested, but she refu sed to have assistance. The Columbia look off soveu of her passengers. !Tutted States Supreme Court. WAstitNirros, Dec. 29.—Nos. 21a22—before ro porlod. Arguniont commenced fur appellants continued fur appellees. Markets by Telegraph. Prrrsnunou, Deo. 29.—Flour Is dull and us. changed. The receipts are light. 11'heat quotes nt 76,1800 fur red, and 05c for white. Oats 280. Whiskey unchanged. CINCINNATI, Lea. 20.—Flour dull ; 400 bids. sold et $3lO for auperfine, and :33.80 fur extra. Whiskey Ins. Hogs unchanged ; 1,200 sold at There is nothing doing in provisions. BA2,71.110121:, Dee. 20 —Flour dull ; sales of 2,000 bbls Howard end City Mills at 81.5041 75, on time. Wheat steady. Corn quiet; •15a4 8 e fur wlii to and 478500 for yellow. Whiskey is doll. Nnw Oitnnaiss, Deo. 20.—Cotton.—Sales of 6,30 bales. Flour has n declining tendency. Sterling Exchange 1003100. CtipinnliTunt, Dco. 20.—Cotton-2,500 bales sold at a recline of to i middling fair quoting at Ole. (Correvulenee of The Prom] 118uwNsvzcLE, Deo. 17, 1857 As tie currency question appears to be the all ubsorhing topic at the present time, permit me to make tibe following suggestions: It i9n wall demonstrated fact that no currency can be made of ono uniform value throughout the Uniteiltitates, 11111003 issued by the general gov ernment. I tbatafore propose that the different Stator call in their), rose t hank iiimulation, soil roll agidsh their rixlit to issue paper money, on condition that the gerund government will furnish the ditloront Stabs with notes for circulation. To illustrate m y plain more tally, wo will suppose that the banks of the State of Pennsylvania have a cieh capital of ton millions of specie. Lot the general government 1811110 ten millions of notes of tim de nominations of $2O. $5O, $lOO, $3OO and $l,OOO, and hand whir to the State, for which the State will give to the general government their obligation. Lot theitate furnish those notes to the banks at the rated one dollar in notes for every dollar they have irL spool°, fur which the State 8110111 d take from thi bank ample security, molt as State stocks, do, Ttm hanks should he hound to redeem those notes issued by them on demand, in gold and silver, and shothl also be compelled to take all the notes of the "Auks in the State, In which they are Issued, In payment for debts duo them. The general government should take these notes for all debtedue the government—the different States should take them for all debts duo the State, we would then have n currency that would puss at par throughout the United States The paper cur• renoy of the country would be reduced about two thirds; vivo it all under the uontrol of the gene. rat goventruent, without their having anything to do with the banking business. It would also onus play thowbote banking system, and place them on tho samefooting throughout the United States d. T, R. rit orEEDIAGS OF CITY COUNCILS rn'Port, , t for Tlio A rpecial nAcnting of City Coun:•il Licht yesterday uftoinoon, at which the following binti nVlN was transacted : IME=I . . A quorum of members answered (o their names at twenty minutes atter three o'clock CONSIDERATIUN TEM A ri•RuPTILIT 10V RI t.Lit• Mr. Margolis moved to proceed to the considera tion of bill So ti on Select Council file, making nn appropriation for the um of the tilieTti College for 1858. Agreed to. The httl ua.. , read uo fol- Suction I The Select and eon, mon Couileitr of die Car y Phdarhlph n, do o,dala, That the sum of eighty-nine thousand two hundred Ro d eighty dollars be, and the game is hereby appropri ated out out of the income of the residuary portion of the Ilirard Estates for the year 1858, for the me of the Girard College for Orphans for the same year; the sold appropriation to he applied tin fol lows : For subsistenco c•2o 000 For clothing, bed clothing and outfits of pupils 17,000 For salary of matron 700 For s ilary of assistant matron 500 For salary of steward 1,000 For Murree of four governesses 1.000 For salaries of four prefects 2,2110 For salaries of two physicians 000 For salary of dentist 800 For wages 8,300 For furniture and repairs I, sao For fuel 2,800 For gas 1,01 1 0 For repairs to 'buildings 300 For Improvements of grounds 2,500 For incident 'ls 1.50 u FOR 1•Alt01 , 11: , . 01' issrit !c. For salary of the irosidenr For salary of instructor of English loathe. medics and natural philosophy For salary of instructor of drawing, wri ting, and book•keeping For eatery of instructor of French and Spanish For notary of assistant teacher, principal department For salary of teacher of English studies. For salary of teacher of vocal music and puled Fe calories of two principals of printery department 1,100 For salaries of too first assistants of pri mary department For salaries of two second assistants of pri mary department For salaries of two]; third assistants of pri mary department For school and philosophioal apparatus . For books and etationery school and chapel furniture For chemical laboratory For additional instruction—to supply teachers In cam of sickness For books and furniture of library For stationery and printing For salaries of secretary, superintendent of binding out, and messenger For printing, stationery, advertising, alai newspapers 480 For advertising and axi,ense of binding out piptis ‘• • , .. 200 Por re*arde of merit 250 IV.r. Nothans moved to reduce the first Item to $20,000. Mr. Denton desired information of the object of the mover. Mr. 'Nathan% thought that the sum named by him would be amply sufficient. lie understood that supplies had been made to the College - which would be sufficient until July. Mr. Itoborts rioted to amend the amendment of ivlr• 'Millions so as to insert $23,000, which was agreed to, and the bill passed finally. The ordinance from Common Council making en appropriation of $lO 330 to the Department of City 'Treasury for 1853, was taken up and con curred in. Tho ordinance from the some branch making an appropriation of $13,7Q0 to Om Department of ' City Controller, was also concurred in. 'rho ordinance making an appropriation for the expenses of the Law Department of $20,250, Was also concurred in.; The ordinance making an appropriation of $28,520 to the Clerks of Councils for the expenses of Councils for 1858, tons also concurred in. The ordinance making an appropriation of $100,502 for the expenses of the Police Department for 1838, was neat taken tip. Mr. Cornman called attention to the section which appropriated $325,000 for the payment of 050 policemen. lie said that it was publicly stated, and ho had private information, that every police man was docked at least ono day a month, and that the money thus caved went towards the pay ment of seventy men who were on the police force without any authority of law. Ile desired some Information from the Committe on Police whether a reform was likely. The bill was passed without further discussion. The ordinance appropriating $1,300 for the ex ponses of surveying the Boudinot lands, was also concurred in. Mr. Williams moved that the consideration of a resolution from Common Council, relative to cer tain surveys in the First and Twenty-fourth wards bo indefinitely postponed, inasmuch as the same hod been incorporated into OD ordinance Agreed to. The Chamber, on motion, took a reec , 3 of twenty minuted On reassembling, the ordinance from Common Council, waking un appropriation of .519,000 to the Dern twent of the Receiver of Tuxee, for the year IS5d, was taken up and concurred iu. The ordinance from the Fame branch, making an appropriation of $3,061 w to the Superintend• out, of Trust 9, fur purposes therein mentioned, wee also concurred in. The ordinance, making un approptiation of $1613,391 72 to the City Cuzum4sioner, , , for the ex penses of that department for ISSR, was also con curred in. Mr. Benton Moved to take up the ordinance on 1.1,2 Mr. Taylor thought it entirely out of order for Select Branch to act first upon bills which proper ly belong to the other chamber. Mr. Benton, in order to obviate Ibis objection, road the bill in place, and it then cacao up tar con sideration Mr. Roberts viewed the bill 113 one of great int parlance. Be deprecated any hasty legislation in a matter which affected the feelings of a large por tion of the community lie believed that the bill should be submitted to nn investigation from the Survey Department. Ile therefore moved its re ference to the Committee on Surveys. Mr. Neal oppozod this motion, and urged the Chamber to proceed to the immediate consideration of the bill. .Mr Nathans thought that time Was requisite for a proper consideration of the hill. lie had not attended the meetings of the committee who pre pared the bill, as they met ut night Ile never attended night meetings of any churn; ter. Ile was opposed to having hie own name in the bill, it having been inserted as the nume of a street. The name was not the most congenial to his own feelingo. After a few further remarks, he se conded the motion the refer the subject to the Committee on Surveys The discussi.m on the motion to refer was con tinned at length by Messrs icatbans, Cuyler, Mar. sells, Benton, Bradford. Roberts, Taylor, ItleCay, Seal, and Common; after which a motion to post pone for the present was made and agreed to The Chamber then adjourned. =II The first bill considered was an ordinance making the annual appropriation of 5160,011.72 to tLo department of the City Commis.,ioner. Mr. Stevenson said the appropriation to the Sheriff exceeded the amount by 52,000 granted last year. Ho moved to strike out. Mr. Drayton said the Sheriff tuust hole what the act of the Legislature allows hint. Last year his fees exceeded the appropriation, and they had to pay the amount. Tho Sheriff cannot getting more than in)ustly due hint. Mr. Stevenson again urged his amendment Mr. Maseher saki that the Sheriff had certain fees allowed him by law, and as last year's expe rience showed that this amount won required, be could ace no reason why they should appropriate it. Mr. Miller thought the officers who drew from the Oily Treasury such large amounts should hare their claims examined by some competent person, so that they should not receive more than they were legally entitled to. Mr Stevenson thought, the fines end penalties received by the Court should pay all the expenses. The amendment was not agreed to. Mr. Miller moved to amend that tho solicitor should examine all the bills prosentod by the Sheriff, histriot Attorney, end Coroner, for hit an. piebation, and ho .4,01 not (mantel:di:lt such bills until these officers have accounted, at the time provided for by law, for all fines, penalties ke , recnivihl by than This aldendment was then agreed to, and the 101 then passed a final reading. Tho ordinance making an appropriation of $19,- 000 to the Receiver of Taxes was next passed. The ordinance making an appropriation of $3,001.23, out of the estate of the late Thomas D. Groyor, was next Nosed. slkThe ordinance tasking an appropriation of 555 902 to the Department of City Properly was nen considered. Mr Parker moved to amend to add 5500 so that the botanical names of the trete in the squaresbe painted upon them. Agreed to. Mr. Holtman moved to amend to strike out WOO, and insert $2OOO for the improvement of Norris square, as it wanted filling up and grading. lie contented that it was now a nuisance, and es it was generously presented to the city, the lent they could do would he to improve it, Mr. Moocher was opposed to any more appropria tions to these squares. Mr. Cooper sold the square hail fifteen feet of water in it, and should he tilled up. The amendment was nut ogrood to. Mr. King moved to amend by adding after the appropriation to Fairmount Park, that the Com missioner of City Property notify the occupants of thumb! park, that the city will require absolute possession of the mum on tbo let of April next, and that the Solicitor take the legal steps to ac complish that end. Mr. Drayton trusted this motion would ho left to itself, and come up upon its own merits at smite fu ture time. Mr. King said it was impoP ,, iblo to get this im Tor ptant Inc/lento before in any other way They could take no measures for the iwpro men of the perk until it was vacated by the Nugtteti Mr. O'Neill oppo4ed the amending As it non wai, it furnished the gientest ptensuro to the greatest number Mr. I'arker -aid he thought the nan from the l'ith tiqr. O'Neill) earned his cIeVIS ofTopa lar sovereignty" a little too far—that becau , e , these people occupied Fairmount Park. they had a right to remain there. Mr :Slitter urged that Fairmount Park should remain Its it is, and opposed the amendment. After considerable debate, Mr. Mnseher called for the " previous question," I) MA was strditined. The ayes and uays were called on the question "Shall the question be put P" and it was not agreed to Mr. Parker said this park woo act apart for a certain class of foreigners—tucu who differ from us in birth, acittitnent, and opinion. At tittles these men charged twentpilvo ceutseaob for our cilium, to obtain admittance to it. lie was informed that the man a ho leased this place underiet it to others, and made a largo sum out of it. Mr. O'Neill replied to Mr Parker. lie thought he was violating the rules of his church when he was found loafing among the Dutch on Lemon 11111 on the Sabbath. During. the discussion of the bill, Mr Drayton, the chairman of the Committee on Finance, paid a high and merited compliment to Me Eteidemen, of Select Council, for untiring industry and inde fatigable energy, in collecting the items and o=ol4 the tlifferertt orditlimaes making the anpropriati oL s to filo various thpartments for Mr King said Le had made up his mind to say nothing upon the subject, and let it or he I,otcd down am „.they pleased. Thi 4 park contains fortysix"sores, and is leased at a rent of $.200 in deEnnoe Or the express will of Councils lie sAed them to dispel their opinions upon A tuerieanino, theology, ke . and look upon the sutj..et with a business eye, and for the best intetots of the oity. Mr iiIISHIS3 moved to /ay the motion on the table, which was agreed to by a Tom of 5.!1,, K via: te—Mears Alexander. Burnell, ilutAer, Day, Dougherty, Drayton, Faulkner. Filler, R ei•s Holman, Hutchinson. Jones, Keller, Kneara , Ma ng , Mascher, Andrew Miller. Morris, McFadden, Mc- Mackin, McManus, McNeal, 0 Neill. Palethorp, Perkins, ;Mach, John Thompson, Vanhorn, Vasey, Minutia, Wilmer, B. F. Wright, and C S. Wright Zi A —Mama. Blank, Cooper. Ford, Fry. Slack er Kelton King, ?Joking, Mcntrain, Parker, Sites, Stevenson, Oscar Thom Peon, Wildey, Wolf, and John Miller, Preridort-18. The amendment made to appropriate s,Lon for the purpose of placing the botanical names n on the trees in the squares was reconsidered. Mr. Miller moved to refer the amendment and the. bill back to the Finance Committee. The motion was not agreed to The amendment wee discussed and finally agreed to. Mr Drayton moved to amend, to dispense with the superinter.dents of the Spring Garden, KenAng ton, and Moyitmen‘ing Halls, and that the Cern int,aioner of City Property be forbid leasing there halts for hail.; or parties without the consent of the Committee on City Property. Mr. O'Neill said that these halls were paid for by those who wed them 'Mr. Parker said thnt those who delighted to trip the light fantastic toe "should not b 0 inter• fared with. The first tart of the amendment was agreed to. and the second pert rejected After some further amendment?, the bill wet passed The ordinance appropriating Snit 500 b, the Department uf Highwa3s, was next considered Mr Marcher moved to add $3,000 for placing sign board.; on the street corners. Agreed to The bill then passed, and Councils adjourned. THE MONEY MARKET. PHILIDELPAM Dec. !9, The stock market continues to hengui-b, though prices rule shout at the same figures at heretofore. The A,tiatant Trea.turer of the United State 4. in this city, Is prepared to receive gold coin and lime certificates therefor, to parties desiring to in. vest in the new Treasury notes These notes wilt bear interest at 3 per cent. from the date of the deposit, and wilt be reimbursed one year after date. They will be issued In denominations of 3100, 5500 and $lOOO. Receipts will be given Cur moneys received, though the notes will not be ready for delivery for some days The popular feeling against the farther toler. awe of small bank bills is beginning to manifest itself in legislative halls. Tennessee has set the example, and passed a lair requiring the banks of that State to resume specie payments on or before let ,Tanniry, and forbidding them to issue bills less than five dollars after January. ISIS; and none less than ten dollar: after Ist January, 1839. The further establishment of free banks in that State is also prohibited. The official averages of the banks in the eity of Now York for the week ending Saturday last, December 21), present in the aggregate the follow ing changes from the previous weekly statement of Saturday, December : Increase in Loans $OOO 34.; Decrease in Specie . 51.5,22 n Increase in Circulation 42.721 increase in rndrawn Deposits ... tY,M,Kni Ipehiding the eu3h.ui lowo operathnui or the week and the bub•tremnry statement of Saturday afternoon, the following is the general comparison with the previous report, and al.) with the corres ponding week lust year: COMP/RS . IIV% RECIVIICLLTI.OI. . . Dec 21,'56. Dec. 26, '57. Dec.l9 '57. Capital t. 45.2.35,006 ./64,668.000 V 54,664.000 Loans 108.527,429 97.002.025 97,211690 4pecie. 10 392:01 27.142,009 27.957,357 thrculation 8.387,107 0.352,187 0.109.466 Drosa Depoalts.... 87.396,664 76,139 897 76,443,130 Exchanged 25.137,271 13,090,627 12,733.024 Endrawn.... ..... 62,259.391 6,1.059,270 63,710,106 Sub-Trealury.. 12.043.832 3,661,662 3,912,115 lb deems° in Epeeto is less than calculated upon, after the considerable export of $2,676,29:1. The average line in still 527,142,0b9, and adding in the California receipts, which canto into bank to-day, the aggregate reserve this afternoon is not far from the extraordinary total of 5'29,00n,000- This immense amount of idle capital to one of the worst features, considered as an indication of timidity and fear in the use of capital, that the present state of the times presents. It is a great pity that one-half of it at least otinnot be pat to use in setting at work the nianntaetorier , , which should he feeding the thousauds of unemployed workmen in New York. The larger number of the New York benkshave determined to profit, in one matter at least, by the experiences of the year 18:4 and discontinue the practice of allowing interest on deposits, particu. lardy Oil the balances of country banks We quote the following letter from the cashier of one of the New York banks on this subject: " In reply to your favor of the 23,1 instant, on the subject of interest on your bank's account, I have to gay that the pulley of allowing interest on deposits subject to call has. beep carefully eon rh.fistect atm at...sod by the boards of better elan of our city banks, and they have unanimously re solved to discontinue the practice. The points embraced in the discussion are rrthstantially stated in the inclosed circular, and experience has shown that to carry account on which interest is paid compels a bank to loan their means to the ut most verge of safety, and to reduce their specie re serve to the least possible amount; it is. therefore, an invitation to any institution to extend itself disproportionately whenever they are required to pay compensation for balances, and so far as they encourage the principle every such dopester in curs an extra r'sk. We would greatly regret to part with au account so valuable and satisfaotory as yours has always been, yet we are firm in the correctness of our position, and cannot yield it even if such be the sacrifice; and entertain the I hope that further consideration will induce you to sustain its by continuingypar account as hitherto. "Our policy in future will be to keep on hand a target proportion of specie reserve, which we are of course now unable ma du, and to hold ourselves more at liberty to aecommodate our customers and correspondents " Chancellor Lewis recently alluded to this subject in the House of et/111111(MS, iii the emirs,: of the de bate on lam Bank Indemnity bill, as one cause of the prevailing evils in that country ft is said that under this system the lino of current Accounts of the joint stock banks in London frequently amounts to ten times their capital. We quote from the report of the Chancellor's speech as follows : "I would only direct the attention of the House to a fact well known to all persons who are at all acquainted with this class of subjects. viz the great expansion which the system of holding money on cell has received within the last few years. It is undoubtedly, to a great extent, to the abuse of that system—which I believe is in the main a wholesome and beneficial system, tending to collect together and to turn to good account the scattered resources of thecountry, but, nevertheless, eminently liable to abuse, and containing within it elements of danger—that many of the evils of the recent crisis may be attribu ted. It is the system of giving interest upon bank. ere' deposits, fertuerly almosturiknown in thiscotna try, but for many years practiced to a great extent iu Scotland—which has made a great practical change in the working of our banking laws. Every one must see that there is a great difference he• tween deposits placed with a banker for the sake of safe custody and the convenience of drawing— where the depositor keeps only the smallest sum which is sufficient for ordinary payments, and where he draws it out in small emus, es was for inert), the case in England—anti the deposits which aro almost in the nature of investments, where the depositor receives a high rate of interest, where he seeks to augment instead of to diminish them, and where (partieulsrly if he is s banker) he hoe occasion Is, draw oat large - suss at the shortest possible notice. The difference between the two is mini 'estly groat, and it is nut dependent on the lair, but it has a great effect on our banking system. With reference to this subject I will take the liberty of directing the attention of the House to a passage in a letter from Mr. Cotton, addressed to me in October, 183 G—more than a year ago—which is printed In the appendix to the report of the Bank Committee, and which, I think, shows some fore. eight as to the ape;utiont,f this eystem. Mr. (mt.. ton nays " • The system of banking in & otlanl which has lately been introduced into London, viz: to allow interest on deposits at call, or on short notices, has given, and will give, ri,e to serious inconvenience. as the depositors. in the event of a monetary crisis, wilt demand payment when they would nut 0311 their own securities.' "This. I think,shows a foresight and a conscious ness on the part of Mr. Cotton of what was likely to he the effect of this systetu." lleposits Nu 1:113 in gold and 172 d in silver will be paid at the Philadelphia Mint this day, :;Oth. The bu.ine , s of the Branch Mint at Sun Fran• ei-eu for the month of 'covember, was as foltom , The institution was closed from the Ist to the 21d lICOMME tkdd Dulliun received, gross weight, 441 52 oss 1-11ver 13.213 St) oPoot:---,,cmi P”, Duublu Liglei 17,01)0 Oarter E tgle• 2i,00 Three dollar pi c ecs ooki The „„ ne ,„ l ry n eomparative rtateinent of the shipment+ of ireesoto from California for eleven inunthA of 1.5 A; and IS:q • t, ata,t n kla ',Ailing 0. 1 ,16 • .146,C-47,11G ,;_it 3 Nte.199. , a autl It3119)14 . 41,312 539 11 lalltug oft .0 is r The -liipmeni4 during December, 18511, were 54.49051 91, showing that an export of SS2,- 02 8 for the current month is nrces3ary to equal the total expurti of 1658. The export values of merchandise shipped from Salt Francisco during the month of Xovember, arc as follows : To Aualralia Mexico China........ South America Tahiti - Toth! $181,737 Exported during Nur., 18,56. • 102,569 EXtie , s3 in 1S SC, The operations of the San Francisco Custom House for the month of November, are as followst Value of Sferchandige entered for duty... $430,547 Merchandise entered for warehousing.... 76,162 Merchandise withdrawn for consumption. 82,326 Merchandise withdrawn for export 2,84 T Calb reoot►ed for duties 0T,143 }IIILIDELPHIS STOCK ILICHATOiII SALM, st•er 29, ISi7 lieprud 17 R. Manly, Jr., Stor.f Bair, No 80f Walnut s:rra 71:RST BOARD. -11,0 \ l'eu.a R R 6'5.511; I 10 Peraa R B SI,. 100) do .51 4 I 10 do 3,1 i 10.,) Prona I'., N4l 3 Brain R. E.:.; 12. N) do i.j nu do mob- .. d2': % :aod , .141 1, , ./ .lo 0 . .1.21 .. 27 * 'kV do SO 100 d.. coala.. .311 a :lOW Read RRL A. , 01.e..1 , :,J d., 44.01 do SG.f.l IVO do "4 ; lOW .d, - ..:0 e.. 5 051,,eldtt 11. P. ...'.9 1100 C:ty G'e , _l'y 3 do ....', '..'"‘) Ct. 7 RR 6 • • -••-• -, ::..) L 2 :h :. INa r Tref 1: 1w do . .. id,.. 5 N Per It B ... a I Pear. Ft R B)," I o 4 Girard Bank 9 do 1, ~ 10 da.... 1' 11 do 1.,, I i la of Penns ... Oft 10 do 534 HEYWEIH BOARDA. 44...00 N Poona R a t,', 51 ~. 4510 l'ronsl 1 it 1040 do A:, -0) arkv M0...1 RR.. ':1 100) L Val RR IVA c ..11!.. &WON D BOARD. 2000 Penns ::.'• ill 11 Real R R ...... I!7i. d :403 o , IX 9P. M.A.AR R..: 4 .04 1000 do A.l.' 91 Nor R R St 3(.0) 8t.t..1 CA ice .1 k. i 6 ray 8a5k..... ..7.; - k 1600 Recd Ft R e..".. •6.C:. I 10 do ... 'l' i„ fC42 City R R d's... .Pi!, i 1.1 6 rroal font... 9 1000 Cdr. C.e..e& res,..•",s I 10 a1....A...f, rtta.l. - 1,, 21 , ..0 .1,.. .CS Pr: !N5.4 IL , . lAnn A Ile Bk. :.: .A.N) C12,5..t DAC* C.• 621( 3 do . t.. 1 '2.-:. Res.l It D. r% CLOSING raicza—DrLt. Sid. Asked. .14.1 1.7 a tates '6a.110 &NE/ pr.! 1: 11,46's tat 06 65 *Li " ... 9 I.s " ‘• BRA:, ep.SX I Rv'th Elm NW 11 "tie. 92 423 do lit 1.v.11:' Es Per tulle 64 t do 24., Si Sr Re 3.13.24 R " 1 27) Loa; .... 9'. P. de. iiteda 1 . .) 7.: 75 I Vick ban...... do NI Girud • g it do do ac; Lebigh 'Line .• •• V Pauli RH 4 firwrl4 ~, ;, 112 N EI.6 Canal 2 4 1:10 47,,za ,1 41 1.. Creek N 64 Ce.a.:14.6 6 PAIZTIL'i,}: fir WALlialt TOR W t•IIINGTON- Captcrl Rynders left fry Wsehington on the 0q,‘,..,t o'elntk trein thie ta-rning. with General Walt:Er in cl.ar.le Tbo S'l‘bitetet• 3 dep.rtnyeaftysetef little attention. founer frien It hoe eePra en ticely indifferent to hie fate. The general itni.tv tinn among them is, that he is not only innun...r. in the treatment of his Celli:mere but utterly it,- competent to eonticket any extensive entettciu and that whatever bit reeepti-,n at Wa_lbizat - n may be, be earl never main enjoy the eons-1in,.3 of his Lamer party in this eity.—S. Y. E t e, , ; Posr. BY THE PILOT LINE. LETTER FROM NEW YORK. (correspondence re The Press) New Yves:, Dec. 29, 1e57-5 20,P. M. The last bank statement for the year 1357 to the most favorable, and is generally considered that has been made fur a long time. The decrease in specie is not near 213 great as was expected. an i as I base already raid. ' , much more then replacel by the last gold sreival from California It most be remembered that during the present month apwarda of ;10 Ooi flee in specie Lave been sent to England from this pert and Boston, of which 7,sthetieu have teen sent hence, and thee remeining $2.;04m09 from the American Athens The gold reserve now Leld by our tenet i actually about 529,(4? nee, if we all the te•t 00000 from Cslifornia to the 3e7.142.. r shown in yesterday's statement. With thi, very strong stcck of bullion it it thought by many that * the increase in discounts ought to larger, and that the parer of solvent boars ought not to be so severely seratinited as it is; but it is only fair to recollect that th e h ee l, as . I carrying a I cry large amount of •- extended ta per, midis by houses which in Cizteeer ta=t thought that ninety days extension would get them over their difficulties, and that fine weather would have coached before thii. A wiry gr e * proportion of this extended piper will certain" not be paid at maturity, and the banes are al ready preparing to take whatever they can get iu cash, " extending" again for the balance. and getting whatever additional seearity they can end. In this respect they are acting liberally. ace though it may be tale that this nursing process is the only one to !axe lliemselves from ultimata loss, the effect is the same as if it was the most disinterested benevolence. With the opening of spring and the revival of business, it ishoped that the merchants will be in a position to wipe off this load of indebtedness; but the most sanguine be lieve that _the process will be slow, and that the utmost ca en will be necessary to ensure its ae complisbment. The check to the exportation of produce, teeth on this and the .other side cf the Atlantan has weighed very heavily upon us, and has materially retarded our financial convalemeace. At the pre sent low prizes here mad in England, exporters cannot pay sefficientay high freights to make the transport of proacee profitable to ship owners, enl according to the last accounts from Bente there is no prospect that prices will advance materially for same time to come. The prices here are not high enough to tempt Western holden to send produce ("retard in any quantity more than is needed f r 1 home consumption. and now that nacipti:ii 'is elo=esl, an additional obstacle is idero,i to its rapid transport to the reebeard Fmno these causes liquidation of indebtedness is r. aturany much retarded. Merehante here cannot relieve what is due them in the West until their debtors there eau realize their grab and provisions ant they cannot consequently pay what they owe bete and abroad. lint. tiotwithstanlitg all their diffi culties, the American merchents have acted nobly, and have well maintained their reputation Ihr honesty and fair dealing. Se far as they could, they have paid their debts with lendable teal. and have borne pressure as well. if not better, than the mercantile communities of foreign countries. Of the new cotton crop, S2l Jeetee) worth has been already exported; and ef thiequantity ebeeeto 000 worth has been sans toe:extend Add to this the vast slams in specie which have been slat to meet engagements abroad. and every one will admit that the credi tors of American merchants have no right to corn• plain When the large cams due on the 23 of Janu ary have been paid, the market, it 13 expected, will be vastly easier then it has been since the cri sis. Until then no new btu - bees will be done, and capitalists will not engage in any transectiots which will deprive them of the command of their funds for any length of time. With the new year a number of old scores will be wripe-3, and if confidence can be only partially restored, the wheels once sot in motion will steadily roll on, until things retume their normal condi tion. I have never been sanguine. Indeed, some readers of The Press may think that I here bean a cro iker, inclined to take a gloomy view; bat I feel persuaded that I hare eat ever given an opinion for which I had not, to my own mind, satisfactory reasons. and I therefore feel the more pleasure now is expressing the belief that better times are at hand, and that before the spring Erin begins to shine, we shall have weathered the storm, although many of ns will be crippled, many not e l uite sea-worthy, and ninny completely and hopelessly stranded. I heee seen private letters from England which are very encouraging as to the prospects there, and which lead me to expect that every steamer will bring better tidings of the financial and com mercial position in th it country. There, tee, as well as here. the crieie has expire reckless tra ding. iinprot ident management, and inordinate speculation; arid If the bitter lesson which has been taught will act as a warning against the commission of like criminal folly in Mare. the panic of 1557 will not be altogether unprofitable, and will not be altogether unattended by geed and ' wholesome results. The very inclement weather to-day has caused Wall street to be almost deserted. and things are duller than they were. Money is in slightly more active demand, to meet payments cn the 24 of January, but rates are nearly as they have Leen for the last month The sterling exchange market was quite flat, this morning and very little was done. Rates are nominally uncharged The amount of gold probably taken out by the Boston steamer to-day will not exceed half a million. The Persia on Wednesday will carry out a eery large suet. The domestic exchanges are gradually ins. proving. The quotations are as follow; fall ; Baltimore. 21121 ; Providence, I ;all : Cheesed, 5;a6! ; afilwaukie, 51a61 Cin cinnati, 2; New Orleans, 2; Charleston, 31a3. The Western Bank of Scotland has assigneel te 3. Bancroft Davis. Esq., and James Thomson, for the benefit of its creditors, all its property . in the United States, or on its way thither. Direlenie payable in the first week of January bete been declared no follows : Pb,vnix Bank 4 per cent ; Bank of Commerce (semi-annual) 4 per cent : eeventh Ward Bank, (semi-annual} 5 per cent.. Mechanics' and Farmers Bank of Albany. a per cent., and the Bank of Albany 5 per cent. The Clearings House exchanges to-day were e12,27e,564 3.,, and the balances STIS,GSO.I.3. The cash transactions at the Sub-Treasury were 93 fel lows : Total receipts, $137.292 37. inclndidg from customs. $55.000; total payments. :24U - A le! total balance, i1ie495,713 69. The stock market weevers , languid, with a gene ral decline in prices for railroad securities. Bank stocks are gaining every flay, and State :locks cry ttucha;lud I zuli j oin a good from extract be Caplet's circular by the Canada as to the general market NEW YORK STOCK EXCILINGE—Dec FIRST BOARD. 10M li Ses '11.5 coup 112 '11'.3 New York Coo R 3000 Ohio ro. 1559 100 fl 3 es c 75, 19000 Missouri Cc SO 290 do a 3 2000 do t, So', 50 do 7310 3090 N Carolina 6* is) 50 do slO 20 1500 N York Cent tis 51 110 0 do a3O lON Harlem 23 mart 64 ti! 50 do c 3094 THA Al '24 mit 43 200 do c 5000 Mich C,u S o r, 0 :lea e„, see 71 1:4 31 51..; Id Coo ,Sl7, ,•250 Erie Railreel see) I 415)0 do Si ;312 do se 1: 3000 ha wort 04 ;ICJ d o c 17a, 31 Ilk :Aare of N Y 91);:,10) Hut hirer R blO 13 5 Rink of Com 100.5 i ',LAO Marley s3 uj 50 Rk of Republic 108 ' 10 Harlem pref 15 25 Cont.ental Ilk 75. k) ClerS.Tol R bed 41 2) imps Trad's Ilk 95 !SOO do 401, 20 Nati , nal Rank 105 t 20 N paces S. 11t1.1 112 3', PacifieNlail Co 55,i 35 Reallng It 15 du f,5 ;100 do iO u 14 00 do 1,20 I:5 l; .400 do e r..Pj 10 D01.1.11u4el Co 107 ), '50.0d0 5.1, SO Penn Coal Co GS y‘ :s0 da P:0 Sy, 210 Cum Coal Co e 3 9 I.ICO Itirh ficutherra 0. 15 465 Chlrogoß 111 R7O 100 do 0035 VO 150 do 1 , 20 70a, 12 Moab SAN IVI 25 do 1,30 7j Panama R 1.30 ?4 1') do 70K 4 S Gal E Chi R to 127 do 7Oq 110 do lot) do .50 70 50 to 100 IsCror,d Mil le. 101 10, Ceo 10 C B ROI H:1111 Sli 110 a —The only tra o s ec t ;on • of 1,, iT jortaoce hale been In Erie. at a decline of .r clor e land a Toledo. of s ; in Chlciroand Rock I o f , In New York Central, of I i 4; sad t o 90 advance of I„ Delaware & Hudson Canal and l'onn sylvan. C. al continue, steady. kloarr —ls wlthout change. 5z.: per root for 1. - acs . call' poor out-ode of lank, 0s1) p.or lent The banks discount wiltiuyly all th e eh . r t 0 1 ,1 :la:: j •;er that is offered l'f'sr Canada ) New Toss.. Dec CS. 1"057 The festit ities of Christmas have interacted ranee our last advice.; of =4 inst ; the character of our market has changed but little since then 31oney retrains plentiful; nevertheless the usual inactivity at the r u t of the year, and the European new a to the 12th lust which represents Glenn:moral crisis ia• continuing with the greatest severity in the north of Germany and in other countries, do not fail to exercise a depressing In fluence in our market Oar alock exchange has fslt the effect of this, and has been very inactive, with soma decline in prices. Sr-Ire STOCaII —The C. 1317 one , which have been at all active are Missouri 6's at well sustained prices, end Tenn..* 6's eta decline of IIC per rest. City BONDS —We notice some sales of CIIICV 3 G's (tater loan) at steady rates. and of Louisville below our previous quotatrona. Brooklyn B‘., which had de clined last week. have recovered to thee'. with a few salsa $2,324 47 Oi $20,1)5 id 946 20 111 50 044 . 5.32 RAILROtn lionia —Some IllniCus Central Construe tom hare been done at a decline of 1 ; as alio aaGa Ida 7'6 at a decline of ii; Michigan Central, lot watt and aslant and Chimp, 24 ret ort ,1i Itat4 Flee.
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