MMIMI - . SKIES ,13fitatIvirf4KR.,-We do. nut ,mean the skies physical, e.o atmospheric-changea hare beeti'eci dubious- ly oncetteht within the Plat revAsgo; thet a prediction of brightenlittehittinat ght be folldwid with an omlnons aerial frown erntliejals employed in'petmlng the pre diction would bureihne to dip.: The one, of the eery many figurative ptirseeitrbiali the f ishri figure le used to Indicate,, ta, that. more, especially referring to the b ,•• , . Whetter. it., is , the,itapetUe wtlth the Christmaa season -.!nitilly r. gives - to the retail departments of tratip,,_ or,,wkether % : is, Mere ,tempo, vary relperielon ' of tlie ahlues", which - have' for some time past lengthened the visages of our merchants, we are not fully, prepared to determine, but from the reports - Ordanis rumor.—irhe seldom raises a`great dear et smite without atleast a spa* of lire—we are led to believe that, notwithstanding our being upon the threshold of the dull. months," things have taken a decidedly 9tsoreble turn. A large manufacturer, who does an extensive trade with the . drat'ant South, Bost and Neg . ,_ informed no the other day, that his each orders; • within the t past two ' weeks, more than equalled his mike in any corresponding two weeks during ,the last five ye,ats , and dri,'„desidettlY are his prospects in favor of a heavy'spring business, that he has deenied it advisable to eMploY an extra number of This is encouraging, and as straws tell which way the wind blots's, notwithstanding this maybe-an isolated use, it Maybe taken as some indication, at least, that the pe n c i t o : natajy,skine soop present a more. cheering u Fdi ph I tit t b Cit Artie o.z.r:69Ol'AL OR —__o _a__Ure .0 _0 erening,tyller.. E. 11. Chapin; iiromfaerf to . ha &brilliant affair. Th. popu larity 'of thin dlettngilailec pulpit orator le too gene. rally acknolytadged kora:Loire any Confirmation from ue. Thelmitoxia-elanuiiisfroakan,artlele whicla•we find in "The Golden Age of American Oratory"—althougla over drawn in the'2 - kortratture- of Hi' two oratorial heroes— affords a il4nre auftlotentli , truthful to make it e matter of interaid to 'such as hive been in the habit of eon paring our own oreiorti with those of Engine!. ' , The Bogilett hoest, mnoh of. Moil prenchere,—the late Eduard...loMß, - and the Bring though youthful Spurgeon. We Meth:isle believe these famous men will b%found, if ..they could Bet aldabY side, not'superior to those relgrdrui orators of the American pulpit in our thy, Chapin and Beecher. England la not nationally' eloquent. Americana ,who; helve heart Spurgeon, are not faselnated.with any raids In him but than!' hon• out zeal;the'Contraryi apex): hearing our Clitiliz,htise - oxpressed poigtiyeametereent: They declare` the phenomena of himself and his style to be to them absolutely a new revelation.. /t Is probable that for the eloquenee,Whiott, hued', wholly on the power of temperament; Is at the name time greatly Invigorated - by careful culture, Chapin and Beecher stand now at the head of the werldlltet - of eccleelattical orators. • Con sidering them, not sailiterary talkers Or academtcl ens, but at metatit, they,command the highest seats in the world!s,eynagerce. • They are twin children of delllopei the Wreaths of the Mate of lgioquence ark gold for their brows by the admiring million - the gold end' lory which only a republie gives to °lovelies, are ; given to them; and there natty staid, faithful servants of Clod, drying aloud and sparing not:. 'There, on, either side *film rushing river.whlch rotlaby the wharves 'of the mighty capital of thecommercial, Weet, feet anchored there like two repeating frigatei elring forth their echoing broad. sides to 0:1141 other, 'against the sins of the Babylonlo clty. , Thetis only are the 4, greetloraters - who rule the senses end the soul. of men, as the moon rules the tides of the add." .711.1.0 z DOl:rotas tx TOWN.—The report that the vialeof Senator Douglas to Philadelphia, last week, w as MA political, errand Is untrue.... The distinguished Illinoisan was more Intent on costume than onlCansaa, audpore benton garments than on popular sovereignty. Thelact Is, the Senatorcame on to get himself ' a new suit'at the Brown Stone Clothing 'fall of Rockhlll & Wilson, Nos. tHia and 601 Chestnut street, above Sixth. Thimlerie difference of opinion between him and the Adaßongo:Alen upon the subject el new clothes. nonor.dus pageantry of times gone by— The tilt; the tournament, the vaulted hall— Fades in r its glories tha ipirlt'e eye, ' And fancy's bright and gay creation--all Lead men_ unerringly to "Jayne's " New Hall, No. 627 Chttatnut street, whem is located theaslebrated firm of Clifton, Albright, & C 0.,. whose stock of beautiful clothing and fabrics for gentlemen's wear Is unrivalled by any other establishment in the country. - TILE CLOTHING TRADE—The Boston Post esti mates the average cost of clothing to each individual la the 'United States at fifty dollars. With a popular tion Of. thirty millions, ,thit. would isle the enormous euraeflone - !,bIllion five. hundred millions of dollars to be spent fa ,drijea This is an immense sum, and one which Ali= C.O'Old no t have conteMpleted .when he commenced setting the fashion of dreea by using the prlinttive apron of Sg-leaf, any more than, he could have foreseen the beautlfril styles that are constantly being bronght out by , that great fashioner, Grenville Stokes, No. 607 (late 09; Chestnut street. THE CITY. For additional City matters, see first page The Board of Trade.--Tho stated meeting of this body was held last evening, at their room, at the Merchants!. Exchange, Vice President Mor ton in the chair. The following:resolution; were Introduced by Klniber, and adopted : , Whereav,-The objecte of the coast eurvey authorized by the United States Government are of great national importance, and a history of some of the more inter ogling details of the work already done, would doubt less be appreciated by . the citicene and baldness men of Philadelphia ; therefore, Besot red, That Alexander Dallas Bache, Bee., the miperintendent of the survey of the Unitlitates coast, be invited by the beard to deliver one o re lectures In this city, on such branches et the as he may select t ond at each time as he may designate. Brsoloid, 'That the President of this Association be reettested to transmit such an invitation to Professor Bache, and to urge hie acceptance Krona that the committee -for, the month, in cote of ltd acceptance, shall mate arrangements for the delivery of the lec tures. The discussion of the currency question wag then taken . np. The report of the committee on bank ing, laid upon the table atpreidous meeting whiob was based upon numerous schemes devised' by all the members who choose to do so, was first taken up for debate. The °lenses in It, which were adapted; ~were the following A let. - general banking law is recommended. 2nd.' The riga' of vote for everyohare of stook. (The disouislott on third section was postponed.) It.zeopmmends the ,pledge of State and Govern. went securities is security for circulation.) The 'resolutions -of Dr. Busby, previously pub lished by no In detail, oame next under conside ration. The resolutions provide for a general banking law, unlimited liability, repeal of the usury laws, actentral department of issue, no notes under-twenty dollars, and a periodical publication of its affairs by every bank. The first. ,section elicited a vary long debate. Mtwara'. Kennedy, Francis Cope, and others op posed the respintion, - whilellesers. !derrick, Kit:o ber, Buiby, and others sustained •The section was not agreed to. The fourth section, proiidingfor a repeal of the usury laws, was brought up. Mr. Kennedy moved for its postponement, upon the ground that it was a separate subject, entirely independent of banking and currency. A very 1014 debate arose upon this question, When it was finally negatived by a tote of nine to The gut:Wien Was then dkicussed. at length. It is as follows : . , Resolved. That the unary lawn should be repealed, se that - those banklng,under the proposed law may, as well Sof imlividnale, negotiate Inane at current raters of interest, with the proviso,that seven per cent. be the rate in the absence: of express, arrangement. Public proclamation to be made from time to time of the notes to besharged or allowed by the batiks. which shall not be exceeded in the interval Wind borrowero. Theeoctlon was adopted by a vote of ten to five The affirmatiVe votes were given by Messrs. Booby, Blerrioir,"Rimber,- Israel liorris, (lope, Tatham, E. D. Stokes , T. R. Gill, 'Henry 'Moser, and two others. " The negattires were Messrs. Kennedy, Addioks, Steinmetz; Cooley, Ludwig. The fifth section, providing for a central depart mint-of lain then was taken up. It was carried by -ten members rising in the af firmative, thenegative declining to show hands. .- The nest notion; relative - to periodical publiaa cationof hank. statethentit, wee adopted without deteito. The realigning seething, providing for the pun ishment of fraud or diversion of fends' from their proper sonnies by bank officers, as a criminal of• fence; was negatived. • On motioti of Mr. - Cooley, the entire subject was referred to a Committee of Three, with in straettotte to prepare a memorial to to the Legie- Jature. The Prodding appointed as ouch Committee Memo. Merrick, Busby, and Kimber. The meeting then adjourned. -Combination Oas-Burner.--.4 Decided im procemenr—Wo witnessed, yesterday, a trial of the cambinntkn gab-burners introduced by Savage, Easley t Co., in Tan Pangs edict. These burners are, a decided improvement on any-that we have , ever, seen. They are now in use on the stost lamps and market houses in Camden, and in l'he dwellhigs of a very large number of the citizens of that end this city. They possess this marked endaignsladvantage--they will burn but three feet •perhectrovirile them generally in use will eonsnme from six to tett - feet per, hour. Their great saving In tbeo6nteneption of gas will steno° be Peruolved All orders for %anted superierburners sent to, • Savage, Begley, t- Co., Mickle street, fourth door aboverhird, • Catndoir, oito 'the Post office in phisedelpbia will receive prompt attention. Their great advantage entitles them to every ocanmenda. 'den; and we doubt not that ere long they will be in genial use. We could name hundreds who have , tested and praised their merits, and who have.un hesitatingly recemmended- _ Disgreicefett Prize - disgraceful pritefight between two noted " bmisers" occurred ,yesterday afternoon In the vicinity of the Gray's `Perry Bridge. ' A : l:Umber of the participants were arrested by the police, who were informed Of the tight and the movements of 'those ooncierned la it, by the toast telegraph.. • • . Skaling•=lCrty fifty girle were among the eve hundriA skaters at the Portland Canal laat wadi:. When chilli we see the like on the Sehuylkilll Ate Inquest watCheltl.Yestorday by Coroner .Fenner upon ,tlicyhodyiior Mary McDevitt, aged twoyeare, residing in Mica street, near Warren; verdict,'" accidentally turned to death." woman, named Idery AhMey, eked_ thirty yeisti. , residing In Crown street, near Race, died stiddeeity yesterday afternoon-from some unknown donee. Coinnef 'Fenner held an invite/ in th e !Imes ; , When Llentenitni Govern'or' Patterson 'wits Speakei of the Legislaturo of one of our States,- some dozen bos - preselited themselia fot.the place of messenger; an is usual at the opening of the Hopei -He inquired their names, and 1. - , into • their condition, in. order - that be might make ,the,prePerrseiection. He came, in the course ` of "bin examination, to a small boy, about tett yearn Old; a bright-looking lad. - " Well,tdr," said - hei - "Vhat'is your name ?"' said.tbe Speaker; "you are not the'otteithianigned:the Declaration of Intle T , peuden i.l, - ; - silTej'air," replied -the _lad, stretching him itmo,sCp,rotioill.9l;4;.!! would „higTh44,keen;tl l ,er'.., _„, ..!, 4 17niikn'ilo's e i rkei ilitriapisenierA")o.,l4 iwtyi tit PUILADELIHIA MARKETL Daciniszan 28—Rvenine—TheMreadstuffs mar ket continues dull and 'unsettled. There is some liCtle export demand for Plata, and about 300 bbls sulked/le has been sold at $6 per bbl, at which rate holdera are free sellers; 2,400 bble extra, part at $5a56.25 and part at a private bargain ; 200 half bbis also sold on terms not made public. The home trade being moderately within the range of ssa $5.50 for common brands and extra, and $5 75a $0.25 for.oholee extra, and fancy lots, Recording to brand and quality. Corn Meal and Rye Flour are but little inquired for, - and held at, previous quoted rates—say $3 for the former and $4 per bbl for the latter. Wheats ara but little in request and buyers generally are holding off for lower prioes; sales embrace .7aBoo bus only, at 105a1100 for red, and, 114a118e for white of fair to prime quality. Corn is very inactive; about 2,000 bushels now yellow sold at 630 in store, 1,000 bUsbels at 54e in the ears, and 400 bus mixed at 511 e. Oats are dull at 33a33f0 for Southern, and 34ia350 for Pennsylvania. Rye is selling at the distilleries at 700 per bus. Quereltrea Bark is very little in quired for ) and dull at $26 for first quality. Cot-. ton—nothing doing to alter quotations, which are nearly nominal. Groceries are held firmly with a fair trade demand for Sugars, at fully former quo tations. Provisions—very little doing, and prides SIT unsettled; a sale of 30 casks piokled Hams was made at She ' 00 days. Seeds remain quiet; there is not muehCloverseed coming in, and the dealers are paying $ 5a55.121 per bet. Whiskey sells slowly at 2 2a2210 for hhda, and 2.21a23ie for bble.. limportationo. {Reneged for The Press.) CAPE BATTIER—Brig Elmir, Carleton-245,810 lbe lognood; 1178 cretchea ; 16 loge mahogany; 100 bags cof fee; T Wattson lc Bova. CARDENAS—Brig /51 E Hirano, Norden—M hhds sugar, D W Prescott; IV do, order. WILIdiNGTON, N. o.—Sch S II Strong, Mott.-160 bble opts turpentine, 218 Irbln rosin, P S Stetson & Co; 68 do turpentine, 2 Locke & Co; 29 do do Yarnell & Ogden; SD bble Rosin, D Dl!berth; al2 dodo, S do turpt, Cochran 4 Russell; 48 casks spM turpt, (}refiner & Darkness; 100 bags pea nuts, 0 11 Cummings; 1 box mdae, Dr Jayne & Son; 473 bble rosin, SO bales cotton, 8 pkgs sundries, Order, ' LETTER DADS At the Merchants , Exchange, Philadelphia. Bhip Tuscarora, Dunlevy Liverpool, Dec 26 Barque White Wing, Ealing' Laguayra, soon Brig Ocean Isle, Prudden, Dsrbadoes, Doc 26 brig J Nickerson, Nickerson Havana, soon Bahr Jas i Stroup, Corson Cardenas, soon SAILING OF TILE OCEAN STEAMERS. FROM Tat UNITED STATES. MOM • now ROIL DAt Onuada . : ... .....New York..Ltverpool ..........Dec 30 Fulton New York..llltre Dec 27 Borussia New ....... San 1 Adriatic New York..Liverpool--..........1an 2 Berets ' • New York—Liverpool Tart 8 Arago New York..Havre Jan 9 FROM 213110 PE. /11011 roll DAT Edinburg Glasgow.. New York Deo 2 Arago ,Alavre..New York Mc 16 Niagara " Liverpool—Boston Deo 10 Atlantic ..... ....Liverpool ..New York Dec 2S Africa ....Liverpool—New York Deo 20 EIMMIDOIAR.........IImburg..New York Jan 1 Fulton Havre,.New York Jan 12 • • . lly - Tho 43elifornis Mail Steamers eat from New York on the 6th and 20th of each month. Illarine Jutethaente. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 20, 1067. SUN 1418E8 7 24 I SUN BETE 4 FIB HIGH WATER 11 26 ARRIVED. Bark Gem, Hammond, 0 days from Boston, with mdse to J 8 India.. Brig Elmir, Carleton,l9 days trom Cape Elution, with logwood, mahogany, Ac, to Thomas Watteon & Sons. Brig Mary 11 afilliken; Norden, from Cardenas; Dec 15th, with sugar to D W Prescott. Left barks Harman, dis'g ; David Lumley, wig Mary It Barney , do ;J hl Churchill, dist; Jubiee, i 4 John Aviles, wtg; Pam phylfa, for New York, to sail In 2 days; brigs J D wig; John Hathaway, dial ; Ellen Hayden, do ; ochre Americus and Huntress, do; also a bark, brig and echr, unknown. The ME M arrived at Breakwater on Friday lad, during a gale from NE, having performed the pusage in 10 days, Behr Charlotte Shaw, Reeves, 11 days from New York, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. Behr Kate Callahan, Callahan, 4 days from Newburg, with mdse to J Arnold. Behr Sarah Woodbridge, Higgins, 6 days from Salem, with plaster to captain. • Behr J LI Houston, Russell, 4 days from Boston, in ballast to captain. Behr Wm George, Jackson,l day from Smyrna, Del., with oats to Bewley. Wilson & Co. Behr A Hammond, Smith, A days from Boston, with India to Crowell-& Collins. fichr 8 11 String, Mott, 10 days from Wilmington, NO, with naval stores to D 5 Stetson & Co. Behr Presto, Bristow, 5 days from Baltimore, with wheat to Robeson Lea Behr Lucy, Marston 0. day from Brandywine, with Soar and meal to Robeson Lea. Behr John Lank, Arils, 1 day from Frederica, Del., with corn to Jas Barrett & Bon. Bchr Joseph Micah, Adams, 1 day from Bmyrria, Del, with corn to Jan Barrett k Son. CLEARED. Brig Ann Elizabeth, Taylor, Porto Rico, J Mason is Co. • Btr J 8 Shrlver, Miller, Baltimore, A Grovoe, Jr. tar TELSORAPB.I (0011rpOlIdetiell or the Philadelphia Esehaagt.) CAPE ISLAND, Dee 28, 4 P DI A ship went to sea this forenoon, supposed to be the John Trucks, for Panama. This afternoon a foreign bark passed in with her signal flying, and soon after a bark went out. Wind quite fresh from SW, and looks very stormy. Tours, &0., THOS. B. HIJOHEB. [DT TELBORAPEL TO THE MSS.) 'Noarobs, Dec 28, The sells 8 C Watt, from Boston, h and to thin port, is ashore oh Cepo /teary. Aegislance has been sent to her. The echo C G - Waterbury, from Attegapes, bound to Now York, with a cargo or sugar and molasses, is also ashore. The wrecker's hale gone to her assistance. D1M7014, Deo 28. Arrived bark Thos Allibone from New Orleane; bark Oak from Philadelphia I brig W J Treat from Malaga ; oche Witch of the Seas froth Algo Day; steamer 01 ty of New York from Philadelphia. Nsw YORK, Deo 28. Araivrd bark Nueva Comdata from Campesehy; brig Dr) Exemplar from Turks Island• saw Marla Morton 'rem Port au Platt; brig James DI Vance from Havana. IMIRMORiaiDA Bteamahip Vlrgin3a, lie))'', hence at Richmond, 28th natant. Steamship City of New York, Howes, hence, et 800 on this morning. SteamsElp Black Warrior, Smith, for Havana and N. Orleans, old from N , York yesterday. Ship Fanny Fosdick, Olmstead, from New Orleans at New York yesterday. Ship David Brawn, Bradbury, from Manilla arr at N York yesterday. Ship Therese, flounce, for Hampton goads, old from Ohincha lelande 12th ult. Ship Marion, Grasp, stalled from Caldera Nov 2d for Tottoralllio to finish loading for Baltimore. Ship Forest King, Redmond. sailed from Caldera 12th ult for Liverpool. - Ships Ranger, Burnham, and Red Rover, Logan, for Baltimore, were at Ittnique Nov 15th. Ship Lizzie Thompson, Wilson, from San Francisco, arr at Iquique previous to Nov 15th. Ship Leonora, Mitchel!, was ldg at Port Gamble, Pu gent Sound, 20th nit for China. Ship Geo Raynee, Batchelder, from New York via Cal lao, at San Francisco 26th ult, and eld 28th for Elida Island to load guano for New York. Ship Star King, Turner, from Hong Kong at San Fran cisco 4th inst. Ship Gladiator, Williams, (late Crowell, who died 16 Sep, caused by a fall from main rigging ,) err at flow. lulu Nov 4th from New Bedford. Ships John Gilpin, Ropes, for New Redford, full freight; Hound, Stevens, for do, do; 'Harriet & Jessie, Anvil; for do, do ; John Hand, Decree, for do ; bark Sharing, Moore, for do, do, were at Honolulu 12th ult. Ship Eastern State, Rilhatn, from Chinches at' Callao 12th nit, and Sid 19th for England, Ship Volant, Braj, from Boston at Callao 16th ult. Ship Antos, McLaughlin, from Sydney, NSW, at Cat ion 16th ult and old 10th for Chineha Islands, Ship Belvidere, Jackson, from Ban Frandsen at Val ISO ; , ,IOV 2lth. Slap Gleamer, Lunt, for France, sailed from Callao Nor 1206. Ship Alexandria, Bartlett, from New York at Valpa raiso 12th ult'and ild 13th for Coquimbo. Ship Iforaburg, Oakes, at Caldera 9th uit from Valps raiao,.would proceed to Flamenco to finish loading for Baltimore. Ship Golden Fleece, Lunt, from Chincha Wanda, at Roth Calla o ult, and ladled 21et for England Ship Joseph lowland, Adams, at San Francisco 26th alt from New York. Bldp Quebec, 'Watson, for 0011011, cleared at New Or leans, 21st Inst. Ship Panther, Garnet, (rem Boston July 9th, at San Francisco 80th ult. Rip Aurora, Clough, std from Sao Francisco Ist lust for bong Kong.. Ship Borald of the Morning, Lathrop, for Dfazattan, sailed from San Francisco 3d inst. Ship John Milton, Harding, at Callao 12th tilt, from China's Islands, and eld 19th for England. Ship Versailles, Eldridge, eld from Callao 2lth ult for 114mpton Roads. 8111 p Elvira, Andrews. from Callao for 'tampion Boade at Valparaiso 2d Nov and old again 10th. Ship J P Wheeler. Itobineon, at Mautwain Oct 18th, from Bombay, to load rice for Liverpool at .t,4 10, bad been offered 26,000 rupees by govt agent to tako 1600 troope and come cattle to Calcutta, the charter to Liverpool to remain good, which offer might be rm. cepted. Ship Josephine, Lendholm, at Mauritius Oct 18th fm Akyab for Falmouth , had repaired and was reloading, to rail about 26th. Bark J Cohen, Bargee', to repair, remained at Gib ratter 4th that, Bark Early Bird, Cook, from /long Kong, nailed from Bon Francisco 4 28th ult. Bark Wm 'Henry, Young, cld at New Orleans 214 Ins scant for Philadelphia. Bark Ohae B Truitt, Scull, cld at Savannah 24th Int for this port, with 20 tons lilt Iron, 74 casks rice, 46 bales domeatma, 6 do wool, 99 do yarn, 32 pkgs mdze, 60 tibia, 7 boxes, and 344 balsa cotton. Bark Messenger Bird, Homer, from Japan, arr at Ho nolulu Oct 21st, and remained Nov 12 to load for Bra men. Bark Jenny Ford, Sargent, from Tookelet, arr at Ho olulu Oct 213th. Bark Lamar, Mom, from Baltimore via Talcahuano rr at Callao Ilith Nov. Bark Samuel Illerrltt, Wiggins, from Columbia River . - at Ban Francisco 28th ult. Brig Samuel Weloh, Barrett, from New York, art at Aatantrall 7th inst. Brig It 0 Wright, Walker, for River la Plate, with Boar, old from Richmond 20th inst. Brig Chu Miller, Brewer, for Ramie, old from below Bristol, R I 26th inst. Behr M Wrightlngton, Wrightlngton, hence at Fall River 25th inst. - Behr W 0 ItliaSon Duckaloo, old from Nall River 25th Sod for Philadelphia, Behr Maria, Connelly, hence, after being admit) at Hog Island, au At Somerset 26th inst. Behr Julia FOX, Lemming, from New York at Aspin wall 7th inst. BehrB 111 Williams, Smith, from Smyrna, Del, and Indus, from Vien a, kid, at New York 27th Mat. . Bohr Lien Darby, Cook, from New York, at Aspinwall 9th Inst. and old for Pensacola 17th. Bcbr 0 Q Waterbury, Cook, from Attakapas for New York with sugar and molasses, was ashore 16 miles south of Ocracoke, 24th inst, full of water. Nearly all the molasses had been lauded Behr A Cordery, Babcock, for Philadelphia, went to lea from Charleston 20th inst. ?dISOELLANY Ship Andalusia, of Baltimore, Patton, from the Ohinoba Islands, was ashore on the Oamotal in Callao Bay Nov 21th, and on that day was throwing overboard cargo to lighten her. She wan grinding hard, and at times would thump heavily, and it was thought that she would be got eir at P 31 of the above date. .-.' Bark 3lassasoit, which sunk et Idattapolaett on Tue. day, has been raised and the remainder of her cargo is discharging. She will go on the railway. Damages estimated at about 51000. Ship Starr King. at San Francisco 4th instant, from lloog Wang, had very heavy gales with bad weather in the China Sea; puffed Bashes Island October 26th, in a .heavy sea from the eastward, with tremendous sea which caused the chip to leek badly, and she continued to Make 4,44 to 6 inches water per hour ever since; from the Esthete to the coast of Japan had constant hard gales groin the bertheaat with heavy ace; on the 13th of NoieMber, lon 767 40 It, !atilt 46 N, while running before a heavy gale, and very heavy sea from NN 19, chipped a sent which washed hatch•house, cook-house, water casks, ant every movable thing on deck; stove in the main and Otter luttehes, filling the between decks partly full of water, damaging all the passengers' pro. visioncias Well as cargo betweet decks; stove in the [ cabin and fille4 it with water; was obliged to take 09 one of the lower deck hatches to let the waterar' in'the hole; succeeded in pumping it out after four hours' hard work; the second officer and h boy were Washed over board, and only saved by g-tting hold of some loose ropes on the outside of the ship; the starboard bulwarks were badly lopred, forward cabin ontire/yruined. The gale continued with the name dangeroup sea until the evening of the 16th, when It begen to entside. During the passage have lost au entire suit of sails, carried away all the Iron work belonging to the topsail yard, rendering it almost useless for the rest of the passage; patted maintopnisat and topgallant Nsekstays. and re ceived other damages. filnce the 20th of November have had moderate breezes from the westward, with variable weather; November 9th, passed a clipper ship, supposed to be the Dr ship Olaramont, whichalined from llong Kong Oct 2d for this port. FOREIGN PORTS . . At Melbourne Oct 15, ships Albion, Williston; Jumna, SWAM; Beatrice, Rogers, and Soutar Johnny Small, dieg; Detroit, Thomas, for Callao, goon; Gambia, (Dr) Murky, from 'thin Island, Missisnippl, dis'g; Bremen bark Wllhelinine, Kluane, for San Francisco ; echr Va quero, Newell, for do, via Honolulu 27th; ships Sea Nymph, Winsor, one ; Commodore Perry,Webh, do Donald McKay, Moodie, for Liverpool Nov I. Arr at Callao Nov 12, chip Josephus, Walton, Valpa raiso; 16th ship Henry Reed, Dearborn, Melbourne, (and aid 10th for the Chincha lalends),• Michael Ange lo, Harding, Chincha Island', (and sld 19th for Eng land); Samuel Locke, Sweetser, Melbourne, (and aid 10th for Chincha Wands); 20th, eh ips Natation, Lorett, Chincha Islands; Brazil, Blair, Sydney, NOW; Oxnard, Nason, Mischa Islands; 23d, ship Star of Hope, Pear son, do; 25th, ship Connecticut, Welch, do ,• 26th, ship Andalusia, Fulton, do—(see Mem): 27th. chip Victory, Gardner, Valparaiso. 111 d Nov 16th, ships Golden Croon, Bell, Chincha Is ludo; Rambler Lothrop, do. Ar at Valparaiso Nov llth,barkn Gold Hunter, Berry, Foyle ; Georgians, Reynolds, Port Gamble, ?agent Sound, 14th, ship Enterprise, BfeLeary, New York Joy 25; tah, steamer Polynesia, Rogers, Talcahuano. SW Nov 12th, echr Bowline, Peru. Arc at Caldera 4th ult, ship F W Dailey, Mitchell, Shields, Eng, June 10th; sth, bark Magnolia, ilissaer, Cobro, and old 12th for Baltimore. At SimptiAolll4 Bay, Vaticousar Gland, Nov 10th, bark California, for San Francisco, Idg,- to nail 20th ; brig I:Bonita. (NG) Bangor, Idg will, coal and sheep, found unseaworthy, and wig orders from her owners in San Francisco; ochre Jenny Jones, and Trask. Arr at Aspinwall Nov 20th, brig Arabella ' Day, New York, and old sth lost on hor return; 2d loot, bark An toinette, Baltimore ; brig Moselle', Hayes, Savanillo ; echr Ouindaro, Wails, New York ; steamer Fashion, Coughlin, Clrestown (and sailed 14th for Mobile); 3d, ochre Uococayo, Boca del Torre; Onkaky, Thompson, do; 4th, ache Initial, Shooke, do (and sailed sth for the coast) ; sth, brig Caroline, Whiting, New York ; 7th, brigs Windward, Gillman, do ; Ocean Belle, Nelson, Baltimore. 81.118 th, steamship Granada, Harrison, Havana and New Orleans. . . • - . • Arr at Kingston, aa, 80th ult, brig John West, Ball, from Norfolk, Vs., ((and sailed let lust for Montego Bay); 4th lust, brig °Olden Eagle, Moore, (Br) Baltimore; ochre Lotus, Clark. dri(and sailed sth for Falmouth, Ja) ; Thomas Jefferson, Phillips, from do , Mendota, Sargent, from N York; Liberty, 51cNeilly, Navy Bay. Old 2 , 5 th ult, bark Matanzas, Beckford, New Orleans ; Ist lost, brig Chimborazo. Brown. Apalachicola; Malls, (Br) Flit t, Savannah; 2d, brig Norfolk, Emery, Frank lin At do nth loot, brig Young America, for New York ; Behr Thomas Jefferson, Phillips, and Mindors, Sargent, Arr at Falmouth Bth that, achrJamee Mahlon, Diggs, Baltimore. -•• • . Arr at St Anne Bey, Ja,4th, echr New York, Stevene, Baltimore. DOMESTIC PORTS NEW YORK, Dec 2S—Arr brig Arabella, Day, Aspin wall; schrs North State, Morton, Savannah ; Fran* Loveland, Richmond ; Ceylon, Crowell, Wlndeor, NS ; Kate Stewart, Meaner Oharleeton ; Oarrie Sanford, Clapp, from Bridgeport for Washington, D 0 ; River Queen, Lynch, Providence for Norfolk; T Holcombe, Goatee, Savannah; brig Gen Worth, Dickey, Guantan amo, Cuba ; Steamers moo Swan, Post, Savannah , Jackson, Baker, Baltimore. Cld shins Mississippi, Allen, Baltimore , tthona, Schilling, Bremen ; bark Lecocq, Bahra, Marseilles ; brig War Eagle, Brown, Mayaguez, PR ; achrs Pilot' s Dride. Pierce, Galveston; K Bunton, Love, Portland Me; Margaret, Henson, City Point, Va ; Bennett Elan ner, Applegit, Wilmington, NO ; Richmond, James, Richmond. fild Chip Clifton, Williams, New Orleans. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS Up to 12 o'clock Last Night GIRARD HOUSE—Chestnut street. below Ninth. A Sutherland, N Y Wm D Dobbin, Baltimore Dr W B Crane, Baltimore Theo Payne, Ban Francisco W R Payne, San Francisco T F Payne, San Francisco Id Cheearson, R I E A Tarpm, N Y 8 Durgin & la, N Y J II Onion, N Y J II Bradbury N Y Miss Millard, Boston P 0 Rust, California Wm C Logan, Missouri F. Dorda, Schuylkill co, Pa JV R "'unloads, Reading 113 Hunter & Is, Leesport MB Spahr & la, 'fork, Pa Gen 0 W Williams & lady, Dr H 8 Worwood, N Y Baltimore Thos Taylor & la, Va H V Butler, N Y C French, Cleveland Geo La Houle, Va A Morgan, Smyrna Hon M Bright, Washington II II Rhoadee, Newport, 111 .7 J Taylor, Newport, R I Alonzo V Jones, N Y A 3 Johnson, Penns J Thursley, N Y D It Monies, N 0 J W Weir & la, Harrisburg IVre Williams, Penns Gee 0 Potts Pottsville .7 WD'Antignac,Augusta,Ga IVm B Dobbin, Balt R P Black, Esaton, Pa John II Hall, N Y C Knap, N .7 Robt Slater, Jr, London J P Joy & lady, 111 M. P °Meru, 11l H &illesettigor, N Y A Jackson, N Y B 31 Hyatt's', N Y G I, Kelly, N Y D 1 1 Ferguson, N I.' R W Ropes, N Y Chas 0 Jackson, N Y Mrs Lathrop, Conn 3tisi. Lathrop, Conn D Woodhouse. N 1 II Smith, Conn P J Avery, N Y AMERICAN 110TEL—Olestnut street, above Fifth. V%V Whitmore, Waebgt'n W C Whitmore, Washgt'n J I. Du Acds, C Cainpson, N Y E M Reed, Hartford J L Btroug, Hartford W Cook, Hartford II 2J Albright, Resoling J Whitmore, Harrieburg J Trayor, blivarsvlllo Wm Drools Sr la, Roston bliss Brooks, Boston J Spaulding, lowa Frank McDowell, Pa T 3 Peirce, N Y A H Sturderant, New York A P Prendegast, Del 11 Davie, Cincinnati, 0 0 Sturdeeaat, New York D P Snyder, New York UNION HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth. P 13 Thomas, Be. Jellies Thorn, Ohio 13 Pettebono. Ohio hut T Turner Pottsville II Marling, P k R.IIII. Ira Cortright, Deitionem JF Coale,P &RAE • 80 Eekel,NJ G Bruner, N Y A D Hasten, Coatesville J Ii liceekley, Phil* J Carter. Terminus Chas 0 Goodwin, Tamaqua DII Goodwin. Tamagni D back, Easton II II Hart, New York MERCHANTS' 110TBL—Ifourth street, below Arch, James Belford, M Chunk 0 Bloom, Luzerne co Pa IV L &Brener, N York Jan 0 Schrener Reading N liannarn to la, Allentown W McCreery, C L Howard, Valley Forge Ron J 8 Yost, Pottstown W L Valentine, Bellefonte Thos Broderick, Rockport Chas S Smith, Newark R R geyser, Newark John Swalley , Butler, Pa B Gomm, 'York, Pa B Thompson, Pa A 1) Eckel, Baltimore 0 it Priestley, Reading Chttallaropshirejeanarille N U Downs, Birmingham it W Drinker, t 3 Clifton J L Day, Beaten, Pa Chan Durfee, New York R it Little, Pa STATER UNlON—Market street, above Bixtli. AI J klcUee, Pittsburgh W U Burg, York Pa D Small & la, Pa J M Kelso, Danville, Pa It Small, Pa John Jordan, lowa J Landis, Jr, Newark, N J F. Gray, Pa J F Kunts, Lancaster J Spanogle, Parry co, Pa Gee Sanderson, Lancaster It Reynolds, Bid W Moore, Md .1 D Uerr & wife, N J D B Hershey, Columbia. NATIONAL ROTBL—Rene street, above Third. Geo Kline, Summit Rill E A De Pew, Easton, Pa A Haley, Wolfboro, N 11 11 Rogers, Saubortou, N 11 C A Morrison, Norristown Miss A Morrison, Norrat'n E Bast, Pa Wm B Lebo, Tamaqua. S Laubach, Northamp'n co H Handler, Pottsville W Sharpe, Summit Hill BLACK BEAR INN—Filth and Merchant streets Davis Kimble Chester co John B Reiff, Chester co Dr E L Drinehurst, P 01313 ., Beni Stratton & In , Pottsv Wm P Cooper, Lancaster co David White, Port Deposit Jas Spear, Delaware co Pa J Eckman, Lancaster co Wm Keeley, Lancaster co J Sampson, Lancaster co W J Taylor, Cheater co J P Wilkinson, Chester co Randal R Borden, Penult Beni Coed, Lancaster to Ben, Ebberroan,Lancast'r co Robt Baldwin, Lane co BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third street, ab. Callowhill. Harrison Miller, Lehigh co Sol Gorr, Lehigh co J P Haas, Lehigh co Jae Heintz, Lehigh co J K Swayer, Ateytown, Pa /no Rothtoff, Hamburg J Snyder, Lehigh co Mrs Snyder dcch, Lehigh co BALD EM LE—Third street. above Callowhill. Andrew J Iley, Easton, Pa Jacob Schall, Bath, Pa C Landback, Easton Jacob Rooster, Easton J J Zimmerman, Lekigh co MADISON TlOll9E—Second street, above Market. Faml Johnston, Trenton Henry Stubbs, Nebraska Nmanuel Townsend, Ma Frazer T Vandegrift, kid II 8 Wetherbee, Maine James Oolyer, Pa Martin Grosa,Bt George,Del 8 B Ford, bid Semi II Davie, 3 0 BARLEY SHEAF--Second below Vine. J W Murphy, Alla John T Neely, Bucks co John Neely, Buds co Wm Taxon, Bucks co John Hadley, Trenton, N J John Kugler, N J 811Kugler, N J A 8 Jackson Bucks co W Thomas, Hatboro' Prof Gundlach, Philo Special Notice°. Furs: Furs: Furs Selling off at reduced prices, wholesale and retail, at WM. F. HMEL'S Fancy Fur Store, No. 152 North Third Street, below Rare street. del4-3w Holiday Gifts —Gentlemen's Wrappers, Muf flers, Pusan, cravats, ties, stocks, shawls, Am Theme are most neeful primate, and aro to be found In great variety et W. V. Knight's, 012 Arch street, above Biath, at very low prices, dell,l-tdec. Skates! Skates! Skates:—Our readers AVM and the largest and most complete assortment or this winter luxury, and at the lowed pricer, at W. W. Smear's, No. 010 Market street, opposite Decntur street, no3o-1m Saying Fund.—Nntlenal Antety Trnet Um, pate, WALNUT Street, B. W, corner of TRIAD. ARRANGEMENTS FOR BUSINESS DURING THE SUSPENSION OF SPEOIE PAYMENTS BY THE BANKS. 1. Deposits received and payments made daily. 2. Current Dank Notee, Checks, and Specie will be received on deposit. 8. Deposits made In Dank Notes or Cheeks will be paid back in Current Dank Notes. 4. Deposita made lo Gold or Silver will be paid back Cain. interest Ft TB ten CRNT. per sun= Yam—Joseph i4osenbannve Fars are cele brated for cheapness, style, and quality. Store 410 Arch treet, between Fourth and Fifth. N 11.—Furs altered Into fashionable etylee. We study to please. det-lm fie,anten's Raving Fund—Office 203 Walnut etre - et, one door rent of imoond street. Receives de. palate in sums of One roller and upwards, from all , classes of the community, and allows interest at The rate of dye per cent. per annum. Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. Ptesident Franklin Fell; Treunrer and Suntory, Oberlee U. folarria. For Perfumed Breath, White Teeth, and Beautiful complexion, use "Bann of 1,000 Flowers." For dressing Ladies' hair, use Woodland Cream, a new Pomade." It curls Gentlemen's hair beautifully. W. P. FETSIDOS & Co., Proprietors, R. Y. Per sale by T. D. Peterson, 306 Chestnut; Samuel Sines, Twelfth and Chestnut; A. D. Durand, 718 Chest nut; T. II Peters & Co., 716 Chestnut; U. Q. Evans, Olft Book-store, 439 Chestnut; 0. S. Hubbell, 1410 Chestnut; French, Richards, & Co., Tenth and Mar ket; A. B. Taylor, Ninth and Walnut; Dr Morrison, Seventeenth and Cheeinut ; J. W. Slmea & Sons, Eighteenth and Twenty-Second and Market ; Edward .Oketstmann, 702, Chestnut; Thomas Lancaster, corner Eleventh and Walnut. u01d4," Good Coffee. Lover of Cone oannot realise the full value of Moir favorite beverage without having it made in the Old Dominion Coffee Pot. ARTHUR, BURNHAM, & GILROY, • 117 and 119 South TENTH, cor. of George, &•em aolo Mantas°Boer& THE PRESS.-PMLADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER, 29, 1857. Savin' Fund - • • -•-- • • OP THE AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY, S E. CoaN➢a FOURTH AND WALNUT STBEICTS, Dna always paid In full on demand, ANO OoPTINUeI TO DO 80. INTBREST, FIVE PBR CENT. &Mist* Gold Pens.—The attention of the public le called to our assortment. garb pen hazarded to give satisfaction. FARR & TUOMPEON, de2l dtJatl Eagle Building, 824 Chestnut street, The Greatest Bargains in the World,—The subscriber, being about to close his business, offers his entire stock of superior Ready-made Clothing for sale. A❑ in want of a superior article are Invited to sire him a call. Store to lot and fixtures for sale. M. TRACY, 292 MARKET Street. delb•2m Cabinet Ware and UPHOLSTERY, 624 WALNUT ST, OPPOUTH INMENDENOE SQUABS. UEO. J. HENKEL'S, 624 WALNUT Stroet, 0e22-8m Late of 178 Madinat Street Bank of Pennsylvania Notice... Notes of this Bank taken at par for a Wholesale Stock of Clothing, note being aoli at Ratan. No. 1 North runt Street. An Important Fact,•--We now see It an nounced that tho oxtorolyo Wholesale Clothing Dool ey', STRAUSS & GOLDMAN, No, 306 MARKET St., above Thinl,havo commenced to Rotall their entice stock at Wholesale prices. de9.lco Downes Infant Cordlal.•s•Thls Invaluable °radial is prepared from it variety of the meet choice and efdcient aromatics known in medicine, and is the most perfect and reliable carminative extent for infanta and young children. By its powerful Influence a speedy mire le effeeted In all cases of C hot's, windy pains and spasms. Relieves and mitigates much of children's suffering during denti• tion or teething, and by Its soothing properties tray soilless pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, &e. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and hew been used in thousands of cases with the most abundant sucsess. No family abouldbe without It. Prepared only by 011NRI A. BOWSI, At hie Drug and Chemical Store, N. D. corner of Sixth and Green ate., Philadelphia. To whom all orders mast be addressed. And too asle by Druggists generally. an 184 y Jackson, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT STREET. Checks, Notes, Drafts, Dills Lading, 13111 Heeds, Cir culate, evade, and all other kinds of Job Printing, at prices to eat the times. 0011-1 y S. C, Downid, Commission Business in Com merc'e' paper and Degotlations of loans, OS WALNUT Sr., opposite the Exchange, Philadelphia. nolo-2m On the 24th instant, by Rev. W. Sterrett, Mr. JOHN BENSON, to Mise ELIZABETH. DOUTTIART, both of this city. In Baltimore, 24th inatant, by Iles John hlct/rort, D D Mr JAMES II JONES to Miss MARY S. UOGEL, both of Baltimore On the 24th lnotant, by Rev. J. Atwood, Mr. HENRY B. BROWN to Mee RACHEL B CALLOWAY, both of Camden county, N J. On the 27th, ANN, wife of Edward Tutlow, aged 28 para. Her funeral will take place on 'Wednesday. 30th, at 8% o'clock, from the residence of her husband, Second awl Master streets. Services at St. Michael Church Cemetery. In Burlington, on the morning of December 20, MARGARET B. GUNNELL, relict of the late Jiunes Gunnell. On the 20th Instant, JOSEPH, on of Joseph and Catharine Carlton, aged 3 yearn. On the 24th instant, after &lingering Illness which he bore with Chriatian fortitude, Mr. ROBERT GREEN, in the 39th year of his age. 1D" Our names haring been published ntuong the list of Foiluree in the Sunday Transcript of Dec. 27th, we talus this manna of contradicting it, as we have met all our liabilities promptly. de29-3t* P. NAPLES & CO ff 7 The Leitt, of the Industrial Women AID ASSOCIATION are ready to receive applications from young women who aro desirous of obtaining em ployment at the Went, and who con bring satisfactory reference as noose:oxide, Cooks, Childnurses, or any other domestic business. Room No 116 Booth SE VENTH Street dirs. THOMAS EARLE, de29-at Vice-President. Ea" Masonic Notice.—The officers and mem bers of LODGE No ,3 A Y M., and the members of the Order in general, are requested to moot attbe CHESTNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, at hilf•gant 12 o'clock for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late Brother..lollN BEATTY. By order of EDMUND BREWER, W. bf Attest, WM. M. MARTIN, Sec. de29-2t* 137 - Masonic Notlcr.--The officers and mem ber,' of the It. W. the Grand Lodge of Yermsylvenla, tho members of Rising Star Lodge, 12d, and the 'ambers of the Order In general, are requested to meet at the HAIL CHESTNUT Street, on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON at half-past 12 o'clock, for the /forgone of attending the Diners' of Brother ISAAC W. 610011 E, W. M. of 126. B. FRANKLIN JACKSON, de29-3t Secretary. tri- Dr. Stevens's Sixth and Last Lecture will take place on TUESDAY EVENING, the 29th, at 7% o'clock, at the Handel A Haydn Hell, EIGHTH and GREEN. Sublet!: " THE THRONE AND PA. LACE OF THE C.ESARS." de2B-2t* irf" Dewier:rut of Iflghways.—Offlce of CHIEN COMMISSIONgn, S. W. corner of (Marone and Fifth streets, DEC6M6ER 26th, 1857. All persons haying claims against tho Ilighway De partmont for labor or materials furnished during tho preaeut your will present them on or before tho 30th instant. JOUN 1100ARTUY, de-2t Chief Commissioner of Highways. Dir- People's Literary Institute.—Rev. E. 11. CD APSE will deliver his great lecture on Social Forces." at the MUESICAIs FUND RAU, on TUES DAY EVENINO Dec. 29th, 1887. Tickets 23 conic Doors open at 7; Lecture quarter to 8. This is the only opportunity that will be afforded of hearing thus matchless orator this season. de2s-atit 11.7 Lectures on the Philosophy of the Bible, by the Rev. Dr. SOLOMON JACOBS, on the stb, 9th, 12th, lath, 19th, and 23.1 of January, 1855, at BAIiSOM. EITREET HALL, Sansere street, Price of Tickets for the course, to admit s °antiunion and a Lady, Single Tickets, 25 cents. Lecture to commence at halflest 7. Tickets to bo bad at all the principal Rook Stores. de2s-3t fl3"01 !Ice of the Commonwealth Insurance COMPANY OP MC STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA.— Pareuant to the requirements of the charter of the Corn• toonwealth Insurance Company of the State of Pentmyl- Innis, an Election for Ten Directora, to servo the ensu ing year, will be held at the office of the Company, N. W. corner of• FOURTH and WALNUT, on MONDAY, January 4th,1858, between the hours of 10and 2 o'clock no2B-stuth•tE SAMUEL 8. MOON, Bee'y. frr Literary Bureau.—An Experienced Editor, a succesefol author, and a thoroughly educated Literary man, weary with twenty-five years of the drudgery of Pally Journalism, nu determined to hire out or sell his brains at retail to those who may require their services in any honorable way. Merchants, Business Men, Invontore, and dealers of every kind, will be supplied. off.hand, with Advertise ments, (political or otherwhie,) Notices, Cards, Circu lars, or any species of article desired. Politicians will be supplied with Bpeeebes, Reports, Resolution'', Lettere . ; Touts, Pamphlets, Editorial Ar ticles, Oommuniestions, and every other sort of Brain work, which they may find It inconvenient or trouble some to defer themselves. Ladies and Gentlemen, of every rank In soolety or oc cupation In life, can have Letters written on any sub ject, whether business or senttnaentel, The advertiser will aloe conduct or translate 00frell• pondence of evert , kind, either English, Preach, Bpan nth, German, or Italian. Poetry, Acrostics for Ladles , Albams, Notes, Billet doux, Monodies, and Compositions of the most delicate and confidential character, Incident to every possible circumstance or event in life, will be furnished in In violable confidence, by writing to the undersigned, find explaining their w [dm. Orders by mail, accompanied with cash, will be strictly and promptly attended to. Address J. TROMPBON, Literary Bureau. dl 8m Box 2285 Philadelphia P. 0., Pa. OFFICE OF THE LOCUST MOUNTAIN COAL AND IRON CO.—SUILA.DISLPHIA, Dec. 18, 1867 —The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be hold at their otlico, No. 88 8. FOURTH Street, on MONDAY, the 18th January, at 11 o'clock A M., st which time there still be en election of Dl lectors to sere° for the ensuing year. • iie2p-dtjal3 WM. 0. LUDWIG, Beerotary. OFFICE OF ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE, Puitansbenta, December 28, 1857 SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at thin Office anti! 10 A. M. of the 30th of January next for furninb• Ing, by contract, during the year 1858, loather of the bent qualitT of the kinds herein specified, deliverable at the Dulled States Clothing and Equipage Depot, Schuylkill Arsenal, and in quantities an may be re quired, viz: Wax Upper Leather, oak-tanned, shaved from slaughter hides, Sole Leather, oak-tanned from Buenos Ayres or La Plata bitten Stock Leather, deemed by the morocco procese,rand of usual thicknese. Slack Bridle Leather, oak-tanned from slaughter hides. Russet Bridle Leather, from hides of the mote class, curried down without splitting Morocco Skins, Tampico, black kid finish. Visor Leather, japanned on both aides, one black, the other green, by the patent process. Chin Strap Leather, japanned black on the grain side, by the patent process. Slaughter Leather, for welte ()entracte will be bused oa accepted proposals, for the fulfilment of which two or more euMelent securities will be required. The names, addrese, and the responeibility of the persons propound as securities, with the acknowledge ment of said person' that they will be such security, or will sue that good and sufficient security be furnished in case a eoutract is obtained, will be transmitted tiith the proposala. Payments will be made on each dellem7, vhould Can green hay, made an appropriation to meet them, or as soon thereafter as au appropriation shall be made for that purpose Ten per cent, of the amount of each de livery will he retained until the contract shall be com pleted, which will be forfeited to the, United Statue in rue of defsleation oa the part of the contractor In rub tiling the contract. It in to be Minimal) anderstorel by every person ob taining a tiontraet, that said contract In not tranafereble without the consent of proper authority, and that any sale, assignment, or transfer of It, without such consent having been obtained, (except under a process of law,) will be regarded es en abandonment of the contract, and the contractor and hie geouritlea will be held ra sponnible for all loss or damage to the United Staten which may arise from said abandonment. Proposale will be addreeeed to the undareignad, and will be endorsed ' , Proposele for furnishing army sup plies and materiels." ÜBNITY 0. IVAYNN, !felt!-tu th a tja3o Bt. Major, A. Q. Mr. 350 VALUABLE ENGRAVINGS, IN PRAMS, PUBLIC SALE. FR - ;NOTE, ENGLIIIII, AND GERMAN Shun and Colored Engravings, OF TUX EITOOK OF A. S. ROBINSON. Will be sold by bl. THOMAS SONS, Auctioneers, without reserve, AT TUR STORE, 010 011MTNUT STREET) OALH TO TAN PLAOS ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY, January .Ith and stb, 005151BNCING AT 11 O'CLOCK. Tieturee opea for Inspection. Catalogue§ three days preeioue to sale, de29-tu th e mitt illarrtaileo Meat 110. ijolibtl Oifte SPLENDID BOOKS FOR THE HOLZ -10,3 DASS.—The fallowing Books will be sold at un usually low pricer', and a Olft, worth from 00 cent, to $lOO, given with every Book sold. Persons purchasing them will thus get two valuable Presente for the Name amount of money for which they could purchase one elsewhere. PARTIAL LTBT Forget-me-n0t...„ 50 imend,blp , i Offering 1 60 Friendship's Tolten...l 60 Friendship's Gift—. 1 60 0111 of Affection I 50 Youth's I( 26 Juvenile Forget-me not 125 The Pet Annual 1 25 The itiblet 175 UM' , Wreath 1 50 Ladles' Scrap Book.. 1 60 Memory's Wit 1 50 The Qem Annual— .. 150 The Boos 1 60 1 60 The Moss nose 1 b 0 The Itoee Bud 1 25 The Humming bird.. 125 The °Arland, or To ken of Friondebip. 1 50 The PaJlO/011 Flower. 1 50 The Tekeei The Phlloi °ens The Emblem The Freemason's An nual 1 60 The Magnolia 1 60 The °olden (Aft 2 00 The Garland The Christian Keep sake 160 The Religious Souve nir 1 60 Each of the above Book, morocco, 11411 gilt, and Must steel plates. Laths Rookh, hoe, cloth, ell " Turkey, a Lady of the Lake, 800, clot) Tur The Diadem, morocco, full The Souvenir Gallery ' 6 , The Book of the Boudoir 6 6 ... Tho Book of Beauty 66 Leaflets of Memory, Turkey, full gilt . The Oriental Annual, " ant.... The Casket, morocco, fall gilt.. fur s le bandornoly bound In trAted with colored and Etna !atm gilt rkey, apt.... gilt The Lady's Gift, morocco, ull gilt, 6 00 The no. Landscape Annual, cloth, gilt ...... ..... 100 4 4 morocco, gilt 400 4 • 4, 44 ant .500 Cora of the Season, Turkey, ant, 6 00 Ifospsaku Auuust, cloth, Eat - a al ~‘ .. morocco, gilt 400 ri 4, ant 5 00 Winter Wreath, cloth, gilt. 3 00 morocco, ant 5 00 Floral Keepsake, royal !Ivo, cloth, gilt 3 00 44 morocco, ant......... 5 00 The above Annuals are entirely sew, eplandidty Il lustrated with steel engravings, detected with arreat care from the beat, editions published in the United Mates. LADIES' ALBUMS. - - • • • -. The Pet Album 11 00 Leaves of Mendel:tip-11 15 The kleesenger Bird Leaves of Affection.. 1 76 Album 100 The PhilmensAlbuos.l 75 The Sunbeam Album. 1 DO Token of Love 1 75 The Hem Album.... 100 Album of Heart ... 200 The Rosebud Album. 1 00 Landscape Album.... 2 00 The °Millburn.-- . 100 fforget•me-not Album 200 Album of Love 1 76 Album of Memory... 2 00 Album of Rernem- Souvenir Album .... 2 00 brance 1 76 Friendship Album... 200 The above Albume are at beautifully illuatrate4 with steel engravings and colored illnstratlona. and hand. comely bound In morocco, extra. Autoraph Books, morocco II 25 antique 160 Bend and get one of the above beautifully bound and appropriate presents. to net forget the peculiar fea ture of these 80016 le, that with dvory book purchased you get, in addition, a gift worth how fifty cents to one hundred dolhire., Bermes at a Mance wishing any of the above valua ble Books will be furnished with them by express or mail, on their remitting the price. Poramm ordering Books sent by mail will please send twenty-one cents poetsge for Books from $1 to $2, and thirty-six cents Or Melte more than that amount, Address . O. G. EVANS, del7-thetulet 459 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia pIiESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS THOMAS C. GARRETT, No 326 CHESTNUT STREET, Rh LOW FOURTH, INVITES PUBLIC ATTENTION TO 1118 LARGE STOCK OF 0000 S, SELECTED WITH CARE, AND WELL SUITED FOR PRESENTS, CON SISTING OF GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DIAMOND AND OTHER JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, FINE TABLE CUTLERY ; &c., &c. del .4t UMBRELLAS FOR NEIV YEAR PRESENTS, Yon sALII BY WM. A. DROWN & 00 , ,6028-0 t 246 MARRS'S Street L ADIES' FURS FOR CHRIBTHAS PRESENTS. The most eultoble Article for the Holidays, and 80 VERY CHEAP, At OAKVORD'S, de2l-nt 621 CHESTNUT, below Seventh Street OAKFORD'S HOLIDAY HATS Is the most beautiful style ever offered. No. 6 2 2ICIIESTNUT Street, below SEVENTII de2l-0t OAKFORD'S THREE-DOLLAR HATS Are the beet in the Country. No. 624 CHESTNUT. de2.l-tit below SEVENTH Street CIIRISTMAS PRESENTS.- Writing Desks, Portfolios, Portemonnales, Purses, Bags, Card Nam Pocket Knives, Backgammon Boards, Chessmen, Ono Letter Paper, and Stationery of every description, at greatly REDUCED PRICES. J. It JOHNSON, No. S North EIMITII Street. FINE WATCHES. A full supply of all tho celebrated London And Geneva Watches constantly on hand. We sell the Genuine .Rodaltam Watch at Twenty-fire Dollars less than the agency price, as established at Boston. Boston Agency price In 27,0. 275, 300 dollars. Bailey dr. Co price is 225, 250, 275 dollars. BAILEY A CO no2B4tuth4w 428 CHEBTICUpTItt CALL AND SEE The Greateet raaterr or HOLIDAY PRESENTS Ever exhibited in Ton OITA Or PHILADELPHIA, Which will be /Sold at exceedingly LOW PRIOEB MAIIXSEN k, WITTE'S, MASONIC IiALC, di , tt IN CUMIN ST &llama° Inrniobing (Yoobo VINE SHIRTS, made to order, and war ranted, of elegant material and superior work manakin. Alen, Dregs stocks end Gentlemrn's Wrap• pens, at the Premium Store of W. W. KNIGHT, 012 Anil Street, above Sixth. WRAPPERS! WRAPPERS! WRAP PERS !—A very large and elegant aemortment at reduced prices. Also, heavy under-clothing of all de• acriptions, for gentlemen's wear, at W. W. XNIGIIT'B, 012 AllOll Etreet, above SIM. no2l-y NOTIESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORM, and PATENT SHOULDER SEA3I SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. ISO CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly Invited to this Improved rut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole tale and retail, and made to order. Political. FOR REGISTER OF WILLS WM. 71ANCOOKS, TWiLTIT WARD, 42-3m* Subject to Democratic Itutee. F OR SHERIFF ALDERM 4N GEORGE MOORE, /VVRTLI WARD IlubJoct to Democratic Euleo. F OR SHERIFF JAAIES G. GIBSON, TWENTr-HE00141) WARD. Subject to Dmocrelo Bulee. notl Sat* REMOVAL. JOHN STONE & SONS, IMPORMS AND JODUKRII OF SILK AND MILLINERY GOODS, HAVE REMOVED TO No. 805 CHESTNUT STREET, AUOV% EIGHTH. de2s-21,* GIRARD BAKERY, No. 1120 GIRARD AVENUE, South nide, below Twelfth. FRESH BREAD, of the be Flour ' every morning, sold by weight only, and fur cash only, at a very low ante. Also, 111.181{, BUNS, and PIES fresh every day, and at juices to satisfy all customers dedo art COWER & 'MEAGHER. KBROSENE OIL, DISTILLED FROM COAL KEROSENE LUBRICATING OILS. This 011 In not only CIIEAPER, but SUPERIOR TO VIE BEST SPERM. It will NOT GUM OR CONGEAL AT A WV 111E3MP }MATURE, And It will RUN LONGER 'AND KEEP TUE JOURNALS COOLER TITAN ANY OTHER LUBRICATING MATERIAL. lD ?steelslnlets and others ere requested to call And examine these olle at the sole agency, (DORGB M. FREEMAN, Agt., deld-ant-It N 0.11.6 Walnut 'street, above Front. ANNOUN,CMENT. The subscriber begs tare to antionnce to bin friends and the public that no will open his SALOON fa their reception on MONDAY, 14th inst. Ills Mock (n large and rich vnriety) will consist of PRESERVED AND CRYSTALLIZED FRUITS. APRI COTS CHERRIES PINEAPPLES, PEARS, QUl ‘ _Nor:a„zi 0 DONOCRS—A large an treat ascettmont. FANCY TOYS—liechnnical Tufo, paper, wood, and nugar—an endless variety. FANCY FOYER—Newest etyles, fancy and plain, and varied eanortment, of every podalble deacription. SAOS, CABAS, CORNETS, BASKETS, VICTORIA& PASTILLAUES, Aro., Ac., all of recent luaportatloft, and which for extent and variety will &Ey competition. For aale by R. lIENRIUN, Confectioner, des-1m BIARKET street, above Seventh. OVER-SHOES.--70667‘sesIen's Long and Short Boots, Over•qhoes, Panda's, Clogs, and Poot•liolders Women', Long Boots, Gaiters, Buskins, pontlals, and Oros Moss of all kinds. . . Boys , Long Boots Over Shoes, and Bludale Ilases , and Chlldree'e Long Boots, Gaiters, O%er Phoea, Sitneabi, and Clogs, all of the best makes, and fresh made. Roy sale by the case, dozen, or single pair, at reduced prices. IYholesale and retell dealers will find our prices lower than they eau be bought 1n New York. JOHN THORNLEY, 311 CHESTNUT Street, de23-2w* above TIIIRD, north aide. FLECTION-PENN MUTUAL LIFE IN SURANCII COMPANY An election forNlne Trustees, to serve for three years will be hold at the Office of the Company, on MONDAY January 4,1858. Polls open at 10 and clone at 12 A 111 PHILADELPHIA, December 21, 1851. dell 28,00arja2 JOHN IV. 1:1011NOR, Sec, THE INTEREST DUE JANUARY 1, ISZA. on the Mortgage Bondi of the ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD OOMPANY, (held la Philadel phia, will he paid 011 presentation of the Coupons at the oftlee of E. S. WIIDoEN & GO, No. 809 WALNUT Street. JAMES GIBBON, Treuurer. PITTSBOnOn, Dec. 24, 1857. de2B-tja2 WANTED—A VESSEL TO LOAD IN the Louisiana Line, for New Orleans. Quo de. epatch and good ratan glveu. Apply to BISHOP, SIMONS, & d024-at 120 (late 20) North WHARVES SORGHUM, or CHINESE SUGAR-OANE GEED-25 bushels for sole by OROASDALE, .PXIROE, er. 00 Rolo4l loi N. ATO1:1W1. ChM eacoa. U NE FUT, AND ORNAMENTAL!— 11l PRICES TO SUIT TH6I TIMES RM. BROIDERIEB FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS.—Just opened, new and choice styles of_ Swiss, )reach, and Scotch Collars, Iron :Vie. to $ 4 . Cambric Collars, very cheap, from ?..s o to s t. Au Passe Collars, new atyles, from 50,. to $l. Pleolonllii Collars, beautiful goode,froin 76e. to $4 60 lioaltron and Maltese Collars, very cheap, Tie toll 50. Valencia, irranch, Swim ; Cambric, Linen, and lloul ton Sete, from 600. to Stf. Embroidered and Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, very cheap. Sleeves, Infanta' Waists, Preach and Chantilly Veils, 'Bouncing, Embroidered Scarfs, Ice. eV Ribbons, Rid Gloves, and Gauntlets. MAIO AND SHAWLS . . . closing Out at an enormous sacrifice ; also, Belaina, Mennoee, Coburys. &o, Qullta and Counterpanes closing very cheap, at deU.Ot & T II BELCHER'S, B. W. ca. EIGHTH and STRING GARDEN Sts. CLOAKS AT HALF PRICE We ABC Bow CLAMING Oft OCR ENTIRE. STOCK OF CLOAKS, Many of thew at ono halt the price they coat, from It hO ....15 00 6 00 4 00 .... 5 00 0 00 .... 4 50 to best superfine. MRS. R. MtTeilk:Ll, 41 Miran NINTH STREET, Five doors below ARCII Street NA.RROW BORDERED CLOTH TABLE UOVERS,—We have just received one cave of et, nerlor Cloth Covers, in Arab and Drown narrow borderv, detrigned for Friends; also, the same with centre pieces ; and nano Covers in similar styles. SHARPLBSS BROTHERS, d 023 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets SACRIFICES IN DRESS TRIMMINGS WE ARE BELLING BALL TRISISIING, Braided Drop, 37c, formerly A7o Do, Do. Floßs Drop, 1.5 e, formerly 50c. FANCY VELVET, 50e, formerly, $1 25. AND RANGY TRIMMINGS OSSISALLS, AT STILL HEAVIER REDUCTIONS. J. D. 'MAXWELL A, SON, CHESTNUT, below Eleventh, del6-:a and SECOND, below Spruce CLOTH CLOAKS FOR PRESENTS. Gray Cloaks, $2 50,13 50, &o. Black Cloaks, richly made, $3, $5, &o. Flue Black Beaver Cloaks, $S to $l5 Cloaks in profusion of style, nuatity, and price. LADIES' CLOAK GLOM, Bought at auction, and for cash, comprlaing— Floe and medium Black Braver. Black Llooskin or Mohair, $l, Si 25, $1 50 Black Mixt Velvet, for Trimming, 60 cta. Brown acid Gray Clothe. very cheap BROCIIE SHAWLS. Bestiat, Green, and two-faced centres flood Brodie Long Shawls at $S and 15 Black Thlbet, Blanket, and Children's Shawls. GLOVES, CRAVATS, SCARFS. Gents' Shawls, for travelling. Warm Gloves, lindershats, Drawere, Ac. COOPER A CONARD. S. E. cor. NINTLI and 2dARRET. N. B English 10. cent Prints, in (Daewoo, for Christ man GUN, de2l CHRISTMAS PRESENTS OF REAL WORTII ' Fine Black Cloth Cloaks for S 5 Beautiful Chenille Cloaks for 14. A greet variety of Cient! from $5 to Be. LONG DROGUE SHAWLS, ALL WOOL AND BILK, FOR Se, Square and Long Brodie Shawls from 80 to 820. Blanket Shawls, Chenille Shawls, Sco., he VERY EXCELLENT BLACK SILKS. Fancy Silks closing out below cost. French Merinos at 50c. English Cobourgs very cheap Figured and Plain all.wool Detainee for 250 per yam ' line quality Plaid Cashmeres for 25c., double width. GOODS OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION. Irish Linens, of the very best make. Ladles' and Gentlemen's Linen Handkerchiefs. Ladies' and Gentlemen',. Kid Gloves. We have a very large etock of Linen Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, Clothe, Caesimeres, Blankets, Flannela, Carpets, ibc , ho. TIIORNLEY & CHIBM. - . de10.3 , N E cor EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. " We buy end cell for Oath, Bud buro but one price VLOAKS.- `l.-i MAD AND ELEGANT CLOAKS The largeH and handsomest stook of VELVET AND CLOTH CLOAKS ILI the City, /T ItlOl7OllD PRICIIB, AT CEO FRYER'S, No MG CHESTNUT STREET. B OYS' CLOTHING. F. A. HOYT & BRO. Rave now on hand a very large assortmont of READY•MADR GOODS, Suitable for the present nOll9Oll, which they feel disposal to tiell one Ip. ASSEIdBLY BUILDINGS, W CORNER TIM A/ID 011132 NUT 870 N have a large assortment of uncut goods, of superior quality and make, to order from. d I.lm - R ANK OF PENNSYLVANIA.-SPE- A_AP CIAL NOTICE —All the notes on the Bank of Pennsylvania redeemed at par for DRY GOODS, ceiling at less than Auction price.. Slueline, Line., Clathe, Caceimerea, Blankets, Shawls, Calicoes, Detainee. at great sacrilice, in connection with our entire stock, which will be told at prices which will altonish all who may favor aa with a call. PenneyHama Dank Notes taken the Same as specie, (we make no difference,) at OLIVEII 11. JOHNSON'S 'Pennsylvania Bank Note Dry Clouds Store, No 1000 SIAIIKET Street, above Tenth, north Ado. N. R —Orders reeelred far the very best &hellion Coal ; Pennsylvania Bonk Notes taken in payment. OLIVER H. JOHNSON, L ADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. 0. MAXWELL & SON WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES 10'46 CHESTNUT Street, four doors below Eterenth And 318 8. SECOND St , below Spree,. FACTORIES.—Non 93 and 97 GEORGE St , Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union. Order. made at a few hours' notice. ee22 4mlf FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! FURS!!!! JOHN FAREIRA & CO., Importers, Manufacturers, MA Dealers in FANCY FURS, FOR LADIES AND CUILDREN, Having manufactured an immense Stook of FURS, with the expectation of doing our usual business, the present pressure of the times, and comparative stagna tion of trade, have left us with an unusual amount of Stock upon our shelves. It is to meet this difficulty that we have now DETEIUIINED To close out our .ENTIRE STOCK At Prices actually less than THEIR COST TO MANUFACTURE' We have also on hands lard and complete assort moot of GENTS' FURS, OLOVES, AB of which will be sold at very LOW PRICES No 919 MARKET St , bat. Eighth in Ninth, nolo-Ow South Bids WRIGHT & CO., B A IV KEES /ND EXCHANGE BROKERA, Old No 37 South THIRD Street, near CHESTNUT ERESIILII WI" ON GOLD, SILVER, AND ?JEW YORE EXCHANGE City Warrants Bought at the lowest rate,. de22.04 QCIILL, CAMBLOS, CO., BANKERS, No 3C South Third Street. The highest premium paid for AMERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORK EXCHANGE. Uncutrent Funds bought and sold. Stocks bought and sold on commission only nolo-2m• A MERICAN GOLD AND (NEW YORK EXCHANGE IFASTRD AT RIMIEST CURRENT RATED, BY CRONIKE & CO , SPECIE BROICENS. nn2l.dtf 40 SOUTH THIRD BY Ir. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS, • No. 37 South TIIIII4 Street, Phlladelphla COLLECTIONS promptly made on all accesnlble points In the United States and Canada Moan, Bonds, dre, Bought and Sold on Commiesion Uncurrent Bank Note,, Check., &c , bought Al the 10Weet. rotes. Deposits received and Interest 'Cloned, as per agree ment. not-3m A DAILY PAPER IN CAMDEN.—ON -GIL the MONDAY IN JANUARY, 1898, the undereigned wilt commence the publication of a DAILY RYENING PAPER, in the city of Camden, N. J , In• dependent In politica, and devoted to the Intereste of Went Jersey. In addition to the usual contents of a daily paper, arrangements aro being made to wore the latest Intelligenue from all parts of this and the sur rounding counties. It is the intention of the under signed to spare neither labor nor expense in the effort to place this Journal on a permanent Muds, and therabv supply a demand which is every day increasing in this section of the State The price of " TOE DAILY," when despatched by mail, will be f 3 per Annum, and f 3 for six months, in variably in advance • Single copies one cent, at the Office, or six cents per week, payable to the carrion; ADVIIIITIfiIeMENTS inserted at the rate of five tents per lino for the first insertion, and three was - per line for each subsequent insertion, No inset lion made for lees than fifteen cents. Matrimonial and Obituary Notices at the same rotas. The Office is now open for the reception of orders for the Paper, Advertising, and Job Printing, in the New Three• Story Brick Building on the north able of MAll• HET Street, Camden, five doors below the corner of Front street. ble2B-3t) P. J. GRAY. LONOCHAMVS OLD TOM LONDON CORDIAL GlN—The beet epeethe for Dyepepriq, Diseases of the Eidneyr, and all the Urinary organs , TIM gapes. TONIO AND INV/GORANT The late Important reduction of tho duties on npirits has pelinitted the Introduction of this remarkable article, used no extensively in Europe, with the appro bation of the medical faculties, guarantied pure and unadulterated withdrawn for consumption from the vault. of the Custom House. It is recommended to all families by the best physicians, either as a curative or as a preventive of the above diseases. F. D LOMICITIAMP, Sole Importer and Proprietor, 217 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia, Pa. For sale at theprincipal Drug Stores of Philadelphia and other cities of tho United States CIIAMEOIN, 204 South FRONT Street, Sole Agent for the district of Philadelphia de22•tuthelm# QAVING FUND.--lINITED STATES a.. 7 MIST COZtIEANY, corner of TRIED and CHEST NUT Streets. Large and email sums received, and paid back on de mand, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal Office hours, from 9 until 6 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINCIS from 7 until 9 o'clock. , . . DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Boothia, from LI upwards. President—STEPHEN R. ORAWPORD. Troaeurer—PLlNY FISH. Teller—JAMES 11. FLEETER, sel7-I,lf BILLS AND ACCOUNTS COLLECTED. PHYSICIANS, DENTISTS TRADESMEN, and others can have their B ells mot ACC(IIOIt3 made out and Collected by an experienced Accountant, who can give the belt references Cellectioua In this city, from out side portico, promptly attended to snd remitted. Ad dress AOOOI.INTANT, No. 737 BIXTEENTH Street. de2.6t, No. 1009 Market xtreet COLL.IIII3, &c illonev Oaks by 'Auction M THOMAS & SONS, .ox• Non. 132 and 141 SOUTH 701311. TH MEET, (formerly Nos. 61 and 69 ) REAL ESTATE, BTOCKB, &e. Public Betel at the Philadelphis Exchange every Tumidly Evening lIT Ilandbille of each property issued separately, In addition to which we publieh on the Saturday previous to eaoh sale one thousand catalogue* in pamphlet form, giving full descriptions of all the property to hi sold on the following Tue.. trr Ftmx :try trolit BALES AT TUB AUCTION STORE every Thuredey morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALI. It 7" We have a large amount of Rest Estate at Pri vae Bale. Including every deecrlptio4 of City and toiletry property. Printed Lista may he had at the auction Store. n Real E PRlatate enVATE ter BALE REGISTER. " ed on our Print* Rale Re- Ogler, and advertised occasionally in our Public, Sale Alestracte,of which 1,000 copies are prmtedereekly,) free of charge. PUBLIC SALE—LEASE OF A VALVABLE BCBINEF.B STAND. .. • . This Evening inst 3 at the Exchange, wilt b e t0 m .pt " 30333s t o sale of real estate, the unexpired term of a lease, hay ing IS months to run from Ist Jannary next, of STONE NO. SOCTLI PEON r STREET, Extending 185 feet through to Letitia street, Moir; a large sky-light In centre. It comprises the first floor and cellar, the entire depth from street to street, and the third and (earth stories on Letitia street. on which it boa a handsome front. being a very desirable stand for a domistic commission or importing house PO/SOSSIOD given on let January. Ip' It may be had at a reduction from the present rent, if applied roe previous to the 29th inst. STOCKS. LOANS, INSURANCE SCRIP, his. This Evening 29th met , at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Eithutie • watt.. .old— 6 charts American Academy of Music. 5 shares Runtingdcn and Broad Top Railroad and Coal Company I share Philadelphia Library. 1 !Mare Philadelphia Athenximi 1 share Mercantile Library Company 61,655 scrip Union Mutual Insurance Company 61.750 scrip Independent Mutual Insurance Company Ire This scrip is receised at par for premiums Alto, for account of whom It may concern : trot mortiPllP 7 coupon bonds of Burlington City, 2.4 . 3.. 6 per rent water loan, for 51,000 each 10 shared Pennsylvania Railroad Company 45 SHARES CONSOLIDATED COAL COMPANY. On Tuesday Evening, January sth, at 7 o'clock. for account of whom it may concern-45s hares Consolidated Coal Company, La teran county, Pa , par 5100 REAL ESTATE SALE—TIIIS EVENING This sale will Include, among other property, the fol lowing— Orpheoe' Court Asle.—Eitatot of Wllltem Hurter, THREE•STORY BRICK DWELLING —Three-story brick dwelling, north side Poplar strest, west sib of Twelfth stmt. SIMle Estate. LOT.—Lot of ground north side Girard avenue, rest of Twelfth street. =EMU BRICK BUILDING AND LOT Lot of greand wart ride or Ketiller street, loath of Diamond drool, Nine teenth ward. MEM! TEIREE-BTORY BRICK DWELLING.—Threa-etory brick dwelling west elde of Ililbira street, south of Stiles street. Twentieth ward. •• • . ELEGANT RESIDENCE, ARCH STREET, AND LAItCII7 LOT.--The elegant residence No. 1025 Arch street, below Eleventh street. It is finished in the most expensive manner, and is replete throughout with all modern conrerueucee, 25 feet front 175 feet deep to Academy street. Immediate possession. Kepi at the auction store EP' 1110,000 may remain on mortgage for three years NEAT IIODERN RESIDENCE —The nest modern four-story brick residence, No 335 South Twelfth street, above Pine street, It is built ins superior manner, with the modern conveniences. Immediate possession Sale by order of Ileira—to eloae`tate. . _ . VALUABLE MARKET STREET •PROPERTY— LAROE LOT.—AII that valuable lot of ground, math side of Market street west of Eighth street Otte of the late fire), '25 feet front, 147 feet deep, with banding, material!, ite. MEET! SEVEN BRICE. DWELLINGS 1N VIE BEAR Seven four•atory brick dwellinge, foraltig court In the tear. REAL ESTATE SALE-JANUARY 6th Th I sale will Include— AN ENTIRE SQUARE OP GROUND, TWENTY THIRD WARD, OPPOSITE THE EPISCOPAL 003- PITAL.—The valuable square of ground, havLog a front of 585 feat on Front street, 616 feet on Lehigh Merna, 556 feet on Fillmore street, and 646 feet on Somerset street Your valuable (MAIL VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND.—The valuable font.- story brick store, limbed in modern stylo, No. 130 North Third street above Arch, NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE —The neat modern residence, No. 410 South Eighteenth street, below Pine. Immediate possession Executor's Sale—Estate of Elizabeth Lippincott, Deed DIN ELLING —Three-story brick dwelling north auto of Parrish street, east of Ontario street REAL ESTATE SALE—JANUARY 12th Thht sale will loclude Orphann' Court Sale—Estate or John B Jonea, Deed THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING --Southeast CHOICE AND VALUABLE LIBRARY BOOKS, Rua OANTLY ILLUSTRATED WORKS. ANNUALS AND GIFT BOOKS, , A LARGE PORTION FINE LONDON EDITIONS lIN EXPENSIVE AND ELE GANT BINDINGs—SUITABLE FOR NEW YEAR PRESENTS. Thiv Evening, December :'9th, wn will ,ell at the auction stove, a collection of valuable and choice author. on nylons subjects, together with elegant Illustrated and gift books in handwrae bludungs, suitable for New Year presents J }or particulars see catalogues end the books, which will be arranged for examm►tion on Tuesday morality; Baia Nos 139 and 141 South Foortb street SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FINE MIRRORS, PIANO FORTE. BRUSSELS CARPETS, ac. Thursday Morniog, At 10 o'clock, at the auction atore, an extecomire aa.ort moot of second-hand furniture, mirrors, piano-fortes, tine carpet., ho LA V tiROQUIN CURT SINS, &c —Also, aotrtal suit, of handsomer lainbromtuin window curtaius.- with cor nice.; One rosowood bad 'canopies and curtains, gilt cornices, fine, &e ELEGANT PIER MIRRORS —Alio, 2 elegant French plate pier mirrors, 25 by 105 filches, in rich cured, gilt frames PEREMPTORY SALE OP FINE I:Nouse AND FRENCH ENGRAVINGS OF HIGH COST AND BEAUTY Stock of Mr A. S. Robinson. On Monday and Tueaday Morning'', Jan 4th and Ath, commenclog at n o'clock, at the atore of Mr. A n Rubingun, No 1.10 Chegtout street, above Ninth, will be .old without re . WWo3sochoice and beautiful engraving., many by ..the moat celebrated Engludi and French artiitl The collection embraces e. variety of Levy interesting subjects, in neat and elegant framer, the whole to be sold, as above tasted, without renacre. ft 7 Catalogues with particular, will be ready three day! preTioug to sale Pharen in the Academy of Music ; Point Breeze Part; Philadelphia and Mercantile Libraries; Athennum, " PARLEY" AT PRIVATE BALE The elegant country seat and firm, known as " Par. ley,' late the residence of Richard raison, deemed, formerly of Dr. Shippen, is offered at private sale. Full desert ptlona may be had et the auction rooms n SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, (succcs • or to WOLBEBT & MCO TT, )431 CHESTNUT St , uppente the Custom House, between fourth and Filth Etrtete. FURS' FUR% On Wednesday Morning, Commencing at FP, o'clock, wilt be sold a large sod ealusble stock of furs, in set, for ladies' and misses' wear, gents' fur collars, capes, gloves, Ac. Also, an assortment of sleigh and Carriage robes LADIES' CLOTH CLOAK.B —Also, a line of ladles' cloth stooks, aUtGETIS, booques, dic Also, a line of French and Scotch embroideries, rib bons, French arid:Mists, millinery goods generally, Also, a general assortment of superior eiermantown knit woollen goods, such so wool comforts, lambs wool Shirts and drawers, wool hoods, tints, hoes and 1kh1f h0.,11...e. ID - Samples and catalogues early on the morning of sale. insurance Companies GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA OFFICE IN COMPANY'S BUILDING, No 403 'NAL NUT. Corner of FOURTH Street Charter Perpetual. Authorized Capital ,1500,000 FIRE, INBIJRANCE, limited or perpetual MARINE ItihCRANCE on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights INLAND INSURANOU by Rivers, Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriage . ASSETS, Nov 1. 1857 Real Estate •57,000 00 Real Estate held in trust, (in Phil/4 ) _0,700 00 Bonds and Mortgage. .38,350 00 Hock., (par value 092,450) present aslue.... 57,915 00 Sto,k mites 38,400 00 Rills reemrable 27,446 81 Cash in bank and on hand 2,184 38 Cash in hands of Agents 7,653 92 Premiums unpaid 9,386 86 $285 020 09 DIRECTORS. CHARLES C LATHROP, I.En Walnut street. WM. DARLING ,Ihlo Ptae street ALEX. WHILLDEN, merchant, 1 North Front st ISAAC HATLEHURST, Attorney and Counsellor. JOHN 0. HUNTER, firm of Wright, Hunter, & Co E TRACY, firm of E Tracy &CO Goldsmiths' Hall JOHN,R. OMIT, firm of Jones White. & WCurdy THUS L GILLESPIE, iirro of Offlespe4. JAS. D 5311T11, hero of Jae II amlth & CO lIARPER JEFFRIES, tirrn et Win U Drown & Ce. JON. It TOODEB, office cur. Seventh and Sansom eta. CHAS E. TIIOSIPELON, (Dice 413 Chestnut street ALFRED TAYLOR, office Cairo City Property JONA J. BLOOMS!. office 2:2C, Booth Third street CHARLES C LATLIROP, President. WM. DARLING, Vice-Prexidest. LEWIS GREGORY, C 4 Vice-PreMdent, New York H. K. RICHARDSON, MP:glint-Secretary. de2341 GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSUR ANON OOMPANY, PHIL ADELPIITA—Offfce, No. 809 WALNUT street, ',vet or THIRD. ' , FMB DISKS ONLY TARIM.. Dlll3ol'olB. Jer. Walter, Jno. McClure, Tho. Craven, A. 9. Gillett, rllllOllll inerrant, Sarni Jones, AI D Joseph Klapp, Dl. P. Wm. H. Swain, Johp Anspach, Jr., N Burroughs, J. B. Hughes, F. D. Sherman, Wm, P Hacker, J. P. Steiner, H. A Shackelford, Hon. Jeit, JONES, President . Hon O. W. WOODWARD, Vice President. Jan. 8. )lOMOLLIN, Secretary Janes B ALTORD, Assistant Secretary. 1302-am-R COSIMONWEALVI FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OP THE STATE OF PENNSYINA. NIA.--Ofllee, N. W Corner FOURTII and WALNUT Streeta, Philadelplua 8 übecribed Capital, 8500,CA0, Paid-up Capital. 1200.000. DAVID JAYNV, M. D., Preeldeat. THOMAS B. STEWART ; Vice Frail. 8/1101IL B Moos, Secretary. ORIGINAL EDITION OF CHARLES KNIOIIT'S PICTORIAL SIRKSPEARE—IncIud ing the Doubtful plays and Biography, and illustrated with very numerous Engravings on Wood, in the high est style 01 art; forming 8 vols., imperial 8 TO. The subscribers have been enabled to secure three copies of this magniticent edition of Shakspeare, which has long been exceedingly scarce Immediate applica tion well be necessary to pro ent disappointment in pro curing copies. C J PRICE Si CO , Importers of English Books, del-y No. 33 South SIXTH St ,above CHESTNUT, TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. 1 —DR C. L 311.7NR5, No 731 SPRUCE Street, Informs his friends that, by the Galvanic operations, the nerves of the Guns and Teoth are so benumbed that there ie no pain in the extract3on. deinl-Ste TIODUBLIC NOTICE.—E. G. WHITMAN & 1 CO. are now prepared to offer to the public the best and larg , eet amortmeut of Donbons, Sugar Toys, Candied Fon.a, Sugar and other army goods, suitable for Christmas Trees. The candies manufactured by us are made of the best material that can be bad, amongst which are tine env-coated Almonds, Jelly Drops, Cordial Drops, Moss Poate, Gum Drops, Caramelise, Ac , &c. P. S.—Superior Walnut Candies, Cream, and all varieties of plain Candies. Also, dealers In all kinds Foreign Fruits and Nuts. No 102 South SE COND, one door below CUESTNET Street, Philadel phia. rio2o-e to thaw* JOHN CAMPRELL k SON, BIBLIOPO LISTS, to the GUSTOG 11017311 Avenue, have al. ways for sale rare and scarce Books. Gentlemen book worms are Invited to call and judge as to Timms and va riety. Law and miscellaneous books purchased In small or large quantifies. Books continually receiving from auction ie24-th to 3m* WBLO ORB BANGS.—SOLD BY CHAU - Wit7B at 888, &fl N. BEM Bt. mtl,B-142 Salto bn %action. BY ALFRED M. BERKNESS, PHIL.% DIMPHIA amiss Jarlt CAE&WM GAZA 411. eentbatat corner of Ninth and &sow Na , between Cheetnnt an-1 Walnut streets. . _ . . 111 Wed of horse*, eaxrhyymt. and Imulbmw, had regularly every SATURDAY biORNILHO, thMerbov.t Ih..tecr. commencing at 10 o'clock. II — !' The largest collection of nen and second-hand fda - riages, harness, andlies, Ae , in the city, ma) b• sees at this eitabliahnient for private solo. MOIr Carnage* received on 'lrani. I.llarr Oat-door Wei attended to on renal able terms. HOMES, VEHICLES, AND HARNESS. Os Batorday At 10 o'clock, at the Dasw, will be sold, hoses., vehicle., and human. TAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, z.zo. 423 WALNUT STREET shw• FOURTH. oIBo—SALE or uoussaoLo ituasimia—ruts- 111 We beg lease to inform the Wolin that we beta onr regular weekly Lulea of Furniture *eery Tweeds *A our SPACIOCS SALES ROOM, NO. W. 21. W ALMIT STREET, where every poas.tilo attention La Oren to ob tain the highest priers for the goads of those who coy tarot tut with coati gomanta. Families haring partisan at their furniture to dapoee of, co thous declining hawse keeping wad not wishing Wye at theft ors d can have their furniture CAREFELLY ILEMO*I I 4I OCR SALES ROOM, WHERE THEY WILL REALMS BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR FICRNITHRE THAN THEY OAN OBTAIN FROM ANT 07 TIL, ZU NI. TEEN DEALERS OR ANT onumArcnos INTUE CITY. It? P- . ersona favoring as with cookgnmenis NM aid assured that their property wal not be samillasd. Coromisalono more moderate than thou ahamaged by any other -tuatara Bonne in the city. Conaigamenta rospectfully *Alerted. U Sales paid immediately after the goods en sat bale on saount of whom it may mumern. STOCKS_ veni n ay E, December 30tO Wednesd h, 1533, will be reald, ng on acomunt of whom it may concern— 150 shares of Eagle Gold Mining Cornyouty, Turista 2t)00 do Monroe Gad Haan Company, Virginia -83 do Sanaa Hall Company, 300 do El Dorado Luang Company, rirgials. 50 do Wastangtost Mining Company, Furth Ca rolina. 200 shares of Chtarapeako Ham.' Company, lilt:Wisc. 350 do Ontonagon do do do. - • 100 do .Dovdlais do do do. 50 do Bohemian do do do. 6000 do Pluiadelphia Lad pony, Califon:do. 100 &arse cf Lewis Geld Miami Company, Noe% Carolling. 1 share, bang 6.Z of of a certain inveaßoa and paten% known ad Darlan LnkrlankinjCon fr - I original antes Elan frantiana Land ~ *or. 4 do do do do do do. 4g do do do do do 30 shares Seamless Tubs Catapazy, New Tort. 35 do do do do do. NOO do Philadolptda and California Wan CCIII• gAzir, California. 3000 shares Dickerson Marble Con:Tani of Tonsuesses. SEAL ESTATE SALE—JANUARY 13Nii . . , This sale at the rzehanie, on Wedneed►j men& Jannary 13th.1.559, at 7 o'clock, will litelade-- Orphans' Catirt Hale—Estate of Jobs Ward, Deed. 2170 FRA.3IIB I.IOCSES, 80311111922 82., NINE. TkILNITI WARD.—The lot of trowel, with tiro frame houses thereon erected. northwest We of Sono sat street, 100 feet northwest from Almond street, Stan taenth ward, 20 feet front sad 108 feet deep. $ll ground•rent ED - 'so to be paid at the sale. Hale at No. 022 Walnut street. HOUSEHOLD TURNyEu . as, , DEDB, HAREM U. Thu ltoralog, At 10 **cloth, to sold, at the auction sham as Luortmeat of household ♦od olleo fandtare, glseses, ke AT PRIPATT BALL A tirstolles Printing °Moe, with a good ran of bed= nese, fora printings-mw, twolinage* and eas Alamo IVA Type everything neeetaary far • batitomia. MO at the Auction Stars. SAbiITEL NATHANS, A.IIGT/ONISR, and NOWAY LOAN 071102, No. lit BMA THIRD Street, below Ward, opposite Pear et., only eight doors below the Exchange. Hours of business from 7 o'clock, A. Y., mita is o'clock in the Orinilll. Outdoor Wes, sod Wee at the Mottos Wes, AS. tended non the met sattaractory terms. CAPITAL NlOO,OOO. Es White:l for tee lase Thirty Tsars. Advances made from one dollar to thosesais on Dy moods, Silver Plata, Watches, Jewelry, narbrara, liar &iodise, Clothing, Paraltere, Padding, Olgate i ltathel Instruosato, Gans, Horse, Onaninim aml 121 ; 4141 ae Sin deseaipLe. goods rma. may unth tuo - soma upon. All lAwaztewa, Irma hanirid doll's sad will b• shared 2 per cent Per smith 12622 aed owe s the lowed market rata. This ttore House lizeim a depth of 1.10 east, bash:ego are and thief-proof malts to store aft ralusbles, eat prt rate watchmen for the premises; also, a hammy Met ranee effected for the benefit of sit arson atip role ad lanced upon S. B.—Or account of Itariaz as ttillatited this oats is prepared to make *drawee on more satin factory and secoatmodatiair terms than may other In this city. Money advanslla to the poor, is smell moat% whit! oat any chance. IT MUTH SAIL - - Gold Patent Leon sad ether Watehas, /oval:7, and Clothing will be sold at reload Weal. &CAT MOSES NATHAN S, AUCTIONELI kND cOmn.M.o.ll MSZCILVIT, b. 1. soar &MTH And RACY Straits. AT PRIVAT BILE—GoId and silver piawt tram, Lepins, English, &nes, and Preach ta:eses, jewelgy, of every description, noitsical Instruments, l e., AT PRIVATE BALE—Arvenged en seems& household turn:tare, of every dageriptimm, beds, mat tresses, csrpetLtio, kitting gleam, fancy articles, Jam. I.c, do, Out-door sal** atternate4 to permorally by the Airtime ter. Charges very low. Consignments of !mita. clothing, jewelry, Ac., &a , enliceted. NATHAN'S PRINCIPAL LOAN OPTICI, B. E. Corner of Birth and Race Streets, Where money will be leaned on _gold and direr plats Watches, Jewelry, Dvereomir, Clothimr, HU thee" Oroeerlea, Began, Harlem", cutlery, ding, Horses, Vehielea, Hamm &oat. Lad on all ar ticles of value for any length acme "griped es, on mars satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other ertate• liehment. Al. NATHANB. GREAT CHANCE TO PROCURE CHRISTMAS PRE SENTS PUB LESS THAN HALE THE car.u. BELLING PRICE. -- At Pnrate ale, for lets than half the selling prig's, at the Loan Office, southeast corner of Stith and Race streeta— (told end slicer watches of eve ry desseriptloa, cold chains; gold bracelets, hair bracelets; elegant gold breaatpins; wart pins and breathes; elegant gold finger rin,r,s; line gold ear rings; Sae gold and silver pecan cases; fine gold spectacles, elegant gold shirt stale, ca rious desmptsons; het bracelets; gold keys; Sae gat modalhons. poste ntonneles, and numerous other artkies ot jewelry, totes; accordeona; steel skates; microscopes, surveyors' in,truments, carnet: machines, resolvers. a_c , do -11_;— Can early arch procure bargain. GREAT BARGAINS FOR CHRISTMAS PREaUFTS, AT PRIVATE SALE, AT REMARKABLY LAW PRICES. Hunting ease, double case, and double bottom, fall jeweled and plain English patent lever watches. bilver Enghsh patent User watches. Ranting case and open tare gold eacapement and lever watches kluutuag case and open face gold lepine vetches. Very fine cisme ted ladles , gold vetches Silver lever end lepine watches, English, Wee, and French watches, gold chains, jewelry, musical Lus'au mesas. and. numerous fancy articles. WF,BIFI3 great axle of forfeited Watchea, Jewelry, Guns, Platols, AD/steal Instruments, , willbake plass shortly. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding, being forfeited collaterale, will take place shortly. Doe notice will be given. AT PRIVATE BALE. AT BALE THE C317.L.L BELLING PRICES —Double-bottomed ant hunting case gold patent lever watches, of the most ap proved makes hunting case and open face gold escape ment lever and lepine watches. LIB jeweled • fine gidi enameled lever and lepine watches for le:Iline; Lola. Jewelry of every description; ether lever atell vetches, In hooting eases and open fete; falter Swim, and French watches; • general samortmen taunt, beds, rattresate,mirrora. Lv. OCT-DOOR BALES SOLICITED, and charges to suit the times, low. Consignments of every deireptioa of soots Bolieitsd fee public or private sale MONEY ADVANCED en all and every kind of goods, for public or private sale, er to be hall for • ue.tad time. Charges low GEORGE .W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER N. S corner of BARRON sill BOtTN. iNnerbi spore Swot! STENO° BALES. SAW ErEra SATURDAY EVENLSO, At tg o'clock, at the Auction Blom of ItAntartsi, Cat lery, llocutekeeping Articles, °loaf/at, Watehee, lewd ry, Plumy ArUclea, ho. A m naements IRS. D. P. BOWERS' VP MATT STREET TILEATILE. Sele Leseee DIHS . D P. sowlas. Actin; and Stage Ida:lacer . aitturros. MONDAY EVENING, Dec 'nth, MT The Entertainment; commencing with the Perortie Play, by SELBY, called the naRELE HEART, Or the Sculptor's Dream Raphael Dash&let, Mr F B Conway; Fenllnsal Vol age, Mrs F B Conway: Viscount ClianmartgwattE, Mr Mll'a Marco. Mrs Bowers, Max!,, Mee 0 Richings - To conclude with the Ityitic Leone entitled THE KING OF THE MIST. Martin, Mr lionlface , Peter Block, Mr Chapman; Datne Else!, .Ira Selaby, Clertrnia, Mir , * C Eichinp Plitt* of Admission 2.5 Cents. Secured Sate In Pr•ce Circle 373( '• arquet Box Office open from 10 o'clock A M. to SP. It Door. opened at a quarter to 7 o'clock; entt►i_^ yin nee at a quarter past 7 o'clock Ii T HEATLEY's ARCH ST. THEATRE. —SOLE LESSEE W. WHEATLEY MONDAY EVENING, December 28lkk. The performances to commence srlth the Latighehle Corned] etta of TIM RIVAL PAGES. Louts XIII of Prance. hi. First Appearance thls Sea , non, Mr \V II Myers; Tictotre, Mtn A Croles; Julie, Mies E Taylor The performance to conclude with tbs Glesoi Spec tacular Play of TOP LAST DAYS OP POMPEII Arbaces, Mr E L Dareupert ; Lydon, Mr Wet 'Wheat ley; lone. Miss Emma Taylor; Rydta, Mrs E L Darer. port Scatx or PRICES —Boxes, 25 tante, &Korea Seats. 38 cent+ ; Orchestra Stalls, 50 cent.; Seata in Private Doles, 75 centa , Gallery, 13 cents; Gallery for Colored Person., 25 cents; Private Dos In taliery for Colored Persons. SS canto Box Ofsce open from IJ A M until 3P. M. Nora wall open at clock,o' lerfermsneis to commence at 7, precisely. IVATIONAL THEATRE AND CIRCUS, L WALNUT STREET, NEAREIGHTH. LESSEE WE.3LEY BARMORE. ASSISTANT 3LANAGER R JOHNSTON. EQUESTRIAN MANAGER THOS. ZINO MO;DAV EVENING, Dec :pith, 1557,. The performance Rrll cornmence vitt, the Etplen3ll Frermh DramaßAG eatttled the PICKER Of PARIS Father Jean. .Mr 11 Johnston; Pierre Gerona*, Mr Gill; Jacques Duller. Mr Nagle; Henri Berrille, Clarke ; Marie. Mrs i C Cunningham, Mr. Samuel Bharpley in his Orut BANJO SOLO. During the evening, the whole company will appear as DEDOVIN ARABS. To conclude with the Pullet Pantomime of SANTA CLAUS. l.gtr Perking, Mr Butler; Baur Kraut. Mr Nnis ' .1 GRAND AFTERNOON PERFORMANCE EVERT DAY TIIIS WEER PRICES OP AI , 3IIBSION—'2S Canto to all parts Of 0111 House. Doors open at I3,ti o'clock. Performance to com mence at i X o'clock. SANFORD' s OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Street, above Cheeimut ETHIOPIAN PERFORALANCES THIS MINING. Ethiopian I.ife llhut:rated by Sanford's Troupe of Stars—New Denoee by tke Sanford Children. Doors open at 7 o'clock—to commence gnat - ter Wort eight. To coaclade wdk A LArGadou AITERPIZci. Admittance 25 cents. BUFFALO OVERSHOES bIEN'i. and WOMER '3 WCYFALO OVERETIOES for rate by the ease or sitkee pair OEO. W. TAYLOR, de2tLtje.l 8. E. Cor. btur.A I. I' and 1111TH Ets BUFFALO ROBES—CLOSING OUT without regard to vrotit, at Ne. 402 sier,gri Street, swath side, one door above Fourth street The entire stock of Buffalo Robes must be closed act before the Ist of January. THE STORE TO MT. LW., on th e promisee. 4105/41