i' , R42eit' 'Xititicesli2, ALN THEORktua fOR THE YDDri AND OQU.ITY'OB VIRLADRUPWIA. •Pk thn rotates of the account or 13TEPTIEN JOSEPH, Quern= of the minor ohlidren of ;WOK . detailed. The Auditor appointed to Audit, settle, and adjust the account of the said. Stephen Joseph, and to report 'distribution Of •the' funds in his hands, Witt attend to the authte et his appointment on )SUNDAY,, 28th Ds. oember,lBsl,' at 4 o'clock p.m., at his Vince, No. or EANI3O3I street. - de23-ddt =amp L. rrrintßON, Auditor. TNE'ORFRA,NS'.O.OIIRT FOR TIIE Orrf ANIII COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. " i. Estate oriVILLI tat E. ILOANOR, deceased: ' "The .Auditor appointed to audit, settle; and adjust ;the itiCbtibt Or Stanate/ Webb; ohtilVelati, and Wiklisne Veish,•Axecutots of the WILLIJLICE , Jl O ll. - NOtti deer/tell - dial: 0, to rhpott:dtatrihntiOn, irHl attend' to the duties or hiaappointrunnt en ToßsodY, Jaatutiy, ktir. A, D. 1868, at 4 o'clocli.Y. hi:, at hie offloo, No. 271 , ,gonth Ping fiveo,t, 4,V0if . r1174 , 1$ atre?t, to the city - 411Oalladeiphia. - knotor, _ THE, HOHHT,'OP...,HORHOH PLEAS . -1- FOII , Top 'tirrTIAND O,OIiNPT PPI/lIIAOEL XMIA,',Inne Temiltigi No MI. • -•- • • - --141411L1E &BATON by her next friand;*e. ros.,OIIAS. .2.TEWAWP &BATON.- . - • • - Sur Ilhel for Divorce a:Witten-la MatrimonY: AmEnowl 7)000.0et 1411,1861, 011 MOtiOU of William B. Ifood, for libellant, the, Court giant a robe ~on the respondent to show canoe why a divorce from the Bonds of Matrimony' ;ohm:11,1.'1ot beAecreed—returnable Saturday, January .T.d, 1858; at 10 o'clock A. bf. ._ the Stewart Bestow; Sir: Please take notice of the above rule. • WILLIAM B MOD, • de24.2taw,.2wit • . -Attorney pro Libellant. ;MIME ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE oiTY O:MINTY- Ols PIIILAVELPRIA. Estate of SOHN' SAVAGN, deceased, The Auditor appointed to audit, settle and adjust the . sicatainte of IIF.OIIIIE - BUNDLE and 'WILLIAM GEV+ FIV/Siisseentors of the estate ofIORN SAVAQN, de' calmed, islad,iti*ort distributind, willnieet the parties interceded at his office, No, 248 South RUM stteet # - below WALNUT, 'on MONDAY," the 28thdei ~, catobek 13G7, et 4 O'clock • of De 7 `dele , stitzdt - ' , Auditor. TN.THE COURT: UV 00,10(ON_:'PLEAS , FOR -WEB OITY :AND 00IISITT OF PBTLADBL. _ • In the Matta; oftiMistate oiTIIOBAB BRADFORD, deceased, Prater =mar Swoon Account r of Thomas B. XbAtreelt, 34111lain:Bradford, Jr., and James ll.Dradford, ThOu ' ditOrippointed to nuilit, settle, and adjust the *cepa:Account: of Thomas R. Derrach, William Brad foril,"Jr,, and James ,Bradford, 'goatees, and, to re. port . distrlbiltion of -the balance remaining In ;their ineot the parties interested at his office, No. dOt infOß Street. s'ooseyoutth :street, In the city of .Phtlsdelphfa, on"TffNSDAY the Twenty-ninth of De. Aeinber,lBo7, at 4)F o?olooke.11. - deld-wfwst P. P. monis, auditor. illatiVlCE: - .LWEIEREAS :HENRY :WHITE athrretuf late eepartnere; trading u White Pteiene, 4 Co., did, on the eleventh day of No. irembir, Avli, 1867., wake and execute a general as : sigument to- the , undersigned, In trust, for the benefit of their - Creditors, whloh geld assignment is duly re corded - at Philadelphia, all, persona indebted to said neniguorawill make payment to • ISAAC S. WATBPAIAN, Assignee, Snarl& anw-Ow*.' N. W. corner Second &Arch sta. ---- "1 p$T." OR MISLAID.--OERTIFIOATE 31 Ininiber '2BO;f6iFTVII SIIKREg OP STOOK of trio A kttlilOAN AOADNUY - Or MUSIO. Notice le here by striiointt . application will be made for re-lesbe of the same. - A lIDITOWS NOTICE.. --ESTATE OF ABRAUAIt L. moyra, 204 Wife, Amapa for beoedtof creditors. . . Titeunderaigned, Auditor appointed by the Court of +Common Pleas of Montgomery county, to make distri bution of the balance appearing on the account filed by floury Ideldiller, fisalgua4 of ABRAHAM L. 110YP.It stud Wife, for the benetit of creditors, among the per - *One legally entitled thereto, wilt attend to the dutivs of hie. appointment, at his office, in the borough of - NORRISTOWN, in sold county, on WRDNESTIAIr, the SOth dry of Deromber, 1857, at IP Week A.' EI., when and cohere tat persona interested may attend. de7,m4t - . B. P. lIANCOCR, Auditor. - MUNICIPAL ' CLAMS. -NOTICE IS 111 hereby given to the owners of premises mention ed in the appended. memoranda of Claim?' for Paving, that writs of &ire Yhtior will be issued on said claims in three months from the date hereof, unless the same Will be paid at the office of the undersigned, 212 South 1111.11 Street, below Walnut, at or before that time. WILLIAM M. November - 2d, 1135 T, Attorney for Plaintiff. City of Philadelphia to the use of George W. Stroud Clharles Reynold. 0. P., June T., .1.851 y No. 90, $202.29. Paving southwest corner Twenty-sec.. nd and Green streets. • , Same vs. John P. Titus. 0 P., September T. 1351, No. 69. Claftn $1.0.17. Paving north. side Clayton 163 feet west of Tim:Ay-second. Seine vs. Jetfee Coniston. 0. P., September T. 185 t, No. OIL:: Claim 143.63. Paving north side of Clayton street, 62 feet west of TwentvAmeend, no3-m-3m IN THE MATTER OF.THE ESTATE OF IN JOHN WILLIAMS, deSeased.. Notice to hereby given that letters of - administration 'upon the estate 'or JOHN WILLIAMS, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, A/I persons indebted to said estate are herebyrequested - to make payment, and all persona haring claims against said - estate are requested to present the same, without delay, to EttIMOR S. LEEDOM, No. 253 MARKET ELIZABETH WILLIAMS, No, 419 South SIXTIENTIt street. or DANIEL DOIDZIIIEETY, their Attorney, S. Si. cornerEHMITH and LOOLIST streets. , deld.law-ew TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE TI111""43-1-434:"1"7--°"1744,2,Titaktivnio - eicrottuf of WilltaniltgiatM=s-cLala_Artu Browtt, ' Administrators of ROGER BROWN, deceased and to neakeaistributionot the balance in the hands of the ac , cm:tutees, will meet the parties Interested as hie office, NO lid South FIFTH Street, below CHESTNUT, ou VIITIRSTIAT, the 'ith of January, 1858, et 4 o'clock R. JAMES H. 06.511. E• '492l..thtnwst* aPPIOE OP THE WESTMORklaisiv COAL COMPANY, No. WO Sonth Third street, corner of Willing's alley.. Parenienure, Dee. 24th, 1851. At a meetingof the Directors, held this day, & Divi- dend of EMIT PER CENT. was declared on the Capital Stock', payable to the Stockholders at the Office of the Company on mud after January Ath, 1858. The Transfer Books will be closed until January Bth next. de2s-finivtjs4 INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OP'P.RINSYLVADITA, POILADELPRIA, Dec. 24, 1857, The Annual Ifeeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Company's Office,-No. 4 BM:LANGE, on TUES DAY, January sth, 1858, at 12 o'clock noon ; and an Election tor T &Moen Director/ will ha' held at same : place on MONDAY, January _ 11, 1858 between the houre - of 10 o'clock, A 31. and 1 o'clock M. de25.4ja1l WILLIAM HAllPER,Secrelary. fIiPPICE OP THE - NORTH PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of ,‘ THE VORTU PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY . ," will be held at the office of the Company, No, 123 WALNUT, above Vourth street, Philadelphia, on MON DAY, January 11, 1858 at 11 'o'clock A IL, at which -thee and place an Dltction will be held for A President and Ten Directors, to nerve for the ensuing year. le2s.dtjall EDWARD ARIdiTRONO, Secretary. 1r- - - OTICE:—TRE STOCKHOLDERS OF the °MAIM FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, are hereby notified that an Election for Ofcere and Directors, to serve the ensuing year, Irl)) be held at the Qdlce of the Company, on TUESDAY, the bth day of January neat at 12 11. 4e26.211, J. 8.1104:1J4LI13, Secretary. 4,,0RN EXCIIANGE INSURANCE - - IL/ COMPANY.—NOTIOR.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders, for the election of Directors for the ensuing year TAU beheld at the Mee of 'the 0011. 0, 2 41,,M,t 1 4thWO N ua ß ry T 14 8 trt ail l'h o te e nt, on 4e19-tja9 'LRAM/RR if, ;V: If. STARR, Sec'y. NOTlCE.—Oftlee of the WestmorelandCoal Company, Philadelphia,33eeember lOth. 3557. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Com -PtulY,Willhe held et their otßee, No. 230 tenth TiltED street, bii,WEDNESDAY, the th of January,lBsl3, at 32. &sleek, at 'which tine an Election will be held ler Eloper, Directors, and a Secretary and Treasurer, to sorsa for the, etieniqjTal P. 11. JAOIISON, • Bee:Rory. NOTICE. - - Office of the Beaver Meadow Railroad Company. ' Damao/A.l.mA, December 14,1887. The annual mooting of the Stockholder/ of the Beaver Meadow Railroad - and. Coed Company o,if he held at thee office, No. 322. WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the 18th of January next, at 12 o'clock, at which time an , M 'ention be held fox Prealdent and ten Dlieetore for the eieuldk year. '4lolBi4MslB* L. OBAMELBBLAIN, sea, and Treas. IpIPHILADELIIIIA AND' -READING 4 RAIIROAD CO3—.olllce V 7 South Fourth Street. • Pair.snxtruta, Dec. 24,1847. Tosco/II detention, Me holders of Coupons of this Company due'on'tlielst proximo are requested to leave them at this Office (mot before the Blot Met, Irina re ceipts trill be given, and cheeks will be ready for de• livery on the Rd proximo in exchange for such receipts. de.24