Rit;;P:ltrE S • PUBLIEMBA DAILY, (MIND/LYS EXCEPTED,) BY JOHN 4`4 ' Ol4-117 . E, Nii:;,)4l7 . :clraiNVT STIM3T. 111 A 1 I.I , '"PICE 1119 ' ' - TwELva Ozylitrin Wslc, pyoble to the earrlirs. • 14111144. to gunaiitbornout of the (My it Stx Docilto Vein Annuli ; YOWL VOLLLIIII XIGIIIT MVO= ; TURthi Bain/ins roe Su Invarlabl,r In admen for the - • Mailed to Subscribers out otthe City at THICIII Dot.- Lana ViR Andel!, la edyanpe. livExatlc'rnEss. Tgi *slay puss wilt roefeent to gutecrlbere by 'mail, (per unarm, in advance,) at $2 00 *Three QoPhts, i`", • 500 ?Ire Copies, • ' " • " , 800 • Ten Copies; " - " 12 00 ' Twenty copies, " (to one address) 20 00 Twenty Copies, or over, " (to address of earl' ' subscriber), oath - - -1 20 Sor a Club of Twenty-one or over, we wilt lend an extra copy hi, the gettest s up of the Club. Postmasters are , requested to Jot sus Agents for Toe Wessator Pates. • . WASPIIBTON's INIMITABLE COVERINGS FOR' Ting liEAp - X4O4ace all the points nonentity to GENTEEL RFPEOT, • aid aA thedotatla and nicer elegancleo which impart FINIBILOOMFORT, AND DURABILITY. Gentlemen aro Invltod to call and examine. 0n35-6ro. 430 .111F.STNUY Street golikqh rifts 1 1-,OREA.TLY REDUGED PRICES. Ll, A beautiful seleetlou'of HOLIDAY GOODS, suitable for Presents, to ba found hi GREAT VARIETY, , atthe comer of V.OIIRTU AND CHESTNUT STREETS, snub eit POETSMONNATES, POCKET BOOKS, PORTFOLIOS, DRESSING OASE6. WRITING CASES, BANKERS' CIASE,S,, • BANK BOOR HOLDERS DILL BOOKS, 'MONEY. BELTS, • ' ' GIGAR OASES, • RAZOR STROPS, —WORK OASES, - •. CARD , OLAES, NEEDLE CABES, POOR ET CUTLERY, ROGERS' RAZORS,. 0111ISS BOARDS, BACKGAMMON BOARDS, PAPIER MORE WORK BOXES, • DESKS, dro, , GOLD PENS. and GOLD AND SILVER P,ENOIL CASES. doltArr%F.. H. SMITH, . N. W. corner FOURTH' and CHESTNUT SD.. LOOKING 'GLASSES, ENGRAVINGS, OIL PAINTINGS, CHRISTMAS PRESENTS JAMES S. EARLE Offers for sate the Largest Assortmeoi of the above, at the LOWEST PRIOEB to be found In the city DABLErS beautiful ILLUSTRATIONIO ,of JIM SMOSITEID EARLE'S GALLERIES, 818 bIIESTRUT Street MELVIN'S GIFT BOOK STORE, 183 OHEIFINUT STREET, nuLow votriira TIOLIDAYB I QIFT BOOKS annit YOR TUE 110LIDAVO. dol9-2w gaIFTS VOIt lIOLIDAYS, IN FRANOR EMBROIDERIES Lap. cloons! PURNER k 00., 810 OUILSTNUT, Mare opeaed another large assortmeat of French Eno. hroiderlem and Lace Goods, at lialf their Embroidered Cellars, at 25 'cents, Worth 87X cents. do: do. • 60, 'anal price $1.12x. do. 87N, do. grim& Muslin Bets, 873 ets. do. Oamie-ic Beta, from $l. Vreach Bearer Oloake. - • - 450 BEAVER 01110TILttit$, at $5, _ de224lt . former price $lO. GREAT BARGAMIS • omnibus Zi o i: NEW YEAR . PREBRNTS., LADLES' WINTER CLOAKS. FINAL 'REDUCTION' IN P/110118, - TO.OLOSE THE SEASON. J. W. PROCTOR. & CO., Summers to Geo. Bolpla & Co., de22.1412 .708 CHESTNUT :Wet USEFUL PRESENTS FOR THE SEA 130N. EIIAWSI3, OLOARI3,- AND Da SS ,0001)11 We are now Bolling our stock of these Goo& At OtIATLI REDUCER PRICE". IR OUR °WAR DEPARTSiENT Will be found, a great variety of entirely now and bon- Ural designs, to which we particularly' invite the at tention of purchasers. JEBEE WILLIAMS & CO., 41321-1 w No. 20 E. SECOND Street, bel. MARKET A BEAUTIFUL PRESENT A inn, DIIIGUTER, ELSTER, on ON& OP (MOVER ¢ BAKER'S PAIIILT SEWING MACHINES, ➢OB BALE /7 • No. 730 CHESTNUT Street ORRISTMAS PRESENTS. L. J. LEVY Si CO. have now in derail very choice assortment of PARIS EMBROIDERIES, REAL LACE SETS, BLACK CHANTILLY VEILS, MYERS CAMELS' ,HAIR SHAWLS, EVENING AND PROMENADE DRESSES, - VELVET CLOAKS, REAL IRISH POPLINS, WEDDING DRESSES, Soo., with the Inuit variety of Goods, which they offer at this season of the yeai at low prices. de2l.4t . 92i, CHESTNUT Street. CIHRISYMAS AND HOLIDAY_ GOODS. W. GLENN, No. 25. South yawn Street, offers to dealers and the nubile a VERY LARGE VARIETY OW PANOY GOODS Suitable for the Tfoliday season. Being entirely of bie OWN IDIPORTATION. The assortment embraces all the , NEWEST STYLES,: AND AT VERY BEDNOED PRICES. Among it will be found— • • Paper Mahe, Work - Boxes, Desks, Portfolios, &o. Ladies' Gabes and Traveling nage. , Porte Nontudea, Purees and Pocket Books, to groat ,; rearl , Cazd Gals; beautiful styles, Bohemian Glass Toilet Bottles, richly decorated. • .odorßoXos - and Glove Boxes. . leneyßronze Inkstands, Thevmemetere, feo. • co and Chess Bosnia, Ohes smea. Sine i ann iglish Scissors, In sets. - Nancy Ujg.r Stands sod Cigar Cs:see. Boatels Wood Snug Boxes and Fancy Articles. Ke4slllane In plastic ivory; Momorstulate and Ball Tablets, in pearl and Ivory. Together with numerous other articles in the Hue. deB-114.1f , DJatclito,,Jewelrp, at. - wri. wiLsox & sox- • i nave now,on hand the Wiest Wok of . - . srLys R W AItE TIM CITY, EICIUSITeIy of their own manufacture and WARRANTED. Persona dellroue of purchasing Are respectfully in vited to call sod examine for themeelree, at the OLD DIITKOLISID EITATID, Ldel.2-211 , S. W. Oor. FIFTH and MERRY Streets. BAILEY & 004 CILEEITRIIT' STREET, ;Monofootiarrs of WARM, War thels.tnepeatloa, on the premises exelnateely -Oittrene awl Strange» a» Invited to nett au menu lota* wAToats. OesiUntly on hand a splendid gtoak of Sunnier Waldron, of all the celebrated makers: DIAMONDS. Nooklaoee, Breeelate, Brooches, Mager. 13.14g5, aad ell other" articles la the, plaraorat Has. Raab. 4( NkTr DPBIUN6. will be made tree pi ''' Alga for gum lathing work made to order. - lion GOLD JEWELRY. bsauttfet assortment of all the new stiles of line Saw.*", maim Monte, Stone and Shell Oislitio, - geed, lOotal v eeztranole, Margolin', &0., &e.. OE*7.I3IILD °MITOSIS, IthEIRETB, WAIT.I6IB, elce. Aleo,,Bronse and Kuhl, iiILOOKS, of newest styles, sod of eeperlor,quit!ty: 'ent-dtw&wly JE. SCr/AD,WELL es, 00., 4E4 011E8TNUT Street, , Hare received, per steamers. new 'kyles Jevndry, Chatelaine, Vest Oheine. Oplendialatta, Jfairfans. Nada Wade, Inger Baekete. , • , -, Jeteoode and Blower V 86011., • „ , - Coral,Laya and Maude Sate. Sole ta phuadelphis for the fade of Charles Atcci Frodehamya LONDON •T1ME.1001144149. dell) I:WILLIAM WILSON &SON., • . MAK VFACTIMEAS OF SU VF/1 WARE,. (EOTABLISEINV 1812,) . 11 ,' DOMOIR TIM" AND OIiADDY = Merge easertmeet of SILVER WARE, of every de constently-onhead, or mad e to order to match my pattern desired... la/potters of Sheffield hod Sirtologhern Imported wire. • se3o-d&wly 3-43.4 ARDEN ei BRO. -. _ ', •: '' - ,,.,,,___"llluTattgt, Ittir" ''' *i t ,:.,To.yugat 13iTeeti- Ow, Tlalnic olp Main,/ ,-,--- --". r• , r :, PhtLdelpbia. , - o . 4 , 4.ltiiiii Lind mid for all to tbs Trade :1%170600/100VON SZAVIDE avers, 614, , - aptimac- 01:1111, WAIT VIN BAB• -., '"'" , II 97•ZINIVES; DPcioolB, Sdiocs, - : ',_, ~ Wei ko., 40. . ' , .. ''. .1 1 -t 1 41 1 1 . ...„.... 1 1 1t§ 11 0 2 4 1 0 liet4 l ' /020 ',,-- '4 l .t.: 4( 'FT. , ;.,:,, ~.!. ,• , •,.. „,, . VOL. 1.-NO. 126. 6 (11 litirtss, MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1867. THE NEWS FROM .EUROPE AND INDIA , By the Persia, which arrived at New York on Cbriatmas Day, we have news from Rag land to the 12th instant, inclusive. Parlia menehaving passed the Bank Iridemnity Bill, was on the eve of being adjourned until February, giving Lord PALUERRTON six weeks longer for framing his promised mea sure of Parliamentary Reform. There seems to be a general impression that it will not please any party, for Lord f i ALSIERSTON, how ever liberal his foreign' policy may occasion ally have been, started in public life as a Tory, served his first twenty - four years of official life 'under such unmitigated Tories as SPENCER Pru e/VAN Lord LIVERPOOL, Lord Goncatou, and the Duke of Wellington, and is as aristocratic in his principles and feelings as even his rival, the Earl of Derby. What manner of Reform his bill may be can be surmised when we say that ho has always voted against Vote by Ballot. • He, committed to a promise of amending and extending the Reform Bill of 1832, not because he has any belief in the propriety and necessity of extending the elec. tire franchise, hut because Lord Jose( Hue sca—another mock-refornier—would have bid for popularity, over his head, by proposing such a measure, if he bad not. Lord Joint, with as much gravity as if ho wore in- earliesti has again introduced a bill (to be feiwardthl and discussed when Parlia 'ment- re-assembleso to admit Jews to sit In Parliament, by altering MI - abjuration oath, by omitting the words the true faith of a Christian." Exactly . ten , years ago,- ho brought in 'a similar' bill, with a certainty of its being rejected in the House of Loy& At that time, he was Premier, with a large ma jority at his back in the COmmons, and, had he wished to see Baron ROVISCHILD take his seat, could readily have ended it by a reso lution of the House permitting him—as is - done in Courts of Justice—to take the oath which was binding on his conscience. He went the round-about way, in which ho must have been defeated, as the Lords will never pass the bill. But as it Is the right of each souse to decide on its own forms, the mere Resolution would have sufficed, as it did in the case of the Quakers, who, by simple vote of the House, are allowed to sit on making a solemn affirmation instead of an oath. HOLIDAYS! A very singular thing it is that some inde pendent Hember does not, even yet, move such a resolution. The Commons would adopt it, and the Lords have no right to question or interfere with tho regulations of the other House. General HAVELOCK'S pension of £l,OOO per annum, voted by the Commons at the request of the Crown, has been postponed until Feb ruaryrin compliance with the general opinion, in and oat of Parliament, that it was too small, and that, as HANRLOCK was between sixty and Seventy years old, liable to the casualties of war and climate, the grunt should be made with succession to his oldest son, a gallant officer in India, who will have the baronetcy on his father's death. Rather, against his will, Lord PALMERSTON has been compelled to submit to the will of the majority" in this case. The, commercial difficulties in England and ,on, the Continent do not appear to have eel!. aided, as bankruptcies 'arid suspensions con tinue to lie the order of the day. The Bank of England was daily increasing its resource of gold. .The Wolverhampton and City of Glasgow Banks were about paying off their notes in gold, and would resume business. The Western Bank (at Glasgow) was so much broken, that it will be necessary to wind it up. Consols were steady, and the markets all on the rise. In advance of the regular Overland Mail, there has been received intelligence froln. Cal cutta dated November 10, and from Bombay of November 17. Though surrounded by 70,000 insurgents, TlA.v.usimit and Oman . held out at Lucknow. Sir COLIN CAMPBELL, with fresh English troops, had crossed the Ganges on November otlf,en . route for Lucknow. Four 'or five days' march would bring him to Altitubagh, situated between Cawnpore and 'Luck - now, and only three miles from Luel.l - toir. Here Colonel ernEATIMALOS co lumn, reinforced to 5,000 infantry and cavalry, was awaiting him. The combined force would probably make this British relieving force 1000. There was no apprehension of defeat, though the Insurgents were in great force, par ticularly In the narrow limit between Luclinew and Altunbagh. The insurgents wore, concen trating themselves in Ondo, of which Lucknow is a principal town. Sir HEN Y HAVELOCK had only 700 men fit for duty with him, at Lucknow. Encompassed as he was by tens of thousands of the insurgents, he held out bravely, though scarcity of provisions was much felt by his little army. " Few and faint, but fearless still." FEMALE FRIEND The officer who captured the aged Kin g of Delhi having promised that his life should be spared, the Anglo-Indian Executive intended to fulfil that promise. The llindoos will very probably attribute this leniency and good faith to fear. It is by no means unlikely, from the angry feeling excited bkthe atrocities of this aged ruffian, (who, eveNduring the siege of Delhi, permitted every English prisoner to be burned alive,) that private vengeance will cause his death if any fair opportunity occur. Neis from Calcutta to November 21, and probably from Lucknow to November 15, was expected in London, by telegram from Tri este, about Christmas Day. It may mimi c* the defeat of the insurgents at Lucknow. It cau scarcely reach this country before the 7th or Bth of January, by the africa, which was to leave Liverpool on last Saturday. /or The Prete.] The well written article with the above cap tion in Tun PRESS of Thursday, although complimentary to the ingenuity of the Irish people, would lead to unflattering conclusions as to the common sense of a small (unfortu nately too small) class of people now-a-days, namely the lenders of money. That any man with an annual income of £72 arising ftom real estate, should be enabled Seen in Ireland to encumber it with such a sum as £200,000 staggers belief. It was supposed, and with some justice, that almost the extremity of credit had been reached in the case of Lord Portarlington, whose Irish estate, when sold by the Commissioners in 1850, brought nearly £200,000 and were encumbered to the extent of £885,000. In that case the property was not mortgaged for double its value, rather an unusual circumstance with any of the old Irish estates, although it may be said by way of apology for the late Earl of Portarlington, that he made every effort in his power, to effect so desirable a consummation. In the instance alluded to in The Paces of yesterday-- 11r. Clement William Sadlier—he is not, I re gret to say, fairly entitled to the applause award ed him for Ills ingenuity by the writer of the article. ' Re is, or was, a very plain, unpretending gentleman, occupying, when I knew him, the respectable, but moderate position of manager of a branch of the Tipperary Bank at Carrick on-Suir, in Ireland. But he has a brother, of whom something has been said in these columns, who used him, as he used all others, for his guilty and ambitious purposes, and the end is seen in that register or ruins, the En cumbered Estates' Gazette. For that magnifi cent defartiter he endorsed, and accepted, and overdrew, believing in him as in a prophet, and finding, as his reward at the last,only rain, and sorrow, and shame. That is the true his tory of that enormous debt with so little to pay it, and, doubtless, the writer of the article on eflrish Ingenuity" would, had ho known the fact, have expressed, instead of amusement at the credulity of creditors, his sympathy with another of the victims of that splendid Swindler, the late John Sadlier, M. P. u. The number of Homeopathic physicians lin the United States is about 3,000. There are two nomeopatble 'Colleges, one at Philadelphia and the other at Cleveland, Ohio, at earth of nhieh, upon an average, one hundred and twenty-fire stu dents! graduate annually. Ilebert J. Walker, although for more than thirty years a Southern man, Was born in Pennryl• *dais 1801„ - , • • ii• 1 t • - Vi - - • . , ‘ • t i . -...- • \ .,1 `1 tt 1 /,t - t,tt, , ,,,... . . 4.1: 44 N N. • `‘‘‘ ill i / .... ' ll ' b. : 3 , l . . ,-..,. (7 - •• i . ! - ',=.•"iss - - 1 -! l .ll‹\ '/ "0 V -1 4:i .). ! , ;. : •i ',.. '• i -trti .A .6, ) ';-•-;.?' hi 4 . , 1 -----, N L s ~,,-, i ~-...„..,,,, ..,74,.:. , ,...:,:,,,-„, A „,.,..„pp, k, , .:::: ,144:.07r'e.: ':'-' .' -: . . 1 , 1 ''.. :7 fr:'l' 4 6 1::''1 ... .1" ---;" i/:.: , . - .4i...-:-- - --1-.17. 4 __:.,...,--- - er;lr. ' --^'....- - ... ..,•::- - 'Z-77 , . •-.,-..! -- -1 - ' r- - - - -- - - , %,,, • ------- --;,,,,, ~....,.....,,,,........._ .....-..._, z e• -.4 moot iNgENtriT Y. LATEST EUROPEAN AND INDIAN NEWS. The Cunard steamship Persia, Captain Jud kins, which left Liverpool at half-past three o'clock on the afternoon of Saturday the 12th inst., arrived at New York on Christmas morn ing, having been twenty-eight hours longer. on the voyage titan the Adriatic, had boon. The steamship Ariel arrived at Southampton on the morning of the 12th inst. The steamship City of Baltimore would not leave Liverpool on the 16th of December, so that the first vessel of that lino to leave Liv- erpool would be the Kangaroo, on the 13th of January. The American ship Lone Star, bound from Moulmein to Queenstown, foundered at sea. The crew were saved. Parliament, has passed the Indemnity bill, and would adjournimmediately till February. An ambassador had arrived in England from Hokind, to demand, officially, for the Prince of Orange the hand of the Princess Alice. The steamship Leviathan had only been moved a few inches shwa the departnre of the Adriatic, owing to the giving way of the mooring tackle. It was feared, as the ves sel had reached a slighter incline, that her progress would be oven slower than it had been. A large meeting had been held in London to consider the subject of the government of In dia, and' reaolutions wore adopted In favor of en asset - option of supreme authority by the British Government. The London News ' of the 11th instant, says that in the discount market the supply of money was increasing, and first-class bills were readily discounted at a sensible reduction from the bank rate. The bullion in the Bank of France continued to increase, and a still further reduction In the rate of discount was anticipated. A. Berlin letter states that the. disturbing in fluence of the American panic had extended as far as Warsaw, where numerous manufacturers had failed. from Spain we learn that Mt amnesty has been granted for political offences and to per ions condemned to light punishment. A great many promotions had also taken place. In Belgium , the elections took place on the 12th instant, and, as far as known, the result was decidedly in favor of the liberals. It is stated that the Cabinet of St. Peters burg has peremptorily denied the right, claimed by Austria and 'England, under .the treaty of Paris, of ; interdicting Russia from blockading the Circassian ports. The Persia brings later news from China. It is dated at Hong Kong, on the 30th of Oc tober. Preparations were being made for the assault on Canton. The British and Fren..lt ministers were at Hong Kong. The expedi tion to the North had been aparently aban doned. The Paris correspondent of the London Times says: f , The last official accounts re ceived from Sbanghae - announce that the Chinese Government has demanded of the Russian Government the immediate evacua tion of the Chinese territory, of which that power has taken possession on the banks of the river Amoor." English troops were pouring into India at the rate of 2,000 a week. Tho celebrated clipper ship Champion of the Seas was at Calcutta, and would probably roach there on the 2d November, after a passage of eighty five days. Lucknow still held out, although no commu nication bad been had with the besieged. Heavy fighting and slaughter aro said to have occurred. The column hitherto under the command of Col. Greathead had been increased to 5,000 strong at Cawnpore, and on the 3d of Novem ber, under command of Brigadier Grant, it reached Alumbagli, only three miles from Lucknow, and there awaited the arrival of the commander-in-chief. Sir Colin Campbell arrived at Cawnpore on the 3d of November, and crossed the Ganges on the 9th, at the head of 5,000 men, en route for Lucknow. Srurious other succegsful encounters 'with the mutineers aro reported. Nona Sahib was believed to be in command of the rebels before Lucknow. So completely was the force at Lucknow be leaguered, on the 31st of October ' that the only message received from there for weeks was written on a piece of paper three inches square, and most adroitly concealed. Sir James °dram's force had been then terribly reduced, and the total number in the residency was supposed to ho not more than 1,400, besides women, children, and wounded. There were besides about 800 men, with a great array of camp followers, at Alumbagh, believed to be without the means of communi cating with those at Lucknow. The strength of the enemy around Lucknow was estimated at 70,000, but it was neverthe less considered certain that the garrison could hold out till the tenth of November, before which time Sir Colin Campbell would be be fore Lueknow with an army of 4,000 men, in cluding his own Highland brigade, 800 caval ry, and a very heavy train of artillery. It is stated that during the siege of Delhi the Sepoys took all the wounded Europeans they could catch and burnt them afire. The charred bodies tied to stakes, were found by the stormers with the Queen's buttons still re cognisable. The lire of the King of Delhi was to be spared, the officer who arrested him having given a pledge to that effect. One of the sons of the King of Delhi is said to have escaped from the civil charge in which he was placed. The Dinapore and Owalior mutineers were making for Oude. ADDITIONAL NEWS. FROM PORNION PAPERS RECEIVED AT THE OFFICE UP TI!); P11E08..) The return from the Bank of England for the week ending the Uth of December giros the fol• lowing results when compared with the previous week : Pahl io deposits.. X 6,648,002 Increase.... 1575,795 Other deposits... 14,440,721 Increase.... 4,538 Rest 3,403,018 Increase.... 31,502 On the other side of the account : Oovern'nt securities-4;5,434,022 Decrease £7,025 Other securities.. 30,111,185 Decreme.l,o7o,2ol Notes unemployed.. 3,000,485 Decrca5e.1,632,145 The amount of notes in circulation is £20,142,- 770, being a decrease of .f. 959,660, and the stock of bullion in both departments is £8,060,480, showing an increase of £113,022 'when compared with the preceding return. • 14SUE ➢RPARTHENT• Notes Issued 24,013,255 Govornuaont Debt 11,015,100 Other Becnrit lee 5,459,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 7,568,255 Silver Bullion -- 24,043,255 BANKINII M.:P.IEI'4E Si. Proprietors' Capital 14,553,000 hest 3,493,018 Public Deposits (including Ex chequer, Savings Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, and Dividend Ac counts) 6,648,062 Other Deposits '14,440,724 Seven Days and other Bills.. 811,222 39,916,024 Government Securities (inclu ding Dead Weight Annuity) 5,434,022 Other Securities 30,111,185 Notes Unemployed 3,800,485 Gold and Silver Coin 581,231 . . The Gazette contains despatches from Delhi. with lists of the killed and wounded up to the 31st of August, showing an aggregate loss of 2,110 men, and 203 horses. Including the subsequent loss in the assault and capture of the city, no may therefore estimate that 4,000 men ware killed or wounded in regaining possession of Delhi. Dr. Ullatherne, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Birmingham, bus addressed a pastoral letter to the churches in his diocese, in which he strongly condemns the cry for vengeance on the Indian people. The Grand Lodge of Free Masons of Grout Bri• twin, at the last court of communication, held on the 2d instant, voted a sum of 4:1,000 towards the mutiny fund. Mies Nightingale (says a Vienna letter in the Ilataburgh News) has been here for 801110 time, and is treated with great distinction. She fre quently visits the hospitals. RE-OPENINU OF TUE WoLvennattevost /tan STAFFORDSHIRE BANK.—The following notice was recently issued by the directors of the bank : "Wolverhampton, Dec. 4, 1857.—The directors have much pleasure in stating that the bank will he open on and after Tuesday morning next for the payment of the notes of the bank ; and the direct ors hope in a few days to be able to announce the opening of the bank for general business." The Western Bank of Scotland has finally re solved to abandon all idea of resuming business. A million sterling is spent in the metropolis yearly in aid of the sick ; nearly 700,000 persons— one-tenth of the whole population—receive medical advice gratuitously. Wo understand that Prioress, Babylon, and Belle have left Boughton Down, near:Stockbridge, and gone to Findon, iu the cars of Brown, their trainer. Several others aro expected to join them in the spring. An exploring expedition in Demerara has found gold, plativa, and iron in the British Territories. The whole of the district about Belfast appears in a state of chronic disturbance from disputes be tween the Orangemen and their opponents. It is asserted that the government is to sanction the introduction of en Irish Tenant Oorepeneation Bill this session, provided that no retrospective clause is required. TERENCE BELLEW MCMANUS.—In a letter ad dressed by Terence Bellow McManus to 3. P. Ma guire, M. P., dated San Francisco, October 19, he says: " From the general tone of the Irish press, and from other sources, I perceive that a movement is on foot for the purpose of inducing the British Oo vernment to extend to us ("three of the Irish trai tor; to British tale iq inland") a pardau—us4lo7, PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1857. Mitchel, Meagher, and myself. As far no I am concerned, I beg to bo excluded from any partici pation in the movement. I do so for two reasons: first, I desire to place myself under no obligation, either acknowledged or implied, to a Governmen that I believe to be foreign to the spirit, the get nine, and the liberty of toy native land; secondly, I am now a citizen of the United Stelae, and feel the proud confidence that every citizen of this re public feels that wherever her 114 floats he is sun of protection. In pursuance of this feeling I shall, at any time it suits my convenience, visit either England, Ireland, France, Germany, or Australia, and in the ordinary and lawful pursuit of life feel myself perfectly secure ender the protection of the flag to which I have sworn allegiance." Mr. Ferguson has retired from the management of the Crystal Palace, and they are at a loss whore to look for his suodessor. Where, indeed ! Mr. Ferguson fs a clever man, but in attempting the management of the Crystal Palace he utterly mis took his wile, , going in entirely to 'demise the aristocratic and high-paying patrons, to whom be gave constant flower-shows and Italian concerts, and utterly ignoring the shilling crowd, by whom the place should have been supported. His suc cessor will have all this to undo, and in addition to invent attractions for the populace. "The first person," according to the Literary Gazette," beyond the circle of his immediate fa: mily, whom the King of Prussia has seen since his illness, is Baron Alexander von Ilumboldt." Our court, enjoying even robust health, is not strong enough to boar a visit from a Dickens, a Thaolteray, or a Carlyle.—Lloyd's London Newspaper. Miss Carlotta ',oolong, having married Captain Vivian, a relation of Lord Vivian, has seceded from the Princess's Thant re. Mr. W. T. Monerieff, the well-known dramatic writer, died a few days ago. lie was the author of "Tom and Jerry," awl had.been blind for many years Another member of the gifted family of the Kembles is about to become a candidate for pub lic favor, as a vocalist. Mies Kemble, whose name appears in the list of principal performers in Handel's "Messiah,", at St. Martin's Hall, on the 16th, is a daughter of the late J. M. Kemble, the eminent Anglo-Saxon scholar, and niece of Fanny Kamble. Mr Lumley, we understand, is to commence a series of Italian operas at Mer•Majesty'a Theati early in January. A History of the Literature of Greece was un dertaken by the late Professor K. 0. Moller, but left unfinished at his death. Tao present Chan cellor of the Exchequer and Dr. Donaldson have undertaken to trans Fate and edit his manuscripts. Two snore volumes of Lord Macaulay's history, bringing it down to tho end of the reign of Queen Anne, aro approaching completion ; and it is sold that they will be published shortly after the own piction of the cheap edition now in course of issue in monthly solumes. Madame Lind (loldeohmidt is, It is said, about to give, with the assistance of her husband, a grand concert, in aid of the funds for the erection of a monument to Handel, In the town of Halle. Miss Jenny Moyer Is appointed to fill Johanna 'Wagner's post in the Royal Theatre of Berlin, at a salary of 4,000 thalers a year—about £6OO of our money. Fraulein Wagner has, it is said, married, retired into private life, and entirely withdrawn from her professlenal eareer. Perak Khan has solicited the Emperor, on he. half of the Shah, to allow several officers of the French army to enter the Persian service. The proposal has been favorably received by tho Em peror A French paper is endeavoring to prepare the public mind of France for the repeal of the usury laws. The Prince Napoleon drove at once off to the Tuileries, to intercede with the Emperor for the suppressed paper, La Presse, and to remind him of the danger of throwing suddenly out of employ wont some 300 or 400 persons who are dependent on the Presse for their sole means of subsistence, but it was told that the Emperor was diningearly, that he might go to the Ambigu to see Mine. Beetle play Rose Barnard.' It is understood that the New Year's Day will see the Frew restored to its subscribers, but It must suffer severely by its suspension. The Champagne vintage is said to be "most brilliant" this year. The following bit of imperial patronage of a king is amusing: The Emperor of the French bas boon so struck by the courage end devotedness dis- played by the King of Portugal during the whole of the visitation of the yellow fever, that Ilk Ma jesty has charged Count Watewski, Minister of Foreign Affairs, to transmit to the Kiug, through Baron do Paiva, Portuguese Minister, the ex pression of his sincere admiration. DEBTORS tx Psnis.-4110 foreigners residing in Paris are getting up a petition to the Emperor, preying for a modification of the law on imprison ment for debt. As it now stands, any foreigner may be pulled put of his bed at daybreak, and put into prison, at the suit of his Jailor, a warrant to that effect being readily granted by the Tribunal of Commerce at the request of a creditor. French subjects aro not ee bad off. They sonnet bet cent to Clitehy, the debtors' prison, without having boon called on to show cause against their oredl tors' applioation, or, to use the technical phrase, eannot be arrested on "morns prooess.'-', The peti• • Boners wish to be assimilated to French 'subjects in this respect. • The Duchess de Montponsier is to be godmother to the Prince of the Asturias The prince, on the day of his baptism, is to be decorated with tho Order of tho Golden Fleeco and the Cron of Pe laye, which last princes of the Asturias alone can wear. The baptism was to take place with the same ceremonial as that adopted for Philip IV. All tin soldiers who wore acting as sentinels at the palace on the day of the birth were, in aoeordance with an ancient custom, to receive Lhoir discharge from the army. A household had been formed for the prince, and the Marquise Malpica and the Marquis do Aleanices had been placed at the head of it. It was reported that on th/f occasion of the baptism an amnesty to political offenders would be proclaimed. The Queen and the prince continued in the mast satisfactory state. lier Majesty, it is said, is desirous of giving her daughter—who, by the birth of a prince, Mot lost the title of Princess of the Asturias—a higher title titan that of In fanta. Public servants in Prussia aro so ill-paid that it is necessary for the titite to give them Christmas boxes. 250,000 Cutlers have been allotted this year for the purpose by the Government. Letters from Rome stale that grout excitement prevailed among the nobility of the oily, owing to the arrest of ono of their number, Marquis --, the director of the Monte di Pieta, what may be called the "Government Pawnbroker General," a deficiency of about £lO,OOO having bean detected in his accounts. Owing to hie powerful comae°. tions ho was subsequently released, and the affair will probably he hushed up. A telegraph from Berne announces the election of a presidentof the National Assembly of Switz erland. Keller, of Argon, has been chosen by seventy-eight votes. Stehlin, of Basle, vice presi dent, by sixty-fire votes; both Liberals. The Conservative candidate, Gonzebach, polled twenty nine. Tho Mredirlandet, of Copenhagen, announces that the Swedish Government has granted to MM. Weetenholz the concession of a submarine tole• graph between the eastern °oast and RUSSIA. SEIIKDOSt.—Sonio interesting details have been received relative to the reforms in contemplation by the Czar in the situation of the serfs. Those reforms will, it is said, consist first, of the right accorded to the serfs to marry without the consent of their master; secondly, corporal punishments can no longer be inflicted, except on the sentence of a communal tribunal ; thirdly, the master cannot, at his own will, take the peasant from the plough to make him a servant, or assign him any other employment; and fourthly, the peasant can no longer be transferred from one village to another. Time COITSTESS MOW:V.—The house was crowded to suffocation ' the imperial box alone being unoccupied. The Count and Countess de Morny wore present, and, for the find time, the Parts public were admitted to joilgtnent on the charms which have been so much vaunted in the north and cast of Europe. The result of the ex• antination is not wholly in confirmation of the wide-spread false which those charms have ac quired. Tho Countess's beauty is decidedly of the petit genre—soft, and not commanding—the groat peculiarity of the style being the very dark oyes and very fair hair. This contrast gives a singu: larlty to the oountenance, to which we " men of the west" are totally unaccustomed. The youthful countess was most simply attired, with no ornament whatever in her sosjeure,lwhieh consisted entirely of the plaitos, torsades, and ringlets of her own magnificent hair. Greatdisappointment was expe rienced in consequence, as the contemplation of tho splendid jewels, said to have been bestowed by the bmporor on her wedding, might be rookoned for a large share in the curiosity with which her presence was greeted. Much has been said of the dazzling whiteness of the lady's pearly tooth; but, ou the evening in question, no opportunity was afforded for their display, as she did not once open her lips to utter a single we'd during the whole evening.—Paris Correspondence of the Cowl Journal. Another Parts correspondent says--Madame tie Morny, it is now quite certain, does not " take" in Paris, and, as yet, fashion de cides against her. She Is too little, and the strangeness of her pale, flaxen hair, with her inky dark eyes, astonishes but futile to please this capri cious Parisian society. Besides, she is said to be disagreeable and ; and, added to all this, she hoe a rival, who carries everything before her, and who is the queen of' beauty for this season, Madame Korsakoff, a Russian also, who certainly is magnifieently handsome, and on a grandly de veloped smile. SISBASTOPOL—A letter front St. Potersburgh says The rebuilding of Sebastopol, as is well known, is interdicted by the treaty of Paris; but in that stipulation it is only the south side of the town that Is mentioned, and nothing is Enid against the north side remaining ao it is, or the fortifications being extended. This part of the place was, in consequence, minutely examined by the Grand Duke Nicholas, during his late visit to the Crimea, and works of fortification have been commenced there. The Russian Government, profiting by the lessons of the late war, is also building a now fortress near Kertch." - 39,946,026 The counsellors of the Emperor of China, Record ing to a private letter recently received, have got him off on an excursion to Tartary, in order to keep him out of the way or European embassies. Tho last offiaial accounts received Non Shang hai announce that the Chinese Government has demanded of the Russian Government the imme diate evacuation of the Chinese territory, of which that power had taken possession on the banks of the river Amor. The Pays hes received a private letter from London of December 2, stating that it bat been decided toeparo the life of the King of Delhi, and that ho will be impyiseneS in the Fortress of Vet lore for the remainder of hie days. Nouvadja Shah, King of Delhi, now to his ninety-third year, is the representative of the family of Akbar- Khan, one of the founders of the Mogul empire. NENA SAEIII'B LOOT ADVICE,—A letter from Allahabad says : "Nona Sahib has again bolted. Ills last advice to hie men is rich: ' Keep out of the way of the blue cape (Madras fusiliers) they hit without firing ( In allusion to tho long range of the Enfield rifles, the report of whirl was often not heard;) and when the highlanders get near any , village kill all the women, for them are the mom wile have bead Bent out by the Queen to avenge the deaths of their women and ebildren, and that in the town t/ult g , ..9 into fiction with hits P " THE INDIAN MUTINY—MORE BATTLES. The following telegraph was received at the foreign dikta t Deo. 11, 1857, 5.15 r. M. : AhnxeNnatA, December 5, 1857.—The Bombay reached Sues on the •30th of November, bringing dates to the 17th of November. Oreathesure oolumn, after the battle of Agra, was pushing on with all haste towards Oewnpore, where on the 18.11 Brigadier (leant, of the 9th lancers, joined 'and took command. On the 23d they arrived,at Ranouj, where the enemy was cut up by our cavalry and five guns captured. The force, now about 3,60 strong, reached Oawnpore on the .25th;'and being reinforced to 5,000 crossed the Ganges 'tin the 30th, they reached Alumbagh without obstruotion on the 3d, and there wait till the commistlar-in-chief Pius them. Luoknow, raid to be surrounded by 50,000 insur gents, had not boon relieved at the' date of the latest sbteen, but still held out. Our force 0 Aloolbagh, only three miles from Lueknow, thisttgli Easy conlmunioation with Cawnpore, hstd pot numbed a line front Lucknow for more titer( smooth. - Heavy fighting, with slaughter, le believed to have occurred. '' Sir C. Cato Ikon, who left Cielcutta on the 27th of October, 1'444 thfirupore- on the a of t(a. yetuber, viteterile remained till the 9th, waithlg, it is presumeZr, reinfbreeinents, which moot bring up the Come it Alumbigh, when he joins, to close on 10,000 mob. On the Ist eif:Not'ember an action was fought i t near the vilhe eof Audios!, betwixt the Dinapere mutineors in a detachment of 800 men, consiet ing of part the 1161'411140de, and a detach. meet of the flighlandore, with two nine-pound. ore, under iliolonei - Yoweli, of hor Majesty's 5:3,1 root; our success was complete, but lose Leavy ; Col. Powell - Oeing among the killed. . ‘ The Navalltrigade afterwards fell back onqiin. koo with a 'flow of returning to Futtypore, and the rest of the - Mops reached Cawnpore on the 2d. The Hohileund rebels had again advanced to ward& Nyneetal, and agnin taken to flight on find ing the little force from that place IVIld approach leg. ' Mohldpore having boon attacked on the Bth of November by a body of ineurgent tribes from the neighborhood, a portion of Diatwa contingent joined the mirany, killed Captain Mille, Dr. Casey, nt and Sergea hfajor O'Connell, and Mamma, cap. toted thl gene, and compelled the other troops to retire. - According to the latest accounts from Bombay, the Ist, Al, and 4th divisions Nieam cavalry, un der Major Orr, attacked the roar guard of the re bels on thy 12th of November, at Barrowul, re capturing the whole of guns and stores taken from 111oltiatiore, also of the enemy's guns, 100 of enemy killed, seventy-four prisoners; our easualtios not yet received, hut said to be sever°. The column under Brigadier Showers has cap tured Ahrijjar, Dadree, Nunood, and other places southwest of belhi, securing upwards of I:70,000 worth of treasure. Farther worth, Oen. Van Cartlntuit still keeps the country lu order. The district between Agra and Meerut is septet that post and passenger carriages run daily be tween the two places. *inward of Oudo the Dengalese Contingent has gained two victories over bodies of the insur gents. Tho steamer Bengal reached Suez on the 8d inst., from Calcutta, but brings no later dates titan those from Humbly. The dates from along Kong art to the 30th of Oc tober. Preparations %ere being made for the assault of Canton. Joint °lem ItAvits, Trieste, 11th Deo., 9.30, A. M. REPORTED BATTLE IN KANSAS The St. Louis Democrat has an account of a re ported battle near Fort Scott, in which five pro slavery men were killed. The story appears to be exaggerated. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette, -writing from Lecorapton on the 16th, says: For the last two days rumors have boon currant of a fatal collision at Sugar Mound, Bourbon county, in the southern part of the Territory, be. tween free-State and pro-slavery men. The sto rks ore very conflicting. Ono account statet that fifty frecoStato mu resisted a posse of one hundred and fifty Missourians, who wore attempting to servo procewcs under the bogus laws, and that ono free-State man and three of their opponents, in eluding the notorious G. N. Clark, the murderer of Barbour, were killed; and on this morning, Oov. Stanton r+#olvod dospatthoe which give no no doubt of the pro.lavory version of tho affair. They represent that "six hundred free• State desperadoes" are &louring the country, haying burnedeuvoral houses and killed several men. ProbiNy stories are greatly exaggerated, but some disturbances have undoubtedly occurred. The Dtmorrat also has a letter from Doniphan, Kansas, dated Dec. 176, saying • A compsny of fifteen armed ruffians from Atchi son have just left this city. after having murdered, in the public streets, with a shot gun, Mr. Latham, free•Stateruitixon of Doniphan These men came in in parties of two, about one o'ffiesds this after. noon, and after consulting together, one of them, named MoVoay, shot at Mr. Latham,and mortally wounded him, as he was peacefully walking along the street, unarmed and unsuveeting, near the Doniphan House. The buckshot entered his head, and blew out his brains. Mr. Latham instantly fell dead, Another member of the Atchison company, after the fatal shot was fired, discharged his rifle in the air. The party then left town. This outrage occurred so suddenly that no one was prepared for it, and the murderers escaped. A company of citizens of Doniplyin have started in vll . lllll 'lbe death of Mr. Latham at Doniphan is con firmed by Mr. Galley, apassenger from that place, who Worms us that he was but a few foot from Mr. L. when he was shot. De was fired at from behind, and was killed without having any warn ing from his assassins, or any knowledge of who they Note. The Frightful Murder nt Westfield, Mass The Springfield Repi , h/sran of the 23d. says: The most dreadful murder on record in this section of country was discovered at Westfield on -Wednes day morning. It is no less than the alaughtering, In cold blood, of a wife and two children by the husband and father, who has fled. What is most remarkable, too, about the tragedy, is that it was committed on Tueaday morning, December 15, more than a week ago—in a house occupied, aleo, by another family, and directly in the centre of the tillage—and yet only became known on Wed nesday morning Albert Stoubs, the perpetrator of this dreadful crime, is a native of Switzerland, a cigar maker by trade, an intelligent, sober. and professedly religious man, a member of the Baptist Church, and apparently fond of his wife and cbildren,whoin he has now so brutally butchered. Ifs was about :35 years old, has lived in Westfield many years, was well known and respeoted, and had constant work and good wages in Krieit's cigar factory. Ile married hie wife some six years ego, in Suffield, Con. Her father, Charles Mott, now lives in Southwick, adjoinin Westfield, and is a poor la boring man. The children by the union write two, ono about five, and the other two years of lige. The threats of Mrs. Stoubs and the two children were cut with a razor, apparently, last Tuesday, since which time Stoehr. has not been seen. Stoubs Lae been hoard to express a desire to go to New York, hindered only by not knowing what to do with his family; and this is the only suggestion of n motive for the online. It Is thought he may have now gone to that city, and there he could hardly escape detection and arrest; but with eight days time for flight, if ho has extended it farther, to Europe, or the reunde parts of our country, he will probably succeed In escaping earthly justice altogether. Ile Is a short, thielc•set man, of good manners, and 11:10r0 than ordinal) , intelligence for a foreigner. The house was owned by Stephen Spelmon, was located on School street, and occupied in the other part by Mr. Murdock and his family, while a stu dent In the Normal School occupied a room directly over that in which Mrs. Stoubs was found murdered! Ile has come and gone, and slept for a week within a few feet of all this horror and death, and yet in undisturbed ignorance. The crime has been telegraphed all over the country:though with little hope of the capture of the perpetrator. lie landed at New Orleans, upon his arrival in the country, and an expectation is entertained that ho may be found there. NOVEL INDIAN CEIIENIONIKS AT THE INMAN Brat•.Au.—On Wednesday afternoon the Pawnee delegation'(whose arrival we noticed,) accompa nied by Major Denison, their agent, and Ilk daughter, who has been adopted by the tribe, and Samuel Allis, their Interpreter, had an interview with Acting Commissioner Mix. This delegation represents four bands of Indians, numbering three or four thousand mots, located some forty or sixty miles west of Omaha city. The ()evasion of their visit is a promise made by Oen. Denver, last Sep tember, on the occasion et making the recent trea ty, that a portion of their leading men should have an opportunity shortly to visit their Great Father, the President, and also to see the settlements of their white brethren, in order that they might note the beneficent effects of civilization. Tho interview was a singular affair, and fur the three hours that it continued resembled rather Quakel meeting than the visit of an ordinary In dian delegation. Instead of the usual warlike ap proach and:deelarmilory harangues, the Pawnees approached the Commissioner reverently, bestow ing on him huggings, kbsings, and endearing looks. It appears to have brat a religious cere monial on their part. The PIMIItO.4 hitvo great reverence for the Supremo Being, and for the officers of the tlovernment, whom they look upon ns the medium of that Being. Fourteen or fifteen minutes at a time they gazed fixedly upon the face of the Commissioner, accompanying their gaze with hestures resembling mesmeric passes, but which owever, failed to mesmerize the wary Commis stoner, and at the end of the interview he had sus tained no ether harm than some discoloration of face and shirt collar, through their contact with the painted faces of the braves In the course of the repeated huggings they bestowed upon him.— il r ashttlgiOlt ,tar. A horrible murder was committed at Port Kennedy, Upper_ Merlon township, Montgomery county, on Tuesday night. Robert Smith, a de praved Irishman, has boon guilty of cruelly and brutally killing his wife. No ono saw him com mit the deed, but screams were hoard during the night, and when Um noighboro replied to the house, they found Mrs. Smith in a dying condi tion. She died in a few moments nftor being first discovored. A post-mortem examination was made by Drs. L. W. Rued, of Norristown, and John Schrock of Norristown, the opinion of whom was, after a careful and critical examination of the dead body, that the deceased came to her death from bruising and boating The murdered woman leaves an infant about nine months old, and another child of about fivo years of age Smith keit a bearing and was oorpmitted to prima, THE CI7Y. AMUSEMSNTB Tlilli kVENING M. D. P. 11011 , RR9' WALSUISTACCT TIMM, N. & oonneß o► HIM% AND Watstvr.—" Marble Heart," "The Meg of the Milt." WITRATIAVIS AROII 81 . 8@t7 THLUIRV, AEON ASIOTS SIXTII.—"The Laßt Dar; of Poinpeii"—" The Itiyal Pages." NATIONAL TERATAN, WALNUT PITMEN?, NEAR EIGHTH "Thu Rag Picker of Par Saida Clatho l —i. dote Aruba." 8/NIORD'S OPERI 1101:181i, XLICTERTH OnseTNUT.—.l4thioplan Life Illustrated, concluding with a laughable allerpleca. Clapp'e Grand Promenade and (lilt Concert National U earth' Hall The Observance of Christmas—General Inci dent., of the .Day—lllardeis and Oatcaget— Serious Accidents. There was no cessation in the extensive prepara tions which Nero made to insure a proper celebra tion of the holidays, until midnight on Thursday. In Ten Pnuoe, of Friday, we referred to the crow ded anti remarkable condition of the sidewalks on the previous night—so much so that everybody who was at all in haste wee obliged to take to the Car riage way, Stores that on three hundred and twelve data in the year are closed at seven o'clock, were britliantly lit up wail a very late hour, while saleaman 'ttnd saliattotnen wore throwing thelins selves about, like porpoises around the bows of an outward-bound vessel. .. - Christmas passed off with leas out-door excite ment than would have occurred bad the weather not changed so suddenly cold. The variation in the thermometer between Thursday and Friday was fifteen degrees —a variation sufficient to stook the market with enough colds and consumptions to keep the doctors in work for the next thrse months. The theatres wore open, and did a tremendous business. The circus, in particular, was crammed to repletion. The Episcopalians and Catholics attended divine service in the morning, but the afternoon was everywhere snored to merry-making and festivity. The streets were very mach crowded, although the air was so keen that the pretty noses of the ladles looked as purple as the bosom of a pigeon. Wo expect that there will be very little diminution in the hilarity of the season until after Now Year. Many of the stores were open all day. This was especially the case in Second and Eighth streets, but a few were also open in Chestnut street. Whether they sold goods enough to compensate the people for the loss of a logititnate holiday remains to bo seen. There were, unfortunately, excesses indulged in, which ended in maiming and even in death; but, notwithstanding these melancholy events, there was considerably less drunkenness and rowdyism than usual. Most people made the holiday en oc casion of quiet home enjoyment; and the savory fumes of roasting turkey and goose which worked their way out into the frosty air during the day, and the bright lights which beamed through bott omed blinds and shutters after nightfall, betoken ed high feasting and happy firesides. The cold, raw, and cloudy weather tended to promote home comforts; and the crowd in the streets was less dense than usual. The account of the arrival and reception of the lion. Stephen A. Douglas in the Prima of Christmas morning, induced numerous gentlemen to roll upon the distinguished Senator at the Girard house, where they were all warmly greeted. We, fortunately, had an introduction to tho "Little Want," and were favored with a friendly shake of the hand, a pioneers and an honor that we will not soon forget. The Central Police Station presented a very curious appearance on Christmas morning. Young men who had been arrested on tho previous eve ning for drunken and disorderly conduct, were seated in a line in front of the prisoners' dock, and were a most doleful aspect. The office was crowded by their friends and policemen, who mani fested considerable interest in the fate of the culprits—the former anxious to ascertain whether their acquaintances were destined to miss the en joyment of " a merry Christmas," and the latter waiting to give tu their °Odense before the magis trate. Alderman Enett entered the office at an early hour, with the usual genial smile upon hit honey°. lent countenance, One by one the prisoners were interrogated as to their names, residences, and the objects of their skylarking, after which they were Informed that they might all go home, and re quested to remember hereafter that the near ap proach of Christmas does not justify any violation, however trivial, of the law, This gentle repri mand was well received by those who were thns released, who, as they were leaving the office, turned to the alderman and said : ^ Good morn ing, sir! A merry Christmas and a happy New Year!" A rather aintisMg affair occurred in Market street, below Ninth, on Christmas morning, which is deserving of a passing notice. An individual, respectably clothed, and with a very genteel ad dress went into the 'William Penn Hotel, and asked for employment. He elated that he bad been out of-work for a considerable time, and was without even a cent of money for the purchase of food. A gentleman who heard his request pro- I/090(1 to give him five dollars if he would carry a brick across the street all day. This offer, made in a jesting mood, woe immediately accepted, and the unemployed" at onto commenced the per formance of this novel task. Per nearly two hours be walked. across the street with a brick in his and attracted a crowd numbering be tween two and three hundred persons. This cu rious undertaking elicited much humorous com ment; and the whole affair was only terminated by the appearance of a police officer, who took the "street-walker — into custody, and dispersed the crowd. Alderman Thompson stated to the priso ner that his conduct was liable to cause a breach of the peace, and then dismissed hint. A con. siderablo sum of money was collected for him, and ho went on his way rejoicing. Lieut. Ramos, of the Sixth Police District, in alluding to this curious Christmas freak, says in his report to Mayor Vaux, made on Saturday : Yesterday morning, about nine o'clock, a citizen of Kansas, who preferred good old Pennsylvania to Eames, with or without the becompton Constitu tion, found himself in this city, and hard up. Af ter trying in vain to got employment, he had, at. last, Mend a person, who had more good nature than good sense, who employed hint to carry a brick from ono side of Market street to the other, for a certain sum of money. The crowd became at, petit that the reserve police were called into re- The Mayor of the city on Friday directed that all lodgers who might elaini shelter at any of the city police stations during the night, should have bread and coffee served out to them. The Mayor paid for the articles front his private purse. The act was a charitable ono, and many a poor wrotoh availed himself of the opportunity of obtaining something to eat. At several points bread, during the day, was dis tributed gratuitously to the poor. The juveniles at the Northern Home fur Friend less Children had gifts distributed to them on Christmas afternoon. During this afternoon there were numerous visitors to the institution. On the Ridge road, near Melon street, a sensa tion was created by it tree growing on the side walk being decorated with old hats and shoes, and other emblems wt poverty. The display was intended to represent hard times, and it was in very bad taste. The scarcity of fires on Christmas eve and night was a gratifying feature of the holiday. Fire De tective Blackburn was constantly on the alert, but fortunately his services were not called into requi sition. About five o'clock on Christmas morning a car rier of the Tun named lt. Mil, while serving his papers at Ninth and Wharton streets. had his attention attracted by a whistle, which appeared to come from some person in the lumber yard of Robert Clink, Jr., at the junction of these streets. In a moment afterwards he saw a person come from this yard, and beard him say to a com• ?anion, who bad evidently been waiting for him outside, "tin for the engine." Suspecting th it these hull% idu.ils were incendiaries, Mr. Hill jumped over the fence, and die of erect that a fire hail been kindled, it hick, after sumo little difficul ty, ho succeeded in extinguishing. It would hate been well if the villains who tired this place had been followed by Mr. Hill, and measures taken to procure their arrest. An alarm of fire teas caused on Thursday morn ing by the burning of a chimney of a house in George street, below South, in the Fourth ward. 'rho roof was also slightly damaged. DM= About twelve o'clock. on Thursday night, a ne gro man named Nathaniel Barris was passing along Lombard street, abovo Sixth, when ho was deliberately shot through the head with a revolver in the hands of another colored man named Win. Durham. Durham, after shooting Harris, fired two shots at a man named Courshaw, but without striking him Durham fled, and Barrie was taken to tho l'ennsyltania lioTital, where he died at half-past ten o'clock on }ridgy morning. On Sa turday afternoon Coroner Fenner held an inquest, in the osso. Themes S. Cour:di:lw, colored, sworn—About 12 °VGA on Thursday night I was going up Loin. bard street, above Sixth, on the upper side ; Na thaniel Harris was on the other side , Harris was behind Win. Durham; Durham turned around and shot Harris, who full; Durham then turned around and said to You yeller son of --, I will give it to you ;" he then fired two shots at me, bat did not Lit sue; I ran oft; Isaac COX and 1 then picked Barris up; 1 don't think Durham wits drunk , these was no quarrel between thew leave Cox, colored, swern—l was its Lombard structlabove Sixth, behind Durham and Harris, Durham was ahead; I saw bins shoot Barris, Durham had been struck and knocked into the street, and then he tired , the snort who struck Portions ran on ; it was not Harris who struck him; both the deceased and Durham were young mon; Durham is a bar tender, Hinds used to work on Chestnut street wharf, Durham was in• oxicated at the time of the occurrenee Dr. Duntou was affiliated and testified that his had made a post man tem examination of the de ceased in the morning, and found the hall in the book part of the braii. The deceased lived about ten hours after he was admitted to the 11o ,, pital Samuel Rodney, colored, sworn—l was at Lom bard and Tenth streets, and heard the report of a pistol ; 1 then went to Sixth street, on my road there I heard of the shooting; I heard Durham say at Phillis Brown's tavern, in the evening, that he would have two out of the party, and he threatened Courshow particularly. Robert Handy, colored, sworn--I was in Sixth street near Lombard, and heard three reports of a pistol; I went around in Lombard street, and saw Harris lying on the ground; six of us carried him to the hospital; he was insensible; 1 have hoard Durham threatens to shoot three yellow siren; this was st a card party at Mrs. Clark's, on Tuesday night, Isaac Freeman, colored, sworn—l was at Sixth and Lombard when the pistol was tired ; I saw Harris after be was shot; 1 was in company with Harris in the early part of the evening; he was not intoxicated then. . . Jesse Dorsey, colored, sworn—This witness heard the report of the pistol and saw Harris fall ; saw Durham fire; Durham and Harris were talking together a moment before the shooting ; Durham ran off up Lombard street as soon as he fired the shot ; I saw no one strike Durham before he fired There were several other witnesses present, but 't was not darned necessary to examine thew. TWO CENTS. The jury, after a brief deliberation, rendered a verdict that the deceased bed come to his death by a pistol shot fired by William Durham. The latter has not yet beea arrested; ha was seen in the city on Friday morning. Between 12 and 1 o'clock on Christmas morning a tragedy was enaoted at the Butchers' Inn, Mane yank, kept by Madison Richmond. It seems that a ball was in progress at the tavern, and a number of the participants were indulging in the bar room. Among the persons present were two Eng lishmen named George Ileckfard and John Lee. Lee caught Rockford in a rough manner by the neck, and so incensed the latter that he knocked him clown and kicked him in the head. From the injuries received in this manner Lee died in about half an hour. Rockford was immediately taken into custody. The latter is a coal-heaver ; he has a wife and three children. Lee was employed as a hemmer in a factory ; be left a wife and fiv e children. The affair caused a great excitement in Manayunk. Ifeckford was greatly distressed when he realized the extent of the crime he had com mitted in the heat of his anger. On Friday, Coroner Fenner held an inquest in the ease. The following evidence was elicited. Madison Riolamonti sworn—l am the proprietor of the "Butchers' Inn." I do not know how the difficulty commenced ; the first that I knew of it, 1 saw Lee lying upon the floor of the barroom; saw George Redford strike him with his Ist; after in had struck him once, he stepped back twostepe, and as he fell, he kicked him is the face., I think that the parties had a quarrel, but there *vie so many persons in the bar-room that I could not tell. I do not think that he kicked mere than once; both of the men were excessively drink. John Lee, I the deceased boasted that ho could lick any Eng lishman in the house; I am positive that be kick- ed him after he was down. It was about one-half or three quarters of an hour after the occurrence that Lee died. Dr. Ramsey attended him. Francis Pierson, sworn—Ll did not see the com mencement of the affray; I was In the bar-room leaning against the bar, when the deceased came up to me and said that ho was going to fight, or whip English George ; I told him that I could not go with him, for I was going to take a drink; the next time that I saw him, a man named Thomas Adams was trying to keep him and English George apart. The deceased was about to walk awa7 from George, when George bit him on the head with his fist and knocked him down; then he kicked him, and was stooping down to strike him, when I pull ed hint back; ho was on the door; I tried to lift him but he was too heavy; afterwards, however, I got help, and then we rased him English George boil no weapon; I did not see Lee strike George. It was about two o'clock A. M. when the deceased came to the hotel; I hoard no person urging the two noun to fight. George W. Gains, sworn—l was present at the fracas; I saw George strike and kick thedeceased; I saw no previous quarrel; Lee appeared to be dead when he was lofted up; when he was struck he did not fall immediately, but appeared to tun a few steps before he fell; !observed no effort on the part of deceased to strike George. There was no ring forming in which the parties were to fight; among the crowd around I heard some voices say " Go in :" and some were apparently endeavoring to stop the affray ; neither of the men took their coats off; they were both drunk and could scarcely stand; the deceased came to the back part of the room to fight English George. Dr. S. P. Brown, sworn—l made a post mortem examination of the deceased ; I saw no bruise nor cuts, except an incised wound, three-quarters of an inch in length, over the outer angle of the su pra orbital ridge of the left eye ; there was some effusion of blood beneath the pericranium, and considerable turgescence of the vessels; on re moving the skull there was great effusion of blood at the base of the brain, which no doubt caused death. There were several other witnesses examined, but their evidence was simply corroborative of the foregoing. At tho conclusion of the examination, the coro ner's jury returned a verdict that the deceased name to his death by a blow indicted by George Rockford. StAIIDINO APPAIRS . . On Christmas eve a ball was given at the public, bouse of Richard Thomas, No. 143 Dock street, be low Second. During the night some rowdies at tempted to force their way into the bell-room. They were remonstrated with by Mr. Thomas, and finally persuaded out into the street. After a time, one of the party culled Mr. Thomas out, and, after be got upon the sidewalk, tho landlord was attacked by the fellow, 'who plunged a knife into the side of Mr. Thomas. The latter t 3 so badly hurt that his life is despaired of. Ile was still alive last night. Michael Tobin was subsequently arrested on the charge of inflicting the wounds. On Friday morn. ing the accused had a bearing before Alderman Eneu. The evidence against him was very posi tive. Tobin was committed to await the result. On Friday afternoon a squabble took place in Bedford street below Seventh, between John Collins and his wife, about a bottle of runt. During the quarrel the wife became much ex asperated, and stabbed her husband in the head. The knife entered one ear and came out under the chin. The wounded man was taken to the hospi tal, and the wife waa committed to prison. On Friday night an attempt was made to stab the wife of Evan Roberts, at her residence, Queen street, above Palmer, Eighteenth ward. William Williams was arrested on the charge of committing the outrage. A row occurre4 at a colored ball in St. Mary street, near Sixth, on Christmas eye. A:man named Elliott was cut about the face with a razor in the hands of the indignant husband of a sable dame with whom he was dancing. Two brothers, named Charles and James Gal lagher, were arrested at-Sixth and Bedford streets, on Christmas eve, on the charge of stabbing Pat rick Carr. The latter is badly cut. He is at the hospital. Officers Bunting and Hubbard, of the sixth police district, arrested two oysterman on Thursday morning, in front of the Bull's Head Hotel, in Market street, below Eleventh, on the charge of being engaged in a tierce street fight. The accused were taken before Alderman Thompson. of the Ninth ward, who committed them to answer. On Friday afternoon two men. giving the names of Louis Miller and George Honey, were arrested and charged before Alderman Willianswith drunk and disorderly conduct. They were held in $lOOO each to answer, and ware confined in one of the cell+ of the Eleventh ward station house, in Third street, near tireen. About 8 o'clock in the even ing some of the lodgers who were in an adjoining cell asked the turnkey for a drink of water. He procured it for them and was about to leave, when the two prisoners preferred the same request. The turnkey opened their cell door to hand them a drink, when they seized the tin cup, dashed the water in his face, and sprang upon him. One of them grasped his throat, and the other maltreated him as much as possible. The cries of the victim fur help at length aroused some of the inmates of the second story of the house. (the cells aro in the Wetuent,) and the unfortunate turnkey was res cued, after having sacred r iolenee of a very se rious character. Ills name is John Donnelly The two men, who aro Poles, were recommitted to their cell, and on Saturday morning, before Alder man Eneu, were held in $2OOO each to answer the aggravated offence. Fatal dad other Accidents.—On Christmas eve a shocking mishap took place at the house of Mrs. Linger& No. 1020 Croon street, Eighteenth ward. Mrs. Lingard had three children; two of whom ware in bed, up stairs. The mother placed the youngest, Florence Elizabeth, aged eighteen months, in a cradle upon the first floor, and then went out to make bolue purchases for the children, leaving the latter alone in the house. She returned in half an hour, and was horrified to find her in fant lying upon the floor in the agonies of death, and burned to a eel?. It seems that the mother left is fluid lamp burning upon the table, and it is supposed that the child crept from the cradle and pulled the lamp over upon herself. The table cover woo burned 'The mother use rendered almost frantic by the shocking el, out. Coroner Fenner held an inquest in the ease on Christmas day. About ten o'clock on Christmas morning, a non named licorge A. Diehr, met with a sudden death, by being run over by a freight train on the Nor ristown 'Railroad, in Ninth street, above Poplar. At the time of the accident, there was an alarm of fire, and the unfortunate man, while going to an engine•houso near the place, was assailed by some boys, who threw clones at him. Turning around to chase them, it is supposed that he attempted to jump between two care of a lime train, which was passing slowly lie was caught by the brakes and turned over on the track, when one of the trucks passed over his left side, killing him in stantly. His body was also horribly mutilated The train was going at a speed considerably slower than usual, and woo stopped immediately after the liocurrenee Thu deceased was a single man, twenty-tour years of age. and resided with his pa rents, at No 803 North Tenth street Coroner Fen ner held an inquest upon the body. The jury ren dered a verdict of death by being accidentally run over by a freight train on the Norristown Railroad No blame is attached to those having charge of the train. On Christina:: Eve, a party of "boys and girls" indulged in a dance at the house of Mr. Vander slice. on Bishop street, near Vienna, and while in the height of their merriment, the t1 , ..0r gave way, and the entire party, tidier, stove and all, were precipitated into the cellar. The ~erattibliug that ensued is representLd to us as being of the tallest kind The girls got their hoops 4usa..shea, but luckily nobody a :Li seriously injured Stephen Donavan, it lad, f e ll titon the ice, on Chri ins v, nod fractured his thi4h bone Ile was reevised at st Jtmetsla's llospitul, and attended by J. M 11) felling Peron , were abo teceis etl at the Penioylrania Ilospit.ll dewing Chre•tra as Thotua, holey , tiged twenty, cut in the held and face John Turner, aged twenty-one. arm cut by run ning it through a window pane Francis Holland, aged fourteen, left band injur ed by thu premature direhargo of a pistol. Reliant Munnety, aged seventy-Eve, thrown down in the street by a crowd, head injured Charles Petrowski, aged twenty-one, left arm fraetured, struck with bar of iron .. , . IMEarly ou Thursday morning an officer discovered a large Engli , hman in the act of carrying off' a quantity of lumber from a planing mill en Arrant street, in tierinautown. On the approach of the ofli-er, the thief dropped a portion at the plunder and ran of with one board. As the officer gained upon him, the rmteal turned and attacked him with the lumber. A desperate conflict then ensued. during which the °Neer lost his "billy." The rogue woo finally secured and taken to the station• house. Ile had a hearing before Alderman when he gave the name of William steer. lie ~as held in $l,OOO bail to answer at court Beaieger.—On Saluiday, before Aldcr man Moore, one William Truy was charged oith boiegins his wife, after the pugilistic Tho testimony showed a siege of about a week's duration. Mrs Troy woo fortified in her which !made her liege lord assaulted. Victory wavered between the two The husband had bat tered several entrances through the main gate, but had always been forced to retract with broom stick wounds On Friday night the Amazonian sallied out, when the male Troy attacked her with success, and took forcible pose..‘,..ion of the demi elle, The wasistrate, who, at times, Is very am>. NOTICE TO CORRUTONDENTS Corrospoodonto for " Tn Pula " will glow bets is i tto following Every ectassoanleathste mut be teasers:did by the twee of the enter. In otter to berate flotreataessof the typography, bat one Cie a a sheet altealtt be sr:tato upon R• ahaa ha greatly ohliged to gontleman PanneYl - and nth er States for mateibutiona E lvi n tka ear_ nut nave of the day in their parttralar totlitits, the ...mt.' of the sarroandlag &matey, the [scream of population, and any information that will M intermalog to the general modating, sent the !kb:mice:le beelepr toMoya out of mewinghim. for thirty dap, to get the bed whleheY • Bold Burglary.—A morning or two since, the residence of Mrs. Bake No . No. 247 &nth Tenth street, was burglarioady entered between the hours of one and three o'clock, and completely ransacked from top to bottom. An entrance was effected through the front of the premises, a store being in the basement. The burglars entered the bed-chamber of Mr. T. B. Pugh, on the ascend floor, and while Mr. P. and wife were sleeping, • gold watch was taken from under the pillow, the bureau forced open, and a parse containing 53 ab stracted. The guard chain of the watch and purse were left behind, as wee also a quantity of cloth ing, Sc. The rascals left Mr. P.'s room, fiat lock ing the door from the outside, and next proceeded to the chamber of two ladies, and, while the in mates were sleeping, broke open a box and stole SIC. The gold studs were taken from Mr. P.'s shirt bosom. About half-past 3 o'clock Mr. P. awoke, and gave the alarm, but the burglars bad made good their escape. The New Stale .1/rat/mi.—The building in tended for the new State Arsenal is now completed and ready for occupancy. The entire strneture has been built in the moot substantial sumer, more attention having been paid to strength than to ornament. The building has a front of ifty feet on Sixteenth street, and extends in depth along Filbert street 132 feet, and is three stories high. It is of fine premed brisk, ornamented with pilasters. The find story is thirteen feet six babes sn height, the second sixteen feet six inches, and the third eleven feet six inches. The second - gory is the room cf the building. It is well lightel by windows on three aides of it. The Moor 19 sup ported by columns in the first story. The room is clear of any - obstruction, the telling being sup ported by iron rods running to the roof. It was en this room that the police drill took plan. -The walla an Filbert and Sixteenth strata are 2.1 - feet thick; the other two walls are 18inchealleier.' - Our Night Schools.—We have already nee aced the closing of several night schools in differ- Sent sections of the city. The Madison evening school was also closed on the 23d inn., with ap propriate exercises. The number of scholars" ad mitted exceeded four hundred, and the average nightly attendance was more than one-half of this number. Interesting addresses were delivered by Mr Samuel Megargee, President of the Board of Directors of the Eteventhkectionland Mr. Daniel M. Fox. The ceremonies were concluded by quite a neat speech from one of the pupils, who accom panied his remarks by the presentation of a hand some testimonial of regard to the lady teacher of his division. Fire.—Abcut half-past 10 o'clock on Satur day night a fire broke out in the rear of the cabi net-making establishment of N. Mayer, No. 225 south Second street, above Spruce. The fire burned briskly for a time, but by the active exertions of the firemen, the flames were confined lo a small compare. The fire appears to have commenced at the head of the second-story stairs, in the work shop. The principal loss is by water. It is covered by Insurance. The origin of the fire is a myvery. A number of poor families lived in a court near by the burning shop. The women and children turned out of their houses in droves during the excitement. ./1 Modern Giant.—On Wednesday night, the officers of the Twenty-eecond ward were surprised by the entrance of an individual whom they all supposed to be a giant. He gave his name as Wil liam Foulk, and applied for lodging. Upon being measured, he was found to reach a height of sir feet seven inches. He is a German by birth, 2d years of age, and said that he had served four years in the German army.' Upon keying the army, be went to Russia, where he also served two year, In the army of that country. The company to Which he was attached was composed of persons the small est of whom was six feet, and the largest seven feet two inches. Conduct.—Two young men, giving the names of Henry Cummings end James Skit . - ington, were arrested in Dock street, on Saturday, by Officer Young, charged with drunken and dis orderly conduct. They endeavored to force them selves into one of the Richmond omnibuses, bat were prevented by the agent Cummings threat ened to shoot the agent, and when searched at the central office a heavily loaded revolver was found on his person Both were locked up for a hearing. Serenade.—On Cbristtnas eve the fine corps of Philadelphia Grasp gave a delightful serenade to their late colum‘ader, Captain Rush. The serenade took place at the house of the bro ther of the captain, J. Murray Rush, Esq. After the music ended the serenading party was hand somely entertained by Captain 'lush. Cars of the Track.—The train of cars from Baltimore, due in this City at 1 o'clock on Saint day afternoon. ran off the track, near Chester. The baggage ear was pretty well smashed, but the. pailenger cars escaped with little damage. For tunately no person was injured. The train was delayed three hours by the mishap. arrest for arson.—A lad named Joseph Ziegenfum was arrested on Christmas err, charged with being an accomplice of William Dann, • noted incendiary, who is now in prison. Ziegen fags is implicated in several acts of arson. A war rant for his arrest has been for a long time in the hands of officials. Serious Fall.—On Saturday, a man named Andrew Wilson was admitted into the Pennsyl vania Hospital. with his legs broken, the result of a all un the pavement. in Fitzwater street. near Eleventh. Star Presenled.—Lientenant Jacoby, of the Twentieth Ward, received, on Thursday afternoon, from the men in his division, a handsome gold star as a Christmas gift. The presentation was made the occasion of the usual speech-making, Sc. 3nother Burning Can.—A colored woman. who lived in Jones's alley, near Sixth and Mary streets, was bully burned, on Saturday, by her clothes taking fire. She was taken to the Hospital. The Afoyantensing Soap Society will com mence the distribution of soup and bread to the poor. this morning, in Catharine street, above Seventh. There was a lively Kill of snow on Saturday, but sot ~u fficient for sleighing. GENERAL _NEWS. The shock of an earthquake was sensibly felt in several portions of 3faine on Wednesday after noon, about half-past one o'clock. At Gardiner, Hallowell, Augusta, Waterville, and Lewiston, the vibration of the earth was quite apparent and alarming. At Gardiner, buildings trembled. win dow' rattled, glass was broken, and occupants of stores and houses ran out to escape the expected fall of their tenements. The Joernal says brick walls vibrated three inches out of line. At Lewis• ton, the A,lt-3eote says, a chimney was thrown down, and the ceiling in both depot buildings was torn off. The sound of the phenomenon was at first like the sharp explosion of a cannon or powder mill, followed by a prolonged rumbling. The Charlottesville (Vu.) .Idrocale says that a very likely negro boy, belonging to 3lts. Stephens, of Greene, and hired this year to Mr. Chapman, near Free Union, was killed on 3londay of last week, in the moat shocking manner. lie was thrown from a horse. his foot hung in the stirrup, and thus dragged for a considerable dis tance at a furious rate, his head and body were terribly crushed. Ills body was dragged with such violent force against a gate post that the staple fastening the stirrup leather to the saddle gave way and left the mangled and deal body at the gate. When found, life was completly extinct. The Cleveland Plaindeuler states that the eminent tragedian Edwin Forrest, who has been quite ill at the American House for the put few days, is rapidly recovering, and that be will prob ably be entirely well in a short time We cans - 7.. c refrain, in this connection, from git i n g rublizity to an in:tar:ea tf the great tragedian's literaial.. After receiving his pay in full tram the managers of the theatre here, he, on being advised cf their depressed ein:utustances, generously presented them with three hundred dollars. Mr. Samuel King, of Rising. Sun, (Ind.) died very suddenly on Tuesday last- Re berme involved in dnancialdiflicultiu, and his in New York came en with large claims, male. Mr. King alleged, by his partner, without hit knowledge, and closal his store. He wu e 3 over come by these troubles that after a conversati , u with his wife be laid down and was soon Conti dead. A bear wai caught in a trip at Nortinaeli, Vt., last wtek, and to save dear life he gnswe4 cS the I,lw that held him to the Israge instrument Being no surgem. howe.er, he netlected to tie up the arteries. and his pur.uers readily followed tie trail of 1,10,4 f,,r 5. e when they wail) orer cause the panting fit,ri tire, eXh3U., , t24/s he we. ty the loss of the vital fluid. A man named Beaty, left Burlington, Vt., a few weeks Fine', fora long hart, and tha return cf his dog having alarmel the family a rearet, was made, and tho faithful animal led the party to a bole in the ice near the mouth of the Wine:raski river, where the dead body was found. The new proposed Territory of Arizona em traxP, about 27,000 square miles, and if Wanda. by New Itlexteo on the north. and the Mexican State., of Sonora and Chibuahirt on the szlath, atd extends we•tua:d to the C•oloradl river. After the first of January:, all marriages of re•i.lenta avalemnized oat of the State, with the intent to evade the pablielment law, will be void. if the lathe! return 1) I.taiLe an.l re. aide There tvas quite .1 severe snow st•ornt in Vie- Chriotmts day It fell in the ne:zbb r hoo,l of 1ti..3m3n1 to the depth of twe!re cr teen inche. Hon. Henry Potter, Judge of the D.,trizt C..urt of the United Shtes to :`;,rtb Car,linA, at hk residence, near Fayetteville co the 2.t:h in stant. In Cambridge, Mass., A. G. Fatten was put en trial for stealing a ben. bat the evidence oz)wel that the fowl II ILi a rs,sier and the szetalea was discharged. Dr. Flay cc, the companion of Pr. Kane, if Aran c.rnmenong a se:ie+ of lectarv , at the Stnith?oniin In.titnte..n Arctic eaplJralic.nt The limes County Ga:ette say.; th tt tior ii. S Iwte, late ut California, design= Pe tting peruaaceatly in Memphis. Intsit GENTLEMAN, Walking in the eity the other day, was reeomtucoded to h LvJ broker for a di.count. The broker 10. , i,eal the aceeptanee, and as usual, stated 4,lne dub culties. ‘• It has." he said, ,‘ a gr, at many days to run, ai you see, sir." "That's lazy true, but I beg yon to observe that they are the shortest days in the year." A Norma or TALKER .-1t seems that tha French ,language has 5,0)0 mere wards than the English. Upon this tact being mentioned to a lady, she said, Well, sure they must want them all, for the French tilt: ever 19 much more than we de."—Punch.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers