, ":.. "' • '..-.-"'grr''ln°'"Jift.4•ll.o.4'''',ta.4:4,l,(l:ti, -4 A;. 3 „ 0 ,„ • .4 •-• • •-• N* 6i: i '" 4 ' '' / ' 1 ' .l ' ' .;,,,, ; '- '4" , , , ' ''' ttA 4 4o - 010110111110tre :, -- f: -- -.- - ' , :' .4 1‘ 2 4 q‘l' ~= ',.... •-z-, , . , - .- ., - ,•t •, -..• : -4;TA: -,, • et e ;;it wee, th eitiii t tl i e lid ,. t a'A; i'm - -I.h • '';'AWldio giii 4 gt ' , mlnee''' "i itat . i ; ~ - , ‘7, ' liaiiir• te‘eileOLWA. A , " ..,, 4 ... 4 *, 1.. 1 , ` 4, - '164 iti46, hoe 0 , ,, , teto* • , ... , iffikkggeirgel iit!, - torto synopet?lne 1 - - - I, .mitti, of iy al - l er 4 s ts, oirreiour>: . 4 ..!- i-,‘ : ..Noi kr c. .„. :7 .. ,r, 41-•;. .r. ' ' Till. l 44 itigiltft*! li t h ~,Illuocept Mori i- ','Jt'= s - An!"..... 0i - Ik _ a - ,14;r 1114"4'9 4,.„,,i. , (Vi 1'4.3 ,-,-js-' ,s '', - t,:,,, ,14 : 1 ' , '"'"- ~ „. sH, ' 2 - mni . ......7iito ; , 1 , •-1 ~ , , ,i , , , ~i.., ' = :Thooirerrill . l'il Nimilm,•, vhiiii.l o .sii•nr, '-', , ~,,... ciinfonud4";llTuseritv. r.,:...i : -, -:' ‘2 . , shoot 10•0*A44 . 9.14i-#l.rid ditr!tirl'lS: `; imt i ti / 441L - irt-, 3 .1.r -., ~ 7, ... , .7. s ,‘,.; bent dc 4l447 o‘ T6' it.ii 44.44 ifti - ; 7 ~ 1 ,,.. ': ._ l ' v , - she, era:lom nlah.nlive green, owe softly' eliding,- i ‘; 3:l owu akiiikb ati„,n4tna,ol l 4! ,, ''' - ', , ':', Xis reedilise Vial' ii's.,,% ~, , = ' ''', - With turtle wing. the am o rous °lconic dividiiiti =. .. And woeiNtVie it" lentil' wand, ' • ' - ''' ahe atelka 4'tiiifOlies * Oellyough sea Ind land. 3,, Tor war or tattleis *mind r , , ~ ~,, ~., Yu hileettAkeßseht te‘eteit,i -. i - ,4 • ~ Mobilo oner and ohlold were high ni hung s , -:'2b* hooltedMetNahte€6 --, • ' r ~,. '.,' thiotoin'd'irittilostOlp hlood, `'. - ' The tenetle*llPOie eat* the eitotd,theong, , .Adit*iiit, amid% rottial•ore,- '1 , ~ Ao irthotann,4o:3l%• 'Wilt iloy'rePt Lord _w ee 1 7. 2int peYcd l,ihe the night, .. -, (.. -VieteitCtlt* Prince of light , -,: , ,-- glitireigk , otrogoolipon the earth. beton i- , - 'l,.' ert Mt* yinikll.* worotot abut ~ ...,. , pitootily th , - .‘4l, , iirildit; ' , , Wiling% t ig nor 3 0 Yetathe u di a f''' es !:` . . - *lel nett hettt'quite fi*l' te r*Y ° l- ''' lad w'ave, 11%110 birds, of iatik 04 oti'bn:waist tho ,L, The stare telth',4ltaia!*-1 4 ! , .••••• *tend tneteWeet rso; - ikuelinti4triP their preoloite influence, 2- And - will n0t,.1.4.0,,hey.n1php,r,,,,t, • • Vor,ottahaadointailittiat • their*intOtrorph., 4 ll4 ;. .;; '&4 Ma tiMM- 1 19;' AAA bin spied, And, hit his head o:mitigate, „ Witt, " aka etiOnld need Be Mw 10ister ann eppear 2 - •' • - ' -Thai hialiNthithhaine or 'hnrithig eiletree could bent, The shephinte on the lawn , • :Or ere the point . or damn, ;. • • . Sat ehnitj'cliattiii in a - 11,450 rowT - • - ltitihthOughithei then:- • • • _,-, Thnkitto tetphtp Pan • - , . vat kiimiliCo)l4 to jlie with thoin be4ny -,,, • yerkepe itiehtlorrej or else their, sheen,, lig 1,144147ttie1f itllithountita bop keep. • When *ell laueio Ai l ed -' • , Tlielt-lte,sigAd•ears-did gretr „ All9liTer 1084 mortal Itogitstioqk," • - -•- laeli-iviu•bled voice - ' • • Ansorertacpi, 4E444 *the, - , ' • . - 411 tbeit,soribila bhimiful raptor, idol The4,lfik t itt)itiv4iff ; • .‘„ • , 'With ihoWuridialie‘still*limapiiich yovrealy clog; Na tio/ tltaiitaid inwksocUld : , Xliigti:.*lo;VelOeui4" • -„ • ' ingtllllloVii* ' itili *lf InUlAt*LITk • And thOlowolill *tali Ito pShe baelitidislitandiony alone` , :;. • COUid ?1i44,41,1:11,1 , !114,e0rtb, bi.lepplor union: ' *lootoilhio411; • _ , - That w tfi tiOlibiatdi the oluitaorwi'd night wolf; The helmet Cherubim And ellolAnd,flordiddinv ~- • ,- = '" • -; Are d•eii`iii . ilitteriug rosdr.t.Wlth whip diSPlar'ir . itatiOsi 1 .1Y 6,1 " 31440 10 01 t4tite> ' 0ncb‘ 01 4,44 ,10 3 11 Mml9,-'4' lfafarewppdht9- • . Bat When of old the yens or like:Whig sang, • While • - - - • lila - " %kid thoWill t boloned world on bingos hung, ' And - , And bid iliiiroltiblne: 4 l#lqi o lr 'boor obennol•koey-- lung out. yo'o OtOoblowkowitiWolon taro, It ie tonbb WILT. donOW i And lot folit,anioietitumi'• - • Atoie - AS tot•ths bolo' of=binitonbk deep oton blow; lownitmy , Maki Yorif sifatappi*ps„,.-, lowraliWelonoylong; : - TimCWlll. run WI, and,roteb age of gold;, .And 0F4 . 0 1 4)1;*4 • " wi l l 6 . l e* liti / dika, And lows Shiwlll *sit frOWI nOtblimowid; - . „•-• - And leere'he, doloroaa,nlanelgna to the peering day: down - return to men, • - ' ": 13 rbhk,* P1.,11411, 1 0r • 41"-gtati..,,,imiam„ Manyil " --, - Thrs , ii WlUitidivititaitht.tinsed cloud" down steering; - ,. And Os litbioslb - , • - Will ot**ll,o4iptakot *sr high Woes bill, • 'But wised „ • This oliet not let hosoi -•-• , ' , • • " ; TheUbi 'Yet flu ta'scaillog infancy; .- • the bitter aims ' • ' - • . •-•" -- • 311fustreitouu eir. lo l4 i , • • ' hotiihitoielf to glorify; - - Yet Ante 46,iliess ychainid la deep. • • • •Tlso Of Autioiniiiithilisitit through tho . • 4' . -As toiljihehiginiii ioug, , , •,• 11140020 - tit iiitstilderinithiude : Thelgutle.ghlot , ,'Witii**Orthsit , • , if, the centre phake ; When it the , ' The domdtal , luidgi •in middle air - dual :Trod hie And then !Allot our blisa, Toil i4l4ifeP: . But pow begtoot_for from thie happy day The 013 - Dtepotprider In strtitteilltititeleie4 ' -±r ; :t2 .• " bitty, • itikkeiroth'tcreee bye Ititiptiono rpki, , tierictifithieitilihortor - of hU fordott„tel, The Ort4es-hie No rOit*,.'ltK/It'4-31u1;1 BitidettrotthehrOhodycorhi'worde dereirit4. Apothifroiti Can pri:Pior - e'divitte, - S. - WitithOltrohihriek:the steep Of 'itelPho'e teericf. No titilitytrehceier'brioWort spell, • ' inaptree the halo-eyed prieet trout the prophetic cell , - The Week! nsoesstelni leery .A.sutihit rdsosindlitgahore, • • - • A yahise Of naeping Irani and loud, -lsnnesit ; From hanntedapring, and dale -Zde4lslidi'mlas pale, , „ • Tha,*sking genius la with !sighing swot ; :Wleihelelniffieae .. ypeaei toils • . . TinjOiritsitdsi twilight ;shade. of tanglid.'.thinkete In 44uMeritedeinlb,— —• • "," ' - " ' • • •Kudq.l7. , ;;b o /T.l. l2 Artb; " Ths-Lena end Lem nrei Main witti 614s:tight planit ; In isinciintalram round, • A iris - Alit dying liene(t • • iffrAtitii ilioneis'et,thitr "14614 441:nt Audi this alit inerblC lee= iCatifeitt` " ''Wkge tomlilleenbeiPoir , r foregoes his !rented gloat; - Vero;:afieill#o7:PC:lr it'eregrOrititenlielini, „ • -„ • -It#lltha • ZA ArelliAMCkeitereiMth - ••••?,-, "'••••••• ;;;-;. Nowiltil,*-ILWleltiil44;Ri i beg shrine i - The j ikble Ifereineniiisisike bii hein, ; {heir -wounded Ithenniri ,K,K,9T-,-, - ;,=,„;:: tc .": - ' • 1s 14 : 4 0. 0 )440 11 4! 4 ).r. Ilartaett kt • r LYdo escare4 idateltell*kese - I,xiiixtai with cipatele stig - - They the - dtiimid gtfi Unlace blue lila inattsh daifajoll'a as teat, ' pie and Om; sod 3hf delf.ainuble hot°. Nee is ttaiiii4oll7:-:! :';..: 4 11 finigaf*EitOf !green Tria4llo,Ake anshorrrid ' irmillactthiewfagis !Gail ; Nor can he be -atriat Within "hirr ism* elieSt;"- r taifyierecuideitileircan be hie shroud ; • ' TiOciii,foiti4t*•4l4irAkfiirprokipp , d ark, HpAtirlf oikWakkilierd , „ The dreoied'AnfinVi head; tho Nor ittiViO - - • JOll3 , Cate' ; {fruk . ' 00 - 14#0,.114.6,444140i...thi! dem~ied craw, „ ... ,, , , , ,s , V3, 1,40, , '"C -- V i..'- 4. ” I. ÷:; 3 :4,•Y'NOlStaii:.ri,'":'...':. , '' '''' '; ' littidtON AND, Idigtial* tir 0 rll - 04. 4, - mport.......Dioak '4.74:liiiitimotit itettso..9o -': 1 .,%„i i ,e 9 Au t 48 , 0 57 " I!i zs tpi Few ofittli n4 W c t ro llttlll .... t .lttl: m .l ,l Clinln o i ; Tit 11; il ian y 011 )10100 th!, 11 1 2.: . 1 0 :14;il i v ir1 , : ffm at / 2 % • M . slO it4e:ll " u6l ; 6 • Fintain et 'such O4et :the ' n" " t d "rtr"*".4he befori) the sileetioU ... . ' . 11115160 " 41 a tif O ar 316,110RN85, ocrettLyy. : • de:14147a- - --P ' -"A: IZ.V 4 l3lcorrArtagal sx ARc,E, ii . X,tholtrotre i r:A,l l r 9 Frgitt;t rilltolnonrg of -t emnfogr*.irkivfil' vfil't~eigqtat•the.omet. or , thesor 011;kitieritrytta:iert172 / V:a l l t . b .t,' ':9o LBANMt A.,y! STARE, .11'11Croffi.O6 of thoiltOstmoiettind ti • '...'o9vioiiiy,lvhitidelphisi,Decomberagoi 18 ° ' - '44o" .. annuLll6 - ooting of thtriitookh r_thi m c ' wirtltviatfig,,,v,rpdthNo.°23,3rrouth 46g8, I :I.lo±ofrk, st 'which time at East j"i fl l it :Bl tor l't ; VFW; ',Directors and a Banta •°ndvrTios h e ld r to year. `7.. - 11 1 4A 01 Cfra: '1.44413 AO!: ; fiteoratori.• 1..0110E.4.9100 the' , Ildalpr Meadow • 41.1. ! , ~+4 utt.o46,'Dociabdi 14; 1857. TAilaitingoieattatot tbOatockbaldore or thO Nearer M 4 l"r7 4017614. atut "441 :Tioniotty, beheld their, ogee,' No.' 321,17.A140% gireet t ' 00 MONDAY, the 18t4 of January oioxt; at It 'O.7otock, at which time ko s t e al pi , .oh o wc r t pioeyloa! oa.ltes Dirtortlor .thoon in yolik.' ti4lB*-:**41"1120.141111.11100. 940,7r0za. -, gyekkainies MO; FENNSYNVANIA BANE will birrnOred on the Ist proximo, to the -second 'story of GriellEndlog,WALNUT fl eet, asst . of Thitd.., The ArnerePttlePertriodged et-the , Eank'Per safe keeping stereo remove It before that day, sir g will be stereo else*here at their elpegote and tisk. . • , - • 494 4SI J. L. FENIMORE .' Assistsot-Osihier.: - COL: G. .DE- .11i0S-TRE' honor toinforin fhb Mains of Phlladaldhla that z,linhaa bats appolnkrd INTERPRETER tar thlajulted, 'Altai Copts and opened an for translation, of Ifodarn -Elatituites ' at 'lOlO GEORGE Strdet i above *hero be will ha In attendance to all tho bust. peso tranasetioas In;hla :Una. - • rifIG,OIAIi e N , LOPITST MOILSTAIN GOILIizANO PIO)C0;41 s pdttiitilitt,Vper. ,-10 i' 18/4.--The orthel3tOolchadere at dap will )I I. I their °Mee; NO KC South ITquialtOtietitginpllONDAN, thellith st 11 *Week A; 1114 . 5 t *hid( time there valt,beltu slBction or Written to pert? for the ensuing stlar. , • , ‘ , "WM, 0. TAJDWIG, Broreterr, i ~l.j i .~ Y :~ _ - , (Er :Notitets.. DiS4OLITTION.—Tbe PAUTNERSHIP lieretoloie eitstine k wILLI4II4 is T11112124T dissolved by mtitual.consent. The business continued at the old 5ta44;,1132 MARKET Bt., by OHARLIESNITILLIabIa, wholenuthorized to collect and pay all debt* of the late firm; TVTEIt W. BAKER • wita4/ms. - - ISM tuideritgned lonia thfitrin itotpubtto; that tionght opt }tr. P. .W.... Maker, hie 104 partner, he , la °anti/tie MO 'HEATING and VENTILATztot buatnesa at the naiitand,lls2:ll.A.ltlCET Street, iThere will be a lon hitt assortment - of 'Bangui, Tlestere,Tantilatora, •- )Reglatara,'Datii Banana, he., and how, atriot at lantion tw to' merit - a Mitre - of the patronage :of the patio: ' VMARLES WILLIAMS. APTIOHIS HEREBY,GPTHN THAT THE .Lll firm of RIMS BROTHERS & 00., heretofrun ex istiog in New York ,and PhiladOlphis, id' this dsy War SOBVID by mutual commutonif that Hie, business of the 'lrma Till only he carried on foi the. purpose of 11.. Signed, • • 113AdO JAMES .• ". ' 00 0- ' ,roux PO -7 ,lfoyember TO. nold-dat&tutha.fl r. proposals. • - ..DLOTHING -' AND EVlPAGEkrittaancuunia, December 4, 1667, --,811.61410-,80E0381,13`ar0 Invited, and will be _re -eihred'at thin-office, untiklo o'clock A, 61.,0f the 4th dayof lastiaryneit, for tarnishing by contract the fol; lowing Atioyeffip'plies and Materials, deliverable at the United States Ololtriag and Equipage Depot, (Schuylkill Arsenal rpunitittire as required, viz ; ; • 6,oooyards 64 dark 1:400 (indigent:SA :Sped) Vieth for , cape and bands, weighing About 14 ounces - • per yard.' 63,000 do 0-4 dark blue (Indigo wool dyed), twilled cloth weighing 21 dungen per yard, 120,000 do.f 6-4 aky-bitte (indigo wool dyed) twilled cloth, weighing„, ounces per yard 'lO,OOO ) dark blue (Indigo dyed) ,cotton and wool -flannel, weighing 6,,g ounces per yard. • • 210,000! do 7-8 white BD3II39II(DOUDD and wool) to • weigh 6% ounces peryard. 10,000 .do • 6.4 dark blue flannel, wool (indigo dyed.) ..10,000- do' et inch alpaca, (black.) 100,000 do X canton flannel, to weigh 7 ounces - • ' per - yard; 176:000 t X , uribleethed:;-drilling, to weigh ON de,rdo do ° %n uu tr i c=rllllng,toweigh7X Ounces 26,000 "do 30 ch cotton duet, to weigh 22% ounces per yard. 16,000' A' 00 Inch cotton duck, to weigh 10% /mines 28% Inch cotton duck, to weigh . l4X 01.3130341 per yard. 25,000 do 28% inch cotton duck, to weigh 10 commie ' per, yard.; ; • -; 8,000 'do 22 inch - - cotton duck, to weigh 11 ounces .: -- -2,500 do - -22 loch cotton•duck, to weigh 0 mincer 16,430 per cotton dna, to weigh 121 j raises 26,000 ,- • -pee Yard. , . • • do Pinch cotton duck, to weigh og ounces = 'peeped. 12,090 army blankets wool, gray. (with • the litters U. B,ln block/ 4 inches:lu length. in the cen ; ire,) to be i feet long, and 6 that¢ Inches , ,• - wide,anich blanket 10 woloh.O, pounds. , 7,600 desert ,paire. halUstooklngs,. it - slues,. properly mad o ; , of good sound fleece Wool, and with • double andtwisted yarn, to weigh 3 pounds - per dozen: : 10,800 pompons for esigineerseordnance, medical de , - partment, dragoons, rides, artillery, and 80,0011 - eap bodies, , , 12,000 - yards , lased silk for:cOvere. . • 140 N. 0.8. braes scales, pairs. _ 800 sergeant , ' do do, do 9,000 aorporaVs'and privates' brass scales, pairs. • •- 6N.0. 8. bronzed • - do . do - 130 sergeant's do do , do ••• 6110.4prpontl'S and PrlYsitest bronzed do , do , -i16,0%1 yards i n. vrorited lace, yellow, scarlet, sky 6,000, do 116,d0 do S bins, orange, green. •6,700, do; redlgating. , -.:11,000 . do ' white do 2,900 do blue do - 2,600 gross cost batten.: .. 11,608 do. :vest do ..",3,601:1 suspenderlinttons, whits metal. 4,600. de; shirt " do do •• 46,000 tent battens, wood, Small. '12, 0 04 do • alio,. -do do. „ 5,000. do buttons, do large. .do alips,,. • do . do - -'loo.hospital tentptdee;nets. ' 600,vvall -, do . , do •:00,0 common do do , - 4,000 galvanised' iron wire rode, for tents. -10 4 600 • „do , do' staples, do 8,000 mess pane, iron - 1,000 camp kettles, Iron, three sizes. - MOW tin canteens, (3 pinto, weight 11% ounces,) with stopper's. . ' 1,000 pick axes, two sizes. . ' 2,000 .... do handles.. -1,000,-eamp hatahets. .; -40 trumpeecords and taiunds, orange, 40!tinionot cords and tame's, yellow. - ' 20, ;' do; do do green. 40:drams, - complete. 70_ do. Infantry,— do 1,100 do heads, batter , 708...d0_ do snare. , - - do snares, seta. ,' 200 • do sticks, pairs. ' 200 do do carriages, AU the above mentioned articles must conform in all respects to the sealed standard patterns In this office, where they can be examined ; and maniple patterns will be sent by mall,' with any additional information in regard to them, which may be requested by manufac turer, or- others wishing to offer proposals, It is 'desirable that all the artieles be of domestic =mine tore. , ; . , Deliveries to commence on the lath day of 'February next, and one-half of the quantity contracted for to be delivered in equal monthly proportions, by or before the flOth . Aprtl, 2858; the remainder within four months from that date, in monthly or greater, ,proportions, as the contractor may find it convenient. The privilege is reserved by the United States of in• _awing from one-third to onehalf the quantity of all theaupplies above mentioned, by giving the 'contractor one twonth's notice of such desired increase. Magenta will be male en each delivery, should Con gress kiwis made an appropriation to meet them, or as soon thereafter as an _appropriation shall be made for tut purpinte. Ten per cent, of the amount of each de lively will lie retained - until the contrast shall be COM. 'pitted, which will be forfeited to the United States 3D case of defalcation on the part of the contractor in fulfilling thacontrett, Dtda wits be received from manufacturers or regulfir dealera, only, la the article' proposed to be furnishes/; and none will be considered in which the manufacturer's MD/ or dealer's .idase of business is not•apecldcally set Conti' ' /eta will be bailed'on accepted propseals, for the fulfilment of which two or more sufficient securities will - be received. - The nature, 'address, and the -responsibility of the parsons proposed asseeuritlea, with the acknowledgment pf ssld oraonathat th ey wail be ouch security, or will ,tee ,at good end Sufficient security'. be furnished in sae dsontrotha obtained, will WI traders/Med with the proposals, - - ;it tato diriluctly and/vetoed by every person 'ob , taining a °contract, thaterild contract is not transferable Without the envissint•orproper inad that any, sengooveut, or transfer ern, ,withont- such &m -edia having beenebtained, (except 'under a ' promos of Isow,) will be regarded as an abandonment of thd eon ' Vint{ and the contractor and his securities will be held responsible for Bittern or damage to the United litotes which may arise from midabandonmeut. Proposals will be addressed 41 the undersigned, and will be andoreed "-Proposals, for tarnishing army pup, 'piles and materials." • - , o. wags, dot , fmw Ulnae • ; Bt. Maier, A. Q. Mr. BOXESO DOW GLASS, of all sizes and qualities, for aati MX/meat prices, qutiasottment is complete, and are daily receiving kith lots fermi An Kensington' Glass Works. ikkeetadt Duly's make, superior to any in the market polio briWancy and 'regular thickness equal to French Wears Moir receittan two-thirdS of the Glans made at 9,000 hoses /mak Wale of all elves, 4,000 4,000 feet Bough glass for skylights. 6,909 feet Ilograved and Dnamelled Glass, of all pat' *me:. " ' white toad; impair and American Zinc, Dahlia, ro• SOO OW lhs White Lead... • WOO nor French Zino Mollie MontagOs), : DAGO likirimerlcoO Zinc, • • Boma Zin it DM au, Okrorne.are o, ep,e.fu supply supply, ()brows Tellov, af,all supply.. Prasitip.lllueraf4lllsvg y Pi* ,Green,, b sappl,y, " Address youroideiri to ZIEGLDR k SUM,' •Whoteesia Draggiets and Manufacturers, • • toltireopeletorast the Penna. steam Oolor Works • :Sitote,o_,„; 'll,...Correes' and .ODEDN Streets, !Pbni4e l P 4lll ....', , ; ' dell tf =OM GREAT IItEDITOTION. ix lie PRipe 60 ' QSHsTgitlt' t • The auniva cemetery Co, have determined to sell thejOhB tliefffierattter7 , at n 'lt i ter eitth.; ty•thlil roduottpA xame otitismoLetervilll be sebi,at • • ' , , ,TWEILVE'DIifLIARS.' Aidposi4 qf •at these rates, ilia ii i . 4 v pv t a mtkiitar# 6 4 uAtll Jammer 114'1858. , Ap. ft. a , " I 461 ' 0 '1 4 . 4‘1 4 WATafut STOIRT,-rbelow tk, I • • o,lm =CI 11. 49 r o z.. s q o Mnondliii !X; i.411444*f0r 47001 = 4t, - WARMER, MIS Minfi7ols7, Am mg oP. AUEIOI NTil,-PBNNANTS, FITTINGS, ' , and alVilidabl Gasalid Low WorkOhwukolea/4, ;-*lfo 21) GUIAFFArIiNSVIt O. A VE LPII 4'! • , • i - f'. --14 :n.4>Ano aolbw.cr, , suilaings fitted with !Gas Pio, and all kinaat Muting and rapairink at Mut Woric. del2 flut rigie 7 Oliuroll' formed that yOu won go a Ilsktog IN4BOARD3-23,680 feet care t- • '4l ....4114telWINFIett ..„ *Amfro on Wei t o e .1, (11 , M=Mll= ttn r , ;• - urAtt- :"ST.::.:JAMES THE LESS' ; ' NEAR SALtS 2 , , •• • , " BEI,ENT ROARNITNIRPROO,L•ii*,corsti—_ , . ' Ramadan : M . RT. r. Rector, Rev. B. Et StIYdNN, ;pay be'emu, , eleiy ;WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, from 8 to 5 0 1 64. fit ,ReONEß'B , l3ookalume;- 0;,,W; coruirr WRATH. and OREBTNIIT;'whers also circulars may be udtalocti. . Addreur Ras. B, It; IidrYBRES, I s . • ;1-,, , ,,a111 dr Ooduyikiii, gbilide,olll4., (A l , , CRITTENDENi a Igt :ADELPIIIA 0031- mgittinVoclaasOitv a. B.- corner of ShiIIENTS 'and QllESSNWOfiltrahto ' nd and ThlrdStorles, .. .'.. BOOK4DEMPINDi IOSIIIP,, every idyls. . COMMEROILL L D FORM; 3. ~ t,..ooAllaNDOttl, 0' ATIONg.. v.' ~ , LKOTURNS, ice.' . - --- • . . ._ . : • limb Studaathas indifidata Ustanation from maps* ,tent 'and ittoottre . Teachers, nano the In4ostiato I °o4lteorßtehatierrw i cent tho' %lista'. WA eitirga of .the Writing Department, , - , - ,' ' Pleaao outland see Spoolmosuilind got it Datadogito of Terme. !to, - ..:.,1 , '-,_ .. ~,. „ cog-' • PROFESSOR ,SA.U.NDEIP3' INS!;ITUTE, IllBBT PIIILADELPNIL. No Seminar,' whatever ls more like a prirNo family. The °elude of Andy id esteneire and Rion* Pre : lessor Sounding will receive., fen mote pu pilander fourteen years of 'age Into hle family. noire of Mews. S. SiliVer amilliaNtew Nenhirk, or poi. J. W. Forney; Editor of this Paperj _wheat, Soul or wards are now members of his „ , septl44f • TROY FEMALE SE M kMARY.—THE School Year, consisting of two Timms, will corn. n raee on the BKCOND WEDNUDAY of dePtemhefi and doe(' the last Wednesday of Attie following. , ~l lospial-Olass,.Troyfernalefieminary—,Tuition free. Win arm commencing September 10th. The iharge for thition and board, including all gm! miseries connected with it, ouch as room root, washing fuel, light, eta., in $225 O ithm r Annum. 4p addat • ilbarp ultalejor, Maude and the other ornamengal k raltelime of fe male education. Where, a fixed "tun Is prefervedi FaQ artziffili one half. Payable at the commencement of each terin),.oll. reeelved, and for -it a m pupa entitled to all th# Oyantagee g f gio • Pitplia may enter at nary potiod of the term, Cud are required to pay only from the time et entrence. , The Inetttation rarolebtet all possible fgmillUee for, a thorough , course of useful and ornamental eoneation. _The Principal' , are atielstod byttore than twenty Pro., fessorspd Teachers. , , RIO aOlareellat ,10)1140111 annially delivered I+yPro eager* on Oltoopletry,flattgal P 1 01.044-T, Genic 4 gy, Botany Astronomy, and Elect:lion. furnished,with a Valuable farad and exto ve lablloophical Apparatrfe weltneleeted' Waned of . lifirteraW ,fert4 eloyi, and Maps; Char% Globes, and Models. Eyery facility is afforded, for the f roroen ethityof the Preps& lagggege: 'f'he ?relish Seth hi' reside In the family, and adapt tbeir eyyke% tnittiudtion A the use of the language in convereation, ' DIPLOMAS are awarded to young Whig 00 ' BeTe paaged 'satiefactoryozamlnationa lit the full eouree.of thigUsh studies, with Latin or one of the modern' Itne,noee. CI.ERTIFIO4TIid to Attotie ,whe bare cote- Jimaen the partial course, .- The poplin asp received into the family, of the Priud , pale, in which pyory _arrangement is' Made for their physicareducation W. 'the finprnyoment of their man ners and Morals. ' They occupy prLinte roims, two in each, the rooms of the female teachers and that Di c.c gipPrienced nurse being among those of the young TtAe adraxia , ree of pie Zu#ltutiou ore the result of the ISACOMMINKepg {ac}Utipj 9r pore than thirty years of Re onward proif tees. Circulars containing Mere pvitcgiv: Mfgri1 0 4 nill be obtained by appiloatien to-the Principals; Wm Willard and 'Sarah L. Willard, Troy, N.Y. The terms for day atheism are per quartos for the introductory class of English studies, These are Read ies, Writing, Spelling, Grammar, Arithmetic, Rudi ments of Geography, Geography for beginners, and neology for beginners. lior thp second class $7 per quarter. This includes all the brancires can7)llNting the BllteallTo CORM, of Eng lish stadia. • • .TRUSTENO. - BENJAMIN MARSHALL, President. kgli il..WiLL'Astuj Secretary. *ayor t.VAcorder of Troy, ex.-officio. Benjamin Mar all; ,' -John D. Willard, Robert D. Billjmap, li t coas W. Blatobford, donee 0. floartt, hilaslE. Blow, Jo 'Van fichoonhosso, Yonafban Edwards, ego' , 4. Prim, Thomas °ldris, John 4.. tingwal, John ilailw, Thi Gilbert.. . 0t29-6m . , gotele aiiD Iteitantanis AXEROHANTS' HOTEL, OK ; NORTH FOURTH OTHRIT , Atom M . , • ' PHILADELPHIA. , 5;12144! ZoKIBBIN & SONS, Paorateroas • TON B S ' B, ARCH STREET SALOONS, 727 and 720 ARCH STREIT HOLIDAYS! HOLIDAYS! The Holidays are close at hand, and Jones's Arch street Saloon is prepared for the Immense demand that will be made upon it for corrections. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S CANDIES ' INPORTRD itxPREsSLY FOR mu pasture IsAtios! Every variety of lion Bons, Psittiles, Bourbon Draw, now style of Hum Drops, Eau Sucre Drops, L'angliterre lion Bons, and every variety rare and costly candies manufactured in Paris. for Presents, all sites and yATTRRHIII Or Ortnintenta Boxes,Arramids, Ribbon Ties HUM with the choicest .variety of TlOnfeations, end varying -In price from One. Dollar up to Fifty Dollars: Some of these Boxes are the HOST BURRIS SPECIDINS OF 'Any WORK AND ARTISTIC DESIGN EYES OFFERED IN THIS COUNTRY. To the Ladles, as .well as to the whole public, Jones's Salogtur Ire the most attractive In the City, and in splendor of tidornment and finish are superior to any In the Union • - DRE,AX.FAHTS, , DINIAR M t AND SUPPERS, Sorted up in the choicest and most expeditious style. FRUIT OF ALI. gINDSL lON, CREAMS, jELLIEII;+ GAME AND - OYSTERS, Constantly ready for visitors in profusion. PLAIN, ramp . , AND ORNAMENTAL CARES AND ?IRS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. ' NEW YORK TEA BISCUIT. And, in fact, all the VARIETIES, LUXURIES, and DELIOAOIES of every clime mod country BALLS, PRIVATE PARTIES, Presentation Boppenl, and 'Families supplied at the shortcut notice and on, misppsble terms. seutinpsome of the patronage hitherto so liberally bestowed by the Wilts is respectfully solicited. B JONES, Proprietor. CCAMPBELL'S Ratitrn-A-VT, SON, Wild Doke, Tarkeys, ammo, OrPiPet tril4 Salmon, Chlncatique, Opinachlque, Princess Bay, bes• chin and Coro Oysters, Arita' aYery variety of CUMN, wild or domestic, in season. Green Turtle Soup and Terrapin Suppers "s•iryed up at the shortest notice, at MIN CAMPRELVS, No, 627 CHESTNUT street, op• posit* the State House. manse or pains bee been epared by the pioprietor in tittius np,tbis new establishment to the moat omptuous mannoc,..l4o second story being for the accommodation of Private Paktige for Dinners, Sumps. &IL gntrance for Ladies towards Sixth groat. ' • ' 14,74 m UTILLIAM HANNING'S OITY LAGER BUR SALOON, No. 282 Outer's Alley, Phlla • delphla. sep22-3m oGOWAVB RESTAURANT, SOUTH /la. west comer of /WAD end WALNIIT.--ciame and all other &Macias hi 40,405. le:lollies "applied with Oyatereon the shorted. =eke. oep7-7m txprtoe (Irompaitite IvELLS, FARGO, & CO., • NEW YORK OR OttLIFORNIA. EXPRESS 00 and EXQUAIiii Pattsuo ; e JOINT troog hophipi t gy. • airiiir; $600,000. OPYIOE, 400 CHESTNUT STREET, PUILADIMPHIA. Express sent to ettivOlUELl, Oftzooo, and SAND• IsLettne on the oth and 20th, and to ILAVILL on 7th, 12th, and 27th of each mouth, from NEW YORK. EXCHANGE for solo in. mania to atilt, and COI.LIO TIONGI }UDE on California, Oregon, Sandwich 1611/11d6 and Havana. W. F. & Co. receive fringht consigned to them et SAN FRANCISCO, PerVlipper Ethip, and celled , Involves pn delivery o the nine. NOTICE TO OALIFOUNI& BONDIIOLDEiIIi . W. P. & Co are nor prepared to receive the OLD BONDS of the State of CALIFORNIA, transport the same to Sacramento City, and procure new ones, in or. cOrdanciwith the` act of 28tli April, 1857, and return same to this city. • de2l.lm .D . BARNEY, is., Agent. THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OF P FICE, 820 CHESTNUT anon forwards PALE, PACKAGES, HENCHANDIES , ,_ BANK NOTES U and SPECIE, either by its own LINES, or lo connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the rho)* TOWNS ani OULU of the United States. Jd. S. SANDYORD, an 1.41 General ikoariubindent. eAttorntati at Eaw ri°l4AS F. GOODE- , ATTORNEY AT LAW, Boydton, Meclasnburg County, Va , Attends to professional Witness in the Contis - of Mech lenburg, Lunenburg, Halifax, and Charlotte counties.' RINERS TO Map'dab & Rue, Philadelphia . • Baptist k White, New York. . Lanier, Bro., & Co., Baltimore. atosth Stone to Beak*, Pet b Adre'd 0 'PA lith a°F l ` l4. ' V ' . rah o oo , Y e. ' toc2l.oor4m JE WI S S. WE la 8, ATTORNEY AT LAW, N 0.2 AIRY STREKT, NORMSTOWN, Ps., will attsod with punetusilty, sod to the best of his ability, to all liostoess entrusted to has Sere, oel4m DANIEL r DOUGHERTY, ATTORNE Y AT LAW, Southeast Oorner of XIOLITIt and LOI OUST Streets, Phtlaielphla. ashy 3YER 8T R 0 USE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ORNIRIO street, Pottsville, Pa. ati4l7 'Fano lodge, ALBERT WEBER, PIANO FORTE MANUFACTURE% No, 166 West Broadway, taw York, eole manufaaturer of the celebrated Concert Piano. The subscriber would Inform his, numerous friends and cusffnuers that he hue greatly enlarged hia manufacturing department, in order to meet the increase In demand for hia unrivalled Pianos, and no every piano, especially tone and touch, is personally superintended by the eubscriber, the publie will be warranted an in e4mment which, for beauty, strength, and durability, power and sweetness of tone and touch, stand's unarm. pained. Every piano aotd at the lowest ruanutheturetet pubes. A call is respectfully solicited. 0c2941m GOLP MEDAL PIANO FORTES. - ATETNiVEY 8-. SONS, ' MANDPAOTU II S, Se AND 88 WALKER STREET, NSW rola, Received the foaming drift prig.) medals in conipeti. Mon with the beet rowinfsetafrbesof UWO, New York, phliadelphie, and Baltimore. TWO FIRST PRISE MEDALS at the Metropolitan Pair, Wathlngt4M, March, 41 5 - GOLD MEDAL 'it theuryam Palace, Nei York, Noverober, 1855, (being the only Gold Modal given for , Planes within the last el: yeere,) A GOLD, MOUT, at the Maryland institute, Bait!. ,m0re,p350., , • TUE BIRST PRISE wpm. 44 the Pair Crystal : , Palace, New York ti November,lBso. *moue ilts Judges were the drat 111,38 cal talent of the country, each as lil t m as o n , opserob Wallerihampt, end many others," St, &O. Pleas filgi suf Withbut iron' framegl are warranted Sir t i t - rases; ad '• a snittee guifantee given. -Plana Oohed . -ea :shipped without charge. Prick modesS4o'; ' ' !oeST•lf 11/ NCED'It kVA The Subscriber has commences mauutacturing hi a Ns Plus Ultra MINCED MEAT, erhleh be offere enstornere in • • Loire or ®HALL QUANTIT . eiders through itt,oonis .DIBPATOIL will be pude; bully attended to. ,iogEntio. Witron i r. ruppun iVitING GARDEN and nt AMU Adois. f 1 Li . if , GALLS. WIIALE OIL, 59 1 A7U 1,000 gall. Elephaut Oil, 60 bbla. No.l Lard OIL for gale by 1410A8DALE, PEIRCE, 4 00., so/041 P. /0i ti, Dolma 19617149. • r ) rt" S • t „ • r:r 1:-.. - 11 - PLADLEMIA'• kiIDAY - I ECEIRIi t 5, Rat riME BRITISH? AND ' NORTII - Attßß/- ciiN IiPT4 istrqi, 4114111P1IPEI, 4 , 4 , •., ~" „‘ ,„ ' .lninf, nien7ont: • tlyanteot.. •''' , .., crhwQ4l9, Pasangs;•,, .. t,..: .V. t • $lllO. ,lecond.oabitiPassagC , • ,-,• f, . i , 16. „, rant( nogson 10 6 t.i vaitrOnt,. • , ;11,74fiDabln Palmas* ' ",44.511 0 0 Oand Cabin Taken° !- , '.; . A1,..':-.;.:',!4 - " ' ' ' 80 The ohliol from Bostbn Whit Halifax. • ' . PliftiflA, Capt. andkina. °AN - ANL, Capt. Lang. - ,ARABIA, govt. J. atone ;' AllllRlOA ) oapt.Tflekman Ant, Oantrif: G. Lott. -' NUR/ARAI' Oapt.llvric , AnT9A, ()apt, S han n on. NtiOOPA. Copt.: T.'lwitah : ,lbbt , veßTia ectrvg a cleat , white Jfght At mast-haa4 i O W ii sterboardlow ; rea~ onliort Ult. , • Alotlo4,l6hinnon, !nave N.TitkiWodnasday, Dem - 9. • ArBIOA, 4 Lott, ' 4 - ce 'Bodoni Wedneaday,Teo. 10. • .14 ItOP.d.; Leitch, " , 'N,YorlOV434nturday, 1100. 211- 0 VADA L I,aug, .‘ 4 Boston, Wednoiday, Doe. 60, VlA;Judkins, ' 4 c' 'N.York i _Wedneaday t JanONS It OAIIA, Wialunan, Itosted,Wednevdsr,Jan.l3lB A RDA, Shannon, " " N.York,Wednesday, Jan. TO, 7 Berths not immured until paid for. An experienced ihirgion on board, - -.• The owners of these Ships will net be accountable for tibld,Slll6l, Bullion,Specle Jogulry,-Proclona atone orddenti.o, nnlets bills or lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein °Oresund. • . for freight or Tooologa apply to , doB-7 t. 9UIfARD, 4 eowling Green, N. York. FOR sa' ,ficANOISCO.---91, 4 1FFER OF EutTtni DoOorobef 1001'.,Tbo nneorpaseed diner alylp TWILIOUT, uivile,cooinommur. 41iiiper of Intruatav, ppoie.bcrA 4 P2 , --lhe ITT nlOcent A 1 clipper oblif 1 4 0014 olf 44411401 0' 'of =odor. ' ... .. . Both or thefts oeletwat94 10111,8 are OW / 04411 °8 11, New York, and - will daft ae 111(0/11. ' ' .„ • Yor freight, at New York ratco, oily 'to • flattop,lit ONB, & Co. d e g - 100 ( tats 80) NON if WirkftYBB. QAVANNAII STEAMSHIP BTAAMBRIPB FRAU OF G4pglit AND gpyiTqV ST4T4.- in CllllBaquend6 'of the neirailed, spite hi trsie;the above ships will be withdri roi P h r e "% Onteber,lo4k..; - ; .; ' • lir N; Jr. Fur 4N v tfPkr, ' Vg lQlii, will Ttifii,o2i •r_.r- o Dieflii. Mr 46 .111 , 4 1 gt-' ril . Wilful 15iggios, oonngegiler, 0,, l tone, From tile* York for lipbAlt. Wain kattAmptaa 444 itmaton and Harp. *me wire, York. 114tarday.'. . ' ' Oct. V 4 htiltder ~, lior. 14 liatnrdsy • • i,"',4.21e0. 6 liedurdey.i •.•0,.....1285, 4 8 •Prloo of PessegierYlret cabin, 1100; ipcoud 'cabin, 160 4 8peciodellvered In London and brie; rot frobthl or primege lipid) , ,t,is -. ,D. TORithNON; Agent, No! 6 110414 Green, Nevi York. , Lettere for. England and Europe. pre:petd; 25 mute fieoh holt Ounce, (byenclosure of postage Mamie If from other e 11450,) will be remitted it No. 6 Dowling.greeni New yokkorio!. , e , Ili/ ceolook on the meriting of NIL iy '" 'T ' OCIO-tf tau BNCiliAtfrt AliPlett4 tIPP, New York arid Nene Steemehip Oompepy,—TAo United Melee Mall Boarasbve 4400, tool David Lines, commander, and FULTON, F,1300 toae James A. ettea, commander, will leave New York, ' Havre and Southampton, for the yearslB67 and 68, on the following days: LILY/ /1111 W TOlll.. 1867. " 1858. Fulton, daturdo, t,ug. 22 trf9o, adtor_d 9 7l Jan. a fuilon, do o, . Oat. 4e raro, n ' d Of: Jo r e: Nov. e 14 tzt ra lto e n, d e o e . tt e riA II Vulfon, do. 1.14 29 1.2Ar3 80 120 211112R101. r. Argo, Wednesday, Aug. 2.5 Pal toe, do. Sept.= Arago, do. Oat. 21 Walton, do. Nov. 18 Arago, do,. Deo. ld 18 Fulton, do. Jan. 18 Jaw°, do. lab. 10 Fulton, do. liar. 10 At o, do. April 7 Fultou, do. Hay 6 Arno, do. Juno 2 Patton, do; Jim BO lure SAIIIII. Isoy. Argo, Tuoiday, Aug. 26 Fulton, do. Sept. 22 &rag°, do. Oct. 20 Fulton, do. Nov. 17 Arago, do. Deo. 16 1868. Itn'too, do. Zan. 12 A.rago, do. Fob. 9 fqilioo, do. March 9 o, Cp. April 6 Vol on, db. May 4 Ar6go, do. Juno 1 Poltou i do. June 29 Prow York to Boothounptoo or Heyre—/l»t 9abia, $ 1 56 ; 94.80 "...°1iit ', A Tl ' ll V ' POMO Harr . or Giy XID,II_ p 10r .orit—itrat Oabia,BOßTrica; Baood , atilb; 60 4146. 'for (ref It or punks, appy tti , 1,10 TWBB LIVINGSTON, Assot, T Broadway. Wt f.Ale T , • • " nitre. a 4it ...: 4 AN ptirPIL4N a kw yolef flff , B KW 41-i 4 f Muff: , Oa* UP 9A• one "PRE W YORK *NO LIVERPOOL UNITED Min 114/I4)1T1 1 )=8.-m.ShIPI ebronoslng thurldne bre t The ATLANTIC a , Capt. Oliver ritiridge. The BALTIC, Cap t . /mph Occostaek. The ADRIATIC, leapt. Jewell West. ahips have been bunt by eontrast, espremly for trovarnment SWIM; OTIII7 cars has bean taken to their construction, as aim In their engines, to ensure strength and speed, and their accommodations for passengers are anegnalled for elegance and comfort. Price of' pommy from New York to Liverpool; in first 911130; la second do., Pei from Liverpool to New Yorks ag Bpgulps's, No berths secured unless paid fen igs gf tlifp llop have Improved wateMight bulk heats. PILOY0811) DATICI Cif 04u,pm. Paoli ISW Poaa. peon art 66 6 ,056. Satanlay, June 20, 1867 Wedusadey, June 24, 1887 Saturday, July d, 1861 Wedueeday, July 8, 1857 astutday, y 18, 1867 Wednesday, July 22, 1857 Sstarday, Aug. 1, 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 6, 1857 Saturday, Ant. 16, 1851 Wednesday, Aug. 19, 1667 Saturday, Sept. 12, 1857 Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1857 Saturday, Sept. 28, 1857 Wednesday, Sept.3u, 2857 Saturday, Oct. 10, 1867 Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1857 Saturday, Oct. 24 1867 Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1857 Saturday, Nov. T. 1867 Wednesday, Nov.ll, 1367 Saturday, Nov. 21, 1867 Wednesday, Nov. 28, 1867 egurday, Dee.. 8, 2867 Wednesday, Dee. 9, 1817 . W,edinsoday, No. 22 ) 184 7 *or rribighi or ly to RDWARD . CIO No. SI Wall (trot, N.Y" ; BROWN, IPL 411verpool.1 iLENNAItD 4 co, If Analrfartitid, London. B. G. WAINWRIGHT A 00., Perla. '7,• r . Soowners of these able win not be atalowntablifor told, alive, bullion, owl*, jewary.pr sek , Wit storlepar 'metals, wails, bill. - of indicts NI ; nod therefor, tad the Thlue thereof expressed therein , GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE TO EU ROPE. bmin PO I Second Cabin ' 860 i t i a lretn • le , pad , 41e.. 0 18 . el Cabin sim skeit, 2,560 SOU; P. P lrditaarti;i r e rrp an m_ Lie! NO: 8 North River, at noon precisely, carrying the Cie STATES MAILS, via: Leave N. York for Southampton, Ile. Bremen for , Sonthmapton ere and Bremen. Southampton for New York. Ariel, Saturday, Oct. Pl. Weds , day, Nov. 4; N. Sat's', Oct. 81. Saturday, Nor. 8. Weds , d , y,Doe.9o , Thus steamers touch at 1111Y11X. Specie delivered' IA Landon and Paris. For plumage and freight, apply toD 044,11101, Agent, Ito. B Bowling Breen, New York. oelo-tf Winmanb LONGCHAMWS OLD TOM LONDON CORDIAL GlN—The best specific for Dyspepsia, Dhenses of the Ihitineysond au the Urinary liana ; Tito OASES? Toxic AND iNvilGoliAlre. The late important reduction of the duties oh spirits • peplAtted the introduction of this remarkable artiVe, 4;4 ro eglnslyely in Europe, with the appro bation o , the mEdNal rebottles, guarantied puts and urtadultorated' inthdpap rotitnmption from the vaults of the Custom now: It irromittifended to all (tunnies by the best physicians, either as a Earattita cr ma preventive of the above diaolloB. ' • F. A LONUCUAkiI.,, Sole Importer and Proprietor, PIT Fpiitti FRONT Street, Philadelphia,' Pa. For $lll9 the pripgipal Drug kitores of Philadelphia and other cities of the United aides, U WIAMEOIN, 204 R040100;17' Street, Sole Agent for the district pt Phila . /ophi* V 42444400 RAMSAY'S ISLAY MALT SPOTOU WHISKEY —2O Puncheons of the above Superior Whiskey, now landing from ship Windsor Forrest, at Minima atreet wharf, for sale by JOSEPH. Y. TOMAS, 208aud 208 South FRONT Street, IRISH AND SCOTCH WHISKEY, ,' Wholesale and Retail, By 111:14/11 BAUR, wolskyllt,riT HOUSE, corner of WIIARTON Streets, • I,ofloaq t ) tpa Nary Yard,) rhlladelphla BRANDIES.—ce Pinet bfaralt, and other Cognacs of various vintrges, inlr pipe. and eitterter mks • Pellevideln Rochelle Ilrendles, We and dark, In halt pipes, half casks, and ono•slatith calks. Imported and for sale by HENRY BORLRN k 00.; sold 221 and 223 , 20uth booth street. ALEXANDER V. gOrAiliagi, WINE AND LIQUOR STORE, No. 220, Elouthoit lioror t ONONGN and SOUTH Stress.. and-iy I. LEWIS IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN YRIEtr n igs, bIQUOItf), MARS, *Q.; 26 SOUgi Fin% /Are. , iudow i t.. mg 47 _ 113eRii_NLiIES..:Thiet, 00,0)%n 4, an. ga . .ii—s tett & On., mid 'Aar braafa tsetraiafilniaiili vintages, In half pipes swl quoirter e a i lie, einigist koehelle Brandies, pets and dirk, Ep max mei, que*r nuke and one-elghth casks, all In Oustont House stoa4 Imported and for par by r ", KENDS BOITIBN az. 00., , as a Non. Maud 222 South Dearth street ( pITHMAR & BUTE, PORTER, . • AND LAGER MIER BREWXRY, No. 620 tan N 0.026) Worth TIIIRD BtreG l ,Phlydelphla,-43hIpBtao Orderkpromptly fitondeil ho. ' 6111:Yr,- Books ant( Obcreo. • BOOTS AND SIIOES.—The 11111=41i r SLR has an hand a large and varied Mock of. BOOtil and 8110F.8,•whlali ha will sell at the lowest micas, (1).:0. W. TAYLOR, no21;ly 8. E. corner FIFIII and 24111E8T Sta. FALL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES: —JOBRPII H. TLIOBIPBON & CO., No. 914 11ANi KEY Street, and. Nos. 3 awl 6 FRANKLIN PLAON, bore now ln gore large and wilLaamteal dock 0 BOOTS...pi org,.ar Oily and Eastern rasoutsoture, Fhb% they o r for sale on the best terms for Cub, or Oa the nOnol 0r043. BUM are tuyliod ro n epl mg swan. their 'loci, Job printing, TAKES H. BRYSON'S BOOK AND JOB' J PRINTING ROOMS , 2 North SIXTH Street, lirek above Market, Philadelphia, Blanks, Cards, Rilt Heads, Pamphlets, and general Printing attended toe Binding attended to in connection with printed head , Inge of Blanks and Receipts. d2-tf • EVAIVB,-10,000—PRINTEIIL! A Cords per Hour!• W rror that .s..rlacked 1.14. •Iwis .00., A D As .11110 raa MM.?, „ L ig V- " A liklbilka. 10111 .0 " 16"' ' rAtt....4 44* aut5 44, ,P.. 6."4 . 1 . le de voryholialto...4altleNgnilltftliwd. 1 .4) • 411ThtiolUngellf ST.belowebsidast.. r_i OLD, MINE FOR SALE.—THE 61713 WA serlber Wren for ' eats with a perfect title, hi, PNP. 6ll 7lEnewn _se the RBI% GOLti AND OOPPlift inlrlig, all,ae,ted Smiled freot Oonoord, Oabarruk iManty, North Carolina: .With the mine Or a plantation of 145, acres Cr excellent lantl:ivol waXtved' and wooded, ftit &large 414Nlipti ROOM wif,li barn', miners' bouseal' powder; and en hie house, and other butldingii new,. stow eype, t ti9raa po s trar; 04411 an &wi t stamps, ptlurpw, .', I , ,V v i t , macAluery att'd Seal no vizir oftener or the al Ara mine, in good order, The Woe hos tweu. war a .int•ervAp for the last 0,0 years, and haa• absayo been pvotilaPia,ta relliqpnio-, prietere, bullies never, beep yrorkp4 Or any leng thof time wi th an engine and machinery. - Mitt shaft. and galleries are wellOrinstrneted , the stoppings have never been taken outAina from 80 to ttl ,tolnoto can be profit ably employed in the old ,workings, On the property le a formid able vein of copper and lead, Which has never been worked, and* new gold vein has been discovered since the first of this meth, at which three men hare been at work, taking out fifteen hundred dollars a day, with a good prospect of its continuance. pol-toe QUARI,XIi T. sailinlin 181 prpadway; COA LI GOAL 1 00AL I VAGGART'° , OELBBRATED fintlNG MOUNTAJIf MIMI GOAL. , 'J. ds 8.0/ATARI GANENWOOD r ' TAMAQUA COAL HILL(MORON W. ANYONE'S PINE FOREST SOUUTI, qoAL. • • I ,RAIAPALL - IMBED/TB Nom for 11001041 ore 90115ti11P1 . 1 . 404V14 from 'above aelebbeted Oolherles - - COAL' OF ALL Ann. There d no Coal mined anywhere, equal in quality, they and a trial will convince any one of their great superiority.. Our Ooal Is sery carefotr 'mend a t our yawls, and we will warrant it perfectly free from elate, duet and ail impurities. Our PEIONS areas LOW ou the yxay LOWEST. - Orders left at our °Mas i No. 261 BOUM FRONT itrCs, iboie Want. Orders left oi our Yard, OALLOWBILL street, behnt BROAD street. • Orden left at oar Wharf, WATER street, 'bore OAL LOWIIILI—or sent to either place per Despatch Poet; uill receive prompt attention. ParoMmoro for Eandly use will do well to cell and ex amine our 000 l treforo purohmang elnewhert \H4-tf 'sORUYLIML AAjp LVIIiGII COAL.— I san'dally remising, at my rd, the beet quality 0. BONIIYLKILL AND LNIII(111 00A1h. My customers, and ail others who may farm me with their orders, may rely on getting Coal that will be eatiathotory to them . o Inferior Coal kept at this establishment . to aim at LOW nose. gia.tr • - K. B. cor'llMigle..7o l %.. nry AND 801111 ' LKILL COAL.— COY, PORTSIL b. co., oom. cNAT,Eits,. N. rittsolt Streak, above kightb, koop constantly on hand, at the very lowest rates, • full supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill pal.- att 1-Om Mailors JOHN P. DOHERTY, 1 /ORMIIBLY WITU ['ILLY & 111011111, avp WIT' pO., 814 CHITSTIfUT sugsr, 4PQ VA' Sitif/TH, Ras now with hint the best Taliera that are engaged ape iliPlOgg W414 . 4'40;7. Oginto Eng, foginerly the !sailing tailor of this 0; NATUPs fernier/It elAtftf,for O. Roth & Co q and Iste goat lid Veet gutter with Luken!, 00.1 REilny: Wiogk., the beet Pants and Teat tatter !nil. United States,' tor years cutter with Depierris, ender the Irving Mute, Broadway; and with Tleplerrla 'it Pettus, under tke stAileholaa lintel, Broadway. The most unremitting attention paid to the velelkee of an who patronise the establishment. The best or Clothes made at moderato prices for eredis, low prices for end. 0r.13.tt IAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT ?NJ. itslB IWILII oil , • ',M. O NINTH ST NT, • it% WO I 40100141 4 Itia of CLOTHS and OANlNalmino always on mud. All Olothinit made at title Istablbasment wlll be of the beet quality, and in the meet faablonable at le. Partiettint attention given to UNI/0116.1 CLOTH ING. and-tf BARYE'B MEN'S AND BOYS' Or i OTWNO, 148 North NOUNTII Btreat, between Arab tad !Fir. aue.lY grollltrilnioll fillerdpitlo J U. C/IVIE. A; O 00. zERAL COMMISSION w MEROUANTS, 43 North PRONT and 44 WATER Street, Philadelphia. CONSTANTLY BIONIVINO CLOVER SEED On consignment from the interior or Pennsylvania, where our new °leaning Mill is now in general use. V. Also, TIMOTHY AND RED TOP always on hand. , 1012-tf HANDY & BRENNER—COMMISSION 11 MERCHANTS and Dealers ia foreign and Am.. clean lIARDWARD and ODTLERY, Noe. 23, 26 and 27 North FIFTH Street, Nast aid. above Uotuuberee street, Philadelphia. CHILIYS T TV, 00 Ikr .11- laud t k orter 0 1 P0,41 ALI!, (new) lutit stress. second story. sal. 7 (tobacco anb eigara lit4=74ll*—A o ban4flolfie sort -2144 :Rau,' qiiAii, Japi r, °Wow 00Torolaots+, Torrey' Lopes, Milan amerifdas, Orejon, /lora Oubana, ko., Ike., &a., In X, X, 1-6 and 1.10 des,of all oleos and quali fied, In sfdPre and eonstantly reciellng, and for nle low, by 011ARLSO TETE, (or!) 188 WALNUT Rivet, iul-ly below Second, wood story PIGARO, CABANAS AND PASTAGAS SEG ABS.—A ehoice ioVOiell of them celebrated brande OD board brig t , New blra,” daily expected from (Imam, end for sale low, by 011411.4V8 UTZ, (1•47) ISS Walnut area, belor/ Second, asd Sepoad Story. Sanative. LB. HITE & CO. . NURNITURE, BEDDING, &a. No. 4iB {late 129) WALNUT it Philadelphia, • • A now and superior styli of Spring Soda. LYDIA D. KIM JOBITX WALTON sual Om soap anb (Cant)lea. QOAP ANDCANDLES. • REMOVAL from 187 SOgru FOURTH STREET, to my Manufactory, 10 and 74 .103,Tpy smEr, be tweah Lombard Mid South, and front add /Aland street*. . . Thankful to my numerouifeends for their past favors, I solicit • continuance of the same, having enlarged my manufactozi no as to enable me to have constantly on hand a Tar e stock of well.seasoned Soaps, free from Fish Oil; alm, Variegated White honey, Castile, and ail kinds of toilet Soaps, Chemical 011ve Soap of pure Material, Settled Sale, and Drown Soap, English Sal. Soda and Pearl Starch, Sperm, Adamantine, and Tallow Candles of all sizes constantly on band. Having adoOtbd the cash system, I am enabled to sell my goods at geIOVOIfEttOO. T. CONWAY. Phlptdetuhia. -N. 11.-- C ash paid for Tallow and Grout/. hti fitationcrp. BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. .M.J. DAVID M. 110 GAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, N o . 100 WALNUT Street, is pre pared at all times to . furnish, either from the shelves or make to order, Beaks of every description, suitable for Banks. Publle °Mace Merchants, and others, of the beet quality erf rnoti of American Paper, and bound In various styles, lu the mod sobitaptiel mapper. Orders for JOB PRINTING of every dlilieription. Engraving and Lithographing executed with neatness and despatch. A 'general assortment of English, French and Ameri can Stationery. Concerning Mr. Ilogan'e contribution to the Promklin Institute, the Committee say—" This display of blank books for banking and mercantile use is the best in the Exhibition. The selection of the material Is good, the workmanship most excellent, and their &dish and ap pearance neat and appropriate." no2o.tr ~,~ixtnat~"~: IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT NEW OAS CONBUMING ITURNAOI CHILSON'S NEW CONE FURNACE, after haying beenfut to the most test, during the two cOl.o Wla as or Oefl sign 1813, bee proved to be the mist power boor fl Ac tecfrhi t ' Ash!, from to $ the furl river sago t the beet (voices poki in use. Titan 15,11001111 Ire eonstrosted with a neg. Iron sub pit, and a broad, shallow peu-shered 40 pot, lined with tire-brick or Iron staves. The Ste pot Is Surmount• id with A SERIES OP CONES, 03 TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broad at their base, but tapering to 0111 aper tures at the top, and uniting with the mauler chamber, through which the heat and smoke pass to the nue. Tan WHOLE product. of combustion In the form of smoke and niece, are suspended directly over the fire, oesrump or compressed into the tapering Coosa and aosrtsuaatv EXPOSED to the direct action of the rays of heat and light from the lire. 'hie beat and light Is brought to a grata 1 viol GOA, ;Wit iipl 'he the OObbt °PION op THE SUN'S RAYS, toe focal point through an ordinary lens, causing the 0/40111 AID nine to become intensely heated the roughly Common, by this operation the MILS EEC CASSE are 111011 EQUALLY ATAILAHLI with the EVIL VESELY for heating purposes, while, in other (arnica, It is 011kalID MAID WANTED IN THE CHIMNEY. All persons &elms of obtainiug the beet and MOST ECONOMICAL HEATING ATPARA'rUS, ehoulj pot fall to examine' the Now GAO (101801111:03 Once tar ADMIT/pre purchasing way other. The et. tentlon of arohlteole'sn4 bySl fa parttenlarlf re quested. ' At WiLPDt, • feueeetftif No. 424 WALNUT Btreet, anl-tt Oppoeite Independence Slums. 104, O l. suLt,oxagß & Pippo, l iATT lfte, No. ti B. srrnar atmat, Philo4loo4 gavbware. QUAKER CITY NAILS, MERCHANT BARS, RIVET IRON, klitnntaetured at FOUNTAIN OREEN ROLLING MILL on the flobuylkill, above Spring Garden Water Worts. WAREHOUSE, 103 North WATER Street. QUAKER OITY HMO are warranted equal to any made. orn-tr JOHN HALDEMAN, Agent. 11111011 AS E. BAXTER.---17ARDWARE OUTLNRY 4Np TOOLS, No. WO MARKET 8T boys Sloth, mouth Ode, PhiWNW& tv, I.llm mEDIOINAL BRANDY..—puro (pa .40- .LY.fL diciest Cognac, the most powerful strengthener for weak lungs and general debility of the age ; a sure cure for Dyspepsia, whether acute or chronic, Low ?rib), &c. Price $1 25 par bogie, or $10.50 per dozen% W arranted pure. luipokted prosidy fok So. 00" Ipr the United States. PRII4F,II ik Valente prggyris, 50C•9124 ard We ye or, by per :Wigan, tA, be Following' diem ere pf the Medical faculty, as to t o purity and chemical etandenl of thin Brandy: (I. P. Noicbline, p , yogrol, above Taman,. Chas. 11. Taylor, Ae• Il• north, shove //rime. Chas. IL Roberta, 01. , Thlroit below VILPHIP. N vii,„ vasey, U. D., Vourth, SOOre herf)rill l . J. K. Knorr, ti. D., Yront, above Poptar. 4e41-tr pet IJB L IC LAMPS.—TIKE PUBLIO IS 1. respectfully informed that Offices have been opened by the Dletrint Superintendents of Public Lighting, at which citlaeus are requated to give Information respect ing aceidents which way bappsu to the Public Lampe; or prany failure IR lighting or eitinguishing them at the proper time; or If not properly cleaned and In good lighting condition. The Books will be kept by J mph bio. SOS Wharton eh, Mot Ward; Charles Carty, Supt. of 24 distriet, plq, S Ifaines et. above Sixth; Ilirau O. Kirk, No. 1488 lluteltineoa stria. TIJCPMeIn Ward; i. Polthongt NY. #9l.ooittes .sreit, Ylfteeoth Ward; hos.Y.HoeribYltias Wane, Twenty- ourth Ward, (West ,rladelphis;) AI. kl'lladden, GU Office, Twenty.' acond Ward (Germantown;) Wm. N. Market, Om Moe Twenty - Third Ward (Frankford,) and at the Gas dike in Seventh ;Wrest, below Market. By order of the Trustees of the Philadelphia Qui AL J. KITH, Oel-dm • Superintendent of Diatribution. COAOM J fMGImp Amp Mpg L LAMP Ef i rVaF f t p . l to l iVll * V l A RO ANTS. end also the oonvetienee of bailor their ald Cerrlage temps new alirer4opped end bottomed, and Witty 10tm.alug fn all Otrtg aolil QPIRITB TURPENTINE-200 bbis Spirits Tarponlbw, to arrive, for tale by jitAtinl4. 111A0ALISTRIt, NFU' Water Meet. 119 insurance tompattite. FIRE INSURA.NOE, RELIANCE 21UTUAtTiggIIIIANCIE COMPANY, OP PRlL4ollll.rlit/, On I:Wilding', Limited or Perpetual, Merchandise, Furniture, Ae., IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. OFFICE No, 808 WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL, 2117.026. ASSETS, 5250,413. Invested as followe, : In First Mortgages on City Property .... „ . , . gig 0 . 2.00 In Allegheny county 6 per cent. Penn'. it. ... Loan 10,000 In Pennsylvania R It. Co.'s 0 por,nent. Mort. gage Loan, 230000 Cost 25,600 In Pennsylvania R. It. Co.'s stack 4,000 In Stock Account for 'hares in sundry Dieu ranee Companies 20200 In Scrip in sundry I:tautened Companies 4.25 In Bills Receivable, busineu paper 61,263 In Hook AecAunta, Loomed Interest, 4o 3,100 In Cash hand 0,025 1250,4 75 CLEM TINGLEY, President. DIRECTORS. Clem. Tingley, George M. Stroud, %Vt. It. Thompson, John - R. Worrell, Geo. W. Carpenter, Beujamin W. Tingley, Robert Steen, Z. Lothrop, , Charles 8. Wood,: R. L. Carson, Samuel hie ham, Robert Tolaid, dlarshall 11111, Cornelius Stevenson, Jamb T,,.../iiintinl, Charles Lelind, Williwn musikr, W. 11. Semple, Pittegh. delii-fsnwha 11. 5l. lIINC.IIIIAN I Secretary. - - ____. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. 11 VIE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE CO , 40S WALNUT Street, Will take Marine and Fire Risks on favorable terms. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS MOAN*. GEO. II HART, President. H.R. Cooosusu, Secretary. de16.11 CORN EXCUANGE INSURANCE COM. PANT, 331 WALNUT BTRX.ET. Obirterierpetual. 9114, siloo ; o0o. soworow, 200 t 0 , OP : t e tra up, nd 8/10,000, T 1414 Cu npnq 1p now pripnred to Niue 7IRX i 11ARINII POLL IRE on favorable tenni. pansinglvv..JOlLN 710 P PPAIDIAT—IIHNIVI BIRD. ninanvoßf. JOUN RW771% B. V. JAOKBON, JAIIXII W. 4UZR N , PUNT 7174, JNO. U. PLR RR, A. W. THOMPSON, S. P. 011111/ TS. U. D. lIMAIts. HENRY BIRD, dell-fro LEANDER W. V. U. STARR, Bee . INE INSURANCE AND TRUST btni- A PANT.—The PENN 'MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Northeast Corner of THIRD and DOOR Skean. Capital, $612,726.09. INSURES LIVES for short tense, or for the whole term of life—grants annuitlea and endowments—par dimes life interests In Real Estate and makes all oontregip depending on the contingencies of Life. They act_as Exeunt:we, Administrators, Aulgerets, Trustee', and iinardiens. • "Vtios. Daniell Miller, peri SS a Uktiel K. Stokes, Benjamin Coate', William Martin, Richard 8 Newbold, James D. McFarland, William P. Hacker, Joseph H. Trotter, William 11. Kern, . James Kenton, Samuel 0. Huey, Theophilus Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Edmund A Solider, Henry 0. Townsend, Daniel L. Mitchinson, R °dolphin; Kent, John W. Ilernor, William U. Carr, Ellis 8. Archer, Vga r it loec n flAtluel I% Ohr1:111R, irhhe M. i'm ' i ti oatt i . 4 iirinzar, ' T. B 1 1 11eLler, Nes on. DANIEL L. IMMO', Pruldent. SAMUEL R. STOKES, Vice Pres't. Jolts W. Umtata/it. Secrete:T. tilB-1, 11OWARD AND MA.RINN IN BURANON COUPANY—Ortice No 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. The following statement of the affairs of the company is published to conformity with a provision of its charter : 11113110)111 11COLITRO raDY /0011711 1 , 18511, so anatllle 81, 1857: Fire premiums 838,129 81 Marine premiums 217,793 82 Perpetual premiums VA 00 Total amount premiums taken. 1288,747 42 Zen:Mitre premiums 26,072 08 karned merino premium.-- /o,Bo¢ Q-160,078 68 ITednet relurn 11,719 4T Net earned 6168,859 09 Marine loesee paid. 993,885 76 /Ira louse paid.... 8,031 11 11 7 4)912 1 0 17 91Tir 1 . 9" cal 2 4••• 2 7 29 4 7 ;ateVeglre celve4-4,261 27 It-112v:w an= 2,971 2 —8 ,03 ALM IP gspenses ter agouti, abatements In lien of aerie., salaries, office rent, furnishing office, books, sta. theory, &c Kass 67 Profit and loss 63 40-144,283 27 Net profit 821,018 82 ASSIITS. Outi on band 812,616 89 Bills receivable 110,267 02 Bonds and mortgages 106,000 00 Stocks 112 Stos/F notes 1 ' ,2 Rio !;91114 ,P 4 othors 3,192 8764,096 81 DIREOTORS. P. H. Potts, Wm. P . toe*, 0. B. Spangler, H. T. Heusi!, Abraham Rex, H. H. Houston, Wm. H. Woods, Jos R. Withers, George Howell, Abraham P. Bp's, J. Edger Thomson, W. Reigns!, 0.6. Bower, Charles F. Norton, John W. Sexton, John U. Lowers, Herman Haupt, James E. Stiles, Nathan R . Potts, U. H. hhillingtord. PERCIVAL H. POTTS, President. 11. B. SPANOLICI, Vlce President, W. H. WOODS, Pecretery, 4.'541 B. T. KSIISIL. Treasurer. FIRE INdURANOIO. SPRING GARDEN EIRE INSURANCE 002 d PANY. CAPITAL $120,000, PAID IN CANE, ANDSECURELY INVESTED, . . . . . . 01/1010, N. W. CORNER OP SIXTH AND WOOD STS., SPRING GARDENS. CHARTER PNRPETIIAL. ' LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. 11 I R 1 0 le 0 R 8 . Jopo H. Dohnert, Heap IC Phil a, De M Woaliktfer, Laßis Sithinsok Benjamin Bevis, Jolla Lao ell, Jelin Evans, Jr - Okarlaa f el ,d Anley M. Park, William E. Woo . James Darnell, John B. Staveisson Jamb 0. Mints'', Ourwin Stoddard, ' Henry Homer, Tkoa. D. Tillingkast, George K. Childs. JOHN U. DOGNIRT, President. L. KRUMBUAAR, beretary. 'apt 21—ly NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY.— OFFICE 414 WALNUT St. Franklin %Udine FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO, WITH PRIVILEGE ro INCREASE T 0 600,000. Thhi Company Is now rally organ'aed, and prepared to make all kinds of Insonuies against loss or damage by Fire and Marine Perils, at current rates. OFFICERS. N. O. LAUGULIN, President. RICHARD SHIELDS, Vies Pmaldent GEO. SCOTT, Secretary. DLRECTORS. R. 0. Laughlin, D. Sherwood, Wm. Osborne, Richard Shields, T. F. Shaven, A RCTIC FIRE INSURUICE COMPA- Li. NY, NEW YOBJE.-0111ce, lin 20 Wall street, ad. joining the Mechanics' Bank—Gash Capital, 8250,000, with a surplus. Thie Company insure Buildings Mer chandise, Furniture, Vessels in port end their orgou, and ogler property, against Late nr Ratline by firs and the Rake Of 'Wand IWrigillon. ' . ••• 4igsPio o r. u.., 7 ilrlillleil, hpa L. Pops, Ot to Barstow, Ruble TI. arena, Henry 0. Brewer, Mem Dell, Edmund Poullold, 0 : U. Lllionletal, Manson K. Corning, Theo. Follows, jr, Ogden Raggedy, Illaha B. Morgan T Manager, Abu. R. Van Nut, John 11. Earle, Williem A. Cary, Albert Ward Thomas B. Nelson, Charles Beaton, Jam.. W. Phillips, Louis Lorut, Charles A. Macy, Samuel a. Glidden, Edward Marken, Stepp. Cambreleng, Wm. R. Shepard, Thonnui Scott, Charles L. Frost, John Ward, Luthrop L. Merges, henry K. Bogert, William R. Fosdiek, Peter Ede' Ewer y Thayer, Bellf3A/111)11. 71•1 d, Geo. Weetfeldt, 11 A. R. Fro Ingham. Erilainis Taylor, Thee. Y. Youngs, Maury N. Rio/more. Samuel L. Mitchell ALBERT WARD, Preeldent. BASEARD A. OMILIT, Secretary. au 10.1 y MANUFACTURERS' oo i.artr p . ! N t .. S 1 U . Re (}rented I E , the State of Pennsylvania. Capra), 1 . 1600,000. flee, Natino, 4,8 blood rraaaportatiou. .. • t r ' " bia+0401:111. Aaron S. Lippineott, Chula Wiae, Wm. A Modes, Alfred Weeb, Charier J.' Yield, James P &nit}, Wm. B. Thema, J. Rinaldo Bank Win !tea, • Jan P. Phitorts: • ' AARON S. LIPPINCOTT, President. IV it Wl.l .t. ROW; Vide rtdatiltont. • AI4R D EMIL Pscrelevt. J. W. 414. 'IR.!, ElarvelpF. Tbli OgnipA y wfla ili)14601 with • cash 'agile!, and the Directors eve dttormiood to adept am Militant to RA Available rsiouraos—to obeerve prudence in conduct ing Its &Mare, with a prompt adjustment of leases. °face No.lo eferehanta. elnehange, Philadelphia. and-dly THE MERCANTILE MUTUAL INSU RANCE: -COMPANY OF PIIILADNLkHIA.-ofitea No. 222 WALNUT Street, opposite tlttlEuthange. MA RINK RISKS on Vessels Cargoes, and Prolghto. IN LAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS, per itillrolds, Canals, Boats, WA other turnips, P ALL TRI RFITS divided annuity Among the As sured, and ample security In cases od .TOlB. Thomas T. Battler, Algernon E. Ashborner, Alfred PisMlt, tionoi r a .14..ter , Onatatai &ten?, Alfred Blade A. G. Cattail, Charles B. Uintafro, Samuel Robinson, , John O. Ke if er, ' 1 John P. Btdinior, Ileilry flllmbo, - 1 4% 1 . rens4ooostr, •, 1 . :ars NILES, President. ITT, Vice President. 7. 101-17 I.lward Harris Milos, John M. Odonhoimsr, Mahlon Williamson, Battlda) 7: Olapiaas, !mid Jeaaeil, Ileury'Proaut, Edward O. Jame', William L. Springs, Franklin O. Jones, Daniel guldOck, fr., William Tarim., James AI y , ' Wm. FA , . th, A. J. Antalo, p r ß ust L. • • AL h p ll p in; Jona°. K , Somata? eIIIARTER OM F l f3b i rsPi r tP e t i & C er i vicinity sclJusle at ' t o . Piii. By Isere we refer to 1 D. S. Drawn & Co. , Phila . Hon, loel Tones, Phila. Ohaffees, Stout & tJo ,ii Boa. Rufus Oheste, Boston Recker, Les & Co., " Ilon.T, 8. Williams, llart'd We have Dualities for p acing any "'nougat of Insu rance in the most reliable Companies. PHILADELPHIA UENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 418 (old No. 141) CHESTNUT ST. TIIOI4.PBON & ROOD, Agents. ruip 44 1) ArmirNE to s 3 11 4 042 01 % e fr 010 is to. Rosa n r.-690a4uus 4Q4 1 1 4,„K 8 ROBIN, to arrlyit twir salmon' I. , 0 For able by MARTIN & IdLOALIBTER, 0081- 110 North Malay 4t,r001 MOSS -17 bales Carolina Moos, lot Bale by aIIkOALISTER, and 11 1 Z. 4 nitiOirster Eltimot. MANILLA ROPE.--81:T4'PRItill NILLA ROPI, manufactured and fie. mile by wammit, vrti,ltit _4_ 00%, solt-tt Ifo Ift Y. IrelCril spil 11. nrerdi 5 ( N )0 TOWS bnit/TPTIELT. $4 - 0a0.4.9- 13 11 10 's imProfed likper PUOIRITATE OF for tale' by ORCIADDALD,PRIROk & 00 nolo4l No. 104 N. Delaware amnia. VHARLES P. CALDWELL—Wholesale tad Retail WHIP aml OANN Naoargotwor, No. Nv OIDITRANMA% 444 EZZIE 110)EIMMLVANIA. RAILROAD.-TRI SMUT OINTRAT, SOLITE, connecting tb• At loathe Oftleo with Weldor% North•w•ekra, sad loath western Indite, by a °mammas Milroy d4eet , num Domd also eonneete at fittebarnie with daily lino of steamers to all pertivott the Woetern liven, and at Olevslond sad Sandusky wi tenitith fiteanieri to all cork i go. North-trosters Lakes_ ; os tho mos d?. CELBASTAT and SALIAB7.4I 1t017T2 by wh i c h MI le forwarded to and from th• GMT WIST RAM BITWIAN PHILAIFILPILIA AID PITTS. BURGH. Pinar Otani—Boob, Mosey Mats, and air a Books, Dry. Moeda, On horse d trunks), Dram (to beam and,b:kl i ts) Yoalbers, 1 Ai 900. pot 103 lbs nannirn CLasa—Doroartla log abiding and Tiekllll, (in Wee), Drugs On auks), Hardware, Leather, Liquo, kuke,) • PePor, libsep Pelts, Yeste . ard, ke.4o ' per 140 Ms Tinto OLass......savibi, °woo. (In rooks), Yenta, haws seal Verb, 11 (thr l and ' o 0 U " ) (11 In I:l4toni4lartid and resin) Mkt; pre UM ltes Sonata Class—Oohs, Sith , Hawn, Beef, and eastward), ,rk On *asks or lazes tward), Laid andlardoll,l(sEls, Soda Ash, German Okay, Tar, Pitch; Bolin, Meet, Manufactured Se facto, Rosin Oil Queensware, Sugar, (hhds., tads., and boxes,) firs. c . -=I 600. per 100 Us 1ft.00r!...-$I per 111., until further notice. GUM-oc. per 100 1b.., until fur•her notice. COTTON-42 per bale, not exceeding 600 lbs. weight, until further notice. In shipping erode from an. point East of Phalan,. phia, bo particalar to =az paoluizes eta Posiasyloaaia Railrad." All Goode sonalan to the Agents of this Bond, at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. las lane Ansi:ll,-04Am & Ce., Chinese ; Packer & & Co.. Memphis, Tenn.; B. If. bus & Si. Lauds, Ato.; V, 0•11447 & Co., ETIIIIItiIIII, Indiana; Wm, Louisvills, Kentucky.; B. C. Ida drum, llsdison, Indians ; W. Brown &. Co., and Inds 4 Co., Oineinnati ; U. 11. Puerto & Co., ZanorrUir, Ohio; Leech & Co. No. 64 )111},y street, Itostau • Loath & Co., No. 2 Astor House, New York, Po. I William s.. Nov York • I. J. kneader, Pkaladelpkia; Alartrmr loom, Did I D. A Disarm; Pittelnimrls. H. H. liOllllTOll, Vralekt Agmt. • IT. I. LOMBAUT, claA. Bo rond*AS, Anemia, Pa QAVINO FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN TEREPT—HATIONAL !LUMPY TIiIIST COS PANY.—WALNUT PTRSIET, BOUTHAVILIIT COME* OF THIRD, PIIILADkLPIIIA. INCOZTOSATTD ST TUZ HUTU 01 PANTATLTAIII. Moneyll MAO red In any stun, largo or antat,l, end In. tared paid from the day of iNaail tie gay or with. draws). Tae oak., Is open every day from o'alOck In th e ntorklnetlll T o'clock In the weaning, and on blonds, and Thoreda_ y caning'p till 0 o'elock. HON. IikNRY L. lIENNBB , Prealdant ROBERT BILPRIDGE, Plea President. Mir. J. Bunn, Secretary. D 1111010111: Hon Henry L. Renner, 0. Landreth ?demi, Edward L. Carter, P. Duroll Brewatar, Robert Selfridge, Jong, U. flapy, Banal. K. Ashton, t i lt L. Chitchats, ""1” - Lea. !co i ns,' Li melted mid payments made daily. o Inreatments are made in conformity with the provisiorte of the Charter, lu REAL ESTATE PORT. GAGES, GROUND HINTS, and each ant chess mend. thee an will always insure perfect semnity to the deet tars, and which cannot fail to give permanency and sta bility to this Institution. and-ly NO. 88 ( 241) BOOK STREET. FIVE PER GENT. STATE RAVINGS SUED. [N 0.83 (241) DOCK STREET.- FM PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. 133 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS POND. N °. 83 (241 ) DOCK STREET.- FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS TURD. awl -fy DENA' STEAM ENGINE AND BOIL XII WORKS. PRAOIVAL AND THEORITIOAL RADMIDED, MAUHUIPITS DO,q , kI9IApIDD. BLACK- RaTlaz for mousy years been la sucesontal operation mad been szelualvely engaged la building and repairing Marine and River Raglans, high and low preasure, Iron Boats, Water Tanks, Propellers, be., &n reepecU'ully offer their services to the public, am being ially prepared to walnut for Nudism of all dee., blartas, &ter, and atitionary. Flavin sets of gatterue of diderent 4 1 ,1rOpirod tp rureueiso orders with quick despatch. usecuPtlow Of Patient-making made at the ahorteet natio*. High and Low Pruners, Pine, labe ler and Cylinder Boilers, of the beet Penanylvants akar. earl lion. Forging' of all ease sad tied% Irma and Brass Castings of all descriptions Roll Timing, &rev Cutting, and all other work emu:meted with the above bailee's. Drawings and opooldeatltum for all work otoos at tkolr ortablishmeot free of alarm aid work roorontowl. The ouboeribon hare =ph wharf dock room for It palm of hoots, when thouum la y to perfect safety, oat ire proridod with shall, blocks, halo, 4.., , fur nigha".g" or light wsigh 4ilohua itsArn 111008 0. /Muria, JOHN P. LEVY, mil-, MUCH and P.LLKStr. Stmts. gaislogtow MAMMAL I. MICIIIIOIL. Z. TAVOILUII MI/UM WILLIAM IL =MOS. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRT, MTH AND WASHINGTON antzni, THILADILYSIA. MERRICK & SONS, INGININRS AND MACRINIBPS, mannfaetare Nigh and Low Premium/num Ragtime, fer Land, River, and !Urine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &e , Oast lap of all kinds, either Iron or Brun. Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, .to. Retorts and Ou MaeMato of the latest end most Improved onnetruetlen. livery dencripticua of Plantation resehlsery, sash se s lit I T . POW, end arses t i et t V Isl rev, Open Steam igf,lipiflotor, V re, Posip g poems; gr.e. Lila gem for li. lelli'll Ut tug; ikdllng Apparatus; Plastnytk's Patent Rammer, J. P. Rom , Patent TMve Motion for t Yaeldnery ant Steam Pumps. Iloperilent—D. U. BANTOL Rlgfe D NORRIS & SON, LOOOMO STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, iivirwrzurn: mess?, RAnwron, ruIIYIRW AID amnia Gann= PaildtKl9l. Weielasively hre rtßi'msnalsota of ORLOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. lidatinfaotar• to order Lotto:natives at say wat t weight at capacity, for the use of Weed :Tre - , or Bstripsissous Coal is sir crude stall, er ANTHRACITE COAL, - WITIOnt IYITTina 1310113, GAS oa 1111. In design material and workmanship, the LOOOlOO. tires prodmied at these Works are equal to, sad not az ealle4 by any. The materials need in nonstnietion an made on the spot, and Insure the belt quality and most reliable stoat. The logs silent of Shops, and Com plete Evripmsat of IffacAisurg mid Th ais, enable thsps to step_ to Um REST OR Watit Wlrg etts4r 4140.1.42 TH, OF ANY ARRANOZYNXT 11QOIRID. CHILLED CAR WHEELS, HAMMED AXLES, With Nailing,' of any else or form, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, And MACHINE WORK generally. ILIONANDIOIIIIII. NINNY LATIN= solid. anl-LT oorgs bilaster, W. 0. Btotaisburr, It. M. Caine., 0. 0. Butler, Oeo. Scott. [alil9.y A GENTS WANTED.—Five to Ten Dol 11l lira per day can be eadly made. Call on A. 111. ACK, at Jacob l.ecan'n Bond Ilona lintel, Welt kid; Week, Lancaiter, Pa. Ael3.tf WANTED, FOR THE lINITSH STATES OAVALIIY—AbIe-botlied, ummaried 'twin wit i hie tiros/ top pay, 'titithing, and meditial itieli4arion. Pit'Yrom 812 to In peesoooth. No utoo Wail* ie*lfe of child will teineeepred. - Apply for MOUNIED 81V.Nytell, at No. 817 1 4 / 1 1111112 eteret 401Otth, north gds. W 1n 11,74411 B. ItpTAI,L, Isltt.:l4 - kart. int 6.1 m• nonariting Ofiteer. NOTICE.—ORESTNUT STREET 1, BRIDGE. PLANS AND ESTIMATES fora Bridge over the River Schuylllll, on the line of Chestnut street In the City of Philadelphia, will be received by the Chief En gineer end Surveyor, at the DEPARTMENT OP SUR VEYS, City Building, PIPTII Street, beGer Walnut, until the Bound day of January, le6S. Ptild Bridge to be of the following - dimensions, without any pier, or with not More than one pier In the water-way ; the materials of conatructlon throughout to be indeetructi blo by Sr.. Distance betareen ebtttnannte... 3C46 feet Width of Bridge , ont to oat, not lees than.. 12 Sievation above 'low Teter . 31 For an arch the springing line shoni.l not Ira lees 4= eleven feet shore low Tater. ' The Plane and Estimate* will be received ander the amoingement and bounlitiona welled In the ordi nance Of tiouneita, approied November %1,11337, as fel lota, via "" • 41=101 That all plum and z i t , ist:?! to ha rpaiiid by tloi Chief hinginser thirdehre o , Civet Ph delphia,'eaeli pine , Ind b a nn'tats ma rt and and be acTediparded bt tatted dommardnation having a corresponding mark hereon, so that the name of the designer may not be known Until the plan moat kip• proved shall have been 'elected. Storms 3. That all ouch plan* and "inmate* shall, when taielved, become the prOpertr Arad P_LLT P hit, delpCia, Olt "Lill Len:2o4w 1 qfpithfce =cult; e of the patine thla Ordinal:a, yfith it Mil d ty of the oder Engineer and Barveyor, by and with the advice of the Committee on Surveys and Regolations, to invite a commission consisting of three civil engi neers, who, in conjunction with the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City, shall examine and decide upon the relative merits and applicability of the plans presented, to the Bridge site proposed, and report to Councils the number of plum received, the names of the iletiguer;, and the character and eiltimateil cost of the Hires plans by them preferred, Seortos 4. It than be the duty of the Chief Commit• stoma, of Highways, upon a certi fi cate presented and aigned by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, to issue warrants in payment of the cost of the aforesaid a4ver titemonts, and also in favor of those persona who may have presented the three plane chicaned by y 4 . 7 4- mimlan j tothe Sp nit pecolciti b itiecii, tte p ; to (Fe 21cmui, so e 3l00; said warratrilie to otslohre4 to rteui $O. 'appropriatiou mule the D4partmeut. tif Highway., to., for the year 186 T, 'penned "larch 10, leer I For furtßer information, or for cross section of rivmr,• address STRICKLAND lINEABg, Chief Engineer and &nem City at Philad a. noe-dtjua IiTONDERS OF TIIE AgE,-;-wil 1 , ii . L i?r,r_p r yoa•KtVleti'd4' ''.il l l% - 474411Earg Obi LAMPS la tisP lie toragto i stn, all. rrite al 10 up ; all ma} hare • superior Light by kitbag at their Depot. This Lamp Is adapted to all places and purposes, and only requiree a trial to test its advantages over all others. The Lamp tunas Ha own g•e tiur Patti l t Bunion con trs fitted to iiT oritimu V 1 14 tatta , with Mile eXpeh§s, littliollt e leg; pat re danger. All" 40 Inylted to call and amine for themselves. 'town, County, andtiltkla 4114 fqy mile. "phe proprietors ere 11l Inlill of Agents, Oleg • M. ohnnoe to make moue,. PETRItS is 1311 ROPE, flu Lamp Depot, void•tm 1991300 h 4th St , below Chestnut, Phi CHEAP SUMMER FUEL.—GAS COKE, of excellent quality, is sold at the PHILADELPHIA GASWORKS for the reduced price of See ante a !nodal, and may be obtained in large or mall quantly by ap plying at tbe Gas Office, No. SO Beath HAVYNTH Street To Parobasers by Wbole!alp, it le spl; 0 The Worle, tlraaiits,ll.i tOI g9ton.Pttit varsiott a a . t , pa J. 0. °SIMON, Inglnear. PHILADIL3I/110111 WORKS, ARR. PS. 'Af anSI-U BALE ROPE : Bayer; are invited to call and ouralde oar ifutfla Hale Bou t ' ibieli we can sell u low u Ameiihaa, end varetut sa v ryqic w tram% end thaibLUtit. VIM!, iit l l4RA. %%1 vi ac 444 nil Wham.* • rtOnit SEM-4MT= -TO Mni 13YINA.NIA NARMERD AND ITO.DILLUPERIL The nuderaigned are now prepared to parehau foe, cash, prime clover Seed of the new crop., , Peowaylvarda storekeepers and farmers, by sending amnia to our address, can, at all times, ascertain the price at which we are buying. Parties wishing maples, by which to be governed uto quality, eau hare them sent by map, by addreuing us. J. 11. DHABI & 001 14 lig4 ?IVO; 4,4 Witiv ~• • . . .-is."_ •~+.d+.t-^:`i':+~RYClA~3Y.v'lk4:..if.7}.~'i~.'iiß>4as~.f!"~_cur'z'i"pa"~e'.,,.+i4oY~%tL.'-" glavings 'antic intitilitirta ant( iron. REANEY, NEAFIE & CO., 91i17'~8 AAiD~➢O~NDSBB. Wants it ailrosbs. pi ENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAIL -1t15?., • POE PITTBIIIII4III,' 1 1 6 , 61• Oinetwasti, Bt. law * Oily, Louisville New Odense. 111 Pads iimeg, Oneida.* 12=. Arming closa' esesmetions rig el Nu Gnat WM:, Mt Naileante. LIM VA.I. AND DEPARITEE OF TEN modes At and kOl9l the P swim intanyteanla Lamm Mattes. aonth-eaat twesmet of NLXVIDITI/ an7l'd=lr 1C11T1".... Centannew au Xbreentl atnoet ) TWO Taloooll TRAINS LNATIt PRUADELPHIA reetnlng d DAILY Wait dada eoannetk. at litisbarib I. el potato aeptrtATut lUD and Ateeannedatinn ?Was, (Inadaym ,) via : Diet WO Una at 1 P. N., ante*: la PittalnuTh at 6 . N. Uprose WAD Train at 11 algtit, whin is Pltteinest at 163 P. N. 1.11 nom= Way iraln at 8 a. M., ak Aral 8 P.M. Ilastiaborg Attains:iodation Stain, via Cotaxabta. leaves Pittlattelpbta at SP. L. , anisis; La lianiabars Ma P.L. 1 771)01270. Past Mail Train lam l es PV.tabargh at A I. M., antra la 'Philadelphia at 11.43 right. Dipreta Mail Train leave* Pittsbargit at 30 P. M., ar rives in Philadelphia .Al P. M. Allows. Way Tram leaves . ,Altonus at 7.4 . 3 A.M., anima In Ph tholelphls at 7-* P. X: love Harrisburg Ammormodatioa iaia , via Calmat* Harrisburg at 0 A. M., arriving in Ptuladelpida 12 noon. The lamas Mall tans daily, the ethos Was, Eau. docceeptad. gage will be received at Ma Pasarager Depot IM the •m gage Masteri:t....ate thee during lb. day. Ms charge for handling Norics.—ln case o f Ma Company will hold thenuielves respocalble for Permusal lamp ea2p, sad for so amount sot eiceedlog $lOO. ICOTlClL—Owelbassa will be is natiaoto at the like York Depot to rainy pmesagen or the Wu* I. Oa PODIUPTULLIIII4II,O4a TI MAD MOORS, Lpat, Patoomot Liao Pawling& Lam/ Oa. Phfladelphia, November Ti, 2047. all-l) irrWESTERN TRAVELLERS. SPRING AND MOM ALTANOINIMI. NOETHEB!! cAurrasz, Langur. TWO DAILY MUSS SZOSt /ALTMAN TO nirrsentou AND TEM NUT. On and altar Joss Ist, lan, TOO - Intla MUSS grin leave Calvert &atlas tor Taiabaulli ant IN Masa ank aad Soatlt or liorUmeetere dila& ?RR MORNING MAIL TRAIN WOOD Ball haat Valanday axessedialSAl A. Ii tannsal Trala over Op Snit IVY, armie ALUzaka, ad arriving is "TabsrA A. Tax AT713121001t MALI Lama Baltimore daily (IlitßaYolooldad)at J P. Nl for Ilantidoorg. TIM NIQIIT ILIPILS6B 'MTN LOOMS Balinalli KWICRI KtEtuT at Ili t. IL, au electing witk tha lAtittatac Inoue ova, taw Passtri viola Railroad for Pit acrid:row LIO 1. IL irr AR these talus eossect dowdy at with trains arm w Pin/tan k Platt W= A r i la Chitogo Itzikoad, and ita Northam, Roalkata and W 411019 conartilawa. ug- Passenves tor Clikairo, ROI* Waal, bops, tau, lows City blibosakes, Ditbagna, $ 4. ?and* lima son, sad other citoaid the NortharastorDlannb ens hiumited Miiii • kt.la sad ses hews !a I re, with A, I,s2thiazsgi.l by this nen. tsadinz m Err riassniars for Cleralandl. Si Tekds, _sad usuott, go by Ws mate, and &a this nesquansi„ Was 113 tales Ander than by any attar mats. ir r hosnagars for Bt. Lomas, Indiaasions Yam Mate, giro, sod all points on tb• Lower mai tippas illsallaippl, oaks lam -Nras at commit ultra In ad. snow, of any other main; add to Dayton, loaatnills, and other proedsant adios, as italdi La l b tl i laY Witate °the ns t "Ai Dainrap t4. GarbOXID TBZOMEI sad head/ a wish sane.'" FOR THE NCNB' over The th l LS All. cows** ationokr wall Wilms Tram lat u rsoW far 1193Weinspert, Mohr% Wis Pea /NW, GAS °walla, thaa MIN t railway nate In Narthanwiens pegno ".tw lsania wal Western Now York. Pareepors Ind this tho shortest, cheapest, and oust ongsatibase route to Niagara Fall. and Camelot. monk Thirsts 11111 WOOS 1111/ 11111 Os. iambi. and Lumber by With* trains u eaeb, Web train Woing ears eenzeetkoa. Passe= rento swab kwealled bridges, sultan ta n of torrying woos the WolTwAssas *mt. yeassegars for Hamner, kaacheeter, , Onalphwg, selttabarg, Oluabasharg, is iglu team ss tat A. and a r. H. WEaTitINVITS BILINCV. no Caro on ilia tai who we trap itchy, esenweb. with Um tuft at P. M. T' oron TIONITS oad bulbar terwasenea, wly the Vast Oino, Calvert lbstiow. R. Lamm arcahert sal Franklin streets. 50p211.11 0.0. AWRIOSI, NEW TORE LIKES.—THEE AND AIIIIOT RAILROAD AND P AND TUNTON 111ELROAD 00WPARTV PROPramLPIIII TO NNW TORII, $ t aIN a IMAM. Lam as billeva, eia : Pau; At IA. U. tun 11.sUinstan 116401, Jensay City, Mall At 6 A. M., ink Caulasanl Anti Oily, Itsa Ass asy 46usaunistion At (A. M., via Candna Aransawsia tlan.„,„_ Atl eta Coat.. ad Jerry may, Mantel Pail nd Jann 10 A. 11, y City by stun:but TrSum uesal: els MUM a, Musty " ....... At 2 P. M., via Canada* ..l labay, 0. and A. In. 1,111 Mall M. sin Cauisn and Jersey City, At; P. M., eta Cassien and Amboy, Aseas Oast, Ist OWN. . At I P. M., via o:saken ad leunasmeds. Una, mad Clams 1 At 6 P. M, Ida Cuadaa and Asabey, Aeseannada- Can, Ist Class At 6 P, M., via Camden and Amboy, Accentskain. tiin, Sad Class aided. TVs 6P.M. Cu seas daU7 , all *theca Budge az Soren Llnentop at the piaci* slatlana Por Bstridse Pastan, 71tadutas, La s , et 4 4. and 2% M , &. m Waint strut 0411 f4td i a2114T101%, Palm: Westain Ra & at ilroad . itaA War Sseehald, at S A.K. ad! P. K. , Par Went HaUy atWAY TA. X., and IX, 11 P.M. mon Par &fatal, Trenton, As i Vie and 4 P. 14.. WAY Nor Salmms,Samsassa, Bently, Darthatim, Narita tows ae. at 3P. N. Stamadost PICKAID STOCKTON ha lambast:ma Ina Latium, Mao i llness at 'l3( P Stounbast TILLIIMUP I bumpy at 44141 g ?Coma 4 P.ll. wb il 4 4 r 'V 2 4- W., ite• wools gm 117;111ty pounds or bagger oaly elloved math w iener. Bummer, an prohibited true tekba eay thing ea *we bat their wearing emend. AR Wag ged* over Atty poonde to be paid ri l e Tim Cosa Nay limit their reepoasibility far toms lulu per paced, mei not be liable or &moat be paid $lOO, aueykby spatial °entreat. Wit. 11. GATICIICRI, Avert as 1-ly CI. & A. R. R. CO. _pIIILADELPHIA, WWI!' .9 NO RRTBIO Wm 4 ) ., Al i z. 4 t /i `tt ti k t lam, ftn: " TOR GERMANTOWN. Lear* Philadelphia at 6,7 X, SX. 11X A. 1(.,1), 3-10 min. 4,4, 6,7, 9, and 11 Leave Germantown at 6X, 7-3$ min 3, p 1 4% 4 - 1-10, 3.10 min. 4,5, 6, 5,5, 53510 r.v. lIT The 7.35 o'rlowit A. M. Praha twa Ottei/111111 , 1111 will atop only at Wayne Sinai Station. ON SUNDAYS, Loam. Philadelphia at 9.20 mla. 11., t tad 411 X P. IL LO&TO Germantown S9ll mia. A. IL, 1- 16 =l6. ad 4.46 mla P. M. CIIRSTNIIT RILL RAILROAD. • EMiiii;t==l Leave Chestnut Rill at I Lll-43 sad 14-10 ant} 4. 4., 12-60, 3-40, 4-40 and 7-40 win. r.lj. R.ll Stilatip; and a FOE ILA L NAYIINIC, CONSUOIROCICEN A 3) NOM TOWN. Leavy Philalstplthe el 64, it, 11 4- V., if, Ct. IC and It P. IL 1,._61 A. , I sal 6AO P. IL 031 Ireete Pliant...loM at 6A. M., sal P. M. Lam Norristown at I A. M. sal 6P. M. GIMPED PAULY RAILB bAD Po* DOWNING TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 6ii A. AI, sag It P. M. Loan Downingtown sA 7y A. 31 , aed 1 P. M. U. IL Slant, Papeeinteadent. Depot, Moth and Green greets, Plettes.. NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WINTIR AIIitARGEIUNT. tat BETHLICURid .1212T0N, AILLIMOWN X2II 0 It CHUNK, WiLKESIBAWWDOTLISTOWIt 4f 4 00 sad Oar Ws4perd_tr, liTXX l Ath s tn, n* trains es 144 read VI VI .., - ($ll4- days neeptedl arte - a•irl. Per 11 4 114 1 140 ;/Fs 4 1*4 1 141 1 1•Mt * ll 4 %Ina. 0 .$ 7 alkeeosin (UMW at 1 .11: M." .Idr lgothleliata, illsotorrn, tad Watch Omni; (12. pr 44,) la 'COsoectioit with L. T. R_ H. and tiotoo, lay atate, fp= Iroa Will tltatiaa, at 213 - r. X. por boylaaloara, (Acela 1.141%10' for GPYRPIi• - • „ tittf %%if i. 4 1 0 3 4 1 ti0 41- win tla tot poylaitaira, vim Daylaellartlairetaza aITP. M. ?WM POI PI43I4IDIELNIL4. _ T - 7. Liam Betbelama (I..Tarsaa,) at I A. X. 'ad 341 P. Y. pare Doylartova, (leccattedatiaa..) tt 1113 4. 41.. Lean asunoti, r p . gin 1131-1) P. U . CA SPIIP TA. T 4 irtiogroi il3 A- 11. I l avyaadd SIC P. 1i nAtatagra 330 P.M. Da7lesteara......o_33 d. Id . lire to Ilotilehein Ii 40 Muth Clutak 2 SI . 4 Wilkeabarro 460 PASSIM/Eh DEPOT. 2402 T had WILLOW SU , Ma. 21.1.13 CLAIM. Agaal. PRANGE OF HOURS.-pHILADE L. FRIA, WILMLYORON AND DALTIAIODI RAM ROAD. On sad altar Maaft Way.' PASSINGKR TRAINS AkTE . /or Baltlax.rs at 8 4". if., P. 65. - fa f i nfeaVl6 4 . 4 ; ; ' fira s t i 111 f Vsletotra at 8 and I P. Y. Pat 'Rim at 1 A. Ikt sad ler Biebbt at If A. M., 'and' 1 P U. TRAINSIOR PRILAR22I.II:I2 Lean BaltLacze at 8.4% name, /1 A. 111., and OAS P. Lean WthakapAl it TM SatWV 4. 14 1 $.44 trff and 9.66 r ;ma N9i< ilt.gge at lIA6 mad Well A. It, Mad Lane 1411Matown At 11.10 A. Y. aad TAG P. X. Ivan Dom at 9.(15 A. M. And 6 P. X. UST* Samford at T SO A. M. sad 2 P. AL TRAINS YOB HALMOS.% Lean WilmbirtGa ai 2 .18 M., 2r. gewmat A. Y. • stIiV4YA 4 1 7 44 Nis /14 1 / 4 14 / 4 16 1 0 do. do. P. Y. Cron italtinsore to Philadelphia. /night Teals, with Passim Car attadaat, sill rim to feller Gars rialwialPida for Perm!!la sad lat3noadlata places at 6.00 P.ll. Leave Wiladarka for de. do. OM P. Y. Lea,* Baltimore tor Itawre.le•Ossee at /. P. M. ao 21-ly 9. M. NILSON, Preside/at. Afire t3roof fsca)?, 514.4.11411D53 4M. A large assortment at Itr IPATI3OII'II an ranELr' MANTIFACTUAZD 11 4 DPP TAMOOIII, • Par BOPS ad MIL log won tow Thaw b IRON ph i ra, PIEVT7 I‘ll, Ate:, Oa as - good taw sa aay other satalalliamat Ile Val** Stites. by _ • -MU 'RAMC, PLUaI PlallaLaskati. UP A t1A144 fIOTTaN-300 boles good Middling so Mid ila 411mig istr la don 4tivi for sala ti36 • 4 MAC 51 - ' LUS Mai Wl* 1tt1941
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers