Ak- 1 •"4 4 , If .4 6 ,, 7 ., --•- - • cio.N.y. • .4#444.0P4 • .:•:-!` --'"--c•• "OpER - 1 A -4RmAir;.DE,. . i 11 .f/101 , 0: , Ato ,(1 hr 1841 is 1 -1 1 1) 11 00 6111- iiL e t te T fromguP Of fi,‘lttOtt ri gk, 3s9, i a lfi e7 Nu#o4 l AreP/T 10 : . ael44tat :4 ' F :• fAlttKeinbei r tad; ' ,1 4440 4 4 0 - ,firPlAt -fPna S.4 . .,Nicholaa; 111,04100007,0kgamit'.,..VoqrticrAopric `, A• r ~ sum t a de 26l thei l o newspaper- should on tkir Ciii#linnie asell 'us eihetnol*, lfie - yiven?,', 'Ay ol ": 14 10 4 1.*** WPW 464_ Senator # o F*Al l i and bif. AP' 'JeOtiarkl~ Aig *o.o l 4 ll tVi l itailidV",4 l o -o_loo4olll4oo64s7oiblngarid no soon an',Wai*fillt,*io;ll_ol,l excellent liinikiOttlatt ' 4 3 • XtiO:iiiikii4itieetn47itinikln,-trone of at 'olol' )'",for , :tir:;,44anotiti Attiting: , heno r 'iniide;Dirniti D'Mtnn4, 6 o, ;VI/ 7. -f*PK;Riiiiail,tlatii*,-. teeetwOntroctecett the Senator to -, they , ! 11 .0 00 niii l 4o4oo t . 1 :13 8141 _ 0 '"` 001101 4 1 !0 -61 1:9P- aved * 11 :1 conX; and, iffingiOthk. aiPl*44; **a's* ObiliklWV!, the' Ponetifuti9nt IWO :Whichble ai;ing l 4l 6 ; :, i ll " 3ll # l - • question, had heeriukty-Aefiliftweiptetk-ti_e,. , , opinJon hie - tirniisjority. ‘ , -. l o 3 ,a l 4 l o###o4,oo4 6 ariA*ltlig ri at .feerinikT 41 . 01,9,Pment'iukviig been t? itit"lio4o s C4ik 4.4* bill ;rte de ci!itidt i Aktef -' ,14 7- itit'*abOirSiTi4eltOst" F4citaikoll 44 o o4 l 4l4 g e * i ' f6 t il i ii 'l -'l_eili=t4tta94,ipiihtne;c4r4 l lrithiend He Ale:loK* A4o:f3llllo9PlitiAlatiiti Psi; .oens,or prove' eeninenciv;Wortil , the 'opinion ibrinfASirAtW by th4";;Pektibiitie§:* ' Menu *Arsine, which had elected hincto the high attire he,nort,hebi:7- Senator follrudzidad`-.triit uti jdaugO, did theito r ose a loud cell - for Colonel 'YOlimitjOdltor,lslin a bri e f .p ec ' tolhO' gr'eld.Prinoieliat:luotueend suOyAi(t#o.Alojorlfid:egoOOnolu4ed bx Aating: )list-MF44;iva4s ir.ontd , rethain , to ille - olly"(at * 41 4 t* Tone - agreeable tidul nioriiing; quid . we:4micron; eau 'l7? 7.77:47'7, FR . Tlib shoat 1.0'434'; ipik;elo4ldent! - allbeeh: 'of Aka Obirer. - KOkel yrkpijtio : l4l:noW 44. 1 404 before - oilf readetiloklay: Assailed as toils, feet" and tip*, it is a proud , spectacle AO' see' hoirfoldii4tnil - ,46*:brayiilyhefhe'ais 'One ! t . i4o kiii - A'se;fidfn Wenninfler'4aliffeh ha le atts , ,..lTrianAnifsret , resenteds that he was iotip monstrous treoticiii[= ® ome re;, voliiti444.44ta';itejigi4o**644lVii . :=. ble'that;'lo; simply standing forth as the : ch# 3l .4 = ', 3#440 . 10 4 - 01440;§r10A,N8iti,'61 the majority!?thkohcilild-he r tradneed by calling the, l 7 ll oT l .o. 1 7d".c:'et 1 1c 4 ; 41 4, e°Milt* toAoo44*liielioA 3 PF*7l: 4 4Yot..* howpTer;o great satisfaction telhe friends of .I"ndgtillDoitn:* ,, and , 7.tOither great cause of whieliiMiAtLio,;:e . nkholiineht; that 'lnv 'ape** Fos ;,Tini , Ivizoi;*fred byiielimpietlon4, and wylidu,ded, by difilitti.6-149#4i'*1404511.4f:0410544.*: feeliS:!';: - ***:#g#d l qTl 9n selll o°P't h, . ascazrAty..- or ynr--impuirroTzeurii. of *Atli beexi4afrid t 61111! ._pertatkplace, tit Secretary of ,the Common-, eattlV***'ol4lpgl - 44thiiifitlif Wit Of '..t.iift , irt l l 3 .4 /14 0!tk eaq thaale , ;haiine4exited the .01fer.,4 destensi(efotrid.'2eOld to, t1Ai.,V,54,00131#11. ;Be `.i l 4filAZO* l.3 4'.o ll ti k :,**44.k-# 1 .447- et*'.ltheTtatievreeif sie iti*iitazaiii. *ltiiibititii" ; thisingti4lie"-itevedutiefititr Ir tnemotable s 'Ocinrage;4and" - ene 11064:41 , iti i .oel'ittailisitla cliartieter ser,itedAdth,distinetion.itt ,Stt , State 4 . egteltitute, and is remembeied frith'; =abilipvOurteti, and gentle=' maitiAtrat'liiiirhitera State'Steatef. - dent; ;}file t - and . consclentio`us"te6laleaoi, ='a nisn l lip e t aniteqslllo - proi , e.it; i ntest etdolent and:pokAlT:4ooF37 , o74l*. - ..6g0n9,..aitk, taoutrateiv.kpietsfot.-ZWe.eongettelate bier eraiWe4t eyeiltda atuTialotts' . beiltaitni of • Gutettnatliair *ear: : • , . . . , ' • 4 2,-", • ~-•••••--••••• - - -cluttarVllAlV , • • • —; • , • • • CC.•• • •s igii ; "11s - T4ift!i!PTie'o4ialf . . p.=oo. pily; eery Christian , Aebtinijhitkart•ntaictitere• a coinipilii.lopatliy ? aid retiti":)-ttnt#4l"joy. Thetis the annual recerione,o of that ineaters-' dfif trhen, taking our infirmities upon 111 m; the 1141344,40 d ' hedhrne incarnate, and coin ' menced,that , human life, which he finally of,' . fared up es ti sacripti for the redemption of ',.*herevet,liffrotiled - spread-het36l4 - with: Civilizatlon•ss her hand. .maid.--whesorer, t b he lessed Grospelhf Attire . • ton 4'''fahcipted-,;Whirifvr' phith, Rope, and .4:lhfulty hire : sprting-Ni,juider her holy Win.. - .ence-16011etkil;01011,01;..axamPle•and the inzepts.."(Ae litiviatie,..who took. ow. liatt.. l .4 o 4! ; Pai,,srolikicip respect and;re: cirri,imm to honored' as tuanets*OultoVenly for Praise and prayer, but idlioAttelitititde'rsnd joy.: It is-indefid, and htfttelAtliy4finge of 'the word, a holy. - day-;i•reritiMiiveletirated,-in• different placeei ; but' waya . comlpemiarated w4,.genial as well - 'asvellgioucteelings.' - - • It', MOO to;' have • beell'io poinksgAt;t:Colebrated 'frOM the very corn. -atertc*tatiii Christianity =from: the time. whiOniati*dowit Wriersocution and . 014 . ,,F t 371 4 .17 tigglAhltrueltypthe-oarlubelleiiis In fiat faith tb t evep in Ua 'catacombs it . Rome, to ttr • periodwheti, theyrnlke each , k s oir CongaiFgAißctubtp;tltei,j)t,imp splendor the Qattio),lc pairchTere, euiploied ;to, Cele, ; .brace;iln.abe,.most magnificent manner, the .drailversitifotChristross. To this day, thal Chateltpu,tlenlarly delights In honoring this ' greet Fitettia.- - " Molt" solemn solemn and eplendid is this especial Season, • titelfilkii46ll', iSitlAiretedlk eclebratoialhil • 'ealgi::ldi;th?ot:* .14 !e:1 been for Ontorieif: ;the theiiddlinngid. la the.other yChritiilan Churches therels far ; less'spiendor, but ftertiinty not. lege:Aeration • and thanksgiving. For Chrlsttnis is:ac c epted- • by ill; as a seihme to be effOClallY honored,.._ • • ,6fttholi . countries , tirtifttnalinai t once that the relliions celehm4lekis amted, is as kjettal and genial - In England, it fs honored - by public iotship of Ocod, and also • ~bffintilfand imeralVitheringe around all . the fireittlengin,itinfindk d oiOtilt day, at limit, • gOdish, • ser..v,The lonnOn . ofthe Roor 7 horisivirl i tli, Prfs00 11 :1 11 ".tia!Ko treated en ample supply of betteilAtr,sl.o4 the, ',a alton ,hard";cliet,,abicli .Iff allettpd:to Bin itspenalty in Oaptivlty.: Pub ' • lio- Abe itkivate . charities abound on•-tbis day; ' „.:andTi npNrlirstl ce l iaitg or home &Ailment cot', to ftitid trout irthice; to cottage;aloMst .iihnospliere: - 4 ply:. ilia in toalthiufes'clOs'a - pgatpaep'iq stPPeAde.d: a 64. lietforrii; Sinoes.are wholly suipendett: on that evening, But there is no ascetic celebration any where. bake song; merrimencgood cheer, and intioJ tent ififelaitty•previlt. ' Forreite . greatly circa • lath g ltritidrienies 'aro ln'reattest. Ando nklitiktoo 4. ge end not to /.: • 111c*:484 * 11441 . 440 0 -111 iti A i i0 1. V. $1441 E4ktt 1, 1 4.41441.§:;,-.:f :;.• trunt_DCOßttit~; who, Sn it,-Werl4ofr 1 cittii 04. other per : . • ,7w #0 .#7 o ,W*4llo i ta% rpßOptiolo o maims y m.,: s .-#oo;ifirowtilimi WS4*SilaW4 i 'l Bl 4ol.llo9l 6 9i o;t4o4lll4**:linatii4ll . lo Or. • # l/o • , ,, ai tri d .H it LV h4std ,‘ l P l F• 4lo,l4 , 4l4- i ' -:;frisilltrrrtY 1 - 7:1•!^:r• •- ):' . blindman's :buff and Sir Eager de ®overly, weed pie and plum•pttddings, the watts and thc*intners, the boar's head and the rich purl in; the wassail howl the jovial toasts, everything, in fact, which ligenged to qhrlst rani, in Ingland, a century:Mo., Many inars later (c The Sketch Book a ,uhlithrn 141 . . Tanga spent a ChristmAnt, • on-the-borders of YoiltShifput elyShireii. where its owner,. (arkl/ccittrin , f . o:clefgi - rmoei 'banaed Bona's) pia hislttest Trie'cothplfilinif at _there :repredlming the festivities of the preefeely ai they had been described 49111 14.0,-*orimny pltATO;i. If we mistake' , ifik - ll(r.:164 *Ann *al one lor the patty on that Al f a t f -I . i"-I'WO6itiritiOnillet*ii - beett7tisdociated-• Witlrthectbgl i ish Christmas, from thie:hume- Meting ,T is the oVident growth of ,thoreligions - sontgeni.4f.44: , b, " eq 4 k o 4; 4 !. - thill'ihrniliAitferenoes . and- 'fallings.ont: Of. frier Mi#`tht4i,ntiall'y iictionpr, ,arn generally made nptihnuf,thin,tima.,: 4 4..'Scconst reatly .pcchlinkitr:cirthel , inisines, which- gom , deara4;t4,Yonng 2ie,ooi, )0 'the Circulatiol,i.cl. :- Ohristirme bozos: In- .Buglatni; tht‘ )Bo gifts ar'o .3,4r;vfinntereb4::'!Aci bie;tlM,ooctinent---ex copt that, in Frinee,iiiey: kept' back until (`how . -Years -Ddypthere cOmmonly.callod is jo :roitia,„*.:9rtn,ao;!-I,llwe'vk OnistinOotethm of Matting iteseute 10,Much Aeti . ;l4.esiitlent'than in any other place,ex. *:eptit"the;ltAtOt d'erarany,' in rniiitteular;toMes the Dniiatiate tree, hung 'a4 ieurkrOtV,.ggici Cf • all sorts, interspersed with Ci#dict,tt:pbtail . Mppis;', l .lthiett; - illarninate the tree, and excite• generaltultniration;;;. German, Alse;lithe legend Sti Nlobalas, - (eontrioted mifintry, into,4ititht' i Glaruo. the. inn: Atineittf donor of toys,: , books, ;et, aetera, , te. ehOreg.iif. all imita*and - sisies. • German; too, 1 41 : , _0a, - 4-iiitoma chil4'sii , i 6 aklng ~MPhriatmss Eire; the owner's . -full, faith' that good, Santo Claiie wit ;.p>eniph " yititi!toyti :o,nintroielr pnfnitified. , " - - flit one :inevihtbte.tintt plostannresmit ot bbriatinis so cisl is the extent to lthich " love teaklng is practised, fothieied 'Onetime "by a increase in marriages: "The ,truth of this may he tested hi reference to chfirch registers, which wpiihow More ‘.Matriininial entries in the iemnierieement . =..of: the year than at any, other:thee; - ex'eept in particular l'oc'alities..' ; this 'country; IS might be expected from our Mited jig over many et. its Own _e,Ustoms, • _which gradually' amalgamate =with othets, we have ' sort Tef.tniXed er,,CemPosite' manner xot celo: beating Christman. = Like the English, we have Aitul aterea-oloied,end the= eitatonntry :celebra 'tion intliedifferent churches; here stoni, , for- our.theatres and each' Atiecia ationseineilt are opened on this day, &shiny iu tfie.;afternOnn as well , es 4nightyand.tgOvell - attended; We 'have - :irtal,*incii, of the English Christmas familvdinners, .•where_twc; or three .gerietatiOne'oiten 'meet- at the- same social ;board:" .We Yheinthe,,roast-h eef, plumpud ding( and mince pie, w ith addition of tur keys if:stin'pencine unktiewtt to ,Obristnkes and-we leogliave lmin under - the protee ion :Orthe:4keed 'ailir:boiniteens Santa Clans, the gilt-beater, ;AO delights to scatter pre sents ;for'!gbod,=b6yii-aind - girls,•greallY to the' • • ....Such Is Christmas—so is it celebrated and honor`etl, ht varloua climes .' " it* is a cheering: ; iliOughtthei, upon this day, all over the world, =,preyerirof:tbardcfninesn to the Giver of;all Crook‘i.llt;itrilie'froM the heart's and Spa of millions 'Upon millions Of Christians who, what , aver `their dlifirences ,on poi n ts =of deetrlne 241 slecipllno, unitO.bi , the, same undoubted unwaveringtellef in .-tbe . , gracious mercy of Him;`wh'o deseended,inte' Mr,;huManity, - ..!ctilit , he might save - Oar souls This fen consoling thought, and'we ought to rejoice Heanwhile, with all iineerity'pf heart, we': wish -to w a -Happy Christmas - and a erTY-Ner(Tear.” - • • • •• • , ~..oostinastev:aeneral"linows; in bid recent repeit;inforniti us that lasfwbder his prede- - r neeserlii.effie:e.salinillted to Congress a plan. Py.wlich - he honaldeted that a system of postal MeheYOrdera reiglit fin safely engrafted upon sur Presentppeat Piece, arrangements. ` u-Q1 Hower . Oven though Die 'distinguished: 4.111 1 0.144 does; not - Commit: kt l l l -:, that' tlie Matter will not be allowed to skald* aweigh.. That introdnetical Is environed with difficultiesis aas,ity:so4:and, we do not Wonder,' that the Department line always Objeatedl4 it.. The man= who miderbilies to` peifeetthe details of -.suela;:piar4andle.:,earrylliem into practical A;ffeet,'Svill haves hisk.to try the clearest bead tifer2mPat'_degged industry; :but it must genie; r ainfrilatelligefaeMnbition shOuld he glad "of ''tlielopPertapity , of-- thus, distinguishing '" ' • The inaectiritY attendant upon the.tranarnie otvairmble letters' through the mails - is Yearkirearaing greater. The causes of this re4.bectorind the-"enorniously expanding mail'-business - of, the country, - and the utter !elPeel,ihiliti"pf:Secnringincoireptibility.amid teMptitionnn the part of everymember in the yatit:'firraY,7of postmasters, assistants, clerks, yorite-agents,: railway • officials, and carriers. The honest and earnest, efforts of the heads of 'DePartment to feint their macrons duties to the Public satiiifaction,,are 'rendered nugatory by the oppertMilties afforded to dishonesty by the .• 'inherent defeetag-the'prerient a'rrangerrierita; andall, badness , nien ;prefer paying the heavy • - charges Of 'the eXprestf eempanies on volilable staffers te accessible Points, on account of the reePorialbility as Well as the security afforded *Li:irate enterprise; :.' It is scarcely worth while even to - allude to the registry 'systerti. It was a well-moaning attenipt,' which • has resulted in a miserable failure; Viand i 6 May:air - cad:yr , be, regarded as for '-'lotted.; RpMetbirig, however, must be done, and that Speedily. The business of thenoun- Idyls rapidly expanding; and constantly de -Mending new facilities Tor its unfettered transaction; while it: is, in this respect, as con- , atm*. subject to' creasing trammels. The 'vast cireulation which our popular systems of education haVe given to the periodical press ;in,ifs varied hisnes, daily, weekly, and monthly, has Made -it -it 'Matter of interest to every in. telligent - 'Citizen 'of the Republic, and the people demand that ,the - Goyernment shall pliee itself on_ a level with the wants of the age, and yecrignise the neeeeeities constantly arising in thoprogress of Improvement. . Con irress:has repeatedly shown its sense- of ,the Impertanee to a "free - and educated' people of ' the prompt and unrestricted diffusion of in -formation, by the liberal rates of postage as impaed-tiptin` printed; inane!, and 'the exce l) - i fleas made turfaver, of periodicals Mailed to liabsciihers;:"Nevertheless, its servants com raitdepredatiens upon -those periodicals with ::almost acknowledged impunity. • Principtil'objectlim tOthe money-order system arises from the pecuniary responsibility which ft confers' on postmastera, who may, in „ many . Matinees', ;here .themseives unworthy of the trust. .:To thialt may be replied that a maderate'cOmmisslon,Whlch the peciple would serveas r 4 guarantee fUnd to proteettlis interests of the Department, while POrtienlifthateointoisston reserved,te Post :Mainers Weald increase the inadequate pay of 'those ofliolala----in 'return for which, 'security might iiiic;:deinaildi t diroilf the :Incumbents, -placing the 'Government out of the reach of risk. No one who , hai had_ any experience in the Mailing afmoney r ieiterawcinid.hesitate tp pay; for the " safety - - thus' ~ afforded,wa- per ;ceotage ,tvhieli Weald allergy render - this branch of the service a source of Considerable rerenie.-...fratidilent issues for illegitimate ;purposed Might 'Oe'Preveated'hy making the orders geed: at the office drawn • against, for a Allotted time 'only. A check *wohld, thus be Vlinoied 16 'expand upon the; public credit, -by .preventing the orders 'front ',Weep:ling a paper currency useful fOr 4411"eipiiipoies than proinpt remittance. • . Outside ef. the Departreent,the only oppe aitienjhnt we, apprehend to the Measure will arise tient' the, banks. Interior 'institutions, :w,hoseprolltStme made by '- forcing their irre. spciisihlm• paper : , upon the' community, will riaturally,ohject'to any improvement that de. pelves thenief the heneeti; arising from s'end ' eirealatfori to, a - distance, ,with A te "„clumeed -'of.being ,dost , transmission,? of 191 a' 'ang'ile_ of time; as' of ;I*liitheughtip at abhavy, discount. by Weir :agents in' the commercial centres: • Tha, in terested eppositiOn of concerns will dotljigesa tie `', ought ' to bear.", vigorously iaikAittilti,tly.**;.elef WOE I;r0 . 0 iq bathe • - ' 4 ' -"" • most formidable difficulty to be encountered. Of course, however, the measure should not be allowed to interfere with legitimate banking and dealing in exchange, and this could readily be accomplished byglitalting otigui to sums under twenty-five do •. i , w c - Tfo: t eot l iki r nta,rapidis*u#ing ::co.idiat i o, to r la hi v .q. of Piltuke,tiber ;to amoVffits larger It otres,'9lll4f suc epes4fukrinuler and 1-or ;Afitifettblc to the convenience of the ptublie - , 'VO flirie - :tf the objections to this purification )aqelr cur. rency would be removed by the fdlfuption of the system., --• •-:- - • - - ' It has scarcely , seemed worth while to allude to the well-known eminent success which has 'attettall o`int `edittikirtlf etnieiklhrdertf -- thq E fi gltil f POt, C' t t i VmS er Pr `,l! t at t ,, ,worked for many years. to the great satisfac tion of4the 'people 1,1 bat- we oannot - poncludel without calling 'attention; to, tHe'vaet'benellt ivbich would arise fromthe reMoyal, of tempta tion from those having -access to the mails, • Wliat; for inatanee; Woe% have been the r in. ducculont toTobittitilikk to commit his gigau: tie i•ohbories, if ho lisd 'ladle' ',view only, the ,possibility, ,iIC obt4ining ell-negotiable drafts !And . moneyrorders that oeuld 'only be cashed , the parties in whose' favor they wore , drawn 1 . During - yin last fiscal:year the Department spoht over'sl3s,ooo in endeaers, for; the Most ,part enay4lieg, to ferret,ent depredations: With a system of money-Orders •the saving on this point alone would . more than pay all , the' ex penses of the arrahgetu'ent:- , -honeat Men *tottld• no jonger, incur unjust attspicion,' defaulters would at (Mee be ',det.setA . and their" ;sureties 1110.40 to, pay, and the result . of the reemnite would be an immense convenienceto . the pub steady 'reveutfito•the Department, and a removal of the Itillwrsjkgrace which the in security of the snails now4pflicts.•epee ,the : national character.. , • , V . 9l:lTRimp tunisr*s itr4di . t,ll4 arbiTi. R. lumina - iv Woo Ann Tann DEMOCRATS the Wishing ton Union, the Richmond South, the New , York Neitir; and some other "promineot 'journals,' have assumed the prorogatiVe of " reading out of the party" all those who, do not agree with them; in _their mad bruditight . on Delimoratio principles, it beoMies tie to' inquire a who are tree Democrats'?" , According to our own homespun country notion, a true Democrat ie arm alli:arail firmly to the 'doctrines of the party, as announced .in the Macau. Mons of our conventions,-the speeches of our 104- darn, the columns of oar presses, end the measures of Our representatives: .Let us' apply this, an a test of position in the present oriels. .W.n4—and When We ear "We," it includes" Baal noble champions 'as 'Douglas and Walker, who hive never faltered, alined the whole :Democratic press of Pennsylvania, the entire Democratic press of , Illinoitt,:every fiernomatio paper in' lowa, ex cept the Dubuque !fort/west, overy"Demooratio paper in Wisconsin, and in Michigan and Indiana, and ghtii;the leading -Dentecratio papers of Mis iotmi, Ret4ecky, 01d Virginia, and nearly the en tire Democratic press of_ New Jersey ;- wE are all pronounced traitors to , the party, because' we ad here to the following landmarks: let. "It being the true intent and meaning of this act not to legislate slavery Into any Territory or State, nor to exclude it therefrom, but to leave .theyropie thereof VERPEcTLYrninn to form and , regulate their doniestie netitutions' in their own way, subjeetenty to the 'Constitution of the United States.'"—Nebroskii' Act. , 2d: " Resolved, That , the Democrats of New Jersey do unhesitatingly declare their approval of :thoKstems•blebraska bill, which restores to the people. of, the territories the right to determine upon their own-local inetieuttone, without the assumed authority; of 'Congressional legislation.— Cotivelieion. • - ' - 3d. "Risetvref,•‘ That we reeognite - the right of the people of all the Territories, inclUding Kansas and Nebraska, se ting through the fairly-expressed will of the inajoritv of liettia-1 resulente, and whenever the number of their inhabitants justifies it, to form a.Connitution with or without domes tic slavery, and, to' be admitted into the Union upon ,terms of fieifect, equality with the other States."—Cincinnati Platform.' - , 4tb. It is the imperative and in dispensable'duty of the` Governmentof the. United States to secure to every resident inhabitant the free and Indepond , out: expression of his opinion by his, vote.. This _corral right of, individual must he. pre., served; and that boing accomplished, nothing On ho fairer than tOle ri ve the people of a Territory, free from'alf foreign Interference tb -.deride their own destiny .for themselves, subject only to the Constitution of the United States.—lltso4nan's Inaugural.- When such a Constitution shall be sub-. twitted to the people of this Territory, they must he protected In the exercise of their nght. of voting far or againit that instrument, and the fair -ex pression of the popular will must not be inter ranted -by fraud or violenoe."—lnstruetions JP. Walker. , , 6th. miriade, these circumstances there can be AOll4llOl thing as ascertaining clearly, and without doubt, the will of the people in any way except their cma - direct expression 41 the - pone. A Con; stitgron not subject' 'tb to:Lug 110,41 Mt: iha utainsi , will stoVer be 'acknowledged by - rte opPonents to be anything but a Proust—Washing ,ton Uuiont,Tnly 7,'sd7. 7th. "I uuderstand thatyou and all your Cabi net cordiallyeneur in the .opinion expressed by me; that the' actual bonailde residents of the Ter! Titer, of Kansas, by afair aud 'regular: vote; unaf fected by fraud or vlolenaeotust de perinitted in adopting their State Conatitution, to'decide for thetneelOes what shall be their soctal institutions, I contemplate a peaceful settlement of this ques tion , an • appeal to the, patriotism of the whole people of Kansas who should all participate, free ly and fully, in this decision, and by a majority of whose votes the'ditormination must be made, as the only proper and Constitutional mode of adjust ment.''—nraller's Letter of Acceptance. Bth. I repeat, then, as my earnest onvietion, that unless the Convention-submit lite Constitu-, lion to the vote of all the actual resident set tlers of Kansas„ and the election be fairly' and justly conducted, the Constitution will be and ought to be rejected by Congress,"—Walkers jiret speech in Kansan. 9th. "A Constitution. widely framed and pro purly, fairly and honestly , ' approved by the true cittzette of Kansas, will settle lathe difficulties that surround us, and that have been surrounding us; and will at ono restore harmony to the Union." The high and responsible duty, therefore, devolves upon us to take in our hands the ergo* act of this Territory, and, outing upon its principles, to present to - the CongreSs of the United States a -Constitution framed,in such a manner, and/Mang :rug as endoreement US that we may not merely -petition fur admission to the Union, but demand that we, shalt be admitted.:--Addirss of Calhoun .to the Kansas Constitutional Convention. 10th. " L trust, Imwever, the example set by the last Congress, requiring that the Constitution of Minnesota should bo subject to the approval and ratification of the people of the proposed State,' may be followed on future occasions. I took It for ,panted that the Convention of Kansas would ad in Acordanee with this example, founded, as It is, on correct principles, and hence my instructions to Governor Walker, in favor of submitting the Constitution to the people, were expressed in general, unqualified terms."—finchanan's Ales ,sage, BY MIDNIGHT MAIL. FROM WASHINGTON Despatch Offices in Philadelphia, New York and Boston to be Abolished—Negotiations be tween the United States and Great Britain Vtah (Drennan—Kansas Affairs, fre., ke. (Oorrespondenee of The Press.] WARRINGTON, NO. 24, 1857. I. learn from the highest authority that the Post master General will, under the authority given him by the note of 3d March, 1845, and 3d March, 1851, deolare the streets of Philadelphia, New York, and Boston post routes. This proclamation, it will be at ones peroolved alms to abolish the various penny-post offices In those cities under the control of private individuals. It is said in support of this measure that it will ultimately have the effect to reduce the charge for city delivery of mailed lettere from two cents to one. There is charge, under the system of sub-offices reeently.established, for taking letters to the main office, 'whereas the despatch oompa.- nice charge one'oent for this service. The negotiations bet erimi the United States and England in regard to Central Amerloan affairs, are at It stand.still. Orators in Parliament, the Lon don Timis, and the 'other British ministerial press, and Palmerston himself, in words, express their willingness that ,the United States should have in the affairs of neighboring States the sups. fior weight of intluence to which she is entitled by her position amongst the nations of the earth, but more especially by, their cot tiguity and power for good or evil over her commercial and national in terests. But the British Government 'do not net up to ,their One expressions of good-will. General • Cass says, "Welt,• Lord Napier, neither the United States nor England desires possessions in Central A tner iee, and why not abrogate all that has been done previously, and say so in a few plain words in a new .treaty.", Ah t" replies the wily diplo. mat, and then he goes off Into the old story about •Honduras and the Bay Islands. The truth is that Great Britain endeavors to ee: cure a foothold in Central America, and I know that Administration are fully satisfied of this fact/ and determined also to prevent it. The treaty with Nicaragua was one step In that !Wee. Sox; and the further proper steps will be taken In due time, I am confident, to wipe out every veitige of English elnim there, and Inaugurate upon a sure basis a healthy and just American policy, the animating 'principle of which will be that ±39 cote .hrated under the name of the Monroe doctrine. , Lieut. General Scott has been ordered here to confer with the'pahlnet upon Utah affairs. In op•, position 'somewhat to hie opinion as expressed when transmitting Col. Johnstou's despatches, the Administration are at this time inclined to favor an eXpedition of volunteers from the Pacific' slope agatnilt. Brigham Young. Thht seems to be epet measure with Californians, and. Indeed with' many offmers of the Army who are augoalnted,with the country to be traversed, It is said that the dry season commences in April; add that thihardi miners of that region will then tie ilneployedi; that they are, by their mode of Dra t lOurad ,to pa'olo and hardships ! and would „ ; • „ THE titiDAY, IVCEMBER 25, 1857. make the most efficient force which could be r eel for the character of service required,and that the/ could be mustered under army regulattons, - at a email cost to the Government. This whole questktutkit, le ,pvied, Hlil be brought soon.botke fistm oq u i p from the Praddent, t' • d • port froth pie, War Depaftmikt. g . General • Dakiitei Co , iti'GOVirbof If ansaarialletto,,4oll#4t ipiarters that the litilietWteat,4l4olo-4411k.,!0;. ceircd it " • Meessions 'are '•9ae:oh:44 diadelo the sepia of the conservative Dennialits who stand with Doug las, Walker and Tau PROBII upon the platform of popular sovereignty. Bran those who favored the latodeptou oontrivapoo, trim ,Intlifeikstroftintk„d or andfisti, bogifi; to addle - thotf o4 4o o4 tatikkk thisc,instsinooliano4titottiet r 4o4..l4, consequences which, others saw, rceirAneyttablo,, and that aftee, all CongreitCniiist'passyromPUY an enabling sot. 'view oetho lidubles dew . in , tho ;unfortunate Ter itoOriaf glF, 1 8,1•• and the neoesslty of Speedy, notation •of 1% pro, bfetzi'ishiCh 104,1344 inirlipvetini4inta4 pad le ;for four years; it • not. improbablcahit ldr. obtintai may arrive at the conclusion thai r aftor• all, p i)rope t ily , i the , onitstire - diiiasuiro ofieliati Thera' tome strong effort to bolster ripi the, Limaroptcd.Oontilitatidt o,.prognant that that its worrifsupporters .of - a * o k 850,04Y1 now, that Congresciojnit, 'nation, relit ' dePand on further, dey - elophiente: . • TiniTreiserit'd weekly `dtatiinioht futinishd'ui with thhfullowlng important iig'uves -'- Amoiint on deposit '' • • $8 4 271,460 88 Drafts drawo but notpaid 1,553,803 08 Amount subjoot to draft ,5,717,851 85 • iodation from 1a5t , w00k494,662 96. Rdelpte, ' •472,698,65' Dinfts paid .::.:..,. ' .::•,'4,7 3 , 04 4'65 • DiO ft d4Stuad. • • • - 067,961 01 :1; ][ infOrmed drat the treasury-noted rebently authidisod by °digress will be Issued in about ttro sleeks. The ft Scretary•of the- Toddy has tednlned that the denodinotion -of Akosaproulk eon to pay, shall be $lOO, 8500, : and The contract. for engraving tile phkto. has tooll givon to Itiv,ffdobaratall C0.,•0f Noir York, and to ,Toppan, Oarpiritorl Y l Co., of •PhilidelphiaLz• the former Aid having the execution of the notes of tIIOO and $5OO, and the.-latte'r - the, notes of Who Secretary is vory aazious Qat tholwilotaa shall be excepted in the best style of,4nioilean art:, op, LATEBT:;:fI:S Or! BY TaBGBAPE • • - • , . , • FURTHER FROM MARRA'S. ' 'llistie,at, Fait Scett:.;Fivn ,Pis•Slairirti Men ' Sr. Loom, Deo, 21.—LA Kahane letter 'reColved . by the Democrat says that on the evening of the 16th inst., a battle occurred at Fort Molt betyreon' the pre-slavery • and the frea.filtate suen,,in which . Ave of the former-were killed, looluding Bloke Little, a member of the recent Leoompton Conven tion. Severn' were wounded on botlt sides, and twenty free-elate' men Were taken' prisoners sand confined in the fort. The difileulties stair Cut of ' Clark, Old to' be. nobSilons the murderer of Barber, two years Attica; going, about neompanted, by a sheriff's • Meer collecting taxes from the free-State 'men, Oiling property in default of the 'payment of taxes; tind making proseentions under 'the Territorial rebel lion law. The, Missourians are said to be assembled in strong force along the border, end mere fighting is apprehended; .. The Territorial motive committee has issued . a mill for re-assembling of the delegate Convention held at Lawrence on the 2d initrint, to take place on the for the purpose of conlidering the beet course to pursue in oonsequenee of the Legislature having failed to submit the Topeka .ooristitution, along with the Loompton Constitution, to a vote Of the people. , ' The Bombardment et Bev/twin • W49insrron, Dos. 24.-z-A• requisition has been 'made on the Treasury for' $530,000, for the pay of nienibers of Oongrest from the 4th of March last, -under the joint - resolution Tamil:4ly 'passed, Of thia ainoutit Oer 4 311.20,000 haie already been did. bursed'ln • In addition to the Parma, delegation of Indians, a delegation of the Poucalts, from Nebraska, Lave *hived, both on heighten! with the President. ' The President has ironed a proolamation, setting apart the 15th of February for taking the sense of the votenn of the 'District of Columbia on the new code of laws. , • . the contrabts for engraving the plates of the treasury notes have been made, and the latter'wlll be tutted to - about two weeki. They will be of the denominations of one hundred, live hundred; and one thousand defiers. ' „ The President; in reply to the resolution of 'the Sesiateytranareitted to that body the correspon dence which took place nearly a year Age, in re ference to the bombardment of 0 reytown. Count Sartiges, it appears, asked an Indemnity for the actual losses sustained by French subjects, who, be says, found it phyaleally imieseible to reire their goods from the oontiagra on , eaused 14 , e 0 4, moiements'Of the oom lifreitio7ll - trldardyr - tu ~ 'ls, reps - , a hi*, that the President has not beetk. ab . duktre light or even the equity upon Welt the reolanw, tion can be sustained, and in a long despatch ex pounds to him the international law. CountSer tiges acknowledges its receipt and eays be will not fell to send Mr. Mercy's communisation to the French Government. No response to the letter la embraced in the documents. Although the re solution calling for the informationinoluded an?. correspondence with great Britain, none was : transmitted to the Senate. Error in General . Caosts Letter to Geveruor WASHINGTON, Deo. 24.—The time allowed for copying General Oasis's letter accepting the re: signation of Governor Walker was so, short that several errors were made. One sentence to par tinier should read • "Ile (the President) never entertained MT ex pressed the opinion that the Convention wore bound to submit any portion of the Constitution to the people except the question of slavery, much leee that the other portion of the Constitution would be Invalid without such a submission." WASIIINUTON, Dem 2i.—No. 40 of Deeemlnsr Term, M.—Augustus Kernonway, claimant of sh(p Independence, vs. W. B. Bieber: Chief Jas. Lice Taney delivered the opinion of the amid, overruling the motion for damages. No. I.—White, Stevens, A Co. vs. Paschal Bose's administrators. Judgment of the Supreme Court of the Eastern District of Louisiana affirmed, with costs. No. 222.—The Unitod States vs. Jenne Noe On motion the case was docketed and dismissed. Adjourned to meat on Tuesday nut. Mita.r.nunvir.ix, Oa., Dee. • 23. 7 .00 Tuesday night the Governor vetoed the aetcrefiently palmed by the Legielature, pro% iding Per the legalisation of the suspension of specie payments by the banks, but the bill was passed over the veto, by the Le gislature, by a two-third vote. TORONTO, Deo. 24.—A eerlous affray occurred at the eleotion held at Perm to-day. One men was killed by a shot fired, and another was stabbed. CINCINNATI, Dec. 24. —Fleur le unchanged ; there to a moderate demand at 13.50 for good brands to superfine. Whiskey bas declined to 1.01 cents Hoge aro dull and rather lower; eaters are plenty but buyers few. The provision market continue, dull, and declining; 300 Green name cold at li cents, and 2 0 bble of Lard at 81 cents. 0111.11LOTON, Dec. 23.—Cotton—Bales of 400 bales at 10a101. cents. iltynossen, Deo. 23.—Cotton---1,200 bales sold to-day at 91.1101 for middling. New 0111,11ANI, Deo. 21—Bales of 10,50 h tales of cotton to-day. Prices aro irregular, and altow a destining, holders pressing upon the quirked. Middlings aro quoted at 01a01. Sugar buoyant at 44a41; flour steady at $4.5044.60; corn declining ealea.at 58a mess pork $l4; lard In kegs 91. Other artioles,unobanged. New Ontrtna, Dec. 24,—Sales of ootton to-day, 31,500 bales; prices continue irregular entl.nond nal ; sales atoa9l.. Sugar is irregular at, 41115. Floor is dull at a decline of So. Yellow cor 1150. Sterling exchange 1041a100. Exchange on New York mal ditoount. The managers of the different plates of publio auiueement appear to be " spreading themselves" on their Cbriettene entertainments. "The Golden Horse," followed by a deadly lively farce called " John Jones," and the second scene from Cesare Ceeehettlin now ballet of " L'- Alloggio Militare," will be produced at the Aced's my of Music this evening, To-morrow, (the lest night of the performance of- the Romani Ballet troupe, and for their especial benoilt,) The Cold en Horse" and the lively faro° of " a Double-Bed ml Room" will be played. There will be an afternoon performance at Arch street Theatre, this day:• It will consist of three Manias. In the evening, the epetaele, founded on and named after Balwer'l", Um, Days of Pont whioh has not been played in this .city for many years, will be performed. •,A, bares, Mr, Da venport; Sydon, Mr. Wheatley; 'Lydia, the !blind girl, lifts. Davenport ; and lone, Miss Emma Taylor. kinagnlticent show, le promiata. AT WALNUT-87MM TrIZATRN, there also will be afternoon as evening performances, A faroo wag lo melo•drawa at fault past two P. M. At night, two fames; and,(for the first time) a new {wo•aot a grand ,romantic rnystio Legend" called " The King of the Mist, or the Miller of the Harts Mountains." • AT THE NATIONAL TLISATIti, (whenoe the quad rupeds have departed) the mole drama of 1, Pat nanb.) gymnastics, and the ballet pantoniinto of Santa Olons : " . On Mandel evening, thoseater ling performers ? Mr: andAtiii. 10: Conwa y ,' will appear here as Camille and Arinaad ' Ar Benr . orto's,.beeidee a variety of Ethiopian performances, With new .dandes by the Sanford Children, there will 'be Oetented a new panto mime, qatalqd `.'allopPlakor of Ropsingtoo." Walker Cerreeted. Uni{ed Stat 4 Suproi!e Court. The Georgia ,Banks Elettion Affray In Commis. Markets PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENTS. CORRESPONDENCE. LETTER FROM BOSTON. NorreSpondence of The Prose.] , BOSTON, .pta.,lB, Ifig., o Ws, MY first lette, will assuOt that- you are attar held ILltiely remem "a; Plower* •flide ip their t^eeaetin, and thenll m again. Net; , o,oos:Artfir fnendthimfor „that,..,. endures 415.„ tit alletMeene. -' ..- . - 'M. levsti 'elf:always-be ' : acheginnhig . to every jthill' I ,' ' fo,n9JAßßiletttl y ,. slake lin' attempt to I 41 4 4 011-OWIOO4I PPlatie,in whielt WIWI* ' e resetfd frank, and 'hone/it...sentiments 'upon VA . .: dons topics, and a gist' of such news, oolleoted in this.modern city of Athens, as may possibly be acceptable to yourself and readers. We are now, all over the country, reaping the fruits the seeds of excess and luxury have gar nered up for imp and If this lirvest of bankruptcy w og, dresithwieda alike oaten et :the ciltitisters of 16.1.1ereeld,tiltdillit glen/lb. ut, also ! this is not ' so. Tile now motionless w aterwheels; the 'Streit :Pinning Moms, and the mood inactivity of, Waxiness :in all our workshop , toll us too plainly and - truthfully ;or the 'yeaeniferers that t m ust welt the , abatertione- of -the ,great finanolaVetiorm 'Hersh has been raging with stick disastrous tem .pasinowiness, before permanent relief eon 'be af forded them. The wailings of the distressed that wilt be beard from many a hungry and Cheerless abode the prateid winter, are, indeed, sad - to contemplate. ahem rectory managers, stook jobbers, and others ,who have broughtlneoeent'iletiun'tii the brink' or povitly,•lif order to enrioli theirvolves—those who have lived in costly mansions Unpaid for, and who have walled in luxury at the expense of defraud ing holiest tradeeinen arid Mechanics out of' their 'just - dues, that they might for a while move in -fitelticniable soolety—those banks that ,have been conducting their business to such a prodigal extent that they eahnot guaranty to the poor holders of their rags a dollar to be worth a dollar, can ask themselves; the lamest question, sitar have are gained( And bow haire they answered the question? By going into genteel instilveney I The (Martino of all leaks that suspend specie payment are virtually ,yittejeul and annulled. ,:Our banks, with perhaps, few ,exeoptione, have been, oonduoted reetlesely, dishonorably, and en tirely regardless of the wants of the hard.working Sad worthy portion of the community. , Di fact, ' . , have proved nothing more nor less than ' ii; 4 •ulatiVe Institutions for the sole profit of the directors. The bank directors have employed their egad especially (or (ladle& Painesieei.l l oLlFl am a merchantable .article and employing, tinder cover, street agencies to take from the honest 4giesmen all their profits, in stringent. times, by ug, them to pay, in order to maintain their tire it, ruinous and illegal rates of interest. • ia: merchantable article fluctuates in price ac oordingly• to the waits of purahasers, and the changes of the market; and, that article may be had' at one price to-day, and at another to-mor row. Not so with bank bills • when legitimately ' dealt out by chartered bank.. • There is a perms. neat chargeable rate, fixed upon them when they aro giten to their respective customers for' iatis. factory paper, And'when an Meer of a bank sin ploys the funds of that bank to illegitimate 1180.9 c AS ; to ramie° more interest than the law legally allows, ho is a dishonest man, and amenable to the bar oejustleo. And yot, how numerous have been, .their cases! They have as often taken place, in this old Puritan Commonwealth' as in any other part of the country. This usurious interest is taken either by the way of circulation, or, as I, have before Indicated, through , itrest egencies., ' Now, in support of these last amnions, and to show how little our banks adhere to the pisrposes for which are chartered, lot 'me cite, in brief, a simple illustiation. Isere is a bank c hartered In Brighton or Cambridge. The petitioners for that bank wore, as is usual, the residents Or the piece. a to fair to suppose that their wants should be first supplied before yielding to outside teniptations, for they are the bone, life, and ' sinew of , the place; and very reasonably expect that their own bank should first attend to their, pecuniary wants, to advance the trade and prosperity in their different branches of business in their own le aunty, before accommodating outsiders. But, instead' of applying its capital to these legi- J,timate . ends, the bank will, especially hi stringent times, send packages of its bills into State street, and other places, there to be disposed of through street agencies at Hie gal rates of interest, accompanied with ' a guar antee, tht the bills shall be disposed of in sash a leity as shall Ramiro a lrood circulation. This le one mode officers of a bank adopt in appropriating its funds to illegal purposes; and another is, to 411 OW their depositors to go bagging during a stringent rummy market. Curbstone brokers and prltate money bousesepay, have a right to nego tiate bank bills as' a merchantable article; but fee! regular chartered banking institutions to embark In such. traffic- is, dishonorable, and cannot be 'too Severely condemned by the honest trading community, to whose entire benefit their capital shoilld Jbe devoted.- Until a radical ohange shall have taken plaoe in, our bait ing system- 7 8mA as to secure, beyond any contin gency, to the holders of bills, their redemption,. at any momen , with, the legitimate eein .of the realm. (specie) ; to accommodate the honest trades men, farmers end meetianlos with discounts, at. lawful rates, and In preference to outsiders or men of wealth ; every bank to be held to a strict ao. imuntability which allows a fraction of illegal in terest to be taken for diseounts; not to frown upon the hard-working mechanic who may appear in humble garb and apply for a small discount to enable him to facilitate his littletasiness, bat to remember that the mechanics are the bulwarks of our, nation, and there is not a public structure in our broad land that does not bear unspeakable evidence of their 'skill, Intelligence, and ingenui ty ;—until souse such wholesome measures as these are inaugurated, banks will be of but very little value to the industrious portion of our common country, , Upon this subject of banks, which I have herein very feebly sketched, I write from personal expe rience, and after reading the following sentence in the late splendid massage of the President of the United States: "The existence of banks and the birettlitlon - of bank met are so identified ,with the habits of our people, that they cannot at this -day be suddenly abolished without moll imme dicta injury to the country. If we would confine them to their appropriate sphere, and prevent them from administering to the spirit of wild and reckless speonlation by extravagant loans and imam, they might be continued with advantage to 'UM public,. But this I say after long and much sollection : if experience shall prove It to be lm- Possible to enjoy the facilities *bleb well regulated banks might afford, without at the same time suf fering the calamities which the excesses of the banks have hitherto inflicted upon the country, it Would then be far the lesser evil to deprive them altogether of the power to issue a paper cur renerand confine them to the functions of banks of deposits and discount." In the election for Mayor of New Bedford, the 7th instant, Ron. A. H. Rowland came within ten votes of an election over the Republioan eandi date. This Is an unmistakable evidence of the great popularity of Mr. Howland, for, independent of eight hundred and .rixt, c real negro votes, (many of them fugitives front j ustice ,) out of about two thousand votes thrown, New Bedford is other- Wise deeply imbued with Republicanism. As it Was, I have been credibly informed that Mr. How bland would have been Wasted but for certain mem ers of his own party using most strenuous efforts to defeat him. This opposition emanated Item the New Bedford custom house, who would inek to cad a blemish upon Mr. Howl and'. politi cal reputation, for the furtherance of ungenerous elms There is not a more sound, reliable, and national Democrat in the country than the lion. A. II Borland. Prom the beginning he was the ardent sepporter of James Buchanan to the Presidency, aqd advocated most assiduously, on all occasions, the nomination of that distinguished gentleman titthe Cincinnati Convention. I have yet to learn that the President is not warmly diepored towards Ms. Howland, the insinuation of others around theme regions to the contrary notwithstanding. Al an independent correspondent, I shall always fr eV express my views. You may hear from me. R. LiTTER • FROM LE INENIVORTII di IT KAASAS. (Cqrrespowlenee of Tito Press.) Among the most distinguished and promis ing members of the bar of Leavenworth, is tito Hon. John A. Haldeman, member elect of te Council of the Territorial Legislature. into H. is yet quite a young man, not more thav twenty-eight or thirty years, but by his talehts and energy has established a very env.able reputation, being regarded as a well rear. and skilful lawyer, and au eloquent, for cible jurist and political debater. In the late contest in Leavenworth county he led the ticket, being elected to the Council by areeisive majority over his political oppo nent , as well as the Democrats who were nominees on the same ticket. This fact argues well for the future success mid politica) emi nence, of Judge Haldeman, and is alike hone rableAo a constituency so capable of a just appreniation of true merit, and to him whom they have honored with such a marked and genernus manifestation of their confidence. I need not say that Judge Haldeman is a De meentAin the true sense of that term. Never count ancing the excesses committed in this Territory by some who have zeal without knowleilge, ho enjoys to the fullest extent the confidence of the Democracy, while he com mands the respect of his political opponents. Win gpatifying to see men like Hidden= at taining; political distinction. No man in this community would make a more able and popu lar United States Senator than the Judge to represent the people when this Territory be 'comes a i State. He is also a great admirer of President Buchanan and Governor 'Walker, and would become very popular in the Senate chamber,of the United States. J. E. S. Greeniburg, in this State, according to the , Democrat, must be a very queer place. The coroner holds an inquest, and the doctors make post-mottent examinations. merely on suspicion of a man being deed. The Demoerat is responsible for the fallowing Mary; For some time back, whenever a man dies within six miles of Greene burg, there is a general rush, on the part of our justices of the peace, to be the first to reach him, to hold en inquest upon him. Not loss than three weeks have passed by since an Irishman went into a shanty, near town, in the afternoon, whereliquor was sold. After aittitig by the stove for tome time, he was invited to take a drink, which be did, end then resumed his seat. Pre sently, be laid down by the stove and appa rently fell asleep. There he lay for several helm, when, the night coming on, some persons attempted to wake him up. in order to have him leave to bunt quartets for the night. This could not be done; and it was summed that he was dead. leemeilletely, word was despatched to town, a pa tio of the muse was informed of the fact, a coro ner's jury was summoned, and being unable still to waken the man up, they set to w o rk and out bite up to aseertainlthether or pot he was dead ! By the time the doctors got through with him, there remained no'dOubt• on' the minds of the Jury of his death.' . It, is , reported to us that in less than five' beers from the time he laid down by , the stove, ho wee effeetually slaughtered. One of the jut" Informs us that while the post mortene exemleation was being carried on, Me body was stilt learns and smoking. Sleepy in dividuals Who're hard to wake up when once asleep, are berbby respectfully notified not to go to sleep noes.thta town. If this advice Is not heeded, we shall not be answerable for the consequenoes. Sheol& they woke up and find themselves cut up el Into small plea , and • dem intelligent men speculating on t a facts, they must net be Beton. , loped, of blame nybody but theposelyes, THE MONEY MARKET. PiEur,ADELrazA, Deo. 24, 1857 There is no more pleasant fact to record, than that, while banks and bankers, corporations, mer chants, manufacturers, and traders have every- Where been involved in difficulties, seeking extort. Monti, or suspending, or failing outright, the re turn utile annual holiday;seimon proves that thiiyi' bee been neither failure nor diminution in the Shp.: `o .tbol4`teatv f eli springs of human kindness' and hffeetlon - It would seen', as if all other businate Viits'istat'ae possible laid aside, that the fullest re gard might be paid to those little attentions and affectionate remembrances which ever mark the return of Christmas day. Norhere is this more observable than at the it4oh heard, whore the disposition is universally ,tuanifestml, to...raskoverthe holidays. /q mop queue, there was very little business transacted, therelslittle or no'ohange prices to re . Any attempt to sell largely however, Would be very apt to break down the market, in its ii , resent weak condition., The shipment of specie by the Europa, the lam est ever made by one vessel, amounting to $2,381,- 822 can hardly fail to exercise a favorable effect, in ;he event of its 'safe arrival in England. It is said that the amount shipped would have been mutht heavier, but for the difficulty of effecting further insurances. There are some doubts as to the 'propriety of sending such large sums in the winter season by a single vessel, at a time when the moral effect of its loss would be very disastrous to slowly recovering confidence and the enfeebled state of the international exchanges. No smolt cendderations, however, can be expected to influ ence the agents of the steamer, and as the larger number of shippers ,act independently, and in lg. norince of the doings of each other, It lA. perhaps, fortimate that the limits of the lines of the under writers impose some chock upon the amount. The market •does not feel the loss of the specie; the Opinion being generally entertained that the pay merit of the debts, and the restoration of confi dence abroad was as good a use as could be made of spore portion of the very heavy soutunlation in the Now York banks. • Tie St. Louie pavers are urging immediate re gumption upon their banks. The detailed state ment gummed up shows the following aggregate Immediate Liabilities, Bank of Missouri Merchants' Southern Total $1,492,000 Immethatn Bank of Missouri Merchants' 023,000 Southern 429,000 171,000 . . Total $1,123,000 Or about 75 cents on the dollar of cash assets to meet immediate liabilities. ~ „ ,' The Demociat says :.« Four menthe, ago' bailie in Missouri woro thought to be in astrong position when they had thirty , cents on thij *to pay their immediate liabilities,, and if, 'the ,statement "we have given approaches- even to the actual peel tio4, we can see no good reaffeu why they should not immediately resume,'and at once.wipe out the odium which attaches to the city of Bt. Louts— the great eontmerolal emporium of the northwest.— by having all her banking inetitutions cave one— kbeMechaniefvßank,--remain in a etate'of suspen sion. We itliVo heard it Mated that the Moment the'hanks resume coin will be demanded of them. This, we think, to a great error, for there are tent of thousands of dollars of gold in. this city, nevi hoarded up, the moment the banks resume, will flow into thorn, and until they do resume, it will be locked up." Besides, there isa groat Mere] effect in banks resuming; and this operates to give oonfldence, and lessons the desire to obtain We repeat, that from these banks' own showing it is their duty to resume; and, we are quite sure, If tbekr managers bare the courage to resume they will stay resumed. The Harrisburg Patriot and Union publishes a statement of the circulation, deposits, and coin of the several banks of Pennsylvania, which we copy below. The comparison of the country bank aggregate with that of the city banks, gives color to the statement that our city banks would be ready for resumption, but for the backward oondi- Hon of the banks in the Interior. They compare as follows : Circulation. Spree. Depoaita. City Banks $2, 004.840 22.108,363 $13,097,319 Country Danko 8,827.414 2,337,553 4,=4,220 $11.432.363 $ 1,40 ,91 - 6 - $76,12 t,TZ The branches of the State Bank of Ohio make monthly reports to the board of control, and the footings, us furnished in the report submitted on the first Monday in December, compare es follows with the November returns : ' STATE, BANK OF 04110 AND MUNCHEN November. December. Coin 81,269,379 35 $1,369,245 96 Inc 809 876 GI Diatom ex,. 486,178 01 556,851 00 Inc. 80.675 99 llills dirt.... 8,832,064 12 8,108,076 67 Dec 2 7 3;907 55 Circulation . 6,401,226 50 6,343;47 00 Dec. 67,959 50 Deposits.... 1,846,054 25 1,813,330 00 Dec. 33,361 25 Isrom the foregoing figures it appears the banks bare Suede the following - ohenges during 14 month : Inoirease of cult mom Decrease of immediate Total increase of strength $272,113 35 This has been gained ohiedy by a ciontraetion of discounts, which item decreased during the month $223,937.5.5. Some of the branches are very strong, while others are quite weak, and wilt re quire careful nursing to carry them through. It may be noted as an interesting feature of the late panto, that in his explanations to the Rouse of Commons on the Bank of England in demnity bill, the English Chancellor of the Ex chequer stated that the bank-note circulation of the United Kingdom in the hands of the public stood in October, as • Issued by Bahk of England By the Provincial banks.... Total circulation Great Britain 188,385,000 Same time Bank of France 121,070,000 Same time banks of United 5tate5....148,020,000 The gross issues of the banks in the United Steles on the last Treasury return Ness notes In hands of the banks Leaving in hands of the pub1ia`.....11148;929,000 In regard to the source of trouble on the late panic, the Chancellor comes to the tame oonedu elan with our BN:watery of the Treasury, that it was in the mess of private credits inscribed at bank, deposits on the one band, and bills (Recount ed or other accommodations granted on the other. The Chancellor instances the Western Bank failure at Glasgow as occurring without the slightest premonition to or from the noteholders, who neither knew of the run on the bank, nor showed the slightest concern for the safety of its notes, until the mischief had been done, through the alarin of the depositors. Itt like manner Se aretary Cobb shows that the bank suspension in New York was the work of the depositors. We copy from Wright's eircular the following etatement of the movement in Cotton since Sept. 1, as compared with the previous four years : 1857. 1858. 1855. 1854. 1853. 115 c 54 rt.. 828,000 1,201,0001,252,000 784,000 761,000 Es to 0.8..285,000 237,0)1 115,000 310,000 217,000 .1:5 to Fronts 80,000 316,000 158,000 85,000 52,000 Es, ot'r P.P 80,000 05,000 108.000 42,000 45,000 Total Expqm 425,060 418,000 870,000 143,000 314000 Mc on hapd.433,000 610,000 525,010 314,000 408,000 Of which during the past week, included in the above; Roe. st Plo.loo 000 1211,000 144,000 77,000 105,030 Ex. to a. 11,. 20,000 20,000 28,000 31,000 31,000 E. to Franco 13,000 14,000 20,000 7,000 7,000 1)4. et' rP. P. 16,000 17,000 14,0030 1,000 9,000 Total Exalt'. 40,000 07,000 02,000 07,000 41,000 The following statement shows the circulation, deposits, and coin of the soveral banks of Penn sylvania, compiled from the November statement made to the 4uditor °Matra! : liainra of Banks. Circulation. Coln Deposita. Man and Mech. kik , Phil-935,6n° 948,355 93 8.834 Dank Penn Township, .. 85,560 64.991 414,955 Bank of Commerce, .• —18.1.543 105,136 583.291 Bank of Chester Co 176,088 84,600 218 419 Dank of Ntont(comery C0....156A29 63.244 112,233 learmere' Ilk of Lancaster-305,505 24,513 66.460 Dank of Delivers Co 89,416 37,231 134,909 }Norville Bank 100,275 81,369 25.968 Lebanon Bank 177,960 51,848 25,526 !humeri!' awl Drover'' , Dank of Waynesburg 108,400 26,170 21,381 Farmers' and 31ech. Easton 289,120 75,514 71.651 Wyoming Dk. Wilkeebarre..l22,slo 41,142 48,304 Bank of North America.... 422.950 615,776 1,808,372 Went Branch, NT illiainuort.llll,39o 11,278 41,525 Bank of Danville 199,950 54,707 55,021 Franklin Bk., Washington. 118,490 61 478 43,095 Partnere' Bk., Schuylkill c 0.159,1180 18,084 31,771 Southwark Bank, Phil,: 55,850 165,826 559,389 think of Northumberland...l69,oBs 44,025 60,411 Citizen.' Dank; P.ttaburgb -135,640 70 638 84,678 Bk. of Chester Valley,(new) 870 6,1411 5,683 Western Dank of Phil', .g .. 64, , N 5 80,135 833,235 Farmer. , Bank of Reid1it..321.005 27,491 96,517 Dank of Lau fence co 46,600 22.831 13,549 Miners' Bank of Pottsville% 341.031 9 9 ,188 /52.996 Harrisburg Bank 586.645 07,019 1112,7 Bank of Chambereburg ....351,255 01,382 63,652 Exchange Bk. Pittsburgh..7s7,4Bo 319.290 107,969 Mechanics' Bank, Phila.... 71.000 131,108 341,220 Allentown Bank- 03.380 50,140 37,553 Warren Ca Bank •60 725 6,145 40 OM Banton Bank 307.476 90,308 130,614 Kittanning Bank (new) 10,390 0,974 1,769 Vann. & Macb. Bk, Phi1...298,206 333,112 2,310,509 Bank of (I ettyaburg . . ....,234,340 40,654 32,946 Kensington Bank, 1,688 51,461 353,867 Tradessoen'a Hank, 4, 29,165 57,711 378,633 York Cu. Bank. ... • .... 7.4D,425 22,677 40,603 Monongahela, 8r,0wn5y1Ue..862,275 70,004 94,030 Bank of Northern Mettles. 75,349 75,867 103.Z.1 Columbia Hank. 295,845 10,831 239,989 bank of Plttabugh 159,367 311,14,6 000,998 Farmers' Bk, Bucks c 0..... 57,747 18,987 24,115 Contuses:4l Bank ..... ~...103,848 101,818 088 033 Philade)phlaßank. 137,959 1,6101.68 City Bank, Phi 1.,.,., 89,585 46,295 2114,686 11019144,4:11 Bank 070 95,841 11,660 31(eghe }B a ulk ' ` 88,995 35,011 29.836 Bank of Oatanaqua 0,950 2f AU 1,781 Bank of 0 ermantown 84.531 .744 175,164 Boy ['stow n Bank 80,875 23.476 30,488 Tioga Co. Bank 595 19,611 York Bank 538,840 48,127 192,887 Bank of Middletown 300 315 26,414 118,671. Bank of Pennsylvania ...... 548,392 6,166 300,533 Lancaster Co. Bank 2110,015 82 893 115,113 Girard Bank 108,430 732,820 411,000 ---- ---- ......... blanch Chunk Bank . 115,805 . 33,507 25,140 Consolidation Dank 40,470. 21,283 120,000 Mechanise' Bk., PittsburBh.lB2,lol3 117,02.5 111.053 Lock Haven flank 133,100 13,104 71,036 Erie City Bank 133,000 31erchants 1 and Manufastu- .236,490 32,042 100 214 . E 0,500 0,610 9,0441 rare. Bank, Pitteltrgb. Authracite IJk , Tamaqua Total .111,432,383 4,463 ; 910 113,421,539 PriIIidiJaLPHLVSTOCIE EXCHANGI HALLO, December 24, 1267. Reported by R. Ma-ply, Jr., Stook Broker, No. 802 Wainut groat, NIRBT BOARD. 600 City 10, M.P B Pennt R 8 & • At. - 444-4 do .. 1500 N Penrui do idys... 8 600 .....51X 481 do 500 ....;5131 800 do 8 600 ÜBlon Onl 00. - .... 37N 10 kfliao.lll R go 4 retnna R.r as 100 Iteadhig R i5w0..27 3 Ifyinieb o s urg 11..,..:52X X 1510 GBeltd Bk e.. e.. 11% d 2 12 do 8N 5 do ...:42X 00 ONtlicionkith 1tk..1814 2 do 51 „Mk - do 1111( 20 N Rintnaß 8 16 Philada Bk 9811 10 da , 8 I IRMO) 5 N Pima& R IX] 500 Reading R awn...2lX B.lOONp 1000 C&Arn R 811 , 70%. 500 Read 11 6s 4.11 1000 Lh Val R Be 14.... 84X 4 llinehill R 69 AFT= 100 Catawl.ss R OLORTRG P 134.1.,.441“1. 13 States 65 10.110 , Phil& Ws nit 0ff.83 653 i " " RR.BS 806 g. N0w.92 93 Petnsylv 54....84 84X Reading R 21 27K de Bonds '7OlO 74 do Dirt &'{4.40 do do '86.63 66g Poona RR 33% 38J( Morris Oanl eon 40 43 liohn N 6a 82 60 WEEKLY REVIEW-OF THE PUILADEL,- PHILADELPHIA, Deoeisiber 24,1857 The Produce Markets have bead dull this week, owing in twine measure to the holidays, and most departments of Trade have been dull and builritios much neglected. Birk has been more inquired after. Breadstuffe have been dull under the u - vices from Europe, and the transaotions have been limited. Candles are in steady request at former rates. Coal continues dull with but few orders for shipment, the warm weather has restricted the de; mind for horns consumption. Coffatria &Di. 13a-, gar has slightly improved, but Molasses is quiet. Cotton is unsettled. In Romp and Elides nothing doing. The Iron market is depressed, and prim are about nominal, Lead is also dull. Naval Stores are quiet. Oils are unchanged. Plasterbi scarce. Provisions meet a very limited inquiry, and the tendency is downward. Rice has been rather more inquired after. Cloverseed is in steady demand at former rates. Tobacco and Wool are inactive. In Dry Goods the tranesetions have been of a very limited character, both among the jobbing and commission houses. Cotton goods generally maintain former rates, but for Woollens prioeo rule low. llhaensruvrs. foreign none has increased the dullness already so apparent in this branch of trade, and the prices of all kinds tend downward. The emand for Flour /We our ,last: review bout been limited both for shipment and home use, but prices have undergone no quotable ehanms.• The sales for export comprise about 4,000 bbls at 8,5 a $5.50 for standard brands, $5.25 for extra, and $5175a50 far extra family flour, including 500 bids ,Ohio extra, on terms kept private; the inquirY is limited for the Supply of the retailers and bakers,. within the range of the Ahern quotations. Rye Flour and Corn Meal have been very inactive, with small sales of the former at $4, and the latter 83 p_er bbl at which figures they are freelyetered. Of Wheat, , the supplies have been.fattl,but the de timed le only fot prime lets x at 'a decline on last week's quotathins. o.her kinds befog bigleetad. the sales foot up 171'18,000 bush at 1024112 e for in ferior and prime red, and $1.10a51.30 for white, chiefly at $1.124122 for the latter description. Rye has been in demand, and taken on arrival at 7.5a700 fory'ennsylvanta. Corn 'hellbent in Tiede= rata request, and about 25,000 bush were disposed of at 50a50e for new yellow, according to dryness; and 55a58e for white. Oats have been in fair re quest, and sales of 10,000 bush Southern are re ported at 330350, and Pennsylvania at 35a380 per bushel, closing at the lowest figures.. Sales of 1.500 hash Barley Malt at $l, and 1,000 bush New York Barley at 83c per bushel. which is a decline. The inspections of Flour and Meal for the Ave days ending Deo. 23, 1857, were ;Barrels of Superfine... do Fine do Middlings. do Rye do Corn Meal: do Condemned $580.000 558,000 358,000 T0ta1.... PROVISIONS.—The receipts are light, but the transactions blue been limited, and the tendency of prices is downward. Bolan sales'of Mesa Pork of $16416.50 per barrel, and prime at $l5. City peeked Mess Beef sells as wanted for ship stores at $11417.50, which is a decline. Bacon is very quiet, with but little to operate In. Small sales of Hams at 11a13c, and Shoulders at 91e per Ito, on time. treen meats aro coming forward rather more freely, but there Is very little demand. Sales of Hams at 9c, Sides at Be, and Shoulders et 61e3e per lb, short time. Lard is in limited demand, but prices are unchanged. Sales of barrels at 301a/Ole, and kegs at Milne pet lb, each: Eutterbr drill at last week's quotations. Sales of solliVplieked'at 12a13c, and roll at 16118 e per . lb, cash. New Tork Cheese is selling at 9111103 per, lb. GROCERIES —There has been a good inquiry for Sugar, and holders have realised. an advance; of fully lo per lb. on the closing ratesof last week. Sales of 800 hhds Cuba at 6a71 ;mails, and some Porto Rim of eafit cents en time.,The market for Molasses is firmer, but there habwen verylittle selling. Small:sales et -Orbs. Idgeoeiado et-23' cents cash and abort time, 4%420 bbls New York Syrup at D6a35 cents. lipanotion a small lot of Cuba sold at 2210 cash. , Tbe ;Coffee market Is firmer, but very quiet. and orts 7xBoo bags were disposed of tit 914101 cents for Ma, and 11 cents for Laguayra on time. MSTALS.—The demand for Pig Iron continues light, and prices are unsettled. We quote Anthra cite at 1134525 per ton for No, 1 ; $21423 for No. 2, and S2oas22 for No. 3, cash and time, with small sales at these figures. About 100 tons of the latter sold on terms kept private. In Scotch Pig no sales have come under our notice. Moo= ere but little inquired after. Small sales of Charcoal atlSl35 per ton 6 months. Bar Iron meets a limi ted inquiry et former quotations. Lead is but little inquired after, and no sales have been made Public. For Copper the demand is limited, with small sales of English Sheathing at 380, and 1,000 sheets yellow metal at 22c, 6 months. Baer.—The receipts of Queroitron are light, and the demand is better; No I wanted at $26 per ton. .4180,552 00 .. 91,623 75 .498,860,060 .. 89,525,000 BesswAx.—There has been some inquiry, and small lots of yellow sold at 2Te2 3 e cash . OANDl,36.—Sperm are in limited reqaest at 42c per lb. City manufactured Adamantine are steady, and 1,000 boxes sold at 204210 psis, terms. Colt, continues dull, with but few orders for shipment in market, and the demand for home consumption is limited. Prices, hoWever, remain without change. The reeelpts are falling off. p Corrow has been deal and unsettled, and salsa of only about ISO bales are reported at irregular rates, varying from 11 to 1310 per lb, cash. The receipts and etooka ere small, but hilly equal for the demand. $214,778,000 65,849,000 FEATHERS are dull, with smell sales of Western at 43a400 per Ib, short time. Faso continue very dull, and all the recent arri vals have been stored. Setae have been confined to small lots, from store, at 510411 per bbl for l's, 59.50 fur l's, and $9 fur 3's. Small sales of pickled Herring at 33. 700 bbla sold (rem vessel at $3 50, and Codfish at $3 2343.40 the 100 lbs. Fntir.—The market isintose active; about one half of a cargo of Messina Oranges and Lemons has been disposed of from the wharf ou terms not public. Raisins have been in good demand, with further sales of 200 package at 52.2541 311 per box, half, and quarter boles in proportion: 'The demand for dried fruit has been better, but sup plies come forward slowly. Small sales of Apples at flail centp per lb., as in q uality , and Peaches at Bal2 cents for unpaved quarters and 'halves. Green Apples range from $2553.45 and Cranber ries from s7alo per bbl., as in quality. FREIGHTS—To Liverpool ore better; the asking rates are 2s Oil per bbl. and 9d per bushel. some Cloverseed was taken fqr 30s per ton to London; 258a308 are the asking figtires. Colliers meet a limited inquiry at our last quotations. To New York $1.23, Boston 52 if, Richmond, Va , St 80, end Washington, 1) C., 91 Si) per ton. Oussewi —Sales of Crude at 45117 cents, and Clarified at 70 cents per lb, cash. Grew.—There is no demand, and the sales have been unimportant, without change in rate's. haste—fs very quiet, but no changes bare come under our notice. Ilums—There bu been very little isquirT, and the market continues dull and unsettled. Hors—Are in steady demand, wiibout change Small Wes of Eastern and Western at 7112 e per lb, club. LEATNEll.—Splaish wile and slaughter are steady, but there has been very little inquiry for the article LIMBER —The demand bas been limited for all descriptions, and prices are about nominal NAVAL STORES --No 11(1103 of Rosin, Tar and Pitch to alterquotations. A email lot of fine Rosin cold at it Sidrita of Turpentine has declined, and 150 barrels sold at 45eadila cash ()wt.—Lard Oil is scarce, with small sales of winter at ssasl cash, and $1.05 60 days. Linseed oil is better, and sells in a small way at 53.155 e. A email .ale of fted oil at 60 teats clash, and Olive oil at $l.lO. The sales of Fish oils are limitid at former quotations. PLASTKR.—The last sale was at $3 per ton, cash. RlCE.—Very little Inquiry. but prices are firmer. Sales of ISO casks, In lots, at .$3.50153.75, cab and $0 days. SALT Is steady, and about 2,000 lacks !ine has been sold en terms kept sacra:. SEEDA.—There Is more demarid fur Clorerseed ; 400 bushels fair and prime quality eold at 45a $5.25 ; 300 nags, to go out of the market, sold part on terms not madepublio, and part it 55.50. In Timothy nothing 4oivg. 450 busbete Flaxseed sold at St 3 per bushel—an improvement. SyjniTA.—Bpt little inquiry for Brand and Gin, at previous qUotatlemb. New ppglimd ranges from 3d to aft cents. Whiikey has been in better demand, and prices are well maintained. 4ales of barrels at 23124 e ; hogsheads at 22a221c, and drudge at 21422 c per gallon TAl4.olti is 4rnier. &ales of country at cn, and city atlabia per lb, cash. Tres meet a limited inquiry, but prices are well maintained. TonAcco.,--A steady demand for manufactured but leaf is neglected. WINES.—The sales bays been unimportant. Wont..—Tbere is a firmer feeling to note, bat the detband is limited, end only 20,000 lbs, mostly palled, were disposed of at 25b380 per lb, cash end time. BlompueNT To Da, lisag.--The Freeraseons of New York propose to erect • mournent lii bons o Pr, Kane,,,e straw peak of latmoolo beiah is the park of the Cooper Institute, to lw of wh to mar ble, of irregular slaps, With lbar tablets la the base, appropriately ineeribell. Val Bellamy, a negro, aged 110 years, died in Hancock county, , ttoently. He was • nook fur the American Troops stationed at Charleston during the revolutionary war. Henry Potter, judge of the United States District Court of North Carolina, died at Fayette• vino, In Oat atsco, oo Banda: last, aged 93. 100 Newlin It g5...17% 10 Commonw'th 8k..165r vs.2l4x 2 Norristown B 54X On-DULL. SU. Atka. 1801119092 prat 17g 17g W +, l & Mu AWL... RlO 1 9 7 2 msp _de /st snort Vs G 7 99 do Sim 41 48 Long Island.... 93( lig Vicksburg " tsg ' 7g Girard Bank' ilig 9 Lehigh Rine yi; y i Union Canal ' 8 4 . New Creek % ii Ogiwissa It Ls 5 6 FRIA MARKETS r" 11 149 THE CITY. AItti&EMENTB THIS A.ITISKOGN. Wirsirruirr i o - Auielluzu4suudardiALDlWAiteir.. - the Weeding Bkiek Byrd Boar Jollntee'r Courtship?, !,"4 Mu. D. P. ikoriciete 'Markt? rung' Titgartg.- "rho Blend flubj"-“ilsek Bottum PO al? Moak ” - “ THIS =WA. Moment Away:. - or BAUD lip Linotigr STRISTII.-"Oolden Eforuei-iiDoeibis Bedded Binoin.” Mu. D.P. Boum' wain,' Smarr Ilium, R. B. comma or Brun .L3D WALIII7I.-"The Your ate. tern"- , The Lire Indisui'-uTheiling of the Met." W11217/AVIS /Luz 8111il? Titursk, Yu% Bruns, ABOYI &rm.-. The Loot Dips or Pompeii"--"ihrelen Young Man." - - Nalrucit. TRIMS, WAlailrf STRUT. Iran beam. Putnam ; or, the iron Son of 'T6'". — .Seta Otau.F' 11.11/0/41'11 PIMA. Hon., Euvrioin 672/#l, Awn CaSIMUT ,- -=lll Lib Illaattstal, aaimelaitnisith a laugluble AMUSEMENTS SATURD47 NVEYING Wourrtor's Aim - Bums' Ticisimit' The Lust Days of Pompeii Lollop Bowan." MIL - P.Boarpas' WAMIDT _Ferinr - ?s=izes "TO Four Riders TM Lire Longa Mut King of the ~kiladtlpiita Dry a:Ws Market.—The or der: sales, 'among - some of the jobbers, coatinna vary Who', hilt the regular trade, directly with buyers - , is remarkably fiatand unprofitable. The amount of goods disputed of weekly is .ao meagre that two or three good houses mild safely make a contrast for-supplyiug-the. wantsettke_Peblievat least fur the present. The merchants are looking forward, with ranch interest; fur the developments of but from the Intelligence they receive from the west and `whithirett, the ehilloceff ler a 2 very heavy or lacratire. trade, ate rather gloomy::: The remittances are by no Means ag, large as they should be, and u the short credit - sYstem is to be inaugurated at once, there appoint to be no hope for hearydeniands for voila. Dealer's in the west represent themselves as being rely • poor; that they cannot realise sufficient from their crop of cereals to pay their taxes, and until their taxes are paid, storekeepers can expect no Money. This is plain talk, yet It is.a plain feet. Ia other guar-. tem the hog prop is not as large as it eta thought it would bigMd prices arc much below those of a yeai ago. Its all departments of the trade time is a fair supply of goods, except the articles we before men tioned as having run short. These hare advaneed considerably. The market may be said to - be. very unsettled. - .+l special :union in behalf of the Fifteenth Ward Relief Association, will be delivered in the Church of the Redemption, (Episcopal) N. W ear ner of Twenty-second and Callewbill- streets. on Sunday morning, by the Rev. fleorle W. Dur- - letrow. It is hoped there will be a fail bows; and &blubottle collection to' aisle!, in alleviating the suffering poor of the Fifteenth. Ward. - Already that Association has Wen instnunentid thintng .vast deal of good, end we regret Se myr.ths means of carrying on its operations during the winter, are well nigh exhausted :- Theellisens of - that ward, who can afford to do o,4l'odd - con tribute 'liberally, and continue their interest in _ providing food for the destitue. Remember that, have been nsdueed to want, who were always well provided for -until the recent rival -- lion, and that we do not know - who will be the next applicants for °lenity. c'hrisintes.pe..--Cheinnut•stront - anti other principalthctrougbfaree of tite.Aolt, eartainly_ Presented a lively and cheerful aspect last evening. Never do we remember to have-_seen` such stone or such throngs of apparently-happy people atturned out of doors to jolts in the street-fesdifithis' itf.Clulaittuts Eve. - The boys wens nut liwthing in Carel* gbie—the young girls and their beaux - tiree ce assn end their wivse weye set, esCialfset. the Make ell/- appeared to he taking an evening promenade The weather was beautiful, and indicative' of a mild Christmas day'- We trust that to all this day may be pleasant and prottbilde;_antl that whollic-ntor row comes roped, we may OM refreshed bight re membrance 61' Merry qh!istaiss, ,:" and the Up, of a Ileripp-Iterefear:' liabert tittedad Mar garet Leonard was emanated yesterdairniorning by Alderman Enen, on.the charge of stealbv a bog containing about WOO in gold sod direr be longing to Jolor Walter; No. 1107 Jefferson st r eet, Twentieth ward. The'. sieseed- was aoremitted. The offender Is young, and about four 'smoky eines she was eccommodatel witbeteropontrybeini at the hospitable residence of Ma- W., ant on Wed= - *Way, afternoon Mrs. W. went eittaiialtag the house in charge of Margaret-, Euringliar diemee the latter borrowed a shawl from a, neighbor, dole the boi, and- was arrested lanerenbog in the et-, deity of _Pannonia. She tried to grease herself by saying UM- she.wait drunk, trk she Todd- not hare committed the theft - - Foustllisg.:—Abiut ton o'clock oo Wed nesday night, a baby, not more thaw' law days, old, was found en a door step an ter third street, below Centre, Fifteenth ward;' It was snugly stowed away In a new wino* basket, yid well clothed, a red shawl being ea fixed Indite bot tom of the basket, as to form a bed for The in-. accent responsibility was token in abatis by Mrs. reyorifia of the Pollee linettermat of that ward. iariray of Nails.--Darld Graharn, Ames Young and John Lafferty ware •eonsmitted by Al derman Rom yesterday morning, en the charge of being coneerhed in the larceny of two innikuteet nails, neighing about seventy pounds. The pra party Iris taken from a: place near Ridge a - vemse and Fifteenth street:. " - • „ Diatriinstiot of Bread lo the Poor.—We learn that two Minna loses.* of broad min be distributed to the poor it the Untraisalist drench. Eighth street, above .Noble; tbia iaeintng at mho o'clock. , Arrested.— At young man, giving the na m e of J. Knorr, Tiros committed yesterday &Remain; by Ahr Eaeg;bn the' chaise of selling sparks!" tickets for the Northern Liberty Hose ben, end for consigns swine' , under fags prOtenots. NEW "1'09.11.. mmaxers. ' Dee 34 ; M: novo, .-Tiedos market for , superfine' !WO. may her quoted ashada bitter, with iralhaf we Eastern dammed. - Priest far ether iinds.are out important ohmage, while the .Irsalsetations am only to a very Moderate extant' = - ' - Sales 8,000 bble. at 54.2544 30' fir common to solid superfine State; .$1.4041.61).f0r extra State; $4.25a31.20 sor taper. I rettlemOutd.la-4045.20 for common to medium extra 010chigiutjeteliais, Illinois, iraconsin sad Ohlo. - 'Fintseirket doable quiet. Superfine Chmadien Flour is a shade better with only • limited business ; sales 300 lath at 94.30 * $4.36 for superfine, and $4.60418 for extra. In Soothers Flour there is not a graat deal do. ing, and the market is without material alteration; safes 1,100 bole at 94.75a55 for superithe, sad $3,10 a 55.70 for fancy sod extra. Inchtding 200 thin Riehound City .Mills extra, on private term& Rye Flour is lower sad dull; sales - 100 hila at s3as4. Corn Meal is in moderato ?maw, Ant-Leos in favor of the purchaser; tales 250 bble Jenny at 93.2041.30. Brandywine is held at s3.s and puncheons at Sl7. CANDLES.—We notice a limited, beelnesado. at 19490 for Adamantine; 40•42 c far Plain, sad 50a520 for patent Sperm liar.—Receipts moderate, and with a good as, wand, the market rules 0n,,. Sates 500 bales shipping at 36 •540 per 100 lbs. idors are in rather better demand, but prices, however, are without change.. Salton halal at 5 and So per lb. Tays.—Common has advanced to SU, with sale, to a fair extent. Ivan is nominal at $1.03. • Rica.—There is no change worthy of notice, and the business is limited at Sane per lb, MOLASSES —No "material alteration in prices and the demand is moderate; sales 100 bbls new crop New - Orleans at 35,5. SCOAR.—A steady market, with . sales to a mo derate extent at about previous prices. Tsxxow. 7 —The market oontlnaes Ina With a light supply and a good demand. Sales 10,000 lbe prime at 100. Rough Fat Le held at Bic. RAIX.—Tie wheat market is dell and in favor' of the purchaser. The demand is iddelly for tale couramption sales of 9,000 bushels at $1.02 for. Red Indiana; Ole for Bed Whottnala ; $1.17} for inferior White Soathetu; 91.25 for wipe White Michion ; and $1.35 for prime Whole Ken tucky. By. is In demand at better prim: sales 4,000 bushels at Tptatto, afloat aid delinred• barley and garle7Milt are possinall, the same. The Coro market is steady with a fair demand for export and home oonsamption, sales - 22 AI buslosli at 00a624 for new intetWr to prim Piton' and white Jersey mg Southern including shippin iota at'604820. Oats dell and bury at 2Sa36e for Butkus, 33a .tae for Jersey, 42a4re for State, rad Oat& for Western. WHI3f6T—Is offered with extra freedom and is lower ; sales 41:16 Ras ehole• West 2,k. Ass cs—A knl.t market, will spell sales at $d fot botb - Pote and Pearls Corros.—The market IS Tarr dull and umlaut at Sj amts. for ralddliat frpl”oi *ad 101 eta. far New Orleans. PeOvistoes The demand for Peak is { tibia more settee. and the market elated with a shady better feeling ; sales 400 OW at 815.5L041$ fo; mesa, and $l3 IleSI3-5Q for prime. ' Beet rules eery heavy—ealea 200 Wart ss.'fba ;6 .50 for prime; 344 9 .15 for ditto mss 81.4 '512.50 for repacked mese, and 1134141 for extra ditto. Beef hams hare again deellned. We hear of sales of 50 Ma" at 113 50415, the latter price for Chicago. Prime Mess Beef is nominal at S I 9422 Brewed Hoge are selling at ale, and very choice at 61e. Pictled Meats steady. Sales of 39 hide at S u f i. Shoulders, at SlaSte for Sams Bevan Small urea short ribbed, city eat, Middies at flle. Lard drooping; Wee 150 bbla at Wile, aid 11111 t o m it Ole. Butter has' slightly Meanee4, with sales of Ohio at llarle, and 1440 e for State. Cheese Is selling at 6aBle. aloes.—The transactions are only to a limited extent and _prices are without material 'cheap; sales 2,000 lilleboll Aynn at 20 cads, shed 1,000 Orinoco at 17 cents 26 months. This range for Rio Orande slid Buenos Ayres is 19a20 retro City Slaughter are Bening at Sieli cents gods. LlUTlRR—Continued in good drawled at full prices. The sales are largely in erase of the re: ceipts. Hemlock is gaited at n0431 - teals, '44 Oak 24a3) cents per lb. *F.IIr Ypax STOCK REC11414111—p140.24. FIRST so4aß. 2000 Teo aBB '9O 82%1 10 Radio!! R R I? 20000119peoari de 79%1 40 Rri r e $ 2001 Cal Tile ,- 61% ITI3 ' 'do e 3 14 1000 Tirainli Co 29 1r o ) di 13 18 5040 Erie Coa7 11 :V I do 4 15 00 111 Cea BS 651 35 do 14 4500 do 85 x 1 100 do 18% 3001 Lae& Mil LO 25 100 do Dl5O 13% 2600 GaldChie Wm 79 1 000 do D6O 19% 2700 Harlem Dm 61 Isola do AO 1$ 60 Idereh'o , Bk Scrip 103 200 do 18% 10 Ocean Bank 76 ;100 do BD 19% 10 10.0e0Leother BIL 99% vo do 40 11% 25 Deld.Ru4 Cal 109% WI . do 19) 6 60 Penn Coal Co WO 69 100 do atm - 12% TO Carob Coll 9% 10 Mr Calk Cie 11 N 20 Pacifie MSS Co C 6 10 do - 95% 41 , 8 Trost 99 60 do 20 10 GalACltle R 73% 50 de a6O 84 750 N T Con R e 74% NO Etadfag R e 53% 305 do e 74% 100 do • 1040 i 65% 1.1 , 4 de 46 "t 1 I' " 4) " 101 do MO 74,' 1 o .10 63% do elO 14% 100 415 . 63 932 F 0 dp 149 Nig pq dp 1:4 d3,i Od db . lad 74,1( •W do D3O 63% 20 do 1 , 3 14% UM do 10113 63% 60 do 71% 25 Mich SAN I K 1 23 60 do 40 14% 100 do c 20 38 Cble&R I R T 4 220 do alo 100 do a6O 74 100 do a 3 214 - 60 - de DSO 74 100 do 110 20% 50 do .30 73% UN do 14 NA 100 LiiCall 0 do it a 1.00 10% 1 74% l I ave& UN 1 pfd We 34,13 S 0 do N 30 • da. 202 IN Climatal I 2412 42 30 Mak= A 4% 300 do , -412 r we. .d e - 459.140 - do-- - 4301-422‘ 10 tiled Am B . illa do . - NV [I N 049 Plumes a-Wlla ' SP 410 - = lep iic .. , .
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