The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, December 24, 1857, Image 3
. - -- --- . :•••__• , •` - -•'::":',:RVAA':- ( iWe';*7,11,0111!.•-•": / 5 -4"--..•'' ,-- '.: • . • ,-;.' - • 1. 4kliritif..o44 ;:314111Roin, 18 ';,ilipttiii 1. , 14;; -:- bor.l: ; • t4l).s44llininneit Co.' •', ~,!- ..-• "'. '` gilt* ' , 14,Pidlinie i llediti Boston., -4 -" r- -- • ,- ' ~ . = -- 1/Citei: ann4 , l,tiance,-,34.dayn, from -. New York wit h 'indanda,llo4-Wattinailt,oo2 ,, : , - , 4 , -4 . -' -,-- - "4: • " ' ' . 4 -:i ileAltildidtiCable,t4 Hittoltn,l day fenm" ti. di_ Castle, ' ;MU gain to Entail* Lac' , - - -.4'-' - ,•, -4 ,- • , , - , Betkelarri;lfillyazd %14. day from Neirport, with floni• ;;:tii,td_ itratiiid-Anbendit ine,c,_rt - , , , - ,-....,,,-,now, •liiiiari,,Wini.dilday from iinirna4; Del, trltly - ent, ,•,;tl'4, l., De midi; Nay+ 1 4iy kens Swyrii, pal; with r , . -- 4- ye ytio Inaliskratteltn4,,y,-„ , -, - -- . _=,;: ~, ;., , i ~ ear Idit,,digadd,', , Attraol,,,d darn tram ittiston;'ltitit4 , 'iish_,diii-to littonp:* 'Din'. --: - ,- - -•-- '. --, -, • - f' . . . " ~.•,rigirlikli ftit•b i ' MOClP ' iein,..4 days tin . n k • 141 Ri m , ..;41k • istkrealseakic, Oil '..,_•...-, -, ~, , ' - :', ... ;,-. ,lk litinVinaidilßaka;,l4 dayarrookßostoni in tel. ,',. iitaMO . ,kl3trnstik.CO.; --A- - , • ~. -,- -. 1, ' ' -; - A ,'''';.A.-- - z ',--_,_.,' "• 4 .ll.ll3TARAltfaii- "•,••:,_ ~' ~ •Ihtrieurileta Watts* Oltdord€llarana • N'll rdidd• NI ; hurray . , , ;lll P o l4.,PciffltiliPiliiii' ,tYt Hew- licodintd, Morris lE 9 1,111115eitt NiwJetrey,ilnrtintini:4:‘ ~ ,..q?..40;c9 --;,0 0 ~5_,..-14,1t,1011171 1 mikiltsbeco,'Price,,`Ifew, L ondoiii , .4e ', --- 1 ::iplobr.lllbeole4.oorsors, Ilavina;-J-Meatucik;Oo. - ..,,,,, ,i3chrdillmithildcalireen, Pailltiver, %been Jr Co. , -. t, t ,Ralsrslnlik Smith, Crewels, Boatrokyla Suipsnai-Dect • r „.c - .0abr , ,C1etf44.11144, liaker,•lloW' , Liavice t lilituit4vl:4 , ACo- ' ' ~, :..,"::-N-- ',. 'RAS EfidastnsviCiavirad Providence, Drown k While.. .„.--;04,,,/;- ; 4l4Klyer f ,Miller, Baltimore, A - Groves, Jr. -. A I „-.4_l4ricuersalronee,,of the .Philadelphia Exchanso - .. 4:,,,,... tr, s , 4`,1.';',.?..- , A4--;-; .;,--,;• BERLIN 11d, Dec 21, 7557; ;,-., .ThribsikAleslacpaptliOngless; from Portland r bsden 4 ..-„wittipickstA,latbsi, keilsouiadtalltllsitelphia f :is ashore" • below tits place ;_...,The :amps la *awn along the beach. .. , ',.44•444l4rsayorbrmirErtattc-+.,... ~ , , ,. ..4.. ILL RETARD: ''' l ' ' i- ' s '' '''" liit'llidielter4 '' :- •.' Cit;;-,4 1 -,,,,,/, cilcariescrot_thrtlthiladebpitia -Stawage) • _, ; _", Min ISLAND, Dec 23.4.15 R X ;T u• 1, positive Ilariii i -for, Oavannak t Belle of; Om OCULIV far 1.44' New Orleans, sad kits Villilpeliell, (11r) for St John, NB, andsome Wen schooners; seal loaded i "went to era this afteracueL" :Mini WSW •,.., ; •:-,,,. -, 4- , - , 4170 , )-4,70411,7!t1-i -, - , 0 -7 „,, 7 ,, .TE011.4. , 017512:23.` , ~,,a,..„. r .:,,,,,,, ~": Ili 7117,1tintieli ros7liPirliti.i r--_, - -, v;,-,;•,-,: , , - -1 - 9 7 ;`,,,f-,.'g !--.' ~' , , ----, Now Yosci. Deo 28: - Arrived; Ishii l'aiatAnth r from Leghorn.- • , ; ..4 , -..,--- .-.. „.. , ,litiligniiiiirtki.. - C - fl _ ; 'Trritaruir , r 010,-Webbi, OPPAreditttitft Or : ,- 40$ , DA'12 ,t,,Or Liferpriely. :4. ;,-,-; •,s ,-„,.. , :, r , Skip 'Aritoeiatie4ih r iiii4OtsTfifiliderNrii towed to • ~- a elifrom•fitriWthiskiiaßtitinit...,',-.1-c'-'-', ~ , - - Sup 'Wait-, Itaitailaatttir, far. 514964 the 20th, -, , !unlined et Antwerp sth sust. - ,,,, - , --4 I -- „- ~,,..;,, ' i .- , :-. 811_15:, AckalArbt, ,, Dayls„oliirod'ist -Afebile Iltkinat. for Ihvis,• with 2095 Salo sopa ValuedAttslsB,449' fitiv Rarkicb,Thod• - .Bllll:eine.-Tliskloon, - for NeW' Olean, feii,irisisPoiciti 17tis lust, lit 3 4 38, 10np,74 32.: ~ • " rte,:7iiirld' Liiot, 4 -14..ablitd: foildesslsia k to,imel; ,air -, 'seat Alk*.tiii - dria,,V;l4th'ult- : . ~," ' ,-.. , • Aortae "Lisay,Zobrirox f l'ulrsod, Pk „Coosa of 'Akita, WeelitSt Relehadlth'ide .- ' - ' .. • ' • '' 11141:Airetems, 11:47w clearud'rit ROW York $0,41r4y ,fir tooktin- ,`, , ~.." ''„ -• . . 'Rhin. Ohrjatoksbi"Xs.ll,3"cbrimed.'lisinillieton for 5111601.131,Nai nudists 251h'u1t•,14 - 555, long 80,58 W. -'" thip,Amitton Soberwell, from Dairablerat atllhins Ai „tettante-albal2stli MC ' _.. • •-` -, • ,- • --, appgat Palls, aturgisq, f_pr,EV lll2 4;w** 4 .43111 " 11 ' Is 'it '• , :iut 24th ult. „ - • ,, „ ' ' 58401414, of the Regiment - , tittrrei, fteßi 1441011 for ,Litattilllli,idiiipidiiiiilBth nit; sat 746 fl," long 83'50. 47 • ' A54.2f1n0t00d, 11,7 1 1 /0 11 ; from Calde ra, et, Roston 80411,01;ioli _Ni'jnie, apa r ar,,t'sr :Rhijideipliiii; milled Ibirtbe Ruetesn'iltanNoorher • at Beaten 214 toot. fm; 7 ' 11111u1sattAllifrice,,,PIMC-12, - Siii iiiirrhicekisizi.'", Leff at _ - Loandupipe 11: barques Ilizird, Cioddridge, lielltild. -, , liiii'jiaulq: eathartaeOltirifl ou t ':ititlisteOrt ;0, II 8 , %lOW ,Otivabitlitjrt -- arpH.Dalo;'Poltr-bordid - ilurfttran a ri/PAilir'l , W l ll,.';Resilifie,• l B9l4lllMl4 - I.ord;llebv .-7 - ',•'w:•*iilteil 'lll'itt:ll.l.lfilisiWAßss; sebr, Ma, ".. • - AtattiralildlOritllix-, l ** l A9fiatlli.lrAM ad ' - 7 '; ' , - -'-• frt i i iil# l =4 4 4 l A 41 1 fit': . .w.4. 4 : 1 ._ ,-, filitiVar,Alperrel ea Sr" - -liii.efeats*', 41i.i. _Para_ .;'"••_. ‘;' .-:,,,..; _ , -ath t. - Wolk Macy - , tc.ilW;liiii,'4l4le..-ifrlaaat t ; .•31il ant tlfterwilliiincirtetki iit-.Pon :"."----,, trriretaartatiiitfiari *lir; roe' #ar'ial, Mara from - -. 4 4 1 .4 1 3 - 2 1 , 2(!th iiet,--:, "' i'• '" '5 ..''' •'-' ' ' - ' .•,..•'' -t -y. brig .1110115: Carlton, ultratem 'Cap!, itayttert the - - taut: or 1)010,01114 ;,, - . - - , , ,-t. • -1. - --, - - Bei la rren .qo44lo4‘,..lltihrA, was at tit, pipmike pit , :5-itirgirtlear Cita isami,d4y. "-. -, ---- , q , - ~,, ' elrip"lr 14..Becii, Radeipt eciaatiatiaaptai2ltte it. ^---;; frirkliaatutait ia,-;:- =-r., ,, .=_-, - ,-;„;;;. ~ - -i-• - : , tatitrattpart Xdai/04irlikli eirette4'4l,Wilcaligv. }•`--11":o4, 140 - 41ptteliWfar , aaaWnviitiiroadio prirt bailie , , iniatyt i tt 5:111110 *leaky Coisliticut, wit 4 twd-toel .--'' % - =' , +•4l64 , PEMkylig-‘4:1•41: 1 44t Plow -',ferleimis4l.llllnab lor., lol Mtlif2i-, -- .- - : , '- ,- -' :- ' '' •:, , • -=,,' , 64* li II toming, Corson, bocce at Chisels:4pp 19th t•--.1,400,1i• , ~ , , • , . ,•- gal 3Vhiwls icslibelih, lloffmau f hems at Obailestiii• - ~,, i 7SiPtiztairt4ir ;:q.-,; ~. ~ -';,; 7,/ ; - '-', ,', 7 , 1 i'', - 7-' -'' . ' 0--Il 7 ;;o l oL44l4 , 44 ( !idier'ialido4, - 044rit4 ide , WriU74/4 ; s.. Ear tiollngllittl, 5141, hence, is ATia at brew; Reds- ford 224 inato.:,.•: , - - .-..-. ) 7',• -•;, , ,, ,, C„,; „,„ , •,:4 . ~ ,' .r, ileht , 11 snalektriu, &Cie; hence At „Satan' .2.109 all; ' had WU Ilialitt on theßpitAutgotoff withoutdanuge. 1 ', 'ir* A2hrlso/887sul FaislAßee4 l Green; kfedora, '' • " rittiait mirissAqql,l*; liantlag ono - 14 , !tomtit - - itilli4lte4;;llo.:''Clikuta;tiraia.a at;;Bottott 271 ' ' . hit for philsdplpite: - 7,","' _-.: 1 ' ‘-7 .7 ' V . -Mirr_4443l k :LAO; Stealiniis , cleared el UM) al' th' ' ~,,,,,,. Ipiit: for IrstWact,-,,.... ~. ~ ' -13altiPolly.,Prica, Price, atilobile filli Inst.."triim Ifs . • .13r 1 ‘ 4 1:Vicaiii,'Efeaitr:i: - IL - Blejtelier,i4waide, "''aidlprdilflieifon; hottest Providence 21:d loot. 1 ' ' , from jt chr 810*, it /111511a, t 3felyin, at Providenic Aft lost:" ' _, ' 'lksjnut,"DeL : , --, -.44y .' - '- : • Rehr suaßliteis'*44l , ,r, Sr -• ;_ ~ y 4 , 10414i I n f ,, -,d eii re , d to' .• tib i l :-. • d e ; - l ik - 1 e,‘cl ear ed - sylawllirli*tido . -1:, - ,-- ; ~,Irrpallov•' 1 1 saii,"tilai,jcr-riiii4oo4; ,`zllie irlfgatintaff ViliielbypoeleTher l ie'at'lilt z nbrd eatusdayjidi Set/rn--~ ,34' •,- a.,- , =',44-t - ,q •'"LIFAIrin 1 1144144Nr , , ' '' - iriß'Dartv , salltotliArliora at quote; r,r, will be Sold At pubps suetioh - mi yutudat neut. ~ , Tlpr eale,wlll tete ' place 14,tb.t 1 44.7 - ' .i . ' •-: - " •; • , ' ill';etrierrillt-Fia'ilfaafai"i4;a; with; th u s! _ l ' . ltv i iii ' it i r . A t ; ?ItiplhlPlitr,l l .444 l A l 4l:ii i liPli IIII.IP• ellll' 14 . 8 t, lif .1.P011,4141 ~- Air traa,siOnir as , " 100 1 4( et/7,Z . ' "C irad fa l rri 4 .4ooa th" ? . l 4tr. ct l e r . 'id M. --Viii"‘ ' , ;tittl, Xeq;;l;Ltra llassimare;'; ; • :- -- I,4t7trirgair r -, At Caarborlauk rroiroktrrant Witold par,roottilo44 , „daok;fttabur; clipper Wiltlf , - . 474,tazut 00044: - -- ';:'' -', - ',- - , -.'exc. , :i.-744 - Itiar*t.l4.llll7fititt ''. ' -''-'' ': • : ' - ' "-" - iiiiiititol; 4 lPreliaritrilla';',ltibts.'i , filed, , --7 :' , C , 1-o , fttlettigai6l - 1144`4''444410Pt11i - if the " , fdurtkordel:l4(srscliirittikerit the t,th'sop;lo7;' , It zri ., A , 4dit4tirPoftVkikeiftvl t t ihtrlutriiite 'drilla' port, at . . ..baut , 4orartraore'tCrttle'amith'tbit 4404 ilatitapoa. Ftt.s 4 .#, gill!? , i l4 „ il, 1 1P! ,- ItS I VIIAT - , Y 7 P 14" W • _..... , :wtft 4 ' the ft,a - ik th e ' friti : ii I inlat low ' ",- , 21 t,b511.:11 feet from thieUrfao r s'o e f,the hind 'Wldeltitkr placed., _ „. . ';-. ' -.1 , - A .., . - ffia I- 4bllleirldir. , teriothiiiiot t ifireilialiiied 'White, The -ff,, - Ji v e ottbriieditinitiiio-ifieilintitafok aripalated titan': ' 71gp.A _IkRiPII4II4- 1 / 2 1d , la,:alxteen`miles: •Prote' ' 9 , .Immonone4o - ifiteoiiiii A ()won Pt. ••=;•- 1,,.. t i s i , .4‘arpr la tti;_irr, t 7 fir plat n e lo p rki-' , '''-• I' " lar - ltr , :-,,,, . ; ~ ' -' .' ~ At .3r=,; : 1 . 0 ,, t , - ,, ,,V•2,0-; ;,.- •'.. '',L,1111.1,4-' , fl. 1 . •••1 ; . '.. . ,7 i. i,: ; - ,....i 7'';4 )feailta;iiiiti ' s.,. ' - ', ,; - ~,' '"!, ; • - ,- ,;:ii - .4 - 1' voi f --. tboopo , 14 slug 0-1.60, A , 1,- , Ai T e , - to higptit lto' „. 14, t . .-, -- - i gloo * 0-- . ail Ire a f Cart'. 'i_'W ' --- "ilhaard.,Wl/14' Wales, "Klui=i ' ::- ,y tribisitraltsti:&ii Alloidiuyi, peck Myra, caq:', ,o‘.ofittattriri , pa1364::,,,W4t0r, ' Aticorlayi. ,r 3 1 !• , z‘v. , i " As': -P o 4l"l9ol4"lbetit. 'R•obinsoo• %taxi" ,;' ;,- = 1 ,2.,, ,, t4.4.•, $ Vi. , _ falls* tlauntigt, Aerial:4i 10 1= -7 ,0 .1 , ;,.. ' - , . -!- t - "rryi :Aaaattida, ;Paltpar orrpz", -`:;._ _ ILEOz it rige,,.,Vfmaleirirjlldri r; i ;t;, . 014640,1,,4041W - atilopr,; ,;11: , f sir lishn I , t_ .ftilitlirt",t4o ol KOilitAtatattriCiit Ate m i, , . ul'Wklika. , , - -= ", --. - "-" , Arl'•,i ; - ,4; NiamrirltaltkPartaiii,Jatialorpiti, I. - .k_A i! , i'briettiWAßVl.4.lWA t , : , 24„ , - 7, - ft - if l f,r4i l NA4M - Aliami`Zoite j.-.etTobte.tOnaPa•Stur!fti-ArelteSt#F4 , " Wtßerert_ ;• 1 5111r144ff Ili. i" .7 ~ ruit patter ; disolv ' 044 alait44'slehul slo / 4102 1 1 9rilt1s11 - WA rtfk ' '-, '' ' tatalrat2o, rot MOO. Admiral; or tk , irmilairrat'Xato - At itprricllaptak Par4uditlitatsth=mtlit46ll/i 604; - 7 41 ,1 1 101140.-t - 47.,rti...irt.:111, 1 ..; It tt; - (=-it',AlA aira&Stattl - ' gaiattiplard;4lre,ifrint .7,aa , . ' sibile Worts , * i r , - . -, ; - - r ,Arz 31: ~ , - , tt.:Ti-A, 440/41iIr • -- Wrildo-V I S,M l lO l 4°Vili., , ' 11:34. , rt our oact'of 411 . .... ..0.4 .1 'WI • ... - 7 ,-, a 4 - . Ilitotirkoßti , • •tic liasiasul for, , " -1 , 81/' 14th, bailouts. Oisf . ",traiouo ,* yip iipplegtau Butte, AI% Rot". A s. , - - fld fro --u , d'atat,lihriati,birgart lole Wptii, Spear,: liartotto. -_ , :rt-, , t;. - 4-.14.4t:,41,;;; 1-.1;1: ,-, ' :=i , ---' , 4 ' t' . A s TricAtialay,'Pairazoiaa,,eattratt Ali 1 04iMua ;40054t05i0n.., , i1,4i,,,-;2. t t , , At afelllf fenPtfralt,ablipplityi N 0 7 ,8 0; iffilthl' - , 4 4 .4ZP1ttaN011441a4443 - I‘l4llllfa v ,.h . ',-` -` 47, , .-". ' i - ''AVAVlthAtittiellem mkt ti o " ti A me , ik o ta e l4, - te- vilsiusdkiw , titinc„,V,lii.i3.%‘le r , Rigors , ter New. •'- T 'rock; do' - npidoWaskr(Dinj " for Bar i prancismi", dth. ./. ,„„. ..,......„ J , tr. - 'if • ; .., ' • '..• `i • tie Sherwood Rawson , wbielfsalie4 4th, marking -4'34-.-4- reti4(oll34'l"94l9gr7l,4l)llotif'.o4W 4',;*" ; , ;,444 1 4i;th - ti,+, l 4ii * '* l 444lo4), 1.01 v: ,1 fieare4 , ,, , q , ,rWt:`,4 -i,s-•. 0 , 4..44 z 'f,ff• , -.- • ,„ ''' le ~ +•• 14.1. mi, 40, until , Ttekottotmac t , f 9 t, .-.,-,.: •, , . mtv- , ,,,4,,,....1 , 4„, ,,, ,..,--, , ,, , ,,,-_,- o .oi, , r r. , - - ;,.. - , , froth : • 1.04,411 lirlgr!,ll#4llia,'llitaarg,'*i " liilf '-= '- ''!";`- rrind•TA#24,s- - - - ~,•-• - . - . f mit C ~ ,,, 4,114. s ~,,r a t!!l,,licatar TOlar, fraa -L SIM'' - 7- .- ;;;Ot . •r, 411110, im& 31 9 1, 9 101 111.4 , -,ooEfibarepi!';' • ' :eal:M_V:4 l l4e4 4 emmyri 1 ' ' lbsitli, div- , - - " -;=_,_" );,,,,, f 1,,, ',". -; -..-- - ,, - ' , t .t - ,* e - t'-',4 Ar Atlißst 27th 14, , iithefate .Weetecr i f k1ii,0144--' - - '''''" '' 4 W:-.. V.ri•-11-. ,Cil - :-Y , .. , 'R.. -- - , - quio. , ~ea1i t 0tr...,v,, ,,,, - ..., at / taTA.4; Awl" f. \: l9,int=4l44t auk p hu t at tirr.01314),,y.4.-kastStAttb , Alittlik • I tteixt,4 oo Pfoom s ta i rr - 10 wild at 6 .:;, a . ajlrili. - fpfti9oo'bitibp at ' lll Nrir if ildi4 • Irr‘ a e : 4t - -,' ,- - , ~ ,t t '` i'l 40 lo•Inili47 1 btitNtilat - rok' - A K ' n 'P' ; '..-":-•' ',' "'",.'r , W..; ,-,' ' . i s ' ,it c ,ii42#44 . iiiYks,t• lia,'4 60 buret ? ~, , .• , 1eAtA1'..4'0,W4••,,, ~f ,`,, , , , A .4.,", • -1, .; %. • keda - p",:f 1 ; i,AP/111htlinittinsdanin. - 61te3.415 bble , ithlikay'Vdte, -,' 6.11466 44 014 46 do diellinenteheon,& Otilttne ; -9 bales vlldireolnanNtanti , 43‘34' tntindtilkatt netirX.Woodi 6 plinntndse T Diddle& l,gl , eintae,lo boxed Weie ff eewe e ; 8 eta d o , Ileatairdt'Denelbskal do tea Bond& *inkier Ideead4e , tiaAel'&4, 044 do do DV/Welds; ...346464entrins; aintshoisii;.4 dodo 0-.oonneny k 0o; de'ds/Poet- - ' 10 1 1311404nittentl5 . 2 dada: Johueo - If •i 2 do doll U ; dliittot;tl ; 0 &TA Tete - & Co 'i sdo do Btetelawas .44 - 94441366.Ablpiikefaiiobtibligobsses Tenor, allies. 1 6 i,AN 0 i.2 0 6Wee. cotton & W Web& - ;,l6dolenther, ;eateillernt-&137C enien3sithe4.4ol.lngt3llo atepty nenkellnnline,y, IdAssly;l62 do:do Dold 3 , r mina; - 1004 . 1,46 bales sttton, Op tam- - Mot otdep, • • , , 11 • 0, !szosit-iiiktfilt*P'o4_W•l - ' 5 ' l oat' WO - 5 SeitalWW7-: irk - 4,4 1 / 6 ti. , Al • : D oe -- .. . De a 27. Plt2L4'',W4:4l" lef;4:2o,iii244it:i:o4li'a4.•/44 4' Ilier*l ~,,,,,,,, b - NtoW 0 4,* , -Joh .6. _ 9 Nt l 4;C , :; A. .. .Il.wYork 114019 if-Art .7 044. or;•i13- 14 1ariel.Novirorto., k,,, i.0 , .; - . 11 40 10 • 5 / 4 "1 " 94P9° 1"-ti Toe; Dec 23 44.:,AcitaA20: 2:46 26 ,•112519,44.,,)45:4,y, tlAtrutic`ii„rwy:rip,,,:.....4,...Jan 7' ""04,"*.i..”'. ":1 - liirro ; slflii. TIN* Jon 12 li' t. milityontoto sail (tom New Tork `'~ .~ a ICCfiIE~ ~4ttElltgElltC: * oll :t4F.PU4 l : ll 'ZiLrill#o;!re) , " 24 ; /807. 42.540 -. 8,5 ,SZIPW - 4 11 WW1i:qt{114 f r 'J!41111W11141:i.1M '" .... 31 /I.—Arr' barques Faith, Mmmy, ..A.llOOll. Llbarty l Cumberbeg, *1145011011/4614611000iSbliA' WI MINOT° INCr, Vii,;20:.41:14,1r1g Sarah 'Peters, Lord,'St Thaw • sabre R P-Inoney, Alden, New-Yoelq latioleMel*:+latakeenville;::AK novel - Beeeneee, alum Rubs; eche .I,no Buebneadei COIN Obirteittin • rjf,SAYANNAII,:ban beriAnts. keuella, Sitar; , liie44o4l , Tenle,'Monldeir t llereeleteg sebpf, AledAnn Lendelh - ,Aettorn; Thoreeenaltiddet,Jleckeen 'N Yeek, :Old; Iddeleablp Auinetn;Mielelnyll,New.rnettl CFRl eleetdeek, PIO, Liverpool; liniquePeter,Depilllindei, Mew York; sold Reraiis;Zuilkadb*. qionum; Ikekla—Are ‘ Peaqueiot t tontplle, N Y *** l 4o .Rid, inoques l Noes, Rselnm; „VON° greet, . . ARRIVALS, : kr- THE : PRINCIPAL HOTELS. Up to 18 o'iloc.t . .6otWsgm. . • OlRARD.llooSE—Ohestriut atie , below Ninth. E 0 Sampson, Eartfarit,' F. B Vonway, N, J M Matthews,lll(;- WA Ilenticki Dalt : 43..g i gi o k e , L o on:Die H L tiordon, Wathiagton 'lC6onter,`Waelliciattia.;;. 41dgeiii,& Deinaniastesi Q/1,10 , II Moroi 0410 -'0 Stearne,tloneAtS. , - ',WlCtientalberg; N Orleans R Detrill; nitionand 2 , 'Olipt•kljternolds, Cape Cod lf,D_Alearth-Balileaore Thomas; 0 .1 wieter,'JriDattiiiiloWns 0 anises, Pennon.; P (trove, - • Jan Grove, Danfide"' 8 P Robeson - N ,& Smith &,la, .snood Else Smith, Korijiood. .. - 110Stocktan & lac So 0 L Carter & N h 1 ; O W Cairpenter;_,N I Atha Carpenter; ZtY Dr 0 EneSeld 4,140 P Butter. Itichteend ,NS 33.1,1 d,) J'. - ben; NY' - ThisrWilaiiii; Baltimore - ' • Wl' Maidea,,ltAltirciare Wm 0 W,armg & , J 0 EillenburgeriONcago Ecoplinia;'l.iellans , , 'WM tyLogatt,lll4eantr ?rants Santini, Inatiniti, - . 1 - 8 1124 1 7 -, Dept B Ityall,,N :CP - 141 P Pelf.Yoe. o 4 l 4! ,Drllll Mitchrl),llllopo GOP G 6 her ja;Balt ,N D 'Painter, N-Y - lohnP.Wheeler, Nemo ilcon;, - Washiagtep. 0 Klifight;PrOldersOe W a n 0;$ 1 .11 D Tallitacepl, N , ano,, y - woltikt,Yernalnisilllo, Alfred Eared,Vairiamsellle Ii 04000,Firnalnassills Se - Ate, Patitocket Got hind V OW, Begi!,osi - AN °bear, Nt Loth! , T M Pc-engul f 11.7 i /dieslaylar„N Y W-Flrmatone, Easton ihnnuel,Patnam,.Alemphie jill , linston 0 - IV Grano; YAle 0611rge Goal) W Williams r Dly, N Y V , ' Balticaore IferitylliLhcoelr, "England 0 E lirlttmul34, -Baltimore Ull Stant,Dhiciunati, 0 Chas S Lynch, Boston . Dr 3/ a Cavanaugh, SkLonia 0 Rosenblatt, N lacunf&A Amot, St Louis Dr - Prince, Base li Wllaon, Doe'on MBROITANTB' HOTEL—Pourth elven. below Arch, A Howell, Bahia Pa = J" 'lliac's, Wisconsin ' 11 Belford, Bellefonte • Isaac - Thomas, Bellefonte Uri B',Haines; Bellefonte Morris dr la vPa = - J 6 ' 601 41 0 4 Le .0, • J Dblfotd, M Ohuni Nru•De . .liever4Pir , .: ,j ,- ,rebn.thadie t Pa LI-Homed, Ohapin eirigh•Pa Bf,-2111144ton,RIN:i t hatiiiri-Willtauls t Phila inro J U B rie AP Cornelia'', Pike co, 'lltrjilqlo3oll, UoUldillsbg Ala Lowro, Hollidaysburg WS Butler, Detroit D H Neiman, Rubio Ohas,Dlituery,Hllliatosp'b L Graham, Conn *rat, Sr, N ' 0 II Heald. Maas A A Putnam, Mass • ' • '„ ;Atones Nichols, Haverhill D 8 Masse, Haverhill: SA Coburn, Haverhill UNION, HOTEL—Arab street, below Fourth. E L 'finger, Altenjown = 'Thee T Wiennan, Pa Thor BlYthean, &Benton* A-J Plug* k Ivi; Pa bibs TaniE Mame, Oeo A Ramsey, N J JO Hamel; Ohio Edit Kesler, Ohio J N'Tooridee & 2s, 2.C.7 Wm A Benjamin, N J Jae justice,•Trenton;N J Wm Evans, liolmeaburg Jno Miller Jc•M, Oarlialn AK Nay, N J , _ L S'OrOppex.,ll4 , skidEMINAN HOTEL—elmeinut street, abotoPitth. Ik N Paterson,' N Samuel it Testers, Balt Henri Tessromilialtitaire ., A Miller, N Y J M.llnmbolt, Pittsburgh 'Masud Young, DI J.ll Ildbertsilurlingtoo J Buckingham, Boston A. J it Sturdy, N Y bolus Slopardson, ?CT - /111 Miller & la, Del John It Stevens" pet - • - W T Malty, Did Iten)anljuSampb,ol, - STATER UNION-Idirket street,hboyeBlitic; Mrs Al LiirgejN ' W L Buekeyler, St Louis Loot ,2841 Wise Pa, .111 Edwards. N Duil Pardon, Del co .Thos Johnston, Pa. . 4 W Horton, Danville E Jeoehrati,Balt ' Thos Jackson, Bolt Jas Closter; Bait, 11 Hampton, Plilla Ssml B Kurtz, Pittsburgh, 8 D Goodall, Harrisburg ,J • noll r )40E, Wanb'u oo , .; • . NATIONAT, 119T1110—Race strett;siaivi %IM. Ftlehar4,oeallisrt, Oblo Ocsidhart, Wheellog, Vs W_P,Voute, Port Olintioia, ',E . M Blaulbe, Trapp, PA 8 Leille; - Allento . ,wB. J Able, blastoo Win Merrelf;Dlooilisbuni AJ Illuntrigger, Potties S - 11.1 Wandler, Pottivillo .11 Harper; Pottsville '•• '0 :trebly, Williamsport • Rol 34 , .P.ltymen, Dallas, -Pa • BALD EAGLE*:-Tliiniatreat, above CaHoldall. - J Sznlth; , P 0 Read, Ducks co -' I' °Deed, Montgomery •co M Nothhelfer, Strowirbuyg B Deana, Butks ca. 0 Idnaselman; Bucks co B Baddow,.Batka co - ' R William Blatiagtoa ' 0 P Rank, LaDanon • MADISON HOUSE—Seeond streak - abate Market 116m1 - 11eury, Deliware ' Jos' Mebfaneny, - Pa ' Njeholson, Dslaware D Tubbs, Delftware 4Ttlutinon; Delswise' ' "I' Dyer, bid D 0 'Seger; PhD" - ;as Kelly; en, Plata ' PaindlUddlei Pa - . • - Jae Riddle, Wilmington Jae/Miles; Deliriare "Jai M Adams, Delaware Andrew 13 leant P Blau, N T Itio Adams, N y Edwld Budd, N T 'tudavaire&y—Becond below 'Vine. Chas Bottler; Cheltenham _ _Jae Anderson, Newtown T atekhouso, ": TT Harter, N P RR - J,F Dome, Lambertville T U Buckman Bucks co John Polk; Bucks co A Lonmthore, Bucks no YAw Wokibington,Beekd ISP John Keldeyo Backe co, D DAoblllson, 4,„ Buckinan, Pa Iletatcy;Pa ' ,Joe Headley, Pa Watson,ll Botcher) , " Ytyttlock, N J J B Cope, Pa""- ' Chad Yardley, Pa Jas Belied Newton " - . BLACK BEAR PiN#Fifth and Merchant etreetr _ Clirk,Der, , ' Mit Vernon, Cheater co W clawthorp, Oliesteicd Darld Brown, Cheater co Dritilier.- Del Co T APTeah; Piamirxvil le L D Wiao,Frankiand , W Beatty, lig 'A - VS[6IOI6Y, ' Dr.Olisrlea Knight, Y. tandig,Pb . ' II S Wardell, Did en, Pa VeW,iljDofeo;. , Ginger co, Pt It Eine*, tire i r ag eotirit s trOt ', ,A4ohnion, Taylorsyille •• Trutnitower,.Doylestown Alma Duckman t Peasterrille Win Grim, Doyertown ""Inlmwq,'WYletitMra ,Dardel,Lerani Deeding AbreLnkeite, Boutbinulitou L Tonillnson„Pe Joel 119iner it Bou r n , Jacob, Boyer, Pi Wirt Tett laicteng Ron da,, Amity Pa' Winleilingoimity • • lbw line;Esrlvjlio • Old 'I2gX•42II.IIICAN 006irdN.Y f • S.ldad*ir BTH ;um WALNUT fhasoro, pali,ld (4;11 on ddwr l nd, idodditidi7sp TO DO' 80 INTIIII4/£4, YIVB , PBB 9xNT.. • • deti-lizatr - ot , site public is called toqttii •Ptah'ikotOttotrott,to4 to give Mitiodattoit. - *WA g# 0 . 31 P. 8 4,N, - • de2ratsko•- Ditifai of '824 (Nostput itreet, tAa44 l- AiisV-Gitneilieif DIRT, abiein Taluabln Phieoehiglesi clemorlitions, day and evening, at the CABINET, 022 CHESTNUT Street, above NINTH, sonth aide: Particular affection paid to the exatutua tion:of children. ' 4a17-7tt , Tlse...Greatest Itirgalas ia,the Worla,—The aoliscritieribelig &limit to close his busioess, "offers tils entire stock of superior ResityLcoade Clothing for solo. to gantof JI uuperies, article Are invited to glee bitai'a putt fixtures foi sale. TRACY, 292 AfAItRAT street. de16.20i 1` rites I— Rill Inc oft of ireduced pricey ivhbleislo 'tied" retell; 'ot,,Vlll: 11.t821:11 PoucylutElturu, No. 152 North . Third Street, below liseeettetit.' 4e14,2w , HeMoor CaCts.—Geptlincen , s Wykppers, Muf. Aerii icicle, Gra:tato, tics,, stocks, rhawhi, &o. Those are stoat, useful presents, and are, to be found to groat vcricy it ',V, W. Itnighi's; 812 Arch otriat; aboie 811th, 4 1 ' 181 7: 1 , 01 i Prices; - • _402;4-Wed Aikidos ,Dlatis I - Stnts, istiders will find the , largest and most , complete amorbment of this winter • lnlurp, and at the' lowiit• prices; at W. W. 44 0. 0 :• 1 1 ,. 019 fitirket'atitiot, apposite Decatur savant. • • , t4.4„.7nt "Salrirri, lintety. Tiuet °Hoe WALlildViireirt,llAreorwar of THIRD. 'AIIaiNGEHEHTE' r IrOR HIIIIINE9B DURING Till,: SIIEPENBION BPEOIX PETWENTE iW THE ' HANES.: ;; ; ' 1.; Depoelte reedeed and psyments made daily. - 2. Corrent Bea .Notee, Choate, and Breit will to %r"' 4 IY:O on 04 0 031 11 %`,DaPillt0 ,X0044114t. , 11444 . lidte; qt °kedge will be 1 9ald beak Er clurentit Ilaulr-liOtee. , ;— • .:.,.9 - I":9 l lo99'roade God or Hirai pald latel lairietifiveitipOrr rd!einini. • - 110/6 • . `Wilt Maiii , •4•l9... ° ! 111 4 1 4 .9 4 19 0 - ;; 11 21!).i:Zill 444: 'fki; 4 ll2 A ,- ah s 6l3 ?•99;' , DetliPell Trourfirandlyt., • lf.-.11.-79rs altered rdilez. - .. We std to please. ded•lm ; Alewiewiala isoOstig 'SO Wainstt s atnic one door weetdr miciond street. 'Beeelvee do toally . lai num' at•Orie Holler and- 'overdo, frank fur sOttikeikix436biti, end 41 1 4e Sideerest 4 the rate' dttet - isr cerit4iceendun:•.. - Oidardpod daily; from 9 .- 4041 R reelook, sod on son. dAj gild IlifiirgarolitlE 9 tot ovenloii,;;• President 'rciak l l l l:49ol,ll4nr• , ' Cod ii,or•tirri, • - Teeth, laid' Beautiful ;u44upleilou; nes<if Balm; of. 1,000 Pleararg.) , BoaArraising Italfiaula ! , :iXotolaull ciamn, kap., Troprlclat,q, 11. T. 1 1 04tr1y.2. 11,Patersonp. 300 tbeetuut ; 1319inel _ol,Aie . A,''o4oth Obestauf; A. B. Durand, 118 Otpet fultil,AßAierit wilikaa4l=o. 0, -Vaans. 0114. 4Blemiuql ; Q, .B. ;it'll/bell, 1410 'Bytalititt; Idranalr, & Co,p tenth tua4 itotti•tAt. With 'and , BlArriton;, ; W. & Bats; Etiliteiiktii,;a4,47lAilti4ecolid itarket Olnisimannilo2, iltaietAttiOlhouva isneagei, corner lificrArith and Walnut: • ; 4,049,V4i . ** 4 f, - 6 ,ol.tulut ,OPY.O;I4I , TIVIVD4P*WOMA 'l34lvAxti, 9iriy fiRNKSVOr ;sl4 WstaNi Street, I # 4 4 4 , .. 7 ,F 8 ‘q•etriut street, - - lettiaatrailit Das stock te_tft6ttitaB, itaitzbelarsoll at Retail., r a',0411,4tii,. , t . • .149. 11. Nortb.,ill7ll,Btenei: IflTl.4o9 k lTee elant4 reatir VA Nil lclv k a id oete 141 -' ig4ol , , 01,4 1 431 ukaAt OPP OM taiyu. ; ''' ' : ~- • ' ' # 00 , 13k, t r ictx, aliptx, ~ .. , , , r2 ...„, , ,} 1 : ,,,,g If*. Toni, cor. cr p t olup, ~..5.,,, A 3 01- ,z , ,,iry n ~ -.4,„_—___,, , L s • , , . 4 110 f ~,, ,41.Amitytt 4ripti.1 , 41 . 1,, , Rat ,10Nlje4.-. A iV/40)400 4 4(4 1 - 1 knitit* iliTiffik‘4l *- titrAß , 6 *MOT st., " "Wi4 4 * '' 4 0 1 4 ,1 W t te g i l VA' I ntl " 00141 , f4 1 009041- ttr f , J 1 1 , 40 ,4% 1 , , NO WO firklt ft/0'0044 P. 9) t / 1 .1 : .e..K Sewer's Waist Oar dintl44lll l tss ;,99.0 11 41UN511,412,5. 1 # 410,404,1 A 4 R i at , ttitt , cadent aromatiesttiovin -hil o widlaine, - and is the Wet perfect and tilAtt sellignatlyo staid for Infanta and young &Miran. ; „ • t By Ito powerful Intlueubeirt/sPeedi Imre i it offeelyl tli uses of Choyeorindy sine mud *pas*. l,tellikres mud Tama of ohildren4 Salting rinsing ;genii teptltiogoind by its soolßloff proporlies quilises s pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, to, The' Infant Oord£el`hitbaaowe, m i ltearad reme4) end 4!!!bliOn tied in ttionsinds Al 00.1,4 tlio rued okbuodautiriodolui. No nuntlyebobbl be Without It. , PrepateA Duly by At hit Dr,ug and Ohezoloal Blot*, IL corner of 811th and Green, mte., - Philsdelidali, To wbob3 ill Ordeia inlet be ipOraiusio. And for male by- Dniggiabi 6101144. • ' 141" Y Gifts .and„ Hard Ttmes.-,Tho Interchange of ,presents among trienOs is the.suiest cement of friend. /ship, regard, and affeetteit.' There are, curtain perk ds of the Yeili,4l,l4l4l.l,Plisenisl are mors 'ivied atteritild more prised than at others 'The Hallowed "Merry 'Christmas Timei! Is, espcclally, one of those rierlodd. Oil these" hotiOdyi, the young, and the old all expect alike from their frienOd SCAM token of affection; and as almost Ovary one to blessed with many friends{ and thereforei has to make 'Many presents, It Whoopee, in such bard times,. to study what and eatiera to;buy Many who have on farrow occasions Ms* costly_ pre sents, will d,d it more prudent and convenient to select their present:l,llM year, more suitable to the times, tko more so as not the test of the article, but the re gard for the giier ironies, it'raluble, to the , recipient. There no - Stoke la' this eityirhioli: offers,' in this respect, so many enducemente to the purchaier, air& garde rarity of gaofis and cheapness of prim, ea CIToe. 1).111,0 , B, Noe. 35 sad St North Eighth 'street, corner 'et lan e. Inakeenie slorli of ?luny Articles, Toyi, and Hullos!. instruments of all kinds', also Cricket and Archery Inipteedias,intiesses anything ever offered for sale in this city. Give bins a call and examine 'his goode, whether you bid or not, 'Afilse imports all Ills goods, hinmelb. Ile. le epahlesi 1.9 . ' sell teller any other retail etpfej. en 4„. owing to tho times, he is, for thin year willing to self hie goods; retail; et the whole sale imp:dation paces.' Catalogues ! in Is glean out gratis, which will help in the selection of goods, and introduce to the inquirer many new goods not thought of before. ' - ,de9.dtde2s 8. C. Dewaid, Cairn:Weldon Stillness in Com. mooned paper and negotiations of loans, DI igaitant opposite the Exchange,‘Philniniphia., no10•Sm ' • J Won. ' • 1 i • • ' - . . ' • •' ' ' JOB PRINTER,. , MEROIIANT STREET. Obeafte, Notes, Snail, Bills Lading, Dill Ileads,iiii• onlarsiOards, and all other. kinds of Job Printing, et prison to suit the tires. ' • ' oel7-17 tilainageo. In Philadelphia, on the 12th instant. by tbo Rev. J. McDowell, D. D. Mt . JAMES DROWNI3ACK to Miss NELLIE S. MAROI2, all of Mentor county. On the 20th inatant; by Bow. Daniel Gaston. Mr. WILLIAII . O ASPINWALL to Mite MARGARET IL YOUNG, all of Philadelphia. On Tuesday, the 221 Reliant, by Rev. 0 P. Mcßae, CHARLES E. CHAPMAN, of Nen , Tot k, to ROSETTA SMITH, of thin city. • illeatbe. On the 22d Instant; JAMES, eldest son of Joseph and Isabella Leiperdigel 8 years. • , On the evening of the 21st instant, in the Othyear of her age, LIZZIE yonngeat,daughter of Mary E. and Eli II Eldridge. On tho 22d instant, EMILY'AMELIA, daughter of Edward and Margaret Stewart, - the 2 . 44 year of her On the 17th Instant, Mr. WILLIAM P. DRAITII-, WAIT, aged it 7 years. --- TU" Ladles+ Fair at the Church of St. Philip NERI, QUEEN Street, below Third, NOW, OPEN, for the benefit of the Slater , ' School, In the large School Room of the alum. Ohne h. Admission free from 1 P. M. to dusk •, in the Evening, until 10 P: M.. five cents each ; and Season Tickets fifteen rents. d024-2t* Err The Gridttors , of the Mohtour Iron Com. pony, Chambers, (hair. s, & Co., Cowley, Groves, & Co and Puller, Groves, & Co., ' are requested to meet at the Office of the first-named Company TO-DAY, at 10 o'clock A M. • de2B irr Post °Mee, , Philadelphia, , Dacansau 23. DAL Tide Office will be open for buelneu on Chrietmie Day from 8 o'clock until B A. M., and from 2 until 8 P. M. The Bub-Poet Ofticee will be open during the solo bourn. The Evening Collections from the Boxes will be male be semen on Snwiny. de24-2t GIDEON G. WEBTGO'I'T, Postmaster.' 11=r Howard Associatiera of the Thirteenth WARD, Dlorunsit 23, NAT.—The Depository of this Asseriation, located at the N. W. corner of NINTH and DDT ft:INWOOD Streets, was opened November 16th from which' time to December 35, Inclusive, re lief in groileriee, clothing, Mid fuel was ettended on 610 order', representing 2,255 persons. Donating of Clothing, Provisions, ike., are earnestly solicited, and will be thankfully received at the De. poeltory. • - WILLIAM 'OIILANEIt, Recordlig Secretary.- 117 • lty Controlleem Office, Philadeliatia, December 23, DAL NOTICR.-oificere. Jurors, Witnesses, &o when bins have been approved by the Judges of the several Courts, and furnished to this department, and who have received warrants from the City Commissioners for the payment of their claims, are hereby notified to call at this Wilco on or before the 31st Inst., and have said warrants countoralmsed otherwise their claims can be met only by speaal appropriation', by Councils,im tho balances of all appropriations made for the expenses of the present year will merge on the first day of January next. de24.Bt B. TAYLOR, City Controller. ••117. Lite risr y Biureau.—An Experienced Editor, successful author, and a thoroughly educate Literary man, "retry with twenty-tive years of the drudgery of Daily Journalism, hu determined to hire outer sell his brains at retail to those who may require their services in any honorable,way. Merchants, Business Eton, Inventors, and dealers of *veil kind, with Itis tnp,fii Oirdetud,_Wills adviatisp• menu, (political or, otherwise ' ) Notice', Cards, Circu lars, or any species 'of article desired. Politicians will be eupplied with Speeches, Reports, Reselatituis, Letters, Touts, Pamphlets„thtitorial Ar ticles, Communications. and every other sort of !trete wash, which they may lindlt inconvenient or trouble some to defer themselves: -" Dulles and Gentlemen, of every rat& in wiety or oc cupation In, life, can here Letters written' 011 any sub- Jest, whether business' or sentimental. The adrerthier will also oonduat or translate Correa potdence of every kind, either Englishilrefich, Span ish, Getman, or Italian. „ - Poetry), iteroaties for Ladles' ilbunte, Notes, ,Billet dun', Monodies, and Compositions of the mostAelicate and confidential character, incident to every poesitile circumstance or tren - I in life, will Ile honialsed in in violable Confidante, by writing to the und,ersigned, apd, explaining their violin'. Orders by mail, accompanied with cash, will be strictly and promptly attended to. Address = J. TGOMSSON,` , ',l i terary Sprain, Sox 2286 Q., Pa. (151 - Southwark -Uri - Montville:ma—The 'Southwark Relief deaciolatlnn; conaeggenee op the preening demands op them for relict, are desiroat' of commenting cit Feed amt FneLte these to 4atteM at 4 3 O,I VIX A 4sl,lta possible, tor Vltleh pur pose they rear:o,l4 solielt donations from -.the charitable, In nine ey ar provisions at their Store, No. 000 Smith MOND Street, fwhieb- is open daily Horn 3 to 9 Woloek P. 11.0 or at eitheor et the under signed. GEO. lt MILLER, President, 210 South FRONT St., Or 215 CARPENTER St. OSCAR THOMPSON Treasurer, • 228 WALNUT Bt., or 826 WAB IIINCTON Bt., del9.stuth3t* ,11,7•0111 re of the Commonwealth Insurance COMPANY OF TUE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA.— Parsout to the requirenunite of the charter of the Com monwealth losorsoce Company Of the Usti of Peanut. vests, soEleotion for Too Directors, to serve the usu. log year, will ho held at the alai of the Centrally, N. W. corner of FOURTII, sp4 IYALNUT, on MONDAY, January itit, ISISB, betweenthe boon of Aosztd 2 o'clock, no2Fatuth-tif ampti t 8. BAcioN;sect,i.' - 7 41 4f 4 )/LE s ts y r i r s , s gyßlST 7,_ v-7 , * Pliblialted this 4ar 'from the Wrenn obeeti received per the Adriatic). TU PERILS CERTAIN ENGLISH P HMO ERRS, WOMEN, (111ILDREN, SILVER, AND .IEWELIii. Dv OLIASIAR DIOXINS, (Rdo Thewhole 1s founded on the WAR tit neci Is ode of the moot intense - and absortylei• works over written by Morello, One veinal., large' type, leaded, Pries 2,:r seetp. COpl4 will he sent by mail to Any one, free of postage, on receipt of 25 cents. Dalt la prrs9, - or , address all orders to m. 1 2 PIiIVAIISM, Ng.olAßßrlirt Street, pirlr , ApEia'AtiA Azav - READING —ootoe 221 South Fourth . Btreet. Pait.snetrlita, Doo. 24, 1827. T 9 avoid detention; the • holders of Coupons of this Company due on the let proximo are requested to leave them at this Pince on or before the fast lost," when re. ceipte will be given, and cheeks trill be ready 'feeds.' livery on the 2.1 proximo is exchange for gpiolk*Wpts, .de24•tjal, , 8, iilti9yi l / 2 0, Treasurer. DELAWARE' 144 NA ) 113/PANT.—The Bitted bpotleir Steebbolders ,balteld on vett bibk)ll), EVE ING,.!Bee.2Bth,:at 77.4) 0 4.10e1r 0 'Etceeti below. Arh. An mac-, tied tot 'ob. treetet t i ha be held tp MI • tweedy Oa the Ildiird of Byeetore. • ' 11Q8. Am 41 4 .0, Ja., Preeldent, B: H. , HAINES, georetery. .de2i.3t , . SVING._, 14A - 01:114r,S,—Call at SIXTH MA ARCH tntt LOW4RIOED •DOUBLII4LIRRADED 'HEWING •61AVIIINES nisr. ket Pets $l6 mut $6O : • . • - • State sad essay Ri g hts for dab. Rsohinssiiiipliiiii. 4•64.2 tit - • . •.4: W. TAOCIART & CO.: .4 7 1 7 1,,ELEGANV DIVELLINO t ItEI►TAITE, JAL with awry modern mm 14030 01 Poe endow bar. gain. Price $8,000.. $5,11 may cantata immured upon thit Oscwniaet; !au taken to Bank of Vormayi wards Nola% a,3 far further partloulara apply at_ .44440 No, 923 IraßKY4Zatreet. VAT -ANT VESSEL' 'l'd 1041) I the Loniehnut Line, tor Nevituleauel„ Quick dti sietch nod good rates given. APIA/ td- • Anillatil°2l4 ItiV:'llAßViltd. 624.6 t , ( Ze ta - C“' .;:f.,q/41 No 121== 11 - 14 AMR UAT.RANS' COURT `I.'OR TILE 4. ciTy..AND oOvNTT QV` r VIVADEWMA. E s t a t e 'it IV/litlal4 decea'ed The Auditor eppolo,te4 4.awris, nettle, and a.just rEAMPA at filuti4el Welsh. 4plAti awl , William SOO, Xx,ec9tooll qt -the "plik ,WlP l, ll4g -. l ‘c nOR* 04,.dece4sed . , atid, to, retext, 00 - 1111W4 of MI applatrvilto on DURUM?, Telugu 'h. Aj'i,3/4 c~n1 1 5 , 1 / 13 4 t o'cl°4 P. /I: et Me bffiell, NO. 271 P/ toot, beluw'rApNE'ptreet, in th 4 city is. , - • - iv epd:t " ItiStPli. OPN, ,E4i.9l ; tb at . a .„, TN TUE COURT OP COMMON /LEAS I FOR TUE CITY AM:Fp/Miry 9yfylllkplil r . Mae; TIIIVART,PDATUN'.' ' ' `' ' 4 ,` Bite 111M1fOr IDliorce lloculo Matrlaloul.,And now December 19th,1867, loolleu :Plod, (Or' CoUrtidlit'll We en Olt respeOdeut .ohorrolulditAthy SelSOnt the IldridSuPlSotrlattuty should uot. tut A -A, 6 3 4l,BWqr a ltlll Sir: ti the above ruts, - WILLIAM 1 DODD, - -4 , 44.2t4v* , - : :Allgoey pro 101_11,0, • ORl'lliatE' COURT THE 4/9 1 1VARtt, 00,MY:Prerilrr Nike.A.A4Wo,putid to iiptit, tor st!Pleillt, 0000 - boy odd h Brown, Akoliktit 5i,Rit t ir.....01 . 0,1,, de r1 : 40,01. . to tbo boat br tho,*; vtitot i r s4o , ttnteo s torMeistie r e t t%%ptl. Itivnop#, I.BlMt 'Vold* F 74; - - a - AMU 131L , '94.4/14. " • 4,80411 , 01*00 !::0 . 4 1 z 1,1144.44E,41;. ic;r4. lA,: tt: trki 4-1 THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER. 24, 1857. saii , o 4) (stile yrs - EFut PRESENTS FOR THE SEA Li SON. Weibre;clow OA of these GoOds at Will be found, a great variety or entirely new and beau ttful design'', to which we particularly- Invite the at tention of purchasers. MAE WILLIAMS tr. 00 , 8023-10 , No. 20 0. BECOND )3troot,bel.MAßKET A BtAIITIFUL PRESENT FOR A WISE, . . ONE OF • . GROVER t BAKER'S J.IIIIILT SSW/Rd MAONINEEl t ' CAR oiLo de22ltha. No, MO CIikaTNUT Steaot CtIRISTMAS PRESENTS. 'L: I. LEVY k, Go, Lave now eu store a very choice assortment of PARIVEMDROIDERIES, • REAL LAOS SETS, • - BLACK CHANTILLY VEILS, EWERS CAMELS , HAIR SHAWLS, . EVENING AND PROMENADE DRESSES, . VELVET WANE, RRAL IRISH' POPLINS, - WEDDING DRESSES, tr.c., with the moil yarlety Of floods, villa they offer this season of the year at tow prices. de2lAt '‘, -" 424 CHESTNUT Street. , GIFTS FOR VIE 80LIDA.YS, IN ritVWog EIiBItOPEROB have opened another large assortment of French Em brotderles lad Lace Qooda, at hatf their value. Embroidered Collare, at 25 cents, worth 67,4 cents, do. . do, 60, usual price $1.12%. do. do, , do, Freud), 24444 Bets, 87 .4 ct 4. do. Cambria Ma, from $l. , French Beaver Cloaks. 450 BEAVEICOUROUGARE, at $5,, - • d022-Ot former price $lO. UMBRELLAS FOR PRESENTS. , . A FINE ASSORTMENT SILK AND OINOHAM, 'KITH HANDSOME IVORY •xD OTHERyINISH. For Salo by JOSEPH FUSSELL, No. 2 Nonni FOURTH ST., N. W. Con. MARKET de16,19,23,24* CHRISTMAS BOOKS. The subscriber, Intending to remove from his pre sent store Imtnediatcly after the dommeneetnent of the Lear, announces Ms Intention to dispose of his stock of ILLUSTRATED AND STANDARD BOORS, ' - REDARDERSS OF ODAT,' This he wilt do during the present week, and thqs will be offered 'au unpreoedeuts4 opportunity ror tabling BOOKS FOR PRESENTS OR LIBRARIE'B. "DERRY CAREY BAIRD, ' No. 7 Rait's dedl•St SIXTY Street,Above Chestnut. GIFT BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS ' TUE AMERICAN SUNDAY SOROOL UNION; 0 NETHOU/lAND cubicle ILLUSTRATED BOORS, ras ' CHILDREN AND YOUTH; • Being The LARGEST CHILLEOTION IN TUE COUNTRY. • Alio, • Variety at BIBLES AND DEVOTIONAL BOOKS' ON NAND, FOE THE HOLIDAY SALES. ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES MAY be had without charge, by applying at . _ TILE AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, No. 1122 Shutout Se., PIIII.I. dell-tde22. 110LIDA113! VINE WATCHES' • - • ' A full supply of all. the celebrated , Lcadon . end Geneve 'Watches constantly on hand.... • = , We sell the Genetics Podshent Watch at 'l o 46 !Y•fite Dollars • iess• than theegeney price, es quitahitselq 4 Boston Agency price Is 260 27 . 6, 000 donors. - Batley & On , s prim! is 226, 260, 276 dollar ,. BAILBY it 04)„, 426 QIIEBTNIIT Bt. iv)2B-stuth4w CHRISTMAS ANI) HOLIDAY GOODS. • W. D. iiLENN, No. 20.1louth POORTII Streetr, , offers to dealers and the public a • • VMAY LARGE TABIETT OP PANOT GOODS Suitable for the Holiday scam.. Being entirely of his • • OWN IMPORTATION. The assortment ambranea all the . HEMP STYLES, AND AT VERY BEDFORD PRIOEB. Among it trill be found,- Paper Macke Work Bonet, Desks, Portfolios, Ao.„ • Oates and Traveling DIAL; PprogoziAgos, Purse. and Pocket, Boob, rut earl Card Noels, Iseantlful styles. • • Bolsendait alma Pullet fettles, eddy decorstad. Odgr Hosea and Glove Boxes., • .; • iftenci Bronze inkstands, Thermometers, Ao. Backgemlucut and Oh SS /Nude, Chefsbasn. ,IdinfrEnglis,h sosocks,in seta. Taney agar Stunts and Cigar Clime. Siotch Wood'Snuli Bogus and Pansy Articles. Medallions in plastic froll. ifoMorandifm nod Ball Tablets, In pearl and Ivory, • Together with numerous other articles In the dell - 4132:1f • ADIESI FURS _ VOL CEMISTUAS PRESENTS, The matt suitable *Mae fir the Itolideys, !tad. SO VFW CHEAP, - • At• .„,! • , O AKFORD'B, de2l.ot 624 M USTN'T, below Seventh Street. OAKFOAD'S tr.H.LXIIAT .11ATH Sr th e vital teututttul ityle Weer offered: No. au CHESTNUT Street, below SEVENTH .lell-Ot • AXFPRD'S " " o " • VIIIINN-DOLLAR nal% Ara 4/tallest. in the 001 1 414 CY. - • No. 624 OILESTNUT: below SNYENTH 9tkio4 F OR CHRISTMAS. onoruit'oowpxorvioNßßir, N. 1210 AtABILET STRICET,',Weet of Twelfth, FINE MIXTURES. IN AND iifto „NAND BOXES. ASSORTIIBIII OF BEAUTIFUL BONDONS.• ". ASSORTMtNT 91 , 801.121401 D BOXES, ' Tail SOLUBLE Gult AItoPB4OIt,OOITOILS, A' ,TA4irry . ' OF , .1112tOlt !I19,01(Et FOR • .•110LIBiTS.; .000,1 w fIIIMSTItrA.S . WIESENTS - NJ dOBT 91011POIRATXON. • , THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT= 0F;, , , " • a'ANOY OLIIKA- AND GLASS tX TIM OUT. - , .Goodotneried down to plain Spree end ncideviation' from the axed price. ' - , dele ! bt, .•,• " MGM, " 011 INA HALL," ' Opposite the State Goose. °ALI, hi~ ix ~ •, The areateet I Tri 1. R A IN 1 7 tT't Ever exhibited hi Tug OrtY OF' • Which will be gold it exceedingly LOW PRIORS „. UMBRELLAS . AIM SIIITADLD AND AOODPTABLE PRESENTS. sesOliinint 'every yirtety CIIER§TMAS, DURINCI TILE PREetNT HOLIDAY BEABON, PRICES. WE HAVIt 4UBT ngoelygl) A. 'VARIETY NEW AND DEADTIEUL ARTICLES, i • i i l . P 9 u r'' t ' , ARAMOTEP NL ADMMI) MR , ' HOLIDAY r RROENTS. ~ R. 'A, O, A. FRIGHT, de10.91 . ~ , .. 414 , South FOURTH titreet. S43:VING' PIIIID.IIJNITED STATEO . fRUIST 001LPAMY,noinor of TIMID and OHM.' taq mu, , ,„ Largo and "mall OM tedelvad, and paid baolt on de mand trith 9.19119 EDI; CENT 711_,YNN• ALly m eroiu the ,dsj of deposit to the day or Wit 4 6 799." el blurs, from 4 until 9 o'clock scary no„yoLitt MONDAY DOH from 7 until 9 /Paha. 74.114Pri forma, on, Nugland, Ireland, and Doittland) Trout utroardn n 7 troin4ont—aeno oanwoosp,, •. Troifilutr:-PIANY /WIG .Ifallar.-JAMNIUL HUNCR. . fIOTTON-100 bales Wilt'. fqottoeiid store ''• -‘.lg°Tilseertititarsttt'• VITELOOME RANGE.-SOLD BY 01141) I 14 ,0 04 4 . 1 , 1 KM / 1 0 * 43 4 1 f1f , Yk14401 Ll.r% BRAWYB, 01.0&103, ANDiDRIPSB GOODS (111t1ILT ZIIIIVC111) 1117 017 g OLO DERARTMANT ••• SISTER, qa ithdALE PRIEND 414 1 44 0 E PQQDS FORNER t pQ., opi OIIESTNUT, .KELVIN'S AMNRICAN HITT ROOK STORE, 833 CHESTNUT STREET, BLOW 1008.11,1, • ' HOLIDAY6I: Girl' BOOKS GIFTS FOB THE HOLIDAYS. dslo-2w MARXBEN & WITTE'S, MAS 7013N1C HALL!, . • CHESTNUT ST ,:1V141„11, No, '4llB MARKET StrApt. .000171).1i0i WIT/I T$ MiNNE.R.OP Tux TIMES, - wit NELL AT RETAIL Our Magnificent Stook of VANOY,AnnatEs, iY. ..: i~L . u i 1\ !I, 4415611 -•. • , SPLENDID' BOOK'S - FOR TEE 'IIOLI DAYB.—The following Gooks will be mil cen t st. usually low prices, and a Gift, worth from 60 to 6/00, will with erety Bookaold: . ?swine purehasing them will thui get two valuable Primate for the same amount or money for which they could pimplier's, one elsewhere. PATI LT. Youth's Keepsake ..: SI R 25A L Forge lS t-me:not $1 60 Juvenile Forgot-me- Priendittp's °ironed 1 60 %tot ' r 2.5 Friendiddp:s Token. •.1 /S 0 Tho Pet Annual 125 Friendship ii Gift.— 150 Th. Violet 126 Gilt of Affection.,... 1 50 The Rosa Dud 1 26 LOW' Wreath 1 60' Tim Ilumming Dint.. 125 Ladles' Scrap hook., 160 The Garland, or To. Memory's Gift 1 50 kiln of Friendship. 1 50 The Gem Annual.... 1 60 The Passion Flower. 1 50 The Snow Flake,. .. . 1 60 The, Token 160 The Moss Rose 1 50 The Emblem 1 60 The Philivena 1 60 The Garland, 1 50 The Freemason's An. The Obristian Keep. - noel 160 W. 160 The Magnolia ' 160 The Religious Sour.. 1 The Golden Gift.— 200 air Ruh of the above Booko in handsornely bound in 13104.13CC0, full gat, and illoetrated alp colored and floe steel Oates. Italia Rookie, Bvo, cloth, extra gilt $6 00 ", " a . Turkey, ant 800 Lady of the Lake, 800, sloth, extra gilt 6 00 11 " ". Turkey, ant. 800 Th. Diadem , morocco , full gilt ' 4 00 The Bourouir Gallery, " 400 Thd Look of the Boudoir ~ • . 4 00 The Book of Beauty " 400 La/Vista of Memory, Turkey, full gilt 5 00 The Oriental Annual, " ant 0 00 The Casket, morocco, roll gilt. 4 60 The Lady's Gift, morocco, full gilt 6 00 Th 0.4114. Landscape Aunual, cloth, gilt 3 00 41 Ifn lIIPIOOOO, gilt 400 1( 14 " ant 500 Goal of the Beason, Turkey, ant.. 5 00 georke Armed, cloth, gilt 3 00 it " , morocco, gilt 400 ii ant 5 00 Winter Wreath, cloth, gilt. 3 00 l‘ " morocco, ant 600 Floral Keeps ake , royal Bvo, cloth, gilt 300 11 " morocco, ant.. ...„, 500 The above Annuals are entirely new, sPi ,, endidly Il lustrated with • steel engiavings, selected. with great care`from the beet editions published in the United Otatis. • LADIES' ALBUMS. Thd‘Pet Album $1 00 Lemma of Id yho. Messenger Bird Leaves of Affection.. 1 76 Album 100 elm PhilopornsAlbum 175 Ths unbesm Albuin. 100 Token of Love 1 76 Thai Clem Album.... 1 00 Album of i10art..... 2 00 Thecßosebed Album. 1 00 Landscape Album..., 200 ,ThcftAlbwn....., 1 00 lorget.manot Album 2 00 AI of Lure 176 Album of Memory... 200 Alb m of Itemem- Souvenir Album...,. 2 00 t o nee 1 76 Friendship Album... 2 00 above Albums are all beautifully Illustrated with ste enmsviine and colored tliustratione, sod baud hound is morocco, extra. 40 vaili Dqoks i snoropco $1 25 ', . • " antique. 60 Id h ad t ode of the above beautifully bop?and ap date d 'p present'. Do not forget tbopectilla fee. tar pf Baas Books is, that with every b ook purchased Ko u tt i tt fsi I , tpdfl a tion, a gift worth from fifty cents to one PCIIKAMI at a ill•tance wishing any of the above value. ble ,Illooks will be fitrulabed with them by express or mall?, on their remitting the price. . Persons ordering Books sent by roan wilt please Rend treaty-op, cents poet* for Books from $1 to $2, and tbisty-sLx tents for Books more than that amount. Address U. CI. NVANS, d G elll.tlastnlOt 120 OILERTNUT Street, Philadelphia ' ; REAT ATTRACTION, r CHOICE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. GLENN lc 00 , Hailing taken for A YEW WEEKS the Store No. 1304 011ZEITNUT Street, third door above Thirteenth street, for the purpose of selling off the remainder of their elegant retail stock of FANCY AND USEFUL ARTI LUIS, respectfully solicit the patronage of their former cuathmers and the public generally, assuring them that tilt ... Relates will be sold at IMPUEOEDENTEDLY LOW PRICES, and WITHOUT, REGARD TO CWT. OA the proprietors are determiPt4 to elm the,,; one, if posetble. G. $s Co. have also for sale 4 large invoice of DEAUTIFUL GOODS in the line, selected In Paris during the last smother, by Mr CIMI. HATABD, ex. primly for the coming Holidays. G. at, Co. reirpeottolly Inform the public that this will be their LAST SALE of the kind, and trust they will receive a continuance of the liberal share of patronage bestowed upon them on former occasions. de2l,4telf HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Tlta subscriber wishing to close ont all his stock of TOYB AND FAROE GOODS, Will soil at 28 per cent. below the regular prises. Ito USA LARGE - ASSORTMENT of Rocking Chairs, Box Toys, Bellows Toys, Tin Toys. Pewter and China Tea sou, Wood Work-Boxes and Writing Desks, China and Mass Taney Boxes and Bottles, Building A B C Blocks, Gard and Fruit Baskets, Work Stands Plower Stands, Basket for Fruit and Flowers, at the Importer's, Nos. 61 and 56 South SECOND Street, „ • Ai. COULTER. - 'CHRISTMAS PRESENTS.— Writing Desks, Portfolio', Porteuionualei, Purses, Digs, Card OiLael; Pocket Haire!, Backgammon Board", Clunpmen, flue Letter Paper, and Stationery of every 4,re9fiption, at greatly REDI7O.P.DPRIOES. J. B. JOUNSON, No. 6 North El6l l / 1 1 Street. ditl7-tdeSl XiT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, A beautiful selection of HOLIDAY GOODS, oltablo for Presents, to be fouod In GREAT VARIETY, at the corner of FOURTH AND CHESTNUT STREWS, snob as PORTEMONNAIES, POCKET BOOKS mamma, DRESSING OASES, WRITING CASES, BANKERS' OASES, DANK BOOK HOLDERS, BILL linoKB, MONEY BELTS, CIGAR OASES, RAZOR STROPS, WORK OASES, CARD OASES, NEEDLE OASES POCKET CUTLERY, ROGERS' RAZO RS C H ESS BOARDS, I ' BACKGAMMON BOARDS, PRIER SimBIR WORK ' oma, • 'mass; GOLD PENS, and GOLD AND SILVER PENOIL OASES, del7.2w P. 11, SMITH, ' r'N. W. corner FOURTH and CHESTNUT Mo. GREA.T BARGAINS .;. • OLIktioi61;18 AND NEW YEAR PRESENTS. • LADIES , WINTER CLOAKS. FINAL REDUCTION IN PRICES, TO CLOSE THE SEASON. J: W, PROCTOR & CO., Encamp)* to Ceo. Bulpin & Co., - ddS•tJal2 70$ CHESTNUT street LOOKING GLASSES, OIL PAINTINGS, CHRISTMAS PRESENTS JAMES B. EARLE Offers for sale the Largest Asportaieut of the allove, aftbe LOWEST PBIOEB to bo found to the oily. PARLEY'S beautiful musTRATIONS of .51AAGAII,BT," FURSI FURS!! FURS!!! FURSIII! JOHN FAREIRA & 00., linpoiters; Manufacturers, aud Dealer' la 17.N.0Y F,111p., iON LA.DiIiS AND CHILDREN. Hering manufactured an Immense Stock of Fan, with the eapeotation of doing our 'usual' bitginess, the yreseat.preuure Of the tiutes, and "comparative stagna tion of trade, hare left us with an unmeant amount of Stook npoa our ahalvea, It Is to inset this difficulty Omen* hay. now. DRTSttINBD To close not our ' . E R. , S•T 0 < „ At Ptltli leAnally tem than THEIR COST TO MANUFACTURE! We have shoo on hand a laq. and complete mut uunt ' ' 'GENTS' FURS, , . ,(140V&1, bll of ;;bleb will be sold at very LOW PRIOIIB. • No. 818 bIARISET at., bet. Elibth and Nlotb, Itoltt.ew South side VV RIGHT & CO., B ANKBBS • Atio EXCHANGE EROKEHB, ;Old No. 87 South THIRD Street, near OIIEBTNUT irAinutrA PAID ompnun, BILVEIt, AND NILW youli EXCHANGE. City Warrants Bought at the lowest rates.. de22.6t SCULL, OAMBLOS, CO., BANKERS, No. 3 South Third Street. The highest premium paid for AMERICAN GOLD AND• NNW YORK EXOHANOX. Dueurreut Bomb bought cud gold. Stocks bought and cold on commiggion only% nolo-2m* AA. MERIC,N GOLD . NEW YORK RICOIIANGE 1 , WANTS° AT HIGKEST OURRNNT RATES, ()BOMBE & CO , SPEV IR ROICE RN. no2A-dif „ ' 40 BORTH TRIAD BT lop W. TINGLEY Sz 00., BANKERS; Affio No. ST South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLEOTIONS promptly made on all acesaelblo points In the nailed States and ()anode _ Stooks, Bonds, dco., Bought and Sold on Commission. Uneurrent Bank Notes, °hooka, .ke., bought at the lowest rates. ' Deposita reeelvedtud Interest allowed, as per agree ment. • n02,.:1m F OR REGISTER OF WILLS WM. lIANOOOKS, . • TRALTTII WAIXD, 42440 , lllutdoot to Domoorotio Rules. 'FOR, SHERIFF ALDERMAN GEORGE MOORS, 'MATH WARD Subject to Democratic ROW FOR SHERIFF— JAMBS a, GIBOON, vvesseir,szeolan wyokr.. SubjOt to Nultmistie Wes. 310.8m* SORGHUM, or , CHINESE SUGAR-OANE 11811 D-46 bushels torus% by 01110*.laall, PIIIIO.II, /0 100, ."6101Q41 ' ' 24.1Q4 AF. laul. i» 1. . , rf t N ENQBAYINGS, , 1110 El= E&RLE'S ckstLkat ES, 810 OLLESTAIUT Street COLLARS, &o Money petit i cal trfWg ecobts. •• NIREGROY IS aTERINGICIORE AUC 'ILON B6.8(14181. 110811 k and Wool Long Broche Shawls only $lO 00 114 Bilk and Wool Long Broche Shawls may 9 00 13 Bilk and Wool /game Broth° only 600 115 Oheallle extra rich, only 8 60 $l2 Chenille, vary rich, only ..................... 7 50 ST.BO Chenille, pieta styles ... .. . . ... .... 360 $8 plaid all wool Long Shawls, beautiful, 0n1y..... 3 60 We Cloak', beautiful styles and fine fabric ........ 10 00 115 Cloaks reduced to 6 60 $9 Cloaks reduced to 4 60 $5 Oloake reduced to 3 60 800 yards very beautiful Cloth for Ladled' Cloaks, 75e. pe_r yard, worth $1 60 ,• a aplendid assortment of LOU,' Cloths, all shades awl colors, suitable, for Boys' wear; tiatilnote nod flannels at unprecedented low prices; one lot of Paramattas at 81 ceute, worth 60; all shades all wool Plaids at 28 cents, worth 62) ; one lot of all wool Detainee only 36 cents, worth 60 ; splendid Blankets at only $3 Per pair, worth 16; 600 rude of Black Bearer Cloth at $1 60 per yard, worth - $3.150 ; Trimmings In endless variety, at about half prise. des4.thfna.B IdoELBA)1 1 8, 11 South NINTH Et. BANK of PENNSYLVANIA NOTES TAKEN AT PAR.—Having made arrangements to use a certain amount of the notes of THE OP PENNA, we will receive thBANK em AT PAR for SYLV a few NIA days in pay ment for DRY GOODS. Just opined, an elegant assortment of CLOAKS and TALMAS, from $3 to VA. BROCIIB LONG and SQUARE SHAWLS, from Ate , tion very cheap. BLAWKETS, all sixes and every description, $l, $2, $3 60, $ 4 ,56,_56.50, $6, and $7. A few BLANKETS of very extra quality, at $l2, worth $l6. BALLARDYALE UNSIIIIINKABLE FLANNELS, at Me, 3734 e, 600, 6130, 76e, and $l. SCARLET - and vir.Low FLANNELS, a good assort ment: CASSIAIERES, SATTINETS, and CHILDREN'S WEAR. BLACK SILKS, a few pieces extra cheap. IRISH LINENS, Richardsou'a beet goods, 1.11 prices. GISOKABACK, CRAM, DIAPER, and other TOWEL /NOS. TABLE LINENS and NAPKINS, at a great sacrifice, FRENCH, ENGLISH, and AMERICAN CALICOES. BEST CONESTOGA TICKINGS, all widtlut. Decide a general assortment or other goods. NEW GOODS opening every day SAMUEL 8. HESS'S Cash Dry Goods Store, No. 923 MARKET Street, north aide between between Ninth and Tenth USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL t PRICES TO SUIT TIIE TIMES!—NEW EM. DROIDERIEJ3 VCR 0111USTMAS PRESENTS.—Just opened, new and choice styles of— Swiss, /ranch, and Scotch Cellars, from 25c. to $5. Cambric Collars, very cheap, from 25c to $4, Au Peen Collars, new styles, from 500. to $l. Dlecionilll Collars , beautiful goods,from 750. to $l6O. Walton and Maltese Collars, very ebeap,lsc 50. Talencia, k'rench, Swiss Cambric, I,lnen, and Hon!. $OO Bets, from $OO to s l s ' Embroidered-and Ifematitchedifendkernitlefe, very cheep. Sleeves, Intents' Walsti,liencb and Chantilly Veils,Flouncloga Scarfs .&c. Ribbons, KM - Gloves and ainutlete. a. LAKS AND SIIAWIS closing out at C an e enormous netlike also, Delaines, liferlooes, Coburg.. &c. Quilts and Counterpanes .losing very cheap, at & 'l' 11. DELCIIINII, cor. EIGHTH wd SPRING 4ARDEN RU, Cr4°AlC.9 AND TAIAAS.—Wo bay° jnst opened an elegant assortment of CLOAKS and TALMAS, These goods Were made for the best Chestnut street triode, and call be cold for cuh at far below the original cost. SAML. B. lIESS, No. 923 MARKET Btreet, de24-2t between Ninth and Tenth, north alde. VIIRISTMAS PRESENTS OF REAL VALUE—Richfityle Muslin Detainee, at 18 and 2k. Rich Style Plaid Cashmeres, at 250. Rich Style, Ohlntros, at de, Bc, 100, and 12gc. Broche Shawls, at $O, $B, $lO, and $l2. Blanket Shawl., at $2, $3, 5 0 , $ 4 , and $5, Damask Table Clothe, from Sl to $O. French Twilled Blankets, from $1.50 to $B. Black French Cloths, at $1.75 and $B. Black French Cusimeres from 750 to $l6O, New style Fancy Cassimeren, side band, at 620. Damask Table Linens, at 45e, 500, 58c, and 60c. V. E. ARCIIASIBACLT Wholesale and Retail Store. de23-at N. E corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Ms. CLOAKS ' AT RALP PRICE WIC •RE NOW OLOBIN6 ON, 008 ENTIRE STOCK OF CLOAKS, Many of them at one half the price they cost, from $1.60 to beet euperfine. MRS. E. MITCHELL. 41 Norm NINTH ST!tierr, de23-5t Sire doors below ARCH Street NARROW BORDERED CLOTH TABLE coms.—We have Just received one case of au• porter Cloth Covers, in Drab end Brown narrow borders, designed for Prlends; also, the same with centre pieces, end Piano Covers in similar styles. SIURPLEBB BROTIIEBB. de23 - CHESTNUT and EffillTEl Btreets. BROAD CLOTH, O&UIhiS.RES, SATTINETS, VLITINOS Bop' wear generally, and 01,0111 For Ladles' Oloakm, Basques! &c., &o. Our CLOTH itoont Is now stocked with cheap tots, purchased at the recent AUCTION SALES At very reduced prices, to which we invite the atten. tlua of buyers. OURWEN.BTODBART k BROTHER, , 450, 452, sad 454 sort SECOND Street, de2l.lw above WILLOW. SCHOOL TEACHERS; POLICE, AND other Credltora or the city, take notice. We will take CITY WARRANTS at PAR tor Cloaks and Telma, Blanket', Drees Stuffy end other DRY GOODS, all of which will be offered at the lowest cub prices. SAMUEL B. HEBB, 923 MARKET Street, north side, between NINTH. and TENTH. SACRIFICES •IN DRESS TRIMMINGS V✓E ARE SELLING •• BALL TRIMMING, Braided Drop, 370, formerly 870. Do. Do. Voss Drop, 25c, formerly 800. TANGY VELVET, frOo, formerly, $125, AND Palter TUILIIINGB aamerat.t.r, AT STILL HEAVIER ENDUOTIONS. I.O:MAXWELL& SON, 011):STNUT,. below. Illeventb, and SI:00ND, below Spruce ('(LOTH CLOAKS FOR PRESENTS. •—/ Oray Cloaks, $2.50, $2 50, &e. Black Cloaks, r ichly made, $3,55, gre. Fine Black Beaver Oloake $8 tosls. Cloak, lu profusion of style, quality, and price. LADIES' CLOAK CLOVIS, Bought at auction, and (or cash, comprising— Fine and medium Black Beaver. Black Llonskin or Mohair $l, $1 25, $1 15D Black Mixt Velvet; for Trimming, 60 ctn.. Brown and Gray Clothe, vary cheap. , BROCIIE SHAWL& Scarlet, Green, and two.faced centres. Good !Boob, Long Shawls at $8 and $9. Blaoaablbet, Blanket, and Children's Shawls. GLOVES, CRAVATS, SCARFS. Galata' Shawls, for travelling. Warm Gloves, Undershirts. Drawe r a, lcc. COOPER & CONARD. 8. E cor. NINTH and MARKET. N. B. EnglisNlo.cent Prins, in dresses, for Christ rum Gifts. de2l OHRISTMAS PRESENTS OF 'REAL V WORTH ! Pine Black Cloth Cloaks for $5. Beautiful Chenille Cloaks for $4. A great variety of Cloaks from $S to $6. LONG BROCHE bIIAWLS, ALL WOO!, AND SILK, FOR $B, Ssmare and Long Brodie Shawls from $6 to $2O. Blanket Sherrie Chenille Shawle, & c., Ac. PERT iNCELLENT BLACK SILKS. Fancy Silks closing out below coat: ' French Merinos at 50c. English Cobourga very cheap, Figured and Plain all-wool Delalues for Ze, per yard. Fine quality Plaid Cashmeres for 25c., double width. . GOODS OP OUR OWN IDIPORTATION, Irish Linens of the very best make. Ladles , ainitleutlemon , a Llnenliandkerchiers. LioLea' and Gentlemen's Kid Gloves. We have 11,very large stock or Linen Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, ' Cloth*, Cass{mores, Blankets, Flannels, Carpets, &0., &o, TIIORNLBY & MUSH. dele-y E cor:EIGIITH and SPRING GARDEN. ‘s , We buy and sell for Cash , and have but oar price., 'HOLIDAY GIFTS; or Art USEFUL AND ACCEPTABLE CHARACTER CURWEN STODDART A BROTHER Invite persona who are about making aelectious or OULIDAY possum, to ao Inspection of their extensive aud varied stock of PANTY AND STAPLE GOON, Which has been purchased at the late auction soles, et greatly reduced prlcee. RIOII DRESS SILKS. l 4 SILK ROBES A QUILLE at $l5 tt If " VOLANTE Cl $l5 and 115. , POPLIN"A QUILLE at /5. PARIS PRINTED Rots DD LAINES-31, 95, 81, and 44 cents. Rich atylo, all wool, PLAID CASHMERE-31, 35, and 37 conta per yard. FRENCH MERINOS-158,32X, and 70 cents. PARAMA.TTAS, FIGURED CASHMERES, CALI COES, Am SHAWLS, An extoller° stock of Paris and Timm Long and Square BROOM: SHAWLS. From the late Caah Auction Sales, Superior Long Brodie Shawls—go, ;10, $ll, $l2. BLANKET SHAWLS. American awl Imported Blanket Shawls, new and de almble styles. STELLA SHAWLS, of choice designs. CHENILLE SHAWLS. front $2 50 upwards. CASHMERE SOARES, EMBROIDERIES. GLOVES, &0 , &C. Nun. 450, 452, and 454 NORTH SECOND STREET, ABOV WILLOW. del2-2ra CLOAKS.- CIINAP AND ELEGANT OLOAKS. The largest and handsomest gook of VELVET AND CLOTH CLOAKS In the City, AT IiNDLIOAD POlOOO, AT DEO, FRYER'S, No. 910 ORESTNUT STREET, 09.2 B OY 8' CLOTHING. F. A. HOYT & BRO. Here uow on hand a very large amortment of BRADY-MAUD GOODS, Wields for the preeent season, which they feel disposed to roll care. ASSItIDLY BUILDINGS, 8. W. CORNER TENTH AND OHNBTNOT era. N, B.—We have a large aisortruent of uncut geode of euperlor quality and mate, to order from. d4-1m B ANK OF PENNSYLVANIA.—SPE— A MAL NOTE:IL—AII the notes on the Daink of Pennsylvania redeemed at par for DRY (MODS ' selling at less than Auction prices. Moline, Linens, Clutha, Cassimeren, Blankets, Shawls, Calicoes, Detainee; at a great neoridce, In connection with our entire stotk, which will he mold at prices which will astonish all who may favor no w,th a call. Pennsylvania Bank Notes taken the ammo as specie, (we make no differenoe ' ) at OLIVER U. MUNSON'S Pennsylvania Dank Note Dry Goods Btoro, No. 1009 NIARKRT Street, above 'Reath, north side. N, D.—Orders received for the very best Schuylkill ,Coal i Pennsylvania Dank H. Notes tak n H. MU e NSON, in payment. noSO•lot No. 1009 Market street. DRESS TRIMMINGS, L ADIES' AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL & SON, WHOLESALE, AND RETAIL STORES, 1096 CHESTNUT Street, (our doors below Eleventh. And 319 S. SECOND St., below Sprnea. YACTOKIY.S.—Noe. 95 end 97 GEORGE St., • • . ... • . Tenth, and S.SOOND Street, near Union. Ord enitnade at a few hoar* , sotto.. 04234mtf BBUFFALO ROSES— CLOSING OUT without regard to profit, st No. 402 MARKET Street, south side, one door stove Fourth street. The ehtiro stock of Eleffsto Robes meet be closed out before the Ist of Jauttery. THE BTORE TO RENT. Apply ek the preadfis. den I.lof Oaks by gturtion. THOMAS Sr SONS, • Nos. 1;9 and 141 991:11T$ YOURTII 81%.111T (formerly Nos. 81 and 69.) • NOTICE.—SALE OF SPLENDID FitENITIIItE.-i Catalogues of Mr White's stock of Furniture are now reedy, and the articles may be examined any time pre vious to sale, REAL ESTATE, STOOES,ke. Publie Sales at the Philadelphia Bachange every Tuesday Evening. V• Handbills of each property issued separately, In addition to which we publish on the Saturday previous to each sale one thousand catalogues In Pamphlet form, giving full descriptions of all the property to be gold on W y e following Tuesday. liV• FURNITURE BALES AT THE AUGTIOX STOKE every Thursday morning. REAL ESTATE AT ATE SALE. Ii:T" We have a large amount Pßl of V Real Estate at Pri vate Sale, Including every description of City and counotion try Store propetty. Printed List may be had et the PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. gigßeal Estate entered on our private Sale Re , and advents*" occutontly In our Public Pale I*u-ids, of which 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) free of charge. PUBLIC SALE—LEASESIF.A. VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND. On Tuesday Evening, 29th Met , at the Exchange, will be sold, previous to sale of real estate, the unexpired term of a lease, har ing 19 mooths to run from let /Ennui next f STORE NO. PA SOUTH vnoNr STagp, Extending 186 feet through to Letitia street, having large sky.light In centre. It comprises the first floor and cellar, the entire depth from street to street, and the third and fourth Moroi on Letitia street, on which It has a handsome front, being a very desirable stand for a domietfc commiselon or Importing house. POSABEISIOU given on let Januar. It may be had at a reduction from the present rent, if applied for previous to the 24tb Inst. STOOKS, LOANS, INSURANCE 'SORIP, &o. On Tuesday Evening, 29th boat., at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Exchange, will be sold— 5 shares American Academy of Musk. 5 shares Muth:ldea and Broad Top Railroad and Coal Company I share Philadelphia Library. I share Philadelphia Atheneum. I share Mercantile Library Company. $1,605 scrip Union Mutual Insurance Company. 1,750 scrip Independent Mutual Insurance Company. ID. This scrip is resolved at par for prtaniums. REAL ESTATE BALE—DEOBIIBBB 29th. This sale will include, among other property, the fol. lowing— Orphans' Court Bale._state of William Rucker, ed. TURBE.STORT BRlCKDeceas DWllLLlNG.—Threeetdry brick dwelling, north aide Poplar street, west side of Twelfth street. Same Estate. LOT —Lot or ground north Bide (Thud 'Tenni, weat of Twelfth street. Same Este. BRICK BUILDING AND L ta OT.—Lot of ground east lido of Ressler street, south of Diamond street, Nina , teen% ward. • Same Estate. THREE.STORY BRICK D Ii WELLING str .—Three.story brick dire lling west side of nks eet, south of Stiles Street, Twentieth ward. ELEGANT RESIDENCE, ASCII STREET, AND LABOR LOT...The elegant residence No. 1025 Arch street, below Eleventh street. It is finished in the mast expensive manner, and is replete throughout with all modern conveniences, 25 feet front, US feet deep to Academy street. Immediate possessfon. Key' at the auction store. NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE.—The neat modern four-story brick residence, No 335 South Twelfth street, above Pine street. It is built in a superior manner, with the modern conveniences. Immediate poeseation. Sale by oe MARKET close an Estate. 'VALUABLE STREET PROPERTY— LARGE LOT.—AII that valuable lot of ground, south aide of Market street, west of Eighth street (site of the Iste fire), 25 feet front, 147 feet deep, with building, materials, ice. Same Estate. SEVEN BERIE DWELLINGS DI VI& REAR — Seven four•fitory brick dwellings, forming s. court In the rear. REAL E S TATE SALE--JANITritY 6th , This Bale willl;einie-- AN ENTIRE 13411 — A . Rli O THEOU, TW THIRD WARD, OPPOSITE EPISCOPAL HOS PITAL—The valuable square of ground, hating a front of 685 feet on Front street, 546 feet on Lehigh avenue, 685 feet on Fillmore street, and 546 feet on Somerset street. Four valuable (route. VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND.—The valuable four_ Marbrick store, Mashed in modern style, No, 1,16 North Third street, above Arch. NEAT 'MODERN RESIDENOF..—The neat modern residence, No. 410 South Eighteenth street, below Pine. Immediate possession. REAL ESTATE SALE—JANUARY 12th This sale wUI include . Orphans' Court Sale—lstate of John S Jones, Dee'd. THREE.STORY BRICE DWELLING.--Southeast corner of Ninth and Poplar atreete EXTENSINE SALE OF FURNITURE, PIANO FORTES, FANCY GOODS, see. CARD.—Our gale at tita auction store this morn ing, will Include, beside a large and excellent assort- ment of household furniture, 2 elegant rosewood piano fortes, 7 °d lit ares, Ono rumels, ingrain, • and veuitian carpets, floe mirrors, tine china and glassware, Nankin•clalna dinner set, plated ware ' superior once desks and book cues, superior If erring dm-proof chest, Sue embroidered piano and table covers, fine curtains, mattresses, &a., including the stock of an upholsterer. Also, an assortment of elegant fancy articles, to all at which we invite the attention of ladies and others. 117'' Catalogues now ready, and the articles arranged for examination. &de Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. euentioß TURNITURR, WINE MIRRORS, ROSS WOOD PIANO-PORTS, BRUSSELS CARPETS, .1:e. This Morning, - At 10 o'clock, at the auction store, an extensive wort. went of second-Imnd furniture, minors, piano-forte, carpets, &c.. from families declining housekeeping. VIMOLSTERY balance of stock of an epholaterer, (removed to the store. for the Man uleace of sale) comprising hair mattresses, curtains, nornleee, and upholstering materials generally. - EIAGANT FANCY ARTIOLES.—AIso an assort ment of fancy articles, including rich inlaid papier mocha desks, workboxes,portfolios, reticules, line mo rocco taboo. rosewood writing desks, and many other. desirable articles suitable for Christmas presents. ELEGANT PIANO PORTE. CHINA., go.—Aleo. en roxewood 'piano forte, Loafs MY style, seven octaves. Alio, en invoice of fine chins, glassware, &o. Also, fine Nankin-china dinner set.' • Also several onswerior office desks, tables, fine book tenni; am. HERRING BIRE•PROOF CHEAT. superior Earring Br* proof chest. ELEGANT FREIWir PLATE AtlEßollB.—Also, 2 flue Preueb - plate raratelinirrors, 7.2 by 61 loclea r sod 2 hoe pier mirrors, 28 by 105 inches, in richly stayed gilt frames, SALE OF ILLUSTRATED WORK 2, ANNUALS, JU VENILE 1100103, ke., SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. December 24th, at the auction store, an assortment of miscellaneous sod Illustrated wort', annuals, juvenile books, &c., suitable for presents. 117'For particulars see catalogue'. Sale st No. 249 North Twelfth street. ' . . . SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PIER MIRROR, CAR- PETS, itc., *to. On Monday ?doming, 28th (natant, at 10 o'clock, at No. 249 North Twelfth etreet, below Vine armed, the superior lucrative of a gentleman declining housekeeping. Ur May be examined on the morning of eats at 8 o'clock. PEREMPTORY SALE OF FINE ENGLISH AND FRENCH ENGRAVINGS OP MUIR COST AND BEAUTY stock of Mr. A. B. 'Robinson. On Monday and Tuealay Mornings, Dec. 29th and 20th, commencing at 11 o'clock o at the store of Mr. A. g. Robinson, No 910 Chestnut street, above Ninth, will be mold without reserve ASO choice and beautiful engravings, many by ,the most celebrated English and French artists. The collection embraces a variety of very Interesting subjects, in neat and elegant frames, the whole to be sold, as above stated, without mum. . E Catalogues with particulars will be ready three days previous to sale. • AT PRIVATE BALI: Shares In the Academy et El eels ; Point Breeze Pert; Phlledelphle end Idereantlleylprlee ; Atheneum, toe. FARL&Y" AT TRIVATE.SALIC The elegant country lest and farm, known as "Far ley," late the residence of Richard Damon, decesaed, formerly of Dr. Shippen,le offered at private sale. lull descriptlone may be ha d the auction room. BSCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, (succes • aor to WOLBERT A. SCOTT,) 4111 CICESTNUT opposite the Custom House, between Fourth and Fifth StreeU. SALE OF FURS AND FANCY GOODS. Thbi Morning, Commencing at 10,g o'clock precisely, will be sold, by catalogue, a general assortment of furs, in- seta, for ladies' and misses' wear. .. FANCY GOOK—Also, s esrbity of [army goods, is dies' workboxes, &a. v entlemen's 'furnishing Croats. LIINE SHIRTS, made to order, and s'war ranted, of elegant material and superior work nutuship. Also, Dress Stocks and tlentletnen'e Wrap pers, at the Premium Store of W. W. KNIGHT, 812 ARM Street, above Sixth. no2l-y 11/RAPPERS! WRAPPERS! WRAP PERS !—A very large and elegant amortment at reduced prices. Also, heavy ander.olothlog of all de. seriptions, for gentlemen's wear, at W. W. KNIGHT'S, 612 ARMS Street, above Sixth. ' n021.y WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SMOULDER SEAM SILIRT MANUFACTORY, No. fee CHESTNUT Street, &bore Seventh Wed, Philadelphia, The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Stranger'', is particularly invited to this improved out of Shirts, the moet perfect fitting article made. At whole• elle and retail, and made to order. auf,lyif 350 VALUABLE ENGRAVINGS, IN ELEGANT FRAMES, PUBLIC SALE. AND 0 ERMAN Vlava and Colored Cograrloge, Of THE STOCK Of A. S. ROBINSON. Will be sold by ht. TBOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers, without reserve, AT THE STORE, 910 CHESTNUT STREET, SALE TO TANS MACK ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY, Dec. 28th and 290, COMMENCING AT 11 O'CLOCK. Pictures open for Inspection. Catalogues three days previous to sale. de22-1.29 KEROSENE OIL, DISTILLED FROM COAL KEROSENE LUBRICATING OILS. This Oil is not only CHEAPER, but SUPERIOR TO TILE BEST SPERM. It will NOT GUM Oft CONOEAL AT A LOW TEMPERATURE, and It will RUN LONGER AND KEEP THE JOURNALS COOLER THAN ANY OTHER LUBRICATING MATERIAL. 31achlnIsts and others are requested to call and examine these oils at the mole agency, OMR° 11 M. FREEMAN, Agt , No. 116 Walnut street, above Front MEE A NNOUNCEMENT. 2 - 11. The anbecriber begs leave to announce to his !Mewls and tlin public that he will open his SALOON (Jr their reception on MONDAY, 14th blot, His stock (a large awl rich society) will consist of PRESERVED AND CRYSTALLIZED FRUITS, APR!. COTS, CHERRIES, PINEAPPLES, PR/LAS 9151 . 110413,&a., ecc. BONBONS—A' large end flesh eaeolimmt. FANCY TOYS—bsechanical Toye, paper, wood, and sugar—an endless variety, FANCY BOW—Newest styles, 4447 and plain, and varied assortment, of every possible Ascription. SACS, °MIAS, COURTS, BASSETS, VICTORIA/3, PASTILLMAB, &0., &c., all of recent ,inportatioii, and which for extent and variety will d, fy competition, For note by S. lIENRION, Confectioner, deb-Inn MARKET Weld, above Seventh. DYER -SHOES,-700 Cases Men's Long and short Boots, Over-.boss, Randall, Clog., and Booth°ldea. Women's Long Boots, Gaiters, Burkia, Sandals, and Over Slums of eu kinds. Boys' Long ISeets, Over Shoes, and Sandals Massa , and. Children's Long Boots, Gaiters, Over Shoes, Sandsbi_, and Clogs, all of the est makes, and fresh made . Roc sale by the case, dozen, or single pair, at reduced prices. Wholesale and retell dealers will Ilnd our prices lower thin they can be bought In New York. JOIN TBORNLISY, 1311. WIEEITNUT Street, da2.B-21 , * Ohara TROD north ed., • CO .p • titlidri. 11:1V.AtFRED711TMERIDIF, PILIIABBLPIFIA. BORER AND BAZAAR, southeast imrear of Math end Goo* between.Cheatnnt and Walnut etmeta. LT Wes 'of horses. carriages, and hernial, held regularly every SATITEDAY MORNING, throaghont the year, commenetng at 10 o'clock. 117' The largest collection of new and seeoad-lead carriages, Lances, saddles, lc., in the city, May be seen at this establishment for private rile. Carriages received on storage. Out-door sales attended to on reasonable terms. aosszs, VEHIELE&,AND HARNESS. On Saturday Horning, At 10 o'clock, at the Bazar, will be sold, hones, vehicles, and harnees.- JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, NO. 422 WALNUT STREET above souaTa. CARD—BALE or HOUSEHOLD imams—mu- DA.T. Er We beg leave to inform the public that we bad oar regular weekly sales of I' &rotten every Tuesday, at oar SPACIOUS SALES NOON, NO. tr, WALNUT STREET, where every possible attention is jinn to ob tain the highest prices for the goods of those who rosy favor us with eonslEts. Fautilleshaving portions of their furniture to of, or those doeltaing tunnel keeping and not w (alas at their own dwellings, can have their furniture CAREFULLY REMOTED TO OUR SALES ROOM, WHERE THEY WILL REALIZE BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR FITIBNITARE THAN THEY CAN OBTAIN FROM ANY OF THE TITRE DEALERS OR ANY OTHER AUCTION STORE IN THE CITY. rg"Persons . favining us with cotedgamente era rest secured thettheir property will 'loth., sacrificed. It 7 COMMideIOIIII more moderate than those chariot by say other Auction House in the city. pip' Consignments respectfully solicited. 13" Bales raid Immeel.tair alter the goods are sold. Sale on account of whom it may concern. STOCKS. • On We kiening, December 80th, 1667, dnesda wil l be sold, on account of whom it may concern -150 shares of Eagle Gold Mining Company, Virjdnia I 2000 do Monroe Gold Mining Company, Vullirda -83 do Spring Hill Company, 300 do XI Dorado Mining Company, 'Virgin ia. 50 do Washington Mining Company, North Ca rolina. 200 shares of Chesapeake Mining Company, Michigan. 850 do Ontonagon do do do. 100 do Douglass do do do. 60 do ' Dohernian do do do. 6640 do Plilladelp'hia and California Mining Com pany, California. 1300 shams of Lewis Gold Mining Company, North Caroline. I share, being 645 ofX, of a certain Inrention and patent known as Dorian Lubricating Company. 2 original Ahura San Pranclaco Land Atandition. 4 do do do " do do do. 4% do do do do do de. 30 !Mares Seamleaa Tribe Company, New York. 35 do do - do do do. 2000 do Philadelphia and California Mining Com pany, California. 3000 ilium Diekemon Marble Company of yennemeo. isalgnee's lialo—Prankford. DRUGS, DYBB,••HATKRILLT.3, Ac., OF A BIA/517- FACTORY AND PILINT-WORKS. , This Mornin g ; " 24th instant, at 11 o'clock, will W sold, st the- P,iiet awl Dye works belonging to the of Harvey Frankton!, the mgre stock of drugs, dywa, sad materials of the rcourntactury gale at No. 422 Waft street. 1101T3EZOLD FURNITURE. BXDS, 0.4./IPETS, arc. On Tuesday Morning, At 10 o'clock, w il l be mold, at the auction dose, an assortment of household and Waco furniture, looking glasses, &c. LUA A first-raw Printing Mee, with a good run of bad nau, tour printing presses, two Buggies and an* ideate Type and everything nseereary for tie beaineen: Apply at the Auction Store. A.III:TEL NATHANS, AIIOTIONEita i and NONE? LOAN 011102, No. 112 Sooti TIMID Street, below Walnut, opposite Purist, orilp eight loon below the inthangs. - • HMS Vt business from I Weleek, A. at., gra' 1$ Weloek in the mobs Outdoor sees, and 'sales at the Astatine Bouns, tended upon the !noel setiateebn time. OnPITAL ,1100,000. Xsiablitha for On last Thirty ,Teers. Adranne made from one dollar to thousand' se DU moods, Stint Plate, Witches, levah7, Hardware, War ehandire, Clothing Torniture, Redding, Olgant, Instruments, Con s , Horses , Osnispe, sad:ll4B6 or 72 descriptio n. foods ow remain Wlength at thus *vim upon. adraarne, from one haudred dollars and sewed' will be tharvi dmarket per asst. per math ; scud mew, the lowest rste. This Store Rouse having a depth of IVO feet, hes hag* Are and thief-prootvaulta to stem all taletablia, sod sal sate watchman for the premises; also, heavy lama ranee effected for the benslit of a/I payer Urfa, go,hl admitted upon - N. amount of helium as oaltattad this oNee is prepared to make Mamma wa more setts. factory sad seecoomodatios tame that, etharta this city. Roomy adaineed to the poor, to ma/ emoaatei wtti oat say sharp. AT PRIVAT/ HU& EMEigEiEEME'II MOSES NATHAN% AtioTIONEER AND COMMISSION 1111110HANT, S. N. saran SIXTH and RACE Streets. AT PRIVATE BALE—GoId and silver patent lever, Lapin*, English, Wm and Trench watches, jewelry, of every descriptton, clingiest iturnarrante,l44 &e. AT PRIVATE HALL—Arranged on-second /oar, household furniture, of every doecription, bed., mat tresses, carpeting, looking glares, testy arttelse,"&e., &e., Out-door seise attended to personally by the Amnion ear. Charges very low. Onsignreenia af . furniture clothicg, jewelry, &a., As , solicited. NATHAN'S FRINOEPA.L LOAN ONION, 8. E. Corner of Birth and Rees abuts, Where money will be loaned on gold and silver plate Watches, Jewelry, Mamma* Clothing, Thy Goods, Groceries, Began, Hardware, Outlay, Russittue, Ned ding; Boren, Vskieles, Harmer, Slochs, axed on ell ar ticles of value for any length of time agreed on, remora satisfactory and liberal tents than at any other seta. linment. if. NATHAN/. GREAT MANOR TO PROCURE OLIRIBTMAI3 FRI RENT/ FOR LESS THAN HALL yaR ustra, BELLING PRIOR. At Flinn See, for less then kW the selling Prices, at the Loan Othee, southeast corner of Math and Race streets.— • Gold and silver watches, or every description, gold etudes; gold bracelets; heir. bracelets; elegant gold breastpins; mart pins and brooebes; elegant gold Sneer rings; tine gold ens rings; fine gold and Bilverpl cases; Ana gold spectacter elegant mat Atari seam, descriptions; jet bracelets; gold keys; fincgold medallions; ports mennalea, and numerous other ortiedes or jewelry; Listen; aenCini•ons; steel stater ndaroawmes; surveyors' instruments; magnetic machines; revoltrre; Ac Ac. fg" Call early and procure bargains. GREAT BARGAINS FOR OIIRISTMAB PRESENT% . AT PRIVATE BALE, AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. Hunting case, double case, and doable bottom, fall jeweled and plain 'English patent lever watches. Silver English patent lever watches. Hunting case and open face gold cemmentent - and lever iodates limiting ease and open fate told !opine Italian. Very fine enameled ladies! gold wades. Silver lever and lapin!, watches, .English, Swiss, and Preach watches, gold chains, jewelry, musical instru ments. and numerous fancy articles. - WENDT greet sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Musical Instrumento, de., will takellsoe shortly. Doe notice will be given. WEBB'S great rale of Dry Goode, Clothing, Redding, de., being forfeited collateral!, will labs plan shortly. Due notice will be given. - AT PRIVATE SALE, AT HALE TER 17BlIAL SELLING PRICES.—Dauble-bottomol and hunting case gold patent lever watches, of the mat ap proved makes; Minting case and open face gold escape • remit lever and lepine watches , hill Jeweled LUG gold enameled lever and lepine watoham far lidies!; gold Jewelry of every description; silver lever arid ... Lma watches, in bootleg cases and open face; silver Swiss, and Preach watches; a general assort wen t allure, beds, mattresses, mirrors. de. OUT-DOOR SALES fitILIOISED, and aisargaa to snit the time., low. Consignments of every description of goods 'allotted for nubile or private sale. MONEY ADVANCED on all and ovary kind of goods, for public or private sale, or to be held for a Malted time. Charges low. GEORGE W. SMITH. AUCTIONEER N. B. corner of BARRON and SOUTH Streets above Second. EVENING SALES. SAM SYSRY SATURDAY EVENING, At TN o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware Cat lery, Housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watches, Jewel ry, NAV Articles, Ac. insuranre erompanies. GREAT WESTERN INSIJRANCE AND TRUST COMPANY OP PRILADELPHIA. OFFICE IN COMPANY'S BUILDING., No 403 WAL NUT, Corner of FOURTH Stmt. Charter Perpetual. Authorized Capital 3300,000 FIRS, INSURANCE, limited or perpetual. MARINE INSURANCE on Vessels, Cargoes, sad Freights. INLAND INSURANCI ty Rivers, Canals, Lakes, and Laud Carriage ASSETS, Nor. 1, 1057 Real Estate 8157,000 00 Beal Estate held in trust, (In Rola ).. ...... 23,100 03 Bonds and Mortgagee $5,850 CO e tacks, (par value 892,450) present value.— 57,915 00 Stock. notes 33,400 00 Bills receivable 27,448 81 Cash in bank end on hand 2,164 St Cub In hands of Agents 1,853 92 Premiums unpaid 9,888 83 DIRECTORS. CHARLES 0. LATHROP, 1423 Wand street. WU. DARLING, 1510 Pine street. ALEX. WHILLDEN, merchant, 18 North grant et. ISAAC HATLEIRIBST, Aorney and Courtlellor._ JOHN C. HUNTER, firm of Wright, Hunter, & Co. R. TRACY, firm of E. Tracy St Co., Goldsmiths' HAD JOHN R. AI'CURDY. Linn of Jones White, & 114:harly T/1031 L. GILLESPLE, firm of Gillespie & JAS. B. SMITH, firm of Jas. B. Smith & HARPER JEFFRIES, firm of Wm. IL Brown & Co JON. R. YOODES, office cor. Seventh andSsnimn stl CHAS. E. THOMPSON, office 413 Chestnut strut. ALFRED TAYLOR, office Csixo City Property. JONA J. SLOCUM, office 228 South Third street. CHARLES 0 LATHROP, President. WIL DARLING, Vlee-President. - LEWIS GREGORY, 2d Yiee-Preeldent, Nets Tork H. H. RICHARDSON, Assistant-Secretary. de=.t.f I'i 111,ARD FIRE AND NADINE INSITR- Vil ANON COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA—Dane, No. 802 WALNUT street, west of THIRD. t , PIBM RISKS ONLY YAKIN. , . D 111.107014. - Was. M. Dwain, ler. Welker, Jolty Auspach, Jr., JnO. McClure, H. N Burroughs, Tho. 0111•11 I I. D. Hughes, A. B. Gillett , , P. D. Sherman, lumen Shama, Wm. P. Hacker, &mi. Jones, M. D. J. P. Steiner, Joseph /Lapp, M. D. H. A. Elksekelthrd, Hon. JOIL JONES, President. Hon O. W. WOODWARD Jso , Tice President.' . 8. Atolitutint, Secretssy. JllflB B. ALYORD, Asaistant Beeretary. 102.1110-If VOMMONWEALT3I FIRE LNSURANOR V COMPANY, OP THE STATE OF PENNSTLYA NIA.--office, N. W. Cornei FOURTH and WALNUT Biretta, Philadelphia. Subscribed Capital, $34:0,000. Paid-up Capital. 200.000. )AVID JAYNE, M. D., President. THOMAS S. STEWART, Vise Preen. SAYUIL 8. Mooa, Secretary. anl-ly ORIGINAL EDITION OF CHARLES KNIGHT'S DIOTOBIAL SHAKSSEASE—IncIud ing the Doubtful plays and Biography, and illustrated 'still vary numerous Engravings on Wood, in tits htgh eat style of art; forming 8 vole., imperial vo. The subscribers have been enabled to secure three copies of tbis magnificent edition of Slakspeare, which has long been exceedingly scarce. Immediate applica tion Will be necessary to prevent disappointment in pro curing copies. C. J. PRICE & CO , Importers of English Books, de2-y No BS South SIXTH St., above CIDSZTIMT. VARRIERS' ADDRESSES prepared by cm , ../ an experienced writer, at N 0.1169 S. .ILIVENTII Street, stem Federal. - deb 1911TH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. 1:0a. O. L. 311TNNS No. 133. SPRUCE Street, Worms Ills (newts that, by the Osinalq ortatiosup_ the naves of the Gum and Teeth An 1115 benum b that there is no path in the eztraction. dentltte BUFFALO OVERSHOES. MEN'S tied WOMEN'S BOVIELO OVERSHOES for sae by the ease or Dingle Or, by OEO. W. TAYLOR, deElAjel S. E. GM iiiitiOtT sot Mr= Sts. $285.020 02