, t . - ' r . - 0 f r , 1 4_ 4 igggjgfcs* • nr, --•.Trcillf ;4*. - , CHNELEg'iRACKAVE. , LECTURE. EiforoANDA • 44111 ':P 1146- ' *° lecture, on t(c•llikatiickaympene „sacond ;,§#trday, iry saying that hit lecture should be - vexotiic'excittawAy to lEnglish, song-writers. riterecqrdr „- of : ancient English "to` - Far rude songsoftbose times referred "to'-far-and libroes, ;end' had all- perished ex ',"Pept such aillerhtersilit had gathered together, smderandered Sir. -hiss peeuliar style, .as the Henget eitObilarh the( traditions of the lilts were embeiniell in - Saxon song, King ;Arthur - and Kling Coto still' found fievor. The Kint-Arthur of-kistory was but a mythical iditiattiVwhileHre King - Arther, of poetry was a Ycfrtegit ming 1 e - early Noirien period the 'titlii '.iitrobtrplqed e very, important part in every' - .,siplretc.i_oc -Thereembiried the occupation VP.Pled.lri' editor arid" retierter With •of , tifireselaq pod-song o-Writer; giVing ah the latest .tnewirfand-, - pitterig info venfetlie Isto horrible ' idterdec• ,Robin Hood and Babes •in • the Vertil:•are :"prilakiMaiii."-To, latter -hasmeido fifierbot In Eng trid;,af4he7W,lrilletrrone ot, themwould be 'ed'tbsi',"-every - .body: - It, lierie little birds litre* how many' of'theriihMie escaped death, *through` -- ..the , instrumentality a this simple ,ballad; 'they would warble the 'praise of the ' anther daily. • Preceding art.-of-theYt . printing were the days of - minstrelsy. . Richard I could - not write ; Ids • own name. (Query, Hume says he'vyrete poetry.) Nobles did not Ithirik % . :3, shame: to be unable; to read or •••• write."'lt - isaidd that Richard owed,his release flanilmpilsonrete.nt to a ballad which he had composed and sung. When printing was in , ,vented, minstrelsy:began to decline, and very • ' itrideilthey *ere Classed' among strolling actors, I-andttermed.strolling% vagrants,. A new•,era,ot ~ 4 irtiegz•writein opened: , Chaucer was the most proud:lea.; - Ito sang " Mtrrie 'England" ftnaid - *mars:Mid pestilence. ~Befere:Chauder a gen , ileman's edireatidn was Incomplete unless he -V,onid"sing and : write. 'Old •tiongs sold at a • pemly a yarii,.-about five -hundred for a half penny. Henry VII• could tinCtime between 'lighting , Popes • and- (subjects:4o write "-songs..;ltut few songs of this periodare ex truit,•'ria was htit lire twilight of an era—the 4 dtotniandltlifylight were iyet to come. • When poltetrWereffinalli trollied, daylight appeared. -,SPairkeilirnifikapearibegan to shed forth a new light: There are a great - nuMber of old bal , ladsofthisperfod;:totinumerolor to mention— „onttv'erimmencing • Wimee are best . . • • -., , g-r. - ez,When they are attest, &e. iq a libel, on :the thir seat ; the Mariner's Glee, Ahlreldestloi song in England: ,William,Tarl liontrued Martin Parker,also wrote at this time. The-latter Wrote* .gentlemen of England tvlio li ve at- ease,” from which 'Campbell got ;the idea'of ‘,.; The Mariners of England,"' the best Kong in the English „language. Song - "writerrltof the age of 'Skrakspieere,deserve • the ;:rientri:„ of poets. Beatunoot, Fletcher, Ben ~ ;.Ternioni'Thortrai -Haywood, 0. Marlowe, P. Honn, - Richard - Lovelace, are but' it few of *- piegreqtTlo:oets. Ben Jonson's• poems are of '*-beautiful delicady. Robert-Merrick Wrote a ' ,-- great many fine songs. But Shakspeare was the prince of song-writers. Had he not chosen - the greatest dramitist, he- might have '-,been the greatest ; ' lawyer, the greatest states ""rie*r.4.--thie greatest - of anything. The golden •,eige`..„'tif lyrical 'poetry lived to be immortal. •••:Iltilton; Cowley, Waller, and Dryden succeed ed Shakspeare.-, Milton excelled the rest, be cause he was a usielare as well as poet. He Might havobeen a great song-writer; but he is • lieselgreat; too grand, to produce% affection= we adneirer,''' revere' him: Italian 'sweetness • ; ,,tnixedwith, English strength needed little to - shake them into •melody. .•,- . • , CoWley did not excel, had no melody, could not distinguish,. like Wtirdsworth," one tune ~.from another; his verses were very rugged. -- Dryden's . wore better adapted to music, but • not trilecent society. He belonged to a bad .....and_degraded period—the Restoration. Men lelti it, a duty as well as pleasure to imitate all , the vices of others, 'Virtue was a jest. The only manly virtue was personal courage. Poetry was, considered artificial, not natural it disappeared, and rhyming took its place. 'Prior wrote-himself down as a traitor to poe try-; he was a toady, and wrote rhyme: Few songs of this period eare' worth preserving. ::, when this old cap was new" shoived forth I,hat peculiar British art- of grumbling, which I, the Puritans brotight across the ocean.. . The period of Paganism succeeded that of =unblushing-vice. Everylover was a shepherd, rend 0 vory lass an Arcadian shepherdess. There suchthing love in literature. Mar riagewas referred to as the hymenial altar--; '_breeze's were called zephyrs-,-the moon, Lima; : - womeri;Venual Bacchus, the god of dm:Acn e, mess, was forever appealed to by the poets to take Care by tho neck ' and drown him in a Punch-bowl.' " ' „Rini" (Wei, a good musician, but a poOr poet, lived about this time. To him the world owes the' music of more than three hurl . Bred songs. The music of (( God seem - the • Queen".is attributed to him, though some claiin 'the' credit fora Dr. John Bull; of -the- Eliza ..7.lfethen seems; however; most-Aerobe • bio that Carey wrotelt;thongh (being aalltoo ' - tette) yas'net allowed to'. sitig M. - .He-dona ., spitted suicide in a garret, at an advanced age. -Pope, Gay, and Collins wore excellent poets', , ,of ticlater period. Tom, Deify• else 'wrote ;ILI ' '•"•gio - at'elany songs, and King Charles II nalked • term in (arm •with! him -through the park, his dogs and courtiers following—the only instance ••, *hero such hdistin,guished priiilege was ever granted to a song -writer. Gay, the. author of ((The' Beggar's Opera"' anti- "Black Eyed •_ Scan t "' 'never' wrote, anything more . popular than the •Itis sung more than any other • - song in• England, and upon these two his fame principally rash:. , ;David Garrick, thong not a smig-writer, - Wrote a sea song ; which is always sung before English sailors- engage in any action, and : Which Uri inspired them, to so many deeds of noble daring.. Thomson, author •of ((The • Seaeons," wrote ((Rule Britannia," the, music ' which was composed by Dr. Arne. Thomas :.Percy; editor of (,(Percy's Reliques," still later, wrote "Oh Nannie, wilt then go with - me," considered - by Burns the best -in the :English language. . " "'Chas: Dibden was the greatest song-writer of, England—a musician and a poet. His : songs were of - the ocean salty. The sailor is the - national' hero , in England the soldier ranks below him. Nelson was greater than -Wellington. • Dibden represented to the very *life the sailor, and his songs cheered their '_ hearts; and in many instances quelled muti ; „ Ides. His t( Tom Bowling" is considered by some vulgar,- but I think it is far from it; on the ; • contrary, it is fuhoftrue, manly feelingovhich -teuchea the heart - with kindness.' As a proof of' Dibden's popularity, the Government re ' printed his 'works some years ago—the only `, ~bitstance of the kind on record. He left a son • . Who, follewed closely in his footsteps. Hie •= sengswere in praise of the little Island he, • like all other Englishmen, so dearly loved, •little.theugh it be.. . • •Campbell was one of the best song-writers. " Hohenlinden," "Exile of Erin," &c., are • ..,enough .to give any man fame. His love songs were not so successful. "Gertrude of • .: - Viryomlng" may perish sooner or later, but his - war 'songs will live as long as England and ..America exist. Capt. Morris, who wrote three hundred ' :• - songs Thos. Bailey, who wrote eight hundred, ought be mentioned. The captain sang his - own songs at the royal table and the beefsteak club. Ho wrote for a claes,not for the people, andlis songs have, perished with it. 'Had good intentions, but intentions do not make a poet. His songs are effete—dead—burled. , Bailey's reputation is more solid. • Ile" was • called Butterfly Bailey, on account of a song Of that riame he wrote—some said he was a lordeongs wore lackadaisical— ;:„ reilelcint; of - perfumed" handkerchiefs, white •• • •kid gloves, &e, Dr. tit.. concluded-his lecture . by tiao. recitation of a little original poem, -whichPthoughnot referring to the lecture, be „,,,,tloriged to the subject of England. It was mitt tied- if Tax-Partmosx,” and was, founded on thefolleiving little incident :, - •• There are no priraroSes in Australia, and, •'• sometime ago, it was announced that a prim. rerte had arrived at Melbourne encased in a glass case—and a great turnout followed to • see it. The crowd was so great that the police - with- difliculty,"made 'roint to allow it to be: , landed without danger of being crushed. It was'afterwards put on exhibition, and brought a handsome sum to Its possessor. It showed ' the lore of home and country ao strongly cite 'racialistic in the English, and ho would pre ••••• • 'sent ft as such. „ , THE COURTS. A'ESTAITtEAT'S PROOSED/NGS. Niel Pnius=Judge, Thompson.—D. Shepperd ,son.and,'wife -vs Stephen Johnson and Rachel Iteenedy. An action of ojcatment, before reported. Still on trial. . -- .' - 0011)1011 PLEAS—lodge!! Thompson and Allison. ' —The - Insolvent List. , A person named Stull, a ' defaulting executor, was brought into court upon attachment. He was not represented by counsel, and Made a. long, - rambling statement to the court, '--- iti-tho endeavor to convince them that ho should " be liberated upon hie giving, seourity to appear at a certain time, .Judge Thompson said that the applicant had - due notice of the -order of court re , .... ' gitiring,,him to pay over a certain sum of money, - - _: orgive seoarity for doing so, and that he had fail e d to do either. Should he still refine, the eourthad no alternative but to remand him into custody. J. W. Stull was then removed by the keeper of -.,.. , The debtor'e apartment Of the calm ty prison. , •-lifahrort SESMOUIS —Judge Allison.— The • ' Sausage Co,ii.=—TwO ill-looking Siermaps, named Dunn and Hoffman, were indioted at common law -foreelling to the public, what purported to bo Bo ' + Aegati Saueageer, but-whit - were in feet made out • ler this meat of deceased heroes. The- prisoners *ere 'atitdefended, and convicYd, and sen r., ~ - ;.tenced tonightderinltmtherlach in th e Beatern Pent .,-,' "tenthiry. - DietritC,AijOkfry,,lLotighead :for' the i t h ~..„ ;Commonwealth,":';:‘ P 4: ~ ca,i, ,, ,, ".t , , ; ...;,. Jainea Hatchini onmeltiley were Charged ' ,- . , 5,1-1 - :' with:an assault and attery, with an intent to kill Dharlee , Oapehart, he testimony dliolosed that ... , ': . ::',Aikilefitidantaaame Into 'thallosuse of the prose ' moSVOmEafter a few words oommenced an attack --. ,-iatlon tam. Daring Ithe affray the ptoeeoutor was ',;'''-''oiu-b!luittlitilorr tlie, ninth rib, Intieti ur ~,,,m , „ se . -!, '''''''rfoor . winfrol: , Piis-ciafeinse .atteropred to, show ':-": .lIS.-lint , W9nitt IYAIi 4 4 444 11 .9 0 /4 4 20 11 / 7 by the jrasecutor falling On A knife on the floor. Th e ury convieted•Awtobins of the andault and bat tevy.only, and Riley of•the attempt to kill. Die- Wet Attorney Lougben,d for the Gommonwealth ; TH/iimiA , ltanktn, Ego., tor the dufendants Charles Grouch and GbarlesCroup wore charged with burglary in entering the etore of George Wattiman, en - Franklin avenue, and stealing there from about two hundred dollars' worth of clothing Of varblua *kinds = Defence, that there was no proof of their complicity in the burglary. Jury out. Dietrlot Attorney Longhand for the Common wealth ; Judge Doran for the defendants. QUARTEo. SESsrolis. —A wornon. over one hun dred years old . in ,Outtl i.L-CotAmonwealth vs . James Eabastain was a Writ or habeas corpus, to bring up the body of anold ladyortro represented herself to be one hundred and four years of age. It waa alleged , she Was 'restrained of her liberty. The allegation was not established, and the court deeded in favor of the respondent, District 'At torney Lougherid Tor Commonwealth, and Nicholls for respondent. British, Testimonial to American Heroism.' , The Washington Miion publishes the subjoined copy of a' note from the British Minister to the, 'Secretary of Slate; the object of which will pear from its perusal. The medals accompanying the note have 'been transferred to the gory Do- Patinicitt, by which' they will be distributed at, the proper time : riER BRITANNIC MAJESTY'S LNOATioN, WASHINGTON, Dee. 15, tB5l. Sin: am instructed by the Earl of Clarendon! to plaee in your bands the accompanying medals; which her Majesty's ,Govornment desire to present to the officers and then engaged in the several ex-• Peditions which have been fitted ottt In the United States for,the recovery of Sir John Franklin and; hi ller io Majesty's Governtheril direet me to express to you the high sense which they entertain of the zeal avddevotedness of- the parties who volun therod'on'these enterpriees, and their earnest hope that the Citizens of the United States who shared the same dangers' may be permitted to accept the same honorary recognitions as the officers and mon -of her 'Majesty's service employed in the cause of Arctic , discovery. A list of the persons to whom these marks of gratitude aro offered is enclosed herewith, and should there be any errors or omissions in the roll of names, I beg they may he indicated for the in formation of her Majesty's Government. I have the honor to be, sir, with the highest eon aideratiob, your most obedient, humble servant, • NAPIER. '! Hen. Leviis Case, Secretary of State: List of . oSiceii rind men of the Expedition to the : Arctic seas in. search of Sir John Franklin, under the command of Lieutenant Dellaveni "United Stews navy; sailed from New York May 20, 1£350 returned September 30, 1851: ' Brig At/vane "—Lieutonant.commanding, win J. Dellaven ; acting master, William 11. Mar (laugh ; ,Passed assistant surgeon, Mishit Kent Kane; midshipman, William S. Lovell. All of the United States navy. Mert—William Morton, ship's steward; Samoa Smith, ordinary seaman; John Brennen, sail maker's mate; - Louis Coster, armorer ; Edward Wilson, Seaman; Thomas Dunnin, boatswain's mate; Edward C. Delano, seaman; Henry De. ,rockle,- ship's cook ; William Holmes, ordinary seaman; .Gibson Caruthers, carpenter's mate; Charles Berry, seaman; William Weast, boat swain's mate. OBrigßesette—Aeanitimester, Samuel P Griffin; acting master, Robert R. Carter; assistant surgeon, Benjamin Vreeland; boatswain, Hoary Brook. All of the United States navy: filen—Rufus C. Baggs, ordinary seaman ; John Williams, quartermaster; Robert Bruce armorer; ,Harman G. Willie, carpenter a mate; Wru. Ben son, ordinary , seaman; lVm. Lincon, boatswain's mate; Wm.J.Kuner, officers' steward; John A. Knansa, cook ;. Smith Benjamin, seaman ; David Davis, sailmaker's mate ; James Johnson, seaman; ' James Stewart, ordinary seaman; Alexander Daly, seaman. List of the officers artd Men of the expeditton to the Arctic seas iu search of passed Assistant Surgeon E. K. Kane, under the command of Lieutenant H. J. Hartstene ' United States Nary; sailed from New York .1 . 21110 4, 1855, returned October 11, 1855. Barque- Release —Lieutenant commanding, 11. J. Ilartstene, United States Navy; acting master, William S. Lovell, United States Navy; passed midshipman, Joseph P. Fyffe, United States Navy; assistant surgeon, James Laws, United States 'Navy; boatswain, 'Van Rennsear Hall, United States Navy; captain's clerk, Charles Lover; purser's steward, _Thomas Franklin; surgeon's steward, Richard M. Clarke. !Mien—John Blinn, boatswain's mate; William Smith, boatswain's mate; William Carey, gunner's mate; John Haley, gunner's mate; Wm. Phinney, quartermaster; John Smith, quartermaster; Chas. Williams, carpenter's mate ; 'William Harry . , ship's cook; Francis Taylor, captain of the hold ; Charles Johnson, captain- maintop; David Batey, captain foretop; George Devys, Thomas Ford, Lawrence Lewis, Andrew Lateen, Joseph Morris, Byron Pot ter, and George Price, seamen. Propeller Arctic—Lieutenant commanding, C. , Simms, United States Navy; acting master, Wat son Smith, United States Navy ; acting assistant surgeon, John K. Kane; first assistant engineer, Karmen Newell, United States Navy ; acting third assistant engineer, William Johnston ; purser's steward, James Van Dyke; surgeon's steward, Abraham IV. Kendall ; acting boatswain, Samuel Whiting; noting carpenter, Wm. Richardson. Men—Robert Bruce,. boatswain's mate; John Bidwell, boatswain's mate; William Grover, quar termaster; Walter IV il kinsbn, quartermaster ; John Thompson, carpenter's mato; Joseph Brown, ship's cook ;.Richard Hartley, captain of the hold ; James ,Botsford, seaman; John Brown, seaman ; John Fox, second class fireman; George Tyler, second elms fireman; John Gilbert, second class fireman. • Passed Assistant Stirgeon E. K. Kano, and the following named persons belonging to his party, returned. with:Lieut. Ilartstene's expedition : John W. Nilson, Amos Bonsai), J. J. Hays, Au gust. Sontag, Henry Goodfellow,George Stephee son, Thomas Hickey, James Malary, George Riley, William Godfrey, - Charles Blake, George - Whittle, John Hussy, Christian Olsen, Peter Schubert, Jof- Aiion Templo. ' . IliToticeo. TORN- EXCHANGE INSURANCE COMPANY.—ISOTIOD.—The Anneal Meeting of the Stockholders, for the election or Directors for tho ensuing pear, will be held at the OMee of the Coin• pow No. 331 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, on MONDAY, the 4th January, 1519, at 12 o'clock. delo-tja4 LEANDER W. V. 11. STARII, See'p. NOTlCE.—Office of the Westmoreland Coal 1 Company. Philadelphia, December 10th 1867. The annual Meeting o f the Stockholders of this Com pany-will be held at their office . , No. 230 South THIRD Street, en WEDNESDAY, the fi l th of January, 1858, at 12 o'clock, at which time an Election will be held for Eleven Directors, and a Secretary and Treasurer, to scree for the erumlng year. P. It. JACKSON. de2l-tija , Secretary. 'MUTH/E.-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEIg that the "BANK OF CIL ADIBERSBURG " will apply to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, at its next Session, for the passage of a Law, in the nature of au Act to confirm the title of the said Bank to that certain BRICK IaTORE•ROUSE and Lot of Ground, situate on the east side of South FRONT Recut, new No. 21, be tween Market and Chestnut streets, in the city of Phila delphia. JAMES LESLEY, del6.6tit Cashier. NOTICE.— Office of the Beaver Meadow Railroad Company. PHILADELPHIA, December 14, 1857. The annual meeting of the Stockholdera of the Deaver Meadow Railroad and Coal Company will be held at their office. No. 822 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the 18th of January next, at 12 o'clock, at which time an election will be held for Preeldent and teh Directors for the ensuing year. dels.dtjalB* L. OLIAMDERLAIN, Bee. and Treas. pp Elf 0 V A L.— As.v.The busintss of the PENNSYLVANIA BANK will be removed on the Ist proximo, to the second story of Grigg's Building, WALNUT s'reet, east of Third. The owners of property lodged at the Bank for safe keeping will please remove it before that day, or it will be stored elsewhere at, their expense and risk. do. t jal J. L. FENIMORE, Assistant-Cashier. DUBLIG NOTICE.—E. G. WHITMAN & , CO. are now prepared to otter to the public the beet and largest asiortmeot of Bonbons, Sugar Toys, Candied Fruits, Sugar and other fancy goods, suitable for Christmas Trees. The candies manufactured by us are roads of the beet material that Can be had, arnonget which are line sugar-coated Almonds, Jelly Drops, Cordial Drops; Moss Paste. Gum Drops, Caramelles, kc. P. 8.-Superlor Walnut Candies, Cream, and all varieties of plain Candles. Also, dealers in all kinds Foreign Fruits and Nuts. No. 102 South SE COND, one door below CHESTNUT Street, Philadel phia. n 028.8 to thaw* COL. G. DE KORPONAY lIAS TIIE honor to inform the Citizens of Philadelphia that he has been appointed INTERPRETER of the United States Courts, and opened an Office for translations of all Modern Languages at 1010 GEORGE Street, above TENTH, where be will be in attendance to all the burro- nerve transactions in his line. de2l-Im OFFICE OF THE LOCUST MOUNTAIN coAL AND !RON CO.--Ititmenecrare, Dec 16, 1857 —The annual Heating of the Etoeltholdera of thin . Oompany will ha held nt their Office, No 68 tenth yOURTIL Street, on MONDAY, the 18th January, at 11 o'clock A. 111., - ataellich time there will be an Election of Directore to serve for the ensuing veer. dele-tfalB WM. O. 1,111/1V1(1, Secretary. eopartnersiiip - .No — it tre DISSOLUTION.—TIIE COPARTNEIt surp heretofore existing between NATHAN STROME,' lILIAB WOLF, LIM BfAYER, nod AURA 11A01 WOLF, under the firm of MOUSE. WOLF, DIAPER ,&00 , this day dissolret, by militia! con sent, Nathan 'Simone retiring. The business will he nettled by the remaining partners, who nro authorized to use the name of the firm for that purpose, at No. 104 North . TIIIRD Street, alma Arch. NATHAN STROLTBI, ELIAS WOLF, LEVI MAY.}III, ABRAHAM WOLF. December 14,1857 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.--ELIAS WOLF, LEV MAYER, and -ABRAHAM WOLF having purchase( the' interest of Nathan Strom in the late trot of Straus°, Wolf, Mayer, & Co , and agnociated with them NATHAN HATS, will continue the busing/in of Mann flosturing end 'Wholesale CLOTHING MERCHANTS, at the old Mend, No 104 North THIRD Street, above Arch tinder the name and firm of WOLF, MAYER. &,00. PIIILADICLUTIA, December 14, 1857. irIISSOLUTION.—Tho PARTNERSHIP A-F.heretofore Wilting as BAKER & WILLIAMS is THIS DAY dissolved by mutual congent. The buslnegg will be continued at the old stand, 1182 MARKET St., by CHARLES WILLIAMS, who in authorized to collect and pay all debts of the late firm PETER W- BAKER Deo. 1,1881. CHARLES WILLIAMS. The undersigned would Inform the publlo, that having bought out kir. P, W. Baker. bin late partner, he will continue the HEATING and VENTILATING buninese at the eld eland, 1132 MARKET Street, where will be f oun d f u ll smortmenf of Ranges, Heaters, Ventilators, Begistere, Bath Boilers . , dm, and hopes, by strict at tention to business, to merit a share of the patronage of the public, IVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TILE firm NewEIS BROTHERS & CO., heretofore ex isting ha York and Philadelphia, is this day BIS SOLVED by mutual consent, and that the business of the firm win only be carried on for the purpose of 11. quidatien. Signed, ENOOII REISS, ISAAC REISS, JAMES REIM M. GANS JOHN rOrtEn. uol6-413t&tuths.tf November 18 AR° ll " - MIER, W — LIR - 17 - 4t, Tinglar St CO minovAninanna or • GASALTERS, BRACKETS, PENDANTS, FITTINGS, and all kinthfof Gam and Lamp Work Olrandolem ko., N0. , 329 CHESTNUT STREET, PluLADlmp u i A. Amain, WARNER ,& CO., NEW No. 376 BROADWAY,YORK. I D - Buildings fitted with Gam Pipea, and all kinds of altering and repairing of Om Work. - 4,112 to. WELOOMf RANGE .-S QLD BY CHAD ## aft),F2 N. SNOR it. sain t .•„ , , H ALL OF ST. JAMES THE LESS, NEAE FALLS OF eanunduLL, PRELADBLpIU A. SELECT BOARDING 1401100 L FOR BOYS. REVRRENON TON RT REP. ALONZO POTTNR. The Rector, Rev.ShIYSER, nley be seen every WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, from 3 to 6 o'clock, at ROOKER'S Bookstore, S. W. corner WORM art 011ESTN1L1T, where also circulars may be obtained. Address • Rxv, 0, R. SRYSER, d3.2m Fells of Schuylkill, Yhiladelphia. fiRITTENDEN's PHILADELPHIA CON- N.) MERCIAL COLLEGE, S. It. corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories. ROOK.KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, Ao. Each Student has individual Instruotion from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the Immediate supervision of the Prino!pal. One of the Beet Penmen in the Country has charge of the Writing Department. Please call gad Fee Opeolmenill and get a Catalogue of Mende, Act. , ocB-y pROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, WEST PHILADELPHIA. No Seminary whatever le more likes private family. The come of study le extensive and thorough. Pro fessor Saunders will receive a few more pupils under fourteen yeare of age into hie family. Enquire of Messrs. J. S. Silver and Mathew Newkirk, or Col. J. W. Verney, Uttar of this Paper, whose cone or ward/ are now members of his family. septl4-tf MEROHANTS' HOTEL, NORTH FOURTH STREET Alloys Main, PHILAULPIIIA. anYA•tt NoKIBBEN & BON'S, PROPMITOREI JONES'S ARCII STREET SALOONS, The Holidays are close at hand, and Jones's Arch street Saloon is prepared for the Immense demand that will be made upon it for CONVECTIONS. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S CANDIES IMPORTED EXPRESSLY PER TEE PRESENT MUNSON; . - Eiery variety of Bon Bone, Pastilee, Bourbon Drops, now style of Duni Drone, Eau Sucre Drops, L'angliterru Boa Bons, and every variety rare and costly candles manufactured In Paris. . . . Fort resents, all sizes and PATTERNS of Ornamental Boxes, Pyramids, Ribbon lien filled with the choicest variety 0 - Contentions, and varying in pries from One Dollar np to Fifty Dollars. some of these Boxes are the MORT BUFKRO NPRODINNB OF FANCY WORK AND ARTISIICI DORM KURR OFFERED IN NUM COUNTRY. To the Ladies, as well aa to the whole public, Jones's Saloons are the most attractive in the City, and its splendor of adornment and finish are superior to any in the Union BREAKFASTS, DINNERS, 4ND SLIPPERS, Served up in the choicest and most expeditious style. FRUIT OF ALL KINDS, ICE CREAMS. JELLIES, GAME, AND OYSTERS, Constantly ready for visitors in profusion, rLAIN, FANCY, AND ORNAMENTAL OAKES AND PIES OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, NEW YORK TEA BISCUIT, Ann, in fact, all the VARIETIES, LUXURIES, and DELIOACIES of every clime and country. BALLS, PRIVATE PARTIES, Presentation! Rappers, and Families supplied at the ahorteet notice and on reasonable terms. A continuance of the patronage hitherto so liberally bestowed by the public is respectfully solicited. deb-tf R. B JONES, Proprietor. CAMPBELL'S RESTAURANT.-VENI SON, Wild Ducks, Turkeys, Hem, ()rouse, Fresh Salmon, Chincatique, Opinaohique,Princess Bay, Abse com, and Cove Oysters, with every variety of GAME, wild or domestic, in season. Green Turtle Soup and Terrapin Suppers nerved up at the shortest notice, at JOHN CAMPBELL'S, No. 527 CHESTNUT street, op posite the State House. N.B.—No expense or pains has been spared by the Proprietor in fitting up this new establishment in the most sumptuous manner—the second story being for the accommodation of Private Parties for Dinners, Suppers, tee. 117 Entrance for Ladies towards Sixth street. nov7-3m TILLIAIS HANNING'S CITY LAGER BEER SALOON, No. 232 Oarter , e Alley, Philo, delphia. sep'22—llm MoGOWAN'S RESTAURANT, SOUTH west corner of BROAD and WALVDT.—game and all other delicacies in season. Families supplied with Oysterson the shortest notice. sep7-7m ITELLS, FARGO, & CO., Y NEW YORK AND CALIFORNIA EXPRESS CO 'Express Rent to Csuronets, OREGON, and Bain• Alen MANDE on the sth and 20th, and to 11/aINA 011 7th, 12th, and 27th of each month, from NEW YORK. EXCHANGE for Rale in sums to suit, and cotazo. 'toss ming on California, Oregon, Bandwich Islands, and Havana. W. F. & Co. receive freight oonmigned to them At MN FRANCISCO, Per Clipper Ship, and collect Invoices on delivery o the same. NOTICE TO CALIFORNIA BONDHOLDERS W. F. k Co are now prepared to receive the OLD BONDS of the State of CALIFORNIA, transport the same to Sacramento City, and procure new 01301, In ac cordance with the act of 28th April, 1857, and return same to this city. de2l-1m D. N. BARNEY, Jct., Agent. %IRE ADAMS EXPRESS CO. OFFICE, 920 CHESTNUT STREET, forwar d s PAEOELS, PAOKAGES, MEROTIANDIZE, BANK NOTES end SPECIE, either b Its own LINES, er In connection with other EXPRESS COAIPANIES, to all the priLerpal TOWNS and CITIES of the United Slates. E. B. SANDFORD, Gene Tel Superintendent., flnirfg - 871rELTA"XTTORITETTP LAW, N 0.2 AIRY STRUT, NORRISTOWN, Pa., will attend with punctuality, and to the beet of hie ability, to all bu.sineen entrusted to hie care. oel-3,n IThANIEL DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY A- , AT LAW, Southeast Corner of EIGHTH and OUST Streets, Philadelphia. Y ER STRO USE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. CENTRE street, Patterns, Pa. an.Lly FOR SALE.—Tho four-story GRANITE BUILDING, on the north side of CHESTNUT street, meet of Fourth, Intended for the Pennsylvania Bank, and now neatly (inhaled. If not sold prior to Janu say let, the Banking Room, and other parts Of the building, will be rented separately, or together. Apply to THOMAS CRAVEN, defeatutht,ll No. 4 MINOR Street. FOR RENT. The splendid new MARBLE STORE, No. 28 North THIRD Street. Apply to DESIRABLE OFFICES at 620 WALNUT St., opposite the State Howse; one of the best business locations In Philadelphia, with heat, light, and all modern conveniences. Apply on the premises, Room No. 8, to G. W. J. BALL, Agent. no% DR. ILLIAMS' ELIXIR.-" A SOVE reignW remedy for every ill" arising from Dyspep sia, such as Nausea, Headache, Vertigo, Dimness of Sight, Debility of the Nervous System, Hypochondria, Jaundice, Lose of Appetite, Westing of the Strength, Flatulence, with frequent Belching of Wind, Vitiated Taste, Constipation and 'Uneasiness of the Bowels, Bilious Vomiting, Burning Sensation at the Pit of the Stomach, Liver Complaint, Oppression after Eating, Palpitation of Heart, Pain in the Pit of the Stomach, or towards the right Side, Sallowness of Complexion, De pression of Spirits, and Irritability of Temper, Jeo ATTESTATION.—We, having used Williams' Anti- Dyspeptic Elixir, with the moot perfect satiefection and Recces', take great pleasure in recommending it to all persons suffering with Dyspepsia, as we are fully con vinced of Its most estimable qualities In tottering the digestive powers, removiog aft pains and uneasiness, and imparting a healthy tone to the stomach. John E. Penrose, 34 South Wharves; Casper Morris, Tacony; Thomas AID bone, President of Bank of Penn sylvania; Abner Elmes, Market street, below Sixth; Edward 11. Rowley, 14 North Wharves; Michael Dunn, Superintendent Merchants' Exchange; Hannah Stiles, Prankford road; Hannah Webb, 28 Filbert street; 11. A. Sperry, 12 Edward street; William Yard, 0 City Row ; Lawrence Newbold, 396 Chestnut street ; Rudolph D'Arni, 267 Broadway, New York; John Winans, 01 Witter street. New York. ?Illr and Agency, 4 South fiItVENTII Street, Phila. deP o h r t ed Nor lo by Druggists generally. 15200 0 BOXES OF AMERIOAN WIN POIY °LAU, of all einem and finalities, for mate at lowest pricen. Our assortment in complete, and nro daily receiving fresh lobe from the Rensington Glare 'Works. Sheets Del Ty's make, aulierior tflany in the market an to brilliancy and regular Clickers'', equal to French We aro now receiving two-thirds of the Class mode nt these works. 2,000 haven French Glasn of all sizes. 4,000 feet Rough Glass for ekyilghte. 6,000 fent lingra,ed and Enamelled Glass, of all pat. terns. White Lead, French and American Zino, Paints, 100 000 lbs White bead. 00,000 lbe Preach Zino, (Vieille Montague). 76,000 the American ZILIO. Brown Zino, a full supply. Chrome Green, a full supply. Chrome Yellow. a full imply, Prussian Blue, a lull nupyly. Paris Green, a full nupply. Address your orders to. ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholenale Druggieta and Manufacturers., Sole Proprietors of the Ponta. Stearn Color %Yorke Store S. W. corner SECOND and OREEN Streets, Philadelphia. dell tf DMILADELPIIIA TYPE FOUNDRY 1 N. W. Oor. Tlllll.O end 011ESNUT Sta. L. PELOUZE & SON, thankful for the liberal pa tronage heretofore accorded to their Entablishment, and doeiroue to merit Ito continuance would announce to Printout and Publishers that their new PPEOIMEN BOOK in now ready, and from their increased facilities, are now prepared to furnish every thing necessary In a complete Printing Establishment, at the shortest no tice. Their long practical experience in the business, and the fact of their , personal euperintondence of the manufacturing department, Juatifies them in asserting that they can furnish a more durable and better fin tithed article than their cotemporaries. Those, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them previous to purchasing elsewhere. Old type taken at 9 dents per pound, In exchange for new at epeolmen prices. aul•tf WONDERS OF TILE AGEL-LIGIIT, MINT FOR ALL—PETERS & SHROVE, Patent Non-Explosion Self-Generating GAS LAMPS is just the thing to suit all. Price $1.60 up ; all may have a superior Light by calling at their Depot. This Lamp is adapted to all places and purpose+, and only requires a trial to teat its advantages over all others. The Lamp forms its own gas. Our Patent Burners can be fitted to every ordinary Fluid Lamp, with little expense, without the least possible danger. All aro Invited to call and examine for themselves. Town, County, and State rights for sale. The proprietors aro In want of Agents, giving a rare chance to make money. PETERS & SHROVE, Gas Lamp Depot, 129 South 4th St , below Chestnut, Phi CHARLES WILLIAMS CLOVER SEED.-NOTICE TO PENN SYLVANIA FARMERS AND STOREKEEPERS. The undersigned are now prepared to purcheee for Cash, prime Clover Seed of the new crop. Pennsylvania etorekeepers and Carmen, by sending samples to our addreee, can, at all times, ascertain the price at which we are buying. Parties wishing samples, by which to be governed tie to quality, can have them Rent by mail, by addressing we. J. fS CHASE & 00, eeplg.tf 48 North Front, and 44 Water streets IFLOgitING BOARDS-23,680 foot ()aro llaTooring bowls, afloat, for sole by MART/N & MAOALIBTRA 3.19 tiottil Wet amt. THE ORESg.-PMLAJJELfIHIA, grbitrational. 13otcla anb ileatatxranto. 727 and 729 ABOII BTRERT HOLIDAYS: HOLIDAYS! express tit ompattics and ESOIIANGS DISALERS A JOINT STOCK COMPANY. CAPITAL $600,000. OFFICE, 400 CHESTNUT STREET, glitantena at tam. Sot Zak nub tiro Ect. D. M. FOX, No. 539 North TIMID Street, below Greou street 534ippito IFIHR BRITISH AND NORTH AItIERI -1 CAN ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. • FROM NOW TOOL TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage ... , Second Cabin Pannage FROM OUTGO TO LI V ERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage ' Second Cabin Passage The snipe from Beaten call at Halifax. PERSIA.,Capt. Judkinn. CANADA, Capt. bang. ARABIA, Capt. J, Stone. AhLBRIOA, capt.llliekrnan ASIA. Capt E. 0 Lott NIAGARA. Capt Ryrie„.t AFRICA, Capt. filhannori. EUROPA. Capt . J Leitch'. These vessels carry a clear white light at mast hea4 ; green on starboard bow; red on port Low. AFRICA, Shannon, lento N.Yorlc, Wednesday, Dee. ti. AMERICA, Lott, 44 Boston Wedneeday,Dco. Hi. EUROPA, eitch, 44 N.Yor k, Wednesday , Dec. 21. CANADA, Lang, , 44 Boston, Wednesday, Dee. :M. PERSIA, J odium', ' 4 N.York. IYednenday, Jan 0, , ,Mi NIAGARA. Wickman, Bonton,Wininesday,Jan.l2'sB AFRICA, Shannon, 44 N.York,Weilaenday, Jan. 20. Bertha not secured until paid for. • An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these Ships will not be accountable for Cold, Silver, Bullien, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Btenes or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed thirefor and the value thereof therein Pxpronned. For freight or portage apply to deb-y Is. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green, N. York. , FOR SAN Fr - tANGISOO.--CLIPP SATURDAY, December 1911.--The unatirpessed clipper ship TWILIGHT, II 4TX3, Commander. Clipper of THURSDAY, December 21th.—The mag nificent A I clipper ship LOOK OUT, Itittima, Com mander. Both of these celebrated Orilla are now loading In New York, and will mall as above. For freight, at New York rated, apply to 11181101', 811110108, & CO., deB 120 (Into 80) NORTH WHARVES. SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE wrEAmaitiPs BTATE OF GEORGIA •ND KEYSTONE STATE. ' In consequence of the depressed state et% trade, the above ships will be withdrawn for the present. October ,16th. A. HERON, Jr. FARE REDUCED TO SOUTHAMPTON AND HAVRE —The magnißcent•elonmehi VAN DERBILT, Edward iliggius, commander, b,288 Dies, will sail From New York fer South- From Southampton and krnpton and Havre. Cayce for New York, Saturday Oct. 24 Saturday Nov. 14 Saturday Dee 5 Saturday Deo. 20 Price of Pansage--Firet cabin, $100; second cabin, $5O Specie delivered 1111,00,10 z/ and Paris. For freight or passage apply to D. TORRANCE, Agent, No. 6 Bowling Green, ,New York. ' Letters for England end Thump°, pre-paid, 115 cents each half ounce, (by enclosure of postage stamps if from other calm) will be received et No. 6 Bowling•sreen, New York, up to 113 o'clock on the met cling of nail. lag. orlo.ti PGA ENGLAND AND ' ANCE,IB6I.- 1: New York and Havre Steamship Oompan This United States Mail Steamships MILO% 2,500 y.-- tons/ David Linea, senninatuader, and YULTON, MOO' tone, James A. Wotton, commander, will have, New York, RIM and Southampton, for the year. PM snit 68, no the - following day.: LILTS NW TOM 1667. 1869. Fulton,Beturday, Aug. 21 Arago, Baturdey, J. 9 Arego, do. Sept. 10 Fulton, do. Feb. 6 Fulton, do. Oat. 17 Arago, do. Muth k rzn , do. do. to o t : 14 1 lu rft lte o n, do. I do. Walton , ' May 29 29 I LEVIN 8011TIUMPTON. 1867. Arno, Wedoeadtty, Aug. 26 Fulton, do. Rept. '23 Arago, do. Oct. 21 Fulton, do. NOT. 18 Arago, do.. Dee. 16 1868. Fulton, do. Jan. 18 Arago, do. Feb. 10 Fulton, do. Mar. 10 Arago, do. April 1 Fulton, do. May 5' Arago, do. June 2' Fulton, do. .1 sue 89 IFAISEI/011 LUNN AAAAA . /ROT. Arago, Tuesday, Aug. 25 Fulton, do. Sept. 22 Arago, do. Oct. 20 Fulton, do. Nor. 17 Arago, do. Deo. 16 1866. Fulton, do. Jim. 12 Amp, do. Yab. 9 Fulton, do. March 9 Arago, do. April 6 Fulton, do. May 4 Arno, do. Juno 1 Fulton, do. June 29 MOO Or From New York to Southampton or Havre—Firs Cobb,n 1130 ; Second Cabin, 676. From Havre or Southampton to New York—Fin Cabin, SOO [race; Second Cabin, 600 francs. For freight or passage apply to MORTI,6IIIII j..IYINGSTON, Agent, T Broadway WILLIAM IfELIN, 4, Havre. OROSKSY Ir. 00., South , ton AMEDIOAN EU ROPEAN NXPRI:III3 AND DX- ~ Paris. (MANGE 00. aue ruIIE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL J. UNITED STATES MAIL BTlOAMElifi.—The Maps composing this Line are : The ATLANTIC, Capt. Oliver Eldridge. The BALTIC Oa. Joseph Comstock. The Capt. James West. ,iThese ships have been built by contract, expressly for uorernment service; every care has been taken In their construction, as also in their engines, to ensure strength and speed, and their accommodations for passengers are unequalled for elegance and comfort. , Price of passage from New York to Liverpool, in drat cabin, $180; in second do., re; from Liverpool to New York, 80 and 20 pines*. No berths secured unless paid for. The ships of this line have improved water-tight balk heads. PROPOSED DATES OP SAILING. 1108 MEW YORK. FROM LIVRIPOOL. Saturday, June 20, 1867 Wednesday, June 24, 1857 Saturday, July 4, 1867 Wednesday, July 8, 1857 Saturday, July 18, 1867 Wednesday,. July 22, 1867 Saturday, Aug. 1, 1867 Wednesday, Aug. 5, MOW Saturday, Aug. 16, 1867 Wednesday, Aug. 19, 1851 Saturday, Sept. 12, 1867 Wednewlay, Sept. 2, 1857 Saturday, Sept. 26, 1857 Wednesday; Sept. 80, 1857 Saturday, Oct. 10, 1867 Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1887 Saturday, Oct. 24 1857 Wednesday, Oct. pe, 1857 Saturday, Nor. 7. 1857 Wednesday, Nov. 1, 1857 Saturday, Nov. 21, 1857 Wednesday, Nov. 20, 1867 Saturday, Deo. 6, 1867 Wednesday,,Deo. 9, 1857 Wedneaday, Dee. 22, 1867 Por freight or panage, apply to EDWARD K. OOLLINS, No. 58 Wall street, N.Y. BROWN, SHIPLEY k 00., Liverpool. OTEPIIEN KENNARD ac 00., 27 Await' Priers, London. 11. 0. WAINWRIGIIT & 00., £.le. The OWI2OII of VI:118 ships will not be accountable for gold, raver, bullion, specie, Jewelry.pr ecioua atones er metals ' tulles. bine of ladlog.••t net therefor , bad the value thereof expreseed therein aul.tf GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE TO EU ROPE. Ylrat Cabin $6O I Second Onblo .... . .$6O In the first-class paddle-wheel steamship 2,000, tone 0. D. LuoLow, Commander, and NORTH STAR, 2 ' 600 tone, I'. E. LIMIKRIC, to sail from pier No. I 3 North nver, at noon precisely, carrying the UNITED STATES MAILS, vie: Leave N. York for Southampton, Ito. BtOMEIR for I touthamptoo no and Bresnan. Southampton for New Tort Ariel, Saturday, Oct. 31. Wedaiday, NOT A. N. Satiy, Oct. 31. Saturday, Nov. 29. Wede'diy, Dec 30 Theme atearnera touch at 11AVRII. Specie delivered in London and Paris. For plumage and freight, apyly to D. TORRANCE, Agent, No. 6 Bowling ()mean, Nsw York. oeln. tl Wined anb Eignore. RAMSAY'S ISLAY MALT SCOTCH WHISKEY —2O Puncheons of the above Superior Whiskey, now landing from ship Windsor Forrest, at [Happen street wharf, for sale by JOSEPH F. TOBIAS, 200 and 208 South FRONT Street. IRISH AND SCOTCH WHISKEY, wholesale and Retell, By 111.1011 BAUR, GOVERNMENT HOUSE, corner of FRONT and WHARTON Streete, (oryotdte the Navy Yard Fhiladelphla BRANDIES.--. , Pinot CastillOn," Marctt, and other Cognate of varioua vintinies, in half plpee and quarter cake ; rellerolain Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark , In half pipes, half casks, and one ..eighth casks, Imported and for side by 1111NRY BOHLEN & CO , ee22 221 and. 223 South Fourth street. ALEXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND LIQUOR STORE, No. no, Southeast Corner o GEORGE sod SOUTH Streets. I. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER V• IN FINN WINES, LIQUORS, OIGARB, &e., Id South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. and ly BRANDIES.—Pinot, Castillon & Co., Ma reit & Co., and other brands of Cognnca of 111110115 vintages, in bal l pipes and quarter cooks ; Fellevoisin Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipe., quarter auks and one-eighth mkt!, all in Custom House stores, imported and for sale by HENRY BORLBN & 00., an 6 Nos. 221 and 223 Booth Fourth atm*. DITIIMAR & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. KO (new No. l / 3 8) North THIRD Street, Philadelphls.--tihlpplos orders promptly attended to. nnl-U i3ooto nub iitiors .—T 'ROOTS AND SIIOEShe subset:ll)er has on hand a largo and varied stock of BOOTS and FIIOES, which he will sell at the lowed pricei. OEO. IV. TAYLOR n02.1.1y B. E. corner FIFTH and MARKET • to. FALL STOCK OF .BOUTS AND SIAQES. A --JOSEPH 11. THOMPSON A: CO., No. 814 MAR KET Street, and Non. 8 and 6 FRANKLIN num, have new In atom a large and welLamertcat Moult o f BOOTS and SHOES, of City and Kaatern manufacture, which they offer for rale on the brat terms for Caah, or on the meal credit. Buyer', aro inyltod to call and examine their stock attl-dlf ----- :gob printing. , ...... TAMPS H. BR YSON'S BOOK AND JOB aD PRINTINO ROOMS, 2 North SI 'CPU Street, drat above Market, Philadelphia Blanlin, Carib!, Wil lie:oe' Painplilete, and general Printing attended to. Illniting attended to in connection o iti,, printed heed logo of Blanka and Receiptn. • dl-tf Rli ICVANS,--10,000--EIIIIIIITER, E Car.% per Hope! 1 4 ..,,8 Th. Trap that Irai or e r1 , 4 , ..1 by Me a.kt I, .. m y . l a. ip - D eloicklphla P,..., .I !Mato AYea "mat Ittaitt ur 8 Th. Prno E Altai.. ...ro &Kr e i ' ll" ' lb 8 icO.ifirv,lbl:rylz,F°Tto:':;7lKr-:14.'"1;-47s7;::::::::::;C:0:4;c7C"::::1,-.1:::;?: GREAT REDUCTION IN ?MR PRIOR OP 0E M E II IL Y I. 0 T . The Glenwood Cemetery Co. have determined to Roll the tote In their Cemetery at • ONE HALF The percent prices for cash. fly this *Diction tome of the most eligible Lots will be gold at TWELVE DOLLARS. Only 300 lota will be disposed of at ,these rates, and the opportunity Ig offered until January Ist, 1050. Ap ply at the office, No 430 WALNUT .STREET, below Fifth. p, d2-lm ALBERT WEBER, PlAgO FORTE MANUFACTURER, No. 155 West Broadway, New York, mole manufacturer or the celebrated Concert Piano. The subscriber would Inform his numerous friends and cuatomera that he hail greatly enlarged his manufacturing department, in order to west the Increase In demand for his unrivalled Pitmen, and Au every piano, especially tone and touch, is personally superiutended by the subscriber, the public will be narianted RD ire. etrument which, for beauty, strength, and durability, power and sweetness of tone and tohchl StandS maw, passed. Every piano sold at the lowest manufacturers', prices. A call is respectfully solicited." 0c29..8u MINCEMINCED 111 EAT- D The Subscriber has commenced msnufacturing his Ne Plus Ultra • INOND MNA which he offers to his customers in EASON Or 'MALL QUANTITIES. Order], through BLOOD'S DISPATOIKwiII be purr tually attended to. JOSHUA WRIDIIT, nl3 d SPRING GARDEN and FRANKLIN ea 5,000 1 GALLS. WHALE OIL, ,000 gall. Elephant 011, 60 ble. No. 1 Lard Oil, for sale by OROABDALE, PEIROE, & CO., nplo.ll. No. pi N. Delaware avenue. U.EaDAY,. ,D , CPIBER 22, 1857. OALI COMA COAL I-TAGGART'" ODAL. OELESDATED,BPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH J. & R. CARTER'S GREENWOO D, TAMAQUA COAL. ONORGE W. SNYDER'S PINE FOREST SOUUYI BILL COAL. RANDALL h MEREDITH Hare for sale, and are constantly receivirag from above celebrated Collieries , COAL OP ALL SIZES. There is no Cord mined anywhere, equal is quality these, and a trial will convince any one of their great superiority Our Coal is very carefully screened at our yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free from elate, dust and all impuelties. Our PRICES areas LOW ea the VERY LOWEST. Orders left at oar OfKra, No. 151 80111111 FRONT Arad, above Walnut, Orders left at our Yard, OALLOWIIILL street, belt* ,RROAD street. Orders left at our Wharf, WATER street, above CAL. LOWllLth--or sent to either place per Despatch Post, afil receive prompt attention. Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and ex. amine our Coal before purohasiag elsewhere. aui-tf kbHUYLKILL AND .-- LEHIGH COAL,— I am daily receiving, at my yard, the best quality o. I iI IIIIJYLKILI, AND LEHIGH COAL. My customers, Ilia all others who may favor me *with their order!, may idly on getting Coat that will be ee tiefaotory to them. ID" No inferior Coal kept at ibis establishment to ,pier at LOW PRWEB. N. E. corner of ALEXANDER NVEY, Brood an O d O Oberrs ß Ste IEDIGH AND SCHUYLKILL6OAL. 4 DALY, PORTER & CO., COAL DEALERS, No. 821 PRIME Street, strove Eighth, keep conetantly on lend, at the very lowest rates, a full supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. 1-6 m Merchant %dilate JOHN P. DOHERTY, FORMREILT WITH KELLY & ;MOTHER, LATE WITH LUKENS, KELLY, & CO., TAILOR, MA CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH, 4 Has now with him the beet Talton; that aro engaged in the business in this country CUAHL6O Rove, formerly the leading tailor of this city; H. RAYB6R, formerly cutter for 0. Ruth & Co , end late Coat and Vest cutter with Lukens, Kelly, & Co.; HENRY WAONIR, the beet Pante and Vest cutter in the United States, for years cutter with Dopler:le, Under the Irving House, DreadwaY, and with Depierris & Pettus, under the St. Nicholas Hotel, Broadway. The most unremitting attention paid to the wishes of all who patronise the establishment. Tho beat of Olothog made at Pic/trate prices for credit, low prices for 000 J 0013 tf JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, No IS andl9 South NINTH STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. A large and well reacted (took of OLOTU and CAPOLMEILE3 alwaye on hand All Clothing made at this Establishment will be of the beet quality, and in the moat fanhionable et le. Particular attention given to UNIFORM CLOTH ING. autl-tf QHARPE'S MEN'S AND BOYS CLOTHING, 1/8 North FOURTH Btriset, betwor Arah SEld Raft. CEommtooion illerdpinto JH. CHASE 1 1 / 4 CO. • GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, la North FRONT and 41 WATER Street, Philadelphia. CONSTANTLY RECEIVING CLOVER SEED On eonslgnment front the Interior or Pennsylvania, where our DOW Cleaning Mill is now in general nee. Err Also, TIMOTHY AND RED TOP always on hand. sel2-tt LIANDY Pc BRENNER—COMMISSION MERCHANTS end Dealers in Ferelen end Ame. moan /I ARDWA RS and OITTLERY, Nos. 21, 2.5 and 27 North FIFTH Street, Neat aide above Commerce street, Philadelphia. aml•tf CHARLES .TETE, COMMISSION MER 011 ANT and Importer of HAVANA lEGARS (New) las Walnut etreet. eecond otory. aut.ly Olobarco nub Gligaro I_IIIA.VANA OIGARS—A handsome If sort ie—lt mant, such as Yigaro, Partagaa, Cabanas, Bultana, - Gloria, Jupiter Colour Convorelantee, • Torrey ' Lopes, Union Americana, Orejon, Flora Cubuna, ho., ko., kn., lit N, J(, 1-5 and 1-10 ien, of all nicee and quali ties, In stale and conntantly receiving, and for sale low, by , .011ARLM S S TET, (new) 1 8% WALNUT Street, aul-ly below Second, second story VIGARO, CABANAS AND PARTACAS A BEGARB.—A choice Invoice of these celebrated brande on board brig g , New Era," daily eapeoted from llarana, and for sale low, by CHARLES TETE, (NOW) 138 Walnut street, below Second, and Second Story. furniture. B. KITE & CO. AA. FURNITURE, BEDDING, ko. No. 03 (late NO) WALNUT at Philadelphia. A new Ind superior style of Spring Beds. LTDIA, R. KIM Josern WALTON au3l dm Bonp nub Canbleo Q. OAP AND CANDLES. REMOVAL from PO SOUTH VOURTiI STREET, to my Manufactory, 10 awl 14 RELIEF STREET, be tween Lombard and South, and Front and Second streets. Thankful to my nutnerou fr' ends for their past favor., I solicit a continuance of the same, hat hog enlarged tuy manufactuu so as to enable me to have tountantly on hand a fait block of 'A I' ll•sensoned Soapa, free from PM Oil; Palm, Variegate,' White Hooey, Castile, and all kinds of Collet Soaps, Chemical Olive Soap of pure material, Settled Pale, and Brown Soup, English Pal. Soda and Pearl Starch, Sperm, Adamantine, and Tallow Candles of all glare constantly on hand. Having adopted the cash system, I ant enabled to toll my goods at the lowest paces P. CONWAY. Philadelphia N. 11 —Cash paid for Tallow and Grease. no 14-dm S 3 tationcrp BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DAVID 31. 1100 AN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 190 WALNUT Street, is pre pared at all times to furnish, either from the ehelves or make to order, Books of every description, suitable for Banks. Public. Oakes Mel - cheats, and others, of the beet quality of Englir& or American Paper, and bound in various 'Vita, la the most substantial manner Orders for JOD PRINTINO of every description. Engraving and Lithographing executed with 'acetates and despatch, A. general assortment of English, French and Ameri- Gan Stationery. Concerning Mr Slogan , ' contribution to the Franklin fnstitute, the Committee say—ii This display of blank books for banking and mercantile use Is the best in the Exhibition. The selection of the material is good, the workmanship most excellent, and their finish and ap. penance neat and appropriate." no2o-tf furnaces IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT NEW GAS CONSUMING FURNACE CHILSON'S NEW CONE FURNME, after haring been put to the most severe test, during the two GOLD WINTIM or 185 t AND 1857, bee proved to 'be the most potter/kg heater in the woad, mug from ti to X the fuel over any of the best furnaces now In UM Tans FUNNAOC9 are construoted with a cut Iron ash pit, and a broad, shallow pan-shaped fire pot, lined with fire-brick or iron staves. The fire pot Is surmount ed with A SERIES OF CONES, en TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broad at their haze, but tapering to email nper turee at the top, and uniting with the anular chamber, through which the heat and smoke pass to the Clue Toe WBOL6 products of combustion in the form of amok, and assign, are suspended directly over the lire, 00NfleeD or compressed into the tapering CON 69 And 006TINVALLT 6XPOBXD to tho direct action of the rate of heat and light from the lire. Thin heat and light le brought to a rooru I ■sos 00se, not unlike the COLLECTION OF THE SUN'S RAYS, to a focal point through an ordinary limn, causing the 131401 EN AND OiliNS to become intensely heated and tho roughly oOrtenman ' by this operation the PAIOAR AND GABEd are MOON NQUALLY ATAILABLZ with the ADEL Prague for heating purpocon, while, in other [maw, tt, Id CARRIED OPD AND WABTND IN TWA 0111AIN6Y. All persons desirouk of obtaining the best and MOST ECONOMICAL HEATING APPAHATIIB, should not fall to examine the New OAS COMIC/ill/0 (toxic Ponneoc before purchasing any other. The at tention of architects and bn1,41/ ys Is partieularly re %noted. MIN & WILSON, (Onceereors 14. A. Ilarrlann.) No 421 WALNUT Street, Opporite Independence Square.. gato, Caps, kc SIILLENDER tr. PASCAL, HATTERS, sul-em No. 8 B. SIXTH str..t. PhileAelphla 11)nrbwarr. QUAKER CITY NAILS, MERCHANT BARS, RIVET IRON, ttennreetnvntrit FOUNTAIN ORBEN ROLLING MIL on the selotylloll, ebrre Sprino; Garden Works WARMIOURE, 103 North WATER Street. QUAIINIt CITY NAILS are warranted equal to any mule. ec9.t JOIIN LIALDYM AN, Agont V lIOMAS E. BAXTE .-11 Alt D WAR E it. CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. 919 MARKET ST Dove Ninth, math olds, Philadelphia as 1-oro MEDICINAL BRANDY.—Puro 01(1 Mc- Cognao, the imeit powerful strengthener :for weak lunge and general debility of the ago ; a sure cure for Dysperda, whether neute or chronic, Low Spirits, &C. Price b l 25 per bottle, or 310.50 per Boren. 11'nrrantell pore. Imported expressly for us, " Bole Agents' , for the United Stolen. Z (MILER & SMITH, Whotenni° Driigginte, S. W. car Second nod (keen We refer, by perinfccion, to the ins mend:ern !I the Medical faculty, na to the purity net chonden !Standard of this ((runty: 0. P. Keichline, M. D., Fourth, above Tatnany. Oliax. It. Taylor, M. D., Fourth, above Drown. Chaa. D. Roberta, M. 0 Third, below Franklin. lVileon Caney, M. 0., Fourth, abo‘ a ThougYeln J. K. Knorr, M. P., rront, above Poplar. dell PIIBL IC I, 4/IP S.—THE PUBLIC IS respectfully informed that Wilcox have been opened by the District Superintendents of Publio Lighting, at which citizen, are requezded to give information respect ing accldrula which may Nippon to the Public Lampe; or of any failure in lighting or extinguishing them at the proper time; or if not properly cleaned and in good Melting condition. The Books will be kept by Joseph Rally, No. 808 Wharton et , Firet Ward; Charles Carty, 'Supt. of 21 dintrict, No. 3 Haines et. above Sixth; Miran G. Kirk, No. 1138 Hutchinson intreet, Twentieth Want; Id. W. Deshong, No. 22.31 Coates fired, Fifteenth Ward; 'T hon.V. Bowlby, ORB Office, Twenty-Fourth Ward, (West Philadelphia,) M. H. 111'hulden, Gem Office, Twenty- Second Ward, (Germantown;) Win. N. Market, Gen Office Twenty-Third Ward ( Frankford,) and at the • ? 1 1 1 1 1 y 6ftt orde t r o o i rtt n e th T:a tr e e t e e t t:a b o el f o rht ia gi e lLal phis Has 'Wrote. A. J. RITE, Superintendent of Distribution 'VGACH, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP s_iFactory of E. W USSIIERS, N 0.109 (late 43) South EIOILTII, below Chestnut etreet, has become a saving of 60 per cent, to our SOUTHERN AND WESTERN ^MERCHANTS, and also the convenience of having their Old Carriage Lampe new silver-topped and bottomed, and lent by express to all parts. lull ly It4—ECONOMY IN GAS BILLS.-THE Irt?" best OMR Regulators ever offered for Five Dol lars. For sale by the WAT.ERMAff GAS REUULA. 'FOR COMPA4Y," il 0 ; 0 4 01. go; 0410TtiVIT Street. insurance Companies FIRE INSURANCE, BY TIM RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMP ANY, PBIL/DISIXIJIA, On buildings, Limited or Perpetual, Merchandise, Furniture, he., IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. OFFICE No 308 WALNUT STREET CAPITAL, 6177 gut ASSETS, 620,473 Invested et follows, v is: In First Mortgagee on 12,17 Property $120,'200 let Allegheny county n per cent Penn's R R Loan lu renn4ylraton RAI Co 's 6 per cent Most gugo Loan, $30,000 Cost 2,3,500 In P'enosylvania It. It. Co.'s Stock 4,000 In Stock Account for shares in sundry luau rause Companies In Scrip iu sundry Insuranoe Companies Ip nine Receivable, business paper In Book Accounts, accrued Interest, &c In Cacti on hazel 4..50,413 CLEM. TINGLICY, President. DIRECTORS Clem. Tingley. George M Btreml, W'm It. Thompson, John It Worrell, GOO W Carpenter, Benjamin W Tingley, Robert Steen Z Lothrop, Charles S Wood,: ILL Carson, Samuel Iliophow, Robert 'Poland, Mamhall 11111, Cornelius Stevenson, Jacob T. limiting, Chyle' , I,elond, William Mu ,s.m, W. M. Semple. Pitto'gh dclB.fimalin 11 M HOCHMAN, Secretary_ . 1 i - - IIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. ".. THE qUAKEII CITY INSURANCE CO , 400 WALNUT Street, VIII take Marine and Fire Riaks on favorable terma CAPITAL AND SURPLUS (250 000 CEO. II DART, Preaident H.R. C 00013114 Ll., Ferretary. CORN TiXCIIANGE INSURANCE COM PANY, 331 WALNUT VTREET Charter pp rpetubl Capital, Sooo,ooo. eubscrib.d. 13%100,000. Paid up, 13140,000. Thil Company in now prepared to latio FIRE and dARINE 1'01,101E3 on favorable terms PRI.3IONNT-IMIN SWIFT. Vim Passinavy—lLLNltY BIRD. D I Ir R C TO R 8 . JOHN SWIFT, It 5' JACKSON, JAMES W qtrEEN, PLINY FISK, JNO PARKER, AW. THOMPSON, B I'. CIRIFFITTS. 11. D. MEAIIS. HENRY 111111), LEANDER W V, 11. STARR, See'y LIFEINSURANCE AND TRUST CON PANY.—The PENN MUTUAL LIVE INSURANCE COMPANY. Northeast Cotner of TRIAD end DOCK Streets. Capital, $012,726 03. INSURES LIVES lot short terms, or for the whole term of Me—grants annuities and endowments—pile. chases life Interests in Real Eetate and makes all oontreets depending on the nentlngeneles or Life They riot as Executors, Administtatota, Assignees, Truetees, and, Unazdlans. lIIIIITI U Daniel I. Miller, Parrnel E Stokes, Benjamin Coates, William Martin, Richard S. Newbold, James B. blaarland, William P. 'locker, Joseph 11. Trotter, William II Kern, James Euston, Samuel C Buoy, Theophllns Paulding, Charles Ilallouell, Edmund A Sender, henry C. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, Rodolphus Kent, John W. Horner, William II Carr, Ellis S Archer, Edward T Mott, baninel J. Christian, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. Ruin. John G. Brenner, P S Michler, Easton. DANIEL, L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vie, Prestt. JOHN W. HORROR, fineretexi. nl3.hy ----- I3OWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN SURANCE COMPANY—Office No 412 WALNUT Street, Philt:dolphin. The following statement of the affairs of tho company is published in conformity with a provision of its charter : rßeminis RBOCITED FROII /yam 1, 1850, TO ATIOOST 31, 1857. ___ _ Fire premiums... .. Marine premlurne.., Perpetual pl cumulus Total amount premium. taken Earne4 Ore premium"..........25,072 40 Earwig mar me premium' 155,005 00-1R0,07.1 65 Deduct return premiums Net earned Marine Ingres paid $93,885 75 Fire beam paid..,. 8,031 It *101,916 8 Selvage re ceieed.., Interest re eeieed. „ Tt e twine ante 2 071 62 --8,093 08— 93,638 TO Expenses for commissions to ^PIM, abateinents In lieu of scrip, salaries, office , rent, furnishing office, books, sta tionery, Ac Profit and loss Net profit A 1.673. Cash on howl 112,515 Rit Dills receivable 119,267 02 Donde and 'nor tgages 1 85,000 00 Stocks 292,100 00 Stock notes 142,900 00 Due by agents and others $761,095 84 DIRECTORS. P. M. Potts, Wm. P Leech, C. E. Spang ler, II 7' Heusi', Abraham Rex, II H Houston, Wm. H. Woods, Jot R. Withers, Georg(' Howell, Abraham P. Eyre, J. Edgar Tilolllsoll, W Ringuel, 0.0. Sorter, Charles F. Norton, John W. Sexton, John II Lowars, Herman Haupt, James E. fltilee, Nathan It Potts, II II rhillingford PERCIVAL :if POTTS, President 0. E. Nemo:l'A it, Vice President. W. It WOODA, Secretary. oar, It. T. Ream. Treasurer FIRE INSURANCE. SPRING GARDEN FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY. CAPITAL $120,000, PAID IN OA!U, AND SECURELY INVESTED, CII/IOE, N. W. CORNER OF SIXTH AND WOOD BTB SPRING GARDENS CHARI I IIR PERPETUAL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIRROTORS. John II Dohnert, Henry M Phil. g, David Woe War, Lewit Strinnack Benjamin Davie, John Landoll, John XVIII3II, Jr Charles Field, Auley DI Park, William E Woo , Pune° Durneli, John D. Stevenson, Juoob B. Aflutter., Carwin Stoddard, Henry Homer, Thee D. Tillinghast, George IT Childs JOHN 11. DOHNERT, President L. HRUMBEIAAR, Secretary sent 21-1 y NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY.- 1i i ovsior. 414 WALNUT St, Franklin buildings. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO, WITH PRIVILEGE To INCREASE TO 600,000 This Compeny Is now fully organ red, and prepared to make all kinds of Insurance against toss or damage by lire and Marine Perils, at current rates OFFICERS H. 0. LAUGHLIN, President RICHARD 011IELDS, Tim President. GEO. SCOTT, Secretary DIRECTORS 11 0 Laughlin, O. Stamm!, Wm. Osborne, Richard Weide, T. P. Phewell, A RCTIO FIRE INSURANCE COMPA .C.ffi. NY, NEW YORK —Office, No 20 Wall street, ad Joining the Mechanise Dank—Cash Capital, $250,000 with a surplus This Company insure Doildinge, Mer chandice, Furniture, Teasels in port and their Cargoes and other property, against Lone or Damage by tire an. the Ricks of Inland Navigation DIREOTOIIB Henry Grinnell, Joshua L Pepe, Caleb Barstow, Rufus It Orates, Henry 0. Brewer, Henry Dasi■ Edmund Peufold, 0 11. Lilierifihal, Hanson R. Corning, Theo Polhemus, Ir. Ogden Haggerty, Flisha E. Morgan, Thomas Monson, Able R. Van Neal, John 11 Earle, William A. Cary, Albert Ward, Thomas 8 Nelson, Charles Easton, James W. Phißipe, Louie Unit, Charles A Macy, Samuel G. Glidden, Edward Hineken, Aleph. Cambreleng, Win E Shepard, Thome. Scott, Charlee L. Frost, John Wards Lothrop L Sturgee, Henry 11 Bogert, William R. Fosdick, Peter Edes, Einar) Thayer, Benjamin 11, Field, Oeo Weetfeldt, A. It Frothingham. Zalmon Taylor, Thos. P. Young'', Henry R. Blossom. Samuel L Mitchell, ALBERT WARD, President. RIPFIARD A. °MAT. Secretary. au 10.1 y 31ACNO}Jj'ACYTUorthi„ErtRerS'veIr N e t u S a t R o r A t tu N t ed e b } ; the Mate of Pennsylvania Carla', f 600,000. Fire, Harlot, and Inland Transportation. Aaron B. Lippincott, Charles Wise, "I'm. A. Rhoden, Alfred Weeks, Charles J. Finid, James P. Smyth, Wta. B. Thomas, J. ManHo Sank, Wet. RN, John P. Strnons, AARON P. LIPPINCOTT, President. W3l A. RHODES, Vico Prerident. ALFRED WIPERS, Secretary. J W. M ARTIER, Sorcerer. This Company was Demoted with a cash 'splint, end the Directors hare determined to adept the I' to n ., to Its available resources—to observe prudence in conduct• Ing its nffaire, nith a prompt ,4Juntmrnt of log=ee. Icq Yin. 10 Merchants , Estlistnge, Philadelphia. ant -tily riIHE MERCANTILE MUTUAL INSU- A. RANO!: COMPANY OP PIIILADELPIITA —Orrice No. 222 WALNUT Street, entrant° tho Etchntire. MA RING RISES on Veßseln, Corgorn, and Froirlitn IN LAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS, net 'Witold°, ()anal°, Mot°, and other °erliegen. ALL TN it PROFITS divided °moonily among the Ati• Pared, and ample ooeurity In °men of loan. Thome I' litteher, Algernon 1: Aehburner, Alfred Berdtt, Thorne.. 8 Footer, Onetaviin Jame. H. Stroup, Alfred &ado, A. C. Cattail, Cherie,' B. Caret'BS, Samuel Bob'neon, John 0. Hoffer, John P. Steiner, Henry Orambo, Wm. J Caner, Jrentrborg. ,811.18 All LES, President, 3SITT, Vice President. au1.17 Edward Harlin MUNI, John H. Oitenheimer, klahlan Samuel J. Charylets, Palo Jranen, Henry Arrant, Edward O. Pullen, William L. flpringe, Franklin 0. Jones, Daniel Haddock, Jr., William Taylor, 'amen Murphy, Wm. F. Alulth, A. 3, Antelo, Samuel L. I EDWARD lIAI ALFRED FAS: Joni( 0. Hanna, Becretar7 CIIARTER. OAK INSURANCE COMPA Can)) Capital $300,000. 1 vicinity adjusted et the PA, Ily leave we refer to t D EL Brawn & Co., Phila. Hon Joel Jones, Phila Chaffeen, Stout & Co., i' Hon. Rufus Choate, Benton Hacker, Lou A. CO , " Hon T. S Wi!lmmo, l lurt'd We have (unitive for p acing any amount of bum ranee In the moot reliable Companies. PHILADELPHIA GENERAL INSURANCE AIIENCY, No. 413 (old No. 145) CHESTNUT ST. THOMPSON & ROOD, Agents. IRE AND MARINE NY or HARTFORD, CONN. Loeser in Philadelphia and i/adaphin ROSIN. -500 BARRELS SOAPMAKERS lIOSIN, to arrive per schooner J. A Flanner Vor Bale by MARTIN k MACALIdTER, anni- Ile Nnrth WSW .21,4 MOSS -17 bales Carolina Moss, for sato by MARTIN h MACALIBTXR, ant lIP North Watakr fltroot MANILLA ROPE.—SUPERIOR MA NILLA ROPE, manufactured and for pale by WEAVER, RITLER kOO., anfl-at No 28 N Wator at., and 22 N Whnrrai OCKI TONS of MITCHELL & °BOAS dale,a Improved super PI - IMITATE OP LIME, for Hilo by OBOASDALE PEIRCE le CO , nolo-t( No, 164 1}. Delaware avenue. CHARLES P. CALDWELL—Wholetmle and Retail WHIP mit o.ollldenuraeturer, No. 4 4i4 OHNPURIaiIek. au. DENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.-THE • GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, committing the At lantic Cite with Western, North-western, and Routh western Stated, by a continuo. Railway direet This Road ale° connects at Pittsburgh with daily line of steamers to all ports on lb• Weetern Rivers, and at Cleveland and Sandneky with Steamers to all ports on the North-western Lakes, making tb• moat DIRECT CHEAPEST and RELIABLE ROL TR by which freigt t can Do forwarded to and from the GREAT WEST RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND rule- BU RGH 11101 CL/Pl-1100LI, Phoes, Hat., and Cape, Booka, Dry 00031, (10 knell tales and trunks), Drug., (in boles and bale.) /fathers, Furs, do .... 900 per 103 PA 8200eD CLASP---Dontealle Ilheeting, Shirting and Ticking, (in original bale.), Drugs (In caska Ilardwv., Loather, Liquor,(in croks.) Wall Paper, Wool, and Sheep Palle, Paatward, doe &r: :Mo. per 100 It. TICAD CLAeB—Anuls, Chains, gin cube), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Pelted, (loose or In .arks), Paints, (thy and in oil ) Oils, (except lard and ruin) 66. . prr 100 be FOllOOO CLAPS—Coffee, Fish, &teen, Beef, and Pork, (In casks or bozos eastward), Lard and Lard Oil, Haile, Pods Adz, Germane's', Tar, Pitch, Wein, noel, blarinfactured To t accO, Itoe,n Oil, g.teenrware, Fuger, (hride bbls , and boxes,) he , ft-^ Ve per 10011. FLOUR—II per bbl , until further notice GRAIN-46e per 100 Its , until bur her notice Corroff —52 per bale, not exceeding .50.3 It.. weight, until further notice. • •. In whipping Qualm from nor point Toot of rtilladel. phial., be Nirticolar to ra ee packagts " tI3 linetten4 Ooods consigned to the Agents of tau Bold, et Phthvlelphia or Pittsburgh, IN tll be forwarded without detontion FREIGHT ROEXTE —Clarke & Co ,Chleago; Packer & & Co , Atemphi•, Tenn ; R Y Bans & Co ,At Loam, 610 ; P. 0 O'ltiNy & Co., Eranavtlle, lotiank • Wm. Bonham, Louonallie, Kentucky ; C Maimon, Indiana ; ft W Brown & Co , not 1r.,. & Co , thounnati; 11. A fierce & Co , 7an0a•211., Ohio; Leech A Co, No 64 {Why etreet, Boston; Leith & Co , No 2 A,tor liouse, New 1 erk No I tt ithnm r. New York; E J Buetler, Philade l phia ; Magni, & Koons, EMU ut,re , filt4wat, Plt4tbutih. §aAVING FUND--FIVE PER CENT. M k, TERI.ST—NATIONAL SAFETY 'MUST 0031 PANT.—WALNDT STREET SOUTII-WESTconsra 07 THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. ImooaroLvrzo DT via Praia or PliKlldlrL•kAlk Money 14 tdeel” , llo &Ay 0010, fare or smell, wd i 0 crest pool from the day of depart to the day of Nitta dz.'s) The chic, le °yen every its, horn 0 o'elock in the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening., aal on Monday and ihureity evening* till 0 o'clock LION HENRY L BENNER. Preellent. HOBERT BELIBIDGE, Vice President WV. J. RAID, Secretary. DIIICTOIS: - . .. Bnn. Henry L Benner, 0 Landreth Banns, Edward L Carter, l Carroll Brewster, Robert Belfrtdire, Joseph B Harr Bawl K Ashton, Henry L Clanreh y, rnan, James B. Smith, Yranms Lee Money hi received and payment, mate daily The Investments are made in conformity with the prOTiEIOIIII of the Charter, in IMO. ElitTATlt 11ORT• (I AORB , GROUND RENTS, and each drat elate riecurr. tree in will &levitys insure perfect security to the depoei• tore, and which cannot fail to give permanency and eta hllity to thin Inetitution. IN°.83(211) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS /CND. NO. 83 (211) DOCK STREET.— FIVE PER CENT STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. 83 (211) DOCK STREET.— FIVE PER CENT STATE SAVINGS FUND N 0.8 3 (211) DOCK STREET.- FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. aul-1F $23,729 61 217,703 61 2 , 1 00 lEEE= ENGINE...BOIL ER WORKS REANET, NEAFIE & CO., PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MACIIIIIIPTB, DOILER•MARERS, PI ACK. $169,359 09 . . Flaying for many years been in successful operation, and been esslusively engaged in building sod repairing Marine and Ricer Engines, high and low pressure, Iron noels, Water Tanks, Propellers, /so , 'respectfully offer their nereices to the public, ss being lull)y prepared to contract for Engines of all alms, Marine, River, and Stationary. Haring Bete of patterns of different else., are prepared to execute orders with quick despateh. Every description of Pattern-making made at the nhorteet notice. High and Low Pressure, Flue, Tuba tar and Cylinder Boners, ol the best Pennsy:ranla char. cosi Iron. Forging' of MI lines and kinds; Iron and Brans Ca.ctingspf all descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business 60,888 87 83 10-141,283 2 Drawings sod apecidcatlons for ei wiwk den* et their establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed. The subscriber* hare ample wharf dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can lay in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, &c., &o , for railing heavy or light weighta . . 5'1,076 82 THOMAS REANEY, JACOB 0. NEAYIII, JOHN P LEVY, ata•y BEAOH and PALMER Streets, Kensington TAMURA T. /MAIM TACCIRAM MER/lOM WILLIAM U. 111111011. iZOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, IPIPTII AND WASHINGTON STRATI, TRILADILTVIA. MERRICK & SONS, TNGINDERS AND MACIIINISTA, manufacture high and Low Pressure team Engines, for Land, finer, and Marine service. Bodoni (taximeters, Tanks, Iron Dada, A. , Cast- Ding of ail kinDL either Iron or Brum Iron trains roofs for Gan Work', Workshops, Railroad Static., &z. Retorts and pas Mechieer7 of the latent end [zest improved construction Every iiencription of Plantation machinery, sneh en Sugar. Saw, nn.l y print , .cram Pew, Trains, Dot ocatnr , , Pumping Engines, A s rn Sole Anent; for N Itillieng's Patent Surar Wolfe! Apparatus; Nasmilli's Patent Steam Hammer; .1 P. Rou' Patent Vitro Motion for Dlut Machinery and Steam Pumps. Buperintendent--D 11. DAItTOL. exelt. RIOIIARD NORRIS /i. SON, LOCOMO TIME STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, HRTRITHIETH STREET, HAMILTON, TAIRIIIRW ADD HEXING GARDEN STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. Homed exclusively IA the marmfactare of LOOOMOTIT STEAM ENGINES. Manufacture to order Locomotives of soy arrange taint, wel*ht or capacity, for the nee of Wood a Cris ar Bstimteoeo Coo/ ta at mole 31011, or ANTHRACITE COAL, WITHOUT IMITTITO SMOKE, 0.121 01 TITS. In design, material and workmanship, the Losomo- Uses produced at these Werke are equal to, and not ex celled by any. The materials mei in constriction are mode on the spot, ant Mauro the beet quality and mat reliable stock ne large extent or Bhope, and C plgts Equipment of MacAigitry and Tools, enable them to execute the BEST OF WORE WITH GREAT DESPATCH, Or Arrr ARRANOANIENT REQUIRED. CHILLED OAR WHEELS, HAMMERED Amu RICHARD HORRID aul-ly O•orge Minster, W C Stotesbtuy, K M Carlile, 0 G. Butler, Geo. Scott [stil9-y A GENTS WANTED.—FiTe to Ten Del ti per day can be easily made. Call on A BLACK, at Jacob Leman's Sorrel Horse Hotel, 'West Ktng street, Lancaster, Pa. den- tf VLTANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medscal attendance toy from 112 to IN per month No man having a wile or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED pit:RTICE, at No. 811 MARKEt atreet above Eighth, nolth side WILLIAM B ROYALL. let Lseut 2d Rcgt of Cavalry, oct 6.3m* Recruiting Officer. WOAGENTS WANTED.—A HOME / STEAD FOR 410 .—Third Division —1 , 310.000 worth cf Fauns and Building Lot!, in the gold region of Culpeper county, Virginia, to be divided amongst 10 20a) subncribera. on the 7th of December, 1057. Sub- Pniptions only ten dollars down. or fifteen dollars, one half down, the rest on deehrery of rho deed. Every subeeriber will get a Boilding Lot or a Farm, ranging in value (rein $lO to $25,000 These farms and lots are sold so cheap to induce settlements, a sufficient number being reserved. the increase in the value of which will compensate for the apparent low price now asked. Up ward! of 1,350 lots and farms are already sold, and a company of settlers called the ti Rappahannock Pioneer . Association" is now forming and will soon commence a settlement. Ample security will be given for the faith ful performance of contracts and promises. Nearly 40,000 acres of land in different parts of Virginia, now at command, and will be sold to settlers at from $1 up to 5700 per acre. Unqurattoymble titles tetll ea all rases be given. Wood-cutters, coopers, farmer!, Ac , lire ferment, and five hundred Agent! to obtain subscribers, to n hoot the moat liberal inclivemente a-ill be given. me agents write that they aro makings2oo per month. For full prtkulars, subscription!, agencies, Ae ,aOPI/ to E. BAUDER, anl4-tf Port Royal, Caroline county, Va. NOTICE.—UHESTNUT STREET untnor. PLANS AND ESTMATES Mr a Bridge over tha Diver rdwylkill, 011 lb , . Finn of CI tort litre ,, t, in the Clip of Pliiindelrhie, null Le reeei red by the Chief En gineer Ar , l Forrnver, et the 1)11.111TMENT OF sun- El ' City ('treat, be'wr Walnut, until the .e,ehl de) of Jenne ry, ISA Si 1 Bridge to he of the rellnning dimenAionl, nithont coy 000, or Nrith not there Conn Pee rior in the nkter•way ; the reeterin , 3 of con, , ruct.en throughout to be irPief trllol - by fire. Diet:ince between atntrnanteoq feet Width of Bridge, out to out. not leas than.. 42 41 }Aeration above low water 37 For an arch tbe cprinfrlng line ehonlil not be leei than eleven feet above low water The Plana and Estimate, will be received under the arrangement and condition. specified in the °nil. naive of Councils, approved November 21, 1957, es fol lows, v iZ : Fannie 2. Thetall plans end estimates tube received by the Chief Engineerand Surveyor of the City of Phila delphia, each pisn and estimate to bear a private meth, and to accompanied by a sealed communication having a corresponding mark thereon, so that the name of the designer may not be known until the plan most ap proved shall have born selected. Sermon 3, That all such plane and estimates shall, when received, become the proper ty of the City of Phila delphia, rind Olen be presented within two month,' after the passage of this ordinance, when it shall be the dnty of the Chief Engineer and tion eyor, by and with the advice of the Committee on Stirve3a and Regulations, to invite a commission consisting of three civil engi neers, who, in conjunction with the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City, shall examine and decide upon the relative merits and applicability of the plans presented, to the Bridge site proposed, and report to Councils the number of plane received, the women of the designers, and the character rind estimated coat of the three plans by thorn preferred. Scoviori 4 It shall be the fluty of the Chief Commis eioner of Ilighwaye, upon a certificate presented and signed by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, to issue warrants in payment of the cost of the aforesaid edver tiseifiente, and also in favor of those persons who may have presented the three plane preferred by said com mission ; to the first in point of merit, the sum of 1100; to tit° second, 1210, and to the third $100; said warrants to be charged to Item No. 10 of appropriation made to the Department of Highways, Ace., for the year 18.57 ; approved March 16, 1857.1 For further information, or for ernes section of river, addrese STRICKLAND KNEASS, Chief Engineer and Surveyor City of Philad a. no6-fltjan3 CEM' SUMMER FUEL.—GAS COKE, of excellent quality, is mold att the PHILADELPHIA GASWORKS for the reduced price of tire cents a bushel, and may be obtained in large or small quantity by ap plying at the Gen Office, No. 20 Booth ONVENTII Street. • • To Purchaser. by Wholesale, it is cold et the Works, in Pint Ward by the tou, ate price equivalent to An. thracite, a t 6.2 60 per tou. (Signed,) J.O. ()REASON, Engineer. PHILADIMPFILA GAII WOIMB, Aug. 2ft, fol. ao27.sy ROPE —Buyers are Invited to call and examine oar Manila Bale Pope, which we can eau 'ell an low as American, and warrant it superior In trerstb and durability. WEAVER, FITLIR R 00., ant NO. 23 N. Water it. and 23 N. nano. itaitroab Eines. ) H H fit.pueros, Citaeral Freight Arat H. J. LOMBA):HT, Baperintaocle.at, iinvings Innbs Itlacbinctn anb iron SMITII9 AND YOUNDERA me or form. With Itorgiulf" any CASTINGS, IRON AND BRASS IA And MACHINE WORK generally RANRY LATLlffill 110R7.111 Watito. Ilailrodin DENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAIL ROAD, 1937. 701 it PITTSBUILOII, 1,37. LAnwAsti, AL Low, tart Citr, LocumHo, Orkaas, Bt. Pul Clentazi, , Ter. UsAte, CAKAp. 11,,totr rtoto tonAscoattt %nth .11 All 4 g.pt Trut t.. fiadrosits ABALTAL AND LEPAITUIL 07 TEI rumen At szt4 from tx, PeastyAvaals SALtrata Paniatre &Atm) iouth tut tots*, .( LLICTESTIT sad NUE it ET W.rto (tntraitt4 ea Elertratla iTZIMW TWO THROE Oil TAA INS LLATL PLIILADILTHIA DAILY Fertwi close toutnectt,tts tittehollt to au Pi=e Writ rut .11aa1 sal Anccenntrlatten Yrslsa. 13e.naay1 ex crytard,) FaiAtllal Lana all P.ll $ Amami In Pttlabiap at Etyte.s 3 31111 Tirn at 11 night, arnvin in Ptltalrorth al 1 ! Altoona Way Train at; A 11 , arriaiii. at Attocti P 31. IltansboPy Artornrrolat,to Tnin . wilt Csiumbis 1t.% es Phila.l-lphia at 3 P. )1 , antruNg u Elaariatltrg at 'a P 31. RETCILNISti Fart Mail Train leaves Pittsburg\ at SI II , arils t 2 Philsl.l,thia at 11 45 night. Elprea• Mail Train leatc. Pittittirgh at 9 tO P Y , rites in Phila.telphis at I P. M Altman Way Train I 116aons at 7MASI , arrant is Philadelphia at 7 JO P It. Harr:lA.4 Ac-ernincelation Train, to Csitiahls, leaves IlArruharg at 6 A K., arming in Ply/ateirhis 11 noon The ExTremt Merl ms Carly, the other trains, Sea day. excepted Baggage will be received at lb. Peasenger Dew by the Large" )taster, at any thee daring the *ay. NJ cherge for treadling beggar. Notion —lit ease of too, the Company will bald themerires rerpowable for personal hewed* ably, wt for an rovront not exceeding 1104 D"ricn —On:naturee will be to rwedlireas at the ire. fork Depot to antler perren;ers for the Stet to the Pennsylvania linittord Steno. TH0111.5 MOORE. Agent,. Pastrager Lies PeneAylrtz.• Bodresel Co- Noroeutter 21,114 T. all-1y rip() WESTERN TRAVELLERS. L PPRINO AND SUMMER ARRANormmrs AORTHERM CENTRAL RAILWAY. TWO DULY TRAINS /ROW BALTIMO6I TO PITTSDVEGIT AND TIM WEST. On awl a!ter Ica, lit, 13.31, TWO DAILY TRAM will leave Calvert Statrola fee Prttabsralt .red tk-atd er Nor h•NIUT111 e bed. TER MORNING MAIL TWIT Leaves Belt/tom Lally (SiLadiy excepted) at a 11 A. M erettnevtla;mittr the e 1 Trara over the kited Peen rytrtmta Rettrcae, .oA arriving Ie ?Marva al 1-23 A 31 THE AFTERNOON 4X-PAIBBI TRAIN Leaves baitimere dartr tlanday ancepted) P. for Harr:stunt THE MGR? LAPIIEAS TRIM Learnt Baltimore EVERY NIGHT at 19 P. , ten n.toting with this Lightning Excreta over Peamrgl vansa Railroad fer Pittsburgh, arrtriN at 111 P.. 11 ID" All these trains oonmert drawly at Pteta with trains ores the Firtrbw-gl, Fort AregnsM. C icege &lama, and its liertharie, faxtbssa azi Welts rn rensertiens. I . la. Psoseniirs fcr Chrrnpo, Rook bland, Darling too. low• City, M Dub-arse, Et !sap. Kid ion. and other leading (111(11 in the Nos-..bnest, siltas.% o*, lien,bed loam of trarr tfs igsrs m two, vitt four fees changes of cart, by taking this routs, fjj - Passengers for Cleveland. 11.4sar, Salado, sal Detroit, go by Mils mote, and the tine e. suet f, being 113 miles shorter than by say other mats. CT' Plumage:li for Et. Louis, Indianapotis, Yens Haste, Cairo, sod all points on the Lawn übd trprir Mississippi, make less changer of can. and attire In al ranee of any other mt.. nod to Cincinnati, Colitis bss, Dayton, Lonismile, and other prominent cities, a• as by soy other rola*. /11 Western Paggsgn CILLCEAD THILOUGH sad ‘41•4 WIIA roes MR THE ,voii rm. The 8 16 A M connects closely nth Erma Tutu over the Dauphin road for Willisaraport,ra, Rochester, Buffalo, Mouser* Mille, and Canada, then fornung the moat direct radway route to Northwestern Pennsylr Ina ant Western New Trek Pasonsfore will Cod this the shortest, cheapest, amt most expeditions route to Niagara Palle and Coasts. Through "%diets are Laud to Philadelphia els Co. lumina and Isantster by all the L•ains at 13 each, sort train haring sue otieneetlows. Paseenvre by Mut route ovoid tressellod bridges, and all the twenavenlesse of ferrying across the licsqusbanna no., Passengers for Hanover, MatieJarete r, Getty ebso g , las nuttaburg, Carlisle, Chanibersbarg, go ST Mr• Maine at 8.13 A M , and 3 P. M. WESTMINSTKE BRANCH. The Can on this read nuke ems trip per dsp, easmet log with the train at 3 P. K. For THROUGH TICKETS and futile tedeessalles, apply at the Tkket Otles, !Mead Station, N. I. earner of Calvert and Franklin streets. sep2l-11 0. 0. &DEEM, Rqt. I'ILTEW YORK LINES.-THE °Await /1 AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PRILADKLYR IA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S PROM PRILADELPRIA TO NEW YORK, AND WA PLACKS. - Leave as fellows , via: fAaii At A. M , from ' llenalngteu Depot, YLS Jersey City, Mall 112 At 6A. M. via Camden and Jersey City, ?how Jet - rep A.reoLoolaticos At 6 A. 11., Tie Camden mid Amboy, Aaormaads tiei. At T A X , vii Camden and Jersey City, Maintop Mail At 10 A M , by steamboat Trenton, via Tammy and Jersey City Moroloir Nip-roes At 2 P. M. , via C 164011 ud Amboy, C. sad A. Is. prom - 3 At 5 P. M. ma Camden sad Jersey City, Analog' Mail At 3 P. Mvia Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, lireClasa At 3 P. M. via Camden sad Amboy, Aoaromnota tion, 2nd Class. 1 At 5 P. M , via Camden and Amboy, Acomistooda lion, lit Ma At SP. M via Camden and Amboy, AcomarcoM bon, 2nd Clam . 1 The 5 P. M. hair num daily, all others Sunday, en opted. Es preset Lion stop at the principal statical only. For Belvidere, Easton, Plemlegton, , at 6A. azrt 21k_ H , from it Halt Meet wharf For WM.* Strradiburg, Scrtoton, Willitabove Montrose, Great Bead, de ,atl A. , Iktlimitt lArkalranna Wipat.rn RAHrtid /or Freebolt at 6 A H and 3 r. /or Mount Hotly at TA. 51 and 2,4, 3 Lod I P K. WAY lilSil33 /or Bristol, Trenton, /cc, LEII at 51,15 sad 4 P. M. WAY 3. - for Palmyra, Bauscom, BeTnly, Barltegtoz, Dardaz town Ac, at 3 P. M. Stessobost RICHARD BTOOKTON for tiordesitova and totem. dint' plates at 2X P Steamboat TBJERIt.,:f for iscrey at 10 find llx A. M., and 4 P. M. All lines, except 1 A. M., leave Wand Ono wharf. pound.; of !lento only allowed easy tenger. Passengers are prohibited tram taking any ring.. baggage brit their Wearing apparel. All bag gage Over fifty pomods to be pall roc extrs Ste COll2 pony limit their responsibility for bagger tonne doricy per pound, and will not be liable for lay amount be yore' $1(00, except by special contract. WM.II.OATne&R, Ant C. & A. R. E. ge CO PHILADELPHIA, GERMAN TORNN AND NORRISTO WN RAILROAD—wrnas ARRANGEMENT.—On axed after MOND/LT, October 19th, UM. TOR GERMANTOWN - . Leave Philadelphia at 6, TX, S. fiX, 11X A. 21,2, 3-10 min 4. 5,6, 7,9, and 11P Lease Germantown at 6 , 7-35 min. 8,9. 10X A.ll , 1.10. 3-10 min 4, 6. 0. T. S, sad 10P M wt atop l - h . .. 1 77 ,a 35 o'clock A ., 51 r c ralnfrem Germantown Wl' ig e B . IN 1;t tiu ATS, Leave Philadelphia at 9 . 2 and 6X P. M Lean Germantown 8 73 min. A M, 1-10 rein and 645 min P U. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD M3iNa=fig= T.PITO Chestnut 11111 at Tx A-40 and 10-10 min. A. 31 1240, 3-40, 3-40 ar.d 1-40 min. P. H. CaMM Leave Philadelphia. a-n A.ll , 2 and elk P. M. Leave Chestnut Mil at 8 A It .12-30 and 0.20 P. M. YOB. ILASAYILtiIi, CONSHOHOCIPN AAP NORIA Leave Philadelphia at ISX, 9, 11 A. M., 3,1)(, and 11 P. M Leave Norristown at 7. 9,11 . A 31 , J and 140 P. M. MEi= Leal. Philadelphia at 9 A. AI , and, S P. 11. Lease Norristown at 7 A If , and 5 P M CEIESTER VALLEY RAILROAD FOR IX)WITING TOWN. Leave Pllwdelphis. at 6,ti A M ,sad P Leave Downingtown it 7 y A. 31 . sod I P S.llllll, Soperinfendeut. Depot, Nioth and Green streets. Philadelphia NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 101 BETHLEHEM, EASTON, ALLENTOWN. MAUCH CHUNK, 111LRESHARRE, DOYLMTOWN &c. .4 On and after Wednesday, November 4th. 135 T, the trains on Shut road will leave Philadelphia daily (Sun days excepted) as follows: For Bethlehem, Easton. Allentown Manch Chunk, and Wllkesbarre (Express) •I 9 A. 31. For Bethlehem, Allentown. and Mauch Chunk, (El pres.) in connection with L. T. 11 R. and Easton, by staga, from Iron Hill Station at 215 P. M. For Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 4 30 P. M. For Gwynedd, do at 10 A. ?1. On Tuesdays and Fridays the 10 A. IL train will rr-a through to Doylestown, leasing Doylestown to return at 1 33 P. 11. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethelem (Erprea.‘,) at 0 A.M., anti 225 P.M. Leave Doylestown, (Aecommodatlon,) at 536 A. M. Leave Gnr.eld, do. at 3 2'1 P. M. ON SUNHATS. For I From (leryneld 0 15 A. M. I Iltrinedd 7 20 P.M . I ,, yle.tor• - n 4 Ptl Doylestown 515A.51 Fare to Bethlehem 111 60 44 Mooch Chan \ 2 60 W eotarre .410 FAMENOER DEPOT, FRONT and WILLOW Sts , Phila. ELLIS CLARE. Agent, rIiA_NGE OF lIDURS.-P lIILA DE L. 4 1.-/ I . IIIA, WILMINOTON AND BALTIMORE RAIL ROAD. On and after Monday. Nor. Zi4.1881, PASSTNOER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA Tor Baltimore at 5 A M , 1 P. IL, (Express,) P. M. For Wilmington at 8 A. M., I, 3 island UP M. For Non Castle at 8 A. il., 1 and 330 P. H. For Ilitdletorrn at 8 A. M. anl I P. M. For Doror at 8 A. M. and 1 P. M. For Seaford at BA. M., and I P M. TRAINS FOR FIIILADELFRIA Le%,e Paltimorn at S 40, Eirre”, 11 A.l , ar-A 6 SS P. H. I!s!M;MillfalMi - • LeSTIS New Cattle at 055 and 11.63 A. Id and 853 P.M. Leave Middletown at 10.10 A. M and 7.05 P. M. More Dover at 9 (6 A. 31. and 5 P. M. Learn Seaford at 7 10 A. M. and 2 P. Id, TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leaeo Wilmington £t 9.15 A. M. , 6P. M. and 12.15 A. M. BUNDAYS only at 11 P. M. front Philadelphia to Baltimore. do. do. 0 25 P. M. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. Freight Train, with Passenger Oar attached, will 113.11 as follow : Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate places at 5 00 P M. Leave Wilmington (or do do. 0 50 P M. Leave Baltimore for Havre-de.o race at I P. M. no 21-1 y 8. M. FELTON, President fire proof Oates SALAMANDER SAFES. A large assortment of zveris A WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAVES, VAULT DOORS, For Banks and Stores. DANE L00103,_ Equal to any now in use IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, Ae., On as good term la any other establishment In he united Stake. by EVANS fr. WATSON, No. 46 South FOURTH mutat, Philo& 1p aalS•tf PLEASE GIVE US A CALL COTTON-200 Wes good Middling to Yid• it tui4 I►ir optton, in store and for sale by MORTIN & 999oLuarru, .u 9 Kam Irm a stmt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers