IMIN=MS=IMMEM , • "Onattitant - of' the Peer ""-YaaterclaY. after ' -460 n, aoneeting of the nietiblitint thie body Ina - held at their office,orth, Seventh street. Mr. Brotrn relddid: r'• • • , • - `PreileittL-Meese.' Atmitrong, cook,' Dunlap, _Verdi , Gamble," Haeketti Heishley, Bonney, Ifohn:... 'Lafferty, Moseley, Reeves, Robinson, Server, Butithilaylor; Brown, (President.) The following was reported as the census of the 'aims-licinee oh Saturday last; Total number in the house, 2,87515ame time last year, 2,289; increase, tiffs naossa over any former period,' 234. "'RD'edpit - kfortdd -Admitted dining the past two seeks, 4.31 .births, 10; deaths, 88; ' ; discharged, -,' 118; eloped, 18 ...bound out, 1. The number of persons in the different wards on the 19th instant was as fellows: White women's nut-watd, 242; do asyllim, 130 ;" do obstetrical, 82 ; do, nursery, 134. - White oisildren's asylum; 184; de-heapita l , 142; do bundle atylubi, 261-1,175: Colored women's out-word, -.21; do. obstetrical, 0; de variety, 25; do hospital. 21-84. „ White women's out-ward, 801; do insurable, 280; do hospital, 292; do lunette asylum, 165; do boys' ' Ward; 9-1,553. • • Voldred men's 'out-ward,' 28; do incurables, 12; do bespital, 22-93. Total, 2,875. The usual number of applications for relief were lecelt- d . Rinmaßamitton asked that her son be .discharged from prison, where be bad been placed 'for deserting his wife., .The board declined to take • any action. Mrs. Susan Weill complained that she bad been deserted by , her husband. The So- MAW "yeas directed to look after him. A Communnation was ieeeived from Alderman James prom:can, stating ,that be had not received straw bail," us a complainant had alleged be ,;fore the board. Miss Jemima Cowan submitted bar resignation as timelier in the Children's Asylum at the Blook• ley , Almslionie. - She has -occupied' that position for. nine years' past. , The thanks of the board were tendered to Miss Cowan. '..The Garden Committee reported that gime the lit of May, $2,799.§5 worth of vegetables had been raised in the garden and consumed at the Almshouse., - - The number sent to. the Almshouse during the 'Month, arid the amount of groaerioe and fuel dis tributed, rime as follows: Alms Fume- Oast. Wood. fist. Visitors. house. rats. Groceries, tone. cords. let,- Jacob Lmyer 51 3 $175 50 21 - Robt. Porter„ 79 5 246 20 184% 10)4 Sd 'W. Smith 147 6 623 50 271% 45 4th - J. Lowry 71 1 178 50 79 38_ sth, T. D. Loughran 23 2 449 35 , 53. 9 nth J. limekiln , 30 0 376 60 168 30 7th - "W. Duffy, 16 ' 0 151 25 , 51% 23 811 t 3. Wilson - 14 1 106 76 38 Oth Garvin . 13 0 47 00 - 26% 0 9th ',3, Whiteside' 0 - 40 00 - 8 • 0 3% HOOtlee ' 0 10 to 0 10th. P. D, Merrier '4O .99 60 , 12 0 T0ta1.;:i....458 18 #2,472 60 884. 168,k Total number reoeiviriuyellet, 2,107 adults, and - 5,845 children. - Mre. •Itaohel Scott wee elected teacher of the ' •Children's Asylum, on motion of Mr. Garvin. A motion, was made by Mr. Garvin to amend the '.:rule so that it slialiread as follow!: sso. 4. He -(the house agent) shall keep two -re,glators, one for males, the other for females, in which the names of every pauper, including chit . siren -in the asylum, shall , be alphabetically sr - ranged, and he shall examine, or cause to be ex , amined, all paupers oh their admission, to ascer tain whether he or she has any money or other articles in possession improper to be admitted ; and if any such be found, be shall take the same and deliver it to • the steward Immediately, together with an inventory thereof; and he shall keep in a ' -book a register of snob articles, with the portion lars of each ease, which the steward shall sign on delivery of theArtioles to him. All examinations Of female paupers shall be made by a female. MA Armstrong objected to the word "imme diately," because it implied that they-had no I'. faith in the house agent. - he Motion was agreed to. Mr. Cook offered a resolittion that the oitt-door agent lia.instrneted' to take all oases from this board to Alderman Charles P. Helffrielt, in Fifth - street, abovoNalnut,insteadof to Alderman Free- man. - • I • Mr. Evans moved - to lay the resolution on the table; which was not agreed to by a vote of 10 to 7, viz: YEAS—Meßsre. Dunlap, Ems; Huhn, Moseley, . Robinson, &ever, Taylor-7. Neva Messrs. Armstrong, Cook, Garvin, Gam- Raokett, Retailer, Hearsay, Lafferty, Smith,' *frown,- (Piosident)-- . 10. Tharesolutioh was then agreed to by a vote of 9 into 3 . -• jhe.stoward reported that be had eollested and -:'',;paidlo the treasurer $28.5. /dn,ti,rtostrong asked whether any transfer of thilltelis of the appropriation to them had been . lirovni, replied that, transfers had been Made, but not At all as they desired, but to suit the views of 4 certain member of Councils. Ito thought the members of the Guardians of the Poor knew the wants of - the Alms house More than the members of Councils, some of whom were never in aide of the Institution.' 'PM - Mayor had "vetoed the bill, as. passed . by Camelia; and 'no transfers had been made. The following amounts were asked for to supply the ont-door poor up to the let of February': 26 7th d Ist District- $225 oth District do 500 o .... 98 'do " 1000 1 9th do .. 4th do 200 9th do 6th do 1000 110th do The ayes and neya were - called, and it was agreed to grant thenbove amounts. Mr. Garvin said; in asking for, this amount, he did not care bow Councils noted or what they did. Redid not care a oont for theta. Bills were then read amounting to $12,130.74, and the Board adjourned. THE MONEY MARKET. PiILADELPRIA, Dee. 21, 18.57. The income of ,specie at Now York during 0, last Week amounted to three and - a half millions dollars, against .a little more than one million ex ported ; so that, unless the receipts of gold from the - interior are not over-estimated, the bank re• , . . serve ought to show an inorease of more than two . . . millions, which would bring it up to twenty-eight millions, It in .expected that the Europa, to sail next Wednesday, hill carry out near ly two million , and it is not improbable, no : Cording to pretty , tood Now York. authority, 'that ono of the large banks there may send, in addition, four; millions of its gold in order to ere. ate eight exchange on tendon, in which it has re cently become an active 'dealer, A steady persis tence in dile business will do much to put an end to " bills of exchange; and so far do gocideeriTitild bringing an important branch of business down upon a - solid basis. W,o have fre quently endeavored to demonstrate the induce • Mentato 'irregularity and speouletion in the busi • ness of drawing billa of exchange on time, and the - injury done to merchants generally by that system, 'and we are glad to see a potent effort made in the direction of reform, The naive by - the Adristio still leavoo us in doub as to the fate of finances in Europe. It is imps. Bible to tell whether the bottom has been reached pr whether the tendency is to improvement or forther — conaplioations of business relations. The Bank of France reduces its rates of discount again, but it is not possible to attach great im parlance to that fact, when It is remembered that the bank' ii a Government engine, and that tho petition! views and Interests of the Emperor have as minli to do with its arrangements as the state of Ilitanees , lithe miantry, While the Dank of Eng land maintains its high rates, and money is still in active demand in Londpn ;,while the troubles at Hamburg continue, and every arrival brings news of a score of additional heavy failures, we Cannot reconeile ourselves. to the belief that those are correct who tell us that tho bottom, line beon reached. - The mild weather operates benefielaily in keep ing open 'canal navigation, end' in mitigating the sufferings of the poor -and unemployed. Trade ie generally stagnant,and weakness a predominating feature of the stook market. The money market is reasOnnbly well supplied, but capitalists find little paper offering which they are willing to buy. Oh such Weser prime paper mare made; the rates rule at 9 o_lo per cent. .The city and county of St. Louis have provided for their -January interest, in New York; the first with the Bank of the Reirublio, the other with the Bank of Commerce. The county nil' also pay off $.300,00,0 Of the principal of its debt , through the Bank of Commerce. These payments, altogether, amount to-nearly $600,000, raised by direct taxa tion, Ind prolpptlYpaid to the accounting officers during the present hard times at the West. The New York Tomes says : "The Erlo cep.. Nation has already received some aid from the English bondholders, and further advises are looked for In the Canada's mail, duo from Boston this evening. The disembarrassing of the finances 5f the Company depends mainly upon the stock _ 'and .unseoured - bondholders of 1862, 1871, and _1875: The lattir are asked to exchange 50 per tent: in,their bonds and 50 per cent by easy instal , nietittl;tll`eahlt, or in Coupons due in 1858, for the new loin.: The management, under present air counitancer, will not feel justified in continuing their itibirest. paYments on the unsecured bonds until assurances are fait of the moon of the pend ing negotiation. On - the let January, therefore, in the absenoo of such assurances, the half yearly Coupon on the loan of 1852 will lie over to -be funded ika proposed, and - the same course will be pursued en let 'February with the Coupon th en to fall duo en the loans of 1871 and 1876 ; though 1,1 ; ' iahoped that no such necessity will devolve upon the mansgentent. In any event, the deferred Coupons yin be' received ag cash for the instal mention the'new mortgage, from any party pre senting them; so that they will at once have a market, istb e deferred acceptances of the Company (received In the same way) now have." ' The Pittsburgh and Connellsville Railroad Com- nanyyrtll not be able to pay the interest due on , - the Ist of January, on the bonds issued for the subscription of tho city of Pittsburgh to that road, - and, the burden falls- upon the city, - - which refuses--to pay. Legislation will probably be , had -at „Ifarrisburg this winter upon this eubjeot, etitharialog an exohange of the stook held by Pittsbirgh and Allegheny county for the bonds they have honied. PKILADILSHIL STOOK DEOBANGE SALES, - - - 21, 1867. Itsported May Jr., Stock Broker, Ito. `..801 Wal nut Street. Ansel! BOARD. 2000 Datalr,l4lnort ts.4o i6O Reading 11 f. 5.27,4 2900 -do 40 4 brorrio Canal prd.93g 1000 39 41 &buy! Nay fa ~..17,44 600 ' ` do - ...1n00m4.21314 ,30 do ...... ..,17% 1000 Pena Ss 0 4)6 Doman 38,ki 200 ', do .. .. . ...104g 2 do ~,.. • • • . 22 74 , 2000 d0;•.''..t.45w0.941( 100 L Island H 9% o ....46wn.841(- Norrlatown 'OO9O -- Iforrlio Osost 04..12% 20 61113.6111 R 494 .' 1000 1 1 00di9g 1 104.10.1214 44 do' , ... . ,;^ • 'lO6O- t1euunD.00,. , :;,.62y( 11 Dant , or - .0 0 Xfading . do a0,. - .27g 4' do" • 101( .. .. : .. 27% 1 do .. r . r ... .10,v ...' 2 N d0',...,64.27)d , 4000Ofty8i.:.d&P.s§ 2000 Trenton P.'03....67 8000 Penn 83 six BROOM) 2000 Penn 58...406nn.g0i 200. do ' 10 Harniaburgh 60 Union Oanal pfd. 4 20 do 4 6 I.lWelkin R 59! 70 Reading R—10ta.27% 100 do ..66&int.27% L Schuyl R 10t5...33 %08111 G P Bid. Asked 17 States 6e'88.110 Pk!lan int 911.85% skg " HR.B5g 89g " . New. 911% 92) Pentsylv Reading R • 27g 27g de Bonds , 70 72 74 do dirt 8e'34,81 do do '86.66 663( penny RR 381 i 3811 Aforris Card Oon 42 44 Rau N 61 CITY ITEMS. Tun rum AnTs.—There has seldom, Korot, been a collection of expensive engravings of such dlstingillshed merit offered at public sale in this country, as that now being arranged by Mr. A. S. Robinson at his rooms, No. 910 Ohestnut street. Brom the short examination we have mode of them, we are not prepared to give a critical notice, but shall refer to them again prior to the day of sale, which is announced in oar Advertising columns. There are seve ral pieces in th s collection that have obtained a world wide reputation for their respective authors Among these we may Instance the Waterloo Banquet, at Apsloy House; June 1, 1830, which is without doubt one of the most magnificently engraved pictures in the world The history of the event immortalized is this work of art will be readily brought to mind by many of our readers. The Iron Duke is represented in the attitude of delivering hie speech on that °melon, amid the brilliant throng of seated guests, whilst Immediately in front of him on the banquet table is displayed the magnificent gift with which the Duke of Wellington was presented on thit occasion by the allied sovereigns, said to have cost the enormous sum of three millions of dollars. A colored engraving of "Napoleon's last Re view "ds a superb piece of art, end fa itself worthy of being made the eabject of normal hours' examination. Many more tare and valuable things which it would be superfluous for us to extol, might be named in this tonnection such, for example, ate E. Landeter's two great Deer Pictures ; Naulbach's Destruction of /ern. salemaproof impression on India paper ; VAnnonci ation ; Evangiline ; Marie Antoinette, and a score of others. FOR CHILVIIIIN OF 'A LAUOEK GROWTH.—" A child le eager to have tiny toy he sea, but throws it away at the eight of another, and Is eager to have that. We are moat of us children through life, and only change one toy for another, from the cradle to the grave.", Hence we should be careful to select such $ 4 rays as are useful as well as ornamental, and as this is the season for presents to old and young, we would suggest as a suitable gift any one of the many superior articles of clothing, offered at prices in accord ance with the times, by the great clothier Granville Stokes, No 607 Chestnut street. " Tee earth has bubbles as the water has, And those are of them " whose excessive vanity induces them to believe that, however well formed the person, they can appear to advantage In a coarse, ugly, ill.fitting snit of clothes. We know of hut one establishment In the city, where line fabrics, beautiful etyles, and perfect tits are the eharacteriatics; and that Is the fashionable emporium of Oliftott, Albright, & Co., " Jayne's Hall," No. 627 Chestnut Street. Mr.Johu N. Albright, who has charge of the cutting department, is the oldest and most ex perienced cutter in'the 'United States. THE BEST KIRD- 1 6F A CHRISTMAS GlFT•—There In great diversity of opinion as to what constitutes the most appropriate Obristmm, gifts For our own part, we go for the clam of articles which blends the useful and the ornamental. For inetance, for a youth nothing could be more Judicious than anew suit from the'Brown Stone Clothing Hall of &mishit' & Wilson, Nos, fon and 005 Chestnut street, above Sixth. R. & W. keep a vast attiortmeht of garments for both gentlemen and youths. A CHRISTMAS PRESBNT FOR NOT/HMO—Those who buy books of G. G. Evans, at his Gift Store, No. 333 Chestnut street, get a gift for nothing, as with every purchase of a dollar and upwards is furnished some article of Jewelry or silver•ware, coal or flour, worth from twenty-five centsup to ono hundred dollars. A pleasant surprise to got a lever watch worth one hun dred dollars for a dollar; and yet the thing is quite a common occurrence at Xrans's. A Brum PonxvEn.—Many a young man has Made a fair lady his friend forever by sending a Christ mas present of confectionary, white many have thus paved the way for love and marriage. Those of our more ardent readers, who wish to try their luck in this way, should be sure to patronize good confectioners like E . 0. Whitman & Co., Second street, below Chestnut. Messrs. W. & Co. have a superb stock, and It Is most in vitingly arranged. stoves We have never seen a liner assort ment of gloves than are to be found at B. 0 Walborn & Co's., Nest and 7 North Sixth street. They are selling them very low, moreover, as indeed everything in their line stock of gentlemen's furnishing goods. Vent' RECIIERCIIE.—Potry tk Brother's table d'hote, at four o'clock, is one of the sensations of the •day. Our friends u•ho dine there speak of the whole thing as eminently recherche. There are several courses, and they are served in true Parisian style. Those who ant wine can get a good bottle of Berme or St. Julien for fifty cents, The Petry's are connoisseurs in tholes, eating. FroM soap to dessert their dishes eloquently proclaim the fact. oo ... 500 ... 200 ... 200 .. 726 BitAmu PLATfin W.etitB.—We take great pleasure in calling the attention of our remis' to the extensive establishment of Meyer h Warne, No. 701 Chestnut at. Their unique and beautiful patterns of American silver, an article greatly superior, in every reepect, to the common Britannia or plated ware, is now attracting great attention. It has a brigLt,ebatT l clean cut look, a clear silver ring; it is much harder, and cannot be bent or dented; it is not easily affected by heat; end astly, is sold fully as cheap as the common kind not 'possessing its superior qualities, Messrs. M. & W. have magnificent butter dlehes, tea seta, ice pitchers, goblet', caps, and, to fact, every article in their line, of beauti ful patterns and designs, and finished with exquisite taste. The prices will suit all pockets just now, which It/milli an item worth considering. Importations. [Reported ter The Press. RIO JANElRO—barque A A Drebort, Merritt-1014 bags coffee 1 box samples Rutter, Newhall, & Go; 1013 bags coffee 1 box samples Rutter & Patterson. WILMINGTON, NV—lichr J It Planner, Thompson -28 bbls spirits turpentine Yarnell & Ogden; 26 do Row ley, Ashburner & (lo; 3 boxes mdse & I Soarer & 1789 bbls rosin 28 do spirits turpentine 113 bags pea nuts 1 bale cotton 8 phget sundries order. LETTER BAGS At the Mete/tants , Exchange, Philadelphia. ehip Tuscarora, Dunlevy Liverpool, Dec 26 Barque ben Warren, Clifford Bavaria. noon Barque A J Harvey, Mar Berbadoea, soon Echr Jan II Stroup, Como Carder's!, mon Behr 8 B Wheeler, Conlon Havana, BOOD PIIIIADELPRIA BOARD OP TRADE. Jonx R PRNROSE, WM. O. PATTERSON, COMMITTER or TER MONTH V. lasanicit, SAILING or THE OCEAN STEAMERS. FROM THE UNITED STATES. 8711MIUB ♦ROW FOR Europa Doston..Llverpool Canada ..... .....New York..Ltrerpool Fulton Now York..llavre.... Borussia New York—ltamburg. Adriatic New York.. Liverpool.... Persia New York..Llverpool. Arago New York..Haere.... PROM EUROPE, TRIM /OR DAT Edinburg Glaegow..New York Deo 2 Adriatic.... ....Liverpool—New York Den 9 Panda ....... ....Liverpool—New York Dec 12 Arago Havre..Nele York Dec 15 Niagara Liverpool—Boston Dec'l9 Atlantic .... ....Liverpool..New York 'Dec 23 Africa .....Liverpool—New York Dec 26 Ilemmonia IDunburg..New York Jan 1 Fulton 11avre..New York /au 12 ILF - The California Mall Stoamere nail from New York on the 6th and 20th of cook month. Marine ,intelligence PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 22, 1.857. 81711 RIBEB - 7 25-BIIN BETH 485 ELIQR WATER 4 32 ARRIVED Steamship City of New York, Howes, 46 hours from Boston, with mdto and museums to Henry Wieser. Be. porte having posited oil the Brandywine the brig A Na. all, from Havana, upward bound; nfl the Buoy on the Middle passed the brig Judge Hathaway, for Olenfuegoo; oil Bombay Hoek the barque Oak, for Boston, and ackr L Audenrcid bound up; oft Reedy bland passed eche Goo Washington, upward bound; off New Oast% palmed schrJulla Smith; bound up; off Wilmington Creek passed the ochre Alfred Dunning, Grace Olrdler, J Planner, from Wilmington, NO, in tow of tug Pilot, and nix others, names not ascertained. Barque A A Drebert, Hewitt, 45 days from Rio de Ja neiro, with coffee to Rutter, Newhall ACo Left Oct 10th, barques Japonica, Sheldon, hence, wts; Fanny Holmes, Smith, from New York for Mobile, ready to load; J 11 Lanceeter, Somers, for San Francisco, dischg Ship Waverly, Luce of and from New York, bound to Melbourne, pout into Janeiro Oct 26 leaky, and had been ordered to discharge. Nov 10, tat 138, long 35 W, epoke barque Olara Mull, outward bound; wished to be reported. Nov 28, let 046 N, long 46 34 W, spoke brig Bonito, Upton , from Buenos Ayres for New York. Behr Ring Dove, Johnson, 0 days from Alexandria, with indite to T Wobeter, Jr. Behr Sea Flower. Thompson, 3 days from Baltimore, with mdse to T Webster. Jr. - • .. • . 80hr J 1.1 Planner, Thompson, 7 days from Miming. ton, NC , with naval eterea to Pettit, Martin & Co. Bohr Julia Smith, Crowell, 4 dap from New Bedford, in ballast to Crowell & Bohr A 0 Gray, Belly, I day from Smyrna, with corn to Bewley, Wilson & Co, Bohr Telegraph, Truitt, 1 day from Camden, DC, with corn to daa Barrett & Bon. Bohr Young America, Tuft, 1 day from Bt George's, Del, with corn to Joe Barrett & Bon. Behr Diamond State, limithers, 2 days from Milford, Del, with cora to J H SlcOoliPy. Bohr Stafford, McCready, 2 days from Baltimore, with wheat to Robeson Lea. -•• • . Saar J L Roberson, Sheppard, 2 days from Baltimore, with wheat to Robeson Lea. Steam-tug J L Posey; Robineon, B hours from Dela ware Breakwater, having towed to sea on Saturday night atIOX o'clock, the ably U B hfildmay, for London. Re ports the brig Alfred Exalt, from Ifigrana, off Reedy Island, upward bound CLEARED. Steamship Delaware, (lopes, N York, J Allderdice. Skip John Trucks, Lindsay, Panama, Bishop, Simons & Co. • Ship Belle of the Oteen, Reed, New Crime, DS Stet eon dr. Co . . Barque Cliestdre, Barra. ; Charleaton t do Brfg Molunkus, Mitchell ) Wilmington, Del, )1 A 800 der to Co. Behr Tillage Bell, Harvey, Bt. John, NB, E A Bonder & Co. 130 hr 81 Wrightington, Wrlghtlngton i Fall Elver, Ca been & 00. Sam R F Stockton, Ireland, Norfolk, Morris k Murray Str It I. (law, Iler, Baltimore, A (from, Jr. (oerrespondt nee of the Philitil , lohla Riel lam) LEWE, Del., Dee. 19, The ship Philadelphia, (pkt) Pool, tor Liverpool, brig Oeo Downes, for Porto Rico; live brigs unknown; earl/ D S King, Mary Stedman, Sarah Id Sherman, A Cannon, Rhode Weed, 0 A Reolishe• Trident, A • Ware,MOCintaLl Ware ) Max King, J KoPkino, King, Itaottel hoe, and P Armstrong, with others, went to sea on Friday afternoon. Wind NW.. Pours, &o, WM. M. HIONUAN. TIOASDB, 60 union Canal pfd.:. A 68 Bk of Penn....10t3.10 [ST TZLIORIPH,J (Correspondence of the Philadelphia &change.) CAPE BOLAND, Deo 21, 4 P 30 An hermaphrodite, outward bound, went to the Breakwater this afternoon, and Is now at anchor. No vessels in eight inward bound. Wind ENE, and the weather hoe a stormy appearance. Yours, dco., THOS. B. HUGHES. 5 Lehigh Scrip...... 344' Casa Amboy 11....176)( 7 Penn It 387( 2 do 887( 10 Norristown R 63 N Penn R 83( 7 Western Bank.—.ss 6 'Farm/Mock 8k...62 BOARD. 60 Erie R 18 (ST TELEGRAPH TO THE TREES.] NEW Your., Deo 21. Arr, Dutch galliot Foaca Helena, from Amatardarall ONFS—DULL. ' Bid. Asked. Sc N6s , 82 prof 1734 174( , 4 5t00k.... 0 11 Wrosp't & Elm RIOX 1134 debit wort Vs 68 69 MEMORANDA. Steamship Palmetto, Baker, hence at Boston yester day. Steamship Star of the West, Gray, sailed from New York yesterday for Aspinwall. Steamship Granada, Hansen, from New York, at Ha vana 11th inst, and sailed sumo day for Aspinwell. Ship Juniper, Lefavor, from Rio de Janeiro Oct 22d, bound to New York, was totally lost, with her cargo of 5000 bags coffee, on the 12th ul., on a reef 110 miles south of Pernambuco. The J was built at Robinson, Me, in 1863, registered 513 tone and rated A. 2. She WOO vetoed at about $l3lOO, which, with about $4OOO freight, was covered by lusurance in Philadelphia and New York officee; her cargo was insured In New York. She was owned by Messrs. Themes A Newhall & Co, of this city. 'The captain and crew arrived at Pernambuco Nov 19. Ship Neuces, Stevens, from Galveston, at Liverpool Bth Butt. Ship Ocean Belle, Holleran, from New York, arrived et Liverpool Oth inst. Ship Wild Rover, Cromwell, for Callao at Liverpool 6th inst. Ship Harvest Queen, Horton, from Callao, at Liver pool 29th ult. Ship Morning Light, from CAIIBO, at Portsmouth Bth lnet. Ship 'Mary MoNear, llcNear, from Chinches, at Havre sth inst. Ship Civilian, Purringion, from Callao, at Cowea 7th inst. Ship Fanny S Perky, York, from Callao, at Cowes oth Inst. Ships Wm Penn, Meade, and Wyoming. Brooks, for Philadelphia, remained at Liverpool oth lust. loading. Ship Mandarin, Porritt, for San Francisco, sailed from Hong Kong Oct 3. Ship Hesperus Lewitt, from Callao, at ilowea Des 2. Ship Nonpareil, Foulke, for Savannah, entered for loading at Liverpool 27th ult Ship Burlington, Toro, entered outward at London 28th ult, for Hobart Town. (altered from Adelaide Ship Jane E Walsh, York, from Leghorn for Philadel phia put Into Gibraltar 224 tilt, with loss of rudder. Ship Tartar, Mix, from New York for Shanghae, was spoken Nov 13, let 34 N, long 37 W, with loss of moat of her sails, and mitt of the crew in a state of mutiny; intended to make Porto Prays. Ship Ocean Steed, Cunningham, from Calcutta, ar rived at Dieppe 21st inst. Ship Midnight, Hatch, for Calcutta; sailed from Son derland 6th (pat. Ship Horatio, Hungerford, from iiihenghtut for New York, was spoken Sept 13, Ist 85 5, long 10 W; conse quently the fears felt at Shanghae on the 25th, that she might have been lost in the typhoon of Sept 5, are shown to have been without sufficient cause. Barque Almeida, Goes, at St Jago de Cuba 4th inst from New York. Barque Charlotte 11 Tay, Hughes. hence, via Tappa hannock, arrived at Rio de Janeiro Nov 7. Barque Alamo, Midges, from Rio de Janeiro, arrived at New York yesterday. Barque Powhatan, Simmons, from Mesta, was at Pa lermo 25th ult. Bovine E Cohen, Burgess, remained at Gibraltar 23d ult. Barque Jeannette, Barclay, frrm Amoy, was at Hong Kong Oct 25th. Barque Southerner, Clifford, for Philadelphia, was loading at Palermo 25th ult. Brig Ocean Wave, James, for Brandywine, cleared at New York yesterday. Brig Chicopee, Howes, from Boston, arrived at Liver pool 3d inst. Brig Malvern, Le'ar, sailed from Kingston, Ja, 20th ult. for Philadelphia. Brig Elise, Horn, from Wilmington, NO, for Rotter dam, at Ilelvoet 27th ult. Brig Geo Downes, Jameson, hence for Mayaguez, went to lea at 7m P 111 19th Mat, Eche GOY Wm A Newell, Turner, at Segue sth inst. from Wilmington, NO. Sohn' AI B alahony, Robinson, and Colorado, Bailey, for Philadelphia, sailed from New Redford 19th tut. Schr Polly Price, Price, sailed from Havana 12th font for Mobile. do 2dm 48X 49X Long Island 9X 9X Vicksburg 7 7x Girard Bank 9 9jj Lehigh Zino 7 1 Union Cana1.....3 4 New Creek. x Oatawiesa ICR.. 0 0X Havana Dec 11—Brlg Wing°ld, Loring, of Boston, which arrived 10th inst. from Portland, has noted pro test, having lost overboard her deck load. 14th—An American brigantine. it is reported, is *whore near Butubuno, on the south aide of the Island, but neither her name or any other particulars concern ing her are known here. . . Liverpool, Deo 3—Arr 2d, Samarang, Kelly, from St John, with alight damage by contact with the Contest. Dec 3d—The Contest, Johnson, from Meceio, was In contact leutt night, off the Crosby Lightship, with the American ship Samarang, from St John, ND, and lost wizen mast, fore topgallant meet, atauncheons on star board aide, Am. At Amoy Oct 141, B It Milan, J Mareball, Penguin, and Resolute. At Foo Chow Foo Oct 10, Celestial, Golden State, Kremlin, and Sarah 11 Snow. At Hong Kong Oct 25 Auckland, Barred& Brothers, Belle of the West, Burnham, Cariboo, Courser, Chili), Eagle Wing, Emperor, Frank Johnson, Ilindoy, Ifou• qua, Joe Peabody, Lyon, Malay, North Wind. Osban Howes, Oscar, Queen of the Bees, Swordfish. Ticonde roga United Staten, Wanderer, and Wizard. At' Bhanghae Oct 10, Alfred 11111, Antelope, Ariel, Florence, Moser, Intrepid, Nabob, Reynard, Skylark, and Surprise. At Macao, Beaver, Comet, Contest, Endeavor, Eu ropa, John Jay, Kate Hooper. and Norseman. At Manilla Oct 5, ships Matilda, Lee, and Flying Childers, White, for New York, Idg; Boston, Potter; and ()cringe, Smith, for Boston, do. At Bombay Nov 3, ships Sweepstakes, Lane. for New York, Idg; AII Thompson, Small, for London do; John & Lucy, Miller, for Liverpool, do; and others. At Rangoon Oot 3, ship &saes, Hartz, for the United Kingdom, Idg. NEW YORK, Dec 2lat—Arr Hamburg steamship Borussia, Tnsutmann, from Hamburg Dee Ist, and Southampton 4th at 5 P 31, with noire and 51 passengers. Had strong westerly gales daring the p .ssage, except ing the last four days, which were fine nod pleasant. From the 11th to the 14th, have been compelled to lay to in consequence of a tremendous gale 12th lost, Honor Furgensen, (seaman) fell overboard and was lost. 19th, lat 42 40,1 en 0510, saw Hamburg barque John Hermann, from Hamburg for New York. U S Id steam ship Adriatic, Went, Liverpool Deo 9; sehrs Richard A Wood, Cramer, Richmond,• W II Benedict, Ellis, do; It 3 Herter, Cullen, Norfolk. Cleared—Ship Pacific, Gadd, New Orleans; barque Month Stevens, St Jago do Cuba; ochre Yorktown, Wogioro, City Point; Woodbine, Allen, Attakapas; J G Huntington, Bowie, Alexandria ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, GIRARD HOUSE-Chestnut street. below Ninth. J T Young, N Y 8 R Mallory, Florida OW Sanders, Bait Mrs Y . Benne, Washington Mr Noll Ky John It Masi:mho° II N Thomas , N Y E Mlttchards, Lebanon, Pa A F William, Mich 0 E Chapman, N Y 0 Donahue & la, N Y J II Chapman, N Y P Thomas, Dalt Mies A 8 Chapman, N Y .1 9 klalcsy, IVashington 1413 P 11 0 Barlow, N Y 11 C Cleendann, N 'V E Green & la, N Y W Irving, U 9 N Dr o , llutter, U 8 N II A Thomas, N Y .1 W Tabor, Me & J N Peraing, N Y 0 0 Potts ln, lowa G A Nicolle, Reading J II Gentry, Richmond J Stuart, N Y D A Hatchor, Richmond G Kennedy, Smyrna, Del C A Henderson, Wash 1131 Era, Wheeling, Va .1 W McConkey, halt It C Stallard & la, Va 11 V Olime, fit Look If 0 Ent& t, New York 11 Il Sawyer, New York 0 W Roback, If D, Cinein N N Lyons, New York W W Dechert, New York .1 Julian, New York It Stack, Now York E M Richards, Lebanon Mira flimsy, Del Miss Mitchell, Del A F Thompson, Boston John Hill, fr, Roston Luther L Parker, !Malan Geo T Coulter, Dalt 9 T Hubbard, Batt 11 F Dickinson, Va II B Dickinson, Va J P Coruegya & w, Del 0 T Dupont, New York Jae A Taylor & la, N Y Cornelius Rapoly & la, I. I UNION HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth J Lenny, Flemington, N J E Perrin, Leesport, Pa Mrs F Parvin, Leesport Chas U. Pyle, Lebanon., Pa A W Kline, Reading, Pa G M Cook, Columbus, Ohio Jno Grants, Columbus, 0 E Biddle, Del Mrs II Biddle, Del Jno A Uoseteller, Pa J'rof Addleon, Boston M E Walker, Del Gee W ganders, Ballo D Caere;, Delaware W II Lace, Delaware Frank Mos, N Y G W Thorp. N V Joe Young, Boston 8 R. Bates, N Y Thou Baumgardner, Lane BF Bhurk, Lancaster Wm 0 Gilbert, Londoner J W Klltinger, Lebanon 11 F Bostick. 8 0 Mrs Consmiller, Itoboken T Markwater, lloboken lire lilarkwater, Hoboken II Sanford, N Y C A Darling, N Y 0 D Babcock, N Y Jas Myers, N Brunswick C U Bean, lif Y Frank Ray. N Y It Edwards Jr, Bolton Bawl Durgin, Boston Jos Durgin, Boston A Maurice, N Y A 11 glottis, Kencitha A K Williams & la, Mace SJ Bradwell k la, Ohio Levi Preston, Chester co Mrs Ileybold, Del City Mrs Unpin. Del City MO T Dante & la, Beading J F Coital, Reading R A V Polak, N Y A K Gay, Winslow, N J John Lorrain, Galena, 11l Doc 20 Deo 27 ,Jan 1 .Jan 2 ,Jan 6 ,Jan D AMERICAN HOTEL—Chentnut street, above Fifth. II D Murphy. N 3 Jon Rhodes, Coon N 0 Smith, Conn 3 0 Smith, Norfolk F L Robinson & id, Chicago H Mann Washington Jos B Collins, Md B I , Collins, bid l no B Harrison & In, Boston Mien Harrison. Boston Jan B Carlor, Boston ' Urn W Field & la, N Y Franklin Bricker, Rending .3 no W Stodda•d Ohio E P Wayer, Madison, Ind Joe A Culbertson, CIO, 0 0 W Brown, Washington L Brown, Washington Jan 8 Johnson, Pa Beni Campbell, Washingim Jan B Johnson, Pa P W Weichman, N Y 0 W Campbell, Bolt J W Paine, N Y Jan W Lindville, Phila 111 II Smith, Va MERCHANTS , NOTEL—Fonrth et., below Arch. 0 L ltowand, Valley Forge W T Purnell, Md Tno McCleary, Milton, Pa Sll Pollock, Milton, Pa N D Oortright, Chunk Jae E McLean, Belppensbg E Chapin. York, Pa E W Davidson, Philo Dvhlfd Wagner, Bellefonte Nathan Worley, Pa IS Yallentins, Tenn Elillrenby, Batavia Jno lt Garrison, Ohio Win Lilly, Mauch Chunk T 8 Thompson; Ashland E T Foster, Mnu'h Chunk John Byline, Clifton Oro Blackburn, Clifton Smith Gormley, Clifton J Shellenbarger, Pn John A McGinley, N J John Wherry, N J J Burr Ileddig, F S Blitz, Columbia Wilson Ager, Robersburg Smyeer, Yolk, Pa NATIONAL ROTEL—Race street, above Third D C Brown, N Y C W Clark, Coehen, N Y hoary J Roberts, N Y Geo B Johonton, Pa II B Btattlar, Lewisburg Robt Bradford, Reading C J Wilson, Reading II .1 Dandier, Pottsville C D Smith, Ohio Bbinner, Allentown Jacob Landis, Middletown EN Ranch, blanch Chunk Baml Morris, Jr, Pottsville STATES llNlON—Market street, above Sixth. 0 Mauer & la, Pittsburgh 0 Stuck & la, York, Pa N McDonald, Columbia Edw McDonald, Pottsville F Dell, Ye S Bromell, Ya R 0 (milliner, MlMotown 8 Morgenroth, Ohio J E Fox, Pa BLACK DEAR INN—Fifth and MerOhal;t streets. David Drown, Chester co Lewis Pennock, Jr; Pa S J Williams, Chester co James Scott, Lewisville Davis Kimble Kimbleville Thee)" 131Yest,Drandwine Joe Mintzer, Pottsville Sarni Moses, Phoenixville Jacob York, Phoenixville U Hamad, Newark, Del DG T Dare, Lancaster co Jae B Kennedy, Lane co 010 K Clark, Pottstown David Mimes, Pa Robt Kennedy, Pa. BARLEY SHEAY—Second, below Vine. S Harper, Fox Chase, Pa J 0 Parry, New Hope J C0V101.1 2 Point Pleasant Ire Tyson, Cheltenham Mrs Tyson, Cheltenham Thom Warner, Bucks co D Blair & la, Bucks co Chas Willard, Newton Wm crooks, New Hope thiml Holcomb, Bucks co J L Lovett, Bucks co BenJ Blackwell, N J en R Courson, Bucks co Thos Barton, Bucks Robt Beans, Bucks co John Heller, Bucks , co Wm L Walker, Bucks co BALD EAGLE—Third street, abort) Callowhill. II T Trumbowor, Bucks co P Faust, Northampton co EranFriechlet, Pocks co Henry Stahl, Norrietown NV/heeler dc. la, NJ 31 Deveraux, Reading Jas Romer, Paxton BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third street, ab. Callorrbill. Immo Loran, Hamburg A Untletkoller. Limerick (leo Eckert, Schuylkill Co J C Coleman,Schuylkill co Mrs Coleman, Schuylkill co Wall Verger, ❑reen tau w It Etoneutow, Emitou, Pa to ADISON TlODSR—Second street, above Market. J Talmud, Odense, Del Joalma Dower, Del 8 0 &adman Del David Mallon, Del Robt Manley, Ditteburgh T 0 ?Tilden, Pittel urgh Minnick, Pittsburgh dm Ponder, Del Andrew Alwiek. N Y J T Farsoo, Smythe, Del FS V Yirsoo, ihninn, Del TUEiDAY, - 11E : 661BEii A, 1857.! MARINE MIBOELLANY FOREIGN PORTS DORESTIO PORTS Up to 12 o'clock Lase Night Oporial Natiteo. „ Gold Pens.—The attention of the public is called to our essoctolent. Eva pen astrented to give satisfaction, FARR & TEIOMPBON, de2% dtjen Digls Building, 1124 Chestnut street, Ladles and Gentlemen may obtain valuable Phrenological descriptions, day and evening, at the CABINET, 922 CHESTNUT Street, above NINTH, south side. Particular attention paid to the examina tion of children. del7.7t* The Greatest Bargains in the World.—The subscriber, being about to close his business, offers his entire stock of superior Ready-made Clothing [or sale. All in want of a superior article are invited to give bima call. Store to let and Mauna far sale. M. TRACY, 292 MARKET Street. delb.aos Furs: Furs Furs Selling on at reduced prices, wholesale and retail, at 1961. F. 11ESEL'S Fancy Fur Store, No. 152 North Third Street, below Race street. del4-2er Holiday Cats.—Gentlemen's {Wrappers, Mut gent, scarfs, oravate, ties, 'docks, shawls, dm These are most useful presents, and are to bo found In great variety at W. W. Knight's, 012 Arch street, above BUM, at very low prices. del2•d•tdeo. Skates! Skates I Skates I—Oar %Trident will Bad the largest and moot complete sasortment of this winter luxury, and at the lowest prices, at W. W.' KNIGHT'S, No. 019 Market street, opposite Decatur street. no3o-101 Saving Fund.—Nntionni Safety Trnst Co., Office, WALNUT Street, 8. W. corner of THIRD. ARRANGEMENTS FOR BUSINESS DURING THE SUSPENSION OF SPECIE PAYMENTS BY THE BANKS. 1. Deposits received and paymente made daily 2. Current - Bank Notes, Meeks, and Specie will be received on deposit. 3: Deposits made to Bank Notes or Cheeks will be paid back In Current Dank Notes. 4. Deposita made in Dold or Silver will be paid book 0(1111. Interest Viva Put Cm. per enema Furs.—Joseph Hosenbaum's Fars are eels• brated for cheapness, style, and quality. Store 416 Arch street, between Fourth and Fifth. N B.—Furs altered into fashionable styles. We study to please. dak-lm Jackson, JOB PRINTER, MEROEIANT Cheeks, Notes, Drafts, Dills Lading, BIN Heads, Cdr. enter'', Oarde, and all other kinds of Job Printing, at prince to eult the times. onlT-ly Seamen's Sating Fund—Office 103 Walnut street, one door west of second 'area. Receives de posits in sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all Blames of the community, and allows interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum. Wilco open daily, flom 9 until 9 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. Pieeldent Franklin Fell; Treaanrer and Secretary, Oharlea M. Morrie. For Perfumed Breath, White Teeth, and Beautiful complexion, use .; Balm of 1.000 Flowers." For dressing Ladies' hair, use " Woodland Cream, a new Pomade." It curls Gentlemen's hair beautifully. P. INTRIDOZ & Co., Proprietors, N. Y. For sale by T. D. Peterson, SOO Chestnut; Samuel Fiimes, Twelfth and Chestnut; A. D. Durand, 718 Chest nut; T.ll Peters & Co., 718 Chestnut; G. G. Evans, Gift Rook-store, 430 Chestnut; 0. S. Hubbell, 1410 Chestnut; French, Richards, & Co., Tenth and Mar ket; A. D. Taylor, Ninth and Walnut; Dr Morrison, Seventeenth end Chestnut; J. W. Slams & Bons, Eighteenth and Twenty-Second and Market; Edward Christmann, 702, Chestnut; Thomas Lancaster, cornet Eleventh and Walnut. nol2-17 Cabinet Ware and UPHOLSTERY, 141 WALNUT ST, OPPOSITE INDEPENDENON SQUARE, OEO. J. HENKEL'S, 621 WALNUT Street, 0e22.81n Late of 178 Chestnut Street Bonk of 'Pennsylvania Notice.. Notes of this Bank taken at par for a Wholesale Stock of Clothing, now being soli at Retail. No. 1 North FIFTH Street. S. C. Beivnid, Commission Business in Com. morels] paper and negotiations of loan', 60 WALNUT Mr., opposite the Exchange, Philadelphia. ao10•Sm Good Coffee. Lovers of Coffee cannot realize the fell value of their favorite beverage without having It made In the Old Dominion Coffee Pot. ARTHUR, BURNHAM, & GILROY, 117 and 119 South TENTH, eor. of George, dl-Sm Sole Manufacturers An Important Fact.---We mow see It an nounced that the extensive Wholesale Clothing Deal ers, STRAUSS & GOLDMAN, No. 596 MARKET St., above Third, have commenced to Retail their entire stock at wholesale prices. det-In, Bower's Infant Cordinl.---This invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of the moot oboice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and is the moat perfect and reliable carminative extant for infants and young children. By its powerful Influence a speedy once le effected to all cases of Oholie, windy palm' and spasms. Relieves and mitigates much of children'e suffering during denti tion or teething, and by Its soothing properties hen. quillees pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, &e, The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been need in thousands of cases with the most abundant stomas. No family should be without It. Prepared only by fleecy A. Bowen, At hie Drug and Chemical Store, N. B. corner of Sixth and Green eta., Philadelphi►. To whom all orders must be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. as 18-17 Gifts aced Hard Thnes•—The Interchange of presents among friends Is the surest cement of friend ship, regard, and affection. There are certain periods of the year at which presents are more looked after and more prized than at others The hallowed Merry Cbrintinas Time" is, especially, one of those periods. On these holidays, the young and the old all expect alike from their friends some token of affection; and as almost every one is blamed with many friend., and therefore, ban to make many presents, it behoove., to such herd times, to study what and where to buy Many who have on former occasions made costly pre• Bents, will tcdit more prudent and convenient to select 'their presents, this year, more suitable to the time., the more eo as not the cost of the article, bet the re gent for the giver makes it valuable to the recipient. There Is no Store in thin city which offers, in this respect, so many inducements to the purchaser, as re• garde rarity of goods and cheapnes of prices, as Cade. Dnutifo's, Nos. 33 and 97 North Eighth street, corner of Zane. His immense stock of Fancy Article., Toy., and Musical Instruments of all kinds, also Cricket and Archery Implements, surpasses anything over offered for sale in this city. Give him a call and examine his goals, whether you bay or ant As be imports all his goods himself, he In enabled to cell lower theta any other retail store, and, owing le the times, he is, for this year, willing to 801 l his goods, retail, at the whole- Bale importation prices. Catalogues will be given out gratis, which will help In the selection of geode, and introduce to the Inquirer many new goods not thought of before, de1...441025 illarriageo On the tent' ultimo, by Rev. S. E. Pont, Mr. JAMES FREEMAN to Mien AMANDA N. DATES, all Of mut donttold, N. J. Oa the 13th Natant, by Rev. N 111, donee, Rector of St. 13(rtholomewe Church, ANDERSON ROSS CARR to ELLEN CARSON, all of thle city. larathe. On Sunday morning, December 20th, ESTIIER ODIN, wife of the Rev. Ben3amin Doer, D. D. The friends of the family are reveetfully invited to attend her funeral, without further notice, from her husband's residence, 1232 Arch street, this afternoon, at 3 o'clock precisely. Services will be at Christ Church at 3,ti o'clock. On the 18th ll:latent, after a severe and lingering M alaga, Mr.IIIINJAMIN I'tioll, 9r , In the Olet year of hie ago. On the 19th inatant, CATHARINE II'VEY, In the 85th year of her age, Notice.—The Creditors of Ilamman, SNYDER, & CO. nro requested to call at our Count ing•rooin before THURSDAY, tho 24th inst., and ex amine our statement and proposition. !CABMAN, SNYDER, 1 1 .: CO , No.4N MARKET Streat UJ Granite Lund Company.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of maid Company lint be bold at 16 North 811YENTII Street, on TIIESDAY, the 12th day of January, 1858, at 6 o'clock P. 11.. for the election of Officers for the ensuing year. N. 11. Amendments to the By-Laws proposed will be acted upon at mad meeting. de22..his* Fr Dr. Stereus , s Fifth Lecture, an the J2d Instant, at 7,1 i fitilkloct " Mars 11111 sod the Acropolis of Athens."' de2l-2t5 0 - 7' People's Literary Inalltute..--(1. CURTIS, Erg , of New York will deliver Ida great Lecture, SIR plum , SIDNEY, Olt TIIE MAN," at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, on TUESDAY EVENING, Dec. 22d. Hoorn open at 1; Lecture finer ter to S. Tickets 26 cents. Seavon Tickets, at it re duced price, for Bale at the Book Shwa. Mr. Curtis has promised to be lo the city by noon, to il:9111(13 against diceppointinent. delfi•Sta - - - MT' Southwark Relief Associatton.—The Southwark Relief Association, In consequence of tho pressing domande on them for relief, are desimue of commencing the distritration of Food and Fuel to those in distrebs at as early a day as possible, for which pur pose they respectfully solicit donations from the charitable, In money or provisions nt their Store, No. 909 South SECOND Street, (twhich t, open daily from 3 to 9 o'clock P. N.,) or at eitheer of the under signed. GEO. 11 EIMER, President, 210 South FRONT St., or 215 CARPENTER St. • 09()AR THOMPSON, Trensurer, 228 WALNUT St., or 325 WASIIINOTON St. tielo-stuth3tit 11,7•01fice at tke Commonwealth I nsurnuce COMPANY OF THE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA . Pursuant to the requirement,' of the chatter of the Com monwealth Insurance Company of the State of Pennsyl vania, an Elootion for Ten Directors, to nerve the ensu ing year, will be held at the office of the Company, N. W. corner of FOURTH end WALNUT, on MONDAY, January 4th, lON between the hems unhand 2 o'clock at no2B.uth-tE SAMUEL S. MOON, liec'y. lirLiterary Eitrenni—An Experienced Editor, • successful author, and a thoroughly educated Literary man, weary with twenty-five years of the drudgery of Daily Journalism, has determined to hire out or sell bin brains at retail to those who may require their services In auy honorable way. Merchants, Business Alen, Inventors, and dealers of every kind, will be supplied, olf-hand, with Advertise ments, (political or otherelse,) Notices, Cards, Circu lars, or any species of article desired. Politicians will be supplied with Speeches, Reports, Resolutions, Letters, Toasts Pamphlets, Editorial Ar ticles, Communications. and every other sort of Brain work, which they may gad it inconvenient or trouble some to do for themselves. Ladles and Gentlemen, of every rank in society or oc cupation in life, can have Letters written on any nub sett, whether business or sentimental. The advertiser will also conduct or translate Corres pondence of every kind, either English, grench, Span ish, German, or Italian. Poetry, Aerostice for Ladiew' Albums, Notes, Billet dons, Monodies, and Compositions of the moat delicate and confidential character s incident to every possible circumetanee or event In life, will he furnished In in violable confidence, by writing to the undersigned, and explaining their wiehes. Orders by mail, accompanied with each, will be strictly and promptly attended to. Address J. THOMPSON, Literary Bureau, dl-aq pox 3986 Plille4elphii P. 0., Pa. %muorniento. F, additional Amason( tits see first page MUSICAL FUND HALL. TIIIS DAY, (Tuesday,) December 22. LAST DAY DPERFORMA'AN ORIA ANNCE.D VIEUXTEMPS. MATlNEE—Tickets 50 cents. At one o'olook P M precieely, Compandany. Farewell appear ance ol the DEBUT OF aI'LLIO. MARIE GARNAUX. The eminent Plante t or the Conservatorie Paris, and pupil of Oharlen D. lieriot, (Malibran.) Assised b bl'aie. CARIOLI, Miss MILNE y R, PERRINO, GAB BIER, 110000, KLETZER. Conductor Sig . AIIELLA. . MADAME D'ANGRI wiII PROGRAMME clog—Aria, Tancredi." Merl Zlngari—Duatt, "Romeo and Juliet," with Wine. CAROIOLI. MADAME OARIOI.I will sing—Aria, "Trovatore Duett," with Arnie. IPANDRI. MISS MILNER will aing—" Kathleen Havourneen” —Duett, "When thy bosom heaven that sigh," and a Scotch Ballad. AI 'me. MARIE GARNAUX will perform on the Piano Porte 1. INVITATION, a la valei—Tarber. 2. TARANTELLA, by Charles De Beriot, (Malibran.) U. VIEUXTESIPS will play—Lucia, "Les Arpeges." SIG GASSIER will sing—Aria ol.tritro." Aria, "Don Pasquale." 510. PERRINO will slag—" Stater dear," and Duett with Miss MILNER. SIG. ROCCO will sing—" La Trompette du Posti lion." Signor KLETZER will play on the Tiolincello, "Inn garlau and Switzer Aim. o. s. m. BUSINESS OF GREAT IMPORTANOE. A Special Mooting of MINNE-11 LODGE, No, 1, will be held at the Hall, on WEDNESDAY AFTER NOON, 23,1 inst., at 5 o'clock preciniy. A general attendance of all the members in came ,tly desired. By order of tho de22.2t; GRAND COMMANDER. 350 VALUABLE ENGRAVINGS, IN ELEGANT FRADIEB, PUBLIC SALE. 'MEIJER, ENGLISH, AND GERMAN Slain and Colored Engravings, OF TEN STOCK or A. B. ROBINSON Wlli be sold by M. THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers without reserve, AT THE STORE, 910 CHESTNUT STREET, NUM TO TAKE PLACE ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY, Deo 28th sad 29th, • 0011tHENCING AT 11 o , qLocx. *ictures open for Impaction. Catalogues three day,,, previous to eale, de22-t29 G LOBES FOR PARLOR OR STUDY, OR VARIOUS MSS, PAINT BOXES, SPY GLASSES, mIcRoscOPES, PARLOR TIIERMOMETERS, , eze., oco. DIoALLISTER & 723 CHESTNUT STREET WRIGHT &CO., BANKERS AND I:NCl/AMU BROKERS, OM No. 31 south TRIED Street,' Dear CHESTNUT PERMIDIA PAID ON GOLD, MYRA, AND NNW YORK EXCHANGE. City Warrants Bought at the lowest rates. 4,ONGCHAMP'S OLD TOM LONDON AA CORDIAL OlN—The best specific for Dyspepsia, Discuses of the Kidneys and al/ the Urinary organs ; I TUE &MST Tonto AHD NVIOORLNT. The late important reduction of the dutices on spirits has permitted the Introduction of this remarkable article, used no extensively In Europe, oath the appro bation of the medical faculties, guarantied pure and unadulterated, withdrawn for consumption from the unite of the Custom House. It is recommended to all families by the boat physicians, either as a ourative or AA a preventive of the above diseases. F. D LONGODABIP, Sole Importer and Proprietor, 217 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia, Pa. For sale at the principal Drug Stores of Philadelphia and other cities of the United States, ellAbiliOlN, 204 South FRONT Streat, Sole Agent for the district of Philadelphia. de224uthslm* TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. —13%, O. L. MUNN% No. 731 SPIGION Street, inform his friends that, by the Galvanic operations, the nerves of the Gum and Teeth are ao benumbed that there le no pain in the extraction. de22-6t* ►IIWO MAMMOTH OREM, WEIGHING -R. 690 Ibn each, will be for sale the 22d, 23d, and 24th, at the RED CURTAIN, YOURTH and I.SARKET Streets, de22-2tite 131JFFALO OVERSHOES. MEN'S aud WOMEN'S BUFFALO OVERSHOES for sale by the case or single pair, by GEO. W. TAYLOR, de22-lial B. E. Cor. MARKET and FIFTH Ste. fjolittaD (Dina A BEAUTIFUL PRESENT A WINE, DAUMITER, <USTI R, OR ONE OF GROVER g- BAKER'S VAM{LY SEW' NO MACIIINEB, FOR SILE AT No. 730 CHESTNUT Street GIFTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, IN FRENCII EBIBROIDERIES AND LACE GOODS' FURNER & CO., SID CHESTNUT, Have opened another large asaortment of French Em brolderlea and Lace Goode, at half their value. Embroidered Collard, at 25 conic, worth 8111 mita. do. do. 50, usual price $1 12X. do. do. 8746'. do. French Alumna Seta, fax as. do. Cambric Sets, from $l. French Beaver Cloaks. 450 DEAVER CIRCULARS, at $5, de22.6t former price 1,10. CHRISTMAS BOOKS. The subscriber, intending to remove from h'e pre tent store immediately after the commencement of the year, announces Me Intention to dispose of hie stock of ILLUSTRATED AND STANDARD BOORS, REGARDLESS OF OOST. Thin he will do during the present week, and thee will be offered an unprecedented opportunity for ob taining BOOKS FOR PRESENTS OR LIBRA RIBS. lIENRY GARRY BAIRD, No.l Hart's Buildings, HINT!! Street, above Chestnut. G REAT BARGAINS FOR CIIRISTAIAS AND NEW YEAR PRESENTS, LADLES' WINTER CLOAKS. FINAL REDUCTION IN PRICKS, TO CLOSE TIIE REASON. .1. W. PROCTOR & CO , Successors to Geo. Bulpia & Co , 8°22.0412 708 0111:8TNUT street GREAT ATTRACTION. CIIOIOE CHRIBTIifAS PRESENTB GLENN & CO , Having taken for A FEW WEEKS the Store No 130.1 CHESTNUT Street, third door above Thirteenth street, for the purpose of selling off the remainder of their elegant retail stock of FANCY AND USEFUL AltTI t.ILES, respectfully solicit the patronage of their former customers and the public generally. assuring them that the articles will be sold at T.INPRECEDENTEDLY LOW PRICES, and WITHOUT REGARD TO COST, an the proprietors are determined to elo , e them out, if possible O. A. Co. have also for sale it largo invoice of BEAUTIFUL GOODS In the line, selected in Paris during the het summer, by fir Coos ittVARD, ex pressly fur the canting Holidays. 0. et Co. respectfully inform the public that this will be their LAST SALE of the kind, and trait they will receive a continuance of the liberal share of patronage bestowed upon them vlopaer oceavions. de2l-4telt CHRISTAIAS PRESEN'rS. L. J. LEVY & CO. have now in More a very choice neeorttnent of PARIS EAIDROIDERIES, REAL LACE SETS, BLAU( CHANTILLY VEILS, SUPERB CAMELS' HAIR SHAWLS, EVENING AND PROMENADE DRESSES, VELVET CLOA ItS, REM. IRISH POPLINS, WEDDING DRESSES, dm, with the uanal variety of Goode, which they offer at thin Reason of the year at low rites. de2l.6t 42d CHESTNUT Street LADIES' FURS FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. The moat mailable article ter the Holidays, and SO VERY CHEAP, At OAKFORD'S, de2l-0t 024 CHESTNUT, below Seventh Street. pINE WAT6IIES. IL' A toll supply of all the celebrated London and Canova Watches constantly on hand. We sell the Gen If int Rocfsharn Watch at Twenty-five Potters less than the agency price, as established at Benton. Linton Agency price in 250, 276, 300 dollars. Bailey & Co 'a price is 225, 260, 275 dollars. BAILEY A CO., 428 CHESTNUT St. no2B-ntull4w OAKFORD'S HOLIDAY HATS Is the most beautiful style ever offered. No. 024 CHESTNUT Street, below SEVENTH dell-ilt OARFORD'S THREE—DOLLAR HATS Aro the best in the Country. No. 624 CHESTNUT. below SEVENTH Street FOR CHRISTMAS CHOICE CONFECTIONERY. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, No. 1210 MARKET STREET, Went of Twelfth FINE MINTUBES IN ONE AND TWO POUND BOXES. ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL BONBONS ASSORTMENT OF SPLENDID BOXES TUB SOLUBLE OUM DROPS FOR COUOIIB. A VARIETY OF KNICK KNACKS FOR TILK del9-11. 110L'IDAYB CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AT COAT OF IMPORTATION. TUE LA.RUEST ASPORTMENT OF FANCY CHINA AND CLAPS 19 7111 S Goods marked down in plain fignren, and no deviation from the Bled Flee. del9•lst ISM. J. KERR, %UNA HALL," Opposite the ilitiste Muse. BROAD CLO TH, 0/ 188I6IERE8, B S.TTINETB, Boys' wear genrrally, and VESTILIOB. CLOTH Bemuse. &c., &o. Our For Ladies' Closi he, CLOTH ROO3l Is now scooted' with cheap lots, purchased at the recen ' AUCTION SALES At Yery red( iced prices, to which we incite the atten lion of Doyen OUR' WEN STODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 464 Nort SECOND Street, de42l4w aborts WILLOW. RAWLS, SHAWLS. Bled. Centre Brodie Long Shawls. 6, Chain@ Irvine 6, French' Blanket Vleunaa and Lamas. Shawla and Searle. BRARPLEBB BROTHERS, eAel9. CHESTNUT and mount Streets L:I.CFICOL TEACHERS, POLICE, AND )^, other Orzditors of the city, take notice. We will take CITY WARRANTS at PAR for Cloaks and Talmas, Blankets, Dress Stuffs, cud other DRY GOODS, all of which will be offered at the lowest cash prices. SAMUEL 8. HESS, 521 MARKET Street, north side, between NINTH and TENTH. CIIILDREN'S PLAIDS. Just received a case of Children's English Woollen Jacket Plaids— RIO designs and Colors. Also, Plaid Flannels and Challis. At SHARPLISS BROTHERS, dill CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets SACRIFICES IN DRESS TRIMMINGS VILE ARE SELLING BALL TRIMMING, Braided Drop, 37c, formerly 870, Do. Do. Floes Drop, 25c, formerly 50e. FANCY VELVET, NC, formerly, $125. AND V SNOT TRIMMINGS GIN {RALLY, AT STILL HEAVIER REDUCTIONS. J. G. MAXWELL & SON, CHESTNUT, below Eleventh, and SECOND, below Spruce CLOTH CLOAKS FOR PRESENTS. Gray Cloaks, $2.60, $3 50, &a. Black Cloaks, richly made, n, Ac. Fine Black Beaver Cloaks, $8 to 111. Cloaks In profusion of style, quality, and price. LADIES' CLOAK CLOTHS, Bought at auction, and for cash, comprising— Fine and medium Black Beaver. Black Lionekin or Mohair, $l, $1.25,11 60 Black ?dial Velvet, for Trimming, 60 eta, Brown and Gray Clothe, very,{ cheap. BROCHE awns. Scarlet, Green, and two-faced centres. Good Broche Long Shawls at $8 and $9 Black Thlbet, Blanket, and Ohildren's GLOVES, CRAVATS, SCARPS. Gents' Shawls, for travelling. Warm Gloves, Undershirts. Drawers, &a. COOPER & CONARD. S. E. cor. NINTH and MARKET. N. B. English 10. cent Prints, in dresses, for Christ Dias Gifts. de2l VIIRISTMAS PRESENTS OF REAL V WORTH! Fine Black Cloth Cloaks for 15. Beautiful Chenille Cloaks for 64. A great variety of Cloaks from $6 to 63. LONG BROOME SHAWLS, ALL WOOL AND SILK, FOR 11. Square and Long Broche Shawls from $6 to 620. Blanket Shawls, Chenille Shawla, Ac., Ac. VERY EXCELLENT BLACK SILKS. Fancy Silks dosing out below coat. French Merinos at 60c. EnglishCobourgs very cheap. Figured and Plain all•wool Delaines for 25c. per yard. Fine quality Plaid Cashmeres for 26c., double width. GOODS OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION. Irish Linens, of the very best make. Ladlea' and Gentlemen's Linen Handkerchiefs, Ladies , and Gentlemen's Kid Gloves. We have a very large stock of Linen Table Clothe, Napkins, Towels, Cloths, Cassimeres, Blankets, Flannels, Carpets, &0., Ac. THORNLEY & CRISM, delo-y N E car. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. We buy and cell for Cash, and have but one price ' HOLIDAY GIFTS, OF /N USEFUL AND ACCEPTABLE CHARACTER TURIVEN STODDART h BROTHER Invite persons who are about making selections of IRMIDET PRESENTS, to an inspection of their extensive end varied stock of FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS. Which has been purchased at the late auction sales, at greatly reduced prices. RICII DRESS. SILKS. " SILK ROBES A QUILLE at $l5 CI " VOLANTE at $l5 and $l5. POPLIN" A QUILLE at $5. PARIS PRINTED MOUS DE LAINES-31, 35, 37, and 44 cents. Itirl style, all wool, PLAID CASIIMERE-31, 3.5, and 37 cents peryard . FRENCH EtERINOS-68,112% , and 70 cents. PARAMATTAS, FIOURED CASIIMERES, CALL COES, & c. SHAWLS. Au exteanive Mock of Paris awl Ileums Long and Square . . MIME SHAWLS. From the late Cash Auction Sales. Superior Long Broche Shaw 510, 811, $l2. BLANKET SHAWLS. American and imported Blanket Shawl!, new and de enable styles. STELLA SHAWLS, of choice designs. CHENILLE SHAWLS. from $2 60 upwards. CASHMERE SCARFS, EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES, &a , Non. 450, 452, and 454 NORTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE WILLOW. del2-2w /1. 11 DIA SHAWLS.- GEO. FRYER, 910 CHESTNUT STREET, Has received a few choice INDIA SHAIVLS, Suitable for CHRISTMAS' PRESENTS. The attention of the Ladies is particularly invited 119-2 w CLOA.K.S.--, CLIEAP AND ELEGANT CLOAKS. The 'Argent and handeoweetstock of VELVET AND CLOTH CLOAKS In the City, AT 000000 D PRICKS, AT GEO. FRYER'S, No. 015 OLLESTNUT STREET. d 92 FEMALE FRIEND B OYS' CLOTHING. N. A. HOYT Jr. BRO. Hare non on hand a very large assortment of BEADY-MADE GOODS, Suitable for the present season, which they feel disposed to sell oasis. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, B. W. CORNER TICNTII AND CHNSTNOT SOB. N. It.—Mle have a large assortment of uncut geode, of superior quality and make, to order from. d4--lm RANK OF PENNSYLVANIA.—SPE -LAP Gin NOTICE.—AIt the notes on the Rank of Pennsylvania redeemed at par for DRY GOODS, selling at less then Auction prices. Muslim], Linens, Cloths, Catiairneres, Blankets, Shawls, Calicoes, Delainee. at a great sacrifice, in connection with our entire stock, which will be sold at prices which will astonish all who, inay favor us with a call. Pennsylvania Bank Notes taken the same as specie, we make no difference,) at OLIVER H. JOHNSON'S Peminylvania Bank No)p Dry Goods Store, No. 1000 MARKET Street, above Tenth, north aide. N. 11 —Orders received for the very best Schuylkill Coal ; Pennsylvania Bank Notes taken in payment. LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL & SON WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES 1090 CHESTNUT Street, four door, below Eleventh And 318 S. SECOND St , below Sprure FACTORIES.—Noe. 95 and 9T GEORGE St., Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union, Orders made at a few hours , notice eentletncit's furnisl)ing toobe FINE SHIRTS, made to order, and war ranted, of elegant material and generic.. work maneblp. Alto, Dress Stocks and gentletnen , a Wrap per., at the Premium Store 01 W. W. KNIGHT, 612 AIICII Street, above Sixth. n021,y W! ' RAPPERS WRAPPERS I WRAP PERS !—A very large and elegant assortment at reduced prices. Also, heavy under-clothing or all de scriptions, for gentlemen's wear, at W. W. 1{1110111"S, 612 ARCII Street, above Sixth. no2l-y VTINCHESTER 8c SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER,SEASI SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. f66 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia The attention of Southern and Western Merchanta, and Strangers, is particularly Invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole ails and retail, and mule to order. auS4 If 1 n surd nre COMpflitiCo fI . RE AT WESTERN INSURANCE AND lA TRUST COMPANY—Mite. 403 WALNUT, Corner of FOVILTII Street. FIRE, MARINE and lIVLAND INSURANCE at the lovreat reel. rtitt.tunialtis, Not ember 23, 1957. At n Pleating of tho Stockholders of nit Company, Sold oo the 16th lost., the following rersons were elected Directors for the coining year, viz: CHARLES C. LATHROP, 1123 Walnut street. WOO. DARLINO, 1510 Pine street. ALEX. WIIILLDEN, merchant, 18 North Front st ISAAC lIA ZIA:HURST, Attorney and Counsellor. JOIIN O.IIVNTEIt, of Wright, Hunter A. Co. E. TRACY of N. Tracy & Co., (holderoiths , JOIIN 11. 51'CURDY, of Jones, White, & BrCardy. TItUS. L. OILLESPIE, of Cllllespie & Zeller. JAS. D. 8311TII, of Jas B. Smith A Co. N. II ApPlltt JEFFRIES, of Wm 11. Brown A Co JOHN It VOMPES, cur. Seventh and Sarthom etreets CHAS N THOMPSON, 413 Chestnut street. JNO J SLOCUM, 2:id South Third street ALFRED TAYLOR, Oka Cairo City Property. "" Awl et a meeting of the Directors, held this day, CHARLES C LATIIItOP wan unsnlinously re-elected President, and Wtl. DARLING, Vice-President -11. R. RICHARDSON, Assistant-Secretary. 11:1 MARINE INSUR IILADELYIDA-015ce, No. r THIRD. )NLY TAKEN." /TOIL Wm. M. Swain Jer. Walker, Johp A nimscb: Jr., Jar.. McClure, N Burroughs, Tho. ()rarest, J. B. Ilughea, A. 8. Gillett, Y. D. Sherman, Furman Sheppard, Wm. P. Hecker, Semi. lopes, M D., J. P. Steiner Joseph Klapp, K. D. U. A. Shackelford, lion. JOP,I, President. Hon. G. W. WOODWARD, Vice President. Jan. B. litaktucLor, Secretary. :AIM B. ALVORD, Assistant Secretary. not-3m-It eI_IRARD FIRE 'LA ANON. COMPANY, PEI 802 WALNUT street west o "FIRE DlllO VOMMONWEALTrI FIRE INSURANCE v.... , COMPANY, OF THE ,STATE OF PENNSYLVA NIA —Office N. W. Comer FOURTII and WALNUT Streeta, Philadelphia. Subscribed Capital, 1500,000. Pald•up 1 )&00 1 11M:00 0 . DAVID JAYNE, M. D., Prefildeat. THOMAS S. STEWART, Vice Preil. Sarum. B. Moon, Secretary. CAVING FUND.-•UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and OMIT NOT Streets. . . Large and email sumo received, and paid back on de. mend, without notice, with FIVE PER OENT INTER. EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office bonne, from 9 until 5 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EYEbilliGB from I until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and /Scotland, from El upward'. Preelderd—ETEPßEN R. ORA.W/OBD, Treasurer—PLlNT FISH. Taller—JADlEB R. HUNTER A GENTLEMAN, lIAVING SEVERAL LW years' experience in the INSURANCE business, desires a positton,fts Seetetexy or Assistant. fleereteryOu first-el ems Fire Insurance Company. Best of references given. Address B. OWENS, P, 0, delattlis JOHN OAMPRELL & SON, BIBLIOPO tV In the CUSTOM MUSE Avenue, have al ways for sale rare And scarce Book.. o(l:alien:wen book worms are invited to call and judge as to prices and TA rlety. Law and miscellaneous books purchased In small or large %nautili's. Boas um/Liquidly receiving from eMOtIO4 st24-th to am* Mr 0 eurtro OLIVER H JOHNSON, No. 1009 Mnrket xtreot COMO gain bn %nail= THOMAS & SONS, .010 Nog. 139 and 141, SOUTH MIRTH STE UT • (Form e r iy 'Not 6T and 60.) NOTICE.-SAGE OF SPLENDID FICRNITIIRE Cataioguen of Mr White's stock of Furniture are now ready, and the a:Melee may be examined any time pm 01000 to WO. REAL ESTATE, STOCKS ko. Public Bales et the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening. Mr' Handbills of etch property issued separately, in addition to which we publish on the Eatarday previous to each sale one thousand catalogues In pamphlet form, giVing fall descriptions of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesday. U FURNITURE BALES AT TUB AUCTION ST RE every Thursday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. tp-..q."4"4:471,47;;;;u;r2i1t;a71 istaTe at Pri vaie Sale, including every description of City and country property. Printed Lists may be had at the auction Store. STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE—TITESDAY NEXT. Pamphlet Catalogues now ready containing full de scriptions of all the property to be sold on Tuesday evening, 224 inst., with a list of sales 29th inst. and January sth. STOCKS, LOANS, &o. This Evening 22d lot., at 7 o'clock at the Philo)!!! Exchange, for account of whom it may concern, 110 shares Little Schuylkill Navigation Railroad and Coal Company. By order of Executors.-5 shares Huntingdon and Broad Top Coal Company. Alga, for account of whom it may concern -5 boucle, $l,OOO each, City of Wheeling 6 per cent, ll loan to the erupileld Railroad Company, dated 1651. due 1776—coupons payable let of January and July in Philadelphia. 1 share in the Point Breeze Park Association. Shares in the Philadelphia Library, Mercantile Li brary, and Philadelphia Athenteum. INSURANCE COMPANY SORIP.—AIso, $1,087.10 scrip of the Union Mutual Ineurance Company. $lO scrip of the American Mutual 'clearance Co. WELL-SECURED BOND AND MORTGAGE-45,000 On Teemlay Evening, 22d init., at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Exchange. will be cold-- A bond and mortgage and warrant, secured on half a Moue of ground, Nineteenth ward. Ahe 'property is owned by 11416011111.1.wi5, E.; , of West Chester, by whum the intereat lemictnetly PICIVATE SALE REGISTER. 117. Reel Estate entered on our Private Sale Re gister, and advertised occasionally in our Pablo Bale Abatratte, (or which 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) tree of charge. EXTRA VALUABLEIREAL ESTATE—This Evening. This sale will lnclude LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT—Tenth street, be tween Chestnut mid Market street., corner of Marble street-90 feet front on Tenth street,l32 feet on Marble street, with frame tenements thereon renting for $2,400 a year. Clear of all Incumbrance. VALUABLE CHESTNUT STREET PROPERTY— North side, west of Tenth street, 28 feet front,l7B feet deep, Clear of all Incumbrance. Rents for $1,600 a year. JWi- • Both the above are valuable business locatlona. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING —ltThree-story brick dwelling, south side of Branch street, No. toe, between Third and Fourth, and Race and New streets. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING.—Three-story brick dwelling, No 1322 Lewis street, north of Thomp son, between Tenth and Eleventh streets. VALUABLE RESIDENCE AND STABLE —Three story brick dwelling, without double back buildings, No. 282 South Ninth street, between Locust and Spruce streets; also, a substantial new three-story brick sta ble and coach•honse in the rear, on Raspberry alley-- lot 20 by 188 feet. Sale absolute. VALUABLE MARKET STREET STORE.—The sub stantial modern foar-story brick store, No. 119 Market street, opposite Letitia court. Only 93,000 required in cash. VALUABLE BUILDING LOT, GERSIAVTOWN Chestnut street, 180 feet from Morton attest, 60 feet front, 150 feet deep. TWO GROUND-RENTS, $32 AND /36 A TEAR.— Also a ground-rent of $32 a year, secured on a lot and brick dwelling. One of $36, secured on* lot and brick dwellings. REAL ESTATE SALE—DECEMBER 29th. This sale will include, among other property, the fol. lowing— Orphans' Court Sale.- z -Eatato of William Rucker, Deceased. THREE-STORY TIMOR DWELLING.—Three-story brick dwelling, north aide Poplar street, west side of Twelfth street. Same Estate LOT —Lot of ground north aide Girard avenue, west of Twelfth street. Same Estate BRICK BUILDING AND LOT.—Lot of ground east elde of Hessler 'treat, souther Diamond street ; Nine teenth ward. Same Estate. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING.—Three-story brick dwelling west aide of Hilbira street, south of Stiles street, Twentieth wart ELEGANT RESIDENCE, ASCII STREET, AND LARGE LOT _The elegant residence No. 1025 Arch street, below Eleventh street. It is finished In the most expensive manner, and is replete throughout with all modern conveniences, 25 feet front, 175 feet deep to Academy street. Immediate possession. Keys at the auction store. NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE —The neat modem tour-story brick regidenee, No 335 South Twelfth etre et, abore Pine street. It is built in a auperlor mariner, with the modern conrimlerices. Immediate tiosseasion. Sea by order of Beira—to close an Estate. VALUABLE MARKET STREET PROPERTY— LARUE LOT.—AII that valuable lot of ground, south side of Market etreet, west of Eighth street (site of the late fire), 25 feet front, 147 feet deep, with building, materials, &c. Same F.tate SEVEN ERICK DWELLINGS IN THE REAR— Seven four-story brick dwellings, forming a court in the rear. REAL ESTATE SALE—JAISTARY bth Thi Bale will include--- AN ENTIRE SQUARE OP GROUND, TWENTY THIRD WARD, OPPOSITE THE EPISCOPAL HOS PITAL.—The valuable square of ground, having a front of 585 feet on Front street, 546 feet on Lehigh avenue, 585 feet on Fillmore street, and 546 feet on Somerset etreet. Pour valuable fronts. VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND.—The valuable four story brick store, finished in modern style, No. 136 North Third street, above Arch. NEAT 510DERN RESIDENCE.—The neat modern residence, No. 410 South Eighteenth street, below Pine. Immediate possession. Sale at No. 1706 Washington street. HANDSOME FURNITURE, ELEGANT MANTLE MIRROR, BRUSSELS CARPETS, This Morning, 224 instant. at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at No. 1706 Washington street, Spring Garden, the entire furniture of a family leaving the city, comprising reporter walnut drowing room, dialog room, and chamber furniture, book case, fine beds and hair mattresses ' Sne carpets, Ac., a general assortment of excellent kitchen furni ture. Ac. fp — The furniture was made to order, has been In use but a few months, and is equal to new. on iF: i llaL . i t ze o r e :lled at 8 o'clock on the morning of llJ' The House fa to Lot. Sale at No. 912 Chestnut street. SUPERIOR AND ELEGANT CABINET FURNITURE. Stock of Charles U. White. On Wednesday Numbing, 23d instant, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at the ware rooms, No 912 Chestnut street, the entire stock of eu perior cabinet furniture of Mr. Chas. U. White, declin ing busill.2l,compriaing ageneralueortment of rosewood and walnut drawing-room furniture, in various style cov erings, rosewood, walnut, and mahogany boudoir furni ture, superior dining room and library furniture, ele gant and plain rosewood, walnut, and mahogany cham ber furniture, he., all manufactured of the beat mate rials and workmanship expressly for private sales [l:7' The well-known reputation of Mr. Charles 11. White as a cabinet-maker, and the experience of up wards of thirty-fire years' business In the city, is a suffi cient guarantee to ruchesers that his stock is of the first quality, and we therefore recommend this sale to persons about furnishing as being well worthy of atten tion. Sale Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth . street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FINE MIRRORS, ROSE ""OOD PIANOFORTE, BRUSSELS CARPETS, &c. On Thursday Morning, At 10 o'clock, at the auction store, an exteneire Assort. meat of second-hand furniture, mirrors, piano -forte, carpets, Ito . from families declining housekeeping. UPHOLSTERY STOCK.—AIso, balance of stock of an upholsterer, (removed to the store for the Conte rococo of sale) comprising hair mattresses, curtains, cornices, and upholstering materials generally. ELEGANT FANCY ARTICLES —Also, an assort ment of fancy articles, including rich inlaid papier mocha de-ks, workboxes, portfolios, reticules, fine mo rocco cabal. rosewood welting desk., and many other desirable articles suitable for Christmas presents. Sale at No. 240 North Twelfth street SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PIER MIRROR, CAR PETS, &c , Ac. On Monday Morning, ltSth Instant, at 10 o'clock, at No. 149 North Twelfth street, below Vine street, the superior forcuture Of a gentleman declining housekeeping, ID" May be examined on the morning of sale at S o'clock. VERY:MYSORE BALE OF FINE ENGLISH AND FRENCH ENGRAVINGS OF HIGH COST AND BEAUTY Stock of Mr A. S. Rotnn.on On Monday and Tureday Mornings, Dec 99th and 29th, commencing at 11 o'clock, at the store of Mr A 9 Robinson, No 010 Chestnut street, above Ninth, vg al be sold without reserve 3:50 choice and beautiful engravings, many by,the most celebrated English and French arEuts The collection embraces a • variety of very interesting subjects, In neat and elegant (rules, the whole to be sold, as above stated, without 'Mt Cataloguea with particulars will be ready three days previous to tale. COMEII23 Shares In the Academy of Music; Point Breeze Park ; Philadelphia and Mercantile Libraries; Athemeum,dre. 2MiUMMt=n The elegant country seat and farm, known u " Far- ley," late the residence of Richard Parson, deceased. formerly of Dr Shippers, lT e,red at private tale. Pull description. may be had tho auctmn [OO2ll TO RENT —The four-story store. No. 13 Strawberry street. Rent modersoe. 111 SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, (succes- Affi• For to WOLBEP.T & SCOTT,) 431 CHESTNUT St oppomte the Custom House, between Fourth sad Firth Streets. BAIA:3 FOR THE WEEK Chlll).—We invite the attention of purchasers to the extenelve sales to be hold at the store, No 431 Chestnut street, this week, Au every !ample lot will be sold without reservation, the trade, and purchasers gene rely, will and it to their interest to attend. CARD.—The elegant furl to be sold thie 'warning, be ettslogue, at 10,4 o'clock, Sr. now arranged for eX111731. nation, and an every lot wal , be 401,1 without reserve, the lathes of this city are respectfully Invited to attend. EIPIAMAL PEREMPTORY BALE OP FINE FURS. Thin Morolog, '2•2al let , commencing at 10,ii o'clock precisely, we will sell, without recerre, a large and valuable assort ment of furs, in bells, for Indies' wear Aka, gents' fur collars, fur glove,. Ac. • Included will be found rapes, half capes, victorines, muffs, muntees, he. ' made in elegant style, of clone martin, Canada mink, sable, Siberian flume!, Russian squirrel, French squirrel, water mink, French sable, (lermnn filch, Canada filch, American fitch, mountain martin, silver martin, ermine, he , he. The whole, embracing a very desirable assort ment rimy he examined with catalogues early on the morning of rale EXTENSIVE PEREMPTORY SALE OF 2,000 DOZ WOOLLEN HOSIERY 00011 On Wednel4Pky Morning, Commencing at 10 o'clock, punctually, , ve will aell, without reserve, to elm an account, 2,000 dozen knit woollen ho.lery goods, consisting of large size wool ehawle, gent,' extra large and heavy scarf,, wool com fort'', wool hood., gent,' white and mixed lambs wool shirts and drawer, rAko, men's jockey cape, wool victoriries, scarfs, l adles' wool hoods, wool cuffs, infanta' boa', wool rigolettes, bore wool scarfs, zephyr talma., h READY-MADE OLOSIIINO.—AI,o, no assortment of gents' ready-mode clothing EiIDROIDERIES AND MILLINERY GOODS —Also, 'variety of French and Scotch embroideries, bonnet and trimming ribbons, tine French artificints DROOGE LONG SHAWLS —Also, en loroice French broche long shawls, just landed Also, ladles cloth cloaks, taboos, barques, dusters, &c Also, corded skirts, fancy cravats, wool and cotton hosiery, silk gloves, with a variety of fancy and staple articles suited to pre+ent sales, and worthy the early and particular attention of the trade and purchasers generally. 117 As the whole will be sold without regent to cost, the trade, and purchasers generally, will find it to their interest to attend. Samples and cAtalognes early on the morning of thin ii EROSENE OIL, DISTILLED FROM COAL. KEROSENE LUBRICATING OILS This Oil is not only CHEAPER, but SUPERIOR TO THE BEST SPERM It will NGT GUM OR CONGEAL AT ALOIS' TEMPERATURE, and It will RUN LONGER AND KEEP THE JOURNALS COOLER THAN ANY OTHER LUBRICATING MATERIAL % Machinists and others are requested to call and "amine these oils at the sole agency, ONOROE M. YREEMAN, Agt , deltl-3m-If No. 116 Walnut street, *bore Front. fIARRIERS' ADDRESSES prepared by ILJ au eaperiencalt wetter, at 2i0.1189 8. ELS VENTII etioat j abors Federal. deS Oates bn %mann. - ALFRED M. BERK.NESS, PHILADELPHIA. BOWS AND CABAL= 111 Z &11, southeast corner of Ninth and George Sta., between Chestnut and Walnut strata. E 7 Mee of horses, carriages and harneaa, held regularly every BATIIRDAY 2fOWNING, throughout the year, commencing at 10 o'clock. V' The largest collection of new and 1100311116kand earri arm harness, saddles, &e., in the city, may ay e seen at this eatablishment for private sale. gCarriages received on atoms. lOutdoor sales attended to on reasonable WM. MOSSES, VEHICLES, AND MAMMA,. O Saturday Mor, At 10 o'clock, a n t the Bazaar, ning be sold, hams', vehicles, and harnese. JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, NO. 422 WALNUT STREET, Above YOURTH. CARD—SALE 01, HOUSEHOLD ruaarrults-TUIS. fl We beg leave to inform the pitbile that we Bad our regular weekly Wes of Punsters every Tneeda our 8 ACIOUS BALES BOOM, NO. 422 W ALNIIT STREET, where every possible attention is even to lb• lain the highest prices for the goods of those who mew favor us with consignments. Faullieshavint portions 91 their furniture to diopoes of, or those declining *sag, keeping and not wishing *es at their own d can have their furniture CAREFULLY REMOIV I A OUR BALES ROOM, WHERE THEY WILL REIAISLE BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR YHANITURE THAN THEY CAN OBTAIN PROM ANY OP TRY '7111151- VIRE DEALERS OR ANY OTHEISAITOTION STORE IN TEE mi . Y. . . irr Persons favoring as with ooredgnmente rut &reared that their property will not be sacridced. CY Commissions more moderate than those duitrict by any other Auction Some in the city. liar Consignments respectfully solicited. 1L) Sales raid immediately after the goods ar• sold. Executors' see. ATHENA - GM MAHE. On Wednesday g, Dec. o' at 7 clock, at the Ph Mornin iladelphia Exchange, previon a to the mile of real estate. will be sold -1 shore stock in Philadelphia Athenzorn. Salo on account of whom it may cortosrn. STOCKS. On Wednesday Evening December 30th, 1857, will be sold, , on acconett of whom Wrnay [concern -150 shares of Elicit:gold ldining Company, Tiritinle 2000 do Monroe Gold Rifling, Company •, 83 do Spring Hill Company, 300 do El Dorado Mining Company, Virginia. 50 do Washington Mining Compuy, North Ca rolina. 200 shores of Chesapeake Mining Company, biloktp.n. 350 do Ontonagen do do do. 100 do Douglaas do do do. 60 do Bohomisn do do do. 6800 do Philadelphia and California Mining Com pany, Calrnia. 1300 shame of ifo Lewis Gold Mining ConfilawYr North Carolina. 1 share, being 6-25 of X, of a certain invention awl patent known s Devlin Lnbrieath2g Com 2 orignml shares Saalfraxicisco Lead Amon atte. 4 do do do do do do. 4x do do do do do do. 30 ahares Seaml Tribe Tribe Company , do New York. 35 do do o . 2030 do Philadelphia and California Mining Com pany, California. 3000 shares Dickerson Marble Company of Tennessee. REAL ESTATE (SALE—DEOEREER 23d. This sale st the Exchange, on Wednesday swag, December 23d,1857, at o'clock wil include— Orphans' Court Sale.—Eetate ofJoseph Colbcran, Deed. PHARE HOUSE AND LOT, ANN STREET, NINE TEENTH WAND.—A frame how, and lot of ground, southeast side of Ann street, 80 feet southeast from Sarah street, Nineteenth ward, 20 feet front, UM feet deep. $25 ground rent. Orphans' Conn Bale.—Estate of R. Y. Roamer. Deed PROPERTY QUEEN STREET, HENSINGTON.—A certain bowie and lot, north aide of Oilmen street, Se feet front. and 120 feet deep, ton 13,X feet alley larding from Shackamaxon street. Clear of inctunbrancea. Orphans' Court Bole.--Same Estate. FRAME ROUSE AND LOT. POPLAR STREET.— A. frame house, and lot of ground, north aide of Poplar street, between front and second, 93 feet front, and 114 feet deep. $l2 ground rent. Positive Sale. STORE AND DWELLING, COATES ST., ABM EL SEVENTEENT—A three-story brick store and dwel ling. south aide of Coates street, 85 feet 9 Inches east of Eighteenth street, 17 feet 1 inch front, and 53 ft. TM inches deep, along Florence street. The house Las bolE windows, gam, and hydrant. $34 ground rent. Rents for 1200 per SWUM. Terms—aah, See pettily*. Er $5O to be paid on each of the abors when tins Lune is struck off. Assignee's Sale—Prankford. DRIIOB, DYES, MATERIALS_ , Au.. OF A MANU FACTORY AND PRINT-WORKS. On Thursday Morning, 24th instant, at 11 o'clock, will be sold, at the Print and Dye works belonging to the estate of Raney Quick. sail, Prankford, the entire stock of drugs, dyes, and materials of the manufactury AT PRIVATE SAM A ant-class Printing Office, with a good run Of bald ness, foarprintingpreseee, two Ruggles and one Adtuna Type and ererytMng necessary for the buslnees. Apply at the Auction Store. SAMUEL NATHAN'S, AUCTIONEER, and HONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 112 South Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear at, only eight doom below the Exchange. Henn of business from 7 c'eloek, A. 11., RAW 10 o'clock in the evening. Oat-door Wes, and sales at the Anetkm Hour, at tended upon the most utisfactory terms. CAPITAL 1200 000. Established frr the hut TAirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Din muds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hanivare, Ysr chsndise, Clothing, lurniture, Bedding, Cigars Adosloal Instruments, Guns, Horses, Caniegea, end Goods of every description. All goods can remain any length of tine agreed upon. dll advances, from one hundred dollars and avow& ' will be charged 2 per cent. per month NOG corer, the lowest market rate. This Store House having a depthof 170 feet, Malaise Sr. and thief proof vaults to store all valuables, and pri rate watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy into ranee effected for the benefit of all persons having goods advanced upon N. 11.—On. account of having an unlimited capita, this Once Is prepared to make advances on mars setts. factory and accommodating terms than any ether is tats city. Money advanced to the poor, In small amounts, with! out any charge. AT PRIVATI 8.111. field Patent Lever anti ether Watches, Jewelry, *ad Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. an.l4.y MOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER AND COMMIS lON MERCHANT, B. B. assn SIXTH and BADE Streets. AT PRIVATE BALE—OoId and 'fiver patent lever, Lepine, English, Swiss, and French watches, Jewelry, of every description, musical instruments, Ac., AT PRIVATE SALE—Arranged on second floor, household furniture, of every desciption, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking glasses, fancy articles, is., As., Ao. Out-door sales attended to personally by the Aunties ter. Charges very low. Consignments of Paraiba:re clothing, jewelry, Ac. Art 7 solicited. NATHAN'S PRINC IPAL LOAN 017101, 8.1. Corner of Sixth and Race Street", Where money will be loaned on gold and direr plots Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds , Clothing, Dry Goods, H Groceries, Seger', ardware, Cutlery, Furniture. Bed ding, Horses, Vskielearnees, Stocks, and on all ar ticles of value for anlagtili of time agreed on, =more satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estab lishment. M. NATHANS, NOTICE.—AII goods forfeited at the Office, S. E. cor ner of Sixth and Race streets, will be sold on Tuesday morning, 24th instant, at 10 o'clock. Depositors can call previous thereto and renew their tickets. GREAT CHANCE FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS— OVER FIVE THOUSAND LOTS OF FORFEITED GOODS_ NATHANS' great sale of forfeited goods will take place This lifornin, 22,1 inet , at 10 o'clock, at blooes :fathom' mil°, store, rontheost corner of sixth and Baee streets, and will continue from day to day, until every article is disposed of This sale will embrace the largest and most valuable assortment or goods ever offered at public aureola, viz : Fine gold bunting ease, double cast, and double bot tomed full jeweled and plain English patent lever watches, of the beet and meat approved maker' • line gold hunting case, double bottomed and open fate Oa eapetnent lever and lepine watches; Line geM enameled and pearl hunting case ladies' gold English, arias, and French watches, superior hunting case and double ease, and double bottomed silver English patent lever watches, Mil jeweled and plain, of the meet approved makers el err hunting case and open face escapement lover and leplee watchew full jeweled and plain, sillier quartier watches, hunting ease. D. C. and 8. 0. elver watches; fine gold neck chain. fob and vett chains, Ens . gold. seals and key., fine sold braecleta, one gold WallaiWlLl and armlets. A large assortment of diamond, pearl, rubyr garnet, amethysts, and other Line gold anger rings, tingle stone diamond breastpins, cameo mosaic, French paintings and o th er breastpins, gold s pecks, gold and silver pencil cases, gold marks, opera glasses, silver ladled, table and tea spoons, Belt and mustard spoons, one case twelve elegant silver fruit knives, butter knives, rich and elegant set, elver plated edges and tea Bete, titres plated waiter, funnel drainers, de. Silver plated forks and spoons, knives and fork', a large as sostment of elegant pearl and ether pen and pocket knives. and numerous other articles. BOOKS —Ullle ' a Expedition to ihe Southern Hemi sphere, Medical Lighthouse, Dictionary of Poetical Quotations, Shakepeare's complete works, Generale of the Revolution, Ilerechelre Outlines of Astronomy, History of , the Masted States in pamphlets, titivate.' Library, Webster'. Dictionary, large sin, 3lechatics on Engineering, Irving's Life of Waahington, 3 vole , Spectator, Selentidc Stair Builder, by Robert Riddleo, Washington and the General of the Bevoln lion, Napoleou and the Marshals of the Empire, Balldere Companion, (Nicholson's Masonry, Buck on Obligee Bridges, American Protestant Ha t -asinee, and numerous other books 31USICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ac—Twenty 'lnuit nutussa and accordeons, new, fine old violins, Cutts, guitars, fine double-barrel fowling pieces, S. B do. pa tent breach rifle, Colt's and other revolver*, double Ind S. B. pistols, 14 docen handsome buckskin and morocco purses, dirks, bowie knives, military swords. port monms card cases, magnetic machine, clocks. dental instruments, steel skatea, and a thousand other articles. The articles will be open for examination early on the morning of the sale. Sale second-story moms, entrance from Rare atreset- GREAT BARGAINS FOR CHRISTMAS PBROO'T S AT PRIVATB SALE , AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES Hunting case. double case, and double bottom, full - Jeweled and Plain English potent layer watches. Silver English potent lever watches. Bootleg case and open face gold escapement sad lever watches Hunting case and open face gold lepine witches. Very fine enameled ladies' gold watelea. Silver lever and lepine watches, English, Swim, and French watches, gold ehalcur, jewelry, musical inean menta, and numerous fancy articles. WEBB'S great aale of forfeited Watch.' ' Jewelry, inns, Pistols, blusloal Initrnments, de., willtake place shottly. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding, &c., being forfeited collateral', will take pleas shortly . . Doe notice will be given. AT PRIVATE SALE, AT HALF THE USUAL SELLING PRICES —Doable-bottomed and heating cue gold patent lever watches, of the necet ap proved makes; bunting ewe mad open flee rid escape ment lever end lepine watches, fall jeweled; fine gold enameled lever and lepine watches for ladiee; gall jewelry of every de,erlptton; sheer lever and lapin. watches, in heating cases and open face; silver Engßak, Swim, and French watches; a general aeacirtment of flu nitare. bets, mattreeees, mirrors, &a. 017 . 1-DCiIItBALS SOLICITED, ozaelorgra to nit the tones, low. Consignment. of 'Teri deiwription of goods sollested 1 1701 l a r° 5it r iVi e CE1; . on all arid *vary Mod of good., for public or pirate aale, or to 'Os hell for a Limited time Charges low. GEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER N. N. corner of BA. BON sod BOVIII Streets abort Second. EVENING SALES. BALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, At TX o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Henlearn, Gall lery, liousekeeging Article", Clotheux, Watches, amyl j 17, Stacy Article", de. ANTV.I7 . boa - ibn tfri to hi. 2sCEIiENT. I...t. ttmmtitoo friends and the public that be trill open Ws SALOON Lir their reception on MONDAY, 14th last. Ills stock (a large Lod rick variety) canoe c :SIM% Ert ten ORYSTALLIZSD PRLITtI, kl.)11. COTS. CUMMINS, PINEAPPLES, PUBS, LIMES, GAGES, quutots, do . Ac. BONBONS.—A large and fresh LielOttment. FANCY TOTS—Meehaaleal Top, paper, wood, ant super--an *valeta variety. FANCY BOXES—Nish styles, fancy and pleb . lAA varied assortment , of e tuella* description SACS, CABLS, COILNE S, BASKETS. 1 ICTORIkg. PASTILLAOSEI, &a , de , all of recent iisborintlaV and which for extent and varietv wio Salt coispetitur. For sale by 8 nEsaiON. Codictiorwr. deb-1u Id ASSET street above Seventh O,7 ORGHIIM, or CHINESE StiGAR-CASE 1 1 / 1 110-26 bushels for sale by CBOAIIIaI.II, & 00 , Aolo-tt N 0.10411. Pshorazi are4te.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers