The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, December 22, 1857, Image 2
TUESDAT, ➢ECEMBER 22, 1.857. L''Fiasr'Pda~•-Books on 'our Table; City -liiiileni,rion."Sohn Ereckituldge;' English ' ef,Auditina ; The CitY; General News. '''Yoilwrrt-IsianL-Charlei'lHaclniy'S Lecture— The Song-,wf4ers_ of „ Englend; The Courts ; to American-Heroism. - 4 :! THE_ UTTER' DISFRANCHISEMENT OF THE PEOPLE OF. FIFTEEN COUNTIES OF KANSAS: Ariebieg the arguments .used by ROBERT T. ::-WeittEgin - hia letter of resignation, against the' tecompton Constitution, - one based on ':.4 - fact , not generally understood, but Which we ".:,deeni a' triumphantand unanswerable reply to : ihoie w - ho'allege that the powers of the Con ' ;vention were sovereign, and that in conse ' Uhence of its failure to submit its work to the ,PeciPle,,Cpagreas - his 'no right to go behind its' action, and to insist upon a ratification of I'.tfie'Conictitutioie by those, whom it is designed -- td,-;;ievere... - :We - allude to the fact clearly '• - stated by him, as well as by Acting Governor Araxiver in his recent message, that the people ~'. o fAfteen counties of Kansas had no opportuni :` ty to vote for delegates to the Convention which forined the 'Calhoun_ Constitution., Incredible as -it may• appear that in a republican ---,-.:country in the nineteenth century, a Con ,iftitution should be imposed, upon a-people, ,•:::4Mt merely without being submitted to them ..f , forapproval, -but without a large proportion - Arm having even had an opportunity of i; - ,:initing.for the delegates who were to form it, ---'each- Is the state of the ease in Kansas. The argrient by which the adoption of thirLecompton Constitution is defended, is, people had a chance to vote for dole „,pmtes,-,,audthaithose. who failed, to vote have `-;ltaerigiet rear',!oy:Omplain of the consequences rieglect 14 statement only applies, Piertion'eief the people of Kansas, who, it - `-•% ; lifireeer; did enrage to vote. To the people of ; fifteen ,- out of the thirty-four counties it does *JO( apply. Partisans of the Calhoun stamp were appointed as sheriffs in; those tiea • by the Territorial' Legislature, and by -designedly refusing io take the-census and to ',,register the voters they Produced such a state Of affairs that no person could vote. We • advise our readers to „carefully peruse that . ' portion of Gov: Wardria'S letter-which refers to this subject. ,It strikes at the very root of the Lecompton Convention, and clearly shows that it had vitqt---not technicallefects in the very substarice of its organization,” which 'could only cc be cured by the submission of 'the Constitution." The people of those 'fifteen counties did not all refuse to vote for delegates. On the contrary, some of them • wanted to elect representatives to the Convert ,: lion, but were deprived of all opportunity of doing so. In some counties they did their " 'hest to remedy the rascally conduct of their , sheriffs by their own • voluntary action, and even - elected delegates from three of the ';nonnties On thia'basis, but they were reject .!ed -by, the ,Convention, and the people of the ' -other twelve counties of course clearly saw tluit it would also be useless for them to act in similar - manner. We have seen the memo rial of the people of at least one of those ' Counties, clearly setting forth these facts, and we have no doubt that it will form an import : ant part of the record upon which Congress • must finally act upon the Lecompton Consti tution. If in Pennsylvania a Convention should be called to feria a Constitution, and the people of • thirty of the sixty odd Counties of the State should have no chance whatever to vote for the delegates, and then have no opportunity to vote for or : against the Constitution, but be . obliged to be governed by it, the case would ' be exactly similar to that in Kansas. Such a methcid of establishing a fundamen tal law as this was never adopted in any other • portion of the Union.' It is utterly unprece dented and indefensible, and no sophistry ca. palliate or justify it. That such an infamous —• :system of Constitution-making should be, adopted in a Territory where, above all other - places, the principle of popular sovereignty should have been honestly and strictly ob ;served; almost surpisses human belief ; and we ,are astonished that 'Men-from any section of the-Union can be found to advocate its rati fication upon the floor of Congress. OUR RANKS AND THE RELIEF LAW our city Ara required, after the first of Jauntily next, to publish weekly statements of their condition. , Much valuable information, calcu lated to guide business men in their opera tions, is expected from these statements. We - fear, hovieVer, that the) vague language in which the bill is couched may defeat the inten tion of the Legislature. It was notoriously. 'the design of the bill to impart to the public not only the true condition of _each bank, but the true,aggregate condition of all the banks. -This latter feature, unfortunately, a liberal construction - of the bill does not require. The I>ili reads : Sac; 2. That, In addition to all statements and retain now required by law, each and every bank in the cities of Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Ails -glieny, shall, on the first discount day in January vtext.and weekly thereafter,and every other bank in this-Commonwealth on the same day, and monthly thereafter, make up a statement, to be verified by the oath or affirmation of the president or cashier -thereof, showing, first, the amount of its loans and disoounts; second, the amount of specie in the posses sion of and owned by each bank, and the balance -due from other banks, in distinct items; third, the amount of its notes outstanding ; fourth, the amount of deposits, including individual deposits, and 'balances due 'to other banks; which statement shall be published in the next succeeding issue of a newspaper of the county in which the bank it located, or if tbere,be no newspaper in such coun !ty, then in a newspaper of some neighboring eoun .ty; and any violation of this law; or failure to com ply with , its provisions, by any president or any .cashier of any bank, shall be . a diedemeanor and • each of the said officers shall,.uport conv i ction thereof, be punished by a line of not less then five 'hundred delimt, nor more than one thousand dot ) arsoit the discretion of the court ; one half to be given to the prosecutor and one-half to the county in which sueh bank is located. It will be seen that the banks of this cit are not required to publish their condition, all on the same day, but on the first discolint - day in January next, and weekly thereafter." Novi, as our banks have different days for die count, they may snake up their statements and 'publish them on the different days, "and weekly thereafter" on different days. For instance, the North America, Philadel phia, and Southiark discount on Mondays and Thursdays; the Farmers and Mechanics', and Commercial, on Tuesdays and Fridays; the Penn Township on Wednesdays and Satur days, and the Girard on Thursday only. And by the law, they may commence making their statements in January next, on their discount days, and so continue "weekly thereafter." and thus practically reOuce this provision of . the bill, so far as regards a true knowledge of ". their aggregate condition, on the same day of the Week; tag mere nullity. -; TheAvantageearfaintto the - public from 4 t96eldistatements of the banks are universally admittedi-buf the most important feature is 'their aggregate Condition on the same day. The bill,holdef•and depositor wants this publicity, that hi may know how far he is se '. ,:0111 . 0; the stockholder, that he may know if his capital Is safely managed; and the mercan tile-classes whose prosperity always, and whose Isolveney itself often, depend on the volume of circulation, and the expansion and contrac fon of •the aggregate of loans and discounts demand it, that they may have some index to guide them; where they have heretofore had „ . none. Not the least of the advantages which would result from regularly-published statements of the condition of all the banks on a specified day and hour, would be to the banks them selves. • They would then be able, for the first time; to arrive at true knowledge of the 'condition of each other, and the public might reasonably hope to observe something more of regularity and system in their operations heleafter. BENTON'S late remark about _banks, ti that the bad govern the good, and the weak the strong," has' been but too truly proven 'very, reCently in our midst: Under the bliss- flu state of ignoratice of the movements of the banks which has heretofore existed; the mis- managed insolvent 'Bank of Pennsylvania had Influence enettgli • over the — other bankS to wheedle 'thew IMO apiriing "an indebted ,.• peps fuller of nearly half a million of dol , for mare than a montitbeftwe she broke. Nor wait this the • first time her malign finance was felt. It is now well known in dean- elateireiee that four years ago she was com polled to leau'oti the - other banks, and ro iteatedly aftervrard. In hot, under the ad ministration of idr.'.lo.l.teorin, she was forever disturbing the iiosy Workinge ,of the banking 'system of this city, Bitch as it its, by the grossest violations of the plainest rules - of safety a course' 'which tho public could know nothing of; the banks could only know by feeling the consequences, and about which they kept steadily mute. We are aware' that so fur back as four years, one bank had the spirit to protest at the set tlement meeting (then held but once a week) agabiet her undue ,expansion, and also, that several of. the city banks, early in September last, wore willing to expose her then, when she again began to be unable to pay up her balances of the exchanges in coin, but were persuaded to let her go on. The fair promises, and solomtt asseveratfons of her president im posed on a majority of the banks for a long time, and it was only when the securities he had promised the other banks, if they would continue to carry him along, wore absolutely demanded, and were not produced, that the insolvency, of the bank was revealed to the other banks, and the extent of the deception practised on them made known. We trust that the Legislature will notice the important defect we have pointed out in the second section of the law, and that in the very first week of the session they will so amend it, that each city bank shall make up and publish its true condition on the morning of Saturday of each week, after its exchanges with other banks hare been made, and before it shall be open for new business. The propriety of having the statement made up aftertho exchanges shall be made, is too ob vious to need argument or elucidation. Would it not be well for our bank presidents to meet and anticipate the action of the Legis lature I They could agree among themselves to make their statements up to the Saturday of each week, embracing the exchanges of the business of Friday. It would be a graceful action on their part, and they cannot be on too friendly terms with the public. THE EUROPEAN AND INDIAN NEWS The commercialintelligence from England, by the 4driatic, is but. a continuation of the disastrous tidings which, during the last two months, we have been receiving from Europe. Though the Bank of France had again reduced its rate of discount, and English Consols, which were 89 a few weeks ago, were quoted on the 9th Inst., when Alio steamer left Liver pool, at 921, the commercial distress con tinued in England, and failures, of houses hith erto consideredemong the most solvent and se cure, were reported daily. The Manchester houses; we perceive, are suffering severely, and yielding to the pressure. These firms went In, very largely, for speculation, and (to use a Manchester phrase) manufactured cot on goods for all the world. Their greates sales were in India and the United States. The war in one place, and the commercial break-down in another, have cut off the greater part of their business, and they have ware houses tilled With unsaleable goods. These "Manchester men" (as they are called, in contrast to the "Liverpool gentlemen") have almost worshipped money, and nothing could exceed the wasteful and ostentatious extrava gance of their living. They were built up by credit, bills, forced sales, sharp practice, speculation, and trickery, and can ill bear their present unexpected reverses. The Bank Charter Indemnity Bill had near ly passed the Commons, and would as rapidly be forwarded by the Lords. Gold was com ing into the Bank, in large amounts. The City of Glasgow Bank, having a surplus, after meeting all liabilities, was about resuming business. All the English markets showed a tendency to still lower prices. Parliament bad voted an annuity of .£l,OOO to Sir HENRY HAVELOCK, for his services In India. As he is wholly unconnected with any aristocratical family, the Government did not intend giving him more than his paltry good service pension of .£lOO a year. Public opinion was so loudly expressed is his favor, that, tardily enough, a large pension is not given to him. Had HAvzLocw been a Rua- SELL, a GREY, or a CAVENDISH, or even a rela tive of that Lord PANMURE, who telegraphed the Commander-in-Chiof in the Crimea to "Remember Dowb," he would have been a peer long before this time. There is a week's later news from India. HATELocii. still hold out at Lucknow, and Sir Cows CAMPBELL probably tired of daily luncheons and dinners with Lord CANNING, who is a very slow conversationist—is reported as on the march to succor him. The last Cal cutta 4spAtchea,ara as lato a* I , Tovember,lst Tliii:froop.shipii _acme—the - longest way round, (by the Cape of Good Rope,) were beginning to arrive at Calcutta. Delhi had been cap tured, and Lucknow relieved, without the ad ditional aid circuitiously sent from England. ENGLAND VERSUS AMERICA. In another page we give a curious article, from the London Times, of December 2d, which is very much in the " willing to wound and yet afraid to strike" vein. Tho Times thinks that the United States are going on con siderably too rapidly—that though not very old, as a nation, this country already exhibits "signs of advancing age" pressing upon it— that "another sign of advancing age" is the necessity of putting down the Mormon rebel lion in Utah, the cost of which will " swell disagreeably the United States budget," and that, above all, what is called Progress is making dreadfully rapid advance with us. Progress is the characteristic of our people. Not a bad feature, after all, even the Times has reason to know, seeing that but for our " progress" in scientific machinery, Mr. Hoe's lightning-press, on which the Times and the Illustrated London News are printed, would never have been Invented. To grow wiser as we grow older, may be "another sign of ad vancing age," but we are content to profit by experience, without much apprehension that it will very much deepen the wrinkles (to use the Times' words) upon the forehead of Young America. We can put down Mormon dis affection, without any apprehension of being unable to foot the bill when the cost is count ed up, and the taunt about such a compara tively small expense disagreeably swelling the United States' budget, comes with no good grace from the leading journal of a country which is literally weighed down by Nino Hun dred Millions sterling of Public Debt—one. ninth part of which was incurred in the late Crimean War, Which, after all, was brought to a close by the dashing bravery of the French troops. It seems to us that in the English mind there may he a little jealousy of the United States. We have not been utterly ruined by the crisis and the panic. Wo may not live quite as fast as we used to do, (which of itself is a great compensation), but " we still live," and the Old World still sends crowds of her sturdy sons and daughters to increase our population. In what condition, on the other hand, is Englaudl„ The whole financial system of banking broken into=trado failing all over the United Kingdom—merchants suspending pay ment, or running into bankruptcy—n war with China; and a civil war in India draining trea sure out of the country—week after week facto ries, with theirhalf starved artisans either wholly out of work or upon "short time," and the poor-houses; despite their starvation-diet, so crowded that it is impossible to receive half the applicants for relief. It is all very well to speak, pityingly, of our premature decay, but, at the same time, let the Time., look at its own country, where natural decay, caused by in creasing exhaustion, is making palpable in roads. As for - fancying this country in a fair way to be ruined, we may use Shakspeare's words and say " The wish was father, Harry, to the thought." 137" It is not true, as stated in the Chicago Press, that Judge DOUGLAS voted for the con firmation of General DENVER as Secretary to Kansas in place of Mr. STANTON, removed. Mr. Dotiatas was not in the Senate at the time the vote was taken, having been called out suddenly on a matter of great Importance. Mn. G. W. CURTIS, of Now York, is to de liver the second leotiire of the course before the People's Literary Institute, this evening, at the Musical Fund Hall Subject: " Sir Philip Sidney the Gentleman." lie writes that he will leave New York in the morning train to mako auto of not again disappointing. THE SALE OF MEARES. APPLETOI.OII valuable and elegant books will be eantbaued ibis evening, at Thomas & Son's auction rooms, fIEAL ESTATE, STOCKS, MORTCIAGES, &0.-A large, sale this evening, including tiret•olase pro perty, Market street, Chestnut and Tenth streets, Ninth street, the Yellow. Springs, ao. See este. lopes and advertisements, THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1857. OUR NAVAL SrEAMERS an have recently been 'allowed to examine an oxtract from the log of the United States steamer Wabash, recently built- at this port, and now attached to the hems squadron, being the only one of the new frigates that has been in active service since her trial trip. We con fess our surprise that so hirge a vessel could be propelled at such a speed with so small a quantity of coal. On a recent cruise she was wider steam one hundred and two hours, with the following results: Average revolutions per minute 42 6 pressure of steam in pounds 10.5 " vacum in inches 27 " coal per hour in pounds 2631 With this moderate consumption of coal, a ship of 3,500 tons, drawing 22 feet, made an average speed of n . knots per hour under steam alone. This result has not been equalled by any steamer of equal size in the world, and a direct comparison made between the Wabash and two English screw steamers, at Aspinwall, gave her an advantage of 25 per cent. in fuel. This result is, no doubt, owing to the supe rior working of her engineers, as indicated by the vacuum of twenty-seven inches, which was superior to that of the English steamers, and has not yet been attained by any of the other screw-steamers built by our Navy De partment at the same time. The boilers of the Wabash (Manris's patent) are, withbut doubt, superior to thosb used on the English steamers. It must ho a source of great satts. faction to every Philadelphias that this ship, our last production, is every way worthy to bo classed with the Mississippi, which was our first naval steamer. The latter has, for fifteen years, been the pride of our navy, and has recently departed on her second East Indian cruise. Tho IVabash, under full steam, makes her ton knots, and with steam and sail has made fourteen. BY lIIIDNIGHT MAIL. FROM WASHINGTON. Deficiency Dill—Officers operated upon by the Naval Coarts—Small Receipt• from Cullom', &c. [Correspondence of tho Press .1 WAsumaroN, Deo. 21, 1857 The deficiency bill for the present fiscal year will, because of the present peculiar relations be tween the Mormons and the United States, and of other matters, be an unusually largo one. The Secretary of the Treasury has not as yet sent to Congress his estimates for this measure, and he will not be able to do so until the War Depart ment and the Administration have determined upon the plan of the spring campaign against the rebels - of Utah. Tho regular army appropriation hill for 1858 appropriates from and after the 30th of June next. When the army appropriation bill for the present fiscal year was passed our relations with the people of Utah were not of the hostile character that they have as sumed sines. It was thought that there would, sooner or later, bo a difficulty between them and the United States Government, but this result was not expected so suddenly. The consequence is that the large army supplies demanded for instant action, on the part of the Secretary of War, will be embraced in this deficiency bill. Tho greatest deficiency will probably be in the Quartermaster's Department. There has boon a great deal of transportation across this plains, much more than was anticipated. I have no doubt that Ave or six millions of dollars will be asked for by General Jesup. It is supposed that tho President has sent in his decisions in many eases tried by the naval courts, and the friends of the °Moors retired, furloughed, and dropped era much exercised as to the probable determination of the Senate. The sympathy of members and citizens seems to be rather for the officers whose commissions were operated upon by the late retiring board than for the members of that board. The receipts Into the Treasury from all sources continue to be one-half or one-third less than the expenditures. It is expected that the issue of treasury notes asked by the Secretary of the Treasury will serve to revive trade and the receipts from customs be fore spring. The following officers, affected by the action of the Retiring Board, have been nominated to the Senate for restoration to the active list or other wise, in pursuance of the recommendations of the Courts of inquiry: Captain—Joseph Smith. from leave pay. Commanders—Joseph R. Jarvis, leave • James Glynn, leave; Robert Ritchie, leave; C. Ring gold, leave; Isaac S. Sterrett, furlough; Robert D. Thorburn, leave; Samuel Lockwood, leave; Wm. S. Ogden, dropped ; John Calhoun, leave; and Murray Mason, furlough. Lieutenants—Wm. E. Runt, furlough; M. F. Maury, leave; James S. Palmer, leave; Robert Randy, furlough; Henry Welke, furlough; Lewis C. Sartori, furlough; Fabius Staniy, furlough; J. N. Moffett, furlough; A. D. A s drentss- rep a , h r fu , r .icg rav, i f ir uftri ti . - :7 f — url m ough ; A e L th er s' dropped ; and George A. Stevens, dropped, Masters—Augustus McLaughlin, dropped; W. W. Low, leave Passed Midshipmen—J. Reward March, drop ped; James S. .Thornton, dropped; Edward C. Grafton. furlough. The following named officers on the reserved list have been transferred from furlough to leave pay: . . Captains--Jesse Wilkinson, Thomas N. Newell N. K. Latimer, John 11. Graham, and Wtn. In man. Commanders—Chnrles T. Platt, Henry Brace and Chas. 11. Jackson. Lieutenants—Peter Turner, G. G. Williamson, Simon B. Bissell, John J. Gineson, Henry A. Steele, Wm. Chandler, James hf. 0111iss, John P. Parker, E. C. Bowers, A. S. Baldwin, Wm. B. Whiting, and M. C. Marin. Master—R. Clarendon Jones. Passed Midshipman—Samuel Pearce. The following named officers dropped have been transferred to the reserved list: • Lieutenants—W. A. C. Farragut, leave ; B. W. Meade, furlough, and Thomas Brownell, furlough. Master—Julies S. Rohrer, leave. Passed Midshipman—N. T. West, leave. No change has been made in the position of the following officers, who:moues have been considered by the court: P. P. Voorhees, furlough; S. Paine, furlough; C. Boorman, leave ; William Janessen, leave; T. R. Oednoy, furlough ; J. S. Stone, leave ; John S. Nichols, furlough ; A. 11. Long, furlough ; Wil liam Green, furlough; T. G. Benham, leave; 0. Bullus, leave; T. D. Shaw, leave ; John Man ning, leave ; J. M. Watson, furlough; W. D. Porter, furlough ; J. C. Carter, furlough ' • S. B. Bissell, furlough; A. 11. Kitty. furlough; A. Gibson, fur lough; George R Gray, furlough; Ilenry C. Flagg, furlough ; D. Lynch, furlough ; 11. N. Har rison, furlough; C. 11unter, furlough; J. Doyle, furlough ; R. B. Rioll, furlough ; Henry Rolando, furlough; M. C. Perry, furlough; F. A. Parker, furlough ; J. F. Abbott, furlough ; Wm. B. Fitz gerald, furlough, and R. M. McArann , furlough. The following are dropped—lL H. Rhodes, L. Pennington. W. If. Noland, D. F. Dulany, J. B. Walbaoh, W. A. Bartlett. S. C. Barney, A. C. Rhind, Peter Wager, and John P. Hall. X. Y. PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENTS The ballet of notion called the " Golden Horse," produced at the Academy of Music, is by far the beet thing we yet have had from the Ronzani troupe. It was originally produced in Italy, nine years ago, as " II Cavallo d'Oro," and had groat success. At Now York, it won a brilliant triumph. It does not keep a consistent legendary story, all through, like " Faust," but a thread of legendary lore does run through it. Rending the book of the ballet, with unlimited faith in its high flown descriptions, you get in the condition of the Marchioness, in "The Old Curiosity Shop," who informed Mr Richard Swivoller that orange-pool, infused in cold water, might pan for wine, by an effort of imagination, if you only shut your eyes. Here, it is necessary to keep them open ("wide awake") to realize that the parsing scene was what the ballet-hook represented it Who. However, the scenery was splendid, the costumes magnificent, the dances 'varied, and the dancing itself the best we over saw on any stage. Not alone did Louise, Lamoureux surpass her former excellencies, but the Prateci sisters, Serafinii Cecohotti, Emma San tolini, and Filippo Baratti contributed greatly to the success of the ballot. A Chinese dance, very amusing and admirably (almost) acted, was so muoh applauded that the quintotto who performed had to answer two calls to re-appear and receive publio approbation. Though the night was wet, the Academy was full. The D'Angri-Vieuxtemps musical performances went off very well yesterday, at Sansom Street Hall. This day, at one o'clock, their farewell concert will be given. Madame D'Angri, Madame Carioli, Miss Milner, Mr. Purring, Signor Rocco, and Signor Gassier will sing; Madame Mario Garnaux will play en the piano-forte, Mr. Vieux temps on the violin, and Signor Rletzer on the violoncello. This is, undoubtedly, the most varied and attractive concert given for a long time in Musical Fund Hall. The fifty-cent admission rule is adhered to. ORATORIOS IN PIIILADELPRIA.-011 Saturday evening, at New York, Haydn's oratorio of " The Creation" was produced at the Academy of Music, the soprano singers being Madame de la Grange and Miss Milner, with Herr Formes as the hoes, and Mr. Ernest Purring as the tenor. We aro not surprised to learn the hence was crowded, at opera prices, that clergymen and many of the religious community were present, and that the oratorio was enocessful beyond all precedent or expectation. It is the intention of those who got up this per formance, to give, not only "The Creation," but also Handel's " Messiah," in this city, in the course of next month. Madame D'Angrl will etng iu "The Messiah," we believe, and the Ilan. del and Haydn Society will supply efficient choruses. We may bore state that there is little prospect of the operatic °emptily from New York appearing this season at our own Academy of Music. The intention (could arrangements have been made with Mr. Marshall) was to have also produced the following operas, which have notyet bean given by the Mareteek troupe: Iralinu— Semiremie, .lidgolotto, Reliant in Algeri, Robert. le-Diable, and Don (liovannl ; German—Martha, ridelio, and Der Freischuts ; English —Sonnnm hula, and oratorios. The principal vocalists would have been Madame de la Grange, Madame d'Angrbildiss Milner, Herr Formes, Mr. Peering, and Signors Labocetto, Bossier, Brignardi, and Rocco. We understand that Mr. Lumley, lessee of her Majesty's Theatre in London, will visit this Country in 1858, with a full opera troupe. THE LATEST , N I W S BY TELEGRAPH. Death of Mr. Harry Mott. [UNCIAL DESIMCI! TOR Vii 4 PRESS Pow]; Jenvio, Pa.,ll:leo. 21, 1857 We have to lament the lots of Mr lltinny Mom who died at ten u'olook this morning. Ile was a ton of Colonel MOST, our much-rempeoted Canal Commi3sioner, to whom this fatal intelligence will be a great blow. THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION. U. S. CAPITOL, WAsnuearem, December 21 SENATE Mr. Watonr, of New Jersey, introduced a bill to continue the improvement of the harbor of New ark, New Jersey ; which was referred to tho Coln mittoo on Commerce. Mr. limas, of North Carolina, submitted a joint resolution, which wee adopted by a vote of 31 yeas to 12 nays, providing that when the two Bousers adjourn on Wednesday, it ehall 'be to meet ngath on the 4th of January. Mr. WILSON, of Massachusetts, introduced a bill, granting 1,000,000 acres of land Tor the benefit of the free public schools in the District of Columbia. Mr. Diabrin, of Pennsylvania, addressed the Senate, vindicating the President's policy in the Kansas portion of the message. lie said . No one regretted more than himself to perceive that the discussion on the Kansas policy of the Ad ministration was to bo precipitated upon the Se nate end the country. lie preferred to avoid dis cussion until the result of the election on the Ida-, very clause had transpired, and until Kansas should present herself for admission as a State. But the Senator from Illinois (Mr. Douglas) made a different policy necessary and proper, and no alternative woe left to the friends of the Adminis• tration but to respond. In his opinion, the great speech of the ,Senator, with all duo respect, was, after all, a huge struc ture resting on a very unsound and insufficient foundation ; and what was still more extraordi nary, it was sustained to no inconsiderable extent by the some authorities and ideas whioh, to his (Mr. Bigler'e) understanding, had been used 'on former and similar occasions against him by the enemies of the Democratic party. Ile could not understand why the Senator from Illinois should have shown PO mach willingness to weaken public confidence in 'the policy of the men of his awn party, whom he assisted to place in power; and who, at this critical moment, wield the only funotions of government capable of main taining the public peace In Kansas. l ie could dis cover no purpose of public policy, the attainment of which required the Senator to do these things, nor to deal in ungenerous criticisms of the views of the President. The allegation that the vene rable statesman had fallen into "fundamental error" ns to the meaning of the Kansas and Ne braska bill, and the purposes of its authors, because he was not in the country at the time of its pas sage, was not worthy of the Senator, though it may have served to incite momentary gratification on the other side of the chamber; but on neither side, nor in the country, will the sentiment meet with a respectful response when the influence of the hour shall have yielded to sober reflection. The honorable Senator from Illinois was not in the country when the Declaration of Independence was enunciated, nor when the Constitution was made; and yet be claims to understand both these Inert's. meals and the purposes in view by their authors. Is this Kansas law more difficult of comprehension? Perhaps it Is. At all events, it his certainly re quired more explanation at the hands of its au thor; and it might seem that, so long as he finds it necessary to explain what be meant, every month in the year, be could afford to pardon the Presi dent for the commission of oven "fundamental Or ' ror." But what would the Senator say respecting the views of the late President, who' was not out of the country when the law passed, but participated in every stop of the struggle that gave It existence. Ile certainly understood the question, and he (Mr. Bigler) had sufficient authority for saying that he agreed with his successor in the Kansas policy; and, consequently, differed from the Senator from Illinois. What did the Senator uman,..b,T assuming that the Kansas policy of the message was not an Ad ministration measure? Did he mean that the Cabinet do not agree with the President? Ile (Mr Bigler) understood differently. Cr did he moan that the Administration, having laid down its policy, will not hold that those who assail and denounce that policy do not oppose the Adminis tration? There was certainly _no room for misun derstanding on this point. If 'he meant that he does not gee clearly what that policy is, Mr. Big ler could tell him ; upon this occasion he need not doubt the tacourasy of the explanation. Tho Administration having, from the beginning, main tained the Territorial laws of Kansas ; having sanctioned the authority of the Territorial Lops. lattice to well a Convention of delegates to ho °looted by the people to make a Constitution and State Government, and having exercised all Its powers to secure to the people a fair opportunity to make their domestio Inetitutions " in their own way," it would be Improper to 'prejudge and die card the action of that Oonventionbefore it had boon fully developed ; and further, that when Kansas shall have presented herself fur admission as a State, her Constitution being republican, and the people having had a fair opportunity of making a free or slave State, as indicated in the organic net, and as required by the general understanding of the whole country, it will be ooneidered a sufficient reason to object to the admission of the State, that the ordinary forms of the Constitution, about which there was no dispute, and which may be changed at any time the people may desire, where not sub mitted to the test of a popular vete. The people of Kaneas bad a right to do this in their own way. The way it has been done is their own. But if In this, or in any other partieular,illie delegates lhave acted in bad faith or hart Abused the powers are reipoludiele to theper2ple, and net to Congress or to the Administeation. Mr. BIOLER said he had before him the hill re ported by Mr. Douglas on the litho( March, 1858, providing for the admission of Kansas as a State into the Union, the third section of which reads as follows: That the following propositions be, and the same are hereby, offered to tbo said Convention of the people of Kansas, when formed, for their free acceptance or rejection, which, if adopted by the Convention and ratified by the people at the election for thb adoption of the Censtitution, shall be obligatory upon the United States and the said State of Kansas." The bill rim:tin place by the Senator from Georgia ' (Mr. Toombs,', on the 11th of July, and referred to the Committee on Terri tories, contained tho 'same section, word for word. Both of these bills were tinder consideration at the conference which bad been referred to ; but when the Senator from Illinois reported the Toombs bill to the Senate the next morning, it did not contain so much of the third section as indi cates to the Convention that the Constitution should be approved by the people. The words "and ratified by the people at the election for the adoption of the Constitution" had been stricken out. Who struck these words out, or 'nr what pur pose wee it done, were questions which it was not for him to answer. The Senator assumed the other day that where. ever the law is silent on the subject. the inference is in favor of submission ; but a full examination of the precedents bearing on that point has shown him that the converse of the proposition has the weight of authority, and that which he had laid down on the rule of precedent has never happened in a single instance. Mr. DmLen proceeded to reply to the other loints in Mr. Douglas's speech. lie Sustained the egality of the Leoompten Convention, and, in the 'bourse of his remarks, said ho could, not foretell what his notion would be on the question of admit ting Kansas under the Constitution. The ease w as not fully made up. A very largo and dangerous power was in the hands of those who ate to conduct the election on the slavery article. They may abuse it. If so, the result could not he recognised. But if the election shall bo conducted fairly, he should vote for the admission of Kansas as a State. with eitlier a free or a slave Constitution, because he thought that would settle the controversy and give peace to Kansas and the country. If the in stitutions should not suit thepeople, they could be altered more easily and setisfactorily with Kansas as a State than as a Territory. Mr. DOVUI,AB, of Illinois, replied, saying that ho had no fault to find with the Senator from Pennsylvania for making a series of attacks on his consistency, while omitting to Rumor his ar guments. Some persons had furnished him with tho records of the votes of the Senator oh the Wil mot proviso, and some former speeches Malice to Kansas matters. He know not whether hey were true or false, but what had they to do ,with the question now presented ? in did not usderstand the motives for ransacking the public records and newspapers, and picking up every little scrap to 800 what his course has been for twelve years past nu the subject of slavery. Suppose it was true, that in 1818 he was in favor of extending the Missouri Compromise to the Pacille ocean, as recommended by Air. Buchanan in his letter the year preceding, and supposing it is true that in 1851 he introduced a bill for the repeal of that compromise,l which the President says he now approves, 411 those things aro not material to the argument. The true issue was whether popular sovereignty, to which the President and himself were pledged, should be violated in Kansas. lie thought the Senator from Pennsylvania showed a want of can dor and fairness in quoting from his Sprhigneld speech, and omitting to quote what ho said on the name subject the other day, which was perfectly In harmony with his previously expressed opinions He thought (lovernor Walker was authorized to say what he did in his inaugural mistress by the Instructions of the President and his Cabinet, to demand that the Constitution be subditted. and unless submitted it should be regarded as bull sl and void. lie was not aware that lao ismer Walker had interfered in the slightest clogs e ex cept in pursuance of these instructions. Ile hover supposed that the agent was to ho denounced for obeying instructions, and the principal appliuded for giving them. He admired the manliness of the President in assuming the responsibility to, give them, and only regretted that the President pro poses. from motives of expediency, to accept the Constitution without a ratilloation by the people, although he admits it ought to ho submitted, If it is right to submit it, lot it bo submitted. Lot policy and expediency take care of •themselves. lie complained that the Senator from Pennsylvania seemed disposed to put him in a false position. The true teat is, the Constitution must bo endorsed by the popular will. If not, it must be rejected. The only true way of ascertaining whether the Constitution is accepteble or riot is to submit it to the people. Mr. Thot.un explained that he did not say that Mr. Douglas maintained the ground that, an enabling net was necessary in all eases, but that ho had taken ground that it was necessary in the case of Kansas. The Senator from Illinois bas disposed of his own argument, in saying that he was not always consistent, and that a wise seen will always change his views whenever ho thinks himself wrong. Mr. DOUGLAS wanted to know by what authority Mr Bigler said the Loeompton movement was an Administration measure The President's mes sage does not say so. Ilad he any Meier authority on which to base his arguments than that docu ment? Mr. ilioLitrt replied that he had made the de duction from the message, and from that he know. In addition, he did not assert in terms what the Lecompton movement was an Administration men• surd, but sold the Administration held the move ment no legal, se far as It hos progressed. Bow could the President make nnelt a recommendation prior to the result of the vote, which; ac he sap in his message, he in waiting for? Mr. DOUGLAS repeated that hi should like to know what other Entree of information Mr. Bigler had, as that Senator had that much advantage of him. Mr. BIOLER said ho was :net at liberty to say this was an Administration nicasure,and allow Mr. Douglas to define what it is. lltri'Doutznas again wanted - do know what these other sources information were, which autho rized the Senator to read men out of the party for not sustaining that,measure. Mr. DICILen denied that he said one word about reading men out of the party. Did Mr. Douglas mean to make no issue with the Administration ? When be makes an issue, cannot no tell what .it is ? Mr. DOMILAS. The Senator did not use the words, hut he insinuated strongly to that effect. Ile seemed to be carrying out the system which has been pursued for the last few weeks, by every pensioned letter-writer intimating that "bangles had deserted the Democratic party, and gene over to the Republicans." Mr. liftmen. Ideny any such accusation; I said that the Senator's position excited a momen tary gratification on the other side of the cham ber, and regret on this side. Mr. DOCGLAS replied that he had been denoun ced by men who were willing to sink the Admiuis tration for the purpose of killing eir Northern men. That every press which can be controlled 'is 01118 controlled, in Undeniable. Rut look at nineteen-twentieths of the independent press— those g which do not depend on the Government for support—they are with him in sustaining the DeknOoratio patty, and the Cincinnati platform. ,But the few who aro not allowed to speak for them selves are endeavoring to drive him where they 'could not drive him—to desert the principles averred and maintained by the Democratic party. He wanted to know whether every man is to be driven out of the party because ho does not coin cide with the President on the questions of the Pa cific Railroad, and the bankrupt law as applied to banks? Mr. Bmi.Ert responded negatively. Mr. DOITOLAS resumed. Then, if every one of the gentlemen around him was at liberty thus to dissent from the President on the questions of the bankrupt law, the Pacific Railroad bill, the tariff, and other measures, was ho not permitted to judge ,for himself on the subject of the Lecompton move ment? Ile did not understand the extraordinary desire to strike the blow which would either Crip ple him and drive him out of the party, or snake the country believe ho bad left the party. Would the Senator from Pennsylvania endorse every re commendation in the President's massage, and my ha is prepared to carry it out ? Mr. Oman replied that it wee not at all pro bable be agreed with every sentiment of the Pre. sident. He had no desire to lay down is rule by which the Senator should be read onto(' the party. Mr. DOIJOI.AS wished to know if the Administra tion did not regard no wanting in party fealty those who refused to sustain the Lecompton movement. Mr. BIOLER replied that he could not go any fur ther into tho babied. He had endeavored to ex press his views with ail the clearness of which be was capable. If the Senator thought proper to as sume that this was a party measure, end that he was out of the party because be differed from the sentiments'of the Administration, that was hisown business. He (Mr. Itigler) had laid down no such rule. Mr. Docobss replied that the Senator from Pennsylvania had informed the Senate that he had other sources of information regarding the pur poses of the Administration in making this a par ty measure. Ile believed that the charges made that he was going over to the "Black Republi cans,' were made by mon hostile to him, and ac tually hostile to the Administration. They wore persons who desire to got him into a false position, for ulterior purposes. Ile did not mean men, whose claim to the confidence of the Democratic party were not superior to his own, should read him out of the Democratic party. A report is be ing circulated everywhere that the President is prepared to put the knife to the throat of every men who dares to differ from the Administration, and think for himself on this question. Ile be lieved those who circulate such reports are one toles to the President, and ho wished to give his friends an opportunity of denying the charge. Mr. BIGLER. Who makes the charge? Mr. DOUGLAS. The newspapers of the country are full of IL The Senator seemed to make his argument as if I were outside of a healthy Demo cratic organization. Ido not recognise the right of that Senator, or anybody oleo on earth, to expel me. Mr. BtuLan. In no shape or form have I been laboring to put the Senator outside of the party. It is true, I did show that, on this question of slavery,,the Senator did not always hold the lame position, but I did not say that any noon who dif fered from the Administration on this subject was no Democrat. Mr. Dountits. I stated that when I changed my opinion I changed it in correspondence with that of tho President In both cases. If that would load me oat of tho party it would lead mo in very good company. (Laughter.) If the President end Dousocriitio party stick to their platform, we can move along harmoniously ; but I shalt at all events maintain my opinions. I shall take all proper occasions to vindicate the great principle with which my public life is Identified. I hope, in the discussion of this question, that Senators will lot me alone as regards my consistency, and as for my prospects let time determine. Mr. STUART, of Michigan, then obtained the floor, when the further consideration of the subject was postponed. Tho Senate then passed the House resolution, proposing to pay the arrearage of the salary of snombers at the commencement instead of at the end of the sessions of Congress, and the sum of nal) per month, each, during the session. Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Tho House resumed the consideration of the treasury note bill. Mr. ABBOTT, of Maine, MS altogether opposed to the measure, because it was not necessary at the present time. Ile was not in favor of converting the General Government into a great National Bank, for the purpose of circulating paper money to the extent of twenty millions of dollars. He would protect the national honor and credit, hut in a way least injurious to the people. Such an issue as is proposed by the bill would, he believed, pro long and aggravate the present commercial em barrassments, and as a measure of relief. he sug gested a curtailment of unnecessary expenses, and the abolition of sinecures, The would taus ha relieved to the extent of more than twenty millions. Lzrenr.n, of Virginia, said that Mr. Abbott would find that Democrats wore willing to reduce the expenses of the Government where it could ho done without prejudice to the public interests. Ile proceeded to show that n pressing necessity exists for the issue of treasury notes, and mentioned that the Treasury was deprived of the receipt of $lO.. 000,000 of duties on $10,000,000 to $30,000,000 of goods, now in the public warehouses in the various cities. Mr. BANKS ' in reply to one of Mr. Letcher's points, said th at if the latter and his friends would take the negro question out of the controversy and attend to the business of the white mon, there would be no snob surplus in the Treasury as in 1853 and 1851. Ile took Issue with the President, de nying that paper money had produced the prevent financial disasters, and expressing some views on hard money. Mr. Leteher replied that the gen tleman would soon be in the Governor's chair of Massachusetts, and he should look with considera ble interest to his views on hard money. lie should expect him to go to the very root Mr Bases responded that wherever he should be, he would recommend, and contribute. so far as is in hie power, to effect a radical reform In this scatter. It' the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. botcher) suppoied he should ark the bunkers of Massachusetts to restrict the issue of paper money. he would be met with the reply : " As the General Government will not forego the issue of paper money ; there Is no reason why we should do it." Mr. LETCEET: denied that the bill proposed to make a paper currency, nor did it establbh a debt. If it converted the Government into a bank, a different note would be sounded from the other side of the hall. where It would meet with recom mendation, while the Democracy would be ar rayed against it. hlr. LOVEJOY, of Illinois, said this was a decep tive bill, but ho would not characterize it as freed- . . . . ulent, in the legal sense of the term. The bill pro posed what is called a loan, but in reality it de signs converting the Government into a great "shin-plaster" machine, to fill the country with Irredeemable paper money, which has always pro• fessedly been distasteful to the Democracy. The generous soul of Democracy hos left that carcass, and has entered and now nnimatos the true Mier sonian Democracy—the Republican party. The supposed plates for the treasury notes had already been prepared, with the likeness of the President on one end, and that of the Secretary of the Trea sury on the other, with the motto, " Thanks to the Sub•Trensury, the Government has not failed." [Laughter.] Ito urged various objections against the bill, contending that there is 110 necessity for a loan Re wanted to build the Government on the rock of hard money, or paper representing dollar for dol lar. Re wanted to know where the money is to come from, and whether any part of it was used to force the infamous lam and despotism on the people of Kansas, and enforce the Lccompton Constitution nt the point of the bayonet. Mr. Li:Telma inquired whether Mr. Lovejoy was aware that the people of Kansas were to vole to day. Therefore, the money could not be used for that purpose. Mr. Love toy replied that the party there had played such fantastic tricks as made heal on blush, and the other place rejoice. [Laughter.] Tyrants always want money, and he could only compare this Administration to that of Phillip the Second. Ito charged on the ahem-Democracy, end warned the people of the fact, that an attempt woo now made by it to convert the country into a despotism, and limo Treasury Deportment into a great N citionni Ronk. Tho President is gradually sliding into it, and when he fully succeed+, the Democracy will swear they always favored a bank. Mr CAMPBELL, of Ohio, intended to support the measure, with such modifications and guards as should be thrown around it, whether In the form of a loan or of treasury notes Dot when they were about parsing a bill for an outstanding debt of twenty millions, it struck him ns a part of wisdom they should make a provision for the redemption of the bonds. The gentleman from Illinois, (Mr. Lovejoy,) In his suggestion of direct taxation, had stolen the thunder of the gentlemen 'rota Missis sippi and South Carolina. Mr. Canpnr.m, wanted to know from them when they intend to renew their proposition from the last Congress. Zlr. QUITMAN, of MiSSlSSirpi, said ho would do so' at tho proper time, as direct taxation was the only means of flopping corrupting influencos on the Treasury, whether it be in a plethoric or an oxhausted condition. Mr. Borer., of South Carolina, remarked that that subject was ono very dear to his heart, end he and its friends had it under consideration, and would press it at the proper time in hope of its adoption. Ho trusted that the time would come when the doe- trine of free-trade would prevail, with no duties whatever on imports, and the support of the tiol em inent be by direct taxation alone. Mr CAVPBELL resumed : Ito believed with the doctrine of the fathers of the Republic, and which the President had never repudiated. that the tariff should bo framed with the view of raising means for the economioal support of tho Govern ment, with a discrimination for the purpose of protection. He wished to offer an amendment to the bill, imposing increased duties on carpets, iron of various kinds, manufactured cottons, linens, sillcs, worsted, wool, ko. Ills. object was to meet these treasury notes, and provide incidental pro tection for the industrial pursuits of the country. • . The committee then rose, and the treasury note bill passed by the Sonata was taken up, and, on motion, referred to the Committee of Ways and Moans. A resolution was passed, limiting the debate on that Subject to two hours, to-morrow. 'Mr. Wanxan, of Arkansas, asked, but did not obtain, leave to introduce the following preamble • " tichrecus, it appears from the proclamation of Brigham Young, late flovirnor of Utah, and from tbrOresiclont'a message, that the said Territory is now in open rebellion against the Corernment of the United States; therefore, the Committee on Territories be Instructed to consider and report on the facts, and inquire into the propriety of ex. eluding from a seat on this floor the (delegate final thqt Territyr,y." Adjourned, Supposed Murder of a Lawyer at the Genesee —llls Wife and Brotherdu•Law Arrested for the Crhue. Itarnr.oren, N.Y., Deo 2L—Yestorday, the body of Charles 1Y Little, a lawyer of thin oily, was found in the lienesee river, below the Falls, shock ingly mangled, which, together with the evidences on shore of a murderous conflict having taken place near the spot, point to the fact that Mr. Lit tle is the victim of an assassin. ilia wife, her brother, Ira Stout, and several of her relatives, have been arrested on suspicion of having committed the crime On the ground whore the conflict is supposed to have been, a pieceEof Mrs victorine, and several other arti cles known to belong to her and her brother, were found. In addition, Mrs. L. and her brother have each recently a broken arm. Mr. and Mrs. L. se parated a year ago, but fur the last two months have lived together. Arrival at a Sla;Wei Norfolk Nottroix, Dec. 21.—Tho barque Wm. O. Lewis arrived here today, after a voyage of thirty-five days from the coast of Africa She icon captured in the Congo river es a slaver, by a boat expedi tion, commanded by Lieutenants Walker and Cum mins, from the ship-ef-war Dale. A hair, to the windward is also supposed to have been captured as a slaver shortly after the seizure of the Wm. U. Locate, and may be expected to arrive here in a few days. The British war steamer Elector had seized the barque Clara B. Williams, and an American schooner about the same time. Many slavers are reported to be on the coast, and twelve have been captured since the Dale arrived on that station The Dale was to leave soon for St. Helena. All wore well on board. The officers in charge of the Levi. report pas ,ing on tho 18th the barque Virginia and Estelle, Capt. Wilkins, from Bahia, left Nov. 17th United Mute* Supreme Court WasniNwroN, Doc. 2l.—The court wee occupied to day ivith the argument.s. of counsel in we No IT, J. Temple Dodwell rx Eunque de la Imp. The Southern SIMI WANnisurev, Dec. 21—The New Orleans pa pers, a, late ne due, were received by the Southern mail this evening, but they contain no newe of im portance. Douglas Meeting al Chicago CHICAGO, Deo. Ig.—A large and enthusiastic meeting of the Democracy was held here to-night. Resolutions were passed endorsing the course of Senator Douglas on the Kansas question. MEM 11Aurni0n0, Del 21 —Flour is dull and heavy under tho steamer advicea , City, Si 50; Howard erect and Ohio $1.75. Wheat quiet and drooping ; red, 107a1170 ; white, 1153125 e. Corn dull and lower, at 40a480 for white, and 43a490 for yellow. Whiskey steady at 22a23e. FOUR DAYS LATER PROM EUROPE ARRIVAL OF THE ADRIATIC THE MAILS BY THE CANADA Late and Important from India IIAVELO( K SURROUNDED AT LU(101011 SIR COLIN CAMPBELL ON THE MARCH THE COMMERCIAL PANIC AT HAMBURG List or Atosponiftd Houser The Collins steamship Adriatio, Capt. Wee which left Llverpool at 3 vO P M. of the 9th inst arrived at New York yesterday. 'fhe Adriatic encountered heavy weather (hiring the greater part of the voyage. by this arrival, and that of the Canada, at Bea ton, we hove 'no week's later mane from Europe. The steamship Arabia arrived at Liverpool at 7.13 P. M. on the 6th, and the City of Washington at 8.30 A. M. on the Bth instant. The Adriatic was thrown open to the public for two days during her stay in the Mersey, end ad miring crowds availed themselves of the opportu nity of inspecting the noble vessel. The Persia was moored in the immediate vicinity of the Adriatic, thus affording a favorable opportunity for con trasting the two cracks. The completion of the lines of the Mediterranean Telegraph Company had been effected by the suc cessful laying of the cable between Malta and Corfu. On Saturday, the sth inst., in London, the funds were firm, and prices slightly advanced. The Aug pension was announced of Messrs. Sewells b Neck, an old and respectable house largely engaged In the trade with Norway. Their liabilities aro esti mated at about half a million sterling Accounts from Hamburg continued gloomy, busi ness being still quite suspended , and from Amster dam it was reported that great heaviness prevailed there. Monday, the 7th, was settling day in the Eng lish funds, and they exhibited continued firmness, the reduction of the rate of discount in Paris, and the arrival of specie from New York by the Ara bia, being the chief cause of the confidence which was exhibited. Money on the Stock Exchange was in request on Government securities at 7 per cent. for short loans, and Bla9 per cent to the January account. The suspension was announced of Mo,srs. Albert Pelly & Co., in the Norwegian trade. with engage ments amounting to £170,000; also of the fire of Krell b Cohn, in the German trade, with modere liabilities. Telegraphic advicos from Hamburg were re ceived, to the effect that the Senate and Burghers had remlved to establish immediately a State dis count bank, with a capital of 15,000,900 marks banco, and that public opinion was entirely fa vorable to the measure. Numerous additional failures were reported there, including the firm of Wetly .F Co., bankers W. B. Filler, merchant, London, was declared bankrupt. His liabilities are stated at £140,000. On Tuesday, the Bth, the 2'i me 8' city article says that on the stock exchange loans on Government securities were in demand at 6 per cent. for short periods, and 9 per cent till the payment of the dividends. At the bank the applications were still more numerous, but moderate in comparison with recent experience. In the open market there were signs of return ing confidence The suspensions of the day comprised Lichten stein d. Co , of London, German merchants—ha bilities about £80,000; Lindland a Co., of London, in the Manchester trade, with .ElO,OOO liabilities, D Convellit ,t Co , Greek merchants—liabilities not serious There were also five failures on the stock exchange. in connection with the settlement of the account; and it was announced that Baird A: Co , Australian merchants, would wind up under inspection, and that Dutilh A Co , of Liverpool, were likely to pay in full Gold in large quantities was being sold to the Bank of England The funds were firm throughout the day, and consols dried at 914911 for money, and 9210921 fur account. After oftioial hours they were strong at 91n911, exdividend, and 923a921 for the opening, cum. dir. It having been shown that the good debts of the City of Glasgow Bark amounted to 15,107,142 against liabilities amounting to L 4.455,219, it was resolved by the shareholders that the directors should take steps for a speedy resutnption of the ho. Flom of the bank. It had boon decided to wind up the Western Bank of Scotland. The latest despatches from hamburg look rather more encouraging. There wa3 again a quotation in tho discount market, the charge being 10 per cont. The proposal for the id3UO of noteA had been totally abandoned. Tho failure of J G. Adam•. calico printer, Glasgow, was announced. Liabilities about 1120,- 000. LATER FROM INDIA M== A despatch from Cagliari to the British Govern ment announces the arrival at Suez of the steamer Oriental, (not the regular mail steamer.) with Cal cutta dates to November I—one week later. Two cons oys of provisions had arrived safely at Lucknow, where Havelock was still surrounded by largo numbers of the enemy, who were said to have three hundred guns. There had been some severe fighting, and acne. rid Outram was reported to have been wounded. Sir Colin Campbell and staff left Nameroor for Comport) on the 24th of October, to nhich place the troops were being tooted up as quickly as pos Bible, nod would proeeed to the relief of Lucknow when in sufficient strength. Tho arrival out of several additional troopships is reported. Lord Palmerston, in announcing this news to the lionso of Cumnums, sold he ferret] it Was but the echo of the tart message relating to the convoy which had reached, not Lucknow, but Alumbagh. Tho Daly s, alluding to the despatch, says that the intelligence transmitted by Admiral Lyons appears to he merely the rubstance of oral communications from the crew or passengers of the Oriental; and that the Oriental is merely a casual steamer nhich left Calcutta about a week after the last mail despatch " In both Houses of Parliament, on Monday, the ith, a royal messago was received from the Queen, recommending the bestowal of a pension of £l.OOO a year upon General Havelock, as a signal mark of favor and approbation for his brilliant cervices in India In the House of Lords. on the same evening, Lord Ellenborough brought forward his movement for information in regard to the Arms not and the restriction placed upon the press in India, and, af ter some debate, in which Earl Granville defended the Government of India from the attacks of Lord Ellenborough, the motion was agreed to In [he Ilow-e of Commons, Mr. Labouchere an nounced that the Government had determined to give a fair trial to the scheme for procuring guano from the looria Mooria Islands, and had sent a ship-of-oar there for the purpose. Lord Palmerston, upon further information, mo dified his statement that the two English engineers imprironed et Naples hod nothing to complain of in their treatment, by stating that such was the me now, but that when they were first imprkoned their treatment was most disgraceful. Ile said that, Hs the men wore accused of violating Neap°. litan law, they would have to undergo a public trial, for which the means of defence would be afforded them The Bank of England Indemnity bill was deba ted and read a second time. On Tuesday, the Bth, the pendon to Sir 11 Havelock was agreed to in both houses, after several eulogistic speeches, •md complaints by some members that the reward was not near large enough. In the House of Commons a resolution was of fered " that the unlimited liability of shareholders in joint stock banks give rise to a species of credit injurious to the interests of the public, and that the present law enforcing the adoption of this principle requires alteration." After some debate, in which Government opposed the resolution as being of too positive a nature, the motion was negatived. The Beni; Indemnity bill wan ordered in com mittee to be reported without amendment, and to be read a third time on the 9th The London Post (Ministerial) understands that if the debate on the Bank Charter Committee should not be adjourned, there would be nothing to prevent Parliament from rising for the holiday. on the 11th December, as it was believed to bo the intention of ministers Rut to entertain any Wl:n.4 beyond that before the Rouse. When Parliament adjourned it would be till the period at which it usually meets. A decision had been rendered in the Vita Chan cellor's Court, which in effeot will invalidate all marriages by British subjects with a deceased wilds sister not only in Britain, but in all foreige States. One of the parties implicated in the recent rob bery in London of a trunk containing jewelry, Me belonging to Lady Ellesmere, had made a confession. The trunk was boldly taken from the top of a cab as it was passing along the streets, and its contents, valued at about 1.15,000, disposed of for a few pounds amongst receivers of stolen goods. The London Sundou Times says it is stated to be the intention of the Government tends° several regiments of Africans for service in India—the staff to be composed of norpcommissioned omcere of the West India regiments. The marriage of the Princess Royal and Prince Frederick William of Prussia is set down for the 90th of January The work of launching the Leviathan wan pro• greeting slowly but surely. She was moved a few feet every day. olperatiohs were suspended on the nth by n dense fog. THE LONDON MONEY MARKET. [Prom the Daily News (City Article) December 9 .) In all departments of the Stock Exchange business war to-day inactive. The funds, however, were firm. During part of the day an advance of AI per cent was quoted. but the four o'clock quotations were the same as those of yesterday. The market derives chief sup port from the large arrivals of specie This was pay day" in the Como' market, when the •• differences arising out of the last account were liquidated. The monthly settlnme n t Is now finally completed At the Dank of England and in the discount mar ket there was today a fair demand for money, but no ;gll of pressure. The Dank to-day purchased about (256,000 in gold, of which £224,000 was in bars, and the rest in coin They also purchased, in addition, upwards of .£lOO.OOO to &mei-eine, brought by the Arabia, from Nnw York The total amount of newly imported gold bought by the establishment since thn slate of the last return is thus raised to upward.' of halt a million. Notwithstanding, however, this Im portant influx of bullion, and the simultaneous tot more gradual addition to the reserve which is always 'rapeseed at thin period of the quarter, when the gene ral circulation becomes gradually contracted, there seem' no Immediate prospect of a rediption in the rate of discount. The market is undoubtedly moving in that direction,and there is no difficulty In obtaining di. count of short flint. chum paper below the bank rate; bat the bank directors will evidently exercise great caution It must be remembered that the bank will be called Upon to pay the January dividends, the re lease of which usually occalions for the time a diminution of something like two millions in the .• reserve." Their reserve is still very low, and mast experience an important increase before the directors will alter the rate (From the London Times (City Article,) Dee 9 ) The Western Bank of Scotland hare notified that it hue been finally resolved to abandon all idea of resum ing the baldness of the establishment. They hove con sequently placed theineelves In commonleation with the other Scotch bank• to obtain their assistance and advice in winding op The reenit of the investigation into the afi sire of the City of Gleusgow Bank by the independent committee ap pointed by the shereholdere was announced at Glasgow this morning. It appears that, after deducting for bad awl doubtful debts, and making sufficient allowance for depreciation in the securities held the capital is found to be Intact all but 175,000. and thst the greater part of this deficiency may be made good by a slight improve ment in the value of the securities. and the recoveries front doubtful debt/ Considering ell the cirenntstonees of the CMS, this will doubtless be regarded with satis faction, and the hunk may be expected to resume It is stated that Messrs Duttlh &Co , of Liverpool, who suspended after the failure of Messrs Derusistoun A. Co , will be likely to pay In full and have a good sur plus, their New York house hiving stood through the crisis. THE RANH CHARTER SUSPENSION (From the London Time., Dec 8 ] The following Is a copy of the B 11 to Indemnify the Governor and Company of the Bank of England In re spect of certain karma of their notes. and to confirm such issues, and to authorize further issues for a time to be limited : •• Whereas, by the act of the session holden In the ith and Bth years of Her Majesty, chap. 32, • to regulate the heme of bank antes, and for givicg to the Governor and Company of the Bank of England certain privileges for a limited period,' the (ins ernor and Company of the Bank of England are prohibited from issuing Bank of England notes either into the banking depart ment of the Bank of England or to any persona or person whatever, save in exchange for other Bank of England notes, or for gold coin, or for gold or silver bullion received or purchased for the Issue Department of the said bank under the provisions of that act or in exchange for securities acquired and taken In the said Issue Department under the provisions therein contain ed ; and whereas under the said act and an order in council, limited under the provisions thereof, the amount of securities to be arsioired and taken in the said !vim Department 'stands limited not to exceed the sum of X 14,475,000; and whereaa by a letter dated the 12th day of November WI, the First Load of the Treasury and the Chancellor of the Exchequer informed the Governor and Deputy Governor of the Bank of England, that Her Majest•is Government had observed, with greet con cern, the serious consequences which had ensued from the recent failure of certain joint stock banks in England and Scotland, as well as of certain large mercantile firm, chiefly connected with the Anie•ican trade ; that the discredit and distrust which had resulted from these events, and the withdrawal of a large amount of the paper circula tion authorized by the existing Dank Acts, appeared to Her Majesty's Government to render it necessary for them to inform the Bank of England that if they should be unable in the present emergency to meet the de mands for iliecounte and advances upon approved secu rities without exceeding the limits of their eireala• tion prescribed by the Act of 18-14, the Government would be prepared to propose to Parliament upon Its meeting • Bill of Indemnity for any excess no loosed; and that, in order to p event that tem porary relaxation of the law being extended be )ond the actual necessities of the occasion, tier Majesty's Government were of opinion that the bank terms of discount should not be reduced be. low their then present rate. And wherens, the GOT ernor and Company of the Bank of England have since the said 12th day of November, 1857, Issued Bank of England notes in exchange for securities acquired and taken in the said Issue Department beyond the •count limited by law, and it is expedient that the acts of the said liorernor and Company in relation to the matters aforesaid, should be confirmed, and that the restriction on the amount of securities to be asquired and taken in the sold Issue Department should be suspended for a limited time Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal, and Com mons, in this present Pardament assembled, and by the authority of the saws auk f01i0... I. All such lest= of Bank of England notes es may have been made by the said Governor and Com palsy, or by their order or direction, sin= the nth day of November, 1557, although beyond the Amount authorized by law, and all acts done in relation to such issues, and to the acquiring abd taking since the said Eith day of November, 180, securities m the Lbws De partment of the Bonk of England beyond the amount euthdrised by lan, shall be affirmed and made solid; and the said Govern r and Company, and all persons oho have been concerned in such issues, or in doing e, advising any such acts as aforesaid, are hereby indem nified and discharged in respect thereof, and all indict meats and informations, actions, suits, prosecutions and proceedings whatever, commenced, or to be commenced against said Governor end Company, or any person or Towson., in relation to the acts andmatters aforesaid, or env of them, are hereby discharged and made void 2. So much of the said apt of the 7th and 6th . . years of her Majesty as limits the amount of the secu rities to be acquired and taken in the Lane Department of the Bank of England shall be, and be deemed to has been, suspended 111 from the 12th day of November, MI and shall continue suspended until the expiration of twenty-eight days after the brat meeting or sitting of Parliament In the year 1e.53, subject to the proviso hereinafter contained ; and, during such suspension, the prosisions of the said act, in relation to the issue of Bank of England notes. shall be construed and take effect as if the restriction on the amount of securities In the said Issue Department, and the prohibition of the increase of such amount, and of the issue of additional Bank of England notes thereon, had nut been contained in the yid act; pro vided always, that If before the expiration of the time herelnbefure limited, the Governor and Company-of the Bank of England glee public notice that they hate re duced the sin nemo on rate of interest respired by them below the rate of ten per ceutum per annum, the raid suspension shall cease. 3 Upon or before the expiration or eerier of the suspension aforesaid, the cures, of issues hereiribefore confirmed shall be reduced to the amount which would have been authorized by lan if this ect had not been passed, and, subject to the indemnity and diseharge hereby given, all the provisions of the said recited act shall, atter such expiration or ce,er, be and remain in full force PROGRESS OF THE LEVIATHAN [lrvin the London Daily News, December 7 ) There nes very little progress 111141 P in the launching of the vessel during the last two days of the weak. Fresh power bad been added, both in rains and triter haulage, but c)hreiers would bur-t, and chains would give away, in spite of every precaution, and every interruption of either kind made a mkt in road into the working hours of The <lurk days be fore Christman " She has now got about eighty het dow it the ware, and at high water has obtained a re spectable ainvant of immersion, but still nothing of any ,insequence es giving buoyancy to her huge bulk It is now °limns that the wars have beanienn-dructed at just such &decline an enables the ship to slide down under the pressure of a vast force from behind. while it is so little removed front the level as almost to neu• trall, her own momentum Whether this ham been the result of door design an I careful calculation, or whether it lia4arisen from ovenoght, tot tenet for us to say,but the result has certainly been to give great appearance of blue- I tering to the whole proceeding, and to afford frequent opportunities for aarcatins anything but pleasant to American and other foreign engineers. It is not for gotten that It tons only when the (treat Ilritain was I ',shed that any one thought of the gates or tto dry dock itt which dm war built, and that, in order to got her out, a gnarl deal of the wall on both 5.,1, to be knoskeit down. In this enye the loi:lding of the largest ship In the n orld was COLD inroceil at so low nn elevation as to give a minimum of incline to the bed of the river. and hence the rie cr,ity for those immense efforts w bir, ha t e le., rearyihg the public during the last fortnight, by their comparative Wilily. (treat awl expel , e po7er is Oro =lastly in action to 1v44 1 1 ,e vessel ; Illt, In far Os the <pectotnes ore able to judge, it appears to he wholly since , ensary One t'-mg is certain, that henever anything rive• war which h- !ratty well s often as the power I. applied, , it is not in say portion of lire checking app.:lra!, The tides aro re, daily faille—, end If the r-sle et movement rbonli not be rensitlerably ae ,, ekrat^d we 'hall have to wait some tame long!. r for the completc I launch of the Leviathan FRANCE. Another redochen of one per rent in the rats, of dis count of the Bank of France had taken place The rates now stand at 6,7, and S per cent for bills haring respectirely not more than rid, 60, and 90 days to con It 18 asserted that France Intends strictly to avoid any Interference to the Holstein dispute, which she in wil ling to consider ns merely federal, and confined to Ger many, if the Germans themselves trent it in that nay. The imperial exequatar Lind been granted to Mr. Spencer as I:niteil States Conant r t Paris. .t de.ritd. from Para on the Sib met • states that the position of the Hank of France continued to tm proe. Poring the last three days the reserve had reached the amount of MA millions of francs Thr fonds closed at Oaf. for money. and 60 15 for account. SPAIN. The Parin correspondent of the London Post ears the difficulties between Spain and Mexico were again as. snoring amore pacific ewe ; and the Parts correspond eat of the Tames says that Levi llowden %stolit leave that t itv on the 16 Ii for Madrid, ooth hopes of bring. log the 'lexicon question to a print of negotiatton, if not to en issue of rat, TURKEY. It i 1 that a telegraphic dispatch had reached einktan , inople to the effect that the Dirane, modifying their dr, ion in favor of the union of the Principal- Irv, had repolred that they would give up that idea if the l'ongrees of Park retuned to grant a foreign Prieee The Torklidi (Internment i. raid to hare interdicted the rublivition of the proeeeding. of the Dlrtinr of the Thu Ato,tralian mail, with Melbourne date. to the 16th of Octoberhad reached England, but there la no new. of Interrod ' reldltional to that already telegraphed The money market at Melbourne continued very grin gent. The intelligence from the variou. gold ttella WWI generally of a very favorable character, and the supply of the preciou. metal at the porta was kept up. In ar ticles of import the market. had undergone no material change, except for tea and sugar, both of which sere higher. COMMERCIAL SUMMARY. Iti LBroot., Dee. 9 Cotton —The market is again very dull, the sales of the three days amounting to only 2,000 bales, of which emu o 2,000 Isere taken on speculation Prices are rather easier, but not sufficiently so to alter the quota tione advixed per Canada. At Manchester the depre.aien continue, unabated, and priceestill teat downward Meatlstun, —24 Pear, Richard:on, Spence, A: Co. re port—Flour dull and neglected at a decline of Oda is libl, Weitein Canal 2,lsd 24a Gut , Philadelphia and Baltimore Zs; Ohio era Wheat in very limited de mand at irregular rah., generally the Inca in favor of borer, • Red Cs 10deS; white Gs 8.1e7e 9,1. Indian torn dull at previous quotatioll9. Mixed and yellow Bts at 31s od, white 375 Messrs Richardson Bro - ther+ call corn 3.1d6d lower provisiona.—Nothhvg doing in beef, pork, or lemon, except ill UPI- merest - retail pricy, Lard, a total ab sen e of Inquiry; some sweet sold at-6&. Tallow quiet, at 10e51e, bat difficult to find buyers at these; figures. - Produce —nahenquiet. Small sales of pat at EU. Rosin dull. at is for common Sugar firm and in steady demand. Coffee quiet Rice in Ironed request. Lin seed oil selling at mt. Qumran's' Bark unchanged. Philadelphia 9s. Baltimore Ts. Lesvos klasssre.—At Mark Lane, on the 7th, the Corn market wan dull, and English wheat gave way 2035, and foreign Igen per quarter Rows arm for su perior, but doll and easier for inferior. Tea dell and drooping. Coffee quiet; Ceylon rather cheaper. Rio, quiet. Tallow quiet but steady. Scotchpig Iron steady at 5'28, Saltpetre firm , loth fair business Linseed 0;1. 2.1 a. Some Bales of low Wool' were made, at a de cline on East India of 102.1 from the list London rates, or ,s,", old below the last Liverpool rites. Most of!the foreign low wools were withdrawn Aasaicie Baciarrise —American securities Word steady but firm. The latest lake were Illinois Central shares.— Attchigan Central of '60.. New York Central shared. Erie shares, Ditto 3d mortgage Ditto Sinking Fond Peonay'Tanis Central 2.d mortpge E3C32,1i BY THE PILOT LINE. LETTER PROM NEW YORE. [Correepondenee of the Pree4.l Now Yoax, Dec. 21, 1857-5.20 P. M The news from Europe by the Adriatic., as well public as private, is not considered of a very cheering character. The Ilamburgh panto still continues as intense 83 ever, and there appears to be no probability of speedy relief. The result is here. that things are, if possible, flatter and more gloomy then they were, and the prospects for the week just opening do not promise a financially I merry Christmas. Foreign Exchange is absolutely at a standstill. Thero are very few drawers in any favor, and even they can only eon with diffi culty. Nominal rates are 1091a1091 for 60 days sterling On Paris 5.30a5.25. The currency certificates held by the Metro politan Bank amount tea trifle over 31.000,000, and are being very gradually diminished. A daily paper of this city, which plumes itself on ite accu racy, announces that the Mechanics' Banking As sociation hes resumed business. The writer forgets that the bank has passed through the hands of receiver, and though, owing largely to jitr, Carri gan's ability and energy, the etoekbAders are in a far better position than it was thought they were when the bank doors were closed. Before a resumption of business can take place they must get a new or a renewed character, and probably be obliged or find it expedient to change the nam e " . of the institution which suggests eo many unplea sant recollection,. Dividends are still the order of the day. The Bank of North America, and the Old Colony and Fall River Railroad have respec tively declared dividends of three per cent.. paya ble January 2. 'Therßroa l dway Beak will pay a di vident °CS per cent. on the came day. The exchanges at the clearing house to-day were $l4 656,241.67, and the balance $874,568.:3. The cash transactions of the Sub Treasury were as follows : Reoeipts. 564 125 32: payment', 587,493.- 27 ; balance, $3,689,407 83. The Customs receipts were s4f 000. The statement of the New York eity banks of their acreage condition for the week ending De eember 19th, shows an increase of $05,063 in loans ; $1,g99.4.50 in specie ; $1.077,996 in amino' deposits. and $788.773 in suidrawn deposits, and a decrease of $39,024 in circulation. The following is a comparatire atatemerit for the weeks ending December 12th and 19th : Dec. 12. - Dee. 19. 296,592.092 297,211.610 26,058,377 6,34-3,494 Specie Circulation .. 75,365,134 7 . 6.444.1N3 . 62.903.000 83.5943,773 Deposits, nominal Vntitawn de*lts The stock market presents no new feature. Very little business was done, and though prices did not recede muck, the tendency is eTldently shaky, and we may look out for squalls. The following are the bulletins of sales at the first board : NEW YORK STOCK EXCEINGE—DiO.9I FIRST BOARD tie SO Ene Railroad b 3 13 1 1 :00 U 8 6s '67 2500 NY St fie '73 109 w 5000 do 109% 5020 N Y 68 '74 109% 1000 Tenn di '9O 815( 2000 N Carolina 60 89 9000 519111 , 319 cl 68 80 2000 Mich St 6a 01 5000 City Si '6O 94 1000 Brooklyn City Oo 90% 2000 Erie ltda 1975 421 f 20030 Erie Cone '7l 39 4000 77 Ind let &I; 75 2000 Gal& Chic 281 tat 79% 3000 Mich Cen 8 pc lit Mt Sin'g Cori 63% 5000 111 Ces 13d s3O 5514 10000 do .30 85 1100 do 17% 505 do 63 14 100 do 610 13 101'0 do IS ti 2:15 Hudson R R 14x 33 1100 Beadiog II 300 do MO 33% 303 do 630 533( 70 Harlem R 6 lif ,Z 0 do a ' 20 Harlem Prfd 15 21 Mich Cen R 63.1( 50 do 610 53 11 Mich Southern R 21 'MI ' do 20% Z do 1630 214( 100 do el 5 MX ai Shoe& Leather Bk 93 70 Dolkllad en Co 108 tn do 107} 100 Ilk of Com 100 5 Metropolitan Bk 10 Ocean Bank 71 $ Bank of N York 98X 10 Ilk of America 126 25 C S Tract 100 30 Metropolitan To Co 75 70 Penn Coal Co 67X SO Climb Coal Co 10 19 Pacific Mail Co 67 25 do 08 1 100 N Y eels a 71%1 100 do c 75X1 50 do 010 75x1 60 do b 3 7.5 X The entire of the lest authorized Central Perk 6 per cent stook hes been taken up at par in the controller's office—the sum is $250,009. 50 do 510 33% 1430 do 53 2034 150 do 53 7.) X 60 Mich PAN 1 Pad 34 1 60 do b3O 34 1 15 do 33% a) Panama R 95 90 111 Ceti R 89 20 do 95% 95 Gal h. Chicago TI Eq do 530 74% j 7 do 73% 300 Clev '2°l R 41% 100 do 510 4154 99 Chic &11 It 74 'NO LAC & 5.1t1 10% CB ic Qmorey R 61 E1D331132111 Ague's —The market is firm for both kinds, with a fair demand at $6.10 fur pots and pearls. Corrr. 6.—A moderate demand continues preva lent, and prices are steady—sales of 600 bags at 9a 10}e. A cargo of 6,000 ba per ship Jumper, bound for this port. was totally lee gs, t off Pernambneo. COTTON —The market, under the Canada's and Adriatic's advice is inlet and rather heavy ; par ties have not met ewes the receipt of the latter metre. FLOUR, dc.—The demand; for Western canal Fleur is q•ite light. and with liberal arrivals, coupled with the unfavorable news from Europe by the Adriati.•. prices are 10c fewer and unsettled at the close. The inquiry is conined to the home trade. The sales are 5,000 bble at 54 20254.30 for com mon to good State ; $4 45a$1 65 for extra do ; $420 asl 35 for superfine Indiana and Michigan; $4 23 a 33 00 fit extra do; $4 6545.50 for common to good extra Ohio; $5.50a56.75 for good to choice ; $3 40a57.22 for St. Louis brands, and $5.35s $7 50 for extra Genesee. Canadian Flour is inactive and lower. The de mand i 3 of a retail character. Sales of 300 bb!a at $4 30a$4 40 for superoce, and $4.6512 4 3 2 5 for extra brands. Southern flour is 13c lower and is dull and hoary at the abatement Sales of 400 bble $4.7343 for :nixed to good brands, Baltimore .to , and $3.101 .54 70 for the better grades. Rye flour is rather quiet at $304.23. Corn meal is inactive at $3 23 43 40 for Jersey. Buckwheat flour is iteady at $2 42 121. Gast —The demand is light for wheat and the market is We lower and unsettled—the .ales are 3,100 bas at $1.90 for good red Tennessee:: $1.25 for common white do; $l 60 fur prime Milwaukee; Pem for extra Chicago, aping, and $1.40 for choice white Michigan. Corn is. lower and the demand Light at the de cline; sales of 1,700 bus at ..5601.1.3 fur Southern yellow and white 53a61 for yellow Jersey, 70* for old do and tifie for Western mixed. Barley is aeminal at 70a80e. Oats are declin ing; the stock in the interior is large; sales of State at 43a45e. and 46a47c for Western. HAY —The demand is good for shipping; sales 400 Nils at 50a6Se per 100 lbs. PROI ',loss —The demands for Pork is fair, and the market is irregular. Prime i 3 lower and rases is firmer; sales of IttO bbls at $l5 501515 1 , 0 for 'flees, and retail lots at $l6; ; , ..13a$13A) for prime, and t:IS for clear. Beef is unsettled, and is freely offered, sales of 50 bbl at $5.75a545.7:1 for euuutry prime, 19stlII, for do mess. $103312.50 for repacked Weetern mess, and $131514.25 for extra do Prime mess is quiet at SI6aSN; Beef Hams are quiet at $14a51.).75: Bacon is dull and nomi nal; Lard is lower and is quiet at the I.lline ; sales of 130 bbls at 91a910. Dressed Hogs are better and in demand at 6 ;- Cut meats are dull and heavy ; sales of 10 bbls and tee at 01a63 for shoulders, and Sia9 for harni„ clo sing heavy. Butter is plenty, and is dull at 10a101 far Ohio, and 13a2.0c for State. Cheese is saleable in small lots to the trade at ['silk.. SUGARS.—The feeling is goal, and a moderate business is doing. elderly for refining. Refined are in fair request at full prices. TEA'. —The demand ismoderate from the trade. An auction sale i 3 announced for Wednesday. WnislKLY.—The demand is fair, and the market is firmer—antes of 150 bbls at 2 le, and email lots still higher. I . IIILADELPHIAIMARKETS Pore 21—Evening.—The market far Breadstufts is without any quotable chan,ge. al- though the - foreign news by the Adriatic is not so favorable as was generally expected ; buyers come forward slowly, and the sales of Flour are mostly in a retail way, to rupply the home trade, at limn I!) to Sdai 4 l 75 per bbt, for common to extra and fancy family brands. aecerding to quality. Ship_ pars arc not buying to soy extent. end brands suit able for export are dull, with small sales at $.5 per bbl. Corn Meal is held firmly at $3 for good Penn's most, and a small business doing at that price. Bye Flour is not inquired for, and doll nt s'l per bbt Wheats are mere plenty, and very in active, at previous quotations. Sales embrace about 1,000 bu good Southern white at 12 1 31122! ; 1,000 bu Penn's red at Maine. and 2 000 bu good Southern do at Ills, the latter afloat. Corn is dull and rather lower. with sales of 7,500 ba new yellow at 50a55e, as to condition, the latter for good lots afloat. Oats sell slowly, and 3,000 a 4.000 bushels only have found takers at 35 cents for good Pennsylvania in store, and 53 a 331 cents for Dela ware afloat Rye is wanted at 75 cents for Penn sylvania, at which price the distillers are buying. Quercitron Bark is rather scarce, with small re ceipts and sales to note at s2li for first quality . Holders of Cot'on are anxious to sell, but Usere ra very little dolt g as the spinners take hold only to supply their rurnediate wants at the rates now current, which are generally above the views of buyer'. The t iarket for Sugar and Coffee is more active at the late advance, with sale., of 250 hhds of the former, and 500a600 bags of the latter. at full prices; the stock of Sugar is now reduced to about 2.00 hhds. The Provision trade contina.* at a stand, owing to the difference in the views of buyers and sellers. Seeds are inactive ; and prices show no change. Whiskey is firmer: bbls. are selling at 221a231 cents, and htis. at 22 cents ; a sale of drudge is reported at the same price. PHILADELPHIA CATTLE MARKET—DL caution 21a, lel.i7.—There was about the regular amount of Beef Cattle offered at the several yard: this week, amounting in the aggregate to about 1,000 head, all told. The quality was fair, in cluding some of very poor Cattle, which sold at low prises; fair to good quality realised about former quotations, and mast of the Cattle offered were disposed of at from $7.50 to $lO the 100 lbs.. ac cording to condition, the latter for prime quality. (..0 Con , and Calves the receipts were about 200, all of which were sold at from to 4.45aE.0 for common to ettra quality. Hogs brought better prices, and all in market, about 2,000 head. were taken by the butchers and packer• at $43-5054; 75 the 100 lbs Sheep sold at from $2 to $1.50 each, according to condition. The receipts this week were only 3,000 head, most of which were told with in the above range of prices. i 03.410 do 27,957,32 T .6,309,366