~,; .~.. . 4 1` . Orr - k L7l, - - 'tialtfrirtnat'A4KetSODG9 4 ' itipp r ,i,iivflbw ti re k i l,k o - fain - , w mdki,;lol.9lt; vatta.kekvi,oparef f ikeAvvommiwsiopr, on, ,m 4 charge tf.ernet.treapnentofimenf :the maces on the voysti•MMLiverfoolte thisper•L's The Terse-, outer teltiflia that theentain come up to him a 0 the wheel, knocked hiin Senn ind beathlinerUelly with a rOlei'keinkelhe;',9sPtehi:*cillOgiss'lliet be ordered tale matt .to,remiere &AMA net had on; and on his reties', liespuniehed.llea- feresiiiiehe dience efesedirci/whichlieeontends 'tubed aright to do. &further hearing wilt be had in , this case otrMond • • - • and ,Lug; lo4;'-'dudde - ;.'Dfitilow:,delivered - i, the following opiniekhilSituiday , ,ititirrint“ • "r'-ssf - '' "Etiript „Ot4IIILIP. C. DOntILLY, • ottsosten, , prOntislaidere,ite upon ' exception te, the anesiffild itiPOrtef' ancliter'to;When it!:Was reforredo4lAteelbe, accinist r „Of the, itilinfisletra , trill in eonfOrMity, with apeerieei:deersiep of ' We destreShefeie we primped lo decide upon the algePtitthllfalie,aniended,report;:(noti the imme diate sttlijec4 - sireirmildetitioo,) to (lifOrese,:aftn, deliberateNivelligatlon-AlP4,refleetitini Or entire coiteurrerittisin tht.rOPPIJOKI•O! thin 0°,4" d° ll '''., erod brthec.judgesite-nea.tiktoel:argqment ; nisen the exeeptions , ffiedto the first report of the Audi, to - is Webelieve;th(Oprinoiples settled. , the forme :decisietiste , eorreet,wind„ as the ;same have ttiiilklitidiljsApiesti O ned•by • theenneel for Allen Robinett; Itecteditor;S'nei consider' it:proper' .on this 2ceaSion le re-affirm them; ;;;•;,•_••' ,ExeeptiOns have - been illed- - tejheamentled 're port, by the aeonntau.S;..anctpteo ,bY, Allen Rohl . mitt, a creditor.' - . , . 'The (Matter - Was in' allowing the tie: enintant aeredit forthefolloning expenses, to wit: •'or additicinfirpaideininsel ' ' ' $B5-00 Itiintinses paid In snit by. Robinittind ' •-• ' s' ' • " ~.42 00 ti • lde i ssitty Auditor and ,Exidinses of - ", Mid • s.?•t'.'l , 360 25 Th e e peotont . teßretorided, and was a trustee for; nciteitil '6O brim: t wit but also her minor chil dren, upon snob feats tie ,ste filmlosed by the andi toes reportosod „o m it ted ',1 . 4 . 7 iILP the parties erns cornid We think the ertini Instilled in resbiting'ihe 'Made brlto'4 .si -‘ B . :Zol!ard ,- A CO., as long _us theiaid ottani was tigetion and undetermined; legal advice was bredly, necessary ; to ;order that she, naight,proteat „hereof' and childreiVand their Interests' in deceditirs eb: tate, beforeitlitf(ooprlai and to a:reasonable e*estit' before the nuttier; we ire however,"diapotoid to gel' "fUrtherc , •,•1 The „of Allen , nett •havirig's beetle :established-- by. a. • suit - -at law, the contest . "deemed 'a -verys dilferent. , one. On the one hand the creditor Sealously. endeavots to surcharge :Die • secentatit not. enly, with the „Prineipal fund - ritir,ulibing' In her 'ribeseasitfil; bnt also viithentereeteanduouspennd interest. thereon,: Which Sareharge the -administratili MirneetlY_en-, deqvoee,ttrdeteagss.• , - The diiiticett Or,the , cenirthas-relieved tho acs Cotipitaftitiratif GM' gavel*" eneinsion ,of the 'auditor, rind we think - ftirthef -ifitarnes -and - •expenees in= • ourreit t 'or peg er ment of counsel fees ceightlii.be hornet by the p to the like, tion,..eepottiallyassi portion of the eeirfor which a oreditsts.clainsed have ',not been and f aught we know depend upon contingent - futureill or tigatioliP `,Welltertifore confirm the report of the - auditor disidlentrits the renewing items, to elf foe ... ... •-:5230,00 • sdr.:llronstor'sjeo,-- 525'00 ' .Printing and-preparing paper ‘ book In 00 ThiCen`ly rinnabiltigexcention refers to the dis allevrened'hY the auditor of the claim of Rosa Car i ell Wages; amounting to $lO4, and his • refasifitto riirnr testimony "in support of said elaim. • Theisiporr watieferree back to the,euditor not for the se ef , openiiii. the e doount „ .to let in new teetintony; but simply to ,loitate the aecount, and. intend the original -report in 'eonfornilty with the oplitlon - of the Smart. . Theserediter,was 'terrified a hearing aped' new testintenY,in an objeidied made by the aecoillittint, and we do not.thinli any geed purpose ma' lie accomplished' by allowing the parties to open the accounts :and thus try anew.. the very issues which had boon'deterihiiibd; to adopt such a ruleavould -hut lead to endless litigation. •• • • WO bro,Terther,ef 'thaninion that the affidavit submit:PO:4 31 1 3';does not disclose snob a state of facts aiwould warrant its in allowing this claim' Oren were we disposed to nerrilit the produolion of new testimony in ita support. -Tine antended teport of-the auditor. is confirmed, Benjamin' Rs - e-Arowster, Esq.,' for the exceptant, and Josiah Randall; Esq., f, r Allen Kobbinett, Esq., si - Jeleditet: - , • QuifirtitTfinsiesi-=-Th'e'LleicoY Ism-Judge' - Moralised and Allisen-Uridge ThoMpion delivered the lefieninglipinien on Saturd4 on the Motion `to gnash the indictments against partibsibi setting _ liquor without license ' Thoseords!fdideelland.oatieo.te firetcount of the indictment, do: not join two dis tinct offences. This former expression has always been hold as ehaiging life seine offence. -It is 'the colatoOldillt.of Verde used in such indietments in Pennsylvania'frodi. an' eirly•Peried, and no obits) , tionSpiAhti” ground of - duplicity, hag ever been sustained. Coln. vs. - Baird, 4, 5. and 141; Whar.,Pr00...475 t, esPa. ..L.,Jour., 293; COM. V. Y. Sylvester; also Coin. vs. Eaton, 15 Pick. 273. So' in indictments for .forgery, libel, do., the mom formreitwordy is dominonly used. ' - Thesecond , objection, is that the first mount in the ihdielidentdoes not• state 'to whoa the liquor Ulu 444: Thii degree of wintriness has not been requiredin indictments for suoligeneraloffences as keeping' tippling houses, permitting unlawful - 00.ECIOBi dr soil ingliquora without liconse. To require • it woufd.-be to render' a prosecution in such eases extreatify difficult; „While to state that the persons to whoa the liquors were sold were 'te the Grand Jury, unknown would add nothing to the definite ness of the charge.-Or-enable the defendant more - - readily toprepare his defence., - The form of n M eSictment for the eta of the li cense laws, need in this State, has not been held invalidforSwint. of , ouoh particularity; and long usage has sanctioned the omission.: 1n1.816, Judge. Duncan, in Corn. vs. Baird, referred to this form of indictment as having prevailed for eighty years; and netr, - -after nearly forty years - more have elapsed without ehange in this respeot," We will not say that all ,preeeding prosecutions have been erreneoue.' Wharten's Preo." 470. In 15 Venn., SOO, State vs Munger, it is expressly'decided that it is not necessary to-aver to whom the liquors • wera'sold in' the-Indictments for selling without license, and the same is the rule M. other States: ' 2 Humph: 315,Sanderlen vs'. the State alio Shinn ve:Ocan'th,;:Cem'th Va. Sylvester,' 6 Pa. LineJ,our., 2 , 93`aillardvs: the ,Com'th, - 2 Cesoy,'lB9. The demurrer: the first nount, therefore, is overruled.- - • " The.objeotion to the second count is that it does not date any 'offence, known to the law.' In thii objection we think there is great force. The fliatteetiori o f the Act of. Assembly an question was iptinded. te,Prevent, - alijsperson Irons, keerng a Place *berets , liquorshorild lie sold or drunk, without license beingebtained therefor under the - proVidens-uf the, law- Without the authority of the license, the keeping of such place is prohibl• tettZ,Vilitroffenoe is in doing the act without a -cane:, !filicrulli' it not ,be, so etated?, The 'derail. data instbeinforrued of thea pecifics charge wade against bins. must he told how be has violated,' the law. • It is not sufficient to - state that he lies done - an sot contrary to law, unless the words of the indictment bring the act donewithin the ma terial and prohibitory terms of the statute. Where a hici'previ,des, that. a , license may be obtained which renders an occupation lawful, an indictment for ,carrying, on that occupation should negative • the:existence:of snob 'a license, For want ot such averment ,this count is insufficient; and as to it, - the demurrer 'must .be sustained. This oonnt.is framed open the first-section of the not, which see lnasinneh as - no'•pen altY;is provided against lid , violation". The 'only 3'Bo.44l'PrOvided in the aotis thatoontained in the Ali q 'tsection,;irlueli relates to the salS of liquor Contrary:to the,,proiisions of the law, and not to the - idfenoe of keeping and maintaining, a, house er:Plood where liquor -Is sold or drank. Itistirther 'objected that the set of Assembly - -this indictment is prerred, is con, treo;4oltiesCenstitution of thieState. • .The "fern of this - objeotion we have not been _able 'to appreciate.", The law in question is de • '"signeds!Sto regulate the sale of intoxicating -liquere:," -It •is not-a prohibitory law. It gives no authority, to violate private rights in order to enforce ifs behests, not-does It confiscate any one's propertY. No one is prevented from selling liquors; the manner, place . ; and quantity only,are the sub. -jeohlof its restrictions. This act does little more - than. embody into ono Jaw, thole testriotions'and • regulatione," which, in , various forms; have boon • imposed,b_y epee's' statutes from the earliest set tleineht of theprovinceof Pennsylvania. ,It'teciniyes that:-alt yawns who sell epirituous ligners, Th obeli firskobtain,`alioenee. Thie s s equally tSe taw as to e' persons who deal In any outer goode s -waree, and morehandise, domestic or foreign, (act of 7th April, 1830; set 4th May, 184 t, 5ee..10.) All must be licensed and rated according to their sales ;',Sind the constitutionality (of ssch a 'system taxation has - never boon quoetioned. The re ' • strieliens imposed by this act upon, the keepers of' lune and ,taverns, and of restaurants; 'are such as have boon doomed essential from the ocirlicst time*. The act of 1710 required that the justices of the comfy courts should determine to whom. licensee teireeri inrie- And taverns should be granted, and illejurtedlotion dyer' this subject was so exercised until a recent period.. The eat of 22d April, 1704, declared that thejudgeSj in every year, shall Um and declare thi nusither of:taverns, Aerial; regard - to the particular 'neighborhoods; and the 'net of April 30th, 1850, gave power to the Court of Quar ter SezetenS of every county except Philadelphia, re grant or refuse lieenso for a public house, - nots trithstendtag, the application might be in duo form end 'accomPanied with' the reeoutmenda tion ...required by, existing laws. This bee been a:. subject: of special regulation at all times. The.iime, -piece, and manner of totting liquors I have ' sltvays ,:bilen restricted and regulated.' lie who : sells • must sell by a certain umesstre, -And thet meitsure must conform to an,mstablishicl standard. , The citizen in ,every occupation is required to conform to established_ =lea, and such rules as are provided to secure fair atul.honeat dealing have never been supposed to interfere with the (nstitutional right to possess atte-cinjey his property: - No. occupation can be curried •on which is not tosome extent thusrogii- - lilted, mid nun as are deemed most liable -to affect • the welfare of the community have been the meet carefullyivarded. No one has ever .thought it unconstitutional to require the miller to pack hie flour in barrels of a certain size, Or the grocer to weigh by Ihe'standard weights. - It has not been suggested that it Is unconstitutional to require a builder to erect his walls of a proper form and thieknesS te insure isfety i nersto require the vender sf,an'eitote'lli fee simple 10 make , his conveyance` ,ip•errfting: • The'exerelso of Absobite' power over property, is inconsistent with medal order, and the Constitution intended no such thing -when it pro. - sided-for the security of the • right of acquiring, posseiting, and protecting property. - It would ho a poor system, indeed, tinder which • the regielature should be powerless to projeet, and defied the coinrunity front' the aggre, -M ssione of vice and - hatogrality, in whatever - sha p e they ay -Oeine;fo'r - foir of infringingepon the constitutional sight ofisersopihig prup,erty.,lyekounchJhe mean • iog,of thoCernstitatioewevery•maa. weak ' be free ft ' '"F° ProPertY, se he. pleases. _The gambler - might ettt.urrhis tables, the owner of bousesmight rent thole for tho,besest pu trees. All rules and - ' l .eotttliclgt , throtiltieneoetsarYTor the well-being , ofiniety Would be Mid - . pith them ,all that,' mAkest sigeltd:g*toment desirable., The • propeeltion thiG,,,byseegulating the disposition of preperty de as to protect the community from its nbeees' the- °Mist - Rational: 'right -to -p os s e s s It is .. - .. , ,ttiffeetedNentitrintifile; arievreeeerenbingin this Act, whiels Interforekivith-the pnemeaningef the 'enpriorieldworthe '` , „`• - • • dudgeAllbiontlicifitoOknp the desertietiomms, -.. -nen OftWhieh were of-anynpublio Interest, save •thetittae ofßawlizigavys. Rawlingt, before reported, ~itiqvlitobitow, proceedings have' been taken,' and • 0.10 Ptftklfeitilfditeueelep hetPeariquiftleel watt 4 1 4 4 .40#41014fto*fkii:— • " - .... - rtgar — NilifteL, . . . , -A-I.TDITOIVS , ---NOTIOE.—ESTA.TE OF ABBALIAbI MOYBlt t 'and Wife, wished for behellf of;ereditrirs.,, , • .• xhe ,tilegrsignea,'Audit:fir,apPotnted by tbe,Court of L .Bl:imm on pleas of lildntgo'inery verity, to make distri tmtion thoAbal t efkan/LPVeffing on the actouot filed by IteOrZ'lg:BP-00,,,.p$1.gnee• t)f ABBAIIAhI B. ISIOYEIt end 116, for,ilia beret qt 'Creditors, enni% the per none legally . entitte 'thereto, wilLattend to the duties of hie • arpomtment, at his office, in the borough of NOILBIBTOIVa4 in NAM founty, on IVEDNVAD AS, the Vlth' day orDeceniber7lB47, at, 10 'clock A. M., when .4E41 Where iill.per!onl lutexested may attend. d'eflng - ' ' B.' B. 114111000 K. Auditor. ITHE - .ORPHANS 3 COURT FOR THE CITY ANOBOUNVY OF PIIILADELFIIIA. Estete,ot /OW SAVAGE, deceased. A nis Alidlter'svilonted to audit, settle and adjust the liccounts or ItEoll.4.Fp.rtuNpLg nd WILLIAM ORIN FA.TIIB, execetore Of Me eiltate HAVAGE, de- Wasedj end` to 'report' dtetribution, will meet the parties _interested at his office. No. 243 South Fll7ll Street, :below WALNUT, on' MONDAY . ; the 28112 day of De sembhi, 1807, at 4 We've& If. . delBmiln4 ItEON ikl3l3l:l'l', Auditor. • IN' THE COURT Or COMMON PLEAS 'FOB THE oiry AND COHNTI , OP "PIIILADEL. In the matter of the Estate of THOMAS BRADFORD, deceased, Printer, our, Seem] Account of Thomas B. Datracla,yilllain BradfOrd, Jr., and James 11. Bradford, "Trustees. - - ,Tneluditorappolnted to audit; settle, a i tidjust the Becoirei Aebourit of Themes B. Darriteh, Ilium Brad ford; Jr., and James H. Bradford, Trustees, and to re pnit distribution' of the balance - remaining la their meet the pill:les Interested at his office, Tier. ,40‘ Peurnt Sttnet,'abora Fourth street, In the city of `htliderphia, TUEBD4Y, the Twenty-ninth of De. ,t4tnber, 1857, at oictoct P.M.. ilelll-wfmst - I'. I'. TIORIII3, Auditor. NNOTICE—,NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, , A`lnit appileation will homed° to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, at its next session, commencing In J cum ,arylBsil, (or the grant of ouch Authority, powers, and jai4diCtidn AO may be necessary for effecting, in the most speedy and, effectual manner, the sale of all that certain lot or piece of ground and , premises, situate in the Fifteenth Ward of the city of Philadelphia, (for. Melly Village • - of 'Francisville, and county of Phila . dolphin) bounded by Ann, Grape, Powell. and Vine. yard streets, and commonly known as the Francisville Burial Ground. SAMUEL G. Pflitl(ll49: " Attorney for Applicants. NOTICE. -WHEREAS HENRY WHITE flll4l's . llMetl Stevens, late copartners, trading as White, Stewns, & Co., did, on the eleventh day of No• vember, A. 10. 1851., make and execute a general an ,signment to the undersigned, in trust, for the benefit , ertheir-ereditors, which said - assignment in duly - O. corded' at Philadelphia, all persona indebted to said fassiguors will mare payment to ISAAC 8. WATERISAN, Assignee, N. W. corner Second S. Arch sta. NitaItICIPAL:. CLAIMS. —NOTICE IS J.T.N.' twits: given trilhe owners of premises mention ed in the tortended memoranda of Claims for Paving, that Writs of Sara Racircs will be Issued on said claims In three montfirfkorn the date hereof, unless the name alkali be Traidat thb'efilre e the undersigned, 212 South FIFTH Street, belos , 'Walntet, at or before that time. . I9ILLIABI h. SMITH, - Ifinentber 2d,4837. Attorney for Plaintiff. City of Philadelphia to tSe•ase of George 19. Stroud -vs. Charles Reynold. C. P... "one T., 1887, No. 90. Claim $293.89. • Paving soutloweet corner Twenty-aeo end and Green streets. • Same vs. John P. Titus. C. P., September T. 1867, No. 69. Claim $10.17. Paving ninth side Clayton at. 163 feet nest of Twenty-second,' Same vs. Jesse Coniston. (LP, September T. 1881, No. 68. Claim $42 03. Paring north side of Clayton street. 62 feet west of Twentr-eecond. no3.m.3nt._ iN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF . JP. JOHN WILLIAM ; deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration army like estate 0f,101414 WILLTAAIB, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. All persona indebted to said estato are hereby' requested to make payment', nod all persons laving claims against said estate are requested to present the same, without delay, to MOE, 9. lEEDOIII, To. 253 MARKET fit„ ELIZABETH wurahms, No. 419 Booth SIXTEENTH. street, or DANIEL DOUGHERTY, their Attorney, B. E. corierBIHUTLI and LOCUST'streets. • del4-law..6w • proposals aV.I'IOE. OF ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE) PUILdIMPRIA, December 4 1.8?)7. -SEALED Proniotuas are invited, and will be re delved at this °Mee, uutll.lo O'clock A. 51. of the 4th day of Tannery neat, for fhitilehing by contract the fol lowing Army Supplies and Materials, deliverable at the United States Clothing and Equipage. Depot, (Schuylkill Arsenal,) la quantities so required, TEA : 6,900 yards 0-4 dark blue (Indigo wool dyed) cloth for • cape and bands, weighing about 14 ounces per yard. 63,000 do 6=4 dark blue (indigo - wool dyed) twilled cloth, weighing2l minces per yard. 120,000 do 6-4 sky-blue(indigo wool dyed) twilled cloth, weighing 22 ouncies per yard x dark bine (indigo dyed) cotton and wool flannel, weighing 6% „, ounces per yard. 310,000 do 7.8 white Tonne' (cotton and wool) to weigh 6% ounces per yard. 10,000 do 6-4 dark blue flannel, wool (indigo dyed.) 10,000 do 47 inch alpaca, (black.) 160,000, do - X canton flannel,,. to weigh 17 011110 , 3 per yard. 175,000. do ~ bi unbleached drilling, to weigh 6s ounces per yard. 7( unbleached drilling, to weigh 7% ounces per yard. 26,000 do - 30.1nch Cotton duck, to weigh 22% ounces per yard. 15,000 do 30 inch cotton duck, to weigh 15% ounces Or yard 85,000 do, 28% ,Inch cotton duck, to weigh 14% , ounceoper yard. 25,000 'do . 28X' inch cotton duck, to weigh 10 ounce. , peryard.. 3,000 do 22 inch cotton' duck, to weigh 11 ounces per yard. ' 3,500 do 22 inch cotton duck, to weigh 0 ounces per yard. 16,000 do 24 inch cotton duck, to weigh 12 X ounces 25,000 per yard. do 33 Inch 'cotton duck, toWeigh OX ounces ' peryard. 12,000 army blankets wool, iray. (with the letters U 8.4.12 black, 4 inches in length, in the con tra) to be 7 feat long, and 5 feet 6 Inches - wide, each blanket to weigh 5 pounds 7,500 dozen .pairs half stockings, 3 sizes, properly made, of good sound fleece wool, and with double and twisted yarn, to Weigle 3 pounds per dozen. 10,800 pompons for engineers, ordnance, medical de pirtment, dragoons, rifles, artillery, and infantry. 30.000 cap bodies, 12,000 yards glazed silk for covers. 140 N. C. S. brace scales, pare. 000 sergeant's do do do 8,000 corporal's and privates' brass scales, pains. ; - SN. 0. B.:hronzed do do -So sergeant's do do do' 500 corporal's and, privates' bronzed do do 70,000 yards X in worsted lace, / yellow, scarlet, sky 6,003 do Xin do do $ blue, orange, green. 6,700 do red bunting. 6,000 do white do 2,000 do bine 'do ' 2.500 gross coat buttons. 8,500 do vest do 3,500 do suspender buttons, white metal. 4,600 do shirt,_ do do 45,000 tent butto, wood, small. 12,000 do slips, do do 6,000 do ',atone, do large. 1,000 do slips, do ,do ' 100 hospital tent poles, sets. 500 wall do do 600 common do do 4,000 galvanised iron wire rods, for tents. 10,000 do do staples, do .3,soo'mess pans, iron 1,000 camp kettles, iron, three sites. 12;000 tin canteen, (3 pints, weight 11X ounces,) with stoppers. 1,000 pick axes, two sizes. 2,000 do handles. 1,000 camp hatchets. 40 trumpet cords ned tassels, orange. 40 trumpet. cords and tassels, yellow. 20 do do do green. 40 drums, Artillery, complete. 70 do Infantry, do _ 1,100 do heads, batter 700 do do snare., 300 do snores, sets. , 203 do Blinks, pairs. !e.OO do do carriages.. . 10,000 do 25,000 do All the above mentioned articles must conform in all respaas to the sealed standard patterns in this office, where they can be examined ; and sample patterns will be Beat by mall, with aqy additional information In regard to them, which may be requested by manufac turers or others wishmg to offer propoeale. It is desirable that all the articles be of domestic manufac ture. " Deliveries to commence on the 16th day of February next, and one•hed f of the quantity contracted for to be delivered in equal monthly proportions, by or before the 80th kpril,lBlB ; the remainder within four months froth that date, in monthly or greater proportions, as the contractor may find it convenient. The privilege is reserved by the United Staten of in• creasing from one-third to one-half the quantity of all the supplies above mentioned, by giving the contractor one month's notice of such desired Increase. Payment; will be made on each delivery, should Con• green have made an appropriation to meet them, or as noon thereafter an an .appropriation dual be made for that purpose. , Ten per cent. of the amount of each de. livery will be retained until the contract shalt be com pleted, which will be forfeited tothe United States In case of defalcation on the part of the contractor in fulfilling the contract. Bids will be received from Manufacturers or regular dealers. onlyin the articles proposed to be furnished and none wilfbe considered in which the manufacturer's miller dealer's place of bitainess In not npecifically sot forth. Contracts will be based on accepted proposals, for the fulfilment of which two or more aufficiera securities will be required. - The -names, address, and the responsibility of the persons proposed 1/8110C1tritICS, with the acknowledgment of said persons that they will bo such security, or will me that good and sufficient security he furnished in case a contract is obtained, will be transmitted with the proposals. It is to be distinctly understood by every person ob taining a contract, that Raid contract is not traiuferable without the consent of proper nuthority, and that any sale, assignment, or transfer of it, without such con sent haring been OW*, (except under a process of law.) will be regarded as an abandonment of the con traCt,and the contractor and his Securities will be held responsiblolor all loss or damage to the United Kates which may arise from said abandonment. reoperate will be addressed to the undersigned, and will be endorsed ' , Proposals for furnlFhlag army pup piles end materials." . . lIENNY 0. WAYNE, At Major, A. Q. Mr dec4.fmw tJtaa4 VUILADELPUIA COUNTY PRISON.- SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Philadelphia County Prison until the 21lh net , for the employment of the convict prisoners at weaving for the year 1868." _ , By order mrifr4d24 Cerportnersliip Notices TIISSOLUTION.-THE COPARTNER JLJ heretofore existing between NATH AN STROHM, ELIASIVOLF, LEVI. MAYES, and ABRA• HAM WOLF, under th e firm of STROM, WOLF, MAYER, it CO., is this day dissolve], by mutual con sent, Nathan Strome retiring. The business will be settled by the remaining partners, who are authorised to use the name of the firm for that purpose, at Nu. 181 North THIRD Street, above Arch. NATHAN STROME, ELIAS WOLF • I,EVI ABRAHAM WOLF. December 19,1957 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE —ELIAS WOLF, LEVI MAYER, and ABRAHAM WOLF having purchased the Interest of Nathan Sirens° in the late firm of Bisons°, Wolf, Mayer, & Co , and associated with them NATHAN HAYS, will continuo the busir.ess of Manu facturing and. 'Wholesale CLOTHING MERCHANTS, at the old stand, No 104 North THIRD Street, above Arch under the name and firm of WOLF, MAYER, nab, & Co. . - putt. ADVLPHIA', December 14, 1957 DISSOLUTION.—Tho PARTNERSHIP -heretofore enatingas BARER'& WILLIAMS ie THIS - DAY dissolved by mutual consent. The business Wilt be continued at the old Maud, 1132 MARKET St by CHARLES WILLIAMS, who is authorized to collec' and-pay elf debts of the late MI6 Dee, 1,1957 , PETERS W. BARER, CHARLES WILLIAMS The undereigned would inforre the public, that having bought OE Air, P, Aaker, hit late partner, ho will Continuo th e HEATING-11nd VENTILATING beldam at the eld stand, 1181 ,MARKET Street,,where will be found - a:full aisortment of Ranges, Heaters, Ventilator., Ilegitterel Bath Dollen), &c:, and hopes, by atrlet a t . tention•to blisinees, to merit a share of ihe patronage of the public, _ „ _ • L CHARLES WILLIAMS. , WELOONVIANGE:--SOLD BY CHAD Itr II wigs NR, SO? K. ROW qt. alle4m, ALL OF ST. JAMES THE LESS, JAL. • NEAR FALLS OF 8011UUKILL, ' rinLADLLents SELECT BOARDINO BOROULI, FOR BOSS PREMIERE/I: TUB RI REV.A1.01406 POTTER. The Rector, Rev. B. It SMYSE,Ri way be seen every WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, from 8 to 5 o'clock, at 11.00KEIDS Bookstore, B W corner EIGHTH and OIIESTNUT, where also circulate may ba obtained' Addrewr Bar. II It. SUYSER, d3-2in YAW of Schuylkill, Philadelphia. VRITTENDEN's PHILADELPHIA COM AIERCIAL COLLEGE, B. E. corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, &mind and Third Stories. BOOK-KEEPING. PENMANSHIP, every style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS; LECTURES, &a. Each Student has individual instruction from compe. .tent and attentive Teachers, under the immediate supervision of the Principal epee of the Beet Penmen in the Country has charge of the Writing Department. Please mill and see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Term, dr.o. 0c8.3. PROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, ST PHILADELPHIA. No Seminary whatever is more like . a private family. The courao of study is extensive and thorough. Pro. lessor , Saunders will receive a few more pupils under fourteen years of age Into Ids family. Enquire ol Messre. J. S. Bayer and Mathew Newkirli, or Col. J. W. Forney, Editor of this Paper, whose cone or wards are now members of his family. septl4.tf IljaAct° anti licalnuranto. MERORANTS' HOTEL, 'Xmas FOURTH STREET Awn' N , THILAVELPRIA. au2-441 4IoIiIBBEN k BONS, PRI/MI.IM IgN E S 'D PIN Alto if STREET SALOONS, 727 and 729 ARCH STREET HOLIDAYS! HOLIDAYS! • The Holidays are close at band, and Jones's Arch street Saloon is prepared for the Immense demand that will be outdo upon it for CONFECTIONS. cnitisrmAl3 AND NEW YEAR'S CANDIES I,IFORT/ID ENFRLSELY FOR TDB PRESENT &KARON! - Every variety of Bon Bons, Pastiles, Bourbon Drops, ntbw style of Gum Props, Eau Sucre Drops, L'nngliterro Bon Bons, and every variety rare and costly candies manufactured In Paris. lot Presents, all sins and PATTERNS of Ornamental B saes, Pyramids, Ribbon Ties filled with the choicest triety of Confections, and varying in price from One Dinner up tb Fifty Dollars. Some of these Boxes are the is OPT PUREED PEECIMENE OF FANCY WORK AND ARTISIIO D MON EVER OFFERED IN TRIP COUNTRY. To the Ladies, as well as to the whole public, Jones'a S eloons are the most attractive in the City, and in splendor of adornment and finish are superior to any in the Union BREAKFASTS, DINNERS, AND SUPPERS, Served up in the choicest and most expeditious style. FRUIT 0 F ALL KINDS, BCE CREAMS. JELLIES, GAME, AND OYSTERS, Constantly ready for visitors in profusion. PLAIN FANCY, AND ORNAMENTAL CARES AND S PIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW YORK TEA BISCUIT, land, In fact, all the VARIETIES, LUXURIES, and VELICACIES of every clime and country. BALLS, PRIVATE PARTIES, Presentation Sappers, :and Families supplied at the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. A continuance of the patronage hitherto so liberally 'bestowed by the public is respectfully solicited. des-tf It. B JONES, Proprietor. CAMPBELL'S RESTAURANTENI SON, Wild Ducks, Turkeys, Geese, Grouse, Fresh Palmon, Chineatigne, Opinachique, Princess Bay, Abse corn, and Cove Oysters, with every variety of GAME, 'wild or domestic, in season. Green Turtle Soup and Terrapin Suppers served up at the shortest notice, at "JOHN CAMPBELL'S, No. 627 CHESTNUT street, op- Tosito the State house. N.ll.—No expense or pains hoe been spared by the Proprietor in fitting up this new establishment in the most sumptuous manner—the second story being for the accommodation of Private Parties for Dinners, liuppers, &c. 11.7• Entrance for Ladies towards Sixth street. nov7-3m jILLIATt HA.NNING'S CITY LAGER • • BEER SALOON, No. 232 Carter , o Alley, Philo nep2l-3m WitoGOWAN'S RESTAURANT, SOUTH west carper of BROAD and WALNDT.—Osme and all other delicacies in season. litunilles supplied with Opterson the shortest notice. rep7-7m elase anb (Abu" Ware. CALL AND SEE The Greategt MINTY Or HOLIDAY PRESENTS Ever exhibited in OITT Or PIIMADELPHIA, Which will be 8014 et, exceedingly LOW enicx 8 MARXSEN & WITTE'S, MASONIC HALL, dl-1.1 713 CHEBTNUT 81' r IRE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, MO CHESTNUT STREET, forwards PARCELS, PACKAGES, MERGRANDIZE, BANK NOTES and SPECIE, either by Ha own LINES, or In connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the priLc'pal TOWNS and CITIES of the UuHO States. f - tirllc'S'.lM - IWATTORNITAV LAW, N 0.2 AIRY STREET, NORRISTOWN, Ps., will attend with punctuality, and to the beet of his ability, to all business entrusted to his care ocl-$m DDANIEL.DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Southeast Corner of &IGHTIf and OUST Streets, Philadelphia. sul•ly RYER STRO USE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 01INTRIC street,Pottevills, P. AwLly lfilOß RENT. - 0 - The splendid new MARBLE STORE, N 0.28 North THIRD Street. Apply to D. IC FOX, No. 5Z9 North THIRD Street, delB-Iwai below Green street. DESIRABLE OFFICES at 520 WALNUT St., opposite the State Muse; one of the beet business locations in Philadelphia, with heat, light, and all modern conveniences. Amply on the premises, Room No. 8, to G. W. J. BALL, Agent. n 02.8 DP WILLIAMS' ELIXIR.—" A SOVE reign remedy for every ill" arising from Dyspep sia, such as Nausea, Heiulache, Vertigo, Dimness of Sight, Debility of the Nervous -System, Hypochondria Jaundice, Loss of Appetite, Wasting of the Strength, Flatulence, with frequent Belching of Wind, Vitiated Taste, Constipation and Uneasiness of the Bowels, Bilious Vomiting, Burning Sensation at the Pit of the Stomach, Liver Complaint, Oppression after Eating, Palpitation of Heart, Pain in the Pit of the Stomach, or towards the right Side, Sallowness of Complexion, De pression of Spirits, and Irritability of Temper, &a ATTESTATION.--We, hiving used Williams , Anti- Dyspeptic Elixir, with the most perfect satisfaction and success. take great pleasure in recommending it to all persons suffering with Dyspepsia, CO we are fully con vinced of its most estimable qualities in restoring the digestive posers, removing all pains and uneasiness, and Imparting a healthy tone to the stomach. John It Penrose, 31 South Wharves; Casper Morris, Tammy; Thomas Allibone, President of Bank of Penn sylvania; Abner Elmes, klarket street, below Sixth; Edward It. Rowley, 14 North Wharves; Michael Dunn, Superintendent blerchants' Exchange ; Hannah Stiles, Frank ford toad ; Hannah Webb, 28 Filbert street; U. A. Sperry, 12 Eduard street; William Yard, 6 City Row; Lawrence Newbold, 396 Chestnut street ; Rudolph DiAmi, 261 Broadway, New York; John Winans, 94 Witter street. New York. Office and Agency, 4 South SEVENTH Street, Phila• delphia For eale by Druggists generally BOX OF 151W0 DOWG E L S Aitr o AMERICAN WIN- all ehea and gaalitiee, for sale at lowest prices. Our asvortment la complete, and are daily receiving fresh lots from the Kensington (fleas Works. Sheets & Duffy's make, superior to any in the marke as to brilliancy and reguhr thickness, equal to French We are now receiving tuo.thirds of the Glass made these works. 2,000 boxes French Glass of all tires. 4,000 feet Rough Glans for skylights. 5,000 feet Engraved and Enamelled Glass, of all pat terns. White Lead, French and American Zinc, Paints, Ac 100 000 lbs White Lead. 60,000 lbs French Zinc, (Vieille Montague). 75,000 Ms American Zinc. Brown Zinc, a full supply. Chrome Green, a full supply. Chrome Yellow, a full supply. • Prussian Dtu•, a full eupyly. Paris Green, a full supply. Address your orders to ZIEGLER A, 53111`11, Wliolreado Druggintti and Alnnufacturern, 8010 Proprletore of the Penna. fftenm Color Wot kn _ . Store S. W. corner SECOND and OItEEN Streets Philsdelphin. dell 11 DIII.LADELPIIIA TYPE FOUNDRY N. W. COT. THIRD and OIIE3NUT Bts. L. PELOUZE & EON, thankful for the liberal pa tronage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and desirous to merit its continuance, would announce to Printers end Publishers that their new PP EMMEN BOOK is now ready, and from their increnned facilities, are now prepared to furnish every thing necessary in a Gomptete Printing Establishment, at the shortest no tice. Their long practical experience in the business, and the fact of their personal superintendence Of the manufacturing department, justifies them in asserting that they can furnish a more durable and bolter [hi tched article than their cotemporarlen. Those, therefore, who dealre Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them previonn to purchasing elsewhere. Old type taken at 9 . eente per pound, in exchange for new at epeohnen prices. aul•tf WONDERS OF THE AGE-LIGHT, I,lolll' FOR ALL—PETERS & SIIROPE, Patent Non-Explosion Self-generating OAB LAMPS is just the thing to suit all. Price $l.lO up ; all may have a superior Light by calling nt their Repot. This Lamp is adapted to all places and purposes, and only requires a trial to test its advantages over all others. The Lamp forms its own gas. Our Patent Burners can be fitted to every ordinary Fluid Lump, with little expense, without the least possible danger All are invited to call and examine for themselves. Town, County, and State rights for cats. The proprietors are in want of Agents, giving a rare chance to make money. PETERS ta. SUROPE,CIes Lamp Depot, 123 South 9th St , below Chestnut, Phi 3 .11 HOWELL, Clerk CLOVER SEED.-NOTICE TO PENN SYLVANIA FARM.EIIB AND STOIIINIESPERS. The undersigned are now prepared to purchase for cash, prime Clover Seed of the new crop. Pennsylvania storekeepers and farmers, by mending samples to our address, can, at all times, ascertain the price at eblcb we are baying. Parties wishing samples, by which to be governed as to quality, can hare them sent by mall, by addressing us. 1.11 CHASE & 00, emel9.tr 43 North Front, awl 41 Water streets C}U SUMMER FUEL.—GAS COKE, of excellentquality, ie sold at the PHILADELPHIA GAS WORKS for the reduced price of five mite a bushel, .find may be obtained in largo or mall quantity by ap• • plying et the Offs Office, No. 20 south SEVENTH Street. To Purchasers by 'Wholesale, it IR fold at the Works in First Ward, by the ton, at a price equivalent to An thraoite, ft 42 60 per ton. (Signed,) J. O. OREPEON_, Engineer. Pnlhanst.enie G WORICB, Aug. 20, au27-tf COTTON-200 bales good Middling to Mid 91..) dling Fair OottonOn store end for sale by MARTIN h MAOMASTER, sul 119 North Water street. BALL ROPE.—Buyerm aro invited to call .1-11 , and examine oar Manila Bale Rope, which we can can sell as low as American, and warrant It auperior in tree& and durability, WEAVER, VITLER & 00.; 211 N Water at. and 22 N Wharvaa EILO(I,RING BOAR,D9 —23,680 'fest Caro llonloorips bon*, afloat, for We by MASTxx ,t - MCALISTER ttg4uY North %tor Stmt. THE PitESS i e_IMADELPHIA , „P !R 21, 1857. ebnrational. Oxprese iZompanico N. S. SANDYORD, General Superintendent 91tIontens at Eau). for Gale and tutu Eel. Shipping riIITE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERI , CAN ROYAL MAIL STRAARIIIIPIL FROM NKIT YORK TO LIVARPOOL teiV:!l=l42;o • FROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL,' Chief Cabin Plunge 8110 Second Cabin Passage 89 The gulps from Boston call at Halifax. PERSIA, Copt Judkino. CANADA, Capt Lang ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AMERICA, Capt. Wickman ASIA, Capt. E. G Lott, NIAGARA Capt.llyrie. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon EUROPA, Capt J. Leitch. These vessel,' carry a clear white light at mast-head ; green en statboard bow; red an port bow. AFRICA., Shannon, leave N. York, Wednesday, Deo. 9. AbIERICA, Lott, 11 Boston, Wednesday, Deo. 10. EUROPA, Leitch, 1 . N.York, Wednesday, Doe 23 CANADA, Lang, 4 ' Boston, Wednesday, Dec 30. PERSlA,Judkins, , c N.York , Wednesday, JanO,'Ati NIAGARA, Wickman, lioaton,Wednesdity,Jan.l3's9 AFRICA, Shannon, o N.York,Weduestlay, Jan. 20, Bertha not secured until paid for An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these Ships will not bo accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or paving° apply to deB.y K. CUNAIID, 4 Dowling Green, N. York FOR SAN FRANCISO.-CLIPPER OF AATURDAY, December 19th.—The unaurpaceed clipper chip TIVILICHT,OtTIN, Commander Clipper of THURSDAY, December 24th —The mag nificent A 1 chpper ship LOOK OU r, iItHILTON, Com. manger. Both of these celebrated ehipe are now loading In New York, and will nail as above. For freight, at New York rates, apply to BISHOP, StetONS, & CO., Set 120 (late 80 NORTH WHARVES. SAVANNAH STEM/SRI I' LINE. STEAMSIIIPB STATE OF GEORGIA AND KEYSTONE STATE. In consequence of the dapreased state of trade, the above ships will be withdrawn for the present; October Jeth. A. iIEtION, Jr. E'ARE REDUCED 1 AND HA VILE—The TO SOUTHAMPTON agnificent eteemehip VAN e, commander, 6,268 tone, DERBILT, Edward Iliggin. will nail From New York for South- Prom Southampton and ampton and Havre. Havre for New York. Saturday Oct. 24 Saturday Nov. 14 Saturday Deo. 5 Saturday Dec. 20 Price of Passage—First cabin, $100; mood cabin, 550 Specie delivered In London and Paris. For freight or paseage apply to D. TOIIRANOE, Agent, No. 5 Bowling Green, New York. Letters for England and Europe, pre-paid, 25 cents each half ounce, (by enclosure of postage stamp If from other calm) will be received at No. 6 Dowling-green, New York, up to 111.‘ o'clock on the morning of sail ing 0010-tf Fox ENGLAND AND FR A NCE, New York and Rene Remind/1p Company.—The United States Mail Steamships ARAGO, 2,609 tone, David Lines, commander, and YULTON, 2,500 tone, Fames A. Wotton, oommender, will leave New York, Havre and Southampton, for the year. 1867 and 68, on the follorlog days 1.141111111 W YORK 1857, Fulton, Saturday, Aug. 22 Arego, do. Sept. 15 Fulton, do. Ont. 17 Arego, do. Nov. 14 Button, do. Deo. 12 alt r i o Arago, do. March Fulton, do. April 8 Arago, do • May 1 Fulton, do. MAT 2 LUTE 11011111, 1067. Arego, Townley, Aug. 20 Vnlton, do. Bept. Arago, do. Oct. 20 Fulton, do. Nov. 17 Arago, do. Deo. 10 18211. Fulton, do. Jan. 12 Arago, do. Feb. 9 Fulton, do, !larch 9 Arago, do. April 0 Fulton, do. May 4 Arpgo, do. June 1 Fulton? do. Jane 29 BOIITHASIPTOIII, 1957. Aram Wednesday, Aug. Fulton, do. 'Sept Arago, do. Oct. Fulton, do. Noy. Arago, do. Deo. 1868. Fulton, do. Jen. 13 Arego, do. Feb. 10 Fulton, do. Mar. 10 Aviv, do. - April 7 Fulton, do. Mal 6 Arago, do. 'Juno 2 Fulton, do. Jetta 30 PRIOR or INI13131011: From New York to Southampton or HsTre—First Osbin, 8130 ; Second Win ; $76. From Ilarro or Southampton to NPR York—Flrat Cabin, 800 (race i Ormond °shin, 600 frame. For freight or pump, apply to MORTWER LIVINOSTON, Agent, 7 Broadway. WILLIAM IKELIN, " .Barre. ORMSBY A 00., " Booth , ton. AbIBBIOAN EIIIIMAN .N,ApIIFBB AND NX- Faris. OHANON 00. butt 91FIE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMEII.B.—The Shirt composing Vale line are : The ATLANTIC, Capt. Oliver Eldridge, The DALTIO, Oapt. Joseph Comstock. The ADRIATIC, Oept. James Wed. ~These ships have been built by contract, expressly for (internment service; every care has been taken in their construction, as also in their engines, to ensure strength and speed, nod their accommodations for rummagers are unequalled for elegance and comfort. Price of pmeage from New York to Liverpool, in Bret cabin, $130; in second do., s7b; from Liverpool to New York, 30 and 20 guineas. No berths secured unless paid for. The dap, of this line have improved watertight bulk head* PROPOSED DATES OP SAILING. PAM NOW TORE. PROM LIVERPOOL. Saturday, June 20, 1857 Wednesday, June 24, 18157 Saturday, July 4, 1857 Wednesday, July 8, 1867 Saturday, July 19, 1857 Wednesday, July 22, 1057 Saturday, Aug. 1, 1967 Wednesday, Aug. 6, 1857 Saturday, A ug.115, 3957 Wednesday, Aug . 19, 1857 Saturday, Sept 12, 1857 Wedneaday, Sept. 2, 1857 Saturday, Sept. 20, 1857 Wednesday, Sept. 39, 1967 Saturday, Oct. 10, 1867 Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1857 Soturday, Oct. 24 1867 Wednesday, Oct. 20, 1857 Saturday, Nov. 7, 1867 Wednesday, Nov.ll, 1857 Saturday, Nov. 21, 1857 Wednesday, Nov. 20, 3857 Saturday, Deo. 5, 1857 Wednesday, Deo. 9, 1857 Wednesday, Deo. 22, 1867 For freight or passage, apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS, No. 65 Wall street, N. Y. BROWN, SHIPLEY fr. CO., Liverpool. STEPHEN KENNARD A 00., 27 Austin friars, London 13. G. WAINWRIGHT A; CO., Pane. The owners of time ship) will not be acconntabbs for gold, diver, bullion, specie, jowelry.pr toddle stones or metals. unions Mlle of IsAling.•, net therefor, and the value thereof expressed therein aul-tt (ZEE AT REDUCTION IN FARE TO EU 'LA ROPE,. First Cabin $BO I Second Cabin 050 In the first-elms paddle-wheel steamship ADRIEL, 2,000 tone, C. D. LUDLOW, Commander, and NORTH STAR, 2,500 tons, P. E LEFEVRE, to sail from pier No, 8 North River, at noon precisely, carrying the UNITED STATES MAILS, via: Leave N. York for] I Southampton, Ha- Bremen for Southampton vre and Bremen. Southampton [or New York. Ariel, Saturday, Oct. 31. Wede'day,Plov.4, N. SaVy, Oct. 31. Saturday, Nov 38. Weded'y, Dee. 30 H These steamers touch at AVRE. Spoele delivered in London and Paris. For passage and freight, apply to D. TORRANCE, Agent, No. 6 Bowling Orden, New York. 0010-tt Wines ant Ulnas. IRISH AND SCOTCH WHISKEY, Wholesale and Retail, By 1111 011 11 ARR , GOVERNAIENT HOUSE, corner of FRONT and WHARTON Streets, (oppositsi the Navy Tard,) Philadelphia. 10VANDIES.—“ Pinot Castillon," Marett, ..-1 1 and other Cognacs of various viuttges, in half pipes and quarter rusks ; Vellevoisin Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, In half pipes, half casks, and one •eighth tasks. Imported and for sale by HENRY BOMAN A CO., ea 22 221 and 223 South Fourth street. ALEXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND LIQUOR BTORN, No. 220, Etouthemt Ooruor o GEORGE and SOUTH tßreeta. aul.ly C.l. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER N.J.. IN FINE {VINES, LIMES, OIGAIIB, &0., 26 Bouth FIFTH street, Phlladelphht. eul-ly BRANDlES.—Pinot,Oautillon & Co., rett & Co., and other brands of Cognacs of 'various vintages, In half pipes and quarter casks ; Pellevoinin Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipes, quarter casks and one-eighth casks, ill In Custom Rouse stores; imported and for sale by Eth'NRY BOULEN & 00 an S Noe. =land 223 South Fourth street. DITIIMAR &BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. b2O (new No. 938) North TIIIRD Street, Philadelphia..Shlppinp orders promptly attended to. aul-tf Bouts anb Zbaci3 BOOTS AND SIIOES.—Tho subscriber 1.1 has on hind a largo and varied stock of BOOTS- and BIIOES, which he will sell at the lowest prices. GEO. W. TAILOR, no2l-1y E. E . corner and MARKET film. pALL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. —JOSEPH H. THOMPSON & CO., No. 814 MAR KET Street, and Nos. 8 and 5 FRANKLIN PLACE, hove new in store a large and well-amaorted stock et BOOTS and SHOES, of City and Eastern manufacture, which they offer for male on the heat terse for Out, or on the usual credit. Doyen+ are Invited to call and examine their eta*, Nottce to (Tottoigucco IVOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. 11 Tho nhip PHILADELPHIA, from Liverpool, now discharglng under ;general order at SHIPPEN STREET WHARF'. Congignees will pieum attend to receipt of their goods. no2I THOS. RICHARDSON & CO. NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. Tho ship PHILADELPHIA, Captain Pool, from Liverpool, is now ready to discharge at Shlppen street wharf. Con signees will pleano denim their permits to the Custom house officer no board All goods not permited In five days will ho sent to public ntoro. nolO THOMAS RICHARDSON & CO. Job printing lAMBS H. BRYSON'S BOOK AND JOB iv PRINTING ROOMS, 2 North SIXTH Street, fits above Blarket, Philadelphia Blanks, earth, Dill Pprnphlete, and general Printing attended to Binding attended In in connection with printed bend toga of Bianka nod Recelpte. d2-t f m E VAIN 11,-10,000—r RANTER,' A 113 Cards per Hope! opt W The Pima. It 511. c rhoked by Itie .I.le it VI II'. 1 A p PE•looi.bi. Preag, al O. lore rusetsvaer ("mon . r , jklil, v. ' •vr Cii --11" vb,,,,.. IN A Lvilbirk a then .."-- Print, Coll ' , IA . ',..t. 0 L ..,,,ig tor , a iv. 71.nntsnd Cards' , I/e^ , E. /E 10 w . 11. very b.. 1 efjle—ClVP/Irev greedy taderal. 1.,.. AI $ 1 Csr . LjbIetry,IFOURTIII T. bolow Cliettnnt. G REAT REDUCTION IN TII PRECIS OP CEMEtiIIY LUIS The Glenwood Cemetery Co. have determined to Be the lota In their Cemetery at ONE HALF The present prices for cash. By this reduction some of the most elimtt Lots trill ho sold nt TWELVE D9LLAREI Only 300 loin will be dinposed of at theme rates, and the opportunity in offered until January let, 1868. Ap ply at the office, No. 934 WALNUT STREET, below d2-Im MINCED MEAT.- The Subscriber has commenced manufacturing hie Re Plus Ultra AIIN0.111) MEAT, which he oftern to bin cufitomorm in AARON OT SMALL QUANTITIES. Orders through BLOOD'S DISPATCH will be pude tually attended to. JOSHUA WRIGHT, - nla 2in d BPRING GARDEN end YR ANI{LIN ids 5,000 1 GALLS. WHALE OIL, ,000 gall. Elephant Oil, 60 bbla. No.l Lard Oil, for sale by CROASDALE, PEIItCE, .t CO., No, 104 N. Delaware avenue V.TORAGE on SECOND and THIRD FLOORS can be bad at 119 North Water a traet. Apply to MARTIN 4 lIAOALIBTRA. no2B COAL I_, COAL 1 COAL I-TAGGART'S O.ELF3ItATED OPHING MOUNTAIN LEHIOR GOAL. 3. &R CARTER'S GREENWOOD, TAMAQUA COAL GEORGE W. SNYDER'S PINE FOREST SCRIM RILL COAL. 1. RANDALL k MEREDITH Have tor note, aud are constantly receiving from above celebrated Collieries, COAL OF ALL (WM. ..• - . There fe no Coal ruined anywhere, equal ia quality theme, sod a trial will convlnre any ono of their great superlorily. Our Coal is very carefully scrertied at our yards, and we will warrant it perlectly free front elate, duet, and all Impuritlea. Our PRICEB arena LOW lathe VISItY LOWEST. Orders Jeri at our Moe, No. 1151 BOUM IRONT street, above Walnut. Orders left at our Yard, OALLOWIIILL street, below BROAD street. Orders loft at our Wharf, WATER street, above OAL LOWIIILI.-4ir sent to either place per Despatch Post, will revolve prompt attention. Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and ex amine our Coal before purchasing elsewhere. ad tf §I,ICITYLKILL AND LEHIGH tIOAL.:: KY I am daily receiving, at my yard, the best quality o. ISCIRUYLKILL AND LEIIIOII COAL. My customers, and all others who may favor me with their Enders, may rely on getting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. tC • No Inferior Coal kept at this estallimbment to offer at LOW PRIORS, ALEXANDER CONVERT, N. N. corner of Broad stet Cherry sli L.EHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.- ALA DALY, PORTER & 00, 00AL DEALERS No. 821. PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep conetantly on hand, at the very lowest rates, a lull eupply of Lehigh and Schuylkill oal. • au 1-But Merchant ffailoto JOHN P. DOELERTY, POMMY WITH PLNLLY & BPOTHICR, LATE WITH LUKENS, KELLY, & CO., TAILOR., 614 CHESTNUT STREET, ARO PE EIGHTH. Hee now with him the beet Tenure that are engaged In the trainees to this country. ()HARM' ROTH, formerly the lending tailor of this city; rl. KATEISR, formerly cutter for 0. Both & Co , and lat. Coat and Vest cutter with Lukens, Kelly, & Co.; 'WIRT WAONKR, the best Pants and Vest cutter In the Limited Eltetne, for years cutter with Depierrie, under the Irolug House, Broadway, and with Depierris & Pettus, under theft Nicholee Hotel, Broadway The moat unremitting attention pai4 to the wiehee of all who patronize the establistunont. The best of Clothes mule at moderate pricer for credit, low prices for to gh. ocl3•tf JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Nos 10 andlA South NLETH STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. A large and • well selected stook of CLOTHS and OASSIMEREB always on band. An Clothing made at this Establishment will be of the best quality, and in the most fachionable style Particular attention given to UNIFORM CLOTH ING. sol3-If If ARPE'S MEN'S AND' BOYS' OLOTIIINO, 14 North TOURTII Shoot, behrees Arch sad Raw ►u9.ly grommission tilertlyinto j H. CHASE St CO. GENERA!. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 48 North FRONT and 44 WATER Street, Philadelphia CONSTANT,LY RISCZIVINO CLOVER SEED On inmelgnment from the interior of Penneytrials, where cur now Cleaning Mill Is now in gonnrnl tm. ID" Mao, TIMOTHY AND RED TOY always on hand. neld-tt LIANDY & BRENNER-COMMISSION AtEIICIIANTS Bud Denten in Foreign and Ame rican lIARDIYARIrand CUTLERY, Noe 13, 2A and 27 North FIF'FLI Eitreet, Fault side mbore Commerce street, Philadelph -ti °HAREM TETE, COMMISSION MER V CHANT and Importer of HAVANA 9.EOARB (Now) 138 Walnut street. neonn4 story. and-1f efobacca rind Cigars 11.1 AVANA CIGAR Li ment such as Figaro, Partagas, Cabanas, Sultana, Clods, Jupiter, Colossi, Convereinntes, Torrey Lopes, Union Americana, OzeJon, Flora Cubans, A c , de , dm, is N, ti, 1-0 and 1 10 oxen, of all sites And quali ties, In stbre and constantly receivingand for sale low, by CIIA , RLES TETE, iew) 138 WALNUT Street, below Second, meconii slot, A handsome ssurt VIGARO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS BEGARS —A ebome invoice of theme cAobrated brands on board brig New lira, " datly expected from Havana, and for aide low, by i ARLES TETE, (New) MI Walnut street, below Arron 4, sal Second Story. furniture. B. KITE & CO. FURNITURE, BEDDING, he. No. 418 (late 11:3) WALNUT at. Philadelphia. A new and nuperlor elle of Dining Bede. LYDIA WALTOM au3l Om poop ant, Clitbles WAP AND CANDLES. RENIOVAL from 187 SOUTH FOURIII STREET, to toy Manufactory, 10 and 14 RELIEF STREET, be turn Lombard and South, and Front and Second streets Thankful to my numerous it ends for their past iayora, I solicit . continuance of the same, bar lug enlarged my manufactory so as to enable me to hare constantly on hand a large stock of well-seasoned hoops, free from Fish Oil; Palm, Variegated White Honey, Caatile, and all kinds of toilet Soaps, Chemical Olive Soap of pure material, Settled Pale, and Blown Soap, English Sal. Soda and Pearl Starch, Sperm, Adamantine, and Tallow Candles of all sizes constantly on hand Raring adopted the mash system, I am enabled to sell me goods at the lowest prices. F CONWAY Philadelphia. N. B —Cash paid for Tallow and Grease no 14-era Eitationcry BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DAVID M. /10GAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, is pre pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or make to order, Books of every description, suitable for Banks, Public Offices Merchants, and others, of the best quality , of English or American Paper, and bound In various styles, in the most sabstantiel manner Orders for JOB PRINTINO of every description. Eogtailng and Lithographing executed with neatness and despatch A general assortment of English, French and Ames can Stationery. Concerning Mr. Ilogan's contribution to the Franklin Institute, the Committee say—. This display of blank books for banktng and mercantile use is the best in the Exhibition. The selection of the material is good, the workmanship most excellent, and their finish and ap pearance neat and appropriate no2o- tf Imam IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT-- NEN OA9 CONSUMING FURNACE CHILSON'S NEW CONE FURNACE, after having been put to the meet Bator, loot, during the two 001.0 WINTICRH 01 1858 AND 1857, hoe proved to be the moot powerful heater en the world, saving from to X the fuel over any of the best furnaces now in nee MIMS FORNAOCII are cooctructed with a cent Iron ash pit, and a broad, shallow pan-shaped fire pot, Hood with fire-brick or iron staves. The fire pot en surmount. ad with A SERIES OF CONES, on TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broad at their hare, but tapering to small aper tures at the top, and uniting with the anular chamber, through which the heat and smoke pare to the Sue Tun weoLs producte of combustion In the form of smoke and ammo, are emended directly over the tire, 00816/248D or compressed Into the ittperiDg Crone and OONTINOALLT 866086 D to the direct action of the rive of heat and light from the tire. This heat and light is brought to a rogue I Hon Conn, not unlike the COLLECTION OF THE SUN'S RAYS, toe focal point through an ordinnry lens, causing the MOIR AND GABES to become intensely heated and tho roughly 0068066 D by this operation the 850011 AND OAB6B are LADE EQUALLY AYAILABI.6 with the ,reL 'rubs for heating purposes, while, in other furnace', His CURS= DPI AND WASTOD IN TIM CDIRINAT. _ . AU persona deairoun of obtaining the beat and MOST ECONOMICAL HEATING APPARATUS, ehould not fall to examine the Now GAS COMM I NO CONli FORNAOr. before purchasing any other. The at tention of architects aud buil! to particularly re (vented. ARN LP & WILSON, fenoaoaeore 210. A. flerri,onL No. 426 WALNUT Street, Opposite Independence tquale ftjato, (Tap% 67r SULLENDER 14. PASCAL, lIATTE.IIB, aulAm No. 8 8. RIXTit ntrAat. Philadelphia qnownrc. QUAKER OITY NAILS, mEnciinNT BAits. RIVET IRON, lihnithiliturednt FOUNTAIN GREEN ROMANO MILL, an Om Schuylkill, Abort, Spring Harden Water Werke. WAREHOUSE, 103 North WATER Street QUAKY:It OITY NAILS two warranted equal to any made oco.tf JOHN HALDEMAN, Agent. /11.11014A8 E. BAXTER.-11AHDIVARE. J 1 CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. 410 MARKET ST. brae Nioth, Routh aide, Philadelphia au Lam 31EDICANAL BRANDY.—Pero Old Me dicinal Cognat, the most powerful strengthener for weak longs end general debility of the age ; a sure cure for Dppep,ia, whether acute or chronic, Low Spirits, &e Price $1 25 per bottle, or 510 50 per Warranted pore Imported expressly for us, " Role Agentn" for the United States. ZIEOLER & 11511TIf Wholesale Druggists, S. W. cor Second and Ureen. We refer, bt prnulaslon, to the following members of the Medical tneuity, no to the purity awl chemical atmulard of this brandy: 0 P. ICeieliline, Si. It • Foul th, abut n Tourney. Ches. 11. Taylor, 51 1) Fourth, above Itroon. Circe. It. Robot ls, M. U , Third, below Franklin Wile.. P. Maxey, M U., Fourth, Our e Thorrip,un J K. Knorr, M IL, Front, above Poplar. dell-t 1 ÜBL IC I, A MP S.—THE PUBLIC IS respectfully informed that Otli cea hove been opened be the Diotrict Superintembmta of Public Lighting, at which citizen,' are requested to give information respect ing accidents which may hoppeu to the Public Lampe; or of any failure in lighting or extinguishing them at the prooer time; or if not properly cleaned and in good lighting condition. The Books will be kept by Joseph Daily, No 803 Wharton at ,First Ward; Charles thirty, Supt. of 2,1 district, No. 3 Haines of ,'bore Sixth; Iliron O. Kirk, No. 14:1S Hutchinson 6treet, Twentieth Ward; H. W. Deshong, No. 2231C/cotes !met , Fifteenth Word, Thos.V Boolby, floe Office, Twenty-Fourth Word, (West Phliadelphia;) .51 H. Al 'Fadden OAR Office, Twenty- Second Ward, (Hermentowni) IVin N Market, flan Office, Twent y' Ward (Pronkford,) and at the °MOM° in Seventh street, below Market. By order of the Trustees of the Philadelphia Can {Yorks, A J. KITII oal.llm Superintendent of Dish ihutlon COACH, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP Fiotoryof E. W USSIIERS No 100 (late 43) South EIGHTH, below Chestnut street, haw become a saving of 60-per cent. to our SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MERCHANTS, and also the convenience of having their old Carriage Lamps new allver-topped and bottomed, and sent by aapreaut to 111 part. aul2 17 .-ECONOMY IN GAS BILI,S.—THE beet Gams Regulatore ever offered for Five Dol. lave: Yor mile by the WATERMAN (IMI 11.1.1 ULA. TOR COMPAeIY, ,„ 4020-1 m 402 OBIBTNUT fitzeet. iIIGIRVIrite grMllPAriite FIRE INSURANCE, BY MI RELIANCE MUTUAL INkIRANCE COMPANY, as PRILALIIILPHIA, On Buildings, Limited or Perpetual, Marchandlae, Furniture, kr. , IN TOWN OR COUNTRY OFFICE No 838 WALNUT STREET CAPITAL, 9177 020, ASSETS, 9150,473. Inf ented an follows, s it In First Mortgagee an City Property 3120,200 In Allegheny county 6 per cent Fiennia 11 R. Loan 10,000 In Pennsylvania R R Co 'a 6 per cent Mort gage Loan, $30,000 cost 25,500 In Pennsylvania R It Co 'e Ftock 4,060 In Stock Account for shares in sundry Insu rance Companies 20,200 In Scrip in sundry Insurance Companies 1126 In BIM Receivable, busineed paper 57.3n3 In Book Accounts, accrued Interest, !lc 3,180 In Caill on hand T 250,473 CLEM TINGLEY, Eresident. DIIREGTom Clem Tinpley, George, lit Stroud, IVin R Thompsto, John R Worrell, Oro W Carpenter, IletlJllMill W. Tingley, Robert Steen, Z Lathrop, Chili lee S Wood," If L Carson, S,llltlei BliapilllM,. It'beet Tolatl, Marshall Rill, Cornelius Stevenson, Jacob 7'. Bunting, Charles Leland, William file sitr, W. Id Semple, Pittegh dele-finwliu II DI. lIINCIIMAN, Secretary rAME AND MARINE INSURANCE. , 7.11 E QUAKER CITY INSURANCE CO , 458 WALNUT Street, Will take Marine and Fire Risks on favorable terms • . • CAPITAL AND SURPLUS /250000 OEO. II HART, President 11. R. COOO.IIIILL, Secretary. &Id tr CORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COIL PANT, 331 WALNUT STREET Charter perpetual Capital, 8300,000. Subscribed, 11100,000. Paid up, $llO,OOO. This Company is now prepared to Issue FIRE and MARINE POLICIES on faeurable terms Paean's:iv —JOHN SWIFT. TICK Passives's—HENßY BIRD. I/ I It a C T 0 aa. JOHN SWIFT, 11. F JACKSON, JAMES W QUEEN, PLINY FISK, .INO II PARKER, A. W THOMPSON, S. P. URIFFITTS. H. D SlEuthS HENRY BIRD dell am LEANDER WV. It STARE, Sec'y. LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM PANY —The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Northeast Corner of THIRD and DOOR Streets Capital, 3612,725 03 INSURES LIVES for short terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and emlownients—pur theses life Interests In Real Estate, and mikes all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life They act es Executors, Admhiletratoss, Assignees, Trustees, and Outtdians. IRCEITC/II Daniel L Miller, Samuel E Stokes, Benjamin Coates, W Ilium Martin, Richard S Newbold, James di AlcYarland, William P Hacker, Joseph H. Trotter, William II Kern, James Euston, Samuel C Huey, Theophlins Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Edmund A Studer, Remy C Townsend, Daniel L. llntchinson, Rodolphus Kent, John W Horuor, William II Carr, Ellis S Archer, Edward T Mott, Estnuel J. Cbrielisn, William Robertson, Joseph M Thomas, Warner M. Rasin, John G. Brenner, P. PI Mithler, Easton. DANIEL L MILLER, President. SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vice Pres't. lons W. HORROR. Secretary. nla•l7 f jOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN SURANCE CO3IPANI—OrIIce No 412 WALNUT Street, Pliiindelphia The following statement of the altilrs of the company In published to conformity with • provision of ate charter : FFISMIUMS IRSCEITAD PROM AUGUST 1, 1958, TO AUGUST 31, 155 T. Fire premium!...... Marine iireminme... Perpetual premium! Total amount premiums taken EarnNl Aro prnmitim. 25,072 94 Earheil nytrino premium 155,005 E l l-480,073 bt) Deduct return premiums Net earned /105,359 Marine hates paid. t03,8a5 75 Fire lonsea pawl—. 8,031 11 f 101,918 88 AnlYnge re coo ed... 17130 57 Interentre• eetved .3,3 M 67 R e • lemur ince ",071 62 —8,083 68— 68,888 TO Expenses for commissions to agents, abstoments in lieu of scrip, Wilms, offh•a rent, furnishing office, books, eta, Winery, he 60,850 Profit and lose 03 40-141,293 27 Net Front 124,076 62 4 , ,11TE1. CFA on hand 911,515 Stil Bills receirable ... 110,207 02 Dow!sand mortgeges 165,000 00 Stocks ^m ,100 00 Stook notes 142,900 00 Due by agents and. others 22,312 99 ----- 1764,095 84 DIRECTORS P. M Pelle, Wm F Leech, 0 I: Spangler, It T Kermit, . Abraham Rex, H H. Houston, Wm IL Woods, Jae It Withers, George Howell, Abralum P. Eyre, J Edgar Thomson, IV Itaiguel, 0 0 !loner, Chance F. Norton, John W Sexton, John II Lena's, Herman Haupt. James N Stiles, Nathan It. Pritte. 11 11 Ohillingford PERCIVAL 61. POTT2, President C }: SPINOI ER, Tle.e President. IV II Woons, Secretary 0c22 16 T Ksnsib, Treasurer DIRE INSURANCE. SPRING GARDEN SIRE INSURANCE COM• PANY. CAPITAL P 120,000, PAID IN CABE, AND SECURELY INVFATED, OFFICE, N. W. CORNER OF NIXTII AND WOOD BPS, SPRING (I ARDENB CHARTER PERPETUAL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIRBOTORS. John H Dohnert, Henry H Phil I, David Woeipper, Leant Shinnack Benjamin DATIS, John Tendon, John Evens, Jr Cherien Ftchi j Auley H Park, 8111.... E IS oo . James Darnell, John B. Stereneen, Jacob B Miutreo, Ctn. win Biod , lard, Lleniy Homer, Thoe. D. Tillinghaet, George K. Chide. JOHN II DOUNEBT, President L. KRUMBLIAAR, Secretary. eept 21—ly NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY.— / OFFICE 414 WALNUT St, Fnuaklin Buildings. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CAPITAL $lOO,OOO, WITH. PRIVILEGE To INCREASE TO 600,000. This Company le now fully organ red, end prepared to make all kinds of Insurance egainst toss or damage by Fire and Marine Perils, at current rates OFFICERS. H. 0. LAUGHLIN, President. RICHARD SHIELDS, Vita President. GEO. SCOTT, Secrets,. DIRECTORS. II O. Langhlin, D. Elmwood ; Wm Osborne, Richard aldelde, T F. Phowell, A RCTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPA Eli NY, NEW TORR.—Office, No '29 Wall street. ad. joining the Mechanics' Rank—Cash Capital, fno,noo with a eurplue This Company insure Buildinge. der chenille°, Furniture, Teem.la in port and their Cargoes end other property, against Loss or Damage by Fire an the Rieke of Inland Navigation. DIRECTORS Henry Grinnell, Joshua L Pope, Caleb Barstow, Rufus R. Grace', Henry 0 Brewer, Henry Doris Edmund Pouf°Ll, 0 11 Lilienehal, Hanson R. Corning, Theo. Polhemus, Jr. Ogden Haggerty, Elisha E. Morgan, Thomas Monagan, Abin It. Van Nest, John H. Earle, William A. Cary, Albert Ward, Thomas 8 Nelson, Charlie Easton, James W. Phillips, Louie Lent, Charles A. Macy, Samuel (*.Glidden, Edward Hincken, Aleph. Cambreleug, Wm. E. Shepard, TIIOM , OI Scott, Merles L. Erect, John Ward, Lathrop L Sturges, Henry R. Bogert, William R Fosdick, Peter Eden, Emery Thayer, Benjamin II Field, Geo ‘Yentfeblt, A It Frothingliam, Zalmon Taylor, Thos. P. Youngs, Henry N. Blossom. Samuel L Mitchell, ALBERT WARD, Dr... Meet, RIatIAND A. °AVERT, Srcretnry. nu 10-1 y MANUFACTURERS' INSURANCE COMPANY.—Chrirter Perpetual. Granted by the State of Pennsylvania. Capital, P 09,000. Fire, Merino, end Inland Transportation. DIPECTOUS. Aaron 9 Lippincott, Chsrles {Pia, Wm. A. Rhodes, Alfred Wens, Charlos J. Field, James P. Smyth, Wm It. Thomas, J Rinaldo Sank, {Via. Neal, John P Simons, AARON S. LIPPINCOTT, President. Wltl A. mom:Ft, Fire President, ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. J. W MARTIEN, Snevorr. This Company rue orgsnized with a mot! 'spits!, and the Directors have determined to whet the hnoine•s to Ito aystinLle resources—to obeorve moloneo In conduct ing its affairs, with a prompt mi.lostenent of losses Onion No. 10 Merchants' Ent:tone, Philadelphia. nut-dly rIIIIE MERCANTILE MUTUAL INSII iL RANCE COMPANY OF PIIILADELPHIA.—OIftee No. 2'22 'WALNUT Street, oppositn the Exchange. MA RINE RISKS on Vessels Cargoes, and Freights IN LAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS, per Railroads, Canals, Boats, and other carriages. ALL TILE PROFITS divided annually among the M oved, and ample security in coxes of lora. DIRECTORS Thomas T Butcher, Algernon E Anhburner, Alfred Fn••dt, Thome,' B Footer, (Iwitar James H Stroup, Alfred Mean, A G. Cattell, (Madre R Cerntalts, Samuel Rohinnon, John O. Reiter, John P. Steiner, Henry Orrunbo, Woe J Corer, ,lirentrborg. ,lIRIS MILES, Preetitent. MITT, Vice President. 'l. eul-ly Elisead Rattle Mlles, John hi Ottenlichner, Mahlon Williameon, Fainnel J. Floryloss, Isass Jeanen, Henry Preaut, Fhheard U. James, L Fringe, Franklin p Jones, Daniel Itaflitock, Jr., William Taylor, James Murphy, Woo F. Smith, A. J. Antolo, Salons( EDWARD IL ALFRED FA Jona O. K6I , FSA, Rotolo 'IRE AND MARINE NY or HARTFORD, CONN [,orses In Finladelphis and dadelph la o.llico. CHARTER OAK F INSURANCH COMPAT Cash Capital 1309, 000 . vicinity n 1,111044 at the Ph By leave we icier to 1 1 D S Brown &Co , Phila. lion. Joel donee, rens Chalices, stout A. Co , ~ lion Rufus Chogte, Benton Hacker, Lea t l / 4 Co i '' Hon T. S WlWows. ilart'd We hare facilitiea for p aclug any amount of insu rance in the most reliable Companrom. PIIILADELPHIA GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 413 OM No 14,0) CHESTNUT ST. THOMPSON h. ROOD, Agents R OSIN. -500 BARRELS SOAPMAKERS ROSIN, to arrive per schooner J. NI Fletnuer For sale by MARTIN A MACAW3TER, .131- 111) North w•Mr .trvol moss -17 bales Carolina Moss, for sale by MARTIN Ift AIAUALIBTER, anl 110 North Wats, Fltr.at NIA N I I, I, A ROPE.--SUPERIOR MA NILLA ROPE, manufactured and for Bale by WEAVER, HITLER & CO, No 98 N Water at , and 22 N Wharves 52000 TONS of MITCHELL & CROAS dalo'e Improved mutter PROSPIIATiI 011 LIME, for sale by CROASDALD, PEIRCE & CO , nolo-tf No. 101 N. Delaware avenue. - - / - 11.1ARLES P. CAEDWELL—Whoiesale •J and Rata WUIP and OAKS Manufacturer, No. 4 No OUST S £O4 PPENNSYLVANIARAILROAD.—TItE ORBIT CENTRAL ROUTE, countering the At• !antic Cities with Western, North-western, end South western Matas, by a continuous Railway direst This Road also connects at Pittsburgh with daily line of steamers to all ports on the Western Rivers, and at Cleveland and Bandasky with Steamers to all ports on the North•western Lakes; making the most DIRECT CHEAPER? and RELIABLE ROUTEby which Freight can be forwarded to and from the GREAT WEST. RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTS BURGH, Mar Oteria—Boots, Shoes, 1114441, and Cape, Books, Dry Goods, (In boxes bales and trunks), Dross, (in boxes end bales) Feathers, Furs. DOe. per 103 lbe 810051 D CLA3B--Porneetia Sheetipg, Shirting and Ticking, (in original bales), Drage (in cants). Hardware, heather, Liquor, (in cavka,) Wall Roper, Wooi, and Sheep Pelt.., Eestward, hie &a Ito per 100 Its Titian Ccecir—Anvils, Chains, (in rubs), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Balled, (loose or in sacks), Paint., (dry and in Gil ) Oils, (ezeept lard and ri sin) 65e per 100 :be Main Clues—Coffee, Fish , Barton, Beef, and Pork, tin casks or boles eastward). Lar d and Lead Oil, Nails Rude Ash, German Clay, Ter, Pitch, Recta, bteel, lit.nufa,tni.e4 bacco, hem Oil, Queeusware, Sugar, , this , and tones Ac ,} , /cc 50e per 100 11 FLOOR-91 per bbl , until further notice GRAIN-45c per 100 His , until fur her notice COT ni-02 per bale, not exceeding 600 Ho. weight, until further notice. In shipping goods from soy point East of Phllsde!.. phi. be particular to MARE packages" em Pease laterima linitrolif." All Goods consigned to the Agents of thit Road, at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be for waffled without detention. Vaginal , AGMI7IS —Cis rk4 & Co ,Chleafro ; Packer A. Co , , Tenn ; It P. flaso & Co., Bt Lome, Mo.' P.O 0'1111,,y A. Co , Evansville, Inliana; Wm. Lomoville, Kevin-Icy. , It C I.le dram, Mwtivon, Indio; 11 W Brown & Co , and Ulm & Co ' Cincinnati , 11 8. Pierce & Co , Zoneavillv, Ohio; I,erh A Co , 84 KIIVI street, Boston. Leo 01 A. CO , No. 2 Astor House, New York, No.l Waliorn . New York, E J Pneeler, Philadelphia, Haug, Koons, Dallidsore, I/ A S tewart, Pltddinrgh. H H tiousroti , General freight Agent I,OIIBAEIiT, &D. Bnrorintentlent, r. SAVING FUND-FIVE PER CENT. IN. TEREST-NATIONAL GAIETY TRUST CQM• PANY -WALNUT STREET. BOUTH.WEBT CORNER OF THIRD, PHILADELPHIA Imcoaroaserh BT nig BTATa 01 PlSian - Mill Money I+ receire4 In any enm, large cr small, and In terest paid from the day el deposit to the day of pith drawn! The omen is open every day from 9 o'clock In the =ruing till I o'clock in the eroding, ell on kf.miday and Thursday evenings till 9 o'clock PION. 11ENBY L BENNER, Primldent, HOBERT SELYRIDBII, l'lce President. Wm. J. Ruh, Secretary. 0101010141 Ilan Henry L Banner, C Landreth Manna, Edward I, Carter, I Carroll Brewster, Robert Selfridge, B Barry, Saint K Ashton, Fleury L Churchman, James B. Smith, firearm Lee. Honey is received and payments made daily The Inrsetroents are made in conformity with the provisions of the Oharter, In REAL. ESTATE fiIORT• O AGES, G ROUND RENTS, and such first class croon. ties an will always insure perfect security to the deposi• tore, and which cannot fall to give permanency and sta bility to this Institution. sully NO. 83 (211) DOCK STREET. —FIVE PER CENT BTATK SAVINGS FUND. IVO. 83 (211) DOCK STREET.— FIVE 1.,, PER CENT BEATE SAVINGS FUND 1N°.83 (211) DOCK STREET.- FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAYINGS FUND. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.— FIVE J. PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND anl-17 $l4 721 Al 217.7°3 Al 121 011 lEMEIE lIENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOIL IL ER WORKS PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS, BOILER•MA KERS, PI AC& SMITHS AND POUNDERS . . . . Having for many years been in imecessfid operation, and been exclusively engage( in budding and repairing Malmo and River linginie, high and Inn I reviiure, Iron Boats, Water Tanks, Propellers, he , ike , respectfully offer their aervices to the at Cv, as being tally prepared to contract for Engine. of all mires, Marine, River, and Rational') flaring seta of patterns of different bilEl„ are prepared to execute orders with quick despatah Every description of Pattern making made at the shortest notice High and Low Treasure, Flue, Tabu lar and Cylinder Onderwot the best Pennsyleama char coal Iron Forginge of all Mies and kiwis; Iron an( Press Castings of ell deacriptions; Roll Turning, Steen Cutting, and all other work connected with the above busineen Draninge pod specification., for ell wort done at their entablichroent froe of charge. sett work gnaretttee4 The euticeribera hare ample wharf dock room for re raha of boatel, where they can ley perfect safety, end six provided with thews, Mocks, (Mir, ko , do t for ?wring heavy or light weights • THOMAS BEAN gr, JACOB 6 BEAFIN, JOHN P BEACH and PALMER 3treats. Keneingt,m S' i I i OUTRWARR FOUNDRY, FLFTII AND WASHINGTON STRUTS, THILADIMMIA. rennufaolitre high and Low Pressure Steam Eogineo, for LrroL BIT - or, and Dimino nervier Boiler., (Jason:lslets, Tanks. Iron Boats, ho , Out Imo of all koadq, either Iron or Brans. Iron frtime roofs for Om Works, Workshops, nalltoa4 84arloos, h Retorts awl Gm Machinery of the latest and most iniprorisl construction Every description of Plantation machinery, nob se Sugar Raw, and Gnat pile. Vacuum Pans. Open gleans Eieferatois. Peers, Primping Engines, /se Sole Agents for N Rettreua's Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus, Narrarth'e Patent Stearn Hammer, J Bore' Patent Valve Holton for Blast Machinery and Steam Pumps Superintendent—B H BARTOL an3-y RRICHARDNORRIS & SON, LOCOAI.O- TIVR STEAM ENGINE BUILDERB, STASIS, RANILTON, FAIRVIEW WM NPRIIM GARDEN STRAITS, PHILADELPHIA Engeged erminsivelv in the manntectere of LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. Manufacture to order Locomotives of any emergee. meat, weight or copHoity ? for the use of WE.sd or Coke, tr Brlummox., Coat in its crude slate, or ANTHRACITE COAL, WITOOI7T [HITTING 000[1, GAO Oa TILL In design, material and workwanahip, the Locomo tives produced at three Works are equal to, and not ex celled by any. The materiale mad in come - matron are made en the spot, and Insure the beet quality and moat reliable stork. The lexp extent of Shorn, and Corn plait EpirMtnl of MacAulay and Tads, enable them to execute the BEST OF WORK WITH OR.E.ST DESPATCH, OF ANY ARII[IIOIIIIINT nzdrinnr. CHILLED CAS WIIERLS, ITAM3II:RED A_7LL.IIII, With Forging* of an% etre or fora, IRON AND BRAS, CASTINGS, And DIACIIINE WORK generally. RIORARD NORRIS George Minster, C Stotenbcuy, IL M. Cer 0 C. Butler, Geo. Scott A GENTS WANTED.—Fire to Ten tars per day can be easily made. Cell on A. BLACK, at Jacob Leman's Eurrel Horse Hots!, West lung street, Lancaster, I'm tlels-tf WANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarrial men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance l'ay Dem 112 to 122 per month No man haring a wile or child will be accepted Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE, at No 817 MARKET street aboae Eighth, north side . . oct 8,102 500 AGENTS ANTED.-A TIGRE STEAD FOll $lO !—Third Diviaion.-.4310,000 worth of Farms and Building tote. in the gold region of Culpeper county, Virginia, to be divided amongst 10,200 subscribere, on the 7th of December, BSI. Sub scriptions only ten dollars down, or fifteen dollars, one half down, the rest on delivery of the deed. Every subnertber will get a Building Lot ore Farm, ranging in value from $ll3 to $25,000. Three farms and iota are sold eo cheap to induce settlements, a auffictent number being reserved, the increttee in the value of which will compensate for the apparent low price now asked. Up words of 1,320 lobe and farms are Already sold, end a company of 'tattlers called the ~ R appahannock Pioneei . Association" is now forming and will soon commence settlement. Ample security will be given for the faith. Cul performance of contract, and promisee. Nearly 44.000 scree of land, in different parts of 1, irginis, now at command, and will be sold to settlers at from $1 up to $lOO per acre. Unquestionable Ha" r. ill in all cows as giesn Wood•cuttern, coopers, formers, Ac , are traitol, and five hundred Agonts to obtain subscrtbere, to n - twn the most liberal inducements will be given. me AR ents write that they ere making $2OO per month. lor full particulars, subscriptione, agencies, he, apply to X. BAUDNR, ataLtf Port Royal, Caroline county, Va. NOTICE.-CHESTNUT STREET BRIM E. PLANS AND E3TIMATES fora Bridge over the Bn er r[.huylkill, on the line of Choetnot street, in the City of l'handelphot, hill be reoeirrcl by the Chief Fn• glover net Furveyer, nt the OM' bIITMENT OF FUlt• VEII, fly Jbwhbeg ' FIFTH htreet, he'orr Walnut, until the roontol dayof,lanunry.lSsB Sd.l Drolge to he of The following Etimenrionv, without any pier, or with not ktore titan one pier in the water-nrty ; the rnsterinim of conntruction throughout to he intlestructi• bin by tire DiPtance between abutments... 303 feet . .. • • Width of Fridge, ont to not, not less than.. 42 . 4 Elevatien above Im...water For an arch the springing line rhouhl not ho lees than eleven feet abo‘e low aster. - . The Plane and listimatea will be received Tinder the arrangement and conditions specited in the ordi nance of Councile, approved November 2.1, 1857, as via: Si:Orton 2 That all plans and estimates to be received by the Chief Engineer and Purveyor of the City of Phila delphia, each plan nod estimate to bear n private mark, and be accompanied by a sealed communitation baring a corresponding mark thereon, so that the name of the designer may not be known until the plan most ap pro; od shall have born selected EECTION 3. That all filch plane and estimates shall, when received, become the property of the City of Phila delphia, and shall be presented within two months after the passage of this ordinance, when it shall be the duty of the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, by and with the advice of tho Committee on Surveys and Replations, to invite a COMmistian, con,ishrtg of three can ougl neern, who, in conjunction with the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City, shall examine and decide upon the relative merits and applicability of the plane presented, to tho Bridge site proposed, and report to Councils the number of plans received, the mimes of the designers, and the character and estimated coat of the three plans by them preferred, Si CVOS 4 It shall be the dilly of the Chief Commis 'goner of Highways, open a rertifitate presented and signed by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, to laser warrants in pn moot of the cent 01 the aforesaid Meer tisements, and also in favor of those persona who may have presented the three plans preferred by said com munion ; to the tint in point of merit, the ruin of $400; to the second, $l5O, and to the third $lOO, said warranta to be charged to Item No 19 of appropriation made to the Department of Highways, kg., for the year 1857, approved March 10, 1 1 357.1 For further information, or for cross section of river, address STRICKLAND KNEASS, Chief Engineer and Surveyor City of rbilads. notl.dtjan3 MARCHANT" C RY S TA LOURA PIIS, OR ?norm RAPIIIC MINIATURES IN OIL, N E corner of EIOIITU and LOCUST. The Chore pictures differ sssoilidilY from anything ever before offered to the public. Their softness, and truth of color and outline, extraordlnitry minuteness and accuracy of detail, insure, of necessity, the greatest fidelity of resemblance; while the severity of the or deal to which they are unused in manipulation equally settles the question of their permanence. These facts enable the subscriber to offer them, with the greatest satisfaction and conadenee, to the Nadia and to his friends. They are 'enured by lettere patent to, and can be had ONLY of ., E. D. ?LiftOHANT. i`ortraite of the cabinet, and life cue on canvas as herotofors. re /1-asn tiailroati Lints. Savings lank' 111nrInnerp nnb iron REANEY, NEAFIE Se CO.I VERRICK & SONS, ENGINEDIc3 AND DIACHININTS, WILLIAM B ROSALL, Int Lieut Relit. of Cavalry, Recruiting Officer - ticilthube. rWESTERN TRAVELLERti. BPIII NORTHERN NG AND SUMMER LERANOSIIENTS. CENTRAL RAIL WAY. TWO DAILY TRAINS PROM BALTIMORE TO PITTSBURGH AND THE WEST. Oa led atter Fans lit, HMI, TWO DAILT TEAMS will leave otten /Ration for Pittabari all am and South or Northwestern tate& lt sad THE MORNING MAIL TEAM Leaver Baltimore daily (Sunday ezeeptegg at FYI l it. cooneeting with the Mail Two over the Great Penn- AM.lvania BaGroad, and arriviag is Pittsburgh at 1.33 . THE AFTERNOON EXPEE33 TEAM Leaves Baltimore daily ileaday erupted) Id P. 'l gor Harrisburg. THE MOH? strar.sa TRAIN Leaves Baltimore ETEBT NIGHT at le P. M sow nether with the Lightning Ripen OTtl" the Pe Hallooed for Pittabusgb, arriving all% P. M. LW Ail these train connect closely at Flllieliwg with miss over the Pirrslorg Fart Warne aa A CAilogo Bei:read, and its Northern, Southern ant Weelern conweetions. Iria• Pariseagere for Chirac°, Bosh islaiid, ton, lowa City Milinankee, INGswille, St. Pure, nen, end other leading eiti.. In the Norilmmi, via tali env Atundred rnUts r l caret dud traheere ts Vine, with fold, re CI change:tor can, by taktit S fib, Lt 7 Passeogers for Clef 'Lead, &Work", Ids& gO Detroit, go by this root., said the Baas le eaegvaileet. Dew 113 miles shooter this by any other roots. u:r Passenceni for Bt. Louis, Indianapotts, Terre Haute, Cairo, and all points en the Lower and Upper Mississippi, soak* leas change. s remand arrive to M. ranee of any other mate; sad to Clociaitati, Coltraints, Daton, Leniently. and other prominent lOUS., as 11.11 "Ally any other route. Western Baggage CIUSOLLD THROUGH sal ka.ited with rare. The 816 A 11 FOR connec THE ta crossly with NORTH'. Isprese Wane over the Marble road for Williamsport nabs, Rocheeter, Buffalo, Niagara Patts, mad Canada, thus forming the tercet direct railway route to Broctiherretane Penceyirenta and R "stern New Teat. Paesengeet inn Anil this the thertest, cheapest, and most eggirditloas route to Niagara Wails air% Canals Through Tirksta are issued to Philadelphia via Co lumbia and Laneaater by all the MMus at 13 each, each train bent rare connections. Pentengen by this route *sell tree/ailed britgee, cat all the inecturenleact cir ferrying arras the Susquehanna titer. Passengers for II anOr er, Manchester, Gettysburg int mitteburg, Cart:ele, Charobsrebeirg, go by tae tralas at 8.16 A , and 3 P. M W ESTM I ESTER ISRANCLI. The Cent on this rowel make now trip per day, exinnewt. leg with the train at 3P.M. for THROCGII TICKETS and farther inftrmatlas, •pptp at the Tienet Often, Calvert Stat/ww, N. Z. earner of Calrett an 4 Franklin street,. up*. tr C. C. ADRZOK, Saget. IJETV YORK LINES.—THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANT'S LINES. FROM FIULADELPILLA TO NEW TORE, AUD WA PLACE/. L.. as fen., Us: Pus; At I A M from Zemin:on Dart, via Jest, City, Mal At 6 A Id via Camden sal Jersey City, New Ja ssy Accotation At 6 A L , via Caarlen u 4 Amboy, leenumnad; liesAt I A 11, via Camden and Jersey CItJ, Morale; Mail At 16 A M , by steamboat Trenton, rb Teensy .1 , 1 Jerry City, Marulag Expruta At 2 P AI , via CAmden awl Amboy, 0 sad A Si p., At 6 P SI eta Camden and Jersey City, 11reatirg Marl At S P 61•ta Cam and Amboy, Aneommoda tkm, lat ' Cluar .. At SP 11 , via Camden and Amboy, A .e.)r:rulioxt • - G M e n. 2nd aas At 6 P. M , Via Camden and Amboy, Arreonanola. Lion, let Class At 6 P. M • via Currie. and Amboy, derrawoods- Uon, Tod Clam . Thy 6 P M has runs daily, all other. Eandsys ex eepte.l. Express Linea stop at the principal Haws. ally. 7.r 11 , 1 v td.re, Easton, Flemington Au ,ar6 A. and 2S 111 , from Walnut street 'third. For Water Gip, Etreccimburg, Scranton, Willuabart M0n..., Great Rend, ke , at 6 A. M., ria Delays/ Lackawanna at Western Sugroad. /or Ft...bout, at 6 A H and Z P M. For Mount Holly at 7 . A If 2 and TX, S and 6 P. IL WAT LINES /or Briatcl, Trenton, ate , at TN sad 4 P. X WAY LINE For Palmyra. litaneocaa, Bart*lca, Berlin town de, at 3 P Steamboat RICHARD STOCKTON for Nordentomai and inter. &late places at P X teambeat TEEN :LIP for Taceny at 10 mad llig A. 1.1.,and 4 P.M. M. All Have, escape 1 A. N , have Want /arse wharf Irr Fifty muds of baggage only allowed sub Ist senger. Pesten...tin ere prohibited from taking soy thing u bung's bot their staging apparel. All big gage emu fifty pounds to be paid Lot Hats n. Co® puny limit their rerpotinbility for b e to ons doter per pound, sad will oat be liable or Ay Amount be yomi POO, except by special ovate-est WM. Y. OATZXXII. Agent C. it A. 11. CO um ILA DE LPIII A, GERMANTOWNN 1. AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD —WINTER ARRANGEMENT —On and after RONDAT,OrtoIo•T lath, laaf. FOR ORRHANTOWN Leer, Pbiladelybia at 6, 7lt ,111( A IL, 14 3-10 min 4. 6. 07. 0, arid PH. Leave Germantown at BX, 7-33 nth. 8,9, 10X A. M., 1-10, 3-10 mud 4,5, 6,7, 6, and 10 P. M. ID- The 735 o'clock A II Train from Germantown will stop only at Warne Street Eltation. ON SUNDAYS. Learn Philadelphia at 0.20 min. 71 , 2 and 0% P. 11. Loma Germantown 820 min. A. dl , 1-10 min. aid 5 45 min P 21. CHESTNUT HILT. RAILROAD ISMIMT=2IIOI= Leave Cikatout Rill at ix ,8-40 andlo-1.0 Ella. A. M. U-50, 3-10, 6.40 awl 7-40 min. P. M. ON EIUNDATE Leave rhiladelpbia.9-D) A el , 2 and e% I. 11. LotITS Chestnut Hill at 8 A al .12-80 anlb-28 P. E. FOB HANAYLINK, CONSHOHOCKEN AND SOULS- Leave Philadelphia at EX, 9, 11 A. M 19(, 1%, and 11 P. M. Leave Nerrotown at 7. 9, 11 A. M , 3 a.cd 549 P. M. ON FUNDAYS. • 1.1..a5e Phi 15,1•1951% at 9 A. M., and 3 P. M. Leave Norristown at 7 A M , an4s P. M CLUSTER VALLEY RAILROAD FOR DOIFICTRO Leave Philadelphia at 8X A. H and 3P. W. Leave Downingtown at 7 A H , and IP. H. H. II eMITII, Soperiatipodert. Depot, Ninth and Green streets, Philadelphia. N ORTH PE NNSYLYA.NIA RAILROAD WINTER ARRANGSIsTNT. 701 BETHLEHEM, EASTON, ALLESTOWIt, MAUCH CRONE, WILICESBARRE, DOYLESTOWN, ie. On and after Wednesday, November 4th, the trains on this read will leave Philadelphia daily (Stui days excep ted) as toiletry: For Bethlehem, Easton. Allentown Manch Chant, awd Wilkesnere (Express) at 9 A M For Bethlehem. Allentown, and Heath CSnr.k., (Ex pend in connection with L. T. R. R. sad Easton., by stage, from Iron 1101 Station, at 210 P. M. For Doylestown, (Aecenumodatien„) at 4 10 P. M. For Owynedd, do at 10 A. M. On Tuesdays and Fridays the 10 A. M. train will mist through to Doylestown, leasing Doylestown to rein= all lb P. Id TRAINS roa PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethelem (Liprees.) et 9 A.ll , and 915 P. At Leave Dopeetown, (AecommodAticet,) at 5 35 A. AL Leave Gwynedd, do. at 9.991".31. ON SIINDAY3. For I From Owycedl 9 15 A. M I Owynedi 920P.M Doylestown 450 P M I Dolleetown-.... 9.25A.51 laza to Bethlehem 91 id Mauch Chunk 2 4 44 3 Wilkeb.i.rew 4 50 FASSLNOER DEPOT, FRONT and WILLOW Sta , ELLIS CLARK. Agent CHANGE OF HOURS.-P HIL ADE L. PIII A. WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORX SAIL ROAD. On and alter Monday. Nov =1,1861, PABB.IINGER TRAINS LEAN'S PRELADIMPH.I.6 For Baltimore at BA. M IP. kl (Bignme,) and 11 PM. for Wilmington at 8 A. PI , 1, 320 smell P M. For New Cattle st 8 A M I and 330 P. M. For JildNetown at 8 A 31. sal 1 P. M. For Dover at 8 A M. and 1 P. 31. Tor Ees.ford at 8 A 31 , and 1 1' 3.1. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 6.40, Swats, 11 A. M., am! 8 MI P. M. ff2I3MINEEM=I MIRIMMIEMIIii Leave Middletown st 10 10 A. M. and 7 06 P. Id Leave Dover at P es A. M and SP. 11. Leave Seaford at 7 30 A. 11 and 2 P. M. TRAIN.? FOR BALTIMORE LPITO Wilmington at 9 14 A. M , 2 P. M. ad 19 116 A M. SUNDAYS °ray at 11 I'. M. from rbiladolghla to litltimoto do. MMIES=IMI Freight Train, with Pau-eager Cu attached, will nu as followa • Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and Lttersielltts p 11.0.1 at 5 00 P. M. LPISTO Wilmington for do. do 660 I' 51, Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-orue at 5 P. M. no 21-17 . 8. M. FELTON, President. Sire proof Safes SALAMANDER SAFES. A large vtoortment of EVANS A. WATSON'S FIZILADELCHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAFES, VAULT MOBS, For Dents ani Steree. BANK LOOKS. Equal to any nosy In rise. IRON DOORS, EsItUTTERS, &e., On as geed terms es any other establishment In the trnitnl State... by EVANS & WATSON, No DI South S OtAtTII street, Philadelphia. anl.l-t/ PLEA 93 GIYB TM A CALL Eumbrr LUMBER I LUMBER !!—The eabscriber, who hen for several years oat-opted the prowl... at Sloan's Planing Kensington. has removed to COATES STREET WHARF, adjoining the Phenix Planing Mill, on Delaware events., where he intends keeping n largo nasortment of Caroline sod other Poor leg boards, stern. ehelviug. fencing end scaffold hoard., thoroughly ecesoned, and well worked. For tale at the lowest cash pricer Prirchneers are In vited to roll and examine for themselres, end every ef fort will be made to give enti.faction. Orders received end .applied at the ehortest notice for ale kinds end size. of Southern yellow Pins, Timber and knotting stul.tf 8. P. BIOBTO piano fortes ALBERT WEBER, PIANO FORTE ANUFACTCBER. No 1.65 West Broadway, New York, sole intinufachusr of the celebrated Concert Piano The aub , eritwir would inform his numerous friends and customers tbet he has greatly enlarged his torinniseturing department, in order to meet the increase in demand for his unrivalled Pianos, and as every piann, especially tone and touch, is personally superintended by the subscriber, the public will be warranted an In strument which, for beauty, strength. and durability, power and sweetness of tone and touch, stands unsur passed. Every piano sold at the lowest manufacturers` prices. A call is respectfully solicited. oe2 -6m GOLD MEDAL PIANO FORTES. STEINWAY fr, SONS, MANUFACTURERS. 84 AND 88 WALKER STREET, NEW YORK, Received the following brat prise medals in competi tion with the best manufacturers of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. TWO FIRST PRIZE )11,DALS at the Metropolitan Fair, lVashington, March, 1855. A GOLD MEDAL at the Crystal Palace, New Tort, November, 1655, (being the only Gold Medal given for Pianos within the hat six )ears.) A COLD MEDAL at. the Maryland Inatitute 3 DalU more, 184. THE FIRST PRUE MEDAL at the Pair, Crystal Palace, New 'Pork, November, 1858. Among the judges were the first musical talent of the country, suds as M. Mason, Gottschalk, Wollenhaupt, and many others. St. A 8 Pianos (with and without iron frames) are warranted for three years, and a smitten guarantee given. Pianos packed LA &hipped without awls. Prices moderate. celT4(
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers