ttv,lTSM:th • 01111ISTildiii.Nirnir, r - Wfiri:khiti - nal: ;Onion'Air, *ken he oot4bd the OiOntbellud l l 4 *-A n4 410, ' "4 teen itetakthat #6l;if.iwilb'elatisti before the dawn Of ritidihat,Od'opireeatet nearer the day approached, howAet power uid ekowar time Seamed drag Ate sluggisit`itensiht ithing, Ruin our , childish haute vostifilinesV readT, to buret with the enthusiasm of eap9thitlih,fr , p4aisidteo , diOiliMudii • our little' folks are towilarli4ingferwari to pext - Friday as aoort of onnised'epbehilitiolitch there ,warestroined- holiday delighti shall. carry 014103 to the viummlkof youthful ha PO ne P l.' Xbi":l!i*alt_;:and'his moot he a heart but mbania4edidiedwitikthii tetiii ornaments of humanity, that would aillinglidettoct to anyway from these sun- , nyjoyolif Children mid yotith,andoren the middle aged and th(ilityl,„'„l' • - Weedy, thee, let the iiiiirreriltig tine between this and theASth be spent with a Mote immediate view of tipeading dirlpitines appropriately. Much might beethi ea do liiiorio, , lipiviiratlpriaollould ho Made." Perhape the teat impoitant of all rules to borne in mind is, that tePut to the day Moat" profitably; and; at the mole time, !Oat rationally and kliteittntly,jrlll be to siend It In each a niant:ier_sa not to feel in bad effeets from it on - the day trilsivring,! ,a p i e c e of advice which we May , all lafeltadopt Itja b etter, for Instance, for Indulgent mo. there td4sind their suPerfluothi change for hobby bouseS; wax dolts, and eifinese Marbles tot their little ones,, {lmo tow:Tidy therriwith 'amount:dim, of alreetmeate, to bat their why tbi:efigit to the detilment of their stomach: ty three, 9rooe, tiro, the iribib - ilsefiq*ii of presents may hicniore itiselJ giren - i and, -shore ell ,Other con. ilderailims, 3t Is • the Ct4iatian day of all. who - hove the niedis-"tei , eiiend• liberally, to rereeniter, in their generienionthOthare for yawn nothiegi is pre pared,n this Way the :Christmas joys . can be wonderfully. enhanced: it- we did but practice these Olden Precepte of neareo, Oheistmas might be made itd4 of holy joy ;among men, that would provoke aamile of gladieia among the heats of heaven ! - CnnYaruen Nortoss.—As this annual festival is now t niarat hand; and our readers &remaking their accustomed_ prenarationirrthe way of fancy things for the little folks, as as fancy thlnge for 4, children of a larger growth, ,, we would call the venial attention of our readers to , the fact, - that Ole mammoth Toy Em porium of this country is Bfr,Clia..des llutranig's, on the northeast Ammer of Eighth and Zane streets. The collectionnf toys, to this establishment is really im mense,' arid embracei everything under that bead, from a ptiony,Whistlo to the most elegant parlor. orna ment. In the way of elegant Turkey morocco goods, in the shape Of poitemorniaiee, pockst-books,eigar•catee, pert folios, &c.;litr. F.B. Smith,' on the 'northireet corner of Fitth and' Chestnut streets, has one of the finest stocks in the city, and as they are all of his own manu facture, he is; of omit), able to Meet all competitors on the store of .prices. ' , For the mate artistic class of fanoy Christi:cis goods the well-known. establishment of W. D. Glenn, No. 2t south Foiurth street, Is a favorite resort for Christmas shoppers, - For elegant peel and ,papier - mtte4a work, in every variety rif fenny boxes and elegant little notion( for the ladles' toilet,' this steak is certainty birsurpiased by any other in the city. This hone° is now doing ari immense • businfis, The anno uncement of Meters. IL A G. A. Wright, No 35 mouth Fourth street, that they will, during the holiday seaseri; retail their large, wholesale Stock of fancyartieles at tahotesofe prices, we think furnishes a tare inducemois to par - chasers. A number of other places, where useful things sad things of fancy , ' may be bad, Will be _found to our advertising columns, to which we would reaPectfully Call the reader , sattention. A lawrrat's -FEE.—Lawyera never, give ar . opinion without nfee in advanee, though the advice re ceived may be worthless. The advice here offered gratis,' is worth having, visa , to buy your Gents , Far niehing Goods it Hnight , a, No. 812 Arch street. His assortment is really superb,- comprising everything in his line, trent a cravat buckle, to nprincely quilted ea. tin wrapper. Tax CUT PASSENGER A.Atzwar.—The City Passenger,ltailvray will he In operation next week. The down track will be the Sixth street portion of the road, and persona living - either north or south of the central portion of the city can be brought by the care, in double quick time, to within a few slope of the Browd Stone Clothing Ilan of ltockhill & 'Wilson, Noe. 603 and 605 Chestnut atieet, above Sixth. Naitiri.7-Socrates called beauty a short-lived tyranny; Plato, a privrege of nature; Theophrastus, a silent cheat; Aristotle - afilrmed that beauty was better then all the lettere of recommendation in the world ; Rosier, that it wag a glorious gift of nature; and Ovid, alluding to it, called It a. favor, boatel* by the gods. In our dey and generation it , le generalliattributed to the raantnamakerr, milliner, or tailor; the latter gene rally attached to the fashionable store of'Clifton, Al- bright, & "day/344 Ua11, ,, No. 627 Chestnut street: t . RanoDuna toile em that when Cyias beiril the Lydian had risolted from him, he told Crinsus,.nrith a great deal of emotion, that he bad determined to mahelhein slaves. 'Cireens begged him to pardon them But," says be, "that they may no more rebel, or be troublesome to you, command them to lay aside their arms, to wear long vests sad Mishkin, i, e. to vie with each other in the elegance and richness of their dress Omani was a sensible man, and gave to Cyrus the very adriee wo give today, i. e. dress In the elegant and gravely etyles of Granville Etches,, No. 607 Chestnut street. CALII : 01131A Boma.—Holders. of California Bonds are requested to read the sulvertisement of !deters. Welts, Fargo, & Co., in another part of to-day's paper Operial .07.9 Ladles and Gentlemen may obtain valuable Phrenological descriptions, day and evening, at the CABINET,-922, 0111:8TNUT:litreet, above NINTH, south side. Particular attention paid to the examina tion of childven. „ del7-7t*, Watches, Jewelry; Silver and Plated Ware; of the West linportetions, will be sold at a great seed. See. Na. 6tI)SAR3 I3T Street;ebove SIXTH. THOMAS W. luny The Greatest Santana in the. Worldi—The subscriber, being about to Close his toothless; offers his entire stook of superior Ready-mede Clothing for axle. Alf 'in wantof,e enperlor article' are Invited to give him tall. Store : lo - , let gni fixtures for sale. M. TRACY, 202 htalt!CET Street. dels-2m Furs: Purel Fare t—Selllng oil at reduced prices, wholesale . sad retail, at Wel. P. KESEL'S Parry Far Store . , No-152. North . Third Street, below Itece Street. - , ' - d01.44w Holiday Clifts.—filentlemorta•Wrappers, Mat fiela, aorta, cravata, Hee; atOolle, ramify, &a. Theis are moot useful Dropouts; and are to be found in great variety at W.M. Enight'e, 812 Arch street, above Sixth, at Teri low prices. del2d•tdeo: Skates Skates! !Skates t—ear ' readers will End the lsrite,st.iinditost Complete assortment of this winter',lnnury, and at the lowest prices, at W. W. ni Marls, Ng. .t 319 :Market street, opposite Decatur street: -- , • - - no3o-1m Saying .Pitnd.-r-Icational Safety Trust Co., <nice, WAINUTEtreet, B. W. - corner of THIRD. .101RANGEMENT8 YOB 'BUSINESS DURING THE SUSPENSION OF SPECIE PAYMENTS BY THE 1. Deposits received and peiinertle 'made daily. - - 2. Current, Bleak Notes;Olbers, and Specie mill be neared on deposit : . • - •IL Deposits 'made in• Beak Notes `or Cheeks will be paid beck in Current Beak Notes. • 4. Deiositi mad. in Gold or Silver will be • peid back - • t Interest Yam Pan CENT. per annum. n 025 Fare.—deriepli iteseabaara's Fars are cote• brated for obeameas, style, and quality. Store 410 Arch street, betneen fourth and Pit*. N 11.—Fun altered kite laddrinable edyles. We etndyto please. de.l-Im , , • • . - Jackie* JOll PRINTER, MERAINANT STREET. traseiu;, Notee, Drafts, Bills Idsting, , Bill Newts, 01: exam, other Muds of Job Printing, et grgses'ln'tsit thntintos. 00114 y rat :PeTtasaed Ileeath, White Teeth, and Beautiful complexion ' use alria tt 1,000 Planers." Pot dreaming - Ladles' haft, use "Woodland Cream, a new Pomade?) nourla Oentiornen , s hair beautifully. P. Primo/is & Co., Proprietors, 01. Y. Per sale by T. B. Peterson, r.,00 -Chestnut; &mural Gimes, Twelfth and Chestnut; A. B. Durand, 718 Chest nut; T. II Peters /V Co., 716 Chestnut; G. O. Evans, Gilt Book-store, 439 Chestnut; -0, 9, Hubbell, 1110 Chestnut; Breneb,ll.lcharyla, /c; Co., Tenth and Mar ket; A. B. Taylor; Ninth and Walnut; Dr 3lorrlson, Beventeenth and Ohestirut4 d. W. Blume k Bozo, Eighteenth and Twenty-Second and Market; Edward Ohristmaun 702 ; Chestnut ; Thome Lancaster, earner Bleventkin4Walnut. nol2-ly Cab!: Inert PrIOISTBRY, • RI WALNUT WS, OPPOSITE INDBPSNUENOS - SQUABS. GEO: I. ITEMIEL'S, WALIffJP Street, Lets of 1% Shestant Street. Bank orPelinsylvanta Nogce...ff otos of IMO Su& taken, at Inr for a IVholoyde fltock of (Ilothli, at Retail, deB4a, No. 1 North milt Street Stair of lrennsplraala Notes taken at par for . Watches - sod gewelry, at lowest prizes. yap, & THOMPSON, Importers, 'OS Clhestnut street, below Fourth. ICE= fin , V. De*odd; COtinnission Business in Cm. inereist tapir sad negotiations of loans, 66 WALMIV EL, opposite the Beettinsie, phtlgdelphis, n010.2t0 Stood Cotteg, 'Leeere idOodee fasts ' ot:reettio.the [Ol value or their feiorlte; he'ierige wltheret 'buteleg lt - mide le the Old Demlisfori Codoe r'cd: AlLTlLUltirpintriliAl4, ee OILItOI4 " 117m:1411B Booth TENrf,, eor. of George, d$ 6m Ode tiiipufsaturere... ' Ao Impel:MO. racl...-We. row . - dee'', It' On., nauiced that the extenely,o,Wholeiale Oliablog Lent ers, WRILATA3B"tc. GOLMAN,.No. 89 0 1 , 14AltICST Bt,, above -Third, have commenced to Retail their entire stack at 'lila:4o4le pricer. Pell4ol . , . Bowers' infait Inettlweible Corbel fi piepeied_fronisi!erilty of the meet choice and +Molted mematlat known In medicine, and is the most peribet and reliable carminative extent for Infante and young children., - " " Re poWerful influences epeedr care i. effected fin ell ogee of Chefic;windyletine,and'epodenfr dad 4440.4: :much of ohlidnenis maiming derieg decal lgott#: teetklni, „sad' by, ititwOottilig preperttee of tie beemar, liemorkeee, 'vomiting, too. Xitel.lnfeae- thipliel' luta booms it. standard, remedy, ite4tOsikeepurieei In theepeide ei wee with the moat eleindantip. - . - No amity thorldbewithmetit, ,21 1 1 biftWitt)1eirerk. - Itowne, , • "- Athli'Throtfind Chemical Stem, , 0.r,5m 1 .4 orders Must be *Seemed; And, for Salt by Nom/tete gemmtuy. 44 .18.17 . . Gina Arad !lard interchange of presents:4llmeg friends is the - sorest Cement of friend ship, regard, and affection. There are certain periods of the year at *Mob presents are more looked after and more Prised 'than at others The Bellowed "Merry Qbrietteas Time , is, especially, one of those periods. On these, holidays, the yoang and the old all expect alike from their' Mende some token of affection; and es almost every, one is ,blessed With many friends, and therefore, his to make many presents, it behooves, io ''melt hard times, to study to/psi; and where to buy Many who bare on former occasions made costly pre gents, will tl ditmore prudent and convenient to select their .presents, 'tide Year, more suitable to the times, the more so as not the cost of the article, but the re gard for the giver makes it vaingb.e to the recipient. There is no Store in this city which offers, in this respect, to many inducements to the purchaser, as re garde rarity of goods and cheapness of priers, as Cuss. Tosolio , s, Nos. 35 and ST North Eighth street, corner of Zane. Ms itilMeßlO Mock of Fancy Articles, Toys, and dingiest Instruments of all kinds, algo Cricket and Archery Implement., surpasses anything ever offered for sale In this 'city. (live him a call and examine hie goods, whether you buy or net. As be imports all his .goodd himself, he is enabled to sell lower than any other retail store, and, owing to the times, he is, for this year, willing to sell his goods, retail, at the whole- We importation ptiees. Catalogues will be given out gratis, whiclOgill help in the selection 6f goods, and lotroduce to the inquirer many new goods not thought of before. - don-tilde2s Acivrtailes. On the 17th 'net., by Rev. Blackwood, D. D , Xt. ItieHOD McCORKYILL 'to Idha !SAIMAA 110101.0121 T, both of the city. On the 171 h inst., by ReS...Tos. L. Sagebeer, at Hie deuce of the bride's father. Mr. GEORUE SCATCH A RD, of Chester county, to Miss ANN WHITEHEAD, of Lower Merlon, Montgomery county, Pa. Eltatbe On Sunday morning, December 20th, ESTHER, 8., beloved wife of the Rev. Benjamin Dorr, D. D. The friends of the loudly are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, without further notice, from her husband's reoldence, 1232 Arch street. on Tuesday afternoon, at 9 o'clock precisely. Services will be at Christ Ohnrch at OX o'clock. 21* At Northumberland' on the 17th inst., .1011 N COW, DEN, only son or David and Annie F. Taggart, aged six years six months and twelve days. , 'On Thursday erening, 17th inst., of consumption, CATHARINE - CORI:OEI4A CROZET, daughter of Ernest ft,nd the late Sophia Ducomb Crozet, aged 31 yearn. On the 17th instant; JOHN F. 6011ROTZ, aged 25 years. n the 18th instant, THOMAS EDWARD TAYLOR, 011 ofiTohn and Sarah Taylor, aged six years and eight months. irr Dr. Steven's Filth Lecture, on the 22d instant, at 7)4 P.M. Subject: Dare Ilill and the Acropolis of Alberni." do2i-2t* in' People's Literary Institute.—G. W. CURCIO, Esq - , of, New York, -will deliver hie great Lecture,' "8111 PHILIP SIDNEY, OR Till GENTLE MAN," at'the MUSICAL FUND IIALL, on TUESDAY EVENING, Dec. 224. Doors open at 7 ; Lecture quar ter to 8, Tickets 25 cents. Season Tickets', at a re duced price, for salo at the Book Stores. Mr. Curtis has promised to be in the city by noon, to insure against dlsapppintnent. del9.Bt* [l7.olfice of the Quaker City Insurance Ilcom- PANT, 408 WALNUT Street —The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Quaker City Insurance Com pany for election of President, Directors„and Secretary, wilt be holden at their office on TUESDAY, the 6th day of January, 1858, between the hours of 12 and 2. d4frmw•lm It R COM/MALL, Secretary. 117- The Rev. Dr. Solomon Jacobs will de• liver et. course of Six Lectures on the "Philosophy of the Wile," at SANSOBL STREhT lIALL, 811.118011/ street, Commencing on TUESDAY EVRNII4I, January oth, 1068. Ticteta to admit a Lady and gentleman Single tickets 26c. To be bad at all the principal Book Stoma in the city, and the Rev. B. Jacobs, No, 001 Franklin street, del6-eud3t* NOTIGE,---Otlica of the Westmoreland Coal Company, Philadelphia, December 10111 1657. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this COM. pony will be held at-their office, No. 230 South THIRD Street, on 'WEDNESDAY, the Gth of January, 1858, at 12 o'clock, at which time an Election will be held I. r Eleven -Directors, and a Secretary and Treasurer, to nerve for the ensuing year. N. 11. JACKSON. de214.1.ja , Secretary. C - OD. G. DE KORPONAY HAS THE honor to inform the Citizens of Philadelphia that hOhas been appointed INTERPRETER of the United States Courts, and opened an Office for translations of all Modern Languages at 1010 OEOROE Street, above TENTII, where he will be in attendance to all the bum: nose transactions in his line. de2l-1m RAMSAY'S ISLAY MALT SCOTCH winsur —2O Pm:laman of the above Superior Whiskey, now landing from Alp 'Windsor Forrest, at Shippen street wharf, for sale by JOSEPII F. TOBIAS, de2l-1m ' 200 and 208 South FRONT Street. !Amusement° ire - For additlonat AnliCielainte see fi;se page GRAND IAY CONCERT. MATINEE MUSICALE. THIS AFTERNOON, el half-put 2. Doora open at I. . . . . . AT RANSOM STREET MALL FROGRAMIS : -•• . . MADAME D'ANGRI will Bing—Aria"Petty,' Dilndiza, " Lueresia," and Duetto from Don Gioyanni with Mu. Gassier. MLDE. OARIOLI will aing—Arino, "Lind! di Chit. mounix," and "Travista." MIBB - MILNER will sing—" I Dreamt that I Dwelt In Marble Halls." VIEGETEMPS wilt play—The WiLehes Dante and Fantasia " Jertnialem." Egh, GASSIER will sing Aria " Luerezia," and Du in , "Don Giovanni" with Mad. WAngri. MR. PERRINO will aing—!!Star of Love," by Wal lace. SIG. ROCCO will clog—" Tarantella " H. KLETZER will play Fantasia. de2l4t VANGRI AND VIEUXTEMPS' OMIT CIAED. The manager of the D'ANORI and VIEUXTEMPS' CONCERTS respectfully announces to the Public,that he has decided to give THREE MORE 00h0ERS. TWO CONCERTS TO-DAY, DECEeIBER 214. MATINEE MUSICALE.—Grand Day Concert, at 2,tj o'clock P. M. The same evening, also, GRAND CONCERT at 8 o'clock. The Monday Concert will be given at SAMMY. STREET HALL. ON TUESDAY. at 2.4 o'clock P. H. MATINEE MUSICALE. Grand Day Concert and last appearance of the Com• piny at MUSICAL FUND HALL. Tickets for Matinees and Evening Concerts, to all parte of the Hall, 80 cents. . The - programme will be changed on each occasion, The following eminent artiste will appear in these concerts: M'e,e ELENA D'ANGRI, OARIOLI, Mies ANNIE MILNER, HENRY VIEUXTEMPS, Sg. GASSIER, EARNEST PEERING, Big. ROCCO, H. EIMER, ABELL nrocosalg STEAM MACHINERY FOR SCREW PRO PELLER SLOOP-OF-WAIL NAVY DRPA RYMMNr. December 18, 1857. SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed “Proponals for Steam Machtnery for Screw Propellor liloop•ob.War," will be received at this department netil 3 o'clock; the 20th January, 1857, for the complete construction of the deem machinery and appendages, and placing it on board a screw propeller eleep.oLwar building In the United States nary yard at Boston. The offers must be for a apecltic sum for putting the Whole In successful operation; must' Include all patent fees for any arrancemente that may beproposed • state the time in which the work will be completed, an d be accompanied by the usual guarantee required by law. The name of the establishment in which the work Is to be executed moat be elated. The detalla of the design and arrangement of the ma chinery will be left with the party whose proposition nay be accepted ae combining the greatest number of advantages, keeping in view simplicity of construction, readiness of access for adnistment when in operation, and not being subject to derangement in the working paste; it being the object of the department_to obtain the most speed and power with the :nest economical cominmption of fuel, and the greatest stowage of coal which the space available for that purpose will admit . The boilers to be of iron, with tales opie smoke pipe, which must be placed at the greatest practicable distance from the mainmast; the propellor, with the connections for hoisting to be of composition; the machinery for ho , ating, for pnm apparatue for ventilatiog, and ap purtenances of al lklude necemarry for the perfect work ing of the whole, to be of the most approved kinds. The coal-bunkers, shaft passage, two ethwartships iron bulk heads, a distilling apparatus for fresh water from which cgn be made not lees than 800 gallons per day ; all the tools and duplicate pieces necessary and satisfactory for an efficient cruising eteatnehip of-war, must be Included in the proposition, and a list of them must bo furnished. — The wood and carpenter work (except the boring out the deadwood for the shaft) necessary to adapt the ves sel for the reception of the machinery. boilers, and ap• pendegea, will bo provided at the expense of the Navy Department, and I t will permit the use of such facilities as it may have for hoisting the heavy machinery on board. Vor the accommodation of the entire steam machinery and the fuel, there will be allowed In the body of the ship the entire apace under tho berth deck, com mencing at twenty feet abaft the mainmast and thence extending forward a distance or6o feet. Within thle apace it is expected to carry coal for 11 days' full steaming, the daily consumption of which the bidder will state in ale specification!' ; and the weight of the machinery, water an bollern, shaft, propeller, and ap pendages, with the tools and opera work, must not ex ceed 020 tons, of 2,240 pounds, The distance from the aft-eide of the mainmast to the aft-aide of the forward Mem-post, will be cheat 95 feet, audible distance between the forward and the after ntern post will be 7 feet the depth from the lord water lino to the top of the keel under the propeller will be 74X feet. Stearn-engine menufacturers who desire to bid can ob tain a copy of the section of the vessel upon making sap plicatlon to the department. The proposals must be accompanied by full sped do tione and general drawing., having the position of the centre of gravity of the nuchinery, bolter', kc,, marked on them ; giving also the capacity of the steam cylin ders and erea of foot and delivery valves, and of air pump, and outboard delivering valves, space for steam above the water line in boilers, the fire and grate enr face ; 8180 the diameter, pitch, surface, and kind of pro peller, and other principal points, that comparieonv can readily be made. There will also be given the estimate of the weight of engine, boilers, water, °tinkers, appenda gee, toots, and spare work, in lona of 2,240 petunia, The tornis of payment will be that when one-fourth of the materials and labor provided for in the con tract shall have been completed to the satisfaction of the department, there will be made ointment of one- Ofth_part of the whole amount of the centred; when one-half the work shall in like manner be completed, theie will be a farther payment of one-fifth; when three fourths the work shall have been completed a further payment of one-dah ; when the whole shall have been completed, and have made a satisfactory Wel of ono week, then a further payment of one-fif th ; and when the chip than have performed satisfactorily at sea for a period of three months, then the remaining sum shall 'be paid. The repairs necessary during this period from defec tive workmanship or materials will be at the expense of the contractor. The proposals met be explicit, and no qualified or Conditional offer ei , II be considered. ISAAC TOIIOEY, Secretary or the Navy de2l•mtb tja.2o CORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COMPANY.—NOTIOE,—Tho Annual kteeting of the Stockholders, for the election of Directors for the enisting r ir o oar h ri vr b A ed i t at theOtr ia Lf i t p tl . ? on =DAY, the 4th January, 1858, at 12 o'clock. delti-tja4 LEANDER W. V. 11. STARR, Sec,y, ARCHER, WARNER, MISKEY, & CO., r~xoreuruaeas or GASALIERS, BRACKETS, PENDANTS, FITTINGS, and all kinds of Go and Lamp Work °lrani°lea, eco., No 329 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. . . . . . • ' ARCHER, WARNER, & CO., , Ito. 376 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Bolldings fitted with GM Pipes, and ail kin of altering and repairing of One Work. del2 Bo' NNOTICE.—NOTICE IS' HEREBY GIVEN that the ,4 11431 K OF 011iMBEREBURC , will apply to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, at its neat Bess on, for the passage of a Law In the nature of an dot to confirm the title of the ealdßank to that certain RRIOK - 8 T0RE41012311 and Lot of around, agnate on the partaide of Routh FRONT Skeet, new Np. 21, he tweerchfiqket arid Chelan at streete in the citr of Phila delphia. ?kin LESLEY, 4e/e•q* caOtief, ,LIST OF 'LETTERS REMAINING IN the PHILADELPHIA. POST OFFICE up to 2 o'clock P. M. on Saturday, Dec. 19, 1851. [Persons' applying for advertised Letters will please mention the (114 e or the List J Open on Sunday from 7) to 9J o'clock A. M.., and?, to SP. M. LADIES' LIST Allen b: les Mary Fletcher Miss A Murphy Mary Allen Mrs Jane Fantrap Marg't Malden Louisa Allen Mrs 8 J Freeman Frances Monroebirstiolzon Ahern Catherine Flanagan Fanny Moon Miss Andreae Mrs E C Fisher Sties Morgan Kate C Andrews Louisa Fraublau klad'e Motta Susan L Andreas Mrs Groebl Monism Neill Mrs L Appleton Eliz'th Grainer Mrs Thus Norris. Mrs A Arnold Mrs Mil• Gillespie Annie Nicond Emile lard Glentworth Ellzh Neill Mary Attie Mary E Goring Annie Nicklison Mre 11 Arnold Isabella Gilbert Martha Neilson Mrs C 0 Atherton Amy Gates Mrs Lucy Nichols Mrs SI Bayard* Lucinda Gramman Marg't Neall Maria liarrinton Lela Galt Miss Mary O'Neal Libble Bartlett Mrs Jane Garrison Marg't O'Neill Mrs Bacon Mrs kI Gillespie Ada O'Brien Kate Bert) , Miss Eike Gould Mary A Percevill Mrs M Daily Sagan L Gibbs Mrs Harriet Pickdown RJ Baler Dire Henry Gibney Alice Patton it it Barrington Lois Gandy Rebecca Phillips MrsO Denude Mre Sarah Greathem Helen Potter DI Dell Mrs Ellie DI Gann Sirs Ellen Parker Elizabeth flearinen Hannah Graff Isabella Fannin Dire 8 Best Mine Kate Gilpin Mrs 11 Parkinson Mra IC Benton Emeline Garland Sarah E Parkinson al Si Beth Mad II Gres Elizabeth Powel Mre al A Beam Christiana Messinger Yligliza Porter Mrs A B Beckman Alice Hertz Mrs Daniel Peebles Lizzie Beam Miss Susan Miley Mrs Ann Phelps Mrs S Blades Rachel 1 Emelt Mrs Mary Price Ellen Birnbaum, TllllO Marl Mrs (leo II Powell B E Bluit Xtris Anna Hayden Elizabh Place Mrs E Boggs Miss Isabel Hartwell Mary G Perry Ester Black Mrs K E Ileartt Mies Rosin Richards Mrs B C Drown Coe - della Ilsrrard Syn this Rca Mrs John Bowyed Annie Hunan Bridget Reid Miss A J Brown Hannah Hertz Miss Sallie Reid ismi Sarah BrooksiiLizzle Hallman Elizabh Richardson Eliza Butler Mrs Anna Harris Elizabeth Ridgeley Mrs K L Brown Mies Hate Hayden Mrs E Reidenbach Oath Brown Anna DI Ilagneur Martha Ranch Mrs-Jane Butler Elizabeth Hewitt Amanda Reese Caroline 9 Boyd Mrs Mary Harrison Ann L Reynolds Mrs Brown Mrs Thou 'Umbel Mrs Rheant Louisa Butler Sophie Stall Mrs E Reed Mrs Si Bonner Catherine Heron Matilda Roney Elizabeth Buean Mrs Hillorann Mies CC Itoderlek Maria Broadhead D D Hudson Miss Hat Russell Emma Boller Miss Annie Haig- Miss R J Ruggles A M Bordi ey Mary K Hummel Louisa Ruth Josephine Braddock M. W Head Mrs Robbins Susan Brady Miss Mary Hockman Susan Robinson Sarah A Braden Adelia Housekeeper Ilan Rogers Elmira M Brogden Hannah Jones Miss Francs Robinson Sarah Bonsai] Mary A • Johnson Mary Rodger Ellen Boyd Ma Anna Jacobs MISS Jane Rush Mrs W Brown Mrs Ellen Johnson Susan Scott Mrs Rachael Brown Mrs 11 K Johnson Eliza Sedley Mrs tJ Bracket Mre Jag II sjohnsonJosephine Scott Mrs E D Burton Mies Jones Lucia L Shields Mrs Borden,. Rhoda Jeffrey Mrs It Schaffer Cathie, Bowen Martha Johnson Mrs A E Shelton Mrs Brooks Mary Johnson Mary A Bamako? Annie Cozily Miss Eines Jackson Lydia Sheerin Mary Carr Mies Roney Jackson Mies Lyd Shararrood A.l Chaim Mrs Amelia Jones Susan N Fcantlin Isabella Canvey Margt Johnson Elizabeth Shelly Miss V J Carrot Mina Mary Johnson Jana Shorpleas Oath's Chapman L A Johnson Emma Shannon Jennie E Callanan bliss Sue Jackson Mrs Ann Samson Margaret Compbell Ann Klelnkreeht blraO Smith Mrs Jas B Chapman Mary J Killen Sties Cath Smith Annan Cartret Marie Kirby Miss Bridgt Smyth Isadora A Cauffman Clara Keller Mies Mary Simpson Jennie Claphauson Mrs E Kersey Amanda Smith Mrs Anne Clark Rebecca Kerr Mies Mary Spear Mrs Id F Clarkson Frank Kenny Miss Ellen Semple Mrs Jqs E Clark Arms. W Kearney Jane Stiller Fannie Celina Miss Hattie Kilpatrick Kato Sullivan Mrs Si Combs Itachael Kopp Mica Annie Strunk Lydia Calico Elizabeth Kleine Elizabeth Sweeney Mary Crowell Fanny Kelly Sirs Staklen Itenurtha Couard Miss A Kinkand Ellen Stansberry Jane Cronin Marg't Keyser Dire E Sternly Elizablz Cooper Cordoba Knight Elizabeth Sullivan Hester Colb Ellen Knox Mrs Ann Stulty Elizabeth Croud Henry Di Kavanah Mary Stairs Susan M Connell Mrs Eliza Kulp Mrs Hannah. Thomson MrsbiE Catlin Mrs Mary Raney Caroline Thompson E Conway Mary Rineley bliss 8 C Ttunner M B R Colton bliss Delia Leeway Mary A Tomson Mrs M Craft Isabella Long Mrs II A Tanner Ann - • • Coleman Harriet Livermore Mary A Taylor Ann Crocker Lucinda Loekey Abigail Taylor J Collins Mule Lee Mrs Jane E Townsend '4"irg Deal Mrs Martha Lodge Charlotte Thompson u J Dempster Harriet Lynagh Miss Ann Thompson Mrs L Davis hire E 0 Leeds Mrs Trueman Helen Desoto Clara Lake Lucinda Tunnell Atlanta Diamond Maria Loten Mrs John T Teece Mrs H. Daflin Nibs Sarah Laverty Bliss Sera West Emma Davis Mrs neater Lee Miss L D Whipple Airs N Davie Ann Mcasiney Mrs Werner Mrs E Davies Mrs McDermott liridgt Weston Nellie Dalton Mary Blahearson Scud Waugh IteGeoca Dab's Mrs Mcgreale litirb'a West Mrs A Deane Miss Marie McAnulty (lulu Walters ME. Devlin Margaret Mettogan Jane Welsh Mrs I Denig Louisa Al McKnight Margt Walker Mary A Daily Mary McCann Sarah Warney Maggie Dempsey Bridget McGuinea Martha Walters Mrs PI A Delany Catharine Mcßride Mrs I' Welsh Julia Docorsey Susan Id Menden Min S Walsh Mrs Dailey Mary A MePhllling Margt Whitechurch Mrs Darla Mra ktrauts. McKnight Reins Warner Mrs M Devlin Harriet Markey Miss Cath Watiy 31rs 0 Dupree Madame Martin Priscilla Walters Anna Poughter Mary Martin Martha A Watson Emma Dornan Sarah .1 Mae Intire Mrs Walter Mrs Si II Donoghue Calh'e Matlack Beulah Wetzel S R Dyer Elizabeth Macomber MreJM Watson S E Dougherty Mat'dallaselroy Mrs Watns M A Dougherty Susan Merrill Martha W Wdliama Mrs W Dolls Mrs Ellen Metz Mrs Kate Dyer Mies Ellen Maguire Mr Ellen Wlnter•Mary Elwell Julia A Maguenln Mad Wilson Mra D W Edwards Mrs tl Maclean Mite T O Willieme M A Ellis Mary A Merrick Jennie R Winger W 11 NNAns Eliza Z Mayo Mm Lacy Willard Ada E Everest Mrs Ellen Mann Mrs J 0 Williams 5 (1- Ewing Merl= Mills Eliza It Wilkeson Maggie Ewart Matilda Milliken Mrs It Wilts Elton Fox Mrs Mitchell Martha Wilson Mrs tic J Frost Mini M E Millar Mrs N J Wilson I? A Field Fannie Mitchell Mrs Ann Woad Mrs 0 Frambe4 Iteb'a Mitchell Mary A Wood Mrs M Violin Martha Miller Jeknima Wood 11. Florence Mrs W Z Muley Mrs Jane Wornlllllrn M field Mrs Isaac Miller Mrs M L Worris Harriet Francis Mary.! Murray Ann Wood Mary M Fargry Mrs Ellen Mooney Ellen Wyant Mrs A Fenney Mrs W li Myers Miss L Woot Ellen Francm Julia - .Moore Betsey Wright Mrs H Also liter Helen Montgomery A T Wolooth Mrs id Fyny .Uridgat Nutley Miss 8 Yellin Mrs 8 Franklin FE W Myers Mrs Annie Vaughan Mrs B Forman Mary A Munoway Mary Vandyk.e Jane Field Melinda Murphey Mary Vantager Mm Finley Alice bloody Martha Vanbrottleblra BE GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Ainesworth Jos Burke J J • Downey Thee Alton Chns Butler John B Bootleg Michael Aleop The, Burk John J Nilson E Alden (leo P Burk John Duey Wm A kert Henry Bumgardner J Donnelly Peter J Ackerman John Butler Peter Drelja Mr Alexander Cary 8 Buck Luthers A Bruhnle &Co Ahern John Buchner Leonard Dutton Bishop Allen Benj Burger 0 111 Duon J Alexander E 8 Bustler Ohne II Dunkin A. Runt Adams Henry Butler Thu F Duran 0 F Dr Amos John Buttler Thou Dulbary Malmo American Stereo. Burton A (1 Denali Philip copi Butler Win 11 Illitor Vereinlgt Allman Jae Burns Theis ten Stotts 'Leis Albright P Muffle John tong Addentan Joe Catialdy 13r Eartim I. Allen Benj F Carney Wm Eggert Wm Allen 8 Carney Daniel J Edger Jonathan Alexandria Ilugh Carroll 0 W Eberbuck Geo T Alden !dermal' Carson Thos Egan John F Achbold Joo Carlton A. Porter Elder Wm Dr Atluger Francis Calle C N Ellis DeWitt 0 Ayons. Jon Curry 0 11 }Entine Rabbet Anderson Sampa'n Cathie Hoist AI Elkenson &Co Archer It & Co Catilllerakturlana Edmonds 11 Antonette BCI Cessaily Hugh Elaine Saybold L Appleton Geo 8 Cahill Jno II Elle; Aelisiaa Antono Francis Campbell 0 J Eastman Thos Applegate J W Campbell Semi 8 Ecelen Reuben Apple Harry Calle Cletre Sigro Deane 0 (I & Co Andrews Judeon B Champeon Joe 11 Evans 8 Block Anderson David BC/bombers Montgy Manufactory Addle W 0 Churlon Henry Earitt Wm I) Ardis W 0 Chapman T Evoy Martin Aahlon 8 Esq Chamber ain Wm Evans Mr J Apthorp 11 C Cherry TO 9 English Win 3il D Bantu J fl Chapman It L Emanuel David Bally John Chrtsman Wm Embree Nbrris J Baker Sidney Chotterton D Fuson, Jag W Banes Geo Yobq Clark & Hall Fealry Barry Capt Clinger II Wm Fairy Thee A Baird Wm D C Clare Peter Ferguson Jan Ball C A Cleadiner Wm 0 Felton Godfrey Baxter Jas Clithuall Geo B Netting Chas Bates Rohl Esq . ' Clinger Heitryllf Fetter Geo Bengal Auguet Clark Wm B Furies Alex'drta Barton 8 G Cleveland R R Fitzsimmons Joe Bancroft J A Clark J II Fiore Fred'k Barber 0 lil & Co Clement Peter & Fisher John Batley John Paul Fernley & Co Bachman Wm Clark & Connell Fitzpatrick Peter Bartlett J& Co Clark Oliver II 2 Flagg Stool D Baker & Brom &Co Conned Osborn Filson Jno Bancroft Saml B Connerford ftl Finlgan Michael Bates Jacob Corbett Ed Capt Fox tfant'l 31 Baty Sam'l Corbin Benj Fuller Wm kf Bareeiste rI, Collins Ansel 0 Vuleann &Co Barber Gideon Cement Oboe Fry Geo W Barry Win Collins Jos W Fritz Chu Bacon A Coinwell Chas P. howler A. Town- Barthelemy F Coinly Semi send Baker C V Colcart Thee H Franck JII Barodollar W 8 Cotton Joo II Foote J H Prof Balderston J Cornell, Beans & Fern' Thos Barrett R D CO Fowler Master 0 Barr 13aml Coulon A 8 French Jerent'h Bancroft Miller Cooper ft Stokes Frazer & John- Bartie Joo Como J 13&031 El son Baird Dant Coleman Nathan Freldley M Bassit Due C Cooper Erwin J Fricker Anth'y 2 Bremner, Bell & Conor Frank Fuller A J Co Cobrey lit Frost Jacob Billings Jimmy ( hill A C Fox G.B Iteshline II F. Cornell Jun 8 Fielker Cleo Bechtel Jno Collerday Mr F Foster F C Bell John W Cloy F Jon Foster Theo A Benjamin H W Count , ' T A Gallagher Wm Berry Lewis Convera Enoch Garwood 1) 8 Becker 'Collins Jno Garlen Wee Brenton II Conery Jae Gallon Jno Bender J 3 Dr Coe Jno E Garner Jno Bender & Allen Courtney Thos E Gerson Jno H Bell Jas C oo k e Joe 8 parcel! J It Beard Thee Coates PW Or Calaway Alexis Belabline E R Courtney Thu Garrett Wm Belcher Thomson Cook Patrick Gained Brother Benjamin IV B M Crotheir Wm Galloway Jon Beebe John E Curtin F Getz Jacob F Bell Francis Cushman Mr (le her Becker J A Culbertain A E Gerber Baptiate .1 Poll Geo Cull Robt George Geo Bleologer Chs Crooke Joe Geraley N 0 Biggs Ohs 1) . Cummins JEI Geis 8 X °apt Biddle Caleb E Craig Gen Gelman Henry St Billte Joyce 11 Cunningham 11 Outs Sir 2 Billdenatern 3 P Crone Alfred 0 ( - ferrite Id S Blanchester & Cutter Chas Gleason 0 0 Woodward Cullen Paul Gilliams Jan Block Cropper Levi Glasgow Peter 0 Blodgett 8 0 Crotzer A J Messner Jno Y ' Blood ADr 2 Common Edwd Glesslner 8 B ' Blake John V' Crockett Rufus A aillignn Andw Bonsall Win 9 Curer Andred (Mlle Rob't Boshurd John Crostile Jaa (I ilteepie Jno Bowman A D Odom) Jam. Glasgow Floyd 0 Bolivar I( Cramer Frank Gillespie Chita B 1 Boddie(' Joe Cromwell Jno Gleason Com 0 8 Boning W Culbertson Joe Glipens Than Bench T(1 Cram Ambrose 8 Gilbert 31 Borer E F Cunningham .1 Rif (Witmer Alfred Bums kl F Crewman 13.3 Goldsmith hue Bowen El M Colter Chao Good W II Ilowlan J Rev Daly Jno Goodie duo Bogue 'Shaul DagerJno Gordon Geo Boyd & Co Dalton Chrlstophr Omens Jan Brown N Rev Donee Carl Goodman (lust Brown P W Baffin Joo If Goodrich Chas A Brown Semi Davison }Mild Goodfellow Died Brown & 0 Done- Davis Morrie Uri:flock Jae van . Davis Jno Grimes Wm Brown J Id Davie Jan (Wier Win Brown E& F 0 Davis Chen II Griffin PJ Dr Brown Jacob Dempsey Lawr'o Griffith 0 D Brown Lewis T Dech Solomon Gray JIV Brown 0 A &Co Dean of Schuylkill Green W 1, Strewn The &Co Med School Gray Geo Brown J 0 Dopey J 8& Bons Grun E V Brown Edw I, Dey J D & Co Green Benjamin Bruce W & Co De Forest Jennall3 Grant Jan M 13rico Wm Dempsey Geo 9 Gurney GE L Printer Jan Dearer Henry °rasa Brooke Jan II Derr John L Greene A IV Brook Sainl Desmond Wm Grady Daniel Bryant &CoA G De Brame J A Goya J Bryan Wm Dee Wm 0 Oradwall Huthern Breimia IV II Bowls Peter Gray Andrew Bryan J H Deihl 'Watson (Inge P Brian Jerry Druck Rentel Guzman FDr Bruce David De Negro Jos Grubs Edmond Brigham Chas .Dickson Jon Grange W Brewer Win T Dick Wm II Graham C 0 Bre dford Geo W Dledriche Chao Gray 8 W Breitbarth Wm Dittman Chu Gray Jos II Brady John Pillared (leo 11 OrigorY 0 8 Brophy Patrick Doffiin Mr Green Wm I' Bryant Jacob Dobblna Wm 8 Heinen & Ware 2 Brady i'd I' Doubleching II LI Hammond W A Dr Brentfield Chas Doherty Franklin Hull EW & Pugh & Bell Iladdock Mr Brock Wm DoUgherty Jan 2 HamnioritlJ P Ref Broadburt Owen Dougherty Thoe Hall Henry Al. Dotter John Dougherty E li 2 litokett Jae THE PRE S S.--PHiL'ADELPHIA, -iVIOI 4 IDA . Y, nECtißEit. 1, i 857. Unman E W McKeever Jaa Sanderson Henry Happedett J 0 GKelvy James Baundene Harding Jno W McNichol! Wen Schorr Wm E. Hamilton &Co McMurray A. 8 Bchnsedwind Chia Hair Geo II . Mointyre Andrew Banton Herbage Madsen Rice 2 McGrath Mr Schwxler Henry Hegainan Eder W McVarlin Andrew Bolinger Adolphtut Hart Jacob McLane Henry Pchwelger Peter Hart Theodore MoTiowen Thee Scott T A H. ..... . .. . . arriman II C McCauley John scoot Gorman Harriman Walle' McLean Hugh Scott A W Harper N Alehlullen llugh halbert gaml R Hayck John Kceihen allcbl Clo Mort Daniel Hayes R filcVele Mobil N Sears RAI Harper 8 MMann a W G &rose Wm Harlon N R Mcl3haln Wm Sadden Jun . . Harrington W HI Magilton A D Opt thaw Geo II Harrington D Maloney Geo F Sharp Jno Heating David 0 Maguire &int Shore Rog Hart David Machgan P It &blueing Geo Hatton Christian Malapin A Mona Sherrin John • Haskins Aaron Marshall Simon 2 Sherman Robt Harney Wm Mason Elm F Shinn Edwin Hark AOSS Coo Martin Jacob Shuler John IV Hazel Philip; Marls Mnthins Shrove D A Harlon L D iPro[ Mason E W Shrives That 2' Hawkins John Mark hen V Sharp Ilenj Hawes Robt ()apt Manny Geo V Shlolde Chas &GO Harding Moe Marplo Joe II Skuruick Sami flagman Anton Marshall AJ 2 Simmons Chat Harris Ito Manchester & Simone Jon M ' Barrie J T & Co Penny Slocum Marsh C ' Harris Geo 11 Martin J P h Slaughter John Dr Hawkins Jno Martin Win Shaw Ito . .. Hays Henry Martin W N Sloanaker F A Hargrave Moe MeanHo J Smith Wm ADr Hawking G W Mend J P Smith Thomas Hatterman F Meredith Samuel Smith Deers Hanes & Were Mereti Giovanni Smith Rlchd Hayes Jno It blegear Thos J Smith Saint B Henry Dr Miller Daniel Smith Daniel Hess Middleton R Smith Welter G Heater WW 2 Miller Mellinger Smith Philip ' ' Henderson F B Ittiggett Peter Smith Jonathan Hess Win Miller James Sinolnikar All Be Heald Newton Milligan Hen . Smyth John Robert Littleton Miller G I, Solomone W Halo Herbert Mitchell Ed Somers Job B Heller Hen 0 Mignel D South Ephraim W Heffner Wm A Miller Abraham Seethe ink °hash! Henry C U. • Middleton Hen 0 Sphan Chas Henderson 11W Miller Sll Springer Saint Ueine Solomon Dr Miller John S Squire Win It Dr 2 Henryltlathew S Stephen Spaulding II Allan) Hendrix Elia A Morest W 2 Spencer Wee Jr Ilebbett Jno Morrison AJ Dr 5, ahn CC . . . . , .. . Helfrich Jacob Moore Win Spengler A Mons Hill Louis Mason Lucien K Speer Alfred Iliil Higgd Adtson ins Eilied B Mott Casper Moses E C Spoils, o Ilarvey & Hill Jno Morrison Andrew Statzell & Connie Hilkerd Henry Mott Jesse Capt Merrier Andreas Hilyani Henry T 2 Moro Hamilton A Stevenson Thou Ilepplo Frank K Morgan Janice SteinerJno II 11111 Jan A Moore Morris L Standacoer Lor ' Hinds Jam A Moron Thos Steelman nos Hollingsworth Th Morrieon N it Meeker WI, Houghton D 011ev Morris Bold, Stowers John Hoyt N li Mooney John Styles Jim A Hood Win B Moore E / 1 Stienberger Juida• Howell B H Motley Patrick Story Jun Holland Jon B Morris Chile Stayner Henry 0 Hopkine AWm Morrie Jno Steck Benton P Howard Jae L Morris Bdwd Stevenson James Horning Jno Mount Win T Steven' Jan 0 Hotchkiss S Morrison B Stanton Wm Horner & McCann Murphy Wen D Stephen V Mon Holland J 11 Mull DI DI Storer Bent Mohan Jno Mullen John Steiner, Pros &Ca Holman D Shop Murphy Michael Stanhope &Supple Howard Wm 3 Murphy It It Dr Suisse & Miller Howell Bertim II Murphy Bernard Summerville J , i Holman Jno Muslin W 9 2 Sunderland J 0 Hope Predk Myers & Deffett Seusseuroth 0P 2 Horn lien L Murphy Wm Sutton Sarni Hughes Jos 31 dm Woo Swift H If water Nathan Myers Jno V Shank M J Iltunel Louiea Newton John Terry Wm Hunter Mr Newman lire & Terhutie Jere Rogge Jae Song Taylor B M Hununell Ore NV Newman Jan L Taylor W Huebner F J Newell Wm L Tallmedge W Hersey Jan Norm Alfred Rev Talbert J IfuniEtos Jno Rev Nugent Chas Use Ilulbe Allen J Nekton Joe Rev Tatker J • • • Huey Jae Nagle Geo L Trylor A 8 Capt Hunter Wm Nahum Henry Taylor Chan M Hunt JT Dr Norris Rufus (1 Taylor Million IC ilud'tell W P Nozan & Son J Talliond ge W H J urierar iy Nipeard David Taggart Ohio Jr dunnekun A Nicole Win Taylor Juo P Jenault A 0 Nugent Barnard Teets 11 bl Jacobs Jno 0 Norton Lemuel B Thomas W JBlani Thee Neeorbam Jae Thomas W T Jacob Nona Neil Chas Dr Thiesing Ernst James BenJ L Nelson Jno 8 Thomas F A .. .. . . . .. Jackson Win A Nash Jae Thomas Jos P Jelyra Jacob Y Nankervillo Wm Thomas Wll Jen ell Howard Nulls Geo Thntcher Jr T Jones & Morgan Oliver Oeo II Thomas Henry Johnson Dr Oliver Wm Thomson Edw Johns Jos O'Neal Jno 0 Thompson J T Jourdan M Aug Ott Win if Thum Mathias Jones 11 3 Onick Newton L Thompson R T Jones J It Odell Thus Thollllll4 David Jones Denoni L Olmstead J M tier Thompson Id Y& Johnson W 3 0 Kieft' Michael Co . . .. Jones 11 L Or O'BrineJno Thompson It Jr Judson W F O'Niel Jno Townsend Philip Jones E E Orendouirb Philip natton 0 %V 2 Jones l'enington O'Leary John Truslow Edvr Jones Edw B Pennons% N 8 Treadwell J Johnston Wm l'atton Bawl Tully Lawrence Jones & Duer Patton Wm Toustelil A Mona Jones J no M Patterson J W Tyson Samuel Johnston Edward Pabst Danl Tyrrell Patk Journal of littera- Parkinson D W Trimble JCi two Paddock & Co Tuttle 8 L & W A Jones Isaiah Payne E 11 IVallen Robt Johnson J IC Pastor of the tire. Warren's Geoirra- Kurcher F E Episcoy Church phlee publishers Kay Jac 2 Patterson Jai 8 thereof . . . . Kelly Col B E Parker E Wannlater J Kedgie J Perkins Mr Walker T K Kelly 11V Phelps Guy R Warner Wee 8 2 Keys Thom Perry Mr {Sark Mark Kee(e Jae J Peterson Chen A Walters Barnet Rent) Enters' Dr Philip Barnet Warner D 1.1 Kellogg Cleo Phipps Wen II Werd Thom Ko.fe Thos 0 Peters Robt Walker IV K . . Kemble Thos II Peale Franklin Waters John Kelly Andw Perkins A It Ware Joseph Kennedy D J Penns R R Co Warwick (leo Keleher Michael Peters Jared Il Warner Wlt Kitk SW Perry Jan 'Wager Peter Jr Klare P Perry John Walker W II )(insider Ploy John Waters henry Kogel Kart Perkins farad Walt.r Juo ;Seamier Gee Pipe Jacob Washington Gee Kreider Henry Pluto:lkea Will Wanner Geo 2 Hillock Sand Piper Andrew Ware Rich Al Kingebury CARey Pilling Warren Henry Kingsbury 0 A Dr Platt Ittehd a Weller Jesse Koobes Semi roncet Mons Wernig Thou Kolten Jno Rowell R G Westerfel4 Jno Krisohnoyer lien Pollock Wm It Weatherhead J Arise Hermann Poulson Bawl Co Moon - KI .eey Wm P Pomoreno Henry Welsh Joseph Kirkpatrick J A Powell Jno II Weller kCo S A Illoble Gabriel Powesa F J Welsh Presbyte Lamm Emanuel POlllBOll Andrew! Han Church Lawrence It 0 Potter Jno Minister of . . . . • • • Landis Peter IC Prock (I 1' West Element L Lang L Prenot Chan MOll9 Wernnior N J bavallate IC 1" Pratt Jno II Weever T P Limning Jun Pratt Wrn T White Mr Lafferty' Patrick Pugh M White PW& Co Ledue Jno W Raney Windier W 0 Mc lambert Joe II Randolph Geo 2 N Laberton R Ilin Rehm 8 011 Wheatley Rob D Lange Edwd Itaphun Ohm W Wheeler M Lane A A Randolph It 0 'Wheeler Emerald Lawson Jae B Randolph T & J Whaley D I.: Lamb Win W WHIM T Ii Lawrence Jas Reed Jacob Wilbank E E LaCornier Win Rodman John Wllllg Geo I.angstroth Blt Rend Sherman Wilcox Jno . . Levy Julia° Reinburg Lewis 2 Williama U U 11l Leslie Intelligenc Reid Alex J Williams J I , ' Office Riegel Jacob Williams E 11 Lee Jno Reilly Jno Winn fly J Lewis Jason Reinhold Anton Wilcox 1) L Cap Lee Pahl C Rea Robt Wilkinson U A Leinaietre Jno Reis Francis Mon Wittig U Lence Smut Ilhinickcy Jacob Willis A J Leivellyn Oliver Ittebardboo Oeo J Wiinon T Leseorner Lewin Ritchie Jon W.loon J W Ea2ll3=ll Lem J It Ritier Isaac L Wise.) A Leonia J It Mgt Nathan Il'illiiiins' Decora- Leippincott Geo Richards J live Rooms Lippincott JIY & Rives R 0 Wilmot Asa Co Richardson W ill Wiegand Conrad Lincoln Ger & Co Ridgway M J Worthington C al Livingston E J Richards Char J Woodward T W Leittle Win Richardson C J Wood Rev C Lattice Beni Robinson Jun ITooders I 11 - • • .. .. Lockwood D 0 Robb . , Brooke, A. Wolf 1, Lopez Ramon Winebrenner Wadroo John Loockwood J A Henri Woodman David Lockwood I) C Roalston nos Well T I) Lucas Bros Rot Wm C Woodward & Her- Loper W Robinett Joe. 1 mer Loomis N T Robbins StephonA Wood Wm W W 2 Lowber Win Roder Alvin Wright J A & Co Lodge Secretary of Robertson Auntie Wright il A & Co Covenant Rodgers John Wright A E Lodge Enterprieo Rodger/ Geo Wright Henry Lodge Vigilant Rebook 3 W Waxer W D McCamant Jaa 11 Rodebaugh Geo Wright John McCoy Semi Rosenbaum DI Wright E 11 MeClenahan Win Robinson (leo Wright Pat McAleer Mut Roberson Dan'l J Wright Daniel McDonnell Martin Roman Anthony Wright lilchil McClung Sta.t Rosenthal -- Wythes WIV Dr McDermott John Rousseau Then W)ild 11 nry McConnoebill 1' Roberts Wm 11 Ulrich Martin McDevitt Thos Ilyno Wei Henry Umber EW 2 lite Cobb David Rust John R Van Etten I) C McCauley E J Lt RUIAUM II C Van Dyke 11 A Dr McCauley Ed Lt Rupp Fred'k Van Bell Henry McDonald Abram Ryan Chas Van Fleet J McAnnally 1.1 Bouvet» Mr Voorbeea Peter F McCaffrey 1' Sampson Sam C Vance 'Wm Msconile Chriatop Safford A W Young James 9 PilcOlintoc Robt Schwerin 111 Zeigler 8 W Rev litcliellar J 11 Dr Schmidt John Zeller 11 F V McLaughlin J J Schofield, Denj & Young 3 F AlcEiniart John 11 Sons Vodor B 1: _ .• . Mollvaino Alex Pohlad Philip Young NY II Col Mclntyre Thog PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAIL -X ROAD, 1957 . . FOR PITTSIIIIRGU, ten Cincinnati, Sit Louis, lowa City, Louisville, Now Orleans, 6t. Paul, Indianapolis, Cioveland, Kansas, Tem Haute, Chicago, Nebraska. Farming elate sorowctions with all the Great Wtst con Railroads. AItRIVAI, AND DEPARTIMN or TIM TIIDOI3OII At and from the Pennsylvania Railroad Personger Station, soullt-cast corner of ELEVENTH and MAR KET streets (entrance on Eleventh street ) TWO THROUGH TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA DAILY Forming clout% connectious at Pittsburgh to all points Wrst. Fast Mall and Acccinniodatlon Trains, (Sundays es ertited,) a iz : Past Mall Line a I P. PL, arriving in Pittsburgh at b A. M Express Mall Train nt 11 night, arriving in Pittsburgh at 166 P. M. Altoona Way Train nt BA. M., arching at Altoona at 8 P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation Train. via Colombia. leaves Philadelphia at 31'. hl arriving in Itarrieborg at 9 r. Fast Mall Train leaves Pittsburgh at 8 A M arrives In Philadelphia at 11.15 night Eaptcas Mall Train leaves Pittsburgh at 9 50P. AI , ar rives in Philadelphia at 1 P. M. Altoona Way Train leaven Altoona at 7.95 A. Dl , arrives In Philadelphia at 7.30 P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation Train, via Columbia, leaven Harrisburg at 0 A. 11., arriving In Philadelphia 12 noon. The Express Mall mos daily, the other trains, Una days excepted. tinggage will be received at the Pannenger Depot by the Baggage Mater, at any time during the day. No charge for handling baggage. NOTICIe.—In ease of 10P11, the Company will hold themaelvea Tenponsiblo for personal baggage only, and for an amount not exceeding f 100. Norice.—Outnibuaen will be in readiness at the New York Depot to convey pannengera for the Went to the Denneyßanta Railroad elation. THOMAS MOORE, Ageot, Paenenger Lino Perim , lvauls Railroad Co. Philadelphia, November 21, 1817 . n 21.17 WELLS, FARGO, & CO., NEW YORK AND CALIFORNIA EXPRESS CO Rtvl DACIIANITE DEALERS; A JOINT STOCK COMPANY. CAPITAL $600,000 OFFICE, 400 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Itapiegs cent to o.o , 4lloritilA, WitCloic, and SAND o ICH lemtens on the sth and 20th, end to HAVANA on 7th, 12th, end 27th of each month, from NEW YORK. EXCHANGE lor side in Bum to mat, end coLLSC -710013 MADE on California, Oregon, Sandwich Wands, and Havana. W. F. & Co. recel freight comigged to them at SAN FRANCISCO, Per Clipper Rhip, and collect invoices on delirery of the same. NOTICE TO CALIFORNIA BONDIIOLDIIIB W. P. & Co are now prepared to receive the OLD BONDS of the State of CALIFORNIA, transport the eaute to Sacramento City, and procure new ones, in ac cordance with the act of 28th April, 107, and return same to this city. de2l-114 D. N. BARNBY, Je., Agent, 11120121 am= GIDEON G. WESTCOTT, P M EOM= Gifts ELEGANTLY IbLIISTRATED ENG LISH ROOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. . - . For sale, atIIIIO . IITY RATES by • C. J riiche k co , Importer:l of English Rooks Choice Erignwings, &o , No. 3 31 South SIXTII s treet, above 0111113TNUT. TENNYSON'S POEMS. Elegantly illustrated by Dir ket, Feeler, Millais, Gilbert, &c. 1 vol /small 4to, cloth, gilt, and calf. SHAKAPEABE Knight's celebrated Fletoi ial Edi tion. Beautifully Illustrated with Engravings oft Wood. 8 vole. royal flea, half morocco extra. (Very Ficarve.) GEMS YBOlil Tllll DIANCIIESTER NIMBI TON. Splendidly printed in gold and colors. Smell folio. Parts 1 to 8. CAMPBELL'S POETICAL WORKS. Illastratrit by Turner. Bvo, fell tree calf. GEMS OF 'EUROPEAN ART, A selection of the Beat Engravings of Ancient and Modern Meetere. Moe gently engraved en steel 2 vole. folio, cloth gilt. BLOOMFIELD'S FARMER BOY. Fine woodeutsby Dirket, Foster, ke. 12mo, cloth and calf. ItTRU DEW WYOMING. By Campbell. To match the foregoing. Cloth and morocco. TUE HOME AFFECTIONS. By the Poets. Edited by Charles Mackay. Illustrated by Dirket, Foster, Wit hin!, Weir, and other celebrated artiste. Small 4to, cloth and morocco. TIIE POETS OF TILE NINETEENTIIVENTURY. Beautifully illustrated with engravings on wood, by the most celebrated artists. Small 4to, cloth and morocco, LONGFELLOW'S POETICAL WORKS. Ilhistrated on wood by John Gilbert. Small 4te, cloth nnd war recce BRYANT'S POETICAL, WORICS. Finely illustrated with wood engravings, after designs, by the moat emi• neat 11013116 b and American Artists. Small 4to, cloth and morocco. RHYMES AND ROUNDELAYS in praise of a Country Lire. nitistrated on wood by Absoion, Dirket, Foster, Harrison, Weir, Au. Small 4to, cloth. WORLD-NOTED WOMEN. Edited by Alm. Cowden Clarke Illustrated with flue portraits on steel, after designs by Stahl. 4to, morocco extra. COWPER'S TASK Beautifully illustrated with en gravings on wood. Small 4to ' cloth. HERBERT'S POETICAL WORKS. Beautifully it lustrated with eagrarings on wood. Small 4to, cloth FINDER'S ROYAL GALLERY OF ART. Illustrsted with 49 superb engravings on steel, after the best Eng. lish masters Folio : half morocco THE HARBORS OF ENOLAND Engraved from original drawings by Turner, with illustrative text by Ruskin, 1 vol folio, cloth. TUE CLANS OF SCOTLAND. By Melon. Splen didly Illustrated withfull.length figures in the costumes of the various claim IZeontlrolly colored Small folio ENGRAVINGS FRO)' TILE ENGLISH ANNUALS. From 1827 to 180, both) inclusive. Artit.De proofs on large paper. 1 eel folio, morocco. Very rare DEFO.E'S COMPLETE IYORKS. Tallboy's beautiful edition. Complete in 20 vole. 12 mo, hall ern'. Very rare. AMERICAN BeItNBRY. Dlantrateit on steel by W. 11. Bartlett. With deeeriptivek letter preas. role. 4to, half calf CANADIAN SCENEItY. To watch the above ITALY. CLASSICAL, fIISTO,RICAI, AND PIC. TURESQUE. Illustrated with eal beautifully engraved steel plates, and descriptive latex preen. I vol. 4to, morocco extra. LOOKUARI"S SPANISH BALLADS. Splendidly il• lustrated with colored borders and elegant wood cute, with Portrait and Lite or Lockhart. I vol. 4to cloth. MOUNTAINS AND LAKES OP SWITZERLAND, the Tyrol, and Italy. Prom Drawings by °serge? Herring With descriptive letter pram 20 plates, beautifully colored, folio, cloth. IHE WILKIE GALLERY. Beautifully illustrated with eugravlogeou steel ' after Gm celebrated master. Smell folle—tnotucco extre. THE VERNON GALLERY. To match the preceding volumes, folio, half morocco. SCOTT'S COMPLETE WORKS The Superb Abbots ford Edition. Illustrated with beautiful engravings on steel and wood. 17 vole. royal 8e o. cloth. TURNER'S RIVERS OF FRANCE. Comprietingnixty two highly finished line engravings on steel, and de scriptive letter press. With memoirs of 3. M. W. Turner Small 4to, choice impressions, morocco antigun. # A CHOICE COLLECTION OF ENGLISH WORKS in every Dept twilit of Literature, now on hood and selling at reduced prices for each. An unrivalled assort ment of line Line Engiavings, Water-Color Paintings, and Chromo-Lithographs, selling off at cost to reduce the stock. de2l-3t GREAT ATTRACTION. CHOICE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. - - . GLENN & CO., Having taken for A FEW WEEKS the Store N 0.1301 CHESTNUT Street, third door above Thirteenth street, for the purpoic of selling off the remainder of their elegant retail stock at FANCY AND USEFUL ARTI CLES, respectt ully solicit the patronage of their former customers and the public generally, assuring them that the articles will ho 'Cold at UNPRECEDENTEDLY LOW PRICES, and WITHOUT REGARD TO COST, as the proprietors are deteroatned to close them out, if possible. (1 & Co. have also for sale a large invoice of BEAUTIFUL GOODS In the line, selected in Pens during the last summer, by Mr Ones. liavAnu ex• ptessly for the coming Holidays. 0 & Co. respectfully Inform the public that this will be their LAST SALE of the kind, and trust they will receive a continuance of the liberal share of patronage bestowed upon them on former occasions. de2l.4teif CLOTH CLOAKS FOR PRESENTS. N.- , Gray Cloaks, 12 50,13 50, Ac. Black Cloaks, richly made, 13, $5, Ac Fine Black Beaver Cloaks, 08 tosl6. Cloaks in profusion of style, quality, and price. LADIES' CLOAK CLOTHS, Bought at auction, and for cash, comprising— Fine and medium Black Beaver. Black Lionskin or Mohair, $l, $1 15,11 60 Illack Mixt Velvet, for Trimming, SO etc. Brown and Gray Cloths, very cheap. BROCHE SHAWLS. Scarlet, Green, and two-faced centres. Good Broche Long Shawls at $8 and Eti Black Thlbet, Blanket, and Children's Shawls. GLOVES, CRAVATS, SCARFS Gents' Shawls, for travelling Warm Gloves, Undershirts, Drawers, Ac. COOPER & CONARD, S. E. tor. NINTH owl MARKET, N. B. English 10.ceot Priam : in drensen, for Christ ram Hilts, dell CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. L. J. LEVY & CO. have now in store a very choice assortment of PARIS EMBROIDERIES, REAL LACE SETS, BLACK CHANTILLY VEILS, SUPERB CAMELS' HAIR SHAWLS, EVENING AND PROMENADE DRESSES, VELVET CLOAKS, REAL LIMB POPLINS. WEDDING DRESSES, Jct., with the usual variety of Canis, which they offer at this season of the year at low prices. 42i CHESTNUT Street L ADIES' FURS 1.011 CIIRISTMAB PRESENTS. The most euitable article for the Holidays, and BO VERY CHEAP, At OARFORD'S, de2l-6t 624 011ESTNUT, below Bereuth Street OAKFORD'S HOLIDAY RATS Is the most beautiful style ever Oared No 62101IESTNUT Street, below SEVENTII de2l-6t OAKFORD'S HATS Are the beet in the Country. No 024 CLIESTNCTi de2l-0t below SEVENTiI Street 333 MELVIN'S 333 AMERICAN GIFT BOOK STORE, 333 CHESTNUT STREET, EMEZSZII GIFT BOOBS AND GIFTS FOR THII HOLIDAYS delP-2w FOR CHRISTMAS. CHOICE CONFATIONERY. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, N 0.1210 MARKET STREET, Went of Twelfth. FINE ,lIXTURES IN ONE AND TWO POUND BONES. ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL BONBONS. ASSORTMENT OF Sr LEN'DIII BONES THE SOLUBLE GUM DROPS FOR COUORS. A VARIETY OF KRICK KNACKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. delS lw CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AT COST OF IMPORTATION. THE LAROEST ASSORTMENT OF FANCY CHINA AND GLASS IN TOO CITY. Goods marked down in plain figures, and no deviation from the filed rico. WM. J. KERR, "CHINA. HALL,' Opposite the Rate House VIIRISTAIAS PRESENTS OF REAL ‘_./ WORTH ! Fine Black Cloth Cloaks for $5 Beautiful llhenlllu Cloaks for Fl. A great variety of Cloaka from $3 to $ l 3 LONG DROCIIB SHAWLS, ALL WOOL AND SILK, FOR 13 Square and Long Brodie Shawls from $l3 to $2O Blanket Shawls, Chenille Shawls, he., At VERY EXCELLENT BLACK SILKS Fancy Silica cloning out below coat. French Mermen at 60c Englielt Cobourgn very cheap. Figured and Plain all•wool De!Moen for 26e. per yard. Fine quality Plaid Cashineren for 1.6 c., double width. GOODS OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION Inch Linens, of the very best make. Ladlen' and Gentlemen's Linen Handkerehiefe. !Athol! and Gentlemen's litd Woven. We have a very large clock of Linen Table Cloths, Napkins, Torok Clothl, OrMilllereß, Blankets, flannels, Carrpots Ac , Au. THORNLEY A, ciiitrf!. del9-y N. B ear.EIGIITII and SPRING HARDEN. o We buy and well for Oath, and have but ono price.' CIIRISTMAS DRY GOODS AT PRICES to molt the CHRISTMAS of 1F57 ! ! CHARLES ADAMS, 0..13 corner 1310IITII and ARCH Biennia, has teed every exertion to accommodate buyers with USEFUL AND DESIRABLE ARTICLES, Siißobb, for PRESENTS, : Chfletmaa Do halnea, part cotton and all wool, in variety Fraony ilia( Valencia Plaids, and Pule de Chavtea Chrixtmas Chintss at 123 cents 4.4 French do at 17 minim. Pnpor 'troche Shawls end Pearl's. Blanket Shawls and Cent,' do Ltipiti'is French Marines and Cashmeres VERY CHEAP E3IBROIDERIES In great variety. Galles' and (lento' Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs— ranee b..rdere and plain Sale Ilandkerehlefa and Crne ate LADIES' and DENTS' beet KID (MOVES Kid finish, nosey lined, and cloth de A full stock of STAPLE GOODS Super 10-4, 11-4, 12.4, and 13-4 BLANKETS. D.B. Super Saxony all Wool Flannels at 31.% cents de.lo-smor-3t CHRISTMAS' PRESENTS.- MAOIO LANTERNS, poz•YonAISIAS, fIACNETHJ TOYS, KALEIDOSCOPES, STEREOSCOPES, MICROSCOPES, SPY °LASSES, OPERA °LASSES, DRAWING INSTRUMENTS, And n lot of other amusing Optical Toys for sale at prices to Sri? TUE Times, at C. T ASISLERIL Orvicies, No 635 CHESTNUT Street, below Seventh, north side. den-whhilt HOLIDAY PRESENTS. The subscriber wishing to close out all his stock of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, Will sell at IlOper cent. below tho regularprice! le has a LARGE ASSORTMENT of Rocking ()hairs, Box Toys, Bellow! Toys, Tin Toys, Pewter and Chloe Tea Sets, Wood Work-Boxes and Writing Desks, China and Ohm Fancy Boxer, and Bottles, Building A 11 C Blocks, Card and Fruit Baskets, Work Stands, Flower Stands, Basket for Fruit and Flowers, at the Intportel 'B, Nos. 51 and 56 South SECOND Street, 11. COULTER. delo-1w UMBRELLAS ARE 8UITA111.1: AND ACOBPTABLE PRESENTS. A beautiful aertortment embracing every variety. At WI. 11. RItiIIAIIDSON'S, (418.1 w No, CS MARKET ERreet SPIRITS TURPENTINE-200 bbla Spirit Turpentine, to Arrive, for lee by MAlt3l,lj kIitOALIBT2II, nu 1 129 orti Water streel. B ROAD CLOTH, CABBlslEltilg, SATTINMTB, Boys' wear generally and VESTINGS CLOTH For Ladles' Illoaks,yaliquen, &c ,&e Our Is now stocked with cheap lota, purcbseed st the recent AUCTION BALEB At very reduced prices, to which we invite the •tteu Von of buyers. CURWEN STODUART & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 Nort SECOND Street, de2l-Inv above IVIr.LOW SHAWLS, SHAWLS. Black Centre Brodie Lung Shawls. Chalne Lalno " French Blanket Vicunas and Lamas. Ako, Chenille Shawls end &arta. del9 ARP LESS BItOTHEItS, CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets SCHOOL TEACHERS, POLICE, AND other Creditors of the city, take notice. We will take CITY 'WARRANTS at PAR for Cloaks and, Talmaa, Blankets, Dress Stuffs, and other DRY GOGIDS, all of which will be offered at the lowest cash prialea. SAMUEL S. HESS, 821 'MARKET Street, north aide, del lw between NINTH and TENTH. CIfILDREN'S PLAIDS. Just received a case of Children's English Woollen Jacket Plaids— Rich designs and Colors Also, Plaid Flannels and Challis. At RHARPLISS BROTHERS, dIS CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets OLIDAYS. We would call the attention of them dentruua of making suitable HOLIDAY PRESENTS TO OUR LARGE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT Of HOODS ADAPTED FOR THAT PURPOSE FOR SALE OT VERY LOW PRICES THOMAS W. EVANS & CO., del6-61. 818 & 820 CHESTNUT Street SACRIFICES IN DRESS TRIMMINGS WE ARE SELLING BALL TRIMMING, Braided Drop, 570, formerly 87c. Do. Du. Eloise Drop, 25c, formerly 50c. FANCY VELVET, 50c, formerly, $1 25 AND FANCY 00140100900NOR5LLY, AT STILL HEAVIER REDUCTIONS. J. G. btAXWELL & SON, CHESTNUT, below Eleventh, del6-2w and SECOND, below Spruce H OLIDAY GIFTS, OA AN USEFUL AND ACCEPTABLY. CHARACTER CURWEN STODDART ‘4, BROTHER - - - Invite perilous who are about,making selections of HOLIDAY ralliENTd, to an inspection of their extenelve and varied Mock of FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, Which has been purchased at the late auction sales, et greatly reduced prices RICH DRESS SILKS. " SILK ROBES A QUILLE at 115 VOLANTE at 115 and 115. POPLIN ' " A QUILLE at 15 PARIS PRINTED MOUS DE LAINES—.3I, 15, 57, and 44 cents. Rich atyl a, all wool, PL AID CASHMERE-31, 35, and 37 coota per yard FRENCH MERINOS-56, 02,14, and 70 caul/ PARAbIATTAS, FIGURED CASHMERES, CALI. co},S &c. • SU AWL B An exteasive stock of Paris and Viennese Long and Square DROCHE SHAWLS. From the late Cir,h Auction Superior Long Broche Shawls—lD, $lO, $ll, BLANKET SHAWLS American and imported Blanket Shawls, new awl di , Bitable stylea. STELLA SHAWLS of choice designs, CHB VILLE SHAWLS. from IL 50 upwards. CASHMERE SCARFS, EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES, Ao , Noe. 450, 452, and 454 NORTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE WILLOW. del2.2w I NDIA SHAWLS.- NO. FRYER, 916 CHESTNUT STREET, Ilan received a few choice INDIA SHAIVLS, Suitable for t' 11121ST:11AS' PRESENTS The attention of the Ladies In particularly ins fled abliw CLOAKS -- CHEAP AND ELEGANT CLOAKS. The largetit nod Itandfioznetit deck of VELVET AND CLOTH CLOAKS In the City, AT ItEDUCkD LI CIEO. FRYER'S, No. 914 CHESTNUT STREET. 49 2 B OYS' CLOTHING. F. A. HOYT & BRO. Hare now on hand a eery Iwo welortment of READY-MADE GOODS, suitable for the preneut ammo, which they feel diepoaed to Hell CHIRP. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, B. W. CoIIHER 7621711 ARU COO CT N IL—We hare a large assortment of uncut anode, of auperior quallty and make, to order from. 111-1 m RANK OF PENNSYLVANIA.-SPE CIAL NOTICE.—AII the notes on the Bank of Pennsylvania redeemed at par for DRY GOODS, selling at less than Auction prices. Ignatius, Linens, Cloths, Cannimeres, Blankets, Shawls, Calicoes, Delaines. at a great eacritice, in connection with our entire stock, which will be sold et prices which will astonish all who rosy favor us with a call. Pennsylvania Bank Notes taken the same as specie, (we make no difference,) at OLIVER lf. JOHNSON'S Pennsylvania Bank Note Dry Goods Store, No. 1009 MARKET Street, above Tenth, north aide. N. ll.—Ordere received for the very best Schuylkill Coal p Pennsylvania Dank Notes taken In payment. GREAT SALE OF LADIES' CLOAKS.- A FURTHER REDUCTION IN PRICES het been determined on by the subtcribere, In con Renitence of the continued prefigure. 1500 MISSES' ENGLISH BEAVER CLOAKS, $2, formerly $3 50. 300 MISSES ENGLISH LEAVER CLOAKS, $3 50, formerly $5 N. 250 SUPERIOR PUNCH BEAVER CLOAKS, $5 to /8, cost to import $7 to $lO each LONG BLACK BEAVER CIRCULARS, SS, fortuctly $l2 RICH BLACK VELVET CLOAKS, All 20 per cent below coat of production. .W PROCTOR tic CO , Bocce/worn to Oeo Itolpin A. Co , nl32mod 708 CHESTNUT street. LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J.G MAXWELL & SON WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES 1096 CHESTNUT Street, rnor door, below Eleventh And 318 EL SECOND St., below Spruce, FACTORIES —Noe. 95 Find 97 GEORGE St , Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union. Orders made at a few boors' notice. Pen 4mlf 11.0 LID Vl', ' !3alcc., - bn r.:knction: SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, (succes- X.P. For to WOLBEWV & SCOTT,) 431 011118TNUT St., oppoette the Custom House, between Yourtb end Fifth Streets. SALES FOIL THE WEEK CARD.—We invite the attention of purchuers to the extensive sales to be held •t the store, Isio 431 Chestnut street, this meek. As every sample lot will be mold without reservation, the trade, and purthabers gene rely, will find it to their Interest to attend 'non Morning, Commencing at los o'clock precisely, arill be sold, a general variety of fancy goods, oil paintings, furs sleigh and carriage robes, Ito. Included will be found about 100 European oil paintings. Some of them are of high cost, and worthy the attention of connoisseurs. I,IDIES' FINE KURT{ STANDS—AIso, an invoice of ladle.' work stands. floe work brae+, genes' arm chairs, ladles' rocking chairs, ornamented work s tands, willow flower rtauds, he Also, rich Ivory pictures. ittotpisqug rtoußEs —AI ,a, a very elegant line of large sift. bisque figures, oak +tiger boxes, cigar boxe, glove boxes, richly decorated china vases, cut ruby bottles, hoe cut toilet bottles, dolls Or various kinds, 'velvet hatchets, ladies' portfolios, rely et purses snit chains, rich Cabe., flower baskets, card receiters. •eiving basket+, flacon's extracts, superior French por maim Also, brew( trays, beware waiters, &c &c The whole being the block of en intporter, who sells to close a foreign account OPECIAb BALE or FANCY GOODS—SUITADLE FOR ROLIDAY PRE9ENTB MN to ruing, 21st instant, commenctng at 1.12 N o'clock, precisely, wRI 1.3 gum without ran Toe, for cash, a large and general assortment of cholcc fancy goods, suitable roe the approaching holidays t[7 - no! catalogue+ early on the morning of sato, when the trade, no I parchasere generally, are 'welled to attend. PEREMPTORY BALE OP PUBS Val. Mumma. Coninsenelng at lON o'clock precisely, wo nill sell, without reserse, a general asiortment of furs, in setts, for ladles' and misses' areas. ►sit Also, gents' fur collars, glories, &a. Alms, twenty-fire fur sleigh and carriage robes. Included will lie found cloaks, tilmaa, capes, icicle. nines, pelerines, mulls, circulars, cliffs, he , mailo in the heat manner of mink, sable, Siberian rituirrel, stone martin, chluchillt, Fie 11J Samples and eat:110009 early on tho morning of Fate. SPEOIALt PEREMPTORY SALE OP FINE FURS _ On Tuesday Morning, Mot ' commencing at Iris o'clock precisely, ne will sell, without memo, a large and valuable assort ment of furs, in setts, for ladles' wear. Alto, gents , fur collars, fur gloves, ,4.c. Included will bo found cares, half capes, victorines, muffs, =attics, he., made in elegant style, of stone wfatin,Can , o s mink, cable, Siberian squinel, Russian squirrel, French squirrel, nater mink, French Fable, flermon Fitch, Comb. illeh, American filch, mountain martin, silver martin, ermine, he , he ID- The a hole, embracing a r cry desirable assort ment) may bo examined ant), catalogues early on the morning of sale. EXTENSIVE PIIItEMPTOIIT SALE OP 1,000 DOZ WOOLLEN 11091ERY 000D3 On Wednesday Morning, Commencing nt 10 o'clock, puncturilly we will sell, without rmerve, to clone an Account, 2,00 dozen knit woollen hosiery goods, connisting of large Aire wool ellawin, gents' extra large and heavy scarfs, wool con, forts, wool hoods, grate' ultite and mixed lambs wool shirts and drawers. jockey caps, wool victorines, ladies' scarfs, ladies' wool hoods, wool cuffs, infants' boas, wool rigoletten, boys' wool scarfs zephyr talmas, Ac READY-MADE CLOTHING —Also, an assortment of gents' ready-made clothing, EItHIROIDERIES AND MILLINERY UOODS.—AIso, a variety of French and Scotch embroideries, bonnet and trimming ribbons, tine French artincials 11110011 E LONG SHAWLS —Also, an invoice French broche long shawls, just landed Also, ladles cloth cloaks, lotions, bee•ques, dusters, e. Also, corded skirts, fancy cravats, wool and cotton hosiery, silk gloves, with a variety of fancy and staple articles suited to pre , ent mien, and worthy the early and particular attention of the trade and purchasers generally. ED'AR the whole nil be sold without tigard to cost, the trade, and purchasers generally, will find it to their interest to attend Samples and catalogues early on the morning of sale. KEROSENE OIL, DISTILLED Flto.ll COAL KEROSENE LERRICATING OILS. This Oil is not only CHEAPER, but SUPERIOR TO THE REST SPERM. It will NOT GUM OR CONGEAL AT A LOW TEMPERATURE,aufI it will RUN LONGER AND KEEP THE JOURNALS COOLER THAN ANY OTHER LURRIOATINO MATERIAL. tEr Ntechlnitts nail others are requested to call and emunine these oils at the sole agency, GEORGE SI FREEMAN, Agt , del9•3m•lt No. 1117 Walnut street, above Front. L,osT OR MISLAID.—CERTIFICATE CARRIERS' ADDRESSES .E_Al number 'ISO, for FIVE SIIARES OF STOCK of the reared ay AMERIOAN ACADEMY OF Notice is here an caperiencell welter, at lie, /1 1 30 B. EL} VEKTII by givea, that application will be male for re•iune of Meet, atone Fe4eTsl. deb the mane. delE.tlif•lw* Eire Qboobes CLOTH ROOM OLIVER 11. JOHNSON. No. 1000 Market street gales by 'Auction THOMAS & SONS, • No, 139 and 141 SOUTH FOURTH lITH BET, (Formerly Noe. 07 and 69.) NOTION --SALE OF SPLENDID FURNITURE Catalogues of Mr White's stock of furniture are now ready, and the articles may be examined any time 'de li.. to ..ate, 5. REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, AL Mlle Sales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening. tIT Handbills of each property Wised separately, in addition to which we publish on the Saturday previous to each este one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, htE7 op a T I u r e u s d ß a l giving full descriptions of all the property to be sold on SALES AT TICE AUCTION STORE every Thursday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. It 7 We have a large amount of Real Estate at Pri vate Bale, Including every deecriptiou of City end country property. Pnnted Lists may be had at the auction Store. STOOKS AND REAL ESTATE—TIIESDAY NEXT. Pamphlet eatnlogove now ready containing full de scriptions of all the property to be sold on Tuesday evening, 211 lost , with a list of Bahia 29th inst. and January sth. STOCKS, LOANS, Ac. On Tuesday Evening, at 7 o'clock at the Philadelphia Exchange, for account of wh it may concern, 110 shares Little Schuylkill Nang Railroad and Coal Company. By order of Ex utore.—S shares Huntingdon and Drool Top Coal Company. Also, for account of whom It may concern— 5 bonds, /1,000 each, City of Wheeling 5 per tent loan to the fiempfield Railroad Company, dated Mitt— due 1779—coupous payable let of January and July in Philadelphia. I share in the Point Breese Park Association Shares in the Philadelphia Library, Mercantile Li brary, and Philadelphia Athenteum. thSURANCE COMPANY FORIP.—AIso, $1,057 30 scrip of the Union Mutual Insurance Company. $7O scrip or the American Mutual Insurance Co WELL-SECURED BOND AND MORTGAGE-0.000. On Tuesday Evening, 2'll lost . at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Exchange, will be cold— A 1 ..4 awl mortgage and warrant, secured on half a square of ground, Nineteenth ward. Ahe 'property is owned by Joseph Len - iv, Es , / , of West Cheater, by whign the interest is punctually paid. PRIVATE BALE REGISTER. ID - Real Estate entered on oar Private Sale Re geeter, and advertised occsaionally in our Public Sale Abstracts. (of which 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) free of charge. EXTRA VALUABLE REAL ESTATE—DECESIDER 22. This sale will include LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT—Tenth street, be tween Chestnut and Market streets, corner of Marble street—PO feet front ou Tenth street,l32ifeet on Marble street, with frame tenements thereon renting for 12,400 a year. Clear of all Incurnbraiace. VALUABLE CHESTNUT STREET PROPERTY-- North aide, west of Tenth street, 23 feet front, 178 feet deep. Clear of ell incrunbrance. Recta for 31,800 a year I>7" Both the above are valuable bailment locations THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING —AThree-story brick dwelling, south aide of Branch greet, No 300. between Third and Fourth, and Race and New atreeta. THREE-STORY BRICK DIVELLING.—Three-story brick dwelling, No 1322 Lewis street, north of Thomp son, between Tenth and Eleventh streets VALUABLE RESIDENCE AND STABLE —Three story brick dwelling, witbont double back buildings, No. 252 South Ninth street, between Locust and S.pruce streets; also, a substantial now three-story brick sta ble and in the rear, on Raspberry alley— lot `..10 by BIS test Sale absolute VALUABLE MARKET STREET STORE —The sub stantial modern four-story brick store, No 119 Market street, opposite Letitia court. Only 13,009 required cash. VALUABLE BUILDING LOT, GERMANTOWN— Chestnut street, 180 feet from Morton street, 00 feet front, 160 feet deep TWO GROUND-RENTS, 532 AND 536 A TEAR.— Also a ground-rent of 534 a year, secured on a lot and brick dwelling. One of 516, secured on a lot and brick dwellings. REAL ESTATE SALE—DECEMBER 29th. This sale will include, among other property, the fol lowing— Orptuiva' Court Sala.,-Estate of William Sucker, • . TIMEX-STORY PRIM DWELLING.—Three-story brick dwelling, north aide Poplar street., west aide of Toeltth street. Same Estate. LOT.—Lot of ground north aide Guard arenas, west of Twelfth street ==l ••- - • . MOB DIIILDING AND LOT.—Lot of ground east aide of Reeder street, south of Diamond street, Nine• teenth ward. @WM . . THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING —Three-story brick threlliug west aide of TI 'Abu& street, south of Stiles street, Trreotieth word. ELEGANT RESIDENCE, ARCH STREET, AND LARGE LOC.—The elegsnt recdence No. p 5 Arch street, below Eleventh street. It ie finished to the moot expensive manner, end Is replete throughout with all modern conveniences, 25 Poet front 175 feet deep to Academy street. Immediate possession Keys at the suction store. NEAT NIODEAR RESIDENCE —The neat modern four-story brick re sldence, No 336 South Twelfth street, above Pine street. It is built in a superior manner, with the modern conveniences Immediate possession Sole Ay order Of Ileirl—to elot.e sn Estate . . VALUABLE MARKET STREET PROPERTY— LARGE LOT —All that valuable lot of ground, month side of Market street. west of Eighth street (site of the late fire), 25 feet front,l47 feet deep, with building, inateriali, de. same Fstata SEVEN BRICK DWELLINGS IN THE REAR— Seven four-idory brick dwellings, forming a court in the rear. REAL ESTATE SALE-JANUARY sth This sale will include— AN ENTIRE SQUARE OF GROUND, TWENTY TUIRD WARD, OPPOSITE THE EPISCOPAL HOS PITAL.—The valuable square of ground, having a front of 585 feet on Froot atrect, 548 feet on Lehigh avenue, 588 feet on Fillmore street, and 548 feet on Somerset street. Four valuable treaty. . . VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND.—The valuable four. ?dory brick store, bobbed In modern atylo, No. 136 North Third eh eat, above Arch NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE —The neat modern residence, No. 410 South Eighteenth street, below Pine. Immediate posaesalon. 440 North Seventh street NEAT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, BhUSSELS CARPETS, 4§C c Thm Morning, At 10 o'clock, at No. 440 North Seventh street, first door above Noble street, the neat household Inrnlture, Brussels carpets, ecc., of a family declining houcekeep. log, Also, the kitchen furniture. May be examined at B o'clock on the morning of sale, VALUABLE AND ELEGANT LONDON AND AMERI CAN BOOKS. PROM TIIE EXTENSIVE AND VA RIED STOCK OF MESSRS. D. APPLETON & CO., NEW LORE This Evening, December 21st, and following evenings until finished, will be sold at our auction store, by order of Mews. D. Appleton k Co., a consignment of choice, valuable, and elegant English and American books, embracing, in addition to their own publications, many of their best Losilou importations, all in rich and expensive bindings. Included are many of • the most valuable standard authors, together with a number of splendidly dins. Dated and pictorial works of high cost, suitable for holiday presents Catalognem with full putieular4 will be ready and the book. arranged for examination on Saturday morning. 19th hint Sale at No. 176ri Washington street. HANDSOME FORN reRE. ELEGANT MANTLE MIRROR, BRUSSELS CARPETS, &c. On Tuesday Morning, instant at 10 o'clock, be estalogue t at No 171:16 NVitshinglon street, Spring Garden, the entire furnitute of a family leaving the city, comprising superior walnut ilrnwing room, drain{ room, and chamber furniture, book ca,e, tine beds and hair inattre,c+, fine carpets, Ac , A general assortment of excellent kitchen furni ture, &c E j - - The furniture was made to order, has been in use but a few month., and is equal to new. iD" May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of sale, with catalogues fl7' The House Is to Let dale at So. 912 Chestnut stre^t SUPERIOR AND ELEGANT CABINET FURNITURE Stock of Charles 11. White. On Wednesday Mornning, till instant, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at the warts rooms, No 012 Chestnut street, the entire stock of su perior ralonct furniture of Mr. Chas It. White, declin ing bu-iness,comprising ageneral assortment of rosewood and walnut furniture, In I,llo[l.lsty le to, cringe, rosewood, walnut, and mahogany boudoir furni ture, superior dining room and library furniture, ele gant and plain rosewood, walnut, and mahogany cham ber furniture, ito , all manufactured of the beet mate rials and workmanship expressly for private sales ID - The well-known reputation of Mr Charles II White a, a cabinet-maker, and the experience of up wards of thirty-fire years' business in the city, is lmat cient guarantee to purchasers that his stock is of the first quality, and we therefore recommend this sale to persona about furnishing 63 being well worthy of atten tion Ante No 1:19 and 141 Frlttth Fourth street SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FINE MIRRORS, ROSE -I.IOD PIANO-FORTE BRUSSELS CARPHTS, Ac On Thursday Morning, At 10 o'clock, at the auction store, an extensive assort ment of second- Inuit furniture, mirrors, piano-forte, carpets, h . from families declining housekeeping UPIIOI sTERY STOCK —Also, balance of stock of an upholsterer, (removed to the store fur the conve nience of sale) comprising hair malirlossea. curtains, cornices, RIM upholstering materials generally. Sale at No. 2.13 North Twelfth street. . . SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PIER MIRROR, CAR PETS, &c &c On Monday Morning, 20th instant. at 10 o cloth, at No. :17 North Twelfth atreet,helow Fine street, the superior furniture 01 a gentlman declining houEekeeping life May be clammed on the musing of rate at 8 o'clock. EbareA in the Anew nt Mune ; Pclnt Brent , Perk nnrl3lerenntAr Libririe3 ; Athenaeum, ,te =EI The elegant country ecat and Wm, known as " Far ley," late the ITC Irma of It'chard Ynron , deceased, formerly of ne Ship n, is oTercd at prive,te ante, Full descriptions ony be had at the anction rooms ' '" TO RENT —the four-otery otore, No. 13 13trorrberry street Rent moderate. o.s.cntletncieo (goobs SHIRTS, nt.ttle to order, and war ranted. of elepnt material and ',upon, work marobT Deep, Stocks ant (lentlemon's 'Trap per', at the Premium Store of W. W. KNIGIIT, ell Altell Street, above Sixth no:21-y WRAPPERS! WRAPPERS! WRAP PERS :—A very large and elegint avvortment et reduce , ' price's Alva, henry urter-clothing of ell de seriptions, for gentlemen's near, at W. W. KNIOLITS, 612 ARCH' Street, above Sixth. WINCHESTER ik SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT STIOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No 181 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh etreet, Philadelphia The attention of Southern and Western Merchant', and Stranger+, to puticularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect ntting article made. At whole. sale and retail, and made to order. ans3ytt ANNOUNCEMENT. The subscriber begs leave to announce to his friends and the public that ho will open his SALOON for their reception on MONDAY, 14th inst. His stock (e largo and rich variety) will consist of PRESERVED AND CRYSTALLIZED FRUITS, APRI COTS, CHERRIES, PINEAPPLI4S, PEARS, LIMES, OAOES, QUINCES, ho , A r BONBONS—A large end fresh assoitinent FANCY TOYS—Mechanical TOy9, paper. wood, and suor—an endless variety FANCY BONTS—Newest styles, fan , y And plain, And varied, it.sortment, of e% description SACS, CABAS, CORNETS, BASKETS I ICTORIAS. PASTILLAOES, Aso , he , All of recent importation, And which for extent And variety will d-fy competition For sale by S HENRION, Confectioner, MARKET street. above Seventh. CAVING FUND.--lINITED STATES 5.7 TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and 011E9T. NUT Streets. Largo and small sums received, and paid back on de. mond, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER. EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hour,, from 9 until 5 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from I until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from II upwards. President—STEPllEN It. CRAWFORD. , . Treasurer—PLlNY FISK. TeIIer—JAMES R. HUNTER A GENTLEMAN, HAVING SEVERAL years , experience in the INSURANCE business, desires a positton,as Secretary or As+int sot Secretary, in I first-class Fire Insurance Company. Best of references liven. Address II OWENS, Philail'a F. 0 delS3to fiCiles bb %action. BY ALFRED M. BERBNESS, PHILADELPHIA HORSE AND CARIIIAGZ BAZAAR, southeast corner of Ninth and George Sta., between Chestnut and Want streets. CY' Sales of Losses. carriages, dad harness, held regularly every SATURDAY MORNING, thenagbout the year, commasein g *clock. Sly The largest collection of new and second-band earrlk;es, harness, saddles, der , th e city, may I. seen at this establielonent for private sale. D.- Carriages received on storage. IliV" Outdoor sales attended to on reasonable tonne. HORSES, VEHICLES, AND HARNISS. On rday Morning, At ID o'clock, at Sa the tu Bazaar, will be sold, hereet, vehicles, and harness. JTAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEES, :10.471 WALNUT BTILENT, aeon FOURTH., CAND-13ALI 0/ HOUSNU9LD FURRITURN—TUS& DAT. E We beg lean to Inform the plane that we hold oar regular weekly gales of Fanntars every Soda at oar SPACIOUS SALES ROOM, ISO. cr. W AL STREET, where every poutible attention is Sint to Ob. taro the highest prieee 'or the goods of those who may favor as with consignments. Faretbas haring pertinent of their furniture to asee of, or those declining hates keeping and not wishing tales at their own 4 can have their farnitare CAREFULLY REMOTi l trn OUR SALES ROOM, WHERE THEY WILL RHaLidg BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY CAN OBTAIN FROM ANT OF THE MM. TIME DEALERS OR ANY OTHER AUCTION STORE IN THE CITY. - • ILI' Persons favoring us 'frith eoetiemesents ego rest assured that their property will not be oserille44. C0.211131ad0611 more moderate thaws those charged by any other Auction noose in the city. PO ConsignmentsConsi respectfully solicited. U 117" paid immediately after the goods see sal. Executors' Sale. ASHEN-42CM 811&11.B. On Wednesday ing, Dec. 23, at 7 o'clock, at the dlorn Philadelphia Escheats', previous to the vale of real estate. will be sad -1 share stock in Philadelphia Athensmm. Sale on account of whom it may concern. STOCKS. On Wednesday Evening, December 30th, 1857, will be coil, on actouat of whom homey 'concern -150 shares of Eagle Gold Mining Company, pugrau 2000 do Monroe Gold Moung, Company, 'Virginia 63d0 Spring Hill Company, 300 do El Dorado Mining Company, 'Virginia. 60 do Washington Mining Company, North Ca rolina. 200 shares of Chesapeake Mining Company, Michigen. 350 do Ootonagen do do do. 100 do Dangle., do do do. 60 do Bohemian do do do. WOO do Phdedelpbia and California Mining Com pany, California. 1300 shares of Lewis Gold Mining Company, North Carolina. 1 chore, being 6-25 of ,of • certain Invention and patent known 1.3 Dollen Lubriosting Company. 2 original shares San Pounisco Land Apia 4 do do do do do do. 4 11 do do do do do do -30 shares. Seamless Tub* Company, New Toth. 35 do do do do do. :MOO do Philadelphia and California Mining COZ.- pony, California. 3000 shares Dickerson Marble Company of Tennessee. REAL ESTATE BALE—DECEMBER SW. This sale at the Exchange, oa Wednesday wreattliv December 3S' , 1,1557, at 7 o'clock, will inclnda— Orphans' Court Sall —Estate of Joseph Calhoun, Deed- FRAME HOUSE AND LOT, A-NN STREET, NINE TEENTH WARD.—A foova house, and lot of groused, southeast side of Ann street. 50 feet socitheart trans Sarah street, Nineteenth ward, 20 feet front, 105 feat deep. $23 ground rent. Orphans' Court Sale.—Estate of H. Y. Roemer. Doted PROPERTY QUEEN STREET, RENS.DiGTON.--1. certain boos. and lot, north side of Queens tre=l- feet front. and 120 feet deep, to a 13% feet alley] from Shaekamaxon street. Clear of incambresiose. Orphans' Court Sole --Same Mato. FRAME HOUSE AND LOT. POPLAR STREIT.— A (=me house, and lot of ground, north olds of Poplar street, between front and second, 93 feet front, and lid feet deep. 112 ground rent. Positive Sale STORE AND DWELLING, COATES BT. ' ABOVE SEVENTEENTH —A three-story brick store and direl litq. south aide of Coates street, 85 feet II lathes east of Eighteenth street, IT feet Much front, sod 63 ft. TM Inches deep, along Florence street. The hones ham balk windows, gas, and hydrant. 554 ground rant. Rants for 3200 per annum. 1D Terms—essh. Bale positive. 111 $5O to be paid on each of the above when the /Ma is struck off. Assignee's Ssle—Frank:ford. DRUGS, DYES, MATERIALS, As. OF A MANZ. FACTORY AND PRINT-WORKS. On Thursday Morning, 11th instant, at 11 o'clock, will be sold, at the Print and Dye works belonging to the estate of Hareey Quiet sell, Frankford, the enure stock of drugs, dyes, and materials of the manufactory AT PRIVATE SALE. A first-clam Printing Mee, with a good run of bed. nese, four printing preesse, two Rualesand one Mime Type and everything necessary for the buboes. Apply at the Auction Store. SAM lIEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, J., and MONEY LOAN OPPICIC, No. 11.2 Boat! THIRD Street, below Walnut, oppoirite Peet at., only eight door. below the Exchange. Henn of business from 7 o'clock, A. EL, ill ii o , elock in the evening. Oat-door sales, and sales at the Auction How, 1.11. tended upon the most sattedactog terms. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO. Earth/faked/or th e hut Thing Yews. Advances made from one dollar to thousands at Dta monde, Silver Plate,Wateltes, Jewelry, Hardwire_ „Her chandler, Clothing, furniture, Bedding, Civue,Mnainal Instruments, Guns, Horses, Carriage., and Goals of every description. upon. All goods can remain any length of time Veld All advances, tram one humbled do ll ars lad upwards will be charged 2 per cent. per month; POO and Gra, the lowest market rate. This Store Boum having a depth of 120 feet, has large Ere and thief-proof vaults to etors all valuables, and pod vote watchmen for the premises ' - also, a heavy inert ranee effected for the benefft of all having goods edvsased upon N. B.—On &mut of having en unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make advances on mots satis factory and accommodating terms than any other Is this city. M'IM?=M; AT PRIVAT3 NUS Gold Patent Lerer and other Watches, /mkt, sad Clothing will be sold at reduced Flom. Sal 47 MOSES NATHAN S, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION IMICHANT, 8. 1. mast SIXTH and RACE Streets. AT PRIVATE SALE—OoId and silver patent tern, Levine, English, Swiss, end /reach watehea, jewelry, of every description, musical Instrument+, de., de. AT PRIVATE BALE—Arranged on second doers household furniture, of every description, beds, mat du tresses e. , carpeting, looking shines, fancy articles, de., ~ d Out-door sales attended to personally by the Auction ear. Charges very low. Coasignments of tarlatan clothing, HAN'S jewe lry de do , solicited. AT PRINCIPAL LOAN 017101, 8. Z. Corner of 811th and Race Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and aflasr plate Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry Goode, Groceries, Segue Hardware, Cutlery, itune Bad ding, Heroes, Vehicles, liarriess, Stocks. and on all ar ticles of rains for any length of time agreed en, on were satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other Walk If. NATI:MRS, LOT ICE —Ali goods forfeited at the once, 8. E. cur err of Sixth and Race streets, will be sold on Thursday morning, 11th ,natant, at 10 o'clock. Depositors sea call previous thereto and renew their tickets. GREAT CHANCE FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS— OVER FIVE THOUSAND LOTS OF FORFEITED GOODS. NATHAN'S' great sale of forfeited goods will take place on Monday and Tuesday snornings next, the 21st and 2'd hut., at 10 o'clock, at Mosel Nathan' auction sto.e, southeast corner or Sixth and Rate streets, and will continue trona day to day, until erery article is disposed of. This sale will embrace the largest nod most valuable assortment of goods ever offered at public &action, viz Fine gold hunting ease, double ease, and double bat tamed full jeweled and plain English patent lacer watches, of the best and most approved makers • fine gold hunting case, double bottomed and open Ikea el+ capement lever and lepine watches; fine gold enameled and pearl hunting case ladies' gold English, Swint, and French watches; superior boating ease and double case and double bottomed silver English patent lever watches, fall Jeweled and plain, of the meet approved makers' silver bunting cave and open face escapement lever and lepine watches. Intl jeweled and plain, silver qaartter watches, hunting case, 1) C. and 3. 0 silver watches; floe gold reek chain. fob ant Teel Chains , fine gold seal* and keys, fine geld bracelets. fine gold medallions and armlets. A large acsortmect of diamond, pearl, ruby, garnet, amethysts, and other fine gold finger slap, stogie stone diamond breulpins, cameo, morale, Trench paintings and other breastpins, gold specks. gold and silver pencil caves, gold marks, open giesseees silver ladles, ladle and tea spoons salt and mustard one case twelve elegant silver fruit knives, spoons one rich and elegant set, silver plated coffee and tea bete, ether plated waiter, funnel drataen, he. Elver plated forks and spoons, knives and forks, a large as bortment of elegant pearl and ether pea and pocket false+ and numerous ether articles BOOKS.—Gille`a Expedition to the Sontherti Hemi sphere, Medical Lighthouse. Dictionary of Poetical Quotations, Shakspeare's complete works, Generale of the Devolution. Herschelll'a Outlines of Astronomy, History or the tinted States in panaptlete, Defrayal Library, Webster'a Dictionary. large size. Weiebach's Mechanics OD Engineering, Irving's Life of Rialaciptan, 3 Cole., Spectator, Scientific Stair Builder. by Robert Riddles, Weihington and the Generals of the &STOW bon, Napoleon and the Martinez of tie Empire, Boilders Companion, 'Nicholson's )savoy, Butt on Oblique Bridges Arca rican Proteetant Magazines, and nnmeroas other hOolre MUSICAL INSTRCMENTS, &C.—Twenty elegant Sutinas and accordeons, new, fine old violins, flutes, guitars, fins double barrel fowling pieccs. S. B. do. pa tent breach rifle, Colt's and other rerolirers. doable, and S. B. pistols, It dozen handsome buckskin and morocco parses, dirks, Lotto, knives, military swords, port monnhi, card owe, magr.etic tnachice, docks, dental inttrumente. *tee! skates, and a thcniand other articles. The articles will be open for examination million the morning of the sale, Sale second-store. rooms, entrance from Race street . . . GREAT BARGAINS FOR CURISTSIAS PRESENTS, AT PRIVATE SALE, AT RE3IARSABLY LOW PRICES. Iluntmg rase, double c. 0 ., and double bottom, Intl jeweled a ul plain Euglish patent !ever watches Silver Englibh listent lever watches. Sluntmg rase and open (Ice gold escapement and, lever watches Hunting case and open face gold lepine vitae". Very ace enameled ladies' gold watches. Sliver Icrer and lepine we:tiles, English, Swiss, and French watcher. gold chains. jewelry, Magical Instra menta, and numerous fancy articles. WEBB'B great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Piatots, alnsical Inatramenti, will take place shortly Doe notice will be glean WEBB'S great tale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bid/tag, he , being forfeited collateral", will tape place shortly, Due notice wtll be given. AT PRIVATE FARE. AT HALT THE USUAL SELLING PRICES —Double-bottomed and hunting est* gold patent lever watches. of the most ap.. proved maaee; hunting WC and open &ea PM escarp ment lever and lepine watchee, full jeweled; Line gold enameled lever and ler.° watches for ladiesi; gold jewelry of every deecription; silver lever arid let,' watches, in hunting clews arid open face; silver Eng Swim, end French vratchee; *general wort:tient of ter nitnre, bode, mattreoes. mirror,. &e OUT-POOR PAI.E3 EOLICITED, and ehrap• to cult the timed, low. Consignments or every description of goody solicited for public or private sale. MOSEY ADVANCED on ell and every kind or goods, for public or pnrate ule, or to be held for a Waited tune. Charges low. GEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER. N. N. comet of BARRON sal BOOTH Bursts above Own!. EVENING SALES. SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, At Is o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardvare, Out' lery. Housekeeping Articled, Olothusg, Watches, /sad ry, Stacy Articles, &e. fVOTICE.— Once of tho Bearer Meadow itaiiroad Company PHILLIALPHIA, December 14. 14.31. The annual meeting of the Stoat-Olden of the Beaver mentor Railroad and Coat Company wilt be held at their office. No $2.2 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the Pith of January next, at 1,1 o'clock, at which tins* an election will be held for President and teh Directors for the ensuing year. del,i.dtfalnif L. CUANIBEELAIN, &c.Trete 'REMOVAL.- Ali , The beside's of the PENIISYLVAIiiIIe HANK well he removed on the Ist proximo, to the seciand story of Origg'e Building, WALNUT sireet, east of Third The owners of property lodged at the Bank for safe keeping well please remove it before that day, or it will be etoresteleewhere at, their expense and risk. <M. t J. L FENIMORE, Assistant-Caskier CSHE TO THE PREMISES OF THE subscriber, on Thursday, December Mb, TWO MULES, color hght bays, the owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and talus them away, or they Inn be sold attoriseg to law. O. W HYDE Washington House,CALLOP TULL anise% near Wire Bridge, Fairmount.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers