- • ,DlO.W'aiir ";-1 - ;IL` • . , , • f‘ o, 4^. 4 """' 4' '' ' ''''" 4 "*" . "'; '. ;.4TE(OIitAB t 4,144 #0‘.189 and SICSITILjtsw 4 .se., raw., 0.°1119rit.140,t41q. Pr4Y•r., , -• REAL BittAtit,',BTOOK6noce. •• • • r = !Ono &ilea it, ths, ffirtWelibie Aneher4l6 'every ' I,niatday_Eirening. , *.A., • • Uandbilla of eriStsPrePertStitinte tleperstelf JD 45.; i i, t 'lattro u t o w hi c h wcipabßstyon,t e Saturday previous Ito 60th sale one !boomed - 514eleven la pamphlet form, , Vet/stroll dteariptioNkotlatlio property to be sold on , Ott followimlneedwfs r a t•-4 .1 • •:; UV , tr0MTUD8...341.118 ;AT -.TON ;ADOTION . STORE eserr,,Thured*P o4 ofo o 2, '" . ...1461,130NAT11 AT DRIvATB SAL._ - il7" Webers a large amount of;Real Estate at Pd. irate including 'every description - or City' and cconhey d r o ferty. Printed Lista may be had at the a4ottor t STOCKS, LOANS, AO. . - On Tuesday Evening, , , •i ' 22d Riat.;at 7 o'clock at the , Philadelphia, Exchange, foraccount of whom it may concern, 110 shores Little gchcokill.Naiiinatinnalatiroa4 and Coal CompanY. • _ By order of Executors.--5 shares Huntingdon and 4., • Broad Top Coal Company. . , „ 4100. for Deeditht of whom it MaY concern— . k bat', s l ,ooo' City Wheeling 6 pefeent. loan to the Rempfield Railroad company, datedlBo4 drut 1779-..couponspayablo let of January and July in Philadelphia. „ , ' • 1 sheep in thil'ofiet'Breeze Park Assochition. . Shares. In the ThilidelPhie. Library, Mercantile LI ,. brary, and_Philedelphia Atheneum. • _WELIoSECCRED BOND AND MORTGACE4.S,OOO. -• On Tuesday Evening, , 23i inst., at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Exchange; will be sol d= A bond and mortgage and warrant, secured on half a mune of ground, Nineteenth ward. Abe rproperty is owned by Joseph Lewis, Esuef Westchester, by whoa the interest is punctually paid. „ „- PRIVATE SALE ANNUM.' • ' Irr. Real X#4o_ _Oat4TeD on our Private Sell Re-' gieter, and edverthied,MeesderiallY in +our Public Sale AbolzaclaNdr , i l , ll6 4l , l oo , o 9°DYed'?o•Pr!oled weekly,)" free orelarge, 7,- - ,•• • , .• , EXTRA VALUABLE BEAL ESTATZ-DEO.I3IIIBER, 22: • This salewill iliac/de ' • • LARGBINTI..TALITABLE'LOT.L.Tenth Street," R - .tween Chestimt and' Market streets, corner, of Marble street-66 feet, front on Tenth Street, on Marble - street, with Monti tenement: thermin renting fey a year. Closter all inoutiebrance. • • •• ' VALUABLE- 'CHESTNUT 'STREET PROPERTY— North sideetiest 'of Tenth *treat, 28 feettront,l7B feet deep. Clear'af'alT9ncdmbranoe. Rents for 81,600 a • IMF - ' Both the ibUve ire. valuable brudneiss - oce. o TIIREEZTOW2 BRICK DWRLLlNO'—AThrerYstory , brick dwelling, south side ,of Been* street, No. 300, between Third sod Fourth, and Uses end New streets. TIMER-STORY BDSOR ..DWELLING.—Three-story. brick dwellArdtsNolgEllaritis street, north of Vamp. son, between Tenth anil.Elsventh streets. . • VALDARLEM.BSWiNftDi AND; STABLIS—Three- , story brick dwoilhiq, withient,denble, back buildings, No. 252 &attkEinVis street, hetween Demist. end Spruce streets; alio,. a sollatintial nOlef three•sioty brick sta ble and coach•hanse to the' rear;on,Easpberty lot 20 by 188 feet. Bate absolute., , • r . • VALUABLE &SRI( VP STREET STOR.E. 2 --Tha etantial modern !mystery brick Ante, No. 1.10 .Market street, opposite Latitfit'caurt: - Only $3 1 606 required in ••• VAISTABSk, BUILDING: LOT ~ GEBEfANTOErN— Oloistairetreet,"l2o feet frerallorton - street, 88 feet - Luu.. - 45,010et.. deep. TW,OAAOURP,BENTS; $ 32 AND $36 A : TEAB.— Also, a groundlrentOr232 year, secured on a lot and brick dwelling.. One of ;SQ6, ssenreo on lot and brick dwellings. • - • - • REAL )]STATE, BALK-"-DE MODE, 25th. This salesrilliiminde, among other property, the fol lowing— - .. Orpharie,Melarrliale.Estate of William Rucker, • Deceased. . TBKDD.STOIit BRICK DWELLlNG.—Three.story brick dwelling, Fide PoPier street, west - side of Twelfth street._ ' • Some Notate.. • , 1.044-Lot' brlvidind north side thrall 'aTeDDO, wait of Twelfth str6at. - • - Smile Estate. , 88108 :1311ILDING AND LOT.—Lot of ground east aide ofilessier etriet, south of Diamond street, Nine. teenthward.. saime - Emate.- Tmitieroltr . Butox DWELtlN(4.—Three-story brick dwellini,iiest aide of HAMM street, south of Stiles Street, Twentieth ward. , ELEGANT NESIDENCE, ItS.O N. 'STREET, 'AND LARGE elegant redefine° No. 1025 Arch street,;below Eleventh street. Die finished in the most expensive manner, arid, is replete throughout with all modern conveniences, 25 feet front 17 6 feet deep to, Academy Street . . Immediate possession. Nays at the auction Adore. • _ NEAT MODERN NESIDENOE.—The neat modem four.story,hrick residence, No 535 South Twelfth street, above Pine Street. It is built In a superiorilmanner, with the modspx twit Menace. inunedtate possession, Bala by add. Of Heirs-to 'raLin close an Estate. VALU,ADLEMARE T STREET PROPEETT— LARGE LOT - ....::All'that valuable lot of groUnd, south aide of dritkii'street.' west of Eighth street (site of the late iire )' ,-25, 'feet front, /47 feet. deep, with building, materials;4;c:. - ' Same Estate. SEVEN infOk IN THE BEAR -:- SeTen four:atory, poi# 4,Teniugs, forming a court In the REAL:74STATE SALE—JANUARY Mb. • This rale , - AN t NTP3.I3 WARE , OF GROUND, TWENTY THIRD 4VA81t . „01,02.1.TY. THE NVISCOPAI, HOS PITAIL—The .valnable - ,guar,, or ground, having a front of NW feet :on.Yront, stret, 646 feet on Lelligh avenue, 665 foot on, l'illmors street, and,6l6 feet on Somerset street. ; Fonr.valuablo fronts. FOR ?RESENTS This .Erenini, ' December DI t , at the auction store. a large assortment of valuable and elegant book's, illustrated and pictorial works, family Bibtee, 'annuals for /858, albums, ito,, &0., in rich and costly bindings, suitable for presents— . „ 117,-. The books will be arranged with catalogues On Thursdaymeruitig. Sale at No: 104 South Twelfth street. UPHOLSTERER% STOOK, HAIR MATTRESSES, BEDDING 01114TAINW, ko. On Saturday Morning, 19th instant, at IV o'clock, without reserve, at No. 104 South Twelfth street, the stock of an upholsterer declining busineal, consisting of heir mattresses, bed= diug curtains, andgeneral upholstering artloles. UP — May be examined on the morning of sale. SALE' OF A LARGE' COLLEOPION OP ENGLISH AND FRENCH ENGRAVINGS. ' Saturday. Evening, 19th inst., at the auction store,. a. large collectiOn of Engird% and French engravings, a portion of them beau tifully colored.' Included area number of rare prints from the port folio of an artist_, Catalogues read, and the prints arranged on Saturday 'morning. VALUABLE ANVELMANT LONDON AND AMERI CAN BOORS, FROM THE EXTENSIVE. AND VA RIED VOCE OP IILEBBRB, D. APPLETON A; NEW YORK On Monday,` December 21st, and following evenings until fialfibed;, will be Geld at our auction store, by order of Diapers. I): Appleton lc Co., a consignment of choice, valuable, and elegant Englieli and American f bodka, embracin g in addition to their own publicatiOns, many of their beat Losdon importations,all In rich and expensive bindings. included are 'niany •'of" the moat valuable standard authors, together witly.a,brimber ,of splendidly illus trated 'and idetorlal works of high cost, suitable for holiday,presenta. Catalogielwith full particulars will be readyand do books arranged for examination on Saturday morning: 19th inst. Sale No. 44D North Seventh Wed NEAT 11.0175EgOLD BAussEis CARPETS; teo,- • ' On Monday Morning, , At 10 o'clock, at No. 440 North Sevent street, first door above Noble street; the neat household furniture, Brussels carpets, &0., of a family_decllntukhousekeep. tog. Also, the kitchen furniture. May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of male' Sale at N 0.1706 Washington street. BM HANDSOME FURNITURE; ' ELEGANT MANTLE MIRROR, 'BRUSSELS CARPETS, fro. On Tuesday Morning,. , 22d instant, at 10 o'clock, by eatalogne at No, 1700 'Washington street, Spring' Garden, the' entire furniture of a family leaving the city, comprising superior walnut drawing_room,.dining room, and chamber furniture, book caseolue hide and hair mattresses, fine carpets, &c., a general astudinieut of excellent kitchen rural= tare, &o. • .The timlture was made - to order, has been I. use but a few months, and is equal to new. lEr Maybe exatutned at B o'clock on the morning o Pale, with catalogues. -- • - , at NO. 812 Chestnut street'. BUEEBICWAND ELEGANT CABINET FCRNITUEE ' , Stock ed. Chitties 11. White: , , On Wednesday Morning, - • , 28d instant, at 10 10011;04 by . catalogue, at the Ware roonestATO"ol2 Ohestnnt Street,' the errtire stock of so perioreabidet fun:dare of lifr, Chas, II: White, declin ing business,compriaing &general assortment of rosewood and walnutdraMng-room furniture , in various atyle cov erings, roselroad,'welnut, and'mattegany boudoir feral - tare, superior dining room and library furniture, ele gant and Plitt'''. rosewood, walnut, and mahogany cham ber furniture, dr.e., all manufactured of the best:Mate rials and workmanship expressly ter private salmi. Err The well-known reputation of Mr. , Charles 11. White as a cabinet-maker, and the experience of up warda of thirty•lire yenta , business in the city, is a suffi cient guarantee to purchasers • that his stock is of the first quality, and we 'therefore recommend this sale to parsons abort furnishing as being well worthy of atten tion. Sale- Non.•I80-und - -141 South Fourth - street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FINE 'MIRRORS, ROBE , WOOD PIANO , PORTE, - DRUSSELE CARPSTB; &a. • (ir Thuredsy Morning, • At 10 o,'cloek, st the fineries store, an extensive iseart merit of second-hind furniture, mirrors, plano•forte, oorpoto, Foc., from families declining housekeeping. AT PRIVATE ,BALB. - Shares Instate Aced my of Mania; Point Breeze' Park; Phlladelphis pee Mercantile Libraries • Atteafeum,; tco • f‘pARLEVt PBITATEBAL E. I , The elegant country neat and Farm, known as : 4 % Far ley," late the roe/deuce of Richard ,Pardon;deceased, formerly of Dr Shippen, it Offered at private sale, Fall descriptions may he had at the auction :owns TO HEST,—The four-story stare, No. 111Etrawherry greet. 'tent moderate. , , Atruvirim.-HERKNESS, AIORBS AND CARItTAarI BAZAAR, southeast corner of Nihth and George hie , between Chestnut and Walnut streets. • 1 - 17- Bales of horses, carriages, and haracse, , held regularly every SATURDAY MORNING, throughout the year, commencing at 10,o'clock. Tholergent collection or nett-and inieond.hand carriages, harness, oaddleni 04; in the city, may be seen at this es_tablistimentforpririste burr Oarriegesroceived on storage.- • , ' :UDltrrr' Out-door Sale Vhil s l a lOLZ ttend S, AND l ed , to onlAßNeasonableESS. terms. Onrfiaturday - Mornlng, • At 10 Welocir,, at, the Vassar, will be sold, heroes, volticlemdtbq Itlirnass. - • enttrationni. H 4 / 4 : 0? ST; ; , JAMES. THE LESS, NNSR•ESIAB OB non , JYLK.Itt s BEI.RfitRIGIARDINYI HOHOOD NOR BOYS. ReJAREN ny. - RSV. AhoNZO POrTee. , The photpr,,ltev, D. It SAIY,9ER, may be,seen every WEDNIEBDAY AFTERNOON from 8 to 45 o'clock, at HOOKER'S Dookatore 8, W. corner EIORTH and OREBTNllT;:whemiiilk circulars maybe obtained., ' Addressltar. B. R.13/IYEER, d3 , 2a/ of Bcboyikilljhiladelplitia.;., C i RITTENDAMB,PILELADELETLIAVIOBI.- MEROIATiOOLUOE," 0: E. corner of 08TE, 141 % and OffESTECT Streets ;Second and Third Rorke, BOOK-KEEPING: PIthatANSWEB, over 7 etyle. OOSIMEROTAI.I,AITS AND TOMO; ' COMMERCIAL BALOULAr.OrB. ' • BEOTURSOI&e. I • Each Student has Indic:deal Inatreetion from come tent and attehtlte Medi:here, ender the immediate supervision of the Prinelpal,' • One of the Beet Penmen in the Country he Sharge of the Writing , 'Department. Please oall and Ad Epeoiriseblindget 16' Oa:4l4mb of Terms. fee • . 4 1 'ocEp VIDROFEOSOR SAUNDERS'-INSTITUTE, WEBTTRILADZIR , No Beminory whatever le more like b private ;family, The mune of Mud, trogibusire and thorough: Pro , feseor Bounden; 4111 „emir. a few more puptlff under fourteen years of ,a - ge„ Into ,1?-10 • family. - Itt4tllte of Mews. 1. B. Bfiver end .llathew Newkirk, or Cal. J. W. Forney, Editor ot- Ibis - Papfri whose lone'or wards are " wme rlMP l .4: l 4°'4l 6lll /.., - , seeptlia ARCHER; 'W 4 -- 11 0,4;.'.74.1,5KET, & CO,, , limpeormoncor. 4 , 4 .1 GASALLVO,IIIIAORRtk..O EITTINGI3v and pitintalbriliiiii nstsp - Worit - Girandolee &c. .No; 429 quartatansrx,eniceo nie g h . " et . • - No, pp,uRO4,OW4YEII,w,-,:yoRK. ' 117" pei, sad an 'Mode of 404140 d topaitlOg —17'4012 2m - 43 2grop i rdil'AMT 3" b 7 ," 1 : 1 d AntNOM IVAIWELet * Os! ' ; ; ABS '' MAKERS 8091 X, to arrive per 'Almoner J. H. Planner /for itale by INLASTIIi Er MACIALIPTER ; 8181. - 119 North Watt:stmt. gales by %%idiom SGOTT;Jr., AUOTIO:IfEERE (gUncog i.o got to'IVOLDENTI scoMi i 451 CHESTNUT St., "'opposite the Custom House, between Fourth at.d Fifth Streets ISCARD.—Welnelte the particular attention of pur chasers to the positive sale of 'n large and elegant assortment of furs, in Setts, foe ladles' and gents' wear :,1 also, aletzli .and carriage, robes, to be held at the auction store, Nu. 411 Chestnut etreet, this morning, commencing at Io,li 'o'clock, •It 7 Catalogues ready, and the fore arranged for ex amination. - SPECIAL SALE OF FURS. ' This Morning, Commencing at 10,4 o'clock precisely, will be sold, rabont reserve, -a , general assortment of furs, for ea , and goats' wear„ eon:Teeing cloaks, iAtcoub capes, mutts, cuffs, AC. made in the Wed style of sable, Siberian squirrel, Etch, l atrine . martin, silver martin, ermine, nlllll4llllll, sitaniti down, iko. Er May be examined, with catalogues, early on the morning or sale._, • ' SPECIAL' SALE OP rAxoy - - aoups—surrAnt,s ' r FOR HOLIDAY PSESENTS: On Monday aldirang, nit instant, comMentring' at NIX o'clock, precisely, will be sold without reseran, for cash, a large and general assortment ofehbice fancy goods, imitable for the approaching holidays. - • , • ]l3 - Samples and catalogues early on the morning of sale, when thr trade, and purchasers generally, are WOW 1.45 attend, TAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, air;No. 422 WALNUT STREET, 'ilbove• FOURTII. 4 OOP— BALE OP 110USENOLD YURNITURE—T UES- . . Er 'We beg leave to inform the public that we hold , our regular weakly sales pfluruiture every Tueodity,at Our SPACIOUS' BALES ROOM,-N0.,, 422 WALNUT STREET, where every possible attention is given to ob tain the bighest prime for the goods of those who may favor, as with comduela. Familleebapingportiopsof their furniture to disp ose of, or those declming house keeping and not wish tur sales at their own dwellings, can have that:furniture CAREFULLY REMOVED TO .OURIBALE B ROOM; WHERE THEY Wail , REALIZE BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY OAN OBTAIN FROM ANY OF THE FURNI TURE DEALERS OR ANY OTHER AUCTION STORE ..r.aN CITY. fly' Persona favoring us with coneignments oan rest assured thattheir property will not be sacrificed. • - '117" Commissions more moderate than those charged by any other A tietimi Howie in the city. Consignments respectfully 'whetted. Saes ;Aid immediately after the goods are sold Executors , Bale. , ATHEN/EUM,SIIARE. On Wednesday - orning, Doc. 23, at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Exchange, previous to the sale of real estate, will be sold— . 1 abate stock in Philadelphia Athemenns. REAL ESTATE SALE—DROBEIDER 23d. This sale at the Kichange, on Wedneaday.prening, todeeraber 23d,1817, at 7 o'clock, will include.-- °dhotis" Court Dele.—Estate of Joseph Calhoun, Deo'd FRAM.: 1101.18 D AND LOT, ANN STREET, NINE. T.E.ENTII WAILD.—A frame house, and let of ground, southeast side of Ann street, 80 feet aoutbeast from Sarah street, Nineteenth ward, 20 feet front, 108 feet deep, 122. ground rect. - Orphans' Court Bale.—Eatate a 11. X. Roemer, Dee , d , PROPERTY QUEEN STREET, KENSINGTON.—A. ; certain hewn awl let, north aide of Queen street, 20 feet front, and 120 feet deep, to a 133 i feet alley leading from Bhackamexon garret, Clear of incuinhrancee. _Orphans' Court Bale.--game Estate... • FRAME ROUSE AND LOT: POPLAR STREET.— A.fraroe house, and lot of - pro - land, north side of Poplar street, between front and second, 20 feet front, and 110 feet deep. 112 ground rent. Positive Este. • STORE AND DWELLING, COATES ST., ABOVE SEVENTEENTH.-4 three-story brick store sod dwel ling. south aide of Coates street, 135 foot 9 inches east 'Of Eighteenth street, 17 feet 1 inch front, and 65 ft. 7.4 Inches deep, along Florence street. The house has bulk windows, gas, and hydrant. $54 ground rent. Rents fort:2oo per annum. /17 - Terrns—cash. Sale positive. 117: 160 to be paid on each of the &bore when the sole le struck oil - Assignee's Sale—Frankford. DUOS, DYES, MATERIALS dm. Ot A MANLL FACTORY AND PRI NT-R I ORICS. On Thursday blornlng, Sith instant, at 11 o'clock, will be sold, at the Print and Dye works belonging to the estate of Ilarvey Quick sail, Frankford, the entire stock of drugs, dyes, and materials of the manufactory AT PRIVATE SALE. A firet•alses Printing Office, with a good run of bus'. 'nese, four printing presses, two Ruggles end ads Adams Type and everything necessary for the business. Apply at the Auction Store. QADIIIEL NATRANS, AUCTIONEER, 00/ and MONEY, LOAN OFFICE, No. 112 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear at., only eight doors below the Eaohange. Hours of basins/to from 7 o'clock, A, hf., until 10 o'elock in the evening. Out-door sales, and miles at the Auction House, at tended upon the most satisfactory terms. OAFITAL 72 0 0,000. .gatablisAgdfor Me kit Thiity Pori. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Die mends, Silver Plate, Watches, Tawdry, Hardware Mer ehandise, Clothing, Forniture, Bedding, Cigars, Munich ) Inetrumenta, Guns, HMOS, Outlive, end Coeds of every description. Al goods can remain tiny length of time agreed upon. All advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards will bo charged 2 per cent, per month ; POO and over, the 16west market rate. - This Store House having a depth of ISO feet, has large tre an d thietproof vaults to store all valuables, and pri vete 'watchmen for the, premises • also, a heavy luau canoe effected for the benefftof all'persona having goods advanced upon' N.!E.--On account *flwing en unlimited capita/ this once Is prepared to make advances on more sale Les and accommodating terms than ix this city. kidney advanced to the poor, In small amoalliKith out any charge. AT PRIVATE SALE. - 'Cold _Patent Lever and other Watches,,Jewelry, sod Clothing will lei sbld at reduced prices. aul-ly MUSES NATHAN S, AUCTIONEER INA AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, O. E. corner SIXTH and RACE Streets. AT PRIVATE SALE--Gold and silver patent lever, Lupine, English, Swiss, and French witches, jewelry, of every description, musical instruments, ho., Ac. AT PRIVATE BALE—Arranged on second floor, household furniture, of every description, beds, mat tresses, carpetbag, looking" glasses, fancy articles, &.e . , • , Oat-door sales attended tnpersonally by the Auction *sr. !Charges very low. Coneignments of furniture Clothing, jewelry, am,Ac, solicited. HATHAN'SPRINCIPAL LOAN OFFICE, S. E. Corner of Sixth and Race Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and silver plats Watches, Jewelry Diamonds , Clothing, Dry Geode, Groceries, 4tgese, Hardware,- Cutlery, Furniture. Bed ding, Homes, Vehicles, Harness , Steckel, and on all Cr. Weil of value for any length of time agreed on, on more eatisfentorystad liberal terms than at any Other eetab. llshment. H. NATHANB, NOTICE.—AII goods forfeited at the Office, S. E. cur oar of Sixth' and Race streets; will be sold on Thursday morning, 17th instant, at 10 o'clock. Depositors coo call previous thereto and renew their tickets. GREAT CHANCE VOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS— OVER FIVE THOUSAND LOTS OF FORFEITED _ . . oqops. NATHANS' great sale of forfeited goods 'will take place on Monday and Tuesday mornings next, the 21st and g2d inst., at 10 o'clock, at , Moses Methane' auction atm e, southeast corner of Sixth and Race streatg L and will continue from day to day, until every wedge is disposed of, • This sale will embrace the largest and most valuable assortment of goods ever offered at public auction, via : Fine gold hunting case, double case, and. double bot tomed full jeweled and plain Englieh patent lever watches, of the beat and most approved makers ; flue gold hunting case, double bottomed and open face ea.. capeinent lever and lepine watches • floe gold enameled and pearl bunting ease Wiwi' gold Znglish, Swiss, and French watches; superior hunting case and double case, and doable bottomed allverEnglish patent lever watches, full jeweled and plain, of the meet approved makers silver hunting coos and open face escapement lever and lepine watches full Jeweled and plain, silver windier watches, hunting cane, D. C. and 8. O. silver watches; tine gold neck chain, fob and vest challis, line gold seala and keys, fine gold bracelets, fine gold medallions and armlets. A large assortment of diamond, pearl, ruby, garnet, amethysts, and other One gold finger rings, stogie atone - diamond breastpins, cameo, mosaic, French paintings and other breastpins geld specks, gold and silver pencil , cases, gold markis, opera glasses, silver ladles, table and tea spoons, salt and mustard spoons, one Caeo twelve elegant silver fruit knives, butter • knives, rich and elegant set, silver plated coffee and tea sets, silver plated waiter, funnel drainers, Sc. Sliver plated forks and spoons, knives and forks, a loge as sortitient of elegant' pearl and other pea and pocket knives. and numerous other articles. - BOOKS.—Gille's Expedition to the Southern Hemi sphere, bfedical Lighthouse, Dictionary of Poetical Quotations, Shakepeare's complete works, Generals of the Revolution, Hersehell's Outlines el Astronomy, History of !the 'United States in panipt lets, 'Universal Library, Webster's Dictionary, large size, Weisbach's Mechanics on Rngineerlog, Irving's biker Washington, 3 yob., Spectator, Scientific Stair Builder, by Rober t Riddles, Washington and the Generals of the Revolu (ton, Napoleon and the Marshals of the Empire, Builders Companion, iNicholson's Masonry, Duck on Oblique Bridges, American Protestant Magazines, and numerous other books. • 3IUSIOAL INSTRUMENTS, ka.;.—Twenty elegant ilutinas and aceerdcomi, now, fine old violins, flutes, guitars, fine double barrel fowling pieces, S. 11. do. pa tent breach rine, Colt's and other revolvers, double and E. IL plAtols,l4 dozen handsome buckskin and morocco purses, dirks, bowie knives military Affords, port. menais, card cases, magnetic machine, clocks, dental instruments, steel skates, and a thousand other articles The articles will be open for examination early on the morning of the Cale. Sale second-story roams, entrance from Rote street. GREAT BARGAINS FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, AT PRIVATE SALE, AT REMARKABLY LOW PRIORS. Jimalns cane, double awe, and' doable bottom, full jeweled and.pleln English patent lever watches. Silver English patent lever watches, Floating case and open face gold escapement and lever watches Unalog coos and open foes gold lupine watches. very fine enamoledladles' gold watches. Silver lever and !opine watches, English, ihribl, and French watches, gold chains, jewelryymusical lustre -manta, and numerous fancy articles. WEBB% great ealo of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Musical Instrnments, &e., will take place shortly. Duo notice will bo given. WEBIPS groat sale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding, &a., being forfeited collaterale, will tr.ko plate ehortly. Dno notice will be AT ,PRIVATII MLA, AT HALF TIM .USUAL SELLING PRlCES.—Double.hottomed and hunting ease gold patent lover watches, of the most ap. proved makes; hunting cave end open face gold escape. meet lever and lupine watches, full jeweled 1 dna gold 'enameled lever and lapin° watches for ladice,• gold jewelry of every description; silver lever and lepine watches, In hunting ea. 903 and open fore; silver English, Swiss, and French watches; a general assortment of fur niture, beds, mattresses, mirrors, &a, OUT-DOOR SALES SOLICITED, and charges to snit the times, low. Consignments of every description of voila Kindled for public or private sale. MONEY ADVd.NOED on all and every kind of goods, for puling or private sale, or to be hold for a limited time, Charges low. CIEORGE, W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER N. corner of BARRON and BOOTLE Stroeta About Second, EVENING EAU% JIATZS * MAY SATURDAY DVENINN, H At tli_o'cloelt, at the Auction Store, of Hardware Out lost' otteekeepng Arttelee, Olotiung, Watches, Jewel 7, fanny Artlolea, 4e. 011ico of, the pewter Meadow Bail/mad Cdmimey. r/lILADIMPILIA, December 14,1. W Tbe . annual meeting of the Stockholders or the Deaver Meador/ Itailroad and Coal Company mill be held at their office, No 822 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the 18111 ofJanunty next, at 12 o'clock, at which time an election Will be held for Pregident and ten Directors for the enstilmr year. deiB .I:V4B* L. 011AMBERLAIN, Bee. And Treas. D E M OVAL.— The business of the PrANSYLVANIA BANK will be removed on the lat.proximo, to the seemed story of Grfies Itnilding, WALNUT a'reet,.eaat of Third. The s o odorf property lodged st the Bank for safe keeping will please remOve it before that day, or it will be stored eldewhereatitheir expense and risk. dfl.tjal J. L. FENIIIOIII3, Aseistant•eashier. HALE ROPEt—Buyera aro invited to call and examine, ouzydaulla Bale Rope, which We can •'''can sell an low al ataerleaniaid warrant it el/prior In trivet' and durability. ' • • MUM, BITLEB de 00., No. BAN.-Water at. and 22N WhArnt. WIRING BOARDS-28,680 feet Caro itairing board', afloat, for We by MARTIN I MAOALINTRB R TIE - AIM AMERICAN TARRE ► COADAille.:—a imparter article, , manufacture for sale by WEAVBR, VITLER & CO., att 2-t., • ITo. 22 N. Water at., 22 N. Marra", SPIRITS TURPENTINE-200 bble Spirit Turpeoirte, to ;rive, for male by MAR_Zb r3 .4 ____ and rtb Water street, DISSOLUTION. --The PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing as DAM & WILLIAMS ib MS DAY dbisolyed by mutual consent. The businese will be continued at the old steed, 1132 MARKET St., by CHARLES WILLIAMB, who to authorised to celleot and pay all debtifof the late firm. PETER W BAKER, 01IMILES WILLIAMS. Deo. 1,107 The undersigned would inform the public, that having bought out Mr. P. NV, Baker. his late partner, he will continue the LIEATING and VENTILATINGt business at the old atand.ll.32 I'iIARKET Street, where will be found a full assortment of Ranges, 'feelers, Tentilatore, Registers, Bath Boilers, &0., and hopes, by etrlct at tention to business, to merit a share of the patronage of the publio TO RENT, UNTIL MAY 1, 1858, A well-furnished ROUSE, in the western part of the city, having all the modern improvements. For par ticulars, address Box 1707, Philadelphia P. 0. delo-8t VOR SALE—Tho stock, business, and fixtures of ono of the oldest and best WHOLE SALE and RETAIL LIQUOR STANDS on 3lsrket street, ,This stand has the facilities of carrying on the REM ri ms and DMILLINO business on a large or small sale. Address, with real name, G. 8. N., this Wilco. DESIRABLE OFFICES at 620 WALNUT St., opposite the State House; one of the beet business locations in Philadelphia, with heat, light, awl all modern conveniences. Apply on the premlese, Room No. 8, to G. W. J. BALL, Agent. no2B MERCHANTS' HOTEL, NORTH FOURTH STREET ABO7II hi/AS[7, PIIILApkbPIIIA auti-tf IdoItIBBRN t SONS, Pit OVA( TWIG lONES's Altoll STREET BALO4NS, -. . . The holidays are close at hand, and Jones's, Aroh atroot Saloon is prepared for the Immense demand that will be made upon it for coarsavona. CHRISTAIAS AND NNW YEAR'S CANDIES IMPORTED EXPRESSLY TOR TER PRESENT 000000! Every variety of Don Done, Pantiles, Bourbon Drops, new style or Cum Drops, Eau Sucre Drops, Vangliterre Don Dons, and every variety rare and costly candies manufactured in Paris, for Presents, all sizes sad PATTERNS of Ornamental Boxes, Pyramids, Ribbon Ties filled with the choicest variety of Confections, and varying, in price from One Dollar up to Fifty Dollars. Some of these Boxes are the MOSTD3OFERD BPACIMENS OF FANCY WORN AND ARTIBIIO DEMON EVER OFFERED IN TIIIS 000NTRY. To the Ladies, no well as to the whole public, Tonea's WOODS are the most attractive In the City, and in splendor of adornment and finish are superior to any in the Union BREAKFASTS, DINNERS, AND SUPPERS, Served up in the choicest and most expeditious style. FRUIT OF ALL KINDS, ICE CREAM, JELLIES, GAME, AND OYSTERS. Constantly ready for visitors in profusion. NAM, FANCY, AND 01INAIIP,NTAL CARES AND PIES ON EVERY DESCRIPTION. NE LP' YORK TEA BISGU7T, Aod, In hut, all the VARIETIES, LUXURIES, and DELICACIES of crery clime end country. BALLS PIIIVATE PARTIES, Presentation Suppers, and Families auppliod at the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. A continuance of the patronage hitherto ao tthecslly bestowed by the public is respectfully , solicited. dot-lf A. B JONES, Proprietor. CAMPBELL'S RESTAITRANT.-VENI BON, Wild Ducks, Turkeys, Geese, Grouse, Fresh Salmon, Chincatique, Opinecbique, Princess Bay, tom com, and Cove Oysters, with every variety et GAME, wild or domestic, in season. Green Turtle Soup and Terrapin Suppers served up at the shortest notice, at JOHN OA6IPBELL'S, No. 627 OLIESTNIIT street, op. posits the State House. N.B.—No expense or pains has been spared by the Proprietor in fitting up this new establishment in the most sumptuous manner—the second story being for the accommodation of Private Parties for Dinners, E Suppers, &c. fry' Entrance for Ladies towards Sixth street. 110T7 -8m WILLIAM EANNING'S CITY LAGER DEER SALOON, No. 232 Carter's Alley, Phila delphis. sep22-3m °GOWAN'S RESTAURANT, SOUTH .LTJL weet corner of BROAD and WAIN - DB.—Game and ell other delicacies in sesame. Families supplied with 'Oysterson the shortest notice. eep7-7m A-4EWIS S. WE L LS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, N 0.2 AIltY STRIIIiT, NORRISTOWN, Pa., will attend with punctuality, and to the best of hie ability, to all btteineas entrusted to hia care. 0c1.43m DANIEL DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY iJ AT LAW, Southeaet Corner of EIGHTH and OUST Streets, Philadelphia. CALL AND SEE The Greatest . VA.RIXTT or HOLIDAY PRESENTS Zver exhibited in Tile CITY Or PHILADELPHIA, Which will be sold at exceedingly LOW PRICES MAIIXSEN & WITTS , S, MASONIC HALL dl-U733 011E3TM:1'1ST • THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, 320 CIIESTNITT STREET, forwards PARCELS, PACKAGES, ktEaqukxnaH, BANS NOTES And SP E CIE, either by Go own LINES, or in connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNS and CITIES of the United States. Tilt. WILLIAMS' A SOVE reign remedy for every ill" arising from Dyspep sia, such as Nausea, Deadache, Vertigo, Dimness of Sight, Debility of the Nervous System, Hypochondria, Jaundice, L 05.9 of Appetite, Wasting of the Strength, Flatulence, with frequent Belching of Wind, Vitiated Taste, Constipation and Uneasiness of the Bowels, Bilious Vomiting, Burning Sensation at the Pit of the Stomach, Liver Complaint, Oppression after Eating, Palpitation of Stuart, Pain in the Pit of the Stomach, or towards the right Side, Sallowness of Complexion, De pression of Spirits, and Irritability of Temper, Ito ATTESTATION.—We, having Irritability . Williams' Anti- Dyspeptic Elixir, with the moat perfect satisfaction end success, take great pleasure in recommending it to all poisoner suffering with Dyspepsia, as we are fully con vinced of its most estimable qualities in restoring the digestive powers, removing MI pains and uneasiness, and imparting a healthy tone to the stomach. John R. Penrose, Si South Wharves; Casper Morris, Tacony; Thomas Allibone, President or Bank of Penn sylvania; Abner Elmes, Market street, below SlXtli; Edward 11. Bewley, 14 North Wharves ; Michael Dunn, Superintendent Merchants' Exchange; Hannah Stiles, Frankferd road; Hannah Webb, 28 Filbert street; H. A. Sperry, 12 Edward street; William Yard, 6 City Bow ; Lawrence Newbold, 396 Chestnut street• Rudolph D'Arni, 267 Broadway, New York; John Winans, 94 Water deed. New York. Ogles and Agency, 4 South SEVENTH Street, PM's. delpbia. For sale by Druggists generally. 1;000 BOXES OF AMERICAN WIN DOW GLASS, of all sizes and qrtalities, for sale at lowest prices. Our assortment is complete, and are daily receiving fresh lota from the Kensington Glass Works. Sheets & Duffy 44 make, superior to any in the market as to brilliancy and regular thickness ' equal to French 'We are now receiving two-thirds of the Glees made at these works. 2,000 boxes French Glass of all ASEPS. 4,000 feet Rough Glass for skylights. 5,000 feet Engraved and Enamelled Glass, of all pat; terns. White Lead, French and American 7.1n0, Paints, Ac 100 000 lbe White Lead. 50,000 lbe French Zinc (Vieille Montague), 75,000 lbe American Zinc. Brown Zinc, a full supply. Chrome Green, a full supply. Chrome Yellow, a full supply, Prussian Blue, a lull eupyly. Paris Green, a full supply. Address your orders-to ZIEGLER & SMITH, , Wholesale Druggists and Manufacturers, Solo Proprietors of the Penna. Steam Color Works Store S. W. corner SECOND awl GREEN Streets Philadelphia. dell tf PHILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY . — N. W. Oor. TOM end OLIESNIIIT Bto. L. PELOLIZE & ON thankful for the liberal pa tronage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and desirous to merit its continuance, would announce to Printers and Publisher' that their new 131410IMEN BOOK is now ready, and from their increased facilities, are now prepared to furnish every thing necessary in a complete Printing Establishment, at the shortest no tice. Their long practical experience in the business, end the fact of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, Justifies them in assorting that they can furnish a more durable and bettor liu ished article than thole eotomporaries. Those, therefore, who &Ore Printing. Materials, would do well to apply to them prelim to purchasing elsewhere. 014 type taken at 8 cents per pound, hi exchange for nen at epeohnen prices. WONDERS OF THE AGE-LIGIV, LIMIT FOR ALL.—PETERS & 811110811, Potent Non-Explosion Solf.Oenoratiug GAS LAMPS in just the thing to suit ell. Price 31.60 op • all may have a superior Light by calling at their Repot. Thin Lamp in WiMpted to all Owe; and purposes, runt only requires a trial to test its advantages over all others. The Lamp forms its own frrul. Our Patent Burners can be fitted to every ordinary Fluid Lamp, with little expenne, without the lewd ponllblo danger. All are invited to call and examine for themrelves. Town, County, and State rights for aale. The propriotora are in want of Agent", giving in rare chance to matte money. PETERS & SIIROPE, Gag Lamp Depot, 123 South 4th 8t , below Chestnut, Phi CLOVER SEED.-NOTICE TO PENN SYLVANIA PARMIIIIB AND DV/RN/BEMIS. The undersigned aro new prepared to purchase for cash, prime Clover Seed of the now crop, Pennsylvania etorekeepers and farmere, by sending samples to our addrese, can, at all times, ascertain the price at which we are buying. Parties wishing samples, by which to be governed as to quality, can have them sent by mall, by addressing us. JAI 011413 E lb CO, 0051941 43 North rront, and 44 Water streets CHEAP SUMMER FIIEL.—OAS COKE, of excellent quality, in eold at the PHILADELPHIA GASWORKS fort he reduced price of five cents a bushel, and may be obtained In large or email quantity by app. plying at the Oas Office, No. 20 South SAVANTH Street. To Purchasers by 'Wholeeale, It le sold at the Works, In PIM Ward, by the ton, at a price equivalent to An thracite, a 42.50 per ton. (Signed,) 3. 0. °BABSON Engineer. rEII4DELIIIIA Qa6 WORKS, d ug. 25, 't ? . angr.ty COTTON-200 baltis good Middling to Mid v dying Pair Cotton, to afore and for sale by aut MARTIN It MAOALISTBR, 119 North Water street. STORAGE on SECOND and T Inn D FLOORS can be bad et UP North Water street, Apply to MARTIN & MACALIBTER. , now IiARLES P. OALiMELL---Whoicsale C ..end Retail WHIP and WAN Manufacturer, No. 4 No °MTN rata NILLA ROM—SUPERIOR MA LTA . NILLA ROpB, meuintactured and for sale b WEAVER, PITLIER & o d, Ra N. Weft at.. and 2 N. WhArrea M==t==! SLOOOTONS of MITCHELL & CROAS ditto's improved apper FROSPRATF, OF Llaa for sale by OROASDALN A P.EIROYI & 00 , nolo.o No. 104 N. Helawnre avenue. MOOGALLS. WHALE OIL, 1,000 pH. Elephant Oil, 60 bbla. No.l Lard Oil, for sale by OROASDAL E, PEIROE, & 00., nolo4f, No. 104 N. Dal:mire tlYerille TRH fitESS.—AIItADELPIIIRIDAY, DgeglitßEß I§, 1557. eopartnertship Notices CHARLES WILLIAMS far Oalc nub (Ea Ed. gotela anb tivetattrants. 727 And 729 ARCH STREET HOLIDAYS! HOLIDAYS! cattoritrps at Lau, anus nub aina Ware. txpreso Zompanieo. R. S. SANDFORD, General Superintendent proposals O FFICE OF ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE, PHILLDELFIII6, DeCamber 4 1857. --SEALED PROPOSALS are Invited, and will be re ceived at thin office, until 10 o'clock A. M. of the 4th day of January next, for furniabing by contract the fol lowing Army Suppliee and Materials. deliverable at the Gaited States Clothing and Equipage Depot, (Schuylkill Arsensi,) is quantities as required, viz : 6,000 yards 6-4 dark blue (Indigo wool dyed) cloth for caps and bands, weighing about 14 ounces per yard 03,000 do 6.4 dark blue (indigo wool dyed) twilled cloth, weighing 21 ounces per yard. 120,000 do 6.4 sky-blue (Indigo wool dyed) twilled cloth, weighing 22 ounces per yard 10,000 do g dark blue (indigo dyed) cotton and wool flannel, weighing 13X ounces per yard. 210,000 do 7-8 white flannel (cotton and wool) to weigh 6 )( ounces per yard. 10,000 do 6-4 dark blue flannel, wool (indigo dyed.) 10,000 do 47 inch alpaca, (black.) 100,000 do g canton 4 flannel, to weigh 17 ounces, per yard, • 175,000 do % unbleached drilling, to weigh 6g ounces per yard. 7,; unbleached drilling, to weigh 7X (MIMS per yard. 28,000 do 30 loch cotton duck, to weigh 22,g ounces per yard. 15,000 do 30 inch cotton duck, to weigh 15K ounces per yard 85,000 do 28g inch cotton duck, to weigh I4g ounceaper yard. 25,000 do 213 X inch cotton duck, to weigh 10 ounces per yard. 3,000 do 22 inch cotton duck, to weigh 11 ounces per yard. 3,500 do 22 inch cotton duck, to weigh 9 ounces per yard. 10,000 do 24 inch cotton duck, to weigh 12X ounces 25,000 per yard. do 83 inch cotton duck, to welsh 9,1 ounces per yard, 12,000 army blankete wool, gray. (with the lettere U. 8. in black, 4 Inches in length, in the cen• tre,) to be 7 feet long, and 5 feet 6 inehea with), each blanket to weigh 5 pounds. 7,600 dozen pairs half stockings, 3 sites properly made, of good sound fleece wool, and with double and twisted yarn, to weigh 3 pounda per dozen. 10,600 pompons for engineer., ordnance, medical de partment, dragoons, rillea, artillery, and infantry. 30.000 cap bodies. 12,000 yards glazed silk for covers. 140 N, C. S. bract wales, pairs. 600 sergeant's do do do 8,000 corporal's and privates' braise scales, pairs., 5 N. C. 8. bronzed do do 30 eergeant'e do do do 600 corporal's and privates" brooded do do 76,000 yards pi, in worsted Ince, yellow, Beerier, sky 6.000 do gin do do S blue, orange, green 6,703 do red bunting. 0,000 do white do 2,900 do blue do 2,500 groge coat buttons. 3,590 do rest do 3,600 do euspender buttons, whits metal. 4,500 do ebirt do do 45,000 tent buttons, wood, mall 12,000 do slips, do do 6,000 do buttons, do large. 1,000 do Blips, do do 100 hospital tent poles, seta 600 wall do do 600 common do do 4,000 galvanised iron wire rods, for tents, '' 10,000 do do staples, do 3,000 mese pans, iron 1,000 camp kettles, iron, three sizes. . 12,000 tin canteens, (3 pints, weight 11X ounces,) with stoppers. 1,000 pick axes, two Arms. 2,000 do handles. 1,000 camp hatchets. 40 trumpet cords and Lauda, orange 40 trumpet cords and tassels, yellow. 20 do do do green. 40 druma, Artillery, complete. 70 do Infantry, do 1,100 do heads, batter 700 do do snare. 300 do snares : sets. 200 do sticks, pairs. 200 .do (16 carriages. All the above mentioned articles must conform in all respects to the sealed standard patterns in thls office, where they can be examined ; and ample patterns will be sent by mail, with any additional information la regard to them, which may be requested by inanufac turers or others wishing to , oiler proposals It is desirable that all the articles be of domestic manufac ture. 25,009 do Deliveries to commence on the 15th day of February next, and one.half of the quantity contracted for to be delivered in equal monthly proportions, by or before the 30th April, 1858 ; the remainder within four Months from that date, in monthly or greater proportions, as the contractor may find it convenient. The privilege la reserved by the United States of in• creasing from one•third to °neaten the quantity of all the supplies above mentioned, by giving the contractor one month's notice of such desired increase. Payments will be made on each delivery, ehoUld Coe. gross have made an appropriation to meet them / or al soon thereafter as an appropriation shall be made for that purpose. Ten per cent. of the amount of each de livery will be retained until the contract shall be boot plated, which will be forfeited to the United States mh ease of defalcation on the part of the contractor in fulfilling the contract. Bide will be received from manufacturera pi regular &alma. only, In the articles proposed to be fdrnished and none will be considered in which themantifacturer's mill or denial's place of business is not specifically set forth. Contracts will be bailed on accepted proposals for the fulfilment of which two or more sufficient securities will be required. The names, address, and the responsibility of the persona proposed as securities, with the acknowledgment of said persons that they will be such security, or will see that good and eufficient security be furnished to case a contract la obtained, will be transmitted with the proposals. It to to be distinctly understood by every person ob taining a contract, that said contract is not transferable without the consent of proper authority, and that any sale, assignment, or transfer of it, without each coil. sent having been obtained, (except under a process of law,) will be regarded as an abandonment of the con tract, and the contractor and his securities will be hold responsible for all tom or damage to tilq United States which may arise front said abandonment. Proposals wilt be addressed to the undersigned, and will be endorsed " Proposals for furnishing army sup plies and materials." ii;NRi , 0. IVAELE, 13t. MaJor, A. Q. Mr deci-fmnr tdan4 QTE AM MACHINERY FOR SCREWI3I2II - FELLER SLOOP-OF-WAR. NAVY DISPINTM6IIT, November 10,186 T. SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed "Proposals for Steam Machinery for Screw Propeller sloop-of-War," will be received at this Department until 3 o'clock the 18th December next, for the complete contraction or the steam machinery and appendages, and placing it on board a ecrew propeller ship of war building in the United States navy yard at Philadelphia. The offers must be for a specific cum for putting the whole in successful operation • must include all patent feoe for any arrangements that may be proposed ; state the time in which the work will be completed, and be accompanied by the noel guarantee requited by law. The name of the establishment in which the work is to be executed mat be stated. The details of the design and arrangement ol the ma chinery will be left with the party whose proposition may be accepted as combining the greatest number of advantages, keeping in view simplicity of construction, readiness of access for adjustment when In operation, and not being subject to derangement in the working parts; it being the object 01 the Department to obtain the moat speed and power with the most economical consumption of fuel and the greatest stewage of coat which the apace available for that purpose will admit. The boilers to be of iron, with telescopic smoke-pipe, which roust be placed at the greatest practicable. dis tance from the mainmast; the propeller with the con nections for hoisting, to ho of compos i tion; the ma chinery for hoisting, for pumps, apparatus for ventilat— ing, and appurtenances of ell kinds necessary for the perfect working of the whole, to be of the moat ap , proved Mode. The coal-bunkers, shaft passage,- two athwartshlps Iron bulkheads, a distilling apparatus for fresh water from which can be made not lees than 1,1000 gallons per day; all the tools and duplicate pieces ne cessary and satisfactory for an efficient cruising steam ship-of-war must be Included In the proposition, and a let of them must be furnished. The wood and carpenter work (except the boring. out the deadwood for the shaft) necessary to adapt tho Tea sel for the reception of the machinery, boilers, and ap• pendages, will be provided at the expense of the Nay, Department, and it will permit the use of such facili ties as it may hare for hoisting the heavy machinery on board. Nor the accommodation of the entire eteam machinery and the fuel, there will be allowed in the body of the eh ip the entire ewe, under the berth deck, commencing at 17yi feet abaft the mainmast, and thence extending forward a distance of 00 feet; the greatest breadth in side clear of the plank under the beanie being 421 i feet, and the height from the top of the timbers to the Ul2. der aide of the beam amidships being 13 feet 9 inches. Within this space it le expected to carry coal for thir teen days' full steaming, the daily consumption of which the bidder will state in his specifications; and the weight of the machinery, water in boilers, shaft, pro peller, and appendages, with the tools and spare work, insist not exceed NO tone, of 2,240 pounds. The distance from the aft side of the mainmast to the aft-side of the forward atom-post will be about 100 feet, and the distance between the forward and the after stern-post will be 7 feet; the depth from the load water line to the top of the keel under the propellor will be 10}{ feet. Steam-engine manufacturers who desire to bid can obtain a copy of the section of the tweet upon making application to the Department. The proposal must be accompanied by full specillca. Dens and general drawings, having the position of the centre of gravityof the machinery, boilers, dm, marked on them ; giving also the capacity of the steam cylin ders and area of foot and delivery valves, and of air pump, and mitboard delivering valves, space for steam above the water line to boilers, the fire and grate sur face; also, tire diameter pitch surface, and kind el' propeller, and other principal points, that comparisons can readily be made. There will elm be given the esti mate of the weight of engines, boilers, water, bunker., appendages, tools, nod spare work, in tons of 2,210 pounds. The terms of payment will be that when ono-fourth or the materials and labor provided for In the contract alien have Neon completed to the natinfactlon of the Depertm nt, there will ho made a payment of one-nfth part of the whole amount of the contract; when one half the work nhall in like manner ho completed, there will ho a further payment of one•hfth ; when three foortha the work shall have been completed, e. further payment of one•Mth; when the whole shall have been completed, and have made a satisfactory trial of one week then a farther payment of one-tlfth ; and when the ',flip shall have performed natinfectorily at sea for a period of three monthly, then the remaining sum shall be paid. Tho repairs necessary during this period from defec tive workmanship or materials will be at the capons° of the contractor. The proposnin must be explicit, and no qualified or conditional offer will bo considered. ISAAC TOUCEY, n023-in k lb t DeclB Secretary of ttie Navy. PIIILADELPIIIA COUNTY PRISON.— fillethED PROPOSALS will be received at the Philadelphia Prleon until the 2lth Mat ; for the employment of the convict print:lucre at weaving for the year 1858. By order, d4.ater-t1124 .Eccol Noticen IN TIIE ORPIIANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PITILADELYMA. - - • - . Dante of JOHN SAVAGE, deceneed. The Auditor appointed to audit, settle and adJunt the accounts of (mortal; RUNDLE and WILLIAM GRIF FITHS, +mentors of the estate ofJOIIN SAVAGE, de. ceased, nod to report dinteibution, will meet the parties Interested At his office. No. 213 South FIFTH Street, below WALNUT, on MONDAY, the 29th day of De• comber, 1864, nt 4 o'clock P. M. • del6-wfm.6t LEON ARDETT, Auditor. IN THE COURT ()F COMMON PLEAS FOR TUE (NTT AND COUNTY VF PIIILADEL PHIA. In the matter of the Estate of T11031A3 BRADFORD deceased, Printer, eur second Account of Thomas B Darrech, William Bradford, Jr., and James IL. Bradford Trustees. The'Auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust, the Second Account of Thomas B. Darnels, William rad ford, Jr., and James 11. Bradford, Trustees, and to re port distribution of the balance remaining In their hands, will meet the parties interacted at his office, No. 401 PRUNE Street above Fourth street, In the city or Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, the Twenty-ninth of De cember, 1857, at 4X o'clock P.M.. del ti-wfintd P. P. NNW, Auditor. rib AVOID CONSUMPTION, AVOID damp feet ;• to avoid damp feet, use BRADDOCK'S EUREKA, or Water-proof Leather Preservative for Boots, Shoes, Ramose, and every description of Mather. Guaranteed water-proof. For sato by 0, If ASILTONS, No. 832 Market Wont. T, r. ADAMS, Sixteenth and Lombard, Dragglat. J, II Bryl,Nß, Pas/trunk Road, below Washington. L. BRADDOCK, 84 North Twelfth street. de12.110 CARRIERS' ADDRESSES prepared by an experienced writer, et N 0,1109 B. EIXVIIINTII area, liboYff Federal, def. HE BR TISH AND NORTH AMERI ON ROYAL MAIL STIKAMSHIPS. FROM NEW TOSE TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin renege $l3O liecond Osbia Pansage reGOI DOBTO2€ TO LITSRPOOL. Ohlef Cabin Pcamage Second Cabin ramp The 'nips froth Boston call at Halifax . . ... . • -. . • • PRIMA, Capt. Judkins.l CANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Copt J. Stone. AMERICA, oapt.Wickman ASIA, Capt. Si. 0 Lott. NIAGARA. Capt. ItYrie • AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA, Capt. J. Leitch, Thai Teasels carry a clear white light at meet head ; green on starboard bow ; red on port bow. AFRICA, Shannon, leave N. York, Wednesday, Deo. 9. AIIIER/CA; Lott, 4 4 Boston, Wednesday, Dec. 18. EUROPA, Leitch, . 4 N.York, Wednesday, Doc. 23. CANADA, Ling, " Boston, Wednesday, Dec. 30. PEPSI A, Judkins, 4 . N.York, Wednesday, Jan 6,.5S NIAGA.RA, Wickman, lioston,Wedneaday,dan.l3'lB AFRICA, Shannon, " N.York,Wedneaday, Jan. 30. Berths not acured until paid for. • ' An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these Ships will net be accountable for Gold, Silver., Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals ' Widens bills of lading ore signed therefor and the value there,pf therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green, N. York. FON SAN VRANCISCO.—CLIPPER OF SATURDAY, December lath —The nneurpriesed clipper chip. TWILIGHT, Geed, Commander. Clipper of THURSDAY, December 2ltb.—The msg. nificent'A 1 clipper chip LOOK OUT, 11.0111.T05, Coin- mender„ , Both of these celebrated ships two now loading In New York, and will sail as above. Yor freight, at New York rates, apply to BISHOP, anions, & deb • 120 (late 80) 11011T11 SAVANNAH STEAMSHI STEAMSIIMI STATE OF GEOROIA AND KEYSTONE STATE. In consequence of the depressed state et trade, the above sbips.will be withdrawn for the present. October,l.Oth. A . UERON, Jr VARE REDUCED .1." AND ILAVID4.—pie DERBIBT, Edward Iliggin, will sail". i From NOw York for South. From Southampton and ampton and Dane. Nam for Now York. Saturday Oot. 24 Saturday NOY. /4 Saturday Deo. 6 Saturday Deo. 26 Price of Passage—First cabin. 24001 . second cabin, $6O. Fpecie delivered in Londonkod Pane. For freight or visage apply to D. TORRANCE, Agent, No. 6 Bowlmg Green, New York. . Letters for England and Europe, pre-paid, 25 cents pooh half ounce, (by enclosure of poetage stamps if from other mties,) will be received at No. 6 Bowling-green, New York, up to 111 o'clock on the morning ot sail ing. oold-tf FUR ENGLAND AND RANCE, 1857.- New York and Havre Steamship Company —The United States Mail SteameMpa ABAUO, 2,600 tone, David Lime, commander, and FULTON, 2,600 tone, lames 4.lYotton, commander, will leave New York, Havre and Southampton, for the years 1827 and 88, on the following days : LIE/Ye NEW TOM 18L2. fulton, Saturday, Ang. 22 Ain°, do. Bept. 10 felon, do. Oot. 17 Aisgo, do. Nov. 14 /alto% do. Deo. 12, LUTA RATA/. 18.57. Grego, Tueridey, Fulton, do. Bert Arego, do. Out.. Fulton, do. Doe. tango, do. Deo. li 1858. Fulton, do. den. 12 'ATago, do. Fob. 9 Fulton, do. Horeb 9 Arago, do. April 0 Fulton, do. Play 4 Arggo, do. "ono 1 Fulton, do. June 29 PRIOR OP Prom New Pork to Southampton or Harm—Elm Oabtn,*l3o ; Second Cabin, VA. Prom Havre or Pauthampton h New York—Ere Oabln ; SOO tram; Second Cabin, 600 francs. For freight or prolietire, atply to MORTVIER LIVINGITTON ; dent, 7 Proadmay WILLIAM IFIELIN, llirre. 0/108KST , CO., " Bouth , ton AMERIOAN EUROPEAN EXPARBB AND XX, " CHANGE 00. aut NE kV; W K AND LIVERPOOL uNIIII/ Erre'rEs MAIL BTEASIERB.—The Ships Composing this Line are The ATLANTIO, Capt. Oliver Eldridge. The BALTIC, Capt. Joseph Comstock. The ADAIATIO, Capt. James West. Government ships have been built by contract, expressly for Government service; every care has been taken in their construction, es also in their engines, to ensure strength and :Teed, and their accommodations for passengers are onerutalled for elegance and comfort. Price of passage from New York to Liverpool, in first cabin, 2130; in second do., 878; from Liverpool to New York, 80 and 20 guineas. Nb berths secured unless paid for. The ships of this Ihis have improved water•tight bulk heeds. PROPOSED DATES OP /JAILING. iraoU new TORR. FROM I.IIMRPOOL. Saturday, Jdnt 20,. 1857 Wednesday, June 24, 1857 Sattuday,,fily 4, 1857 Wednesday , JUly 8, 1857 Saturday, 18, 1861 Wednesday, July 72, 1857 Saturday, ng. 3, 1851 Wednesday, Aug. 5, 1857 Saturday, Atig.lB, 1887 Wednesday, Aug. 19, 1857 !Weida', Sept. 12, 1857 Wednesday, &pt. 2, 1857 Satorday, Sept. 20, 1867 Wednesday, Sept. 15, 1857 Saturday, Oct. 10, 1857 Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1857 Saturday, Oct. 24 1867 Wednesday, Oct. 2.8, 1857 Saturday, ties. 7. 1857 Wednesday, Nov.ll, 1857 Saturday, Nov. 21, 1857 Wednesday, Nov. 20, 1857 Saturday, Deo. 6, 1857 Wednesday, Deo. 9, 1857 Wednesday, Deo. 22, 1857 *or freight or passage, apply to ,EDWARD K. COLLINS, No. 56 Wall street, N. Y. 'DROWN, SHIPLEY & CO. Liverpool. KENNARD &bO., 27 Matta Friars, London, , B. G. WAINWRIGHT & CO., Paris. Tine owners of these ships will not be scoonotablo for $6lB, silver, bullion, specie, fewelry.pr colons stones or metals, unless bills of-lading ned therefor, and the value thereof expressed therein aul-tf CiBEAT REDUCTION IN FARE TO EU ROPE. First Cabin $BO I Second Cabin U 0 In the first.mlaas paddle-wheel steainshlp ADRIEL, 2,000 tons, 0. D. LUDLOW , Commander, and NOUTII STAB, 1,500 tone, P. E. Lsrsvas, to mail from pier No, 8 North River at noon precisely, tarrying the UNITED STATES MAILS, via; Leave N. York ford fibuttampton,lls- Bremen for Southampton treand Bremen Southampton for New York. Ariel Saturday, Oct. 31 Wede'day, Nov 4 N. Sal'y, Oct. 31. Saturday, Nov. 23. Wedsidiy, Deo 30 There steamers touch at DA YEE. Specie delivered In London and Paris. Fur passage and freight, apply to D. TO/OUNCE, Agent, No. 6 Bowling Green, New York. oclo-tf IRISH AND SCOTCH WHISKEY, 'whole/we and Retail, ' By HUGH BARR, OOVERNIIIENT HOUSE, corner or FRONT and WHARTON streets, (opposite the Navy Yavd,) Thilaielphia BRANDIES. Clot'Non," Marett, ..11-1 and other Cognacs of various vintages, in hall pipes and quarter cmke; Sellevoisin Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipes, half casks, and one•eighth Oaks, Imported and for Ede by HENRY BOHLEN & CO., cen 221 and 723 South Fourth street. LEXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND LIQUOR STORE, No. 220 ; Southeast Corner o GRORGR and SOUTH Btreete. aul-ly C LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER . IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, &0., 20 Bomb EMU Street, Phlledelphis. aul•ly ytRANDIES.—Pinet, Castilian RE Co., Ma rett do Co. and other brands of Cogoace of various tintagos, In hal f pipes and quarter ranks • Pellevoialn Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half ptppeen , quarter oasts and one-eighth ranks, all In Custom 11onee aorta, imported and for sale by IMMIX BOHLEN le CO., anti , Nos. 221 and 223 South Fourth street. lIITHALAR & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 620 (new N 0.938) North THIRD Street, Philedelphlo.--Ahlpping orders promptly attended to. col-tt BOOTS AND SIMES.—The subscriber halt on hand a largo and rariod Mock of BOOTS and 8110 ES, which he will Kell at the loweat priced. GEO. W. TAYLOR, Lio2l-11 , 8. E. corner FIFTH and MARKET Ste. FALL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. —JOSEPH H. THOMPSON & CO., No. 314 MAR. K$T Street, and Non. 3 and 5 FRANKLIN PLACE, have new in gore a large and welLaasorted Mock of BOOTS and SHOES, of City and Eastern manufacture, which they offer for calo on the het terms for Club, or ea the mat credit. L er . eg f ere invited to nail and examine their deck NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. 1 The fillip 1111LADELPITIA, from LiCerpont, in nor dinchortchtg under general order, of bitivrr,N BrIIEBT WHARF. Cennignecn n9lt plenne Wend to receipt of their gno , ln nn2t JOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. The ship 11 PHILADELPHIA, Captain Pool, from Liverpool, fa now ready to dlttchitrgo at Shippenstreet wharf. Con signees will plenso deliver their prolnlts to the Custom h o use @Riser on board. All goads not permiteil in five days vill,he cent to 'midi° store. nolo • THOMAS RICHARDSON ft.. CO. FAMES 11. BRYSON'S BOOK AND JOB , PRINTING 1200/1,9, 2 North SIXTIL Streot, tiro, ahnto Market, Philadelphia Itlankn, Cart, Pill- Roads, Pamph'eta, and general Pt inting attended to Binding attended to in connection with printed head Inv of Planka and Receipt,. d2-tt .1. II HOWELL, Cleric .--, to EVA N *,-1 0 1 0011—PIR11 ri T Ili it , It Ofied l per Hour; 09 Tte Prnt PIO era% otertakeal by Ms II WI .. . n . ollAll R Pk.lmPlphlt P ..... al Ike 1.,. . V P......1..t1rpr• ai r CA R ni,,,„ A com?te. t V i l l'" rlito.C.ltend Cate L 1,101 0 °Ctl' Ten Thavued CW. p•e 1.1 , 0. 10 810 V • them, tee r1)1e-If Nice. icesity Ppiuti C. r. Tabrqry, WO nal' n BT. below Chentnnt, GREAT REDUCTION Of vas rains or CEMETEIIY LOTS. The Glenwood Cemetery Co. have determined to sell the lots in their Cemetery at ONE GAL I' The prestmt prices for cloth. By this reduction some of the most eligible Lots will be sold at TWELVE DBLLARS. Only 200 lots will be disposed of at these rates, and the opportunity is offered until January let, IPLfI. Ap. ply at Coil Mee, No. 434 WALNUT STREET. below Fifth. d2.lm PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND DALTIbIORE RAILROAD COMPANY —Dims, aea 10,1107. - The Annual Meeting of the Stockholder' of this Com• piny will take place in VIIJIDINOTON, at the office of the Company on MONDAY, the 11th of January next, at rm P. AI., for the Election of Directors to nerve for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of rush other business as may legally come before the meeting. dell•Intj11 ALFRED MOANER, Secretary. INCED MEAT.— The Subac lberbae commenced manufacturing Ws N. Pint Ultra . - ht} , :/kT, which hag7er/4 to hie cutttornerg in LAROR Or SMALL onANTIMR. Orders through BLOOD'S DISPATeII win be puns tually attended to JOSHUA 1V1116112', • n 39 24i4 EPRINEF GA BRIM n d STAMM:B AI, shpins. - - O SOUTHAMPTON ..Agnitloent inteamPliip VAN commander, 6,208 tone, Arago, Ilatorday, Jan. 9 Fulton, do. Feb. 6 Arago, do. Mardi 6 Fulton, do. April 8 Arago, do May 1 Fulton, do. May 29 LIATI 91013119111FT0111. 1857. Arago, Wednesday, Aug. 28 Fulton, do. Bept 2. I Arago, do. Oct. 21 Fulton, do. Nov. 18 Arsgo, do, Deo. 18 1858. Fulton, do. Jen. 18 Arago, do. Feb. 10 Fulton, do. Mar. 10 Arago, do. April 7 Fulton, do. Play 5 Arago, do. June 2 Fulton, do. Jane 80 0/886019 : Wince anb tiepins Boots sob Bliacs Nonce to tsonsi4liteco TM. RICHARDSON & 00 ,job printing 0A L I COAL! COAL I—TAGOART's ONLERRATED SPRING MOUNTAIN LEMUEL VOA!, J. h R. DARTER'S GREENWOOD, TAM AQUA COAL GEORGE W. SNYDER'S PINE YORXST SOLIDYL RILL COAL. RANDALL & MEREDITH Rave for sale, and ire constantly receiriew from above celebrated CoMerlon, COAL OF ALL SIZES. There in no Coal mined anywhere, equal Is quality these, and a trial will convince any one of their great superiority. Our Coal Is very carefully screened at our yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free from elate, dust and all impurities. Our PRICES areas LOW as the VERY LOWEST. Orders left at onr Office, No, 161 OMB FRONT street, above Walnut, Orders left at our Yard, OALLOWIIILL street, bolo, ISNO&D street. Orders left at oar Wharf, WATER street, above CAL. LOWMILL—or sent to either place per Despatch Post, will receive prompt attention. Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and ox. amine our Cozl before purcbralog elsewhere. ao4-tf Q6II — UYTK - TLLA 7'- 1 , 41) LEHIGH COAL.— t am daily receiving, at my yard, the beat quality o. BeIIUYLKILL AND Lit111(111 COAL. My customers, and all others who may favor me with their orders, may rely on getting Coal that will be satisfactory to thorn. VEr No inferior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW PRICES. ALEXANDER CONVERT, N. E. corner of Brood and Cherry Eta, LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.- DALY, PORTER & 00., COAL DEALERS, No. 821 PRIM: Street, above Eighth , keep constantly on band, at the very lowest rates, a full supply of Lehigh Aed Schuylkill 0,0141. au 1..8m. Alercipilt Zailorts JOHN P. DOHERTY, FORNSIILY WITH KICLLY do ElliottMß, LATE WITH LUKENS, EELLY, & CO., TAILOR, Mt CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH, Ilan now with him the beat Tailors that are engaged In the bueinesa in this country. CUARI.63 Rani, formerly the leading tailor of this city; M. Remota, formerly cutter for U Roth & Co , and late Coat and Tent cutter with Lukens!, Relly, Co.; Iloeny Wanataa, the beat Pants and Yeet cutter In the Uaited Staten, for yearn cutter with Depierris, under the Irving House, Broadway, and with Depierris & Naafi, %Mier the St. Nicholas Uotel, Broadway. The most unremitting attention paid to the wishes of all who patronise the eatabliehmeut. The best or Clothes made at moderato prim, foe cretitt, low prices for rata, ocl3-U JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Nos. 10 and 10 &al NINTH STILEET, ABOVE CIIMTNUT. A large and well selected stock of CLOTHS and OAOSIMERES always en hand All Clothing made at title Eetabliahment will be of the beet goailly, and in the moat faebtonable etyle. Particular attention even to.IININORDI CLOTH ING. end-tr 11 ARPE'S MEN'S AND BOYS' OLOTLIING, 141 North FOURTH Street, between Arch and Moo. Commission illentanto I H. CHASE & CO. - 11.1 • GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 48 North BROST and 44 WATER Street, Philadelphia. coNsTANTzi BEciav IN 0 CLOVER SEED On coneignment from the Interior of Pentaylvinia, where onr new Cleaning DIIII 13 now In general net. Irr Alto, TINOTIIY AND RED TOP always on hand, HANDY & BRENNER-COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Realent In Foreign and Arne. Henn HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Nos. 23, 25 and 27 North FIFTH Street, Rut aide aboro Commerce street, Philsdelphia. aul-tt VIIARLES TETE, COMMISSION PIER ‘J CHANT and Importer of HAVANA SEGABB (New) 138 Walnut street. second story. anl-ly (tobacco nub (Eigaro. LJAVANA CIGARS—A haadsomo escort. wont, snob as Figur°, Yardage, * Cabanas, Sultana, Gloria, Jupiter, Calm,Converelmilem, Torrey Lopes, Union Americana, Orojou, Plots Cubans, he., ern, ho., in M, M, 1-5 end 1-10 oxen, of all shoe and gotall (lea, In One and constantly receiving, and for rale low, by CHARLES TETE , ow) 138 WALNUT street, below Second, second story FIGARO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS SEGARS.—A choice invoice of theje celebrated brands on board brig " Now Era," daily eipected from Ulllllllll, and for ego low, by ONARLES TETE, (New) 188 Walnut street, below'Second, ant Second Story. Surititnte j B. KITE & CO. LIS FURNITURE, REDDING, ko. No. 410 (late 129) WALNUT st, Philadelphia. A new and superior ekyle of spring Beds. LYDIA B. KIM Jotiaes Wavrom cull Omi iionp nub granbleg SOAP AND CANDLES. REMOVAL from 147 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, to my filanufartory, 10 and 14 RELIEF STREET, be tween Lombard end South, not Front and Second ntreetg. Thankful to my numerousfrends for their pest favors, I solizit a continuance of the same, having enlarged my manufactou so as to enable me to 'hare constantly on hand a large stock of well-aeasoned Soaps, free from Nish Oil; Palm, `Variegated White Honey, Castle, and all kinds of toilet Soaps, Chemical Olive Poop of pure material, Settled Pale, and Brown Soap, English dal Sada and Pearl Starch, Sperm, Adamantine, and Tallow Candles of all sizes constantly on hand. flaring adopted the milt system, I run enabled to sell my goode at the lowest prices. B. CONWAY. Philadelphia N. B.—Cssil paid for Tallow and Gretna. no 14-6 m Eitatiotterti BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DAVID Xl. ROGAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, is pre. pared at all times to furnish, either from the ahelvea or make to order, Books of every description, suitable for Banks, Publie Offices Merchants, and °there, of the best quality of English or American Paper, and bound in various styles, in tho most substantial manner Orders for JOB PRINT ENG of every description. Engraving and Lithographing executed with neatness and despatch. A general assortment of English, French and Ameri can Stationery. Concerning Mr. Ilogan's contribution to the Franklin Institute, the Committee say—' , This display of blank books for banking and mercantile see is the best in the Exhibition. The selection of the material is good, the workmanship most excellent, and thelr finish and. sp. penance neat and appropriate " 0010- tf furnaccs IMPORTANT IMPRO VEMENT- NiW GAS CONSUMING YUIINACII CHILSON'S NEW CONE FURN4CE, after having been put to the most Revere test, during the two COLD W MIME) or 1856 AND 1657, has proved to be the most powerful heater in the world, taring from ji to N the fuel over any of the beet turnaoes now to nee. Tons Footloose aro conetructed with a cast iron sett pit, and a broad, shallow pan-shaped fire pot, lined with Bre•briok or Iron stave'. The fire pot is surmount ed with A SERIES OF CONES, oa TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broad at their base, hut tapering to small aper tures at the top, and uniting with the smiler chamber, through which the heat and smoke pass to the fine Toe woote products of combustion in the form of snubs and oases, are suspended directl7 over the fire, 0024TINNO or compressed lute the tapering CoNKS ana CONTINUALLY NITAJOND to the direct action of the rake of heat and light from the lire. This heat and light is brought to A YOODO 1 nag Conn, not unlike the COLLECTION OF THE FUN'S RAYS, to a focal point through an ordinary lens, causing the 13NOHN AND nesse to become intensely boated and tho roughly 00080150, by this operation the 81080 AND OALINA Ore 1100 SQUALLY ATAILADI.N with the CURL MEL? for heating purpoeee, while, In other furnacek, it ie OARRIND OFF AND WAISTND IN roe OrtINNNT. All persons desirous of obtaining the beet and MOST ECONOMICAL HEATING APPARATUS, Should not fail to examine the Nsw GAS GoArioArINO Oooe FORNAOS before purchasing any other. The et. tention of architects and builders In particularly ra (meted. ARNOLD h WILSON, (Bnecessors to B. A. llantann,l No. 410 WALNUT Street, Opposite Independence Munro. rote, Nape, ter. SULLENDER & PASCAL, RATTMAR, atil•fird No. 13 O. BIXTII stmt. Philadelphia x)ar•Dronre. QUAKER CITY NAILS, MERCHANT BARB, RIVET IRON, Maneleturedat TOTINTA IN WI FEN ROLLlfirl MILL, on the Sehuylkill, shove Spring °Wen Wnter Wor , A, WA11131()U41 , 1, Isa Nerth WATER Street. QUAIL' VII CITY NAILS aro warrante4 op a! to any mna , to oc9-tf JOHN ITALDETIAN, Agent rrnom A 3 B. BAXTER.-lIARDWARE, OVTLERY AND TOOLS, No 910 MARKET BT. hove Ninth, south nide, P1111,04011' eu 1-9 m iti 11DIGINAL 1312ANDY.—rure 01(1 Mc- ILL <lic7nnl Cognac, the most powerful ntrongthoner for weak longs and goneral debility of the nge , n nitre cure for lipperia, whether acute or chronic, Low BOHN, &o. Price f.l 25 per bottle, or $10,60 per dozen. Warranted pore. Imported expreßsly fur us, Solo Agents" for the United Etatem. ZIECILER & SMITH, Wholesale Druggists, B. W. cur Second ant Green. We refer, by permission. to the follow ler, members; of the Medical faculty, al to the purity and chemical standard of this Brandy: - - • . 0 P. Reichline, M. 1., Foorth, above Tawny. 1111113. 11. Ta:,lor, ill IL, Foul th, oho% o Brown. MUM 11. Roberts, M.l) , Third, Felon' Franklin. Wilson P. Vivien M. D., Fonrib, ninrre Thompson. J. K. Knorr, M. D., Front, oboro Poplar. dell-. 0 PUBLIC L AMP S.—TIIE PUBLIC IS respectfully Informed that Officea have been °imbed by the District Superintendents of Public Lighting, at which Citizens are requested togit p Information resimet leg accidents which may happen to the Pnblic Lamps; or of any failure in lighting or extinguishing them at the proper time; or if not properly cleaned and In good lighting condition The Books will be kept by Joseph Bally, No 808 Wharton at., First Ward; Charles arty, Supt of 3d district, No 3 Haines et above Sixth; Ifiram O. Kirk, No. 1138 Hutchinson street, To entieth Ward; At. W. Deshoug, No. t 331 Coates Bred, Fifteenth Ward, Thos. V. Bowlby, (1 as Heine, Twenty-Fourth Ward, (West Philadelphia;) M. fl. M'Fadden, Oftice, Twenty. Second Ward, ( Ger mantown;) N Market, Gan (Mice. Twenty-Third Ward (Frankford,) and at the Gas Office in Seventh street, below Market. By order of the Trustees of the Philadelphia One Works. A. J. KITS, 001-thn Superintendent of Distribution. COAOH, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP Factory of E. IT ussims, No.loo (late 43) South EIGHTH, below Chestnut street, ha. become a saving of 60 per cent. to our SOUTHYDN AND WESTERN MERCHANTS, and also the convenience of haying their obi Carriage Lamps new slivor•toyped and bottomed, and soot by exprevs to all porta. anl2 11 WELCOMV RANGE.--SOLDBY QUAD • Wl(] & IN). 109 N. MOND lit 5212-2 m STROU RE, ATTORNEY AT AUL LAW, O.ENTRA street, Tottatille, Pc tlailrcab Lints PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.--THE SIREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the At hunk, Citlee with Western, North-western, and South western Mateo, by a continuous Railway Mired. Th'e Road also connects at Pittsburgh with daily line of steamers to all porU on the Western MIMI, and at Cleveland and Sandusky with Steamers to all ports ois the North-western Lakes; making the most IMMO?, CHEAPEST and RELIABLE ROUTE by which Freight can be forwarded to and from the (TREAT WEBT. RATES BETWEEN PIIILADELPIIIA AND PITTS BITROLI. illl . ll 61..1,1511—800te, Shoes, Hate, and Cape ,l! Books, 11 ; Dry , G pr oode, , Is::: and bales) Feather'', stirs, ke 90e. per 101 lb. 810 , 3 ND Ottes--Domestlo Bbteting t Shirting and Ticking, (in original bales), Drugs (in casks), Hardware, Leather, Liquor, (in caked Wall Paper, Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Dietward, A el fre lee. per 10011 4 Tenttn Cissa—Anvils, Chaine L eMit.), 'Hemp. Bacon and Pork, Baited, (tom, or in sacks), PfilutS, (dry and in oil ) Oils, (except lard and rcait.) Ode per 109 lbs lOtrarff Oitos—Coffee, PM, Bacon, Boer, and Pork, (In casks or boxes eastward), Lard and Lard Oil, Nails, Soda Ash, German etly, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Steel, Atsroafaetured To: haceo, Rosin Oil, gneensware, Pugnr, (hhds bbli ; sod boxes,) Ac., Ar 000 per 100 11 Pi.ona-61 per bbl until further notice. Gallo—Pic. per 100 lbs , until Inv her notice Corms—f 2 per bale, not exceeding 600 lbs. weight, until further notice, In ehiprong Goode from any point Ent of PhMar-- Olin, partleuler to NALL package% . 1 via Pene.syfroolie Hai/road." All Goode consigned to the Agent. of thu Itosd, at Philadelphia or Ptttoburgh, will be forwarded without detention. Fits ionw An Fan --Clarke ft Co., Chicago; Peer & & Co., Idemplii., Tenn.; B P. Sass & CoBl. Louis, hfo.; P. O. & Co., Evansville, Indiana; Wm. Ciotti:aim, Louisville, Kentucky.; It C. Ms drum, Madison, Indiana; ff. W. Brown & Co., and I mil A. Co., Cincinnati; IL S Pierce & Co., Zstaetvillv, Ohio; Leech & Co., No. 64 Kilhy street, Bolton; Lettb &CO No 2 Astor Nouse, New York, No I William New York; E J. Fneeiter, Phits4elphla; litagtaw & Koons, Baltimore; L. A Inewart, Pittsburgh. 11 H. lICUti General Freight Agent. II J LOSIDAFAIT, Etipecintendent, Altoona. Pa Bavings .funbe SAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN TEREST-NATIONAL PAPETY 'MST COM PANY -WALNUT BTIMET POUTU-WEST CORNER OY THIRD, vuiLmyrs.vitiA INOORPOILATED or ra• Stare or Piraxan.vmeia. Money is received it any ■um, large or small, and in tereat paid from the day of depoeit to the day of with dtawal. The office t °yen every day from 9 o'clock In the morning till 7 o'clock In the evening, and on Monday and Thursday atoning" till 9 o'clock LION. HENRY L 13PiNNER, President, ROBERT Vice President. Wit. J. BALD, Secretary. DIUCTOIC: lion. Henry L Benner, 0 Landreth Dianne, }Award L Carter, T. Carroll Brewster, Robert Selfridge, Joseph B Barry, Bawd. K. Ashton, Ilenry L. Churchman, James B. Smith, FIWICA Lee. Money le received and payments made daily. The Inrestments are made in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in REAL ESTATE MORT. 0 AOES, GROUND RENTS, and Ruch Bret class securi ties as will always insure perfect security to the deposi• tore, and which cannot fail to give permanency and sta bility to this Institution. anl-ly NO. 83 ('l4I) DOCK STREET. —FIVE 1 I PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. MO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.— FIVE 11 PER CENT STATE SAVINGS PUND. NlO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.— FIVE 1, PER MINT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. ata-1F illarliincin anb iron. PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BUIL ER REANEY, NEAFIE St CO., PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS MAOUINISTS, BOILER-MAKERS, BLACK 81UITUS AND FOUNDERS Having for many years been In successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Marine ant River 'Engines, high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tanks, Pineßora, &c., &a, respnctfally offer their services to the public, as being hilly prepared to contract for Engines of all sines, Marine, River, and Stationary. Having sets of patterns of different are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of Pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and tow Pressure, Flne, Tubu lar and Cylinder Boilers,ol the best Pennaylvanla char coal iron. Forging% of - all sizes and kinds; Iron and BUM Castings of all descriptions; Roll Turning, Strew Cutting, and all other work connected with this above business. Drawings and specifications for all work done at their establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can hay in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, dm., kn., for mining heavy or light weights._ . Triunes HEANEY, JACOB G. NEAPIK, JOHN P. LEVY, sul-g BEACH and PALLIEB Streets, Kensington V. MERRICE. 3.fLCGRAII MERRICK SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, /MTH AND WASHINGTON STAMM PHIL/WILMA. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, Meer and Marine ramie.. Boilers,Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &a , Out. Ingo' of all kinds, either Iron or Brae. Iron frame roofs for Gets Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, &a. Retorts and Gan Machinery of the 'stoat and moat Improved construction. Every description of Plantation machinery, each as Sugar, Paw, and Orist Mills, Vacuum Pane, Open Steam Trains, Deferators, Filers, Pumping Engines, Ao Sole Agents for N. Milieux's Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nnamyth's Patent Steam Hammer; I. P. Boas' Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pampa. Superintendent—B. H. BASTOL RICUARD NORRIS & SON, LOCOMO TIVE STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, 111111021.11ITTA 87REST, 8AV111,7014, riltairliA ASI3 erring GARDEN STREWS, PHILADELPHIA. L 0011 CO ln Tettey in STEAMENGINESture Manufacture to order Locomotives of any &mange mat, weight or capacity, for the use of Weed or Cat o SF BIIUMINOWS Cool is its roads stole, or ANTIIRACITN COAL, WITIOLIT KNITTING BMOCS, GAS 01 Plea. In design, material and workmanship, the Locomo tives produced at these Works are equal to, and not ex celled by any. The materiels used in constzuetion are made on the spot and Insure the best quality and meet reliable stook. The large extent of Eibope, and COM pieta Equipment of Machinery and Tools, enable them to exemite the BEST OF WORE WITH GREAT DESPATCH, OP ANY ARAANOPNANT REWIRED. OHILLZI) OAR IVREELB, RAM IMED ARUM, With Forging° of any eizii or form IRON AND BRASS CASTING'S, Acid ?SACRUM wou. RICHARD HORRID an/-ly IVANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES UAVALRY—Able.hodled, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance Pay from U 2 to 121 per month No man having a wife or child writ be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE, at No. 817 MARKET &trent above Eighth, north aide. WILLIAM B. ROYAL'', let Lieut. Id Regt of Cmlry, Recruiting Offlee? MEMO AGENTS TVANTED.—A HOME tiLPILI STEAD FOR. slo!—Third Division —4310.000 worth of Farms and Building Lots, in the gold region of Culpeper county, Virginia, to be divided amongst 10,200 subscribers, on the 7th of December, 1867. Pub script ione only ten dollars down. or fifteen dollars, one half down, the rent on delivery of the deed. kvery subscriber will get a Bedding Lot or a Arm, ranging In value from $lO to $25,000. These farms and lots are sold 00 cheap to induce settlements, a sufficient number being reserved, the Increase in the value of which will compensate for the apparent low price now asked. Up wards of 1,360 lots and farms are already Cold. and a company of settlers called the a Rappahannock Pioneer Association" is now forming and will noon commence a nettlenient. Ample security will be given for the faith ful performsoce of contrneta and premiers Nearly 46 OW acres of tarld, in different parts of Virginia, now at command, and will be sold to settlers at from 01 up to $3OO per acre. U0,11413:10/406/e titles Well 10 all cases be given. Wood , cuttern, coopers, farmers, &e are mewled, and Ave hundred Agents to obtain subscribers, to whom the most liberal inducements will be given. rue agents write that they are making $2OO per month. for full particulars, subscriptions, agencies, he , Apply to E. BAUDER % au24 , tf Port Royal, Caroline county, NOTICE.-CHESTNUT STREE BRIDGE. PLANS AND ESTIMATES for 'Bridge alter the Enter Schuylloil, on the line of Cheetntit erect, in the City of Philadelphia, will be received by the Chief En gineer and Surveyor, at the DEPARTMENT OF BUE• VETS, Citgj.luilding, FIFTH Street, beim Walnut, unit tho rectiivl day of January, 1363. Eridge to bn of tho (plow/tar dimensions, without any pier, or with n037116r3 - thein one pier in the water-way i the ineterfatilW construction throughout to be indestructi ble by fire Di - tense between attutmente.. ........ .231 feet It it'll of midge, nut to out, net lees then.. 42 tt Elora' twi above low TM., 27 than eleven nn arch the springing line dhould not bo lees than eleven foot above ban water. The Plane and retimates will be rrecived under the arrangement ant condition, epectrled in the mall wince of Connell!, approved November 21, 1327, rte fol fone, vie SgOttoa 2. That all plans and estimates to be received by the Chief Engl nrmr alwt Surveyor of the City of Phila delphia, each plan and estlowite to bear a private murk, and he ',tromp:m(l lie Pleated communication having a eerrnientling mark thereon, PO that the name of the designer my not be !moan until the plan most ap proved Anil have been !elected. Siicriost 3. That ell sash frau and viten - Men shall, when received, become the property of the City of PhiJa• dolphin, and shall be premented u {thin tne menthe after the passage of thin ordinance, when it shall be the duty of the Chief }iogineer ant Surveyor, and with the advice of the Committee on Surveys mid liegulatione, to Invite a commineion cementing of three civil mile. neers, who, in conjunction with the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City, shall elnmino and decide upon the relative merit, and applicability of the plan, presented, to the Bridge site proposed, and report to Councils the number of plonn received, the names of the designers, and the character and entimated cost of the three plans by them preferred. PECTIOI S. It shall be the duty of the Chier COMMIS , stones of Itighwayn, upon a certificate prenenttel and signed by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, to issue warrants in payment of the cent of the aforcnald adver• tinements, and also in favor of those persons who may have presented the three plane preferred by said cons minnion ; to the Ornt in point of merit, the limn of $400; to the second, t 2.10, and to the third flOO, mild warrants to be charged to Item No. 141 of appiepriation made to the Department of Highway', , for the year 1847, approved March 16, 1t557.1 For further information, or for crone section of river, address__ . STRICKLAND KNEASS, Chief Engineer and Surveyor City of Fhilada no6-dtjan3 m aT AKOH ca A y NT AL 'e oGßA.rns, OR PHOTOGRAPHIC MINIATURES IN OIL, N E corner of EIGHTH and Locusr. . . . The shore pictures differ eurntmtly from anythiog ever before offered to the public. Their softness, and troth of color and outline, extraordinary minuteness and secures) of detail, insure, cf necessity, the greatest fidelity of resemblance; while the severity of the or deal to which they are exposed in manipulation equally settles the question of their permanence. These facto enable the subscriber to offer them, with the greatest satisfaction and confidence, to the publie and to hi s friends. They are secured by letters patent to, and tan be had ONLY of E. D. If ARODANT. Dortnilts of the Cabinet, sod life site on Canna Le heretofore. se 18-3 m o,r -ECONOMY IN GAS BILLS.-TIIE beat Goa Regulator,' ever offered for r,ve Dol lar.. Fur Axle by the WATERMAN GAS REGULA TOR COMPAAT, 0020.1 m PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAM ROAD, 1037. YOR PITTSBURGH, ISIT. Cincinnati, Bt. Lodi lows cut, Lcraiarine, New Odom, P. Peal, /OM/owns, Cleveland, KAMM Terre Kanto, Chicago,:lora.. Frrmieg close ceenielieas Win. OS tkt Graaf Met. ere Railroads ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE Or TEE Taaovea TEAMS At end Erma the Pennsylvania Railroad Ps/unser Station. eouth-east corner of XLETENTH sad ILSE REP street• (entrant, on Eleirsinta Amid ) LEAVE PHILADELPHIA POE PITY/HYMN ANeD . . . .. - WESTERN CITIES ... . . Mail Train at TSO A.ll- Fast Line at 12 IA P. M. Express /Sail at 11 00 Night. Columbia R. It. Lille illiTiill for Rarrisbarg, via Co =lbis. at 2 '3O P M. ARRIVE lEOM PITTSBURGH AND WESTERN CITIES. Mail Train --_ at 12.00 night. Past Line It 6 00 A M. Et prera Mail at 100 P. IS Columbia 71 R. Line attires, from Harriatarg, rig Co umbiat at 7 SO P. 31. The Express Mail runs daily, the other trains, NlA days excepted. Baggage will be remixed at the Pawnor Depot by the Larose Master, at any time dub: the day. No charge for handling baggage. Nov ice.—ln cue of loss, the Company will hold themselves responsible for personal hawse sal for an magnet not etceeding 5100. Nome —Omnibuses will be in readiness et the New York Depot to enure parategers ter the Went to the Pennsylvania Railroad Station. ?HOWLS MOORE, Arai, Pasoonr Lino Pommykiwis Bartow! Co. naiad, No s v e amber 21,1667. u2l-11 ruo WESTERN TRAVELLERS. era ING AND StIMMBE ARRANGEMENTS. AORTHRRN CENTRAL RAILWAY. TWO DAILY TRAINS PEASE BALTIMORE TO PITTSDEB AND TWO WT. On and after June le O t H , 'SST, TO DAILY THAlli'S Rill leave Calvert Station for Ptttaburgh and all WNt ern and South or Northwestern cities,. TIIE MORNING MAIL TRAIN LfATel Baltimore daily (Sunday excepted) at s.li A. H. connecting with the IDA Tram over the (treat Peruse sylvania Railroad, and arriving in Pittahurgh at 1.41 A M. THE AFTERNOON ISPBERA TRAIN Leaves Baltimore daily (Sunday excepted) at 3 P. K. for Hamsburg. THE NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN Laves Baltimore EVERY NIGHT at 10 P. if , con necting with the Lightning Exprtas over the Penney!• Tanta Beilmad for Pittsburgh, arriving ell 20 P. I. Q 7 All the trans connect easel) , at Pittsburg with trams oTer the Pittabsret, Fest Wayne ee3 ettetdge Railroad, and eta Northern. Southern. and Western connettimm. . . [Er Deaeciagers for Chicago Rock Wind, Bart' ton, lova City, 111 twenties, Dabuque, Bt. Peal'alLO son, and other leadang cities in the Northwest, trill salt cite hundred matt of tract, end ten Acura in Cm., kith four fe:t changes of cart, by taking this route. M' Demanders for Cleveland, Sauctuaty, Toledo Detroit, go by this route amid the time to usiequelled, being 113 miles ahorter th an by any other route. jrr Passengers for at. Utile ' Indianapolis, Terre Haute. Cairo, and all points on the Dewar 6.34 Upper fillestzippi, make leas thengem of taro, end entre In al. lance of any other route; sad to Cincinnati, Colloatnas, Dayton, and other prominent eitiee, u quick aa by any other route. All It cetera Baggage CIIECIISD THROUGH and handled se i l t eaTI. • FOR THE NORTH. The Lit A M. connects closely with Xrpreee Trains over the Dauphin road for Williamsport, Elmira, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and Canada, thus forming the most direct railway route to Northlrestern Pennsylcsnia and Western New York. Peneengere wilt And !hie the shortest, cheapest, and most 'Aped/Mous route to Niagara Faits and Canada. Through Tickets are famed to Philadelphia Ha Co lombia and Lancaster by all the trains at $3 each, each trans having sore rennet-twin. Passengers by this route avoid tresaelled bridges, and ell the inconvenience of ferrying across the Suet:et:Lanni river Passengers for lianover, Manchester, Gettysturg„l&u -mittetru rg, Carlisle, Chambersburg , go by the trains at 8.15 A.M,an3 a P. M. WESTMINSTER BRANCH. The Care on this road make une trip per day, emaset tag with the train at 3 P M. For THROUGH TICIOLT3 and further informatien„ apply at the Ticket Office, Calvert Station, N. X. corner of Calvert and limekiln streets. sep2lB-tf O. O. AD/LEON, Bap.t. NEW YORK LINES.—THE CAMDEN 11 AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S NzS. PROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK, AND WA PLAO3B. Leave as follows, vie: /au. At I A. M. ? from Kensington Depot, via Jersey City, Mail $.l At 6A. M via Camden and Jersey Oaf, New ler eel Accommodation At 6A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda ties,,_ At 7A . e t., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mail At 10 A. M., by eteambost Trenton, via Taeony and Jersey City, Morning Pae At 2 P M , via Camden and Am boy, O. and A. Si- pram At 5 P. 11. via Camden and Jersey City, Rven!ag I Mail At 3 P. If., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, let Clews At 3P. M. via Camden and Amboy, Ancor:lmola: t ion, 2nd Class, 1 At 6 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, let Class At 5 P. 11. via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, 2nd Class 1 The 6 P. M. line runs daily, all others Stutdays az espied. Express Lines stop at the principal station' only, /or Belvidere, Easton, Flemington Ao., at aA. and 2g P 11., from Walnut street raid'. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkasban Montrose, Great Bend, An, at 6 A. Id., via Delano: , Lackawanna at Western Railroad. For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. For Mount Holly at Tik. It and 2X, 3 and P. M. WAY LINES For Bristol, Trenton An. at 2N and 4P. M. WAY irmx • • /or Palmyra, Raneocas, Beverly, Barlingtas, Horde town &e, at 3 P. N. Steamboat RICHARD STOCKTON for Sonlantaira and intern. diate plaree at 2N P SI Steamboat TRENIt,r; for Tway at 10 and 24 A. H., and .1 P. al. M. All Ones, except 1 A. IC, lean Willard etre* wbarl frrYlity peactie of baggage only allowed each pat. winger. Peasengers are prohibited from tatteig iTy thing se bagger but their wearing apparel.. AU beg me over afty potinds to be paid for extra. The Co.. pony limit their responslbility for bounce to one dolts per ponied, and will not be liable for toy amonnt De yowl $lOO, except by special contrast. WM. Y, GATZMZR Ageat as I.ly C. A, A. li. R. co PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOVVICK AND NO RR ISTO WN RAILROAD—WINTER ARRANCIEALENT.—On And After MONDAY, Ottobar 19th, 1851. Lear') Philadelphia at 6, 7%, 8%. Pm,11% A M., a, 3.10 min 4. 5,6, 7,9, and 11 P. M. Leave Germantown at 154 E, 7-35 min. 8,9, 10% A. 140, 310 min 4, b. 6, 7,8, and 16P. M. IQ - The 7 35 o'clock A. M. Train from Germantown wail atop only at Wayne Street Statical. ON StiNDATS, Lenin . 2 and 011 P. M. Levu Oermnntown V 20 min. A. M., 1-10 min. and 645 min P.M. MESE=MN=I Lease Chefittint Mil at 7X,5-40 2:ti Ml-10 Min. A. M., 12-50, 3-40, 5-40 7-40 mllO. P M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Phltadelphts. 2-20 A. M., 2 and 6% P. M. Leave Cheetnut VIII et S A. M .12-50 etall A-20 P.M• FOR MANATURR, coNsttonocxxx AND NORRIS . Leave Philadelphia at 6g, 9, 11 A. )1. 2 3, IX, 6%, and 11 P. DI LVave liorrittown at 7,_9,:11 . 3.11., 3 and 6.00 P. H. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M., and 3 P. M. Leave Norristown at I A. M., and 6 P. M CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD ItOB DOWNLNH TOWN. Lea,. Philadelphia at 91i A. M , and 9 P. 14. Lease Downingtown at lit A. H , and 1 P. M. H. $ SMITH, Superinghttent. Depot, Niath sad Green streets, Philadelphia IN OR TH .PE NNSTLYANIA RAILROAD WINTER ARRANGEMENT. BETBLEHELI. ).ASTON, ALLENTOWN, MAU GH 0111 NIL, WILKESBAREE, DOYLESTOWN, &e. On and after Wednesday. November 4th, 1967, the trains on this road will leave Philadelyhla daily (Sun days excepted) as follows: Yor Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown Mind Chant : and Wilkesbarre (Express) At 9 A.ll. For Bethlehem, Allentown, and Mauch Chunk, (Ea pres,) in connection with L. Y. R. R. and Easton, by stage, from Iron Hill Station, at 211 P. M. For Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 4 30 P. at. For If wyaedd, do at JO A. AI On Tuesday, and Fridays the 10 A. 11. train will Vile through to Doylestown, leaving Doylestown to return at 1 3a P. al. Leave Beth elem (Paprens.) at 9A.M , and 2.25 P A! Leave Doylestown, (Aceomroodstlon,) at SAS A. M. Leave Gwynedd, do. at 2 I.`o P. AL ON SUNDAYS. Foe From Gwynedd 016 A. 1 11 1 Gwynedd 390 P.M Doylestown 430 P. M. D0y1e5t0wn......6 35 A.lll Fore to Bethlehem 11 60 Mulch Chtuth 240 " Wllkeshsere 4:0 PASSENGER DEPOT, FRONT and WILLOW ate . Phil► ELLIS CLARK, Agent, CHANGE OP HOURS.—P II IL A CAL CHIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE BAIL ROAD. On and after Monday, Nov. 231, 1857, PAPSF4G Ell TRAIN!' LtATE PIIILADEIPELa For Baltimore at 8 A. 31, 1 P. M., (Exprem,) and 11 P. 31 For Ifllmineton at 8 A. Id., 1, 3.30 and 11 P. M. For New C^9+!, at lA. M., 1 an 4 3.30 P. M. For 3114414t0wn et 8 A. M. and 1 P. M. For Royer at 8 A. 31. and I P. M. For Seaford at S A. 31.. an! 1 P U- T - RAIZ:3 FOR PIiILARELPMIA Leave Baltimore at S 40, Exprosa, 11 A. II , and 825 P. 31. Leave Wilmington at 7 25 and 11.45 A. M., and EIS and 9 55 P. Al. Lea-0 New Castle at 6.15 and 11.95 A. M., and 9 1.0 £.31. Lesre Middletown at 10.10 A. M. and T 05 P. M. Lease Dover atpt 5 A 31. ands P.M Le6TO Seaford at 7 20 A. 51. and 2 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE /.I , are Wilmington at 9.16 A. M., 2 P. 21. sad 12.15 A. M. larlin6:ll3 only at 11 P. 1.1. trm Phll%.lelpltis to Baltimore.. do. do. 625 P. 31 from Baltimore to Philadelphia. Freight Train, with Panceser Cu attached, will rma as lapin' : LesTe Philadelphia fcr Perrywille and intermediate places at 6.00 P. M. inane Wilmington for do. do. 9.60 P. M. Learn Baltimore for Ilarre-de-Once at 5 P. M. no 21-ly S. M. YSLION, Preallent. ......... SALAMANDER SAFES. -- A large movement et EVANS & WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA 111ANUFACTURED BALLA/UNDER SALES, VAULT DOOM, BANK LOOMS, for Banks sad Steles. Donal to any now in 1 / 04 .. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, ke., On as good terms as any other eatabliehmara in ths United Statee. by NVANit A WATSON, No 26 South PODIUM street Philadelphia. %CAM PUIABB GIT 3 VA A CALL LUMBER I LUMBER enbecriber, who has for several years occupied the premises at Sloan's Sliming Mill, Kensington has moored to COATS STRIIET W1L12.7, adjoining' the ?Immix Planing Mill, oa Delaware avenue, where he intends keeping a large assortment of Carolina snd other gear ing hoards, item risen, shelving, Tenting and scaffold boards, thoroughly seasoned aint well worked. For sale at the lowest each prices. ?melanin are in vited to call and examine for themselves, awl every ef fort will be made to gin satisfaction. Orders MOIT•Ci and imyplied at the shortest notice far ale lands and shies of &Oben yellow Piss, 'baba and Baena : a. a. 007 CHISTYCIT Street 114ilroabs. FOR GERILANTO'ffif CHESTNUT Hill RAILROAD THALES FOE PHILADELPHIA fire Proof Odes Lumber.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers