tl' lru~ re, • - 4 7-81i/p417 -DEOEXIIER .18, /857, - 46 Evig- - ,, drijrol2RN !IV -PRESS At!e, 6 k , "'T E C '' ' 7 ' 7 :ll ° 4i. 417 4:IFF,EITpI3I`BEAT, , At expressly, fgt. _ • • r plete ' sitatMary olwhitt has tr aos- , •- 84.le,'ala the Atlantic+ Stales, sh!oe„ P h i I. ,4•nit. !. ' 4:1 461 of the last steamer for , in,tTorig- mappers; JiltAMPO'dire4T „ r;i T t l o i rt it l O P o l l E cit l k • gitttitiAT 'Pi.0r....--t-Lord BACON ; Poruitsr and the IDalifornians ; Public Entertainments ; sage of . GOV., Svercrorr ; Very Late dud, Into, resting from Kanstia.; Ton Reasons why every, Democrat shoat vote, against the admission of E alms unless, the ' w,holo Constitution is submitted._ to the .People; The President's Message; The-Kansas Conititution ; .The Po sition ot trAtKEEC-api DouGLAB ; The Utah :Expedition; The Double Murder In Lancaster county; Havana Correspondence; U. S. Court; Genertri:News ; The Courts: ireb,We make• no apology for publiehiet I. l aPet . ; thie nforaing, so filled with the liatisas quelitiini; 'IC% the, eiciting topic of the day, and therefore ought to be acceptable to all claSaca:of.readera. . GOVERNOR tiViLIiER;S 511LiAr LETTER. ROBEIiiJ. WAXER ; wrote, probably, the most: forcible letter' In favof . of Jitliff, By cnaii:ta 185q.,:1411'etyleand its 'facia made a profound:iMpreasion on the public mind.J It was tfinslale4 146 - '',oerniantind French, and thdian, and Welsh. Be wrote liientia :if lie felt that tipon the issue, deped, did: Ore: in*sq!'vatio4:of4lie",trniop. The pri*lPle which inspired his eloquence-wait the: principle of ptipular sovereignty, which he re- 7 gariledae-the eureka, protection againsta *lentil l ir l i43ogtapliicikl ',.paity. This-masterly May. was published • in' nearly every Demo cratic paper • ofithtf Union, and gave to Mr. AF4tfa anew Iwild s epon the confidence and the-affections of - his countrymen. - • To-dah--,-Irowever, wo another letter froin-Roanar d. Wamrsa, being nothing more nor less than hisletter of resignation as Go vernor - At this hour of writing wo have ito tune and no room to' say more thrui that •It - is equal_ to his fame, and nobly consistent With his record as a statesman who alwiys follorrs.the" right, no matter at what hazard to himself, No citizen can read what be has say, without feeling convinced that he ia- Sincere' and 'patriotic, and the array of facts and arguments 'which he presents will go far:th establish, on enduring foundations, the injtititiOe and 'oppression of the rule of the minority in Krirsas. There •is not a Demo crat--:not rt:-Republican—not an American, who>yllinot realize in tylp•stateiminliko 'pro duction the palpable' Outrages which the Le oomph:oil Cchivintioli has sought to practice upon the peoPle 'of Kansas. ' ' '- • - ' Thal:One:4a temper of Governor WALKER'S, letter is not the least part of its merits. Ile addresses the President as a friend and a com patriot, and 'never- for a moment fails in re spect4Ohe Chief Magistrate of the Republic. 'iNre "gli'c' the whole pr Gov. Wawa:it's lettrir, tiy. telegraph, correoted Carefully by a copy received' last night, by mail, from Go vernor W: ' ' ' ACTING .; iaIVERNOR STANWOPPS MES- Asa Most appropriate companion of Gover nor Wararaa's_letter, wo this morning print the message. of Acting-Governor Fasimmen P. STANTON_ to' the Legislature' of Kansas. This - calm; considerate, and conciliatory state paper will be perused with intense interest; and 'notthe leas so because it bears out all, and more than all, our apprehensions as to the ruleand-1:11in • polisiof.the minority in Kan sas. Mr. STANTON IS a native of the South. and • has served with great distinction, and for . mtMy years, as a representative in Congress from Tennessee. He was one of the ablest defenders of President Powt's Admin istration, and while Mr. BUCHANAN and Mr. WADHEit were in his Cabinet, was their earnest and devoted champion. His clear and 'com prehensive message dissipates a thousand.falla cies, and places the cause of the majority in Kansas on enduring foundations. s HE is THE LAST AND THE 'BEST WITNESS OF THE JUSTICE OF Govrovoa Tramcses :romp-Y. 01!JEFTWpS AND ANSWEitS, The President' pointedly asserts that the whole' Constitution of Kansas should have been .submitted, by the Convention, to, the people, beeautie,t'as he well remarks, that it the only true principle. The bogus Conven tion of Kansas did not look at the principle; they doubted „whether that .would 'suit -thrill policy, and hence they. took the trick; thus violating the cardinal policy of the Demo cratic party. Their defenders here 'admit that our PrirMiplis have been thus broken down ; but they.-exclaim: What matters that l it will only be for a time ; let the wrong be done, sanction it for a brief period, admit Kansas as a State, and then the people may at once do them selves the justice which it would net be politic for Congress now to do them. True, gentle men,the error will be a brief one, and truth, though'erushed to earth, will rise again; but it has not been thus that the Democracy of the North , or' South beim hitherto been taught to act. — They have inherited the spirit of their fathers, with whom, as Mr. Srommits of Geoigia well said; (February 17, 1854,) in re ply to-the same Republican argument, "The question _was not so mnelt the amount ot taxation; it was not the small duty 'on tea ; that Was far from being oppressive; but it was the prfacipto on which it was placed; it was the prilielPle asserted and maintained in the 44 preamble," that our fathers resisted by arms. .And Mr. WErtorca well 'said, on some occa sion; "That the American Revolution was fought against a preamble." And Mr. &s -almi:a then added "It is, in vindication of that new principle, then established for the first time in the history of our Government, in the, year 1850, the middle of the Nineteenth cen tury, that we, the friends •of the Nebraska bill, whe t ther from the North or the South, now call upon this House and the country to carry out in good faith, • and giVe effect to the Writ and intent of those important mea. sures of territorial legislation." On February 18, 1854, Senator BROTMEAD said: "The question at present, (vO.: the question in volved in the Kansas-Nebraska bill,) is of no practical importance whatever. It is only 'important as establishing a perma nent rule."' It was for a principle, then, that the Country was agitated by the Compromise measures of 1850;, and it was to , aPply that principie n allhotigh then of. no' practical im portance,-that the Missouri Compromise was repealed •and,:the Karma's-Nebraska bill was passed. 134 then; reply the friends of the bogus Convention, yon, Messrs. WALKER and Devotes, are agitators; you might let the little fraud: - and wrong, and violation of principle pass foi.the present, ibwiil afterwards be cor rected by thn people ; why, then, do you agi tate it _. That, is exactly what the Re publicans said to _the Democracy in 1850 and 7854; They said the country was then quiet; truly the Missouri Compromise was a . violation of an abstract Principle, but it was so old; it was so venerable, that the wrong had become a compact, and . sacred. What was our reply then ? It was thts, that the acts of 1850 established the principle; 'that the Missouri Compromise was in conflict with that principle, anti that,"eld and Sacred as it was, it should be repealed, and it was repo'altid, and that, to4;l.iy'ilie'Demoeracy of- the North; simplybeca4'si it Wins' notin accordance teak a principle; and when • these same' Republi cans said a If, then; slavery can not be practical ly established in Kansai, why do the South re quire, ilia compromise 'repealed ? • Peciume,, gnaw eitiK the Opals, If inelatei principli; and tie Dertioeracy of. the. North and South united and maintained that abstract principle. What, thotifiragitatbMidiall again follow our attempt to 'standby the principles of our party ? Let lir. - Simentas,Tol.:4leorgh, aniwer such men. no auk, (Feb. remains for nie trisiarsonietbing about the great excitement IVA is said this Measure williprodtica. -Well; sit, Who raises any ateitemett ittiw Whence rlokthe oppo- Often 4'0,414 That ate tact tearienc; for It I The "North (now the Democracy) is to be ex cited, and about what 1 ~ Why, because Congress by this bill re. cognises the territorial principle established in 1850. And what is the harm or mischief to bei done ? Why, nothing but extending to the .freemen of Kansas and Nebraska 'that privilege which ought to be the birthright of every American citizen, td. `have . a voice. in forming the institutions and passing the laws under which he is to live. Who, then, is to but''Why, these who deny to their fellow-eitizens the ca pacity for self-government."' ' That was then the answer of a Southern De niocrat to the objection of a Northern Republi 'nap. Certain Democrats are now so much afraid of ! our agitation for a principle, that they ex claim, Oh! ;yen are•dititracting the party in the ,0 0 1 1 1. 1 4,94 . 0. Find*: ..Who,are.the men in our party whom it will distract ? Why, our asser tion of thetiaido' principle In 1850 and 1851 dhdractod a great many other Democrats—aye, seine of them among the veterans of. the par . tyi but did this ' now-denounced Senator Douglas:and the Young Guard faint or falter be‘ause of that? ' 1.. Did we then' tear to insist on the principle because it:might agitate, and even distract the I Party'? Far froin it; and to,the Democrats, who then feared to be just, Id.„W. H. WITTE ... wellroplied : . •' . .` ' ' ' 4 Gentlemen assert that by the adoption of this measure you will divide and‘ distract the Democratic party. I ask them to remember that the, history of that party clearly attests that its purpose and function is one of trial and difficulty. It was cradled in storm and reared amid tribulation. It has ever been the advance -guard of all 'those great measures of progreas that have made our country powerful and glorious. It was created for thatpurPose, and whenever danger has threatened, from traitors at home or foes abroad, it has always, in `the hour of peril, been called upon to exercise its highest and holiest function. I care not If, to promote a groat prin ciple„ it distract the party for a time.. ' When its highest attribute shall have been exereised, and its highest mission per ' formed, it will then, by the involuntary tribute of a 111'eo people, be knit together in bonds so strong and irresistible, that the forces of all the factions and isms, placing Abolitionism at the bead, cannot break them. ,'They must remember that the Democratic,party is nol one of expediency; and if it be now called upon, by the enactment of this bill, to make sacrifices at the present moment, in order that great good may flow from its principle in time to come, I repeat, tis the solemn duty of every Demo era, be he in or out of Congress, to make such sacrifice, with a patriotism and chivalry which becomes a true national man. Ido not therefore fear the result. lam ready to go before the people and meet this question. It requires bat little intelligence to comprehend aproposition so simple as the one embraced in this act. To the people I submit it, con scious that their instinctive perception of man's, right to self-government will carry it safely through the storm of partisan agita- Sob, and load them to a just conclusion as to its merits." To these sound views we then bore and we now bear assent, and we commend their application now to every Democrat, be he in or onkel Congress. ' But these friends of expediency further object, that even if the Democratic party do now carry out their principles and pledges, yet the Republicans will not be at peace, that they wilt again refuse to vote, and where then they ask is the security that their objections will cease? That also is a Re publican argument, and was urged by them against_the Democratic party: Mr. SUMNER urged it in 1854, and on February 23, 1854, 'tr. TOOMBS, of Georgia, thus replied to it Sir; there is another story of ancienthistory by which the gentleman might have profited. krainister onee'came to the Roman Senate to sue for peace. They asked him, what se curity do you offer us that if we grant you this peace it will last and be observed 1' He replied,' grant us a just peace, on fur terms, and it will be durable and permanent; but give us an•unjust one, and it will not last long.' "You should stand upon a broad, national principle—then you will have peace. The great pacification of 1850 adopted this basis, and if that be carried out, wo shell have a per manent peace." .That was then Mr. Toomns's reply to the objection of the Republican, Citar.Les SUM '(ER, and we adopt and re-assert it in an over to the expediency Democrats who now follow:him, and who seek for peace through a temporary expediency, instead of basing it on m eternal principle. But again, say those gentlemen, we have now the power to settle this question—not on principle, to be sure, but to settle it, whether on .principle, or against principle. Perhaps you have the power, gentlemen, but to that Republican, argument, lot Mr. Toonns .again reply, as he did in 1854: "The Sena tor from Massachusetts, not contented with Perverting the history of his own country, mis applies even the ancient and Ihmillar story of TREMISTOELES and Anis-rim. 'I Tuamoroonsh Wished to take an unjust ad vantage of the enemies of Athens, or those who were expected shortly to become so. Forget-. jut of justice and right, he desired the Athe nialts, under prOspect of advantage, to destroy the fleets of their friends and allies. cc The scheme was referred by the Athenians to AR/STIDES. He said, True, you can do it ; you have got the power; but, Athenians,lt is safest. , 4 ! We, continued Mr. Toosins, appeal to the true and honest men of the North, as Ants - rims lid to the Athenians ; gentlemen, you can do thiS, for you have the physical power, bat it is atijust. We said that In 1850; and in spite of !the Senator from Massachusetts, and all his coadjutors here, the free North, th e honest North, took the same course which the honest Athenians did under the advice of ARISTIDES. They said : is unjust, and we will not do It.' " Democrats of the North, these were the sentiments of an holiest and high-minded Southron in 1861. You fol lowed him then. You then scorned the petty by-ways of policy and a time-serving expe liency, and walked in the broad highway of principle and justice. Will you not do so now? Will you not walk in tko old ways, the tried wags, the ways in which you and your fathers have trod? Will you take the advice of the TllE susrocLEs in our party, who advise you to take in unjust advantage of the enemies of the Democratic. party, anti who, w forgetful of jus titM and right, desire you, under prospect of advantage, to destroy even your enemies ?" True, you can do it ; you have got the power; but; Democrats, it would be unjust." In 1850, in 1851, the free North, the honest North, pursued the same course which the honest Athenians did under the advice of ARISTIDES —they said then, awl in 1857 they will say again, (C It Is unjust, and we will not do IL" "110USELIOLD WORDS." Many of our readers will thank us for in forming them that the Christmas number of cc Household Words," (moat of which will be written by CIURLES Droxens himself,) will contain ci The Perils of Certain English Pri soners, and their Treasure in Women, Children, Silver, and Jewels." It will occupy thirty six octavo pages, or the amount of a regular .), I "umber and a Half. Of course, Mr. T. IL PETERSON will reprint and republish it, the day after a copy reaches Philadelphia. Ile has a very taking way as regards DICKENS' works. The Pittsburgh Daily Union is making up a list of papers, with evident satisfaction, that have taken grouted in favor of allowing congress to compel the peoplo of Kansas to accept the minority Lecompton Constitution. The Union omits itself In this list, which is wise, 'considering that it was one of the first to take, ground against this minority Constitu tion. Mr' The announcement of a series of Leo turps, on the Philosophy of the Bible, by Professor Tawas, will attract general atten Om. It is an Interesting subject, and wil bo ably treated. " TUE SALE or MR. ROBINSON'S PAINTINGS will bo continued this, morning Some of the most valuable pictures will be included. The sale of elegant books, suitable for Christmas presence, will be continued this evening, at the auction rooms. See Thomas & Sons' advertise• meat. REATt ESTATE SALE.-- - Jamos A. FTOOIEaTI'S 8810 on Wednesday evening next includes several pro• perties by order of the Orphans' Court ; aloe, property In Coates street. All to bo sold without reserve. 800 advertisement under auction head. The Splendid 71CUI Marble Store, erected fur Henry Norn, Zpd:, 28 North Third street, by Mr. Itu bineam, the eminent builder, to so nearly ready for occu pation, that we find it advortleed In THE NW, of this day, to be rented. It has a frontage of thirty, a depth of one hundred and forty.seren, and a side extent•of 1014 r-four feet, and is one of the most handsome and convenient storm; in the city. Pire.—The alarm of fire about five o'clock yes terday thanking was caused by the partial burning or the lumber-yard of Mx. Moholoon, at Seventh street and Harrlott , e lane, which woe net on fire, and damaged to the unapt of about fifty ortir, i 4 BY MIDNIGIL2 MAIL. FROM WASHINGTON Governor Wntker , s, Letter—lntelligence Irons Kansas—Treasury Notes;/ec., Sze., [Correspondence or The Preee.) WASHINGTON, Dec, 17, MI In another column will be found the letter of re signatloa sent to 'Mr. Buchanan by Governor Walker. Regard for the harmony of the Demo erotic party at the 'same time that be stood firmly aeon the ground of popular sovereignty, induced Governor Walker, after consultation with friends from every section, to pursue this course. The Administration had last night an extraordinary Cabinet council, to take into grave consideration the present aspect of Kanms affairs, and to deter mine upon some fair mode of adjustment. I tun inclined to the'bellef, however, that they will re ply to Governor Walker's letter, sustaining, with whatever of argument et their command the pool- Alen which on this vexed question they are under stood to assume. Mr. Dexter has just arrived hero from Kansas. This gentleman Is known all through the Territory as an indomitable National Democrat. Ho reports that not only-all the press of Kansas, even pro slavery papers, excepting always the Lord Prost dent's pot organ, are in opposition to the Lecomp ton contrivance, sad that ninety-aine-hundrodtbs of the people are of the same way of think ing. Na tional Democrats, ho says, will be thunderstruck when they learn that the Administration, contrary to their expectations, favor what they determin edly set their face against. Col. Hazard, of Kiekapoo, which gave 600 majority for the Demo cratic tieket,is with Gov. Walker, and opposed to the Imeompton Constitution. So are his constitu ents, with very rare exceptions. A Democratic Senator in the State Legislature of Wisconsin, informs mo that the Democratic members of the Senate, and of the House compos ing that body, have had an understanding for some time, that previous to the opening of their sessions they will meet in caucus, and pass resolu• tions of approbation of the course of Walker, Stanton, Douglas, and Tun Prizes. I give you his words as ho gave them to me. Furthermore, ho states that there is not a single litBsentient. Ron. John Mohnen'', of the Chester district, was ono of the first from Pennsylvania, in the last House of Representatives, to raise hie voice in favor of the nomination and election of Mr. Du. chases. You know how becworkad during the last campaign for the success of our cause. Now his prepares himself for continued advocacy of the groat principle that the 'will of the majority, as fairly expressed, shall prevail, end will speak in the, HOW on the first opportunity, in opposition to the Leeompton Constitution. Mr. Hunter, from the Finance Committee of the Senate, reported a bill to-day, authorizing the issuance of treasury notes to make up the deficit in the revenues of the country for the ordinary expenditures of the Government. It is very lengthy, but in its main features is as I have heretofore stated it. An old gentleman, who was sojourning in Eu rope, during the last Presidential campaign, for the benefit of his health, says that of all the documents which were gent to hint favoring the object of his desire—the election of Mr. Buchanan—none wore snore grateful than the speeches of a young Phila delphia lawyer, named Dougherty. The decease of the lato lion. J. G. Montgomery, from the Luzerno district, was announced this morning in the House by ;lon. Paul Leidy, his successor. The remarks, both of Mr. Leidy end Colonel Florence, who seconded the resolutions, were appropriate, and touching in their expression of sorrow for their loss and the loss of their beloved State, Pennsylvania. Acting Commissioner Mix bee received a letter from Brigham Young, dated October 7, 1857. Ho writes " I improve the opportimity by first succeeding mail via Panama to inform you that I forwarded my report anti accompanying papers for the quar ter ending September, 1857, by the hands of the Hon. S. hi. Bernhisel, our delegate to Congress, who accepted a very courteous invitation from Captain Van Vliet, U. S. A., to arose the plains with him en route to Washington, and notwith standing the quarter wee not quite ended, I deem ed that cours• all the more proper from the fact that the mail to this Territory fromlndependance, klo., had been stopped by the Post Office Depart ment, and it was not known how soon the mail from California might, also, be stopped. " I have also the honor to inform you that Dr. Garland Hurt, a United States Indian agent, in this superintendency, saw fit to leave the field of his official duty, on the 26th of September last, In company with some Indians, whom it is said ho hired to escort him to the United States troops, and without having made any report to me of his wiebes and designs, or of the disposition ho had made of the affairs of his agency. "Such an ocortsionless and unwise movement on his part, altogether needlessly exposing himself to archness, hardship, and danger, I did ail in my power, upon the earliest intimation of his plans, to prevent, as will be seen by a letter addressed to him, (a copy of which I enclose,) but which, un fortunately, did not reach his place of residence until a few hours after his departure. "Trusting that my official course, as above indi cated, wilt meet tho cordial approval of your judg went, I have the honor to be, very respectfully., Darartxv YOUNG, "Gov. and cx off. Supt. Indian Affairs, U. T. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Non-Arrival of the Canada. lisi,ishx, Poo. 17.—11 o'clock, P. 11.—Tho steamship Canada has not yet been bignalled below. The weather is calm, but aightly hazy. FROM WASHINGTON. The Pacific Railroad—Nominations Confirmed The Resignation of Governor Walker. WASIIMITON, Deo, 17.—ThO following named Senators compose the committee to whom was ro. ferred that part of the President's Message rela tive to the railroad to the Pacific , : Messrs, G win of California, Douglas of Illinois, Bright of Indi ana, Davis of 316eissippi, Bunter of Virginia, Se ward of New York, Bell of Tennessee, Foot of Vermont, and Iverson of Georgia. In Executive Session to-day, the Senate con firmed M. B. Lamar of Texas, as Minister to Con tral America, and Austin It.. Smith as Naval Agent in California. The nomination of Judge Clifford to supply the vacancy on the Supreme Bench was warmly deba ted by the Senate, and then referred to the Com mittee on the Judiciary. Governor Walker has printed his letter re signing the Governorship' of Karoae, designing to supply the press with copies. Some of his friends confidently assort that the President will refuse to accept the resignation, so that by returning the let ter to him, it will not appear on the public or. ehieves. It is also further said by his friends, that they anticipate the President will dismiss him. U. S. Supreme Court WAsitiaoros, Deo. 17.—The Supreme Court to day was occupied with ease No. 15, (before re ported.) The argument for the plaintiff was con tinued, and the argument for the defendant was commenced. Lnter from Kansas Sr. lAMB, Dee. 17.—Tho Rciiii6/icon has re eeived Kansas dates to the 10th inst. The Legis lature bad done nothing toward carrying out the recommendations or acting Governor Stanton's merino. The election returns from Kickapoo have boon declared fraudulent by the Committee of Investi gation, and the Republican members admitted to their scats in the House. John Calhoun, the President of the Constitu Lionel Convention, had been nominated for (lover nor by the Democratic Convention, but he do Mined, and Frank Marshall was nominated in stead. W. G. Matthews was nominated for Limit Governor. 31r. Carr was nominated fur Congress ; Distrio Attorney Weir wits offered the nomination, bu declined. Gem Denver, the newly appointed noting Gov ernor, had not yot arrived in the Territory. Nothing wan yot known an to the chernelor or the intelligence brought by the lost inmonger from Utah. Sr. Loris, Dee. 17.—The Ketone letters to the Demorrat say that an attempt 13 being made along the border counties of Missouri to form companies of voters, to control the election to bo hold in the Territory on the 21st inst. At, a mass convontion hold nt LccomPton on the 7th inst., resolutions were passed, endorsing the proceedings of the delegate convention, hold at Lawrence on the 2d, and pledging themselves in dividually and collectively to opporo to the ut most the Constitution adopted at Lccompton, and to resist every attempt made to put into operation a Stale Ciovornment under the some. The Death Wnrrnnt. PITT:MUM:IIp Doc. 17.—Tho Governor has issued warrants for the execution of the McKeesport murdorors, Henry Fibs and Charlotte Jones, to take place on the 12th of February, 1858; also of Monroe Stewart (who, by the confession of Char lotte Jones, to exonerated from complicity in the murder) to tako place a fortnight later, On the War toWsz;hinnton 13ALTPf0.111:, Dco. 17.—110 n J. C. Breckinridge, Vice President of the United States; Senator Mal lury of Florida, General Gonzales, and Dr. Smith, of New Orleans, came upto this oily in the Nor folk boat. Thoy are on their route to Washington, Ad Meeting at New York—Au Accident NEW YORK, Deo. 17.—An immense Democratic meeting congregated in the City Park this evening, to respond favorably to the views expressed in the message of Mr. Buchanan. Hon, Biehard Schell presided. Tho speakers' platform broke down while Mr. Scholl was speaking, and great excite. ment ensued among the crowd. Fortunately no person was injured. The mooting then proceeded to the vicinity of the City Mall, from the steps of which they aro being addressed. The Southern Banks AUGUSTA, Dec. 17.—The Legislature of limit!' Carolina has refused to legalize - the suspension of specie payments by the banks. The Georgia Le gislature has done nothing yet. The Governor of Florida has directed tho tax collectors to receive the ordinary currency in pay ment of taxes duo tho State. Rain commenced falling hero last night, and there is every prospect of a deluge similar to that of last Week. Markris Pirrimunon, Deo. 17.--Flour dull ; no 811i09 from first hands; pilau is still unohangod ; wheat dull ; 80a00o for red and ivhito ; rye 550 ; corn 40c ; oats 300. Nothing doing in provisions; whiskey, raw, 110. BALTIMOTIE, De 36. 17.—Flour is firm. Whiskey 21022 e. Exchange on Now York 41 por cont. pro :Mum. CHARLESTON, December 17.—Sales of 400 ba les of Cotton to-day, and for the week, 0,000 Tho market oloses with an advancing ton• deny; sales Di for middling. Canny bags aro selling at 11 coats for time. PRIDAY, DECEIVIBin YS, 1857. Hon. Robert J. Walker's Resignation of the Governorship of Kansas. WAtutleavott, Dee. 17.—The following Is the letter of lion. Robert J. Walker, resigning the office of Governor of Kansas: " 'CORRECTED MOM GOY. WALKER'S OWN COPY.I WASITINOTON City, Dec. 150807. Hon. Lewts Vass, Secretary or State: • resign tho aloe of Governor of the Ter ritory of Kansas. I have been most reluctantly forced to this conclusion, after anxious and careful consideration of my duly to the country, to the people of Kansas, to the President of the United States, end to myself, The grounds as sumed by the President, in his late message to Congress, nod in recent instructions, in connection with the events now transpiring hero and In Kansas, admonish me, that as Governor of that Territory, it will no longer ho in my power to pre serve the peace or promote the public welfare. Attila earnest solicitation of the Prosident.after repeated refusals, the lost being in writing I finally accepted this onto°, upon his letter ehow(ng the danger and diffieultica of the Kansas question. and the necessity of my undertaking the task of adjustment. Under these circumstances, notwith standing the grout sacrifices to me, personal, pe. lineal, and pecuniary, I felt that I could no more refuse such a call from my country, thro ug h h oc Chief Magistrate, than a soldier in battle, who is ordered to command a forlorn hope. accepted, however, on the express condition that I should advocate the submission of the Constitution to the vote of the people, for ratification or rejection. These views were clearly understood by the Presi dent and all hie Cabinet. They were dietinctly sot forth in my letter of acceptance of this office, on the 26th of March last, end reiterated ill my inaugural address on the 27th of May last, as fol lows: " Indeed, r cannot doubt that the Con vention, after having frained a State Constitu tion, wilt submit it for ratification or rejection by a majority of the then actual bona fide resident settlers of Mittens. With theca views well known to tho President and Cabinet, and approved by them. I accepted the appoint ment of Governor of Kamm My instructions from the President, through the Secretary of State, un der date of the thirtieth of March lust, senat e the regular Legislature of the Territory, in assembling a Convention to form a Cenotitatlon;' and they express the opinion of the President, that when such a Constitution shall be submit ted to the people of the Territory, they must be protected in the exercise of their right of vo ting for or against that instrument •, and the fair expression of the popular will must not be interrupted by fraud or violence.' I repeat, then, as my dear conviction, 'thin unless the Convention eithruit the Constitution to the vote of all the actual resident set. tiers in Kansas, and the election be fairly-and justly condueied, the Constitution will lee. find ought to be, rejected by Congress." This inalrieiral, most distinctly asserted that it was not the gime tion of slavery merely, (which I believed to lie of little practical importauee then in Its application to Kansas,) hut the entire Constitution which should be submitted to the people for ratifica tion or rejection. These were my words on that' subject in my Inaugural : "It Is net momiy, shall slavery exist in or disappear from Kansas, but shall the great principles of self-government end State sovereignty be maintained or subverted." In that inaugural I proceed further to clay, that the people " may by 11 subsequent vote defeat the rati fication of the Constitution." I designate this us a "great constitutional right," and add "that the Convention is the servant, and not the master, of the people." In my official despatch to you of the second of Juno last, a copy of that inaugural address was transmitted to you for the further information .of the President and his Cabinet. No exception was over taken to any portion of that names. On the contrary, it is distinctly admitted by the Presi. dent in his message, with commendable frank ness, that my instructions in favor of tho submis• sion of the Constitution to the vote of the peciPle were "general and unqualified. " By that inaugural, and subsequent addresses, I was pledged to the people of Kansas to oppose, by alt "lawful means," the adoption of any Constitution which was not fairly and fully submitted to their veto for ratification or rejection These pledges cannot recall or violate without personal dishonor, and the abandonment of fundamental principles, and therefore it is impossible for me to support what is called the Leeompton Constitution, he cause it is not submitted to the vote of the people for ratification or rejection. I have over uniformly maintained the principle that sovereignty is vested exclusively in the people of each State, and that it performs its first and high est function in forming a State Government and State Constitution. This highest act of sore. reignty, in my judgment, can only be performed by the people themselves, and cannot be delegated to Conventions or other Intermediate bodies. In deed, the whole doctrine of the sovereignty of Conventions, as distinct from that of the people— of conventional or delegated sovereignty, as con. tradistinguished from Slate or popular sovereignty —has ever been discarded by me, and was never hoard of, to my knowledge, during the great canvass of 1856. Indeed, this is the great principle of State Ilene and State sovereignty maintained in the Virglnin and Kentucky re solutions of 1708 and 1700, sustained by the people in the great political revolution of IRO, and embraced in that amendment to the Pectoral Constitutien, adopted under the au spices of Mr. Jefferson, declaring that " the pose ers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the, people." The reservation to " the States" is as separate States, in exercising the power(' granted by their State Constitutions; and the reser ration to "the people" is to the people of the several States, admitted or inchoate, in exercising their sovereign right of framing or amending their State Constitution This view was set forth in my printed address, delivered at Ketches, Mississippi, in January, 183:1, against nullification; which tipeeeli received the cotnplt mentary sanction of the great and good Madison, the principal founder of eta Constitution, us shown by a letter of lion. Charles J. Ingersoll, of Phila'- delphia ' as published in the Globe, at Wnishiagtoni' in 1836. What adds much to the ("roe of tide opinion is the statement then made by Mr. Madison that these were also the views of Mr. Jefferson. By this clam of the Federal Constitu• lion, tho sovereignty of tho " people" of each State is early reserved, and eipeelally their own ex clusive sovereign right to form, in all its entirety, their own State Constitution. I shall not enter fully into the argument of thle question ut this period, but will merely btate that this is the position I have ever occupied, and my reasons for entertaining this opinion arc clearly and distinctly ect forth in the printed pamphlet, published over my signature, on the Eith of June, 1838, and then extensively circulated, from which I quote as follows : Under our confederate ayb• tent, sovereignty is that highest political power which, at Its pleasure, creates ilovernmente, and delegates authority to them. Sus oreignty grants powers, but not sovereign powers; otherwise it might extinguibb itself by tanking the creature of its will the equal or superior of its creator. So vereignty makes Constitutions, and through them establishes Governments. It delegates certain powers to these Governments, dis tributing the exercise of the granted power among the legislative, executive, and Judi• cis,' departments. The Constitution is not sovereign, because it is created by sovereignty; the Government is not sovereign for the same tea sel], much less any department of that Govern ment. Raving defined sovereignty, eve must not confound the power with its source or exercise. That is, sovereignty is ono thing; where it resides or how it is to be exercised, is another. Under the system of European despotism, sovereignty was claimed to reside in Kings and Emperors, under the sacrilegious idea of the 'divine right of Ki»gs;'..and the blasphemous doctrine was, that Sovereigns, in legitimate succession—although stained with crimes and blackened with infamy— were clothed by Deity with absolute power to rule their subjects, who held nothing but privi leges granted by the Crown. Such were the absurd and impious dogmas le which the peo ple of Europe, with few exceptions, have been compelled to submit by the bayonet—sustained by the mere putout authority of ignorance and super stition. Under this theory, the people were mete ciphers, and crowned beads sub-deities—the sole representatives on earth of the governing power of the Almighty. Our doctrine is just the reverse, making the people the only BOUM of sovereign power. But what people? With tut 'sovereignty testa exclusively with the people of each State.' By the Revolution, each colony, outing for itself alone, separated from Great Britain, and sanction ed the Declaration or independence. Each colony having thus become a State, and each adopting for itself its separate State Government, soled for itself alone under the old Continental Congress. Each State acted for Geoff alone in acceding to the Articles of Confederation in 1778, and each State soled for itself alone in framing end ratify ing each tor Itself the Constitution of tho United . . States. Sovereignty, then, with us, rests ex elusively with the people of each State. The Con stitution of the tlnitod Stotts Is not sovereign, for It was created by the States, each exercising for itself that highest political power called sovereign ty For the Mho reason the Government of the United States is not sovereign, nor does it cxer• eise any sovereign powers. It exorcises only " delegated powers, ' 83 declared by the Con. atitution, and those powers only which are granted by that Instrument. Delegated powers aro not sovereign powers, but are powers granted by sovereignty. Sovereignty being thls highest political power, cannot ho dele gated. It is indivisible. It is a unit, incapable of partition. Hence the great error el supposing that sovereignty is divided between the States and the United States. The Constitution of the United States in the supremo law,' and obligatory as such. But a law is not sovereignty, but an act of sover eignty. All laws imply law-makers, and in this ease those who framed and ratified thin ' supremo law,' wore those sovereignties called the States, each soling exclusively for itself, uncontrolled by any sister States,exeept by the moral force of its In nuance and example. The (loverninent of the United States, possessing, as we have shown, no sover eignty, but only delegated powers, to them alone it must look for the exercise of all constitutional authority in Territories, as well as States; for there is not a single power granted by the Constitution to this (lovernment, in a 'Yerri. tory, which is not granted in a State, except the power to admit new States into the Union, which, as shown by the Madison Papers, the framers of the Constitution, as first demonstrated in my first Texas letter, refused to limit to our then existing Territories " In the Territories then, as well as the States, Congress possesses no sovereignty and con exercise only the powers delegated by the Constitution, and all the powers not thus granted we dormant or reserved Insects, belonging in common territory to all the States as en-espial, joint tenants there of thathighest political power called sovereignty." It will be perceived that this loots inn that 44 sove reignty makes Constitutions," that "sovereignty rests exclusively with the people of each State," that " sovereignty cannot be delegated ;" that " it is in alienable, indivisible," a " unit incapable of parti tion," are doctrines ever regarded by me as fun damental principles of public liberty, and of the Federal Constitution. It will be S3Oll that those views. which I havo over entortained, wore not framed to suit any emergency in Kansas, but were my life-long principles, and were published and promulgated by me in nn elaborate argument over my own signature, twelve months before my de parture to that Territory, and when I never thought of going to Kansas. These rights I have over regarded as fully secured to the people of "all the Territories" in adopting their State Constitu tion by the Kansas and Nebraska bill. Such is the construction given to that act by Congress, in passing the Minnesota bill, so justly applauded by the President. Such is the construction of this Kansas not by its distinguished nuthor, not only in his late most able argument, but in addresses made and published by him long antecedent to that date, showing that this sovereign power of the people in acting upon a State Constitution is not confined to the question of slavery, but includes all other sub *to ombraoed in ouch en Instrument. Indocd) believe the Kansas and Nebraska bill would have violated the rights of sovereignty reserved to the people of onoh State by the Federal Constitution, if it had deprived them, or Congress should now deprive them, of the right of voting for or against their State Constitution. The President, in his message, thinks that the rights secured by this bill to the people, In sating upon their State Constitution, are con fi ned to the slavery question ; but I think, as shown in my address, before quoted, that " sovereignty is the Power that makes Constitutions and Govern ments," and that not only the slavery clause in a State Constitution, but all others, must be sub mitted. The President thinks that sovereignty can be delegated, at least in part. I think sove reignty cannot be delegated at all. The President believes that sovereignty is divisible between Con ventions and the people, to be exercised by the former on all subjects but slavery, and by the lat ter only on that question. Whereon, I think that , sovereignty is inalienable," " indivisible," " a - unit Incapable of partition," and that it cannot be delegated in whole or in part. It will not be denied that sovereignty is the only power that can make a State Constitution, and that it rests exclu sively with the people; and if it is Inalienable, and cannot be delegated, as I have shown, then it eon only be exercised by the peo• pie themselves. Under our Government, we know no sovereigns but the people. Conventions are composed of "delegates"—they are more agents or trustees, exemising not a sovereign but a delegated power, and the people are the prineipals. The power delegated to such Conroe- lions can properly only extend to the framing of the Constitution ; but its ratification or rejection can only be performed by the power whore sove reignty alone rests—namely, the people themselves. We moat not eonfounil sovereign with delegated powers. i The provisional authority of a Conven tion to frame a Constitution and submit it to the people is a delegated power; but sovereignty alone, which rests exclusively with the people, can ratify and put in fordo that Constitution. And this is the true doctrine of popular sovereignty ; and I know of no such thing, nor dons the leedoral Constitution recognise it, as delegated or conventional sore• nliqi nt t . r o ,:mideut, in n sort' laud passage of his able mes sage, gives utiansm °ratite reasons why the people, and not Conventions, should decide the question of slavery In framing a State Constitution. Ile says, very truly, that from the necessary division of the inchoate State into districts a majority of the delegates may think one way and the people another; and that the delegates (on wan the case in Names) may \joints their pledges, ne fail to execute the will of the people. And why dces net this reasoning apply with equal force to all other great quentions embodied In the State Constitution' and 'thy should the question of almery alone es crride and ex tinguish the doctrine of popular sovereignty and the debt of self-government' Moot fortunately, this is no sectional question, for It belongs alike to the States ad mitted, or Inchoate, of the South as nt the North It is not a question of slavery, but of State rights and of State and popular sovereignly; nod myobjectiona to the Lecompton Constitution ale equally strong., n hether Karim., under its provisionn, should be made n flee or a slave State My objections are based upon a viola tion of the right of self-goeoroment, and of State and popular sovereignty, and of forcing any Constitution upon the people against their will, whether it e• cognised freedom or slavery. lodeed, the drat question millet' the people ought to decide, in forming a Government for an inchoate Slate, is whether they will change or not from a Territorial to a State Government Now, as no one, who with ins denies 'Federal or Territorial sovereignty, m 111 contend that a Territorial Leghlattne la sovereign, or represents sove reignty, or that sushi a Legislatuie, a mere creation of Congress, can transfer sovereignty, which it does not penmen, toe Territorial Convention, This change from a Territorial to a State Government can only be made by the power cohere sovereignty restm —namely, the peo ple. Vet a State Government is foamed upon the people of Kansas by the Lecompton Constitution, tit - tether they will or not, for they con only vote for the Consti tution, end not againnt it But besides the change from a Territorial to a State liovernment, which the people atone here the right to make in framing a State Constitution, there are many momentous question.; minuted to that instrument. It involves all the powers Of State Government. There hi the bill of rights, the Magna Chorea of the libertien of a free people, the legislative, executive lard judicial func• Lions, thu taxing potter, the elective franchise, the greet question of education, the meted relations of husband and wife, parent and child, guardian and wail, and all the righta affecting life, liberty. and property, There is alsh the qiiention of State dotal, of banks, end paper Tenney, and n further tit. y mhall be permitted or prohibited. Ac ell fiee gm eminent, as stated by Ale. Jefferson, in the Declaration of lode. ',epitome i depends upon the consent of the governed,'' how can tbe known whether the people would tosent to the Constitution uniems it IS submitted to their vole fur ratification or rejection ? lint if acquiescence can be pretended in any case, mrely it cannot be in that of Kansan, where so many of the delegates violated their pledge to submit the Consti tution itself tea vote of the people, where the dele gates who signed the Constitution represented sem cely one-tenth the people, and where nearly one-ball of the counties of the Territory were chaff anchised, and (by no fault of theirs) did not, and could not. give a single vote at the election for,delegatee to the Convention. I have heretoforedimemmed this subject mainly on the question that Conventions are not sovereign, and can not rightfully make a State Constitution, it intent is, submission to the vote of the people, tar ratification or rejection, Yet, Surely, even those oho differ with me on this point must concede, especially under the Kansas•Nebramka bill, tt is only such Conventions can bo called sovereign no hive been truly elected by the people, and represent their will. On reference, however ' to my mitre.. of the 16th of September last, on the tax qualification, (a copy of which was home rnediately transmitted to you for the information of the Prealdent and Cabinet ' ) Di , evident that the Lecompton Convention wen not such a bu , lr. ?lint Convention had vital. not technical defects, In the very mithatance of Dm organimtion tinder the territorial law, which could only be cured, in any judgment, as get forth in my inaugural and other addreibms, by the aubmlsmion of the Conatitu lion, for ran/kapott or rejection by the people On reference to the territorial law meter which the Contention woe assembled, thirty-four regularly organ lard counties were named an election districts for (tele gateis to the Convention, In each and all of them counties it was required by lace that a centein should bo taken and the voters registered; and n hen this wan completed, that delegates to the Convention ghoul,' lie apportioned accordingly. In nineteen of theme coon. ten there was no census, anti therefore there could he no Hitch apportionment there of delegatea, teamed upon RUCII eetISMI. Anti in fifteen of theme rouotlee there oils' no registry of voter. Tbeee fifteen counties, Including ninny of the oldest organized counties or the Territory, neer entirely 4We:1,110118M, and did not give, and by no fault of their own, could not give, a estuary vote fur delegaten to the Convention, Thin result. wan superinduced by the fn, t that the Territorial keel/dater° appointed ,tll the sherifts sad Probate Jtglgen In all these counties, In whom was assigned the duty, by law, of conking thin Cer/A129 and registry. These officers were political partisann, nenttng from the views anti opinions of the pm pia of these counties, An proved by the election et October last. These °Dicers, from want of fund., at they allege, neglected or refused to take any cense% make nay registry In therm routine., ant therefore they were en• tire), disfranchised, and could not and did not glie single vote at the election for delegates to the Constt• tutional Commotion, And here I wish in all Attention to the distinction, which will appear in my ire agora] witless, in reference to those counties a hero the vote,. were fairly regintererband did not vote. In mach counties, where a full and flee opportunity MI given to register and solo, and they tot not eheose to exercise thatprivilege, the question is very - different from those counties miners there ens no census or rents try, and no Cole was given or cushi lie gin en, however anxious the people might be to participate in the elec tion of delegates to the ettiortintlon. Nor could it he said these counties acquiesced, for wherever they en deavored by a subsequent reams or fegistry of their own to oupply this defect ...shined by the precious neglect of the Territorial idiwers, the delegates thus chosen were rejected by the Convention I repeat, that in nineteen counties out of this ty.four, there wan no ecnltie In fifteen ...ninth, out of thirty tour there was no regrotry, and, not A solitary vole was given or scold he given fit delegates to the Cons en lion in any one ot theme counties Surely, then, it can• not he visit that such a Convention, chose,. hy scan ce• ly more than one-tenth of the present voters el Kansas, represented the people of that Territory, and resist rightfully impose a Constitution upon them without their consent. These nineteen counties, in which there was no census, constituted a innjurrry of the counties of the Territory, and there fifteen conntlea, in which there wag no registry, gave a south larger sole at the October eleetiOn. el en mith the mix-ruonthm Ntialtneas lion, than the whole rote given to the delegates who signed the Lecompton Constitution on the 7th :Coven, ter last If, then, sovereignty can be delegated, and Cenrefillone, an ouch. are inn ereign, 'a hull I deny, sorely it must be only in hudi cases us when soda Con• ventions are chosen by the people, which ae have seen was not the case as regards the late Let:utopian Cotiveus lion It wart for this, among other reasons, that its toy Inaugural and other addresses I Insisted list the Constitution should be submitted to the people by the Conveution, an the only means of curing tins rani de. feet In its organisation. It was, therefore, among other reasons when, an you know, the organisation of the nu-called Topeka Slate Germ nment, and, an a c on- SeqUeneo , an inevitable chit oar and conflict smile tire troops must have ensued, theme results mere prevented by my assuring, not the Abolitionists, as ham been ere toneously stated—fur my address was nut to them, but the people of Kansas—that in my judgment the Court,• lotion would be submitted fairly and freely for ratiliea• lion or rejection by their vote, and that if this was not done, I would unite with them, (the people,) ne I now to. in it fur opposition fi to such n procedure. The power and responsibility being devolved ex ilusively upon rte by the President of umng the Federal army in Kansas to aupprerm inintrreLtion, the alter.. five wee diatinetly presented to rue by the questioor dropounded at Topeka, of arresting revolution by the aughter of the people, or of preventing it, together irith that civil ear which Must have extended through gut the Union, by the solemn assurance then gla en, that the right of tire people to frame their own governs Isent, so tar ILA my power extended, should he main tained. But for this assurance, it ix a conceded fact, that the Topeka State tiovernment then assembled In Legislative be.sion would base been put into innoerhate Banal operation, and that a sanguinary eoltiri un filth Um Federal army and civil war mune. have ensued, ea. tending, it is feared, throughout the Union Indeed, the whole hit e. of en inaugural adds can sated in the Alarming intelligence ellielf had reeelle.l Vaehington city of the perilous and incipient rebellion Gn Kanseet Thin rectiOn ens rendered still mers, formidable on my reaching the Territory Ly the near approach of the assembling of the ref obit immix Stale Legislature, and the srry numerous 1,1499 eons entmn9 Iv which it tons sustained. In truth, I trot to choose between Arresting that insurrection, at. Mister er cost of American blood, by the Federal neniy, or to prevent the entsstrophe, as I did, by my pledgee to the 1,00. Ike of the eserlien of my power to obtain a fair elec• ton, and the suloniesion of the Constitution to the vide of the people fee ratification or releetion -My inaugural and other addresses were, therefore, really in the natio.• of proclamations, (so often i , anctt hp Preehlenta and Governors,) with n view to prevent as they dirt in this care, civil war and insurrection. XnW, by my oath of office, 1 tone !MIMI to support the ermatitution of the United States, which I hare shown, in my judgment, reqdred the sninnission of the Con- Mint ion to the vote of the people. I was sworn AND Is. "Wee care" that the Kansas and Nebraska bill "should hi faithfully executed," which bill, in my judgment, as heretofore stated, required that the Constitution should be submitted to the vote of the people, nod I wee thee fore OnlyrerforMing a solemn duty, When, KC flovertinr of the Territory, to whose people my first obligations rare due, I erelearored to Recur° to them these milts. The idea entertained by some that I should see the Federal Conflitution and the Kan. eax•Nehrivikit bill overthrown And diaregerded, and that, playing the part of n mute in a pantomime of ruin, I eltould Acquiesce by my silence in such a result, esp. , clity where ouch acquiescence inf elf cd, as An immedi ate consequence, a di...tattling and sanguinary civil war, seams to me to be Moat proporte. oils. Not a drop of blowflies been shed by the Fmleral troops In Kan.a4 lißering my administration. But resurrection and cif it weir, extending, I forte, throughout the country, were alms prevented by the course pursued by me on those ( the whole people, abandoning les do lmnary violence, were induced by me In go, for the tired time, into A general And p These important reoulte constitute a sufficient conso lation for nil the unjust assaults made upon me oil this collect. Ido not understand that throe tumult, hose receit ed the slightest countenance Irma the Prect. dent; en the contrary, his message clearly indicate, on approval of My roar up to tho present moot unlettic nniellitTerence about the no-called faicompton Couetitn• lion. Inasmuch, !mires er, no thin difletence in upon a vital question, inVOI, ing practical remits and new in. street ON, it Is certainly much more respectful to the President on,my part to resign the race of Gosernor, and give bun opportunity of filling it, ea in hla right under the Constitution, with one who concurs cc Ith him iu his present opinions, rather than go to Kansas and force him to remove one by dirmbedience to has inotructlonn. Thin latter sours°, In my judgment, would be incompatible with proper respect, for the Chief Illagiotiate of the Union, hiconoistent with the rules of moral rectitude or propriety, and could be adopted with 110 other view than to force the President to remove MO trout office, Filch u course, it Is alleged, would present me to the public as a wittiest martyr in the defence of the great principle of self-government ; but to go to Nausea with any such purpose, or wills a certain knowledge that such &result mutt follow, would be alike unjust and improper, My only alternative, then, in that of a respectful resignation, In the hope that Kansas and our bolos NI country may be shielded flow that civil war with which I fear both are thteat• coed, by any attempt to force the so.calleil Lecompten Cloustitutlon upon the people of Kansan, state it rei a fact. based on a long and Intimate as sociation with the 'people of Hamm, Met eta over- svhelining majority of that people are opposed to that instrument. and in; letters State that but one out of twenty of the press of Kan-as Histains it Boma op pose it because so many counties were lissfranchised and Unrepresented in the Convention. Some, who are op posed to paper money, bromine it authorizes a hank . 01 enormous capital for Rails" nearly unlimited In :Is lassie,, and in the denomination of its notes, from one trailer up and down Some because of what they con sider a Know Nothing clanks, by requiring that the tioverner shall have been twenty years a citizen of the nutted States. Bonus because the elective franchise is not free, as they cannot vote against the Constitu• tion, but only on the single issue, whether any more slaves may be Imported, said then only upon that issue by voting for the Constitution to calitli they are op posed. They regard this us but a mockery of the elec tive franchise, unit a perilous sporting with the sacred nights of the people. Boom oppose becaliso the Con stitution dminietly reeognises and adopts the (Word front in apportioning legislative members for Johnson county, upon the fraudulent end lielitionS enloee, , no falsely celled, froth that pleeinct, which retOgnition of that fraud in Ahe Constitution is abhorrent to the moral sense of tile people, Others Oppose because, 111- theligh in Other cases the presidents of Conventions 11009 been authorized to Issue writs of election to the regular Territorial or Slate oftictrs with usual judges, with the established precincts and adjudication of returns, in this ease unprecedented and vies-regal powers are given to the president ol the Convention to make the preciootA, lime judges, and to decide finally upon the ',lions. From the grant of these (tonsils! and enormous powers, and from other retool a connected pith the fraudulent returns of Oxford and McGhee, an Oren, helloing majority of the people of Kansa hare no faith in the Validity of these returns, and therefeie will not vote. Indeed, disguise it nn ne may to ouraelyee, under the influence of the present excitement, the facts will demonstrate •hat any attempt by Congrms to force tide Constitution open the people of Kansan will he an effort to substitute the will of a small minority for that of an overwhelming majority of the people of Kama.; that it n ill not nettle the Ktin,liilllieStiOnOT P10M11146 the 'sane; that it nil' I fear, be attended by civil rear, en. tending, peihaps, throughout the Union; thus bringing this question back again upon Coogreaa and before the people In its 100,t dun„ erode and alarming aspect. ®The President lakes a different view of the slit..lent in bin me.. Age; moil, from the event. occurring In Kansas as well no here, it in evident that the question is passing front theories Into practice, and that, an Governor of Nan.a.. I should be compelled to carry out new instruc llollP, differing. on a vital onention, from those received at the date of my appointment Soch instructions I could nut execute, consistently with any views of the Federal Constitution, 01 the Kansas and Nebraska bill, or with my pledges to the people of Kansan. Under there circumstances, ph slim native in left mu lint to re sign the Oka of Governor of the Territory of Karigitel No one can mute deeply regret than myself this ne ceioit) ; but it ark, (rain no i bongo of opinion on my part. On the contrary, I should most cheerfully have retained to Natoms to carry out my original instruc tion., and thus preserve the peace of the Territory, and finally settle the Kansas question by redeeming my pledges to the people. It is not my intention to dismiss, at thin time, the peculiar circumstances and uneXpeeted events which hove modified the (minims uI the Pi eaident upon a point Ha vital as the cubmission of the Constitution for vilification or re. _ . jection by the vote of this people, Mitch km do I desire any controversy with the President on this subject , ye•t, liosever widely toy views may differ from those en tertn,nvd by bnol on ln)ri einoedlon —sue,. whrctr I nitre held ail my life, awl which, as involving fundamental principles of public liberty and on the Constitution, are unchangeable —yet, tin regards all those great Democra tic measures which, I tru.t, well cob/02100 the policy of his Administration in other respects, it will gnu me pleasure, as a private citizen, to yield my cordial support. I hare sand that the stately question, as a radical had disappeared from Kansas long before my arrival there, and the question at eelf.eovernincut had been substituted in its place. On some future occasion I shall dirslpato the delusion Omit has prerJelcd upon thin subject, and allow, that after three yearn' capon- went, when I arrirel In Kenai there were lasi than tars, hundred slates there, and the number conatontly diedumliing ; that, at moved by the official ',orris of Congress. published and authenticated by those dni tinguitheit Southern statesmen, John C Calhoun and Jellergon Dart,, the a Intel climatic, even of Eastern NRE• sets, It colder than that of New Cngl Ind that the pro slavery Territorial Convention of Kansan, rontolidated with the pro-slict ery Territorial Legislature, oaths 4th of January, 1857, nearly fly,. ',Mottos before toe arrit at there, did distinctly abandon the shicary.issue, be- ClUtie, as set lorth by one of their number, it the pro slavery party was in a'nmall and admitted minority," it awl the co,peration of the free-State Democrats was invited, as the only hope of StIeCNR, not to make Kansas R stare State, which tea; conceded to lie iinpotsible, but trilinake it a conservative Democratic Dee State." Even as late as the ail of July, 1857, when the Democratic Territorial Convention assembled a t Leey,widon, in reimequericc of the !nos of climate awl the well known trill 01 the iraiple, ROW contended that slavery could he established there Not was it until my Southern op. ponents interfered in the anent of liantaa, and hy ite• minciation, menace, and otherwise, aided at a critical period by several Federal elhee-holders of Kansa+, in el oiling the sort eyor,generel, (the president of the Contention I with his immente patronage, onto acing many hundred employees, intervened, and, of I believe, without the knowledge or approliation of the presi dent of the United States, produced the calm. ordinary paper called the Lecompten Constitution Yet this not of intervention by Federal °Ricers to de feat the hill of the people scenic to be sustained by my opponents; whilst my inter, cation, as it is calls t, Lr obedience to my duty and oath of oftice to support the Federal Constitution, and to take care that our organic law should be fairly executed, by endeavor ing to secure to the people of Kangas their rights ander that act, is denounced and calmoniated It is still more extraordinary, that the hypothetical remark, made by me ng regarde climate In Ito connectionwith ate Influence upon the question of slavery in Hernias, after that lame had been abandoned there, which views mete ==l=t= State, and pro-slavery Democrats, Co an to present the confiscation of the sitiall number of shires then held in Kansas, have been denounced be many distin guished Southern Seuatonr, ho, when Ate NOIOOL4 and Nebraska bill win pending 111 Congress, and alien soch remarks from them, If Mer, might affect Southern emi gration, were then loudest in proclainitng that, be coo,' of its climate, NRII9 ra Mild never become a slave State. Indeed, it seems that all persons, in and out of Kansas, ti bather in public or prix ate life, tiny publish what opinion• they pleaiie in regard to these spie , tions, except the Governor of that Territory, who hint no lit tie potter and no patronsge. And now lie pleased to express to the Pre,elent niy deep regret as regards our unfortunate difference of opinion in relation to the (.Crompton Constitution, and to say to him, that as infallibility flora not belong titl MAO, !mire., exalted in intellect, purity of intention, or position, yet if he has committed any errors in this respect, may they be orerritlel by a superintending ProVidence, fur line perpetuation of our Cnton, and tine advancement of the bettor and interest of our helot eit country. In now thsw,loing my °SIMI I.olMeetion with your department t leg litre to tooter my thanks toe your constant coin ',if and kindness 31061. rerprelf ully, your ob t ~err't, It J. IVALKEII TRIRTY-FIPTII CONGRESS, =EI U S. e1rIT(11.. II'AMIIKG7 O,, r. December 17, 11'.i7 613\ A TE rr Mr (into, of California, iret.ented a memorial signed by a large number of tho citicena of Cali• fornia and Now Mexico, praying for the establish ment of the territorial tlerernment of Arizona, and subsequently introduced a bill for that purpose. On his motion, a Moot committee of nine were ordered to consider co ninth of the Pre:blent's messago no refer, to the Pacific Railroad and sub. sequently introduced Is bill for its construction. fin notion of Mr of Lottiaiana, a :elect cotnutittee of limo nee appointed to examine into the condition of the banking u-tociatiena of the Nitric!. of Columbia, and the authority by which such corporations a,unio to transact the business of banking. Alto, what further leg islation is ne ee,atry to regulate and control such banks (In motion of Mr. linwann (N. Y), re•olittion woe adopted calling upon the President f , r copies of any corre , .ondence which may hare taken place between the Departments and the Britiah and French residents on the subject of claims for alleged losses by the bombardment .d'llro) town (In !notion of Mr Tat' at Li, (Illinois,) the cre dential; of Mes.ra Bright and Fitch. of Indiana, together with the prote c t against their right to hold their seats, ole , were referred to the Judi eiary Committee. Mr. IVII.soN (51tisi) gave polio of his intee• lion to introduce a bill granting to the citizens o Washington and tieorgotown, District o f Colombia a million acres of public lands for the support o their echo•ts Mr. Prim (Ohio) introduced n bill to improve navigation at the frills of the Ohio river Mr. CLAY (Ala.) Introduced a bill to repeal all 151NCA allowing, Codling bounties. Mr. WATER (Cll ), from the Committee en Finance, reported a bill providing for the issue o Coked States Treasury notes. . . Air. HUNTER asked Its immediate Collitideratioll, and ca u sed to he read a communication from the Secretary of the Treasury. in which it is stated that in the as arehowc. at New York there is mer chandise to the amount of twenty-eight millions of dollars, on which the duties to he paid are esti mated at more than six millions of dollars There is note in the treasury, subject to draft, Nis than six millions at dollars, end the excess el expendi tures Is daily reducing this amount. Therefore, authority should forthwith he given to issue twenty editions of treasury notes. Mr. mare It said this bill corresponded with that of 1817, with the exception that there was no provision for funding the debt, nod the other diffe rence is as to the mode of paying the interest The bill was rend It authorizes the President to entice such aunts to bo !strum! /13 the exigenoios of the piddie service may regoire, hot not to exceed at any time the ntnount of inertly millions of dol- Mrs, nor to be of a Ices denomination than fifty dol tars; the notes to be paid and redeemed after the expiration of one year from the dates et such note , ; from which dates, until they shell be re speetively redeemed, they =ball boar such rates of interest as shall be expressed in said note., which rate' of interest upon the fiat issue (which shalt not exceed six million of dollars) shall bo fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury, with the approbation of the President, but in micas° to exceed sic per centum per annum. The residue shall be raised, the whole or part, after a public advertisement of not lees then thirty days, as the Secretory of the Treo-tiry may direct, by exchanging them at their par a rthlo fur specie to bidders, who shall agree to make the exchange at the lowest rate of interest, not exceeding six per centum,, per emanate Pio• vidod, that after the maturity of the said notes interest thereon shall cease. at the expiration of sixty days' notice of readiness to pay and redeem the came; which notice may nt any time be gin en by the Stamtary of the Treasury. Payment or redemption on each notes shall bawd° to the lau• ful holders thereof, respectively, upon their pre sentment et the Treasury, and shall include the principal of each note, and the Interest which may hostile thereon. The faith of the United States is to be solemnly pledged for the redemption of these notes. No notes shall be pledged, hypothe cates!, sold, or disposed of in any way, for any par polo whatever, either directly or indirectly, for any 811111 less than the amount of such notes, in eluding the principal and interest. The notes shall be transferred by no assignment endorsed thereon by the persons, to whose order the same shall be made payable, accompanied by the de livery of a notice that they have been so assigned The notes are to be reached by the proper pincers, in payment of all debts and taxes levied by the au thority of the United Slat, s, and payment of pub• lie lands ; and on every such payment credit stint! bo given to the amount of the principal and inte rest due on such notes, on the day when they shall have been received by such officers Authority is given to parchrve the said notes at the proper amount of the principal and interest at any time The remainder of the bill relate, to detail= p r o. vides penalties for forgery, and appropriates $20.- 000 to carry it into effect. Objection being made to the immediate consid eration of the bill, Mr. IlunrEn gave notice that ho would call it up to.morro w . Before proceeding to the election of minter, Mr. don \ son, of Arkansas, offered a proposition that the person elected should receive the contract on condition that Congress should have the right to repeal or modify al the existing laws relative to the public printing., and that no loss or damage to the person by reMOll of such modification or repeal shalt he allowed as constituting any claim against Congrev. The proposition was agreed to. The balloting was then proceeded With Mr Harris, of the Union, received 28 votes; George Weston, 18 ; scattering, 3. Mr. Harris was declared elected Mr. DuenLAS, before the result wan announced, said that he had declined to vote fur reasons satis factory to himself. Mr. Foot introduced a bill granting a homestead of HO acres to actual settlers. Mr. NV,Lsos presented the resolutions of the Legislature of Massachusetts, inking that the Btata be reimbursed for money advanced to the United Stoles during the war of 1812. After spending some time in executive session the Senate adjourned. Note.—On aecount of the omission of a word in the telegraph copy, the paaltlon of Mr. Douglas in his reply to Mr. Green, in the Senate on Wed nesday, is mie•etatcd. 04 one point Mr. I) raid— " Firer/y-11e did not regard it as a fatal objec tion that there Inv no enabling act in advance." HOUSE OF 11,EPRESENTATivEs Mr. Leidy announced the death of John G Montgomery, member of Congreat from the dit. triet of Penneylvania, representing the eountie. of Luzerne, Montour, Wyoming, and Columbia Mr. Florenc.o pronounced a eulogy on the cha racter of the deemed. The usual reselutions or respect were passed, when the Now Adjourned. CORRESPONDENCE. FROM WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA Corre•rondenee or The Prev j Ptvraat non, December 10, 1857. Since the President has assumed a position, or at least shown a decided inclination, in favor of ad• milting Kansas with the Lecompton Constitution, it may be gratifying and encouraging to you to know that nine-tenths of the Deniocraoy here ap prove of th e manly and dignified enure pursued by your journal. My individual sentiments are of little weight, but you have my cordial endorse ment and earnest hope for the ultimate success of the great principle you advocate with an much zeal and ability. But I write to anatro you that the nin*es of our stem and sturdy Democrats are with you, in sym pathy and feeling, in your gallant maintenance of one of the cardinal doctrines of our creed. Let this fact strengthen and sustain you. We are too firmly wedded to the doctrine of a pop,l a r Ace,. rrigitiy" to permit out affections to be alienated, eitnply because the Republicans are paying court to that dogma. It was our battle-cry in past cam paigns, and it was an effective one; and surely we should not Abandon or restrict It now, because it in likely to inure to the benefit of our opponents, by giving them an opportnnity to vote down the Cal houn Constitution. If this new idea prevails, popular sovereignty will mean : "Let the majority rule" r! they up re with y 0,,; if not, take away their right. We do not anticipate any serious embarrassment to our party en account of this question; and no shall sincerely regret it Should any be occasioned, for we have the most exalted admiration for Mr. Buchanan. At the same time, we feel that you are doing noble service in defence of a glorious prin ciple, and it in but Just to acknowledge our appre- Malian thereof. EILIE courTr. iCerresponieuce et Th. Pre-e WATERrORD, Pei , Dec 7, 1E57. Although a granger to you, I take the liberty of addressing you out of the regular order of busi• ness, and of expressing my feelings of deep grati fication at the stand you have taken in defence of what I deem truo Democratic principles. Notwithstanding whatever any hot-headed fa natics may say or do. the Democracy, as a great party, will sustain you in the position you have assumed against the principle of the Kansas Cal houn Convention, and In favor of the great prin ciple "the will of the majority shall prevail " I speak from personal knowledge when I say that the Democracy of this region highly approve of your course ; and we have, too, the fullest confi dence in the wisdom end patriotism of one Chief Executive, James Buchanan. We believe be will adopt the. ensue policy, opposition journals and politicinte to the contrary notwithstanding. We repose the utmost trust in his sagacity as a states man, and his honesty en a man, and believe that, through hie egeney, all difficulties in Kansas will be speedily and amicably settled. In conclusion, let me say—if I do not lire your patience before you got through with this fetter— that The P,r,+ eeerli an influence here that is surp r ising, considetiog the short time that it hoe been establi.dictl While Democrats look upon it as the paper of the age, the opposition accord you the cooed of honesty in your belief, and the charac ter of the true gentleman. ERIK, Dee. 15, 1831 Without any acquaintance, other than through the columns of your able end truly Detnorrator paper, Tug Pitesc, I have felt it a duty to extend to you toy hearty congratulations upon your fear le:4=t, independent, and unanswerable defence of p f /til in n e r i . i so w ir o ei nty occupy ." the front ranks in the pre sent unexpected contest for the integrity of that corner-stone in the citadel of our liberties should be strengthened by the assursnee that their labors are appreciated and applauded. Amongst those teen yourself and Senator Douglas must ever hold a distinguished position. }leery Democrat who labored conscientiously during the last Presidential campaign in behalf of that first of principles in the history and insti tutions of oureountry, must tremble for the future of his party and country at the present insidious at tack upon the most cherished article of a free man's faith. To sustain the proposed plan of.sebmitting the Lerompton Constitution to the voters of Kansas would require of the Democratic patty the most unequivocal desertion of its principles and pledges. A party that would rrcat, even, to demand of its members ungealiJicri stultification, must goon "go down " before the contempt and execrations of an intelligent and free people. Our only safety as a nation and as a party, North and South, lies in the frank and fearless avowal and practi:e of what we know to be right. The doctrine of expediency, in too many in stances, is but the fellow of that other precept of error, that " the end justifies the nietsul," under which any conceivable crime against God or man may be committed with impunity. As a people, we can never be happy at home and respected abroad, if we wilfully suerve from these examples of wisdom and patriotism that fill to a glorious repletion the history of the past Expediency was a rare word, and a rarer "rule of action", with ❑ten whose "principles and hearts" resisted to the death the right to " take a penny," 1 c , rier,e it involved " the right to take a pound." Having been honored by the Democracy of Erie county with a position as a etandard•bearer at the State election of the fall of 18:10, I feel some print lege in speaking what I know to be their almost unanimouss entiments. FROM OLD MOVIIER. CUMBERLAND leorreeiontleoce of The New I Cif LISLE, December, 15 1557 The Democracy of old mother Cumberland are sure you are light,and say to you go ahead. We are almost a unit, for I have heard but one man in our county advocate the Calhoun Su indle. How any one pretending to he a Democrat and the friend of self-government can advo cate this horrid outrage of forcing upon the icemen of Kansas a Constitution tepudiated by the MASS of her citizens, is a new phase of Democracy, which, to the old-fashioned Democrats of Cumberland, is an inexplicable mystery. Why, in Pennsylvania we me so tirmly wed ded to this great principle, that we have recently amended our Constitution so as to prevent the Legislature from ever dividing a county isithout submitting it to a vote of the citerams, and our Legislature in 1857 passed An act preventing oar courts from dividing town ships until they ordered an election, and the majority had voted for such division. We protest against this new-light Democracy of forcing a Constitution upon freemen, contrary to their wishes, and against their solemn molest. This mode of submission is an ins. provement upon that adopted by the Emperor of France in submitting his election to the peo_ pie. They might vote for or against him, but for no other. Under the Lecompton Consti tution all must vote for the Constitution. No one is permitted to sote against it. It is all buzzard and no turkey. We consider the sanction of this attempted swindle by Con gress contrary to the organic act, the Cin cinnati platform, the nesident's Inaugaral, his instructions to Governor Walker, and all Governor Walker's speeches and proclama tions to the people of Kansas, tinder the in structions given him by the President. We concur with the President in expressing our deep regret that the Convention did not sub mit their %elk to a vote of their constituents, and cannot doubt that a Democratic Congress Hill vindicate the great Democratic principle of mor-gorernment, by rejecting the work of dema"ognes And aristocrats whn hold t h is peo ple to bo too ignorant or too stupid to form their (inn Govidnment. ['rho w riter of this ma•sterly letter is , 6 an old friend, A gentlentAn of high position, wilt) hav voted the Democratic ticket For thirty years, mid ao other:l FROM LFCOMING tOUNTY. (Cerro•roolonco of 'Mc Pres. 1 WILLI . I , I9PORT, Dec. It, 18:17 At the rizl: of being eqeemed by you im pertinent in ad(11 0.4 ng, you, personally un known fig You urn, I lee! nv though I cannot refrain hom joining with hosts of Democrats thionghout the country, in the evpression of my regaid for the bold stand you have taken in defence of the (loch ine of , • , ,popnlar Sore. reignty." AV an humble member of the party mho has contrihured whatever of influence or talent I may possess for the establishment of this great principle against fearful odds, and having seen our etforts crowned with entire success in the elevation of Mr. Buchanan to the Presidential chair, I am not willing to see it frittered away nor suspended, like a may of a 'lc' bating club, whenever it suit anybody's convenience. Depend upon it, sir, the Democracy of Ly coming county are with you on thil oquestion to a man, and if need be, they will speak out at the proper time in a manner that will not be misundei,tuod. I hale yet to find a single loan in our party, and I ha' c eon) erNed with ,cores of them, wlm dares expresv any opinion in opposition to the sic , x of Judge .dily p e t; 1,14 you t i .Inco i common pith i. Now, qr, frre,lain in an unknown friend, I pray excioe," And belioe Inc your friend and well fisher, FROM DELAWARE COUNTY (CorreToudente of The l're, J DELAWARE COUNTY, I'A., Dee. Li, 12k37 SIR: I have the pleasure to intot in you that, in this county, your eow.e upon the Kansas kmle is fully sustained. You occupy unques tionable Democratic ground, and advocate substantial Democratic doctrine; for what was sound doctrine last year should be good this. Vacillation impairs the usefulness of great principles. I know of no disposition to find fault with the President; but, beyond the pe culiar notions of the South, Ns is a great na tion, where it is understood public, opinion should be all-powerful. If we yield prineip'e for expediency ,1 lade, we will soon be called upon t 9 yield more,. The Democracy of the North has not interfered with the peculiar in stitutions of_ the fiouth, nor is it disposed to do so; nor will it complain, if, upon a fair test, slavery be carried into Kansas. But let the question be fairly tried. Apart from the violence awl cheat which have been so dis graceful to all in Kansas, let the people them selves be protected, and have a chance in de ciding their own institutions. • The speech of Senator Douglas, powerful and convincing as it is, only speak; the senti ments of the masses, and they swallow all of it. As for your own course, and that of Tnr. Pusss,let the large circulation it has obtained in this county, which is daily increasing, speak. BY THE PILOT LINE. LETTER FROM NEW YORK. (Correspondence of the Pi e...s Ngw Tuns, De l , 17, 1657-5.20 P. M. There is a positive stagnation in the money market today—mom than I have yet seen. and a complete absence of that class of borrowers who alone can tasks saleable paper. If they were to come oat, they could set money on their own terms, and be thanked for taking it, but they " heed not the yoke of the tharmer," from a distract, perhaps, In the 110154,111 of his Meduction. In the meantime, the street to flooded with produce bills, bet no Ortf, will tench them at say price, and thus shipping orders are almost reduced to ]tie thought that door will touch /.4., at which Slit* it scenid seem profitable to export ; but I v ry much doubt if even they the money will be forthcoming to buy the hill, siren with a bill of lading attached. Here is our great hiteh, and I do not eee any proepeet of im mediate improvement. Jr Tory one is stroll, and every one is selfish, and every one is wafting to wee some one else cross the bridge first. with • half resolution to fol low in coo. ell shoed be r ‘ yht, This spr,rehension arises partly from a fear of the bents here, and partly from from a fear of WO news from the other side. The absence of th. expected news from Bahia.' lads to the be.itaVon and torpor,nnd except at the Stock F.xchange, ills, is positives' nothing doing. Foreign exchange is waste inactive; bills on London are nominally study at former quotations; but only tee signatures of one or two fa•orite houses ere bought, remitters thinktng tt safer to send the specie Another attempt woo made last evening to revive tin filming. Steamship Company. ander the SOspistl of Cel Stebbias A report was read by Str. J L White; and it is said that the uew cewiptrey will here their etremere ready by the:lath or jaotiry. It is said that the country banks are not returning the certificates of currency so quietly so ran anticipa ted The amount now held hers emceed, 14,000,000, of which the Bonk of Commerce b. 1.600,000, and the Shoe and Leather Rank, 11,300,fa1. It la sold in the street that All the tacks will moon de _ Aare dividends of greater or less extent. Emma have done Co already. as I have noted. and the others are to follow before New Tears Tb•B la eal:efs•tery for the etockbe•ldern, but I cannot see what good it will do Lay one eke F. nspen.ten aryl im-olvency often coulee.) to the fortunes of those echo practice thi ae elpedients The clearing house settlement w,s Clearings $13,- 231,29, 11; balance $993.502 12 The sub-treasury re ceived 132.,235 57; ;aid 6311,343 13. and has a balance or 51 0.91 396 71 The customs receipts were OCO The Stockmarket ass lively at a marked adeamee is prices Hank shares were mach in demand The Lea- nrovetnent nes well sustained all day, sal at the Seecai Board the market Wail firm, storing for Readiser at 63%; Erie, ITti ; Nen Yolk Central. ; Miehigsn Southern. 28 , Chic and R 1., 761. ; Galena and Chirsigo, 75X, and Panama. PI ft to earl that the Erie and Illinois Cen teal nese loans are progressing very favorably. NEW YORE STOCK ENCIIANOK—Dan IT. SEC.‘OIIII 80AP,41 20 Rending R 10 do 5314 200 do - 536; 50 Mi Southern R 676 do :30 Mi &KI Prof 3134 2.5 Panama R 51 'll5 I.lsl 1 Cht 11 SSti 100 do be° 76 . 50 do blO 7514 ",t id Cles Es Tot 11b30 13h 1003 do 43% 250 Chi tc RI R 77 46 do 766; 100 LaCros 1 1111 1030 1034 80 do 1034 N Catoteed R 76% 100 do 1.10 76% 100 do 160 77 Till 1141INCTS. • 8000 32ig,ouri $4 19 4000 Ind State 2ti 65 1000 Brooklyn City Co 01 FOOD 111 Central Bd /4' ' 5000 3111 - en 0 pot Ist Ilk Skg Cd Con Co 83X 40 National Rank 9.0 t, 160 Senna Coat Co 66% 05 do 67 :0 D016.11d Col Co 10; 100 Coto( efi'd Coal 34 A F.rießß 030175 130 do 115, 100 do 830 11 10 do 174; 50 do 8317; 2 0 0 Radar:on Riser It 19 ;0 Radom Railroad 75, 40 do 7.% ARVISS —The market is very quiet; Isles of Fehr and Pearls at SA. Coerce —After the auction tale yesterday, 2,000 bags Rio sold at the advance, and thin morning some 7SO lags hate been taken at 931 alo%e, fully sustaining the Im provement of the sale by auction. Carrots—The market, rending further kortgo adricea per Canada; at Halifax, has been dell and maritally at our quotations. Yesterday the sales were 600 bales Frogs, e.—The demand for Western Canal Amu is very moderate, and prices are Se lower on common brands. Emir in the day sales were reported at a de- Owe of 10c SiT Md, but al the close little. if any, mold be had at our inelde figures The arrivals are large. ex reeling 35,000 bbls, which gives buyers - the advantage. The Inquiry is mainly fo- the home trade. Sales of 7,000 hbls at $4 30trf 1 45 for comma togood state ,$1 57.41-1, 10 for extra do, ; 30n14 50 roc super fine Indiana and 31irhigsn; $4 68056.50 for extra do; ssi*s 45 for common to goat extra Ohio 15 45w SA FS for good to choke Ito; SA 40w57."1 for dt. Laois brands, awl $S 30057 60 for extra Ilennetnee Canadian Floor is without important change, the de mand is light. Sales 600 bbls at 61 30a$1 Ss fee super fine, and S 4 7Sas6 So for extra brands. Southern flour 'reeky offered, and is doll and lover— the ormale are liberal. Sales of TOO bbls at $546.*X1 for mixed to good brands and $5.25a6.55 for the better grades. Rye dour is lower, and is dull. Sales of 103 Ulm at $3 usl 25. Cora meal is plenty at 5:1 trialgt for Jersey. Mirkoheet flour Aleut,: at Vet? 12X (3 um —The demand for Wheat is limited. and the market it unchanged, the urinals light; the demand Is mainly her milling: sales of 1.000 burl, at Si 16a$1 20 for Southern red; $l. tiaSl 53 for white do; $1.40 for white Kentucky. Bre is ranch lower and is Fierily; .44(4 of 1.,000 bosh at iNstiSc. Oats are plants and heavy; aisles of State and Ifeatern al 114 -Igo Barley is h e sry at TOai gOc Barley Malt is lower; sales of 1,600 bo,h at 90e, cash Corn n without math change, the demand is quits , alex of IY OM bu•h at:Anne,. for 'Southern and Jerre) yellow, aml for aVe,tern mixed. Other kings are nominal 11111eas are quiet, the clerk a mock reijeced by tha recent activity sr d less plentiful taints, yet there is still a very large and bordenwone supply on the market, which creates hoariness The isles are Dot Important this morning. The sleek is ASS POO LUATIIII..—HemIock continues in fair demeal at 2-t for prime Dgeool Ayres middle and light weights. Oak is quiet, hut firm litot.ausns —Mom is doing; several hundred bhia bare changed bands at 18a24s for Cuba. and re ter Porto Rioo—the sales are P. 50 hhdr, terw.thirls Calm. New Orleans is not active at Zifyit for prime rem - Isle:is —A heavy market for Pork. The arrivals are fair and the demand very light—e vies ell:7 bbto at fl 3 2adi is SS for country so-? city Mess, and 113 Srlai 1 $l4 for do Prose Reef is besry sod is freei •t $.5 7.54 ZS for country slo , sf 1. 15 (or rers,ked AI fli SO for ei Ira do Pmne offered —4.llez of 140 Able Prime. $O6lO fee de 11eee, Weitera .lles3, and 113 7I Mess re . 1194:4 stpPer.l.4 . . Bed U►ms are ingsetire at 5130115:5 BKOn is is demand and is nominal at Str9t4e Cot Meit-ii are ,deady—rale. of small lots at tat Y far abordiert, lot 9a9N.e for flame, Lard is spat,, loot, and it plenty—sal. of :LOOO bbl, at 9n9le Dree.ed flogs are more plenty, tool loner and heesy —sales it Ban% Rutter Is abundant and is beary. Sales of Etate at 13rr20 rents, and Ohoo at 10,16conts. Cheese ions hat- Reel rtquoat at 15.18 cants. Rico is quiet Out steady. We quote at 13e:5.3.1S 100 Ms TILLuW —Bolder. are Erm. Sales of 7lNfb Aa at 11 rent, rash r —The demand is belt, hist torte» a» ftrrt Sales et .0t) ht.!, at L 1 cent& rut LADELPIIIA MARKETS DE , 5.M acct 17—Evening —There to no change in the Breadituffs market to-day. hut holders gene rally are more anxious to realise, and the only sales of Flour that haat been made public are TN bbls Western extra at $5 25; 350 bbls gwi do at $5 50; 600 bbts Ohio extra family, on terms kept secret, and 240 Ws good superfine at $5, at which figures holders are anxious sellers The Real de mand is al-c quite moderate at the above prices for cowman brands and extras. and ;5 75af0 75 per bbl for extra family and fancy brands. according to brand and quality. Corn meal i= not very plenty. and Penn=ylvania is held at $3 per bbl. In Bye flour. nothing doing. bolder* are asking $4 but there is tittle or no demand for the article Wheats are more plenty, and dull al I Wall:so .02 for red and 1205 e for white, the latter for prime lots, nhich is rather scarce Corn in without de mand, and holders are free sellers at 571.5 , 5 c good and prime dry Delaware. but there is very little taken at these rates; some damp lots hare been sold at afloat and :;00 bushels old Peint=ylvania at 0 5 c in store. Oat= are without change. and in fair request at 3... e for prime Southern Rye is unsettled. and the distillers ars only offering 75e per hu-hel to-day. Nothing doing in (211eleill OD Bark In Colton nothing worthy of remark, and the market for best was very quiet. flroeeries sell more freely. The only feature to day season auction sale of Rio Coffee, embracing 2,20 n bags, at from 01 to Ito per lb, al and 90 days, and 4 moo. Pros isions are dull and unsettled: a small busines , doing. Seeds are unchanged. and Clover is , elling as wanted at $5 2545 37S per hu=bel. Whiskey is dull at 22!a23: for bbls. and 21a21.1c for drudges. 'From lt , e New Cork rxrrp;s 'BOLD Iln111.F31" or A 311V•ti TIT ST0111:-1 , e , t 0/ de t 'L 'et Itc , otcre if in,'t eltitertole •i Pro;, -, —A day or two since. Kate Connery. a woman 29 yea! , of age. called at the jewelry store of Marquis Ja.:.obs, to. 52 Oliver street tinder pretence of wishing to get a small job d-ne. but being unable to agree on the price she left. Early on Tuen.lay evening this woman again entered the store of Mr. Jacobs. followed immedi ately at terunrds by two men, giving their names As John Stuart and Tholll3sllliii3M.l. The latter. without delay, seized from under the counter a box containing eight gold watches worth *3434). eleven silver watches valued 3t 51.0, gold and silver chairs. breast pins, ear and anger rings. Ac . worth .tii e(t iinal in t c i , ; tny :' r ) and n }masks. with which he tia nit. his confederates. - Me'. Sarni) Jacob - . who was alone in the store at the time. gave the alarm and followed in pur suit of the fugitives till she lost sight of them. She then returned to the store, and. receiving information shortly afterwards that the woman ('ornery lived at 24 Oak street, communicated the fact to Officers Templeton and Jewett. of the 4th precinct, in order that they might make an effort to arrest her and her accomplices The of icers went to Kate's house forthwith. but not finding her in, thorou g hly searched the premi. roe. Nothing was discov ered, however. and the officers wisely concluded to lie in wait till she should arrive They accordingly took a position in a retired opt, and after remaining , softie two hours. they Sae' Kate Connery approaching through the alley-way The officers jurot.c.l front their biding places. and arr,ting the Trotuau, searched her on the spot Nuthing was bind on her, but while the search we, geing en, the I tisoner, who h a d two of t h e etelen titter watches concealed under her dre-e, dropped them en the pavement, when they were zecured be the officers While the search w going on , z.tuart and Williams, her ac,nmp'ices in the robbery, came in through the alley-way. and were also arrested by Officers Templeton and Jew itt. On R:arching the men, the aficers b-•und in the;r tv , -eioon nix gold and eight sliver watches. g. Id chair=, breastpins, keys. rings • do . all of which property war identified by Mr. Ja..,b3 as rorri o n, Cl that stolen from him by the trironerr. who were alqo positively identified by Mr. Jacobi as the rersonrs who entere I the store and ran El with the jewelry. The aceu'ed were tekea be fore Jwctice Osborn at the Tombo, and fully com mitted to prison for trial, in default of 51.00') bail each. aha l . of the !avant( pad , •Air rhilad4. pt., ('lli Pool. fur Lererpoot —The Shore n ame d teasel lett Almowl-street wharf at one o'clock yester day •fterneon tow of the stemn-tng AlafriCAL Th e following Heine eocaprtae her cargo: 13,311 bashes wheat i.l bulk, 4,8.50 buabent wheat is bags, 4,44 a boy corn, 0,143 barrels flour. 65 hbis bark. 10 items sad 117 14,11 closereetd, and I barrel nodze, and 30 pai etrigern.
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