The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, December 18, 1857, Image 1
fig r; ,_iln_ W "1 4 P' AI MORFP# 7,4,0191 7 11P0- " 3 0 HIC' 0FF4014 41!0.• #17:: - CMJCIPOrr tiormar! '.. • D , . A , IL If. - 241011118,, , . ~ ,' - Twartt CM& N 121•41122, _payable; to, the Malmo. 1484e444 Sx9Exibigit 90,0, the OktY, et S ix Dot,Laae, us hmom,; 00221101.1.71.21r0z Z 102712011242; Twill font.aak too' litilpierliej invariably In slow* fit the time oriefOolt , 1,, ri: -1. , ,, ,, r. - ; , .. , , , , , ~, , . . . s,..ifti7*. WV SE"Lie . Y 'l' RE* fl'i' meniallOilabserlbtfil Ott of the Olty, at Thum Dow.' Am* Immat, la advance, • . " W E ICS.. - r yrs s mr.. bi wssigar 4 , ,Fits , teat to flobeerlbefe Ay mall, (V* esafax% hrolfahoe,) , at... - ' , • i $2 . 00 • ”4... , .".• Three Ooplea, o - le 606 NITS 00p1041, . 40'3 ' ;r 4c: t' ~, '..• t .1 -• . • 7 . 5 .• oi Ten Copies, it n 12 00 Twenty cePleph " : " (to one address).— 20 00 Twenty apples; OS over, ttt (to address of each enbearlbot)t 0 11 fb. , ..J.... ' 1 1 20 Itor,a;Club df Tuentp-one or over, we wilt send an eirrs'oopy t ,o the getter-up of the,Club: v. , P e et are requested to sot is Agenta for Tits litssay.'rPirsies. , • . ' - , :: • WEEKLY PRESS. TBE .CHEAPEST AND 'BEST 'HEM NEWSPAPER IN' THE COUNTRY. • GLOW; rihparoEssz — NTS tititritaist Tax AVEEKLV EltliBB is published fro* tbe City of Fluiwielpfita,evcry Saturday. I 14-7Condtketed uprin ,National principles, sod will uphold thstviglsta of,he dtatee. ,will- moist fanati cism Im.every shape; and will bo devoted to conserv ative doctrines , as. the true-found ation of public pros. perityand3aoubst. order: Such a Weekly Journal hot long been desired in the United States, end it is to gra tify thiswaht that TUE WEEKLY PUSS Is published THE; WEEKLY CLEM 18 printed on exoellent white paper, clear, new typeand In quarto form, for binding. ft contains all the flewe of the day; Correepondentb from the-Ole World and the,New; Nomestio genre; Reports. of the various Markets ; Literary Re views; ,bliscelloneous Selections ;- the progress of Agri. culture in all Its various departments,l4o, i1:1". 74 , invariably to adVatgee• - THE WEVELYTItESB will be sent to' subsoribriis, by mall; at - •02 00 per annum, Twenty Copies, When sent to one ad- • - dress., - - 20 00 ' 44 Twenty Copies or over, to address of • • • each imbserlieri each, 1.20 'or - e MOW 'of .-Tweaty-ont oit•every we Will send an extra wiliVto the getter-up of the Club.' t Peetrileeters Ore Fetie.eated 10 not as Agents fit TUB WEEKLY- PitEB3.•• • • - • ' I will a greet fever it my political end pee roma friends, and' all others who desire a tint - chose Weshik Newspaper, Will - exert themselves to give VIE WEEKLY PIIEBB a tarp circielstion inthotr respeitive nelehborhOod, JOHN W. FORNEY. • - . • • • Editor and Proprletet. Pnblicatidd Ofd, of Tat PhEal, no. 411 Oheatnut, 9400, PbViiidelphts: WARRURTON'S IMPUTABLE COVERINGS TOR THE READ, ' Einbraoo ail therioluts necessary to GENTEEL EYSEGT, and ell the details andlitcei:eleganctee wlileh impart FINISII, OOMFORT, , AND DURABILITY. Gentlemen are Invited to. call and elattairle.- 0ct2543m ' ' .480 ORESTIIUT Street. Ja coke. • j ±...5•••••••••^•,..-•••••*••••r••••••••••••• , •••^••••••••"'"••• L EGAN TL 'ILLUSTRATEIY EN(: MU VISIT BOOKS FOR THE lIOLI H AYS. For mile ; at REDUCE!) RATES •, C. .1.. ImorfCi - of English Books, Choice Eogmiinga,'&e.; No. 33 Epith fAxilx street, above Chest:mit. THE HOME AFFECTIONS. By the Poets. Edited by Charles Mackay., Iliustrated by Blrket Foster, Wil lard, Weir; arid other enlehiatW*lsis. Small 4to. cloth and morocco. THE POETS OR THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, leautlfullyllluatrated pith ingrevlngS on *rood, by the most celebrated artletg. Smsdrato. cloth And morocco. LONGFELLOW'S POETICAL WORKS. Illustrated on wood byJobn Gilbert, Small Co: cloth and mu• roten. BRYAN VS FORMAL+ WORKS. Finely illastratcat with wood engravings, after designs by the most emP neat English and American 'artiste. Small 4td; cloth and morocco. RITY}IESAND ROUNDELAYS In praise of a Country Life. Illuitrated on wood by Abselon, BiTket Beater, IlarrisonWeix;ka .Smalt 4totoloth. - • - WORLD.NOTED ‘WOMEN. Edited by Sire. Coirden Clarke.- liittstrated with'fine portraits on steal, after designs by Stahl.- , 4t0. morocco extra. COWBER'S l'Afill‘-`l.leautffully Dluatrafed with en. grsviogs °ovoid, - Senalllto. KERWER'EtS BUTTE:AL -WORKS. Beautifully il lustrated with engraviags ouvoodi Small 4to. cloth. FINDER% ROYAL GALLERY- OF ART. Illustra ted with 46 superb'engrariega on ideal, !after the beet English Masters, Folio; half tnotocco, THE }TARBORO OF " - ENGLAND. 'Basra - red' from. original drartingeby Turneri with Muirtiatire Dalt by Ruskin. 1 vol. folio, cloth. - THE CLANS OF• SCOTLAND: , By Malan.. Spleri• didly Illustrated with fall-length figures in the coatnmee of the various clans. Beautifully colored. Small ENGRAVINGS FROM THE ENGLISK ANNUALS. From 1827 to 1829, both Inclusive. Artist's proohl on large papet.,l col - folio,miorocco. 'Very rare.- ' DEFOIPS OOMPLETE WORKS. Tallborabeautiful Complete in 70 ,- vols. 12 um, half oalf. Very AMERICAN SCENERY. - • Illustrated on Steel-by W. IL Bartlett: With descriptive letter preen. 2 vole. 4to. half oalf, t. " CANADIAN SCENERY." To match the 'hilt's. ITALY, CLASSICAL, mSTORTOAL AND PIC TL•RESQUE. Illustrated with 00 beautifully engraved uteri plates, and dencliptioe letter pron. morocco extra. 'LOCKHART'S SPANISH BALLADS Spleodidly il lustrated with colored borders and elegant wood cute, with Pottraitaad Llfaof reolshart. 1 vol. ate, cloth. MOUNTAINS AND LAKES — OF .-SWITZZIILAND, the Tyrolp and Itsly, • From -Drawings - by - George F. Ilerring.o , With descriptive letter , press. Fir plated, beautifully Miloredi folio cloth. THE WDIALIB-SiALLURY. Beautifully illustrated with engravingi'on steel l after this celebrated muter. Small folio—morocco extra: - THE VERNON GALLERY. To match tie preceding. 2 vols., folio, half morocco. SCOTT'S OMPLETO WORKS.' The Superb Abbots. ford Edition. Illustrated with beautiful engravings on eteel end Wood. 17 vela:, royal S vo., cloth. TURNERS RIVERS OF FR %NOE.' Comprising 62 highly finished line engravings on steel, and descriptive letter press. With memoirs of 11. W. Tanner. Small Ito , choice impressiona,moineco antique. A . CIIOICE COLLECTION OF ENGLISII WORKS in every Department of Literature, now' on hand, and telling at reduced prices, for cash. An unrivalled tat surtment of-fine , Line Engravings,' Wrter•Color raintl logs, and Chromollithographs, selling off at'ceeacto re duce the stock.' • de 16-8 t ORIGINAL EDITION OF CHARLES KNIGHT'S PIOTOBIAIiiIIIMISPBAREIncIud- Iug the Dotabtfal 'Plays and' Biography, and illustrated with very numerous Engraving. on Wood, In the high est etylti of art; forming 8 Vols., imperial Sta., Theaubseribere have been enabled to secure three copies of this magnifisent edition of Bhakspeare, which beta ion been exceedingly seeice. ' - Immediate applies ti on win. be 13864111Saiy to prevent diaappointment in pro- curing copies. 0, J. PHIOS & Qo_, 'lmporters of Baglieh'Books, 02-y No. 33 eon% Sixth Bt., above Chestnut, tUattips, letutlrp, B AILEY & CO.) CHESTNUT STREET - lianktabtutifir of = BTERLIN6 tiwira troster,thelr ineyeutlos, on' the premises exelodTely Milieu. rad Strangers its turited to Tilit our menu factory 'WA.TOHES. Coniston!ly on hand _a ei!endid stook of Sopezio: --Wet-Oben, of all the celebrated makers - DIAMONDS.- Necklaces, Bracelets, Brooehee, .19fts•Itinge, Pingo- Ringo, and all other siticles In the Diamond line. Drawfase of NEW `DISBIGNS wlll the made free of ethane for those addling work made to order. RIOIr GOLD AVITELRY. , „ A beautiful assortment of all ,the new etylee fit line Jewelry, via u Ilpeale, stone and Shell o.ameO, Pearl, 1 ral,Aarbaaale, Itlgrquislte; • • Lava, .&e., &o. - .811111111.ELD , OA8TOW, DABKICTB, ,WAITEBB ) Also, trona* and Marble, OLOOIIe, of nougat mil of superior quality. aul-d twkwly - T E. OALD WELL & CO., ON • ' ' 432 CHESTNUT Street, Dare ,reeeired, per steamers. new stiles Jewelry, 01110.611 nm, Vest OWN. Sidendid Fans, Halr Tint • Pruitaands, Sugar Deatete. Jet Goode and Plower Vises. Condi Lava and Honda Beta. Sole Agents in Philadelphia lot the sale of Charles Fr odshantoa LONDON. TIME•NEEPERS. , delo C&.A. PEQUIGNOT, • - iIAI'NIIPASITURERB OP WATCH 0/1810 AND IMPOSTORS OF WAIVERS, 121 BOUM THIRD MOOT, 11111,0 W CHESTNUT, Pitt LADELPIIIA. Common Pectuunto2. AtIOUSTR PECIIMONOT eel9-Bmealo 1 S. JARDEN - & 11R0. it, • inantinaoruirtoto AND 1011118 OP SILVER-PLATED WARE, No. 'NW Ow:4mA , Street, above Third, (op stain, - Philadelphia, tlootantty on band and for Edo to (ha Trade, TEA lINTO, 004/11LTNIOli 8,E11V10.8 ,StaB, URNS PITOITRES, GOBLETS, OUPS; WAITERS, BAB EBTO;CiASTOBS; UNITES, BPOONS, HOWLS, LADLES, he., ho. Gilding and plating on all kind. or metal. .;2•lp ‘411, - VER, WARE.— - , • •• :WILLIAM WILSON' & 11019.1 MANUFACTURERS OF SILVER WARE, (EBTAIILIJ3RED 1812,) DOINIZN rxrra AND amour ottestrre. A 14rgo_wattnent of PILVEII WARE, of etery de. feription, ootottanEy Lend, or mAde to order toutatcb soy pittehidonlrod. lorpoitiro of Eihofflat tad Eirsiinglliito Imp:hied ware:, - _ • , se3o.d&wly political Fq"• REGISTER OF WILLS , WU. lIANOOOKB, d244:4 • Babied to aio Wean oitules IFF— CALEB EL WRIGHT, Subject to Demee ntia tutee 1 - 1 OU, SHERXF MOORS, ALDEPtiVitrAZO_ WAS • littbJent to Dermot' tatio Wen., le - , GIBBON, TWEAIT-S6OOND WARD, Snot to Democratla Ades. - .FOR SHERIFF, ' • EDWARD T. MOTT O -; , • TWELFTH WARD 81:11 1 / 1 101 , 10 Dillooa4vsa - stutati. oel6-2m* . NOTICE -TO PASSENGERE.- - L . -Paaaen, gees far 'Ship PIIILA.DELPIITA, Captain Popj, for LiverPoat, wilt please berm board, at Bhippen 'street wharf on'TIICRSDAN MOAN! h:(1, December 17, "at II Cabin paasige s9oi, Second Cabin $20,• Sticiage' ; • • THOS 2110HARDSON k Co.; Second Cabin andllteerage pandengerS furnished with provision according to the American passenger act. ~lled, . ifiIiTIO:IIO4IIIEIiN:L'fiSERTIVS GAS ooitPANY.RiILADsoniA, Doom, 1857.. At s *Sting of the Dosrd of Trnstees,held thin even ing, the fel/owing rosolution was unanimously mt . pted Breolued,,That the, price of OAB: furnishe&by this Comiessy Isprieeto goatee:ter*, frorend after the let day oC Jimuery next, is hereby redneed tb $d to per I,o'o cubic - feet, with flte per tent, iiineount for pay ment of Mile within five Atm ae heretofore. Extreet from the minutes. J. D. BUDD, 40140 - • Auletant Beeretary. VOL. I-NO. 119... musemctits' MUSICAL' FUND HALL.' 511S8 JULIANA DIAT , B ' ." • FIRST CONCERT, , TRUAX EVENING,,Docembes 18, 1857 PROGRAMME Part First. 1. " Mucha du Smote," Le Prophete Illeyerbeer Mr HARRY SANDERSON. Regnava wit Bilenzio, ,, Lucia de Lammermoor - Donezettl Miss JULIANA MAY. 8. ", V len i mia Vend etta, ,, Literals Borgia. Don frail 4. lIERR RIMOLPIISEN. Dallad—y , , Floating on the VI ind, ,, Step'n Clover Miss JULIANA MAY. 6. Beglia Agonotti - Signor TIBERINI. 6. ". Di Piacer , t—La Oasts Lades Rossini Bliss JULIANA MAY. Port Second. 1. Pantailia, Il Trovatore Verdi Sir HARRY SANDERSON. 2. Ballets, Rigoletto Verdi Sig Tit:MUNI. 3.." Robert tol qua,' 'gime," Ideyerbeer - arise JULIANA MAY. 4. ‘, Polerse , -11. Troystore Verdi lIERR RUDOLF USN. 5. Cantina, Linda di Chisinounix Donizetti Miss JULIANA MAY. O. Roma= Don Sebastian° TIDERINI. , Admission to all parts of the Hall, Fifty Cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock. - Concert to commence at 8 o'clock. The splendid new grandTiano used on this occasion, fot the make of Mallet dr. Davie. Doston,) will be kindly furnished by Mr. J. E. Could, Chestnut street. d17.2t MUSICAL FUND HALL,— SATURDAY EVENING, Dee. ID. - ' VANCIDI AND VIEVXTEDIVS CONVERT • Pita Appearance in PhiledeSphia of MLLE. GIIILIETTA OARIOLI, Prints Donna Anoints. from the ltellert Opora Houses, and Aoadetny of Music. N. Y. : A.1132120°4 to all part► of the 110.11,60 cent,. lINPREOEDENTED COMBINATION OP TALENT, TIIREN , PILIAIA. DONNAS MLLE . ELENA lk o N n O th ll e e lme evening. - (the celebrated Contralto;) . 3ILLE.,(IIIILIEtTA OARIOLI, (her firstappearance;) MISS ANNIE MILNER, the English' Prima Donna, Academy of Idneic, N. Y.) Will jointly appear with U. YIEUXTESIPS, ERNEST PERING, • (the eminent English Tenor,) SIG. ROCIO, II. KLETZER. _Conductor....ElG. ABELL°. Encouraged by the unprecedented success which at. tended the lest Concerts of M. Visuatimps; when the price of admission was Cud at fifty tante, the Manager has been induced to come again before the Ptdiadelphirt public, hat with a greatly increased attraction. On this occasion the abOve eminent Artistes will be. presented at the Caine price of admission. NOVICE—To prevent an overelouded Rouse, the • I Management has decided' to limit' the number of tic kets. No more Wilt be 'Old Oulu 'can be Comfortably acoomo• dated. • The limited nifmbir uf Tickets can be obtained at the Musical Ennd4lall-and at theDlueic Stored. ON TUESDAY, December 224, 0 ORAND MATINEE MUSICALE Mastaustralaantd performance, at.2)4 o'clock ' P. M., at the Grand Concert and laid appearance or Mmes. D'Angri, earroli, Milner, Vleuxtainpe, Perting, Rocco, Kletzer, and Abello. ,Tickets 60 eenl,e4 dell -at . • MRS. D. P, BOWERS' WALNUT 81104 ET TIINATNE. Bole.Li3este' ' • • MRS. D. P. DOWERS, Aatiyg ancLsl4,6 Marmot " RICIUNGB. THE OPENING MGM, BA.TI7REAY EVENING, Dec. 19th, 11497 Grand Overture "La Gazza Ladra,w by a full °robes trit. tinder, the direction of Dr. OUNNINGTON. alltS. ' BOWERS ' WILL THEN ADDRESS IIER PATRON R. .. . . . . After which , r ill be presented , Bourcicault's great 'Comedy of • , LONDON ASSUit &NOE, With the following combination of arNetic excellence : Sir Ramona Courtly l Mr. G. footrace, (hie Bret appearance) Mr. Ric/dugs. Mr. J. E. trees, (his first appearance,) Mr. Spanker Mr. Chapeau. Mtles Courtly tr. Blumell. Max Itarkaway ... . ...... . ...... Mr. Brookes, (his first appearance.) truly Day Rptinker Mrs. D. P. flowers. Grace itarksway..4 • ' Mice Caroline 'Belling,. Pert. Mrs. G. Boni:See. The enseroble heightened by appropriate Scenery and Furniture . . ' 'PAS DE DEUX, by MR. and MUSS' WOOD. NationarChorus—"listlto the Union," by the Vocal Quartette of the eitahlishment. , A new "Introduction Pettit," by the Orchestra, composed and dedicated to Mne, Dowers, by • DR. , CUNNINOTON. The Entertainments concluding with the Grand Na tional Tableau of WASIIINGTON One Geo. Washington Mr. Richings. Goddess of Liberty ffiiss G. Richlogs. In *lab character she will Sing our National An them, a The Star Spangled Benner," aided by the en tire company.- - • PREPARATION, MANY , NOVELTIES. Prices of Admission, Twenty-Ave Gents. Secured Seats. Thirty-se ven and,a half Cents. -parquetand 'Orchestra - Beats, come two hundred - of :which have been expressly remodeled-and recushioned for the aceoinniodation of Ladies, Fifty Gents, Private Doled, Tim and Five Dollars, JAMES ILUTORIDISON., Treasurer. Box Office open from 10 o'clock A. Id. to 3 P.M. Doors opened at aquarter to T o'clock; curtain will rise at is quarter past 7 o'clock. : delB.2t AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.— Z. A. MARSHALL Bole Le 6508. On THIS (Frida) EVENING, December 18, • Will be presented the New Grand Bellet, entitled L' ALLOOGIO MILITARE. Bartolomeo Signor Olovanoi Prateei Brigade Bus Eloglie . • .. . • .Bignora Outeeppino Pretest .To conclude with, lor the second time in ibis city : a new Grand Ballet Divertiaement, entitled • V lUD/HONE PUN PITTORE. Alfredo Big Phillippo Daratti Jenny Mlle Lartioreaux The performance to commence with the Comedy of POOR PILLICODDY. Mr Pillicoddy, - Mr Chapman; - Captain O'Scuttle, Mr Le Moyne; Mrs O'Scuttle, Mine Price. Doom open at 13X o'clock. Performances will nom. mecca at half-past 7. PRIORS OF ADMISSION : Balcony, Parquet, and Parquet Circle 50 cents. Family Circle and Amphitheatre 25 g Prirato Boxes, (for eight persons) ES 11:77 . The Box Office open from 0 A. M to 4 P. M. for the securing of onto and bona, without eXtra charge, TREASURED TIIO3. McKBON. WHEATLEY's ARCH ST. THEATRE. —SOLD LESSEE. W. WHEATLEY THU (Pride') EVENING. Deo. 18th. 1857, Will be presented, third Lime, a New Play, in 5 Acts, by Oliver 8. Leland, Esq., entitled BEATRICE Or, The False and the True. Ramiro de Peschiera, Mr Davenport; Lord Welter Courtenay, Mr Wheatley Lord Landsmere, Mr Dol man; Beatrice di Negra, Mrs. Davenport. To conclude with the operatic Cornedletta of - SWISS SWAINS. Walter, Mr Dunn; Swig, Mr J 8 Clarke; Dame Gib, Mre Thayer; Rosetta, Miss A Cruise. BdALII or Patois.-Boxer, 26 cents; Secured Seats, 88; Orchestra Stalls, 60 cents Seats in Private Dozes, 76 cents; Gallery, 13 cen t s; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 88 cents. Rex Office open from 10 A. M. until 3P. M. room will open at 6,l o'oleck ; performance to commence at ;precisely. rVATIONAL THEATRE AND CIRCUS, / WALNUT ETREET, NEAR INGTITII. LESSEE WESLEY IWIDIORN. ASSISTANT MANAGER R. JOHNSTON. EQUESTRIAN MANAGER TROS. RING. THIS (Friday) EVENING, Dec. 18th, 1857, Will be repeated the entite new Drama, in three Acta, entitled • • DR. SANE; Or, Life to the Arctic Regions. Dr Kane, Mr Wm Myers; Will, 3lr Bannon); Bbanghu, Mr Drink; Ratty, Mr Cunningham. To conclude with BRILLIANT HORSEMANSHIP, DANCING, '&e. Sm. During the erening, EEQUIN the whole compecly will appear as B ARABS, Petiole or Aowtesioc—Drese Circle 81% yenta. Fa mily Circle 28 cents. , Private Boxes 50 cents. Poore open at 6% o'clock, Performance to com mence at TX o'clock. lAYNE'S NEW HALL, CHESTNUT ST., EY BELOW SEVENTH. Complimentary Testimonial to the Ethiopian Comedian, R. 1118110 P BUCKLEY, _And most positively the Last Night but ono of the DUCKLETS , BERENADEEB. TIIIB (ffriday) EVENING, Deo. 18, 1867, Will be performed the Burlerquo Opern of, TROVATORE. Count Lunn-tick, Mr It D Buckley; Lady Lemmonora, 111/6.4 0 Mina. 'Preceded by their inimitable - • ETHIOPIAN MINSTRELSY. Admission, 26 cents. Doors open at halt - last 6 o'clock. Curtain rises at half-past 7 precisely. SANFORD's OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Street, above Cheatnut. ETHIOPIAN PERFOItHANCES THIS EV BEING. Ethlopion Life Illustrated by Benfonl'a Troupe of Stern—New Dances by the Sanford Children. Doors open at T o'clock—to commence quartor before eight. To conclude with A LAUGHABLE ATTEBPIEOIS. Admittance 25 cents. AMERICAN GOLD AND 'NEW YORK RIO:MANOR WANTND AT melon CURRENT RAUB, 1' °ROME CO" $ PECIR BRO KERS, n024-dtt 40 BOUTH THIRD ST noll4m* SCULL, CAMBLOS, & 00., BANKERS, No. 3 South Third Street. The highest premium paid for AMERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORK EXOHANOR. Minuet:lt 'Fonds bought and sold. Stocks boughtaud sold on commission only. nolo,2m* BW. TINGLEY & 00., BANKERS e No. S 7 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made on all aceessible points In the United Staten and Canada. Stork', Bonds, &a., Bought and Sold on Commiseiou. Vneurrent Bank Notee, Ohooke, &0., bought at the 10,114 ratee. m DDepolits reeelved and Interest allowed, IS per aigies. tent -- , nos 2.8 m NOTICE.-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that TEE BANK , OP OHAMBEESBMIG I , will apply to the Legieleture of Pennsylvania, at its next Benton; for the plumage of s Law, In the nature of an Act to edam the title of the said Bank to that car t-sin EATER EffOR)I4IOUOR and Lot of oround, situate op-the east aide of Routh PRONT Street, new No. 21, between Market and Chestnut streets, in the city of Philadelphia, JAMES LESLEY, dele,fitit Cashier. CONGRESS RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD WION. & uo, , N0,1Q3 N. nooND MO. NOB *N. Tv- . • . . . . , . . ...-:-----.. • - -..* .:•• t:, -. .. •, ~' ' ' O 4*- ,„ , 'l s, \\\" 11/*,'•,').ll ) r??;, '. ,e:.o. . , . • ~ '-- l ;, ' 4 - ' Ai \,\,; :.i p; 4S , .. .. (.. i, •,• •• APIA ?i t. -. "":•-• %.:, 4111111ft.1;i7leil ' ''',-;-'''."- -•-'.: ' 4 - • .'' • -7. 4 :-- - ...'-• :." ' - ... 1 4 ( . . , ;‘' 11 ' .- .- - - - 1 „- - ~,,,, --- - .:-- -, - -- - ..,:• ,-4 ' , •-• / , '-,,,,' ' • ,''..., ~: . - , ,„. .... . ..- .••• • • •• .II . -13.4.---., "'' '...-,... -••••, -6 C..--:" "..-. - 1 . --....,- - • • :.--_-..........-^s-- , , • . , __....., • voi l r... ..____, Aloner. C4g :11rtss. FRIDAY. DECEMBER N. 1867. LORD BACON Yesterday, we published a well-written com munication, suggested by and in reply to our declaration that, de filet' thorn never was any such person as Lord Bumf, the groat states man and politician so called, having succes sively received the titles of Sir Fammts BACON, Baron Verulam, and Viscount St. Albans, but never having obtained a peerage as Baron BACON. Our correspondent argues that he was en titled to have the aristocratical "Lord" pre fixed to his name, by virtue of an office which he hold before he was elevated to the peer age. Our friend says that the eminent author of the as Novum Organum" was Lord Keeper of the Groat Seal, (an office now merged in the Chancellorship,) " and, as such, entitled to sit in the House of Lords, (though not a Peer,) and to boar the title, and to be ad dressed as Lord BACON." In the first place, the Lord Keeper, if a Commoner, would sometimes . have to act as Speaker of tho House of Lords, and would be addressed, in that position only, as " My Lord" and" Your Lordship." But ho had no autho rity to rote—a privilege wholly reserved for actual members of that House. The proof that there was only a temporary and courtesy title of " Lord" from the Keepership of the Groat Seal is to he found in the fact, which, we submit, wholly closes the adverse argument, that FRANCIS BACON'S own father, Sir Metro ras BACON, actually preceded him in the office of Lord Keeper, during the first twenty years of ELIZABETH'S reign, and, no ono has ever thought of calling him "Lord B`Aooir." So, also, the , tioneus Sir who lIATTON (of ,dancing memory,who is immortalized in a stanza by GRAY) was Lord. Keeper, in the time of Queen ELIZABETH, and no one ever speaks or writes of him as " Lord" HATTON. As for having letters addressed to him, in which the', Words, "My Lord," and " Your Lordship" may have been used, there is no thing in it. There is no letter of his own signed " BACON." To this hour Sir Fas t:kerma PoLtocx, as Chief Baron of the Ex chequer of England, and Sir ALEXANDER Coonniratr, and Chief Baron of the Common Pleas, are spoken to and written to as "My Lord," and " Your Lordship," but no one at this moment, and no one, after they are dead, will call them Lord POLLOCK or Lord COCK BURN. Further, when our correspondent says that, as Chief Justice of England is correctly called a Lord COKE," though he never was a peer or nobleman, being so designated, "by right," we deny that he was In any way enti tled to the title. And we state, as a public fact, with which, no doubt, onr Intelligent friend is familiar, that the late Sir Ctuntas ABBOTT, who was Chief Justice of England from 1818 to 1832, was never called " Lord" Annex?: He was raised to the peerage in 1827, under Mr. CANNINO'S administration, and then was properly addressed as Lord "PENTERDEN. That the Lord Keeper should have been called Dominus," at a time when the Latin langpngo was much used in the English law courts, means nothing, and gives nothing. To this hour, in Trinity College, every under-graduate has the courtesy prefix of "Dominus." Who will declare that Do minus Murphy or Dominus Mulligan is entitled to ho spoken and written of as " Lord" Mur phy or " Lord" Mulligan. There are, at present, two eminent ex-Chan ellors in England, -Lords .I.lllllolUStrr • and ST. LEONARDS, who obtained nearly SS much reputation under their simple patronymics as BACON did under his. Sir Jona Cot , LEY, our countryman, (son of the historical painter,) was createdßaron Lyndhurst In 1827, when Mr. CANNING made him Master of the Rolls. Sir EDWARD SIOUAN, author of the great law-treatise upon " Powers," was created Baron St. Leonardo, in 1862, by tho Derby- Disraeli Government. No one calls them Lord Copley or Lord Sugden,—they are ad dressed, rightly and naturally, as Lords Lynd hurst slid Lord St. Leonardo, their given titles. Yet, if it be right to speak of Viscount St. Al bans as " Lord BACON," a title he never pos. nosed, it would be equally right to confuse matters by speaking of Lord Copley and Lord Sugden. BACON was appointed Lord Chancellor of England on the dtli of January, 1618, and con tinued to preside over the House of Lords, simply RS Sir FRANCIS BACON, until July 11, in the same year, when, his biographer says, " he was created Baron Verulam, and look his scat among the peers." In the interval between his appointment as Lord Chancellor and his elevation to the peerage, Sir FRANCIS BACON always signed public documents and private letters simply as "Fe. BACON," it commoner. Ho sat on the Woolsack, it Is true, but he had no privilege of taking part in the debates or of giving a vote. All this time he was addressed as " My Lord" by the different peers, but they know better than to speak of him or write to him RS " Lord BACON." Our correspondent, rather loosely, tells us, "It is Bald that Lord BROUGHAM assumed his ti tle, went to the House of Lords, and presided there iminedi , tely after ho received the Great Seal from the handset' WILLIAM IV, though a short interval subsequently •lapsed before ho was created 'Baron Bnountima,' or entitled to take his sent as a peer." The title he received was Baron BROUGHAM and VAux, (the writer of this article has repeatedly had the Letters Patent of this peerage in his hand,) and we can say, from personal knowledge, as a spec tator, on that memorable day, that it was as a Peer, and not for one hour as a Commoner, that BROUGHAM took his neat upon the Wool seek, as Lord Chancello r. Our correspondent is scarcely correct in men tioning that Lords JEFFREY and CocKsvON had no legal right to the title. It is conferred upon them, however, by more than courtesy. Up to the Union, in 1707, each Judge of the supreme Court of Scotland (Lord of Session is the name) were entitled to sit in the Scot tish House of Lords. At the Union, the Scottish was merged in the British Legislature, but the Judges were allowed to retain their nominal honors of title. So, to this day, each Scottish judge is called "Lord," but, with great want of gallantry, against which the strong minded women of Scotland should complain, though the Judge may bo called Lord JEFFREY, his wife Is not called Lady. She remains plain Mrs. JErrnuy, despite her husband's nominal rank. We have now given some of tho,roasons on which we formed the opinion that Sir Fit Anus BACON, Baron Vernlam, and Viscount St. Albans, Is improperly spoken of as Lord BAtion, a title which he never possessed. Wo have stated these reasons to show that our opinion was not hastily nor crudely formed, and also because wo really wish to satisfy our correspondent, who has conducted this little controversy in such a manner, that, though we do not yield to his arguments, we are not unwilling to admit ourselves almost disarmed by his gentle courtesy. The matter under consideration is almost worthy of being considered one of the Curi osities of Literature. We have been unable to ascertain at what time BACON first received, in common parlance, the prefix of " Lord." Ile really was a Lord, as baron and viscount, but not in the way the title is ordinarily ap plied to him. As our correspondent remarks, BACON'S title brought to him little save dis honor. He was fifty-seven years old when ho received it. His great works had been written, though not all published, before he was called to the House of Lords. Always improvident, making money largely and spending It lavishly, the additional cost of supporting what is called " the dignity of the peerage" involved him in difficulties, and ho received bribes, as Judge, to meet his wants. He confessed his guilt. He had stained the purity of the Ermine. Tie exhibited great contrition, and when a PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1857. deputation of the lords waited on him to in-, quire if ho had indeed signed a full confession of the truth of each particular charge against him, he replied, "It is my act—my hand—my heart. Oh t my lords, spare a broken reed." With all his guilt, which nothing can extenuate, there is something very touching in the closing words of his will, , c My name and memory I leave to foreign nations, and to my own countrymen, after some time be passed over." Justice has long since been fairly, and even favorably meted to him, at home and abroad. As a lawyer, an orator, a states man; and a man of science, FRANCIS BACON is confessedly one of the master-minds of his ago and country. Above all Englishmen, he has deserved the name of Father of Natural Philosophy. FORREST AND TILE CALIFORNIANS The Californian papers convey to us copies of a correspondence between the magnates of California and our highly distinguished towns man, EDWIN FORREST, the tragedian. Consi dering how great aro his qualifications, no man of his celebrity has gone less upon the starring system. Those attributes have won him good wishes and favorable opinions every where. From California, those aro earnest and warm. When the mountain could not go to Mations; it was necessary for Matiourr to go to the mountain. The Californians could scarcely come eastward, with the sole mission of see ing Mr. FORREST, so the Governor and Lieu. tenant Governor of the State, with the State Secretary, State Comptroller and Treasurer, Secretary and Assistant Secretaries of the Senate, the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate, twenty-seven members of the Senate, the Speaker of the house of Representatives, and forty-eight members, dating front the State Capital, at Sacramento, April 20, 1857, have sent the following address to Mr. FORREST ; 'RESPECTED Sin : The undersigned State offi cers and members of the Senate and Assembly, a small Portion of your many admirers on the coast of the'Pacitic, avail themselves of this. the only mode' under their control, of signifying to you the very high estimation, as a gentleman and an actor, in which you aro generally and universally held by all who have a taste for the legitimate drama, Genuine taste and rigid oriti aim have united with the verdict of impartial history to pronounce you the heed and leader of the noble profession to which you bare consecrated abilities that would in any sphere of life render you eminent. We believe that so long as Shake pears is remembered, and his words revered, your name, too, will bo remembered with pride by all Rho glory in the triumphs• of our Saxon litera ture." conclusion, permit us to express the hope that your existing engagements will so for coincide with our wishes as to permit us, at an early day, to wolcomo you to the shores of the Pacific, assu ring you of a warm and sincere reception, so far as our efforts can accomplish the same, and we feel that wo but express the feelings of ovary good °Ri sen of the State." Mr. FORREST'S reply, dated Philadelphia, July 10,1857, is to the following effect : "GENTLEMEN : With a grateful pleasure I ac knowledge your oommunioation of April 20th, de livered to me a short time nines by the hands of Mr. Maguire. " Your flattering Invitation, BO generously be stowed, and so gracefully expronsed, to enter the Golden Gate, and visit your beautiful land, is one of the highest compliments I have over received. It in an honor, I venture to say, that MS never before conferred on one of my profession. " It comes not from the lovers of the drama or men of letters merely, but from the Executive, the Representatives, and other high officials of a great State of the American Confoderaoy ; and I shall over regard it as one of the proudest compliments in all my professional career. " Believe use, I deeply feel this mark of your kindness, not as more incense to professional or personal vanity, but as a proud tribute to that art which I have loved so well, and have followed so long : "'The youngest of the niter Arte, Where all their beauty blends., "This art, pormit me . to add, which from my youth 1 have sought porsonally to elevate, and professionally to improve, more from the truths in nature's infallible volume than from the podantio words of the schools—a volume open to all, and which needs neither grook nor Latin lore to under stand. "And now gentlemen, although I greatlyeeirat i that it is not n my power to accept your invitation, I sincerely trust there will be a time for such a word, when we may yet meet together under the roof of one of these proud temples consecrated to the drams, by the taste and the munificence of your fellow-elticons." It will bo seen that though ho declines ac cepting this invitation at present, Mr. Foattner holds out a promise of accepting it, ore long. Indeed, the solicitation has been so entirely complimentary, we might say so kind, that wo do not ace how it could be declined altogether. The Californians, many of whom have wit nessed Mr. Foanctrr's performances in the Northern and Eastern States, must have the opportunity of seeing him on their own ground, in the maturity of his powers and the fulness of his fame. They will have a gratification of no ordinary degree, and Mr. Fonansr is bound to let his Californian friends enjoy It. PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENTS MISS JULIANA MAY'S CONCEIIT.—Thera is no doubt now that Miss May will have a crowded at tendance at Musical Fund Hall. Much interest is excited by the foots that the lady, in the first place, is an American Prima Donna—also, she is young; next, she has numerous personal attrac tions; and, what most concerns the public, that she has a fine voice, with the advantage of having been exceedingly well trained by the first masters in this country and Europe. She will sing in Eng lish, Italian, and French. By the programme, which we publish in another part of our paper to day, it will bo seen that Miss May will have the assistance of Signor Tiborini, the tenor, and Herr Rudolphson, the baritone—both very good sing. em. Above all, Mr. Harry Sanderson, certainly the best pianist, for his years, in Ibis country, will make his first appearance in this, his native city. Ile was literally "to the manor born," having first seen the light, some nineteen years ago, in the Merchants' Ho tel, north Fourth street. At the age of three years, he commenced playing with the keys of a piano•forto, and his father, allowing his evident predilection for music to have its way, has had him carefully instructed. He Is now an excellent pianist, and this we say not without cause, having had the gratification of hearing him in private. R. Bishop Buckley's testimonial benefit will come off at Jayne's Hall, this evening, and the programme presents 0 fine melange of musical and other performances of no ordinary merit and In terest. This will be the last night but ono of the Buckley's' performances in this city during the present year. They perform in New York next week. Tho new play " Beatrice," which was so success ful at the Arch-street Theatre on Wednesday eve ning, woo repeated last night, and a little judi cious pruning has considerably improved It as an acting play. It ran—if possible—even smoother than on the first night, and bids fair to have a very brilliant career. Considering that Mrs. Daven port was unable, from severe illness, to attend the last rehearsal, on Wednesday, and made a great effort to appear on that evening (rather than disap point tho audience, by having the play deferred), her performance must be accepted, not only as a strong effort of genius but of will also. Mies Taylor's admirable acting should also be greatly commended, as well as the sneeersful efforts of Mr. Wheatley and Mr. Davenport. The great.oharm of the whole performance was Its groat natural ness; it seemed a succession of life-scenes, and note mere actors' drama. Mrs. Bowers opons tho Walnut Street Thontro, to-morrow evening, with Mr. Richingn an her not ing manager. After tho overture, Mrs. Bowen will speak an address. Bourcionuit'n comody of "London Assurance" will follow, with Mrs. Bowers as Lady Gay Spanker, Miss Riohings as Grace Iladaufay, Mr. Etchings as Dazzle, Mr. J. B. Owens as Meddle, and Mr. G. Bonifeco as Sir Harcourt Courtlty. Dancing by Mr. anti Miss Wood, with singing, a now polka, and tho National tableau of "Washington," complete the programme. Many novelties tore announced no in preparation, and the audience part of the house has undergone some improvements, Mrs. Bowers has the best wishes of the publie for hor succors. Tllll Albany Argl(3. speaking of the Constitution prepared by the Kansas Convention, says that " it is ndocumont drawn up with ability, and in clear and statesmanlike language," and that " it is evi dently modelled after the Constitution of New York." It enumerates the several points of stmt. larity, but in ono respect, at least, it Is in error. It says : " The declaration of rights is very full and com prehensive. It even nouns to froo negroes the right to live in the State—a right not granted to them probably by the Constitution of any other State in the Union." This is entirely erroneous, as will appear by perusal of the 23(1 section or the Bill of RION, whiob provides that "free nogroee Aral MI be per. lnizied to live in this State, under any eiroum staneev"—National Intrlligencer. A young woman in Cincinnati got drunk the other day end was taken to tho station ; whiled there she had constant convulsions, during which two men could not hold her, and ahe afterward. died The dootora said the fits were caused by free indulgence in etryahnine whiskey. KANSAS. Niesmo n ge of Governor Stantoa to the Territorial Leg(Mature. LECOUPTON, DeColllber 8, 1851. Fellow•titizeds of the Conned and Hou3e of Representative: In tho absence of the Governor, who, by leave of the President, has gone for a short time to Washington, on important public, business, and while thus temporarily clothed, by the organic net, with all the powers and duties of the Chief Executive offico of the Territory,l find myself compelled, by a sense of duty, to nail you together, in mice that you may adopt prompt legislative nicecurce to Avert the calamities which imminent ly threaten the public peace. From the repro eentatione of a majority of your own bodies, as well tie from other information of an authentic charac ter,l luvt6 reason to know that recant events have prouced b profound agitation of the public mind, and that it sense of wrong and injustice, whether well or 111 Pounded, anti An apprehension 6f greater evils to ariso therefrom, have aroused the people of tho , Territory to a condition of dangerous ex citement., Tbo proceedings of the late Constitu tional Co)si , ention are the immediate cause of this trouble ajid alarm. . . Tho lakparred at the last session of the Legis lative Arrembly, providing for the organization of a Convention to frame a Constitution for the go. verninout of Kansas as one of the States of the Union, 'Om adopted at a period when, unfortunate ly, the pesieles of .the Territory were divided 'by a bitter 10014, resulting from the previous Mate of cothmotion and civil war. In consequence of this embittaked feeling, and the mutuel distrust natu rally thercray engendered, one of the parties, con sti Whim+ /ergo major' tje of . the people, refrained aimed , elt1; aly from any participation in the pro ceedinaltetituted under the Jaw eforeraid. The census Iherein provided for was imperfectly ob• Mined from an unwilling people, in nineteen cram' ties of theTarritory ; while in the remaining coun ties, betng +tiro nineteen in number, from various onuses, fie attempt was made to comply with the some instancos, people and officers were alike sworn° to the proceeding ; inothers, the rah errs neglected or refused to cot; find in some, there wee but a email population, and no efficient orgenliation, enabling the people to secure a repre sentation in the Convention. Under the opera tion of all these causes combined, a census list wog oblained of only nine thousand two hundred and fft.ime legal voters, confined to preoirely one half the zennties of the Territory, though these, undoubtedly, contained much the larger part of the population. At the election which followed in pursuance of the late, only two thousand two hundred persons, being Itkr than ono-fourth of the registered voters, partleipeted, In any manner, in the choice of dele gates, either by voting for those clouted, or for other pertains. 'The average aggregate vote in favor of the successful candidates was about eighte!Hi hundred. • It Liras appears that in the election of the 15th June Last, for delegates to the Convention, the great Dram of the people refrained from voting, and left the whole proceeding, with all Its import ant consequences, to the active minority, under whore auspices the law had boon enacted, and also executed, so far no that could be done by the executive officers, without the concurrence of a mejority of the people. That the refusal of the majority to go into the eleatien for delegates was unfortunate, is now too apparent to bo denied. It bas produced all the evils and dangers of the present critical hour. It hair enabled a body of nien, not actually repre senting the opinions of the people, though regu larly and legitimately clothed with their authority, to prepare for them a form of government, and to withhold the greater part of its most important provisions from the test of popular judgment and motion. It has created the present profound ex. oitetnent, consequent upon the apprehension that Congress may admit the State under this Corlett tutlora.and that the people of Kansas May be thus forced to submit to the operation of a fundamental law in the adoption of which they have had no ac tual participation. It is not my purpose, nor is it necessary, to in qtfire bow far either of the parties into which the peciple wore unhappily divided upon the proceed- Inge ht question, was justifiable in the course pur sued, The only important question which seems now to concern tho people, or their representatives, is, as; to the legal and political effect of the facts as statt—whethor they do or do not impose upon the whole people an obligation to accept the work of the Convention, and to acquiesce in its plan of adopting the Constitution and sending it up to Congress for the admission of Kansas as a State Into the Union. If a Convention, organized as this was, eon bo considered as embodying in itself the sovereignty of the people, the diffioulty Is undoubtedly insu perable, and the omission of the majority to vote last.rune is past all present remedy But, in my judgment, such a position cannot be successfully The fundamental principle of popu lar self-government, nod especially of that " re publiean form, " which the Constitution of the United States guaranties to every member of the Confederacy, exeludes the possibility of the dole igetthg or transfer of their sovereignty, by the peo ple guar authority whatever. In its very na titirthat sovereignty i 5 b erects Governments and endows them with their legitimate powers, can be a:embed only by the people themselves It is incapable of alienation, end is as insepara bly inherent in the body of the people as are per sonal Identity and independent will in each indi vlduel. The people cannot divest themselves of it, any more than at individual can divest himself of his own moral responsibility. Any other theory would in volve the absurdity of the possible subjection of the sovereign to its delegated agent; for if the sovereignty be actually delegated or transferred, it may evidently be used to enslave the sovereign people themselves. If the Convention could enact a Constitution, and put it in force of its own au thority, it could readily adopt and perpetuate the most tyrannical provisions ; for if the Constitution, as in this ease, may he made permanent until 16t8, it might equally be made perpetual and La alterable. In its essential character, when about to frame a State Government, the sovereignty of the pooplo of a Territory is identical with that of the people of a State. It must necessarily be equally as pie nay and independent; otherwise, the new State would not stand upon an equality with the old once. The perfect equality of all the members of the Confederacy is the very basis of the Federal Constitution. It is true that a Territory cannot become a Stale of the Union without the consent of Congress. But this discretion on the part of Congreqs does not imply the power to dictate in stitutions to the people of the Territory, or in any way to restrain, or limit, or force their sovei eignty in the exorcise of its high function of framing its own Stats Government The only rightful power which Congress has in the . premises is to determine when the new community is sufficiently mature to Resume an independent Government, and to re cognise the identity of the people in their new form of a State. That clause of the Constitution guarantying to the States a "republican form of government," Imposes the obligation to protect the people in their svereignty, end to prevent Its alienation, if that were possible, as a doparturo from tho true repub lican farm. Congress, therefore, line no rightful power to accept a State Government which has not resolved the sanotion of tho people who aro to live ardor it. The attempt to exorcise such a power would be a plain violation of the Constitution. It would be none the loss n usurpation because the Ample might afterwards regain their violated 8010- rehrnty . . The Instances in which Congress has recognised nod received now States. without the actual sub mission of their Constitutions in the vote of the people, are not necessarily to conflict with the principios now assorted. Doubtless, if the people of a Territory should quietly acquiesce in the adoption of a Constitution passed for them, they might thus give very satisfactory evidonce of their approbation. But no instance can bo found on record of n Constitution accepted by Congress, against the will of a majority of the people, ex pressed in any distinct, manner whatever. It is not intended heroin to assume that the people of the Territory are opposed to the Consti pation which is tee be submitted, in a certain form, on the 21st instant. It is sufficient for the occasion which now convenes the Legislative Assembly, and for tho purpose of this communication, that there is wide-spread dissatisfaction, Wreatoning to die- Urfa the tranquillity of the poems. If there be any moans of provonting the discord and possible vie- Pomo, which are co soriously apprehended as the moult of the partial and imperfect election autho rized to be held at tho time named, under the au thority of the Constitutional Convention, it is the mlonin duty of the Legislature to ascertain and *gout the monsures most effectunl for that end. What appropriate and eftioiont measure oan bo adopted, in the existing emergency, is a question not without difficulty. Some hare proposed a re peal of the oat of tho hot Legislature tinder which the Convention assemble , ' and performed its func tions. lint inasmuch as that law has bcon par tially executed, it is doubtful whether en not of re 'eat would have the effect intended. It is eer- ain, that if tho Constitution %vero to bo really submitted to the people, and they should ratify it by their vote, a legislative repeal, between the dates of the submimion and of the election, would not affect the validity of tho sovereign not of rati- fication. The true purposo which, in my judgment, ought to control your legislation on the present occasion, andithnt which is, perhaps, the most pertinent and practicable within your power, is to provide for the regular and legitimate exorcise of the sove reignty of the people on those points in which the Convention has attempted to trammel or restrain It: in other words, to provide for a direct, vote, under your own authority, upon the adoption of the Constitution which is to bo partially submit ted, on the 21st, under the authority of the Con- stitutional Convention. I have already expressed the grave doubts I entertain as to the power of the Legislature in any scanner to interfere with the proceedings of the Convention. But there can be no question as to your authority to provide, by is suitable law, for a fair expression of the will of the people upon the vital question of approsing the Constitution. That highest act of sovereignty—the act of delegating appropriate powers in the best form of words, and with the proper limitations, to a State °rimies t:on—so deeply involves the dearestfrights and in terests of the people, that the very safety of our whole system of sell-government demands, in all cases, but especially where tiny doubt or dislatis faction prevails, an unequivocal ratification of the Constitution to be adopted. Perhaps a majority of the people may accept the instrument now before them, in one or the other of the forms in which it is presented by the Cenven. Con. In that case, there could be no ground of complaint ; for I doubt not the whole people will cheerfully acquiesce in the will of the majority, fairly unattained, On the other hand, if the peo ple should deoldo against the Constitution in both forms, it would not bo possible for Congress, with out a violation of all popular rights, to admit Kansas into the Union under it The way would then be fairly open for the passage of any other appropriate measure, by virtue of which the peo ple, relieved from all former embarrassments, could elect their delegates to a Convention, and establish their own institutions, in their own way, In accordance with the provisions of the organic act apd the fundamental principles of soft-govern meat. It is difficult to see what objection could be raised to such a law passed at the present time, and to be executed' cotemporaneously with the vote upon the Constitution, as provided by the Conven tion. That body itself had its existence from the authority of the Legislative Assembly. This con stitutes its whole title to regularity and legiti macy ; for no valid claim eon be based upon any supposed recognition by the people, inasmuch as the great majority of them refrained from all par ticipation in the eleotion. If that Convention, thus deriving its authority solely- from the legis lative enactment which called it into existence, clan send up to Congress a Constitution for the State of Kansas, without actually submitting it to the people, the same Legislature may, with equal regularity and legality, provide for an inde pendent vote or the people upon the actual rati fication of the instrument which is sought to be imposed upon them. It le not to be supposed that Congress will disregard the voice of the peo ple, legally expressed in the manner proposed, whether its decision shall be for or against the Constitution. In pursuance of these views, I recommend the passage of a law, directing an election to be held, either under existing regulations, or in pursuance of other suitable provisions to be expressed in the act, in whieli the people shall be authorized to vote for the Constitution in either of the'forms pre sented by the Convention, and also against that Constitution in both forms. As any law attempt ing to control . the officers of the Convention, and those acting under thorn, would be of more than doubtful validity, and might be wholly disregarded by them, it would bo prudent to provide for a se parate proceedlig under different officers, but it might be of groat convenience to. the , People and et /Wee ef fi ciency for the ebjeole 'in view, to bold this eleogon at thstamts !kid; end at the Cattle places., provided for in the proclamation of the President of the late Convention, iii order that the result may be communicated to Congress at the earliest practicable moment, as the sovereign will of the people of Kansas. It would seem to Me that this single act will be sufficient to moot this whole emergency, and to dis pel the excitement which now threatens the peace of tho Territory. If it be adopted, substantially in the form proposed, without any embarrassing adjuncts calculated to arouse prejudice and to pro duce discord, the earnest directness and unity of the act, looking alone to the one great and rightful end of ascertaining the true will of the people and securing its ascendency, cannot fail to commend it to the approbation of till patriotic hearts in the Territory and throughout the Union. The laws now prevailing In this Territory pro vide for the proper punishment of illegal and fraudulent voting ; but there is no provision which will reach the case of fraudulent returns. The ease of the late Oxford precinct, in Johnson coca ty. was an enormity so groat that it has nowhere been defended or justified. Yet the evil oonse (ponces of it are seen in the fact, that oven the late Convention has been so far imposed upon, that in its apportionment for the State Legislature under the Constitution, it has assigned to Johnson county four Representatives, which must necessa rily ho based on the notoriously false returns from that county. In order to meet the apprehen sions naturellyg,rowingout of these circumstances, I recommend the adoption of a provision, making it felony, with suitable punishment, for any judge or clerk of election knowingly to place on the pot hooks the names of persons not actually present and voting, or otherwise corruptly to make false returns. either of the election held by order of the Convention, or of any other election to be held in this Territory. I cannot close this communication without ex pressing my deep regret that the absence of the governor, in this grave emergency, will deprive you of the benefit of his wile and patriotic coun sel. the great experience in public affairs, his profound knowledge of the causes and effects of political action,would have been of infinite ser vice to the Trritory in this dangerous crisis. Upon all occasions where he has addressed the people, officially or otherwise, upon the affairs of the Territory, he has uniformly proclaimed his determination to exert all his official power and all his personal influence to secure to the people of Kansas the right to decide, fully and inde pendently, upon the adoption of their own insti tutions. Although my authority as acting Gover nor is II wholly independent of his, and cannot commit hint in any way for my acts, I conceive that in taking the responsible step of sailing you together, and making the recommendations now submitted, I am but following to its logical eon. elusion his whole policy, in all ,of which I have heretofore cordially concurred. That your labors may be directed to the attain ment of only good ends that a benign Providence may preside over your deliberations, and give you wisdom and moderation, and forbearance, such as shall bo appropriate and efficient to allay the ex citement and dispel the dangers which surround this distracted community, is the earnest hope . and prayer with which I commit to you the grave inte rests upon which you are called to act. FRED. P. STANTON. VERY LATE AND INTERESTING FROM KANSAS. (From the Rt. Louie Republican of Deo. 14.) The train from Jefferson City last night brought down a very large number of passengent from the upper part of this State and Kansas. Many of them arrived at JeTerson on the Florida, from St. Joseph. By passengers in the care we have been kindly furnished with the Lawrence Republican of Thurs day last, containing a notice of the proceedings of the Territorial Legislature and the message of noting Governor Stanton. The circumstances under which the message was delivered give it great importance, and we put it in the hands of tho compositors without having had time to look at a paragraph in it. The Legislature met on the 7th, but there was no quorum present, and there was an adjournment to the next day. On Tuesday there were eleven members present in tho Council, and twenty-one in the Mouse. The Council organized by electing C. W. Babcock, President; J. IC. Goodwin, Secretary: G. A. Col ton, Assistant Secretary; 1) H. Weir, Engrossing Clerk, and divers other officers. In the House, 0. W. Doiteler was elected President, C. F. Cur rier Chief Clerk, and a full set of officers. We hear from the Territory that there was an intense excitement among all classes of people, and it in hardly probable that the party opposed to the Lecoinpton Convention will permit an elec tion to be held on the 21st at all. Lane, with three or four hundred of his myrmidons and fol lowers, was encamped near Lecompton, ostensibly to keep the peace, but really to overawe, as it seems to us, the members of the Legislature, end to secure such action as they desire with reference to the Lecomptort Constitution, Many threats of determination to drive Gen. Calhoun, and all the members who were concerned with him in the formation and submission of the Constitution, out of the Territory, and oven to take their lives, have been made, but no outbreak of this kind had been attempted. News of the dismissal of Mr. Secretary Stanton, end of the appointment of General Denver in his stead, had not reached Kansas, but the impression of our informant is, that It will bring things to an issue in tho Territory at ones. Perhaps when they find that the President has adopted his eouree, and will employ all the means at his command to sus tain the legally constituted authorities and cnaot meets, they may hesitate about bringing matters to a bloody termination, as they declare they will do, "regardless of coweguences." Ten Reasons why every Democrat in Congress ■honld Vole against the ndinission of Kan sas Unless the Whole Constitution is sub mitted to the People. f Ftmn the Warren Lodger.] 1. Because the Cincinnati platform was explicit in the declaration that the "people, acting through the legally and fairly-e rresseil will of the ma jority of actual residents," mienulcolde whatkind of a Constitution they would or would not have. 2. Because Mr. Thwharan's Inaugural and the President's instructions to nov. Walker expressed the sentiment that the majoury of the people should have a fair chance to decide all matters per taining to that Territory. 1. Because the election of a Democratic Presi dent in 105 G was secured by adeitting the principle of popular sovereignty. 4. Because Governer Walker promised tho peo ple of Kansas that they should have the privilege of voting upon their Constitution; and his course has been approved by every Democratic newspaper in the Northern Statos, and a largo number in the Southern States. 5. Because the Calhoun Constitution is no more tbo expression of the people of Kansas than was the Topeka Constitution, which lacked legality in adoption, and was rejected by Democrats on that account. G. Because the Democracy will insist upon a precedent being established in this case to govern like cases in all coming ; thus disposing of a vexed question. 7. Decauso nineteen-twentioths of the people of 17nneaq desire to veto either for or against the Constitution, and the Calhoun Convention will only allow them to vote for the Constitution. 8. Derange the method proposed of "for the Constitution with slavery,' or •' for the Constitu tion without slavery," is an anomaly in American politics, and a dangerous experiment. P. Because the Calhoun Convention did not re present tho viii o/• the ma Jo; ity. 10. Decntvo the Democratic party is fully com• milted on this question ; and " backing down " at this time would only ploaso a few fanatical fire eaters, and would destroy the only party which has stood by (ho people in every vicissitude. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. [resin the Westmoreland Democrat ] • The Kansas question occupies a considerable portion of the message. In some of Mr. Buchanan's views wo heartily concur. We thriht—we ought to say. that we don't believe the Csllioun Conven tion was a legal body We disapprove of the man ner in which the adoption or rejection of the slavery clause was presented to tho people. They were forced to rote for other objectionable clauses. Why was not the people to be entrusted with approving or disapproving of the en tire Constitution 5 If they were capable of voting on one clothe, why not the whole? Would not this be moreconsistent with the much vaunted doctrine of "squatter sovereignty." We believe that the entire Constitution should have been submitted to the people. Ifow far the neglect to do b 0 011,7:11t to influence Congress in re jecting the application of Kansas into the Union as a sovereign State is not our purpose to say. On this question Democrats may honestly differ. On Monday evening, about eight o'clock, a well-known citizen of Allegheny city, Pa , Captain John F. Cole, attempted to take the life of big wife, by tiring a pistol at her. For a num ber of years past Captain Cole ham bean addicted to the excessive used ardent spirits, which affected him in a peculiar manner, inducing remarkable paroxysms of insanity. During une of these fits the sad mishap occurred. She as not expected to recover. Ex-Secretary Guthrie declines running for Uniteti Ste.tce Senator in Kentucky, TWO CENTS Tim KANSAS CONSTITUTION. (Prom the Greensburg Democrat.] Scarcely a paper comes to us that does not con tain more or less upon the subject of the admission of Kansas as a State under the Constitution framed by the Lecompton Convention—almost each one differing, in the views or Its editor, from the other. Even among Democrats there seems to be a radical difference as to the proper come to be pursued by Congress upon the considera tion of the application of Kansas, under that instrument, to emerge from its present position of a territorial dependent to that of a member of the Confederacy of sovereign Stelae The Convention which framed this ConstituiWn has seen proper to declare that only a portion thereof shall be submitted to the people for their approval or rejection. By the schedule annexed to that document, it is provided that, on a certain day, the Lona Alm resident settlers of the Territory shall vote by ballot, as follows: "Constitution with slavery clause." or " Conatitusion without slavery clause." It will be observed that an opportunity to vote against the whole Constitution is not allowed to the people. This, in our judgment, is all wrong. We do net believe that the Lecompton Convention is superior to the people of Kansas. We believe that the people should be permitted to vote upon the whole Constitution—that they should not be. Compelled to vote for the Constitution, as it stands apart from that slavery clause, (for if they vote at all—whether for or against the slavery clause—they vote for the remain der of the Constitution) no matter Whether there be in it other matters which, in their judgments, are wrong. This choice to vote for or against the Constitution is nothing different from what would have been the choice of the people of this country in their selection of a President, last year, had only the opportunity been given to vote for." Fremont for President and slavery in Kan -11414;" or Fremont for President and freedom in Kansas," They might have settled the Kansas Buestion as suited them, it is true; but President uchanan,their titmice, would nut have figured largely in the returns, from any notion.Jwtrw it is in Kansas. They may vote as they please, but they must vote for the Constitution whether it be right or whether it be wrong And why is this 7 It is because it was alleged that if the whole Constitution had been submitted to the people, they would have voted it down. Is not that the strongp.,t argument that can be used against the usurpationists ? fa a Constitution to he forced upon the people of Kansas which has not been submitted to them for their approval —which does not receive their endorsement, and which would be rejected, if opportunit was afforded them, by an overwhelming majority' If the Constitution is right, ought it not to be submitted to the people" It it be just and equitable in its provisions, there can he no wrong dune by having it receive the sanction of those who are directly interested in its operations. But if it ho wrong, and if it is feared that it would be voted down upon a direct submission to the sovereign people of the Terri tory, how much greater is the necessity how much stronger the reaaons and arguments—in favor of placing it before those people to be con demned and stricken down' Upon this question of the Kansas Constitution wo believe our people arc almost unanimous. They maintain the same position they occupied in the campaigns of the last two years. The doctrine of popular sovereignty, the right of the people to regulate their own domestic concerns, i s the doe trine of our Democracy. For our individual part. we were an advocate and supporter of the Nebras ka bill, because we believed it tooontain this very just and equitable principle. We shall not stul tify ourselves by taking back one single word from our position on this question two years ago. We consider it right, and so we shall maintain. The Position of Walker and Douglas. We have no hesitation in declaring that we be lieve the stand taken by these distinguished states men upon the Kansas question meets the views of ninety-nine oat of every hundred Democrats in this county. The right of the people to ratify by their votes their organic law will be maintained by the yeomanry of Pennsylvania at all hazards. The Lecimipton Constitution from the beginning to the end has been fraudulent. The men that framed it never reprosente4 the popular sentiment of Kansas. In addition to theoverwholming evidence that has marked this conspiracy from the commencement, the very fact that they guard in the instrument itself against any attempt upon the part of the mass of the people from nullifying its obnoxious provisions, confirms all the charges of wrong that have been made against these conspirators. We are for a free vote upon a free Constitution. We are against this force work of a band of politi cal desperadoes in a matter involving the vital in terests of a community. We are for popularl sore reignty—reglly, not nominally. In short, although we say it with regret, we arc, upon thisquestion, against the 'Administration, and with \Talker, !Ningbo, Forney, and other leading Democrats. If the Democracy of the North wish to sink into utter insignificance—if they wish to be routed and overthrown in every State north of Mason and Dixon's line, they have only to sustain the Lecompton iniquity. Oar word for it, the pore love of freedom—the sturdy inde pendence and proud Democracy of the free States will never consent that their sons and brothers that have peopled Kansas shall be shackled - as common bondmen. The Northern blood in Kansas shall have its rights—we ask for nothing more and assuredly will accept of nothing less. We claim but an equality with our Southern brethren—we yield that to them. The fortune of war has given the now State to the North, and no bluster or fraud will change its destiny.—ThwringdonGlobe of December the Kith. THE UTAH EXPEDITION. Burning of Store& at Fort Bridger Wo find the following in the Kansas Journal of Commerce, of the sth instant, which is con firmatory of the statement by the same gentleman, which we published some days ago : Mr Joseph Mageau, a French trader on Green river, arrived in Kansas city on Tuesday night, being the last arrival from Utah and the moun tains. His accounts confirm our previous advises concerning the hostility and the outrages of the Mormons. No "Gentile" is any longer safe in the valley. He reports that nearly all emigrant trains are suffering from Mormon depredations, their wagons being burned and cattle stolen. Brigham Young is exhorting his followers to resist to tho last ex tremity, and if overpowered by the Government troops to flea to the mountains and defend them selt es. Ile reports that the army is buying up all the stores it can ?ramie. He says the army has plenty of provisions for the winter, if they can only concentrate in sufficient force to protect them from the Mormons; but scattered as they are, on the route, ho fears many will be cut off. Mr. Mageau has mado large contrasts for flour at Sdlt Lake city for the winter trade, but on sending his train after it, they refused to let him hove it lest the army might be supplied by him, and sent him back with only 400 lbs for his own use. Large quantities of grain and forage were stored at Fort Bridger, which was burned by the Mor mons to prevent its purchase by the Government. They had also burned all the grass on the route beyond Bridger. The Double Murder :a Lancaster County— More Details (From the Lancaster (Pa ) ILspress of Wednesday evening.] We briefly referred last evening to the acres and commitment of Ander.son and Richards charged tvith fhb' murder We give further de tails : Intelligence of the murder was communicated to the mayor about one o'clock. Officers Myers and Gormley were dospatched to the gate-keeper, about a mile from the city, from whom it was learned that two men, answering the description, had passed. In the meantime, Officer Baker, hav ing procured a debeription of the men, and suspect ing that they would strike across the fields around the city, in tho direction of the Old Factory, where Anderson formerly lived when in town, he went out the Now Holland pike, but saw.nothing of theta. There was a crowd of " boys ' playing shiuncy" in the neighborhood of the Locomotive Works, to wlimo ho communicated the state of affairs, requesting them to keep a sharp look out while he wont to his house for a revolver, and If they raw the men to let hint know at once, either at his house or at the mayor's office. Ito then returned to the mayor's °Moe, and had just gone out, when ho met some of the boys, who stated that the rest of the party wore chasing the murderers in the direction of the Old Factory, whereupon 01Ezers Baker, But:Ennio, and Kuhns started up tke street and intercepted the fugitive in Middle street, near Stony alley. When arrested, rill the money, except the half dollars, woe fraud concealed on Anderson's per son. A double•bladed pocket-knife and three half dollars wore found on Richards. When the prironers were brought to the mayeer office, a large and excited crowd gathered in and around the building. and when they were finally brought out to be taken up to prison, the excite ment was irten , e. exceeding oven that manifested in the Ilagges - ty murder case, the last horrid tit geily which occurred in this vicinity. In the alderman's office, Anderson appeared to be sensible of his position and shed tears; hut Ri chards noted the bravo throughout, remarking, at ono time, that ho "didn't care a d—n what they done with him "' As we stated last evening, blood was found on his shirt in several places, a largo blotch appearing uron on e of his wrist-bands, which ho said came there by killing a turkey. Both de nied having emno throui•,h the Litiz toll-gate, but the gate-keeper fully identifies thorn as the men who passed through. Whou they store stripped at the prison, blood was found upon other portions of their clothes, and one conclusive eirourestance of their guilt is the fact of a half blotch of blood upon the outside and lower edge of Richard's pantaloons, which corres ponds with the other half upon ono of the old shoes found under Garber's dres.,er, noticed by our reporter. These slices he lett there, taking a pair belonging to a member of the family,which he wore into town and lied on when arrested. Meer Baker was notified this morning that the men accused of the murder had left a number of articles at a place known ns the "Cottage," or Spook House," near the bridge on the Philadel phia Railroad, about a mile from this city. The officer went to the spot and found a mantilla and a pair of stockings, with marks of blood upon them, a pair of ear-rings, and some other articles tied in handketehief, all of which were identified by Mr. Garber as his property. The shoes worn by Anderson, when arrested, have also been identified as having belonged to Mrs. G. Marvin 11. Lines, a highly respectable citi zen, of Utica, N. Y., committed suicido by cutting his throat, on Monday morning. lie Mid given frequent indications of insanity, and at one time was a patient in the insane asylum. The sheriff of Pittsburgh has received the warrants of Covernor Pollock, authorizing and directing the evocation, on the 12th of February next, of Henry Fife and Charlotte Jones, and Monroe Stewart en the 25th of the raise month. ROluX TO-CORRElroWildin. Clortsrportforkts for i 4 Phis; lair l: nalad tke following salsa: /trey,' Connunnleitfon end be lieecerpeafee b the name of the writer. In order to Were ootreet•age of the typography, but one aide of a abed dwell be written upon. we shall be great/y obliged to gentleman in Roan , 7l. mate and other States far contributions giving the car. rent um of the day In their partienlar localities, the MM . ." of the surrounding eonntry, the Imetwaes of population, and any Information that will be Interesting to the general raider GENERAL NEWS. A largo dog had been accustomed to get bits of money from his master to go tog, meat stall to get his lune!) of fresh meat. .011 a day, when *barge was short; his master gave growler a pima of white paper on which was an order for the moat. The dog, after mach urging. carried It to the meat-stall and received his food,- and so, for several days, when thinking one piece of paper was as good as anothet. he would pick tip places of white . paper and carry them to the' Mall wham& applying to his muter. It was not long before a long bill came in from the meat dealer, who had snob confidence in the dog that he did not think to look at the paper, and the dog himself was very fat. No arrest was made, and the dog occupies as respectable a position in moiety as ever. prom a computation recently nude, it is caulated there are in occupation 150,000 acres of improved, and 300,000 acres of unimproved lands in Oregon. The value of farms is estimated at $5,900,000,and the total rained' live stock at 52,- 500.000. The total number of acres of surveyed Jonas west of the Cascade mountains, as computed by the surveyor general, is 5,705,553. Number of acres yet to be surveyed, r4,4n0. This land is all susceptible of cultivation. Breltisite of this, there is east of the CaScitde mountains a vast scope of country peculiarly adapted for grazing, Valet wilt one day probably be settled andECOIXte a separate Territory or State, as the ease may be. A very singular thing •i 9 being .brought to light at the Minnesota mine,Lahe Superior. By examination among the broken-rocks on the aide of the bluff, pieces of reinstorte, 'with copper and silicate, were picked up at one paint In considera ble quantities, and it was thought best !spell away the adjacent rubbish and examine for the outcrop of the Vein. A party of teen were put urn tab_ ground, and soon found the coagannezate with channel or bench passing throunggh it some Asa ex aix feet in width. Thb was filled with soa naibish„ containing charcoal and other tracer of the watt* of the ancient miners. Its depth has not yet been ascertained. LOST AT SZA.—Mr. George Carroll Beach, who left Isere for New York, on board the steamer Wsidternport, T.hursitay last, fell overboard at sea and was drowned. Mr. B. and the mate were leaning against the railing when it broke, and both wore precipitated into the water. The mate was recovered, but every effort to are his unfortu nate companion was unavailing. Mr. Beach was twentpeight years of age, a native of Michigan, and bad been spending some few menthe with his brother, Mr. E. C. Bench, of this city. Samuel Rice, a teamster in the employ of Messrs. Shelter k Kauffman, at the Mount Penn Furnace, in Cumrn township,) Busks county, Pa., was instantly killed on Tuesday alfirincon, by being run over by a wagon. It it, somewhat re markable, says the Gazette, that dry three weeks ag% Peter Freeman, another teamster in the em ploy of the same firm, was killed under precisely distiller circumstances, and within half a mile of the, place where the occident above mentioned occurred. A murder war committed in Columbus, Ga., on the night of the 4th in L, on the body of a, young man named John J. Calhoun. The deed wa4 perpetrated by one James Thompson, aided by a youth named James Guilford. The principal actor in this melancholy tragedy has undergone a trial, in which he Wag found guilty. The Daily Suit announces that a similar verdict has been. rendered against the accessory. in one of the churches in New Bedford, on Sunday evening last, while the following atanra was being sung, the gas lights flickered for a mo ment and then went out--a noticeable coincidence "Thou stin, with golden beams, ! And moon with paler rays Ye , tarry lights, ye twiniling flames, Shine to your Ahuster's 9no year ago to-day (says the Trenton True Airierican of yesterday) the Delaware and Raritan Canal was frozen up, and the navigation along the, line was suspended. The boats are still pushing their way through loaded with freight, without, any impediment. and with a smiling sun and an Indian summer. Tho Charleston Courier says the Niger ex ploration is likely to receive early attention from the present Congress. The bill was adopted in the Sedate last winter on the report of an able com mittee, composed of Northern and Southern mem bora ; but it was neglected in the House in the haste of the last few days of the session. The St. Louis Republican presumes that movements will at once be made to concentrate an army of at least 5,500 men at Fort Leavenworth, with a view to an early spring campaign. William Marshall, who was convicted in New York, before Recorder Smith, for seriously stab bing a man, was sentenced to nine years and six mosths impriednment in the State prison. Thc last survivor of the Wyoming manse, croVeremilh Spencer) ir living in Torringford, Connecticut. A. boy named Lewis Jacobs, about fourteen years of age, was drowned in the Monongahela. river, at Pittsburgh, on Saturday evening. *r. James Dening, a well known citizen of Ifairisburc, died suddenly in that city on Wed nesday morni ng. James Gallagher has been convicted in that Kings county court of New York, of the murder of Patrick Kelly. Counterfeit California three dollar gold pieces are in circulation at Harrisburg, Pa. Matilda. Heron and Charlotte Cushman aro playing in Buffalo. Thos. Jefferson, Esq., a lawyer of Cam bridge, Md., died a few days ago. Dr. Wm. E. Davis died in Boonaboro', on Sunday night last. Nicholas Bower, a brakeman on the Bearer Meadow Railroad, was killed a few days nnee. Arrival of Santa Anna's Wife—Murder by th, (Illness Apprentices—Ssnar. /Correspondence of the Lolll9lll,l4Conrier fisves.k, Thursday, Dee. 3. 15,57 The wife of the ex-Dictator of 3[ezico. Santa Anna, is now in this pity, having arrived here in the English steamer Solent, on the 23th ult., from St. Thomas. liar arrival was not known to this public until a day or two afterwards, ber name not having been published in the list of passengers who arrived by the Solent. the name of Don P. Velez and family only having been published in the list of passengers who arrived. Senor Veles is, I believe, an aid-de-camp of Santa Anna; heist quiet and gentlemanly in his bearing, and firm in his manner. I should suppose Lim to be anything but a " fighting man." It may be that the old. tyrant, Santa Anna, has sent his wife on as a sort of avant coterie, to feel the Mate of the feeling enter tained towards hint by the Captain-general of this island, and to see whet aid and assistance he may count upon obtaining here, should he resolve to go to Mexico. I hare heard rather a rood story respecting the Chinese. Some time last year the mayor , :f. (driver) of a sugar estate near Cardenas was found dead, his death haling been occasioned by a single stab, which of course could only have been in flicted by one man. Five of these Chinese were, however, arrested. charged with having committed the murder. Ai is customary with them on such occasions. they declared that all five of them had done the deed, which was immssible, as the mayoral, as before stated, had been killed by a. single stab. Yet all five of the Chinese were gar• noted for the offence. as a sort of example, I sup pose Yet the twelve Chinese that were arrested some months ago for the murder of the mayoral of the ulmacenes (warehouses) at Regis, and in which foul act no doubt exists of their having all been concerned, still remain in prison awaiting their condemnation and sentence. Is it because their cost to the warehouse company was so great that their lives are to bo spared"' It would almost seem that such is to be the case. There hare been, I am told, no fewer than twen ty-nine flayo taiS murdered, in differentparts of the island, by these Chinese ! This fact does not convey the idea, that "John Ch'uaman" is the pa tient, unresisting creature, under injury, he has been stated to be. The intelligence received here on the lgt inat . by the Columba, of the injury Eustained by the sugar crop of your State, has cowed the plonter3 and holders of sugar here to become quite elated. United States Court Tho Hamilton attachments maser J. P. Jaffrey Eons ; Clapp, Kent, S: Buckley, and Etirraid. Lambert & Co., vs. N G. Curtis, which have been on trial for several days past, were decided in this court yesterday. The court held • 1. That an affida sit made in the language of the statute was sufficient. 2. it is not necessary to file apetition. 3. That the defendant had disposed of his property with the intent to defraud his creditors. 4. That the at. tempt of Curtis to pay and secure his home credi tors, leaving nothing for his Eastern creditors, was void, and that the Eastern creditors must share equally with the home creditors; thus deciding all the points in favor of plaintiffs' attorney. Time are the first suits of the kind ever brought in this court—soma of them being brought be fore the debt wastlue—and for this reason the de cision is an important one, many lawyers being of the opinion the suits could not be maintained. The defendant fought the case with great power, having retained most of the Butler county bar and several leading Cincinnati lawyers; but they were ably met at all points by plaintiffs' attor neys, Thompson Nesmith, of thia 1106 Enqn, rer. THE COURTS. YEFiTERDAT'S PROCEEDINGS f Reported for The Prom] tat PRIUS —Winter d Latimer i s The Dela ware Mutual Insurance Company. Jury out ConnOn PLEAS—Judge Tholupson —Orphans' Court argument list. DISTRICT Cut:M.—Judges Sharswood. Stroud, and Ilare.—Miscollaneouilist. 01 ER ANT TERM'S) n—Judge. All i.4 - m and Lui low.—The ease of James Diamond, charged with the murder of Edward Muldoon, Still occupies the attention of the court District Attorney loug head summed up for the Commonwealth this morn ing, and was followed in a very able speech by Daniel Dougherty, Evi., for the primner. F. C Brewster, Esq . sustained his wellitnorrh reputa tion by a speech remarkable for its closeness of reasoning and force of legal argument. He was very severe on the officers of the Commonwealth, for keeping back certain testimony in order that his client should be hung, and compared such con duct to a game of cards. where the most skald player held back a trump card to win the game. Ile denounced such conduct as diSgracef d in a case of life and death, and declared it to be, un worthy of the criminal juriaprnderwe of HE'S CiTil ized community. District Attorney Mann will elz-e for the Commonwealth, and Judge Allison charge the jury. who are expected to bring in their ver dict in the morning. The prisoner's friends are sanguine of an acquittal,