- -- TTEIVI S. f , •l • THE SOUTHWARK ,itauxv—AseeprAr, - os.—Tho fieqhent de - Mande uPon 'onetime; egaz4;!;and` money, by the multitude of charitable movements that the pre. . lent stringency of, the has, gbirep; Kith to; have 'rendered It shunt Impossible to lay 'that attention to ail, which the worthy character of the movements -;- themselyes might deserve. ' The appeal now being made by the 'citizens of 4 l Old Bouthwarlz,l , in behalf of the suffering In that quarter of the city, should, and we doubt not will, meet with a 'liberal- response from those who' have the means to Their, teal, which" had been : widely circulated in the tOrin.o ticircsilar, Well expresses the nature of the - ,troublea they are seeking to remedy, mid from the soil , • knoin character and probity of those who have the &atter In charge, the public , may, feeL,Misnied that whatever they ometributi will he properly applied. We • again repeat, that the noble Stand taken by these gen tlenien IX commendable. TQese elfOrts to deer the' diverting hearts of i devoted .robtherri; and gladden the tearful eyes of destitute chil dren, and dissipate ,the glbom of desponding fathers, Who hive twill but not the means of saving their families from starvation, art worthy of our most gener ous encouragement, and which we would again bespeak or tbeni at the hands of our citizens, when called upon by those who have the matter in charge. Onzaiibst, Sqizac.—The soave laboratory of the chemist is probably the wane of the meet marvel. odd postural miracles that the human mind can find tinf whore. Indeed, sotrhly wonderful and astounding AM some of , even the mare common chemical processes, , that were their operations a thing of privacy„ end end only to be witnessed at the expense of a handsome fee for the prieilege, - ,hundreds of our citizens viould gladly avail , themselves of the sight, who, while they are per •mitted to witnessthese operations free of charge, - leave • arch optiortunilles ,unimprOved. In point of real wooer, the fabled achievements of the ancient niche ” kiste ,bear, tie comparison to the remarkable discovery of modern - thins, and the infinite applthation of such knowledge to the prodtiction of worke of art. _ A careful tour through any of our more extensive I , , drog-toanolackuring establishments, will satisfy: any one that is here said of thls department of physical eclance Is no - ovoidrawn picture. The circumstance Which hue mainly given rise to these remarks was a re cent visit to the immense 'steam color works of Messrs. Ziegler it Smith, doing business on the corner of Second and Green streets. Nor &Silty pass this opportunity, without acknowl edging our obligations to these enterprising gentlemen tar their kindness and attention in making our visit to their works doubly interesting. TO enter into even the briefest possible description of the interesting modes In Which many of the articles contributing to our de* necessities aro here produced, would necessarily swell this - notice far beyond the rea sonable limit of a "City Item." ' We may say, with truth, however,' that, for anything - and - everything comprised In the druggist's line, in its largest sense, the old-established stand of Messrs. Veg. ler &, Smith is one of the most certain places we know of to obtain them in their greatest perfection In first hands. Ilerriness is what we all are seeking to obtain, and tin one Will deny that ti man's external condition has - eery much to do with a mane internal teenage in this respect. - 'Were we called upon to sketch a beau-ideal of Perfect mundane blies, we should untiesitatiegly say that after a clear conscience and a full stomach, the next thing in poinkof importance week' be a good•fitting clean shirt, ahandsome necktie, and a comfortable silk lined wrapper. Knight, No. 012 Arch street, has all these, and orerything oise In the gentlemen's furnish ing line. Art Ace or Paean z S s.--There is no more cheering Indication of the . progress of the race in all the higher gnalitlee of.our nature than that afforded in the grow ths aPptetlation, on the part of our people, of the refi ning arts. Painting, sculpture, and music are annually filling a larger nicht in, the adm ration of our people. Especially Is Ma true of our love of paintings; and in deed it is not saylag teo much, that more money has of late years been spent by our wealthier citizens on well executed oil-paintings than for any other branch of par lor ornamentation. This le preclaely as it should be, -and we would again remind Mir readeri that one of the tient opportunities to gratify this laudable taste, at a moderate expense, will be afforded at the sale of pie 'litres, to take place to-mbrron , morning, at the rooms of A. S. Robinson, No. KO Chestnut street. GURISTEAS CONVECTIONERY.—MOsSTS. whitman & Co. have prepared a large variety of Christmas con fectionery, er the hOltdiye, 'slick they are selling at wholesale and retail They are famous for their excel lent conceits in the world,of eugar-Plumbery, and enjoy an immense city and country trade. rRE LATEST FROU GENERAL WALKER.—It seem that the Grey eyed man'of destiny" in getting sick . of his last Nicaraguan expedition, In a recent letter to a friend in this city, he writes:—"" Would to Beaten I could settle myself down as aprivate citizen in Philadelphia, and go about comfottably and respectably in IL handsome atilt purchased at the Brown Stone (Nothing tall of Bockhill 2c Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Ohestnutstreet, aboreBixtb.” PLuivince sap of Euripides : "He was wont to say, silence was an answer to a wise man; but we seem to have greater occasion for it in our dealings with fools and unreasonable persons—for men of breedlog and sense will be satisfied with reason and fair words." To Bitch as these we address ourselves, when admonishing them to buy their clothing at the fashionable Bazaar of Clifton, Albright, & Co., Sayne's Ball , No. 147 Chestnut street. Marine Intellivnre. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 16, 1857, BUN RUM 7 25-SUN BETH MGR WATER ARRIVED Bteamahip Palmetto, Baker, 60 hours from Boston , with mdseand passengers to H Winsor On Monday, at P M off Hereford, passed barque Mary it Ken. dell, from Charleston for Philadelphia. - Bohr Londonderry, (Br) Faulkner, 12 days from Corn. wallle. NB, with .tateas to Nit Bonder Co, Bcbr Ermine, k, Iday from Salem, NJ, with corn to 7sallarratt & Bon. . . Scbr John Lank, Artie, 1 day from Frederica, Del, with wheat to Jae Barrett & Bon. Bahr J Id Bartlett, Briggs, 2 days from Sassafras with grain to Itichardrou & Overman. Behr Pequonnock, Burroughs, 4 days from Boston, with seed, &c. to Grove & Bro. Behr H B Weston, Maloy, 8 days from New - York, in ballast to Pettit, Martin & Co &Br Heroine, Cheney, front New London, in balleat to Horris & Itirray. Fehr 7 W Hall, Hollingsworth, 1 day frem Little Creek Landing, Del, with corn to Bewley, Wilson & Co. Bohr laelnglieb, Neal from New Haven. Behr W 0 Eliason Buckaleo, from New Haven. Behr L Saunders, Williama, from New York. Behr Ontario, Vangilder, from Providence. Bohr M Fillmore, Tattle, from Boston. CLEARED. Eiteismablp City of Richmond, Mitchell, Richmond, T Webiter, Jr. Brig Blt Eaton, Gilkey, Clenruegos, & W Welsh. Rehr Ellen Bosh, Cain, Baguet la Grande, D S Stetson & Co. Behr ?endue, Chambers, New Leaden. Dehaven & Co. sthr 31 Fillmore, Tuttle. Ne* Bedford, do &Br 1Y 0 ElWon, Bucksloo, Fall Elver, B & Co. Bar Chu A. Headier, Stubbs, Charleston, Pettit Martin & Co. Schr Ontario, Vangilder, N York, L Audsoreld & Co Behr L Sanders, Williams, Fall River do Schr W P Phillips, Smith, Mahone River, Del, Buck tooter & Co. 13tr B Willing, Claypoole, Baltimore, A Quires, dr (Correepondence of the Philadelphia Exchange LEWES, Del.. Deo. 39. The following resole were at the Breakwater on Pia. illarday: Brims Fairy, IL 0 Brooks, Henry Leeds, Magnet, Martha Jane and schooners Montreal, 9 Dliparks, Mary :sus, Stag, Tremont, Tenn eeaes,, W Sallabury, and se veral others, all of - which sailed yesterday, except the brig refry, which remains for orders. She (a from Per amoebae°, Igor 9, with a cargo conalsting 01000 bags of auger MA 480 s dry salted hides. Reports haring left at Pernambuco the following vessels: Ship Norway Major, from New York for Hong Kong; Bailed same day; Br barque Queen, for St John, Newfoundland, called same day; barques Cora, McKee, from Richmond for Rio de Janeiro, discharging, to sail on the 12th; Roebuck, Chase, from Richmond, discharging; Conrad, Salsbury, from Richmond for Rio de Janeiro, nailed Nov 71 Julia Julia Cobb, Ross, from London, at Paraiba, loading for Ideetpool, about ready Clara Horan passed Pernambu co Nov 6, bound south; brigs Fanny Whittier, Cage, from New York for Buenos Ayres, repairing, to call in a few days; James B George, Atwell, from at Johns, NV, just arrived; Mary A Forrest passed Pernambuco Nor th, for Bahia; - a large Amori an ship, with ekysails, peened Pernambuco Nor 24, showing four signal'', viz: two white and rod, and two red, white, and red. Nov 10, all the Cape, passed an American barque bound 8. Made the lights, (Cape Henlopen) night of Bth Dec, and received a pilot on the 11th. The weather was bad, and lay off the cape in sight of the lights, and when we got It found ill the pilot boats at sea. Wind southwest. Weather pleasant. Tome, fro, (Br TELEORIPO TO Tns rum.; Nsw Yon, Deo 16. Arrived, robe Sarah Maria, seven days from Balti more, loaklug badly, having encountered a heavy gale. , - BAT4FINAII, 01., flea lb. Arrived, steamship Augusta, from New York. ORAIILBSTON, Dec 15: Arrived, steamship Atlanta, from Now York. (Correspondent.) of The Press .1 ffiVRIS Dr GLOS, Dec.l6. - tl'ive boats left hers this morning In tow of steamer Lillie viz: judge Long, pig iron to Marcia & ,Tones & Co; John Heidi e 7 and .1 It Blackwell, lumber to Norcross & Sheets; Ow Lewis, bituminous coal to Camden, NJ; Jacoblitown, lumber to Wilmington, Del. IitEbiORANDA attimehip renneyirn,da, Teal, hence at Richmond 14th. inst. Bhip tlegtmticoolt, Nan Dotter!, from zostan, ar rived et New Orleans Bth fast, . . . . - . Ship 241arlon, arose, for Baltimore, 'me loading et Co. plapo Oct 20, Ship lonian, Mitchell, from Chinch's for Cowes, was spoken Sept 21, let 86 8, long 0/ W. Shin Manitott, Honeywell , for Chinch& Wands, salled from Callao Nov 4. Ship Fleetwood, Dale, hence 8d Nov for Cape Town, rile spoken 18th, lat 38 N, long 2 W. ' Ship John Patten Patten, cleared at Savannah 11th Inst. for Liverpool, with 3543 bales upland cotton. 'pantos Reindeer, Allen, for Jamaica, cleared at Nor folk 12th fast. , Barque Conrad, Saletury, from Richmond for Rio de .• 7itneiro, sailed from Pernambuco 7th alt. ,Barque David Lapley,'Biehop, at Cardenas! 7th inst. from matansas. Berque-Mary P Blade, Crowell, cleared at Boston 14th lost: for Hong Hong end Damao Virginia, Miller, for Rio de Janeiro, with flour, sailed from Richmond 19th inst. Barque Wheatituad,Beispeaux, from Richmond, or rived at Rio de Janeiro Oct 27, and remained Nov 2d, with others, as before reported. Barque Testa, Nausea , from BM der Janeiro, arrived sired atNew Orleans Bth inst. Brig Hulling Wave, Vignere, from Port au Prince for Philadelphia, put into Nassau, NP, 30th ult. in distress, with loss of small spars, foremast and bowsprit sprung. She had met with a heavy gale oil Harbor Island. The captain got assistance from shore to take her to Nassau, as she leaked badly. 8600 were given for pilotage aer vice and pimping, Her foremast was being removed on Cull% Ind, and she will undergo the necessary repair!. Her cargo consists of logwood and mahogany. - Vendor, Gould, bears for Boston, passed High -, land Light 4i4 • 17 14th Ind; the 0 had struck on the • bar at,Chattun the some morning, but got oft without -damage - -Brandywine, Uormark, for Pernambuco, with dour, smiled from Richmond 19th inst. Bohr Argus Eye, Sharp, for New Orleans, sailed from - - - lishUmese yesterday._ - '• , Schr ',Ann Plekrell, Dukes, hence it Alexandria 14th - Baler W is Triplett, Bunting, hence at Richmond 14th • SahreHonnan, Collina,hence for Beverly; Treasurer, from Boehm for Philadelphia , at Holmes Hole /Bth leoti the Norma sailed the 14th. • Bekv4) W Rldrldge, Ogden, hence, arrived at Norfolk 42ti . hence, arrived at New Bedford .k.„1,,c.,i---1441 , FliigInce,Ilarna,411)111:149 E111"13114h /21}11 loot. • 41 .04111 - 1,114,,,§ 1 11,114wi i H .Deputy, lieail L 1-141ta,.4 Witte, Hniiirlee; I Prambie, Prambes, hence, and Mon terey, fiteeDhan, from Delaware City, at Boston 14th Met. Schr M. BAtehony, 'Robinson, hence at New Bedford 12th Met.' Bohr Jahn L White, Foster, hence at New Bedford 13th Met. Sams Sarah Minge, Weaver, hence, and John Beatty, Sharp, from Salem, at New York 13th inst. Schee haat Rich ' , Smith; 3 J Spencer. Lengstalfi Lis ale Moult, Hendereon; Luther Child, Baker; L A Dimon honer, Allen; JOllBO Williamson, Jr, Winsmore; Copia, Bearee; Triumph, Artie; Attlee Lea, Clark, and to Grande, Allen, hence at Bostorillth inst. Schre 11 1' 81mmone, Barrett, and B Prink, Dougher tyhence at Previderce 12th Met. Behr' Ship Carpenter, Fountain, from Smyrna, Del, at Providence 11th that. &lire Mary Fletcher, Crosby, from Eastport for Phi ladelphia; Juniata, Harrington, from Portland for do; Martha Wrightingten, from New Bedford for do, end all others bound 8 and W', Nailed from Newport 12th hat • Schr Geo It Fisher; bolt, from Milford, Del, arrived at New York yesterday. Propeller !roulades, Variderveer, cleared at N York yesterday for Philadelphia. Sharighare; Sept 25—The Ariel put back to this port totally dismaged, and part of her cargo forward badly damaged. She is now refitting, but will only discharge emilielent to allele new masts to be put in, which will probe* detain her some six or eight weeks. Wo hear of several disasters along the yeast, and pieces of wreck and matted packages have been seen in large quantities floating about in Formosa Channel, and same fears may be entertained for the safety of the Horatio, and other vessels known to be out in the typhoon of the sth Mg. [Ship Horatio, Rungerford, is from Weeping for New York.j Brig °anima, which put Into New Orleans iu digress, on her voyage from Cienfuegos for Mobile, was up for sale sth last. Behr West Fdlniouth, (of Sandwich) Capt Barlow, from New York, with thirty-five barrels of flour, sup posed for Sandwich, went ashore on Block Island on Thursday night last, and at latest accounni had not bilged It was thought she would be got off without much damage. Steamship City of Norfolk, from Baltimore for Savan nah, was in collision, at midnight on Sunday. off tho Wolf Trap, with achr NV Colomt, from Norfolk. The steamer had 00 feet of main rail carried away, and was otherwise damaged to tho amount of about $1,200. The achr had head, bowsprit, and all attached carried away, damage about $500; both vessesis arrived at Baltimore yesterday. Copt John 0 Gibbs states that Goo buoy marking Great lied, above Pawtuxet, has been missing for several days. Two aelsomsers run aground there on Friday In consequence of its atomisers. It should be replaced Im mediately. NEW YORK, Dec 15lArr, beige HBrummond, Chap man, Aspinwall, via Key West; Borneo, Craig, Jackson ville; 'ookire Sarah Marie, iladerhill, Baltimore; 12th last, lot 27 20, long 57, experienced a heavy gale from NE, during which sprung no bad a leak as to be com pelld to keep the pumps constantly going in order to keep her free; Flying Sand, Colburn, Baltimore; Wm II Horsey, Sussex, Did. 01,1, ship Ohio, Hutchings, Key West; brig Tornado, McCarthy, Barbadoes; ochre Hgm ming Bird, (13r) Nickerson, Londonderry; A. J De Roo- Nett, Tucker, 'Wilmington. BOSTON, Dec 14—Arr, barque Dioneynick, Smith, Charleston; brigs Susan, Cottrell, Jacksonville; James Croaky, Clifford, Satins River; °Hoare, Shute, Savan nah; ochre Antelope, Wormwood, Monrovia Oct 14; Plc ton, Chadwick, Iteaca Oct I, Gibraltar 25th; Lombard, Harding, Matanzas 25th ult; emits, Crowell, Charles ton; Eben Atkins, Marston, Richmond, Va; Wm R New comb, Bacon, Fredericksburg; Alfred Chase, Wilco, Norfolk; Elizabeth B, Bacon, Washington, DC; Onward, Smith, Baltimore. Cid, barques DI B Stetson, Jordan, St Jags, Eventide, Partridge, Cubs; Laconia, Boarse, Ratio:lore; Behr John Elliott, Wood, Jacmel. Sailed, barques Sicilian, Neshua, U 13 Stetson, Laconia, and °there. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. B.—Arrived, steamship VIM, Talbot, Indianola and Galveston; barques Anna Kim. ball, Herilll, Boston; Matanzaa, Iteekford, Kingston ' dal ling Mary Elizabeth, McConnell, Havana. Cleared, eteamship Mexico, Lawless, Galveston and Indianola; ship John and Albert, Crowell, Genoa; barques Authon Gunther Wragge, Hamburg; blatancera, Bosch, Barce lona; brig T.W Rowland; Genoa. Below, ship Byzan tium, New York. KEY WEST, Dec 6.—Ar Nov 25th, sehr Southerner, from Tampa Day; 11 S surveying sehr Dane, from Dal timore; schr Julie Maine, Morton, New York' II 8 ocher Dom —, from do. 26th—Ar brig damson, Briggs, tfew York; ocher Mystic. - Valley, do. Sid Rehr Oliver 51 Pettit, Clark, Mobile. 27th—Ar ocher Chas Keene, (three masted) Chattin, New York. 28th—Ar schr T Raymondatham, New York. Murray,M 29th—Ar brig A Hopkins, New York. Bld schr Wm Mason, Nassau. Dec 2-81 d brig Samson, Briggs, New York. 3d—Ar Dr schr Win Eds - ard, Nassau. Bailed, barque Truman, Galliger, (from Laguna) Mar seilles; schr John Griffith, Conklin (from Jacksonville) New York. 4th—Arr, barque Mustang, New York; brig E Drum mond, Aspinwall, put In for water. sth--Sld, brig Dunuond, (from Aspinwall) N York. The schr Cosmos, from Plymouth, bound to Attaka pas, put into this port haring lost the head of her foremast in a gale off Cape Hatteras. She is now being repaired, and will sail In a few days for her port of des tination. The pilot boat Edna, Jones, spoke off Sandy Key, Dec 1 barque B II (}ample, from New York, bound to St Marks, and barque Ocilla, Ashby, from N York for Mobile No wrecking news. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, Zip to 12 o'clock Last Night. GIRARD MOUSE--Chestnut street, below Ninth. S Thayer, N Y Benj Tyson, Reading And M Ballade, Reading Geo F Putnam,Selem Mass Win Hllarrington, Mae M Smith & daugh, Boston D 0 Woods, Baltimore Geo Hatch, Cincinnati, 0 Thos Helm, Jackson, Miss 0 White, Boston W F Dancy N 0 Robt 0 Mall, Milford, Del RII Cummins, Delaware J E Black, Delaware D McLaren, Freehold, N J Sde Groot, N Y David B Stout, Reading .1 F W Denninger, Reading Jos N Thadwell & ty, Conn Geo Hall, Savannah W Rockwell, N Y Felix Trovette, California Mrs May, Washington Miss Julia May, Walla% Jll.Coote, N Y Chaa Callaghan, N Y L Offenbach, N Y Mr Breese, N Y W 0 Logan Miss R HMelt, Richsoorid, Ye Mr Lelsearing, Pa W alcGinnes, Pottsville It W Montgomery, Brooklyn James Moore, Manchester P Robeson, Pa S Sholthan, N Y J R Wilson, Darien, Conn J Eckert, Pa John Kerr, Troy J G Dudley, N Y Chao Among,Boston 11 bi Bud, N Y W G Murray, Jersey City It Walker & la, St I.olliB Mr Tabbricath, N W Roseman, N Y C T Merriman, Ky D Day, Prey R Chas 0 Betts, Norwalk, Ct E Warner, N ' Y .1 A Moorehead, Nottvalk,Ot Oliver W Barnee, Latrobe Howell F. Jackson, Tenn JII Woods, N J Ward, Manchester, Eng IiEROIIANTSr INTEL—Fourth at., below Aroh. A Felix, Lewistown Mrs Worts, Lewistown 13 L Fahnestoek, Pittsburgh W A Martin, N Y A Johnston, Springville, Pa 0 A Darnits & lady, Pa I Gilfillan, Cheater co, Pa II N Posey, Pa E X Morrison, N Y J McAbee, PhDs J Uunt, Catasauqua J 11 Spenser, U S N A Trout, Millersville T Atter, Ilanover J Sion, Tamaqua L 11Allen, Tamaqua C Dickey, blercersburg Miss French, Mercersburg J S timbals, Wilhainsport U Nash, Jr, Willamsport W De Haven, Minerseille AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Fifth. Thee Street, Baltimore J C Harrison, Baltimore J W Johnson & lady, N 0 Miss E L Johnson, N C Jos H Cummings, N W 59 Cordle & dim, Ohio 0 B Young k lady, Ohio W Williams, Ohio John 0 Johnson, N Y W Potter, New York Thom 8 Smith, Mass E J Rinehart, Port Deposit E Frank Newbold, N J H Devine, Mississippi J Burtt, Choctaw Nation .3 Mullin, New York JeaF Smith, Reading L Hakes, Wilkesbarre Edward P Tiffany, N Y Daniel Mem, Boston J W Bennett, New York E H Souder, New York John F Wale, Boston STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. Itobt Bic Lean Phila It W Jorden, Va I Dant Jordan, ra T Jamison, lowa City L A Ervin, lotra City, Oliver Tyson, N Y O T Sprague, N Y Miss Celia Hampton, Shalt (leo W Iluonel,Harrlsb'g W II Myers, Philo Jam P Colder. Pa Edrr McDonald, Potter' Ile OMe Olney, Chicago, 11l W A Prelce, Kingston las Brennan, N Y C Duke, Crawford, Pa P E Judson , Waterford, Pa Alex D Boggs, Plt It It Ludwig, Beading NATIONAL ROTEL—Race street, above Third. A W Saylor, Sch Raven J Sole, Phtenixville Chas She Mart, Lycomiog Jno Sterner, Schuylkill Thos Darling d; la, Pa I T James, Reading S Si Miller, Bloomsburg It C Fruit, Bloomsburg II 0 harper, Pottsville Wm II Roffman, Allentown F E Z lleibner , Allentown J Whitney, Concord, N Jos Louthland, Chainb'sb'g i IteStrel, Lebanon Mohan, Minersville BARLEY SllEAP—Secobd, below Vine. H Shaw, Norristown • °hes Kirkbride, MIAs co Chas Janney, Ducks co Jno Parren, Doylestown Jos flowers, Attleborr Stephan Taylor, Newtown David Jarrett, Pa Thos Parry, Yaidleyville Carlisle Smith, Bucks co Abdon Longshore, Pa Sarni Phillips, Bucks co Harry E Moore, Newtown Chas Magill, Plucks co P Blakey Ducks co E N Slilee Davistille Robt Y Linton, Newtown Daniel Nelson, Ducks co Wm Botta, jr, Dinka co Satri'l Solliday, New Hope ;acob Fisher, Solebury Denj Moon, Fallatown Owen Moon, Fallstown Wm O Watson, Ducks co T S Snyder, Hartsville Wan Livetey, Attleboro Thos Ent, Lambertville Thos Linton, Newtown Rich'd Mather, Attleboro Henderson Carr, Haas co Jos A Rankin, Clarion co Deng P Nelson, Bucks co Bernard Yanhorn,Ducks co Wm Davison, Cheltenham Wm L Vanhorn, Ducks co BLACK DEAR INN—Fifth and Merchant streets. Wm Johnson, Chester co Jli Leonard & In, Cheat co 8 D Byers, Cheater co P Darlington, Cheater co E Anderson & Is, Pa C If Ming, Maryland Simeon Carper, Lane co E Itoward,Maryland L'noch Gallaher, Ma N A McCullough, Bid C Norris, Maryland R T °glen, Delaware co Levi BisseM,N Y Wm Portor, N Y .7" P Steel, Delawaro CO W T Ramsey, AILI .7 8 Ferguson, Md W ll Spoor, 'Wilmington Jackson Richards, Reading Thom F Wortt, Chester co Joe T Reed, Md Mrs It Miller, Phcenixville IC D Baker, Delaware co Slim 1.; Quig, Phoenixville Wm A Thompson. York co W A Woods, San Salvador° Wee II Frey, York co E Speakman, Delaware co Job Keech & wife, Chen co 0 Conner & wife, P 4 WM. M. RICKMAN BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third otreet, ab. Ca Demi Hevener, Perksomen Henry Kriebel, Herford T Greenman, tialefotdville C Thomlimn, Ducks co Henry Thomas, Franconia Chas Derr, Bhimervillo Jno Hersh, Klinenvillo N Ettinger, Klinesville Nathan Landes, District Aaron Lorash, Zionsville Wm Thompson, Zionsv'e Herman Winder, Hatboro' Jun Kline, lialterdville Thos Morgan,Attleborough P N Henhoger, Lehigh Co Jabeb Miller, Chester co J Kichline, Bethlehem Jacob K hill , Ellaville MADISON lIOUSE--ficeond street, above Market. Henry P Atkinson, Pa Wm Toy, N Y Wm J Gorman, N Y Jas II Prettyman, Del Jae Prettyman, Del Jae Gannon, Del Geo n Lowry, Michigan John Seasottsy,klichigan A G Dasthigs, Delaware .18 Itolcomb, N J BALD EAGLE GOTEL—Third street, aby. JnoJ Berthold, Effort, Pa Garret Randall, Backs co B D Relchards, Allentown AI Benner, Sumney town Al %enflame, PM, VaPy h' Wooding, Btockeytown Gifts and Hard Times.—The interchange of presents among friends is the surest cement of friend ship, regard, and affection. There are certain periods of the year at which presents are more looked after and more prized than at others. The Hallowed «Merry Christmas Time' , is, especially, one of those periods. On these holidays, the young and the old all expect Alike from their friends come token of affection; and as Almost every one is blessed with many friends, and therefore, hem to make many presents, It behooves, in such hard times, to study what and where to buy Many who have en former Occasions made costly pre sents, will BAH more prudent and convenient to select their presents, thin year, more euitable to the times, the more so as not the cost of the article, but the re gard for the giver makes it valuable to the recipient. There Is no Store In this city which offers, In this respect, so many inducements to the purchaser, as re. garde rarity of goods and cheapness of prices, as CHAS. Dumnie's, Nee. 81 and 37 North Eighth street, corner of Zane. Hie immense stock of Fancy Articles, Toys, and Ttfueleat instruments of all kinds, sJso Cricket and Archery Implemente, eurpaeses anything ever offered for sale in this city, Glee him a call and examine his goods, whether you buy or not. As he import,' all his geode himself, he la enabled to cell lower than any other retail store, and, owing to the theca, he is, for this year, willing to sell hie goods, retail, at the whole sale Importation prices, Catalogue, will be given out gratis, which will help in The selection of goods, and 'introduce to the inquirer many new geode not thought of bete s, docile Woe 7t NOTICE TO MARINERB DOMESTIC PORTS Opecial Notices,. THE PRESS.-PHILAIDgLPUIA, .WEDNESDAY,, DECEMBEIt 1& 1857. Judge Shorewood will Address the Pupils of Professor SAUNDERS' iNSTITUTS, Weat rhilAdOlphiN TO-NORROW (Thureday) AFTERNOON, at half-past three o'clock. The public, and especially all persons interest ed in education, are invited. To such young men as are at leisure, to prosecute any branch or branches of study, it is recommended to make themselves acquainted with the provisions which Prof. Saunders has made for his Senior Classes. They occupy rooms distinct from other portions of his Seminary, and come under the same kind of discipline as Students in the Senior Classes of our colleges. It will be found, upon Inquiry, that no young men are more delighted with their siturdlon than the Senior Classes of Pores. nor Saunders' Institute. The Students of these classes have daily access to a Library of mere than three thousand volumes, and leave the Institute at two o'clock. Inquiry may be made of Col. J. W. Forney, editor of the Press, of Col. Fitzgerald, editor of the City Dent, or of W. H. Swain, Eeq , editor of the Ledger, all of whom have sone in Professor Saunders. Institute, West Philadelphia. P. 8. Professor Saunders will make arrangements' to receive a few more pupas in his family on the 2d of January next. A more select circle of youth than those who are in hie fatally at present cannot be found. The most of these pupile are received at reduced pricea, from Monday morning, till Iltday afternoon. This plan is an admirable one, as it unites the advantages of home with those of a well-regulated boarding school' • • • • ... Day.pupiln come to the Seminary by omnibuses, and are received at a proportional expense at any time of the year. It is believed that no Seminary haa a higher degree of morale, or more applicatimm, or greater contentment than this Institute. Far circulars and particular information, address Professor SAUNDERS, West Philadelphia Institute. The Sl.l and S'2o Double Threaded Family Sewing Machine. All orders promptly filled at South east coiner SIXTH and AROII Street.. 3. W. TAGGART dcC.O. Also, Agents for the sato of Country and State rights. .lifachines supplied. del6.4t* Tke Greatest Bargains in the World.—The subscriber, being about to dose bin business, offers his entiro stock of superior Ready-made Clothing for sale. All in want of a superior article are invited to give him a call. Store to let end fixtures for Ado. M. TRACY, 2RI MARKET Street. dels-2m Furs Furs'. Furs Selling oil at reduced prices, wholesale and retail, at WM. F. IIESSVB Fancy Fur Store, No. 152 North Third Street, below Race street. holiday Gifts.—Gentlemen's Wrappers, NW hero, scarfs, cravats, ties, stocks, shawls, kc. These are most useful presents, and are to bo found in great variety at W. W. Buightbs, fir 2 Arch street, above 811th, at very low prices. Skates: Skates: Skates:—Our readers will and the largest and most complete assortment of this winter ltucurp, and at the lowest prices, at W. W. Kumar's, No. 819 Market street, opposite Decatur street. 00301 n Saving Fund,—Natlonal Safety Trust Co., Office, WALNUT Street, S. W. corner of TRIED. ARRANGEMENTS FOR BUSINESS DURING TUE SUSPENSION OF SPECIE PAYMENTS BY TUE BANKS. 1. Deposits received and payments made daily. 2. Current Bank Notes, Clocks, and Opeole will be received on deposit. 8. Deposits made In Bank Notes or Checks will be paid back in Current Bank Notes. 4. Deposits made in Cold or Silver will be paid back In Coin. Interest Five run Cam, per annum. n 025 Furs.—Joseph Rosenbaum's Furs nre eele brated for cheapness, style, and quality. Store 410 Arch street, between Fourth and Fifth. N 11.—Furs altered into fashionable styles. We study to please. del-lm Jackson, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT STREET. Cheeks, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, Bill Heads, Cir• milers, Cards, and all other kinds of Job Printing, at prices to suit the times. 0017-ly For Perfumed Breath, White Teeth, and Beautiful complexion, use " Bairn of 1.000 Ylowers. ,, For dreaming Ladies' hair, use WoodlanetAream, a new Pomade." It curls Clentlemenia hair beautifully. W. P. FETRIDON & CO., Proprietors, N. Y. Per sale by T. B. Peterson, 306 Chestnut; Samuel Simen, Twelfth and Chestnut; A.D.Durand, 718 Chest nut; T.ll Peters & Co., 716 Chestnut; O. Evans, Gift Book-store, 430 Chestnut; 0. S. Hubbell, 1410 Chestnut; French, Richards, & Co., Tenth and Mar ket; A. D. Taylor, Ninth and Walnut; Dr. Morrison, Seventeenth and Chestnut ; J. W. Slates & Sons, Eighteenth and Twenty-Second and Market; Edward Christmann, 702, Chestnut; Thomas Laneaster, corner Eleventh and Walnut. nol2-4 Cabinet Ware and UPHOLSTERY, 524 WALNUT ST, OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE SQUARE. UEO. J. HENKEL'S, 624 WALNUT Street, 0e22.3ea Late of 173 Oheetnut Street Bank of Pennsylvania Notice..-Notes of this Bank taken at par for a Wholesale Block of Clothing, now being sold at Retail. deb-Im No.l North FIFTII Street. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken at par for Wetttes awl Jewelry, et lowest pc ices. FARR & THOMPSON, Importer", del In 824 Chestnut street; below Fourth. Good Coffee. Lovers of Coffee moot realize the full value of their favorite beverage without having it made In the Old Dominion Coffee Pot. ARTRUR,,DURNIIAM, & GILROY, 117 and 111 South TENT'S, eon of George, d3-em Sole Manufeeturere S. V. Dewald, Commission Business in Com. morels] paper and negotiations of loans, ha N'TaLauf Sr., opposite the Exchange, Philadelphia. nolo-2m An Important Pact.••-We now sea it an nounced tbat the extensive 'Wholesale Clothing Deal ers, BTRAUSB A. GOLDNAN, No. BSCI MARKET St., above Third, hare commenced to Retail their entire stock at Wholesale prices. deB•lm Bower's infant Cordlal.•••This litsaintsble Oordial is pawed tsars I variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known In medicine, and is the moat perfect and reliable carmlnaUre extant for Infante and young children. By its powerful Influence a speedy cure Is effected Issi all 01e011 of C holic, windy palm and spurns, Relieves and mitigates much of children's suffering during dent'. tion or teething, and by Its soothing properties tran quillises pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, &e. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been need in thousands of ballo6 with the most abundant mucosa. No family should be without it. Prepared only by /WIRT A. Bowes, At hie Drug and Chemical Store, N. N. corner of Sixth and Green ate., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addreeeed. And for eale by Druggists generally. eu .18-ly Seamen's Saving Fund—Office 203 Walnut street, nue door west of second street. Remixes de posits In sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all claims of the community, and allows Interest at the rate of fire per cent, per annum. Office open daily, from 9 until 15 o'clock, and on Mon. day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President Franklin Yell; Treasurer and Secretary, (Merles M. Morris. Marriage°. On Tuesday morning,lsth lad., lb Trinity Church, by the Rev. John Cuisine's, D. D., Rector, IiENSHAW COLEMAN and'ELIZABETH SHERMER, daughter of George W. Smith, Esq., all of this city. lk On the 12th instant, by Rev, John 0. Daher, N. W. corner of Randolph and Wager streets, Mr. LEVI H. JOHNSON to Miss SUSANNAH SNYDER, both of this city. On the gd instant, by Rev. V. T. Bunker, Mr. AN DREW J. FRAILEY to Mien LYDIA A. MOORE, all of 24th ward, this city. On the 231 Nor ember, by Rev. Wm. P. Breed, Mr. JOHN ROSS to Miss MARY E. SIPLES, both 01 this city. - Elentbe. Suddenly, on the 14th Instant, at bin residence, Nalenira, Schuylkill county, Col. FRANCIS MURRAY YNROOP. file funeral will take place on Wednesday, P. M., De cember 16th, from the residence of his brother-in-law, Tbomaa I. Atwood, Pottsville, Pa. His friends mad survivors of hie command in Mexico are respectfully in. vited to attend. On the 14th instant, Men. ROSANNA LIVEZEY, daughter of the late Elizabeth 11111, aged 37 yearn. On the 14th instant, LAWRENCE SEOREL, In the 98th year of bin ago. On the 14th instant, ANTHONY BEIRERLICII, Sr., in the 75th year of his ago, On the llth Instant, Mr. 'HENRY BARRY, Sr., In the 76th year of his ago. On the 13th instant, JOHN MALL, aged 39 yearn. 117. NoPlee.—A Quarterly Meeting of the HIBERNIAN SOCIETY will be held at CAMPBELL'S, on CHESTNUT Street, below Sixth, on THURSDAY EVENING, the 11th inst., at I o'clock. del6-2t A. C. CRAIG, Secretary Charles IntMART, whose Lectures have been so very successful In New York and Boston, will give his first Lecture at CONCERT HALL, on THURSDAY EVENING, the 17th. The second Lecture will be given on the 19th inst., and the third on the 80th inst Tickets for the 'outset!. Single Tickets 60 cents, for sale at the usual places, and at the Hall during the day. His last lecture in New York was attended by over twelve hundred persons. Lecture to commence at 8 o'clock del6-4t* EET'Llterary Bureau.—An Experienced Editor, successful author, and a thoroughly educated Literary man, weary with twenty-five years of the drudgery of Daily Journalism, hoe determined to hire out or sell his brains at retail to those who may require their servicee in any honorable way. sferchants, Business Men, Inventors, end dealers of every kind, will be supplied, od-hand, with Advertise ments, (political or otherwise,) Notices, Cards, Circu lars, or any species of article desired. Politicians will be supplied with Speechee, Reports, Resolutions, Lettere, Toasts, Pamphlets, Editorial Ar ticles, Communications. and every other sort of Brain work, which they may find it inconvenient or trouble some to darer themselves. Ladles and Gentlemen, of every rank in society or oc cupation in life, can have Lettere written on any sub ject, 'whether business or sentimental. The advertiser will also conduct or translate Corres pondence of every kind, either English, French, Span leh, Gorman, or Italian. Poetry, Acrostics for Ladies' Album', Notes, Billet dims, Monodies, and Compositions of the most delicate and confidential' character, Incident to every possible circumstance or event in life, will be furnished in in violable confidence, by writing to the undersigned, and explaining their wishes. Orders by mail, accompanied with cash, will be strictly and promptly attended to. Address J. THOMPSON, Literary Bureau, ell•Sm Box 228 b Philadelphia P. 0., Pa. PC7 01 flee of the (Wither City Insurance Com- PAN Y, 908 WALNUT Street—The annual meeting of the Btockholdere of the Quaker City Insurance Com pany for election of President, Directors , and Secretary, will be holden et their office on TUESDAY, the 6th day of January, 1868 , between the hours of 12 and 2. dirfruaw-/m it. R. COQUIIALL, eecrotary. %Ittblicatiotto. ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATED ENG LISH BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. For sale, at REDUCED RATES by O. 3. PoiCc op CO., Importers of English Books, Choice Engravings, &0., No. 93 South Sixth Arcot, above Chestnut. THE 1103111 AFFECTIONS. By the , Poeta. Edited by Cherie/4 Mackay. Illustrated by Dirket Foster, Wil lard, Weir, and other celebrated artists. Small ito. cloth and morocco. TILE POETS OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Beautifully illustrated with engravings on wood, by the most celebrated artiste. Small 4to. cloth and morocco. LONGFELLOW'S POETICAL WORKS. Illustrated on wood by John Gilbert. Small 410. cloth and mo rocco. BRYANT'S POETICAL WORKS. Finely illustrated with wood engravings, after designs by the most emi nent English and American artists. Small 4to. cloth and morocco. , RHYMES AND ROUNDELAYS in praise of a Country Life. Illustrated on wood by Abaolon, Dirket Folder, Harrison Weir, .ke Small 9 to. cloth. . , WORLD-NOTED WOMEN. Edited by Mrs. Cowden Clarke Illustrated with fine portraits on steel, after designs by Stahl. 4to• morocco eats. . , cowrEws TASK. Beautifully illustrated with eo• gravinge on wood. Small 410 oloth. HERBERT'S POETICAL WORKS. Beautifully il lustrated with engravings on wood, Small 9to. cloth. FINDEN'S ROYAL GALLERY OF ART. Illustra ted with 48 superb engravings on steel, after the best English masters. Folio, half morocco. THE HARBORS OP ENGLAND. Engraved from original drawings by Turner, with illustrative text by Ruskin. 1 vol. folio, cloth. TILE CLANS OP SCOTLAND. By Haan. Solon. d idly illustrated with full•leugih figures In the costumes of the varione clans. Beautifully colored. Small folio. - • " • . ENCiRAVINGS FROM Tim ENDLISII ANNUALS. From 1827 to 1821, both inclusive. Artlat'n proofs on large paper. I vol folio, morocco. Very rare. DEFOE'S COMPLETE WORKS. Tallboy'e beautiful million. Complete la 20 vole. 12 mo, half calf. Very rare. AMERICAN SCENERY. Illustrated on Steel by W U. Bartlett. With descriptive letter press. 2 vols. 4to half eslt CANADIAN SCENERY. To match the abore . . ITALY, CLASSICAL, lIISTORICAL AND PIC TURESQUE. Illustrated with 00 beautifully engraved steel plates, and descriptive letter press. 1 vol. 4to, morocco extra. LOCKHART'S SPANISH BALLADS Splendidly il lustrated with colored borders nod elegant wood cuts, with Portrait and Life of Lockhart. 1 vol. 4to, cloth. MOUNTAINS AND LAKES OF SWITZERLAND, the Tyrol, and Itrly. From Drawing. by Georg° F. Uerring. With doecriptive letter prose. 20 platen, beautil ally colored, folio cloth. TILE WILKIE GALLERY. Beautifully illustrated with engra.ringe on steel, after this celebrated waster. Swell folio—moiooco extra. TILE 'VERNON GALLERY. To match the preceding. 2 vole , folio, half morocco. SCOTT'S COMPLETE WORKS. The Superb Abbots ford Edition. Illustrated with beautiful engravings on steel and wood. 17 vols., royal ft vo., cloth. TURNERS RIVERS OF FR kNOE. Comprising 82 highly finished line engravings -on steel, and descriptive letter prem. With memoirs of I. M. W. Turner. Small dle , choice impreesions, morocco antique. A CHOICE COLLECTION OF ENGLISH WORKS in every Department or Literature, now on hand, and selling at reduced prices, for cash. An unrivalled as eurtment of tine Line Engravings WrtesColor Paint ings, and Chromo-lithographs, selling off at cost, to re duce the stock. dale 8t TAR. WILLIAMS' ELIXIR.—“ A BOVE reign remedy for every ill" arising from Dyspep sia, Hach as Nausea Headache, Vertigo, Dimness of Sight, Debility o f the' Nem:me System, Hypochondria, Jaundice, Loos of Appetite, \Vesting of the Strength, Flatulence, with frequent Belching of Wind, Vitiated Taste, Constipation and Uneasiness of the Bowels, Bilious Vomiting, Burning Sensation at the Pit of the Stomach, hirer Complaint, Oppression after Eating, Palpitation of Heart, Pain in the Pit of the Stomach, or tenses she right Bide, nrillowneni of Complexion, De• pressmn of Spirite, and Irritability of Temper, tte. ATTEBTATION.—We, having used Williams' Anti- Dyspeptic Elixir, with the most perfect satisfaction and succeet, tako great pleasure in recommending it to all Timone suffering with Dyspepala, as we are fully con. vioced of its most estimable qualltlea ,in reatoring the digestive powers, removing all pains and uneasiness, and imparting a healthy tone to the stomach. John R. Penrose, 31 South Wharves; Cooper Morris, Tacony; Thomas Allibone Preaident of Dank of Peon. aylvania ,• Abner Ehnen, Market street, below Wath; Edward If. Rowley, 11North Wharrea; Michael Dunn, Superintendent Merchants , Exchange; Hannah Stiles, Frankford toad; Hannah Webb, 20 Filbert street; 11. A, Sperry, 12 Edward street; William Yatd, 0 City Row; Lawrence Newbold, 396 Chestnut street 1 • Rudolph D'Arni, 261 Broadway, New York; John Winans, 9,1 Water street, New York. Office and Agency, 4 South SEVENTH Street, Phila delphis. For sale by Druggists generally OFFICE NORTHERN LIBERTIES GAS COMPANY.—Pnitatrbenta, Dec. 14, 1857. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees, held this even ing, the following resolution wan unanimously adopted. &Joked, That the price of OAS furnished by thin Company to private consumers, from and after the let day of January next, is hereby reduced to 12 50 per 1,0 0 cubic feet, with five per cent, discount for pay ment of bills within fife days, as heretofore. Extract from the minutes. J. D. BUDD, delen3t Assistant Secretary. NOTICE.-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN /1 that s , THE BANK OF CRAMBER81111.180" will apply to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, at lie next Seneion, for the paean° of a Law, in the nature of an Act to confirm the title of the said Bank to that cer , lain BRICK STORE-HOUSE and Lot of Ground, situate on the emit vide of South FRONT Street new No. 21, between Market nod Chestnut streets, in the city of Philadelphia. JAMES LESLEY, delßOt* Cashier. VIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. I. THE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE CO, 40S WALNUT Street, Will take Marine and Fire Risks on faeorable term!. 1-41"*WW1M.,TM GEO. Ii 11.11 LT, Preeidont. U. It. Cooesaim., Secretary. del6•eod2w Ktgal Otatiree. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE IN CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate of 40IIN SAVAGE, decease' The Auditor appointed to audit, settle and adjust the accounts ol GEORGE RUNDLE and WILLIAM GRIF FITHS, executors of the estate ofJOIIN SAVAGE, de ceased, and to report distribution, will meet the parties interested at his office. No. 243 South FIFTH Street, below WALNUT, on MONDAY, the 28th day of De cember, 1857, at 4 o'clock I'. 51. dolB-wtro.bt ' LEON ABBETT, Auditor. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA. In the matter of the Estate of TIIONAB BRADFORD, deceased, Printer, our &road Account of Thomas B. Darrach, William Bradford, Jr., and James U. Bradford, Trustees. The:Auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the Second Account of Thomas B Darrach, William Brad ford, Jr , and James 11. Bradford, Trustees, and to re port distribution of the balance remaining in their bands, will meet the parties interested at hi■ office, No. 401 PRUNE Street, above Fourth street, In the city of Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, tho Twenty-ninth of De cember, 1857, at 4X o'clock P.M. del6-wfin6 t P. P. MORRIS, Auditor. FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! FURS!!!! ___ JOHN FAREIRA. gt CO., Importers, Manufacturers, and Dealers in FANCY FURS, FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. Having manufactured an immense Stock of FURS, with the expectation of doing our usual business, the present pressure of the times, and comparative stagna tion of trade, have left us with en unusual amount of Stock upon our shelves. It Is to meet this difficulty that we bays now DETERMINED To close out our ENTIRE STOCK At Prices actually lens than TIME COST TO MANUYAOTURE ! We hare also on hand a larg and complete assort moot of GENTS' FURS, GLOVES, All of which will be cold at very LOW PRIOEB. No. 818 MARKET St , bet. Eighth end Ninth, n019.8w South side illottcp AMERICAN GOLD AND REIY YORK EXCILANOK WANT RD AT lIIOIIEST CURRENT RATES, BY CRONISE t CO., SPECIE BROKERS, !O2l•dtf 40 SOUTH THIRD Sl' SCULL, CAMBLOS, & CO., BAKERS, No. aS South Third Street. Tho highest premium paid for AMBRICAM GOLD ANT NIIIV YORK 13:KOHANON. tfacurrent Fonda bought and WS. Stealth bought and mold on commle9lon only. nolo.2m* W. TINGLEY Br. CO., BANKERS .L.P• No. 57 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made on all accessible points In the United Statcs and Canada. Stocks, Bonds, &o. Bought and Sold on Commission. Uncurrent Bank Notes, Cheeks, ha., bought at the lowest rates. Deposits received and Interest allowed, as per agree. meat nor 2.3 m EMOVAL.— it* , The bUnlhens of the PENNSYLVANIA DANK will be removed no the let proximo, to the second story of Urigg's Building WALNUT s'reet, end of Third. The owners of property lodged at the Bank for safe keeping will Online remove it before that day, or it will be stored elsewhere at. their expense and risk. .1. L. FENIMORE, Assistant-Cashier. QATING FUND.--lINITED STATES P., TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and QUEST• NUT Streets. .•• • . Large and email eume received, and paid back on de mand, without notice, with FIVE PER OENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hours, from 9 until f. &dock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS (or sale on England, Inland, and Sootland, from Xi upwards. President—STEPHEN R. ORAWrORD. Treasurer—PLlNY FMK. Teller—JAMES R. HUNTER. ssl7-101 NOTICE.— Office of the Beaime Meadow 11 Railroad Company. PuttAnstritil, December 14,1851. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Deaver Meadow Railroad end Coal Company will be held at their Ogee, No. 322 WALNUT Eitiect, on 31011 DAY, the 18th of January next, at 12 o'clock, at which time an election will be held for President and ten Directors for the ensuing year. Sel6AtjalB* L. OItrAIdBEKLAIIT, Bee. and Treas. AA GENTS WANTED.—FIve to Ten Dot lars per day can be easily made. Call on A. BLACK, at Jacob Leman's Barrel Horse Hotel, West King street, Lancaster, Pa. del6-11 PARLOR THERMOMETERS OF ORNA MENTAL deolgus or Berlin Iron, A variety of patterns. AIcALLISTER h BROTHER, delb-tt 728 CHESTNUT street. ir.EI2EOSCOPES.—A largo assorts ent of ►/7J beautiful views of places In Europe and America— for Ohrialmas and New Year Gitta, McALLIBTER & BROTHER, 728 CHESTNUT Street ('!OLD SPECTACLES, GOLDEYE IA (MARRS, ke., ka., /ca., &t, MuALLISTEIVS, NotabliAhed 1700, dels-4t 728 CIIEESTNIST Street. g, 000 GALLS. WHALE OIL, 1,000 gall, Elephant Oil, 50 bble. No. 1 Lard Oil, for eale by CRUM:UM:, PEIROE, Oa CO., ao10•U, No. 304 N. Dolairuo mut. MUSICAL FUND HALL. DERIIT OF MISS JULIANA MAY, ON FRIDAY NEXT, December 18, 1857, Agafated by SIGNOR TIDERINI, The Celebrated Tenor, prat appearance since hie return from South America,) Merr RUDOLPIISON, AND 811 t. MARRY SANDERSON, The Planta Who will, on this occasion, make his first profeaclonal appearance in his native city, Tickets, MI cents, to all ports of the Hall ; to be had at the Millie Stores of Leek Walker, Beck & Law ton, and Welker, Chestnut street. The splendid new Grand Piano, of the make of Rot let, Davie & Co., Berton, - will be kindly furnished by Mr. J, E. Unlit, Chestnut street. . Concert to commence at 8 o'clock. dalB-3t AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.— E. A. MARSHALL Sole Legate,. Third Night of the Engagement of the RONZANI BALLET TROUPE, On THIS ('Wednesday) EVENING, December lit, Tho performance to commence with 2d and &I AMP of the New Grand Ballet of IL BIIIICOHIND DI PARIBI. (leneral Marla Signor Gamper° Prated Baronesa Morin Signora Gulsoppina. Pratebi After which, the laughable Parc? of BOX AND COX. John Box, Mr AOlecket; James Cox, Mr Chapman; Mrs Bouncer, Mrs &ousel'. To conclude with a now Comic Ballet, entitled ALLOGOIO MILITARY. Bartolomeo - . Signal °Means' ' , Wee] Doors open at 6N o'clock. Performances will come menco at halt-mot 7, . PRICES OF ADMISSION: Balcony, Parquet, awl Parquet Circle . ........ 1G tents. Family Circle and Amphitheatre. ....... ...• •• 25 " Private Dozes, (for eight persons) 13 fa" The Box Cake open from 9 A. Id to 4 P. M. for the cocuring of seats and boxed, without extra charge. TREASURER TllO3. MoREON. WHEATLEY's ARCH ST. THEATRE —SOLE LESSEE. W. WHEATLEY ' THIS (Wednesday) - EVENING, Dee. leth, 1857, Mill be presented, first time, a New Play, in 5 Acts, by Oliver B. Leland, Esq., entitled BEATRICE; Or, The False and the True. Aaml - to de Peachiera, Mr Davenport; Lord Walter Courteney, Sir Wheatley; Lord Landstnere, Mr Vol. man; Beatrice di Negri, Mre. Davenport, To conclude with the laughable Farce of TILE SPECTRE BRIDEGROOM. Aldwinkle, Mr Thayer; Diggory, Mr J S Clarke; La. Viola, Miss E Taylor. ElOsxn or PAIOZB.—Dozes, 25 cents • Secured Seats, 88; Orchestra Stalls, 50 cents; Beata In Private Boxes, Plf cents; G a llery, 13 cents; Gallery for Colore d ers o na, 25 cents; Prlvate Box in Gallery for Colored Persons; SS cents. Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 3P. 51, Doors will open at S) o'clock; performance to commence at Tarealsoly. NATIONAL THEATRE AND CIHCIIS, •i WALNUT STREET, NEAR EIGHTH. LESSEE WESLEY 11A.RSIORE. ASSISTANT MANAGER R. JOHNSTON EQUESTRIAN MANAGER THOS. RING. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, Deo 16th, 1857, Will be repeated the entire new Draws, i• three Ante, entitled . DR KANE; Or, Life to the Arctic Regions - - . Dr Kano Mr Wm Myers; Will, Mr Bangor°, Shanghu, Mr Brink; Natty, Mr Cunningham. To conclude with BRILLIANT HORSEMANSHIP, DANCING, de. de. During the Oranlng, the whole col:open, will appear MI BEDOUIN ARABS, Panne or Anmutsios.—Dress Circle 3l,ti cents. Fa mily Circle 25 cents. Private Dozes 50 cents. Doors open at Og o'clock. Performance to corn. mence at 7,7( o'olock. JAYNE'S NEW HALL, CHESTNUT ST., BELOW SEVENTH. The Last Week of the world-renowned BUCKLEY'S SERENADERS. THIS (Wednesday) EVENINO, Dec 16, 1857, Will be performed the Burlesque Opera of TROVATORE. Criunt Luna-tick, 11r K Li Buckley; Lady Lemmonora, Miss C Hiftert Preceded by their illimitable ETHIOPIAN liIINSTRELSY. Admission, 26 cents. Doors open at half-past 6 o'clock. Curtain rises at half-peat 7 precisely. SANPORD'n OPERA HOUSE— XLEVENTII Street, above Chestnut. ETHIOPIAN PERFORMANCES Tills EVENING. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by Sanford's Ttoupe of Stare—New Dances by the Sanford Children. Doors open at I o'clock—to commence quarter before eight. To commode with A LAUGHABLE AFTERPIECE, Admittance 25 cents. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS,- IN ACCORDANCE WITU Tff 6' MANNER OF THE TIMES, WE WILL, DURING TIIE PRESENT HOLIDAY SEASON, WIWLEBALE PRICES. ITE RAYS JUST RECEIVED L VARISTY Or NEW AND BEAUTIFUL ARTICLES, FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS NEW EMBROIDERIES FOR CHRIST , HAS DRESENTI3.—Jubt, opened, new and choice styles of Awb,s, Prensh, And Scotch, Collars, from 250 to $O. Cambile Collars, very cheap, from 26c to Po Au Vases Collars, now styles, from 5.0 e to SI. Picsionilli Collars, beautiful goods, from 750 to $1 50. Mutton and Maltese Collect, very cheep, 75e to 11.50. Valentin, French, Swiss, Canibmc, Linen, and Mut ton Seta, from 50c to $l5. Embroidered and 'Hemstitch Ilendbercblefe, very cheap. Sleeves, Infants' 'Valets, French and Chantilly Veil., Flouncing,, Embroidered Scarfs, 6,c. Ribbons, Kid Cloves, and Gauntlets CLOAKS AND SHAWLS Gloving out at an enormous sacrifice; also, Deletions, Iderinoes, Cobourgs, &c., &o. Quilts and Counterpanes closing very dean, at Y. & T 11. IGACIIER'S, S. W. corner EIOGTII and SPRING GARDEN xtreete. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken at par. tlel6.Bt UMBRELLAS FOR PRESENTS _____ A 0111 BILK AND GINOIIAM, WITH HAN . DS.O3IE IVORY For Salo by gg JOSEPT I FUSSELL, No - 'IURTII FOURTH Sr , N. W. Coo. MARKET de16,19,23,21* GIFT BOOKS FOR THE. HOLIDAYS TIIE AMERICAN SUNDAY SCIIOOI. UNION CHILDREN AND YOUTH; Being The LAROEBT COLLECTION IN THE COUNTRY COLLARS, /co Alto, a Vatlety or DIDLCS AND DIAVTIONAL BOOKS ON DAM , ' FOR THE HOLIDAY SALES ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE6 MAY be hod without charge, by applying et THE AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, No 1122 CIIISSINUT Sr , rem.. HOLIDAYS. We would call the atteutlonof those deilrous of makfug suitable HOLIDAY PRESENTS TO OUR LARGE AND ELEOANT ASSORTMENT OP 000 D 8 ADAPTED FOR THAT PURPOSE. TOR RAIA . AT VERY LOW PRICES. THOMAS W. EVANS h CO., dels.Bt 818 A. 820 0111:8INUT Street. CHRISTMAS' PRESENTS.— MACHO LANTERNS, POLYORAMLIL MAONF.TIO TOYS, KALEIDOSCOPES, STEREOSCOPES, MICROSCOPES, SPY (MASSES, OPERA (MASSES, DRAWING INSTRUMENTS, And a lot of other amusing Optical Toys for Anla nt prices to SUIT TON TIMMS, at U. T. AMBLER'S, Orrict An, No 61", CHESTNUT Street, below &Tenth, north side. dothendit r!TIVIISTMAS AND HOLIDAY GOODS. lJ W. D. GLENN, No. 20 South FOURTH Street, offers to dealers and the public a VERY LARGE VARIETY OF FANCY (100DS Suitable for the Ilolidav season. Being entirely of his OWN IMPORTATION. The assortment embraces all the NEWEST STYLES, AND AT VERY REDUCED PRICES. Among it IN 111 be found— Paper Macho Work Boles, Desks, Portfolios, Ao. Ladles' Cubes and Traveling Bags. Porte Monnalca, Purses and Pocket Books, In great variety. Pearl Card Cases, beautiful styles. Bohemian ( limo Toilet Bottles, richly decorated. Odor Boxes sad Glove Boxes. Fancy Bronze Inkstands, Thermometers, Ac. Backgammon and Oboes Boards, Chessmen. Fine English Scissors, in sets. Fancy Cigar Stands and Cigar Cases. Scotch Wood Snuff Doges and Fancy Articles. Medallions in plastic Ivory. Memorandum and Ball Tablets, In pearl and ivory. Together with numerous other artioles in the lino. deb-Intl !or Sale anb Ola ,Cet. 'po RENT, UNTIL MAY 1, 1858, A JL well-fornished 1101188, In the western part of the city, having all the modern improvement.. For par ticulars, address Box 1707, Phlladelplala P. 0. delo.3t FOR SALE—The stock, business, and fixtures of one of the oldest and hest WHOLE lifiLErind RETAIL LIQUOR STANDS on Market street. This stand has the facilities of carrying on the a NOTIFY lon and DISTILLING business on a large or small smile. Address, with real name, G. B. N., this office. delit.lw DESIRABLE OFFICES at 620 WALNUT St., opposite the State Howie; one or the beet huelneen loottione in Philadelphia, with heat, light, cud all modern convenieneen. Apply on the pm - oleos, Room No. 8, to 0. W. J. BALL, Agent. anon ThIPUTTEy-26R.—Fresbper Table Butter received JLP this de cents ondd. 33eet Bunch RAISINS 10 cents per pound by the box. CHARLES Grocer, dollKw* N. W. corner of 13/ITB and 7litmotntento ijokban (Sifts SELL AT RETAIL Oor Mognilicorit Stock of FANCY ARTICLES, FIPBEGILY IinECTED AND ADAPTED R. & G. A. WRIOHT, 35 South FOURTH Street A FINE ASSORTMENT A:41) OTILERyINISII PUBL. I NOES ONI THOUSAND CHOW% ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, FOR Erlrgi eootto riILANNELS. A Ballard Vale Flannels. Shaker Flannels. Beranekln do. BILIOIIf do. Welsh do Plain and Twilled Bed Flannels. French and English Grey do. 6.4 Colored Flannel Cloths. 911ARPLESS dell{ CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets I'IoELROY IS OFFERING GREAT IN DUCEMENTS in Ladles' Cloaks and Shawls $25 All-Wool bong Ilroolie Shawle only $ll 00 $lO Silk and Wool Long Broche Shawls only 10 00 $l4 Bilk and Wool Long Broche Shawls only 000 $8 Bilk and Wool Square Broche only 6 00 $lO Chenille Shawls, extra rich borders, 0n1y..... 860 $l2 Chenille Shawls, rich border, only 7 50 $lO Chenille Shawls, beautiful, only 7 50 $7.60 Chenille Shawle,plain styles 3050 $l5 Cloaks, beautiful styles and One fabric 10 00 $l2 Cloaks reduced to . 5.60 10 Cloaks reduced to 4 50 $5 Cloak. reduced to 3 00 A splendid assortment of Merinoes and Ciuthmeren, becks and plains and fancy colors, real French, at about half the towed price. Cloths for Ladies' Cloaks, atalMen's and lloys' wear, in endless variety, every shade and color, at about one half the regular prices; Delaines at 10 cents, worth Si cents; All-Wool Plaids, da cents worth 112yi cents; Embroideries, in endless variety, at about one half the regular prices; Ribbons, Hosiery, Gloves, Trimmings, at Immense sacrifice, at del6s3twfs McELllol2B,llfiouth NINTII St. SACRIFICES IN DRESS TRIMMINGS WE ARE SELLING BALL TRIMMING, Braided Drop, 31e, formerly 750. Do. Do. Floss Drop, 25c, formerly 60v. FANCY VELVET, 50e, formerly, El fts ARD 'SNOT TRIMMINGS 01INIRALLT, AT STILL HEAVIER REDUCTIONS J. 0. MAXWELL & SON, CHESTNUT, below Eleventh, tlelo.2w nod SECOND, below Spruce. EN ' S TRAVELLING SHAWLS. ILE Juet received a large lot of MEN'S SHAWLS, or Large Siree, At SHARPLISS BROTHERS, dIS CHESTNUT and ElfiflTH Streets CLOAKS REDUCED IN PRICE FOR ONE WEEK We will offer durl4 this week our entire stock of LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS at a considerable reduction Good atyle large Orgy Cloaks $2 50. Black Cloth Mohair Trimming, $8 Lot of high-cost Cloaks at HALF PRICE. Children's Cloaks at $2 and upwards THE ESPECIAL ATTENTION OF BUYERS IS DE SIRED to the style and workmanship of the bulk of our stock. Also, in CLOAK AND SHAWL ROOM, large stook of Long and Square Woollen Shawls, in plain, medium, and gay styles DROCIIE SHAWLS reduced in price ONE-FOURTH. COOPER & CONARD, deld-61, S E. corner NINTH and MARKET Ere FACTS WORTH KNOWING AND RE MEMBERING " THAT for $9 you can buy an excellent Long Brocha Shaul, all wool and silk, at THORNLEY & CHISEL'S THAT you can get every quality from that to $2O, at THORNLEY & CHUMPS THAT you can buy the best $1 Black Silk In Phila delphia at THORNLEY & THAT they keep a very largo stock of Goode at THORNLEY & (MIMS. THAT they do really sell very Cheap at TIIORNLEY & CHIMPS. THAT they buy and tell forma. and have but 0 0.21: PRICE," at TIIORNLEY & 0111801'S. "THAT they will not misrepresent Goode in order to effect sales" at TIIORNLEY & CHM'S. AND, in conclusion, wo think every one should know it to be to their interest to go to THORNLEY & 01115 I'S. ilel2-y N. E. car EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN HOLIDAY GIFTS, OF AN USEFUL AND ACCEPTABLE CHARACTER CURWEN STODDART J 6 BROTHER Invite persona who are about making nelectionn of HOLIDAY PIIItHENTS, to an inapectiori of their exteonire and Varied stock of . . . FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, Which has been purchased at the late auction sales, at greatly reduced prices RICH DRESS SILKS. SILK ROBES A (WILLI: at $l5 tiVOLANTK at $l5 and $l5. POPLIN ' " A QUILLS at $5 PARIS PRINTED MOLTS DI: LAINES-31 : S 5, 57, and 4t cents. . • Rich atylo, 011 wool, PLAID CASIIMPRE—.3I, 35, and 37 centa por yard. EISRENOII MERINOS-56, 6214, and 70 coax PARAMATTAS, FLOORED CARIMERES, CALL. COES, 5.. c. Sll .1.1V1,8 An extensive stock of Paris and Viennese Long and Situate SHAWLS. From the late Cash Auction Sales. Superior Long Broche Shawle—s9, $lO, 111, $l2. BLANKET SILAWLS American and Imported Blanket Shawls, new and de Nimble styles. STELLA. SHAWLS, of choice designs. CHENILLE SHAWLS, from E 2,50 upwards. CASHMERE SCARFS, EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES, &c &c. Nos. 450, 452, and 454 NORTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE WILLOW. del2-2w CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. EMBROIDERIES. - L. J. LEVY Fv. CO LUTE JUST OPENED SIX CASES CHOICE PARIS EMBROIDERIES, Suitable ter CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, Which they offer AT VERY LOW TIRES. 4"_tl 011ESTNUT STREET CITY WARRANTS TAKEN AT PAR.- Having made arrangements to use a large amount of CITY WARRANTS, we refill receive them AT PAR for a short time in payment for DRY GOODS. School Teachers, Police, and other Public Officere, and Creditors of the city, will avoid the vexation of going again end again to the Treasurer's Office, and the probable delayer an eral months in the payment of their WARRANTS, by having them PAID AT ONCE IN DRY GOODS. Our ntoek comprises a general asbortinent of new and neaeouable goods, and will bo sold for City Warman as low as for Bank Notes or Gold. SAMUEL S. HESS, No. 923 MARHET Street, north Mlide, between litnth •n+t Tenth INDIA SHAWLS.- al3o. FRYER, 918 CHESTNUT STREET, Has received iv few choice INDIA SHAWLS, SWUM° for C S T AS' PIISSENTS The attention of the Ladies is particularly invited dn.2w CLOAKS.- AND ELEGANT CLOAKS. The hugest nod handsomest stock of VEL VET AND CLOTH CLOAKS In the City, AT HTDOOND Fillet 8, AT OEO FRYER'S, Ko tilti CHESTNUT STREET. d92w REDUCTION IN DRESS TRIMMINGS Fancy VELVET, 50c ' formerly $1 25 BALL TRISIMING, DratdedDrop 31c, formerly 75 Do do Mot Drop '2.5c, do 50. And FANCY TRIMMINGS GENERALLY, JT 8T11.., RIMER REDUCTIONS. J. O MAXWELL & SON, CIIESTNUT, below Eleventh, and dI-2w SECOND, below Spruce. B OYS' CLOTHING. F. A. HOYT h BRO. Have now on hand a very large aysortment of TLVADY.MADB GOODS, Suitable for the prevent Beason,which they feel disposed to sell CAP. A99I:SIDLY BUILDINGS, 8 R. CollNkle TIGNIN AND cthcovairr PTA N 11 —We hare a large assortment of uncut goods, of superior quality and make, to order from. dl-lm HANK OF PENNSYLVANIA.-SPE CIAL NOTICE —All the notes on the Bank of Pennsylvania redeemed at par for DRY GOODS, selling nt less than Auction prices Muslims, Linens, Cloths, Casslineres, Blankets, Shawls, Calicoes, Delaines. at a great sacrifice, In connection with our entire stock, which will be sold at prices which will astonish all who may favor us with a call. Pennsylvania Bank Notes taken the same as specie, (we make no difference,) at OLIVER II JOHNSON'S Pennitylvnuia Bank Note Dry 0001 s store, No. 11000 MARKET Street, above Tenth, !Willi side. N. R.—Orders receireil for the very best Schuylkill COM ; Pennsylvania Bank Note,' taken in payment. OLIVER 11. JOHNSON, No. 1009 Market %treat. GREAT SALE OF LADIES' CLOAKS.- A. FURTHER REDUCTION IN PRICES lull been determined on by the enWerlbers, in con peaceof the confirmed pre.enre 600 SIT ES , ENOLISII BEAVER CLOAKS, $2, formerly 1.3 O. 300 MISSES ENOLISII BEAVER. CLOAKS, $3 60 formerly 13 60. 250 SUPERIOR FRENCH BEAVER CLOAKS, $ to 18, riot to import 1.1 to 110 each LONU BLACK BEAVER CIRCULARS, 18, formerly 111. RICH BLACK VELVET CLOAKS, An 110 per cent below eceit of protection. J .11' PROCTOR h CO., Suceeseoro to Oeo Bel pie At CO , ell Sino d 108 CHESTNUT Motet L ADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL lb SON. 111101,ERALI1 AND RETAIL STORES 1096 CHESTNUT Street, four doom below Eleventh And 319 3. SECOND St., below Spruce, FACTORIES —Non. 93 and 97 GEORGE St , Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union. Orders made at a few hours , notice. gal 4roif ecittleitteit's funtist)ing each VINE SHIRTS, made to order, and war x• ranted, of elegant material and superior work manshlp. Also, Dress Stocks and Gentlemen'm Wrap. pent, at the Premium Store of W. W. KNIGHT, 612 ARCH Street, above Sixth. no2l-y - I , 2V RAPPERSI WRAPPERS% WRAP PERS !—A very largo cod elegant assortment at reduced prices. Also, heavy under-clothing of all de scriptions, for gentlemen's wear, at W. W. KNIGHT'S, 012 ARCH Street, above Sixth. no•11-y VVINCHESTER Ac SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No Ted CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street , Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirte, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole- sale and retail, and made to order. auii-lylf ANNOUNCEMENT. The subscriber begs leave to announce to his friends and the public that he will open his SALOON for their reception on MONDAY, 11th fact. Ili. stock largo end rich variety)) will concict of PRESERVED AND CRYSTALLIZED kRIIITS, ATRI• COTS CHERRIES, PINEAPPLES, PEARS, LIMES, GAGES, QUINCES, Ac., Ac. BONBONS—A large and fresh war tment FANCY TOYS—Mechanical Toys, paper, wood, and augar—an endless variety. FANCY BOXES—Newest styles, fancy and plain, and varied assortment, of every possible description SACS, CABAS, CORNETS, BASKETS, VICTORIAS, PASTILLAOIIB, Ao., Ace , all of recent Importation, and which for extent and variety will d-fy competition. For sale by 8. HENRION, Confectioner, de6.lm MARKET street. above Seventh. "Ls,IISSIA AND AMERICAN TARRED 0011DAGE.--s auperlorarticle, manutuiture and for Ws by WEAVER, EITLER A. 00., I•tt Pc UR. Water at., 4 Ili illiante, Bales by Sanction Nr THOMAS & SONS, • .1104. 139 And 141 SOUTH. FOURTH STREET, (Formerly Nos. 67 and 69.) HEAL ESTATE, STOOKS, ke. Public Wee at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening. 117 Handbills of each property teemed separately, In addition to which we publish on the Saturday previous to each Bale one thousand catalogue In pamphlet form, giving full descriptions of all the property to be told on the following Tuesday. It FURNITURE SALES AT THE AUCTION STORE every Thursday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. ID We bare a large amount of Real Estate at Pri vate Sale, Includiug every description of City and country property. Punted Lint; may be had at the auction Store. STOCKS, LOANS, he. On Tuesday Evening, 224 haat., at 7 o'clock at the Philadelphia Exchange, for account of whom it may concern, 110 shares Schuylkill 11avigation Railroad and Coal Company. By order of Executons.-5 abates Huntingdon and Broad 'Top Coal Company. Also, for account of whom it may concern -5 bonds, $l,OOO each, City of Wheeling 6 per cent loan to the Hemptield Railroad Company, dated 1664 due 1779—coupons payable let of January and July in Philadelphia. WELL-SECURED BOND AND SIORTGAGE-45,000. Oa Tuesday EVeLIIOR, :24 lost , at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Exchange. will he F 01,1—• A bond and mortgage and warrant, aeenred on half a square of ground, Nineteenth ward. Abs rprop,rty i s owned by Joseph Lewis, Caq of West Cheater, by wll4,rn the interest is punctually paid PRIVATE SALE REGISTER . . 817 Real Ritate entered on our Private Pale Re gister, and advertised occasionally in our Public gals Abstracts, (of which 1,000 spies are printed weekly,) free of charge. EXTRA VALUABLE REAL ESTATE—DECEMBER 2.1. Tim eale will include LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT—Tenth etreet, be tween Chestnut and Market streets, corner of Marble street—p 6 feet front on Tenth street, 132 feet on Marble street, with frame tenements thereon renting for $2,400 a year. Clear of all incumbrance . - VALUABLE . CHESTNUT STREET PROPERTY— North fedo, weld of Tentb greet, 28 feet front, 178 Net deep. Clear of all ineumbrance. Ratite for 11,600 year. Both the above are valuable business locations. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING —AThree-atory brick dwelling, south eide of Branch street, No. 306, between Third and Fourth, and Race and New streets. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING.—Three-story brick dwelling, No 1322 Lewie street, north of Thump. eon, between Tenth and Eleventh streets. VALUABLE RESIDENCE AND STABLE —Three story brick dwelling, without double back buildings, No. 252. South Ninth street, between Locust and Spruce streets; also, a substantial new three-story brick eta tile and coach-house in the rear, on Raspberry alley— lot 20 by 189 feet. Sale absolute. REAL ESTATE SALE—DECEMBER 211tb This sale will include, among other property, the lot Orpheus' Court Sale.—-Nstate of William Rucker, TiIitEIE•STORYAVMS. DWELLltig.—Threeatory brick dwelling, north side Poplar street, weal Inds of Twelfth street. Same Estate. LOT —Lot of ground north aide Girard Avenue, 'rut of Taelfth street. 1;=1 -. • • -. BRICK BUILDING AND LOT.—Lot of grodnd east side of Kessler street, south of Diamond street, Nine teenth ward. Same Estate TIIREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. —Three•atory brisk dwelling west side of Kithira street, south of Stiles street, Twentieth 'mil, REAL ESTATE SALE-JANUARY 6th, 1TE3151222E AN ENTIRE SQUARE OF GROUND. TWENTY• THIRD WARD, OPPOSITE THE EPISCOPAL HOS PITAL—The valuable square of ground, having a front of 565 feet on Front street, 548 feet on Lehigh avenue, 553 feet on Fillmore street, and 546 feet on Somerset street. Four valuable fronts. ELEGANT RESIDENCE, ARCH STREET, AND LARGE LOT The elegant residence No. 1023 Arch street, below Eleventh street. It finished in the most expensive manner, and to replete throughout with all modern conveniences, 23 feet front, 175 feet deep to Acsdeiny street Immediate possession. Keys at the auction Atom NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE —The nest modem four-story brick residence, No =South Twelfth street, above Pine street. It is built in a superior (manner, with the modern conveniences Immediate possession SALE OF SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ELEGANT PIANO FORTE, &c. CARD —The attention of ladies and others desirous of purchasing is requested to our large sale at the auction store, to-morrow morning, comprising,besides a very excellent assortment of second-band furniture, an elegant Reichenbach piano forte cost ; also, a cot tage piano forte, several fine Brussels, ingrain, and Ve netian carpets floe mirrors, superior bagatelle table, China and glass ware, plated ware, fine beds and bed ding, a number of stoves, &c , forming a very attractive sale. Catalogues now ready and the articles arranged for examination. PERAENIPTCRY .9ALE OP STATUARY, MARBLE AND STONE GROUPS, FOUNTAINS, MANTEL PIECES, TABLES. Ac. VALUABLE BOOKS ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. This Evening. 10th instant, at the auction store, an assortment of now Books, en various subjects, together with a num ber of miscellaneous works from a library. 1D- Particulars In catalogues. Bale No. 440 North Seventh street. NEAT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, BRUSSELS CARPETS, &c. On Monday Horning, At 10 o'clock, at No 440 North Seventh street, first door above Noble street, the neat household furniture, Brussels carpets, Ac., of a family declining housekeep ing. Also, the kitchen furniture. May ho examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of sale. Peremptory Sale. 250 FINE OIL PAINTINGS AND WATER COLOR DRAWINGB-BFOCK OF A. S ROBINSON. On Thursday Morning, 17th inst , at 11 o'clock, at the store of A. 8. Robin son, No. 910 Chestnut street, will be sold, by catalogue, without reserve, about 250 choke and valuable oil paintings and water color drawln. , b s by eminent artists, including Moran, tiersher, Weber , Rothermel, Brochart, Richardson, Van fitarkenberg, Innes, Birch, Ruiner, Lewis ' Lawrence, Leutte, Schuesselle, Brughel, &in tent,. C. Lambdin, 11. Lambdin, Sce., An. 113 Full particulars to catalogues, three days pre vious to the sale. Sale Non. no and 141 south Fourth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FINE MIRRORS, ROSE WOOD PIANO-YORTE, BRUSSELS CARPETS, As. On Thursday Morning, At 10 o'clock, at the auction store, an extensive assortment of smond-hand furniture, piano -forte, car pets, &c , from families declining housekeeping. ELEGANT GRAND-ACM:I PIANO-YORTE.— Also, as elegant rosewood grand piano-forte, 7 octaves, made by Reichenbach, cost 000. The instrument is nearly new, In handsome rosewood case, and is equal to an♦ for volume and quality of tone. IE May be exanuned the day previous to hale ELEUANT HOOKS—SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS. Oa Thursday and Friday Evenings, December 18th and 19th, at the anction store, a large assortment of valuable and elegant book., illuatnted and pictorial works, family Bibles, annuals for 1858, kc„ Ac., is rich and costly lundings, imitable for presents. 0 . " The books will be arranged with catalogues on Thursday morning. SALE OF A LARGE COLLECTION OF ENGLISH. AND FRENCH ENGRAVINGS. Saturday Evening, 10th Mat at the auction More, s large collection of Engl,4li *a French eogravings, a portion of them beau- tifully colored Included are a number of rare prints from the port folio of an artist Catalogues will be ready and the prints arranged on SntLint,y morning. VALUABLE AND'ELEOANT LONDON AND AMER'. CAN BOOKS, FROM THE EXTENSIVE AND VA RIED STOCK OF MESSRS. D. APPLETON d. CO., NEW YORK On Monday, December '2lst„ and following evenings until finished, will be cold at our auction store, by order of Messrs. D. Appleton & Co , a consignment of choice, valuable, and elegant English and American ./ books, embracing, in addition to their own publications, umny of their best Losdon importations, all Lin rich and expensive bindings. Included are many of the most valuable standard authors, together with a number of, splendidly illus. trated 'and pictorial works of high cost, suitable for holiday presents. Catalogue.; with full particulars will be ready and the books arranged for examination on Saturday morning. 19th inst. M==l SUPERIOR AND ELEGANT CABINET FURNITURE Stock of Charlea 11. White On Wednesday Morning, 23d instant, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at the ware rooms, No 912 Chestnut street, the entire stock of su perior cabinet furniture of Mr. Chan 11. White, declin ing business.comprising &general assortment of rosewood and walnut drawing-room furniture, in various style Con tiring', rosewood, walnut, and mahogany boudoir farms (Lite, superior dining room and library furniture, ele gant and plain rosewood, walnut, and mahogany cham ber furniture, he , all manufactured of the best mate• vials and workmanship expressly for private vales 11.7 - The well-known reputation of Mr. Charles II White as a cabinet-maker, and the experience of up• wards of thirty-live years' business in the city.. email cunt guarantee to purchasers that his stock is of the first quality, and we therefore recommend this sale to persons about furnishing as being well worthy of Miens lion. Shares In the Amutemp of Music; Point Breese Park; Philadelphia and Mercantile Llbrarien ; Athenaeum, &a ........ ...... '}`AP.LEY" AT PRIVATE SALE The elegant country cent and farm, known an " Far• ley," late the residence of Richard Paxson, deceased, formerly of Dr. Shippen, is offered at private sale lull descriptions may be had at the auction rooms TO HEN T.—Tbe four-story storn, No. 9 Ftrawberry street Rant mo4lerato. Insurance Companies CORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COM_ 331 WALNUT STREET. Charter perpetual Capital, 8500,000. Subscribed, 8200,000. Pald up, 8140000. Thiv Company in now premed to Issue FIRE And MARINE POLICIES on rim:n . olE , tonna. I'RutslmcNT-10IIN SWIFT. TWA rARSIOENT—IIENRY BIRD. I,IOISCTOIIS. JOHN SWIFT, B F JACKSON, JAMES W. QUEEN, PLEYY FISK% JNO II- PARKER, A W. TIIOMI'SON, S P. URIFFITTs , If, D MEARS, HENRY BIRD dell-4,1n LEANDER W. V. II STARR, Sec'y GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY—Offiee. 403 WALNUT, Corner of FOURTH Street. FIRE, MARINE mkt INLAND INSURANCE et the hmemt rater. LA nm.rnm, November .23,1007. it a meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, heti on the 16th lost , the following persons were elected Directors for the coining year, viz: CHARLES C. LATHROP, 1-I:.M Walnut street DARLING, 'MO Pine street. ALEX. WHILLDEN, merchant. IS North Front at. MASS HAZLEHURST, Attorney and Counsellor. JOHN C. MINTER, of Wright, Hunter A Co. E. TRACY, of Tracy Co , Goldsmiths' Hall. 3011 N B. .t.,EcuRDY, of Jones, NS hite, k It'CurAy. THOS L GILLESPIE, of Gillespie A: Zeller. JAS. B. SMITH, of JAR B. Smith k Co. E. HARPER J EFFRIES, of Wtn.ll. Brown k Co. JOHN B. voapr.s, cor Seventh and Stumm streets. CHAS. Si. THOMPSON, 413 Chestnut street. JNO. J. SLOCUM, 2.2(3 South Third street. ALFRED TAYLOR, office Cairo City Property. And at a meeting of the Directors, field this day, CHARLES C LATHROP was unanimously re-electel President, and WM. DARLING, Vice-President H. K. RICHARDSON, n 25 ti Assistant-Secretary. /12t IRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, PUILADELPLITA—Office, No. 1102 WALNUT street, west of THIRD. "FIRE Rind ONLY TAKEN." Dissosoas. Jen Walker, Jim. McClure, Tho. Craven, A. 8. Gillett, Furman Sheppard, Bawd Jones, M 0 , Joseph Rl►pp, M. 0. Wm. M. Swain, Johp Anspach, Jr., U. fi Burroughs, J. B. Hughes, F. D. Sherman, Wm P. thicker, J. I' Steiner 11. A. Shackelford, Hoe. MI, JONES, President, Ron. 0. W. WOODWARD, IttVice Rresident. Jxo. 8 oblows, Becretery. JAIIIIS R. AheoaD, AssietanSPeoretary. no;-Sm-if COMMONWEALTH FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF TILE .BTATA OP PENNSYLTA NIA.—Ortiee N. W. Corner FOURTH and WALNUT Philadelphia. Subscribed Capital, $500,000. Paß•tip Capital, $200.000. DAVID JAYNE, M D ,Prialdeat. THOMAS S. STEWART, Vies Preel. BANITNI. B. MOON, Secretary. CARRIERS' ADDRESSES prepared by an experienced writer, at Nu. 1169 13. SLEV.ENTII Street, shoes Federal. des CONGRESS RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD WIcX & BRO., N 0.202 N. ORGORD Stmt. BUsa /Mfg Oates by %union. BCSOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, (soccer • sor to It OLBUT & SCOTTO 431citisarica at.. res: s te the Chid= House, between /mush save 1111 h. SALE OF EIIEROIDEILLES, &e. Thum Morning, On Wednesday Horning, Commenting at 10 o'clock precisely, we will sell, by catalogue, for task, s large and general assortacent of French and Scotch embroideries, ribbons, trimmings, artificial., and millinery goods generally. SUPERIOR WOOLLEN HOSIERY GOODS.—AIto, general assortment of .penor wool knit hoe_iery good', sod) as Iselbs wool and merino shirts sad wool hoods, wool coats, bow and hall hose, wool *carts and cravats, &c. CLOAKS AND HANTILLAS.—AIso, a line ladies* cloth cloaks, taimaa, dusters, &c. NIBN'SLADY-MADE CLOTHING —Also, 100 gar ment', consisting of men's surly-made coats tairoas, raglans, cusimere pants, silk and wool rests, ire. CA HAS, AND OTHER FANCY GOODS —Also, cab., fancy glass boxes, tin toffee services, table do, looking glasses' pictures, boys' tool chests, ire. 117 The whole embracing a large and valuable as sortment of staple and fancy articles, suited to present sales, will be arranged for examination, with cata logues, esaly on tke morning of sale. CARD.—We invite the early and pinta:inar attention of the trade and purchasers generally to the peremp tory sale of a large and elegant assortment of furs, in setts, for Ladies' and gents' wear, sleigh and carnage, robes, embroideries, ribbons, trimmings, millinery goods, wool hosiery goods, fancy articles, At , to be , held at store No 431 Chestnut street, this day. nommen cing at 10 o'clock precisely. N. B —The whole are now arranged for examiinati'ra, with catalogues. FCRS ' FORS"VCRS Included in sale this day will be found a spleniii as sortment of fashionable fan, in ants fonialies', misses', and gent's wear. Also, Inge flue carriage ant sleigh rotes --consisting of capes, talons, muffs, victoria., paleness, cuffs,dro , made in the best manner of site.. martin. Frenc h sable, mink, thniehilli, Ituanarr squirrel, itch, Belgian coney, squirrel lock, black lynx, short lynx, ermine, &t ,&c. Also, sleigh any carriage robes of wolf, lama, lynx, genet, gray fox, buffalo, he. JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, NO. in wAtsur griiErr, sbcn POURTH. OAHD—SALE OP HOUSEHOLD ILILNI.TOIIE—TUE.3- JD- We beg leave to inform the publio that we 801 l our regular weekly aales of Furniture every Tuesday, at our SPACIOUS SALES BOOM, NO. 422 WALNUT STREET, where every possible attention is wen to ob tain the highest prices for the goods of those who mss favor ns with consignments. Families bating portions of their furniture to dispose of, or those dee-rums house keeping and not wishing sales at their own dwellings, can hare their furniture CAZZFULLY REMOVED TO OUR SALES ROOM, WHERE THEY WILL REALIZE BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY CAN OBTAIN FROM ANY OF THE FURNI TURE DEALERS OR ANY OTILER AUCTION VIORR IN THE CITY. _ MT Persons favoring as with oosurignmenti eft reel assured that their property will not be owl/iced. ED' Commimions more moderate than those dismal by any other Auction House In the city. 137' Consignments respectfully solicited. 1J11Q• Bales paid immediately after the goods an Soli. REAL ESTATE BALE—DE-CM - DER 2:81. This sale at the Exchange, on Wednesday leaning, December =d,1857, at 7 o'clock, will Metals— Orphoni' Court Sale —Estate of Joseph Colhoun, Deed. PRAILE HOUSE AND LOT, ANN STREET, NINE TEENTH WARD —A frame hone., tad lot of ground, southeiut side of Ann street, 80 feet southeast from Sarah street, Nineteenth ward, 20 feet front, 108 feet deer. ro 125 ground real. o r ph s s' court Sale.—Estate of H.Y Roemer, Deed. PROPERTY QUEEN STREET , lI_E-NSINE/TON.—A certain house and lot, north aide of Queen 'treat, 33 feet front. and 120 feet deep, to a 133 i feet alley lending from Shacksmaxon street. Clear of intambrances. Orphans , Court late.—Same Petate. /RARE HOUSE AND LOT. POPLAR MIELEST A frame house, and lot of ground, north able of Poplar street, between front and second, 33 feet front, and 114 feet deep, /LI ground rent. Positive Sale. STORE AND DWELLING, COATES ST , ABOVE SEVENTEEN three•etory brick store and dwel ling. south tide of Coates street, 85 feet 9 inches east of Eighteenth street, feet 1 inch front, and 63 ft. Ltf inches deep, along Florence street. The hones tits bulk windows, gas, and hydrant. 351 ground rent. Rants for $2OO per annum. n - • Terms—cash. Sale positire. IE 150 to pe pald on each of the abort when the same is struck off. Aaaignee's Sale—Yrankford. DREGS, DYES, 3IATERIALS, &cOP A MANE FACTORY AND PRINT-IfbRES. On Thursday Morning, :Nth instant, at 11 o'clock, will be sold, at the Print and Dye works belonging to the estate of Harvey quick sail, Frankford, the entire stock of drugs, dyed, ant materials of the manufactury AT PRIVATE PALE A first-clans Printing Once, with a good ran of bus nems, four printing presses, two Runic' and to. Adams Type and everything necessary for the buatheae. Apply at the Auction Store. SAMUEL NATRANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OPYICE, No. 112 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear It., only eight doom below the Exchange Roars of business from 7 o'clock, A. M., instil 10 o'clock in the evening. Outdoor sales, and sales at the Auction House, at tended upon the most satisfactory tame. CAPITAL $200,000. Rita/Oho/Jar the last TAW, Year,. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Ma monde, &Met Plate Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Mer chandise, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Cans, Horses, Carriages, and Goods of every description. EIIMMZI All adrances, from one hundred dolV o ld upwards will be charged 2 per cent. per month ' s ';.soo and ever, the lowest market rate. This Store Hoag* having a depth of 120 feet, hemline fire and thief-proof vaults to store all valciables, and pri rate watchmen for the premises, - also, a heavy hare ranee effected for the benefit of all persons having goods advanced upon N. B—On &cooant of having an natimitad capital, this otera is prepared to make airwave on more satis factory and accommodating terms than my other la this city. Money adnaeed to the poor, in =tall amounts, with out any sharp. AT PRIVATE SALE. Gold Patent Lerer and other Watches, Jewelry, awl Clothing will be sold at reduced price.. aulay n~OSES NATHAN S, AUCTIONEER .15.1. AND COMMISSION lIRRCHANT, B. Z. comer SIXTH ard RACE Streets. • AT PRIVATE SALW.--flold and silver patent lever , lapine, English, Swiss and French watches , jewelry, ' of .: 7 S er iltr e V r . i hir s l u ff ' tr'ime nged onnti A c., %Dor, household furniture, of every description, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking glasses, fancy Wades, site., Ac., Ac. Out-door sales attended to personally by the Auction eer. Charges very low. Consignments of furniture Clothing, jewelry, , lac , solicited. NATHAN'S PRINCEPAI. LOAN 077101, 8. E. Corner of Bain and Race Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and silver plate Watches, Jewelry Diamonds. Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries, Segars, Hardware, Cutlery, Funilturealled ding, Hones, Vehicles. Harness, Stocks, and on all ar ticles of value for any length of time agreed on. on more satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estab lishment M . NATHANS, NOTICE —All goods forfeited at the Office, S. E cur ner of Sixth and Race street., will be sold on Thursday morning, 17th instant, at 10 o'clock. Depositors can call previous thereto and renew their tickets LARGE SALE OF FORFEITED GOODS, at the S. Z corner of Sixth and Race streets, Thursday Morning, 17th instant, at V/ o'clock, in the sales -room, second story—entrance from Rate street. Consisting in part of one ease, 175 pairs children's shoes. one very fine sur veyor's instrument, made by Knox & Sham, two very floe microscopes, superior Daguerreotype camera—complete, superior overcoats, frock and - dress coats, Raglans, pantaloons, rests, handkerchiefs, under clothing. boots, shoes. umbrellas. silk dresses, merino, moos detains, debage, cashmere, strains, and chintz dresses, fad dress patterns, cloth select and silk mantillas, basques, circulars, cloaks and capes, crape, silk, brothel, memo, atolls, bay State. and plat woollen shawls, ladies' underclothing, parasols. gaiters, shoes. bonnets. feath er beds, comfortsbles, guilts, bed-spreasts, table-cloths, sheets, pillow-Mete, srolios, tta:icaa, aecordeons, gui tars, double and single-barreled Cowin:lg pieces, patent rifles, revolting and other Pistols, patent umbrellas and canes, steel skates, and a thousand other articles. MT - Particulars hereafter. GREAT CHANCE FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS— OVER FIVE THOUSAND LOTS OP FORFEITED GOODS NATitANS' great sale of forfeited goods will tats place on 3londay end Tuesday mornings nest, the 111 et and 2—'',l inst , at 10 o'clock, at Moses Nether.' ZinilD2 store, southeast corner of disth and Race streets, and will continue from day to day, until every article is disposed of This eats will embrace the largest and most Valuable assortment of goals ever offered at public auction, rig : Fine gold hunting case, double case, and doable bot tomed full jeweled and plain English patent lever watches, of the best and most approved makers; line gold hunting rose, double bottomed and open face es capement lever and !spins watches; fine gold enameled and pearl hunting case ladle.' gold English, Swiss, and French watches, superior hunting case and doable we, and double bottomed silver Engliah patent lever watches, full jeweled and plain, of the melt approved makers silver hunting case and open face escal.entent lever nal lepine watches. full Jeweled and plain, silver quarter watches, hunting case, D. C. and S C. Laver watches, fine gold neck chitin. fob and vest chains, fine gold seals and keys, fine gold bracelets, fine gold medalllons and armlets. A large assortment of diamond, pearl, ruby, garnet, amethysts, end other tine gold anger vino, single stone diamond breastpins, cameo. mosaic, French paintings and other breastpins, gold specks, gold and sliver pencil cases, gold marks, opera glasses, silver ladles, table and tea spoons. salt and mustard epoons, one ease twelve elegant silver fruit knives, butter knives, rich and elegant act, silver plated codes and tea eels, potter plated svelter, funnel &Wears, Jte. Silver plated forks and spoona, knives and forks, a large as sortment of elegant pearl nod ether pen end pocket knives and numerous other articles. BOORS Expedition to the Southern tietei • sphere, lidedical Lighthouse, Dictionary of Fettles! Quotations, Shakspcare's complete necks, Generals of the Resolution. Iferschell's Outlines of Astmnamy. History cf the 'United States in pamphlets. Universal Library, Meti3tefa Dictionary. large size, Weishach's 3lechanie, on Engineering, Irving 's Life of Washlngtoe, 3 vols., Spectator, Scientific S.tair Bander. by Rohert Riddles, 'Washington and the General , of the Recolu lion, Napoleon and the Marshals of the Empire. Builders Companinn, LNicholson's „Masonry. Buck on Übliace Bridges, American Frotestant Magazines, and OLI.MTVLIS other bents kIUSICAL INnTRUMENTS, Ac —Twenty elegant llutinas and accordeons, new, fine old violins, flutes, gutters, fine double•harrel fowling pieces, 8. B do pa tent breach ride, Colt's and other revolvers, double and 8 B. pistols, It dozen handsome buckskin and morocco purses, dirks, bowie knives, military swords, part• mionets, card cores, also:tette machine, clocks, dentsl instruments, steel skates, and a thousand other article. The articles will he open for examination early ma this morning of the sale. Sale ■scowl-story :swims, entrance from Race .treet GREAT BARGAINS FOR CHRISTMAS PRF-hitI..NTS, AT PRIVATE S ALE, AT RE3IARRABLY 1.0., PRICES Hunting case, double case, and double bottom, full Jeweled and plain English pascal lever watches. Silver English patent lever watches. • Hunting case and open face gold escapement and lever watihos Hunting case and open face gold lepme watches Very fine enernelvit ladies' gold witches Silver lever and lepine watches, English, Etwt,..‘, French watches, gold chains. jewelry, musical instru ments. and numerous fancy articha. wEBB's great sale of forfeited Watahes, jeweigy, Grins, Pistols, Musical Instruments, At., will plan; shortly. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding, Ac., being forfeited collaterals, will Saks sates shortly, Due notice will be given. AT PRIVATE . SALE. AT HALF THE LSI:IAL SELLING PRICES —Double-bottomed and hunting ease gold patent lever watches, or the meet ap proved makes; hunting case and open Taos gold es.pe ment lever and lepine watches, full jeweled; doe golf enameled lever and lepine watches for lailea'; gold jewelry of every description; silver keen and lepine watches, in hanting oases and open fate; ulcer English, Swiss, and French watches, a general assortment of fur niture, beds ' mattresses. mirrors. Ac OUT-DOOR SALES SOLICITED, andcharigee to unit the times, low. Consignments of every deecription of goat. eolititei for public or private sale MONEY ADVASCED on all end every kind of goods, for public or private sale, or to be held for • lirratel time Charges low tIEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER N. X. eonair of BARRON and E OT3TH Etreias 11boTe 2econd EVENING ELLIE. IMMO EVERY /SATURDAY EVENING, At 134 _o'clock, at the Auction Store, or liercterece, eat lery, Housekeeping Articles, Clotheng, Watches, Jewel ry, Article*, &c. A RCHER, WARNER, MISKEY, & CO., XINCVACICIIIRR 0? ASALIER3, BRACKETS, PENDANTS, FITTING?, and ill tin,l4 et Cas and Limp Work. Ctirsz.lees.&c , No 329 CHESTNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. ARCHER, WARNER, & CO , No 318 BROADWAY, NEW TORE. ECT fitted with Gas EV's t and all tints of situlsig sad rspiann QC Qfis Welk, 1•12114