iIEM3IUM ' . FitSunr, Snatiox.—The,present week, with tistair ltni bait, 'Ma- Wherewith to. make Christmas 'merry, ,, will be Wooly devoted topreparing for the C natented cheer oft' the daythst comes but micas:ear." lovil - thisisdal day of the 'Redeemer—a dayj ustly de voted to innoilent Mirth—for its thousand happy asocia- Moos: We' ldve to look beck in retrospect along the PatisnaY of bylgoneilaisiand call to memory these in- Abut, orkleptouit, a s.of.genuine joy, commenting With St. eat with Nicholas arid the atoeai hlt ng, and. coming up to the pre- Itifiearlyferi of gladdened hearts and re fileirds:::i!et, 16 isn fact no less solemn than certehri thet;with most of us, each year finds the foun tain of our Christmas delights less gushing in its vo lume 4 •'• • • • . . Indeledi do tree le this, that, for the only true type of cite' we rnust road the dancing heart of children andaimple youth. It is in these little temples of blise eird'frolla that the only true Christmas lamp he left to burn in its native bdlliancy, la'Vre grow Old to years, it alas ! too frequently hap pens that our friction with the brazen face of a seldsh -world so sears our susceptibilities as to reader us almost proof against emotional of real happiness. Especially dose this care:born evil prevail in all large commercial elitism, where cent, per cent , and dollar and ' dime, and" make or break, constitute the basis - or our moral atmosphere. • - There loons peculiarity about the Christmas season that makes us wish that Its- visit might be more fre quent, and that le, that there• are scarcely any so meanly close-listed ar not to spend some Money at least for the Bole purpose of making some heart re joice. It seems as though most of us—excepting, per haps, the recklessly Improvident—were really as grovel ing in onr,honiage to the almighty dollar as if the maim:del state consisted in getting aft ice can, a n d keeping sal ioe'ges. In view of this, here's a sugges tion : ' Those who have money, let them throw aside their magnifying hard-times optics for the next ten ,days, and spend it liberally, and especially remember log with tiodly jealousy the needy. If this advice is heeded genarenaly, there will be a large amount of idle money, Put In useful clicutation ; our many retail dealers, who are amply prepared to furnish presents to make every heart in our city leap with joy, will do it handsome business; donors will experience the delight ful luxury of giving; the country would be made no poorer by its and thousands will he adding to that im.' perishable treasure which fadeth not away. Ova. Tug OLDEST dND IriOST SUBSTANTIAL •!nuts in our city Is the retail dry goods house of Con way STOOD/ET & lisorusn, In Second street, above S. - short visit to this establishment, on almost inky doe day: at this season of- the year, will satisfy any one that the ranting onlrlis of the touters% aro thorough , •ly.alive to the science of business, Tho exterior of this old and well.establinhed etruad, with Its lofty tower autmoupted.With the kaddeen of Commerce, Is novel, and way be said to constitute the most striking feature on that thoroughfare, north of Chestnut street. The whole:establishment now embraces three original store bonitos, making a front in, all of sixty feet, having a depth In the main room" of ono hundred and fifteen -feet. - The basement. drat Side, awl upper rooms are used for active hairiness operations. One peculiarity of this extensive 'bonne ie, that, notwithstanding they keep an Immense stock, yet their ready supply of any one department of goods is always limited, which fact, of course, induced greater variety, and in this respect it is:prebably net saying too much - to assert that their stock is not excelled by any in this city. Their variety of fabrics, both foreign and domestic, literally endless, and as to their facilities for selling , at reasonable prices, the partiality of their numerous customers is perhaps the best criterion to judge from. it le proper to state in this connection, that the Messrs. Srooosar, acknewledge, that a largo share of their sue , citealla juatly attributable to their almost constant, sys tematic, and judicious advertising. ' Tan APPROUII OF Cnnisiten.—Laltristme3 will be hera in less than a fortnight, and the storekeepers • are making preparations for its advent. If any gentle man wishes to snake himself a handsome, serviceable, and comfortable holiday gift, let him get himself a suit of clothes at the Drown Stone Clothing Wall of Rock rbilldi Wilson , 003 and MIS Chestrint street, above Sixth. • - • • ,Tun • .rditiOnTAL WEBSTER..---A MOst praise worthy trait in any people is their ambition to keep Olive the memories of their heroic dead. The names of our departed'atatennen and philanthropists, and their words of , undylng Counsel, do in this country become the proudest heritage of our people. In no way, how ever, ion we amore appropriately minister at this nation arelitine,Altel by teeming faithful and enduing por traits of thoeewhoae memories we venerate. A fine opportunity to procure come rare speciraeos of this cherseter will be afforded In the largo sale of paint. lugs" that Is' to take place at the mini of lie. A. S. Robinson, on Thursday morning ,or .this 'week_ The cabinet picture of Daniel Webster contained in this collection le a real gem. , itX . sraur SQL vun.—Frequout inquires fines out lady frlendawithln the last few deo as Jolene eonsti tutedthe most tasteful Chtlatmes present to be mode to a gentleman , has induced no to give the subject our at. tention. The result has been, a very emphatic decision in favor of one of Knight's Inimitable Wrappers, to be had at all Arch street. Moor Pattie ABROAD.—England, France, and the entire continent of Europe are," like ourselves, in volved in a tearful ;monetary cries. Where or when the end will he, time alone can tell ; meanwhile those celebrated clothiers, Clifton, Albright, I: Co., t'.lsyne , s IWO , No. 627 Chestnut street, Will continuo is do all to their power to prevent its spreading in this quarter, by disposing of all their superb stock or ready made and piece goods at cosi parrs, rather than discharge at/logic hand. Let all who want a superior article of clothing at a nierattominal price, call on them, and thus help to sustain them In their noble pnrynie.'. - ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, Up to 12 o'dock La Bizht • . GIRARD 11011811:-Ohestnut street. below Ninth. 'Col Drown; Cabs - It W Booth, 1t I J II Carreras, N Y 311 COlpstrick & la, Hass A Johnson, Nebraska J 0 Chadwick, Md W-U,Griftwold, Ind, T Orton & la, England Mrs Edmund, England ' T J 'kiloton, N V VII ddlebrook & la, Ct 141 S E Lyon, N Y 3 11Danforth,li Y W P Bullock, St Louts LW T Byernon, N Y J 31nrilaugh, Va ,J-A Jenkins, Va D T Blair, Miss - J r Steele, II 9 N A H Mulford, Pa B A Mason, N Y J A Stewart, N Y 3 .1 , Barker, Pittsfield B. Davies, N V 31 Sanford, et II Thomas Jr, N 0 0 Hantinp,ll Y ' 17 Dabbs, , N Y 0 P Barker, Buffalo .• 3 1, J Seim, N Y W A Haven, Boston 3 L Vlllabrige, Oa W a-hogs, On 0 N Marshall, Liverpool W Ring, Oa 11 W Coole, Vs 0 If Keith), S 0 A D Wood, Balt T If Macy, N 7' J 9 [timid, Chicago 8 Humphreys & la, N Y II P Morton, Plu la 0 P Barnard, N Y 8 W Comstock, N V' .7 5 Reed, Chicago W H Brown, Pa 8 A Jaermelin, New York 9 Fisher, New York 1: Bch welder, New York Junta Conner, Coon R Ten Brae& & wife, N Y 0 Kohler, New York 0 W Wilkins, New York A 0 Alaybile, Ifitrd, Vass 5) 11 Walker, Marx - Wlf Freeland, New York A Samson, New York J B Stewart, Phila John 'Risley, Washington 't II Williams, N Y B o,l4tbstray l lr, N Y A 0 Gullet, Md , E Bauman Wisconsin . - 3 B 91:rotten, Win A 8 /felling; Wisconsin P P Frazee, Colombia C Wilinitla, Harrisburg E $ Avery, Detroit iIIRRIC HOTEL—Cimainut street, above VICO- John 0 Curls, New York Rohl , S Myers, New YOrk Hifi Briaten, W Chester (I W Cummings, Philo O B Harrison & la, Boston bliss Harrison, Boston W II Lawson, 'Boston John B Champion, Boston John 8 Simpson, New York Henry J Johnson, N York 0. B Berry, Balt Chas Van Pelt, Balt B Mead, New Brunarrick Wm 8 Smith, N Brunsw'k R C Campbell, Warren, Pa L R Campbell, Warren, Pa Chas L wag, Md G 0 Dodd, Philadelphia John LOW, Jr Haas Ohs, Daglt, Wilmington P G Carlton, - Davenport II M Handell&l, Dover NH Mies If k Randall, Dover CI P Shanks, Panama John W Shanks; Panama James C Burns, Scotland John 0 Duns, Scotland Z Do Slitter & la. St Louis 11n r.ekl, Philadelphia D Lemons, Baltimore ILL Lansford, Baltimore 311 Lansford, Baltimore E Taylor, Pa L S. Levy, N Y /MA Campbell, 'Baltimore JkIbIaOIIANTIP I.loTZL—Fourth street. below Arch. :as D Brut!, Pittsburgh L Blossom, Brooklyn, N Y 210 Gallup, New York Thou Hutchins, Glasgow Ron O P Steele, Luzern° 1.1 0 McClure, Williamsport 8 P 4cpler, Erte, Po W Cop:tans, Colqmlna ,0 Bata ocaumbtto, o Ilon Gerefloolt, Catawissa Chan O'Began. Balt Juo It hitter, liondums O W Aurae, Pittstorgh Jae W Hunts, Pa 5 W Bowen, N Y ' .13 Van Winkle, Baltimore :P1(010404, Chanabersburg UNION UOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth. C 'Patterson, Nebraska . 3ld Colton, D 0 R Collins, Washington, 1) 0 N JlMlook, New York 43 Cunningham, Ohio John Item:telly h is, N Y John DI Rerper, Indiana Mrs J 0 D Indiana 019 Althouse, Ohio It Al Featherstone, Ark ' 0 %Featherstone, Arkansas Mrs Prescott, Indians. J.D Everhart, 'leading 8 P Iteishu, heading STATES 13KION—Market street, above Sixth. 8001141.1 pin, Philo J 8 Royal, llatrisburg Turieht, Laucaster co P Looney, Lane utter co • Peter lokosoo, N Y Bead Doe Zak, Baltimore I V Boldintith, Baltimore -8 Koons, Pittsburg A D Daggs, P It R Ct Rollins, N Wm D Bristol Fred lief Binger, Bristol Odastean, Philo , Wm P Deck, Bellefonte John Rim Unionville Jos Graham, N Y 8 McClung, Va. Jae Thompson, Lewistown 111,1,D "BitYLE, MTVL-4 USIA grad, m,aativahttt 1".1 , Kleenhaid, Deriders Nuelay Drown, Burka co Mira 21111t.er, Alleptown E L Anat.ln t ' Deposit, N Y David Your& Ohio Tiro Young., Ohio neldenbach, Lancaster CO Peter 'Warner, Lancaster MADISON 11011871--Becond street, shore Market. II It'Allen, , Baltimore - Thos B blurry, Baltimore 4 L Myers' & Is, OW R BAD Iler, Chester co r Fete,lfY a Nightesple, Doptestors Partial Lamle, Del Win D Masser, Bucks co 11 Helsely, Becks co Its B Crawford, N It Milo Bourse, Del J a Collins, Chester co „ NATIONAL 116TIII—Itata street, above Third. "flecrifarritt; Sr, Berke co I T James , Reading Eftgamer, Penn% John 3,tiechtet tic la, Pa Smith; Buffalo Jacob Loale, Plueoixville STm lotia son, N T )ILAOII, AFAR and bierchant streets, Sahli 11 , 1Ieft, Wissahickon John 0 , Stine, Easton ,g 1 8 Caso n Routh Windsor, Ct John Trainer, Chester to zTrorriiri Coates, Chester to Isaac Taylor - Cheater co ilecin - Crophy, Chester co Joshua Wood, Chester co Special Notice°. Furs Furs I I.Furs Selling oft at redurril w heleSsle siid retail, it MI. F. EN9EL'I3 noel Yoe litore, No. Ultra Street, below Race street. ilel4-130, Handal Gifts.-41ent1eiiten's 'Wrappers, Mar- Here, icarre; cravats, ties, stocks; shawls, &c. These aro most math' Preemie, end are to be round hi great variety at W. W. Enight'ai 012 Arch id re et, above Sixth, at eery low prices.. , del2.d.tiec. • tikata t Skates - I' Skates I—Our readers wil l fend most: complete Assortment or this vinter-Ag.w,, zuct • theloweßt prices, at W. W. 16linit , ei_No. 610 Market street, opposite Decatur I :Mtket. • ne3o-lat , „ ~S ethr •Fund.—Natlonai-flately Trust Co Office, WALNUT Steed., N. W. corner of THIRD. .AIfRANGEMENTS 'PUS . lIEBINESB SERINO THE Or'skkoin PAYMENTS nY .THE ' ~f w }:7lopoAitsreceived and payments made daily. CM:ll4k tiotes,.Pbecks, and Specie will be K.v.,recetiecfaq . iNpOsiti , juade in Bank Notes or Checks will be Chriegtlbsidi Notes. ••.i.,-115114ipaalts'spadeltitiold or 011vdr will be paid back •..4,titm*ettr, COT:VT 611 Dina; ' 11021$ 2M3!IM _ -4-yxe.l4l;-.2; Gina and -Hard Irtinee..—The interchange of presents among friends is the surest °merit of friend ship, regard, and affection. There are certain periods of the year at which presents aro more looked after and more prized than at others. The Hallowed c , Merry Christmas Timell is, especially, one of those periods. On these holidays, the young and the old all expect alike from their friends some token of affection; and as almost every one is blessed with many friends, and therefore, has to make many presents, it behooves, in such hard times, to study, what and where to buy Harty who have on former occasions made costly pre kenta,Will more prudent and convenient to select their presents, this year, more suitable to the times, the more re as not the cost of the article, but the re gard for the giver makes it valuab'e to the recipient. There is no Store iu We city which offers, in this respect, no many inducements to the purchaser, as re gards rarity of goods and rheayness of priets,asguras. Dolma's, Nos. 95 and 37 North Eighth street, corner of Ease. Ills irainense stock of Fancy Articles, Toye, and Musical Instruments of all kinds, also Cricket and Archery Implements, surpasses anything ever offered for sale in this city. Give him a call and examine his goods, whether you boy or ant. Ax he imports all his goods himself, he is enabled, to sell lower than any other retail store, and, owing to the times, he is, for this year, willing to sell his goods, retail, at the whole sale Importation prices, Catalogues will be given out gratis, which will help in the selection of goods, and introduce to the inquirer many new goods not thought of before. , deg- w makes 7t Furs.—. Joseph itosenbaura's 'Furs are eels treated for cheapness, style, and quality. store 410 Arch street, between Fourth and Fifth. N B.—Ftire altered into fashionable styles. We study to please. do4-Ini .atteloott, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT STREET. Checks, Notes, Drafts, Mlle Lading, Bill llrAds, Clr• Mau, Cards, and all other kinds of Job Frio/Jog, at prices to edit the times. For Perfumed Breath, White Teeth, cold Beautiful complexion, use '• Halm of 2.900 Flowers." For droseing Ladles' hair, use Woodlaud Cream, a new Pomade," It curls Nentlemeu's hair beautifully. W. P. Faxon:lax & Co., Proprietors, N. Y. For sale by T. D. Peterson, 300 Chestnut; Samuel Slimes, Twelfth and ghestuut; A. E. Darned. 118 Chest• nut; T. II Peters S. Co., 710 Chestnut; tl. G. Evans, Gift Book-store, 430 Chestnut; 0. 0. Ilubboll, 1410 Chestnut; French, Richards, & Co , Tenth and Mar. ket ; A. D. Taylor, Ninth and Walnut; Dr. Morrison, Seventeenth and Chestnut; J. W. Shucks lc Sons, Elighteouth and Twenty-Second and Market; Edward Christuuns, 102, Chestnut; Thomas Laneastor. corner Eleventh and Walnut. wally Cabinet Ware and HOLSTHILY, 624 WALNUT ST, OPPOSITE INDEPENDENOE SQUARE. GEO. J. I:IIINRELT, 621 WALNUT Street, 0 , 12.13 m Late of 178 Obestuut Street Bank of Pennsylvania Notice.--Notes of this Dank taken at pas for a Wholes/do Stock of Clothing, now being cold at Retail. deb-1m No.l North FIFTH Street. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken at par for Watches and Sowelry, at lowest prices. P.t.RR & THOMPSON, Importers, del lm $U Chestnut street, below Fourth. Good Coffee. Lovers of Coffee cannot realize the full value of their favorite beverage without Lavin it made in the Old Dominion Coffee pot. ARTHUR, BURNHAM, & GILROY, ' 117 andll9 South TENTH, cor. of George, dB.6m Bole Manufacturers. S. C. Dewsld, C0M13111151011 Business in Com mercial paper end negotlationis of loans, 68 WaLeirr Br., opposite the Egohangt, Philadelphia, n010.2c0 An Important ract.••-We now see It an nounce& that the extensive Wholesale Clothing DeaI ors;STRAUBS Sr. GOLDMAN, No. MI MARKET Bt., above Third, have commenced to Retail their entire stock at Wholesale Deices. de9•Au Bower's 'infant Cordlal..--This Invaluable Cordial la prepared from &variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and is the moat perfect and reliable carminative extant for infante and young children. By its powerful Influence a speedy cure la effected in all cases of Oholie ' windy pains and spasm". Baena much and mitigatea mueot children'a suffering during denti tion or teething, and by its soothing properties tran quilizes pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, &a. The Infant Cordial, has become a standard remedy, and Lea been need in thousande of cases with the most abundant succeed. No family ehould be without it. Prepared only by Manny A. BOWER, • At his Drug and Chemical store, N. B. corner of Sixth and Green eta., Philadelphia. To whom all orders mot be addressed. And for male by Druggieta generally. au 13-ly Seamen's Sawing Fund —011 ice 203 Walnut street, one door went of second street. Receives do. polls in snout of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of Ore per cent. per annum. Office open daily, from 0 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. Pieeldent Franklin Yell; 'fracture and BBeretPaY, Mellen 61. Morrie. fitarrtageo. On the fib lint., by Nev. N. Heston, at the Parson age. North Thirteenth et., Mr. SYLVESTER TEAR- I EY to Miss FANNY M. SIIA NKR, both of this city. On the 15th of November, by Nev. J. H. A. Bomber ger, Mr. ISAAC DIVERS to Miss MARY EMMA MID DEMAN, all of this city, On the 15th of November, by the same, Mr. JOHN STINGER to Sties OATIIARINE MARGARET PIED. LER, ell of this city. ?Deaths. On the 10th lust , Mho HOSANNA DAFFY, eldest daughter of the tate John Day, aged 18 years and 4 months. On the 10th lost , AROARET, daughter of James and Vim' AteCutohecm, aged I year one mouth and II daye. Suddenly, on the morning of the 10th Met , GEORGE W. BANES, In the Elth year of his ago. On the 12th inst,, JOSEPH WORRELL, in the liSth year of his age. Ills funeral will take place so 'Thesday,lsth inst., at 2 o'clock, from hie late residence, No. 7 SqLvAlt Penn Square. Hie male friends, as well as the Wishington Grays and the Welch Society, are respectfully invited to attend without further notice. It Irr.Dr. Steven's Fourth Lecture will take place on TURSDLY, thn 16th hot .at 7 P. M. Sul ject—:,The Crusaders in the linlyland. ,, Tickets , at the door del4•'2t 0 7 , Kensington Soup Society.—Dr. Richard THOSIAS has been appointed our Agent to solicit donations for the use of thin Society. A donation of four barrels of Flour, front no " Un known friend," in hereby acknowledged. del4-2tS J , li . VATIOIiAN, Secretary Ijr The Stale Night School, of Fourth Sec lion, (formerly held at 'Ringgold School liouse,) rill reopet, at MOTIMENBINfi HALL, ip CHRISTIAN, below TENTH. Street, THIS (Slowlity) EVENING, at 7 o'clock. By order of the Board. deld-1t GEORGE ITYNROOP, Secretary. 117- The Rev. W. 11. Millburn (lute C'hnp. lain to Cottetrett) mill del vet hie Suet Lecture in Phila. dahlia's. since his return from England. in the TWELFTII-STREET hi. IL 01111E011, on MONDAY EVENING December 14th, at 7y, o'clock. Subject: "The Relight, the Priest, the Voyageur. and the Ploughman, on the banks of the Mississippi." Tickets earl tee bad at lliggina& Perkenpine's, No. 56 N. Fourth street; the Tract Depository. Sixth street, above Arch; Geo. W. Stubbs Grocery, Poplar street, above Tenth ; and at the door of the Church on the evening of the Lecture. del2.2t* 0 - Department of(City Property—Office 211 story Oirard Bank, north itido.—PRILLbELPIStb, De cember 11. 1857. • NOTICE is hereby given, that on arid after the I2th lust, the Wire Bridge will be open for travel. EIRIENE AHERN, del2.2t Commissioner of City Property. Atry Gouge Sumter will deliver a Lecture ou t‘oLD.Conorit A:O3 Youka Amente.t," on IIONDAY EVENING next, the 14th last., at 7X o'clock, In CON ; CERT HALL, tor the benefit of the Union Tomporary flame. 4.1e11-10: 'Literary Bureau.—An Experienced Editor, a aucceashal author, and a thoroughly educated Literary man, weary with twenty-ilve years of the drudgery of Daily Journalism, has determined to hire out or sell hie brains at retail to those who may require their services in any honorable way. Merchants, Business Dien, Inventors, and dealers of every Itind, will ho supplied oil-hand, with Advertise. manta, (political or otheraise) Notices, Cards, Circu lars, or any species of article desired. Politicians will ho sapplled with Speeches, Reports, Resolutions, Letters, Toasts, Pamphlets, Editorial Ar ticles, Communications. and every other sort of Brain. work, which they may and it meonvenient or trouble some to do for themselves. Ladles and Gentlemen, or every rank in moiety or oc emotion in life, can hero Letters written on my cub ject, whether business °entitle:lents!. The wine rtiser will Ow conduct or translate Correa poudenee of every kind, either English, French, Span Herman, or Italian, Poetry, Acrostics for Ladles , Albums, Notes, !Mid den; Monodies, and Compositions or th e most delicate and confident al character, incident to every possible oircumetance or event in li(e, will be frirnlshed In In. violable confidence, by writing to the undersigned, and explaining their wishes Orders by mail, accompanied with cash, will be strictly and promptly attended to. Address J. THOMPSON, Literary Bureau, - Box 0.281) Philadelphia P, 0., Pa. BD , The TlVelliy•Sreoa Annl vermin' of the "HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY, OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA," will he held on TUESDAY even hag. 15th Inst., at cover, o'clock, In lltusical Fund Mall. The Annual 'Report 'ill be road and Addresses deliv ered by Rev. ALFRED COOKIIAN, Rev. It JEFFERY, (Into of Albany, N. Y.) Kee. FRANKLIN MOORE. Singing under direction of JAMES 11. DIEM, Req. (lards of admission may be had gratuitously at the Rooms of the Society. 331 E. North Street; et If, M. Ettrimey, Arch Street, below Fifth; Thomas T. Mason, 434 Market Street; or any of the Committee. TII01(48 T. MASON, MEO. R. STUART, J. u 11.00ER:4, AL ATTEIEW NEWKIRK, Connalltoo on Public 111cotinga clog wend.' far'Officr of the quaker City Insurance orn• MANY, 403 WALNUT Street —The anoint meeting of the Stockholders of the Quaker City Insurance Com pany for election of President, Directors. and Secretary, will be holden at their office on TUESDAY, the 6th day of January, 1850, betwOn the hours of 12 and 2. da•frusw-lin R. R. COQUBRAIA Secretary, IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JL JOHN WILLIAM. decefteed. Notice is herebyglven that letters of administration upon the estate of JOAN WILLIAm deceased, havo been granted to the undersigned, All persons I ndebted to said estate aro hereby requested to make payment, and all persons having claims against said estate are requested to present the name, without delay, to EMMOIt E. LEEDOIiI, No, 253 11AleKET at ELIZADETII WILLIAM, No. 419 Booth SIXTEENTH street, or DDISGILEVY, their Attorney, A. E. corner 13013111 and LOCUST streets. del4-lavr.Bw NOTICE TO PASSENGERS.--rassen, germ for Bhip PHMAPEI,PHIA, Captain Pool, for plaue be on boatd, at Stappen atreet wharf " TIRISSDAY MORNINO, December 17, at 11 o'clock Cabin passage ;Se; Second Cabin $2O; Steerage $lB. THOS. 111011AB.DSON k CO. Second Cabin and Steerage passengers furnished with provisions according to the American prIEIMIC , r 014 " • .IST OP LETTERS RE3IAINING IN 1, -- 1 the I'IIILADELPIIIA POST OFFICE up to 1 o'clock P. M. on Saturday, .Dec.l2, MI. persona applying for advertised Letters will please mention the date of the List.] Open on Sunday from 7X to 8X o'clock A. M., and 2 to 3 P. M. LADIES' LIST Alexander S Carey tlibeson &lna Place S L Atkins Aire John Oorbutt Emma Perin Dire 1 Ashton 'Mary Ann Goforth Sarah J Packer Ores Ann Apple Aire Harry Harper lire DON Parsons Dire M Asolliwalltilre (leo Hall tiliss y A Peterinau Mary 0 W Hayes Mary D Pato liato Andrews Eliza Hastings Annie 11 Palmer lire It Allen Patience Herres Millie 7 . 1 Parkinson Aire 30 Allen Helen M Ilerthey Cathrine Pease Airs AI Miami's Airs Al- Hart() Miss Mate Peterson E J . . . fred C Burgh Martha 0 Parkinson Marie Ayres Elizabeth Hargrave Mrs C Palmy Marie Adams Men ICate Heaton Mary i Pinkerton Jennie Aggletou Mot Hatiberry Ann Phelpe Sarah II Arnold Letitia Harney bliss Mary Patton T A Andrew Mrs II Herman Annie E POICOA Martha Ashley Mad S 0 Ilartnlek Sallie Porter Sire Annie Adams MIRA 17 / Maley Mee Atm Pierce Julia A Barnes Henrietta 'forty Mina Sallie Pratt Mrs L Barclay Jolla A Holehen bilen Porter M A Bell Men hale Mrs A Price lifts Ballard Mrs Sarah IlaseingerVirginla Place Mrs N V Barclay Julia Hathaway Sallie J Pettit Jane Beency Charlotte Mlles 'Miss SII Phillips Mrs It Ballard Mrs Al A Hinton Mrs Jane Penrose Mrs D Baxter Mrs (leo Hickey Oath] Me Prettyman Pris Barnes Sire Mary Highland Letitia Prentiss Mrs M C llamado Sarah M Hyland Mary J freeman Miss Ballard, Mrs John Hunter Hannah Ricketts Margaret Butts alias Sulllo Hurlbut Agora P 'Richardson Miser Beebe Min J 0 Hurlbut Eltsabetla Riordan Cathino Barker Mira Lou Howisiann Al re Pll Rice Marra Joao Bassett Mary Ituleltinga Mrs J C Realer Mine Kato Bally There.a llutton Miss M Stead Matilda L Barrett Mrs 11 Howard Mrs Eliza Reese Caroline Maim Mies Mary Howard hire Chas Redman Betty Birdsall Iliannah Roamer Nancy 1' Rice Mary - Blackman Carole Holmes Sarah A Bred Mrs Anna St Blakely Eliza tiny Mrs Juba Ilutliatdurd Miss B Brewster Mary 11 1101tnea Mary 11 Rubinson Anna 'imam Mrs Ellen Hurloy Miss Mary Robirso a Emily Rattler Slice A I nskeep Annan Illoditon Mrs Jan Brown Ellen It linden Sarah L Rubel Silos It Bowyer. Mica A. Islntl IdISS Rabe° 'Rooney Alice Bouchard Eliza , th Jones Ilenrietta Roark Margaret line% dLs Luther Johnson Mary V Rogers Mra E A A Julumon Mary Ann Rutherford Mary Burns MiSli Ellen Johnson Mra Eliza Rowland Virginia Buchanan Mrs Jennings Amelia Rogeihon Miss Williunn Jarman Outlt'ile Schaffer Rachel Boller Annie Jefferson Elly A Shelly Mrs V J nrsivoMrs Jane Jones Mary W Rherfold Martha Du offer 'Auto $ Johnson Airs Scot Eliza A Drown Liisle JolinSoll Miss 9 A Sessions Eliza A Chatter Belinda Johnson Matilda Sager Mrs E M Casselbei y Sarah Jeff ries Miss 31 Sailor Miss Sarah Chaim El izab'h Jenning Miss Sally Scanlan Miss K Casaaoly Sarah Knaim Mrs Jana 0 Schneider Mary Calker Anna D Kennard Anne Schwarz Caroline, Carter Miss niessli rig Mario Saadi uger Jane L Carrot Mrs 31 L liholer Miss Kate Sampson Mary Caulluan Clara 0 Kelly Mrs 31J Shelia Mrs Anna Chaplain Mary L Kentonllralosapli tovolinge Musa Chapron Mrs Jll !timber Mrs A M Siott Margaret A Chiles Mrs Sarah Klingler Emma Saunders Sarah eleaveland Mrs 11 Kelley Mrs Sadler Iluebel Clamant) Clara King Mrs Ann Shalliorn Lydia Clement Miss A W Kenny Sire Eliza Shaw Mrs J Clements Carol's Katz Miss ill Shelly Miss V J Clarkson Mrs F 0 Koainey Louisa :Auroral, Kate Clarotti Mrs M A L ingstroth It A Smith Mr. Cushman Mrs J Longshaw Mrs N Smith Hannah A Craig Miss Eliza Lowbor E Annie Smith hlni Hurt i t:um:Mugs Si 11 Leman Eadith sou Cross Miss Aen Laird Miss Sally J Smith Mrs II Conner Elizabli Lambert Catit'no Smith Sirs Eliza Cope Mrs 9 E Lamont 'Mare, Stotler Sarah Cunningham .1 II Lloyd Mrs Knives Smith Melvina Cook Margaret Lucas Mrs Pi Smith Matilda 13 Corbit Maggie K Leedom Lett's. Storey Mary Cobourn Rachel 0 LoobyMiss Kate Stevenson K F Conuoi Ellen Lewis Mrs Joseph Sponeor,Loulsa. Crane Julia K Larkin Mary Stone Mrs W S Creighton Mrs and Lynch Anne Straiten Sl Altnina Miss Lambert BIM Swift Magdalene Dourly Catharine Locke Miss E G Stratton Sarah E Cullen Margaret Lloyd Susan P Semler Harriet ' Cottrell Jennie Labor Mine E A Sprague Rebecca Collins Lizzie Lewis Mrs Eliza Supple.) Mrs Marie Coleman Mrs Litton Rosalie Stereos Mrs L E , Cuthbert Mrs Sant Ladello Miss V Z Sh , rt Mrs Cooper Rosalinda Mclnnes Miss A T Turner Mrs J Si Crosier Lucy .1 lileClary Sarah A Taylor 31 'IV Crooner Jane McConnell Miss Tams Mrs C David Louisa McManus Mrs A Teals Mrs II A Dingle Emma II 31cLaughten Ann Taylor F. I) 8 Daly Miss D McAlldly Mrs Trimble Mrs 31 A Danielle Mrs 9 MeDermit Anna Thatcher Elizab Davis Moles McMalcht Mary A Tracy Mrs W Davis Litchi McLean Mary 4 Torpor Mrs It Divaly Marg't McDonald 31 A Taylor Mrs P Dew Sirs Jus 0 Mellhonney II I Taylor Mrs S Dicerson Rachel McGuigan Mary Thomas Mrs L Davie Josephine McDermott Mary Thompson Mrs".l: Davis Julia Roger Mellennra Mary Taylor Kate Davis Mrs Jolla McDonough E3l Thompson Mrs ED Dilworth Lizzie McLaughlin Ilrdgi Tilghman Mrs DT Douglass Eliz'h McMackin Margy TackalieryMra Al Dorsey Mary E McKean Annie Tyson Mrs L Devers Mrs Ann McKean Cath'ne IVatson Mary A Downs Isabella McGill Mary Ward Anne Dutton Raeltel McFadden SI J IVallon Mrs G A Dobbinu Ann Meylert Ada E Wallis Mrs E Donnelly Blarg't Madden Marg'ta Weikel Mrs Donoghue 'Mrs Mum 31rs Jaen., Wesby Drake Sirs A J Mattice Mrs Eliza Wells Mrs S Elands Jenny Makers Sirs Joe 'Webster Mrs to rt Ely Mrs Eliza Mallory Annie Wenby El is Elwell Julia Ann Mahn !it'll Esther Wallace lints livetnan Eliza Marshall Mrs W Warton Mrs . • . . Ellis Mrs T M Mercer Mary S Whltc Mrs L C Earle Abby P 'Merritt Louisa Wenmill Flora Emery Mary Marrow Kitty Waugh Rebecca Elicott Elizabeth May Mrs Fll lVallace Kate Evans Mary II Marshall Clara J Whitby 31111 Engel Theresa "Wrier Miss Lena Watt on Mrs Fargill Mrs Ellen Metz Mrs Kato Wise Emma It FoZ Mrs Macalester Lilly L Wilby Mrs A Fairchild Jo9'o Miller Mrs 111 Wilmer hlrs Francis Mary Millward Maggie Wilan Alndra M Press - Mrs A num 31ills Mrellarrison Winks Mrs 74 Freeman Misses A Mitchell Mary A Winslow Mrs It E & W llfyera Mira kleFb Wills Mrs A W Parson Susan W Monuce Mire kl A Wilkins Mss Fulton Morgarette Mont) Mrs J Fullegar Miss 1: Morse 11fraf. B Willbanks lien Farley Mrs Morgan Mrs Levi 14111 lame J Fuller Hannah Monteith Lydia J Wright 11 A ronl Miranda Mnlvoneylllrry Wootlett Mrs 11' Fuller Mrs Ann Morton Mm 11 A Wolf Francis Alarg't Morran Mra Wy Abby Am Friend Mary Morrie dnthe C Worcester Lu (lamble Sarah Keener Mien Lena Woodward :4ta L GardnerJoa`eE Netby !draft Goodwin Nary Nudd Martha 9 Wuoderby Cor Gulager floret Naurritt Madam Wood 'Etteu (Wen Mrs Blair Nicklason MN 8 Wood Widow (MblosMlssMasy Nattutu Miss Quinn Rachel Oulttare Mrs II A Nash Fannie A Valeutlne Miss Greenfield E T Neil Mrs W A Criari Mrs Moro Mrs fiet'lla Nall Ma 3 E Quinn M Gibson Dm IC Nutting II J Way Mrs Julia Grate Louisa Nevins Mrs IL Young Mrs C 7. Griffith Mrs F Newport Lil.ril) Young Mrs 31 fialsher Msry Norris Mrs SII Yohl Mis Daniel Grey Miss M Norman Mrs Young Dials (lithenq Rebecca Nevibe Mrs II Iroderwood race. Zeros o OrlGey Mt% S \'ells Jtisa Grace °Man Cloist'a It Otto Ittro Pltelos (taut Mary Glif oust Lucy thilfitru Mies Viaihorn Griffith Sallie J Phelps Helen M GENTLEMEN'S LIST Achime Rev E E Buck Samuel Dicknon Jac A Ali%ern Theodore Burton ri M A Dixon 3 N MEM MEM . . Abraham Isaac Byrnes Chas 0 Dlettonsehneeltes Allen Win - Burroughs Mr Joseph Allen Benjamin Burdett Jas Dillard Dr Thos, Allen A C Boras Patrick U 8 N Allen Pros. lien Butler Horatio Dißelt John Iturchell Henry Dicheaon Dr John Burn Hermon Dingee Chao Allen John Abe Carl. Allen R F. 801 l J W Dona . dt on Frank Amiss John 11 Campbell Arebl;tl Debtor's Wm S Mains N W 2 Carp Michael Donegan k Welob Abbot N ht h Co Campbell Johu P Donnela SD katroon John Catalano Wm Donot Daniel Ableman Henry Canning Mathew Doty P Anderson Jai Campbell, Neal Donaldson W Ashton D Cane John Dorsey Joan Armstrong Jae 2 Cuisine 11 Drayton Omit P Apple Henry entailer Jas Dresser Julius A Arty Zdivin Cohen M F Droon Palmer Arnold Dr Carselburry J R Dutton Henry 11 Anderson WII Cantpeon J V Dun Sll A rthrel e A Campbell J B Durbin rtes.] p Andetvon. Capt Cato Rev Wm Mato. Win Antello & Llppla- Carrigan John Dankelberger J B colt Carlisle Johlah Dungan Cattright Baiter T 21 Cample John P dr Co Bowen F Cornea John Duulnp 0 W Bscon Cornelius Casey Loyal Durantus, Nixon Maley Panntel Colson B & Co Boum C W Canodine JBB S Dunn )1. 0 ralutm Batten A P C3rtnichtt IWm Barons &Co Baker Chas W Carter Was Plehary M linker T Ifurrison Church Ex Con Edwards W IS linker Sidney of Tres Chord, Elivisinen Jacob Wapiti DO Chappell .11unos II Elliott Dr S Barnnrd (leo Chain Editor Phitadel Bailey Norwood Churchhill John phia Register Rantley John Chasteau Louis 31 Mutton Dr Rollin Raker Joshua Chauncey N Fit i tor Philiele 1 Baur Lewis Cheney Saint F phia Delta Bassett Sylvester Champion Jos C Eck Martin Bates (lima Chose Dr 'rhos G lilphry John Ballad° L Chose Sylvester J Early Wm 'Waiter Juliu Chesnut 11111 and Elden 'Wm . . Barthelemy Vtt Spring Mum Elmer lloht Barmita J Mel? Ttirnpike Boat' }Beenlohn BarnadiAl 0 (o Co Earnilimy Jos Blown w T Clock Isaac P Bngbort Dr Dan Barba IA Alplion Clegg Joo F Thligen be (leo Dayvien Capt Jno Clay too Bakert John Benson Jan A Clark John Cowards Snail Beach Dr II n. Clay (leo Ellie Dr F A'' Bell John Clark Rev N Jud Eberhardt Pierre Beal BrJ IT s A Clark Isaac P Ellenbogen Elias Bell George Clinon Henry V/ Enda Dr I) li Boil Mr enthrall (tee it Euntern 'avoid Bechtold 0 Cleveland Bawl M Bavaria John jr nembet CIY 2 Clark Fithian J Novena M Berman August Courrin James W Berens J E Bear J IV Coates Coto!) , Ravens J 3f Bell Henry Correy Augustus Earaue Theo'a Bender Dr J J Conley Patrick Everiekv Joe 8 Berkee J C Conlitr S B Eavens Dr Benner Coo Collin,. Marlin Eillng John Bennett Wm Cowl,' B Erick Healy Berlin & Bros Coates W 11 & Co Euirliall Dr (I M Benjamin Park Cochran James Eve) , Marlin Birnbaum II 10 Cochran H P Enieson II Dilayer Nit°fan Cobb Capt. WAR lliaereon Mittel Jacob It Cooper John If Eng[Mt Stephen BreilerrcolpPlilllp Cooly Dew IV Ewing Dr Geo Dille Washingtoh Cohen A Eyree ere .f Cooper Sand Farrell Cape J G Drision John P Cooper INVid Fenimore John Rhiaget 80 C 0188,7 Jonathan YetherW, Afoot- Blom, Rose &to Calle Mr pinery Blackart Rev Al Comfort Aaron Farr John A If Core° 0 0 Mack Sismuoi Colby Gi W Coleman aro W Vitl4r W rEZECEI Boehm Jai Collins J P Fleming Wm 9 Boyer lleoryQ A Corm:tramp DAVari Feguelre V 3 Bohlen John Canty Card Geo Flinders Elarol Rower John lbarbitt. Bart It Fletcher Thus Boardman L Cousins A 3 Fitch Chao Burnam F Cole Rev Dr Isaac Fisher S Co Dori ll'co Corey II N Fletcher CO J Bowman Dr Cox Amon.' Flamm Peter Cotton]ly, Cornell. Jertoty II Vle.cherronu k Co. Coat. Crawford Fletcher J Bowman Wen Cox Gash Fornruhr Geo hornet Jos Jr Colton John Henry Flack W 1t 2 Bonenthr S it Corson Comoro El Fisher Win . . Bowl Sarni J Colo Jonloll L ' Finch Arun! II Boyd Nathaniel B Cotton John Fitzgerald Viol Batters (leo CJr CoHeap (leo f Flaherty Vat Baler), Davis i 8 Co Cooper 8 J Firo Insurance CO Booth Jog If Cooper I" A of Phllnflo • • •• - - Bowen D M Coleman Rev 1. Finnigan Join A Boyd Limit Conrail 'l' A Fortor T T Bowers Chao Crigler .7 T. Foutkrow C Tay Boudet Antonio Crew Bdr Co for itr Co Donnell Inane Crawford B J Freemonil Mr Brown Simon J Crotten Dr A J Fries Jon Blown Jacob Cy - queen Joseph Frank Matter Brown 8 11 Craig Wm II Front Jahn A Drown Thor Croley T 0 Freeman Mita B Brown Wm Cro-n Francis F. Frlelenberg A Brown W P Crandall Aug E Furity Leander Brown John 2 Cummeskey And Vuldge X4.lr, Drown WSA CO Cuneey B lt Freeman Dr A W Brown J 11 Ciimmings Cleo W Frick °null Brown Thon Cutter Capt Chas Fulmer, John II B ro w n Rat Canby John S Furgusou P Brown W II Custer John 0 Friel Eilwd Brown J Cnnningham Otis Freloya Joaquin C Bruce W H Curtis"' Joseph It Fuller Wm It Bryce Col Jan G Control Edward Fraley David (I Bryant AJA. Co Cutter Calvin Gardner Bronson Patrick Cushithaw Mr Gl:Mt:May Money Brodriek Jdw'd Daly John A Calilgan P Brazier Anablo I Daily Daniel Cithel Brother Brien Than W Davin Than - Outwit Jan Brenlioltz Isaac Darrel NA CO (Callao ay Henry Bradfield Chas 2 Darnley CII Calloway Alex g Bromwell W Derision Win liarduer Jon Brentlock Martin 1)0 Conto It B Chas A Brentior Win Darmstattor M Gallup Nl. Bridge B C • Daley Cap( J Canton gaino Byron Benj Devlin Patrick Oallatry Mr Brophy Peter Derreruea Louts Garner Thos Brlut n 11.11 & Co be Witt Chan Cantrell Al IYranda Jacob Denton Cleo F Centsch Ludwig Brush Dr 01l Dephury li It Cleister Henry Brooke A Pugh Deineoba boon Corner FreAk Boron Peter Derereitx J Dormer Herman Buckler &Shipley DelmigheyJap 2 Geiger liodfried Buchman Stephen Devine Andrew Geiger D /Dirt llr JJ, U N Diet Cleo W Cieorge Leooden Putter llobt ;grey Perpond Uthrove Pr 3 THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1857. Oithliert Eliaa II Salome, 289 Scott Jos Gibson Jae 8 Saranac, 291 Scott Jan 0 Gilligan Andrew Shackamaxon, 30 Scott Jas D Gillett John II 'Templar, 258 Sanders John Gilroy ( Mehl • Welcome, 229 Sanders Adolph Gibson E 0 Eastern Star, 180 Search Wlt Ginna 8 A State Council, 0 1J Sexton D 11 (linters It & 3 AM , Sea Jesse Gilligan J McDonald Pas Soyman Wm I' Glean A. 14 McCrea Geo !! Pouter W II Golden her SCE McCown,. Chas Search Elias Goof ion W H Mollify Woe Semple Archibld Gooht Israel 51 McDowell M 1: Jimmy I , • (love J(I& Co McCo,(• Sand Seypert Henry Darrell Riddell McCall Cupid Sockets I. inodtrer WO2 McGrath Sand Seibert Mr Gorsuch Rob(t II McCullough & Co Shuns. Wm Goddard Dr 10 II 2 II In Showman 1100 Goddard Harry MeGugan Archibd W Goode John 0 McFadden Theo Shepard Francis Gorges M McElroy Wm Sharp W T (lorrelt J R IncKetut Joseph it Shower Chas J Genie Pet,r McLearlo J Sheen Shorts Chas It Grass Adam McMiinsio Than Sherman Mr Gregg & Son Itlctiraln Hiram Shreck (leo 11 Grant John F McKee Jos D libeenan Then Grate It IT McG tunes Jas It Sheble E 0 finest Mesa John McElroy J Shubert Wm lk tlrflllth Francis A McLoughlin Roy .1 Shaw Harvey Grum Mr Mai roery Nick Shoal Woe Grillith J J McNutt Rolit Shuman John H Greenbaum Isaac Inacrtherson 'rhos Showaker Wm C Grant Joint F Magill itov David Shoemaker IV 0 Green Dr Madden John Sherman F D G ray ham Juba Magruder CaptGAShrirer Thos 3 Greenwood Win Magen David Shields Rev 0 W Green Jesse M Madison Dr T 0 Shreiner Wm II Guardian C C Malynn Win Shear & Co I) A Guertin° Capt E bfalssed Jas P Simons Wm Grovener Jacob Msgel J . S Malone Samuel Gray 8 IV Magodin Thos 0 ShinnonaJobn Ilogatnau Edw W Megroder J W Simmons Jos II Hammond Rev J P Madden John P Blinkon 11 I. II ORIN It May It S Snopmts II E Man Maurice Macrogor Jon Sit i ies her F W 2 Ildrs A F Maddox Roy 1 E Shiley Henry IV Ilalback A 5' 51 erker J D /limpid's, Marina Hall 8 W Martin Henry 2 Bierman Christian Hemmer W 11 Major Wm Skellenger Jos !fall John Mayes J In &Mutter 8 It iblillt. & Ware Martin & Phelan Slater &, Eddy Hammond N5l Marshall WSI Smith (Element 'Emboli! OW Marsh il I Time Smith 1( If Hallowell T & Co Martin P Smith Samuel Illa L.barg Hermon Mason Goo C. Itualth Thou 8 Huber& If Mooning V 0 Smith Stout IV IS Hanna W j Marlin Andrew 8 N Ilarlow V T D Maas IV A Smith J 1.1 2 Barris Dr Wm A INDkralt CUntou Smith Jain S 2 Hanson .11 Martin Jan Smith Jos I{llll,llolll It I) Martin Itobt 11, Smith Dr JL D Hare Charley Mattson T Smith & Rex Ifauiclo Dr If A Marlin Henry Smith Samuel B Hunting Walter J Mayanly Smith ET Hawkins Richard Martin Win 111 Smith }maid Ifapsbury C} 3layberry Win Smith Rev I B Hartshorn Harvey Mason D 0 Smith Wm 0 Harrison B E Martin Chris Sinitburat Aaron Hayes Chas H Mann I', Snyder Wia & Jos !fames Capt Split Mansfield Copt Dl' Say Wm Harlan Richard k Mays J Milton Sothgate A Harris C X Mealy Timothy Summers Jacob Hadeirood Wm 31eiclielicr Si Hui- Springer 8 Harrington John zinga Sprague Will If flaiknees Cieo 0 Meilen 31r Stinson John 'Marini' John 1' Melningor Chas Steward Wet Hart Edwin 11 Meuhy Patrick Sterling Wm II Ifarrhion AM Sillier& Co.' Stuart John Henry 0 W Michelback Chas Stork Dr T /lodges Frac & Co Millet Rev Mr Stork Dr T itender,on ltubt 31i11er Henry Stokes John W peacock Wm Mitchell B It USN Stout Henry Heibraton 11 :Marron Dr Stephens Jas ffenley Dr J r 311 no Jan Struthers John S Iteddenburg C J Miles (leo W Sinned Mr Healy it Brothers Millegan (No A Stiles J A Ileyer Mitchell Jr .4 A. Stelnert Felix Hewitt Dr Michael 31 Sturderant W Ilendely Chas J Illichlino John fithorm Mr Hessen (Heron ' Miller U J Storer L Holton Jacob 11 Miller Chas A. Steuber (leo . _ Helsel, Thee Miller Rev Jore l ll Starkey Dr tico li Hines T Jell' Miller Grim Moakley Henry Hiss E MillerJovcs Sturgis T B Ilitsen Thou Miller Aaron 3 Stringer lalw Hilern Thos 31 licr (leo P Steward Wm (I Hirsh F. J Miraell Jr Philip Stanfield John 11111 A: Co Morris T G Stewart W 11 2 Holt James Morton Henry Stewart Robert Hollingsworth J Morton II 3 Stewart 1) Hoppen'Eder al Morton Chas 111 Stevens Watson:. Howarth John Morse tiro A Stevens Dr J Hopkins Dr E K Moorehead John Stevens &Co II Hough L 0 Minton Mr Stout & Ford Houghton Rv LO3 Melon° 31 Straus° & Ilene Hopkins S. Melt . Mott Capt - Stolnea & Eros Hoffman Samuel _Moore Thom Storm, Fox &Co Holt Mrs Moore Jos Sullivan Wm Holliday Chas II Morgan Edw It Swain C S Hollingsworth 9 Morel! Wm If Swinney _Mishit haves Oa del 3( Mortals Dr S Sullivan Devorth Hopkins Win 11 Morrie Jun Swope Samuel Iloppel Jiro Moloney 31 Sup School Jove- Houghton A T Morrison Won nil° (Menders Hones Cart Morgan II E Tapper Was Holeins It Morris Dr S It Tarr Levin S llooverJosephj Morgan Isaiah D Tehford .1 - T Holston Robt Mullin It W Taw & Co Abe Howes Copt A Murray Samuel Taylor E 0 Hollenbach 3 G Muslin Dr Thomas 0 0 Hoffman John 8 Myers P D Thomas 11 A Hopkins J 0 Mulligan Dm II 2 Thomas John i Holliugobead C W Murphy W D Thomas 3 ll Hopkins John Murphy Jas 11 Thomas Daub Rowell Coo 0 Myers Curtis Thomas T J Howell Rll oinnn Joptha II Thomas Wm Houghton T Naudaln lien A Tilley Uriah Howard Alp Neil Dr Chas Thacker Wm Rummell 331 Noble Col Sarni Purger Joseph Ruston Wm It Haley Argyle Tituaude Dots !fully Simon Nittoraur Tory A Tingley D Loin Hudson Thee Nosiglia Ongol Tierney Michael Hoick Donlel Nyco Samuel E Thomson John Hunt E C NeAlions Samuel Thomson 3 Hunt A ugustus Newman Rev 1 0 Thompson A W Lhasa Kl 3 Nagle Michael AI Thompson Hou Ilulubmd IV II Nickerson 0 W Judge J Huntingdon Dr I Newman Deo A Thompson Rev II Hurt Alamo Noble Henry S Dodgem Moe A Nowerit A Thompson Dr J M Ingrain 13 II Newt & Flood Thompson Thos Irwin Robert Oliver A Wells Thompson E 0 !mine Dr Wm A Ogle Jl' Thompson Frank Jackson It W 002oneoll Dant Thompson C J Jackson John A Osborn John IV Thompson &Co Jermln Key Wm Owen Samuel, 0 C Jackson J.l 0.10)111k Thos Thompson &Co James Dr Theo Owen Thus 1, 11 J.l.ekßon James 1` Oilleardin Thou Tyson Samuel Jersey Hart 0 vrue P T) son J K 4 Johnson F J Diltryne John Tyson Ur J I, Jones B 1, Packard A J Tombs Rohl 2 Johnson U Patterson It E Townsend Dr E Johnson II ft Pancoast Joseph Townsend Ulu Johnson David Parry Jacob Tweedy Jl' Somali Barclay Patton John Tracy Michael Johnston John F Porker China Treanor John Dines Dr 0 L Paola) , 11 N Tompkins Alex Johnson John Parker 11 It Tuhy Lawyers,. Joel Jr JO Page Dr A V Treadatill B II Jones & Wornen Pary James Trey J 0 Johnson Frank Parkson John Trades II Klt It Jones IV PI Polin Thomas Trontinan J It Sonya Dr Win II l'hlitips Rev K 'Carpi)) Copt li JobnsonJohn I` Phillips Edw Tucker Jlt Jones Remington Peres II Todd W It Jones II II Pelrgro Mr Trouble & Co M II Johns N W Pennock Jos I. Turner C KaUfwan 0 Pfeffer W Turner IV L Kuchan Patrick Mote J Crevos Watkins Joseph Kahn F Peters Francis 2 Wallets Jr L Kann() J Peirson C 0 Marron Jona II Kerse) John Pennington W C Walton UIV Keene A V Pelinann (.1 Walker W 11 Kendell C W Philo & Lan Torn- Walker W E Keys Sunni W pike Road Co Walker T V s Kelley Miehaul Pelkington John Warrington II D liensgh en Wm Pipe Jacob IVagner & Mc- Kennedy Dr 11 A Pilling Wm tinigan Kelly Kl' Piereol Dr Jll Wegner Samuel Kennedy Joshua Pierson John Wagner John Kennedy J 1' Piper lieorge Waschter Aug Kelley A P Pinch) alc. Welsh Ildwastt Kerb° Albert Plate Dr Enw Welsh Trios Kelley D& I) Polk Abraham Wallace Frank Keller Michael Polk Abraham WoAkins I, 8 ' Kane Wm lower Potriek Wolf Richard Keiebline Dr C R Powell 11 0 W stool & Co 1, Keys lie Plogeu Potter John Wolowley T 2 Keatting 'umbel t Pon ell 0 W Waturough J II Kennedy C 11, II 1 1 ,1sice hone Westeutuergor IV S N tratt Nathaniel 31 Weacherly lie IV Killer A Pratt Witt E =EMI Kirk laaar, D Pratt & Dro Dana Wella J bl Kirkland Dr Jno It Pi oetor Jr Wm Luria Kim%lir Henry V Presser elms \Votive/111 Meyer Koight It 'V Prnll M Welater& llocke IC Inden Propaill Pricy J Wobb Wll Knox Snarl W Prier Perry Wm Wessels Lobo . Manionii J Price Jacob R Weidner Chas it illebelly Rev nit Ratcliffe Jun Wenderoth C A ICnoulton Woe Radcliffe Samuel Weaver Enos King {Pm Raphael Jacob Weber Maio Ring John Ray Itor Win P 2 Weyil Ernst Kleppe Devereaux Raphael & Co (leo Wogs Morris • Muhl- Lewis W .11.14. Edward Western Starch linoboloLk J Reynolds Is F Company li icemen TIIOIIIDB Reach Ileid Whitaker W N Larkin Abram W Reeve Ben) P" 'Moth= Joe Lane Cairl & Co Reed Woe Whithead PP 2 Lay Alfred Reinhold A nto Wheeler Sti Lelirty Jaw 11 Reel); John 2 Whithoad Ti Latham 8 T Reit/burg Louis Wheaton Copt A 1 Lai. 01 I Ellis Relolien Michael WliitellogJ 11 Lancaster John Redifus Wee Whitney W 2 Loughman 11 31 Itichordi tiro W Wheelook A J Lampher A 31 Rice Nt J Wharton W It Loild N • Rho) Wm P Wharton Cap 11 W barman Waters 4. Rice Sylvester White Robert Co Rice S White & Co L W Lather 1: Church Richardson Win White Peter Luring Woe Richardson Geo Wilson J2l Levy Isaac Richardson Minh Wilson G A Levy 11 . Itichordson & Co Wilson J S Lennart John Wm Wilscui J F Lee Dr A S Riley Edward Wilson Philip Lewis Jon 31 Richey Flied Wilson E W Lewis & Drothera Rilite A St Wilson Win Lewis D Riddle Albert Wino John Leyden Joon." T Ilidgley Rev W Wilkerson 111 C Lee Thus M 11 Ritter Joel {Viler A; Moss Leslie F Itheibear G S Wirgumun C 3 Leliert Wee W 'Curds P A Wilcox Copt D L Leib Edo , T Rogers Jr Ransom Wireman W Lesley Peter Rogers Sain'l Wilmer L II Linton Jayne,' Rogers Chae Wiley J It Lludmay John 8 Rolston A Wiecle John Little John IS 110161011 0 Wilbur J 11 Llneonib John F Rowo Mifflin Wistar Wlt Loyd J Rose & Sou 2 8 Mester John Lieb rt Win W Rowlenberger 11 Wiler 51 Lagard Dr J 1) Reekeh U Wilkins J V Laughlin 11' C Roberts Join Wil II am+ lieu Liu:kat Dr F 1: Roberts Wm Willlatoo C . . 'Aim Jacob 2 Roseland Prof It N Williams I) Logan David HO. I) IS Williams J Lowe'Ramp W l'i Rose Samna/ Williamson At Lanny') 4 Hood Sistuuol It Wood Capt n lisncly Rov John P Rosa Richard M Wood Thou Limon Joel Itobincon John P Wood II 11 Lundy Dr Henry Robinson &Co W Wood Slt Luckonbach Wll 11 Wood I' II h0r4.11 D • Robinson John 11 Worrell Jlt Loyd IVnt Roberts Ilvau Wool Won Larkens B Robb Chas IS Woodret Mr Laughlin Rev Wen Rogers Chat; 11 Woo bile J Loshant John A Rost Chita Wolf .1 0 Loughridge Wan Rock Woe W Wright J R Lodge Chas Rump Chas Wrisellt A At Loom: 3. llyali BOA 'Wright 11J Atlas No 215 (2 'Brit Dr linahrost Wright Itiehd Adelpliiit 22 Rue Copt John It II underly Alf Atlantic 202 ltioldock Jo Co Wynn Dr AI. Alumni 200 Runde Piaui, Wyleo Andrew &Wort 282 Rennet (leo W Wymer C 11413 A.)Alleind 201 %wield Gen 'Wyman eapt II 0 Apollo 2.0 Rutter 11 tiveaphor forAel Allocuotdoll2 Schnabel F. Cher J J Cinefnualus' 200 Scattergood & Ma- Ulmer Horatio Capitol 2011 goo Ushor C W Comincroial 256 Schlesinger & Bra Viii Alonz o 11,,terprt , q 20L V.chmtd, (3e, At Veva walla Ai 3 Evorgrrou 206 Sch urenum Her Van Horton J 1.01 ti n 1 'tat Chaq • Friendship g 3 IV 1/ 'Vanhorn 111) Iroguole hOB ilainuel lienj Vannsdnlen Sam Livingston 135 [i Savage John Van Lear Cleo Liberty 272 Schoonover II S Vidnl JC V Minerva 224 Schreiner W M Merchant, 2ill Schreyer Sr Rana Vieclier Owen .5: nercantile :151 Scleevickeratt r Cu Dloyameneing 1130 Seliegel Young S Bur:Wien 127 lechill Young Jacob Purity :123 N Sargent NT Yokels S PitanTeii ['ROOD Sagee H Young. Janson Mtn Nat 221 Sat as 'Menial )(Parke Saul llndiwrt star 282 I"Adler K - /-101-1 t GIDEON IL IVESTCOTT, P M NC: D E AT.- / N The Subscriber !tau romnupced thanufactuling hie . . Plus Ultra MINCED MEAT, Which he offers to his customers 1.0000 or smAl.t. QUANTITI6. Orders through BLOOD'S DISVATOIS. wilt tot ',ono tually attended to. n, ra 32m d SPRING (I ARDEN an W d FR RICa ANKLIN ide TO AVOID CONSUMPTION, AVOID d nap feet; to nvolii damp feet, MO BRADDOCK'S EUREKA, or Rater -proof Leather Bremen:illy° for Boots, 91:0 0 sillsrness, and every Uesutiption of Lyatlwr. flunranteeil water-peon!. For sale by 41, H ASIITONS. No. 892 Mlarket street. T. J. ADA9I3, Sixteenth and Lombard, Druggist. J. II BUTLER Passyunk Routh below Washington. L. BRADDOCK, 94 North Twelfth street. delt.'-ltr* BALE ROPE.—Buyers aro invited to call and examine our Manila Rale Rope; which wo can can sell as low as American, and warrant it superior In tan% and durability. WEAVER, VITLRA & No. 98 N. WWI it. 0.14 A 7 N. %moo, Antfiseniente. it USICAL FUND HALL. ILL DEBUT 01 , MISS JULIANA MAY, • Olt FRIDAY NEXT, December IS, 18,11', Aealated by SWIM TIISESNI, The Celebrated Tenor, (Ilia fir,,t appearance eine° bin return Inini South America) . . A POPULAR BARITONE, am, 111 R. HARRY SANDERSON, The greet Pianist Who will, no this occasion teaks, his fi rst professional mantra:fee in his native city. Fartleuhkr+ will he published ionnediately, debt- if AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.- E. A. bIAIISIIALL Sole ',canoe. The Lessee has the pleasure of announcing thtt he has engaged the world-renowned lIONZANT BALLET TROUPE, Who will appear 00 This (MONDAY) EVENING, December 14, In the Brand Fantastio Ballot, by Domenico Rot:rani, tailed Doctor Faust F A UST.Signor lisopare Prates': Morgherita Wile Louise Lomoureux Previous to which, the oueqtet Comedy, entitled SKETOIIF.S IN INDIA, Sir Matthew Serape Mr A'Beeket Lady Scraggs Mrs. Stoneall Doors open at 7 o'clock. Performances will commence at half-pant 7. PRICES OF ADMISSION: Balcony, Parquet, 4W Parquet Circle 110 cents. Family Circle Sala Amphitheatre Private Boxes, (fur eight persona) ID — The Dux Office ppm: from 9 A. Ili to 4 P. M. for the securing of scab: sud boxes, without extra charge. TREASURER Tlto3, McNEON. WHEATLEY ,9 ARCH ST. THEATRE • —SOLE LESSEE W. 'WHEATLEY TIM (Monday) EVENING, Dec. 14th, 1h57, WW be preeeutett Shakspeare's Tregedy of the MERCHANT OF VENICE. Skylock, Mr L Davenport; Hassan:o, Mr Wheatley; Portia, Mrs L Davenport. To conclude with the New Dome of ANNETTIS, TUTS FOUSAKEN. Peter Grievous, Mr J S Clarke; Mark Ma) thorn, Mr Dolman; Annette, Miss Duni& Taylor. Sonic or L'llloF.B,—Dozes, 15 cents; Secured Seats, 83; Orchestra Stalls, 50 canto; Seats tu Private Doses, 76 cents; Gallery, 13 cents; Gallery fur Colored Persons, '25 cents; Private 80% to Clattery for Colored Persons, 39 cents. Box wore open frolu 10 A. M. until 3P. M. Doors will open at 0) o'clock; performance to Commence at 7, precisely. NATIONAL THEATRE AND CIRCUS, /1 WALNUT STREET, NEAR EIGHTH. LUSH!' WESLEY it.vnmonE, ASSISTANT MANAGER.. ........ JOHNSTON. EQUESTRIAN MANAGER THOS RING. THIS (Sloutlay) EVENING, Dea. Will bo iiresauted uu oatito ware Itrouto, to throw Acti, outitletl DR. KANE; Or ; Life in tho Arctic Regions. Dr Kano, sfr Win Myers; Will, Mr Barroom Bbanghu, Mr Brink, Ratty, Mr Cunningham. To cowhide with BRILLIANT lIORSEMANSDIP, DANCING ? Ac. So. Patens OP Antinistos.—Drese Circle 274 cents. Fa," wily Clrclo 25 cents. Private Boxes .50 Lents, Doors open at 6±.4 o'clock. Porformance to com mons st 7 o'clock. JyNE'S NEW HALL, CHESTNUT ST., mow SEVENTH. fourth Week of the trorld•renowuod DUCELEY'S SERENADERS. TlllB (Monday) MINING, Dec. 14, 1807, Will be performed the Burlesque Opera of TROT ATURE. Count Luna-tlek, Mr It 11 Buckley; Lady Leiamonora, Miss C Preceded by their inimitable ETIIIOPIAN liIINSTRELSY. nocente. Doors open at hall-past G o'clock. Curtain 0809 at halLpast 7 precisely. Al O" STEEEI"IIIEATUE.- TILAYER'S BEN.LFIT. A Coastaltattoo of staro at tho Star Theatre, TUESDAY, DEOESILIER 15, 1837, On which occonion the Comedy of SPEED THE PLOUGH, And the Draws of THE CARPENTER Or ROUEN. 11:7- fox book now °poi'. deo 12.2t* SANFORD'o OPERA ROUSE— ELEVENTII Street, above Cher Aunt. ETHIOPIAN PERFORMANCES THIS EVENING. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by Seaford'. Troupe of Stara—New Dances by the Sanford Children. Doors open at 7 o'clock—to commence quarter before et ht. To conclude with A LAUGHABLE APTERPIECE. Admittance 25 cents. ijolibap Gifts (HItISTMAS AND HOLIDAY GOODS. W. D. GLENN, No. 26 South POUR= Street, offers to d cetera and the public a VERY LARUE VARIETY' OH FANCY 000 IoS Suktable for the Doll:ley season. Being entirely at his OWN IMPORTATION. The assortment embraces alt the NEWEST STYLES, AND AT VERY REDUCED PRICES. Among it will be found— Paper Mache Work lions, Desks, Portfolios, Jtc. Ladles' Calms and Traveling Bags. Porto litonnaies, Parses and Pocket Books, in great variety. Pearl Card Cases, beautiful styles. , Bohemian Glass Toilet Bottles, r:cbly derorated. Odor Boxes and Olove Boxes. Fancy Bronze Inkstands, Thermometers, h e. Back ga mm on and chess Boards, CllCPSnlen. Fine English Scissors, to gets. Fancy Diger Stabda and Cigar Ca3ol. Seoteb Wood Snuff Domes and Fancy Articles. Medallions in plastic ivory. Memorandum and Ball Tablets, in pearl and ivory. Together with nomarmis other artieleS in the 1,00. deS•lre-il rl /I It S 'l' Al A. 8' PRES 11 NT S MAOIC LANTERNS ) POLY OR AM XS, MAGNETIC TOYS, It AUIDOSOOPES, aTmuROSCOPIIs MIOROSCOPIS, SPY G LASSES, OPERA 41LAs9t9, DRAWING INSTRUMENTS, And a lot ni other amusing Optical Toys for Tale at irea to BOIT TIIR Tuacs, at C. T AMBLER'S, OPTICIAN, No 635 crtEsvitir street, baton Seventh, north node. don.wria6t. F URS! 1' UR S ! UESTFriii . l274 - 1 !I ! JOIIN FAREIRA & C Inporters, Mauntaeturers, ani Dealers in FANCY FURS, FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. flaring manufactured an Immense Stock of FURS, with the expectation of doing our usual bantam, the present pressure of the times, and comparative 'degas. lion of trade, have left us with an unusual amount of Stock upon our shelves. ala to meet Ulla difficulty that we have now DETERMINFiIi To ChM out our ENTIRE' srorx At PrMee actually hem thou THEIR COST TO MANUFACTURE! We have also cm head a Imo and complete arAort tueut of tiENTs , FURS, GLOVES, All of which will ho cull at very low PniuEs. No, 818 MARE Et 8t , Let. Eighth end Ninth, noln-the South side Illonen A MERICAN GOLD, NEw YORK, liosroN, AND BALTIMORE EXCIIANO ES, Bought awl sold by P. BRADY & CO., Iltuicers, 125 South TIMID Street, de7-Btit opposite the Girard Bank. A3IERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORK EXCRANOE WANTED AT mootst , CURRENT RATES, DT cnoNnic s co., BizoKßus, lio2l.dtt 40 SOUTH TIMID ST SCULL, CAMBLOS, Sc 13 A N IC RR s, 1170. 3t5 South Third Street. The higheat prowium paid for AMERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORK EXCHANGE. Uneurreut Funds bought tied Bold. Stocks bought and sold on comoiesion only. riolo-2ua* W. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS • No. 37 south THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly wade on all accessible points In the United States and Canada. Stocks, Bondi, &e., Bought and Sold on Commission. Unourrent Bank Notes, Cheeks, &a., bought at the lowest rates. Depolite received and interest allowed, ea per agree wont LOY 2-am eentleturifo Surniebing Oloobo. FFINE SHIRTS, made to order, and war muted, of elegant material and Ruperior work maoship .khm, Dreaa Stocke and tientlemrn's Wrap pers, at the Premium Store of W. W. 10:1(111T, old ARCH Street, above Sixth. m 41.1 JRAPPERS! WRAPPERS! WRAP , PERS f—A very largo and elegant assortment at reduced prices, Also, hesvy under-clothing of ell de scriptione, for gentlemen's wear, at W. W. If N10111"3, 012 ARCH Street. above Sixth. no2l-y WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE L and PATENT StIOULDER BEAM KURT MANUFACTORY, No. IV OFIESTNUT Street, above Seventh street , Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly invited to this improved cut of Wits, t h e moat perfect Siting article mule. At 'Whole. sale and retail, and made to order. REMOVAL.— Tbebulllies4 of the PENNSYLVANIA DANK will be removed on the let proximo, to the second story of WALNITT serest, rant at Thirst. The owners: of property lodged at the Sank for safe keel - dee will pleekoe remove it before that day, or it will hp elsewhere at theirexponee end risk. da t jxl J. L. FENIMORE, ARAM:tot Cashier. SAVINSFUND,---lINITED STATES G TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and CHEST. NUT Street'', - - Large and small sums received, and paid back on de mand, without notice, with PIPE PER CENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Mice hours, from 9 until 5 o'clock every day, and on 1410.NDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale ou Rogland, 'rotund, and Scotland, from £1 upwards. Preaideut—STEPllßN R. CRAWFORD. Treasurer—PUNY FM. Teller---7AbIE2 N. HUNTER sel7-IVIr §lOO REWARD WILL BE PAID FOR the recovery of SDP EIN /11112DDED AND PP Y DOLLARS. In $5 notes, lost in ono of the Daubs, between 12 and 1 o'clock, on FRIDAY, 11th December. Apply at No 822 North Ninth street, Ft W. corner at Parrish' street, del2.tf 0200 R E W AR illt—THE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE. COMPANY will pay I\l 0 liwndrea bollara for information that will proettru the arrest and conviction or the person or persons who set on fire the Barna and Divelling-ifou.ea situated on - Washington Lane, Germantown, November ,sth and 2011 t, and December 6th, 1157, COGGSH ALL, Secretary. /40. /001157, den ati arg &rob. CLOAKS REDUCED IN PRICE FOR ONE WEEK. We will offer during this week our entire stock of . LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS at a conmiderahic reduction. (loud style larga (Ira). Cloaks S.:Jo. Mick Cloth Mohair Tel 51 Lot of high•rolit ut HALE PRICE. Children', Ohm at $2 and upward. THE ESPECIAL, ATTENTION OS Ii('VER9IS DE. SIRED to the style and norkruateddp of the bulk of our stork. Alio, in CLOAK AND PILAW 1. ROOM, a tare stock of Long and equart , Woollen Shawl,, Iu 1,1‘ , 1.1, oketlittta, nod gay Styli,. BROCIIE SHAWLS reduced in price COOPER S. COEARD, S E. corner NINTH and btARKET St,* 11AOTS WORTH KNOWING AND RE- A.* MEMBER LNG•! I THAT for Pigott can buy an excellent Long Brooks Shawl, all wool and silk, at THOHNLEY & TIIAT you can get every quality from that to $2O at TILOHNLEV & CHUM'S THAT you ran buy the beat $t Black silk in Mils. delphi I at vionnEr THAT they keep a very large Mock of (tootle :it IIIOHNLEV & CfltStril. 111.11' they du really yell very Cheap at TIKIRNLEV & (MM'S THAT they buy and Bell for oven, and have but "Ova Pnitm,.' tit & ell ISMIS I.TII AT they will not mlarepreaent bloods In order to effect cats" at THORNLEY & AND, in conclusion, we think every one !Metal knot It to bo to their interest to go to TIIORNLEY & del:-y N. E cor.mluurli and SPItINti fIAIMEN. HOLIDAY GIFTS, OF V: USEFUL AND ACCEPTAHLE CHARACTER CLMWEN S'IOUDAIt'r Ineito persons Who are about luaking iieleetions of noi.tosk rscarTra, to an inspection of their isatetnlive and varied Mock of FANCY AND STAPLE (;DOGS, Which has Leeu purchased at the late sachem sale 4, at greatly reduce," prices MCI' ItKESS SILKS " SILK. 1101113 A (WILLI: at s'ls If I. " TOL tNTE at 1515 " POPLIN " A (WILLI: at $ 5 PARIS PRINTED MOUS DE LA INEA--:31 : :15, 37, awl 41 cents. Melt 6tyle, all wool, PLAID 33, and I 7 coati peryald. aPREIIOII lIVIONOS-56,13234, and 70 canto. PAIIAMATTAS, 1101311 ED CASSIMIIRES, CALI COES, to. 1311 AWLS. Au exterP.ive sleek of Park and Vientro,u Loud +rad Squat e . . . 1311OC1IE SHAWLS. nom The late Cuell Auction Saki. &lie:trier Long broelo Shlu le-49, $lO, BLANBET SII AWLS, American and imported Blanket BLqu6. , new• and de birablu :Mad. t SHAWLS, of choice tlehigna CHENILLE SHAWLS, from:: Z.O upwards. CASHMERE SCAM'S, LNIBBOIDEIIII.3. OLOVE3, Sc, &c. bin, 4JO, 452, ront tel NORTH BECONII STREET, ABOVE WILLOW. SeV2-'2,7 Clin sT mAS PRESENTS. L. J. LEVY & CO. UM: JL - ST OrI:NED SIX CASES CHOICP PARIS EMBROIDERIES, Suitabl fur CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, Vhich they eller CITY WARRANTS TAKEN AT PAR.— Haviugtoacle arraogeruenit to use a large aumuut of CITY WARRANTS, we n ill receive there AT PAR for a Alert time in payment for School Teachers. l'olice, and other Public Officers, and Creditors of the city, null avoid the vexation of going again and again to the Treasurer's Onice, and the probable delay of sot oral month. in the payment of their WARRANTS. by having them PAID AT ONCE IN DRY GOODS. Our ntock comprises a general assortment of new and scusouable geode, and will be cold for City Warrants as low no for Ilaul• Notes or Gold. 9.1.311.71:1, 9. 1111.98, No. 023 31Altri1rf Streot, north Side, de12.1w4 between Ninth and Tenth INDIA SHAWLS.— GEo. FILTER, Oltl CHESTNUT STREET, Usa received a low choice INDIA SHAW I. S , Suitable fur CHRIST .11 AS' PRESENTS. The'atteutton of the Ladle'. Ia particularly Invited lU•2w CLOAKS-- CHEAP AND ELEGANT CLOAKS. The largest and ban2soineststock of VELVET .1 1) CLOTH CLOAKS Sa the City, AT REDUCED PRICSS, dT GEO. FRYER'S. No 916 CHESTNUT STREET. d 9 2w FURNISHING DRY GOODS.- 2-8, 10-4, 12-4 DruKetu. 10.4, 11-4, 12.4, 14.4 all wool! English and ATIIPH eau (Ire , n Baize of all widths. Moro:4,110a Ouilhi, all sizes and new Enawk,ed nand and Table Cot eol RG•6 styles printed Cloth do du Tubb , Linen., and DanovOi Cloth, Dull Window Ilallauds, Iron, 29 to 54 nu hes, Own and Blue do do, AL SHARPIASS BROTHERS, do Chestnut and Eighth streeti. EDITTOTION IN DRESS TRIMMINGS. ILL Fancy Y DLYFT, bOe., formerly $1 25. BALL TRIMMING, Braided Drop 31c, formerly 75. Po Or. Flow Drop 2.50, do so A tol FANCY TRIMMINGS GENERALLY, AT 97141. lIMATI RR 11P1)17CTIONS J. te SIAN:WELL Jr SON, CHESTNUT, below Eleventh, and d4.2w SECOND, below Spruce. B TtitiiiN•• 6" N. A. II 0 Y T h DRO. Lave vow no band a very large avortniont of READY-MAI% (WOW, Suitalke for the present SP:19011, which they feel diApoted to tell oak le. A.9.913113LY IMILDINOS, B. W. Volt \ Kit TOOTH ANI , CIIX3T.NUT STS. N. 11.—Wu have a large acaortmeut of tiocot (superior quality and make, to order from. l - lu I?ANK OP PEN isTS LVA N A.—S PE— CIA!, NOTICE —All the noteo on the Dank of Pennsylvania redeemed at par for DRY GOODS, selling at lava than Auction prices Llashns, Llneng, Cloth,. CII9MMOTOB, Mankato, Shawls, Calicoes, [Aflame,. at a peat sacrifice, in connection with our entire steak, which alit be sold at prices which will euitoiliett all who may favor us with a call Pennsylvania blank Notes taken the $5lOO as specie, (we make nu difference,) at OLIVER It JOIINON'S Penusyliania Bank Note Dry Uoo,to Store, No. IktkRKET Soraet, above Truth, north Aide. N 13 —Orders received for the very bent Schuylkill Coal ; Pennsylvania Bank Notev taken in payment. GREAT SALE OF LADIES' CLOAKS.- A FURTHER REDUCTION TN PRICES bar boon tlotetmlue.l oo by the aubacribers, In con sequence of the continued pressure, 600 AIISSES' EN{ L/Sll MATER CLOAKS, s2formerly $3 51. t. ZOO BEAYER CLOAKS, $1 AO, formerly $5 50, COLLAits, he 2:io SUPERIOR FRENCH SEAVER CI,OAICS, $5 to 80, rust to import $7 to $lO eat b. LONK BLACK BEAVER CIRCULARS, 88, formerly RICII BLACK VELVET CLOAKS, All 20 per cent below tort of production. .W. PROCTOR & CO , Succenhors to (leo Tul Pin & nI3 2mo d 708 CIIESTNUT greet. L ADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW HOODS °RESER DAILY, J. CI. MAXWELL & SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES, 1026 CHESTNUT Street, (our doors below Eleventh And :116 B. SECOND St., below Spruce FACTORIES.—Nos. 93 and 91 GEORGE St., Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Eaton. Orders made at a few hours' notice. 1022 4mll Inottrance Companico OORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COM v PANT, 331 WALNUT STREET, Cbarter perpetual. 50D,000. Subscribed, 1.0200 ,Utlf) . Pool up, 1...1 10,000, TI lo Company to now propsrod to Issno and MARINE POLICIES oo (movable terms. PEVAIDENT-3011N MITT. VICE PRESIDENT—HENRY 0181). DIRECTOES. JOUR :MITT, 11. F. JACKSON, 11ENRY 111110, E. N. BUTLRIC. JAMES W. qUEEN, PLINY DISK, JNO. 11. PAP.KI:It, A. W. THOMPSON, S. I'. ORIPPITTS. U. 11 'MEARS LEANDER W. V. It. STARR, See'y. GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND TitusT COMPANY—Office. 403 WALNUT, Curuer of FOURTH Street. 11RE, MARINE and INLAND INSURANCE at the lowest rates. PlI/LADELPI/Li, November 1857. At a mooting to Stockholders of this Company, held on the Idth lust , the following perehue were elected Directors for the coning year, xts CHARLES C. LATHROP, 1423 Walnut street. W5l. DARLING, MO Pine street. ALEX WHILLUEN, merchant, 18 North Front et. ISAAC HAMA:HURST. Attorney and Counsellut. JOHN C. 11L'NTElt, of Writtla, Hunter & Cu. E. TRACY, of E. Tracy A Co., Goldsmiths , Hall. JOHN R. 31'CURDY, of Jones, White, A 31'Cutdy. THOS. L. IiILLESPIE, of Calle:Tie & JAS. 11. 8111111, of .148.11. Smith & Co. E. HARPER JEFFRIES, of Wm. H. Brown A. CO. JOHN R VOGUES, cor. See, nth and Sermon street 4. CHAS. L. THOMPSON, 413 Chestnut street. " ' M=MtaIaMMEMIEM ALFRED TAYLOR, uflito Cairo City Property. Aud at a mooting of Ma Directora, lirld Oda day, CHARLES C LATIIROP waa unanimously reelected Treddeut, and Viea-Presideut. ll K. ItionanDE,ON, ASsistant-gnretary. GIRANU FIRE AN ANON COMPANY, PU V. 12 WALNUT street, west o "MINN 11.18H.8 Lilllo Win. M. Swain, Auspach, Jr , U. IQ Burroughs, J. B. Hughes, Shernutu, Win. P. Ilackai t J. P. htsiuor, U. A. ettookolfota, Hon. JcIE Hon. tt. W. IVOODWARD .rtio. H. Imes B. ALvolu, Aesis COMMOVOMMONIVEALT/I FIRE INSURANCE N COMPANY, OF TILE STAT), OF PENNSYLVA NIA —Office, N. W. Corner maw and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia Subscribed Capital, raid•up Capital. SW O . O O O . DAVID ATM 'S. D,,Prealdeat. THOMAS 8. STEWART, Vice Proet. Balatiatt 8. Moos, Secretary, ARCRER,& WARNER, tISKEY, _ U 4 NVFACTURVI9 OF Et hF4LVESEA, IIItACERTS, PENDANTS, FUTTIN(IS, and nil !Linda Di Gail and Lamp Work, 0 inandoloa. No :321 CHESTNUT PiTIIEET, DIIIIADEI,I'III k. ARC/ ER, WARNER, A. CO.. No. 376 ISROADW Ali, NEW lORR. IE7 Malicia titled aid, (Ina Pipes , and all kinda of altering and repairing of (hi, Work. .1012.310 CiPPICE OF THE (.; HARDIA NS OF THE 1./ POOR, No. 16 NORTH 811%/1 , 4111 STIOTT —PHIL'. Deerneon MIL 1957 —All per•wls having drama against the Department of Poor are roquoatod to present the sane on or Intern the Twenty-Utth day of December, at this office, C. U. RELATER, d9•wim:t7 eacrettg. EMBROIDER [ES AT l'Enr LOW NOES. 426 ciinsTriuT STRUT DRY GOODS OLIVEIS H. JOHN ON, No. 1000 11nrket Ntreet D 111.A.R11113 INSUR ILADELPIIIA—Office, No. TILIKI3. $ NLY TAKEN." Jer. Welker, Juo. McClure, TLC,. Craven, A. 0. Gillett, lumen Blippard, Jo e 9, AI. L , Jetogi Klapp, M. D. JONES, Prealdeul. 1, Vico Pioniitont. . StoMou.iit, Secretary, 'tent Secretary not-3m-it Salo bD 'Auction AI THOMAS & SONS, 1V a Noe. 139 nod 141 SOUTH 70178T11 13TH SET, (Formerly Noe. 07 and 09.) REAL ESTATE, STOERB,, ke. Public Sales at the Elided*lphia Exchange ovary Evening. ID° liamlbilk of each property Issued separately, in tilditiou to wbid we publish Cu the Saturday previous to etch asle one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving full deirriptlons of all the property to Le sold on the following Tue..lsy. fy• FURNITURE SALIM AT VIE AUOTION STORE every Thursday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. . . . We have a large amount of Real CAM. et Pa. rate Safe, fucluthnir every dese.riptiou of City cud country property. Printed Lints may be haa at the auction Store. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER [Cr Real Evtate entered on our Private Sale Re. givter, and advertked oecealonally iu our Yublic Sale AL , tractv, (of which I,OtiO cop'es are printe.lweeklf,) free of charge. STOCKS AND DEAL ESTATE—TUESDAY NEXT. Pamphlet Catalogue now ready contamiog full de acriptione of all the property to he void on Tur v day neat, 15th fort ,with a lief of sales 2-11 and 29th inat., and January sth STOCKS. On Tuesday Erenin, 15th I mtacht, at 7 o'clock, at the DltiLvielptila Ex change, precious to the 111 . 0 e of real estate. HAVRE DE GRACE TOW-BOAT COMPANY —Also 2 latexes Philadelphia de Havre de Grace Stetin Tem Boat Company. I share in the Philadelphia Library, I share in the Philadelphia Ather..ruin, share In the Mercantile Library. 2 bonds, $l,OOO each, Allegheny - couoty nia Railroad), coupos payable November arM May pre WI) &wel ticket Arch Street Thmtre . . Also, by order of executor— Phoenix. Mutual Insurance Company Eos.i/P,Ol. Phila delphia, No 900---Ole The Alllerictu Mutual locurance Cutupln) .skrip, of f'hiladviptkia, Delaware, Mutual Insurance Company ice's), of Phila delphia, Nu 74,17,—5116. Mutunl Itnurauce Cowpany scrip, or PLila &loins, No. 7434.1—520. • -• CoJou Slulual Insurnoce Compauy ,rip. of Philtuiel pktia, No 32—V37.W. Union Mutual Insurance Company scrip, of I' biladel Otia,, No. 19'2--iI•Z.7 50 _ . due coupon booth, $l,OOO each, Union Canal Company, 18,4 STOCKS. On Turnlay Cronin:, 224 ivat , at 7 o'clock at the Philadelphia Exchaogo, fur account of whom it may concern, 110 aharea B,buylkill Navigation Railroad and Cual Company. By order of Executors aLarea llantiugdon ant Broad Top Coal Company. REAL EsrATE hALE—DECEMBER. 75th. This sato will in,lude— Orphan.' Court k.:lle—Lstate . of Beruarniu Burosll, FOWL 71IREE-STORY BRICK' DWELLINGS-- Pratt tiLrect., eA..2 of Vairmouit Btrte t. VALUABLE. PAWL 77 ACrell and &) porches, 3 miles from and 3.tuiles from Paoli, Chaster couuty, Pa NEAT EWELLINO, Wit aRTON STREET —Al;), a neat modern three•atory Lela dwelling with brick 'arable, north aide of \notion street. No. 513, between Fifth and Sixth etreeta. MIME-STONY DUCK DSVELLISG.—Three-story brick duelling, No P 3.1 North Twelfth street, between Poplar street tool ira.r.l avenue. . " YELLOW bPRINGS,' CHESTER COUNTY, P A.— The aluable property Luown natthe "Yellow Spo.nt," Chester county, extensive hotel building, dwell:no, bpriuga baths, stabling, A.e., and 37 sores of load. VALUABLE' MARKET STREET PROPERTY Also, the valuable llotel.property, with store, stabling, he , No 1016 Market street, west of Tenth street, known as the "WHITE lionst ROTEL," 27 feet front.lso feet deep, to Marble street—a Bret-rate loca tiorqur Depot. EXI to VALUABLE REAL ESTATE—DECEMBER:I2. This sale will include LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT—Tenth street, be tween Chestnut and Market streets, corner of Marble streot-90 feet front on Tenth street,l32 feet on Marble street, with flame tenements thereon renfing for $2,400 a year Clear of all incumbrance 'VALUABLE CHESTNUT STREET PROPERTY— North side, west of Tenth street, 23 feet front, 178 feet deep. Clear of all lucumbrance. Rents for $1,400 a year. 11J Roth the above are valuable business locations. THREE-STORE BRICK DWELLINU —A Tb ree-story brick dwelling, south side of Branch street, No. 306, between Third and Fourth, and Race and New streets. TIIREE.STORY BRICE DWELLING.—Three-story brick dwelling, No 1322 Lewis street, north of Thump.. eon, between 'Tenth and Eleventh stdeets. VALUABLE RESIDENCE AND STABLE —Three story brick dwelling, without double back buildings, No. 252 South Ninth street, between Locust and Spruce streets; also, a substantled new three-story brick eta ble and coach-house In the rear, on Raspberry alley. lot 20 by 188 feet, Sale absolute. REAL ESTATE SALE-DECEMBER 29th This sale will include, among, other property, the flat Owing— Orphans' Court Salo.—Estate of William Harker, TIIIIEE•STORY MUCK DIVELLING.—Thee-story I,ne4 dwelling, north aide Poplar street, welt aide of Twelfth street. Same Estate. LOT.—Lot of ground Lorth sole Girard avenue, vent of Twelfth street. KRICK 11CILDING AND of ground east side of Kessler htreet, south or Distuond street, sine. teenth ward. =EMI - - TIIREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING —Three-story brick duelling went side of 1111bira street, south of Stiles street, Twentieth weed. REAL ESTATE SALE—JANUARY 15th. Thli rale will iuclude— AN ENTIRE SQUARE OF GROUND, TWENTY TRIM/ WARD, OPPOSITE VIE EPISCOPAL 1103- PITAL.—The valuable square of ground, baring a front of 39.5 fret on Front strePt, 54 feet on Lehigh manor., liSa feet on Fillmore street, and bin feet ou r 4 outerm.t street. Four valuable trout, S 1 / 4 1,E LAW BOOKS. This Evening, Dreenlber 14th, at the auction store, Noe. 139 and 141 South Fourth street, will be roll a stock of taw books, oompristug, Ynrirous reports, digests, elementary works, &e., HJ - Particulars in eatalo i toes s which will be ready on Monday morning and the books arranged for exami nation PEREMPTORY SALE OF STATUARY, MARBLE AND STONE GROUPS, FOUNTAINS, MANTEL• PIECES, TABLES, . On Tuesday Morning,, 15th instant., at 11 o'clock. in the second story of the auction store, .111 be sold by catalogue, without reserve, an Invoice of statuary, he . recently imported from Lombardy per barque Penneylvan, by Signor Pompeo Argentl. The collection comprises many very beautiful specimens suitable for the drag ing•coom, also, hoe ganlen statuary and fountain s. 117' Mop be examined any VIM. ',Minn . ; to rale SALE OF VALUABLE MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS FROM A LIBRARY. On Tuesday Evening, December 15th, at the auction More, a collection of books on various subjects—from n library, try- For particulars see catalogues. VALUABLE BOOM ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. On 'Wednesday Erentoz, 16th instant, at the suction More, an assortment of loco hooks, 011 Various subjects , toget her with a num ber of nikcellaneons works from a library. Particulars in catalogues. Peremptory Bale. 50 PINE OIL PAINTINGS AND WATER COLOR DRAWINGS-STOCK OF A S ROBINSON. Ou Thursday Morning, 17th lust,at 10 o'clock, at the 'tors of A. S. Robin -8011, No. 91dChestout street, Will be sold, by catalogue. without r,erve. about '2su choice and valuable oil lialutulgs and water color drawings by enunent artists, including Moran, (I lusher, Weber, Rothermel, Brochart, Itichanhori, Van Shirlenberg,, lanes, Birch, lianney, Lewin, Lawrence, Leutne, tichueaselle, Brughel, But, telle, C Lambd,u, J It Lao:it/din, Ac., Full particulars in catalogues, three days pre vious to the sale Safe Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FINE MIRRORS, ROSE WOOD PIANO-FORT};, lIRUSSELS CARPLT3, ske. On Thurnday Morning, At 10 o'clock, at the auction store, an extensive naiortment of second-hand furniture, piano-forte, car pets, &c., from familie, declining housekeeping ELEGANT GRAND-ACTION PIANO-FORTE.-- Al,n, an elegant rosewood grand piano-forte, 7 iv:tares, made by Reichenbach, cost PBOO. The instrument is neatly new, In lIIIIIIIgOIIV I TO3OWOOd ca , s, and I, equal to any for volume and quality of tone. 117 - 3fay be examined the day previous to sale ELEGANT BOONS—SUITABLE FOR PRESENT. 4. (In Thursday and Friday Evening•, December 13th and 10th, at the auction atone, a large assortment of valuable not olrgaut books, illngtroted and pictorial work,, family Bibles, annual, for 18>8, albums, Re„ &c., in rich and costly binaingt, suitable for presents. ITJ' The Looks will Do arranged with catalogues on Thursday mama , Salo at No. 912 Chestnut street SUPERIOR AND ELEG.INT CABINET FURNITURE. Stock of Charlea 11. White. - • On Wednesday Manuring. 231 iu‘taut. at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at the ware rooms, No 012 Chestnut street, the entire stock of su• pertOr cabinet furniture of Mr. Chas 10 White, declin ingbustriessromprisingagencral assortumnt ofrosewood and walnut drawing-room furniture, in various style Cov erings, rcsewood, walnut, and mahogany boudoir furni ture, superior dining room and library furniture, ele gant and plain rosewood, walnut, and mahogany cham ber furniture, Ire , all manufactured of the best mate rials and workmanship expressly for private sales. Ij' - The well-known reputation of Mr. Charles 11. White an a cabinet-maker, and the experience of up wards of thirty-five years' business in the city, is asulli dent guarantee to purchaser, that his stock is of the 0,4 quality, and we therefore recommend this sale to pencil's about furnishing, an being well worthy of atten tion. AT PRIVATE SALE Sham in the Academy of 3lnsic ; Point Breeze Park; Philadelphia and Mercantile Libraries; Athenautn, o " PARLEY" AT PRIVATE SALE. The elegant country Beat and farm, known as " Far- Icy," lab the renidence of Richard deceahed, formerly of tle. Shipper, is offered at private bale. Full ileveriptites nifty ho had tho auction rooms Toparlncroliip DISSOLUTION.—The PARTNERSHIP 39 heretofore existing as DA.KER k WILLIAM is THIS DAY dissolved by 'lnitial consent. The business will be continued at the old stud, 113.2 MARKET 1.4.. by CHARLES WILLIAMS, who is authorized to collect and pay all debts of the late thin PETER W RAKER, Doe. 1,1E37. CHARLES WILLIAMS. The underalgned would inform the public, that having bought out Mr. P. W. Baker. Lie late partner, he will continue the MEAT 1N4,1 and VENTILATING billuess at the old taut. 113 t! MARKET Street, where still be round a full assortment of RAnges, Heaters, Ventilators, Registers, Bath Boilers, Ac , and hopes, by F ri c t at teutiou to business, to merit a share of the patronage ut the public, CHARLES WILLIAMS. IVOTICE.—The COPARTNERSHIP hith erto exi4tiug ',alder the firm or JAMES ELLIOTT Sc CO , ani dl•olvrd Vet hastint, by the aitttraw.tl of JOHN 31 . A It EL E. 'rho blicinei* of the late firm will be settlel by the imilersigoed at the same location JAMES ELLIOTT, 0. E corner of Twentieth and Market etc. November Itith. 1a37. uo3o-ntwfrlin* for Cats nn To Ed. FOR SALE—The stock, business, and fixtures of one of the oldest and beet Iti/lOLE. SALE and 111;TAI I, mil con RTANDS on Market street, This stand has the facilities of carrying on the BOOTIES - 11.: and D1,T11.11N,1 WI large or Mall 3rale. Aildrepi, with real name, Li. S. N., this office. dolt: In n ESIRABLE OFFICES at 630 WALNUT St , oppo.ite the StAta Home; one of the beat bußinefe locations in Philatelchot, wlth heat, light, and all modern conventooree Apply on the pre[n.sea, Boom No. 8, to G. IV J. BALL, Agent no2ll ANNOUNCEMENT. The n e beaviber beg, leave to announce to hie frieltde and the public that he will open bit SALOON rev their recept ion on MONDAY, 14th meat ilia stock large and rich ranety) wUI con4Ort of PRESERVED Ano CRYSTALLIZED FRUITS, APRI COTS, CIINRRIES, PINEAPPLES, PEAR.S, MMES. °MIES, IIITICaIE.3 BONBONS—A largo and fresh eQsintmont FANCY TOYS—Mechanical Toys, lover, wood, and su4ar—an end/oss variety. FANCY BOXES—Neu-oat styles, fancy and plain, and varied assortment, of every possible description SACS CAMAS, CORNETS, RAS/CP:FS. \ PASTILLAtIES, ho , he , all of rerout importation, and which for extent oral variety 0,1 l it iy competition For sale by S. lIENRION, Confectioner, MARKET Curet. above Seventh PARRIERS' ADDRESSES prepared by an vaperieueed welder, at NO. 110 5. FdASENTia Ftreet, above Federal. des Salo tilt auction. 111 SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, (sweet. eor to WOLEMST it SCOTT.) to OLUISTICOT opposlte tie Cstrtom noose, betsio&r: roast!' sod Streets MR Stilt NOTICE —The luta to he sold this roo•niag, tam. meneing at lO,' o'clock. may, be examined, with mix. /l-laxles, prior to sale. Ineluded wilt be found setsral setts of the wofd desirable furs offorod at anetion this Fea,orl At a whole, they , are .up , ,rior to sag Iter.to fore offered, hirlug been ma le up m the best ttutnaer fir private -aloe Also, will be included, in invole? of slsish sud ear. I laze robes, of wolf, genet. fox, bear, buffalo, &a EXTENSIVE 811. E OF FINE ETV. T.his 31orniad. 14th instant. eonnuebeing O . C/Otk, weds , ' we will Sill without reserve, for svh, s large ant valuable ssaortJnent of no fors, ler bites`, gents', and misses' wesr; also :h.). sleigh and earrist,' roDee Inelu,k4 will be lons' cloaks, balwas, tielerines, wolfs, ends, capes, eaves. made in the latest style, of sable, &Wile essrtan.S.,l„ , eri_in Nair rel, filch, ermine, silver martin, ehiacb,tti , 1111Alel down. &e, (1." The whole will be d tpl lye., for examination, with cstalcgues, early on the marcisg at tole, when the 11 4 / 2 4 and gentlemen of this city and vicinity ore re spectfully 'united to stter-d. SALE OW EMBROIDERIES, &c. On Fedi:leslay Morning, Commenting at 10 *'clock pre-cu.-Iy, wo * at f,, eatah . 4:lt, for cask, a large and getrrol atoortz_ent of French and ?catch embroiderer. nttcw, trommtage, artiticala and 'Ainintry goacts receralir SUPERIOR WOOLLEN HOSIERY 1;00D3 —1:50. general assortment of Imperiar teal 101 l goods, much as lanalts wool tool merino shirts fp.t strtytn, al hoods ; wool coats. hoe* and bald Lose, wcol scor'a sal erar•ta, a c CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS —AL., a I:xist Ls.l:sa , cloth cloaks, tslosas, darters, &c MEN'S READY•MaDE CLOTHING —11.§0,100 Cars manta, consisting of men's ready-tads coats, taLcas, ragl.oss, casslcaere Nuts.. silk and ,0,1 reatt...te_ C 1.144.5, AND OTHER FANCY GOODS liso. calls, Isccy glass boles ti o si.rriers, table do, looking k;lasses pichurrA, ' Uors' tool Chests, at% Irr ' The :hole embracing a large arsi Till:Atli 13- lortthent of staple and fancy articles, soltrl to present sales, vol Le accatizel for exam.r..stion, with cata logues, early on the looming of sale. JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, NO. 421 WALNUT STREET, tboTe FOURTH. CARD—SALE OF lIOVAIIIIOLD FIURNITURE—TUR2- DAY. 117. We beg leave to ird'ortn the puhlit thaw° holy out regular weekly !Ales of Furniture every Tuesday, at our SPACIOUS SALES 110031, NO. 4 yzAlNcy STREET, where every possible attention is ginil to ok tAin the highest prices:far the g0r..4 of those who =sr favor us with eonsignmesits. Families hsviag port:ems of their furniture to dispose of, or those declining ho:;:- keeping and cot wishing sales at their own eon have their furniture CAILEFULLT REMOVED TO OUR SALES ROOM. WILERE THEY WILL REALIZE BETTED. PRICES FOR THEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY CAN OBTAIN EF.OII ANY OF THE FURN/- TOSE DEALERS OR ANY OTHER AUCTION STORE IN THE CITY. 117 Persona fivoring us with consignments Can teat assured that their property writ' not be sacrifivrd. Ir 7" 0,11TML3.11G121 more moderate then thou charged by aoy other Auction Rouse in the city. Coo:lino:tents respectfully sohnited. 7 Sales paid imenechately after the goods are sold. REAL E.3TATE SALE—DECEMBER 23d. This sate at the Exchange, on Weineoley erenhoi, Deccrat.er ::..;.1,1657, at f o'clock, will include— Orphans' Court Sole —l , ..ttte of lanph Calhoun, Vesfl, FRAME HOUSE AND LOT. ANN STREET, NINE. TEENTI.I WARD—A fr.emee house. real lot of ground, southeast side of Ann street. 63 feet santheast from bash street, Nineteeoth ward, 23 feet front, 103 feet deep. 425 groond rent. Orphans' Court Sale.—Estate of ti. Y. Roemer, Deed. PROPERTY QUEEN STREET, EENSINGTON.—A certain house and lut, north side of Queen street, eh/ feet front. and 120 feet deep. to a 134 feet alley leading from Shackmanuon street. Clear of encumbrances. Orphans' Court Sale —Stine Estate. FRAME. HOUSE AND LOT. POPLAR STREET.— Attune house, and lot of ground, north side of Poplar street. between front and wand, '..1) feet front, and 114 feet deep. $l2 ground rent. Positire STORE AND DWELLING, COATES ST., ABOVE SEVENTEEN TIL—A three-story brick store and dwel ling.sooth side of Coates street, RS feet 9 inches east of Eighteenth street, 17 feet I inch front, and 61 ft. Th inches deep, along Florence street. The house has bulk windows, poi and hydrant. /54 round rent. Rents for $ l lOO per annum. lj7 - Terc . as—eis.h. Sale positive. Err; ihd In be paid on each of the above when the lune is struck off. Sale at No. 140 South Eleventh !treat. above Walnut. GENTEEL lIOUSEIIOLD FURNITURE, IMPERIAL CARPET, PAINTINGS, SUPERIOR REDS. ?r Vas Moneta At 10 o'clock. will to soli at No 140 South Els. street, the genteel boutehohl furniture, carpets, paint. toga, dinaer and tea ware, superior feather best:, mat. trames,&e. )fay be exanthael early on the clay of sale AT pitrvArs SALM. . . _ A tint-elms Printing Office, with a good 11111 of buil. nevi, roar printing presses, tiro itu•glee azid on. Adams Type and everything neceogary fur the boaineas. Appiy at the Auction Store. Qdlartit, AUCTIONEER. 1,7 and MONEY LOAN 0771C5, K. 113 fIout ), THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Year it., ooly eight doors below the Niehaus. Hours of business from 7 o'clock, A. hi., mail 1* o'clock in the craning. Outdoor sales, and sales at the Auction House, st. tended upon the nut satisfactory tents. CAPITAL INO,OOO. Ss lab/Wolfer Me kW flirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thottaands on Dla monde, Silver Plate, Watehea, Jewelry, Mardian, Mar chandixe, Clothing, Pura'tare, Be&ling, Cigars, Miudeal Instruments, Gone, ROTSIO, Carriage, ' and Moods of every description ffSiiM===l ALL sdrancet, from ens hundred dollen and "pearls will be 'Merged 2 per cent. per .cnth ; T.:44 tad over, the lowed market rate. Thle Store Ilettee homing a depth of 1W feat, has leri..• Ere and thief-proof vault& to gore all relnablee, end pri Otte witchnian for the pre=iets ; also, • he•ey Iran ranee effected for the benefit of all persons Linn; rte.!. a %dreamt upon. N. B —On seeour.t of having to ur.lnziitsi capital, this otta is prepared to cake s4ssnitos on tours :AIL. (Seto:7 ani acconainodsting terloa than any other In this city, Mon ay adrannot to the. poor, In mall autoanta, with out any charge. . On Tuesday Morning, December 15, at 10 o'clock. Sales-room in the secnki story. LARGE SALE OF OVER ONE THOUSAND LOTS OP . _ Consisting of Urea-class gold ant silver patent lever and other watches, diamonds, gold claim:, fashion:lds jewelry of every description, superior duelling metals. valuable books, fancy work boxes, superior rosawoc I piano. musical instruments. &e WATCltES.—Embracing over one hnndred drat-class, beery gold sank vg-csses sad open face patent lever watches, made be Stollen., Cooper, Tobias, Johnson. Robinson, RoO• , and other celebrated maters, and warranted genuine Also, one very superior eight-day gold hunting levet watch. full Jewelled. 15 karat, hese, eases, root PIO Also, 18 karat gold and silver anchor lever watches, full jewelled. Also, 15 karat gold sod silver lepine watches, fine English silver patent laver watches, by the most celebrated makers. Also, gal sod silos r English, French, and ;Swiss watches bIAIION DS —Splendid brilliant dismor.d brooch Sul ear rioci. Milts cross pattern, east at Halley k co '1 $522; superior diamond cluster finger rings; also, dia mond and ruby Eager rin?a, and diamond skirt Studs. GOLD CHAINS AND FASHIONABLE JEWELRY OP EVERY DESCRIPTION —Fine gold gnarl, neck, sea watch,. and fob chairs; floe gold breastpins, fine god ear 1 . 111;:',4, floe gold Boger Yung*, gall bracelets, gall ministura rases, gold rant.tlhous, gold lockets mai charms, gold spectacles and eye glattri, gall seats ant keys, gold clods and buttons, silver card cases aa t combs, and jewelry of every dv3crir lion SPLENDID DUELLING PISTOLS AND COLT'S REVOLVIND PISTOLS —One pair sops-nor English laminated steal carrel iluellant pistols, with full set of implements lx ease, complete, to perfect order. cost $2OO. Also. as • pair English Damascus twist barrel duelling pistol with full set of implements in we. complete, in pe feet order. cost $l5O Also, three su peeler. heavy slivertnourit-d Colt's revolving pistols. SUPERIOR ROSEWOOD PIANO, VIOLINS, AND PLUTINA.—Ope superior rosewood piano, octave. very fins tone, axle Ly .. , ..:bornacher & Co , phis, cost sad Al•o, one sery superior tone Italian violin, root $9O Also, one extra tone old violin, cost One (Met ne Pintins, coot VA). floe Lane p re ,t, rosewood ladies work lox, rot One gentleman's dressing ease, c. mplete, cost gsk) Also, a collection of valuable books.- WALNUT SOFA, AND CUPPING IMPLEMENTS One superior new walnut sofa, spring seat, tufted. cost 540. Also, one full set of cuppiLz iniviments, is cue, complet,4, coil' $25. FIELD-GLASS.—One , nperior fiehl-g15..,, in perfect order, cost AP France $lOO, and many articles nct gnu mem/el. jr,r — The goclA rill be open for exAminatien on Mon day afternoon, December ]4th. and early on the morn ing of tate. The piano, musical instruments and pi+ tots, rill Le sold poaitively at 11 o'clock. EMEM=tI Gold Patent Leret sad other Watches, Jewelry, sad Clotting will he sold at reduced prices. sal-1y ItiOSES NATHAN S, AUCTIONEER IT AND COMMISSION MUCIIANT, S. D. tamer SIXTH sad RIGS Streets. AT PRIVATE SALE—GoId and sitter patent lever, Levine, English. Swiss, and french watches, jewelry, of every description, musical instruments, de., de. Al' PRIVATE SALE—Arranged on second. door, household furniture, of every description, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking glasses, fancy articlesi - de., Se., St. Out-door safes attended to personally by the Auction ear. Charges very tow. Consignments of furniture clothing, jewelry, At , Se , solicited. N.kTIIAbISPRINCIPA.L LOAN ornes, S. E. Corner of Sixth and Race Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and eilver plate Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries, Segues, Ilerdware, Cutlery, Puraiture, Bet ding, Rows, Vehicles, Retracts, Stocks. end on all ar ticles of value for any length of time agreed on, °meant.e satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estab lishment. if. NATRANS, ROTICE.—AIi goods forfeited at the Office, S. E. not ner of sixth and Race streets, will be sold on Thursday morning, 17th instant, at 10 o'clock. Depositors can call previous thereto and reuew their tickets. LARGE SALE OF FORFEITED GOODS, at the S. Z. corner of Sixth and Race streets, Thursday Morning. 11th instant, at 10 o'clock, in the sales-room, secOnl story--entratice from Race street. Consisting in part of one case, 11.3 pairs children's shoes, one very fine sur veyor's instrument, male by Knox k Stain. too very En, microscope+, superior Oszuerreotrpe carners—eornplete, superior orercoatr, frock and dcc•s costs, pantaloons, rests, handkerchief+, under clothing, boot., shoes, tuAbrellse, silk d.r.sses, merino, 1.110 , 15 dotage, oashrnere, aliases, and chintz dreams, and dress patterns, cloth +eh et and silk martillss, bazque,,, circulars, cloaks and cape.!, crape, mit, troche, merino, &tells, hay State, and plaid "Noollen shawls, ladies' undersclethiog. parasols, gaiters, shoes, bonnets. Leath. er beds, cointortahles, quells, best-spreads, table-cloths, sheets, pillow-cases, violins, flu ins., accord eons, Mrs, double and single-barreled fowling pieces. patent rifles, revolving and other pistols, patent umbrellas and. caner, steel states, and a thou-and other articles ff 3" Particulars hereafter 0611:SOT SALE OF FORFEITED ITATCIIES, JEW .ELIIT, SILCF.P. PLATE. .4e ~le At the S. E. corner of Sixth awl Race strezta, Oa Tue,lay 31ortalo,:, '22,1 lugtant, at 10 o'clock irr Particular+ hereatt, GREAT BARD AINS FOR CITRISTIIAS PRESENTS, AT THAI ATE SALE, AT RE3IARKAIBLE Lew PRICES case, double ea=e, ant double bottom, fall jewelelaud plain Engb+l.l patent lean' te - atthea. Sdrer Flntluat patent lever tratcloe..t. litiptillg 0..0 and open face cold escapement ■nt ever watches iicatmg C15,.' and open face gold lepine watches. Tory tine enameled ladles' gold watches Silver lever and lepine w.tehee, English, awl French watcher, gold chains , Jewelry: musical ;nitro meet,. and Plilrneron.4 fancy anklet. WEBB'S great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Onus, Pistols, Musical Instruments , do , tale place shortly. Due notice will be given WEBB'S great sale of Dry Goals, Clothing, Bedding, e , being forfeited colt 'locale, will tale place shortly, Due notice will be given. AT PRIVATE SALE, AT HALF THE rszei, SELLING PRICES—DoubIe-bottomed and hunting case gold patent lever watches, of the most ap proved teddies: hunting case and ores ace gold escape ment lever and lepiue watches, full jeweled; Sew gall enameled lever and lepine watches for Ladies% gal jewelry of every de,nption; silver lever and lepine watcher, io Imattug cases and open face; silver Englott, &cies, and French watches; a general assortment of fur niture, beds, mattresses, mirrors. &.c. OUT-DOOR SALES SOLICITED, andel:m.7es to scat the timer, low. Conalguruente of every description of goods solicited for public or private sale. MONEY ADVANCED on all and every kind of goods, for public or private sale, or to be held (Cr • lunitwi time, Charges low. (IE,ORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER VII N. R. corner or BARRON SE4 SOUTH Street above Second. RWRIIING BikLY-4. SALES EVERY SATURDAY SYRNINO, At 71Lo'cloa, at the Auction Store, of Hardware,pct len', Housekeeping Articles, Clothing, Watches, lipitti 1 71WILtley Articles t kei
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers