;PC wn. *l'"lRePartsd. Abe ,• `• - 'HOW TO ilipirtiY This, was in subitince th e subject of • a dis cern* recently, Prole-lied by Rev.-Dummy A. -;- Tvuo, In Concert before the congrega , • , , tionof.svhich'he is rector---the Church of the • .'Covenant: - • • , , „„ • , The pertien of Scripture' selected • for the • coca:slots to contained.in the eighth chapter of Nehemiah, and tenth verse s• ' . "Then he said unto them,' go- your m, ay, eat -the fat, astd drink the siseet,,andeenfl, portions • :' , lnite•them for whom nothing is prepared: for • thfr-day 'holy unto our lord : neither be ye sorry; for the joy of The Lord is your Strength." , :Independent of oils defy to render thenkanm. to the Lord for alibis benefits, at all times, it was - nevertheless in the speaker's opinion a favota ... rehle, indication , of 'the progress of Cluistlani • that,ollr State authorities had 'of' late:years been-met% and mere awakened to thOproPriety and importance of setting 'apart • -2specifie thus_:for the public", recegnition our. obligations •th Ake sour ce : of all our bletimingg; • - • bia,.lle;thtialllt i . Was well,,,inaemiieh as ex - - perlence taught. us thateviin our-private devo floes, Unless they,Wgfi conducted =with a due • 'degree 'of periodicity;` were liable' to neglect.- . -.The: truth of- this .principle ' was ; strikingly - evinced in the divine ordinance of the Chris. l -Ilan Sabbath.' - The occasion which had eliefted these words - of Nehemiah, contained in the text, had been the celebration of. the Feast of the Tsberna ' Cles,Mie of _the annual re:iota of the Jim, in : • stituted as a more special season for express- , • " • lag their gratitude to God for all his mercies,. and_it was the apeaker's purpose' n the pre , sent occasion to notice, first, the circumstances attending the Jewish nation at the time of this declaration by Nehemiah, their Governor. f I. The particular occasion therein _referred to was directly upon the heels of the Babylonian captivity,- at which time the Jews had been in reality a dowlittiaddenneople.Their country, deierted, had become 'barren, ' her • chief city desolate—So much so that the rulers of Samaria had sent their bands- to • keep wild - beasts from. overrunning Jim land. • All this bad been to them great cause for humiliation; and-he would ask, was not the condition of the. Jaws _upon that occasion in one sense similar ' to our own at the present time - • • God- had also visited us with troubles and• ' nfiliclions, In 'the financial difficulties, and their ',tad -consequences- , u pon. the poor that, . now surround SW. A second feature Of this subject that merited, our attention, Was that the tronlifeewhieh their -• afflicted Israel had beenbrought upon themb,Y. • their own iniquity; nor W 36 this feet any, less applicable to our, own case at the present time. In the speaker's opinion we were now, being submitted to God's - just retribution for national offences-' ' OM/ f.MI to be - observed concerning the con-. Allen of - Israel - at the time _referred to in the; teat,'wes, that the Jews during their captivi-, teiapsed into an entire forgetfulness of the Divine Law ; ,so much• so, indeed, that it had becoineal; unintelligible to them as the ' language of Chaucer would nor/ be to our common people,. At the festival alluded to in this passage of Scripture, Ezra, the scribe, began to read'lrom the law in the ,IlebreiV, tongue, and *hick was only-by Interpretation presentedzto the understanding-of his heaters, and thus had the divine light beets once - again , - allowed to,flash into their stiula. So powerful had been the effect of these words of.truth - -tipon• ,doWn-stricken Israel, ;that the statement "waSthat " all the people wept" at the' words of the Law,-when they heard-how greatly they had wandered- away from- its requirements. Finding that they had neen . ,selected as the chosen people of God; they were made to feel • that -they-had been sacrificing their greatest privilege' upen - the altar of their oirnlinful , • • The speaker here Introduced a - -fine illustra tion of the power of the, Gospel upon the heart. AiGoll hid constructed both the Jut ' man' heart and the 'divine tan, it was not to be wondered at;- - that by mutual adaptation, the oneshoti l d.• be `capable of - ,exerting the mighty influence °hills.): other that was frequently manifested in the Magic power of God'a word • ---- upon'the . :heart and conscience of sinners. Not only had individuals been suddenly, at • rested-in' their career of sin by this heavenly ageneY, -but- oven 'communities and nations _ 'Sonfetimes had been ; madei,,the subject, of alMotit inallintaneons arrest, as for example the case of ancient - Nineveh. ; •• • When the truth God's declared word bird •• , Mind:its way. into the heart of those self-condemned Jews+, they had forgot, for • the - iliac being; to mourn over their estate, but 'rather wrie way to a feeling of penitence • for the privileges they had, by their disobedience, flillettteeteure. In this, the'speaker thought —" lie saw another important lesson for ear own people . tobeed. - The words of 'the law were. • nigh unto us ail; so nigh that they were upon - •'the lips,if not in the heartiiif every one; yet, all;.'we had Wandered, and suffered • ourselves to:-place national privileges above --- '•-mistional righteousness. -Indoell, it as net as , :pinning:too much to say, that Glitiat andenti. Christ Mel-never before, in our history, been brought in as close a contrast as at'the preient lime.; TLe probable cause of thist'Wee, that by, • •`:• 1:11:1r/400-.414300, - the greater the, efforts; -•- Made in-anyone direction, the more vetted:lent • ;latest - May, the-array Otoppriltion; - ' • For his' - parrne thatiked, GO' that there Vas begin _ some degree. of humiliation felt in • --oitr -tand byretuitin of existing bins. • -. 'Betio - return to the Jews, it was remelted - that;love taw-limy had - been -brought by their . Ipienitieeithey had 'still much left to theta to'. •'"' thinittul 'they had thenhefoke them • toPpY.:prespeet of ogilik seeing their:de;• • • -atroyett temple rise from itaruins, and of again returning to that worship of which they has°. I.3iftlieen ditprived Theyliad acknowledged .; theitidaftshooli and thanked God for•not hav ing dealt with them, according to their iniquV.` ' :=So Wilk wins a nations When we Come to • • look-back upon the causes thathave combined to bring about our present difficulties,' we -shmilitalitioat eel:winch' that man had brought • ,alt thesethings upon ne were ,it not that we ,:knon,there ta-an overruling Frovidenie.• • • • • 'ref-, With the leraelitee of old, we to o have muck - to be thankful for. ' , ln many' respects," the liennties of. - Proilsience in the present ne-asonhad -biseti-imparalleled" in our past ex-- perlence... With 'an• unusual exemption trojn - disease,, and an- - almost universal absenee_Of „gild With th e sonfid-Of desolating Imre onlYknotett narad, what. had,-we net -to-merit-our heartfelegratifildeV— ' • '- prevision for us, - We ,tulAkliaYtteit; notwithstanding the dark fore-. bodings of spring, He Inid covered our valleys in abundance alniest unheard = •, -• • • •- , Never,kefOrti ; inid there been . such- 4 seem.- Ingly botmtlful provision in our country 'for the comfort of man' as in the present seasen, -" find yet In the 'midst' of it all, the cry comes up from' alt onr_borileM, that thousands are thrown rule h . ofeniployment. This was purely, the result`' of that pride and vaulting vanity, that , overlepnik itself in its attempts to set at, :defiance the decrees of God: , • - ' ' • As language of the -text, the 'Jews had been called upon by Nehemiah to rejoice, "Neither be ye.sotry, for the joy of the)Lord, is your strength. • - • I So were-we, amid:all our seeming difficulties • and- fearful forebodings of the future, ap • preached by, a voice from heaven whispering to this turbulent commotion " peace, be still." 'lf we had abused the bounties of God by Our - offences as a people, the offence hadbeencent'. witted against a Father wild was ever ready -to forgive the penitent, and.who was over cheer ing us; as ho - had cheered the Jews through hientophot of old,. with • the • words, " go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet ; and if we wouldifeit beer In Mind the words of caul, that:" . .Wbether` we oat or 'think, we:should do • • all the glory of God," he wpqld - say to his hearerklet us gd and enjiay whit GO has given us; but let-este Careful notto mates our bodies the merenitars of a sinful sacrifice, and thus destroy this wondorthi r orgattizatien which God has given usikthehtunan body. ; The reirMiltalwhielefolleived in reference to this immeniate topic embodied, so cogently the great physiological laws which are so uni versally violated by 'air people; that we are 'only prevented by want of space from giving theta entire._Dia:comments on the command -4 /tO,:drinie the:sweet," were; in thenisOlvoi a • ;_inaster/Y &aim= upon:the drinking customs of society. To that-young mats who'was' then '111444 to the - commands _of the Gospel in - the eanctuary, he would appeal not, to enter • the-saloon and sacrifice his health- loy'glutton "- butt indulgence, or looking _upon that which, frbite serpentia Wing like . Adder." ,; • • ' -,• • '• " • God's bounty was indeei abundant, but it _was else true that man's ingenuity to pervert ' its ruses was no less plentiful.: - • • , :'Bnt there wiestill another and a most im ' portant provision to _be borne in mind, and that was, - for us r to -(' send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared," so that the7words mightbe fulfilled,- that- " thqy' that " had much hid nothing over, and they that had ' not had no lack." We need not go far to find those for whom there was nothiug- provided. Many in our midetywho had boretefore never - - - kitoyrtiwant, had now. learned by bitter expert - ; •", ",e.aoewlikt it wattle be dependent upon the • - . 'Charity df Others for their daily bread; widowe" ' With their• little onesovith no means of pr0,'16604,th-ern , '16604 , th - ern from the-wintri-blaMaj mothers ' , • with. their. children - cowering arophdbint who • in, TAttier.ithing ( hne*affortied them•itipport by . . • .1 the work of his-liarifiee; -All - this was 4 sad, gfift.Piqt4F, , e ;and lie would - say, tp this •:-. - great -ditty4imperative upon the..Clfrhtlanst all tlmes,:but pre-eminently so hi lise'isiisori ice now apPrOPPIPIoik-ikP4,4o;vhat, P) i'egeeelifert, , ; e:-thfe genie - we WeilY : ` . .;ihoteliotrOvith3lie keepintelflod's , ory. ,;•-• '"•• r6C - oninithiderU 42 - 41te at, and • , - : 1 .440 1 evoittbAed _the etioakor'is: closing lople, not'ahat kelf4fornjoYitlait4s - the . reitilol.' ga%: - Is and_ dishonoring. lho thief -eicalted .3•34 : - ';i s eit t Oit , "MOil.'h'idirEigliffilietilkiirtiSitin the ,OiltrOrtt s tAkketiOtt`w4i'4 4 Mil ( 1'4 1 10.. ".. 2 ; - - its'happypossensor to feel that God is his Father, tluit Olirist is his 'Savionr, and that lie himself is a sinner in need ,of.pardon. This joy was adapted alike to adorn the •cot ,ht the humblest; and the palace of Icings. The "joy of th e , Lord" in its fullness, constituted the subject of his peroration, and, wielded as it wad with a masterly power of theolbgical erudition, it constituted a fit conclusion to his able discourse. As an evidence that his ap peal had not been an ineffectual one, there 'was a very liberal Collection taken up at the close of the services, in aid of the poor. In consequence of an unavoidable delay in the publication of the above synopsis, the writer has taken 'the liberty of making such circumstantial alterations , as its delayed ap pearance seemed to require, and for doing Which he hopes his manifest motives will be deemed a sufficient apology. • RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. IhEIHTATEIttIit9 OP PACP.—The current num ber-of the-brew York Christian litteltigentyr— which paper copied from Tim lima into its last week's number our , sketch of Rev. Mr. Taylor, of this oity,,oll - the death of Dr:Ludlow—this week anbouncoi two corrections emisstatements of foot contained in, it : one of which is that Dr. L. did not ascent the call from the Crown-street Church in Philadelphia, as was stated in the report; and soother, that he Married a daughter, not of Judge James, but of Judge James V. B. Ryley. The fnlelligtsteer magnanimously exonerates the reporter's blunders on the score of "hasty note-taking," and has acted with commendable promptness In correcting its own error in reprint= log our blunders. We have endeavored to not -with equal promptness in giving it the benefit of these Important corrections. Tun New Catholic Chapel for the parishioners of the Cathedral Parish, is very rapidly approaching to completion, and will, we understand, be opened for divine service for the first time ,t -morrow morning, with appropriate ceremonies. Tnw Lonn's SuPPER.—The sacred ordinance of the Lord's Supper will be administered in the First Reformed. Dutch Church of this city—Rev. A. A. Willits—to-morrow miming ; services com mencing at 16i-o'clock. INETALLATION.—The recent inntallation of Rev. S. M. Woodbridge, D. D., as Professor of Ecclesi astical history , - . .Pastoral Theology, and Church Government, yrbioh took place in the Now Bruns wick Theological Seminary, is said to have boon a most interesting occasion. The ceromonles, in. eluding the inaugural addresS by the now Profes sor, were of m very imposing character. Rev. I. S. Kalamai, who for some time past has attros ted considerable attention in religious oi roles, has resigned his pastorate of the Tromont Temple Baptist Church, in Boston—to take afford. April 1. It is stated that he has been reading law the past few Months with .A prominent member of the Suf folk bar, and . that he intends to enter upon its practice at an early day, either in Boston or in Kansas. Cerium° Cuoncum—A Bohemian Catholic' church 3s proposed in Now York city. We aro informed that the Catholics havo churches on this continent in which there is preaching in English, Vionoh, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Bohe mian, Indian, and oven Chinese. Rev. Dr. Chandler, of Greenfield, Mass., on Thanksgiving Day, asked his people to diminish his salary $lOO the present year, in view of the hard times; he said he could live upon less than he now received:. Dia salary was $4OO. It is Lard to decide which to admire most in this New England preacher—his manifest plan of eco nomical living, or his magnanimity in not being willing ,to receive more than he really needs. Takifig it all in all, this is certainly a marvelous OWN. Linnet cnunclLL-The First Presbyterian Church in Baltimore, under the pastorship of the Roll. Dr., liming,_ has contributed for the past year, for various benevolent ppurposes, the handsome sum of twelve thousand dollars COST OF TEE OLERGY.—It is tabulated that the clergy cost the United States M,000,000 annually ; the criminals, $4O 000,000 ; the lawyera, $70,000,- 000; - and liquors; $200,000,000. ,tegal Notices IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. JOHN HAVILAND, to nee, T. JOHN D. ESHEII, March, HA No. Ott,. Von. Exp. The Auditor appointed to distribute proceeds of gale under the above Writ of— ' No. 1. All that certain lot or piece of land situated on the aouthwestwardlyside of Wissahickon road, at the distance of 300 feetsoutheastwardly, from a thirty-three feetwide lane, called lane, In the Northern Liberties township, now in the city et Philadelphia, containing In breadth on said road 100 feet; thence ex tendingeoutistrestwani between parallel lines at right angles with the said road 240 feet. N 0.2. Ales, all thateertain tract orplece of land situate on the sonthwestriardly side of thelYlasahickon or Ridge turnpike road, in Penn township, now in the clay of Philadelphia, beginning at a post on the side of a two perch wide lane, commonly called 511011 n's lane, which extends from the said road to a landing-place on the Schuylkill river; thence by the said Mifflin's lane south 53 degrees 20 minutes west 57 perches and seven-tenths tea post corner of Matthias llarrison'S allotment; thence by the same north26degrees 40 minutes, weed 61 perches and one half to a post; thence by the hereinafter de scribed tract north 53 degrees 20 minutes, east 53 per -0)0 and a half to a postnn the aide of the said Wiese hickon road; thence by thesame south 34 degrees, east 51 perches sad two-tenths of a perch, and south 40 de .grace, east 10 perches and four-tenths of a perch to the place of beginning; containing 21 acres of land. No. 3. Also a certain tract or piece of land adjoining the above tract, situate on the south westwardly side of the Said Whelablekon or Ridge turnpike road aforesaid, beginning at a. corner of tho above-described tract; thence running along the true course of said road north 27 degrees and a half, west 16 perches and mghty-five htualredths parte of a porch to a corner of land granted to George'lleck; thence by the said Beck's land south 59 degrees ands half, west 48 perches and six-tenths of perch to a corner of land held by William Rattle and Jonathan Williams, in. trust for Catharine Price and her children; thence by the Ramo south 4 degrees and a „quarter, east 21 perches and twenty-five.hun dredths parte of a perch to a corner of the above-de :scribed tract, six feet eonthiest of a white oak sapling thel line of the above-described tract; thence along , the said Ilan° north •50 degrees and a ludf, east 98 perches and eighty . ..five-hundredths parts of a perch to the place of beginning,containing 6 acres and 19 perches upland. ; , . .1 No. 4. Ales, all- that certain meesnage or tenement and lot or place of ground, situate, lying, and being In .tad Northern Libertlea, now In the city of Philadelphia. beginning at a stake by the side of a strip of ground left fora road; theettendigbyland form:rp , = .briein t miiout f BBdevee%e.ji peleitarnd aia-tentba of a perch to a etake; thence by land sold by Frederick Dover awl wife to Benjamin Key- Am north 60 degrees. east 18 perches to another stake thence by land formerly of - Michael °lingo:tan north 39 degrees, west 41 perches and four-tenths of a perch to the aide of the ground left open for a road u aforesaid; 'thence alongside of said road south 50 degrees, west 18 c ram to the place of beginning; containing 6 acre, of No. 5. Also, a certain lot or piece of land situate for. snarly In the Northern Liberties, but now in the city of Philadelphia, on the southeastwardly side of a certain lane, called fitandley , s lane, bounded' and described as followeth, agreeable to survey lately made thecae( by Robert Brook, surveyor., viz: Beginning at a stone • at the aide of Standlers lane • thence wally by another .piece of laud, belonging to t ' he maid George Either, and -partly by other land , late of Jasper Morten, decease-It, south 52 degrees, treat ll' perches and 5 . 10 of a perch to a ,atone; thence. by other lend of the said George Esher, -north 39 degrees, 15 minutes, west 60 perches and 9-10 of a perch, to a stone In the side of the said lane ,• thence' alongside of said lane, north 69 degrees, emit ll perches and 6-10 to the place of beginning. No. 0 - Also, all that tenement and tract or parcel of land, sitnate,lying, and being In the Northern Liberties, now In the - city of Philadelphia, beginning at a pos t standing on the northeast side of Wissahickon road, a earner of land late of Peter Turner; thence by the same land north 63 degrees 20 minutes, east 23 perches 7 feet and 4 inches to another post; thence north 37 degrees 40 minutes, west 64 perches and 4-10 of a perch, to an •other post; thenoo.by land late of Joshua Fisher south 63 degrees 20 minutes, west 29 perches and 4-10 of a perch, to another - post standing on the side of Wissa hickon road aforesaid, and thence by the same road 40 degrees, east 84 perches 7 feet 8 inches, to tho place of - beginning; containing 11 acres and 37 porches—will ,attend to the duties of his appointment on WEDNES DAY,- December 18th; 1857, at 4 o'clock,' P: M., at hie °Mee; at the southeast corner of EIGHTH. and LOCUST Streets, when and where all persons interested are re. gutted to make their claims, or be debarred from codling lu upon said fund. decs-410t • DANIEL DOUGIIERTT, Auditor. • . DIANIAL-11. ERDMAN vs. REBECCA ERDMAN—U, - C. P., Dec. T., 1861, No. 47, Alias Sop , '57, No. 14. • And now, December 4,, 1867, on motion of Daniel Dougherty, attorney for libellant, Rule granted to show canoe why a Divorce should not be granted from. the bonds - of matrimony, returnable SATURDAY, Decent. ber 10. Rebecca Erdman please take notice of the above Rule, - DANIEL DOUGHERTY, dell, 12, 16,11-]t Attorney for Libellant, ESTATE OF_ EZRA B. LEEDS, doe'd--- Notice Is hereby given that the widow of sold de cedent has presented to the Orphans' Court, an Inven tory and epprainement of the property. She has elected to retain lender the set of April 14, 1851, and nubile ex ceptions be filed before FRIDAY, December 18,1807, at 10 o'clock -A.111., the Came will be allowed and ap proved by the Coart. CEO. It. EARLII, n25-w 8.2144 Attorney for Widow. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against, or indebted to WHARTON LEWIS, Esq., late of the city of Philadelphia, are requested tp pro. sent and pay tic same, without delay, to the subscriber, to whole letters of administration with the alit an tiered, have been' granted by the Register Of Wills of Philadelphia county. EDWARD WALN, deb-s6t* • No. 702 WALNUT Street. NOTIOE.—WHEREAS HENRY WHITE 'arld'Jatnea Stevens late copartners, trading as White, Stevens, Sc - Co., did, on the eleventh day of No • vediber, A. D. 1857., make and execute a general 8R- Bignment, to the undersigned, in tenet, far the benefit of their creditors, which said assignment is duly re corded at Philadelphia, all persons Indebted to said assignors will make payment to • ISAAC S. WATERSIAN, Assignee, nol4 am:v.6w* N. W. corner Second & Arch ate. AA lIDITOWS NOTICE.—ESTATE' OF ABRAHAM L. 310YElt, and Wife, assigned for benefit of, creditors. The undersigned, Auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of idontgomery county, to make distri bution of the balance appearing on the account filed by 'Henry fleMiller, assignee of ARRAIKABI L. MOYER and Wife, for the benefit of creditors, among the per sons legally entitled thereto, will attend to the dutiful of his appointment, at his °Mee, in, the borough of NORRISTOWN, in said county, on WEDNESDAY, the 30th day of December, 1857, at 10 'clock A. PC, when and where all persons interested may attend. de74n4t B. P. lIANCIOOK, Auditor. Obucational. HALL OF ST. JAMES THE LESS, - NEAR FALLS OW SCHUYLKILL, PUILADIMMIA. SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. RZENHENOIS : Toe Br. Boy. ALONZO Yorren. The Rector, Rev. B. It 811YSEE, may be seen every WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, from 8 to 5 &sleek, at I.IOOKEIt'S 'Bookstore, 8. W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, where also circulars mai be obtained. Address Ray. D, R. 82dYSE11, dB.2es Falls of tehuyiktil, Philadelphia. 1 VAITTENDEN's- PHILADELPHIA COM , %..." DIERCIAL COLLEGE, B. E. corner of SEVENTH 1 And CHESTNUT ROMs, - Second and Third Stories. 1 --, ROOK-KEEPING, PENHANKHIP, every style. 0015.MBRAL&L JAWS AND POEM& COMMERCIAL VALOULATIONS:- LEOTUBES, &a. . _ - • ' ' * `Xich Student hes individnel instruction trent rompb- Pot and ettentlys TeshintisLtuiderthd•, iinnediste luperisiott Or the-Prinnipid.-• -r- •-r Aftibf Mil WA Penmen iri the Untlittry bat Sharis of Wri W tin Department. 1 4, - .1110.11 41 ,4iit* SO- 0. -OstnldtPle of 1 . - in, ..,:a.,, 1: . ~ 1 .- 3. ~,., , ".. ~ rz t, :'," cetli -; DROl i fs4o4 13411$ DEUS' INSTITTIB; iork9uP, "nift/g!Allfer ;into like &pinto timily. 44. 4 ohl i pmfAltii.911.014.*re sad thorough. Pro. furor 'it envoi& receive *fay mots puplla nal*i fourteen pews of-' ago Into hla turd'''. Enquire -of MOO!. L'S-I. l 4lypt and Mathew Ifertlf(l, Or 001. J. W' ZittOf of thle Piper, whine none,otwardo are 140, 1 r,Prf Wb.efe.Or,hli 14411 p septli-tt ° THE PRE$$7 . . - PIMADEIf-MA,., :SATVRPAY. DPPViNniER 12, 113§7. - - - • , 1 (WO BOXES OF AMERICAN WYN-' BOXES QLA00,44%11 mires and qualities, for ease at lowest prices. - Our assortment Ia complete, end are daily receiving fresh lots from the Kensington Glass Werke. Sheets & Duffy's make superior to any to the market' an to brilliancy and regular thickness, equal to French We are now receiving two.thirds of the Glass rusdf at these works, 2,000 boxes French Glass of all sizes. 4,000 feet Rough Glass for skilled+. 5,000 feet Engraved and Enamelled Obese, of altpaq terns, White bead, French and American Zinc, Palate, &c. 100 000 lbs White f.ead. 50,000 Ibe French Zino (Vieille Montagne). 75,000 lbs American Zinc. Brown Zinc, a full supply. Chrome Green, a fall supply. Chrome Yellow, a fell supply Prussian Blue, a tall stipyly. Paris Green; a full supply, Address your orders to , ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Drugglati and Manufacturer', Sole Proprietors of the Penns. Stearn Color Works Store S. W. corner SECOND and GREEN Btreete, Philadelphia. den tf ld 3„17 , e . 1 121 BRANDY.—Pure moat Y l, 0 . — w powerful a . tr O . 1 :e - r for weak lungs and general deWhty of the age ' • a sure cure for Dyspeptic, whether' acute or chronic, Low Spirits, kc. Price $1 25bottle, or $10.50 per dozen. Warranted pure. Import ed expressly for ue, " Sole Agents' , (or the United. States. ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Druggists, S. W. cor Second and Green. We refer, by permission, to the following members of the Medical faculty, as to the purity and chemical standard of this Brandy: 0. P. Keithline, M. D.. Fourth, above Tamany. Chas. U. Taylor, H. D., Fourth, above Brown. Chao. B. Roberta, H. D., Third, below Franklin. Wilson F. Vasey, M. D., Fourth, above Thompson. J. K. Knorr, M. D., Front, above Poplar. doll•tf Capartnerellip Notice DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. —The co•partnerehip heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm of Lawrence, Stone, Jr Co , in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, to thin day dissoteed. Signed, SAMUEL LAWRENCE, WSt W. STONE, JARYIB SLADE, HENRY T. JENKINS, 0. El, PERRY. Dec. Ist, 1857 William W. Atone and Henry T. Jenkins will con. tinue the Commission Business at No 41 Broadway, in the city of New York, underliat dem of Reno & Jen. kins. • de9.6t-31f (libidos anb Gaiiia illlare CALL AND BED The Greatest V/BIETY OF HOLIDAY PRESENTS Ever exhibited iu TUX NTT Or PIIILARELPITIA, Which will be sold OW at exceedingly L PRICES AT ', ISARXSEN k WITTE)S, MASONIC HALL, 718 CHESTNUT ST printing TAMES H. BRYSON'S BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ROOMS, S. North SIXTH Street, &at above Market, Philadelphia. Blanks, Cards, Bill. Heads, Pamphlets, and general Printing attended to. Binding attended to in connection with printed bead Inge of Blanks anti Receipts. d2-tf In EVANS,-10,000—PRISTED41 A D Cards vie hour! ...,ihe'W' T. Pr ass that ••• over lookat 11, Ow Ahab .0113,1 o ," A D riaddiki. rd...., 0.14. A 01) .. ... _ r..... TTTTT tals .6 0 Th. p m. II ja. EabilAka. 1. f 0,0 A . MA. Oda and Oimit. D L -01010.°° TAD IlAand CAA pr IkArAl E 43,.. - Ile way tat o,le—t Jf Paco pally reduAd 8 I ID (sr• XVII, VOILTIST Si T. bhiow Ch .tnut. , GREAT REDUCTION 111 TON iIIIZ 3 OF CEMETERY The Glenwood Cemetery Co. have determined to sell the lots in their Cemetery at ON}:HALF The present prices for cash. By this reduction come of the most eligible Lots will be sold at TWELVE ,D9LLARB Only 300 Into will be disposed of at these ratee, and the opportunity is offered until January let, 1858. Ap- Fly at the Oleo, No. 934 WALNUT STREET. below ifth. d2,./to jotels antt ifiestaurattte M ERcli zioriir y l oVa T A L Altzir Anon, 14 , . . PHILADALPHIA. MoSIBBEN & BONS, Palmy Ton TONES ' B ANOII STREET SALOONS, 727 and 729 ARCH STREET HOLIDAYS! HOLIDAYS! The Holidays are close at hand, and Jones's Arch street Saloon is prepared for the immense demand that will be made upon It for CONFECTION& CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S CANDIES lIIPORTED EXPRESSLY FOR THE PREISEXT SEASON! , }lvory variety of Bon Bons, Pantiles, Bourbon Drops, new style of Gunlifrops, Bari Sucre Drops, Vangliterre Hon Bons, and every'varlety rare and costly candies manufactured In Paris. for Presents, all sizes and PATTERNS of Ornamental Roles, Pyramids, Ribbon Ties filled with the choicest varletg eConfectlons, and slaying in price from One Dollar up to Fifty Dollars. Some of three Boxes are the MOST SUPERS SPECMDES OF FANCY WORE AND .11ATTIC DEMON EVEn OFFERED IS THIS COUNTRY. To the Ladies, as well u to the whole public, TOMB'S Saloons are the meet attractive in the City, and in splendor of adornment and finish are 'superior to any In the Union BREAKFASTS, DINNERS, AND SUPPERS, Served up [tithe choicest and most expeditions stgle. FRUIT OF ALL KINDS, ICE CREAMS, JELLIES, GAME, AND OYSTERS, Constantly ready for visitors In profusion. PLAIN, FANCY, AND ORYANENTAL CAKES AND PIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW YORK TEA BISCUIT' And, In fact, alt the VARIETIES, LUXURIES, and DELICACIES of every clime and country. BALLS PRIVATE PARTIES, Presentation Suppers, and Families supplied at the shortest notice and on reigonable terms. A continuance of the patrointife ' hitherto so liberally bestowed by the public is respectfully solicited. 'des-tf R. ji JONES, Proprietor. PETRY BROTHERS* , RESTAURANT, 237 South THIRD Etreet,. opposite the new Penney VITA& Railroad Office. PRIDES REDUOED. We continuo to keep our place no a first-class Restau rant, with every convenience in regard to private parties. We have also made arrangements to servo In our com modious Basement a variety of well-prepared Cold and Warm Mlles, at pt ices to suit and answer the exigen cies or the times. Our Wines and Upore are not surpassed ty any in the city. ' nolo•tuth&alm CAMPBELL'S RESTAURANT.—VENI SON, Wild Ducks, Turkeys, (berm, Grouse, Fresh Salmon, Chincatique, OpittchNue, Princess Bay, AUae com, and Cove Oysters, with every variety of CAME, wild or domestic, In season. Green Turtle Soup and Terrapin Suppers served up at lies shortest notice, at JOIIN CAMPBELL'S, No, 527 CHESTNUT street, op. polite the Mato House. N.B.—No expense or pains has been spared by the Proprietor in titling up this new establishment In the most sumptuous manner—the second story being for the accommodation of Private Parties for Dinners, §uppers, the. s'• Entrance for Ladles towards BIM street, nov7.3ts WILLIAM BANNING'S CITY LAGER BEER SALOON, No. 232 Outer'. Alley, Phil' delphls. sep22-31n MoGOWAN'S RESTAURANT, SOUTH west corner of BROAD and WALNIIT.—Oame end all other delicacies in season. Fsmittoe so_pplied with Oyeterson the shortest notice. eep7-Tra 91ttorttepa at Eatu THOMAS F. GOODE• ATTORNEY AT LAW, Boydton, Atechtenturg County, Yu , Attends to professional business In the Courts of htech leuburg, Lunenburg, MIMI, and Charlotte counties. lieranil TO Shapleigh & Rue, Philadelphia. Baptist & White, New York. Lanier, Bro., & Co., Baltitiore. alnytb, Roue, & Ranks, Petersburg, Vs. Ado & Gray, Richmond, Ya. tocttl-wits,dm LE WI S S. WE L L,S, ATTORNEY AT LAW, N 0.2 AIRY STMIRT, NORRISTOWN, Pa., sill attend with punctuality, and to the best or his ability, to all business entrusted to his care. , DANIEL DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Southetted earner of NIGHTLI and MT fittest. Phllsdaltdils anl•ly YER STU° USE, ATTORNEY AT tV.R. LAW, OENTAlLstrest, Pottsville, Ps. sti4-1y Prpposalo UNITED STATES POST-OFFICE, IN THE CITY OP - PHILADELPHIA.` SEALED PROPOSALS, for supplying materials and Workmanship required bathe erection and construction of a Post-office building In the City of Philadelphia, for the United States Ptiftt-otilee Department, wilt be re calved • at the Mace of file undersigned, Commissioner for the building, No. SOS South FOURTH Street, on or before the twelfth day of December nest. Contracts, will be' awarded only to masier-bullders and mechanics.' Rueh'Prnposal urast be atcompanied bye written guarantee,'lfigned by two responsible per. sons, to the effect that thebidder, will, when required, if his proposal' bo accepted, enter into a contract and bond with proper and sufficient see nrieties for its faith ful performance. Plans and specifications for the building can be seen upon application at the office of the Architect John McArthur, Jr., No. lb Mercantile Library Building, where everylnforwation respecting materials and work manship will be given. The Proposals must be sent to the office Of the Corn m'ssioner, and addressed to John Rice, and endorsed "Proposals fur the United States Post-oMce at Phila. delphia," and will bo opened at noon of the lest-named day for receiving the same. JOUN RICE, n0v124(451'4 Commissioner. Qtypreso ilCompanice. FVHE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, 320 CHESTNUT STREET, forwards PARCELS, PACKAGES, lIEREIGANDIZE, BANK NOTES an d SP E CIE, either by Its own LINES, or in connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNS and CITIES of the United States. E. B. SANDFORD. GilSorel Superintendnt. FDUBLIU LAMP S.- PI7BLIC IS reepectfully informed that Ofilces have been opened by the District Superintendents of Phblici Lighting, at which citizens are requested to give information respect ing accidents which may happen to the Public Lamps; or of any failure lu lighting or extinguishing them at the proper, time; •or if' not properly cleaned and in good lighting conditlen. The Books• will be kept by Joseph Bally, No. sea Wharton et., Pint Ward; UharlesOarty, Supt. of 2d district; No. S Raines at. above Sixth; Ulram G. Ifirk, No. 1422 Uutchineon etreet; Twentieth Ward; 32.1 W. Deshong, No. 22310oatea creet,lifteenth Ward; Ilowlby, Gas Office; Twenty4ourth Ward (West Philadelphlai) 14. Aliradden, Os% ',went:. Second' Ward,' (Germantown;) B. Mirka, Gas Office r Twenty-Third 'Ward Ofrankford4 and at the Gas Mace in Seventh Watt, beta* Market. By otder 'if the Trestles of the Philadelphie Gas Works. • - -, A. J. RITN, ool•Ont Onpirintehdent of Distribution. , DOSIN.--600BA I MELS SOAPSIAKERS .2.101.001N0n 'lOll4 per schooner 11. Vlannez 'bride 111 , , ' - NMIN MACAMTIIII, ' 110 Norti !NW West. AtDRAM r SLAOIC, , ---ENGRAVING, DIE Vatiol ,ind 'Embossed Printing, Envelope end Seal P as Stenutintory, 87 Strawberry Street, between Seem! and Tfitti, and Market midi Chestnut Street, Phlladelpbm, Pa.• ' aul24y fitORGHUM, or CHIN. 1,3 REBDr2S 4110:m1R f'pr sale by CROMMIAIM PEIRCE, & CO 4. x101.04( • i`bz.. , Iltllaw&re aye me, FIIHE BRITISH AND NORTH ANEW AL HAN ROYAL, MAIL STEAMSHIPS. ?ROW NC!' YORK TO I.I.TORPOOL Chief Cabin Paesaga Second Cabin Plumage rams 3001014 10 Livearoot. Chief Cabin Passage $llO Second Cabin Paaaage 60 The ship from Boston call at Halifax. PERSIA, Capt. Adkins. CANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. l AMERICA, Oapt,Wickman ASIA, Capt. E. 0 Lott. NIAGARA, Oapt.ltyrie. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA, Capt. J. Leitch. These visuals carry a clear white light at mast-head ; green on starboard bow ; red on port bow. AFRICA, Shannon, leave N York, Wednesday, Dee. 0. AMERICA, Lott, ii Boston Wednesday, 800. 10. EUROPA, Leitch, ii N.Yorll,Wadoesday, Dec. 29. CANADA, Lang, si Boston, Wednesday, Dee. 30. PERSIA, Judkim, i i N.York, Wedneeday, Jan om NI AG ARA, Wickman, Boston,Wed nesday, J an, 13 , 14 AFRICA, Shannon, i. N.York,Wedneaday. Jan. 20. Berths not Retired until paid for. ' • An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these Ships will net be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals, tiniest' Mlle of lading are Malted therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to deli.) , E. OUNA.RD, 4 Bowling Green, N. York. ' , pox SAN FRANCISCO.-CLIPPER 51 1 .a.• SATURDAY, December 19th.—The uusurpaseed clipper ship TWILIGHT, GATRA, Command er. Olipper . of THURSDAY, December filth.—The msg. niticeut* 1 clipper chip LOOK OUT, 1 1 / 3 111.T0N, COM mender. Both of thee° celebrated ships are now loading in New York, and will sail me above. For freight, at New York rates, apply to 1118110 P, SIMONI3, & deB 120 (late 86) NORTH WIIARYItB. FOR LIVEOOL.—TIIIIRSDAY,—DE RP CRAMER 10. The Packet Ship PHILADRIs. PHIA, Capt. Onsatse P. Poore, will sail as above. Cabin passage. $BO Second cabin no Steerage 18 Second Cabin and Steerage Puseugere found with Provisions, according to the American passenger act. For freight or passage, apply to THOS. RICHARDSON & CO. Drafts on the Agents in Ruins to suit, from .E 1 wards. nulb SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE. /ND KEYSTONE STATE. In consequence of the depressed state of trade, the above ships will be withdrawn for the present. October,l6th. A. HERON, Jr. L'ARE REDUCED ANA IlAni.N.—The DERDILT, Edward will ail Prom Now York for South- Prom Southampton and amtitoo and Havre. Havre for New York. Saturday Out. 24 Saturday Nov. 14 Saturday Deo. S Saturday Dec. 28 Price of Passage—First cabin, $100,4 aocond cabin, $55 Specie delivered inLondon and Paris. Por freight or passage apply to D. TORRANCE, Agent, No. 5 Dowling preen, New York. Letters for England and Europa, pre-paid, 25 cents each half ounce, (by encloaure of postage stamps if from other cities,) will bo received at No. 5 Bowling-green, New York, up to 11) o'clock on the morning of sail ing. ozlB-tf FOB. ENGLAND AND FEANCE,IB67. New York and Ilavre Steamship Company.—The United States Mail Steamships ARAGO, 2,600 tons, David Linea, commander, and FULTON, 2600 tons, James A. Wotton, commander, will leave New York, liana and Southampton, for the years 1857 and MI, on the following days: LiLYS KZ!! TOIL 14.57. 1850. Fulton, Saturday, Ant. 22 Arago, Saturday, lan, 0 Arago, do. Sept. 10 Fulton, do. Feb. 0 Fulton, do. Oct. 17 Arago, do. March 0 Arago, do. Nov. 14 Fulton, do. April 8 Fulton, do. Deo. 12 Arno, do. May 1 Fulton, do. May 20 LIAR RAMP 1867. Arno, Tuesday, Aug. 23 Fulton, do. Bept. 22 drag°, do. Oct. 20 Fulton, do. Nor. 17 Arago, do. Deo. 16 1868. Fulton, do. Jan. 12 'Fulton, - Arago, do. Feb. 9 Arago, Fulton, do. March 9 Fulton, Arago, do. April 6 Arago, Fulton, do. May 4 Fulton, Arno, do. June 1 Arago, Talton, do. Juno 29 Fulton, PllO6 01 //MUM . Prom New York to Southampton or Haas—Bird 0010, $lBO ; 800ond Cabin, $75. From havoc or Southampton to New York—Thal Cabin, 809 fraca; Second Cabin, 600 franca. Pot freight or , apply to AIORTI,IIIM 4 I':UNGSTON, Agent, 7 Broadway. WILLIAM ISELIN, " Haste. OROBKEY & CO., " South'ton ABLERIOAN EUROPEAN EXpRESS AND EX. Parts. CHANGE CO. auB THE NEW ' ORK AND LIVERPOOL lINITRD BTATEB MAIL BTRAMERS.—The Maps ooluposing this Line are : The ATLANTIC, Capt. Oliver Midge. The BALTIC, Capt. Joseph Comstock. The ADRIATIC, Capt. Janice West. „iThese ships have been built by contract, expressly for uovenameat service; every care 121.8 been taken in their construction, as also in their engines, to ensure strength and speed, and their accommodations for passengers are imeostalled for elegance and comfort. Trice of passage from New York to Liverpool, in first eabln, $130; in second do., $76; from Liverpool to New York, SO and TO guineas. No berths gummed unless paid for. The ships of this line have Improved water-tight bulk heads. - PROPOSED DATES OF fIAILINII. /MOW MZW Toga. Plea LITZIWOOL.. Saturday, June 28, 1857 Wedneeday, June 24, 1867 Saturday, Jul 4, 1857 Wednesday, July 8,, 1857 Saturday, Jul ;Y 18, 1857 Wednesday, July 22, 1857 Saturday, Aug. 1, 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 5, 1857 Saturday, Aug. 16, 1867 Wednesday, A.ug. 19, 1857 Saturday, Sept. 12, 1657 Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1857 Saturday, Sept. 26, 1857 Wednesday, Sept.Bo, 1857 Saturday, Oct. 10, 1867 Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1867 Saturday, Oot. Si 1857 Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1887 Saturday, Nov. 7. 1857 Wednesday, Nov. 11; 1587 Saturday, Nov. 21, 1867 Wednesday, Nov. 26, 1857 Saturday, Deo. 6, 1867 Wednesday, Deo. 9, 1257 Wednesday, Deo. 22, 1861 F egrtall i t z , or pau ag pp y K.00L;:1170, I Nr. 66 Well street, N. Y. DROWN, SUIPLEY A 00., Liverpool. STEPIIEN KENNARD Is bO., 27 Austin inure, London. D. 0. WAINWRIOIIT Is 00., Pule. The owners of these ships will not be teoountable for gold, sliver, bullion, specie, jewelry.pr *clone Atones or metals unless bills of lading t:s I. f nod therefor, and the value thereof expreesed therein aul-tf GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE TO EU ROPE. First Cabin 00 1 Second Cabin 150 In the fire...class paddlewheel atearusLip ADRIEL, 2,000 tone, 0. D. LUDLOW, Commander, and NORT H S T AR, 2,500 tone, P. N. LIMAS, to sail from pier No. 3 North River, at noon precisely, carrying the UNITED STATES MAILS, 'ls: Leave N. York fort I Southampton, lie.. Bremen for 1 Southampton vre and Bremen. Southampton for New York. Ariel, Saturday, Oct. 31. Wede'day, Nov. 4. N. Bat'y, Oct. 31. Saturday, Nov. 23. Weds'd'y Dec. BO These fawners touch at I.IAYRIS. Specie dellvored in London and Paris. For passage and freight, apply to 1). TORRANCE, Agent, No. 6 Bowling Wein, New York. oolO•tf PETRY BROTHERS IRISH AND SCOTCH WHISKEY, Wholesale and Retail, By lIUDIL BARR, GOVERNMENT HOUSE, corner or FRONT and WHARTON Streets, (motile the Navy Yard,) Philadslphta, BRANDIES. --(g Pinet Castilloo,"ikarett, and other Cognacs of varlous In half plpee and quarter ke ; Yellevoleln Beild Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipes, half caskl,loBl2llll.eighth rule. Imported and for sale by HENRY 1101113a4 k- CO., 6022 221 and 222 South Fourth street. ALEXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND LIQUOR STOUR, No. 226, Southeast Corner o GEORGIC and SOUTU Streets. aul•IT I. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER v. IN /INN WINES, LIQUORS, MARS, &e., Ze Swab PIPTH Street, Philadelphia, aul•ly BEANDIES.—Pinet, Cast'lion Sc Co., Ma rett & Co., and other brands of Cognacs of various vintages, In half pipes and quarter casks ; Pellevoisin Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, to hall pipes, quarter cash mud one-eighth casks, all in Custom Rouse adores, Imported and for milt) by HENRY BOHLEN 4. CO., au B Nos. 221 and 22.3 South Fourth street. DITHIEAR & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 620 (new No. 008) North TUIRD Street, Yhtladelpitto.--Shlpplor orders .root 41 attended to. aul-tt BOOTS AND SHOES.—The subscriber has on hand a large and. carted stock of BOOTS and SHOES, which he will sell at the lowest iiricee. OEO. W. TAYLOR, no2l-ly S. E. corner FIFTH and MARKET Ste. LALL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. —JOSEPH H. THOMPSON & 00. No. 814 MAR KET Street, and Nos. 8 and 6 FRANELIN PLACE, have new In shad a large and well-assort Moth of BOOTS and SHOES, of Oily and Eastern manufacture, which they offer for sale on thoh.imatiernia for Cash, or on the usual credit. Buyers are Invited to call &A slazatne`ihoir Stook. aul-dtt NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. /I The ship PIIILAULPIIIA, from Liverpool, is now disoharging under general order, et 13111PPEN EITItIIET WHARF. Consignees will please stood to receipt of their goods. no2l VIOL .11I011ARDSON & 00. "NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. The Alp J.l PUILADELPIIIA, Captain Pool, from Liverpool, is 110111 ready to discharge at 810pm/street wharf. Con signee,' will pleaso deliver their penults to the Custom house alter on board. All goods not pernilted In live diva will be sent to public store. nolli TIIOBI4I ItrOIIARDSON & CO. COACII, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP Factory of E. W US:HIBBS, N 0.109 (late 43) South EIGHTH, below Ohrstnut street, has become a saving of 50 percent , to our SOUTHERN AND WESTERN bIEROPIAN TB, and also the convenience of Ear Mg their old Carriage Lampe new silver topped and bottomed, end ant by airman to all parts. won ly 1 - 10TTON-2119 bolos good Middling to Mid A./ Ming lair Oottonon /nor* and for solo by MARTIN & 11AVALIBTXR, 001 110 North Water otroot. _ _ QTORAGE on SECOND and , T Rlit D YIAXMIS too be bad at 119 North Wet street. Apply to MARTIN tt MAOALIBTER. • 0023 CHARLES P. CALDWELL—Wholesale V rasa Retail WillariiimiVANll Muni!gainer, No. d No °UAW AwOd. Lod MANILLA ROPE.--SUPERIOR MA VILLA ROPE, nuinursotuted and for Ws by WEAVER, PITLER & 00., ant-ir No. SR N Warne at.. and 7I N Whatvoi 5,.000 TONS of tarronELL & OR OAS dalo'n Improved auper.PIIO9FIIATII OF LINN, for sale by OItOASDALI P.E1C07,1 lc CO noukr No. 104 N. , Delaware avenue. SPIRITS TIMPENTIN.E-200 tobla Spirit Turpentine, to anion, for sate by MARTUT Qc.fiAOALISTISEI, inl 110 North VlNter street. /E LOOMS RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD • • Arum h nitco. W 2 N. SZOOND St sulS-9m pp US 8I A AND AMERICAN 'TAURRD 001tDAUIL—a superior article, tuanufacture as for sale by WAVER, idITLER k go., ih u 14r tic,. 2 N, Water it &1q td..Wikayng, mimmMl Obipputg. STEAMSHIPS STATE OF GEORGIA 0 SOUTHAMPTON ..agnlficont dosinshipVAN. .5, comukauder, 6,208 tons, LUAUS SOUTHAMPTON 1857. Arago, Wednesday, Aug. 26 Fulton, do. Sept.= Arago, do. Oct. 21 Fallon, do. Nov. 18 Arturo, do ; Deo. 16 1868. do. Jan. 18 do. Feb. 10 do. Mar. 10 do. April I do. Mny 6 do. June 2 do. Jane 84 Wines nub Kiquore. Paolo artb Elhare. Notice to Consignees, THE BEST ASSORTMENT or LEHIGH AND 201/17YLKILL COAL la at II DORMAN'S YARD, ' BROAD STREET, above Vim Sold at reduced prices. 011 arid see. 0c31.6ff 224 A LBS. IS A TON.—BITTERS and mummers are Invited to examine our stock of uLEIIION LOCUST MOUNTAIN and BLACK HEATH COAL , ' Our Coal is selected expressly for family uso; being carefully screened, we will warrant it free from elate and dust. uWe sell 2240 lbs.," being u 240 lbs. more , ' than sold by retell dealers, at . 4 25 cent, len per MIL' , Also. on band a hill supply of BROAD TOP BITU.. MINOWI COAL" for Oteam.generatlng, Blacksmlthing, and Holling.mill purposes. This Coil cannot be ex. gelled. Yards, BROAD and VINB—Big Big% "2230 M. 111 A TON. [OOB-3m) LEICIIITON & CO, CoALI COAL I COAL I—TAGGART'a CELEBRATED SPRING MOUNTAIN LEIIIOR COAL. J. & R. CARTER'S GREENWOO D, TAMAQUA COAL GEORGE W. SNYDER'S PINE SOREST SCRUM HILL COAL. RANDALL & MEREDITH Have for aale, and are constantly receiving from above celebrated Collieries, COAL OF ALL SIZES. There is no Coal mined anywhere, equal la quality these and a trial will convince any one of their great superiority.. Our Coal le very carefully screened at our yards, and we will warrant It perfectly free from slate, duet and all impurities. Our PRICES areas LOW as the VERY LOWEST. Orders left at our Office, No. 161 1101:1111 FRONT street, above Walnut. Orders left at our Yard, CALLOWIIILL street, Dalai BROAD street. Orders left at our Wharf, WATKR street, above CAL. LOY7IIILL—or mint to either place per Despatch Poet, will receive prompt attention. Purchasers for Faintly use will do well to call and ex amine our Coal before purchasing elaewhere. sue-Of SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGLE GOAL.- I am daily receiving, at my yard, the best quality o. SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL. lily customers, and all others who may favor me with their orders, may rely on getting. Coal that will be satiafactory to them. No Inferior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW PRIORS. ALEXANDER CONVERT, N. X. corner of Broad and Cherry SU 'LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.— -RA DALY, PORTIRN & CO., COAL DIALERS, No. $2l PRIME Otreet, above Eighth, keep constantly on hand, at the very lowest rates, • full supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. an I.om illerrhant Qrailoro JOHN P. DOHERTY, TOSIIISELT WITII KELLY & E60T1761, LATE WITH LUKENS, KELLY, & CO., TAILOR, 814 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGWTH, Hue now with him the best Tai tors that aro engaged in the business in this country. CHARLES ROTH, formerly the loading tailor of this city ; M. KAYSER, formerly cutter for C. Roth & Co., and late Coat and Veat cutter with Lukens, Belly, & Co.; HENRY WAOSER, the best Pants and Vest cutter in the United States, for years cutter with Depierris, under tho Irving House, Broadway, and with Depierris & Pettus, under the St. Nicholas llotel, 'Broadway. The most unremitting attention paid to the wishes o all who patronize the establishment. The beet of Olothes made at moderate prices JOT credit, Ivo prices for writ. 0c134( JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Nos. 16 and 18 South NINTH STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. A large and well selected stook of CLOTHS and oessimEßES always on band. All Clothing mode at this Establishment will be of the best quality, and In the most fashionable style. Partioulsr attention glean to UNIFORM OLOTLI ING. aullaf QHAR PE 'S MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, 148 North 10011TH Street, between Arch end Ham autt-ly (ffammission filerdiante. I file H. CHASE & CO. • EERAL COMMISSI G ON N MERCHANTS, 43 North YRIRIT and 44 WATER Street, Philadelphia. CONSTANTLY RECZIVING CLOVER SEED Oa eonsignment from the interior or Paucity Weals, where our new Cleaning Mill Is now In general gee. J 7 Also, TIMOTHY AND RED TOP lawny' on hand. sel2-tt HANDY' Ec BRENNER—COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Dealers In Foreign and Ame rican HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Non 23, 25 and 27 Worth FIFTH Btreet, Put Aldo above Commerce street, Philadelphia. aul•tt CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER CHANT and Importer of HAVANA MARS, (New)l3B Walnut street. second Mary. aul-ly Mobacto anb erigaro HAVANA CIGARS—A handsome as ort mint, suck II Figaro, C Partagas, abanas, Sultana, • Gloria, Jupiter, ?eOlO, Ocorrerolantes, rre,. Lopes, Union Americana, °Mau, Flora Cubans, too., an, Ste., In X, X, 1.6 and 1-10 lea of all aizes and quali ties, In atOte and oonatantly receiving, and for sale low, by CHARLES TETS, - (now) 138 WALNUT Street, sal-ly below Second, second story VIGARD, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS 131KIARB.—A choice Invoice of these celebrated brands on board brig "Neer Era, ,, daily expected from Havana, and for sae low, by CIIARLES TETE, (New) 138 Walnut street, below Second, sal Second [Story. iurniture B. KITE & 00. A-41. FURNITURE, BEDDING, &e. No. 413 (Wong) WALNUT et., a. Ph A new and superior style of Bpriug Beds. iladelphi LYDIA B. HIM JOBlll2 WALTOIt au3l dm Eionp nub danbleo SOAP AND CANDLES. 1010 VA L from 187 SOUTII FOURTH STREET, to my Manufactory, 10 and 14 RELIEF STREET, tw tweeu Lombard and South, and Prort sod Second etreetc Thankful to my nomeroue Wend. for their prat (afore, I solicit a continuance of the same, having enlarged my manufactory so an to eaable me to have constantly on hand a fare stock of well.seasoned Soap', free from This Oil; Palm, Variegated White hoary, Castile, and all kinds of toilet Soaps, Chemical Olive Soap of pure materiel, Settled Pale, and Brown Soap, English Sal. Soda and Pearl Starch, Sperm, Adamantine, and Tallow Candler; of all sizes constantly on baud. Having adopted tho coati system, I am enabled to sell ray goods at the lowest prices. P. CONWAY. Philadelphia. N. 11.—Cash paid (or Tallow and Crease. no 14.6 m Stationcrp BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DAVID M. 1.100A.N, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, la ppre• pared at all times to furnish, either from the 'Metres ur make to order, Books of every description, suitable for Banks, Public Offices Merchants, sod others, of the beat quality of English or American Paper, and bound Iu vas Won styles, in the most aubstantisl manner. Orden' for JOB PRINTING of every description Engraving and Lithographing executed with neatness and despatch. A general assortment of English, French and Ameri can Stationery. Concerning bir. Hogan's contribution to the Franklin Institute, the Committee soy—'' This display of blank books for banking and mercantile use Is the beat in the Exhibition. The selection of the material Is good, the workmanship most excellent, and them Onhal end ap pearance neat and appropriate) , rso2o-tf Inmates IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT tom, OAS CONSUMING FURNAOI CHILSON'S NEW CONE FURNA , CE, after heving been put to the moat severe test, during the two COLD V INTIM] Or 1866 AND 1857, has proved to be the meet powerful heater in the world, saving from S to X the fuel over any of the best furnaces now in use. Taaea FOSNIONB are conatruoted with a east iron ash pit, and a broad, shallow pan•shaped fire pot, lined with Are•brick or Iron stares. The tire pot Is surmount ed with A SERIES OP CONES, oa TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broad at their base, but tapering to mall &per. tures at the top, and uniting with the 'pular chamber, through which the heat and smoke peon to the due. Toe warms products of combustion in the form of smoke and BIABSS, are suspended directly over the tire, oaanaaaor compressed into the tapering °ONUS and OONTINVALLY exPOSND to the direct action of the raye of boat and light from the tire. This heat and light to brought to a coons I wow Own, not unlike the COLLECTION OP THE BUN'S RAYS, to a focal point through an ordinary lens, causing the BYO'S AND amine to become intensely heated and tho roughly CIONBONID, by this operation the BNOIN AND DAUB are NADI lIQOALLY /NAMIBIA with the ?On Irene for heating purposes, while, in other furnaaes, It le OABBIND Oil AND WASTED IN TON ONIAISZT. All persons desirous of obtaining the best and mcor ECONOMICAL HEATING APPARATUS, should not fail to examine the Now GAS CONTIIIND CONN rOINAOI, before purchasing any other. T e ab. tention of azehiteots and builders is particular y re. gusted. ARNOLD & WILSON, fancoessors to B. A. Harrison,) No. 428 WALNUT Street, Opposite Independence Squete. ilato, Cam ar. SULLENDER & PASOAL, HATTERS, 421.0133 Na. 0 15. SIXTH greet, Philadelphia lOarbtuare. QUAKER CITY NAILS, MERCHANT BARS, RIVET IRON Manufactured at FOUNTAIN OREL I N ROLLING MILL, on the Schuylkill, above Spring Garden Water Vi'orke. WAREHOUSE, 103 North WATER Street. QUAKER CITY NAILS are warranted agouti to any made. ocil•tt JOHN HALDEMAN, Agent 9111014 AS E. BAXTER.-11ARDWARE CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. 910 MARKET BT. boss Ninth. south side. Philadelphia ao 1-131 a LONGWORTH's 01110 WINES. GENERAL AGENCY FOR ALL TILE STATES. TO WHOLESALE DEALERS - - - - By a special arrangement with Mr. LONG WORTH, I am enabled to offer tile Wine., in large quantities, upon the lowest and best terms. The Winea to be delivered in Cincinnati, and forwarded by usual meaux of convoy. tare (railroad or steamboat) direct to the purchaser; by which the expenses of storage, cotunalselonn, double freight, etc., will be avoided. No orders under this arrangement will be forwarded for less than twenty-live canes. All orders vaunt be directed only to NUNN. 8. OOZZRN3, 73 WARREN 6trest,lisw YORK. By the present arrangement a bead, ente peen on these wines can be made by the wholesale dealer, Sparkling Catawba, vintage 1853, quarts. Do do do do pinta. Do do do 1852 * quarts. Do do do do pints. Still Catawba, vintage 1852, quarts, Do do extra, vintage 1852, quarts, Sparkling Isabella, do do do Still Catawba, in costa, of various qualities. Catawba Woody, of superior qualiF. FRED. S. COZZ NS, General Agent for the axle of N. Longwor his Wines, 78 WARREN STREET, (opposite Mullion River Railroad Depot,) Rcra Sm vim YOUR. insurance Companies LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM PANY.—Tbe PINN MUTUAL LINN !MIURA NOD COMPANY. Northeast Comer of THIRD and DOCK Streetc Capital, $812,726.011, INSURES LIYXB for short terms, or for the whole term of life—grant. annuities and endowments—per chum life interests in Reel Estate and makes all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They act as Nesoutore, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Guardians.' wattaiets. Daniel L. Miller, Funnel E. Stokes, Benjamin Coates, William Martin, Richard S. Newbold, James It McFarland, William P. Recker, Joseph 11 Trotter, William U. Kern, Jimes Easton, Samuel C. Huey, Thenphilus Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Edmund A Fonder, Henry C. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, Rodolphns Kent, John W. Hamm, William 11. Carr, Ellis 8. Archer, Edward T. Mott, Samuel J. Christian, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. Raeln, Joke G. Brenner, P. B. Stickler, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER, Preildent. SAMUEL Y. STOKED, Vi C 4 Drell. Jong W. Mims. Secretary. nll-11 HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN BUItANOI2 COMPANY—Oftcs No. 412 WALNUT Sheet, Philadelphia. Tho following statement of the affairs of the company Is published in conformity with provision of Its charter : PRIWIUSS SEURITED CROY AUGUST TO AUGUST 21, 18:17; . . . Flre premiums Marko premiums Perpetual premiums.... Total outmost premiums taken Earned Ore premiums 25,072 92 Earned marine premiums 165,00.1 00-190,078 56 Deduct Tatum premlums Net earned Marius [WYSS paid. $93,556 15 sire !noes paid.... 8,081 11 $lOl9lO 8d Salvage re ceieed.., laterent re ce1ved...4,151 &7 - iueur• RUN) 2,071 82 -8,003 66- 93.033 70 Expentax for comtnieslons to spots, abatements lu lieu or scrip, allaries, office rent, furnleblmg office, books, sta tionery, &r Profit and lose Net profit A 831176. Cash on hand $12,016 60 MIN receivable 1i0,231 02 Donde and mortgages 160,000 00 Stocks 0 9^ 100 00 Stock notes 142,900 00 Due by agents and others 22,312 93 DIRECTORS. P. M. Potts, Wm P. Leech, 0. E. Spangler, It T. Konstl, Abraham Rex, 11. R. Houston, Wm. IL Woods, Jos R. Withers, George Howell, Abraham P. Eyre, J. Edgar Thomson, W. Miguel, 0 U. Sower, Charles F. Norton, John W. Sexton, John 11. Lewars, Herman !Jaunt, James E. Stiles Nathan It. Potts, 11. R. Shlllingford. PERCIVAL M. POTTS, President 0. E. SPANGLER, Vice President. W. R. WOODB, Secretary. 0c22 R. T. Rxxsit. Treasurer FIRE INSURA NOS. SPRING GARDEN FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY. CAPITAL 11120,000, PAID IN CABH, AND SECURELY INVESTED, OPPIOE, N. W. CORNER OP BLEU! AND WOOD BTB., SPRING GARDENS. CHARTER PIEPETUAL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. lIIROTORI3. John IL Dohnert, Henry DI. Phil. David Woelpper. LOCH fildonsek Benjamin Davis, John Landoll, John Evans, Jr Charles field, Anley H. Park, William E. Woo . James Durnell, John B. Stevenson, Jamb 13. Hintze's Cumin Stoddard Henry Homer, Thos. D. Tillinghast, George K. Childs. JOHN H. DOHNERT, President. L. ERUMBRAAR, Secretary. Sept 21—ly NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY.- / OFFICE 414 WALNUT St., Franklin Buildings. FIRE ANTI MARINE INSURANCE. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO, WITH PRIVILEGE! io INCREASE TO, 600,000. This Company la now tally orgin'ted, and prepared to make all kinds of Insurance against law or damage by Fire and Marine Perna at current rates. dFFICERS. H. 0. LAUGHLIN, President. RICHARD SHIELDS, Flee President. ONO. SCOTT, Secretary. DIRECTORS. H. 0. Laughlin, D. Sherwood, Win. Osborne, Richard Shield, T. Y. Showell, T•EQUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, Office No. 408 (late 92) WALNUT Bt. Capital and Surplus, $260,000. This Company coolluuto to make Insurance against loos or damage by lire and the Perils of the Sea, Inland Navigation and Transportation, at cone of rates. OFYICERB, President-OEO. H. HART Vice President—E. P. ROBB. Secretary and Trueorer-11. It. 00008 HALL. Assistant Secretary-8. 11. BUTLER. Berton. X. W. Bailey, Olkirlea Q. Wm. D. Lewis, Jr., J. L. Pomeroy, Andrew R. Chamber., 11. It Coggshall, Hammel Jones, 11. D., A. Y. Chembrougb. George H. Hart, E. P. Ross, A. 0. Cattail, Joseph Edwards, John G. Dale, Hon. Henry M. Iret Poster R. Perkins. John H. ChauOera, an Etay . . ARCTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPA NY, NEW TORR.—Office, No 29 Wall street, ad joining the Mechanics' Dank—Cash Capital, $2d0,000, with a surplus. This Company insure Buildings, Mer chandise, Furniture, Yesitela in port and their Cargoes, and other property, against Lou or Damage by Fire and the Biggs of lellgod Navigation. WEECTORIL Henry Grinnell, ,loaboi L. Pop*, Caleb Barstow, Burn' R. Graves, Henry 0. Brewer, Henry Dolls, Edmund Penfold, 0.11. Lilienthal, Hutson K. Corning, Theo. Polherous, Jr. Ogden Haggerty, Ellaha E. Morgan Thomas Nonagon, Abra. R. Van Nest, John H. Earle, William A. Cosy, Albert Ward, Thomas 8. Nelson, Charles Easton, James W. Phillips, Louie Lornt, Charles A. Macy, Samuel o.9lllldden, Edward Mangan, Bteph. Cambreleng, Wm. E. Shepard, Thomas Scott, Charles L. Frost, John Ward, Lothrop L. Sturges, Henry K. Bogert, William It. Folding, Peter EJes, Emery Thayer, Benjamin 11. Field, Geo. Westfeldt, A. It. Frothinghiun, Salmon Taylor, That. Y. Youngs, Henry E. Monona. Samuel L. Mitchell, . . . . . ALBERT WARD, President. RISME) A. OILLIIIT, Secretary. Au 10..1y MANUFACTURERS' INSURANCE COMPANY.--+Obarter Perpetual. Granted by the State or Penneylranla. Capital, $600,00). YlN, Marine, and lulaad Tranaportallou. DIREOTOIS Aaron B. Lippincott, cparlos Wise, Wm. A. Rhodes, Alfred Week., Cherie. J. Field, James P. Smyth, Wm. B. Thowu, J. Rinaldo Sant, Wm Ideal, John P. Biomes, AARON 8. LIPPINCOTT, President. WM A. MODES, Vice Prealdiot. ALVARO WEEKS, Secretary. J. W. MARTIEN, Surveyor. This Company was organised with a each rapital, and the Directors hare determined to adapt the business to its available resources—to observe prudence in conduct. leg its affairs, with a prompt adjustment or mom.. time. No. 10 Merchant.' Rishange, Philadelphia. THE MERCANTILE MUTUAL INSU RANCEAL COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA —ollloe No. 222 WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. MA RINR RUMS on Teasels, Cargoes, and Freights. IN LAND TRANSPORTATION RIMS, par Railroads, Cantle, Beate, and other earrialies. ALL THE PROFITS divided annually among the As. lured, and ample security In wee of mom Zdward Harris Miles, John kl. Odanheltuer, Mahlon Villilmnaon, Samuel J. ttliarplen, lame Jo►ues, Henry Pre►ut, Edward O. Jumee, William L. Springs, Franklin C. Jones, Daniel Haddock, Jr., William Taylor, Junes Murphy, Win. P. Smith, A.J. Autolo, Samuel L. C XDWARD,LIAI ALFRED VAR! Jogs O. X , Bacrotar Thomas T. Butcher, Algernon E. Astiburner, Allred Pasaltt, Thomas S. Foster, Gultasna English, James H. Stroup, Allied Slade A. G. Cattail, Charles B. contain, Samuel Robinson, John 0. Rioter, John P. Steiner, Henry Gratubo, .Win. J Caner, reutiborg. RRIS MILES, Prealdest. ISITT, Ties President. ry. aul-ly CHARTER OAK FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY or HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Capital 11300,C00. Loges In Philadelphia and vicinity adjusted at the Pitiladelphla Office. By leave we refer to D. S. Brown & Co., Phila. Hoe. Joel Jones, Phila. Ohalieee, Stout & Co., ii llon. Rufus Choate, Boston Harker, Lea & Co. " Hon. T. S. Williams, Ilartia We have facilities for p &clog any amount of Insu rance In the most reliable Companies. PHILADELPHIA GENERAL INSURANCE 40ENVY, No. 418 (old No. 145) CHESTNUT,ST. THOMPSON k ROOD, Agents. PHILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY N. W. Cor. TUIRD ant CHESNUT Sta. L. rELouzi:*. SON, thankful for the liberal pa tronage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and desirous to merit its continuance, would announce to Printers and Publishers that their now SPECIDIEN BOOK is now ready, and from their increased facilities, are now prepared to furnish every thing necessary in a complete Printing Establishment, at the shortest no tice. Their long practical experience in the business, and the fact of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, Juetitles them In asserting that they can furnish a more durable and better fin ished article than their cotemporaries. Those, therefore, who Satire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them ;retinue to purchasing elsewhere. Oil type taken at 9 cents per pound, in eXcha:l-trge for new at specimen price'. a WONDERS OF THE AGE—LIGHT, Warr FOR ALL.—PETERS & BUROPE, Patent Non-Explosion Self• Generating OAS LAIIIPS Is just the thing to suit all. Price 51 50 up; all may have superior Light by calling at their Depot, This Lamp is adapted to all places and purposes, and only requires a trial to test its advantages over all others. The Lamp forma its own gas. Our Patent Burners can be fitted to every ordinary Fluid Lamp, with little espouse, without the least possible danger. All are invited to call and examine for themselves. Town, County, and State rights for sale, The proprietors are in want of Agents, giving a rare chance to make money. PETERS & &RECIPE, Gas Lamp Depot, 123 South 4th St , below Chestnut, Phi CLOVER BEED.—NOTICE TO PENN sYLvaNTA FARMERS AND STOREKEEPERS. The undeaggned are now prepared to purchase for nub, prime Clover Seed of the new crop. Pennsylvania storekeepers and farmers, by gentling alunples to our address, con, at all times, ascertain the price at which we are buying. Parties wishing samples, by which to be governed u to quality, can have them sera by mail, by addremlng um. d. H CHASE to CO, IW94f 43 North Front, sod a Water streets rII.IEAP SUarKER FUEL.-GAS COKE, ‘I,J of excellent q_polity, is sold at the PHILADELPHIA GASWORKS for the reduced price of five cents a bushel, and may be obtained In We or small quantity by ap plying at the Lisa Office, No. 20 South SEVENTH Street. To Porobaseis by Wholesale, it Is sold at the Works, In Mot Ward, by the ton, at a pries equivalent to Au thraelts a 1112 6tl per ton. (Signed,' J. U. onaasoo, 31hagineee. PIIILADILTIIIII WOll/1, 20, augy-u 68-17 balsa Carolina Moss, tor sato by MARTIN & ItAOALISTER, In POZI4I Waif Pinot pENNI3YLVANIAAThR g ORRAT CENTRAL EMU, oanueattag the At lantle Cities with Western, Ncrrib-western, mot Smith wettern States , by a oonthutoss Railway diroot. Road Olio sonnets at Plitobargh with dolly line of steamers to all ports on the Waiter° Rivers, and of Oleroland and Sandusky with Stainers to all path the North-western Lakes; making the moot DIRECT, 011RAPRST *ad BRLIABLR ROUTS by which /Mitt can bo forwarded to and from time DEBAT WRST. RAUB 111111111111° PRILADRLPIDA AND rine- BU RUH. lIIIT Owes—Boots, ghee*, Kaki and Cape, Books, Dry Muds, (in boxes bales end trunks), Drugs, (in boxes sod bales) Peathers, Purs,&e 000. per 101 It,. Baku) Coose.—Domestic Shesiting, Shirting and Ticking, ( In original lulu), Drugs (In eseka), Hardware. Leather, Liquor, (in cask.) Well Paper, Wool, In sheep Pelt', Briatwerd,&e &e TM. pat 100 Its Tulin Coosa—Akita, Chains, (in cuts), Hemp, Heron and Pork, Batted, lona. or in sacks), Paints, (dry ROA to oil.) ON, (*leapt lard met resin) 6k. per 100 . fouien Cooes—Colfut, Ylah Beef, and Pork, (in tubs or bole' eastward), Lard and Lard Oil, Nails, Bala Ash, thrum May, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Steel, lisnufactured To. tteco, Rosin 011, tineenswars, Fuger, bbla., vet bares t ) de &e., e 60e per 100 P• Pooca—El per bbl., until further notice. per 100 lbs., until for her notice. Oollol—s2 per bale, not exceeding 600 lba. Weight, until further notice. 834;29 81 217.793 0/ 224 00 In shipping Goods from any point East of Phila.!. phis, be particular toll* sr packages eta Peiserylcon is Railroad." AU Goons consigned to the Agents of this Bowl, at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be Gaya/den without detention. $138,747 43 Faiiiatre Auxins —Clarke & Co , Chicago ; Parker At & Co., 11emphi , Nun.; IL P. Lux k Co., an. Loos, Ma P. 0111 h y Co., Evaciville, loollana • Wm. itiatioaz 44. , 11. drum, 1; C. & , Clocionati, 11.8 Pierce it Co . , Zanewille, Okla; Leech & Co., No 61 Kay street, Isieetr Le, als & Co., No 2 Actor tfouee, New Yerk, No. t Waillta S.. Now York ; E. J. Boeedar, Philadelphia • Illagraw & Boon., Baltimore; Li. IStawart, Plttstalzglk. 11 IL 1101.101.05, Gaaaral PraOt Arse 11. J. LUMPIER?, de9.. &iwirlotelideot Altaaaa. Pa a 1198 369 09 QAVING PIIND-FIVE PER CENT. IN TERF.ST—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST DOH PA N Y.—WALNUT STREET SOUTH-WEST CORN ER OP THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. INOORPORaTeO ST TER RUTS 01 Pain TTTTTT 11. bluney le received in any mom, large or twill, acid in terest paid from the day of depoelt Talkie day of with drawal. The office le open every day Troop !O'clock in the muslin till 7 o'clock in the evening, asd on Monday and Thursday evening' till 9 o'clock. HON. HENRY L. BENNE.I4 President, ROBERT SELPRID(II, Vito Prtaident. Wit. J. READ, Secretary. DIAXOTORa: t 0,866 t 7 63 40-111,283 27 124 5:11 52 5784,006 84 Ron. Ilenry L. Banner, 0. Landreth limns, Edward L. Carter, P. Carroll Brewster, Robert Selfridge, Joeeph B. Barry Saul K. Ashton, Ilenry L. Churchman, lames D. Smith, Francis Lee. Honey to received and payments made daily. The investments are made in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in REAL ESTATE MORT• GAGES, GROUND BENTS, and such first class irecuri ties as will always insure perfect security to the /appal tore, and which cannot fall to give permanency and sta bility to Otte Institution. aul-ly NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.—FIit PER OEM'. STATE SAVINGS FUND. No. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.—FIFE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. IN -°.83 (241) DOCK STREET.— FIVE PER GENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.—FIVE I. MR CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. sul-17 PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOIL 1.11 WORKS. NEAFIB & CO., PRA : 9IIOAL_ AND TIIEOIIIyICAL_ ZNOINIIERBS, MACHINIST% BOILER-MAKERS, BLACK SMITHS AND YOUNDRRS. Raving for many years been In racecard operation, and been exclusively engaged In building and repairing Maim and River Refine., high and low prase" Iron Boats, Water Tank', Propellers, he., ho. respectfully offer their minion to the public, Ls being Italy pawed to contract for Engines of all sires, Maine, River, and Stationary. Metric seta of patterns of dllerent sires are prepared to eremite orders with quick despatch. Bray description of Pattern-making made at the shortest notice. nigh and Low Pressers, Tine, Tubu lar and Cylinder Boilers, ot the beat Pennsylvania char coal iron. Porginp of all sizes and kinds; Iron mad Braes Outing s of all descripUora; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected with the above baslneu. Drawings and apecilleaticaui for all work dens at their eatablishment free of charge, and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf dock room for re psira of boats, where they can lay in perfect safety, and are provided with abeam, blocks, falls, ke., de., fur raising heavy or light weights.. . . . oporge Minster, W. 0. Btotesbury, it. M. Castile, 0.0. Butler, Geo. Scott. reul9-y THOMAS HEANEY JACOB G. NEAFTIL JOHN P. LEYY, and -7 BRACH and PALMER Streets, Kensington 11110111. Y. /1111101. a. YLCUILII lIIIITOX wILLIAN H. =WOE SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON maim, PLIILLIML/811. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MAOHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land. River, and Marine antic/. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &a., Out. logs of all kinds, either lith or Brass. Iron triune roofs for Use Works, Worhahope, Re*wad Stations, &s. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the Wait and mat improved oonstruction. Beery description of Plantation machinery, snob u Sugar, Saw and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pane, Open Stem Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engine., &e. Bole Agents for N. Rillieux's Patent Sugar Bolling Apparatus; Namoyllt's Patent Stearn Rammer; J. P. BOW Patent Valve Motion for Emit Machinery and Steam Pumps. Superintendent—B. H. BABTOL. RIORARD NORRIS & SON, LOCOIIO- Tirio STRAM RII/LD/ERII, - milltesuut Nuts?, amiturtlx, taverna, sirs Irma URDU ITRX2III, PHILADKLPHIA. .11mIctolosiv* the snanafxstaro of OMOTIW.: STEAM ENGINES. Msoafeetare to order Locomotives of say smuts meat, woloht or eapmelty, for the too of Wood or Coil, es Dammam Cool is its credo stale or WITIIOI2I alOrfila 870xa , Olil Oa 1111. In des4n ' material and workmanship, the Locomo tives produeed at.these Works are signal to, and not as- Gelled by any. The materials toad 1 construction are made on the spot, aali Immo the best quality and most reliable etook. The large extent of Shops, and Can. plea Equipment of Macki fury ami noir, enable thorn to mantis the REST OF WORE WITH GREAT DESPATCH, OF ANT A7IANG2IIItat MIMED OAS WHEELS, IIAiIIIRRED AXLES, With tuning. of any alas or form, IRON AND BRASS CABTINtia, And MAOH INV WORK generally. 1111011ARD NORRIS sal-1y WANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to wbom will be given good pay, board, elothiog, and medical attendance Pay from $l2 to 122 per month No man baring a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE, at No. 817 MARKET street above Eighth, oorth aide. . . . Got 6.3 m 500 AGENTS WANTED.-A HOME STEAD FOR $lO !—Third Division —5310,000 worth of Fern» and Building Lots, in the sold regioo of Culpeper county, Virginia, to be divided amongst 10,200 subecribere, on the Ith of December, 1851. Bilti scriptions only ton dollar. down, or fifteen dollars, one half down, the rest on delivery of the deed. livery subscriber will get *Building Lot or a Farm, ranging in »slue from $lO to $23,000. Three farms and lots an sold so cheap to induce settlements,* sufficient number being reserved, the Increase In the value of which will compensate for the apparent low price now asked. Up wards of 1,350 lots and farms are already sold. and company of settlers called the " Rappahannock Fioiseer Association' , is now lonising and will soon commence a settlement. Ample security will be given tot the faith ful performance of contracts and promisee. Neatly 45,000 acres of land, in different parts of Virginia, now at command, and will be sold to settlers at from $1 up to $3OO per acre. Ungmestionable titles will in all cases De given. Wood cutters coopers, farmers, dn. are wanted, and five hundred Agents to obtain subscribe», to whom the moat liberal Inducements will be given. Fme agent. write that they me making $2OO per month. or full partionlare, subscriptions, agencies. An, apply to E. BAUDER, mi24-tf Port Royal, Caroline county, Ea. IVOTICE.-CIIESTNUT STREE I BRIDGE. PLANS AND ESTIMATES for a Bridge over the River Schuylkill, on the line of Chestnut street, in the City of Philadelphia, will be received by the Chief En gineer and Surveyor, at the DEPARTMENT OF SUR VEYS, City Building, rim Street, berm Walnut, until the second day of January, 1658. Sul Bridge to be of the following dimensions, without any pier, or with not more thou one pier in the water-way; the materials of construction throughout to be indestructi ble by fire. Distance between abutments... 330 feet Width of Bridge, out to out, not lees than.. 42 ,‘ Elevation above low water 37 For sn arch the springing line should not he /eristain eleven feet above low water. The Plans and Estimates will be received trader the arrangement and conditions epeeitima In the ordi. vanes of Councils, approved November 2d,153T, es fel lows, via : SECTION 2. That all plans and eetimstes to be received by the Chief Engloeeraud Surveyorot the City of Phila delphia, each plan and estimate to beer a private mark, and he accompanied by a sealed communication having a corresponding mark thereon, se that the name of the designer may not be known until the plan most ap proved shall have been selected. SECTION 3. That all such plans and eshmates shall, when received, become the property of the City of Phila delphia, and shall be presented within two months after the posoage of this ordinance, when It shall be the duty of the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, by and with the advice of the Committee on Surveys and Regulations, to invite a commission, consisting of three civil engi neers, who, lu conjunction with the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City, shall examine and decide upon the relative merits and applicability of the plum presented, to the Bridge site propoeed, and report to Council, the, number of plans received, the names of the designers, and the character and estimated cost of the three plans by them preferred. SECTION 4. It shall be the duty of the Chief Commis sioner of Highways, upon a certificate presented and signed by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, to burns warrants in payment of Cie cost of the aforesaid adver tisements, and also in favor of those persons who may have presented the three plane preferred by said corn missiou Lie the nest in point of merit, the sum of gunk to the seectid,l2so, sod to the third slo9i said warrants to be charged to Item No. 19 of appropriation made In the Department of Highways, &e., for the year 18.57, approved March 16,1857.1 Poe further information, or for croon section of river, address STRICKLAND KNEASS, Chief Engineer and Surveyor City of Phila.] a. nott.dtjan3 MARCHANT's ORYSTALOGRAPHS, CII PHOTOGRATIIIO MINIATURES IN OIL, N R. corner of EIONTLI sod LOCUST. The above pictures differ essaattally from anything ever before offered to the public. Their softness. and truth of color and outline, extraordinary minuteness and accuracy of detail, insure, of necessity, the greatest fidelity of resemblance; while the severity of the or deal to which they are exposed in manipulaUon equally settlee the q,neation of their permane n ce. These feats enable the subscriber I* offer them, with the areatast satisfaction and confidence, to the public and to Ids Meade. They ere peered by letters patent to, and eats be had ONLY of S. D. MARCLIANT. u lir rato re fo tt re flUtS of the cabinet, and life slre.onlite-szas 85—ECONOMY IN GAS BILLS.—THE beat Gass Regulators ever offered ter Five Dol. !era. For sale by the WATERMAN GAS REGULA TOR CONIPA u079•1w eg3 CtiLBTNpT stun badtaab Linn. fianin.ga .ftnZte. _ lalachintrp anb Iran. t , VM)MVI IMAM' LAMER NORM WILLIAM B. ROYAL', Ist Llaut.2.lßsgt. of Cavalry, Iteernitivi Offletr NSYLVANIK OE X? R AL RAIL PZOAD, 18370 POR PITTSBURGH. 1837. Olaidanstl, St. Lords, lasi MA I .. ic, 1417Zoltd, Kt. Pisa' Torre ta Claiaage, Iloratiat dais roasoctioas aria al/ 1.14 Grail *or. ors Railroads ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OP TIM THROUGH rums. a tfe t urser ' 41 7 P.w" ofr n 31 .4 %lel aLumir. XET ateastr laatriusea aa Elirrostb Unit-) LEAVE PHILADELPHIA. 1/01 PITTSBEROII AND WESTERN CITIES. Hail 'Praia at 730 A. H. Put 1.1.• .._. ........ .............. at 1213 P. St. / "Prou /ha. .. !..- .. .. .... al 11 CO Xlaist. Columbia R. R. Lim ...... ter Harrisbasr, via Cr 'Limbic at 2.DIP H. ARaivE PROM PITTSBURGH AND WEBIERN CITIES. _ . . Heil Trails ......................... .ar 1x on eight Past Line ......................... -nt a. Ezyresa Mall ................ .. , 00 P. If at 1 Cs) Columbia B. R. Line urine trona marrisharg, via Ca lmat la. at 1 Ml P. M. The repress Mall teat daily, Ike ether tee urc:tad. ng, Sae• pit will be received et the Puseager Dowd be the • Master. at any time Marto; tne day. !t) charts for handling baggage. Manes.—in case et Foes, the Company will hat themselves respectable fee personal beggar alp, as! for an amount not exceeding $lO9. Novrca.—Otanibeses will be in readiness at the die. York Da pct to tunny passengers for the Wait to the Pennsylvania Railroad Station. THOMAS MOORS, *seat. Palmier Use Pennsylvania latleam. Co Phtlarbelphla, November St, IU7. 1111.1; _ _ _ T°WESTERN TRAVELLERS. BPFUNO e x o BUMMER muualo pima. R . O TWERN CENTRAL Reu.srAr. TWO DAILY TRAINS PROM BALTDIOIIII TJ PITTSBURG!' AND T W O WEST. On and after Juke let, 1857, TWO DAILY TIL I II.I lot leave Calvert Button for Piltateush sat AG Was-T -OM and South ar Northwestern eine% YORAIING MAIL Ilium Lame RaUhnore duly (Sande; ezraptod) at 11S A M coulee/In; with the MIA Trani over the sylvanla Railroad, and arriving in Pittabwriiii at I A. 11. THE AFTERNOON EXPRESS ?RAIN Leave. Baltimore daily (Sunday excepted) at a P for Harrioburg. Yd TUE EXPRESS TRAIN Leaves Raft-WoreNIGHT EVERY biltillTal le P. It I sea Decline with the Lightrdog Raper ewer the 'MUT i• viola Ratiroad for Pittaburgh, arriving at 1.9) r, AU these trains connect downy aa Pittsburg with trains over the Pim/Ivrea, Cart Weans a_e Clien t s Railroad, sad its Northern, Sonthera eta W8114,111C011.0e61:011i. ire Pawnee!" for ChleagO, Hoek Wand. Bating ton, lota City, 111laninkte, Dubuqu, Bt. Peet . ", HIS sou, and other loading titled le the Nortbwait, e A Snared miles of :me.: end tea haws is Imo, wit! /Oar lens changes of cars, by toting mate. Vu &rag vs r for Cleveland, natty, Toledo, eat DIETS. go by thle route, and the time to weanaties, bet 02 //3 miles shorter thaw by nay other mite. Ire. Passengers for Bt. Loole, Indlanapotea: Terra Hants, ealro, sod all points on the Levet sad Vapor Make leee thong, of ram and arrive m,- ranee cf any other route; and to Cincinnati, Colon. boo, Dayton, Loakrillo , and other prominent rite", Si yet: a as by any other route. All Western Baggage CIIECRED TEOIOI3IIII ant Avoid:rd wish rare. FOR THE NORTH. The 15 H. connects cloudy with Express Trains over the Dauphin read far Wllliessuiport. Madre. Rochester, Buffalo ; Niagara Pals, Ceinsta, Thus forming the most direct reality route to Northwestern Pennsylvania and Western New Took. Passenger, will And tide the aortas, chea=amt moat expeditions root. to !Hagan% Falls and Through Tickets are lamed to Canada. via Co lambi* and Lancaster by al/ the trains at p 3 each, each train having sore connections. Passengers by this route avoid tremelled bridges, and all the inclureaLsnes of ferrying acmes the Susquehanna rives. Passengers for Hanover, blearhester, Gettysburg Km. mittaborg, Carilrte , Clistabersburg, go by the ticim at 11.15 A. 11., and 3 P.ll. WMTIIINBTER BRARCH. The Cars on this mad make one trip per day, connect. hag with the train at P. M. Nor THROUGH TICIERTS and further taionnetten, apply at the Ticket Mar, Calvert Station, I. B. earner of - Calvert and Pranklla Waste. 5ep21341 C. C. AMMON, Rift NEw YORK LINES.-THE CANPEN /.1 AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PHILADWLIIIIA AND TRENTON RAMBOAD COW/NT% LIM._ PROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW I AN NWA Lena u (0114 Ma, Vim PLAC22.: //Ai At IA. Y. from- Hanslngtoa tempt, Its Jemmy City, Nall At 6 A. 11., via Camden sad Jamey Oily, NW Par lay lotoranodatioa At 6A. M., Via Camden sad Amboy, Aecammaalia tiou„..„ At 7 A:11., via Camden sad Jamey bitty, Woman YNI At 10 A. Y., by steamboat Treatea, vta Tammy and /easy City, Yarning At 2P. M., Tit Caudal aad Amboy , 0. sad A. II- At r 67. AI Via Ogaden sod Jaw City, Itivatag Mail I At 3 P. U., via Camden and Amboy, Abcommoda. Goa, let Clam 2 At P.M., via Camden and Amboy, decemansda. tion, Bud Clam. At 5 P. It., its Ganda* ma Amboy, Acoomemods. Goa, lit Class At E. P. AI., via Camden and Amboy, Acconareada tion, 2nd Mat 1 Tha 6P. Y. Una ,as daily, all etbas libustays az Sailed. Linea stop at Gm painetped Matta . ousfil for Belvidere, Easton, naudagtoa, ,aIII A. and 23i I U., tram Walnut street wharf. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Itersatoa, Irlasenort Nostrum, Great Band, de., at 6 A. IL, via. L's away Lackawanna at Wasters Arad. /or Tritabold, at 6 A. U. Nal P. U. lot Yount Gaily at lA. M astlx, a aaill 6 P. Y. ay I.oms lot Bristol, ?m W ica de. at sad If• Y. tiAY Tor Pmyra. Lamm, 2mrty, Barliagtaa, Illesdra town dea d st 3 P._/1. Steamboat RICHARD BtOCITBF tar Doanlowa and Warm. dtat_a_ eases at 23i P Steamboat IRMt.I. I fa Ti 0414 at 10 aa411% A. and 4 P. M. All lines, ozeoit 1 A. M., less* Walnut atm 117 - 11fty pound" of b amity alknold oath pap osovr. Pitoooosoni an ol tom Wan trq thing so boom* bat Mar vinuirtsc appirst. lad. Pco ovor ilty - pammt e to ilekpiM for ortra. - lin (Ivo y loolt their oliposiembogiViraPist porplooil i sot torbiat pad COO, ozoipt by spots! tottraet. Wbt. B. 03A 0.11/Inrell 1 3111 LADELPHIAL,GERMANTOWNN AND NO B 818 TO W I,I4.IIA4)IrL_NUI ARRKESIENT-0a had attar XOWD&T, Oes lilT. FOB 02211131T0WN. 14.1.10 Philadalpitit 7X, SM. ON, MA A. Ml. 3-10 min.', 6, 6, I. sad 11 P.M. Leave Germantown at 11,ii,341 WILL 11 , lON A M 1-114 3.10 mkt. 4,6, 60, S, stet 10P. W. Tha 7.3.5 *Week A. M. Train tetrad Garmantown will atop map at Wayne Pinot Btatkai. r* - S,. Lea PitilwialpkiaON SUNDAY 411.20 min. M.. 2 and ON, Lam Oeramdakaili S. W min. A. M., 1-14 min nal 6 43 min P. 31. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia ai TN, A.ll, 1. b 4..4 9 P. 11. Leave Chesteat Rill at IK.OI-40.14 WO Isla_ 1 ffi . 11240, E.IO , 6-40 wad 7-44 ads. P. 11. ON 1117NliA2S _ Leave Phiaaa*lpblai, 921 A. u.,2 asl 6X r. V Leave Chestnut MD at a 4. 11.. /244 aai 41-14 IP M FOR WANAIRIER, c N3ROIIDCRRN ARD Leave PhilLlMptsiss ♦t 6X, 9, n A. In ; IL •;, nai and II P. M. Leave Norristown at I 11,11 A. SI , 6 sza 6 43 p SI ON eN3NDAYO, Leank PAILWAlpkia, al A. U., tei i P.. 111. Leae• liorriAtown all A. M., sad S P. IL CEIPIPPRIt VALLEY" HAILIcOAD FOR DOWNINfi Leave Philndolphla at fig /.. an , / .ItP. M. Leave Downingtown et 7.g A. M / 11. H. SMITH, tkparistas4ont Depot, NIA*, and Prees street'. YlitladerAla N ORTH PENNSYLYANIAAAILHOdD WINTER AILIUNGLIII33II% BETHLEHEM. HAPTON, ALLICiIIt)WN, it A OCH CHUNE, WILKESEARBE, DOYLESTOWN, A e On mull OUT Wednesday, Noseinlne 4th, 1431. the biasses this toed wilt Owe Ptils4lptila dally ,Sun da), exeopted) as rollers: For Itethlslsia, Eastea, Allentown Maseh - Ohnal, ant Milkesberrw Myna/ at 9 A. ht. For BetlTelota, Alleotows, acid Manch Chaa9. Ex pros,j in eonntetion with L. V. R. IL and Easton, ty stage, from Ira) 11111 Station, at T.LI P. 11. For Doylestown, (Aecomnsodation,) at 3 3D P L. Pot Gwynedd, do_ at 19 A. 99 On Tuesdays and Fridays the HI A. 11 trots will rat through to Doylestown, leaving Doylestown to rotura at 1 83 P. U. . THAI2:9 TOR PHILADELPHIA. Leafs Betkeeiza (Express,) at 9 A. U., and 'LYS P Leave DorteMaint, (Aseonnnoiatioad at 11.3.9 A. Id Leave Owtnaltd, at 19 P. M 03 51ONDAYS. For Front Gwynedd 915 A. U. Gwynedd— Doylestown 450 P. 51. I Dollestoon, pan to Vottaeholo..... 4 , Mach Chunk— Wtikesbarre PASS l DRPOT. FRONT and WILLOW Ste Pltils NUM CLAIM, Agent. .1 Gig Or it HILADE L. PHIA, WPI.MINGIVet AND BAITIMORR RAIL ROAD. Oa and after Moaday, Nor. Zd, 1867. PAPRIVRORR TRAI2I3 LIAVP. PRILADRLPHIA Tor Ralthnora al 6 A. at., 1 P. M., Oripreaaj ant 11 P. M. c Sae 110.11airkmuLt lA. 1, 330 and 11 P. 31. Porto/ Oantlit at II A. If., 1 and 3 P. M. lot 616dd1a0ee at ILA. 16. and. 1 P. M. Tar Fo r Ots:411//ad 1 P. M. irla M. 7 1321411. Lear* Italtiasome 444.40, Expreat, 1 1.416. AL., sad 6 ti P. 7T. Learn Albotaros at 7.Z aad 11 45 A. M., MO 266 and 0.66 P.M. • • -Leave New Pan at 6.66 and Mai A. 16., and 8 L.) P. M, Wire Bliddlatoata at 10.10 A. N. and 7 OP P. M. Intwe DOTet &UM 41 A. R. sad 1 P. M. Leave Beafant at 7.30 A. M. and 3 P. M. Lun TRAINS loft DALTUdOMD A. N. Wilmiathet at Ile A. M., 2 P. M. aad 11 16 SUNDAYS only at 1I P. W. hem Pittadatpbta to Baltimore. de. do. 6.36 P. M. f Daildtoore phia. Preight TWIN, atilt Philadel Pmereacer Oar as follows artashad, atilt can :-- LallY• Philadelphia for Perryallie and latmeoediata jdamat. 6 OW P N. Leave Wilialastos for do. da. 6.60 P Lm mo baitimano for 1 arre-de.Blltell at 6P M. no 21-i1; 18. Y. P111404,-Pessidwat. Ike proof Oaks S D Ts. A large assartamat of EVANS & WATS PHILADELPHIA MANU SON' FACTURE& SALAMANDER RAISE VAULT DOORS, -'--- Tor Saudi sad atom. BARR LOOKS, Aga! to gay cow la also. IRON DOORS, II NUTTERS, As., On as good aims as my of States, by st astablialkosat to the Dales& RYANS & WATION, No. SS Soot& roux= stmt. inaumbizti •LZAS" GIPS VS A CAL A. fmtibtr. LIIMBER I LIMBER 12 --The anhotailw, who barter 611701111 years Getiapied the prankte at Moan's Planing NW, Lesidagtoolotran seeserod to COATIS STRUT IMAM?, akie rog Uto Phew& Planing oa Delaware inan e . i t tateota keeping • huge smiertaieut fit Carolina sat older U1f.241 bOallbte,owka stela. einem, ebaleteg, d pils& to via ostag work sag .m; sad Yor yak at the lowest cash prices. Panes ore h. Med to toll sod anal* tor them/leek ash Neat K tort will to node to give eatletactioa. tinintarenatnl and eavollot ot tho sheeted wake lior ale kieota art den of jesters polio,/ Pine, Valor aad i lk t eam. au - V 11- ..233P.31 ...6 346.31 ..... • •• 2 44/ 4 63