4:P.411 - 4 11 POI . -4" 'Yi'iiii-gA6A•7: orNeWs• D0uT48,;,,, j.V"," R 0111.9118, In _ , 1 • Tug; SPEE9si! SEPiaTOIIt DOUGLAS.. :n4Vt,frgi4iiiiii'miidt' or oil t , ihiado ii,4tiy to 'a. ,repageation of tlm,speepoli„of Senator 11ono -I.l;r4aln. , Senate of Abe' ifilited States, on .;• lfrOooy:,last. : cOnOal and-lerer ,wbelining in its Ingle, and may well be said to im:unanswerable. Every friend Of the Icansaa ', 40454 and of the friend that,•the will of .the majority shall rifle r will find theie 'cifeAt - . PrinaiPle a lucidly , expounded , •by alEiteimFkivh6:4B never yet . faltered in the _'Extra copies of the *pooh can lito obtoine(Uat Ns office. FOREIGN NEWS DUE. bl 'Europa, mail-steaiser frrati,,plimrio ofthe 2l3tit, ult.. is now fully due,Madlletil-. telligence , onght to have been_ reporteTfroin `ere, this.' - ,Typ to the leini,rif tectnk to press nothing has beenheard of , or from `....;7litini:wrs by this steamer yrilrtuli three days :Xater;an4 prohablyjnellide the eeeteetl • :of another Overland Indian mail. The expec - - commercial circles of New'York that badmen's marbe expected fromßngland, ' , :and, it 4W doubted,whether $5,000,000 ad , "Nlined tp'Aigt44l4,tr GNO, Prison - sr & • Co. 'would' • autrietintl6 carry. that ,hOnse Into smooth Water: - " " , -we v; • Tar: `pc; fitYink 4 . ,p - coaitiott,of 'hostiffiy,.tO the 7 oAratOtor , lfirtority gonvention, .ind• in tnip •:,jcitirietit4"„Areet. prbielple . 4hatpo majority;' ,:iholtlOttli, we are proud Ito, k4w, ,that, lye;'. 14 - iretensteined - -byvilaerwholtuidtpublie son '3lrk.zilvel:Ortle:orlidied:. to, Yidliere lv,averiuglp:to our. position .f.ilrto Democratic -The ~A ttiorieau ;t)104 , #44 , 540%0 of ?.pepltlei , so'verelgety'in its moist enlarged : : and r, - ;)ili - eiiikiip4aviA.,thei:nalliet?.. to - it 'is ;ley OtedWitkibisoic4344,4B - eieiefeei . : ", Letfore ;pour` in upon us dglly Wirittroolo -7:;304114:014:4460,141i30P*04., eriirig -: 'Mitre mieralitin 'Wide - atteratited to do s,o „Ant I- its regent ConstitntionalConvention his' - again Nee. •V'-ei ''*lad-to do the' smile thing' *Hie e.' high . liandi i' " ' ' 'TfteVhive;litiAlre'it vie - laded of that orioeipie, refused to submit the Constituthin to a ^rota 111 ?',J.. , the: peopleilndz teduire , that it shall' be adopted' 4 - .. :.., whether it speaks the , will of the majoritl or eat— oily permitting mi expression of epic:l:Miler and agamet slavery, end that in OIEOtt an. ohjoetionablii form as tp make it a matterot douht s whether aby. , . , r-. A ..I,lkii m lik e a felt • exprortioe of the. popular, liens, ''Xiainrieuld be had lon at olNiesion..: Thiele not '- 7 L''tini - epirit an Intent= of their organie act, and , ‘ ' . 2- 131toniii Mot; and we tifealy trust will noti be coun t• ~ fientufeall Cdtigreesvihen aPplietithin is made for -,-.."admissien in" the 'Union, fat' inao event' den the ,' '' , '.'lltOp'.6 Ibtii down that Ceratittitten)heineverohnox. , ' ; ions - Wrig be. -,: They are throrromed tolarallow it i ' 'aafif tinedavery taimption, lirhetUr- thq 'approve ,I , it ormot ; and, instead of being eleMiedoM destgned ' by Ahem , organie net,-with supreme, sovereignty, • ---*'. h - te 10 ''' -is I 'Of h. a „t• : , t o,y,are , , .e mere pappe ,n ; e . an_e ea • , i -3 - - boß,Oriribe2Who , received 'thee 7atotity from :, 2 ,',:thein, mid iiiikne'vrelaMe to he's hi r au th ority. -,,: . 1., , Threuglitith,lMOidel 01144 the roe-State men, i - f, , 2 14 St spriog,c in .refasing to tee pait in I.lllidootion - ' 'fid. delegates to, Cie Conittlationel CenVegieri r the ',„protaloyery men obtainalleoionlete eontrot of that - , Y,, , and we M dint P Bee tho..frarti3Of fpol 014. . .-.. , 1..:: as atteiniitdo - three the -*Tie I. Lath - the itriproval :, ..,. of 16 , `:OnstItution,-, - wheiher 'it de. adeeptablo to 5:1 - •thseelor.tio_ ,_t.:!' The friends of theilandrinientel , ..' , TLE , piinelpteienabodied- In. the' Kaneas-Nebrafice feet - : lettheotdeedt itiolated, wititireptuaity. -. The pee , 'pie of Kansas must be permitted to iffaate their 2 - 2 ? . 2 !o7sa 2 2thruanstielps • utions„itk theiVetviriraY; and `.- *4.00 quoilly'eliqi!, eveihuldictired orope 'upon .allot” lap .449 1 . 1. , wA:L.A. r ihAtitre bu r nt. 1 -,:e'f,:gl4 l - .. 1 . 4 1,..0 1 T44 )1V , ./.. : 44 1 / 1 4 .v0.t 3 ) 14 94....r.40., ~.„..,10 .I,ls.,s t y tv a.wm. r . th .P. 2 . 14 .1 1 1 4403. *heti . -' .iiv_ore la toll a en, we eve eeelideete_p, ..., . • ' • pep that - she wittfiefer,the wholu,thetteaae 2 de ... 4 n ,Introllifffiro94o.ltiftitiorfk , tobititirtito of ' - ust . -- A'llitildoipthoir ointiltioAto#opOiubjooVolOrto,tho; I . - :-.,)Canetitution Ofelled,,,.ropriew r 1 oppa i gre i g timootimrlir4titiparjyat. -A"-42.greaiiii:it$Vgatlid 31: T., , tenet: ' -:',,•:;';'-,-; ''-',„ 2- '.' 2. • '',', - .. 4- :„‘ , r -- ' ,, ',- 2 0' .tfif i ifrekihtkitiAlifiVici*Aii*it i ti*i''' -r 'Ti.;; pa , 11/. jam JS Va'Xiiiik46kosii, ,'..• 2 ;111-rereark ltaVPaaltionX4. rtenienarodlaw ' ~, ow the, pioneer pfAkoToootiotiiikritiom eon - - - ititatigllefinyolitloillitt, have learned what ~.,, 2 ,:iliat peidtiOit is., -1 1.Intil hie ,d'ilige la witually de. " : 14 104 1#V."F# 161. Cqtila l f 49191 TOW it , Oil contain. While we are ~ free to -confess to some fears on this subjeat;tyeti we have strong hopes that ho uttlillettye :Abe' matter in each ehapo that Congress will have the en tire disposal of it, uninfluented bY,arl eifireg' don of opinion by,idm..l. - 41is a ; question alone for Congress, and when theleiompton Constitu tion comes before that body we cannot doubt its fate. It will bo rejected—thrown out with indig nation and worn. The great principle of " popu lar sovereignty'.' has not only been attempted to bo abridged, but to be actually violated, and that at the hands of professed, friends in Kansas, to whom it was - . intrusted. je our issue—week before last—we stated that although the people of llahstirhad been denied the right of voting for or against tho,Constitation under whioh they werele live; yet that the shivery question littd been fully, and;.. as we supposed, fairly sub 'milted to' them. But, - Since then, we have re eared the Constitution, and find that oven that 'question -has' not,b4ien so submitted. But even if it Were, that is no apoidgy . or OiCUSO for violating the prinoiple'ef ,theßanscts.blebreeka Ad. Popu lar. sovereignty inibraoes 'more than the mere questionef slavery. It was not Intended to con fine ft to that alone. SEALING-WAN AND SECRETS Trifles are said to make up the sum of human enjoyment or human misery. Even such an InidgniffiCaitt matter as sealing-wax may hive A decided influence on a man's happiness. We are told the Postmaster of San Francisco has given notice that many, letters arrive at his • office from, the Atlantic States via Panama, which ate found adhering so closely together by sealing-was, that ft is , impossible to separate them without mutilating, and in many cases entirely destroying, the addresses. It has been suggested that, , letters for Cali fornia and other parts of the Pacific coast, via the Isthmus of Panama, should not be sealed with wax. If the - adhesive stuff on our envelopes (simply a solution of gum-arabic) be the only protection, letter-writers lean on a reed indeed, for, on being damped or steamed such envelopes can readily be opened,without, any trace of the perfidy, and can as ea.sily be re-closed. Sealing-wax, in addition to the gummed edger! , of the envelope, is the only security, There iongli as been manufactured biEngland a pirticular sealing-wait, specially, I used for, letters for India; which has the, ad vantage of not being softened by ordinary heat, certainty not by any atmosplierie heat. Such a boon as this sealing-wax. 'would be appreciated, 'no doubt, by—the ladies. Nor by them aline, inft by-au who confide' secrets fo .ftmisaitti, or 411t,eilged,and ;communicate coft nothings by ,meltirs ,of the post-office. that'estS.blishmiUt, eve know,, aSsilsts, "` ' - "The soft intercourse of soul to soul, , And•wafts iseigh.frout - Indleirlo the Polo." 'Pitney thentischinf:Whfelt May aPrin4 . from 111e0410 - nejetrifer;liereited letters adhering te kdthe,r;il4lltudfritotseparated without matild thatn gentlemap had c; popped 'the question" in a-letter p.that the fair one re-' plied...“ 3 will .not;" that the mutilation tore away.: the. fatal negative ; and that, viewing the'replir pa' affirm - ativs, - the , lover sought the lady and atind her starting on a honey-moon .with somebody else ! The bare pfig,sibility of as this makes us shudder, and teuipts mato ask : Will not.some one import or manufacture sealing-wax warranted not to run PUBLIC EN TERTAINIBENTS Ma. Manarialm's 13Exam.—This evening, the hist of Mr': Marshall's season at the Walnut Street Theatre, he will take a benefit. The performances include,,wilt , Sperry's comedy of " Extremes" (with songs 'and dances), and the second act of ‘, The Enchantress," with the cymbal dance. Among the performers who will assist on this own sion;may be mentioned, Miss Etchings. Mrs. John Sefton, Mrs. Silsbee, Mr. Etchings, Mr. Chapman, Mr. Showell, and Mr. Daly. As Mr. Marshall has fought the theatrical battle, this season, with bet hope than fortune—mainly, indeed, for the sake of the many persons who depend on the theatre for their support—he deserves, and we do hope be may receive, what will indeed be a substantial benefit'to him. Every seat in the Walnut Street Theatre ought to bo filled on this occasion. Mr. Marshall has been liberal on all oceasions, publio or private, on which the gratuitous use of his Theatre could he benefistal, and the publio ought to acknowledge the obligation, now, in the most sttbstanttal manner. , We expect to see a crowded and brilliant house to-nlght. • 'ARCH STREW? TnEATB3.—Mr. 0. S. Leland's new play, in rehearsal here, is pn titled "The Pelee and the True." On Tuesday evening, that able -artist ane, excellent gentleman, Mr. Thayer, will take a benefit here. Me will give the comedy of '" Speed the Plough," with " The Carpenter of Rouen" es an afterpiece, Mr. Thayer is each an established and deserved favorite, that the mere annonneeteent of hie appeal to his friends, the Dahlia, will certainly draw a great number of them around him. ISITIONAL TnEATEE.—There is to bo en after noon performance toreto-day. In the evening, in addition 'te . the' rinadrptaidal 'performances, the &an:MO° 'pieee called ,"Putnam" will bo pro duood, with Mr. It. Johnston; formerly of the New York Bowery- Theatre, as " Oneactah," the In - dinn. The Ronzant Troupe will re-appear at the Aca demy of Music on Monday evening. The prices of admission are reduced to fiity . and twenty-five 6ents. • S, .M/SS .711iTANA MAY'S CONCERT.—WO are in formed that Mis s May, who lately returned to this 'country, after completing her musical education in Italy, and his appeared, with marked success, before large' and initial audiences in New York, Washington, and Baltimore, intends giving a con cert in this city, at the Musical Fund Ball, next 'Friday evening. She will sing English as well as Italiunmusie, and wits be assisted by Signor Tibi rini, the tenor (on his return from South America); Signor-Morello, baritone, and Mr. Harry Sander son, the pianist, this being his first public appear- Vice In this, bii native city. It is known that Miss May fp highly connected in Washington, and that not any pecuniary Neoesnity, but high aspirations for tame, with a naturally fine musical organiza tion, has induced her to aim at the difficult dis tinetioned becoming a world-famous prima donna. 11111,Xt AL. , The concert given at the Academy of Idusic, last evening, for the benefit of the St. John's Orphan Asylum, was most ,successful—the horse being crowded in every part. The Misses Heron, who kindly volunteered ,their services, wore the prin. 'iftpOttreetion. These young ladies, who are widely, known as talented vocalists, and deservedly popitlar in this their native city, appeared for the -first time on the boards of the Academy, and were Most enthusiastically greeted. They possess voices ,of tesepeasing power and sweetness, and the manner in which they eaguitted themselves on this occasion gave additional assurance that they will both ere long ocettO r Prominent and enviable positions in . the ,mueleal world. ~We, particUlarly noticed the rendition of "A foree',p 111 W! from Traviata, by Miss Agnes Heron, which was exceedingly fine, as WAS , also the drinking song (Libiamo) from the f 4 nue 'Plieri;which, else sang in an encore. Mis 4 Fanny fferen sang a covetina from the Opera of Baffo with, great effect, and was ,enthu siestically encored- when eho sang the drinking song from Lucretia Borgia. This song completely carried" the audience; who evinced their gratifica: tion in loud bursts of aPplense. These young ladles merit all the commendation we have heard tiestswed on them. We understand they intend giiing a - ,Concert shortly at the Musical Fund Halt A terrible tragedy was enacted at Ncatsville, Adair county, Indiana, recently. It appears, that. a. r ßAdmmukeesteralweuter, at4leativille, had oloioatal - report against a party of men,ono of whom waste young was, named Kr, Whetter, the eon of.!a highly respectabloeitioni, that they were counterfeiters. 2holeard of this, Ond laid as plan totiecoy Redmond front his home and murder him. Mr, W horter divulged this to. Redmond. Oa Fri day the party made an- , .attack on Redmond cad his friends in Nentsville, among whom was Red mond's. eon and Mr..Whorter. Nearly fifty shots were Axed- The elder Redmond was that through the heart and instantly killed. Mr. Whorter was .shot in the book of the heed, and it it thought cannot recover. The affair has created a tremen dous excitement. Wmi Allmon ,was tried recently in Beaufort county, N. 0., for bigam,y; he *having married a wife in that State When he had another living In Efampton, Va. This ease 'excited agood deal of 'sympathy, owing to certain mitigating einem stances ; yet be was convicted, sentenced to re ceive thirty-nine lashes, to be imprisoned one day, and appearance at on his personal recognizance for hit appearance at the next court, then to be branded on the left cheek with the letter B in presence of the court, and to receive smother thirty-nine lathes. Et it hardly to ho supposed that he will appear at the next court. M _ _ r. Thomas Scattergood, of Brown's Mills, N. J., lost foot fine mules recently in the follow ing singular manner : One of .his men emptied some pickle in the yard, when the mules cow- Menotti Baking it tir, and3lis doing so, eat a large all of sand. ) whieh ceased their 'death. They died in greatsigony, in less then a - week after ward:. 'One of them was opened, and ebony 'three' quarts of sand was taken frown Its stomach. These mules wore valued atilve'handred,dollant. In nrdentis 'exhibit ths_ifeht, lincline widdh ks,i;takin' illiVeto Within, tWoi loileiti, in ihe ittlini Of 601-porfilbnitodke hi" that bity;;lhe. Balton rratv *I lAsAilliti-lin,eirletnife t tili'nejoilidied anti If vitoutipix 41611stioSit'the eitsflor,fieriod, which A attic' deklineirfottylikintend' dellitb. The 1 ,-; miki. pretatioAlta:'Onirliy,,i6l/3gloilarally :( , tiktle *, Ilfipilo o f 51 uillien,of,dollars ti k , if;fe aibyl, ~ I Obtacll/141,9P4fr 4• .. 1.-4(,.. IC. r 0 i uallyThi the' same al . ~i *- -.,-,-, 14 ~,,, i , 1,,.. ~ - , •- • , , fikc,...a0.044 1-IY4trillitao/4:44n , ,Goings; free --,. , , OE4O 1 11 1 68011141110 ed for, Wilier In the first elit go lastesolftiet_utitbe- Circuit Court of 100 1 1 1 1 6.10114 - 4was-teealvad by the clerk :' .1101ruililourtfaratioaday last. Ile is to be t'P i ', -„,,, il-Yrlast;:- the 16th day of January next. 'L'A4l,lsloking3iftittr t dole-place iit•Ciuieyvillo, Union ciiirity, - Illiiiitils,'On -the morning of the 27th ult.; between John Hall and Dr. Norwell Taylor, Which resulted In the Immediate death or the letter. An old isradge is said to have been the 0011001 the dlitlaulty. THE PRESs.—PHILADE,LPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1857. THE'JA.TEST'NEWS BY TELEGRAM: ' iocom i l asiuriatoN. LOPEOUL DISPIIOII . VO TUT PREEI9.I Important Intelligence from , Utah—Report of Colonel Johnston to General Scott—A Pro tracted War Inevitable. Mummr" December 11,1857 The following important report from Utah PM received here to-day : Ileausgraitnine Ann' UTAU. SOU TIT PASS, en route TO SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 18, 1857. DEAn Bin : Accompanying this communication I received your two letters from Colonel ALEXAX. non, the commander at present of the Main leidy of the army of Utah. In his letter of Bth of Oc tober, Colonel ALEXANDER questions, by the hesi tation with which he assumes his right to exercise fully all the duties of commander, but hie authority to exercise them without restriction is clearly granted by the 62d arti- Me of war. Moreover, general orders, No. 12, head quarters of the army, specially direct who shall command in the absence of General Han- Noy, and suMoiently explains the. objects of the expedition; but no question for the decision of the commander, under his ordinary military duties could arise before the arrival Of Governor COR IUM Misapprehending the, authority with which he is invested by law and the orders of the Gene ralain-ebief, that portion 'of his letter respecting command would be, if ho wore correct In hie view of hie own position, a merited reflection upon his superiors, and it is therefore that I have advert ed to it. Pursuing hie design indicated in his letter of October Bth, he, you will /earn from his letter of October 14th, has advanced up Ham's Fork of Green river thirty-five' miles. above the atoning, and there directs the movements to be made by his own immediate command, and the troops in his which from erroneous sup- rear to fuse ajenotion - , positionswould be wholly impracticable. First, ho evidently. believes that Colonel SMITH, °stetting tberousainder of the supply trains, in all alMht nine, including three settler's trains, is advancing on the lilt:Mei 'load, or out olf, with the foreinamettin Conoral HARNEY'S order of Au gust 18th, andef coursohne not received the oeun, termand of that order. Ito assumes that the oom „Maud hi the roar is capable of a more rapid movement than hie own, anti therefore, after wait ing one day at the point indicated, will resume his 'march.' In this also Ito would have been distil). pointed, as the trains in the roar, suffering from fatigue and scarcity of sustenance, and without horses, which the teams with him have had, could not overtake him.' 'These r are the facto, and if known by Colonel At,exopprt, his disposition, as determined in his letter of:October Bth, wou!4 have been wholly dif ferent. ,Col. Sutra is here at this clamp with 50 memof his regiment. I overtook him the day be fore yesterday (the 16th inst.) about twenty miles east of this, and have added my escort, ilfteen dismounted, dragoons, to his force. Lieutenant Snout, in command of a squadron of dragoons, and fifty of the 10th Infantry—a force of about two hundred men-an:my be oefeeted hero in three or four days. He is aware of the necessity of prompt neee, and lam sure will lose no time. Mr. Wit matt lifeatcam, superintendent South Pass wagon road, with a patriotism highly creditable to him, placed et the disposition of the Government as many employees ee will yolunteer. He thinks fifty or sixty will organize, and I have weed to accept their sortie°, and have them mustered in I for 3or 6 Months, as they may select, and he has also leadmed 15 good teams of mules and wagons which I have also accepted, and directed them to bo received Ph- common delivery. Feersupply trains oontairdne pleating, of which the troops now in advance, Zam informed, begin to need, ordnance, medical, and subsistence stores, are still in ,the rear, and may be ogpectod in two or three days. The ' storm of last night may have destroyed mome of their oxen, and en that account there may be more delay then I estimated. Eleven mules of Col. Surrn's train perished from cold last night. The thermometer this morning at remise was at sisteen degrees above zero. The sky is now clear, end the thora mometer, at one o'clock, stands at thirlysfour de grees, and the small quantity of snow which foil during the night is melting, so the animals can graze fully. lem thus minute that the resents for the order transmitted to Colonel ALEXANDER yesterday morning herewith may be fully com prehended. His intended movement, if met with opposition, world have so retarded his march as to have made it impeeetienble, and would have probably so entangled hint in tine midst of'the deep snow of the Fork of the Bear River, which I understand never fails to tall there, and usually early in the season, as to place him be yond the means of extrication. Our most potent enemy at present is the snow, and constitutes at present our chief embarrassment. The mew:went of Colonel ALEXANDER, for the reasons I hate mentioned, and of which he could not be apprised, would have separated hind from supplies indispensable to the comfort and safety of the army, and deprived him of the assistance of the force which will hi concentrated here in a few days, which, however small, being partly of caval ry, is of vital Importance. • In ordering Colonel Atm:rta:Den to the mouth of Fontonollo croak—a position about thirty miles from his camp, on Ham's Fork—l did co with the design of making a junction practicable. It is about seventy miles honee, and he can reach it by a good road, and without any danger of surprise. There is there an abundance of grass, and it is the point from which I can reach the region I intended Ito occupy this winter, without risking the loss of our animals. (As soon as the snow falls auffieientlyon Green river to prevent the burning of the grass, I will marsh to Henry's Fork, and occupy that valley during the winter. It is a commanding pbsition, and accessible two months earlier for reinforcements and supplies by Che yenne Paso than any other, and will enable um to march to Fort -Bridger, and on the most direct route to Salt Lake, as soon as practioahla in the prime. At this position, also, Colonel COOKE can join, which I still entertain the hope ho will be able to do. I greatly regret that the impossibility of eon centrating the troops destined for this service and their supplies, will prevent a forward movement before spring. It is now manifest that before the force can be united the autumn will be too far ad vanced to move with a probability of success, though not opposed by the itformons. You are already apprised by the proclamation of Baletatal YOUNOan— his letter to Col. ALEXAN DER, which transmitted on the 15th Inst•, of the political attitude SUMO by the Mormons, and the resistance they meditate to the just au thority the Government desires to nacre;so in that Territory, and the General-in-Chief no doubt hue already considered tho necessity of a conquest of these traitorous people, arid has estimated the force necessary to aceomp,i4 the object, with a fall view of the whole subject before him. Ills great experience would not be henefitted by any suggestions of mine. I will, however, mention that unless a largo force is sent hero, from the nature of the country, a protracted war on' their part Is In evitable. The great distance front our stores of supply makes it impracticable to operate with a small force. It, la fact; requires the employm sat of rush forge to guard numerous trains of supplies, leaving but a small portion, if any, for offensive operations. A movement of troops from California, Oregon, and by this route, would terminate a war with the Mormons speedily and more economically, than if attempted -by Insufficient means. 'This ground was taken in the Washington letter of Tne PRESS some days ego :- 7 1.4?„ PRES SA In five or six days I . think we will have all the tome available here for %forte aril movement. By that thee the trains will all l) 'They should a bott,berstsoteseia In twelve clays from this time I expect to join Col. Abe:tato:ma ct or near Fonte ' netts Creek. Tho General May be nesured that no retrograde movement will be made by this forte. , With great respect, youropedient servant, - 4. B..TotisaToN, Colonel Second Cavalry, Commanding Om Arley for Utah. Major Inwtn AfcDowst.r., Assistant Adjutant General, Headquarters Arm', New York eity. The weekly report of the Treasurer of the United States, for the week ending 7th December; shows these facts: Balance subject to draft at that date. 115,069,026 001 Amount of receipts 602,473 81 Drafts returned paid r.. 1,013,141 40 Draftsi:ed 1 69 : 05 Redtetion:e eeevions report..., Astatng ra:erhmjtstreehNhere:lonitogßy j. ; AtxEnheaarrv.aio:: huiprweeohieway to Kansas. 011 inquiry I fledihat neither einthatmrlyAKtwiltdernahtmnif,if aaledoatbofirstgopporin:itypremntw, before a meeting of the people of Philadelphia, in the State of which he is a native. X. Y. WeensunvoN, December 11.—Senator Bigler, in Order to correct a misapprehension, etates, in con versations which, have been had on theAmbject, that the meeting, to which ho alluded in his speech on Wednesday as having taken place in Mr. Doug 10'0 room, lest gear. to consult on the Toombs Kansas bill, was an official, rather than a private meeting, of the Committee on Territories, and one to which the other Senators bad been invited.. The death of lion: Andrew P. Bailer, of South Oak/lino, will be announced In the Senate on Mon day, according to the present onderatanding among the senators ; and the death " lien. James Bell, of on Tuesday. At a **QOM of the Democratic membere of the Renate, which was held to-daY. th'e. clouding com mittees were" agreed upon. Mr. Mason will ton tine as "chairman of the" Committee on Foreign Relations; ,I,fr". Douglas, of the Committee on Ter ; Mr: Hunter of the Committee On Finance ; Mr." Stuart, of the ConAnlttee on Public Lands; Mr. Brown, of the Committee on OW District of Columbia; Mi. Cley;,to be chairmen of the Com mittee on Commerce ' vies Dodge ; Mr: Bayard, of the Committee on the Judiciary, vire Butter; and Mr. 'Voted, of the Committee on' Post Offices and Post Roads, vice Rusk, An effort was Made at the canons to elect now officers of the Senate, but the proposition was postponed. Tho nomination of a public printer will come up in the oaucns to be bald on Monday next. Much Interest Is natal ratted otioapins tholf aoilenuA the subjeig. IMP9EXAST FROM MEXICO The Dictatobinetalleil.-Meteat of the novelle: doubts- The Siege of Campenchr. Nair .oarmtzta i 'Dee. 11 .—The steamship Ton• nemee has arrived from Vera Orin, bringing dates from the latter port to the 7th inst., and - from the City of Mexico to the 4th. The position of the Government Is much Improv ed, the revolutionist forces having been defeated nt Puebla and other points. Comonfort, with tho other otheers of the Supreme Government, were formally installed on the let of Duero*. The pert of liwridad bar been deolared open to commerce. iiio(lovernment has issued a proclamation re gulating transportation aoross the Isthmus of Te huantepec by the Louisiana and Tehuantepec Com pany. The sie ge of Catopeachy is still carried on, and the beseiged aro reported to be suffering severely On amount of the want of provisions. The New Governor of Kansas Waantrusvon, Dee. 1 L—There will no new ap pointment of Commissioner of Indian Affairs, us it is understood that Governor Denver will resume the office after he has accomplished his mission to Kansas. V. S. Supreme Vourt. ItrAsuinaron. Dec. ll.—Tho following cases oc *led the Supreme Court to-day : No. 47.—David Carroll's Devises or. Alfred It. Dawson's heirs. The 'notion to dismiss the cause was argued• No. 11.—Nobert Taylor's dorinistrators:vs. Na than T. Carryle. Argument continued. The court has adjourned over until Monday, Examination and I . ttgal of Alleged Mardorerg nt Cincinnati. CINCINNATI, Dec. 11.—The examination of John Beattie, charged with the murder of Frank J. McClure, who was recently found dead on a step, closed yesterday. The defendant was held in over $2.000 bail to answer the charge of manslaughter at the next term of the Court of Common Picas. . The trial of the Gorman named LCOE6IOr, for the murder of his wifu, and .of her employer, Mr. Thornte.az t lost summer, has been in progress seve ral days. The Kentucky Senatorship ! Lotrtsvitt,n, 800. 11.—The Kentucky Sonata, by a strict Party vote, tabled a resolution to elect, on Tuesday next, a United States Senator in place of lion. John B. Thompson, whose term expires lu 1859. This action constitutionally postpones the election till the meeting of tioo next Legislature. Wreck al a PhilailelWa Yessrir NEW Yon . , Deo. 11.—The brig Georgia, from Philadelphia, with a oargo of coal, le a.shoro off Jones' Inlet, and will probably. bo a total loop. liar craw was saved. knempted Suicide. EAT/7, Me., Dec. 11.--Ittr. Jarvis Slade, of the firm of Luivronco, Stone, 14 Co., of Boston, which recently suspended, attempted to commit suicide to-day. Departure of the Powhatan NORFOLK, DOO. 11.—Tho United States steam ship Powhatan sailed yesterday afternoon, with ruT-}'resident pierce and lady, Markets CINCINNATI, December 11.—Flour closed steady and in good demand at $4 for good brands of super fine. Whiskey is unchanged. Hogs are firm, with but few on the markot at $5a55.25. Pro visions firm, and holders nek an advance. PITTISIIVIMIT, December IL—Flour is dull and without sales from store or first hands—imperfine nominal at $4.50. Wheat 90a05e ; red dull. New Con 43. Itiw Whiskey 10. preved hogs $6.50. Nothing doing in Provisions. BALTIMORE, December 11.—Flour dull. Wheat firm and unchanged. Corn—old white 038650 ; new white 40a500 ; old yellow 60a63e ; new yellow 45a550. Whiskey 22a230. Exchange on New York 104. ' Rome, Dumber 10. Cotton—Salon 3,000 bales; market unchanged. CnAnmesrog, December 11. Cotton—Sales of 'the; week 8,000 bales, at 1011110 i for middling fair. SAVANNAS, December 10.—Cotton—Safes of tho week 5,000 balm at 10111100 for middling. New OnigazesiDeceiriber 10.—Cotton.—Sales of 7,500 bales et irregular prices, mostly at 10io for middling. The rooeipts today amounted to 11,000 bales. Sugar is firm at dim*. White Wheat, UM. Mess Pork, $lB. Exchanges—On London, 1030; on New York, 08111931. New Yong, Deo. 11.—The market here is over stooked with corn, and there has been a consider. able decline in Woes. tallow riUotes at 5450 c and white at 60a. OSIVE.OO, Deeember 10.—Flour steady at 54.33 a 54.75 for &unman to extra State Wheat un changed; sales of 12,000 bus at BIWA aforChicago SpFing, and $l.OO for white Canadian. Corn very Scarce; amalll9ts selling at SOS. Barley—Sales 2,400 bus at 700. Late Imparts to-day-2,400 bus Barley. Canal Rxports-13,000 bus Wheat. Ship manta, by railroad-500 bbls Flour. Freights, by railroad-420 for Flour to Albany. Owego, Docember 10.—Flour firm. Wheat firm at 550. Corn quiet Oats dull. Receipts to day—Flour, 2,000 bbls; Wheat, 7,500 bus; Corn, 3,800 bus, New Ont.n NS, Dec. 11.--The sales of Cotton to-dayiwere 3,000 bales; the market closes slightly cheaper; sales of middling at Main The fol lowing la the weekly statement: Sales of the week 31 000 bales. Receipts 08,000 " Stook in port. 203,000 " Receipts less than last year 152,000 " Receipts decreased at all South'rn ports 333,000 " Sugat continues firm; molasses Is 'selljng at 181 nl9}; flour closed steady 'at $5 ; corn Is active at 110a62Je. Pork dull at for mess; lard in bble 100; rio coffee Is quoted at 9aloo for prime. The sales of the week have been 12,500 bags ; bulk pork hams sell tit 80, and shoulders at eindiej sides at Bia. Freights are drooping. Sterling vtebango 103 105. . THE CITY: AIfUSEAUNTS TlllB EVENING ADDRICAN ACADEMY OP lifusba, BROAD AND LOCEST BTRAIETS.--Concert for the lieuellt of Bt. john's Orphan Asylum. lIANDICL AND TIAYDN HALL, C($11)1t11 EIGUTI AND SPRING QARDZN Stilghlrg.—oolltUfile COI4OIIII by the Weleh Nightingale. BLWROWIIO72III. ' ELIVIVITII BraZIT, 11110111 Covsrmar.—Ethlopf in Lite Illustrated coucludlog with a laughable altarpiece. Wain Star' s Aiwa BTRIVNT Tescrus, MICR RrkEIST, alloys Ellsru.—. , Richard Sudden Thoughts." Waxy? ... Tai writs, N. N. 00aNNR NINTI AND WALNUT S7RIDIIB.—‘ , EXtrelae9"— , The Nnehan tregn.” NATIONAL TUNATIIII, WALNUT EMMET, Milli EIGHTII —"Putnam l, —"Equeetrian Pertormaneese* Interesting and Novel association-. The Sub ject of Idiocy.—We have been kindly furnished with en account of a meeting of no ordinary oha rooter, which was held in this pity on Wednosday last, by the representatives of the folloWing lost!. tutions, who had'bcen brought hither to witness the laying of the corner stone, on Tuesday, of the " Pennsylvania Training School for Peoble.ru inded Children," at Media, a description of the inter. noting ceremonies of wbiob occasion have already been given in Tan Pnass. The following societies were represented : " The Massachusetts School fur MIMI° and Peoble•minded Youth," at Boston. "The Massachusetts Private Institution for Imbecile, andjßackward Children," at Barre,Mass. "The New York 4sylum. for Idiots," 'et Syra cuse. "The Ohio Asylum for nioni," at 'Columbus. And our Pennsylvania Institution at ?erman town. The object of the mooting will to organise an as sociation for the purpose of bringing the subject of Him before tho people, discussing questions of interest, and maturing methods of treatment re lative to this unfortunate class. The well-known Dr. Howe presided at the moot ng. The fact that so little legislation was hail upon this subject, while such abundant provision wee made for tho insane, the blind, and the deaf mute, was stated as a source of regret to all those who have devoted themselves to the cause of the idiot, and it was unanimously agreed to organise On as sociation. Ono object should be to memorialize the different Legislatures, in the name of the "Ap sedation of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the improvement of Idio t" to make provision for the recovery of this unfortunate bless, within their respective limits. The discussions were animated, and each tif the superintendents freely participated in them. The subjoins discussed had reference especially to the moral and physical training of idiots, its causes, results of treatment, &o, and the necessity es tablishing institutions with especial referenda to their management. 5. It is ttle,dsity JAglpi Aire to proisld iiitpna for fhe erection and endowment of institutioneTor this purpose ' se It is their duty to provide common schools for the poor, houses of refuge for `de praved youth, prisons for ',lnternee* hosp4als for the insane, asylums for the' blind, deaf mutes, &o. 1110 formation of this ambulation is regarded tby its friends so an mtidenee of progress in therAlit dlPOOtion, and the best results are anticipated m its labors. The next meeting of the Association Is to be lild in New York city, when essays will be read by Ate following named gentlemen : "Dr. S. (1. Rowe, of Boston, on the Causes and Mode of Diminishing Idiocy ; Dr. R. J. Pattersoh, of Columbur, 0610, on the Relation bet wean Diloty and Insanity; Dr. George Drown, of Barre, Mass., on Physical Trainink, its Philosophy and Results; Dr. If: II; Wilbur, of Syracuse, N. Y., on the Boat Modes of' Diseipline and Moral Treatment; De. Joseph Partial, of Philadelphia, on the Organizti- Con, Location, and Illanagentent of Institutions for Feeble-minded Children The McKeon Inquest.—The verdict reported in this case by us yesterday, was reconsidered to hear additional testimon, as it was believed that the deceased bad not fallen, but had been thrown from the roof of the (hood-Will llose house. Tho mutter, however, is an great a mystery AS ever, The following Is the additional evidence: Dr. S. P. Brown, sworn.—Rxtinelned the body of deceased; there was no bruise upon it exeepting upon the face; there was a crescent-shaped cut over the eye, running down to the lip; it appeared rather more like a cut than a bruise ; there was a bruise upon the chin and a earatolt on the left cheek bone ; the upper jaw bone, and lower jaw, cheek, and nasal bones were broken up to the eye, above which there was no wound ; I opened. Had examined the brain ; there were clots of blood be neath the dune meter ; I believe it would kayo been impossible for any one to move after re ceiving such injuries . The prominent part of the face was uninjured; the Injuries were in tbv facial indonta one; I cannot Imagine how a man Gould fail from such a height without receiving other injurlee. . 1 Lteut. dames Ilea, sworn.—Dxamined the roof of the hone house; observed on the parapet marks as though some one had slipped; farther down, on the east side, there was a mark, four feet long, directly over where the (imaged lay ; L examined the roof at the request of members of the Com pany. A number of other portions ware examined, but no additional let was east upon the affair. The verdict was, 0 , oath by some moans unknown to the jury:" iltlempled Robbery.—A man named John McGinley was committed, yestordn'y morning, by Alderman Williams, on the charge of attempting a highway robbery. It is alleged that on Thurs day night he struck a roan while passing along the vicinity of Front and Green streets, and while attempting to roll No Ylgthrit woo captured, Military Funeral.—Tho remains ofSergoant Joseph L. Parker, who served la Capt. Moorehead's company of Pennsylvania Volunteers—a skald! of , whose history we have before given—were Inter red yesterday afternoon, with military honors. The funeral took place from the late resident's of the deceased, Lombard street, below Ninth. The cortege consisted of the Scott Leglon,of which he was the President. the National Guards, the care. den Artillery, and the American Ifose, of which latter company he was a member. A long train of carriages containing his immediate Mends brought up the rear. , Larceny Case.—Janies Baldwin and Wm. Cornish were committed yesterday , afternoon on the charge of stealing a quantity of tools, the pro. potty of Patrick Roney, Frederick Fisher, and Charles McMullin.- The articles were stolen from the workshop attached to Whitson dc. Son's eta. bles, in West Philadelphia. A portion of the goods were recovered. The prisoners acknon lodged having committed the theft, and stated In their defence that they were compelled to do so to keep from starving. The accused were committed. Another Altempi at Highway Robbery,—At a very early hour yesterday morning a citizen, while pasting Front and Green streets, was as vaulted by a man who evidently Intended to rob him. The intended victim, after receiving a blow which cut a gash in his bead, raised au alarm and the would-be robber was captured. Ile bed ahear ing, yesterday morning, before Alderman Williams, who committed hint to answer. The accused is named John McGinley. Run Oven—A man who was employed to drive for Mr. Crease, paint manufacturer, while driving along the Ridge avenue, above Girard College, on Thursday afternoon, fell of the wagon. The latter was heavily loaded. The wheels passed over both legs of the driver, breaking ono and crushing both in a dreadful manner. The sufferer wan carried to the dwelling of Mr. Crewe. New Counterfeits.--A new counterfeit note on the Merchants' Bank, of New'York, of the de nomination of tire dollars, marked A, is in °iron• lotion, and can mil be detected by the coarse ness of the paper andits dirty appearance. Ilaydn's Grand Mass, at the Catholic Church of St. Philip de Neri, will be given to-morrow forenoon, at half-past ten. This fine composition, will be given with able musical and instrumental assistance. WEEKLY REVIEW OF THE PHILADEL PHIA MARKETS. DOCCIACit 11, 1857. ' The' business in Produce, since the date of our last -weekly review, has boon light, and the mar ? Imes quite dull. Bark is lower, and more active, cots are very little inquired for, dal the prices of most kinds have a downward tendeney. For Coal the demand is less active, but prices aro firm. Cotton is in limited demand at previous rates. Iron—little doing. and the market un settled. Groceries attract more attention, and the prices of Coffee and Sugar aro firmer. Provisions continuo unsettled, with limited sales of most kinds at lower prices. Fish - aro very inactive. Hides are without alteration—very dull. Lumber—no sales. Naval Stores are unchanged. Oils—very little doing, and prices favor the buyers. Seeds— Moro doing in Cloverseed, and prices are firm. Whiskey is loss in request, and Wool has boon un usuallyquiet. Otherwise there are no changes worthy of remark. The Itry (100(13 trade his been dory light with the wholesale dealers, but the mar ket Is without any especial clangs in regard to prices; the retail trade, however, continues very aotive, goods selling at low prices for cash. BnEitorirtiers are without much alteration, but the market with a limited export and home de mand, has ruled in favor of the buyers. The week's sales of Flour foot up about 5,000 bbls, in lots at $5 for standard brands, and 85.255:35.37f 'for common and good extra, hut the market is dull at the tame figures. For the 'opal trade the sales have been Nutted 'within 'the !aim of s.sas6' for common to choice brands and extra, and $8.50 to $7 per bbl for fancy lots, as to brand and quality. Rye Flour is doll, with sides of 100 bbls, in lots, at $4.25a54.37f per bbl, mostly at the former rate. Corn Meal is but little inquired for, and only about 800 barrels Pennsylvania Medi have found buyers, part at $3, and part pri vate. Wheat—There has not been much of fering, but the market, °Wing to the low tales now realized for Flour, is unsettled and Calk per bushel lower Sales embraoe about 22,000 bushels, in lots, at 100a106c, for inferior, 115a130e for rods, and 120 c to 1350 for white of fair and prime quality. Rye Is steady, with further small receipts and sales at 75c kr Bolan:are apd 78e for Pennsylvania Corn •1103 abiti declined, and the I market at the close is dull; about 27,000 bushels sold at 74a780 for old yellow afloat, 72a740 In store, and 54a000 for new; the closing sales wore at 74a 750 for old, and 54258 e for new. Oats are dull, and about 18,000 bushels Southern bave been disposed of at 33a38e, closing at the former figure, whloh is a decline. Of Barley some sales of Pennsylvania hove been made at 70a75c, New York at 90e, and Barley Malt at 1100. inspections The of Flour and Meal for the week endinS . D o P• 1 0 , 1857, were : Half barrels of Suporlinti 487 Bariola of ,Suportipe 10,500 do Fine 185 do Middlings 140 do Rye 103 do Corn Meal 433 do Condemned 145 Total 18 025 PROVIRIONL—SuppIies are coming In more freely from the West. but tho demand is limited, and prices tend downward. 250 bits Mess Pork have been disposed of, in lots, at 516.50417. closing at the former rate. Mess Beef is dull, and sells only for ship stores at about SlB per bbl. Of Bacon, the sales have also been light at 10al8c fur plain and fancy Hams, and nialOo for Shouldere Green Meats are selling as wanted, at Nato for Shoulders, and flalec for Hams, closing at the former figures, which establishes it decline. Lard is lower, with sales of 50 pkgs at lOiallo for Mils and tierces, and I2al2ie for kegs; sales of country peeked at lOalle, cash and short time. Butter is in demand, end Roll is scarce et 19a200. Solid Peeked is sell ing more freely at 12a14e. Cheese—No change and sales moderate. Eggs are wanted at 20e per dozen. °nom! Es.—Tbe demand for Coffee is rather better; the sales were mostly by auction, including 1,400 liege Rio at from ilt to 100, principally on four months, and' about 600 bags sold by private contract, within the tango of tilalOic, on time. There is a little more doing I Molasses, with email sales of Cuba at 22a25c, the latter for Itluteevada, on time; by auction, 30 Ws end 100 bbls have been sold at 23a21e, and 80 bbls Now York Syrup at 20a350, mostly cash. Sugars are better and buyers have taken hold more freely ; sales Include about 800 Ws Cuba, at 63710, 100 hhds Porto Rico at 7101 e, and 200 boxes at OaBo, all on time. Idayar.s.—Tho Iron market brut been at attend, without much change in prices ; the demand, how. over, Is limited, and to effect sales for oath very low figures would bo accepted by some holders; small salon of Anthracite are reported at $25, $23, and $22 for Nos. 1,2, and 3, on six months credit. Nothing new in Scotch Pig or manufactured Iron, and all kinds are quiet. Load continues dull and unsettled, and we hear of no further sales this week. Copper—Nothing now, and very little doing ; Yellow metal Is held at 22a, usual time. Astins are dull, and a small business only to note In Pete and Ponta, at firmer quotations. Boni is lower, and 50 hhds Quercitron have been diapered of, mostly at $26 for Ist No. I, which established a decline. BEESIVAx —Sales include about 2,000 lbs good Yellow, chiefly at 270 per lb. BlicAD.—Very little doing, and the quotations are nominally unchanged. CANDO:H.—A steady business to note, with sales of 000 OM Adainantino, at 20a210 per lb, as to lots. Co ta..—Tho market is len active, but prices,par- Ocularly of small sized-coal, are fully sustained end firm, with a lair business doing for the season. The sales of lust month exceed those of the saute time last year, and the market is armat the close, with moderate receipts and stooks. Corrov.—The demand is small and prices Irregu lar; about 140 bales only have found buyers in small lottf this week at from 11; to 141 s for Upland and Orleans, mostly cash. • ' FRAM:HR.—A few email lots only are reported at 45a48e, the latter fur prima. Ftati.—The recent arrivals are going into store, and the sales of Mackerel are only to it limited ex tent, at sllasll.so forte ,sloaslo 50 for 2e, and $0 a 59.23 per bbl for 9s; the latter are very scarce A sale of 300 bbis pickled Herring was made from the wharf at $8.75 per barrel. Dry Cod sell as wanted, at $3 250(3 75 per 100 lbs. Fettly.—A fair business has been dime in Rai sins, with sales from store at $2.2502.35 for wbolo boxes, as to lots; halves and quarters in propor tion. Two imports of West India Oranges sold at sscaslo per thousand, as in quality. linen Apples sell slowly at $1.50a53.50 per bbl, and pried do at dale per lb; 100 casks of the latter told, to go to California, on terms not public. Peaches coma In slowly, and aro quoted nt SalOn per lb. Cranbor ries range at $740 per bbl, as to condition, with moderato sales. Favours aro lenity's, and the rates to foreign ports aro unsettled. Engagements to some extent for flour and grain havo been made to Liverpool on terms kept private. There Is some little move ment In tiouth American or West Indian freights. Coastwise rates aro unchanged, and a moderato business doing. We quote. to Boston at Ito for grain, and 25e for flour. Colliers have been in moderate demand, and oho going rate to Norfolk is $1.25 ; Providence, V.:41181.55; New Bedford, $1.t15; Richmond, $1.50; Boston; 52; Beverly, Mass., 82.15; Pawtuoket, It. $1.50 ,(I lounsier, Mass., $2.15; Itorohostor Point, Maas., $2.05; Bridgeport, Conn., $1.90, nod New York, $1.25 per ton. 11EMI..—Tho demand is limited, and prices, in the al.lonco of soles, are nominal. ilinne.—Notbing doing from first bands to es tablish prices, whieh are altogether nominal. An import of 3,000 dry Laguayra have been stored, and 0,000 African have just arrived. LEATIIER.—Thoro has been rather more doing this week, and red Leather is bringing better prices; other kinds are dull. Lumenn continues very dull, and quotations ate entirely nominal. NAVAL &Oar:R.—No change In the market, with small sales of Spirits 'furpoutina at 40aitio per gallon. Of Rosin, Pitch and Tar, the salon have been ' Wm—Linseed is selling an wanted at 51a550. Lard Oil Is Marna, but the demand is limited at 88a080. Red Oil Is also varee, with vales at 000. Spoon and Whale remain inaellve, and prises are unsettled. PLANTER.--Tilara is Marla little arriving, with sales at $.l per ton. small business doing at 3.1a31e ; 100 tea mid at $3.30.1 the 100 lbs. &abr.-1,000 mks Li vorpool have been sold at a private bargain. The market Is firmer. • loans —3000400 boa Ciovorseed have been 'taken at $5.25a55.50 per bus. There Is less in •quiry at the close, end the dealers are offering less; about 200 hags have been taken out of the market on torms not public. Timothy and Flax seed are very quiet. Soittiva.--No movement in foreign, and priests are nominal, N. k. Rum sells as wanted at 400. Whiskey has been bringing rather better prices; bbls have been taken at 221423 h—the latter fbrprime Ohio; 220 for bhds, and Ole for drudge. I TALLOW Is firmer, at Slagle for country and dia ido for oily rendered. TnAii.—The market is dull, with but little do• leg except in small lots to the trade. .'fonaeco.—No obango in the market, and the transactions generally are limited Woos, remains very quiet, buyers and sellers are meat In their views, and only a few small lots hbve been disposed of, mostly at low petals for cash. Brom atm Rum. Bmvavu, Tuesday next, ltith In. Bee Thomas pamphlet and catalogue, lotted today. fiXTRA VALVADLE REAL FIiITATF:, 211 Decout• bor. See hand-bills at the auction mown, and ad vertisements auction head., 0 111 0 1 at the gisibaVga, rerilorly, ovary wyd. THE MONEY MARKET. PIIILADELPITIA, December A general stagnation continues to prevail in the stook market, and the absence of encouragement from outside operators keeps prices steady for the moment, but altogether uncertain as regards the In the money market there is also no change to record. Those who are fortunate enough to bold undoubted paper are able to realize upon it readily, at prices not greatly in exam of bank rates, but for other descriptions of paper money le as tight as a drumhead. But little improvement In this re• spout is likely to bd felt until the return of active business after the opening of the new year. Counterfeit Ave-dollar notes on the Merchants' Bank, letter A, are in circulation. They may be easily detected by the quality of the paper, which Is coarse, and has a dirty appearance. Counterfeit two-dollar notes on the Newark Banking Company are also in circulation. They are photographs, and may be deteoted by those familiar with the genuine by the stiffness with which the name of the cashier, J. D. Venally°, is written. The execution is &tarter than that of the genuine, but it is calculated to deceive all num , quainted with the bills. The coupons due on the first of January on all the bonds of the State of Missouri will be paid after that day at the Bank of Commerce in New York. A correspondent writes to the New York Times es folios's: " WIII you be good enough to Inform the public In your money columns, that the Pennsylvania Coal Company have but one °lessor bonds out—a 7 per cent first mortgage loan, of $600,000, Issued in 161, and due in 18.61. Several have been grossly deceived in making loans on and purchases of bonds issued by Pennsylvania Coal and frees Co., and Penn. (not Pennsylvania) COlll Co. One of the latter is advertised, to-day, for sale by Nieolay, al Penn vy/vania Coal CO. 6 per cent bona issued during peas, September 1, 14157. Wbather a mistake of printer, Nieolay. or owner, the price at which it sells frightens innocent holders of the Pennsylvania Coal Co.'s bonds." The following it It summary of Tnetipte and ex penditures at the Treasury of this State, from the let day of December, 1850, to the 30th day of No vember, 1857, both days inclusive ; It HONIPTS. Laub.. Auction coninaissions Auction duties Tax on bank diridetals Tax on corporation stocks 310,240 93 Tax on real and, personal estate— . • 1,554,667 34 Tavern licenses 100,889 87 Hotallera' Bonuses 100,001 29 Pedlars' licenses - 2,72.4 10 Brokoro' licenses 7,708 83 Theatre, circus, and menagerie II - Causes 2,800 50 Distillery and brewery Homes 11,065 34 Billiard room, bowling saloon, and ten-pin alloy licenses 1,550 86 Ealing!bonsp, beer louse Mad Testa's ' rant licenses 11,696 26 Patent medicine licenses 1,296 97 , Pamphlet laws 389 82 Militia tax 10,364 91 Millor's tax . 4,771 37 Foreign insurance agencies 7,488 11 Tax on writs, wills, deeds, tc 96,948 22 Tax on certain offices 18,918 49 Collateral inheritance tax 139,600 11) Canal and railroad tolls • 1,308,598 82 Tax on enrolment of laws 16,400 00 Promiume on charters 35,352 86 Tax on loan& 204,756 05 Salm of puthio property 8,947 49 . Tai on tonnage 204,564 11 Esoboatt 200 35 Dividends from ttritrge tolls Accrued interest. Refunded each Annuity fromright of nil.. ~, . . 1 9, 00 9 00 POOR of the illtbllc offkces, . 4,421 90 Atigeolltineous ' 7,624 62 Balance in the Treasury, December 1, 1840, It ailaj i le.. t $1,214,795 42 DoprealVesl funds in the Trawler!, unavailable 41,032 00 nx.vENDlrottEs• Public impro vements WI 312,705 67 Expenses of Government 423,448 89 Militia expanses 2,832 83 Pennsylvania volunteers in the late war with Mexico Pensions and gratuities Charitalile institutions Pennsylvania Colonisation Society . Pennsylvania State Agricultural So ciety Farmers' ilighrtchool of Penn's.... Now State Arsenal at Philadelphia. Common Schools Commimioners of the Sinking Fund Loans. Interest on Loans Guarantied Interest Demotic creditors Damages on the Public Works Old claims on Main Line of Public Works, under the several acts of ,Anotubly Special commissioner Revenue commiesionere • , State library. Public buildtngs end grounds House of refuge ' Colonial records and Pennsylvania archives 11,823 00 Amendments to the o:institution. : 33,137 85 Geological eurvey 7,000 00 Abatement of State tax 50,538 09 Mercantile appraisers 683 13 Council fees and commissions 8,924 59 Nioholyou lands. 12 10 Williamsport and Limits Italltolui Company „ 2,428 50 Mioolleneous 31,310 08 Salamis in the State Treasury No vembor 30, 1857, available Depredated funds in Treasury una vailable The following were the receipts of coal from the Lehigh And Schuylkill Region, for the week and the season : LEUICkft. SCINTLEiLL. 3857. SProon Week. Benson. C6llOl 8.491 899.250 22.54.1 lulroad 10,687 4:28,823 43,881 1,776,413 • Total, 19,078 1,328,078 81X8 TIMM LAST itAN. 1856. Week. Sisson. Week. Beam Canal 5,551 . „.1.3 , 46,=1 18,114 1,164,104 Railroad 2,146 , " 165,740 50,614 2,172,028 • 7,057 1,351,970 68,688 6,336,222 Mtil.a 7 or TgR BSIBOI. 1850. 1857. Lehigh Cknali 1166,250 609,27.0 Dee.. 206,080 haul.— 184,740 428,823 1ne..:113,033 Schuylkill Caua1...1,161,104 1,267.141 1 uc..102,047 " Railroad. 2,172,028 1,770,412 Dec..ns,fita 4,633,102 4,311,676 Dec. 316,616 AND it}:ADING RAILROAD.—The following is the amount of coal transported on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, from the:3d to the luth inet., inelutilve From Port Carton Pottollle SAuylStlll Aulatra " Port Clinton Total for the week.. Purim].ty this year Total for year To same time Intl jar SCHIIV4I.II.I. NAYMATION COAL TRAPK—For the nook ending Thumlay, Deo 10, 1S From vrt Verbrai " Pothyllto '• Ilavou Port elig3too Total for work 172 SJII 00 Proviett,ly this ',tar 1 t:..•.-1,b07 0, To Irma tluio last feu 1 161181 18 PIIILADELPIII6. STUCK .11X011ANOL SALES, Drettober 11, 1857. RipOrieti by B. Arality ‘ Stori Brolor, No 801 Dralnut street. lel BST BOARD 2000 Penn 5e 05 800 to ...... 85 boo do 3000 du 1000 Ca' o e 5.31% 20 11010 Klto It 7e lot 10t..70)4 7 Penn 1t.........301, 3 do R 8 ‘,‘ 30 do 25 1. 10Inud It lINTWIRM 1000 City Coup Cu —O4lO 11400 31e5,1 ESCOND 000 City 610 AP new 01 000 do new CAP-01 700 do CtP ll' 1000 do CAP Si 1000 Pa Ito, 24 wt.— Ttl 2000 retina 50 85 I WO do 85 1000 411 It 7. int not ...70S, 2000 do letup - 01 1000 Mortlo Count 6,, .7.1 1113 Penni It lot.— .30 Ni CLOSING! P' Bid. A sked. Philo ti'm int off 831,; 81 " 81183' 4 84 " Nnw,ool4 904 Potnnylo 5'.....84 85 flooding R 9 0 211 t; de Bonds '7O 7414' 753 i do Bltt 113 , 14. 91 Penns 1111 98 38),‘ 110rtinCoill Con 45 40 Bohn 18 tls .Gt tif 67 )0 ntook.„.„l/ LAT BOARDS. 10 11[flint 111131 r 0 BOARD. 29 Harris!, 11 10tm...51 30 do ba 100 Itptding It '2O 100 do 20 Norrht It b')j 5 Bear WO 1t.... 50 1 do 54 1 do 6 Ilorrim Canal 1)1,1.93 1 do Al 6 Phllnda Mot 55.90 On—DULL Bid. dska flo N 'B2 pret Id' 17 Pinaspl& Elm Hl2 US do letmort TIC.Wv 704 do 2dm 49 61 Long Inland ~.. 9,1 97., Viekebdrg 6 y Uinta Dank 9 9.. Lehigh Zino i 1 Caton Canal 3 4 New Creak Cat►wiers R R.. 6 % T S 'ST. YO Beetling a 100 Jo ... 2.50 fteadilh; lots 235; 100 do 25 "i' Oh Sunday afternoon last, 3flas Olean Tay lor, reatding nenrCue, Ohio, eommitted sui cide In bar room_ b banging. Mies Taylor IFILS about 22, beautiful and uceompliahod, and had n Mir} fortune in her own right. :lo cause le as. signed for her awful act. Letter] front Constantinople announce the death of Mu. liar/dip, wife of Rey. Mr. "lamella misnionary of Ma American Board, now !galloped at Rabat. The United States mail seemlier Welakte waR totally wreokolaearJaoksonville, Flo., on the 3d inst. I , To lives hat. J. S. Marshall, Fwl., minor and proprielQr of the Ilagaretocra (Md.) Chronide, died left Sa. earflap. Benedict Arnold's silver watch Liss been presorted 19 Bin Gonneltieut illatorleal Oveiety, BY THE PILOT LINE. LETTER .FROM NEW YORK. Correspondence of The Pp m] Hsa Tomr, December It, 1857 The delay in the arrival of the Er "pa, from Eu rope, with three days' later news, et. lee a general holding off, and hesitancy to do busicess of any kind. Bed news is apprehended of ,the great American houses, and rumors were rife to-day that the munificent aid recently given to a large Ameri can banking elm' by the Bank of England, will not be =Blatant to put them In smooth water. There is also a rumor that one of the largest, wealthiest, and most respected of our private lank log houses, in this city, is going to wind up Its af fairs, rather than Oontinue to Lear the heavy bur den it has Lorne for some time at such heavy lose. The house I allude to has given notice of dis missal to a number of its clerks, and one of the firm is said to have stated that " We have borne this long enough we had better stop while we can." I have been unable to trace the ranter to IS positively authentie source. but I believe that there is some foundation for it, although a favors change of wind may alter the resolution. The anxiety is intense, and if the news should be favora ble, as I hope and believe it will, we may expect s better tone to-morrow. There is cot the least altera tion for betteror worse in the money market, if that can be called a market where nothing is bought or sold. The same delusive tale of abundance of money at easy rates, on the " right kind of secu rity," and the impregnable position of the banks, and the truthful story of no money to Le had by those who want it, except at a sacrifice to the note shavers. The same thing day after day ; every body complaining who needs assistance ; and every body afraid of transferring his wallet from one pocket to the other who has money, lest the trans fer might lead =lose, from an unforeseen weakness in the trusted pocket. It is really unaccountstbie, bat it is so; and the Lest evidence you can bars of the effect this state of things is producing, Is to be found in the dimi nished revenue. Could we got even a partial re- stormion of confidence, the Improvement would be immense; but when are wo to got it, and where ? Contraction, liquidation, lawsuits, sheriff's silos, suspensions, dismissal of workmen, are the events of daily occurrence, in any quantity; but no tendency to reviving commerce or industry. This is a deplorable picture ; the more so when we know we have abundant means, and are blessed with every element of national wealth in agreeter degree than any other nation in the world. bold is flowing in on - us in million.,. One bank, it is said, roamed half a million in one parcel, and another steamer is due from California with SI,- 500,000. Tho salutary effect" of this in Wall street, alluded to by an evening paper, is not so apparent as that sheet seems to think. Poreigu Exchange today was drill at full rates of yesterday . bold is still in demand, though not quite ao active. Form of the presidents of our city banks propose a resumption of speeds pay ments: There is an example of high-minded honesty for you. It is not their fault if theirbro ther presidents do not concur In this step. The notes of the Huguenot Bank of Now Pelts lire again received at the Metropolitan Bank. The crearing house settlement to-day was, clearings, $12.164,735.48. Balances, $510,138.01. The cash transactions at the Sob-Treasury-to day were as follows: total receipts, $431,218.91, including $54,000 from customs and $300,000 for transfer draft on Now Orleans payments, firls,- 171.25 ; balance, $4,1130,98742. The Fulton to-morrow will take out about $500,000. The stock market, as I predicted, has begun to collapse. This morning it was very lan guid, and the bears were blooming, the bulls having confessed their weakness. Outsiders are I very scarce The decline in ablest the entire list will indicate the moxement. State awoke Were dull at lit Tilling decline ; bank aliases firmer, and in more active demand. $21,553 69 . 20,275 00 MEM 300 00 3,828 31 20,154 73 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE-Dim II FIRST ROIRD. 84,890,581 8 Tenn 61, 10, 13434 120 ,, 3lisrourl 64, 77s 61100 4o lIGO 78 7000 Virginia 64 87 4000 Ind State ss, 82 1000 Erie 3d mtg Bd, 89 , 6000 do BS 2000 Tule Bonds, 'B3 973 1000 T II& Al 2d mtg, 49 9000 LaCroallll 1.4.4, 30 1000 MACen 8 pct Ist mtg Skg F'd Con 833 10000 do 83y 10000 11l Cen 530 83 4000 do 1000 do '62N 10 Bank Commerce, 94 34 Ame Eg Bank, 90 10 Ilk or Republic, 102% Manocer Rank. 78 1D Metropolitan Wit 6 Bank dr N. Y., 95 Manhattsui ILI, 120 65 Mecbanies Ilk, 106 10 Commlb Bk, 77 75 Meech Bk Scrip, 9D 100 Amer Coat Co, 20 100 Cumberl'd Coil, 9 170 LaCros & Mil R, 1044 100 do 10 do 104, 100 do 1,80 11 160 do MO 107 220 Chi lc R R 7.lei $1,285,827 42 $5 978,415 28 21 25 2.022 p 9 64,183 75 180 00 3,073 07 25,000 00 20,000 00 322,008 24 713,952 01 104,5115 31 2.035,809 94 21,017 50 50 80 46,552 65 Asors,—The marhet is tower and nnsettled for pot.; sales at $6.25. Pearls arr quiet at 65a1ti.12. Ftoutt, de —The demand for Wuetoen canal flour k limited, with large arrivals; pities still tend downward, and at the alone our aztrecaltquo. tattoos (or the low grades cIALIKt be obtalded- The demand ii mainly for the home trade. sales of 6,600 bbl., at $4.55a51.6$ for common to pod State ; .$1.7534.95 for extra da4.sk 41054.65 Scr sn pecnne Indiana and Michigan; 51.7 $ 5. 75 for m ica do; $5 75a55 SO for oembion to Gatti Ohio; 55.130a57 for good to ehoioe do; $.5 7.50 for St. 1 4 ouis brands and $5.75a7.75 fur extrn (immune. C 4111 0414 flour is heavy, the supply larger, and the sales only 400 bids at $1.80a55.7U for super Oner, and $4.9546 25 for extra. 1,1%,3 00 6,962 22 3 996 60 15,013 61 53,000 00 93,825 00 Southern flour with fair arriT4 3 4 sod riallY a li mited demand—sales of INIO bhle at 5545.30 for mixed to good brands Baltimore, and 55 3546.80 for better grade!". Corn meal is rather lower—sale4f Jersey at 53.2543.15, and Brandywine at $ 3.6543.71). Buckwheat flour Is pleity—sules at - 52.151a,V 23 per 100 lbs. attAlg—The demand for wheat le sore actin . , to complete Trenton s freight engagarnents, sad the market is late better; the inital4y is princi- pally for export. Estero( 4,000 bulbuls atsl4l 05 ilwapke4 Club, inc for Chicago Spring, $1.41 Ihrsood South, ern white, and $1..21.011.25 for red d 0... $5,407,276 19 3528,106 47 41,032 00 *569,133 47 $5,976,415 26 Rye la Arm ; gales of 4.000 bushels aE 74a75e for Jersey and Northern. Oats are in fair demand at 44a48e, for State and Western. Corn is a shade better, the arrivalantoderata, and the demand fair for the East and city trade. Sales of 14,000 bushels at 75e for Northern mixed, leo for old Southern and Jersey yellow, sad Ithatee for new white and yellow do. IRON—Scotch pig is languid and rita#lng at $2 8429, 6 mos. Other kinds are also Inmate. NATAL STOSElL—Dallnela sad leper's& are the characteristic feature of the market. Thus roelltS to be a genera/ indisposion as the part of shippers and the home buyers to mambas* at pre4' ent, while receivers are pressed Mud for payment, and are anxious to dispose of stadia even at the low rates current. Spirits Turpentine Is dell and heavy at 40e, cash, no scieh quantity hue been sold in this market within the past Pew days, as re ported in the columns of an influential journal of this city, which Ands its way to the South. The fact is. there is no demand at alt worth noticing, beyond a retail business to the distfllera, and 400 is the best price obtainable for *Ole parcels. Crude is devoid of animation, and any quotation given would only mislead, in the siledenciTef Wes. C'etniuon and One rosini are extilinttly and prices rule very luw: rar is'detil at ;n.871. re per bbl. Pitch is quiet at the Jab •MN OILS continue extremely quiet, but, prices are nominally unchanged. American - Mussed is in moderate request at 14a.54e. Crude whale and sperm remain dull ; the same is tam ot sander t urea, and most other descriptions. 'ln the absence of Important sales. it !Hammes unressary to re peat or alter quotations. Pnoviciosi..—The Pork market te again towel% the demand moderate, and the inisgdy increasing Sales of MO Wale at 51.4.50516.6.0 fhr country and city tura, and Sl4eSt4 25 for prime. Dorf Is heavy, the demand linaltal—sales of Intl bbli at $5.7559.0.7". for country prima; $93310 for do Ines.; SI lASI., for repacked Western MA and 514414.50 fur extra do. Prime mess and beef hams &retail and heavy at former priers. Cut meats are heavy; malt sales at 910 for hams, and Zane fur shoulders. Dressed hogs are firm—small sales at Sadie. Lard is dull—retail Wei at 10a10fe. Large lots are not to be heti. Sutter is in fair demand and is abundant at 12a Me for Ohio. and 11a20., for State. Chef , ' it sale ibis in smell lots at 6aB Ic. 76,431 3,043,5 a Tons. Cw 0,672 11 3,153 18 v ,o 0 00 . 001 01 .7,628 00 43 SB7 Ox 23 9,2 19 80,070 04 Tone elf 10,:01 61 ; 134 09 19.514 10 . 2 394 00 1,267 it Otl TEig.—Tho auction Baia this atoning atteacted a large company, and pawed admiring a decided improvement in the Acting. ,Alt the eatalytia was sold atprices nearly cornea amay tattle ea. or talt auction sale., The °erring Wils of old perm and blacks. 45 Reading 11 261 i 2 do "6S: CA do ... ...... '.l' ,, 150 do 26% 3 iisrri.b It 6.1 10 do 6.1 13 Norrist R 51%, 61 do 57), :1 121tulrk R 12 Thu will of the . late Georgel , P. C u rtis directs that all his slaver, some 20 or 3uo, be set free within the nest Ara yours, leaving it to his executors to provide the ngcessary funds from hi+ estate to remora them from the Common wealth. John P. Galbraith, formerly a citizen of Kentucky, was khlel in an affray, by A. B. Flay, at llearlarl, Vimiscippl colinty, Askanias, a few days sine°. lie died in a fele minutes after being that. Omaha City, Hu• capital of Nebruke Ter ritory, contains a population of 3,500 Bat three years ago, the town site WU a reollllll C 1101.12/ ground for the Omaha Indium Mr. George K. Dubs, residing nes*llapriver s Pa , hung hinvelf In his barn, on Sunday last. Caton—bad whiskey. At Monnt Pleasant, lona, on the !2d tilt., a fire destroyed the Tiffany Howie, Bark* , fre mom, and several other buildings. Lou ti 0,040. Harding Johnson, formerly a grocer In Cin cinnati, committed suicide a few days ago. Chill*, pecuniary troubles. The Galveston Neter, of the 26th Alt., says there are now about 700 men enlisted InTl/2113 es emigrants to Nicaragua. Passed assistaat surgeqn gdword R. 4. *Squibb hes resigned his commission In the nay. - A BANIy . sONG. Come, white imp', to lathy arid me Touch hie blue eyes with Image of sleep, In his surprise he will cease to weep : Hush, obild, the angels ars coming to met Conte, white dere, to haby and me WO Whirr in the silent Flutter about his golden hair: nark, child, the doves are ouolaw to thee ! Come, white lines, to baby and me; Drowsily nod before bia era, So full of wonder, so round, sad wise: Mkt, child, the tilphetts tinkle for thee. Como, irkitemoon, to baby and me; ttently glide o'er the ocean of sleep, Silver the waves of its shadowy deep : Sleep, abild l sail the whitest of dreams to thee ke i t%tl P P:o;ri L. grL;fl ar Mcplcai. Fr% h Ettiet.urr Emetic/ --Ittlhe sherretted hiciteet iteu ing the EeT. Mr. Coyly, of New Tot, was greeted with a large and spocireistt4e andletiee ta Mar his lecture. se eastatuett. en s , Istorkui, flews* Lidi f rots•Li4, its Parliaments, Palsies, ;Winer" Le; - „ The testate_ woe repfoLo with latitesitiroughoet. and attested in en eminent iegree the superior deistip tits powers elf thet lecturer. TWO liklesoo Its wings of hosgioutiort into the heart of Lossloo. he gat as a graphic pieta,* of the way the makes blood of that two taill:on metropolis 14 eis