Veils Arrifirit BRisozfatrt t riff ly.vayturrt:t,ThA.govr AO, K 1 i -70110,'Iriook tholitorr - tiOirikobbi#iiriwrow, its 4. - 4 0 r41, along drtriug ; theprasentseieon , nowthiit ' th e 11°114,am appreehlitneihtZin:SOme, dipertatentsi at /ostilhihiff qUie)ceriepOia iill4. -Whether this be the tor riot:solution notrfrom Some oMise,nrr other atits'prolenteknilCendif settritYyesterdey afternoon ithaeri ontlaMia of bettei ru..cr0„,4,-A-ok:prommi Jorotioo,,, - the approaching fee, tive seasoff la rieflo twerlthent its wonted cheer ; nor effeetid,dtlOh',e;#4o ,6 Zl litr , O.eft se ours , with enough ':iiietyitiffig to.,Msia;lifi.eciinfortable, and some to spec& tnp . onelotalin t soletties tea *le of emergency. 1 , 44 delightful weather yesterday, after the' anaemia veil Was'orithdrewn from• the azure hastens; doubtless contributed" Sewn torrandthe'ectlet4 among our retail dente:LW. 4.revr Meru each diYa bnimemithis and (Mast • mss Will 'Most probably resalt in spritesl luWering of the Aintree 'CP Valais Ara the pockets ofparchasern. AtelArttrakY Ordinal - MAN, in 'a late . , eloquent disecniuni itigut 114 Vines; says: " We have insisted here; amtatind'ageln,,that pliosnres and, verieniiens are a4phicely indispensable to mates kighesl eondi tic:t.-Out, Mortal. To keep the • mind ever intennely strained,: amid life's anxious activities, la greatly to hilzart(either:ile irrpeeillti or madness. To begin the needful work of economical retrenchment ht the field of simple sint sinless enjoymenta, were like shortening the fuel of the milts when the steamer labors with the . storm and delves: amid, breakers." Thle is the true doetrlne. Trim:may matter& are somewhat twisted upi it affords no good reason why the boys shall be deprived of their customary sports during the approaching fes tive season". "All week and no play mokei sack a dull Dep.' , To enable all to indulge in the 'innocent awl healthful recreation of skating, A. Tlilmes & Co.i 617 Arch etreet,"heiw enpplled themselves with an elegant assortment of east steel arid malleable Iron skates, all of thelfewirmannfactitre, which they offer at prices to suit theiiniei. Their skates recelied the drat promiuM at the recant State fate, and are highly commended by the beat stature of tee' „ 1P.113T81; VlCSblt*S.—Among :the irap9o) oellec• tick prisintligs now arranged at Site rOOllll of Mr. A.S. Robinson, No. 910 Chestnut street, which are to be sold by Id Then dc lions, on Thursday, tha , rith ' , instant, wo notlead several very biquleitti *tida l by Drodistd s in rich oval transom. - • The as Pins,ultra of the art bas been lathe faultless execution; not ouly - Of the drairing, drapery, arid colOrlng . or tlisie female agoras, but of their gene rat:impression, In addition. to the works of merit al*yanitidedln our edemas, there are many others etlyalui,and well iti:liffiy the attention of picture soeh -6"4-...... r ' SEP, finieuenatt4tritzu Tolateirt.r.—Per a rid/ lntelleotnal ttest, go to Musical Fund Mill this evening. TitraNDS' rocently, had occa sion to call at the extednive retail dry-goals establish ment, on the southeast corner of tighth and Arch stieete; ender ;the proprietorship of, Charles Adams, we Were struck with the order and system observed in itt nutusgement. Mr. Adams is one of our old est and most successful dry-goods operators, and by his address add . attention has built up a trade, especially among that eteellenfolms of our sittsene—the Friends —that Is probably surpassed In but one instance In our city. _ • HOl.inar Booss.—Mr. G. •G. Evans, - at the Original (lift Book Store, Chestnut street, below Fifth, BrOwnhi Iron bulbliog, has an immense stook of books aultablo fol. holiday gifts, which ho sells as low as they may be bad at any other place in the city.' it should ' be remembered by the readers of Tao Patent that with 'sorry purchase of ooe dollar and upwattle Eyans for eddies, gift, either ofjeweiry, it:minding watches, or of coal orflour.: - .A.-peroini, by spending:a dollar at kis place, not only gets hie book, but with it • gift which may enable him to obtain handsome Christmas, presents and a Score of friends. lyttibrAtio's Wititxottito.—Ltuttes who wish to purchaeo Christmas presents for their finale friends will and the beautiful 'wrappers at ft, 0. Walborn & 00 , e, Nos. 6 and 7 forth, Eixth street, just, suited to their tastes: Everything else iti the way of gentlemen's fox- Making goods !Spears. W. ,k Co. keep And sett at prime suited to the Uwe.. . ORPANIC QIISER.DIB.--eati Oome phrenologist ten us whether the organ of Tuns is ever located in' the hand, and if not, what he would calla hand-organ 'Further, if the art of Kozo, who turns it, has anything to do with Mozart and why be should need to feel crank when he only grinds for the cents, and not the eound and, 11 the 111/301 of his organ are all sot to one key,' le that any rook , ,tlien, or 101111; than hia monkey 3, And, lastly, is thereon establishment to the wor/d like to that , of Clifton, Albright; & Co,, dayne's Hail, No . , 627 Chestnut street, for p roducing *eon and elegant clothing, - ' „ , TAE LITTLE GIANT WSW OX THE ADXISISTILL- TiON.- - -Sinatar Douglas creates a ceneatioa in the Se mite yenta/day by hauling the President over the coat on the /Canaan question The Senator was in high fee, they, siad looked remarkably well, h aving recently oh. -tattled for himself a new exit at tha Brown stone Oa. thing Hata Rackhill Wilma, Noe. 803andill050heat. ant greet, above Sixth, Philadelphia. [Corrests,denee o! the Philadelphia Xxehtthge.l BricimroN, Bar)vadoes, Nor. 2% 1857 The weather is' all that ooriid be desired with us, bong visited' ith occasional showers of rain. The crops. trill be abundant, particularly that of sugar, and will come in early. ; The public health con tinues good. No sug,ar ,in ' market. Molasses is ale," per gallon, And Rum 400., in bond. During the last two weeks theimportations consist of Mal bbls. flour ' 015 bbla . meal; 780 of which were for warded- to the neighboring island„all from the United States. Salmon and Mackerel are much weintkull Codfish and flaring are In good supply, Tha second' Witt 'lndia regiment of foot., "of 1,200 rank and file are in readiness 1.4, proceed to the seat of war In'lndlit, under command of Col. Whitfield. , A -few days ago. MajorGeneral' Dell, commanding IL foroes received this order from the Horse Guards, and the presamp- Goa is, that several other regiments In these Wands will soon follow. The following American ,vessels are in, port : Barques Minstrel,: loading; Agues, discharging ; Grampus, do. ; brigs Hound, Wanderer,Bylph, Royaleton, Atlantic,Crawford, Panay Butler; schooners- Typhis, A. Middleton, and " Hiawatha— all discharging. Years, da., H. C. Afaxwar.r.. - A illysterleue Nyedding—Hynien In a Hotel. [From the Cincinnati Gazette, Bth.L 'A cool matrimonial affair took Ptace'at the Wal nut Street House on Sunday evening. About nix o'elottk, azninister.ealled upon the proprietor and stated that he made an appointment to marry a couple at that hour in the parlor of the hotel. The landlord knew of no one in the establishment who wee matrimonially Inclined. Not a BOW about the house bad " declared their intentions" of any thing eo desperate. The minister began to think he bad been humbugged--Ahat lie had been made the dupe of somepracileal joker, and began to feel Tao uncomfortable at hie position. , - Nair an hour rolled around, and the minister was about 'taking his departure, when the side deer bell rang, and a - gentleman and lady made their appearance. At the door of the ladies' par ter they were-met by the minister. Without say ing a word, the couple walked into the parlor, where two or three guests were assembled; the lady 000lly took off' her-bonnet and shawl, pinned on a collar at the, nodded to the gentleman, ...who immediately-placed himself at her side, and in less 'time than we heti taken to tell so renel of the story, they were pronounced man end wife, and - had departed.: No one knew who - they Were. The minister bad their names, bet he was as mach in the dark as any one else, beyond the usual information conveyed by a marriegc license. -They camp on foot, and left in the same way. The -lady was young and *cry pretty, and the gentleman genteel appearing. Not over five minuted elapsed from the time of their arrival at the Walnut, to their departure from the houso.• There woe a mystery Abut the whole affair that gave it an air of romance. Was it a runaway match, resorting to this method of accomplishing their byreenlal projects. without the knowledge of parents or.g. 'sardine ? Had any breakfast table in town one leis faritiliar feee yesterday morning, whose' absence was unexplained? -Biker coinhas, oflate,become so very scarce In Belgium, that the mint; at Brussels, has been, - for 'Rime time past, actively employed in coining gold, in order to meet the wants of cticidation. Gold; it' may he remembered; was, a few years since, withdrawn from circu lation in Belgiutn, silver alone constituting the currency. • • • • • - Smorta!tone. [Reported for The rrei!n, LEttliP.-11arque 'Aaron I Itarciy. 9 -KO Sierra Goetze hides, gala gatloan palm oil, 643 hug pa' nuts, 28421bs old copper 4.284 lbs old yellow metal, 31t4 places aimtrood, 2 old 614,1 cask plekled bides, Wm Caramlngn k Soo. - LETTER - BAGS At Ute brerehasts , Szebeggs, Ship tr Madmay; Webb London, *don O t ltlp.o4l,4olphis,'Pool , 4,;JAverpool, goon „ . , 1106 AD OP TRAWL 11,DwAsnJ.,. WARIOIR M. Rasta'', • CORIOTTRIE Or WIN Morn Titivoosz S. vainisscra, , , „ NAI[.IIN(i.OP THE OCEAN:STEADIERS. BROIL THE UNITED NEVES. ' WreAKIII ' . - - TAffig FOR . DAT Atonic-ft •• ' - ... .Ilooton. - .Llverpbol.- Deo 16 Now York New York..olsegow .....,. ..... Deo 16 DAD1e......:........ New Yorkz.Llverpool.„,.,„„,v e , le stitapa... - . „. ... .• . Doefon..Llverpool ...... .:.. Deo 23 Cktaottk.. - ......"... New Yorlt..Liverpool - *... Ale° 0 Fulton New York..llavre - .. DaC 27 Borooeler , ' Now York„Thunburg J Jolt 1 - Adriatic Now York—Liverpool: ...... .... aati 2 Estelle - " New York—Liverpool -Jan 6 AraHO y..iNew York..Bavro 117.11.0p3. , • -'-• —' ":-..-.: asoX sok ' taw New York Glasgow-New York ' ' Nov la Enr0pa........ ..1.1verpool„Boston - Nov 28 /Toro 414 }torobore•Neyr York ...... .• ..Deo 1 Edinburg Glasgow. ( Now York ' Deo 2 Oanada ...... ....LiverpooL:Boston ' Deo 5 Adrlatio.... ....Liverpool-NSW York Deo" 9 Persia .. , .... .....tivorpOW.New York Deo 12 drago - Itavre..Netv York • 'Dec 18 Niagara , Llverpoot-Easton Deo 10 At 10nt1e....-.....LiverFl. •New York Deo 23 Africa'. .. .. .. .....Liver I.. New york Dec 29 /commoiga Nam urg-New York " Jan 1 anon , = . liarro-New - Yotk ' Jan 12 Erin The Oallrornia Mail Steamers sail trOrnNew York OD the ta end 20th Or Ouch 7, 8 8 3 th• - - , MOMENTS OY TIA:VAIf,A STEAMERS. ' Atoil'OillicrlV‘. 4l rom Neer York 24, arriving at Ha i vena Eitlqind eir Orleans 11th. Prom New Orleans kylki liavans us:, arriving at New York 22th. -gutsy, turfirlrett-Notr York 7th' at each month, 1 arrivrair at Havana 12th, and White - 14th. From No. bile 224, Ifs:vans 24th,- arriving at New York 28th. - 041;41444—Yroat$4w York 12th, arriving at Havana ' Alth. indite* ()chasm letti. -That New Orleans 27th, k Havana 29th, arriving at iftwAtork.B4: • i 4,X,101104- orrg-:-Front New Yark 17th, arriving at I.le. i • _ bante-01, and New" Orleans 26tbk: Prom New Orleans F - 4th - ,•' 504 - - arriving it New vatic lath - - .4,44P109444141t=-Fritm Now York 27th, arriving at 1 , 7109101111sttisrubliaW,Orlians &I. Fro - Ml.lw Orleana i 14th gauss Otis; Ant at Near York 18th. , . ' . i ' -.l*.theOhastatitott -11,41' 444 4th due at Ha i - E yilit4l44cii4 'Uhl -, IrivntAirtits 10.171D4 Othi dots* ; P1ir, 4 0010146 , 4481,4, ', - =:q,-., ,k •. -.,- , . , ;! '''''l.l.!;;:ittsf4:•- .• ' • ' ;)""r:414414•j1e—: ~ X. l f:' •l: S.''' ''' • • '.. —.•. • •• ~ ,k. , .•I s t ,11.11 : ' ,. ,, ASt- ,1 4:-As": . 4 4 •'• !:f.: , ' ~ :'''. ,:,./ ' • ,:'••. V4.li7vl;' • ••• ,,, t ,,,- i10: 4 .1::21c , - , - ,, '• • - • . 7, "! . - ~": : .•,.„ .z. 2 ,,. „ : , :,.....••• . . , .t . ; . ..,...4t.4. , ..„.:41,41,-F-44. 404 .5..., r.- • 1i 4,,,,.......-.....,.. n .i.. . 1., ".A.. i ‘: , ' : „ . Vii.."'':f t 2 ;, "`.... - v... , ,' .'• . ';`-:''.. 4 •••: Y. • . -___...., -, - ' — - v- 7 - ~; i-;' - •: 2..-1-• - ' l .-:-Are.' , - , ' —" - intelltpute. foRT of ron.Apounriu,oce. 11, 1861 RIBEILt • - -tit 29-1511HEINTS '4 87 gag 9 50 • Barqna4hroxi I garreyWillar, from Blerra leoae let Norembar, with rodeo to.Wm Caron:doge &lon. Left brig Zeno, from itlataonree„for leeward coast soon; Tatra It Lord, from 'lllatacono, to sail for Mato cons in twnilsys; and GM:shrill, from Donna, ) net arr. Snime, Better, 8 dope from Denton, with =dee to Crowell Behr West Dennis, Orowell,ll days from Boston, with Pulse to Crowell & Collins. . , • Bchr 0 61 Robinson, Morrow, 3 days from New York, with codes to J P Peniston. Behr Sarah N Smith, Smith, 6 days 'from Boston, in ballast to 0-Miller A Co. Behr Hope, Carey, 2 days from Lima, Del:, with corn to Bewley, & Co Bohr hero, Terry, 3 days WM Bilihnore, with mdse indse to nos Webster, Jr. Behr Josephine, Waterbury, 4 days from Stamford, Conn, in ballast to Morris A Murray. Bohr Drama, fitraughn, l day tom New Crotio, with corn to Robeson Lea, • Behr lowa. 1111 y: rd, 1 day from Newport, Del, with Boar to Robeson Lea. Behr Fanner, Deputy, 2 days from 11.11fotd, Del, with corn to J It alcOolley . Behr Diamond State, Smithery, 2 days from Milford, Del, with corn to J II McColley. . Behr John A Dastard, Laws, 2 days from blliford, Del, with corn to J II McColley„ Behr Chas Atkinson, Atklns,2 days from hlllton, Del, With corn to .1 II dfcoo/ley. Behr Harriet er. Barth, Tice, from New Doren. Bohr 8 F Solliday, 8011111111, from Boston, Bohr Coo P Taylor, Matta, from Boston. Bohr Woodruff Sims, MoBoll, from Boston. Sloop, D Fish, Belf—lK days from Lewin Dal, with mdse to W Parker. CLEARBB. Ship Blylag Mist, Liuuell, Singaporean , " 'Bong Kong, Workman & Co. [The BDI has a cargo of /786 tone coal.j Brig Tilichant & TorrcY, Baton, Boston, Brown & Mate. . . Sohr L 8 Levering, Corson, Cherlesion, D S Stetson & Co, Echr Josephine, Stamford, Moab! & Murray. Schr Julia Mimi, Narding Roston, Calm Rocker & CO. Schr S N Smith, Smith, Charleston, 0 Miller & Co. Sat. S i? Solliday, Seaman, Richmond, Noble, Ram imett & Caldwell. Behr Iforriet & Sarah, Tics, Richmond, Tan Dimon, Norton & 00. gar Goo P Taylor, IV'Hotta, Sing Sing, do Mr Woodruff Slum, Mason, Wallington, Tyler, stone Co. Mama Farmer, Iler, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. (Correspondence of theßilsdelphia Exahangs.) LEWII9, Bel., Dee. 9, 8 A 11-, The U 8 Revenue CutterSorward, Capt Nonce, from a cruise, in company with a barque and two brigs, name to the Breakwater last evening, and remain, in nom pony with ochre 8°486, I,obanonlilaek 'Monster, Jane 0 Patterson, Victor, Almeida, it 00111100, U J Jones, and several others. Weather very foggy'. Wind 8, Yourf i litp, ' Wit. hi. HIM( fd AN; Es muntign.J (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Rgebange.) CAPR ISLAND, Dee 41b P Df The slip Naples, for Havana, barque Amy, for Bee. ton, and several brigs and schooners wont to sea to-day. Nothing in eight bound in. Wind NW—weather One. ' Years, ice., TINA B. flUtillni, MEMORANDA. Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchell, for Philadel phia, sailed from Richmond 9th inst. Steamship Africa; Shannon, from New York for Liver pool, did not sail from the narrows till 7 o'clock .A. 01 yesterday, Steamship Daniel Webster, Miner, for Havana and N York, cleared at New York 4th inst. Ship:Titan, Sears, for Callao soon, was at Melbourne Septl6. bhip Cleo West, Couch, for Havre, cleared at New Or leans 31 inst. with 3797 bales cotton Ship Australia, Dudley, for Melinda, cleared at New York 9th inst. Skip Beaver,Srolth, from Singapore, sailed from Hong Kong 24th Sept for Shangtme. Ship Star King, Turner, for San Francisco, remained at Hong Kong Sept 24, Barque Fred Lennlg, from Barons, arrived at New Orleans 2d inst, Barque Elf, Percival, for Rio do Janeiro, with Sour, sailed from Mahon:aft inst. Barque Paladin, Wilson, from Rio de Janeiro, arrived top at New Odense Minot Barque 0 W Poultney, Marshman,Tor Philadelphia, Cleated at New Orleans, 3d inst. with 239 boleti cotton, 802 bbis molassea, and 819 empty caste. Barque J B Lancaider, Cannon, from Richmond, ar rived at Rlo de Janeiro Oct 231. Barque Bratilera, Baxter, from Now York, arrived at Rio de Janeiro Oct 21. Barque Leighton, /Raton, for New Orleans, sailed from WO de Janette Oct IL Barque Mary If Kendall, Brock, for Philadelphia, went to sea from Charleston 7th that. Barque &fish, Could, cleared at Beaton 10th lost. for Baltimore, 'Brig Samuel Ankara, cleared at 11 York yesterday for Cadis. Brig Weltberg,l nod, for Venice, with toßacco, called from Richmond Bth inst. Brig Martha Washington, Anderson, for Cardenas, cleared at Portland Bth lost: Brig Daniel lilalony, Steelman, for New York, cleared at New Orleans 24 inst. Bohr Allen Middleton, Jr, Sipple, hence arrived at Barbadoes 10th ult, and remained 2001 discharging. sebr.W 0 Mershon, Mershon, for Boston, cleared at New Orleans 3d rust. Bohr Alfred Storer, UAW, hence for Boston, arrived at New York yesterday, Bohr W Maxon, Staples, from Key West, at Mobile 4th inst. Bohr B U Rowley, Godfrey, cleared at Charleston 7th Inst. for Brunswick, Oa. Schr Juniata, Barrington, from Portland for Phila delphia, at Newport 7th, and remained next mornlng. u t fiche Neptune, Magee, hence at Providence Bib lost. Fif,hrs Ontario, Yangilder, and Eva, Wlleston, nulled from Providence Bth Inst. for Philadelphia. Behr A Townaend, Townsend, from Charleston, at Baltimore yesterday.. Behr B P Motes, Macon . , hose at Richmond 9th inst. Bohr (leo Washington, Camp, for Philadelphia, sidled from Richmond 9th inst. Sloop New Jersey, Johnson, hence at Alexandria 9th Inst. MARINE AILSGELLANY Sac Beorkla, Prince, from Baltimore for Boston, is ashore on Spit Ledge, In Boston barber, with a cargo Of 271 bhds =lams. She will hsie to be discharged to get her elf. - lie barque Crimea, from Smyrna ran ashore on the Spit, Boston harbor, on Tuesday night; Bth lost, and still remained there evening of 9th. _She would proba, bly be gotolf without damage. Baltimore, Pee 9. _The Bremen ship 119 a Doratbey, which went ashore on Sunday night last, three miles south of Cape Henry, was a now ship, on her first voy age, valued at &bon:LS.I4O,OOO, owned and Insured In Bre men, and consigned to Brother Bo:linger, of Baltimore. The passengers, 260 in number, arrived Barely title mormog in the steamer North Caroline. A despatch received to-day from the beach, report. that the ship has bilged, and will probably bo a total loss. A con tractents been made to save her, tf,peseible. Barque David Nickels, which put into St Augustine some time since having last the captain overboard, sailed Nov 24 for St ?Urfa, under command of Captain ClitSPtd. The boat which left the vessel before her or rival, to search los the lost captain was recently picked up near New Smyrna, Via, but no trace of the men who were in it could be found, Barque Nazarene, Smith. master, from Gaspe, Canada But, for New York, was stranded on the night of 21st November, in Gaspe Bay. The N cleared from Gaspe Nor 18. bake Was owned by IV IV Merriam & 0o; 245 tons, built In Bangor, Me, In 1862, and rated A 2. She may possibly be got oft, lithe weather holds good. The cargo, consisting of gab and shingles, will be eared, ,uoatly to goad order. IPORBIUN'POBTO At nio do Janeiro Oct 23.1, bargnee Smallwood, for N Orleans, and Borer for do, waiting freight, and others, u before reputed, • DOBLESTIO PORTS 145 W YORK, Dee 1.0--Arr, bargee Sultana, Watson, Smyrna; Br brig Wm Boothia) , Coalfleet, 'Windsor; Rehr Tennessee, Wooster, Eastport, Old, steamship West ernport, Derry, Seem:lush; Br brig Princess Royal, Doe, Bermuda; schr Want, Burgess, St Thomas. Bailed; ship Ocean Monarch, Page, New Orleans. BOSTON, Dec 9—Arr, barques Volunteer, llarnilton, Smyrna; Lucy Elisabeth, Sargent, London; Ellen Ste vens, Howes, Matansas; brlge 1' B Ilichborn,Littipileid, St Kitta; Madeira, Olsen. riarbadoes: Emeline, Bowden, Banger; Behr Spring Rill, Greenish, atoned. • Below, Dr barque Crimea, flartington, Smyrna, In corning to ran ashore on the Spit, near the Light, and remained at dark, with the tow boat F. it Forbes alongside, which vonld pull bet nil at high water. The Crimea is tight, and line easy. Old, brig 0 F O'Brien, Watts, Darien, Oa; ochre Sea Decree, 'Wiley, Trinidad; Cone Rearney, bleg.athlin, Norfolk Nothing sailed. EASTPORT--614 ad., barque Leon, Parritt, Liverpool; 4th, seh A L Ilyde, Anderson, Baltimore. ROOKLAND—Ar ad, ochre hyena, Georgetown, 8 0. Eld 2.1, aches Sitar Wright, Savage,' Washington, D C; 4th, brig Mary Cobb, Montgomery, York; sth, Laura Frances, (new) nullock, Richmond. NEW ItEDFORD—Ar Sth, ech Cohasset, Tobey,Balti- More. PALL DIVBIL—As Bth, aches Jaha Oliver, Clark, and P,Parker, Fitzgerald, Norfolk. NEWPOIIT—Ae lth ochre Massasoit, Grant, Frank tort for Baltimore; + Jones, Jame, Bt. George for Wtuthlngton,D 0 In port Bth, 8 A M, the above; brigs Enoch Pratt, Mullah Balch, Leoutine, Boroada• era Abbott Law rehee, Match, from Providence for'New Pork,• Ellis, Deborah Jones, N Dammed, 8 Learned, and about all the vessels that arrived Bth, bound 8 and W. Vied SW. In Dutch Island barber, ache Eleanor Townsend from Beaton for Baltimore. rovramounr—sta Mit, ship New Mompabire, Weeks, PROVIDENCE—kr Sth, ohm Isaac Cohen Mertz, Spofford, Riclunond; Wi l d Pigeon, Milliken, Baltimore. Bid schrs Ocean Edwards, 4 Baltiroore; Water Witch, (new. of Providence,lB3 tom) Mull, do. BALTIMORE, Dec 10—Arr, steamship ,TaCkson, Ba ker, New York; brigs Anna Prentiss, Doualase, Frank fort; John Marat di, Young, El Roque; scbr Battledore, Sleight, New York. Old, ateamship Caledonia; Layaeld, Charleaton,•.brig s Q Bass, Aspinwall. SAVANNAH, Doe 7, art atettigp Moron); Swan, Pont, 'Now York ; barques Itivestigri Cants, Boston; flu. duo, {Br) Jones, from Caernerr MOBILE, Pee 4,-A rr„shipe England, Liverpool; Min nesota, New York; Abnik Stetson, do; Wm Woodbury, do; briga Marla White, Barbados; Lemon, Begun; Fehr Mobile New Yeah. NEW ' ORLEANS, Dec O.—Arrived steamship Charles Morgan, Indianola and Galveston ; ships S E Petigtew. Ilrodrick, Portsmouth ; Jacobs, Henderson, Liver: pool; Rappahannock Gushing, do; Escort, Bryant, St , Thomas, Porto Rico; Statesman, Watts, Havana; Essex, Munroe, London; barques Sarah Arm, Drink water, Newport. Wales; Carmen, Gorodo, lit:stage ; Arendel, Qaulsen,llordeaux. Cleared, ship Leander, Curtis, Liverpool; barque May flower, Platt, Bordeaux, Id. Ar, altips lard Lufferin, Liverpool; 01512 pin, Tarragona- VlTqUellrlitliDirlt, St. Jagol Polar, Havana; Atalayador, do; beige hamocito, do; Matta Soule, do, Cleared, ship Indiana, New York ; Ocean Wave, Bremen; Wave Aura, Calla; brigs Deane, Barcelona; Northern Bello, Boston. Towed to sea, 26th W Lord, Jr, Bremen; 27th, Owego end John Spear; 23th, Itantinton;94 loot, barques Charm and H.llareltine. Below—Ship Glad Tidings, from New York, ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, Up to 12 o'crock TAM Met GIRARD IfOMß—Chestnut street, below Ninth, 'P II Wentworth, Boston Chas K Cobb, Boston O.W Cashing, providence W 0 Murray, Jersey City A Yon Sweareogen;Phila E 9 Ives & la, New Haven 0 .I . Du Pont, Jr, Del J Ili Lechtenhelm, N Y '0 A Williaing,4 wife, Va Jos A Ross, Charleston 'divides Konignutcher, Pa Dwight A Olmstead, N Y Coot Higglne & lady, N Y A Samson, N'V 8 8 8 01 0taarte, Oharteston R V Langdale. Dalt J 0 Appleby NY 8 R Rldgely. Y 8 A Mies ht Ridgely, " Alias A K Itidgelv, Mies Emily finitely, ' 4 B Marshall, N Y A. B Clement, Boston - lien It J Walker, Wash'ton It A. Carr, II 8 A ' Chas Donohue h. in, N V T 5 Saitan,l7flea, N Y Al's AI aiiiert A dan, N r .1 Shillington, Washington J Perkins, Ohio ' Dlt Bennett, Woodside AII Kyle, Sr, Belt. C Frost & 010,1:Ireton, N Y 11 You Bermhoten, N Y It Van Deu,sehotenk la, N Y 0 Oodirey 0 anther, N 'k -8 Wilmot , pavaunab, Oa T P Butler, 8 0 Warren Carter, N Y_ if How & io, N Y P sTlarris & la, N Y Jae ItalbroM. (Renew Rit Morrison, N Y Peter McLeod, ri . Y . John .11 Schultz, N Y B id Bhumaker, Baltimore A W Page, N Y - R L Chime, Haverhill, Mona Ilea 0 Greenough, Kass .7 T Chitman, England T II Virilliams, N Y N B Day, N Y Al 4 Wood, Brooklyn John ()none, Brooklyn c perms Hughes, N 'V 5 11 Riley, Columbus, 0 It l' 74, Pe1, Urbana, 0, Robt Heger, if Y 4 11Coste,N I' Chao 0 Loring, Boston F. Kerwin, Roston Chas 8 Morrow, Boston 111 'Halstead, N Y 9 9 Sterna, St Thomas, ley Got R C Floyd, Yo - N llowland,l , lerr Bedford Geo 11Howland,N Bedford - J W Hall, Cincinnati, Ohio D 0 Martin Baltimore J a McNab.Alabaina S 'Howard, N V A II Warlord, 11 - areg A .1 Brodnax. Boston J MeDaniels, Boston U gain ChicagO J Wells & la, Chicago S BturdlYant, Vu p Cullen, U 8 N ,T ht Wo9d, Melon B Barksdale, jr, & 15,,. r,•, ~,,t, V.go., R TlTtopooo l l i i lackavert iTml , ME.P.AXANTIP ELOTDD. , -Pourth street, below Arch 41 A. Riebardion, N Y W Overdold, jr, Easton Ii A. Zollimpt, I b „ to ti. Rollins, NY, .1 Morgan, Williamsport J P Lloyd, Dalt J Levy, ec. Is, ToXes Mrs Anderson A. child, LEO Neabltt, Ara ' Texas - W Dodson, Preemanstq NV Patton, Columbia: Mrs W Barr, Ourntd co, Pa 3 Rankin, Troy, N Y T Pomeroy, Mass 0 11 Morrison, Wash J U Locket', Boston A Phillips, Williamsport 0 0 Regan, v Y - 'CI 0 Itotolikiss, Conn Judge fleeney, Ohio If 8 Knapp, Ohio W B V Prentiss, Ohio 8 Lloyd, Pittsburg AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnrit street, above Flllll. L Poetic, Rucks co John Trimble, Rl/Ila Andrew lifeoalla, Phil& Saint Grant, Vs Win Tate, Vs Thos Anderion, N V John C Flint, N Y L A Sykes, N V Jon F Smith, Reading Theo S Collins, Md J A Jenkins, Vs David Griffith, Va Chas IV Krebs, Bslt C 1.1 Buckley, N V Geo Keller, Cann Ohms K Cummingi, Ohio Robt 0 Calhoun, Ohio Andrew McStennis, N Y Jain It Mann Washington W W Wade:nen, California Rawl Southanton,N V A W Sturdy, N Y Jar, IL Foote, Taylorev, N 0 Jae II 11111, Taylorsv, N 0 Mrs L IS Ililf Taylr'e, N 0 Thos Street, Batt John II Barnes, Dolt - NATIONAL lIOTEL—Race greet, above Third. Chu Hasler, Leo, Ilan J C Bowling, Pal 0 Sailor, Schuylkill Raven CaptPrederlcka, Pa 1)1,111boal, Indiana Crapt Lycoming co A McPworda, Ohio II Gibbous k la, Pa N Turner, Ohio John Dutcher, N Y A 8 Felix, Reading S Rook, 11 C &111 It II C A smith, PhDs J 9 Roger, New Berlin, Pa T James, Reading UNION HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth. J D Bktlea, Lancaster 11 Thomas, Easton .E J Fry, Tamaqua 11 Lenox, Trenton, N 0 D lllllborn, Dolniesburg I; Covert, Williamsport II II ltollar & to, Shippn'g S Jones, Tamaqua E w Itragennte, Philo it Itlertaugh, Oatasanqua STATES UNlON—ldarket street, above Sixth. Daniel hankies, N Y J L Keck, Chester co L Boyd, Pittsburgh It .7 Wilson, Lancaster L Weller, N Y J D Philadelphia B Agnew, Allentown A Stahl, Clototals Wes Batley, Lancaster Noah hertzler, Pa U 0 Fell, Ili K Ilatnee, Pa BALD EAGLE ROTEL—Third Area, abv. Oaßowhi J Griner, Del A Calvin, EaatOU Levi Drauger, Pa P Mese, jr, N J J R Taney, Pa. 3 Magley, Pa Saha Jacobs, Pa M Penrose, Pa BLACK BEAR UOTEL.—Third street, ab. Callowlllll. Delman, 'Reading J Bechtel Pa Satcatol Wales, Pa John Wetzfi, Pa Unary Fulani, Pa F Schantz, Reading BLACK BEAR INN—Plith and Merchant streets J Browuback, Pa 3 racket, N J E 8 Bullock, Pa . Wm Chandler, Pa Wm Everhart; Ps J Dunwoodle, Pa Giles Bailey, Pa B Spenitinza, Pa • E D Baker, Pa L Hanley, Lane co Boni Frick, Pa T Watzleigton, Pa E R Belehllue, Pa ' E L Caswell, Pa BARLEY SIIEAP—Seoond, below Vine street. E Watieu, Reeks county Darla Keller, Stroudsburg Caleb Vicher,Carbon county nos P Watson, Philo J New Rope Baum' Noble, Nome, tia Rev Geo Barrows, Newtown L R Protz, Llatborough Copt Cook. Botcher', MADISON ROLlSF.:—Seeond street, &bore Market N P Lott, 1)01 Soho Fleming, Conn Opeciat Notices. Fars.—Joseph Itosenbantu's Fars are cele brated for cheapness, style, and quality. Store 416 Arch street, botwoon Fourth and Fifth. It 11.—Futo altered into fashionable styles. We study to please. ded-lin An Important now see . Is en. flounced that the ostensive Wholesale Clothing Deal— ere, STRAWS & (101,D111AN, No mile MARKET Bt., above Third, have commenced to lista!l their entire stook at ITholesale prices. dellarn Wrappers! Wrappers Wrappers:—A. very large and elegant assortment, wbolesale and ratan, at reduced prices. Also, fine Shirts, Drees Blocks, and all kinds of tarnishing Goods for aentlemen, at W, Retinue's, 812 Arab street, above Math. noSOlot Skates: Skates: Skates:—Our readers will ilmi the largest and most complete assortment of this winter luxury, end at the lowest prices, at W. W. Raman', No, ED Market street, opposite Decatur street. no3o-1 Sating Pund,—National Safety Trust CO., Otllce,-WALNUT Street, 8, W. corner of TIMM ARRANGEKENTS I+OR BUSINESS DURING THE SUSPENSION OP SPECIE PAYMENTS BY TNE BANES. 1. Deposita received and payments made daily. 2. Current Bank tea, Chocks, awl Specie w 11) be received on deposit. S. Deposits made In Dank Notes or Meeks will be paid back in Current Bank Notes. 4. Deposits wade in Gold or Silver will be paid back n Coln. Interest I'm PIM CENT. per annum Jackson, JOB PRINTER, MEROTIANT STREET. Cheeks, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading ; Bill Reads, Cir• mars, Cards, and all other kinds of Job Printiog, at prices to suit the times. 0017-ly For Perinuted Breath, White Teeth, and DentSful complexion, UTE " Balm of 1,000 Flowers." For &easing. Ladies' tmirome <i, o'clock; performance to commence at 7, precisely, WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Les see, Mr. B. A. Marshall; Stage Manager ' Mr, John Sefton, ?rico —Dress Ouch!, Parqnstte, cents ,• Upper Circle, 26 cents; Secured Seats, 37,1 i cents; Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 10 cents. Box Office open from 9 o'clock A. M. to 3 P.M. Dents open at quarter to 7 o'clock; performance to commence at 7,4‘, precisely. Will to performed Tlll3 (Friday) P.VENINB. Deo, 11th, 1867, •TIM; F.NCIIdIiTRUSS. Itatcar Sort* Drachie Duke d'Aqul la Stella, the Enchantress fVATIONAL THEATRE AND CIRCUS, ' WALNUT SYREF,T, NEAR EIGRTR. LESSEE WESLEY DARIIIOIIII. EQUESTRIAN MANAGED. TIIOB. Et I Ng, Will be presen'ted Tlllll (Friday) EVENINO, Dee, 11th, 1857, 2e4yr,LyANT itOIII.9EMANSIg h. &.„ btr, WOODS Ss Richard NI, Fir John Falqtatt, and Bhyleck. To conclude with the laughable piece, entitled the MERRY CODDLED. Two of the moot renowned C/owno In the world, Mr FRED Pull Mr J. BUCK, will oleo be In at tendency. . . Patine or ADIIII3SION.—Dreet3 Circle 3T) cents. Fa mlly Uinta 25 testa. Private Boxes 50 cents. Doors ppm at 6) o'clock, Performance to earn :nonce at 7),C o'clock. TAYNE'S NEW HALL, CHESTNUT ST., tIP BELOW SEVENTH. LAST WHIT (THIS WEEK) OF BUCKLE'S SER ENADERS. ip" . No performance ea SATURDAY EVENING. BUCKLEY'S SERENADERS, Will perform TIIIB (Friday) PIVBNINO, Dee. 11th, The great Burlesque Opera of TROVATOIIII. Count Lunatlek, LB. Buckley; Lady Lemmonora, 311se 0. Iliffert. Preceded by their inimitable P.TIIIIOP lAN DIINSTRELBY. Doora open at half-pset 6 o'clock. Curtain rites at half•paat 7 precisely. Admission 26 cents. SANFORD'm OPERA. HOUSE— ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. ETHIOPIAN PERFORMANCES THIS EVENING. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by Sanford's Troupe of Stars—New Dances by the Sanford Children. Doors open at 1 o'clock—to commence quarter before eight. To conclude with A LA:CURABLE AFTERPIECE. Admittance 24 cents. • Jrusurance Companies. CORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COMM. PANT, 331 WALNUT STREET. atelier perpetual. Capital, $300.188). Subscribed, 800,000: Paid up, 51 40,000. This Company is now proparoil to issuo FARE and MARINE POLICIES on favorable terms. • Putswest--101113 SWIFT. 1710 e PRKSIDENT—IIENRY DIRECTOIttI. JOU?? SWIFT, B. F. JACKSON, IikINILY MUD, E. 11. BUTLER, JAMES W. QUEEN, PLINY FISK, JNO. U. PARKER, A. W. THOMPSON, 8. I'. tiRIFFITII9. li. D. MEARS dell—tin Lk:ANDER W. V, li. STARR, Bec'y. GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND N..fil TRUST COMPANY—Office. 403 WALNUT Corner of FOURTH Street. FIRE , bIARINE and INLAND INSURANCE at the lowest rates. PluLdbnl4`lll , November 23,1052. At a meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, held on the 10th Inst., the following persons nem elected Directors for the coming year, viz CHARLES 0. LATHROP, 1423 Walnut street. WM. DARLING, 1610 Pine stroet. ALEX. WIIILLUNN, merchant, 18 North Front at. ISAAC HAZIEHMIST, Attorney and Counsellor. JOHN 0. HUNTER, of Wright, Hunter & Co. R. TTIACY, , of E. Tracy & Co , Goldsmiths' .TOHN It. M'CURDY of Joann, White , Sr M'Curtly. THOS. L, GILLESPIE, of Gillespie & Zeller. /SS. D. SMITH of /M .D. Smith & Co. N. Rona .11,1 1 1 MIS, of Win. If. Brown & Co. JOHN it. YOODES, cor. Seventh and &mem streets. CHAS, E. THOMPSON, 413 Chestnut street. /NO. J. SLOCUM . , tilid South Third street. ALFRED TAYLOR, office Cairo Oity Property. And at a meeting of the Directors, held this day, CHARLES 0. LATilitot , was unanimously re-elected Presidenti and Wlt. DARLING, Vice-President, H.R. RICHARDSON, Assistant..fleerotary. D MARINE INSUR. lIIADELPIIIA--0111oe, No, TRIED. DNLY TAILItti." )7018, Jar. Walker, Jno. McClure, Tim. Craven, A. S. Gillett, Furman BliEmparil, 53m1. Jo.nea, 11., J. aepL liltiptp, AI. I). GIRARD FIRE AN: ANON COMPANY, PU: 802 WALNUT street west of ring 11113E8 C Wm. M. Swain, Jobv Amipach, 11. 1V Burroughs, J. D. 11.tiglien, P. D, Sherman, Wm. P. Hacker, J. P BlotAor, U. A Riniclioltoril, Ikon JOIST. JONIR, Proxidant, lion. U. W. WOODWARD, Vico Proxidont. Jrm• S• Atoblum,m, Secretary. DAM 13. ALIOVID, Agektant Nocratary. no2.8w•11 VOMMONWEALTFI FIRE INSURANCE N.l OOMPANY, OW TR 11,TATh OF PENNSYLVA, NIA .-Oalco,'N. W. Illotacti FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. SubeerlDed Espital, $500,000. Palo..tiy Capital. $200.000. DAVID JAYNE, M. 1)., Wee Wont THOMAS S. STEWART, 'Noe Pres% Sawa. B. Moos, Reerettry. aul-ly 'MINCED MEAT.— Iva. The Sutocriberhaa commenced manufacturlughle A'r Plug Ultra NtINOED MEAT, which he offerti to his etuitoulorn io LAang or OMALL QUANTITICB. Order* through BLOOD'S DISPATCH will bo punt Nally attended to, JOSHUA WRIGHT, ti 132,11 1 ,1 SPRING HARDEN and FRANKLIN ate - - gr:SLASS ! GLASS !!—We invite the Eaten- ILA tion of the public to our superior stork of Eng lish, French and American Window