;,;;V ' ' , • 4\ stoic Tentindimitioti.-We doubt not, that therelli'lli be an iinneirstentilitarY demonstration? on the , occasion of.tne•letalguration of Governor Taidihrei,f•matee.theneeal Behar, Of the -fifth divi.- ;nionataselaileietthefollevrhue:', ' go' ffielredrinfeerilf ylvania-,Pelloto Wolstler.F.4,The;,SfiteneVal Cf the fifth diii lemi; peniii&litiOnW,Kolunteera, haling incepted ' donaniankteedeted to Minor the military, who willsierlfripatketthe lattugurathon of Alm Geyer • nor elect, on Tuesday,the Nth of January, 1858, a cordlallartlation le.ektOndedno the'volunteers of the State to unite and,,tissist at the interesting : emir:bony; whiob a large and brilliant Military di •plarWlo , render doubly brispefing. oom paille‘battalionl, regiment's; Oat brigades will re viet:tol3tig:Geri. E. 9:: Williatne, Harrisburg, ', fornish all neeetwery information and rtm -sder seell 'asststanete as ',they Mity • require. ' , tico„katioovja be gabfoot of fit tire Ordeis...? - • , f ~,T he tendering erotica has,en put forth by Ha rdier General Mills, of• the Second Brigade of applioation bithe Pelinsylvarda,, ..halleithtaii - and ;Ilerrisharg , /teamed Companies _for, theabtiveyanoe,ef troops to Harrisburg, on the cc. eision,of the inauguration of the Governor elect, tho companies have *greed to iesueeexcuralon :tickets to the troop at one dollar,' (fifty oents each way) =The Volunteers of the Vest and other Divi- Wu, ariPliereby invited to participate in the ex euraleri. In order that suitable Arrangements may be made, all who deeire to participate will report ) srethe earliest possible date to Thomas P. Ditten, aßrlgadelifajor, northeast corner of Callowhill and Fifth „ Grand Concert in aid, of' the Orphans.—We wie before referred,to the grand conoort which wilt „take place to-morrow- evening, at the donde 'my of Mualo r ßroad and Locust streets, in' aid of ,theorphans of St. ,Tohn's Asylum. The committee I 'ho have the arratigernenta in charge hevioxerted ;themselves strenuously to render this concert one 'of thobest and most brilliant affairs of the, amen. A ritunber of the most ominentvooal performers In Phlladelphita hew, very kindly volunteered their nonfat:a for this eocasion,•and Mr, E. A: Marshall has granted the use of -the _ spacious Acilidemy free of , tharge. We , think it Trobable that' hi'lle Permit will be among the aingers.'Her many ex cellencies; • added to the ,'grmel" combination of 'other talent, should not ;Ni to attract' a crowded house, The ptootexis of this concert, ill be faith. 'fullyappliod to the St. Solin's Orphan Asylum, a most 'deserving °heritable .inatifution. ttokets have been fixed at a moderate rate, .Imorder to enable all to participate in the enter tahoment of the evening, and contribute something talvardis Om very, charitable objedt in view. The tediets to the parquette of. the Academy -and dress chide Aire fifty Dents, and to the Upper .01roles •twenty-lie oents. A'mere view of the Academy in the evening, brilliantly illuminated, is• well w orth the Flee of admission. 21e Briffering Pogr.e--A. meeting of the citi 'em 'of•the Sixteenth ward will be held thus even ing at the Hall of the United American Mechanics, northeast corner of Fourth and George streets, for tthe purpose of adopting measures of relief for the needy, of that .Ward. At a mooting of the Sixth Wald mediation for the relief of the suffering poor, held 'on Monday night, themembers received the report of the 'steward, showing that 265 orders had been received from the visiting committee, and' the following provisions, eto , distributed from the let to sth December: 320 Narks of broad, 781 lbs Indian meal, 157 lbs oat meat , ii' bble hertings, 335 lbs cod fish, 2f bbls beans, 1 bag hominy, 11 bags peas, 400 les rice, 20 As coffee, lbs tea, bbl molasses, 1 bbl ship bread, If tons coal in small quantities. These orders were given to 256 persons all of whom were visited during the past week. 'lt was also resolved, that it is t the ha l:option of the association to render 'ai to those who have hitherto been habitually aided by the Guardians of the Poor, or - charitable sodieties. Belief Will' only -be afforded to those who have usually',- supported their familia by, their own labor, and who aro now thrown out of employ. A committee will receive confidentially all written applioationa , from..lo A. MI to 1 A. lit, daily, at the Halletihetm below Fifth gnat ' The ene Pie at the 'Ringgold School investigation of all the circum stances connected withible fire has convinced. us that it originate& undo; th e staircase, and was thus carried - up to the:reed Tie origin eannot be attributed to the fUrnaces, tie it will be found , on examination: that nothing to brunt in their kerne,- diet° vicinity. On Saturday the fires always go out, and there was no fire in any of the furnaces for mere than twelve hours prevents to the alarm of fire on Sunday morning. • ` - The housekeeper loft the building between six and seven o'clookin the'evening, having previous ly placed her kindliug in the mouth of each, pre paratory to making the fires on Monday. After the fire in the building was extinguished, the kindling was found as It had been left, not oven scorched by the fell destroyer. There is no defect In the heaters, and alarms of fire have not frequently occurred. About fifteen years ago, fire was communicated to some wood work in contact with one of the heaters. Immo diatoly after,alij the wood-work was removed, and brick flues substituted, since which time they have been perfectly safe. Case of Suicide in the Sixth Police District.— Sergeant Rohn Smith, the 'acting lieutenant of the„Sixth Police District, in his report to Mayor Pau: yesterday morning, stated that a man named William Thompson was found stuplaed, and lying in the street, between 0 and 10 o'clock on Tuesday evening, in the vicinity of Filbert and Fifteenth street. He was taken to the Filbert street station home, when it was ascertained that he was labor: ing under the effects of laudanum. Dr. Cox was called in, anti applied the stomach. pump. • After working incessantly for three hours ho gave the patient up as hopeless. The prostrate man was taken to his residence, in the vicinity of Wood and Twenty-first streets, where he died about 8 o'clock yesterday morning. ' A pint mineral water bottle was found on his person, and it west ascertained that he had par ehased a small quantity of laudanum, about nine o'clock On the previous evening, at the drug store of A. H. Yarnell, Fifteenth and Market. Coroner Penner was sent for to hold an inquest in the Can, and a verdict in accordance with the above fitota was rendered by the jury. Launch of, a Steamship.—The launch of the steamship Cardenas, which took place on Tuesday, from the ship yard of Mr: Cramp, at the foot of Bishop Street, was witnessed by a large number of potions. She will regititer 000 tons, and will be propelled by a screw, measuring eight feet six Mabee: The Anginas being made by Messrs. Mer rick & Sons, are geared in such a manner that the propeller will make two-and-a-half revolutions to ono of tho engine. Tho Habana, of the same mo-' del and power, will ho launched on Saturday. These two ships are of the same model and power as the favorite and well-known steamship Carolina, built at• Philadelphia for Havana. These Alpe WO destined t i e run between , this and the ports of the West Indies and are also intended • for the owner of • the Cantatas. - - , berial of; a soldier is aiwaye a kale of Mournful interest. Sergeant Joseph ‘• Parker, whose- decease we have before =noticed, and who. Carved with distinetion during thelattewat with Mexico:i t •while attached to cora parry Gaut: T. klad,orohes.d, of 'the First Beg'. /neuter painsylvltiaist Volunteers, will be interrad tomorrort afternoon, at two (Mock, with MilitalY It is caneeted thatthe National Guards, Captain P. Lyle,' the Camden Artilliery, Cent-J. W. Mickleathe Seett Legion • both ohne and mili tary', this eniplopees of the 'United, States Mint, end the ambers of the America Hose Company, „atilt partiolpate, in the funeral ceremonies. - ,..dfrotiersary Melling.—The twenty-second anniversary meeting of the Home Miesionary So oiety will be held. on Tuesday evening next, at the Musical Fund Hall, Locust street, above Eighth. The exorcised will he of en interesting character. The fourthanniversary meeting of the St. John's LitfirtrY 'Assoehition is announced to take place on the 27th of•Februarytiext. • I Neto Road.—The road, the opening of which has been so long needed, running from Old York Road, below "Branobtown, in a direct line to the road leadhig from Fisher's lane to Olny and the Frankford and Germantown. Plank Road, will shortly bo ready for the use. of the public. We understand that the Rev, W. H. Mil barn, (the Mind preacher)" who 'has just returned from Europe; will- preach in Trinity Ohuroh, On thindey evening' at 70 o'clock, and lecture for Jidission School on Wednesday in the same church. risteday was wet and disagreeable. The vrorkmen on the old Pennsylvania. Brink building, and other pieces, wore compelled to suspend opera tions on account of the rain. Numerous street crossings were Ina most miserable condition. no Eighth Surreal.halt of the Lafayette Library Association took, place /ad evening, at the Hansom Street Hall, and was largely attended. The occasion-wasone of muoligenuinwenjoyment to all who participated in the brilliant mime: • ' Resignation.—Miss Mary M: Spearman, who lutis'ahargo of the :Belles Lettres Department of the Normal &keel, •has tendered her resignation as teacher, to take - effect on and after the first of January next. "L • Tax Receipts.—We notice that the taxes are beginning to come in mote liberally at the Tax Receiver - s - office. Last week a total of more than $75,000'448 paid in. • .4 New ,Posi ,Office.—A new post office lute been eatablisked at Delanco, Burlington county. Mr. M. Dobbins has received the appointment of _Postmaster. - , - - • Dinner of the St: Nicholas, Society Of New York—Speech of Robert J.. Walker. rest the dinner of the St. Nicholas &anti,. given In NoAv York, on Monday evening,9ov. ROBERT J. WAIMEn 'responded to the toast— ,t The Union.'. , 'ln the course of Ills apeooli he said - But, gentlemen, let ue also recoiled, that there is a great-principle which. lies at the base of the American Union—that principle for which our forefath'brs fought through the war of the Rovolu tion-,-end for which we, .their descendants, bare notiteaded'from that pextml- down to the present moment to maintain. • That Principle; which not °nil lies et the basis of- that:Union, but at the, bathd'bf all our Insiltn. tions, ie . _ the principle of self-government. • [Pro. lenged cheered is the .principle, that • the peo ple in every &gent' this Union, and in those in choate Utated which, emerging freer territorial papiiage, higittite'tiacend into the constellation of Apierletui_§tates, When they form their 'first, COn stitutionivislialt,Swith-you,,,,the .youngest. 411rthe eldeat, of, the American Slates, enjoy - the principle of self-government,' Mond - oheersa It sirs pm ciPle?,geritlimitmi hider than - the ,America n 4s,. the principle; whielttled , to the American Union': for; as j. 9 hith'onerif the &Annie/ that Sub- Sequently became "Aalerlinni:Steteri,,the very prin (lipid for which thitinditiededi !ind,Which induced them to.spparfitio'irnin the mother country upon a ,t,te,ol,mAnyelidng - not merely dollars and cents, hut sulVlY:LeVinitatklaxiptv tee; that 'memoir toothed' - thapecheta efsh single individual; but small as the guestiot4 inenhyfriVas,- , the 'pridelple was deep, Inbt klidiStlientat - wan eternal. The principle for, contontied,andlishictiled- to that Pero - luSon;,:was,",the prineiple self - government:[heers.lll,,,tq Arid, gentienien,`porinit: me to tiny that the mo ment when In any one of the States of this Union —either the StatetlPOW, existing or the States in ehoate--tbieprinciple.lo, in the slightest degree; departed from; thatimoment , introdime the -, period when will he stricken doxn_the,fandamen - tal prineipies of .the, Amerlean'Oovernment—the prineiphis wifich,led.to 'that Revolution ; and wiU have Made thidist, and I fear the last 'step back isimonarchy and;,.despetism.,,, 4 [Tomd cheers.] As **k ik% {hod; gentlefinad; for that greet Principle .. , Thaii3;oll,lended ;slimy ; ,for hoOssary, for that iiritlektlii ankwllll4 - V) die, Etgal ,Noticci!. TN ,DISTRIGT OOTTRT FORITHE 48. , CITY . AND,CIOUNTY 01,PITILADAPHIA. JOHN IfAVILAND, to use, v. JOHN D. ESHER. March, 1857; N0.•044 Yen. . The Auditor appointed to distribute , proceeds. of dalti:l ' under the above writ of— „ No. 1, All_that certain lot or piece of land situated on the eouthweetwanllyside orWitteatifokon road, at the dietanoe of 300 feet southeastwarlly from a thirty-three feet wide lane,, called kflinin's lane, In the Northern Liberties township, now In the city of Philadelphia, containing in breadth on said road 100 feet; thence ex tending.seuthwestward between parallel lines at right angles with.the said road 240 feet. N 0.2. Also, all that certain tract or piece ofland situate On the southweStwardly obi° of theWissabickon or Ridge turnpike road, in Pear township, now in the city of Philadelphia, beginning at a post on the aide of a two porch wide lane, commonly called lane, which extends from the said road to a landing-place on the Schuylkill river; thence by the said 3111111 roe lane south ,68 degreea 2d minutes, west 57 perches and seven - tenths to a post corner of lif atthias Ilarrisou , s allotment; thence bj thesame north 36 degrees 40 minutes, west 81 perches andante half to a post; thence, by the hereinafter de scribed tract north 63 degrees 20 minutes, east 53 per ches and a half to a post on the side of the said Wissa hickon read; thence by the same armtlia4 degrees, east 51 perches and two-tenths of a perch, and south 40 de grees, east 10 perches and four-tenths of a perch to the place of beginning; contairdng 21 acres of lend. ,No. 3.'Also, a certain tract or piece of land adjoining the above tract, &dictate on the southwestwardly side of the said Mesabi - 4ton or Ridge turnpike road, aforesaid, beginning at a corner of the above-described tract; thence running along the true course of said road north 27 degrees and a half, west le perches and eighty-five hundredth!' parts of a perch to a corner of land granted .to George Reck; thence by the said Beck's land south 59 degrees and a half, west 48 perehes and six-tenths of 0. perch to a corner of land held by William Rawle and, Jonathan Williams, in trust for Catharine Price and her children; thence by the same smith 4 degrees and a quarter, east” 21 _perches and twenty-five-hun dredths ports of a pore to a, corner of the abovede scribed tract, six feet southwest of a white oak sapling ' , on the line of the above -describod tract; thence along the Laid lane north 60 degrees and a half, oast 49 porches and eighty-Ave-hundredths parts of a perch to the place of beginning, containing 0 acres and 19 perches et land. 4. Also, all that certain tnessuage or tenement said lot or piece of ground, situate, iying, and being in the Northern Liberties, now in the city of Philadelphia, beginning ate stake by the side of a strip of ground left open for a road; thence extending by land formerly claimed by Benjamin Mifflin south 38 degrees, east 47 perches and six-tenths of a perch to a stake; thence by land geld by Frederick Dover and wife to Benjamin Key ser north 50 degrees, east 18 perches to another stake thence by land forinerly of Michael Clingman north 38 degrees, west 47 perches and four-tenths of a porch to the aide of the ground left open for a road as aforesaid; th,ence alongside of said road South 00 degrees, west 18 r iches to the place of beginning ; containing 5 acres of N 0, ., 5 „Wee, a certain lot or piece of land situate for- Merl) , in the Northern Liberties, but now in the city of Philadelphia, on the moutheastarardly side of a certain lano,:called Studley's lane, bounded and described as folloteeth, agreeable to survey lately made thereof by Robert Brook Surveyor via Beginning at a stone at the aide of S t andley'e lane' thence partly b' another piece of land, belonging to the said George Better, and partly by land of Philip Nerehberger, south xi degrees 15,nunutes, east 64 perches and 6-10 toe stone ; thence by other land, late of Jasper Idoylan, deceased, south 52 degrees, west II porches and 410 of a perch to a stone; thence by other land of the said George Esher, north 39 degrees, 15 minutee, west 65 perches and 9-10 Of a perch, to a stone in the side of the said lane •, thence alongside of said lane, north 59 degrees, east 11 perches ands-10 to the place of beginning. 6 Also, all that tenement and tract or parcel of land, sitnato, lying, and being in the Northern Liberties, now in the city of Philadelphia, beginning at a post. , standing on the northeast side of Wissahickon road, a corner of land late of Peter Turner; thence by the same land north 63 degrees 20 minutes, east 26 perches 7 feet and 4 inches to another Bost; thence north. 37 degrees 40 minutes, nest 64 perches and 440 of a perch, to an. otherpost ; thence by land late of Joshua, Fisher south , 63 degrees 20 minutes, west 29 perches and 4-10. of a porch, to another post standing on the Lido of Wissa hickon road aforesaid, and thence by the same road 40 degrees, 'east 04 porches 7.feet 8 Isobel, to the place of beginning- containing 11 acres and 37 perches—will attend to, the duties of his appointment on WEDNES DAY, December/6th, 1657, at 4 o'clock., P. Al., at his office, at the southeast corner of arid LOCUST Streets, when and where all persons interested are re quired to make their claims, or be debarred from codling in upon said fund. • • deer...4loC DANIEL DOITONEETE, Auditor. f)ottle anb iatotanunto. MERCHANTS' HOTEL, NORTH FOURTH BISSET ABovi amity, RIIILADELPtiIh. au444.t MoRIBBEN & son, PROVE: lois JONES 'B Alton STREET SALOONS, 727 and 723 ARCH STREET HOLIDAYS! HOLIDAYS The Holidays-are close at hand, and Jones's Arch street Saloon is prepared for the Immense demand that will be-made upon It for oesrsorton. ' CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S CANDIES IMPORTED EXPRESSLY" FOR TNN PRESENT REASON! Every variety of Son Bons, Pantiles, Bourbon Drops, new style of Gum Drops, Eau Sucre Drops, Vangliterre Bon Bons, and every variety rare and costly candies manufactured In Parts. - For Presenta, all sizes and PATTERNS of Ornamental Boxes, Pyramids, Ribbon Ties filled with the choicest :variety of Confections, and varying in price from One Dollar up to Fifty Dollars. Some of these Boxes aro tile 11081111P6R11 SPECIMENS OP FANCY WORE AND ARTISTIO DESIGN EVER OFFERED IN vein 00UNTRY. To the Ladles, as well as to the whole public, Jouee'a Saloons are the most attractive in the City, and iu splendor of adornment and finish are superior to any In the Union 'BREAKFASTS, DINNERS, AND SUPPERS, Served up in the choicest and most expeditious style. FRUIT OF ALL RINDS, ICE CREAMS, JELLIES, GAME AND OYSTERS, Constantly ready for 'letters In profusion. PLAIN, FANCY, AND ORNAMENTAL CANES AND PIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW YORK TEA BISCUIT, And, In fact, all the VARIETIES, LUXURIES, and DELIOACIES of every clime and Country, BALLS, PRIVATE PARTIES, Presentation Sapporo, and Familial, supplied at the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. A continuance of the patronage hitherto so liberally bestowed by the public Is respectfully solicited. deb-tf - R. B JONES, Proprietor. PETRY BROTRERS's RESTAURANT, 237 South THIRD Street. opposite the new Penns} , vaula Railroad Office. PRICES REDIJOED. ' We continuo to keep onr place as a ilret•class Re9tau• rant with army convenience in regard to private. parties. We have also made arrangements to serve In our corn. motions Basement a variety of well.pcepared Cold and Warm Dishes . , at prices to snit and answer the exigen• cies of the times. Oar Wines and Liquors aro not enrpseeed by any In be city ; nolo-tutbke•lm , PEITRY DROTHEILII. CAMPBELL'S RESTAURANT.—VENI SON, Wild Ducks, Turkeys, Geese, Grouse, Fresh Salmon, Ghfneatfque, Opiaachique, Princess Bay, Abso corn, and 001 re Oysters, with every variety of (lAMB. wild or domestie, in season. Green Turtle Soup and Terrapin Suppers served up at the shortest notice at JOITA OAMPPIELL'B, No. 627 011ESTNUT street, op. posits the State House. N.B.—No expense or pains has been spared by the Proprietor in Attire; np this new establishment in the most sumptuous manner—the second story being for the accommodation of Private Parties for Dinners, Suppers, ra &o. nov7- 3 X Entrance for Ladies towards Stith street. - WILLIAM HAIsIMING'S CITY LAGER - Ma /311,00 N, No. 232 Oarteee Alley Phlls delphle. eep22-3m AIoGOWAWS RESTAURANT, SOUTH i.T.L west Corner of BROAD and WALNIIT.—Game and on other delicacies in some. Families supplied ,stith Oystereon the shortest notice. sept:Dn etbutational. HALL Or ST. NAMES THE LESS, NEAR FALLS OF SCHUYLKILL, SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL .FOR BOYS. REPERESOK Tho Rector, Rev. B. It liIIYEER, may bo seen every Ti'EDNEEDAY AFTERNOON, from S to I o'clock, at ',loon:lva Bookstore, B. W. corner EIGIITR and OIIESTNLIT, wliere also circulars may be obtained. Address Boy. B, It. EMYSER, d8.21n Falls of Echuylkill, Fhilade VRITTENDEN'a PHILADELPHIA (30111- .../ MERCIAL COLLEGE, S. E. cop2er of SEVENTLI and CREST/MT Streets; Second and Third Stories. BOOR-KEEPING ; PENMAN/1111P, every style, COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, &c. Rach Student has individual instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the immediate supervision of the Principal. One of the Best Penmen in the Country has charge of The Writing bepa see Specimenscell aid get a Catalogue of Terms, fee. ocB-y PROFESSOR SAUND ES' INSTITUTE, WEST PHILADELPHIA. No Seminary whatever is more like a private family. The comae of Cindy Is extensive and thorough. Pro leaser laundera will receive a few more pupils under fourteen years of age into his family. Enquire of Messrs. J. S. Silver and Mathew 'Newkirk, or Col. J. W. 'Forney, Editor of this Paper, whose SOWS or wards are now members of lila family. septl4-tf DUEL IQ L AMP S.—TIIE PUBLIC IS - respeothalyintormed that °fades have been opened by the District Superintendents of Public Lighting, at which citizens arereqiiested to give Information respect ing accidents which may happen to the Public Lamps; or of any failure in lighting or extinguishing them at the proper time; or If not properly cleaned and in good lighting condition. The Books will be kept by Joseph Bally, No: 808 Wharton at., First Ward; °harlot thirty, Supt. of 2ddistriet, No. 8 Nahum at. above Sixth; HiramG. Kirk, No. 1498 Hutchinson - street, Twentieth Ward; MAW: Deitheng, No. =1 Coates erect, Fifteenth Ward; Thos.T.Bowlby, Gas Office, Twenty-Fourth Ward, (West Philadelphia;) M.. it, biTadden, Gas Office, Twenty- Second "Ward, (Germantown;) Wm. N. "Market, Gas Office Twenty:l'lllrd Ward (Frankford,) and at the Ots ago lu Seventh street, below Market. By order elf the Trustees of the Philadelphia glas Works. A. J. RITE, ooLtim Superintendent of Distribution. WONDERS OP THE AGE—LIGHT, WIRT FOR AU.--PETERS & SUROPE, ratent Non-Explosion lielf-Cienerating <JAR LAMPS Is just the thing to suit all. Price $l,OO up ; all way have a superior Light by calling at their Depot, This Lamp is-adapted to all places and purposes, and only requires a trial to test its advantages over all others. The Lan2p forma its own gas. Our Patent Dinners can be !tied to every ordinary Fluid Lump, with little empenso, without the least possible danger. All are invited to call and examine (or themselves. Town, County, and State rights for sale. cThe proprietors are in want or Agents, giving a rare hance to make money. PETERS & ninon, the Lamp Depot, 123 South 9th St , below Chestnut, Phl PLOVER' SEED.—NOTIOE TO PENN snymiu F killing AND STOIIItIiF,IIPERS. The Undersigned are now prepared to purchase for each, prime Clover Seed of the new crop. Pennsylvania Storekeepers and farmers, by sending samples to our address, can, at all flume, ascertain the price at which We are buying. Pertlea wishing samples, by which to be governed ao to quality, can have them sent by mail, by addreastugrui. 3. II MUSH & - seel9•t( 48 North Front, and 44 Water streelli ROSIN. -500 BARRELS SOA.PIE AKER ROSIN, to 'arrive per scbooner J. 11. Planner Vor sole by MARTIN es AI4OALTSTRR, mg- no Norio it Water gtreet. A B RAM SLAOK—ENGRAVING, DIE Making and Embossed Printing, Envelope and Beal Ergo Man factory Strawberry Street, between Seaand and- Third , and Market and Obentaut Street, Philadelphia, Ea. - aul24, N7ORGHIJI4, or CHINESE SUGAR-CANE .13NED-2b - buobelo for sale by 011, 0ABDALN, puntox, & co , No 104 N; Delaware avenue. trg Vs .4 I A AND AMERICAN TARRED OORDARE.--ft superior al-ticle, manufacture alld for sale by WEAV.IOI, PITLNR & 00., 11.41 No WI N. Water at.. fr. '22 N. Wharrni. HALE. ROPE.—Buyera aro Invited to call and examine our Manila Bale Bbpe, which we can dan sell as low as Awnlean, and warrant it superior in ;this& lad durability. WEAVER, lIITI,BR 1 00,, 1.4 Sa Wgelot, *al UN. Whorlos. cattornegs'at Kati. EDWIN T:IOI3ASE, , ATTOANZY AT LAW, removed his office to N 0.184 South SIXTH Wed, boy Walnut. e St* &: JONES, ATTOR. .s-s.'neys-at-Lsay, bare removed tloar TAW MUM from No. MB. ritth St., opposite Independence ?Square, to No. 211 SOUTH VIIPTII SUM, below Pratte street. no9•oudlm LE WI S S. WELLS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, N 0.2 AIRY STRUT, NORRISTOWN, Pa., will attend with punetoallty, end to the beat of Isis ability, to all bugloss entrusted to las care. notßut DANIEL DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Boutheaat Corner et EIGHTH and OUST titreete. Philadelphia. auVly YER STRO USE, ATTORNEY AT kVA. LAW, ()ENTRE ■treat, Pottsville, Pa. au44y STEAM MACJIIIVERY FOR SCREW PR 0- PELLER SLOOP-OP-WAR. Neer DEPARTMENT., November 18,1867. SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed Proposals for Steam Machinery for Screw Propeller sloop•ot-Plar, ,, will be received at this Department until 8 o'clock the 18th December next, for the complete construction of the steam machinery and appendages, and placing it on board a screw propeller ship of war building In the United States navy yard at Philadelphia. The offers must be for a specific sum for potting the whole in succosatul operation ; most latitude all patent fees for any arrangements that may be proposed i state the time in which the work will be completed, and be accompanied by the usual guarantee required by law. The name Of the establishment In which the work is to bo executed mud he stated. Tho details of the desigri aid arrangement of the ma chinery will be left with the party whose proposition may be accepted as combining the greatest number of advantages. keeping in view simplicity of construction, readiness of access for adjustment when in operation, and not being subject to derangement In the working parts ; it being the object of the Department to Obtain the most speed and power with the most economical consumption of fuel and the greatest stowage of coal which the epaoe available for that purpose will admit. The boilers to be of iron, with telescopic smoke-pipe, which must be placed at the greatest practicable die tanco from the mainmast; the propeller with the con nections for hoisting, to bo of composition; the ma chinery for hoisting, for pumps, apparatus for ventilat ing, and appurtenances of all kind& necessary for the perfect working of the whole, to be of the moot ap• proved kinds. The coal-bunkers, shaft passage, two athwartships iron bulkheads, a distilling apparatus for froth water from which can be made not less thanl,looo gallons per day; all the tools and duplicate pieced ne cessary and satisfactory for an efficient cruising steam ship-of-war moat be included in the proposition, and lot of them must be furnished. . The wood and carpenter work (except the boring out the deadwood for the sliaft) necessary to adapt the Ten. eel for the reception of the machinery, bolters, nod ap pendages, will be provided at the expense of the Navy Department, and it will permit the use of such facili ties as it marhave for hoistidg the heavy machinery on board. For the accommodation of the entire steam machinery and the fuel, there will be allowed in the body of the ehip the entire space, under the berth dock, commencing at 17) feet abaft the mainmast, and thence extending forward a distance of 50 feet; the greatest breadth in side clear of the plank under the beams being 4234 feet, and the height teem the top of the timbers to the un der aide of the beam amidships being 13 feet 0 inches. 'Within this space it is expected to carry coal for thir teen doya' full steaming, the daily consumption of which the bidder will state In his specffications ; and the weight of the machinery, water in boilers, shaft, pro peller, and appendageo, with the tools and spare work, must not exceed 340 tone, of 2,240 pounds. Tho distance from the oft side of the mainmast to the aft-vide of the forward stern-post will bo about 100 feet, and the distance between the forward and the after stern-post wilt be 7 feet; the depth from the load water line to the top of the keel under the proptdler will be 10% feet. Steam-engine manufacturers who desire to bid can obtain a copy of the section of the vessel upon snaking application to the Department. The proposal must be accompanied by full specifica tions and general drawings, having the position of the centre of gravity of the machinery, bailors, ke.onarked on thorn; giving also the capacity of the atcamoylin dere and mea of foot and delivery valves, and of air pump, and outboard delivering valves, space for steam above the water line to hollers, the fire and grate sur face; also, the diameter, pitch eurface, and kind of propeller, and other prinel4til points, that comparisons can readily be made. Th will also be given the esti mate of the weight of cum es, boilers I water, bunker, , Appendages, tools, and spare work, n tons of 3,240 pounds. . The terms of payMent will be that when one-fourth of the materials and labor provided for in the contract shall have been completed to the satisfaction of the Depattm.mt, there will be made a payment of one-fifth part of the whole amount of the contract; when one half the work shall in like manner be completed, there, ,will will be a further payment of ono-fifth; when three: f ourtha the work that' have been completed, a further payment of ono-fifth ; when the whole Abell have been completed, and have made a eatinfactory trial of ono week, then a further payment of one-fifth ; and when the ship shall have performed satisfactorily at sea for period of three mouths, then the remaining sum shall be paid. The repairs necessary during thie period from defec tive workmanship or materials will be at the expense of the contractor. The proposals must be explicit, and no qualified or conditional offer will be considered, n023-m lc th %Deal& ITNITKD STATES POST-OFFICE, •1N THE CITY OP PHILADELPHIA. BEARD PROPOSALS. for supplying materials and workmanship required In the erection and construction of a Post-office building in the City of Philadelphia, for the United States Post-oftice Department, will be re ceived at the office of the undersigned, Commissioner for the building, No. SOll South FOURTH Street, on or before the twelfth day of December next. Contracts will be awarded only to master-builders and mechanics, Euch Proposal meet bo accompanied by a written guarantee, signed by two restainsible per sons, to the effect that the bidder, will, when required, if his proposal be accepted, enter Into a contract and bond With proper and sufficient Ito urielles for its faith ful performance, Plane and specifications for the building can be seen upon application at the office of the Architect, John McArthur, jr., No. 16 Mercantile Library Building, where every information respecting materials sad work manship trill be given. The Proposals mutt ho sent to the office of the Com missioner, and addressed to John Rice, and endorsed Proposals for the United States Post-Wilco at Phila delphia," and will be opened at noon of the last-named day for receiving the tame. JOHN RICE, nov 12-dtden Commissioner. SEWING MAC HINE S.-GROVER, BARER, & CO.'S UNRIVALLED LINIVING MA CHINES still retain the confidence of the public, and their popularity increases. After years of trial It is de monstrated boyeed all question that ft in the popular Machine, and the only one upon which any reliance can be placed to work well on all Much; of shoos. The fact that it does one-third more work In the same time, and does It bettor ; that It is the least liable to get out of repair, being simple In its construction; that it makes the least noise, and that It Is acknowledged on all hands that it Is. best for a new beginner, has given the pro prietors a demand for It to such an extent that they are obliged to delay the tilling of orders in many cases for mouths. Over eight hundred are In operation in this city, and the ease has yet to occur where a person who has purchased one has exchanged It for another kind. Taking Into consideration, also, the fact that those who employ froinl6 to 90 hands In their shops, doing the work for the manufacturers, without exception, use this machine in preference to any other kind, and al ways recommend them In preference to others, It would seem unneceseery for the proprietors to advertise their excellence, or set forth their superiorityy. The undersigned, BOLE AGENTS for the sate of these Machines, always have a supply, and have made such arrangements that they sell them upon terms that will meet the wishes of all. 'Unlike other Machines Bola la this market, it is free from all infrlttiouieute of other patents. BAKER k BROTHErt, OSNTRAL BQUARIC, LYNN. Q. EWING MACHINES.—PRATT'S PATENT PRIDES FROM $l2 TO $26. The a LADIES , COMPANION" is the most simple, durable, compact, and cheap machine for family use ever offered to the public, sowing equally well upon all kinds of fabric, and without ppekereng the cloth, leav lag no bad cord on the back side of the work, and al ways fastening the thread what' gapped. They sew from two to twelve hundred stitches per minute, using but one thread, and without rewinding. The stitch can be varied from five to fifty to the inch. Any one can learn to operate them in half an hour. Printed direc tions accompany each machine, by which any one can use them. We are enabled to oiler those superior ma. chines at the above low prices, as we are not obliged to pay fifteen or twenty dollars license for borrowed pa tents, this machine being made under our own patents In every part, and Infringing upon or using no other. There are some hundreds in constant use in this city and vicinity, which are giving the best satisfaction, Every machine le warranted to give satisfaction. Ladles and gentlemen aro invited to call and examine thorn and their work, and judge for themselves. Samples of work, and drawings, with description, sent to any part of the country by mail. Salesrooms 213 WASHINGTON Street, Boston, and 677 BROADWAY. New York. no 27-tf ALoszo POTTER JAMES 11. BRYSON'S LOOK AND JOB PRINTING ROOMS, 2 North SIXTII Street, brat above Market, Philadelphia. Blanks, Cards, Bill- Bends Painpilitits and general Printing attended to, Binding attended to in connection with printed bead logs of Blanks and Receipts, d2-tf EVANB,—io,ooo—ripluvrau,! % E Cards per The reef del see ofeduele4 by the Awls W° youlo A 711 Pldladelyble Preoi. et lb We A raelowe TTTTT CIS - 'Me Prep n A wish,. L vie IP Teo Illeeeend eerie See E I°llGe trey best slyte—taPeleve w etly ee eleeed. Csr.Tprevy, owyrai T. below elwebeqL GREAT REDUCTION IS 7138 PRIOR Or CEMETERY LOTS. The Glenwood Cemetery Co. have determined to sell the lota In their Cemetery at ON GALS' The present prices for cash. lily this reduction some of the moat eligible huts will he suld at TIVOLVE DOLLARS. Only 300 lota trill be disposed of at these rates, and the opportunity is offered until January Ist, 1050. Ap• ply at the Mee, lie. 434 WALNUT miler, below Fifth, dO.l m PHILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY— N. W. Oor. THIRD and 011E.SNUT Ma. L. PELOIIZE k SON, thankful for the liberal pa tronage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and desirous to merit its continuance, would announce to Printers and Publishers that their new SPECIMEN BOOK is now ready, and from their increased facilities, are now prepared tg furnish every thing necessary in a complete Printing Establishment, at the shortest no tice. Their long practical experience in the business, and the fact of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, justifies them in asserting that they can furnish a more durable and better an idled article than their cotemporaries. Those, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to theta previous to purchasing elsewhere. OW type taken at 9 cents per pound, In exchange for new at specimen prices. ant-tf GOLD MINE FOR SALE.—THE SUB scriber offers for sale with a perfect title, the property known as the ENID UOLD AND COPPER MINS, situated 8 miles from Concord, Cabarrue county, North Carolina. With the mine le a plantation of 745 acres of excellent land, well watered and wooded, and a large MANSION HOUSE, with barns, 'Anent' houses, powder and engine house, and other buildings; new steam engine, 45 horse power ; mills, stamps, pumps, Ac., embracing all the machinery and tools ne cessary for the full equipment of a mine, in good order. The mine has been worked at Intervale for the loot 60 yearn, nod lees always been profitable to resident pro prietors, but hay never been worked for any length of time with an engine and roach inery. The shafts and galleries aro well constructed, the stoppinge have never been taken out, and from 60 to 75 miners can be profit ably employed en the old workings. On the property is a formidable Veil) of copper and lead, 'which has never been worked, and a new gold vein has been discovered since the first of this month, at which three men have been at work, taking out arteen hundred dollars a day, with a good prospect of its Continuance. net-oln CHARLES J. U ILBF.RT,I6I Broadway. VONGRESS RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD 'V WOK to Bso,, N 0.202 N. EINOOND BOW. &moo VW/ WELCOM§ RANGE.—BOLD BY CHAD W/9146149, vatt 0141;00 10. 6414-04 TIT; iiitifisriAY, DECEMBER 10, 1857. VrOPOO4IO. ISAJtO TOLIOEV, Bocretary of the Navy Zewing Itlattineo. Job Vrinting CibiPP l llo. riIHE BRITISH AND - .NORTH Mani .L OAN ROYAL MAIL SITAMBIIIPS. FROM NOW YORK TO LITIMPOOL Chief Cabin Paasago &cowl Cabin Paanage . PROW BOSTON TO BITBSPOOL, Chief Cabin Passage $llO Second Cabin Passage 00 The Mips from Boston cell at Halifax. PERSIA, Capt. Judkina, CANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AMERICA, Capt.Wickman ARIA, Capt. M. 0 Lott. NIAGARA, Capt. Byrle. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA, (Apt. J. Lena, These vessels carry a clear white light at meet-head ; green on starboard bow; rod on port bow. AFRICA Shannon, leave N York, Wednesday, Deo, 9. AMERICA, Lott, . .$ Boston, Wednesday De, EL EUROPA, Leith, " N.York,ls6lnesday, Deo, 29, CANADA, Lang, u Boston, Wednesday, Dec. 30. PF.RSlA,Judkine, " N.York, Wednesday, Jan 0, , 68 NIAGARA, Wickman, Bostou,Wednesday , Jen .11' 68 AFRICA, Shannon, ‘. N.York,Wedneplay, Jan. 20, Bertha not secured until paid for, An experienced Burgeon on board, The owners of these Ships will not be accountable for Cold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones or Heals, sinless bills of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to deB-y E. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Orson, N. York, M? MARGARET FOR NEW ORLEANS 1.7-I.,oulsionaline.—Onarantled first vessel. Freight received This Day and To• Morrow. (unless sooner toll) at as low rates as any other vessel loading, The fast-sailing Tempered packet ship MAROADET, Merryman master, now completing her loading at Race street whorl, will continue to receive freight and sail as above. Shippers will please hurry their goods alongside, and bills of lading to the counting-house for signature, For balance of freight apply to 11181101", SIMONS, & CO.. 120 (late 00 NORTH WIJARYDS. The 11, Insures at the lowest rates, and will take atom down the Delaware and up the alississippi. FOR SAN FRANOISCO.—CLIPPER OF SATURDAY, December 19th.—The unsurpassed clipper ship TWILIGHT, OaraS, Commander. Clipper of TIIIIRSDAY, December 2,11h...—The mag nificent A 1 clipper ship LOOK OUT, 11sUicrux, Com mander. Both of these colebrated ships are now loading In New York, and will mall as above. For freight, at New York rates, apply to BISHOP, SIMONS, k 00. t dpB 120 (late 80) NORTH WHARYLS. FOR LIVERPOOL.—THURSDAY, DE OEHOER 10. The Packet Ship PlllLitton• PIIIA, Capt. Cuancla Y. Pons, will sail ae above. Cabin passage . seo Second cable 20 Steerage i.e Second Cable and Steerage Passengers found with Provisions, according to the American passenger not. For freight or passage, apply to TILOS. 11.101IARDSON , CO, - Drafts on the Agents In sums to ma; from .£1 up wards. nolB VOR HAVANA—Packet ship NAPLES —To sail with quick despatch. The fast•milling packet ship Naples, Eastman master, is now loading at Itacmalreot wharf, and having noarli all her cargo ou board, will sail as above.. For baleaco of freight apply to EISIIOP, SIMONS, h CO., 120 (late NI) North Wharves. SAVANNAH STEAXSHIP LINE. STEASISIIIPB STATE OF GEORGIA AND KEYSTONE STATE. In consequence of the depressed stAto of trade, the above ships will be withdrawn for the present. October,l6th. A. IRON, Jr. - "WARE REDUCED 1: AND HAVRE.—The O SOUTHAMPTON agnlficent stomohlp VAN corutannder, 5,268 tone, DERDILT, Edward nig& will mil, From Now York for South- From Southampton and ampton and lime. Havre for Now York. . . . . Saturday Oct. 24 Saturday Nor. 14 Saturday Deo.S Saturday Deo. 26 Price of Passage—Firat cabin, $100; second cabin, $5O. Specie delivered in London and Paris. For freight or passage apply to .f.; D. TOBBANDE, Agent, No. 6 Bowling Green New York. Letters for 'England and Europe, pre!pald, 26 cents each half ounce, (by enclosure of postage stomps if from other citles,) will be received at No. 6 Bowling-green, Nelr York, up to o'clock on the morning of sail ing. oclo-tf 'IOR ENGLAND AND 'AN0E,1867.- 1: Nerf York and lime Steamship Oompan—The United States Mall Steamships ARAGei, 2,5 00 tone, David Linea, commander, and DIMON, 2,500 tons, Samos A. Wotton, commanderf will leave New York, Havre and Southampton, (or the years 1807 end 68, on the following doys isAvi tom roux 1257. • Fulton, Saturday, Aug. 221 Argo, do. Dept. 10 Button, do. pot. 17 Arego, do. Nov. 19 1 Walton, do. Deo. 12' Aram Batarday, Jan. 0 Fulton, do. Yeb. 8 Am°, 10. Marche Fulton, do. April 8 Arago, do. May 1 Fulton, do. May 29 LIANA 1101178UIPT0L 1867. Maio, Wednesday, Aug. 26 Fulton, do. gept.23 Arago, do. Oct. 21 Fulton, do. Nov. 18 Map, do, Deo. 18 1868. Fulton, do. Jan. 13 Arago, do, Yob. 10 Yulton, do. Mar. 10 Amp, do. April 7 Fulton, do. May 6 Arago, do. J une 2 Fultou, do. .1 nue SO 1.16A711 1%1. Arago, Tuesday, Aug. 25 Fulton, do, Sept. 22 Arago t do. Oct. 29 Vulton, do. Nov. 17 Arago, do. Dea. 16 1868, Fulton, do. Jan. 12 Era o, do. Feb. 9 Fulton, do. &larch 9 Arago, do. April Fulton., do. May 4 Arno, do. June 1 Fulton, do. June 29 MO/ 00 nimior Prom New York to Southemptoo or Hare—Piro Cabin, kleoood Cabin, $76. Prom Ilavre or Pouthiropton to New York—Tire Cabin, 800 from; Seeoud Oebln, 600 harm. Por freight or Pa B ßaget to DIONTIXER LIVINti TON, Agent, T Droadwity WILLIAM MUM, , MIN. 01108KNY Or, PO, a Outtth'ton AbINNIOAN )10}tOPRAN EArrIP.2B AND XXI , g Fazio. °HANOI 00. , sue MEW AND LIVBEPOR I. UNITED BTATY.I6 MAIL STRAUW.Y.B.—The composing this Line are : • The ATLANTIC, Capt. Oliver Rl:Wage. The BALTIC, Capt. Joseph Comstock. • _ The ADRIATIC, Capt. James Weft. These chips here been built by contract, expressly for (lovernureut service; every care has beau taken In their oonstraetion, se also in their engines, to ensure etreogth and speed, and their accommodations for passengers are unequalled for elegance and comfort. Price of pueage from New York to Liverpool, In Bret eabln, $130; lu second do., $76; from Liverpool to New York, SO and 20 plume,. No bertha secured mares paid for. The chips of this line have Improved watertight bulk heads. PROPOSED DATES OP SAILING. PION 113 , 01 701111. Paoli yrisayool.. Saturday, June 20, 1857 Wednesday, June 24, 1857 Saturday, July 4, 1851 Wedneeday, July 8, 1857 Saturday, Jul' 18, 1851 Wedneaday, July 22, 1857 Saturday, Aug. 1, 1867 Wednesday, Aug. 5, 1857 Saturday, Aug.ls, 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 19, 1857 Saturday, Sept. 12, 1857 Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1857 Saturday, Sept. 20, 1851 Wedneeday, Sept. 80, 1867 Saturday, Oct. 10, 1857 Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1857 Saturday, Oct. 24 1851 Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1857 Saturday, Nov. 7. 1857 Wednesday, Nov.ll, 180 Saturday, N0v.21, 1857 Wednesday, Nov. 20, 1657 Saturday, Deo. 5, 1857 Wednesday, Den. 9, 1867 Vi'edueeday, Deo. 22, 1851 You freight or passage ' apply to EDWARD K. OOLLINS, No. 56 Wall target, N. Y. BLOWN, FiItIPLEY A 00. Liverpool. STEPHEN KENNARD A 00., 27 Atllltil3 Priori, London. B. Cl. WAINWRIGHT ec. oc o ~ Paths. The owners of these ships will nut be accountable for gold, silver, bullion, specie, jewelry.pr edema stones or metals, unless bille of lading I:1 ~ g nod therefor, and the value thereof expressed therein aul.tf ('!BEAT REDUCTIOYINTAIE I.6tu- LA ROPE. First Cabin 930 1 Second Cabin 860 In the first-cless paddle-wheel steamship ADItINL 2,000 tone 0. D. Loewy, Commander, and NORTE STAR, 2,500 tons, P. E. Leravne, to sail front pier No. 3 North River, at noon precisely, carrying the - UNITED STATES MAILS, vie: Leave N. York for Southampton, Ild• Bremen for Southampton vre and Bremen. Southampton for New York. Ariel, Saturday, Oct. 31. Wede'doy, Nor. 4. N. Sat , y, Oct. 31. Saturday, N0v.28. IVode'd , y, Deo. SO Thome steamers touch at HAVRE. Specie delivered In London and Saris. For pampa tind freight, Apply to D. TORBANON, Agent, No. O Bowling Ocean, New York. 0c10•tf Wino anb Kianoro. 'IRISH AND SCOTCH WHISKEY, Who Wale mad Retall, Der 1111 011 DAUB, UOVERNIIFNT 11013:111, comer of FRONT and WHARTON Streets, (oppebite the Navy Yard,) Philadelphia, lIIRANDIES.—cc Pinot Cad!non," Narott, and other Cognacs of various in half pipes and quarter ca ,, ks Fellevolaln Shandies, polo and dark, in half pipes, half casks, Mail ess•eighth casks. Imported and for gala by HENRY BOIILYN & CO., 0c22 221 and 223 South Fourth street. ALEXANDER V.IIOLAIES, WINE AND LIQUOR STORE, No. 226, Southeast Corner o GEORGE and SOUTH Streets. aul-ly C I. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN FINIS WINKS, LIQUORS, MARL &a., 20 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. aul-ly BRANDIES.—Pinot, Oast'Hon & Co., Ma rett & Co., and other brands of Ooguaes of various vintages, in half plpee and quarter casks! ; Pellevoisin Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipes, quarter casks and one eighth casks, all in Custom Rouse stores, Imported and for sale by HENRY BOECE.BN & 00., au a Noe. 221 and 728 South Fourth street. DITRMAR &BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER DEER metwimy, No, 620 (oaw No. 938) Nor Lh TIIIRD Street, PlalladelpblA.—Rhipplue orders promptly Attended to. au]. tI Boots anb 01)oco. BOOTS AND MIOES.—The tiebscriber Wei on baud a large awl varied block of BOOTS and BIIORS, which ho will hell at the loweat paean. OM W. TAYLOR, n0214y S. E. corner FIFTH and MARKET sta. VALI, STOOK OF BOOTS AND SHOES --aosy.pit H. THOMPSON & CO., 814 MAR. HET Street, and Noe. 8 and I FRANKLIN PLAOII have new in afore a largo and well-amorted stock o BOOTS and WOES, of (Strand Enetern manufacture which they offer for sale on the beat terme for Cash, o on the usual cre4.ll. Notice 10 COItOigIICCO. I%JOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. Thu ship PIIILADI LPIIIA , from LlTerpool, le now dincharping uuder general order, at BTHRET WHARF. Corolgoece will please stcond to receipt of their gooda. uo2I THOS. RICHARDSON & CO. NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. The ship PHILADELPHIA, Captain Pool, from Liverpool, Ia now ready to discharge at tihippenatreet wharf. Con signees will thaw deliver their pormita to the Custom house officer on board, All •goods not vomited in five days will bo eeut to public store, nold THOMAS RICHARDSON & CO. COACH, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP Factory of E.W USSILEREI, N 0.109 (late 43) South EIGIITIf, below Chestnut street, has become a Having or 50 per cent, to our BOCTIIERN AND WESTERN MEROIIANTB, and also the convenience or haVing their old Carriage Lamps new ailver.topped end bottomed, and sent by exprese to all parte. • anl2 17 !"SUTTON-200 bales good Middling to Mid lJ dling Watt Cotteri,bm Awe wad for sate by MARTIN & MANALISTAR, aul 119 North 'Water street STORAGE on SECOND and TIII R 1) 1,3 FLOORS can be had at 119 North Wateretreet. Apply to MARTIN aIACALISTER. n 029 CHARLES P. OALDWELL--Wholesale rand Retail WHIP and VANN :44/3144444rer, No. 4 01714Filion- eft TIE BEST ASSORiMENT LEHIGII I. AND SORIFYLKILL COAL feat 211 DORMAN'S YARD, BROAD STREET, above Vine. Bold at reduced Ones. Dill and nee. ocßl-Ow $lBO atLBS. I S k i,A TON.—BUYERS " and nownimors are Inytted to examine our stock of °JAIME( LOCUST MOUNTAIN and BLACK lISATII COAL.° Our Cos] Is eelected expressly for family nee; being carefully ecreened, we will warrant It free from elate and deg. We sell 2210 The.," being lbe. more° than snubs retell declare, at ‘ , 112 cents lase per ton.° Alan, on hood a full supply of ° BROAD TOP BITU MINOUS COAL° for Stuam-generatlug, Slacksioltblng, and purposes. Ml* Coal cannot be ex celled. Tudi, BROAD and VINE.BIg Sign, "MO LBS. IS A TON. t0n1..3m1 LEIGIITON k 00. VOALI COAL I COAL I-TAOGART' 9 ORLEBRAT.VD SPRINO MOUNTAIN LEfizaii GOAL. . . . . J.kR.OARTRA'AORERNWOOD TAMAQUA COAL GEORGIC W. BNYDNR'S PINIv YOREST 20111.7YL KILL COAL, RANDALL & MEREDITH Have for sale, and are eouatantly reeeirlelg frota bore Celebrated Collieries, COAL OF ALL SIZES. _ . There is no Coal ruined anywhere, equal In quality these and a trial will convince any ono of their great superiority. Our Opal is very carefully screened at our yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free from elate, ,dust and all impurities. Our Plllol4B areas LOW as the incay LOWEST. Orders left at oar Onlee, No. 161 801:1111 FRONT street, above Weout. Mere left at our Yard, OALLOWRILL street; Delon BROAD street. Orders left at our Wharf, WATR,It street, above CAL LOWIIILL—or sent to either place per Despatch Poet will receive prompt attentiou. Fund:mom for Varna,. use will do well to call and ex late our Coal before purchasing elsewhere. and& SIOHUYLKILL AND aMGR COAE:= N-7I am dill]] "OeiVingz at my yard, the best quality o. ISOUUYLICILL AND LLIIIOII COAL. My customers, and all others who may favor me with their orders, may ral l y on ratting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. No Inferior Coal kept at this establishment to afar at LOW PRIM, ALEXANDER CON VERY, N. E. corner of Broad and (Merry StA x.4AHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.— DALY, PONTIIIt & 00., 00AL DPIALIIRS, No. 621 PNIMN Streol, aboye MAUI, keep constantly on hand, at the very loweat rates, a full supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. au 1-6oi illerrhant trailoro. JOHN P. DOHERTY, TORSIBULY wlta ge'LLy & niteruSß, LATE WITLI LUKENS, KELLY, Jr. CO., TAILOR, 814 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH, the now with him the best Tailors that are engaged lathe business in this country. OUAIIt,ItII Bonn, formerly the leading tailor of this city ; M. KaTnen, formerly cutter for C. Both & Co , and late Coat and Vest cutter with Lukens, Kelly, & Co.; Mania WACnnett, the best Pante and Vest cutter in the United States, for years cutter with Deplerrin, under the Irving House, Broadway, and with Depierris & Pettus, under the St. Nicholas Hotel, Broadway. The most unremitting attention paid to the wishes of all who patronize the establishment. The best of Clothes made at moderate prices for credit, low priers for rash. ocl3.tf JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Nos. le andlS South NINTII STREIT, &BOAT ONESTNUT. A largo and well eeleoted Mock of CLOTHS and CASHMERES always on hand. All Clothing made at thle Ifetabliehment will be of the beet quality, end in the meet faehipneble s tyle. Peal Ogler attention given to UNIFORM CLOTH ING. auo-tf II A R ' S MEN'S AND BOYS' OLOTIIING, 10 North WOIJItTII Street, between Arab and Rue. and-ly eCommtsoion Airrtbanto JH. CHASE & CO. • GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 48 North PROST and 44 WAT.I4R, Street, Philadelphia, OONSTANTIX TLISCRIVINU CLOVER SEED On consignment from the Interior of Pennsylvania, whets our new Cleaning ?dill is now in general use. Er Also, TUDOTRY AND RED TOP always on tutud. sel2•U & BRENNER-COMMISSION -R. MERCHANTS and Dation! In Foreign and Arne 'loan HARDWARE and OUTLNRY, Nos. 23, 25 and 27 North FIFTH Street, MAC aide above Oolotooroo arse; Philadelphia. au.I.H fiIIARLES TETE, CODIMISSION MER v CHANT and Importer of HAVANA IMAM, (New) 188 Walnut street. second story. %abut . ° anb eigara IIAVANA CIGARS—A handsome siort• matt, surds ati /Igoe, Partagas, Cabana', Stilton', Gloria, Jupiter, Oonvermantes, 4 1 . 1 1 r 4Th re ° ; Lopes, Union Americana, Orejon, Flora Cabana, &a., km , &a., In X, X, 1-6 and 1-10 oses, of all sizes and quail. tits, In sUlte and constantly receiving, and for sale low, by el/ARLES TETE, " m) 188 WALNUT Street, below Second, second story VIGARO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS BEGAES.—A choice Invoice of three celebrated brand' on board brig New Era," daily expected !rote limas, and for Ede low, by CHARLES TETE, (Now) 198 Watztot ettett, below Second, Sid &amid Eton'. 11. KITH & CO. FURNITURE, BEDDING, .to. No. 418 ( late 129) WALNUT at. Philadelphia. A near and auperioe style of Spring Beds. LYDIA B. KITS. JUSIC7IIWALVOII sat fen Eloap anb tanblea SOAP AND CANDLES. 101MOVAL front 187 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, to my Manufactory, 10 awl 14 1111 LIES STRBET, bc• trees Lombard and South, awl Front awl Sccon4 streets. Thankful to my numerous Wends for their past revere, I solicit a continuance of the same, having enlarged my manufactory en an to enable me to have constantly on band a Carte stork of well-seasoned Soaps, free from Fish 011 ; Palm, Variegated White Honey. Castile, and all kinds of toilet Soaps, Chemical Olive Soap of pure material, Settled Pole, and Brown Soap, Euglioh Soda and Pearl Starch, Sperm, Adamantine, and Tallow Candles of all sizes constantly on hand Having adopted the east system, I ant enabled to yell my goods at tbo lowest prices. P. CONWAY. Philadelphia. N. Il.—Cash paid for Tallow and Crease. no 14-Um BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DAVID M. HOGAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer sad Printer, Nu. 100 WALNUT Street, is pre pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or make to order, Books of every description, suitable for Batika, Public Offices Merchants, and others, of the beat quality of English or American Paper, and bound in various styles, in the most substantial manner. Orders for JOB PRINTINO of every deacription. Engraving and Lithographing executed with neatness and despatch. A general assortment of English, French and Ameri can Stationery. Concerning Mr. Itoganis contribution to the Franklin Institute, the Committee say—. This display of blank hooka for banking and mercantile use is the beat in the Exhibition. The selection of the material is good, the workmanship most excellent, and their Iluieh and op pearauce neat and appropriate." no2o-tf IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT NEW OAS CONSUMINQ YURNAOIO CHILSON'S NEIV CONE FURNACE, after having been put to the moot severe toot, during the two OSLO WINTERS Or 1858 AND 1857, has proved to be the most powerful heater in the world, saving from XX to X the fuel over any of the beat furnaces now in use. Tulin Yoaneoas are conotruetod wills a cant Iron ash pit, and a broad, shallow pau.nhaped fire pot, lined with fire•briak or iron stoves. The the pot Is surmount ed with A SERIES OP OONES, on TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broad at their base, but tapering to small aper tures at the top, and uniting with the &outer chamber, through which the beat and smoke pass to the due. Tuv wnomr products of combustion in the form of smoke and ocuss, are suspended directly over the fire, Continuo or compressed Into the tapering CONES and oonrtnuaLts EXPOSED to the duvet gotten of the rays of heat and light from the fire. This heat and light le brought to a roan f 1.1011 Om, not unlike the COLLECTION OP THE HUN'S RAYS, to a focal point through an ordinary lane,causing the MEN AND OIESE to become intensely heated and tho• roughly cmma), by We operation the 8110611 AND name aro ulna SQUALLY AVAILABLE with the FURL romp for heating purposes, while, in other furnaoeo, it is °MUSD OFF AND WANTSD IN TON 011131140 Y. All persons desirous of obtaining the best and MOBT ECONOMICAL IIEATINO APPARATUS, should not fail to examine the New Use Coquunro Gotta FOIINAOIt, before pereb.ing any other. The at tention of architects and builders is particularly guested, ARNOLD dc. WILSON, (Buomeors to B. A. Harrison.) No. 426 WALNUT Straet, Opposite Independence Squaw. bats, Caps, 8.%', SULLENDER & PASCAL, lIATTERB, auLato No. 08. BIXTU. ptreet. Philadelphia QUAKER CITY NAILS, AINROITANT BARE, RIVET IRON S Manufactured at FOUNTAIN ORE MI ROLLIN° MILL, on the Schuylkill, above spring Garden Water Works. WAREIIOUSE, 103 North WATER Stteet. QUAKER CITY NAILS are warranted equal to any made. oc9.t.f F HOMAS E. BAXTER.-11AUDWARE 11 CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. 810 DIARKIT ST. Dora Ninth, mutt. aide, Philadelphia au 1-6 m ,ON G WORTH ' 8 01110 WINES. GENERAL AO ENCII FOIL AIL Tlll STATES. TO IVHOLKSALE DEALERS - - - By a special arrangement with Mr. LONOWORTII, am enabled to offer his Wines, in largo quantities, upon the lowest and beet terms. The Wines to be delivered in Cincinnati, and forwarded by 11.1•11[1i Mans of convey ance (railroad or steamboat) direct to the purchaser; by which the expensea of Storage, commissions, double freight, etc , will be avoided. No order; under this arrangement will bo forwarded for Dm than twenty-five cam. All orders must be directed only to FRED. R. 00ZZENS, 73 WARREN Street, Now Yong. Sly the present arrangement a handsome profit ou these wipes can be made by the wholesale denier. Opailtling Catawba, vintage 1853, quarts. Do do do do pinta. Do do do 1852 ,quarts, Do do do do 'Auto. Catawba, vintage 1852, quarts. Do do extra, vintage 1852, quints. Nparkling lobelia, do do do. Will Catawba, lu casks, of various qualities. Catawba Brandy, of superior quality. FRED. B. COZZENS, faerrord Agent for the male of N. Longwratill's Wines, 78 WARREN BTREtr, (ePlAmite faudson Rivet Railroad Depot,) 1 1 02-014 NSW YOBS. Ittrniture 43tationern furnacto garbtuare JOHN HALDEMAN, Agent Jnottrance 03111110111C0. LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST 0011I PANY.--The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSULIN/II COMPANY. Northeast Corner of TIIIRD and DOCK Streets. Capital, $812,126.08. INSURES LIVES for " short terms, or for the whole terra of life—grauts annuities and endowments—par chases Igo Interests lu Real Estate and makes all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They act as Igaeoutors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Ouardians. Daniel L. Miller, tatitil lta. kainuel £, Stokes, Benjamin Coates, ' Williant Martin Richard 8. Newbold, James B. MeFarliuid, William P. Rocker, Joseph. 11. Trotter, William U. Herta; James Euston, &twel C. Huey, Theophilun Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Ylraurel A Boudar, Homy C. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, It odolphun Rent, John W Honor, William li Carr, kills 8. Archer, Edward T. Mott, flainuel J. Christian, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. Itanin, John G. Brenner, 8.8 Welder, Keaton. DANIEL. L. MILLER, President. BAldl3£l. £. STORES, Nita Preel. Joins W. 1101h011. Secretary. n13.11 I°WARD FMB AND MARINE • IN -I.HURANOE COIIPANY-00tee No. 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. The following statement of the aftatra of Um company is publieLed in conformity with a FOOlOlOO of Its charter : TREGIUMB AOOOllOO FROM AUGUST 3, 1850,T0 AUGUST 31, 1837: , $38,729 81 . 217.703 62. 224 00 Fire premiums Marius premiums Perpetual premiums Total smouut premiums taken Flamed Bre premiums Lulled marlin) premiums .. 25,072 00 .. 155,005 00-180,078 50 Deduct return premiums Net earned MMISIII4 loasoi paid. $93,666 16 Fire iOO2lOl paid.... 8,031 11 $101,c16 86 Bolyage re, cawed... ST6O 67 futerelit re ce1ved...4,361 67 11 e Insur ance 2,871 62 —8,083 68— 93,898 70 Expenses for commlselons to agents, abatements In lieu or scrip, salaries, office rent, furnishing office, buns, sta tionery, he Profit and lose Not profit •SS ITS. Caeh on hand $12,515 89 Dille receivable 119,267 02 3onAssuiltuortgsgesl63,ooo 00 Rocket "92,100 00 Stock notes 142,000 00 Due by agents awl others 22,312 03 3754,096 83 tiIRECTGR.i. P. 31 Potts, Wm. F. Leech, U. E, Spangler, It T. Kenn' I, ' Abraham Rex, U. II Houston, Wm. 11. Woods, Jos It. Withers, flume trowel!, Abraham P. Eyre, J. Edgar Thomson, W. Reigns', O.G. Sower, Charles F. Norton, John W. Sexton, John H. Lowers, Herman Haupt, James E. Stiles, Nathan It. Potts, II H. liblllingford. PERCIVAL 3f. PUTTS, President 0. E. SMOLT/El, Vice President W. 11. Woons, Secretary cr22 FIRE INSURANCE SPRING GARDEN FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY. CAPITAL 1120,000, PAID IN CASH, AND SECURELY INVESTED, . . OPPIOR, N. W. CORNER OP SIXTH AND WOOD EMS., SPRING CARDERS. ORARTNIt PERPETUAL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIRECTORS. John U. Dohnart, Remy M. Pktt I, David Weeipper, Lewis Shinnack Benjamin Davis, John Lindell, John Evans, Jr Charles Wield, Auley M. Park, William E. Woo . • James Darnell, John B. Stevenson, Jacob B. Mintier, Corwin Stoddard, Remy Homer, Thos. D. Tillinghast, Came K. 011Ws. JOHN H. DORNERT, President. L. RRUMBERAR, Secretary. eept 21-1 y NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY.- OFFICE, 4/4 WALNUT Bt., Franklin BsWings. FINE AND MARINI: INSURANVE. CAPITAL 1{109,000,11 , 1TH PRIVILEON td NCARAICI TO 600,000. This Company 1$ now fully organ gad, and prepared to make all kinds of Insurance against loss or damage by Fire and Marine Perils, at current rates. 111710E1113. U. 0. LAUOIILIN, President. RICHARD 13111ELDB, 'Vies President OEO, SCOTT, Secretary. DIREOTORS. H O. Laughlin, D. BilarWOOd., ONLorne, Richard T. F. .13howell, QUAKER CITY INSURAN #E 0011PANY, 00.1e0 No 408 (late 8) WALNUT Bt. Capital And Surplug, V 200,000. This Company coottouse to mate Inattranee against loss or damage by Vire and the Perils of the Bea, Inland Navigation and Transpottation, at entrant rates. OPPIORRS. Presideut--GEO. 11. DART Vice President—E. P. ROSS. Secretary nod Treasurer—lL R. COGGSHALL, Assistant Secretary—b. 11. 'BUTLER. BOTOP.B. N. W. Bailey, Charles O. Imlay, Wm. D. Lewis, J. L. Pomeroy, Andrew R. Chamber", Coggehall, Samuel Jones, DI. D., A. P. Cheeabrough. (lemma H. Hart, H. P. Roes, A. O. Cattail, Joseph Edwards, John 0. Dale, Hon. Henry H. Wallet, Poster 8. Paktum. John U. amber*, an Et-ly ARCTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPA NY,ZS- NEW YORK .—Odlee, No 29 Wall street, ad joining the Mechanics' Bank—Cash Capital, 2250,000, with a Barnhill. This Company insure Buildings, bier. chandice, Furniture, Vaasa; in port and their Cargoes, and other property, against Lou or Damage by Fire and the Risks of inland Navigation. DIRROTOREL Henry Grinnell, Joshua L. Pope, Caleb Barstow, Rufus It. Orates, Henry 0. Brewer, Henry Doris, Edmund Fanfold, 0. U. Liliental, Hanson K. Corning, Theo. Polhemus, Jr. Ogden Haggerty, Main It. Morgan, Thomas Mousgan, Abm R. Van Nest, John H. Earle, William A Clay, Anted Ward, Thomas 0 Noßion, Charles Easton, Jams W. Pln/lipa, Louis Lorut, Charles A. Macy, Balboa 0. Glidden, Edward 'Hocken, Stash. Cambreleug, Woe. E. Shepard; Thomas Scott, Charles L. Frost, John Ward, Lotbrop L. Sturges, floury K. Bogert, William R. Fosdick, Peter Ears, Emery Thayer, Benjamin I t Field, (leo. Westfeldt, A. R. Frothiughants Talroon Taylor, Thee. F. Youuge t Mary E. Bloaaora, Samuel L. Mitchell, ALBERT WARD, Prealtlent, RIHEL111:1 A. °AZLE!, Secretary. au 10-ly 4.I..AZITAVTA'I',E,t'Ls're Perpetual 1 INSURANCE ant ad 6 the S tate of ronuaylvania. Capital, $600,40. Marina, and Inland Transportation. El= Aaron 8. Lippincott, Charles Wise, Wtu. A. Rhodes Alfred Week. Charlea J. Yield , ' James P. Smyth, Wm. 11. Thomas, J. Rinaldo flank, Win. Neal,, John P. BILIIOIIII, AARON B. LIPPINCOTT, President. WM A. RHODES, Vice President. . AMER WRENS, Secretary. J. W. iIIARTIEN, Surveyor. This Company wee organised with a cash capital, and the Director. have determined to adapt the business to Its available resources—to observe prudence In conduct ing its affairs, with a prompt adjustment of losses. Office No. 10 Merchants , liiiebange, Philadelphia. aul-dly THE MERCANTIL D.ANON COMPANY 01 No. 222 WALNUT Street, oi RINK RISKS ou Yessobi, C LAND TRANSPORTATIOI Canals, Boots, awl other sal ALL TIIN PROFITS dlri awed, aad ample sonority It ..E MUTUAL INSU )I' PHILADELPHIA —Deice ippoaite the Exchange. MA Cargoes, and Freights. IN )N RIMS, per Railroads, trtlagee. ided annually among the Al a cases of lees. IMS. Thomas T. Butcher, Algernon E. Ashburner Alfred Passitt, Thomas S. Poster Gustavus Eugliati, James H. Stroup, Alfred Md., A. G. Gottall, Charles B. Cantata, Samuel Robinson, John 0. Reiter, John P. Steiner, Henry Crumb°, Wm. J Caner, • re u tsborg. RIGS MILES, Preeldeat. Vice President. Sr• oul•ly Edward Florio Mina, John AL Odenheimer, Mahlon Williamson, Samuel J. Sharpless, Isaac Jeanee, Henry Yreaut, Edward G. James, William L. Springy, Franklin 0. Jonee, Daniel haddock, Jr., William Taylor, James Murphy, Wm. Y. Smith, A. J. Autolo, Samuel L. • SWARD HA ALFRED YA Joao 0. HICY/KR, lieeretar CHARTER OAK INSURANCE COMPA IRE AND MARINE NY or 11AltTFORD CONN. Losses In Filthylelphia and itad.aphia Officr. Cub Capital $ 300 , 0 00. - vicinity adjusted at the Ph By leave we refer to 1 1 D. B. Brown & Co., Phila. iron. Joel /ones, MIL Choffees, Stout h Co., ~ lion . Reran Choate, Boston Hacker, Lea & Co., ~ lion. T.. 8. Williams, Ilart'd We have (inanities ( or p acing any amount of luau. ranee in the must reliable Oortipanles. PHILADELPHIA GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 418 (old No. 146) CHRSTA'UT ST. TROUPPON & ROOD, Agents. KINGSFORD Sr. SON'S PURE T OSWEGO STAltell.(for the laundry) Las estab lished a greeter celebrity than Las over been obtained by any other Starch. This has been the result of its 'noticed superiority in qualify, and its Jima' labia uniformity. The public may be assured of the continuance of the MA standard now established. Thu production ie over 00 tons daily, and the demand has extended throughout the whole United States, and to foreign countries. Working time on a very large male, and under a rigid eptem, they are able to secure a perfect uniformity in the quality throughout the year. This is the great de• sideratum in atarch-maklug, and Is realised now for the first time. The very beet Starch that can be made, and no other, is always wanted by consumers, and this will be sup plied to them by the Grocers as soon an their customers bare learned which la the beat, and oak for it—other wise they would be likely to get that article on which the largest profit can be made. Mr. Kingsford bas been engaged in the manufacture of Starch continuously for the last 27 yearn, and during the whole of the period the Starch made under his super vision has been beyond any question, the best In the market. For the first 17 years he had charge of the smirks of Win Colgate (c Co ' at which period he in vented the process of the tresnofaciure of Cern Starch. lEr Ask for KINUSFORD'S STARCH, as the name Oswego his recently been taken by another factory. It is sold by all the beet grocers in nearly every part of the ooutitry. T. KINOSSOKD ft BON'S OSWEGO CORN STARCAT (tor puddings, &e.) has obtained an equal celebrity with their Starch for the laundry. This artiole is per fectly pure and to, its every respect, equal to the oat Bermuda Arrow ' Iloot, besides !Ming additional quali ties which render it invaluable for the assent, Potato March has been extenairely packed and sold as Corn Starch, and has given felon impresaiona to many Re to the real meats of our Corn Starch, From Ho greet delicacy and purity, It is coming ale° ttto general use as a diet for Infante and Invalid. IL N. RE1.1.000 dc. COAgentd, 196 FULTON iltreet, N Y. WEAL SUMMER FUEL.—GAS COKE, V of excelleutquality, humid at the PIIILAD}ILPIIIA, OAS WORKS for the reduced price of tive cents a bushel, end may be obtained In large or email quantity by up plying at the Liaa Oflice, No. 20 South SKVNNTLI Street. To Purchasers by Wholesale, It IR Bold at the Works, in First Ward, by the toe, at a price equivalent to An thracite, a 1.02 60 per tou• (Signed,) J. 0. OREBSON, Negtheer. PHILADKLPIIIi U.Ol WORKS, Aug. 20, '67. au2742 MOSS --17 bales Carolina Moss, for saw by MARTIN & MACALISTM sul 319 North Mater otrest. DENNSYLVAIiLi .RAILROAD. THE enizAT DUTRA?, ROUTE, olOnnoltin the At lantla MIN With Western, North-waltern, end Booth western States, by a continuous Ha ll way direst. This Road also connects at Pittsburgh with daily Ilse of gasmen to all porta on the Western Shure, sad at Diemlawl and Sandusky with Steamers to all - ports nu the North-western Laken • making the most DIBIG?, OH-EAPEST and RELIABIR ROUTEby which Freight can be forwarded to and from the GREAT WEB?. RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTS BD ROIL PRIM 0141111—Boota, Oboes, Rita, and °Apo, Books, Dry floods, (in boxes botos and trunks), Drum (In boxes and bales) Feathers, Yore, &a 90e. par 100 lbs miaow) tiLiell--Dorneetla Sheetlag, Shirting and Ticking, (to original bales), Drug' (in casks), Hardware, If: Leather, Liquor, (in catkin) Wall Paper,Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Eastward, &C. Ao 160. per 100 lb. TtlinD Mosso —Aunts, Chains (lu sesta), Hemp, Bacon and Park, Salted, (loom or in sacka), Paiute, (dry and In oil ) Ode, (except lard and ruin) 6So. per 100 the room/ CLiell—Catree, Flab, Bacon, Beef, and Pork, (in casks or boxes eastward), Lard and Lard 011, Nails, Boda Ash, Gement:Bay, Tar, Pitch, itOelt, blest, Manufactured To bacco, Mint Oil, tbeenewere, Sugar, (hbde., bbls., and boxes ) . As., Ice 60e. per 100 111 FL0p1e,...41 per bbl until farther notice. thuts—dSc. per 100 lbs , until fur her notice. Corrox—V2 per bale, not exceeding 600 tbe.weight, until further notice. In shipping Goods from any point Neat of Philadel phia, he plir hooter to Iflnipankages , •ll;cl Peantidranie Railroad.. All Goods coosigned to She Agents of this Road, at Pblindelpbla or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. 51:50,741 43 /BMW! AO/ENTO —Chub, kCO ,Chicago ; Packer & & l/0., Menipla., Tenn.; R Y. Bus k 00., Si. Louie, Mo.; P.O O'Rliny & Co., Erausrille, Indiana; Wm. Bingham, Louisville, Kentucky.; K. C. Mo drum, Madison, Indiana; H. W. Brown k Co., and Irvi. & Co , Cincinnati; 11. 8 Pierce & Co., Zanesville, Ohio; Leeoh & Co , No. 63 I(ilbyetreet, Boston; Lineal & Co., No. 3 Aatur House, New Yerk,No. 1 Williams'. New York; S. J. tineeJoe, Philadelphia. Magraw k Baltlinore; D. A Stewart, Pittsb urgh. H. H. HOUSTON, Heneralrreislat Agent. H. J. LOSIDAERT, dog- Superintendent, Altoona, ea. m $16d,359 09 igAVING FUND-FIVE PER GENT. IN. TERMT-NATIONAL EIABETY TRUST COM. PANY -WALNUT STIMET, SOUTIVSMTCORNI:II OF TIIIRD, PIELLADUPIiti. 60,866 87 03 46-111,'283 27 $2.1,076 82 Inowtrog kiND BY ITS STATII o reMilliTLYlll/. Money it received lw say sum, tsrge or swell, and hi tercet psid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawn!. MA OftVele OPUI every day from 9 o'clock in the morning till 7 o'clock to the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 9 o'clock. ICON. HENRY L. BANNER, President, ROBERT fiELPRIDOP, Vita President. Wit, J. Hen, Secretary. Dnuicrroza: • - Hon Henry L. Renner, 0. Landreth Manua, Eilvrard L. Carter, Y. Carroll Brewster, Robert Selfridge, Joseph 11. Barry, Sand. K. Aehton , Henry L. Churchman, Jounce B. fihnlth, Brawls Lee. Ifouoy is received and payments made daily. The Investments are made in conformity with the proviaions of the Charter, In REAL ESTATE HORT. GAGES, GROUND RENTS, and such first class securi ties no will always insure perfect security to the deposi• tore, and which cannot fall to sire permanency and sta bility to this Institution. se-ly IVO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET. FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAYINGS FUND. N 0.8 3 (241) DOCK STREET.—FIVE PER GENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. iv . 8' (241) DOCK STREET.— FIVE PER (FENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND, N 0.83 (241) DOCK STREET. FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND, sul-ly PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOIL ER WORKS. REANEY, NEAFIE k PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL RNOINRIRR LIAOIHNIBTS, BOILER-MAKERS, BLACK- " SMITHS AND POUNDER& . . . Having for many yeare been in successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tanks, - Propellers, Re. respectfully , offer their services to the public, as being hilly prepared to contract for Engines of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary. Hiving seta of patterns of different sista, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of Pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low Pressure, nue, Tabu lar and Cylinder Boiler., ot the best Pennaylvenla char. coat iron. Purging' of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Outings of all descriptions; Roll Turning, 84111 P Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and specifications for all work done at their establishment free of charge, aad work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf dock room for re pair' of boat., where they can ley In perfeot safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, /ells, fits , Ica., for raising heavy or light weights. THOMAS HEANEY, JACOB G. NEAVIN, JOHN P. LEVY, anLy BEACH and PALMER Streets, Kensington George Minster W. 0. Stotembnii, R. M. Oarllls, 0. 0. Butler, Oen. Scott. [0019.7 Bawer. I. kIIIIICIIC. J. Y.11:112ILLI MII2IIIOI WILLIAM B. 3111HAIOI, SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON BMWS, PRILLIIIVPIII/. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture nigh and Low Pressure Steam Eng - Inert, for Land, Myer, end Marine terries. Boilers,Geometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &o , Out. Ingo of al tir* either Mb or Brue. Iron triune roofs for ass Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, &a. Retorts and flu Machinery of the latest and most improved contraction. Bvery description of Plantation machinery, such aa Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pane, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, &o. Sole Agent.; (or N. SNlieuVe Patent Sugar Dolling Apparatus; Nasmyth'e Patent Steam nammer, .1. P. Rua' Patent Valve Motion fur Sleet Machinery and Steam Pumps. Superintendent—B. 11. SAMOS.. WCIIARD NORMS & SON, LOOO/6)TIVR STEAM RECLINE BUILDERS, NITINIIIINTII STRIZT, HAMILTON, PAIIITTIP AND SPRING MARDIAN STRIIIITS, rEiIIAMPIII A. Engaged exedusively in the manufacturaof LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. lianufeeturs to order Locomotives of any arrange ment, weight or capacity, for the use of Wood or Cobs, Estussueour Cool le ter crude state, or ANTHRACITE COAL, WITHOUT IVITTIIIO OYOII , ISIS 011111. 111 design, materiel and workmanship, the Leann°. tires produced at these Works are equal to, and not ex oelled by any. The materials used In construction are made on the spot, aed insure the bast quality and most reliable stock. The tern* extent of Shope, and Com plete Equip/stilt of Blackfissry ark; Tools, enable them to execute the BEST OF.WOlat WITH OBEAT DESPATCH, NT ANY AIIISANGIIIIHNT UNQUIRUD. CHILLED CAR 'WHEELS, IlAblillatED AXLES, With Yorgings of an site or form ' IRON AIM BRASS CASTINGS, And MACHINE WORK geocreill• RICHARD AORRIO and-ly ~IJANTED, FOR TIIE UNITED STATES OAVAl.llV—AUe•lwdied, unmarried men, to whom will be glean good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from $l2 to $22 per month. No man having a wife or child will be accepted. ApplY for MOUNTED EUNICE, at No. 817 MAILEET street ahem, Eighth, north aide. oct 15-8 m 500 AGENTS WANTED.—A nomx- BREAD FOR $lO !—ThlrdDivision.--$310.000 worth of Farms and Building Lots, in the gold region of Culpeper county, Virginia, to be divided amongst 10,500 subscribers, on the 7th of December, 1857. Bub seriptions only ten dollars down, or fifteen dollars, ones bolt down, the rest on delivery of the deed. Every subscriber wilt get a Building Lot or a Farm, ranging in value from $lO to $23,000. These farms and lots are sold so cheap to induce settlements, a sufficient number being reserved, the iucrease in the value of which will compensate for the apparent low price now asked. Up wards of 1,350 lots and farms are already sold, and a company of settlers called the'' Rappahannock Pioneer Association" is now forming and will soon commence a settlement. Ample security will be given for the faith ful performance of contracts and promises. Nearly 41,000 acres of land, in different parts or Virginia, new at command, and will be sold to settlers at from $1 up to $3OO per acre. Unquestionable titles will in all eases be given, IVoodscutters, coopers, farmers, dm, are wanted, and five hundred Agents to obtain subscribers, to whom the most liberal inducements will be given. mo agents writs that they are making $2OO per month. Yor full particulars, subscriptions, agencies,.Aic , apply to N. BAUDER, an.24-tf Port Royal, Caroline county, Va. NOTICE.-CHESTNUT STREET J. i BRIDGE. PLANS AND ESTIMATES for a Bridge over the River Schuylkill, on the line of Chestnut street, to the City of Philadelphia, will be received by the Chief En gineer and Surveyor, at the DEPARTMENT OF SUR VEYS, City Building, FIFTH street, he'.,w 'Walnut, until the second day of January ,1858. Piht Bridge to be of the following dimensions, without any pier, or with not more than one pier in the water-way i the materials of construction throughout to be indestructi ble by fire. Distance between abutments 356 feet Width of Bridge, out to out, not less than.. 42 " Elevation above low water ST For an arch the springing line should not be less than eleven teat above low water. . . The Plans and Estimates will be received under the arrangement and conditions specified in the ordi nance of Councils, approved November 2.1, 1857, as fol lows, via; Sscrlox 2. Tbatall plans and estimatea lobe received by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City of Phila delphia, each plan and estimate to bear a private mark, and be accompanied by a sealed communication having a corresponding mark thereon, an that the name of the designer may not be known until the plan moat op. proved shall have been selected. 8110710 x 3. That all such plane and eshmates shalt, when received, become the property of the City of Phila delphia, and shall be presented within two months after the passage of this ordinance, when it shall be the duty of the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, by and with the advice of the Committee on Surveys and Regulations, to invite a commission, consisting of three civil engi. ueers, who, in conjunction with the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City, shall entwine and decide upon the relative merits and applicability of the plans presented, to the Bridge site proposed, and report to Councils the number of plans received, the names of the designers, and the cbaractor and ostnnate4 coot of the three plane by them preferred. llsorios 4 It shall be the duty of the Chief Commis• slimier of I.ligliwaya, upon a certificate presented and signed by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, to issue warrants in payment of the cost of the aforesaid Over tise ants, and else in favor of those persona who may have presented the three plane preferred by said con, mission ; to the first in point of merit, the anna of $490, to the secuud, 8250, and to the third 8100, said warrants babe charged to Item No. 19 of appropriation made to the Department of Highways, &e fur the year 1057, approved March 18, 2857. f For further Information, or for cross section of river, address STRICKLAND KNEASS, Chief Engineer and Surveyor City of Philad a. noe•dtjan3 MARCHANT" ORYSTALOGRA PIES, OR PINTOGRAPHIC IdINIATURES IN OIL, N. N. corner of EIGHTH and LOCUST. The above pictures differ rssentially from anything ever before otiered to the public. Their softness, and truth of color and outline, extraordinary minuteness and accuracy of detail, insure, of necesaity, the greatest fidelity of resemblance; while the severity or the ee . deal to which they are expeeed in manipulation equally settled the question of their permanence. These recta enable the aubwriber to offer them, with the greatest satisfaction and couddence, to the public and to hie friends. They are secured by lettere patent to, and can be bad ONLY of E. D. MARCHANT. ID Portraits of the cabinet, and life wise on canvas as heretofore. se Main Sq--EGONOMY IN GAS BILLS.—TIIE Al beat Gate Regulators ever offered for Five Dol. Isre For sale by the WATERMAN GAS REGULA TOR COMPAAY, ao2e•lal lailtaab Om. eauings faiths itlachittern artb Iron. 11N9. LATIMIII NORRIS tUanto WILLIAM B. ROYALL, Lt Lieut. 23 Regt. of Oscalry, 41 6" Recruiting Officer 802 CUESTNIIT Ipreet. 'larva& PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAIL ROAD, 1841, /OR PITTSBURGH, 1637. Obactunatf, St. Limb, laws OtV, Louise , 'Do, Mir Oriaaat j at. Pm; ' laftlaspolly Climehad, Maw, Tarn Mats, Mingo, Mbriaks remise am einamaisas ;Pia an ale Gums Wur. an Rathcad.t. ARRIVAL kip DEPARTURS OT THE THROUGH At and treat the Pe ?RAINIA ruoitraels Railroad P Elation, Oath-tad cornet of ELEVILNTH ant= HEE stosete (entrance on Hisireath street.) LEAVE PHILADELPHIA POE AYH WESTERN Min. -- HMI Train t 511 A- At. Put LWat at P.M. Ripreas Mail at 11 00 Night. 001ambis R. R. Liao i11e.T.13 for osrrisbaig,Tia 03- =lac at 4 301 H. ARRIVE PROM PITTSBURGH AND WESTERN -•- Mail Train .at Co night Put Line at doe Express Mail at 1.00 P. Al Colombia R. R. Line anises from Ilarriabutg, vitt Co tumble, at 130 P. M. The lexpraea Mail lane daily, the ether trains, elm days excepted. Baggage will be received at the Passenger Depot Ly the Baggage Master, at any time during the day. ho charge for handling itge. Norica.—ln ease of — Loin, the Company will hold themselves responsible ler porsonal bows* only. 101 for so amount not exceeding 51W. Nonce —Ontnitnues will be In readiness at the New Tort Depot to coots y pusengere for the West to the Pennsylvania Railroad Station. ?BOUM. MOOR*, agent, Passenger Line Pennsylvania Baltroad Co. Philadelphia, November 21, 1837. n2l-1, INWESTERN TRAVELLERn. SPRINO AND SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. NORTIVERN CENTRAL RAIL wir TWO DAILY TRAINS nom BALTIIIOIII TO PITTSBURGH AND THR WEST. On aria alter Juno 'GOSH, TWO DAILY TRAINS will leave Calvert Station for Ptttsburigh and all WElA ern and South or Northwestern Tint MORNING MAIL TRAIN Leaves Baltimore daily (Sendai excepted) at SIP A. M. eonnecting with the Mad Train over the Great Penn sylvania Railroad, and arriving in kitilitversh at LA) A. M. THE AFTERNOON EXPRESS TRAIN Leaves BoWooers daily (Scroday excepted) el S P. M or lienViborg. TAB NIGHT EXPRE33 ?RAIN Leaves Baltimore EVERT NIGHT at 10 P- u , coo pectins with the Lightning Express over the Penney'. Yuan, Railroad for Pittaburrh, aniline f_t) p, M. 11W - . all their trains connect closely at Pittsburg with trains over the pill4icrel, Fort Wayas aeS Chicago Railroad, In 4 ita Northern, Southern and Western comae-lona ID- Passengers for Chicago, Rook Island, Bailin/ ton, loan City, atilmankee, Dubuque, n Paul's. Mal son, and other loading titles in the Northwest, vitt east sae A usilred miles of :rasa and ten hours I n I me, gal four les: changes of tars, by taking this route. 117 Passengers for Cleveland, rianduskr, Toledo and Detroit, go by this route, and the time to unequalled, being 113 miles shorter than by any other rusts. 117. Passengers for St. Louis, Indisommlie, Peers Rants, Cairo, and all prolate on the Lower and lifti.er Mississippi, =al lees IthlOgell of ears, 1 11.11111 ire in ad vance of any other rent.; and to Cincinnati, Coluisbcs, Dayton, Louisville, and other prominent cities, as quick as by any other route, All IYestern Baggage ancRED THROBIIII mat keodled with rare. FOR THE NORTH. The 8.15 connects closely with Express Trains over the Dauphin road for Williamsport, Riusint, Rochester, Buffalo N' Pall, Palls, and Canada, than forming the most direct y route to Northwestern penmiyirania and Hastens New York. ips.sPEIVW Will lull this the shortest, cheapest, and most expeditious route to Niagara Falls and Canada_ Through Tickets are Issued to Phi!Adelaide, via Cm lumbla and Lancaster by all the treluo at 83 each, each train having sure connections. Passengers by HMS route avoid treaselledhridges, and all the intreaverdencs of ferrying across the Susquehanna river. Passengers for Hanover, Hanchetter, Gettysburg, Em. mittsburg, Carlisle , Chamberlin:mg, go by the testae at 8.15 and 3 P. 11. WESTMINSTER. P11.31 4 :011. Tbs ears on this road make one trip per day, nominat ing with the train at 3 P. M. For TH1101:1011 TICICMTB and birthsr information, apply at the Ticket Ofke, Calvert Station, N. M. cornet of Calvert and Franklin streets. sap 2B- tt 0. 0. AMNON, Bap'. NEW YORK LINEEL-THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PLIII,ADELPSIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S ;prs. PROM PLULADRLPILLA TO NEW TOUR, AND WA Leave as fellows, via: At 1 A.ll. fromHantington Depot, via Jersey tAja. i, Mail At C 0 ty A. IL, via Camden and Jersey Citty, New Jar. sey Aimonanodation At 6A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aosmannata tiee.,_, At 7 A. - 11., via Camden and Jerseltity, Morning Mai/ At to A. U., by Meamboat Trenton, via Tomas! and Jersey Qty Morning litzmw , At 2 P. M. via Camden cad Amboy, Q. sad A. Zs ' pram At 6 P. M. via Camden and Jersey City, Itveming I Mail At 8 P. M. via Camden and Amboy, Aecommoda tion, leeClees At S P.via Camden and Amboy, Amonamoda. Mon, 2nd Class. 1 At 5 P. U., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, let Clans At 6P. M. via Camden and Amboy, Aocommols. Lion, Ind Clam The 6 P. M. line rocs daily, all others Brusdayu ex oeyted. Repress Lines stop at the mintlyal Mations only. Per Belvidere, Taeten, Flembegtou, Ac., at A. and I M. from Walnut street wheal. Par Water Gap, Strew:rebuilt, Scranton, Wlliteabtre Montrose, Great Bend, An, at 0 A. 11., via Delayer Lackawanna at Western Railroad. For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P.M. For Ifouat Holly at T . A.IL, tit 2.1(, a end 8 P. WAY LINES Tor Bristol, Trenton, &o. at 2X saa P. !A WAY I= _ _ PO! PaLVTII, 111211.0014, %Tiny, BAilailgtoe, Borpaa town kn.., at S P. AL Steamboat RICHARD STOCKTON for Bordantows and intanna dist* Oanea at 2 P St Steamboat TRKRU.,b , for 'hearty at It artd 11X A U., and 4 P. M. All lines, exalt 1 A. M. lainlaat olirse wharf tEr ray pounds of baggage only allowed 'soli pm anger. Pawners ars prohibited frota Wan so/ thing as baggage but their wearing apparel. A U Wig gage over fifty pounds to be paid for exert. The Cep pony ilmit their reeponsibillty for baggage to one dollar foper pound, and will not be Ltable for Ray amount DI nd 4100, except by specie' 1 oontract. MIL, IL OALEInit, Agent an 1-ly C . & A. R. IE. C 0 PHILADELPHIA, GERMAN TOWN N AN DNOR. P. IBTO IS' N RAILROAD,--WINTER ARRANGIMENT —On and after MONDAY, Dacha: 19th, lfibT POI GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 6,7 X, BX, , 9X, U) A. M., 2, 8-10 min. 4,5, 6,7, 9, and 11 P. Id. Leave Germantown at 6X, 7-36 min. 6,9,10 X A. M., 1.10, 340 min. 4,5, 6,7,8, mad 16 P„ M. liWr — The 735 o'clock A. M. Train [rota Germantown will atop only at Wane 3tveet Station. Ox SQtiDIT9~ Leave Phlladelphi;;tiriiOnll., Sand ax P. M. Lure Hermantaan 6.20 ada 1. 1-10 gala and 6 46 ulip P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadolphla at 11,1 i, M., 2. 4„ ant 9 P. 11. Lasya Cbestout Hill at 11(,8-4a aatt.lo-10 allA. A. AL, 1.?..-60, 8-40, 4-40 a.ad T-40 mina. P. K. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9-20 A. 11., 2 wed 41% P. M. Leave Chestnut UM at B A M,12-50 sad 6. 4 A) P. II FOE MANATUNK, GONSIIOIIOCHEN AND NORRIS- Leave Philadelphia at 6X, 9, 11 A. M a, 4x, SX, and 11 P. hi. Leave Norristown at T, 9,11 A. M., 3 and b 49 P. M. ON SUNDAYS, Lemma Phitsdelpisia at 9 A. M.-, and 3 P. M. Leave Norristown ail A. M. mi 5 P. M. OUNSTRN YALLNY RAILROAD lON DOWNING Leave Philadelphia at d i tt M. and3p t „ Leave D"r" Pu °" " mitu, dtianrid I atttvallt. Depot, Ninth . andK. Spe Green itreeta, Philadelphia N ORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD VOTER ARILAIWIIINNT. 101 BETHLEHEM, EASTON, ALLENTOWN, 91 UCH WILKESBARRE, DOYLESTOWN, 40. On and after Wednesday, November 4th, 1851, the trains on this road will leave Philadelphia daily (Sun daya excepted) as follows: For Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown Mauch Chun!, and Wilkeabarre (Express) at 9 A M. For Bethlehem, Allentown, and Mauch Chunk, (Ex pres,) iu connection with L. T. R R. and Easton, by stage, from Iron Hill Station, at 2 15 P. 11, For Doylestown, (Acentuniodation,) at 4,30 P. M. For Gwynedd, do. at 10 A. M. On Tuesdays and Fridays the 10 A. M. train will m e through to Doylestown, leaving Doylestown to retur n at 1.36 P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethillii(Exprese,) at 9 A. 11., mai 2.25 Y. AL Leave DoylWira, (Accoutmcdatioad at 6.35 A. At. LCIITO annedd, at 2 Al P. At. ON SUNDAYS. For I Prom Gwynedd 915 A. 11. I Gwynedd 2.al P.M Doylestown 450 P. DI. Doylestown ..... .6.554.31, Tare to Bethlehem $5 60 0 blanch Munk OCO 0 NV iikesbarre . 460 PAESENGER DEPOT, FRONT and WILLOW Etc Phil& ELLIE CLARk, Agent CHANGE OF 11017H5.---P HILADE PHIA, WILMINGTON AND DALTWORR BAIL ROAD. On and after Monday, Nor, 23d, 1861, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA For Baltimore at 8 A. M. IP. M., (fixprec,) and 11 P. M. For Wilmington at 8 A. M., 1, 8.30 and 11 P. M. For New Culls at 8 A. M., 1 and 3.30 P. M. For Middletown at 8 A. 11: and I P. M. Por Dorer at 8 A. M. and I P. M. Tor Buford at BA. M., and I P M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA . . . Luxe Baltimore at 8.40, Xxprera, 11 e. M., Rad 6 21 P.lO. Leave Wilmington at 1.25 and DAS A. M., and 2 88 Cad 9 a 'P. M. Leave New Culla et 655 and 11 66 A. M., atri 8.50 P. M. Leave Middletown it 10 10 A. M. Ana 7 06 P. 11. Leave Dover at 9.r5 A. 91. wad 5 P. M. Leave Seaford at 7.30 A. 2.1. and P. M. TRAINS lAA BALT/NOBS Learn Wilmington at 9.15 A. /1., BP. N. 4921 21 a 1.11. SUNDAYS only at 11 P. M. Dom Philadelphia to Baltimorii MatialMEl Freight Train, with Fianna' Car attached, will rum V/ 101101. : LiMe Philadelphia for Parr villa and Intermediate places at 6.00 P. Leave Si' ihnington for do. do. 6.50 P.M. Leave Baltamore for Havre.de-brace kt 6 P. M. no 21.-ly 6. 11. FILTOH, President. _ .£ire Proof £afcs SALAMAND&S SAFEL A large aseattraent of EVANS & WATRatill PHILADELPHIA MANUP4C - i HED SALAMANDER RAPES, VAULT DOORS, BANE LOOKS For Banks arid Stoma. , Equal t now ia IRON DOORS o SH U T T ERS, SHUTTE ass RS, ite., On as good tenon u any other establiahroaat fa the united States, by EVANS & WATSON, No. 26 South INs l l7ltTri street Ptladelihia. as SAg PLEASE GIVE US A CALL Lumber. LUMBER LUMBER ! !—Tbe subscriber, wbo has for several years occupied the premises at eloan's Planing Mill, Xensington, has removed to COATII9 STP.KET WHASP, adailning the Phi:soli Phu:dog Abu, oa Delaware avenue,. where he intends keeping • urge assortmont of 91rofina and other floor ing board', stops, risers shelving, ceiling, fencing and scaffold boards, thoroughly seasoned and well wetted. For bale at the lowest cash prices. Purchasers are in vited to call and examine for themselves, aza every ef fort will be mauls ei give satisfaction, Orden melted and supplied at the shortest notice for al* kinds and sties of Bouthers yoUcrit Nu, Timber and Doest)ing. • 8814, 9. 8. MOM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers