AV , I- , . lists IJQl~bpiipw , ` tix Ymiter ; ;siy took oscaeEoq t 6 halt tha oplendid eiallery ; of ,latti:nuw ot4hhtbitttactuaafultaege to tho at the , room of A 8.-4abltfous Nsq' 19t910 Chestnut ateetrt:,4lefi contettiiivAiiiotures, s.qi,aiiising MIA tAT10014 . 4 and tift i ilec:anZare now agangtal.:ln the • oPie - f . theiriea:tol649l,l oa Thuniday, the 17th • : ` L'oieteof ig ; eid.theie of our aitiaaita who Way d e .i to p m fute4Tetliee oC,real . merit, would do !NU glee ~tltikeellectioutbelt attention, Without atteunalucu, - netWweelif4tetatl a tlxe several pieces of ' Inertt , pitedy : deli That among thekietheleare the itulderit t Mail of Motet!, timber, Al,ettivels'ett, Nan Ittlithon -I;twg; Ines, Birch, Retr:l4 s Liele,,Laufinet,'Leutto, Totpbditi; anti others_ „ „., - - Ptriaiaidtit'atiotig the pcnthcathe !Lite three 'hue tiro 844.041itintlhge of,Naablaittaa, after Etuatt ; sit wt teltahlW portrett of . Thtelel Nebeter, - a porttait of pfeeir 460;4mi - coo aodf,alxvell-exoeuted csbinet - ,Plotnre of `l`osldfint 41.4 , 1'Sai.'T'Phero ore sever - al tine old paint ings by old tuestorairmiting Which are Christ raising Laterite - , Mid it scene en the Mediterranean; the' fernier nf - whiell_ropitimints - the 'gasifier, Mirrounded - with Mari _ and' elsteni of Lazarus, and a-Multitude of his disciples-, in the attitude c o mmanding the dead tie rise ; Whilst the sleeper, oboyinithe Master's summons; aim! in ~his grave•clotbes, is seen rising from the torah: l'here ,arafeatntes of _real merit in this picture, and to those who ararnout making private collections of Mill= tort& paintings, the possession of this would certainly , be a'velnablo acquisition. • Marine 'view reiresenting the Narrows, near NOW York, painte d by Moran, is a spirited pleco, and dieplays a boldness' and-originality of execution - rarely Sur dretidy luthuatiel, we have not time to no'. Mal those stances in detail, ;but would simply add. that !herniae quite a muulorwhich we have not Mentioned' -that her...been Pronounced, by connoisseurs to be really suporler. , the g4 l O of thta' eeilecibinlt be peteraptery, the prehabffity belhat a rare chance - wilt bo afforded to oh, latuf -Voturee xis - 1117 *oft tivrtug, , tit. modotate 'prices. PARow's CoNcEnT. , --IL may btia matter Of in , tareit to our readeri to knot' that a book hes been. art ranged, utteh may be had; at the-concert room this vveutne,containingthew6rds,with eorreet English trans lation, of all-the Pailfuls, songs, arias and duets - width will be sung at the concert this eveultsjj also, the mu sic, arranged. for the piano-torte, otseverfil of the most popelartuul beautiful saigs.. - 4E0.31. Trasortfornort.7lllo sing Of Wurtm burg, Says the Coirrier de iaria, lived to very oltizeu- Jule style et iffarrits, under the name of, the Vicomte' de Teak. Ile bathed wittrtheuttier Where like -a coin. tneninortal.' The' 'eouxualtunry of, pollee. whose duty it ins to 'ascribe the nature ,of the bathers in hie book:* Oxus filled up" the- blacks in 'lds printed register: " Christian 'and surnanioi!' Count de reek; fiprofes, 'sion;"'Kini; " Whence coming," irstrtembyrg : "nio bye, for trerelliag," Aral:lt - and pietist:re. - And he mould, bare , ridded, had ho reached _our enlightened land, "to buy a suit of clothes at the fashionable em porium of Olittim; Albright, dc'C0.,1127 Chestnut street, in Sayne's Nall: , r, ' Ax OVER:31011T, IY i'itE lt !lA:CIE.—The Presi dent' derOteti aiuoh athle t in hie message, to the finances, to the Claire oC sae, Utah, and other com paratively unimportant anklet:la, and abaolutely fails to say a single word concerning the merits of the gartneola Baia at the ,Brown Stone (Nothing llail of Rochhill Wilacin,'Noe. 603 and 603 Oheetuut street, above Sixth, Tbo popular patronage bestowed upon this eatabliah road waken it lndeliendeft of Official notice. FANCY-ARTICLES FOR CHRISTMAS "PHREIENTR.-, THUS of our reader* who are !oohing around for ouch articles, would dome!l to heed the Udvertisement of Mr. W. D. 0 i0131?, ' I /1 tapper oo!utun. - - ~Td! Old BOMAJou ]From the Charleston Courier.] • - Virginia has 'horde this sobriquet almost from time immemorial, We'havo 'hail the onriosity to Wee or inquire into Itacrigin.. It. grew - out of the loyaltY:erVirginia totiliarles I. and Charles 11., and bsit-refesal to reeoguise the proteetorate of Cromwell. Dasing-thistreggle between Charles I. mid the Parliament Virginia, underelirsWil liatn- Berkeley, (ai(Gavarnor,) tireisoontaineel 20,000 inhabit/iota,. remained true to the Ring; and the ooloniste,hy- - a - soloilin act,,declared "that they - were.hotli - ander,- utenarehy, . and would never degenerate from the condition of their birth by belog minks:4A° any other Government." After the‘unfortanate monarch had been beheaded she .ackeowleilged the authority of the fugitive prince, hellion, and actuallyeentinned.the Provincial Go• vernmont ander - a , eouunisilion 'which the latter sent from hie - retreatßreda to Sir William Mom-ding bi -- Clarendon, Sir 'William Berkeley Was so enured 'of,the loyalty of the ins, habitants, and so impressed with confidence - of ultimate success, that lie wrote to the young prince " almost invitiog him'to America."' In cones queue° of this open defiance of the power of,Per liatuesits. an ordinance was passed- declaring the refractory - (Monists notorious robbers and trailers, prohibiting all intercourse with then,. either by the people of England, the inhabitants of other American colonies, or. foreign nations; and a fleet was finally despatched, under Sir George Ayseue, to reduce them to submieston by, force if they should, refuse' to embrace the pules+ overtures which acommiestoiamoompanying the expedition, were authorized to-produce. From_ Barbaditea, - Capt.. Apollo sent Capt Dennis with a small equadron, to land his force end drive Sir - William Berkeley' out' of Virginia; as to whose proceedings, on the arrival of the fleet within the' capes 'of Virginia, historians widely differ. Beverley, Oldmixon, Burke; and Graham assert that hei made a groat show of re sistance with the mallets, who , constituted a majority of the population assisted by the Dutch ships in the harbor; but Barmen, citing oontem porary authorities of, the liigheet value, -says that no sooner had the Guinea frigate entered within the watersrof the Chesapeake than, quoting from Clarendon," all thoughts of resistance were laid aside.",_ Bancroft further mentions, as oharaoteris. tie of Virginians even at that early period, "that they refused to Surrender to force, but yielded by a voluntary deed and mutual compact." This deed of surrender stipulated for a complete indemnity as to all pastotfeneee, and that the colonists meg lousing - the authority should be admitted into the bosom of the English Commonwealth, and Mean equal participation In all the privileges of the free people of England; and particularly that the Pro meld Assembly, should retain its wonted Rine dons, and the colonists have as "free trade as the people of England to anytime and all nations, and be free from all taxes, customs, and im position's whatsoever, without the consent of their Assembly;" thus early- Insisting on - the ptinel pie that " taxation 'without representation is ty ranny." Berkeley, a true and royal cavalier, disdained to make anystipulation for himself with those Whom ho regarded es usurpers; and without leaving the colony. in March, 1652, witbdidw to a retired situation, where, as a private Individual, Le continued to be universally respected and,beloved, biding his -time, until a eountor revolution in the mother country shOuld summon - him once more to defy the republican forces of England and restore the aseendeney of royalty' in Virginia. ' In thetnterfal between 1652 and 1660 the -bur gems - of - Virginia Weeded Itioluird Bennett, Edetned Digge r atid Samuel ; Matthews to the officio of Gureinor, under allegiance - to Oliver Cromwell, sod' OW, his- death; in -1658,-to Is son, Richard Cromwell. But On the death of Governor Matthews, in MO, the *Pie, prompted by discon tent, with certain commercial restrictions imposed by the Protectorate, did not wait for 'a new com mission, but elected Sir Wilitent Berkeley Govern or, and by," an obligiag :violet - go compelled hiss is accept the Goveentuent.i's Ife; however, refused to ant under the steurpers, or to yield. to the - wishes of the oolonista 'unless they would unite with Lim to risking - life - and' fortune for the exiled King. " This," exya:Beverleyin was their dearest wish and, therefore, with a unanimous voice, they told him tharivere ready to hazard all fur, the King. This occurred before the -- Kieg's return to Eng land, and was the' result of signal and unexam pled- loyalty. 'Berkeley then acquiesced in the choioe of the people, and assumed the helm band thereuPon he forthwith "proclaimed Charles 11. Ring of England, Scotland, Ireland, and 'Virgi nian and caused all processes to be issued in the royal name. Thus his _Majesty ems - actually king in Virginia before ho was king In England;and hence has Virginia ever since borne the title of "The Otd Dominion." On the restoration of Charles 11. to the throne of his firlooBl4ll, he sent a new commies - ion to Sir WillianWeley, and granted him permission to Visit E lle was received by the king with ' kiridnees, nd tradition narrated that the king, in compliment tothe co• icily 'wore at his eOropallon - a robe made of silk sentArein ' The Maisachusette Bietorioal Society has in its possession a coin having on one side "a head and the words Georgina 111., Box," and the other side a shield, on which are quartered the arms of Eng land, Scotland, Ireland, and Virginia, the whole surmounted by a crown, and ,encireled with the words "Virginia, 1773.".- A similar °Mu wee dug up, come years Biwa In irginia, when a descrip tion of it was published apocryphally ascribing to Charles II.; on his ascension to the throne, the qi!arttring of the - coat of arms of Virginia as an n " dependent member ' f the Empire" with those of Egland,' Scotland, and Ireland, In token of gratitude for thei loyalty of the colony. The loyalty of the Old Dominion, which once had a -king for its source and object, is now, not withstanding her ancient and stilt undiminished devotion to "compact," and indeed in perfect keeping therewith; transferred to the Union, in all its hidglitheis, 'purity; and strength ; and she Is _Mewed:to render her identification with the Union yet' utiSTO oginpleto by accepting the gear: dianship teethe nation's,hoinage of the Mecum of America, the tomb et Washington. An Easterd aditciinais that a Man got _WM self into trouble by- hurrying two wives. ' A Western editor "replies - by 'winning hiS contnporaTY that gned:many men in that sachet:l have done the same thing by marrying one., , • A,Noriberdeditor retorts that guile a num ber of WitiqUalutanees found trouble enough by, barciftpromirieg yo marry ) without going any furtheri t , A Southion.editor says that a friend of his was bothered enough by simply being found in company.WittintiOther man's wife. • A youth of our" minis n mice thus expert mented on his mammitovlio *as making bread, a few days since o : , "Mother, it strikes'reltinn.ere very la2y just now.". gi How dare you tiairaciff-WitY, don't you see I aninialting bread?? ladigriantly returned the lady. Trno,but that's neither morn nor 101athan loafing:" - . • S '"The neincire •hot -cakes for sev - ertit days...llo,mairds, no such puns since: iroinan Is less lodep,endent than - An many respects , and requires to exercise tnoro deliheridlon and 'caution. Moreover, she had not flak initiative. - It is easy fora man to,de. 010; and , oller-rbeir levee 1 kat. it4eman may love -without bope : of i an okor; vie~f , ,lehoasesl propnsesi:Aben 'roman- T• ;Aintipid follow s &flog seonin a singular attl taii,'Atooping _down mith. his head be!meen biß joke the reason; 4o whlofi tie replied ttaybikwfugo(Lto Ben hOlyvain at: 0 0 , 1 040110 hOl4 100$ 1 V " SMl367intifinti. rtod for The Pr 4eported for The prem.) • - LONDON—Ravine Achilles, koeddin r -210 tone chalk 104 pkgs tide, V Lonnli; 746 Potters 4 Weightman; 469 Dellea - 4 0000; II Cohen 00;'22 'Roesugarten & SOU; 49 db 91 pleas seed It Landreth & Bon; 7 seeks do P UcKonelep 7 do mdsoll Whattnan & Co; 16 pkgs do J X Bulger, 1 Ito toys .12 DIME 2 do cocoa fibre W P Taunton; 8 do teed R Bata; 1 lioas, Spangler 4 00;.1 .pkg nide° .7 0 Orubb & Co; 200 kegs 110 balm, do 60 csA's porter, order. SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. FllOll THE UNITED STATES. STRAISRE FROM POD DAY America . .Dostou Liverpool. Dee le New York slew York ' 068gow Deo 23 FROM' -BUROPB. vadat IND DAY New York ' Glaagow Now York Nov 18 Nurops Liverpool Boeton' Nov 2$ Fla" The California Mall Steamers sail from New York on the 6th and 20th of each month. irr The Havana stemma leave New York on the 2d, 7% 12th, 17th and 27th of each month, and Charleston, S. 0., on the 4th and 10th. - - LETTER ERRS At she Merchants , Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship II B Mildemy, Webb London, soon Ship Philadelphia, ' Pool Liverpool; socn PIIILADELPRIA BOARD OE TRADE. Boer - Aan A. Boansn, DI. RABIN, (Comma Ol VII MOST' Nswoown B. TuobaßOw, itiarine Jntelligence. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 10, 1837. BUN RUES 72i-BON SETS UlOll WATER ARRIVED . . . Barque Achilles, Spadin i 90 days from London, with soda, to Thos Richardson & Co. Behr Mary Cottingham, S days from Deep Crock, with lumber to captain. Behr Lucy, !dirndls, I day from Brandywine, with Hour and meal to Robeson Lea. Behr New deraey;Tonslinson. I day from Frederica, Dal, with wheat to Jaime Barratt & Bon. Bohr Jan 11 Stroup, Corson, 0 days from Wston, wills mdso to captain. Bohr Reaper, Still, 2 dap from Milford, Dal, with grain to I IL FdeCellay. Bohr Geu Taylor, Sipple, 2 days from Milford, Del, with grain to dlf McColley. Bchr Mechanic, Ilendrickatm, 2 darn from Odessa, Del, with grain to Bewley, Wilson &. Co. Behr .woe George, Jackaon,l day from Smyrna, Del, with oats to Bewley, Wilson & Co. Bohr Victory, Chambers, 2 days from Loren, Del, with port' to Bewley, Wilson & Co. mertni. Brig New Bra, Walker, Citiguegon, B S. W Brig Delaware, Meld, Kay Wed sad Tpura, W T Reynolds. Behr Brancos Ebner, Smith, New Raven, Tyler, Stone Ac Co Behr II II (Maori, Crockor,.Now Loudon, Maki:Arm Cox & Co. Str Sophia Ely, New York, 19 AI Baird & Co. Melt Willing, Clayool°, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. 111 T TELMORAPIL.I (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) CAPE ISLAND, Dec 9, 3 50 P lit Nothing eau be discerned ut2oo yalde diatance, owing to the prevalence of a dense fog, accompanied with rain. Wind south. Yount, &a., TJIOB. E. 111:10HEd. (Correspondence of The Press 1 HAVOC DE GRAOII, Dec. 9 Three boats loft here this inernieg, laden and coo eigued as follows: oac J Curtin, bar Iron to Oaboon do Co; nyder Ally, pig iron to Wilmington, Del; Wm Ate Donkey, anthracite cal to Delaware City. MEMORANDA. Statmithip Kangaroo, Jeffrey, for Liverpool, cleared at New York yesterday. Ship Arcole Pitman, for New York, wagat Palermo 13th ult, loading. Ship Harvest Masan, Horton from Callao, at Queens. town %Eh ult, and sailed for Liverpool. Ship Chaos, Dunbar, hence, via Brunswick, Go, was going up the English Channel 25th tilt, Ship Oteau Steed, Cunningham, from Calcutta for Dieppe, at Portsmouth, Bug, 24th ult. Shop Finland, Post, for Liverpool, remained at Apa lachicola 2811 ult, loading. Ship Finland, Pout, for Liverpool, remained at Apa lachicola 28th ult, loading. Barque Thu Allibono, Thompson, for Boston, cleared at New Orleans lat loot Barque Ami Elizabeth, Norgrave, for New Orleans ocion, was at Messina 13th ult. Barquo Belle, Ryder, for Philadelphia, salted from Boston Bth tort. Marque B Cohen, Burgess, remained at Gibraltar 18th ult. repairing. Barque ldary 11 Kendall, Brock, cleared at Charleston Bth lot. for Philadelphia, with 70 bales upland cotton, 20 tea rice, 42 bales waste, 200 sacks Gee dour, '2 kegs and 7 boxes type. Barque Daniel Webster, Ryder, cleared at Boston Bth loot. for Baltimore. Brig Canton, Crowell, from Jactnel, arrived at Poston Bth inst. Brig Black Squall, Jackson, hence et St Jago de Cuba 16th Schr George G Baker, hence, arrived at Richmond 7th fist, Sam Maraca E Bell, Clark, cleared at St Jago 14th ult. for Ouantenamo, to load for Baltimore. Bebe 4 11 Austin, May, hence at Washington, DO, 811, lust. Bohr E Cheater, Brown, from Delaware City, at. New Bedford 7th inst. Schr Mary Ann, Glenn, hence, arrived at Norfolk 7th lot. Schra Courier, Sears,• S P Lamed, Frambes, and Eva Dell, Tilton, hence at Boston Bth lust. Odor Pequonnock, Burroughs, cleared at Boston Bth inst. for Philadelphia. &lira J S Ifewitt , Boss, and Courier. Sears hence at Boston Bth lost. Schr Pequonnock, Burroughs, cleared at Boston Bth int, for for Philadelphia. Schr Mandate Chester, Brower, at New Bedford 7th snot from Delaware Catv. 2,hr Old Zack, Coronae, cleared at Baltimore Bth Inst. for Philadelphia. Schr E .1 Pickup, Pickup, cleared at New York Bth teat, for Philadelphia. Selina Breese, Dickinson; W A 'lmmoral, Cain; S A Itammund, Paine; Silver Magnet, Perry; Smith Tuttle, Mayo;. N B Thompson, Barnes; J II Howell, Rosa; Al. guitar, Long, cad Roxbury, Brown, hone° at Boston Silo lust. Seim Elizabeth, ()molest, for this port or Oalale, ac. cording to wind, sailed from Fall River 6th lust, and was at Newport 7th. Schrs Martha Wrightington, Wrightington, from Now Bedford fer Philadelphia; J P Bout, from Salem for do; and Deborah Jones, Winsmore, from Boston for Wil mington, Del, at Newport 6th hist, and remained next morning. Solna F Herbert, Mayo, from Boston, and 0 A Stet non, Cobb, from Provincetown for Philadelphia, arrived at Now York yesterday. Schr D G Floyd, Beckett, hence for New Bedford, at Now York yostenlay. Seine Selena Helen, Julia Smith, Chas Parker, Lu ther Child, and J Thompson, hence for Boston, arrived at New York yesterday. ropeller .141113 Milan, Robinson, cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. Ar at Callao Oct 23, barque Victor, Holmes, supposed from Mocha hlanda. Sailed 21.1, ships Western Chief, Dyer, Hoglund; 27th, Standish, Gardner, and Pavorito, Crowell, France; Golden Horn, Cox, Chinas Islands: Win Singer, Feeley, England. MARINE MISCELLANY Dag Octavio, previously reported lost on the reef coming out of Port au Mt Bth tilt, was bound to Ma. - Taunts to load. no errs good brig of 219 tons, built at Ellaworth in 1884, and fa probdbly Insured iu Portland. Brig Etewando, from New listen for Earnadora, ashore on Saybrook bar, was removed from her position by the storm of Sunday, and now lies in a much niece adroit• lagoons situation for hauling oil. A steam pump has been coat fur, and It was hoped that she would yet be saved if no unfavorable weather occurs. BPOKEN. let Inst. lat 3d 30, long 63, ship Juniata, of Baltimore, eteerlug BE. FOREIGN PORTS Bid from Dantzio 18th ultothip Burlington, White, Loudon. Sid from Buono! Ayrea Oct t, Brom brig Hesperia, Hoes cop, New York. Ar et Montevideo previous to Oct 12, Lerwick Liuda Stewart, Sterling, Ualtintore Au 2i New Light, 81peigh le, do Aug 10; Vaned liibraltar 21 ult, barque Sultana, 'Watson, front Smyrna for New York. Sid from Cardiff 19th ult, ship llarraseokot, Talbot, Awnsloa. fibt Deno Liverpool 24th ult, barque() Ifeddla Brown, Clenoai brig Lion, Perry, Demerara At Orho Rios, Jamaica, 9th ult, Behr Caroline Grout, Shute, from Kiugotou, Jam, for New York in 7 days— not atebefore; Ar at St logo de Cuba previous to 22d nit, brig Deme rara Flye, Bangor, and sailed for Trinidad with her In ward curgo. At Quantsumno 12th ult, brigs Mouseratto, McDonald, and Gen Worth, —, unc. At Cienfuegos 28th ult, barque Lysander, Moore, for Bremen next day. Sid from Mamma 25th nit, ram Mary Eddy, Lewis, New -Orleans. At Cardenas 28th ult, brig Fanny 0 Field, Harriman, 6r —, la ballast, soon, seeking freight. NOTICE TO MARINERS The Croee Ledge Light Ship, (Delaware Day) will be 'removed from her. station nor the winter season, on or about the 20th loot. By . order of the Lighthouse Board. EDWARD Id YARD, „ - Lighthouse Inspector. Philadelphia, Dec. e1b,1857. *44 A YEAR'S READING FOR YOUR FAISIILY FOR 'l'lV`O DOLLJRN - FORNEY'S WEEKLY PRESS! ,A JOURNAL FOR TUE FAMILY CIRCLE, TUB WORKEIDOP, AND TITE FARM ONLY TWO DOLLARS A YEAR AND MILL ).OW 1111 TO 01,13103! PROSPECTIId volt 1858 TILE WEEKLY PRESS is published is Philadelphia, and, although but a few moutba have passed since the Best number was Issued, It lias now %circulation tending into every State of the Union, and Ia rapidly increasing its Hat In every seetion where the paper has obtained a footing.. The Second Volume will commence on the FIRST OP JANUARY, 1868, and will adhere to the plan on which It was started. It is conducted upon National priori. pies, and upholds the rights of the /Rates. It will always resist fanaticism in every shape and will be do. voted to conservative doctrines, as the true foundation of public prosperity and social order. Such a weekly Journal had long been desired in the United Staten, and it wail to satisfy this want that the WISIMLY Pease was first published. It to printed on a Intlloll YIIEET OP EMIT PAOFF each number containing worry-mum COLUMNS OP READING' MATTER! Embracing eieryttling a GOOD lIRWAPAPBSt Bholll4 con tain—such as - • FIRST-OLASS fitORIES, POETRY; ISY TIIE );EST 'WRITERS; - 'VIGOROUS ZDITORIADS, ,AGRIOULTUIIAL ARTICLES, EIGIENTIYIO ESSAYS, CORRECT MARKET REPORTS, LETTERS FROM ALL QUARTERS, DOMESTIO .AND FOREIGN NEWS ; SKETCHES OF TRAVEL, READING FOR THE YOUNG, &0., ko., &o, The paper Is always free of everything that can, in the least degree corrupt the morale or pander to a vitiated taste. While the lighter branches of literature are not forgotten in Its columns, the reader will always find enough to improve the mind, in Its ample papa. The paper Is so large that every one can Bud something in it, froze week to week, to please him, while at the end of the year the subscriber has, In a convenient form to preserve, over 2,000 COLUMNS OF GOOD READING ! Equal to 0,000 pages of a book of ordinary sine, and at ayOnfog cont. TERM. Invariably In Advance. Tlui Weekly Press will be sent to subscribers, by mall, et $2 00 per 4111111111. 'Minty - copies, when sent to one ad dress 20 00 Twenty copies, or orer, to address of each subscriber, each 120 it If For a Olub of Twenty, or over, we will send an extra copy to the getter-up of the Club. Addreas, JOHN W. FORNEY, ,EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, No. 417 CHESTNUT Street, 11114611R14/ 11 / 4 Erfoad for a Speellata ;ittolber. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, irp to 12 °Work Last Night GIRARD 110118E—Oheatnut street, below Ninth. 13 Longneeker, Lancaster J 0 Carry, Pittsburg Mrs Noland & da, N 0 U B Sibbetts, N Y GW Wilkins, N Y M II Henry, NY II James & Is, Balt Mrs .Eddy, N Y - J W llew, St Louis It S Hipkins, Vs 7 P Wbelpley, N 11 T McEirath, N Y E Loomis, Mass J AI Rowe, Fhila P Tallman, Ohio W W Holloway, Ohio Wm R Barr, 'Buffalo N B %seltzer, 11 8 A WII Dickerson, Savannah Chas Eldridge, N Y J Horsley, Va ~ Jr Horsly, Va C At Roacho, Balt Chan Johnson & la, Vs BB Williams & lady, Vs Dr Harlan A la, 11 8 N B F Loet, Wisconsin Alfred Tufts, Mass J 1143 A Taylor& la,Brooklyn It All Mills, Mono R. Orook, Ev,glaud II A Williamson & la, Vs Coo 11 Balch & la, US N John kl Owens, Balt T Craw, N Y Mlle Parodi, N V Mlle Agasta, N V Miss 'Milner, N SI Afrs Illimor, N li II Yieuatetnini, N Y Milo Vieuatemps, N V N Porriug,N Y Signor Potugini, N Y Samuel Harbour, N Y Vernon Ed linker, Nl7 8 8 Spencer, Lancaster Henry N Beach, NY F B Nichols, N Y . F Mallard, N Y A gPorter, N Yi Hiram Barney, N Y Chas J Hyde, N Y IV 0 Gamball, N Y T W Josaup, N Y W lt•Whittier & la, Ile. 8 Harts & la, Boston • verhill Joe T Ilarto, Boston T Bronson, Winchester 1 0 A Hoy, U 8 A Mr Eldridgo, N Y MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Yourth street, below Arch. .1 Herzog, Lancaster It Berton, Ohio A 11 Ecker, Pa J T Mussehuan, Ind J Holloway, Ohio David Thomas, Pa J Borg, N Y W Dodou, Pa Win Payth, N Y Chas Nash, Ps. Hon O P Steel, Pa P D Davis, N Y P P Hyatt, N Y Win Bradley, Meriden N L Bradley, Meriden 8 II Iritaekln and lady, NY AMERICAN HOTEL—Ohestuut street, above Pifth. Jne It Waterman & la, Ohio Miss ME Waterman, Ohio It E Waterman, Ohio 0 J William', Baltimore It 0 Redman, Baltimore L B Newkirk, New York Chas S Newkirk, Now York W Solomon, Boston Etlw L Silliruan, Pottsville J . II Waters, Virginia S 0 Kenney, Virginia Thos Street, Baltimore Thos Cono , Baltimore L N Nowkirk, Washington P S Oarbart, New York A A Kirkland & la, Balt Miss Simpson, Maryland Jos 8 Sanford, Now York W 11 Reed & la, N Brunswik L L Livingston, Baltinwro John llutriphreys, Baltimore Ilorace Smith, Corm IV D Ward, Now York Jan M Ihissoll, Boston nary Thomas & la, Mace Miss A E Thomas, Mass EA L Roberts, Now York John 11 Bemis, Boston J McClellan, Ky D Nowistull, Boston J A Cotton, N Y C J Dougherty. Del UNION HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth. David Claris, Easton J Beck, Easton I) It Bender, Pottsville V B Koons, Pottsville J E Hoch, klilloreburg, 0 J Bracken, La Orange, 0 .1 ROLM!, Freeport, 11l John Rodman, Ind C F Chandler, Ind DJ 8 Mathiesou, Pottsville J IL Preston, Boston A ft Northrup, N Y E II England, Williamsport I) Ashton and lady, Fiala NATIONAL lIOTEL—Ittee street, elm Third. A J Runyan, Ashland L DrabJt, N Y Tll Allan & In, Canton J PRowley,Northampt i n co II Ii Itarlounatr, Laport, Pa S Ertuanttout, Rending Wm Rhoads, Sr, Reading II A Bon, Reading NJ Readier, Pottsville Win Miller, Catacanqua I. Miller, Northampton co W Elector, Mauch Chunk Oeo W Morgan, Pottsville II 0 Harper, Pottsville .1 N Anderson, Reading Jot. Whitaker, hit Clair D Wilcox, Canton, Pa E T Ellrich, Pottsville E D Mita:itch, Lancaster co STATES UNlON—Market street. above Sixth. C Ed wards D 0 A J Fifa), Jersey City Alain Black, Juniata co, Pa Daniel Gordon, Delaware T Getting, Delaware 0 W lloffman, Pittsburgh Alex D Boggs, P It It J T Jackson, 'Reading. (leo II Dickson, Delaware N McDonald, Columbia II Sooryel, Pittsburgh P A AM, Newvillo, Pa MIER Mil, Newvllle, Pal John It Death, Now Jersey MADISON lIOUSE-Becou4 street, Above Market. G A Ames, Cin, 0 J W Mall, Delaware Gee Gregory, Pa S E Good, Pa Robt N Smith, N Y David 11 John, NY W Coulter, Delu.v,are P Calhoon, Delaware J D Kinney, Delaware S W Laley, Delaware Edwin Booboo, Connecticut A V Russell, Lancaster S Nightingale, Doylestown Henry AI Johnston, N Y J P Idonagan, Detroit BLACK RDAR lIOTEL.—Third street, ab. Callowhill D Bitsholza, Suloneytown A Buckman, Veasterville Cierling, Amity Wm Heins. Berke co, Pa Geo Kline, Earlthlo J B Wagenhorat, Pa Eli Schlegel, Pa BARLEY BLIEAP—Second, below Vine street. T P Hervey, Doyieetowu J Fell, Mechanicsville O D liroilhes,Lßralhenitsv'o (I Miller, lirodhesdavillo Whi large, Doylestown Joeso Heaton, Newtown Philip Rambla, Trenton REACH DEAR INN —Fifth and Merchant streets. JaaJ Philips, Phoenixville Mrs M Priest, Cheater co Miss 8 Turton, Cheater co Jll Demote, Md John Fleming, Del co James C Caw, Pa Den R Clark, Pottstown Clt Palmer, Del city Wl3 Spear, Wilm , ton, Del Oliver Emery, Pa Robt Lyale, Cheater co F W lifesteller Jr la, Pa Jos 7 , shoemaker, Chester BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, Rby. CaliowLlll Jesse Mart, Betlitelnun Chas Ritter, Rittersville Miss Pasco, Easton Special Notices Furs.—Josepli Rosenbaum's Furs are cele• Mated for cheapness, style, and quality. Store 416 Arch street, between Poarth and Fifth. N 11.—Fura altered into fashionable styles. We study to please. dot-I,n An Important Fact.---We now 'see It an nounced that tho extensive Wholesale Clothing Deal ers, STRAUSS & GOLDMAN, No. aao MARKET St , above Third, have commenced to Retail their entire stock at Wholesale prices. 'Ai - rappers! Wrappers! Wrappers !--A very large and elegant assortment, wholesale and retail, at reduced prices. Also, One Rusts, Drees Stocks, and all kinds of Furnishing Goods for Gentlemen, at W. W Kamm% 612 Arch street, above Sixth. ntiaUlro Mates: Skates: Skates!—Oar readers will find the largest and most complete assortment of this sinter luxury, and at the lowest prices, at W. W. KNIGIIIT'fI, No. MI Market street, opposite Decatur noD9•lm Saving Fund.—National !Safety Trust Co., Office, WALNUT Street, S. W. corner of THIRD. ARRANGEMENTS FOR BUSINESS DURING THE SUSPENSION OF SPECIE PAYMENTS BY THE 'BANKS. • I. Deposits received and payments made daily. 2. Current Bank Notes, Chocks, and Specie will be received on deposit. S. Deposits made In Bank Notes or Clunks will be paid back in Current Bank Notes. 4. Deposita made in Gold or Silver will be paid back In Coln. Interest Fain PER Cour. per annum. n 025 Jackson, JOB PRINTER, MEROIIANT STREET. Checks, Notes, Drifts, Bills Lading, Bill Heads, Oir• enters, Cards, and all other kinds of Job Printing, at prices to suit the times. oo17•Iy For Perfumed Breath, White Teeth, and Beautiful complexion, use Balm of 1,000 Flowers." For &main Ladies' hair, use "Woodland Cream, a new Pountaks , It curls Gentlemen's hair beautifully. W. P. Firrawas & Co., Proprietors, N. Y For sale 1 y T. B. Peterson, 808 Chestnut; Samuel Riues, Twelfth and Obeetnut ; A. B. Durand, 718 Chest- nut , T. U Peters & Co., 718 Chestnut; U. U. Evans, Uift Book•etore, 439 Chestnut; 0. 8. Hubbell, 1410 Oheatuut ; French, Richards, & Co., Tenth awl Mar ket; A. B. Taylor, Ninth awl Walnut; Br Morrison, Seventeenth and Chestnut; J. W. Slims & Sous, Eightoeuth and Twenty-Second and Market; Edward Christniann, 702, Chestnut; Thomas Lancaster, corner Eleventh and Walnut. Cabinet Ware and UPHOLSTERY, 624 WALNUT ST, OPPOBITE INDEPENDENCE SQUARE. OEO. J. 'FERREL'S, 524 WALNUT Street, 0"22.8m Late or 178 Chestnut Street Rank of Pennsylvania Notice.•• Note■ of this Bank taken at i.sr for a Wholesale Block of Clothing, now being soli at Retail deB•lia No. 1 North FIFTII street Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken at par for Vetches and Jewelry, at lowest prices. TIIO9IPEON, Importers, 324 Chestnut street, below Fourth. Good Coffee. Lovers of Coffee cannot realise the full value of their favorite beverage without having It made in the Old Comiulon Coffee Pot. DURNIIAII, at GILROY, 117 and 119 South TENTH, cor. of George, d9-8m Bole Man ufacturors S. C. Downld, Commission Buslness in Com. inercial paper and negotiations or tons, be viimiuT oppoeite the Y.:change, Philadelphia. nolo-tor Dower , ' Infant Cordlnl.•..Tbie Invaluable OordJai is prepared from a variety of the meet choice and efficient aromatics. known In medicine, and is the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for Infanta and young children. Ily its powerful Infirmness a speedy cure is effected In all oust of Oho lie, windy pains and spasms. Relieves and mitigates much of children's suffering during denti tion or teething, and by its soothing properties Iran genteel pains of the bowels, loosenen, vomiting, &.o. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been used in thousands of cases with the most abundant enceinte. No family should be without it. Prepared only by rims A. Dopes, At his Drug and Chemical Store, tomer of Sixth and Green ata., Philadelphia. To whom all orders mutt be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. au 18-ly Seamen's Saving Fund—Office 003 Walnut street, one door west of second street. Becalm de posits in aurae of One Pedlar and upwards, from all elasses of the community, and allows interest at the rata of fire per cont. per annum. Office open daily, from 0 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon day sod Saturday until 9 in the evening. Pleeldent Yranklin Fell; Treasurer end Secretary, Charles M. Morrie. Bank Notes of the PENNSYLVANIA DANK FOR UMBRELLAS, BY WM. H. RICHARDSON, . noll-laa No. MS MARKET BURET Illarrta.geo. On the 20th of November, by Env, Hugh McLaughlin, Mr. ANDREW J. lIAGUE to Mina ELIZABETH A. HUNTER. all of this city. On the Bth Inst.. by Rev. Abel 0. Thomas, Mr. MA THEW 0. VOLLMER to Miss SARAH ANN ELIZA BETH, second daughter of Frederick and Catherine Simon, all of title city. Weatho On Monday orentng laat, Sergeant JOSEPH L. PAR KER, in the 38th year of Ida age. On tho 7th tact „JOHN FRANCIS CONSTANTINE, In the 71st year of hie age. On the 7th host., Mr. OEOROE W. MASON, In tho 83d year of his ago. Ou the 7th Inst., Mre. MARY ANN LEVICK, trlfe of Jobo O. Levi*, la tl)e 210 sear of bee age. THE PRESS.-- , PHILADELPHIA; THURSDAY. DECEMBER 10; 1857: Mr' CARD, The BOARD OF HEALTH deem it expedient in Justice to themselves, on account of a etatement purporting to be a "correct copy" of evi dence taken before a Committee of Councils, consisting of Messrs. lialdetnau, Williams, Member, Day) and McKay, to make the following etatement? The evidence as given by individual members of the Board, before the "Inquisition of Five," has, in many Inatome, been perverted explanations were made, the minutes of the Board produced, and any assleance prof fered 'which might be requirgd to allow any and all the transactions In their true lipt; but it appears , Ithe.t" wax cot exactly the matter which was required; sem secret motive appeared to govern the Committee of Counells; and whether It was because a relative of Oho of the membera of this Committee had been displaced by the present Board from a position which he hold un der the old, no are at a loss to conclude, and therefore leave it to the public to decide In relation to that packet/he report which nye, "That the late Clerk, orMit, bad paid certain Lille which had been destroy ed;" true same bills were in the bomb; of the Commit tee, and now, we presume, In possession of the Con troller. Why not give the whole evidence in relation to that transaction, unless it was to leave a stigma where there was no foundation? *The public are aware that, owing to the formation of Quarantine and BanitaryLawe ft is incumbent upon the members to meet daily atl2 o'clock, 11., to transact any business that ally be brought before than, either sani tary or quarantine; Its moutons usually occupy one, two, or three bourn; the different committees are re quired to attend to the business appertaining to their respective places, on the same afternoon, and report to the Board at its next meeting. The members have always, long before Consolidation, been allowed a din ner, which to known by almost every ono, and was no secret; they are required to visit all nuisances, amidst dirt, filth, and diseases of every and ail descriptlorta, whether contagious or not, as the cue may be. Thu late clerk. (Garbutt.) iu his evidence, has stated that the -Board had ordered hits to keep his books In such a manner that no ono but himself could understand them • that certainly exists only In the mind of him who uttered it, although he has more than Aridly fel hared his own Inclinations, as it is very doubtful whether leo himself can understand bin own aritbmetio. . . Tito Quarautlno Convention and Banquet upon which en much stress le laid, was known by Councils and others In authority long before it took place. No at. tempt was made to disguise the matter. Cu the CO. trnry, publication was made In the newspapore of the day, and the Board was at that time lauded by Nome of those who aro now trying to cast opprobrium upon int. Tho objecta of that Convention have been so ably com mented upon that It is useless to multiply wonls. Gen tlemen of talent and experience, from all the largo commercial cities In the Union, were assembled for one common purposo, which was, that Ifealth should be protected, and the wheels of commerce impeded as little as possible, basing a due regard to the lives of those living In cities who are in daily intercourse with Ma taut sickly climates. Could the Board do lean than proffer tho hospitalities of the oily to those who had visited na from Maine to Louisiana for the above put. pose, and with no other consideration than the good of all? True, with the limited means at their command the Board could not aek Councils to be present at the entertainment; butdcsiring that the City of PhiladeL phis should be represented upon the occasion, the Mayor and the Presidents of Select and Common Coun rile some invited to be present, and his Honor, the Mayor, presided at the banquet. We could point to largo outlays of money expended by Councils upon public occasions, vls , g The Kano Ceremonies." It mny be said Lo deserved It .etl, but we ask whether the interests and welfare of the living 811011111 not be consulted, as well as the Mu. tlious dead'? The Board was given to understand by members of Councils that an appropriation would be given to pay the expenses of the Convention. It was asked of them and no notice taken at the communication; it WAS also understood that the Board of Trade and othero mould contribute. In regard to the duties of the Lazaretto Committee, they are required by law to visit the Lazaretto from time to time, particularl daring quarantine season. It is distant from the city (woke or tourteen miles. Is it to be expected they will giro their time and attention, and (hid themselves Arid fu relation to some of the blue before the Committee, vouchers were shown that they were correct, viz • for board of patients and nurses at the Lazaretto, for the mouths of Jerre and July. Wiry such wart not mentioned In the report we can only con jecture. Borne of the members of the Committee of Councils hove visited the Lazaretto ' and partaken of the hospitalities of the Hoard, and found no fault with it at the time; others ageirt have expressed a desire to vlalt It, but the limited means which the Board bare at their contented prevented thorn from giving an Invitation. rjThe bill@ of the City Hospital, at drat sight by the Inquisition Committee, were also thought to bo he gira;" but, upon examination ' it was shown that the money was due, and paid the Matron for board of pa tients, nurser', and servants at the Hospital. Her re ceipts were shown them, and yet the report wag le much mystified that It appeared It wee all for banquets, femur, riding abort, Sec. The bills worn made out as they were, in coneequence of Counciin conipolling Drill and other Departurente to itemize the different items of appro priation, which cannot with any acenterey be calculate.] upon. For instance, who can toll the amount that will be required next year for the board of patients at the lloapitall Can any one of the Committee of Councils' armorer how much Small pox,Scarlatina,Ship, Typhoid, or Yellow Fever will be soot to the Devito' ? 801410 of tire items may be expended and run out; we ark for transfers, and are told that it cannot be deco, although there may be abundant wearer In another item, which has ['mealy been touched. The Committee wall told this; but it did not suit the purpose of some of the Com mittee, and thua nutters wore again mystified. In relation to the lot at limed and Prune, the Board hat only to ray that, for a number of years, It ban been the source of great annoyance ' both to the citizens In the vicinity and to this Board. Comniunications are upon file complaining of the culeance arising from dead horses, dogs, cats, and huge which were daily thrown into it. The Miller of the lot has time and again been notified to remove the nuisance, by filling up, or other wine, prior to the time of the contract tieing made. The owners were notified to remove tire nuisance; the legal and timely notice Nile &Olt, but no attention was given to it. The contract was entered Into with Kano k Schaffer, by Janice W. T. MoAllieter and the District Committee having it In charge, and their action con armed by a majority vote of the Board. 'Evidence wan given that the lot in question would not bring $lO,OlO. Singular that a lot nearly three squares in length and over one square in depth in trot worth $20,000. query : Would not sours of the Chifinnitioe be willing to give double or treble the amount for it I In conclusion, the Board would state, that lo the evi denco giveu before the Committee, explanations ware made which appeared to satisfy thom—and why such explanations did not appear in the report, Is difficult to underatood. unless it be that it was the desire of the Committee to cast all thu opprobrium possible upon the Board of Health in order that the present one be broken up, and positions farmed out either to friends or rola • • • tires. We mould ask whether the memo people mite elect the ruenthero of Council!' aro not am fully capable of judging tie merits of those who shall bo Health OM core, as well am the Councils? We would eck whether some of the Councils themselves have not boon weighed in the balance and found wanting? It to the Intention of the Board boreal ter to review theevidence at length. Ay order of the Board of de10•It IVAL 11. RANDALL, Clerk. ....., - 0111re of the Commonwealth luarirunce COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA Pursuant to the requirements°, the charter of the Com monwealth Insurance Company of the State of PennsyL Yenta, an Election for Ten Directors, to larva the ensu ing year, will be held at the office of the Company, N. . corner of FOSSES!! and WALNUT, on DIONDAY, January 4th, 1868, between the boon of Mend 2 o'clock no2B-stuth-ta SAMUEL S. MOON, &eV. 117 - Literary bureau.—An Experienced Editor, a succeseful author, and a thoroughly educated Literary man, weary with twenty-Ore years of the drudgery of Daily Journalism, has determined to biro out or sell his brains at retail to those who may require their services In any honorable way. Merchants, Ilusinese Men, Inventors, and dealers of every kind, will he supplied, oil-heed, with Advertise ments, (political or otherirloe) Notices, Cards, Circu lars, or soy species of article deeired. Politicians will be supplied with Speeoliee, Reports, Resolutions, Letters, Toasts, Pamphlets, Editorial Ar ticles, Communications, and every other sort of Brain work, which they may find it Inconvenient or trouble. some to do for themselves. Ladies and Umettemen, of every rank in society or oc cupation in Ills, can have Letters written ou any sub. Ject, whether business or sontimentel. The advertiser will also conduct or translate Corres pondence of every kind, either English, French, Span. Mb, German, or Italian. Poetry, Acrostics for Ladles' Albums, Notes, Billet deux, Monodies, and Cumposltioini of the moat delicate and confidante! character, Incident to every possible &millstone° or event in life, will be furnished In in violable confidence, by writing to the undersigned, and explaining their wialion. Orders by mail, accompanied with cash, will be Aridly and promptly attended to. Address J. THOMPSON, Literary Bureau, Box 2295 Philadelphia P. 0., Pa. 117" Rev. Theodore L. Cuy of New York, 111 deliver a • LECTURE ON LONDON; Its Ugh Life and Low Lito—itii Parliament, Niemen, Pulpita,&c., with laetrile') of Spurgeon, In the MUSICAL FUND HALL, On FRIDAY, 11th toot , at 73 o'clock P. 11., Par the benefit of the Poor, Arc , of tho Alksion Sab bath School, in Federal streot, Tickets (25 manta) maybe obtained tit— Mews. Parry kickilliania, Means. Smith, English, Co.'n, Baptist, ittelliodial, Lutheran, Presbyterian Publica tion Rooms. American Tract Society. Philadelphia Bible Muse. American Sunday School Union. deb ainiettitr li r E PUBLISH TO-DAY PARTON'S LIVE ON AARON BURR LIFE AND TIMES OP AARON BURR. By J. VAR TON. Ono Volume; 700 vegan crown octavo. INubtra ted by engravings on elool and wood. PRICE, 81.75. Parton's Life of Burr is iu every rasped an original and peculiar %cork, of abaurbing interest, and possessing peculiar claims to the attentiou of Americans, •••• • • . The author clMine that in thin volume the story of Aaron Dun's strange, eventful life is told for the deist time, and la derived In great part from the personal reminiscences of his surviving friends, COLIIIeXiODS, and acquaintances. The peculiar, romantle, and eventful life of Aaron Drier has afforded material for oue of the most Internet lug and fascinating biographies ever written. While incidental to the subject, the rise and p.ogrees of the great Democratic party of the United State. is fully recorded, Thu volume ix printed MI novel Dim paper, and tratod with steel Poi to of Bun• and Lis Lhiughler Theodoela, nod neveial wood oeigrevings. A 1.9 v 13.11ADY TO•DAY— COUBIN WILLIAM. By Theodore look. 1 vol. 12nio. Prlcu $l. GERVABE I:IIiINNER. By Theodore Hook. 1 vat no. Prieo SI. Demg volumed 4 and bof Mason'a Library of Rand. and Paley , Harriet and Sophia Lee's Canterbury 'Palen. Pike $2 • 15, forming the Brat three volumes. In active preparation, anti to be IRMA sleek before Ohl Wilms, the volume for 1858 of the NEW l'OllK AL MANAC AND YEARLY RECORD FOR 1858 82nro cloth. Pi ice 25 cents. EOM= iIEVENTH WARD RELIEF ASSOCIA -3 TION.--lo accordance with the resolutions adopt ed at a meeting of citizens of the Seventh Ward, the 01licera of the SEVENTII WARD itEt.ixr ASSOCIA TION viz: Ron OSWALD THOMPSON, Peet:Went, W. D. LEWIS and WM PARKER FOULKE, .qe ‘ ta., Vice Preside:de; and JOHN SAMUL'L, Socrutary, met and appointed the following gentlemen to be the (Nue ral Executive Committee at the Ammolotion : Itiret Plociuct,—W J P White, Nu. 107 south Niuth street; Jamul.). hand, No BA, Piot) otrrot, 9 oc.nd Product—Samuel 4. Aehmad, No 410 south Elevouth street ; llonry t. Slneon, No, 0 flonry at Thlrl Precinct—Thomas Neilson, Nu. 1125 S. Twol(th sl .root; George Ininsu Riche, No. 130 Pine street. Fourth Procinut —David Watt, No 146 south Fifteenth street; Robert lt. Scott, No. 308 south tiixteouth .trout Fifth Pioetilet —William Budd, No. 1117 Pine street John If. Diehl, No 1728 Pine stree t , _ _ Sixth Precinct—Cherie?' Ryan. No 1001 Lombard at. ; Joseph McJkn nx, No. 30.1.01,olubftra street. &Tenth Precinct—Mary 0. Fox, Tweutyxeeond, above Routh ; ()liarlex W9lllame, Pino, wed Or Twen tieth. Eighth Precinct—Levi Lingo, Lombard, west of Twenty-third; Thomas Shuw, South and Death streets The Committee Is now organised by the election of John H. Web', Chairmen; Samuel Ashinead, Tres. sorer; John Samuel, Secretary; and 10 prepared to at• tend to all applications for relief, and to receive, through any of Its lumbers, subscriptions and contributions In mousy, provisions and goods. A Store house has been established on the seat side of SIXTEENTH Street, below Lombard, southeast col. oar of Sixteenth and Carver streets, where all contri butions of stares, provisions, and material may be 14011 t. By order of Executive Committee. JOHN 11. DIEHL, Chairman Hon. Ex. emmlttee. • - • . . . J011:1 SANCEL, Secretary delhBtetel EADQUARTERS SECOND BRIGADE, 11 FIRST DIVISION P. V.—Di:mown 7th, 1857, NOTICE,—Upon application to the Penes,lmola, Lancaster, and Harrisburg Railroad Companies, for the conveyance of troupe to Harrisburg on the occasion of the inaugui Mimi of the Winner elect, the sold coin. ponies have agreed to lame Excursion Tickets to the troops at ONE DOLLAR, (fifty cents each way.) The volunteers of the First and other 'Divisions are hereby invited to participate in the excursion. In order that suitable arrangements may be made, all who deslie to participate will report at the earliest possible date to TIfOMAS F. BETTEN, Brigade Major directed to the northeast tenni. of Oallowhill and fifth sheets. JOHN D. MILK% Brigadier a eactra) 2d Brigade let Blyislon P. V. Ti.loo, P. ar, TUN, Drllo4la plajor. 4010.11$ MASON BROTHERS, VA MA 110 DUANE Street, Now York I E. CALDWELL Sc 00., el • 432 OIISSTNIST Street, Nave received, per steamers, new styles Jewelry, Ohatelaths, Vest Mains. Splendid Fans, Nair Pine. Fruit St. Sugar Baskets,. Jet Goods and Flower Vases. Coral, Lava and MOl3lOO Sets. We Agents in Philadelphia for the sale of Charles Frodshatuis LONDON TIBIE-KESPERS. 5010 (6'opartneroliip Notic—ca nISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. ../Ler —The ao•portnere6tp heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm of Lawrence, stone, ch CO , in Renton, New York, and Philadelphia, is thin day dissolved. Signed, HAIIIIIEL LAWRENCE, WAI W. STONE, JARVIS SLADE, HENRY T. JENKINS, 0. It. PERRY. DOc. I.t, 1567 William W. Stone end Henry T. Jenkins will con. time the Commission Business at No. 41 Broadway, In the city of New York, under the firm at Stone & Jen kins. do9-ot.3if IpISSOLUTION.—Tho PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing ae BAKER & WILLIAMS le S DAY dleeolvod by mutual convent. The builueea will 'ho continued at the old steed, 1132 MARKET St., by CHARLES WILLIAMS, who Is authorised to collect and pay all debts of the late firm. PErElt W. DAHER, Deo. 1,1857. CHARLES WILLIADIS. The underaigged would inform the public), that Laying bought out Mr. P. 19. Baker. his late partner, he will continue the HEATING and VENTILATING business at the old Mand,ll3l lAILKEIT fittest, where will bo found a full assortment of Ranges, Heaters, Ventilator', Bath Boilers, he., and hopes, by strict at tention to business, to merit a share of the patronage of the public). N9r CHARLES WILLIAMS /TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE _ firm of REISS BROTHERS & CO., heretofore ex laflux In Now York and Philadelphia, la We day EIS POLY.ED by mutual catmint, and that the businese of the firm will only he carried on for tho purpose of /I vadat/on.- Sigued, ENOCH REISS, MAO REIS 8 JAMES REIM. M. GANS, JOHN POTTER. nolo,l3t&tuthe-tf November 16 Molten AMERICAN GOLD, NM YORK, BOSTON, AND BALTIMORE EXCLIANGBS, II ought and gala by P. BRADY & CO. Bankerd, 125 South THIRD Street, opposite the airatA Beek A MERIOAN GOLD AND NEW YORK .EXCISANON WANTED AT RIMIEST CURRENT RATES, 117 CRON INK A CO., SPECIE BROKERS, no2l.dtf 40 SOUTH THIRD ST , CAMBLOS, & CO., ' BANKERS, No. 3 South Third Street. The highest premium paid for AMERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORK RXOTIANON. Uncurrent Funds bought and sold. Btooka bought and sold on commission only. uolo.2m* 1.1 W. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS -Jur. No. sr South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made ou all accessible points to the Uutted States and Canada. Stooks, Bowls, & 0., Bought Sod Bold on Commission. Uneurrent Bank Not4e, Checks, ho., bought at On lona rates. Depuite received and Interact allowed, ea per agree went. nor 2.0 m itiourauct Compaiii ca. U.REAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY—Ottico, 403 WALNUT, Corner of FOURTH Street FIRE, MARINE awl INLAND INSURANCE at the lowest rates. PHILADELPHIA, November 23, 1867. At a meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, held on the 10th twit , the following para.s wows elected Directors fur thi coming year, vle CHARLES 0. LATHROP, 1423 Walnut street. WM. DARLING, 1510 Plue 'Greet. ALEX. WHILLDEN, merchant, 18 North Front at. ISAAC lIAZLEHURST, Attorney and COUtigellor. JOHN 0. HUNTER, of Wright, Hunter k Co. E. TRACY, of E. Tracy A Co., Goldsmiths' Hall. JOHN R. IiVOCRDY of Jones, White, & DUCurdy. THOS. 1,. GILLESPIE, of Gillespie & JAS. 11. SMITH, of Jas. 11. Smith & Co. E. HARPER JEFFRIES, of Win. 11. Brown di Co. JOHN It. VOODES, cor. Seventh and Sentient streets. CHAS. E. TIIOMI'SON, 413 Chestnut street. .150. J. SLOCUM, 224 South Third atroot. ALFRED TAYLOR, since Cairo City Property. And at a meeting of the Directors, held this day, CHARLES C LATHROP war unanimously re-elected Prealdent, and WM. DA RUNG, Vice•Preselant. 11. K. RICHARDSON, Asaistant-Secretary. aIRAItI) FIRE AN 'UII ANON COMPANY, PU 1412 WALNUT strnet, west o " VAS XISKS DIUO 1) MARINB INSUR ILAPELPIIIA--(1Blos,No. f THIRD. ' , NMI TARIM." TORO. Jer. Walker, Jon. MeOhm, Tho. Craven, A. 8. 0111ett, Furman tlheppara, Pmul. /oilers, M. D. Joseph Klapp, M. D. Wm. M. Swain, Jobp Annuli, Jr., H. N Burroughs, J. B. Hughes, Y. D. Sherman, Wm, P. Hacker, J. P. Steiner, H, A. Shackelford, Hon. 3€ I. W. WOODWARD, j /PIM B. ktvosn,NLAlß; JONES, President. , Vice President. idoidot.ux, Secretary. itautSecretery. oo2•Sm•1t - - OMAIONWEALTII FIRE INSURANCE VRE INSURANCE OV-TSIE STATI, Op PENNSYLTA NIA.--oMee, N. W. Cornei FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, Philaelphia. Subscribed 04,141, 5500,000. Paid-up Capital. $200.000. DAVID JAYND, M. D., President. THOMAS S. STEWART, Vice Prelet. gIa'WEL B. Moon, Secretary. VIIRISTAIAS AND HOLIDAY GOODS. w. D. tiLIINN, No. P.O South FOURTH Street, offers to dealers and the public a YRRY LARUE VARIETY OF FANCY (WOOS Suitable (or tba Holiday semen. Using eutirely of hie OWN IMPORTATION. Tho asHortniout embracer all the NEWEST STYLE, AND AT VERY REDUCED PRICES. Among it will be found— Paper Macho Work Boxes, Desks, Portfolios, Ac. Ladles' Cabas and Traveling lingo. Porte Monnales, Purses and Pockot Books, In great variety. Pearl 01114 Cases, beautiful styles. Bohemian Glass Toilet Bottles, richly decorated, Odor Boxes and Glove Boles. Fancy 'bonze Inkstands, Thermometers, &c. Backgammon and Chess Boards, Chessmen. Fine English Scissors, in sots. Fancy Cigar Stands and Cigar Cases. Scotch Wood Snuff Boxes and Fancy Articles. Medallions in plastic Ivory. Memorandum and Ball Tablets, in pearl and ivory. Together with numerous other articles in the lino. deg-Du-if ANNOUNCEMENT. Tho subscriber begs leave to announce to his friends and the public that he will open his SALOON Lit their reception on MONDAY, 14th loot Ills stock (a largo and rich variety) will consist of PRESERVIiII AND CRYSTALLIZED FRUITS, AMU- COTS CHERRIES, PINEAPPLES, YEARS , LIMES GAOES, QUINCES, &a BONBONS—AIargo awl fruit alon'tutout. FANOY TOYS—Mochanleal Toys, paper, wood, and Sugar—nu cadlatiaya!!ety.. FANCY BOXES—Newest styles, finny and plain, and varied assortment, of every possible description. SACS, CAMAS, CORNETS, BASKETS, 1 ICTORIAS, FASTILLAtIiId, &0., all of recent Importation, and viblch for extant and variety will 1.-ty competition. Fur sale by 8. LIENRION, Confectioner, des.lnt MARKET sheet, above Seventh. DUIILIO NOTICE.-E. G. WHITMAN & CO. are now prepared to offer to the public the beat and largest aanortment of Bonbons, Sugar Toys, Candled Fruits, Sugar and other fancy goods, suitable for Christmas Trees. The candle', manufactured by ne ero made of the beat material that eau be hut, amonget which aro tine sugar-coated Almonds, Telly Drops, Cordial Dropa, Moss Paste, Clime Drops, Caramelise, Sec , &O. P. $ --Superior Walnut Candies, Cream, awl all varieties of plain Candies. Also, dealers lu all kinds Foreign Polite and Nute. No. 102 Booth SE- CpND, one door below CFIESTNUT Street, Philadel phia. n 023 a to QAVING FUND.----UNITED STATES COMPANY, corner of TUIRD and CHEST NUT }Areas. Large and small come received, stud paid back on de. maud, without uotice, with VI YE TER CENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office boom, from') until o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until B o'clock. DRAFTS for nate on Englund, Ireland, and Scotland, from .Cl upwarde. President—STEPllEN It. ORAIVVORD. Treasurer—PLlNY VIM. Teller—JAMES It. GUNTER }MINCED MEAT.— The Bubtcribor has commenced manutecturioghit Ne Pint Ultra MINCED al T, which he carers to Me customers in LARGE or SMALL QUANTITIES Orders through 131.0013 0 3 DISPATCH %till Ira pm:w oolly attouded to. . . JOSHUA WRIGHT, 03 2ra rl SPRING U AUDEN awl FRANKLIN MS et LASS ! GLASS ! !—We invite the ellen- CC two or do public to our RUVtior oto,k of Eng lish, French and American Window Ohm Our etude Is large and well selected as to riser and qualities, and warranted tree from stains. 0. 80101ACK & NoR 152 tend 154 north Fourth etreet VARNISIIES, JAPANS, &c.--Wo still continue to manufacture all oursuperinr Varnishes and Japans, which aro unsurpes46l by any in this country, and invite the attention of deniers and cOliiiU- Iner9 to our stock U SCIIIIACIL S. 00., de743t* Nos. 152 and 154 north Yew th street. PLATE GLASS.—Our arrangements aro now complate, and wo aru ',Nimrod to furnialt to builder. and others superior French Plato Moan, a all area, an low as any other entablidhinaut in the city. C. & CO , Not. 162 and 164 not lit Fourth atreot. I. 4 ILOGAING BOARD 3-23,680 foot ()aro -1: Unarming board'', afloat, for sole by MARTIN A. MAOALIBTXR ael 119 North Wolff Street xi E At 0 V A 1.- , The bunineem of the PENNSYLVANIA 11ANK wlll Lo removed on tho lot proshou, to the second story of rigs's Building, WALNUT o l rect, east of Third. Thu nors of property lodgud at the Bank for safe keeping will please remove It Won, that day, or It wilt tor !gored elsewhere at,,thelroxponso and riot. dn. t jal J. E. FENllloltE, Aaslstant.Cashler. ivANTED-A VESSEL with largo deck V capacity, to toad for ()AUDI:NAB. quick des patch, and good rates given. Apply to 018110 e, SIMONS, & No. 120 (iate 30) North Wharves. TINES AND LIQUORS.—Beek, Dish, Scotch, and Monongahela Wk eitey i R ittes, Brandies, Hine, just received, sod for sale by ousilLus STUART, de•ltsk Ibuisynnk Bead, below Carpenter at NAVAL STORES.-03 bbls. Spirits Tur pentine. 492 bbls. No. 1, 2 and a Betio. 231 bble. Tar, for sale by I/REINER & lIARKNESS, (10-4t9 No. 79 N. Water street, and No. 30 N. Wharves. CARRIERS' ADDRESSES prepared by an experienced writer, et No. 1109 S. ELEVENTH Street, above Federal. deb PIItITS TUILPENVINE-200 bble Spirit Turpentine, to mire, for We by if.tufh i t r biAoALlßTXß, *l7 tirtlt Water ;treat. Wrn Q3crabe INDIA SHAWLS— GHO. PER, Old CHESTNUTRY STREET, Hu reeeived a few choice INDIA SHAIVI,S, Suitable for CHRISTMAS' PRESENTS. The attention of the Ladies is particularly Invited d9.2w CLOAKS.- CHEAP AND ELEGANT CLOAKS. The largest and handsomest stock of VELVET' AND CLO7'LI CLOAKS In the (My, AT RADOM) P11101:113, AT GEO. FRYER'S, No. 016 CHESTNUT STREET. d 420 2w lURNISHING DRY GOODS.- 0.8, 10.4, 12-4 Druggeta. 10•4, 11.4, 12-4, 14-4 all wooll English and Amerl can Blankets. Orson Baize or all widths. Marseilles Quilts, all sive and new designs. Embossed Stand and Table Corers. Rich styles printed Cloth do do. Table Linens and Damask Clothe. 81011 Window Rolland', from 28 to 54 inches. Green and Blue do do. At SHARPLESS BROTHERS, dO Chestnut and Eighth streets. Ill ()ELROY IS OFFERING MORE AUG.TION BARGAINS. $lO Silk and Wool Long Brodie nimbi only $lO.OO $l4 Silk and Wool Long Brodie Shawls only 000 $0 Silk and Wool Square Broche only COO $l5 Chenille, extra rich, only 8.60 $l2 Chenille, very rich, only 7 50 $7.60 Chenille, plai- '-`- - ... . _ uheuille,plain stile; 3 50 50 l'laid all-wool Long Shemin, beautiful, only —1 60 $l5 Cloaks, beautiful atyles and One fabric 10.00 $l2 Oloaks reduced to.. 5.55 $0 Cloaks reduced to 4 60 $1 Cloaks reduced to 3 50 100 yards very beautiful Cloth for Ladles' Cloaks 750. per yard, worth $1 50; a splendid aseortruent of aline Clothe, all ehadea and colors, imitable for ?lays' wear; Batinete and Fiannale at unprecedented low price.; one lot of Par/mattig at 31 cents, worth $5O; all shades all-wool Plaids at 28 cents, worth 02N ; non lot of all wool Detainee only 25 cents, worth 50 ; splendid Blan kets at only $3 per pair, worth $5; 500 yards of Black Bearer Cloth at $1 50 per yard, worth $2 50; Trim mings, in erelleas variety, at about half price. doB4lithe 5 10EL1t0Y , 1 4 ,11 South Ninth St. BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA NOTES REDEEMED AT ains at BELCHER'S, and notes of the above PAR.—Great bank bar t g aken in payment. CLOAKS and TALMAS at an immense reduction, much less than the coat of material, from 04 to $ 0. Broth° Long and Square Shawls, from $5 to $5O. Plush bordered Stella and Orapo Shawls, very cheap liferinoes, Paramattae, De!alms, L'oburgs, Valentilas, all wool Detainee, Robes a Quilles, Oct., &c , at an °annum. sacrifice. KID (MOVES, RIBBONS AND EMBROIDERIES, a , greatly reduced prices, as we are determlued tO eel them. VALENCIA AND lIONITON BETS.—We have jua received a beautiful lot, which we offer at less than con of importation. Now is the time for bargalua at F. & T. IL - BELCHER'S, d07.43t B. W. corner Eighth and Spring Carden. BROADCLOTHS, CLOAK CLOTHS.- Pino Black Broadcloth., reduced in price. Heavy Black Beaver Clothe. Light color. and Black Mohair Cloth. BATINETB AND CASOISIERIIB. Full and complete atock of these goods. flood Union ettllgialit I' ell, from auction, 40 ate Side-Wipe Union llareimeren, 50 cents. COOPER & CONARD, der-fit O. E. corner Ninth and Ittarket ate FINE CLOTH CLOAKS, READY MADE, or made to order, In 24 houra' uottee. Lot of Cloaks at $6, reduced from $lO. Cloaks of every style for Ladies, Allem' and Chit dreu, in CLOAK AND SHAWL ROOM. COOPER & CONARD de7.6t S. E. corner , Muth nod Market ate FINE GAY STYLES BAY STATE SHAWLS, Blanket, French Blanket, Thlbet, Broehe, Obiklren'n and Gent. , Mania, in CLOAK AND RCIAWL ROOM. COOPER & CONARD, del-tlt S. E. earner Ninth and Market ete $8!. I $8 !! ! $8 !! ! $8 1 1 1 1 • • UNPARALLELED OILEAP LONG BROCHE SHAWLS, AM. WOOL ANDWLE, FOR $S A eplendid assortment in Mry color centre at $lO, $l2, $l4, $lO, $lB, $2O, and $25. We do believe we can offer the beat ONE DOLLAR BLACK BILK IN PHILADELPHIA ! Bich fancy Silks from LO cents to $1.25 Englieb and Merrimack Calicos reduced to 10 cent'', French klerinoes,Enailsli Cobourga and DeLaines, very cheap, Blankets, Flannels, Cloths and Cos/door/3a, &c., CHEAP CLOAKS AND BLANKET SHAWLS! Irish Lime of our own importation. Hosiery, Cloven, mat Linen Hale , Scarfs, Ac , dre„ at TIIOIINLEY & CH 1851'8, N E corner of Malan and SPRING °ARDEN. WE BUY AND SELL FOR CASH. d 5 I/EDUCTION IN DRESS TRI3CIIINCS Faney VELVET, 50c , formerly 01 25. DALT. THIAMIN°, Braided Drop 31c, formerly 75. Do do Floe Drop 26e. do 60. And FANOY TRIMMINOS OF,NERALLY, AT STILL lINAVIIIR J. O. MAXWELL A SON, VIIESTNUT, below Eleventh, and SECOND, below Spruce B oys , CLOTHING. F. A . lIOY T k II It 0 . Rave now on hand a very largo assortment of READY-MADE GOODS, Suitable for the present season, which they feel disposed to sell CHLAP. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, 8 W. CORNBR TANTEI AND CUUSTNOT BTB. N. IL—We have a large assortment of uncut goods, of superior quality and make, to ruder from. V lENNESE AND PARIS BROM: LONG SHAWLS. On linutl, au uxtenilve stock, comprising all grades, the moat desirable colors and designs, purchased at o late Auction Sales in this city and Now York, AT (iltlietTLY REDUCED PRICES. Stiperior Hoods at 810, 811, 812. (11)1tWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Noa. 452, and 45t North BeTond Street, dl-y shorn Willow. B B O ro I n 'S D ' AR I T VI a, N B T R F O .I T I, H IV :R EAR. , A ll NI V ED'i 450, 462, and 454 NOItTII SECOND 'STREET, above Willow, Have ou hand an'exteneivo stock of BROAD (MOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETS, and VESTINOS, Purchased at the late Auction Sales, at dl-y REDUCED PRICES. A o A lf. ; OFI PE , N (CYA N ll N t S lie lr a l' o V te A s on theß S erik E o — l Pennsylvania redeemed at per for DRY fIOODS, selling at lens thou Auction prices. bluslius, Linens, Clutha, Oussimeres, Blankets, Shawls, Calicoes, Delalnes. at a great eserlke, in connection with our entire stook, which will be Hold at prices which will astonish all who may favor us with a call. Pennsylvania Bank Notes taken the same as specie, (we make no diKerenced at OLIVER 11. JOHNSON'S Pennsylvania Dank Note Dry Goods Store, No. lON MARKET &reel, above Tenth, ninth side. N, II —Orders received for the very bent Schuylkill Cool i Pennsylvania Bank Notes taken lu payment. OLIVER 11. JOHNSON, No. 1000 Market street. R E OVA L . L. T. LEVY & CO., IN ANTICIPATION OF REMOVAL TO TEIS SPLENDID NEW STORE, Now bolog erected for them In CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIIIHTII, are detorailoed, for a period of 30 DAYS. To dispose or a large amount of their Stock uow in store LOW PRICES FOR CASE They invite the attdutiou of the Public anti their Cue 01.1101 . 8 to one of the moot complete actiorttneute of IiTAPLE ANYI FANCY GOODS To he found is this country, which will he disposed of for the period named, at such prices as will insure their CHESTNUT STREET, NEXT TO TUE CUSTOM HOUSE G REAT SALE OF LADIES' CLOAKS.- A FURTHER REDUCTION IN PRICES as been determined on by the subscribers, in con efqueuco of the continued pre.nre 60051183E5 , ENCLISII BEAVER CLOAKS, $2, formerly $3 10. 800 MISSES ENOL/SII DEAVER CLOAKS, 60, formery 45 50. 250 SUPERIOR FRENCH [ BEAVER CLOAKS, $5 to 58, cost to import $I to $lO each. LONU BLACK BEAVFIR CIRCULARS, $B, formetly 512. RICH BLACK VELVET CLOAKS, All 20 per coot below cost of production. J N. PROCTOR & CO , Sucre:wore to Cleo Bulpin Sr Co , nl3 2mo d 708 CHESTNUT street. L ADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL Jc SON WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES, 1028 CUESTNUT Street, four doors below Eleventh Aug 318 S. SECOND St , below Spruro FACTORIES —Nue 95 and 97 GEORGE St., Tenth, end SECOND Street, near Union Ordeis made at a low hours , notice fEMMI!IiII JOHN FAR E IRA tic CO Importers, Manufacturers, and Dealers In VANCE fillS, FOR LADIES AND CLIILDREN. Havbig manufactured au 11111DC11913 Stock of PUBS, with the owsctatton of doing our usual business, the present pressure of the times, and comparative stagna tion of trade, have lett us with an unusual amount of Stock upon our shelves. It is to moot this difficulty that we have now DETERMItaID To cloco nut our ENTIRE STOCK At Prices actually loss than THEIR COt3T To MANUFACTURE ! We have also on hand a larg cud courpleta assort went of UENTtI' FURS, 01 OYES, All of which will be mold nt Tory LOW PRICES No. RIB MARICHT St , bet. Meal' and Muth, u010.6w South bide BOARDlNG.—Desirable second and third A-. Miry turulrlio.l NOON, with Board, at ilos.lw* 901 North NINTH sheet. NIAN I LI, A ROYE.--SUPERIOII MA ILL NILLA Ron:, isluntfaatur , W e 4 9nd for We by WEAVERITLF.R. & CO., t0n.91 No 29 N. Watsr mt., 9nll 79 N.Vharroa SAOTONS 01 MITCHELL &OlLOAS dale's improved super PHOSPIIATI: OP LIMN for sale by 0110ANDA1,11, HURON & CO uold-tf Nn. 104 N. Delaware avenue C NMI GALLS. WHALE OIL, Otlitru , Loco gall, Elephant Oil, hhts. hlo,l LerS Oil, for sale by OBOAEIDALE, E ELKIN, dc nolci-tt se, 104 N. Delaware arcane, THOMAS & SONS, • Noe: 139 and 141 SOUTH POMMES RR UT, (Yormorly No. 47 and 69.) REAL ESTATE, STOCKS &e. Public Sales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening. *- Handbills of each property Issued separately, in addition to which we publish on the Saturdayprovious to each eats one thoussod catalogues In pamphlet form, giving full deAcrlitof all the property to be sold on the following Toe FUItNITUR SALES AT THE AUCTION STORE every Thursday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. ID" We have a large amount of Real Estate at vate Sale, including every deseriptlon of City and country property. Printed Lista may be had at /he auction Store. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. Real Estate entered on our Private Sate Re gister, and advertised occasionally in our PabDo Sale Abatracts, (of which 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) free of charge. STOCKEi, MORTGAGE, REAL ESTATE, ita, Pamphlet Catalogues now ready containing fall de. ascriptions of all the property to be sold on Tuesday next, Bth Inst., with a list of sales 16th and 71d Decem ber, and a large list of Steal Estate at private sale. STOOKS. On Tuesday Evening, 15th instant, at 7 o'clock, It the Philadelphia Ex change, previous to the sale of real Mate: HAVRE DE GRACE TOW-BOAT COMPANY.—AIso, 2 shares Philadelphia & Davie de Grace Steam Tow- Boat Company. 1 share in the Philadelphia Library. I share in the Philadelphia Atheo.eum. I share in the Mercantile Library. REAL ESTATE SALE—DECEMBER 15th. This sale will include— Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Benjamin Burnell, Deceased. FOUR THREE-STORY BR lOK DWELLINGS—. Pratt street, east of Fairmount street. VALGABLB FARM, 77 acres and 39 perches, 9 miles from Pimcnixville, and 3 miles from Paoli, Chester county, Pa. NEAT DWELLING, %WHARTON STREBT.—AIso, neat modern three-story brick dwelling yak brick stable, north side of Wharton street, No. 913, between Fifth and Sixth streets. . . . THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING.—Three-story brick dweitiog, No. 931 North Twelfth street, between Pepltr street *ld Girard arenas. EXTRA VALUABLE REAL, ESTATE—DECEMBER 22. This sale will include LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT—Tenth street, be tween Chestnut and Market streets, corner of Marble street-90 feet front on Tenth street, 132 feet on Marble street, with frame tenements thereon renting for $2,400 a year. Clear of all ason:them:km VALUABLE CHESTNUT STREET PROPERTY— North side, west of Tenth street, 28 feet front,l7B feet deep. Clear of all ineumbrance. Rents for $1,820 a year, itWir — Both the above are valuable bualnem locations. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING —AThree -story brirk dwelling ; south side of Branch street, No. 308, between Third and Fourth, and Dace and New streets. TItItEE-STORY BRICK DWELLlNO.—Three4tery trials dwelling, No 13.01 Lewis street, north of Thomp son, between Tenth and Eleventh streets. VALUABLE RESIDENCE AND STABLE —Three. story brick dwelling, without double back buildings, No. 252 South Ninth street; between Locust and Spruce streets; also, a substantial new three-story brick sta ble and ranee-house in the rear, on Raspberry alley— lot 20 by ISS feet. Sale absolute. REAL ESTATE BALE—DEOE3IBER 2310. Thls sale will Include, among other property, the fol lowing— Orphi.' Court sale.—•Eutate of William Fucker Deceased. TIIREF.-STORY MUCK DWULLINCI.—Three-story brick dwelling, north side Poplar street, west side of Twelfth street. Same Rotate. LOT —Lot of ground north Bide Girard avenue, wee or Twelfth street. ➢RICK BUILDING &ND LOT.—Lot of ground eu side of Kessler street, south of Diamond street, Mlle teenth ward. • . THREE-STORY BRICK DWE.LLINO.—Three-story brick dwelling went aide of [Mira street, south of Stiles street, Twentieth ward. REAL ESTATE SALE—JANUARY 6th. Thi sale will Include— AN ENTIRE SQUARE OF GROUND. TWENTY THIRD WARD, OPPOSITE THE EPISCOPAL nos- PITAL—The valuable square of ground, having a front of 585 feet on Front atreet, 615 feet on Lehigh aieuue, 585 feet ou Fillmore street, and 546 feet on &unreel Went, Four valuable (route. SALE AT TUE AUCTION STORE TIIIS MORNING. CARD —The superior furniture, fine Brussels, Impe rial, ingrain, and venetian carpets, mirror., bookcases, china and gloss-ware, plated ware, beds and lieddlng, superior fire-proof chest, store fixtures, large number of stoves, Ac., to be sold thlsmorning, at the auc tion store, are now arranged for examination by cata logue, to which wa invite tics attention of 'MUM (Wei MUD of purchasing. Sale Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FINE MIRRORS., PIANO FORTE, BRUSSELS CARPETS, Ac. This Morning, At 10 o'clock, at the allettOn store, an extensive assortment of second-hand furniture, One mirrors, Brussels carpets, &c., from families declining house. keeping. SUPERIOR FIRE-PROOF CIIEST.—AIso, a large and superior fire-proof cheet made by Wilder ROSEWOOD PIANO-FORTE, —Also, an elegant rosewood piano -forte by Schomacker. Also, 2 superior bsg-atellc tables, with balls and cues. Also, a large painted show-case—glass sash, coun ters, case drawers, show cases, Ac. SA LE OF STANDARD EDITIONS OF THE POETS, ILLUSTRATED WORKS, ANNUALS FOR 1b53. ELEGANT ALBUMS, &c. This Evening. December 10th, at the auction More, an asvortnient of stmolant miscellaueouv books, illustrated work., an nuals for &c. Wrier particulars see catalogues SALE OF LAW BOOKS. On Monday Evening, December 14th, at the auction store, Nos. 130 and 141 South Fourth street, will be sold a stock of law books, comprhing veriouv reports, digests, elementary worlrv, Ac , Particulars In catalogues, which will be ready on Monday morning and the books arranged for exami nation. PEREMPTORY Btu: OF STATUARY, MARBLE AND STONE OROUPS, FOUNTAINS, MANTEL PIECES, TABLES, &c. On Tuesday Morning, 1111, imdant, at It o'clock, in. tho second story of the auction store, nill he sold by catalogue, nithont reserve, an invoice of statuary, Le , recegtly imported from Lomhsrdy per berg,,? Pennaylvatin, by Signor Pomp., Argentl. The collection. comprises many very beautiful specimens suitable for the drawing-room: also, Sue garden statuary and fountains, UY Mis)*be examined any time previous to sale, Peremptory Sale. 250 FINE OIL PAINTINGS AND WATER COLOR DRAWINGB—SVOCK OP A. S ROBINSON. On Thursday Morning, 17th inst , at 10 o'clock, at the store of A. S Robin son, No. 010 Chestnut street, will be sold, by catalogue, without reserve, about 260 choice and valuable oil paintings and water color drawings by eminent artiste, including Moran, Oereher, Weber, Rotherniel, Brochart, Richardson, Van Starkonberg, Inner, Birch, Ramey, Lewis, Lawrence, Leutne, Schnesaelle, Brughel, ant. telle, O. Latubdin, J. R Laud/din, &c , 4e. re' lull particulars in catalogues, three days pre. vloue to the sale. Shares in the Academy of Music ; Point Breeze Park ; Philadelphia and Mercantile Libraries; Athenmum, " PARLEY" AT PRIVATE BALE - • —. The elegant country seat and farm. known as a Far ley," late the residence of Richard Paxson, deceased, formerly of Dr. Shippers,ls offered at private sale. Full descriptions may be had the auction rooms. MOSES NATHAN 8, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION AIBROHANT, 8. S. cornet SIXTH and RACE Streets. AT PRIVATE SALE—GoId and silver patent lever, Lepine, English, Swiss, and French watches, jewelry, of every description, musical instraments, le., &e. AT PRIVATE SALE—Arranged on second Door, household furniture, of every description, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking glasses, fancy sancta, &0.. &a., Ac. Out-door salsa attended to personally by the Amnion eer Chagos very low. Consignment', of furniture clothing, jewelry, Re., Ace, solicited. NATHAN'SPRINCIPAL LOAN OFFICE, S. E. Corner of Sixth and Race Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and sliver Plate Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds Clothing, Dry Goods, Oroceriea, Segsrs, hardware, Cutlery, Farnham. Bed ding, HUMS, Vehicles, Harness, Stocks, land on all ar ticles of value for any length of time agreed on, ou more satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estab lishment. M. NATLIANS, NOTICE —All good/Maenad at the Office, S. N. cor nor of Math and Rue streets, will be sold on Thurislay Jimmies, 17th instant, at 10 o'clock. Depositors can call previous thereto and renew their tickets. LARGE SALE OF FORFEITED GOODS, at the S. E. corner of Sixth and Race etreets, Thursday Morning, 171), Instant, at 10 o'clock, in the sales-room, second story—entrance from Race street. Consisting in part of one case, 175 pairs children's shoes, one very fine sur veyor's instrument, mode by Knox & lihnin, two very tae microscopes, superior Daguerreotype camera—complete, superior overcoats , frock and dress coats, Raglans, pantaloons, vests, handkerchiefs, under clothing, boots, shoes, umbrella., silk dresses, merino, mous delsiee, dotage, cashmere, alpaeca, and chintz dresses, and dress patterns, cloth solvet and silk mantillas, bisques, circular., cloaks and capes, crape, silk, broohe, merino, stens, bay Stele, and plaid woollen shawls, Indies' under•eluthing, parasols, gaiters, shout, bonnets, feath er beds, colutortables, gmlts , bed-spreads, table-cloths, sheets, pillow. cases, violins, tin lass, accordeorts, gui tars, double end eingle•barreled fowling pieces, patent rifles, revoking and other pistols, patent umbrellas and canes, steel eludes, and a thousand other articles. ID -- Particulars hereafter. IMMENSE SALE OP k'ORMTED IVATCHES, JEW ELRY, SILIaR PLATE, Ac &c At the S. E. career of Sixth end Rate streets, On Tuesday Morning, figil instant, at 10 o'clock. 117' Potboilers hereafter GREAT 11A RGAINS FOR CIIRISTMAS PRESENTS, AT PRI FATE SALE, AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES Hunting cam, double case, and double bottom, full jeweled and plain English patent lever watches Silver Eogle,h patent lever wattles Hunting case and open face gold escipement and loser watches Hunting case and open face gold iepine watches. Very fine enameled ladles` gold watches. Silver lever and lepine watches, English, Swiss, and French watches, gold chains, jewelry, musical instru ments, and numerous limey articles. WEBB'S great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, ?austral Instruicsouta, &a , will take place shortly. Due notice will be given WEBB'S great sale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding, Ac , being forfeited constants, will take place shortly. Due notice will be given AT PRIVATE SALE, AT HALF THE rtuAL SELLING PRICES —Double-bottomed and hunting case gold patent lever watches, of the most op. proved makes; bunting case and open face gold escape ment lever and lupine watches, full jeweled; One gold enameled lever and lupine watches for hullos'; gold jewelry of every description; silver lever and Wpme watches, in hunting eases and open face; eilver English, Swiss, and French watches, a general assortment of fur niture, beds, mattresses, mirrors, i.e. OUT-DOOR SALES SOLICITED, and °hugs' to suit the times, low. Consignments of every description 21 goods solicited for public or private sale. MONEY ADVANCED on all and every kind of goods, for public, or private bile, Sr to be bind for a limited time Charges tow. e 22 4mlr EORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER N..* N. N corner of BARRON and SOUTH Streets ntwee Beton& . . .... EVENIND HAUS. SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, At 7g o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Ttantdritta, Out lery, Ifoudekeeping Articled, Olothtrg, Watches, Jewel• ry, noel Articles, &a. ecntleincit's efoobo 11 NE SHIRTS, mule to order, end war ranted, of elogaut ortteritl and Nuperior work ruanehip Also, Ores,' Stock, amt (lelltlolll.ll . M Wrap pent, at the. Prennuill Sturool W. W. XNIQIIT, 612 ARCH Street, Rbure Sixth uti2l.y COLLARS, /ko W! WRAPPERS! W RAP vERS '—.t very large and elegant a.saorttnent at reduced priera. Al.O, heavy an& r-cluthing of all da nerlptioos, for viatomeit'a ,est, at W. el'S A Hell Street, above Stith, no2l-y 'INCHESTER k SCOTT, GENTLE VTbtLN'S YURNISHIND STORE, and PATENT SMOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. TOO CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Weateru Merchants, and Stranger., is particularly Matted to this improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole sale and retell, and made to order. anSaylf 'ATANTED.-AN A 1 VESSEL, TO SlTC reed the ship MAROalli;l`, in iha Leninism& Line for NEW ORLEANS Quirk despatch nod goal rates given. Apply to 111S110P, SIMONS, A CO , deß it 3'4 (late 311 J NORTH It littliVXs, Sake bn 9lnction MEM Sam Istato AT PRIVATE SALE Oaks by %maim .13 SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONKER, (notes • sot to WOLDEBT t 8M111,) in Mwrlv, at, opposito th* Outcpa thou*, betusoa Youth aid Patti Streets. EIS BALL riday ing, Commencing at 11 g o'clock Mor n, will he soli withost reserve, for emh, a valuable assortment of furs for ladies' and gentle wear, sleigh Tobin, &e., ennigating of ladies' Selma, cloaks, pelerines, vietoriam, mobs, 4 t pets, rode, lie., mule In the latest style, of myna, Sit*risa squirrel. stoma martin, silver martini engine, swaesdoers &e. ID" May be examined early on the morning of sal*, with catalogees. GALS OF itZADY•MADE CU/THING. On Friday Morning, • Comming at log owoek, sill be sold Without re serve, to mesett, of stock °trusty- made &Atkin/. &Misting of coats, pants, sad vests. [Er Nay be esszolaed isuly on the morning of sale. JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, NO. 422 WALNUT MIX T, shore FOURTH. OAND—BALX ROMMIOLDIFUINFItriti—TUES.. DAY. W. beg leave to Inform the palate that we hold oar regular weekly mire of Furnitans every Tessatay at our BpACIOIIB SALES BOOM, NO. 422 WALNUT STREET, where every pomade attention is given to ob tain the highest prices for the goods of those who may favor nis with consignments. Families having portions of their furniture to dispose of, or thou declining home keeping and not wishing sales at their own d can have their furniture CLREYULLY RZELOYE ‘na b th rlS OUR SALES ROOM, WHERE THEY WILL ERALI.I,III BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY CAN OBTAIN FROM ANY OP THE FURNI TURE DEALERS OB ANY OTHER AUCTION STOW* IN THE CITY. ED' Persons favoring as with consignments can rut assured that their property will not be sacrificed. Commission more moderate than those shaved by any other Auction House in the city. Consignments respectfully solicited. ljer Salm paid immediately after the goods are sold. REAL ESTATE BALE—DECEMBER 23d. This sale at the Exchange, on Wednesday _ evening, December 234,1067 , at 7 o'clock, will include- Orphans' Court &de—Estate of Joseph Colhoun, Dee'd. FRAME HOUSE AND LOT, ANN STREET, NINE TEENTH WARD —A frame house, and lot of ground, southeast aide of Ann street, 80 feet southeast from Sarah street, Nineteenth ward, 20 feet front, 103 feet deep. ELS ground neat. Orphans' Court fiale.—Estate of H. Y. Roemer, Deo'd. PROPERTY QUEEN STREET, KENSINGTON .—A certain house and lot, north aide of Qneezt street, 20 feet (root, and 120 feet deep, to a 13J feet alley leading from Shackanutxon stmt. Clear of Ineambrauees. Orphane' Coort Sale.--Same Estate. FRAME HOUSE AND LOT. POPLAR STREET A frame home, and lot of ground, north side of Poplar street, between front and second, 23 feet front, and 114 feet deep. $l2 ground real. Pcontire Sale. BTORE AND DWELLING, COATES ST., ABOVE EEVEWIEENTII.—A three-story brick store and dwel ling. south side of Coates street, SS feet 9 Inches emit of Eighteenth street, IT feet 1 inch front, and fit ft. 7t4 Indies deep, along Florence street. The house has bulk windows, gee, end hydrant. $l4 ground rent. Rents for 5200 per annum. fily•Terrus—cuah. Sale positive. nj- $lO to be paid on each of the above rhea the unto is struck off. AT PRIVATE RALE. A Ant-class Printing Office, with a good row of busi ness, four printing precsee, two Ruggles and oise Adams Tpe and everything useesaary for the traelnesi. Apply at ' the Auction Store. SAMUEL NATRANS, AUCTIONEER, e... 7 and MONEY LOAN "OPPIOE, No. 112 I3onta THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite POSS it, only eight doors below the Exchange. Henri of bnatneae from 7 o'elook t A. K., until 10 o'clock in the evening. Outdoor sales, and sales at the Audio* Hoary at tended upon the most aatisfactory term. OAPITAL f2OOOOO. Estobliraed jet the Mar 'Thirty Years. Advancee made from one dollar to thousands to Dia monde, Silver Plata, Watehee, Jewelry . , Hardware, /der ehandlm, Clothing,'" urnlture, Bedding, Organ, Mosle m lnetrnmente, Orme, Home, Carriages, and Goods of every description. All upon. goods can remahr say length of time agreed All alveretee, from one hundred donna and Opwarde will be charged 2 per cent. pez month ; POO seat ova, the lowest market rate. . . This @tore Roue having a depth of 120 fest, km large are and thief-proof vaults to store all valuablea, and pea vats watchmen for the premises' also, a heavy in= ranee effected for the benefit of allpersons laving goods advanced upon N. aeeount of haling an unlimited capita, this office Is prepared to male advances on more antis. factory and accommodating terms than soy other In this etty. Honey advanced to the poor, is Min amounts, frith out any charge. AT PISTATB BALI. Goia reiwit lever wrd osier waullue, Jarezy, sad Clothing be Bold it reduced prima. aul-ly -_ • 9lmusentents. fIRAND CONCERT AT THE ACADEMY VI OP Mt SIC, CORNER OF BROAD AND wousr STREETS, for the benefit of the ST. JOAN'S ORPHAN ABIALMII,, ON FRIDAY EVENING, 11th inst When the following eminent talent will appear, hav ing in the kindest manner tendered their valuable ser vices for the occasion .7 31ISS AGNES and FANNY HERON, 31R. J FRAZER, Sitiheß RONDINELLI, Pll. ROHR and O. TBUNDER. Admittance —Yarquette and Dress Circle, 50 cents. Family Circle, I; cents. Doors will be open at SX, ant per fortuswes to commence prteisely at tilo.2te D HALL—THURSDAY, 3 . 11./ D S E I c e E d m LuEIR.II.3T GRAND ENGLISH CONCERT! FAREWELL NIORT OF MLLE TERESA PARODI, HENRI TIEUXTEMPS. MISS ANNIE. MILNER, (The new English Prima Donna.) ERNEST PERRINO, (The new English Tenor.) Both great artists, 'laving beeu engaged In London, by the Ibrectons of the Academy of Memo, New York, for the production of English Operas and Omni Ora torios. The price of admission. notwithstandlocr the great et liu been flied at PIETY CENTS, the pries which prevail to be entirely successful in tie New York Academy of Maxie and at Eiblo's Garden. The programme for this occasion has been carefully selected, and will be the most attractive ever offered in a Concert Boom. MLLE. TERESA PARODI k MISS MILNER will sing the soul-stirring American National Song, TILE STAR SPANGLED BANNER. and will repeat, by general request, the celebrated French National Hymn, , LA MARSIIILLAISE. Both musical compositions hare produced the most Intense enthusiasm wherever sang by Mlle. Parodi. MLLE. PARODI will sing: Aria " Tanaredi," "Je rtualem," n In the F.ve there Liu the Heart," "La Marseillaise." Two Duets—" I would that my Love" and "The Star Spangled Banner," with MISS MILNER. MISS MILNER will aing "I Rouse from Dreams of Thee," "lam a Merry Zingare.'• Duet : nMaritani. with 3lr. PERRINO, and two English Duets with Mlle. PARODI. HENRY YIEUNTEMPS will play—Yontaslo : "La cis." Norma. (by request) FANTASIE ON ONE STRING, and Souvenir of Paganini. ERNEST PERKING will sing: "My Sister Dear," "In Native Worth,'' and an English Duet with Miss Milner. Conductor—Signor PERUOINI. ID" Tickets can be obtained at the principal Music Stores, and on the evening of the Concert, at the Halt. Concert commences at 8. d9fft ATLE Y's ARCH T. THEATRE V —SOLE LESSEE W. WENATLEY Will be preeouted THIS (Thursday) EITHNING, Dee. 10th, 1817, TIM JEALOUS WITH. Mr. Oakley', Mr. Wheatley; Major Oakley, Mr. Dot man; 31ra....0akley,Mrs. .F ..:.L„Dttrenzat.... THE INIDE Or LiailiVlSlooll. }4gar Ravenswood, Mr E L Davenport; Caleb Bal derston, Mr Thayer; Lucy Aahton, Mrs Davenport; Lady Ashton, Mrs Elmore. SCALA or Pan:nth—Boxes, 25 cents; Bemired Beats, 38; Orchestra Stalls, 50 cents Beets in Private Boxes, 75 cents; Gallery, 13 cen ts; . Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; Private Box on Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 cents. Box Office open from 10 A. If. trail 3P. SI. Doom will open at 5% o'clock; performance to commence at 7, precisely. AVALI T iroe, rA. STREET SIh .TBHEAtage MTRE.—Lues r. John Sefton. E. Prices.—Dreva Circle and P a arq n ue r ?te, cants; Upper Circle, 25 cents ; Secured Seats, 3l oenta; Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 50 rents. Box Office open from 9 o'clock A. 51 to 3P. 31. Doors open at quarter to 7 o'clock ; performance to commence at 7)(, precisely. Will be performed THIS (Thursday) EVENING. Dec. 10th, 1957, THE ENOIIANT BESS. Ramir Forte brechio Duke d' Aquila Steps, the Eueheutreze NATIONAL THEATRE AND CIRCUS, I. WALNUT STREET, NEAR EIGHTH. LESSEE WESLEY BARMORE. EQUESTRIAN MANAGER TIIOB. KING. Will be presented THIS (Thursday) EVENING, Dee. 10th, ISST, BRILLIANT 110fi:IERANSBII;, FONT RACES, ate , &a. Mr. WOODS at Richard 111, Sir John Falstaff, aril Sbylock. To conclud.se!tktka K-atiskE.qusalrlsihreas or the M:M=MIEBEI Two of tba moat renowned Clowns in the world, Mr. FRED WILSON and Ur J RUCK, well also be in at tendance PRICg3 OF AD11153103.-- Dregs Circle 37X cents Fa mily Circle 23 cents. Private Boats 50 tents. Loora open at G 4 o'clock. Performance to Com mence at 7' o'clock. JATNE'S NEW HALL, CHESTNUT ST., BELOW SLVENTIL BUCKLEY'S SERENADERS, Will petforn THIS (Thursday) EVENING, Deo. 10th, The great Burlesque Opera of I RO V A TORE . Count Luuatick, Mr R, B. Buckley; Lady Lemmonore, C Preredua by their inimitable ETIIIOPIAN MINSTRELSY. Doors open at half-past 6 o'clock Curtain rises et half pant 7 precircly. Adunamon 25 cents VXTRA NOTICE --WHEATLEY's ARCII ALI STREET TWEATRE MRS E L DAVENPORT'S FIRST BENEFIT, Fll /DA I E VEXING Dte. ISIT. POE LADY OF LYONS. Clande Melnotte Mr E L Davenport Pauline Mrs. E. L Davenport THE SERIOUS FAMILY. Widow Delmaino 31r' L Davenport Capt Murphy Magssire Mr E. L Dare:also:l Mr Charles Torrens Mr W Wheatley Mr Anoiniilah Sleek Mr Thayer Box is uow open di-r/tw SANFORD's OPERA HOUSE— IF.I.IIWENTII Street. abuse Chectoul. ETITIOPI AS PEEWEE INCES THIS EVENING. Ethiopbso Life Illustrated by Sanford's Troupe of Stara—New Danceg by the Sanford Children. Doors open at 7 o'clock—to commence quarter before eight. To conclude with A lACtiIIABLI ASTRRYINOR. Admittance IS cent/ Q/ 2 ..rpress eompanice 11HE ADAMS EXPRESS CO. OFFICE, .T3O CHESTNUT STREET, formed" PARCELS, SLOE:A.OES, MERC,HANDILE, BANE NOTES o.nd SPECIE, ottlier 11 its own LINES, or in coonectiqo with °Hirt EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the prtnepal TOWNS and CITIES a the United Steve. R. B. SANDFORD, Ormond SuperintendsAt• (Blass nub nitta UJare. CALL AND SEE The Greeted MISTY OP HOT, IDA T PRESENTB Ever ex li ILI tea in •U CITY OP PRILARELPIIIA, Which will be sal at mieerltrqly LOW PRICES SIARXSEN 8 WITTE'S, MASONIC HALL, 713 CHESTNUT ST COTTON -100 bales Gulf Cotton, In core ar4 fur ea by MARTIN a /LIOLLISPLI, sal 01 1 / 1 Wgiar Peet 31r. Itichingr ..31r. Bagwell .. Mr. Shewell Min Richlnge
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