c ' a..,•.;',..., .i.....e.e41,-. 6 4,:-.,'...,"....,1?!....e...47:',.-'.."'-... IRPSPATt; PEQMER 10 0 1857. THE wpwriy fRESS: IMMOV NP. 1 8 1 r.or EATIOrDAY, TtieigigonfniinibarContalas, tiedb**OBERTEROTISIABSSAGE; and thii OPOTAAtTAIVIEOBSTARY OF TOE TREASURY, a vatt,'laMoat of ialßablo reading, among which y 111- be f0,90,909,0916,4t,f , . _ iiI.ORIALS • , , • TOY(IYASiditiIiTON UNION IN ARMS, AND BAUER .DRI,UdION Tlnk tii litkOOW EitlOEltdi, Oil. TH 'OAOSAS , ',VillrAlgarrirrltyri.ONflitirmr'ita TO 1:11431. DVOOMONS, MACKAY: - TIICADMINIBTRATION - AND.TME _ SOUTH. - THE' KANSAS CONSTITUTION. - ' OilalfoENti ON,:THE , THIOLICHTH OF,,,THE PEOPLE.- TEtreAstourre. INDICTMENT. - CONCILIATION 'AND CONOESSION. EIGHTS VAt.jvnotthp OF COPYRIGHT: 814.NERY QUESTION. - A ,NEHIIRADING , - - • . THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAHE. • ' COUNTERFEIT, BANK NOTES. POETRY. THE TROOIJNi!:4INB- 7 117 B. D. Pernickx—(Orl. - , *ALMA—(originsl). • , 1; ;OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS. Rualbrams stussAoE.• ,-. REPORT OP THE SEORETERY OP THE TREASURY `;;' - '6E' THE, STATE OP THE ,PINADOES. „ . , • (192scrigotr.—liyOrial: oiarisTra.—(Oxiginal)... ' A VISIT TO RENA - MISCELLANEOUS. WIT AND . - COLUMN FOE TUN TOUNe- CHAlL&D.C.—(Origima). • - DOMESTLt MARKETS. THE TAST,¢IITB. - , IMPORTANT - FROM 'I'RE UTAH EXPEDITION. LATEST - INTELLIGENOE HY TELEGRAPH 'AND MAILS, FROM WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA, EUROPE, &b. CRIMES AND CASUALTIES, PERSONAL AND MIS . ~CEI.LANEOUS INTELLIORNOE. • SEEION'INIECELLANEOCS NEWS. THE WIFE Of TWO MIME BROTHERS. FOREIGN ITEMS. FOREIGN U.kitionli.• _ - oONNEEPO ENCE. CORRESPONDENCE PROM isumirros. CALIFORNIA LETTER. LETTERS FROM A SEBASTOPOL DIVER. TEE CITY. MONEY, OItAIN, - GOBN, CATTLE MARKETS, tie. WEEKLY REVIEW Or TEE PHILADELPHIA MAR SETS. . MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. Avontek SOLDIER GONE. • . DEPARTMENT. rirzirtoniorrE OP - ALKALINE_ ROIL BY THE - BEET. , , MORE 80100111) StIGAIL pausEgtorGTENDpISPLANTI3 BERING WEITER YORITION 'Or , rOBTB'', , • , ingspwirVlNE. , TSB WEEKLY PRESS Is furnished to subscribers at -$1 Per year, in advance, for the single copy, and to clubs or when sent to one address, $2O, in advance. ShigledoliimOis„ , sale, - at the counter of Tni - Pasee of fice;itt-Wrappers,iiadi for maillug., _ - Parsons ,sen434;iln:On;.:slt Svienty or over will please bear k mind Wit Alia, paper Gins ordered cannot be di rected to each aubscriberi - unlese the club price or $1.20 per annum, la ,paidi and paid its edvante. This is in accordatisewith"-our published rates, sad - some or our friends .have overlooked it. Our hoary lisle compel us to adhere to this i'morr Paos.—The Post Office; Later from Yucatan; Reports of the Secretary of the In terior arid of the Navy; Items of News. FOURTH Ps.ari. 7 --Tho City, &o. REPORT OF TUE' SECRETARY OF WAR This able dOcument is in type, but was una voidably crowded out of this morning's issue. It will appear to-morrow. THE REPORTS OF THE HEADS OF THE DEPARTMENTS The reports of the heads of the various de partments of the Government, accompanying the President's Message, are full of important suggestions. They show that the whole, of the vast machinery of the Federal Government Is actively at, Work, and forcibly impress the reader with the vastness of the interests under Its direc timi foal control. In vitae , of the important topics prominently; brought before the attention of the country; we cannot but regard the nest four Yea, rs:* desttned to mark one of the roost Im pertant eras in the lietor • of the ov: s .. 1 " alrs; ; and the Seeretary of the Transiity treats at length, and with_great ability, the questions coming within the scope of his dopaitasent. Among other, important suggestieria, he pro poses to bring under the operation of- a com pulsory bankrupt law banks and corporations. It was 'said' of, the American army at Buena Vista, that they were fairly whipped, over and over again, by the Mexicans, bat they did not know It, or at least acted as if they, ere unac quainted with the fact. Their bravery and per severance under adverse circumstances greatly. redounded to' their honor and the 'glary of American arms. We have, however, too many cases of 'bulks and railroad companies being bankrupt without appearing, to know it, and in this condition they perform those extramdi nab; 'Prodigies of tinanciering, which inflict wide-spread and lasting injury and ruin upon a too confiding public, and finally involve the 'Whole_ nation in terrible disasters. If a plan can . - be devised, -as suggested by Secretary COBS, to protect the community from such , dingo* be productive 'of great public benefits. Mr. Cove clearly points out the advan tagetinti Wattling of tike Independent Treasury system, argoommends the striking example it pirnishes totheyavoilible consideratioti of the State Govermainti of the Union-advises the withdrawal of all . .notOM ander the denomina tion- Of twenty ty!lks jifinl circulation—die cusseslbet,iiritrina our national finances, and makes a miniber of -valuable suggestions. The'Sneretary of War, Mr. FLOYD, gives a graphic ascription of the condition of the important department over which he presides with distinguished ability, and ably directs the attention of Congress to its necessities. In censeqiience of the threateniiig aspect of the Mermen complication, and the never-ending difficulties with the Indians, the duties of this department are daily increasing in importance and responsibility. For the first time in our history, an armed rebellion of serious magni tude, and in a remote and abnotit inaccessible region, has been organized ;against the Re public,- and great -exertions and heavy ex penditures will he required to subdue it. ' On, this:, question, ,However, we trust the , whole Union will becordialltunited in strengthen leg the arms of the Administration against the peculiar and graceless traitors who have trampled-upon the laws and defied the powers of the National Government. The augges lions of the Secretary, to provide for some method by Which the American regular soldier, *hen:really. meritorious, can rise from • the ranks to the station of a commissioned officer, Mod to make' prodotion in the higher grades depend 'inori.merlf rather than seniority, will strike a responsive chord in the public heart. These great .reforms would do much to pro 7 mote the' efficteney of our Military organiza tion, and they richly_deservo the attention of, Congress,' The - great project,' ably advocated by Mr. AtranauAs,,of. - a -Paoltic railroad, as sisted by grants of land or money, being con sidered constitutional In view of the war making Paster, is also.. Considered by the Se cretary of War, and the necessity of a speedy empletion.Ol other military roads urged upon Congress. The report of the Secretary of the Interior vividly portrays the vastness of do public do main--advedates an important change in our Indian policy—and ably discusses a number of important aubjects. WPAinblish it at length this mnoridpg. 4, will amply repay an atten tive perusal.' We yesterday published an abstract of the report of the rostniaster Giiteral, and to.day publish one of the. report of the Secretary of the Navy., These documents also abound in important information. and .praitical sug-. No reader of",:these reports can fell' to be deeply impressed4ith the vivid picture they give lie ort,he'growing greatness 'Wenr cm: try and theVaidnesS 'Otte interests: g c liOver , exciting the Kansas question may become, we trust itwill not be allowed to. divert Congress diem - a:proper degree Of attention' to any of ilie'other gr o at: anbjectinteseated for consid eration; but that each in receive Pot degree'of careful, consideration which a due raga for the welfare of the 'nation re ritit OCR PRINCIPLES ENDORSED. The President in his Atessage says o "Uuder I the earlier practice of the Government, no Con *Hutton framed by the A:louver:Hower a Ter ,ritery, preparatory to its .idinissiou.intc; the Union as a State, had been submitted to the people. I trust, howeverillie example set by the last Congress, reyttiring that the Constitu tion of Minnesota 'should be subject to the ap proval and ratification of the people of the pro posed Staid; may be followed on future occa sions. I TOOILIT FOR GRANTED that the CON. wiliness Of FanSas would ad in ACCORDANCE with-this iiample, founded, as it is, on CORRECT ertixem , ss; and hence, my instructions to Go vernor Writurft, in favor of submitting the Constitution to the people; wore expressed in general and lINQUALIVILD terma." I Thus the President concurs with and he sus tains us in affirming : Find. That the submis sion 'of the whole Constitution of Kansas (as it: the' example of' Minnesota) is fol . :tided on correct principles, and consequently that the Convention which refused to allow that sub mission violated those principles. Second. That it was so plainly, the duty of the Conven tion to have submitted the whole Constitution to the people, that he look it for granted the Convention of Kansas would have done so ; and consequently, that their refusal to do so was a violation of their duty, and of his just expecta tions, and, let us add, the just expectations of a large portion of the Democratic party. Third. That as the President rightly, took it for granted the Convention would submit the whole Constitution to the people, ho gave corresponding instructions to Governor WALICER, and thus the latter was warranted in giving the people the same cc general and unqualified" assurance, which, in refusing to carry. out, the Convention violated correct principles, the President's just expectations, thO terms of his instructions to Governor Virenitna, the pledges and assurances of the latter; and, in fact, their own solemnly signed and published pledges to the Democratic party and to the people of Kansas, A LESSON FROM THE CRISIS. • It, is admitted on all sides that we have been living too fast. For is the fault alone with ns on this side of the Atlantic. Every where, the cause has been the same, and the effect the same, too. In Europe, there may not have been , quite as 'much persona/ extrava gance, for the habit of accumulation largely prevails there, but there has been quite as much speculation, if not more. The desire of increasing capital by out-of-the-way means, of making fortunes in a hurry, is more decided, and always has been, in England than Ameri ca. And thus may several panics be accounted for: that of 1825, when John Bull, in invest meats in foreign mines and loans to for eign countries, actually parted 'with $400,- 000,000 of hard money, not a shilling of which aver came back; in 1837, when speculations in joint-stock banks absorb ed the earnings of thousands, flooded the country wish paper money, and thereby led to reckless over-trading ; in 1845, when the Rail way mania converted England Into one great arena for gambling; and now, in 1857, when the granting of excessive credits, the negoti ation of indifferent paper, and investments in railway and other stock, in various parts of the world, but particularly in the United States, have brought England as near .ruin as she ever was' since first she aimed at becoming a great commercial nation. To the disasters which have taken place, we have largely contributed, no doubt. Wo are just recovering from the shock, and will come out of the crisis more frightened than hurt. We aro a young nation, with our vital energies fresh and strong, and therefore our recuperative power will enable us to renew our strength, like a young eagle, before the older and less vigorous nations of Europe can do. Is the tornado to pass us by, and leave behind nosub jeet for serious reflection and regret? Are we so careless, or so proud, that we shall recklessly and thoughtlessly turn from the grave lesson which passing events ought to teach us? Are we, in a word, to learn nothing from our suf f.iings? Personal extravagance, fn which both sexes largely 'indulged ; only a little while ago, on tjuestionably has been checked, and by the simplest force—namely, the want of money. Those who had accustomed themselves to ex• traragances of various kinds, and were com- they eon ispenso wi Mace to which they had been aZinteunitlat, F' : ; . the reductions which cir cumstances compelled them to make 1 If they do, there need be little fear for the future. A nation svhich lives within its means must ever holds high place in the world ; and so will its people, if they act on the same honest principle. THE TRUE AMERICAN PRINCIPLE On February 24th, 1854, Senator HUNTER, of Virginia, in repelling the idea that Congress should exercise the power of regulating nla very in the Territories, and in advocating the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, said : ti But it has often been said by those who admit that Congress heaths power of governing the Ter ritories, that it is a power to ho exercised, not in reference to the rights of the States, but in refe rence to the good and welfare of the people of the Territories. Now, if in exercising this power, we are to be confined to the single consideration of the good and welfare of the people of the Territories, then I say the whole mildert of governnzent ought to be left to the people of the Territories. THAT Is THE AIIERICLN PRtECIPLE." What Senator HUNTER thought "the true American principle" in 1854, wo still believe to be such, and have not as yet seen any good reason to change our views. PUBLIC EN TERTAIPi AIENTS PARODI'S ENGLISH CONCIIIIT.—There will be, at the Musical Fund Hall, this evening, what pro mises to be the very best Concert of the season. Parodi takes her farewell of Philadel phia, h for a time, and gives, on this ocasion, a mu• steal entertainment abounding in novelty. With the exception of "La Marseillaise," which is rather musical declamation than !lotus' singing, the only foreign piece in the whole programme is the familiar and favorite "Di tanti palpiti," from Rossini's opera of " Tanoredi." She will sing "Jerusalem, thou that killest the Prophets'," from Felix Mendelssohn's Oratori.) of " St. Paul," another English solo, and join with Miss Milner In Mendelssohn's beautiful duet "I would that my love," besides, as a We, giving our national "Star-spangled banner," as a duet, also with Miss Milner. There will be several performances by Henri Vienxtemps, the vio linist, besides his well-known and extraordinary Instrumentation, on one string, of a fantasie from "Norma." On this occasion, the two English vo calists, (Miss Milner and Mr. Ernest Perring,) wisely eschewing Italian music, will exclusively sing English songs. Miss Milner, besides singing with Mad'lle Parodi, in two duets, will give two solos, and a duet, from Wallace's "Maritana," With Mr. Tarring. This able tenor will himself give "My Sister Dear," from "Afasaniello," and Haydn's " In native worth." Those English vocal ists possess not only fins voices, but have the ad vantage of having been well instnioted in Ihe best, because the most classical wheel. They have freshness of voice, as well as an excellent manner of expression. Altogether, this Concert will be greatly attractive. The musical world hero will be sort." to learn that, under present arrange ments, is Parodi ' s last public appearance for some time in this city. Mrs. E. L, Davenport's benefit is to take place at the Aroh street Theatre tomorrow evening. Shocking Brutality of a Step-Mother. (Front the Lancaster (Pa.) Express of Tuesday.] Ono of the most hetirtless and shocking cases of brutality we wore ever called upon to record, came to light this morning. A woman—a fiend—named Rebecca Jane Tomlinson, residing in East King street, above Church, at the house known as the Indian Queen tavern, was brought before Alder man Leonard to answer the ohargo of creel and barbarous treatment to her stop-obild, Jane Tom. linens, aged ton years. Officer Gonnley, in whose hands the warrant was placed for the woman's arrest, on proceeding to the house, found every door and avenue leading into it barricaded, and it was with the greatest difficulty that he finally moored her and brought her to the alderman's office. . . . The child was brought into the office and pre- Bunted so sad and terrible a picture that no pen could portray the ghastly spectacle. Its face was frightfully emaciated, its oyes eunkon far in their sockets, and there was scarcely a square inch of Its Paco and body that was not black and blue, and scratehed'and scarred by its unpatural and fiendish mother. One of its eyes—the left—wee black and cut, and swollen almost shut from a re; cent blow, while the other was black and blood shot; the lower lip was out and bleeding, and two of the lower tooth knocked out. The child could not stand without the aid of a crutch, which lameness is said to have boon mood by its ill treatment. Some eight or ton neighbors wore present to cor roborate the complaint. It Was testified by one of the witnesses that on passing the house lately, he saw this woman go into the house, and seeing the child sitting on a step, oho snatched it by the hair and dragged it around the room several times, beating and maltreating it in a most frightful manner. Another testified that on several occa sions she tied the ehild's hands with a rope, and Compelled it to remain sitting in a chair all night. Othektestimony was give's, all of which exhibited the process of refined cruelty by which helpless little dine was reduced by blows and starvation from a strong, healthy child, to almost an idiot. Mrs. Tomlinson, this fiend In human shape, wiri required to give bail in the sum of $3OO to answer the charge, but the wrote!' found no sympathy anywhere—the evldenee of bet bfiltality was 00 to . THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA; TKUINDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1857. BY MIDNIGHT MAIL. FROM WASRINGTON. Hou. D. E. Sickles not rend °allot the Demo cratic Party - In New York—The Meade Case and the Circumlocution Office—Oar Affairs at Madrid—Hon. John McKeon not removed— Judge Donglasfit Speech—Naval Storekeeper of Philadelphia. [Correspondence of Tho Pron.) WASHINGTON, December 0, 1857. The Democratic General Committee for New York city met on Tuesday evening, and, after full consideration, rescinded the resolution expelling Hon. D. E. Sickles from its membership for his comas against Mayor Wood, and denounced their chairman for declaring that he had been expelled. The reminding resolutions wore adopted by a vote of 51 to 43. The committee, after performing this not of justice, adjourned sine die. The celebrated *ado ease, arising out of the treaty with Spain, by which we acquired the Floridas, is now up for argument in the Court of Claims. In this, as well as in other similar oases, it Is more than apparent that the Circumlocution Office, so vividly depicted by Dickens, i.e not con fined in Its operation to England alone. There are claims against this Government which have been premed for half a century, some probably for a longer time, and though involving the payment of a few thousands of dollars, have been examined, reported upon, and discussed, until each has cost the United States hundreds of thousands of dollars. This Meade ease will foot up against the United States a bill for printing of documentary evidence, reports, speeches, &e., of not less than $5,000,000• There surely ought to bee regular and fixed pro cedure in all such oases, and a court of final resort for decision ono way or the other. Hon. Mr. Dodge, our Minister at Madrid, having resigned his commission, will soon return to the United States. Democrats, prominent in the party, and now on the lookout for good places, are each urging his peculiar fitness for this place. The suc cessor of Mr. Dodge will have entrusted to his care questions of vital interest to our people. Though a coldness exists at this time between 'Mexico and Spain, nevertheless IS large party In the latter kingdom will, noro or loss, always be involved in the constant rovolntionory changes in the Mexican Confederapy. Santa Anna seeks again the supreme dictatorship with Spanish aid, but I think ho will do so unsuccessfully. Yet, Mexico is crumbling to dooay, and to our minister at Ma drid will be confided the task of preventing any encroachment by Spain upon our Monroe doctrine by interference in the civil broile of Mexican States; and annexation of any of them under its sway. Then there is the knotty and delicate question of the annexation of Cuba, end others of like importance. Mr. Belmont, of New York, Mr. Carlisle, of Washington, and other gentlemen, aro named fur this place. The Union has a despatch this morning, that Ifon. John McKeon, United States District Attor ney for the Southern district of Now York, has boon removed. This isnot true. Mr. McKeon has not been removed; but it is true that the President has expressed hie determination to remove Mr. McKeon for the part ho took against the election of Mayor Wood, and probably some others for the same cause. There is but one opinion of Judge Douglas's speech in the Senate, to-day, on the Kansas ques tion, and that is of unmeasured praise of its lucid argument, and the force of his illustrations. It is unanswerable. Major Jack Cummings, of Snyder county, Penn mylvania;an old and tried friend of Mr. Buchanan, has been tendered the office of naval storekeeper, in place of Joseph Sevorns, of the Philadelphia Evening Argos, who will bo removed at the ex piration of his term. X. Y. NEWS OF LITERATURE. Mason Brothers, of New York, will imme diately publish A Life of Aaron Burr, by Mr. Parton, containing the true and full his tory of that remarkable man's private and public life. They also have in the press two new volumes of "Mason's Library of Stan dard Tales," containing Theodore Hook's " Cousin William," and " Gervaso Skinner." In a few days they will publish The New York Almanac and Yearly Record for 1858. This book owes a great deal to its Ameri can editor. It is not alone that it contains two hundred pages more than the English edi tion, with which it simultaneously appears, but the quality of Mr. Duyckinck's additions is very high. Mr. Willmott's idea was to present a richly illustrated volume of British poetry; Mr. Dnyckinek's, to complete it by adding good specimens from the leading American writers. Among the poets whom lie introduces are Washington Alston, R. H. Dana, Samuel Woodworth, R. It. Wilde, Charles Sprague, Mrs. Sigournoy, J. G. C. Brainard, E. C. l'inkfleY, C. C. Moore, W. C. Bryant, J. R. Drake, Fitz Greene Hallock, R. W. Emerson, C. F. Hoffman, Ralph Hoyt, W. G. Simms, N. P. Willis, P. P. Cooke, J. 0. Whittior, E. A. Pee, It. W. Longfellow, 0. W. Holmes, • • • treet. H. T. Tuckerman, Lowell, :33,,‘V.4 7 Iror has his labor i ,,/,., , 8utt0(1. by Mr. Will . atLare....lxere in ro. , sbylltr f Nyckinek, to whom wo are therefore indebtett - foi 'Speci mens of Ebenezer Elliott, Caroline Bowles, John Clare, Horace Smith, George Harley, J. Blanco White, Samuel Ferguson, William Motherwell, D. M. Moir, W. M. Thackeray, W. E. Ayloun, Matthew Arnold, and W. C. Bennett. He also has given additional poems from W. Spencer, Wordsworth, Heber, Tenny son, and Kingsley. It is odd enough that neither English nor American editor has given anything from John Wilson, John Gibson Lockhart, William 3faginn, or "Father Prod." The additional poems hero do not suffer, by comparison, with respect to their illustrations, most of which aro by American artists, among whom we recognise Doyley, Casiloar, Hill, and Hoppin. The British artists whose drawings, most beautifully engraved, grace this book, are D. Maclise, J. Dalziel, Birkett Foster, John Gilbert, William Harvey, If. Weir, J. Ten.. niel, Edward Duncan, J. D. Harding, J. E. Millais, Corbould, F. R. Pickoragill, C. Stan field, W. Mulready, J. R. Clayton, D. Ed wards, 0. Dodgson, W. L. Leitch, F. 3f. Brown, J. Godwin, and A. Hughes. Most of these are already world-famous names—the rest give evidence here of ability which must speedily ripen into distinction. Looking only twenty years back, when those literary ephemera, the Annuals, wore in pros perous career, we find only mere collections of steel engravings, to illustrate which poetry and prose were written "to order." Mere picture-books, as they were, they had their day. But such volumes as this before us, which really aro valuable, as making Art and Poetry mutually illustrate each other, possess a per manent value. They are of the highest class, and it is a good symptom of our intellectual improvement, when, in such "hard times," a publisher is willing to risk a large expenditure on their production. Not that Messrs. Harper need have any doubt as to the success of the undertaking. Its merit Will command a sale for it, and "The Poets of the Nineteenth Cen tury"—like a beautiful woman, In rich and graceful attire—deserves to be admired by all. CITY POLICE.-DECEIIIIVR 9 (Reported for The Prose ] FLOWIINO A SKEW:TOL—A tall and spare indi vidual, James Daniels by name, aml supposed to be a native of one of theßastern States, was arraigned for an assault and battery on Reuben Hanby, who has boon exhibiting himsolf somewhere in the northern part of the city as " Tho GenUino, Ori ginal Living Skeleton." The prisoner wished to bo hoard in explanation of his eonduot, and per mission being granted, ho commenced as follows : "Yesterday, being out of work, I thought I'd take a walk through the city, to anmso myself, for want of anything hotter to do, and it struck my 'tention that I had never seen so many shows of living skeletungs. But what is there queer about that (thought I)—seeing that these aro the very starvation times that ougther be favorable to the skolotung crop, if they aint good for anything else. Why, you know that you cant buy even there boss meat sassagers for less than"— Here the magistrate, apprehending a still wider digression, requested Mr. Daniels to speak to the point. " Well," resumed dames, " presently I earns to a great big storm Odin' that looked like a starved gallinipper smashed up against a wall. Now, you see, over since therm bank•bustin times corn maneod, and old Ike Coleman's soap and candle factory suspended operations, I thought I was about thO boniest individual to ho seen on this oonternent. But when I seed that piotur, says I to myself, good ! hero's a feller that's leaner than I am. I'll stop in and shake hands with him. It will do me good to look at him.' So I paid my Sp (hero the narrator heaved a tremendous sigh,) and walked in. ' Which 19 the skillitung '" says I. I am,' says a feller in very tight pantaloons and jacket. I looked at him, and I'll be 'looted to Congress, gents, if the feller was nigh as lean as lam myself! I felt a leetle tiled then, I confess, and I spoke right out—' Dern mo if you ain't a piece of bogus com position, (says I;) Dye call yourself a skillytung by profossion and follow the business for a living, charging mo a Sp for a sight, when I kin see my own shadow in any mud-puddlo for nothing?' I felt then like I could lick all the I natomies that over was dug up by the doctors ; so I pltohed right into him and knocked all the skin off of my knuckles against the infernal scare-crow's bony carcass." On Olio confession, Mr. Daniels, the amateur " ekillitung," was bound over to answer for the assault and battery. W. Among the letters detained for non-paymen of postage, at the St. Louis (Mo.) mod office, aro : Edmund Cready, Philadelphia, and Fr. Wiltroch, blanayunk, Pa. The Bridgeport Farmer is informed that Gee. Tom Thumb, who is now In France, is dan gerously ill, and not expected to live. A. 60 0 lump of gold has boon taken flmu POP In 041/Brl4l Math ;Y. Q. THE LATEST NEWS, BY TELEGRIIPII. cidoild Y. Stanton, Secretary of Gori: =ME 01P001110 IMPATOII FOR TON VIUSIII.J WASHINGTON, Dec. STANTON;BOOtOi; . tar) , of Gov. Illacurn, and acting Governrip of Ittol3lll, has boon removed, and S. W. DENVER; Commissioner of Indian Antra, appointed to su; made him. It 18 believed that STANTON bas: been removed because he ()ailed the Territorlat Legislature of Kansas together to Mice notion on the Calhoun Constitution. THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION U. S. CAPITOL, WASIIINUTOII, Deo. 9, 3857. SENATE. The galleries wore densely crowded again Me' morning, in expectation of a speech from Boman; Douglas. Mr. Pun gave notice of his intention to intro• dace a bill for the improvement of the navigilta of the Ohio river. Mr. Mason offered a resolution, which was de= hated and passed, inviting the clergy of the Pis , triot to officiate gratuitously as chaplains 'of Senate. Mr. Owns gave notice o f his intention to inti",itt duce bills providing for the construction of.* Northern, Southern, and Central Pacific Hall* ilso a bill toorgemize the Territory of ArizonafW Mr. Dononss said he was yesterday under Ltdii impression that the President bad approved the action of the Leoomption Convention, and nnditt, that impression he felt it to be his duty tort that while he concurred in the general views -41 the Message, yet so far as Hal approve or endo the action of that Convention, he entirely dissiiio ed from it, and would give his roasons for sash dissent. Upon a more careful and critical examination o the Message, ho was rejoiced to find the President had not entirely approved the action of that Con vention. Ho was also rejoiced to find that'tbe Prosident lied not recommended that 'Congrent should pass laws receiving Kansas into the Union as a State under tho Constitution framed at Loom) , ton. It is true, the tone of the Message, inilicatea a willingness on the part of the President (crlgn any bill Congress may pass receiving Kansas as a State into the Union, under that Constitution; but it was a very significant foot that •the President had refrained from any, endorsement of the Convention, and from any recommendation as to the course Congress should pursue in regard to the admission of Kansas. Indeed, the Pres!. dent had expressed deep mortification and thug). ?ointment that tho whole Constitution was not submitted to the people of Kansas for their scot,* ance or rejection. Ho proceeded to show that Congress could not properly receive Kansas into the Union under the Locompton Constitution. Not only the slavery question, but all others must be submitted to the people of Kansas, as they are guarantied to establish all their "domestic insti tutions" for themselves. On this principle the whole Constitution must bo submitted to ascertain whether or not it meets with their approbation. Mr. DOIMILAS contended that the peoplo of Kansas ought to have an opportunity to vote against the Constitution if they chose to do so. Ho compared tho freedom" allowed by the Le oompton Convention to the " freedom" at the eta- Lion in Paris when Louis Napoleon was elected President. The reason assigiled why the people of Kansas were not allowed to vote on the &mold once of the Constitution prepared was, that if they had the chance they would vote it down by an overwhelming majority. lie believed they would, and thought that it was a clear violation of the or genie act thus to force the obnoxious Constitution upon the majority. When Mr. Douglas concluded, much applause was manifested by the spectators in the gene tics. Mr. MASON moved that the galleries he Moored, remarking that tho decorum of the Senate had been frequently violated in this way. Mr. llAuctx hoped tho motion would not pre vail. Mr. CLAY thought the applause commenced on the floor of the Senate, and it would be 'hard to punish the spectators for following that example. Mr. BIGLER trusted the motion would bo with drawn. Mr. Masox acquiesced, but hoped that the next time the offence wag repoatod, It would not be al lowed to passed with impunity. Mr. Duman replied to Mr. Douglas. Ito said the Lecompton Convention was called according to law, and had boon recognised by the President and the Governor of the Territory. It was their right to submit a Constitution to the people, or send it to Congress without such submission. If it was right in itself, republican jn form, and the people of the Territory had fairly decided on the slavery question, it would not ho wieo to keep them out of tho Union, simply because the whole Constitution had not boon submitted to them. To do so, it would be inconsistent with the doctrine of "non-intervention.' There was nothing in the past history of the country to justify such a course. It would be the duty of Congress to look at the question as it acme before it, and to do the best it could by looking at tho happiness of the entire country. Ile had long been under the impression that it would he best both for the Union and Kansas, if that Plate should be admitted at the first allowabloopportunity,in order to localize the strife. Ile would have preferred that the whole Constitu tion had boon submitted to the people, but persons outside of tho Territory have no right to interfere with the slavery question there. Ile believed the people of Kansas would now have an opportunity to decide whether they will havo a free or slave form ofgovernmont. Ile could not, however ! do. termine his entire course until they, the people of Kansas, shall make such a decision, lie ltakte,tbe position assumed by Mr. Douglas, to-dayOsal in utter derogation of that which he °milled when he voted for h ranonthes %eh without su witting It to a vote of the, • this occurredonly asbart time ago; - , • undezziWid Douglas .had so como sensitive regarding the rights of that people, after having attempted such an infringement upon them. Mr. ArABON oxposed and replied to what he elm racterizotl as a fallacy in the remarks of Mr. Douglas. Mr. Doorman explained, and said he had boon misapprehonded. Mr. litamm remarked, that in conversation re cently with Colonel Henderson, who was an active member of the Convention, ho understood him to say thero wore two Constitutions, virtually. Mr. Douocas. If there aro two, I should like to see the other. Mr. Ilio bon. I say, prerisely similar. Mr DOIIILAR. If precisely Mike, what differ• enoo does it make if you may vote for either? Mr. Dintatn. One for the free and the other fir the slave State. That is the ail:tome°. - - Mr. Dona tdo. It makes no difference how many copies they make. Tho sitnpio question is, they only allow the people to vote on slavery, and no thing oleo. The Senator from Pennsylvania annined an air which I thought unnecessary, and rather intimated to sue that he spoke by authority. Mr. Illacv,n. I expressed my own views, denim• rately formed, and they aro in concurrence will' those of the President. Mr. ItouotAs. I luny have misunderstood him. I am certain he did not speak fur the President. r know that, for the President has just spoken for himself in the Message, in which he condemns the Convention for not submitting the Constitution to the people,.and refuses to recommend no to ecive it. The President is a bold, frank man, and if ho intended to give us an administration mea sure, he would say so. it is not respectful to no- SUMO that tee will do what he will not recommend us to do. Or course, I know that the Senator from Pennsylvania did not speak by authority. Mr. ItIOLER. I think I am safe in saying, and I think the Senator from Illinois will agree, that tho President upholds in his Message the doctrine that the Convention had the right to form a Con stitution, and submit it to the people for approval, or send it to Congress for approval. I think it 19 deducible Irons the Message that the President does not hold that, because the entire Constitution was not submitted to the pooplo, Kansas should bo kept out of the Union. Mr. Donot,Ss. I infer from the Message that the President does hold that the Convention had the right to form a Constitution, and send it here, but that was only the right to petition for re dress of gilovances under t ho .roderal Constitution, and not•because the Legislate I'd had the power to constitute that a legal Convention. Mr. Bint,an. It hero did you get that? Mr. DOuobas. A gentleman (moaning Mr. Trumbull) yesterday read from a speech made by Mr. Buchanan twenty years ago, to show that a Legislature had no right to create a Convention to eupersedo the Territorial Government, and to attempt it would be gross usurpation. The Demo inane party has hold that doctrine over since, and asserted it a year ago, by endorsing his hMr. Douglas's) report from the Committee on Territo ries. Three hundred thousand copies were circu lated as a perty document, and ho himself paid for a hundred thousand of thee. (Laughter.) Mr. Btot,mi entered bin protest, and claimed the statute of lhaltation. Ito could not consent that Mr. Douglas should hold the President responsible for principles laid down twenty years ago under entirely different circumstances. It Is not half so long since Mr. Douglas declared the Missouri lino was the hest compromise, and in 1818 he proposed to extend it to the Menlo ocean, yet he repealed the whole of it. Mr. DOUOLA9 denied the right of Mr. Bigler to offer a statute of limitations. None but the au thorized attorney of theparty can thus interpose. As the Senator lies denied his authority to speak for the Prosidunt, ho cannot filo that ploa. Mr. Douglas approved of the statute of limitations. - lie needed ono very much iiimsolf. lie had never boasted that ho had never changed his opinions. Ile felt ovory year a little wiser then the year be fore. Has the President ever withdrawn that opinion ? lie denied the right to plond a statute of limi tations against the Cincinnati Convention, until the Charleston Convention meet. Ile stood now whore he stood last year, because ho believed he 11 , 113 right It was true he voted for the Toombs bill, and was ready to vote for it again. By doing so there would be no quarrel. It would not do to taunt him with once voting for a measure ho would not vote for now. Mr. Iliormit said lie had not taunted the Senator, who had complained that a great wrong was ,lee by not submitting the entire Constitution to the people, when he had voted to put a State Constitu tion into operation without submitting anypart to the people. Mr. Douusies replied that his explanation wan In the language of the President, who, in his in struotions to Governor Walker, took it for granted that the Constitution was to be submitted to the people. Mr. Toombs's bill being silent on that cub jeot, ho took It for granted that the Constitution would be submitted to the people. If the Presi dent was right in taking that ground, why was not he (Douglas) right? Mr. BIGLER said ho did not Intend to hold the Senator from Illinois to anything which did not appear on the journals. At a private meeting, before Mr. Toomba's bill was introduced, it wee hold that, in view of all the difficulties surrounding tho question, it would be better that no provision to submit the Constitution to tho people should be inserted in the bill ; and it was his understanding that the Convention which the bill proviscal would make a Constitution, and tend it to Congress, without submitting it to the people. Mr. DOMILAS, in reply, said he would not like the Senator from Pennsylvania, to insinuate what ho would not openly declare. If he MIS present at the meeting referred to, and sanctioned such a doctrine, let him nay so. Mr. Iliordin said if he was constantly at Nutt, it was painful, indeed. Perhaps ho had wrong fully spoken on the subjoin. lie had 101,1 the Senator he did not intend to reflect upon hi m . Dir. roparkail {hat 119 would nano Mt. Bigler from sooreey, and asked hlm whether he knew that he (Douglas) had either publicly or privately ugrood that the Constitution should bo adoßtod without consulting the people. r. /1141 Alt stated what his distiuot rcoollootiou wass lie remembered very welt that the subject wes t discussed in the house of the Senator from blitiols. lie was not sure that Mr. Douglas par tiothated in the debate, in which it was argued that ander all the circumstances there ought not to be a proviso in Mr. Toombs's bill requiring the Constitution to bo submitted. Mr. Dourmas remarked that the point ha made was, that when the bill was silent on that subject, It was understood, as a rotator of course, that the Constitution was to be submitted. That he was a party to force on the people a Constitution Without their 'Mont, was not true. Mr. linactn explained that ho had called Mr. Douglas's attention to his course on Mr. Toombs's bill because it was in derogation of his doctrine laid down to-day. 'When the Senator from Illinois introduced his preparatory bill for Minnesota be 'Provided that a Constitution should be submitted. If the inference was that a Constitution would be ' submitted where euoh a bill is silent, why was the clause inserted in the Minnesota bill? lie did not impugn the Senator's patriotism or honorable mo tives or courage. He had not a moro constant ad mirer than himself, and ono who oftener defended Mr. INA wanted to know some of the very pe. collar circumstances which rendered the fair otter- OW of the elective franchise extremely difficult. (Laughter.) Mr. BIGLER said that no ono had said more on thus subject than Mr. Male, and of the violence nod keeping the froe•State people front the polls. lie (Mr. Bleu) was interested In getting Kansas Into the Union. 4 , Mr. Donn LAS said that, in order to prevent wrong Impressions, ho would ask Mr. Bigler, whether he mount to be understood assaying that he,(Douglasd In his own house or elsewhere, had expressed him self in favor of a Constitution without being sub mitted to the people? Mr. Moven. I made no such allegation. Mr. DOUGLA9. You left it, to ho inferred. I will not allow it to be inferred that I so declared in my own house. 111 did not, acquit me of it. Mr. BIGLER. I repeat, that I havens recollection or the Senator participating in the debate alluded to. Mr. DonoLAs. If I had nothing to do with it, I don't know what wy house had to do oith ir. [Laughter.] What I said was truth, and that only What I sold is on record. On motion of Mr. Onentr, the further considera tion of the President's Message nos postponed Adjourned After the usual preliminary business, the House resumed the consideration of the two propositions pending relative to the election of printer. Tho proposition submitted by Mr. Houston was that the House proceed to the election of printer, with a proviso that the House retains the right possessed by Congress to modify the existing laws on the subject of the public printing. the printer who may ho olooted under this resolution receiving said election with and upon the condition above set forth, and that a committee be appointed to ex amine the whole subject and report suoh change or improvement as they may deem advisablo. The other proposition, by Mr. Smith, of Virginia, ns a substitute, provided for a similar examination, and that the election ho postponed until the eons mittoo snake a report. Mr. Moms snored to lay Mr. Houston's resolu tion on the table. The resolution was negatived yeas 82, nays 106. The vote was then taken on Mr. Smith's substi tute, whisk was rejected—yeas 01, nays 118. The question being upon Mr. ifouston's origi• nal resolution, it prevailed by a majority of 40. The House then proceeded to the election of Printer; when Mr. Boom* nominated James B Steadman and Mr. Washburno, of Maine, no. Winded Ueorge M. Weston. The vote was then taken, and stood— James B. Steadman Norge M. Weston Beettering The former woe deolared clouted . . Tho members then selected their seats by lottery and the House adjourned. FROM WASIIINOTOIV Removal of Secretary Stanton, of Railing, for Violation of inetructiono—General Denver nominated a 44 his Successor—The Poeltion of the Ohio Democratic Delegation on the Kan sas Question. WINIIINGTON, Deo. 9. —The Administration, haring been advised, by telegraph, that Acting- Governor Stanton had called a special meeting of the Territorial Legislature of Kansas, the Presi dent, to-day, forthwith removed him, and nomi nated to the Senate. as his successor, Geneva Den ver, now Commissioner of Indian Affairs, who left Washington for the West last week. The reason for the removal Is, that Mr. Stanton boa violated the instructions heretofore given to both Governor Walker and himself, to do no act which could pos sibly disturb the peace of that Territory, but mut all the means In their power to preserve it. The solo object and purpose of convening the Le gislature, it is considered, can be only to engender strifes, and embarrass the people in voting on the slavery question in the form proposed by the Con stitutional Convention. Na definite notion Nag taken by the Senate on General Denver's nomination. It is anticipated that a boated disouasion 1411 take place when the subject again comes before that body in secret ses sion. Last week Instructions were sent to Mr. Stan ton, to take every precaution to prevent distur• bailees at the ensiling election, and to afford a free and unobstructed exercise of the elective fran chise. Doubts are expressed as to 'whether Governor 'Walker's name will ho sent to the Senate for con firmation. lion. William Lawrence, of the Ohio delegation, distinctly contradicts the statement that the Dem wrath, member?' of that ile!eceptatelititti to vote against the *duties; ey the Union under tho Eas"been neither ilettbicrior tfiloanton of the euhjeot among them. ratted States Supreme Court. WASHINGTON, Deo. 9.—No. Du• rand t.I. Samuel Lawrence et al. Argument for appellee continued. Fatal Retail at Wathlngton WAVEIINOTON, Deo. 9.—'Bulls, the young man who was wounded on Monday night by a pistol dis oharged during a brawl, died last night. The coroner's jury returned a verdict that ho came to his death by a pictol-shot. fired by James Powers, of Baltimore. Powers is in custody. WASHINGTON, Loo. U —The southern mail fun nishes papers from all points as late as duo. They contain nothing of special interest. Proclamation issued by Gen. Calhoun—The Topeha Government to be Reviled. Sr. Lo•us, Dee. 3 —The Demur; at received let ters containing two proclamations flow General Calhoun, specifying the mouser in which the election of the 21st inst., for the submiadon of the Constitution formed by the Lecompton Con vention, and the election on the first Monday in January next, for State officers, are to be held. Also giving the names of the county commission. era for each county in the Territory. At a mass Convention held at Leavenworth, on the 27th alt , a resolution was paused, requesting the Territorial Legislature to meet at Lecempton, on the third of December. The resolution was adopted under the belief that Acting Governor Stanton will recognise the Legislature reconvened Ilenoral Lone, of the souse meeting, offered a resolution, which was unanimously adopted, pledging the members of the Convention, in case that Mr. Stanton declined to convene the Legiela turo as requested, to put the flovernment, as pre pared by the Topeka Convention. in motion, and to stand or fall by it. A Democratic Convention was called to meet on the 24th inst. The Democrat learns from private sources, that Aeting tlovcritor Stanton hail issued a proolutnu• tion z calling a special session of the Territorial Legislature, to be held on the 7th of December. Further from Utah Sr. Louis, December B.—The letter front the Utah expedition received by the Republican, the main points of which wore telegraphed this morn ing, states that Col Cook's demand, comprising thel loth regiment of infantry, was 150 mites west of Fort Laramie on the 3d of November. Thus for the travelling had been easy and pleasant, but the weather had become colder. Provisions were getting scarce, the provender giving out, and it had become, apparent that great hardsihps were be forelhein. Mill, notwithstanding the threats re osloed from Salt Lake City, the entire army would ,sroceed, an rapidly as the elements and the supply of food would permit, to the winter quarter+ marked out by Col. A. S. Johnston, the com• mender of the expedition, on the Ifoney Forks of the Drain river. It was rumored that Brigham Young intends to fight the troops this winter, as the best chance for an equal Millet, and then, be• fore reinforcements can arrive in the spring, to '4istroy all the possessions in Utah, and proceed to some other country.. , Departure of the Alden tt ith 51,700,000. Netw 'Vont:, Due. 0.--Tho royal outil ateant%hti ',fact', Captain Shannon. oailed at noon to -day for Liverpool, with nearly $1,700,000 in ttpeeie. I'ollhion of Steamers 01l Sandy Now Ironic, December Otb.—The uteatuerA Ocean Vitro and Long Brunch come in collision oil Sandy Mok this aftemoon. Both of the ntetwooruirere ett to the water's edge, but neither wont down. Stverul of the paseengeru wore Injured. SteanLlooiler Explotoioit--Los4 of Life. Lownbb, Deo. 9.—Tho steam-boiler connected WI/ the fou»dry of J. H. Myrick exploded to-day, Wing the engineer, and badly injuring seven persons. The building was badly shattered Tie Preghleney of the NYAV York Crimp] Railroad /I.IIANY, Dec. 9.—lfun. Ernettis Corning kns rocleotoil Proaiilent of tho New York Contrul A 31ur4errr Cmiticled nAurtmottE, Doc. 9 —John Claggett, for the murder of Jerome D. White, at the high Street eiz weeks educe, Was convicted this morning of murder in the neon,' degroo. A Luke Schooner 311'41'2;4 OIiNCI.GO, N. Y., Deo. 9.—T he schooner Radloot, whlah loft Toledo for this port in ovionq to tie re 0011i gale on the lakes, has not yet boon hoard from. ; l lurket . Mums:, December B.—Sales of 600 bales of cot ton at a decline of I since receit of theltio's advises. Sales of middlings at 10 1 Roo° du rill the last throe days 8,000 Woe. 14.sw OrtcssAms, December B.—Salon of cotton to day '5,500 balm! Daring the last three days 18,000 baler have been sold, closing at 10in.101 for mid dlings. llsurtuonis, Deoembor 9.—The markets are generally unchanged from yesterday's quotatione. Exobango on New York 101. Twelfth Ward Relief Associatum.—Thu troniuror of the Twelfth ward Relict Assooiation hereby acknowledges the receipt of forty &dials, from coilootions tondo at St. Augustine's Church, Fourth stroot, below Vine, on Sunday, December 1857, for the benefit of the poor. Fire. --The alarm of Piro about eight o'clock last evening woe oaused by a slight burning of the residence Pio. 1110 Ridge avenue. Damago very THE CITY. (FOR ADDITIONAL CITY NEWS, SEE 'FOURTH PACE. AmUEEMENTB THIS EVENING IllesiuAL FUND HALL, LOCUST Br.. ALWYN illtillfll. Parodra farewell Concert. WALNUT 87NNly TENANNII, N. N. OMR OF NINFN AND WALNUT STRUTS The Enchantress." Winssl.2l , o Aaon STRIM THISTIIII, ARON STANIT, A 1101,14 Jealous Wire"— , • Bride of Lammer moor." NATIONAL THRITRH, WALNUT STREET, FEAR VIOBT/I. Equontrlau Performances." .TATNIOR New MU. eIItBTRUP STREET, BELOW SAYRKTll.—lluckley's Opera Troupe. 13Alie011Db3 OPERA HOME, ELMER= STREET ABOTAI ClllLMOT.—EthioySack Life illuatthted, concluding with a laughable afterptece. To the Board of Managers of the Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company.--oaNrmurs I have long contemplated declining a re-election to the post of president of this company, iniFeb ruaTy next, as it interferes too much with my own affairs to warrant further continuance. Believing that the interests of the company will ho promoted by the immediate election of some other gentle man, who will devote himself to the Important in terests at stake, I beg leave now to tender my re signation. It is with groat regret that I am unable to point to any considerable progress towards the consum mation of this most important work while I hays been intrusted with its presidency. I have often expressed a belief that, under the existing condition of railroad interests, a work of this magnitude could not be constructed on pri vate means, but that, with essential aid from public bodies, it could be successfully prosecuted, and would, when completed, not only enrich our own city by the trade which would be added, but would develop a valuable part of the State now deprived of outlet to market, and largely in oreasc the revenues of the Commonwealth. With these views this administration has made several attempts to obtain public aid, though, I regret to oar, without success. • I may express a hope, however, that the day Is not for distant when a different view may bo taken by our public authorities; for evidences are soul tiplyinF that the value of the work is being more appreciated, and the feeling is growing that it must be accomplished. - At an early day, large contracts were entered into for the construction of the work, coverin; a space of about ono hundred and twenty-five miles from Williamsport westward, payableAgrtly in stook; but without any adequate niedllfflo meet the cash payments These contracts have lan guished for nearly two years, and havo always been looked upon as an incubus upon the coui• luny. Viewed in this light, it became nn object of interest Le relieve the company from obligations which could not be fulfilled. After free interebanges of views between the contractors and committee of your body, these contracts have been annulled on terms, it la be lieved, of mutual advantage, and the company is now free from all contracts for work east of the mountains. On the western division the contracts have not stopped the work, even at the present time of financial depression, but have continued with in domitable energy, dueng a period when assistance front the treasury could not be granted, depending upon funds raised on the lino of the road. The importance of pressing this division, as well as the Farrandsville section, at an early day, can not be overrated, as upon them hinges the final completion of the whole lino. The western division of the road now presents fair prospects for an early completion. About ono-third of the distance, under contract is graded, and the contractors are pushing the work with vigor. Besides the credit which the read will he entitled to, subscriptions in land to the stook of the company have been made to a large amount— mere than hfty thousand acres having been offered, mostly in valuable octal and timber lands, which, it is believed, when added to the road bed, will afford a basis for security ample to insure the con struallon of this link, and open the vast coal fields of Elk, and the adjoining counties, to the western market. With considerable debt remaining unpaid, which was secured by collaterals in the hands of the trea surer, this company was overtaken by the money panic, which for the time prostrated n part of their a,sets, and compelled the company to lay over such notes as were not covered by collaterais imme diately available. Bono of them hare since been disposed of, and it is expected that the whole soon will be, and the company be disembarrassed with out much resort to their own bonds. 121 El 9 The bonds of the company heretofore created wore based upon a mortgago for rir millions of dollars upon the whole line of road, finished and unfinished. Those bonds did not present a secu rity with which capitalism were satisfied, and hence they have been wholly unsaleable. Be lieving that the sale of part of the bonds could be necessary to enable the company to meet its en gagements, the old bonds and mortgage have been cancelled, and the bonds issued called in. A new mortgage has been executed upon the finished portion of the road, from Sunbury to Williamsport, for one million of dollars. Tho bonds under this mortgage present a security as reliable as nay railroad scantily in the market, as the revenues are ample to pay the interest punctually, and will, doubtless ' when pot upon the unrket, command as high a rate as any security of the kind. The field is now open for an energetic prosecu tion of the work no soon as the returning tido of prosperity shall have fairly set in upon the man mere° of the country, and I may indulge the hope that a brighter day may aeon dawn on the Sunbury sad Brio railroad. With every eiah for the final success of the en terpriao, I remain, very respectfully, S. V. 3lnnuteu, President. Coroner's lures! igntion.-IVo stated yester day that. a young twin named William Murray, who resided in South alreet, near Twentieth, WA., found shortly before ninoo'cluelt on Tuoiday morn• 41.10.64123114thitr0ad, arm cut Mr, and otherwise seriously injured:M 1.. taken to the railroad station at Claymont and from there he was conveyed to , ' • Hospital, by Ow advice of the physloiL"Vilo at tended him. The sufferer reached the institution Into io the afternoon, and died in a short time after his ndinissivn. Coroner Fenner commenced an inquest In the OEM yesterday morning, and in conseqence of a report which got in circulation, nobody knows how, that the deceased had been shoved utl a train by the conductor, Unusual care was taken by the coro ner to obtain evidence. Thu inquest was held at tho hospital. Tho first witness examined Wad the phybioinit who attended the deceased. lie testified that Murray was In a dying condition when hu reached the institution, and that ho did nut speak or make any statement Wore his (loath. Rev. John B. Chem on was (ambled, am! Las fled in substance as follow. : 1 live at Claymont, within a . quarter of a mile of the depot. Soon after the Iran'. which left. Phila delphia at eight o'clock yoqorday morning had passed down, I beard that a man had been run over on the road ; I immediately went to the spot and found the deceased lying upon the track, with his right arm cut off and a gash in his head. This was about two hundred or three hundred yards from the station. After some delay we carried him to the depot, I told 1111/1 he bad not not long to live, end I asked hint if ho had anything to say; he told 1110 hie namej and spoke of his family; I loled him how it happened; he said he had been drinking, and that it was between a fall and jump ; that there was nobody to blame but himself ; he stated very explieitly that there was nobody to blame ; that it woo entirely accidental. A. J. Barret wee examined, and testified that be was an agent of the railroad company. rind that Murray and other:, bad been employed to go to Dover to chop wood for the company. The witne,a had given the deceased a pass to Wilmington. and onglie :ads al of the train at that point, he bad sent out some of the companions of the deceased to look for him, to give him a pass to Dover. They returned and stated that he was not to be found, and they did not know what hail become of him There being no other witnesses present, tho far ther investigation of the case was poll paned until five o'clock in the afternoon. At lit e o'clock the Investigation was resumed, and several witnesses examined, who corroborated the teohnony of the above witneison. A serdict of accidental death was rendered, mad no blame whatever attached to the railroad company The deceased leas es a wife and four children. Important Seizin'e of Vountoftit Money._ WO have Already noticed at cotdderable length the very important uraust wade by Sergeant A. I Thomas, of the Sixth police district, at au indivi dual 113111 Ed Jacob Bpifer, ishawasalloged to be very extensively engaged in the manufacture and pass ing of counterfeit bills and half dollars. The es• cased was traced out by Sergeant Thomas, and after a full investigation of all the cirennoilances the caso, was committed to prison by Alderman Thompaon, of do Ninth ward, in default of $2,000 bail, to answer at court the charge preferred against him. On Titanlay, Sergeant Thomas, from information in his possemion, was led to believe that a largo amount of counterfeit money was secreted at the Nelson House, Salem, N. J., where the prisoner formerly slopped. Without delay ho proceeded I to this place, and by the dint of extraordinary exertion and vigilance, succeeded in discover. ing a very large number of well-executed colon terfolt AUKIIINUI half dollars, some dated 18.;:t. and 601110 ($l a later date, which had been carefully concealcd in one of the upper rooms of the Nel s on Henze This counterfeit coin is now in the pos,es ' Mon of Sergeant Thomas, who will probably to day or to•morrew deliver up his prisoner into the hand., 01 the °timers ot the United States Court. We can not too highly commend the vigilance displayed by Officer Thomas, and thank him in the name of the oomumnity, for the SIRTCFS which has attended hit efforts, thus far, to break up n mod dangerous class of counterfeiters. Explosion—About four o'clock yesterday aftornoon, there was a terrible explosion in the east avenue of the Arcade, resulting in considera. We injury to two person., 1101110 d Joseph hicks and and Joseph Dowell. It appears that Mr. Kieh l , Ind rented a small store, and wits, with Dowell, about opening it to receive hi., stock; he ignited a match for the purpose of lighting the gas, when suddenly they Weto blown into the avenue. Mr Kicks woo burned about the face and bend., and otherwise injured. Mr. Dowell bad his left scut broken by coining In contact te ill the door, The explosion was monad by the gas escaping from a connection hole in the main pipe, and accumula ting in the room. Megirs Moore and Maneuvre, of the Reserve Corp.., were promptly on the spot, and tendered valuable service to the injured men. Haydn', Grand Maye.—On Smithy Ilaydn's ii rand Mass, one of the mod sublime of modern musical compositions, will be performed by ellicient solos, choruses, and orchestia, at the Catholic Church of St. Philip de Ned. Dr. Cunuington will be the conductor, and n musical treat of the very highest order may be confidently anticipa• tcd. R e are informed by the liar. Mr. Cantwell, that the service will commence exactly at hair y/Ist ten o'clock in the forenoon, and moo fw• eounuodatlon will I.so cheerfully provided for such Protestants as may desire to attend on this most Literesting OC(14.11011. Tribute front Insurance rompinter.—Three insurance companies of thi. city hare pi - muted Dept Jos. L Nsbro with a silver pitcher, bearing n icelarative inscription, in acknowledgment of his skill and good tannage:Tient in bringing safely into title pert the barque Irma, with her cargo, after she had run upon the reefs of the island of St Salvador. Ito kept control of the property so did. molly as to enable him to reduce the claim of the wreckers to a comptuNation for services ren• tiered, and not to salvage " City Councils.--Both branches of Councils will meet at three o'clock this afternoon. The oonsidoration of several very important ordinances and resolutions still probably occur. The oral nanceprovlding for the abolition of the Department of the Board of Boalth rill no doubt attract marked attention. THE MONEY MARKET. Pumtnirt.nata, December 9, 1857. "A. F. Doe Santos, for himself, and form% other stockholders of the Bank of Pennsylvania as may desire to become parties to the Ault, has filed a bill In equity, applying for an injunction upon the Dank of Pennsylvania, and the appointment of a receiver. In the bill the petitioner oharges that the capital and surplus of the bank have been greatly impaired or wholly lost ; that the bank is in a failing condition ; that its funds have been loaned to irresponsible persons upon insufficient securities; that large sums of money have been loaned to directors, end that the late president, Mr. Allibone, was suffered for a long time to keep the key of a safe in which securities were deposit ed, until the time of his departure for Europe, while the character of the contents was known only to himself. "Ile further charges that the bank has suspended specie payments, and refuses to pay its depositors and note-holders; that the bank will not take Its notes and the Auks of depositors in;payment of debts, but has hypothecated its discounted bills, thereby incurring a risk of the expense of Mtge lion to the detriment of the stockholders; that since the suspension its notes have been issued to purchase specie, thereby increasing its liabilities; that it has no credit, receives no deposits, and dis counts no bills; and that it is not probable that it will resume business. lie adds, that by reason of the wrongfulness of the transactions of the bank, they have been kept secret from the stockholders, and he there fore prays that the bank and its directors may he severally interrogated respecting them; and charges that the assets of the bank have bean and are being squandered by its officers without regard to the interest of the stockholders or the creditors. Its charges that the officers and directors, know ing the condition of the bank, permitted debts to ha incurred, its funds mismanaged, and its pro perty improperly dlsp-wed of, whereby they have made themselves personally liahle topay the debts incurred during the time they were directors. and prays that the court will direct them to io so. "lie tiles a series of interrogatories to which he prays that the defendants be severally required to tile answers. The interrogatories are chiefly based upon the charges made as above set forth, tending to elicit information as to the assets, transactions, borrowers, and liabilities of the bank, and the operations of its late president. The final intone story asks if the bank is able to resume banking /118ii1088, if it intends to do so; and if it does, on what capital or means the same is to be attempted. The writ is to be direeted to Thomas Athlone, William °eine, John Farman, Thomas A. New hall, Charles Sinniokson, William P. Newlin, Ar thur IL Nowell, Lawrence Lewis, Franklin Fell, IL Messithert, George W. Childs, John 1) Taylor, William E. Backer, and the Bank of Pennsyl vania." Now that the lawyers are brought in, a stop will be probably but to the nursing process by which the present management have been trying to make good the doubtful assets of the Bank of Pennsyl vania. and save something from the wreck upon which to rebuild the concern. All who era familiar with banking operations know, that by proper re newals of obligations, getting payments on ac count, and increase or improvement of collaterals, much may be saved that would be certainly lost by violent or pressing measures; and in such a course as this, and an ultimata payment of a small sum on each share, we have supposed that this Lank might, after a time, be enabled to re sume its regular ',minas. As it seems that we tenet have banks, we had hoped that something might be saved for the many trusts, estates, and charities which have been induced to buy the stock of the Bank of Pennsylvania, confiding in its heretofore high reputation. Careful management, and a stern determination never to issue another smell note, might yet resuscitate tho institution: but how any body is to be benefitted by giving it a course of law, except the legal gentleman who are so fortunate as to be retained, we confess ourselves at a lose to comprehend. Samuel V. Merrick, Esq., has resigned the posi tion he has so ably occupied, as President of the sunbury and Erie Railroad Company. One of the most active and able of the gentlemen connoted with this enterprise, V. 11. Moorehead, Erg , suc ceeds hint In the Presidency, while Mr. Merrick retains his place in the Board. The Pennsylvania State Treasury reports— Receipts of the year, including lost balance $5 076,415 G 2 Expenditures of the year 5.407,276.79 Balance in the Treasury, Dee. 1, '57 $:,89,13S 26 The following-named gentlemen were on Mon day elected directors of the Pittsburgh and Con nellsville Railroad Company: Benj. 11. Latrobe, Thomas Bakowell. Joseph Ponnook, Samuel Long, Win. J. Anderson. Chas, R. Paulson, William Phillips, Alexander Miller, Pan. R. Davidson, Cyrus P. Markle, Benjamin Deford of Balt., Win. F. Murdock. do. The following are the footings of the Boston Bank statement for the pact week : Nor 30. Dee 7. eepi tat $31,900.000 ;31,960,000 Leans and thret4 50.743,000 50,822,000 Ise 5131.000 Specie 1,160,700 1.203,000 luc. 105.800 Doe fin other lilts 15,947,603 6.350 000 Inc 333000 Duo 'to other like 4.277,000 4,172 :500 Dec 101 600 15,131,714 16,156,500 lue ♦50,760 0,010,500 8,236,000 Inc. 219.643 PIIILADY.LPIIIA STOOK EXCIIANGS sein, December 9, 1851. I) po it .. Lirculatl,l) Reported by R. Manly, jr., Stork Broker, No. 801 Irdnut Street. FIRST BOARD. 1000 Lehigh Val R G.. 64 l, 6 Penn R 35.33% lON Bcll.l Nay . 1i'3'32...u1S 0 do 26 2000 N Peon R Se 52 5 N Penn R 34, 54.10 do . 62 50 :kiny! Nor pfJ 65,171 ..no do 52 40 do 15.175 e 500 Union Canal C.. 3SIO Rear Mend It 5341, WOO Jo '39 10 do -52 X K;1------ _ _ _ ---A, .5,4 60 do 10 1:In3 It 0 do g - ...... ..as 1000 kw, 11 is latturt.io,‘ 300 Penu Us Bit 0 Pauli II $5.38,4' BETIMIN 8 .% I 5 Penn R .A 3 Reading 8...354,.213 BOARD, •00 N Peon 11. 64 '2 600 do 1000 Penu It 64 2,11art.75 2 , 1000 do ...tllcurt.76N, TOW Pena 0. 9 Pion Pt 394; 60 do IV; 10 do 435, 3 do ..•. ....... 33N; 1 do .... ....... 33 ki 10 N Peon It 9•, E.O Reading P. ..... ....%ti 4 Bank of Penn 13,,4 I.elug,h VII It 64.0t,' I Peon 1t...... 1 do OLOBING P Rld Asked, U Rtatei 04' 18.110 OSS—DULL. Bid. Asked. Sc N 6a 'B2 prat 17 17 X Wrnsplit Nine 1112 13' So leteaort7'B7o X7l de do 21m LO 11 Long' island .... 9X 9 1 „ Viekabunr ex 7 Girard Bank. 9 9% Lehigh Lee X 1 Union Canal 3X 4X New Creek Catwriseri II D.. 6 y 7 rbilatl . 4 lut 0.883; 84 " 1t14.834S 84 N 014.91 92 Per phylr 6'e....81 t, 9113; Reedinglt .6 s' 2d rf Je lineda '7O 71 76 do t CAV.14.51 87 P4uus RN 48 33 Morrie Caul Cull 45 47 Schu NOs 82 —.Bl w 811; " k1uek.....10 11 TIM COURTS. VzsrEnnAT's PROcIEDING3 (Reported fur The Pres,. I COULON PLEAS--Judges Thompson and Ludlow. —At the opening of the court the teritolaii list was called, and in consequence of exceptions not being Mea, come of the cases went over until Saturday next. Judge noniron intimated that he bad inadvertently tiled rcrttoraii day too near the first day of tent 'labia, Corpus. --Commonwealth The defendant was charged with violating the law rotative to the inspection of liquor! lie had been formerly appointed a deputy whiskey in spector, but had been removed. It i+ alleged that ho impeded, marked. and charged his fees for in spection of several barrels of whiskey belonging to a person mimed Dock. The court reserved its deeidon. David Webster, EN , for plaintiff"; F. C Brewster, E<q , for defendant. Qusnren Set luN s—Judge Allison —Thomas Madden was acquitted of the larceny of a coat. John Moore was acquitted of the larceny of pig iron. Joseph Hermon was convicted of tha larceny of a umbrella. tiantenced to nine months' imprison went Ann McCann wna 00111ietel of the larceny of a gcli witch Sentenced to eighteen menthe im• prieeument itobinron pleaded guilty of the larceny of is gold watch. benteneed to ono year in the eastern penitentiary. • eorgo Hilt it tia acquitted of an aa,..ault and ha tery on SainuLl Slietzfine. Christian Norman was acquitted of an assault and battery on WlPinta Serb'''. Charles iturk was found guilty or the larceny of pork. Sentenced to one month's imprison moot. Thos. Marshall was acquitted of en assault and battery on Thounts Henry Shivers was convicted of the larceny of A eandlestund Sentenced to six tuonthe hi the east ern penitentiary Jecoei naq enneicteil of burglary. in en tering the hove of Mr.. hymn hlenteueeil de ferred Attelilies tireen WAS cent feted of the lareeey Lra~a corks Seeto need to Nix month. , in the ea. ern penitentiary. PHILADELPHIA 31ARKEIN Wi n‘r• , na , December 9—Evening.—The wet weather hee interfered wharf operators, and the markets generally hate been quiet to day. In Dreadduffs there are but few chat, e s, about Italy this good Ohio extra Flour sold at $5 371; 600 Vas do at a private bargain; 200 bbls. at and 2(111 tibk tuperfine at S 5 per bbl., the market at the c h ose having more sellers than buyers at these figure,' 'fbe local trade eontinues light at from t, 50 per hut., according toldands and quality ltya Flour is not much inquired for, and held at $1 2.5 per bbl. Corn Meal continues dull at .3; n sale of 300 bbls Vennsyl‘ anis meal is reported, at a price kept private. Wheat 10 1701 wattled nod dull at former quotation', with sales of only about 2,500 bu at Ile al leo for fair to goad red, 131a122e for white, .+nd forchotee do, the letter for Kentucky Corn is lower, and about 400 hu hats been sold at for Delaware, and :,4e for Jersey yellow. Some sales of old Corn have been made at 71,7:4: is gore. Oats are quiet at tie for Southern Rye is wanted at 7,,a78c. but there + not much offering. Dark has declined to $24 for tint quality Quereitron, with small sales. tiroceries and Trovtaions—very little doing, anti the latter yen' dull, prices generally favoring the boyors, Mes3l , ork being ofortd at $1C1) per bbl, end Lard 101a10?c per lb. Seeds are quiet, and a small bniino4 doing in Cleyeneed f. 51,14.51 per I bit. Whiskey is steady at etc for drudges, 22e for hbds, and 211a2,te for bbl 3. NEW YORK CATTLE MARKET, IVEDNes• DAY, Dee. 9.—At market, Reeve+, 2,20; Cows, 17 , Peals, 184 ; Sheep, 7,789, and Swine, 7,268, which shows a decrease from last week of 544 Beeves, and an increase of JB Cons, 115 {'sale, 27.1 Sheep, and 4,218 Swine. Beef cattle, for good grades, advanced one quarter of a cent per pound. For inferior animals the market remained the selfless la-t week. Sheep advanced 25 cents per head. Yeats and Cows stood at former quotation. , , tied Swine fell a trifle, owing to the largo supply. The quotations fur Beeves were, for the cbeiceof the yard. 11Ie; nith most of the sales fur prime at 11c, and from this Oguro downward according to grade. Movers generally found it difficult to re• alize 110 fur superior animals. Cows were bringing $25a5115; Vole, 51e7in n'beep, PK and Swine 411451 c, BY THE PILOT LINE. LETTER FROM NEW TORE. . (Correspondence of The Prase.) Naw Yoita, Dee. 9-5.20 P. M. The day was not more thoroughly glimay and drear than the fates of most of the bank ;tenth.- men under the influence of the castigation in flicted on them by the President and Secretary of the Treasury. While affecting to pooh-pooh the whole matter, and make people believe that their wisdom is superior to that of every one else, (their work for the last three months is eonyincing proef of this,) they are very uneasy, and galled at the position they ocetipy, atlgniallud, as they Justly are, as the primary cams of oar monetary and In dustrial troubles. Nine men out of ten arc enthusiastic In their laudation of the masterly views of the Chief Magistrate and hie Secretary, and even men who condemn the Rawls part of the Message consider that more than redeemed by the wisdom and truth of the financial part. Personally, lam delighted. The Presidential views are those which, with my vastly inferior ability, I steadfastly main tained in my lettere to Tun Passe for the last three months, and which every honest man must advocate. I sincerely trust that Congress will do its duty, and that our newly elected State Legisla ture will fitly rebuke the banke and punish them for their revolutionary insolveney, and rebuke the judges for their volunteered and extra-judicial sanction of a clear and nand stakable violation of the exprees law of the State. The weather to-day has added, if that were poe eiblee to the etegnatim of the money market. Every one of thy friends to whom I usually apply for information meets me with the answer, "No thing iedoing Nothing can be done, unless on the deposit of collaterals, which are net to be had. Money is a drug. There is a glut of it; but no ens will part with it, and everybody distrusts Ida neigh bor, and hoe a vague apprehension of something very had happening in England orou the continent of Europe." The dreadful something that is to happen is looked for now more from France than from England, and I am murh inclined to think there is some reason for the fear, though not to the extent that capitalists seem to think. New tali nese, new enterprises of any kind, aro out of the question here. Our only occupation, if money is doe us, is trying how to getit, and if we owe any, is how we can most easily pay it. Liquidation is the order of the day, and in all probability will con tinuo to he so for some menthe to come. The Bank of New York has published a notice that the second e ettstelment of twenty 6V6 dollars a share on the new Meek subscription, payable second of January, will not be required until fur ther notice. The bank bills of the Hudson River Bank, discredited soma time since, are again re deemed at par by the MetroNlitan. Mr. Carrigan, the receiver of the Mechanics' Banking Associe lion, hopes to be nide to pay off the rernaintne 20 per cont. due the depositors of that institution. lie says there isnot suordeban it:10,000o( theeiren !alien now outstanding% The depositors owe a debt of gratitude to the energy and zeal of this intelligent guardian of their meas. L. foreign exchange there was a slightly in crewed demand this morning for bills, and 101 was paid for favorite names. Gold, however, was more an favor with remitter/, and the Africa took out to-day $1,891,509.71 in specie, and engage ments are already made of large sums for Satur day and Wednesday next. The elearing bouts settlement to-day was le follows $12,710,901.02. Valences, 5759,94.00. The Sub-Treasury opera tions were: receipts, $08,160 7a; payments, $73.- 216.88; balance, 53,930,72L39. The customs re ceipts from duties were 15 . 62,00. The etoek market is very unsettled, and the bu siness small. Outsiders are shy of mast stock;, and the brills are beginning to tire of bearing the whole load on their own shoulders. The bears are beginning to boek up. and come out, And I than he much mistaken of they do not mon begin to operate sneeessfully. Ititnots Centre was the greatest sufferer to-day. Indeed, there is a gene ral decline. At the mooed board N. Y. Central closed firmly at 74; Erin wad weak at 151 ; Illinois Central closed at 85 (and few buyers* Chicago and R. L, at 731; Michigan Southern preferred stock at 321; and Panama 92. There is a rumor that a eompany is being fennel under the anspiem of Col Stashes's, to revive the Nicaragua line of boats, independent of the rival companies who have been fighting ea long. NEW YORK STOCK EXCLIANGE SALES, Dee. 9 PIRPT BOARD. 10000 Tenn ds. '9O at ;IVO Eric Itailreal lo; 4000 do 631 0 100d0 alO 164 I: 000 Virginia 64 - 6'44,1160 d o b.)] I6} 1000 do 65%1120 do b 3 16 r, 3000 do SS hi do 16‘; 1010 Ilisa,suri Ca 755 90,) do 7000 do 70 5 Sixth Ar R tia 20001 Kentucky IA Ca 100 10 N Haven & RtW 111 2600 do VI 100 50 Reading R al5 313 200.) Hudson Rir dm 54 75 alien S.tN In II b 1 lit t 310.0 Harlem lm 06;150 do , 11000 111 Cun lids 02 ilOO Mich S&Nto PI 5000 BIX i6O do 1000 Gal & Chic. lm 90 50 Panama R 9.1 3:100 Gal & Chic 2 ,, 00 6.5 do 01 s, 10 Penn* Cool Co 60 50 Illinois Central 5.5 200 Pacidu 31 SSCo 60 12 Galena & Chicago 70 100 Canton CO 1.60 17!(, 7 do 72X 40 Comb Coal 911 - 1100 Mar Pal It 12 50 N Y Can R 130 7:1 250 do )11 50 do haw 74 1200 do .60 41 lee do sew 7t 3) Chic .k Ilk hi It 71% 160 do 741 96 La Cros. ktil It 101, 350 do 14 !TN do 10, 2:4 do 830 72 :SO do THE IfARRIITS. et - oTTON continues, quiet and Irregular. We quota Now TOOK C 1.1331,10031031. I - plants. Florida 3fobile. 54.0 /L- Tees,. Ordinary 9% ..4 . 6.. e.t 0 % fig -11 11h, 1 ' /2" 1air.,.... 11 ti 12% Ftoce, &c —The demand forWestera meal Flour is Innitsd ; owing to the storm the artirala are not large. We have no change to make in oar quotations The inquiry is waned to the home and Eastern !ride. The sales are 600 bbl., at $4 60254 70 for common to good State; $ 4 .80a54 05 for extra do; $4 60454 7u for imperil. Indiana mai Michigan; $43OdS3 60 for extra do ; 25.,55.85 for common to good extra Ohio; $5 81 or for good to choice do; j 5 Beet: SO for St. Louts brands, and $5.10 $7.7.3 for *atm Genesee. Canadian Flour it without important change—the in• quay light; sales of 500 bbls at It a TA for toper tine' and $.5.156 50 for extra do. Southern Flour it dull and hoary—the arrivals are foir, sale., of 700 I.lds at $5 20a$5 30 for wised to good brands Baltimore, and $5 40a5d 35 for the better grades. Rye Flour is rery quiet at $3.30154 35. Corn Meal la move plenty at 01 40 for Jersey, and $2 h 5 for Brandy wine. Buckohest Flour is plenty, at $2 12%a $2 23 1P" luO Gall v—The arrivals of Wheat are fair. ant holler/ ere disposed to realise—the inquiry is wifely for export. The sal. o are 2-4,000 bus, at $1.`24 fur common Southern white; 46 for good white Kentucky: $ll3 for rod Indium ; Ste for Chimps spring; llt for rotornuu white Canadian; $1 40 for Iftebigan, and $1311.02 for Milwaukee club. Rye it in fair supply and is (lead, ; mart of '2,1,70 to At 76e. Bark, it firm and in fair d emand—sales of 6.000 boo at 70,01.15. Reeler malt is quiet at 90o9:2; White brans are in fair demand at $1 37 % ad' SO pt • Such. Canadian Polo ere in fair supply; toilet at Vogl Of. Sonthero black-evcd peat are saleable at r.. 7.5 a t,3 per hog of 2 bus Oita are inactive at 284141 c for Joraey 4244de for State, and &Salle for Western Corn is rather lower—the arrivals are fair—the 'la ntana is confined to the knese bade. Salsa cl 17.4t - .0 bush at 30e for Western mimed , 12e fur old Southern white, and ill na2c for'doyellow , sad 624407 c Ist u.w Southern and Jersey yellow. Pitorl3looA —The demand is limited. aul prltet ti 711 tout downward—the arrival. of co:tett-Yam Lair. Sales of 270bLls atstt,ostf 75 for country and rite :n e ts, $l3 for thin meal ;) $l4 O&M 50 for tonsil," and city prime; 113 50.0;13 75 for clear. Prime me 34 scarce an-t nominal. Beefs freely offersd, and it heavy with eats a lira:lel local demand—tale. of 140 bbla at 05 76050 76 for eousitry prime: 2140 for do mast; sllosl3 for re peko,l eettern mess, and $14a2.14 60 fur extra Chinsgo. Prime m 2.4 13 inactive at flis&p24. Beef hams are dull sod hearr—salet of SO Gila at Skald SO. Cut meets are hatiy—tales of 1:0 hhdri and tea at 7&734c for thouldars, ant 9%010c fur hams Drettei hogs art lot fir and dull—tales at 15Y01,,c Lord is firm; the supply of prime Is light—lulu of 110 bldt sod let At 104204„e Butter to fair demand at 17e fur Ohio, Cod 14 er2ot:: for Stole. Chefs it salcalle ut 6.164,,e and ehoice ot Site THE KAN% t% CONSTITUTION Firm the Marrirunturg (Ve 1 Talley Dent Tat ) The subject -matter of the latter of dlr. Hunter ditTors very little in itpiniou with our own We ,ire f.,rced, however, to Diller with the honorable s e nato r in regard t, the intmission of the Consti tution to popular ritifleation. The refusal of the Corn eution to submit the Constitution to the people of Kansas would, he a violation of the Itetoocratie interpretation pliaarl upon the Kette3S- Nebralks. act, and the repeated pledges made by the party to the people In all the discussions up, a the question, and a violation of the fundamental (totems of cur system of government. It was the intention and duige, if not the express words, of the Kansas-Nebraska bill, that the Coaati tution should be submitted to the people; tut if the Contention arrogates to itself the power to Itrut a C , nstitution.can it be rightfully touter...led that the pe,4,te th“nselver eoatrelled and al:pled their o n organic law' Ua the a.intrary, it et.A.:ll be a removal from the contrail of the people. act a deprit elk.° of the privilege of ratrte,g 14,0 the action of their re l resentatives. It it is an friogement u , ,an the powers of an ierhoste State fur CiingrrY• io require a pq..ilar ratifsatiitn, hew conies it that the honorable ltenat.r did not Mitt the Minnesota hill. which required the Constitu tion to Lo submitted to the tootle' If Congress toote.wed the rower in one instance, it might sure ly everePo it in the case of Kansas, eeproially when it is known that the eentiteent of the Con vention LI iu direet conflict with that of the pe: , ple. [Prow the Milwaukee NeW.l Ur Justwe Story lays "The true view to be taken of our State Constitutions is that they are forme of bio%erninent ordained and eitablished by the people, iu their original sovereign ear,teity, to prouwto their own happiness. and pa:T.:ate/My to eeeure their Tights, pr.party, indspendet and et welfare. - -tritowt Ck , 6lLitttli . 3l3, 344 I The power to ordain and e3t.it.lish" testa with the people, and hi+ ia so inetan:e in the history of the country, 1.,r0 dOrgstel 14 any tepee sentiti.e body. The duty of a Constttuti,nal Convention is to j...pare a form of tiorern meet, not to zee Such has always teen the pr,vince these as:sewClic& :cab •as the 8.,1e dory of the Calhoun Cc.nrent::n in Kan u. So Note: to adopt their own were was delegated to the numbers Sal!, in dtaanze if a!I precedent, all law. and all right, they &ilea:III to deny to the pix.p.:e even the prifaegt of rer.e.e. and direct the Enllote to be so prepared that ro vote C.lO 14 0381 Spirit the in_ttratnect which if to constitute the fundamental law of the sew State. We do net hesitate to yrononnee the ecaree of the Convention a departure from the bus of tre mor:ratio jxdiey, ► violation ct the irinriples el the hantas-hebraitka act, and so outrage upun the people of Kansas. The clergyman of a county village, repro. hending one of his patiNhioners for quarrelling with his wife so Icndly and so frequently AS to be a source of perpetual disturbance to the neighborhood, in the course et his exhortation remarked that the Scriptures declared that man and wife were one. "Aye, that may Le, sir," answered Hodge, r , but if you were to go by when I and my wife are at it, you'd think there were tneuty of us." Genius lights He own fire, but it LI congentlg Colluoting the materials to keep illYe the fame,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers