ZZIM= . - ..... . •-• t , Aiir°2ll3B. Ooxq~sc , air; Aff~ec~Prrytatie lire_ now announced that. the Welsh Ifightlagide gill - ote A grand ente*riMent nt blitaiehl /hod flell,:en Taegu avpulug,liarminher Bth, for'the`henefit .14 the St. Jd seph'aBeepltal. The enterialitaients,aiready givin ba , Our city by this lady , hoe sufficiently yindidated,ber clam . % the Pationage' of,ti disertminattri puldie; and n4;7,4046 is nobly doVellykit her .pOworn, to, it chori tebtaiprintosoi:wa may ..veksonably beepeek to, her a, large andionek °Attie occasion announced.. Wakens for the ocimitori,ixilta had at' the ,grnisrui. Booketere, and at theAlatisollo stores.' Tits itnankaa-ut. TOR l i anas should be again roadtided that -Messrs. it. (1. Walborn & Nos. 6 aid f tiorthiliulb street, be're one of the tined .iimert merits .ot-gentleven's fungeltingioads to be found in tbilwitdphts„nna that it Is sold- at prices to mitt the times.'. , yin the * Matter of , linen' and dressing; robes, 5te50.3.4..1. bp. - excel: 'Their customers,em bracoldo end country folks, in abOut equa. numbers. Xnatts., are, many sweet girls, who mpie them sefieS sweeter "Mill by inditiging freely In the conceits of bfr, , , Whitman, the popular . Confeationer, Second stiriet, 'below Chestnut .' We do not. *ender, too, that tb . e.inaidetts are so prone tOpafronlie Vflutinan, for he tiiit,ouly gets. ap all descriptions of candies from the very best of inaterlalsi but sells them at most reasdas• ble , priefro: Whitman deals largely IttirUlta ad well as TnOSE , -who wish- to procure n first-rate book can- do so at O. Evenit's Original Gift Boot Store, Chosttint i below Flilb, mid for .the same" price they would pay at °Wei establishments in town. There is an advantage, hblevey,' in dealing with }trans ; for with, every purehOlie of a, dollar and upwards he for- Melia a gift sett of jbweiry, coil, timber smite - thing else, which may be worth $lOOl s.a might be sup- Pend; Evaneis Store le crowded with buyers, , . 31n. Occshs, of the and Gentlemen's 9rdinary, Eightit,,below Obestnut, boa selected just thepolat for a suoteseful restaurant end confectionery,' W . . 9 are glad to knew, is beginning - to realize the fact by a handsome patronage. Ile is visited daily by oar moat. relined classes, female fie tus male, and tarnishes altraya_a choice carte from which to select. Hie cuisitre is eipital, :and tlfe'ealoons eet eparrfer gueite.are 'elegantlifltmished and appointed, particu larly those devoted to theladles. n'.. n . aov;.. NGB' Or FRAZSB; just pill/Haled by IrAWSrat Welker, Chestnut street, above Sixth, are already very popular, and have largely a demand. They are tarnished, rvith,a rich stool, of Trade gene rally, to the atibeeribere, pf the Musical, Institute, of which Mr. Wier to treasurer: • The pnreivice of a dollar's worth' of tousle' entitles' ono to a chance in diefributiOn of 'gifts, which is ail , the time being,made, inci'Whith sametimes'embrioes arith piano worths Boo. Other gifts consist of violins, guitars, portfolios. and the like._ f.verybody who visite the office of the rust'. tete can see how the prism! are F-. B. PAIILI, Third street, below Chestnut, two or three doors from the corner, Wm a new style l oicith hat, which is one of the neatest - and moat elegant we have over seen, Mr. Pauli has a high reputation we 16,1tettes t eta enjoys the favor of some of our most Irelhereht ritizene. :Rig- stock of furs; by the way, is very doe.-rile adla it, too, at almost cost Woes. - n 'lr wtc tAtle on by onr advertising columns that 'tbe Waterman Goa Regulator Company orp on* selling their superior .Regulators at prices to Ault the times. thily Ave- dollars for a Regulator; warranted to ears 213 'to-38 per cent. of the, gas bill, (Ace 802 Chestnut 'street, above 131r,th.. , - . 3t ' n Plenunn SAsstxdsis."—The breaking up of liersc-meat sausage manufactory , bra cooled consider slits commotion about town, and several lovers of sau-, -rages have been troubled with the nightmare since the details of the 4orse.opetationS were made public. It that people will Cheat' their customers, in `stead'of pursuing the ? sirsighiforwavl,, honorable, cauriteOnich as • has alwaya been followed at the Brown Stone 'Clothing_ Ball of Rockbill. in, Wilson, Nos. 503 and f/S Chestnutlitireat .above • . 1 1100,000 !. I - $25,00D ! ! ! worth of su '"Perl?'.olothine; Ileedy'''triedi. and in the piece, is now wag gala at boat prices by th'e celebrated 'clothiers; Clifton, Albright, is Co.,likrne's Hall, No. 027' Chest hitt street, Let all in want of fashionable, seasonable_, • e give them a calf: ' ' Econour.—Our readers in want of Airs will save mom by buying them of °Ward. Beo his advertise ment. .„ ~..&11, v numsrsoi--Tho, Haltini'ore • American, In a very sensible article on advertising, says : "To be sucoessful, advertisenients must be 'pre sented through the right means, and some before the reader at-the-right time to secure Ms favor able obnilderatiem:: Theineans is the daily paper. To that the puroliaair - fooks _tie the - legitimate plane for the informatiori he Seeks,:ttiad Ito duds it there when most in• the disposition to dwell upon its statements and noteits fasts,. There it meets theeye of the reader Ashen he it at %Isere to note its import. •He has, it repeated" to -him day' after day, and •es his wants ate suggested, he yecuta to it for guidance. tt to na: its legt - Maisie' place, having, a proper' publicity,. but . not obtrusively or -surreptitiously.,lomed upon his notice, and therefore' is not met with- din ...trust. The coincidence between his neothrand the plans at - Which they may be supplied is naturally established,- andtho foot that the establishment he seeks is -known-by its proMinontai among those which press theirelainis tbroughm proper channel, begets confidence and prodaces She desired result. No man *he has relied upon this Moans of adult.- ' t ising,:andindicietudy pursued it, has ever regret- Aid the expenditure in view; of the results, while binomial Are:rOpastedy scourging in, which' thou 'sande of expenadveoiroulars, distributed liberally among those it was desired to reach, have failed in producing any appreciable' advantage." The accomplished lady of Sir WilliariCaore Cooley, whorwill probably pass the winter hero, is - adaughter of Governor Gremlins P. Van Ness, 'isle was isblef magistrate of Vermont, then minis . tat at Madrid for nine years, and afterwards , col'. looter Of the port of-Now York. 'Be died at Phila delphia is 1852.; General J. P. Van Ness (a bib- Aar of the Governor) came to this city at the corn moneement of the present century, artilmarried the only daughter of David-Barns, Es q., one of the prinoipatoriginal proprietors of. he Site of me tropohs .. .crested, the. due, mansion house on the west side .of the. parade ground, between' the execative mansion and-the Potomac, which at that time was not excelled by any'private residento in the country, and left - an, onlyelsild,:Auxt Ribertins, : who married J. Middleton; ER.; of South Catan ia. • She hashearidoid Wady rata; and her father ,was the uncle (not the father) of Lady Ouseley:— HItHitHiITIIFFS AT BALTIMORE, December 3. "Fioukin which there was a eomewhat improved - yesterday, was this" morning -very lietivy under*Ahe 'news, brought , by the • Sales were made at even hilver rates. The sales reported me !change include 100 Ole `Ohio andi . loo blds: Howard street super.at $5,121 ; 150 Howard street and 100 blols Ohio do at $5; 500 bble,Oity Mills do for dellveryon: the Ist of January, 'at f•b•;,' 500 dO for imineEate deliver', at $4.811 cash; and of 500 bbls forMoreediate delivery, at $4.75 , ills: latter rigige 'being the lowest point, that boa -yet been hadotied.:, :Fleur of all vastellea ,ehised 'heavy: . There was, nothing _done • hi- extra Fleur, We tuote; - aa before, Western extra at $5.5046,7.5. iloward street d0,0155.75a.00, anti regidarehiPPing brands Pity dd ar55.6040 per- bbl. ltye Flour islower.„ There was a sale this morning or 100 bble at $4.75. Oorn'Heal is still quoted at $3.50 for Baltimore," at which figure 'some 400 to soo.bble have been sold within the peat day or two. We quote, Biandreine Meal aa,befeke at $3.50a - 83,021 per HI. , . • - finsin.—The receipts were larger than they ) hate Win on any day during the week. - The do, mend for all varieties was, however, fair, and prises weru. prat,* well sustained. Of Wheat _therewas about 20,000 "bus offered. • The demand was fair fron(the apiece, and there were in addition several • shippenria market, and most of the tote: ,offered 2 - ‘ '-werecold at about yeeterday'aprleee.. Reds sold at , lo3all2e , for -good to, very °holes parcels, and brought 106a110c for fair 1120.156 for good, '118a1204 for Woe ehippf - 4-lets, and abentl,ooo ,bus very choice,' suitable lor family flour, Vag sold at i25ir12i76. - Common Wheats sold at ,from 80 to 000.: Thgfineelre of corn are increasing." There ,wera ,about. 30,000 bushels at market, most of , : Whlek was new: ,Old Porn sold at70a750 for white, ..',10 1 02e14,10110W, and new do at 33a000 for white, and 'sfe6so for yelloir. The demand wee brisk, and most orthe iota offored were sold at Ihe prices named above. ,01 Rye there were about .1,000 bushels offered ' , all iof which was sold at 700 for illarylaid,' and 750 for Pennsylvania ; and of Oats there were some 4,300: bushels roffirerli,rmost of •Whlohriiiereiold at aoaB2, for 'Vireo% had Mary ; load, add 35a300 for pennsyliania Oats. ' • ''BALTIMORE OATTLE MARKET, Deo. ad.—: The offerings have been large thin week, and prlasointve slightly advanced. There were 1,100 `,head offered at the scales, -whieb.nnwbor 200 were driven off, 100 left over, and the balance ware sold, td,prlees-ranglieg flour $340a54,50 per 100 lbs. ottqbe;,hoof--winal to $749 not, and _ nvoragings4.26. Ilogs , - -4 The offeringsßn the seales„t&day were quite /arg:e; There being Some 4,000 to 0,000, Raga offered. - Paws have also deolined. Sales were made of , prime flogs at gdi - suitable for packers' use, and $6.00 - per 100 lbs. for butchers.. These' figures slein.st decline of 600.-per 100 lbs. • Sheep are dull. Sareareromade at from"s2.oo as3:6o par, head; se - carding te EIRIMITOI , IOATTVE MATCRET,Deoembor B. At market, / 1 400 Beeves, 000 Stores, 9 pairs Work ing ',Oxen, 89 Cows :and .Calvo, 5,000. Sheep and .Isonbircand 500 Swine. - • , - NM Ottge;-.Prieta, extra pp) ; first quality, $0.50 j; !6.60 ; thirdnquslity, $0.00; " ordOntri, $ 5 .0 15, ° ' Btoresl---Yettrilnis, Sllitsl3 ; two friar' olds;1 $17430; three year olds, s2oas3o. : ; , .-111del perlb;•Tallow.flo per lb,;`PoilS 62(470,, ',each; Calf Skirts 9aloo, - :Working . 0 ,1 .mi. ;- 4 3 ales at 05,180400, $lOO. • Cows and .o.olvoV—Saiet at3s22, $24,07, SSD,' .1;. , 1145 - 0130. ,Brp and tatahl4; , ,Extin.'..s2:slMB3;' try lot, isais 80 . :* Ili; Ohio 516'; 'Wail 61a80.. 1 , 4 ..i, - -...larks; 7 -lhere„is.a full Supply of fiqef at mai iAkatioLday, and prises remain about ,the Mime as liat'aatatk 'There is a large supply.ot Sheep and , Lattiwreand they.aold loWer than last week), Bales of Swine- qalok hat no rulvanoo in pricee,•, . ~ , , ,„ „ • ''': '-:' •Pirriatntate,,TtLfax:nia,"Deci... 3.—Pleur ' (plot ' 7 " allies - 'of 46 'Ude attlier; eu letter wharf, at 84.40. ' 'Prom atere.,1844,00; 26, 20;25 and 75 "labia extra 16144 ,„ 1412 q3=„ 4(6 . , at $‘870212 ; 150 , do. extra at Y r.: - . , 'f44llP, and 51)1104511.0er at $4.02a4.70.. - • ,' ...- , • Orain , : - Selefef , 26obnalt,Oatsott depot, at 29501 '''',- Vf ertd.B4l4llansh ear Cloreqoafifitarf, at 400. ','". ''', • ltetter--Balse - of .8 Ws contemn roll at 121 e. '' 'Otklefle;- , -galetot3oFosexitetotalOo. ~,,;,, , ..prkint,-A1111! 014 , A.Ltr."- , 4"he quantity of flout, ,:,,, .4elivit „It:qui and • barley tett, at tideleatir, New ~ f -Xurle, durinebelourthlreelt inlicorielber, in the yeart).BsB,Andllls7;wes 14 fauciu 1 • . ittisistAai) Wheliebir. Corn bet, Batley bu. - 1856.:.:i.:.52,495, , 6135,572, - 0 ' , 05,55T -.: , ; 160,100 1857 111,968' ,--, 418,090 '' :118,811i,l 183 ( 339 - Deal ....88/44 .- j,2,50,2182 - ' t - ,64-" - 1 ;„1,187 P 4 llll.6e.rwsVetat'e !faiwifitypf the same artielefileft - 2 at tidewater aktbeeeeweetteemeeterwitiiiauphA, ,i/do IlareflioVember, „Ineiutlive, during die yetis - 486 01 4 1186/,' illation:llFt: , '' - ' eit1 7. " .t ''''' ' .- glintr;bbla. Nilteat, hu.,: , Born, bit, - B ey, bu, . ' 108„gittgigri: , 10,660,14iV . ;0,13°,911 2,0N,660 ,* * 23677„ 1 1 1 16 7 ,4117 ''', 6,112,868':"1,6,666,151 ?,614,001 a1;41...,.,..1 , 5..-- —..—..-.4......,' - - . ,. .................-4.'..1 - ~agg,foa ,- .5;475,201. 4,672,740 , 806,865 ~'''4 o% ,.t ' midoirc tho wheat to flour, the quantity' of': 11t iPI ' alteelett: at tide water this year, etunpared '' Nit the ComtponsiLog period last yriar,tallowl4 a . ,qv) $414P1 0t0t1 1 031,785 PVC et Oar ' VICSTRIMA4 H limeorroittas.. , • Liteported Tor- The , press.l - ; • ' DISTRICT' CORIIT No. I—judgo Stroud.—Sosoph D. Koerker vs. Easthurn Mitchell, exeoutor of Moe. S. Mitchell; deceased. An action to recover ae n Viaaa asaralittßAt• • Verdict foe $2 9 0. O. Guillou Esq.,' foi pitting; Wel , B. Place Es.q., for defendant. - • ' Daniel Williams and Joseph Williams, trading as D. Williams it Co., vs. T. it, Patton, owner and George R. Kessler, contractor. An action:for lum ber furnished to the — defendants. Verdict for- Plaintiff, $120.35. 0. Wilson Davis, Esq., for the plaintiff; Mossrs. Heed and Juvenal for the de fendants. . • ' George R. Onimns„to the use of David S. Moore, vs, Reward Tilden, owner, and Thos. Willoughby, aontractor. An notion for a balance of a book se count. Verdict for plaintiff, $04.27, Alexander [ Simpson, Fag for' the plaintiff; J. D. Bennett , E 8 1 , for the defendants, Beery Crist vs..Donjantin Kellogg and Anoustua Fal l er, trading as Kellogg Sailor. An notion on a promissory note. 'Verdict for the plaintiff, 3505.59. S. IT. Perkins; Esq.,Tor plaintiffs; Theo dore Cuyler, Esq., for the defendants. ' Hoary Drist - vs. Henry B. Scott. An action on promissory note. Verdict for the plaintil, 5005.0. 8, R. Perkins, Esq., for the plaintiff; •Theo. Cagier, Esq., for defendant. - George W. Fitzwater and Ezra Wright, trading as Fitzwater A-Wright, vs. Joso_ph Deal. An ao lion for lumber furnished to the Frankford Church. Verdict for the plaintiffs, $423.05. David Webster, Esq., for the plaintiffs; John O'Brien, Esq,, for the defendant. -xn the case of Brownback and Vanleervs..7, Ger mer—an action to recover the value of a horse. be fore reported—the jury returned a verdict for the t defendant. R. R. Kneoes, Esq., for the plaintiff; J. Gerhart and W. Kankin, Esqs., for the de fendant. ' "Howard-Tilden vs. Joseph Wiseman. An action on a promissory note. The defence was, that the 'plaintiff, Tilden, gave na consideration for the de fondant's promissory note, a note of a poison named Roberts for $550, which, it 14 alleged, had boon pledged with Tilden for $5O, and that that sum had been paid. Ono of the witnesses for the de fence proved that the note has been Hest pledged with a person named Flaming, for the sum of $5O, who sold the note for $ll5 to Tilden. Roberts swore that be had paid the sum he had obtained on the note, but did not get the note back. Upon the .note falling due in Mr. ,Wisonion's bands, it was found to be worthless. On trial. Rider, Esq., fur theplaintiff; B. If. Brewster, Earle, and Wood- Ward, Ewe, for the defendant. Miami STATES DISTRICT COURT—Judge KL/113. —The Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company vs, the bftniUo Imperador. A libel foe wharfage was heard. The question in issue was, whether the barque, in the position she occupied, Interfered with the incoming and out going of the steamboat of the coMpany; and, also, as to the rights of parties owning adjoining wharves to campy positions bate:goring:with the rights of the company. ' Judgment for the libellant. DISTRICT COURT No. 2.—Judge Sharswood.— Hannah Selfridge vs. Bailor and Bank. A feigned issue to try to whom certain funds in court belong Verdict for plaintiff. O'Brien for plaintiff; Porter and Arundel' for defendant. George K Tryon, assignee of Osborn Conrad, to the use of John Rackert, vs. Osborn Conrad. An action of covenant on guarantee on ground rent. Weatherby for plaintiff; Simpson for defendant. Verdict for plaintiff for $040.90. Lefovre, Black, & Co., to the use of William Gallagher, vs. William Hussy. An action for goods sold and delivered. James W. Paul for plaintiff; Mclntyre for defendant. Vordiet for plaintiffs for $332 96. Tames Munn and Patrick Munn vs. William Logan, Cornelius Beloit, William Gleason, George Cornish, and William Gandus. An action of ejectment for property. Verdict for plaintiff. Mclntyre for plaintiff; C. A. Husbands and James P. Johnston for defendant. UNITED STATES CIECIIIT Comm—Forrest vs. Wheatley seal. • In consequence of tho pressure on our space, we will be unable to giro the bill In this ease until our edition of Monday. LETTER RATS Al Me Merchants' Szchange, Philadelphia. Ship Bnranak,• Rowland Liverpool, Nov 28 Ship II B Widmer, Webb London, can't Ship Philadelphia, Pool Liverpool, soon 10AIID OY TRADE. iDIPARD A. SOVDYR, WARN= IL Bab's, 0010filriti 01.701 11101711 Nwhoon , 11, Titomos, SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. FROM THE UNITED STATES, lITTLX6II . TRW% VOW DLT Vanderbilt... ...... N York Soutb'n & Havre...Deo 6 Atlantic ..... ....New York Liverpool ...... ....Dee 6 Africa New York -Liverpool Dec 9 America. ...Boston Liverpool Deo 16 Now York New York alasgow Dec 23 PROM EUROPE YIIOII 1011 DAT New York Glasgow New York Nov 18 America Liverpool Boston Nov 21 Anglo Saxon..... Liverpool Portland, Ao Nov 26 Baltic Liverpool Now York Nov 26 Europa. ......... ..Llverpool Boston Nov 28 , on Mk and ttr The Californ iaeach ail month. Steamera sail from Noir York the 113. - ' The Havana steamers learn New York on the 7th i 12th,17th and 27th of each month, and Charleston, B, C., on the 4th and 19th. ,110V1111111T8 01 HAVANA 1311M1E1113. PHILLOBLPHIA—FrOtO NOW York 24, wiring at Ila • TIM Bth, and New Orleans 11th. Prom New Orloane 20th ; Havana 284 arriving at New York 28th. Quasi; OnT—From New York 7th of each month, arriving at Havana 12th, and Mobile 14th. . From Mo bile Wd, Havana 24th, arriving at New York 28th. Ontawita—Prom New York 12th, arriving at Havana 17th. and New Orleans 19th. From New Orleans 27th, Havana 20th, arriving at New York 3d. Emma Otry—From New York 17th, arriving at Ha vana 2.14, and New Orloane 28th. From NTT Orleans oth, Havana Bth, arriving at Now York 18th BLACZ WARRIOR—From NOW York 27th 1117191ng at 114Vanti let and Now Orleans 3d, From New Orleans 12th, Ilavanal4th_, due at New York 18th. Isanat—From Charleston 19th and 4th, doe at Ile- Yana 23d and 71h. Brom Havana 10th and 25th, due at New York /Bthkint 8111 t Marine PORT , OF PHILADELPHIA, Dee. 6, 4857. BUN 1618E8..... 01011 VAT= • 7 21-815 N ;MI% 4 30 08 ARRIVED. Brig Trenton, Atherton, from Portland. Behr lI B Gibson, Crocker, 6 days from Now London, with stone to P Gant. ' Behr Ply, Cheesetatm, 3 days from Nantucket, in bal last to Van Dusan, Norton & Co. • Schr Octeraro, Tuft, I day from Port Beposit, with wheat to Jas Barrett & Bon. Bahr Manship, Greco, 2 days from Magnolia, Del, with corn to Bewley, Wilson & Co. Bohr Mary Minor, Laws, 6 days from Boston, in bal last to J R White. Schr W P Phillips, Smith, 6 days from Boston, In bal last to Geo P. Slost & Co. Bahr Perseverance, Churchill,l6 days from Plymouth, Mass, with mdse to G A Wood. Behr GeoW Krebs, Emerson, I days from Beltimoro, With mdse to Rhos Webster, Jr.. Behr D W Eldridge, Ogden, 4 days from New Bedford, With' mdse to Thai Webster, Jr. Bebe A Oordery, Babcock, from Boston. Behr..llß Carlisle, Wlnemore, from Providence. Behr L L Sharp, Weaver, from Hoeton. Behr Shenandoah, Hickman, from Portsmouth. Behr Itelipse,ffitchine, from Boston. Bohr Lizzie Mault Henderson, from Boston. hr liAndenreld, Bartlett, from Boston. &hr Gazelle, Crowell, from Boston, CLEARED. • Steamship Palmetto, Baker, Boston, H Wlooor. Ship Naples, Badman, Havana, Bishop, Simon. & Co. Brig Delbi,lplenny, Antigua, T Wotteen A Bons, Brig Trenton, Atherton, Boston, do Behr 0 B earstalre, Somers, Savannah, Van Dusan, Norton & Co. Behr Alice Lea, Clark, Boston, captain. Behr It 11Whilden, Jarman, Washington, DO, Noble Hammett Caldwell. Bohr Sly, Cheeseman, Slog Bing, You Dustin, Norton & 00. - Bahr Loma Bich, Smith, Barton, 3' It White. Bohr Ai Miller, Laws, Providence do Sala DW Bldridge. Ogden, Norfolk, T Webster, Jr. Bohr L Taylor, Taylor, New York, It Milne. 4 Co. - Bahr Washington, Tyler, Stone & Co Bohr A Cordery, Babcock, Charleston, Brdwn A White. Boer Lizzie Maul!, Henderson, Boston, do Bohr (lazotte, Crowell, Boston, Itothermel A Co. Behr L L Sharp, Weaver, Pall River, B Blanes & Co. Behr „Shenandoah, Rickman, New York, Vandusen, Norton & Co. Fehr At . It Carlisle, Winsmore, Providence, do Behr L Atulenreld, Bartlett, Providence, Sturtevant & Co. - • (BY TS LHORAP/X4 _(Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) GAPE ISLAND, Poo. 4, 6 05 P M. No vessels In sight Inward or outward bound, Wind NW, and 140k4 44 if a storm In at hod, Yoursorce., TILOS. 13. NUM/ES. CDT TTLEmiATiI TO TRH Tares New YOAK; Deo 4. Arrived, ship; Wm Topseott, from Liverpool; Louisi sus, from Bremen; brig rbornielen, from flibraltar. (Correspondence of The Preas.) likens De Crane, Dec. 4. 81: boats lint here tlibi mauling, laden and co: aligned as; follows: Mary Ann McConkey, grain, bark, &o, to Poplar et. wharf; Ella, wheat, flour, and 'whiskey to Christian & Curran; Ellen S. Rate, cloverseed, dour, &c. to order, and pig Iron to Wilmington, Dot; Peter Baylor, pig. iron to 0 D Campbell & CO; John M Rich, anthracite coal to Schuylkill; City of Philadelphia, Belt, to —. assnsoutcps. Steamship City of Baltimore, Lelteb,'frons Now York for Liverpool, was seed 'Adult, no lat, far, by steam ship America, from Liverpool 21st ult. Bhlp Beferly, Todd, nailed from Sydney, NSW, Aug 22 for Singapore. Ship Winfield Scott, McLellan, for Callao, sailed from Melbourne Aug 21. ,Ship Thos 11 Perkin , Wayne, for Philadelphia, was about ready at Liverpool 21st ult. , Wm Penn, Meade, for Philadelphia anon, was 'adverimed'at 'Liverpool 2let ult. ' Skip Jacob from 1.1931111[4, via Batavia, 10 'days, arritiedat New York &V fruit. "nip' Scatgo, Crowell, from Manilla for London, was "spoken Sept 211, lot 3N, long 12 E, all well. • Map Celestial Empire, Whalen, from °Mucha 'Lalonde for B.„yre,. wan spoken Aug 21, lat 48 2, long 83 W. `Ship Dreadnought, Samuels, from New York, was teen going Into Liverpool Mat ult. Steamship - Atlantic, Eldridge, cleared at New York lyesterday for t lverpool. Steataihirr Granada, Berryman, cleared at New York yesterday for AsPlnwell• Ship Stag Mound, Peterson, from Poo Chow Too, ar rived etNow York yesterday ' Ship Mary Robinson, liarding, for San haIIOIRCO, 'cleared ritNeer York yesterday. Ship Star, (Br) from Liverpool for Obrrleston, WAS apoicen let lost. off Bußa Day% Shiplleetwing, Gowen, for San Francisco, cleared at Boston ad Mat, and sailed. • Ship Chile, from Now York for Hong Kong, was ape. ken Sept 23 in the Straits of Sonde., Barque B. Cohenjnargeas, remained at Gibraltar 9th uit. repairing. Barque Dennis Kelly, Corson, from New Orleans, or rived at Gait dtb alt, Barque rattloon, hentei enteral inward ar Loa au itch alt. , Barque Seneca, Penhagen, for RosarlO, sailed fora BnenosAyfea Oct 17. Barque Roanoke, Parker, from Olio do Janeiro, at N York yesterday. Barque Virginia and Estellina, Wilkins, for Hampton -Itoade, wan at Bahia about 401 Brig lU & J 0 Glinioro, Eldridge, cleared at Boston 8d inst. fOr Savanitab. ' • - , • Brig Milton . , Potter, cleared at New York yesterday fof Pert an Prince. Brig U J Bershaw, Pierce, from Liverpool for Cleve; ' land; via 'Montreal, plot into Piston 20th ult. for stereo. &kr Alert, Champion, hence at Roston dd inst. • Behr A Heeksher, Stubbs, for Philadelphia, wont to Sea from Chertieten lat Mat. Sabi Star, (late Shubael Trtyler, dead) arrived a t id a . 29thult. from Matanzas. 11ehr 'Mary & Louisa, Bteeltnan,•from Pensacola, at 'Mobile 28th alt. Bohr Wm Nallahan, Edwards, hence at New Yens gd ' yet. - I B Bleacker, Edwards, cleared at Now York 8d forPhtladelphia. ': , liettiJanies Bliss, latch, for Philadelphia or Bangor, according to wind, sailed from below ,Fall River 2d inst. Sabra - Edwin. Reed, Crean, and Kensington, Stone, fog tkilladeNala, cleared at Poston Oil Nat, TIM PRESS.-PHIL:ADELPITIA, SATURDAY, : DECEMBER 5, 1857. Schr R P Stockton, Edwards, hence at Newbutyport 30 inst. ' isarr viz% Tatocoo, Taylor, sailed from Newburyport 24 Inst. for Philadelphia , Bohr Sarah Loul.a, Cruse, hence for Danvers, at Sa lem 2d, inst. ,Be OAI Robertson, Morrow, cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelpia. Propeller Bristol, Allen, cleared at New York yonder day for Philadelphia. rdARINAI NIBSIELIar Biennia, Sept 3—The Amor/eau ship Coringe, hence, July 27, for Bruton, which put back Aug 4, before stated, baring struck 013 the Apo Shoal, on the coast of Mindoro, where abo throw overboard 820 bales hemp, beta discharged the remainder or her cargo, and la now In the river repairing, Ship Westward 110, formerly of Beaton, bee been sold to a house lu Lima, and will hail from Callao, but will retain her present name. Barque Mary 0 Porter, from Saute Cruz, Cuba, for England, belore reported abandoned, was fallen in with oil Frying Pan Shoals Nth ult, with ship It 11 Tucker lying by, preparing to tow her Into Charleston. The achy Lorena, from New York for Attakapas, while lying under Abaco, about 11th ult, cut away masts, d'e, and on the 19th wee neon at anchor off Orange Keye, with ado Nightingale, of Providence, alongside, ren dering assistance. Cork, Nov 18—The Denaree, of Boston, Wendell, from Liverpool for Calcutta, 'which pot in hero to distress, was found to have twenty - five inches water In her hold on the 15th, during a heavy blow, in which ahe labored and strained heavily, and the leak Increasing, she NMI obliged to pat In here for repairs. The 'tenures has hauled to the Royal Victoria Dockyard wharf, to dis charge cargo and undergo repairs. SPOKEN. 18th ult, lat 24 In, long 72 24, barque Truman, of Or leans, from Now Oricave, bound E. 224 ult, lat 28 41, long 80 02, ship Sheffield, from New Orleane for Liverpool. Juno 20, lot 20 N, long 28 VT, alttp Cato, Atwood, Ern Roston June 2, for Calcutta. Juno 27, lat 28 8, long 27,810 ahlpBumatra, from Bos ton, 'Pt& Rio Janeiro, for Sumatra. Septa, tat 08, tong 29 IV, ship Sonora, Brion), from London July 2, for Calcutta. DOMESTIC PORTS NEW YORK, Dee 4—Arr, steamship Jackson, Black, Baltimore; ships Annawan, 11eNair, Havre; Excelsior, Swift, Liverpool; Henry Olaf, Caulking, Liverpool; barques Oliver L Bayes, Shivorlck, Buenos Ayres Oct 10; Win 0 Alden, klegill, Honduras; MAK Da vis, Bahia brigs Matilda, Richardson, Oche Rios, Jam; lett ship Caroline Green for New York in 7 days; Nov 16, the M run ashore on baps Antonio; hove overboard deck load of logirood, when she came off without re ceiving any damage; Amanda Jane. Derr, Bordeaux; Hope, Diddle, Belize, Rend; aches Montrose, 'Winslow, Galveston; Frances Satterly, Hughes, Charleston, Cleared, barque J W Andrews, French, ;Mobile; brigs Henrietta, Webb, Bermuda; 1) Webster, Williams, Sa vannah; sears 0 0 Bigelow, (Br) Whittler, Bermuda; Pavilion, Abrams, Norfolk. BOSTON, Deu. 3—Are, barques Coleslia, Bowes, Smyrna; Golden Rule, 'Nickerson, Smyrna. Cleared, k,grquoa Hannah Thornton, Tarr, Now Orleans; Fire Kimball, Bain"; brigs Oen Marshall, Segar, St Thomas; Sand Billum,, (Br) Van Norden Antwerp; scars Orlando, Lane, Connives; Lewis Muleord, Doyle, New York. PORTSMOUTH—OId let, ship Now Hampshire, of Portsmouth, Weeks, Mobile. THOMASTON—SW 20th ult, ship Holyrood, Jonlan, New Orleans.- • - • ... PROVIDENCE—fiId 2d lest, brig F 1' Beck, Aldrich, Apalachicola; achy White Foam, Milliken, Baltimore; and both anchored off 'tricky Point, wind ahead. New scbr George Fides, Nickerson, hence for Balti more, woe seen morning of the 2d, between Point Judith and Block SAVANNA'', Deo I—Arr, Br barque Lady Raglan, Wordee, Liverpool; Br brig Homo, Dixon, Gibraltar, ohs Cartitagena; solve. Mosart,lloward, Novena. Old, barque Marla Morton, Bu'Mot, New York; brigs Eliza Ann, Bewley, Darien; Orisava, Shute, /104(n); schr Francis Newton, Ilenderson, Amelia Island. MOBILE, Nov 28—Arr, ships Albert Gallatin, salter, Cardiff; Fortitude, Lora, Mayans; Rising Sun, Skollield, Boston; brig Larocca, Parker, Pensacola. Cld, brig Gov Bull, Northrup, Franklin, La; schr II Cushing' ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS Up eo 12 °Work Lag Night GIRARD 110USE—Oheenut Street. below Ninth. Jno Martens, New York It W Mead & wife, N Y 8 Frost, Vermont Win li Perrenden, Itt sine P II Morse, Maine P 0 Bogert, New York 13 II Thompson, N York W Ilenderson,lndia.napolis Wm U Reynolds,Providenca Wm W Leo, New York John Macdiarmid, N York (lee Thomas, jr, Now York 13 11 Luce, Jamestown Mr Rust, Va Ii Teat, St. Louis R II Ross and wife, &Louis (1 W Thatcher, St Louie A 8 Adams, Lynn, Mass It (S Pike, N Y E Brainard, Jr, Portland J Id halkoue, Maine Miss Bailey, PeterstPg, Va Miss Joyner, Petersburg, Va It N Rogers, Ct J II Barris, AZ ircIFISRA J T Hargrave, Ta Copt Jameason, U 8 N W Chanterlain, Va Mr Collouro, Balt E P Rawlings, Md Airs Wilklns,Fa Mrs Cerch, Pa T Copeland, N Y T 11 Mason, Phila. J Comment, Havana D J Coburn, Boston Ilt D Easton, Boston J J Crittenden & lady, Hy Mr Van Alan, Nowllmnburg S Payson, Boston L L Jernorid. IV &lIIt It II Nutt, Wilmington, N 0 ,1 A Taylor, N 0 3 V Robertson, N U J Wallace, Philo w S Neese, Halt II Brown, Jr, Hass A Kimball, Mass G T Lancaster, Blass A Wheeler, Masa J F West, Mato S W Hopkinson, Mass Capt Ward,England Capt Sayford, England D P Butt A II Reeder, Penna A Howes.. N D Bweltser, U S A John Birdger & wife, retina 4 B Landis, Penua thigh Tyler, Washington B Deno, lowa Banff H Reynolds, Lancaeter It North, New York F. W hicialnues, Pottsville John J Dover, Poona 11 Rekoswater, Buffalo S Nelson & la. Cooperst'u floodwin Lowrey, New York D Bront o Fall River John B &arr.& 1, Itentueky MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Bourth Street, below Arch Semi 'Wetherell, Pa Bon Geo Scott, Pa 0 II Cable, tavansville Mice Powers, Pa N P Keigley, Pa J 0 Cornell, Wt J Proudlit, N J J II Zimmerman, Pa B Ii Nivea, Washington G 11 Lytle, N Y A J Beatty, Ohio (I /I Orth, Ohio J Berger, Wheeling, Ya AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Filth. 9 Platt, Baltimore H C Crean, Washing'n, Pa A L Burkhart, Pa W g Seaver, Phila 0 Curtis, Middletown HMlleuderson,iillarerMo 8 Hendrickson, Andrcville J F Smith, Reading W 9 Wonderly, Baltimore W T Baer, Baltimore 3 111,10dollin, Pa .1 A Watmns, Columbus, 0 R W Addis, Lancaster F I:Metzger, Hanover, Pa :13 Harrison, Boston G W Furgurson & la, N J A G Cooke, Lowell, Mass W B Heard, Lowell, Mesa O W Tingle, Md 11' Henry, Newport, R I Hayhurst, Newport, R I NB Headley, Cape Map UNION MOTEL—Arah street, below Fourth. n 8 Cladney, Minton, pa W Went, New York Chan Wentworth, Phila P rtakermanit, Bremen A L Buckley, Lewisburg Tlt Buckley nr la, Lowiobg James Johnson. Penns Sato! Ford, Cecil co, Ald John Lorrain, Galena, 0 NATIONAL ROTBL—Race street, above Third. Joseph Whitaker, Ruston Remy Thorp,V cat Clinton Dr It Baldwin & eon, N Y Theo Richardson, N John Jiyers, Albany, NY, WW Drown, Lancaster Win P Moyer, Carbon Bf F Blaze, Pottsville II .7 Randier, Pottsville John Worts & la, Pa ' It 8 Saunders, Y Geo McMurphy, Hertford Than Rothchild, Va Isaac Didlow, Trenton 8 K TretChler, Jonestown STATES UNlON—Market Street. above Sixth. John Montgomery, Da Samuel Boggs, Salt John Dunks, Pitt:Morel Itmanuel &tuber; Ler/castor NW .6" Boone, YhUo II L Goodall, Lancaster E J Dailey, Cheater co- BARLEY BILEAF.—Second, below Vino street. J . 0 Cornell, Bucks co J Cornell, Bucks co T Cornell, Bucks co T Ely, Limerick, Pa 0 Janney, Bucks T J Janney, Newton W Llvezey, Attleboro J Newbold, Bucks co J Davis Davisv'e E Pickering, Bucks co J T Blair, Bucks co W James Bucks co A S Ely, Books co T Pickering, Doylestfu Hideous, Bucks co W Down, Bucks co .T P Harvey, Daylest'n N N Stiles, Danville It Longshore, Ducks co 3 LOTOOIIO[O, Backs CO IC It Trego Bucks co M W Trego, Bucks co J McNair, Bucks co It Corson, Bucks co 3 8 Paln;Brlstol J Beqeonett, Bristol E Hughes, Buckingham J Loedou, Newtown J 1' Townsend, Phil, A T Duffield, Bucks co J Polk, Bucks co J Barnsley, Newtown J P Linton, Newtown J L Atkinson, Bucks co M T Bruner, Philo BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third s treet, ab. Collowhill. 8 Truinbower, Doylentowa Jae Cndwaltwler, BuckPuto M Haldeman, Plumntead P Shutt, Warrington N Kaldemas, Warrington Joel Bruner, Culpnvillu Henry Landle, Doylestown Basket Olbeon, N Britain Wm }Allows, Moreland Harman Winder, Ilatboro J You Arlodelen, Petialcreki Jelin (turner, lluckn cu Segmond Hoglund. Byberry [(metier, Ohio Moses Newbold, Ohio Cooper Roads, llyborry Alex MeCorkel, llyberry Peantervdle Henry Lefferts, Smithfield John Bruner, New Britain Chas Boutin, Southampton Sloven Boutin, Southump'n Minn C Limning, Baltimore Mrs Bruner, Bucks co Men Horner, Buckn co ; MACE DEAR INN—Fifth and Merchant Streetc Alt Pennington,lo , n Dant Carter, fild AAI Drown. Fulton, Pa Wll Eckel.. to demo. J Osmond, Luzerno co, Pa Wiu Alcllenry, Chester co thinniond, Del Rana Wiley, York, In U V Pennypacker,W Cheat 11 W A Melt, Chicago, 11l Jon Thomas, Fulton, Pa 11 911V16, Chester BALD EAGLE lIOTKL—Third street, abv. Callowldll John Heck, New Jersey Itenj tlmtlly Bucka co Chas lleana, Bucka co Itenj licaua, pucka co Jesse Gruber, Buck', co Jacob bitalaor, Penna James Kelley, Bucks co II AMON 110tISE—Bseond street, above, Market. /no T Jones,Georgetin,Do N U Wooten, Laurel, Del Jerae Higgins, PODWI T D Appleton, Port Penn John L Sieger, New deriey Henry klerrison,New York Aaron N Wallower, Poona Jacob !Nett, Ohio John B Saylor, Batt .11 ccial 'Notices Fars.—Joseph Ittosenhaurn will open a slava. Mil stock or Furs on Monday next. Store 410 Arcli street, between Fourth and Fifth. N B.—Furs altered into fashionable styles. d 4401 Good Coffee. Lerma of Coffee cannot realize the full value of their favorite beverage without having it made la the Old Dominion Coffee Pot. ARTHUR, BURNHAM, dc GILROY, 117 and 119 South 'UNTIL cor. of George., (13-618 8010 tlcanifactutocc Wrappers! Wrappers Wrappers !--A very large and elegant assortment, wholesale and retail, at seduced prices. Also, One Shirts, Prase Stocks, and all lands of Furnlehlng Goode for Gentlemen, at W. W, Kstour's, 012 Arch street, above Sixth. no3olm Skates! Skates! Skates 1-onr readers will Clod the largest and most complete assortment of this winter luxury, and at the lowest prices, at W. W. Nxiour , a, No. 019 Market street, opposite Decatur street. n039•1m Saving Ruud.—Nutional Well Trust co office, WALNUT Street, S. W. corner of TIURD. ARRANGEMENTS FOR BUSINESS DURING TIIE SUSPENSION OF SPECIE. PAY3IENTS BY THE BANKS. •I. Deposits received and payments made dolly. -2. Current Bank. Notes, Chocks, and Specie will be received on deposit. B. Deposits made In Dank Notee or Checks will be paid back in Current Bank Notes. 4. Deposits made In Gold or Silver will bo paid back In COIL Interest VINE "PRs toe?, per annum. rio2b J anion, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT iITRENT. Checks, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, Bill Heads, Cir culars, Cards, and all other kinds of Job Printing, st prices to salt the times. ocl7-ly For Perfumed WWl], While Teeth, and Beautiful complexion, mu "Balm of Low Plovers." For &analog Ladies , hair, use Woodland Cream, a new Pomade." It curia enOemen's hair beautifully. W. P. PetatlMX & Co,, Proprietors, N. Y. For sate by T B. Peterson, 308 Chestnut; g e ny,,,,i Rifles, Twelfth and Chestnut; A.D. Durand, 718 Chest nut; T. lf. Peters & Co., 716 Chestnut; G. G. Evans, Gift ,Book-store, 489 Chestnut; 0. H. Hubbell, 1410 Chestnut; French, Dlchards, & Co., Tenth end Mar ket; A. D. Taylor, Ninth' and Walnut; Dr Morrison, Besentenoth. and. Chestnut; I. W. SitooB & SODA, Eighteenth and Twenty-Second and Market; Edward Christman, 708, Oltestant) Thomas Lancaster, corner Niuventl4 and Walnut, nol2-4 Cabinet Ware and UPHOLSTERY, 621 'WALNUT ST, opposiTE INDEPENDENCE 84UARN. GEO. J. HENKEL'S, 624 WALNUT Street, 0 , •22.8m Late of rta Chestnut Street. S. C. Dentuid, Commission Business Ist Com mercial paper and negotiations of loans, bt , St., opposite the/Iv/hang°, Philadelphia. n 010.202 newer is Infant Cordial.---This Invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of the meet choice and edicieut aromatics known in medicine, and is the roost perfect and reliable carminative extant for infants and young children. By its powerful influent* a speedy cure Is effected in all oases of Cholie, windy pains and spasms. Rollin , and mitigates much of children's sugaring during denti tion or teething, and by its soothing properties trait guillsee pains of thu bowels, looßonean, vomiting, &0. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been used in thousands of canoe with the most abundant success. He family shouldbe without it. Prepared only by Many A. BOWER, At his Drug and Chemlest Store, N. A. corner or Sixth and Green ate., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addressed. And /or Bala by Druggists generally. au 111.17 Seamen's Sawlmr Fund-011100 203 Walnut street, one door west of second street. Woelves de• posits in sums or One holler and upwards, from all classes of tier community, and allows interest at the rate of five per cont. per annum. Office open daily, from 0 until 5 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 0 in the evening. l'sesident Franklln ; Treasurer and Secretary, Charles M. Morrie. ttouk Notre of the PENNSYLVANIA BANK FOR UMBRELLAS, BY WM. M. 111011A.RDSON, No. 418 MARICg7 SUVA? Illarrutnto On November lftb, 1867, nt St Augustino's Church, by tbo Iter. jr.N Ifortinet, Mr. HENRY J. MURRAY to Mks UNETTA A. CARLIN, all of this city. On the 26th nit , by Roe. Georg° Chandler, GEORGE W. ULMER to ANN ELIZABETH, daughter of Joseph 11. Brooke. Ou the 2d inst., by Rey. C. D. Oooper, ldr. ronpu L. FitMt to Miss SARAH U. VONTANELL, all or this city. • Ou Deromber 2d, by lbw. d. R. Idibtbuutne. Rev. G J. MARTZ,of Rarrboburg, Pa , to Mato OAUI%U NUNE MAKER, of Norriatown, fißeatile On tho evening of the 2d inst., JOSEPHINE SAY, Wife of Darla C McCammon. Iter relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend her funeral, from her husband's residence, No. blb Pine street, this (Saturday) afternoon at o'clock. precisely, To proceed to Pine Street Church, and from thence to Laurel Rill. On the 3J December, HENRIETTA I) , daughter of Major Bache, U. S. A., and wife of John J. Rorie *** On the 2d toot., Mr. JOSEPH S. SHEPHERD, aged 32 years. On the 21 lust., MICHAEL FITZPATRICK, agod 02 years. Uu Weduehday, 2d Inst., JAMES A. LONG, in the 23dycnr of isle age. fl:7 Rev. Theodore L. Cuyler, of New York, will deliver a TiROTURE ON LONDON ; Its High Lito and Low Life—lts Parliament, PaNese, Pulpits, &c., with Sketches of Spurgeon, In tho MUSICAL FUND HALL, On FRIDAY, 11th inst , nt Syj o'clock P. M., For thu lionellt of tho Poor, Ac or thu Mission Sab bath School. In Federal sheet. Tickets (25 cents) maybe obtained at-- Mew.. l'arry & 51c5tillan'a, Messrs. Smith, 'English, & Co.'s. Partist, Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian Publica tion Rooms. AIIIOIICIIII Tract Society. Philadelphia Bible Muse. American Sunday School Union. des•sarwtbfr if -r Sermon to 'Voting Men..--Ity request of the Toting Men's CltristMn Association, the Rev. JAS M. CROWELL, will preach a SERMON TO YOUNG MEN, TO-MORROW EVENING, oth inst,, at bale-put seven o'clock, in the Seventh Presbyterian Church, BROAD Street end CHESTNUT, South Penn square Seats reserved for young men. dek-lto fa - Temptations of Groat Marx.— The fourth discnurse on this subjoct T0.31012110W EVENING, at half-past moron, by ROV. Dr. BERG. Church, SE VENTII Street, ribose Brown. des-It* Keystone Club.••.A Alerting, of the Key stono Club will be held nu MONDAY EVENING De cember 7, at their headquarters, °LODI: HOTEL, SIXTII, below Chestnut. Amon IN lIIILATION TO IN! New YORK TRAITOIIB ! d05.2t / Stated Meeting of the "Philadelphia Typographical Socioty,ll will bo hold at the usual plaeo, on SATURDAY Evening, December 6, 1851. Pifnetual attendance in requested. WM. 11. JONES,Soo'y. itTßrltleh Rule In India...A Lecture by the Very ARV. Dr. MORIARTY, In the National Building, RAVE Street, above Fifth, on THURSDAY, December 10th, 1857, at 7X o'clock P.M., for the benefit of the Poor. Tickets 25 cents each; to be had at St Augas tioe'a Church. dl-tcanvat lU - Oftice of the Commonwealth Insurance COMPANY OF TIIE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA.— Pursuant to the requirements of the charter of the Com. monwealth Insurance Company of the State of Penneyl• yenta, an Election for Ten Directors, to servo the masa. ing year, will be held at the °Moo of the Company. N. W. corner of FOURTH and 'WALNUT, on MONDAY, January 41b,1S58,between the hours ofinand 2 o'clock no^_S.atuth-ttl SAMUEL 5. MOON, Sec'y. irriLiterary 'Bur ettu.—An .Experleneed Editor, a successful author, and a thoroughly educated Literary man, weary with twenty-five years of the drudgery of Daily Journalism, nee determined to hire out or boll his brains at retail to those who may require their services In any honorable way. Merchant., [tuatara Men, Inventors, end dealere of every kind, will be supplied, off-hand, with Advertios. meats, (political or otherwiee,) Notices, Cards, Circu lars, or any species of article desired. Politicians will be !applied with Speeches ‘ Reports, Itesoluttens, Lettere, 'Pratt, Pamphlets, Editorial Ar ticles, Communications. and every other sort of Brain work, which they may find it meouveulent or trouble. some to do lor themselves. Ladies end Gentlemen, of every rank lo aocloty or 00 cupati on in life, eau bave Letters written on any sub ject . , whether business or soul fumes!, The advertiser will also conduct or translate Correa poodeuee of every kind, either English, French, Span len, German, or Italian. Poetry, Acrostics for Ladles' Albums, Notos, Billet dour, Slonodies, and Compositions of tho most delicate and cenfidental character incident to every possible circumstance or event in life, will be furnished In in violable confidence, by writing to the undersigned, and explaining their wishes. Orders by mail, accompanied with cash, will be strictly and promptly attended to. Address TriomPSON, Literary Bureau ]lox 2295 Philadelphia P. 0., Ps. Legal Noticcs TN TUE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE .1_ CITY AND COUNTY OF HULA DELPHEA. JOHN HAVILAND, to use, v. JOHN It. ESHER. March, 1857, No. 044, Yen. Exp. The Auditor appointed to diatrlbuto proceeds or sale under the above writ of No. I. All that certain lot or piece of land attested on the sonthweetwardly side of Wiseallickon road, at the distance of 390 feet noutheastwardly from a thirty-three feet wide lane, called Idifilin‘a hum, in the Northern Liberties township, now in the city of Philadelphia, containing in breadth en mid road 100 feet; thence ex tending southwestward between parallel lines at right angles with the cold road 240 feet No. 2. Also, all that certain tract or piece of land Situate on the southwestwardly aide of the Wissahickon or Ridge turnpike read, in Penn township, now In the city of Philadelphia, beginning at a poet on the side or a two porch wide lane, commonly called lififilln's lane, which extends from the said rood to a landing-place on the Schuylkill river; thence by the mid Mifflin's lane south 13 degrees ^0 athletes west 57 perches and seven-tenths ton post corner of Matthias Ilartison'e allotment; thence by tiresome north 36 L14;1.00540 Witillt Oa, west 61 perches and ono half to a post; thence by the hereinafter de scribed tract north 53 degrees 20 minutes, east 63 per ches and a halt to a poet on the side of tho maid Wises- Melton road; thence by the same south 31 degrees, east 51 perches and two-tenths of a perch, and south 40 de grees, east 10 perchee and four-tenths of a porch to the , place of beginning; containing 21 acrea of land. No. 3 Aloe, 0 certain tract or piece of land adjoining the above tract, situate on the southweatwardly side of the said Wissahickon or Ridge turnpike road aforesaid, beginning at a corner of the above-described tract; thence running along tits true course of said road north 27 degrees and a half, west DJ perches and eighty-live- hundredthe part s of a perch to a corner of land granted to George Beck; thence by the said Beck's land. south 5n degrees and a half, west 48 perches and nix-tenths of a perch to a corner of land held by William Bowie and Jonathan Williams, In trust for Catharine Price and her children; thence by the same south 4 degrees and a quarter, east 21 perches and twenty-Ova-hen dredllis parts of a perch to a corner of the abeva-de scribed tract, six foot anuthiVest of a white oak sapling On the line of the abovc-described tract; thence along the said lane north 50 degrees and a half, east 40 porches and eighty-ilvothundredths parts of a perch to the place of beginning, containing 6 acres and 10 perches of land. No. 4. Also, all that certain mentuage or tenement and lot or pl-co of ground, situate, lying, and being In the Northern Liberties, now in the city of Philadelphia, beginning at a stake by the side of a strip of ground left dime Inc a road; thence extending by laud formerly claimed. by Benjainin 511Illin south 38 degrees, emit 47 perches and otix•tenthe of a perch to a stake; thence by land sold by Frederick Dover and wife to Benjamin Key ser north 50 degrees, east 18 porches to another stake; thence by land formerly of Michael Ollnginan north 38 degrees, nest 47 perches and four-tenths of a perch to the aide of the ground left open for a road as aforenald; thence alongaide of said road south GO dogma, west 18 perdu to the place at beginning; con taining 6 Roles of land. No. 5. Also, a certain lot or piece of land situate for merly In the Northern Liberties, but now In the city of Philadelphia, on the southeastwardly side of a certain Lune, called Standiey's lane, bounded and described an followeth, agreeable to survey lately made thereof by Robert Brook, surveyor, viz Beginning at a Stono at the FPI° of Standleyhi lane ' thence partly by Another piece of land, belonging to t he said George Esher, and partly by land of Philip Iferabberger, mouth 39 degrees 15 minutes, east 84 perches and 5.10 to a stone ; thence by other land, late of Jasper bloylan, deceased, south 52 degrees, west 11 perches and 6.10 of a porch to a stone; thence by other land of the sald George Esher, north 39 degrees, 13 minutee, west 61 perches and 0-10 of a porch, to a atone In the side of the said lane ; thence alongside of Bald lane, north 60 degrees, east 11 perches audo.lo to the place of beginning, No. 8 Also, all that tenement an] tract or parcel of loud, situate, lying, and being in the Northern Liberties, now in the city of Philadelphia, beginning at a post standing on the northeast side of Wissahickon road, a corner of land lateof Peter Turner; thence by the same land north 63 degrees 20 minutes, east 20 pendia' 7 feet and 4 inches to another post; thence north it 7 degrees 40 minutes, west 04 perches and 4.10 of a porch, to an other lost; thence by land late of Joshua Fisher south b 3 degrees 20 minutes, west 20 perches and 4-10 of a perch, to another post standing on the side of Wissa hickon road eforesiiiil, and thence by the same road 40 degrees, east 64 perches 7 feet 8 Inches, to the place of beginning; containing 11 acres and 37 perches—nrill attend to the duties of his appointme n t on WEDNES DAY, December Nth, 1867, at 4 o'clock, P. M., at his oleo, at the southeast corner of ErullTll and LOCUST Streets, when and where all persona interested err re quired to rooks their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon said fund. dee64llot DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Auditor. AIINOTINCEDIENT. The subscriber begs leave to announce to his friends 40 the public that ho will open his SALOON for their reception on MONDAY, 14th DM. Ills stock to lnrgo and rich rarioty) will consist or PRESERVED Atm CRYSTALLIZED FRUITS, APRI COTS, CHERRIES, PINEAPPLES, PEARS, LIMES, OMIES, QUINCES, km, Ac. BONBONS—A largo and fresh assortment. FANCY TOYS--Mechanical Toys, paper, wood, and augur—.nu endless variety. FANCY BOXES—Newest styles, fancy and plain, and varied Assortment, of every possible description. SACS CADAS, CORNETS, BASKETS, VICTORIAN, PASTILLAGES, Ao., Ac., all of recent importation, and which for extent and variety will defy comprtittoo. For sato by , S. HENRION, Confectioner, deb-lur 712 MARKET stroot, above Seventh. B OARDlNG.—Desirable second. n thi gory (ambition BOOM, with Board, at NT North NINTiI Otreut, JONES' Altoll OTREET OALOONB, 727 and 729 ARCH STRUT HOLIDAYS! HOLIDAYS! The Malaya are ohm at hard, and Jones's Arch etteet Saloon fa prepared for the fromeueo demand that tial,te made upon It for CONDI/MONS. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S CANDIES IMPOSTER MAMMY FOS THE PRESENT SEASON' Every variety of Bon Bone, Pastilee, Bourbon Drops, new Style of Gum Drop, Eau Sucre Drops, Mang/theme Bon Boos, and orrery variety rare and costly candies manufactured in Panic Poe Preemie, all eisee ANN PATTERNS of Ornamental Bores, Pyramids, Ribbon Ties tilled with the choicest variety of Confectiona, and varying in price from One Dollar up to Nifty Dollars. Borne of these DORYs are the ewer Serene SPSCIMILVIS OP FANCY WORN AND ARTISTIC DEMON Eseß OFFERED IN THIS COUNTRY. To the LITMUS, as well se to the whole public, Jones's Saloons are the most attractive in the City, and lu splendor of adornment and Welt are superior to any in the Union BREAKFASTS, DINNERS, AND SUPPERS, Barred up In the choicest and most expeditious style. FRUIT OF ALL KINDS, 'lOll CREAMS, JELLIES, GAME AND OYSTERS, i Constantly ready for visitors n profusion. CLAIN, FANCY, AND 011VAIdENTAr. CARDS AND PIES OP EVERY DESCRIPTION NEW YORK TEA BISCUIT. And, in fact, all the VARIETIES, LUXURIES, and DELICACIES of every clime and country BALLS, PRIVATE PARTIES, Preeentation Suppers, and Families supplied at the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. A continuance of the patronage hitherto so liberally bestowed by the public le respectfully solicited. des-tf R . B JONES, Proprietor. FOR SALE.--The four-story GRANITE INJURING, on the north aide of CHESTNUT Street, west of Vourth, intended for the renneylvatga Dank, and now nearly ilniehed. If not sold vigor to January let, the Banking Room, and other parte of the building, will be rented separately, or together. Apply to TLl.Ohlttfi CRAVEN, deS.atutht3l No. 4 MINOR Street. ALL PERSONS HAVING CL AIMS against, or Indebted to WHARTON LEWIS, RN., late of the city of Philadelphia, aro requested to pre sent and pay the same, without delay, to the subscriber, to whom letters of administration, with the will an neXed, have boon grauted by the Register of Wills of Philadelphia county. EDWARD WALN, deb-sOtic No. 702 WALNUT Street. CARRIERS' ADDRESSES prepared by V an experienced writer, at No Hoe S. ELEVENTH Street, above Federal. des CUJ publicatiolo PETERSON'S PHILADELPHIA COUNTERFEIT DETEOTOR non • DANK NOTE. LIST, To be published monthly, to a large page, 48 pages in each number, on the let of each month, the first num ber being dated January let, 1888, and to be ready on WEDNESDAY, December the 231. DREXEL & CO , BANICERS, TO COURNOT IT. The corrections in the Bank Note List, as relates to the dlacount on Notes, Mats of New Counterfeits ' eta,, will be mode by the well-known Banking House of DREXEL & CO , 24 SOUTH THIRD STREET, And they will purchase all Bank Bills at the quotatioux made therein. This Detector will be found to be RELIABLE AND TRUE. The Publisher hoe, for a long time, seen the neces sity nod want of an entirely tiORRECT, INDEPEN DENT 400 RELIABLE COUNTERFEIT DETEOTOR Ann BANK NOTE LIST, to be entirely uncontrolled by any one to mutt their own mule and purpoxes, and is con fident that front the menus and sources of information which the Editors of this Detector will have at their command, that it mils be found to be tho most RE LIABLE DETECTOR ever published in this country. NEW COUNTERFEITS AND BROREN BANKS. Each number of the Detector will contain, oil the Grid page, a complete lief of all the various failure, of Bunks and Banking Institutions need of the various new Counterfeits Banco the publication of the prior month's Detector, and In cccn seat senor ounces of the De• tector will ho contained a complete ' full and colic het or all the Broken, Failed, Cloaed, Fraudulent and Worthless Banks In the country. These will be kept entirely separate and distinct from the Good Bunks. EY FAY STORVIRREPER SHOULD HAVE IT. The Publisher intend. making this Detector luditipen amble to,overy person doing businena, so that nu'one will be able lodewithout it, as the well known ntanding and reputation of DREXEL & CO. Banker, nod Bre kers, will be sullicient to guarantee its correctness. TERMS. ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. 's One Copy for One Your Ono Dollar. Four Copies fur Ono Year Three Dollars. Seven Copies for One Year Five Dollars. Ten Copies for One Fear Seven Donors Fifteen Copies for Ono Year Ten Dollnri. Address all orders to the Publisher, T. B. PETERSON, NO. 300 (.11IESTNUT ST., NOLA as LP/II A. And the numbers will be delivered regularly - to any part of the City or District,, or sent by mail to any part of the Hutted States. Err A Subscription Book Is now open nt the Store for the names of all persona wishing to aubseribe to it [D"" This Detector, as well as itarper'n Magazine, or any other Three Dollar Magazine, will la aunt to any place to any person, for One Year. for THREE DOLLAIIS. So now is the time and this Is the place to aubserlbe to any Magazine yen wont, so you will thereby get the Detector for one year for nothing. It 'MESSING AND BEAUTY I Males constantly hiersaslog ! Orders coming In from Canada, and most distant of Hutted States' STOOKTON'S PERIODICAL NEW TESTAMENT. SET OP HISTORICAL ROOKS, now complsts, Iva Nos , with Indexes, lutroduetlous, and Twelve Colored Views of Jerusalem ! Price 150 costs a No. Admiral's fur presents °Mee, 535 ARCH, below SIX BOOK AND JOURNAL, 811/LE TIMES, 13111 LE TRACTS, &e, Call and 800. des-It* Funs! FURS!! FURS!!! REGARDLESS OF COST GRAS. OAKVOISD h SON, No. ii. 24 CIIESTNUT ST., BiLOW Are Foiling Moir LAIWE AND OAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK LADLES , VITRA AT PRIORS TO 8017 THE TILE'S, We would adViito our lady friends to call immediately and seturo a bargain. des-1t FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! FURS!!!! JOHN FAREIRA, & CO., Importers, Manufacturers, sod Poslrrq in FANCY runs, FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN Having manufactured au Immense Stock of FURS, with the expectation of doing our mat busiumci, the present pressure of the times, and comparative stagus• Lion of trade, hove left us with an unusual amount of Wok 111 , OR oar shelve!. It le to meet this difficulty that we have now DETERMINED To elose out our EYTIItE STOCX At Prices actually tea* than TLIEIR COM` TO MANUFACTURE ! We have also ou llama a lc°6 null templet° wort moat of UENTS' FURS, . . OLOI F.S, All of which win be gold at very 1,01 1 1 PRICES. No. 818 MARKET ,bat Eigbtb awl Ninth, nolo-6w tioulh Bide Oxpreso Tompanico %IRE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, 820 OUESTNUT STREET, forwarde PARCELS, PACKAGES, MERCIIANDIEE, BANK NOTES and SPECIE, either by IW own LINES, or to cornectioe with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to oil the principal TOWNS end OITIES of the United Staten N. B. SANDFORD, Gotland Supnrintaulont .3nsnrance Companies GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY-0111ce, 403 WALNUT, Corner of ADVIITII Street. FIRE, MARINE and INLAND INSMIANCE at the lowest rate 9. Pm ouLrui %, November '23, 1857 At a meeting of the Stockholders of this CorapAny, held on thu 111th inst , the following persons xOlO ClettOki Dlrectora for 'Dm tnyaboy, year, Siz: CHARLES C LATHROP, 142.3 Walnut street. WM. DARLING, 1510 Dino htteet. ALEX WIIILLIEN, merchant, 18 North Front et. ISAAC JlAZLElluitq,Attirooy and JOHN C HUNTER . , of Wright, Hunter & Co. E TRACY, of E. Tracy l Co , GoldenlltbB' HRH. JOHN it M'CURDY, of Jonex, Whit., k Weurdy. Tilos. L. GILLESPIE, of Oilleapie & Zeller, JAS. It. 11311TH, of Jol.ll. Smith & Co E HARPER JEFFRIES, of Wm 11. Brown & Co JOHN It. VOGUES, cor. Seventh nod Sansene ktreol4. CHAS. E. THOMPSON, 413 Chestnut ktreet JNO. J. SLOCUM, 112t1 South Third street ALFRED TA YLMI, Wilco Cairo City Property. And at a mooting of the Directors, held this day . CHARLES 0 LATHROP was unanimously re-elected President, and WM. DARLING, Vico-President. K. K. RIOIIARDSOtsi, A male:ill t-Secretary. CIIRARD FIRE AN: vfit ANON COMPANY, I.ll' 802 WALNUT 'areal, wart of "/MN ltlBKtl C AIRY( ID MARINE INSUR IIIADELPIIIA-0 Mot, No, ,f Tlll RD. )NI.,Y TAKEN." ITOHO. Wm. Id. Swain, Johy Anermeh, Jr., It, N Burroughs, J, B. llughes, F. D. Sherman, Wm P..llucker, J. P. Steiner, U. A. Shackelford, lion. ma, JONES, Provident. Cf. W. WOODWAILD, Vico President. JNo. B. Mohluta.lN, Secretary. LIAM B. ALYOlAV,Aenloittintflocrutury. n02.3m-If Jor. Walker, Jrlo. McClure, Tho. Craven, A. B. UMett, Furman Slappahl, Patel. Jones, M. D. Joan& Klapp, M D VOMAIONIVEA.L . FLI FIRE INSURANCE A- , COMPANY, ON TUE SPAT', ON I'.ENNSYLVA NIA.-0111ce, N. N. Coruer FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, Philadulphia. Subscribed Capital, $500,000. Paid-up Capital. $200.000. DAVID JAYNII, M D., President. TUOMAS S. STEWART, The Presq. Baron. B. MOON, secretary. aul-ly pUBLIC G. WHITMAN & CO aro now prepared to offer to t h u public the best and largest assortment of Booboos, Sugar Toys, Candled Fruits, Sugar and othor fancy goods, suitable for Christmas Troes The candies inaoufacturod by us aro made of the beat motorist' that can bo bad, amongst which aro deo sugar-coated Almonds, Jelly Drops, Cordial Drops, blues Paste, Guru Drops, Carainelles, ike. P. S.--Superior Walnut Candies, Cream, and all varieties of plain Candies. Also, dealers in all kinds Foreign Fruits and Nuts No, 102 South SE• COND, ono door below CHESTNUT Street, Philadel phia. no'2B.s to loth* SAVING FUND.--UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and 01.11;ST.. DDT /Urania. Large and email sums received, and paid back ou de mand, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Ofilca boors, from 9 until b o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENIIWS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS (or sale on England, Ireland, and fkotland, from £1 upwards. Preeldeut—ATEPlllN IL CRAWFORD Treasurer—PLlNY FISK. Teller--JAMNS R. HUNTER, 3 , iAYOR'S OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, DINEIIIIIIB 3,1867, WILL DE BOLD, On MONDAY next, at 12 o'clock M. ' t Quigley'a Sta. bloc, BEYENTEENTII and OEOIiOE Si, , oile bob-tail MADE, 11 hands high, and ono long.tall brown 110112 E, 10 hands high—the said Mare and Nonce having boon taken up astray, and to be sold for keep, in compliance with the provisions of an ordinance approved March 1, 1855. TAMES D. CAMPBELL, dt-8t Mayor's Clerk. • - R US S IA AND AMERICAN TARRED EAO CORDAUSt --st superior article, manufacture and for solo by WEAVER, YITLEE & CO , 8- tr Nu. 0 N. Witor ot,, 2.1 Witotvoi, ss B 111 $8 11 1 1 $8 1 ! ! g•• UNPARALLIILED OLINAP LONG BROCHS SHAWLS, ALL WOOL AND BILK, FOIL $ll A aplendld assortment in every color centre at $lO, $l2, $l4, $lB, $lB, $2O, and $25. We do believe 'aeon° offer the beet ONE DOLLAR BLACK SILK IN I.IIILADELPIIIA ! Melt fenny bilke from 00 cents to 31 20 English and Merrimack Calicos re !need to 10 cants, French &kr lopes, English Cobourgn and DeLainos, very olienp, Blanket. Flitoneln, Cloths and Casolmeres, &c., &o. 011EAP CLOAKS AND BLANKET BRAWLS! Irish Linens of our own importation. lionlery, Cloves, nod Linen !Mara, Scarfn, &c &c,, at TRORNLEY & CRUM'S, N 17 corner of EIGHTH and 8511010 GARDEN. WE BUY AND sad, FOR OAOII. d 5 AtcHLROY IS OFFERING MORE AUC 4T-a. TION 114.101AINS. $lO Silk and Wool Long 'Smite Shawls 0n1y....310 00 $ll Silk and Wool Long Brocho Shawls 0n1y.... 900 $9 Silk and Wool Square Brodie only 015 Chenille, extra rich, only 8 60 272 Chenille, very rich, only 7 50 67 60 Chenille, plain styles 8 59 00 Plaid all-wool Long Shawls, beautiful, 0n1y... 860 Sib Cloaks, beautiful styles and fine &brio 50 00 $l2 Cloaks reduced to 5.60 S 9 Cloaks reduced to 4 50 $5 Cloaks reduced to 8 60 300 yards very beautiful Cloth for Ladles' Cloaks. 750 per yard, worth SI 50; a splendid assortment of Ladies` Cloths, all shedea and colors, suitable for Boys' wear; Satinets and Slanuels at unprecedented low prices; one lot of Paraniattas ut 31 cents, worth 60; all shades all wool Plaids at 29 cents, worth 02J ; one lot of alLwool Delaines only 25 cents, worth 50; nplendld Blankets at only $3 per pair, worth 65; 300 yards of Black Bearer Cloth at $1 30 per yard, worth 32 50; Trimmings, In "di". ""lvtli at about halt price. no3o-mwa-3t IiIuELROY 1, 11 South Ninth St. REDUCTION IN DRESS TRIMMINGS r..ey VELVET, 600 , formerly SI 25. BALL T111111311E4, Braided Drop 31c, formerly 75. Do do Floes Drop 25e, do GO. And FANCY TRIMMINGS GENERALLY, AT STILL lISATIER ANDUCTIONS. J. G MAXWELL & SON, CHESTNUT, below Eleventh. and dl.2w SECOND, below Spruce, B OYS' CLOTHING. P. A. 110 YT fr.. 1.111.0. Hove now on hand a very large assortment of READY-MADE GOODS, Suitable for the present season, which they fool disposed to sell nem. ASSEUSLY S. W. eunuatt THMTII AND 011TITNOT BTB. N. 11.—We have a large assortment of uncut goods, of superior quality and make, to order from. di-lm ADIES' CLOA.KINGS. SIIARPLESS 11110TIIE1tS offer o full assortment Black and Colored HABIT CLOTHS, ENGLISH BEAVERS, " FRENCH PILOTS. Mixed CHINCHILLA CLOTHS, 'METED CLOTHS, in new Ptyles Black MOHAIR nod LIONSISIN for Trion:tinge. VIENNESE AND PARIS BROM: LONG SHAWLS. On hand, an extensive stock, comprising Ail unites, in the most desirable colors and designs, purchased at the late Auction Sales in this city and New York, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRIOYS. . . Superior Goode at Ed 0, $ll, $l2. CURIVE?I ATODDART & BROTHER, Nov. 45D, 4b2, and 454 North Second Street, dl•y above Willow WN AND BOYS' WINTER WEAR. (lIIRWEN STODDART & lIROTLIER, 450, 452, and 451 NORTH SRCOND t3TREET, above Itavo on hand an extensive atock of BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETS, nod YE:STINGS, Purchaaed at the late Auction Sales, at dl-y RHDUCED PRICES. PENNSYLVANIA BANK NOTES TAIL'EIi AT PAIL FOIL OILY tIOODS. The subscriber oilers fore few days hie entire stock of geode at PRICES TO SUIT TIM TIMES, and receive to payment notes of the Pennsylvania Bank This, to such as may have cry of this doubtful paper on hand, to offering a groat inducement, as his stock is ono of the beat in the city. Pima give bin an early call. B. P. JOHNSON, n030..1w 911 Market at , above Ninth, north side, 'RANK OF PENNSYLVANIA.-SPE CIALu NOTICE —All the notes on the Dank of Pennsylvania redeemed at par for DRY GOODS, selling at less than Auction prices Muslius, Linens, Cloths, Cassimeres, Blankets, Shawls, Calicoes, Dolalnes. at a great sacrifice, In connection with our entire idea, which will be sold at price!, which will astonish all who may favor us with a call Pennsylvania Dank Notes taken the same as specie, (we make no difference,) at OLIVER 11 Jolll , :ioti , 3 Pennsylvania Bank Note Bry Goals Store, No. 1009 MARKET B.reet, above Tenth, north side. N 11.—Unlers roceised lot the se rr best Schuylkill Coal; Penns) Ivania Dank Notes taken in payment. OLIVER 11. JOIINnON. no3o-1m No. 1009 Market street. TILL GREATER REDUCTIGNS.—Boing determined to keep below competition, and so u to stili se/1 cheaper than those who here made great re duction. in their prices, we will cell an all.wool 12-4 Blanket that w:II measure 2 yards and 12 Inches wide for $6 60 This is the greatest bargain yet We will also sell the Dlankote that we cold for $5 at 13. These aro large nice. Those that were 15 60 for $3 60. Those we cold at Si for $5 50, and those we sold at $0 forid 60. Tho ewe sold at $l2 for $7 60 These three last lots are the fluent quality It D. & W. 11. PENNIM, no3oblw 1021 Market street, below Eleventh. BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA—GREAT _co EXCITEMENT AT BPLCIIER'S!—We are re ceiving the notes of the above bank at par for Dry Goode, at greatly. reduced prices. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Cloaks and Tattoos. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Shawls. Bonk of Pennsylvania. Notes taken for Drees Goods. flank of Panosy!rank Notes taken for Merinos. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken Men's Wear. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Ribbons. flank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Embroideries. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Domestics. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Blankets. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Moves sod Hosiery. ilauk of Pennsylvania Notes taken for the choice of goods from ono of the largest and best-selected stocks In the city, and at extraordinary low prices, at F. a. T. II DELCUEE'S. nor2l-let. S. w corner Eighth and Spring Garden. SPEdilt, NOTICE.— A. large assortment of Attractive and seasonable DRY MOODS, From the eXtensire wholesale stocks of several SUSPENDED ROUSES, Will be opened THIS DAY, NOVEMBER 21M,11.51, At the store, No. 523 MARKET Street, NORTR SIDE, Between Ninth and Tenth, And sold throughout IIY RETAIL, AT AN UNPRECEDENTED REDUCTION In prices for 0 A S The goods aro alt new, and of recent importation or manufacture; undo rare opportunity is offered to per ch iser4 to purehao the btat ta.aes and .1f yirs, far below the usual prices. SAMUEL S HESS, 11°121-2w No. P.M MARKET Street C0LLA.13.9, &c. 5-3 11, EMOVA L. L. J. LEVY IN ANTICIPATION OP I1E5101(A4 SPLENDII) NEW STORE, Nuw being erected fur thew in CHESTS wr STREET, Iltwe dott.rtuifted, for 3 period of 30 DAYS, To diqoae at a large ainoant, of their Stock now in start at ery LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Thor iuvrta tho attention of the Publlcantl their Cu, tumors to one of the most comploto assortment!! of 4TAPIA: AND FANCY DRY GOODS To be found in this country, which %ill to diepo+oda fur tho period named, nt ouch price 4 /9 with itoure thui sale. CHESTNUT STREET, null-tf NEXT TO TILE CUSTOM lIOUSE GREAT SALE OF LADIES' CLOAKS. A FURTHER REDUCTION IN PRICES bee been determined on by the nubsortberq, to con queue' of the continued preptoro, 000 MISSES , ENOLISH BEAVER CLOAKS, $2, formerly 13 ED 300 HISSES ENOLISII BEAVER CLOAKS, $3 50. formerly $5 60. '250 SUPERIOR FRENCH BEAVER CLOAKS, Ei to $3, cost to import $7 to $lO each LONO BLACK BEAVER CIRCULARS, OS. formerly $l2. RICH . BLACK VELVET CLOAKS, All per coot below coot of production. PROCTOR A: CO , Successors to (leo Itulpin At Co., nl3 2tuo d CHESTNUT street. L ADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTINU ZEPHYRS. NEW (}OOPS OPENED DAILY, J (I. MAXWELL h. SON. WIIOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES 10:10 Ell EsTNET Street, four doors below Eleventh And 31n , 5. SECOND St , below Sprott) FACTORIES —Nee 9.1 and 97 0 SORUE St , Tooth, and SECOND Street, near Union. Order, male at A few hours' notice. aell2 Colt J OHN B. STRYKER, h., Wbolewale Dealer in AUCTION DRY 000DS. No 12 BANK Street, Ithile.leltalts. oetl-2m EfLOORING BOARD 3-23, PO foot Coro lon touring boartb+, sflost, fur Rale by MARTIN MAOALISTER 4.11 11t# N..U, U'eur atroa.l lOUNTAIN "GLADE" BUTTER: - h we jeat reCCiSt`cl our it9llll supply from do Mountain.. of this celebrated BUTTER. Will Lo bold In lot, to snit eußbunerc QPIRITS TURPENTINE-200 Wile Spirit A. 7 Turpentine, to arri i ii i to A lti r rgilby 0. 4LIST3II, 1111 119 North 'Water street 5000 TONS of MITCHELL Sc CROAS dalis's improved miper PIIOdY}iATE or LI 11i, for halo by 0110.15D.11.11, PEIRCE & CO , nol.o.tf No. 101 N. Delaware avenue. COTTON—NO balos Gulf Cotton, tu storo and Co. ttale by MARTIN it MAOALIBTNII, soy Ilg Nnrlh Water Abut QURG 11 UM, or CHINESE SUGAR-CANE SEED-25 Lobel.' for sale by CY RUA3DALE, PEINCE, & CO r nolOrtf No 10.1 N. Delaware avenue _ _ 5, 0 nil GALLS. WHALE OIL, LOOO gall. Elephant Oil, 60 We. No. I Lard Oil. for sale 01WASDALE, PEIRCE, ft CO., nolfl-tf No. 104 N holaware avenue MARACAIBO COFFEE.-160 bags prism ILA 3lararalbo °Mho, now lauding from baron Irma, and for ride by CHARLES 71. TR, n029-10t 139 (new) Walnut et —.rood p tory. 11 UTTER.—Fresh Table Butter teceivell .11. J tbis day-2S cent. 41 , ' Itrat Bunch RAISINS 10 cont. 4f , lb br Pia box. ell AS 8311711, Grocer. d3-31* N. W. co c utr of t3IXTIS EEirp Goobs ABOVE EIOIITU, 11 M. JONES & CO , 612 31arket street Oaks by %ucticm TUOMAS & SONS, • Noo. 130 And 141 SOUTH VOCIATEI BISENT, (Formerly No•. 67 atol 66.) REAL ESTATE, STOOES, &o b Pub Bales at the Phlladelplata Exchange only Tuesday 'Keening. l t r handbills of each property Issued sep,eateii, in addition to which we publish on the Saturday previous to each We one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving fah &inept:one of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesdng. to- FURNITURE BALES AT THE AUCTION STORE every Thursday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE sALB. . . . Err We have a large amount or Real Estate at Pri vate Bale, tnelndLug every deacriptiou or City and country property. Printed tilde way be hs4 at the suction Store. PRIVATB MB RNOIST2II, 117 Real Estate enteredon cmrPriYat• Sale Re gistor, and adrertlaed occasionally in our Public Sale Abstracts, (of which 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) (roe of rha , go STOCKS. 31ORTGAGE, REAL ESTATE, &4 4 . Pamphlet Catalogue now ready contaioing full de serlptione of all the property to be sold 011 Tuesday next, sth lost , with a Hst of 'ales 15th and 2'2d Decem ber, and a large list of Real Estate at private tale. STOOKS. On Tuesday Eyeulog, December gib, at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia EN change,for account of whom it may concern: 240 shares Merchants' Insurance Company of Phila. deiphia, par s2s—foil paid 25 shares Manufacturer. , and Mechanics' Sayings and Loan Company, Per Iso—full paid. Two lint Mortgage 6 per cent, bond•, $5OO each, Southern Railroad (late Vicksburg). coupons attached, payable July and January, 8 per cent. HAVRE DE CRACK TOW-BOAT COIIIPANY.—AIm, 2 shares Philadelphia & Marra da Grace Steam Tow- Bout Company. 6 shares American Academy of Steele. 20 shares Commonwealth Bank—s2s paid. 10 shares Reliance Mutual Insurance Company, par 155. 3 shares Alliance Insurance Company, par 350. REAL ESTATE SALE—DECE3III2II. Sth This sale will iae]ude— NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE—N. W. corner Fif teenth and Lombard streets. It is replete with modern improvements and conveniences. $4,000 may remain on mD T t eII e* LARGII AND VALUABLE LOTS, WEST PRILADELPHIA.—VaIuabIe lot el. N. corner of Walnut and ldargaretta streets, 150 by 175 feet. Valuable lot, north a ide of Locust street, 100 feet west William street, 100 by 107 feet (two frontal. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, PINE IT.— The handsome modern residence, southeast corner of Pine and Nineteenth streets. It is 2,1 feet front, and finished in handsome modern style Immediate posses sion. fry' Only 81,006 required In each. MORTGAGE FOR $1925.—A150, a Bret mortgage secured on 11 stone dwellings and lot of ground, Cresson street, Mansynnk. Clear of ground rent. There 19 a perpetual policy of Insurance for 0.1,000. ANDSOME DOUBLE RESIDENCE, WITH SIDE YARD—Handsome new residence, replete with all modern improvements, northeast corner Franklin and Poplar streets, lot 66 feet front, MODERN RESIDENCE.—AIso, handsome new resi dence, replete with modern conveniences, Franklin at., adjoining the above, lot 20 feet, S inches front. la' The above are very desirable residences Im mediate possession may be had. Terms accommodating. REAL ESTATE SALE—DECEMBER 15th. This sale Will include—. Orphans , Court Sele 7 Estate of Benjsmin Burnell, Deceased, FOUR THREE-STORY BR lOK DIVELLINOS— Pratt street. east of Fairmount street. 'VALUABLE FARM, 77 scree and 39 perches, 3 mile. from Pbu•uiaville, and 3 miles from Paoli, Cheater county, Pa NEAT DIMLING, WHARTON STREET --Also, nest modern three-story brick dwelling with Wick stable, north side of 'Wharton street, between Filth and Sixth streets,. EXTRA VALUABLE REAL ElTTATE—lacratata This salatellt include LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT—Tenth street, be ween Chestnut and Market streets, corner of Marble treet-9t feet front on Tenth street, 132 feet on kferble treet, with frame tenements thereon rentimg for $2,400 tsar. Clear of all incumbranee. VALUABLE CiILSTNITT STREET PROPERTY— North shin, vrest of Tenth street, 28 feet front,l2B text deep. Clear of all incumbrance. Rents for $l,BOO a year. ID' Both the above are valuable bush: wee locatiotta NIBDICAL WORIig—kNOLISIT AND PRINCII. . . Vila livening. December 6th, will be sold, a collection of valuable medical boolce, English and French—a portion by order of executor. ED — Catalogues will be ready, and the books arrested on biaturday morning. Executors' BA le.—Hstate of Daniel Copple. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANO, BAK FIX TURES, LUICORS, 0000-WILL, &c. Ou Monday Morning, December 71h, at 10 o'clock, ho catalogue, by order of the execute... of Daniel Copple, deceaaed, at the corner of Exchange Place and Carter'. alley, the en tire household furniture, beds and bedding, table and bed,,linen, &c. Also, the bar-room farteiture and fixtures, due en. gramings, a large assortment of floe liquors and cigars. 11:7' Full particulars in catalogues. Also, the genii -null of this well known and popular establishment Sala at the N W. corner Fifteenth lad Lontbsad Ate. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD P lAN 0- FORTE, MANTEL CLOCK, OIL PALNTINGS, TAPESTRY CARPETS, tte. On IVednesiny Morning, pee. 4th, at I& o'clock, will ha sold at the N. IV. ear ner of Fifteenth and Lombard streets, the household and kitchen furniture of a gentleman declining house. keeping Di" lasy be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of guile. Bnle Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth street SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FINE MIRRORS, PIANO FORTE, BRUSSELS CARPETS, Ac. Oa Thnrsday Morning, At 10 o'clock, at the suction store, au extensive assortment of second-hsnd furniture, fine mirrors, Brussels carpets, 'kn., from funnies declining house keeping. AT PRIVATE SALE Aura in the Academy of Nutlet Point Breese Park blledelphis and Mercantile Libraries; Athenaeum, An. • " BARLEY" AT PRIVATE SALE. The elegant country seat and farm, known as .‘ Far ley," late the residence of Richard Paxson, deceased. forrnerty of Dr. nipper', Is offered at prints eats. Full descriptions may Do had at the auction rooms. ( Amnoemento .3(IISS E. L. WILLIAMS, THE WELSH NIGHTINGALE, Will give her grand entertainment et MUSICAL FUND HALL, TUESDAY EVENING, Dee, SIN, For the Deceit el the BT, JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL. Tickets can be had at the Orphan Hook store. and at the Catholic Stores. Olt*, A e L e NU ir T 33 S A T , I si i ,r, E h T ll . TI S LE g A . TmiRE.,7,L Sir e i John Becton. Prices.—Dress Circle and Parquette, 25 cents; Upper Cirele,2s cents; Secured Seats, 37 ) cents; Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 60 cents. Box Office open from It o'clock A. bf. to 3 P. 51. Doors open at quarter to 7 o'clock; perfornunce to commence at TX, precisely, THIS (Saturday) EVENING, Deo. 6th, 1557, Will be performed TILE ENCELANTRESS. Renoir Mr. Richi cgs Stella, the Enchantress Mies %clangs AVIIE go A L T E L L Ej s 's rr II ARC ST. THEATRE W. Iti'IIEATLEY THIS (Saturday) EVENING, Dec 6th, 11151, Will he presouted OTHELLO Othello, Mr. Dolman• logo, Mr. E L Dsrenport Ca &fr. Whoattey; Destlenoroa, :qrs. E. L. Doren port; Emilia,&lrv. D. P. Bowers, TDE 'POODLES EMEIN= 80aL■ or Pl;hrs.—Boxes, :Scents; Secured Seats, ai; Orchestra Stalls, 60 rents; Seals in Private Boars, 75 cotta; OrtOrry, 13 cents; Clattery for Colored Persons, 55 cents; Private Box in tiollery for Colored Persons, 38 cents, Ito: &lice open from 10 A. M. mail 3P. M. Doo will opea at 6,}6 o'clock; performance to coatroom. 7 ; precisely. XATIONAL THEATRE AND CIRCUS, II WALNUT STREET, NEAR MIRTH. LE49FP WESLEY BARMORE. EQUESTRIAN MANAGER . THOS. RING. Lart night of EMI lIORN, THIS (Saturday) EVENING, Det sth, 1957, La preoented BRILLIANT 1101/SEszANeuiP, BAILING VAULTING. GYMNASTIC PERFORMANCES, Sc To conclude mouth CATARINA ; OR, THE nrisa lIRIOAND. Catarina, Mlle 31arorette: !Marco Sciario, the brigaLel cb !sr, Mr Thos. Ring; Rgbort, Mr Kineade tEr ()RAND AFTERNOON PERFORMANCI:—Corn- IM.Cing at belt' past 2 o'clock. Doors open at 2. 101e03 or Anstismost.—Dress Circle .37J4 coots. Fa mily Circle .2;) cents. Private Razes:lM cents A IYNE'S NEW HALL, CHESTNUT ST., al BELOW SEVENTH THIS (Saturds)) }:YENINU, Dec sth. Second week of the renowned, BECKLEY'S SERENADERS, And Buriceque Ethiopian OPERA TROUPE. I.a.et night of the beautiful Opera of SONNAMI3CI,S, With new scenery, costume, inuele, Cte, Preceded by their intuntable ETHIOPIAN MINSTRELSY. Doors open at bait-past 6 o'clock. Certain tide 3 half past 7 precisely. Admission 25 cents. VIEU:CTEMPS AND MADAME PA BODI'S FAREWELL CONCIRT The public are respectfully informed that the Fare well Concert of Mroo TRILL:e.A PARODI, ILL - Y• TEMPS, MINs kIII.N.KR, and Lug. I'EffUGUSI, wit take place nest week, of which due notice will be given delft' QTATE POULTRY SOCIETY OF PENN SYLVANIA The fourth suaual exhibition 14 now open at JAYNE'S 111:ILDINII, EIIEWFNUT STREET. BELOW SEVENTII, From D o'clock, A. M., null] 9 o'clock, Y. DI Adults 15 cont Children 5 cents SANFORW 3 OPERA. HOUSE— ELEVENTII gtrect, above Chestnut ETIIIOIitAN I'ERFOIUI.t\O63 THIS EVENING. Ethiowan LIN Illultrafol by rienfordie Troupe of Stars—New Iltuces by the Panford Children Doors open It 7 o'clock—to commence gunner before eight. To conclude with A LAUGUADLI: AFTERPIECE. Admittance 26 ceuta. Illonen A MERICAN GOLD AND liEW YORK EXCHANON INTIIO AT mouEsr CITRUNT RATES, nr CRQNIS J; CO., SPECIE BROKERS, no2.l.tlit 40 .cOUTII THIRD RT SCULL, CAMBLOS, & CO., BANKERS, No 3S South Third Street. The hieheet premium rat for AMERICAN GOLD AND NV. NYSCIU I:XCIIANG E. neurrent - Funds bought and sold. Stocks bought and so/4 on only vol 0-2mq 1.1 W. TINGI,EY & CO., BANK.EKb A—Pe No S 7 South Tilt BD Street, Phiteautphig. COLLECT lONS promptly rued., on LC accessible points In the United ,titstes sort Co.rvln, Stocks, Howl., & c., Bought and Sold on Commission. Uncurcont Bank Notes, Checks, ho., bought at the lowest rates. Deposits seoeive4 and lotarest allowed, as per agriNS meat DOT 2..tas Olneo anb gliiina Mare CALL AND SEE The (free:eat TAIIIKTT Or 1101./DA Y PRESENTS Ever 0af:6141.1m lea OM DP TIIILADELPRIA, Which wlll be B°ll at exceedießlY LOW PRICES ST AIAPIXSEN k WITTE'S, XASONIC HALL, d 1.1( 113C1iNtaticr f3l' _saw 43441431 m SCOTIWN AUGTlONBER,(succes woutzsr J EtsOIT,.) C Street, opposite tie Ckstom Mew, between South sad firth Streets.. .• TAXES A. FREEMAN; AUOTIONEKII, O. 422 WALNUT STREIT, above POURTU. CARD-44LX 01 ionraaoLn ILIINITURB—TUBS- try- We be leave to Worm the pablle that we bold ow regular weekly sales of Fan:ours every Trieolay. at ow' SPACIOUS SALES ROOM, NO: A..t. WALNUT STREET, where every possible attsation IA given to ob tain th e highest prices for the goodi of those who may favor us with consignments. Pesnitieshsviag portions of their furniture to dispose of, or those declining hones. keeping and not wishing sales at their own //wellies", can bare their furniture CARNIULLY 11$310VRE TO OUR SALES ROOM, WIIBBAI THEY WILL REALIZE BETTER PRICES POR THEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY OAR OBTAIN PROM ANY OF THE FURNI TURE DEALERS OR ANY OTIIEWAUCTION STOWS IN THE CITE. MP' Persons favoring as with eonsig - nments cool rest assured thattheir property will not be eacriiiced. Kr Commissions more moderate then those charged by any other Auction Abuse In the city. .01110 - IF. Consignments respectfully solieitsid. MST Wee paid irrunediately after the goods ars sold. REAL ESTATE SALE—DECEMBER 23d. This sale at the Exchange, on Wolcesday_oreuing, December =I, / 817 , at I' o'clock, will include— Orphans' Court Sale..-Estate of J oseph Coiliretu, Deed. FRAME MOUSE AND LOT, ANN STREET, SINS TEENTif WARD.—A frame house, and lot of ground, southeast side of Ann street, 60 feet southeast from Sarah street, Nineteenth ward, IV feet front,loB feet deep. VA ground rest. Orphans' Court Sale..=4.state of H. T. Rama-, Deed. _ • ritopEarr QUEEN STREST, REN2IN6TOI.I.—A certain beau and lot, north side of Qneen street. 20 feet front. and /20 feet deep, to a 13S feet alley leading. fromSinnetamason street. Clear of toesseslonsoom _ . Orphans' Court Sale S-__ Estate. FRAdrg R 017411 A 201) LOT. POPLAR STREET A frame house, and lot of ground, north side of Poplar street, between front and 'sound, 31 feet trout, end 114 feet deep. 112 ground rent. Positive Bsle. STORE AND DWELLING, COATES ST., ABOVE SE VENTEY.NTII.—A three-story brick store and dwel ling. south rods of Coates street, 85 fret 9 inches cut of Bighteenth street, 17 feet I inch front, sad Os Z,V inek" deep, elooarloreuce street_ The house hsa bulk windows, gee, and hydrant. $l4 trot:m.l rent. Bents for 7100 per annum ID- Ter css—cash _ Sale positive. 1. 5 0 to Le pal/ on each of tks above when the urns le struck otl. Sala at No. 4?.5. Walnut street EXECTJTOIt'S SAL% OF WINES On atoaday Morning, At 12 o'CIOCk, Will be sold. at the auction store, the wines, liquors, AC , of * gentleman, deed, coasisticg of Ilennessy's pale brandy, Otard's dark do, scotch matt whiskey. Port and sherry vines in cases sad demijohns; also, 10 baskets of One champagne; the above are all or the choicest brands, /talent Ro, 422 Walnut street. HOSEIIOLD FITIINITORS, 13/LUSTS, ke. Oa Tueblay Morning At ID o'clock, rIEI be sold, at the aactioa store, as assortment of household fueuitare, OFFICE FFIC.IITURIA.—AIso, a large double count• I opbouse desk,bandaorne sabot do, nest Iron ruling far counting bonne, oftice tables, eltarrs, As. AT TESTATE BALE. A arat-chnia Printing (Ave, with a good ruck of bus:- neve, four printing preeper, two Bunten and one Adam.* Type and everything catiqUlL7 for At baainose. Apply at the Auction Store. .510 A u ctild i u T igi A N 8, AlJ r Cilli c. NßEt ftIITH and RACE: Streets. AT PRITATE BALE--Gold and silver patent Myer, English, SWas , said Posnck watches, jenett7, of every description, musical Instruments, fie., d.e. AT PRIVATS BALE—A2ranged on second floor, household &mime of ererp description, Eerie, mat tresses, carpeting, lo oking Owes, fancy articles, he., &c., &a. Out-door Wee attended to persmoolly by the Joann' est% Charges very low, Coaaignments of furniture clothing, jewelry, Aa,ko aoljeited. NATHAN'SPBTSCEPAI, LOAN OTTI(12, 8 E. Corner of Sixth and Bane Street', Where money will be loaned ore gold and silver (dots Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds Clothing, Dry (foods, Groceries, Regan , H ardware , buttery, Furniture. Bed ding, Worse*, Velielew, Monroe'', Stroke. and an all ar ticles of vane for any length of time agreed on, on non satiafsetory and Ilberal terms than at any other estab lishment. M. SIATHAIX9, WEBB'S great sato of forfeited Wattles, Jewelry, Grins, Protols, llna tal Inatnunente, ka., will take plecw shortly . Dnenetlee will be given. WEBB'S great sale of Dry Goode, Clothing , Bedding, de., being forfeited cabanas, will take place shortly. Doe notice will be given. ' AT PRIVATE BALM, A? HALT 71116 USUAL BLUING PIIICSS Doable-bottomed and kneding are. gold patent lever 'ratchet, of the moat ap proved main; bunting ease sad opera We gold romps.- metro lever and lupine watches, foil jeweled; One ;NM enameled lever and lepine watches for ladies% gold jewelry of every deenfption; silver lever and le pine watches. in hunting eases and open face; elver grogUeb, Swim, and Trenchwatebes; a geaeral aseortereut tur mince, beds, ['retires's'. mirror*. OUT-DOOR SALES SOLICITED, sad churl to soft the times, low. Cotoiroments of every deeeziptiaa of goodseolitited for public or privets 211.4. HONEY ADVANCED ort all and every kind of roods, for public or private sale, ar to be held for Waited time. Ckarros QA.ILUEL NATRANS, AUCTIONEER, and 11011 BY LOAN 07710 E, No. 111 South 111111 D Street, below Walnut, opposite Peso st, cep eight doors Wow the Xxchengs noun of Irtudoese bons 7 okdook, A. M., MAW 10 o'clock in the evening, Oat-door Wee, ant tales it the Asetlon Room, at tended aport the moat satisfactory terms. CAPITAL $200,000. BareAfasitalfer du Lars Thirty new.. ggr i . orr nude from ens dollar to thou/Lode oe Dia monde, Silver Plate, Watches, jewelry, gfeld.,u,,, rtes chandise, Clothlog,lParnitars, Bedding, Gegen, If mica 7 antnunentis Guns, boom, Oartiagea, and Goode of every deacription. AU good' can remelt say length of time agreed upon. All advisees, from one banded dollars awd upwards will be charged 2 per sent. pax month; WA sad WM, the lowest market rate. This Store llocise having • depth of 120 fest, bag largo dee and thief-proof ',sulfa to store all ralnables, and pre rate watchmen for the premiere; also, a beery Man mu. erected for the bousat of all persons luring goof, advanced upon H. B.—On amount or herhig as onihnited capital, thig ales is prepared to make adraoces on more astir factory and arecunatodatinif forme than any other is this city. Money advanced to the poor, to soon amounts, with cast any charge. - . Gold Patent Lever and other Watches ; Jewelry, sal Clothing will be sold at redsewd ;minas. sal-ly GEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER N. E. comer of BiILBOII and BOUTS Street/1 eIOTO Baum& ramago HALES Evsß w y BATITSDAY STSNIBEI ‘ At 7 X o'clock, at. the Auction Store, of EfArdwatt, Cat lery, llonsekeepang Azticlae, Clueing, Watchee, Jerwet ry, Yincy Articleo, Orallemen'a -furnishing ezrobs VINE SHIRTS, made to order, and war ranted, of elegant material and superior work suansbip Also, Dress Stocks and Gentlemen's Wrap pers, at the Premium Store of W. ff. EfilGtir. Cr: ASCII Street, above Sixth. IVRAPPERS! WRAPPERS! WRAP PERS !—A very large and e2egmat assortment as reduced prices. AIRO, heavy nader-elothinx of all de ...-riptonv, for gentlemen's wear, at W. W. KNIGHT'S, GPI ARCH Street, above Sixth. i t V 7 2, 1 , &11 , S E F S tT T ß. E x li rm Sc izza S e C T O o rl: . , ar•CIdEPATTE.N4S SHOULDER 6E.L.118.111ET MANUFACTORY, No. l'Sd CHESTNUT Street, al•iire Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Soathern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, Ie partictitarlf invited to thin Improved cat et Bhirta, the most perfect titling Article made. At whole. into and retail, and nude to order. anSIPf Copartnership Noticts Jll S S OLD' TION.—T h a PARTNERSHIP . heretofore existing as DAS£RA wralaits TillS DAY dissolrol by soctsalero,eat. The baseness trill be cal:alit:l,l at the obi staad, 1132 MARKET Ce , by CIIARLES WILL! 4113, who is aothotiLed to collo:: and per all debts of the late arm. PETER W BAKER, CI ARIA'S WILLIA3I3. 1.) c I 1..5" Theumlersined would Inform the public, that lassin; ought out Mr P. W. Esker. brs late putter, he let!: onti nue the HEATING ant VENTILATING busice, at th a 41 wtnul, 1131. MARKET Strut. where sill bs Nut,' a full ea , ortinent of Ranges. neaten, Tentlist,rs, Registers, Bath Boil sra. a.e , ant hopes, by strict 11- trut.oa to business, to merit a Share ct the patron's:, of the public. dt-lm CHARLES WILLIAMS NOTICE.—IVITERE_AS HENRY WHILE nrrtJooteaStet en., lota copartner;. tradft4. !al nhito,Sterenr. ,'c Co.. did, on the eleventh day ofNo vcoßcer, A 1.1 1'357 make slid eke ate a Fenerai n,- ,cent to the coalz.rei,-;ne‘i, in trust, for the bereft of " theur creditors, which said assi,;mment it duly ro - cordLl at Pbitadelphta, - all peracas indebted to ea I a.,signora 'nil make payment to ISAAC ITATERMAN„k,sign.e, uold amw-6w+ N 1T corner s'r IVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ra . :3 of REISS ItHUTIMLi 5: CO . befetmlo, • tn snl Val, day DIS- S , IGt F.D Ds mutual cuns•ot, 3.1 that the hat!.,t, the Brut Inn only be carried oa for the turp,e of gatudatloa. ,Signe4, • ENOCH REIS.3, RELSS, J.OIRS REIS?. JOLIN POTTER. vol6-d3t.}.tal.7,•tr Noremb‘ * Id Earpttings OAR PETINGS BELOW COST.—The ‘./ DINSIDS ever cf.Terstl in the Csrret lice (recdbe nt nt DUNLAP'S lrarsm , r.s, 1120 3111221 LT street. In ettnit.oesse of the hart time... , are cr.. - - mg rut stork el k toe and COMILJU Carrtt.h; at I 'lees wuurl s•tunDla the c'os• it ?Juror tt5:•.2,3 the re d•tction is set teen I stork nt Carr...t•sze,r.ststteglaro-ly .tpeets bott.tht ate Fre.: 'zeroes. Any Gs, fu lurn.h a !louse at the yr , sent trove n.Sr came' s from thirty t,> forty reit rent cu rt'gttlar I t.er.e. a., I much rh, ate: tLnn they ess pa:chase In /ay Gth : ::,e in the city. . . e ur,r .1% All Wool Carpeting at veurat IS; Super3ire Carpet, 3c, vrurth $l,lO Carpct. $l. worth 11 ZO ; Enanah Taree,try Carivt. It 10. worth. at lea,t. 01 .77,S ; Velvet Carps cher:, a proportion; Common and nue 011 Cloths at a wrest varrifice Let all who want Carpet.; eon: ie. me - dlyttly and make their selection from one of th• cher,. - est and beet aasurtraeute of Careet‘rr; in th:• 0n..X1.11r4 W3l. DUNLAP, //lto Market -trees Sob printing TAIIES 11. BRYSON'S BOOK AND JOB l'hlNTl\t; 1:triillo. 2 North ...3ixru L-tr,et, Cr.,t st.wx ha Itlaok.. c Ar th . p 11, , 14, Pauli hlot., and gonoril Printie,z ottocle , l hind , attrud,:,to in ,noectlect WrLlt IrtLt,l 1,31 fop of Wont , lad Receipt 4 im, I: VANs,---10,000 PRINTEII, A , I ::::::!.. per Haut: D E 1 .7 ,..\ P ,7, , 11 ' , ''.... r *. L .7.-,..' -' :44 , J 4. _ r.,.. 1 II I) Ia 1 ''.Z,l::`.,..'' '"""' , „,,,,T - ( -1, r. a ,- ..t...' '" t'''''''''''"' 1) T. a 'Re..., i . ....,,, , P.- a E 11.. o f IC. ~...,,-,,,,,--g-',---'''''-'—'. D " :° ear.Libriry,VOITRTII ST. Wow (1,.•:,:t G IIEAT REDUCTION is THY Paleff. 01 CUMETERT LOTS The Glenwood Cemetery Co h&ce deterromed to sail the tots ru their Crinotery at ONE GALE The present for cash By this redaction some et the moat eligible Lots will be sold at TWELVE TIBLLABS. Only 100 lore will he dircesed of et these est.,. ant the opportunity is offered until January Ist, leh'S Ap plyat the 00ce, 43; WALIWT STILEET.Iti,r D. ROGERS, — ARRIAGE RE , T po‘itOry, 1,009 and I.till t IIti.STNTT St atv.iva Tenth. IS now open for the sale of every description of Carriages, combining stole, durability. and elegance of finish. from the Ilanufictery, at the corner of SIXTH and MASTER B:revis i t° which the attention of citizens, and Southern and itiestern gent :eclat, is respectfully N g loa t , to earrisgas far re pair.. in the 0 4 " 'oan,tt4 with th• Et-pm-tory EL trUCt CA Cho btreat. cat.s to & 141.t4
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