utiovt,,,,,Ap,tree ct t MllM=Mmwe '444 14 7,0 3E ) 04Fit 5'1851. - , Voirrosvo 'TF.ovivr-,-PAO4,--4 1 11 1 4 .04. Wrongs of . ,Copirigbt; Sabbath..Readlog ; RelikrolliDiA44ol l4 Ot Malfe - filiOningi - in New 4 1 r 04c;$ qiitchUotti Itfarkets ; GeneratNAtif ; dolghb)....yeAceto. yooart , Pios:-.--Dedlostory Ser,ojoit:,b,*;itev, • rieltANNAs- CONSTlTutritotti.:- 3 . - _ :Thelanals',oonStlintion",has atlefigtb been .publisbcd.'a 1n !neat reepecfs.,lLt4lietetteen 4 flails dlerent frOiktitii genegllflF..&'P lo.4 l t T Conalltntionit-of so' veralparticulars,:hOwever, it is liable to grave objections; 'on account , of, provisions: which areNotinsual, inar,naturally be ex.- ' peeled' to' itianrof the kit'. zees 4 The';_chtiracter of :these ex. titaterlbi thelettei forti; - ,', - Viiiiiiirittglic : .putillkied ' ll4 - prespribes the qualifica-, tions- the Governor partakes of a Knew.. Nethineclieractere - It is as follows : 8, _The G.:rein-Imi- Shall be at least thief" years Crate f'shall have been a citizen of 1 e Thiited 'States for twenty pears; shalthave • dod in ; this State atleast five years next weeding - the,,dal-of -eleotion, or from the time cif - the fermation of this' eon's titution ; and shall not be capable or holdltig, the ditioe more than four 'years Lanny term ef;six years.' Tb are bytt very fewer the State Consti tutions or the tfeloaWhich impose, a restric tion ,of this kind. itilneee of them, ail_ that is re quired, fa, - that the otiyernor shall be a ci tizen ,of the United ~Statee,; and a resident of the State .for 'a , period of front five ,to twelve , or fifteen years.' - ' The ConVention - prescribei a system of ap portionment:Which, seVeral respects, is man ifestly inifait'. The letter of- onr Correspond ent', hi another eohinoti, 'explains this 'fully. Tbe Natiena/4/ernOrrat, a leading organ of the•Pel9Pt_ir9i, imbllahod at 'l,e --cianipton, Kansas, make.; the lathe ohjsmtion. It Baia ' • . "Tni'APeOIITIONMeNTUNDaII THE NEW CONSTIRIT YROL—TheniosA MARIA - thing in this -respect is' the allow,anoe of four, representatives and two Councilmen to Johnson county. The apportionment is evidently based upon the Oxford ,returtis, and is' irtually an enaorsern'efir of thatmetro - geour'fraturb. -- johns= county- le -put -upon -an equality 'with' Doniphan and Atehison counties, which eiteht have four representatives. In Doan-. eilmen,lohnsiin is /ripener tweither Doniphart or Atehilien, - *hied together' have only- three bersi • Thie will - wet/ergo down Witls the people it certainly - ought notlo be minctioned•by them." :The whole prodiston relating- - to the striper' ''tionment of the Statels as follows: .'"At the tirit'eleotion holden under thatonstitu tite; forniembersef the State - Legislature, there, presentative and senatorial districts shall be as ~I stßepresentative District shall consist of Doni: , phan cone ty,and,shall he entitled to 4 represents slips; 2nd, Atehison; Bd, Leavenw orth, 8 ; 4th ' Brown and Nemalia,ll';sth, Calhoun and 4'otawatl tondo, Oth,' Jefferson, _2; 7th, Marshall and Washington,,l; Bth, '; 9th, Johnso n, '10th, Lykens, 1; ,11.th,'Llnu, 2 ;. 12th. Borbon, 2; 13 t h, Magee, Dorn, and Allah, 1 ;'l4th, Douglas, nee,Anderson and Franklin, ; 16th, Shaw d; Weller'and CoffeY, 1:;'18th, Woodson', `Sttilson; Greenwood, - Godfrey, and Madison, 1,1 - and Richardson, 1; 20th, Davis, • Wlse,-Butier .- - liunter,:and °entail', west, 1-total - number of R epresentatives, 44, . "istfienatenal District it Doniphan, 1 Senator ; _2l; .Atchieen,"Rld; Doniphart 'and Atchison, 1; -4th: -Leteietiworth, 3 sth, Brown, .3temaas, and A'rilotairattoinle, fith, Riley, Marshall; Draken son, and-WashingMn. 1,;, 7th, .Tefferson and Cal bent, 1 ; sth, Johnson, 2; .9th, I,Ykans, Ander ,oll,, and Franklin; 1, 2 ; ltith, Linn, 1 ;:llth, Bour bon 'end - MoGhee, "1; 12th, Douglas, '2; 13th, 14th: Dorn, Alleni-Widson, Woodson, ' Godfrey,Breenweed, Madison, and Coffey, 1; 15th, Richardson, Davis, Wise, Breolcinridge, Bader, - -Ranter, and, all west of Davis, Wise, Ender, and ' Rueter; 1.:-total, 19. " ' ; Thus Shawnee -, county, ivith a population .of. eight hundred, is to have two Representa ., lives and one Stmatorovhlie Johnson county, with a population of four hundred, is to have twice that, number, or -four- Representatives • and' two' Senetois-jtist four times-413e repre:. ientation to wbiCh sheis entitled, if :Shawnee - 4110 y -is treatedid for all this there' la; better,,inthority thentiftetftioni return • -*Maly fraudulent. If a system ef held gerry mandering of this kind is tolerated, ono-fourth of the. people • residing in: favored districts would .be :enabled to maintain dominion over tliree=fourths of the whole body of the citi zens residing in other sections. So far as the slivery quistion, as connected with the Kansas Constitution, is concerned ; the Lecompton Natimuil Democrat says: "Our opinion of- the final action of the Oonven-: tion, as briefly given in our last lane, has not been changed by such an examination of 'the Cionstitu ' tion as we have been able to give it. We' still think that the whole subject should have been sub ..; »litten to the people.' Bat, at all events, the sla very question-should have been kitty and fairly to the people for their decision. This, as we - understand it, RAS NOT BEENDONE. No Mat ter how the people may vote, i this Constitution should prevail,- Kansas wi ll:a:slave State. We would. not object to this result if the people should so it ; but we think they should have a full opportunity to'dotermine the abstracter of the ' institutions of the new State." 'We have here a leading' Democratic paper, published in KansaS TerritorY, maintaining the , position that under, the provisions of the Con . , stitution, Kansas will - inevitably be a slave , State, no matter how the people may vote. The Constitution contains the following, pro. visions in relation to slavery f "SLAVERY, "See. let, The right of property is before and - 'higher than any constitutional sanction, and the , right of the owner of a slave to such slave and its Increase; is the same Andes inviolable as the right of the owner of any property whatever. "Sea. 2.- The Legislatare*shall have no power to pass laws for the emancipation of slaves Without theeronientot the owner!, or, without paying the , --,owner4preVions .to • their emancipation, a full • evilyalent id money for- the !ASTOR so Or.oll3olpß. .:,ted. _They-shall:have no power to prevent emi. grinds .to the State from bringing with them each persons as aro deemed slaves by the laws of any • one of the United States or Territories, so long as any persOn of the seine age or description shall be Continued in slavery by-the. laws of this State: .Provided,'That such person or slave tie the bona 'fide property of sash emigrants : And provided, also, Thatlawa may be passed to prohibit the intro duotion into this State of slaves who have commit ted high orioles in other States or Territories. They , shell have power to pass laws to permit the owners of eleven to emanolpstothetn, saving the rights of , creditors, ind preventing them front becoming a public charge. , They shall have power to oblige the oivners of slaves to treat them with humanity, ~to provide 'for them necessary food and clothing. to abstain from all injuries to them, extending to life, or limb; and In case of {heir neglect or refusal to comply with the direction - Of such laws, to have such slave, or slaves sold for the bene fi t of rho own ,--,er or owners. See. 3,1 n the prosecution of slaves for crimes 'of higher grade than petitlaroeny, the Legislature shall have no power to deprive them of an Impel'- , tint trial by a petit jury. - • "Sea: 4: Any person _who shall maliciously dis memberor deprive a slave of life shall suffer such - punishment as would bo inflicted in case the like offence had been committed on a free whim person, and on the like proof; except in essoof insurrection of such-slave. - The schedule provides that cc, the president, • with two - -or;more members of this Conven tion, shall examine said poll-books, and if it shall appear npon. geld examination that a majority of the--legal votes cast at said oleo ' tion - be' in favor of the "Constitution with slavery," he shill immediately have the • same transmitted to the Congress of the United States ac heteltanfOlß provided. -But if upon such examination - of said poll-books it shall appear that it majority - of the legal votes cast at said : election are in (Ivor of the "Constitution with no slaiery," then the article providing for slavery shall be striclien from this Constitution by the , president of this Convention, and slavery shall. no - longer exist in the State of Kansas, (ex ' esioi that 4e rikhtiof property in slaves now in this Territory shall in no manner . be interfered mith, - and he shall have transmitted the Con ... stitution, so ratified, to the Congress of the United State's, as hereinbefore provided." - These provialoris seem to - imply, that in case a majority - of - the people of Kansas vote for the '• Constitution without slavery, the whole ex , tract quoted above is to be stricken flow the Constitution; but, the 'provision Is left that " the rights of property in Slaves now in this , Territory 'shall in no manner be Interfered , . with." , The view of the LeConiptah National --' . Den ioer : al evidently IS that under this Constitu ton, tbere . can "lia'ao provision' whatevef.'for • of slaVery in the. Territory, but existing slaves,-and -their- increase, can' he held fereveias slaves until the Constitution - Is changed:: Slavery cannot be abolished as *it WAS - in TeatisYlvtinia • and Other Northern _7 States, for..telabidieh Wwenid certainly "In. terfere" with the-rightet.property in it. ' So 'that; in'hatentiellY,-theilivery question is no - more submitted to the people them any„ other ,-',fi t tfAt the Ceitatitlitiottilxempt ..perhapii so - 'far as regarad theltnportatiOn'a slaves into -the Territory after the Constitution Is adopt ed, which might, apparently, be forbidden if a majority Of the people - voted ( trot the Consti tittlOil without' slavery," , . THE DEMOCRATICIP.OTT. There is such an absurdity—iieeVa ,logical impossibility--in the outer y,that 40'0911143e of, the Democratic paperC-agali)4li- late Cialboun Convention will divide ',Bee Dnia'cieratio party, that we feel tempted briefly to notice it. The eXhibition of the entire Democratic press of 'the North being silent on the schedule of the contrivance would have been a melon .o,4(qy A p - gellyo4o;iteis Age:, ! , i f inquiry. The aohefltilajtse..49la literary and political purioalty. ‘ ,. y!te_retr,!sal the c ofistibi- Itou to a adailieivote—the t depreqt4at all must , vote for it—tbe laughable manner of putting the slavery 7 issue, and . the , way Sena Minti;: like the mock duke: in, the play, is clad with` pie '-Governer, or of Lerd President, as .-the_ChicagO Times has it, :constituted a rare series of texts for comment. 'The, case' was. so new ,and , r an" rich, that the BOuthern.paperi proceeded* onceto discuss awl: not a few to ;condemn it. But the "ravenous. pens ". or 1i e, Republicans were at once filled with epithets and denuncia tions of the : whole " farce, and- they were flinging ituninders, abOut` theni,:like en" many Missiles of war. All Ada the Demo prats, of 'the. fine States. are-expected to-re main silent for fear of diyiding the `Demo cratic party. What a sight that , would .beeti; to see the whole column of Democratic' foiarnalista standing by without daring to fire a shot! In the midst of this 'silence of the Democrats, while the Republi • '•tau Republi cans were Ming us With breaking promises, And with. refining to speak out—while we were told we werewalting for orders how to move— die telegraph assures us that the whole people , of Kansas are in a state of open protest against, the Constitution ; that Governor WALKEIV is boldly against it; that Judge DouoiAs op poses it, and that the great body of one: eiwn people . ere 'convinced that it was all wrong. Row much, prhy t would the • Democrats have gained by this silence of their organs THE ADMINISTRATION AND THE SOUTH •We perceive- that three of the Southern States, through' their Legislatures, demand the removal of Governor WALKER by the Presi dent of the United States. As an evidence of the spirit which animates these assaults, we take thefollowing extract from the Mississippian atlas 21st of November,ln reference to the action' of the Mississippi Legislature "On the main issue there was no conflicting opinion In either branch of the Legislature. All united in approving the action of the Demooratio Convention—all coincided In the conviction that Walker had violated the non-intervention princi ples of the Kansas bill, and that he had progressed from one grade' of criminality to another, from the enunciation of his Isothermal' deoreo against the South and his Insolent declaration to the Constitu tional Convention, to his arbitary usurpation of the authority of the Territorial Legislature to de cide upon the validity of the election of its own members, and his rejection of the pro-slavery dole. gates, - All united in the conviction that if the President does not clear his skirt of these oriminal acts—if he does not disavow them as unwarranted by his instructions and unsustalnedby his approval —lto deserve§ the same measure of denunciation which balloon poured in bitter torrents upon the guilty head of Governor Walker. "The Only question of difference related to the time when - this verdict should be pronounced. Boma said the ease is already made out—the proof establishing the complicity of the Administration with Walker, in the perpetration of these weighty -wrong upon the South, is already clear ; others ar gued in favor of a suspension of the sentence un til further opportunity is afforded the President to :viodioate his Administration from so damning an act of treachery to the Constitution, and fraud- upon the States which, in the Presidential election, generously gave him their confidence and support. "Theis has the Mississippi Legislature, speaking in tenet of thunder, in the name of the sovereign people it represents, vindicated the notion of the 3Demooratto Convention, and nailed as base coin to the counter the calumny that the Convention aoted prematurely, and did not reflect the public will ; and more than all, thus have the Demoernoy of Mitedssippi—unawed by the frowns of Federal power, onsedueed by its corrupting patronage, un moved by the suggestions of cowardice—again yin dipated their devotion to their rights and their ehetished doctrines, and proclaimed to the meo in power and out of power, to all the world, that they will folloW no lead which has not for its guidance the principles of jostles and equality embodied in the Cincinnati platform, and which constitute the only shibboleth of their faith. "With painful anxiety—with some misgivings— and yet with a hopeful confidence, not entirely abandoned, we will, in conformity to the notions of 'our political friends, await further developments at Washington. - And ,whea the mysteries of this mon strous Kansas iniquity are brought to light, we will place oar readers in possession of all the facts, and will avow our opinions upon their Merits with the freedom Which bectemes an independent press, de nouneing, wrong and exposing treachery, let-the blew fail where lot may." It is a singular circumstance that we do not hear a word against this violence and pro-' scription from the Washington Union. We have this to say, that tho whole people of the free States will rally to President Sn owiest and to his Administration should they resist the domineering attempt thus made upon him, and no journal will go further in that di reCtion than the PRESS. The occasion may soon come when those who look forward to neither patronage nor influence, inspired by their long attachment to the President, and animated by the consciousness that they are defending him against unprovoked attacks in the discharge of his high duties,will once more be found in the breach, willing to make any sacrifice for the good cause. We shall then be able to show again the motive which con trola ns in the discharge of our duties as the independent editor of an independent journal, and we have no doubt that the vehement per secution of the extreme enemies of the Ad ministration against Governor WArann will arouse in defence of thit statesman, and of the Administration, the same glorious spirit which in 1850, under the lead of Ilowm, Cons and Messrs. Toonns and STEPHENS, res cued Georgia from the hands of the disunion lets. THE RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE. The opponents of the principle that the ma jority shall rule run into some fearful mis takes. But the worst Is, to suppose that this IS& contest between the advocates and adver saries of slavery and the South. The defend. ore of the minority dynasty in Kansas should not lay this flattering unction to their souls. It in a struggle for a right, "as old as free government itself." Thousands of men, un justly as we conceive, assail the rights of the South in regard to their pe culiar institution. Against these men we have always done, and always expect to do, battle. There are, however, certain inalienable rights which nobody, until the pre sent moment, has pretended to contest. By common consent—by universal agreement —"VIE WILL OF TUE MAJORITY," as applied in the Nebraska bill, stands first. We have all differed about allowing the people to vote as to slavery, but we have never differed as to placing to their hands those material and sacred issues which protect them in their persons, their property, and their religion. On this grand basis the whole fabric of our freedom is based, as upon a rock. It is upon this basis only,-by Including the slavery ques tion with those more sacred and inalienable franchises, that this Union has been main tained, and that the South is defended against atlerce and relentless fanaticism. To say that because the people may veto upon the slavery question,ttbey must, therefore, surrender all other rights in the formation of the funda mental law, is to reverse all our ideas of free government, and to throw us into the arms of feudalism itself. COUNTERFEIT BANK NOTES Mr. T. B. PETEason, the enterprising pub lisher, has started "Peterson's Philadelphia Counterfeit Detector and Bank Note List," which will be issued monthly, and promises to be reliable and fully impartial. In this country, where paper money is literally "lord of the ascendant," and banks of all sorts and species (not specie, just now) are thickly scat tered through its length and breadth, there is an actual necessity for such publications—to know counterfeit from true notes, to show what banks have broken, and to inform the public with the exact rate of discount on the notes of every bank in the Union. Mr. PETER SON, albeit an enterprising and business-like publisher, Is not a broker, and cannot, of him self, supply the information which ho promises. But he goes to the,fountain•head for accurate dots, having succeeded in obtaining the co-operation of Messrs. ASEXELL SC CO., this well-known brokers, South Third street, who undertake to throw their experience, their ob servation, and their business knowledge into this pebileatiOn, and will correct it, in the most authentic manner, to the date of issue, each month. We rarely , refer, in this part of our paper, to what appears among the adver tisements, but Mr. PrrEnsox's announcement is so MI of interest to all who have to receive or pay papei money, that we are justified in drawing attention to it, and In suggesting that, in the present "bard times," the proper mode of procedure is to subscribe for the publica tion, paying for It in advance, to insure its success. The thing has been much needed, 194 thp boob{ will be well done. THE PRESS.--PHILADELPHIA; 'SATIJItDAV, DECEMBER 5 ; 1857. MIDNIGHT MAIL. FROM WASHINGTON: No Action to be taken In Canons on the Kansas %Ottestion-Aoutbern Men Opining the Sche dule—Judge Douglas adheres to Ms position —Land Office Decision—lmportant Statistics, Bro. [Correspondence of The Press WASIIINGTON, Deo. 4, 1857 It is the general impression that no action will bo taken on the Kansas_ question in the callous. Members are disposed to wait the communication of the Message, and ,the facts it may disclose. Soon afterward, however, there will he, I learn, some discussion on the subject. Non. Mr. Jewett, of Kentucky, and other proMinent =tubers of the Demooratic party, will speak out their decided opposition to the Calhoun schedule. The Northern men, then, are not singular in the opinions they have expressed. Judge Douglas still stands firm upon the ground he originally ,assumed: Ille interview with the President hai not ,had the &root to change the views he entertains on this question in common with Governor Walker and TRH PREBB. A quorum of both Houses is present. The Coln missiOnoi of the General Land Offitm has written to Mr. Towne, of Chicago, Illinois, that from tho moment a settler enters, in person, on land open to . pric-etnptioni kith the animus menet:di, or with the intention of availing' himselfbf 'the privilege' of the pre•emptioi Inrd , and'does any not In °aeon tion of that intontion, in a settler. Ho Is pro tooted' until he failt;oir his 'part, to comply With the cornlitions Of tile halt. •' The Secretary_ of the Treasury, In compliance with the standing Order of the Iletise of seproson• tativee, has prepared and had printed thedo tailed _estimates of apprePriationi necessary to carry on the• Government •during. the fsenl, year ending June 50, 1859. These estimates will be laid open' the desks of.members of the House on the 21 day of the session. They.foot up as follows: Estimates for the year 1858-59 $50,312.943 13 Appropriations for current year 7,105,224 49 Existlyg appropriations, available 10,580,588 35 Totes estimates 874,064,755 91 As these estigetes aro based upon existing laws, it is not iffhln the power of the Executive Department to reduce them ; the expenditures of the Government can bo diminished only through the action of Congress, ty setting down the service now required to bo performed. As things are now, this will, doubtless, be done, so ai to limit the ex penses to the :ideal receipts in the Treasury, and thus avoid the necessity of a loan to carry on the Government in a time of peace. The following tabular statement shoves the ba lances remaining in the Treasury, being the amount subject to draft, on the first of the months mentioned : Date of Report. Returns to. . . . Jan'y let, 1857....D00r 22, 1856....822,011,212 59 Fob' y Ist, " 26, '57.... 21,496,881 93 Mar Ist,...,Fob'y 23, .... 24,467,742 52 April let, ....Mar 23, " 24,722.821 54 May lot, ,• ....April 27, " ... • 23,202,128 73 June let, " ...,May 25, " .... 22,838,246 24 July lot, ....Juno 22, " 20,169,011 11 Aug let," ....July 27, 18,689,896 33 Sept let, " ....Aug 21st, ^ .... 19,587,223 50 Oct Ist, " ....Sopt 21, .... 17,181,464 84 Nov'r let, " ....Oot 20," 0,802,227 17 Deo'r Ist, " ...,Nov'r 23, 7,328,451 OD Tho reduction in the balances is to some extent due to the payment on the public debt. If more of the debt had been redeemed, the balance nt the beginning of the present month would have been in the neighborhood of $15,000,000. The receipts into the Treasury have not been very much below the current payments for current expenses. They are at this time, as I have once before written you, nearly half a million a week below the e;pendi• tures; yet it is the belief of officers conversant with the subject, that this will be reversed, and in a short while the receipts will equal and exceed the expenditures. Official information has been received at the offibe of the Light House Board, that various changes important to mariners have boon made in lighting and buoying tho approaches to the port of Liverpool. The positions of thirteen buoys have been changed, four now ones have been estate• lished, and five dispensed with in consequence of shillings on the banks. Those alterations make the Queen's channel the channel to ho used at night. In the Victoria channel the position of the buoys aro adapted to the growth of the banks, and their general arrange ment is maintained as before. It may bo navigated by daylight, groat care being taken to make duo allowance for the tido which, during both Food and ebb, sets across this channel, and over the banks on either side of it. The navigation of the Crosby channel in thick weather will be facilitated by equalizing the distances and straightening the line of buoys. The Formby light-vessel must al ways be passed on her southwest side. The now buoy on Beggar's Batch should be given a wide berth. X. Y. The Kansas Constitutional Convention. [Correspondence of The 'Preen.) WASUINOTON CITY, Deo. 3, 1857 Having been afrequont attendant on the debates of the late Kansas Constitutional Convention, and having a personal acquaintance and knowledge of many of its members, I propose to state certain facts in connection with it which have not yet been noticed. It is assorted that the present mode of submis sion was a compromise between the oonservative members of the Convention, or between tho con servatives and ultra pro•slavery mon. This is not in accordance with the facts. There were three modes of treatment of the Con stitution proposed. The plan of the fire-eaters was to sand the Constitution to Congress without submission to the people. The submissionists wore divided into two parties, bee under the load orbit. Calhoun, who is the father of the present mode of submission, and the other unapt Judge Elmore, who proposed and advocated a fair and full sub mission of the whole Constitution to the people. Previous to the final disposition of the question, a test vote was twice taken upon the full submission, and once upon the present mode, and the plan of a full submission received a larger veto than the Calhoun plan. But Calhoun, though inferior to Judge Elmore in intoned, information, and cha• raster, was greatly his superior as an active party manager, and, principally through his manage ment, the party for a full submission, though at first in the majority, was finally beaten in caucus and in the Convention, and forced either to sub mit to the present plan or have the Constitution sent at onus to Congress. This plan was advocated, both in the Convention and out of it, by the more far-seeing of the ultra pro-slavery party, on the express ground that it wou/t/ snake irimsas a slave Slate—that the Abolitionists would absent themselves from the polls—that the pro-slavery party alone would vote —that a pro-slavery Constitution would thee be adopted, and sent to a Democratic Congress, which would be compelled to sanction it. Or, if the free- State men did vote upon the Constitution, they would adopt the " Constitution without slavery," which contained a pro-slavery clause recognising and perpetuating slavery in the Territory. The present mode of submission, while under discussion in the Convention, was characterised by the anti-subtaissionista as a "swindle, a fraud, a cheat, a mockery." All their artillery of sar casm, humor, argument, and invective wore plied to expose it. Their speeches would furnish a mine of argument and indignation against it. After it finally passed, several of the more violent anti submissionists resigned, and others withdrew from the Convention in disgust and chagrin at the re sult of their proceedings. Now, the Convention adjourned on the night of November 7tb, at half-past eleven P. M., and the Constitution, as I was informed by a member of the Convention that night, was signed by but thirty-five members. I know that Mr. Calhoun and his friends became very fearful that the Con vention would be left without a quorum. How does it happen that it is now, as reported, signed by forty-eight members? It was effected through Mr. Calhoun and his friends, who brought to bear all their tact and ad dress upon the recusant fire-eaters, and convincing them that the South, by this mode of submission, would gain a now slave State in Kansas. It was through this argument that they were induced to sign it and give it their support. The advocacy of this plan, by the Charleston Mescal y and its co adjutors, proves bow well-founded wore Mr. Cal houn's plans and arguments. The Constitution contains features in them selves objeotlonablo to the Democratic party. It provides for tho creation of Stato banks, and it contains a Know Nothing clause, restricting the candidates for Governor to those only of the citi zone of the State who shall have resided in the United States twenty years. These, however, are points which, however ob jectionable, cannot furnish ground for the rejection of the Constitution. There is, however, a I) au', recognised in tho Constitution, and furnishing the basis of important provisions, which will require the gravest consideration. In the emotion of representative and council districts for the new State, the fraud of the Ox ford city returns has been made a basis in esti mating the population of Johnson county. The entire official vote of this county did not exceed 400, but it was swelled to over 1800 by the return of 1000 fiotitious names from Oxford city, a ham let containing but three dwelling-houses. This question will be readily undorstood by a comparison of Johnson county with Shawnee county, both of which are made council dis tricts, The upper house of the Legislature is called the Council. Tho official returns from Johnson county shwa a vote of not over four hundred. The returns from Shaw nee showed over eight hundred, and yet Johnson county is given double the representation of Shaw nee, though Shawnee has twice the population. Judge Elmore, ono of the representatives from Shawnee county, inquired the reason of this dis crepancy, and was informed 'by Mr. Boling, the chairman of the Committco on Elootions, that tho returns from Oxford city had been included in forming a basis for the representation of the county. This question becomes still clearer when you are informed that Johnson county is a strong pro-shi very county, and Shawnee free-State. Atiother frautluiont distribution of representation was doteeted by the officer having charge of the returns, in the office of the Secretary, upon com parison with the official returns, by which owe Pro-slavory county, which returned about throe hundred votes, was given two representatives in the lower House, and two free-State counties uni ted only gave one, though they returned dye hun dred votes. There were other 'variations from the official returns in districting the Territory, allow ing au utter disregard of the official returns, but none so glaring as those mentioned alums. It was not surely intended by the Constitution of the United States that, in the admission of a State, every Constitution purporting to be republican should be received by Congress; and it sheuld at least bo a matter of serious deliberation whether a donstitution which defrauds the people of their just right of representation, in a manner ao palpable and demonstrable, should bo regarded en a repub lican Constitution._ ' MADAME LOLA DIONTEZ. LECTURE, Last night tho Musical Fund Hall was literally crowded—the attraction being a lecture by Madame Lola Montcz on the "Heroines of Mabry," and " Strong-minded Women." It was a composition at once brilliant and learned, pathetic and witty, with a pretty strong dash of good-humored satire. It treated of Women of the Sword and of the State, heroinos of the " Pen," horoines of "Beauty and Genius,":—modern "Strong-minded Women,"—heroines of the "Home," and "Women of the Tongue." The applause, from as apprecia tive an audiemie 'as ever the fair lecturer over ad dressodi (she always speaks of Philadelphia as the Florence of, America,) was warm throughout, and, at somo especial points, even enthusiestio. The most touching portion roloted,lo heroines of the Homo,'-' and the moat amusing was that, in which, infide'stingn'illt,es , rights , Convention, she doliv ermOvitb drainatie effect, such a speech as might have been delivered 'on such an occasion by one of the injured harder - sex. Wo have to state, with much gratification, that this is the elOso of Madams Lola Montez' career as a public lecturer. We break no confidence, and do not intrude on the secrecy or private life, by mentioning that this fair and gifted woman it on the ovo of a very brilliant matrimonial alliance. Sho purposos, in ton days from this Mop, to be en route for Paris. Her return to this country, for a short visit, may be expected in the spring. And so. we take leave of her as a lecturer, and, with due gallantry, wish hot all imaginable happiness in this approaching new *lsis of her eventful life. Tni WELSII NIOSITINIALE.—MI,33 Williams eon tinuea highly attraotivo at Concert hall,in her drarnatico-musioal entertainment, "The Lady's Dream," and will repeat it this ovening. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. %Vnaltinlgton Affairs Wasulfiavos, Dec. 4.--The appearances are that the house will effect an organisation on Mon day without trouble. The contest is particularly warm fur the posts of postmaster, doorkeeper, and printer. It is now definitely understood that printed copies of the President Message will be sent in advance to the cities of Philadelphia and Now York, if no further. The Republican Caucus, Wasutunvou, Dee. 4,—lt is understood that tile caucus of the Republican members of the House will be hold at 10 o'clock on Monday morning. Messrs. Orow of Pennsylvania, Blair of Missouri, or Washburn() of Matno, will probably receive the nomination for Speaker. It is the present inton tion to make no other nominations. Fugitive-Slave Case In Indiana iNDIANAPOGIS, Deo. 4.—Fight days since the agent of Dr. Vallandingham, of Frankfort, Ken tucky, captured a fugitive slave at Naples, ill. While en route for Kentucky the negro was taken on a writ of habeas corpus before Judge Wallace, who ordered his release. He was, however, again arrested, and taken before United States Commis sioner Rea, who, after a hearing of the case, de cided that the fugitive must go back to slavery again. The fugitive was then re-arrested on a wri issued by Judge Wallace, before whom some nice questions of State sovereignty are now being dis cussed. It is claimed by the counsel for the fugitive that ho is free under the fugitive-slave law and the Dred Scott decision, as well as under the State Constitution. In the meantime Dr. Vallanding ham has been arrested on the affidavit of the fu gitive, charging him with the crime of kidnapping. The latter case is now in progress before I.fayor Wallace. The Craddock Murder Vasa LOUISVILLE, Dec. 4.—The preliminary hearing in the ease of the Commonwealth cc. Miller and others for the murder"of Pascal D. Ougeek, pas concluded at 7 o'clock this evening. All the seven prisoners accused by Miller were discharged. The testimony of Miller, and the cross-examination to which ho was subjected, occupied two days. All the defendants, except Miller, severally in troduced testimony proving alibis and their good character. There was also abundance of testimony showing Miller's character to be bad, and that he was unworthy of belief. The discharge of the parties implicated by Miller was hailed with tremendous applause by the largo crowd in attendance. The District Attorney, Mr. Craig, moved the commitment of Miller on the charge of perjury, but the justices replied that he was already held on the charge of murder by his own confession. The Ohio River CINCINNATI, Deo. 4.—The weather La cloudy to• day, with Borne rain. The Ohio rose two feet in the last twelve hours, and is still rising rapidly. PITTSBURGH, Dec. 4.—Thero is now nano foe seven inches of water in the Ohio, and falling. Illarkets. BALTIMORE, Dee. 4 —The markets hero are generally unchanged. Exchange on New York 103 a 103.1.. Fifteenth Ward Relief .dssociation.—Tho Association of the Fifteenth ward is working up admirably, and since the organization a vast amount of good has boon done among the poor of that section of the city The members of the Ex ecutive Committee aro most assiduous in their ef forts to relieve the distressed condition of many families, and the citizens of the ward are promptly responding to the cells of the proper committees for material aid" to prosecute the groat work of re lief. At the meeting held in the Third Assoolato Reformed Presbyterian church, corner of Twen tieth and Fairview streets, on Thursday evening, the Committee on Reports submitted a statement of the operation of the Association fur the past month, by which it appears that 301 families received needed assistance in food and fuel during that pe riod. The receipts from fees, donations, de., amounted to $038.75; tho expenditures for food, Sc., wore $121.92, leaving a balance of $213 03, of which amount $l6O 57as appropriated at the last mooting. The Precinct Committees report much distress among families in the card, and urge upon the members of the association untiring action in the work of Christian benevolence in whieli they aro engaged. from the Steward's report wo find that the fol lowing articles have been furnished the storeroom, corner of Nineteenth and North streets, under the charge of Mr. David Morris : 813 pounds sugar, 316 pounds coffee, 4 pounds tea, 61 pounds firkin butter, 11 bushels beans, 21 barrels middling flour, 1 barrel superfine flour, 23 pounds superfine flour, 150 pounds oat meal, 3,230 pounds corn meal, 300 pounds brown soap, 1,1100 pounds codfish, 25 pounds mould candles, 5 bushels potatoes, 3 bushels turnips, I barrel cabbage, 1 sack salt. MATTERS AND MINDS IN NEW YORK Annt'criox —A young lady, aged sixteen years, who resides with her sister in Forty-fourth street, having been missed by her relatives, the police wore put in search of her. Leto on Wednesday night the officer entered a house of ill-fame in Howard street, and there discovered the young girl, who gladly accompanied him. From hor state ment it appears that on Monday night last she mot with a welbdressed gentleman, of foreign appear once, in the ears on the Sixth Avenue Railroad, who endeavored on that occasion to tairsuade har to accompany him ; but seine parties in the car, to whom tho young lady was known, prevented her doing so. The following morning, however, as oho was going to school in Forty-fourth street, near Broadway, she again met the same man, and by threats and menaces he compelled her to accom pany him to the house of infamy in Howard street. Ilene she woo nominally engaged as a domestic, and remained there until discovered by the A QUESTION —The following curious notion is posted at the City Hall. No name or address is signed to it: Is there any work in New York If there is, have the kindness to leave directions where a fel low can got it—in order that starvation 020 y not set in. "NEW Yonw, Deo. 2, 1857." The following story is copied from the Wil mington (Dol.) Journal and Statesman of yoster day : "A horrible affair took place last week in Dover Hundred. The particulars are as follows : A woman who had served in the capacity of house keeper for Mr. Joseph Parlor for souse time, was taken siolc on Friday evening last, and several of the neighbors were called in to her assistance, and to attend to her wants. But before medical aid could be had she died the following morning. In ardor to have her laid out, it became necessary to get her clothes, which wore kept in a trunk, but upon it being broken open, to the astontstanont of all present, an Infant child was found seoroted amongst the clothes. The unfortunate woman, to conceal tear shame, after having given birth to it, had placed it there. Sho was interred on Sunday last. An inquest was held over the mother and child by density coroner Clayton F. Hawkins." IIANIIgOME PRIVATE nESIDENCIIS, &O.—Thomas L . Bona' sale next, Tneeday, will include 'tandem° residences, Pino street, Lombard street, and Franklin street. Also, valuable building lots, Walnut and Locust 'Arcola. A mortgage f0r.51,925; etocka, bonne, &o. Seepamphlet catalogues issued to-day. " Ventayr."—Tlds elegant country scat and farm is altered at privata sale. 800 Thomas Sons' advertisement, auction bond. James Freemen, auctioneer, solis this day, at 12 o'clock, at the auction store, a lot of wince, brandies, whiskey, kc., of the choicest brands. By order of administrator. 1390 ltdVOrtieoment. THE AMERICA'S MAILS. The Cunard mail steamship America ar rived at Boston on Thursday evening. She brings us lull files of English papers, the Lon don dates being the evening of the 20th ult., and Liverpool to the morning of the 21st. The very full and well-prepared telegraphic despatch which was forwarded from Halifax and printed in Thursday's PRESS, leaves but little of importance for to-day. We have com piled some additional particulars of the finan cial news, however, and a few other selections of general interest. Parliament was to moot December 3, "for the despatch of divers sundry and important affairs." The suspension of the Bank charter was the chief cause of this step, and the session would probably be chiefly engaged in a discussion of that subject. Indian affairs will also occupy a large share of the attention of members. It is generally thought the address in tho House of Lords will ho moved by Viscount Eversley, the late Speaker of the liouso of Commons, and that it will be seconded either by Lord Bolpor or Baron Wensleydale. In the House of Commons It is thought that tho address will be moved by Lord liadde, the eldest son of the Earl of Aberdeen, and seconded by Mr. Banbury, member for Middlesex. A rumor asserts that Lord Elgin is on his way to England, having flung up his mission to China. On Monday Sir E. Buliver Lytton, Bart., was re elected lord rector of the University of Glasgow. On Thursday the 10th, the lion. William Hamil ton Merritt, M. P. (Canada), had an interview with Lord Stanley of Alderloy, at the office of the Board of Trade, on the subjeot of a continuation of steam communioation between Liverpool and atone. The submarine cable was laid between Cagliari, the capital of Sardinia, and the island of Malta In seventy hours, and wits completed November 17. By this step the despatch of the next news from India will bo accelerated more than twenty-four boors.. • Wo an %iota the latest intelligence from the Con tinent, received at London by telegraph : FRANCE. PAR; s, Thursday evening.—M. Pould, the Min ister of State, has loft here for England. Ills vi4it is reported, as on a former occasion, to have re ference to monetary matters. with a view to con cert unity of notion between the banks of England and France. There is a rumor, founded on good authority, that the French papers will reeeive a hint to mo derato their tone as regards what they torm "the English massacres In India." The Emperor returns from Compiegne on Sun day FINANCIAL. From the London Times, Nov. 20.] TIIIIRSDAY EVENING.—In all mercantile quar ters there has boon a decided amendment to-day, Not a single failure has been reported, and some special causes of anxiety lately prevalent bare been entirely removed. The stock market opened with firmness at the prices of last evening ; and, al though a slight reaction subsequently took place, a steady tone was again manifested at the close. Console for money wore first quoted 893 to whence, owing to the impression that a further ad vance in the rate of discount might be contempla ted at the Bank, where the court did not break up until a late hour a decline occurred to 891 to 1. Finally, upon its becoming known that no altera tion would be made, transactions wore again en tered into at 89} to ) for money, and 801 for the 7th of December. Ono or two of the principal dealers brought some stock upon the market dur ing the morning, but the public generally showed a disposition to continue their investments. Loans on Government securities were in active demand at 70 per cent. Bank stock left oli at 212 to 214; reduced, 881 to 1; India stock, 212 to 214; India bonds, 455. to 355. discount; and Exchequer-bills, 163. to 103. discount. The private lotters from Paris describe a batter fooling. Some or the American houses are begin ning to got remittances, and the situation of the Bank of France is improving. At other conti nental cities there are likewise signs of an ap proaching tendency to a revival of confidence. A further amount of .020,000 Australian gold was sold to the Bank to-day. It is also understood that 50,000 sovereigns have boon .returned front Ireland, Tho L 526,000 in gold by tho Australasian will bo delivered-in London to-morrow. It is expected that a large portion, if not the whole, will be cold to the Bank. It bas been announced to.day, by telegraph, that the ^able of the Mediterranean Extension Company has been laid between Cagliari and Malta, a distance of about three hundred miles, with perfect success. nonce there rill be an ac celeration of a day or two in tho news by the next Indian mail. The bar silver brought by the last West India packet has been sold at Olid per oz., showing no alteration in the rate. [From the European There, (Liverpool) Nov. 21. J FRIDAY Ev IN(l.—Tbe gloom which for the pas few weeks has spread over the commercial commu nity has not been removed ; the cloud of distrus still hangs over us,' and without any prospect o relief until the meeting of Parliament. The demand for money is exceedingly active, both at the Bank of England and in Lombard street; and although no advance has taken place in the rate of discount at the bank, many rumors have boon flying that such a step would be neces sitated, and that the directors would be compelled to advance the rate to eleven per cent. These re ports most probably gained strength by the heavy failures reported during the week—Chief amongst which was the Wolverhampton Bank, ono long established, and of old, high commercial reputa tion. Tho accounts from Scotland and Ireland, however, aro more satisfitotory, and the demand for gold has for the time, as far as they are con cerned, evidently exhausted itself, and pros pects of a return of the bullion to the bank cellars at an early period aro fully entertained. The pressure upon almost all classes at the pre sent erttloal period should cause general forbear. once. The discount houses aro limiting their ac commodation, and in all cases require full rates for the best paper, considerably higher for other descriptions. The timely arrival of gold per the Eisen has produced a favorable feeling, and the exports of specie to the Continent and the East have been almost entirely suspended. The ad vices from the United States are more satisfaotory, and wo have had some amounts by theniail steam ships returning to this country, chiefly, however, for the purpose of covering bilks. The high rates for money hero have rendered the export of the precious metal an unprofitable pro ceeding The intended summoning of Parliament is the most satisfactory announcement that could have accompanied the suspension of the Bank charter net. While the causes of that event are fresh they must bo thoroughly sifted and exposed. The account in to-night's Gazette, under the item of notes Issued, states that £2,000,000 of the total mount aro issued under the authority of the Government letter of November the 12th. In the week ending Wednesday night last, the coin and bullion was Wilber reduced, and on the above day stood at ..1:6,484,092, being a decrease in the week of £680,412. Tho return from the Bank of England for the week ending the 18th November gives the follow ing results when compared with the previous week : Public deposits £6,103,881 Increase £100,522 Other deposits. 13,050,162 Increase 1 023,051 Rest 3,433,600 Increase 09,114 On tho othor sido of the account: securiti es 0,407,131 "'memo. ..... ...f.3.037,091 Other seCUITS.. 30,299,2T0 Increase 4,1115,817 Notes =lemon'. 404.001 Decrease 553,209 Tho amount of notes In °lnsulation is 422,150,004, being an increase of 11,900,739 and the stock of bullion in both departments is 10,481,000, showing a decrease of .£600.412 when compared with the mei:noting return. Of the £22,554,595 notes issued, 42 ; 000,000 ore issued under the authority of the letter from the First Lord of the Treasury and the Chancellor of the Exeltequer. Mr. Massey, the new member for Salford, and Under-Secretary in the Homo Office, has been making a very foolish speesh to his constituents. When coked if he hod anything to communieate respecting the now Reform bill, ho replied that be hod not—that ho was not a member of the Cabi net, and did not know its secrets. This confession of ignorance on the part of a member of the o vernment was received with marked disapproba tion. Several Parisian firms arc said to have convoked their most important creditors to concert with them the necessary means to prevent a public fail ure, anti probably come to a provisional suspension of payment. A Perlin letter of the 15th says: A noted and undoubted Mimes (ncut has taken place not only in the King's bodily, but his mental health within the last five days. Ito supports carriage exercise without fatigue, sleeps soundly. has recovered his appetite, articulates freely, and has nearly recover ed all the oonneoting links of his memory. Mean time, scarcely a doubt exists in the minds of the highest medical authorities that the Icing's brain is affected by the disease called "softening:" a dis ease pronounced Lobo incurable ; or, at all events, leaving the door open to renewal of congestions! attacks. Tho Sardinian Government has decided to sot at liberty the heroine of the lilassinian attempt, Miss Jessie Meriton White, annexing to her liberation the condition, or rather the order, that she would quit the country within five days. A correspondent of the Bengal 111,101 a, wri ting from Cawnpore, says that in more than ono place on the walls of the chambers in which the English ladies wore confined previous to their mur der, are soratohed the words„” Remember us," " Revenge us." General Neill has loft a family behind him. "A national provision for them, and that a gene rous one," observes the "is an honor which such o general can justly chum from the tomb. Suoh a provision will bo an honor to the dead and to the living—to him who earned it, and to those who receive it." AN OATH or Vuvouaoe'n.—The following has been communicated to the Poonah Observer "By recent letters received from Brigadier Myer look's force, it appears that on the arrival of the detachment of the 78th Highlanders at that place of skulls, Cawnpore, after the massacre of our countrymen, women, and children, they by some moans or other found the remains of one of General Wheeler's daughters. The eight was horrible, and aroused them to that pitch, that, gathering around, they removed the hair from the poor girl's head, a portion of which was carefully selected and sent home to her surviving friends. The remainder they equally divided amongst themselves; and on each man receiving his care fully served out portion, they all quietly and very patiently applied themselves to the tedious talk of counting out the number of hairs contained in each individual's lot; and when this task was ac complished, they ono and all swore most solemnly by Heaven and the God that made them, that for as many hairs as they hold iu their fingers, eo many of the cruel and treacherous mutineers should die by their hands ! an oath that they will, no doubt, most religiously keep." Tun Km or Decor.—A letter received in Glas gow on the lOth repeats the rumor which the Morning Herald published from Calcutta, to the effect that the King of 'Delhi and the Queen had been killed. The letter, which is dated Calcutta, Bth October, says: "General Wilson, the officer in command, knowing the temper of his noon, and fueling the necessity of the ease, had issued orders that no harm should be done to women and child ren, but that no quarter was to be given to the men. He was hound, however, to enforce the offi cial command to secure and protect the persons of the State criminals. He, therefore, placed the royal rebels under arrest, the guard being supplied from the different regiments in rotation. On its coming to the turn of the let Bengal Fusiliers, only sixty-four men of which survived the assault, the guard rushed on the King and Queen with their fixed bayonets and speedily despateheallthem The officer on duty rushed forward to prevent the vengeful retribution, but woo instantly served in the sante way." Richardson Brothers Sc Co 's Circular. [Per Steamer America Livartroot, 11 Mo. 20, 1857.—Cotton opened firmly in the early partof the week at the advance noted in our lost. Since Tuesday, however, there has been a great pressure on the past of holders to sell, and yesterday prices had declined to as low a point as they ruled on that day week, the recovery having been entirely lost. Market to-day a shade bettor. Sales 2,000 bales. Imports this week 11,557 bales. Total sales 20,530 bales of which speculators took 3,480, and exporters 2,250, leaving to the trade 14,800 bales. Quercitron Bark has attracted considerable at tention at the reduced prices, and a largo business has been done at fis. 9da7s. 3d per cwt for Balti more, and Bs. Hags. for Philadelphia. Lard is very dull, and although holders would accept 603 no transactions have taken place. Tallow opened firmly in the early part of the week, at an advance of 25 per cwt., but has since declined, and closes at 48s for P. Y. C. and North America. Per delivery for the first three months of next year, 49s is asked. Stock in London is es• timated at 40,000 casks, against 15,000 same week last year. Beef —There has been scarcely anything done this week, and the few retail sales made have been at a decline of 5s per tierce on inferior description, and about former rates for prime. Pork.—Nothing doing. Nominal value SOsaBss; but Irish is offering for forward delivery at the latter figure. Bacon—Very quiet, and is offering at reduced prices, without bringing forward buyers. Cheese.—A large quantity was put up to auction on Tuesday, principally of medium quality, but there being no bids, except at a decline of 4safig per vet , the bulk was withdrawn. Sir.co then, how ever, the above decline has been submitted to. Since our last the demand for all articles of the trade has partaken snore of the nominal than real character, and there has been almost a complete cessation of business. The lower classes of red Wheats have been some what pressed fur sale, and considerably reduced prices would have to be accepted to effect the same. Indian Corn has also been snore freely offered, and is obtainable at a further reduction in price Deliveries of Wheat from our own farmers for the past week consist of 91,010 qrs, against 100,848 qrs same week last year. Average price 51e Bd per qr, against 04s 4d corresponding week last year. Our market, this inernir.g, was only slenderly attended, and but a ver7llmited business again re sulted in any article of the trade; prices of most articles aro somewhat irregular. White Wheat may bo written 2ila3d per 70 lbs cheaper, and red about the low price we have now arrived at attracts some attention, but at the moment people aro not generally disposed to increase their en gagements. Flour was most difficult of sale, and the late ar rivals of barrels are offering freely at a decline of lags. per barrel, and which quite puts a stop to any demand for Irish Indian Corn was in very slow request at fla9d. per qr. decline on mixed and yellow, but while, from scarcity, was hold at former rates. Oats, slow demand, at Id. per 45 lbs. decline, and Meal most difficult of sale, although offered at less money. Itnports from limn 13th to limo 10th consist of 11,081 qrs Wheat;3,74o qrs Indian Corn, 3,237 nooks and 8,702 barrels Floor. Exports for same period, 4,005 qrs Wheat, 3.043 qrs Indian Corn, 1,373 sacks and 1,470 barrels Flour. We quote the value of American white Wheat Os Malls lid ; extra 7se7s Otl; red 5s 91a6s 6d ; ex tra Gs Sda7s 23 nor 70 lbs. Baltimore, Philadel phia, and Ohio Plour 253a26s Gd; Western Canal 245a25s 6d per bbl Indian Corn, mixed and yel low, 34s 0da3,33 ; white 41s par 480 lbs. THE CITY. AMUSEMENTS THIS EVENINCI WALNUT STREET THEATRE, N. H. comish OF NINTH AND WALNUT STRSETR — 4 . The ERCbstaTERS." WREATLET'S ARRit STREET THERTRK, ARM" STREET, Alloys Othollo"— ,, The Toodles." N MONA!. TIPIATRS, WALNUT STRUT, NT An EICIUTII Equeßtrian Porfortnnuces." JAYSIVB NUM ntLL , 0111181 NUT 5T11867, DLO Barium! —Buckley , . Opera Troupe. OFORD'a OPNRA VOtral, ELSTKNTIT BUM, /ROTC CIIIISTNOT,—Ethiopian Life Illugtrakd, concluding witb a laughable afturpleco. Oratorical Display.—Probably, more than any other city In the Union, Philadelphia has been celebrated for its street notorieties. We have spe cial reference to that clam of curious individuate who are excessively fond of making speeches in front of newspaper offices, bank buildings, and other public planes, on the most unintelligible sub , heats, and for the only purpose, as we imagine, of earing themselves talk. We frequently meet persons of this description in our perambulations about town, and in common with others are in duced to pay respectful attention to their exci ting harangues. We have recently noticed an addition to this already large force in the person of a rather elderly woman, fond of liquor and speechifying, who an evening or two since, by the force of her eloquence, collected a verylarge crowd around her, at the corner of Sixth and Chestnut streets. 'While professing no political creed, she stated that she was decidedly opposed to Democrats, Whigs, Republicans, and Americans—all of whom wore severely denounced. One ambitious young ster, who professed adhesion to the Democracy, had his feelings deeply wounded by her speech, and he resolved, in defence of his cherished prin ciples, to bo revenged. (lathering together several smaller urchins of similar sympathies, he ordered them to commence groaning and hissing, which they did with remark able unanimity. Enraged beyond measure, the excited woman endeavored to capture and punish the dleorderlies, but without success. Returning to her place she resumed her remarks, creating thereby no little disturbance. She was just about to finish a powerful invective against the "De mocracy" when she became surrounded by stars; and under the influence of the powers generally attributed to these shining bodies, she was removed from the scene of bar oratorical effort, and placed under the fostering care of that goodold nurse, Solitude, who, with a kindness unknown to the minions of the law, without fear of molestation, will allow her to exercise the promptings of her genius. and dye her hands (metaphorically) in the blood of her opponents. We have in memory one greatly afflicted with the n oratorical disease." This ruling passion of a class of weak minds took strong possession of hint, and he seized every occasion to manifest it with a refreshing disregard of propriety. ills rhetoric may be described as noisy, voluble, unintelligible, and diffuse, exemplifying almost every change of voice, variety of attitude, and di. varsity of gesture given by Fowler in his cole• brated "Dramatic and Oratorical Expression," though not applied exactly as laid down in that acknowledged authority. Our friend, by the way, like other groat men, has a weakness for good liquor, though he generally imbibes a bad article on account es the scarcity of something better. Ile figured quite extensively during the recent " un employed" meetings, and was the chosen speaker at most of these gatherings. Ills remarks on the n dignity of labor" were always cheered, though not a few wondered why the orator was constantly Tho last time ho presented himself before the public gaze, es the workingman's advocate, ho was full of the " rights and wrongs of labor," and lot out the intellectual accumulated in this style: R'okingmen of Philadelphia: This is a great country, and wo (workingmen) aro its ornaments. (Applause.) Wo aro passing through a great crisis, such as was never before seen and will never again occur. (Renewed applause.) I toll you that we are the people, and should rise in our majestic strength and say to the speculators who feed upon our life-blood, that the hungry lion will net be quieted. (Enthusiastic applause ) Send such mon as me, such men as us, to Congress, and we will make the right kind of laws for the clown-trodden workingmen of Philadelphia Lot us go to the legislative halls, who understand your wants, and all will be well. (Terrific applause and shouts of "Good "' "That's so!" and cheers.) Now is the time to strike the deadly blow at op pression, and crush out tyranny. 11 0 are in the right, and must succeed. We can never fail, so long as sce seek to overthrow the manufacturers and capitalists. (Overwhelming and deafening applause, which continued several minutes, during which the greatest enthusiasm and excitement prevailed.) Mr. President, continued our orator, growing warm and energetic, the glory era good deed is eternal. We aro contending for the dignity of the men of hardy frames and holiest hearts, and we must prevail over our foes. We can never fall from the position we have assumed At this moment the platform gave way, and all who were on it wore precipitated roughly to the ground. The orator was inuoh bruised oboist the bead and face, and made a narrow escape from being seriously injured. After wining the dirt from his clothes and the blood from his face. he wended his way homewards, wisely resolving to sock other occasions thou those offered by " unem ployed" meetings for his "oratorical displays." Thus has lie fallen from the position ho assumed The Poor of the Nineteenth It Nineteenth ward is in a worse condition than any other ward in the city, as by far the greater num ber of their inhabitants are of +hat class who do pond upon their daily toil for the means of obtain ing the necessaries of life. Tho panic having closed the avenues of trade, they are left without work and, consequently, without bread. Great numbers of persons who, prior to the present time, never knew want, are now without the means of obtain ing food. To alleviate their misery a society has been formed; but so great is the destitution, and on few able to contribute, that tho society hag boon unable to do much thus far. Some two or three I years ago the Provident Society of the Nineteenth ward earned an enviable reputation. The same men who so worthily conducted its affairs are engaged in the present undertaking. and will no doubt as faithfully disburse whatever may bo received for that purpose. Will not some of our liberal citi zens who have somewhat to spare, come forward and aid the "Provident Society" in their effort to relieve the distressesiof the poor? Give them the moans : their already acquired good name is suit. dent guarantee of the application of all donations in a proper manner. Stephen Taylor, Esq , City Controller, is the president; Adam Warihman, Esq., Fourth below Franklin street, treasurer; Alderman E. J. Me- Donegal, secretary, No. 535 Frankford Road; either of whom will be pleased to receive dona tions of provisions, clothing, money, ibo dl Commendable Object—Grand Concert in aid oft& Poor.—We learn that active prepara tions are now being made for a grand concert in aid of the orphans of St. John's Asylum, which is to take place on Friday evening, the 11th instant. Mr. E. A. Marshall has very kindly granted the use of the Academy of Musio for the occasion, and a number of distinguished vocalists have volun teered their services. It is expected that this connect will be one of the largest and most brit- Mint of the season. Tho object in view is cer tainly commendable. The concert, while it will afford agreeable entertainment to those who patro nize it, will bring relief to many of the neglected orphans of oar city. Vagrant Thicres.--Jolin Brown, John Davis, and John Roxborough were arrested by Otlicer Wallace, yesterday morning, on the wharf, having in their possession a quantity of rope, valued at forty dollars. They were brought to the Central Police Station, and committed to answer by Alder man Enou. The reporter of an evening paper, in alluding to those three prisoners, states that " they appeared before the alderman almost enveloped by animation." This is certainly brilliant and luminous. Serious Stabbing Case.—During an alterca tion which occurred in Duffy's court yesterday afternoon, a man named Ludwig Hossuth was stubbed in the left side by amen named Henry Me- Dowle, and it is thought fatally injured. Mebowlo was arrested and taken before Alderman Moore, of the Fourth ward, who committed him to await the result of the wound inflicted upon Kossuth The affair caused considerable excitement in the neighborhood. The wounded man was conveyed to the Pennsylvania Hospital. Grand Jurors, commencing December 7,1857: William T. Doyle, George Esher, David Farrell, Thomas M. Femington, Samuel J. Finley, George Gaudier, William C. Haines, 'MOWS Hardcastle, Andrew J. Holman, John Hessler, Jr., Albertus King, John S. Lowry, Henry Marcus, Jacob S. Myeri, Martin Murphy, Thomas McDonough, Wm. V. McGrath, John McWhorter, John 11. Parker, William W. Sharp, James Wilson, Charles Young, Ridiard Young, Charles W. Zimmerman Larceny of .Money.—Yesterday afternoon, before Alderman Eueu, Walter Peters was com mitted on the charge of the larceny of three hun dred and twenty-five dollars in money from the store of Mr. Mingle, No. 103 Market street. 'The accused went into the store and inquired for a gentleman, whom he was informed was engaged. While the back of the proprietor was turned the larceny was effected. Malicious Mischief.—Yesterday afternoon James Kingsbury was taken before Alderman Eneu on the charge of driving his furniture oar into the hack of Thomas Nicholson, on the rail-track in Dock street, in consequence of which the spring of the hack was broken The accused was held to bail to answer. Death from Want and Exposure.—Coroner Fenner bald an inquest yesterday morning on the body of a colored man named Alfred Dill, about twenty-seven ynirs of ago, who died at a late hour on Thursday night, from want and exposnre. 'A verdict was rendered by the coroner's jury in ac cordance with the eiroumstances. The Corner Stone of the Pennsylvania Train ing School for Feeble-minded Children will be laid on the new site of the institution, in Media, Delaware county, on December Bth, at 12 o'clock H. Tho presence of several distinguished persons, who will assist in the exercises, is expected. Serious Railroad ✓lcrident.—Last evening a lad named Thomas Golden, aged about twelve yours, was run over at Port Richmond by a coal ear, and had his legs crushed in a very shocking manner. Re was taken to the Pennsylvania Hos pital. Vtsit of the Mayor of Baltimore —Mayor Swann, of Baltimore, is now in this city. Mayor Vaux yesterday entertained him with the usual hospitalities of the city, and conducted him through the public buildings In the raw and other institu tions. Rev. I. D. Williamson, D. D., repeats his great sermon on the Immortality of the Soul" to morrow evening, at 7/ o'clock, in the Cheat of the Messiah, Locust, east of Broad street. Dr. Wil liamson is one of the ablest theologians in this city. The Retail Bagmen along many of our prin cipal streets, as we learned by inquiry yesterday, is extremely dull, although the prospect for a change for the better is decidedly encouraging. The State Poultry Exhibition, after a suc cessful week, closes this evening. The exhibition has been one of surpassing interest, and has been visited by thousands of our citizens The police returns made to Mayor Vaux yes terday were entirely devoid of interest. The dif ferent districts were unusually orderly during Thursday night. THE MONEY MARKET. PUILADELPHIA, Dec. 4, 1857 Depression and inactivity continue to prevail in every department of trade. Tho time for the easy purchase and shipment of our agricultural pro ducts has nearly gone by, and the greater portion of the cotton and breadstuffs remain in the hands of the producers. The farmers and planters par take of the general distrust, and find an additional motive for delay in sending to market in the re duced prices, which many of them, In spite of all reason and experience, believe will prove only temporary. The merchants evince no disposition to contract now obligations, and all seem disposed to lie quiet until the groat business of liquidation has gone on further towards completion. In this state of corn• memo are to be found many features of encourage- ment for the future, and every reason for the be lief that when active operations are recommenced, they will be conducted upon a solid basis of cau tion, prudence, and healthy confidence, which will insure us for some time to come from the anxieties and embarrassment which have so widely resulted from our immersion into the opposite conditions of the past two years. The proposed exchange of Allegheny county bonds for Pennsylvania Railroad stook, which the president of the company has endeavored to effect on behalf of the bondholders, has fallen through ; the county commissioners having decided that they had no legal power to make the exchange. An application will probably be made to the next Legislature for tho necessary authority, when the proposed arrangement will be carried out. The Baltimore Sun says : The suspension of Robt. Clinton Wright, of this city. is announced. This will be generally re gretted, as Mr. Wright has long been one of our most enterprising and esteemed merchants, being largely engaged en the Rio trade. He states that his suspension in nowise affects the house of Max well, Wright, d Co., of Rio, with which he is con nected. The Evening Bulletin says : We have a much more active coat trade to report this week than we expected a week ago, the mild weather having re-opened the canals, which were closed for two days by the ice. The following is a statement of the receipts of coal from the Lehigh and Schuylkill regions, for the weak and season : LaMar!. ScUOXIMILL. 1857. Week. Season. Week. Season. Canal 19 518 890.759 3,011 1,236,597 Railroad 9,976 418,230 47,155 1,732,525 Total '20,494 1,-309,995 1850. Week. Season. Week. Season. Canal 19,345 1,180,415 32,195 1,148.020 Railroad 13,007 157,872 47,839 2,121,514 25.352 1,333,297 79,834 BROAPITOLATION OP SRI SEASON 1856. 1851. Lehigh Canal 1 180,425 800.759 Dee.. 289,668 Railroad.... 157,872 418,238 1nc..W0,364 Schuylkill Cana1...1.146,920 1,238.597 Ino., 90,577 Railroad. 2,121,514 1,732 525 Dec.. 389,959 4.8115,831 4,278,117 Dea..327,714 SCIII/VLKILL NAVIGATION COAL TRADE.—The following are the receipts of coal for the week ending Thursday, Deo. 3, 1857 : Prom Port Carbon..... " Pottavillo .• Bebnylk ill Haven " Port Clinton Total for week Previously this year To Ramo timo last year The following table gives a classification of the several articles imported by the United States during tho year ending June 30, 1857: Woollens 531,280,218 Haw Wool 2,125,744 Cottons 28,085,727 Flax and Hemp Goods 1.1.061,124 Raw llemp 2,353,891 Laces and Ern- Sugar V 12,7713,501 Moll.. 8,259,173 Coffee 2,4 6,75 S Tea 5,775,173 Iron fabrics.... 25,05.1,109 Copper 3,G18,723 Tin 5,866,098 broiderlos Clothing....__. Hats and Straw Hotels 2;240,923 Gunny Gloth... 2,1.9,793 Watches, &c... 5,150,871 China & Glass. 6,10.1 270 Lead 3,209,182 Hides &Leather 14,810,1:0 Salt 2,032,58.3 ltags 1,448,125 Flaxaeed 3.203,824 Saltpetre 1,150,825 Indigo &Madder 2,385,081 Furs 2,355,540 Wines 4,271,181 Braudy,Gin &c, 6,016,000 Cigars & Tobacco 5,601,555 Moicellaueoua.. 43,603,514 Fruit-A Spicex.. 4,167,499 11111 V, 011 s, hc. OA 00,960 Guano 1,201,476 Hooks h rxper4 1,702,8:93 Silks 30,537,292 $343,413,312 310,432 310 032—over last year in the no lees than $23,171,042 lite of sugar and molasses Total In 1857 Last year Of the excess—s:37,996, total of above purchases, is from the increased vas alone, as follows : IMPORT OP SUGAR AND moyassaa-1856-7 In 1856, 545,754 tbs. sugar, value of 6T2.529,969 In 1656, 23,617.674 gallons molasses 4,334,668 Total /art year Of Phial from Spanish Wands 75,809,251 In 1857, 777,093.215 !be iugar, value of 42,770,501 lu 1857, 12 705,814 gallons molasses 8,251,175 Total thts year 01 o 61011 from Syavish islancla The estimates of the appropriations required for the expenses of the United States Government, for the fiscal year ending Juno 39,1559, as reported by Mr. Cobb, the Secretary of the Treasury, are as follows: ETMEID Foreign intercourse and miscellane ous, including the expenses of col lecting the revenue from sales of public lands, public buildings, and expenses of courts $9,090,603 92 To supply deficiencies in the revenue of the General Post Office Pensions Indian Department Army proper, So., including ruiseel !enema objects Military Academy Fortifications. ordnance, ..te Naval estimates.... Steam mail service To the estimates aro added statements showing, first—Appropriations for tho fiscal year ending June 30, 1858, made by former acts of Congress, of a specific and definite character, as follows: Miscellaneous, including expenses of collecting revenue from Customs $4,809,910 14 Compensation to General Post Moo for mail servioe Arming and equipping milita Civilization of Imam Internit on public debt Second—ExiAing appropriations not required for the service of the present fiscal year, and which may be applied to the service of the year ending Juno 30, 1859, as follows : ED= Foreign intercourse and ruiscellane- OUS $Z,350,61.6 43 Interior Department—Ponaions and Indians War Department. Navy Department Grand total There is else a statement of the soveral appro- Friations whioli may be carried to tho supplies und, amounting to $566,031 26. PEILADELPHIA AND RFASING R&IGROA.D.—The following is the amount of coal transported on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, from the let to the 3d inst., inclusive : From Port Carbon o Pottsville Schuylkill Haven Auburn " Port Clinton Total for three clays. Previounly this year To Fame time last year The following era to-day's guotatioius for Specie, by Cronise Ir. Co , Bullion and Specie Broken, 40 Booth Third street, payable in bankable funds: Amer. X D011ue,01d..1.05 Am Gold, old colnage.l 01 X " " ..1 03 Sorereigus 490 Mexican D01h0r......1.00 I " old - ....4 93 South Am. " ..1.05 Napoleons(N/France). 391 Spanish Pillar Dollars 1 00 Ten Guilders 404 Fire Franca 08 Ten Thalere 1 95 German Crewris 108 " " Prussian-8.10 French " 110 Ducats 2.25 American Gold 2 to 2g premium. New York Exchange I'' to 2X Boston IX to 2 " Baltimore .g I,X to 1% 1113. PHILADELPHIA STOOK EXCHANGE SALM, Deeembez 4, 1357. Reported by R. Manly, Jr., Stoat Broker, No 80} Walnut street. 1000 CY& 11 61'83 ...TO 900 Fichoyl Nay 35'82.513 100 do '82.613/ 1000 do '82.43135 2000 N Pelln R Os 600 do 54,4 2000 do Si 500 do 59 1000 do 54 SOO do 633 3000 Trenton It 61....61 IWO Penn 55 8435 200 do 843 j 200 City 08 C&P.B43{ 100 do 8935 600 Elm R. 76.2dmrt.51 5 Morris Canal pfd.9l BETWE 4000 Leh Vol R 64....6414 1000 do ....85wn.6434 1000 do e 5.6434 200 N Penn R 9„N CO do s 5. 9,11 30 Peals SECOND 1350 Schl NOM 0 B Pn.Bs I 3000 N Penn R Bs 10t5.54 1000 do ... 2days.s4 1000 Schl Nov. .68 .6134 1000 Mor 02'1 6stswn.l3 1000 City Coup 60 24E41 1000 City 13,3 risw.ol3( 505 Penn 5s 8434 1 Lehigh Scrip ....3514 CLOSING PRI Bid. Asked. 13 States Os' .e 4.3.11 Plaits OS int 011.84 84 " '• 1113.81 8434 New.9l 0234 Pennsyle 84,14 Reading It 0 6X 27 do Bonds '7014 7534 do Atli W 4-1.031 88 Penns RR.— —39 89X Pdrirris Caul Con 48 48 Reba 18 68 82 ...6134 6134 5t0ck.....1134 12 BY THE PILOT LINE. LETTER FROM NEW YORK. Correspondence of The Press.] NEW YORE. Dec. 4-5.20 P. N. There is an evident return of " want of confi dence." A fear of disasters abroad weighs down .the entire community, and until this fear is proved to be groundless, Ido not see any chance of any movement towards a return of that confidence so essential to financial health. The banks, as might be expected, are doing harm by being tighter than ever, and adding to the panic, and the money len ders are bolding out for higher rates, looking to another harvest. Literally nothing is doing. No one who has not the best State stocks, and the very best railroad securities to pledge, can get a dollar. Those for tunate to possess these securities can get money at Ba 7 per cent. on call, while the best signatures Fay from 18a2-1 per cent. in the street. Sterling; exchange is quite inactive at 10Sla1091 for sixty, days. Paris, 5.25a5.174. (told is active. The California bars have been, all bought up at 100b1001; sovereigns are bought freely.at $4.90; Napoleons $3.83, and American. gold at 100 fa/. A very large sum—probably a million and a half—will go out to-morrow, and as. much more ea Wednesday. The gross receipts of specie in Boston, and New York. and New Or•. leans, for November, have been $10,745,417, au t the exports of specie during the same month from the two first-named ports, have been $3,329,910. The meeting of the drug and spice imparters to reduce their credits, was held yesterday, and re sulted in the adoption of a resolution recommend ing an adherence to the four-months system. The injunctions against the Mercantile, Charter Oak, and Bxchnnge Banks of Hartford, Conn., have been removed, and the banks will shortly re sume business as usual The business of the Sub Treasury to-day WAS as follows : Total receipts, $72,820.75-572,009 from Cus toms. Total payments, $175,32.2.56 ; tatalbalance, $3,955,243.93. There has been a heavy deolino in almost the entire list of stocks. The market was very dull, and an utter dearth of outside buyers. A great reaction is looked for, equal to that of October,and you will recollect I predicted this more than a week aoo, when every one seemed to have turned bull. Erie closed at 171 ; Illinois Central at 91; New York Central at 741 ; and Galena and Chi cago at 731; Reading fell off d, and La Orasse and Milwaukee. 1. . . Railroad bonds also tend doarnWard,with a very dull market; and the same may be said of bank shares and State stooks. Several prominent brokers told ma that they have never witnessed a much duller day. There was a revival at the Corn Exchange. Flour is 15e hotter than yesterday, and °owe (lneptly ids worse than Wednesday's closing price. The grain market, however, is depressed, and provisions are not much changed; if any thing, they are rather lower. At the Second Board there was a further important decline, as will be seen by the bulletin of ales. NlVir YORE STOCK EXOHANGE BALES, Dec. 4. 75,176 2,909,12-.2 IMO II 8,61.137 ex int 109 6000 N St ea, '73 109 5000 Ohio 6e, 'B6 103 5000 Mich State ea 91 1000 'Tenn oa, '9O 83% 6000 Misanuri 6's 79 7,000 Virginia 6'a tsg 5000 111 Reg Ode BIX 3000 Erie 13.11, 1875 39 4000 Brie Cone '7l 30% 1000 L Cr & nan L 430 1000 711 Co Bda a SS 22 Bohm Bk 1003 10 Bk State of :IT 90 5 Bk of Commerce 92 25 Amer Ex Bk 86 50 Metropolitan Bk 95 100 Am Coal Co 22 78 Del & Mud Co 101% 50 do sBOlO4 50 do e3O 104% 11 Deena Coal Co 61X 100 Climb Coal Co 10X 50 Canton Co 17% 20e N Y Ce n R 660 75 10 do 74% 63 de opg 75 25 do tit 75 30 do pke 75% 150 do opg 71% 100 do 74% 7,.10 La Cr & Mil 13 300 do e 5 11% 50 do 010 12 lib do Lao 11 160 do 11 x 20 Chick Rk Isl R 75% 30 do 75 Tone. Cwt . 8,549 15 ado 00 10,442 10 .2,030 00 i,41 1 : °A I,= 691 06 1,146,021 03 SLSHKETS. ASHES—The market is quiet—sales of Pots at $6.87/3V, and Pearls at $0.371316 50. COTTOH—The market is irregular, and only a few sales bare been male at a decline tinder the America's news of Irs.l of a cent. We quote middling uplands at 11 cents, and good middling at 111 cents. Fisu—The demand is moderate, and prices are nominally unchanged. Fcot n, ttc.—The demand for western canal flour is more active, and the market is better and more settled. The inquiry is in part for export, but mainly for the home trade. The sales aro 12,000 bbls at $4.5544,65 for com— mon to good State; $4.75a55 for extra do; $4 555. $4.05 for superfine Indiana and Michigan; $4 75a. $5 65 for extra do; $5.7545.80 for common to goods extra Ohio; $5.8047 for good to choice do; $5.75a $7.25 for St. Louis brands; and $3.5547.75 for extra Genesee, the latter price for "Leroy Mills," an extreme price. Canadian Flour is 5c better, and in fair request: the arrivals are not large; sales of 660 bbls at $4 6044 70 for superfine, and $4.95a56.30 for ex tra brands. Southern Flour is offered freely, and the better grades are dull and lower. The sales are 800 bbls at $5 1043 30 for mixed to good brands; Baltimore, do, $5.4046 90 for the better grades Rye flour is heavy and inactive at S 3 3044.35. Corn meal is in limited demand at $3.50 forJersev. Buckwheat flour is saleable at $2.12142.25 per 160 pounds. °usu.—The demand for wheat is moderate— the arrivals are not large and the demand is mainly for milling, and there is more steadiness. The sales aro 7,000 bus at 99a51.15 for damaged Southern; $1.20 for white Indians; Sl.4ofor white Michigan, and $1.4141.50 for white Kentucky. Rye is lower and is dull; the supply is fair ; sales of 2,700 bus at 73c for Northern. Oats are better and more active—sales of State and Western at 43 a4Bc. Barley and barley malt are unchanged and quiet. Corn is rather better—the demand is fair for the local trade and the supply not 80 large ; sales of 15,000 bus at 67a771 for new Southern yellow, 79 for old and new Southern yellow mixed, 83 for old Southern yellow, and 82 for Western mixed, in store. 60,035,676 46 626,166 3,854,000 00 769 500 00 1,437,104 49 14,076,619 49 182,804 OD 3,485,113 00 13,680,448 23 935,84 00 NAVAL STORES.—Spirits Turpentine., owing to the small supply on sale, is very firmly held, but the demand is only moderate—sales of 400 bbls at 43c cash. Crude remains dull and prices somewhat nominal. Common rosin is in limited request, but prices are without essential change—sales of 700 bbls at $1.324 per 310 lbs. delivered by lighter. In other descriptions there is nothing of moment doing. ()mg.—The inquiry or all kinds continues very limited. Linseed is less animate, but prices are unchanged—sales of 3,000a4,000 gallons at 53a54c. Crude whale is still languid; and in the absence of sales prices are merely nominal. There is a little more inquiry for crude sperm for export, induced by the low prices current, but holders are demand ing higher rates, which checks business ; better sell it, however, when there is a demand, than force it on the market when orders may be withdrawn. Some importers are now asking $1.03, but there are no buyers at present that will pay over $1 pergal lon, cash, and this may be considered an extreme price. Other kinds are equally inactive, but prices are unchanged. Pnovistoss.—The demand for pork is limited and prices tend downward, sales 200 bbls at $17417 50 for mess—the inside price for delivery next week ; and $l5 50a516 for prime. Beef is heavy at the decline—the demand is of a retail character, and the arrivals liberal; sales of 170 barrels at $5.75a80.75 for country prime, soa $lO for ditto mess, $11.50a313.50 for repacked Western mess, and $11a514.75 for extra ditto. Prime mess is in fair demand at former prices. Beef hams are dull at $14416.75. Bacon is in fair request; sales of clear for California at 12 cents. English middies are quiet and prices aro nominal. 50,312,013 18 700,000 00 200,000 00 10.000 00 1,445,314 35 $7,165,224 49 1,341.570 98 3,599,920 08 4,291,479 93 $16,588.588 35 $74,064,755 in . - Cut meats nre in moderate demand at 'nag cents for shoulders and 91a101 for barns. Dressed bogs are in fair demand at OaGl cents. Lard is firm— the stock of prime is light; sales of 120 barrels and tierces at 101101 cents, and small lots at 10la 101 cents. Butteris plenty and the demand is light at 12a 10 oents for Ohio, and 14a290 for State. Cheese is plenty and quiet at 6381. Ric e--Prime is scarce and other grades are dull an d h e a v y sales at s3as3 25 per 100 lbs. StoAns.--Moro has been done this morning and prices nre a shade better—sales of 400 hlids Cuba at 6017.1 c, mostly for refining. The feeling was much improved, and the demand for our refiners was good. Tens. Cwt 6.020 13 1,144 10 11,825 02 .22,972 19 30,1(6 ua FIRST BOARD 1 Penn R ...... ....291( 4 do .. 39,V 10 Caindarnb R.... 99 2 do 92 7 Reading R 7' 5 d 0.... .... .27 1200 Near Creek. 50 &hi Nor pfd. 55.18 3'; 8 Bonk of Penn...l4 w 1 do 14% 12 do 14% 15 Lon;ar 11k...b5.109 10 do b 5.108 9 Farnakillach Bk. 52 1 Meehan'. 11k...MX 10 lAitett Ilk Cam..4o 50 Reading It 10 Harriabiarg rex 50 Sell NI" pfd .a5vr0.13 60 1. Island B 10 10 Bank of Peon 144 100 Girard Bk b 0 lots. 9.. X BOARD. 10 Penn It H do 39 15 Long Island Et 93s 1 Bank of Senn 111 00 Girard Bank 9X 59 do 9X 63 do 9X 50 do ...... . 9X 10 do 1;0. 9,14 BB—STEADY. Asked. da , 82. pre! IS 13 A: Waisp't & Elm Rl3 14 de Ist mort 7's 63 71 I do do 'Zhu 633{ 61 Long Island.... 9X 10X Vicksburg 6x 7 Girard Bank 9 9X Lehigh Zinc yi 1 Union Canal 43 4X New Creek Catawiasa B. R.. 6 Tx 175 Erie Railroad 18 200 do x 6017% 350 do 17% 200 do 1317% 150 do 17% 200 do alO 17% 100 do 17% 155 do V% 50 Harlem ft D 100 Harlem Pf B 1110 32 , 100 Mich Southern WE 20 do 28% 50 - do s 3 20 100 Reading B. 63j 840 do 53 100 do 1.050 53 100 do 160 51% 300 do a3O 52 900 do $lO 524 70 Mich .9 dr NI Prof 34E 50 do 34% 250 Panama 11 93l 250 do 93 50 do 560 .02% 25 do 93% 20 Gal dc Chic It 76 50 do 610 75 27 do 74 34 320 do 110 74 50 do b3O 74 160 do 73 34 155 Clay dr Tot B 44 100 do 43% 300 do 43% 100 do 43 250 do 43E 50 do 43% 35 CB to Quincy 11. 32
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers