...Ail stali' 4 1 1 * 4_,lt moiffdadd rA'ngo- I ,* 0,, Ile 7 6411 - taragetistloillust,t e rr x., z •,,,.,,, , gat gook 1:1; ' -111 4 .1' -14-4 , ~ , .s - 1 hoe of vitt44,,..**ltinvit Moil* '4;t4 1 1 4 44/)4 4 ks 4 * -- 14 4 111M 1 4 4 0 ,41 11 14: - 'lse tlowokyrt 1 44 4P 4 '334 100 0 ' 4IO MA , Intu nuid '''Aelie r tootald, -df -440 , th Ind rollo4 , 44 3 .11 0 10 Z' - ' l ***** Olt *. ::4410611WW0j .11 00A 111614 , . 104troi tifiiii itikit4lllol, _ . ,-01:14,0tAWALAO00. ;:ialkOSti*AliVi R ne at tt011,4444-41/042-Alt. 4 7 41 f: ~ # l O l . L' •,.'-• ft'Aittrt(we *AZ** • • ~,i t I ty*pr o 4. (4 6; . •oot , • like sour Ttalt ;•• -, , • 1 ?<4 6 it 4101 AO' 4 '211100 , , tom. -, k, „ii _ takentuat • -.7 7- 4 0 v woo,. 7 ' ' itvklititike 4 , o4; ditliszitaii , titoolP . • •-tt t-tt din obiri idditruillialA wr , Ildlit % tot. atnyi . di*lntnno,n, ' Viddi : *CLIO `oontokdrokr:, - 0( ttaf,' • - ' w oge t tc;and igilli;' w ' AA. wo* , when a 4111401-,utoltas Viand *KA Hkota , ' lheiniod, dint.,.''W : loo l ' , ol o *'l 4 o#l,. 0* istit„,_ t4to•4o9pos wato_:o4l l 4tirout vat, ~., mew- t ~, ,z,.-- 7.11 , --. lik ~.SW:,I / 4 , , c ,. .. , I,l' • ,-,,,'; , *l* gkelkthelnon, boldindolift;44l',Oo4: It ROMS tr,t 1 1444044 1 014404A i 1f4 Of * an 1001 i.,.. motro4thoooty Ankf It - ad& have kimion a .100111 , MA4' `ll o 4ldidin*l. . 1 41 - 4tn rising. lita . thiiltlibitoms. , r 4 tireised , d lo ** 4lol o l6 the 'era. - - m - gnx;nnennorntimunny. . ihntrevell - t he 41411_404kz 714tirtd, that the mountain wield win a1akt41044 , 1144 -pientibeiti - ont. Itel4lslk;- _ . 0 1 witikall if li tlfrUct4tz=it 1114 t. I -,- nt IheA,T4P4IO r 44 - Abe't•l sliShe#,Fal 4 4.4-4- b 4 1 4 T401401#* 4 0".. - e(Ofit'q litt 1 116-1 , 4 ±.....„ 1 .1 , 10 1 W OMOV e I i , 4I ,. ' Alve.lfitiger:k/ tct 1ia ,.......R.1 or grav-- `z annint,t l',, &kit ' y , :••4ltkoptioi ,woto sdningt-iL I Tatithifit W 4 :71,i 1 41 -1 14% ti , 444, Ito: The Cutatitiat it4tir4 . 4l44o.4nstw • , •:-.4tonatmttputitotwßAinioavAltent-gtthe sloop of dentt,'-. rafainktAtin It-nailA to • eteruska 4 43 ,l / 1 4, intnnitlin/ 10 04 1 4 and Itif den .zvepois.-11.41•1114;11„14y _weeded me still within ItOznititeallE ` -1 -s* , - - . 0 . - v"z Ati1n,1. 4 4 , 4"p4f14 :taid,= =-1 PO. a Anti Ot lt, - -telled 81Mr 44 in thi4llsll 4 sleeltentunaliental ) 1 4 1 6;' The 1 41 1 41, dim sittt, wayWaS steady JO -coithood: . t wadheaßition-444 0 si,•••Ajtimittit itii eat: • measture, ; ll measure her:MO.IW - ;raver there ' 46 44 be• 4 Bc4 4. 0. ' 44 4 1 0.' !Willi/WS: l l4Sr* Bldg; 4 1 0014.;' , 8,41119W4 tribritAsi:Apfla ireitaittk.int4 ,thoot4donoloitiAtil tin eternal , novwlig „ LotAA: - •r th! -11 114; • , ; tittill' 44 4 101,... *05,, ;it; „, ~,, ,_ ,„ „,,,Th„*. I ;AL Mu 4ild It VOW ) eld a hunto FA. lati l4lll 4 l l. 10 :0 11 4 4 d -- iV'ettaltikitt - ' Miti. - z UAW *lf ,1101 throbbed witb,thitl4ol4.int '" 'lt was „ doe-umet. - Ildtri,Uu thint 441 4 114 1(41 hill* ' My Tomer mernttettatitlitintilltkino4lo4 ~ ' 4 41/1/; 1 ;0 4 0 11 : 1 4Ut .' , l ' t a * tr e 7; i ii • '4744ftutir swOkeliftk i ty. lo Wt fatisstiO Noy leoloAlf linuitet -4140-'614`,101101,-.40_14.4',. , 1 ,0 /447. 1 '4W .1 44 1 41P 1 5 Pli4 40.' )10 - hierti:4ltottin bait:CW . 4M- * 4 '-khollt.,ltonaaor wwWitthoottinatt , 6 *Am hill Orrattltaltik. ,ittydunit.; ' Nov I felt it ;4 meet/the atter, -arta taut 1 14 1 4 411,J , arithAhnt th e 64114 E1*,,10.44136,14°."-brir. Death via witv: „z, , z_ tz ..t.,. cr - t-, , ,, . / -k- - / ' - Thkb.lfllin nd . 410 0 0 410. 1 .- thilitglt 1. knew It ta'ln nor-4AI* *oil, held but at atatemlmitaltnettiebnumeas: ilut. I knew that death Iv 0t00.4 Itimii avid., r recognised Osi for*. lol " , tr*A l ' ly in Rmiv0.m.;;t4 . 40104 ley. 404ff' solftiii . ` ~o ubduedi bokilcobtlfprMsrp , 'int imtb,"dinf*AM . , 2':: - :, -' Teitithed6Wetalw siOnot*, ,wherabeez, ift , ..zo A- , ,,,,, - ,1,-..,,i _ _ ..y.l eli -t: z; &T he hey to altAiAdostar t -_AndeudAY - 4- 4,9 14 - lA44olk7A ; 44: l 4;ll4o l o l ,Sivitfii kip - Strilblit dorile t trov • t o t%/:' Xool , lc. 1 1i - 04 1 *.tirr ***,) l 4), , Z ' - beiesl4 iiiiittiku. _ . • - • --- witt - ,540it0 - ,11% -- '_lolwWWltt :VII* „; , 147: ,irx -Zs 0• 40 10 4 144 2 Wa•••• faSytt444 4 9*, . akilkmatstrift*liensitit,o7 `,Nro.„,. , - - ... , • MOM* , 14 thottrwoot:ltkat tooluit. ftoin the etotte4tigotp*totit•Sigte*'olol., no raatrosae tO-14/ titnitkronaditmdbr , /- '. - , t 40 /11641 lini Mit Ann ~0 4 000,wwwwww noway, tul , lat - 0,,,t ,tol o .fdpigt. "oli 'woe a, putt Auri, . . - _,. .. ..,-._ .. ~• -•-, i • • . :Arfother 444, ight:i - Wailiittrilli *Oa ;1 1' irtdd - 4f - Vet owe woo A.,*, toot ~ :wook-tottowt4 Lt . : , .L., lon 14141 blitrthekiti•itkr= it'o6ol roar Illo: bo AO *top ,1 ; drew tit` lig, not *oak i i Nao boo it , hi. dead - 011`,17 ' = He - #lO 'mu ts - VAl4.dddd Witt- 4-ittotr•Nti OW i d grow elrein-hle4mitt. - Atiiittlnui Wilk: mired away l4 ultombe -' • 44 44 ,..zatt,4 4 1t4Aktik t ot* 2 liopits4iito ilooiia Aut. wierNlJ4 4Wll p „-. frenzy man ht he nab* * 4 1 4 4'4 4 i .' . ' his t .. (1 1 , 4 4 .41 1 , I 42 4=V , :g I wil,i! , s: l , l * - •1 : , ' :• ;" -- - , ;;. , 37 0 7, - ii i - ifil - i•-a- , 70,,,,. a •., 4;4olk6WsiatiBCiAtilii in.' MIA neer , ''-rtholrat 1310:7Anall 1 week,- ioliWbo e it woo AINSI' and cleat. *AM, itookkjoor4Aito tto Non ,•-•,=• ,•., I. 1 1 -, 4 All.:-. A i ° ` . lre - bitegbtirine:l6l4 - i lsaVial Clad .4kt* pr, livat , Ths• .:: aittl. : • .fellthe 110111141011.- The*, y4eretee4e !rye tilindo4W4 ,4 4 4c,frit i i a:V.,,,tl t Vals 7 1 ~ .. 1 . 00 ,-r - z For fetid .,,,„, 't iffy AiMleii itat 014 w, wa• lay • • I pa utto 0 may pl. *dr Ai' tonfdenned Parlieq't o ' lips evetYllooltoutneAnWi*t M0.111,t aphid. *DOW dlbe .item *. ter,' ' /1166ifd lit Oig t 1 0 1 07'. At tillg i al A ximalklo get, ' - '' •.' :,/ ~ But VW ' ttkilV4ig., ',Tom Ss Unit when Mt milli ” *mu to 4No *our* Inn not keit iv 1 milight . a* fiits toy aide; 'Melon( -Jpboltzthe Amitli-pentaziorm. lii ler juin i d , 1104 - 40tiortimid . ./ I _Vl:kb Or e't_ '; •',' ' ,• . gob, pilttulett Wfildidr I.ol _...dited;Viitko' an ',effort to faisonn , arm ot omelourrtitesud A. - •r• art 1111W-i***olottankibodily back, , o ri i rWtokti SY - IPS OA # ll „ i lt and OnstiO,benko • „ . . k., .; . , _,,,,. .. - . ~ • . '.. -.li , ! --, , ,;., 0 ' ' • - • , ' 6004:4121,11181c,,1rie,'„ ' • , - .4040 w • ' ' '. 1';41. 0.4 1 , 1 i - c ..1. , - .- 3.. •-•1 «41 m '4 0 4:4lcirat_ , 111 , MI c, , - k-4C- •"...4;. ,•, .. 5 - ',Wr.ii.fix. 00.41 t ' .' tt _ , .._—• • ;, - ' - ',-'- ; , - ti 411 4, . im4 ) • ~, N V OIVISP I I .04)R0A:4)12f-..., ilfilitiffltit i l4OVW •1 1 1.04(4 it ti 1 111 1 0: abidito • . Are; 1, a o IQ in • , 5.1 , 11 . 4 , 0 G,) v„:ll.,qtar •initerr AT • ,: I ) , KET.-4L-1:1111D-f !Lir MAIM* 14,10:*. traft# noir at., Im4 feio l 4l , Ifitistatiaiii;sote "tiole•tve 14.0 4 %; • 4 , 4 lna r k ia l m . a . w . - 1 1 . 1 4,4 11 * V,6 1161111TA L VL '1 44144 *e t ! ,:i 1 041 4 - 1- ar '*3-19 lir t r i SS- Aitt, ANlae=l7lll4l ,4tl; **6l'=,llWl4#,Sl4.4l.e.taiii rs` Crt'&34-1,4 , itti4? deg t:rititWaillirerkingtll44o • ieleue it.mwiff. 034 P-aldoe, o4 ;Is tri4 poi , 4 1 1111 .7=1.•, ,,, e; • 1 : - „ • R~i l"ll' ' ', 4tiVilri Imi.loo ' • - • 31 , UAL . mitsioraxost,..4okows: BAN •=, '- -Chner via -,41114.t. !di ajArdiszAttot r V l . 0141,AGAilk&ii.,10 Vring . 11, _7 6 100. , :=„,, • * lda/ 1 if let,et, . 1 1 01 11., 111 1,.....--4 1 r.......... ' . 1)% 1 !ar, 461 . 1, ..t. t 1 7 iwzraiviNati , . 66'176 Otifse the *bob fie Migoiliegal ciplistiov aura iodate *U !Wont tow hi iitpliniiiiiiiiiiildi Mot liatbe **Mid iltale the tam la rata llama* will be oorapiotod ona t 4 siMairlilal Mika riaalArmatlas' smart l illy laii. 11%* mar it Ilm idiallibrila Mak" llat Al 1 4 be a meitat 1 0—. „‘„,..,_ ~,, , c op—ut 4,—....,..-0 the tood It mall7filikie 41CIMIkeikpitsdr.‘3Kee pamberroportio lebriteieo4lleal.t. .eh . slf Iltn woe s acme, . 1 4Wilor masa in.iparaUta, ai* ala ii~ alaMairlatita,laimmatist i n the Onnin.looTholeawant* _ • *las Mar -if va o o4 ° ,7, _ thilli i4 , 4 o l . e "" ka PI A; t N trk likeiiii ' at Pir.4ol#l, ion AC° ' r Nattrar4= lll t '. , I • 0 3 4 ' iss, ~ p i ll r .4,p i.,«oi fit riattr u t '-' 4l67 l ll . Efri ' w o q A ar t ,1i.01.:,1,0,z0r5.,„ t ~....... t , . 1 .4.0 woo = • ' ' .--, lettorsftbing . ..,. wow-. I.l"thwati., 3 . 1 .04....00. ._ ...., ~..„ ~ wittivir ot. :fin= 0 , 6*-0-1.0v....0.--tr .44 tbil • Oaf Vtfsi*fnifieirk 11 ) . i i ti4 wil soi lS ewirati 4 oL a sjo amm ot ot o Ica sioi Na u vr . Mir „l as Mary roaramioa ' tir art WTI assaamilatar Sal Me API akar irAt by Mama hi air body of Ur Ol t a te" il s Va - l ol 3 o44ll 4 4 : l h* * ,Orua ne tig ,it iss , . t hat* Mr =rig illitaliaMilill Maw Ike Aitit 42A fi l e,' l a w mil ala *Meal ,„ faiirt tas theirs lo Woo iliesiathat 44* , ailiglittid 4 bulkii.-1 Waldo this Alas a* carry *ad for Ualt- Mr Mir Aall i iiiiallty drasirl4Am of *l ll oa iblimatioirilt Milimetti imillairlar i 'ma pal laWitlAi ritiwyk`iratir Id( MUM, gift, pee. oreth tee. 104104 • " pro work 140103 WOO seat, of W• . ',t ~. ..ThoollitaiotbkonthOattlW *UMW to US Al marmot the *mot ram; 11` tie alma 100 fiat, / '444 drif-p ce llie hilis tratr thi 440 "1 44410 IV lood ih° defter [lliac as ' olilii UM milmltul prromilM Till 1r 1 r ,.., ,i .--,.r , 0 , ••• ,•• i "• - 44 4 10 ; i o 1/ 4.L. 41101.7ilrolert t ii ii ii =rette r7 •o4.tiiebn malaili Vtatill4ll iIIODOSIWAIMOW., 1_,.. , ..t. tr . , t i rrniktgrilllil"'"W"Lpied fall mate's- I VOW latillakii having Ur Val= a the marsof rally of the imegtorit 401101 l,,& 0 ., =TAM 4** ' %Mai I•Etviag • ideo eire iipseirr ef the steam ostia slore liiip.leinee at art• art dethery vitestr Sea•Of air "Peaft,'sat lataritiro deltartal m l4 **9 *Pais for Moro slaw ar mar 'UM ad %alai, th e triad* grate ins. Mr reiripthi , ilasitia 'lima•oartiogy owl , kind of pimillit, **dallier primipal mix% ihir OrWrOlOrifoto lOW 00440 Ur *sac - Thee valeta be glees the eall sialloilf lay weight of awash bona*, w bookia, aim` iaMgai, irrolar i i WWI ow* work, to too , of 2,240 ~ , X110441101, lit eierevit TO ba Mit whee one-fourth ,zolos *Wilms essi cin ier4rorlded for la Os mats/A 11 4 1 Y. bie , a Ao, atr itithitiotteis - eS tho PPlllffbrigs Wei be IV Prima of 9"4110 trettr""*"4 4 "kiCti titiofi oat. ..-- win* ikon to Mir meane r Ott completed, thaw wilt be r-taabeijapoiaa' at Main ; whir thaw arritur tat wirk.saar NMI Mat armload. a farther arloiat stets-11ftf Wain the what* ghat bare been 1721.%V ird hove POWs a attabotory trial of ate 4 4 A1 timi114. 44 114 1= 1*- 4 4 trt Y roM men a t lialr at ima l tl and *** *(o * * * Or AMM:1410014,41144. liktiValtilte lOWA 00 ez ;.,.....thulag this • period tom data. the wairroiltip or"iiii will be at the *Vim of The prneols emit be Wiglel4,ohd neottallfied or artitlimialie till be eon4Ore . a. _____ • sot Iliksiso i LAO TOIJOVir, 28eeretial , of the NeTy.i UNITED STATES posit-orno, IN Ins 0171"OrtenlAnalad. ' VALID PROM** fec.iceleyhig cieterbde and 1"1/PILWAIL.AleilteMYilidn•Yeare and 0011ItrUdall et &.1. MAGW , to tie oth or PlOlerielpida, filiticeiledbilleistal i aiteldeillepereoest,will be re cadeesivred, CknomWiener tombsadiellie. 100 death sacra= Street, on Cr .Itehrellowa 4.e y eit iimoitioher nets.:- • . Ocideltde will be lauded omit be culater-butidors sad reealsolu..lßii ryoasl mot be "t"r"t lets written mirsaise. ri Svc roponvib ri per , sicee, V* the , ,fs tlyatk•Wdot witivegheti tia* ( 4 l , billerreireeeliereerliedWister st oottraot sae rteellidieleddelepiiiHdeir lie di*. 4 e•eii till , Antaiii lir*, ob*t • lire4Z)== yl d J m i ' • iixdto tial l aoba eoo - of the Vet rissillWs.--NNA%ei od MA; Hemet wit! et Roo" of tee lastecni Wloa ed WOW fqllll4l6llWf ' oar! alit :*lrttlitta , • - ANNIMAPSEAPO.M. ‘* l4' . . 'll4l # l o ll l 1 .W.1;1 15. . P .. 84) ." 4 " 11 ; `,'Apt 9Of Olt itzit' SAVO Nl, . I.lk. 1 , 04411 , 10 41,04101/0 1 1 , WWI is well is 40- t h e wAole pabilo then Woos *a rad-stbsatlve , Is the City, sad in fitOMini4:l444l/ilinit - ass ininiVn , to nor in AA** OA - Pliadilp; A Aiat Omni -JO, iiligtheehifteit agoCiiiimodith* *IL 4. 7 ,44ifit Ai* Dupon t . at 4 9lO3X4lMarT, reiNtt4Attranti 4)1.4*C'"14.', OA* oterms, rum soroViookossomor-ak I ,o mpg MOW ."11130WIUTION. fa t, sll the "SA 0//fOCI 1111311101, mum* aid Damons of etaayslimeaad ooissatty. • MAIMI, ?MAU PAlMlS * Pnoisatation Sam* iliCSiiidliaCillpol4l It* :i100404 ttoUse arW 'Au t Ogigtt SilltaitAlftitkottss Axir lemma, A #o4llolollll4l,lltOorta ito ilperallj besioiret ii play lit - popinttpliy • 'MI,/ :3 , :ss‘tgAi Pv3Pt/htut; 11X 1 XX, sl497lootrz ' ,I=4 ; Ole . 000114tIr ilia our Plane - • •••• Wait Oftel. :41 Arlin' . ILD 4 WukaalbouP to bap ausalWai-IsPaasito ww -114:414:*"7 Asf*Sooact rt014.' 4 1 .P rlT ! * , Weioura Asa to *week our NM+ mobitau Parisiseat a uuluty of w•Wiluulkast tact and Wanntliglif *0 Mrioaclopallk asparer tole Wm., a* ot tiaiseaklo. • • • - • - aroakis and iPmuutni. kW *at agn4 l "" 47ary* ": • Array nowsni. = ItEgliAtiaNtrr:" YENI. sox, Wild Dinka Tartars, 0.41110, arlitigN,P4k Maluku*, obiatatlqw prino,o it bp. 1 ) 001 1pil, 0 3 11 torlir 11 , 1 3 / 4 4 41/111117 misty of eAriiik ommuel, In NUN. (UM Tattle Soup 041 Talpatal talkfaasalswippatilkollorteet alalaa,t aft J eas 0AMM01441;310.-011 , 011.11WMMUT abed, o*, asttst i rtta .• ' 4 . 1 4 4 .i 1 v• v *traumas _ Separall by Oka lot ti tu pug up 'Mb new estarlilblizsitt Ms' tril - PNOWL'4 IO ' swat -**7 ludoks for ' DO TOritor-Pasiikimi husere spi •C, 1, sWni, 'A r r• ' , thif PROTAMMAIMPENAOPrituIa§DAV;4 tigefilitift ,d, lest Itattb' , l!kUiCi 1114X0 STEAD rar roo LAND ~P 1110.: T.9IIIITION W.A.111/1111:900.* The Northiestern Mutual hand Benefit Asseolation INN make a granAdlekilinthOrk_l66 e ,90611 0 /4/ 44 detide andOIPI MeMhate. Th number of tnese bete la Welted to 11,000.-_, IMO and Ave letter stoma pen:Q.4*okt*, era idesrek; Any- MONO./ 1106*9 IRO and the ittempoiebea b. otitis& Wids shoo; or af/PatinskodinsitlONlO ala Massa Mat thedeldra. tt 1144 h, carefully mitts:4ola be MAMA to a* maim -Thefallmiog ig the real agate to be dietributed DNA.. An Improted fart{ of 90,1441. 044 0 .:1.:...- t . 00 1= 6 : 41 4 - 41,44 4 15 1 71 4. 4:14D Its formaif 114431t,Vir,i14. . .0e mimed at - • ' Aso No, ~.j,AshisymimAlirm soma In, Wll l **, B oet i 4 44 00,0:111104h1sidiN 4 • - • Na, 4. , Assmfoillemprim.4 ol s l wr.° lllo ' lowsoralps4 at _ • 'mu No. 0..1110amm001M10.44* v,.° 0 " . . 100 0 V140.0/ 4 1* 1 MO. It MR WA Wal ,plOO th4dttolt Worms " 1 "" Malden.. In CM. No:"" , • , pox No ieree superior land tolflitesldes CO, ' IlliscatOrtbit4 itt- • - 1.401 No, 0. 160 soar toed land- 1* OhIkOVIM 00 4 ' WhlooDshi, tahlit et • •- • , 960 No, 10. 160 a.m. goal ' hind tlblipswy Co., Maoism*, raluMet 900 No. 1 11.:;140-4aree good lead to 'Weal Co ., Whicioneln, vetoed " • gOV No.lll, 160 acre. ilk' land /4 ' Donn 00., NI.- a • 600 N 0.13: MOM go t nd ISM 14401411100., Imre; „ Weal at , 400 N 0.14. SO mesa 400.0 ligad **whom 00.,1 0 1f4, at • • • - - • coo No.lo. 110 miss goodieso In Naniudi 00 4 lows, Mined • - MO 340)15.. 40aweil ;nod *ad Co., Prom, utast at $OO If*. AL. 40 sareslood land * Lien Co., lowa, Aul - No.l d 8. 40 acme emits:A hi paie Oe., lows, val ued at 110.111, , #QII6II. good land Lica Co.; lowa, .141.90.—Cina building lot to Doliespo, Imre, • stelat, ) - • • - • ' r ;119.111.. OM balking int in Mewling, Iltinois, • . --tued st; 1)0A, *did* * " let nunobv .IK9 # 6 . 11 C 1 1 ; 4 !" 1 i . 1 0t !ik 0 11 .4 10 11 Pllim 1111 • 14 ,train hied in (*Mt Co., Wlstin:.; 4.. .14 '7 1 149 sores ham bad in Reese co., Mam a ' ' flin,'-essued - Z#o. U. '4O &iced land - in firogit Co , WitiooMm,' • salmi at • - 940 1191 .1 „40 Mean bind In West Clo„ Wisemin, „ ffr''. Od ..dieeflaa.hflii In Orahford Clo.,Wlmunslnt 910 ill 14.110 • 44 aiMehisid 01/449Xed00., msocagie4 900 tabim - • ' • 100 411.14. ' = IsiOrMitotdtlo.,Mienueln, Mated - • tDiO Irs'it” 4 0 1 04 1 .40-41 1 .14 1 F0s Mia Melt, SO. 112. ,44 OM* land l'ildoetail 00., Wisecends, mbsed • ' ' ' • 20,0 .2=449 446 1134 lialocksolk: Mooonsin, ' 900 Nii:l4. 40 imme lend 1r Jettison CO., Mleonsia, vsluni' • NA . at . icinali Dia Axe Co., Wlseansia, 940 'MUM at . < • • 114.116 - .. MOM lead* Bad Axe 06.,Msooludni 100 naamla ).• - „ •MaM 4 0 awes lead in ted Ang (leg Meowed*, 100 "slued st 100 Illig. 1 11k) 'Om lat- in Walton, Illinois, Talmo& al 16. .N0.4111,-) , Ous lot in Walton; Illinois, veined at • 100 „No. 40. One lot In Walton, MIMI, valued at 100 Thedlistribittisawill .4e. Conducted fairly and boom , t en l i f i Tha nainarend "Meese Of stockholding Mall be on es mar multi "cards :as they have shams, mid thif Obbildatted In a box, end the int mune takaa oat AO be 8414140 Om hoproesd farm No. 1; In the ahtninll.l •; and WAWA Wien out will tm entitled to No. 9, _and ea MI anti' th em ib i s of rest seats are all dietribsfal - That .1* mats of thesimaining_l4,o4o Modektidere. will , 14 sent -ajebeep asp of s Mote* abets Or Tert. A foil mutat of the dlatribution will be forwaged in' Si printedetemaari to each 'flambee of the Ageordatlon, with the name. mad address otimok ea may riet4l44 seal when' SW the deeds wNI be sent and hmeaditZmagaidon given. liet,h o pted/ma LOA be 44471 ed with 42,00 and ire letter ilmepe. 84014 - lON= & ; ♦ • • 00411100111*411. • • t FAR • .DIS Ant SALE TUX ILISROISIMINTRAL RAILROADOOMPANT ls now prepare& to well about 1,000,000 saw et choke Wavering leads; In tracts of 40 acne and upwards, on to afloat,. end.at low retie ofthe Intermit. 1* Time landastent anted it by Govemento aid theininstruehon o gr gthlead, mad are rn am ong the deltesthat moat tenths n the. world. -They extend fronallorthAlest end NorthAreet, through the. middle oaf Alteethatei thesixtrenne lionth,and include every thwietroisnimsete and mutautiousloundhetween tame paralhdentiatttale. The Northern portion is. chiefly fpreirleilaterepereed with/no groi.e, and in the middle 'and leathern sections timber trednates, alternating trith benatind pratethe and openinge. 4 -- The tam* Le- morthealtky null, d and ogurthle, than any other dart of Us Waliter--alie air is pure moA bra eingotnne) living streams and springs of excellent Wet ediOnelt ; • , - litemineu Coal is eXtenslvely mined and serelles &lop; and . being furnnsked"at twiny points at *to pm-lioni Wood lan be bed at the 1 mime rate per cord. „ - , Aullding•Stone . of - •Xoelleut alsO abounds, 'old* can treared for li ttle more than the expense Fret Slaty of them which are . a 'bled rtmould;froto two to live feet deep, andlently roll lac their seatigulty to thieroad by which weary faid tayreridabed, for travel Vat Moe to the pad warkettllorth, goath Beat Most ender • vith , ehtelt they een , ‘e them the most Wilualth investment; at am be found, and priwent the most favorable oppOrtunity for persons of indintrious *bite sad Am menet° etaqtilre 0 Gem *Argo independance in a few years Menu is now the greatattgrain market In the world; and the faallity and 000non s iUlat which the products of these ludo can be tan to that market, mike them much more prOdtab it the prices asked, thin those rem to it ktwernment Tat.., as the addi wad cost of trturtetied ie it perpetual tax on the tatter, whieh mat tarns b 7 tke pr oducer , b to the re' " Thet ed i re perfee ha rthen gn tr ; lin -a il te rule smith, lied. ere ehtduthd thelr i t i mines appointed by the We, and irawholnthelltle:Waited, to the put ifimeere,indolt tortreyto them Owlets tines in fee din. free and dear el eleery Inanribraale, ben or , meet- I % prima arrinini .0 to $BO i Interest only 8 per ot. Twenty per et. will be dadnoteit tem the price for oaebk . Those who porthole, on lOUS oradtt, eve notes payable in two, three, four, die and alsyeare Ater date, and ate Marred to Immo* one-tenth annually for Ave years, so as to haYO one-helifthe land anderoultivation at th e gun of that time: ihretlreterm elthrerirs will these who with to mania throtelendsOkee of* , and aid them in . mating seleetlorn: • - TWO /Anna unsold are at rip end Yeltiabi• as those which have been Wood ors SZOTIONAL MAPS Will be seat to any one who will enclose fifty mite is postage Aga, end %Oka or parapblete oOntaining menus histo mi rian of sumweefut fanning, Maned bY is Vette& and well known farmers living in the neigh borhood of the Railroad Loads, throughout the State— elm the cost of (Wing, price . of natio, expense of bar.. seating, threshing, eto.,--or any ether Information,- will be Chignillilyistren on applasilon, either personally or by latter , in linglish, Wrench, oz Onnnall linntosll6l • ' ' OEIN Land Comoiludoner of the Illinehe J Central R 8 Co. Once in Illinois Central Railroad Depot, Chicago, Il linois. LANDS! LAND 1 t—l OFFER FOR sale the following valuable LANDS In SOUTH SCBDTBIibt 09,011.01. L. All persons are hereby an tinned against trespassing upon any of them. Ootober,lBs7. Ir. E. BLOOM, Macon, an. . DotranfisTy comm. fat Dietriet—Nos. 59; 95, 97. BAXICIC 00011111% Ttik D1416..4-114. WI. 9th do-1444. 18, 828, 829, 88.1, 889, 818, 819, aeo, 410, 406, 408. 10th Disiclot—N44. 48, 45, 47. ' WORTH aonrr 7th Dlatriet—Noa,l24, 626. 'IOUs do " 11, 12, 66. 15211-. do • 0 26, 21, 28, 232. LIM 007111 T. ht rdsiadolrNos.-150, 150, 101. 196. lath do' usk 3no • fia, 244: mum, 154 b Distritki—No. 91: 110#111211 clovrTr. 11141 ILL 0061191 r Distriotoa. I'n 250. 12th do tr 194 201 sullboira Covirnr. 'stit Iniittot-110.144 mtLcut'covirr 12th Votetot—Nos. 209, 221, 222, 222, .424, 228, 261; 887 876, 376, 396. 1324' do 0 0,•18,19, 22, 88, Tdi 891, 342, 894. 911101417 X 0001110. 14th Mittiot-1100,180. 27th do 0 190, 843. bit Mittlol.—Nos. 2l4 Mß 211 9 il2l 12 91$ Sit 921,921, 22$ 7th do cc 111, 231, do Oth do . 4 110.. , • • • -10170 - 201 r ootnrrr Otht,Distriet—ilo. 214 rVLM 1700X!T 14 . 1)1111101-Ng. 100 ' TATUM 0011211 T. lat.b Dlittiqt—Na, 87, 80. 10th - de ' 00; 08. ' 002841' AroOng :41ilacnints.. EIPI N 051- -MA 0 111 NE B.—GROPER, .1102111. COM UNRIVALLED SEWING MA. CUM= still retain the etstildeneo of the ppnbllo and theh Itegalarity tameates; 'After yeera atrial it Is do. monsiested bepond MI rinestimi that it le the popular Ifetadue, AO the only one Opus which inty Telbxce ban be placed twerork weld tut all IMMO oftletee., The feet that ,IfdeedisitethitdMore work in the tame time, and dose it Wesel that it kr the blast liable to get out of repair; Ming alfhple In - 11l ettruttrtietion thatit make the least nein, andest ft le acknowledged on all heads that it ht best, fora new beginner, bee given the pro. ?Motorist domed for It to sock an extent that they are obliged to delay the filling of orders In many cues for mouths Oyer ithnedred, are operation in this city, and ,the hate yet to otallr Where a person who hes portherediotell exclutogedMfor another land. = Tab* Into dettelderatiou, sho,-the tact that those who aMploy frotalb to 40' hands In thalashope, doing the Workfare," mahnfeetttrem, without eeseption, nee this nathine in , preference to any, other kind; c ad al ways Strominend them in preference tit ethers, it Would seem tuutatemery for the proprietors to advertise their aweelleuee, or NO forth their saptrioritt. - The undersisated, MAI AG=Til for the sale of these Haohlools to have a imp*, and have made each mrtingetnente that they sell them upon 'terms that will nasetthe. witthoief all.. , , Unlike other Machines sold in this market, It Is free from all infringements of othe,r patents. BAKU. d 11BOTHIE, ea Stf-tf ". Osseass,f34mass, Lye,. gEWINGI MAOHINES:—FRATTII PATTNT-41110318 TIMM $l2 TO 1/26. The LADITV, COMN" te the most elmpiei durable, coadhict, and cheepamehine for family axe ever offered to the public, sewing @gasify well upon ell kinds of fabric, and without peekrideg the cloth, !air bag no bed cord on, he beet Ode of the 'Work, Sad el waysfosteningi thethreed - When stepped. They sew from' two to twelve bandied stitches per minute, using butenti Merged, MA to rewinding. The stitch can . beystried trom Ave to hity to the inch. 41,127 one ten learn to operate them fa beg an dirs.- WWI asomapany *ask nutlike, by which any one cam use thew. We are enabled to offer these superior Ins 'demi at t he awye joter,triresk an we are not obliged to ,eel *ft*, tweet y doliere Menge Tor borrowed pa- Wia4laSCheingunele Under our own patent. iniff***Gpaid infringing upon or using no Other. Thelte are some hnutheds in constant Inv l a thus e a r end - ttotaltz, WO 'aro thd, best settergotiod . Tway tattoßttno'nt team:Bo4 force satisfaellen. Indies arid gentteiried are - invited to' call Ind examine thettilad thoW wok; end judge for themselves. Veda,* effererffiend dtaehtibi. - mqh deloriptian, sent Inj. Pilot the *MUT by mail: SintMOOreirllB WASHINGTON Street; Neaten. end 1040LO1pAT' Toth. , co 274 r "MOMS UN4E.-801irt BY MAD- Iv in= at, sprottimotta *. osoosmismo. ..illisay-431 , • koiss= evioffirnma. , froasAiii 7 0fi ;7467 , l tlr W9 8 21. 1 11 A. ; 4 11 ;r TW~; r, , #Mlll htmetti -,. 3blfa~ifY zo, fs, A, SOM--SUPiniziki mu & lax w i tsaixued saw fat st . l 4144 - 1 lb; ossivar;M:VA l T te - ITV • g ~ri 1 A lo ot i titga „ Not 90110 igeolsONam, No. MINEE Ql e l4o3i r ORLEAzts _Lo xi • Idot.- o eangtkd: . 1 11 st :reseal, — Preight tam at as low sates, Pa any other iresag lordtag, , Tha rowsiskably feat-salUag wketpuipasucceurri i turymm mama, now loading tapldly at Recv-stim wharf, will cootialle to sa9el ps what freight been, awd, bet.lseerate -.peppy, t theft will hard de de despatch. 811 Plalee hoo cat buts, Wisps to the eousatiavitaase tot, plgaitute, and soap depot on, thla belie th e trot V 4 / 4 8/ ;OWE „ For Wawa of height at low tatee. r ing to . • • (iate Ron ••RAMS. Agents at New Orleans, 0, J.JUSAROM & 00. 24 Margaret Worn ,o.P laweek,.rittae..s Lad-will take staaskdowa the oetalSate,•44 aP,ttot altsideolppl, add won' urvsuPoeL.:-itiiSREIDAY, 0/110811 The' Psehet Ship pailium 7 tau, Copt. Oicurf.no P. poel.l, will eon oe &here. 'Remand 444 ISO 'Remin itablo ' PlootOiro - Beoond Cabin ehd staersge toesangoro found Proalotopa, according to the American p&leagor oat. Nor freight or plump, upPlf to - ' . TUUB. IttOIIARDSON & 00. Drafts on th e &Obis to atoms to suit, from .f.. 1 upr MI_OR HATANA-- - facket ship NAPLES. I. —To sail with oink despatch. , The fastresilingret Bldg Naples, Esatinso master, la now loading at. ce-sireityharf, and having nearlt all herhargoenhoss, $4 - lotholertoe of freight soul/ to - „ • - - • BYBIRIP, 51140i63,,& nolitl.dtt .. (110 $6) North Wharves. F°4 MN FRA.NOISCOTIES FIRST oleos 011pper Ship MARY NOBIIIIKIN tsptain llarmlo, sad the magallisent 4 01Ippez Ship VI NING. Swot*.la' Wilmot call have quick despatch Avg N ow tork, for treihl 8 88/71. 4 ' a utiP SIMONS ;S Ca sol&dtt 180 pate 80) 110/lTii QV/ANNAN 51'E4301,41P, • 13T2AMEEIP13 _ - - STATE OF GEORGIA r , • KEYSTONE EWE. In consequence of the deprosited Mate of trot*, the gum) ehJpe will be ottintrewc Ire the present, . petebec,ll44, A. lINHON, Jr. FARE' TtATITOBD TO HOUTRAMPTON , Illtllnd llteambhip VAN- DlPlBlLl, E fAvardl:g e hr Pl oombander,ll,24B ten!, WIN satl Wembley York ler South- Prom Soutlkampton and ampton end Dane. Barra for New York, Saturday Oot. 24 Saturday Nov. 14 Satan* Deo. 6 Saturday Deo. 24 Price of Pasage-11rst cabin, POO i second oabbs, 250. Boole 401TariklinLopilootaid Pub.' Yortrelght ur wawa away, to D, TOBSAMOD, kora,- ...1. - $4:5 Bolitualttuu, ltaw Turk. ~_' Wears , fur X 1 12 1 140 ma 21 0 0 ,Pea1d,26 dent. each, Ulf mos t ( yautturept oljuhr atampa ghou l other eitteu,) will be recalled at, NO , . Bowling-green, Now I tuk, op to 11.2( eels)* ou ' WI 'morn* of SMI. 111 , ilitita4l; CkaatTke _ABAGiIe, 500 taus, sale - FULTON, 9, tone; er, will leave New York, rtheyeais 186 t kali be, or POE ENGLAND A xow Tark NA Rano united States 14011 Darla Jdaes 'tettotesederi Tames A. , Wettott, Havre sad Southstoptea, to tallawfog dap : ESliiii taltsra, Bab irti M. 22 Pnl o, do o: Oct. Novltl Arago, do. April 6 t r razi, "h rs. t u t, : Polfon, do. A 341 8 .P A :IZ, do. May 284 LIAM ilo w urairsoit. Avago, WWl's*likv, Aug. le Yalta'', do. &AO Ando, do. 00. 01 Milt° , do. Nov. 18 Argo: do 14 Dee. 10 . Dolton, do. Zan. 18 I Arago n , do. Deb. 10 Fulto, do. Mar. 10 AlEn, d o. liza, R I grj, do.. I" 1 420 ' t un Juno. " 166 T. Arop, Tusadsy, Aug. 26 &pt. 22 Auto,. do. • Oot. VA Nato*, do. Nov, 17 Lugo, - do. Poo. 16 1866. *ratan, do. hal. 11 do. Nob. D gift, 46. 2.241 26sroh Ar6c 6 do. UV 4 . , do. Juno] do. Juno 22 PXIOII 07 ?MIAMI I Prom Now York to Southampton or Nasna-Slnit BM) ; &mond Oab $7l. Prom Nano or Southampton to Now York—Plat oaWn i 800 from; *woad Mtn, 500 trams. , Air 1012 kt 1 M papa W.appkyT otoN , Agent, 7 Broadway. WILLIAM " nano. ODOSKST & 00. " SontlVlon. AdUIRAN XIIIIOPIAN ExkLWussll 00. AND BE - ) " Praia. OudaiG - rfIHE NEW YOBS AND LTVESPOOL posing 111211TNI) STATIC! MAIL 8911A)=1.—The em n this Line am ; The ATLANTIC, Ospt. Oliver Ildridge, The BALTIC., Capt. ;aleph Comstock. The ADRIATIC, %pt. Tames West. Abase ships here been built by oontraet, orproody for Wove/wont tierrlinu every sure lula been taken intheir oonstrnotion, as also In their engines, to ensure strength and speed, and their socummodatiens for passengers are unequalled for elegance and comfort. Prim of pausge from New York to Liverpool, In dust sable, glad; ha second do., gni front Liverpool to New Torn, 80 end 90toineas. No berths' unless pzdd foe. The ships of this line have Improved watertight bulk heads. . P110,0831D DATES 97 116.111 We. VOX Mr lOU. Pk= 3.11/114POOL. Saturday, /um 90, 1867 Wednesday, Jens!!, 1657 latenday, /air 4,. 1867 Wednesday, Inly 8, 1867 Ihetesley,-6nly 18, 1647 Wednesday, July ta; . 1867 Sattrflay,Aucc. 1, 1867 Wednesday, Aug. 6, 1937 21411 X 76 871 6,u8'. 11 4 1857 Wednesday, Aux.l9, IESI Elaturday,Oept.l4, 186 T Wednesday, Bspt. 2, 1861 &tardily, 48, 1867 Wednesday, &ASO, 1167 Saturday, Out. 10, 1867 Wedneadsy, Out. 14, 1867 Wash% Oot. 1867 Wednesday, Oct. 26,- 1667 Saturday, Nov. 7. 1857 Wednesdsy, Elov.ll, 1885 lkinetday, NOT. 2a, IVA Wedneiday, N0v.95, , 1857 Oeteldey, Dec. 6, 1861 Wednesday , Deo. 9, 1867 wino, p Wednesday, 1667 Tor ZDWASD freight or E COMM a i fy to . No, 56 Wart street, N.Y. BROWN, SHIPLNY & CO., _Liverpool. STIAPELNIB =MART & 00., iff Austin Irian, London. B. O. WAI4tWBIOBT & 00., Paris. The owners of these ships will not be aeaountalls for gold, sliver, bullion, spools, jeweLry.pe Mous steno or metals, velum of ladlntie !lir ned therefor and the value thereof expressed Shashi en 4t7 GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE TO EU, BOPS. lnot Cabin .580 I Second Cabin 500 In the Arabolase paddle-wheel steamship ADBIIIS, 5,900 toes 0. D. Lunww, Commander, sad NOBTN STAB, 2,500 tons, P. M. Larms, to sail - trom pier No. 8 North River, et noon precisely, evirrying the Crum STAUB MAILS, vis : Lime N. York for Southampton, Ns. Bremen for i Southampton Yrs aM Bremen . Southampton. for New York. Arley Saturday, Oot. 81. Wededay, Nord. N. awn oos. 911. Saturday, N0v.23. Weded , y,TMe.Bo These 'Women' touch at MAYBE. epee% delivered in LondOn end Buie. Tor pump and freight, apply to 1). TOEBANOZI, Agent, No. 5 Bowling Green, New York. oelo-tt %ME BRITISH. AND NORTH M0R1... ... CAN ROYAL MAIL BYRARSIIIPR. ' PROM VOW TORE TO LIMPOOL Objet Cabin Passage &Mond Oabln P84611g0 not atOBTON ►o LIYZEPOOL Ohlot Cabin Passage 1110 Second Cabin Passage 00 The aidpe from Boston call at Halifax, 1 PBBSIA,Ospt. Indkina. CANADA., Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AiILEBICIA, Capt.Wlokonan ASIA, Capt. 11. G. Lott. NlAGARll,.oapt.l3yde. APRICA, Capt. Shannon. SCISOPA, Capt. J..Leitch. Theca meals carry a clear Whltelklett at 105ai4 044 ; green on otarboard bow; red on port bow. PERSIA, 3ndkirui, leaves N.York,'Medneeday, Nov. U. CANADA, Lang,. , " Beaten, Wedneeday,Nov. 13. ABABIAiStone, " , N York, Wednesday, Nov. 2i. NIAGARA, Wickman, Boston, %stonily, Deo. B. ARRICA, Shannon, " N Pork, 'Wednesday, Dee. 9. ARBEICA . , Lott, " Sabin, Wedneedsy,Deo. 10. BUROPA, baltell, " N.York, Wednesday, Coe. 21. Barth* not muted Until pat . for. An esperiermed Surgeon on board. The owners of them Ships will net be mountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Spool. Jewelry, Precious Stenos or Metals, noble bine of lading are signed therefor and the Yalu. thereoh4: expreued. Pon freight or apply to noSt.y . B. 0 N ;4 Boiling Green, N. York. -miss. EAST INDIA PALE ALE.— The consumers of this celebrated beverage need no description of its qualities, or evidence of Its excellence, beyond the beluga they have derived from its nee since its introduction into this country; toeth vrho bare not yet made an noquAlatanan with this CROWNING Malt Liquor, It may - b• wall to date *low fact o BMWS EAST INDIA PALE ALE Owes Its excellence aa a hoverede to the reporter qtudity of the hops and malt, the mineral properties of the river water immediately communicstlng with the brewery, and the solentido skill applied in ita numnfitoturt. 8A138 , 811/41T INDIA PALE ALB Not being sweetened or strengthened to plesse vitiated palates a, therefore, neither heating nor heady, but stranaohlennd appetising . HAWS SABTANDIA PAIN AU Si the delight and solace of the /adieu Subaltern In his ihnsing busigelow—the worthy lira of brandy muse. , • • RASO% NAST mu rALN ALIO • Is the think without which no tuna can be complete— no Journorli d►wk possible. - BABB'S /LOT INDIA. PAU ALB In the feeoritttdrisk loßegloold of lord and bagmen doeheutiod ours*, BABBII BAIT INDIA PALE ALB . . . Is the much-admired tonlo for 'undid' and lumina of weak interlore. B&dS'd MAST INDIA PALM A. 411 Will keep hi all alienates; and is good at meals—inn. them, dinner, orwepper. DAMS'S MAST INDIA PALE ALB Is pronounced hg 'thn medical faculty one or the most wholesome beterapa that can be taken, and Is found to be not less agreeable to the palate than it it benedcial• to the health. BASE'S MIST INDIA PALE ALE le universally oonoeded to be unrivalled la excellence by any other imported into the United Staten. Dealers and consumers will end it their littered to give this Ale a preference. Yor male in colt end bOttle by, THOldtaldlobillLLlSl, • Agent and Consignee, 44 BEAVER Bt., N. Y. On sale at Dehnonico's, Wilda at., earner of Beaver, and Okranbont I corner or Broadway, Batherlandls, 18 Pine street. Berry's, )0 Pine street. Itiehardion & Neyter, 120 Water George 489 Broadway. N. B. Gosling, $3l Broadway. non-am , CIREEN SAND MARL OF NEW JERSEY: —113;12W JERSEY FERTILIZER 00UPAN7 is now IN to reoetra orders for this imports's manna. or 6U tondo upon which sakes are beneltolol, the Merl to more than a substitute. Profane:lr Oook, in his annual report to the Legis tare of New Roney, says The vitae of these Marls le beat seen In the rich and highly cultirsted district' which has been improved, a/moot made, by their we r but it may be Interenting to examine the causes of their greatvalue in Agriculture, and to compare theca with other fertilisers. Ror examle The potash atone may be taken at an average of five per cent. of the whole weight of Marl • bushel when dry weighing eighty pounds, and in the proportion mentioned would Contain Pout pounds of potash ; this Is nearly au roan aa there is in a bushel of unieached wood Wenn And sgaln—.; it Is probable that the great value of the Mar) $e tp pa found in the WA that It - cantatas - nearly an the 00., Aeneas neceeamy to make tip the ash of our common cultivated plants. ~ „ ' Price, delivered on board met, at the wharves of the company at Portleod Heights, on Raritan Bay, Nett Jersey, coven oonto per bushel. Per further potion , lars,, see circular sent free of postage. Orders for other fertilisers will receive prompt attention. Addreas either of the undersigned. OUARLBS 8114.11$ Preeldent ltiesville Poet Wilco, New Jersey. TAPYAWTOWItIigNA, Treasurer, RANSISIIMI Street, New' York. fluOxith W. Artrone, Beetotio, No . Id Cedar street, New York. B.—Thos• *thing SW for Spring u'e thould Order Immtgistely, to stow Pa early nhipmant. Orders will be tulottlp rOstiozi. oat 79,Em ,1,N0.R.i) MEAT.--'— , A.w....The lintbscelber has commenced mannteotating Ids Re Pius Ultra ' MINORD 3111 AT, Which he odors to his custom= in• , ' tiA.AOII 0? BULL, oonetteuts. .oedOnt tbeeezbk BLOOD'S DMVBTOII will be pun* tootly attendee to. IMMO. InuasT. ;211149d, 01;RING °Alp= op* lII.LNKLIN gr. , OBS-17 bales Quoting Voss, tor gate by , ttTix a. simmistbs, Maa UV Nos% WsWV ititott, ;MEM '""” HE UST ASSORTIMT 9i'LlulGgr T 'AND 1$0111:11 , LK41Z GOAL le at U DORMAN'S YARD,BROAD entail; /Ravi' VIM, SolAst Won& prices, 041 and sae. 0:41-Ow 2240 LBS. IS A ToN._BuyEgs and mamma are Invited to latassials enir stock of oLINIGII IMOUST MOUNTAIN and DUOS MUTH 00,410 , Our Coal Is selected &aplenty for oss; being carefully saresned, we will Warrant It tree from slats sad dad- " 'Ws tell 2240 Ms.,' t bolas t , 240111. morn' , than sold by ritalldsalers,s2 ,1 26amts less per ton." Also, ob Wad a fall supply of BROAD TOP PITtl. *IMAM 00,41." Otr OtOem•gsnerating t /31sadastlaing, and Ilollh4r- MIN parposes. This coaj asatort to at oned: . • tRoAp and VINN-11g 131ra ( 1 51240 IS A TON. , 0884=3 Ladirrox 11c. CO COA L I 00AL 1 COAL I—TAWM#I4" IL/ ONLIBRATED WRING 1110IISTAni ZIGU COAL. J. &Lannon's GIOWSWOOD, TAMAQUA 00AL GEORGB W. ANYDIIIPS PING POW? SWIUTL BILL GOAL. • ,„ RANDALL & MEREDITH RVe for sale, and are' constantly reoelrliv dun abort, celalsratid OH 'ALL SIZES. 'Thar* le no Coal mined anywhere, equal la quality Wee, and* trial will convince any one of their treat superioriq. Our Coal Is very carefully sorseued at oar yards, and we will warrant It herfeetly free from Oat*, anal mud siCluipurtiles: • Oar PRIM aroma LOW as the 4888 •110,..: . ST, Orders ,left M'our Ordo, 00V2a ,715/112' area, atOre Walnut. Orders left oar Turd, °ALLOW/JILL remit, below "Rom) street Order' left at our Wharf, WATILIt street, above OAD. - ILOIVEILIr—or sent to either place per Deapatoh Post, will Waive prompt attention. Purehaeate for Forellp nee Will do well to call and mt. amine our (lasi before parch:Wog elsewhere. auf-tf SCUUTLIC.LI4I.4 AND LEHTGH I am &My reoeirlig, at my yard, the beat quality*. 150M/YLlral& AND LlCtlall 0041.. My mato - men, and all others who may fame me with their orders, may rely ou getting Coal Malan). be latlafeatory to them. • 'L ." interior Coal kept at this eatabllahment to anent LOW palm. AMIX4/11431 COrMalf, eni-ef N. N. garner of Broad and Cherry lite. j %MGR AND Setluxi,HlLL COAL.— AA DALY, roirrna CO., COAL INIALIRS, No. MI PLUM litreet, ahoy. Nlglith, *asp oonstantlY on band, 0 Os very lowest rate,s full supply of Lehigh sad SohaylkilMol. aq 1-6xo JOHN= P. DOHERTY, • woeadmall woes wax & inoronn, LATE WITH WRENS, KELLY, & 00., TAILOR, okresTEur STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH Me tom with him the beat Wore that are engaged he the business In this »wintry: Otintaa Rots, - formerly the leading tailor of this ally; M. Xenia formerly nutter for O. Roth & Co., sod late Coat L ad Twit cutter with Lukens, Kelly, & Co.; Ilona WAGNIIII, the best Pante aid Veit utter In the United States, for years cutter with Deplerris, wider the Irebag Roast, lireliwaY, end with %pion's & Tetbm, under the St. ,Nicholas Hotel, Droltiwa.T. • The most tunroznitting attention paid to the wished of hl who patrOnise the establishment. The beat of Clothes made at moderate prima for credit, low priest for rash. oal.a.Af TAMESTAMES SHER/DA.N, MERCHANT TAILOR Rae. le will South NINTH OTRERT, ism onisTNtrr. A luge and well Wetted eta* of ()LOTUS and OASEIDKAARA alwaye on hand, All Clothing made at this Establishment will be of the beet 44 mid in the most fashionable style. PartlaWat ♦tfeatloa filnxi to .11NLVORld OLOTH• 11 ARPB)S. KEN'S AND BOYS' 1.7 OWTHING,- 148 North SKIRTS artist, betvees Iffleh and Itue, 1114141 • S. ORASE & 00. Ja• 011iNBRAB COMMISSION MEBOHANTS, 43 North PASANT psid 44 WATER Street, Philadelphia, colunwmr mamma CLOVER. SEND On consignment from Vito loterior of Pennsylvania, vitae oat am! Waning 31111 is now In general nee. irr Auso ' TI=TRY AND BBD TOP always' on tuna.sel2-tr HARDY & BREN.NER—COMMISSION DIBROUANTB and Dealer,' in Porelgn and Arne- Nola lIANDWARN and Oral/MY, Noa. 28, 26 and 27 North VIRTU. Street, Nut aide above Commerce street, Philadelphia. ant-tt °SABLES TETE, COMMISSION PIER xi CHANT and Importer of HAVANA SEGABB, giro) US Walnut street. second story. sal-ly HAVANA OLGA/IR-4. handsome !wort mast, issoli Os r= 6, Portages Buttons, ' Gloria, Jupiter, gono, Oonterciontes, rey Lop.; Union Atneriina, Orsion, lion flubana, Lco., le., tte., la it, ig, 1.5 and 1-10 xes, of all does and quail thm, In Me and oonstanny roost - y Min, and for to /ow, y bARLED PETE, (nes) 188 WALNUT btreet, sal-ly below flecond, wend story WILIGAB.O; CABANAS AND PASTAGAS ROGAIIII.—A obolee invoice of theme celebrated torendeon board brig "New Y.rs,” daily impeded from Bases, sod for We low, by 011AIILIC8 VITA 1811 Weida% street, below Second, • and Second glory. B. KITE & 00. AA. ItrANITURN, ANDWING, /to. No. 411 (late 12) WALNUT lit, PALlA4elphia. A nerir and Impart(); Style of aping Beds. Lrou Azet ZlT). .108IPSWAtiON 'anal V L OAP AND CANDLES- • P , 7 REMOVAL from 181 SOUTH 1/01111TEI STREET, to ray Manufactory, 10 and 14 RELIES STREET, be tween Lombard and South, and Front and Second Orel!, _ Th vful to my numerous fr'ends for their past tarots, I solicit a continuance of the same, having enlarged my arannfaidooy so as to enable me to have constantly on hand a large stook of well-seasoned Soaps, free from Wish Oil; Palm, Variegated White 110/20.1, COMM, and all kinds of toilet Scope, Chemical Olive Soap of pure material, Settled Pale, mid Brown Soap, English Soda and Pearl Starch, Sperm, Adamantine, and Tallow Candles of all sizes constantly on hand. Having adopted the oasis system, le m enabled to sell my goods at the lowest prime. F. CONWAY. Pidledelphia. ' N. B.—Cash mud for Tallow and Greece. DO 14.810 MANX. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Jur DAVID if. IfOGAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Statlatier aid Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, Is pre pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or make to order, Books of every description, imitable for Bank', Public Mow Merchants, and others, of the beet quality of Noel& or American Paper, and bound in VAtiell.ll styles, in the molt substantial manner. Order* for JOB PAINTING of every description. 194rairlug mid Lithographing executed with neatneu and despatch. t A general aitortment of Inglieh, french and Amid can Stationery. Concerning Mr. Nogan's contribution to the Fnuitlin Institute, the Committee say—.. This display of blank boots for banking and mercantile use to the beat to the Exhibition. The selection of the material is good, the workmanship moat excellent, and their finish and ay psarine• neat and appropriate. ,, no2o-ti lILPOIMANT IMPROVEMENT— mew GAB OINSUMING IMINAO.II CELCLBO,IT3 ,AT.XI4 , CONE FURNaIaE, attar having been pat to the rust were last, taring the two coo mons OP 1860 on 1867, hu proved to be the Met powerful hooter is the world, sae leg from ) to Um fuel over any of the Wit (drawee now in use. Tun 81113110116 tin *undiluted with a cut iron uh pit, and a broad, shallow pan-shaped Ire pot, lined with druhrlak or iron stares. The dre pot it surmount ed with A BRIMS ON CONES, on TAPERING RADIATORS, large and WWI at theirbese, but tapering to small aper tures at the top, and uniting with the sunder chamber, through wisiek; the heat mot smoke pau to the Inc. Tea wan' product* of oombuittou In the form of smoke end atm, are dalpanded direety over the Are, 'Oeirtaren Or oompressed Into the tope dog Ocwas and DOIMMIMIAT Sumo to the direct notion of the rays of beat and light from the Ira. This heat and light 4 braced to a sons I Rads Coo,. not unlike the • "- ontalotrolit am irm , 4' RANO, toe focal point Omsk s a ordinary lima; timing the paean Alta Wadi to Uteome intensely heated and tag- Tenthly Ofenteneo, l?rtbie emotion the sum Aso sae a' arc NADU Itatraatir AVAIL/11LS with the ITU Irma for basting purpmee, while, in other laments, It is outs= or* .4.110 Wallah is SOS oniony. All persona desirous of obtaining the best and • HOST RotwomapAL HEATING APPARATUS, should not fall to altanthlie the New GAS 001120111116 Dora 711111.011, before purchasing any other. The at tention of areldtoile ant builders le particularly re. quilted. 'ARNOLD da WILSON, ' (StiOnatora to S. A. Harrison,) No. 420 WALNUT Street, Opposite Independence Square, SOLLENDER PA VATillitil, aul-am No. 8 8. &MU stmt. Philadelphia QUAKER CITY NAILS, MRROHANT BARN RIVET zaoti, Manufactured ntIOIIIiTAIN GREEN ROLLING MILL, on the Schuylkill, above Spring Gerdes. Water Works. WAREHOUSE, 103 North WATEStreak (HUM CITY NAILS aft warra n ted owl to any node. oco4l' JOHN HALORRAN, Agent. rriELOMAS E. B TER.-HARDWARE MUNDT AND TOOLZ,No. 919 DiLIUiNT boys Ninth, south aids. Philadsdpbts. so I.9hs t i ONISWORTH'm ONTO WINES. QINERAL AGENOY 808 ALL SHE BRATEB. TO' WHOLESALE DEALERS .... By s 'pedal arrangement with Mr. LONOWORTM, I inn enabled to offer hid Wines in large quantities, upon the lowest and best terms. The 'Wines lo be delivered In Cincinnati, and forwarded by usual means of convey ance (railroad or steamboat) direct to the purobaser ; by which the espenses of storage, oonimiselons, double freight L etn.iwill be avoided. orders under this exessgernent will be' forwarded for less than twenty-five awe, AN orders mot b• arrested oy /MID. 8. nI OO to ZZENB, TO WARREN Street, Nay Toad. By the presont atrangenient a handsome profit on thee. wine, ean be made by the wholesale dealer. Sparkling Qatanba vintage 1858, quarts. Do ' do do do pints. , AOdo , do 1852 ~quarts. Do ' do ' de do pints. Still thatai , wba, vintage 1852, quarto. Do do antra, vintage 1882 , 9 11444 " doarktlng Isabella do du do. BHlloatngba, in casks, of various qualities. Citable ,randy, of superior quality ' • MED. B. Dozzlizia, GenorAl Agent rot the lisle of N. Longworth's • 78 WARILIIN 8222.11 T, (opposite Mason River Bonrood DoPOO po2•Oolt NOW Toot. .ffigraignit Calton. Commaaion IfinclAnts. %data; an Cigars. Surniturt. Soap an?) eanbleo 53tationcrD. ,furnacti. ilatz, Ups, &fy. fittro;oare. eavitsgr Snubs. gAVING 1 0 17/1111-1117 PER CENT. IN- Tsavvr—travorfAL NIMITY 111.178 T 001C PANT,—WalifinTBNIT BOUTH.WAT PROMS OP map, paltompsis. • rianagrolupso rT us gun or rairrnswora. Kam is .Delved in say sox, line or small, and in terolpsl4 fr om tho Om of deposit to Vie de r of 'with %• °Moo is *coo every. day trots 9 o'clock lo the soorains tin I o'ecic In the aiaplng i ssoll as piovAaJ and Thozsclay sysnlup 1.111 9 o'clock. HON. MINIM L. kilkligia, Vidtlent, 110BABT IikLUILIGIS. The ProoSeri. Wlll. 7. Bow, Beerttary. DISBOMIS Hon. &aryl, llama, 0. laadrirth 1141111214 &Laird L, Outorif , P. Carroll Bawler, Robert Bonitip, , ;oomph B. Bony OW. B. Ashton Henry L. Olinechnm, James B. Smith,' Ittomto Los. Money renndred and moon& mods daily, The investments are merle in andonnity• with the rovialcuie of Os Charter, In MAL JISTATH MORT -0 AOXI, CIROTIND ItItNTS, eat such lint elan easurt tiet as wW Mvtiye Insure perfoetWanulty to the deposi tors, and which cannot fail to givikpamaninel and eta- Milt). to tide Institution. • • sal-17 IVO. 83 (241) DOOR STREET.—FIVE /ma 031 INT. BTATIS EIATINGS lIIND. IVO. 88 (241) DOOR STREET.—FIVE PRR T. STATE SANINCE POND. No.. 89, (241) DOCK. STREET.— FIVE JA PER CENT. STATE WINOS 11:1'44D. NO. 88 (241) DOOR STREET.— FIVE PER CENT. STATE NAVINCiEtUND. AuIAY Marbinerg anti Jun. 'PENN IMAM ENGINE AND BOM- A. sivetoßas. ' BEANET, NEA,FiE Ii GO., pascrome_fam_Tuyansyy3A.L_ wampum, KAOSIIIISTS; BOILBRIdAELESS, 814,01 D. POUNDSBIL Having for may yew" been to soooessful operation, and been exchudirely engaged in building and reliairint Marine and Blur Poems, high and low pressure, /ran Boots, Water Winks, Propellers, &r,, era,. reeperrtfully car their servitwe to thegablio, or Wag fully plowed to rrontract for *testae of all shwa, Modal, Ribes, arid Stationary. Raving sets of patterns of AI/Threat sips, are wowed to avant* orders with goish 440E4. livery description of Pattern-making weds at, taw shorted notlee. High sod tow Pressure, Sloe, Tubu lar sod Cylinder Di:dismal the blot Pennylesnis char cool iron. Porgiuge of: 411 rises and kinds; Iron and Bran Sastinge of all deoariptiess; Ball. Tanga& Sam Oalttag, and all DUO -work oaasootect with the *bon Amain. sad egreeilleatiou for MI work £on at their estabtlehrnent free of chow, era work gasrouteM. The enbeorthers wage *herr door room for re are of boats, where they ora ley In roofed safety, sod are voided with ahem, 4144 ka., for raising heavy or light volghte. TfiGhtAß BEANNJV JACOB G. PIPJLTIG, 70aff P. LIITT t rely MOH NAPALMS Iltreete, ain!idagtog. oarDaL V. 11:111110t. 1. UIIIIIILUI wuzum B. tassiox. S01:111:1WARIC FOUNDRY, runs AND WASIIIHWVON MOM • MERRICK & ZNGINENBE AND MAOMINDITE, manufactare High and Low Petantregtearn /taginis, tar Land, RiT0117 1 114141 Maine SOlrrioe. • • Boilers aerometers, Tanks, Iron Boat", iko., Out, lorll of 'Linde, either Iron or Bra n. lron frame togs for Cies Worka, Workshop!, Eatirtad Etstione, he. Retorts and 021 ktlehbleti of the latest and most honored construction. Drew , description of Phu:tett= main/try; each as Sugar, Bow, and (hitt Mills, Vacs= Pans, Open Sham Trains, Detonators, 'filters, Pumping Engines, EL Bole Agents for N. Billions , ' Patent Sugar Bolling Apparstue; &myth's Patent Rem Hammer; 7. P. Roos , Patent Valve Hoban for Blast *whinny and Steam Pump". !uperintendont—D. H. BABTOL. alas-y DIORARD NORRLS & SON, LQ001(0- TIVa STEAM =SERB /MILDEW, ISIMIMISIMAI BUXOM 1126 MILTON, PALSTIIIW AID RUMUYnDyN N 71.11,11, PaIIADZIAPRIA. exelurdvely In the manufactare of I NIONOTIVE STEAM 4NGINEI3. Iderrafacture to order Looomotives of any pent , weight or empathy , for th e use of Wood n i t= or Bituminous Coal in sts nude state, or ANTHRACITE COAL, VITIOOT itlatTLKO 11/10U GAO OE PIM. OlN4Fo,lAcria tad voTicluailp, the "meow. tires p uotal at them Works are equa l {o and not ox aollotay oar Th e materiels used In oonetruetion ere made on the spot, and insure the best quality and most reliable stook. The !up extent of Shops, and Com plete Equipment of MarAiwrry nod Toots, maple them to execute the ITAST OF WORE WITH GREAT DESPATCH, OP OPY ABBANOIOPION? RIMOTRID. CHILLED OAR WHIRLS, He aimunan With Forging, of an else or form, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, And MACHINE WORK generally. RIORARD EMIL WAY LANES= ECRIII. ail-ly NOTIOE.-ORESTNIIT STREET A I NUDGE. PLANS AND RSTIMATES fora Bridge over the River Schuylkill, on the line of Chestnut street, in the City of Philadelphia, will be received by the Chief En gineer and Surveyor, at the DEBARMENT OY 8111 - YEW!, City Building, YIYTII Street, below Walnut, until the second day of January, 1868. Sell Bridge to be of the following dimensions, without any pier, Or with not more than one pier in the water-way; the materials of construction throughout to be indestructi ble by Ste. Distance between abutments 386 feet Width of Bridge ' out to out, not leas than.. 4B Elevation above low water For an arch the springing line should not be leas than eleven feet above low water. The Plans and Estimates will be milled under the arrangement and conditions apecitled in the ordi nance of Councils, approved November 24,1867, as fol lows, els : fiscrrioN 2. That all plane and estimates to be received by the Chief Engineerand Surveyor of the City of Phila delphia, each plan and estimate to bear a private mark, and be accompanied by a sealed communication having a corresponding mark thereon, so that the name of the designer may not be known until the plan most ap proved shall have been selected. Stavin 8. That all "itch plans and estimate' shalt, when received, become thorn:petty of the City of Phila delphia, and obeli be presented within two months after the passage of this ordinance, when it shall be the duty of the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, by and with the advice of the Committee on Surveys and 'Capitations, to invite a commission tonsiating of three civil engi neers, who, in conjunction with the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City, shall examine and decide upon the relative merits and applicability of the plans presented, to the Bridge site proposed and report to Councils the number of plans receivedAhe names of the designers, end the character and estimated coat of the ninepins by them preferred. Boron 4. It shall be the deity of the Chief Commie donor of Highways, upon a certificate presented and signed by the Chief Engineer and e af Surveyor, to bun warrants in payment the coat of thoresidd adver tisements, and also in of favor of those portion* who may have presented the three plans preferred by said corn ninon ; to the first in point of merit, the sum of $400; to the second, $2BO, and to the third $100; said warrants be charged to Item No. 19 of appropriation made to the Department of. Highways, &s., for the year 1861, approved Marsh 18, 1867.1 For further information, or for cross soetion of river, address STRICKLAND /MASS, ueB-dll Chief Engineer and Surveyor City of Mina. emii - MARCHA.NI" S ORYBTALOGRAPIIB, OR PHOTOGRAPHIC HINIATURRS IN OIL, N. R. corner of EIGHTH and LOCUST. The above picturee differ .neutrally from anything ever before offered to the publia. Their softness, sad truth of color and ratline, extraordinary minuteness and aocuroey of detail, home, of necessity, the greatest ffdelity of reseroldanoe; while the aermity of the or deal to which they are exposed in manipulation equally settles the question of their permanence. These fasts amble the subscriber to offer them, with the greatest indigestion and tumildence, to the pnbile and to his friends. They are %eared by lettere patent to, and can be had ONLY of 8 . D. NM/CHANT. 11J Portrait% of the cabinet, and life also on cum u heretofore. se 18-8 m 1001IBL 10 LAMPS.--THE PUBLIC IS 11 respectfully 'aerated that Offlees have been opened by the District Superintendents of Public Lighting, at which anima are requested to give information respect ing accidents which may happen to the Public Lamps; or of any failure In lighting or extinguishing them at the proper thne; or if not properly cleaned and in good lighting condition. The Book' will be kept by ioasnk. Bail} No. 808 Wharton at., First Want; Charles Carty, No. 15 Booth Seventh street, Ninth Ward; alma*No. G. lark, No. 101 Ilutchineon greet, Twentieth Ward; M. W. Deshong, No. 2431. Coates meet, Fifteenth Ward; Thew, V. Thew. V . Once, Twenty-Fourth Ward, (West Philattelphia;) M. U. 14`Fadden, Om 011 m, Twenty. Second Ward, ( Germantown ;) Wm. N. Market Gag Office, TweutpThird 'Ward (Prankford,) and al the Gas Office in Seventh street, below Market. By 'order el the Trustees of the Philadelphia au Works. A. 7. .111 TB, col-8m Superintendent of Distribution. PHILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY JIL N. W. Co* THIRD and 0111.8 NUT Sta. L. PELOINg & YON, thankful for tho Mona pt. nonage heretofore worded to their Betabliahment, and desirous to merit Ito continuance, would announce to Printers and Publishers that their new BPXOIIIEN BOOS is now needy, and from their hoarsened facilities, are now prepared to furnish every thing necessary In • eamplate Printing Establishment, at the shortest no. tine. Their long practical experienee in the btraluesa, and the fact of Quilt personal superintendenoto of the manufacturing department, )entitles them in asserting that they can furnish a more darable and better fin ished article than their cotemporaries. Those, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them preview' to purthashm elsewhere. Old type taken at 9 ante pet pound, In unhands for new at speolmen prioea. OLD MINE FOR SALE.—THE SUB ‘LA oarlber offers for sale with • perfect title, the property known as the REID GOLD AND COPPER MINE situated It miles from Concord, Cabarrue county, North 'Carolina. With the mine is a plantation of 745 scree of excellent lend, well watered and wooded, and a largo MANSION NOUSE, with barns, miners , houses, powder and engine house, and other buildings; new steam engine, 95 horse power; Chillan mills, stamps, pumps, iho., embracing all the machinery and tools ne cessary for the full equipment of a mine, in good order. The mine has been worked at intervals for the last 60 years, and has always been profitable to resident pro prietors', but hes never been worked for any length of time with ea engine and machinery. The thefts and galleries are well constructed. the stoppings have never been taken out and from 60 to 75 miners can be profit ably employed In the old workings. On the property la a formidable vein of copper and lead, which has never been worked, and a new gold rein has been discovered since the first of this month, at which three men have been at work, taking out fifteen hundred dollars a day, with a good prospect of its continuance. no2Ans enemata J. GILBNBT, 181 Broadway. CHEAP SUMMER FUEL.—GAS COKE, of excellent quality, le sold at the PRCLUMPRIA GAS WORKS for the reduced price of Sire cents a bushel, plate obtained la larrs or small quantity by ap ing the Gee Oilloe, No. 20 Booth SEVENTH Street. To Purohuers by Wholesale, It la sold at the Works, In Sint Ward by the ton, at a pries equivalent to gm thraolte, a Is 2 69 per ton. (tligned,) 7. 0. CRESSON, Engineer. PRILADIMPHIA GAB WORgfi, Aug. 26, IT. Ararat CIOACII, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP isotorrof $t.W USSIEERS, N 0.109 (late 43) South ifIGHT/1, below Chestnut street, has become a saving of 60 per cent, to our 110DTREBN AND WrztraN mBROHANTB, end also the oormaidenee of boob* their old Carria g e Lamps new silver- topped and bottomed, end mat by express to all pares asile lr MARCUS BAST, No. 204 NORTH THIRD OTRINT, IVIVOLSSALS AND RETAIL DOOKSZZLER _ . . Ilaa for sale TUE AIIBRIOAN RNADEII—a nett hook, designed by Ito author, A. D. Kato TACO, far the no. of the blither donee in the A,.oedemlea and Oehoolo of Antertor..b, the daunt or le copy. thoZclm E A o . I t EVANB,-100000.---.IIPUINTEn t A Cards per Mar 1 , _„.. d a w e„,,a..e......d.ue bye» ere. l osishe , — ilk tblWlelphis P... atheist. OA° tuussuo Wynne .., rk,e,le, a Ralaitlm . a t tUar i' Ma. thlsmi 0 4. a. 11, 0 , 0 01131.- hik TOnTimens4l=ll,o4 z - -- """111 Illr.lbtak DI siunkfmtii ULM INSURANag AND TRUST 00N- A.A PA77.-Tta PIM inntrAL L 172 1220221103 comma. NorthaGat (holm of MUM osil DOGS /Streak. Nona', 2113,111127. DUMB 1,W.X8 for shad ter - m, or tot the whale tonic of nto-firmts otoonnto mitouviants-iper chaser. We lamas to kcal ;dote, Lid mots. an ooatracto depoilar oa the eactiaganolac of Lite. They sot as Izeoutoro, Adnitsistrsta v , imagoses, Tract ay and 131.111111241. Daniel L. Idillor, ' • • - Bao;nel B. iltotoo. Denis*lit Oulu, William /fortis Maud B. Newbold. . Junes B. Veliesioad, WI/Ibtro P. Maker, Joseph H. Trotter, WIMom U. Nary • Pores Naito*, Samuel 0: Buoy, • Theophibe Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Zdmand 4 Bonder, Dewy O. Townsend, Daniel L. Untekinson, Rodolplitts Sent, - John W. Donna, William H. Our,- - Nllia B. Arehor, ' Tdward T. /fat, ' Ilmonal I. Ottriallas, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner U. Nubs, , John G. Brenner, P. B. Mahler, Easton. . DANINL L. MILIAIf, Presidost. MIMI 11. OTOllid, TIN Preen. ' Jong W. 11,01140R.8eorstary: • . . anal OWARD FIRE AND - MARINE 114. HIRSTOIE CIOMPANT-061** Ns. 414 WALNUT treat, Phifitdelphia. The following statement of the afbian of the company la published In eonfonolky with provision of it• charter rantunnit /4011VID rape[ AVilirtr 1, 1811, TO Ammar 81, 1867: .• 838,728 81 ' 1117.193 a 4 ' 424 99 Total amount mendonts taken. 5858,37 48 Mrs prazolumi.. _ 11-uine magmas Porpepud premiums Earned fire premiums :5,072 96 Named Marine prendruns 155,096 01)-190,079 56 Dedutt rettua preadame Ih 67prla t s•Igaimpshi. 1 6 , 76 .rlps!es 8 ,0 11 pH 416 80 Salvage . le--‘ eoTog...- also fir • s latirrostro. ~ • 7 . _ I ca ved. Amu t.,97Y ai —4,08 s wvitui 10 Espana.' far sonnalasions - to agents, abatentants L Ilan of salaries, oaka rent, fitnnall neat, tanks, !Ur Profit sad loss - Net prolit.o• A.::... aaaat Cult es hand....... ,515 20 211 Li reasisable 119,901 02 Bondi sadmortgageilss,ooo 00 ilitodn. 202,100 00 Steak notim 1.42,1210 et Due by agents Alip4 ' . • ollureo i.. 90,212 93 -7--:---- Mk" bill , 212.92023. 2.11. tali , Val. F. Useb s • O. 111. Biota. -H. T. ICaull, Madam 2, H. H. Hoostow, Wm. H. Woods; • • - ' ' AO. 2. mum* HeoCren, , Abyabasa r, 204 ;. ar,2lwamoy4 W. Hibtaidt_ C. G. : Chsrits 1. Kerbs, John W. Bei* . aouill: lovitro, Herman Hitpt, • Jimar). BZ a - ris Haiku' H. Pott s __ L H. bb,H - " kiMOIVAL.M. ?OTIS, Yresidest. O. 2. Ilimioui, Itleo Prealdeat. ~ ... W. H. Weevil, tkorstary.. eel ' R. T. LiWelz.: froismen, yam Ur/sulk:M. USING GARBillf natiamel cox . _ ?ANY. CAPITAL $129,000, PAID IN WIN, AkDIUEVOLiLL INVESTED, 0.11/03, N. W. CORNER:OP SIXTH AND WOOD BTS. SPRING GARDENS. CLIARL I IR PREPETUAL. - LOSERS PROMPTLY PAID. DIRROTORS. Jahn S. Damara, Henry. M. PSG, David Woeippar, Lewis Skinaaat Benjamin DavD, • John Wain, - John Wiwi, Jr Charism PRIM, Mary M. Pork ' William R. Woo Jima Darnall, John D. Bteranwq, 3'60 H. Mintssay Corwin Stoddard, Nang Hamar, T. D. Tillinghast, • - Game R. Childs. JOHN IL DONNUT, Prasident. L. ILIALINIIPLUR, fidlaroary. rapt 21-47 NEPTUNE INSURANOE COMPANY.- 1 0791014 414 WALNUT St., Push ItaiMingo. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO, WITH PRITILIGS sb INOSIMIE TO 600,000. This Company Is now rally orsanhod, and prepared to make ell kinds of Insatetkee molest lots or dump by , Piro and Marine Perils, at torrent rides, OMODDS. H. 0. liALIOILLIN, President. RICHARD maim ine• Proddwat. 0010. SCOTT Sanitary DYBYi OEB. II 0. Laughlin, 6ilofP Muter, D. Sherwood, W. 0. [Doteehorp, H. llerWo, DichW4L Osborne erdSlae 01. lis, 0.0. Dollar, T. H. Showell, Oto. Scott. [aol9-y reQUAKER CITY INSURANCE )XPANY, OSlca No. 40S (late 29) WALNUT St. Capital and Surplus, ib980,000. This Company oontlnues to nuke Insaranes ajalnst loss or damage by Tire and tie Perlle of the See, lelaod Navigation and Truumortstion at current Mal. MICAS. Prtaident—ONO. H. HART The Pritsidtat—S. P. ROSS. Secretary and Treasursr—H. B. COGGSHALL. Assistast Secretary—S. H. BUTLER. XOTOILS. George G. Hut, X. W. Dailey, X. P. Doss, Charles G. Inlay, A. 0. Oattell, Wm. D. Leiria, Jr., Zoos& Edwards, J. L. Pomeroy, Joins G. Dale, Andrew X. Obarnbaco, Hon. Henry M. Tollar , . H. H. Coggsball, Poster S. Perkins, Samuel Jones, X. D., Joke H. atambers, A. 2. Oltembreugh. au 84y A XtOTIO FIRE INSITRANCE COMFA .L-s- NT, NNW TONT..—Office, No 29 Wall street, ad joining the Mockanica , Bank --Ceuh capita, =l,f am, with a eurplua. This Company In Buildings, Meg chandise, Purniture, Yawls in port and their Cargoes, and other property, against Loss or Damage by Ars and the Blabs dilatant Nariotlon. • - DMICTOBIL Henry Grime% lodise L. Pops, •• Caleb Barstow Huila B. Grimm, Henry 0. Breintr, Henry Dads, Mound Tedold; C. H. Liken *al Hanson H. Corning', Theo. Polhemus, Jr. Ogden Haggerty, Jlllaha N. Morgan, Thomas Mousgair, Atm. B. Yes Nest, John H. Berle, William A. Cary, Albert Ward, Thomas B. Nelson, Charles Button, James W. Phillips, Louie Lona, Charles A. Macy, Tumid G. Glidden, Edward Blacken, Slept. Cambreleng, Wis. B. theperd, Thomas &artt, Charles L. Trost, John Wart, Lotbrop L. Sturgis, Henry K. Bop" William H. 3' oadloict Peter Mee, Many Thayer, Benjamin W Yuba, Geo. Winfield, A. H. Protblustuus. Salmon Taylor, Thee. T. Tamp, Henry N. Blowout. Goma L. Mitchell, , ALBSBT WABM, Wedded. Bra, A. CIAZI.I7C, liklaritAll. a 10-1 y - MANUFACTURERS' IN BURA NV E ALA COMPANY.—Chatter Perpetual. Granted by the State or Pennsylnnia. Capital, $600,000• Ilre, Marine, and Inland Transportation. D11110f0.15. Aaron S. Lippincott, Charles Mae, Wm. A. Rhodes, Alfred Weak', Charles J. yield, James P. Smyth, Wia. B. Thomas, J. 111xuado Sank, Wet Neal, John P. Simons, LARDS O. LIPPINCOTT, President. WK A. MOM, The President. AIM= WSKILS, Secretary. ~. J. W. DAUM, Sane . This Company was with. a sash 'vital, end the Directors hay. determined to adapt the hotness to Its available rearratoes—to observe wadmoe in conduct ing Its affairs, with a prom t adjustment of loan. Ones .41, No. 10 literchaate , , Philadelphia. srll MHO MEROANTLLE KIITUAL DAMON OOMPANT OP PIIILADDLPHIA.—Otioe No. 9SEI WALNUT Street, oppoalte the Duthie" MA BIND MRS on Velum's Uargoes, _sad Pre hta. IN LAND TILANEWONTATION luau, per IWlroada t Canals, Boats, And other earciages. ALL TUN PItOTITS divided annually among the As• mod ample leonritt In mow of /ow D11.1141/01,11. Thomas T. Zutsher, 2=i.11. /Uhlman*, 'assitt, Thomas 8. Foster, Gustavus James H. Stroup, Alfred Wade, A. G. Cattail, Chula H. Cants!Es, Samuel Robinson, John 0. Roam, John P. Steiner, (*mho, Wm. J 0/Ifrar, Jreatetrore SIGS MIIBB, Prasidant. MITT, Pla President. &W. , 2.lvrard Rands Milts, John M. Odenhahner, Mahlon Williamson, llamtul J. Sharpless Luse Teazles, Henry Prune, Pdvard G. James, William L. Springs, Franklin 0. Jones, Dania Maddock, Jr., William Taylor ' James Murphy, Wm. P. Smith, A. J. Antelo, Samuel PDWAPG/ HA ALSIUSD F JO/01 0. 11/YEZ, Peon CHARTER OA3r. FIRE AND liiiiitlNE INSWIANDD COMPANY or HARTFORD, COD2I. Oak 0404 5800,000. Lorna in DlMAS,labla sad elolalty adjusted at tht TAilowtelphiss Offieo. By leave we toter to t L it D. S. Brew* & Co., Phila. Hon. Joel Jones, Phila. Chew, Stoat & Co., " Hon. Hobe Choate, &elms Hacker, Loa & Co., ,1 Hon. T.. 8. Williams; Hart , e We hare facilities fort soy amount of Insu rance In the moat reliable ompanles. PHILADELPHIA GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 428 (ekl No. HO CHESTNUT ST. THOMPSON & ROOD, eats. Lumbtr. LUMBER I LUMBER I t—The who has for several years accepted the presehee at g*an'sPhmtngMUl, Kensington has removed to COATES BTRIAT MUM, adjoining the Phenix Planing Mill, ON Delayers avenue, where he *tondo keeping a large sasortment of Carolina and other floor ing Nerds, stem risen shelving, calling, fencing and snalfold boards, thorong' , hly reasoned and well worked. For sale at the lowest cult prices. Purchasers are in vited to call and examine for themselves, and every ef fort will be rude *give satisfaction. Orders received sent supplied at the shortest notice for air kinds and sixes of Southern yellow Pins, Timber and Bustling. anl-11 B. B. RIM/re, flailroatt c,ince. ORANGE OF HOURS.—F RILA DE L. PIIIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTMORII RAIL ROAD. On and after Monday, Nov. 23d, 1851, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA For Baltimore at 8 A. M.,1 P. M., (Express,) and 11 P. M. For Wilmington at 8 A. M.,1, 3.30 and 11 P. M. Per New Castle at 8 A. M., 1 and 8.30 P. K. For Middletown at 8 A. M. and 1 P. M. For Dover at 8 A. M. and 1 P. Di. Par Seaford at BA. M., and 1 P M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8.40, Express, 11 A. Id and 6.26 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 1.26 and 11.48 A. Si., and 9.88 and 9.65 P. M. Leave New Gaspe at 1326 and. 11.48 A. ns. and CO P.M. Leave Middletown at 10.10 A. M. and 1.06 P. M. Leave Dover at D. 06 A. M. and 6 P. M. Leave Seaford at TEO A. M. and 2 P. M. TRAMS YOB BLLTIMORD „,„ Lei " t i rd ng t " at 9.16 A. Id., 2 P.M. and 1216 A. M. SUNDAYS only at 11 P. Si. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. do. do. 6.25 P. M. hem Baltimore to Philadelphia. Freight Train, with Peeienaer Car o#oo/10d, WM ran as follows : Leave Phlladeltalo for Porryrttla Gad Intamodlato plums at 8.00 P. M. Leave Wllmlnyton for do. do. 030 P. M. Dave Baltimore for Marro-Mperaos at 0 P. M. no 21- 1 y S. M. FELTON, Prealdant. COTTON -2® bales good Middling to dling Ur Colton In store mil bar lb sag by 111014.1bTlEk /1 1 , /kat Water Olrtet. 110.13NN A.D, EC TLVANLii. CI N T SAL SAIL JL - ZO 18S7.YOU PIT 739171011, 4111117. aselanstl, N. Los% Aran ohr, Los Willie Nov %Way 01- Pia, Tem lisausp ftaq oilt Waage, ~. Marsh* _ taim m. , . Aramisit cim eimmetiat . s liAt at gr. Gnat Wm- Ira Railmuts.' - ' • .- AIWAIL AND DBMITIIIIII Or Tait lenges At see from the PalMPhillii• • Nitta& seetheree eatmerAWOOMAIM I W MST duel, (entiesea MrdiaSWeeLy tams rammetrina Armi zmil-uar AND — IMMIX Otrailk' Mai I Trois. et 411 Ct. Net Len anairo.N. =au ....... ..... env& Use Isms tar ritadiagitilq).• 413441=1P l Pft fLOOMMO)at 4 P.M. - Azarrs not prnsatriatt Asp warm Ka ends . ..... Put Liw ............ .. //ammo ... CAUbla .4titelbla S. Kiiiiiiie;;liiiiiiiii;eo - 41 30 P. arL. - - - ... • Now Laorsootar , Ar o ooresedaStaiy. ... ) .10.11 , A.3E. The illjeem Ma il irrl! 9 36 7. t ono tram, loo *cs 1 be mend si 13* Tararrie Dwelt by gr. Itistere ....... t say lift* Mien Oa day. 3kr eborpr or Norrol.-10 "wow . gloo7 lilt Oronioir elu boid tkomoalroo roooodhlo for 34roottal 3ogisioicooly, moll, kr ito =mat root sz000llog11411: e -. Aorimr.-pealt.re. mill bo 1* tootiocoo al tie Mew York Depot to eon possoostro hp -tkolloot to Um P000splrooloUAW: . IMMO 11110041,16, Partrogor Lbw Przoffidowo ftlll7. Philseolphis, Marimba ML, 1 3 3 T. . -313/41/ .11,719 67 6148,669 OD rpo WESTMir J. STUNG AND ANKNNlAsauwasenew- ' NOBTRRAN CZRT AL -N47LWAT. - TWO DAILY TRAM! IrietAlig•TO pirrAman AND t - is • PIM 01. tied *Du Jur let, Mk_ StI,U,WITtAWD wilt him advert Ditties' De }iteoughl9o,l4 ere sod liOldh lierthweeterse 11111 KOH 1 AN81[tII..3E1tZf =- Losses Daltiesorti:delimihseu r . ffl ougL lF Lao 4-0-u with thielbil Tod:item ocAopirAwriotookskj% - - NBA AMBNOott . I NtEN/413 - LatT•o Beittlonie tally Otatitity surport) ft b AIL far , _-- 11 . ,t i ,b ait *Kiri WITITOTITTWATT ""•-• /4111103101111T0 T i Mat itratgalbser srobrllititbumb. IPit brlthinstlittliera, . • .111 t; , switicsil•Nr4f4horibmi Vailit u ra w eligt - NrArigarArgi Wlll6llTieeaeatlas..• 83- Irbseilo Wi ler Mop irk ROV gr., tows City lassekee, Peie sot, est treatisiollettireinti k • N on& hwedsed mats weed awl seallewe VOL fear /s%t i t .,,,e,,ta tutue sesies by Nibrapts.- for Mushy* sod p, try Ws' mak, ant Noitsut - beiserl.l3 - 20112. Arrest taw trytNr *Dow = ram' Yaw/bort fa IL look Nam mate; clocer latt4Pottermit vagOva Isar at srrtimp .. .±- rr,s M mirsaitniter nide; to Der, Iszeirtills, sedan.* u say other route. Nolen *tamp CIIMIONt 2111001411.1116 itsdleistritri tam 71011 Wilt * ) .1k111- • The Lillwaxeds whitlow. gums over the Duiphist nut Air litedsi e Notilmidigi, Dago; 140,kti r hair r 24 -ist =el Ow seestawild usivarrowil leads ant ltorrient 1101 , Tait. AIIIMMOINIAIgi tied this the shortest the i f mod elvelititied rade to 41s sat .„ Tavrest “ , w era boa _ MaktialikTbi ludas, 'Ai laricestor' 'be 01 410 liettit'at bide Utssere ouometheeK metaidd u Tele= s= im bit elbsi kid" sal ot Orrylse wsiLEosg w.i u gtiter.. - , - peueueve tar lsooer,Kassbeseer, mittstee, OarlietsO s, W k etLDS h T. IC ,lIIIMIN Nlll3l HANDAL She Oars CO tide Wed radio ewe trio per der,...~. las with the torte at it P. W. ler THROUGH TIOILETB end ratur ta/twasittish at the Tide* Otto., abut Stettssi, 765.usser of Osbrietrot Ntiatto slestir. - getds-W O. 0. MOW, • 19,314 $1 'Sj?"l2 ANNSTIMANIA: RAILROAD.-41111 Mawr mama Wow; sammumt M*44- liatte ddlis with Velars, Iterak-wedielopd! legra— western Mato, by • eattbsomot 'twig Amid- nit Wad also asnuado -at Made,* silk dolkyldo dr Ammo tit 014 pads Ad, UM WNW% irdatfri, MI6 it cllsrabs4 Essawbr *eh ), ► stassimarms , tiodArsdant Idue• do mot mum? ant imaAkla ear b• forwarded ter and. tram do Mitt, = HAM VIM= NEMADX6I9II/1. *ND rAin- HEM _ _ 'Mar: Clusii-ikata, Ifium, Edo, mil Claw. Bags, Sap flocriaqta laws - • • '- • pafaiand banks), Drags: 0 1 /wag Nal bales) Nathan, Purr ba t in Ilk. per IN • , Oa BROM CLA.“--Damartia g • wet ariptral balsa) Dray a 1) airtgri" Luther, (ia rails ar bo , xer), W Man tad !A CU sap Mt( Isabrark te.4“.-.llle. got 1011 b ra-ArrAla i Chiba, - • - Oa tuts), Hemp, waft la& Xark, Wird, (low ar r a sagars), l 102,4 Ctaleat( 6 1 ,09 SChteatilre tn., ke pek Mk ifornm faest--Colkee, Down, Barr, and reek, (is arks orbitals - sestward), Lard aadLaniolllll4s, - SAO" earsaueir, tar,Titely - - Eosin • 661. par MO DP horra- , Tlia, par DU, van to asttero. Carrol-$2 per balg, met alaaattap !•00 ibr. vaight, anal tarttart math*. In Alp:re tem say point Med or Moil phis. be to bur i e:elis l'asaseleents Itniir " All G ood. en Oa A gen t e a( Wm aced, of Plittedelphin, , via be Annneiled ietelkeet &teatime. ' thalasir Wweibbgle. Team.; B. P. au k Oo & lintsorrilio, Indiana_ ; Deasedidl; Bail a _ Co, sdram,od Caner & Jewett Motleettle, Nr.; 11. - si• Nedleon, Ind.; W. Brown & O s., lad lewiel & Co., ; N. W. arsbain & 00., leasseille„ Ohio; Leech & 00, No. 84 Kilbyetreet, BeotoB_ ; Lew. b & Co - , No. 9 Astor Boom, New YeekNo. Willies at. sad No. 8 Battery Plus, New York. N. P. weeder. Philadelphia ; & loom, Wflahower; W - A litevazt, Plitebargle. H. It ROVIIION, erseral Pelatiti orr et. If; J. ibpsrlotendene, Angora, Iht.. :W YORE LIKES.- P. GARDEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PRILADDLPRILL AND TRENTON RAILROAD OOKFANT4I Urn 'BON PNCLADRLEILLA TO NNW TONS, AID WA Leave adi fellows, via /Asa. it IA. D. teem Dsmingtoo Depot, ele. 7etery City, MI .1111 At L. St. via Camden and Jersey pith NOV Jer sey Atozearaodation.. it d A. K., via Cluodat sad Amboy, Aocepaseeeeta ties„,„ At T A. AL, via Omits and Javey City, Iltoestag At /0 A. It., by ateeenboet TeeLtan, via Taeoley P. Jersey City, Mondag At 2 P. K.orta and = 5 , 1 0. and A. ILL. via Camden and Jenny Opp, Btenin At if P. Y., via Camden and Amboy, Aoesuninoda: tion,lst Miss. At 8 P. H., via Camden and Amboy, Beemomodr. lion, and Want. At 6 P. H., via Camden and Amboy, Acaoconoda- Gan, let Clem At 6 P.M.via GUAM nod Amboy, Ateasuacia.: ton, 2nd Clan. The 6 P. H. line rasa daily, all ethers Builitiin se tei gi d Lim stop at the N.l stations only. Por Belvidere, ltestam, P' Ike., e at aA. and 9X , m., from Waned 'hart Nor Vitas Ga litroadebars, loranton, Wilkesbare Xantrom, , &a_ ,at 6 A. WL., Illiana Laskairanoa at W1.4t.112 NoUronit.- Nor TresSold, et a /I.ld. sad 3 Y. Nor Mount Hay at TA: 313 2.. saditM, alai IP. Tor Bristol, 1444 tan As. s ia l4l mad 4 PAL mktx for Psalms Buteoess, Beiretty, bultigbas. Sodas town ice., at 3 P. N. Steamboat P.ICHAED STCKIKTON tar Soedmatosna and Miamian's* places at Lit P St Steamboat TRAK It4i tor, Tammy at 10 sad riN A. 11. pm/ 4 P.M. 11. wh ALI Ilan, aunt I A. W., ban Winn inn arf. E:7- Mir pound+ of baggage only allowed each leo gauger. Pane/igen are prohibited trace tibiae lop thin as bean* but their wirarior apperet. Antslig pire ono' fifty - pm& to be paid for Via. The Ocia pea, Wait their respousiblitil far beim* to ono denim per unn, tot be liable for guy amount bib pond $lOO, except by epeatal contract. WY. °Amu, Apo as O. tc D. X. cog PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOIVIIN AND NORRIS TO WA BAlLDOLD.—iftiffalt LitilitielibllNT.—On and after MONDAY, October lees, 1197. lOR ORRUANTOWN. Lawn Phlladalphls at 6, Tx, ax. 9X, 11,g A. M., 2, 3-10 mat. 4, a, 6,7, 9, sad 11 P. X. i••••• Darmaataara at 4%, 7-36 via. 8, 9,1931 1-10, 3-10 min. 4,6, 8, 7,8, and 18P. IL iD - The Lab +Polack A. lt. Trataaramt earalastotra will atop 'alp at Wane Street fitatiaa. OR SIINDA.7B, _ Liam. Plttladetphla at 9.2 1 ads. X., 46 9 IX P. M. Lean Otrassalloara 9.2 6 attn. IL. t-15 'gala. w 3,1 3.43 ago P.M. • DT= MIL RAILRO Le" , Ph M i/M* l OU " U. / I X. A- XI *. 4 sad 9 P. M. Leave Chestnut Bill at Taf,B4oaallo-10 1240, 840, 6-40 and I-49 noda. P. M. ON 81114DAY8. Lean Philadelphia, 9-20 A. M., 2 mad P. M. LIMY* Chestnut Bill at 8 A. M. 1240 and 6-20 P. M. 103 MANAPUIIK, CONBIIOIIOCHEN AND NONNI& Lem Philadelphia ►t 0, 11 A. M., 3,4 x, 3%, and 1.1 P. K. DWG Norrtatown it 7, 0,11 A. 31., 3 and 3.40 P. M. ON BIINDAYS, . _ . Leave PhiladelphirWt P. M. Leave Nonistawn at 7A. M ardli P. Y. 01338rn 1411 BY R 4,174 0 ,49 AIR DORMS@ TOWA. plata rta/4471ga M., ma BP. yr: Lon .. .yr at I. azalll.. N. - - H. IL. 8 TIE, 13aper12tabdturt. Depot, Ninth and @teen stmts. Phllidelphla. IQMNieI;!I'V444T4 I ;.e , ENTITLEREAt, EASTON, FOS ALLENTOWN. at ALTO CHUNK, wuzsanskeis, oorLisTOWN, act. On and after Wednesday, November eth, UST, the trains on this road will luxe Philadalphia tally (Bun :flexcepted) an f °low.: Bethlehem, Paurtaa, Allsatowa Manch Chunk, and eabane (Ewen) at 9 A. K. Yorlindltlehein, Allentown, and Mauch Chunk, (U -nrea) In connection with L. T. B. B. and Easton, tw MaAr., from Iran Will Station at 215 P. Yoe Doylestown, (Accounnidation,) at 4.30 P. M. Yor Gwynedd. do. at 10 A. On Tuesday, sad Pridaya tho 10 A. K. train will row through to Doylestown, leaving Doylestown to return. at Lae P. It. . . - ' siunris rot PIIILADNLPHIA. Law Nathan* (ElPreaad At 9 A.M., sad 2.26 P.M, Leers Oviedolnl, (Acctumiodatlet,) at tat A. M. Lear' Gwynedd, OR to. at 2.20 P. M. SUNDAY& Pot{Prom Gwynedd • .....9.15 A.M. Gwynedd 2.20P.11: Doylestown 430 P. hi. D0y1e5t0wn......6.35 A.M. Pars to Bethlehem SI 50 .. Manch Ohne( 240 I , Wllkesbarre 456 PASSENGER DEPGP, IBONT and WILLOW to, Mu ELLIS GLARE, Agent. SALAMANDIS WEL, A Imp uscatment of MRS* WAISONII PRIZADSLPHrA MANORAOTRR,RD geklaigußDßai RAWS .9D,ppg 9AITIS Moral. BARN LOUR Ng nolo sod to any noir to goo. IRON DOVre, On sr good t 0 soy othor omouigkikus IBS in" gt6i ag a7 WAIISOR, 1/0. le Sauk 701110_,:m_ WWI OM LS A 4U/14 4".`"Wtp At It CI IL .4 SOD pOltr Are proof Balm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers