The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, December 02, 1857, Image 4
MoirnW - tti Fr , Oil : riiii*,7lll4.l; .„ , ,- - -, ANPUDOTE - ' , OFpA 6- LOUISIANA 3 , 0 31 lindP-0:-71'eneenthr"J'eaFe. th e circuit judge im Omen of Louisiana known as AttahnpaCcorinty,, , wai eel elirated "'rig; and was greatly, beloyind.bYjda imbilab.ors and sterni3uprightkand . the death', 'of the geed olclimattP which Occurred , soine• years age, was universally; Ott*throughout the • , Aut'veltluall his-book lore and legal , attain inerikhe ' r wiii 33 preliapi, 3 , the greenest' man •at canda,filliiri entire circuit; Itliar . been said that,ho,did_not 'Mow the ''"Jack lot Truntra"'. lithe village of Otiebtilieeei asHiree litdlvtdealtiSt•MeiallOg round:a tilt' ,e in tine:.of those deggeries,<,with teble 'elt4thed;' 4 *liich - are 'so common In -the creole -parlabiiti;idayhtiti - sinallgariaelif three handedwilier, .-.whenn ,qiiiir,rel'eitined, which resulted in un aggravated case of, assault, and battery'. This did - hot ielidliktiffair,,for , at the neit terMerthes , ektyitttlieliead of the, docket stood "The : State of Lonisisinivi.John 'Allen, for and hattery,,whit 3 intent to kill, On•thijibdy,et, -'The trial came on,and: tho.sonlY, Witness to the affray Wean' , Capnin Johnsou,whe was the third band in the game. jebrison7wiisAhe skipper of one of those crafts which transport sugar frowthat - seetiOnriettbe country, to New 'Orleans, 'Mad ivas•' a - irillf•Copfident, go-ate , fellow, and:wa:sas andaintO, before the and jury as he would- have been before , the crew of his own little craft A f 3, terbeing sworn Was directed le' tellAliel end, end everything he-ktiew _clearing his throat, he commenced by, statie. thatbaM and Griggs; arid Jolla,Allen" were' ousts Bonnet's ; groberyithelnicorid, the - election,. when Allem proposed-tbai 3, theyi "'should hav e a small game of-poherinlitigreed , to it; MA:We Went up stairs downin the. • gamei , did -not know thatjbere was any harsh! feelingibetWeen Cifiggifitind Ailon,;orl wouldn't- a played;:tilithiaid,afteriviirdit—'' 7 , 3 - Here the witness. -was: intemiPtedAY ',the; court; whorliretted 3 binito keep' -hearsayr .to hi ni nelf and.con4e biniself .striotV tO., the „fads tb#.difie.‘ , witnewrisoritinuedeltrell, eat dOirp to the talde2:4lriggiCriot'there;'Jolin',3Allen 3 here, and'i the,frattnalting it:diagram -of 'the clerk's tabledn- order :tit eboidate the position of-the parties.) obwAllo4sealt the cards, I went ;blintif.iind, John Allan wouldn't see ',Miro". The- jridge,'viho Wass 'a little deafi,istati iri the'habit'ofmakint - of his hand ter Ilie - puipinie of•sluripaning his lfearing, and , throwing bia.ltead it - forward . and side -• ivays; interrupted' theivitimes•by:askin*--him, •cwhat was the reason-that:TOW/ Allen didn't • see Griggs???. . r—:•.- " The witness replied, tg,l-don't kno*,•lirit he wouldn't-look at him." • . I:f.linceed,",',iiays the judge-, =,, •Jr Well, r saw thli and he saw , And just at '''• • ' ct Btop, ili,'"'sayri the judge, throwing • self WM, &hearing attitude, 44 did I understand you to say lhatyou 'went:l/ind•? - • ' Ai Yes, sir?; :I ! wept; blind, and Griggs he was blind, and ANA wouldn't see, but I saw Griggigrandthen be saii—ls e - 3 • tiWitticas,"!",exelaimett the '•judge;• striking the bench }Pith his elenched hat, , e do I' hear_ yew a r ight, _sir •-; Do- you say that you went ' blind, pud'thenYriii ' • ; ' ' •'‘‘ Yee; air;'" refilled the .witnesti,:-."X, Griggspuid - Griggesawandjast at that—". • 4 ' Stop, - ; jedge:,'. Cierki ' fine the witilask thty'ilolltire4or, - eentenipt, - _. of - court, and-direct the ifterietiltaker.:hlm to jail, and there' to keep him Witt' he receives further. orders - frelli." the: 'conit.';',::,Call.•Wi the '., next cinie, Mr. Olerk,'! Captain Johnson wasdumbfoiinded, and-did notawake to the reality of hiscondition until ',.•,,ilie - sheritt laid ble„hande otihinr-rritien be ex claimed: it Gota mighty, Mr, Judge, what have; that I pan* go tolail l". Tha,, - ,ludge;Whi - waa purple, With not deign to-reply , to poor Johnson, bat reite rated' the Order With'increaied vehemence; and ' the junior Memberint-tho, tar; whq had been anticipating - the -3,11. x: Ibid. the .; captain -Would eventually be placed ip, were convulsed - -with , laughter, which . old jiidge the s bighest,Piteliji The :.-proseinting attorney • - endeavored••to *enlighten the. judge, • and•eventualltsucceedeit,hutrief wail ho bad , produced a pack ; of carde,itild -,after 'dealing out three hands, made the blind art - Aim: as day to the' judge. • • ' "-'' • ' - The Ene , and iinPrisoninent r Were - remitted, order-Was minuted in the court, snit O'iptain J o hnson Wilt/ AUOWO te proceed with '% The Lally' Owner 'el is,'"Vireintsin - Plumage's'. find-friends; neighbors hospitable, even, respectibl--an - ancient. name, e . estate and a , comfortable: heme, Supplied with all 'the naesarleg and many of-the,' lanrievot life, and ntroOp of scrvantS, ble4risildte;:eagek.ledo - pior bidding; „geed' health,' affectionate children, and,:let us humbly add, a good-.cook,alfar, and libraiy--;-Ought-not a person in the posses sion of all thesebeneflts to` ba - ecniaidered - irery, decently happy t • Madame.Esmond- Warring= ton possessed• - tdi thele -.nausea for happ . l-1 nese; sbkrehaiinded herselrof 'them_ daily in ~her morning and evening ,:praYers. , Shb„ was scrupulous irr-her devotions, -good`-to the • - poer=nevezr knowingly didilinybody a:wrong.: -Yonder Ilatier her enthroned !siker princi pality of Castlewixid, the country gentlefolks - paying her court; the 80IIH dutiful ,to her, the '"doniestita "turciblirig over ; each' - other's black .teals to do her bidding, the poor -whites grate . - 'fnl fbr-her bounty,"and • implicitly; taking her • doads when they • were ill,.tho smaller gentry alivapfaerfniescitikin her remarks, and for: ever- letting. her -win-at backgammon—well, • with nittliese:bouitts, whieh' are 'Mere, 'sure, 'than fate allots - to roost' mortals; I don't think the little" - .Princess Pocahontas, -as .she was called, vaslo be envied in the' midst of her dominions. : .` - The ", • princea's huebad, Whowat cut off in parlyfife,- was ,as well, perhaps, out-of the web', 11Mi.he survived his marriage by many years; they have 'qiunielled.flercely, or he would have Veen a henpecked husband, , of which sort there were - a few.speci -mens still extant istrindred years ago. ' The' truth' is; little' Madam Esmond never came near man orwoman but. she tried to_ilomineer ()Cos' theni. If people obeyed, she was their Very goad friend; if they restated, she fought, and fougb‘unill she or they give in. We, aro all shines*); that skfiet, vre-acknow -public every 'Sunday no one; an , M nounced it a more'clear, , resolute voice than :e Htlle lady . ; ; a nforfal,-she may have been 'in the • wrong, Of nourse only she very' seldom ac knowledged the circumstance to herself, 'and to others never., Her fatlier, his old age, .rizedto vietab her f,reaks of despotism, b aught inessi and ;stubbornness; and. amuse himself -with them.- She 'felt that his eye was upon her; Ida bnisor;ef - whieh iMalityshe possessed little herself, subdued, atidllewildered her., '-'l3ut - , the colonel - gone, - .there was mibody , elso "'"whom she was disposeilto obey - ---and so I am rather glakfor .my part, that Idid,bot live a hundred years ago at.fdastiewoOd; in West , .-morelaild- county, in Virginia. I - fancy One -• 5- Would have ziot - b,e9n,. too" happy there. Hap: ' 'is happy? 'Wallet there 'a serpent -.,-;in - Paradifie itself, and: if Eve bad been perfect befor,ehandiwould she have listened 7'l toriiini4...."Thei!l'irginides;_by IV. N. MOSS - VrittIVESE CSIIIEr ; " Voir The Neal• ' 4 ' :1; ,t %pall very generallY ,sisserted, and partie nlaili• in Li 4. enent of the . - Brfenfifir . .dmeriesh,Jliat. :it is impossible, to , procure crystalized sugar from the juice Of the sorglm or, Chinese : sugar :pane. : Indeed, paper tiothr sale assert, en the authority of an emhient sugar refiner in New, York; ct that dry, fidget , cannot under any circumstances be oh: ' twined from the Chinese sugar cane.' , The of snob authority, might be questioned for very obvious reasons." I believe:OA those experiments in which' 'Mere re:stilted were mulertaketi Withoufthe e knolledge,Aliat whenever there is present evert a sraSitqUardity of ergs* - acid. in the syniid, it will riot' crystalize, ,It is not unlike; that, as in the case of the ordinary agar' ' Cane, such acids exist already''-in the juice -.if Aet sorglin„ - I 'do not knew it sae fait, how ,ever,,and hive', at present, m Mpans of wiser it Is certain, that, acidity id gen erated by Anciplent _decomposition the ,juice,,however short ,a period Might intervene tietWeen ; - its expression -and. boiling. p ro _ - w quentlY - inetocis ,fermentation begins In Jess `thart , 2o minutes in the expressed juice of the West Indian sugar cane. TheneeesSity is then to neutralize or remove this 'aoldity, without :affecting injurlonslr the, migar.ln the pianist-tenser, the West Indies, a small quantity of lime is flaw time' in time td CM - hailing ;Nice for thlepurposa, and Wlieh the belied liquor is tabs poured out to cool and crystalize t , theismface of -the Vessel contain it' bleats° slightly sprinkled with the areu:.informeci And, respectable ,men told %I:l2.f rie cal u i days fie ; hiut v ittaceded. in , : , .1 0 5141 - n i t i g , sitgar in this Siy:ftein the serglie; ; although- the' ther cirmunstam ea a t, - .ltindlogitwProductienwere unfavorablet I,,tf , the - of- of the, 'syrup or JOIKOr. thnpient; 'tints preierreC because thu taniOng e compounds are Insoluble, and he., logiainirseparated;de not effect the qualtkf, :Atha, 4imild' , - - 10rnpreeticable to -"eg to iuky other available .-- •'.,/ withliccess of air, has also the effect ifyrflOncrystallzablei 'The improved moStitticbt 'of ,sugar-making shciuld be studied when the success is required. ": -Repast,' :', -- --t:TrteerrifirrOirrVirery pretty yotint ~Nte.,,e)##,*at:to;•46. ' •poitoffide., With a letter, direction ; anti eal4to!thit:pontinnater— P - ''' 4 fSeti4 that to; ray r aweetbeart?" The poet-'- ' -,; *liiister'inen s it;•feelted at it, tuntintd—if Whet _ - is his name, and where does he live t The girl replied, itAh t that is the my thing I don't Tfaqt nlv one t 9 Loi,nes ino altaro: IRISH -AND SCOTCH WHISKEYS • Wholesale and Retail, - • By 11 011 4 . 1,A. it . ; gOVERNMHNT HORS}; edruet Of FRONT and WHARTON Streets, " Opposite the Navy Yard - - Philadelphia finSO-Tm ' ' OHr: N'9:wEgsr,.; ANCHOR G1N...4. 221 pipes, now ILedlag at e Lomber4;etreet wbirf froevori beard 1110 brlg " Pierre Lacoste,;' from Utter .dam, and for mete by tleii tindereignedokole impertore of ; -- ,tfENI2Y IiORLEIk,7 & CO.; - gq;) t ioild. 223 8. Popriliitreet.- • ChM, iiLkroN ed Duo., No. S North FRONT 'at.; int , porter" o f Oognso and Rochelle Bitindlen,ltiolland Qin," gook& and .1411 h Whiskey. Also, sole proprlotot of the, Old Wheat Whiskey,, R. P. it bays on hatelthehugeet and best stock otfine okiNionongshels, Bourbon, and Rio Whiskey of any dealsi IstNeldnited State", slt of which le highly improvtid Immo. 007-3112 BRISDIES.-=-4.c.Piiiet Otstais." , Karett, =AM other 04:maw rariotueln hat pipes Dad quarter oaeb •- Yellevolsin,W~l irandlee, pale and dark, in half plpea,"'half calks, eel name-eighth mks. Imported andlor rale by,' .11.824111' nimis son ' , 221 and 223 Booth... Fourth street. pORT" bond and entitled to de bentiri 84,;?norph,41 , Pnre Isaac , Port Winn, In qrs. and eightbn.' - - • Pan punaheonalohn Bannlay Inlay malt Edotah Whta Open Analiar eln; ' - • - - • Nardi, Martbl, - Doninti laid J. 7 roftly Prandial, al off,"to t 44 tr►de at PrITAS; 88 and DO 13; Front Pt.. below Walnut. ' ..ALEICANDER, V. 40LMESp_WINE AND EITORN, No, 216, Bodtheast Corder. o 4110114:pli and BORlllStroftd, and-Iy' , L LEWIS;Iii PDRTER AND DEALER; ILle IN 'rim &0., 20 F/ATll , Otreet, Philadelphis. B — , & Co., JUI nett & 0/4 and other brands otTognar.a of various vintages, in • half pipes *ad quarter casks Pellevoisin Boohelli Brandies, pact and dark,. in halt pipes, quarter oaks aid one-eighth °asks, all in patina Muse stores, imported an d for sale by -, • • • '- , L • . fl NIL BOHLBA k. 00., as 6" -N06.2111 and 223 South.Bearth street. . - - njTEIMAR & BUTZ, poivrEE 4 ALE ila) - 14.4111i 13XER. BR.RftltYsNo. 520' (nai 1(0.938) North THIRD EltrattAllttdelpltia.--Bhipphig wilimpromptlyittmele4to . '-'-',. -, '' - ';','" lltiqiis,iiiii.; , . '.., .:- URITHIY STATES POST—OFFI C E; -Tuzi CITY OP. PIL(LADELPIIIA., SEALED "PROPOSALS, for , supplying materials and workmanship regniredln the -erection and construction of apost•odice buildinglar_the, Oily of Philadelphia, for the Visited States Postuilice Department, will be re.; Caved at the office of the undersigroul Commissioner for the building, WO- MO South FODSTII Street, on _or before the twelfth day of December, nest': Cook - seta be,_awarded,only to master-builderS and mechanics. , Such Proposal, molt be accompanied by a written guaranteesigned two responsible per sorra, to the erect that L ite t bidder, trill, when required, if his proposal be accepted, enter into a contract and bond with proper and euffioieut see =idles for its faitht ful performance: - Plans and specifications for the building can be eeen 'iii application at the Maio of the Architect, John liftlarthur, No. 10 Mercantile Library Budding, where ovary information respecting materials and work manship will be given. - .The Proposabi roust be seat to the office of the Com missioner, and addressed to John itice, and endorsed "Sroposals for the United States Postoffice at Phila. delphid, , l and will be Opened at noon of the last-named day, for receiving the same. DIOR, _ no! 12,44012 - -,' Commissioner. itlertliant Marro. _IOIIN. P. DOHERTY, . • a" - sonataiLY "WITH SELL* X. ~ L ATH WITH LUISIINB,IIBLIT, & CO., TAILOR,' ' • • 814 CIITSTNTit him EIGHTH', now.with the best Tailors that are engaged in the business in this country. Rout, formerly the leading tailor of this city ; 11, KAYOS, formerly cutter for C. Roth & and late Coat and' Vest tatter with Lukens, Kelly, & Co.; Hanna' Wantistt, the best „Pants and Vesteuttat In the Bated States, for yenta, cutter with Depierris, under the Irving Rouse, Broadway, and with bepierris dr;Pettim,"under the Bt. Nicholas Hotel, 'Broadway. The most unremitting attention . paid to the wishes of .r.O who patronize the establishment. The beet . of Clothe); made. at moderate prices for credit, low prices for cash. ciol3-t! - AME 8 SHE R I-DA N, MERCHANT TAILO_E_.,'Nos. andlB , South NINTH STREET, - . ABOVE CIEINSTNIIT. , 4 • • ' A lama• bad well detected' stook of CLOTHS aid °AMMAN. alwaya on hand. All Clothing Made at Shia - liatablialunent will be of the beat quality, and to the . moat fashionable style. Partlodai attention given to UNMAN °LOTH- ,„,,trionitmotOpit MUSE Be 00. • OP • ELN RA L COMMISSION MERCHANTS, • 4srfptth FRONT'end *4 WATER Otreet,.Philedelphis. , " ' ifc'EATOStriindEiWitwn C O„V , E,P, 'S On' oonni f iliment Wein ihe interior o 4 Pennerilvaliti4 I where ear, new Gleaning Millis now, in general ,11111'r Aim; TOI,OIIIY, AND ; RED TOP : lawny!, on 8/..:BIiONAR COMMISSION r ■:' houdteuma - and Dealeis In foreign and Ame liaan: RARDWANII and OUTLY.RY, Nthi. as, 26 and 27 North Wan Street, But Ada alnree Commerce atreot, Philadelphia. - • inky CHARLES ItTE; COMMISSION MER. CHANT and !importer' dr:HAVANA OEGASH, (Nea) 3218 Walnut ulabet. mond story.. Piano, ,forfc. CIOLD MEDAL PIANO FORTES. • STEINWAY lc , SONS, metarreclimgas, 84 AND 88 werxne STREET, • • • NEW YORE, Recelved.the following iirst prise medals in compett. Non with tho but manufacturers of Boston, New York, ,Philadelphia, and Baltimore. • TWO YINSVPRIZN MEDALS at the Metropolitan Pair, Washington i ldateh,lBss. - • ' A GOLE MEDAL' at the Crystal Palace, New York, November, 18515, , (being the only Gold Medal given for Plano 'ratan the bet six years.) - A GOLD MEDAL , at the Maryland Institute, Dalth more, 1860. • - TIM FIRST PRIZE MEDAL at the Pair, Orystal NOW Tcrrk November, 1866. Among the judges were the drat musical talent of the country, such as Al. Mason. Oottachalk, Wollenhaupt, and many others. S 'St. ik S. Pianos (with and without iron frames) are wareanted - for three years, and a written guarantee .given, Pianos packed 1.4 shipped shipped wvalout charge. Prices moderate. • 0c27-tf A LBERT WEBER; PIA NO FORTE A 111ANCYAOYCREA, No. 155 West Broadway, New York, sole manufacturer of the celebrated Concert Piano. The embaeribor would inform his numerous friends and customers that he has greatly enlarged his manufacturing department, in ordertomeet the inetease in demand for ids unrivalled Planes, and as every piano, especially tone and touch, is personally nuperintended by the subscriber, thipublia will be warranted an in strument which, for beauty, strength, and durability, power and - sweethees of tone and touch, stande unsur passed. Eng'piano sold at the lowest manufacturers' prices. A call Is respectfully solicited. oc2o-13m Whit:nips at Law: THOMAS P. GOODE ATTORNEY, AT LAW, Boyden's, Meehlenburg County, Va , Attends to profess,lonal business in the Courts ofMoch lehburg, Lunenburg,Eallfax, and Charlotte counties. - - •• - 111176118 TO Bhepleigh & Bus, Philadelphia. Baptist & White, Ben' York. ' Lanier, Bro,, & Smyth, Stone , & Banks, Petersburg, Ta. Adie & (tray, Richmond, Ya. rocfnes& .1.4 E W T S ,S. , WE L L S, ATTORNEY AT TAW, N 0.2 dIIiPSTENNT,NORRTSTOWN, Pa., win attend with punctuality, and to the best of his to all business entntstsd to his ears., eel-3m IQIEMOVAL.—i-CLAY & JONES, ATTOR 'Nye-at-Law. hove removed their LW OFFICE from No.lBlB. Filth St., opposite Independence Square, to No.. 271 801:P111 FIFTH. OTREET, below Prune noti.oodlm irkANE&L ' ' DOUGEOKRTY,‘ ATTORNEY .lur S LAW r gonthetud Cornet Of BIGIITII and Wee Qtr.:K.4a, - &stir RYER' TRO USX, ATTORNEY AT CEN'TlUl'Oxeot, Pottsville, Ps. Eiiping‘,4kAiitte. EWI lIG Itl A.O HINES .—GHOVER, A. 7 BAKER, k C0.. 1 8 UNRIVALLED BEIVINO MA TUlNltliatill retain the oonfidenee of the public, and their popularity inereasos. After years of trial it is de monstrated beyond all question 'that It le the popular MIMI*); and the ouly 0116 uponwhlch any rellanbc can be planate worlc well on all Wade of oboes. The fact that It does oturthird more work in the same time, and does it better ; . that it is the least liable to ' getout of repair, being amide in its construction ; that it makes the least noise, and that it Is aoknowledged'on all hands that ft is beet for • new beghmer, has giventhe pro prietore a demand for it to such en extent that they are. obliged to delay the filling of orders in many cases for months. Over eight hundred are in operation in this city, and the cue hes yet to occur where a person who has purchased one has exchanged it for another kind. - Taking into 'consideration, also, the fact that those who employ from 15 to 49 bands in tholr shops, doing the work for the, manufacturers, without exception, ass this machine in preference to any other kind, and al 'ways - recommend them In preference to others, it would. seem untiocassery for the proprietors to advartise their 'excellence, or sot forth their superiority. - -The undersigned, SOLE ACIENTB for the sale of these , Maehlues, always have a supply, and have made ouch 'arrangements that they sell theta upon terms that will meet the willies of all. - Unlike other Machines sold in this market, it is free from all Infringements of other patents. ' ' BAKER & BROTHER, - , ti021.4f , , - OX2iTRAL encess, LYNX. EWING If A 0 111 NE :—PRA.TI"S N. 7 ., PATENT—PR:IOn PROM $l2l TO_ ai2 s : , ' LOW' COMPANION" is the Most "simple, 'durable,' conaphot,' and cheap machine fpr family use ever offered tethe public, sewing equally well upon all kinds of Windt, and Without puckering the "sloth, leav ing do bad cord on the back side of the work and al waySforrining the thread When etoppodl, They sow from two to twelre hundred stitches per minute, using but one thread,lad Withoutrawindiug. The stitch can ho varied from dye to aft* tO the :Inch. 'Any one can "learn to operate them Bailiff an 'boar. ' Printed direc tions accompany each machine, by which any one can nee them. -We are enabled to offer these superior ma- Ohms at the above four rips, as we are not obliged to pay fifteen or twenty dollars Zeeman for borrOwed pa tent', this machine being made under our own patent. in every part, and infringing upon or using rib other, Thrice are some hundreds :in- eonstant' time he this city; And vicinity, which are giving the beet satilifaction. Army Machine In warianrato give satisfaction. e flagentlemert are Invited to call and examine them and their Work, and Judge for themselves. t /Samples of worls,.and drawings, withdericription, mint 4 , any part of the Omititg . by mail, - Baleeroome 113 WASUMITON Street, Boston; and 677 BII.OA.Dw AY, New. leek. '" oc *, 'eaotnifig. Akil. S REX'S AND, SQYS , OLOTIIINti, 148 Itorilt:1/013411t StreO, bitwees 404 awl ... 1 1 • M ANILLA ROPE.---SIII'tRIOR MA ?ULLA ROPE, manufactured and for sale by WEAV.Rit, PITLIIIIA 00., mil•W PAIL Waits W4 Wlutrm. • .v f• „cj',,crq THE Pit§:4.l l looogloPErtAi WrONgSD:A.Y, toECEM'BER, 2, 1857. Laub' .0aflo: HOMESTEAD FOR $2,001 LAND DIR. TauluTioN GRANO" FOR POOR MEN! The Northwestern Mutual Land Benefit Association will make a grand distribution of $30,000 worth of real estate and mopa In its member's. The number of mel iorate limited to 15,000. $2.00 and five letter stamps `per membership, or a shave. Any Individual sending alO and the stamps, Winn be entitled to Mx shares; or any person sending $lO with elm names with theaddrera 'of each, carefully written,aliall be entitled Midi shared. The following la the real estate to be distributed : No. 1.. - An Improved farm of 80 auras in Cooke Illinois, - slued lit • $3,000 No. 2. An improVed farm of lee oozes in White . No Co., Illinole, valued at 8,000 ‘ No iB . B 3 e . B o tn , l i m i r t ro no v i ed ,, v fr ued of at l6o tiaras In White- 8,000 ' eacellent private residents inDubuque, lowa, valued at 8,000 No.. 5.180 sores superior farm hind In Cooke Co., 2,000 Illinois, valued at No. 0. , 189 pores well pine timbered hi Waupacca - Co., Wisconsin, an at, 2,000 No. 7. A good ot ma Cottage residenoe io Chi cago, Illinois, valued at 2,000 No. 8. 150 acres superior land in Whitealdes Illinois. valued at 1.000 No. 9. ,100 acres good land In Chippewa, Co., Wisconsin, valued at 060 No. 10. 160 acres good land In Chippeway Co., Wisconsin, valued at 960 No. 11. 160, sores good land In Chippewa, Co., Wisconsin, Valued at • • 800 No. 12 160 acres good land la 'Dunn Co., Wie conain valued at ' • - 800 I N 0.12. 80 korea good land in Marshall Co ., lowa / valued at 800 N 0.14. 80 acres good land'in Marshall Co., lowa, Valued 600 No. 15. 80 Wee good land in Marshall Co., lowa, valued at 600 No. 10. 40 mares good land in Marshall Co., lowa, valued at 800 No. 17. 40 scree good land in Linn Co., lowa, val ued at y.i.18. 40 agree good land in Linn Co., lowa, val. - uod It 'No. 19. :40 acres good land In Mimeo., lowa, val ved at No., One building lot in Dubuque, lowa, val ued at - N 0.21.. One building lot In Sterling, Illinois, valued at 800 No. 22. One building lot in Sterling, valued al, 800 No. 23. One building lot in Sterling, 11E1110E, valued at 800 No. 24, . 40 aeres farm land in Grant Co., *Neon- Sin, valued at . 800 No. 26. 40 acres farm land In Grant Co., W Mon ate; valued at SOO No. 26. 40 acres land in Grant Co , Wisoonsm, valued at • 240 N 0.27. 40 harem land in Grant Co., Wisconain, - valued at • 290 - N0.28. 40 acres land in Crawford Co., Wisconsin, Wiled at ' ' •200 N0.'99: 40 wax /and In Crawford Co., Wisconsin, • • valued at • 200 No. 80. 40 sates land In Orawfordoo., Wisconsin, valued at 200 No. Bl. 40 amen land In Monroe Co., Wisconsin, —valued At 200 No. 82. 40 scree land in Monroe Co., Wisconsin, valued, at . 200 88, 40 saes land In Jackson Co., Wisconsin, , valued at 200 No. 40 acres land in Jaakson Co., Wisconsin, valued at ' ' 200 N6.86.' 40 scree land In Bad Axe Do.; Wisconsin, valued at' 160 No. 86: 40 gores land In Bad Axe Co., Wisconsin, valued at 160 No. 37. 40 acres land In Dad Axe Co., Wlscoreda, valued at 180 No. 38: One lot in Fultmi, Illinois, valued at 160 No. 89. One lot In Fulton, Illinois, valued at 100 No. 40. One lot In Fulton, Illinois, valued at 100 The distribution will be conducted fairly and honor ably. The names and address of Atockholdors shall he written on es many small cards as they have shares, and the whole placed In a box, and the first name taken tent shall be entitled to the. Improved farm No. 1 in the above list, and the neat tqken out will be entitled to No. 2, and to on until the 40 items of real estate are all distributed. Then to each of the remaining 14,900 'stockholders will bo Cent a cheap map of a Western State or Territory. A full account of the distribution will be forwarded in a printed circular, to each member of the Association, with the names and address of such as rosy receive the real estate—to whom aloe the deeds will be cent and immediate possession given. Each ap plication must be accompanied with $2.00 and five letter stamps. Address 'LINDELL, JONES & CO., au-18 Chicago, Illinois. 11110 ICE FARM. LANDS FUR SALE.— v TILE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY IS now prepared to sell about 1,100,000 acres of choice Farming lands, in tracts of 40 sores and upwards, on long credits, and at low rates of Interest. These lands were granted by the Government to ald In the construction of this Bead, and are among the richest and most fertile in the world. They extend from North4last and North-West, through the middle of the State, to the extreme Booth, and include every variety of climate and production', found between those parallels of latitude. The Northern portion le chiefly prairie, Interoperoed with fine groves and in the middle and Southern sections timber predominates, alternating with beautiful prairies and openings. The climate is more healthy, mild and equable, than any other part of the country—the air is pure and bra cing, while 'living stream , ' and springs of excellent water abound. mituminom float is extensively mined, and supplioe • cheap and desirable fuel, being furnished at many points at $.2 to $4 per ton—and wood can be had at the same rate per cord. Building Stone of excellent quality also abounds, which can be procured for little more than the expense of transportation. The great fertility of these lands, which are a black itch mould, from two to five feet deep, and gently roll lug._ their contiguity to this road, by which every feel litis"furidaked for travel and transportation to the principal markets North, South, East. West , and the economy , with which they can be cultivated, render them the most valuable investment that can be found, and present the most favorable opportunity for persons of industrious habits and small means to acquire a com fortable independence in a few yearn. Chicago is now the greatest gram market in the world; and the facility and economy with which the products of these lands can be transported to that market, make them' much 'more profitable, at the prices asked, than those pore remote at government rates, as the addi tioual oost of transportation Is a perpotnal tax on the latter, which must be borne by the producer; in the re dtiCed price he receives for hie grain, &o. That ltie is perfect—and when the final payments are made, deeds are executed by the trustees appointed by the State, and in whom the title ls vested, to the pur chasers, which convey to them absolute titles in fee sim ple, free and clear of emery inaumbranee, lien or Ewa lilhe Prices are from $8 to $3O: interest only 3 per et. Twenty per ct. will be deducted from the price for cash. These who parchame on long credit, give notes payable In two, three, four, five and Mx years after date, and are required to improve one-tenth annually for five years, so ea to have one-balf the land under cultivation at the end of that time. Competent 'surveyors will accompany those who wish to examine these Lando, free of charge, and, aid them in making aelectione. The Lands remaining unsold axe as rich and valuable as thole which have been disposed of. . , SECTIONAL MAPS Will be sent to any one whe will enclose fifty cents In peene stamps, and books or pamphlets containing nu morons Instances of successful farming, signed by re spectable and well known farmers living in tho neigh borhood of the Railroad Lands, throughout the State— also the coat of fencing, price of cattle, expense of har vesting, threshing, eto.,—or any ether information— will be cheerfully given on application, either personally or by letter, in English, /trench, or German addressed to JORN WILSON. Land Commissioner of the Illinois Central R. R. Co. Office in Illinois Central Railroad Depot, Chicago, Il linois. and .ANDSI LANDS!!—I OFFER FOR sale the following valuable LANDS in SOUTII WESTERN GEORGIA. All persona aro hereby cau tioned against trespassing upon any of thorn. October, MT. 0. It. BLOOM, Macon, Oa. DOUGHERTY r - Ist Distant—Noe. GO, 95, 97. DOUGHERTY COUNTY BASER 0017NTY. 7th District—No. 338. 9th do—Nos. 18, 328, 320, 833, 859, 378, 879, 880, 410, 406 408. 10th District—No. 45, 46, 47. • WIMITII 001V1iTT 7th 191ottfot--LNoo. 124, 625. 15th do , 4 11, 12, 65. 16th do g , 26, 27, 33, 239. LEE 0017E1r. let Dletrlct—Nos. 130, 160, 168, 190 13th do 4, 181. 14th do 118, 144. BOMPTIR COUNTY 15th District—No. 91 TERRELL 00UNTT 11th DistriOt—Nos. In, 250. 12tb do ~ 108, 201. RANDOLPH 0011317 Bth District—No. 144 13111:12C&TO 12th Diatrict.--Non. 200, 221, 222, 222, 224, 225, 257; 837 376, 376, 306. 13th do « 6, 18, 19, 29, 30, 78, 391, 392, 391 DEOATUII 0011INTY 14th District—Nos. 130. 27th do t , 190, 246. DOOLY 0011 NIT. Ist District—Nos. 7, On 211, 212, 213,214, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 22, 227, 228. 21 do gg 152, 237. 7411 do gg 211. oth do •g 110. HOUSTON COUNTY 6th Distriat—No. 214 POLASSI OOUVIT Bth District—No. 102 TAYLOR °ODDITY. lath Marla—Non. 87, 88: 18th do it 09, 64, oo28•tf 18-binational. TROY .FEMALE SEMINARY.—THE A. School Year, consisting of two T&RMS, will com mence on the SECOND WEDNESDAY of September, end close the lest Wednesday of June following. Normal 'aloe, Troy Female Seminary—Tuition free. Winter Terre commencing September 10th. The charge for tnltion and board, including all ne cessaries connected with It, such as room rent, washing, fuel, light, etc., is $225 per annum. An additiosal charge is made for music and the other ornamental branches of female education. Where a fixed num le preferred,. WO per annum (ono-half payable e.t the conimencenient of each term) will be received, and for it the pupil entitled to all the advantages of the Insti tution. revile may enter at any period of the term, and are required to pay only from the time of entrance. The Institution furnishes all possible facilities for a thorough course of useful and ornamental education. The Prinelmds are misted by more than twenty Pro. lessors and Teachers. Extensive courses of Lectures are annually delivered by Professors on Chemistry, Natural Philosophy, Geolo gy, Botany, Astronomy, and Elocution. This Institution is furnished with a valuable Library and extensive Philosophical Apparatus a well.selected cabinet of Minerals and Shells, and Maps, Charts, Globes, and Models. Every, facility, is afforded for the thorough study of the French language. Tho French teachers reside in the family, and adapt their system of instruction to the use of the language in conversation. DIPLOMAS are awarded to young ladies who have passed satisfactory examinations in the full course of English atudnea, with Latin, or one of the modern languages. CERTIFICATES - to those who have com pleted the partial course. The pupils are received into the family of tine Prins!. pals, in whirls every arrangement le made for their physical education, and the improvement of their man ners and morale, They occupy private rooms, two in each, the rooms of the female teachers and that of an experienced nurse being among those of the young ladies. The advantages of this Institution are the result of the accommodated facilities of more than thirty years of its onward progress. Circulars containing more particular information may be obtained by application to the Principals, John /I. Willard and Sarah L. Willard, Troy, N. Y. The terms for day echelons are ;,5 per quarter for the introductory clue of English studies. These are Read ing, Writing, Spelling, Grammar , Arithmetic, Rudi ments of Geography, Coography for beginners, and Geology...for beginners. For the decond class $7 per quarter. This includes all the brmiches constituting the eatenslve Course of Eng lish stales. ' TRUSTEES. BENJAMIN lIARSITALL, President. JOHN U . WILLARD, Secretary. Mayor and Recorder of Troy, ea... Akio. • Benjamin Marshall, John R. Willard, Robert B. SiMilan, Thomas W. Blatchford, Tomtit°. Meant, Silas K. Stow, Sae Van Sthoonhoren, . Jonathan Edwards, 43%1. D. Warren, Thomas Olowes, ; John A.. Orlswold, John Mallory, lir! Gilbert. -. , , 0c29-6m CONGRESS RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD• WIOK & OHO., No. 201 N. SROOND Street. eturn Sum WELOOMV RANGE.--SOLDBY CHAD won hBRO. MN N. PNOOND Bt. valtl-Ata R , OSIN.—.OOBARRELS SOAPMAKERS ROSIN, to irrlre per schooner J. 11. Planner 7or este by MARTIN & MACIALISTBR, t WA. U 9 North W9t9r duel. Oryippmg QUIP MARGARET FOR NEW ORLEA.NS k,J —Lout Line.—Guarantied drat vessel. Freight taken at as low rates. as any ether vessel loading. The remarkably fast-salting packet ship MARGARET, Merryman master, now loading rapidly at Race-street wharf, will continue to receive what freight offers and, being of moderato capacity, will have quick despatch. Shippers will please hurry their goods alongside, and bills of lading to the counting-house for signature . , and may depend on this being the first vessel to sail. For balance of freight, at low rates apply to sisnOr L anionl d2O (late II) NORTH, WRARvEg. Agents at New Orleans, 0. J. MEEKER & 00. The Margaret Insures at the lowest rates, and will take steam down the Delaware and up the Mississippi. no2S UDR LIVERPOOL.-THIIRSDAY, DE. OP BRA JO.—The Paokot Ship PHILADED. PHIA, Capt. Cullum P. Poem:, will sail as aboye. *so Cabin pasaage. Second cabin gp Steerage • 18 Second Cabin and Steerage Passengers found with Provisions, according to the American passenger act. For freight or passage apply to TRW. RICHARDSON & CO, Drafts on the Agents in sums to cult, from Xi up wards. nolB OR HAVANA—Packet ship NAPLES. F —To sail with quick despatch. The fast-sailing packet ship Naples, Eastman master, is now loading at Race-street wharf, and having nearly all her cargo onboard, %catcall as above. For balance of freight apply to BISHOP, SIMONS,.& 00., 120 (late 36) North Wharves. FOR SAN FRANCISCO.-THE FIRST class Clipper Ship MARY ROBINSON, Captain HARDING, and the magnificent A 1 Clipper Ship Vl d RING, Captain {Yuma, will have quick despatch ' from New York. Nor freight, apply to BISBOP, SIMONS, & 00., tolSidtr 120 ( ate 80) NORT/1 'WHARVES. 300 VANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE. STEAMSHIPS STATE OHORGIA AND KEYSTONE STATE. In consequence of the depressed state of trade, the above ships will be withdrawn for the present. October loth. - A. lIERON, FARE REDUCED AND lIAVRIL—The DERBILT, Edward aiggin. will nil From New York fer South- From Southampton and ampton and'Havre. -: Havre for Hew York. - • Saturday. Oct. 24 Saturday Nov. 14 Saturday Dee. 6 Saturday Dec. 26 Price of Passage—Pint cabin, $100; second cable, $5O. Specie delivered in London and Parts. Forfreight or passage apply to D. TORDANCE Agent, No. 5 Dowling Green, New York. Letters for England and Europe, pre-paid, 25 cents each half ounce, (by enclosure of postage stamps if from other cities ,) will be received at No. S Dowling-green, Now York, up to ng o'clock on the morning of sail• log. 0a104.f L'OR ENGLAND AND FRANCE,IBS7.- 4u New York and Tierra Steamship Company The United States Mail Steamship All4OO, 2,600 tons, David Lines, commander, and NVIAON, 2,600 tons, James A. Wotton, commander, will leave New York, Havre and Southampton, for the years 1007 and SS, on the following days : MUNN NNW TONI. 1851. Fulton, Saturday, Aug. 22 Arago, Saturday, Jan, 0 Arago, do. Sept. 19 Fulton, do. Feb. 6 Fulton, do. Oot. 17 Arago, do. Mara 6 Arago, do. Nov. 14 Fulton, do. April 8 Fulton, do. Deo. 12 Arago, do. May 1 Fulton, do, May 29 - LIATR SATIN. 155 T. Tuesday,Arago, Rep 6. 23 Arago, do. Oct. 20 Bolton, do. Nov. 17 Arago, do. Deo. 15 1858. Salton, do. Jan. 12 Arago, do. Feb. 9 Salton,, do. March Arago, . do. April 8 Walton, do. May 4 Arago, do. June 1 Sutton, do. June 29 PRION OH P 11101011: Prom New York to Southampton or Ilarre—Pire • Cabin, $l3O ; Second Cabin, $76. Prom Havre or Southampton to Now York—Pire• Oabin, 800 trace; flecond Cabin, 600 francs. For fieight or pump apply to MORTWER LIVINGSTON, Agent, 'I Broadway WILLIAM ISELIN, " -Barre. OROSKEY 6: 00., " Bouth , ton AMERICAN EUROPEAN EXPRESS AND XXI " Parte. OIiANGE 00. au° lIIHE NEW . YORK AND LIVERPOOL 1. UNITED STATES MAIL BTRAMEREI.—The Ships composing this Line are: The ATLANTIC, Oapt. Oliver Eldridge, The BALTIC, Capt. Joseph Comatook. The ADRIATIC, Capt. Jaynes West. ..„*These ships have beenbuilt by contract, expretud 3 , for government service; every care has been taken in their construction, as also in their engines, to ensure strength and speed, and their accommodations for passengers are nnevalled for elegance and comfort. , Price of passage from New York to Liverpool, Indret cabin, $130; in second do., $76; from Liverpool to New York, 80 and 20 guineas. No berths secured unless paid for. The ships of this line have Improved water-tight bulk heads. PROPOSED DATES OF SAILING. 11011 NEW TOINC. 1009 LIENRITOL. Saturday, June 20, 1857 Wednesday, June 24, 1857 Saturday, July 4, 1857 Wednesday, July 8, 1857 Saturday, July 18, 1857 Wednesday, July 22, 1857 Saturday, Aug. 1, 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 6, 1861 Saturday, Aug. 16, 1867 Wednesday, Aug. 19, 1867 Saturday, Sept. 12, 1857 Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1857 Saturday, Sept. 28, 1857 Wednesday, Sept. 80, 1867 Saturday, Oct. £O, 1857 Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1857 Saturday, Oct. 24 1857 Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1867 Saturday, Nor. 7. 1867 Wednesday, Nov.ll, 1857 Saturday, N 01.21, '1857 Wednesday, Nov. 26, 1857 Saturday, Deo. 5, 1857 Wednesday, Dee. 9, 1867 Wednesday, Deo. 22, 1867 Tor freight orpassage, apply to EDWARD K. OOLLINS, No, 68 Wall atroot, N.ll BROWN, SHIPLEY & CO., Liverpool. STEPHEN KENNARD & 00., Ei Austin Friars, London. B. G. WAINWRIGHT & CO., Paris. The owners of these ships will not be acsorustable for gold, silver, bullion, specie, (mimeo stones or metals unless bills of lading I.:s ~ r ned therefor, and the val ' ne thereof expressed therein • aul-tf , GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE TO EU ROPE. First Cabin Second Cabin $.50 In the first-class paddle-wheel steamship ADRIRL, 2,000 tons, O. D. Looiow, Commander, and NORTH STAR, 2,600 tons, P. E. Laravne, to sail . from pior No. 3 North River, at noon precisely, carrying the UNITED STATES MAILS, yrs: Leave N. York for Southampton, Ifs, Bremen for t Southampton 're and Bremen. Southampton for New York. Ariel, Saturday, Oct. h. Wedeiday, Noy .4. N. Sat'y, Oct. 81. Saturday, N0v.28. Wede'd'y, Dec. 80 Theme steamers touch at 11AVB.18, Specie delivered in London and Paris. Bur passage and freight, apply to D. TORBANOII, Agent, No. 5 Bowling Green, New York. 0c104.f - riCHE BRITISH AND NORTII OAN 'ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. • PROM NNW TONE TO LITRISPOOI. Chief Cabin Fauna Second Cabin Poplin° FROM BOSTON TO Llysapoob Chief Cabin Pimp Second Cabin Passage - The ships from Roston call at Halifax. PERSIA, Capt. Judith:ls. OANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AMERICA, Oapt.Wickman ASIA, Capt. E. ti Lott. NIAGARA, Capt. Ryrla. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA, Capt. J. Leitch. These vessels carry a clear white light at mast-head; green on starboard bow ; red on port bow. PERSIA, Judkins, learog N.York, Wednesday, Nov, 11. CANADA, Lang, " Beaten, Wednesday, Nov, 18. ARABIA, Stone, " N York, Wednesday, Nov. 21. NIAGARA, Wickman, Boston, Wednesday,Doc, 2. AFRICA, Sharmon, " 14 York, Wednesday, DOCI. 0. AMERICA, Lott, " Boston, Wednesday, Doc. 16. EUROPA, Leitch, " N.York, Wednesday, Dec. 23. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these Ships will net La accountable for Cold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to ne'll-y D. CUNARD, 4 Dowling Green, N. York, BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE.— Tho consumers of this celebrated beverage need no deans' alien of ita qualities, or evidence of its excellence, beyond the benefit they have derived from its use since its intrcduction into thin country; to those who have not yet made an acquaintance with this CROWNING Malt Liquor, it may be well to statn a few facts : BAS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Owes ita excellence as a beverage to the superior quality of the hope and malt, the mineral properties of the river water immediately communicating with the brewery, and the selentifle akin applied in its manufacture. • • ' " BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE • Not being sweetened or strengthened to please vitiated palates, is, therefore, neither heating nor heady, but stomachlo and appetizing. BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Ie the delight and enlace of the Indian Subaltern In hie fuming bungalow—the worthy rival of brandy pawnee, BART EAST INDIA PALE ALE le the drink without which no. tillu can be complete—: no journey by dawk possible. BASS'S EAST INDIA PALM ALE Is the favorite drink In England of lord and bagman duebess and nurse. BANE EAST INDIA PALE ALE In the much-admired tonic for Invalids and persona o weak interiors. BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALF. Will keopin all climates; and in good at all mania—lun cheon, dinner, or supper. BASSS EAST INDIA PALE ALE la pronounced by the medical faculty one of the moot wholesome beverages that can be taken, and to found to ho not loon agreeable to the palate than it is beneficial to the health. DAM'S NAST INDIA PALE ALE To universally conceded to be unrivalled iu excellence by any other imported into the United States. Dealers and consumers will find It their Interest to give this Ala a preference. For sale in cask and bottle by T 1104148 idotatILLDN, Agent and Consignee 44 BEAVER St., l Y. On sale at Dolmonico's, William et., corner of Beaver, and Chambers, corner of Broadway. Sutherland's, 13 Pine street, Berry's, JO Pine street. Richardson A ilayter, HD Water et. George F. Burgess, 483 Broadway. N. B. °oiling, .1,17 Broadway, n02.0m GitEEN SAND MARL OF NEW JERSEY. —TUE NEW JERSEY FERTILIZER COMPANY I. now prepared to receive orders for this Important manure. For all lands upon which mho aro benolioN. the Marl Is more than a substitute. Professor Cook, in his annual report to the Legisla ture of New Jersey, says The value of these Marls is Lest seen in the rich and highly cultivated district which has been improved, almost made, by their use; but it may be interesting to examine the causes of their great value lu Agriculture, and to compare them with other fertilizers. For example : Tho potash alone may Le token at au average of five per cent. of tho whole weight of Marl, a bushel when dry weighing eighty pounds, and in the proportion mentioned would contain four pounds of potash ; this la nearly as much as there 18 in a bushel or unleached wood rslies.ll And again— it to probable that the great value of the Marl is to be found In the fact that it contains nearly all the sub stances necessary to make up the ash of our common cultivated plants. Price, delivered on board vessel, at the wharves of the company at Portland heights, on Raritan Bay, Now Jersey, seven cents per. bushel. For further particu lars, see circular vent free of postage. Orders for other fertilizers will receive prompt attention. Address either of the undersigned. CHARLES SHAHS, President Jersey. TAPPAN Post 01110, New TAPPAN TOWNSEND, Treasurer, No. 82 Nassau street, New York. Osonolt W. ARWOOD, Secretary, No. 10 Cedar street, New York. . . N. 11.—Thono wlnhing Marl for Spring use nhonld order immediately, to secure Its early ehlpment. Orders will he filled in rotation.. oct 29.0nt MINCED MEAT.- The Flubccrlber hen commenced manufacturing WA Ne Plus Ultra, MINOED DIEAT, which he offers to Ms customers in LARGE Or NULL QUANTITIES. Orders through BLOOD'S DISPATCH will be pane twilly,attended to. JOSHUA' WRIGHT, r . 1;13 2m d ' SPRING OADDEN and ItRANKLIN ste. MOSS ---17 bales Carolina Moss, for sale by MARTIN & mAOALIBTER, ma //9 North WAtec OWNS, THE BEST ASSORTMENT OP LEHIGH AL AND SCHUYLKILL COAL Is at II DORMAN'S YARD, BROAD STREET ; above Vino. Sold at reduced prlcle. Call and aeo. on3l-ew 2‘240 LBS.' IS A TON.—BUYERS and consumista are invited to eliamine our Mock of uLEUIGII LOCTIRT MOUNTAIN and BLAME lINATIL COAL." Our Coal is selected expressly for family nee; being carefully screened, wo will warrant It free from slate and duet. gg We sell 2240 1be, 17 being 2.4 lbs. num) ), than old by retail dealers, at 'l4 cents leas per ton." Also, on hand a full aupply of BROAD TOP BITU MINOUS MAW , for Steam-generating, Blackamlthing, and purposes. Thla Coal cannot be ex.. celled,- Yard', BROAD and VINE—Big Sign, 11 2240 LBS. IS A TON. De B - B m3 LEIGHTON k CO ( - 1 OA LI COAL! COAL I—TAGGART's vv ONIABNATED f3PRIN4 MOUNTAIN LEMON COAL. J. & R. OARTER'SGREENWOOD,_TAMAQUA GOAL GEORGE W. SNYDER'S PINE FOREST SCHOU SILL 00AL. RANDALL & MEREDITH Rave for sale, and are constantly receiving from above celebrated Collieries, COAL OF ALL SIZES. There le no Coal mined anywhere, equal In quality these, and a trial Will convince any one of their great superiority. Our Ooal is very carefully ecreened at our yards, and we Will warrant Itperfectly free from slate, dust and all impurities. Oar PRIOES areas LOW as the VERY LOWEST. Orders left at our °Aloe, No. 161 BODIN YRONT street, alms Walnut. Orders left at our Yard, OALLOWIIILL street, bolos BROAD street. Orders left at oar Wharf, WATER street, above OAL LOWIULL—or sent to either place por Despatch Poet, will receive prompt attention. Purchasers for Family me will do well to call and ex amine our Coal before purchasing elsewhere. aut.-tf Q.CHLITLICILL AND LEHIGH COAL.— I am daily receiving, at my yard, the best quality o. SCHUYLKILL AND AIIHICH COAL. My customers, and all others who may favor me with their ordorß, may rely on getting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. 11:70 No inferior Coal kept at this establishment to otter at LOW PRIM. LEIIIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.— DALY, PORTER .k CO., COAL DEALERS, No. 821 PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep constantly on hand, at the very lowest rates, a full supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. au 1-On TO SOUTHAMPTON agnificont stotivighlpVAN . a, commander, 6,268 tone, MERCHANTS' HOTEL, NORTII YOUILTIL 13TREET ABOVE MAR wt, PIIILARELPILIA.. se.4-tt MoIUBBEN ec 80NS, l'aopateloas eir ONE S'a AROII STREET SALO 'NS, 727 and 729 ARCH SPREE To the Ladies, as well as to the whole public these SLIMS Are the mg' attrllOti,e in the City, and in splendor or adornment and finish are superior to any in this country. BREAKFASTS, DINNERS, AND SUPPERS : Served up lathe choicest and most expeditious style. Every variety of FANCY AND ORNAMENTAL CONFECTIONERY, FRUIT OF ALL KINDS, lON CREAMS, JELLIES, GAME, AND OYSTERS, Constantly ready for.visitors in profusion. PLAIN, FANCY, AND ORXAMENTAr. CARES AND PIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW YORK TEA BISCUIT, And, in fact, all the VARIETIES, LUXURIES, and DELIOAOIES of every chum and country. BALLS, PRIVATE PARTIES, Presentation Suppers, and Families supplied at the shortest notloo and on reasonable terms. OPEN ON SUNDAY AFTERNOONS AND EVENINGS, A continuance of the patronage hitherto so liberally bestowed by the public is respectfully solicited. nil y It. B JONES, Proprietor. LEANS SOUTHAMPTON. 1827. Arago, Wednesday, Aug, 26 Fulton, do. Sept. 23 Arago, do. Oct. 21 Fulton, do. Nov. 18 Arago, do. Deo. 10 185'8. Fulton, do. Jan. 18 Arago, do. Feb. 10 Fulton, do. Mi4r. 10 ' Arago, do. April Fulton, do. May 6 /rap, do. June 2 Fulton, do. hum 80 CAMPBELL'S RESTAURANT.—VENI v BON, Wild Ducks, Turkeys, gem, Grouse, Fresh Salmon, Chlocatique, Opinachlque, Princess Bay, Abse cora and Cove Oysters, with every variety or CAM, wild or dementia, in season . them Turtle Soap and Terrapin Suppers served up at the shortest notice, at JOHN CABIPBEWS, No. 527 CHESTNUT street, op polite the State Ileum N.D.—No expense or pains has boon spared by the Proprietor In Eating up this new establishment In the most sumptuous manner—the second story being for the accommodation of Private Parties for Dinners, So pore, ho. Entrance for Ladles towards Sixth street. nov7-3111 WILLIAM "LIMNING'S CITY LAGER Y v - BEER SALOON, No. 232 Easter's Alley, Phil& 4e!Ala. sep23,—.3m MoGOIVAN'S RESTAURAN , SOUTH west corner of BROAD and WALNUT.—Oame sad all other delicacies In season. Families supplied with Oysterman the shortest notice. ser.727ro HAVANA CIGARS—A handsome ssort moat, ouch as Pigaro, Partagm, Cabanas, Sultana, Gloria, Jupiter, Coloso °misers!antes, Torrey ' Lopes, Union Americana, Orejon, Ylora Cabana, ha., tco., Ac., ill X, X, 1-6 and 1-10 Elias, of all Mom and quali ties, ins WU and constanHy receiving, and for sale low, by CHARLES TETE, (new) 188 WALNUT Street, ani-ly below Second, second ebony VIGARO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS .i.• SEGARS.—A choice invoice o f these celebrated brands on board brig " New Era daily expected from [(arum, and for sale low, by dIIARLES TETE, (New) 138 Walnut street, below Second, and Second Story. B. KITE & CO. .1.4. FURNITURE, BEDDING, &a. No. 413 ( late 129) WALNUT at. Philadelphia. A uew and euperior /style of 13prIzeg Beds. LYDIA B. KIM Jostpx WALTON auBl Om OAP AND CANDLES. IN-7 REMOVAL from 187 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, to my Manufactory, 10 and 14 RELIEF STREET, be tween Lombard and Booth, and Front and Second streets. Thankful to my numerous Wends for their past favors, I solicit a continuance of the same, hosing enlarged my manufactory so as to enable me to have constantly on band a largo stock of well-seasoned Soaps, free from Fish Oil; Palm, Variegated White Honey, Castile, and all kinds of toilet Soaps, Chemical Olive Soap of puro material, Settled Pale, and Brown Soap, English. Sal. Soda and Pearl Starch, Sperm, Adamantine, and Tallow Candles of all sizes constantly on hand Hat log adopted the cash system, I am enabled to sell my goods at the lowest prices, P. CONWAY. Philadelphia. N. B.—Cash paid for Tallow and Crease. nu 14-0 m $llO B LANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DAVID M. HOGAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, is pro. pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or' make to order, Books of every description, suitable for Banks, Public Offices, Merchants, and others, of the best quality of English or American Paper, and bound in various styles, in the most substantial manner. Orders for JOB PRINTING of every description. Engraving and Lithographing executed with neatness and despatch. A general assortment of English, French and Ameri can Stationery. Concerning Mr. Hogan's contribution to the Franklin Institute, the Committee say—" This display of blank books for banking and mercantile use is the best in the Exhibition. The selection of the material is good, the workmanship most excellent, and their finish and up. peurance neat and appropriate." n02.0-If IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT NEIV CZNSIIMING FURNACE CHILSON'S NEW CONE FURN.RCE, after having been put to the most severe toot, during the two COLD WINTERN ON 1856 AND 107, has proved to be the most powerful heater en the world, saving from X to X the fuel over any of the hest furnaces now in use. Tunas Yuan/ante are constructed with a cant iron anis pit, and a broad, shallow pan•ehaped fire pot, liusd with fire•brtck or iron dares. The lire pot is surmount ed with A SERIES OF CONES, Os TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broad at their base, but tapering to mall aper tures at the top, and uniting with the outlier chamber, through which the heat and smoke pans to the tlue. TUN WOOLS products of combustion lu the form of smoke and oasts, aro suspended directli over the are, OONFINAD or compressed into the tapering CONES and CONTINUALLY UNFOUND to the direct action of the rays of heat and light from the Ore. This heat and light is brought to a Poona I Ikol/ CONN, not unlike the COLLECTION OF THE SUN'S BAYS, to a focal point through an ordinary lons, causing the rowan AND 00000 to become intensely heated and tho roughly 00/30/DID, by this operation the snout AND oases are Nang SQUALLY AVAILAULB with the COOL 12131,0 for heating purposes, while, in other furnaos, it is OARRIND 00/ AND WANTED IN TON 0111MNRY. All persons desirous or obtaining tho beat and 1510 ST ECONOMICAL HEATING APPARATUS, should not tall to examine the New Gee (JuNaumini Coos Finteeoit, before purchasing any other. The at tention of architects and builders is particularly re quested. ARNOLD & WILSON, (Successors to B. A. liarrison,l No. 426 WALNUT Street, Opposite Independence Square. SULLENDER & PASOAL, HATTERS, aul-Bra No. 8 8. OIXTII, otront. Philadelphia QUAKER CITY NAILS, MERCHANT BARS, RIVET IRON, Manufactured at FOUNTAIN GREEN ROLLING MILL, on the Schuylkill, above Spring Ganlen Water Works. WAREHOUSE, 103 North WATER Street. QUAKER OITY NAILS aro warranted equal to any made. lIIIIOMAS E. B ER.-HARDWARE ..111- CUTLERY AND T I LS, No. KO MARKET ST. Bove Ninth, e,outh side, Philadelphia an 1-Oro L ONGIVORTIPu 01110 WINES. GENERAL AGENCY FOR ALL TILE STATES. TO IVHOLESALE DEALERS. By a special arrangement with Mr. LONG \CORTI!, I am enabled to offer his Winos, in large quantttle,, upon the lowest and best terms The Wines to be delivered In Cincinnati, and forwarded by usual means of convey ance (railroad or steamboat) direct to the purchaser ; by which the oxpenees of storage, comiuksious, double freight, etc , will be avoided. No orders under this arrangement will be forwarded for less than twenty-five cases. All orders must be directed only to FRED. S. ijOZEENS, 73 WARREN Street, Now YORK. By the present arrangement a handsome profit on these wine, can be made by the wholesale dealer. Sparkling Catawba, vintage 1853, quarts. Do do do do pints. Do do do 1852 .quarte. Lb do do do pinta. Still Catawba, vintage 1852, quarts. Do do extra, vintage 1852, quarts. Sparkling Isabella, do do do Still Catawba, in casks, of various qualities. Catawba Brandy, of superior quality. FRED, 8. OMENS, General Agent for the Dale of N Longwortii% Wines 78 WARREN (opposite Hudson Rimer Railroad Depot) NEW YORE, ALEXANDER CONVERY, N. E. corner of Broad and Cherry Ste goteto anb. ticotauranto obacto attb Tigara. Surniturt. Lionti anti Clubles Ziationcrn Sunoco. gate, (Tap, &E larDware. JOHN HALDENIhAN, Agent Baying° imam CAVING FUND-FIVE PEE CENT. IN TEREST—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM- I'ANY —WALNUT STREET, SOUTH-WEST CORNER OF THIRD, I'itILADELTRIA. INCORPORATED BY TRH STATE OF PHENSTLYLBIA. Monoy is received in any gum, large or ansalL and in terest paid from the day of &pooh to the day of with drawal. The office to open every day from 0 &clod( In the morning till 7 o'clock hit the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 9 o'clock. HON. HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT SELYRIDGIE, Vice President. Wee. J. Rum, Secretary. DITMOSOIa : Hon. Henry L. Benner, 0. Landreth Minns, Edward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brewater, Robert Selfridge, Joseph D. Barry, Sarni. R. Ashton, Henry L. Churchman, James B. Smith, Bronchi Lee. Money is received and payments made daily. The Investments are made. In conformity with the provisions of the Oharter, in REAL ESTATE MORT• CIAGES, GROUND RENTS, and such first etass securi ties as will always Insureperfect security to the deposi tors, and which cannot fail to give permanency and sta bility to this Institution. aul-ly JO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET. FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. VO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET. FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET. FIVE PER 01:NT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.— FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. eul•ly illarbinern anb Iran VENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOIL -1 &B WORKS. • REANEY, NEAFIE & CO., PRAOTIOAL AND TUEORETIOAL ENCINTERS, MAOHINIBTS, BOILER-MAKERS, BLACK SMITHS AND FOUNDERS. Having for many years been in successftl operation, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Marino and Elver Engines, high apd low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tanks, Propellers, &b., &o. respectfully offer their services to the public, as being tully prepared to contract for Engines of all fuzes, Marine, River, and Stationary. having sate of patterns of different sires, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of Pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low Pressure, Flue, Tubu lar and Cylinder toilers, ol the best Pennsylvania char coal iron. Forgings of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings of all descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and speeilleatione for all work done at their establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can lay in plerfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, &e., do., for rondos hoary or light weights. • TIIOSIAB REANEY, JACOB G. NEAPIE . , JOHN P. LEVY, ant-7 BEACH and PALMER Streets, Kensington wiLlog MIEIIIOI. kJlinO - MARX FOUNDRY, KM AND WASH/NOTON OMITS, THIL•DULPHIA. • MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture UJgh and Low Pressure Steam Scenes, for Land, River, and Marine Renfro Boilers Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, ko., Out ings of an kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron trams roofs for Giul Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, & o. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Improved constructiep. Every description of Plantation machinery, ouch u Sugar, Saw, and Griot Mills, Vacuum PODS, Opon Steam Trains, Defecators, Patera, Pumping Engines, &o. Sole Agents for N. Rrllieux's Patent Sugar Bolling Apparatus; Nasmyth'e Patent Steam Hammer; 3. P. ROSS' Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pumps. Superintendent—B. It. BARTOL lICHARD NORRIS & SON, LOCOMO Tax STE/01 ENGINE BUILDERS, 11111,1211111:1111% STRRET, lIAMILTON, VAIRVIMW AND Rama GARDEN STREWS, RIIIIADELPHIA. Jingagod excluoirely In the manufacture of LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. Maunfaetnre to order Locomotivoa of any arrange ment, weight or capacity, for the me of Wood or Coke er Biturmnows Cool in 'ls crude stale, or ANTHRACITIC COAL, WITIIOIT/ EMITTING SMOKE, OAS OE nil. In design, material and workmanship, the Locomo. Urea produced at these Works are equal to, and not ex celled by any. The materials used in construction are made on the spot and insure the beet quality and most reliable stock. The large extent of shops, and Cons -ssts Equipment of Machinery and Tools, enable em to execute the EST OF WORK WITH. GREAT DESPATCH, OP ANT ARRANGEMENT REQUIRED. CHILLED CAA WHEELS, HAMMERED AXLES, With Porglnge of any site or form, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, And MACHINE WORK generally. lIIOIIARD 110111118 atil-ly MORN LATIJNICR NORRIS NOTICE.—CHESTNUT STREET Burma. PLANS AND ESTIMATES for n Bridge over the River Schuylkill, on the line of Chestnut street, in the City of Philadelphia, will be received by the Chief En gineer and Surveyor, at the DEPARTMENT OF SUR VEYS, City Building ' YIPTIL Street, be Walnut, until the eecond day of January , 1858 Ptid Bridge to be of the following dimensions, without any pier, or with not more than ono pier in the water-way ; the materials of construction throughout to be indestructi ble by fire. Distance between abutments 380 feet Width of Bridge, out to out, not less than.. 42 Elevation above low water S 7 " For an arch the springing line should not be less than .levee feet above low water. The Plans and Estimates will be received under the arrangement and conditions specified In the ordi nance of Councils, approved November 2d, 1857, as fol lows, viz : Samoa 2 That all plane and estimates to be received by the Chief Engineerand Surveyor of the City of Phila delphia, each plan and estimate to bear a private mark, and be accompanied by a sealed communication having a corresponding mark thereon, so that the name of the designer may not be known until the plan most ap proved shall have been selected. BEOTION 3. That all such plane and estimates shall, when received, become the property of the City of Phila delphia, and shall be presented within two months after the passage of this ordinance, when it shall be L the duty of the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, by and 'with the advice of the Committee on Surveys and Regulations, to invite a commission ; consisting of three civil engi neers, who. in conjunction with the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City, shall examine and decide upon the relative merits and applicability of the plans presented, to the Bridge site proposed, and report to Councils the number of plans received, the names of the designers, and the character and estimated cost of the three plans by them preferred. Stoma 4 It shall be the duty of the Chief Commis sioner of Highway's, upon a certificate presented and signed by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, to issue warrants in payment of the cost of the aforesaid adver tisementa, and also in favor of those persona who may have presented the three plans preferred by said com mission ; to the first in point of merit, the sum of $400; to the second, $250, and to the third $100; amid warrants to be charged to Item No. 10 of appropriation made to the Department of lll . ghways, &n., for the year 1857, approved March 10, 105,.1 Our further information, or for cruet section of river, address ST RIORLAND KNEASS, Chief Engineer and Surveyor City of Phllada. nO6-dtJana M R ARC H o A y N B T; T °GRAPHS, OR PHOTOGRAPHIO MINIATURES IN OLL, N E. corner of EIGHT II and LOCUST. The above pictures differ essenstally from anything ever before offered to the public. Their softness, and truth of color and outline, extraordlisary minuteness and accuracy of detail, insure, of necessity, the greatest fidelity of resemblance; while the severity of the or deal to which they are exposed in manipulation equally settles the question of their permanence. These facts enable the subscriber to offer them, with the greatest satisfaction and confidence, to the public and to his friends. They are secured by letters patent to, and can be bad ONLY or E. D. MARCHANT. jr.r" Portraits of the cabinet, and life sae on canvas as heretofore. se 18-3rn DIIBL IC LAMPS.-THE PUBLIC IS respeelf ully informed that Offices have been opened by the District Superintendents of Public Lighting, at which citizens are requested to give information respect ing accidents which may happen to the Public Lamps; or of any failure in lighting or extiuguiehing thou at the proper time; or if not properly cleaned and in good lighting condition. The Books will be kept by Joseph Daily, No. SOS Wharton st., First Ward; OharlesCarty, No IS South Seventh street, Ninth Ward; Hiram G. Kirk, No. 1438 Hutchinson street, Twentieth Ward; M. W. Deshong, No. 2231 Coates erect, Fifteenth Ward; Thos. V. I3owlby, Gas Office, Twerity-FourthWard, (West Philadelphia;) 111 11. WFadden ( Gas Office, Twenty- Second Ward, 01 armantown;) Wm. N. Market, Gas Office, Twenty-Third Ward (Frankferd,) and at the Gas Office in Seventh street, below Market. lly order of the Trustees of the Philadelphia Gas Works. A. J. KITE, • ocl-Boa Haperlntendent of Distribution. PIIILADELPDIA TYPE FOUNDRY N. W. Cor. THIRD and CHESNUT Ste. L. Pk:LOMB k. BON, thankful for the liberal pa tronage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and desirous to merit its continuance, would announce to Printers and Publishers that their new SPEOIMEN BOOK is now ready, and from their increased facilities, are now prepared to furnish every thing necessary in a complete Printing Establishment, at the shortest no tleo. Their long practical experience In the bush:mos, and the fact of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, justifies them in meeting that they can furnieh a more durable and better fin. 'shed article than their cotemporaries. Those, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them previous to purchasing elsewhere. Old type taken at 9 cents per pound, in exchange for new at apecimon prices. aul-tt GOLD MINE FOR SALE.—THE SUB scriber offers for sale, with a perfect title, the property known as the REID GOLD AND COPPER MINE, situated 8 miles from Concord, Calsirrus county, North Carolina. With the mine le a plantation of 745 acres of excellent land, Iron watered and wooded, and a largo MANSION HOUSE, with barns, miners , houses, powder and engine house, and other buildings; new steam engine, 41 horse power; Chilian mills, stamps, pumps, &c., embracing Ali the machinery and tools ne cessary for the full equipment of a mine, In good order. The mine has been worked at intervals for the last 50 years, and has always been profitable to resident pro priotore, but has never been worked for any length of time with an engine and machinery The shafts and galleries are well constructed, the stoppings have never been taken out, and from 10 to 71 miners can be profit ably employed In the old workings. On the property is a foimidablo vein of copper anti lead, which has never been worked, and a new gold veinhas been discovered since the drat of this month, at which three men have been at work, taking out Citron hundred dollars a day, faith a good prospect of its continuance, no2.6in CHARLES J GILBERT, 181 Broadway. CHEAP SUMMER FIIEL.-GAS COKE, V of excellent quality, is sold at the PHILADELPHIA GAS WORKS for the reduced price of fire cents a bushel, and may be obtained in largo or email quantity by ap plying at the One Office, No. 20 South SEVENTH Street. To PurobaserS by Wholesale, it is sold at tho Works In First Ward by tho ton, at a prise equivalent to An thraoito, a 42 60 por ton. (Signed,) J. O. CRESSON, Enginear. rHILADOLPIII4II3.IEI WORKB, Aug. oa, an27-tf COACIL ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP Factory of E W USSIIERS,No.IOO Oats 43) South EIGHTH, below Chestnut street, has become a saving of 00 per cent. to our SOUTIIERN AND WESTERN bIERCIIAN TS, and also the convenience of having their old Carriage Lamps new silver-topped and bottomed, and sent by express to all parts son lx MARCUS BAST, No. 201 NORTH TIIIRD STREET, WHOLESALE AN)) RETAIL BOOKSELLER Ras for sale TRY AMERICAN REA DER—e new beck: designed by its author, A, D. KALB TARR, for the use of the higher classes in the Ace,detplea and Rehoole of America—by the damn or single copy, nos•lm M E VANS,-1 O,OOO—PEA IV Tr II,! A E Cards per Hour: a km, 1 .. 11,. Press that ass e. erluaed by tb• wink POE S ' ja. .ii PbAladdAtb Preum, .1 lA* late IFRAtt.i• 151T.07111 A Cslablik. , VAS T C ikl33) Wm T . n. ill ...10. of Ole Pi d. Cato sail °emits D L v i v ...• - Tra Ilmtaed Card. per Ilmr,ia iE ke 0 ' .... _ ur - -,,, EquAcrn sy. beleiwt ethics. "" .94 1 41za inettratut Companies. 1 IPE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM- P ANY .—T he PENN MUTUAL LIPS INSURANCE COIIPANY. Northeast Corner of THIRD and DOCK Streets. Capital, $612,725.03 INSURES LIVES for short terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endowments—pur chases life interests in Real Estate, mid makes all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life They not as Ezecutors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Guardians. TRUSTRES. Daniel L Miller, Samuel E. Stokes, Benjamin Coates, William Martin, Richard S. Newbold, James B. McFarland, William P. Hacker, Joseph 11. Trotter, William 11. Kern, James Elision, Samuel 0. Huey, Theophilus Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Edmund A. Sondes, Henry C. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, Rodolphus Kent, John W. Horner, William 11. Carr, Ellie B. Archer, Edward T. Mott, Samuel J. Christian, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. Basin, John G. Brenner, P. B. Bitchier, Beaton. DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SANIBEL B. STOKEB, Vice Pres't. Joni W . Itonamtilecretarr. 1313.1 y H 'OWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN . SURANCE COMPANY—Office No. 412. WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. The following statement of the affairs of the company Is published in conformity with a provision of Me charter : 00000008 REONIVED PROX AOOOBl I, 1858, TO 87878? 31, 1857. ___ Fire premiums... Marine premiums... Perpetual premiums Total amount premiums taken Eaissed fire premiums 25,(E2 96 Earned marine premiums 155,005 60-180,078 56 Deduct return premiums Net earned Marine Imes paid. 03,885 75 sire tosses paid.... 8.031 11 Salvage re ceived... $760 57 Interest re ceived...4,3sl 67 e inaur. HMS, Expenses fer commissions to agents, abatements in lieu of scrip, salaries, °Mee rent, furnishing office, books, sta tionery, SE Profit and loss het profit Cash on band ASSISTS. $1.2,615 89 Dills receivable 119,207 02 Bowls and mortgages 105,000 00 Stock. 292,100 00 stock setae 142,900 00 Due by agent; and others 22,312 93 =IE3 DIRECTORS. P. M. Potts, Wm. P. Leech, 0. E. Spangler, R. T. Ransil, Abraham Rex, H. H. Houston, Wm. H. Woods, Joe. R. Withers, George Howell, Abraham P. Byre, J. Edgar Thomson, W. Reigns', C. G. Sower, Charles F. Noton, John W. Sexton, John 11. Beware, Herman Haupt, James E. Stiles Nathan R. Potts, H. H. Shilllngford. PERCIVAL H. POTTS, President 0. E. SPANGLER, Vice President. W. H. WOODS, Secretary. or= It. T. Exam, Treasurer FIRE INSURANCE. _ SPRING GARDEN FIRE INSIIRANUE CO PANY. CAPITAL $120,000, PAID IN CAll, AND SECURELY INVESTED, OPPIOR, N. W. CORNER OP SIXTH AND WOOD . . . . . . STS., SPRING GARDENS. - -- - CHARTER PERPETUAL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIREOTORS. John H. Dohnert, Henry Si. Phil, g, David Woelpper, Lewis Shinnack Benjamin Davis, John Landell, John Evans, Jr Charles Hield, daisy AL Park, William E. Woo . James Darnell, John B. Stevenson, Jeooli B. Aflutter., Carwin Stoddard, Henry Homer, 'Thos. D. Tillinghast, George H. Childs. JOHN 11. DOHNERT, President. L. HRIJMBHAAR, Secretary. Sept 21—ly NEPTUNE INSURANCE. COMPANY.— OFFICE 414 WALNUT St. Franklin BaUdinge. FIRE AND IIfARINE INSURANCE. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO, WITH PRIVILEGE co INCREASE TO 500,000. This Company to now fully organised, and prepared to make all kinds of Insurance against lose or damage by Fire and Maxine Perils, at current rates. OFFICERS. IL 0. LAUGHLIN, President. RICHARD SHIELDS, Floe Prealdent. GEO, SCOTT, Secretary. DIRECTORS. 11. 0. Laughlin, D. Sherwood, Wm. Osborne, Richard Shields, T. B. Showell, TEAQUAKER CITY INSURANCE IPANY Office No. 408 (late 91 ) WALNUT St. Capital and Burplns, 8260,000. This Company continues to make Insurance &pleat loss or damage by Fire and the Perlin of the Sea, Inland Narigation and Transportation, at current rates. OFFICERS. President—GßO. 11. MART Vice President—E. P. ROSS. Secretary and Treasurer—H. R. COGOBRALL. Assistant Secretary-8. 11. BUTLER. ROTORS. George H. Hart, E. P. Hoes, A. C. Calton, Joseph Edwards, John G. Dale, Hon. Henry , tt. Fuller, Poster B. Perkins. John H. Chambers, an 847 ARCTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPA NY, NEW TORK.-091oe, No 29 Wall street, ad joining the Mechanics' Bank--Cash Capital. $250 000, with a surplus. This Company insure Buildings, Mer chandise, Furniture, 'Teasels in port and their Cargoes, and other property, againat Loss or Damage by lire and the Risks of Inland NaTigation. DIRECTORS. Henry Grinnell, Joshua L. Pope, Caleb Barstow, Rufus It. Graces, Henry 0. Brewer, Henry Doris, Edmund Penfold , 0. H. Lilienthal, Hanson K. Corning, Theo. Poltemas, Jr. Ogden Haggerty, Elisha H. Morgan, Thomas Mennen, Abut. It. Van Neat, John 11. Earle, William A. Cary, Albert Ward, Thomas S Nelson, Charles Easton, James W. Phillip', Louis Lorut, Charles A. Macy, Samuel G. Glidden, Edward Hineken, Steph. Cambreleng, Wm. E. Shepard, Thomas Scott, Charles L. Frost, John Ward, Henry E. Bogert, Lothrop L. Sturges, William R. Fosdick, Peter ]idea , Emery Thayer, Benjamin It. Field, Geo. Westfeldt, A. R. Prothingliam. Zalmon Taylor, Thos. Y. Youngs, Henry E. Blossom. Samuel L. Mitchell, ALBERT WARD, President. RIM/ IID A. OLELIT, Secretary. an 10-17 31 A a ll om lir p F A A N T .A . T ...E t It er S' pe I r Perpetual. R ez j Yted C b E y the State of Pennsylvania. Cepital, $E40,000. Fire, !define, and Inland Transportation. Aaron S. Lippincott, Charles Wise, Wm. A. Rhodes, Alfred Wetly', OberlesJ. Field, James P. Smyth, Wm. B. Thome., J. Rinelio Bank, Wm. Neal, John P. Simons, AARON S. LIPPINOOTT, President. WM A. RHODES, Vice President. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. J. W. MARTIEN, Surveyor. This Company was organised with a cub tapltal, and the Directors have determined to adapt the business to its available resourceh—to observe prudence in conduct ing its affairs, with a prompt adjustment of Fosse.. Office No. 10 Merchant.' Enchange, Philadelphia. r FIE MERCANTILE MUTUAL INsisr- JL RANCE COMPANY OF PIIILADELPULA.—OIIiee No. 222 WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. MA RINK RISKS on Vessels Cargoes, and Freights. IN LAND TRANSPORTATION RISES, per Railroads, Canals, Boats, and other carriages. ALL THE PROFITS &Tided annually among the &s -awed, and ample security In cans of lows. Edward Harrill 4pes, John M. OdenheTmer, Mahlon Williamson, Samuel J. Sharpleas, Isaac Jeanea, Henry Preaut, Edward G. James, William L. Springs, Franklin O. Jones, Daniel haddock, Sr., William Taylor, James Murphy, Wni. F. Smith, A. J. Autolo, Samuel L. 0 EDWARD HA ALFItED P. 10101 0. Eat/Eli, Secretor CHARTER OAK FIRE AND MARINE V INSURANCE COMPANY Or IJARTFORD, CONN. Cub Capital 5300,000. Loftin in Philadelphia and vicinity 'dilated at the Phriacle/pAia Office. By learn we refer to 1 D S. Brown & Co., Phila. lion. Joel Jones, Phila. Chaffees, Stout & Co., , i Hon. Reim Choate, Boston Necker, Lea & Co. , t Mon. T.. S. Williams, Siart'd We have facilittee for p acing any amount of Insu rance In the most reliable Companies. PHILADELPHIA GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 413 (old No. 145) CHESTNUT ST. THOMPSON eo ROOD, Agents. LUMBER LUMBER !—The subscriber, who has for several years occupied the premises at Moan's Planing Mill, Kensington has removed to COATES STREET WHARF, adjoining the Phoenix Planing Mill, on Delaware avenue, where he intends keeping a large assortment of Carolina and other Cony ing boards, stops, risers, shelving, ceiling, fencing and scaffold boards, thoroughly seasoned and well worked. For sale at the lowest cash prices. Purchasers are in vited to call and examine for themselves, and every ef fort will be made to give satisfaction. Orders received and supplied at the shortest notice for cis kinds and alma of Southern yellow Pins, Timber and Scantling. aul-tf 6 S 11101114 CIIANGE OF HOURS.-P HIL ADE L MIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORD RAIL ROAD. On and after Monday, Nov. 23d, 1857, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PIIILADELPIIIA For Baltimore at 8 A. 11., 1 P. M., (Expreas,) and 11 P. M. For Wilmington at 8 A. M., 1, 3.30 and El P. M. For Now Castle at 8 A. M., 1 and 3 30 P. M. For Middletown at 8 A. Di. and 1 P. M. For Dover at 8 A. M. and 1 P. IL For Seaford at 8 A. M. ' and I P M. TRAINS FOR PRILADELPIIIA Leave Baltimore at 8.40, Expiesa, 11 A. M., and 6 26 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 7.25 and 11.45 A. M., and 2 31 and 9.65 P. M. Leave New Cantle at 0 65 and 11.85 A. M., and 8 50 P.M. Leave Middletown at 10 10 A. 51. and 7.05 P. M. Leave Dover at 9.79 A. M. and 5 P. 11 Leave Bamford at 7.30 A. M. and S P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Wilmington at 9.15 A. M., 2 P. M. and 12.16 A. M. BIINDAYB only at 11 P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. do. do, 625 P.elphia. M. fto/12 Baltimore to Philad Freight Train, with F4llBoliger Cu attached, will rem ea follows : Leave PhiladelpYL for Perryville and Intermedlste planes at 5.00 P. If. Leave Wilmington for do. do. 0.50 P, M. Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Grace at SP. 51. no 21,11 B. M. PRLTON, President. P r oTTONr-200 bales good Middling to Mid dllpg Pas Cotton, in store Lod for sale by, lUSTII.I h MACALISTIIII, 119 North Water strigt, 838,720 81 217,793 62 224 00 3453;147 43 $168,363 09 $101,916 86 2,971 62 -8.083 68-- 93,883 70 60,886 61 63 40-141,233 27 $764 t 006 Si Oporge Minster, W. O. Stotesbnry, R. M. Carlile, 0.0. Butler, Geo. Scott. ranl9.l E. W. Bailey, Charles G. Imla, I Wm. D. Lewis, r., J. L. Pomeroy, Andrew R. Chambere, H. R. Coggshall Simnel Jones, 11. D., A. P. Choesbrough. DIRIOTORS DIISCITORS. Thomas T. Butcher, Algernon E. Ashburner, Alfred Eassitt, Thomas B. Foster, Onstarus English, James IL Stroup, Alfred Slade, A. G. Callall, Charles B. Cannily!, Samuel Robin:axon, John 0. Herter, John P. Steiner, Henry Grambo, Wm. J Quer, Orentsborg. KRIS MILSB , Pree{dent. ISITT, Pia) President. q. ant-ly tumber ilailroab Lines liailroabs. PENNSYLVANIA CENT R JCL itAIL ROAD, 1E47. FOR PITTSBURGH, Han. Cincinnati, st. Louis, lowa City, Louisville, New Orleans, st. Peal, UM:marina, Cleveland, . lisnums„ Terre Multi, Chicago, Nelmiska. Aiming thee COMl4CtiOltt with ali the Vreat West. ea Baihnadr. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OP THE THROUGH At and from the Pennsylrani* Railroad Passenger Station south-east corner of ELEVENTH and MAR KET streets (entrance on Elerenth street ) LEAVE PHILADELPHIA. POR PITTSBURGH AND ~.. WESTERN CITIES.... . - . . _ Mail Train at T$OA. M. Fast Line at 1356 P. M. Expresa Mail . at 11 00 Night. Columbia R. 11. Line leases for Harrisburg, Via 00- umbia, at 280 Y M. For Laneaster (Accommodation) at 4 P.M. ARRIVE FROM PITTSBURGIL AND WESTERN CITIES. Mail Train at 13 00 night. Fast Line at 600 A. M. Express Mail at 1 00 P. M Columbia It. It. Line arrives from Harrisburg, via Co lumbia, at 7 30 P. M. From Lancaster, (4coomnsodation,) 10.35 A. M. The Ripress 11111 runs dully, the other trains, Sun days excepted._ Baggage will be received at the Passenger Depot by the Baggage Master, at any time during the day. No charge for handling baggage. Norrez.—ln case of lose, the Company will hold themselves responsible for personal baggage only, and for an amount not exceeding $lOO. NOTICE --Omnibisees will be in readiness at the New York Depot to convey passengers for the 'Neat to the Pennsylvania Railroad Station. THOMAS MOORS, Agent, Passr Nov e m ber Pennsylvania Railroad Co. Philadelphia, 21, 1867. n21,1y Po WESTERN TRAVELLERS. SPRING AND SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. TWO DAILY TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE TO PITTSBURGH AND THE WRST. On and after Juan Ist, 1557, TWO DAILY TRAINS will leave Calvert Station for Pittsburgh and all West ern and South or Northwestern cities. THE MORNING MAIL TRAIN Leaves Baltimore daily (Sunday excepted) at 8.15 A. M. connecting with the Mall Train over the Great Penn sylvania Railroad, and arriving in Pittsburgh at 1.20 THE AFTERNOON EXPREM TRAIN Leaves Baltimore daily (Sunday excepted) at 3 P. fl. Tor Harrisburg. THE NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN Leaves Baltimore EVERY NIGHT at 10 P. M., eon nesting with the Lightning Express over the Pennsyl vania Railroad for Pittsburgh, arriving at 1.20 P. M. 7 All these trains connect closely st Pittsburg with trains over the Pi ltrblrrgh, Fbrt Tra3nte mist Chicago Res frond, and Its Northern, Southern and Western consectioue. $24,076 82 ID- Passengers for Chxelgo, Rock Island, too, lowa City, hillmankee, Dubuque, St. Peal's, als4, eon, and other leading cities in the Northwest, withal% axe Auxdred miles of travel and ten hours in time, with four less changes of cam, by taking We route. frr Passe ere for Cleveland, Sandusky, Toledo and Detroit, go by this route, and the theeis unequsJlM, being 113 miles shorter then by any other nonto. Ely- Passengers for St. Louis, Indkvapol . TemaHaute, Csito, and all points on the Liver Tipper Mississippi, make less changes of ears, and arrive In ad vance of any other mute and to Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton, Louisville, and other prominent rities, as quick as by any other route. AU Wester* Baggage MUCKED TIMM( &id hamliedwiacare. FOR THE NORTH. The LB A.M. eonnects closely with Express Trams over the Dauphin road for Williamsport, us lilmirs, Roeheater, Buffalo, Niagara Yalta and Canad, thus forming t h e moat direct railway route to Northwestern Pennsylvania and Weston:, New York. Passenger, wilt find this the eborteat, cheapest, and most expeditions route to Niagara Falls and Canada. Through Ticket, are Wined to Philadelphia via Co lumbis and Lancaster by all the trains at 33 each, each train having - sure connections. Passengers by this route 'sold iXesselled bridges, and all the isiconwarder.ce of ferrying across the Snaquelianna river. Passengers for Hanover, Manchester, Getlyabur ,g alm mittabur,g, Carlisle, Chambersbarg, go by the tralma at 8.16 A. ht., and 3 P. M. WESTMINSTER BRANCH. The Cars on this read make one trip per day, connect ing with the train at 3 P. M. For THROUGH TICKETS and farther Information, apply at the Ticket Office, Calvert Station, N. H. corner of Calvert and Franklin streets. • sep2S-tf 0.0. +WILSON, BaCi. 1113ENNSYLVANLA. RAILROAD.-THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTS, connecting the At lantic; Cities with Western, North-western, and goutk western States, by a continuous Railway direct. Tbis Road also connects at Pittsburgh with daily line of steamers to all ports on the Western Rivers, sad at Cleveland and Sandusky with Steamers to all ports on the North-western Lakes; making the most DIRECT, CHEAPEST and BRLIABLII ROUTE by which Prelate. can be forwarded to end from the GREAT WEST. RATES ELTPWREN PRILA.DELPHLL AND PITTS, BURGH. Piss: CLaes—Boots, Shoes; Rata, and Cape, Books, )ry Gads, (in loosen Wes and trunks), Drugs, (in boxes and bales) Feathers, Fun. Ice 90e. per IMP EMOOsn Mass—Domestic Sheeting, Shirting and Ticking, (in origina l bales), Drnga (in auks), Hardwire, Leather, (in rolls or boxes), Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Saatward, k c. per 1001 b THIRD extfis—Asreils, Steel, Chains, (in casks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Baited, (loose or in sacks), Tobaceo, manufactured, (except Cigaraor cut he., be 1350., par 100 lbs FOURTH Cuss—Coffee, Fish, Baeme, Beef, and Pork, (in casks or boxes eastward), Lard and Lard Oil, Nails, „ Soda Ash, German Clay, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, tr.o 500. per 100 rts FLoos—.7so. per bbl., until further notice. - Corros—S2 per bale, not exceeding 500 lbs, weight, until further notice. In shipping Goods from any point East of Philadel phV ,be particular to YAWL packsge trio Pisewsplnanis Itattroad." AU Goode consigned to the Agents of this Boad, at Philadelphia, or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. Fallon? doways.—Harris, Wonnley & 00., Memphis, Tenn.; B. P. Sam ac Co., St. Louis, Mo.; P. G. 0 , 2.i1ey Jr, Co.,Ewanrrille, Indiana; Dumesnil, & CO., and rier lc Jewett, Lonurrille, Ky.; B. C. Mfg drum, Madison, Ind.; 11. W. Brown Co., and Irwin A Co., Cincinnati; N. W. °rah= A Co., Zaaesmille,, Ohio; Leech ACo No. E 4 Killisatreet, Boston; Leech A 00. No. 2 Astor Noose, New Terk No. 2 Millais st. and No. 8 Battery Place, New 7.4; _IC J. Snewders Philadelphia; liagraw Koons; Baltitaawsi p. A. Stewart, Pittsburgh. . NEW YORK LINES.-THE CAMDEN N AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINES. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW TOM, AND WA PLACES. • - - • Leave as follows, viz : VALI. At 1 A. M.; from - Kensington Depot, via Jersey City, Mail At 8 A. Id., via Camden and Jersey City, New Jer sey Amommodation At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion,__ 2 At 7 AAEL, via Camden and Jersey City, Morning. Mail 3 At 10 A. M., by steamboat Trenton, via Tammy and Jersey City, Morning Express 3 At 2 P. M , viz Camden sad Amboy, O. and A. Ex press At 5 P. M. via. Camden and Jersey City, Evening Mail At 3 P. M. ' via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, IstClass 5. At 3 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Anoommoda- Mon, 2nd Class. 1 At 6 P. M. ' via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, lot Clare At 6 P. DI., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, Out Claws 1 The 5 P. M. line rum daily, all others Sundays ex °opted. Express Lines stop at the principal stations only. For Belvidere, Easton, Flemington Ac., at 6A. and At., from Walnut street wharf. For Water Gap -Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkezbirr Montrose, Great Bend, eco., at 6 A. M., via Delatrar Lackawanna at Western Railroad. For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. Yor Mount Holly at 7 A. DI., and 2X, 3 and Er P. M. WAY LINES For Bristol, Trenton, Ac., at 2.3 i and 4 P. M. _ 2 WAY LINE For Palmyra, Panaceas, Beverly, Burlington, Borden town Acat 3 P. Di. Steamboat RICHARD STOCKTON for Bordentown and intern,, diate places at P 51 Steamboat TILEN'ILY for Taceny at 10 and 11% A. M., and 4 P. M. M. All lines, except 1 A. M., hayslnut 'tree wharf. Errifty pounds of baggage only allowed each yo unger. Passengers are prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel. All big gage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Com parry limit their responsibility for baggage to one doter per pound, and will not be liable for any amount be yond $lOO, except by special contract. WM. H. GAT Z3LP.R, Agent 0. & A. R. R. CO ji 1101111LADELPHIA, GERYANTOWNN 1 AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD—WINTER ARRANGEMENT.-4n and after MONDAY, October 18th, 1S T. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 6,7 X, BX. 6,', 11X A. M., 2, 3-10 min. 4,5, 6,7, 9, and 11 P. M. Leave Germantown at 6X, 7-35 min. 8,9,10 X A. M., 1-10, 3-10 min. 4,5, 6, 7,8, and 10 P. 31. OJ' The 7.33 o'clock A. M. Train from Germantown will atop only at Wayne Street Station. Leave Philadelphia at 9.20 ado. 741.; 2 and 6A: P. M. Leave Germantown 8.20 min. A. M 1.10 min. and 6.45 min P. M. CHESTNUT HILL BAILLOAD !Migati=2o=l LeaYe Chestnut Milt at 7X,8-10and1a-10 min. A. M., 1240, 340, 5-40 and 740 min. P. M. . . Leave Philadelphia, 9-20 A M., 2 and 6% P. M. Lorre Chestnut Hill at 8 A. H., 12-50 and 5-20 P. M. FOR MANATIINK, CONSHOHOCKEN AND 1:01tB19- Leave Philadelphia at es, 9, 11 A. M., 3,4 x, 6%, and n P. 11. Leave Norristown at 7, 9,11 A 31., 3 and 5.40 P. 61. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M., arid 3 P. M. Leave Norristown at T A. M., and 5 P. M. CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD FOR POWNINIi Learn Philadelphia at 6.yi A. M., and 3P. 3i. Leave Downingtown at 7,i( A. M , and 1 P. M. 11. N. SWIM, Superintendent. Depot, Ninth and Green streets, Philadelphia N ORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WINTER ARRARGEILENT. 701 BETHLEHEM, EASTON. ALLENTOWN, MAIICH WILKESBARRE, DOYLESTOWN, A c. On and after Wednesday, November 4th, 1557, the trains on this road will leare Philadelphia daily (St, days excepted) 19 follows: Etir Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown Manch Chunk, and Wilkesbarre (Express) at 9 A. M. For Bethlehem, Allentown, and Mabel: Chunk. (Es pres,) in connection with L. T. It R and Easton, by stage, from Iron Hill Station, at 415 P. M. For Doylestown, (Accommialationd at 410 P. M. For Gwynedd, do. at 10 A. M. On Tuesdays and Fridays the 10 A. M. train will run through to Doylestown, lesiviaz Doylestown to return at 135 P.M. TRAINS FOR PIITLADELPIRA Leave Bent elent (Express,) at 9 A. M., and 2 25 P. M. Leave Doylestown, (Aceommodationd at 6 35 A 31. Leave Gwynedd, do at 2 20 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. For I From Gwynedd 0 15 A. M. I Gwynedd 2 20 P . 51 Doylestown 4 SO P. 51. 1 Doylestown C 1.5 A.M . Fare to Bethlehem 91 50 " Manch Chang 2 co " Wilkesbarre 450 PASSENGER DEPOT, FRONT and WILLOW Sts . Phila. ELLIS CLARK. Agent. Live thoof safts SALAMANDER SAFES. ---- A large assortment of EVANS dr. WATSON'S PaILADRLPH.L.4 MANUFACTURED BAT stsNDER SAFES, VAULT DOORS, Tor Banks and Stares. BASH WOKS, Equal to any now is nee. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, ire., On is good terms as any other establishment In tbsr United States, by EVANS dt WATSON, No. 20 South POURTIL street, Philade a lplu. ult- t 4 PLIAOR GIPS 1:13 A CALL. H. H. HOUSTON, General Pre* It Agent; .• H. J. I,OIIPASICP, Superintendent, Altana, Pa ON SUNDAYS ON SUNDAYS