The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, December 02, 1857, Image 3
~~~ be seen in anosnor column oP Itt Polak; that tor t,44 aale of,akettil and fancy,p;ilcies _rag-opened iiiterdsyln Tayne!aßall, by cg The ladies , central Mome.Mission,l , and which is to be kenVollea aAbf thillyeeki" ThO ob ject of thatbir is to Obtain in'eapii to clothe the destitute childien aitindingibe day and iibbaili-in'the Mission building in Bedford . street, a locality in which thiii46tieltlitit 'association' him_ already' uccoiriplishod touch, gpod, an,ditre do bti ' hot, wlll ,accoNlish much iiikkiA,4l.evoigiai4liAtii:tii..l*l93AoAping - tio: /4 1 tho design or -thin fair leaserylaudahle one, our citizens irilf3eidalog'ile set liy,exter ding to it their , liberal $1 . 143/1)Ift-gter .1— Ifearly every one in more.. or 14i1.4i6#0.44-li;.#l.wide4PFe44..PPlitOn:7l/14- to now sweeping over the land, and all ;who. give theieroWlitenaron-and inpport Iw-every . nominee that I&Ylfditta object', ttiAortiliotatineoilbe condition of, things, ftnniehing llab 'industrial claesea with work and (Air city eitihorittee are 'Oeteg all thi4 ittid we daily record, seta 'prliato mupid oense: -- .Kmoogothers - worthy of ootv we see that the: great oiothing thla , of Clifton, Alln l ght,=&„Uci i ; g:ayne is! Ito, Oheetntit.atroat, Are their t'Atir° stook of elegant and seasonable clothing at coal- prices,' ''their workmen;“. Let. all` Who; want foihionable garments and groathargehta Cail.en - d! ' "tilitgrek Whittann, 'the! - pop:der confectioner and'frulterer;ge;cend street,. holoWi <Chestnut; hen a moat Mock of good, thinge, l which he is selling, wholesale and retail, as low an they - leer be had at any other glade in, town. • The candies of39.hltnientire'made of, the beet'maintials, and connote seen sea in each Tatters—the ladles—pronotutee them sari r- • A t J. 0 4 O&RF418. 11 . 4.P/118a1tD gravrtaemin' s Oitnuckitv to knoir that thielienitifekv fitted &Lea l Inllighth - atra9t, o :ooioW Cheetnlitile bedoteing a very 1 110 Milk iaioiti,'an. , l ' efty,ttie`mo4t, refined: "obitees. J1%4 bat oifa`re Serred op, at all poitis, and if itli tabld apptdntments or,dtaided , elegance. *-ITho saloons set • isparkfOr the.ladieo will compare - with the tineatou ttdd aontfnelit: - Or- ARMEE - NOR NEWELL AT TDB BLIND ASTLDN.- 4, , governor r SOWeli;of tiour Sarney; and hie outto, paid feitorday to thel3llid'Asyluin. Iduipupils Went through with_their interesting ararciire. Ille Escel i leaoy~inede a mimesis. on:the Occasion, wearing those ' present that, hedesigned, befori.! leaving tho city, to _pine* 'hihise,it a new outfit lit the: Stone ir.i;ilOthlng & 603 and 606 i-Ohestaintadreetsistiovo.SixW , t*TTERS:AND . THINGS IN ,P4E.Vr i'Aßraatlie xieir Terkpapers.ef fast evening :lir Melt rivesri. morning„ at half-Pest, ten,- ;sad. nooldent Occurred, which' ties ',:pltioged a xespeetiside fetidly , .deep',Wgriet:.; - Zif4.Miclittel„ - KigleYY *balding - At ;,I.*Anet.7 l kirtroninC:atre.cti- , . l gaildhik te 'take Part, in:"the le eetionotaa.:reparing his 'revolydr „ for- any; defonoo of , pOllOll which be- mi_g ht bjs called .uporejn-make during the day. ' Ho had finished loading gunk, as turning the ;ehambdr '-rmindle assure himself that the Baps wore all on, when, at that .moment, his little - girl, tibinit years.of age, Oa:Melo the table 'at which he wits emitad,,Aglit,- 'Wore his hand, the .hammer sect dentally.fell, a barrel was disohaiged, the shot ea.. tored-ber forehead, and she fell mortally wounded. ; The• unfortunate father been= almost frantic, and 'his 'cries soon dress a - crowd - to the house. Drs. Harris, Brooks, and - Johnston ,werw• seen' In , :attendance, but' skill and best will were uneven-, ; .,lag;, The shot-had penetrated the' frontal bone, ;an& was-lost deep - an,lhe edbstanosOf,the brain. 'These gentlemen, entertaining no hopes of.,tbe - child's recovery, eould . ..only sympathize with the afitinted parents, and relatives; and at half-paht twelves When our reporter- left, 'they: consider that the child could mai_ linger but a few hoo fs - at ' , ' .Surcinis CriAltOpAL - ekAB:—TbiS aue**).ttiOining; alaininine n•olock, Meets \Vett and Robison, of. the Beroolad. Preuineti'wefe petroling their boats, a female came cunning uti ,- and, in- a very excited manner, stated thatyr: Kern; keeping's lager, hese saloon Inlf m ielbaseent ' of premises southeasteorner or Beekman andKiis : aanatreets, bad kllledliimself; Tho .Offieero_ inediately proceeded to 'the spot,, and on the dobr of en underground-and - confined room, saw written, with a..plece of chalk, the :ollowing “.You may -find me in here." - - - • • - Thir Officiate forced open 'the do which: had beixatistelipt front the inside; and there stietehrd box' ley the dead. body of Korn: :•Beside him wee a kettle of charcoal, partialirctinsumed, 'which went, to slioW 'thet;lie hid died from suffo cation. Abont4=,; o'clock rlifauday ; evening the - lielmou'lervant 'girl left: the progusesobut before going Keratoid her that, he:,was going to shut pp the place and-girta:bed: , -Ntithing . more ivas seen of him till:blir,dead body . was - discovered. . The deceased has: Often . 'within • the, _last': fel weeks threetened to: take ilia life, `owing; tuflis'supposrd, to pecuniary einbatriissinents._ , . Business Wile aim, and the deauseed feared he would be unable to raise money to paybis rent end ; to meet other debts .which. Were becoming dint, The deceased is said to have been a man of 'good character, and' honest in-all toe dealings. Mr. Kern was a thrman, abeut -- twenty-foirr yearn of and unmarried: -Coroner Perry- was notified _ and will hold an'iniittesron the body:.. AN /mistrial Zunctiori "Weant.—Two , gentle. men of -this city have, it is said; made evrager' on • , the election for Mayer, , agreeing that he: whose candidate is, defeatedehitli saw a londlof Weed in • front: of, the Girard' "Home; - eorner,Uf Chat: era street MA' Watt "Breadiray,' .on,,Thursdny after , 13001 J, between the hoursof one and three o'eldok. Jt is some relief, to find a .spice of humor miter •!InM this election:contest: : LETTER- *nom GRAVE OOZES( WOO O. iror The - N Cir 6 a 'Or van Russ—Sin : Allow me - to call Your attention, and that of your readeri, to `the • entertainment to be given this 'ovining at 'Concert Hall; for thelenetit or. the 'Union Temporary Home. „Net only id the home en excellent charity, worthy et all, enconragement, bat the fair vocalist who ivill 'Appear on, this oceisi9ik .ebouhl , ,engago ost si(ie `as kstringot Tinitinwour:vinitriatn . . .._ unpropitious time. ' ' - , -..r,. ~..-.....-., , Miss E. L. Williams,' well known in England as " The Welsh liightingalo,P has distinguished fier sog there by a charming style of ballad-sing ing, and hy'a =remarkable talent r s9 e, impersonation. She has' reoelyetl, high, ineomjums, from the riyess ' of London, where she, hes, been singing for a tear or two'Past; and where she' sfudied'underSir Henry Bishop, Ornvelli,ttild-tanisa. - • '•- . --; , ! Miss Williams-is a pripossesSlng - . Young 14dy, 7d thAlrish, frank face, and a powerful; but eVeot :In tho,novel and amusing entertainMent ,0f, ,, i he Lady's Pream,l' writtotk,for her, music, ruage,'and Spoken interludes, by Me:-Samuel 'Lore'', -= Miss Williams will appearia twelv.edifferenteharaa ers,, with as many ohangesaf dress. She will afterward , ifig - i ballad: lit her "rtatiVe' °language And native - eostunse.:-.1-=, :: ; - :;:-:.:: ':' ''' : ','i I Miss Williams brought to me a Warta letter of oommeadatien froni tho.distingnialtentiglis ,or rather Irish, authoress, Mrs. 8. 0. Mall:- I ope for my friend'a friend, for , the stcanger'and e red singer, as Well safer thaManagers and: bone cis ries of the .1! Ilome,"_ a full house.- -Will nob the Welsh own& "oat to hear a %%Mee 'fioni Crjotrir—a " nightingale' that has warbled over thewild bills; and through .the green valleys of the rugged 'that - beautiful fatherland? • ', ;'' , '.." -,. .', , i • Very (Tab' Years,- - OnAcatinzerwOcin. l'ametuments;lhoetaber 1;185T ' , - THE COURTS.- " lIESTERDAT'S• PIIDOXBDINGS. -: : " ) = rgeperted for he i'resa.:l; ' - ' '' , " i -- , Manner Cover, lio.-1.--Judge Sireed.+lp the due of-Ingram 'vs. the 'Philadelphia Insurance, Company, beforeuported; the , jury; being 'unable to agree; Were discharged. , 'ln the cue of Evans vs. Keyser—in' aetilm or -,r,jeotsPenkf.Preddaitleußashlllll, before reported --tbejtiry uturnedAyerdiift "kr: fife", jai aln ti ff of -two.ninths of, -the- property: Allesari, ,Meldtirtrio and Bullitt for the plaintiff; Messrs: Rushfur ray, Stewart, Earle", , and Smith for defendan . - "-Martin:4: Iffelloggvs: John Efflttire. An L ion to rooter the value of eivirse lb urod - by de end - " ant's dray., On trial: David Obtain', !Ss ~ for , plaintiff ;Daniel Dougherty, Seq , for thede defend ant. . • i• DISTRICT 001711,T, No. IL-Sadao Bearsirood—la . the ease of Isaac •Collins - vs. William Whi Min, garnishee, Ae„ . - befere reported, thbre• was it ver diet for the plaintiff for $2OO. -"lstree - Sorrill,!tu., for plaintiff ; ' JamoSW. Paul,-Esq., for defendant. William S. Peters • vs: Diehard W - . , Stool; An action on a promissory note. , Verdidt - tbr the plaintiff for 0404: • A:Thillipsifortheidaintiff;- , Brinkle, Esti.;foribeilefendant: ` ', '' Josephliliefikwoodfvs.,Anne Virginia Farriuliiir,:. 1 • , ' , An action ter goods sold" and delivered.l Vordiet ',•,•-•:, forpliiintiff tulle:lC , .D.7llirst,..Esq„;,for Plain, •- ' P :',, : t u ff; G. Ingisraoll., - JEST, for defendant. '-3:. -1 . .". -,-,,-."...,-..', Mary J. ' , Antigen:lV, Isiao %Rid .4: Sots. An. ::: , :caotion on a: promissory, note. -Verdict for plaintiff •-' :- ter Villilf., 11.‘i - W; Biddle, Esq . ., 'fo'r plc stiff; • - MessraWharton land .IditOheson, for defendant. " - Tailldiff.lteeioll VS; Sarah : „Ifaines,. :admiPistra ,;.. . Ariz of johnlinfdeocased: =An action Money loaned. Verdict der plaintiff $207.50. .1X:-..M;., Phillips, E'en, for:plaintiff Ileum. '.Cooper,..and Stokes. or defendant." , ,-,-.. .. ,- ' • ••-• ' 1 -.:' ~ . Minnie ,'Hilf-is. - Mary - Mitt. An nctio on a •.. - Promiasory mite: Verdiolfor the pfirintiff, 18.23. 4 i tt , Drabbe,..Esqi - lor :the plaintiff -nodded, ,tilltir, sea:, for the'defaridarit..: .... - if i , - gami, D, Prentiell & Charles D. i'rentzell;late 4 ' : treat/ .undor the.. firm of I!,r entiell" . .t CO, tes... ..., 'An action for '.itour sold', and „. ::,-,4allirered, Omttici.. 8 , C. , k , SAT. Peritins for the • plaintiff, T: J. Berger,lsA ~ for defcMdent.! • .. QUARTER BSI9BdONS.7-ablit .00prt .leas tot 1 - In session. 'Jury trials will•he ;resumed this Morn . , . , .. , • . .4101 e of:Real : Estate; Sidiktr, 6c.r-Tne fol- lowing sales were , inade 'last evening.hy Nereus. -, Thonnts ,t; Sone; at-the- Philadelphia , Exchange : ,-"--' ' • 'Share of the Jofferson'Land -Associati6p, $55; share Philadelphia Library, $25; Aare 11.ierein „ tile Library, $(1,25; ,c t. -t'..erellAni,orionnAond'erny of ~ . ”, --, Music $25,9; .C.,900. Penne, s'per oent.: - loin, l pi per ' • eent.;"two-atery brick dwolling;,Enrd's ,co rt, be tween Tenth and' -leventh , streets, ssoii frame dwelling,- Wood ktreet, between Oreen litho and Levering -street,; Tiveiety , first- ward, . $295; band , ‘ ," ' - some tie* residence,No."lB.oo Balmier Pince ' be-' , - .'tween- 'Eighteenth - and ;Nineteghtir streeis, end ,---; i, Snrage and MO' streets„ $0,904; thipe-atom brink drielling; NO. A. 917 'Vernon qtreet, between' Tenth and PiteyentAti o and , Parrith and Drowntreats, = .., '.. .4l,4o9;,lotrgonthwest corner of Colombia venue ''._,::- :111%dTatenty.seyenth - streeti - 080; threcosto y brink f a ' dwatilefr TwViitx-Itnitt , _street, below lian l mo n . . Strioer Fild;: nostnitiikorti residence, No. 00 North Fifteenth street ! 'l,eiirtferilroh and ;Itaceletreettli $3,975; lore and-tialtiehle 'lot Of gionadjlValnut; street, north side *out of Margarotta street, West phitedelpon,4l:ooo;Afirest-story brie& dwelling, (1. z a , - , )!atoinitard.-slioeto Beet, of ,'Third street, , • in;r2APlliree-StiuyblielostAno and dwelling, Ridge ZiseennieP":l4ld* Oxford street, $290; the 3a:story, " - Welt JilitollfritoNo,'lls2; Pettsytink ,road, )4 ,0 14, Node* street, $1,000; three-storjbtfokus oip anti , - , - 4 - s - %,._ .; ,r,a4tfteOe'porttpr of Tenth A ttu& Poplar ~...4.1i ~,i, sr: .4 5m..,2,5,9 1 ..'gr00d.,,r44 ,:bf $ 1 .,t1,,t , t X4l l ', $5OOl pancrental4Bo tle*, tslss;' grounct refit: A ,i fy :;ir 7.4014. ~. :, )44,4,_1,1 • ''''''r , .-1.? A. :."....; ...,rel. , ) 14- - ; ; , i ) 1 , 1401, 131( IMMM=I ~. IXAUIt- ,Y-Roll NEW-YORK., •) (Correspondence of TherreSti.) , . , - i • - p NEW YoRK, Dec. 1, 1857-5.20 F.M. Whothek tho excitement of the charter election; the greatatruggie between thefriends of Tieniann and Fernando Wood; or 'the general commercial torpor, 'be the cause, bertainit is that huskies:oas been more than usually slack in Wall greet, - and the money market more than usually inactive. The footle, there is'alniost nothing doing' in' the legitiinati course of business. Tip-top seenrltles , aro quite as Naito as money was Intern: the ani,, pension, •and, the banks continuo to, iefusb to; lend a- dollar lon any- other, I' would , remind the readers Of, ylie Panes that' tip-top sal:Titles! aro either,good State - ponds, bank stocks, or, the, notes of the hie. -- n• who 'did not owe, and,. ,did not want any Molloy ddrin if the panic,and who - had large balances at 'their backers. %One of our pa-1 pore says the haat& 'are'verYntneh depressed in; spirits at the scarcity of iticas, tip-top class of ber-1 rowers, 'and, that they are obliged to hoard and ,lockup ever lwenty-ieven. wrillioil - s, Of 014: : 4'20 -late, The remit is-certainly calculated , to Pro-1 dune low spirits and despondency; bat as I know,. _ and can.fully, appreciate the base seltlahnessof the motives of the New York banks, I rejoice that they aro made to,feel,-in the only way their obdurate natures con be made to. feel anythingthrough their pookets—the evil results of their own iniquiJ ty. Look to their last statement.' A decline in discounts of close, on .half a million, with $27,000,- 000 in gold, close' on $14,000,000 more than the • banks, held the same time last year. All 0 0 .0 whom I meet to-day in my search for information, 'consigned the banks to a place not to be, men tioned to rears polite; and though I may dis sent from eternal punishment as rather too se vela even for the bank managers, I cannot won der at the virulence of those whose ruin and con tinued prostration have been entirely brought about by the principle illustrated by tho last statement—decline of $500,000 in loans, with $27,000,000 in specie. Seine of the sprightly 1 papers of this city, who, like Mark Tap ; ley, think there it some credit in being jolly under adverse eircumstances, think they believe that money 'is "abundant,' "-intsv,'? "flowing in on every side," ,t; e. They , toll no that snottay . ,ort all isle be had at Gar 'per cent., and as the quintessence of good newt; state with as evident - a °buckle as pen, ink, and paper can express, that "borrowers with good signatures" can get money in the street at 16 pot cent!. They do not explain why these borrowers; with good signatures,' shoald be forced to pay 9 or' 10 poi cent. for money more than the nominal '. rates, while 'the banks are stronger in every way. than- they have ever been at any former, time. , It is true that 0 -mastic exchange , is mush easier than it was, and the relief obtained ;from this. course has, in itself, done mueli to alleviate distress. Foreign.exelia nge is firmer atloBaloo4 .for sixty days sterling, and 1105a111,1 for sight drafts. Tho Boston steams, to-morrow, will probably not take but' more tha s7oo,ooo'inapeote, but the Atlantic on Saturda • will probably take out a much larger sum. The certificates of 'the Metropolitan Bank'issued on the accumulated country currency, comma* to bear interest from to-day. This may force 'a olearinghouse settlenientin gold, and as the cer tificates are secured by State'stbeks, cause them to be sought for investment.. Tho Evening Poat of this evening learns'that two thousand of t h e bogus shares, issued by the Michigan Southern,ltailway Company, have been lately sold at twenty cents eti , adellar. •The same-paper, states thatit isln mored that-some of the -creditors of the Illinois Centrattbreaten suits on 'unpaid acceptances. The cash transactions-at the sub-treasury were: Ite oeipte,s2ls,oB7.92;•paymentS,s27o,B7l.77; balance, $4,219,355.74; ; The receipts at ;the oustom-house for duties were $50,6 receiptsoo. ~. -- • _. • '• 1 The stook mitthet IT - - -•“ii. but firm : Read _ . itrcery quia . frig closed at t 4; Erie at 161; Michigan Southern at 21;; Galena and',Oldongo at 78; Vlevoland and Toledea4 43, and New York Central at 741. - NEW E:ORK. STOCK EXCHANGE SALES, Dec. 1: ' - :'EIRSE BOARD. 1000 NY , tK's '5O, 95 .7000 Ohio We '6O 09X ' 1000 Tenn' o'6 '9O • 80X 11000 -doBI3X 5000 hilesouri —70 x 2000 Virgin's Ire -893 2000 Oal-7'e'7s. '75 09x " 1000 N "Caroni's - Ai 'B7'7 13000 ..Brooldpn fPa - 90 1000 N-Y Oen It Tto 98 ~ 2000 Erie Con 7 71 . 81% 2000 Had let mor co - - 10099 Ned eanyt bdo 50' 45 Ilarloni B 8% 250 dcr . 010 B,y 100 do • 300 ' do 200151 Blk N Ind a 3 18 60' do - 18% , 75 - do 18% '2OO : " log 276 do 10% 400,. - do • b3O 10; 100 • -do • b3O - 194% 100 do prerd 33 20t1nd IL R. 21 1000 11l Cont, - 8711 1060 do • 87,4 5060 do -as. 1000 do , 83" 874' 5000 - do " 1130 87 1000 Mich Cen „ 83 0000 do 821‘ 1000 T 11 & el2d in 6511 1000'011 & Chi 2d nt 81 3000 -• 40 Am Ex d ch Bk ; 80 X Bonk 84 ; „431Brinnhysy Dank 405. .100 - Pg.& hod . 104 173 dir • 103, •, 10 do -103 k 100 Brawl Laid do.:- .4x 25 P 11. T Ship Co 68, . 16 Erie Railroad .15X 150 do -;431.53i 175 do , ;10. 10 Mich Con 11 5311 - 60 C & 11.181 and 180 78 10 0 d 0 Panaa 11 x3O 81 a x 1 m - 8 100 Reading 10 b 3 54 200 , --do - 50'; do b 5 51 100 - - - do - 510 64 20 do alO 52 200 0 , do - als 55% % 11 Gal & Gbl :• 79 27 , do 783( 250 cloy k Tot 42 000 - do - 03 42 200_ do c 42 15000-La Gross d; 5111 12 200'. 'do , • s 5 12 . do sIO 12 100 . do 810 12x 200. do 12x 100 —do 12% 140. do 13 100, do 1110 13 100 N Y cen oig 74% . market is quiet:for both s; 8848 of P'ots - at $7, and Pearls are, kiwi—sales small, at • JOPPER continues inactivo at .9 - aloic. • for Rio, and 15dalfo. for4ava. An auction sale of 2,p9 bags Rio is announced for to-morrow." - Olorrox is .firin at Ilie for middling unloads, and 12ia12;0. for middling fair do. • The sales this morning:are - Anliapertant. - " •, -neg.—The demand for kinds isilitiatid, and the market is still depressed, but, in the absence of - important transactions; prices are nominally unchanged. ' ' •. Patin, invii7 :for, Western canal flour is rather leers a ohm, but With liberal rivals in prospect; and - very mild weather, buyers have; the advantage to the eitent .of 9aloo.lper barrel on the low grades, at which a fair demand prevails. :The salesare 7,000 bbls at $4.7541.85 for common to good State; $1,95a55.25 for extra do; $4,75ir 54.80 for superfine Indiana and Miehigaa; ,$4,05a $0.75 fat extra do;. $5.35a55.90 for common to good extra , Ohio $5.00a57 10 for good to choice do; $5.0047;50 for St., Louis brands, and $5a57.60 for extra flenesee,..-: • . Canadian flour is also lower; the inquiry i 6 fair for good brands, but common aro hoary; saTen of 400 bbis _0:54.7544.85 for superfine, and $5.46a NM for extra biands. Southern flour is agaln•a shade lower, andia inactive with liberal offerings— sales of-000 bbls at $5.15a55.40 for mixed to good. brands Baltimore,-do, and $5.50a57 for thealmtter grades. f• • • Rye flour is geld at $3.50a54.60. Corn me4l is scarce—cults of 'Jersey at $3.50, and Brandy Wine •at $3.65. :Ituakileat flour in auu at $ per,100'16,1." „ • " - Ga;tuv. - -The inquiry for wheat is rattier npore aotivo . L—prioes.are still lower and unsettled—the arrivals in prospect aro liberal; sales of 40,000 bus at $1.25 for red Southern; $1.4541.50 for white do; - Slasl.o3 for Milwaukee Club;' sl, for lowa b r kink; and 950 for Chicago sppring.; Rye Is luiet 78a80e. Barlerie quiet,and no mattr at 7009. •, Barley malt in saloablo MM. Bats aro in fair demand; but .lower ; sales of qtato and Western at 448500. s ; • • Corn is inactive at 900 for Western mixed, :11103 for Southern yellow and white, and-75a78c forloi segYellowy new drop.;- ' -' - ' • ' , • , - Inalr: 2 -Tife Tame qiriot e proviously existing still in prevalli,:blit most holders tiro indifferent' a ut pressing sales in the preiont inanimate state of the market. Scotch pig m nominally held at s2Bas29, .6,months. , . --' . :,,',_ ,' ._ ,;, - . - ' ,• ; ' LINE; - - 4 -Roiklan'd• is ,steady ;. 'hut quiet;; at the recent advance: We'quote", common at 85ei and Bump Atli. , • '." - - ' Mote seas iiihnietive'and hiai4 ' '-' ' NAVAL STOISEB.--41111ritS turpentine in in fairjre quest and' the ,roarket closes Armor-sales of 400 bble at 420 Oath, and 100 do at 430; holderi are now geuerally. domanding o the littler rate. Crude id quiet bat prices aro nominally the same-3 is freely offered' and refused: Common resin is , in limited demand aqsl.3o asl:3s per 310' Ills afloat tind'ditliVered:' The medium grades' continue, in moderateT,reqUut-snlea of 108 ,tdola NO, 2 'at $1.40 per no lbs, and 176 do medium No I at $3 per 280 lbs. J'ine qualities aro extremely quiet and prices I somewhat nominal.' Tar le still languid. ' 1 I 011.3.-;-Linteed histently and In fair request to the regular - trade; at 53a540. for American; In English there Wink or nothing doing, inverters generally , being indifferent sellers tattle extremely fow rates current.. Crude, Whale is languid and nominally bold at .600.65 e, ;The news froth the fleet in the Bodine and Oehotsk Seas is of a ;more - cheerful tenor than that previously received from the:vessels, in;ttrul. obeli t' the, Nateschat eke' Sea. This is just what was anticipated a week or two since; and the chances of a speculative movement in theartiele; should the' present-advices i)rove unfavorable, seem to vanish. 'with the news.; Re 'fined Is Steady. and, in Birdied &MB3Bse.,'!ind at 85e.,'1 4'lnns: : Crude ,Sperm is in limited reqUpSt lat $1 pergelloo, sash... For other., kinds the ,inquiry le equally limited / and prioes aro Mostly minimal. - Pnovntoxtf.t.-A ' moderate:demand, for Mork, inddho,niarket ii.lower and heavy Mlle close-, i 'Salmi of 300' litilll. at $lB for mess; $16.80 for thin mesa; and $16410,50 for prime. The stook, "as made month of about 6,00° hbls. The stook of allikinds is meagre. _ - -Reef litfontly offornd rend is heavy'; sales Of 120 ' -bbls, at $5.75467 for country prime ; $9410,50 for -do mess; $12a513.50 for re.packed Western MOSS; r514;25a514,75f0r extra do: Prime mdm'is dull - and heavy at $224623. 4 '- ' i - Vat' SAM are heavy' and rather lower. Sales of ,50,blidtiatlThalOio.for flame, and 71680 for Slioul demi' Dressed too are q uiet at 6.1a7e, wblch is lower. : Lard . is lower and, dull; sales of 200 bbls and toe at 'Wino. ,- ,• , - -'• ' I ' ' ' English Middles are in limited demandt-sales tif 700 boxed Cumborland cot, and long and ;short :4VM Middles to arrive, on private terms. o Butter - iiiidtlieeso are'qitiot lied-heavy.. '' . Saunas are very . stoady, at sia64c. foriCuba,, and 50. flu: Molasses sugar. , , STOCK Sig.Statan DEOMIBEri 1, 1857: ' Cuba, hbds 1020 Boxes ....... .., :15,348 Porto Rico, hbds.. 3, 760 Baga ' 7,500 , St. Croix, bade:, .j 260 Maeda, hlids.. 4 8,182 - r66,1 hhtle ' 10,340 ' - Tosecco is steady, and 1 ~W afaXv.--"The Mork(' -sales 01,200 bbls, at 321, moderately activn. kin le lower and minified a23,--elosing, at 230. Ahmipriatione, jtoported for The Prose.] NEW BEDFOIID—Schr Cyclone, Dall-15,09 gal lone oil A B Ashmead; 3651 do Rapidlex Et• Bro) 417Cd0 Mor rie & Murray; 1911 do Sharp, Lettenrlng, & Col TO do Penni It IC CO. NEW DEDEORD—Seht D Q • Floyd,' itaakett-36,807 galloneott Stuabet, panting; ft. Co; 864 do-Itiolarr; 7tl6r win la 00 418 66 R D Daher, - ; PIIILADELPHIA BOARD 01 TBADR. ED:WAID A. fiatinzit, ' • instrialf..BAigiN;•' 0011111121213 OF THE BIOHTIt Ntfacton }E'radiresoil : ,• LETTER EARS t .dt the Meichattet , Exchange, Plifteufflpigia. 11111 p earanak 'Rowland. . ..... r . i'pood, Pay 28 !idnniyiWob . b l a • ~:t ra n v 4 o , l %°. 12 P- dd r lkl i t7l -- 'Ban Vanorocna Poen ati141441641/I"llrZT,'''' '.14,101,4,00 7:4%4 d/././.1 - • PItESS.--PIMADELPHIA; WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1857. .-~.—•~imritca-~ntefl~gence. PORT OF HULADELPHIA, Dee. 2, 1557. BUN RIBES i.O• • / o r-7SUI'I SET B .• •• ••••• 40 4 41 III(111 WATER..., 2 El ARRIVED.: ' Btlrque Amy, Niokerson, 10 duet froM' Boston, with Inds° to John S Twat's. Blit'Wyandotte, Bonner 6 days from New York', in ha Brig Georgia, Carlisle,,6 days from Boston, In ballast y o 1 . ; A. Semler & Co. from, i t u t e captain. o Brig Randolph, Lufkin, k diva Boston, In hal fwit to E A Souder & Co. Sohr Shenandoah, IficBmant, days' from Portsmouth, Vs, with lumber to Norcross Er Sheets. Behr Restless, Smith, 8 days from Salem, with palm oil, &c. to 011 Grant & ' • • Bohr Eugeho, Parker; 7 days from Bobton, with plas ter to CroWell lc Collins. ! ' Behr Frtemahon, Purim& 3 days from Indian, Diver Dal, with corn t 4 Ilowley. "Ikon & Co. ' Schr Jae IV Early, Sipplo, 1 day from Frederica, Dol with wheat to Jas Barrett & Son. Behr plataus, Maxon, I day from Frederica, Del, with wheat to JAR Barratt & 800 Behr John S Blitirer, ➢filler, 6 days frora Boston In ballast to Davis, Pearson k Co. • Behr Jane 0 Patterson, Hand. 6 days from Boston, in ballast to C Miller. Schr Cyclone, Dalt, 5 days from New Bedford, with oil to-A 8 Ashmead. - • • Bchr Julius Smith, Crowell, 5 days from Boston, with fish, &e. to captain. ' Schr Ann Pickerel, Dukes, 0' days from Alexandria, with mdse to Thos Webster, Jr. • • • Bohr liloyd, Itackett, 2 days from Now Bed ford, with oil to Bbober, Bunting & Co. Bohr Huntress, Disney, 10 days from Ifowburyport, 'withindse to fl A WoOd. ' Bohr Class Blower, Payao, 8 days from Annivitiani with mdse to captain - CLEARED. Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchell, Richmond, T Webster, Jr. Barque Imperidore, Ruhbard, I?cirnanabuco, Lo el te Damon. Bohr J,O Patterson,. Hand, Charleston ) $O, Mitlor & Co. " Behr J S Sbriver, Miller, Boston; D Pearson & Co. Btr R Willing, Claypoole, Baltimore, A Greven, Jr. (COrreSpondenee of the Philadelphia Exchange) TAMS. Dol.. Nov. 80.8 A M. Two ships were at anchor yesterday afternoon off the Brandywine Light, one of which is now off the Shears; and proves to be the Tropic Bird; the other is bound op. A heavy fog prevails at this time, which prevents mo seeing any vessels that may be. at the Breakwater or in the bay. The sloop Wave, of Cape May, which hag been ashore at Cape Lienlopen t was got oil yesterday, and towed to the Breakwater. Wind BNB Yours, &c, WM. DI. HICKMAN, [BY reasanarn.l (Correspondence of the PhDadelphla Exchange ) CAPE ISLAND. Dec. 1. 4 45 P M. • . A' steam tug came to the Breakwater thie forenoon, and left at 2 P2l for Philadelphia, with a barque in tow. The ship Tropic Bird, for Barbadoee, went to Nes thie afternoon. Wind NW—weather very tine. • I ' Yours, &e., THOS. B. lIIIGILUI. prt TgT.ZORAPII TO TOE F 11389 ] • NEW irtlL/C, Doc 1. Arrived, aide Liverpool, from Loudon, Delon eLip Oder, from Homburg. Derrell, Dec 1. Arrived, barques Racehorse and prui tor, from Smyrna; brig Bengslee, from Rotterdam. ; The ship Defender - , Copt Robinson, arrived In Ilainpi ton Roads to•dny from the Mancha Islands, with guano, bound to Now York „ , ' 011,111LESTON, Dec 1. The British colic A Canale, from Nassau, reports the ship ltalina, from Thomaston for New Orleans, wits lost on Bekry Island on the 12th of November, Her officers and crow were saved. SAVANNIII, Dec 1. The steamship Augusta, from New York, arrived this mornings HOLMES' HOLE, Nov 27, PM-.Ar schr Isaac Rich, Smith, Boston for Philadelphia; EL B Wales, Williams, do for Now York; J H Deputy, Neal ; Danvers for Phila• delphia. 28th—Ar edit Isabel Thompson, Corson; J Ireland, Steelman; Speed, Somers, and Mary Miller, Laws, Dos ton for Philadelphia; Broderick Reed, Blanchard, Port land for Philadelphia; Sarah, Willetts , Medford for do; Ply, Cheeseman,NantUcket for do; Wave, Harris, Rock land for Now York. Sailed, Bohm Rhoda & Buoiah,'S L White, Bay State, Nerissa, Amytos, Is,tac Rich, S L B Wales, Isabella, J Ireland; Speed, and Mary'Miller. 29th—Ar Rehm Alert, Champion Philadelphia far Boston; Fidelia,, Shaw M M llilin, Melvin, and 1./ Pranbes, Frambos, Boston for Philadelphia; Caro Ame lia, Turner, Bucksport for Norfolk. Sailed, earn D W Eldridge, J Deputy D Goodwin, Frederick, Reed, 8 0 Willis, Fly, Wave, Fidelia, M II wain, J Frambee, Caro Amelia , Tangala, Odd Fellovi. Seth—Ar and nailed, echr John Shaw, Wallace, Phila delphia for Boston. In port nt 10 A 11, brig Avondale, ochre L Tap, and Cora -4), repg; oleo Alert and Glenroy. MEMORANDA Steamship City of New York, Howes, hence, arrived at Baotou 80th ult Steamship. Hammonia, Schwenseri, for Hamburg, cleared at' Now York yesterday Ship Stalwart. Luca., for Philadelphia, sailed frdm Liverpool lath . , ship Tonawauda, Julius, sailed from Liverpool 16th ult. for Philadelphia. Ship John Ititsou; from Callao, was at Cueensto‘n 14th ult. , . Ship .Laanergier, "Natio, for the C.hiodba Islands, to load few. the United States, woe at Callao Oot 26 Ships Star of Lope, Pearson; South America, Berry, and T 11 Wales, Burr, were at Mancha Islands Oct 24, loading for the United States. - - 841 P Tusk trot, Sairtowl, at Ilavona 25th nit, had I.4en adored for sale, but being declared unseaworthy, NI f not sold. Ship Daylight, Holbrook, for Calcutta, cleared 'at Melbourne Aug 31. Ships Theresa, Holmes; John Milton; Harding; Cow per,Stevens; Black Hawk, Dowers; Mary glover, Chita°, an others, were loading guano at the OhinchrfAelauds 2ith Oct. for the United States. A correspondent, writ ing from the lolanda under date as above, says: "ThOre will not he any direct departures for the future, as Con greSS has passed a law obliging all ships to return to Callao for final clearance. We have now 104 ship 4 of all angora here, and they are being despatched froth, 8 to 85 days under their lay days,'' Barque Sylphide, (Hare) Meyer, from Rio de Janeiro and Santos Oct 3, with 3350 bags coffee, arrived at Hew York 30th ult. Barque Gold Blunter, Berry, sailed from Poltallov 21 for Nalpamieo. Barque Our Union, ent,froin Conatantlnople, was at Smyrna Nov 8. Barque Tangier, Hall, from Calcutta, arrived at Boa. ton 3011 i ult. Barque Lapwing, Kelly, cleared at Baltimore 30th'ult for Rio de Janeiro and a market. Brig Orions, Baker. hence at Now Bedford 29th ult. Brig "Brandywine, Oormack, hence, arrived at Rich mond 89th ult. • Sabra Ohna Anna, Cowan Stag, Townsend; Bann F Abbott, Ludlam, and Geo Washington, Camp, hence, arrived at Richmond 30th ult. Bohr W L Springs, Lippincott, for Philadelphia, wont to sea from Wilmington, NO, 28th ult. Bahr IL Td Horse, Phillips, from Taunton, to load for Philadelphia, arrived at Bristol 28th ult. Schs L $ Endicott, Yankirk, from Wareham for Phi ladelphia, arrived at New York 30th ult Behr Amelia, Careless, for Philadelphia, sailed from Fall River 25th ult. Relic ILO Porter, Ilanderson, for Delaware Oily, sailed from Fall River 25th ult. . , &Mu Almon Bacon, T L Miller, and 8 M Shadd for Portland, Conn, sailed from Hartford 28th ult. ' Bohm 3119 Chapin, (str) Grumley, and A E Douglass, Caine,, hence, arrived at Hartford 28th ult. Behr Bobbie IV Dillon, Marta, hone at Savannah 201.11 ult.. Schr Emporium, Bower, hence at Beaton 30th ult. Behr John W Ponder, Ellinsworth, bunco at Wash ington, DO, 30111 Wt. Behr Austin Ryan, hence at Boston 30th ult. ; Sams Eliza lllkinton, Naylor, and Hannah Grant,Dis ney, hence at Newburypott243th ult. Behr Minnesota, Raker, hence at Salem 20th ult. , Schr Challenge, Packer, hence at N Bedford Mb Mit. Scbr W Salisbury, Veasoy, cleared at New York BOth nit. for Philadelphia. Schr Hannah WlBetts, Oranmor, for Philadelphia, nailed from Providence 20th ult. . . . . Behr Sophia Ann, Smith, and 8 ,F Holliday; fleatnan, from lioaton, for Philadelphia, and 7 M 'Hewitt, Itoss, hence for Iloaton; at New York 80th ult. Behr Hannah Warwick, Warwick, hence, arrived at Nantucket 28th ult. Propeller Ann Eliza, Itubineon, for Philadelphia, cleared at Now York yesterday.. SPOKYN. Aug 6, lat 10 20 S t long 3120, ship Flora, Warsaii, 46 days from New York for Valparaiao; same time, ship Franconia, Nowell, from Boston Juno 20, for Calcutta. Sept 7, no lat, tsc, ship Ceylon, Bassett, 22 days from .Boston for Penang. Eept'3o, lat 56 53 S, lone—, ship Civilian, Purinton, train Callao Aug - 80, for England. A ship repurted "Fanny A Derby" was in co. The U S sloop of War Vandalia, Commander Shis . lair, bound to the Pacific., has received sailing orders. She droppent' below Portsmouth, Nl7, 27th nit, and li j ould proceed to sea the drat fair wind. The U 8 ship 8t LOWS was at Porto Prays Oct 30, all MARINE NISOELLANY. Msetxs Lososs von NomitlElß —The marine losses for the past month show an aggregate of thirty-eight vessels, of which two were steamers, six were ships, six were barques, six were brigs, seventeen were schooners, and ono sloop. The total value of property lost woo eight hundred and twenty-nine thousand, two hundred dollars, Mats the value of the property totally lost, exclusive of damages to vessels not amounting to a total 'loss, ipul of partial looms of cargo. The vessels reported are chiefly American, although some foreign are Included, when bound to or from a "United States port, or known to be insured in this coaotry. „ The summary larStement er the Imes for this year shows the total amount to be $10,250.800. Rey West, Nov 2.5-,The brigs E Remington and Ins sailed this morning. The Elt has made no repairs ex cept a new rudder; the salvage end expenses amount to Stoiff. The sehr Louisa Newcomb came into this port on the 224 totally dismasted. The barque Truman, Inuud to Gibraltar, came in to clean bottom. The brig Iris come into collision with the barque Truelnan on the 23d, which broke the brig's fore yard and barque'e fore topgallant mast.--(By letter to k Walter, Esq. The abandoned barque primed 80th ult. by chip Bove nue, in Ilamptou 'Roads, and reported "Prince," or "Bruce," was, it la imposed, the barque Bruce Luther, which sailed from Warren, RI, Oct 24 for Matanzas, with a cargo of hoop poles, Ac, since which time she hes not been heard from. She was 172 tons, formerly engaged in the whaling business out of Fairhaven, and was thoroughly repaired prevloue to her malting from Warren. .The nehr.reported as Been. bottom up by nn arrival at New York, answers the description of the F.' Nickerson, of Provincetown, which sailed irom Denton Aug 27 for Connives, at which place she bad not arrived In 69 days. The following lute arrivals at Havana have' noted protests. Ship Corinthian, from 'Antwerp, lost part of cargo In a hurricane; barques American, from London; Tow/in, from Neweestle, and Sartelle, from Cardin, all more or less damaged. Capt Colo, of the letter veg. sal, Anted that he encountered two hurricanes. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, Up to 12 o'clock Last Night GIRARD lICUSE--Chestaut Street, below Ninth. Lloyd Glover, Boston Hon C J Faulkner, Va Chas 8 Smith, N Y , D T Thurston, Baltimore FI C Hardy, Petersburg L E Bailey, Baltimore P A Lutz, Washington T B Phrenton, Washington N A Hotchkiss, Now Haven DN Welsh, Now Haven W A Houriek, Baltimore John A Needles, Baltimore Hon A W Walker, Waah'n AII Carrie, Va II W Beecher, Brooklyn Geo T Lancaster, Haverhill Wlr Reynolds, Bellefonte 3 Il Johnsen, Nashville A Carr, 13 S A • Stephen Hyatt, N Y Mae 13 Hazleton, Boston Oscar R Jones, all ip 3 Jones Edward A Lewis, Philada J A Brownie, Abbervillo 3 SI Brickouso A la, Va Miss K Haynes. Va Thos II Hatfield, Cal Chas Smith, N Y, , David Davies, N A I Moore, Alabama Tries Mary Allooro, Ala Col Baker, Coon M Zeilin, tr 8 M Wm B Davis, N Y Ppoouer, Connecticut Dr 011 Nichols & liv,Wash 0 VI Bird, New York W Schley, Baltimore Copt 0 Harris, Cape Cod W E Shepard, New York E 'McCauley, New York Wm II Paine, Now York Wm 0 Wingfield & la, Va Elt Jennings, Vt Edw Puller, London Mr Dudley, Yaw York David Li Voorhees, N Y 'Geo Taylor, New York SI Heidolhack, New York W R Page, Vlegloih Chu Johnson, Now TOOL DII Morris, New York Chas WOW, New York Was McKinney, Now Y or k _Washington Wtlapn, N Y . AMERICAN ROTEL—Chestnutstreet, alarm: Fifth. Thos Street Balt . II Al Bunter & Its, Marrlsbg Abner Dees; Newark, 0 , J B McMullin, Phlla II IV Jacksou,`Pa ./ II Launing, NJ : lotiii It li.e4vea, Mo_Wto 0 IDatchinsou, Yr. Oliaci B 'Beller, Va 'Anthony Evans, Md Robt Long, Balt ' ' Chu Meer, Balt! 0 Bell, Batt L L Livingston, N Y 0 Cummings, N Y 0 0 Williams, li Y 0 II Walker, N m Non Baml Arnold:Conn ' Robt Smith, Oonn , II Von Keller, N Y I+ II BOrk,N Y J Warner, Maas J 0 Downing, N Y ' fl Randall, Blralls' 'Ta ' Rapaond Balena 4 /3um ) NOT XVr • • . . . . • •'- IttlEitotabtrai itoin—i6u at septic, belb Are , * 81 DOlllllO, NY -- mew, cnesavt P Jacobs, Ohio W Antler, W Graenes 1 11 W Bouthmayd, Phila i•• Mies Hamell, N J ' J Morgan, Williamsport 5 Madden, St Louis 'B 8 Maw, HI , , 1 ,0 ,T Crane, It; •. ~ , , , • .1 Berg, Mo L Ware. Pa , , Mil 8 D Cooper , Phila . 0 king, bin, Ohio 4 Douglase, ,Ind•'' , A D Markley; Pa - AN Gelesenhainer,&llon B B Campbell, Pithi'll 8 B Hayes, Wash 13 M Hamill, N .1 JO Mott, Pa . 0 Rand & la, Pa W B Helny, 'alo Mrs Jackson McAbee, Pa. Me A W Butler, Phil's 8 M Butler, Phila W B Dec11;191111,0,1 ' A Kimble, Mem A Wheeler, Haverhill J P Went, Missend!. . • " S W Hopkinson, Haver'l 13 Loring, Danbury, Masa R 0 klit;hell, Cal P kl Osterhout, Pa J W Lyman, Pa M W DeWitt, Pittston* , H 9 Cooper, Pa Z Billings, Pa bond Oonnell,'Dallsinre 3 B Oleott & tam, Magri 9 S Stephonn, lieatnels9 . • 'UNION HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth: ' I'D Dangler & wife, OhlO Ws fa lle r, Orr, Pittsburgh Mrs Pager, Pottsville J Brooke, Harrisburg ' ;Wm Dorialdion,;Tateann% J A,Drooka, Harrisburg Col R Tamsgos Master Z T Ratcllß, Tamail A J ThompSon,_Wrlghtsv James Brown, Salem, N M Reinhart , Taniqua, Geo Evans, Newark, Del 0 Walton, Easton' Wm 'L Richardson, Pa T It Hurst, Dillabuth Mrs E Ashton, Pa J S Ackerman, ‘ Uniontoirn Mrs McClure, Pa L Stroute, - Uniontown Chas I? Slimmer, Tamaqua Wm Hotterlngton, Patsy . John Carter, Tamaqua Win Illenetahlta Miners! R J Mason, Kent co, Md. Chas II Mason, Kent co,Md A H Van Cleve, Trenton Wm Maxwell, Easton N 0 Dowers, Easton J T Stewart, Easton T Prouktleld, Easton NATIONAL IMPEL—Race street, above ,Thlrd. Jos Gormley, Philo Cleo S Tnttts A la, N Ino Af Renharti Tainsqua J T James, Reading' A Sailor, Jr, NJ 0 0 James, Garrliburg II hi Janice; Reading Joshua Comly, Pa II 0 Harper, Pottsville W A Smith, Trenton Pr F Fleachnt , Laporte, Pa PAW Rees, Nancy 2tr SIIIIman & la, Pottav'e Jan T Lang, Pottsville Mice Browne, Pittston J Geiser, Pottsville L F Sunman; RhathersvM G Trauger,Rintnersvllle UNION I -Illarkot Stroot : nbro j J E Fox, Pa J Jackson. Lancaster go Minn E Kirk, Lanonetor co 811 Brown, Marietta, Pa BARLEY 8131AF-8000nd,'below t' , Vine street: Alma Williams, Pa 0 Phillips, Ducks co It - A Mills, Wilmington, Del PII Tonison 4 Del Joe S Ely, Doylestown Dr B C Snowden, Pe II 0 Parry, Attleboro To, Eastburn, Bucks co Chas Eirkbrido, Pa Jon Flowers, Bucks en fl Vankirk & In, NJ- - A (I Hines & le, Pa (I H Shaw, Yerdleyville ' ' Phloem Pickering, Pa ROI Y Linton, Pa Cu! E 011kyson, Pa A J Drown, Bucks co Wm Brown, Pe Mr llobonsack, Pa Stephen Taylor, Pa John Hough, Bucks co J G Spencer, Oxford Valley John P Jameson, Pa Saml II Rice, Pa Worthington Rich, 'a - Samuel Yardley, Pa I Walton, Horsham J Palmer, Horsham 3 Leine, Horsham J . Woe, Jr, Horsham 8 Drown, Browneburg ' Wm Stucker. Bucks oo E Atkinson. Bucks co : . Oeollbutruff, Pa Charles White, Pa John II V Booekirk, Pa J Farren A la r Pa . . OW Magill, Pa T P Harvey, NPR It ' Christian Fox, Pa : .1' Stsokhouse, Attleboro II Shaw, Morristown Stephen Betts, Jr, Pa B W Elitlipson Pa . ~ ' T Ent, Lambertsvillo 0 B eckman,Bunke co W Davison, Cheltenham MADISON 1101:1811—Second.strect, above Market. Mrs Wharton, Daysborough 1113 Kirkpatrick, Dayaboril Chas M Adams, Delaware Thos J Moore, Delaware R W Reynolds, Jr, Delaware J Kurtis, Butler das Price, Maryland S D Roo, Delaware Thou 11 Moore, Delaware T D Price, Delaware Thee W Dawson, Wearer° goo Moore, Media, Pa NORFOLK. Dec 1 BALD ?Affix HOTEL—Third street, abv. Aug D Steno, Myerstown henry Wagner, Myoratown Jacob Gans, Myerstown Ono Miller, Lebanon J L Brobst, Lehigh co C Snyder, Carbon co P J 'Poland, N Elsworth, N John B Kotterer, Pa Stunt Koffman, Bath Stephen At Kistler, Pa Miss Stepp, Allentown BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third street, ab Ca Saml Miller, Bernallie Joel Detrick, Bertwillo • Nathan Landes, District Henry Krieble, Pa Henry Thomas, Franconia Johu Hersh, Wm Blank, Klinersvillo Sand Herbst, District Wm Thompson, Zionsville Aaron Lorash, Zionsville, Jacob K 11111, Earleaville E Nngleman, Flowortowti Jacob Miller, Chester co , John Van Attadalo, PG , Thos Morgan, Attleboro 8 Seligman, Port Carbon BLACK BEAR INN—Fifth and Merchant Streets. II Iltram Bailoy , Chester co E Dorwart, Lancaster Wm Shuck, Chester co Thoe T Worth, Chester eo S J Leedom, Del co ' Wm Mullin, Media, Pa, M 1.1 Richards, Pottstown Beni Stratton, Pottettiwn ML Vanderalice,Pottatown Edmund Sister. Chester eo Wrappers: Wrappers Wrappers :—A very largo and elegant assortment, wholesale and retail, .at leduced prices. Also, Ono Mae, Drees Stocks, and all kinds of Furnishing Hoods for Gentlemen, at W. W. KNlonx's, 812 Arch street, above fiiith. nogelin Skates! Skates! Skates!—Oar readers will find the largest and mart complete assortment of this winter luxury, and at the lowest prices, at W. W. Knionris, No. 010 Market street, opposite Decatur street.,.„ no3o! l td Saying Fund.—National Safety Trust Co:, Office, WALNUT Street, S. W. corner of THIRD. ARRANGEMENTS. FOR ZUSINESS DURING_ TIE SUSPENSION OP SPECIE PAYMENTS BY THJI RANKS. 1. Deposits received and payments made daily. 2. Current Bank Notes, Meeks, and Specie will be received on deposit.. S. Deposits made In Bank Notes or Chocks will be paid back in Current Bank Notes. 4. Deposit/ wade in Cloid or Silver will to paid back n Coin. Interest Bs vs Psn CIiNT. pOr annum For Perfumed Breath, White Teeth, and Beautifal complexion, use Balm of 1,000 Ploweri." For cleaning Ladies' hale, use a Woodland 01411.9 M, new Pomade." It curia fientremen , s belt. beiutifully. W. P. FETRIDGB & Co., Proprietors, N. Y. Yoe sale hr T B. Peterson, 804 Chestnut; Sample Oinaea, Twelfth and Chestnut; A. B. Durand, 718 Chist nut ; T. 11. Peters & Co., 710 Chestnut; G. G. Evans, Gift Reoh-atore, 4.0.9 Chestnut; 0. S. Ilubbell, 1410 Chestnut; Frenoh, Richards, Sr. Co., Tenth and Mar ket; A. B. Taylor, Ninth and Walnut; Dr Merriam, Seventeenth and Chestnut; J. W. gimes & Sone, Eighteenth and Twenty-Second and Market; Bdward Chrlatinann 702, Chestnut; Thomas Lancaster, corner Eleventh and Walnut. 11012-17 _ • JllOOlOll, JOB PRINTER, MERMANT STREET. Checks, Notes, Drafts, /dills Lading, Bill Heads, Qir• culars, (lards, and all other kinds of Job Printiogl, it prices to snit the titan, 0011-1 y Cabinet Ware and - UPHOLSTERY, 624 WALNUT ST, OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE SQUARE. , 'GEO. T. HENKEL'S, 624 WALNUT Street, cw22-3na Late et 173 Chestnut Street S. C. Demild, Voinnilssion Bustness in COm• inervial paper and negotiations of loans, 66 WALNUT 81., opposite the Exchange, Philadelphia. nolo.2in Bearer's Infant Cordfah...This Invaluable Cordial fa prepared from a varlet) of the most choice and efficient aromatka known In medicine, and la the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for infanbiend young children. By its powerful influence a' speedy cure is Canted in all cases of Cho lir, windy pains and spume. , Believe' and mitigates much of children's suffering during 'denti tion or teething, and' by its soothing properties ixan quilises pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, &o. The Infant Cordial has become a standlud remedy, and has been need in thousands of cases with the roost abundant 11U000611. No family should be without it. Prepared only by SIENRY A. BOWNI, At his Drug and Chemical Ettore, N. B. corner of Sixth and Green ate., Philadelphia. To whom all orders mast be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. au 18.1 y Seamen's Saving Fund—Office 109 Walnut street, one door west of second street. Receive) de posits in sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows Interest at the nag of ale per cent, per annum. Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, end on Mon• day and saturday until 9 in the evening. Ptesident Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Charles M. Morris; Secre tary, James S. Pringle. Bony Notes of the PENNSYLVANIA BANK , FOR UMBRELLAS, liY R 7 DI. H. RICHARDSON, No. 41S IS/RICH} STERIET On the 21th ult , by the Rev. W. Kenney, JOHN DAVIES to ELLEN 0., daughter of Samuel B. Thomas, Esq., all of this city. On the 26th ult., by Rev. R. F. Young, Mr. ALBERT ARTIIIIR to Miss EMS A JANE REDIFER, all of Phila delphia. On the 26th ult., by Rev. J. B. Dales, Mr. ROBERT WYLIE of Ovnehohocken, Pa., to Mite ELIZABETH STERRET, of thin city. On the let inst., SUSAN, widow of the late Andrew Manderson In the 49th year of her age. Iler relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to the funeral, from her late residence, Main and Sellers streets, Prankford, on Friday morning, at 10 o'clock. Interment at Laurel NHL Carriages will be at N. Mel verson,e, No, 225 Creates street, to convey her friends from the city at 0 o'clock A. M. ttit* On the morning of thin 10th ult., MARY EVERNTT, aged 19 years. On the 28th ult., WM. O. TIDAL, aged 42 yearn; On the 30th ult , MAMA B. WALTON, wife of W. E. Walton, In th 34th year of her age. [ New York and Easton, Pa., papers please copy.] On the 20th ult. at Washington city, D. 0., WM. U. DE DEUST, aged 22 years. LT - Literary Unrenu.—An Experienced Editor, a successful author, and a thoroughly educated Literary moo, weary with twenty-five years of the drudgery of Daily Journalism, nes determined to hire out or sell his brains at retail to those who may require their servicee in any honorable way. Merchants, Business Men, Inventors, and dealers of every kind, will be supplied, off-band, with Advertise ments, (political or otherwieo,) Notices, Cards, Circu- lars, or any species of article desired, Politicians will he supplied with Speeches, Reports, Resolutions, Lettere, Waste, Pamphlets, Editorial Ar ticles, Cominunicatlone. and every other sort of Brain work, which they may find. it inconvenient or trouble- Come to do for themselves. Ladies and Gentlemen, of every rank in society or mi. cupation in life, can Dave Lettere written on any sub ject, whether brudnese or sentimental. - The advertiser will also conduct or translate Corm poudence of every kind, either English, Prouch, Span ish, German. or Italian. Poetry, Acrostics for Ladies , Albinos, Notes,Billet , dour, 51onodies, and Compositions of the most delicate and confidential character incident to every possible circumstance or event in life, will be furnished in in violable confidence, by writing to the undersigned, and explaining their wishes. Orders by mail, accompanied with tub, 'will be strictly and promptly attended to. Address • J. THOMPSON, Literary Bureau dl 3m BOX 2285 Philadelphia P. (I , ~ Pa. gj'"A Fair for the Sale of Useful and Fancy ARTICLES , will, be held under, d 4YRE'S CHESTNUT Street, below .Spventh, by The' Ladlee Central Home Mission," laboring, in Bedford street and De vicinity—to commence on THIEI DAY, (Tuesday) Dee. let, and continue open during the week. The ob ject is to raise moans to clothe the largo numbo of chil dren attending the DAY and p.bbath mow. in rthe Mis sion Building, Bedford street, above Sixth. Donations of Goods, Clothing, ,ito. will be thankfully rerlved by Atte, JADE PRTIIRSON,Arch dratdoorbel w Ninth, north aide ,• Mrs. It S. YARD, )10. 209 Spruce street, Or any of Ito blanno" Sperial Notices. Alarnages Eltathe 11, Ott c - e .1 the ttecetvet t TitMli"Pittladel = Tani Decemberl,-1814. •-- - - The tax•payere of the city of Philadelphia are hereby ;notified to pay their city and State taxes due fur the lyear 1857 ; and that, if not paid before the FIRST DAY , of ,lANUADT,,IBSB, in ecconbume pith the proyielone of the acts of dumbly, the names of all delinanente 'will be published on the Bret day of January ; and upon .01 mama unpaid on the 15th (14 of said month of Jinn :ary there will be charged a penalty of 5 per cent,, to gether with inteteet , to the date of payment PETER ARMBRUSTER, , dl-3t Reoeiver of Taxes. GREAT REDUCTION IN THIC PRICE 09 . 'LA GRAIRTRRY. LOTS. The Glenwood deteetery Do. have determined to sell the lets In theliGemetery et' 'ONE ITALY ' no' present prieei for mei. By this reduction some of the molt eligible Lots be sold at - ' TWELVE DOLLARS. Only 800 lott will lxv disposed of at .these rates, cud the opportunity - is offered until January let, 1808. Ap ply at the office, No. 481 WALNUT BTRANT, WOW Fifth. d2-1m ORIGINAL EDITION .OF CHARLES KNIGHT% PIOTORIAL SHAESPEAltE—lnclud log the Doubtful Playa aed Biography, and illustrated with very numerous Engravings ,on Wood, in the high est style Of art ; forming 8 vols., imperial Bro. The subscribers have been enabled to , secure three copies of this magnificent edition of Shakapettre, which has long been exceedingly scarce. Immediate applica tion will be 11000110aly to prevent disappointment in pro curing copies. 0..1, PRICE & 00., Iraportereof English Books,. d2.y No. 83 South Sixth St., above Chestnut, FOR SALE—A FARM of 78 acres, site s: sled In BOORS CO., 8 miles southwest of Doyles town ; 13 miles from a Station on Doylestown Branch, of North Pennsylvania Railroad. The Improvemonts ate two-story STONE MOUSE, new Darn, and other, outbuildings. . The land le well watered and in a Sigh state of cultivation. A large portion of the money may remain on the property. Apply to or address TILOS. ROGERS, 42-20 r Montgomery Square, Montgomery co., Pa. CORN SHELLERS, ROOT CUTTERS, Poddai butteik, Corn filllla, Cidor Dlille, Horse Powers and Threshing Machines ,• Crain Fans, Sausage Cutter, and Bluffers. ' Agricultural Implements in great variety, at lowest cash prices. For sale by dI-ltaD. LANDRETH & SON, • Nos. gl and 23 South Sixth street. rIVIE COMMONWEALTH BANK.-Thq 11CoMmenwealth Bank will commence businelvt an+ der the ,act of 1860, as a :MID FAXING DANK, on WEDNESDiY, December 1887, at the Darachig hones, Chestnut st., above Foarth. ' It, (MAMBO, Cesbler. F OR REGISTER OF WILLS- W lIANCOORS, TWELFTH WARD, d2-Seu* Subject to Democratic M ules. TAMES H. BRYSON'S BOOK . AND JOBS PRINTING ROOMS, 2 North SIXTII Street, first' above Market, Philadelphia. Blanks, Cards, NU MMI, Pamphlets, and general Printing attended to. Binding attended to to commotion with printed head ings of Wanks and Receipts. .112-0 'Ainttzttriento NVALNUT STREET THEATRE.,—Les see, Mr, E A, Marshall ; Stage Manager, Mr John Sefton, Prices.—Dress Circle and Parquotte, 25 cents; Upper Circle, 25 cents; Secured Seats, 87E cents; Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 50 cents. Box Office open from 9 o'clock A. DI, to 3 P. M. Doors open at quarter to 7 o'clock; performance to commence at 7E, precisely. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, Dec. 2d, 1857, Will be performed I=l Hamm Stella, the EnchantreNe wiIIEATLErs ARCH ST. THEATRE. —BOLE LESSEE W. WHEATLEY. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, Deo. 2d, 1857, Will be presented LEAP YEAR; Or,THE LADIES' PRIVILEGE. Sir Solomon Bolus, r. Thayer ; Mr. Dimple, Mr. J. 8. Clarke ; Mee. Flowerdow, Mrs. D. P. Bowers. • DIA.DBLAIN.II,• Or, THE . FOUNDLING OP PARIS. Bertram!, 51r. Dolman; Madeleine, Mrs. D. Bowers. SCALA or PRlOES.—{toles, 25 cents • Secured Seati, 38; Orchestil'a Stalls, 50 cents; Beats Private Boxee, 15 cents; Gallery, 13, canto ; Gallery for Colore Pe r sons, 25 Peale P' rivate Box In Gallery for Colored Persona, 38 cents. Pox Office open from 10 A. M. until 3P. M. Ilooka will open at OX o'clock ; performance to commence at 7, precleely. NATIONAL THEATRE AND CIRCUS, .11 WALNUT STREET, NEAR EIGHTH'. - LESSEE WESLEY BARMORE EQUESTRIAN MANAGER THOS KING. trr GRAND AFTERNOON PERFORMANCE—Com ruencIug at half past 2 o'clock. Doors open at 2. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, Dec, 2d, 1857, Will be presented BRILLIANT HORSEMANSHIP, DARING VAULTING, GYMNASTIC PERFORMANCES, do. To conclude with CATARINA ; OR, TIIN DICING BRIGAND. Catarina, Margaretle• Marco Solaria, the brigand chief, .Mr. Thos. Ring; Egbert, Mr. Eincade. Niers or Anxission.— Dress Circle 37,4 cents. Fa- mily Circle 25 cents. Private Dozes 50 cents. TAYNE'S NEW HALL, CHESTNUT ST., BELOW SEVENTH. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING. Dec. 2d. NEW OPERA NIGHT. Second week of the renowned BUCKLEY'S SERENADERS, And Burlesque Ethiopian OPERA TROUPE. Third night of the beautiful Opera of SONNAMMULA., :With now scenery, costanio, mule, Sco t Preceded by their inimitable ETHIOPIAN MINSTRELSY. Doors open at half-plat 6 o'clock. Curtain rises at half. past 7 precisely. Admission 25 cents. N OVEL ENTERTAINMENT MISS WILLIAMS, " THU WSLSCI NIGHTINCIALB," ' Will glee her Sow, and amusing impersonation of flounder, for the benefit of the children of the kUnaon Temporary Home," - AT CONCERT HALL, On WEDNESDAY EVENING, Decembor 2nd, At S o'clock. Tickets 24 coots. Children half price. Season tiekets for the Union Temporary Home lec ture. honored. no2H-4t MADAME LOLA MONTEZ—WiII give her lecture on the tiEnottols OF HISTORY, and 4, bTRONG-HINDED IVO ktEN," at MUSICAL FUND (tALL, On FRIDAY EVENING, December 4tb, Doors open at a quarter of 7. Lecture to commence at a quarter of 8 o'clock. Admission 25 cents. del-it QTATE POULTRY SOCIETY OP PENN SYLVANIA, The fourth annual exhibition le now open at. CHESTNUT STREF.T, BELOW SEVENTH, From 9 o'clock, A. DI. until 9 o'clock, I'. 31. Adults 15 cents. DI., 6 cents. , dl-5t SANPORD's OPERA ROUSE— ELEVENTH Street, &beet. Chestnut. ETHIOPIAN PERPORMANCES THIS EVENING. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by Sanford's Troupe of Stare—New Dances by the Sanford Children. Doom open at 7 o'clock—to commence quarter before eight. To conclude with A LALIGITABLE APTERRIEOE. Admittance 25 cents. FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! FURS!!!! JOHN FAREIRA Sc CO., Importers, Manufactnrere, and Dealers in FANCY FURS, FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. !hying manufactured en immense Stock of FURS, with the expectation of doing our usual businese the present pressure of the times, and comparative stagna tion of trade, have left us with an unusual amount of Stock upon our ehalros. It Is to meet this difficulty that we have now DETERMINED To closo out our ENTIRE STOCK - At Frites actually leo than THEIR COST TO MANUFACTURE ! We have also on hand a Ic4 and complete assort moot of (UMW FURS, CLOVES, COLLARS, do • All of which will be sold at very LOW PRICES. No. 819 MARKET Bt Dot. l'lgbth and Ninth, nolo-8w South otlda Monet? A MERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORK'EXOLIANUE WANTND AT HIGHEST CURRENT RATES, , HT CRONISE A CO., SPECIE BROKERS, nolki.dU 40 SOUTH MIRO ST SCULL, CAMBLOS, & CO., BANKERS, No. 95 South Third Street. The highest premium paid for AMERICAN GOLD ♦ND NEW YORK EXCHANGE. Uncurrent Yunds bought and sold. Stocks bought and sold on commission only nolo-21nls 11.1 W. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS • No. 3 . 1 Bola xllIltD Elrod, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made on all unmade points In tho United States and Canada. Stocks, llonds, AA, Bought and Sold on Commission. Uneurrent Bank Notes, Checks ) &e., bought at the lowest rates. • Deposit+, reoelyed sad fartereat Coved, se ptr agree. meat aqv 2-8 m Cyproo Compaitico. WELLS, FARGO, & CO., . , NEW YORK 'AND CALIFORNIA EXPRESS AND RXOIIANCtE COMPANY, Southwest corner of CHESTNUT AND FOURTH, PIIILADELPIIII. Out next Express for California, Oregon, and Pacific Coast of South America, will go torward from New York, per Steamer " GRENADA," Ou dthUEONbIBER. All freight should be delivered to us previous to let December, to insure certainty of being forwarded. D. N. BARNEY, IR., no2o-fitst , Agent. pIIE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, JL 1120 011.10TNUT STREET, forwards ps.RCELS, PAOKAGES, MEINLIANDIEE; DANK NOTES and SPECIE, either by its own ° LINES, or in connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNS and CITIES of the United States. E. S. SANDFORD, ant-tf General Superinten d ent. V n ORGIIIIM, or OHINESE SUGAR-DANE SM-28 btlehols for erao by CROAEIDALM, PEIRCE, it CO , nolo-tr Nq 104 N. Delaware avenue. r t 000. GALLS. 'WHALE OIL 1,000 gall, Elephant 011, 60 IRAs. No.j, Lars Oil, for mad by , OEOAI3DALE, PEIRCE, & CO , nolo-tf No. 104 N. Delaware avenue CHARLES ALD CWELL—W hotesale 44 getsit WAR 4a4 CANE /41114.4 isanarastarer, No. 4 lierth79ll", 44, ' _• ••••••-• LADIES' CLOAAINGS. eIIARPLEBB IMOD:LEM offer a fall assortment of— Black and Colored HABIT CLOTHS, xriaLisu Bmia*, " PRIMUS PILOTS, Mixed " CHINCHILLA CLOTHS, TUIrTED CLOWN, la new etylee Black MOHAIR and LION SKIN f9r Trimmings. d?erp VIENNESE AND PARIS BROOKE LONG SHAWLS, On baud, an extensive stock, comprising all grades, la the most desirable colors and designs, purchased at the late Auction Sales in this city and New York, Al' GREATIX.IIIIDUONI) PRICES. Superior Goode at 510, 511;512. GIIRWEN STODDANT k anontint, Nos. 450, 452, and 454 North Second Street, dl-y , &bare Willow. MEN AND BOYS' •WINTER WEAR. OURIVEN ISTOODART & BROTHER, • deo, 452, and 454 NORTH SECOND STREET, abut. Willow, Have on hand all extensive stack of ' • BROAD (MOTHS, OASSIMERES, SATINETS, east • TESTINOS, Purchased at the late Auction Mee at BRDIIOEII PENNSYLVANIA BANK NOTES TAKEN AT PAR FOR DRY GOODS., The subscriber offers fora few days his entire stock of goods at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIKES, • and receive in payment notes of the Pennsylvania Bank. This, to each as may have any of this doubtful paper on hand, is offering n great inducement, as his stock is ono of the best in the city. Please- give him an eafly, E. F. IOIINSON, n019..1w 911. !decked at., above Ninth, north side,. moELROY IS OFFERING MORE AUC TION BARGAINS. $l6 Bilk and Wool Long Brecht) ehawle $l4 Bilk and Wool Long Broche Shawls 0n1y.... 9.00 $8 Silk and Wool Square Broche.only 6.00 $l5 Chenille, extra rich, only ' 8.50 $l2 Chenille, vary Gob, only 7.00 $7 60 Chenille, plain styles 8.50 $6 Plaid all-wool Long Shawls, beautiful, 0n1y... 8.50 $l5 Cloaks, beautiful Myles and fine fabric 10.00 $l2 °Make reduced to 6.50 $0 Cloaks reduced to 4.50 $5 Cloaks reduced, to 840 300 yards very. beautiful Cloth for Ladles' Cloaks, 75c per yard, worth $1.50 ; a splendid assortment of Ladies' Cloths, all shades and colors, suitable for Boys' wear; Satinets and Flannels at unprecedented low prices ; ono lot of Paramattas at 31 cents, worth 60 ; all shades all wool Plaids at 28 cents, worth 62%; one lot of all-wool Detainee only 25 cents, worth 50; splendid Blankets at only $3 per pair, worth $5 ; 500 yards of Black Beaver Cloth at $1.50 per yard, worth $2 50; Trimmings, in endless variety, at about half price., no3o-mws-It ' bIOELROY 'S, 11 South Ninth Bt. BANK . BANKOF — FERYSYLVANIA.—SPE-, DIAL NOTICE.—AII the notes on tho Bank of Pennsylvania redeemed at par for DRY GOODS, selling at less than Auction prices. Muslim, Linens, °laths ; Casslmerci, Blankets, Shawls, Calicoes, Detainee, at a great atomic°, in connection with our entire idea ; which will be sold at prices which will astonish all who may favor us with a call.. Pennsylvania Bank Notes taken the same av specie, (we make no difference,) at OLIVER 11. JOIINSON'S Pennsylvania Bank Note Dry Goode Store, No. 1009 MARKET Street, above Tenth, north side. . . N. B.—Orden received for the very beet 6chrtylo.l.l Coal ; Pennsylvania Bank Notes taken In payment. OLIVER, a. JonNsoN i . n0.30-Im' No, 1000 kferket street, STILL GREATER REDUCTIONS.—Ebing determined to keep below competition, and so as to still sell cheaper than those who here made great re ductions in their prices, we will sell an allorool 12-4 Blanket that will measure yards and 12 inches wide for $5 50. This is the greatest bargain yet. We will also sell the Blankets that we sold for $5 at $3. These ere large site. Thole that wore $5.60 for $l6O. Those we sold at $i for $5 50, and those we sold at $9 forsB 60. Those we sold at $l2 for $7 60. These three last lots are the Onset quality. Mr. 1t1011143 Tiles Bichlugs R. 1). & W. 11. PENNELL, 1021 Market !street, below Eleventh. T Poo YARDS FINE QUALITY DOUBLE WIDTII PLAID CASIIKERID3 A 25 CENTS !! ! I We have just received one ease of , the above Goodi. We bear they are being sold in other placed at 37 cents! , . $l,lOO worth of LONG BROOKE SIIAWLS, from $9 90 s2s—the cheapest goods we have ever seen ! A large stock of very excellent BLACK SILKS AND FANCY BILKS! Very cheap Blankets and Flannels. Cloths, Caasimeres, &c. for Men's and Boys' Wear: Carpets cloak g out, positively logs than cost. Irish Linens, Domestic /dueling, Canton Flannels; ' Frouch /lerincee, English Cobourgg, Paramattag, he., In fact we offer unparalleled bargains from a well-as sorted STOCK! THORNLEY & CHUM, n028.6t* N. E. corner of Eighth and Spring Oardep. R ANK OF PENNSYLVANIA—GREAT EXCITEMENT AT BELCIEERB!—We are re ceiving the notes of the above bank at par for Dry Goode, at greatly-reduced prices. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for (honks and Ta!lnas. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Shawls. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Dress Goods, Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Merinos. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken Men's Wear. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Ribbons. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Embroider Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Domestics. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Blankets. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for (loves and Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for the choleeo of goods from one of the largest and beat-selected atocka in the city, and at extraordinary low prices at B. & T. II BEIkIIEWS, nov2l-12t •S. W. corner Eighth and Spring Garden'. rilllE CHEAPEST LONG BROC#E SU aWLS EVER SOLD IN PHILADELPIII TUORNLEY & 011 IBM, Eighth and Spring Garden, have just purchased several lots of LONG BROCUE SUAWLS, TOR CASH, AT A 110,ST TREMENDOUS SAORIBIOE ! 1 1 lot tine quality, all Bilk and Wool, for !IL ' 1 for $lO. 1 foo $l2. I 1 for $l4. Several lots very flue, all wool, $l4, $l6, $18,420, 4.nd $26. Fine French Blanket Shawls, Chenille Shawls, Ac., at THORNLEY & CIIISM'S, no2S.4t N. E. corner of Eighth and Spring Garden 616. TUMBLING DOWN OF DRY GOOD§- TREMENDOUS BARGAINS—From the late C l ash Auction Sales at prices that DEFY ALL COMPETITION. CLOAKS and TALSIAS far below the cost of materlisis. Dregs floods of every description at the very lowest prices. 25 cent Delaines reduced to 1.2 g cents, and other Goods in the same proportion. Just opened a large lot of Chenille Scarfs, elegant styles, at less than half price. Closing out all our Merinos and Psramattas at cot, and we have resolved that our Dry Goods shall be sold as cheap as the cheapest. J. 0. PAYNTER, n 026.43 113 and 115 N. EIGHTH St., above Arck. SPEOI AL NOTICE.- A. large assortment of Attractive and seasonable ' DRY GOODS, Prom the extensive wholesale stocks of several SUSPENDED HOUSES, Will bo opened THIS DAY, NOVESIBEtt 2let, 1857, At the store No. inn MARKET Street, NORTH SIDE, Between Ninth and Tenth, And sold throughout IIY RETAIL, AT AN UNPRECEDENTED REDUCTION Iu prices for C A S The goods aro all new, and of recent im,ortetiop or manufacture auda rare opportunity to offered to pur chasers to purchase the best snakes and stylesi far below the usual prices. 'SAMUEL S. HESS, nov2l-2w No. 923 MARKET !Heald. REMOVAL. L. J. LEVY Sc CO., IN ANTICIPATION OP REMOVAL TO Tlllt SPLENDID NEW STORE . , Now being erected for theca In CHESTNUT STREET, Have dotermlned, a period of To dispose of a largo amount of their stock now in store at very LOW PRICES FOR CASE. They ill% ito the attention of the Public sod tbehi Cus tomers to uuo of Lite most complete assortments o, STAPLE AND FANOY 'DRY GOODS To be found in this country, which .will be digitised of for the period named, at such prices as will insure their sale. CHESTNUT STREET, noll•t( NEST TO TIMOUSTOM HOSE HEAP Y BROWN COTTONS Ono Thousand Bales SILEBTIZIGS, SHIRTINGS, AND DRILLS, 1 , 11011 TEIS LAWRENCE DIANUFACTIIRING COMPANY, JACKSON COMPANY, (INDIAN READ) AND NASHUA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Of their varions widths end styles, which aro offered (or sale for first-class paper,.on SIX MONTHS' CREDIT, by the Agents of the Commies, ALFRED SLADE & CO., nol•Im 39 LETITIA STREET. GREAT SALE OF LADIES' CLOAKS.- A FURTHER. REDUCTION IN PRICES Lao been determined on by the subscribers, in con sequence of the continued presence, 500 MISSES' ENGLISH BEAVER CLOAKS, $2. formerly $3 CO. 500 MISSES' ENGLISH BEAVER CLOAKS, $3 60: formerly $6 60. 250 SUPERIOR FRENCH BEAVER CLOAKS, $5 to $B, cost to import $7 to 110 each. LONG BLACK BEAVER CIRCULARS, $B, formerly $l2. RICH BLACK VELVET CLOAKS, All 20 por cent bolow cost of production. J .1V PROCTOR & CO , Successors to Geo. Bulpin & Co., 2mo d 708 CHESTNUT street. L ADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL & SON. WHOM:SALE AND RETAIL STORRS, 1090 CHESTNUT Strout, tour doors below Eleventh And 318 S. SECOND St., below flptueo, FACTORIES —Nos. 95 and 9T GEORGE St, Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union. Ordent made at a few hours , notice., mai emit JOHN B. , STRYBER, Ja., Wholesale Dealer In ' AUCTION DRY DOOM. No. 12 BANK Street, Philadelphia. oetl-2m FLOORING BOARDS-28,680 feet (aro llna ffoortog boardo, afloat, for sale by MARTIN RMACALISTER R US S IA AND AMERICAN TARRED AA+ CORD/0./R.—a superior article, manufacture tad for salt by WEAVER , BITLES & 00, ' la 8.4 t 219. tiB :if Wit4g 01 t ta IC.Wkatrif • - itftb Goobtf ABOVE EIGHTH, 30 DAYS, ealeo bg "Auction THOMAS &- • N 08.130 sad 141 8011T11 FOUR= STREET, (Fottoatly Noe 1 and 60,) 11:1 - The salt of the valuableprivate library ef, Om. late Robert F. Walsh, Esq., will be continued THLi IYetlnendiy) EVIMING. REAL ESTA.TE, STOCKS, he, I Public Sales at the Philadelplde Exchange every Tuesday Evening. 117' handbills of each property issued separately, in addition to which we publish on the Saturday previous to each sale one thousand catalogues pamphlet form, giving fall descriptions of all the property to be sold .on the following Tuesday. • lri• 'FURNITURE BALES AT THE AUCTION STORE every Thuredity morning. - • •• • REAL ESTATE:AT PRIVATE SALE. - R:7" We have a large amount of Real Estate at Pri vate Bale, Including every description of City „and country property. Pruned 'Lists may• be had At OE auction Stove. '' PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. • - tD" Real Estate entered on our Private Sal* Re- - ester, and advertised occasionally in oar Public Sale Abstracts, (of which 1,000 copies are printed wee y kl, ) free of charge • STOOKS, ACCEPTANCES, REAL ESTATE, AL Pamphlet catalogue now ready, containing full de sceptic= of all -the property to be sold on Tuesday, next, let December with a list of sales Bth and NM December, and of real estate at private sate, STOCKS. On Tuesday Evening, - December Bth, et 7 o'clock, at the PhiladelPhis Ex change for account of whom it may concern : 240 shares Merchants , Insurance Company of Phila. delphis, par s26—cull paid. 25 shares Manofseturers , and Mechenica' fiLvings st* Loan Company, par sso—full paid. Two first mortgage 2, per cent. bond,. 8500 each', Southern Railroad (late 'Vicksburg), coupons attache; payable July and January , 6 per tent. I SEAL ESTATE BALE—Dxopoza Bth. This sale will include—. - NEAT 5101/ERN RESIDENCE-N. W. corner Elf- teenth and Lombard streets. It Is replete with modern improvements and conveniences. $l,OOO may remain on TIVO LARGE . AND VALUABLE' LOTS, WEST, PHILADELPRIL.—VaIuabIe lot S. E. corner of Walntxt and Margaretha etreets, 150 by 175 feet. • ' " Valuable lot, north side of Locust street; 100 feet went`William street, 100 by 167 feet (two fronts). r HANDSOME MODERN. RESIDENCE, PINE ST The handsome modern 'residence, southeast corner oil Pine sod Nineteenth streets. It Is 24 feet front, and: finished In handsome modern style. Immediate pones-1 Mon. nurr• Only $l,OOO required in cash. ! 111ORTGAOE FOR $1 025.—A150, a first mortgage, secured on 11 atone dwelling. and lot of ground, Crosscut street, Menlyonk. Clear of ground-rent. There issi perpetual policy of insurance for 55,000. • HANDSOME DOUBLE RESIDENCE, WITH SIDE YARD.—Bandsozne new reeidcnce, replete with, ell; modern improvements, northeast corner Franklin and, Poplar streete,lol 66 feet front. , MODERN - RESIDENCE.—AIso; betides:lmi ni „ porfreki deuce, replete with modern Convenience., Frei:kat zt. adjoining the above; lot 26 feet, 8 inches front. E' The above era very desirable residences. Ins mediate possession may be had. - Terrmraccommodsking, REAL ESTATE, AA.4-41130E3.113ER, 15th. This male will Include— ,Orphans, Court Bale—Estate of Benjamin Rut -mil, i Deceased.' " FOUR TREEFeSTORY ' BRION DWELLINGS—I Pratt street, east of Fairmount street. • ' VALUABLE FARM, 77 acres end .50 perches, 3 miles from Phrerrixville,- and 3 miles from Paoli, Cheetet conntr, Pa. NOTICE—STOCK OF ELEGANT FURNITITRE..j- Oatalogaes of J. Lutz's stock of farniture to be sold this morning, at No. 121 South Eleventh street, are tole ready, and the furniture arranged for examination. Sale at No. 121 South Eleventh street. • ! ELEGANT ROSEWOOD, WALNUT, AND ItAIIOGAIft . FURNITURE. . This Morning, Dee. 2nd, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue; at No. 121 south Eleventh street. without reserve, the entire Mock of I. Lutz, comprising an elegant assortment of rosewood and walnut drawing-room Carol ture, elegank chamber furnitareolco., all manufactured by Mr. Lutz, expressly for his ware-room sales, of the best materials and workmanship, and warranted. f 1..? May be examined, with catalogues, three day* previous to sale. SALE AT TILE AUCTION STORE TO-MORROW MORNING. • OARD.—Our side at the auction store, to-morrow morning, will comprise a first-rate assortment 'of !noose hold furulture,.prinelpally from private. fat:Brice 1..410, fine velvet carpets, Brussels, ingrain. and venetian carpets, line mlrrom, engravings,' office desks, fine china, glans and plated ware, stoves, An., to which see invite the attention or thosiitlesirotla or pintas:pg. I . 117 . Catalogue, now ready, and the articles arranged for examination. Sale Noe, 180 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PINE MIRRORS, PIANO- FORTE, VELVET CARPETS, An. On Thursday Morning, At 10 o'clock, at the auction store, an extensive assortment of excellent furniture, mirrors, plano-fortee, Ono carpets, &0., from families declining housekeeping, SALE OF MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. On Thureday Evening, December 3d, at the auction store, a collection of books on various subjects. la - For portico tars see catalogues. SALE OP F.NGLISFI AND ?ENNUI/ BOOKS, FRI A LISEABY—By order of Executor. On Friday Evening, December 4th, by order of executor, will be sold,; a collection of miscellaneous works-1n the Preach and English languages. UF - Particulars in catalogue/. MEDICAL WORE(—ENGLISH AND FHHNCS. I On Saturday Evening, ; 1 December sth, will be sold, a collection of Tato:able medical books, English and French—a portion by ortlet: or executor. ED - Catalogues will be ready, Ind. the books arranged on Saturday morning. Executors' Bale.—Estate of Daniel 'Dapple. lIDITEETIOLD FURNITURE, PIANO, BAR SIX. TURES, LIQUORS, 000 D-WILL, 'On Monde:) , Morning, - ' i December Tth, at' 1.0 o'clock, by catalogue, by order of the executors of Daniel Copple,, deceased, at the, corner of Exchange Place and Carter's alley, the do tire household furniture, beds and bedding, table rind bed linen, &c,' , , _ . - - I. Also, the bar - room furniture and fixtu'res, finein gravings, a large assortment of fine Inpirire arid - erg rs. [l7 /lull particulars in catalogues. , Also, the good-will of this well known sad pop4ar establishment Sale et the N W. errner Fifteenth and Lombald Ste. SUPERIOR FURNITURE , ROSEWOOD PIAN' 0- FORTE, MANTEL CLOCK, OIL PAINTINIS; TAPESTRY CARPETS, &o. -, ' ' - On Wednesday Morning,' '- x 4 Dec. 9th, at ID o'clock, will be sold at the NI:V. cor ner of Fifteenth' and Lombard streeta, the household and kitchen furniture of a gentleman declining hense keeping_ . . _ _ _ irr . bray be examined at 8 o'clock on the mortiing of sale. Shares in tho Academy of Manic; Point Breeze Paik Philadelphia and Mercantile Libraries; Athenamm,ka. Eaparlnctol rbISS PARTNER.SHIP heretofore existing es HAILER WILLIAIL4 is YU'S DAY dissolved by mutual consent. The burhiess will be continued at the old stand, 1132,11A.RKET St., by CHARLES WILLIAMS, who is authorized to collect and pay all debts of the late 6rm. - PETER. W. MAKER, MULLES WILLILILS. , Dec. 1,1857 The undersigned would Inform the public, that having bought out Mr. P. W. Baker. his late partner, he Will continue the BEATING and. VENTLIoATIN(I bumisess at the old stand, 1133 MARKET Street, where will bo found a full assortment of Ranges, Beaters, Ventilators, Registers, Beth Boilers, &a., and hopes, by" strict at tention to business, to merit I. shoe of the-patrostagh of the public. NOTICE.—Tho COPARTNERSHIP hith erto ousting under the firm or JAMES ELLIOTT & CO., woo dissolved 23d WHAM, by the withdrawal of JOHN M'ARDLE. The business of the late arm will be settled by the undersigned at the same location . . JAMES 'ELLIOTT, B. E. corner of Twentieth and Meeketeta. Isioeernber 24th, 1851. noXl.mwtrlins Glass and Mare. CALL AND SEE The Greatest VAILIXFF or lIOLIDAY PRESENTS Liver exhibited in 7118 CITY or HIRAI/ELYRIA. Which will be Bold at exceedingly LOW PRICES A? DIARXSEN B WIT'TE , S, . j MASONIC HALL, dLtt 713 CHESTNUT ST Cartictings nARPETINGS BELOW COST.—The best N.-1 Bargains ever offered In the Carpet line mai now be found. at DUNLAP'S Warerooms, 1110 MARK ET street. In consequence of the hard times, we are cffer og our stock of Flue and Common Carpeting at prices which would aatonish the closest buyer. Beaidea. the re duction is male on a stock of Carpeting conaiatiug largely of goods bought et a great writhe. Any one.*lshing to furnish a Rouse at the present time may easily 63V15 from thirty to forty per cent. on the regular prices, mad much cheaper than they can purchase In any other Store In the city. We are now selling All Wool Carpeting at 05 Cents, worth 75; Bupertlne Carpet, 75c, worth. 5110,Three ply Carpet, 51, worth 51 30; Noglish Tapestry Carpet. 31.10, worth, 'Attest, $1 37A, ; Veit of Carpets aa cheap In proportion; common and line Oil (Botha at a great sacrifice Let all who want Carpeting coma Imme• Stately and make their selection from one of the cheap est and best ISsortments of Carpeting in this city, n3olw* WM. DUNLAP, 1110 Market street. Oentfeinens' funtiebing FINE SHIRTS, made to order, and,war ranted, of elegant material and superior work mansbip Also, Dress Stocks and Gentlemen's Wrap pers, at the Premium Store of W. W. KNIGHT, 012 ARCH Street, abort, Sixth no2l-y WRAPPERS ! WRAPPERS I WRAP PERS !—A very large sad elegant assortment at reduced prices. Also, heavy ander-clothing of ail de scriptions, for geotlemen'e wear, at W. W. 612 ARCH Street, above Sixth. no2l-y WINCHESTER & SCOTT ) , GENTLE BIEN'S YURNISMING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM mina MANUFACTORY, No. SW CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, Is particularly invited to this Improved cut of Karts, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole. sale and retail, and made to order. IIIOUNTAIN "GLADE" BUTTER. I We have just received our usual supply friarn The Mountains of this celebratod BUTT Elt. Will los sold to lots to suit customers. B M. JONES & CO., 612 Nlsrlutt street. G'LAZ'ING FUND.—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, comet of THIRD cad CHEST NUT Streets. Large and small earns received, and paid beet on de mand, without notice, with FIVE PER GENT INTER. EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdntwal. Office houra L _from 9 until 6 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock, DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from fl upwards. President—STEPlCEN R. CRAWFORD. Treasurer—PLlNY FISK. Teller—JAMES R. HUNTER. selT-lytt SHEEP AND GOAT SKINS. A small Invoice of Sheep and Goat Skins, now landitm from barque Irma, and for sale by 011.iftLE8 TETE, no2B-10t 138 (new) Walnut st.—second burry. 31AR AC AIB 0 COFFEE.-160 bags prime Maracaibo Coffee, now landing from barque Irma, Mad for sale by CHARLES TETE; n029-10t 138 (new) Walnut et.—second !dory. ITORAGE on 'SECOND and TIIIR D KY FLOORS eau be ha 4 at 110 north Water street Apply to MARTIN do MAC LLISTER- - 043 5,000 TONS of MITCHELL 8c CROAS dale's improved super PHOSPHATE OP LINE, for WA by CROASDALE, PEIRCE & CO , nololf . No. 104 N. Delaware menus. COTTON -100 bales Gait Cotton, in store andtorulaby AUSTIN & AliOALlathh, 001 14 North Nola prod. P 'Pt---800firot r air.,....A.UOT/ORRER,„ outwea r wi'n BERT SCOTT,) 131 taisba u Street, opposite thernetoca Hones, between /Garth and Tittla Streets,. •! thi psitidtheattaktica: d 'tt ohasers to the large and aaluoble aasertment of furs, einbrolderses, millinery goolet, cloaks, shawls, hosiery goods, velvet and bonnet ribbons, artidelads, staple, and fancy gooda, ke. Also, a stook of superior domeotie Anti and "dress goods. ! • . . , . • Also, 15 gold watches In hunting eases. . To he peremptorily sold . t.layiscortung,commene..nj at 10 o'clock, precisely. [l:?The whole are' now ant* , ged for egandastion, with catalogues, and wilt be found worthy the special attention of the trade and dealer" genenellg. 11710, &e. this Morning, - • Commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, we will sell by eatalaguoYfar each,, a general. asocrtwent of funYce.- .i.ti n of talons. capes, muffs, pelermes, cuffs, lien rises, gloves, collar;s, guantlets, caps, Ac , made in the best manner, of Sabre fliberisa Squirrel, Stone Dania, Praline, Swamateorek,llynx, &e. SILK .A.N.D FLOTII CLOAKS, TAL3L3S AfiLl Drs- TER9.—.Oo, a line elegantly'made ' silk arid cloth cloaks,' falcons; deters, beluga's, mantillas. de. 131BKOIDIRIES AND MILLIIS offg GOODS.—AIso, an amortment french_and Scotch erahm,de r ie o in jacconet, cambric, swiss, and book muslin, de. Also, bonnet and trimming ribbons. silk galloon trim mings, silk velvet .ribbons, -silk fringes, blonde lace, Ate , Ace. WOOL HOSLESY, COO - DS —Alse, men's sad women', wool and merino shirts and drawer!, wool scarfs and metals. 'wool hose and halt hose wool gloves. CID:NIUE BRAWLS AND IiCARTS..--Also, a line choi e. cobra obesiiille shawls and scarfs, Pa.-is printed cashmere shawls, wool square and 104 shawls. alaai a valuable' Stock I,f 'domestic goods, rich as flannels, denim; delainee,coburgs, sattinels, 4.4 prints, ticking; colored munbrics, wool, shawls, ginghsms, hosiery goals, de. GOLD WATCIP.S.—AIso, 12 or 15 gold - watches, in WOOL '-.. —mi0,10 mixed wool yarn. • , N.D.—Thewhole trill be ready for evandnotton, with catalog - alit, 6.1.17 oaths morning of sale, when the trade and parehitseta genially will, and it theirintereat to at- TAMER - Ai FREEMAN, - AUCTIONEER, •NO:sn'wAvitc'elltltErt, shore FOURTH'. HARD--BALK OF ROUSIMOLD FUILNITI7I4.I4—TUES DAY, tr . is beg lire to inform the public that we hold onr regular weekly sales Of Parnituts'every Tuesday, at 'our SPACIOUS SALES ROOM, NO. 422 WALNUT STREET, where every possitile attention is given to ob tain tha highest.; piltr for the goods of Damn who may taverns wittieoneignments: Families having portions of their furniture to' dispose of, or those declining house keeping and not Wishing sales at their own dwellings, Me bank their toroth:Lea CAREFULLY REMOTRE '2l) OUR SALES ROOM; IMMIX rffiIitICILLILEAVUE BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR F7.IIU9ITURR THAN THEY' OAR OSTAM FROM ANY. OF THY FURNI TURE DEALERS QB ANY ,VEIUDEAEOTION STORE IN THE mr. 11:7' editor's tatotisig its with 'conilgozsellti CM rest Reared that their property will not hew:idea. - - • - 117 7 •-commissions more madeseate than those charged brany . othee Anction Manse in the city. Dier UonsignMenfa relifemthllly i:olietted: ' lirr Saler-paid Immediately after the goods are sold. • •• • REILLESTATY4 S 4 27 1,-TRIS.REVRN INC. This sale pt kbe Exchange, on Wednesday erasing, December 2,1957, *l7 orclaCk, will incinde-c OrphanetronstSalel--Vdate of Lang Minors. PROPERTY, MAILL'OF.R STREET. • A two-story Mich, house sod lot of ground, on th e south Oda of Mariner street, 90 [set west of Thirteenth street; 16 feet WM., 47 feet 1 inch deep. $22 ground . „ iMOUNT MORIAH.C.EMETERY STOCK. On Wednesday everting, previous to the sale of Rest Estate, will be sold,- . . . . 26 Miami Mount Motif& Cemetery Stock. Sale at No. 421 Walnut street. EXECUTOR'S BALE OF ,WINES AND facirops. On Saturday Sliirutog, At 12 o'clock, will be sold, at the motion store, the wines, liquors, he.,_of a gentleman, des'd, nonshalug of Hennessy 's pale _brusQ, Otard's,dark do, Scotch malt whiskey, Port and sherry wines in cases and demijohn,• also, le baskets of Roe champagne ; the shore are all of the choicest brands. ' - Sale at No. 421 Walnut street. 1303E110R FURNITURE, CARPETS, he. On Tuesday Morning, At 10 o'clock, Intl be sold. at the suction store, an sasottment of household furniture. OFFICE FURNITURE,AIso, a large double count ing•honse desk, handsome walnu t do, nest iron ruling fbe countinghouse, .ofkce tables, chairs, he.' AT PRIVATE SAAB, . , A drat-clean Printipg Office, with *good ran of busi ness, four printing presses, two R les and one Adams Type and everything necessary for e business. Apply at the Auction Store. ; - - Al O.SES 2i.kTH A 1 , 75, - AI7CTIOI. , MER .11.1. AND COMMISIIION IMEXCLIANT, EL X. corner SIXTH and BAC% Btreete. - • - _ . ATi PRIVATE and Mimi patent lever, Lepine, English, Swim, and Preach watch s, jewelry, of every description, musleal instruments, do., do. ' AT PRIVATE SALS—Arranged - on second doer, honsehold intuit:ire of *very - description, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking glasses, tansy articles, de., - ' Oist.ddor sales - attended to personally by the - Auction ear; Chyme very low. - Coluignments of kronor° clothing, Jewelry, de. Ito ~ Winded. NATTIAWSPEINCIPAL LOAN OFFICE, 8. E, Corner of Sixthand Rice Onsets, Where money will be loaned on gold and elver plats Witches, Jewelry Diamonds, Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries, Score, Eardware,' Cutler,,Furniture. Bed ding, Horses, 'Vehicle - 5, Harness, Stlies, and on all ar ticles of rake for any length of lime agreed on, *amass satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estsb- Calumet. • M. HATELANS, WEBB'S ireat'sals "of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Gant; Pistols, linliesl instruments, its., will take Alum shortly. Due notice will be given. • • • - WEBB'S great sals of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding, do., being forfeited collaterabs, will take place shortly. Dna notice will be given. . - AT PRIVATE SALE, AT - HAIR THE USUAL SELLING PRIOES.-.,Doable-bottomed and hunting case gold patent lever watchety of the most ap proved =ken hunting case and °pent-see gold escape. meat levensed !Opine wetolonwfull jeweled - due gold enameled lever. and lepius: watched for ladles'- gold jewelry of every destriptipsn silver lever and, lapin. watches. in hunting cases and open face; silver _English, Swim, and French watches; a general assortment of fur niture, beds, mattresses, micron. An. OUT-DOOR g A tiap,sol4amiD, andclurges to wait the times, low. • limuilepsinents of every description of goods solicited for public asprivnte sale. MONEY ADVANCED on all and every kind of goods, for public or private sale, or to be held for a limited time. Charges Taw. •• - • SItIVEL NATILANS; •AUCTIONEER , aid - 110NET - LOAN 01710 - 2, No. 112 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear rt., 0n , , , eight doors below the Exchange. Horn of braises, trout I ; °Wool., A. M., until 10 o'clock the arming. Out-door enlee,'lnd sales, at the Auction Um', at tended upon thaserst Retie:rectory terms. OA.PLI'A.L `400,000. . _ - • .E.stadlisAed for Lis !rut Thirty Yars. •• d:dvances made from ohe dollar to thousands on Dia monde, Silver Plate, Watehee, Jewelry, Hardware, Her chan d Clothing, FUnti ban Bedding, Cigars, Mmieal /Fran:mental, Orme,. Homes, Genial's, and (roods of every descrip man ramstn arm t!ou. looith of tufio orood . u A . . pon ll advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards w i ll. be charged 2 per cent. per month i $5OO and over, the lowed market rete. . Notice , : This Storehouse laving 'depth of 120 nwit, has large Ere and thief-proof milts to store all valuables, and pri Tate watchmen for the premises ' • slim, a heavy icon mince effected for' he the of all persons having goods advanced upon N. B.—On account of having. - an unlimited capital, this office is prepared to make advances on more esti.. factory and accommodating terms than any other in this city. ` • Hooey 'Anneal to the poor, in mall= Mot', with out aoreluirso, • AT PRIVATE SALE. Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, d'ecrelry, and Clothing will be told at reduced prices. ►nl-ly CIEORGE W., OMIT'', AUCTIONEER ILA N. S. comer a BARRON and BOOTH atroete above &toed. • Erri.NINO- HALM. • BALES OVARY ILATIOIDAY .3111NINO, At Ty, o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Barnum e, Oct lacy,Roosakeepuis Axtielsa, Clothing, Watches, lenel ry, Panay Aralcles,,te. ' - • GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY—Office, 403 WALNUT, Corn, of FOURTH Street FIRE, /URINE and INLAND INSURANCE at the lowest rules. Ate meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, held on the 10th lost , the following Remo= ive elected Directors for the coming year, via : CHARLES 0. LATHROP, Walnut street, WII:D.4IiI,ING. 1510 Pine street. ALEX. WIIILLDEN, merchant, 15 North Front et. IS "LAC lIAZLEETBST, Attorney and Counsellor. 7011 N C. HUNTER. of Wright, Hunter & Co. E TRACY, of E. Tracy &. Co., Goldsmiths' Hall. 70113 i R. II'CURDY, of Jones, White. & ICCurly. THOS. L GILLESPIE, of Gillespie & Zeller. 7 AS. B Sslll'll, of Jas. B. Smith & Co. HARPER JEVEILIES, of Wm. H. Brows it. Co JOHN IL VOODES, eor. Seventh and 81npom ktrects. CHAS. E. 211051P00N, 413 Chestnut street. • /NO:: SLOCUM. .V 4 l South Third street. ALFRED TAYLOR. office Cairo City Property. And at a meeting of the Dinectors. held Oily illy. CHARLES C. LATRROP vas unaaiinocqy re-eleet,l President, and WI!. DARLING. Viet-Pre.dett. OFFICE OF TtlE INDEPENDENT 311:- - rum, iNsritssok: COMPANY. Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the provisions the Act of Incorporation, an election Icy fifteen pe raic to serve as Directors of the Independent Mutdslltou - ranee Paull any, until the first day of Deestriber.lSsS, or until their successors are legally chosen, will be held at the offize of the Corepany, No. fifif. 1.1d1.11.7T Street, en TUESDAY. the first day of December, betseen the hours of 10 A. If and 1 P 11. nolaMdel D. B. 31dGINLEY, Secretary. CIIRARD FIRE A ANCE COMPANY, PEI 802 WALNUT street, west c "EIRE BIRKS • DIZZO Woi MAio, Johp Aux - pooh, Jr., 11. F Durroughs, J. B. 'Joshes, F. D. Sherman, Wm. P. Hacker, J. P. Steiner. H. A .Shackelford, Hou J9P.Y., /08E5, Preeier.l. Mon G. W. WOODWARD, Vice President. Rm. 8., Seeretxry. .Taxes B. Avrersp, Awistaul Poore/my. n 02,311- if COIIMONWEALTII FIRE INSURANCE &MYATT?, OF TU STATE OP RENNSYLVA- NdA,.-013acey Pi. W. Corner FOURTH and wAiNur Ptreeta, Philadelphia. Pubetrlbed. Capital, 1d.a.V,000. Peld-np Capitai.sVA.M. THOMAS S. STEWART, Tics ?real. !Warn. S. Moos, SecrAtAry. an] :y IVANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES Y CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to Whom will be pren good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance Pay from $l2 to V: per month No man having a wife or child vrlll be accepted Aptly for MOUNTED SERVICE, at No 517 .31ARENT street above Eighth, north aide WILLIAM 11. nor_kta, lot Lierit 22 Ite„rt. of Cavalry, Recrolting Officer. oct 15 •3m. 500 AGENTS WANTED.—A. HOME STEAD FOR. $lO !—TlelnlD.Lrien —5310.003 worth of Farms and Building bete, in the grin region of Culpeper county, Virgssue, to be divare.l eget 113,200 euhscriters. en the 7th of Deiwmber,Vdd sub aoriptions only ten dellars down, or fifteen dodge, one half down. the rest on delivery of the deed ?.eery subscriber will get a Building Lot or a Farm, randne in value from $lO to $25,000. These farms and lets are sold eo cheap to induce settlewents, a suMclent number being reserved, the illaVSZb In the value of wt'oh will compensate for the apparent lon price tow asked. Up wards of 1.11143 lots and farms are already sold. and a company of eettlers called the .13-age Pioneer Assiwiatton't is now forming and will soon constr-enos • settlement. Ample Security will be given fer the faith ful performance of contracts and promises. Nearly 45,000 sores of land, in different parts of Vtrginia, now at command, and will be sold to settlers at from II up to $3OO per acre Unquestionable fiat! Will to all rare be g tests. Wood-tatter,, coopers. farmers, . are worsted, and Ole hundred Agents to obtain sahe.- - . - iben, to whom the meat liberal indueements will to given. me agents write that they are meal rig F2OO per month. For tall particulars, subscriptions, &sonnies, &e , apply Z. BAUDER, SPII-7f fart Bolsi, Carolina cony, Ts, Odes bp, %Min. 3rourattre trinnvanies PIIILADELP3II. NoTember 15:i; K. RICIEARDSON, 'D MARINE INSITh'- ILADEI.PHIA-019re, No. f THIRD. •NLY TAX.T.H.” 'Toss. ler. Welter, Too McClure, Tho Crum, A. 9 Gillett, Furman neppard, Etrol. ~.raits, AL , Jun& Klapp, St. D. DAVID JAYNE, M. D., Was'dela tUants