MOM OW= • - • • , - -, 441, - )0 i”1 irE'DY4Spiei r , DgattliEß 2,-18674,1113; thud rlV , sis" •-.• few •- tow , • t a'a'ttrlt itOqIB 4I' VEFE - P. ll Ra i‘ . No. 41Y OHM/8 A STLVIrt, , oFii4olk —r, - , lima . * iiiii ed Et .7 ri k - , , r . • ..2 ~ ALTWO ~ , :it , _ ,s 9 . _ k 011; '' ..„ . . . .., 4 4 . 9 -COPP:AL 9 NP ,PI2te t O Pf 4 ,MPYl7fiiiqclt il Mi al. 164 iii::ouit4; 86 4 4 4 40 th.9.4441nt1t NOM VA'S/ ftl - o,la;i , to . 4iiitlikilust itel.mtrfol , caufoinisz - m ,,, n1 :14 ( f.gC40 1 .4:# 1'4 A+ 1/ ..:Y d iii i i ! '''''" l'-',l" 1 i)j;TI '. 4 . 4.-.1, it i "M' birltaAiie4Ai.ibitekur?.olibratiak on ;RICIDAY *o ..#;q:i _, - . 0 '7 'A =;,-'. =. : 14 t n mrthitorp4=l- i=l,;. ',lva 'iili 4 VlAikkViQf f =itietii r lirAnei 7l / 4 0 64 4 itid .. • . ...,.= . ,==. .... am ?-i• •(,... - ,:iz:',. - -, ktiiElPea,t444l:l l ;llo ll P.V - 4 , 7 , 4 . ;0,5'4 v, sp-s;,-,,,,, Fix T PA-1 1 ,44 -mentou vs 4 The .1 ) ,e,0p/0; ; itYz-rirP.o4 190 , 0;:coittstitationi. = pitkeily )5grit:,0: 4 :04 4 4.74 :6 4A, Cfetieot .. inQi4llftinsyMailots. VLOWiiti Judge; 1./2 e ' t • , ;1:1 , 7 ,, i . 1 1 ,j6 11 ; ejoigkit4 4. ,Witit, sit:: A "i' K ` :11K43, - P l iAiltiilsl l AltAlliii* ritliti it 1" h Via , piiiei., yelaillaiinensivi44,,VlCA4'.l . 6A. if.PitYli , r4th.o.o, , : , ,sa.4 , oo4ciztl , rtroirga : CA* l4 •'' ‘4 : 4 0i ' griiii . tr.,4*1, 344 4, - tde ,. . 1 0* 1 _ 5 *k ,,,14 • morning, and itill-Ale yeitil :14 'ilelilin4l3e • ' daysi.'.ll4 Win Ireatliealtli , aMP.lpiriteesh fully, and entirely emniellaflii ' ili!if'dtietiinp . ef, ovilgi E19.V3.10#4.94,,p,..,* ,RE P,P 1 ,11 3 , I,lintirgrOrrtrieOrtalk,k , tonreretreweßMl.9. l 'Arfill ofsh etle o ty':deir,t4eli ti*Le-A*l,ntsjiapo i n atii iff ii;0; A 9.100. i.e4Philia Piikiiiid:. . Ole #tier2o 4 llo.jreitrit W4.l3r4u , gitve the.beal and,' t 4 )10 1 :4 0 1 1 9 1 i$t Wili,PilkinileVii tl ^: eoraprgiiiisiiiiVatie;d6 iteriiiiat itiAcio g' . 1 / 4 ybiatiroariittailkoninwitAxemilitirstiMvie :- r,:,r 41 : ' " ty.i*; 4 . 11301001 , 1 iy4)4,11 , 64,a'5, , Tzis i - • :': illiii 41410411441,ktlAtti)inliliPilliaI0 a - - 'eerilf)lielied lady,Lere4orr4egu.el4.of• 1g iehßlas llotol, New • York. .TlO:yelkitsil I 1444+11;eij,aie'cf,tilaiiiilllifi'lliii'elty t I ,eveningier te`.4xierrfk ,'i; '',,,'..;'''',' r', i' l , ' - .. ihf . .. - • T he /stainnent Alia.. Senator: Deuaixt en 40 . i.d'AVl:,d,iii ,l 4 )3 '' K4 4o: B . - gli t nitit4ti' s fil inaiiilfactur'edlileeftriOd;aelifii.4bY4ie 4 , - terteltem*lid Atter . eddt:. Itilfemt 4.41c10NY al iNitr(fOiiili#:opikirnt 14 ittat coutrivitnivJ._ riPitrilei;:gr,-244 1 : 1 0. Itc*;:ii.i,itsoloo:-. : TUE ~744.1.5444.1 t„ OPitt'ffttir.,lttro,4l,l V Vt) - .1. VENTi9N, rt,-,sl/44mT, g.,. , a7pltig cv ~ T OA,-.4*.O.Lig.ti_.; '..:•,4 -.'il y •':::, - , i- • 7 - = I -An:arguingthe _gnehion .irhettasZ the, Kan ag Clitoitithtiew le , neeessark•hindifig; ; h4451 SS: the' criVediiiiin' was deld : ,undirjhal;:axiii Of,'. - kW/ 00' Vint, kit .F.alititifirli.mAtiqiitfe hii: p!ciplehacptelepted power to Cid Conveht on .:',, tO tiitlt'o',o§Pstitiatidii*tntatt 4ptiiisqo to - Ahent, ft isi4l4iS'agiiiiiiiii* : .oiiifi4 ' sid ! nt which Congress would notbo lust:Med.-in e "..„ . .. • , n, .. jesting; 4h:en 'although-nett entiorsedLoy he ", ....... A -,1 1.:. 1 ..‘,..,,; .: , ,a • people: s ., 4 ,'.. -• ~ • • .„••,. f , ,.. Sci.fitt4ii -the .i.eiiiiis.`o.O4tltiitioiiiAii,, . earned, it was clearly , understood, en - diet=' .-. \i'do,llY, Al:Se - tad, that it would tie :putijott4e4: : , :llitiftldfihio:4:49oi!W ; F,l44 l P: ol l the:` ion veation, and his seven colleagues, weremietif f '!-I*tittivodilly;pledged to./;rind et; :aft'"r,:"gtvpgpiOolon,ig.l)*liinilli ti wil ' piibiish 'helinv;`theY fitted' aA*4i, , b-' • , lnissietik and.bytheir;yetas 1 daftsted it'. tis olsifly • evidatitllutt; they iverti doitigs!:: : !iyi_ . ' th'eleiipp6•4o44 - oft,,i.*,'itii -,,, T i g i cm , to i,peejli,,aii4 . hittX. : uttiorßA , t to, maiteAttiat,,*...nunciti#44;,,withi.ut;tile air-, preys!. of the citizens of Ratisso;than'they had: ' 'to lialed,s gonetithien feill'ennityiiitilis : ,:-:,;l'Dernocratte Yeters,of - ligh o m ee ro -- It, &tying bed,' elated WAWA, Abtilittda.n paper; therHeilda t Of Fie:Want, and "by some ouno-Demoornk~ who got up a dependent ticket ' foi - lk — . efoiriPoae of meet the Vet* OrthiShiek't itapnblicareV 7 tbat the - lei nomiheetthr thh.Demooratic convention Toed 4 10 stolttangihat,C,IMPOSAPAte , p , , ,woe , the; candidates es . tnexalrasaLts- V subthjr the Iblietivireiii.46llitiegs, yhiah' _adopted . by :the'DbetheratietVonventthif ' plaoed."lloleatdminietioni; and *BSl:work tally - hearfily,tnidoven: as: a complete Iverektebehre sliiedeVe above vereTF. o . 4l t 0... ' , ..:. : :'. • , Johil'Oalhouil ) : , . :...a..r. ocße' r -'-W. 8: Nails,' ; - =' - '''''-`H.7sat4ll4 ,r ' • "L. K'Boling," 13 ' ' 7 'jfillil Bil.Witlf 8 . .19; .'. Ww: - T:Sp,i.oeljr -., ‘ L.A. Pfatlor. ' ,Ltocaselee, K. T,'„ Jana 13;1857., - • ". 1. - .-B4OSOIVGti, That .we 'will support no , •infi as a -delight* to''•tke Constitutional Coriviintioti,! hole. ' dutlea - 11 OH ke to '" triune thy; Onstitutl n of , ‘ the,futlica',Otatit of 'lshii's; -and'io - Igo* Aba ' 4611tlearAriiitga - lons ' zinger; vtliqh'".wiri A lb, l'&141!Chle": td`;•:livb,"7: thdOii , :'714%. : fill dges I s 11111Zde 1:: ~.??,q3,,, ,,f re,gs„i 'WWI ''tilth'eutyer .l4ettoni:'to;,o4l- ,eery hitnisi.eiblir ietiane"to eitk:. ' fiat the same to qbeey beta. tAde itestiacid en of'., 'lra:netre, at thellropoPttine•lo'r:Orlyoteelate Wen itgoit, , the' ailoptiOt by the )edpleith r,iici that kite saidlawititatilitumay ba.-04.0pt0: 1 t..0:-., jeptal4 th-e - '4.t01l tan t u tie thli - Virrito yee,, , the inajorit;V2of the - voters 'shall Afield°. ' ' ,-, / . . .. - THE ILLlrffitS,Die.niOcit'ACz .14.0,: IAE —' = -1. -,.- - KAllsas -.QUESTIoN,. *-,,,- `... „.. ' ' , So- for is we have -yet'uliticid s 'ihellenli*.. ' . cratii ' ;14 48 15'29e,,.../iliOa - a :i i i i u l iiirl- 8 - .i ll chndemping, , iltillte-MO ' st." - Alm'phat,lo' ,fenice,' '... the . action - Of' the: Kansan- Constitution Qom. f vention ., - f .,„The - - q e4g9 ..Tim l s, „t.hp ; amp organ of •Senate'r Dotturas, denounce I t it .• - the Wiest AC - aided,: language ::: ITho nine.) , ~.,./iiitt/d,ihe. h.p4ce' - 'piztii!Wf thti: gpii (Jul : .1 1 : , :ilt.,;A:i'ltxcliii.ausciN, the IlMitrrk '4 4 ' pion ,:". of the,l l ,4bpisktolll in'the Eirtnpe - of, - epre ilentatiies, Speatuith*: . - r „' ' '''' --: I- -• . WeAlaink ,it, Altogether. probahlti_ that, - if. Me -- BlacfitOPublioan,Congtelle ..of, hit -yea;: tied. so ' amended the eleotionlaireiof-Vhe. laud aslto: rei:. .quire the people of the gpited, Siatellberotd either. -,, ...fer.Fromont,and freedonvity•gasevas ii. 0i ” jiii., - Premoot and; elavery in , 141illah'i Mr? Budhanais:' ' would.not harwbeengres ideut. to,•day,•And'yet, td - havereiluired thepeoldeofthe Mated littates i to have thus voto4wedertheldtiful •pretence--of °resit-, .., Ong theattwohowstftheir Own Presidents- word 'not ; have heen.kbit . morel ridiculous-than, it.i to tell go people of Kansas , as the - Constitatien I. Con, . .ventioe „has _done- that they must en& shill vote for the ti Constitution if they vote at, all. • If. this „ be permitting the, people of golisas-t0 I `foriii- and regulate their domestics, ;institutions in thl it' , min: way," then we must sinless we hive misinte retail. • and „• misunderstood . the :spirit and. language, the ',. ~ true • intent, andAiteetaines' , „of the :TiardiaitZlet, - brash* bill; - and .w e did supper/ tket If Abilre ~Irtui anything in-thie'veorld thatvre did uude}vdend; in itespuit add letter, it wait the, plain i unetiuivooal . language' lor that .greatmoiasolw- ' , At -4 laotilleit, - : leers nor leee tbaaitu exercise, of dagmatio) dicta ' . bola,: autocratic power,' unauthorized by the -organic act, •on: - the_ part,ef,the.ntemlitmi o f-the Constitutional Convention. . ,• The. plain intent and meaning ,01 . the organic • lot was, that If the:-people of Kansas wort milled, ' upon, 'at -all, to: vote - mpon-"„a, Poi stitutio they, ' should. be permitted to vote either/or it or ,t hey, it, as they in: their own goodludgment -tin plea: -, sure should prefer to. de.- ahe actiorof the Con, vention we regard es , nothimiem titan en teault to, the intelligence end an outrage upon the people:of, Kansas, as W4ii no contemptuous toward. th 4 friends and; supporters of the, - ;lfansas-bl'ebral)ka bill - throughout the country. ' . •. 1 ' -, I r . , lirothe wb Op platoon of Sianhai Orbs; th et th'eyi must, he, theCeecotatinded,:bylniin eliitit'sil with a little brief Auttteilty;Who be'their teas , ti re , tic, go And: do. 8 g - sot - Which 'imisihiy," their: intelligencirand"their ,inclinations,tell them:they', :., ought not to'tio, do ,not :want to . doDitillwr4f/Ast '"i10 - ,.unloSe; - 11lpe slaVesiforeed to,do it? ';'- They?* ay, '':.:nr may uotht'. - anyAlting , clifillo,inthle toSha. , eple, . ' of Rensas.l.4;;lllet.Constita, ,oriltlici,f4,l4 t o.,aCi=„ ' 2 ,-" tpoineel.iv''oltloorlit 4 iikotO, dla: 41 00 litlitrofit4tl - • - -of Wel pYovisl ens of - that'OtiiistittitioiClintde,sleves; of them All l ;: It is only ionehiated lci,thein--their" ''.gloldna prltillege=7to,vpteVer!, l o - ;;iti arty event; itSßutitt ettfjetigident, air atviedividual'Penioslat; who never, eplits.. Ida 41044 quid- vr4ii • noyer ,yet' saw the littar that tie:didn't fiekitiekhe Could' (1 4' fend',bici:pkttl, its, lifine'lphisranct its publie men, ,from attack, dm nourSo r adopted b y the CopVention is- O abwlntoly. indefensible, A cannot, sod ,iVilt: ' not,liihruitallie&by thoPenitieraOyatth o 'country ., ~,, ..,, ~,,-, , .• . , , , , .• ~, ~ ',. ~ ," - ; TALE'CAL!IMIP-•COMITITUTION,;+ Vain i* •Nielgtipprig ,I.aregard to, the .oalhonn CortqltullOn,l bayo + only to day it, aa nap, judgment, 'and-wholly urti worthy of am Democratio party.' .IVe Whouldliava • fully raCt Ale question ; and, insisted'Upon'if:yete of 'the_ upon tha:Cou'lititatiebrrth a t - 44; honest way, and, in sll,oandori the flab!: prePsr way of settling:W.lW in Kansas, so as to glio tut power as to ityold difficulties between the twcrebetlo:ari46lThwi l : 1 4 - 4 . Ad , that the.. L,ecorapiek Conyenthin taut cons, "itituoney, and althoughirolwere :bound to regard. it 'airs. legal body; we wore not board 4,0 - aCeept." Banter's idi3a; that the 'peOpleA4Jolniiitiiieif -:their, the C01,!4*+,,l - -'.are!preituned" to' sanotion 'the , preoesdidgs of`the Conicutton - , on•the ground that they haieno right 4o Say airalig- for or igainay the 114)orkirtlfp, , keohnto# ilotusdapproral..k 4p4a the ,Sariheri,wheit .„ , ' this litter is iinnting-4tboth Insultin`g and'ab'surg - :'l`helt4l.trannitttutorttit? ?evorliviiiigpoyvey of the 1- 14 ~ ,notergliil4. - 404 4i ,-1 00 ;1440371190'!.nntittol, `litiprotne Court2or-the itnited,outjeclintre decided sotrtfrelgtity to tnaileritibla.t apjiljti `pilrthatitCpciti' *,PpiN ,k kiiiPaii#V ibiatx.:4lk mnjoriti tt;t3cirentntl - ont QTAlpivopAq l otlyr, r , owtriffsimrtq. - , _ • .1.7k.:•+ " I ,l lioAdiAbir-utta , -frontz eSe l tiladOpol, an our San Francisco eorreapondoneo, NUS ap pear `o-nugr9Wo DDITIONAL *OREL° , NEWSit THE FULT , • By the Fution, which . ',-, 7 . ..t - ..• : ..f.,. • esterday, we have roc= 4.., . 1 ~ s• ' V I papers to the 18th ult., :;.., , "'t ' r ` 1 •. : 1 A k,hetr intelligence * i t! '''-..,,y." 4 :' ''' ' - -..,! PREEIq of Monday, by th': • ,'i a ...:. 1 , h Cape Race. The Continental news is of little interest. :A writer_la tho : Londoa Daily News declares that ev er? ,, anal aneinclitary man in England' considiAMA klosi infilitto her Majeaty'a artnythatftgafAltaltil 41114 HArlbc,lFc LAS tft Til. o,sq,ded . in his comatand, tater a vie , rlif ,td sther ipPking,9ll Tiqpni f 4 !)., te'.ll stieh:4l*Ft 60 lig ilat*.zoo.thatt gained, It 'l . .4,:littrd hd should itid"ahltive4.lß , r A. 01: " . ParlianienrA id imdnisuirunioned I on Tbllradelr,.,Decenlber 8, ‘, for deeps - fob' .di ;ItWil'Jt r l4e;tii, ilia.' iiiiPei,4t' n't 'iffefial ,,, :• l :l'fij e I.l,,neop,'B_,Ktt ' eliiiiiiillo:ii; : "dited /- 1413feriibtiiiii - leenth, appeared lii'fiwit'oniffin aai4ile:biljit ' e! A/al:kcal h—e:,, e n. kilo, Any!) hefwkii,prot'usiee to • -1 /#7 , ' l Aen Signed Li; -,,,,1 r a_. t., ,i . : , .;1..1 1., '' 4 l'll4.Thindoili , monoy market vies getting firill.l lil,.:4;:f°li*ilifiefinitiiini;illuilti3riirtinle of teal pttify4lteus, tic .111-Norilb)dl'q't ilairs,the lateib, petition of # , KA, q 'Ito ) sk i l ,-- 2 .. .i e. '''il' lilt? I.:ltlgigtl374llVibl:VV;;Lirtd 4'i. rao.iii-ovitd-ii.timridefixisLttre.ilidnoed be iittlend the Difilveheiter Act; that ad tia new :refill yi, urtia g ed,voialmrstlay, whou,the.o o ,verron9bt 1 01 In r assaitisned,,theifiankrearya is! se/gile halfe feili len to half a enilizon,ole t ng t.stlie enormous ektont ,of ,tho applicathins which arorb idatioer by'th :prevailink iiiittder -On Tridtl, it .lippettro o 1 th litit'liaO Mit Infringed;the amount ief .notasiisone 'inqiciews ofltbo-legailimitaleing, boWever,llAllo ipditanG 'i:,.. 3:,ii vl ...AI . • . .., ... ~.• , ~, - On Saturday, and this d a ys the demand' et 'th .hank, though much logs than that previously, - Mt :tiifsest - i‘ritd, am 'veil , aeltil , e, , aridrati:thw r epay ' , ideals 'alike bittiblishrfinni id-day . ..are lillievaLt hive Ameniticanaideiable,.thare, , ls kfery ,prointi. hility. that Alio lacwo-Irt "the.:iolfoe. of 310 ten in n9' ;map conoid,crahlo„To keep the frealilaSed Wing n/Pdelltlo.4 l 24,4loithe, hank *deal - t' he patefat ate '' , lr ‘Teillifitbg Ah pertioil 'prthhirLgibteilienelitedeet - 'rities,; Iliscdosibbe, linv?eierchte.beikiidling , to h 1 - begird** , tlid liTobirOef=a4i6e ilm , the ' -ratoi f iiiiihint lbeyotid4o peetiont.;.- id : Ideniallileohtinnink stottvp,.end.oattiGmhthonota - . Ito ltnekrlflthitAbabltito 1.0.140009 4 1 MR:AP . S till' t 4 1 78 3 p1 " 940. 1411 3u,1 it tai ittliQbie l ra - 'Monti 'Eat r ; , I r inerery eXprosshit t vooinicaror tifiniateia - th t [ ~.1.,' iiieLß'kkik'ettitiii : Otilieociiitat should net lel; - aitetrd'Aeliivklieli• lintikintviate,' l a . oL long:;fisi 0. extra issue of notes continues afloat, :ani Oat A e .ifioiminiNtilt; iliteJ B --InfAt 19 f 419.• discretion, of tie .PL;liAl••4.9•lln)nirtinh a r e oPi de rl i .11i3 are *ina x ewit,triesel l .9*4' , eat wo nidot - laurels aliept fsiethelgredteroirillzialuntesoPon Very stroni nitnidi'WOents'aier-iedfilouletssil- id revive lb . belingioPlineertitit4lit itliti itioneyauerketlit( feetherrisefiwthe.rato.nt , Ail 000.• faL ,i.l ... . i.i dierdwidie;ithel,k l 7 o hrloilffe. itlg l ti."4lt9:tl ,unsponsion .oLthe all, tfiere La' a-4teire#l.4,-un . mited ,ittiiilly of L money; - ferfhot.'oli.VltlYon . .., , l : Pr04Y,6 1 1 . iheuritiiii" ottgUio'ititlitio' to calla the p - lielnitia: - ' .'''.-- ,":" -- 1 v •' '" • ' ' • ' ` - 'lt'Aviiiild'iipPetir-that the'detimict for:money so :li6l3}idd 4bi-dITirS1441;1 1 11. great; meesuW3, ties heti i .doiie ciflrish and cefftdry bankers tkillaoo the selves. id ;a strong position. ;44 is l itlittgcti.tbat'f r. 411or_quantiges_qiutivireikes nro'beln - g. deep* ed Iq,,lrekuni, but Merely, as it,nisesUrd or prooanti ii. Oil - .die eih lia%d:ovii• know 'of "no 'inatitrices it ef 'illek • eiiiiiitr de y'hankoraafeseretiingsotritigeth et eiLOndolo.- <i , '-• It, • p• ~.,;,,, , - , (1i - 04.8.snortget tifolsatlefebtero fedthresef the day ri ',i.faiiffer dolisidefable fallfin norSt, JO contin ed impreven . ntat le *monetary and hommereliti aff ira .0 4leimett.,; the' important -cheek to the' sil er I drain, andlhe km:citadel' that "lt Million in t• tralian golitis now approaohing our coast; in tl (Mimi t0..4290,000 actually, to band. %lard are stilt boiritlidraWall'of bar gold f om 'tlfilib i ll . k'fbretportation.-- - . 1. - • _. , Trite Aim iiiifiVid'in'thd lindon -- dohlte id-day, lipt nioloB . ,ffopti 7 ite ;old 'will - 1m 'delivered I to vire*. " t ! '''''':"'''''" l'in 'Tlin'ametrl't of -koldaldird, ~ on board thi ex., :AlohaAiled fred:Chfellidtt no for London ` . on ;the sth btfilePteniliari lil atintrieh - A51013,25.5 ouneel, Or,oooE, , Thli Seringaps.tamlladtabto ea ter for,LlVelZiol;cni, the Idthlf, August; with - 4 ISt o,tinoes, , worm 481700/7 .-'l - -- , - ..; "-' ----,. :,.'.*. _--. ' ; In - eluding the - X585,000! *Midi lel - expected it inadititaly nt Soutti a tupten". frboi Aleittndria,f ti, tit_l ' , raillion aterlihg in ' Ainftraliaik" ge d it 'kiii.o•Wu'io,be"-itiritleehing - due - ab tires:" The-Essox bus 'now, fait paiginty-,t air dare at son, and! the llerifigipatiM 4 niliel.l-thraw daYe.:+i n , is -alleged; goirevtir, iliittAlto, , Mb I:Chiding teforrfiik,.tdtlte ft47t'Ple ;Mkt , ita - Ve' , .iot 'yet - demo , fortrtird, , ng,.. Mated itithil - missisik - pbrtfon of thd us. / Italian - their; itac.ilfttkithdeatlimit for lifarse les •Oirliigie;thli-cireannitantie :setae delay. nifty say Wipe occur befofellie .f.62siooolrtgoldliansid , .ItreMilnif fetid - may liefelatrid• available. • ~. . .. .., c :BY • - VD - Z 7 l - 0 .11Z ?MAL vitobtivesneurrox. -- *444;:iiiiitiiii..;Yitiiiliii".iii.,loe, - xtiirA--- anie .t Nictiirainaf-No . Gillti o. 4,,Nimlin , ` . tucket lalantl-.4 011forala Land:plribkis..l.2 ,- (ilairepondea44,ll4,Rrilmi.) --: :I 7; •, -,, r 7 -' ...1 . —',l':,i , f •:. - ,-,`"-- ifaintorwretrP.eo:lol:l 7l.. , .. ' "I'lsiaritthatltlii. lilininistratlaW4ii tai role ,tatting the ultra grounii. r 6CAßO:lciinsita:Atie tlori i Iffilnlo l 4l ) ei4RoicifibO'V,4lo l #:l' :±4 l l. w 1 in giresyXrdapent:titstiln _the. conduct , ',of iCloYsrri'or 'Walker, 'lO ttl the'llrtle , ef theledntroversy'bti 0;3 .eali s edale tubifitdd Vic r ile liansae:genetitlitlonal_ , Coninntton t andiiieribn tikatieol?ject 041 ii'al,'lii it _appears to, lka the general:4lBllA itterial4ra of; lhollartYwho are heroinwait the -fullest • lafirtna, thin'ltiett thfi Territory: ;. " ,, t. --,,, ,-- -. , , r " . In any event, 'tlnire wilt; be..4ll;si ! le:OOn 064 made in oOnkroai",to krone a moderate, lino). o fair linoof ,policy:} if it be made perfectly apparent . `that the 'llonstitution 'is still"wlthhold frMn . the pithlle,.,4:Aiiii4 l ;there - fe 'any jinn? bf'Plieinif on 4hopartOf ,the committed to:whlcii;tilii. frlunflig of Jhal , instramont: wai , oonflde4., 4 ltillrlavedoh I f *eight lii thh - 4 &W timato - inn. It is tak nni for ~' irento- d ,liyptipy that th",fAtteStliin,as It nett tends 10 pretty much lailitatiie in its °lfni:loiter, and that to (longress it will be left for74 . 4aerxrunatioxi altar fall , and fair discussion.' Mr: Bubhanan, in .his Ire :4akeii:villiiiOt . ko;fdrther then' he expression of his opinieit fialhis rogiid;•nruil!rn kni!ng thisl only repeat what; k'nyoAitton ytinOnoo hefori3. •'- _ +.: I 'sin informedlrom-good :authority, that de- Niatblidihkid roachell :'tho 'State almpartmolni, re Lcoinixionaini aldelayNtiOlteleeognitlan of Yrissari , as ...ioarnmmn minister to iiiiitinit44ofis, l it is alleged that to recognise him woidd be to stibsorvo the interests of the Bllibuiters, and not ( teat of :atablegevertiment in'OcattatMierloi. ' i ~This 7 4 1 13 Ang . .couill too 10. h :,Yrtsslyi haiboon formally reeelyed:bY thia, cloVolnnient l .ap his, tooted on thebohalf , of Nicaragua in the' negotla.: tioi of a treaty. ."The notionlakon'on *hill treaty bythe.Btathile, pro essoa,te . reprosen „Irllf, when 11 , is linoliiLAPP,ol4r,op,:svAtio now,doutffuron dips point: Bveirarrivalil hoWever, .fropf' that itiartei, of , lath, has only brought information of inoreaging conaplioatiolia,,and 'ildded . to . tile per plexity of ' ony'pody'o nttoni t iiiolOW 'Ondorstand really the condition of -affelia.there.7 . 1 ere end the• — The fates' are with the Mari of destiny." , 110 att. the 3danti to ihteroolit him, 'raiad it is se en now, whlClt wak death ted at the tian, that, lien Walker started ; for liliorguts.' , when, every - thing 'was xrropitious to his enterprise. It is.q strong helief with gentlemen acquainted :with' GenerAl apd'parttellh pifini,riikita, that there is a 'coin - plate inderstaiding feitween hintand Commander Davis: reports to the Navy Oepart.. Wont that tie . has • 'Halted• NantuokOt 6u . ned by,ltonson'arid others', of ilia killer: lean' quanc.; Opmp4nk, 04, .pft 4 'caroM search, he. was unable to find therofinf,lorge do- Tonit.of igurino, , ot indeed any at all to make. the istande valttablv: , • •• • ii - fleperat 119.ad011ffiefi oeivpd #4,follow4x, , Plat,of the Rancho ef Larkjese oblldiol.finally ebrititmed 'rto Prat eis !Larkin etual,' - 'colitatnlag '44,bef 22-1004okES: ' I This olaimis situated in townskips Tr,llB, and 19, north; of rangoaa and -2, wssLoc,,th , MOuat !-,l)(iibre 91,1 lies 'upon 'the' aide of Sieranie46 river. "' -" • p4p1103 ccinfirmod to Toont, ':oontOl#iog 1.1 3 81 f "62-101) iiibtafed r liortb, of iipexr,.ol4l' tOlii4o4 ' psrt - poitti:, f 4.0 ;'' 141 44 : cre P4 ' ;Xuq, ibrougil,thia ;. . • ,; lifaV of ,the- suricy'Of Ito rancho .4 I:.ql;iikuna 'geotlii";`inclodl:nel44 of: Santa Toiilsit', finally iionGrinfal 40, 'f,iborita 0; ISull of of Win. Fisher, containing 20,051054-10aoros, This claim ' 20 oithated in townsbitiaB and 9 south, of ;'ranges , 2 and is tiontyind, by -tlici',.Takbos Win lag Ani mas, Din de, Apia. -do la, ilooho; ,Las liras, 'and Outs Totality: - , • , ' Ma' nf the survey of ianoho " 0,10 do Agua do in Coohe, finapy,,eOn pas to, Martin J. C. Mgrphy,containieil,9g't 49-100 afros. This olefin is eituated• in township -9, south, of range' 2 salt; loWnehiiis 9 arid' 10 ( southcof range 3 , east ; and 'teiriislitp:9 df'fangb 4, oast of the Mount PlahlOneridlen, • ift,17.0f1i1,404 - 0!1 901 north by -the rancho de 1w AgtutU seoa;, and.on:tho south by -i4 who doles Lagasii , • , These„oluims cover, altogother, an urea of 85,437 * I 9P. IFCf,.:f .1 x,, Y. " `We' ; ltivo"iaio)f bad: to record oanorq *fit ic It: gtiipici - 4(4014 itui Day .1i10Z : ::„ . ;' 411.61/04 Xiaapa .0e n, anocrat of Tuesday sap ; —. • geti.", - 'iditbr , ,ofithe Day hook, ( 1 44 iiieterdaY: in -- the '3:45" train' of care from Br/toldtit" 'dit' littOrly tehie` iintdonoo• it pyprotts littd 'been %AV of UAW for amoral vittekti;'s 'iring'titt i dent ley riptottof of ittotatitoptioa. tatittaay fluit by itttititt , Of pittpitlttion of, bertift*,nfiOnvie tell ht, rooovorid... Ho .Iverit,,tiatio otti ditteidlFf t& ' . ittlohd Ito his bold ieSS/InitgrG'!"Mr;AaPArkik. , onTgoing to the ta flih ottriknbseivied biog. loaning over the intilWebr fliti bridge; to-,o boiol o g o con di t i on . Ho aseleted - him - to - thb - boat and on board the oars. Otter being:seated ho roilved, nod, talked little; helra conscious of hie eitentlea „ qratir eicpreared fdoubt,.o(4;ll,,ltyies •until ho -retielleri honk Floibtifteallie rieril started Jiiiirank in bleeeatiirelexpitell stryggre.'"lt is' Inttlesed,thettliefiXertiens iteVAK. in for 4 broughWtitleltipee cri4ellefit_c„ egli;;;.11e ,:1 , 1111 REAL ESTATE AND STOCK B.—See Freeman's eale' Oita 01'011lPS. HENRI WARD DEE ,ER Arl" SICAL FUND HALL L f IlkyENlg . t , Yl4so/ I ,P p l u s , . , ..; 0 , o y k e e s d li b t r ttt?r , n o oo o n n , "Rh . uses of OOB9 " Fanatic 14Ife'' was at I '' o' surer ' ivith• iiilail, art '',. iti „ ,eve;,-our, I bet highlyll rable to •14 hall was crow ed to its iflinot p4la-oltuyt, the eluding the platform, long beforo t ilittler of oom mooning. j v.-ell - Indeed, so intenso was the rush fat' admission beyond the capacity of the room, that, at twenty live minutes boforo night o'clock, the doors -were closed, in consequencio of which hundreds were' oh. 4-110it-ffiedfirdidappotnted;,,-----“,,, ,• ~---,..., ~.„,- Theiseenofron‘ khciplatfortn wooin tr i nsely into ; resting, pieherifingkresdt did , to tlie/rfposk i ei , /1 per- I feet sea of humanfooes, - with three long bridges of standing'speettefoleathillying the' aisles. Y‘'.3V-rtoolliiatit tiredidtion haying:lie-on . -maile,in , ,- tilie siiiiii of 18:19: by it Well:knowM lihroriologist , 1 in this country, that in ten yours from that time : 1 Ifent7 l Wardlleechei would ho i ons of, if 'not - the; lciitliiigBiiriffohlie" ago.. No matter how much • - `tiiii -1 'liyl'Ldvii lie'eti "',piling' the agony"-:—to; quote ; a l OpZliar ,4;utgartam-Lon .'filr.' .Ticoelierie , powers ; cortmn, it4..,Tlnlt ,fBis' Ali 'his"equals ins swaying: a ipipitlai an.dienco . "ivith 'the - arts of : PretorS• i- ~ • t ,, ,; , 1 „i ' , '-, ' ' C , ;e k t, Ave rainutee ,hefore eight'Air; Beecher op-, ;peered uport ttio,stand, And was wooled : With loud' .andbontimped applause,- immodiately after whieh' 1181-843ollins; Secretary :of: : the People's Literary Inifittte; came forward,noilannoonoed,the,futurti lecturers of the eourse, and introduced to tiro ani dienob theacituroo fop the evening, i , • •:' On 4OrningYfortlaidc Mr. Booeher said that It was abont to tread to his ,andleace .4 lecture el "Tito -Causes .of; Bucceas , atni ,Failuro in Life," both of, which, hohod himself in some degree'ex.! emp3,illed, in in his foirder fiiihift Ind pieselit sear owls= niebting:his engagement' - — , ' For bid own:pari, ha hairdona this best he eokill oh a former ticeasion le the theroiand he had done ho'bottor now; With durance to XL at A isappointi 'meet ho dittniqfeel called, upon ; to, make, an bx? planation for himself; but with the permission of ADO,II.II4iODCO, 15p, propid Stip a; llttloybeforo - comt, maiming lila ISetitio, 'for ; lootdrars'gonefally: and cipoolally,fOr those roost 'abided of ,all . things, 11 - .throbenitaittoes. - . - - -''' :-. -. c I- .:: i ' ''''He'thort4ilat-Inta sittings - Mous oiplandtion, o'xr onerating lecturers for Similar:fanny/8; and said; :• Abet 101 l ,things considered, the, wonder. was that ,:, dhoyoverq ; mot pinch, moro,,frequent—statiil at ..'- thelsamo tinao4hat'oh . a plevious seritiou,hisfriond. ~, ..Enhn:l3ltintf; • h;t4, potintenbed rt - three. woek:f . Wearing 'engagement - ht,llliidagbi which was to ebb :" edici tinned down to‘the 8 tate.Of Malta; and that, by E t -a- suoceSsion of intervening:eireuinstanoes, he had ..-- -failed AO' meet' a single engagement in all of the ~ "elgheolininghtB; anditte.Was sure that, under thoge o .OtrODMODDODS, the audioneeboforeltim had no roa st- son-to-complain 3 far They- hadlost butt WO,llllOWil o &Taxo , i. tbis, end both bf Which they were to e , „biiifo tadb tip,to thorn, - ',:•'- 1 .-' ,; .." • . -. • , g - : "Mith regard tone: Qurneß fa - nitre he felt old a; bpoti'to 'say that Mr.-Ouitls had waited upcin hi , a...and iiiquesteGihiprzto,aot as his sul/stitute.„: t I happened, however, that Mr. Curtis was idess4d 1 to' - With_ ii,att good gift, which was,' a wide-spread reAt- 1..,; Traida,, and another, which was still batter; 4 goqd wife, a vid Who'had on'that occasion given 0 him' a - son.' 'And he _would say'to the nu'dience i that :if I ' thb son inherited-the talents of its hither and go.' i..i ;beauty of RS motherilhe world would gain in, th it 0 - 'nieh - naore;thhn .they could possibly have Mat 111 1.: :not being, allowed the privilege of hearing the ?.. ;father of t-lso child on the evening proposed. • i d .Ho MIS Pow ready to - commando his leeture. 'Mid l ; in opening which, lid said that it was a retusrlialito n fact, that no other creature on earth was so apt to k bottle way as man. - •• • ' The young lloMthat rtionied the wilderness wifli i, opt a teacher ; neyor failed of lionhood, but came d to iitiby instinet,lind thus the whole animal or ‘a m .tipp,ttelow m'an,,tegettior with trio vegetable king r , dam, grey( and develeped'hi perfection. ' . • . Manhood, however,' consisted in character, and that,was ii very different thing feom'grawin a. I ' It'weenotieetiblo, too, that those animals which attained :their highest state of perfection with Bat the Ind of training werwthe lowestond that those which only coma to the full development of their instincts by ouoh,traitting were the highestin the souls of being,. , - I A WOO, for ex4mple, - Mitno to its maturity id a ,' four hours,;„ whilst mart required years for the cull i .deVelopmentef hlapbwers, and it was only throdith ,a, the trainibiorthir various faculties ,to their hifh io 'est; ro-operorton. with, mit other that the por not . maturity of *tractor could ho attained. In no i.. flonspan ,incidueuta4 man was not a than, no More i.,, than An adorn ' was an bah; or a spear of grads a is - hav field; ' ' ' ''' ~''' ' ' ' ! • ft was 'no' extravagant assumption to say that ninety percent. of Immlin life was Kits boot oon , Xingu/ wasted i neatly one-half of 'tho,hrunan I aim ' Xlidd l in the ortlle. As to the blossom's on the t yes -it was no that thousands of them' shoal,, be scattered to the winds, without ending in frith; for • th'fir production , teas - not attended with eirenn. ~":.: stances, affecting' thii feelings and ' allbotiong of ,4' livingncruis ••But experience taught tie:that no . , 'ffardotior , weeded his. gaiden with, a more!un smiling hand than Gad weeded: the( garden of hu- I . taan life. -: • , The peculiarity of 'the; human mind Was, thl,t it : - never died, - or - ceased to exert an influence • upon the minds.of others. • Especially was this true of iliose.master ,ininds in past ages. The'old Greek still ati r d•swhydd his Mentor sceptre; th ugh I buried beifenthlhe dust of 'aged. 1: : . ~ - , -If- - vrd-lobked -, into the great hive of hums ity, andliiii- there; with surprise, the -groat. relative ',proportion of- drone bees, wo should' bo still: dioro sorprlsed ,to And: that A Ain , greator proportion ',lsyervitlivedtheir birth, and Sower still thatiro a 3iixed.tO:manhiiod,- and a saltless propdrtion that *ere "Vipttla Ail) Plucking -When matured: -- 1 - iThe- rtibin .'at'this .'point beedning almost sun bonne: frt.& the - nialtitiple -of -breaths and! the general ntigleotof opening ; the Windowi for veoti l-ation,illr. Beecheratopped aside from his looturo - fora-moment and gave us a fine' episode on' the impartanoe .of breathing fresh air, and which was -followed by'ri general uprising of window wishes and other Bondi) , maneovros, which excited thioh -inerilitient.l , ' .- ' ' - '." The :leeturef, resuming, said,' before enttiring npon•theproposed Investigation of his. subject, it was all-important for us to make up our Minds first what-we really meant by the terms success and failurq, and which ho contended could 'only be'proporly measured by the measurement of in ,terpal eviden'oe. . - It Was ixgroat =Wake to suppose that a Man's sucooSs consisted in the accumulating of an alum , donee of this world's goods.' , Thepursuits of life, instead of being mods to subsorvo this one endohould but bo regarded as -disciplinary' to;:propBtro us for the higherj pur -1 poses of life, - • - : , That these things wore essential in ono sonso he 'would admit, upon' the tenne‘principle, that there could be TO branches unless , Gaon was a stock, nor loans without branches, nor fruit,without :ileitis, -yet ; after all, it was the that constituted the great end and object of thorn all. , ; „Failures in lite, according to the world's calcu lation, were not always failures. ' ' ! ' The reVaries of fortune, as they were sometimes called; were oft times brit the moans of bringing a man's best - qualities to light. As we could not taste the meat of the nut until the shell was ;broken, so those breaking revulsions in a lan's :fortune were oft thnes.necessary to bring nit the latent :polities of character.,. If dike ryas a man that, in his opinion, was en :titled to sameship on earth, it was the being that oduld surmount the effects of ill health- Tho selfsitorifiee of the martyr was not to be compared with this, as the burning fagots of the ;Asko were -not to be compared with the still hotter fagets the 'dyspeptic earned around with him in his stomach. Ile would not:say that bad health was altogether the , cause of moral deterioration, but that it greatly contributed to that result there was no room for doubt: lie held that no man could be a keeper of God's law while ho continued in viola tion of the natpral laws , -, Health, said the speaker, was the first 'element of lifo's BtICOOSS, to which he Invited the attention of his hearers. , ' So high did ho osthoato this, that ho considered 'its possession a virtue, and tiro absence of it a sin. lie mould ,not .say that this construction, would apply. in all particular eases, but he wohld say (facotiously) that it would, apply to all ,v-eurral Cases. . In a high' Bike oflealth, the mere fact of living was a luxury. This, he thought; was exeMplified in'the happiness of children. The harmonious 11n4 Tleaturable notion of the social affeations, depended greatly upoo .the staid of the health,froiv the fact that if a man was sick in body be was so om healthy in soul. But leaving the moral 'aberrations, which wo "name vides, there' wore very many [also maxims of life which worn the result of vitiated intellects, ettused in a groat measure by ill health, In this lions°, tunny of the evils of the day might truly be said to bo, born of the stomach. 'Tim man who sat himself down to write a trestle() on theoln• in a: worn oat and Used upstate of boat th , would predueo"a' post for his readers, and. the abler it the worse. —•— - • , ; When a man oame to him deploring the tempta tions with 'whioh ho was besot, and his inability to resist .them,:his. advioo generally . was, to reform hisjotenaperate mode of living : I ' He had no faith In the Old 'saints allot calendar, who used hunger, haircloth, , and indolmme, as a means of grase.- . .., ' " I ;• —The. feet that - persons in ill health solnotimes made .their ;mark, was no more an evidence in favor Of IA-health itself, than the fact that un merited allipti sometintes'outrodo' the storm safest wag a . proof that a full-rigged vealol - wax not its supenordntlie main.' , , -1_ • • ~ , , 1 The Second principal Means Ofsuecess eolisidered by' thespeaker Was, The ability of usiiig every part of our stature properly. . , . , 1 Knowledge woo :not education. A roan might be able to ispook all the languages in the universe, and at the sometime ho a stupid pollyglot as re garde the practical ends of life. The trim idea of education was evidently in disciplining ever y power EU pet - orin Ste functions. Mon . were net broad enough, they did not spread out all their branches to the air; and thoy were afraid to do so, because they could not watch the nice propriety and eireunispeetion of each. Tho present custom, was to grind moon to ti sharp edge, forgetting tha t all such grinding was at the expense of the sell; stance of the blade. The man who wished tO, understood what integ rity was, must first magnetize his mind with con sciontiousnesi, and so of every other great moral 'quality. -Men needed openlng.and throwing out. Thebusineso erten of our 'largo eities,here come in for Alen , side-splitting comments, that brought down the house in a perfect roar of laughter.; ', The various idiosyneracies of our nature were not taken Op,' and - reviewed with nil the mastery of A thorough aoimixinta - noe with mental Science. • One mani•for exomplei enjoyed himself .wholly through-the organ of approbativeness;.sueh a loan smiled, and while .ho was, applauded , prelied, anditattered„ be was bappyi, but, by, and by, when revolutions came and' overturned ' these slender prOPS, be 'Weiriniolo miserable, and all beoautio 116 had 'depended 'Wholly. upon a, sin 'irle - element of character for, his -enjoyment, I t ft Ile had known a man to be made Avretc o un happy because ho was now obliged to alicdOwn 'town, whilst last year ho had , been 'nem tomed to 'rib - in' his' carriage. 'A • lady; to his knowledge, had !b'een made very miserttblo because she was now obliged to-walk on Brussels carpet, whilstlast• i i ih year.,ehrt bad ,been acsustomed to step n velvet' Others again there wore, who made the Mph) 010-- ment of take 'their solodenendonoe for' world's enjoyinerif, nto whiah;Whenever it was wed to Monopolize the' 011010 UM, teas burp t 0.1711113Cti. , latabitn: . 7 • • `• . ' - _.• ' - ', • . : -, ' - ' , 1 , Another embarked nu, }tie elements of enjoyment .10 tho social endearments, and ,accordingly when this' bank of bite happened to hicalt, ho was mode A i4alikiA p t, What he hold was, that eta etiltivate 'every' 'On e br the tliiitrot 'MO , ' pur eh of bur nature, so that if we were driven from ono we could fly to another, He maid like to see the man that could THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA; WEDNESDAY, DECEIII3Eit 1857. take away from irttit thep,owOn'A enjoying hilt. ilio self, unlell hti . tri*, r ik enthlntrof NW body, „ Another Pf allneinia in life tOikthe art of living- veil , ,' i lidi , it 'Would be found Iv.! the main that we' hit *toirewdo with m;*inin with anything elical , ?Aslf,l/hovt hew to nye 'With men so as to mako4ftokltfppy *id - to bd made happy by them, was tho'groatcsturti- and till trite' harrot,of it Was, the free - exercise of a tail share . ' of fraternal love,-and if -this ,was properly culti vated between hum end man, tho web of happiness could not but fly out between them. A most laughable and ludicrous part of the lec ture was Mr. Moocher's advice to young men—how to get rich. The gist of this recipe for the 'ac quisition of tsar yaw fos ithein -0 got all they could-and &A' fug. all( they)lietl !3—to t keibpf 44 Jsafety-valvo down tight on every, generous emo tion of Moir ilftturo requiring their parting‘with-a , dims ; and then they were consolingly told, that if thoy kept Od'hoardidg until Old uge,lhe'y would then ho quite equal to any old' sack for the purl pose of hohling,monoy, !, „ Thelrrahlvas, that exter4ai suedes'' r' vas 'ln the main.too often rui evidence offaiistre, and-theiverst, kitid of intOrhaf bankruptcy. ' . • t• . ' The histhAd greatest element of success was the vtligiousebucas that more properly belonged to the pulpit, be would passit by„with, but, few remarke, , and had, in fact, only felt called ttiiOn` to Introduce , it, lest 'hi's 'not doing so' might he construed into ' 'neglect. This World was-thin bow to shoot unto • the next, - His concluding . remarks, were truly 'brilliant, and exhibitodiln admirable relief the absurdity of a Man's being considerodAulned be-1 cause he ItaipPeried'to lose I:de' property. ' Properly I -defied, such misfortunes woo but as: tho.knoek -I log of tho superfluous dust bat of. a coat.. Ac gold i could not matron man, so the ,loss of it could not ; be said to ruin him; and M suppose that a man' could be Made as a bronse•Statuo•was east, by sim ply ponying' Sufficient metal- into the mould, was ridlouloul. ' . ~ Tho lecture was au hot/mud-all/80pr in its de-' und ,tho best account wo can giro as to tho way in whroh' it was rooolVeir by tho once; is to - state that it was greeted with thO warmest' applause, loudly oxprossod,, from hut to . ~ , PUBF.Ic,I T:NTERTILINMENVS.' ' 1 PAIION's ,CONOERT. —ThO ,pecon,ii "concert of Med'lle Parodi, which , came off lest night, waf even better attended, than the previous one, en Monday. .Not,only Was almost every Seat in thi hall itself filled, even to the entrance, tint s the gall. lory was crowded. Me attraction indisputably .was Parodl's vocalisation—something' betiveen sing and ,musical deo,laination—lof that spirit-stl* ring national poem 'l La Marscillaise." Itwas most nobly given, and was encored. But eneores seemed tobo the order of the eioning ; the persoiering noise which. cpnspeqed thorn beteg made by three little heys.wbeaat,,near thedoor, 'and 'apparently thought it groat tun to liainniek the floor with their' heels. Vionxiereps ' as usual, gave great salisfini-, tion. Parodi ilia seldom been In Iluer'voice. • Thig scoond ,concort . ,has, Bar farther `developed tho o merits ftbe two ,English'singera. ',They appear to Wlllitfiy . ce, b ut their piirity or tone is delightful, and they have been Weil brought up in a very god schhol. We should like to 'hoar them'wholly in English music. Surely, Mad'lle Parodi does not mean to give only two concerts hero ? ' I . AjtCU-ISTRI;LT, THEATIM—Every seat, and' al most every inch of standing 'room here, was oh oupied last night. It Was Mr. Whealloy's benefit, when "London Assurance" and "Madeleine" wets played. IV 0 Myer saw Mr. Wheatley per fprm with more - spirit and , ease. His' Charles Cott rtley showed us simply—nn elegant gentles. man,, ao difficult to represerit on tho stage. Mr. Davenport's Dazzle also merits praise. Why does not some one play the part as an 11 i vlonan, ,with natural dash and—modesty ! It is Irish,:in conception, wo aro sure. Mr.' Wheatley may nen , gratnlate himself on having had, for his benefit, the very fullest house title season. WAI.NUT STREET TM:ATM—That - splendid ,operatic spectacle piece ' , The' Enchantress,", as got up, with now mole and scenery, for this thee; tre, has filled the house every night'eince its nto auction. Miss RithingiCin the principal 'pdrt, really is,?They.nohantress," looking charminnly, - and singing with remarkable sweetness and skill. The whole otrerigth,of the Company has, been On contrated on this drama, wide!' fairly may be called the boat card Mr. Marshall has played this seazion. The prioes continuo at reduced ! rates. 1 BANTOIII , 'S OPERA Boom —The return of Mr., 8. S. Sanford, after his starring tour in "country 'parts," has added to the attractions of this pt ea ler home of Ethiopian, song, dance, end eccentri city. . . Buormar'4 , OPEttA Titorrx.--lhese ',excellent' end popular artiste maintain, in.Philadelphia, , the reputation they won in california, England, and New York. They are musicians of a high order. The violin' solos of Mr. Frederick Buckley show remarkable execution, and not skill • atom; but taste. Upon Ilwaino and Bishop Buckley the Pub lic have long since pronounced the most favoritblo judgment. ?Ansi Iliffert, who now belengs to the company, is a capital soprano, with the mar t of i also being a good actress.: •In the hurlesque . o mra she is unequalled, and she sings ballads very hell. The Buekleys are now.loCated in Jayne's 118111 , • Eqpnarnuix TROUP . T. AT TUE NATIONAL TiIEA. :rnn.—Tho performances hero 40 very well attend-. ed,'noul the riders have complete and gra eful mastery over their . horses. The.gymnasticrests ate cleverly prerforMed, :We sh'quid ho muoh• titi. fled with Eph Horn, ea a Circus clown, if he,lo o hld give even a few original jokes. Objecting lie down with a pony; because kthb went to teed faith . his shoes on ," is as old as the hilla,lind wait not goo originally. The somi.drama of " Cattqlna; or the Dying Brigand," is welt acted hero. , Miss WILLIAMS AT CQ.NCERT iiA!.4..-.-Tllitl iVen leg, this lady will repent her musical ontotain- . misfit, "The Lady's Dream," at Concert Ball, for tiro benefit of the Children of the Union Telmpo rary Home. Miss W. is a good singer, and ought to draw a good house. . MADAMN LOLA MONTEZ gives a lecture at the Musical Fund Hall, on Friday evening, the subject being, " Tho Heroines of History, and Sftrong- Minded 'Woman.' This is entirely a now 4mpo eition, which' oho teas never before presented to the public. . , THE LATEST NEWS NEW YORK ELECTION. PPVCRL ONSPITCII YOR . THE PlaSi L NEW Tenn, Dec: I.—The municipal elocyon in this city to-day has resulted in the electionof Tig- MANN as 'Mayor,. by not loss than two tbdusand tnaprity. Wtr.mAnsvonr, December I.—An into eating child of W. D. Hunter:conductor, on th . o, Cala.. wins railroad, aged three years, came to. its nn timely and this afternoon. It is thought that while in bed this morning, she reached some matches, which she ignited, and gave origin' to the flames in which sho wee . so much injured thtz she survived but a few hours. NEW YORK .CITY ELECTION. NEW Yont:',•lloo. I.—The following ruporloduia• joritie9 kayo beim' t coohnid of the oleattou for Mayor: Wards. Wood, (Dem.) Tietnann, (Lim o n) First 120 Second !r7l Third ; A Fourth i 581 Fifth... Sixth... Sixth... Seventh WI Co Ninth. Tenth. Eleventh Twelfth. Thirteenth Fourteenth. Fifteenth... Sixteenth..., Seventeenth. ----- . - - Eighteenth -- Nineteenth reported 101 Twentieth . Twenty.first ...... - -Twenty-second 203 Majority for Tloraann • I HALIVAN, Doe. 1.--,Theto Ito siges of the approach of the 'steamship America, row duo hero, with three days later news from ;Europe. The weather is thick and rainy; so that there is no prospect of her arrival to-night. Arrival of the Kangaroo— The Latett from London. ; blinv Yew:, Dec. I.—Tho steamship Harigaroo arrived late this evening. Her dates freq. London by telegraph aro to noon of Wednesday,ltlio 19th inst. Consols wore quoted at 891u891 for money and 90 for account. The steamship Baltic, from Now York nrrirod at Liverpool about ii o'clock on Wednesday morn ing. The effect of her adviciis had not been do voloped when the Kangaroo sailed. The Kangaroo was detained till thrco o'clock in the afternoon of the 18th, to take out anstrers from Lire] pool ruerehants to their Americancrrrespon dets.- . . ' The cotton market open&l quiet:hut italady. • The market for brondstutfg wed utterly litagnant, adwerd also provisions and lard - ' 11108Srd , Richardsonif3pence & Co's. eire tier gives the following quotations for broaditutfe Wheat.—lted 6su7s; choice red To Ild;i white Ili lida7s lid; elmipo width 83..: Iflonr.—Philnd?lphia and Ilalthnorei 268a27e; extra Ohio 28a. -: ' . , Corn.--Yellow 355a35s 6d; whit° (Eoarce)4oani le In queroitron bark thera WINO been EIJ tram° . tions, , . .. • . . , • Thu New 'York .Electlono4epOrted Success of Tiptuaug, Suvo . lith., Ward, 70 undorily,fo Wood; Pour Noah Ward, 1,1:11 for 1Vood; Sitleontli Ward,' 1,285 for Tiomann. NI:NY YOPK, O ' d10151; P. M.-"'Reliable roturnri from,most of flio oily IMvo beo, rooaivod, indicating tile dotont of Mayor Wood, 1) from ono two thOusand votes. ' • j _ , , - NEW YORK, DCOOIRbOr /—li o'teiocli t P. M.— Reports have been received from 'tyre ty wards,- whioh foot rap he follotve i• , ; • . ' Tiorniintly .; ••:- - :----- • It is considered that Tiontann ieoor i ly elected by about 1,500 majority. BY TELEGR/U'll. Fatal AcFldent (51.201 AL DIV9PATCII SOIL Tint rttitgB.l Returns Of the Vole 'for Mayor, ; reported 290 Non-Arrival of the Amorlya.j , The President's 111essUge;'..ja }V,tanurarolvil?co. lat.—lt iin q n , :proballi that not only the President's Menage, Nut the reports '44 the heads orDehartnients, will , be supplied the r J ilftbe ininotpal Atlantid Oltie11; and nowspa . ill:*0;01(3ra; when the veadlngpf 'the Message bOen counnerunid'hiCUllgEOPS; the sawn to he previously sent to tho „postmasters wire' will bn telegraphed at the proper time with that view. The propriety rif ,such nu arrangement is appa• rent, front the foot that it will avoid telegraphic blunders, and secure a correct publication in the newspapers distant from the capital, at tho ear liest practicable moment. Although the utmost care has boon taken to pyoveat redundant language, the Message is una- Im.,Afring tcttp protoinent subjeetl, Kansas, I:itah, Central America, and the citrrency. Ex-Preoldont Pierce ut Norfolk. NOIWOLIC. Deo. I.—lpx-President Piero° and ladfayrived hero this morning in the Baltimore boat 4 'Choy will be the guests of S. T. Sitiryer, tintil the sailing of the U. S. steamer Pow- She will be ready for sea in about a week. The eldse of Hge' il'ej,tein or the Ntrantship NEW 01 IXANB, Doe. L—Tho District Attorney has entered a nofle proTepti in the cosi) of the steamship Galveston ; also, in the once of tho first mate; pilot, and others of the steamship Opelousas, Savona others aro yet to be tried. Sinking' of n Steamer on the Mississippi—Loss of Life, ` Bp. Donis, Deo. 1 —Tho famous steamer Alto. ihony, bound to I , Uiv Orleans, struck on a snag yesterday afternoon, at Quarantine Island, and immediately sunk in seventeen feet of water. Ono man and a child Were drowned. Tho steamer was Nialued'at $25,000, end Insured fur $15,000 in Pitts burgh °Moos. _ A singular Rumor—The "Craddock Murder." louts vt LIM,' Dee. I.—Rumors nre current in this city, that Pascal D. (haddock, for the alleged mur• ler of - )Yhow, in August !KO, several respeelable persons afo under 'arrest, has been seen In Temp, within two months past, Owing to his connection with several' crimes, Mr. C. was warned out of the county, and subsequently a body, supposed to have been his, was found on a .road near his residence, the fees of which was mutilated by hogs. It Is ,probable the body was wrongly identified. The .I,oto of the Steamer, Rainbow NEW' ORLEANS, Doe is fenrod that Ron; J. M. Sandidge, member or Congress from tho' fourth distriot Malts State, was among the lost in the steamer Rainbow, whibh was burnt a fow days TIM Sloop-of-War St. Louts. New Yone, Doc. I.—An arrival at this port re ports tho sloop-of-war St. 1.411b1 at Port Praya on October 30th. All well. Buratug of the Barque OUtarlo Di.r.trAi, N. S., Dee, I—The bartiuo Ontario from Now York, bound to this port, WaS burned oa tho 26th ult., with her oargo, oft' Whltebedd. The oroy worn Bayed. Fret' het at Buffalo '•BoFF:ArQ, Deo. I.—Heavy rains hayo fallen 4ern for two daya past, (musing a Serious (reshot, 'and doing groat damage to the shipping. Notes of the Bunk of Hamburg net AUGUST t, Pee. notes of the Bank of Ifambufg have been refused to-day by the hunk here, resulting from the want of harmony in rela tion to the tonna of their weekly eettlements. Bank Suspension. ST. Joni, 8., Due, I.—Thu Central Bank Frederiekton has suspended. BALTIMORE, Dec I.—Flour is lower Howard street opened at $5 12L and closed at 05. City 'closed nt $1.871, which is the lowest point reached since 1854. The Wheat market is depressed and lower. Red is quoted at 105a110c ; white nt 115 n 123 c for good to prime, and 130 c for choice. Corn is qudtetil at 55a620. Whiskey, country, 230; Ohio 24e. .Exolumgo on Now York 1031 e CILARLESTON, 800. I —Cotton—Sales yesterday 100 bales at 11e, a decline of inic. New Onmear, a, Nov. 30.—Cotton—Sale. of 8,000 bales to-day. MOTS ore easier, but quotations continued unchanged and Irregular. 'Sugar closed buoyant at saslc. . Rio Coffee declined Wheat—Red quoted at• 110, and white 118. Corn—White 55c: 3 el len, On. Mesa Pork $lB. Other markets un changed. Naw Oar.gasv, Dec. I.—Cotton—Sales to-day 8 1 500 bales; receipts 1,300. Prices are stiffer, but quotations unchanged Tho Stock in port amounts to 208,000 bales. The receipts thus far, less than last year, aro estimated at 153,500 bales at this port, and 321.000 hales at all ports. Sugar is steady. Flour dull nt $5 Molasses 2210. Yellow Corn, t10a650. Bacon quiet; supply nearly ex hausted Lard in bids. quotes nt 121 c.; in Leg, 1014. Gunny cloth, llallic. Freights on Cotton to Liverpool, 1d; to liners.. If. Exchange ou Loudon. 10311100; on New York, 04 fao3l. AIIOURTA, Dec. I.—Despatches from the south ern cotton ports k roport the markets easier, with out material change in quotations. ' Arrival of the Steamer Fulton, DETAILS OF THE NEWS NEW YORK, Dee. I.—The steamship Fulton ar rived at thiS port this evening, frcan Southampton anallavre on the 18th tilt. The most important hews brought by the Fulton has boon anticipated via Cape Rare She brings 5120,000 in specie, Including 831,000 to Richard Willing, orPhiladol 'phis- Among her passengers is henry I.lason, Esii,,.beartir of dispatches. the Bummer Rattle arrivad'out on the 18th ult. 'We nOtico that a' meeting of the holders of shares and bonds of the New limit and Fait, Rail road Company, especially of the holders of bcinds, not secured by mortgage, and falling duo in 1832, 1671, and 1675, is invited for the 18th inst., in London, to consider of measures for mutual pro tection. Groat satisfaction is expressed at the news that the banking panto in Scotland has subsided, and that the notes of the Western, and City of Glas gow Banks are now being taken in the ordinary way of business, by the other local institutions. This stop is greatly calculated to reousuru the public. The advices from Liverpool, Manchaqter, and othbr great seats of trade, concur in declaring that the news of the sasper.sion of the bank ebarter act has been the signal for universal ro joicings. Paris dotes of the evening of the 15th tilt state that the Bourse opened very badly, and the fall in the Route made further progress for some time. It opened (10e lower than yesterday) at CM 50, and fell to fol.:15. lint at two o'clock there was a sen sible amelioration, and the market became firmer and tirmor to the end, when the closing price was CS SC, the same as yesterday. Far cacti there has a rise of he. It was, moreover, rumored that the Bank o France would forthwith i,suo notes of .50f. each Such a stop would alone bo a great relief to trade and although not expressly excepted by the The leror from the "empirical means" %%hie!, h denounced cannot rationally he classed as one o them. [From tho Deily News, Nov. 1d ] THE LONDON MONEY MARKET EvENtNa.—The funds oponed this morning with some Ilatnr,s, at n further decline of I per cent. For some time the tendency to wards the improvemont was bold in chock by nous of the stoppage of the Wolverhamptou and Staffordshire Banking Company, but in the 'afternoon considerable buoyancy seas shown After a total rise of 4 per cont. from the lint quotations of the morning, the market elo ed to per cont. higher than yesterday. To account for the advance, a report was circulated that the Bank of France are about to issue notes of as low a denomination as 20f., or 1.2 onch—a measure which, like an issue of 11 notes here, would probably tend to release a large ma •s of coin now required for circulation lit the best in formed quarters, however, no information point ing to the immediate adoption of such a measure has yet been received. The advent:a in consols seems more immediately traceable to the closing of the accounts of two or thleo operators for the fall coupled with the continued Investments of the public The prevailing distrust series tether to stimulate than discourage tam absorption of stock. At the Bank of England today the demand for money, tbouoh, still native, was less pressing than yesterday ; the demand has been greatly promoted of late by the provision made by the Irish banhcts. Further parcels of sovereigns, to the amount of between £150,000 and £200,000, are elated to have been despatched to Ireland to•day. On the other hand, about £lOO,OOO in coin 11/18 today received back from Scotland, where the late bank panic i., rapidly subsiding. Tho Wolverhampton and Staffordshire Batik, the failure of which reference is mode above, is Joint stock bank of issue, and was established on the 24 of January, 1832. Its authorized issues is ,f,35,378, and its actual issue, according indite re turn 'published in lust Friday's Go:lefts, 4:35,012. Tho bank is established at Wolverhamptim, and has no branches. Tho paid up capital is .1:100,000, and tho reserved fund was last stated at .C 7 000. The' amount paid up per share is .Cl.O, going 30 per cent , and the dividend loot declares! woo at the rate of 20s per share. Tho number of part. ners is about 201, and as many of these are known to be men of wealth, the ultimate liquidation of all claims upon the bank is considered to be as sured. . - - 11,2 . ; 81.7 . 144 At Paris to-day the three per cont. rbntcs ad vanced 8 to 1 percent., closing at 00,65 troth for money and the end Of the month. At ilamburg the rate of discount has declined to it per cent. At Vienna yesterday the Austrian funds attained a recovery of about 3 per cent., but tin exchange on London was quoted again rather higher, at 10.29. At Frankfort Austrian stock was - weaker. Consols, which were quoted at four o'clock yes terday at 893 for the 7th December, iipened this morning 89! to 3, and, after varying for sometime between that price and 093 to 1, rose to 110, buyers finally closing at 893 to 00. For money tho last price was 891 to 1. Exchequer bills were again rather firmer to day, closing at 17s to 12s discount. The rezpectable house of Messre. Doan, Bur ton, A Co., of Old Broad street, worn compelled to huspond payment this afternoon. The event is atitibuted chiefly to the absence of remittances from,Fwedon ' in connection with their tratidactions in the Swedish iron trade Tho monetary pres sure extends oven to that northern port of Europe. The liabilities of the house are expected to prove rather considerable. Tho produce markets to-day were tinier, more buyers coming forward. Sugar exhibits a rally of alma As per cwt. from the lowest point' touched last week. CoWoo, ton, cotton, and some 'akar ar ticles. are all firmer. [From a popplament to gal London (iazetto, Xlxtraw di nary, of Saturday,. Nov. 14 MEETING OP Pig, LIAMENT, By TIM WINBN-A PROCLAMATION-YICTpitIA, B Wnt:nr:AS, Our Parliament stands prei.ogued to Thumlny,, the,l7th' day of December next; and wnreas, for divers weighty and urgent reasons, it seems to us expedient that our said Pailiament Shalt ensemble and be holden sooner then OM said day, wo do, by and with the advice or our Privy c'eunoil, hereby proelahn and glue uotiee of our royal intention and! pleasure that . our said Parliament, notwithstanding the same pow stands prorogued, us hcroin 'l4oo mentioned, to the said 17th day of Decem ber mat, shall assemble and be hoiden, fur the deapateh. of divers urgent and in pertanfalfairs; on "Plintsdayi the 2d day of December next; and the lords spiritual and temporal, and the knights, ci tizens, and Ihrgesqes, and the coututHioners for shires and burghs for the house of ()ominous, are hotoby required and eouunitudett to sivo their nt I=l tondance accordingly, at Westminster, on the said 3d day of December next. Given at our court, at Windsor, this 16th day of November, in the year of our Lord 1557, and itt the 2ist year of our reign. God &eve the Queen. Her Majesty hold a Council at three o'clock in the afternoon of Nov. Di, I'ie4ent—Tho Prinea Consort, Earl Granville, Vi,,cuunt Palmerton, the Marquis of Lansdowne, Sir George Grey, Mr. Sec retary Labouebere. Lord I'anmuro, the Chancellor of the Exchequer: Sir G. Wood, the Hight lion. It Vermin Smith, Lord Stanley of Alderley, the Duke o f Argyle, the Eight Hun. 111 T Baines, Earl Spencer (Lord Steward,) the Duke of Wellington (Master of the Horse,) and Lord Ernest Bruce (Vice-Chamberlain.) • 'At the council a proclamation was issued, sum moning parliament to meet for the despatch of public business, on Thursday, the 31 of December. E ATLANTIC TELISOUANI.—The additional cable required ftir ilia• Atlantic telegraph has ju't been commenecd nt the marks of Messrs Meese 1. Ellett, at Greenwich. About another 1,000 miles will ho made, and it Is intended that the ex pedition shall not go to Sea again without a full 3,000 miles on board. :Welts are being made to recover the 100 miles that were lost off Valenti:), on the occasion of the late experiment. It Is in tended ultimately to have a second cable across the Atlantic. SHIPMENTS OP GOLD PROM AUSTRALIA. We have received files of the Melbourne Age to the 10th of September. We gather that more than 83,000 ounces of gold, and XlO,OOO in sovereigns, were shipped in the Emou. The commercial advices aro not encouraging. Unprecedented dulness had prevailed for two mouths. The storekeepers had previously supplied themselves; while the long-continued dry weather, hindeting the operation of gold washing ;tad di minished the means of the consuming clasqes. Rein bad commenced to fall in abundance, how ever, and speedy improvement was hoped for. The Heather Bell had sailed fir London on 7th August with 19,047 ounces of gold; Royal Charter for Liverpool, August 12, with 83,593 ounces; Se. tingapatam for Liverpool, August 13, with 12,153 ounces; and a) Essex for London, September 2, with 105,255 ounces. The value of the gold alone in this last ship exceeded X 410,000. The told amount of gold shipped since the cote meneement of 1857, including the • shipments to the neighboring colonies, had been 70 tons 1 cot 3 qrs. 2ulb, II oz., which, et 80s. per oz., gives the value of £7,030,602, The receipts of gold by es cort continued to ho far in advance of those in the correspondingperiod of 1650. Ballarat gold had sold on the fields at 80s. per ounce, and other fields in proportion, but a reduction of Od. per es. expected. Tho now gold field at Mount Ararat promised to he very successful. GEN. IIAVELOCK'S RELIEF OP I t UCKNOW. [Prom tho Daily Now, N0v.17.] Our military correspondent at Calcutta has ena bled us, in some degree, to fill up the void hitherto left in the narrative of Havelock's proceedings be tween the passage of the Ganges and the rebel of Lueknow. The Ganges ayes crossed by the troops on the 19th of September, by the heavy guns on the Nth.' The passage took pines almost without resistance,' and the enemy fell back one strong position at no great distance from the river. On the 21st, this position woe attacked and earried. The rebels lost four guns, end seared severely, especially from our small fetes of volunteer cavalry (under two hunlred men,) led by Sir James Outran, who are stated in Havelock's despatch to have sabred one hundred and twenty cf the enemy. No time was lost in pressing th - o advantage thus gained. On the 21st, the day of the engagement, the British force advanced twenty miles, the next day fourteen; the retreat of the enemy thus hotly pursued was too precipitate to allow of their break ing down the Bonnet) bridge. On the 23rd and 21th, the advance appears to have been continued without interruption; on the latter day the relieving army distinctly heard the firing at Lucknow, and the general in command immediately ordered '' a royal 81111110 from our twenty-four-pounders, to announce our approach to our friends;" that Was the first announcement to the heroic little garrison at Lucknow that the hour of deliverance was at hand. On the 2:dh, at the distance of five miles from Lucknow, the British came in sight of the enemy —in number about 14,000--entrenced in a position which appeared impregnable. There was not a moment's hesitation about the attack. "Havelock went at it at once; and, after a desperate struggle, our troops, to the cry 'Remember Cawnpore,' car ried it." This is where 1110 great loss took place. Here fell Neill; here fell between four and five handrail of his gallant brothers in arms. Beyond this point, wo know nothing except through the medium of the telegram. By this means, we know that the result of this action wits tho lmmediatr relief of the Residency ; that on the nth. the batteries of the besiegers were as ; that between that day and tho 29th, the possession of the city was desperately contested ; finally, that the resolution had been taken to fall back on Cason• lore with is portion of the force, leaving the resi due to strengthen the garrison of Lucknow. Of the de.4pei ate heroism of the relieved garri son, our correspondent supplies a brilliant exam ple. When the intelligence reached the besiegers that Havelock was again crossing the Ganges. they despatched to meet him the force whose dispersion on the first day of the march has already been no ticed, and then made a desperate last effort to over power the obstinate resistance of the besieged. " They were on the verge of success; some of them were actually penetrating into the entrench ment. whorl a sudden inspiration seized our mon. There wore plenty of shells, but no mortars ; our men, reckless of life, nod resolved to conquer or to perish, soiacd the shells, lighted the fasces, and taking them in their hands, hurled them with all their force at the enemy." Well may the enemy have fallen back. as we are t,,1 they an e,l" nnd '• It was the last attempt they made against the heroin garri son. Three days afterwards Havelock was upon them. Prince Frederick William, of Prowls, reached London on Tuesday evening. There is great complaint among the working people in the manufacturing districts of England. The payment. of ono half the hop duty now due is to be postponed till February. In the week that ended on Saturday, November 11, thu total number of deaths registered in London was 1,161, which approximates very closely to the number in the previous week. Augustus Stafford, Ms P., had died In Dublin. TIM courts wore to go into mourning on the 15th, for the Duchess do Nomouro, oousrn to Vic toria. The monetary troubles continuo throughout England, and a number of additional failures aro reported FRANCE The Montteur of yesterday contains an imperial decree, by which M. do Royer, Proeuteurdieneral of the Court at Caisation, 13 appointed Keeper the Seals and Minister of Justice, instead of Abbattieci, deceased. The Bourse has been very heavy, but without any great change in quotations There were ru mor> of failures. The ltente, after unimportant fluctuations, closed at yesterday's price, Otlfr..soe. for account, and for cash there was a rise of 50., the last price being thlfr. Mobilior fell ,Iofr. The railway settlement went olf better than might have been expected Northern rose 10tr., and too or three other lines 2fr. 50c. Mediternlnertn foil Mr. 011ie Dank of France, at ;t , last Frttlement hu 1 t o r e ( vivo at Paris :dune 82,000,000 of franca, re pre,cuted by tit ,000 bills, which were collected by eighty bank runners and ono hundred and fifty as- Astents. Out of that large amount of money thorn were only twenty bills protested. In the branch banki etcrything passed over let most satisfactorily. The Mum Breloane of Nantes states that the news of the export o: corn and ether articles of food being again permitted, had led to a rather large amount of busines,, and orders were sent off to effect sales and purchases. A certain number of vessels have boon chartered to curry away corn and potatoes. In Paris. however. romlitise:on agents, who, (at tracted by tho telegraphic news that the decree against exportation had been repealed,) arrived from England and elsewhere to make purchn•cs, weie going away without doing busaiers, finding no sufficient margin to justify operations. It is not likely that the sudden rise In cereals produced by the announcement in the illoktteor of the day before yesterday, will be mn•ntained. A great ninny Americans had left Paris within a few days to look after their affairs at home. PRI;NCII ACCOUNTS VROM INMA. Tho Paris Mai pm( osies to be able to give the following its a inflect nocount of the elate of affairs in Ouilo at the date of the latest nows • •• The English are not masters of the town of Luck now, but only of the citadel, about too kilo meters distant. This fortress has been rerietuailed by General Outran), oho succeeded, after a mur derous straggle, in putting himself in communica tion with the besieged. 110 is now shut up within the walls of the place, Oenerat Havelock, who commands the second column, is oneamped outside he citadel, on an eminence called Mount Harnett. lie is held in cheek by the insurgent Briny, 20,00 t) strong, which is master of the town of Lueknow. In this very serious situation, the English find themselves opposed to a vastly superior force, which intercepts their communications with Caren pore, the base of their operations." ITALY—PIEDMONT. We learn by telegraph from Turin that the elec• Lions aro going on, very favorably for Cont Ca , vanes government. At Turin, live supporters of the cabinet have boon °Wk.& For the other two seats the votes aro not decisive, and there must ho a second election. Throughout the country (es ceps at Genoa, which is the hend..quarters of the opposition) thorn nIII be an imposing majority for overnment The utmost enthusiasm for the per son of the King and the institutions of the country is everywhere manifest. It has been observed that a considerable section of the higher classes, whose opinions have hitherto been hesitating, has e frank ly rallied to the Government Cause. The Piedmonteso G•tzette' announces that the euntral administration of the Piedinonteserailways belonging to the State had given orders for the gratuitous conveyance of the electors to their rt.- spsetivo colleges and back, on the 15th and 18th inst., cn merely producing their electoral card. The Chamber of Accusation, at Genoa, on the 10th lustcommenced the inquiry into the es ents of Juno, lust, the purpose of acquitting thwe among the prisoners against u hem there is not suflicient evidence, and sending the others for trial. ' M=MMI Tho tfr, of Turin, of the 12th, states front Naples that upwards of four hundred parsons im plicated in a conspiracy have been arrested there in a ,inglo night. It adds, that the Neapolitan police have been led to the dhcovery of this con spiracy, not by any revelations of Captain Risa rano of the Cagliari, but by,inre articles in the ihdia o Popoto of Genoa. LOMBARDY. The Milan a: etre publishes notifleation of the fith, from the Prefect of Finance of Lombardy. announcing that for the year 'KS, the direct taxes are to be incteased at the rate of live Icren t -7ors for every florin of taxes, (the florin is about 2f 50c, and contains sixty krentzors.) LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET lAvnneoot,, Nov. IS —The sales fur the three daydpast amount to 13,EM bales. The market opened with an' ndvanoing tendency, but elode , l with little inquiry and weak prices. Quotations aro generally unchanged. LEITUPOOI , BREADSTUITS MAIIKET. Flour very (lull, and lanlgal lower. Whont (lull, and 'dila Id lower. Corn dull, and declined 6dals LIVERPOOL PROVISION MARKET Closed vory dal]. Lard Leavy and nominally quoted at 0.13. Sugar firm. Spirits Turpentino dull: MITCHEB'I4 MAP OF hat —Prom T. B, Peter• son wo have roceived a copy of tho Map of India, with nil the military !tations, &a., compiled by Mr. W. Hughes, the etntnent English Geographer. It is beautifully engraved, with each Presidency distinguished by colored tints, and is admirably adapted for reference. In a word, it is a bargain at gm-Andy-five conti,„atul the original costs three dollars in Lyndon. Tlj s_ _ , ( l lT Y. VSHNEFTVratpENING. WALRLIV. TRIRT ITaiitrus, ICI CORM Cr NINTH ARP WALSIOR-R1MT14::" Thepit hsatrekg ilrftc,fi.ance AI4EtTIOUTIOt, &RCR oTea,r Alwyn fit 11.—`• ',eV Y Tr, or, The Pri PLedelAtne, or; The retpdltog of Pari3 1 4 1.10 c oxiit r tvug IS"AI4I27STHY :NEAR EIGHTH --. 4, EqueAtian Porformusatit.,, 341rA'S'3 Yew llt 1.. eII!STNUr ,:litkET, BELO. 8z k'N'Tet —Buckley's Opera Trcups eatiroan'a OPEHL IIoCSIA, ELEVENTH STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT —.Ethiortan Life Illustrated, cone:titling with a laughable atterpiece. CONCERT HUI. CIN , T'LT Sr . ABovE TWELFTH X,hf Welth , Meeting. of the Bondholders of- the -Union rand/ Comp,: py—An Lite, tong State nu nt.— A geueraf meeting of the `bblidhdldere Of the'. edual Company was held at 12 o'clock M v ,,,, terday, at the Loud of trade room, No. 20 Merchants' Exchange, in accordance with a pub lished call. On motion of Mr. John E. Addicks. John A. Drown, En t , was called to the chair, and Mr. Charles Hamilton acted as secretary. Mr. Addicks mowed that each gentleman pre sent forwnrd his n .me and address to the secre tary. This motion, be stated, was made in order to ascertain who cOmrs)sed the present meeting, and in the event of any further business with the 'bondholders being necessary, that the bondholders would be known, and aeeessible. The motion was agreed to, and about one hundred gentlemen handed to the secretary their names end resi dences. Mr. E. Rundle Smith. President of the Polon Canal Company, stated that ho had been instructed by the Board of Managers to make the following statement to all holders of the bonds of the com pany t To Met Bondholders of the Union Canal Corn p ny. On September 4th last, the company failed to Meet its notes issued to raise means for completing the canal and paying the interest on the bonds maturing, while the work woe not earning it A meeting of the holders of them notes was at once called, and a committee of their number made out is statement of the condition of the cowpony, Sep tember 12th. By this statement it appeared that the entire tloatin4 debt amounted to S:AS,4SI 74 Of utile), the amount 11,,rored by a judgment, b• sundry atqckv, and undoubted collateral, Wild 1.38 2.0 n lly the Bonds of company, ana 190.1100 00 And the unpaid emporia of No vember 1,1.356, and May 1.1657, wore 127.120 00 While the rennonder of the debt either had no collateral at all ra2,466 61 Or the stock of the company . 99,591 24 229,060 91 Se&S,4Bl This committee of creditors recommend that all oreditors (as well as the bondholders) of the com pany ahotthi give an extension of time until May 1. 1860, and that the nett receipts of the years 1553 and 1859 (which were estimated at $325,000) should be applied-- First—To pay the interest upon the Coupons which would mature prior to May 1. Second—To pay the holders of the notes of the company who had bonds as collateral, being. $190,- S5O of notes, with bonds to the amount of s37d 504 113 collateral; and Third—To pay in cash the Coupon maturing May lot, 1543,0 The remaining holders of notes to be paid in certificates of a second mortgage loan; and the interest upon all notes to be also paid in these cer tificates; and those parties who bad loaned bonds and stocks, and paid the Coupons of November. 1:43G, and Mar, 1457, to be settled with by means of the $376,40 of bonds which would come back to the company. The plan recommended by this committee was adopted by the meeting of the creditors, and up to November let ult , more than two-thirds of the holders of the floating debt had signed an agree ment acceding to the arrangement thus proposed. and strong hopes were entertained that the plan could be oarried out. • On November 2d the coupons maturing on the let were presented for payment at the office of the company, and them presenting them were fur nished with a circular setting forth the plan pro wed, which they were requested to read, and then to call and my whether they approved of it. On the morning of the next day, a call, signed "Many Bondholders," appeared in the new,pa• pers, asking all holders of bonds not interested In the preferred or common stock of the company to meet at the Girard House on the evening of the 6th, when the holders of about one-fourth of the bonds attended. rend appointed a committee of nine to wait on the officers of the company nrol to ob tain information as to its financial condition. When that committee met the board of managers they were tendered all the information they could acme, and th e details of the fin metal operations of the company were freely foraished to them. On the 2-Ith of November that committee made an elaborate report, and though the matter had been strongly urged upon there, rem eel] fur a meeting of all bondholders was recommended by them, or directed by the meeting itself. Under these circumstance, the stockholders, feeling that all bondholders, whether claiming to be pure bondholders or nut, were entitled to be furnished with the information affiwded to that committee, and them they reprelented, instructed the managers to call a general meeting of bond holders, and in pursuance of that call this meet ing is convened The plan recomme•tded by the noteholders, and adopted by the company, is .halieved to be the wort feasible and just one that can be suggested. The calumny has felled to meet the coupon which matured November 1, 1857, and will, under any circumstances, fail to meet that maturing May 1, 1553. The plan propo,es that, in addition to them two coupone, the holders should withhold until after May 1, 1860, three other coupons ma turing respectively November 1, 18.13, and May and 'November 1,1859, and that - the nett - receipts of P 455 and 1350 should be applied to pay off .the 8100,850 of notes, holding 0376,500 of bonds as col lateral. And this is all of the finating debt pro posed to be paid with the cash receipts tram the cannel. Tto payment of this sum of $190,850 Oil will return to the company the bonds now pledged as collateral, amounting to $376,500, which includes an amount of $lOO,OOO of bonds loaned to the corn- pimp, whla, can be then ritturned; and the remaining 5278,500 can ba wed in redeeming and cancelling the coupons of November, t 3511, and May, 1857, and nthns senured debts, amounting to 10,:".70 83 Making the floating debt paid 0ff.. or more than one•half of the entire amount; while the present elaitus under the mortgage. to which the bondholders look for their security, will be reduced by the cancelling of coupons to the amount of $127.329. All the receipts of the canal which will be re• quired to pay the floating debt. is... ...... Sits) S, -, 0 Less the amount of coupons cancelled... 1r .320 Or rather leas than one d months' coupon ;Fi.: .510 In the report of the committee of pure bond holders, to which allusion has been made. it is stated that the coupons of November 1, 1936, and May 1, 1851, are regarded by your committee as in point of fact, and in consideration of law, paid and cancelled," as they were paid by the trea surer of the company at the °thee of the company. on presentation, agreeably to the requirements of each ooupou, nod pursuant to a notice, to the Effect that the coupons would be so paid, published in the newspapers of the day, &c." This alsortion is not founded on facts. The coupons were not paid by the company. No notice that they would bo paid was publi,hed The holders of them, were paid their var gas mounts in bank-notes, while the charter of the company expressly provides that no payments shall be made by the company except upon cheeks signed by the president anti secretary, and en dorsed by the treasurer. They were paid by Isaiah Hacker and J. Rodman Paul, throtigh their agents, 113 trustees for the persons advancing the u.oney for that purpcam, and are now held by theni, hav ing never been in the Possession of the company; and the minutes of the board of managers will show that the company resolved that they could not pay them. This plain statement of the facts of the case. It is hoped, will set at rest forever the charge of '•legal fraud" intimated in the report of the committee of " Pure Bondholders R. RC:NI/LI; SMITH. Pre4ilent Philadelphia, Dec. 1, 1557 Mr. Smith said that he had Itho been instructed to say that the Loanl of manauvra felt aggrieved at the notion of the meeting of the pure bondholders. Mr. Edward S. Buckley said that the churge of legal fraud referred to by the board of managers must have been made out of a plain statement of facts. The president stated that there was on the table a communication addressed to the meeting. Mr. Williamson thought that the communlea lion was from a committee of the pure bondholders Col. Page said that the committee had no power to communicate with this meeting If they did, o, they exceeded the authority vested in them A motion, to read the communication was nega tived by a iery decided vote, Cot. said he would offer a series of resolu tions in order to teat the sense of the meeting Resolved, That the prepositions submitted by the Union Canal Company to the holders of their coupon bonds, be accepted by said holders, on the company agreeing to the following conditions : 1. That on the formation of the Boardof Direc tors, elect to and admit four persons front bond• holders and largely interested in such bonds. 2. That the said company Anil and will permit a committee of three, appointed by the bond-hold ers, to audit their accounts at least' talc° a year, for the purpose of ascertaining whether their re ceipts aro applied in the manner and according to the terms of their propositions. 2. That the primary bit:Mess of said Cand, Com pany shall be transacted by its board, end not by committees. 4. That the Board of 14ireeters and stoehlwildors be recommended to curtail their expenses, in all eases where practicable, during the time the com pany is not able to meat its etigegements. The consideration of these resolutions elicited much diqeu,sion, and were adopted separately. Mr. Willinwon mused that the direetors be authorised to take such :lotion an null protect the interests of the bondholders. This motion was made to meet eArtain executions which will proba bly be issued against the company. The motion woo agreed to. After the transaction of some unimportant ness, the meeting adjourned. Serious Shooting .Ijl'air.—On Monday eve ning, between the hours of eight and nine o'clock, a party of young men got into an altercation in a small niley running foul Third street, below Christian, during which a young man, named Charles Whitehead, was shot in the face by a man named Hugh Earle, destroying the eight of one eye, and so injuring him othereiso that he is net expected to recover. Ho was removed td the hos pital. It appears that Earle, with a few of his com panions, were visiting a young lady named Ile, [Roca Fields, who resided in this alley, and while there, Whitehead came up to the door and opened it, at the sante time requesting Earle to, step out side, as he wished to have a conversation with him. Earle stepped out, and it in alleged that, after some sharp conversation, lie struck White head, and knocked him down. Whitehead, while in the act of rising, was again strucli, and the f. contents of a pistol was discharged inn 0 his face, de E stdestroyingarle ie uonyeouonfghiLetiy,"l, ns above state 9 or 20 yosra o age, and resides at. Fifteenth and Market streets, where he was arrested b' Licit Raines, of the 81.Tth Pollee District, who is at present the acting; Chief o Police, and taken before Alderman 'Luau ycstnr daysethnEng, itheit-tatrifentratarseesummy daari Produced Samuel Rifled'. testified that he frailat Vie corner of the alley and Third aktet ru arn Whitehead went to the door, and be caw Rule skp Out, and after atandang some time knoeked Wkite bea.l and inanelliately after be saw a pieta diwhArged : then Earlesan. Mr, Yields. the mother of the young lady, tee (Mal that Earle and hi; companions were sitting In the le,u•to quietly when Whitehead, with a Earty of other men, requested Earle to step oat; arle and hie companies,: went out ; and while out they were set 'upon by the party accompanying Whitehead, and were beaten each emirs:died to rue She stated she heard the report of the pistol, 1, ,, s he did not know who dierharged it The accused was committed to await the malt of the injuries reeeived by the prang mart, White he'd The difficulty is said to have arisen in the fol lowing manner: Theme parties were at a ball given a week or two since, and while these White-• head ant Earle got into a difficulty respectiog • young lady who resided at a house in the alley.: It is supposed that Whitehead went to this house__ with the intention of Llia-tising Earle. Joseph Dunn. one of the party accompanying Whitehead. was arrested and taken before Al Encu, Yesterday afternoon, and sent ',relay. H'e states 'that Whitehead went in and took hold of Earle andpulled him out, and then they wanted to strike Earle, when be drew off and knocked Whitehead down _ Importata rirrest.—Yestertlas afterneenfive " snehk thieves" -KEA, taken before Alderman linen, on the charge of being concerned lathered>. berg of the fancy goods and trimmings store of Mr E. H. Duren, at Second and Coates streets. The prisoners gave the names of Charles Croup, Charles Crouch, A. W. Shoff, George Stokes, and Charles R McMullin. This party is known by the name of Jock of Clubs Association, and they have a room over a lager beer saloon, en Callowhill street, near Fifth_ On searching their place of rendezvous, a number of private marks, torn front stolen _goods, were found. They were identi fi ed by Mr. DUTOII. • A quantity of silk handkerchiefs, gloves, pset monnales. knit woollen scarfs, silk for 'nits, anti • considerable number of pennies, were found on crc of the parties Crouch was arrested by OEcer D. Smith, on Shippers street, near Fourth, on Thura day morning last, at which time the articles were recovered. The thieves destroyed quite a quan tity of Lae goods by trampling on them with their muddy feet. The s:ore was reobed on Wednesday night last. An entrance was erected by boring through a couple of doors with an auger. This class of despoilers are know, to the police as '• sneak aderes." They were committed. The Cvniniontetailh Bank.—This bank will go into operation le-day, and it is therefore to be regarded as one of the institutions of the eciemtry, and being based on a exand metal& currency, will of course, stand as long en the said foundation Today the bank will Wee its notes, re deemable at sight, in gold 6r silver. A considera ble amount of the bard staff was placed in its vaults yeesterday. Nothing but specie will be racked on poeit. Tice frialtiirrifelawf iwerarrwara offer a reward of $3O for information that will lead to (he airest Ord - etirtviction or the - petite' or persons who set fire to the shop of George Poz, the house of the Liberty 'Engine Company, and the barn on the poor house - fern, .r any ether property recently burnt in or near Ifolmesburg. and tostared in their alto. This example is worthy of imita tion. EOM iec dent.—Tames McElroy, eight years oki, was re.:eite4 et St. Joseph's Hospital, entering frog injuries of bis left foot. caused by being teught between "the-batopors_of two ears, near Ninth and Tnotupi,ort streets THE MONEY MARKET. PHILADELPHLi, Dec 1, 1 , 1/7. There is no changes to mord in regard to stock sales to-day. The market is weak and inactive, without much prcspect of any speedy change. The reports of the proceedivga of the bond-hold era of the Union Canal Company, at the ineeting held at the Girard Recut la3t night, and at the Exchange to-day, will elicit much attention from the lactic! Interested Sorb di:evasions always benefit the corporations whose affairs ewe them to be made, by awaking the attention and attire interest of individuals to their welfare. The chief cause of the troubles which seem to beset all incor porated institutions to a greater or /ens degree. is to be found in the apathy of those whose mosey is invested in them. and who would naturally besup rusted. to ho feet realty h e e got as l; cilme; y the m ir t hat nn acft menu them whatever. The amount of specie in the New York bank vaults, nearly twenty-four and a half millions cf &liars, it getting quite burdensome, especially ae the easeltle 1 ettte of the forei;n exchange tenders a postponement of the resumption of specie pay ments probable. The footings t - t the itstement for the week ending November , Uth are: Loans VI-4.911M 1 Ciroulattiort••••l4,ss3,7,7'3 Specie 2-1,LV3,1.1i Deposits . •• • •i 9,309.22.5, These figures yreun t the following ch.:Logger:ore the statement of the prelims week: Decrease in loans Increase in specie_ Decrease in indrawn deposits Increase in circulation The Comrounwealth Bank will commence opera tion.' As et speciwpaying bank. on Chestnut &treat, abort Fourth, to-morrow.- II cams END DISECESIXI-TTE AT TEE OEll= OF TEE ASSInIST TIEAELIIES, EXITED STATES, SEE Tel[. November Ist, 1357, b, $1.367,501 50 Rempte dorieg. the month; -- 01/ aCCO ant of Cu5t0mt—....51,"40,1)39 01 do l'ateet )CCs.. 3,029 00 do I' 0. Dept's.t. 335.2:67 9.) do TreesfC.`7l 1,000,000 CO do Mwellatteous 151 019 44-2,7e9,19,3 ES Parmenti : Treason./ Drab Post Other So Noreml,er Mat, 185:, Balance. By lailanc-.. Cr , tl,l-17,4161 13 By receipts :luring the month 1,„:14,i :SO SZ-3.30.,92t2 00 To paywents 1..V5,1141 .511 Balance Ey balance, Cr., interest aocoontq To psymects. Balance Bp rcc<ipti fur CuAtorns in Nor. ICS; du do da Daerea3a in Nor. 15;57 1 615,M4 SI bal Cr., Bul. and Ex. Ac't for As'y Of. =,103 01 By coal reed d'in,lthe meth. 2.1,55,136 72 By tine bars 14-3.,".11,564 T.) payments in coin ta,s bars By coin in hasuila Of. _ 5Ol (f. 31) 414 A - •sy Of. ^ -.S--2..F51, 3 ,)3 43 I3r Bne Lan 55.5.5 - 24 112, ttplart'd 1,1 ;.12 ••77 51 13u114424 at ]fiat for coma] t7c.G1.3 Sl-1,173.33117 Statement of baslneas at thr United States Assay Office, at New York, for the month endlog Novetzt , er 311 h, Si Deposits of Gold 53.150.000 OO Forelgn Coins CO Foreign 21V,C00 tioltra States Loll:on 2 Celli COO CO Deposits and purchases of Silver Zif,^-0 , ./ 00 Foreign Como 141,0000.6 Foreign Bullion 4467) 00 s Bullion , (contained is Gold) 17.000 00 S Bullion. (old coins.).. S. CO S Bullion , (L Soperior). 1:3„,,0 Total Deposits, pay alAa in Far. 2.00).000 00 •• coins 1;?..57,3 00.3.3 •)0 Gold Bin stamped TranAmlttel to the U. S Mint, Yhiia , for coinage 1,110 671 :9 The following arc to-day's quotations for Specie. by Croniso & Co, Bullion and Si , ecie Brokers. 40 &math Third street, payable in bankable tads: Amer. .1.; D011Ar5,e11..1.03 1 Ara. Coll. oil coinage 1 u 7 4 "4 '• Sovenagms 3leaican Dellar4 1 06 .• old .... 4 93 louth Au , •• 031 Napoleons(2oFramm). 390 Spamsh Palar Dollars 1 00 Ten ...4 C. 3 } e Francs 99 1 Ten Thalera 793 German Crowns 1 1:3 •• Prr_44itn..9 10 French•: 1 10 1 Uncnts " .. 2 - . Arnensin Gen IN to 2 prec4:un New Yore I:lghange I? ; to 2 Boot.. 1, to 2 t• lOtittolore •• 1\ to IS ,113. 11.11LADSLI.1111 STOCK FaCtLiNGE A.A.L.W. Reported by R. Manly, Jr., Stork Brokrr, No WI It aim:: strew, 71EFT BOARD. 200 Penn 5, 04 , 4 100 Lor.g. Illata Beall .101: 1000 do ..... ...S5 171 Lear Mead It 4'15.52 'i 600 Schl Nay Cs Y11t3.61 -) do 55 52 200 City It Co O4N lOO Beading R ..rash 27. i 1500 N Penn 11 C 0.... 51 415 do '3.000 Leh Val 11 6= Ita.64,‘i 255 do icts 27; 500 Lehigh Go '70....501 100 do 5.11.27; 1000 Peon It ds . 2m0rt.75 21 Lellizh Strip ..F.5.34 V 1000 City 01 ....L.I: P.M 6 do ...... ....361g 5 Norristown 8....573 5 Penn R Own :'.93,5 05 N rent It 9, IS Catawura K. ... 7 50 do 9 , - 10 Merns.cnes' ttxnk.24 4 Minehill It. 584 1 50 Girard Bank 9,.Ni 50 Long I.lar.d R...10N I BETWEEN COJ ITaa Coal Co C1..52 I 15 Penn R 3414 &Oa Trenton IL do Iti.Cd ( 100 Rule.. R LS. 44 I 1000 I.:liihh Vlll C.,..6114 100 Realing 11 "-'i J Penn 11....535rn 30)100 Sehttyl NIT . t, , 5 d u ...... 65.5),Ni 00 Catawims R SECOND BOARD. 1000 Lehigh 6.:•70...63 11000 N Penn P. 141, 1 ,-, 00 do .. 70.. SO 17 Peen R....h5vre..^.J4 1000 CS: A 11r375 10 do ....55r.e.39, 1 , 0 .s.chl :Nay Cs'o.6l 10 Rea.ller. R 000 do 81 70 Lon, Islaud R.. 10S 207,25 do 61 150 do 10 1 1, 1000 do 61 8 Mechsruce Book f.'.4 500 N P,on RG3 ...51S: 10 Gmtnl Rack .... 9 1000 do 4s s 59 Bk of I'enn..lot,.l3X 10:3,Sten3ing Ii CLO.IING PRICES-82E11)Y. S' , l Asked Bid A sk.rd r 6 6 . 9 - Se NBa '62 prof 18V 154, lthilattel t, a '5 fv,4 Wrasp't & Elm Rl3 14 " ‘• Ju1..63 835 I de tmort 7's 6371! ‘• New t , ,) 92 I do do Um blti Per,r.syle tre.„..s4a; 95 Long laland 10% Rettliug R 2751 Vicksburg 6 7 1{ de 066, '7O 74 77 Giranl Rank nyi et, do Mrt 6.1'41 80 Si Lehigh Zinc,, 1 Penna Rl"t , t, 39% I Union Canal 4 3 slnrn s Cant Cando 4`5) , ‘ (New Creek Sao Nt , „„ 61 I Cattawissa 13,12„...6 t, 13 FROst ALBANY, II EOPENING OF THE t" AN IL. —There is no doubt of the reopening of the canal. Auditor lienton Las received letters from all along the line. Tolls are collecting, and a large alllolll - a of revenue will be received beyond what was ea• pected. At the ;West, loot night, the mow nos melting, rain falling, the ice breaking up. atdp.ats nun ingsastward. An immense quantity ,f wheat is reported tea the canal. REVOLTING ANECDPTE.—A wretch of a hus band, coining home at one in the morning, found his angel wife sitting up reading an old novel. With a coarseness altdost amounting to cruelty, he took the book from her hand, and placed before her a pair of her child's socks, which happened to have holes iu them, disgustingly observing: it If you trill fatigue yourself, Illy love, with any work at such an hour, I would suggest It 33 Never lea Late to rich. -.:-41_.3)2 ..1,134163 610,525 .. 237 1,0711,927 45 2,525 477 47 237.930 913-3,093,937 13 443,060 = 1.11,14.5 4T 74 4 23,-"1.0 po 9 !..."14 43 1 :2 , X .5 01 2.1111 . -M7 ST 3,551C= S MEM 961,%1 61--3311,46.1 7.) 1',3,5;: Si lEZIMES 2.4.4 5...7 :5 December 1, 135:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers