The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, December 02, 1857, Image 1

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    PRESS * :
*lls DAILY, (813 , 143Tii ixoter sad
9YOILE. 0:7 ,151/1181 . PiTIT iiTRE#T,
n. a
bu t
payable to the oarrfrre.
btaiied kp 3l boot a but ottlie pit at imx 'DOLLARS
. B t i aa I II:IA*44 poit,SIOUT litotateei THUS
nn oaeagelrr'-- loyerlably egteallee tor the
imi,LehLreital*lP ) 4 -
tiiimegt*?4 ; •-:.:• , - , •
El( Lle PREA6
MailatifienbsCribeto ant pr the Pity, at Taus Dot.-
,r,sa AVOIX.IIO/4"4"**
- ' - ' WEEKLY PRES/1. -
4 -;"sirsiiiio YRifil3 will he' sent - to Bo ,6 o l ooii .by
6 •M, - -(per annum, in adyanoe,) at - 4. 42 . 00
ThliilOadpielli , sS, rs -600
. .
Pita 0021e0r:- . . g<" -:-• f ' • : ..., 200
Ten QAPieVi , : "- :•-:•• ~ 11 • ~ 12 00
'Twenty Ovisi, 'l_ '
•• :., ', to One 114tireia)..:. 20 00
Twanty Oopieo, orovot, • -'
(to oaieis or sack
• sabsesibes) - eadh - ' , - ' , '1 20
'For * Ohtb' of Twenty-one or over, wo wilt eend en
eititi °ivy tithe getter•wp of the Olnb.
.117' Foodumeters are requested to set ae Agents tor
TA ll3 9 l 44LlTazas. . ; • -.. •;,. •, - •
TO 0/117.1:i8
is published lronothe City of
Paadelphis, every Saturday,
,15 condaete4 upah National principles, and trill
*ol'6ld - the rights of the Statee. 'lt -will resist fronatl•
diem id ovary shape'; and Wilt be devoted to &neer,-
afire doctiines, as -the true foundation of public pros
perity'Said weird; order. Such a Weekly Journal bee
%Noreen deairad in the United Stateai and, it is to gra,
of thbfWent that TITS WEEKLY PRESS Is published
MRS is printed on excellent white
Pieper, deerOlew tipe, and in quoits form, for binding..
It eentsbas , all the Newtiof thellay; Correspondence
i L oonithe.Old- World' and' the New ; Domestic, Intelli
genciii Itejoorts of the farlons Motets; Literary Re.
Tientrj Bilsoollaneoull Belectlow the progress of Agri-
Nature in all its various departments, &0., ho.
- nrms,invartabikili advance.
WEEKLY PRNSS-will be sent to
atoorlbers, bp - moil, at • - $2 00 per annum.
Itfonty Otkpies, whoa Mat to one
- - - - - - - 2000 4,‘ -
Twenty uoPloaos orer,tO address of
each sulmoriber, each; - 20 ,c
For Club9f Twenty-one or oret we will send as
aitranopy to thairetter-up of the Club! • •
fast Mateo! are tognoWd to ant ' es Aponte for PIN
InkraliK 2,111308., , ,
tol,3Mli, lay 'Plitt* and per
in .,
titl.:Mstaa,:inid,aol::}thera s who aeelra a,Brsi olsos.
. ,
=,- Eeihrace ATE
poleitiminessaryo -
ad all the detalliatul nicer °legations which Impart
'Heutlenloa are call and examine.
•.00takeni - - „ 480 CHESTNUT Street. ,
VALII4.I . /4E N 3 gl o t ati A B R r Y BOOKS
EHETCHES 01r THE /HIM BAH. By tholUght Hon.
Elatard LelOrShell, M. R. Edited, with n Memoir end
Notekbß A,EtbeltoP Mookonslo, D. 0. L. Kith
tioi2;•w-Portralt.ind feoeitollo' lettet. In 2 vole
MIR no 011§343.thrubiel.4.i. By irriersorliillon,
X. 0. Lockhirt, gardea MO, and Dr. MOM Bdlted,
frith Momoirrualliotes, by Dr. 111.85eBortidsokentie.
• Third mutto n :, 1.5 volumes, *4la portraits and fro
, Trfor $5. "
AtAOINWB 511BOBILANIB8, The MierelisniontWrit,
lap pf the late pr. Magian. Hdited , pith ei Memoir
end Notes, by . Dr. H. Shelton Mackellale. Complete
&volumes, with Portrait. Price, per vol., cloth, SI.
By his Son,-Wm. Henry Ourran l with Notes and Ad.
dilderot, by Dr.-R, Shelton Mackenzie, sod a Portrait
on Steel and faC-sitnils. Third Editioxi. , l2mo,, cloth.
Prbie,Bl 26 - , "
. Ronal IR" beingthe drat of Lady blorgast , B Novels
2.45 agatesioes. With an Introduction and Notes, by
d 'Dv A. Eihettini , Mackenzie. 2 c015.,.12m0., cloth.
Price 22. -
BARRINGTON'S SPOPPOREB..PersonaI Sketches of his
_Own. Timk. By Sir tonSOC Barrington, with Illcuitra
' Sims by Bexley., 'Fourth' Edition. With"blemer by
. .31r. Mackenale: -12m0., cloth:,' $1.25. -
MOORE'S LIEF - setrZXDAN: , 'ldeopixi of the
Life of AIM' Bight Ron. Richard , Bringer:Sheridan.
By Thomas Moos ; with - Portrait . mut fac.shalle.„
' SIM Edition. 2 volt., 12me., *loth: Peet $l,. '
B I TS OF BLARNEY.' 1 y Dr. 'R. Shelton 114elaenirle.
Third Edition. 1.2M0., cloth. Prim) $l.
By Major General Sir.W.,F, P. Napier; from this an.
Altar's 100 revised egeop, with Maps and
Plans, five Portraits on Steel and a compute Didex,
' 6 TO18.;12koyoloth. Price $ + 50.'
"APIER"S'PENINSULAR WAR. Complete in 1 vol.,
Sive - Price 82 60; -
EtiNFOREST. - By I. V.- Nuntiastem, author of ..Lady
Alice," Alban," &c.'- /, rot., Mxio.,„ Second Edi
Holt ?Mee 21 25
ALBAN ; or, The History of a Young Puritan: By J.
- V. Huntington. 2 rola., 12m0., Cloth. Price 22.
tUattige, Jettleirp, &e,
- Air • • • . Itennfeeturers or
- iitgitLlN% SILVER WABE,
• —llnder their inspection, on the inridatti ineluelvelf
Anise= and atraugers atelnvitadio . ;lett Val i lll ll3
. ,
peAstently bn an a olealld.stock of SuparioF
• : .",Wateheit;il all the *diluted makers.
sreoliam;,4ivioileto, .BroosAes, .Bar-RIAP, liner
; , - mad all other articles the Dimond Thie.
Drawing •of. NEW. DESIGNS . will be made free o
charge for those wishing work made to order.
• beautiful 'sesortment of all the new kyles of Pine
iiiireh : y, inch ea &wale, Stone end Shell Cameo,
,Reed, Coral, Cartethole, , htentdaite,
Lava, ke.ote.' .'
Ilninie and Male OLOOIIB, of newest style')
AAA of superior quality. anl.l twtkw2y
12113017TH %TURD STIMET, BELOW 01101113TNUT
sel9-Haas* - - •
. .
importers or iWatches and `,
Fine Jawalry, -Idannfaata.
'ten of Starling and Standard Sliver Tea Sile,florks and
Spoons, sole agents for the sale of Charles frodehones
new. series Geld Medal London- Timekeepers—all the
sties es hand, prices 1250, stf., end 1400.
Meet& and Sales Watches et the lowest prices. .-
Blob fashionable Jewelry. - „
Sheftlekt and American Plated Wares.
. -
•- mantradosualan AID titanflan)
No. 304 Chestnut Street,. above Third, op stairs,'
Constantly on bandand for sale to the Trade_,
riTortras,- 40111,ET5,-OIIPS, WAITERS, RAS
I}illlog and plating of all kinds of , 002-1.7
t. -
WLLLL&M witiort do 50N.,.,
p: W. COSNIIIi FIFTH A... 1.13 CIIISIIRY 81113113811. •
klarge assortment of .2.ILVEIt wAng,, of every de.
taription, oonetantly On hand, or mode to order to teatet
soy pattern desired. .
Importers; of iTheffield and - Dtpidnitiam Imported
wan. ' - aa2.o.4fawly
-IfilltlaalS.F. DIIBOSQ & SON, lato of
I.' Dabos4, Ostrow A - I:fo.; - Wholtiale MANII7PAO-
TilltßllS OR !EMMET, 804 6HIBTNUT street, Phil*.
Pultaig P. Dunn. - - ,' Wm. e ft. bum*
anal fini
• OSWEGO STARCH (for the laundry) has ' , stab.
- Belied a greater celebrity than has ever been obtained
by any other Starch. , „ -
This has been the reeuit of its marked superiority In
. quality, and its invariable uniformity, -
The public may be assuredof -the continuance of the
high standard now established.' 4 . •
The production le over SO tons'daily, and the demand
- has exMnded throughput the whole United States, and
- to foreign countries. -
Woe - king thus on a very large scale; and tinder a rigid
agatem, they are able to some a perfect uniformity in
- -the quality throughout the year.. This is the great do.
- eiderattim in starch-making, and la realised now for the
drat time. • ; -
• The vary beet Staich, that can be made, end ner/ter,
— ls always Wanted by consumers, e
neumers, and this will -be sup
;,-" • plied to them by the , kroccro Assam its their easterners
' bait) learned which is the best, and ask for it—other•
whoothoy would be likely to got that article On which
the largest profit can be made. • -
51r: Kingsford hal been engaged in the manufacture of
Starch continuonaly fur the last 27 years, and during the
'whole or the period the. Aterch ineAe under Ids Super•
visien has been, beyond any, opestion, the best In the
markets Yot the irirst:l7 years he had ebargOof the
wades of Wm , Coltata do Co., at which period he in
vented the process of the tnanufactore of Corn March.
117 Ask for KINGSFOSIPS STAROII, sa the name
Oswego has recently been taken by, another rectal.
It is Bold by all the best grocers in nearly every part
ot the country. - •
(for puddings; ke.) has obtained .au-equal celebrity
with their Starch for the laundry. Title article is per.
feetly pure, and is, in every respect, equal to the best
Bermuda Arrow Root, besides haring additional quail.
'ties which-tender it invaluable for the dessert.'
Potato' Starch has, boon extensively, packed and sold
- as Corn Starch, and has given false impression; !natant
- as to the reatenerita of oar Corn Starch.
' - From Its peatdelicacy and purity, it is coming also
nto gonetaluas ace diet for infante and invalida. - •
- Z. lie. KFJ.1.0(16 & 00., Agente,
100 FULTON Street, N. Y.
ALE ROP3l,:—BuyCra' ail, Invited to call
' JILP and drama Oe or MAUS llalo NoPet which We'464
can sell o low es Antorloatt and vivant it imperior in
I Iron* stutduradllty.
. wEkvin, &
N , Wl,l.4Writ, and 22N. Wil•res•
,- '2llevodellig g liell life now. , prepered , . b u t c h uo for
ebeh;priate lover Beedjor the nowcrep,'.....l4 m i„ n ip
- ;,••• : gtorebeepere and ibroceref_by,sondlut Simpten. to our
- , ogroon, Gee, pt oil, times, acceitoli the pril at which
we are buying. Pirtlei, wishing ear4pleg,b which to
-be governed es to Viceilltp; den have' them con by matt,
by addrtastog us, - J. II CHAB/1 &'WI
seolo-tf, ;:43..brorth Pont , sod 44 Water otioste
* at- 7 ,ECONOM - 34" !!;f AS' , .-
- held .14eitutaloja
f:ht, b,{-the
~- 4,iat, , Aidwit-ExitkiL,,kyfiTG„.mit
, ~:.,, ;A ,„,,„, ~,,, -thia...4,prilit.hgider„,,ni,
. '., 'l, w -rt.. Sitinurato , Zi ar Stnwbe M o b eito I ;tai l
Iv+ 1 0 siWildituid TbitC , liferkotA44 A
' . ' '- - I
mAKelpbso t hb, ..,- , -.--, , 1 PT O, -
VOL. I- - NO. 105.
„ - NOVEMBER 207 Ft 1857.
•To insure the more rapid and frequent delivery of
letters in this city, the Postmaster Oeneral has author
ised the following changes in the times and manner of
delivery within the limits of the Philadelphia Office
Four anb-ottlees have been established at the follow
inKplices :
Northeastern -447 COATES STREET, MET TEL
Iforthwestern—Srapro amen 11.1. LL, Thurman(
and Munn CARDEN
W 064811 1 2-1621 CHESTNUT ST., Old of Savannah-ill.
24th Ward-144MM &MST, oast of Peak. .
Each of these offieee, as welt as the present, or principal
office, is the centre of a delivery and collection dis
trict; and from each FIVE DELIVERIES will be mado
daily by tlie (lovemment Letter Carriers, of all letters
arriving to the malls, or collected from the sub•offices
and boxes, for city delivery. no deliveries will be
made at the following boars:
7 o'clock morning.
- 10 " . "
In connection with the Bub-offices, boxes are located
at convenient points in each district, in which letters
may be deposited for the mails, or for delivery to other
parts of the city. Collections will be made from the
bores TWO T/11118 A DAY, by sworn collectors, de
tailed ter that ditty exclusively. The collections will
be made at the following hours:
8 o'clock, morning. -
, 1U" St
", afternoon.
880 u 14 "
The collection at 0.30, In the afternoon, to for the
malls only, and will be made every day, including Sun
11J No charge will be made for carrying Letters
to the Post Office. .
'Er Letters for City Delivery . , Two Cents each.
(Ono cent Postage--One Cent for (larder.) • •
To secure rapid communication between the principal
office and the sub-oilleen, there ban been provided a spe
cial service of hereto , end wagons, which will arrive
sad depart - with precision, according• to a time-table
prepared forthe purpose.
The city ia'divided by Tenth street, Tine street, and
the Bobttylkill river, into bye districts. --
The Central district embraces that section'of the city
east of Tenth _street and, south 0 Vine 'street. The
present Post Office intlionentiOoliat for this district.
~ The Wentaist distriketrabWeit neettetiof the city,
•:folt.kOtlen ~ -IfilittNl,olVutl.e,tteeticßtahr.:
, '"E"_„ l6.4 r , 4 listtrtellitihrafailtilt , plirref ib
'4O-Tetit - Aelitieet- 'afitlncirtlaot Vine street,'ex
- elniive thi olddistrictii of Kennington and Richmond.
9nb-efi15e,.N0.,,:447 Coates street, near Firth.
. The Northwestern district embraces that section of
the city west of Tenth street, and north of Vine street.
Sub-o Mes, Spring Garden Rail.
The,Twenty-fourth ward district embracer that part
of the city westbf the Schuylkill. Bub-office, Market
street, east of Park street. ,
The carriers •in each district will start from the Office
of the district, and letters deposited in the boxes of a
didrict will be taken by the collectors to the district
The city has, been divided into walks of convenient
size, with reference to business and extent of territory.
On each of these there will be two carriers, who will
divide the walk between them' for the despatch of busi
ness at the principal mail deliveries, but at other times
the whole with may be attended by either one of the
The sub-offices will be open daily (except Sunday,)
from 7 A:bd. until 7,4 P. N., and on Sunday from to 9
A. AL, and from 2 toll P. N. Stamps can be procured
at all of the subninces; and lettere prepaid and deposited
for the mails the same es at the principal office:
- 11 - Letters to be 4 $ registered" must be taken to the
Central or principal office,
117 Advertised letters cannothe delivered at the sub
offices, but at the principal office only, as at present.
Wherever the city '. Is spoken of In this advertise
ment, it
should be understood to mean the part; com
pactly built up, except Kensington and Richmond, each
of which has a Poet Office of its own. The Kensington
Postmaster has 'mad) such arrangements as will make
his district confute, in all particulars, to this system.
' , The charges for the delivery of city lettere will bo the
ammo', therefore, in the Kensington district as in other
parts of the city, via, two rents will pay for a letter to
and from Kensington. - ,
The system is to be put operation on Tuesday,
December lit.
A' Bet of the places where United States Mall bops
are located will be published in a few days.
' Like every invasion of an old routine, in a vast estab
lishment like the Post Office, this change may create
some temporary embarrassment, and net work perfectly
for a few days or weeks. It may, therefore, require
some short indulgence from the public. No effort, how,
ever, will - be spared on my part to secure the perfect
working of a system which experience elsewhere has
shown to be so beneficial to the public; and which I
have no doubt will soon be regarded here also as a
great progress in postal business.
I respectfully ask the co-operation of the citizens of
Philadelphia in behalf of the new system.
,noSO-St , QIDECN 4. WEBTOOTT, Postmaster.
' • rlllll Mg)
2034M1t to ItoTnoorstio toles
100 R SKER;FF'—=
ALDERMAN atortormoorm,
ambled to Democratic Braes. no7.3mei
. id.M.178 a, GIBBON,
Babied to, Democratic Dales. nob- m*
Trust of ELIZA PURNELL, under the Will of'Ell
jsh Dolrea Oepoited.
The Auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the
account, of SYDNEY W. BOWEN, Trustee of Eliza
Purnell; tinder the Will of Elijah Bowen. deceased,
and to ropbrt distribution, will attend to the dutioe of
hie appointment on WEDNESDAY, the second day of
December, A. D. 1857.,' at 4 o'clock I°. M,, at hie office,
No 271 South FIFTH Street, below Prune, in the city
of Philadelphia.
uo2o-fmwfit JOSEPII A. CLAY, Auditor.
.1:1' and James Stevens 74t0 copartners, trading as
White, Stevens, & Co., did, on the eleventh day or No •
vember, A. D. 2857., make and execute a general ISA
algnment to the undersigned, tract, for , the benefit
or their creditors, which said assignment is duly re
corded at Philadelphia, ell persons indebted to said
assignors will matte pay ment to
- ISAAC 8. WATERMAN, Assignee,
Pea emw-Owil . N. W. earner Second &Arch ate.
Nottee is hereby given that the 'widow of said de
cedent has presented to the Orphans' Court, an Soren
toryond appralsemedt of the property. She has elected
to retain nnder the act of April 14, 1851, and unless ex
captions be Sled before FRIDAY, December 18, 1851, at
/0 o'clock A. U,, the mine will be allowed and ap
peared by the Oourt. UEO.II, HAUGH.
n25-w e..2e.ns Attorney for Widow.
• • Rev B. R. Sumo, Rocree.,
The Aquae Union will begin on TtrtsDAY, Bap
temlter I. -
Circulars me be obtained et the Book Store of
of the Rector / Poet Moe, Nile of SolorylkiN, Phila..
Markle. • • •• aull-Ow
and CaI:STEM Streets, Second and Third StGrics.
Noah Student hes individual instruction from compe
tent mad attentive Teacher., under the immediate
supervision of the Principal.
One of the Beat Penmen in the Country has charge of
the Writing Department,
Please calland pee Specimens and got a Catalogue of
Terms, dco. octi-y
Ho Seminary whatever Is more like a private family.
The course of study is extensive and thorough. Pro
fessor Saunders will receive a few more pupils under
Liwirtbar. years of age tato *is familyr uquire of
Messrs. J. S. Silver and Mathew Newkirk, or Col. J, W.
Porney, Editor of this Paper, whose sons or wards are
now members of his famll .04-tf
BOOTS AND SHOES.—The subscriber
hse ork hand A large and visaed stock of ROOTS
Sod 0110E8, which he will sell at the lowest prices.
no2l-11 8, g, corner FTETTI, and MARKET dtti.
--JOSEPH H. THOMPSON In 00., No. 814 MAR. ,
/UT Street, and Nos.' 8 'and, b FRANKLIN PLAOB,
hove new in More a - large end irell.aasorted stook o f
BOOTS and 811001, of Olti and Butern ntanefacture,
whloh tberoffer for salt on the beat terms for Oseh, or
on the anal credit. - -
Balmast lathed call and OTALCatuB ,thetc stook
,The . 0131 1 , EEILADELPRIA, from Liverpool, im
nosv ' dischareng under general order, at fiIIIPPEN
STREET WHAM Consigneee will please attend to
receipt of their geode.
PIIILADRLPIIIA, Captato . Pool, from Liverpool,
is now ready to dlschsrge at Bbippen street wharf. Con
signees will Flamm deliver their permits to the Custom
house salter on board. - All goods not patrolled in Ova
days will be sent to public store.
VOR SALE OR TO RENT—Two handsome
, tbeee.etery BRICK ROWER, with double three
story back buildings, replete with all the modern im
provents, situated on the south side ofTEPPERSON
etree em t, below BROAD. Inquire of John Mulvaney, on
the north aide of JRMILSON street, below BROAD.
St., opposite the 'State !loose; one of the best
business locatlook to Philadelphia, with heat, light,
and all modern oonrenieneee. Apply on the promisee,
Boom No. 8, to Q. W. J. BALL, Agent. no2B
Patent Non-Explosion Self-Oenerating OAS LAMPS is
just the thing to suit all; Price $1.50 up' all, may have
a Importer Light by calling at their Depot,
Thie Lamp is adapted, to all placei and purposes, and
only requires a trial to' test its 'advantages over all
others. The Lamp forms Its own gas. Our Patent
Burners can be fitted to every ordinary Fluid Lamp,
with little expense, without' the least possible danger.
An a re invited to call 'and examine for themselves,
Town, County, and State rights for sale.
The proprietor/rare In want of Agents, giving a rare
chance to make money. -
& 11110EOn Lamp Det,
'1414-tim iESSouth. P 4th S t u below Chestnut po , Phi
eon 9,*iqvuit 5t,1.59'1
riIIITS ,TURPENTINE--200 bbli Writ
P6 7 ,141p0ut100, to arrive, for ell
. , ,
041 otth Wittot otrott,
• --- ~
. .
• ...• .
• , •
• ••
- txosso. • 1 • • 4 itr
' • 't l a. -
I• : •
1 •
t 7, • • • - • • -•• A
. •
-7 qt.. l
•• • ;. • . 1 1 • • ;
1 11 ) ) r
• r • LE :
1 " afternoon
• CI
6 44 44
tzgat I:itetireo.
Moots ant) 51)oza.
Notttc to groitoignets
Sox . Gale nub To -ttt.
Otinitgers' enitic in 13bilabelinna.
For the lament of etrangere and Others who may de
sire to visit any of our publics institution's, we publish
the annexed Bet.
Academy of Music, (Operatic,) corner of Broad and
Locust streets.
Arch Street Theatre, Arch, above oth street.
Parkinson's Garden, Chestnut, above Tenth.
National Theatre and Circus, Walnut, above Eighth.
Bandford , e Opera House,(Ethiopian) Eleventh, below
Walnut Street Theatre, northeast corner Ninth and
ThOmenre Varieties, Fifth and Chestnut.
Thomas's Opera House, Arch, below Seventh.
Academy of Natural Sciences, corner of Broad and
George streets.
Academy of Fine Arta, Chestnut, above Tenth.
Artists' Fund Hail,lCheetnut, above Tenth.
Franklin Islet - Huta, No. 9 South Seventh street.
Almshouse, west aide of Schuylkill, opposite South
Almshouse (Friends'), Walnut street, above Third.
Association for the Employment of Poor Women, No.
292 Green street
Asylum for Lost Children, No: 86 North Seventh
'Blind Asylum, Race, near Twentieth street,
Christ Church Hospital, No. 8 Cherry etreet.
City Hospital, Nineteenth street, near Coates.
Clarkson's Hall, No. 183 Cherry street.
Dispensery. Fifth, below Chestnut street.
Female Society for the Relief and Employment 6f the
Poor, No. 12 North Seventh street.
Guardisuas of the Poor. office No. 56 North Seventh
German Society Hall. No. 8 South Seventh street.
Rome for Friendless, Children, corner Twenty-third
And Brown streets.
Indigent Widows' and Single Women's Society, Cherry,
eaet of Eighteenth street.
Penn Widows' Asylum, Weet and Wood streete
Eighteenth Ward.
, Masonic Hall, Chestnut, above Seventh street.
Magdalen Asylum, oOrner of Race and Twenty-first
'streets. .
Northern Dispensary, No.l Spring Garden street.
Orpbans , Asylum, (colored) Thirteenth street, near
Odd lrellOwe , Sall; Sixth and Haines street.
Do. t do; 11.E.corner-Broad and Spring Gar
derstreetsh—, - •. „
Tenth and South streets. •
Do. do. Third aod Brown streets.
Do. do. Ridge Road, below Wise*.
Pennsylvania Dospital k Pine etreet,between Eighth
and Ninth. -
Pennsylvania Institute for the Instruction of the Blind,
corner Race end Twentieth street.
Pennsylvania Society for Alleviating the Miseries of
Public. Prisons, Sixth and Adelphi streets.
Pennsylvania Training School for Idlotie and Feeble-
Minded Children, School Hones Lane, Germantown,
office No. 152 Walnut steet.
Philadelphia Orphans' Asylum, northeast cot. Eigh
teenth end Cherry
Preston Retreat, Hamilton, near Twentieth street.
Providence Society, Prune, below Sixth 'street,
Southern Dispensary , No. 98 Shippen street.
Union Benevolent Association, N. W. corner of
Seventh and Sansom streets. •
Will's Hospital, Race, between Eighteenth and Nine
teenth streets.
St. Joseph'e Hospital, Girard avenue, between Fif
teenth and Sixteenth.
Episcopal Hospital, Front etroet, between Hunting.
,don and Lehigh avenues.
Philadelphia Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, S. W,
corner of Chestnut and Park ate, West Philadelphia
9011140 BIDLDINGB.
Ornstein Howie, Chestnut street, aborts Fourth
County Prison, Passynnk road, below Reed.
City Tobacco Warehouse, Dock and Spruce streets.
City Controller's Office, Girard Bank, second story.
Commiesioner of City Property, office, Girard Bank,
second Story.
City Treasurer's Office. Girard Bank. eeeond story.
City Commissioner's Office , State House.
City Solicitor's Office Pifth, below Walnut.
City Watering Committee's OMee, Southwest earner
Fifth and Chestnut.
Fairmount Water Works, Frdracount on the Schuyl
Girard Trust Treasurer'e Office,lfifth,above Chestnut.
Renee of Industry, Catharine, above Seventh.
House of Induetry, Seventh, above Arch street.
House of Refuge, (white,) Parrish, between Twenty
second and Twenty-third etreet.
Rouse of Refuge, (colored,) Twenty-fourth, between
Parrish and Poplar streets.
Health Office, corner of Sixth and Bansom.
Howie of Correction, Bush Rill.
Marine Hospital, Gray's Ferry road, - below South
Mayor's office, 8. W. corner Fifth and Oheetnnt
New Penitentiary, Coates street, between Twenty
first and Twenty•second streets.
Navy Yard, on the Delaware, corner Front and Prime
Northern Libertiee Gee Werke, Malden, below Front
Poet Office, No. 287 Dock street ' , opposite the Ex
Post Office, Kensington, Queen street, below Phaoka
maxon street. •
Poet Office, Spring Garden, Twenty-fourth street and
Pennsylvania Avenue.
Philadelphia Exchange, corner Third, Walnut and
Dock etreete.
Philadelphia Gas Works, Twentieth and Market; office,
No. S S. Seventh street.
Pennsylvania Institute for Deaf and Dumb, Broad and
Pine streets.
Penn'e Treaty Monument, Beach, above Hanover
Public High School. 8. E. corner Broad and Green
Public Normal School, Sergeant, above Ninth.
Reoorder'e Office, No. 3 Mate Rouse, east wing.
State Rouse, Chestnut street, between Fifth and Sixth
Meerlips Office, State Ileum. near 81xth street.
- Sewing Garden Connoissioneee Mall, Byting Garden
and Thirteenth streets.
Union Temperance Rail, Ohriettan, above Ninth
United States Mint, corner of Chestnut and Juniper
United States Animal, Grey's Ferry Road, near Fede
ral street.
Naval Asylum, on the Schuylkill, near South street.
tatted States Army and Clothing Equipage, corner of
Twelfth and Girard streets.
United Ststes Quartermaster's Office, corner of
Twelfth and Girard streets.
College of Pharmacy, Zane street, above Seventh.
Eclectic Medical College, Raines street, west of Sixth.
Girard College Ridge road and College Avenue.
Itoinceopathic Stedical College, Filbert street, above
JeffereooMedlealOollege, Tenth Area!, below George,
Polytechnic College, corner Market and West Penn
Pennsylvania Medical College, Ninth street, below
Locust. •
Philadelphia Medical College, Fifth street, below
Female Studien' College, 228 Arch etreet.
University of Pennsylvania, Ninth street, between
Market and Chestnut.
University of Free Medicine and Popular Koewledge,
No. 68 Arch street.
United States Circuit and District Courts, No. 24
Fifth street, below Chestaut.'
Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Fifth and 0120etnnt
Court of Common Pleas, Independence flail.
District Courts, Nos. 1 and 2, corner of Sixth and
Chestnut streets.
Court of Quarter Seenions, corner of Sixth and Chest,
88L101099 11181110110118
American Baptist Publication Bomoty, No. 118 Arch
American and Vorelign Christian Union, No. 144 Cheat
mit street.
American Sunday School Union (new), No. 1122
Chestnut street.
American Traot Society (new), No. 925 Chestnut.
Episcopal Beading Rooms, 524 Walnut street.
blenonlat, Orown street, below Oalloithill knot.
Pennsylvania and Philadelphia Bible Society, corner
of Seventh and Walnut greets.
Presbyterian Board of Publication (new), No. 821
Meet - nut atm t.
Presbyterlau Publication Nouse, No. 1334 °bobtail
Young Men'e Christian Association, No. 162 Chestnut
Northern Young Men's Christian Association, Ger
mantewn Road and Franklin.
Philadelphia Bible, Tract, and Periodical Office (T.
H. Stockton's), No. 63S Arch street, first house bolow
Siath street. north side.
Lutheran Publication Society, No. 732 Arch street,
below Eighth.
Penna. Central It. R.—Depot, Eleventh and Market,
7 A. M., Mail Train for Pittsburgh and the West,
1265 P. M:, Past Lino for Pittsburgh and the West..
2.80 I'. 11., for Harrisburg and Columbia.
4.30 P, M. Acdommodation Train for Lancaster.
11 P. M., Express Mall for Pittsburgh and the West.
Reading Naiirood—Dopot, Broad and Vine.
7.80 A. M., Express Train for Pottsville, Williamsport,
Elmira and Niagara Falls.
8.80 P. M., as above (Night Express Train.)
New York Lines.
1 A, M., from Kensington, via Jersey City,
6 A. M y from Camden, Accommodation Train.
7 A. K. from Camden, via Jersey City Mail.
10 A. K '
~ from Walnut street wharf, via Jersey atty.
2 P. M. via Camden and Amboy, Exprone.
3 P. M., via Camden, Accommodation Train.
6 P M , via Camden and Jersey City, Mail.
6 P. IM., via Camden and Amboy, Accommodation.
Connecting Lines.
_ -
0 A. M., from Walnut street wharf, for Belyidere i neton
Water Oap, tloranton, &o.
6 A. M., for Freehold.
7 A. M., for Mount Molly, from Walnut street wharf,
2 P. M. for Freehold.
2.30 P. M., for Mount Holly, Bristol, Trenton, &o.
8 P. M., for Palmyra, Burlington, Bordontown,
4P. M., for Belvidere, Beaton, ko., from Walnut tree
SP. M. for Mount Molly, Burlington, &e.
Baltimore R. /I.—Depot, Broad and Prime.
A. M., for laaittmore, Wilmington, New Cantle, met
dletown, Dover, and Seaford.
IP. M. for Baltimore , Wilmington, and New Castle.
CU P. M., for Wilmington, New Castle, Middletown,
Dover, and Seaford.
P. 51., for Perryville, Feet Freight.
11 P. SL, for Baltimore and Wilmington.
North Pennsylvania R. R. Depot, Front and Willow.
WA. N. for Bethlehem, Easton, Mauch Chunk, ho,
10 A. 51 ter Doylestown, Accommodation.
2.15 P. 81., for Bethlehem, Easton, Mauch Chunk, ote.
4.30 P. M. for Doylestown, Accommodation.
10 A. 51., for Gwynedd, Accommodation.
Camden and Atlantic R. 11,—Vine street Waal.
7.30 A. M. for Atlantic City.
10.95 A.11'., for Haddonfield.
4 P. N. for Atlantic City.
4.45 P. M., for Haddonfield.
For Westchecter.
By Columbia R. R. and Westchester Branch.
From Market street, smith el le, above Eighteenth.
Leave Philadelphia 7 A. M. aPPIi 4P. 5.1.
" Westchester 6.30 A. 51., and 3P. M.
Leave Philadelphia 7 A, M.
" Westchester 3P. M.
Westchester Direct 1ta11r . 21 , 11 2 open to Pennelton, Grubbe
Dri ge.
Prom northeast Eighteenth and Market streets.
Leave Philadelphia 8, and OA. M. 2 4, and P. U.
it Pennelton, Grubbs Bridge, 7,8, mall A. 31, and
4 and 6 P. M.
On liatardaym last train from Penneiton at 7 A. 51.
Leave Philadelphia 8 A. M. and 2 P. M.
Pennelton 9N A.M. and 0 P. M.
asrmantoten ¢ Norristown B. 21,—Depot, 9th and
6,9, and 11 A. M., audit, 4.45, 0.45, and 11.15 P,
for Norristown.
6 A. Bf. and 8 P. ht., for Downingtown.
6,8, 9,10, and 11.80 A. M,, and 2,4, 0,8, and 9 .
11. for Oheatuut 80110.
9,7, 8,9, 10.10, and 11.80, A. M., and 1,9, 8.10, 4,5,
0,7, 8,0, and 11.80 P. if., for Germantown.
(Weer Raley R. R.—Leave Philadelphia 8.4.51. and
P. U.
Leave Downingtown 71( A. M. and 1 P.ll
2.80 P.M.,
_Richard Stockton, for Bordentown, from
Walnut street wharf.
10 and 11.4 . 0 A. M. and. 4 P. M., for Taeony, Darling.
ton and Bristol, from Walnut Arent wharf.
9.80 A. M. Delaware, Boston, and Kennebec, for Cope
May, AM pier below Spruce street.
7.80 A. M., and 2,8, and BP. M., John A. Warner
and Thomas A. Iforgsn, for arirtol, Pot
ltogtoi rto.
The original plan of laying down the Atlan:43-,
tic Cable, by depositing it on the plateau 0; '';.
which the ocean-waters ebb and flow, has fails4,"'
so far, and though the experiment will be ,rat r ..
peated, next year, there . are many doubts Ai)
its success. Under such circumstances, thertii,
can be no harm, at all events, in entertaintaidl
some of the suggestions thrown out by practil
cal or scientific men. We therefore subM, .`
as a suggestion, liable to objection and 01
cession, a plan which has been brought and 5 ,
our notice, and certainly, if practical:Oa, 'fait,
many advantages. It arose out of a convoratt
tion between a lieutenant of the United Ste*
Navy, and an English gentleman, ylit Is, ill,
business in this State.
The Cabie, it is evident, must have tve()
mini—onehas been determined upon at Valelo
tie, in the South of Ireland, the other at SA
John's, Newfoundland. We Will take St!
John's and Valentia as tho two points to'
Connected by the Sub-Atlantic magnetic Gabler
Instead of laying down the cable on the
teen of the Atlantic, with its great variationli,
of depth, it is suggested to place it suspend 4
in the ocean, at an uniforth dfstartce 'or deptlt
of forty feet below the inarfllce:.:T,hllo4;
tance, it is assnmed t vicathil' , bo .- ,deciketiotig4-
7 1m1O! the Chance of inierterefice or agy•,kll4l
from sailing ;vessels or steamers.
The manner of suspending the cable Is the
difficulty. Our friends suggest that a scrim!. Of
buoys, each at the uniform distance of half or
even quarter of a mile, should be pineal :1i
such communication with the submerged cab*
as to support it, all through, at the requl
depth. Thus the Ocean highway, etral
across from shore to shore, would ac
be indicated to the eye. A small fl.
tached to each of the buoys would snMe
attract attention, and point out the lino
telegraphic communication to all vessels •
the vicinity.
It is contended, also, that by means
buoys, any defect in the telegraphic wire
readily be pointed out, and easily reined
repaired. Nothing would be easier ti
ascertain where the hitch lay, and the
locality discovered, to raise the lino at
quired point and repair, or renew it,
Each buoy would have to be ilumbered,,
at, no matter how unsuitable the are
stances for taking the neeossary obeervati
a vessel which arrived at any buoy, •
enough to establish its identity, could e
her place at sea readily ascertainedt7 ,of
exactly, perhaps, for wind and tide xi •:1 - r ;be
expected to carry the buoys occasiu4:"
low or above the exact latitude; but a vesiel
in distress, unable to ascertain where she Was,
coming in view of one of these buoys, would
be enablmlto form a generally accurate idea
of the latitude and longitude into which 'she
might have drifted or been driven. The'
charts, of course, would have to he improved
by the addition of the buoyed line aortas,
with the number of_ each buoy marked upon
it, for the purpose of identification.
Another advantage might result from this
project. Each buoy should itself be in magne
tic communication with the lino whit& it
helped to sustain. If each ocean-stein:ter
carried with her a galvanic battery, nothing
would be easier, it is submitted, than; on
reaching ono of these buoys, to establibh a
communication with either terminus. 14tui,
her exact position at sea, at any particular
day, hour, and minute, could be transmitted"
to Yolanda, or St. John's, or to both'placas—r
tiler country she had loft and. that for wiltic.
she was bound. In tho case of any accident,
the advantage of this would be immense, for
a steamer could communicate its
its requirements, and its latitude and longi
tude, at the time of making such intimation,
so as to supply some idea of the quarter to
which aid should be despatched, if such aid
were necessary.
The saving of expense would he great, as,
instead of between three and four thousand
miles of telegraphic cable, not more than about
seventeen hundred miles in length would be
required—a little more, in fact, than tho dis
tance from land to land in a direct line.
Ono objection to this plan, ingenious as it
certainly is, arises oven while we thus endeavor
to make it as clear to our readers as it has been
made to our own mind by the two projectors.
The objection is simply this considering the
great stress to which the cable must occasion.
ally be liable, front the pressure of wind and
wave upon the buoys, (and on the wire through
the buoys,) the question arises, whore can
there be obtained a power sufficiently great to
bind the cable to the two termini, so as to 're
sist the tremendous pressure which thus may
be brought against it. The pressure, too, in
stead of being simultaneous and steady—as in
the case of a current running in one way—
would sometimes act by jerks. Tho motion
of the buoys, caused by wind and wave, would
not be simultaneous, as ono buoy would be on
the crest of a wave while another would bo in
the trough. Thus the action would vary, and
be worse for the cable, almost, than if the pres
sure were steady. What power can bind the
cable to the termini How can tho telegraphic
cable be made so strong that it will not snap
under the force to which it may be subjected?
Other objections will naturally be suggested
by other minds, and we shall be happy to re
ceive them—provided that those who make
them will study terseness, as the columns of
a newspaper are limited. We have thought
the suggestion hero explained, worthy of no
tice, and shall be glad to learn that it NA
awakened interest. The seed of something
truly great may lie undeveloped in this pro
There is a silver lining to the darkest cloud:
At this moment Lord PALMERSTON must feel
one little consolation in the Indian mutiny—
like Aaron's serpent, it swallows up every
other public subject. It will afford a plausible
excuse for postponing, for another year, at
least, that Reform Bill which PALUERSTON
promised to introduce and carry through
Parliament in 1818. This promise, given 1857, was intended to prevent, and
actually did prevent, any other statesman from
introducing such a measure. Those who knew
Pwcasrox well, smiled at his Ingenuity, and
knew that ho would not keep his word.
By rank, station, and principle, Lord
PALNIERSTOR is essentially an aristocrat. But
lie attbcts to be the friend of Democracy. Re
has been over half a century in public life,
and for the first five-and-twenty years was a
rank Tory. Ile will concede nothing to the
People, it he can help it.
The Timer newspaper, which backs him at
present, has strongly declared—either as his
mouth-piece or his champion—that, while
India occupies the public mind, matters
more urgent and important than electoral re
form " are on the
Tho British people desire live things, all
which have long been in admirable practice
in this very Pennsylvania of ours. They are :
that the Legislature be chosen for a much
shorter term than seven years—that every
citizen shall have a vote--that the electoral
districts should be fairly marked out—that the
law be repealed which declares a man ineligi
ble to sit in Parliament, unless he have a large
property qualification—and that every legisla
tor be paid, as a public servant, while he per
forms his duties.
There is nothing very revolutionary in these
requirements, and yet the Royalty and the
Aristocracy ofi England will never grant them—
unless frightened into it, as was the case in
1832, when the People wore determined to
have the Reform Bill, no matter how earnest
ly the House of Lords rejected their Just
claims. VALUEIISTON may stave off his pro
mised Electoral Reform, on the ground as
sumed by his organ, but whether he live to
see it or not, tho Democracy of England will
have a full and fair legislative representation,
assimilated, as nearly as possible, in all essen
tial points, with that which we possess in this
CITY POLlCE—Thioninut 1
[Reported for The Press.]
tg,_;;A LOFTY FIT OF INSPIEATION.--Tho prevailing
among critics is that the loftiest kind of
O Abel inspiration Is scarcely extant at this
nailed. However, the little State of Rhode Island
has sent as s queer specimen of elevated genius in
the person of Ilfr Hosea Baxter,who never attempts
to compose poetry without ascending a high door
• top, a pile of bricks, or some such platform raised
considerably above the level of the earth. Last
MOLE he perched himself on the edge of a scaffold
in front of anew building in Eighth street, where,
:at the height of ton feet above the pavement, he
began an invocation addressed to beings who were,
,of course, invisible to the corporeal eyes of a police
man standing in a shady recess en the opposite
side of the street. In a loud and thrilling tone,
the inspired Baxter, like a second Simeon Styltes,
from his lofty perch, commenced as follows—the
policeman standing " dumbfounded," either with
horror or admiration, as the discourse proceeded:
1 "Arise, ye spirits that flit around the honey
'odrnb of the imagination like bees around a tar
barrel, or buzzards around a dead dog—arise !
lend your inspirations to a feller destined to take
the shine Mr of Homer, Willis, and all tho other
favorites of the feminine Nine. Hark ! they
come! Their mantle is upon roe, they swell me
up as if I had swallowed a bushel or two of clam
chowder, and thus I am delivered : Behold, you
sickly, pallid, meal-faced moon, looking down from
her attic-window and turning up her cold nose at
this contemptible world; shining, too, like a half
done slap-jack swimming in an ocean of butter;
while those glimmering orbs, with which she is sur
rounded remind me of a
,prolnsion of shad-scales
scattered over a blue blanket. All nature has re-
11634 to roost r —old oaro ints folded himself up in his
bodiniit,"..— while the night-pollee, (Impertinent
,vormints !) have likewise' tucked themsolves up
salon in for a snooze
- "No, thoy ain't," cried a voice which knocked
all the starch out of the shirt collar of Hosea's
poetry. "No, they ain't; for one of them is just
e-going to tuck you up before ho tucks up him.
"Oh, ho ! I see you are awake, this time," said
glancing down rather uneasily at the
°Meer, "Well, take care what you do, old feller.
I'm. the head poet of Rhode Island, and the
governor of our State, will make you hoar small
thunder if I'm not treated genteelly."
"Oh, you shall he treated like an emperor of
Rusheye," said the officer; "only come down
from that scaffold."
"I reckon you'll have to help ma," said lima,
if you want me to descend to your own level. My
head always whirls around and buzzes like twenty
hornet's Hosts when I come out of a tit of inspira
With the after's assistance, from descended
ono more to the dull realities of this world, and as
the precise nature of his inspiration was a matter
of some doubt, this morning ho was liberated , with
out any harsh treatment at which the Government
of Rhode Island could rensonabiltake offence.
For The Prom]
The position you have taken upon tho ques
tions arising out of the unprincipled efforts to
force upon—Kansas a Constitution, without
regard to the wish of the people, must com
mend itself to the judgment of every candid
mind. There is a strong feeling of honesty,
and love of fair dealing, in the Americam
people, which will guide them to right con
clusions in the end, whatever efforts may be
made by special pleading to Mislead them.
The plain facts of the case are: let. Tho
members of the Constitutional Convention were
not fairly elected by a majority of the people.
2d. They not only do not represent the real
sentiments of the people, but are bitterly and
irreconcileably opposed to them. Bd. In order
to force upon the people a Constitution which
thoyknow to be odious to them, they have re
sorted to expedients bettor suited to a despotic
than a republican Government; and, with a
view to perpetuate its odious features, have
tried to render its alteration impossible until
the year 1864, and have placed obstacles almost
insuperable in the way of alteration, even after
that period.
The Injustice of this is evident, nor can it
be supposed that the American people will
sanction it. No matter what may bo the forms
of law by which it is attempted to cover over
the (laud and tyranny, the people will detect,
and in their honest indignation trample upon
them. And should, unfortunately, our Demo
cratic representatives in Congress lend them
selves to the attempt, they will meet, I doubt
not, the condenmation of an outraged consti
tuency for their disregard alike of the first
elements of a free Government, and the de
clared principles of the Democratic party.
In order to feel the outrage of this coup-de
e:at, we must bring the case home to our
selves. Suppose that one-fifth of tho citizens
of Pennsylvania, against the wishes and solemn
protest of four-fifths, should elect delegates to
frame a new Constitution, and actually meet
to carry out their purpose under the protec
tion of the bayonets of tho United States
troops, (without which they could not even
convene,) suppose you that a majority of our
citizens would be less indignant than the peo
ple of Kansas ?
It is no part of the Democratic creed to
countenance wrong. Neither is the Demo
cratic party under any obligation to be con
trolled in this matter by the wishes of extre
mists in the South. Our party has no sympathy,
and ought to have none, with ultra sectional
ists in either portion of the Union ; but, on
the contrary, it is based upon the idea of pro
moting justice and right, and the interest of
the country at large, without regard to any
particular section.
During the late campaign we were assured
that Kansas should hare fair play. Upon that
assurance wo elected Mr. Buchanan; and if it
is made good by allowing the people of that
Territory a free andfull opportunity to approve
or disapprove of whatever Constitution may be
framed for them, no successful opposition can
be raised against our party. But, on the con
trary, should Mr: Buchanan, or any consider
able portion of our Democratic representatives
in Congress, loud their influence to this un
principled effort to forestall and prevent the
free expression of the people of Kansas, the
effect must be disastrous to the Democratic
A large portion of those, who have been
the truest and staunchest members of that
party, will consider themselves' disappointed
and deceived by their own leaders. Section
alism, with its exciting issues, will divide and
distract us. The opposition will occupy a
stronger position against us; and their num
bers, it is to be feared, be recruited by many,
who, disgusted with our forgetfulness of past
pledges, will abandon our ranks. Looking at
the matter, therefore, from the point merely
of party policy and party interest, as an old
Democrat, who has fought shoulder to shoul
der with Democrats for many a long year, and
in many a hard-fought battle, I trust that' our
representatives will remember the resolutions
of Cincinnati, and the pledges of Mr.
Buchanan's Inaugural, and promptly refer to
the people of Kansas the Constitution, for
their unqualified acceptance or rejection.
I cannot better conclude than by quoting
from the Washington Union of July 7th,1857,
in reference to the Kansas Constitution :
"When there is no serious dispute upon the
Constitution, either in the Convention or
among the people, the power of the delegates
alone may put it in operation. Hut such is not
the case in Kansas. The most violent strug.
glo this country ever saw, upon the most ha
portant issue which the Constitution is to de
termine, has been going on there for several
years between parties so evenly balanced that
both claim the majority, and so hostile to
ono another that numerous lives have been lost
in the contest. Under these circumstances
there can be no such thing as ascertaining
clearly, and without doubt, the will of the peo
ple, in any way except by their own direct ex
pression of it at the polls. A Constitution
not subjected to that test, no matter what it
contains, will never be acknowledged by its
opponents to bo anything but a fraud.
"A plausible color might bo gives to this as
sertion by the argument that the members of
the Convention could have no motive for re
fusing to submit their work to their Constitu
ents, except a consciousness that the majority
would condemn It. We confess that we should
find some dijiculty in answering this. What
other motive could they have 1 We do most
devoutly believe that, unless the Constitution
of Kansas bo submitted to a direct vote of the
people, the unhappy controversy which has
heretofore raged in that Territory will bo pro
longed for an indefinite:time to come."
If it is possible to repel or evade the force
of my argument, I trust the above will be taken
as good Democratic authority. H.
NORRISTOWN, November 25, 1857,
The Fort Wayne Sentinel states, that since
the failure of the Trust Company, the Bank of the
State of Indiana has reduced her liabilities about
a million of dollars• that besides having about
three millions of dollars due her, in solvent notes
and bills of exchange, she holds nearly eleven
hundred thousand dollars of specie, and between
three hundred thousand and four hundred thou
sand dollars of eastern exchange, while her cur
rency on hand, and balances in western banks, are
sufficient to cover all her actual deposits. The
branches are also represented to be In good condi
The Pennsylvania Cnnal Still Open—Bank of
Pennsylvania—AM for the Poor—The Kansas
Correepoudence of The Preys J
ECARRIsma, Nov. 80, /807
I see that you announce the Pennsylvania
Canal as being closed, at this point, by the
ice. This is hardly correct. It is true the
cold snap, of a few days since, did lay an em
bargo for a time ; but more genial skies have
removed that obstacle to trade, and there is
now a prospect that it will keep open until at
least the middle of next month. This is most
desirable, inasmuch as a large quantity of
produce, which cannot be carried so cheaply
on railroads, is ready to be forwarded Bast,
from nearly every town along the line.
Messrs. Hale, Bomberger, and Slifer, com
missioners appointed to investigate the con
dition of the Bank of Pennsylvania, havo sent
in their report to the Governor, and it is now
on file in the State Department. It may not
bo examined until Governor Pollock arrives,
(ho is expected to-morrow,) when I hope to
be able to procure a copy or an abstract ; how
ever, it is understood that the condition of
that institution is not so deplorable as was
feared, there being, rumor says, two millions
seven hundred thousand dollars of assets, to
two millions of liabilities. If the real, and
not thenominal value, of the assets is given,
it will be a delightful disappointment to certain
stockholders we wet of.
In consequence of the cotton mill and other
manufactories being stopped, much suffering
is already experienced by the unemployed; but
they have not yet in tide place gone so far as
to demand “Bread or blood A committee
of the benevolent have made collections, and
among other purchases have • procured three
hundred tons of coal and one hundred barrels
of flour for distribution. The coal was pur
chased from the Lykens Valley Company at
about $l.BO per ton, and brought hare free of
cost by the North Central Railroad; the flour
at Pittsburgh for $4.76 per barrel, and de
livered here free of charge by the Pennsyl
vania Central Company.
The course of Tns PRIM in supporting
Governor Walker, and repudiating the Cal
houn Minority Constitution, I assure you
meets with a unanimous echo here. There
is but ono opinion, which is that every people
ought to have a voice in framing their funda
mental laws. Great anxiety is felt to see the
President's Message on this subject and the
currency question. The confidence every
Pennsylvanian feels in the wisdom and in
tegrity of James Buchanan makes us all hope
and believe he will lend the influence of his
great name to the side of popular sovereignty,
as opposed to a body of unprincipled men
who have made an (it is to be hoped abortive)
effort to perpetrate a villainous fraud. I have
spoken to dozens of ardent Democrats, and I
have yet to find a single man who does not
condemn their villainy and sustain the view
taken by Governor Walker. Yours, &c.
(Correspondence of The Press I
lanntsnuno, Nov. 30th, /857.
I read Tut PRESS of to-day, and I rejoice
that you have taken a bold and fearless stand
against the usurpation of the rr Calhoun Con
stitutional Convention" in Kansas. I call it
usurpation, because it is an attempt on the part
of a Convention, with the assistance of Con
gress, to tie down, hand and foot, the people
of a Territory against their consent.
What have we to do with the rascality of
the Republicans in not appearing at the polls
and voting for delegates to the Constitutional
Convention? We know that they were ad
vised by the Now York Tribune, and others of
that school, to absent themselves from the
polls, and thus throw the responsibility of the
action of that Convention on the Democratic
party. Wo know full wall, too, that this was
done in the hope that the Convention would
put a clause in the constitution sanctioning
slavery, and thus our party be justly made ;sub
ject to the charge of desiring to extend sla
very into that territory. But what was our an
swer to this ? Did we not answer, that even
if this were true, no harm could arise, because
the people would in the end be called upon to
ratify or reject the constitution ? And now, in
the face of this, are we to cat our words, and
toll the people wo deceived them? The De
mocratic party has always been honest In her
course, and'she is now too old to lie.
The only question that arises in this whole
dispute, worth talking about, is this: Is the
submission to the people of their thridamtfiftat
law, for ratification or rejection, a natural con
sequence of the doctrine of popular sove
reignty If it is, then we are right; if not,
we aro wrong. But who will contend that it
is not? Who have a better right to decide
upon what shall bo the constitutional law
of a State than the people of that State
Will it bo said that when the people voted for,
and elected, delegates to the Convention, that
then their power ceased, and thereafter all
power was vested in the Convention? Not at
all. The people gave no such power to the
Convention. They reserved to themselves
tso authority to examine, endorse, or reject
the work of that Convention.
The question of slavery is not the only one
about which there is adiversity of opinion. The
election of judges, prothonotaries, justices
of the peace, with their term of office, and a
thousand other questions, arise in the forma
tion of a Constitution for a now State, and
these have just as much right to be submitted
to the people as the question of slavery. The
very submission of the slavery question con
cedes the right of the people to have submit
ted to them the whole instrument.
I therefore say to you, go on! The people
of this State are just and honest, and they will
sustain any man who is willing to deal justly
and honorably by others. I have a strong con
fidence in Mr. Buchanan; but if ho takes the
ultra Southern view of this question, he will
not be sustained at home.
Yours truly, J. Z.
[The writer is ono of the most influontia
Democrats in the State.]
Five hundred kegs of powder were recently
seized by Col. Hoffman from ono of the Mor
won trains, en route to Salt Lake.
news front the southern part of the State shows
that wo were right in our belief that the Mor
mons were the authors of the murder of the
immigrants upon the plains, near the rim of
the Great Basin, was correct. The greatest
excitement prevails in the southern part of
our State. The people of San Bernardino
who are opposed to the Mormon faith, have
had a public meeting, refusing to recognise
the official acts of the Mormon officers of that
county. They are determined to repudiate
Mormonism, that has heretofore held undis
puted sway in San Bernardino county.—
Stockton Daily .drgus.
The folly of starting out but 2,000 men has
been discovered ; mid we believe that 50,000
mon will bo necessary to effect the breaking
up of this, the most infernal element wi , h
which our Government has yet been threat
ened. Plenty of men, plenty of arms, and a
determination to blot out forever the system
of society that exists in Utah, should ho the
firm resolve of President Buchanan, and in
which he will be sustained by the American
The proclamation of the President of the
United States, authorizing the sale of two mil
lions and a half of the public lands in this
State, is the most gratifying news that we
have had to lay before our readers for some
time. It will tend greatly to the promotion of
immigration. The idea, somehow or another,
prevails in the Eastern States, that almost
every foot of land in California is covered with
Spanish grants, and that it is impossible to
get property with good titles; but here are
two and a half mlliions of acres of the intblic
lands ready for sale, and to which no adverse
title can ever he set up. Our prospects are
brightening.—San Francisco paper.
sonable amount of capital for the erection of
machinery, and the advantages of experience
in the economy of labor, quartz mining is at
the present time a safe and highly 'profitable
business.—Stockton Argus.
Nearly every ono of the interior papers
which comes to us, has an article upon the
recent terrible loss of life in the Central Ame
rica, and all speak in no measured terms of the
miserable policy which has always been pur
sued by the managers of the steamship mo
nopolies toward California. Unless this ex
citement dies out, as rapidly as a hundred
others have in California, the result of it will
perhaps be the organization of an independent
steamship company, managed by Californians,
those who have some permanent interest in,
and desire for, the welfare of our State. This
ought to have been done long ago. --San Fran
cisco Herald.
Tho iVestern Standard, a Mormon news
paper, has made its re-appearance in San
Francisco, after a suspension of a few weeks.
talk, a year or two ago, of our soap mines;
now the cry is about glass mountains. The
Napa Reporter contains an account of one
which is in the Clear Lake region, and adds I
Major Sterling has discovered an inexhausti.
ble bed of the article upon his claim, only
sixteen miles from Napa city, and finds, on
analysis and experiment, that it contains all
the elements memory for the productlou of
a valuable and colorless glass. A slight addi
tion only of soda:ash, or similar alkali sub
stance, Is required. We are informed that a
company Is already organized, and stock
taken, and that a manufactory will, be shortly
commenced - on the spot, and another la San
,grzenas, BVT xnur—That there is not a
minister of any religious denomination at the
present time located in Placer connty.—Placer
Ceurrommt WINZ9 BRANDY. --Speaking
of native wines and brandy, the Los Angeles
Star states that one vineyard, one of the
smallest there, by the way, has 45,000 stand
ing vines, which produce this year 12,000 gal
lons of wine, 2,000 gallons Angelica, 800 gal
lons brandy, and 15,000 pounds grapes.
sures are being taken in Stockton,through the
employment of Chinamen, to teat the cultiva
tion of rice on swamp and overflowed lands.
There is very little doubt entertained as to the
experiment proving successful. '
Ceuroaraz. Placer Con.
rier has received from Doctor Trask, of Todd's
Valley, a fine sample of Cochineal, said to be
equal in its properties to that of Brazil or
A. DEEP Sussv—Tur Dezrzsr Is Cararoa
m.—The shaft upon the quartz lode of Hay
ward and Robinson, at Sutter creek, Amador
county, says ,the Volcano Ledger, has been
sunk to a depth of three hundred and fifteen
feet, being In all probability the deepest shaft
in the State. The lode Is four feet wide on the
top, and has increased until at the depth above
given it Is sixteen feet in width. The quality
of the rock has improved constantly as the
shaft has gone down. It is said it pays twenty
dollars per ton, and from the extreme width of
the lode, is quarried with flicility. •All this
goes to prove the inexhaustible wealth that
California possesses in her veins of gold-bear
ing quartz.
Tin Ovnnextrn Mira.—fly private advices
from San Diego to a gentleman of Sacramento,
says the Union, we glean the following in rela
tion to the Sao Antonio and San Diego route.
The sixth mail that left San Antonio, Texas,
on the 23d of September, arrived at San Diego
on the evening of the 19th of October; time
through, ail days. The company brought
through four passengers. The way mails are
much increased. The entire road is now
stocked with four hundred animals, twenty.
live coaches, and seventy-five men, (messen
gers and gegrds.) With this outfit they can
accommodate six passengers. Further ar
rangements are being completed to EUSCOMIIIOI
- passengers through to New Orleans by
this route. The fare fern San Diego to New
Orleans is $2OO, which sum includes meals on
the route. The eighth mail from San Diego
was to be despatched on the 23d of October;
with a full complement of passengers. The
schedule time for the trip of this line is thirty
United States Mau Robberies
For some time past has been known that the
through mail from- Philadelphia to Boston has
been subjected to the operations of some unknown
depredator. It was ()Warred that they always
took place on Saturday night. The first robbery
took place on Saturday night, September 28th.
BOW weeks then gaped, and on the night of Satur
day. October ..4th the mail was agent tubbed:
Again the same thing occurred on the 7th and 14th
of November. There was a design upon the mail
of November 21st, bat it was defeatedSy the vigi
lance of those having charge of it. On Saturday
night last it was attempted again, and thelperpe,
tester was arrested and imprisoned at New Haven.
Ile proves to be W. S. Tuokerman, formerly trea
surer of the Bastarn Railroad. Company of Boston.
We have not the means of station the amount of
the leases caused by this robbery, but they must be
large. Four fall mails from Philadalgbia for Bos
ton were carried off or robbed of their contents,
and it appears that others on the same trains suf
fered in like manner. The robberies occurred on
a train which carried no through route agent.
Tuckerman'g plan of operations Eatauff to have been
to take passage on the train, and then contrive, on
pretext of smoking, to get into the =al car, where
be would either steal a mail bag and - put it in his
carpet-bag or trunk, or open it and take tlie'con
tents. The detection of Tuokerman has been
brought about chiefly through the exertions of Mr:
J. Holbrook, special agent of the Peat Orme De
TOckerman is said to belong to a respectable,
family in Boston, and we have been told that ha
figured lately in an embezzlement casein thatcityr. •
The following despatches in regard to. •his arrest
have been received :
"SPO.ISOI , IiLD, Nov. 30.—W. S. Tstekennam,
formerly treasurer of the Rasters Railroad at
Boston, was arrested, last night, at New Haven,
for snail robbery. He its now is jail and conforms
his guilt. The evidence against Tstekerman_
deemed conclusive. His operations were mainly
on Sunday night trains. He would take passage
at New York with a large trunk, in which was a
carpet-bag, containing clock weights to make it
heavy, and during the temperer/ absence of the
baggage-master, he would steal a mail bag and
deposit It in his trunk, He acknowledged having
$BOO worth of stolen postage stamps.
"Five hundred dollars in bills on the Lee bank of
Massachusetts were found upon him. The Phila
delphia mail for Boston with others being missed,
the several railroad superintendents et, the New
York anditostoreroute, the postmasters and Special
Agent Holbrook, have been for several weeks on
the alert, and have now probably
captured the
robber. The amount of th e robberies is supposed
to be large. Tuakerman will be examined at Now
Haven to-morrow.
"Boma, Nov. 20.—Tho arrest of Wm. S. Tuck
erman, it is thought, will explain the robbery of the
Havana mail for the State of Maine, missing about
the 21st of November; also the mail Portland
for New York, and the mail from Boston for New
York, all missing on the New Haven land route
about the same time. The missing . Havana mail
contained about 500 letters, 100 of which were for
morchaots of Portland, and doubtless contained
many remittances."
The rcbberies alluded to in tho last despatch are
mentioned in the following extract from the Port
land Argus of Saturday :
"The steamer Black Warrior arrived at New
York from Havana, on Friday morning, the 20th
instant. The mails by her for this city and State
were made up at the New York post office for the
first mail train, and despatched eastward by the
land route at '2 o'olook P. M., on that day. These
mails bare not been received at the post office in
this city. They contained upwards of ono hundred
Cuba letters from New York, and about four hun
dred letters for distribution. It is supposed that
many of those letters contained drafts from the
merchants at Havana.
"The mail which was made up at the post office
in this eit7 on Saturday afternoon, the 21st inst.,
for New lork, to go by the land route on Sunday
night from Boston, and which contained many
valuable remittances, has not been reeeired at the
Now York office, and we understand that the mail
from the Boston office by the same route, on Sun
day, for New York, has not been heard from. If
there has been a robbery, it was committed be
tween Boston and New York. The Post Office De
partment are taking active measures to ferret nut
these cases of supposed robbery or culpable negli
gence "
The Lewiston (Me.) Journal says:—"Last
spring Mr. E. L. Placard, of Danville, enclosed
three hundred dollars in a letter, directed it to a
gentleman in Chesterville, Me , and dropped the
letter in the Auburn post office. Among the bills
there were two one hundred dollar bills on the Au
burn Bank. The bills had a private mark on them
The gentleman to whom the letter was directed
never received it; and a unit is now pending in
court to determine who should be the loser. No
traces were ever discovered of the letter or mo
ney until a few days since, when the tat) marked
bills were returned to the bank in a Boston pack
age. The money was undoubtedly abstracted from
the letter."
Important to Whalemen-11odliicatten of a
Treaty Between remand the United States.
(Per steamer Northern Light at New York.]
Doubts having arisen as to the proper interpre
tation of the 12th article of the treaty of the 26th
July, 1851, between the United States and Peru,
relative to the free admission of United States
whalers and a portion of their goods, oil, do., into
Tumbes and other ports in Peru, it was deemed
best to more clearly define its meaning by a new
treaty. The 12th article provided that our whal
ing vessels that should visit Peruvian ports to re
pair, refit and provision, could sell their provisions
and merchandise, including oil, in the quantity of
$2OO ad raloreta for each vessel, without being
obliged to pay tonnage and port dues, or any other
charge or impost, for the articles changed or sold
in this manner. They were also permitted, with
the same exemption from tonnage and port dues,
to sell or barter their merchandise, provisions, and
oil, to the additional sum of $l,OOO ad valo,ent for
each vessel, 'laying for the additional part of these
articles the same duties which are paid by the
vessels of the most favored nations for like pros'.
merchandise, or oils. This article is now re
placed by the following:
Anr. 1. The permission conceded to whaling
vessels of the United States, to barter or sell their
provisions and merchandise, to the amount of $2OO
oil valorem, without being obliged to pay tonnage
or port dues, or any other import, shall not be
understood to apply, without limitation, to all
classes of merchandise, but only to those which it
is the custom to provide whalers with for long
"Any. 2. In this extension of rights is compre
hended, besides the products of the fisheries, the
following articles: White cottons, white un
bleached cottons, imperials, blue drills, twilled
cottons, amstapes, tickings, Indianas, or calico,
clothing of mariners of all classes, soap, fat, boots,
shoes and brogans, hatchets, bread, dour, lard,
butter, rum, salt meat, hams, stearine and sperm
candles, canvas, cordage, and tobacco
"ART. 3. Whalers are also permitted to disem
bark, without any duties whatever, the provisions
and merchandise specified in.the anterior article,
to the quantity of $5OO ad valorem, in conformity
with the anterior article, 81 of the General Regu
lation of Commerce ; but for all additional amount
from $5OO up to $l,OOO ad valorem, the exemption
shell be limited to port and tonnage dues."
This Convention was approved by the National
Convention on the 3d day of October ultimo, and
wafts the approval of the unttea States Senate.
A lad, the son of Christopher Sharp, of
Belvidere, (N. J.), in running across the play
ground Of the school in which he was a pupil, ran
against another boy coming rapidly towards him.
Their beads came in contact, and he was struck in
the temple. lle went home, And In a few hours
became delirious, and died in three days after
' PIOIM .14) 415 01
Clonsipandtiato for " Tax PUN" Vin Sow Utz la
mind Uttt follaring rules t _
Iheir eozeisuidestion mart be red by t
name of the 'writer. Li order to Lauri eorreetuess
the typography, bat atm side - of • sheet should
written upon.
We shall be greatly obliged to gettllturatt in Penury!
Taiga and other !States du aont#batians &tag the
rent Min of the day in Mite particular losalitase, the
reaturoca of the surroandligy wintry, tha lama. of
popatatioa, and aay larorulatlou that rill be lataaistiag
t°t he general router
The Connellsville (Pa.) Enterprise gives as
the following: A blind family, eonsisting of four
meow, John Catharine, _Bartholomew, and
Samuel Hostet ler, were born in German township,
in this county—the whole of them being at the
time of their birth, and are at the present time,
destitute of eye•balle,s but having all the other
outward mechanism of the eye complete - . This
family is indeed s curiosity, aside from the won
derful proficiency they exhibit as musicians. Their
execution on the various instruments—violin,
banjo, tenoroirunts-elarienet—is surprising, and
they are giving Concert.? in different places.
- A man, nirStxl Edgar Pinker, has a new re
cipe for the ours of these painful excrescences,
cancers. The remedy ] is cheap, and easy of ob
taining and applying, and cannot possibly do any
harm. It is simply lo hold a toad or frog, either
dead or alive, to the affected past for the space of
one hour, repeating the application as occasion re
quires. With six frogs, Mr. Pinker says he cured
a vary painful cancer upon his nose, of
sound ears
standing, and new conAders himself and
The. murderer, Potfer, who,
a short time
ago, in Detroit , killed one of his friends without
!haleast provocation, and for no apparent cane,
has been convicted of murder in the first degree.
During the whole/ ottbe trial the parrots indiffer
ence of the murderer to his fate was astonishing.
The Free Press says: ..Ha goetoS eerer to have
been troubled by his conscience in view of the
feat that he had, deliberately, and in cold blood,
murdered a friend " -
Late dates fr‘om Japan state that several
American whalers had' touched at, Balredadi, and
the master% were well pleased with -the port and
their reception. The Gorerner had had a Sidling
vessel built after an Ainerican model, and had
contracted for a steamer. No preference in trade
was shown to the Dutch or Mime, hut there vra ,
s large Retire trade with Hong Kong. The sale
of ardent spirits on shore to sa vors was forbidden
by taw.
- John 'Kerr, recently convicted of -murder
in the second degree,. at Washington, Pa., Is on
infirm old man, eighty-one years ofage- The jury
who eonviCted him, and i large number of citi
zens, hare petitioned for ftis pardon. Ife was sen
tamed to six years' inrprianunent in the Western
The Cincinnati Gazette says " The want
in the West is of doe:test/ea. Bend us gir Ls who are
willing to work in the kitchen, tidy, handy, will
ing gals, mid we will find employment as fast as
they come; but of the class of gals with trades,
who want waiting on, we have quite enough in the
West already."
The Snow BSI (3fd.) Shield giros an ac
count of the freezing to death In that county of
two men, one named James Hughes and the other
Adkins. They were, it is alleged, intoxicated at
the time. Another named ! Tones came near shar
ing a similar fate from the same cane. -
The Snprenie Court of Tennessee, in ses
sion atKnouille, has decided that betting on an
election held out of the State is not indictable in
Tennessee. - lietting on the result of an elation in
Kentucky, for instance, is not an offence against
the laws of Tennessee.
The Ohio wool clip h estimated to exceed
that of ISM by at leant three million Nandi. The
counties in the centre of that State are now 83
famous for their fine wool as they formerly were
for their great crops of wheat. The estimated
.ralne is .118,000,000.
Miss Meerut Wyman, 86 years old, was
burnt to death by her clothes taking Ere in the
Marlboro', Mats., poor-horse. Many years ago
her mother perished to the game way in the same
Miss Adeline Peck, adopted daughter of
Col. Roswell Cmdkins committed suicide by
drowning herself In /3154 Hall Pond, Old Lyme,
Conn: , .
The Lockbanni brothers, who pload guilty
to robbing the sisil at Chicago, hare been oen
tetnetd to ten years' imprisonment each, in the
penitentiary. •
The Virginia Legislature ensembles at Rich
mond on Monday next, the.7llt feet. The choice
of a United States Senator will probably, take
phste at an early day thereafter.
Neally, a grocer of Lowell,
bong himself op Thankagiving manias, leering a
wire and daughter.
Coal. is selling at the mines on the Ohio
river at from 10 to 12 cents per bushel.
George Elliott, a well-known jeweler of
Wilmington, Del., died Lint Thnrodal.
- DECIDER= biltvening.—There is very little do
lag In breadetnffs today, and the market generally
fa .inli and nig' e . Wed; the receipts of flour are moil
linkbuyers ire holding off, and standard
affiiippintlbrands aro without demand at $5.12i t
$5.25 -°wtileli are now the uniform asking rates; a
sale of antra is reported on terms kept secret. Tits
local trade' are baying in a small way at fruJi
$5.25 to $6.60 7 per bbl., according to brand and
ynffiii, or , isaisy fsigillydbern
meal and rye flour are also unsettled, and the sales
limited at VI par bbl. for the former and 31.2.54
.ir4.371 for the latter, which is a decline. Wheat
is plenty, and dull to-day, at lower figures, the ask
ing rates for good lots being $1.%)551.25 far red and
$1.2541.30 for white. Corn is to fair request, ant
84,000 bus. have been taken at 60a65c, fornew yel
low, as to condition, 70c. for mixed kits, aaddelag le
for old, which is most wanted. Oats are selling to
dealen at 370. for good Delaware. A sale of Sod
bushels No. 1 prime was made at 300. afloat. Nye
is wanted, and farther small sales have been made
at 75a78e., the latter for Pennsylvania. Bark
meets with a limited demand only at $5O for first
class qualities. Cotton is without mush change,
but there is very little selling, and a light stook
ou safe at the present time, but the supply is fully
equal to the demand. Groceries are held mars
firmly, but the demand for most kinds is only t
supply the wants of the trade, without change is
rates. Provisions arc unsettled and lower, and a
small business doing in Bacon and Cut Meats at
irregular prices. Seeds—very little doing, and
prices about the same. Whiskey is firmer, with
sales of barrels at .121aI5ie and hhds. at 223221 c.
There is an active demand for prime qualities. and
the receipts sell quick at full priced. Sales Al
bus polite White at 80, 300 de good do at :;:t, 21;
do prime do at 90, 850 do prime red at .80, 300 do
do at 79, 250 do fair red at 73, 200 do do at 75.
Received during the week 19.0&l bus
?corn —The market opened quite buoyant
day, and holders generally asked. $4.40 for super
fine, but closed dull under the influence of the
advicee from Now York. The sales were 100 bbls
at 54 30; 350 do at $1.40; 250 do W. W. at .54.0
500 do at llamilton. Ohio, delivered at 54 .15; IA
do extra at 51.40; 100 do at $4.60, and 554 do ou
board at $4.421. The receipts during the last
twenty-four boors wore 1.013 bbls.
WIIISITY.—The market a , houyant am] hi t cher.
with salea of SOO bbla at Me, and 2).) , ) do froia
wagons at 17te.
Brma.—the market is unchanged. P.•_ll may
be quoted at 163183.
Hocs —The market W 23 again dull to-day. and
prices opened irregular; elosicg at a further
PROP - 19103S —The market was again
and a further decline wan established in all :tri
cks. The sales were 1,50 keo Lard at 11)c. 225
bbls. do at 91a9.1e; 3.400 pee. Haut+ at
from block, green ; and 1.040 do Shoulders at 4-7.
do. Mesa Pork waa offered at $13.50a513.75, with
out finding buyers. The market elosed irregular
at 4, 51, and fdo. for green meat. $13.;i0,511.7.7s for
Mesa Pork, and 91 and 101 e. for barrel and kr
'Bulk Pork to nomitml ; none in market.
Gaocantaa.—Tho lonatta for Sag - 1r cont;nor. ,
active ;rah :ales of 200 hbde. at 7.1.1. e. for bur
fair to prime. Molaeses firm. 120 bbla. at :301:,1,7.
cash and time. Coffee unchanged.
Cour:SE—Sales of .903 boxes at baS:m. Market
dull with a large Block.
NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 24.—Corrox ..1
Cotton yesterday confined to 1.200 bale; at 1, cry
irregular price.?, indicating a decline of •. the
market being c:upletely unsettled by the Atl-in
tic's news, which aro regarded as the mat i1 ,, -
cooraging yet to hand—some transactioLs rep i t
at even a greater redaction—market elNing t o
unsettled fur quotations.
Sects.—Sales of 1,000 bhdi at an mllatee if
ale in fair to fully fair. which ruled at 5.15]c. and .
at previous rates for the other descriptions—stock
of the better qualities ample, s.ay from 2 50 to
3,000 /did; but held, under limits ; for bi , her
AfoLasses.—Sales of 1,500 Gbisat 22123 e. lot
meetly at 22a22de, showing a further reduzlion of
;cal: per gallon.
Tonacco.—Nothing transpired.
PLoen.—Sales 4,000 bbl , ineltidinz il2 to
branded at;} 50, 11l (20.1 and 05) et . sl
(3.30 and 83) at 5-1.021; 300 in two 1.,t3 7: 0
superfine (305, 229 and 104) et 0: , „" , 1) ludt , t,
(230 and 250) at if-5.12.; 100 Tense-.)ce a'
05 , 35; 100 extra at $ U 1.7,0 choi c e it S; ..•i
at 57; 500 unbranded, superfine and extra
at —; and 300 unbranded alst na prisate terin-
WnEar —1,705 sacks of prime red at 01 05—.4
cern 2.000 sacks. including 1.0410 new. in tin ce
tour lots, at 40.; 200 at 53.). :135 new
200 old at 53e; and 411 (146. 130. and 11.)) old at
.5S cents.
Fors is confined to retail transacti-ms at St, I r
mess—of beef, 32 half bbls new torso at
Mewl —Confined to retlil traus.actior.s.
Rib Sides ruling at 121 cent,.
LARD —A small lot of kegs at 11 cent
WIIISKEY.-150 bbl, Wilshire's at c,nts—
atandard brands rotailing, at 1.1 19 een:s and
shire's at 20 cents.
SAL .—A cargo of 4,11.3 sacks Liverp,l. a 0:4%1
fine, onprivate terms.
Rio COFFEE —3,010 bags, including 1,‘13.). at.
SI cents, 730 at 0 cents, 130 at 91 cents, and 110 .it
10 cents.
FREIGHTS —A ressel taken up for Liverpool at
id for Cotton and one for Havre at 1 teat.
ALBANY, Nor. SO.-11one. Aso Meet.—The
demand for Flour is mainly confined to the Iran t.l
of the home trade. The orders in market f..r the
East and the supply of the river towns is quito
limited. Corn Meal is held firmly at $1
Getty.—ln Wheat nothing was done, and tLe
only offerings were cargoes on the canal t.r arrive
Corn is held firmly at a farther adrrncc. with
sales 2,100 bushels Western mixed in lots at F•? , `9
Barley met with a fair demand this m,rnin, in
part for shipment South, at very full prices S
14,700 bnahels, including 500 beshels infcrinr fur
rowed, at 74; 5,500 bushels fair do at IS ; 4 0.).1
bushels prime do at $4, and 4,700 Canada Weir. in
two lots, at 55. Oats are quiet, but Stale are held
firmly at 47.
Ross.—Thesales of Dressed Rots have been
limited at 81117.
(rtl mnlvTrvlrPul