MIME:=MIM - n - 6,4416441,A1411000"1itt4 w -,ly4syli '°&'i, 10' 0 4,9° ok - 44 ' 1 0 'W 1, k elt of the Worth solem nities come ••••-•.,ri a f ; We come in the pantaft . LO= ~,Xu Fiew Yorl6 represeritingicite,cerpartsivo awis Mouraful,daty,c-theinst "4441'1 7 the mortal inglicianatir Shia thnnittilthatfale remain - eel' Wirl'otthe 'inehiciatit 'lean:ost therLthed Bang. ol , ;Agn*'th oin in ' arCh ate; 7 l 94 ohi a i .an dTwascipae:p Ao nt r honk i e" ,of oar • lovelleat riverfittingly-einkriteterised se theitmeth ifaiere;lteriaci seminric nor , - ,WP.Obut ''l 4 .TM e t ulfght - ,well ennoble the, aspiratiens7.ef: yeutb whole bream was. bred with genins_and patriotism, While yetAn- his'-eighteenth year'--and"when. the , peatid:effEritope and' Ainerice was ,, peittirtied, - - he entered, in 1812,: the - military family oftMe'rgen, Lovrtes-prlvate.astrietary r e p That eititivablo gene ral; Miti,lifolvtia not 4e,othied; to belong'stient id idle. instativity. Ito was • alter:AY thirsting for fame-already to: Inr,tingegedAn. the, stir, vine of - his country.; and' the realisation : of-his asOrations,weanot long deferred: o wattAhtin•lipOn'the eve of a netio_nal thin With 13,51 , 4hi1..' TiM - Wartif 1 12 oemmeneed— that-far by apreolareation of which the United - States assumed - defiant, and independent attitude ifthengthetnations ',.fariCwhieb,rosulted a p . raolloal - assumnee. to" the world'ithat, wherever oar flag fleeted; there thetimeriearteitisen (no mat-- tor :there he might first have beheld the sunlight) auldyilittgoottd;froe' -from-insult or , iudePtindericie! ltjwaa in Maintaining' -tits natien'alhesertientifthenorinaillifo'Moil•Oud Worth first fleshed Itiescrord. ,Ifelicoompariled Lewis, „in;theepring MA; about eruct year after be hid entered the 'service, to the frontiers of Canticle; having received the comurission of Bente ' :rant in the' United_ States army.- hie was present and 'Wok:part in th e atteffir -npon Port; which diathiguishekhlinsell With' eh intrepi dfiy.aitid-, gallantry that he trinc(apjirinteds-nico4T : camp to his friend and patron.' - • cc-The:battle-et Ohrystier's the'St. Law ' - ranee, soon followed: General Lewis was.sick and cenfined to his vesselcwhen thethty trif , antiorr • ar rived. Bat our youtbfairarldier was rinielved upon not,beitig, an Idlespiaittitorile - Solicited and re ceived -periiiissien„_kijoin, thatdeteranny, then commendethirY-Coporiel:Eeyd, When:* heperved as - volunteer - aid-de-camp• engsigement; he: won fresh honors: lite 'bravery- and !sourer, were warmly and favorably:l spoken-of in- the Official report! Me Was , airoady an,eStablishetfavoritc— one that imeitedhopett , ef,flittireptenichie and ,future When general Lewis rectiveroOrpm andmon'afterthe,hattle , of Chrystler'i Field ) he was assigned to eon:tumid in-the, °Bret New., York. Worth's • amiable'. disposition, the genial qnalities of his henrt, and his fine military . ardor, won PM hint *a' pittectiot only in the esteem: but in' the affections of General Lewis: , 'lie was, indeed, regarded., by the latter as One of hisewn family. And, a ccordingly, W 6, findwriting Bete this flout lino 15th, to Lieut. Worth, revieSting, the latter to come and fill up the vac:env " oe easioned by his absence. "If-laurels"- -' he adds, doubtless with -a proud knowledge of the martial flame which Marne - in the- young-man's bosom, and cognisant of the choke he neuld inakomif Isuretti; are yens' ebjeot, yen, have Isbette; chance if item; gretified - where you urethan here "r-ttihd of boursethe remained, , , , , ~The resolution to , remain where glory could he imbiaved. we's- readily -formed—without difileulty,c hesitation, or -equivocation.: 'The lioness spring's not' more eagerly to the proteetion. of- het young than the e patriotic and' martial heart to the de- I fence of his Country's liberties and independence: f‘„,ileving",-,•-htt writes,:in destining, the ,kind isnd generens, invitation-of General Lewis:.." haying partieipated• in. three mouths'' - jatigees.• of - the Camp of Instructions ; c the ,enenst 'being_olthln etrikinktlistanoe, separated . only , by the Filsgare, which' we cross on the - morrow; and the battle field:in view, 'o l4 roSlage "OF -01 Oleo• ,Thci: campaign, prom:Wes:tic be ;a:",.etirritig,'one; and , r .ddle;_, would ',not :pardon : ray leaving.''herohi in 'eminent man residing in New Fork to-day, , upon whore - oh - Sok. long may the rose of health continue , to bloom, at-the very mention of , whose name the Anieriocia "heart 'boats, quick with ,prlde, and Who mintbealwayaranked Alining th e first military heroes of this 'or -the:past generatlen —who,-'more, than , once, -.Bore -testimony to the; -bravery chivalry, and aring of General-Worth.: =Yea,-associated to our country's history, with the: memory and 'Berries:of-upon the field, of • Generals' Washington and Jackson, must, be that of Winfield; ;Feat, one of whose - aids, 1814, - and then in'his, lcientleth - year; was' Willie:l:u Jenkins' 'Worth.' To have merited aid ion the approvarand,onatc.; miums of that veteran - commander, :spot-among the' least honorable distin otions of the markedlife of the' letter, Ife'boretarc active and distinguished part intho'battledfChippewa, relative to 'which 'Gen., 'Scott wrote in his official report I eitimot close; :thdes;coornat:Of ,Meritorietts eenduetwithout",rnen , :titining the greet services: rendered „the by those .two gallant-young soldiers, Lieutenant-4 Wortb AM; ,Watts; my aids. There .was no .danger they did' , -not - cheerfully . encounter in,communieating my, orders; and them Seal anti infrepiffity,rion- the ad 4 :mirattely its they - bad before the esteent, of- the whole brigade."_Such high and'eneemiwitio cam! niondation Was ot without' its merited effect; Lieutenant Worth was . breveted a captain for his ; gallant cooduot in this affair.- . - ' On the 25th day of July, 1814, was the memorable battle of,_,Lundy!s Lane. There the - -- --.-51iti.c , .- 13 t- , wilLacia.artesent Land there :hinged former perilouseecasionson t himself; The engegenient was fierce and b body i,- t hat hp shrank not hem' that 'post 'of duty -which was eisignell bin; in the hour of hie-oeuntry'a -"The conduct of-Captain Werth, my aid!: de-camp," officially writes General Scott to the War Department,. "was-marked with his usual skill and gallantry, I had already derived mule , benefit' frem' - his -services, !when .be.reesired h around, at the neoratint believed to be nitirtel,in the sat , of passing through a blaie °tilt° ogle' an "order. His conduallir this eecond -Affair - will not only beard comparison with his own seri vices in the first, but with the services of ,an,j other officer of his rank in either action. ; Prom the Miens Of. hia , civeued -Captain 'Worth • did not soon recover., It hinted him:few, life; -and ciontinethinito his' bad arid morn:, twelve menthe. • When „tie ritia„, able toWilklieneath the 'sunlight - again , peace weerestered and security dielt in our borders, "But our War Department,-acting: in -the apiritof a-free end liberal Government was :f not unmindful of the veined services of its servant. , Captain Worth hadtho high-stuindhlg pedigree 4--• no hereditary or noble ,lineage to, : oemmend blot '''ffirpromotion' to his s u perior officers •- linthe had . • talents, bravery, andedgnalmilitary ardor, which; • be well know, tinder the republionninatitntions in defence of - which he shed his iblood,;wens. the only true and safe passports to fame: -In consideration his services and , distingaislied ceanduel /12411 e --* -battle 'of Lundy'a , Lane,- he was 'made -A brevet major. . * rhat'l hive here remarked is borne init by the ;Stet fromlBl6, he raced through - various military grades=filiCia major COMManding, the ry. , corps of eittleta-i then.,.ae.inatruotor, of.,taisticsa, in eapaelty_he served ten years ; and 'next as lientenant.Colonel-:of ordittneer , - In .18,38, he wait promoted to the lientenant-eoloneley of the Eighth -Jefaistry, in etanmand of which he vressuceessfally engaged upon - the- -Niagara -frontier, in Tielling •s. the patriot:war, instigated by the somewhat note rims insurgent, -Bitic-Johnson.- Mere be carried ont r wit tomer able firmness and popular galls - facile% the instruntions of Government—his de " meaner,offahillty, and personal dignity, impertiug confidence to the early settlers upon the frontier of our State; _while thipublio'servieetrachleh - had rendered; and the professional . activity which he displayed, inspired them With, respect for his patriotism and capacity;,. • , In 1810 be aeoompanied his regiment tO Florida, .'there'to encounter the iterehhostility of the native _ - tribes: , - -Ills - Well-known - energy and , skill, emu ,mended hiM to' the - favorable notioeof the War -,,Departinent;and consequently, soon ',after his pr rival, hc was , plaited lit command of -the army "operating in Florida.. By,cousupimate tact and the icelerity„ of his movements, hei succeeded' in bringing the hostile chiefs, Wild Cat and Halleek Yartinugge, to battle on the-3.Bth of April, 1842; in the- Piliekilekiha Hammock. -- It was a battle waged-with a aavage foe-and fought with savage ferocity.'' The conflict was bloody and protracted; commenoing with the ruing sun, and ceasing not • -until- sundown. ' But' the hostile hands were lie; - fasted; the Ptliokliokiba Hammock was to them More 'than _another Waterloo; their fierce and ' 'berbarriturspirit sium there effecdually quelled. It .weethelilest stniggle ;, and from that day foulard - the peaeefut lenient of Florlda:•'--their wives and' - - daughters, their ,old- women and old men--c-were 'ifteli from insult and-violence.; - were enabled to pursue their' agricultural or commercial vocations in comparative 'slaty and security . .. -The ..wor, After seven years' duration; was thus . brought to a clods by the rind' gallantry of ' - - Colonel Werth'' and; as oVidenee of our, govern ment's ap,premation of, his "services' in 'this-cam paign; he was promoted ton brevet brigadier-gene= ralelaip in the United "States army. Ills oonunis sten was -placed ,in :his hands ;by President Polk; : who improved- the occasion by thanking hire, in flattering end happy tonne, for his groat exertions, unwavering fidelityp , and unswerving 'detercriina tion - to advance the glory and prosperity of our ' imantry. - • - ::Four years cof -profound peace ensued, which, with wonted and characteristic -Mutton and pru '_derioe, General Worth divoted to the training and; ' fitting Of hie regiment for 'those fields of glory in •,....-„whioh- our errocwero goon to _be,-victorious. ;The •vriadom of this line of, conduct Wait men wide evi ": dent,' The year .164.0 found us engaged lin the, Mexican wet;, general Werth, in command o ; 1' his regiment',4iiordered to, Mexico' Where ,he loon _wonfriish lann3lB,_andAnseribed the tomo inortatbietwi:i: -Nor three days ho encountered, in • command of his own-regiment,. and „:firat_divislon : the enemy, before Monteray.;.andon the-third day. - belied the' Batisfaetion of trium phantly . marching; at the head of :hisforees into the city. bat - • ile.was but the prelude t> -the unbroken °bran of kuthiu col sevicnedor the' ~,;perseveranao; w hioh :he , displayed - Weida, .Worth , was-breveted Major-general., I - -The glorious achievements •of•- our - suety 'in - 'Malec now , followed irirepidsmetision;tlte Story 'all/rich is So recent 'and familiar to, all; that fe enter:, nt„thil time lAM ,a - detailed' aimennt, of the "- events ,which - th en ,trancpired.rv auld ,bat-repeating adult you ditiveleand more than a ~thousund times,- in centennial addresses and polio -ell orations. :Nevertheless, it would not, perhaps, - be amiss to &norm-that wherever,danger Was to teneountered,•a' too to be eonquered or honor gained, 'thine tioneral Worth might lid found par. • • ticimitnig in the fray.' , At the; head of : hit:division ,„ , ho was tinitin'gnisbed in s the siege of Vera: Cruz.' • ;In, the great battles of Cerro Churuhusee, - Moline del-Ref. and Ottepultepea, ha-added fresh liturela ,to his' garland,, And. es - he-was- first to cram:rive the Bartender of Monterey, so it seemed re. ' sewed far Win toreceire'alie ilicsurtender of the when that oSitital' Saliiinc4l. - " • A hs:beim eaten 'of th' romp w a r; genera. ort, .Was ;ordered; to the department of T e ssa; and there on the seventh day:of May, 1849, Ito ex - -pired., lie died clthemed and regretted fly-sit who 'MU Vederalcidhlc,hislotinitY . - men; affdliiiivieg behind hlm the recorder a Carper so brilliant,that rdoulik whether the life of any ether oflieertn our aro/post the prosent,this or-la the pastopreum Is a more extensive list of battles in which ltd turd - partioquited, andischieh belong, to, the history and fame of ourriatirm.' , *," , •itri • „ , amentothatinkens o f the nation's grati , " thee; ilit'Stat onfliew , Yerlepresented hint With a • Old WELL 158 1 , : 6 : 1 Kif,f; its,apbreofation h ailed sore the - Wat,' hr 183, 1 The .aor •thualdmous • thanks for having closed the Indian liar there in The !di likens 'CO, Mahlon itandi Colombia county, presented chim, .1 4 -itoiriplint )1 ta rt' •,..-eword, honor'of.his distinguished, willan°2nt „fgentoteic 'tc sled the State of Louisiana did th sa me c'' 1/44-10eillSbtayeadrditiot th roughouttheldeleloa tra'r:7 Iu 1848, the Natiiiiiiilltaiiireik k oideVeit a sword lot MOS; - engraved as appreciative ;Patio° of his public servities: bowqbeTpaN prildbdiiir Of 4litil einpoillain of titot.Empire.Stati , -- 1 1,he queen oity: of Amerinato testify; in a sub itantiel form, her regard for onelvlio devoted thir tkstx,,yeurs orentive patine-Wit the advarteo went of'hla 'country's glory, and Who - was 'one of the most eminent and brave of the mill of Now Yisrk. , !!` . i'Whonltt. -, was; aseertainSit that Major General Worth Was dead; a committee, fieutt ho corpora, lijraof the city, of Now York was commissioned to ,visit`thei4idovii-of the decettied, and charged to assure her that, in,case'she would Surrender to us. h1 5.1 , 941. 0 3 e,_ iiii4i46ll,t,' hot WiliVorttiy, 'of his hero, oreeted to; in Seine degree; 'ptirptitunte bis fairitt. i • tln a spirit of °hornet:oriel-le good se'nso and min.' jdgal devotion': the ireqriost:Mina complied with,; the remains the illustrious departed "were titled re,this city, and' dots:o 4 d In the receiving voult;Mt Greenwood Cotrietery; in a 'manner eiedi• table to a metropolis and State whososreatficss and prosperity claimed,. "in his r aifeetions, the highest =plainp,—But, up to the present moment', the reantdris of -Major , 'General- Worth .have been unburied. There was no - spot, honorable to the wealth and Magnificence of this emporium, or worthy of the pablio.services which he had rendered, to which Lis widow, And child reuntigh t repair, id pay the last Homage of love fa the fidelity of the hiisband or the Virtues of the parent, But, from this day for ward, the pilgrim. of his genius and patriotism they here kneel in thankfulness, reverence, and admiration,' at his shrine.' Tho youth of our coun try, passing' Ind "repassing "this monument, will 'hereafter pause 'to Romeo the record engraved thgeonrof this 'virtues; services, and fame of a tiiun Whoielife_presentifahouutiful illustration of the institutions of oar country, having raised him ' self from' civil :life-to the highest rank known in the army ; . and every gradation' in the chain of his.-olevation'haring been drib tu . the fidelity of his adhermici 'to'professional duty...'Tho life of Gene jet Worth is, indeed, lin _exemplar which young men might Well ()Mutate, for its strict truthful aesr.orduty to:himself, his country, and his God, is conditioned being lb time. Wines 4tl2:r ffiquqrs. ISHA.NEV SCOTOII WHISKEY; - Wholesale MO By UTTOII: BARR, - GOVERNMENT ROUSE, corner aP : - FRONT and WHARTON Styeets, (opyosits the Bevy Yard,) ne3o.lnt . , - rbtladolphla tiptOHLEN WEESP ANCHOR GIN— t2I pipes, now lending at Lombard-street wharf ifrobioa' board the brief Pierre Lacoste," from Hotter dam, and for sale by, the undors!gned,• sole Importota of this eliaL - - BOHLEN & 0O , '0.050 . 1-1w - • 22110 223 ty. Fourth street. '~LD WIIEA~•SVIIISKEY E. P. MID DLBTON & North FRONT Bt., im 'porters of Cognac abd'llochelle Brendle'', Holland Gin, scotch and Irish Whiskoy. Also, sole proprietor or Gin Old Wheat Whiskey. M. P. 11i. & Dro. have on :hind the largest and bent 'dock of fine old Monongahela, ;Bourbon, and Rye Whiskey' of anydoater Is the United Stites, all of whictels highly Improved bpses. no7-3m • 11141 . 4ND1E5.--tcc Pipet r leiP s " if arett, and Other Cloinace'of rariona Ylutsco, in half pipes and quarter calks ; V ellevelaln Ragan, Brandiee, pale and darit, in halfplpes, - half canto, eathse•eighth Danko. Imported' add for sale by' ' - • WINDS 130111.iN ,_ee22 • „ 221 and 223 South Yonxth street. 110111PRZ,VINE:—In bond and entitled to do bontare 250 Casks et. Jaeoph , s Purejnlce Port Wine,. in qrs. pad eighths. • ,Ton , punohoonp John Itarofiay Imlay Melt Botch key; 2 y earn pld - Nifty pipes Author Gin. Marott, Martel, Boaret, and J. J, Dam Brandied, el of 'which, I oiler to tho trade nt reduced prlooe. JOB. Y. TOBIAS, in27-3inos , „88 and 00 0. Front St.. below Walnut. ALEXANDER V.HOLAIES, WINE AND Quomsroßm, No. 226 7 ' Sentiment Corner o *SOWS and 80IITH Streets. CI. LE WLS, ERPQRTER AND DEALER • IN BINE SPINES , IdQl3OllB, CIGARS, tic., 26 South FLPTII Street, Philadelphia. BRANDIES.—Pinot, Castillon & Co., Ma reit h Co., and other branda of Cognacs of Varllnlls vintages, in half pipes and quarter casks iPellevoisin Aoiholia Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipes, quarter caska and one-eighth casks, all in Ouatorn House gores, imported and for sale by lIENBY BOULEN & CO., MI6NOII. 2n and 223 Fourth atria. „ DITRMAR t 4;: BUTZ,' PORTER, AXE AND LAGER BEER ,lIREWERY, No. 820 (new No. 988) North TIIIIRD Street, Philadelphls.--Shippiny .ordere promptly attended to. ani-tf ptopostils. UNITED STATES POST-OFFICE, IN THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. . . SEALED PROPOSALS. for supplying materials and Workmanship required in the erection and construction, of a Post-ofilee building in the City of Philadelphia,' for the Unlied'States Post-00100 Department, will be re-, calved at the Office of the undersigned Commissioner for the building, No. 205 South YOURTII Street, on or before the twelfth day of December nest. Contracts will be awarded only to master-builderi and mechanics. Euch Proposal moat be accompanied by a written guarantee, signed by two responsible per %One, to the that the bidder, will, when required; if his proposal be accepted, enter into a contract and bond with proper and sufficient sec urieties for its faith; Jul performance, Plans and specifications for the building can be seen .31 ..n application at the office of the Architect, John antile Libmr Building, where every ligaitltd - Mp1mniqmrec0.0.,...L...„,,, rnanship will be given. ,The Proposals mast be sent to the office of the Com missioner, and, addressed to John Rice, and endorsod "Proposals for the Vatted States Post-oilloe at Philo delphis,,, and will be opened at noon of the last-named darter receiving the some. , JOAN RICE, lledtdel2 - - - Commissioner. „filet - 40W 1/tailors. JOHN P 7 ,:)),9IIERTY, ••• - 708.101aLY WM( COLL!' & DBOTHSI, LATE WITH LUKENS, BELLY, & CO., '" •TiClDOiti ,814'citrisrev, - dr sr:tv,ETT, Ailom .pronni, Has now with him the beet Tailors that are engaged in the inui(nese - in this country. . Dorn, formerly the leading taßor of this city; hf. KAYS'S, formerly cutter for 0. Roth &, Co'. and late Coat and Vest cutter With Lukens, Kelly, & Co.; llnstig WAGNEIt, the best Pants and Test cutter in the United States, for years tatter with Deplerrls, under the Irring,House, Broadway, end with Deplores & rotten, under the St. Nicholas Hotel, Broadway. The meet Unremitting attention paid to the wishes of ill who patronize the establishment. ; The best _of, Clothes made at moderate prices for credit, tow priest for cash. 0.13-tf TAMES 'SHE R I DA N, MERCHANT TAILOR, Noe. 16 andlB South NINTLE STREET, ABOVE ORESTNUT. A large and well selected stock of OLOTILB and OASSIMSRES always on hand. All Clothing made at this P.stablithnient will be 'of the beet quality, and hi the most fahhionable style. 'PartlaWar 'attentlow gieen to, UNIFORM CLOTH. , and-tr Canuntesion aterdiante I H. CHASE & CO. es • EERAL COMMISSI G ON N MERCHANTS, .sa North FRONT and 44 WATER Street, Philadelphia. - CONSTANTLY ltßestviNG 0 L ()TEE SEED On oorudgnment from the interior of Pennsylvania, Where our no Meaning - Inn la now in general use. itr Also, TIMOTILY AND RED TOP always on hand. eel2-tt & BRENXER-COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Dealers in Foreign and Ame rican HARDWARE and, OUTI,ERY, Noe. 23, 25 and 27 North FIFTH Street, Neat side shore Commerce street, Philadelphia, CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION 011 ANT and Importer of 11AVANA. SEQAIIB, (New) 188 Walnut street. second story. sul4y Piano ,forteo GOLD MEDAL PIANO, FORTES. STEINWAY h SONS, XSNIIPACTURERS, 84 AND 58 WALKER STREET, " NEW YORK, - Received the following first prize medals in competi tion with the beet manufacturers at Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. - TWO FIRST PRIZE MEDALS at the Metropolitan Pair, Washington; March, 1855. A SOLIYMEDAL at the Crystal Palace, New York, November,'lBss, (being the only Gold Medal givou for 'Plasioi within the lest six years.) , 'A GOLD MEDAL at the Maryland institute, Balti more, 1856: lin FIRST PRIZE MEDAL at the Fair, 07stal Palate; New York NOyember,lBs6, Among the judges wore the tirstmusicid talent of the country, such es 51. Mason, Clottichalk; Wolionhoupt, and many others. EL WS:Pianos with and 'without iron trauma) are - warranted for throe years, and a mitten gii4r.intoo given. Planes packed and shipped without charge. Prices moderate. 0c27. ti A LBERT, WIEBER, P I 41.1 , T f) PORTE MANIJMAOI4IItER,,NoI 155 West Broadway, - New York, sole manufacturer ;of ,the, celebrated , Concert Plano, •.; The subacriber would Inform bin 'numerous .friendaand customers that he lisigr,eatly ,enlilrged his manufacturing d.epartinent, border to meet the increase in demand for LW unrivalled rianoliond as .very piano, especially tom; per.opally puperiuteticidd by .51ie sub.eidher, the gulrit6 be, warranted, an in aframent Which, for beauty,: strength, and durability, power and wee:tile:olA time and touch, stands uhluir passed. Eferyplano Bold , at. iho inanufsetitrota'• pridds. A call s ieepectfolly iolieited. • '0e'29413m... • 77: " "" Th • CaitOtrt4 i 3 fit • - gitui:' - E WI S S. - WE L L S, ATTOILNEY AT aa..44LAW Nt AIRY SEMI!, NORRISTOWN, Ps., will attend with pooctoollly, and to, the ,host of lice tbikity;to all twittess ontruate4 to his tire. 0c.1,41n VIIPEUGVAL.-:—CLAY & JONES, ATTOR neymut-Luvr. bore roinoked their LAW OPPION from No.lBlB. Plfth Bt., opposite Indepoudenco &plan, .to*No, 271 SOUTH FIRM EtTNENT - , below Pruno - no9.endlyn ViIEL _ DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY Al LAW, Aoutheast Copps: of MONTH nut O•JBT Stroke, Ptilnielnbiii. • • ILO •1y YER STRO USE, ATTORNEY AT '5'.11- JAW; CENTRE'. glyeet, EaHeyille, Pa. au477 tato, &pa, tic. SULLSNDER & PASCAL, • • •. HATTERS, •idoko No. 8 B. BUM eimet. Philadelphia • _:,3ljittbv;iivre. tiAItER CITY NAILS, NAIr B AN T BARS, ' " RIVET IRON, manufactured at FOUNTAIN GREEN ROLLING MILL, on Seliuylkill, above Spring Garden Water Works, WAREHOUSE, 103 North WATER Street. eufqun'orry•perLs are warranted equal to any rude. TORN NALREMAII, Agent. TBOMAS E. BAXTER.—TIANDWARR TOTITLEMY AND TOOLS, No. SIB SIMINNT boy* Ninth, onto idde, PhilaSelphin _ I..ihn Clotting V,HAEPE I ,S MEN'S AND- BOYS' OLOTlißill, 116Bortb YOURTO titreets, botrieea Arab 4n4 8F0,.• - a1i0,7 iGauD ~ ~alee.~~°: $2„00 - LAND, DIS._ ! ! mans FOR POOll MEN!! - The Northwestern Mutual, Land „Denent 'Association will make a grand diskribation of #30,001 worth of real estate and reaps to its members.' The number of 'mem bers le limited t 0,15,000. $2.00 and Ave letter status per membership, or a share.. Any Individual sending 2.10 and the stamps, shall be entitled to bix shares; or mil parapet sending $lO with pig mimeo; with t headdress of each, elrefully written, shall bo entitled to sixshares • The fellotring Jo the real estate to be distributed 'lib. 1. 'An Improved farm of BO awes in Cooke Co., Illinois, slued at ' 'tio:2., , An imrnoved farm of 180 acres in White- - aides Co., Illinois, valued at ' 8,000 No. 3. An improved farm of 160 acres in White , sides Co., Illinoll, valued at 8,000 An exotillent privaterealdenso in Dubuque, lowa, valued at 8,0 09 No. 6. 160 acres superior farm laid to Cooke Co., ' !Illinois, valued at 2,000 No. B. 130 acres well pine timbered in WaUlutOca CO., Wisconsin valued at 2,000 No. 7. A goad lot and cottage residence In Chi. cago, Illinois, valued at valuedac acres s a u t pa , rior land in Whitan'd es 00., moo No. 0, 160 acres goad land in Chippoway Co., i Wisconsin, valued at , , 860 8(o. 10. 160 acres good land In Ohippenity Co., Wisconsin, rallied at 980 No. 11. 160 acres good land In Chippeway 00., Wiscenaln, valued at 800 40. 12 160 acres good land In Dunn Co., Wis consin. valued at 800 'O.lB. 80 sorts good land to Marshall Co., lowa, valued at ' 800 o. 14. 80 acres good land in MarshallOo , lowa, valued at 600 16. 80 acres good land in Marshall Co., lowa, rained at - 600 x. 16. 40 scree good land in Marshall 00., lowa, • rained at 800 17. 40 acres good land In Linn Co., lowa, rel ied at 800 , 0. 18. 40 acres good land to Linn Co., lowa, val ued at 800 41) Stereo good land In Linn Co., lowa, val. ued eb 300 No. 20. One building lot In Dubuque, lowa, val. ued at 800 N 0.21. Gne building lot in Sterling, Illinois, valued at 800 No. 22, One building lot In - Sterling, Illinois, rained at ROO No. 23. One building lot in Sterling, Illinois, valued at 800 yo. 24. 40 acres farm land in Grant Co., Wiscon sin. valued at 800 No. 26. 40 acres form land In Grant Co., Wiscon sin, valued at 300 No. 26. 40 acres land In Grant Co , WhlcOninti, • valued at 240 N 0.27. 40 acres land In Grant 00., Wisconsin, valued at 210 N 0.28. 40 acres land in Crawford Co.,Wisconsin, valued at 200 No. 29. 40 acres land in Crawford Co., Wisconsin, valued at 200 No. 80. • 40 acres land in Criarfordoo., Wisconsin, valued at 200 No,Bl. 40 acres land in Monroe Co., Wisconsin, valued at- 200 No. 82. 40 sores land in Monroe Co., Wisconsin, valued at 200 No. 39. 40 stores land in Jackson Co., Wisoonaln, valued at 200 No. 84. 40 acres laud In Jackson Co., Wisconsin, ' valued at 200 'NO. sr). 40 acres land In Bad Axe Co., Wisconsin, valued at ' 160 No. 36. 40 aorta land in Bad Axe Co., Wisconsin, valued at . • 180 No. 87. • 40 sores land in Bad Axe 00., Wisconsin, valued at 180 No. 38. One lot In Fulton, Illinois, valued at 168 No. 89. One lot in Fulton, Illinois, valued at 100 'No. 40. One lot in Fulton, Illinois, valued at 100 The distribution will bo conducted fairly and honor ably. The names and address of stockholders shall he written on as many email cards as they have shares, and the whole placed in a box, and the first name taken out shall be entitled to the improved farm No. 1, in the above list, and the next takon out will bo entitled to No. 2, and so on until the 40 Item of real estate are all distributed Then to each of the remaining 14,900 stockholders will be sent a cheap map of a Western State or Territory. A full account of the distribution will be forwarded in a printed circular to each member of the Association, with tho names arid address of such as may recoivo the real estate—to whom also the deeds will be sent and immediate possession given. Each ap plication must be accompanied with $2 00 and five letter stamps. Address LINDELL, JONES 4 CO. au-18 Chicago, Illinois. nuoicE FARM LANDS rOlf. SALE.— V THE ILLI NOIB ONNTE AL RAILROAD 0 031PANY is now prepared to sell about 1,600,000 urea of choice Farming lade, to traits of 40 acres and upwards, on long credits, and at low rates of interest. These lands were granted by the Government to aid in the construction of thin Road, and are among the flattest and most fertile in the world. They extend from North-Snot and North-West, through the middle of the State, to the extreme South, and Include every variety of climate and produstions found between those parallels of latitude. The Northern portion is chiefly prairie, interspersed with One groves and in the middle and Southern sections timber predominates alternating with beautiful prairies and openings. ' The climate is more healthy, mild and equable, than any other patt of the country—the air to pure and bra ,clug, while, living streams and springs of excellent water abound. Bituminous Goal is e . xtensively mined, and supplies a cheap and desirable fuel, being furnished at many points at $2 to $1 per ton—and wood can be had at the same rate per cord. Building Stone of excellent quality also abounds, which can be procured for little more than the expense of traneportation. The great fertility of these lands, which are a black rich mould, from two to five feet deep, end gently roll ing; their contiguity to this road, by which every fact lity is furnished for travel and transportation to the principal markets *forth, South, East. West. and the economy with which they can be cultivated, render them the most valuable investment that can be found, end present the most favorable opportunity for persons of industrious habits and small moans to acquire a com fortable independence in a few years. Chicago la now the greatest grain market in the world; and the facility and economy with which the products of these lands can be transported to that market, make them much more profitable, at the prices asked, than those more remote at government rates, u the midi • • -t _of transportation Is a perpetual tax on the at Or, Wu= MST DO DOTTlO'DTVlltrproollftr, In the duced price he receives for his grain, ere. That itie is perfect—and when the final payments are made, deeds are executed by the trustees appointed by the State, and In whom the title Is vested, to the par chasers, which convey to them absolute titles in fee sim ple, free and dear of ewery Inctunbranee, lien or mort gage. The prices are from 66 to $80: interest only S per et, Twenty per nt. will ha Those who purchase en long credit, give notes payable in two, three, four, five and BIZ years after date, and are required to improVe one-tenth - annually for five years, so as to have one-half the land under cultivation at the end of that time. Competent surveiore will accompany those who wish to examine these Lands, free of charge, and aid them in making selections. The Lando remaining unsold are as rich and valuable as those which have been disposed of. SECTIONAL 'SLAPS • Will be sent to any one who will enclose fifty tents In postage stamps, and books or pamphlets Contefiling nu morons instances of successfnl farming, signed by to 'timetable and well known farmers living In the neigh borhood of the Railroad Lands, throughout the &ste— atite the dot of fencing, price of cattle, expense of har vesting, threshing, eto.,—or any ether information— will be cheerfully given on application, either personally or by letter, in English, French, or German, addressed to 70RN WILIODN. Land Commissioner of the Illinois Central R. R. Co. Office In Illinois Central Railroad Depot, Chicago, Il linois. a& j . ANDS! LAND SII—I OFFER FOR A-4 sale the following valuable LANDS in SOUTH WESTERN GEORGIA. All pereone are hereby cau tioned against trespaasing upon any of them. October, 180. T. It. 'BLOOM, Macon, Ga. DocronEnTT 000S' lot District—Nos. 60, 05, 91. DOCrOtIERTT COUNTY BAKER 000ATY., 7th District—No. S. 9th do—Nos. 18, 323, 329, 333, 800, 878, 879, 880, 410, 400, 408. 10th District—Nos. 45, 40, 47. WORTH COVII7T 7th District—Nos. 121, 525. 15th do 31, 12, 55. 10th do 4 ; 20, 27, 38, 239. Lu COUNTY. lot District—Noe, 130, 160, 163, 190 13th do ~ 4, 181 14th do 44 119, 144. SUMPTER COUNTY 15th Dittrict—No. 01. TERRELL COUNTY 11th Dhitrlot—Nos. 128, ZO. 12th du " 198, 201. FIANDOLPII COUNTY Bth District—No. 144 12th Diotrict—Non, 202, 221, 222, ve. 224, 225, 257; 327 275, 370, 396.. Bth do " 0, 18, 19, 28, 38, 78, 881, 892, 3M DIMATUA COUNTY 14th I:44triet—Nos. 130. 27th do 14 100, 240. DOOLY COUNTY. Distrlct—Non. 7, 208 211, 212, 213,214, 221, 222, 223 224, 225, 226, 227, 228. 24 do ~ 162, 237. • 7th do 4, 211. oth do , 110. UOUSTON 0011N77 6th Dlstrlct—No. 214 PULABRI COUNTY Bth Dlstrict—No. 102 TAYLOR COUNTY. 1.3t1i Marlet—Non. 81, 88. 14th do 66 63, 61. 0c2341' eburaticrital IfIROY FEMALE SEMINARY .-THE -1. School Year, consisting of two Teams, will com mence on the SECOND WEDNESDAY of September, and close the last Wednesday of June following. Normal Ohms, Troy Denude Seminary—Tuition free. Winter Torn commencing September 10th. The ebarge for tuition and board, Including all ne coingiries connected with it, such as room rent, washing. fuel, light. eto., le $225 per annum. An additional charge le Made for tousle and the other ornamental branches of feinale education. Where a fixed aunt is preferred; $350 per annum (one-half payable at the commencement of each term) will be received, and for it the pupil entitled to all the advantages, of the lotion. , I'npile may eaterat any Olio& of the' term: and are required to.pay tinly from the time of entrance, Thelnstittition furnighenill fmssiblefacillties for a thorough, course of useful and ornamental education. The Printipals are assisted by more than twenty Pro fessors and Teachers, Exteneieq courses of Lecture; aro annually delivered Its Professors on (ictuistry; Natural Ehiltisophy, Geolo gy, Botany, Astronomy, tuid Elocution. This Institution is furnished with a valuable Library and extonolve Philosophical Apparatus, a welbaelected cabinet of Minerals and Shells,'and .510tWCharts, Globes; and Models. Every facility to afforded for the thorough study of the French language, The French teacher. reside In the family, and adapt their system of Instruction to the use of the language In conversation. DIPLOMAS ens awarded to young ladles Who have passed estiefuotory examinalluns in the full course of English studios: with Latin,' /or ono of the modern languages. CERTIFICATES to those who hare coin plated the partial course. Tho pupils are received Into the family of the Princi pals, in which every arrangement is made for their physical education, and the improvement of their man ners and morals. They occupy private rooms, two In each, the rooms of the female teachers and that of an , I k r e r s iericed nurse being among those of the young l The advantages of this Institution are the result of the accommodated facilities of mere than thirty years of Ito onward progress. ()limiter,' containing more particular information may be obtained by application to the Principals, John 11. Willard and Sarah L. Willard, Troy, N. Y. The tonna for day scholars ore $5 per quarter for the introduetory class of English studio,. These are Read ing, Writing, Spelling, Grammar, Arithmetic, Rudi ments of Geography, Geography for beginners, and Geology for beginners. For the second class $7 per quarter. This Includes all the branches constituting the extensive course of Eng lish studies.. . TRUSTEES. BENJAMIN MARSHALL President. Joint li. WILLARD, Beeretary, Mayor and Itecordor of Troy, ox-onleio, Benjamin Marshall, John D. Willard, Robort D. Silnman, Thomas W, 'Ratchford, Donna o.lleartt, Silas E. Stow, - Jai Van Schoonhoren, Jonathan Edwards, ay. B. Warren, Thomas Glows, .10h11 A. Griswold, John Etaßary, Uri Gilbert. 0c29-6m 'CONGRESS RANGE—SOLD SY: CHAD WIOIS. k MILO., No, Z:I2N. BIWQND s3tieet. awn Nu m. WELOOMV RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD wins( Ar RHO, am N, aMaONn ae .nll4-41m vOSIN.-500BARRELS SOARMAKERS Lt Rom, to arrive per nehooner 7 . U. planner Tor ante by bfARTIN & MAOALIFITIM, 60 8 / 4 //9 NOM/ Won arm. THE ,PRENSAt , PII' - itoADEPRIA; TI,JEDAY O InCEMBER 1857. SHIP MARGARET FOR NEW ORLEANS —Loui,iana 'Amt.—Guarantied first vessel. might token at as low rates as any other vessel loa Y ding, The remarkably fast.saillng packet ship MARGARET, Merryman mastrr, now loading rapidly at Race-etrset wharf, will continue to receive what freight otters, and, being of moderate capacity, will have quick despatch, Shippers will please hurry their goods alongside, and bills of lading to the counting.houss for signature, and may depend on title boiug.the first vessel to sail. 71or balance of freight, at low rates, apply to ; BISHOPNORTHOO ) WHARVES. Agents at New Orleans, O. J. DIEVICER & CO. The Margaret insures at the lowest rates and will take steam down the Delaware and up the lifississippi. n 025 L'OR LIVERPOOL.—TIIIIRSDAY, DE cEmnptt The Paoket Ship PIIILADEL e P FHA, Capt. OLTARLEN P. Pima ; will sail ea above. Cabin plumage $BO Second cabin 20 Steerage 18 Second CaLiu and Steerage Passengers found with Provisions, according to the American passenger act. Per freight or passage, apply to THOS. RICHARDSON dr 00. Drafts on the Agents iu sums to suit, from .R.l up. B , ards. non FOR HAVANA—Packet ship NAPLES. —To east with quick despatch. The fluit•salling packet ship Naples, Eastman master, la now loading at Race.street wharf, and having nearly all her cargo on board, will sail no above. For balance of freight apply to 1119110 P, SIMONS, & 00., 120 (late 96) North Wharves. FOR SAN FRANCISCO.—THE FIRST class Clipper Ship tilAltY ROBINSON, .Capiain Manisa, and the magnificent A 1 Clipper Ship VI KING, Captain Wisioson, will hare quick despatch 'ruin Now York. Bor freight, apply to MUM, SIMONS ! & 00., nolBAtf • 120 (late 80) NORM IS RARVES. SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE KEYSTONE STATE. In ronseenenee of the depressed state Of trade, the above ships Rill he withdrawn for the present. Ootober.,loth. A. HERON, VARE REDUCED m• AND HAVRIL—The DERBILT, Edward Ifiggi will nil Yrom New York for South• from Eiontlkampton and empton end Myra. nano for New York. Saturday Oat. 24 Saturday Nov. 14 Saturday Deo. 5 Saturday Dec 26 Price of Passage—First cabin, $100; second cabin, $5O Spode delivered in London and Paris. Yor freight or panne apply to D, TORRANOM, Agent, No. 6 Bowling Groan, New York. Letters for England and Europe, pre-paid, 25 acute each half ounce, (by oncloaure of postage stamps if troth other °Weed a Ili be roceived at No. 5 Dowling•green, Now York, up to 113 i o'clock on the morning of 'loll ing. oclo-tf LIOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE,IBS7.- .1: New York and Havre Steamship Company.—The United States Mall Steamstops AitAoo, 2,600 tons, David Lines, commander, and FULTON, 2,600 tone, James A. Wotton, commander, will leave Now York, Hoerr. and Southampton, for the years 1861 and 68, on the followlogr days: LI/Tit Sitir 1857. 1652. Fulton, Saturday, Aug, 22 Arago, Saturday, lan. 9 Arago, do. Sept, 19 Fulton, do. Feb. 6 iruiton, do. Oct. 17 Arago, do. Marcho Arago, do. Nov. 14 Fulton, do. April Fulton, do. Neo. 12 Arago, do. May 1 Fulton, do. May 29 LUNN 111 , (11 185 T. Arago, Tuesday, Aug. 25 Fulton, do. Sept. 22 Arago, do. Oct. 20 Fulton, do. Nor. 11 Arago, do. Dec. 15 1858. Walton, do. Jan. 12 Walton, Arago, do. Feb. 9 Arago, Fulton, do. Mardi 9 Fulton, Arago, do. April 0 Arago, Pullen, do. May 4 Fulton, Arago, do. June 1 Arago, Walton, do. Juno 29 Fulton, POlOO OP PASSAGE Prom New York to Southampton or Marre—Pirat Cabin, 9180 ; Second Cabin, $76. Prom Havre or Southampton to New York—Pint Cabin, 800 frace ; Second Cabin, 500 francs. Per freight or passage, apply to MORTWER LIVINGSTON, Agent 7 Broadway. WILLIAM ISELIN, ,6 Hone. OROSKEY & CO., South'too. AMERICAN EUROPEAN EA PRESS AND EX- Paris.