The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, November 30, 1857, Image 2

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    MONDAY, NOVEMBER - 80, 1887.
Charter Question; The Voloo - of the AdYo- -
cites Of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill-against the
CalhOun Con've'ntion;- Cornminaleationl--The
Kansas *Constitution The Almshouse; Sup
posed toss bfit Philadelphia Vessel; Parti
culars of the Burn_ inF of the , Steamer Rain
bowi - Exelletrent at Hamilton, Ohio; Gene
Nes: FOURTH !Paac.—A: capital
story, entitled "The Monkey-King."
When we denounced the Oxford and M'Ghee
frauds, and the Calhoun Minority Constitution,
we thought only of our duty to the people and
the pledges upon the Kansas and Nebraska bill
of the political party of which we are amenibor.
Our position was a natural and an irresisti
ble one, we believed; from these notorious pre
mises. We should as soon have thought of
dishonestly escaping the payment of a debt,
or of deierting a friend, as of hesitating on
such a question. , If we had not been sustained
in this course by it 'single journal in the
Union, or if every subscriber to TIM False had
stricken his name from our list, we should
have borne the issue, however painful. to our
feelings, because, while we might have been:
mistaken, we had acted upon the sincerest and
most conscientious motives. But - the same
sentiments that inspired us 'have, it will - be
'Been, inspired very many others. , We now
realize that we - neither mistook onr duty, nor
misunderstood the people. The extra* front
different Democratic papers, whichwe repeat
in our columns to-day,'speak for themselves.
At this Writing our table Is - covered with the
warm and enthusiastic letters of - our political
friends. in all quarters, applauding the- stand
we have, taken. On Saturday we paid a Inv- -
rind . to the county of Barks; and during
our stay we - met with - many of, the prominent
Democrats of that populous empire region.
Without an exception, and in the moat volun
tary spirit, they endorsed our entire *ion on
this subject.
We say all this, not by way of justifying
THE PRESS. The right and the integrity of
the question do that abundantly. Nor 'yet do
we say it to protect us from the imputation of
not being a Democrat or a friend to the South..
On that point we have nothing to explain.
Our political reputation needs no airing. It
has not been laid by in damp corners or hidden
away in dusty pigeon -holes. Such as it is, it
has been as open, as the day. Let those who
wish• for occupation impugn it if they can.
Their labor of love will amuse themselves, and
edify others; and no one will be a kinder
natured or more impartial spectator than THE
PRESS. If they succeed no better, however;
than in their argument against the course of
Governor Werima,,and (as we are now proud
to state) STEPHEN A. Donnas,' the author. of
the Nebraska bill—both being in public pro=
test against this Calhoun Convention—they
will not be as well rewarded for their pains as
their industry, if not their fah:l:M . Bs, may en.'
title them to. It does strike us thatwhen THE
PRESS is on the side of such statesmen as
LAS, there is no very imminent danger of its
hoisting Republican colors.
The Democratic party never can be sus
tained in palliating a wrong—it has never
done so, as n party—its fame is too illuStrious'
to lead to the supposition that it ever can do
so; and in exposing- to execration and con
tempt such men as those who constituted the .
Calhoun Convention, and who would'sanctify
that stupendous wrong by , claiming to be
Democrats, we feel that we aro not 'help
ing the Republicans, but protecting the Dane
crack from the certain triumph of the Republi
cans, if we - failed in our fealty to justice at a
time like the present: --
In regard to the general Adininistration
we have no professions to make. We repeat,
that, in our course on this,whole question, we
solemnly believed we were following after the
example of Mr. BUCHANAN. There has, as
yet, been no formal indication of his purpose
to force this Kansas-Calhoun Constitution
through Congress. There aro many reasons
for believing that this is not his purpose, at
least not now, since Governor WALKER and
Judge Dolmas have taken position, and the old
and young heroes of the Northern Democracy
stand firmly by their side. Besides, Governor
WALKER may produce new facts as to this
Constitution.' It seems to us that he has not
yet been fully heard _by the Administration.
It seems that he was not oven apprised of the
doubt as to his own ultimate decision on this
question. He is a witness that should be
beard. He is competent to the case. Ile was
in the battle, and Comes from the field like a
warrior, who can speak more truly than
those who stand at a convenient distance,
and criticise and denounce his action. We
trust that, through his counsels; some common
ground may be agreed upon, and that all the
friends of the Administration may be rallied in
one solid and resistless column. While there
is, on the part of Democrats who eppose this
Calhoun Convention, a dooidcd purpose never
to yield their opposition, there is, at the same
time, the strongest confidence in the sagacity
and patriotism of JAMES,BUCHANAN.' This is
our case. It was his name that saved us from
sectionalism in 1856. It was his Conservative
character that shattered the Republican col
umn. It was his known inclination in favor
of fair play in' Kansas that enabled us to save
Pennsylvania from that abyss into which she
must inevitably have fallen had• we faltered for
a moment in our adherence to CC THE WILL OF
THE MAJORITY." Our reliance now, as then,
s upon him. .
Some of our Democratic cotemporaries,
who warmly advocate the Calhoun Constitu
tion, do so on the ground that it fairly submits
the question of slavery to the people, and that
this Is all that is neeessark or desirable. It is
worthy of remark, that even this is not done
in the usual mode. On ordinary occasions,
when the body of a Constitution is submitted
to the people, and their judgment is particu
larly desired upon an isolated clause, they aro
authorized to. vote direct for or against such
clause. The Kansas Convention has not only
given the people no' opportunity of passing
judgment upon their entire Constitution, but it
has also prevented them from voting direct
upon the slavery clause as a naked proposition.
They can may vote for the Constitution with
slavery or for the Constitulion Without slavery.
They cannot vote for the slavery clause, or
against the slavery elawie, without also voting
for the Constitution. Suppose A was a can
didate for one office that of Governor—and
B and 'C were candidates for President, and a
law should be'passed' authorizing tl e. people
to vote for A for Governor .and B for-Presi
dent, or for A for Governor and C for Presi
dent, the question of the Presidency would, in
such an event, be submitted very much as the
slavery clause is now submitted in Kansas, and
those who wished to vote on the Presidency
at all, would be obliged to vote fora candidate
for Governor who might be very obnoxious to
• The public aro beginning to experience the
benefit of the measure lately adopted by the
Associaied Press, for the maintenance of a
news yacht off Cape Race, to meet the mail
steamers from Europe, and obtain a 'seminary
of the latest intelligence from each, fur in ad
vance of all other means. Last Week, wo thui
obtained the intelligence brought by the Jian'-
derbill. We now have to report_ four days'
later news, by the steamer Fulton, which left
Southampton on the 18th inst., passed•• Cape
Race on the evening of Saturday, and will' be
due at New York to-morrow.
As far as we havit learned, tho news is chief-
ly commercial. The suspension of the Bank
charter would seem to have greatly restored
confidence, and the money;market was easier
and firmer. Several more commercial houses
had failed or suspended—none of them con
nected with the dmericitn trade. There had
been such a decline In the English breadstuffs
market, that it is sieken of as a panic."
The French money-market held up, and the
Bank of France was disc:mulling on liberal
CAravinurrATApgas.—Wei return•our cheer
fill acknowledgments to IVELts, FARGO, & Co.,
California Express agents,
The following article from the Pittsburgh
Post, of Friday last, will yd read with great
satisfaction by the numerous,friends of chief
,Justice LEWIS throughout the:St4e. No man
has more distinguished himself lit the - high
court of our State; and -while our citizens
will regret to lose his - great egperience on the
Supreme Bench, he will be warmly welcomed
into private life by those who know his kind
.and generous heart:
- Tnn Dianna ro JUDOS Lr.wri.—ln our issue
of Thursday,morning,we spoke of. the magnificent
ontertainitionti given at the Monongahela House
by the members of the Pittsburgh bar to Chief
ilesticirloiwisi who - is about to retire from the
high judicial position which Ile has held with so
much honor to himself and so much service to the
people of the State. We alluded to the highly in
teresting character of the entertainment, and
the eloquence, wit, and - feeling evinced by
the large number of talented gentlemen who
were present. It was an occasion when
personal reminiscences, oharaeteristio anecdotes,
eloquent tributes of respect and esteem, and
the high pleasures of intellectual gentlemanly
social intercourse, were made most thoroughly
available for the pleasure and gratification
of all, end all, without exception, were•gra
titled and pleased. The gentleman - in whose honor
the entertainment was especially , given lays down
the judicial ermine for the quiet enjoyments of pri
vate life with the pure satisfaction of knowing that
in his publio life lie has won the well-merited
approbation of .all good men.
Below we give the correspondence which passed •
between the Chief Justice and the members of the
bar, previous to the supper:
- PITTSBURGH November 17, 1857.
. DRAM Srn : The undersigned, members of the
bar of Pittsburgh and Allegheny county, desg
in some appropriate manner to express their high
estimate of
your, personal and official character,
therefore request you to partake of a public dinner
at the; Monongahela Nouse, in this city, on such
day as may , suit your convenience.
Having declined a re-election, the expiration of
your present term will soon sever the relation that
for several years has existed between yourself and
the members of the bar—a relation that enables
them to 'boar witness to the great learning, long
experionce,,nnwearied industry and eminent abili
ty with which your duties as a Judge and Chief
Justice of the -Supreme Court of this Common
wealth have been discharged. And while your
long and successful career in public service entitles
you now to retire with the highest honors, and to
seek the ease of private life, we beg you to accept
the assurance 'that you bear with you the sincere
regard and professional respect of •
Your friends and obedient servants,
A. W. Loomis, ,
• and 75 others.
To the Honorable Chief Justice Lewis.
PITTSBURGH, November 18th,1857,
GErnamax : I acknowledge the receipt of
your letter of yesterday, inviting me to partake of
a public dinner. You communicate your approba
tion of my judicial conduct in terms so cordial, ex
plicit, and kind, that) know not how to express
my gratitude. I trust to your own hearts to feel
and appreciate the emotions which move mine, as
the moment approaches for the dissolving our offi
cial relations. Your uniform courtesy and respect
have been a ohooring substitute for the domestic
comforts which public duty required me to forego.
Your great learning and eminent ability in the
disousstons of the important questions constantly
arising out of the vast business connections of this
groat manufacturing and commercial' city, have
constantly aided me in the performance of my
judicial duties. It is just that I should make
these neknowledgments.g
Although I look forward with pleasing anticipa
tions to the termination of my judicial labors and
responsibilities, I confess that a feeling of sadness
comes over me as I am about to part with valued
friends at the bar, and cherished brethren on the
beach. I have good reason to know that the feel
ing is - reciprocal. The measure you propose may
have its uses; I therefore accept the invitation for
any day 'which may suit your convenience, so that
it is before Thursday next, on which day I shall
be obliged to leave Pittsburgh for my residence in
Philadelphia. Yours, with great respect,
To Charles Mailer, Esq.; A. W. Loomis, Esq., Wil
son M'Candless, Esq , and other members of the
Bar of Pittsburgh and Allegheny county.
Besides avaluablo cargo of Ereneh merchan
dise, the Fulton is reported to bring $200,000
in specie from England. The Daniel Webster
has arrived at Now Orleans, from Havana,
with $500,000. The Northern Light, from
4spinwall, had arrived at Havana, with
$2,000,000 . of gold—independent of what is
brought by the passengers, and not noted in
the manifest. Here is an importation of over
$2,700,000. If matters continue thus, the dif
ficulty will be to knoiv what to doxvith all the
The advertisement of the •Postmaster of this
city, in another column, explains very fully the
new sub-office system which is to go into ope
ration on Tuesday next. Four now offices are
to be establishod, from each of which deliveries
and collections are to be made five times a day.
We have no doubt the convenience of the
public will be greatly promoted by this new
Our correspondents must be patient.
We inwo most of their, articles in type, but
matter of immediate importance defers their
sold on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, is now
arranged , for examination with catalogues at
Messrs. Thomas h Son's Auction Rooms. It com
prises a number of splendid and valuable works,
finest editions.
Spoics, REAL ESTATE, &o.—To-morront evening
Bee ad) ertisements and pamphlet catalogues,
Furniture sale this morning, Camden, N. J.
Kansas—Tbe Aentinlstration foroed to recom
mend the . Authorization of o Loan—Marine
Hospitals to a great extent to be done away
WASIIINGTON, Nov. 29, 1857.—Opposition to the
recent notion of the Kansas Constitutional Conven
tion is a growing foaling among the conservative
National Democracy of the country. Even a New
York paper, which invariably follows the per
-vading sentiment while appearing to create it, re
traces its steps of previous days, and returns to the
position which it originally occupied.
The fair men and strict interpreters of the plat
form of the Cincinnati Presidential Convention and
the Inaugural Address of Mr. liumiNeu—these
mon, who stood steadily by Governor WALKHR
from the outsot, are not in temper now to abandon
the principle for which ho and they have contended,
As the news arrives from the Northwest, the
East, and from the groat middle States, it is
learned with certainty that the Demooratic repre
sentatives in Congress will, as they have done
during the existence of these Kansas troubles,
yield obedience only to the will of tho majority of
the people of that Territory, as fairly expressed.
,The Lonikvillo Democrat of the 20th and 21st
inst., (the reputed organ of the Kentucky
mocracy,) says:
" It is the duty of the Democratic party to settle the
affairs of KattMs by the straightforward policy they
hare laid down and pledged themselves to. The people
of Kansas are to fix their own institutions, and are
o have afair opportunity to do it. * * * *
It is unbecoming a great swerve from principle
from favor or resentment toward au party. It were
infinitely bate" for the South. , to lose a dozen such
States as Kansas than to allow even a suspicion
that she had countenanced any fraud or juggling
for her benefit. * * We are of opinion that the refusal
to submit the Constitution entire to the popular vote
will be fatal to its acceptance by Congress St. * at
Kansas. le not a State yet; and there is no novereignty
about the Convention. nut if there was, the
people are to settle the institutions of Kansas;
not the people by a fiction of law, but the real
people.,'* * * The Constitution is not submit
ted to thi people, and no reason sail be given for the
onission, except the apprehension Mat It might be
voted down, rill the other States run the ri It of
dragging a State into the Union that does with
to come in on the conditions proposed? They cannot
do it; and toe may safely predict they will not do it..
California and Illinois, Pennsylvania and In
diana, the North, the East and the West, the
Northwest, end 'the Southwest, those who sus
tained the fight in the last presidential contest
will, if report ho true, stand firmly together upon
the ground taken in the present photo of the
Kansas question by the Pitufll4, the Chicago Times,
the Detroit Free Press, and the other principal
Demooratio presses of the country. Of course, the
Now Orleans Delta, the Charleston illereury, and
the South will continue in the course which they
have heretofore pursited.
Shortly after the assembling of Congress and the
organization of the blouse of Representatives, there
will be, I learn, a resolution introduced—and if
introduced, it will certainly be passed--calling on
the President to furnish, if not incompatible with
the public interest, all the information which he
may possess of the affairs of Kansas, as communi
cated to bhp during the recess between the sessions
When the response to this resolution is publish
ed, and it appears that the provisions of the Con
stitution in 'question are slot made public, not
known erect to the Administration, the unfair
ness of the'Convention will become, so apparent as
to draw down upon it the indignation and con
tempt of all honest men of whatever party.
Mr. Duelist/AN echo and converses with gentle
men of prominence in the party as they arrive,
',and these'gonnrally oppose the schedule of the
I Convention - . Mr. Wia.xnn, too, informs the Ad
ministration on many points of Kansas affairs, of
which before they had imperfect and unioliablo
knowledge. , .
The amount in tho Treasury subject to draft ia
seven millions of dollarsovith a weekly excess of
expenditures of the Government over the receipts
from customs of half a million.
It would seem that the Treasury have given up
the hopo to which they clung before the financial
diaries and depression of trade had spread from
America to Europe, and that now the fact is not
aopied, ttiothi ordor to Oftrry og tho Guyon:mon O
and to successfully prosecute a war with the Mor
mons, which is inevitable, a recommendation must
be made to Congress to author* the negotiation of
a loan of fifty millions.
An effort will bo made to do away with very
many of the marine hospitals, which aro a fruitful
ammo of Governmental expenditure. Some of
them have not during the year as many patients
as federal officera attached to them. These latter
draw high eateries from the treasury without giv.
ing the slightest approximate return for them.
Retrenchment and reform will be demanded from
every branoh of the Government. X. Y.
$1,750.000 IN GOLD ARRIVED•
Murder of California Emigrants zn Utah.
War against Costa Rica declared by Nicaragua.
Now Yam:, Nov. 20.—The steamship Northern
Light, from Aspinwall, via Havana, arrived about
six o'clock this evening. !The came up entirely
unexpected, no announcement of hbr being below
having been received. Sho brings $1,750,000
in treasure, 600 passengers, and the California
mails of the sth Instant.
The evidence of the massacre of one hundred
and eighteen California emigrants to California, in
the Southern part of Utah, appears to be conclu
sive against the Mormons. There is much excite
ment in California in relation to the outrage.
Samuel Brannon, of San Francisco, Las deeded
a tract of land, two miles square, located near
Saeraucento, with other property, to three trus
tees, as security for moneys deposited in the now
bank established by Lim.
Funds have been provided to pay the interest on
the San Francisco school bonds, payable in New
The Panama papers contain the 'proclamation of
Martinez, General-in•chief of the Nicaraguan
army, dated Cot. 22d, declaring war against Costa
Rica. The General declares that Nicaragua will
preserve the whole line of transit from ocean to
ocean, also the district of Guanacosta. The Costa
Rican General has made a formal demand for the
surrender of the fort of San Carlos. The latter is
reported to be on the Lake, in a steamer, and had
been fired upon by the Nicaraguan troops.
The Mails by the Northern Light
[From the Alta California, bth Inst.]
There is but little of interest to form the sum
mary of oily news since the sailing of the last
The U. S. District Court, on the 21st , inst., con
firmed the claim of Juan Crisostorno Galindo to
8,000 aores of land; lying one league south of the
town of Santa Clara.
Tho claim of J. C. Palmer and others to •the
Bonito Diaz claim was argued and submitted
before the U. S. District Court on the 21st ult.
Tho trial of Charles Gallagher, in the Fourth
District Court, for the murder of O'Hara, some
three months ago, in a fight on Pacific street, was
commenced on the 21st alt., and resulted in a
verdict of manslaughter.
A man. named John Jenkins, a native of Eng
land, aged thirty-seven years, who was employed
as a cook on tho steamer Republic, died on the
trip from Crescent City, on the 22d ult., of disease
of the heart. •
A public meeting of the citizens was hold at the
City Hall, on the evening of the 2ith inst.. to
take suitable measures for an expression of public
sentiment and sympathy in relation to the recent
calamity in the loss of the CentraMmerlea, with
some live hundred returning Californians
The United States grand jury returned a true
bill of indictment against Augustin Haraszthy,
latemeltorand refiner in the United Statesßranch
Mint, for embezzlement of $151,000 from the
The trial of Valentine Ritchie, for tho murder
of Michael Corbett on the 27th of September, was
commenced in the fourth district court on the 28th
ult., and resulted in a verdict of guilty of mur
der in the second degree, with a recommendation
to the mercy of the court.
At the meeting of the Board of Supervisors, on
the 29th ult., the city and county treasurer was
instructed to forward to New York, through Alsop
& Co., the interest on coupons falling duo in that
city on the school bonds.
. The United States grand jury, on the 31st ult.,
ignored the indictment for perjury against John
Michel Eokfeldt, and Hiram T. Graves, coiner and
assistant coiner in the United States branch mint.
An immense moss meeting of the citizens wag
hold at Musical Hall, on Saturday night, the Ist
inst., to take measures for a proper expression of
publio feeling in regard to the loss of life on the
Central America. A series of resolutions were re
ported by the committee, and adopted by the
The United States' branch mint of this city
closed on the 31st ult., to make the semi-annual
settlement. It will open again in three or four
The arrival of the J. L. Stephens, on the 2d
inst., with the news that the drafts forwarded by
the house of Bather .1 . ; Church bad been protested,
caused considerable excitement. • Many of their
depositors took out attachments, and the °Moors
proceeded to servo them. At one o'clock on the
morning of the 3d, the doors of the banking house
were thrown open, and those having claims
against the house were invited to present them
and receive payment. A considerable amount of
money was paid out, and, at half-past nine o'clock
A. M., the bank closed, but will probably resume
payment in a day or two. There was also a steady
run on the house of Talinnt dr, Wilde, and several
other bankers, but they have all paid thus far,
and it is thought the panic , is now over.
The steamer Sonora carried down on her trip of
August 20 tb , $1,595,497. Of this amount, $340,307
was left at Aspinwall, and thence shipped to Eu.
The most important items of news by this steam
er is the display before the public of a largo amount
of evidence, going to show that the party of ono
hundred and eighteen immigrants, massacred in
the southern part of Utah while on their way to
California—news of which occurrence was sent
from here by the last mail—were murdered by
Mormons. Mr. George Powers arrived a few days
sines at Los Angeles, from Salt Lake, anti reports
having board many Mormons threaten to kill Gen
tiles passing through their country. Ile inet a
mixed party of Mormons and Indians going toward
a Mormon settlement from the scone of the massa
cre, and they had in possession bundles of clothing
and other articles, apparently the spoil of the mur
dered ; and the whole party appeared to be on very
friendly terms with one another, and to be in high
This Mr. Powers also states that in San Bernar
dino he heard Captain Hunt, a man of authority
among the Mormons there, say he was glad for the
massacre, and believed the hand of the Lord was
in it, whether it was done by the whites or red;
skins. P. M. Warn, of Genesee county, Now
York, who came through about the same time with
Mr. Powers, believes also, from numerous facts
observed by him, that tho Mormons are guilty of
the bloody crime. Messrs. Abbott and Fine, two
gentlemen who have lately been at San Andres,
from the Humboldt: river, report great hostility on
the part of the Mormons toward the immigrants
coming to California by the South Pass, and great
friendship with the Indians who had made attacks
on immigrants.
Both Mr. Abbott and Mr. Fine knew of cases
where trains wore attacked in the Mormon country,
by Indians led on by numerous white mon, sup
posed to be Mormons. Mr. Abbott says live hun
dred emigrants have been killed this year on the
road between Salt Lake and California by Indians
and Mormons, but this estimate is certainly very
much exaggerated.
A man, named William F. Pinney, late public
administrator of Tuolumne county, shot himself
the other day through the head.
The Sacramento Union has a letter from Placer•
villa, dated the 26th ultimo, in which the writer
says that he had seen two of the train of the
Messrs. Frain, from Arkansas, who had just ar
rived. The train contained 13 wagons, 18 mon,
and about 60 women and children. They were at
tacked by Indians at the junction of the Fort Hall
and Salt Lake, and had ono men killed and
another wounded. There were three or four white
men with the Indians. All wore mounted and
armed with rifles.
Ezekiel Bulloch, who killed Thomas Latta, in
Sacramento, on this Oth of Juno last, has boon
found guilty by a jury, in that city, in the sixth
judicial district, of the crime of murder in this
second ddgree. Sentence will be passed on the 2d
of November. The penalty is imprisonment in
the State Prison for life, or for not less than ton
By the steamer Senator, which arrived on the
27th, from ports on the southern coast, we have
files of Los Angeles papers to the 23th of October,
and from San Diego to 17th of October. The only
Information of importance is in rotation to the In
dian troubles on the Plains. The news imblished
on the arrival of the last steamer of the massacre
of over ono hundred immigrants, is fully confirmed.
This evidence establishing the complicity of the
Mormons in this outrage, is now sufficient to
banish all doubt on that subject.
S. B. Hones, of Franklin aounty, Arkansas,
roeontly arrived at Los Angeles. Ile loft home
On the 9th of May last, for California. Ile saw
nothing' of armed bands till they reached Fort
Bridger, in Utah Territory. More they saw a
largo quantity of provisions stored, a considerable
number of Indians encamped all around the fort,
and hoard the people generally speaking of making
preparations to go out and meet General Harney.
At Fort Bridger he was told by a merchant, that
at Fort Supply over four hundred Indians wore
encamped, awaiting orders to attack the United
States troops.
About thirty miles from Fort Bridger, ho met
three companies of men, generally mounted, find
all well armed, having abundance of baggage, their
wagons being numbered in messes. Mr. Hones
says ho also here had a conversation with ono of
the Mormon soldiers, an Englishman, who, camp
ing with the company, grow very communicative
over the camp-fires. The substance of this conver
sation Mr. Monett reports as follows :
"Ile referred in bitter terms to the treatment the
Mormons had received in Illinois and Missouri, re
flected on the unjustness and tyranny of the peo
ple of the United States, and said that the time
was come to got oven. his said they were on their
way to meet Gen. Harney, to seo what he was com
ing for; if ho was coming peaceably, we will let
him corns, but if not, wo will drive him back,'
were the words used.
That men wore found who could face the enemy,
and that Barney, with his 2,500 mon, never would
enter Salt Lake city. He also stated that Gover
nor Brigham Young had ordered the people to pre
pare !or war; that they should not soil emigrants
anything; that they must lay up provisions; that
the mon and women must not dross up in store
clothes any mdre, but that all must be saved to for
ward the cause of the church against the common
enemy; that the mon must bo content with buck-
Skin instead of broadcloth, and have plenty of
gone and ammunition.
Brigham Young had declared, in the Temple,
that henceforth Utah was a separate and inde
pendent Territory, and owed no obedience or alle
giance to any form or laws hut those of their own
enactment, and salted upon the• people to stand.
together, and support him In maintaining the
cause of God and the church. Was told that the
house of Gilbert de Garrison had orders front Brig
ham to pack up and leave before the first of No
vember. During all the residue of this journey,
the train of Mr. Roma was harassed by the In
dians. Two men in a train that joined them, Capt.
Turner and Mr. Collins, were shot and seriously
wounded while in the Mormon train of Beaver, by
the Indians. While near the Muddy, the Indians
made another attack upon Mr. Itonaa's train, and
run off 375 head of cattle.
bl4llll=6,—PAti rßA2G3tiGgi TagillY "4"
ing, Nov. .3.—With the exception of some opera
lions of magnitude in raw Sugars and foreign Rice,
the past fortnight has been vary barren of inte
rest, in a business point of view. The jobbers, as
a general thing, have bought sparingly of Groce
ries and Provisions, for the simple reason that the
requirements of thotr country customers havo been
small, and necessitated in only a few particulars
fresh additions to stooks.
The arrivals since last mall have been scant,
comprising the Lotus mid Talisman from New
York, with assorted cargoes; the Yankee and the
Flying Dart, from Honolulu, with Sandwich
Islands produeo; the Lizzie Jarvis, from Hong-
Kong, with Rico; tho Ann and Jane, from New
castle. N. S. W., with Shoop, and the Lucas from
Sydney, with coal ; the Zambia, from Sitka, with
ice; and the Son Witch, from Vancouver Island,
with coal.
[From the Son Franclee° Bulletin of the sth.]
We give below a list of names of parties in whose
favor drafts wore drawn by Messrs. Sather rk
Church, in this city, and most of. which are sup
posed to have boon lost by the wreak of the Cen
tral America. There are a number of persons
who have purchased drafts to send East who have
boon foolish enough to send the first and second of
their exchanges by the same steamer. Such par.
ties seldom keep a memorandum of the date on
which their remittances were forwarded. Some of
the unfortunate passengers of the Central America
purchased drafts Which were on their persons at
the time of the disaster, and consequently their
friends are ignorant of such drafts being drawn.
Both of those classes will be Interested in the peru
sal of this list.
. .
Who list will bo more particularly valuable to the
parties on the other side, who bad reason to expect
such remittances. It will, therefore, be republished
in our steamer edition for circulation throughout
the Union. Thorn will, necessarily, bo a deal of
extra labor for the hankers, in the way of corre
spondence, In arranging the losses. A great delay
and difiloulty will also be experienced in indemni
fying bankers from future demands,
ere they eon,
in safety, refund to the owners of such drafts as had
not produced their duplicates.
Statement of Drafts drawn by Sather & Church,
of San Francisco, Cal, ' on " American Exchange
Bank," Now York, "Shoe and Leather Dealers'.
Bank," Boston, "Drexel A C 0.," Philadelphia,
and on various other points, from Bth to 19th
August, 1857, and sent per steamer of August 20.
ill 0 Kenney; Norton, Butler & Hoyt; Mrs N A Goff;
Kirtland & Co; Paskell & Co; Mrs Mary E Van Tran
ken ; LC Everett; Dora E Porter; N Seely; L 0 Carr;
Win It King; E J Brackett ,• Bela Pratt; John Murphy;
Mrs Abby Callahan ,• Mrs Anna Ward Mrs Maria Ni
chols; L Davis; al Remo & Robbins;' T J Brett;
Whitall, Bros & Co; Susan Patten(' • to ad Wheeler;
Leavitt & Allen ; Garrett & Co; D Thton ; Mrs James
De Long; Sire E .1 Johnson ; J It Jaffrey & Sons; S D
Hawkins; H 11 Walker; Wussburger & Limburg; Win
II Tailmadge ; DP Rhoades (2); Pub , of Putnam's Maga
zine; Mrs 2.1 II Witherbee, J C Howland, Susan Peebles,
C 0 Hastings, Tho Russell and Erwin Co, Isaac Lehr-
Larger, al 0 Hall, A n 11 & V Sands & 1110, 2; Biota
& Blechoff, '
David 8 Woodworth ,• Phillip II Janes, Mrs
Niles Bearles F L Launay, Nicholas Murphy. Mar
garet 8 Neal, Mrs Catharine O'Brien, Miller & Curtis,
(1 Itamaperger. John R Mitchell, 'lVin Falconer, Chas
Stanford, D 0 Stanford, Jacob Pecan, JO. V Wilson, Van
deryoort. Dickerson, & Co; V B Read, David P Rhoades,
BLudwick, All & D Sands & Co, ; Jar; Turnbull, Law
rence. Stone, & Co; II A Howell c Co; Chas Baker,
jr. Sylvester Woodbridge. Mrs N P Copp, A It Sands, 8
Parker, Cornelia li Perreine Nancy Ann Sunday,
American Exchange Bank: A 13 & I) Sands, & Co ; Solo.
mon Summerfield, J E Allen, J B lialderman, Mrs D
II Arthur, Alex Harris, Platt & Brown, Lyman Grimes,
James McManus, Wm Shunineher, Alexander Milligan,
Eliza .1 Raynor, Harriet Cilsoy, O W Brennan, W T
Reynolds, Edward 11 Stead, Southworth & Co; Johnson
Cox & Fuller; Thou II King, Roche, Cron & Coffee;
Sarah E Bartlett, D Berrien Jr & Co; II Reason & Rob
bins, Samuel /I (tree,, Richardson, Hicks & Co; Gould
& Wood, It B Gray & Co,• Dexter A Bro, Waddell, Rus
sell & Co; Godfrey, Colburn & Co, W 0 McNiff/1, W
Bancroft, James L Wood, P B Ferrell, Jay L Adams
& Co; Warren Lout, W N Seymour & Co; 0 F Winslow,
Edward Mefilanamy, Emilia Wheaton, Mary E Coll,
Briatoll & Hall, S Schiffer & Bros. Jos Sullivan, Sarah
P Fay, E Ketcham & Co,Peter P Cornea, (2,) It B Hub
bard, S F Wood, Alice A Snyder, Elias Cottrell, L
Mantic, Wm Pierce, It It Finch, It Mr Hatheway, Wm
McNeil, Graves & Pier, Jno 31c1Cnight, Francis II
Nash, II E Griffin, Clarke N Locke, Then Brohan
man & Co, John Taylor,W A m Corry, Harperßro,
L llallenberg, Osborne & Spirey, Robt 11 Cannon, Mar
tin Groves, James N Randall, Mrs Ann Eliza Carson, 1 1
W Carr, II Ii & D Sands & Co, (I 8 Walrath, Samuel
Hanna, Lezzee St Shaw, Win Sentry Shaw, A G Peck.
ham, John Hayward, Meeker & Pendleton, J W Lester,
Jennings & Brewster, (2,) Joseph White, Wm Show,
Michael Sullivan, Henry Cleppenger ' Mrs Hanna Ball,
Jde la Montanya & Bro, Alumni Beardsley Martha
Weaver, Cashier American Exchange Bank, Miss It An
aorg, A J Bogart, J B Wellington, 1/ A Seoymser & Co,
Datichor & Ely, A Muir, 0 W Pollitz & Co, 0 W Crosby,
Meeker & Pendleton, Mrs Chas G Baxter, Thor II Selby
& Co, Abraham Terrell, J It Rolm, Edw (linings, Moody
Telfair, JBI ooks & Co, Aif Riudherg, Wellington
& Abbott. Louis alone. W H Talmage, AN&ON Til
ton. W It Friable Mrs II Shearman, A Fobes & Co. A
Dibbleo, Fay Ares Thee Wood & Co, Drexel & Co, An
na 0 Rudolph, L A llothkias, 9 Smith, W II McFarlln t
Van Vleck, Read, & Drexel ,• Jonas Bpect, Chas Forsyth,
Howard Havens, Mrs 8 al llolcomo, L A Crabtree,
Chan Forsyth, Catharine Frazier, Mrs L A Stockwell,
Ernest Scheidt, Mary Ann Jonlan, jai, A Horton, 0 W
Thomas, S Scheyer, L Morris, K B Galaal,a , C hi Fry &
Co, Wm D Miller (2), Saml Yates, Geo Akarman, Chas
Perley & Co; Hawley & Co, 11 J Avery, Seligman &
Stettheimer, Mary Fisher. Aaron II Corey, Van Vlock,
Read & Drexel; It W Vansycle ' Fox & Schohild, Mrs
Francis Reed, Van Winkle & Duncen, Tho Most Rev
Dr Hughes, 0 Ii Judson & Co, Rev IV K Baker, Jno al
Smith, J B Bromley, Russell & Erwin, Hallett, Davis
&•Co, John B lilclteery & CO.
Chonery & Co, John Sopher, Elizabeth Fisher, Israel
P Pope. Edwin Shannon, Mr. Plebe Collin, James Town
send, Miss Ellen Townsend, Sarah R Hazen, Mrs L
Page, Dennis Brain, A J Chadbourne, Wm Pierce, T
Cochey, Mrs Diary Ann Brackett, Jno Ridgway, Asa
Austin, Mrs Delia L Dow, Elizabeth T Ashby, Mrs J D
Gone, Isaac Gardner, Wing II Taber, M Wood, Chas II
Eastman, Jonathan Wales, Mrs Agnes Flanders, Stephen
Tilton, 8 5.1 Morris, Henry A l'arker, II Hobart, Jr .lAra
A Buswell, Mrs Mace, I/ in II Cutter, E F Wood & Co,
John Stonehouse, Solomon Prible, Mrs 8P Parker, Mrs
Susan Ann Pierce, Israel Clark, John Ives Woe Smith,
Mayere Watterman, Wm Hanscom, Hannah E Ourreer,
hire Ruth If Leotienl. Geo W Little Az Co, Barry 11
Longer, Mary Roily, Parker & Noyes, 0 Wilson & Co,
Bacon & Hubbard, Sylvester Bowman, Nate Wilson,
AM, Adams, Mrs Harriette Flint, Otis Clapp. Andrew
Carney, (2); Bingham, Joy, & Co, Jas Scotchler, Imes
Gross, Benton & Carerly, Jno Hall, Moses S.' Chad
bourne, J P Whitney, 0 0 Bowman, George Plummer,
J Frank Winkley, A 11 Stedman & Co, Deming Jarvis,
Jno Arnold, Sarah Gonsalves, A. F Block, AI 11 Kenney,
Wm Lemmon, Saint Parsons, Thos It Taber, toss all,
Fiske & Weston; Win Moray, Thus Brock, 0 11 llnzel
tine, Bent Howard. Jno Quinn, Jae J Maguire, The.
Allman, A. R. D E Poland, T J Stevens, 8 Barrett,
Sarah McDonald, Lucy Keith, Miss Anderson, ()Step] es,
8 JI Williams, Blanchard & Gilson, Hannah It Foster,
Levi II Russell, Chas 0 Rogers, Worthington, Flanders,
& Guild; Henry H Spaulding, Franklin Folger, Robt
Fanning, Francis W Ham, Nye & Foster, Geo F Brown,
Mary 8 Bonestell, J F Lotts, Mrs Alex Whippey, Eliot
& Brown, Mary 8 Barney, Dorothy A Newell, Mrs E
11 Turner, Andrew Breed, W W Parker, Boyleston Flee
and Marine Insurance Co, N Sawyer, Jas Dennis Wood
man & Hill, Walter Hastings ' (2,) Philo Sanford,
Elizabeth T Conant, Mrs L L llatcheldor, Alex Strong
& Co, Mrs N 11 Grafton, Grant, Warren, & Co, Eleanor
Young, Mrs Lucy Barley, Mary Webb, James Lee &
Co. (2;) Butler, Keith, & Co, Elizabeth M. Gardner,
Mrs S E Branch, Bev II V Began, E & T Fairbanks & Co,
111Ingella & Co, J 31 Farrington, J P Whitney, II 13 Hills
Jno Cook; Ilinewanger & Eger Amelia Porter Drexel
& Co; Leonard lienkort; Sarah Fairchild, John Com
ber; Mrs. Charles King; Helena Dietterle; Mrs Mary
Barger; Alexander Grooves; Rev Sabin Hough; Joseph
F Thomas; Rachel Ann Jones. ' Win McDaniel; Mrs Sarah
Ann Keller; Julia A Tauey, Catharine Taney;
Mendell & Brother; Itashnell Wilson; M Negro;
Drexel & Co; Hoskin Huber. Mi. Clara Sweeney;
Jan McCormick, Then It Willett ' , Mrs J F Cordial, Mary
Dunn, Mrs W Gunnell. Eineliue• Welters, E T Jack.
son, rs Mary Thomas, B Clayton, F Peter, David Bet.
genheiser, Elizabeth Turkington, DlcColgan & o , Kaue,
John W Forney, Drexel & Co, Mrs Ceo Si Garwood,
J Miles & Son, R D Carey, Wilson tk. Merritt, Mrs Ca
tharine Melghan, Mary Mac Cor wick, Leland & Guinn,
D Jayne & Son, W S Hansel' & Soon, Butcher & Bra,
Mrs Jno M Deacon, Mrs Henrietta Marshall, X Ravin,
L A Godey, Anthony Ramsay, Wm E Ward, Mrs E
Pettinos, CaulTinan, Roggenburger, & Cu, L Atkinhori,
Sire Louisa Frantic, Win Skew, Mrs Si Shourds, Drexel
& Co, Jae E Loud, Cauffintin, Roggenburger, & Co;
Gans Leberman & Co; Henrietta Ifeischler.
Mary Besancon, New Orleans; 4 King, do; Michael
Egan, do; Mig9 Dolphins Collins, Pittsburgh; Miss It
Burns New Orleans; Miss Ellen M Chapman, St ',Oak
B Itimkin do; Jos L Palmetto, do; U Knapp & Co, do;
II I) Schricl:to, Now Orleans; Jenkins & Co, Now Or.
leans; D Potter &Co Cincinnati ; Prentice, Hem
derson, Jo Osborne, Louisville; K A Hitchcock, St
Louis; Tho " Democrat," St Louis • Intelligeneor,"
St Louis ; It Hottschneider, do ; Matilda Uroenhood, du;
John Maginnts, New Orleans; Jacob Levy, Louisville;
Mrs II E Harris, Cincinnati; Sarah D Moore, Louisville;
Mrs It Schwab, do; Christiana Satter, Pittsburgh, Jus
C Buffum, do; Thoe Bather, Baltimore; Margaret 9
King, do; Louisa E Woods, do; Elizabeth Thomas, do;
Christ's Itaborg, do; J II Reddish, do; Marg't Plister,do
Mrs O. Schwab, Louisville; Martha Harris, New Or
leans; Barney M Leo, Pittsburgh; Martha Pollock,
Cincinnati ; L E I'owers, New Orleaus ; Aaron Calvin,
St Louis ; F S Bennett, Baltimore ; Eli Jones, do ,• Thos
Sutliff, do ; John E Ohs mberlain, do • Jonas AI Loben• I
stein, do; Adalaldo It Updegrass, do; o Clark,St Louis.
Two Weeks Later News—Two and a Halt Ml
llous in Gold.
NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 2.B.—The United States
mail steamship Daniel Webster, from Havana on
the 25th inst. , has arrived at this port.
Sho experienced heavy gales on the passage
from Now York to Havana.
The Daniel Webster brings a half a million of
dollars from Havana.
The Pacific Mail Steamship Company's steamer
Northern Light from Aspinwall, with a fortnight's
later news from California, had arrived at lin
vana, and sailed for Now York on the 25th inst.
She has on board two millions of dollars in trea
The nows the loss of the steamer Central
America caused a generalgloom in San Francisco.
The courts immediately adjourned. Various mass
meetings wore held, at which resolutions were
atloptell denouncing the Pacific Mail Stonmehip
It was generally supposed the accounts of Indian
depredations in the vicinity of Carson Valley were
Further advisee received from the_Plains con
firm the belief of the complicity of the Mormons
in the late massacre.
The California papors express the opinion that
an efficient army could ho raised in that State
against the Mormons.
Mr. Ilaresthi, the Into refiner in the Mint, hal
been indicted for embezzling $150,000.
The news of th . e protest of Messrs. Sather &
Church's drafts on New York, had caused a run,
which compelled the firm to close. Several at
tachments had been made.
There was also a run on Messrs. Tallant .3; Wilde,
and several others, but none of them hnd closed at
tho sailing of the steamer.
The accounts from the mining districts woro
good. The markets woro innotivo. .llaxall's flour
quoted at $l2.
WARIIINOTON, Nov. 28.—The Southern mail has
arrived. Noy West dates to the 14th instant are
The brig Remington, from St. Marks, bound to
New York. with cotton, bad boon ashore on the
North Key Shoal Sho was brought to Key West
by the wreckers, considerably damaged.
The Callawba, from Havana, on the 18th, had
arrived at Now Orleans.
Tho stook of sugars in port amounted to
150,000 boxes. Business was dull. Storling ex
change 111 per cent premium.
The Otthawba brought $78,000 in apeolo from
CIIMILESTON, Nov. 28.—The steamship Isabel
has arrived from Havana. Hor advioos aro unim
The Government sehoonor Tortugas, from Port
Jefferson, reports that the ship Sarah Jenkons, from
New York, had been ashore at the entrance of the
harbor, but got off with slight damage.
Sugar was declining nt Havana, and prices wore
nominal. Molasses dull.
The Steamer Virginia at Charleston
CHARLESTON, Nov. 29.—Tho steamer Virginia,
Captain Jowott, from Now York, bound to Now
Orleans, has put in here to repair damages to het
From Hamm& and Key West.
Later from Havana,
The Steamer Fulton off Cape Raoe
6200,000 IN SPECIE
Thu Financial CrtblS in England and France
Fan in Breadatuffi—Consols 99Xa80 X
Sr. JOgNS, Newfoundland, Saturday afternoon,
Nov. 28.—The New York and Havre steamship
Capt. Wootton, passed Cape Race last
evening at Ova o'clock. She left Havre on the 17th
lust , and Southampton at three o'clock on the af.
ternoon of tl• e 18th inst. She has on board seven
ty-one passengers, $220,000 in specie, and % very
large and valuable cargo of French merchandise.
The Fulton's dates are four days later than those
brought by the Vanderbilt, already telegraphed
from this point.
The Canard steamer Europa, from Boston, via
Halifax, with American dates to the 4th of Novem
ber, arrived at Liverpool on the 16th inst.
The finanoial advices brought by the Fulton,
although not so exciting as those of the Vanderbilt,
aro nevertheless of absorbing interest.
The good effects of the suspension of the bank
charter wore still showing themselves every
wherc.throughout Great Britain.
The money market was firmer than at the loot
advices. and the demand for discounts at the
Bank of England leas pressing. Consols had also
advanced, the closing quotations on the evening of
the 17th inst. being 1301e891 for money, and 90 for
the account of the 17th of December.
The Bank of France, as was anticipated at the
last advises, bad announced its determination to
immediately extend its issues, and was discounting
The sale of discount at Hamburg had receded,
the last quotation being 91.
Notwithstanding the improvement in the Eng
lish money market, there had boon several heavy
failures in various branches of business in Great
Britain. Several are also reported in France.
The most prominent of those reported are : Messrs.
JOIN) t Wex,
merchants in the Turkey trade;
Jose P. R Se Jr Co., in the Brazilian trade ; Bard
gett & Pickard liabilities £120,000; Edwards k
Motthie, East India and Colonial brokers of Lon
don;-and a firm at Wolverhampton, whose liabili
ties are estimated at nearly half a million sterling.
Several iron manufacturing firms had called
their creditors together for the purpose of trying
to make soma amicable arrangements in order to
avoid, if possible, a full suspension.
Apanic had occurred In the English Breadstuff+
market, and prices were declining.
The failures of most note in Paris aro these of
Borden, Dubuot, Jr . Co., and Remote, Phillippa,
There is no later Intelligence from India, and no
general news of importance from any other part
of the Old World.
LoanoN, Tuesday evening, Nov. 17th.—Consols
close firm to-day at an advance of .iaJe over the
rates current on Friday last. Tho closing quo.
Cations aro 893a89& for money, and 90 for no•
Other descriptions of funds have also advanced
decidedly. Batik stook is quoted at 211a214e, re
duced 88}a881, now three per cents 881a8.3ia.
The sales of foreign stocks have been quite lim
ited, and there has been no material change in
bas boon quite an improvement in the sugar mar
ket—the advance fully reaching 4s. per cwt.
In Rice and Coffee there is but little doing.
The Tallow market is flat.
goods were generally unaltered in price.
A slight improvement had taken place in the
woollen trade at Leeds.
In lludensfiold a good business was doing.
The Wolverhampton and Staffordshire bank bad
stopped payment, causing great exoitement at
Wolverhampton. The liabilities of the bank aro
estimated at nearly half a million pound sterling.
sales of Cotton to-day were from 1,500 to 2,000
bales. Quotations for American Cotton aro not
given but the quotations of Perham, Maranthan,
Egyr4, and Surat Cottons were {a}d higher. The
market closed very flat, and operators are await
ing further financial developments.
17.—Wheat and flour meet with slow retail sales,
eta decline on the week of 4t1.01. on wheat, and
Is. W. a 2s on flour.
In Indian corn there is but little inquiry, and
quotations are notninal.
—There was a heavy decline in grain in Mark
Lane yesterday, causing a panio in the trade.
Wheat le 28.03, cheaper for the better qualities.
Inferior is totally unsaleable,
Fatal Accident to a Philadelphian
WAsurraroN, Nov. 29 —W. If. Robinson, said
to bo connected with a. mercantile house in Phila
delphia, fell from the fourth story of the Carolina
hotel, at Wilmington, Ncrth Carolina, on Friday
night, and was Instantly killed. Re has a wife and
family living in Philadelphia.
The Canadian Legislature
TORONTO, C. W., Nov.jk—The 00vornOr..
General to-day issued apr mation dissolving
the present Parliament. The election writs for
new members nro made returnable on the 13th of
January neat. There are prospects of a good and
lively time during the winter, in the discussion of
political questions,
Return of Mild Weather
DETROIT, Nov. 28.—The weather Is mild. and
the ice which hat boon formed during the recent
cold spell is thawing fast. The ice at the mouth of
the river Is reported to ho giving way. That the
indications this evening arc, that the large fleet of
vessels detained In the river will ho able togot into
Lake Erie to-morrow op Monday.
Several vessels, which, arrived from Chicago to
day, report many vessels' ashore on Lakes lluron
end Michigan.
CINCINNATI, Nov. 28.--The weather tmday has
been clear —the thermometer indicating Ilfty.tour
degrees. The weather is too warm for packing.
Ten thousand hogs arrived here during the last
ew days.
Departure of the Ariel
New Yonu, Nov. 28.—The steamship Arid
sailed at noon for Southampton and Bremon, with
$36,000 in specie.
CINCINNATI, Nov. V.—lloss declined $5, clo4ng
doll; 10,000 hogs have armed hero during the
last two days. Mess pork is quoted Sll 5041.3.75,
and dull ; green meats 4a51 cents, and Cl cents for
shoullors and horns. Lard has doelined to 91 as.
for bbls. cad 101 for kegs. Whiskey advanced to
171 cents
The. weather is clear, the thermometer st, which
being too warm fur hog packing, has euspornied
SAVANNAH, November 28.—The cotton market
continues firm at former ratos, 11a12 cents for mid
CHARLESTON, November 28 —There is no change
to note in cotton quotations, which remain fain
at 11112 eta.
COLUM nue, Novembor 28.—Middlings cotton arc
quoted at 11 eta.
.MCNTOOMERY, ALA., November 28.—Cotton is
quoted at 111 eta for middlings.
Police Items.—An individual came to this
city a week ago end enlisted himself as a giicst at
the Girard House. Ire apparent gentility and
business-like decorum induced a belief that he
was a man of moans and influence, which was
greatly heightened by the appearance of an ad
vertisement in a penny paper, soliciting negotiable
city paper in exchange for cash, to be obtained by
addressing J. W. W.," of whioh brief cognomen
he was the proprietor. Ho received several appli
cations, and in his interviews with the parties,
smoothness of language and face, and a well-as
sumed Quaker dialect, dispelled all doubts of his
integrity and honesty of purpose. A large book
firm on Chestnut street gave hint their paper to
the amount of MO in exchange for his chock. The
note was immediately converted into cash, less a
marginal shave, and the cheek discovered to be
valueless. Several others were victimized, and the
polished rogue took his departure, forgetful, in
a multiplicity of business, of his boarding liabili
During the week ending on Saturday, the 28th
instant. no less than three hundred and eighty
eight arrests were made in the various polka dis
tricts of Philadelphia. The highest number was
in the Second and Seventh, in each of which thirty
arrests wore made. The number of persons ac
commodated with lodgings in the several station
houses was 1550, the highest number being in the
Fourth District, under Lieut. McCurley, coo•
prising two hundred and thirty-eight souls. The
Sixth Police District, comprising the Ninth and
Tenth wards, judging from the returns made to
Mayor faux, is the most orderly portion of the
city. John Ramos, the lieutenant, is at present
performing the duties of Chief Ruggles, who is
(maned to the house by siokness, and Sergeant
John Smith is the acting lieutenant of the district.
Sergeant A. E. Thomas is the other superior officer
of this district. lie is efficient and courteous.
A short time since a grocer, at the corner of
Sixth and Arch strects,lnd in his employ a lad
named William Atkins. Ile suspected the youth
of dishonest practices, and discharged him. Since
that time, Mr. P. has missed money and goods
frequently, and was unable to account for their
disappearance. On Friday, about midnight, a
noise was heard in the store, and upon making
search, the young man was found secreted behind
some barrels. Ile confessed that he had entered
the store on fornar occasions, by means of a
key ho had to the entry door, and that he had a
way of opening the fire-proof. On Saturday the
offender was committed to answer by Alderman
Anderson, the young man who was
committed to prison in default of boil, by Alder
man Thompson, on the ohargo of having no risible
legal means of support, and who was arrested on a
charge of being concerned in a store robbery, boo
been released from prison, for what 0111150, or on
whose authority, we are unablo to state.
Special Officer Smith, on Saturday after—
noon, arrosted the captain of a canal-boat, named
Daniel Slathorty, on the ()barge of having de
frauded Thomas Ifolmer out of money and goods
to the amount of $lOO The accused was hold for
a hearing on Monday at ono o'clock. The arrest
was made on Conshooken crock.
High Constable Tref ts arrested lon Saturday
night, at the corner of Ninth and Walnut streets,
a young follow named Frank Starr, on the charge
of attempting to pick pockets. The prisoner was;
sect below yesterday by Alderman linen.
IVeekly Statement of Tax Receiver.—The
following is n statement of the amount of taxes re
ceived nt the Mlle° of the Receiver of Taxes, for
the week ending on Saturday. The return for the
week is much larger than it was fur the same pe
riod during lost year, and shows en increase over
the amount received during the preceding week :
City tax State.
.••$5,807 51 $940 13
, • 7,399 98 1,345 49
4,788 10 708 37
Thanksgiving day.
9,333 57 1,537 15
6,025 25 1,435 77
Novombor 23.
•, 25
(1 29
$33,354 41 $6,026 91
Whole amount collected this year:
City tax. State tax.
$1,514,142 80 $284,414 31
Leaving yet unpaid about $1,900,000.
It Is to ho hoped that those of our citizens who
aro in arrears will make prompt payments, and
thus reduce the heavy balance yet remaining on
the books of the receiver, so that the City Trea
surer may have the necessary funds to meet the ih-
Meet en the city wane shortly due.
The condition of the Philadelphia dry goods
market continues 'pretty mach the same as last
week, and the suspension of a large domeatio
commission house, on Chestnut street renders
the prospect for the spring trade even more
gloomy than before. IT manufacturers start
their mills there is an uncertainty of selling their
products, hence the great reluctance in resuming
operation in Philadelphia. There is a limited de
mand for goods, but the sales aro confined to a few
houses. Prices generally are well maintained.
False Preleaces.—On Saturday morning
James Murphy had a hearing before Alderman
Hudson, of the Twenty-fourth ward, on the charge
of receiving ono hundred dollars from Daniel For
toseue, by false representations. The prosecutor
entered into partnership with the defendant, each
of whom was to deliver stock in their store
amounting to one hundred dollars. It is alleged
by the prosecutor that ho delivered as stock the
sum above named, and that the defendant, after
ho had received the prosecutor's money, denied
the right of delivering stock to the same amount
The defendant was committed in default of $5OO
bail. The prosecutor was represented by George
Fenner, Esq.
Fires.—An alarm of tiro was caused yester
day morning by smoke having been discovered is
suing front the Baptist church, in Race street,
above Twelfth. The fire originated from a heater
in the basement. Tho damage was quite trifling.
The alarm of fire at half-past eleven o'clock, on
Saturday night, was caused by the ringing of the
Western Hose bell. Two companies came in col
lision at Fifth and Spruce streets, and were only
prevented from engaging in a fight. by the prompt
Interference of the police. No arrests were made.
The Operatic and Popular Grand Concert
Boot., arranged for the Parodi and Vieuxtemps'
concert, contains the words. with correct English
translation, of all the ballads, songs, arias, and
duets, which will be sung in all their grand con
cocts; also, the music, arranged for the piano
forte, of several of the most popular and beautiful
songs. For sale at the concert-room this evening.
..qccident.—On Saturday evening, a young
woman, aged twenty years, was admitted into the
Pennsylvania Hospital, having been badly burned
by tho explosion of a fluid lamp, at the house of
Mrs Hubbard, No. 25 Drinker's alley. Her
juries aro of such a character that her life is des
paired of.
Vessels in Port.—There were In port yeeter
day one steamship, fourteen sbips,fourteen barques,
fourteen brigs, and only nine eohooners.
Reported for The Press 1
DISTRICT Counr, No. 2—Judge Hare.—ln the
Cll , lO of E. Gaskill rt. R. P. King—an action to
recover the one-half of the price of a lot of ground
which the plaintiff purchased, as he alleges in the
!mount, equally for himself and the defendant—
before reported, the jury returned a verdict for
the defendant.
COM3IOX Pl.FAS—Judges Thompson and Allison.
—Judge Thompson delivered opinions in the fol
lowing oases :
Israel Robinson's estate —Petition to modify de
cree. Decree modified so as to permit certain
mortgages to be transferred by accountant, in pay
ment to the trustee.
Carter vs. Slocum.—Rule to set aside award of
arbitrators. Rule absolute.
Yorke VA. Livingston.—Demurrer to plea. De
murrar sustained.
Judge Allison gave opinions in the following
Hood v. , . Boyd.—ltulo to consolidate actions
Itule absolute.
'twitley vs. Henry —Rule to set aside mberifrs
sslo. flute absolute.
Mango tw. Boller —Rule to strike off the plea of
freehold. Rule discharged.
Ifolmer ea. Jewoll.—ltulo for security for costa
Rule discharged.
Gordon tw. Jones.—Rule to sot aside award of
arbitrators. Rule absolute.
Mitchell yr. Shellmire.—Hula for judgment
Rule discharged.
Nathans rr. Nathans.—ltule to adorn payment
of arrears of alimony. Rule absolute.
QoAnren SESSIONS—Judge Conrad.—The rose
of tins Consinerrial Bard —lbe court was orowded
on Saturday morning, by the friends of Mr.
Wainwright, late president of the Commercial
Bank. There was also a large attendance of
brokers and well•known note•shavers, who ap
peared deeply interested in the proceedings Mr.
Wainwright, who was accompanied by his father,
venerable old gentleman, eat behind his counsel,
Messrs. Phillips and Ingersoll, and did not appear
at all anxious or excited, although some of the
developments, as will bo seen by our report, were
of a rather compromising character.
District-Attorney Mann, who, with Alexander
Simpson, Esq., eonduoted the prosecution, opened
the case by saying that this was a !rata. rorints
in the case of William Wainwright, late pre9ident
of the Commercial Bank in this city, on the
charge of °Moist perjury, in knowingly allowing
the bank to take interest at a greater rate than
six per cent. per annum. That, In the year 1856,
the defendant was president of the Commercial
Bank, and, before that, a director in that Institu
tion. That es president he had taken oath pre
soribed-by the act of Assembly, not to receive more
than half of ono per cent. per month as discount
on promissory notes; the bank was also forbid
don to deal in any thing but gold end ailVer, bul
lion and bills of exchange. Ile expected to show
by the testimony ho would offer, that Mr. Wain
wright had violated the oath he had taken, and
that, with his knowledge and consent, the bank
bought promissory notes from brokers, at a higher
rate than six per cent. per annum, and had paid
for them in unourrent money.
Robert 11. Beatty, sworn—l was a clerk in the
Commercial Bank, in the year 1854.5, and 6 Idis.
cuunt offering book 1854 banded to witness); I find
under the dates of May 2nd, 3d, and 4th the
names of drawers and endorsers of notes whiela were
not offered to the board of directors; these notes
were brought by ens or other of two firms of brokers;
I know that from the way in which they are en
tered on the book ; I saw some of these notes in
the hands of Mr. Wainwright; I know they were
promissory notes; I can tell a promissory note
from a draft or a bill of exchange, five feet off;
these notes wore discounted at a greater rate than
the half of one per cent. per month.
John S. Newbold, sworn—l was a broker in
1851; I did business with the Commercial Bank in
that year; I took the uneurrent funds, sometimes
$5OO, at others $l5OO daily, or every other day ; I
gave my check, either a memorandum or a good
chock for this money; I sometimes gave promis
sory notes for this money; the bank had no pro
' ports in those notes until they discounted them; I
also received bills of exchange and drafts on other
cities; the difference arising out of these transla
tions I paid the bank daily; I don't know the
amounts; there was no fixed amount to be paid to
the bank on these transactions; it was regulated
by the price of the uncurrent funds, and what was
regarded as a fair valuation of money at the time ;
by money, I mean promissory notes, and not gold
or silver; that was the way I arrived at the
amount; the bank left it entirely to ourselves;
semotimos delivered the notes to the bank before I
got the unourrent funds; I either used the uncur
rent funds in my own business. or sold it; I gene
rally enclose , ' the difference in an envelope, and
directed the bearer to deliver it to the cashier or
the president; I received the unourrent money
generally from the teller of the bank, and I re
ceived the promissory notes from the person with
whom I made the settlement.
William H. Newbold, sworn —I am a broker; I
do not recollect having any transactions with the
Commercial Bank in the year 1854 or '55.
Robert H. Beatty re•oxaminod.—The bank mado
in the transutiens of May third and fourth, in
excess of the legal rates, $233.50, and from May
to November, 1854, $11,101.50; the amount that
should be credited to discount i 551,550.64 ; the ex
cess is what was received over the legal rates ;
when drafts and bills of exchange wore deposited,
whatever discount would be taken off' would be en-
tered in the general scratcher, and not given in
as discount; when they sold a draft, the premi
um on it was entered on the premium account;
I saw Mr. Newbold come to the hank every day,
and ho got the uneurrent funds from Mr. Palmer,
and then went into the president's room; I SAW
the envelopes and packages of money go Into the
president; they were generally brought by is per
son In the employ of 'Wm. 11. Newbold, named
Sturges; I don't know what the rates of discount
were on the street in the month of May, 1854;'
any note-broker can tell; without knowing the
loss on the uncurrent money, I cannot say what
the rate of discount really was.
Cross•examined by Mr. Ingersoll.—l sometimes
kept the bgoks; I have made some of the discount
entries; T think I have made some of these dis-
count entries from May to November, 1854; I
officiated often at the discount desk ; I cannot par
ticularize any discount entry in which I know
where the money came from ; the amount of dis
count received in this time is $11,950, and of
promissory notes $1,900,000; Mr. Wainwright
brought in the slips and directed me to make the
entries in the discount book.
Oswald C. Montgomery was sworn, but his tea
timony threw no light on these transactions.
James M. Aertsun, sworn—l am a broker;
have no recollection of receiving uneurrent money
front tho Commercial Bank in 1854; I have got
uncurront funds from the hank, but cannot say
when; the transactions of the firm with the bank
wore carried on by John S. Nowbold ; I do not
know if the bank made any profit by the ex
changes, but presume it did; it is more presump
tion ; our firm sent the excess nearly every day to
the bank, in an envelope; the amount dupondod
on the market value of tho uneurrent monoy, and
also the vain° of promissory notes and bills re
Cross•oxamined by Mr. Ingorsoll—l never had
any transaction with Mr. Wainwright in regard to
uncurront money.
District Attorney Mann then said, ho would
Close here, and, before making any comments on
the testimony, ho would read tho act of Assembly
under which the prosecution was brought.
After the reading of the act of Assembly, Mr.
Mann continued, by saying that the testimony in
this case disclosed a etato of affairs which left
no doubt on the mind of any ono that the funds
of tho bank had been diverted from their legiti
mate purpose, and this by a scheme to evade tho
law It was impossible that these things could
have been done without the knowledgo of the
President, and, if the evidence was to be believed,
be not only know of it, but ho did it himself. Ile
would therefore ask the court to hold this defen
dant to answer for a violation of his official oath.
Mr Phillips, for the defendant, said that no of
fence had boon stated to the court by the District
Attorney. If any Mimeo had boon committed at
all, it must have been perjury, and certainly that
charge could not be sustained against this defen
dant, as it required two witnesses to establish it,
and only ono had testified to these transactions.
Mr. Phillips continued for a considerable time and
with grout force to prose his views, and was fol
lowed by Mr. Ingersoll for the defendant.
Mr. Ingersoll, in a very able argument, con
tended that no ease was made out against the de
fendant, and that he should be discharged.
Judge Conrad intimated that lie would deliver
his decision on Wednesday next. District Attor
ney Mann and Alexander Simpson, Eeq., for the
Commonwealth ; Blears. Phillips and Ingersoll fur
the defendant.
Sententet.—John Johnson, convicted of illegal
voting in the seventh precinct of the Fourth ward,
was sentenced to pay a fine of $5O, and be impri
soned for three months.
Lewis Meagher, convicted of selling liquor to
minors, was sentenced to pay a One of $5O, and be
imprisoned fifteen days in the county prison.
Henry Riley, convicted of stealing a piece of
silk from Messrs. Agnew, was sentenced to eighteen
months In the Eastern Penitentiary. The prisoner
said that great injustice had been done him. Re
bad been represented as an old thief, which was
not at all the foot. The Judge said ho know him
as an adroit and cunning thief, one of the most
dangerous of his class, and he intended giving him
tim9 Yvr rollcatlyn sad ropentame.
PIIILAXIELPIIII, November 28, 1857.
The money market at the close of the week
shows no variation from the features it has pre
sented shale the commencement, though the stock
market exhibits a condition of extreme sensitive
ness, with a tendency to lower prices. The action
of the New York banks in loaning money on call
for stock operations, with a view to raise prices
and enable themselves to realise upon the de ,
preadated collaterale in hand, is - checked, and
likely to be very much restrained for some
time to come, by the news
,frotn England, and
the renewal of heavy specie shipmenta from
this country. The consequence of the curtail
ment of these resources on the actions of the bro
kers is at once apparent in the record of stock Bales
in New York, and, of course, in the other large
cities. Railroad stocks, however, at anything like
present prices, aro more temptingto capitalists than
the bonds, and generally show more firmness in
prices. Those roads particularly which enjoy a
large coal trade in the winter nation are advancing
with steadiness, the early advent of severe weather
having a tendency, by closing the canals, to add
considerably to their ordinary earnings.
At the recent annual meeting of the Girard
Bank stockholders it was stated that the bank had
reason to expect a considerable payment on ac
count of its proportion of an old claim upon the
North American Trust Company, in liquidation for
many years. It was intimated that, though the
usual dividend would be passed at that time, a
dividend might be declared by the directors when
this windfall should come into their possession.
The bank has received as its proportion of one pay
ment on account of this claim within a fraction:of
$140,000, and the prospects are that a further sum
of $60,000 will be received ere long. The whole
claim formed • part of the doubtful assets of the
bank at the time of its reorganization, and the
money thus realised goes far towards making good
the whole amount at which these assets were ap
praised. The action of the bank as to a dividend
is uncertain, though it appears probable, as the
usual time for it has gone by, that no dividend
will be made until the recurrence of the next
semi-annual dividend day. The receipt of the
money having been in a great measure anticipated
for some weeks, the stook of the bank has not ap
preciated in price to any considerable extent under
the news.
Tho history of this claim against the North
American Trust Company forms a ouriona chapter
in financial annals, and might well be the ground•
work of a popular novel. We propose, when
time and opportunity serve, to sketch the outlines
of it for our roaders.
The City of Glasgow Bank writes to Messrs
Richard Irvin S Co , of New York,.that their
drafts will be accepted as usual, and payment of
the acceptances of the bank duly provided for in
The supreme court of Connecticut has postponed.
until December 29, the consideration of the qtes
tion of granting a perpetual injunction against the
Bank of Hartford County.
Tho following is a statement of imports of For
eign dry-goods at Now York, for the week, and
since Jan. Ist :
Entered at the port for the week
Thrown on the market ‘•
Entered at the port since Jan 1.
Thrown on the market '• .
The Dauphin county coal trade for the week
ending November 21st, and for the season thus far,
it as follows :
Week. Season.
.1,925 00 (10,274 10
1,701 00 52,034 04
Lykons Valley Coal Co
Short Mountain
3,62 d I:, 112.707 14
Last year the whole Amount of coal sent to mar
ket by these lineswas but 102.011 tons—nearly ten
thousand less than for the present season thus far.
It is probable that the whole amount for the year
1357 will reach 130,000 tons—an increase of x,OOO
tons as compared with IBA.
November V, 185 T
Reported by R. Manly, Jr , Stork Brats, No
80) Walnut street.
300. City 51'61
10 111nett111 R 58
15 do ...........58
5 do 58
10 Bear Marlow R ..52
50 Catavian R 6`
10 do 6 . 1 4
100 Loo Island R.... 10
8 Moms R 13
7 Mechanic.. Bank 24
50 Girard Bank 9)
50 do ....... t/ti
1000 Penn Coop ss• •• .87
100 Reeling R. ..b.5.211..
100 do .......66.'31
500 City Ca 8"1;
GOO •du 87
300 do .........87
100 do . ST
400 do .... new.93X
500 do .... new.o4
600 de ner.94
1000 Penn 11 Co 21=1.75
1000 do .2.1 niort.76
1000 Soto Canal 6a....62X
1000 CSEA R 68133-- 70
700 City 6a 'Ol
3000 Penn /1. GA . .1.1mt.75
WO Bead 15 G 1 15arn.20
1000 City 0+ '6l 00
1000 Penn It 68 2.101rt.75
MOO N Penn R 6. 10te.53S
3000 do 531 i
500 City 0. 87,1 i
300 Cit.! R 64 SIX
250 &hey' Nay 61089.61
1000 CAA It 64'83 70
200 &buy' NT faits Id
1 Perm R 35
5 do ZNix
II Rear Meadow It 521(
4 Herrieburg R 11..53
1 New Creek C 0.... ti
1 Norristown R .... 57 s
10 Reading R 05 s
100 do 55.26
100 do ^6
100 L Isluid R 2 .dys 10S
60 Bk of Penn—lots.]:
28 do ......•....12S
:A do ... lots 4.12 V
7 do 12s
50 Clirard Beak
100 do ....
25 Catalina II
Bid. Asked.
U 8 6's '65.-110
PhflWet ir5....6134 67x
RR....67x 57x
16 N5w....94 94x
Pennsylv 5'5....64 85
Reading R 'I X 20X
de Bands '7O 75
Penns RR R/X 39x
llnrris Cant Co SI 47 50
Ochu N es 62.... 60 61
5t0ck.....11 11%
Bid. Aska.
Pc N 'B2 pref 13
Wmap't & Elm Rl3 14
do lst cnort T. 6: 70
do do edm 61 63
Long Island —.lO 10k
Vicksburg 65j
Girard Bank 0g
Lehigh Zinc X 1
Union Canal 4 g 6
New Creek 3 1 X
Cataw lass R
Sart:army, Nor. 28—Evening —Breadstuffs are
dull and unsettled, and the Flour market is inac
tive to-day, the demand both for shipment and
home consumption being quite light, and sales of
150 bbls good Western superfine at $5.25, being the
only transaction made public. The local trade are
buying to supply present wants, at from $5 25a
$7.25 per bbl, according to brand and quality.
Corn Meal and Rye Flour are quiet ; the former is
held at $3 12i per bbl, but there are sellers at less,
and the latter at $1 50 per bbl, and scarce at that.
Wheat is offered at $1.2041 25 for red, and $1 30a
$1.33 for white, with sales of 1,800a1,800 bus only,
at these rates for fair to prime lots. Corn is want
ed, and 2,500 bus old yellow brought Ste, including
a lot in the cars at £soe, ; about 3,000 bus new sold
at 60a65c, as to dryness. Oats aro better, and
about 4,500 bus have been sold at 38a370 for
Southern, including 2,500 bus on terms kept secret.
Rye is wanted at Mai% by the distillers, but
there is very little coming in. Bark is unchanged,
but quiet ; a further small sale of Ist quality Quer
citron was made at $3O per ton Cotton is held at
about previously quoted rates, but the demand is
limited, and the stook very much reduced. Cle
yerseed is wanted at $5a55.25 per bushel, and but
little coaling in ; the dealers are buying at the for
mer rate from wagons. Groceries moving off ra
ther more freely, and about 150 hhds of Cuba
Sugar brought 6ia7io ; some 850 boxes do. were
sold on terms kept secret, the market closing
rather better for both Sugar and. Coffee. Pro
visions aro beginning to come in, but meet with a
limited demand at former quoted rates, the ten
dency being downward. Mess Pork is uffered at
$lB per bbl. Whiskey is selling at 22e for hhds,
211 e for drudge, and 221a231e far bbLs, including
Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Prison Ws at these
A LABOR OF Lora.—About the first of June
last a few gentlemen from Dr. Berg's congregation, in
Seventh street, above Brown, feeling the need of greater
effort being put forth In the great missionary field of
Sabbath-school enterprise In this city, !secured the
house used by the Cohockalnk public school, in the ex
treme northern part of the city, and immediately went
to work with a view of gathering in the neglected
children of that district. They had not proceeded far
is this good work before they found that, notwith
standing the vieintly was rich in numbers, they had a
comparatively sterile field to work in. Still they per
covered ; the teachers in moat cues being obliged to
walk an aggregate of four miles to attend to their
classes every Sabbath.
Yesterday afternoon we bad the pleasure of visiting
this school, and found to oar astonishment a hones full
of children, numbering nearly two hundred, and under
the management of those devoted men and women who
base it in charge, progressing admirably. The change
upon the conduct of those children since the commence
ment of the school, is very marked, so much so, that
notwithstanding the fact that at first their subjection
to rule was almost impossible, they behaved on the oc
casion here referred to in a manner at once creditable
to themselves and to those who have them in charge
During the address, delivered by a whiter who hap
pened to be present on the occasion here referred to,
there was a degree of attention and good belles for
manifeated by those children, which would certainly
not have disgraced the conduct of a congregation
of " children of a larger growth " Mr. Sibbs, of
Rey. Mr. Chambers's Church, Broad and George
streets, is the superintendent of this Christian enter-
ring to our lecture notices, it will be seen that Mr.
Beecher'n lecture on the Coutes of Success and Fail
ure at Lip," is to be deliv reed in Musical Fund Hall
on tomorrow evening. de the community—or, per-
Imps more properly, the people composing it-hate
alrendy had their anticipations awakened by a former
announcement and failure of the reverend lecturer,
they will need no further comments at our hands to give
the society—the People's Literary Institute—the bene
fit of a full audience.
ECONOM r.—Certain economists have been amus
ing themselves, or late, by publishing to the world the
details of the system by which they manage to live
cheaply and well at a time when money Is scarce and
provisions dear. Our plan to accomplish this purpose
Is simply for the master of the house to boy all hie own
and his boy. , garments at the Brown Stone Clothing
Hall of Rockhill & Wilson, Nos. CO3 and 605 Chestnut
street, above Sixth. This kind of rosnagement, car..
tied out to all departments of household affairs, will
be the truest economy.
n From harmony, from heavenly harmony,
This universal frame began
When Nature underneath a heap
Of Jarring atoms lay,
And could not heave her head,
The tuneful voice was heard from high—
Arise! ye more than dead," and go straightway
o the fashionable Clothing Emporium of CLIFToY,
ALtisIULIT, & CO , I o "Jayue's No. 627 ch ee r.
mil arrest, and purchase your clothe..
(Correspondence of The Pao.]
NEw Yoßc, Nov. 1857-5 20 P.M
The week closes on an inactive money market.
The same torpor that has prevailed for the past
few days still continues, and except on the very
best collaterals, and at very abort dates or on call,
money is next to impossible to get, without sub
mitting to the tender treatment of the note-sha
vers, whose rates vary, according to the quality of
the paper, from If to 3 per cent. a month. Sven
with this worthy class there io an evident indispre
SWIM to avoid all long engagements. They seem
to apprehend that something " will turn up" in
which they can employ their funds even more
profitably than in shaving at the above quoted
prices. How sincerely I hope they may he dia.-
ap pointed.
The banks will be found, In my opinion. to have
contracted still further, Recording to Monday's
statement. They are making themselves very
•• and are suing and laming executions
every day, with the most eager assiduity. They
continua to seek "prime commercial signatures"
and ‘. first-elm collaterals," but the search is pro
ductive of very insufficient results. Their friends
regard the permission given to the Bank of Eng
land to expand, if neemary, to supply the legiti
mate wants of commerce, as very tmlisereet and
ill-judged. The result of the permission, the
stay of the panic, and the restoration of con
fidence, does not exactly illustrate the force of their
reasoning; but as their own pursuit of the oppo
site policy has been .so beneft:isl • they hare
abundant reason to vaunt the superiority of their
management Nine hundred and ninety-nine cut
of every thousand of our commercial men are
stupid enough to believe that had the New York
banks done what the Bank of England is now em
powered to do, and as they repeatedly promised,
the lists of failures in the independent would not
have been so large, and the banks themselves
would have less plethoric portfolios of doubtful
" bills receirable."
There is no mention made now of a remmption
of specie payments by our delectable banks. I
beliere that erent is now indeinitely postponed,
and will continue so it the Legislature does not
take steps to compel the bank managers to ac:
honestly, and abandon their ••snbt.le ways,''
which are quite as inexplicable as Mr. Emerson's
Foreign exchange was rather firmer the
market closing at 1031109 fur 60 day sterling bills,
and 1141'111 for sight drafts. The Arial only
took out $36,325 in gold ; bat the Cunard steamer
from Boston will, it is Slated, take oat as mach
as can be insured. Domeatte exehange is mach
lower, as will be seen from the following table:
San Francisca... 7 a 3 du I Augusta 31a4 dis
Boston, at eight—al di, I Columbus,_Ga..3ll,4 dis
Philadelphia...2la die Mobile ...... ...—a
Baltimore 4 a dis I New Orleans...—al dis
Richmond 6 , 11 dis ' Louisville 51a7 dis
Wasieton,D CA a dis Nathrille 3 a 9 dis
N. a 5 dis St. Louis 2 a dis
Charleston 3124 rlis Cincinnati 212.3 riLs
Sarancab dis Detroit 4 15 dis
Milwaukee 81a0 dis Chicago 6a3 die
There was more demand for gold, and sales were
made this morning at 1 premium. Messrs della/ay
d Co. quota land warrants as follows :
1:0 '• C.S •• :9
tut•• 7.13 '•sp ••
The following are the exporU ot specie for Ile
week ending to-day :
or. 23. Borgne Teresa. Merzeallar-
American gold . $3.000 00
Barque C. Windsor, Port-an-
Prince—American gold ....
Nor. 29. Ship Parini, Silence Ayres--
79 972 Sal
Steamer Arabia, Lirezpo)l—
S Mint bar, 1111ttil
Sorereigns and francs. .•. • 103.410
41,1 d and ulcer 1T 00
Sorereigns , 531.319 14
Bank notes 9:0 00
Nor. 2 Steamer City cf Washington.
Liverpool—Englith ..•
Nov. 2.3. Steamer Arial. Brennen—An.e
rkan gcli
Si 6.:=43pia S 4
Previowly replied SS 94:6 74 72
Total in ISST 934 59.—"A3 96
The exchans at the clearing house to-day
were $12 ,635,1 30 93, and balance pail in coin
$1,071529 10. The cash trans/lotions at the sub
treasary were, receipts, 5110.209 39; payments,
fi19J,905 23; balance, $1.M3,211.22 The receipts
at the custom house for duties were $-1 kV. The
receiver of the Sackett's Harbor Bank has an
noaaced " that no dividend will be paid in Janu
ary, as was expected," and that " it is impossible
to say when a dividend can be declared." A en
meretisly.signed requisition for a meeting on the
3.1 prix , of importers and dealers in drEtp,
Se , has been published, the object c 4.• which Ii to
take into consideration the propriety of altering
the present rate of credit.
The stock market eased heavily, with the ex
eeption of the best State and bank rooks, which.
hold their price firmly. Purchasers be 4,9, now far
more scarce than fellers, the decline whx-h I pre
dicted several days ago has set in, and I should.
not be at all surprised to see, bet:re many days. a
fall to the low prices of a few weeks ago. The:
Bulls being now gorged, and Linable to go any far
ther, the reaction has set in. Reading closed at
511, Erie at 191, New York Central at 71r, Chicago
and Rock Island at 73 , Galena and Chicago at 771,
and Michigan Southern at 10
The hope once so eanfidently entertained that
the N. Y. Central Railroad could still pay a diet
dead of 9 per cent.. n4withstanding the hard
times. is now dispelled. It is admitted, that un
less the directors can borrow all tha money, no
dividend ran be declared, and it is to be bepesk
that they will not take so ruinous a course. It is
far wiser to pass the dividend and pay ci the
floating debt. The road is certainly cane of the
soundest, if not the roundest, in the Union ; but
strong as it is, it could not resist the pressure of
the last three month.. At a meeting held to-day,
it was resolved to appoint a committee to consider
the election of a board of directors on the 9th
proximo. It is probable that. as Mr. Consing's
duties in Congress will prevent his attending to
the bus:nma of the road as president, he will re
sign his seat, and another president will be elected
on the 9th of December. The falling of in the
November receipts will, it is believed, be very
large It is supposed that the groat receipts cf
the Erie road for the month will not amount to
1000 24 Y I's '6O 102 VO N Y Cent-al R 7110
.6000 57 Y s's, 'Li 99 50 do 40 7219
6000 Ohio e's. '.'sci 102 73 Eris Italic:al 15.
6000 31ichion 6's 402:4 do IS X
2000 Tenn O's, '9O 54X 20 do IS
1000 do 05 7.5 do 660 16,71
3000 Virginia I's IQX 10 do 62316
2000 N Carolina 6's 97 100 do 83 139
9000 Missouri Irs 7 9' 7 N 11 .k Hut B 115
2000 Calf. 7's. '75 631010 Reading R 62
1000 Satralo 10 9 e CO 1100 do 93
1000 BrAlyn City &s 90 1 100 do 110 62X
1000 N Yen R 6 s 8.4 X 1100 do 63521
2060 NY Co 7's nin 90 I 100 do 93 53 (
Iwo Er 31 ra b, 'al 67X i 103 do 113 92
24500 Ills Cn R bds 97 I 210 31 3&ln R 17X
5000 do s..b) 96 1590 do 610 171(
1000 Ills Fr'd bits srp 95 100 do L3O 1716
6000 Mir Cen R 5 p c 163M'3 & N pi' stk 33X
Ist not Sin Fd co bits 83 349 111 Cen IC 94X
4000 do Sal 50 do 13 91
20 rnion.BAnk 100 103 Galena & Chi R 79
75 Phenix Back 95 1125 do - 79)
10 Ocean Bank 70X 100 Clay & Tot B 610 409,
5 Market Bank 92. 300 do 40x
33 Cool Bank 90 I eo eta &la um 79
10 Del S. Rad Ca Co 104 X '7O do :IX
40 Penn Coal Co 61X 50 do ISX
200 do 60 100 dr NCO 71
370 Clink Coal Co 10 20 Mil &. Miss R 82 X
210 do 109, i 46 do 62
50 do 95 10 150 La C & Millit 693 11
LO Br'k City I,'d Co 4 118 do 13 II
100 NY Cont.,' R 75 .160 do 6101111
350 do c 75X1 100 do 63011 X
50 do 71X I 103 do 119
00 do 71x I 70 CB & Quin:7 R 95
c 75 I
190 do
Asnrs.—ln good demand at $1 for Pots, and
$6.50 for Pearls.
BREADMITS.—The market for fiGUT UP-day i-3100
lower, with sales of 6,000 bbls at $4 90a5.5 for com
mon to choice superfine State ; $5.15155.25 for ex
tra do ; 90a$5 for common to good superfine
Western, and $5.1.5155 95 for common to medium
grades of Western. Canadian flour a shade easi
er ; sales 400 bbls. $.&23a56.20. Southern flour
dull ; sales 600 bbls. at yesterday's quotations.
The receipts by the North Riser were as follows :
Flour, 13,700 barrels; Wheat. 37.700 bushels; Bar
ley, 12,000 bushels; Oats, 6 600 bushels. By the
Erie railroad : Flour, 929 barrels. By southern
steamers: Flour, 4.139 barrels.
Correa was firmly held, and sales limited The
sales yesterday embraced about 400 bales, bamesl
upon middling uplands, at 111 c, and good middling,
do at 12c.
Correct.—The market is quiet. with sales of 40%
bags Rio at 931.0 e. and 50 bags 51araealho at lite,.
cash. At Charlestoth on the 23-1 inst. 2,200 bars
Rio sold by auction at 101a11ic--arerage 11c.
Grmax.—The wheat market is nominally lias.
lower; sales 30,000 bushois at $1.45 for white
Michigan ; $1.05 for Milwaukee; $1.01a1.02 for
Chicago Spring ; $1.14 for red Michigan ; $1.50
for white Southern ; $1.25a51.38 for white Cana-
dian. Rye dull. Corn better; sales 10.000 bat
at 90e for Western mixed.
Farir.—At auction today, by Messrs. Mint - aro
Partridge, 94 bichts Malaga lemons at $3.23.:
03.45, and H bags shelled Almonds at life, cash,
Ilings—We have to note a dull market. The
stock in first- bands of Or and Cow Hides is
392,300, (same time last year 9 000—year before
26.250.) •
Ilsin—Sales of 1,000 lbs. Rio Grande at 5 cents,
MorAssos—Sales of 50 bbls. Porto Rico at 21a
211 coots, cash.
NAVAL STORES—The demand for Spirits Turpen
tine is only moderate, and the market is lower;
sales of 200 bbls. at 43 cents, 60 days, adding inte
rest. Crude Turpentine is dull at $3.50. In com
mon Rosin we learn further sales of 721 bbls. at
$1.30 per 310 lbs, in yard.
PROYISIONS.—The Pork market is dull and lower
—small sales at $lB 3.0 for 3less, and $lO GII for
Primo. Lard dull and lower; sales 100 bbls at
10} a 110.
RICE —The demand is light and the transla
tions aro to a moderate extent. Sales of 125 ten at
3 a 310, cash, and late la't evening, 200 tes for ex
port on private terms, supposed at 30 a 31c, as to.
SKlNs.—Deer skins are dull, and prices nomi
nal. In goat skins we learn of 800 Cusco& at 55 a
f, months.
SOOAR.—Tbe transactions are only to a moderate
extent. Embraced in the sales are 480 hhds
Cuba at 51aGc; 250 do do on private, terms, and
about 150 do, principally 511161 c for refining and
good grocery sugars; also, 100 blads Porto Rico at
BaSic, and at auction 00 hhds do at 61c, cash
WEISS:EY lower; sales of 100 bbls at 23.12.;10.
Freights were dull and engagements light. To
Liverpool 5,000 bushels wheatwere taken, in bulk,
at sd, and Hour at Is 9d; and to London some flour
was engaged at 2i 3d, and cotton, by steamer to
Liverpool, at Id, while sailing vessels demanded
ceipts of Maryland have been light and the sales
of crop small, shippers turning their attention
mostly to ground leaf We quote as before, Mary
land ground leaf. as in quality, $7.80a55 50; in
ferior short seconds; brown leaf &W 9
and extra SIOaSI4. For ground leaf quotations
range from $5a57.50 for ordinary to good; while
single hhds sell at Sias4 50 for inferior, and S,Sa59
for choice quality. Some few hhda of the new ere?.
Ohio are coming In, but we bear of no sales. There,
have been some small sales of Kentucky tedium
this week to the trade, but they have tot been
sufficient to base quotations on, and we therefore.
omit them. The inspections of the week are 54
hhds Marilud.
iee acre 43 tr acv.
73 .•
13 ki CO
13.131 co
.14 92.5 54