-4 . 01 Ett 411 f c, SATURD-Mr,:iOVEISBEV. 28, 1867. CONTONTS 'FMK' PAGE,L-001.1.11tAr Irri tation';' Religious Intelligence, Sabbath Read ing ; The Crisis in England;' , Confeasion of Two Sitirdotere General News ; Correspond once, o :ei t irttßP-on.—Thanitegiving Ser mon—God's Sovereignty a Grontal of 'Erni. 'areal Rojoioing, by Rev. R. W. Ruvraa. 127-The sermon of Rev. B. W. IIviTER, deliVered on Thanksgiving day, will be read by his many admirers and. friends with great pleasure. It is one or the ablest and best of that popular young divine. LET THE WILL or TIME MAJORITY PREVAIL. When we supported the Kansas-Nebraska bill in 1864, we did so upon the solemn under standing that cc the will of the majority should prevail in - Kansas." The repeal of the Mis send Compromise (which asserted Congres sional rade) excited the fanatics of the free States to madness, and 'the idea which called for that repeal, that the people should control in Kansas and Nebraska, was scouted and' denied. In the whole history of American legislation, no measure 'was snore distinctly based upon this indestructible_ principle, than the Kansas-Nebraska -bill. And yet - , notwithstanding that the will of the majority was declared to b 6 the main purpose of this Kansas and Nebraska bill, and the re moval of the whole question-of slavery from the hails of Congress a -leading essential to z its enactment into :8; law, the northern factionists arrayed against it, a most for-, addable antagoniarm and, from 'lB5l to 1866, the Deraocracy_in the free States were do.' feated upon nearly every trial. When Mr. lincgasext was elected, however, the Admin istration of Gen. Purees having made' every honorable eifort to adjust the difficulty in Kan sas without success, the Democracy rallied anew upon,the principle that the majority Should, rule, and with the advantage, of a mule illustrious in our annals, the name of one, who, while always true to the South, bad not been a party to the repeal of 'the Missouri Compromise line, and was known to be in favor of fair play in Kansas—the Democracy triumphed after a close and fearful conflict.' The first fair election in the Territory of Kansas took place on the 6th of October, 1867. Those which preceded it, though legal according to the forms, were' controlled by the minority in the Territory, but were submitted to, inas much as no' other alternative was left to those who that to them. It is a remarkable fact, that immediately after this election of October 5, 1857, the Kansas Constitutional Convention elected in June of the same year, and elected, too, by some 2,000 out of 16,000 Voters in the Territory, should have proceeded deliberately to defy the will of the majority in all their action. Conscious that of their whole number there was scarcely a single represen. tative of thermajority in the Convention, that sentiment being strongly hostile to the institu tion of slavery—conscious that the minority had just been defeated in an election for dale_ gate to Congress and for members of the se cond Legislature—conscious that the Demo cratic party had been committed in every State of the Union in 1866 to the principle that the will of the majority should prevail—they pro. ceede,d to construct a Constitution which not' only defied the majority, bat so fettered that Majority in reference to the only vital issue at stake In the Territory as to leave the votes ,of the people on the subject of altvery to a set 'of men who could, and in all probability would, reject those votes, if they happened to be against that in stitution. The Democracy of the country are now called upon 'to endorse a - Constitution thus framed—to approve the action of this minority' Convention, in regard to the slavery question—and failing in this, to accept the dis grace of being identified with abolitionism and sectionalism. Such is the hard measure proffered to the men, who for more than three long years have patiently submitted to aggres sions of a minority in the Territory of Kansas, and who, bearing these aggresslops upon their shoulders in the great conflict of 1856, never theless carried their flag in triumph, upon the distinct assurance,' Made by all their organs to the people, that the will of the majority should prevail in that Territory. We deem this recapitulation all the more necessary, because recent Berg-official de apatches from Washington announce that the Bon. B. J. WALann, Governor of the Terri tory of IcansaS, hag arrived at the federal'eapi tal, and, in his interview with the President of the United States; has taken position against the minority Calhoun Constitution. The oppo nents of the Deinocratic party are greatly de lighted at the alleged prospective difficulty between the Democratic party of the free States, and the DemocratiC party of the South ern States. We do not know how far these despatches reflect the opinion of Governor' WAmtzu,. although we feel abundantly certain that he is resolved to stand by his repeated pledges to the Whole people of Kansas, that they should be permitted to vote upon the whole Condi- . batten Of Kansas ; nor are we enabled to speak for the A.dralnistration of Mr..l3uouarrAn upon this question. As yet, there has been no known authoritative enunciation of his policy since the adoption of the Calhoun Consti tution. What we do know, however, is; that the Democratic party of the free States, so far as we can ascertain their ; sentiments, are in a large - degree, inexorably opposed to this Con stitution. :A recent visit to'onr native county of ' Laneister, and the adjoining county of York, and a somewhat free intercourse during our stay with the people of those counties, as well as an, intimate knowledge of their senti ments, induce us to declare that on this sub ject there is (cutely to be found a dissenting opinion. We are, well aware of tho difficulties which Burl idifference as UNIX referred to may precipitate, upon the country, and we are desirous now, as we have alwaya been, to promote the union of the Democratic party'," and to extinguish every attempt at sectionalism, whether that attempt originates in the South, or whether it originates in the North. -We trust that the two great states men now in consultation at the federal capital, .I.4SCEIS BOOMIRAir and ROBERT r., WALKER . , may agree upon . a censervativtl ground in, this issue ; and we have no doubt that if the spirit which has animated them during their long-career, and especially while they corn batted for the principles of the Constitution In the Senate of the United States, and while they .. stood shoulder to shoulder in the Cabinet of Ants K. Pomt, that they will not fail to reconcile the elements which aro now threatening to dash tho hopes of the, people, at the veryanoment when the Kansas problem seemed about to be settled by the application of the indestructible principle, that the will of the majority shall prevail. Since the aboVe was written the able letter of our Washington correspondent has been re ceived, stating the position of lion. ROBERT J. WALKER on this great qtiestion.. PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS "The Hypocrite" will be played at the Arch Street Theatre this evening, with—what certainly must be a ouriosity—" an extemporaneous ad dresi," by Mr. Clarke, "on the Follies, Eccentri nines, 'and • Peculiarities , of the Times." Mr. Wheatley's benefit is fixed for Tuesday , evening, when " London Assurance" will be- played. A new original' American play, by Mr. C. S. Leland, is underlined.' At the Walnut Street Theatre, " The Enchant ress," which hsedrawn well 'during the week, will be repeated this everting. The Equestrian performances at the National Theatre-have hitherto been successful. An af ternoon exhibition is announced for to-day, in ad dition to the usual show - at night: "Both Ethiopian aompanies-41andford's and, Buckleysi—are doing good business,. Miss Matilda Heron has:orriredin this oily, from a successful tour in the Welt. Madams Lola Mont* has been leottirlog- of Baltimore this week, to very eroirOed, houses. 18he is writing a new Nature, Whioh willprobably be* Called " The iTerolnes- of Bistery; or; Bt rong „ , Minded Worsen," which delismr' in Philadelphia, in the eonne of 'Sesame*: It it Madame's purpooe sitortly to leottoilliWashing. Three - Mail riteareera from Liyerpool, which were adyertlapd to. the il9th lostant, . Will be due at Raw .York. this day or to-morrow, with three dare l t6r newel from gamin. BY MIDNIGHT MAIL. EHOM WASHINGTON. Governor Walker against the' Schedule of the Lecompton Convention—Gamins to like Op position—No Truth in the Statement that a French Special Matslet Is about to be sent to Central America —Trensarees Weehl7 Statement ) ere. [Correspondence of The Wass.) Wesintratow, Nov. 27,1857 Reports have been circulating in this city and elsewhere that governor Walker sustains the sche dule adopted by the Loompton Constitutional GOTI. vmation. I ant nowablo to deny the truth of those reports. governor Walker no more favors the withholding of the Constitution •framed by that Convention from a negative vote of the people of Kansas than does Ttin‘PRESS, or the independent Democratic press generally. The principle of self-government, as always math talned by him and as clearly enunciated and en forced by the President in his Inaugural, and in his instruotiohs to Governor Walker, authorizes the people to vote for or against a State Constitution entire, and is not confined to the question of slavery, even It that had been fairly submitted. Conven tions are the servants and delegates of the people, and not sovereigns by representation or otherwise. This is true, as a general , rule, but surely must prevail, where, as in Kansas, half its counties were disfranchised, and would not and did not cast a single vote for delegates to the Convention. These aro not only the sentiments of Governor Walker, but they are also the sentiments of Sena tor Douglas. • Both of these gentlemen are indig• nant at the unfair proceeding of this Leoompton Convention. bir. Douglas Censures it, and will censure it from his place in the Senate, es Using altogether in opposition to that great principle of poptdar sovereignty for which he contended in the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Dill, and which was afterward endorsed by the Cincinnati Con vention. Our Government has not boon advised that France designs sending a special Minister to Control America, as was stated in a New York paper a few days age, M. the Count do Sartigea has informed General Cass that his Government have not intimated to him any sneh Intention on its part, and that ho does not place any faith in the statement,. The weeklyreportof the Tresatirer of the United Btated, for the week ending the 23d November, 1857, is as follows; Balance in the Treasury subject to draft at that date $7,328,451 08 Amount of receipts U 52,042 03 Drafts returned paid 1,485,901 40 Drafts issued 1,235,404 50 Reduetion $592,761 67 Annexed is a Bat of the officers ordered to the sloop-of-war samestown, new fitting up at the Philadelphia navy yard preparatory to ;pining the Dome Squadron ; Commander C. IL A. IL Kennedy; Lieutenants i George B. Balch, Samuel Edwards, T. W. Bennett, S B. Luce, anti R. L. May; Acting Master John Barnes; Surgeon Marius Duvall; Assistant Sur geon Thomas J. Charlton; Purser Ezekiel W. Cul len; Gunner Benjamin Bunker; Carpenter 11. M. Lawry; Sailmaker Lewis Rodgers. . X. Y. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. From Washington Wasnuraverr, Nov. 27.—As far as can be ascer blued, the Cabinet aro united in sustaining tho action of the Nouns Constitutional Convention. Whatever preference there way have been for submitting the entire Constitution to the people, it is understood all aro agreed that the mode pro. posed for the inhabitants to settle the question of slavery as ono of their own domestic institutions for themselves, is in accordance both with the let- ter and spirit of the Hanses.Nobraska act. Governor Walker has had another long inter view with the President on the subjeot of Kansas Affairs, and these, also, to-day occupied a largo share of cabinet deliberation. No arrangement has yet been made in regard to the transmission of the President's message, in ILO wince of its delivery. It is probable, however. that the newspaper press will be supplied with espies, by the moans heretofore adopted. All the reports of the beads of departments are in a suffiaient stage of forwardness for copying. The Southern MaU WASWINOTOII, Nov. 27.—Tho Southern mail fur nishes papers from all points as late as due. The cotton fields on the Red river wore greatly damaged by the late Storm, and much cotton was blown out of the bulbs. Not two thirds of the average crop will bo gathered. The sugar yield in the stuns section is fair, and will averap,o the usual supply. The Sloop-of-War Jamestown. NtirAsuitiwrom, Nov. V.—The following officers have been ordered to the eloopot war Jamestown, whiola will shortly sail from Philadelphia to join the Home Squadron 1 Commander Kennedy; Lieu- tenants Batch, Edwards, Bennett, Lure and May ; Acting Master Barnes; Burgeon Duval; Acting Burgeon Carlton; Phrsor Acquittal of the Captain of the Steamer Ope- Now ORLEANS; Nov. 27.—Onptain Ellis, of the steamer Opelousas, who was indioted for man slaughter in consequence of the recent collision of his vessel with the Onlyeaton, boo been aoquitted. The Louisiana Sugar Crop. ' Nair OaraXaxs, Noy. 27.—Lettora from the in terior prediot a short crop of sugar, ou account of the shortness of the moan and the premature frost. Important Vial al Boston BOSTON, Nov. 27.—1 n the Municipal Court to day, the captain and owners of the steamer Mom non Sandford were put on trial, on the charge of inanslaaghter, for not endeavoring to save the life of Allen Frazer, who fell overboard their steamer on the night of 19th of September, 1856, and was drowned. The trial will last several days. Thitaktgivirag Day at Baltimore. Rumour, Nov. 27.—Thanksgiving day m generally observed in this city. Business was en tirety suspended. No disturbances awned du ring the day. The churches were well attended. The U. S. Senatorship from South Carolina. C0L11311316, S. C., Nov. 27.--The first ballot for United States Senator, to fill the vacancy 00- easioned by the death of Ron. Andrew P. Butler, TOW taken in the Legislature of this State to-day, and resulted in the following vote: Hammond 61 Pickens. 39 Jam es Clement 23 John S. Preston 18 There being no election, further balloting was postponed. Couvletion of a Mail Robber. ' • COLUMBIA, S. 0, Nor. 27.—Scott the United States mail robber, NMI eonvictod to-Uay. New Canadian Administration TOROXTO, Canada, Nov. 27.—A now . Ailininis. tration was formed and sworn in today. It is composed of Messrs. John A. Macdonald, Premier and Attorney-General of Upper Canada; William Cayley, Inspector-General, Robert Spence, Post master-General; Cl. E. Cattier, Attorney-General Lower Canada; J. C. Morrison, Receiver-General; 'P. M. Vankoughriet, President Executive Coon oil; T. J. J. Loranger, Provincial Secretary; N. P. Belleau, President Legislative Council ; Charles Alloyn, Commissioner Public 'Works; and L. V. Blotto, Commissioner Crown lands, 'the Weather. • Alain", NOV. 17.—The weather during the past twenty-four hours has been very moderate. Efforts aro being made to break the ice in the canal be tween here and. Rochester, so as to allow the boats to move East. If the present weather continues, most of the produce between here and Rochester will get through. Osivnao, N Y., Nov. 27.—The weather is mild and pleasant. • BUFFALO, N. Y., Nov. 27.—The weather in this vioinity is clear and calm. Raw Yong, Nov. 27.—The weather here is mild and clear, enteAeo, Nov. 27—The weather to-day has been clear and pleasant. CINCINNATi, Nov. 27—The weather is milder to day. The mercury stands at forty degrees. The river is falling slowly. Marketed iltmatt,s, Nov. 26.—Cotton—Sales of two days 3,600 bales. The news by the steamer Vanderbilt caused an advance of 1 cent; middlings quoting at Manic. 011ARLESTON, Nov. 20.—Cotton—Sales to-day 1,700 bales. The Aranderbil t's news caused a firm ness, bat prices continued unchanged. Middling Pair ilk. The gales during the week amounted to 8,000 bates. The inferior qualities of Ries have declined le. BALTIMORE; Nov. 27.—Flour sold at $5.25a $5.371, • Wheat 3a5 cents better. Corn advanced 243 cents, Iniskey quoted at 231a.210. Exchange on - New York 1031. CINCINNATI, Nor. 27 .--hogs dull and 50a lower. Sales at 5645.25. The receipts aro large. Rumpl ing, during the last 48 hours, to 20,000. Provision market dull. - Green meats are Is lower. Flour active and 250 Naw Ontaises, Nov. 27.—Cotter,—Thu markot shows a, tarn In favor of buyers. The salon lira slow, amounting to 1,500 bales. Sales of the week, 43,000 bales; receipts, 04,000; receipts loss than lest year, 169,500 ; do. at all southern ports, 327,- nip*. hue to dooLining tendency; sales atria # 0, 90. AlOiasSeil fe,dail a 2310. Corn—Now white Lnodtn tb s d 6e s, ; yeelw, w 1 2alt6 5e C . off o — kArm qu s t l e 7 ,s at . oalo.l* ibe sales for the week amount to 11,250 bags; the stilek4n port is 95,600 bags. "Zielutnge on London, 1031a1040; on Now York, 913398. . LARGE SALE TUESDAY NEXT--STOCEB, ACCEP TANCES, REAL ESTATE, cto.-73y ordor of Or plume' Court, Executors, and others. Bea Thomas & Some phtaphlet • catalogue, Issued to-day, coin prising-twenty-two properties, including elegant Country seat and farm, yaluablo city property, &o. - Elndani AND VALUABLE LiBRANY, to be sold on Tuesday mt. Soo oataloguon and LW - rani/4; ,1401101 THE PRESS.--1 4 111LADELPMA, §ATURDA 4 f, NOVEMBER 2S, 1857. ADDITIONAL FOREIGN•NENV S. (BY TUE VANDERBILT AND AFRICA.) The Pays reproduces, on the authority of information from London, a statement which has already been made here, hut which still awaits ssonfirmation—namely, that the Chinese Govern- Mont officially declared war against England on the 12th of September. On the morning of Thursday—the day that the letter of Lord Palmerston and Sir C. Lewis was a i rossy to the trnrao7 of the Englandankof o the ie n a rise srmelay,whontheletterwas made p tookpaotoB9tformoneyandoirertioac count a proof, if. any were wanting, that the capitalists of the city felt that the chain wh i ch w it al dragging every ono to thovorto% of destruc tion ,es h od snapped in trio tonsion.—.European .1f The prudent measures adopted by the Go , vomit:tent in giving authority to the Bank of Eng land to relieve the eons mental intereste of the coun try by a relaxation of the Bank Charter Aet of 1844, has been received throughout the kingdom with unmistakable marks of approbation, and a renewal of confidence hes been estaldished. The supply of gold by the screw steamship Ewr, from Australia, (duo here next week,) amounting to up wards of half a million sterling, has added to the improvement in commercial circles. The accounts from the United States, received per the Kenge root have boon as 'satisfactory as could have been anticipated, and it is believed the next advises will be still more favorable. The money Market, it is almost unnecessary to state, has been extremely tight, and very high rates for discount demanded. The drain of gold to the Scotch and Irish banks during the week has been excessive, and on Wednesday and yeas terday tbo pressure was heavier at the Bank of England than at any period in 9.817. The timely arrival of the Avon, from Australia, with £260,000 in gold, and the supply by the Emen, will have a good tendency upon the market. In the manufaeturing districts trade has been paralysed, but it is hoped that the relief afforded by the relaxation of the bank act, and the more favorable tone of the American advice's, will lead to an early resumption of business. At Man chester both spinners and manufacturers are free sellers, but cannot find purchaser's, no reasonable soncession in price being sufficient to induce husir near. In the woollen trade the transactions have been extremely maegro, and operations have been all but suspended. The accounts from Birming ham report the iron trade as quiet, het no change is reported in pricee.—Eferopean Times. MEET.INCI 00 PanuAmEsm—The Times an nounces $, that it has been resolved to call Parlia ment together at once, in order to settle the lucre dons raised by the present crisis, &lid to register for ministers and the bank directors that indemni ty for which they are obliged to appeal. A council will, we understand, be bold next Monday, at which, probably, Parliament will he fetesmOned to meet at the end. of 14 days," The Globe quotes, but says nothing ,to corroborate, the ebtlement of the Times to the effect that a council will be held next Monday, at which, pro bably, Parliament will ha summoned to meet at the end of 14 days. STATE OF 010 E PANK OF FRANCE.— PARts, Friday, Nov. 13.—The 11Tuxtteur publishes the monthly balance sheet made up to last night. Tho October return showed a decrease of 4000,000 sterling in the Mock of bullion as compared with the previous return in September. The return of lastnight shots% a further decrease during the past month of 4'1,440,4100. The total coin and bullion in the bank lest night was 47,581,800, whirls is about 24 milßone leas th4n in August. DETAILS FROM INDIA. The Times of Nov. 14th says: Delhi, we learn, fell into the hands of the British on the 20th of September, rind was entirely occupied on the 2.et. Thus the whole siege of the city, from the opening of fire until final possession wee gained, extended over only about twelve days. The great assault woo op the 14th, as announced by the lest mail. Our loss on this day svgs, it would seem, under stated in the former rmorts. The accurate re turn is sixty-ono officers and OM Wen killed and wounded, being about one-third the etorming force. The British force was small, and terribly dispro portionate to the work to be done. Hardly any troops but our own woul I have ventured on such an eosault in such eircurestances The Europeans arnouoteij to less than 5,000 ; the rest of the army consisted of notice auxiliaries, whose con rage was untried and sylesco allegiance was doubt ful. The city was large, strongly fortified, and defended by an army three times as OUDIcrDUS AS the besiegers. To storm the place and to drive out the enemy, would be difficult, while failure would be the signal for a general outburst of the fire which was Smouldering far and wide. Yet the resolute generals who commanded the British force did not hesitate. Out of their small force they could spare, it seems, only a storming party of 3.500, and wit h this knot of men they attacked the city, which contained within its walls the chief arsenal of Upper India. With what devoted courage our men mug have fought may be judged from the greatness and rie. pidity of their success. The details of the conflict we have yet to learn, but within a few days they will no doubt be given to the world in the de spatches of the General and the private letters of the officers. Enough, however, for the moment is the fact that the headquarters of the mutiny ara in our possession, and that the enemy is flying iii various directions, followed by Moveable columns of the victorious army. The unhappy old man whom the rebels placed on rho throne of Delhi sur rendered to a detachment of cavalry, commanded by Captain Hodson Ills two sons, and the grand son, were , also captured, and very properly shot at 0000. Lucknow has bona relieved! In the very extremity of danger, when Ow besiegers, turning against us the arta we taught them, basil mined the Residency and were preparing to blow up the de, voted garrison, the force of Sir Henry Havelock appeared. Lot us rejoice that it hes been granted to this brave and indefatigable veteran to succeed In the groat object of his campaign, If fortune bad denied hint the happiness of saving his coun trymen from a dreadful death, he would have been not the less deserving of.tho /tightest imam which the State can bestow on courage, skill, and eptor. prise. The Residency is situated at the extremity of the large and straggling town. This accounts for the fact that the whole place was not occupied at once. On the•2sth the ltesidenoy was relieved, on the 28th the enemy's entrenchments were stormed, and on the 20th a largo part of the city was taken. The loss on our side amounted to 450 or 500 mon. To the tong list of fallen commanders we must add General Neill, who so greatly distinguished him self at Cawnpore. General Nicholson is also gone, having died of wounds reeeived in the assault of Delhi. General Wilson, it Is said, retiree from command, and is succeeded by General Venal% Surely leaders enough have laid down their liVes or health for their country! Anson, Barnard, Enid, Wilson, Nicholson—what a rapid succes sion etruok down before the rebellious and doomed oily! The rest of the news is unimportant by compari son. The fugitives from Delhi wore dispersing in Various directions. Some were marching emit to Robilound and Gude, others south to Mama. By our own telegram we learn that General Greathed, with a column 2,000 strong, was to move on to An opshuhur; but the Government despatch speaks of two columns having been sent out, ono or which reached the neighborhood of Allyghur and the other of Muttra by the 20th of September. It is possible, therefore, that the whole body of rebels have. taken a southerly or south easterly route, and that General Graathed`s column had consequently changed its direetions-nnleas, indeed, three tinot fort ellt were sent out. The rest must be briefly told. Nona Sahib was said to he near Ronda en deavoring to (Afoot a junotion between the relic:lli one Gwatior Contingent and the Dinapore mull nears. UalVal, the territories of Seindia and llolkar, in feat the whole of Central India. is still in an un settled state, but there can be little doubt that the news of the fall of Delhi, and the capture of Luok now Will enable the British Government and the well-affected Rajahs immediately to suppress the movement. It is a good sign that the Madras troops have attacked and defeated the mutinous 52d, for persuading whom to treason Shenker Shah and his won suffered death. It was thought that perhaps tho Madras troops might be infected with the mutinous spirit, but this event seems to dispel any such apprehensions. The Punjab in quiet, or eopt that some robber tribes have been infesting a Ran of the country. Seindo is also quiet, but the frontier requires watebing, and General Jacob has been sentup accordingly. The Bombay presidency is only slightly dis turbed; the Madras presidency', the Southern Mahratta States, and the Deccan are all that could be wished. On this whole, we may imngra tulate the country on the danger being past. There Is, no doubt, still much to do, for 100,000 armed men cannot be disposed of in a month, or oven in six menthe. But we have no longer before us the apparition of a beetile empire, capital, and army. All that remain is a not of ieolated bands, ravaging the country without purpose, system, or hope of meccas. To rout and exterminate this ruffian rabble must be the work of the troops who have by this time poured Into the country, but who will have found the maip strong th of the mutineers destroyed before they arrived ' BY TELEGRAM. A more detailed deopatob has been reeeieed by the East India Company than the ono transmitted on the 12th at 1 301'. hi., and simply confirms the generally satiafactory . aceounti just received. In the Bengal provinces order appears to he re stored. Alt quiet in the Madras presidency. There was no fear that the movements of the dis affected would become serious in the presidency of Bombay. A body of Goorkims, 1400 strong, under the command of Captain Bidden, attacked the in surgents in the 'vicinity of AziMghur en the loth ' September; the enemy were defeated with a loss of 200. The Jousipore mutineers aro still In forms at Ajah. It is stated that they have extracted a large sum from the town of Pelee as a ransom, and reinforcements are proceeding to jobs General Lawrence. Officers killed at Lseknow :—Major Cooper, Ar tillery ; Lieutenant Webster, 78th ; Lieutenant Pakenham, 04th ; Lieutenant Bateman, 64th ; Lieutenant Warren, 12th Irregular Cavalry. DIFFICULTIES AT LUCKNOIV. The Valetta, with passengers from Calcutta, ar rived nt Marseilles Thursday morning. The Pest has received the following despatch from Mar seilles :—The passengers report General Davolock's position to be very critical. Ife is surrounded by a hostile population, is in want of provisions, gnu is encumbered with women and children. commerelal Intelligence. BROWN, SIIIPLEY, A. CO.'S CIRCULAR. Livoneeob, Nov. 13, 1857.—1 t is quite impossi ble to exaggerate the state of depression that has pervaded every branbh of business during the past wee k. Th e difficulty experienced by the conunor cial community in obtaining discounts, even for the best paper, completely paralyzed the produce market, and it was impossible to effect sales to any extent. The total business in cotton for the week ending last evening, only reached 10,000 bates, at prices varying from Jul. to lid. decline on the quotations of last Friday. nest evening it was announced that the Govern ment bad suspended the Bank Charter, enabling her to issue notes beyond her limit by the Act, with the restriction that her rate of discount du ring such suspension is not to be under ton per This alone° created a bettor feeling, and all mar kets have improved, prices have become steady, and cotton has been saleable at an advance of per lb. on the low forced sales, placing our quota lions at id. per lb. below the currency of lest week. The sales to-day aro estimated at 6,000 bales, at the following prices: Middling Orleans, lid.; mid dling Mobiles and Uplands, 7d. per in. Total stock of cotton in this port, 325,000 bales —American, 163,000; same time laat year, 397,000 —American, 208,000 Trade in the manufacturing districts is e;c treMely dull, and most of the mine aro working only three to four days per week. The corn market's very quiet at a decline of 4d per bushel In wheat, of is to Is ed per bbl in flour, and le per tar fn Didion sore, Mato wheat to gi to fls 2d; red tis 10d to 7s 41. Western canal flour 7,7a285; Philadelphia and Baltirnore'2Ba29s Mixed and yellow Indian corn 305a:103 64; white 40s per quarter. P. 6.—Tho irregularity which has prevailed in the market has prevented the committee from re. turning their usual weekly quotations for fair cot ton. JAMES McITENRY &CO.'S CIRCULAR Myr:upon, Nov. 13, 1857.—Provisions—There hnvo boon no important transactions this week in any artiolo ; the quotations are therefore quite nominal. Pigs have fallen at least Hs per owt in all the country markets, and dairy produeo has also seriously declined, Bacon—Long middles, rib in, 40a:41s per cwt--boneless, 2s more ; short middles, dosed:is—boneless, 2s more; C out, 4GliabOs. Cheese —Firio.pardls ; ordinary to fair, 30m405. Beef— Prime wets, 90sa120s per tee—lndia, 10.020 s more. Pork—Priwo moss, 808o9Osper bbl. should era, none. Lent is neglected; tho fishing rates range from 603M155. Tallow has declined Gs, with buyers at 48. s for Butchers. brondstuffs.—The ilemitnd for wile . at continues bad, and prices irregular; Chicago red has boon sold at 05. The Pronoll Oovornmenthes rescinded the prohibition against exportation, and until the tired is Inure clearly seen millers won't go into stook. Most of our recent imports are being ware housed. French flour is freaky offered at prices so rinusly competing with American. Indian corn is goinginfo moderato consumption, at3ss a 36s for yellow and mixed. Wheat—White Canadian, 7s Gil a tie liar 70 the ; do couthorn, Ss aSo 4d ; rod west ern, Os a Os Flour—Western canal, 26, a 290 par 106 lbs; Philadelphia, 27e a 205; Ohio, 283 a 303. Indian Corn—Yellow, 35s a 30e; mixed, do ; white, .183. a 40s. Thu Moiling IN alp spool° lint por Vanaorbilt from ifavre : Francs Paul A. Bra 1,03 Bellßant & Co 01,301 P J, Parravlui. .....20,000 M0 1 ) ,9 1 TNT's. & Co. 0. 1 10 Hamel Bros l2 li l Bombard Bros 0,000 Bebucllardt & (lob hard 1,000 S. T llforriau 23,900 A. & 11. Tiourqulu .. 955 0 Pel lot tst ..... .... 2,900 /I. Aclirloaon 2,000 Lemoyne 3: 8e11.... 13,9.,4 F. (0 t(A9st &, ltor, .32,400 Total . Francs. Peck k, Church...... 1,010 . Tyson & Ball, Black dr, C0....21,200 Hoye Dros 1,000 Loeschlet, Wesen- Ilona & Co 14,000 Thlrrhan, halliard & Co 00000 Win. Whitlock, Jr..A5,004 11. Botcher &Grasso 0,00 0 IS'lrtbs 4,000 John Durau4 & C0..12,000 Bacon & 110. a 45,090 771 E CITY. MUETIMENTS TlOB ZyENlNtit IVinumwor'a Inca Sretsst T0r1,4 , 17 Xtran mom ABOVID Etary.—qTbe gypocritie?— , ( The Rettiba 1.19 n." WA/a4137 MUT TI3OIIRII, N. N. OctUßit or ?bairn AND' WAptill EITIERTS.—"TiIO JArNt, , tl Ix 7 HALT., CANSTMIT /MM?" nx LOW 8/CYLYlT.—Ducklers Copep NATIONAL T 5 WAl.liingplz.o7,lqult Epri7o. Equeatrian PerIP11111\1140" %SW:M.OIII4A CVOning. BAIMORD'it OTHRI House, BLIVERTH OTHIMT, 41/HTI 0468THUT.—Ethlopirai Life Illustrated, seueludlrig with a lauenb/e aiterplece, Fl ocral of Commodore 1 3 d:1:sr.—The Tune ro, coromonias over the remains of the late Commo dore Parker were solemnised yesterday afternoon. , The services commenced at four sSeleeic, apd wero held in St. Stephen's (Episoooal) Church, Tenth street, below Market The officiating clergyman was Rev. Dr. Due:whet, rooter of the church. Commodore Parker expired on Monday last, at seven o'clock in the ovenin lie had been bed ridden, from paralysis, for the past ten months, and reduced to A state er algeipteheipiemeeee. Iwo suffered, during the time, little smite p9.in. At six P. Df., on the day of his deeetto, his symp toms became distressing., an hour after whiott be quietly breathed his last. Commodore Parker entered tbo navy onJanuary lot, 1808. UM first striking adventure was his capture, with the officers and crew of the United States brig Mautilus, by the British fleet, which afterwards chased am/ nearly overhauled the frigate Constitution. In company with numerous other prisoners of war be was taken to llalipix, and there confined. lie remained a. prisoner but a chest time, when he was exchanged. lie thorn received promotion, and was ordered._ to the sloop of-war John Adams, Captain Morris, With the rank of second lieutenant. After a series of adventures the sloop was chased by a British fleet, The sloop put into the Penobscot, where, as readers of naval history will remember, the versed was burned by the prow, to keep her from falling into the hands of the enemy. The subject of these brief remarks was subsequently Appointed to wo rst single COMMOCIff, when be was at length ele vated to the command of tire East India squadron. It was in this capacity that he took our Minister to China, Caleb Cushing, and his suite Upon his return ho was ordered to the Boston navy yard, where ho commanded for throe years and a halt. During that period ho was sent to Germany, at the desire of the Gorman Government, who wised an Amerioan egicer for the purpose of organizing the German navy, at that time an iniffilment and badly managed department. Having accomplished that task, ho returned, and was made oommAnder of the Ilemo squadron, from which be eras relieved in 18,53 By tho recant fiction of tho Naval Retiring Mord, ho and his son, Wontenant Parker, ' , mere both Wired from the sorviee. Thp eat of the beard wag a severe wortiftoation to the Dommodere, and to his finally. Pin a considerable Cato past, together with his lady, he had bean a boarder at the house of Mrs. Adams, in Woventh street, near Locust, at which place he breathed, hie last. He 106VC9, beside his wife, a family of children, all of whom are adults. We were admitted into the presence of the re mains, which were encoilined in the hack parlor of Sirs. Adaa4's house. Tho lid was removed, in order that this friend; or the deceased might fur tho last time sea hid kindly and ouressivecoun tonence. To all appearances ha fey pcmfßlly sleeping. Ile was in full Slosh, and there was no pallor upon the omuitenence to iohato Allot the life blood had ceased to ebb and it The funeral comments consisted isTa whiftestrals mos dres,:ing gown, trimmed wills white silk, and fastened round tke weist with heavy white silk cord and tassel; white satin ysst, trimmed with rich gimp, white silk gloies, shirt; gad ooDar, and block cravat. The oellin wee lined with satin. It was covered with black cloth. MO nantintings were silver plated, and a silver tablet upon the top, shaped like a shield, throa.eighiks of an inch in thickness, was thus Inscribed: Dosuits. elasteram Pastime, Captain U. 8. N. Died hevoinber 23, 107, Aged 89 years. The coffin was enveloped in the Union Jack, be fore Fining placed in the hearse, whiloupon it wore the chapeau, pword, and uniform worn by the de ceased. The procession then formed in tile tellorqne or der: Policemen in double rank o, [Extending across the ntreet from curb to curb.) Nemlean la Band. Hibernia Greens, Captain O'Hiine. Philadelphia (iroys, Lieut. Otter. 'Washington Grays, Captain Parry. Fitzpatrick 'a Military nand Detachment of Pity United States Warier'', Commanded by Lieut. ticAulry, The clergy, in blac, surpllces and atreamera. The military escort filed in rank on tho edge of the street, and presented arms as the chili prucos• sion came on. It was headed by the hoarse eou• Wiling the calla. Beside the hearse walked six seamen from the 11. S. Naval Asylsin, who had tailed with Commodore Parker is his earlier ca• reer. They appeared to he the *lost eineere mourners in the procession. Immediately following came a lino of naval ediceze, comprising nearly all who are now in port, all wearing tail uniform. Among Oran wo recog nised the venerable tionaziodoro Stewart, Captain Leo, Dr. Hunter, Captain Marston, captain Gard ner, Captain Wiley, of the Marines, alit the MD ears of the Naval Asylum. The nmnbera of filo Common arid Select Councils Caine nest in order, a train of citizens gal carriages bringing up the rear. The coffin was borne up the middle Oslo of the church and depnsitea upon a bier. It leis not zo• opened. The tiring party of United States marines, still bearing their pieces, stood rtingol along the aisle. The others took scats. Tho chancel was occupied by Itov. Drs.Ducachot, Dorr,Odonholmor, and, Van Pelt. The first-named gentleman road the burial service. No sermon was preached, and the attain was at once removed. The military escort was. dismissed, Thu firing squad and the imme diate friends alone moved towards Ilunahlson's Cemetery, the place whore the remains score de posited with military honors. natiksgici»g Day.—Thursday was generally observed ds Is )1911day. The weather I , a s clear and cold, and tho streets thronged with pedestrians. At several points bread (vas iltMitutoti to the poor Tho Good UM Engine (tompiaty attracted an immense crowd of applicants tq Broad and Race streets by the announcement of their inten tion to distribute a thousand loaves, The stock provided was aeon exhausted, and It was found necessary to procure more to supply the demand. The bakers in the neighborhood were'bought out, and fifteen hundred loaves addittenut were ilistri-' bitted. A temperance mooting was'beld In the afternoon, in Concert Mall, under thel direction of the Executive Committee of tho Bona of Tempe rance. Tho innoliggg v.lO eart,nl/01 dcy the ap pointment of the following oTheertit ' President—O. W. Patriareh, Condke, Pico Presidents—Thomas Watson, Po. 3; Leo-' nard Jewell, No. 20; If. L. 'Benner, No. 5; Wm. P. Geddes, No. 15; 11. P. 'Tureison, To. 2; J C. Sims, No. 205; Amos Briggs, No. 66; Bonj, It. Bacon, No. oh; Joseph W. Martin, No. 10; Toey, No. ; Lett, No. 331; ,I, It. Bolton, No. dl; J. Jr. Lovers, No. 12. Win Davis, No. 10; J. L. Sleeper, No. 36, W. 11. Ilubbort, No. 385. Jieoretaries—Doter lltty,No. 3; W. 0. Planagen, No. Di. Pendia, ntt being introduced, told, that it wan many yearn since the eons of Tenporanoe, as an order, had genie betbeo the paPlie; but in the interim they had not 'bean dead er sleeping, but working quietly in behalf of 'the ea* they had devoted themselves to, and with sotto dame of eneeeca• butnot with the camas oommennuiatb with thoi merits of the eons°. A aeries of resolutions, rotative to the effects of intemperance, were read by Mr. Woe. Nicholson, after which eloquent speeches were undo by the Roy. A. A. Militia, Bev. Newton Heston, and Mr. Nicholson. The Hibernia Target Company paraded for tar get voodoo, and after marching throsgh n num ber of our streets, proceeded to Caution. The members of this corps ore members of He Hibernia Engine Company, and in permit / II os a targot company, they wear the white tiro pat, black pants, and an undress military pup. Most of the public offices were closetl i the courts were not in session, very Sitio business was done by shop-beepers who kept their places open, re ligious services wore performed in reanY of the churches, and in the afternoon Chestnut street was thronged with the young mul QM. Apart front the large number of persons on this prome nade, the day might have passed for 'a BulAtaktz, Otero was ouch general order and citiot and so briety. At the Arch street and National Thea tres there score afternoon as well as evening per formances; also at Sanford's Opera House, the Now Opera House, Jayne's Hall, Thomenf's Va rieties, and other concert rooms. The Well of Temperance, Samaritan Sec tion, gave away four hundred loaves to the poor of the Thirteenth and Feurteonth wards. The Second Universalist dumb, In Eighth street, corner of Noble, gave away one thousand loaves of bread. At the Northern Nome for Friendless Children, crowds of friends poured in all day. In the after noon a. number of the numbers of Select and Corn -1 no they pealed forth their innocent Com mon Cannons visited the institution. M. Common . !node an Interesting address. The Mlle children seemed htlP praises antit lanltsgiving to Cod for the care being taken of theta in thiti vstualdo institutign. ' The Rome of Industry also was' visited by its ki ou d. a , 'lto Wastes of this institution, Doti; young and old, seemed duly to appreciate the blessings of the day. We ledge occasion to call tittentlon to an ad journed ciliate mooting in aid of the Belief Amo elation of the Twentieth ward. to ho held thie (Saturday) evening, in tins Fenn Presbyterian Church, Tenth street, above Poplar, at half-past seven &dock. The ladles are especially in vited to be present. The huniguratiort of GOvernor.—The Penn sylvania Dragoons, under the command of Cepa O. T. Jones, of this city, aro making arrangements to visit Harrisburg, to participate in the parade at the inauguration of Gen. Wm. F. Packer, Gover nor alert. Deetrtichee Fire to Franklin Place—Bunt ing of the Athenian Buibting.—Abont four o'clock, on Thursday morning, an alarm of fire was mowed by the discovery of flames honing from a third-story window at the northern end of the large strueture on the west slide of Franklin Platte, above Chestnut street, known as the Athenian Building. The alarm was very promptly given, anti an effort was made to got a sithestreant from an engine directly upon the fire by taking the hose up through the building. Before this could be accompliehed the flames had attained Ruch headway that the firemen were compelled to beat a retreat and direct their efforts from the street. The Athenian funding, which was four stories in height, wee occupied in the three upper stories by Wagner k 'McGuigan, lithographers, and by Mr. William F. Goddess, printer. The fire spread with great rapidity through the combustible material in the structure, and the flames soon raged with per. feet fury, pouring out of every window and sending aloft showers of !Turks, anti flakes, and masses of burning paper, which wore carried far to the east ward by the wind. Tho rear portion of the Franklin House extends along Franklin Place for about a hundred and fifty feet, end being directly opposite the burning building, and only separated from tt by the narrow thoroughfare, the window frames in the fifth story and the edge of the roof aeon took fire, and the wind blowing freshly in that direction, the do. struotion of the hotel scorned inevitable. The boarders peeked their trunks hastily, end many of them conveyed them away to places of safety. By extraordinary exertions the flames were sub dued in the Franklin House without having dens any damage more serious than burning out the upper tier of the milldam, and 'damaging the roof. A general alarm was struck upon the State l'onso bell, and the firemen hurried to the spot from all parts of the city, but they could accomplish very little. Franklin Place being very idrrow, and the walls of the burning building being in danger of falling'out, the firemen could not operate from the front, and there Was no deceits from the rear. Side streams were thrown on the building from the street, at the northern end southern extremities of the building, but even this scanty supply of water was:much of It, blown back by the wind, add, as a consequence, the entire building, with all its contents; was destroyed. The weather was vary cold, nod the ice, which formed rapidly, interfered considerably with the movements of the firemen. The Albanian Building was owned by 'Messrs. Wegner & Neel uigen. It was worth aboqt $3,000, ant} was insured in the Franklin offeie fur $5,000. The stock of lithographic keno,' ntaterjale, tla iibed work, praline, he., in the building', and be longing to Messrs. Wagner Ile ATM tillreirme valued at 520,00. They were entire y tieSiFeYed,• llPen this Tarlton of the property there was an tneerauce of slo,ooo—one-half of which was In the Royal, gnu etwo ether $5 l OOO was divided between the For mers' and MeenZel!es' erld another office. The time had forty-six presses in Operation, and they emplciyea about !flirty seen, who wore engaged chiefly on the saape etel• viewe for the Report on the Pacific Railroad Survey, end en plates intended for the Patent Gilles reports. Preen' of thbett works have been preserved. Mr. Geddes lost about e 3,000 in materials, crem es. finished work, ho. There is an insurance of $750 in the Girard on the stock of Mr. Geddes. Nearly We Oars lifter story of the building was occupied by et rodeliek row ani. Chariot Hess for lager boor saloons. The leas of the Ifitior fe $1,400. Insured. The building on the northwest corner of Chest nut street and Franklin Phu" and the building next above, on Chestnut street, oceupial by the office of Godey's Ladies' Book, wore in imminent danger for some limo; but both escaped any hn portant damage. The restaurant in the basement of the corner lapildhig wee flooded with water, and the tenants in thii Inver gait nao name Imilding Wen losers ton Mail Tho - entSrOlo7,4 by the eenflagration will . probably . reach ipBe e oe, over one half of which is covered by insurance. Tho tire is believed tee have originated acciden tally. Tho Athenian Building has for many years been used for printing cakes, and on several previous Occasions it was more or loss damaged by fire. About twenty years ago the place was quite cele brated for a dzink'ng Weep and reading room, which was located on its first tioor ' "end WhlCh wets known as Ilona Quarters This tayern was fitted up in very attraotive style, and it was long a popular place of resort. The Bonk of Pennrytrania—neport of the Contatissioners.—The commissioners appointed by Governor Pollock to examine into, and report on, the condition of the Bank of Pennsylvania, have concluded their labors for the present. The partial report of the commission was sealed on Wedneedey night, the 25th inst., and sent to Har risburg. The commissioners, Judge J. T. Hale Eli Slifer, tend J. C. Bomberger, met in this city on the 17th inst., and proceeded at wee to a dim:barge of their duties. The investigation was ceedeeted with due diligence, and tile melt, thus far, is in the poeseseten pf pie Governer of the State. We were inferutedyesterday thafthe ascertained liabilitios of the haek. amount to about tiro nit/- lion dollars, while the assets will figure to 'the amount of two serest Ittodred thousand defiers. These name consist of bills receivable,' bends, mortgagee, real estate, &e., not the ties, of indebtedness to the city and country banks, circulation, deposits, and checks marked good. The report soot to the Governor contains a classi fication of Am assets and liabilities. The coon miseioners will probably resume their invostiga thmlei the purse of fifteen or twenty days. Acctdents.—Sanice 7:4,4t;910tt, 'aged four years, end Mary Carr, 'aged seveityears,aaern bad ly scalded yesterday afternoon, by a pet of boilitt ' soup falling on them, at a blouse en Baker street, near Twentieth. They were taken to the Penn sylvania Hospital. James tdoliinnoy, aged thirty years, wits admit ted to trio earns institution yoeterdav afternoon, having had hie right foot badly oruellea by a block of marble falling on it at Vine-street wharf. George Ilia, aged forty-five years, n plasterer, fell front newt seaffelding at Second end Pock 'greets, yesterday, and was considerably bruised. He was taken to the Hospital. Yesterday morning David Lewellin, aged twen ty-two years, had his left leg fractured, by being struck with the shaft of a coal-breaking machine, inn mine in Carbon county. Ile was brought to this city, and taken to the Ponosylvania hospital. Amputation is considered necessary. house of the (Feed Shepherd.—Tho concert in aid of this benevolent inetittitien, which took plate at Concert Hall en. Thursday oyeeinr, was a most complete and'grattfying success.' The bell was filled to Be utmost capacity, and rho singing by the different performers was excellent. Col. J: T. Riley sang 4 Song of the Union," written expressly for him, in unequalled style, and was greeted with enthusiastic shouts of approbation. The Ildetamorit Glee Club, who made their first ap pearance in public, wore also received with cordial applause. The Medial; Firemen intend having a grand parade and ball on Wednesday next. The Western Engine Company, of this city, ono of our most active and worthy organizations, intend visiting Beading on Tuesday, taking with them their beau tiful apparatus, for the purpose of participating in the parade. The Western trill be ACCDD/palliCii by the Pennsylvania Cornet Band, and we linvo no doubt that the company will receive a glorious re ception from their Reading brethren. For Lagttayra.—Tho now clipper barque Rowena, pietein Wilson, will sail this day for Laguayre, or; her /wader, voyage. She Wes built by Messrs. John 11:11aunnott f t: Son, of this' city, for Messrs. Dallett Brothers, and is 1191103- tionably the strongest and heedsemest vessel that I has am left this or any other port. She leaves Lombied streee et noon, and as "seeing is believ ing," the (uking and euilf;il are invitel to see her previous to her departure. On motion tf V. L. 'Radford, Esq., pails F. murphy wael oft the 27tli day of November. 1857, adtatfted to praptiecr at an attorney of the, District Court and Clout, of (gnomon Vibes for the' city and county of Philadelphia. Ott motion of V. L. Bradford, Esq., Binantiel Rey was, on the 27th day of November, lan, ad' mitted to practice es an attorney of the District Court and Court of Common Pleas for the city and county of Philadelphia. , Child Burned.--. 2 -Yesterday morning, about Nino o'clock, ahoy four years of age, who lived in Perry otrept, below Master, in the Seventeenth ward, was shockingly -burped by hie clothes taking tire from a pato. Ifospitai Gov.—Joseph Myer, aged toelie yours; was admitted. to St. Joseph's Hospital, yes terday, suffering with a fracture of all arm, caused by falling down a flight of Mope. The State Poultry Frhibition of Pennsylva nia, now open nt Jayne's building, between. Sixth and Seventh streets, will be kept open for a few days longer. CA'I'TbE Z.—At market GOO Beevee,ll2o Starthr, 10,01) , Spopp and Lauat, and 1,300 Swlno, pair Worcinq Qxen, ;iv Cows and Calves. Boot Cattle—Prices, extra t8a58.25 ; first quality $7.50; second quality $6.75; third ordinary $5,150. Working Oxen—No toting. Stores—Yearlings $11a$18; two years old $124 $2O; three years old $25a530.. Cows and Calves—alea at $2O, 21, 20, 23, • Slides balm per lb; Pelts 62ttG70;'Calf por Tallow—Sales Set Ge per lb. Sheep and Lambs—Extra $2 50, 2.75, 2.00, 3 50; $1.25 7 1.504. Etwino—Wholesale, qo per lb; Weil, *O3; fat no w t, still fed, corn fed, idle , Remarks—Owing to the slnall number of cattle at market, there is an Overate in Om pile° of peel 500 por lOU lbs. It being the day before the annual Thanksgiving, there aro but few attending the market. BALTIMORE CATTLE MARKET, Nov 25th.— In consequeneo of to-morrow (Thursday) being Thanksgiving (lay, the cattle market this wools was held ono day ()artier than usual. Beeves.—The offorings at the scabs today reached 875 head, of which number 110 head were driven to Philadel phia, 125 loft over unsold, and the remainder, 040, were told to Italtimore butchers at prices ranging from s3as4.o2ji on the hoof, equal to $5a58.371 not; and averaging $3.05 grecs. These prices show a slight advance on last week's rates. Ilogarßup ply light; sales at 5747.121 for tuadium olso,but (ho greater portion of the receipts sold at 57.2507.57/ per 100 lbs. net. Shoop.—Supply Moderato; sales at $3.75a54.50 per 100 lbs gross, an advance of Min na nor 100 lbt on the prices of last week. CAMBRIDGE CATTLE MAR.RET, Nov. 24. At market, 582 Cattle, 500 peeves, and S 2 Stores, consisting of working Oxon, Vows, and one, two and throe years old. Prices of inorkot hoof: Ex tra, $747.25; fleet quality, $6a59.50; second quality, $5.75; third quality, $5.25; ordinary quality, $4. Stores—Prices, working oxen, from $75, $lOO, slsoas2oo; eoise and calves, $25, $35, $5OaS5O; yearlings, sllasl3; two years old, $174120; throe do., s2sas3o. Sheep and Lambs-4092 at market prices in lots, $142 each ; extra and seleotions. $3a53.12. Swine—Prices, live weight, Sc. per lb.; deemed, 7a7io. per lb. Hides, 50.; Tallow, Co.; Pelts, 6.2a070.; Calf Skins, 9aloo. Remarks—Very little doing at market to-day; stook small and but few buyers. 'Extra outfit) were scarce. Sheep dull, but few wanted. THE MONEY MARKET. Nov. Purr dnacears , 27, 1857. To Americana, perhaps the most important fea ture of the late news from England, is the rapid decline le the price of cotton. The total cessation of the usual demand for this great staple in Eng land for speculative purposes, and the falling off in its consumption abroad, necessarily produced by the unsettled state of the great markets for menu. feetures,erould be sufficient, of themselves, to greatly reduce the price of the raw material ; and, when to this is added the competition of the New Eng land manufaeturers, who stopped their mills and sent their supply of thirty thousand bales of cotton abroad for sate, it is not unlikely that the price of cotton in England will touch a lower figure than at any time in a Boron years. Tho South ie, in a great 7110203111.0, cut off entirely from a market. The payment of specie by the New Orleans banks will keep esobange heavily against the northern cities; time drafts cannot be negotiated there, and sight drafts will not be ao, opted In the North. Consignments are not soli cited, chiefly because the consignees aro in doubt as to whom to make sales, pod the planters are equally afraid to make shipments until commercial 'natters become more settled. The consequence cannot fail to be a great aoou• Mutation of cotton in the southern markets, era a heavy decline in price, when the northern manu facturers will begin to buy it, and again set their machinery in motion. Every week that the mills aro idle produces a heavy lora to the owners, not only in interest upon the capital invested, but in tho rapid deterioration of the machinery Itself. The fall in the price of cotton will necessarily cause heavy losses upon the stocks of manufac tured goods on hand, and the sooner the mills which are carrying heavy stooks put them in mar ket, the less, probably, will be their ultimate loss. For the thousands of unemployed operatives thrown upon old charities by the stoppage of the mills, the worn rapid the decline in the price of cotton, the more cheering will be the prospect of a renewed dernand'for theft serviCes. Manufacturers will lose heavily by the decline in the price of goods, but it le a matter for their serious considers- Lion, whether the flrat Jon will not be the least, and ad/ether those who aro earliest to reaNte upon goo* and the first to take advantage of the turn in the cotton trade and to enter the markets with now styles ruadefrom cheap stock, will not, M the long rfin, slinko mecca good. The stook market is heavier than for some days, and tbo prices of goyiml securities show a droop. ing, but not to laud' an extent as might hav6 been upsted after so rapid a rice as we have wit nessed. lkfaney Market conCrodes compara tively easy, good endorsed paper selling putty freely at one per cent. a month. The steamships Africa and landerbitt, together, bring nearly pop,opo in specie. The eounnission to inyesiigato the condition of the Bank of Pennsylvania have reported progress to the (lever nor, and obtained leave to continue tboir labors. Tboir final report, it appears, cannot bo made owing to the impossibility of determining the piton ,s 1 certain of the assetts of the bank. They ecom ro be in the same itianilari in respec t to the hank with the acting president at the meet. ing of its stockholders. We quote the Evening Bulletin's statement of the receipts of Anthracite Coat from the Lehigh and Schicylkill regions, for the week and season : Bouvrcir Week c f/ Y ed.9,31; 11,166 67 1 tti 87,663 2:100,03 , 1 7,660 403,339 31,210 1,633,360 Total "9 638 1,279,601 1856. Week. Season. Week. Semen. Ce.rkel 33,808 1,161.080 34,020 1,113,823 Railroad. 4,027 161,863 61,351 2,013,375 Topa n,a4e. TAA,9IS 55,31 1 1c 161 , 100 iy3O4rITVLATON UY 'VMS 6ZA303. •• • • iwr., Lehigh Canal 1161,480 871,242 Daa..2i0,83.1 Railroad.— 151,883 408,3.59 1n0..233,484 Scknylkill Cana1,..1,113,823 1,203.388 Inc.. 92,101 Rai/road. 2,073,813 1,685,160 Doe-384,515 4,601,628 4,111,541 D 44.330,019 The season may be considered closed, as the ca nals oan carry little more, and the railroad busb noes year terininates on lionday nest. The geed ing roan Bill increase its aggrigato jo . spout 1100,000 tons, against 3,292,203 toes last year. TEe renal will probably increase its aggregate to abent 1,310,222, agaigst 1,1,62,453 last year. The Lehigh region will vary but little from the figures given above, and the coal trade from both regions may be compared with last year, as follows: 1858, 1857. ? a ra lB62 T Bs6ol C: 33'2 gry R... 10470 430,000 :012112 son4rulti Ce.c . 41.../,160,45.3 1,210,000 Inc.. 40,811 . Renduas kodliaik.d.:4,oBB.ool 1,700,000 Deo-388,903 Total 4 Next, 4,225,000 Der. ; 395,026 It will lie twi t that this net decrease in the sup ply from Shego two regions Is 385,321 tons ions than that of last year. From other regions, however, there have been increased supplies, so that the to tat amount of Penny!Tanis 'Feat gent to iparket in 1837 will vary little from that sant to snorkel in 1856, which was nearly seven million tons. The Board of Trade hold an adjourned meeting at their room on Monday evening next, to further dismiss the needed reform in the banking syttem. Thy virtual failure of the greatest and best man aged tank in thp vforld, and tho total inefficiency . of Peel's great sot 0(1844 to avert each an occur rence, make it a matter for serious and deliberate investigation, whether it is possible to prevent abuses under the present system, and whether iiye whole machinery of modern banking man. not be advantageously sunlicit by some new toothed, which shall retain the qdVaplageo and do away with the risk 3. The general impression of sound thinkers upon the extension of privileges granted to the bank is, that, though it may bring temporary relief, the measure will, in the end, prove disastrous to the English commercial and manufacturing interests. The restriction which has been removed from the bank required that for every 130t0 issued beyond the sum of X 14,000.000 secured by the Govern ment, the bank should have an equal amount of gold or silver in its vaults. This regulation made Its notes what they KM - wed to be, the represent atives of so much teal vntuo, into which they wore always convertible; but 'the roo:lira] of the re striotion leaves the diroctorsat liberty to issue any amount of bills, which, if the privilege is availed of, must inevitably bring about a more covers finanolal roVelsien when the day comes for liqui dation. Tho following ore to-loy's Quotation!' for Specie, by Creniso 4, Co 01111110 n and V-peoia Bre'Lars, 40 South Third otroot, payable in bankablo Nude Amer. S 4 Doltsni,old—LOO Am, Gold, old coinage:l 07 0 ..1 03 Pictorla Sovereigns—A 02 Mexican Dollars 100 Old " ....ADO N apoleone (20 linenr.4. 3 Ten 11 uildurs 303 Ten Thalets ...... I'ruesian..B.lo leMn. " 25 ... 1X to 2X premium. .1% to: . to 2 die, X to 1;j die. Ali EXORANOZ BALES, rl:7, Spanlob Pillar Dotlare.l 00 South Ant. " ..1.05 Five France OS Gercuau Crowns 10S French " I 10 American (told New York rzebango, Bost on Baltimore " •" PIIILADELPIIIA STOC November Stork Broker, No. 'tit street. totatp. 50 Readlog 50 do ssorn.2tly 52 Lehigh Scrip. 10i5.:35 re ]B '22v IClprtell by R. manty, 821 Wal BERni! bOOO N Penn It Ge lota.6Sg 4000 Um It 7a Paullots .61 600 Penn dg 86,L no do 86 1000 City 6.1 .. . .. 4000 do lot new.ll3li 201 Vettu It 64141mtt.i5 1 do ' ' .BO 1 CPA 100 ScUuyl N 40 do 12 /40 do b 5.14 :DO Sell Nv pid Its b 5,10 o N rent. It 0 2 !,/ Mend R 0un.1523i, 5000 City It t'.4..:10ta.81,V luo Ae.idiag 1t " 27 • 720 go ......1ytt.2.1311 100 do ~,,, • • .2d 60 do 00)1 100 do b5.20x, 40 do 264/ 100 do .....sSticia.l:6l( Oiravi Ilk 3 l+lE , cheniel 15k.....14 od do 100 do 70 do BOARDS. 100 Reading R.... 1i5.26 11 13eav Mead...R .1022. IMTWEE. 2000 Penn R 62 2n2the .75 20?) Et It 72 210tbvr.rt..61.. 108 Lehigh Nay.... 14.52 17 Dank of Nan lots.llX BO 13 Penn 5 101,39 x 1 10 Nrne/115 R ba 100 Ileno4ng 11. • • 2t) 555010 151 R9tsling R.-4)111.29h' 28 Dear goad R 10ta.53 38 do 4.62 60 Schugl Rex pf1...18 50 Penn R e5wn.39 21 do 39 45 Li Penn 11,...1ute. 9 150 1. Latina 11...10t5,10 5 Western Bank 15.55 5 Pldlnds Bank... .99% 1000 N Penn R 0die1ih,63,44 1100 City Os 10ta.87 1000 Lehigh It 08.04 X 2000 ek A n .i.'B 3 105 • 62 .31 1500 Schl Nay 6a , 52135,60 300 City R 8/1 97,V 2000 Clu3Scßet 2 daya.6oS trarriebtirg R.... 51 16 , • do 53 311n0Ri111.,.t0te.•68 iIePRR 1000 Itmling It 0810.55 inaBINO rat( Bid. Asked. 113 'BOARD. 120 , 1118—STEADY. A3ked. 61 'VI prat It 101 i Wunp.'t k him Rid 76 do latmort 7'BoB 111111@ Phi tatlel 575; 4 " 4 874 i 4 t New 0 .00 94 Pentoylv 95 Rending It 20,4 j 25,4{ do bonds )70 74 75 do 51 044,44 .81 Penns Mt IS 30,.1; Morris Canl Con 47 205 do do 2dm 51 51y Long Island .... 10 203, Vicksburg otj 7 Girard Dank 5 1 ,k 9y Lehigh Zinc A; I Union Canal At( 5 New Creek...... N Oe.taig Sass R 7 80110 N 6a U.... 60 SI " gt00k.....114 12,.; I NEW BEDFORD OlTi AIARETT, Nov. 23. Sporm—Continues In fair demand far oxport and homo use. The transaetions since our last Inaludo WO or lands amounting to 1059 bbls., at $1 per gallon, cosh—part for oxport and part for home consumption. Whale.—There Is nothing doing in whale, and we have no sale to report. Imports of operas and whale oil and whalebone into the United States, for the week ending Nov. 23, 1857 Bblia. MIAs. Sperm. Whale Total for the week.— • sr., Proviimly 75,869 239,327 1,994,500 Prom Tam Ito date-70,294 920,521 1,994,800 Same Ulna last yea5..74,235 194,854 2,5380,00 ALBANY LUMBER MAREET.—The receipts by canal at Albany from the opening of navigation to November 23d, In the years named, were as fol lows t Beards and Shingles, Timber, Stares, Scantling, ft. 31 C. ft ths. MO 8 10 00,000 32,990 27,833 140,082,480 1051 253;4 5 5,005 33,452 110,000 112,303 00 1052 30,611,831 31,203 201,429 100,822,00 1813 01,010,914 20,902 10,814 111,631,648 /054 300,000,051 21,532 23,020 120,129,023 1855 ...... .. 234,460,704 00,010 13,663 /37,286%235 1850 216,010,030 35,774 14,133 1 1 2,08,582 1857, .....321,732,003 53,402 102,000 1 5 5,1501,70 The season way be considered as about drawn to a close, and when the yearly footings shall have b een made, the receipts of Board and Scantling this season will not exceed those of the preiflows year. Shingles now show an Increase of .11,1128 M. and Staves 42,753,137 lbs., while Timber exhibits a large Increase, WEEKLY REVIEW OF YIIE PRILADEL. POILLDIX.PaII, November 27, 1857 The foreign news has had very little effect upon the produce markets, but the transactions gener ally have been light, end the prices of most de eariptions have ruled In favor of the buyers. Bark is quiet at previous quotations. Breadstuff: , are also very inactive, and prices are unsettled, with a limited export demand for most kinds. Cotton is without movement. Coal has been rather active, the recent cold spell having stimu lated the demand both for shipment and home use. irons remain quiet, and prices somewhat irregu lar. Groceries are selling moderately, bat at rather lower figures for Sugar and Molasses. Pro visions—but little doing, end the prices of most kinds tend downward. Naval Stores are quiet Oils are dull, and prices unsettled and drooping. Seeds—very little doing. and holders firm in their demands. Whiskey is also better, and Wool is more inquired for, with moderate sales of fleece and pulled, holders; at the close showing more firmness. Otherwise there are but few changes to note since our last weekly review. Banat's - rms•—The market for all kinds has been depressed and dull during the week just past, owing to the unfavorable character of the advices from abroad, and prices generally favor the buyers. The tales of Flour, however, reach some 6,500 bbls, at $5.25145.371 for common and good brands; 55 5045.75 for extra, and $5.35a $8.75 for fancy lets, according to quality, the latter for premium Flour, the demand at the close being quite limited, both for export and home use, for the latter purpose. Sales to a moderate extent have been made at from $5 2547.50, as to brand end quality. Rye Flour continues 'motive, at $4.50 per bbl ; the stock is light. Corn Meal is also dull and lower, some 1,500 bbls Penn's Meal having been sold, part at $5 and part at a price not made public. Wheats Are coming in slowly, but the demand id moderate, and prices have been hardly sustrined ; the market, bow over, at the Chin), was rather firmer. Sales In elude about 25.001 bus, In lots, at $.l 1541.26 for ordinary to prime red, and $1.2051.3.5 for white. Ayala better, and all offered (about 3,500 bus) have boon taken at 75a7d0 for Pennsylvania, and The for Delaware. Corn continues scarce, and 17,000 but old yellow have been disposed of at s , Osgle afloat and in store: 12,U00 but new alisi sold at 571.620, as to condition, the latter for prime dry lots. Oats are advancing, and about 22,0uu bus Delaware and Pennsylvania brought 35336 e. Of Barley, smell sales are reported at 235a95c, and Barley Malt at $l.lO per bo. The inspections of Flour'and Meal for the week ending Nov. 28, 1857, were; Darrel& of Rupertlne "do Fine do Middlings do Rye do Corn Steal " do Condemned Totat•• ........ 16 VS Pnoviiiwss.—The market generally continues dull and drooping. Pork Is ceiling as wanted in smolt tote at St9as2o for Mess; and sllasl3 for Prime. City•paoked Ideas Beef is held at bliatiS per Uhl ; the demand, however, is only for ships stores. HaOn 1.7 but little inanired for, Hams are quoted at 10a14 cents and ehiAlders at Malt as to quality. 20 casks of green meats have been' taken, part on terms kept private and part at 9 cents for shoulders. Of Lard the Wes continue limited at 11a12 cents for barrels, and 13 cents for leegx, at which rates about 000 pkgs have been bold. Roll Rutter is selling freely at 17+118 cents for prime, but other kinds arbinegleeteiii and dull at 10a12 cents ; about 250 kegs prime Ohio have been taken by the packers at the latter rate. Cheese is moving off more freely at Sa9 cents. Eggs are scarce and wanted at 17x171 cents per dozen. Gnoesturs.---The market for Sugars continues delrend &Coping, brt rue cieroanci is tether more active and prices without any material variation; sales comprise about 1,200 bias, part for refining. at from 64 cents on time. Holders of Coffee are rattier firmer; the transactions of the week, how ever, have been limited to some 110011200 bags in lota to the trade, at Wall cleats for Rio and NAZI i cents for Laguayra, di the usual creeliti 2,000 bags Rio slid' by anutien to-day at from 011/0t cents, 6q days and 4 moiallte Credit. Molasies is neglected and dull ; some rurther n aales . of 'Sugar house have been made In lots at 2500 cents, 4 months ; by auatiora about 75 bluis Cuba Mnacce. vado were sold at 21a24 cents ; and 2SO barrels New York Syrup at 2545 cents for cash and time. MeraLs.—The better feeling noticed in the Iron market last week still continues, but there is little inquiry, and buyers and sellers are apart in their views; transiettlons ere to the extent of 600 tons anthracite at irregular rates; we quote at 42 5 for No. 1; $23 for No. 2, aid s2las22 for No: 3, on time.' Scotch pig is held at $27a523, cash and 4 mos, but there is nothing doing. In rails and bars we beer of no further t.ransaction.s this week. Lead.—The market remains inactive, but without any change to notice. Copper. —There La no alte ration In the market, and about the neuil beSinea doing In sheathing and yellow metal at quotations. MUM—Very little doing, but the prices of both kinds are unchanged. Bine has been rather quiet this week, and about 75 hints Quereitron have boon disposed of in lots at $3O for let No. 1. Beeswax is inactive, but further sales of about I,OOQ lbs are reported, mostly at 270 par lb, some holders ask more. BREAL: continues dull, and sales are mostly eon 4ned to the wants of the horns trade, at prices within the rape or reinter qUetatiens CANDLE9.—Thero is rather more doing, and ad amantine aro steady at about 210 per lb. Sales of 1,500 boxes are reported on terms not public. Other kinds are quiet, Corrost.---titock is nearly exhausted, but the foreign news has depressed the market, and only about 125 bales have foxed buyers this week, in small lots to Supply the waits of a few neighboring spinners, within the range of 12315 c per lb for Uplands and Orleans, cash and short time. Cult.—The receipts tire moderate, and the de mand is rather more active, the inquiry being chiefly for the email sixes to go East, which arteries very plenty, and bringing fully former quotations. The home trade i.e also rather hotter, and prices are unehanged. Fisn continue dull and drooping, and the store prices of Mackerel range at $l2 for Is, $ll for 2s, and $9 per bbl for Is, but the demand is limited at these rates. Pickled Herring sell as wanted at $1 44.25 per bbl, and dry Cod at $3.5043.75 per 100 lbs. FEWlT.—Raisins are held with mare firmness, and sales of some 3,500 pkgs. have been made at 32.3542.10 per box. small packages in proportion. About 150 boxes of Lemons hare also been disposed I of at $2.20a52 25 per box. Domestic fruit is arriv ing more freely, and prices are unsettled. Green Apples aro selling at $143.50 per bbl. as in qual ity. Dried Apples On? eta., and Peaches Salt) eta. ' per lb. Cranberries are not so plenty, and selling at SS49 per bbl. Fitztoure continue dull, and there is very little produce offering; the asking rates to Liverpool are 2s 61 for Flour, 8a94 for Grain, and 255a.273 6d for weight. To London some small engagements are reported at 303 per ton. Not much doing in West. India freights, and quotations aro about the Same. California freights aro unchanged, and a limited business doing at 2045 cents , per foot. Southern coastwise rates are' steady at 64 cent & for the Gulf ports, Sad cents for Charleston and Savannah, and 5 cents for Wilmington, N. C. Eastern freights aro better; the going rates to Reston are 25 cents for Flour, 6 cents for Corn, and '52.25 for pig iron. Colliers meet with a good de- stand, and are •rather seared. The following are the rates from Port Richmond :• to New York. $1.0541,08, Providence $440a51,50, Heston $1.85 41.90, Richmond, Va., $1.30, Camden, Me.,51.85, 2..7. C., x 1.30, Quincy Point, bless., $1 00, New Redford $1.5041.60, Williooestiorg, Va., $2, and Salem, Mass., $1.90 per too. 63,113 2,821,918 lar.ssrmi.—Tho receipts and sales of Crude con- Untie lignited, and it is quoted et 45e. per lb, fIy...NO.—MUM or nothing doing; prices are unaltered. 11x3ti..—The market remains very inactive, the stock Wing protty much all out of fret bends. lees eptlnue 011 and unsettled, and no sales of any nonsntillenPo hew) cope under pur notipo this week. Ilorm.—Tbe demand le better, and prises the same, with a fair business doing at l'altlo per lb. for Eastern and Western, as in quality. 11111TIIER.-410aVy BtOCk is wanted at fall price,•. but other kinds are dull and the market generally is quiet. Lemnan.—The demand for all kinds bas fallen oT, and business is pretty mw•h tuspendca for the season. Prices aro nominally unchanged, but some vile.) of yellow Cap Peards aro reported at $10.411 per 111, and C1D,40 Maths, ott terms liept prifata. h r avdn Sronns.—Thoro is little or nothing do ing, except in Spirits Turpentine, which is in better demand, and about 250 bids hare been taken at 4da 'To per gallon, mostly cash. Oas.—The transactions In Sperm and Whale are mostly in a small way, from store, within the range of quotations. Lard Oil sells slowly at lialOdc. Linseed in dull and unsettled, prices ranging at 55a50e per gallon, cash and time. PLA , ,TER is scarce and wanted, and sales of lots to arrire aro reported at $2.81 ias3 per ton. Elan.—The stook in light, and the sales mostly in a retail way at 4o per pound. SAe isunettangod; about 3090 sacks Aetttons fine, and a cargo of Turks' Island bare been dts• posed of, the former at a price not made public, and the latter at about 22c per bus. Scens.—Cloverseed is wanted, but there is very little otTering, and the sales ore confined to smelt lots from wagons and Etores at $5a55.23 per bus; Bolden generally ask more, and wo quote it at $5.25a35.50 per W. Timothy and llastseed aro also quiet; the former is quoted at $242.25, and the letter at $1 2541.50 per bushel for domestic' seed TALLOW.—There is a steady demand for city rendered at from 9i to Ifie per lb. iris —llolderi are firm in their views, but the market hes been very inactive, the transactions being in small lots. to supply the house trade. TOBACCO.—There bag been very little movement PRIA MARKETS in the market, trot at lower figarla, tht piliioll/147 et which are private. Wtscs are dull, and a lintel basineas only to note, at about previous rates. Writaxar is_ in better demand, barrels harin been bold t some extent at :1243c., the latter tor Ohio and prison; hblis 28.5. and Drudge at Zio, IVuoi, is beginning to attract a little more at• tention, and 30340000 lbs of pulled aad Recce bare been disposed of, in lota, to minufactarers, at irregu lar p;toes, the latter for prime, priees raining, from 2,ie. to 50e. per lb cash and time. BY THE PILOT LINE. LETTER FROM NEW YORE. (Correspondooof of Th* "Prent I Ns w YORE', Nov. 27, 1337--:, 20 P.M The &drives by the Africa and Vanderbilt do not modify or aggravate the leading points con tained in the telegraphic despatch from Cape Race. The pencils In London ar.d. Liverpad whose opinions are moat reliable en froneill mat ters, do pot believe that the money market will be immediately restored to vigorous health ; but they believe that the worst is over, and that though the cure may be somewhat tedious. it is, neverthe less. eertain. Many suppose—and I am strongly inclined to agree with. them—that the permisi:en accorded to the directors of the Bank of England by the British Government will not be wed. or if it be, to a very limited extent The high rate of interest. which may be rafted still higher at any time, should occasion require, wilt effectually stop %rapid efflux of gold, eel many men who, fearing a complete dead lack of accom modation at the bank, owing to its inability grant it under the operation of the charter, and who got mare money than they really wanted while it was posaibie to do so. will now return the supine to the bank. ttecsmie they know they can get it again when they Want It if tocb,ek the sersinble for money, and the panic whlcli it mel ted, that the Treasury letter was issued. an.% though I aln not at all prepared togive qualified approval to teat letter, I hope in will serve the purpose for which it was deigned I think the blink act wine and nand in all its provisions, and should be sorry to see the whole some restriction to an issue of inconvertible paper in the slightest degree permanently relaxed. White it is to force. over-trading, inordinate spec , illation. and the transaction of Ir.:tab:Rai without capital, are, if tot alt.:amber impossible. err. thinly much mire diXoult, and lest iiket2 i>• occur, and though on slaws - mil cue may re quire an extraord i nary remedy, there a to re-asia why, in ordinary times, a resort to tlloSaextracir dinary remedies should be allowed. The ease?. tion proves the role. and is. to my mind, a reason why Peel's Act should not be repealed. There is stilt an evident disposition ea the par t of bash:tem men here to wait Le further news. Stagniti)n rules in every branch a( ksinagi. an 4 ILA a necessazymmisequence money le it:unties there being no occasion for its nee. The banks are very ready to lend on `• prime paper," Int the makers of the article is not need loons, Red Use : a . who aro capable only of producing " essond-erssat paper' , here no thence of meteor bat at the note sharers. and they prefer " getting artataiOni. and "holding on" to the severe. operations it-f Wall -street money lambent There is no wadetial alteration in rates_ Foreign exchange Is inactive for the Ariel to-morrow. and it is not likely that any eoesiderable ram will tos sent cut The Canard stearaeroa Wednealey it is thought, take out a very large sum. Rates to-day ate for sterling 109a1021, and Paris ss3a ,5161. The lose of $7.000.001) in gold by the Bank of Femme within a month eattmie some aialleto to the condition of affairs to that tionnery. Von will pemeire that the rate of dimount bee been advanced to 10 per cent., and that ander the ieg g enet) of this measure the French finds left of steady, on the day of the steamer's sailing, at fril 35 for money, and 66 50 for &mutt for the three per coot routes. The Vanderbilt brings 334,442 francs in 'apezte, and the AfriA brlegg $75.431 from Frazee, slid .f..5 . 1;t9i5 from England. The branch in this city of the house of Codling ton A Co , iron merchants, whole failure to reported in the latest pipets, still continues its business. The failure of the Liverpool hones wan caused by money complications with the house of Dennistoun h Co., from which no ultimate leas is anticipated. The telegraph annonsem the fallurp of Mears. Trull A Brother*, 4f Bretton, limgely co gagedin ther remit trade. balizeust tha Cleating Ilonseth-day was as follow.: Clearings, $1T,537,730.9:. Bahoseespaidin coin. $1,155,653.21. The cash transeetiona of the Sub-Treasury vete: Receipts, $113,555 31. Payments, $422.437-.0. Balance, $4,400,315.11. The receipts at the CuMenie House for duties were 575 tOO. The Howard lastmenee Company has d,eslero dividend of 12 percent., payable December T. The business done at the Sleek Ezehlage tis-day was not large. The market - was nbt'at allhnoyant, Me( late, end a largo decline took place in Uereral stocks. hjew York Central fell to 7.31 , ; 3diehigag Southern, old Mock, 17i ;guarantied troth to 7,5; Galena and Chicago to Di; Brie to 1511 Panama to Mt, and Michigan Central to 34. Read, lag also declined to 51,1, against 531 on Wednesday, and Chicago h Rock 'shied to 79, against S 2 on Wednesday. There was nothing done in bank shares. State Mocks were entire and Wednesday's priees were folly maintained. At the second board, stoeke cloned heavily, with little disposition to buy. Reading Mooed at 57 ; lies York Central at 72: Rile at 15 ; Chicago and Itoci.T.Mend at 19 ; 'and Michigan Southern (guarantied Mock) at 31. NEW YOBS STOCK EXCHANGE BALM, Nov 7. .F,C,OND BOLD 10,000 N 5X'1,'61 99) 5,000 Slisionri 6's T9X, 2.000 TE Csrelins 'Vs ST kocl nt gen. Bd b3O 5 . 7 4,01:41 tl, b 2 ST 10,0011 do EO E6X 55 Del b. 1.194 CO FA Zi do SO 165 75 de 104 X Paeltle Al 39 C 69 100 Combo:laud Cosa 10 ° al° Erie Railroad ea 15 200 do 1015 '250 N Tortes% R 11 100 lilt& & 1 Pitt Si 100 Redding It 60X IGO do dof 200 51f 100 1.30 513 100 4.3 t.. 71 5 ' co Cldt it. P4itad dd 15X Gslk Chi TV , 10 do 79X 530 CUT & l'ol .10 SO 5.71 do 10X 1.50 40X 150 do t 10X 100 Chi & ft 1 B. 7.9 300 do OS 73 135 do 73N b.)O do 4. 60 do 1113 t3x ZSI litidszat Hirer E. 21 60 llar[oo H 53( 36 Mibra.akero a. itLss ffilC 1004CrowekLI lON tS Ca lo A iO Cb Cot Cis ft SO lU Nelfr Jersel- ft 3/1 30 C .t Qtt:nce.T R of COII'M—The market bas tot opened-111311in Upland is bell at Me, and some boliers ask The mies are unimportant. Flau.—Dry Cod are in limited demand—sales of 000 quintals George's at $3.25. 31ackeret ate mccb lower—lsles of 1300 barely mess l's and 2's hare been made as lOW as SS 62r for the for mer and $7.62# for the latter. Other kinds are dull. Roue, c —The demand for trevtern canal Flour at the opening was quite active, but the advanced price of Itic par barrel an the low grapes restricted the inquiry. and the market closed dt:l and heavy at the advance; the ingdiry L , mainly for the home trade. The sales are 11.00 a barrels at $5a55.10 for common to good State ; 1,5 '2oa.S:i 40 fur extra ditto ; $5335 14 fur supertne Indiana and Nfichi• gan ; Si 20aSti for extra do ; for com• mon to good extra Ohio; 25 fur gockl to choice do ; VaSl.5O for St. lonia branis, and Silatit7.l"3 tor extra do. Canadian dour is a shade better, the arrivals are fair, but those in prospect are moderate. Sales of 600 bbls at $5 30a56.50 for extra. South ern dour is also better and raore active. Sales of 1.800 bbls at $5.25a55.50 for mixed to good brands Baltimore, and $5.25a57 for the better brands Rye flour is firmer—sales of 150 bias at $4 155. Corn meal is held with great firmness. sales ofJersey at $3 50. and Brandywine at $3.524. Buckwheat flour is saleable at $2.352 10 per IN pounds. Gesitt.—The market is 'better for wheat, espe• malty the low grades—these are more plenty—but as the quantity to come forward is moderate, hold ers are firmer—millers are buying more freely. The sales are 46.000 bus at $1.13a51.2 for red Southern; $1.34 for amber do.. $1.40551.43 for common white do ; :1.11 for new .Michigan; $1.43 for good white do.; $1.2341.35 far white Canada, sl4)Sasl.o9 for Milwaukee Club; $l.lO foe net Wisconsin, and $1.15 for good red Indiana. Barley is quiet. Small sales of State at l'3e Oats aro ingood demand and firmer—sales of State and Western at 49.154 e. Corn is again Letter. The actiiaad fair, rathicte4 by the want of sti.ek-, sales of 17.000 bus. at SlasSe. for Western and fOe. for Southern yellow. NAVAL Stones —Spirits Turpentine is dull and a shade lower; sales of 300 bbis at 43103 4e, chiefly at the tower rate Crude is quiet but steady at $3 2.5a53 50. Common Rosin has been a little more active; salted* 1,416 bbls at SL3.I per 310 lbs anat. The medium grades are in moderate request, but fine qualities are dull and heavy; sales of 400 bbla low to good No, 1 at $2 .50153 per .N 1 lbs. In other kinds nothing has transpired. PROTISIO3S.—Tho. pork market is heavy: the supply is increasing—sales of 100 lolds. at *I:ASI9 25 for new and old mess; $18.75 for do, light ' weight; SIS for thin mess, mad S'IE,TS for prime Wel' )30011y:et - and is heavy—the artmts .lira larger—sales of 110 bids at sdakr for country prime, $9 24a540.511 for tie mess; 513.414 for repacked mess, and $l5 for extra do. Prime mess ts dull and heavy. Beef hams are steady—a:nail sales at $l4 50a $1:. Bacon is in moderate request—sales of Cum berland cut at Sc. Cut meats are heavy-and rather lower—sates of shoulders at Se, and hams at 10Ic. Pressed hogs are rather more plenty; sales at 01 ar,ze. Lord is heavy and is very quiet: sales of 200 bbls and tes at I ialtkr Choic,e old is seate,.. Botterisin fairdemandand in goad supply, at 121 too for Ohio, 5m1.13.420 - 0 for State. Cheap is sale able at eaSle Ittet; ia quiet; prices are steady at $3.43 d2f per JO lbs. Sl - 1% tn..—The busineas is small and prices are unsettled, So important transactions bsve been effected yet to-day. TALLosr.—A fair demand for prime; of 10,000 lbs at 10c caelt WrittniEr.—Tbe market is steady ; sales of 2.50 bbls at 231a2.1c. TUE COURTS, (Roported for The ereca.l I)meter COI FIT \o. I--Jndge Stroud. An tz , tion for balance of a check. Verdict for plaintiff fo r $.51 3.5 Risler, Esq . , for plaintiff: P. Beyer, Esc , for defendant William Ingrain re. the Philadelphia Insurance Company. Tbis tray ea action brought by the plaintiff a policy or insurance for $4,000, to re cover for loss and damage by fire. which occurred in Ma store in Petersburg, Vit., in May, The defence was that the claim was a fraudulent owe. On trial. B. H. Brewster and P. C Brewster, 813., for the plaintiff; S. II Perkins and B. M. Eros , for the defcr.dent. LiATRICT COURT 2 . —sludge Dare,—Edward Oaakill or. Robert 1. King An action f r money bad and received. Verdict fur the plaintiff. Richard McXurtrie, Esq , for plaintiff Charles tlibbons, Esq , for defendant. In the case of Oreenwcil r.,. Rush--an action for rent, before reported—the jury found a verdict for plaintiff, 'VA 'Messrs. Phillips and Imlghead, for plaintiff; Messrs. Oerhart and Rankin. for de fendant. Catherine Donnelly ra Caroline A Querrelle, tultninistratria of A. G Querrelle, deceased. An action for damages to house by tearing the party wall. On trial. L C. Csa.sidy and Sames B. Doyle, Esq., for the plaintiff; Edward Shippers, Esq.,, Cot the defendant, QranrEn SESSIONS—JuIies,' Thompson and Conrad.—There was no business of any publio interest before this court yes.terdai.