: ! Tr.i Back 8Y4460 elpoties:' •' : A 0.01). I'Oa PAdih:. 38,,gead 3,10t0.caa0,21,4 hO, do , iota 4 . ; do' 2T3i ' do 4.101d.2111 I 100 do " 1 4 ) „d 9 ...cooki„Oth 620 ', "dO., '' 54 do , gOwn&fu.27,fi 600 . .lotILOO:OTX 3.Yd do' ' Do_ Catawissi,B. B. • , Noyou t tek 5epp,,..04 tey.g.Arabfs - • n# B . 7 60041ity 6o ''' . 66003 Qity.do t e40,..,101a.{37 moo 4n roicak loop dor ,- , k4,001c.03 100' .01 ' 1106318*A 074-4 , ,10tt.65` • 1000 It tooloil 8 .0 0, • .. 60 ,4 , 40613oVigki .0 600 , jou 1000.40inidat011: 61, 6 6,00 boo (luta ink 1004foluoylifed..0&.19- -0 o 1:11ot d old Quota pfd..904 , .• 'Eg Boy 111 - 52)( 'o' Cam it Am 11.10t5.90 400 -Long Inland It.lip; 9% 100 New Creek - C0..,, , % 10 Elmira R — e 18 . .' , 4o l ltatkot Ponne;..llX 1 Phliaßiulk :09N 11041/141." - ;.:1;10,80 .o', Perms :11.;..'..•;.40'- 24 do 99N BIM? • 1000'rennk aup to.. .83 , 1000, Hauls ()amid 08..71 100 .2.04 Island A.:: 9,,c 4 0 I :DX. SO Reading R. 10 RgF.jik Kenticky.ior 25, Rem' Mead R. BOARD. , 19 Perms R . ' 10t5.40 -5, . 4 ~kditil;dl 700 City es 10t0,87K 2000 do 10X17' ,do 1..:11ONT .oag 2301 roma di 82ji 6000 da t ....10t0.84 1000, Camk.Amlt 8/088.00 1000 do .. , 07.89 2000 N Penns 6 Loh Barip.bs.B6 60 do - .3 dayo.36 101Iarrieburg 1t.05.63 do _63,5j ' 2 I!Osiding Ft ' 0 711 100 - do .:.:06.271g. 50 do 2136 S do ' 20,14' I 60 do ' 27,V I -60 do ' b5.27X 10 Norristown H.1pt0.5714 ' 7 Bony Mead 62X 10 Moe Onl prd.lotn:oo 60 qatairless 03C SO do 7 .'6.x ear Girard natkaots.- 9}{ 0.118-11101. 40LOBI,NG1 -Asked B ...17.2 PhiWel 6's.. 88 88 ' - Bid. 4sled 8o N -0 s )82 prof' 18X 19 & Nam RlB 16 do lotmOrt rota TO do 110'203 50 14 - . 5 /M Long Island 9% 10 Vicksburg ' 81( i 7 Girard iku*.,:...•1 1 1( Lehigh Zino - 1 Cron emir ' 4,1( 5 New Creek ' 3 !Catmint& 11,..0X 7 1 Nei ....03X 05 Pennejlt 5'a.;:..84% 85X Rtailingß 27X" 27N de liondai7o 71 75 do Id We 144,81 Penns ER 39X 40 MorrisCsal Doug 60 Rolm N 'Ol 5t0ck.....123( - 12% THE WORTH PROCESSION IN NEW TRIM YESTERDAY [Prow the New York EveolOg Post.] At an early hoer this morning. all the militia of the eity were, assembled at tllellattliryto theinUm• beroffieverril thorosand, - Whiliothey•Were reiletved by die" iio*ernor, John A: Ring, and hl star. At 121, the procession began to move; ; up Broadway., First, ,a -regiment , of - horse,. then the ,Governor's suite, - followed by several regimentsef oavalry and inftcntry,.the whole brought up by the 'artillery: As a rialitary, display, it was as good as any inmi.; lar militia display we haver.ever seen—extending in length ever a mile and ri. - half: Afthd,Oltyllall they re-assembled &Mend the hearse the the coffin. The rotundas of General Worth, brought out from the receiving vault, had been filmed in a now oolfai; ishiabla afar simile of the old one. Froratha lid a wide . and beautiful silver fringe depends. Near the -bead of the coffin are the Vatted States arms; below it is a heavy silver plateihetraing the following inioriptinn : - , GENERAL WILLIAM d. ono AT SLR ANTONIO,_TRZAS, 71 . 11 MAY, 1849, , LQRD 65 TEARS. . Below this ale the square and compass, denoting the-41enernPaoonneetion with the Masonic order, and his position its that of Past Grand Mantei: At the foot of the OWED are thelsorde `United Staten Army." -Plates on, the sides of the coffin are in scribed *ith the following Words:. -- • , Id4NZEIII3y—OIIIPPEWA. - ' ' The sword and chapeau of.Goneral Worth were placed npoh the coffin.' Ile 'whole were exposed in-an open hearse, with glass sides, so that the nor= fin was seen to advantage.. ~The hoarse, wasdrawn by sixteen. gray heroes. At half past one the pro (louden benstnenee'd their movement up Broadway, In the following order : L et this and other alties,under the commend of Major-General Budtord.. , ' • 2. The eilleiating clergymen, 8. Tlie pall•boarers and funeral ear, drawn by sixteen white horses, and the 71st - regiment, Col. Yoaburgh, ad guard of honor. - 4, nOtIO of General Worth, caparisoned and led. 5.." The relatives and friends of the deeeatied. The hfayer zujd Common Connell and Corporation Moore, . 1, The /layer and Common Council Arid Corporation 05toeriet a. Tho Officers of the late war with Mexico, mounted, and the' Vied, Regiment Now York Volunteers. 9.45014iers 011812: - p: The" tinned Staten °Moors, both military and ctxll. 11. The Society or Free end-Accepted Masons. 12. The Cincinnati Society. - 18. The Piremen. , , ; 11. TIM Meld Boclotiefit and Citizens. • The whole macre one of the "most elaborate die. plays the city has over seen, extendingwvor nearly, two miles in length . The order of much was up Broadway to .Fonr, teenth street, then up Fifth avenue to Twenty fifth street, where the monument into be ereoted. The ceremonies observed at the toonunient• were operation - by Mayor Wood, folloived - by religjons serviocs by the Rev. Dr. Van Bansselaer, of Bur lington, N. J., and by fteV. D. Stevens, of Phila delphia. The whole was conoluded,by the firing of_ three volleys by the 714Fogiment, Col. Tos. burgh; the guard of honor for the day. BY THE PILOT LINE. LETTER FROM NEW YORK, Norrespondence or The Press.'l - .•Now YoRIC, Nov. 25, 1857-5 20 P.M. The 'telegraphic 'news is advance of the Van derbilt's arrival,, announcing the suspension of the . restrictive clause of the chador_ ofithe Bank of Ragland, by permission of the Government,, hes Gees pied erreneously considered to be Santa . , Trout to a suspension of specie payments. Nothing gen ho more entirely wrong. 411. ihat 410 trea sury letter of the 12th inst.'eart de le to advise the directors of the Bank of England to expand their discounts on approved security, taking care, by raising the rate of interest, - or rather keeping it up,te.a :yea , ' high - rate, to keep the expansion within limits proportionate to the legitimate wants of trade; end te promise that, should the directors hone more notes than they are allowed by law, and Wei-Incur a Penalty for the infrinierdent of the aotof 'Parliament by which they ere chartered, the Government will propose a bill of indemnity to P,arliament, and recommend its adoption. Thin Visa the course pursuedin 1547. , , - , I ' The panto was then ninth- more severe, and was of domestio origiu, and yet the mere letter from the Treasury quieted the excitement at • onee, stopped - the- run-for gold; and, the bank 'was not obliged to exercise; to the extent of even ono Rye pound note, the extraordinary pewit- which I 4 woo officially' recommended to use.. New, the penis of one day's duration, owing, so fares the telegraphic despatches. are, correct, to a stupid resolutionen the pert of the oduntry banks, to don disoovnfs, ordsaki tohi eoropletply. - ullayed by tl.. Treasury er of a aimilhr hhhittoter; and It IS very &mid:. fut whether thard wilt 'be 'any neeessity for BOY extra issue - this time, any more, then there woo hi 1647, When - the Wants of the medic commerce were fat more urgent than now, because Great Britain was - then' in debt for bromides, besides the great dietrees caused by the" railway mania," and the business of the country wee unsound, siiit is now healthy and solid. The flank of Etiglaud, therefore, is only ad vised—with a promise of being held ' harmless, so far as, the, promise .of the Government- can bind' Parliament—to expend its discounts for the relief of the oommereial interests, arid, should it be ne cessary, to issue more notes than it was legally empowered' to issue. - -The convertibility of, the, bank note is,not endangered by this, nor does it at all lead to' a Romani/ion of apeole payments. , On the contrary , it is designed to restore confidante I and obviate such a calamity. The effect of this news has boon somewhat to un settle business 'here, and make'people hold over until the details of the news are, received. The hank itpoleglite - glOry in it, and say " the Bank of England _has to, go through the same, mill as. ur hauka did." ...T confess I do, net Lied 21 - 0- oanee of the exultation, mop the aptness rd the rsompirlsofi ae to:.the nature of "the mill,". The New• York banks suspended specie payments bedlam' they would not expand, to Meet the demands of , coin ^mirth. ' The Bank of England does Just the re- . vorse—nrecily,,expands to Meet the demands of commerce, us orderto avoid a suspension of specie paYments. ,".., .• • • The devil-takmthsehindmost principle which actuated the New York banks. to- ruin their cos tomersimaused:their customers to try to thin them,' by drawing out their deposits, and ' a suspension of Owl° followed. In England, the bank is per. mitten to ,oxeeed its powers in order to - ficoommo< date its easterners, and the result is an tiotinecliate, restoration or confidence, " extravagantjoy," 11.114 tho chance of a suspension of spode rendered alined impossible . ' i • l " -.- ' There is nothing of a domestic obaraoterpartion tarty worthy of notice. Foreign bills are , not ;Ili demand, At seminally yesterday's rates. There is evidently no disposition to operate until after the receipt of the' Vanderbilt's *deices.- The Arabia took out $1,500,000 in gold. The business at the elearingelmese today was larger than usual: The clearings were $15,723,004.83, and the balances paid itt eoln $1,910,542.54. The oath transactions 1 at the subrtratioury were as followsi receipts, $35,- 334 M; :payments $1.31,050:81; balance, ' $4,770,- 447.00, TheottsteMs receipts for duties were ssl,- 000. The English new; did'iMt produce any very sen sible attest upon the'stook market. . On the con• trary, peace ruled rather higher at the commence. - moat, closing rather irregalarly. The l sales on time were very large, - and the most . 0 0, 0, - ,4,00 1 -- was Beading,' which, closedrit",s3i, which' is 11 higher ;fiat the eloping price at the second board yesterday: NEWYORK ONCE .13/0311ANGE 431,1",3 Nov '26, ,i : . 371183 r BOARD. —', • 95001111,8 s 'OB ..112 250 16 Y-Oen B. 79 84;00 Ohio Os MO 100' 535 . do idl 78g IZIPI`gI. O ,4 t l l ' IT,), I°. -le iL i 11.00 , 40 - . 00% 50 do ' < ao 76% 2000 Tenn 00 , 00 ~ tie . VA " do , , , 66,141% 0000 Fa Os - go '5O do it, 78% 400019 0 es, . 81, , 376 do ' - 78g 2700 p bllesourl 0 - , 'OO " 100 ,do 550 79 10500, , do NO eog, too ' " - do . ' c 7899 2000 Oat 78 15 - - 88 , 360 Lao k Mil R 12, 2000 LeniShina Os 'B4 ' 100 . - do , ell 12 4005 N 't Cen 60 85 -8001004 in it s 3 Mg 2000 Itiid It' 2m - 80 - 1050, do -, , it 63 - 80001104 It -- 3 m . 65 - 100' do - 360 .52 1000 Nla lm . -TO 100 •-do , . elO 6$ LOD 1.11 Oen Ads 80 60 ' - do - , 019 63 MO -• ' do' 801( 100 - 'do - 080 53 , 4000 Mich Oen 8 p e 960 do, —OM ins Ski Pd 0 lids oh , 1000 .do b3O 533( 8000 'do so , , 200 do 230 53% 1000 Old tr. RI Bd 94% 200 do - ,silk 6399 e 260 . 0antoil Co 10% 300 Bich SOutbern 20 - 200 ' do." MO 103( - 25 618 &N I P6l , 33', /0 Onion Bk ' - "100, 120 Panama lit SO e 9 BEcor-lepub - •-- 100 - 100 do , 8834 210 Piiik 11&'' ' - " 0 4 ," Tift I.lloee ~ . ea 8 Del & Rodeo ' 103', M 0 MOT i Pitt , : 4 16 80 P 1 oeal Co 02 15 0100 1 & Cln R 05. 100' ' do."' 'WO 86,1(i IP (jai& obi „ 88 16 Oilit 'Coal 11% 11900 Olev & Tol It 53 42 420 do , . '-,1110 600 ~,,., do • MO 42 160 do - 115( 660 '.- do s 3 41 ti , te zone Id Co . 89 -• i 80„ do ,; . • _., ~, , 42% 175 Erie Rlt 20% 900" -do elo 42,59 , 620 , do blO 10%- 100 . do . , 0,4214 , 150 do JON 100 , “..- do --.. " 230 43g - .. 650_ au , 3'l6!leg 700, 'do - -230 , 4 2 39 050 ,:: .'`‘So '• ' ;leg 60 chi 4 RI., R - 88 IA Mid 10 . ,- Ni "o 22K 10" g -60 - do '. -- ; • - - "e$0.22$ 200 do 8211 -to f' do 40 22' . 476: "do - - s2 ' ~8 70 ---do on, - , , 2o oBtc.ofieynB6 -I„, i j, „ iinnwro. ..;, ~ ,'' , • l' , timewtsysdendy, with salcs ; :or - 50 tlitritis7 for pots, 44440 fotpeektir. — ' P74titt.1114:4414(.4. - ro; Ott* and Western flour has adeanead 10 canto per bbl, owing to the olOalik• r of;:tit'e druial, , irnd the foreign advises has also , gtvert a stimulus to the export der:amid, isti:lhat•priodertielnioYntrt; the sales ate 11000 blds at $1.9045 for eotarnou to good State, $5.1545-30 ferAixtra , State, $4 004100 for cora l:non to good Miehigan, Indiana; ChM, ToWil,A oo .2 and $5.15a58.95 for extra • Southeintoilehat aloe advanced, with sales of. SOD bbls w 1 $3.25a55. 60 for" raised Wpm/ Wands if Waft tie, Alexandria, Georgetown, Fredericks burg, &e., and $5.4547 for favorite, fancy, and extra brands do., including Richmond Oltyfilills and Rialto (Petersburg extra) at the latter rata. 1 Canadian Flour is firmer, with sales of 750 bbls ra55.20a54.30 for the range of extra brands. Rye Flour is Bolling in small lots at $3:5044.60 for the range of tine and Superfine. Corn Meal /a quiet with a small supply; we quote Jersey nominal 143.50; Brandywine, pm. Wheat is • 2a304 firmer, with a better demand; the sales are 2,700 bus red and amber Southern at $1.3081.34; MOO white Southern $1.40551.50, the lower rate for' prime Virginia, and the higher for ohoice Tennessee' 2,800 damaged Southern 90a $1.20; 3,000 afiiwituhee Club $1.09; 9,000 Chiang° spring $l, with rumor of Bales at $1.01; 2,000 com mon white Kentucky 81.25, and 8,000 white-Cana dian $1.30. - . , Rye is quieti find id hOld firmly at 78k80o. Oats arc higher, with sales at 37a40e for Siiiith.- eno, 42a440 for Jersey, and 48a500 for State and restart. ' " Corn is also higher, with sales of 11,500 bushels at 841035 e for mixed Western. COTTON is held firmer under tbo 11121913. Paoviators.—Pork is quiet and unohanged; the Sales are 170 bbls at $15a519.25 for now and old mess, and $18.75a517 for prime. Beef is heavy and lower, with sales of 400 bbls at $9.25a510,50 for country men, $0147 for country prime, and $13414 for repacked Western; 513.25a513.50 for Vermont mess, and $l4 for extra do. Prime mess beef is heavy at $21424. Beef hams are quiet. Bacon is unchanged; small sales aro making at 12a121e. Cut meats aro scarce and wanted, with small sales at 101 e for hams, and 810 for shoulders. Lard is boon', with sales of 107 tierces and bbls at llatio. Butter rind Cheese aro tiechauged. Wnionur —Sales of 250 bbls wero - Made at 231 rs 24e each, mostly at the lower rate. ~,! NEW YORK CATTLE MARKET, WEnNsan.tr, Nov. 23.—At market, 2,594 beeves, 123 sows, 278 yea's, 12,692 sheep and 1,932 swine ; whieh shows, from last week, an increase of 413 beeves and 2,19 S sheep, and a decrease of 47 cows, 133 voids, and 1 471 swine. _ , Oatile advaneed half a cent per pound forgiod The briciedWriather Semi to give an impetus ,to trade, and oattle changed hands briskly. The ,stook was generally in fair condition. A few sales were made at Ile; cows $25a555, steady, - with a small receipt. At Allerton's, the cows were all sold at good prices. Allerton sold a cow at $l.OO last week--a lino animal, 5 years old, and a great milk-yielder. It is not often a native sow brings such a price -at this season. Thalami) , cows realize good prices at all times; common cows are dearest in spring. Sheep fell of 25 'cents per hundred. ' Veals re mained stationary: Swill° advanced one-sixteenth. CITY ITEMS. "Tun DAY' WE CELEBRATE."—ThrOugh long established usage, the annual festival we are this day upon by the Executive of our Commonwealth to observe, has become as regularly an expected holiday as Christmas or the 'Fourth of July. 'Without stopping to philosophise us to whether the work of saints or shi ners usually predominates on these annual festivals, it is Unite certain that the idea upon which they are founded is eminently praiseworthy, and in its design points in the right direction, Ingratitude is the stul tifying sin ,of our nature; and anything that tends to remind it °tour delinquency in this respect, cannot but subserve a good purpose. Properly observed, our an nual thanksgiving days might be made as golden periods upon the page of time. In many Sections of our coun try, more limit with us in Pennsylvania, the return of this holiday is suggestlie of the most heart-cheering, social delights. Through the New England States, espe cially, is this day made a season of domestic convivia lly and family re-unions, and which have, doubtless, 'the effect of keeping alive a pleasant Intimacy. of kin tired friends, that, under - other circumstances, might relapse into unconcerned Indifference, if not into ulti mate neglect. With us, as with them, the dinner' , constitutes a very prominentfestnre in the thanksgiving programme; yet we should be sorry to believe that this was the chief essential with us in the dajr and its delights, It is certainly very pleasant, and, moreover, very comfortable, to have the day thus blest with a eubstan • UM emblem of that Bounty from above which the day Is intended to acknowledge, bat to the heart tuned to vibrato with sympathetio emotion for others who have net 'therewith to make to-day a day of Joy in this respect, the consciousness of being able to gladden the heart of some destitute Child of toil, and the act of doing it, constitute, a 'pleasure Dionne—sublime, heavenly, aid enduring. Reader, if (led has blessed you with the means, antes' your thanks to him for it by responding to this anggeation. • - There is no reason why any one in our city—save the ireprovident--stMuld nut this day, at• least, be made a partleipartlin the it - octopi - bounty of our com mon Fathet:. And if this could be effected, what a mu trial heart-rejoicing thing it would bo ! The despatch with which our well-stocked markets wore cleared yes terday, was evidence eeough that, notwithstanding the hard times, our people are determined to take good I care of the inner man. On this point, using without abusing " would: probably be a wholesome motto to adopt. .Respecting the . religious exercises of the day—and which do certainly most appropriately embody the in. tent of this appointed festival—our churches, with few enceptions;will be occupied a part of the day with &- I votional Meetings. Of the special gatherings for the I day we have been apprised of the following A Union prayer meeting this afternoon, at throe o'clock, fn tko ,14011;x110 Episcopal Union church, Fourth street, below Arch, in which twelve of our cler gymen, of nearly as many different denominations, are expected to participatti ; a grand mass Temperance meet ing at Concert llall, commencing at the same hour, to be addreneed by Reverends John Chambers, A. A. 'Wil lits, and Wm. Nicholson, Esq.; a Union meeting for Thanksgiving services this morning at half-past ten o'clock, by the three Reformed Dutch congregations of this city, et the church on the corner of Seventh and Spring Garden streets; also a similar meeting at three o'clock in the afternoon, in the church on Green street, above Tenthorhich to to be addressed by Reverends A. COokomn, pasterof the churelt,'o. Duffield, J. 11. RCP. nerd, and Dr. berg COMMENDABLE.--To make R practical contribu tion totho good cheer of the day among the poor, the Good Will Piro 'Company—making their name their motto—will distribute one thousand loaves of bread to the needy, at their ball, Broad and Race streets, this Morning, between the hours of ten and twelve &clock. A similar distribution of tickets for bread will be made to applicants this morning, lietieen the hours of eight - and rape, at the occond univeigallo Cisur4, Eig4th otieet, corner of Noble. • Sting A finrpfrid UP STAIRB.—Tho Paris corre spondent of L , lndepemlence Belga says that the idea has been started In that city of queer notions, of abol ishing flights of stairs altogether in private dwellings, and eubstituting_ therefor steam hoisting machines. Paris is rather fast, to be sure, but it has yet to have established for the benefit of Its °Mune a magnificent Clothing Bazaar, like that of Clifton, Albright, & Co., In ' , Jayne's No. 627 Chestnut street. Vuermscurnia Der.—This day bag bean eat apart as a. day of thanksgiving. We have heard some ingrates say that they had nothing to be thankful for. Tide, too, In the face of the fact that Philadelphia boasts of the splendid Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Reolthill Wilson, Nos. 605 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. Be thankful, and do 'it in a fitting gtirb procured at the famous establishment named above. PHILADDLPRIA BOARD OH TRAMS. RDWARD A. 809D11.14. WAItTiSi dLit.ll3lll, COMMITS= OP TUX Moms Newooms B. Taosysoi, BAtiS At the Merchants , Exchdtige, Philadelphia, Ship Saratuik, Howland Liverpool, Nov 28 fillip 118 lifildrosy, Webb London, soon Ship Naples;Bastman ' Bavaria, soon i3hip 'Joseph Jones, Stowers San Francisco, soeu SAILING OF TEE OCEAN STEAMERS: PROM TIE 'UNITED STATES, .. , . %TRAUMA e !'inow. row DAY Arabia Now York Liverpool NOV 25 Glaegow New York Glasgow ' Nov 25 City of Wsebington, It York Liverpool ...... .• .. Nov 28 'Aziol Now York 13rerrion, &o Nov 28 Niagara ' Boston Liverpool Dec 2 Vanderbilt N York Sooth'n & 11 8 Yre••• 7) .,ec El Allentill., . •1. ~.t. :New Yorls Liverpool .. , . Pee 5 Africa.. :•:....., .... .;teir York Liverpool... 4 Dec p America ' Salton Liverpool. Doc 16 Now York ' Now York Gloegow, Dec 2,3 . . . Antelope Liverpool Portland &0..,... .Nov 11 Alder' ' Liverpool New York..., ~,,, .Novls Kangaroo Liverpool Neiv ,Y0rk....,.• .•flov le Newtork - Glasgow New York ' Nov 18 Fulton' . lane New York Nov 15 Ainerice ' - Liverpool Roston Nov 21 Anglo Saxon..... Liverpool Portland, /14 Nov 25 Baltic ' - 'Liverpool' New York Nor 22 Europa Liverpool Poston Nov 28 1:1' The California Mail Steamers sail from Now York on the sth and 20th ofeach month. Wens Havana Steamers leave New York on the 2ii, 7th, 12th, 17th and 27th of each month, and Charleston, S. C., on the 4th and 19th. , . MOVEMENTS 01! HAVANA STEAMERS. PaiLinSMlS.—From Now York 21, arriving at Ha • vans Btif, and New Orleans 11th: , rtOtn. Now Orleans 20th ; Havana 28d, arriving at New York . 2Bth. 12Odska Orrr—Proin.New York 2th of each month, riy4 2 Aa i l s H r s a v n a s nab a ",4t i ta n b g l a or i l l e ew l4lh oik nr i a , Ito bileCan awns—From New York 12th, arriving at Havana .17th• stud New oTlO4nEletk. From New Orleans 270 t, likraroiTnki arriving et New York 3d. ' • . Etats* 'Otrw.;-Yrom Ndwt Yerklitit, arrlloB at na vina.23d, and New Orleans 20th. Erma New Orleans 6th, Havana Bth, arriving at s6w York lath 11b4,VIC .WASRIOR.,IIOIn3 New York 27th, arriving at ' tfityttitft let and Nnw -Orle4nm Bd. Prom New Orleans 12th, , llaVana 14th ;due at New York 18th. Isamm—Yrom Charleston 10th and 4th, duo at Ha vana 2.3 d and 2t11: rrmn Havana 10th and 28th, due at New York 16th and 81st. PoRT OF PHILADiLPHiA, 20, 1807. 817 N RUNS MON WATER... Behr Florence, Noyes, 10 days from Alexandria, Va wttp coal to Rom uendersoq. B hr L R Ogdonollsher, 4'1154 . 0 from Ale;andrla, ya with coal to Robert Ildadorwma. . . . : Bohr Bohemia, Marko, 2 days frets. Cliesapealio City, with grain to Christian & ((array. 'Behr Fra Ward Till, 1 day from* Smyrna, D9l ‘ with mitt IA Tea Barratt & Soh.' Bohr Thyme, Carey, 2 days from Lewes, Del, with. gain to Bewley, & Co. Behr Andrew Mensbip, Orate, 3 days from Magnolia, Del, with Wheat to Beir O ley. Wilson & CO. LEADDD. Ship ''Ehd,F oulkes; Dpmerara, nos Wattaon & Bons, Dargelelo,s Sane . llowitt, tlibraltar, B Morrie Wain & Co. . r Brig a th arine Dogma, Brett, Charleston, Baker Ketch Coonnero.), llathewq, Pain/imbue° and a mar , ;1E4,3'61.'611m5:in . & Bon. ' . ;Bohr WA, Asirim,ood, Pain, Noble, garortiott & Caditell. 4 • Ott .1 s geittrat . Bajtkpore"* erarotii PROM 2unan 3tttelltgence. .7 10--SUN 4 49 9 03 ARRIVED TM; PRESS,4luAngotttc„TiltlSDAY; NOVEMBER 28, 1887., (Correspondence pf tbe Philadelphia Exchange .• LEWES. Del., Noi, 24. 8 A M. The ochre Ilasall, D 0 Foster, Bunion Vlsta, Tole., graph, B Elliott, It 13mph, Lydia Ann, .1 II Seguin, Mary P Burton, E L Ericsson, 11 A Saunders, Magellan, Wm Boor* Win Bennett 'Bunter, Seraph, Emma Tut tle, Electric, and ten others, names unknown, ere now getting under weigh In the roadstead. The steamer AVater Witch left harbor yesterday for Norfolk. During the night the wind changed from SW to NW. The wea ther is cold, and ice forms pretty rapidly. Yours, &pi WM. M.. WOMAN. TIB.BOLOIX , (COrreSpOUdnilOo of the Philadelphia Exchange.) CAPE ISLAND, Nov. 25.6 P M. The pilcfbiiatllerald has just come in froma cruise, and reports haring spoken the barque Wyandotte, from New York, bound in. A barque, name unknown, went to eon this forenoon. ' Wind NW—weather cold. Yourtii TyOEl. B. LIUGITES. Orr TELSOBArIi TO Tint PRESS.] I - burros Roane, Nov 25. Arrived, ships Bertalle and Mary Goodall, from Cal lao, with guano. The arrival of tho U S sloop of war Saratoga, reported on Monday at Norfolk, woo an error. The steamer Powhatan to still here. She was put in Commission on Monday, and will shortly sail on a cruise, stopping at Vonohal, Madeira, for the purpose of landing there ex rrestdeut Plorpo and his lady, who are to be passongons. MEMORANDA. f u r a ii: t i: t l7l P Yo Ci r i ror da p tu u ni n 7, I o f :feel ' g Te v e I v :v i a l l ay: o no " Steainship Virginia, Jewett, from Now York for Now 22,4 loot, for repairs to ma chineryorl e , as i d i t steering Norfolk fgear t3hrlittipepipoghriaaflb, Howes, cleared at Norfolk 23d inst. for ttsli York yesterday.ipPara , Langston, for Buenos Ayres, cleared at Nev Ship Othello, Greenough, from .iallao for Rotterdam, sailed from Cowes 6th inst. ' Ship John Wills, Ward, from Calcutta July 2618, ar rived at Boston 24th inst. Barque Maryland, King, from Surinam, arrived at 'Boston 24th lust. Barque Cambridge, Harding, for Ormstantinophi, cleared at Boston 241.11 inst. Barque Elm, Taylor, cleared at Boston 24th last, for Philadelphia. Brig B L Swan, Print:llo, from St Croix, arrived at N Haven 234 Inst. Brig Abby Ellen, Gilchrist, hence, arrived at Port land 23d inst. Brig Moonlight, Small, for Palermo, sailed from Oa laisl9th inst. Brig Condor, Gould, for Philadelphia, dropped below Providence 23d inst. Brig Owenee, of Baltimore, Bonner, from Mobile for St - ,Tago de Cuba, with lumber, before reported aban doned, was a new vessel of 187 tone, built in Baltimore this year and Insured le that oity for $12,000, Brigs indge Blaney, Bradley,' leolo, Griffin. Panels, Davie; Leviathan, Morten, and George, Carlisle, from llostoulor Philadelphia, and Tangier, Pendleton, from Frankfort for de,' remained at Newport 234 lost, A M. Brig Sprite, Crowell, for Rio do Janeiro, cleared at N York yesterday. ' , Bohr Dolphin, Rogers, sailed from New Bedford 24th inst. for Philadelphia. Schr Elizabeth English, English, for Darbailoes, cleared at Norfolk 23d inst. nSchre _ll 11 Whilden, Jerman, and .8' Elmer, Smith, Cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. Behr 11 If Atwood, Atwood, from Boston, and Marietta Smith, Smith, from New Haven for Philadelphia, ar rived at New York yesterday. Behr Fly, Cheesomen, hence, arrived at Nantucket 224 inst. Schra Martha Wrightington, DI B Niihau, and Cice ro, hence, arrived at New Bedford 22d inst. Behr Saran Bray, Naylor, for Delaware City, sailed from New Bedford 234 inst. Salm David Floyd, Iticords, from Delaware City, ar rived at Now Bedford 2311 inst. Behr Tantamount, Davis, hence, arrived at Portland 234 inst. Schre Sea Plower, Thompson. and Geo W Krebs, Emerson, cleared at Baltimore yesterday for Philada. Bohr 100. Cranmer, went to sea from Charleston 221 inst. for Philadelphia, with 210 bales cotton, 225 tierces rice, 60 bills paper, 75 bags feathers, and 50 pkgs sun dries. Behr Amelia 0 Beeves, Buy. hence at Boston 24th instant. Bahr Montevue, Falkenburg, hence at Washington, D 0, 24th Inst. Behr Aid, English, hence. with a cargo of coal, was aground off the steamboat wharf, Washington, DO, 24th lest, but it was expected she would ho got oft at high tide. Another coal loaded schooner was aground off the Eastern Branch, and would probably not bo got off with out much trouble. Behr Amelia, Careless, berme at Fall River 21st inst. Behr Gilbert Green, Weaver, at Bristol 22d inst. from Delaware City. Behr Arctic, Jackman, hence at Norburxport 210 inst. 'Behr S Willitts, Thompson, for Boston for Phila delphia, In Dutch Island Harbor 23.1 inst. Behr Gannet, Willits, Oninmer, hence at Providence 23d hoot. Behr Abigail, Blee, sidled from Belau 10th inst. for Philadelphia. Behr John Oadwalader, Godfrey, for Fredericksburg, (not Philadelphia, an before reported) wan at anchor Pelow Providence Wd. inst. BIABINE MISOULANY. At Now London, Nov .V.d, ship Catharine, Null, last from St Helena; Oct 13. On the 14th bast. boarded the berm brig James WaMoo, or Mlllbridge, diemasted and abandoned, hosts gone, chains and anchors In their pro per position on deck. Her appearance was that or a vessel left in a burry. She was apparently tight in the hell; bad not boon abandoned long. ller foremast was broken off a few feet above deck, sot mainmast just be low deck. This wreck lay in lat 2615 N, long SI 50 W, and was lumber loaded. Brig Monticello, Tibbetts, from Port au Prince, of and for Boston, which went ashore on Block Island A M of the 9.2 d, was full or water and rudder unshipped on the 23d. Capt T wee ashore sick. Behr StUniiton, from Boston for Jacksonvllla, with an assorted cargo, was wrecked soar St Augustine, Fla, Slits inst. Crew all caved; vessel a total lose; cargo mostly saved, greater portion not damaged, and sold at Augutipo for the benefit at those concerned. The Sti rokistered 159 tone, rated A 234, was built at Milton, Del, in 1854, owned in Georgetown, SO, and was former ly a centre board. A letter from Oapt Freeman, of brig 8 P Drown, of and from Newport, for Havana, states that on the 117th of September last, when a little to the southward of Wilmington, NO, he passed a newel bottom up, which he judged to ben barque; come lumber was Heating near her, (Possiby barque L & A Hobart, Martin, of and (rein Wilmington, NO, for Cardenas, which went to sea from the bar Sept 9, and has not elm been heard from. She was undoubtedly capsized In the hurricane which visited that vicinity on the 10th and 11th of September.] On Tuesday evening, between four and Sao o'clock, a fore and aft schooner, natme unknown, of about 100 tons, capsized when off Huntington, LI. The crew were taken from a yawl boat by a schooner bound to Philadelphia. Galveston, Nov 15—The ship J IV Fannin, previously reported, was got afloat last night at 0 o'clock. She Is now Att her wharf, leaking badly. Her cargo -is very badly damaged. Tbo ship Nebraska Is just visible above water. We have bad very bad weather for the past week. Roy West, Nov 14—The brig E Remington, Tones, from St Marks for New York, went ashore on North Key Shoal 10th inst, and received assistance from tho sloops Plume awl Globe, which took out 150 bales cotton, and hove her cdf. She sustained considerable injury, sprung mainmast, and damaged rudder. She was bound to New Yorir, with 1004 balm. cotton, consigned to AP Tilt. Brig Annandale, Bare, from Camden, Die, arrived the 13th inst. Tho Fehr —, of and from New Bedford, arrived on the 13th inst. She has a company of live oak cutters, and is bound for Attakapas. FOREIGN PORTS At Port au Prince 2d lust, Pr brig Scgoguo, Bouifant, for Boston in 10 dap. Ar at St Martine WI, 20th ult, Bohr Howard, of and from Newborn, NO, in charge of the mate, °apt Walter Powers having fallen overboard from the achy Oct 24, and was drowned. At St Thomas 6th inat, brig dosephus, Shutt, from Bird . sland, for Baltimore, name day, At t3t Croix 11th log, brig D L Buckman, idg At Maileanilla about Bth Inst, brig Mary Means, flop king, for Boston soon. Ar at St aolin, NB. 17th hut, brig Tyboo, Cartwright, N York; 18th, brig Moe, Thomas, do, Old 11th, achr Americana, Potts, Liverpool. [Per steamship Yanierbilt—lly Telegraph.] Ar from New York 12th Inst, Caravan, at Livorpool; 13th Compromise, at do Bld for Mobile 11th, Bello, from Liverpool. Bld for New Orloans llth, Alice Conoco, from Craves end' 12th, Agamemnon, from Liverpool. Bld for Portland 12th, American Lass, from London. Off Plymouth 10th, Palestine, front Now York for London. Off the Isle of Wight 10th, John Di Mayo, fin Shields for Natoli. DOMESTIO PORTS NEW YORK, Mtn% 25—Arr Oldenburg barque Olym- Tooken, Bremen, Oct 4; Behr Flying Eagle, Law rence from Curaces November 10—Lott no American tweets. Cleared Ship Underwriter, Robert, Liverpool; barque Oen Greene, Iledined, Charleston ;_ iichrs Gal lego, Smith, Richmond; Sunny South, Weeks, Wash ington; steamer Roanoke, Skinner, Norfolk; barge Marina, Clayton, Baltimore. BOSTON, Nov. 24,—Cleared—Br bit Agricola, An derson, St .lohne N F; erehr Uenry, piles, Suri nam; ship Inez, Milton, London; barque Marla, Crow ell, Buenos Ayres; snips Sarah G liyde, Bailey, Mo t bile; Lombard, Lombard, gerannab; barques Investi gator:Carver, do; Ilelen Maria, Nickerson, Baltimore; sale Sylvaims, Allen, Baker, Alexandria and George town, D O. NEWPORT, Nov. 23, 8 A. M.,—Getting underweight to go out, sch Tillie E, Ilathwway, (from Bristol) for Cardenas; and all the arrivals of 20th, 21st, and 224. Ar 22d P 14—Barque AriM, Melville, Charleston, in ballast. In port 234, eche N Hazzard, Runlick, and Henrietta, Braman, for Havana; ready; Empire, Holley, Norfolk via Providence. PORTLAND, Nov LJ—Arr, barques Robert Leonard, (11r) Durkee, Cardiff; Menranito ' (lir) Spurr , Liver pool 15th nit, for Catalan. CIA, berg Hannah Boleti, Matthews Ironi Windsor) Battle:lure; salt. Rescue, Wish, Wilnungton, N C. - PROYIDENCE—Arr sehre Jahn L Weiner, Emil colt. Alexandria . Albert Field, Phillips, Baltimore BALTIMORE, 25.—Ar,sttainsbip Wm Jenkins. Ilallett, Boston. Old, steamship Locust Point, Trench, New York; brigs Lady of the Lake, (BO Newman, iyolit Indies; John N Rhombi, Matthows, Boston; schrs Isaac Morse, Persona, Waldo; ItionalaCHOlOTl, Baker, Mobile; EJ RayrierOtayner, Providence. Sid barque Albion Lincoln, Pinkhrun, Mayaguez , PR; brigs Thos Swoon, Collins, St Joao do Cubs; Union State, Norwell, St Johns, BF; ochre Young America, Lowe, Key West; Priscilla, Summers, Arecibo, PR: Arctic, (Er) Styrup, Nassau, NP,' WILMINGTON, N. 0„ Nov. (21.-11 r brig Clarence, Stubbs, Turk's Island; seta Eleanor, Homer, Dolma rare; barque Lucy An n;Carrigan, Newport, RI. NEW ORLEANS, Nov 17—Arrived, steamship . Gal veston, Washburn, Indianola; ships Irousidos, Curtis, Liverpool; Corinthian, Slater, London; Guttenberg, Weeks, Havre; Africa, Jourdan, London ; Katandin, Percy, Boston; barque Regina, Yetiott, Cottenhorg; Sardinian brig' Louisiana,Cichere, Malaga; sehr Jo sephine, Smith, Malaga. Cleared—Steamship Mexico, Lawless, Galveston and Indianola; ship Samuel ver, Renato, Liverpool; sehr Mary Ellen, Garretson, Peusauda Towed to Noll 10th Inst., ship Cordelia, aud barque Clara, Below—Ship Bamberg, Williams, from Liverpool; barque George Leslie, Hall, from Rock land. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS Up to 12 o'clock Lase Nig!cc GIRARD 1101ISR—Ohestnut Street, below Ninth. J P Sttorrob, No* Cardin 4131 Chadwick, England Ndw 11 Lytio, i'll W II Benjamin, Rochester Miss S 4 - Scofield, N Y Mies a Vail, N Y Albert D Vail, N Y Wm Romer. N Y 0 W Simmons, Jr, Maas .1 II IVesterlleld, N V Luther 0 Tibbets. N Y And E Malcomsou, N Y Mr Alexander, N Y Mr (lettings, Baltimore J It McCauly, Va 11' 0 Murray, Jersey City Jos I' Jamison, Phoenixville (leo Kennedy, Del Mr Wnterheld, England Judge J II 0 Rush, Ky Then N Hopkins & la, Mit Dll Rush, N Y T J Shad, Pa Isaac Irartsborn, Pa Wm 0 Wingfield & la, Va A L Wynn, MO . , Rohl SI Latuutz A In, Nl' N P Ward, Chicago Thos S Adams, N Y T 3 Carr, St Louis Jon 1' Allyn, Conn IF W Cogswell, Ohio Win Van Deventer. N Y Miss Post, it Louis A L Bickford, 0&11It 11 James Pattison, Olangow A Van Lain and lady, N V J M Salads& lady, R ea di ng lien Oi. J Swartz, Reading W W Thompson Ohio D It Bonnatt, Pa. S Do Groot, Paris 3.1 Black, N Y . 0 D Lambani, Maine 111 Eckert, F t etuting t DI lineman, Wading 0 Vautassoll and lady, N Y AII Ballads, Deciding lionj Tyson, Refuting 0 W Deka, Arkansas Mica F Benson, Arkansas Miss Anna Benson, Ark Wm Wright, Kartford, et J !fart & wife, Brooklyn J 1.1 'Easter, Belt Mr Rogers, Washington Mr Diezinger. N Y Ohas A Oliver, Balt Howard Weald, Balt - lion J P Comegys, Del F hurter, N Y D LI McOarter, N Y Thom Oetley & ht., Felt It L Tafel, Annapolis, 111,1 Edwin S Lewes, Balt Com Perry, U S N '4 Skinner, Baltimore Win 8 Dorsey, Baltimore WJ Vector, .England II Philips, 01J %ger, Washington Mrs L Walker, Washington Dr Lynch, II A N Jobe N Singleton, D(1 (3eo Stearns, I? 'W Sell R R 'CLACK BEAU HOTEL—Thlrd And ab Oallowhill. d Orator, achuylklll Co Hiram Smith, Norristown JII llobba Oettnantown J W Perkloman J- Kaiser, Lancaster co aim gi Xellri43 §4Ol, tfouirrieg MERCHANTS , HOT/Up—Fourth nt., below Arch. W Atkins, Pa d 0 Brenner, Pa Edward Perks, Pa L 0 Livingnton, Plttsb , it 111 11 Emerson, Ness If Emerson, Mass P 0 Bust ) Ca J Stewart & Is, Herd* T W Lukma & la, I'a T 0 Crawford, Ohio W A Jordan, N 'V Z Dater, Mass A P Bodge, N II I Peskin, Mass UNION 110 TEL—Arch ROM, balmy Fourth. It W 'Wand', Warren, 0 W Semple, Allegheny city Unbar& lady, IleWont* SAI Dabs, N W A, Jones, Prke co, 0 Mist, N Walmor,Dol Mies Bigler, Wilmington, D Mies P V Sweeny, N Miss Anna Realm, N J M ire J Canner, Preamannbs . J Warg, Jr, Preemansburg J N Armstrong & lady, N Y fi Alexander, Pa I! A Denwiton, Tamaqua P W Ash, Tamaqua W Ticknor & lady, N J AMERMAN HOTEL—Chestnut, below Sixth et. E D Mardi, Pa J \Varner, Pa J II Poynter. Del E It Poynter, Del A W Reynolde, NJ Miss A Reynolds, N J Mr Laurie & la, Scotland B F Faster. Piffle T It Graves, Tenn if A Diller A la, 11l I, Beveling, Ind J I' Lattower, Del T Street, halt WO Shearer, Phila W Jr Maxwell, Va J A nior, Phila EII Jarvis 4 la, Maryland 0 W Pollee, Newark J Manning, N J A E Powers, N Y Hiram Slocum, Troy Joe J Brooke, Baltimore 0 D Pox, Mich B N Paterson, N Y NATIONAL HOTEL—Eace street. above Third. John Q Cole, Allentown WII White la, N Y Jll/1 Wilaou, 'Burlington, Vt Edw Wilson, Vt A Mathew, Lane co, Pa Peter Ifart, Ohio Chas Young, California elm. If Jones, Pa Jno L Primula. Pa 0 P Thomas, Pa Franklin Leacher, Pa A Y Johnson, Tit David L .3111/er, Pa Sam! /Creamer, Phoonlivle 11 P noway, Columbia, N J Halal Salleit, Pa EUas fi Eddy, Now York Saint 13 Potta,Thillanapolls M Ifnlfpany, Union co, Pa Jno A Hann, Pittston E S Vicbell, Wilkosbarre Jos Whitaker, Mt Clair BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, Mu% Oallowhlll Edw J Shields, Phila E Gage, Sunbury, Pa Ii Yost, Luzerne co, Pa 8 Yost, Lnzerno co, Pa Nader, N Y W .11 Lowry. Strattonvlllo BARLEY SITEAV—Second, bolow Vino street. Robt Smith & la, Bucks co Bliss Martha B Shaw, Ph Thos Ilona, flocks co, PA Saint Thomas, Ducks co (leo fence!, Mulford, N J D Woolmon, Pa T p itarrey, Pa Wm Olossou, Pt Pleasant 011111 , 1 Baliop, Va Jacob Slifer, Now Mope Aaron Wendor, Attleboro N Wilson, N J Riche It Couch, New Ifopo M ADISON 1101:181 —Secon4 'greet, above Market J P Polka, Now York II J Kinsman, N J • 'm Jones, N J A V Mitchener, Ohio nos Forbes, N J Alex P Baker, N Y Job Myers & con, Va IMMIX DEAR INN—Fifth and Merchant streets, Id Webster, N J Insley Dolce, N J Aug Steel. Plainfield, NJ Enrol Grant, Pa A: Smith, Olunnbershurg John 0 Patterson, N J (IS Murphy, York, Pa 'J 0 Taylor, Ashville, Pa 0 J Arthur, Ps. Isaacfiearborough & la, Miss Matilda Lowe, Md Ilugh V Hum Nd Ales Scott & la, Pa kher T Mercer, °healer co STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. A 9 Gillet, Bate Ilatbor Oboe Doyd, Delaware A IV Marlon, Va U 1V Homer, Baltimore 43prtial Notices Saving Fund.—Mationnl Surety Trust Office, WALNUT Street, S. W. corner of THIRD. ARRANGEMENTS FOR BUSINESS DURING THE SUSPENSION OF SPECIE PAYMENTS BY THE BANKS. 1. Deposita received and payments made daily. 2. Current Dank Notes, Checks, and Specie will be received on deposit. 3. Deposits made In Bunk Notes or Checks will be paid back in Current Dank Notes. 4. Deposits geode in (told or Silver will bo paid. back In Coin. Interest Revs PER CENT. per annum, null For Perfumed Breath, White Teeth, and Beautiful complexion, toe '• Balm of 1.000 Flowers." For dressing Ladies' hair, use ' , Woodland Cream, a now Pornado.” It curie Gentlemen's hair beautifully. W. P. FETRIDGR & Co., Proprietors, N.Y. For sale by T B. Peterson, 306 Chestnut; Samuel Nines, Twelfth and Chestnut; A. D. Durand, 718 Chest nut; T. 11 Peters tt Co., 710 Chestnut; 0. 0. Evans, (lift Book.store, 439 Chestnut; 0. S. Hubbell, 1410 Chestnut; French, Richards, k Co., Tenth and Mar ket; A. D. Taylor, Ninth and Walnut; Dr Morrison, Seventeenth awl Chestnut; J. W. Slows & Sons, Eighteenth and Twenty-Second and Market; Edward Christmann, 702, Chestnut; Thomas Lancaster. corner Eleventh and Walnut. n0124y Jackson, JOB PRINTER, ' hIERCIIANT STREET. Cheeks, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, Bill Meade, Olr• eulars, Cards, and all other kinds of Job Printing, at orison to suit the times. oel7-ly Bower's Infant Cordini....This Invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of the meat choice ►ad efficient aromatics known in medicine, and is the most perfect and reliable carailnatixe extant for infanta acid young children. By its powerful Influence a speedy cure is effected In all ClBOll of Cho/ic windy pains sod spasms. Relieves and mitigates much of chitatanla suffering during denti tion or teething, 'and by its soothing properties trim guineas pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, &o, The Infant Cordial has become s idandard remedy, and ham boon used in thousands of cam with tho most abundant anemia. No fatally should be without it. Prepared only by Hamm A. Dowse, At hie Drug and Chemical Store, N. N. corner or Sixth and Green sts., Philadelphia. To whom all orders most be addressed. And for sale by Druggiets generally. an 18-ly Seamen's Saving Fund—Office 203 Walnut street, one door west of second etreat. Iteedres as. posits lu sums of One Dollar and upwards, front 11l cinema of the community, and allows interest at the rate of five per tent. per annum. Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. Pt ealdent Franklin Yell; Troacurer, (Merles TI. Mort* Secre tary, Jamee 8. Pringle. Busk Notes of the PENNSYLVANIA BANK FOR UMBRELLAS, BY WM. 11. RICHARDSON, No. AU Al ASO.V.R STRUT Cabinet Ware and UP 110LSTElt?, 624 WALNUT ST, OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE WARE. GEO, J. HENKEL'S, 524 WALNUT Street, cwV.-3m Late of 173 Chestnut Street S. C. Dewnld, Commission llnslnPes in Com mercial paper end negotiations of loans, u 6 Wittisurr BT., opposite the Exohango, Philadelphia. nolo-2ai ni a rriag eg OD the. 234 Instant, by Roy. J. Jones, Mr. JOUN 3. lIARRIsi to Miss CORNNLIA. HLMNR, both of Vairtots Cumborion4 so., N. J. On the 221 instant., by Rev. Joseph J. newly, Mr JOHN C. TROUT to Miss ADALINN LOUISA RENNET both of °imam, N. J. illeatbo On Monday evening, November:3d, Commodore VOX MALL A. PAllloElt, U. 3, N The friends and acquaintances of the family, and the officers of the Army, Navy, and Marine corps, are re spectfully invited to attend his funeral, from No. 202 South Eleventh MITA, on Friday afternoon neat, at two o'clock, Tho funeral will 'novo at throe o'clock, and proceed to St. Stephen's Church, where the °bee gales will bo performed. St* At Springfield, Tuohumne co,. California, about 12th October, JOBE3II 11. LOGAN, formerly of lucks co, f Doylegown mom please copy. I.tr At Winchester, Va., Nov:'nt th, J. Df. DUNCAN 011.011lilit9, M. D.; son of Silo flew. John Ohambera, of Philadelphia. On the '2slh Instant, at ma re.Ridonee, Eagleswood, JAMES 0. 11111.NEY, formerly of Kentucky. . . . On the morning of the 24th Mot , SARAH 82., stile of Samuel Riley. in the 28th year of her ago. Ou the 24th Met , GAROLINR, infant daughter of Iterdiumni and Magdalena Mietsseli, aged 7 months and 7 days. Suddenly, on the 241 instant, Mrs. MARTHA W. YOUNG, sister of the late Mr. John White, to the 54th year or her age. On the 24th inst., GEORGE W., infant ROD of Cyrus and Catherine Phillips, aged 2 weals and 2 days. 117*Arch Street Presbyterian Church, Arch, abovol'auth street, Pill be open for public worablp THIS (Thursday) 81810111 , 41, at 11 o'clock. Sermon by the pastor, 11ev. (leee Illanewomni. no2n-lt ID - West Arch Street Pretibyterlutt Chinch, earner or Mil ItTraltiTlt Street. Serviena appropriate to the day will be observed in this Church, TIIIR (Thursday} MORNING, nt 14; o'clnok. A diricourse Will be delivered by the patter, Roe. Dr. EDWAIII/3. it* I.lfend quarters Second Brigade, First Dl vielen, P. V.—November 25 1957. Order No. 5. In obedience to Division older No. I, Lieutenant Colonel James Harvey, of the Second Regiment, will parade his command on FRIDAY, 27th inst., at 2 o'clock P. to participate in the funeral escort of the Into Com modore FOXILALL A. PARKER, of the U. B. N. By order of the Brigadier General, JOHN D. MILES. Thos. F. EZTTON, Brigade Major. It 113 - Head Quarters First 'Regiment Infantry, FIRST BRIGADE FIRST DIV. PA. VOLUNTEERS. Put Lenr.Leura , November 25th, 1857. In conformity with the' invitation extended to the Officers of the Division not on duty with their Corps,' in Division Otters No. 1, tho Fmld, Stair, and Company Wilma of this Regiment are respectfully invited to meet at Regimental Iterul Quarters, 'Pones , Hotel) 4e in uniform, with Way arms," on FRIDAY AFTER.. NOON, at 134 o'clock, to attend the funeral of Com. F. A. CAREER, U. 8. Navy. WILLIADI D. LEWIS, To., Colonel Oommantling. MrNaval Notice,—The Officers of the Navy and Marino Corps attached to this Station, are respect fully invited to attend tho Flom' of their late brother officer, Commodore FOXIIALL A. PARKER to " toe- VICO dross," with crape on the left arm and sword hilt, from hie late roslience South ELEVENTH Street, near Locust, at '2 o'clock F. 51., on FRIDAY noxt, tho 27th hat. Officers of the Army, of the Revenuo Cutter fi For• ward," and of tho lot Division Poona, Voluntooro, who aro not on duty with the escort, aro roopectfully in vited topic! the procciaion. COMIPTA OYFICR, U. S. NAIY YARD, / 21th Nov„ 1857 no2CLIt CHAS. STEWART, Cone'dt. Poet office, rfillodelpfilo, Nov. tt.stli, 181.7,—The office will be open for the transaction of business on TIIANKSOIVIII(1 DAY, 26th lost., from 7g to 6 o'clock A. ht., and from 1 to 2g o'clock P. M. During the rest of the day it will be closed. The Car riers will make their morulng dellvory ns usual. n026-1t 011)}10N 0, WEBTCOTT, Postmaster. ID - - "Our Name m our Motto ".-The Good WILL FIRE COMPANY will illetributo Ono Thou sand Lonvoi of BREAD to thepoor and distreAnd or {7lO City of Philadelphia, at their n ull , BROAD A 1140 E bitreets, ou TIGIRSDAY, (Thanionllvlng day,) November 20th, between tho bourn of 10 nod 12 o'clock A.M. By order of n025-2t* frrprend for the Poor I... The Second Untrer. salist Church, EINIITII St , Corner of Noble, propose to o b„„. 0 Day by distributing tickets for One Thousand Loaves of Bread among those who ap ply at the Church, between B and 9 o'clock A. Af , on I . IIIIIISDAY. n026-2t By- Grand Mass Teroperunee Meeting on THANKSGIVING AFTERNOON. The Daecotire Committee of the ORDER OF TILE SONS OP TEDIPERANCE have nnule arrangement, for a PUBLIC bIEETING, at CONCERT lIALL, CIIEST• NUT Street, above Twelfth, on TUANICSOITINO AFTERNOON, commencing at three o'clock. Dr. D P. CONDIE, Grand Worthy Patriarch of the State, will proside, and eAdr mane delyrered by Rev. 4. A. WIL LITTS, Rey. ,lOUN OHAatBERS, Bee. NSWTON tIfSTON,'Ni A. 9. W. 11400490 N, bly. aas-20. n''ln accordance With the usage of former yews, a UNION PRAYER MEETING will be held on THANKSGIVING, DAY, November 28th, at 9 o'clock P. M., In the M. E. Union Ohara, FOURTH Street, below Arch at which Christians of all denoruiustions ttre Invited to be present. Rev. A. A. wud,rra, Dutch Reformed Church. It JEFFERY, Baptist Church. " DUAL D. COOPER, D. D , Protestant Epia copal, JNO. CHAMBERS, Independent Presbyterian. " E. IV. RUTTER, Lutheran Church. " HENRY STEELE CLARKE, Presbyterian. " FRANKLIN MOORE, Methodist Episcopal. " A. °DORMAN, Methodist Eplocopal. " J. D. CURTIS, Methodist Episcopal. Rev. 308. CASTLE, D. D " EDMUND J. YARD, " THOMAS T. MASON, Committee of Arrangements. Philadelphia, Nov. 24,1858. no:4.U* WELLS, FAROO, k CO., NEW YORK AND CALIFORNIA EXPRESS AND EXCHANGE COMPANY, Satithwomt corner of CHESTNUT AND FOURTH, POILADELPIIIA. Our nowt Exproas for California, Oregon, and Paolila Coast of South America, will go forward from Now York, por Steamer " GRENADA," On 2d DECEMBER. An freight Abould be delivered to us previous to Ist December, to 'Retire certainty of being forwarded, D. N. 'BARNEY, is., Agent. REM TABLE BUTTER 25 cents per lb.; Now Bunch RAISINS 10 cents 4P lb. CHAS. SMITII, Grocer, n028.3t* N. W. corner of Sixth and Pine es, MOELROY IS OFFERING MORE ALIO 'PION BARGAINS. $l6 Silk and Wool Long Broobe Shawls 0n1y..., $lOOO $l4 Bilk and Wool Long Drool.) Shawls 0n1y.... EP 00 $8 Silk and Wool Square Broche only 600 $l5 Chenille, extra rich, only B 50 $l2 Chenille, very rich, only 7 50 $1.60 Chenille, plain Myles . ' 200 $8 Plaid all-wool Long Shawls, beautiful, 0n1y... 269 $l5 Cloaks, beautiful styles and One fabric 10 00 $l2 Cloaks reduced to 6 60 $9 Cloaks reduced to 4 50 $5 Cloaks reduced to 3 60 800 yards very beautiful Cloth for Ladles' Cloaks, 76c per yard, worth $1,60; a splendid assortment of Ladles' Cloths, all shades and colors, suitable for Soya' wear; Satinets and Manes at unprecedented low prices; eon lot of Paramattas at 8t cents, worth 50 ; all 'Wee all wool Plaids at 28 cents, worth 52),, ; ono lot of all-wool Delalnes only 25 coats, worth 60; splendid 'Blankets et only $8 per pair, worth $5; 500 yards of Black Beaver Cloth at $1.50 per yard, worth $2.50; Trimmings, in endloss variety, at about half price, n026-1t bicELROY'S, 11 South NINTH St. TITMBLING DOWN OF DRY GOODS TREMENDOUS BMW AlNS—Frore the late Caah Auction Balm at prim, that DEFY ALL COMPETITION. - . CLOAKS and TALMAS far below the cost of materials, Dress Goods of every description at the very lowest prices. 25 cent Detainee reduced to 1214 cents, and other Goode In the same proportion. Just opened a large tot of Chenille Pearls, elegant styles, at leas than half price. (Noting out all our Merinos and Paramattas at cost, and we have resolved that our Dry (foods shall be sold as chap as_ the choapost, . . J. C. PAYNTEII, no2O-Ot 113 and 115 N. ElOnTii Bt., above, Arch Bank Notices CONSOLIDATION BANK, Pllll4l4lP.lfli, November 119, 1857. At an Election, held on the 18th inst., tiro following gentlemen wore elected as Directors to serve the ensu ing year, viz : dames V. Watson,Seneca E. Malone, henry Oroskoy, I A Snow Madam, David Davis. Thos. J. l'otte, 11. W. Eltzgaraid, S. P. bhoemaker, Datil. M. Poi, Wm. 1, Springs,- 0 el>, IS. Mosier, A. S. Wolf, Ludlam Matthews. And at a meeting of the Board, held this flay, JAMES V. WATSON, Eeq unanimougly re-elected Presi dent. JOS. N. PEIBSOL, Cashier. not-tuths 3t CARPETINGS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, ° DAILY & DROTIIIID., g No. 920 CNESTNUY DYDEET, Invite the attention of their friends and the D 1 0 public generally to their large stock of IMPORTED CARPETB, Which they aro determined to offer at such pricos 118 Will insure sslcs. 111011 VELVET CARPETS at $1 37j4 to $1.75, BEST TAPESTRY do at $1.12 to $1 ;SO. 0 lISAVY ENGLISH BRUSSELS at $1.25. BEAT NEW PATTERNS do • at $1 5734. IMPERIAL TUREE PLY, $1 to $1.25. SUPER INURAIN, for bod-rooms, all prices. ° FLOOR Of L CLOTHS. b. .4 We have the handl:meet display ever offered, u) and at prices exceedingly low, with every artl ca 1:11 ale usually kept in a CARPET WATtEIIOII9II. no2l-flt FURS! FURS!! FURS !!I FURS 1 !! JOHN FAREIRA & 00., Importers, Manufacturers, and Dealers in FANCY FURS, FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. - Having manufactured an immense Mock of SCRS, with the expectation of doing our usual businesa, the present preeesse of the times, and comparative stops- Wu of trade, have left us with an unusual amount of Stock upon our shelves. It it to meot this difficulty that we hove now DETERMINED To close out our rE= At Prices actually leas than THEIR COST TO MANUFACTURE! We }Avow's° on hand a Ic,ru aul couplet° assort went of OENTS' FURS, GLOVES, All of 141 oh will be soft at very I.OIV PRIDES. No. 818 MARKET st., bet. Eighth and Ninth, nolo-8w South Bide. FURSI FURS!! FURS!!! RSGANDLESS OF COST CRAB. OAKFORD h SON, No. 021 CHESTNUT ST., URILOW FIGMTIft Aro selling their LANCED AND CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK LADIES' FURS AT rItICES TO EDIT TIIE TIMES. Wa would Adria° our lady Mende to cull Immediately acid secure a bargain. u024-tuth4-3t Jttourance Companito. GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY-0180, 403 WALNUT, street. PHILADELPHIA, November 23, 1857. At a meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, held oil the 16th teat., the following persons were elected Directors for the coining year, viz: CHARLES 0. LATHROP, 1423 Walnut street. WM. DARLINO,ISIO Pine street. ALEX. WILILLDE,N, omen, It North Pourth street. ISAAC ITAZLEIItiIIST, Attorney and Counsellor. JOHN C. HUNTER, of Wright, Hunter & Co. E. TRACY, slit. Tracy & CO., Goldsmiths' Hall. JOHN It. SVOURDY of Jones, White, & THOS. L. GILLESPIE, of Gillespie & Zeller. JAS. It SMITII, of Tea. B. Smith & Co. E. HARPER JEFFRIES, of D'Eu.ll Brown & Co. .1011 N It 'MODES, car. Seventh end Sansom streets. CHAS. E. THOMPSON, 413 Chestnut street. JNO. J. SLOOD3f, 228 South Third street. ALFRED TAYLOR, office Cairo City Property. And at a Ineeting of the Directors, held this day, CHARLES 0 LATHROP was unanimounly re-elected President, and WM. DARLING, Vice.Presidout. H. K. RICHARDSON, Assistant-Secretary. OFFICE OF TIIE INDEPENDENT MI- N.., TUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Notice is hereby git en that ih accordance with the prorisious of the Act of Incorporation, an election for fifteen persons, to serve as Directors of the Independent Mutual Insu rance Company, until the first day of December, 1858, or until their nueeessors aro legally chosen, will be held at the Ace of the Company, No. 220 WALNUT Street, on TUESVAY, the first day of December, 1857, between the hours 01 10 A. 51. and 1 I'. uo2o-tdel D. B. BIMINI:EY, Secretary. OOMMONWEALTFI FIRE INSURANCE 11l COMPANY, OP TUN .11TAT.h OP P.ENIISYLVA. NU,—Office, N, W. Corner FOURTH and WALNUT etteeta, Philadelphia. Babanribed Capital, $600,000. Paid•up Capital, $200.000. DAVID J ANNE, M. D., Provident. THOMAS B. STRWAWP, Vice Pre". sAlloaL S. Moos, Secretary. aulgy CIIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INS R. Via ANON 001NPANY, PIIII,ADELPISIA—OtBae, No. 802 WALNUT street, west of THIRD. 4, FIR& RIBKB ONLY TAKEN? , Ditlololll3. Jar. Walker, Juo. McClure, Thu. Craven, A. B. Gillett, Yunnan Blreppard, Nicol Jones, AL D. Toceph Klapp, D, Wm. M Swain, bhp Anspach; Jr., R. N Iturroughe, - J. D. llughoo, V. D. Bhormso, Wm. P. Racket., J. I'. Steiner, IL A. Shackelford, Ron. JOEL 0. W. WOODWARD, Pio. 13 JAIdEII B. ALTORD. Asils ,for Bale nub To Let. DESIRABLE OFFICES at 520 WALNUT 11 Bt., opposite the State House; ono of tho bent business looatione in Philadelphia, with beat, light, nud all modern coneouienoee. Apply ou the promisee, Boom No. B, to (1. W. J. BALL, Agent. nolle CHESTS STREET STORE TO RENT. Iv -2 Bulks, Slate Glass, 3 I Ivor mountings, Fixtures, Counters, all complatu. Rent $650. Mint to commence January let. Apply 481 Chestnut Street n 35 3t, WOLHERT Jr' SCOIT. PENNSYLVANIA BANK N 0, T E S A. For sole, a uott•socnrod 01011 ND 'RENT of $2lO, upon three brick • dwelling houses and Int on MinCoCk street, south or Maxtor-48 feet (rout, 103 foot deep— punctually paid in quarterly payments. Pommy Irnolt Bunk notes will be tokbn (or It Apply to I. 0. PlllOll, corner Of SPRING GARDEN sad TIIIIITEENTII StreetS. nn76 °w NOTICE—LOST OIL STOLEN. The subscribers nont by mall, on the 7th Of November lust., their PEOIIIBBOEI , NOTE, dated November Ed, 1857, drawn to the order of Weston & Hollingsworth, of Boston, at eight months, tor seven buudred and ouo dollars, duo July 3-43, 1858, and payable at the Com mercial Dank of Pennsylvania. £ho letter enclosing said note has not reached Its address, and the note, being unondorsed, ie of no use to any but Oa owners!. tOSAS. AlattAllall lc CO., No. 30 South SIXTH St. TIM COMPANY ZINCED MEAT.- The Sulmeriber has commenced msnufactaring Las No Pill 3 Ultra ISINOED 151.1.1 AT, which ho offers to Ms customers in TANIIN or SMALL, QUANTUM. (Were throngh BLOOD'S DISPATCH will bo pine Wally attended to. JOSIIUA. WRIGHT, A/821A OPUIK/ IiAItIMN and FRANKLIN eta, tarn Oaobo C'arpetings FOR Olfar ONLY COLLARS, Ax JONNI3, President, The President. Mo?MILLI , Secretary. ant Becretary. not-3m-it !JD rD (Saabs. WARM SILAWLS. 81tAIIPLE6S BROTHERS offer Volt assorttnenta or Long Shawls; Bordered alL•nool Long at $4. L 0; Plaid do do at $5; Heavy Chenille Square at $5; French and Berlin fine Shawls ; Broehe, Long and &tuaro, cheap ; Travelling Fihaeria, for men ; Friends' Shawls, in every variety. nov 2i CHESTNUT and lIIUIITU &treats i'-- W AES' SHOEMAKERS. —4 1311AR1'LESS 'MOTION, sole agents For American Elastic IVctibing, Mack and coloroA English LaAtinv, French Lastlngs And Gaiter Cloths, Italian Cloths and Black and white Satins, tiallocus, Laces, Drills, Muslin", Preach Kids, Morocco, Patent Leathers, norl:s CLIME UT and Eltnall Streets Wu 000 OF THE NOTES OF THE "'"'", DANK o}' PXNNSYLVAVIA wilt Lo taken at per for teLonts, CASSIMERES, SATTINETS, Veatings, Fiannala, aluslina j Umbrellas, Waltman's Wrapptmt, 8/taw/s. Shirts, DfaWere, no , dery, (MVO!! mat Cravats. AlBO tiENTLEMEN'S READY MADE CLOTHING, A large conqigninent er which has just been received, comprising it splendid aesortinont or 1121011021, Bansupe, Sacks, Drees und Frock Coats, Business Coate, Pants and Vests, to bo closed out, wnolesalo or retail, at 611 MINOR Etreet, between Fifth and kWh Market and Chestnut streets. MONRO k k CO., Importers, Jobbers and Commission Merchants. N D —Consignments solicited and advancers made. n021.9t4. ADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS-YEW LI STYLES —Now opeu, Cloaks of Dlack, Drown, and Limy Cloths, inado up in the best and moat fashionable style, In (MOAK AND SMALL ROOM. S 5 Woollen Long Shawls, worth $7, $5 Stella Shawls, the $7.60 quality. SO Blank Tbibet Long Shawls 53 " " Square Shawls. 50 Doodle Square Shawls. Shaul), of every kind and price. Fine Make made to order. We Rijn continue to Hell our entire stock of areas (kohl at below the FIRST COST OF MANUFACTURE. A largo line of good SATINETTS, CASSI3IERES, AND CLOTHS, BLANKETS AND FLANNELS, In %emend Story, in full supply. The especial attention of tuyere Is desired. Notes of all Solvent Banks in the Union taken. Our reductions are bona Ode. We sell every article at the lowest market rate, no matter what the cost may be. COOPER & CONAItD, S. D. corner Ninth and Market streets. BLANICETS ! BLANKETS ! ! BLANK ETS! ! :—S. 11. ARGIIAMBAULT, S. E. corner SPRING GARDEN and FRANKLIN Streets, bare just received— 300 pairs heavy Mankato, at 2 80, 2 00, 8 09,4 00, 400,600 and 143, . CHEAP SHAWLS 1 lot Brocha Shawls, at 0 00, worth $lO. 200 Blanket Shawls, at I 60, 2 00, 3 00, 4 00 and $5 Stella Shawl.' at 2 00, 3 00, 4 00 and $5. DRESS GOODS 000 pieces now Dalai see, reduced to IN and 181(o. 100 pieces Madonna Cloths, at 8, worth 1230. 1000 yards dark Chintzes, at og, 8 and 10c. 000 yards Falencles Plaids, at only 12>,c. DIEN AND BOYS' WEAR. Caul mores at 50, 62,4, 75, 87% and $l. Boys' wear at 25, 02,k, 374‘, 44 and 60e. Wool Flannels a. 12%, 10,4, 18,14, 25, 31, 87% and 00. Heavy Canton Flannels at 8 and 100. At S. 11. ARCHAZGRAULT , S, 8. E. earner SPRING GARDEN and FRANKLIN Streets. no2l-6t Q um., GREATER BARGAINS IN BLAN- I-7 NETS —V. C. ARCHA,III3AI.ILT, N N. Corner of ELIWENTII aroI3IARKET Street, will open this morn• lag, from New York Auction, 500 pairs of large size, all wool, Twilled Inaukets, et $1 50, $1.76, $2 10, $.1.25, 0.3 50, $l, $5, $O, si, $B, and $lO. Also, 100 largo size Comfortablee at $1 75 and 52 ClltAP SHAWLS. Extra oizo Long Shawls, front $5 to $9. Bquaro Shawls out $1 to $4; Brody, S.hamla from. $5 to $1.5. MO/LE CHEAP omtpErs, Ingrain Carpets, wool filling, at Liu, IS h', and 25c.; all wool Carpets at 60 and tnic ; Stair Carpets from 10 to 37c ; Entry Carpets from 15 to 62c ; Rag and List Car pets at 18 and '2se. One Price Store, N. B. corner of ELEVENTH and DIARKET Streets. no2l-6t NEW, SCARCE AND CHOICE GOODS, Buda an are really wanted. 011AilLBS ADAMS, SMITH and ARCH Streets, has just received super French Black Cloth for ladles , Basques. Super 4.4 dark French Chintzes, at 11, usual price 25 cents. 1 carton elegant Black Centro Stella Shawls, with and without palms, some of the handsomest imported. Mode and high-colored Centres, in variety. Shaded French, Blanket Shawls. Rich and glossy Engle brand Black Silk- Ileery Engle brand Paull de Soule, without blare. . A full-lice black Alyacas cod mixed Madonnas. Lupin's 0-4 French Morinoen, Cashmeres and Para mattas. Cloth Table and Piano Covers. black and brown Silk Velvets, assorted. Super and extra Roper 4.4 Wool Flannels, (Oil. bort t Ballardvale,) for infants' Shawls. Also, a full stock of Flannels, beet makers. BLANKETS, SIIEE MOS, smurrixas, ace. 0. A. prefers keep‘ng good and desirable articles ouch an are really wanted, and selling them at PRICES To SUIT ME TIMES. P. S —A large lot of French worked Collars and Era broideries, reduced la price. no2l-3t-scow IPECIA.L NOTICE.- A large assortment of Attractive and seasonable DRY Goons, From the extensive wholeanto stocks of several SUSPENDED HOUSES, Will be opened THIS DAY, NOVEMBER 2let, 1557, At the store, No. 923 MARKET Street, NORTH SIDE, Between Ninth and Tenth, And sold throughout IIY RETAIL, AT me, UNPRECEDENTED REDUCTION In pricer for 0 A 8 It. Tho goody are all new, and of recent Importation or manufacture ; andn rare opportunity is offered to pur chasers to purchase the Lest makes and styles, far below the usual pricer. SAMUEL B. NESS, n0r21.2w No. 023 MARKET Street. RANK OF PENNSYLVANIA-GREAT 1.11 EXCITEMENT AT BUCHER'Si—Wo are re coiling the mites of thu above bank at par for Dry (Stnts, at greatly reduced prices. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Cloaks and Talnias. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Shawls, Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Dress Hoods. Dank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Merinos. Dank of Pennsylvania Notes taken Men's Wear. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Ribbons. Bank of Pennsylvani4 Notes taken for Embroideries. Rank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Domestics. /tank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Blankets. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Gloves and Hosiery. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for the choice of goods from one of the largest and best-selected storks in the city, nod at extraordinary low prices, at F. do T. 11 BELCHER'S, nov2l-dt S. W, corner Eighth and Spring Garden. PENNSYLVANIA. BANK NOTES TAKEN AT PAR FOR DRY GOODS. The snbscriber offers for a few days his entire stool: of Voris nt petal TO SUIT THE TIMES, and receive in payment notes of the Pennsylvania Bank, This, to such ns may have any of this doubtful paper on hand, I, offering a groat inducement, no hit stock is One of the best in the city. Please glee him an misty call. B. P. JOIINSON, no2o-1.. DU Market st.,ahore Ninth, north nide REMOVAL L. J. LEVY & CO., IN ANTICIPATION OF REMOVAL SPLENDID NEW STORE, Nov being erected for them in CHESTNUT STREET, AIIOYE 1:101171I, Hare determined, Porn poi iod of 30 DAYS, To dispose of a largo amount of their Stock uow in store LOW PRICES FOR CASH They in vi to the attention of the Public and their Vus tomera to ono of the most complete assortments of STAPLE AND HANOI GOODS To Le found to this country, which will be disposed of for thu period wooed, at ouch prim as will insure their sake. _ . CHESTNUT STREET, NEXT TO TUE CUSTOM ROUSE HEAVY BROWN COTTONS. One Thousand Bales MEETINGS, SIIIRTINGS, AND DRILLS TROTS TIM LAWRENCE PSANTIPACTURING COMPANY, JACKSON COIIPANY, (INDIAN lIEADO AND NASHUA MA NI/FACTOR IWO COMPANY, Of their vni ions it 011ie and styles, which ara offered for solo fur first-clans paper, on SI MONTHS' CREDIT, by the Agents of tho Companies, ALFRED SLADE & CO., 39 LETITIA ETREET. no4-1m REVC SALE OP LADIES' CLOAKS A FTRTHER REDUCTION IN PRICES hue been aoterminot on by the Antscribers, In con. to•gormee of the contin u ed pre9Hero. 500 MISSES' ENGLISH BEAVER CLOAKS, it'2, formerly $3 ID. 300 MISSES' ENOLISII BEAVER CLOAKS, $3 50, formerly 15 50. SUPERIOR EBENCII BEAVER CLOAKS, $5 to SR, moot to import it to 110 cub_ LUNG BLACK BRAVYR CIRCULARS, $2, forowrly $l2. 111011 MACK VELVET CLOAKS, All 20 per cent below cost: of production, J PROCTOR & CO , Sucre sore 01300 BUlron & CO., 70$ CHESTNUT kart, MEM }LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTINU ZEPHYRS. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL & EON. WHOLESALE: AND DETAIL STORES, 1020 CHESTNUT Street, four doors below Eleventh And SIS S. SECOND St., bolow Spruce. FACTORIES —Nos. 95 and 91 GEORGE St., Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union, Orders made at a for hours , notice, )10IIN B. STRIKER, JR., Wholesale Dealer in KLICTLON DRY GOODS. N 0.12 DANK Street, Philadelphia. Ootl-2m ~~~Unut~. WANTED—TWO VESSELS of oasoo toni t to load for Key Weat. roight ready for ablimnent, and good rate given. Apply to 1 1 1S1101', BINIONS, & CO no' 1-6 t 120 (late 10) North Wharsen, AYING FUND.--UNITED STATES S TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and onw- NITF Btreeta. Large and /mall earns received, and paid back on de mand, without matte°, with FITSCENT INT ER vs'r from the day of deposit to the day of withdraws.l. °Moo hence, from until 5 o'clock every day, sod on MONDAY EtitNINGS from 7 until 0 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and &attend, from Al upwards. President R. CRAWFORD Treasurer—PLlNY FISK. Teller—JAMES K.IfUNFXR, fsale9 by %union, MTHOMAS & SONS, . Nos. 189 and 141 SOEITII lOURTII 1578118; (fortoerl, Nos. 01 sad 69.) REAL Ex ESTATE, BTOORIS, he. • Public Palea at the Philadelphia change every Tuesday Evening. itr Handbills of each property issued separately In ailuition to which we publish on the Saturday previous to each sale one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving full descriptions of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesday. SALE AT TILE AUCTION STORE—FRIDAY. NOTlOE.—Thursday, next, being Thanksgiving day, our regular sale at the Auction Store will bo bold on Friday morning, at 10 o'clock. I 7 FURNITURE BALES AT THE AUCTION STORE every Thursday morning. _ RATI, EATATi AT TriiTATB BALI. fi We bares large amount of Real Estate at Yid. vase Sale, including every description of City and country property. pnntett Lists may be had at the emotion Store. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. FLT neat Estate entered on our Private Bale Re enter, and advertised occasionally in our Public Sale Abstracts, (of which 1,000 copies axe printed weekly,) free of charge. . . LIBRARY OF TUE LATE ROBERT F. WALSH, Esq. CARD.—We will sell on Tuesday and Wednesday evenin December lat and 31, the valuable miseells.- neowi library rary of the Into Robert P. Walsh, Es' com prising elegant editions of rare and valuable books- on N erten% subjects. 137- Catalogues with full particulars will be ready three days previous to the day of sale, and the books arranged for examination. SALE AT TYR AUCTION STORE-FRIDAY CARD.—The attention of ladles, and others desirous of purchasing, 'IS requested to our large eale, at the auc tion store, on Friday morning, (Thursday being Thanks giving day) comprising ore, six hundred lots of excel lent household furniture, large French plate mantel and pier mirrors, gilt frames; tine velvet tapestry and Brug ge& carpets ; ingrain and voultian carpets; piano -forte; chine and &sewer* ; plated ware; book G6/10111; suit elegant plush furniture.; bade and bedding; iron shaft ing and pulleys; stoves, kc ;forming a very attractive assortment. IQ Catalogues now ready, and the articles arranged for examlaektiori. STOCKS. On Tuesday Evening, Dee. Ist, at the Philadelphia Exchange at o'clock will be sold, by order of administrator, es t ate of Hobert Zane, deo'd ' • 1 Mare of the Jefferson Land Association, dues amounting to $lBO. paid up to Nor. 10th, 1557. Also, $3OO Union hiatus! Insurance Company certifi cates of profits of the years 1548, 1850, and 1851. Share In the Philadelphia Library Company, ff Si Si A thenasum. ff Mercantile Library Compan. Also, for account of whom It may conc ern, a draft of 0,0. Dore & Co., on John Paranno Jr. Co., and accepted by them, for $1,700, due 11th October, 1057. Also, one of $2,500, same drawers and acceptors, due 7th November, 1857. 16,000 CAMBRIA IRON CO. RoN➢S.—Also, for ac count of whom it may concern, 6 trot mortgage, 6 per cent. bonds, $l,OOO each of the Cambria Iron Com pany, dated January, 1854, due January, 1864, coupons payable Ist January and July in New York. REAL ESTATE SALE—DECEMBER lot Administrators' Bale—Estate of itlebard Payson, Doc'd, formerly of Dr. Bhlppen. ELEGANT COUNTRY BEAT AND FARM, ABOUT SIXTEEN MILES FRO3f MARKET STREET, AND TUREE FROM BRISTOL. - - . Our sale let December will Include the valeable country seat and farm, 167 acre! with superior Improve ments, known aa 'EARLEY,' situate oaths height's, ea the west aide of Neshamony Creek, between the Bristol turnpike and the Newport road. [l_7' Fall particulus In handbills. Orphaoa' Court Bale—Estate of William R. Leunen, deceased. ERAME DWELLING, Sber WARD. Frame dwelling, north aide of Wood street, between Ocean lane and Levering street, Twenty-Bret Ward. Orphans' Court Sale--Estate of Lynch, minors. TWO-STORY BRICK ROME. _ . ..... Two-story brick house, Bunts' oourt, between Tenth and Eleventh streets, below Locust. NEAT ?JODI:AZ( RESIDENCE. Also, neat modern residence, No. 153 North Fifteenth street, above Arch street, finished with modern imprOW ments and conveniences. TWO lIANDS.O3IF. NEW RESIDENCES, Nos. 1909 AND 1923 DELANCY PLACE, BETWEEN EIGH TEENTH AND NIA'ETEENTLI AND SPRUCE AND PINE STREETS. Two handsome now four-story brick residences, with throe-story back buildings, and replete with all tha modern impressment." and convenience . They will be sold separately. Immediate possession. THREE VALUABLE LOTS, WALNUT STREET, WEST YLULADELYUIA. - Three valuable lots, Walnut street, east of Marge.• setts street—each 50 feet front, 220 feet deep to York street. Clear of all Incumbratiee, Administrators' peremptory Sale. X TIMER-STONY BRICK DWELLING, TWENTY lEMMEM Also, I. three-story brick a..ening, Twenty-Ars• street, below Hamilton street. 1111101 i. STORE AND DWELLING. Three-story brick gore and dwelling, Ridge avenue below Oxford street. TWO-STORY BRICIC DWELLM Two-story brick dwelling, Columbia avenue, auto Ridge avenue.. . . . . . PEREMPTORY SALE —THREE GROUND RENTS. Three ground renta—one of ;120, one of sao, and one of SSO per annum. I:Secular's Peremptory Sale—Estate oC Charlotte Basler, Deceased TWO-STORY BRION DWELLING. Two-story brick dwelling, with bath-buildings, west snip St. John street, above Noble street. Same Ewstate. GROUND RENT—SIO2 A YEAR. A well secured yearly ground rent of $lO2 a year on property Delaware Front and Water streets, between Vine and Callowhill etreete. Salo absolute. TRREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. Three-story brick dwelling, No 1017 Vernon street, between Tenth and Eleventh, and Earriah and Drown streets. LOT OF GROUND Lot or Ground southwest corner of Golan:ibis avenue and Twenty-seventh street, TIUEEE•STOItY DEICE, DWELLING. Threestory brick dwelling, N 0.1152 Passyunk road, above Federal street. PEREMPTORY BALE-TUREE•STORY BRICK DWELLING Throe-story brick dwelling, No. 309Lowbant street, west of Third. Bale absolute. HANDSOME RESIDENCE LI ()TON A handsome brick residence, Wood street, between Broad and Union atreets, Burlington, N.. 1, Lot 114 feet front, by 305 feet deep. THREE-STORY BRICK' STORE AND DWELLING, S. E. corner of Tenth and Poplar streeta. REAL ESTATE SALE—DECE3IBER Sth, This sale will include— NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE—N. P. corner Fif teenth and Lombard streets. It Is replete with modern Improvements and roarer/dances. $4OO may remain on mortope. . . TWO LARGE AND VALUABLE LOTS., WEST PIIILADELPRIA,—VaIuabIe lot S. E, corner of Walnut and Margaretta streets, 150 by 175 feet. Valuable lot, north aide of Locust street, 100 feet west William street, 100 by 167 feet (two fronts). 11ANDSOME MODIItN RESIDENCE, PINE ET.— The handsome modern residence, southeast corner of Pine and Nineteenth streets It is 21 feet front, and finished in handsome modern style Immediate posses sion. Err Ooly $l.OOO required in cash. 111.01tTOAGE: FOR sLo2.s.—Atto, a flrat mortgage Secured on /1 stone dwellings and lot of ground, Cresson street, Manayunk. Clear of ground-rant. There is a perpetual policy of insurance for $5,000. REAL ESTATE SALE—DECSSLBER 15th This sale will include— Orphans' Court Bale—Estate of Benjamin Bntnell, FOUR. TIIREE-STORY II ItTOK DWELLINGS— Pratt street, east of Fairmount street. Pate Noe. 119 and 141 South Fourth Street. BUPEition FURNITURE, FIND 311101019, ELE• OANT PIANO-FORTE, VELVET CARPETS, Ac, On Friday Morning, At 10 o'clock, at the Auction Store, au extensive as enrtment of kounehold furniture, mirrors, piano-fortes, line carpets, At— from farMlies declining housekeeping. IRON SIIAIRTING —Also, a lot of iron shafting and pulleys, ROMs' Patent. Ell=l MEDICAL LIDRARE OE A PHYSICIAN DECEASED ..... , Oe Friday and Saturday Evenings, Nov. 27th and 2311 t, et the auction Aare, Fed. 139 and 141 South Fourth street. a valuable medical library of A physician deceased, by order of executor. ID - For particulars see catalogues and the books, whi It will be arranged on Friday morning. • Sale in Camden, N. J. lIOUSEISOLD FURNITURE, BEDS AND BEDDING, CARPETS, CHINA, On Monday Morning. 30th instant, at /0 o'clock, at the southwest corner of Second and Market streets, Camden, New Jersey. the household furniture, feather beds an,d bedding, carpets, chitia.&c , of a lady declining housekeeping May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of the sale. Admlnistator's Sale PULVERIZED CHARCOAL, FACTORY UTENSILS, AtIONS, CART, lIARSRSI3, &c. (Of the pro Of Campbell & Farren.) On Monday morning, 80th instant, at 10 o'clock. at the corner or Seven teenth and Christian streets, will be sold, without re serve, the contents of a factory for making pulvericeS cliarconl, comprising mill and atone for grinding, other utensils, a large quantity of pulverized chareo,il in blade ,bbls , and bags, &c, Also, a light wagon and harness. Also, two other wagons awl a cart. Also, saddle and bridle. Closing sale at No. 1017 Walnut street. STOCK OF CABINET FURNITURE. On Tuesday Morning, December let, at 10 o'clock, at No . 1017 'Walnut street, without reserve, the balance of the stock of furniture of Mr. John Duns+, declining business, comprising Walnut tete-a-tetes, chairs, wardrobes, dressing bu reaus, extension dining tables, sideboards, office tables, Jce , Ar Ey- The store is to rent—lmmediate posseaalon given HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE.— famodiatoly after the above, will be sold, in Christian street, north aide. above Seventeenth street, the household furniture, late or Thomas Ferrets, deceased. By order of the Ad ministrator. Salo at So._lt.'l South tie Tenth street ELEGANT ROSEWOOD. WALNUT - - On Wednesday Morning, Dec. 2ail, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at No. 121 south Eleventh street. mithout reserve, the entire stock of .1. Lute. comprising au clogant assortment of rosewood and walnut drawing-room furniture, elegant chamber furnituro,eco , all manufactured by Mr. butt. expressly for his ware-room sales, of the best materials and workmanship, and warranted, 117,- May be examined, with catalogues, three days prertous to onto. SAW at the N W. ccrocr Fifteenth 11114 Lombard Its SUPERIOR FURNITURE:, ROSEWOOD PI ANO FORTE, MANTEL CLOCK, OIL PAINTINGS TAPESTRY CARPETS, Ac On Wednesday Morning, Dec. 9th, at ID o'clock, will Le hold et the N W. nor uer of Fifteenth and Lombard street/1, the houwhol, and kitchen furniture of a gentleman declining house keeping ID — May be examined at S o'clock on the monde. of sale. Shares in the Aeddetnyot Mug.e ; Point Breeze Park Philadelphia and Mercantile Littrariea ; Athenmunz, So AMERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORK EIDUANOE WANTUD AT lIIOUESt CURRENT RATES, ' 111 T CRONIES ,t CO., SPECIE BROKERS, 40 : 4 0ITTII THIRD ST SCULL, CAMBLOS, 84 BANKERS, No. 3S South Third Street The bighe,t premium paid for AMERICAN GOLD ee22 Cult' NEW YORK EXCILANGE. IJacurreut Funds bought owl fat. Stocks bought and gold on comminnion only. nolo-2ra* 1, W. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS 11. No. ST South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made on all accessible pointa In the United States and Canada. SWAN, Bond', &C. Bought and Bold en Commission. thaeurreut Bank Notes, Cheeks, au, bought at the lowest rates. Dap°.ita receive/ and Interest allowed, as per agree ment no. 2-Sm _a_L A lattice of this city, who has been tar many years °mayoral:nit with REAL }:STATE, and now knows many opportunities of very profitable investment, is destratui to mate an arrangement with a gentleman who catt command, capital to boy and sell HOUSES and LANDS; the party supplying the meats to hold the titles and con vey when Bold Tho interest on the eel/dal, If not pro vided by reale, will he promptly paid, and the profits equally divided when Wes are made, Addrees A. T. N., at This Office: ne2b3l WOLIBEILfi Sc SCOTT,' AITOTIObrEERS AND COIIIILVION WPM - WANTS, 431 CHEST NUT Btre.t opto to the Caat.nus liar" batnean Youth and thin Stmts. SALE. - On Friday Morning, ZVI instant, Conuneneing at log o'clock peen isely we will sell; withont reserve for cash, a large and valuable conitgninent of furs for Wive, gents', and 1311.1.14te wear, consisting of cloaks, taintss, vietorines, yelerines, medal, cuffs, capes, gloves, nos, nicad.,i, &e., made In the latest style, of sable, stone martin, filch, mountain martin, cbinchilli, ermine, Siberian squirrel, swan's down, b 'earer, otter, &e. N. / I,— The 'bele, comprising a very choice and desi rable assortment for present sales will be arrange d for exeminatlen early on the morning of sale when the hote l , and gentlemen of this city ere rasp;letfttlif In vited to attend. J. 11 We beg Uses to inform the public that we bold our regular weekly sales of Palmdale every Itteeday. et our EPAOIOOB PALEN WU, NO. 4..2' WALNCT • iiTHIST, where every poseib2e attention is given to ob tain the highest prima for the goalie of than who may favor us with eonaignmenta. Faintlieshaving portion, of their furniture to dispose of, or those declining house keeping and not wiakting sales at their own dwellin,vs, can have their furniture CAREFULLY BSAIOYSI . TO OUR SALES R00)1, WILMS _TREY WILL azauzz BETTER PRIORS TOR TIIIIS FURNITURE THAN TREK CAN OBTAIN FROM AMY OF TIES FURNI TURE DEALERS OR ANY OTIIRR AUCTION STORS IN THS CITY. ED' Persons favoring us with consignments an rest . enured that th eir property will nate sseriteed. CODUBiIiIIiOLO more moderate thus those charted by say other Auction House in the city. ID" Coadgometits reept,tlay solielted. U:7" Seas paid Isteaedlatelyatter the goods ars sold. — REATC.ESTA - TRftiii,./5RREitEir ! 24 . This tale at the Exchange, Oa ITedaesdaT December 2,1107, at 7 o'clock, will include— °via:Lime Overt Sale—Testate of Lang Minors. PROPERTY. MARINER STREET. A two.story brick house and lot of groohd, on the south side of 'Salines street, 96 feet west of Thirteenth. street, Id feet front, 41 feet I inch deep. SZU ground rent. Rea at No. MA Fpruce street. ROESETIOLD YCIRNITURE. TAPESTRY CARPETS, SOFA-BRDSTEAD, On Tueadey Morning, It 10 o'clock, +rill herald, at No. AM Spruce stmt, the anti., household and kitchen furniture, carpets, & C. A liratoino Printing OAca, with agood run of aeee roarprinting peewee, two Rose:wand one Adam s Typo and everything neeeeenry for the bar:nese. Apply at the Auction Stott.. MOSES NA TRANS, AUCTIONEER -LTA AND COMMISSION PRECRAPIT, E. E. canter &ETU and RACE Streets. AT PRIVATE SALE—Clold usd silver patent lever, Lepine, English, Swim, and French watches, jewelry, of every description, =slut Jrutrameato, &e. AT PRIVATE. PALE—Anew/el on second door, household furniture; of every description, beds, mat Ito„ tresseu, carpetbag, looking gleams, Luiey articles, de., &n. Out-door gales attended to personally by the Auction ear. Charges eery low. CoADgblrlfAtil of furnitne clothing, jewelry, ko ke , solicited. NATHAN'S PRINCIPAL LOAN OPTICS, S- S. Corner of Sixth and Ravi Streota, 'Where money will be loaned on gold and silver plate Watelies, Jewelry, 'Dismorids, Clothing, Dry °Ws, Groceries, Boom, Hardware, Cutlery, -furniture. Bed ding, Horses, Vehicle*, Harlow, Stocks , and on all ar ticles of value for any length of time agreed on, on more satiefactory and Liberal terms than at any other eetat- Whine:rt. M. #7 dritANS, WEBB'S great sale of forfeited - Watches, Jewelry, Gem, Pietole, Musical Insimments, Ac., will take place shortly, line notice will be given. WIMPS great aale of bey Goods, Clothing, Bedding, Ac., being forfeited collaterals, will lake place shortly. Due notice will be given. AT PRIVATE BALE, AT 'DALY TUB Usual, SELLING PRICES.—DoubIe-bottomed and hunting case gold patent lever watches, of the moat sp. prcered snakes; hunting Cale and open face gold escape. !trent lever sarnepine watches, full Jaweled • Sae gold enameled lever and lepine watches for Ls±lierei, gold jewelry of every description; silver lever and /epees watches, in hunting cases and open fate; elver Englialt, BWIPA, mid Preach watchesi . s general satortment of fur niture Ws, mattresses, mirrors, &a. OUT-DOOR SALES SOLICITED, and charges to suit the times, low. • Cousigurnenta of every description of goodaeolicited for public or private sale. AIONEY ADVANCED on all and every kind of goods, for public or private este, or to be held for a limited Chargea low. WOOD STREET, Istrft AND nAIiOGANY FURNITURE ' IlloncE Salto bp -,Qttittion. ARES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, NO. .11. N WALNUT STITEST, above FOIIET.II. $ !OF HOUSEHOLD /011,XITIIIIX—YETZS DAY. AT PRIVATE SALE' GtAMUEL NATRANS, AUCTIONEER, kJ and MONEY LOAN MICR, No. 112 Booth THIRD Street, beim* Walnut, opposite Pear it., only eight doors below the Seel , *Age. 'Komi of badness from 7. o'clock, A. IL, until le o'clock In the evening. Outdoor isles, and sales at the AtterVon Route, at tended upon the moot satisfactory terms. CAPITAL $200,000, Esishlistedfer tie lest nifty Ycors. • Advances nude from one dollar to thousands on Dia monde, Silver Plata, Watches, Jewelry, Haninare,lder chandise, Clothing, Fa/Dilute, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments, Gone, Homes, Carriages, and Goode of every description. All goods can remain any length of time agreed upon. All advances, from one hundred dollars and upweria will be charged 3 per cent. per month; 2500 and over, the lowest market rate. This Store House having a depth of 120 feet, has Are and thi et-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pri rate watchmen for de premises • also, a hfusly loon ratite effected for the benefit of alt pinions having goods wi ff. Ir—n upon aceount of having an sigh:cited capital, this office is prepared to male advances on more astir. factor 7 and accommodating terms than any other in this city., Money sdranosd to the poor, In small amount', lritk out any charge. AT PRIVATE BALE Gold Potent Lever and other Watt.bea, Tosinfry, cod Clothing will be cold at reduced prices. CIEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER 'ILA N. N. corner of BARRON and 13015311 Etetata &boys Becoa4. IVISINO BALT& SALES STRUT SATURDAY SYMTINO, At 13( o'clock, et the Auction Store, of Rartinsze, Oat lery, Hoseekeeputir Articles, Clothing, Watches, Jewel ry, Peacy Articles, ho. amusements. T rIANESGIVING GRAND CONCERT In aid of the HOUSE OP THB GOOD SHEPHERD, At CONCERT BALL, CHI... , TNUT Street, stove Twelfth, THIS (Thursday) EVENING. No.. 26th. It is only necessary to say that the following talent will appear on the occasion: Miss C. PREIL; 3111 a 31. HANLEY, s lady amateur; and Meagre. J. T. BELLLYS, ISAAC IS. BIIBINGBYL, D. ?ARVIN, T. EL BENTLEY, C. /AMU:, P. X. KELLEY. J. 11. O'NEILL, and S. P. DUCKETT. Also Hie AMERICAN GLEE CLUB, METAMORA GLEE CLUB, and Prof. J. A. JANKE, who will pre side at the Piano. LIP' Sea Programme. n025-2tli B. P. DUCKY.TT, Conductor. TION.AL THEATRE AND CIRCUS, 11 WALNUT STREET, star-MI(4EITH. LESSEF WESLEY BARMORE. I:I2rESTRIAN 3IAMGER TIIOS ICING. V' A ( - ISLAND AFTERNOON' YERYOFESIANCY, commencing at Dolt-pest. 2 o'clock.. uus (ThwAsy) EVENING, Nor. .26th, 1557, VIII be presented IIUILLIANT lIORSEM DARING VAULTING, GYMNAsTIC PERFORMANCES, &c The Company comprises many of she principal per formers of both Hemispheres, among, which are Mr. Y. Hesston, Young Hernandez, Mr. Wm. Eineade. Minna 3l'lle Camille; Eph. flora, the original Ethio pian Clown, ac., kn. PRICES OP ADNISSIOS.— DVSS! Circle aik; cents. - Lady Circle 2.5 tents. Private Boxes.so etzts. lig• No extra charge for secured sesta. NVHEATLEY's ARCH ST. THEATRE Ir —SOLE LESSEE W, lIIIEATLRI THIS AFTERNOON, commencing, st 2. o'cb3a, Rill be presented P. P.; Or, TIIE MAN AND TIIE TIGER. 3lr. Sphigher 31r. 1% hratley MEM Mt. Singleton OUT FOR THANKSGIVING M. Cotton (Thurnd.v) EVENING, NOT. `26th, Is5T, w .r iu r.raV a THE ict; Or, A THIRST FOIL GOLD. Canoe, an adventurer Mr. I: L Davenpo rt IV E.L.l.m.venport AZ r ee i Pauline ) P. Bower. SCh.LII or Pit —Beteg, .2,5 cents; Secured St.ats, 35; Orchestra Stalls, 50 cents; Beats in Private Boxes, 75 routs; Gallery, 13 cents Gallory for Colored Pollens, 21 cents; Private Box in Galley for Colored Persons, 38 cents. DOI 00/ed avert from. 10 A. if. until SY. 11. Deers will open at 6h o'clock q performance to commence at 7, Freese?. W e N S A T 3 11 i T s lf a E g „T A.. L LS; John Sefton Prices —Dress Circle unit ramnette.r.A cents; hyper Circle, :lb cents; Secured Se3ts,3l3i cents; Private Ilex and Orchestra Seats. 50 cents 1101 Office open from IS o'clock A.M. to .3 P. AL Doom open la 7 o'clock; perfornmuce to ecumickea at precisely TII (Thursdiiy) EVENING, Not. 2Cth, 152,7, Will be performed . . . . Ituurr Stella, the FuehantreAs JAYNE'S NEW HALL, CHESTNUT ST., DELOw DOClibbi"S SERENADERS. TUTS (Thursday) EVENING. NOY. 26th, be presented ETHIOPIAN 3(lzcsrßELSl' AND DANCING. Tho pLrfuraiunces to conclude with the DLOO3IEII PROMENADE. Owing to the immense Rite of the Hall, the prize or admission to all pirts of the house has been tined at TWENTY-FIVE CENTS ONLY. Doors open at kilt. past 6 o'clock; Curtain rises at half past 7precisely. The 311nageinent would respectfully announce that the Gallery has been set apart Co axomruedate respect able Colored rer,oun. QTATE POULTRY SOCIETY OF PEN'S K., SYLVAN/A. The fourth aduual exhibition in now open at JAYNL'S CIIFSTNCT STREET, BELOW sxt - ENTIti From 9 o'clock, A. 11.. until 9 o'clock. M Ailiniasion 23 cents Children halr.price SANFORD's OPERA BOUSE— ELEVENTII Street, store Ch^tnnt ETHIOPIAN PERFORMANCES THIS EVEN/NO. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by Sentord's Troape of Stara—New IDaLco, by tho Sartori Children Doors open at 7 o'clock—to coramer,ce quarter before eight. To conclude with A LALtiIIABLE AFTEILPIRCE. Admittance 25 cents. Omni:nuns' furnishing coos SIIIRTS, nude to order, and dr ill' ranted, of elogant material sod , uponor mai:l4llp Also, bross Storks toot Usnal,nosn•s Ws- tp. pens. at Pretninm Stoat of W, W. KNItIIIT, 6'. Alteli (tract, above sixth. not'l RAPPER S ! IVRAPPER S WRAP -1 PERS !—A very large end eler‘r.t a"ott-..ent at reduce.l prices Also. /wiry untivr-eleth:r, of all de scriptions.. for gentlemen's wear, at tl. W 10:16111 - 3, 612 ARCH Street, ante Sixth. no2l-y I ,V I".NCIIESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MIN'S YUEN IS.IIING sroar., and. PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY No. ifil CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Yhtisdelphia, The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and. Strangers, is pertirotarly Invited to this improved cat of Shirts, the tni , t perrect fitting article nude. At wholo sato mod retail, and made to order. anSagif CLND It SOl,-111-F ' Gil r 77 LIC TIT FOR ALL.-14iTEIIS & Sllllol`ll, Patent Non-Explosion Self-Generating GAS LAMPS is just the thing to suit all. Tric , 'Sl pup: alf may bare a superior Light by calling at their Depot. This Lamp is adapted to all places and purposes, and only requires a trial to tot its isdanuti-, over all others The Lamp forms its ova pi, ° tint Patent Bunten can be fitted to every ordina37 Plaid Lamp, with little expense, without the least possible danger. All are Invited to call and examine for thernselvee. Town, County, and State rishta for sale. - The proprietors are in went of Agents, giving a rare eitanCo to make insmey ' • • PETER:3 k I.IIIIOPE,GmI..p ne2,44.14 South ith St below Cheatratt, Phl IMIEMITI MIMI Mr. Itichinp 31133 RlChillg,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers