The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, November 25, 1857, Image 1

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    PITELBOD ' lin l
wi r rAtitl32 7 ..... „ 1
it yei 0 its 4 , :p70RN0:11. _
4447 . 1 - i ., 40 , 4i7 . iiiiiiiifi , : ,
i55,M011001111101011404_ ,. .....„_Ne11i/Ualtr.---.--..... iLigier
.0. 42 .1 4 42f0 r fr 77, 1 1 .91 MIT'a
ktprimitOtitirrig &tic& iiiiitt***lntiViiea
, Tmen Ji~/110 1 110 1 . 910. ,, ? ,,, ' 5`, f .Viii ii , t thpi t.
''''';''''' t. tithrairritirtritAti $•. 4 ,4*..1.6.1 in
*MIS rllBll'irill 14 creak tolkbotelboti
upeerult.-th Onlaket,)s l o,..l.Ti,w4veot
Parc . 1.147 -t i , kit 1-
, -- vz 1 , ;-S , - ::::ilt:TL,7„ ter
ea,,,a4i4tisti 04 . 1 , 4. A-21.a. 4 i`...iiiellt
cm c ,%4Aolg,„;, inta iu ltriaat
A* oloo ' ..: 174.7'4441,1 1 14.42,1:1WAV 10
rots% ANtlitcrlt u ßFlXl4 ,
r s,
Timvolika - arsikl..x.k., .14 044, mi... 3 f34,41A3
1 7,107_,WWW413MW
VlARgAttgAli*,)Uit ,
WEEitrAyNkahtig.tat vt ;
What itrathEit TO tit•lntitp:
TwarszKvilitsl.l*Mik - WIYIe
Utttattptilij bratty ttattltdieVv , I,'37,x.wwwygtoq . . 4l
tt .tetettittt4a.tiOONMAtlittlfttsWlWitit
aptitaiLW tat/14- 4 MlOttott 441- 11 1111 00 11 1 11 .
am -11PvtleY41 1 14AstiattinOttl „ rtl!
atittt ttatttikailSs thri.# 4 .4 0 140 1
aft-WC ' 10141 -4
Ottte oetrii , tk
itlttbeiNetri 110 C,
hoar itot 14441tuk
PIOP/mPlattr 0 4 0 .1 1
.~14:490 1 7A f 5 . :
itsv,siviwauosouits*swfti,io iosmo *Al*
colt "t A i tf , t4 4 *Ok -49,-,t . W
OgErf2i ItArtr ?
4 ,
T • •
===a -- r - 'M
''...oolflatitata , i 1 ;
Smlpsee allthe tats itioilosaty
,t, _ ,
CIIO4TIMIt YrniffAt- sr 7..
-14,att the 'details Mizitfer,al
_.fittild2l4-i,_llr ,
GedFINAU, 'OOll/142.,B5yi,,,Ayinr'^igef : , !,.,-; - W
r o . n ., 4r e, L .Pr l nt ''''' . .l - 40 unrioNur 4 1: :
Vocks, - 1 : 4
BERvithe kite.
SOLD 4-41.1"4.0"8*
ISKETOIIIIB 2111112i81L ;SW DitVißlithiliat
Riebard ieCp.lll4ted , fritheffßelaldfaied
-Notes, d
by It. Shelton NaolOmU, . 0..1. 4 . 11r1t 71 3
Sio n, with Dertialt at
Dries $2. ' 4 •
_, _
THE 1100222 AMBROSIANIIV , BY rioDerWir a ls"
1. G. Lockhart, Janteeflosaultind Dr. htighift."'
with llemobio antliotei, W,'.2.llltettolilitakethil
Third Stiffen. Dap- yeltunediarith Dbittalfl,MlClW
strolled. - Pride r 15.•• • " '
MAGINN , B MISONLLAINTE The mumelliinfeierOrnr,
• inge of the
late Dr. Mation. ',..Bdited,yrith, itslioir
and Notes, by Dr. IL nelton'hlsekeluibi:' Otimphite
bittumee, with Portritt. Tat, per wit, olothAß.
, By hie Eon, Writ. Renry Currant frith Ifotelalid
ditions," by - Dr. 11".'Bheitoir bfackehte, awl a Portrait
on Steel and Di-idrolle; Third:Edition. -12 mo. cloth.
Triee $1 26. - 4 - • -
Tax mains unit iltms O'FLUZNRTUB;
-Donal !Dory, belts the that-of Lady lißeiten's Sorge
and Bonianeeit WitiLah Introduoilan'ant Rotes; by
Dr. R. Shelton Maatitiisha. '• 2 role4l2ifie;,'ol6th.
Prise $2. ' " "
BsaanuFrowia thOktotas„l46onia
Ovrn Time, • 'By latish illarrtasldti frith 311ff/tell' , "
Dons by Dula,. Togrth "AdDien. With *moil 100 ,
Dr. Mackenzie: 12u3qg cloth:'
MOORE'S mint Or, M.4RIDANT Mewls' let.
Life of the Right -1103r'llicharellfinalerlflierbblit
By Thoutsa Nom; .I , o*tratt. and Bra-ensile.
Bluth Edition.' 2 viti.,l2/no., cloth . rticejo.; ,-
BITE BLARNEY. 'By Dr; R. Shelton Kinikenebl: -
Third Edition: 12mo cloth.'-;Price $l.
TRH HISTORY-0Y TRH WAR Di mais Ptsrasni.
By Major Oenifial-Bir W. N. P, Napier, froth the au
thor's last revised eclftbittoritb afty-BilHilape and
- Plane; Ere Portraits sir Steel; and a 004108,
12mo, cloth.' Pride $ I 601
.APINIVS PENINSISLA.B. WAR. *comptatela 1 va4
Bro. Price $2 60. ' - e "
'FOUST. 3IJ d. IF: Ilaulloglna author of 11 44.1 *
Alice," " Alban" ool+, Brno. ablond
Von. Price $1 25 - -
ALBAN ; or ; The Matorforarttrang Puritan. Br J.
V. Iltuallngton,. yoln, 72m0., clink .; Wog 1114,.-4
0074 f t.. 10 :J
Minufacterarn „ ,
trader their invention.' on , Die irtuoisti -
Citizens and Strangers ern Invited to Irlidk ••
41,40 0% ,• •• •'
- .„ - vrwidate. •
Oesistan Ely on lona a splendid stock of Superior
Watches, of all the celebrated makers.
tiaakime., przegete, Brooches ? EauMinipi,
Rings, and all other articles in the Diwiedid line.'
Drawings of NEW "DESIGNS will
„he glade fres: of
charge for those wishing work msde_tp order.
A beentifel sasertinent of all the now allial-ol t rine
Jewelry - , such as Monis, Stone and Shell Cameo,
Coral, Carbrulcle, Margaisite, t ,
" Also, Bronze and Marble CLOCKS," of newest style,
.ani of superior quality. • inl.4ltw&wly
C• 8g A. PEQUIGNOT, ••-
ilapotisas 'oi wAtaits, •• • •
tyg. 801:11.15( THIRD 871177 T, Anosr gui*grstlT,
00316 . 617 PIIQUIGNOT. Atoms Pimegroli.
Importers of Wats:boo and Pine Jewelry, PJestutseto.
rots of Sterling and Standard Slifer Tes ts,. , Porks sod
Spoons,, sole *gents for the sole of Charles Frodshmo'a,
new sates Gold Medal London - Timekeeper the
an bard, pries* s2ss, $276 nhil 3.4002
ICoillsh and StrissWatehes ai the lowietSeec! ,
'filch fashionable Jewelt7,
• •Sitedield aud American Plated Warm'
jrS. JARDEN Sc BRO:, • „ - •
. • . ,
- • ItArroPAOToatsB AND.ll(PonTinti
' 811,Tita-PLkTBD•WAII„ . • .
'No: "804 ChiOtout fitted% 'atoll Third, oktf otaiOd
- • • • ,- Phfiadephis: •—•, -
•••• Constantly on hand and iorsals to the Trials,
• /408,0Arili), ANIVBB, - BPC9NO, NOUN,
' &44,
Gilding la platisig alllducto of
itiyg i cruiins opanysorbo„ ;
MiSTABLIMIATI Mt) `„ ' .", „
nrrn Milan T
A li/to assortment of MIXER WARE„ or orory,dto,
'oorfption;ogoottotty 00
, 11,aullmqrada , !4 Orle!tir, trek ,
:: 11 trpct ri :atnedllekt• 411)d Sir tlitilghlia: l o4o4o4
vno. Kaskakry.
.L Dubotq, , thisrow EG Co., , Wholeule ,BIANIIPAO,
T 113411118 Wt. iNWEL.RT,BOf, oanthruriarget, , Plna.
tydWEGO BTAnCIT.Vor the latiisdryilme'estaW.
Itched a greater celebritythatidiaa aver been obtained
by any other Starch.-
This has been the ?await of Itemarked superiority id
(plattl, and its invariable uniformity; • '
Tha public may be enured of the eonttenance of ,the
high' Maude:id now eatablithed-; r
' The production la over 20 tona . ditly, eat the &intend
1169 eatendettliroughont the Irritate United Stater, OA
• Working thus on a very large scale, and tinder irigid
liffetem, they are able to secure a perfect uniformity In
the quality throughout the year.thogreat do,'
aderaturn in starch.inaldrig, and realized Pelff far the
ttrnstbne. 4
.-.Thd pig iieit'StaTeit that can made; and
'is 'always wanted by consumers; and this will be stip.
giet to there by the Chimera ateonn Its their customent
ave litirned which is the beet, and ask for it.- , ottier.: ,
wise they Weald be likely to - got that allege - on which
the largattprontraci be made. " ''
• ~btrt Itingefordbaa been engaged lathe elaafaattire'or
Starch contiuum , mlyfor the last 27 years, and, d using the
whole of the' period the Starch made Under hit super
vision has, beep, beYerel any questioZ,' the ;beet in the
market. Frit the first 17 - years 'ha had Charge of the
Works of Wm". Colgate& oo:'at which period
vented the process of the Thainifeetrire of Corn Starch.
m r ,krik. for KINGSFORD'S STARCH; as The name
Oswego has recently been taken by norther factory:. Bold all the beet fencers to nearly ovary part
•* of the country. - . „-
(fer. KOKO, kc.), Ma obtained ate equal 'celebrity
with shelf surd, for the laundry. " Thisiartiele
featly pitrei and is, In every 'respect, erinalle - thebeet
,Becutudivarraer Fault, besides• having- additional qtudi:
Iles, Which raider Itharaluable for the dessert. '
-fiotato ft** been,enteneively.packed and gold
1181 Con Stink endhae given false impreaolcids to many
as to the reanierite of our, Corn Starch. •
Prom GS great dellisq and purity; it he coming Eden
Into general ties aa a diet for Infanteitivalide!
; • r .2;bIItMOGG. t. CO., Agente, -"
— 4) . 35414 '• ' • , 290 FIEiLTON Street, 11:1r;
QOll-Glltill t or oftitas g SUGAR-CANE
17 BSP-26 Wihetatavidifihy:- • - •
no 10411, Dt&ilare aretitiL
.ALE ROPE.—Buyera Ito invited to ea
,sap mad azolzd46 oar Msuth Bale/0114 wtOdfa wif tan
,teas sal es lorries Aturican, And russetis siiperior to
,0,044 . 04,44,011 '0:84A10gi;1it 0 ‘. •
ial tio• 5a:N.:19067:0'
t4abit-- - -tiOtAk . VA:C„))It,
4 - 11 - Slaking .Embossed rziating, %t o
gw(pserlibututsteitniklel Ottairberry attaeseb.
&mad mad. Thir4b , aaa , 1144,9pfstpat ormol:
plabaitsittia. Fa. ' 11,12.11*
TONS `47,' miTpITELL , & osom4
toes improio Nl* PROEM:Mg or
ifirm,. tormmrpr: ordrr iar,zl moor& op 7
',1 0 4.9 -tz , 14(004 ki".' pew* peottil 1
Afttiararnti g
a—oo' b§tit siltot
t3E3t E ' on AECONI~ ixt4 !UR ID
I' 7 r l, OOlO - 4te • ba hiteldta Koji hiVateit itteet. -
C. 4T/Ofilto ll o7 ll # 419114#04113TXR, 60281
„v.-7.-2W,T",464:1,:1ip1i11dX0Vi.X.•••:(,g4-g1i.V.P.4,'.74..,--.3L,..;',....17.,, .t,1jt2i , ',.."Ati.. , .. , 4 ,9 40. -•,..- ,-•5,,1.--.-....,..,,,%; ~,.".„. „ ....,..L . ..,,,,,,,1 , ,,,,..,„, „ ,.„5 , ,,,..,,,,,,,,,,..„, 4 ~..,
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4 11 1 ' 01 7- lA;ft A44 s lll+ ol A 6 ite*WAoficiiiii - is
‘ Rlai4itit
r c ZNIAMA%Ztii-Wilitrit l iS"
i varatirtivaar . idisittitits vlik l yrer ,
11:::::::Wit!igX 7
AtEhb ~,,
Art Mew, : •OM e ;'MAT 4 THE T
LW iMiitili Mi,Ottiß 4 00,, tierttatore ex:
07,14,Wht colstet t tir4 l :4o,, ba d igerg iß in ,
m wt u alp b 0 osirles ink fort 6 poops° of 11-1
01661.04. — , e , iltdbil& •=‘
, -J‘ id ' ,1,13 ii) i4'e 001t11100 $ 4t 1.
' t ? •, x 0 ~e-rv - 4 , . , 40, 4 4 ( "7, x ,
VOlt'SfilitiVENVik..4ii -C4f fzi , .._ .
' .1 4,i- V
r4t 4,4' k VAZEP,4 I 4-1 1 ,4k 1 Gliry ,-. 4`f aa 1-' . .:,'{- ,
i 411,000Odidili015114011111W % 4 honlica,* '
l x it
.....,, :`r l ;l, ,,s '
Z' -.--kiptivigrotoßoobo ---"
"- ' , VotifinntelD:P 44 '-'-'"--''-','
i tfubleot to•Donfogratialiales. -147 at ~te-ni:443m0t....:.
:School ,YesaylosialatiagoritWo , Tasms, 11 , 111 gout.
ZO ND , WYMNliraltat of itoptetabot i ,
2 1 1 P otteZttrinillelliviedior Otatiiie ' • •
• !Wilma,' Olio, Troy/orate fletoltutri—Tuition fiat.
Willterl_flrocloPionottil Onctornber 101 k. •
' a or arc,A baud, facluciini
ell lug
' Area withittaaoli Retook twat, wanhing,••
- light; "efal.fAii /2261petrasintini.. addliloaal
'clmp is mule for._masto Amid .the, other ,oluatueotal
'ltianofies of - female iiadeatioti:AThere a &tad 'Pain
preferfesii• MO • 111111i131 (oat-half letyahlo at the
, eoworiepeoment of esoactorm) will Do receive:44l,4d for
' lt the entitled to all the itilvantagee of the twetl-
f, Pupil% maY enter att any period- of the terutvead ore
ttokurfalortr only fro:etie time at entrance.. ,
'rho Institution, furaishei pOsitble facilities for
thormsgh , rmentsd'ornitsful Ida ornamental education.
The Prinalpals are araisted by,more _than; twenty Pro
fessors anti Tiashers.
fixtetediecourabiet T4Stoies arstYannually delivered
by'Crofewomt on Chemistry, biatemaPbildiophy, Geolo
mliotamy, Astnmomr, end ilocution..„ - .
Thin Institution isiartilshed,with . . salvable Library
nig 'ngtoiiiive Philosophic il - APpanktall %veil-selected
cabinstl ofildlnarals...and. ame,liaps, , charta, -
Globes' and Models. -
Cier ' y hoilltyle,akoreted j toi' : ihe'',iteine - figh'stay of
thelfrencklangitage.. 7 The lkentlitoachercrostda.
Ahttrealltirt A4ol4 l 4, l raTi4eln Pr
mate the lahanage' fit conserpition.
airkided to piing lades ;wire
Oardoratisfsetokleessurdnatione htthe Toll Oodiso !of
i m a n i= l : 4 l4 . l4 . T w r i ltarT t it i tr 4704! h b e i=
plated the partial course.
-The Papilirare received into the family of the "rind.
pals, In -which every arrangement is made for their
physical edaeation, and the improreinent of their man- ,
ners and morals. The becupy private rooms, - two In
edeantaget of this Institution are the result of
the accommodated facaities of more than thirty years
alto onward progress.
°Oculars containing more particular Information may
be obtained by application to the Principals, J otta - 14
Willard and harsh L. Willard, Troy, N. Y.
• The torn for day, salmis= are $4 per quarter for the
introductory class of English etedies. These are Read
ing, Writing, Spelling, Grammar, Arithmetic, andl
menteof Geography, Geography - for beginners, and
Geology for beginners.' ,
For the sewed class VT per quarter. This includes all
the branches conatitutiarthe extensive course of Hug.
Ash studios.
Jona II: - .WiLLano, fiecretary.'• • •
Mayor and Recorder of Troy; ex.olicio.
Benjamin MarebaU, John D. Willard,
Robert D. Thomas W. Blateliford,
JoreusA.Heartt, . Riles
,Jan Van Solitonhovon,Jonathan Edwards,
Q. B. Warren, Thomas Clthree,"
John A; Grimiold, • John
Gilbert.; 44ll
,- •
Hmir.'or St -. :TAXES LESS,
A 1!A241.1i1t ROAMING A0E001,104 )%
11. A. tArrons, Rigurom
- The Animal &talon *l4 begiteon TUABDAT,' Sep.
tember -
Obindarii to be '64lged at the jobb Store of A.
RIVIERA, R. w: esprilbi MUM anp 01.1MTNIIT,or
tbur Rigotar; Yoga , Ofilee;Yallit or SoLvilkill,
40104, , sulf4m
persons, male, and female, to gain a shays of this
Irorldill Irma and comforts ea a
Noe. le and led BIRTH ittreet, near RAGS,
will reopen on NoliDni &BPTEMIIkJ Ist, for fall
and winter Rtuilea, embracing a knowledge of
by simplified methods, las short time .
THWLEIDVW take pie/mire saying, that during
the prist year a large number of persons acquired a
DUMAN BDITOATION,enebIing many to secure pro.
Stable Situations, and others to prosecute their boldness
operations surnessfally, _ au22l-ilm.
sud CLIESTNET Streets, Second and Third StOriee.
Each Student hag Individual instruction from mope
tent, and attentive Teaehers, under the imMediate
supervision of tho Princlpd
110" Of the Bost Peinnen in the Clonntiy hta Wargo of
As Writing Department. -
Please call!sa ate apecdAiens and get s Catalogue of
Tergui, &ea - ocSy
No fleminary whatever, is more like a private family.
The course of study le extensive and thorough. Pro•
fakeer flounders will receive a few mare pupils under
,fourteen years of age'. into - family. Imlafre of
kimono; *River and Mathew Newkirk, or Col. J. 19.
'Porney,editor of this Piper, whose iron( or wards are
now members of his family. sePtl4-tf
At. Dam;
00T$ AND; SnOES.-=-Tim subscriber
`has on hand s lirga'and sailed atdck of BOOTS
sad 8110L8 wbt hbe M fl sall:si the lowest pikes.
nonly 8. E. comer PLlall sod MARXEM
-701311P1111 . - TBOAIPSON a 00, No MAR
JEST StrootisTA‘ Nos. 8 toad 6 FRANKLIN PLAOR,
zow otore , A tarp vell-tuseorted stock of
BOOTS Pod IMES, of City sod.Raatero lasonfoctare,
which they °Or for yds on the beet terms for Cosh, of
okttko mut afedtt. —•
, ,
Doyen me invltod to oall owl examin e their stook.
PIIBLL3.IISED IN 2 , VOLS. Bvo. with 14
Portraits- cloth orahiets, $5,• sheep, se; half morocco,
$7 j
,tained from
Sole Agents, at the Arcade Hotel,
- "- , OH.P.SPHIPP Street, Philadelphia.
Sent to any address free of postage.
- = Proofs. of the Portrait Illustrations may be had sena.
lately. for $3.50, comprising ;--Otta, Henry, Ames
Hamilton, Adams, Norris, Nmrnetti . idarabell Pink
nog, Ranolph, Clay, litebstei, Calhoun, end Rayne. ,
n021.1t D. ii.PPLE , ToN & CO., New York.
Notice 'to Zottsiontes.
- The shIi,PIIILADELP.III.A; from IdrelToolui ,
disaarging under general order, at, tifllEntli
STREILT WIDLEIN. ekt ne firnees wilt plate Attend to
receipt of thin. goods.
A. It PHILADELPHIA, Captain Pool, from Liverpool,
is now rawly to discharge at Shippen street wnsrf: Con—
ognesa will plow dollyer.their permits to the Custom
house *facer on *bard: goods not permited hi five
dirtwitt be sent *public store.
• .•
avvvotkvatustus ANDSTOIPIIRUPPiIifi. ;
t; Tp e nadeirlipied are now prepared to perchame for
Usk prime Motet Beed.of the new crop. Pennsylvania
storekeepers and fandere v by 'ending samples to our
address, can, at all thee!) leteertai4 04 Price at which
were baying. Parties wishing simples t by which to
41 1 HIPIrtfthrd as to qua t ltty t tiut have them sent by men,
!It Asa wilhg iis. ' 'J ,011.011 & ,00,
48 ;forth !font, and 44 Prater Arcata
• '--, - •,.„` ~ . ,Pluatuu.,l9lc.A, ttovti, tuber 18,18 , 5 4. 1.. :
;; Patiltbkiil iiiit *Ns' ap4ot ibis DellutvEne_ t ; Lit .
es* S i t 4, l k) 4 !Mol ,l ore ° l9l l , ' E 'r PI " 9 ,
ii*JM:ll,, ''''
TAXIS X 141DDY, di, l',;(nn.milisionarl
• '' ":5 '' /AIM leap', i
Boots attb 53.40e5.
~.~~ „
• ,„''A' - ":' - ',.;:•li,!--ri,•-:'';'; - - ~,,--;,.
YrEPY.PrvAt,,#,frittawit, 2p, 1887:,
oAsn VERSUS cf,a -' •
' .Th0'„.7.3 , 04 46,..the - 'ConetiMent'Cortes of
',,Siiiii drove 'Mtn exile Queen Onararma, ex-
R °got and lue Met' of :th ‘ o reigidiag S cpi OM& .
ThiishiOeffid have Aare°, perhaps but 'they
alse,stopped her pension , and confiscated her
innuetstS, property, on the plea that 'sive' hadl
! swindled the, ptiblie,eUt of vast limns, bidween i
1883 and 1844. The ()barge was a curious one,'
I and rah -in' tifer follpiiltis effects that, Queen
Miura ' Criazsrura nn BOunnow, widow of
r 2 RD*OD,', and, Sy his Will, Regent of Spain
during;the Minority ,of 'her, Adak:, daughter,
the present Queemltegnant, had contracted a
inartafge*lth llfiwniz; n sergeaht in the Guards,
&It sines blevatii(l,±4 : the ,ifiy,high4Pt rank In
the, Spanish peerage, and now called Dom Au
' Otisfor Yi:nteanno IdniMe It' Safiditzz, Duke
Ms, Rbitizenis i
,that.-such:.a marriage took
Place in.lBBB,lmmedlately , after the.death of
r*,,, T imr;yll;;`, - ,4lllit, t ,pitoti Mintage, her.
guardianship over her daughtte(hecatne.null.
r d444 , o4 , o , iiicporeof:ttkfioy , 4.
[ -7-60,150141-44',444 .6.ilu4ploi.
enif . , , datiblbruf; of -theairge, ,43
i ,ll ,"'"iti ( t°i 4 l l -d9 ' toArd'i'4 ll P. q't 4 4/:ii ) of, i ikli`t
pf.dhe tie glen( Of. Spitim.,
i - (10 thing; :hi this irate; which4penis tolui
assumed `by UCcaseis and. kotr'ilinied by
berself,43:that, within a month after her hue
hand's "(kith, Queen 'CitnISTMA formed Intl-
Mate: reiatiiina; With .linnoz;:svhich, If she 'was
pot alluded:to idim.would-have been highly ,
improper. , Several childrenwere born to the
partieehetWeen'lBBB and 1844., ;Tide lenoto
item'. ,- Therefore-the Cronindssion or the Con.'
stltne e Co nes'as u m id; (witi w ha t , (vo
have been great delicacy, if money were .
ue z the bottom Of it) that Queen CHRISTINA
must hive been, and was, married to Mum;
Imitttibilk :biono efter alio:. become 'a widow,
;though she concealed the,fact, on account of
.the , high Rublie; funetione,ime then had to
;(*ictiPes4ICROPO ,
Regent '; ,
The Commission were- much more careful
', P.: l ;l : tip",,llarneter Y of',QUeee 'Cuicreithathe
..herehte of the Safe story—than even he:itself.
.For she denies having been married to Munoz
earlier thanlB44, and the Cardinal Archbishop
of Toledo, Priinate of Spain, testified that Ile
'mos and herself appeared before him,' on Coto
'her 1?. 4 1844' whaii`a having reeelvedthe de
; elevation of freedom from engagement; and of
'Cbrunfist i'espectlng the information of wit,aess-
i es ' , apdhaving dispensed with the' throe 'eanoni
' cal monitions," he celUbiated a marriage be
tnien'thoni'and at the same Mine, having re
ceived a: papei,signed by both, pritlea, giving
;in the names of their children born before the
lnairiage,'“ copied'tlaeSe nausea in. spaCial re,
esters, and deposited them in the privabear
, chives of the , chapel." '
There is no doubt Olathe Cardinal-Archbishop
made a, correct statement, and 'that Queen
'Camilla . did not Marry Metroz until 1844.
It would hive been: very easy for pIiaISIINA
to have whitewashed her somewhat
character by - acquiescing in the Commission's
presumption that 'she , was 'really mairlid :to
Mumma immediately after the, death of King
Pam:mom—thereby giving legitimacy to the
half a dozen 'children born to her between
1888', and 1844. .But, as that would involve
the 'repayment of the large allowance She re
; eelicid,as Idegiiii( Of Spain ; and guardian of
herAlaughtertfl4or, by FIRDINAND'S will, she
ill:mite fife* all thesOltheticiruitivlienerer alio
:Contracted a second rearritige-,rshe ,has-actu
ally 'preferred to'be branded, before the World,
to impUre, during a continuous period of eleven
years. She thus escapes refunding Clemency
, immunit- submitting itoilttLl
, brand uffeli7heir 'elterftMer the - rn
'and ,humiliatierrwhicn - fifstaywiltiertainly
When such a woman, the daughter and the
widow of a King, thus openly avows het
shame, what can be the standard of morality
in Spain ? What wonder if even the reigning
Sovereign, her daughter, is lightly spolcen of ?
A. short time ago we publisbed the result of the
running fur the Cambridgeshire Stakes, at the
Newmarket Houghton Meeting, on the 27th ult.
We gave such details as we could find in the daily
London papers. Wo have just received (by the
City of Washington mail steamer) what may
bo considered as the official account of the race,
contained in Bell's Life in. Landon for November
1. • So much has been said touching the fortunes
of the American horses, On the English turf, that
wo aro persuaded that many of our readers will
be gratified at receiving come authentic and cor
reeled particulars which wore not given in the
former rather hasty report.
The Cambridgeshire Stakes, we may promise,
wore won thus, in a single heat :
Idr. T. Parr's Odd Trick, by Sleight of Rand, 3 yre,
7 et 4 lb, O. Fordham
Lord J. Scott's 51cestieeima, 8 yre, 6 et. 5 lb,
Mr Jackson's Bsuuterer, 3 pre, 8 et. 12 lb, (In 3lb
ex.) J. Osborne 3
The space ran over was the Cambridgeshire
Course, of 1 mile 240 yards ; the race was ran in
2 minutes 10 seconds, 0 seconds more than in 1855
And 1858; there were 185 subscribers, of 25
eovereigoe each ; 88 of these paid £5 forfeit; and
81 horses (Inoludiug Mr. Ten Broeok's Prioress
and Babylon) actually started. The nett value
of the Stakes, as won, was 11,810. Tho running
was made on Tuesday, Oct. 27.
At Newmarket, on the previous Saturday, says
Bell's Life, " seven to ono was the highest offer
'on the field, and Mmetissima had the decided cull
of El Hakim; but neither was in particular de
mand, the two animals in most force being Prior
else and Tricolor, the former of whom was backed
radar freely at eleven and ten to oar, whilst the
latter, who had boon ' knocked out' by offers to
bet cite thousand to ten against her the day be
fere,,advaneed to fourteen to one (takers) on the
strength of having ' cleaned oat' the whole of the
Woodyat-es lot in the interim !" The odds were
thirty-three to one against Odd Trick, and in the
evening there was a "move" at tho city ren•
dezvous about the American nags, which resulted
In Prioress being sent bask to twenty-five to one,
and Babylon becoming as good if not a better
favorite than hie stable companion, but without
the outlay of much money.
Thin arose from two reports—one that Prioress
bad been worsted hi:Babylon on a trial, and
another that Prioress . had pulled itp lame the day
before. That these reports were, not long credited
was pretty evident front the eagerness with which
the few bets that were Offered against Prioress were
snapped pp in "well-informed quarters," which
soon caused such a reaction Julies favor that during
the 'short stoppage at the Harwich 'junction en
route as little as ten to ono was taken about the
mare, and ono thousand to thirty offered against
Babylon. As a sequel to the mystery it was hinted
that' a preconcerted "telegram" was forwarded
from Newmarket to London on baturday afternoon,
containing advice to "lay against Prioress and
hack Babylon," and to that the movement was at
tributed ; for (says Bell's Life,) on reaohing New
market we were credibly informed there was no:roal
cause for alarm to the Yankee maio's backers, and
amongst the select circle at the subscription room
in the evening she was quite as good a favorite as
El Hakim.
After the races, on Monday, Oot. 26, the betting
altered. Odd Trick was in !thong demand at ono
hundred to eight, white Prioress and Mcestistima
went book a little, and ono thousand to ton, and
one thousand to fifteen were offered against Saun
terer. There were inquiries after Babylon, and
one thousand to fifteen bet against him.
On Tuesday, the day of the race, besides many
of the; British nobility, there wore present a CODBI•
derablo number of foreigners, including several
leading members of the Prenoh Jockey Club,
namely, the Duke de Pltejames, Count F. do Lai
Grange, Viscount Lauriston, Monsieur Robot, and I
°there. In the betting on the field, the French
mare (Mademoiselle do Chantilly) and T r i co l or
were in strong force, and both gave hicestissima
the go-bye, although the latter loft off very firm, as '
did Odd Trick and Artillery, whilst 'Whistling
Willie, after all Bora of prices, from ono thousand
to ton downwards had been laid against him with
'the !sat four 'and twenty hours, returned to his
'old price of twenty to one. Prioress had few
supporters at last when it transpired that m r ,
Ten - Breed's own boy, (Tanksley,) who rode her ,
in' the Cesaretoitrh, was "up," vice Ford/taut,
eta:ivied for Odd - Trick. • Tho - impression, no
doobt, was ,
that' eh' American jockey, ignorant of
the ground, had less chance than ,an English ono,
familiar with every yard of it.
'Aftor,ropeated efforts to start, the cattle went
of! , , Whereitione of the favorites were anxiously
inquired atter, bat gi Hakim ) MOW, TritA9rt
.fTVp.INT:SOO, NOVEMBER 25, 1857.
and Prioress:were, out et the fightileihre reto*lNS. -
thirDatic't stand:l - , At :that pains- thso-Pronts . ank-•
co m prised 10114 dp,c4aatillr,*th' Saintereilit•
,quailoia - ,t!in • pia lower l 'ground,' jgrd4n:thit, - .
Iland,Miestsattaa,,and• Odd Trick', eaob
looked sulliciontly formidable to win:rant thisahotitis
dead in their behalf, the btiole-mritertiln - rirthiniii
mgaiding thejaha of the itroinninntsidenil-4fre
in-the Aland and the,:blaok' with'
interest:' In o few stratisiurther
Hand's flight was over, iittd:thebopearei'i4rlh4lis
Frattce .brng
,extinguiebeci :before,:,rettaliticfetb4'
cords, tho'home was left` Oda !VII*. fittlintehet,,'
and Zestisalot, but was rio longer doebbrals soli
Fordham,l who , bad been' hitt horse some.
time previously,. "sending him : Out,' l landed Qac
Tria gallant wihner by two 'lengths, 4tellieef-' 2
ma beating Saunterer for the socond inene'y
nook. Neither Prioress nor Babylon ever, showed:
in the race; nor-did El Hakim and
. Querat
ran the; dead bent, With :rric:lol,3 l ;
Cesaretrilob,` prove formidabfe;`-,ii,ilthirit*
homes in the "long rato".,havo hithert47.oo,
'The betting at starting t was. seven to ofiriaglOPJV
El I.laltlea; Min to One itgaina4aaini6lol44tt.'
Chantilly', nine to-ono against 'X'AVeler;,tinlVafuti
against Mcestiesima, one - hopdrelf*eight koffttliti
Prioress, one hundred tci - eighP;OgAinet
ono Inn tired:62) ",agbOtittnei at Lupo," oh. , bluk
died to ski against :Fright; tilt'' {o oho .agahhit i , I
Whistling Willie; thirty, to ..i)ne stgain'et'lgoietWin,
Dobler, thirty•threo toono against Cyrano, thirtpil
;thied tn. one 'against , Qithenqlttra(ll4rlVbetivlw
lone against the Plush
iltestrol l one theeiaitillOietaitoW6Miebn;
and ono 4mitaaridl6 ton ngainst4elgt,4la...,.,.A.A
air, Pitir,.(Atner at, 64(11r,ik:113.0,012-44AtitalYi
.ning"evation'i. upon trot repotitionc!..jitelatitypat't+
triumph; and.tliti
mentittid skill deservedlyM4ribidly, tlllcalott
.tidonoi , lhe6Potily.expxaksoll in 00 riitylt,:,eyen
fore. !y..111 run tol,4l4:oVAllOnelldi*
which Odd.Trichothossiercely , turued a tair,Mlo 4 l
'brought to the post. Mr. P. a wlnniegs.are-iet
ported to be litho short of £20,000, and' his- twit
dential commissioner, and one: or two Odom, !dt
'oludinc Mr.' Bates, Miro* in for• good staking,
I Most of tho gentlemen
,won upon thelaim=it-was
their turn—and the result will of course itriakeat
oonsiderable bole in the Doncaster slut Cesare'
l'.witottsainnings Of. thohook-makers .
The three last on the race were Prioress, Whist*
ling Willio, , and , Babylon. Prioress, - as, winner - of
' the Oosarewitoh,' carried seven pounds s.eatrit
..weight—making seven stone in all. • „
[roe 'Po Press 3" - ' ' ' -
having' observed by an extract-ln Abe
New York dot rna/ of Commerce„ fit& Pitts
burgh Gazetto l Tau • Passe, and subsequently.
the-Union and Patriot, a notice of an import
ant financial proposition, which seem''' told.-
tract piddle attention at this time, and vita*,
if carried into practical operation, it is 'he-
Hayed. by many would afford . safety, great
relief to the people, and, in a commercial point
of view, be incalculably beneficial—the fact
that the authorship of the measure seCias-to
be disputed requires me to ask the favor'of
you to insert this communication and the' ori
ginal project in your valuable and widely cir
ciliated paper. I. do this, as a duty due to
justice, and to the gentleman who was the real
On the last day of the extra session,Gen
eral W., a citizen of Ilanisbnrg, called me
at my seat in the Sonato Chamber, with. the
manuscript, requested me to End it, and .if' I
approved it, to - have it presented, simply for
the purpole of bringing the matter, to the no.
tiro of the people. I readily acceded to his
desire, and accordingly on the 13th of-Goto:
her, 1867, did so.- At • the time- of presents
tion, I stated in substance :
w That at' tho request of a distinguished
gentleman, would, with the consent of the
Senate, read and present to the
. Senate, the
Preamble and resolutions That I
took occasion to say that I could not
_At the
time (having had•no time •to reflect upon its
importance):endorile hilly' the principles indi
cated in them;'but Presented theM hemmed*
the 'very distinguished source . from 'whence
They =eluded:" Leave teas` grantedi:4o;aliti,
was a motion to lay on the table and
The foregoing is a true and unvarnished
statement of facts connected with the history
of a measure that seems to have obtained
many friends, and to my mind justly *
' Very truly, your obedient servant,
In times of great commercial and monetary
*risco, and at the present time espeoially, all the
usual places for the safe-keeping of money, not in
the custody of its owners, aro deemed to be, if
they be not in reality, untrustworthy' and as the
retention generally of money in private deposi
tories induces temptation to larcenies and rob
beries, or originates in the salads of its owners and
custodians the fear of each crimes; it is, therefore,
greatly to be desired that such a place of deposit
should be established by low as may, to some ex
teat, remedy the evil : bo it, therefor*,
Resolved hp the Senate and Rowe' of Repre
sentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia in Genera/ Assembly suet, That the Senators
of this State in the Congress of the United States
be instructed, mid the Itepsesentativesof the same
in the said Congress be requested, to advocate and
procure, if practicable, the passage of a law of the
following effect
That there be established, at the Mint of the
United States iu Philadelphia, an additional of f ice,
to be called the Coin Office, in which the fiscal ex
changes of the Mint at Philadelphia shall ho
Unseated, and where depositors of the crude pre
aim metals, or of bullion, or of coin of the United
States, shall receive certificates of said deposits
in sums of five dollars, and multiples of the said
sum by convenient gradations, up to the sum of
ten dollars; all sums not coming within this pur
view to be paid or received in coin. Those certifi
cates to be payable at the said office on demand,
always in the coin of the United States,
The duties of the officers of the coin office to bo
confined exclusively within the objects of the law;
for the faithful discharge of which, security shall
be required, and a transcending or culpable failure
in, or default or perversion of, the same to be ac
counted a felony, punishable by imprisonment
in a manner like that provided for in the act es
tablishing the Independent Treasury of the United
For The Preei.l
Why do the Philadelphia banks, the Third
street note-shavers, and your city money edi
tors, unite in crying down, and discrediting
Pennsylvania country bank notes?
If you did not have country currency you
would not have any. Why? Because the city
banks notes were nearly all run in upon them
when they suspended, and they have taken
good care not to let them out again.
But why not lake and pay out—lean out—
the country notes, particularly when they will
not pay out their own 1 Aro they afraid to
keep them over night In their vaults 1 If they
arc, it is a guilty fear, that is calculated to
make the country banks be very chary about
trusting their specie, by the million, in the
bands of city bankers, to be paid out in case
of trouble, as was done by the Bank of Penn
and no doubt some of the others.
Ought not the city banks to have as much
confidence In the country banks as the latter
have had in the former? It is a bad rule that
will not work both ways. For the last seven
years the city banks have had a monopoly of
country bank specie ; an addition of about a
million to their capital, that was banked upon,
the saute as deposits; and now cannot they
trust the country banks four short months?
Are the country banks not safe ? Are the
city banks safe ? What constitutes safety in
a bank 7 Specie and other available assets.
Well, the city banks paid out all their specie,
and part of the specie of the country banks
that ought to have been held sacred, during
the run upon them. The country banks saved '
their specie.
Then, as to the other assets, what are they?
Mainly bills receivable. And whose bills re
ceivable are the safest? Where have all the
failures and suspensions taken place? Why,
unfortunately for the city banks, they have
nearly all taken place in Philadelphia. The
gilt-edged suspended paper of the commission
merchants, the heavy manufacturers, and the
extensive Jobbers, fill the banks' portfolios to
the tuna of millions, and front twelve to forty
eight months is the lime that the banks arc
obliged to carry HI
What country bank is saddled with such an
incubus? None, unless it went out of its
legitimate sphere—refludng loans to its own
customers to buy this fancy paper, at usurious
rates; and if there are any such, they ought
to be wound up by the strong hand of the law.
There aro scarcely any failures or suspen
sions in the country, and you may rest assured
that the old banks in the interior of Pennsyl
vania, that were in good credit in August last,
aro as safe as the city banks, and I contend
safer, because their bills receivable aro of a
bettor character. And why are they of a
better character 7 Because either the drawer
or endorser of almost every note is an owner
of real estate or an owner of valuable real
property, that not affected much by mercan
tile moistens, whilst the gilt-edged paper of
the city banks has nothing to student it but
goods in store, of a perishable character, notes
in a portfolio that may or may not be paid,
and ledger debits. Whilst the termer is almost
invariably paid in fun. Tho latter aro apt to
be compromised at fifty cents in the dollar.
Bete, I think, I have given a reason why
country bank-notes aro as safe as city; and
inasmuch as the latter brought the suspension
upon us, and then ran to the Governor in hot
haste to get legislation, they would do well to
carry out that legislation in good faith, and
with a good grace, lest they get some less fa
vorablq; , staqvaummi,,
groi-the Prams.] .
"Tag PRESS of the 4th inst. contained a let
ter dated " Lebanon, October 26th," over the
eligttattire of "C. B. F.," with the following
caption : " An Appeal for a Protective Tariff."
the ,vriter appears to iM sincere, and is some-
Mt of a " thinker ;" but, unfortunately,
Ike - too many others, does not think deep
neth, merely glancing at the surface of
mi. Re eloquently portrays the difficul
les and distress the manufacturers and work-
I g-!lasses ate laboring under. In this he is,
labs t, true to the letter. Every one knows it,
I Overy ono sees it, and many thousands feel if ;
Inittlio entirely errs in Milli Ming this distress,
, or, ally portion of it, to the tariff of 1846.
;Why it is utterly ridiculous to suppose that a
;cornatision coining on us suddenly, like a clap
of,tOunder—a thing not strange or new, but
,of 'rpeated occurrence in the last half con
-114%, under all sorts of tariff's—the cause
4.41 a and palpable to every man of common
r setitib---should be brought about by a law
i ;.;tl cloven years since, and under which we
t,prospared until a few weeks back. Were
l • t for the apparent sincerity and good in
*ltElons of "C. 13. F.,"' I should think he
stti,7:quizcing your readers, or was no good
'al laetr in attempting to raise a false issue, and
tlistartiug the attention of the people from
ittiti -tfue cause of. our misfortunes, and the
`l9, 0,0 against: them ;in -future—a thorough
,antElffoctual reform in, our banking and cur
rilysttni, to which, happily, all eyes seem
Wen' 'Pected, not, excepting the innocent
;140c13holders of the; banks who have sunk a
Jats33 lainount Of their capital, and, in sonic
etitruitsiej - the whole of it.
niteletter in question contains so many of
t.itsiirallacious views of the day, prevailing in
;047 direction, that I propose, in a few short
, 0 •148.4; to notice 801110 of them and to make an
,al; not for -a "protective tariff" but for
; umufacturers, operatives, and all tho in
i ur 9 63 iPes,whese interests and welfare arc
Id, tight for in a very different direction.
,I'dnint. - profess to bo much of a political
economist, and only bring to my aid the plain
"Cohinion-sense of an ordinary business man ac
coition:led to do his own thinking.
'The 'Brat of "V. B. F.'s" fallacies that I
, Shalt notice, and which is the " burden of his
,song,"ls the silly and ridiculous "scare crow"
of-which wo hear so much, "balance of trade."
- He says: "During the last eleven years, from
. A 846.10 1856, inclusive, we havo bought foreign
wares and merchandise to the amount of
82,2 44 ,527,061, and in the same period we
Itave, Sold to other nations breadstuffs and
'other productions to the amount of $2,029,-
- 172,496 7 4eaving a balance against us, taking
1 tbo' Woven years together, of $222,854,165."
Oh' Mise statistics he bases a long argument
Ito show the suffering stato of our country—
jhafit has been impoverished to the extent of
; this balance—that it Is the cause of our present
diftlanltles, and on the strength of it, utters a
truism :that no one 'doubts, viz: "Nations
and- 13tdirkluais, to be prosperous, must live
Wain. Asir income," taking it /or granted
that he has proved by the above figures,
that we, as a nation, have not lived within
our income. le has taken the eleven years
SpeCeedhig the tariff or 1846, and claims that
this "balance of trade" is an effect of that
tariff, (if so, a strong argument in its favor, as
I , show directly;) but this does not look like
fairnosa, to say the least of it, in " C. B. F.,"
fOk the reason that the very table or statement
of the Secretary of the Treasury from which
he takes his statistics commences in the year
1821; add shows the same proportionate bal.
aneOliMng the twenty-ffvo years previous to
18.46;anil the footings of the table show the
excess pf imports over exports from 1821 to
18514nolusive, to be $684,418,505. To any
Ope- Ikequaintod with the subject, it is mille
nnia/4y to 'say that the figures produced by
"C. B. F." prove exactly the reverse of what
he claims for them, and that this "balance of
trade," - instead of being an evidence of loss, is
a elear_evidence of gain.
, Not}.ao not intend to go into a long ar
ray of figures and statistics, but appeal to the
common sense of any man, and ask him, if ho
otter knew' or heard of, on God's earth, since
the world began, of any country or nation that
has grown, in all the elements of wealth anti
greatness, to the extent that we have, with this
"balance ,of trade," , uniformly against us.
From the Organization of the Government in
1790, to the present hour, where can vaa_atsa
auji e_vAnutsqrse - mM c „ a, and States that bare
Vora carairound us—the forests redeemed,
apd the lauds brought into cultivation—the in
numerable manufactories and mines in suc
cessful operation—the thousands of miles or
railroads and canals that have been created,
and all within the period above referred to,
with this "balance of trade" always against
us t Why, the Hinglv State of Galifornia, the ac
quisition and Creation of the eleven years re
ferred to by C. B. F., is worth more than sat
ticlent to cover the two hundred and twenty
two millions of his "balance of trade."
I might rest the argument here; but to make
the subject plain, and to show the real cause
and effect of this 'balance of trade," the
modus optimal by which it is brought about,
I will giro a simple illustration, that « C. 8.F."
or no one else can fail to understand, and can
then judge whether it is for good or evil.
A merchant ships to a foreign port—litteana,
for instance—one thousand barrels of flour,
costing here sti per barrel; it is entered at the
custom house 115 an export of $6,000. Sup
pose it to be sold at Havana for $8 tho hat rel—
sB,ooo, clear of costs and charges. Suppose,
further, that this sum Ito invested in sugar and
shipped to this port; it will, of course, be en
tered at the custom house as an impua of
$B,OOO. Item, then, is u case where, accord
ing to the custom house returns, the import
exceeds the export $2,000; yet the merchant,
part and parcel of us, has gained that amount
by the operation, and we lino received $B,OOO
worth of sugar labor for $ll,OOO worth of finite
labor, and are benefited to that extent. To still
further simplify and illustrate the au oct, sup
pose " C. B. F." (hailing liven an iron district,
he may perhaps ho interested in that article)
has in Lebanon 100 tons of pig iron costing and
valued there at $2O per ton—s2,ooo; he sends it
to his agent in this city, invoiced and charged at
that price; it is therefore an export from Lebanon
of $2,000; supposo his agent sells it at $24 per
ton, or $2,400, and invests the proceeds in
sugar, coffee, dry-goods, and other merchan
dise, which ho forwards to Lebanon. There,
then, is an export from the town of Lebanon
of $2,000, and an import into it of $2,100.
8.F," a citizen of Lebanon, is $lOO tither
than ho was, and the whole community is bene
fited, for it has received $2,100 worth of mer
chandise for $2,000 worth of its labor. But au
cording to the theory of "C. 11. F.," and
those who think with him, the town of Leba
non must be in a woeful condition, for its im
ports exceed its exports, and tho c , balance of
trade" is $4OO against it. Now, reverse the
order of things. Suppose the agent in this
city should sell the iron of "C. 11. F." for
only $lO per ton—sl,ooo—and invest that
amount in merchandise, sending it to Lebanon.
In that case, C. B. F" would lose $lOO ; the
town of Lebanon would lose, and be so much
poorer. But, says Mr. "C. B. F.," Lebanon
is in a glorious condition, its exports CATeed
its imports, and the "balance of trade" is
$4OO in its favor. I shall pay my compliments
to "C. B. F." again. V.
for The Press.]
The past periodical return of the August
shower of stare (Aug. 10) way studied by enter
of 141. Ls YXRRIER, from Paris and Orleans, by
simultaneous observations, to ascertain their
actual distance from the earth, by calculating
the angles at which they appeared to the two
observers. lint, out of about 60 seen, Mr.
.T.Los, who discussed the results, could be
cm lain of only SIX being the same stars seen
by both. These six stars, at the moment of
appearing and of disappearing, were calcu
lated to be distant front the earth as follows
No.l, 31,000-11,000 metres 23-7 milts.
No. 2, 38,000-25,000 21-17 '•
No 3 , 31,000-21,000 • u = 20-14 "
No. 4, 37,000 5,000
No. 5, 83,009---13,00
No. 6,110,000-60,000 "
and their rapidity, as 14, 14,16, 17, 55, and
75 miles per second, which siren's the curious
coincidence, (for in the very imperfect state
of our knowledge about these mysterious
visitants this fact is little mom) that the
highest were the swiftest. M. Le Verrier pro
poses to take Paris, liamhouillet, and Melon,
this year, as observing stations, likely to yield
more satisfactory results.
In 1839, Do Vico, at Rome, and Nobile, at
Naples, made simultaneous oh:tomtit/11S of this
sort in the nights of We 233, 21111, 25th, and
31st of August, and saw the same meteor 31
times, and so exact were the results that they
served as well as the best ordinary methods
for correcting tim difference of longitude of
those places, 43 leagues apart, while Paris is
only 28 leagues from Orleans. The three
places now chosen by M. Lo Yerrier are 11
and 12 miles distant.
Nulty Brantner, an old widow lady,
aged about eighty years, residing about four miles
south of 13eonabore', did., was found dead! a her
bed en Sunday morning, by a little hey residing
in the neighborhood. Deceased had been living
"solitary and. Mono" for the last thirty-flue
years, and. possessed considerable estate.
Sperm oil is selling at Now Bedford, Massa•
olutaatta, at one dollar par gallon,
(For Tho Prof.)
Currency platforms are the order of the day.
'We find them in every newspaper. It is as it
should be, for it is only in this manner, and at
such times,
that a private"sovereign" can do
something for the benefit of the institutions
which are to protect his earnings, if good, or
to ruin hint if otherwise. At the time of the
last tariff revision I heard numerous pre
dictions, in private, that the alterations actual.
ly adopted would produce the result which has
ensued. Perhaps a little more effort in public
would have prevented them, and thereby
either staved off the crash or mitigated its in
tensity, or done both.
Partly to economise your space, and partly
because suggestions which ask for the support
of public opinion must be so plain and simple
as to speak for themselves, I shall lay down
my platform very dogmatically
I.N renewal of the existingbank charters
when their present terms expire.
2. No more bank charters. An amendment
to the Constitution to prohibit them.
The Independent Treasury system intro
duced into the State Government.
4. Repeal of the 7th section of the act of
March 22, 1817, Purdon, page 77, sec. 98,
which declares that co no incorporated body,
partnership, or private 'individual, "other than
such as have been expressly incorporated fos
the banking, shall Issue or circulate any pro
missory note, ticket, or engagement in the
nature of a bank note, other than those issued
by banks expressly established, on penalty of
VA to be recovered by a common informer."
It is clear that the curious enactment last
cited, which is peculiar to this country, is at
once the foundation of our present curreney
system and the source of the peculiar charac
ter of the present trouble. It erects monop
oly into a principle, on the reasoning usually
adduced for doing so. It is heterogeneous to
all the rest of our institutions, and of a char.
actor with the governmental principles in vogue
in continental Europe; yet it exists hero,
while continental Europe has got on remark
ably well without it. It feeds monopoly; and
thereby creates artificial credit, the great
characteristic of all vicious financial legisla
tion. 'We have found self-government to
answer most admirably in everything else ; we
have found governmental interference to
damage us in all things, money matters especi—
ally. Why not try self-government in money
matters 1
Fleet of Steamers Blown Aground... Details of
the Cataract nod /Bonongultela Belle Explo
From the Cincinnati Commercial, 231 teat )
Our special correspondent telegraphs us from
Louisville, on Saturday night', that the steamer
Republic, Captain Stewart, had arrived from St.
Louis. She reports that sixteen coal boats (the
same that descended the Falls last week for tho
Memphis and New Orleans markets) were sunk
during the storm early on Wednesday morning, in
the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, in sight of Cairo.
The weather being exceedingly cold, night dark,
and the river unusually rough, only twenty of the
men were saved. It is supposed that at least one
hundred 711011 were drowned. The steamer High
flyer, Captain T. T. Wright, reports encountering
the storm in the Mississippi river, between Rick
man end New Madrid. She passed three other
sunken canal boats near Hickman. The steamer
11. D. Newcomb reports six boats as the number
lost at that point. She passed up after the High
As near as we can learn twenty beats were lest,
containing three hundred thousand bushels of coal,
worth at least $30.000. The less of life is deplora
ble, and will bring sorrow and distress to numerous
families. Tho crews were principally from Pitts
burgh and LOlliff We, and the vicinity of the Palls.
Pilot C. It. McFall, of tho steamer Gladiator,
roports sovorAl other hoots swamped and sunk as
low down AsNow Madrid.
Tho Lady l'iko, on her upward trip on Friday,
passed a small Big Sandy coal boat, containing
0,000 bushels, sunk on the Kentucky shore, a short
distance above Carrollton. There wore two boats
lashed together—ono saved.
Passengers who arrived on the Diamond from
Evansville report the storm along the lower Ohio
perfectly terrific. No boat was able to run, and
all had to tie up. One of the pair of Hyatt Co.'s
monster cool boats, from Louisville, with 20,000
bushels of coal, was sunk, the crew barely escap
ing with their lives. She was out loose from the
other boat, which it was thought would be saved.
A number of the crow of the lost boat wore on the
Diamond. These mon report that a pair of
I)( !! 'ts T l . t ."l l .2iN 1. ? ' T
" C - Z 76 . 0 F
The St. Louis Democrat of Friday contains the
folloaing account:
bra ~nee w rocora a distressing accident to tho
Lightning Line Packet Cataract, Capt. O'Neil,
which resulted in the loss of lire lives, and the
scalding of fifteen more peraons. The disaster oc
curred en the lith instant at Lisbon, a small place
below Moscow, in the Missouri river. The only
information we havo in relation to it 6 contained
in the folio% ing telegraphic despatches, received
in this city last evening. for which we are under
obligations to Capt. L. Welton and Dir. C. W. Ford,
of tiro 11. S. Express Co.
'lotion, Nov. 17.
r2g, lying nt Lisbon, F , calding, .natnely ; lYiiliam
-Imo, Hartford, Conn., dead; Blackburn,
Cars county. Mo.. dead; Barney Bailey, bar
keener, dead ; 31eboriald, express messenger,
dead; Thos. little hilts, first clerk, slig,htly 5C3 Wed,
not in danger; '3lr:target), second clerk, do; Thos.
Hogan, St. Leak scalded; the boat's porter, and
barber, r,olldetl; Leo Jones, second engineer, lost ,
live deck hands and fireman. names not known,
t•oaltled ; IYoodbridge, Loring, and Modem . ,
slightly scalded. Will bring the wounded down on the first boat.
.I.ks. Ca;dain.
800 vttaal, Mo., Nov. 20 —The steamer
by pmactl here at fivo o'clock this evening, with
tho wounded passengers of the Catarnet on board.
bound to St Louis. Her ofliceri report that twelve
of tho persons ecalded by the explosion are dead
Governor Walker. of KAUBBS, and Colonel Cros
man aro on the Ogle-try.
It to reported that Stark Mao7ey,mentber of Ibn
Logidature from Brunswick, was scalded to death
on the Cataract.
uETAtt..s Or THE nnoovnArtEl..l BELLE EVPI.OOIOO.
A cot respondent of the Louisville Comic, giros
the follou leg particulars of the disaster to the
Monongahela Belle
Mot au CITY, 11l , Nov. I t.
Edanrs Lortisrillreourirr ----Our citizens were
nqn,lnded this evening, by the iotelligenco that
tho Monongahela Rolle, a smell otemobo.,t, run
ning between Columbus and the Coal Mines, had
blown up.
Feeling sown anxiety to know the particulars
in regard to the accident, we gained the follow
The Monongahola. Belle is owned by William A.
Sno. Nelson, of Ifickutan, and rune between the
8 1, 000 points When at about noon of to-day,
(Saturday,) ns she was ascending the river quiet
ly, and dioregardloos of dangers, her starboard
bailor exploded. blowing Soo. Nelson from the hur
ricane deck down to the fore part of the lower
deck, badly bruising nod enabling him. lie was
struck just above the eye, by a piece of iron ket
tle. from the cook-room, leaving an indelible im•
The cook wan 1,10)111 through the cook-room into
the river, and was rescued from a watery grave by
the life-boat.
Two of the firemen (white men) wore so dread
fully scalded and blackened that it was difficult
for some time to determine whether they were
block or white.
W. Nelson, who was at the wheel, escaped an
The 11. pollee which was near, promptly went to
her aid, the officers rendering every as:istanco in
their power to render their condition comfortable.
Tho cook and firemen wore taken on board of
the E. 11. Fairchild, lying at Columbus, and car
ried on to the hospital at Paducah.
Mr. Nelson returned to Hickman.
The accident is supposed tahave been o,casioned
by the water in the boilers getting too low.
Tho hoe hooewlll be about two thou9a nd dollars, the
fore cabin, pilot house, and chimneys leaving been
blown away.
The accident oecurrcel three miles from Colum
bus, near the chalk banks.
Charles R. Deming has been arrested at In
dianapolis, Ind., charged with purloining money.
letters from the post office. lie was in the employ
of the Sintluel newspaper, and had a key to the
Sentinel's lettet-box. Decoy letters were used to
catch bins. Ile was arraigned before the United
States Conimi,sioner at Indianapolis, and held in
$3,000 bail for appearance before the United States
circuit court, which not being given, he ss as placed
in jail. Ile nos raised in Lafayette. and was thin
son of a man of high character. For a time he
was mail agent on the New Albany and Salem
Companies C. and L, second regiment of
United ♦;totes artillery, now stationed at Fort
Snelling, have been ordered to take post at Forts
Ripley and Ridgely, their presence at that post
being no longer neceFsary. The Sioux tribe of
Indians who inhabit that region of the country,
and who have been in terror in Minnesota for years
back, have nose revolved to live in peace and bury
the hatchet. Tho headquarters of the second or•
Tillery are establit,hed at Fort Hamilton, New
York harbor, Lieutenant Colonel Diuderk in corn•
Thomas Allen, the engineer of the steam
tug Noah P. Sprague, which was blown to atoms
at Detroit, was picked up wounded after the ex
plosion and sent to the hospital, where he died
next day. Every soul (nine) who was on board
the vessel is thus dead, for all the rest of the snow
were killed at the instant of the akoident.
A judgment of over $2OO was obtained in
the Harrison circuit court on Friday last, against
the Kentucky Central railroad, for killing two
horses. A driver attempted to cross the road in
Cynthia na, with his wagon, when, no signal being
given, two of his horses wore killed.
Capt. Walter Coles; for many years a Repre
sentative in Congress from the Danville district.
Ve., died at his residence in Pi ttsylvania county,
on the 13th inst , after an illness of name four or
live days. He was about sixty-eight years old,
Mr. Alfred Randall, well known in former
years as a hotel and restaurant keeper In Port
and, Mo., committed suicide in that city on Fri
day, by jumping from Voughen's bridge,
Two slaves, convicted of an attempt to tour
der Mr. William R. Brothers, in Nansemond 00,,
Virginia, last May, were hang on !tidal bat,
Raillgg of he Adria'le.
[From the New 'Sark Daily Times of Tuesdayi
The announcement that the Adriatic was posi
tively to sail at noon, yesterday, drew thousands
to the dock at the foot or Canal street, and out
upon all the pier•heade along the North River to
witness her departure. Au - hour before the time
of departure arrived the sheds upon the dock, and
all the available standing-room which would
afford a view, were occupied by dense masses of
people, who waited with great interest to see her
There being a strong flood tide still running, and
a gale blowing from the southward, three small
tugs wore sent for to moist in canting her bow off
shore, so that she could go out without striking
the stern of the steamer Atlantic*, which lay at
the head of the pier. When them toga were en
gaged it was not known that the Webb would re
turn from below in time to render the required
assistanao ; she, however, did arrive by half-past
eleven o'clock,, but the small boats were permitted
to take the hawser, At precisely twelve o'clock
the feats were cast off, and the toga attempted
to swing her head clear of the dock. The tide and
wind were so strong, however, they made but little
impression, and it was evident they would have to
call in the assistance of the Webb, which was lying
at the pier above. Captain Hazzard was then
hailed and requested to take the hawser. The
next instant the Webb was in motion, and had
passed half her length ahead of the steamer, when
the order was suddenly countermanded, and the
Adriatic started out of the dock ; before the Webb
could reverse her motion the Adriatic's stern
struck the Webb upon the port bow, making a
slight indentation, also chipping a mail niece out
of the Adriatic's stem. In swinging clear of the
Wobb's flag-staff caught the end of the Adriatie's
outrigger, arid broke it off. The mistake of at
tempting to clear the dock with so little sheer was
instantly apparent. As the tide took her bows,
the tugs were utterly powerless, and she was
•srrung heavily against the end of the pier, carry
ing away some of 'the piles, and crashing in the
side of one of her Francis' life boats against
the projecting stern of the Atlantic. Three
or four slats of the wheel-house were also
broken in, and the corners of several floats
of her wheels were broken- off. This was the
principal damage done. W th some slight eoratehing
of her paint sbe floated clear of the dock, and in ten
or fifteen minutes more she we, headed for the
Narrows. Cheer on cheer arose from the multi
tudes, es the guns of the Adriatio announced her
fairly under way upon her first voyage across the
Atlantic. As she passed down ahe was saluted by
several guns from each of the following steamers:
Atlantic*, English steamer City of Glasgow, Her
mann, Ericsson, City of Washington, (8r.,) Quaker
City, Black Warrior, Philadelphia and Roanoke.
The Cunard steamer Arabia bad all her flags fly
ing, and when the Adriatic passed her dor& she
fired a salute of nine guns, the Adriatic , gracefully
dipped her ensign, and replied to each salute with
her own guns. In the midst of this general de
monstration of good will from all the steamers in
the harbor, the omission of a salute Item the Ariel,
Vanderbilt's steamer, was remarked. - • ,
She passed the flag-staff of the Battery at 12
o'clock and 33 minutes, and was just 40 minutes in
going to Fort Hamilton, 9 miles, her engine mak
ing but eleven turns per minute. The ensign upon
Port Hamilton was dipped as she passed, and the
civility was acknowledged on beard the Adriatio,
by a similar movement of signals.
After passing below the Narrows, the Webb ran
ahead about two miles, when the Adriatic was oh-'
served to slow her engines, and blow off steam,
whereupon the Webb returned a short distance to
Inquire the cause. On nearing the steamer, Capt.
West informed the tug that the packing boxes
around the pistons had become heated, and the en
gine was slowed to allow them to cool. This
caused about half an hour's detention, the steamer
all the time going at II moderate rate.
Before she reached the Southwest Spit, however,
a full bead of steam was put on, and the Webb
found it as much as she could do to keep company
with her. In passing Sandy Hook she attained a
speed of about fourteen miles an hour. The strong
southerly gale against the ebb tide caused a heavy
swell on the bar; but while every vessel In sight
was plunging heavily, and the sea was washing
across their decks, the Adriatic seemed not to be
in the elightest degree affected by it. At 3 o'clock
she stopped her wheels off the bar, and the yawl of
the pilot-boat Elwood Walter ran alongside, and
took out Mr. William Maxwell, her pilot, who came
on board the Webb. The company assembled for
ward and gave three hearty cheers, when. at 31
o'clock, the Adriatic started upon her first A Bantle
voyage. Her first night at sea will he a dark and
stormy one, affording a good opportunity to test the
advantages of the calcium light. Mr. Yule, the
secretary of the company, Mr. Collins's son, Mr.
Craig, Mr. Livingston, John Dunham, Esq , and
several other gentlemen, were on board the Webb.
The Adriatic is advertised to sail from Liverpool
on the 9th of December, and is expected back here
on the 15th.
The Woodman Case—Addltlonal Letters
Tho Now Orleans Delta says; The following
letters, which were written in Boston last Jul ,
wore not published in the Komi • teitouf. We, however, have the origi
nal in our possession :
My dear Carrie—Mother, as well MI yourself,
was not very well yesterday to-day, however,
she (mid I hope you are) better. Please come and
spend the day with me, and tell me—by bearer—
D—'s servant, by the by—when I must send
a carriage for you. In haste. Yours sincerely,
My dear Mrs. Woodman—lt seems that you are
determined to avoid and contradict um. lime,
pay attention to what I am about to write, and be
lieve tam You should know from experience that
I am not easily battled ; but as you do not appear
ever to believe so, it is now my intention to prove
to you that such is the case.
I had made up my mind to leave town this after
noon, but owing to the manner in which I have
been treated, I shall remain, and you shall see too
You say. " You never will og tin," that "I shall
not have your portrait," and that "I must not
trouble you." What nonsense! Well, 14e will
see who conquers. To-morrow morning I intend to
call on you evil], and I now beg of you, not
alone for my .ike, but for your own, to see me; for
if you do nut, so help mo Almighty tied, built say
and (1 ,, that beforn Mrs. Ilazz trd that both of us
will have cause to repent. Do not forget that I have
been with you for threeyears, or that I have proofs
of all that I may nay in my possession; some of them
old enough, to be sure, but others of a sufficiently
late data to convince the most obstinate. I was on
the point of carrying out my intentions this morn
ing, but thinking perhaps you might really be ill,
I avoided Mrs. Hazzard on* for your sake. Here
after you cannot escape me, for not only base I a
-py on your mui emeno, but I also do nothing but
watch you. Had you answered either of my notes.
or said one kind word tome this morning, I should
have scorned troubling you Not having done so,
you have left sue but one courso (the ono I have
determined ((pan) to parole, and believe run I nal
pursue it. Do not goad moon to folly, for if you
do lam ealutido of doing anything. You know me,
beware. hlaby, I have directed the bearer to
await your answer Do hind. Say you trill sett
me, I am not myself. I care not for the conse
quences. I have not seen you for three days.
Pity me, or I shall go mad. Please see me to-mor
row. I have much to say, and will crawl to you
on my knees if you will grant my request. Will
your Do, please do, or be answerable for the con
sequences. Your refusal will drive me out of my
senses Much as I 10Y0 you, dear baby, I promise
to leave you for over, if you will only ace um alone
for ono hour. That tied may bless you, and pro
tect you from such misery es I suffer, will be the
A correspondent of the New York Tribune,
writing from Williamsport, Pa , under date of the
2Oth, says t' The case of the Commonwealth
against 'William Bard, for the bomiolde of Samuel
on the 7th must, terminated to-night, at 11
o'clock, after en exciting trial of twelve hours, by
a verdict of acquittal It appeared from the evi
dence that TIM had Burt by the throat, and up
against the wall of the inside of his cabin, while
Burd's own unnatural son was beating his father
with a piece of board, when the old man seized a
butcher-knife lying on a shelf, act plunged it into
the body of his assailant, Hill, who almost in
stantly 'fell dead. It was, undoubtedly, a: clear
case of self-defense. Tho verdict has given uni
ersal satibfactiou. Reeling, Emery, and Lloyd,
for the Commonwealth, White and Seaten fur the
During the excavation of a street In Evans-
We, Ind., November lith, the workmen came ao
the remains of a cabin, eighteen feet below the
surface of the earth. This wonderful subterranean
house was about twelve feet in length, formed by
upright posts set in the ground, and boarded up
with split oak puneheon3, secured by wooden pins.
Tho puncheons, and plus were partially de
enyed, but still stuck together. Within the walls
were found portions of an old-fashioned spinning
wheel, a wooden maul, several pairs of boots and
shoes, and the identical charred stick which the
former occupant of the house had used to punch
the fire with
A correspondent of the Ellsworth (Me.)
A mericon relates that a daughter of Capt. Blod
gett,of Brooksville, lost her speech two years since.
Iler father had con.,ulted the physicians in the
vicinity, taken her to Rockland, Portland and
Boston, meeting with no success. Early in the
present fall ho placed her iu the hands of P. P.
Quinby, of Belfast, the noted mesmeriser, when.
strange to tell, in a few days, without the aid of
medicine, but simply by the power of will, her
speech woo restored, full, clear, and neatly as strong
es ever
Tho venerable Alexander Nesbit, for many
yenta an Associate Judge, and subsequently Chief
Judge of the Criminal Court of Baltimore city,
died at his country seat, Ellengowan, in Baltimore
county, Md., on Sunday night. his death was an
nounced in the Criminal Court yesterday morning
by M. Whitney, Esq , when Judge Stump, as a
tribute of respect to the memory of the deceased,
immediately ordered en adjournment. The grand
jury also adjourned on the announcement being
On Saturday last, as Mr. Peter Freeman,
who w ee engaged in driving one of Messrs. Shel
ter & Kaufman's .Mt. Penn furnace teams, was
proceeding between Knauer's tavern and Bell's
tavern, near Reading, Pa , he fell from the saddle
mule, and the wheels passed over his bead, and, of
course, killed Lim instantly. lie was a eober and
industrious man, and leaves a wife and child to
mouri his untimely end.
The Norwich (Comm.) Courier says facts are
coming to light which awaken the most painful in:s
pleens that a number of deaths which have lately
occurred on Church street, of that city, have been
caused by lead poison, from the pipes through
which the water passed from the aqueduct. A
number of others are now sick on the name street.
On the 14th instant, Mr. john Waugh, of
Bowling Green, Caroline county, Virginia, a car
riage manufacturer. was found dead in hia bed,
having burst a Wei:KJ-reml by violent evughing
durlos the zdaht,
allitTlefft o C9441P01‘1 . 41111711.
Cpmisporaltki,to kir "
n ot bar m
mind the) following resit: • •
Every eomzeuilbestlesi rant Ds ateX:rairaled by the
auto of the writer, 1311 °Myr to Inure tuxedoes, to
the trporrephy, but oto tide of &hut should be
written ape°.
We shall be greatly obliged to gentlemen In Pallor/I
yantaaatt other Mates Tor aeatribatiesse giving the car
load aft* of the day la their. partlealaar localttlee, the
yeatureat of The ettoreaadlag eotiatry, the human or
popalationa and anytafonaattas that •W be Intereetieg
to the general reader - - -
One John Rules, of .Springfield, cams to
his death in a terrible manner on 1E unday erening,
September 13th. near Colombia, Oregon Territory.
The Tuolumne Courier says th at he had been in
dulging freely, and being.rather noisy, a friend
volunteered to see him home. After some trouble
be was mounted upon bee friend's horse, and, for
greater security. hie legs were tied together under
the horse's belly. The party then set out for
Springfield, Male's companion leading the horse.
When near Broadway, the animal became restive,
reared and fell beck on his rider,.but inamediately
sprang up and galloped away like the wind. AA
the home got to his feet, the caddie turned with
Rules, and being fastened to the beast, at every
bound-his head dashed against the ground. This
Mazeppa-like ride was checked at Brasea's lumber
yard, upwards of a quarter of a mile from the
starting point, Rules was taken from the horse
dead and horribly mangled. Ms arm was broken
in several r1ab....1,..and his brains mingled with the
dust of the road.
The Boston Journal - says, would one be
lieve, without looking into it, that we are in a
fair way of_ carrying the number of sovereign
State*, originally thirteen, and now thirty-one, up
to forty-seven! lot so tis In 'the first place,
'there are Oregon, Kansas, and Minnesota, whose
Constitutions are already formed or forming. It
is hoped thej will be admitted the coming winter.
making the members of the Confederacy thirty
four. - Then New !leak)°, Nebraska, and 'Wash
ington, already thriving Territories, will swell the
aggregate to thirty-seven. four new States to be
carved out of Teias, according to proviiions in the
treaty of annexation, will givens forty-one. Two
additional Statue demanded from the area now in
cluded in California would make forty-three.
Arizona; Neosho; Dacotah, and Columbus Territo
ries carry us up to forty-six, and lovely Utah wilt
make the ferty-seventh.
.. . _
Twenty-goo ago, (in 1831,)while two
brothels ' named Wright, machinists, were working
at Dayton, Ohio, one of them became attached to a
young girl named Mentz, who wets then living in
the family of a Mr. William Machir. The two
brothers afterwards worked for Rose ;Winans h -
Co., of Baltimore, and family became interested in
the enormous contracts of that firm for sleeking the
St." Petersburg and Moscow Railway, went mat
there, and both became very rich. Ten years ego
the brother who was interested in MissMuntz died.
in London, leaving her by his will $lO,OOO. Miss
Mir.itz left Dayton for Preble county Jeans ago,
and though she tau been advertised for, has Out
come forward to claim the legacy. The surviving
brother was at Dayton last week, and left there
for Eaton, hoping to hear some tidings 4)f her.
We have news front Canteens, - Venezuela, to
the Ttli inst. The American Minister, Mr. Eames,
and wife, had arrived. Senor A G. Blanco bad
been appointed Consul for Venezuela, at New
York, and Carlo Ganuendia, Consul at Philadel
phia-. Venezuela was free from revolutionary
movements; abundance of rain had fallen, and the
craps looked well. The snanees of the Govern
ment were In a bad way, and there was some talk
of negotiating a loan. Owing to the scarcity of
money the markets were exceedingly dull. The
following are the current prices of produce:—
Coffee, 14c. per Ib. for washed, and Enmeshed
cocoa, 121 to $33 per HO lbs. . • cotton, 17}8.180. ;
indigo $1.03 per lb.; hides, $l2 to $2O per 100 lbs.;
deerskins, $lO per dozen; goat skins, $5-50 per
dozen; lignumvitio, $l2 per 2.000 lbs.; Indio, $2O
per 2,000 Its.; brown sugar, lintle. per th: •
The SaginalvEnt'erprirs saga the mills end
Itunherfug operations in Northern Aft-amain in
the vicinity of Green Pay, end other points, have
been mostly discontinued, on account of the pres
sure of the times.. Consequently, 'a large number
of men are thrown out oremployment. Bat this
is not the worst. The mill owners not being able
to soli their lumber shipped to Chicago, have not
the means of paying their hands for the put sea
son's work, or of shipping them the necessary rug
plies of provisions. So there are hundreds of men
and many families with scarcely previsions enough
to sustain life, far distant from any farming region.
Many of them, it is stated, would be glad to ,get
away, but cannot. If them people are to be snot
lapin these woods, by the close of navigation, with
out supplies for the winter, it will be with them a
season of awful suffering and fetus! starvation.
One of the largest meetings ever held in
Tammany Hall, says the New York Herald of
Tuesday, assembled there lest night to ratify the
nomination of Fernando Wood for mayor, and the
other charter nominations. Iron. John - Kelly,
John Cochrane, and Colonel Doheny were the
principal speakers. The atm,* harmony and en
thusiasm prevailed. Another meeting was held in
the Park at the same time, the hall being inade
quate to accommodate the immense mass. There
were the usual accompaniments of music, rockets,
cannon, and calcium lights. On the adjournment
of the meeting, the crowd proceeded to the St.
Nicholas Hotel, where Mr. Wood addressed them
from the window.
On Monday last,gays the Abingdon Virgi-
the 11ev. James M. Weeds. w o was sent to the ad
joining circuit by the M. P. Conference about the
same time . , was brought to this place a raving ma
niac, and La now conened awaiting a vacancy at
the lunatic asylum. "What shadows we are, and
what shadows wei Pnrsiie i"
A young lidy, whose parents live about
forty miles hack of Covington, Ky., bat wbo has
herself been upon a visit to her relatives near
Columbus, Ohio, attempted to commit suicide on
Wednesday by stabbing herself with a pair of scis
sors. The only cause assigned for the rash act is
the death of a favorite mocking bird, which
seemed to distress har mind.
The " solid men" of Boston are in a fever of
excitement concerning the reported defalcation in
that city of Mr. Samuel Lawrence, the senior
member of the drtn of Lawrence. Stone, & Co.,
agents of the Bay State Mills and other manufse
taring corporations.
The Great Western iron rolling mill, at
Brady's Bend, Pa , has discharged about 7titt opera
tives. It has been engaged in making railroad
iron largely, and the demand for that article halt
ing fallen off materially ; it is curtailing operations
to suit.
Capt. Walter Coles, fur many years a Re-
presentative in Congrem from Virginia. says the
Danville Register, died at his residence in Pitts
sylvanin county, on the 9th inst., after an illness
of some four or Li o days. lie was about Ge years
old. Capt. Coles entered Congress in l - '33.3, and re
mained a member of that body until he voluntarily
retired in 1813 lie wu.o a zneinher of the Virginia
Legislature in 162 2 34. During the war of lilt 2
he held the office of captain of dragoons, and served
upon the Northern frontier under General 31 ado
Hammon, of Smith Carolina.
The trial of James Kerr, for the murder or
John Bietle. was taken up in the Over and Ter
miner of Washington county, Pa , on Friday . af
ternoon, ilumed t.ttOy after the retiring of the Jury
in the Jones The prisoner is a man upwards
of seventy years of age. and it is admitted that
he shot the deceased with a gun, in September,
1856. They lived under the Rune root, in a double
house, and it was in evidence that they had each
threatened to kill the other. The case went to the
jury on Saturday evening, and the question in
volved in the i , se.te is, the degree of homicide.
The Detroit Free Frets, of November 14,
says that comiderable excitement was lately,
°awed at Ontonagon, by the arrirel of a party of
Indians front the head-waters of the Ilenon.inee
river, bringing with them some remarkably rich
epeciment of gold-heating quarts. They repro
tented that the country was rich with the same
species of mineral. Same of the loading mining
men of On ton rgom after examining the specimens,
formed an agrcewent with the Indians to guide
them to the place from which they procured the
A man, named David IL Ware, died sud
denly at Taylorville, Chti.tial county, Ili., a
abort time ego. Ile is supp. 4 cd to be a native cf
ono of the Eastern States. From a memorandum
. .
book, covered with leather, found in his poclzet,
he had evidently been examinin lands and clams
farther West., probably in Kansas, in March last.
"Claim made 13th March," 1' 4 37, .tc. In the Innt
of the memorandum ra written ".7. I'. FoAer,
Bellevue, Sam county, March 4, 1557."
The Savannah Georgian of Saturday says:
We toilee in our Mentp.mery exchanges, that
the Legislature of Alabama has decided to brie,..;
on the election of United States Senator. Ao this
vote teas considered a test of the strer Ath of the
rival candidates, Ex-Governor Win.too a nd th e
lion. C C. Clay, a e shall expeot shortly to hear
of the election of the latter-named gentleman, who
is the present ineumbad, and has repre:gented his
State with distinguished abil;ty "
The Albany :! , :atermtin a few days sines
pitched into the men for not tisitieg their a
in the State Prison—ems:as:leg the COD rf
women whose husbands live at Auburn It bow
. ever made en exception in favor of ow man e.b.,
did visit his - wife at Sing Sing, The teto,:n,u
taken out of this solitary ease. however. for three
Weeks after her I.:dense, the woman , mie 5- , Ir-• , -
I , and's watch and eloped lei tl4 a 11,1-41,- *
At a private soiree moric,:le, given by his
excellency the British rezidecce
in Washington. on Wednesday evening, Mr Thal
berg, 11:11e Fretrolini, lie and lime. Strakosch
entettained a diqingui.shed ecal:paby. Lord Na
pier made to the ladies a gracaul azkr.owlrdg
ruent of their services, in the h ape of several aI a
able tralrare.r.
The llamilton Spectator, Nov. 21, sacs:
The Opposition wil l no doubt be gratified to learn
that our predietion3 are likely to be rerif,A scoter
than they antieipated. We are now in the midst
of a 31inisterial erisis, and probably in a few days
we may be enabled to antomuce a diEsolut,on of
L. 11. Allen, a stranger from ll'estorn Now
York, died suddenly at Trenton, N. J.. en ;s:ttnr
day, of consumption. Ile came to obtain medical
treatment. llu was in the bar-room of the hotel
when he died, and Mrpta re I 1. , be quite cheerful
Valuables were found urvit biro after death. Ht.
friends are unknown.
At a husking frolic 4 , down east, ' latdy,
two hundred buThels of golden yellow corn were
hus k e d, forty-eight girls kissed, ore couple mar
ried, and se*en mom •• engaged," all in one even
ing. Talk of stagnation to businest!
We learn that Mr. Simon Connor, of MOM
gooier), township, Indiana county, Pa . went cut
en a bunting expedition onSetnrday last, and suc
ceeded in killing three bears, alit( whieh were fat
and nice—a good supply of meat for the winter.
The Buffalo Courier has some details of a
now treaty just made with the elenesas at Tona
wanda, by which they will be enabled to retain at
least 6,500 of the 12.900 acres of their ancient
home at Tonawanda.
An oyster sloop capsized near, Freeport,
L. I, on Sunday- Captain Canady and a. boy
'stem drowned.
Samuel Gibson has been sentenced; at Lan
dialer, Pa., to ten maths' imprlsontnant fonsltarp