; '1 "-• • 1111)OtititOttg. :" " Xeported foj Tho Xlc) XX JANZIB.O . —Brii &Mon, pilloy--8170 bagoisoltail, ortlor. lOWAN —trabr Putstoneld-1. 7 7 bans lobate°, so tone. Rurtiatto irk 6, tpaa, , .111 ;iron clpai s )1 X _ 11NWT.ilt WA.6O Ai the Nxcheitge', PAiladelphin. 814 Berano4 Nnirlend.: ~ .. . Liverpool, Nor 213 Nbip B Bitildrary, Webb London. 00011 ..... . soon' - Ship JosepL Saes,enenr . ..fr JI w e . anolso4soett B r ix, biAniAsp nd ,noort r _ ir-. 3 -i'4III4 , OPLP II . I A BOARD OP Portig , Omixtet,mi or en Mont. tivwcns ISMonon, • , , - itioitte 3n4l4pute. roiti 'Nov. 23, 1847. aux stiza ' la—mlttimts 447 wen ' 556 ,ARRIVND. , Bteatuallip,Panneyleahia, Toal:rfront Richmond, vii Nor follflBlninill, With tiideW and passeageks to Thomas Webater, -- jr. Nepalis that . the &hips Nestorian, foi bfaiffitine Thon'aVerk Ina, au d Sirocco, for Liverpool, end Thos Waltee. for Antigua , Wont eto ilea on Triday, morning'. Stiamehip Delaware, Copeo,lllbottra from New York; via Cape May, With %deb and Poseengera ro laa'AVlder dice, Sawa British ahr off tiolf r Oootle,,bourld up. - Steamer nos Jeffersenc_Bchellieger, Vhoore front Dektvfare Dit, - 'having in tow 18 tidewater::: omit boat,. loado'd with Sour, grain, coati* n'; ToWe& thereto btkera; bonhtl t&Nivreide NtoON,leollen with who loft,lieinterior • - • , ' baron Irma , Noinvt, ktia' Vialfausti; ,NP, 12:daya, withmdzobOyfeletit. ;Experienced:l - Teri -hem weather: 011,11 Of inunatii,'Flobk: a pilot 'morning oikOth- Beg 00 AriliOni wittroOtteatti • dottr4wre 464 Nee' Of 'plea. itutt'iViiiebliflentelit'ditiOtj - Mae toIFIC Sampson; ..liebalitmOtr, - ' , Pitelfer.,lo'ilaye Troia (Wide; With lathe, kir., to Otrakill & Bob'rterri,roattir, - JoraitiOi'diyalrvrio'Dcetton, ballaat Schrld3.oarlton, Shillee, 4 &Ilya frbui Middletown, - Ct., in !Whet to tiler, Stone k Co. SehrEllan Elkington, Naylor, 5 daya from llaverhill,' In le:aloof. to D Mlinea k Co,- , Solar,.lowee-Dllrd, 1 , day froie Newport, Del, with grain to Robeson Lee. - . &Altana It lirirerldi E4 , lrd o 4l' dip frof# ziorft, with eofne,ttanot airtsts_Vilon." Boht,Oootrollii;Bafor*i . A. fain "!Pkt,e wiatariirtol : iteameriigelayiki6l4l.llltimOre; 4r: Brig Brindyiina, Cormeek,:liottaiorid, Itbs A New • SchiJoho Wediaeri, -- Noitoil; Bohr BAltamuload; Pain e, do. David Cooper,' globr , Lewle Phaater,- Bonier', do, Wallace go. , - ' Bawling Daya, , taimet;•Arezoodilii .111,61gaaV'eb.. Sall Bap W Breir,Ndierairo; Daltlinork - &by, Btfsaa' &kr AllaikAlkitipan, 11` , Jotattaz, • -,, "' lobe Wad Corbl(tOlaan, pantverapntl,'Arriiiii. 800. , Prr ItwfaLo3Ar4.l (Oorreliondenee lho'Ptllidelidd InMentalage:): t /AWES, Del., Nod, 20. SA M. S.utte. a number ol'aquittkigsed,nneble are in the, Bay, audio) ilktity.to to,-sea thls, forenoon irithadt, stopptne'tit'tne Itreatel: Steamer Solinper, mars P R llall , lea HoltS184(1144 - P Hinted, anid Znatra tut.' ale, sit fit ttoi"goadataid: Oxon - alarm -- 0 '• and wind ^lam --11 W prorellea 'iairristerdif; 14.1 charted daring the - Mirlat , to 'inbir, which 'lO, deal)* of tiro ittndNif—yeatheemmtirittldg,:: Nov4,2lo6ttaniti,s'leertfident;4o fialfY,"X nernefmitinser; and e anti yeas at,baltiat. ,- lititid:WSW-':-`weadthei,nold, aid 'tee, esvninkvshielrforated 41104 lbaitlsi&atil&i Oats %Yr oreeka to 14e Yanntr44, 4 *AV laaalrrt.) . Norrogpoitonee'oPtheePtillsdbip*Poix4usi.) ' OMVDILANP. 0tc,12,:4-F,M. Twiiiiertiiiee are now o ibi4l4:ool.6il4;?:44q,Vilir:. eels it boutd Or; &ad' nagiC. ;Aa . ,ativrakti?r., Wiud W,,-weathtaina4etate: , Ware,&a:, • mai! viiriregst • - MEXMO MANDA: .- • , Steamer fashion', Coughli4; cAtvertised :4 doe of regolarliati for Grollown,r eyoleatodkstMobilelAth f steemeitil City' of New York, ilewee, cleared it' lion. ton'2lit,isat tor , Phtiodelphla: • • Steettiehip",olty of RiclooOnd.konte "ati Hichttioodithet Wet. • • , • • - „ • filtaiiitehittatieher city, soliateld;froutgpir,*brice4. Havainoa arrived at Mobile lath lot; • Ship robriblereeki qiiihttoo, fotplaseer; 04i:ea It', Ship Tonawanda, inlinajor thingoit 144,11. trantAw at Liverpool. ith bat , • - Ship:Ana D Cooper; fni• gasified at Atitwory 604•1nat. , 814 Utica of tha •Dais. De liDatelley Ban claw entered forlondlngitt hive_ rgliffil. Ship Donlan, DIRA4 O . 4OI ' 84 0 /110se -°j tut''"ta " loading at Livorpool inat, , Ship loarlesa, Manson, for Hong lcnne,"winf - -,,IPIILIti, at London cat —'"- Ship QUEleit of the nnit,-wilson", for'llfe* min, a 2 •••a,laa, from Gratexond 4th inst. ; " ' , "• liiilL.Tohn A Parts, froniCalbui; irrilnni at Barque Walt .Lennig,-/Dgbefyhence via Aspinwall,: , was &dialling at Rama lath -"'" `= - Barone Marx 8 RendaD, L Brock,'ll4llled, f . rom . Ratan- Ras lath lost for Mobile . "'• :" - • Baninaa , Tairy, Dhoti,: for git*porer 'with dtagatoh; sad MAullalatchar' for Shntighaa' Two at Umtata thituft: , : , 4 ".• Bark e 00>4440,-.4l4lll,aftitaldilipois,:sliszeiil hit` 01 ton 1/oth - , , , - DaniugiAltnoto,NobathotiwiloiTaliiiiniagroliatid N Yon viekt WO, • ilangin: Tana 'Towki - Tifttlikw tanlin ) 4l4to;4: N OrDatentA4th :instant. - J.., 1,, ,. - -..,: Brig pAhdohib l Lufkin, for t.lllladelphis . , '0414W:44' Dostoollit that. . • ar l ol l Prietta,7 2 ll l si r?i• p:e:aizolgutol+mpa Anita' Nickerstia, ' l4lekerfonfrOeirniil.o444ll4;o4 at Illoa*A.96tb.inst... Brig joaaph, Ca lea , 1101=0 Ogg - " ." UttiO•orils, 4141 1 116 , ttoalt 501401,t404***14flti sailed fat Newport 19thinat,SA Brig Alfrid BUB, Beadlingt hones Imo . disoluirglii at Havana, 16th hist. • Ifs% Nolunkaa, htitoholl, henna at , Portsmouth, 18th instant. • -- Brigs Bounds, Hoyt, ind'Condon, Genld, for thin Dort, Were at Pt:Addeo:a 10th [Ott- - Bahr .41 B carotidal, for thin port, cleared it Bouniah 18th inst'; ii ballast. • • iloof - Ellgthetb:kel)aorb' (Sof, cleared afßaltimorti 29th hiet;for this port Behr Wissahickon,' leek, weared 011evr Toik - 20th jest tor this pOrt. - • - • Mr Richard flex, Prink, henna MDR Inst. " fold•Whodis & Bitelah, • Sharp, hence at Boston lath BcStrExchinge, Hence at Hyannis.' 14th inst. ' • fichniE Rose,Wyman ; Cyclone, Dalt, end E Chester,' 1/wrongful salted komblew Bedford 19th - inst for this port. , . - , , . fiches Plight; Huittley i 7 Lancidei; Stites • J "Ro. Rare, Elliott ;• DO Smith, Smith, hence, and J Cad. walider, Godfrey, tm' Delaware City , at Providence 19th lest. . BasconOltirt,•foi Phlladelphln, sailed fm Newport 19th ivat . - Pilokirsoi,' hi; for ell ' at Baotou 20th init. . - • • • Behr Jaraii - -11arraiti'DaTleelionco for Boston mailed from Ifoloptiioo4.lBthAust ' 3. - 09idpion, 0 W lderoy,And Strout', hencifor Beate; arrived at Holmocktole 19th Soot, and /OA 'Agattti inept /..-AUStrchtp, which' toe Selme L T Chittleoicl/Ig/i, :Monde' foe Braintrei, Cimaseum, Woe Nu:locket..' - Sett /Epitome; Platiny; frounifeirburpport for Phila delphia-Land Abigail, Lee, from galena for do, at Holmes Nolo 19th. lost, and all sailed soia except the Abigail, 'width remained 10 A, ld 'Met. • • - Behr Tidella, Slaw, boned' or Boston, ialled from lifoimmt /Tole 19th r00t. .• • Behr Nita Ninlaban, Kallalmn, hence at Alexandria • Bohr Angenette, Noopory for ielpbia, Jelled fin • Swgitt22oth-Inet, •-• t• , • . &kr Einistit - tik Vie, Cot Phliadelihis, sailed from Hartford 10th •Intrt. - , , ' Bahr John R Wick; &alibi tat Vail- Wirer ter Dela- Ware thYoutiled frpra,Nnwpart 12th last, tido U W Marie, Pbllllpa, hence tot Ttivtatim, painted , Iteerpeit 20th task „ . • • Mire' Vorriester, Itl:eles,, and Downing, Bice, iießee erkrovidenee 20th bat, Mari Letter, mailed WI Providence 20th lest. ter Philadelphia, • Bair ,tanethen done Itelialteh cleared at New York 21st fast fol , PHll4d4phfa. • Bare I M . , AldrlOTh_sull OA Neil, hence at Neaten Behr, - -s4,Perin, Parker, for, sitilailelPhis,; cleared. at Bosun feat, • t • - •_ cletirld ierkroN `lt tibia* Atirood; for troatlfirbleimd - • Sebt.l4/4100,11figni, "Owed &dem 20th loot for YLtladelppi~ls„ - _ • , ” hence st Itichinond 21st 0-V gObit; Hubbard,' for Philadelphia its Bahl purc,*Jild frontßiclintond 21st inst. Nara Levet, Dupla, Carson, and 21 0 Xenon, Town 4undi tiprkv#t Mobile 113th foot, - ' •, " WatINE, P41110.14,14ANY. • Mtaitao Newt ....The Behr South Shore, of Scituate, Illene, MAW trent WOMhatten, NO, Sept 18, for Phila.. elelphte, ahem which nothing lum been heard from her, -She was commanded by Zoe - Enrr:/r,"of Orland, Me. An it is 1109! ever dwo mon*. since heard from, she la orrobatdtietth4 , loeaten /owned Mat RM. ' NOTICE TOIIIARINERS. , Viiiitagn SOuttn.'et Pew and PIRA tr) --diotiai lihereby given that the Vineyard Board Light Ireuel, Sow And Inge, ' " has been relieved by, the tight veinal . ," Beller," nap. remoOdito,ltew-Seltord The schooniijigged, ,with a red ball at mach masthead painted red, :with tt Relief," in white lettere on exit aisle, /8110,wRI, chow every night, (rem emend tonnuried, theirCand Waifs' of the lateral Men the Virkeinid Sonia-Li ght Vessel Is rePalred; 14 will ,he,ro-atationed, whtth due gotten, will be ty order of the hinhthome MEL ANOTON.BECtiI, flom'r ii higlithoute Inermier MIL,. • Lateit,ltor, tXi41.851. Th dancer Napoleon Itil - arrived' at flambee 16th trout, from lielle islet,- thaff brought up the workmen oroldeed in the erection of lite tight:keno. in rho LotrifftZewrence— The" state that four non' NW: antlorchave jolt been completed, three lotto f dralia of /Rae Ilirr.end'ohetnithe fejand of Antienaki. 8 itlit Reiter," difford, arrived at ire. Bad. feed Wheel now and riga station ;having part-wilier olooffilifot fik Ofcloci on, morning of 45th, in 'house. queues ofthe chain gettittg 'caught under a' root, and the swelthising the viegel inapped 'lt off. :She wlll return seakeziarfen Metier laprocared from 'Bolton. • . _ . The 17- 8 'demos Euistsellessia, deptg It Sands, le ;posted to limesallest Dom tkillOiL Nth alt. tor Kay The V S;;ißete•Ootutellatloa; &Mir kill's 11.1;011, was et Bpsizela Nat iilt.:•-: The Lt 8 (shads Comae, Ooper Erease ,Wall at Leg horn ?Mk to,istlsteit,dier As- sitistita she would - pirsdid4Ull ibinit 10th last tor P ilsdelphia. • The U. 8, sloop Shmisanes, °omit' 'Totten, sill on fin New York on iel/sy jtiitere the coast of Attica. !; roars. NEW YOLIK, Nov 21—Arrived, steamship Ames Ad- Pri TUn/"P' Ohnleston ; sobs Elliott, Koowlse, Johns, P,R I, $ P BtoneY,•Atileti, Oharleetois ; doom. Smith; loch, Napo Sherman, •Wilaangtots ; tuck.: Mond', Jenne', itdeliplOtin MIAS Colgate, 80amia, sad R Illtuntley, amemoad,Baltimose ; liteazuePlatiksoa, ' Esker, Baltimore; _ Now. 22--lilt shiP 'teem Chinch" lelander slabs King atiabar,- /otiostoli; from Cape' Mount, west coast EALYllloBXiPisc:2o,—Art brig Abner TaylossYsp , selaWiLd pigmy, Millildn;tleaWymph, IDlStetrii r 'Protridente , -Aregist—tsitotte Mahr ; Kan "Alstek, hastens. beige A. ApplegarQ, hisiden.Torks islandaohnlit Hooter, Dttort,Aatigkut. 'tea Thoiniif wash's BrE Banker; Thankei, Moberg Isle; Jolla Per eastlne,lde. " - - Ballo444ltenniehip - Joalliihitiii/yi grrac=" 2 o l treill trip Mell$01140;010 Valtitt:scDeplllll4l4 !Nan* 14. - Wi1it14494 toy - Olat_ClirMlolusel, ingetan; 34- ethaißts* Mogi, Tobago; ma bovWetaitatlii;PoaiT w NaiWIFA"t./. 1 " fa ' " r " 1 "" Arohio °plaits!, Chlyetw, from .2421. ear" -hrig Itobilladtbdia4, 4 !'' - • - • •• • • INISW osigot *0: kii*hi rein pompon, ... • -t , .siO."0"-41iFt ", nr-Staa 4s;yi~LJr: . FIEMA ft4riteVrSaitiOrittrimgdriertiatiore 'Mt the hit this morning, but got oirr,trithont damage at 2 P6I. qld ship illoniltalnebir.,- , Wilson. N.M. -Orleans ,• Kohn Per Bustin, Cape Hayttem R H Perkins, Thomp eos, Pensacola, . • 814--Wind, W, good breeze, skips Vitale, Timor, ite unticbai lArguO9 Young Greek, Mania, Wm llldei ertge Ssian, lifuogo Park, Lucy. Ann, Sarah Starr, }Tie, Prances Rflon, Souther; salsa Angler, Narrangett. HIGHLAND-LIGHT, Hoy P It—Ships Vitule, from Beaton for San Pranctsco; Timor, from do for Lon don. 6 p Sl—Paean* out, barque Young Greek, from Boston for Malaita. BANGOR, loth—Old brig Frostins, (nosr, of Stork, tog,) Berry, Cuba; sobs Yenico, Glaussen; West In cites. BELFAST—SA 14th, sob R P Chase, Patterson, Nor folk. • Opecial Nara ._„ For Perfumed Breath, White Teeth, upd Beautiful complexion, use Balm of 1,000 Flowers." For dressing Ladies' hair, nee ,‘ Woodland Oreern, a new Pomade." It curls Gentlemen's hair beautifully, W. P. YETAIDOB k Co" Proprietors, N. Y. For sale by T D, Peterson, 806 Chestnut; Samuel Dimes, Twelfth and Chestnut; A. D. Durand, 718 Chest nut; T. M Peters & Co., 710 Chestnut; G. G. Evans, Gift Book-store, 486 Chestnut; Q. 8. Hubbell,,l4lo Chestnut; French, Richards, & Co., Tenth and !dir ket ; A. EAsyler, Ninth and Walnut; Dr. Morrison, Eieventieuth -and Chestnut; d. W. Binses & Sons, Eighteenth and Twenty-Second and Market; Edward Christman, 702, Chestnut; Thomas Lancaster, corner Eleventh and. Walnut. nol2-ly Jackson, . • JOB PRINTER, . MERONANT STREET. aback', Notes, Drafts, Dills Lading, Bill Heads, Oatds; and all other kinds of Job Printing, at prices to stilt the Woe*. eel7-ly it ewe r Cerdittf.---Thls Involuntde Cordial to prepared from a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and is the most per,feot and reliable initiative extant for infants and young children. By its powerful influence a speedy cure is effected in' all mate of CAolic, windy pains and spasms. BellereS end mitigates much of children's suffering during denti tion or teething, and by its soothing properties Iran valises pain, of the bowls, looseness, vomiting, &o. The Infant Cordial bee become a standard remedy, and has been used In thousands of emcee with the moat _abundant sigweas. No fasollyaheuldbe without it. VpiPalS tpaiy by •• - Rzsair A.-Bowart; , , At,t4e Dreg and Ohemieel Store, earaor ofWith And /boon . stn, Philadalphls. 'Warders mot blear/med. And for sale bj trruggiabi morally. lA-ly Bank Note■ of the ' PENNSYLVANIA SANE FOR - UMBRELLAS, BY WM, U. SUMIARDSON, aoll•lm No. 418 gaiticrr RKEBT 'Cabinet "Ware and : - 624 WALNUT ST, OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE SQUARE. - fa WALNUT Street, 0021-Sin ' Lite, of OA Chestnut Street - - Seamen's Raving Fund Office 403 Walnut *opt, ono door ,weal of, second, %treat. Receives de. inUdts -iu e6os of One Dollar and upwards, from, all ..,altules of the community, sod allows !Memel at the rate hf limpet' tent,. par nunum.' - ' " - Otdce open daily, from 9 until'frO'clook, and on Mon treyitud liaturditytMill 9 in the evening." Pleeident ;Franklin,Freieufec; bluirleild, Morris; Peep- F. PA/We.' • - Slaving Fand—Flire Per Cent; Interest—lfa tonal Safety Trait Company, Walnut. Street, ERAS :tint Verner :of Tithe Street, Patcanscreta. Open aso till 7 ohtloth A ',anit 9n ~fottoar end THURSDAY l'esinues till a °Weak, •Dinosita received and pay mania made deny; dasesta iniested to Rem. Zeraie, bloaineese, GRontthßmirritiand o th er firet 7 olaaa aeourt: -We,* , nod S. C. prwalde copi4solon.nlailliSS In Com siierchil, taper ; arid negotiatlons of bane', 66 Wefanit opposite the !itcobeitete, Philedelphio, - tihlo-2m Ittafriages. In , Now `York, on Thursday, N0v.19, by the Rev. Ames W. Alexander. AROH/DALD P. COBB, of Phi ladelphia, to MARIANNA G., may daughter of Robert I. Brown, Of that city. On the lath November,by the Boy. 0. A. Smith, D. D., Mr. WILLIAM S RINGGOLD to Mies BETTIE •„L. TIIOIIVIB, all of rhiliblelplda. (California, papers „please copy.] ()DIM evening of thilfith !inst., by the Ilev. Rudders, JORN G. -I , GILLIPB, of Baltimore, Old., to .LIZZIR, AsughWM Paul Swift, of this city. .--.Ore Thursday miernlnai 19th instant, by the Rev. Dania EDATUND , II. FRIBMUTII and ELI . iornrAILLICA"OANXII, both of this city. • At ,Oattand Plantation„ .Ix., on the 7th hat., by the Rev. Mr. Grareits, JOHN L. LER, of New Orleans, to' JULIA (f., daughter of A. - U., Gash, of this city. lOtalbs. On the 10th fast., at hie residence, Lower Merlon, BLIDEN D. il' 4 l.N.lllliN,lin •the 80tIc 7 00 . 6 f1i1a age, *native of the bland of Tortele. ••• The male relajives and Olen& of -Gm fatally are re— epeotfullfinVited to. atOnd We Guiana,. on .Tuesday. tnotinta at 10 o'clock, within:lt - farther notice. To ,piiibeed to Laurel 11111, !The earrings,' will' leave the Oboe of 8. Gartland, No. 858. Thirteenth street, at 0 'pieta*. ' ; • ' **o On the lath' 'ioetant, CALLIB D., wife of Furman D. 4oltne, in the 1.4t1i year of her age, • 9n the I.oth IistantOIOWARD ALbIBON.B, eon of “it;. U: and Aimee iseeitt, aged. 8 rears stl.B months. A Meetbag er the Citizen* of the Filth WARD POE - THE “RELIEJI AND EMPLOYMENT OF' THE POOlt,o lime held In the Hope Hose House, 'UNION Street, below Second, on WEDN ES DA Y EVENING, November 18th, 1857. Alderman JOHN 13. KENNEY was called to the Chair, and JOHN Q. ADAMS, appointed Secretary. After the object of the meeting had been stated by the Chairman, the following plan of organization was agreed upon: • -let. Precinct Committee; emulating of live for col lecting fends, with ,power to add to their number. The - Chairman of each Precinct Committee to be a member of the Executive Committee. Precincts to be subdi• tided by the Committee to suit their own convenience. All money collected to be promptly paid over to the Treasurer, and lila receipt taken in the collection-book for the name. All >looka to be returned to the Execu tive Committee as eoon ea practicable. 2d. •The EDieutlve Committee shall consist of the Chairman and Secretary of this meeting, and the Chair men of the Precinct Com,mitteee, with power to add to their number, whom duty shall be to call meetings of the citizens of the Ward, when, in their Judgment, It msy be required; to co trot all funds, audit, pass on, and approve all bills, prior to payment by the Treasurer, ' and properly attest the saute ; to pnblisli a 'detriment of their 'neonate, with such other matter as may be deemed expedient at the, close of their labors; and 'to ! Walsh each Chairman fifth. Precinct Committees with tWo armor.) books, properly attested, for the purpose of making collections; also, attested cards or circulate for the use of the Connulttens, to be left with the citizens When Called on to contribute; and to attend to all con tingent - matters, from time to time, as they may deem „ - bd. The Executive Committee shall appoint a, Tres curer, whose duty It shall be to receive all money, and keep s strict account of the came, pay ail orders drawn I on Wei, properly attested, sod to receipt ler all moneys paid him by the Committees onOolleellohe, er otherwise I obtained. 4 th. ArrY two members of the Executive Committee 'may, from time to time draw orders on the Treasurer for any sum not exceeding rive dollars, for special pur ports; but in no case shall any Urger ours be drawn, 'unless passed on and approved In session by the Execu tive Committee. sth. If the Executive Committee believe it expedient they may: locate a Ventre! Station, where all opener'. Coos for relief, either in person or In writing, is to bo made, and to provide a book of record for the name and resiciptice of the applicant, In order that the case may be properly Investigated, eth, AU funds collected to be - disbursed' in The Stith Ward, and, After relieving the wants of the Ward, then the surplus, if any, way be dlstilbuted elsewhere. lieslitee the ordinary moans of relief—that Is, In food,' fuel, money; and raiment—rho Executive Com mittee shall have power to provide work on any of the public works in the Fifth Ward, or elsewhere, and pay wages for, the same; and also to provide means of re. mel to the country for those willing to go. Bth. The Executive Committee shall bare power to appoint one person to represent this meeting, and the cltirene of the Ward, - in any general meeting of the ,Wards of the city. - - On motion, the Chairman wee requested to appoint the different Committees; and the Executive Com mittee, authorised to confer With any Committee that way hereafter be appointed by the member,' or the City Co unell for the relief and employment of the peer , during th s, e approaching vlntpr. The proceedings were then ordered to be published, and the meeting adjourned. JOHN li. KENNEY, Chairman. Joss C. ADAIL9, Secretary. n023.4t Office of the Mayor of the city of Phila. DELPIIIa, Exanutive DIPAS.IIIEIII, Nov. 21st, 1807. Wriassae, Me Exce ll ency the (taverner of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, has, in conformity with 'commendable custom. appointed TilthltsDaY next, the 20th day of norember, as a day of Thanksgiving throughout Thin Mate: • - And whereas, the eitlione of Philadelphia recognise, id common 'Mall divinely enlightened intelligences *dependance en the power and mercy of an omnipotent, ' 'Omnipresent, and etnniseient ZetiO7oh, With whom are the Presperlty of nation, the eeeurity of states, the welfare of pebstunpities, and the 'harmony of seeiety: Therefore, The Meyer of the City of rhiledelphin feels it a duty most respectfully to invite the people of thin city to unite with those of the commonwealth, on the day - thui appointed,. in rendering unto (toil the thanksgiving of the heart for mercies we Cannot cam. blessings we surely enjoy preservation from evils wblehliivolve social disorganisation, and that per. trading spirit in our metropolis which Invokes a mitiga tion of troubles now clouding oar contentinent, but not obscuring our hopes. - • • order of the Dlayor. JAMES P. CAMPBELL, n023.8t ' Mayor's Clerk. EJ7• • Malen Canal' Verrds.—liolders of Mort gage yowls of ate' Union' boars) Conapony, not inter ested en the common or preferred stock of the Company, are remolded to meet at the Girard Movie, lin TUES DAY, 241.); last, at Tx o'clock P. M. 4°P/9 1 Epw , n B. BUDIII,Y.Y, • Olddrmau of Committee. JAKOB PAQS, Secretary of Couunitice. n023-d 21* Steresse's Pint Lecture at the Ilan- Wt. and HAYDN HALL,will take place on THENDAY, the 24th inst., at 7,4 o'clock, P. N . fIooded—IERUSAGEM, under the JYAY, the DO MAN, ;the 01 1 / B TIAN, and The Lecture'still be illustrated by Maps and Dant ings, and aeveral venues, such as the Harden of Gethse mane, ithe Valley of Jeboshaphat, ka— will be dis playedhythe Magic Lantern. - Tickets at the entrance. The proceeds for the poor. uO2l-3t* erkeliy and Columbus I-LLedture and poem .0otelsloed: 137 REV. T. U. BTOOKTON, at 00.10111 T HALL, Chestnut street above Twelfth, on Tuesday Nvenlog, November 24, at &o'clock. BOostun asldarmas; 1118119 P bERICELEY, andhle IlleLanas.- Ispfilassa •/Westward the course of .EMpive takes its teey, ,, fiaratio7 er Yalu COLIIMBUB;an d bta DiscovanY OF sms New viaevp, Tiptets 25 cents; Moors under 16 yesxs of age, 16 seats—for sale at 686 Arch street, at Bookstores, and at the Ilan. , , n314t0 flepartmeat City ProPerty...— Office, 24 story (*URA Bank, north side. FutLanstmats; November '4l, 1867. Natio* is hereby even, that communication over the Wire at Fairmount will be suspended on 54,1 Wier MONDAY; November 38, until further notice, for the Fralsote of repairing the note. • D° 2l ` 3 of O g "E ityProprieNri,v, The Minitel Ailttrees 'before of the Manual, of the Unteetelty of Pen be delivered 13 , oxintia WROLitTO Cellete MIA on MONDAY EVBNING, at 8 o'cloCk. 02421.28 %,2X, DIORBONc 0020.8t!o., r i OULSON DOBSON Committee "OP 'LETTEAS REUAlNittaTitt , tho PFIILADELPHIAPOST MIMI up to 12 o'clock P. M. on Saturday, Nov 21, 1857. [Persons applying for nth:o,l4BM Lettere will ploaso roentlon the date dt the List.] Opon on Sundayfrom 7K toss o'clock A. 31., and 2to 3 . LADIES' LIST Androwa Annie AI Flowers Lizzie II Manors Mare Amino Miss L M Fox Mrs Emily J Mitcbolleharlotte Atkinson Mary A Finley Mrs Andw Miller Gertrudo Ashton F 1.111 Fox Miss Mary Minis Miss Allen Catherine Flowers Mary Murphy Honors Allen Mrs Wm G ruler Hannah A Murphy Osth'ne Allen Catherine Prayers Sarah A Mount Miss Theo Atkins Annie Francis Miss B Al Morin Mrs /Okla Tammy Fagan Margaret Mather Mrs Jae T Avlesworth Mary Fleming Mary A Mullen lira Sarah Bacon Harriet Elidayson Nib's Moor Alm Ellen Betts It Frankland Annie Mulford Fanny Barrett Sarah Fowler Augusta Mantles Eliza Besteh Madame FrLich ,Franzisko Mulrey Miss Oath Daldwick Mary J• Flaherty Mary Moseley Susan Baldwin Ursula Fisher Annie Norris Eliza Bell Miss Oath Fairfield Jane Nichols Moe E Ball Miss Mettle al (sus Mrs Oath Neely Matilda Bell Mrs Thos Gardner Mrs Wm Newell Mrs Ii I/ Barton Katharine Urinary Sarah Onall Oath Bailey Lydia It (lest Mrs Deborah O'Brian Oath Doman Anna German Elizabeth Ogden Sallie Barclay Murgt Gallagher DI E O'Neill Kate Benedict Elibth Gross Miss Lou O'Connor Susie Bi/hop' Isabella Gibbs Fanny Si Osterricher Mrs If Merman Fredges Getter Mrs Mary Parker Al .7 Baas Mrs Mary Goods Mies Pima Julie Blake Mrs Ann Gabriel Oath B Posey Mm A Riddle Fanny 0 Garnett Theo L Paloor Matilda Boyle Fanny Gross Miss P Pugh Mrs D W Bowers Lucretia Ginned° Marg't Prettyman Miss Bushy Atlas Mary Griffith Miss Al Powers M J Begird A Jano Onshore Mrs G A Pratt Mrs L Brascine Diad 0 M Gibbs Mrs 0 Prince Ann Briggs Elizabeth Gram Julia A Prahl Christina Darters Lucinda , Gleason Ph L Popo Josephine Burrough BI 11 Gresham Marg't Parkinson Airs/ 0 Braldwood It 0 Harold Mrs It Reidy Mrs Wan Baurking Oath Saltier Marg't Itaymonds Mary Briggs Eiseh A Hacker Many 11 Relfsnelder 0 L Bustard Ann J Henry Ann X Reed Alm Jars Brooks Mrs It NI Mosley Mrs John Richer Mary Barrens Mrs 0 Humbly Annie M Reynolds Martha Browning Mrs Ii Hancock Ann Reed Alm A L Brooks Lavin& Hart Sarah Rode Martha Brown Bertha Harwood Mary Rugg Mary 'Byrne Mary Hammy Mica DI Robbins Sarah Calais Bridget Ifarkeya Lydia Robertson Sue E Carrigan Annie Hannah Rachel Bose Emma K Ohapai Lizzie Heil Mrs .1W Howson Mary Callahan Ellen Harbin.) Arra Ross Mary Ann Carter Lucy Lea Hales Strati. 0 Russell Emma L Carnes Duette Hand Airs Jos Russell Julia Christy Harmon Hepburn Airs A Robertson Isab'a Caster Lucy Lee Harris Mrs Margt Roos Eliza Mrs Cane Mita Ellen Hertz Florentine peahen Scalia 0 Campbell Mrs Hayden Must At Shaw Mrs Jae L" Chaos Bliss Lizzie Hayden Kate IL Baylor MM 11 Clark Francis A Hayden Horace E Sandler Sarah S Clays Idles Mary Hayden Mary Vie Sanders Louisa Cohen Miss Eliza Helsel Margt Shepard Mrs m Bondy Miss Mary llognelani Meant. Scott Margaret Cooper Mrs P A Howell Miss Sbanklank Laura, Orothera Matilda Hughes Mies Bath Sell Mrs E Crane Julia It Hunter Hannah_Short Elizabeth Craig Miss Susan Hunter Mrs Jan Scott Caroline Id Conant Elmira DI Hondlitti Harrt A Shuster Mrs M A Crawford Eliza Huey Mrs Abort Miss Margt ConnaughtonMaryllOpkina Sarah Schofield Igoe. Conley Mary HOWISon Laura N Smithjoseplaine Cowie Mrs Ellen Relines Miss Jane Smith Sarah Oobarn Hattie Huff Miss Ellen Sinclair Emma Cyphers Amanda Hall Nancy Smith Mrs It 0 Coon Miss Celia Horne Mrs Smith Susan 11 Crawford Mrs J Jerrie Mrs Sloan Eliza Cornwell Ella% Johnson Mrs Si PV Simmons Mrs Donigen Ellen Johnson Maria Snowden Elizah'h Onilln Miss Ann Jones Mrs Sarah S Smythwick Margt Obrperin Miss Johnson Martha /Maid Dania Or slay Jane Jackson Miss It Snows Ann E Crabtree Alia Win Jones Miss Lucia Smith Aire Ohas Cunningham E J Jones Mrs Pei cis Smith Lydia D Coates Elie% Q Jenkln Mrs Mary Smith Atm It Cutler Line It • Kingport Mrs Dar Strafford Mrs Chas Ooppengar Martha/linch Ruth AnnGStephens Sarah Coleman Mary Kenyon Emma Stewart Anna Cox Mrs Oath Hoes Mr" Mary fipringruan Oath Montle Mrs Knorr Miss Susan Stiller Fannie M Dearer Elizabeth Kohler Mists Anna Stewart Mary , Decennial Mrs Kelly Miss Alice Sterling Mary Davis Miss Enema Keller Mary I, Stratton Mrs Thai Distinis Marg't Kinkead Miss E A Battle Miss Kate Davidson Rohl Kelp liargl Stephens Mary A Saliusizon M L ' Kuhn Sarah, Sweeny Ross A ilagittilan Annie , Lukens Hannah Starkweatber L A kiseb Julia Ann Lowder Elizabeth Stream Jernima NWtia Was Louise Lantheere Mrs E Stedenfeltd Mrs M Alms Gee Lunbeck Elizab'h Thomson Mrs ME Milk Mrs Mary Lafferty Marg't Thompson Hotly Dully Mary Lodge Charlotte Thayer Ellen DI Deßphunt Mrs Lorin' Miss Clara Turner Martha Dickson Sarah Lotto Miss Julia Townsend E F fickle Sarah 0 Loeby Mrs Tarpon Mrs 11 Hairs Rachel Lemma Helen Thomas Mrs L Daily Canal)) Lloyd Georgiauna Thompson Mrs AR Dares Mies Lougragh Jane Whipple Mrs Al Dixon Mrs Little Lewis Helen M 'Watson Mrs JIA Deanyldarah Ann Lamb Mrs P P Water* Martha Duffy Anastacla ' Lawrenea Mary Walker Ella A Dunning Alice Lobdin Lizzie Whlllman Sarah Dwight Mrs A P Lee Alice H ' Waseca Julia Dutton Susan Lewis Mi Wendlel Mrs Dutton Sidney ' MoOolgan ss Lisle M ). Walton Elizab M Dougherty Ellie RDlclionagle lira J Watson Sera Doherty Eliz , h McKeesickSlagt A Watson Mollie Darat Mrs Mary J . Mcßride Ann Walton Alibis Doffymes Nary McVay Mrs Bunn Wethington Um 9 Drummond AAI Menials Mrs Whiddln lire L Badger' Ellen McNealy Annie Walker Mrs E Dorsey Mrs Morris McCallister Mrs Walker Mary Dolan 'Morsel Aletlaffrey Bonn Warren Mrs AR Dyrr bliss Ellen McQuillan Mary Whltebread B F Eutichus Sister MAlcOoserri Maria Waterman Mrs 0 Erskine McKeever Sarah Ewing Mrs Martha McCabe Sarah Wilson Mare J Eikel Miss Margt McMichael Jane Willis Rebecca Eppatein Regina Alchoughliug Ann Willower Sirs Emily Charlotte IlleKenn Martha Wilkinson Mrs E Earle Ilia Abble McCormick Mary Wilson Bossy Eames Mrs Ann McLellan Ann 'Wilma Mrs 8 Edwards Mrs I) 0 11IcElranyReboo Willerd Airs Everett Sarah Martin Mrs Jas Wilson Mary Elliott Mrs J 8 Mathews Mary Wood Sarah 1:7 Fitzgerald Julia Men Mist Anna Wood Linnie Fleming Rebecca , Aterrlne Mrs Ann Wright Mrs ft Frevega Lilac Mason Mrs Annie. Woods Kate Fairfield Jane Main Emma B Worlngton MJ Fitzpatrick 0 0 Birdcall Mrs Wright ELB Ferguson Rebecca Mathews Mary Young Ellen Parma MN Peter Ma Ire Eliza Vaughan Ellen Field Fannie C Matlack Mrs Jos Quigley Susan Foliage Bliss Morse Mrs !WU Vaulitt Paella Fairfield Mrs 8 $ Marl . Mrs Ann Young Louisa iii quibard Apo Ilan hire R Vierept Dlrt 0 - Palley Mrs Mary Masterson Elizsb &Alp Mary D Fletcher Margaret Merrick Maria GEIITLEHEN'B LIST. Amity Joseph R Caldwell A D Fairchild 'Smith B Allison Samuel Caddo° John Fahey Pat'k R Acker John °crews Peter B Farriqd Stephen Abbott Jas Charoborlain Chas Power' 1 hi Abaredo Gabriel Chichester be E. Parmerat Hay and Adams George Chandler Onor Straw AssocioVn Abel Jacob 'Pr Chloolne Reroute Flanagan L Allen Elias Chauncey N 2 Plock Jobe Ady Godfrey Chorponnitt Geo Fisher Kaleb 8 Addington It DDr Chapman Semi Ploy: Robt Adams Augustus Chester A Flood John Alesader E W Churchill Wm Flanagan V Adair Edw V Church Rev Phar Fisher John Atwood Capt Maples Robt Fillo John Anderson Alex Chambers Pr Fitzgerald, Dau'l Ashton Thou Cheltenham and Fitch II It 2 Anner Wm Willow Grove Fowler P . Ashwood HII Turnpike CO Free Reading ArmatrougJFoept Clawson Joseph It Room Arthur Dentist Clement W Foster David Armstrong A Clark Robt C Fogerty Geo Copt Arthur,Rodgers & Clement Walter 11 Yeth Co Clark Rev Jas Peeler Chas Barron Nelson Clark Wm J Frazer Gurney Barker Win I Clerk B&J Id Yrenelt Wm A Become Arch'd 2 Clark Gardner Folsom Jos E Badger (leo Clark It 0 Fraser Wm Babett CB Coull James Fortune Pat'k Barley 1 Edw Ooleabury Alex 0 Foarder Jacob Dobbs Chea Cowin Henry Frillton Jae Bauer Jno A Cooper Rev Dr Preedley Henry Bailey Wm Cotney Jas A Frankel Conrad Burnes Geo 11 Coe Jno E Frey A Jo J Bobo Wm Coleman Geo IV farther Zepholla Bailey L P Corcoran Anth'ny Colts Saml Barker 11 J Conrad Nicholas Gardoer IV A Barbot A Idea Cortes John Gallagher Jae Baker Blt Dr Coates Seneca E Gay & Levy Barnes blainton Cox Richard Garman David or Baxter Harry Comegys Wm Jacob Basher Henry Cooley H T Garrettson p Barber ft 11 Connor John 2 Catty Wm Backus JTDD Covet 1.1 R Germantown and Bacon Chas W Collins P Pork'n Turn- Berton 1 G Cook Arthur II ' pike Road Co Borger Jacob E Coburn Joe Whey Michael Baxter PL & H Coate Crawford Girard Levy Hollis Cooper Henry Godard Horatio 11 Barker Jesse Oogdell H W Rev Gillespie Win Beebe A D Prof Corbett W L Gibson 11 C Barley D Cornog David Gies Christian Reardon & Jack• Cannon Patna . Gibson I 'Wm son Mess Cummings Henry Glemmor Jno It PRAXIS Crania Wm 0101sghans 0 S Balshtlne Elt 3 Culbertson Day II Gibson II J Bernard Louis Gram AJ Dr Gilbert EII Benardo Franbmo Crosby Plerco 14 Gilligan Andw Beebe John E Crisper B T Gager Martin Behr Jos or Jae Cunningham dnoP Gorham Ohm W Ballenger B 8 Creasman Sas bt Gordan Wm It Beebe I W Cremorclen T or I Gowen Jas Birdell Jae Croamaut Geo 11 Godard & Fow- Beaty J F Crow Alex land Beverly Geo W Curry Robt L Gordon II W Helmer, Bpunier,Orilline Wm F Gomez SorDu 11 &Co Oroasdale Geo W Govear M It Mettle Joyce L Cromwell Willie Gore Jno Beck las A Davies Howell W Greene Oboe M Becker 0 Davis Riley A Grelfam 0 J Oapt Beck John J Daniels Edwd ft thillitit Wm Deck lee N Davis Delaware Gravy Wm Booker J 4 Dailey Semi Greenwood Jae Bell John Manic Chas Gunn Wm Bonnet Win If Daum C D Groom Jesse Blepleam A Son Davies Evan G ueryant T D FDr Bishop J - Davis Semi Guggenhelro ACo Bird 0 J D Dale RIM Griffith David 2 Diggs Henry Dalton Chrlstoplar Witmer At J Col Bishop Joel II Davison Henry Griot Jno Diddle Henry W Dalton J Gutmann SP Bibb II 0 Daukonsky W Graham Writ Dinh Win II Dailey Oboe Gummy (.1 Pi L Bingham Wm Devenny Chas Outbridge Robt (I Blokes & Rineley Delaware Tribe, Gritcoin Jno 8 Black Edgar N No 10, 10 RR IlemlOor Jets 31 Blackwell Joe Dolphin." Mr • Ileum II Black Bawl W Deloughery Jos Helium AII Diaden W T Delaborthes Oh Hamilton WDr Boyer Wm L De Belle Jno 31 Hem Wm P Botaford Achro De Camp Jim Home Ephraim Dowers Do Roux Moue Hamilton It Bogle Win Dearing A W Hall) Francis Boardman A 8 Delany F,dird Haldeman Geo W Boyd Win Dorsett Itowld It Hague Thos Boodle Mr D 0 La Cour J C Hamlin Ephin IV Bowles If II Dr' Dickey M 8 Boleti! John Drown Anthony Dixon 1: . 31 Balmer I' y Brown Joe Dias Ambrooio Harwood Thos Brown Eilm , d Dick JO 11, 9 Harvey John Brown Diamond Coal Co Ilernishfagor Aug Brown J 11& Co Dougherty bileti)l Harding Woe Drown Jno E banally Michael Hartle Jno 8 Brown Wm A Doherty Unity HartahernlsalcDr Brett Jacob DOM, Jos Mons Havere A Myriam Bryce Jan Gorden Downing Geo Hartshore R II Brightly Chas 11 Donohoe Voter Hazleton Oboe 11 Brooks II Doogan Chas Banco Seth 8 Dr Bradfield UIV Dorgan Jno A Mayes Inc Bryant A 0& Co Dougherty E L Harris Richard Bradley Chas 0 Doutititt Jno E Haneodo 11{11 Brandon Goo (Mrs 9) Hersh Jackson j Briscoe Jas ADr Drew 82 2 Hartley Broomleo Bitinl trek)) Mow() Harrls 1.? p Bressone Lewis rone,y Patrick Ilsirwogri A 111 Bradford Jno S" rake, Wilson A Harlan Wm J 'Bank° Henry 31 Co Harrah 0 J Brookll Duffy Wee Hayden Win Brook Francis I) Dopey P E Hayden Chas L Bryant Jno .1) Dupuy Col Jos Henry Pawl 11 Butler W II Dudley Geo W Hester W W Burnet 1)8 Roy Dysart Benj Happand 0 F 'Buchman EY lien Domoulen Aug 2 Miley Jon It Burl Martin Mono Dwyer Thos m ni k,yy no Bunkwalter J B Dundon Blehd neelio j B Bush D 0 DuPont Chita .11 Henri Peter Burt WllO Dr Daily Boporter Henry 0 0 Bryon .1 J Editor Henderson It IV Burr ChM It EbertlVni Henderson Wm M Burgess Wl , Eckenborger It liendrin Ell AL Burk A ideglam. Elio) , G lit Ileaslett Jno chart Eaton II Dr Bookman D P Bum lac W Edle Inn It Hon lieges Michael Burr Chas II Ehrenberg Casper Ilese Theo Burroughs Aaron EillottJohn Ilerbem David 8 Barton Jno Edger Jonathan Ilenlin Lewle Cameo Gideon Editor of Daily Henley Wm Cameron S Reporter 2 Helm W or Rehm Calvert Geo 11 Eagan Wm Henderson 11 F . Carlisle Jas II Easton IV Rev Hight If A Cavanaugh jno Elkins JIM Hilton Than ' Carson 13 M .pr Eckman Dann 131 1(o Mr Careen James Boatman 8 smo W Henalieliwood A Cardaneo Henry ER(47%1 Dept Ilighfleld A.1130a D Circoden Jae 8 Breton Trio II 11 Jas A Candy dm) B Ellwanger Gross Hinkle Chas Gamin B & Co fledges It It Camp Rev Jos Evans Ihnopt , n W Houghton II (3 Cootie Jae IU Epee John Wm Howell Bertram A Caldwell W 8 Evans David Hares Bona Oatalbro Marian Esterdog Jacob Houghton D W Castor Joe Evans si J Holzer Ed Rush Oamplon .1 W ' English Wm Hoff JB l Gaston Jno W 31rard Hiram If Houston Wm S DOW A Bonn Ernwrlght Fll HollingewortliGlV Carpenter Chas M Ewell Wm Howse II 'Y Dr Om John Everhart Mlt Holmes Ralph Cain Hugh 2 • Everath John Holmes A Oche. o=ool Jos ,vane ITVA Co 101 l the Society tutyleeml, will N, in the November 28d, THE PitESS,4MtADlfitlttlA; MONDAY, NoYEMEEit 23s 1857. - . Ho@elfin We Moretti :aleph She'elefoine A 3 Hay Forges Merto Guzeppo Park W T Hopkins Edwd AI Dlegulre JAs T . Shale Joseph Hopper E Meter Ilerhard Shenk ate Hoyt N H Mullen A S Short It 111 Holmes it N DlooklingJohu Simmons 35) S Ilouelon & Ha, Moynell Amos Simmons &Co rue Middleton Gee NV Simmonda W ti Holland John NV Miller Joe A Slimes E T Hoskins Graham Mitchellar Jae P Waller Patrich Humphrey Jas C Miller Stephen F Steen D Francisco Holland Robt Mickel I David Smith Ben J Hogan Nicholas Mills nos Smith is Co Slt Hummel! Wend Miller 13 II Smith W B Iluddleaton A Minis Win Smith Wm 2,. Hubbard W Copt 2 Miller Thee Smith Mathew - Hover It F Mitchell Josoph Smith Robt '0 Hutchinson Fld Dliller Lewis Smith HWY Hudgins T A Mitchell Anthony Smith James Hahn 0 W Milligan II W Smith Solomon G Ingraham Thou Morals 3 attes Smith Joseph II Ingraham Geo Mott OP Smith Coo W Ivens Saml H Morton Saml Smith Walter Inglis John Moore 8 II Smyth Barthonr Insurance Co of Moyer Mahlon Small Woe Penne Monahan John Snowdon 3ld Jackson 8 Morrie (leo K Snook ' , Nina Janlin 3 2 Morris Rawly Southwick iaa L Jacob Isaac Moore It P Suthland S E Jevltt Rev AL Mrs Moran John Sprott John James 11 le Rev Morels Mr Spencer II W Jesup AI K Moore James A Spr.nger Jonathß Jeffries J no L Moulson F E Spring Edna, J Jackson Joshua Morrow Uvsson It Stuart Wm 0 James A Murphy Sir Strudwen JasW Jones— . Myers Joseph Striate Solomon H Johnson Goo Rev Murry Michael & Story Robt 8 Jones It MA Co Mary Stetson Joseph Johnson Henry Muster & Ker. Stewart Fred Jones Wm T bough Stone Jos W Johnson .7 Evans Myer Henry Stephen Venthier Johnson James Myers Jno V Story I? A Jones Dr Murphy DA 2 Stinson John Joly David Murphy Wm N Stores tlackerrele Jones A Myers Wm Stelfet Geo Jones h' P Mummy& Trichett Stonebachilialdon Johnson JII Alyennell Henry Slots John D Joyce B Vernon Neill Thos 0 Stoma B B Jones 8 & Co Newton Isaac Steakhouse J W Jordan Wm G Knoll Geo . Stulumn John S Johnson Geo &Co Neill Wm D ' Standish Hiram Jonas Henry W Norton Chas P Stock Theodor Jordan Mr Nicholls Thos Strait Jan 8 Jones Jno 11 Newcomb H 0 State Fire & Ma /lane Thom Nenimoks Frank rine Ins Co •' , Kelxnweilor B Mutt.° ACo Sutton Jan/en,* Kane John Newbold & Fisher Society Swiss Co. , Katz lif Michael Neill John At D lonisation Kenos. Edwin Nicholson Joe Butter Dan ' KorrJno 0 Norton Franklla Sweeny Philip Kotler Andrew North Panel Swain tenses Kellogg Itotd it Neill James 0 Swans Jefferson I. Kehl Adam O'Donnell Wm P Suddelter W 8 Kelly Thoa Osheschlieger K Swartz Goo Kennedy 10 A Colisrro Wo, Swan Griggle Keller Peter O'Connell Dant Swank Id J Kerr David 71 O'Brian Jno Tathhold Chao Kew—.— Gleba Sand 0 Taggart Oboe Kern Jas 0 ,Odom Ohne TaulauJ B Kelley Sett ' Owens John A Tesler 8, AI D Hoary Martha Olwirio A Tallott Wm. Kelly Jae O'Connor Patrick Taylor .7 ' • Kingslarri7 MorrlsParker Jahn 7 'Taylor Marshall [(needle, Jewel Palmer Sam I Thine Francis Kirke*? 1 Jois Dr Parritt Semi 0 nosier ll A Hniekerboektor Patrick John . Thomer 0 A ?APage Chas Thetchor Elehd Kials= Pafue Henry Al Thompson Hold Knight Joo Patten Jobs 2 ThOmas 4 D Koorey Androssy Paine Woe AI D Thorp EII Knight WWI DDr Paganollo Bodge° Thom.. Sarni KNOWN Lawa .Paeleard L A Thoriondaomyth 2 KIWIS VOID Page JJ . Oonnur Thompson li A King DAM ..l'anevast Gaol A Titus John ' KunkolJaaols At Painter Israel Thompson .7 W King Jas 8 Pendleton John E Thompson Thos Kraft !umlaut Phillips Amos Thomas E Z ' Kirk Louis Pharafzr A Thomas Wm Knowles N " Perry John W Thornton Hugh tanner Chas POO it Thompson Wm Lawrence It 0 Pennington Lite Tamer Beni Lambert G Perry It m Totter Wit 6 Lawronion John Phillips Herbert Taylor E G Launder Jno Pedrick Chas W Manor J A . . . . Lawrence, blyers Potion Oliver M Tripplo (Jeo H &Cs Phllllo% H Truiten Bordy Luw Jaa Phillips 7 2 Tunnel! Geo 2 Labbertun It IlPro Phillips Oen W Tunnell Brinchera Laasig J E Piper Andrew & Ilanea Lauber I'h.l • Pigon John Treacy John Marin Jas Pitman Geo II Turner L Laws & Rolston Pittsburgh flag Co Tumidly Jig Laurog B Plane Joaquin 2 Tweddell ht Labbertoo V II P. Power Jae' True well J !Amore= P. r Potter ktr Tresdwell Jon Laming J P Porter /moo It 'buoy OW Lambert L Jr, a Polly Ceo %V Tucker George Levy P II Praise J it Todd Jos Levi John Prichard Jona'n Warm G .. .. . . .. . . Lerma Tame Tree' JNA Waddle John Id Leo Rdir It Wine gnianuol wan Netball W Levrie 0 T Premier Uenry Wa(loco Woo Loan J It Quinn fronds Ware It al Levy Isaac . onicksall Garvey %limns A D Lee & Starsh Hayman Timothy Waller T 1) 0 Cept Lee Peet U Itaffen Jan Watson John Leyrer L M Reyna Augns Warren J T Linslie 0 Raiser Warner Ward Mark Lawn Joseph Rahn 8 II 0 Walker I .1 Dr 2 Livingston hi & W Reed It W Warner Amos Livingston E J Read Rhona W Warner 0 Little Sam 13. Reynolds A W Wood J J . Linnard SR Rewell I Id 0 Watford Joseph Limes August Rhoads Edwd Ward lee It Lingle John Renwick G Warren Wm Llewellyn & Read & Phillips Waram .1 It Moore Reaney Wm Wallace IP J Luta Adam Roves F 0 Watson Loyd Jk Read Jaa 'Wagner J J A Lowery Wm IL Reit,* Conant Wollerton ICenard Lonaker .Tno Reuse Wrn Well /IP Long deo Z Renshow Itlch'd Woatonberger W Loring J J Reynold,' B Wentworth T Lombard I+ Dr Reels David Webb T S . . Long Whitney Reed Jas E, Welsh Ale; Lyon E 0 Reineke IT Webb Chas Lull A4_ Itoc,ys LOMIA Woolen U N ' Madge 0144 Iles geed, Mcfirener t Well W L Lovekey Kelly dc. Co Wheeler dc Tommy Luton John T Reynolds II W Whitaker Wli !moues, Rippstein Go White T L Northern Liberty RiggsJegerson Whorton NW Lodge No II I 0 Itiotiseds C pee 0 Whitaker Joseph of 0 I , Rigg Wm 0 Whitey Morning Star Richardson Chas Whitaker Robt ' Lodge No 4 I 0 Richard John Whitney T 13 of 0 F Itigneu Edw Whyte Thu Groaghan Jas Richard Goo W Whkitini MSC De V Mole Gasper Riley Thos White N A McCoy Hoe Richards Goo II Wimlbe 4 N McCormick John Richard lc Oro, Wilson Jas 0 McCawley NIA sort Wither Dr . . AtcL'allister Mr Robinson That 'Winder Wm Col Ohms Roberta 8 %Wilma I P McCrory Rot Boonely WWI Wilson Gahm 111c0obb Astrid Robison tlatthow Willard Is • McClOnnelly Kd Itoboson Mr Witareyn Ij Meanllan 'rhos Rogers Win II Wilson JP McCalder 4111•ME4 Itoech L *Maul Vlt McCall Arthur llonbroggle Ys 'e Williams P hicCorn ISt hobinsyn, Wm 8 It Milan It R McCully J 0 Boherts I , or Ei Mce , 111 1,3 7 (rime 11ohlttscn /am Wisime John Llrants Ackert!' Wm Wilcox lax McCauley Ilogh Robb / Wilson W 7 WC lough 7antes Baldly U J Wilmer Rome it MoCauly 7 11l lodgers Robert Williams Kew McCauley & Co Rosentlusiter & Williams P .11 0M Brothers Wilson I McCauley Jos IS Rothe A Winkler John McDermott Jno Body lienry Willis Fred S N Mclntyre Ityckman John Williams Waah McElroy W J Ryall Bob't T Wilson AWMD Motivate Win Russell Win Wilkinson & Ern McKinley Ilugh Schmidt Chas S P McGarigm Win &bre* Jacob 'IL oolalngton Win Dleldohan Thee Sclunelyer Jolla Woode Mebane' Michl ficholchart John Worick Woral MoLeanhe Wei ' Sausen Jas 8 Wolf I N . ... . . Moholay ,lance lichurr 7theoph Workman .1 0 Mcfarlantl Win Seigg. , Win Wolcott 110 &Wane John fienoleo Mr Woodward Alt Maulley Jaa Bchroover Klein Walt Dlw . . .. afaodunk Astoria liehailerJacques Wood Philip !deuce° N 0 1110 Schreier Perdired Woodward EMOS Magnin II Saylor Chas Wright Joseph Mann A Pager Adam Whright Th Mackin Maury Scott (lea 8 Wynkoop Geo N Martin Lather Scudder Wm C ‘VynattaYilleha Manning John Schalser Konerl lindorhilt Chat Meanie 0 &hall Alfred It, 2 Van Dyke P A 2 Mercer J D Sargent Mr Van Clear /1 L Many Adam Schlosser MDr Vaneleave II L aletweliSmith Seldomnalse 11 Vauhart Alla& Markley Henry C &avail John 111 Verner J , Maurer Chas Senior Jahn G- Vance Wro, Mathes Lawece Seebatun Mist Y4K NK I 4, Mann It U Senior J .P. Yaladeven All 110)320 id Edger golfers .loei 'Vertex Ilarry aleenrer Joeoph Bolter Xos Yuung Judah r irt e e on alq 4 'ic: 'V sho:a Pi yocusaJ V n S o lemon Share A W Zimmerman J Maglanchlen Wlt *Maier Ailrel a (.1 Zimmer Wm ildstthewsun John Shields ) Ilayrs Zeigler Ohne n023.1t GIDEON G. WESTOOTT, P. M, `TEAM MACHINERY FOR SCREW PRO , 1.7. FELLER SLOOP-OF-WAR. NAVY DEPARTIONV, N.:Member 10,1657, SEALED PROPOSALS, endareed Proposalli for Steam Machinery for O'crew Propeller sloop-of-War," wilbe received at Me Department until 3 ololock te 16 t h December next, for the complete construction of the atom machinery and apkendagee, andplacing It on board a screw propeller flm) of war building In the United States navy yard at Philadelphia. The offers must be for a apeoMe cum for putting the whole in successful operation; meet Include all paten% fees for any arrangements that may be Itropneed i stale the time In which the work will be completed, and be accompanied by the usual guarantee required by law. The name of the establishment in which the work Is to be executed must be Blatt& The details of the design and arrangement of the ma. chinery will he loft with the party whose proposition may be Accepted As combining the greatest number of advantages, keeping in view simplicity of construction, readinese of access for Adjustment when in operation, and not being subject to derangement in the working parts; it being the object of the Department to obtain lieu moat speed and power with the molt economical consumption of fuel and the greatest steerage of coal which the apace available for that purpose will relent. The bettors to he of iron, with teleemplo smoke-pipe, which roust be placed at the greatest practicable Ms. tance from the mainmast ; the propeller with the pen^ ;motions for hoisting, to be of composition; the ma chinery for hoisting, ler pumps, apparatus for ventilat— ing, and appurtenances of all kinds necessary for the perfect working of the whole, to be of the most ap proved kinds. The coal-bunkers, shaft passage, two athwartships iron bulkheads, a distilling apparatus for fresh water from which can be made not less than 1,1000 gallons per day; all the tool. and duplicate pieces ne cessary and satialaotory for an °indent cruising steam 0111 p-o f-war must be included in the proposition, and a lint el them moat be furnished. The woad and carpenter work (except the boring out the deadwood for the shaft) necessary to adapt the yea. eel for the reception of the machinery, boilers, and up. pondagea, sill lie provided at the expense of the Navy Department, and it trill permit the use of ouch facili ties us it may have for hoisting the heavy machinery on heard, For the accommodation of tke entire edema machinery and the fuel, thorn will he allowed in the body et the chip the entire / pace, wader the berth deck, commencing at IN feet abaft the mainmast, and thence extending forward a distance of 60 feet; the greatest breadth In aide clear of the plank under the beams being 42X feet, and the height from the top of the timbers to the mar der side of the beam amidships being 10 feet 0 inehea. 'Within this space it is expected to carry coal fog thir teen days' fun 'deeming, the daily consumption of whialt the bidder will stele In hie specifications Nral the weight of the machinery, water In boilers, abaft,pro peller, end append a ges, with, the tools and apace work, met net eNcifcd 040. tons, of 2,240 peens, The esteem' from the aft Ado of tho mainmast to the aft-aide of the forward stern-post will he About 100 feet, and the distance befaveou tho forward and the after stern-post wilt bo 'l f t; the depth from the lead water hoe to the top of the keel under the propeller wilt be 10l Met. ilternmengino manufacturers who desire to bid can obtain re copy of tho section of the veseel upon making application to the Department, The proposal must be accompanied by full specifies fione and general drawings, having the position of the centre of gravity ot the machinery, bollard, itc., marked on them; giving also. the Capacity of the steam cylin der's and aeon of foot and delivery valves ,and of air pomp, and outboard delivering Tattoo, apace for ateam above the water line to boilers, the Ore and grate sur face; also, the diameter pitch surface, and kind of propeller and other principal points, that comparisons ran readily be made. There will also be Oren the esti mate of the weight of engines, boilers , water, bunker,, appendages, tools, and Apar', work, in tons of 2,240 pounds, The terms of payment will be that when one-fourth of the materials and labor provided for in the contract shall have been completed to the satlsfaetion of the Department, there will be made a payment of oneofifth ;part of the whole amount of the oontraet when one half the work shell in like manner be completed, there will be a further payment of ono-fifth ; when three fourths the work shaillhave been completed, a further payment of one-fiftla ; when the whole shall have been eompleted, and have made a satisfactory trial of one week, then a further payment of one-fifth; and when the ship shall have performed satisfactorily at MI for a period of three months, then the remaining mu shall bo paid. The repairs necessary during this period front defec tive workinannhip or =halals will bo at the expense of the contractor. The proposals must be explicit, and no qualified or conditional offer will be considered. no2B-tn & th t DeclB W.TORAGE on SECOND and THIRD FLOORS can be bed at 119 North Water street. Apply to.lttaTlN & /IAOALIBT.BIt. a 025 proposals. ISAAO TOUUSY, Secretary of the Navy ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTUS Up to 12 o'clock Last Night GIRARD MOUSE—Oheatnut Street, below Ninth. 3 P Winding & sef, Ye Minn Sterling, Phila Mrs T Ewing, Ohio Urn W T Sherman, Ohio /I 8 Huse, Ohio Alex Strong, Boston BR Spaulding, Boston A J Mathews, Alabama A H Harris, Tunkhannock I) Weisel, Maryland J Eldridge, New York 'Moe It Marston .M. D, Ye 3 W Hall, Baltimore It L Castel!, West Chester 11 (.1 Drake, Hartford, Ct li M Hodges Jr, Baltimore 0 lt Hodges, Baltimore W T Booth & la, N York A Metcalf, Boston A It Fiske, Rhode Island 0 H. Hopper, Pa 3 Valletta, New Jesvey W Hurter A la, Mobile Miss Darla, Mobile Ed Penton', Georgia W li Palmer, New York. Il lil Clark Jr, New York JAI Loughborough A avf, BR Payson, Bolton St Louis, Mo J Chialos,St Louis J C Thorndlke & wr,Bost'n 0 LeMbley, London (leo 0 Byron, New York J H Reynolds, New York Jos Evens, Lancaster, Pa J VS' Blachley, N Y Ed McCauley, Phila tido 0 Allen, N Y Buckley Hunter, N Y Geo Lowrey, Washington J Macdearnord, N Y 0 Johnson, N 1! W Wall, Washington Aug Bobtail, Washington Peter Fullmer, Washingha ft Barton, Washington 3 Jones, Jr, Washington Miss Ann 0 Parynbaut, D 0 Antonio Prysinl, NO WII Belcher & la, N Y John Honeywell, Balt 0 3 Hammond, BO W Allen, 8 O P Doegier, N Y C F II Gregory, IT S N Dr W (I Carter. N C Geo It Jackson. N Y Mai F u Cook, Belt 1? 3 P Jones, Bristol B Ili B Tremble, Balt W It Mann, Batt II Morton, N Y 8 9 Carrier & le, Pa W 11 Ogden, Chicago Mrs MeCegg, Chicago Hun W 0 A Lawrence, Pa WII Brown, Harrisburg W AI Pervade, Carlisle It. II Manson, Pe 0 T Merriman, Ky IF 0 Gilbert, Harrisburg Mae Berrall, Cincinnati, 0 0 MOH, Baltimore 3 l Waggoner A In, Ve 0 T Randall, Boston Wirt B 8 Gay, Boston Juo Tilton, Bunton W S French, Provide, It I G ll Obtherall, Min'a Ter 0 A Richardson, N Y It T Jones, Petersburg, Ye V J Taylor, Georgetown L Spencer Goble, N J FIKSOILANTrP DOTEL—Fourth It . below Arch. -.S V Sumner, Syracuse It T 00 ley, Md Wm 0 Itopkins, Vs A 0 Bradford, California Mho Obsmnan, W't Chester Willismson Loin', Vs W P Knot, K V Jos Koss, Pittsburg It S Datley , Wellsboro . , Pa S Williams, Louisville Mtge Williams, Louisville Mies James, Kentucky Thos J Rowland dr. son, Ky Beni Johnson, Lyon W W H Davie, Danville J DlcKibbin, PhDs L Filbert, Columbia AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut. below Sixth at. H A Silica:. N Y M Griffin, N Y B 0 Henry & la, Harriaburg Job a A Savage, Wis D Fleming, N Y 8 Smith, N Y .1 Harrison, N Y W Arnold & In. Ct 8 P Miller, N Y 0 II Martin, N Y D /I Renaedy, Pa C Hellen, N Y Inas 0 Walters, li 17 A E Thayer, N Y 81' Hargrave, %'a W B Patton, Ct a W Todd, Phil, 8 Marot, Phila. 9 II Elliott, N Y H. G Illlateln, St Louie 8 a Black, Pittsburgh II C Ohampron, Pittab'gh A A Adams, Ohio John 11 Harrison, N Y Charles Harrison, N Y Jan 31 Stearn, Del John Smith, Del Jos II Newell, Illinois Henry W Tripp, Georgia Mr Rice, Georgia P A Stebbins, Conuerapert E N Stebbins, Conuerapt Ds' Y Zeller, N Orleans II Q Hood, New York WAI Thackera, Pltila It N Bowerman, N York NATIONAL MOTEL—Mace street, above Third. W Major, Leesport W It Boudoir, M Chunk J Politest, Phila. E Allen, Springville, Pa J Morrie Jamestown J T James, Readl II W Smith, Allentown 0 Ynnornond, Nortlert N 11Richardson, Pa T S Martz & son, Pitti'gh 01 W Morgan, Pottsville J Kirk, York co, Pa A 8 'Frisbee, N Y T 011kysen, N J T II Newman, Rem! J Newman, Ilereg .7 Du nee, Pottsville Mr Woods, Pa Ii 0 Kent, N Y It Prentiss, N Y 0 8 Schuyler, Texas UNION HOTEL—Arch stmt. below Fourth. J FI Crouse, Pa Henry Miller. Jr, Pa R D Hartshorn, Pittsburgh, C D Wilson, Ohio John Troby, Pa J IT Intshaw, Pa A M Taylor, lid J 8 Pelletaur, Brooklyn a Shuts. Harrisburg (ieo Pock, Harrisburg 0 it Millar, Ts l Firs Miller, MO 0 Hogan, 11l Was Bally, It I 1/ It ;Indian, Hooding W 8 Fisher, Beading J W Derby, Olaysv'e Pa J N Weston, Boston STATES UNlON—Market etreat. above Math. P. McDonald, Pottsville' II L Goodall, Lancaster J It Sparks, N II 0 W McElroy, Pa Lewis Trotter, Pa T T Stone*, Cllnton,lowa Stewart McClung, Ya Robt J Olemis, V. Jam Spangler. Wisconsin J Joao', Pa J Campbell, Carlisle RUCK BEAR INN—Filth and Merchantstreets. G Speakman, Pa 3 Seltzer, Pa J Palet, Phlla 9 F Reynold'', Washington T W trans, Reading K Crugor, N Y Mrs bi T Large, NJ J Galiner, Went Chester Trainer, Cheat co, Pa T Coaten, Chest co, Pa hlltcliner, Cheat co, Pa R Miller, Cheat co, Pa 8 Woodward, Chicago, 111 P N Leonard It la, Pa L Kenney, Cheat co, Pa A Blood, Dunklc, N Y BALD EAGLE LIOTEL—Thini street, atm. Osllcartall G Werner, Philo P Doom, Lanc co, Pa Grinner, Wilmington, Del. BLAU BEAR IFOTEL—Thin) it., above Cellowbill abaner, Allentown .11T Whiter, Allentown IMAM BEIKAY—Second, below Vine street. L 'Brewer, Lumber,'e, Po It AI Cooeh, New Hope a 'Wright, Bunks on T N MHee , Pogehase ?bow's, Lumberrille C J John, N Y Beaus, Bucks co °Knight, Smithfield B Usenet., PA J McNair, Washington ' MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. 'McOlaekr, Pittaburgh B Moses, Ind P Lebanon co, Pa WL Kleinfoldt, Leb co, Pa Ii P Murdock, N J JP Bagora, N J Bradohaw, Balt D F Bploer, Philo TB Smith, Wilmington, Dol. tOrD (oob BLANKETS! BLANKETS 21 BLANK ins! ! !—S. U. ARGIIMdRAITLT, S. R. corner SPRING GARDEN and FRANKLIN Streets, have Just readmit— 400 6 6 11 . 6 bosT2 atiaketn, at 1 60, 2 00, $ 00, a 00, 41/0,11 00 4ad 4 0 . - (WIEAP SIIAWLS. 1 lot Broettaßharria, at 11 DO, worth $lO. VO Blanket tlhawle, at 1 60, 2 00, 3 00, 4 00 nod $6. Stella Shawls at 2 00, 9 00, 4 00 and 85. DRESS GOODS. ACO plooeo vow Delaloea, reduced to 12,44' and 18.4' a. 100 picot. Madonna Cloths, at 8, worth 12Ne. 1000 yard. dark OtOntres, at 0%, 8 and 100. 600 rude Vftlenelee Plaid., at only IS MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. 0111l8IMMet at 60, 62N, 76, 87% and at. Boys , wear at 26,31%, 31 %, 44 and 603. Wool Blannela a; 12N, 10%, 18%, 25, 11,17% and 60e, He►vy Canton Flannels at 8 and 20c. At 8. R. AROIIAM SAULT'S. S. N. corner SPRING OARDNN and FRANKLIN Streets. no21•Bt QTILL GREATER BARGAINS IN ALAN -1,1 KETB.—Y. ABOLIAMDAULY, N N. Corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Street, will open thiN morn tag, front Now York Auction, 60010611 a of largo air*, all wool, Twilled Blankets, at $1 50, $1.15, $2lO, 03 23, $660, 84, $5, $O, in, $3, and $lO. Also, 100 large sire Onellortatdea at $1.16 and $2. 0111 , ,AZ SHAWLS. Kitts else Long Shawls, from $5 to $9. Squero Shawls rom $1 to $4; Broebo Shawls from $5 to $l5. 5101tE CHEAP OARPF.Tg. Ingrain Carpets, wool filling, at 161 , 18X, and 25c ; all wool Carpets at 60 and boo ; Stair Carpets from 10 to 37c ; Entr7 Carpets front 18 to 620.; Rag and List Car- pets at 18 and 25n. One Price Stare, N. E. corner 0, BIAVENTII and MARKET Streets. uu2l.ot SPECIAL NOTICE.- A large assortment of Atkra&the and seasonable Silty 0001)3, From the extensive wholesale steam of several SUSPENDED ROUSES, Will be opened TIIIB DAY, NOVEMBER Mat, IBM, At the store No. 923 MARKET Street, NORTH SIDE, Between Ninth and Tenth, And sold throughout EY RETAIL, AT AN UNPRECEDENTED REDUCTION In prices for 0 A 871. The gouda are all new, and of recent importation or manufacture ; and a rare opportunity is offered to pur chasers to purchase the ben makes and soyles, far below the usual prices, SAMUEL 0. 11E33, n0v21.2w No. 923 MARKET Street. BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA—GREAT RXHITRIKENT AT I.IELCHERV—We are re ceiving tke notes of the above bank at pot for Dry Hip* at greatly. reduced prices, sank at Pennsylvania Notes taken for Cloaks and Uinta. Rank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Shawls Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Dresu Goods. Dank or Pennsylvania Notea taken for Merinos. Batik of Pennsylvania Notea taken MOn'ti Wear. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Ribbons Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Embroideries. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Domestics. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken fur Blankets. Bank of Penzakylvanla Noted taken for Gloves and Hosiery. Dank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for the choice of goods from one of the largest and best-selected atocks in the sity, and at extraordinary low prices, at P. A T. 11 IIEGOIIRWS, novll-Ot R. W. corner Eighth and Spring Hanlon. FINE HEAVY BLANKETS. Superior 12-4 Twilled Blankets: Medium and mall else do. ltell), Cradle, and Berth do. Also, Knee Blankets, beat etylee. Me and gantlet Horse Blankets. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, no2l.rp CHESTNUT nod EIGHTH Ste F RENCEI IsSERINOES. 60, 62)4, 70 and 76 cents, Very suyerior Goods for tho prlces. 0110.W1t4 BTOIDDAUT & 460, 462 and 454 N. SECOND Street, no2l-2t. above Willow. CURIVEN STODDART BROTHER llama on band a largo assurtniont of PARIS PRINTED DELAINEB, At SIX, 40 42, 44 and 50 cents, Surol uteed at the tate auction Sales in New York. 450, 452 'tad 454 N. SECOND Street, no2l-2t A boy° Willow BROOLIA LONG SHAWLS At 44, $lO,, $ll and $l2. Together with a full Hue of Impeder (locate, at ex treinety low prices. . . . . OURWEN 91'01/DART Ac BRO., 450; 452 and 464 N. SECOND Street, n02t1.2t above Willow. ITNSIIRINKING FLANNELS.— SUAIIPLEBB BROTHERS hare opened Ilea{ Welab, specially imported, Heavy Swanskina, for non's wear ; Ballard Tale, of all qualities and width', French and reglich ; Bee Saxony 6-414hrotllnge, and dnuble-whlth Flanunl4. nor tH CHESTNUT and Bloll'l'll streots Gent!melte' Surnieliing Itoobo VINE SHIRTS, 'natio to order, and war ranted, of elegant material sod tupormr work raanehlp. Also, Drees Stocks not Gentlemen's Wrap pars, st the Premium Storm of W. W. KNIWIT, di Altell Street, •hove Slith. no2l-y WRAPPERS! WRAPPERs I WRAP PERS !--A very large and elegant assortment a reduced prioes. Also, heavy wader-clothing of all de sorlptlone, for gentlemen's wear, at W. W. KNIGHT'S 612 AltOlf Street, above Sixth. tiv2l-y W INCHESTER & SCOTT, MEN'B FURNISIIING STONE, and PATENT 0110tYLDEFI SHAM SHIRT RIANUFAOTOEY, No. Tee CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Phi Weights. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, Is particularly invited to thle Unproved cut r o t; Shirts, the 1110 d porfuot fitting article mule. At who',e. ads and retail, and made to order. aus-IyAr Wants. WANTED ---TWO VESSELS Of 30,50 i) tons, to load for Noy }Neat. treigbaready for shipment, and good. rates Oven, Apply . to BIIIIIOP, BILSONg, o CO., n023•13t 120 °stead) North Wharves. FIVE A No. I CANVASSERS WANTED. A. —ow make from We.) to teo dollars per dap. Prply at No. 60 3 ohettuyt street above Birth, office of egrrOvi ealitegtOMPT Company, nor2l-9t ißrp (boobs EXTRA ANNOUNCEMENT. TllOB. N. EVANS k CO WILL 01'.1:f TIIIS ItORNING 201arge Consignment of RICH AND SEASONABLE GOODS, Which, together with their owo IMPORTATION Of the Frame demeriptiop of Wads, will be offered at a —IIBDUOTION OY ONE THIRD FROM VIII COST Nos. 818 sad 820 CHESTNUT St PENNSYLVANIA BANK NOTES TAKEN AT YAK FOR DRY ODODS. The flub. rlbe r °Rare for a few days hie entire Mock at gouda at pie,. Ti) 81.11 T TUB TIMES, and receive hi payment noted of the Pennsylvania Pant. Thiel, to %kith as may have any of this doubtful paper ou hand, Is offering a great Inducement, as his stock I. one of the beet in the city. Please giro blot an early call. II F. JOIINSON, no2o-1w 911 Market at , abovu Ninth, north stdo BLANKETS. 0111tWEN STODDART t BRO., Rare on band an extensity(' Stock of NOREION AND DOMESTIC BLANKETS, Which are marked at OBEATLY REDUCED PRICES 450, CS and 454 N. SECOND Street, store Willow CARD .—WE WILL CONTINUE TO sal our Stock or KNITTING ZEPHYR. for a short time longer, at the low price of IS% mato per ounce, sod warrant It fresh imported Goods Also, au assortment of SCARLET SPLIT PEPIIIIL At tlie loked marketprteo. BLACK BALL FRINGE, (food style, twelve and a halt cents. Togother with our usual assortment of Wise Dram Trimmings, Cleak Tassels, Binding', ice at the lowest prices RAPSON'S, n019.6t N. W. eor. MONTI' and CHERRY Hts. (3,00DS FOR MEN AND BOYS' WIN TER WEAR. CURWEN STOBBART it BRO. Invite the atteotlon of buyers to the Wes:ogre Stock of BROAD CLOTHS CASSIHERES, SATTINETS, And YESTINOS, To be found In their Wareroom, moat of which hare been purchaser! at the late forced Auction Salmi, at greatly depreciated prices. Noe 450, 452 and 454 N SECOND Street, nolo-4t *bore Willow. NLCELROY OPENSTO-PAY THE Created Bargains in AUCTION DRY GOODS Ever offered, at one-half the usual price'. A splendid assortment of DROCIIE LONG' AND SQUARE SHAWLS, At about one-half the usual pricos. CHENILLE SHAWLS At from $ 3 50 , sti $ 5 , Pi, 57, 50, at less than ulna-half the usual prices. LADIES' CLOARS AND TALSIAS, The best Styles, at one-half the regular prices. CLOTHS FOR LADIES' CLOAKS, At ono-half the regular prices, from SIS, $l, Si 55, $1 50, $1 75, $2. —IMMENSE BARGAINS— The largest assortment of CLOAKS AND DRESS TRIMMINQS In the city, at less than half-price. SIIIRCNOES FROM AUCTION All shades and colors, all-wool and real k f rencls, from 50 cents, 82, 00 ceata—decided Bargains. SIOELROT, non-St-Hi ea m No 11 South NINTH Street. F/ NGL I S II HOSIERY AND UNDER VESTS. SHARPLESS BROTHERS Have received an invoice of a very desirable make— Womon's and Misses' COTTON' HOSE. do. do. BALBRIGGAN HOSE. Mona long and bait do. Saxong, Vigonia, and Merino SHIRTS. Elastic Silk SIHRTS and DRAWERS. AT 3500050 PRIM. noI8•rp CIIESTNUT and 3 1 1011T1.1 Sta. R E M OVAL. L. 3 LEVY & CO., IN ANTICIPATION OF REMOVAL SPLIENHID NEW STORE, Now tolng erected for them In CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EICEITII, few) determined, fora parted of 30 DAYS, To dispose of a large amount of their Stock now In store at very LOW PRICES FOR CASE. They Incite the attention of the Public and their Out tomers to one of the most complete assortments of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS To be found in this country, which will be disposed of for the period named, et such prices as will Insure their sale. CHESTNUT STAKET, nail-U NEXT TO TIIR CUSTOM NOUSE HEAVY BROWN COTTONS. One Thousand Bales MEETINGS, SIIIRTINQS, AND DRILLS, • 111oK Tux LAWRENCE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, JACKSON COMPANY, (INDIAN IIEAD,) AND NASHUA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Of their various widths sod etylee, which are offered for wile for first-class peper,.on SIX moNrirs , CREDIT, by the Agents of the Compel:dee, ALFRED SLADE & CO., 39 LETITIA STREIT. GREAT SALE OF LADIES' CLOAKS. A FURTHER REDUCTION IN PRICES bee been determined on by the out scribers, to con sequence of the continued preseure. 500 MISSES' ENGLISH BEAVER CLOAKS, $2, formerly $3 50 300 MISSES' EI'HILISII BEATER CLOAKS, $3 50. formery 250 SUPERIOR FIRP.NOII I BEAVER CLOAKS, $5 to $B, cost to Import $7 to SIO each. LO NO BLACK BEAVER CIRCULARS, $5, formerly 312. RICH BLACK VELVET CLOAKS, All 20 per cent. below cost of production. J .IV. PROCTOR & CO., Successors to 000. Bulpin & Co., 013 2mo d 708 CHESTNUT street. L ADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL & SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORRS, 1028 CHESTNUT Street, four doors below Eleventh And 311 8. SECOND St., below Spruce. FACTORIES.—Noe. 93 nod 97 GEORGE St., Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union. Orders made at a few hours , notice. se23 tuff % TORN B. STRYKER, Ja., Wholoule Dealer fa AIIOTION DRY GOODS. No. 12 BANK Btrebt, Philadolphic 00t1,2m FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! FURS!!!! JOHN FAREIRA & CO., Importers, Manufacturers, and Dealers iu FANCY FURS, FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN Having manufactured au immense Stock of FURS with the expectation of doing our usual business, the present pressure of the times, and comparative stegua tiou of trade, hale lett 1161 with an unusual amount of' Stock upon our ,helm es. It is to meet this difficulty that we have now DETERMINED To clue° out our ' ENTIRE STOCK At Pr/cos Oct nany too than MEM COST TO !..lANUFACTURE We bare also on baud a largo and complete assort ment or GENTS' FURS, GLOVES, All of which will be Rohl at very LOW PRIONS. No. BIS bl6.ltN ET St., bet. Elgb th and Ninth, nolN•dw South aide Tor 6"olc dub eo tet. ro LET--A four-story HOUSE in LOCUST Stmt., licst door below st. Ittrk's Okurch. In quire of D. KIIITEENTII street, tour doors below Locust. n023.3t* FllO RENT.-A ESER AB E REM . - D.ENOJE, on the north aide of FILBERT Street, between Sixteenth and Soventet nth streets, with side yard, &c. Also , n neat two-eto ry Uwelltnq, on hiAlt- GARSTPA Street, 'West Philadelphia, near to Chestnut etreet oinnibue route. Apply to J.S.M.E3 TVADDELL, OAK Street. tio2o-30' 1 .: ear Moore etreet. W. Philo. Fen SALE-7.11E NEW AND ELE- Bent private rere,dence, No. 1728 CHEBTNUT :it 22 feet front by 150 feet in depth, to Chatham street. Built In very sylPerisr sty le, nith every modern convenience, COlllrort And improf .aluunt. Apply on the premises daily 12 to 4 P. M. nol6-St it 4t PENNsn. ,MANIA BANK NO TES.- For sole, a well•secured GROUND RENT of $llO, upon tbrea bri ck dwelling liotunin and lot on linneock street, eolith o ( Master-43 feat trout, 103 feet deer— punctually pal dto quarterly pitymentn. Peonsylennit Bank notes teat be taken Cor it Apply to I. O. PRICE, corner of E PRANG GARDEN and PII/RTEENTII titreetn, n016.3w Tarpctings C ARPETINGS ."-"" AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, DAILY & DROTIIEIt, No. 020 CHESTNUT STREET, ,c 1 the attention of their friends and the tel public generally to their large stock of IMPORTED CARPETS, fn Wileioh they are determined to offer at such PA i prima as will insure RI OllvuvEr CARPETS at SLS7); to $1 75. ' ll 4 111 :ST TAPESTRY do at $1.12 to $1.50, 1 MEATY ENGLISII DRUSSELSat $1. 25 r a y eIST NEW PATTERNS do at t1.37X• IA IPERIAL THREE PLY, $1 to $1.35. 0 SI 'PER LEGRAIN, for bed-roome, all prices. n FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. est INs have the handsomeet display ever offered, cn pz an iat prices exceedingly low, with every art!. ele usually kept in a CARPET WAREHOUSE. no2l l Ot Bales by %action THOMAS & SONS, • Nos. 139 sad i 1 SOUTH FOURTH STILES; (Formerly Nos. 61 and N.) REAL ESTATE, STOOKS, dm. Public Salta at the Philadelphia Sucklings every Tuesday Evening 11.7" Handbills or each property issued separately 1n addition to which we pubhsh co the Saturday previous to each sole oue thousand estslogges In pamphlet form, giving full descriptions of all the property to be sold au the following Tuesday, SALE AT THE AUOTION STORE—FRIDAY. NOTICE —Thumlay, neat, being Thanksgiving Sag, our regular ialo at the Auction Store will ba belS on Friday morning, at 10 o'clock. ID" FURNITURE EIALE3 AT TUB AUCTION STOKE eVery Thursday morning REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. in- We have a large amount of Real 'Estate at Pri: Tate Sale. including every deacript,ork of City mid country property. Printed Lista may be had ►t the auction Store. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER 117 Real Estate entered on our Private Sale Re gister, and advertised occasionally In our Public Sale Abstracts, (of which 1,000 Copies are printed weekly,) free of charge. LIBRARY OP Tilt LATE ROBERT F. WALSH. FAQ CARL —We will sell on Tuesday and 11'v...tome:ay evonliags, December Ist and 51, the valuable micelle• neolll library of the late Robert P. Walsh. Es , coo,• prising elegant editions of rare and valuable books. on various subjects Lt 7. Catalogue. with full particulars will be ready three days previous to the day of sale, and the books arranged for examination STOCKS. On Tuesday Evening, Dec let. at the Philadelphia Exchange. MI o'cloeY, Will be sold. by order of administrator, estate of Robert Zane, dee'd • 1 share of the Jefferson Land Association, dues amounting to SM. paid up to Nor. 10th, 1357. Also, $3BO Union Ilutnal Incarnate Company certid. calve of profits of the years 1949, 1050, and 1351. StlnTt in the Philadelphia Library Company. Athensiam. ‘‘ Mercantile Library Company. REAL ESTATE BALE—DECEMBER let Admfolstrafors' Sale—Elate of Richard Paxson, Deo'd, formerly of Dr. Shilmen ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT AND FARM, ABOUT SIXTEEN MILES FROM MARKET STREET, AND TIMER FROM BRISTOL. Our .ale Ist December will include the valuable country seat and firm, 167 acres, with superior improve mints, known as "FARLEY,"situate on the height., on the went side of Nealiamony Creek, between the Bristol turnpike and the Newport road. 11:7 - Full particulars in handbills. Orphan.' Court Bale—Estate of William IL Lemma, deceased. PRAILE DWELLING, 21av WARD. Frame dwelling, north aide of Wood street, between green lane and Levering street, Twenty-first Ward. Orphans' Court Bale—Estate of Lynch, minors. TWO-STORY BRICK 'MIRE Two-story brick house, Bunts' court, between Tenth and Eleventh etreets, below Locust. NEAT MODERN REBIDENCE. Also, neat modern rastdence, 14 North Fifteenth street, shove Arclr street, flnithed with modern improve ments and conveniences TWO HANDSOME NY.W RESIDENCES, Nos. 1809 AND 1823 DELANCY PLACE, BETWEEN EIGH TEENTH AND NINETEENTH AND /*ALIVE AND PINE STREETS. Two handsome new foutatory brick residences, with three-story back buildings, and rep l ete with all the modern improvements and convenience . They will be sold separately. Immediate polaedaiOn. THREE VALUABLE LOTS, WALNUT STREET, WEST PHILADELPHIA. Three valuable tote, Walnut street, east of Mama retta street—each 50 feet front, tkt feet deep to York street. Clear of all locumbrance. Adminiptrstors' Pererltorvittl , e ;rwENTr A THREE - STORY BRIOR DRi . . Also, • three-story brick dwelling, Twenty-drat treet. below Hamilton street. THREE-STORY Blum STORE AND DWELLING. Tbree-story brick store and dwelling, Ridge avenue below Olford street. TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING. Two-story brick duellimr, Columbia avenue, east of Ridge avenue. PEREMPTORY SALE —THREE GROUND RENTS. Three round rents.—one of 5120, one of $3B, and one of $3O per aroma. Executor's Perereptoty Sale--Bstate of Charlotte Butler, Deceased TWO-STORY BRICK DW.BLIdIiG. Two•atorr brisk dwelling, with back•bnildiags, wes Aldo Bt. John street, above Noble street. Same Esstate. GROUND RENT-41111 A YEAR A well secured yearly ground rent of Elkß^ o year on broporty Delaware Front and Water streets, between Vino and Callowbill streets Bale absolute. SIIREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. Tkree•story brick dwelling, No 101 i Yerooo street, between Tenth and Bletrenth, and Parrish wad *own 'streets, Lot of around sonthwagt corner of Columbia imanne and Twenty-oeventh street TIIRKE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. Three.storr brink dwelling, No. 1152 Passrunk road, abort , federal street. PIMESIPTORY Three-'top brick dwelling, No. Lombard street, welt of Third. Bale absolute. HANDSOME RE51.D9 . F,.. , WWI) STREET, BUR- A handsome brick residence, Wood street, between Broad and Union streetu, Burlington, N.. 1. Lot 114 feet front, by 3D feet deep. SALE OP MISCELLANEOUS AND SCHOOL ROOKS On Tuesday Evening, Nov. Igth, st the ►nation store, &collection of tedseel limeade works. Also, an assortment of school books in quantities. Foie at No. 1612 Walnut Street FASHIONABLE FURNITURE, SPLENDID BEARD ORAND PIANO, LARGE FRENCH PLATE MAN TEL AND PIER MIRRORS, ELEGANT CURTAINS, CUANDELIERS, CARPETS, ORMOLU WALL BRACKETS, BOOK-OASES, ko., .to. On Wednesday Morning, 25th instant. at 10 o'clock, by ontalogue, at No. 1613 Walnut street ((west of Sixteenth street), the fashions. Ms (Inflame, Erard piano forte, mirror., carpets, ite., Ito., of a lady removing to the country. ar You particulars in catalogues. May be examined the day precious to sale from 22 to 3 o'clock. Sale Noe. 1.19 and 141 South fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FINE lIIREORS, ELS tiANT PIANOFORTE , TELTET CARPETS. Ao. On Friday Morning, At 10 o'clock, at the Auction Store, an extensive u aortment of household furniture, mirror,, piano-forte. tine carpets, &c., from families declining housekeeping 110USEIIOLD FURNITURE, DBD➢ AND BEDDING CARPETS, CHINA, &c. On Monday Morning. 30th Instant, at 10 o'clock, at the southwest corner o Second and Market streets, Camden, New Jersey, th household furniture, feather beds and bedding, carpets china. die , of a lady declining housekeeping May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning the sale. Sale at No. 121 South Eleventh street ELEGANT ROSEWOOD, WALNUT. AND 3111IOGANY FURNITURE Oo ll'ielocsile,v Morning, Dec 2nd, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at No. 121 south Eleventh street without reserve, the entire stock of J. Lutz, comprising an elegant assortment of rosewood and walnut drawing-room furniture, elegant chamber furuiture,lce., ill manufactured by Mr. Lutz, expressly for bin ware-room aales, of the beat materials mid workman/1111p, and warranted. Er May he examined, with catalogues, three days previous to axle. filigree in the Academy of Music ; Point Breese Park ; Philadelphia and Mercantile Libraries; Athimmorn he Ul/OLBERT h SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS V V AND COMMISSION 31ERCHA NTS, 431 CHEST NUT Street, opposite the Oast= House , betw een "mirth sad Fifth Streets 'CARD —We invite the attention of purchasers to the poritive este of a choice Assuan - lent of handsoroely wade fora for ladies' and gents' wear, carriage robes, &c., to tie held at our store, this morning, commencing at 10 o'clock. SPECIAL Skil: OF FURS. This !doming, • ut. Instant. commencing at 1034 o'clock precisely, we wilt sell, without reserve, a large and valuable conaign meat of fashionably nada furs for ladies', gents' and misses. wear, consisting of Wanks, carriage Capin, muffs. victorlcies, pelerines, gloves, cape, cuffs. &c , made of Siberian squirrel, mynx, sable, stone martin, (Itch, ermine. chluehilli, swan'', down, &c ID•The whole will be arranged for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale, when the 1.- disi and gentlemen of this city are respectfully invited to attend Commencing. at 10 o'clock precisely, we will call by catalogue ' for cub, a goneral assortment of fura, con sisting of talmas, cam, muffs, pelerines, cuffs, yield. rime, gloom, collars, gauntlets, caps, &c., mode in the best manner, eatable, Siberian squirrel, stsne martin, ermine. swansdown, myna, &c SILK AND CLOTH CLOAKS, TALMAS, AND DUSTERS.—AIso a line ladies' elegantly made silk and cloth cloaks : , talmas, dusters, barques. mantlllas, &c. EMBROIDERIES AND 3IILLIft ERY GOODS.—AIso, an assortment French and Scotch embroideries in 21.000110 t. cambric, swiss, and book Apo, bonnet and trimming ribbons, silk gallon trim mings, silk volvet ribbons, silk fringeii, blonde lace, de , de. WOOL HOSIERY GOODS —Also, men's and women's wool and merino shirts and drawers, wool scarfs and cravats, wool hose and hell hose, wool gloves. OIIESILL'iI SHAWLS AND SCARPil.—Also, a line choice colors chenille ahawli and scarfs, Paris printed cashmere shawls, wool square and long shawls. WOOL YARN —Also, ElOpounds nilsed wool yarn SEO A RS, .—Also, 00,00 e imported segare, In tenth bones. COLLARS, J:e Also, a few hampers Champagne, Port wine, Sc. ire. The whole will be ready Joe examination, with catalogues. early on the morning of sale, when the trade, and purchasers generally, will find it their inter est to attend. Insurance ontpanieti OFFICE OF THE INDEPENDENT MU TUaL COMPANY. Notice is hereby given that In accordance with the provisions of the Act of Incorporation, an election for fifteen persons, to serve as Directors of the independent Mutual luta nonce Company, until the first day of December, 18i5S, or until their successors are legal!y choten, will be held at the office of the Company, No. 'd2ll WALNUT Street, on TL:MSOAY, the drat day of DeceMber,lB37, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 1 r M. nolMitel D. B. MoGINLY.Y, Secretary. frOMMONIVEALrI FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OP TUE STATE OP PENNBYLVA• NIA .-011 Ice, N. W. Corner POURTII and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. Subscribed 0ap144 $500,000. Paid-up Capital, $200.000. DAVID JAYNE, IL D., Pres Went. T11031,i8 S. STEWART, Vice Pree.t. Satinet S. Moos, Secretary. ant-ly CIIRARD FIRE AN '434 ANON COMPANY, PU 802 WALNUT atreat ireNt " giaKe 0 Dll2O 11) MARINE INSUR• IILADELPIIIA—OffIice, No, a THIRD. ONLY TAKEN." Wm. M. Swain, Jet. Walker, Johp Anspach, Ir., Jno. AfeCl are, 11. N. Burroughs, Tito. CTILTIM, J. N. Hughes, A. S. Gillett, 4. D. (Shaman, human Sheppard, Wm. P. Hacker, Sarni. Jonea, M J. P. Stainer, Joseph Klapp, H. D 11. A. ahaokellord, Hon. JOEL JONES, President. fun. 0. W. WOODWARD, The President. WOOD) 8. IttabluLtas, Bs.aratary. JAmita D. Aavoan, Auistant Secretary. n02,11m-11 FUND.--UNITED STATES SJ TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD •ad mum.- NUT Streets, Large end email tome received, and paid back on de mand, without notice, with Pnv PER CENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of lei thdmiral. Office hour ,s from 9 until 5 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from £1 Dreg*. President—STEPHEN R. ORAWYORD, Tressurer—PLlNY FISK. Taller-45.51E3 R. HUNTER MANILLA BOPE.—SUPERIOII, MA ILL HILL& BOPS, manufactured and for sale by WEAVES, VITLES & 0011., 1111 X-V S'n. 91i N Waar at and 94 N . WhitirN4 CIONGRE RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD VI WIDE &NW., N 0.302 DI.B3DOND iltrort. snag Sum, rilaiMMM LOT OF GROCND DW 'L L‘G LINGTQN Pala in Camden, N. J FURS, FURS, &c. On Wednesday Mornrung Salts by %utiion. JAXES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER; NO. 44 WALNIT arm?, above SOLTITEI. CARD—BALE. OA 110118 MOLD 1:0"' We beg leave to inform the puhile tint we hetd our regular reeky sake or Furniture every ?vernier. et our SPACIOUS HALLS ROOM, NO. itti WALNUT STREET, where erery possible attention is given to ob tain the highest prices for the goads of thaw who nay !seer us with esunginnenta. Fesailies taring gemetons et their fors Lure to dispose a ; their odigkur boo" - keeri/og and not wishing serer, at their inns derelliepy sin Live their furniture CAREFULLY ILINIOTEP TO OUR SALES HMV WHERE TIIRY WILL BEALL/II BETTER PRICES f(Mi TIMIS FURNITURE IRAN TREY lAN OBTAIN FROM ANY OP ILLY. YCILRI.- TUR6 DEALERS OR ANY OTHER AUCTION Ma IN INK CITY. l Persons favoring us with emsivausents eat rest &roared Oat their property viii not be sacrificed. Commissions mare n•.odante than those eitaapti by any other Auction Ilettso in the eity. Conalponenta resoectfally aolidted. Dr . Sales paid imunectlatety atter the gooda an iou. ANAL Egl'ATll SALE, DECEMBER U. 13.11 This sale st the Unhinge, on Wednesday in•staig, December 2,154, at 7 o'ckPek, atll inclut. - - Orphans' Court Saitsttas ocleeen Wizens. OYEiTY, MARINER STILAZT A two-story br=ek hams and fat e[ roasd a Is ,aa the south rode a Ilwriser street, Sid twot street, IL fret front, 47 feat 1 tad' day- itt resat rant. A first-slam Printing taloa, with a good rex of bred neer, four priating prelate. two Shales had woe lathe* Type tact everythin stereesary lee As %meioses_ Apply st the Auction Store. l'ilo SP, SNA T NS, AUCTIONEER IT-11. AND coinrusiON ittitelliNT, B. R. caner SIXTH and RACE Streets. AT PRIVATE SALM—GoId and Weer rtset Levine, Inglieh, 811A11, and Prima es, *miry, of ermy descnption, musical instransents, Sus, &.e. AT PRIVATE SALE_ ott Woad tam, household fornitam, of emery description, beds, last tresses, carpeting, looking glasses, Lao articlHeo,ass,,, &a., &a. Ont-door sales attended to personally by the Juniata eer. Charges very low. Consignments el fair/tars clothing. jewelry, & c. ice soliested. NATHAN'S PRINCIPAL WAN OPTIOR, a. s. Corner of Sixth and Pace atreety Where money will be loaned en r u ai tria st merit data Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, . Dri nA llends., Groceries, Began, ran, Gallery, $.4.. ding, Horses, Vehicles, Harpies, Mocks, , sad on ar ticles of seine for any length °Moe wool on, ammo satistaetory and liberal toms than at say ether aidab liehment. Y. WATELArk NOTICE—AIi goods forfeited se Nalharee's Sass Of4ce,9. X. corner of gala and .ffeeo srilf s•l4 st putllo auction, on Thentay sorring, *Mk et November, at 10 o'clock, amuse depodtarleellpreriams th.roto. and pay charges, sad reser their oeriallentos. Moses NOS.:a, B. E corner of &Atli and Ism Ones. NATHANS'S GREAT 91134 07 10B111711D Goejilk Wlll tans place On Tuesday Morning, Novembers 2lth, at 10 o'clock.. ia Sdaae. Navigate - it aIIGtiOII Pore. 0. K. Corner of Sixth sad N.llOO meet; in the second-story room—instranes from Baca stra4t It will embrace the largest assortment of goads emit offered at public auction, ocssrprill r ng a large sad one rat usartnient of superfine overeatu, Regions, Woos, dress and frock soars, badness coats, pat. vest, handkerchiefs, boots, shoe; umbrellas, shirt; dip goals, coats, 'pants, and vest patterns, silk. menus, dsbage, detains and chiatt dhows and patterns, ladles' and children's gaiter., boots and oboes, gums, silk velvet, silk, merino, and dad; talmas, capes, basque., mast Was, =pea= braid, cram silk. plaid woollen, meth, sad *thee shawls, parasols, bedspreads, gate; blankets, shoats, palow-cases, curtains, Irec "a = Oats., pistols, travelling-trunks. valise; hustings cooking-stores, sad-Irons, musical izstnuaseisa sact elegant Over-plated tea-set, china, glass sad orsekstry war*, cigars, dsgunfreotdr Tnt‘n4 =allot; Brit microscope; surrayor s isstramasts, mode by Knox iethals, polluting; engraving; Inoldagidasso; and a thousand other articles. Psrticulars hereafter. WX113 , 3 groat sale of forfeited Intedee, Jambi; Gans, Pistols, Alaska lastroatesta, Till take plus shortly. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great tale of Dry Boa% MMus& &dem de., being forfeited collateral% sill take piece sloselg. Due notice erlU be gives. AT PIIITATR BALE, AT HALT THE rIWAL BELLING MOT.B.—Doable-bottomed and hantlag ease gold patent layer watches, of the twist ap proved 'takes; hunting cue and open fun gold mope. meat lacer and lepine watches, full J•weled • lon gold enameled lever and lapin' watches for bloat• gall jewelry of army deseripnotr alrat lever sod watches, in bunting caau and beef Aver Boise, and Wrench vetches; a general ageorldnent fe ature, beds, mattriewee, mirrors. to. OLT-DOOK BALES SOLIOITED, sad attatris to san the thnee, low. Corialgtonenta oT envy deeerlption of gooduallatted for public or priests sal*. MONEY ADVANCSD of all aid every kiwi at= for pablic or prfrata sale, or to be MA foe a time. Charges low. SAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, and 116222 LOAN 0171112, 71e. 112 Beetle 21111 W Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear at., eay eirlit down below the IsAheAge • tissue of bestows fovea 7 oldest, A. Y., luta /I o'clock In the eveming. Oztkleer isles, sad Wes at the Aso** near" 0- Sanded apes the nod eatietsetory tersw. IIIAYITAL MAIL Ritdi uladfarNs M Thiry nos. Aifrau*" suds from one doLlar to thowesa4 es Die mow* Slyer Plate,Watshes, 7oeetq, Bantwars, Mew etuuelles, Clothing, Pursibere, bedding, ent., Inetraftente, Guns, nortea, therrieges, sad Geo& epos. of fe yttkin. All wia rum% wey knife epos. thee *grind All advances, from owe hashed deters sad wowed" will tics S be slurred market rate pm test. per meth $l,OO me ever, owed This Bt..xne Mo* haehip * depth of 1.11 hot, bow kw Aso sad thief proof mite to store an yobtabloe, sod pi Tit. "Atoka:oft for the perentsee ; also, a lamp Ina Twee *Seto! for no bide& of all papsr twin poke deemed ape. K. Is,-0., amcomat Of baling la easeited =phut, this aloe V pnpored to mho sine= ea ewe lads teem sea socoonoodati= t. than oer sew is Wm en). Money etraneed to the pow, to mall lanoto, enth oat say dune. 12 PRIVATI Sll7 Gold Want loner ma other ilittchas, Annaty, sad Clothing bit mid at Mead min& aal-ir GZOBGE W. SKIM, AUCTIONEER It 3. aornor of DAMON lad SOUTH feroeta &Dm &mond. Virani9 SALIM MRS XYKRY SATURDAY ITIOITSG, At 7,111 o'clock, at the Auction Stare, 4:4l[lrd - ram Vat lery, llousekeeptrat Articles, Mathias, Watebes, Jewel ry, nog Articles, as. %musemeills. THE ASSISTANCE FIRE COMPANY respectfully announce that they snit give their 1/lEST GRAND DEDICATION BAIL, At the New /fall of the National Owes, On THIS (Monday) EVENING, Being their Eighteenth Annual Ban. LEWIS T. NEARS, Muter of Ceremonies Wu. A Beaxis, Secretary. no-Zit* 3. IISICAL FUND HALL.- &NIT RT AI:1111:NT OF MISS E WILLIAMS, 711 E. WELSH NIGUTISGALZ- On 310NDAY and TCESDAV, Nov. 2 .1 and 21111. LADLES DREAM,' Written by Samuel Lacer, Eeq.. and author of "Angels Whisper," In which Min WILLIAMS peresmates IS characters, and Map IS tongs. Adranision 25 cents Deserved seats 50 eta n 0121.1 'OARK BENJAMIN. WILL READ MS Poem on "lIATRIYONY," at the Gall of the Spring. Garden Institute. ensues of Woad and Spring Oradea streets, on TUESDAY, the '24th Instant, at $ o'clock P. 31 , for the benefit of tho Northern Minna of Industry, Green street, stove Seventh, Tickets, 25 cents each, to be hat at the door. no4l-3t TAYNE'S NEW HALL, CHESTNUT ST., J BELOW SEVENTH. BUCKLEY'S SERENADERS. On TUESDAY EVENING. Nov, 24th, Cot/sweating with ETHIOPIAN MINSTRELSY AND DA2SCING. The performances to conclude with the BLOOMER PROMENADE, Owing to the IMMGIISGIII%O of the Hall, the price e admission to all parts of the house, kali been Sled at TIVENTY-FIVE CENTS ONLY. Doors open at hip past 6 o'clock; Curtain rises at Itallpastipreelseiy. The Management would respectfully announce that the Gallery has been set epsrt to acoonoutodato respect. able Colored Pomona. NATIONAL 'TILEATItE AND CIRCUS, WALNUT STREET, NEAR EIGHTH. L.WSEE. WESLEY ILtIMORE, EQUESTRIAN MANAGER THOS KING. THIS (Monday) EVENING, Nor. MtLIS.I7, Will be presented BRILLIANT HORSEMANSHIP, DARING VAULTING, GYRNAbTIC PERFOR3IANC2S..ke - . The Company comprises many of the principal per- formers of both Hemispheres, among which are Mr. F. Holston. Yonog Hernando:, Mr. M m filacwie, M'//e Minnie, Mille Camille. liph. Horn. the original lethlo pion Clown, J‘c., PRICI3 OF Drees Circle 37s cents. Fa . rally Circle Yi coots. Private Boxes SO Coots. Ire" No extra charge for *inlayed vests. lATILEATLEY' 3 ARCH ST. THEATRE. —SOLE LES.N.EE W. WITEATLIY. Tills (Monday) EVENING, Nor. 1457, Villl be przlinuted RICIIELIELT : Or, THE CONSPIRACY. Cardinal Maelira Ur. E. L. llareapo rt Julia du Muammar Mrs.E, L. Paren part TIME T11.13S ALL. Mr. 'Leeson Mr. Thayer. Skmu. or Pat --tioXec, 2.sc,Ctts; Secured &WU, 33; Orchestra Stall , so rents; Seats in Private Boxes, 75 cants; Gallery, 13 cents; Gallery for Colored Persons, .25 cents; Privets Box in Gallery for Colored Per3ons,::3 cents. Boa Office open from 10 A. N. until 3P. 31. Doors will open at 011 o'clacX ; performance to commence at 7, precisely. WA , e L e Y x lir r T E 31 STREET . 1: s it i V e R M. E John Sefton. Prices —Dress Circle and Duquette, cents; Upper Circle, cents; Securest. Seats..",? cents; Private liox and Orchestra Seats. SO rent: Box 069ce open from 9 o'clock A 11. to P V Dcrers open at 7 o'clock; performance to coumezen a: 7.4, precisely. THIS (Monday? EVENING. Nor Will be performed THE tiNeIIANTI:tiSS Ramer Stalls, the Euehmetress SIALLN.WHiP 6 OPERA Street. store. Cheatuut. KrinopIANITRIORMANCKS THIS EVENINtI. Ilhippian Life Illustrated by Sanford% Troup* of Etara—Sew Dances by the Panford etalarva Doors open at T o'clwk—t.3 czulmence quitter before eight. 'to conclode with A LAUGHABLE AFTERPTECE • Admittance 25 cents. • Political. FOR SHERIFF- - - cslxtt S WRI(all" TITIII WARD. tSoloject to Detnocrttie ruloa FOIt SHERIFF ALDERMAN GEOIME 11CORY.', YODWrit WARD Subject to Democratic Ruler F OR SHERIFF JAMES G. GIBSON yarcetr-Steuxo eclat) Subject to Democratic Rules. - 011 SHERIFF, EDWARD T. MOTT, TWELFTH WARD orange/ DtIOCILITIO MILLS ..,16-tat. INCED MEAT.— The Subscribes inks comtornsell tnsnufsettuing his Ns Pius Cl Ira 11 S. 2', which he offers to his customers in LAIMI or MULL gel:11171U Ordere through BLOOD'S DISPATOLI trill be carL^- tually attended to. JOSHUA. WRIORT. islS 2lnd SPRING GARIAN sad PItAN MAN its s _l? t 0 1' 4 1 , t o N e G . ,re A , S . ir B . ,1 d for Te T Li F. 1 lark For tele by the WATERMAN GAS REGULA TOR, COMA:CV, seD2O-lat 00 2 CUIsTNIJT .treat Mr. Richtogs Rtchrogs OE=