11==171 (0111t.o, itt 61 : :; 1 , 0 1 4_ . 4..,, , .. 4N r . : : " 4 ,- - , sie, , ~ . , :_t •'-''',i,f';;:.• NOVSKSER 28, 1867. Oltalael3C &Ail Is the only 404t3orited car rier of 14 4: 1 4JW 4 - 4 ; i46 - 8110 A n A 11, e d B ere/toe4h wards,stel)Oi 4 1 4E1 , fee4 ihe, Delaware and'leoopley, l4kl' Of Maria : str eet: reraoii odeht44T N the Mee on; thigelibidettgiated, Trill pap anditonther penott. Politic* tp Callisti(iditeriedy,;h4aVitian'liCa AirdageWoodman's Petition; and Mr.- GiOilirlitrigiia 7 a' gtatinient; - Tterda' of, Foreigo4wsi of Sir W. G : .llloo)ititj Speohil,British Ambassador to CatoifeMhtt§i 4l :l l o ) ;' ,l Y- ake X ,B4 1e;11t1 "; The COurtii OraetirafNeirs. , Is TiarlittRTATMIN will be found a variety THE CAIAROV?t: KANNAS, CONSTITUTION. We Perecife that a well-known New York paPer,',A4o,MrOne,olthe &Ate denounce; in the in Ot 4 lndiguaat.terms, the action of ,:the. 044:;-0rinienticur;, In - :the - Territory , ", of Kerning igle,fetihig. to, 4ie thnc otiatitliti on idoPtefkiN, f*ktiCon:reAtiqn,,t9 , t49' vote; eidy.AWidays afterwards takes exactly, the 'opOSIKVICyti, and taxes Tux knewa and the Ohie;l4o‘ de r sertinetke Adiniii istrikiooll,thh! crisis, and with encouraging the iMtille*ettpUliticians 'of Kansas. DicoUaleteneYdit a Chiraoteristie or the , pi per ,undeb' rietice and we 'are not, therefore; surpriaikte Mie..jhak op thiii, question it htte,, according 4 hi,thi custom, itatly,contradicted OWtr'•,actinn; hoWeter, based as it is upon con'itatiOn,,ankupou 'truth, cenuotbe abandettel.oe, changed so, easily. It may be that weldliter from the Administration of the GenerittitkePutent the Mil, phain of the Ranwm.llantlia.lf ‘ tbis .shall prove, to be so, we segititttlydeidoielt: We established Tim PRlSflii:*;4ll,looeiident Derizecratic , Paper, "deter*** -kw:Purace conservative and straightillirtratkcidnee, and to stand steadily by correct ptjneipleq. Ono 'of our Most, cherished ebjeets tcr slipport Xi. &Mira ' NAX's Adminitdrationk -To this duty we were' Pipe* try a,,thonisted considerations of self,- ' restmet and .political'a:ssoclatlons. Our Course on eiNequeition proved that tine intended to fulfil thlipioinlie in good faith:, ,‘..!lnd this is' our soisrientious purpose %ew., The opinions we bey°, explessed on the Kansas imam were the, assured, and 'Golden' belief that,they :Were the natural' deductions from pernovitle'policy and Democratic pledges in the laig.',Presidential Campaign. - In that cam pelgiiWe„Were- individually cOmmitted, in many!, *Am, to* yet- election in Kansas, and to sebniittinitheivhele,qUestion of the beg tutiOne ophat Territory to,thp, people. Theffeinocrats in all the North and in all the S#7LthWere,..COminitted to the same duty, in termn , But Our, ;action, s . lri Ate present complexion of this case ; reault#ohAfkrnthetteelaratibris'of our can &dates th s emselves and still 'more, possible, Prom the repeated and emphatic assurance to the Pl36pleof Kansas, Written and oral,- Of Go erneiyaircza, ,who acted with his Instrue lions fulls hands. - We linie no - complaint to riski . ;ref these who . have been silent. during the eiftraordinary proceedings in:Kansas; When Governor •NTAI•IaiR rejected. the Oxford and MeGlikaliartds, Bit we imokeenthecause we believed Awes rlght seise the that cipportu, nitylo-fulfil the protases; niaiie tothe,peeple . in 185 6; mild oh ' , the lth lifarchi 1857; - be caueewedesited te',"shiengtheit the handijOan upright andfaithibl,public servant like. Gover nor :Wararzn ;lind lait;riet least; heesuie we thought we sawn 6 . 42ilsterfeYlietWeeri our course and the policy of the general Awn's-. tration.l .df it shill tarn eittlhat' we have been : misteliatiin this; litter eipectititin; we shall, as we 1.1Ov4 1 0d) greatly, regret _ it, - We . baVe such fall confidence , ins lir. -, lloortitran's fidelity-to; pridelpli'and to public dritY, and'subWfull faith, in hiS disintereithxl,nittilethim; tbatwe. should . at nee retrace onr, , steps if we" did' not feel stsaiatiTrnitWe',Wiite'tight,',4nd'iiltileat otehme 1 00 3 ,ati4ii r t9 as Michas posethietohltexanaple,We arc firmly, lii4lhttlielheliatif 'ever-We Sisal on Denfoisan we adtlir mar attitudelin'oppa; Bitten.* the Calhoun CeittentlefilnAtirinat re624 l' m and, aripurrente.,:Whictiz - have . led, its, aftei.foil deliberationyteeppotie•the 'Calhoun. Constitu= TheDemoetatic per:WA:night fortile' princi ples : of - the ,tairsae-Nehisakst4ilt-ainidst . storiiti)f gbyoquy add opposition unparalleled In thipelittealanintla,`Of - ft* 4' tithe:Ditty : were utterly everthroirn in many of the' Reit the A ontedeincy; 'brit thnili een vineed the' inliereidjiisthae of the prineiple for whielitheyare struggling, they still iought orW The' impregnable greend upon' hich they had:',„` pAtiteit;therr,lo/41 1 WakthedOctrine of . local,etelf-government-the extension to the people ofthe' Territories:tit the same right of ionninithair'onin domestioa "laws and institti= tionsWhieh. the people of the States Possessed'. This' jest principle , was :assailed by claiming for.Cerlgrefut the right et deciding the character of the.,hustitutions o f , the Territories, end, de- . aping it .to the people. On this score, how ever; the Democracy . of the country fully' and denquared, and the Supreme Court of the United States virtually pat its seal upon their ,'deelidon hy its judgment in the Dred Scott case, and thus closed all practicai,con- troverey `onFthle'imbjeet: r fereVer..` 'Tim Only . real retnithiliifer r ,dliferenee among the citizens of the CotintrY isi'whether, the power of. Congress. :Contrortliettistitutions of the Tettitoriee , having been ; Mu:rendered - or de .streY4-ihe Peeple'4, theseterritorides really should or Should not have a fair -and Aril op poitun*of deckling! their institutions' +for theninelVed.' TO us "It seems" that _frOiit , the apicitAlf=ourinstitutionsthere,ein.be but one nns*er to seek-a aueetion. But One answer has - Veen given in any antherized exposition of Dejnecratte views, on •'this - subject that we. are facquatited • with.. The =language of • the Kansia-Nebraskri Act Is, that The people shoidd b e l.44 . 4 cypelfeetly free . tO form and regulate their, win institutions - in their own tray. The Cincinnati; National.,'Democratic Convention incorporated Into' Platform the - IfOlicistchig resointron , ' • .4 10 1. 1 4g1, _That we, reeognise, the EIGHT OF ?Kg 5 ,,ppPLE of, all the .Territorles ' 'including Kansas and Nebraska, acting through the legally an if .- Addy cc:premed -will of a *seventy ,of ae turd, relidenii, and whenever the number of their intisliitantiluatiffes 'FOPS A CONSTITO TICN;,with -or nithout dom estic „slivery, and be admitted - into' the - Union' upon terms of perfect eqUality with the ether States. Thh instructions' of:the A.dmihistratioli to G o v,- 117,,xXtern -,oUntairi ,tho follosilug. para . _ gruftliir t„' , '" There aro two great objects connected 'with' the nreeinit'ainiteMetit;'groirieg out of the affairs Of Banana,: god the' - attainineirt of- which will bring it to u speedy termination. ,These were clearly and auceinetly Stated in the Preiddent's recent Inau gural -,ilddr,ess,: and I • embody ..the paragraphs in t h e e eeiva , inloatich, asking _your special attention to theed:7lo4 - decihred inthat instrument to ,bo the,;iiityitative , and idelispensable duty of tile 'Goveritinetit the - United States' to secure to every meldnit tnheabitattt the free and inelepen deirt-isfyiesSionlif hi,' opinion by his vote. - This sueraVelirlet Ypearlt vadividual must be pre. server/ *an& that being accomplished, nothing can be fairer than to leave the people Of a Terri tory, freli from all foreign -interference, to decide their ova destiny fur themselves, subject only to the. Oonstitutiounf tlie.llnited States„, _ Ilism these • GREAT BIGOTS GP , INDIVID- IlAl f ACTION AND OF P.UBLIO DECISION rests the folitidation 'of An:Orkin institutions; and 'if they ore faithfully seddiedlo tile - people of Kansas, the politic:nil denditton of the country will soon be , come quiet and sotisfaetory,.ThElNSTll'UTlONB OF , KANSAS SHOULD , BE ESTABLISHED 'BY TIIE VOTES,OP , THE PEOPLE OF KANSASi unwed end uninterrupted by force Or fraud. And foreign Voters must be excluded, come Whence they may, and every attempt to overawe or interrupt the f see 'exorcise of the right of voting must be im i m ptii . repelleil- and punished. ,Preedom -and safety for the legal filer, and exclusion and pun ishment for the illegal one—, those should be the greiVpriniiiplesetrui adridniatiatieb." entliiiit - 4441ffstrdellond Goierpor WALltgg , wont, to,Kansua t ..,,A,mong, i his prat ppblie. 'tots wastho keno of: an siddrossi In .which ho- or • ar gued at , length; an' with • great force and • , • abilityi` ••• "-• jdtgde,, 7 ' tigeoesity bf - admitting Lo ilie WholW,,iseoplo 'of that TOr ritory,ltilrAloustilattiort.;:whleh should be frantedP eo '•tbat-IthOy Might ." !mite a inn and fair -,opportunity Of % - passing judgment npliti A4a lIS r pro'lyipntf, `ln. j his Inatgural adwrese IS bold rtook e ground that fnulets thtv-Ooutuntiornahuiit:tTlE,,OONSTlTll ,TlON t void of-oil Ole netUal - restdsnt _ settlers of,. .f(trietes,atut,,,Lhe eledioti be .fain . , zor y #2lßogArrao TR.X,,CP.lio,an es. This:nisi: epees/11y_ followed 'by. hialkinsoot e t TOPI4O4,I** ,10. d ." foi .'sincere thabitifortholduit and-Indulgent eaten tion with Which yin have,liihmed to my remarks, IA riot's!' Whltt to 00 path; Long bobs* I • am called on for any official aotion, the reign of of :justioe, and of the people' will be so fully es.ablished here that, as good citizens, you will all oheetfully pay this small pittance to' implied your , own government. [A voice, 'We will have a great deal more confidence in the vote et the people to be given next Fall, if you will tell its by what 'aii thority the judges are to be appointed.'] I will answer that question, for I have no doubt it ,is fairly asked and in a fair spirit. [The voice, 'lt certainly is.'] I will say then to you, gpntlemen, that if they a'o not appoint a fair anti impartia l • Weide bywlueh the majority of the actual bona fitter resident settlers of Kansas shall vote, through rhsinstruntenratirn ormpartial judges, I will join you all in hint& opposition to their and ate rresidlintaiul - Congre . ss will re lett tit Con . stitutitin - • - - - [°A voice. the Convention appoint impartial judges?'] 'lt is their duty to do so, [A voice, 'Will they dose] Gentlemen, I am not the Convention, but Ido not doubt they will give you Impartial judges. [A voice, will ask the Governor if there is any one who will be allowed to vote for this Con vention exhept those registered?'] As regards the isast, I hate got no_pewer to recall it. The past is irrevocable, even by Almighty power, and I pro fess to have very little power, much less such power as that. Over the, past I have no control; but over the future I haie ; and I say to you, that unless a full and fair opportunity is _given to the Peoplo of Kansas to decide for themselves lot t at shall be their form of government, inelad illg great sectional question which has so long divided yon—mnless, I repeat, they grant pat such an opportunity, I have one power of which no man or set of men can deprive me, and to which I shall unhesitatingly resort, and that is to join yon iii lawful opposition. to. their acts. [Cries of tood, good,' and loud applause, during which the Governor withdrew."] ' By these'solemn assurances of cc fair play , ' In Kansas, and the general belief that they would be, sacredly observed, tho Kansas agi tation seemed well nigh quieted forever. It is true that a few ultra-Southern men took exceptions to the course of Governor WALltzu, but ho was warmly sustained by many influen tial persons, even in that quarter, while the Democracy of the North made groat acces sions to their ranks, and went forth conquer ing and to conquer in States that had been hopelessly :igainst us but one short year ago. The Republican majorities of New England Were greatly reduced. New York once more wheeled into the Democratic ranks; we were triumphant in Connecticut, Now Jersey and Minnesota ; we triumphed in Penn sylvania by an immense majority; we came within a' few hundred votes of carrying Ohio; we revolutionized Wisconsin entirely; and our organization was greatly strengthened in lowa, Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois. No man con versant with the public sentiment in the non. slaveholding States can doubt for a moment that the just and, conciliatory policy of Gov. W?a,xnrc, accepted, as it was, as an earnest of ,the whole course of the Administration, was ono of the most important causes that contribu ted terthe happy change in public sentiment which restored the Democracy to their wonted ascendancy. Believing it the highest duty of party to faithfully fulfil the just expectations under which a confiding people entrust it with power, befOre we endorse the action of the Kansas Calhoun Convention, and urge the acceptance of the Constitution it bas framed upon Congress, we must be satisfied that the circumstances of its ratification comply with the; conditions named in the high Democratic authorities we have quoted. Do they do so 1 .'fike section of the schedule adopted by the Rattans Convention which refers to the action upon it by the people is as follows S'aii:ll. Before this Constitution shall be sent to Congress for adthissiot Into the Union as a State, it shall be submitted to all the wbitemale inhabit ants of,this Territory for approval or disapproval, as follows: The president of this convention shall, by proclamation, declare that on the 21st day of December,lB67, at the different election precincts now established by law, or which' may be estab lished as herein provided in the Territory of Kan 'sae, an election shall be held, ever which shall preside' thrill judges, or a majority of three, to be appointed as_follows : The president of this eon 'vention 'shall appoint three commissioners in each county in the Territory, whose duty it shall bi to appoint judges of election to the se veral precincts of Thor 'respective counties, at which election the Constitution framed by this con ',fention' shell be submitted ',t6 all the white wale ,mthabitaitts' of the' Tirritory of Kansas in the said Territory updri that day and over the age of ,twenty-one year* for ratification or rejection, in •tbe'following manner ,and form : The voting shall be by, ballot : The' judges of said election 'shall .cause to ;be kept two 2611 -books by two clerks, by them appointed. The ballots east at said election shall be' endorsed "Constitution toith, slatery," and "Constitution with no sla very." One of the said poll-books shall be returned within eight days to the president of this conven tion and the other shall be retained by the jud_ges 6f eleation,,i6ul: kept open for inspeetion. The president,- with two or more marabous of this con- Wention,"hall examine said poll-books, and if it 'shall appear upon said exrmtnation that a nto , jorit# of the legal vbtes gait at eaid,election be in' japer of' tUoortiitittition,with slaxerir he shall linnedlitelj - have ' the `quite . trenefflitted to the tipngreas of the Nailed States, se herein before provlded.',-But if, Snob examination , of 'said pelf-books,itaball appear that a 'Majority of the` legal: votes east it said electien be in favor of ;the " COnstitritlini With "sib' slavory,' then the article , providing Air slaiery shall beetneken from the Constitution by the 'President of,thls oonven `Lion; and no, slivery, shall exist in the; State of Kansas, except thittlbe right of property in slaves now' in this.TerritorY shall in no manner lie inter fered with, and shall have transmitted the Consti tution so ratified to the Congress of the United States, as hereinbefore provided, In ease of the failure of the president of this convention to per form the duties,, by reason of death, resignation, 'or otherwise, th, same duties shall defelre upon the' presidentprofetn: • ' , Wben intelligence of this provision was first received' from Kansas, it Boomed that by one spontaneous impulse, a. number of leading Democratia presses of the country—journals which had been foremost 'in the defence of the Nebraska Bill and of the Administration—de nounced it. Wo have already quoted from tho Providence Post, the Albany argils, the Buf. fate Courier, the Chicago Times, the Detroit Free Press; and, we may add, such leading journals in.this State as' Haldeman's Harris burg Union, the Pittsburgh Post, and the Pittsburgh Union. We could readily instance many others among the papers of our own ,and other States. Tho schedule does not provide for the submission of the Constitution to the people, and in our view, that objection is fatal to it.. We are told the Constitution is ,rmobjectionabhs in, its character. It may be so; but the people of Kansas are the best judges of that. In the existing States, the slightest change in their Constitutions cannot , be made without receiving the sanction of the Majority of their citizens. If this, formality be necessary to secure a mere unimportant change, It is trebly so in deciding upon a whole ,Constitution. Even if the schedule providei for a fair submission of the question of sla very to the people of Kansas, that would not tend In the slightest degree towards remedy- Jug its fatal defect in not submitting the work of the Convention, as a whole, to them. The whole Democratic party of the Union, in National Convention assembled, gc re cognised" " TEE EMIT of the people," "act ing through the legally and fairly expressed ...will of a majority of actual residents," to * rgjos->ti a Constitution." The schedule of the Calhoun Convention denies them this right. When two such authorities disagree—the voice of the whole Democracy of' the Union, speak ing in Wunder tones, through representatives from every nook and• corner of the nation, taking ono view, and such a body as the Calhoun Convention, which at best represents but a very small fraction of the party, takes another, we'humbly conceive it to be our duty to side with the former. Mr. BUOUANAN'II great Inaugural Address declared (with refer ence to Kansas) it to be "the Imperative and indispensable duty of. the Government to secure to every resident inhabitant the free and inde pendent expression of his opinion by his vote ;" and the Administration held in the instructions to Gov. llrrizzmi, that ic THE INSTITU TIONS OF KANSAS SHOULD BE ES TABLISHED BY THE VOTES OF THE PEOPLE OF KANSAS." We hold to these doctrines. We can con ceive of nothing more important upon which the people of Kansas should be allowed to vote than their Constitution, and know of no more, important institution that can be es. tablished by their votes than that in strument. The Calhoun Constitutional Con vention denies them this right. It gives them no opportunity of deciding by thtir votes what their Institutions shall be. They are allowed to vote for the Constitution wills slavery, or for the. Constitution without slavery; but what doctrine Can be more absurd than that slavery or anti-slavery are the , only issues that a free people might naturally be expected to differ upon in the formation of a Constitution 1 The experience of every day groves its utter falla cy. For What is more common than the peo ple of States clearly anti-slavery, as well as those of pro-slavery States, to differ greatly about their Constitutions? Again, Governor WALKER assured the people ,of Kansas that, , s unless the Conven tion submitted the Constitution" to the people, it , f ought ,to be rejected by Congress," and ho assurred them that, unless it was thus sub- MIRO, he Would earnestly oppose its ratifica tion:, , The Convention has pursued a different Course. Its action is in direct conflict to his polley;iia the very teeth of his advice. In this _dititireitce-: we prefer to side with WALKER indigainst the Convention. (We aro told, however, that the slavery question is really the only ono seriously at issue r andthat the people of Kausao have an op. portunity afforded them of voting upoh, add thus deciding it. We understand the authori ties we have quilted to fissure them this right, however, under provialOns and Circumstances which forbid the idea of fraud. The resolu tion of the Cincinnati platform comtemplates the " legally and fairly expressed will of a majority of the inhabitants." Tho in structions to Governor WALKER urge him to secure ((freedom and safety for the legal voter, and exclusion and punishment for the illegal one." The inaugural of Governor WALKER declared, that unless the election was ((fairly and justly conducted, the Consti tution will be, and ought to be, rejected by Con gress." Does the provision in the schedule which we have quoted afford, In view of the well-known state of affairs in Kansas, fair ground for the belief that, in the event that the free-State men participate in the election, it will be fairly conducted 7 • The whole control in this matter seems to be vested in the President of the Convention. Ue orders the election—appoints throe com missioners in each county, who are to appoint three judges of election in the several precincts of the respective counties—and he is to re ceive the returns, decide upon the legality of the votes cast, and ascertain whether a majo rity has been given for (( Constitution with slavery," or 1, Constitution with no slavery." An attempt has been been made to silence all objections to this form of procedure, by the allegation that in many States and Territo ries the presidents of Constitutional Conven tions have issued the writs ibr the elections which were to decide the fate of those Con stitutions. To this we can conceive no serious objection. But we are not aware of any in stance where the manner of holding election s usual on all ordinary occasions was entirely changed for the popular vote on a COnstifution, as is the case in Kam By the electiop laws of that Territory, provisions are made for the appointment of officers to hold the elections, entirely different from those contained in this schedule, and the returns aro to be sent to the Secretary of the Territory, and to be opened by him in the presence of the Governor. Why is all this changed in Kansas ? Considering the outrageous ffauda lately practised in the Oxford precinct and McGhee county—that Go vernor WALKER set aside those fraudulent re turns—that a meeting of a number of the mem bers of .the Constitutional Convention de nounced him for his action in that matter—and that close upon the heels of these events we find that Convention, in the important matter of an election upon a Constitution, utterly ignoring the Governor and Secretary, and placing 'su premo power in the whole matter of appoint ing judges of elections and the examina tion of the returns in the hands of its President—is it probable that an election hold under such auspices will be fairly conducted? Will such au election—with officers appointed by such an authority— with its returna to be examined in the manner provided—probably be (I fairly and justly con ducted" to that extent which Gov. WALKER contemplated in his pledges to the people of Kansas?—will it be such an election as he con sidered absolutely essential to command for the Constitution the approval of Congress Let each man, with the history of Kansas before him, answer these questions for himself, and be satisfied that there is good ground for hoping that the proposed quhmissien of this slavery clause Will be something more than a mere fraud and farce, before he becomes ready to justify the adoption•of such a Constitution by Congress. It is contended that if the present Con stitution is not acceptable to the people of Kansas, they can readily and speedily change it after Congress has admitted that Territory into the 'Union. Ily the schedule no pre vision is made for any change before tho year 1864. We are glad to learn, how ever, that by some this clause is construed to mean that before that time the people can change it in a more summary mode than is therein prescribed; and that high legal au thorities concur in this opinion. But on this point there is a doubt, and that very doubt should condemn the whole procedure. If the people really have the right to change the Constitution immediately after the admission of Kansas into the Union, the schedule should have said so; but the design of the Convention to forbid such a change for seven years scents to us evident, although it le possible the lan, gunge it has used is susceptible of another in terpretation. Wo struggled with all our energies for the passage of the Nebraska bill ; for the triumph of Its principles before the great tribunal of the people; for the election of Mr. BUCHANAN; for the defence of his Administration, •in eluding his Kansas policy; an 4 in defence of the official action of Governor WALKER; and we now desire as earnestly as any man in the conotry a fair and peaceful settlement of this whole question. But we oak that the people should have the right to form their own insti tutions in their own way ; and that this right should be secured to them freely, fairly, and unequivocally. We ask that when Kansas COMB into the Union, it shall be under a Con stitution which has received the endorse ment of a majority of her citizens, fairly expressed—that she should take her place as a member of the Confederacy under an instru ment which has in every line acquired that full degree of vitality that popular approval alone can give, not under a Constitution framed under restrictions which ignore the sover eignty of her citizens end neat them as the ibhabitants of a subjugated province, These, then, are some of the reasons and arguments by which our course has been con_ trolled on this great and vital issue. Others not less powerful might have been presented, but our article is already long enough. Can any citizen see in all this a purpose, latent or otherwise, to oppose the Administration of Mr. &muss . Asi On the contrary, are not all the precedents such as he had, in one way or another, approved? It Is our sincere desire to promote the welfare of his Administration— to strengthen him throughout the Union, and especially in the free States—and to stand clear and fair before the country as ono who has never yet broken his faith to Democratic principles, or turned his back upon a crisis in which the rights of the people were involved. MOST IMPORTANT EUROPEAN AND IN DIAN NEWS BY THE " ATLANTIC." Yesterday evening, the United States mail steamer atlantic, which left Liverpool on the 11th inst., arrived at New York. Tho intelli gence is a fortnight later from India, and •four days' later from Europe. The capture of Delhi is confirmed. The King of Delhi had surrendered. His two sons had been shot. General Nicholson had died of his wounds received in the assault. Luck now had been relieved by General Nevelock, but General Neil had Imola killed. The Bank of England had advanced the rate for discount to ten per cent, which had the ef fect of stopping the drain of gold from her vaults. The Funds had declined on the an nouncement, but had rallied and closed, on the day the atlantic sailed, at 89,1 to 90. There was a report that the Bank of France had failed. But this was discredited, and was supposed to have arisen from her having raised her rates for discount. The Western Bank of Scotland• bad stopped payment— liabilities $80,000,000. This bank bad 100 branches in various parts of Scotland, whore, as well as at Glasgow, (headquarters of the bank,) great inconvenience is caused. Eventu ally, all its liabilities will be paid. This failure had caused a run upon other banks. Tho City Bank of Glasgow is stated to have stopped payment also—but wo suspect that this is a mistake in the telegram, and that the Western Bank was meant. BENNISTOUN & Co. had suspended payment— on the ground of disappointment in remit tances from the United States. The liabilities are $10,000,000. This was a very rich Glas. gow house, with branches at London, Liver dool, Now York, Now Orleans, and Australia. BAucomr & Co., of Glasgow and Now York, bad gone for $1,600,000; also, BROADWAY & BABCOCK, in the E ast India trade, for Si ,000,000. BENNOOK, TWENTYMAN, & BRIO, of London, a great silk house connected with Matchester, and New York, have also failed for $1,600,000. In short, commercial houses, hitherto strong, wore failing in all directions. The Govern ment, though strongly urged, positively re fused to interfere, by order in council, to per mit the Bank of England to ease the money market, by 'oblation of its charter. Cotton, produce, breadstuffs, and provisions wore all greatly depreseed. NNWSPAPEBS TO AND FRON CANADA. The Montreal New Era says that after the brat ofJan uary, all United States papers, potted in Canada, must be prepaid id each, and if mailed In the United States, the same postage is to be collected at the pleno of delivery. kitgitv , -krtiAii)ELPitiA, Moto AY, NOVEMBER 23, 1857. The following article from yesterday's Sun dry Dispatch, on the subject ,of .the debate in City Councils, on the payment of Interest on that portion of the subscriptions of Philadel phia made by the Districts or Northerntibar ties and Spring Garden, to the groat Penn sylvania Railroad, states the case so tersely that we adopt it for our own—regretting that any such debate should have taken place, and that even for a moment, a doubt should have tarnished the fair fame of this groat city: 4 We are rejoiced to bo able to state that theta is every reason to hope that at the next moetingof Councils, the appropriation of the payment of the interest will be made, and, for the honor of Philadelphia, wo do sincerely trust that it will be made by a unanimous vote. Repudia. tion is a capital crime in municipalities, and should be shunned like the plague The,Common Counoil, on Thursday last, virtu ally repudiated a part of the city debt. The trouble asarisen out of the subsoriptlons made to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company by the late districts of the Northern Liberties and Spring Garden. It is alleged that there was an agreement that the railroad company was to pay the, Interest on the bonds issued for those sub , soriptions The latter has failed to do so, and' the question is whether the city ought to pay. We are sorry to say that the number of membersi who were induced to take a wrong view of She matter, was sufficient to cause a tie vote, whets by the ordinance was lost. The reasons given by those who thus sanotioned a dishonorable °pulse are not sound, and cannot bo sustained by common sense. It is said that the company undertook to pay the interest in all oases, and the ordinances authorizing the subscriptions are appealed to In or-, der fo sustain this view. But these ordinances a , not contain any pledge, or assertion that a pledgte was made by the company to save the city harmlessly at all times from claims for the interest. blotting" of the sort appears in the ordinances. The onl matter upon which such a claim Can bo eel u p , the following t Said bonds to have attached coupons, in orders for in— terest, payable at the office of the Peunsylvanialiallroad Company. said coupons to be receivable from the Penn: sylvania Railroad Company in payment of the interest' or on account of dividends due by said company, on the stook held by the said district of the Northern 1.4- bertles. Tho provision is tiro oviblorioo of ilpring Gai*n 18 similar. The case, therefore, stands as follows: TIM di: Wats named (the debts of which have since beeri assumed by the city . of Philadelphia) issue their bonds absolutely, with a notice that the interest, instead of being payable at the city treasury,. shall be payable at the Pennsylvania Railroad office, and also with an agreement to take the couponi from the company en paymen( of intarost or for dividends. The allegation uarto made is that those districts never had anything to do with the interest, hot that the holders of the bonds agreed to look only to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. If no, why this provision that the city would accept the coupons for in terest? What interest? If the railroad com pany is to be solely responsible to the holders of the coupons, it could owe no interest to the city. Tho latter could in no case be liable, and the agreement to receive the coupons in payment of interest could have meant nothing. Anotheragree meat in the ordinance is, that the coupons shall be received as payment of dividends on the stock of the company. Thus, if a dividend iS declared On the stook, for the purchase of which the districts issued their bonds, the company is not compelled to pay cash for such dividends, but may turn over the ooupons which it has paid on behalf of the dis tricts. This (dearly reeogniges the coupons as an in debtedness of the districts, and by receiving them for the dividends, the districts agreed to wept their own obligatious at satisfaction from the com pany, thus mating the coupons paid by the emu pony a set-off against the dividends, the coupons being received as so much oash. The ease is like that whore a mordent Issues his note payable at a particular bank. If ho has money in the bank, or if the bank is indebted to bim. it will pay the note; if, on the contrary, the bank has no funds, tho note will be pretested. Did any one over pretend that. because the debtor de clared in his note that it was payable at the bank, the latter were, compelled to pay it, although there were no funds to meet it; Suoh a proposi tion would be laughed at in the commercial com munity; and yet, upon precisely snob a proposi tion, do the repudiators in the Common Council depend. It is true that the payment of this interest taut present very inconvenient, but that foot has no thing to do with the justice of this measure It may also be true that the Pennsylvania, Railroad Company has heretofore paid this interest; in do ing so it has merely acted as agent for the eity of Philadelphia. It was ready to pay the interest, and it made no difieretieg whether the coupons were paid at the city treasury or at the railroad Oleo. bet now that the company cannot or will not pay them, the matter takes a different com plexion. The city of Philadelphia is absolutely liable on the face of the bonds as the legal snooeSs or of the districts of the Northern Liberties and Spring earden. There is no stipulation that the holders shall look to the rkiiroad ,company, nor have they anything to do with the latter. _ The only honest course is for the city to pew Vis, interest ; it cannot repudiate it, nor Can it inyw' oessfully contest the right of the holders of the coupon! to mover In suits at law. If there Wan agreement between the company and the city that the former shall pay the Interest, the fact le nu defence to the absolute undertaking of the - monk cipal corporation. The proper method is for the city to pay the coupons in ticoordanee with its agreement In the bends, and then to sue road company for a breach of its cont,tivat to pay the interest, and recover against it, 'lf Such an agreement can be established by sufficient evi dence. 112 - We rarely stop to correct errors that occur in our columns, because these are inci dental to all daily papers; but the following paragraph, from Saturday's loader, was so misprinted or miswritten, that we republish it with corrections : Wo have called the arguments in favor of submitting the Kansas Constitution to the people of Kansas "technicalities," as a matter of courtesy to those who showed such profound devotion to " technicalities " in the ease of the Oxford and McGhee frauds; but they aro principles instead of "technicalities." And yet, over all these principles or technicalities the advocates of the Kansas Constitution would ride. In the one case—that of Oxford and Mc- Ghee—they demand that a fraud should be sus. tained because technicalities can bo pleaded in its behalf; and in the other—that of the fraudulent Constitution—they demand that fraud should be sustained in despite of techni calities or principles. We need make no further comments. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA.--In the col.. Nip-hall, at 8 o'clock this evening, the annual oration before tile Society of the Alqmni of the University of Pennsylvania will be do. livered by GEORGE 3f. WHARTON, Esq. A largo and brilliant audience Is expected upon this occasion, and an intellectual treat of no ordinary excellence is anticipated. PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENTS The programme of amusements for the present week is unusually attractive. There are ()Images almost every where, except at the Aroh-street Theatre, and Sanford's Opera-House. At Mr. Wheatley's this evening, "Richelieu" will be repeated, with the fine oast of Friday even lug ; also the play of "Time Trios All," In which, Mrs. Bowers, Mr. Thayer, and Mr. Clarke are to ap g a . r r Sanford will repeat the amusing burlesque of Mies Stanley's " Seven Ages of Woman"—ten different characters being personated by Dan Gardner. Two performances will take place at Sanford's on Tbankeglving day. At Walnut Street Theatre the operatic drama of " The Enchantress," in four parts, will be played, Miss Ricbings and Mr. Richings.appear nag in the leading parts. The reduced prices will be continued. Wettable National Theatre will opon as a Cirone, this evening, with a large equestrian com pany, including many females, some with French names, and some with 'American. The Buckleye remove to Jayne's Hall, where they commence, to-morrow evening, with the original Ethiopian performances. They announce an extra day-performanoo for Thursday. Miss E. L Williams, an English vocalist, who has appeared with cocoons at Barnum's, New York, gives an entertainment, to-night and to morrow evening, at the Musical Fund Hall. It Is something in the manner of Miss Emma Stanley's capital piece, "The Seven Ages," and is entitled the "Ladies' Dream." It was written fur Mies Williams, by f.over, author of "Rory O'More," and Miss Williams is to personate twelve charac ters, and sing eighteen songs. At Themours - Varieties, (whore an extra perfor mance is promised for T hanks-giving day,) Miss Clara Morton, and Herr Hollnager, a solo violinist, make their first appearance this evening. Mesa JULIANA MAY AT WASIIINCITON.—Mine Juliana May's second concert took place en the nth instant, and, despite the very inelement weather, attracted a full attendance of fashions bias. She sang better than on her first coueort, with greater confidence, and consequently with greater effect. She gave •' Non fu hogno, from Verdi's Lombardi. with great power and brilliancy, and in a style which displayed the, admirable ef fects of her Italian training. Mr. Frazer made his first appearance before a Washington audi ence en this occasion, and fully sustained his reputation no the beet English tenor who has visited our shores. He sang a beautiful ballad by Romer, " The One we Love," and the tine old spirit-stirring song of "The Bay of Biscay," in both of which he received the honor of un C/11 . 0,6. In addition to a flap voice find style, Mr. Frazer possesses a very distinct enunciation, nod, as lie sang in English, his audience had the gratification of hearing what he was singing about, which greatly enhanced their pleasure, and contributed to his success, Mr. W. H. Palmer, and Mr. Harry Sanderson, each performed solos on the piano; but es different dre their styles, that it might almost he said to be, under their hands, a different instrument—the smooth and finished classicality of the former con trasting so well with the dash and brilliancy of the latter. Miss May intends visiting Philadel phia, Baltimore and the principni cities. The packers at Cincinnati who contracted for hogs last summer, deliverable this fall, at $5.50 per owt., not, aro losing heavily. Ono es• tablishment on Monday last out up three hundred, and found his net loss to be $536.55. 'The Garotte says thatpurobases made now at VIM do not afford as wide a margin for profit as is desirable. Them is now hanging in the bar-room of the Buck lintel, in the borough of Lebanon, ,a license granted by the "Honorable Governor of Pennsylvania, James Penn," in the year one thousand coven hundred and eiatydve. It is meet singular in phraseology, and strictly forbids the " sato or gift of any intoxioating drinks to Indians or notorious drunkards." Benjamin Ficklin, Jr., who was taken prl- Moiler by the Mormons, in their recent attack upon the Government wagons, is from Charlottesville, Va. Mr. Floklin had been sent out by Megraw, the contractor, to purohase flour, when he and his party were seized and retained a abort, time 88 pri• encore. J. C. Bement, convicted of bigamy, was sentenced at Norwalk, Ohio, on the 11th Mot., to Lour years in the penitentiary. A GIVEAT Qt/hgtlolll BY MIDNIGHT MAIL. 'lt \M WASHINGTON Megica...lier„ . Distracted Condition—lndepen. due of saviors—Sir WilHam •Gore Sugary and Mr. Buchanan—United States Minister IS Nicaragua. (Correspondence of The Pron.] WASIIINGToN, Nov. 22,1857. The present distracted condition of Mexico, which is made apparent by the latest news from that trotter of the world, excites, as it ought to, the gravest consideration of this Govermrient, in victor the probable change of its relations to the United States. This Republic is deeply, concerned In the affairs of that and other neighboring States, and should see to It in time, that, by reason of their political convulsions, our rights are not en dangered. In certain oases, where it can fairly be antici pated that danger to those rights, or even to our interests, may ensue by the continuance of inter nal disorders in a neighboring State, from the ma chinations of foreign agents or otherwise, the law of nations permits ris to interfere, and, If need be, to exert an armed intervention for our protection. This is the rule for an extreme proceeding. Now, with the northern States of Mexico, overran by hordes of forboious savages, and no power in the Federal Government to repol them, and to MVO the unfortunate inhabi tants from annihilation, with insurrections every where within its limits, and no arm of authority to quell them, with provinces unoared for and their appeals unrogarded, it is not speaking unadvised ly - to, say that such anarchy and unnatural government cannot long endure. Government is to society an undeniable right, for without it there a'ne guarantees for either life, liberty, or pro , 'I4TLY.. • Ido nit say thht this Government will interfere with force of arum in Mazioan affairs, in the vain attempt te harmonize conflicting elements; but I do say, looking to the protests whiolo have gone to the Supreme Government from Sonora and the in habitants of the regions tributary to the trade of the Gulf of California, to the intimate intercourse and profitable' traffic of that people with our own citizens in California, and tho bearing that traftio may +whine towards the growing settlements of Arizona and Now Mezioo, that Mr. Buohanan and hie Administration cannot be idle speotlitore to the 'banging events la that OonfederacY. - The people of Sonora and the adjacent Mexican ?Ornery, under the proclamation of Governor renutern, will resist all tillibuster movements itgainst them from American soil, yet *limy will, if report be true, insist upon a separate and distinot Government from Mexico. Their erg , eats are the same ns those which were advanced by Mex ico in her defence, when in 1821 she . rid herself of the galling yoke of Spain. The Supreme Govern ment will exert its entire strength to plat down So'dangerous an invitation to general revolt, but in the consequent civil broil mayhap the adventu rers who long to revenge Crabbo and the mas sacre of Cavoroa, wilt -erect another Texas in that land. Though it may be stated to the contrary, Ido not believe that Sir )44111am Gore Ousaley will continue his way from here to Central America, the post to which, as speoial commissioner, he has hemp rossigned by the British Government, with the Infinite satisfaction which he looked for. The United States, in her negotiations, will no longer, oven by Implication, follow in the luaus strings of her Britannia Majesty's minium, Slavin, on this continent, steadily pursue, witliald Bard to the quibbles of England, a fair and falleporajent American policy. gamund Burke dealail, without - ,lictng contradicted, that England had the vast pos. `rfeasions In that quarter to which she laid claim, apdanqh will be Mr. Buohanan's denial when they as) advanced at this day. Lord Palmerston, the embodiment of English policy, fights bitterly against all Isthmnsian prefer, which promise to inure to the benefit of others. Ile oettended against the reopening by 'ranee of the canal across the isthmus of Suez; and he will oppose the projects for the construc tion of canals woes the Isthmuses of Central lunettes, and elsewhere in the world where they are oontemplated, unless he can hare the sole control of them. But this policy, for the future, will not be altogether conjectural, for .Mr. Buchanan, I think, will at once compel Great Britain to take that position which she will be Whig to sustain before the civilised world. In any case, it is not doubted that the Monroe doe. trine will be strictly adhered to by this Govern ment. There is a lbellsh rumor going the round of the papers, that the Administration had it in inten tien:te arrest and imprison as hostages of war, Mr. t!trelhlselt delegate in Congress from Utah, and illions wherever they could bo found in the States, for security against farther depredations by Brigham Young and his saints. It is needless stillest to say that there is not the shadow of truth for this rumor. Mr. Buchanan will, with the moans tdorded him by Congress, execute the laws of the United States under the Constitution promptly and fully. If there be oeilision of armed forces and inter neoine war, the blame will be upon those who 11)- 4st him in the discharge of his Executive film:- Bons. As I wrote you Saturday, there will he no interference with the religion of the Inhabitants of Utah, except in so far as its requirements com pel a violation of eonstitutional provisions. The Administration are costing about for the proper man for United States Minister to !Ceara gun, to go out there, and while watolling our inte rests, to checkmate the insidious and dangerous moves of English diplomacy. Several gentlemen of learning and admitted eipaeity have been named ler this position of trust, but as yet the ap pointment has not been made. It may be taken for granted, however, that Sir William Gore Ouse ley will not arrive at his destination much sooner than our own representative. X. Y. DOUBLE MURDER AND SUICIDE ON LONG ECINIE! At Port Jefferson, L. 1., on Saturday morning, while Mrs. Waters was at breakfast, in company with her somin-law, Mr. Sturdovant, and his wife, Mr. Waters, her husband, audclenly entered the room w ith an iron bar in his hand, and without speaking a word, struck either his own wife or Mr. Sturdovant with the formidable weapon whloh ho carried with him a violent and, it is supposed, fatal blow on the head. The only person in the house besides the party at breakfast was a boy, about ten years old, who concealed himself, and board several other blows given. Waters, weapon In hand, followed the lad, who escaped and alarmed the village. People rushed to the house, and, a few paces outside it, Mrs. Sturdovant lay Ina state of insen sibility on the ground. Her head and face wore covered with blood, and she had received a heavy stroke from an iron bar, on the head, which would, of itself have been sufficient, it is believed, to cause death. Besides this, she was beaten by the same weapon in other parts of the body, and had two emaller wounds in the head. The weapon was found near the barn, and is a square iron bar, about an inch and a quarter dia gonally from angle to angle, and about three and a half feet in length. Inside the house Mr Waters and Mr. Sturde vent lay dead, their heads battered in a frightful manner, and the persons altogether presenting the most horrible spectacle that can bo imagined. In the barn, suspended from ajoist, by the nook, were the remains of the fiendish maniac, who hod been the cause of all the calamity. Ile was quite dead, and his body, as it was suspended, with the =s oles of the face distorted, and all the other appear ances the result of strangulation. The canto of the murders is stated as follows Mrs. Waters was very much attached to her daugh ter and her husband, and she possessed a good deal of property since the death of her first husband. She was villy liberal with her daughter, and it is Supposed thather husband, noticing many material proofs of this liberality, imagined that he was not the chief object of her cares and affeetion and reflecting' upon this, or perhaps fearing that she might finally be led to settle all her property op her sonsin-law, he came to the maniacal conclusioa of avenging himself in the hearl-rending manner in which hp . barbarously murdered his - wife, his friend and himself, and attempted almost success. fully in one instance to destroy the lives of two others If Mrs. Sturtevant should recover the particulars maybe learned. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS BarilltDAY EvLimo, November 21.--There is a moderate degree of activity noticeable in the breadstuffs market, and prices are without any quotable change to-day. The sales of flour com prise 600 bbls, of a standard brand, at a prioo kept secret! 1,100 bbls do at $5.25153.311, the latter for selected Western, and 2,000 bids extra ut S 3 0234.3.873 for common and selected brands. The sales to the local trade aro to a fair extent within the range of the same quotations, and San $7.25 per bbl for extra focally and fancy lots, as to quality, Cornmeal and rye flour are but little in quired for, and dull at 53.18;a53.25 for the for mer, and $4.00 per bbl for the latter. Wheat is in moderate supply, but the demand from millers and shippers is limited, and about 0,000 bus have been taken at 120a125e for fair to good red, and 128 to 1450 for white. Corn is Wapiti& and 2,000a3,000 bus have boon taken at 50a82c for new, and 800 for old yellow, the former according to dryness. including 1,200 bus white, also at 80c, afloat. Oats aro in demand, and about 3,500 bus have been sold at 330 for Delaware, and 35a30e for Pennsylvania. nye is in request ned scarce at 73e. with farther small sales at this figure. Little or nothing doing in Bark, and the holders of quer. citron are firm at $3O for first quality. Cotton is dull, with a very reduced stock ou sale Gro ceries era without much change—thorn io rasher more doing in Sugars, both for the Items trade and refining purposes. Provisions continue inactive and Flees aro unsettled. Seeds—there is nothing doing to altar quotations, and the market is bare of Cleverseed. Whiskey Is selling as wanted at 22a230 fur Pennsylvania and Ohio bbls, and 22a 2230 for hhds. Llst of Americans registered at the Bank ing Qiiica of the American-European Express and Exehange Company, Paris: F. Renter, Now York; E. F. Nystrom, C. Widdifield, B. Fitch, A. B. Fitch a.ad lady, F. W. Coleman, F. W. Angel, Rey. A. Vorron, S. Hallett, F. C. Stewart, M. D., John Catper, do, P. Stewart, do, A. S. Scribner and family, C. W. Richards, L. It. Leclerc, W. Ilerlooker, 0. W. McCune, S. Teats, M. D ; C. Scarborough, Ky.; Dr. J. Wells and family, Conn.; W. 11. White, La.; 0. 11. Townsend, A. Carr, F. V. Dayton, N. Y.; F. Williams, A. W. Whiting; M. D. Ohio; C. F. Lyman, Mass.; R. Torrey, t. W. Blagden, Mies E. 0. Craw, Mo.; F. J. B..Crano, bitah. TO gutted States sloop-of-war John Adapts has been ordered Lome, and will, it is stated, arrive in the 'United States in May next, Oho has beim ordered to Norfolk. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. ARRIVAL OF TILE ATLANTIC. FOUR DAYS LAM FROM EUROPE LATER FROM INDIA CAPTURE OF DELHI CONFIRMED King of Delhi Surrendered—His Life Spared— His Two Song Shot. LUCKNOW RELIEVED IJIPORTJJNT BANK AND MERCANTILE FAILURES Tho Bank Bates .&dvanced to 10 0 onsols 89N e9O NEW YonK, Nov. 22.--The steamship Atlantic arrived this evening with Liverpool dates to Wed nesday, the lith inst. The At'anti° brings .£26,000 sterling in spot*. The steamer Asia arrived out on the oth inst., and the Kangaroo on the 11th inst. The news brought by the Atlantic is very Im portant. It embraces later advice/ from India, and the progress of the financial crisis. The strin gency in the money market continued unabated, and the Bank of England lieu again advanced the rate of discount one percent., making the present rate ten per cent. The latest advioes fruit Liver pool announce that the City Bank of Glasgow stopped paymint on Wednesday morning. Mears. Dennistoun & Co. have failed. Their liabilities are estimated at £2,000,000 sterling. Alm the Western Bank of Scotland, with, deposits amounting to tO,ooo,ooosterling. Messrs. Baboook Is Co , of Liverpool awl New York, have also failed. Their liabilities are said to be ..£300,000. Several other failures are an nounced, with liabilities of mailer amounts. Later Ravine have boon rooeived, confirming the capture of Delhi. The garrison at Luckuow had been relieved by General Havelock just so the enemy were ready to blow it up. A large portion of the oily had also been captured. Gen. Niel has been killed. The King of Delhi surrendered to the British troops, and his lifo has been spared. His two sons were shot. COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE LIVERPOOL, Nov. 10.—Tbe sales of Cotton for the three days past have been 4,600 bales, all taken by the trade. All qualities have again de• olined *4., and the market closes very dull, and a tendenoy to deolino still farther. Quotations are nominal. Manchester advioes are unfavorable, and sales are unimportant. LIVERPOOL BREADSTUFF'S MARKET, Nev. 10.— The market has been very dull, and all descrip tions have•declined. Messrs. Richardson & Spence's circular qtiotes flour as dull, at Male decline, and difficult to sell even at that deoline• ' Wheat quiet, at 2da3d low er; Middling and lower qualities being most affected; Corn is also dull at 6d decline. The fol lowing are the current quotations: PLoon.—Western Canal 21e 61527 s 6,1; Phila delphia and Baltimore 275a281 6d; Ohio 29a. WURAT.—Rod tle 6da7e ed ; 'White 7e 3daBs. COWL—Mixed and Yellow 365a363 6d White 40fia4le. LIVERPOOL PROVISION illanwer—Nov. 10.—For Beef, Pork, and Bacon the quotations are nominal and sales have been unimportant. Lard le heavy, and holders are pressing on the market, at a heavy reduotion, without effooting sales. Tallow has sustained a considerable decline for all qualities Butchers' Tallow is nominally quo. tod at blo. Produce—Rosin heavy, and the sales of produce generally are unimportant. LONDON MARKETS—NM 10.—Breadstuffs are quiet and steady. Sugar heavy and quotations are nominal. Coffee is dull at a decline of lea2s. All qualities of Tea have also declined; common Congou Is quoted at Is. Tallow has declined considerably, and is quoted at 50s. Linseed 011 355. Iron—Pig Iron on the Olycle is dun-525. Sales have been made at Glasgow at 50a518. LONDON ?dorm bleuirwr, Nov. 10.—On Mon day the Bank of England raised the rate of dis count to ton er cent. The money market closed to-day decidedly more stringent. The Wooing quotations of consols are Klan for money, and 893a801 for aooount. ENGLAND. The failure of Messrs. Dennistoun Co. occurred on the 7th, but did not transpire till aster the sail ing of the Saturday steamer. This firm was the heaviest house in Great Britain eonneoted with the American trade. The prinolpa's house was lo oated In Glasgow ; but there sters) branches in London, Liverpool, New York, Nem Orleans, and Melbourne, but the Australian 'souse is not com promised by the suspension. 'The cessation of American remittenoes wne the sole Canso of the suspension, which will probably be but temporary, as the private resources of tho partners are very lar ge . Western Bank of Scotland, at Glasgow, which has also suspended, had aipaid-up capital of of £1,500,000, and deposits forming an agregate of 10,000,000. Tho business of the bank was im mense, as it had one hundred branches in Scot land. The proprietary members are very wealthy, and no eventual loss is apprehended. The following additional suspensions are re ported : Dennooh, Twontyman, k Rigg, of London, con nected with the Manchester silk trade; liabilities from two to three hundred thousand dollars; Broadway & Barclay, East India trade, of London; liabilities 5200,000; Babcock Js Co., of mongol., and Now York ; liabilities 5300,000; Henry Dutilh A, Co., of Liverpool; Foot is Sons, silk manufaoturers, of London. The funds on Monday declined Id, under the rise of bank rates, but subsequently there was a reaction. The American advises wore regarded as snore favorable. There was nearly a total sus pension of withdrawals of specie from the bank. Messrs. Hoge & Intimation a accep tances on the Liverpool correspondents of Wm. Hogo A. Co., of New York, bad been dishonored. It was reported that the American housoofJohu Munroo CA., of Paris, had stopped. Gallerkarnp A Brothers, of Amsterdam, had failed. ' Deputations from Liverpool and Glasgow unsuc. oessfully endeavored to induce the Government to adopt measures of relief. The Manchester Com menial Amociation had declined to participate in the movement. On Tuesday funds were buoyant, and advanced to 89. Four thousand sovereigns were taken from the Bank of England for Scotland. The suspension of the Western Bank had caused a run on all the other banks, including many sayings institu tions. There WAS less uneasiness In mercantile quarters, but a pressing demand for discounts prevailed. LATER FROM INDIA. Telegraphic advices in advance of the Overland mail have been received in London, a fortnight later than the previous intelligence. The city of Delhi was in complete possession of the British on the 21st of September. General Nicholson had died of tho wounds re ceived in the assault, VIE LATEST. It was rumored in Liverpool, on Wednesday, that the Bank of France had stopped payment, hut the report, It is believed, grow out of another advance In the rates of discount. . . . LIVERPOOL, II ednesday, Nov. 11—three o'clock P. M.—Tho Cotton market is still further de pressed, and lower prices have been accepted with sales of 2,000 bales. Broadstuffs are very dull. LONDON, Nov. 11.—Cenatda tbr account aro quoted at 89.4 to 00 A letter from Iftinakurg, dated the 7th instant, reports that a sacral panic prevails in the steak market there. Specie was scarce, and bills of exchange unsaleable The shareholders of the Borough Bank of Liver. pool had resolved to register a bank under the "Joint Stock Banking Companies' Aot," but wore undecided about the propriety of winding up affairs. Business in Amoriemi secutitins was limited. The following quotations were reported : Illinois Central Ronda, 1675, TS. " Shares, 14515 discount. New York Central " TO. The Atlantic Telegraph Company bad decided to renew operations for the laying of the cable the latter part of Juno next, commencing at the middle of the Atlantic, as originally designed. Messrs Glum & Elliott had commenced the con struction of additional cable, making three thou sand miles in all. Easton ,k Amos were building new paying-out machines. The London Tinley devotee a loader to the re markable coolness of Americana under the ex. isting crisis, in which it strongly censures the un controlled issue of paper money. The direotors of the Bank of Franoe had an audience with the Emperor, and unsuccessfully urged a duty of three per cent. on the exportation of specie. The Emperor reported himself in favor of an advance of the rates of discount to S per cent. Operations in the French manufacturing dis tricts wore completely stagnant. The financial pressure had reached Sweden and Norway. The Bank of Frankfort, and Bank of Prussia, had raised the tate of discount to 7} per cent. The Senate of rtankfort has interdicted the re sidence there of an old political teftigeo named rroeholi who 001110 time *Ace had become an Anne ziotin citizen. The American consul had protested against this interdict, and threatened to suspend his relations unless the order for the expulsion of Froebel is recalled A Russian war steamer had been wreaked in the Caspian Sea, The captain, three lieutenants, and eighteen men, were drowned ENGLAND. The English Govurnment has arranged with the Oriental Mail Steamship Company for the convey ance of a weekly mail to and from India The Southern Matt—Texas Affairs. WASHINGTON ; Nov. 22.—The Now Orleans papers received by the Southern mail contain the mos sego of the Governor of Texas to the Legislature. It states that the amount in the State treasury subject to draft is $760,000, and that the school fund amounts to $2,200,000. The Governor recom mends the establishment of a State university. The entire State tax for 1857 was $327,000, being an increase of cloven per cont. over the previous year. General Walker's rendezvous at tho l'owdorhorn has been broken up, and the recruits have dis banded. West h e - r - 1 u AVniftington Wastitanroa. Nov. 2l.—Tho wcathor last night was intensely cold, and ice formed 1/ inches in thickness. The Southern Matt. IVAsnciarox, Nov. 21.—The great Southern Mull is to go by the Potomac river route in a few days. Arrest of Steamship Officers. New ORLEANS, Nov. 21.—The officers of the steamships Galveston and Opelousas, which collided u few days since, have been placed under arrest. The Adelatle , itgresusd. NEW YORK, Nov. 22.—. The new itesinship AM. atlo continues aground in her dock id consequence of the low tkle mauled by the teoent heavy north wtsterly gales.' She will start on Wednesday at noon, and. earn out a supplemental mail. The weather, is tine this evening, with the wind at southwest. Interest.° the State Debt ALBANY. 'NM 2i.—Comptroller Burrows and Auditor Bennett have concluded arrangements by wbioh the Interest on the State debt, due in Jena. ary next, will be paid at the Manhattan Bank, in coin. Wheat for Oswego. °swan°, November 21.—The Times, this after noon, publishes a list of fifty vessels now on their way from the upper lakes, for this port, with 700,000 bushels of wheat, principally from Chicago. It Is estimated that half a million of bushels will be here on the close of the canal. All the mills aro in operation. Large litre In Rochester. BocueaxEn, N. Y., Nov. 21.—A fire broke oat early this morning in the Eagle Bank block, °eau pied by the Democrat printing establishment, the Eagle Bank. O. A. Ilyde & Co., jewelers, J. Dis brow, tobacconist, U. S. Express office, and nu merous law and other offices. The entire block was burned to the ground, with all its contents The entire Commercial Beak block, adjoining, was also burned ; the latter block was occupied by the Commercial Bank—Husband, Shirtlid; bankers. Losses—J. Chappell, owner Eagle block, $30,000; Begin Bank , $2,000 ; Democrat establish ment, $20,000; Commercial Bank, $4,000; 0. A. Hyde & Co., $lO,OOO ; J. Disbrow, $2,000; Thomas H. Rochester, owner of a small building, smashed by falling wall, $l,OOO. Two firemen fell from the walls, and several were seriously wounded. The fire was first die covered in the tigle Bank. Destructive Fire st Olean, New York °coax, Now York, November 22.—Eight dotes and ono dwelling in the tuudnees part of the town were burned this morning, causing a lose of *70,000. Destructive Fire is Baltimore. . BALTIMORE, Nov.' 22.—A destrUotive try cc maned in Baltimore street last night, consuming the splendid warehouse occupied by Messrs. Fish- , er,lloyd, A Brother, dry-goods, and others. The adjoining store was mach damaged, and the seve ral tenants suffered much loss. The following are the principal sufferers: Edessra. Fisher, Boyd, , Brother, $40,000 ; F. 8. Beats& Co., shoes and hats, $12,000 ; homer k Brother, fancy goods, $lO,OOO ; L. P. D. Newman, shoe house, $15,000; Silner Brother, clothiers, $B,OOO by water. AU the par. ties were fully insured. The total loss is over $BO,OOO, of whioh $B,OOO was insured in Philadel phia, and about $lO,OOO in New York offices. Destructive Fire at Mobile MOBILE, Nov. 21.—A fire, which broke out in this city on Friday, midnight, destroyed the stores of L. Merchant .& Co.. Charles Brewer,'and Savage, Calif & Co., on Cotameree street, and three dwellings on Canal street. The Are broke out simultaneously at all points. The loss is esti• mated at 5150,000. Fire at Louisville LOUISVILLE, November 21—The liquor shwa of G. H. Cutter, feed store of E. Buckner, together with three email stores, on Second street, were burnt this morning. Lass $30,000. Ere at Columbus, Ohio, Courstaus, Nov. 21.—At two o'olook this after noon, a fire broke out in the upperatory or Beth.- ler's block, in this city, occupied by ,the Franklin Branch Bank; S. Buck, Davos, dry goods; Stanley, hatter; and the Columbus Athenaeum. The contents at the building were saved, but the building was entirely destroyed. There is a partial insurance on the loss. The United States Steamer Saranac Aground. NORFOLK, Nov. 22.—The United Statei steamer Saranac sailed yesterday for the PROMO, but got aground below. She will probably not be got off for some days. • The Ililasissippl River. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 21.—There is sixteen feet of water on the bar at the mouth of the Missis sippi river. The ship Enoch Train, for Liverpool with cotton, is a-ground. The first white frost made Its appearance In this vicinity this morning. Irrein Bataan Nsw ORLBANS, Nov. 211:—The trailed States Mail Steamship Cahawba, from Havana, has ar rived. Marine Intell'same NORFOLK, Nov. 21.—The ship Edwin Forrest, Crocker, has arrived at Hampton Roads, from Chinoha Islands, with guano. Voyage, sixty-four days. Crum:lo, November 21—The 'schooner Plying Cloud, from Chicago, bound. to Buffalo, Went ashore at Miller's Point, thirty miles from this city. Seven of her crew were lost. Markets. Ns w ORLEANS, Noy. 21.—CottOn—Salis 10,000 bales to-day Market nIECI, but generally un changed. The receipts to-day amount to 4,800 bales. , Sugar olosedinument. readatire dull, at $5.5.2 for Flour. Corn (new) quoted at 484.. .Now Fork, sls.so.Other market& , • -- Bauhaus's, Nov. 21 .-8& lea of Howard , Street and Ohio Flour at $5.37, and City Mills at $5.1.51 for sash. Wheat—Sales at sl.loasl.l for red, and 81.15a51.30 for white. Corn Is ?ratter—Old white, 74a800. ; yellow, 75 a 80o.; new, 58 a 850. Sales of Whiskey at 231a24e. Meaux, Nov. 20.—Cotton--Sales of ihe week 9,000 bales. The sales to-day amount , to 8,000 bales. Market buoyant and As higher. Receipts of the week 14,000 Woe. Stook in, port 41,005 balm. CHARLESTON, Nov. 20.—The Cotton market has suffered a decline of to 'lance the receipt of the Niagara's news SAVANNAH, Nov. 20.—There is nothing doing in Cotton, either at this port or that of Augusta. THE MONEY MARKET. PHILADELPHIA, November 21, 1057. The Chicago Press has an article on the subject of the Missouri State bonds, stating that the whole amount of bonds authorised by law to be Issued is 524,950,000. Of this there had been issued np to the 13th of October $15,930,000, and it is not pro bable that an additional amount has been issued since then. A' bill passed the Mouse on Monday last proposing to limit the issue to this figure, saving, however, a further issue of the following sums : 5750,000 to the North Missouri R. R. 470,000 Iron Mountain R. R. 400,000 " Pacific (Kansas stem.) 500,000 " Pacific (S. W. Branch.) $2,126,000 There is also due to the Pacific Railroad (South west brand() a balance of guarantee bonds amount• lug to $3,800,000. The St. Louis Republican supposes that there will not be for some time any further issue of bonds, even should the above mentioned bill pass, except the $2,126,000, for which it provides. This would make $18,056,000, the interest on which tho State will be responsible for. The present actual debt drawing interest is $16,532,000, which, at six per ceat. per annum, is $991,920, payable semi-an nually (January and July Ist.) Of this amount, $604,800 is payable on account of bonds issued to the Hannibal and St. Joseph and Pacific Railroad Companies. On account of Hannibal and St. Joseph.. $lBO.OOO .• " Pacific 424,600 The report from the first named of these eompa nlea is, that it will pay the Interest chargeable to it. The largo and increasing receipts of the Pa eifio Road encourage the belief that it oan manage to pay the whole of the interest chargeable to that company. giTha Rim?,(icon thinks that " by the imposition of an additional mill or mill and a half tax, and drawing on funds which have been hitherto other. wise appropriated, there can be no diMoulty in meeting the interest which the State will hare to pay. Revenue Anticipation Bonds 'kill no doubt have to bo issued. But these, on our supposition, if the ability of the State is properly understood, will sell easily at a high figure." • A despatch dated St. Lewis, Nov. 17th, says: "The bill restrioting the inns of the State bonds to two millions, and providing for the prompt pay ment of the interest of those already issued, passed the Rouse this afternoon. The same bill passed the Senate on Saturday last." The following is an official statement of the amount and value of the foreign goods imported nt Philadelphia during the past week : For Consumption—Dry Goods.. $28,015 Miscellaneous 139,823 Warehoused—Dry goods 07,278 " Misetillaneon.s... 29,115 Total for the week Previously Total since Jan. let, 1857—51.7,213,389 The following is a statement of Impor to of foreign dry goods at New York for the week, and since Jan. lot Entered at the port for the week $738,335 Thrown on the market 190,363 Entered at the port since Jan. 1 87,528,398 Thrown on the market " 741,744,237 The coupons of the Covington and Lexington Railroad bonds are unpaid this month. Of this suspension the Cincinnati Gazette says: "Our people bare become used to .this kind of treatment. Upon nearly all the bonds loaned to railroad companies. it has been our privilege to pay the interest for a year or eighteen months past. however, if the principal and interest of the loan to the Covington and Lexington Railroad are never returned to the city treasury, the investment is not to be regretted. The railroad is worth more to the oily than the interest on a million of dollars, and It is only to be regretted that the city hoe not the power to extend a helping hand in the exten sion of the Kentucky Central Railroad. The people of Covington should not complain very bit• terly, even if they do have to pay interest on the $200,000 bonds. It is a small matter compared with the advantages derived front the road The Covington and Lexington Company have promptly paid the interest on their own bonds, and it is now doing a large business. We aro not particularly advised as to the precise nature or cause of the reported default." The Miners' Journal of Saturday tunas np the coal trade of the past week as follows : Isltl. 18.37. Loss. Gale. 38.152 tom canal .% 6 , 9 / 0 43 , 947 • • 6,177 Lehigh—railroad....... 5,456 0,200 .... 3,752 canal. ...... ... 31,456 24,416 /0,040 Del. and Hodson Cana1..14,452 15,149 ego PODIM. Coat Company —17,047 6,00 11,1 ii Scranton, South, no return, 138,140, 138,780 21,178 10,809 130,790 19,809 Dee. for week. tons.. 1.389 1,369 Loss for the week 1,368 tons, independent of the loss sent South froni: - Stirett ten ; iwldeh isahoutE,oo4 tons, making . thio loss 4,33ir tons for the nick. This, added to the Hai for the 'season up to lest week, makes the lops to finvkam nil the Again cite Regions, *boil EOO,OOO ton. At the annual election 'fie &motors of the Ilemplleld Railroad for the ensuing year, the fol lowing persons ware elected: C. M. Reed, Wash ington; Wm. Kerman, Washington; lames C. Achason,M heeling ; Thomas Sweeny, Wheeling; 8. Brady, Wheeling; J. C.. Clark, Westesorebsnd county; Daniel Deal, Philadelphia. , PHILADELPHIA STOOK EXCHARCIE - SALES, November 21, 1857. Reported by R. Mat:! y t Jr., Stock Broker, No 801 Waxes! atreet. PlllB2 BOARD. 200 Penna la 84 100 Heading 11...e6w0.25% 6001 do ...10ta.8.4 20 do .23% 500 Penns .11. 6s 63 30 do 25% 1000 Penne. coup 6....88 60 do 25% 1000 His Coll Co GLAD 110 • do 500 etty 6e near. 92 21 do 26 1009 Lehigh YR64.10.84% 60 do sdji MI New Crk C0.101c.:6_ _ 10 Lehigh seriplds.36% % 111 - do •• 211% 10 do ....36X 46 N Penns R...10u. 9% 5 do 3 dc.86% 10 do . Oro. 9% 18 Penns B b 5.38% 100 Lehigh Zinc 36 13 do , ' 38% 6 101.60.., - ....53 2 do 311 K 10 Boiv Mesa 11..55.52 10 do , 38% 63 Noreianzien 2-.256N 6 do , 58% 8 - do - 5:3; VA &buy N Yid lots 11% 13 PhiLs Noah 100 100 Reading itaSirn.2sK li Irk of Yonna—loto.ll VI do 25% BIM 59 Poona H..... ..... 38% 10 do ....59 0.28 I 1 Morris Coral Pfd..9o,W 100 Heading 8200 ND 100/ N SoloLaß 6'5....513 600 do 5000 do. blys 1000 WO T .2 60 - d5.55 MOO SIB. 71 2 pm 06irn..62 9 Peaoa,H, 23%. 10 N Zoom. It '9X 60 Beading 100 do .. 50 do ..osorn.loA CLOSING diked. , 1, /I ga, _55% 86 .1 i 4, .4 0i1&W....92 624 Podurjr4 6e5....04x as 26.K._ 26 % "de tondo 79 09 - 76 do 51 5 , 0, , 44 81 'Piano RH 36% Moinimeaol Cap 44 60 Bobo N Go &I —4O 60 0t0rc.....14g 12 - 1,412019 150 Reading R. 100 do 27 100 do 21 Reading elosea: BY- THE PILOT LINE. 07 - Our regular New York Commercial Letter failed to reach wallet night. NSW TO wroox.. )or.! 2009 N Y Stab, !s'6B 99 1900 NY Mai Si MO 99% sow NT State 6)0030 99 WOO Otdd 66'44 - ?101. - . , MO Mak State 69. 99 1000 Tenn th VO 83 . 1000 Ca 6.3 $8 12000 htinouri 6 111 - BEOO do . - 19 /MONO& sr ioTa i. 300 - - do 100 51g 150 ,' do ' : 33 52 150 . do 51g EU do - teis 200 do 030 51 200 do b5O 51g 400 do - 030 02 _______ _ ___ _ 4000 Leer & 1111 I .020 200 do 410 51g . ..._ 5000 NY Oen 116 a 85X 1000 Eve us 'B3 10 1000 do ' 8V woo - do -60 • 6000 111 Con Rda • ST 1000 do 81 X 6000 . do ea 1006 PY & IP 85 5000 3leh 08 V a 84 2000 G & Ohl lm 0174' 10 Bk State of NY 88 60 Broadway Bk 104 90 do 105 60 Detall 13k, _7O 5 Park Bk , 83 8 II 8 That - 100 10 Ohio & R I R SEX 100 do • &IX 100 Del & Hod 0 s2O 101)1 100 • do bllO 102 „ 60 do 102 100 Pa Coil Oa 02,4 60 do „ 9123 j 100 do 02 400 Cumbd Coil 12 S do 1134 60 do 11X 100 Pacific 11 Co 10 60 Brunawiek Id Co 334 60NYCeuR e 6034 466 do 53.80 X 639 do e 81 20 do 200 _do 13 131„ 60 ' do oS BOX 60 do s3O la 1110 do $4O 78% 50 do . b 3 -80 M 180 de b5O • 50 100 do sog lONIA 114 65 0 B Quincy R 04 100 Mich Can 561 1801)1M/ 0 4'0of- , 74 10), - 930 4 10 '642 do o 9 o ff • 0, waft IXI 14000,1110 15 .19/0 453 6,000. .40 620 49 • -6,00011161 i 0 $ p 42.1134 000 do 841 10, 9, 0 0 Lail If 1 Oa EO M 150 Climb Uoil Co 113 w -51 Keicaottlilik tllO 580 NT 0091.11 is sD '4O do -'e1699 iu Xrfi ilk. • ' 7- )6 liar . 60 MA= ER . 9SO do 200 Road BR Ir3ll 62 Mb •do 13 399rItets. FLonst.—The market wee firmer for skipping grades, while rereiPts were quite light_ there being no tow in. The ealea embraced about 8,000 alO,OOO bbla, Including raperine State and West ern at $4.9545.10. chiefly at about $545.05, and extra do at $5.23a55.30, chiefly at $5.15 for pod qualities. An advance (of sealOo war fully eas taißed. Winitr.—The receipts were light and prices firm, with sales of about 10,000 bushels. inoludiag Chicago spring at $1; Racine do at $1; Milwaukee Club at $1.08; white Canada at $l.OB, and South ern red at $1.30. Conn was seam and prices firm, with sales of aboukB,oooalo,ooo bushels Western mixed at 80a 82,, from store and delivered. Ports was quiet, wilt small sales of mess ar. $19.37a519.50. COTTON.—The market WLS quiet and sales lim ited. ' WAISKEY.--Salles of 3001400 bbls at 23bs, with small sales at 240. FLOUR AND GRAIN —The Lake receipts of flour, wheat. and corn, at Buffalo, from the open ing of navigation to the 17th instant, oomparo thus: 1857. 11856. Decrease. Flour. Gbh ..... .... 657,807 973,983 511,376 Wheat, buehele 6,780,80 6,801,212 110,9011 Coin, do 5,05,512 8,10,31113 3,132,01 CITY ITEMS. C - See fourth page for cg The City " de partment. What our Artists art Daing.—The City Item Informs us that Mr. i\ eagle has just completed a fine portrait of the lamented Mr. Benjamin Cross, and that his portrait of Bishop Meade, "one of Neagle's greatest works," is now being engraved ly Mr. T. B. Welch. A promising pupil of Nea gia's, Mrs. C. Ingersoll Gara, (of Erie, Pa.,) is said to bo programing so rapidly, that a portrait of her instructor, from - her pencil, has been mistaken for one of his own works. Mr. Waugh is enaged upon a portrait of Madame Gazzaniga, and has a large number of orders on hand. Sanford Mason is en gaged upon a historical picture. Sartain, the en graver, ks as busy as ho can well be. The hard times hate not much affected the artists. $04,800 The Assistance Engine Company.—This evening the first regular ball at the new and spa cious building of the National Guards, at Sixth and Race streets, since the grand dedicatory festi val on Tuesday night last, will take place under the auspices of the Assistance Engine Comparjr. This organisation is justly ranked among the most efficient in the fire department, and its members may congratulate themselves upon the esteem in which they are held by the entire community. The ball to night promises to 'be brilliant and at tractive, and we doubt not that our firemen, with their wives and sweethearts, will richly enjoy the many pleasures of this festive occasion. A letter has been received in Boston, from Washington, D. C., stating that a little girl, ap parently about five years of age, has been tonnd in the house of a colored woman of had reputation, in that city. The child is well dressed, and says that her name is Margaret Shecklee, or Sickle; and that her mother keeps store in Philadelphia. Yesterday morning, about five o'clock. the ca binet manufactory of IL F. Hoover, back of No. 232 south Second street, was set on fire, and damaged to the extent of 5201. A man was seam to leave the premises by Officer Finnigan, but managed to escape. This place was also set on fire on the 12th of July last. Last night, between six and seven o'clock, the grocery store of Ernest Gobert, at Third and Ca tharine streets, was dimovered to be on fire. Loss about 1200. S 2 6 ,231 16,978 1 LS Hospital Cases.—Dennis Riley, aged twenty six years, had his left shoulder blade fractured by falling from one of the ears on the Reading Rail road, at Port Richmond. die was conveyed to the Pennsylvania Hospital. A man, whose name we could not ascertain, was admitted to the Episcopal H..spital, yesterday, having had his left ann taken cff by being run over by one of the cars on the .North Pennsylvania Railroad, in Washington street. above Oxford. The sufferer is about thirty sears of age. and is supposed to belong to Shoemakertown. We visited a number of pollee station houses yesterday, and found everything, with some few exceptions, in the best possible order. The Eighth ward station house, and that of the sixth pollen district, are in excellent condition The work of repair upon the latter has already been- com menced City Warrant Lost.—The telegraphic ope rator at Manayunk has lost a city tarrant, No. 4534, drawn in favor of P. 3. Ward, for forty two dollars and fortyaeven cents The finder will please leave it at the Twentyfirst Ward Station House. Vessels in Port.—There were in port, yes tortittY. three steamships, seventeen ships, sixteen barques, eleven brigs, and eleven schooners. THE LATEST TROY UTAH —DR3patChe3 have been received at the War Depsdtment, at Waqiin gton, from Col. A. Et Johnson, commanding the United States forces In Utah, elating that he would retain to the seat of Government as speedily as possible, principally for the purpose of slopping to Philadelphia sod procuring for himself a handsome salt at the Drown Scone Cloth log Hall of Rockhill 1 Wilson, Nos 603 and 605 Chest nut street, above Sixth. BRIGHTENING Up'—The financial emkarrass meats are already disappearing, and the routine of ba ldness Is gradually being resumed; meanwhile, maity generous efforts hove and ar• being made to give em , ployment to the honest industrial classes. Asa., others, the celebrated clothing firm of Clifton, Albright, Co., " Jayrie'a N 0.1327 Chestnut street, rather than discharge their many workingmen and vans. Sr. selhog their entire stock cf elegant and aeasonabte clothing for gentlemen at cow: moss. Call on BOARDS. 250 /UMW", 31....1ati 213 10 500 do ..10t565 SOX 60 60 Reading Z. 2634 do 26 60 a o do .12 do 26J VOaaa k Ara% 11: GO lin n ad Canal. 3 u: Batik ITX 11 , • , .do ar t ldl.4sl = O, do 264 - Lao; idaad„..." 11:_ 7114166nrg - 6 T Gina ... 6X -9 Lehigh X 1 trakut Nail 4j 5 Sow Creek_ 3 csfts.b.:xis...sis 100 itoodiogii.. 60 do .. .11:0 ....s5 53% 26,1te28X Os 1141.115, no, st 100 MA igo 535 UT( 150 Wilma RB 1 9 100 Harlem Ptd 1 21 109 • ". - '515 b 8021% 30 Riatlksl 11.11 . 00 200 de sax' da la 51 100 Had Lyn 1:56 42 200 do MO 23 6 _ do 22 150 do zig 90011141 a So &RIR 22.4 is 7 - do 22 29 19441482.4i1Prei 41 1( 100 "do 40/4 35 ._ de 40 100 Paniati R 00 21 111 Control 410 95 150 do ss% 14 do 43 96 100 do 410 96 it 106 Woe & Pitts R 17 100 do tat ltkii "" 300 do 1031 55 do 15 5 ClevO & Ciols 93 49.5 Clev t lot IL 43 50 do. 210 43 23 600 491( 400 : do '630 43K 201111 w ac 13 - 34 303( 50 do ; 33111 tit _ ao. •di 855L4 et /4 BM H IS 100 do by! 10.4 'jai ;To rt . 400 - do • do Itdo • do Isl 2 '2OCI 440 10 do . 12 100 - , do b3O ,112 i TOO 14 5.16 -14 - en* - WI Rios & Tot RR - !3N- RS • a - ego - _ d o- Stif 100 o 16146 o& Rtlf 60 - ito - ^ 60 . 6 R 1 10 IR So& do p 41,N ILI Panama 1151 , -. 100 116 Clan it Pitts - $S 16 et eta 4r. a nut, $ 3111 Jemmy RR 116
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers