._„ , 1 ~i „ _ -A IIERMoiy ON ~r .DE4,I.TiII OF I DOCTOI3. . 1 ' ' his ilf44l46j*lyit.otliluitilffiTteaulteti by, P P' giav;, k ,Wria..„: 44 1 ,R A-Tsylor/416140r of Third IleforinedrDutch Church,, Smile few weeks Bi he'll" - , Sod: liy,,iooo4 l. XoVoi?•s sir the' oclafisterX Of klyl elinretiant the reerller.of S4Veiitil aftri , Spring,- Oardeti,,etreeto;-Was freieficited before, . that con ganef}. tii, - '',Otlitli ;Ifteruips, the ` 15 ,,,t ;14 4 1Ent• , . -,, ..t ~.., 3i. , 4: .R , t , , „ ~,. , he i teWupe„it i Alch , thivbiOgraphici`seimon „was limindedi aircttiattifidltyMond Peter, , 1.9,5,'10;wifi1"-j '`-' ;,'''i'' '.P f ' ' ".I'. ll f9re,oke , 44:44l‘diartiwatitVil May .6 ittiU ; ,Vier my decteisit (whoa/ thsiir,hit i al w . aY s is remembrance.” , i ,' t . ‘' T h ele aOuVv4l44l o raw ,itoiaib. de .„cilerafien.Of that devoted apostle was the In fluorite 111ette , Oferivic:citfiti;-ifter i they., are itaiidi,.:!t,ithrifi#l,ola . or4lift,llvhag , i . .., . ' ft Was fi•ksseiteil by'llie speeter; o i „ l mtr o r ~daetelypto hiSt reptsieiff theme,Ahat the eha - ' ractqf or•Fister -6,01'094 peculiarly fitted to „et ert,,,tille.„liiiitheMotui -ihkence. The piety, of ••Peter, attar. llitfOreaurreeVou Of Ohriati while 'Wog , 40 hat do his' Soul like bold t-tk'q getitvPeato; Casing as John, Ifoldas'Paid, and eloquent as Apolins, he hod, been fitly-,called t e Apostle of the Circum. sisidn awl the 01111 :0 7140ne, of ~the Church. , - I;tut,f;nagei*otiZ' les& fail . us ha gthoaritg 1 Ing;to- telt••ithe•lifiif he intd . ,ezerted While livingx Yet that inguVreit.'lid bieltSatly Aug :tileP4,e, cksjPaltbialOtt, ih--zlok stiinte him to ins; ovol , ,cwid.,WWso,- , yos,alital llow his Memory tbrelfilkitights*, 1 0fOlt ; t ears,and 'ilir lits',ih,AfaiißoishlPP ..kliftl 044'441 heart. Of, •,' isiOnAereasiag -14:,4R51T. •itep...2thi,:tookitto, • ',to,iliek,liniinogo•to Pie teat :bail ;evidently • •_ looked upon bla4eidt‘A.,*4o deeiase, but as ' - ati efoduiLind Ilifs'friti' indeed the spirit of , Christian , IlLittu,,,lt , hr-ziet- se `much to the • , rlerigtil of-years, -Si Itio,,* at they are spent,. that life, consleti*„.AS a &semi raid, it would ile feint' that. tut mho ~ thought most, felt the noblest,and acted the best.' • • ;The day, of teirselei had painted 'away, but it ,'seas blit'ilaying.'foo • meet' . to say, that greater , things'were about to usher in the Millennial This lessoripf Peter's life was enlarged upon at c.onsiderible length,lis fkleganyler Chris-, tians to receive and imitate, and if Weawith this,view that the' feirfealter hoped 34 magnify - • llf,e"grage,Oefled;by'doioting a rilv r thoughts, 'to one who inekilved in ether -dityg,'and Who : Se life they hid , then Met tO cifilild'or, ' Yet, if all he should, . shy ofAe` lieleieirshbjett , of bis, disciitiqidnfibld-Ii In his--plubwit would not ' 'he•beieltse'le had tioVbeenitainiter, of that be • had net been wbfitlitgitivie I grace of , ,God"orvkf- , !:;_ ~....., ,-„ . ..„,,, , lit.fltmlor;okightlng dig the more strictly .hjogiaphical-part-WPW,theatili; faid • JohrrlVldlolol - 11 odt - 4'410ot:ill the fourth , gaileearkeklkfitn:Voihilitgrudletel.ne. , Ausia: ~ liatimpri whal came firlittt , linfikttd jot tbla : • country SotefithO.,o:ll-h64tAlti/0171,98'' ',./91111PiluseirtIli'intWliftt4 no 141' sitrl! ~0 3 ww e tc" tentu- k acti Utc bit ' ' bnif,,lie,bo; • , beeiractive„xeripOtleitifi**ll444attimesi stenelidukiftsystet 00',41*,0.44..wilYe'''a • „•110/1 6rlits ployini(tommut - **odi-teUms-r -,,,,iolistrAtetrerneilkn4 pq4io *.f t ti VI alive ' to , alt-thiffiiiitattlefuOr,bq , Al t 1 0,, ,. :,biacaniel a, pupil in the Coluniniantibuleinght - lhe village of Bergep,thew one of molit...notstl klassical eeddinigikie thic *lie: tif-24tis,--letiey At the` ige'oCiinitiAn 10 . Aloo#4' the f lAnior chiss'ef 'Union pouiripkiiklirePLlnist union be gnnintlieft Ili 1% kititlLoii , ldgliiiit honors awareed,by the fiteultyrlt Pa., ,, ‘ .., ittalbeetethelbat:Atintikeof 4 r.,Ludc . low to enttsyttle Mal•tfpfOgintit. hut as is it Is 1- TiolAr:vair,ti**A t ititii, direct his ster4 , lit. hattuot yet semi the pillar bt - the presence, i by whiclice.4 l l4ll 4 .l4dingltilti;.a.,,the door , 04 filtgrA .v „ '4(CAOUutle-1-=.' C onversion ,• ,of -Dry litidloW•le'4.-itiligichtklifclwere here givep with tie much-minoeratesi as a 'know. . ledke' tit''' Meiji would ivarrent. r His • general f., indisposition to tour itotit,okiott:Ms religious • , esercheis rendered tll44,44lSfles,necessarfly tni Im f.fgro. mediately titter 4iik,,ginkti4finfi ,- in 1814, he ihtteted Hie Askiithiliolff -SienliPai''' of tits " ° Edlbrii l4 ` l 4 ll : 6l 4P4R l 4;444 .o wartinsiviek, -, Piew,,Jereni.:lFroMiterediefwakoalied to, the I tutorship of Union . ..Voltegll;',*iiire he eon- tinned 7 -hio - 'thenloktded:othdtes, with- the late Rev. D'F'.'4:ndiaii . Wittes, professor of ; Olio. Iteturning to, life llieohigiest., studies a year afterVards; find illiiShed them 4;114, 1817;. , , • "' Ilis first location. as pastor was in the Fir4t , R efinmed, Dutch , dhurelf, of NeW Bran:strict, where ho at once took rank as an elialltiont and powerffil prefiefier of the Gospel. .„ , ~ His pastoral relation with tels-ehnrch—dur ,• ing which le' became nitited 'in iinfriage with a daughter. of ,the late JOt , 404 s0)14-terinina ted at - the lniii 'Oka single i year, Mien .he was chose by•the synod'ef his church to fill the professorship of biblical literibire and ecelesi astical,history, intbe theological seminary, but which' ho refil l/ nod 'in• 1828, end at the same time accepted a call to the charge,of.the First Reformed Dutch Church in Albany, which po- Wien he continued to oeisupy for about eleven years. At the death of Dr. Broadhead lie was called to, and accepted the charge of the Crown Street Church;of this city. In-1844 he accepted the position of Provost of the University of Pennsylvania, and which lie continued to till with great credit to him self for eighteen years. In October, 1852, on accepting a position in the Theological • Semi nary as Profess - or of Eceletiatitical History, Church Government; and Pastoral 'Theology, ho removed to rreiy Brunswick. • The five years •witieb have elapeed, ounce then, weroto bim year* of•latior and cif large results.' ,Ilut,his',,last'on m ce hid, now helm d ' ciiiiied— ; if Mini& from ids ;labors/ wind his works do folloW•iiim:,w , •Oti lins';Bllit day' Of . Saptemb'er last, lathe tesidinaii:OChis eldest "' son,,in this,r,lty, he; hatroloied Ids noeful,life, and it was no sacrilege to apply to such Linen the wordli ef'o'ffUl'Lord respecting Lazarus, ~ He is not dead, ' !nit almeth." , : ‘• CertainitWasythat- since the death of "Dr. Livingston, none hid' done 'so 'Much far the church With 'WWI' int 'weit2entineoted as he, „and if the mantle of Milligston,„hati failed upon any , one,: that , One had been Dr'. Lod - low.-. His reental,poweire heel: leaf' full, ho. tive, and volf-balltifeetl; if ,he lusixot.•the it - of the peel, lip , bad the comprehension of a • , • sound and sagacious mind: , TIMM -was a Do ric. simplicity and grandeur about his vigorous intellect thst commmided• gravers& admire - lion and resimet.--- Ills analytical powers bad , probably beep his- leirengisiitz' fora.' Preemi nently lagitelealr,bint: gonnajo:do -judimenti , Atari NEM* ao..4trelitthened -witti;en indattry. . ittuipersevoratiee tlistkinkOtettijois, be had but to see his,,Onty,,44 - 44000' Width' Jho' ,b. itea 4 tratet 1 04 1 0; i - • = • ' "',- ' • I His attaitunents lad been an,likilliat among 4 Cia th a Od ii 4e 4 - he:. ittrifi's, ilefira high Po ' adieu: 'Athol* lllS'iteratiosel; friends be bad tgoviabooli found bloyarit.lett'etteerfnl, =and the evidences thatAitt, utreptititur had been moat , teroder)yrdevolopM=-Attiieral,or- vroch * c o o Ilero divAtirtholiligialtekithilrnhat on' in't otrueahle iteptntslokttpOateW it so Piaui.' joYe4' his - IlloitliaAnate; In be. , By • . strangers he, luid'secaothatta boil regarded as stern and unappioacliableiand yet no stronger , evidence tettld bter44l4ktetd . pt,Otit :thii ten - derneis of- ills eolottotni,ltfnin ttee tokrthat in' ailunion to the death et ljeldovs Welber bad , nefer failed; iiirtan ere t,O lire; to taeleten • ltig . 14 t , wittlak fillat toar4 ~ vi i. 4 .1 - 2tuothornfrongly• developed 'foetal* In,tbe chlwacterA Dr, IA1(1101411 bliih Yds 'Steady, consistent' Patilettini. lie ,-W.-loved-and' preied for hi* country mith Apafricitle devo • tion, and .a - consiteantieS73#lllllo iliod. he, levied 'was the,Ged itor iiiii,gennto4• 7 and l air ev i dence of this, he . had,latt4t-lew days:pre, vioua 'waits death, rernkrbed tti 111# ii*lldltit phyaician, that'thbre tVere , tWO yOry eentrort, big things of which : he had opt A t e slightest doubt.- OnO traeltheWei of hiteetiairyi and tho other ma the ftibutio,» o f his unit. - • Alteexh a libeial.:roindad `man, he had been too melt of unAtuerleall- to deny rigida to others which he' claimed hill - melt. Ile had, been none of tinkle who prbseribe ininiitOrs of • the, „Gospel ,:furxothig,-, or 'attending Pi' any other important duty of a good Citizen. Ile a' matt at free- as a than could be 'frthn littionesses, of liftman nature. , Ito claimed nothing but what was tight, and Would submit to uotbindlbut was wrong. - The moral courage and Christian pltilan. throw of Dr. Ludlow were hero eloquently depicted by the speaker, setting forth his self= sacrificing course while residing in, Alhany in 1831 and 1882, during the ,proValcnce Cr - the cholera. AiwayS at his post where duty called him, no matter how uncongenial the position - ,, his un f a iling piqtyk4o Pc , F7ll like the ci sweet , scent ,of tbe_niabuSter hox,",thrifhad scented ff the limise itiwhichleayisWas.'!, Ills Con fidence ,of life, 'bad been - Abhhattile,mitilllnpineothili-opward • hisAirkest -boars f ; it _had never, forsaken hint, but , 44thirt. „seetned to grow With his .life, and boatitiffilry bad it reached Its acmC , in hisiontoefuLdo,a4lly -s, The ifetiva ifilultslrf etninentlichafacteristii_or the 'limn; hie ifer mons .had ,generally boen eXtempopttinotudy, delivered; -11 o,,hadlietin"rettrarkatire tor hid aettiesi; "but "ackaptilunsli iefraibeflf you: everything designoikuierelyto Catclilhe popular car> rDmifig , hl4leng, resioenev in this' city, us Prcl!Ps, .. Provost -P*40 1 4;19 bad bn<cia'ied In pulpits.3f jai denominations, lint had always evinet*A :greater zeal for preach leg the-truth (gas it ig)tt C,141, SRso?l'.!. than giving a sectarlaii bittittql4SillteonvieS4 In thotdk, Wig and useful lifey he berliald corner‘ . steneirtnd-deditated-Obarcbes —niftiest withont,Auttiber.:, ilkiisiss,ionary MOVerRIAR, feyeian; ikk had: taken' fin - ftellif ;lied; 'Und was a, prenahfont Member in the doelentiototliat 4.64 , 101 the Constitution of the clitirck,4l;looo# tle4w4 B a member.„ As ftAttlit4,4hOti, Web' aa a agflna , - Dr. Beihtine had, pioniiiineed hint unequal* ...,-though in all such - centeMS',4 l lg/itiliet victory, - had - been the object kek , itppillidnyionl The speaker 4re dre,t4::happy nnittinid interesting:Nature. of,DMLudleiv, as he lad been tvent , roVputir itcflihr„l4iiibtrooin at he TheelegleAl acminaiTt " .' 9S-bY /4 8 rAIL' 4144#4)0:ii t foikohrtig; an. , °Admit wt. , 'lnelitotioriputeqo , lll, 1400;1 . ot gib dIN f! L 0; * L: , ; , i , P l ';'W2 9 .14 to .e&I A AltW . Tfe 'Said the' greatOst "104, of Dr, l i ,llolcuvhad been his successful lidthriete'seehre the endeament and perma nent oscf‘ilness.of,flim lwologioal ,Seminary, -The- ,desoriptiou of his- ,Jaat, 12110'61am was Veautiful and impressive. To a weeping child standing by - pitt side, in that solemn ho had ' iiaidiSkttlf the,ptmpst Calmness and uompesure, *l,s lYatightOr, 'have faith. o. —.A.t , liio.oWa request 'the- °its- kindred 'and alateentli Itmalm had !leen 'road lir his 'faithful' d§thestic, •t1.. - Wpkwhileliitening to the music A lf thi s t r i_ uniphant Psalm that ho calmly enteiod heaven. He bad fallen,net worp out with tige r hut as `thei - liatojalls. `at the jmil of dwty, like the oak draped, in •flatoliage falls before the edge of the woodman's axe. , - ' r ills funpml services, had taken place in the helted lint officiated as mi nister ; devout men carried him to his burial, 'andMadelghtelitatiMis OVOV, Clotted with a :petition that ,1 •4•0a41.0 Of , 'this Elijah, and .a double por tion of his spirit, might be found to Italie fallen upon the .young EWA who• had been recently "palled' by •tho• - ohuiTh to till the :va 9411(eY,oCeasioned by the death of the, lamented , • In this hurried synopalS, the . writet has aimed •at nuAllint ; . snore than a mere oetline of the iminisof Mr.. Taylor's truly, eloipulnt 'diseourse, thli understanding it' Is given to our . teedera. ',The tierinon, as, dellierm4 was full In all details, and, considering the eminence of Dr:•Ludlow', and the adMirable style with Which this sermon up0n,414, Oath: has been gotten up, its preparation for the public in a more substantial form would doubtless be 'a very% acceptable 'illetoento. of their, departed frienctro maeyOt our citizens. 1111 E 'CiLCißg—alin - OFFICIAL . PlPtit .pX CoNORSBB.- 1 . publlsh.now my annual Pro ' swings of-TUB Der LT GLOSS, and Tug COXOE9BBIONAL ,OLOOO lap• Avrsille/X, to, remind eubscribers, and in form those who may desire to subscribe, that congress will meet on the that Monday of next - December, when I shill recommence publishing the above-named pers. ,They have been published so long, that most public Wen ktiow their Charades, and 'therefore I detrre It heedless to give a minute account of the kind of • matter they wilt contain. • ' i" 'flit' contain a report of the De bates in both brinches,of Congress, as taken down by ,reporters equal, at, least, to any corps of short-hand wrigirsltillils, or In any other country. A majorlty,of. be able to report, verbatim' ten thous -10112.14'0411-0n hour, while :the average anotb'er of worde epnkeii byhiso n tspeskers itirely exceeds seven thousand five Itundyedsfords Vneeec debate!' 0 7 ,1 !" day dd,joint mak e more than frirtycolumns: they obalt appirei In the limair Grins of the next morning, welch •Wlii, contain, also, the mews of the day, together with _sixth tiattorjayartjeles ae yitii be' suggestedl by passing '/Yenta., • „ ' , . It la WOO, teilsitentlon, from time to time, as occasion may require, to publish my reminiscences of the,publio Men with whelk I have been.ses4xtiated during the last 'twenty-eight — yeitraq Anesslotelkot. general Jackson, and the lmo . lars of the - ,pastystitch he conducted, and the /6019 g motor Other pestle/lora!, rheltere, be in preating,now when mud, laambittentees lea abated. "Tit beeeveg the to tertex at the dehateaot CenBccest I deees9d. it propes,Vsky, fustian; OLOssi Woltldd never ID&ll l l 7 4attlMterdp Alttepledge wllt , not he forfeited ' HAT. ttehltal/f,COntilbUtionte history the political rtictitii'D oh/dieter irldeltdistlogeliebed the pub l ic men ,o(191 time. • Although..rain, end intend to ;remain a 'Over obtrnde.my princhil es ' Su ii`War , tc Mekitike*ohrioxletzarto,any party.,, lint to - regard'tqueillldts and erdtitinhtch go to make up Ms r hope,Aii,ituike the Quote an• honest memoir; that viehl etaissolved to epeak Independent 0f,114,P74911. ' ' tummustatonat,,gl,9na AND .411THISIOX will Con tiltrOltelibtt et:hit the Debates in Citingvose, revised by theapeakerii,the Messages of the President 9,f the, - United Iltides, the, Animal geportat of the Heads of the Executive' Depart - 6:44U, the Laws passed during the, ,sessine, and soviet's indexes..Se all. They will bepritit T ed dthible rpyat sheet, in - book form, royal quarto eise,each number contaihimrsinteenpagee. The whelp Will Make, if Is liellevhetween B,Booand3,9oopitges, thi - long 'aessiOne 'for many years have • ranged , between thoscmunabereysmad, ththnext session-trill be *hat igginned :',ilolltope. l , This, I. believe to the, Oltenia Wolk ever bold - in any cinintry,, whether ate.' ,prlnt,„exprinted froakmanuscsipt copy, toklngloi data the average. number or,re N isia,f3he long-iteamons since 'the yeerlB4lr like average c omber at-pages is 8,870, and the „overage, timbal.-of works on a page Is' 8,397 i "ricnieq(dintlY ,the average number of words 'of a long have told to subscribers that 'listreber of wietds for six ifogors, it follows that they liave paid less *US ti.k,ajyt,ons-hctif cents for every. 100,00e' itlord; Z have furnished these, while I haye, paid mm „reporters ,$6410, , fpr every 2,307 words, of this work; manuisitpt. ties Any other bookee}ler, any where, ereerMilit a bo9k,in the'lirst.tostance, while it 'was new, at so low C'eat ,,, ? I,belleis Aoki f`Pd" cluing ,111 - 1x 1 . .. Wet:gist h ereby agree to give to any person 'trim shaht weird the contrary a complete set of the de , . Mk's, runt moo, bick to year 1033, making fdrty.three 'quarto vol es, tritielfsell for gb - a volume, , An act of Congress aqtlicorisup tiles? pnponi to go by moil free of postage- The next 808111011 wilt:be, without doubt, an •ndlasnelly interesting, one,, 40 It, will be the first under a now Adminietratiort, and' several complex queetions must be"diVentised in. it; Itif o7laniple the currency Reuiu , S:"cenue; suit Oilme-clUeStions, 7 Lbe GLOW; Will Le, as heretofore, the only,seurco gem which 'tetra . . , 'bates can ,TDII.BIB „ , . . Igor a - copy of the Pits ,tiluen one year $lO 00 to; a copy of the'DALlA',,Olgps eta mouth*" .... 600 tor a copy of,Dse xPtivr - Owns dtiring the ses sion 5 00 Fora copy Of the COOIDI 6 / I $lON AL OLOOC . cup A P • PENUIX and the laws passed during the session 0 00 Dank notes, current in the aeobou of the country where a subscriber realties, will, po received at par. The whole or any part ~of a subscription may be, remitted lu postage Metope, which is preferable to any Currency; eleepkgold Or Allier. A paper win not be sent unless the money uccomps woo the order for It I &linnet afford th exchange with all the newspapers that desire the (}.offs; but I will mud the DAILY GLOBII during the erosion to all who shall publish thin prospectus three times before the Orst Idenday of next December. Those who may publish sboUld send their papers containing it to me, marked with a pen to direct attention to It. ;1011N C., IVAEIIitIMSOK, October 2T, 1857 Elaiong. SALE ABSOLUTE.—LOUIS HAND, No. 1104 ,lIIARICET Street, second door above Iner enth, offers his entire Stock of ready-mule CLOTHING at half-price. Fine Dress Frock Coats $5 60 $O 50 $7 50 Beaver Back Overcoats 600 800 700 Beaver Bangup Posta 500 800 700 New style Raglan Coate 600 700 900 1,600 BrOvrn LondOn Beaver Coats.. 5 00 worth 11 00 Vine Mack and 'limy Oise. Pants.. 196 276 375 I am now forced to sell - the entire Stock on account' of some pecuniary circumstances. This notice to posi tive and not like a good man, offers to sell at cost; I but am obliged to sell; and.will sell , anyhow, at any price rather than bo sold. Sale commences at 7A. M. till 9 P. ffi., It LOUIS NANO'S, 1103 MARKET Bt., second deat. absvoicronth. ' notti• t .e:11A - 11 YON'S AND pOYS' Ps.7 UVOTRIATG, North FOPltTftr street, between *rob sma-Ir ijotela anb Ileetattratite. AIERCIIANTS,',HOTEL, switu POTOSTSL ATOM,: LOOTS MAMMY, „PHILADELPHIA, - : #144...11 .:11oXIBBAN lc SONS, Paoreirrong yo,g:zspv. • IP AItOLI STINET SALOONS, 727 /04729 ARM STRbBT ri th 6 Lediee, ak:lfailsa to tha whale puilic, those ad o o n e are .the :most attractive in-,the,Cith and in silendor of adornment and finish are superior to any In Skis 11; 1 E4;KM 112 4 /I, 6,uppints, )0;:rdi0 /Attie uttoiamit &MI Most iispaeltlaus !Vic „.„E,‘lff , 70011 1. 4riORNlitOdif OQNiVritINERY, , , FRUIT Lnyits,„-, tali . t . .4 t .GAME „A:HP_ OYSTERS, Constantly ready (Or rill Gm in protnelon; • - -41..1,f2t ) OIMA.MENTAL CALMS AND' 1).E80,11.1i,TION ze:a..ruseuir,• And.- h fseic, ilidfie, TAISIOTYKB,- Lux:inns, and rolirßA,oits Otuitry, ~ • :1 3 / 4 .iir,6„•:raratz R4Birm,Pfeeentitlan Snppere, _ itid ittiltilid4k.the.:shoitest , notice end on Now,duatde deigns; , J• OpN ON suNDAY4Y , OfpriVpAPip.iymiNas. A cOntinimaieWilteliationage 'hltfartp 40 liberally ,14!totrf4,bz,the public Jo reipectfully 4011414 qt play:. R.,, ! 1 - S,INES, Proprietor. PIPTIVT, pROTIMRS ,8 r- ' - 3tiasttiagrr;,' 231 loath , '411.14D Went: opposite the n e w Pennayl- Tanis ateltroadlNDoe." • • ' • : - o Etc: al lny o • weoatttinue-to oily °dr plot au a Heat claim ROittau. irith mvety eenveMeema, inireirarOo private Wrberf 8314 magi &fit' IteriWits to Orie In Our cent.' Modioneilimateentyrailety Welt-prepar r ad.Cola rand Warm Disliesiat prima 41 suit and answer,The esigea elfa of "'tuition put Wines and tioniire are inob mariered. by nay In tie Pitt; ata2o.ttithArei4M- - PRTU.,B.II.94IEILS. rIARRBEttit'S -RESTA.I3V,ANTVE SON, Wild Ducks, Tnrieys. deue, Grohee, "'treat 'Salmon; Chineatiaite, Ophitichikue, Princess tiny, Abse. Com, end Cove Oysters, with - ortry variety or (IAbIE, wild or domestic , Orem% TUrtle' Soup and Terrapin Suppers iturved up at the shortest notice, 110 ;OUP. OAMPribiLt.'S,bto, S`27,C,WEST.r.I'S strata, op. positolhe Statp,.l.leiree, ,„ N.ll.—No urpieee or,)isi - ue:host been slotted by tho Proprteter attlisi 'sew ortabllihmout In the moot onioptuouo mhunor—tho second story being fur the accommodation 'of Privatu Parties. rot pitmen, Suppers, dee: •• • • 12.7 idotrance for Ladles tovrardi'Slith street. nov7-21a LTANNING'a'CITY LAGER 7 • REIM 8A:LOON, No. 02 Coi:terei Alloy, Phi's delphis. 5er22.301 ; SOUTU. .NrVelirc " orl , 3 'S oi lt t l it r At Ul au t d A i N rAl . "4 sod MI "oil* aol r iaclev In novion„ ' St#un ' illost eoppiied with °Menton the shintiot notice. Kepi -lm ITH9IAIt di BUTZ, PORTER ; ALE -LP 'AND LAttliat BXkIt,B,REWIIitY, No. OW Avow No. gas) North UMW atieot,Philatiolphts.- - -Ablpplog orders promptly attended aul-tr far rialg attb Ket. fro RENII.—A' DESIR ABLE RESI DENO:, on the north Aldo of FILBERT Street botwatu sl;teenth nod tioventOinith • streAs, with tide yard; &c. Also, a neat two-story Dwelling, on MAR GARET TA Streit; 'West l'lnisdelphts, near to °button atreot omnibus route. Apply to JAMES 'MADERA, OAK Street "Near Mauro street. W, 1004-,SA-Lt;t-Tilt NEW ,AND gent private rigideddd, Ed. 1128 OMATNUT host kept byrl6o feet In depth, to °Wham ntypot. In oary,supertor gee, trith ever" modOrn "conventonce, comfort sod improvement. Apply ou theldetpthe doily ;, - llble-gt ir , „ . 1011ENNSYLVANIAAMNIt ITOTE S. Pm - 1141NA vreioeeuriA 0110UAD 'RENT of s'2lo, upon ihrOO briek dwelling bottoos sod Jot ,on liaotoek 'greet, south of Motor-4$ het' frOnt, feerileaP— puustofity paid in quarterly payments. Yenueyhnnis Banknotes orlll, be taken for it. Apply to 1; 0. PENH. corner of OP RING :GARDICO sod IIIIILTN&NT11 Stroote. • , • - ,noio.2W 10 oTilt E N T.-A. MODERN THREE= tttoty Wick Dwelling-haute, wlth"bilcie. 04,k heitifog,,,all the modem Improvements ;with a 'ergo gat4oh; wpti,stocheit with /tug tregs.and shrubboy, Nito,bo to wes,t, phildelphht, cu Afarket +hie; be- Wll,ll:atU 'and siteets, smith. aid*. Rent, $4OO for essmon. r Applr ALIFILIM NEEISITtfI,"'NO. 41.1 MARKET ,0 11 ' 9 00. ¢ o.or.ooolltfulmth street. , • fielo-9t* fOrTer"4oo 0; Opt, yirf,,!,10.F.F.10.0 00.44.1,11361., Pi? 414114 '7, 16W1 1. •• • •if • ryalA, •,' -' :.)111,Z1 VIE , TRE I OSr 44II I 4 ADELOWA, proposilo PROPOSALS FoiFLTINISIIINH THE PA RP XOE4 ZUE Klima PRINTING.: i . • 1./FrICH SUPSAILINTENDENT OF TIDE PllgLia PRIMING, Washlostpn, Oetober Sat, 1851. TN PURSUANCE of the provisious ofi the Act to . provide fdi exehinfing the public printing:" L'a.• 8 1 ) * P r° " 4.4 6 01 4 P. 1802, onto proposals will be received at tlihrotlice, in the °spite', until the flat Monday ((7th day) of December next, at .fsVelSo &Mock M., for tut:- Is)dsing,thp poppy that way be required for 'the public t rintilke for - Sae year ending on the first dry of Deeeru- The eubJoined Set specifiesea nearly as can be aster. talued; the quantity, quatity, and description of oath kind of paper that will be requfrad CLASS r• 10,000 reams One 'printing Paw, unedlonderod, to meMure 24 by 88 inches, and to weigh forty-tlso pounds to LW; Fosnl 9C OP stmots. 01.413# U. 24 4140: 8 rrn ieh uZ2r gn w g e p l aie h r ui.f ca ty l . T i d i or pr ed, n t d o g in to eas t a h r e e Y *ll° 489 'am°. actiti 111. 6,000 reania supertinb Mead and ealendered printing paper, to rocounlre 24 by 38 inched, and to weigh tifty tiro pounds to the ream of 480 Rheas. 0L.4118 800 reams superfine hard-aizedand Wondered. printing japer to measure 24 by 02 Welles, and to weigh forty eight pounds to the ream of 480 sheete. 4 - Obae9 -r, 1,000 reams tifiperfine shed and eaten/Jared map paper. of Nish alum so may be required, norreeponding in weight with paper measuring 10 by 24 , Inches, and wejghlag twenty poundutper ream of 4ao sheets. °Leap, 2CO tame "epergne -plate paper, (oitiondered or un calendered, as may be required,) 19 by 24 inches, and of such weight-pet ream as Inarbe required. The fibre of the paper, of eitch of the above crosses to be of, lirmnendaetton, frets from fro all adulteration with hated-al' on other artbstautipa; of a fair lehltenese, and pput,up , in tVii i 7A r m or a ett n ,to e h n' re h a ° ni et :o em eo " nlatn nd 4 i B l o perfect 'ehiets. Uniformity in ,color, thickness and 'weight will be required ; and no bundle (exclusive of wrapper') varying over pr tinder ilve - peecent. from the standard weight will be received • and the gross weight will, in all 'swell, ba required. Mixing of various thick nesses in' theaame ohndle to make up the' weight will to 'considered a violation of the centred., - • otese,vii. 'No.I-4,500 menu gusite post writing paper; No. 2,2,000 reams flattop writing paper ; No. 5-.500 reams dent writing paper; No. 4-2,ooorean4t folio pout writing paper; NO. 8-500 reaMe Medium writing paper; No. reams royal Writing paper; No. 7-59 reams super-royal writing paper; -No. 8--50reathaimperiol writing paper; No. 9-400 reams colored medium (assorted.) No. 1-5,000 reams writing paper, 19 by 26 inehes, to weigh twenty-eight poonde per ream. • No, 2:-1,500 retina writing paper, 19 by 26 inches, to weigh twenty-three peuridis per ream. No. 3-3,109 'reams Writing paper, 18 by 25 inches, to Weigh fitentyllz pounds per ream. No. 4-100 reams, writing paper , ,18 by 22 inches, to iveigh'tvrenty-feur poinnhi per rot. , No. 5-340 reams writing paper, 18 by 13 inches, to weigh twenty-two pounds per ream. No &--400 resins writing paper, 12 by 18 incite', to weigh twelve pounds per ream. All the Vipers de.fiiiiiiited lo,elatees f and . 6 are to be of the best materiablilree from adelteratien, and finished in the beat manner:l'MM paperi in ohm 7 are to be white or bhia; Of the reviler standard, alum of the res. i c ghs i o li re i lt i L P LL P :l at ras a 4 82 ; I t! be ae may w here required e a t itsesand Weight a mi hififeli n the schedule. o The right 46' rilioryed of 'ordering a greater or less quantity of each and every kind coutraoted for, at such times and in Ouch qtiantities as the 'public service may require. • ...Ism& date will be considered iseikarat,ely, and be sub lent to a separate achtract but bidder's may offer for one .ormore of the Classes in the same proposal; and the privilege is reserved of requiring a bidder who maY have more than one class masigned him to take all inch chokes, or•forleit hit right to any elves. Samples (net leas than eqoquire) of each hind of pa. ; pet hid for, diuliiut der sompfs'dj'eash kin 4, mutt ac company each bid aisi`,,fti Chelsea Vend B,l* timbered to tiorremponewith the number Ofthe paper proposed for In.that eehadelle; 'mid, In the 'first aft claases. to be preperirdeeignateston thelaroplo, Mgt will net be'cOn 'Meted. Ali proposals and samples muatbe transmitted *Oils rights ices orpostage or other eapthme. -Bsch.propeal must be sigrkedby the indivinual or firm maitingitomdlongt araify.tiv Mite per pound (and 'bit one price for each) of every kind of poor contained ',ifs class proptieed. or. . 'A# the paper in tisiiiitenal slimes mutt be delivered 'at such place or plecea,ae may be designated inWashing ton city, in geed order, freePt all end every ettra charge or erponaei and subiect theinspootion, count, weight, .and memiarembat o the4luperlatendent, and be in alt re atttlefautill• Starsitibrula for , proposals will be (clutched at this aloe ip'pereons. applying for them; end note will be 'therewith.' iloisidderatien unless substantially agreeing `therewith. Sends, with approved securities, will be'required ; and the supplying, of an Inferior article in any of the ohm* or a failure to )apply the quantity. required at any time will.be considered a violation el the contract. - Zia% bidder is required, to furnish with hid proposals antisfactory evidence of hie ability t 9 execute them; and peer:adii tnatiompanied by such evidence will be rejected.'.•= ' • ' The proposals will be opened in the guinnerequired on the twit Tuesdny After the hilt Monday in Deretabireti' next;"(Sth,) 'et teid o'clock A. 4., at the office of-the Surlerietendant. propolials will lie Addressed to the (+ Superintendent of the Public Printing, Uspitol of the United Rotes; Washington," and endorsed Proposals for SUPPl.thill Paper." A. G. SEAMAN, ea a Sb Superintendent of Public Printing. PROPOSALS' •E OR 'ERECTING THE opsTou ROW; 'Perth Amboy, New Jersey:" Vtl l / 1 1111T Darianeui September llst, 2857. S PROPOSALS will boreal , * et this Department until the thth day of Neyember, A. D. 2857, at 12 o'clock noon; for the oonstruitioh of the Custom Rouse Post Office, and - Court Renal, authorised to bo eieeted at PERTLI AbillOY, New Jersey, according to the plans and specifications prepared at this Department; maid proposals to be either for the whole building, or separ ate for the different kinds of work; bills of parcels must In every case accompany each bid, with the amount of each kind of work, and the total amount carried out; the Department reserving the right to reject or accept the proposals hereby invited, or any part thereof, when it deems the interest of the Bolted Mates require it; the Department also reserves the right to exclude the bide of any person or persons whom there le just cause to believe will not faithfully perform the contracts, or which they have attempted to obtain by indirection ; and all bids when there shall be parties In interest who do not join In the bids, and all bids that upon investlgee tion are below a fair price for the work. Bids will not be received in gross, and no contract will be awarded to a bidder unless details are furnished the Department of the prices of the different kinds of work and materials, which shall be subject to the revi sion of the Department, so that it may adopt the whole or part of the 014, as the interests of the United States may require. Ninety per cost. of the amount of work done, and materials delivered according to contract price (said amount to be ascertained by an intimate of an agent of the Department appointed for that purpose.) will be paid front time to time as the work progresses, and ten per cent. retabeed until the completion of the contract, • and the acceptance of the work, tee., by the agent afore said, and bo forfeited in the event of non-fulfilment of contract. Contracts will be Awarded only to master-builders and mechenica; and the assignment thereof, except by con cent of the Secretary of the Treasury, will be a forfeit. ure of the, same, _ , . liach proposal meet be accompanied bye written guar antee. signed by two responsible persons (certified to be so by the rutted States District Judge, or Attorney of eke said District), in the eons of $3,000 fat the whole work, or of a proportionate amount of any part, that the bidder will, Arbon required, if his proposal be accepted, enter into a contract and bend, with proper and int& tient securities, for ila Wird performance. Forni of Bend and Certificate required will be fur niehed on applicationlo the Department Plans, specie/0141one, and working draninge, will be ready on the let of November when they can be bad on application to the'Departmea. No bid will be considered unless it fully complier, to qll its details. With the requiretnents•of this adver tisement.' • ' • ' . , Tare peoposaleinort be sent to this Department, ad deeised to the Decostary of the 'Treeing', ana,Plaini.,/ endorsed PROPOS/4s" PDR„TitIt PERTH a.tdBOY OUSZOIL:noII011, 12 and *III be opened at one orelOek of the last day A/13164 for reeefri the setae; _ S HowILL OODB, ' .6emetary of the Treasury. 'UNITIII) STATES POSTOPFICE, IN 1.- 1 MI Ont optrathippPlll4. loam PROPOSALS, for supplying niaterlide and 1,000404 44. 0 . 0 1ninctd in the ertetion and construction of a Post-ossee building :In the City of Philadelphia, for the'rntted States. Post-oilloe Repartment, Will be re. wired. at the'ollice nf the suuleringned, Commissioner !or the hi:LUC:Iv-No: 936 South FOURTH Street, on er before the twelfth der of December next. Contnicts will to awarded only to master.builderi and mechanics. ankh: Pioposal mine: by accompanied by *written giarantee(signedi by tie responsible per sons,' to the etniet thet the bidder, will, when required. It his proposal, be seciipted, enter Into I 1 contract and bold TWA proper and sitiBelenl oar ti ri tco for faith ful iiiietin. , lll4na pad speeltiestlime for the' building can he seen upoit'epplication at the °Moo of the Architesq, John 1.10,1rtp.p . r,... - 4r,', No. 16 literCituttle labrary where ever y In formation respecting msterieleand work mausistp will be given. . Tice tlrepotal‘nnist.be lent to the otgoe of the Com. mieildner mut tiddreesed.te,Vohn Rice, suPendersed Prorate Or thelTnitect' atotterPost-orbe atPhtlit• Mph 44 ) .>. ; atip. Wlllbeepasisd at noon of the lutStamed day for footslog *lmmo. • mos, ,114 .1.241019, 4 , Momasisslonor. • ' 'Otopartiteritip—iiinicts, n OTICE.-WHEREAS 11ENRY WHITE and Jam - Os Stevens; late copartners, *Ong as White, Stemma? & on,tbe eleventh day Of No. ember,' A: D. 186L,'Inalle, mot eaceuta a general as- Idsonsoct to tba ' aaltrarped, in Utak for the benefit of their_ eraditers, which said assigumeOt is duly re corded at Pliat4elphla . , all persons indebted to HAM a:lmpart will mate' pf l yteent to Ifi_AA WATRUNAN, Aesignee, nOl4 emu-13w* W. Dormer Second & Arch nts, NOTICE IS lIERESY,GIVPIi THAT THE 1.1 antic' B1101"11.1004 tr. CO., heretofore ex. istlug fraliew-York nand•Philadelihla, is this day DIEI 140LVED by mutual consent, And that the busiheas of the firm will only be carried sus for the purpose of H. '. • " signed, - • RIMER REISS, ISAAO REISS JAMES inits4, M. GANS, ' JOHN POTTER. nold.datktuthe-tt E;= Olabarioanb Cigar°. A handiouto assort. HAVANA. CIGAR, meat, audit Al Figaro, Pacteog, Onbaruni, , „ Sultana, Oloria, - Jupiter, Oaloso ' . Oeutierelantis, Torrey' Lopes, Union Americana, Orejon, Flora Cubans, &0., &0,, eso., is li, J(, 1-6 and 1-10 Kos, of all sire. and groan; ties, in otdle and constantly reoeiring, end for sale low, by OUARLItiI TETE, ow) 186 WALNUT Street, ' otow Second, second story fiIIGARO, CABANAS AND PANTAGAS ay BEGARB.—A. choice tavola° or them celebrated brands nn board brlo , HOP &A t " dolly expected from Unitas, mid for male low, by 'CITAITLEB mfrs, (Now) IslB Walnut street, below Second, „ Second Story, ,plaga,..antr !Ebitta tUarc, MEW STORE. - NEW GOODS. ,MATIABVIN k WITTE, • , ' MASONIC /41/..Li 713 CHESTNUT ST., Willa NOW og HAND A. Complete arid splendid aithortroant of WIIITE, (TOLD BAND, and DBOORIVVED I,llllaloll 01i1Nk • none. 'MEAN, • CRYSTAL, and , ' OOLQRND GLANIWARI; DING, PAItIAN, LAVA, and TERRA' COTTA WARES, heeded, the greatest variety of PANOY ARTIOLIfO, which %11l be gold at lower prices than at any similar (dor° In the United Eltstea. N. Bo—Goods loaned to Partied 'on reasonable terns. ~ - ' co 2744 iptb ITS 8I A AND .AKEIUDA.N TA.KRED AA 00ADA011.—ft imparter article, manufacture and for by wmkvßß, NITX,Nit & 00., 24,*.tf No. 2 N. Water et., '2 22 N. Marvel. VVELCOMWRA.NGEI-L-SOLD BY 011 AL • • ATOM k.nx.n. ura N SII4OfIND Pt anlR-Rm VONGBESS RANGE.-BOLD BY Cap ittOg k sao., N 9. O 2 N. SEOGIND 6tnot . - - %tog 14 . 44 ! • t 1 OT: I • EB RANG 48. ILI Sold by oLIADWAI46 21910 , ,i 902 N. 01•00/40 04 ~s44l4l4spose • • • 1' • k !hipping FOI I . II7 RPoOL.—i'IIuftSDATY, DE -o.ll3llltic 10. The Packet Ship PIIILAnEL PHIA, Capt. CIrAISLAS V. POOLE, will nail ae above Caniu MIN° • • SOO Soeontt MOIL) 20 Steermce 13 second Cabin and Steerage B asiengera found with pr o yimo n e, according to the American passenger act. for freight or passage, apply to TIIOB. ItICLIARDSOrr fk CO. - Drake. on the Agents in coma to sulti from $1 up. wards. • f nolfi Fon $4 N FRANCISCO.—THE FIRST clue (Nipper Ship MARY ROBINSON, captain Kllantelso. and the magnificent have lipper Ship ING}({ Ottptsin Wigason willquick despatch from Now York. Por freiht apply to B di', slbtoNa j & co., nolll•dif ' 124 (late 80) NOBTII WHAUVY.s. FORFit NITORLEANS.— LOUISIA.NA. ' mall with quick despatoh.-=The re• markably taut-mailing Ship MAK/AU/LT, Berryman mast's, is now loading at Mace street wharf, and haring a large portion of her cargo engaged indite:dog on board, wilittive quick despatch. Shippers, will please burry their Mlle of lading to the counting-house for signature. For brawled of freight apply on bond or to 1116U0k, SIMONS; d: CO.. ' 120 (late 06 ) NOR= WI:SAUTES. Agents at New Orleans, C. J MEEIK,EIt 00. The Margaret instill)" at the lowest rates and will take stem down tie Delaware and up the keississippli nol7 SHIP JOSEPH JONES 'OR SAN FRAN -01£400..:-.TO sail with nate& despatch.—Freight taken at — reduced rates.—The beautiful clipper chip JOSSPII 70N89,11elfon Pendleton, comeisnaer, now completing her loading at Rage street wharf, has over three-fourths of her cargo on board and nearly all of her capacity engaged, will continue to receive freight for a few dap, and rail as above. ' Shippers will please complete their engagements without delay, and band In bills of lading for signature. ' For balance of freight, which will bo taken at wory lois rates, apply on board, or to . ' BISIIOP, SIMONS & 00., 120 (late BB) North Wharves. , SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE • • BTIAMBIIIPB STATE OF .GBORGIA AND KEYSTONE STATE, In eonsequence of the decreased state of trade, the above ships will be withdrawn for the present. October 10th. A. HERON, Jr FOR HAVANA—With quick despatch.— The coppered and copper•fastened ship NAPLES, Captain Eastman, will be despatched as above in a few days. For freight or passage apply to lil3 11.0 P, SIMONS, & CO., 120 (late 30) North Wharves. FARE REDUCED TO SOUTHAMPTON AND 12AVRD.—The magnificent atfianishipVAN DEßDlLT, Edward Eliggine, commander, 6,208 tone, will nail Prom New York far South. From Southampton and ampton and Llano. Havre for New York. Saturday., ' Oct. 24 Saturday Nov. 14 Saturday Doe, 5 Saturday Deo, 28 Price of Pitasage—'First, cabin, $100; seoond cabin, 850 Spode delivered In London and Paris. For freigh t or passage apply to 1). TORRANCE, Agent, No. 5 bowling Green, New York. Letters for England and 'Europe, pro.pald, 26 cents each half ounce, (by enclosure of postage Amps If from other cities,) will be received at No. 5 Bowling-green, Now York, up to 11,4 o'clock on the morning of sail ing. 0010-tf GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE TO 'EU lug ROLM. First Cabin 880 Second Cabin ..... ......160 In the Ilret.elass paddle-wheel steamship 2.000 tons, G. Loonow, Commander, and NOSTU OTAlli 9,800 tons, P. E. Lsrarns, td sail from pier No.• 8 North Slyer, at noon precisely, rikrying the lINITSD 'STATES HAILS, via; Intro W. York for' Southampton, 110 Ziemer' for Southampton rye and Bremen. Southampton for New York. kilei Saturday, Oct.ll. Wods'ilay, Nov .4. N. HaVy, Oct. 81, tilattuday,flor.2B. Wedediy, Deo. 80 Those steamers touch at RAYNE,. Specie delivered In lidridon owl Paris. Yor plunge and freight, apply to IX VORRANON, Agent, No. 6 Bowling Green, New York. oclo-0 VOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE;IB67. ~ New York and Havre Steamship Compnity.—Tho United States Mill fitetunships ARAO2I,, 2 _6OO tons, David Lines, commander, tad FULTON, 2,600 tone, iamee A. Waiter:, commander, will !pave hew York, time and touthainpton, for Ohs years 1642 and 68, on the following days: . LAAVII 111 1011. 1857. 1.050. fatten, Saturday, Aug.' 21 Aim*, B usy, Jan. , 0 Arago, do. oept. 10 Fulton, do. lob. Patton, do. Oct. 17 Arago, . do. , Marabd Arago, do. Nov. 19 Fungu s do. April 8 Yniton, do. Deo. 12 Arno, , do. May 1 Salton, do. May 29 IotAYS ELVIN. LUTA 1100TUARIVOX, 1251. 107. , Arago, Tuerdar, Aug. 25 Ares°, Wedueedil y Artg,2s Balton, do. Sept. X Fulton, do. Sept, 23 Axigo, do. Oct. X Amigo, do. Oct. 91 liou, do. Nov. 17 Button, do. Nor. 18 Arago,. Doe. 16 Arago, 15 o, do : ' Deo. 16 , 1555. 88. Walton, do. Jan. 12 Fulton, do. J. 18 Arago, do. Web. 9 Ante., do. Mob. 10 Walton, do. Mirth 9 Fulton, Mar. 10 Arnim do, April 6 Amp, , do„ April 7 Sutton, do.' May 4 Fultoni, do. may 6 ' Armo, do. June 1 Arago, do. ;nue 9 Fulton, do. June 29 Bolton, , do. Janie 80 mon OP FASIRAGNI Brom New York to &mtbeauptort or Starry—)lM QOM, 8130 ; Samoa Oabilt, $l6. ;- Prom Barre or Southampton to New York—llrit Oabln, 800 tram; Second. Cable, 600 Baum • Yet freight or plumage, apply to AIOUTI,MIIIt LIVINGSTON, Agen4 Broadway. WILLIAK OROSIEBY & CO., " Southlton. AMBRIOAN EUROPRAN EXPRESS AND 8E- lle. OHANGI CO. an 6 rfIHE • NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL X UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS.—The Ships composing this Line are: The ATLANTIC, Capt. Oliver Eldridge. The BALTIC, Capt. Joseph Comstock. The ADRIATIC, Capt. Jamul West. j•These fillips have been built by contraot, expressly for tiovernment service; every care has been taken in their construction, as aloe In their engines, to ensure strength and speed, and their sesprounsiatlons for passengers are unequalled for elegance and comfort. Price of passage from New York to Liverpool, In first 'table, 6180; In eeoond do., $76; from Liverpool to Now York, 80 and 20 guineas. No berths secured unless paid The ships of this line have Improved watertight bulk heads. PROPOSED DATES OP SAILING. raost law TOIL 7113 M LITIMPOOL. Saturday, Jane 20, 1857 Wednesday, June 24, 1867 Saturday, July 4, 1867 Wednesday, July 8, 1857 Saturday, July 18, 1857 Wednesday, July 22, 1857 Saturday, Aug. 1, 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 6, nor Saturday, Aug. 15, 1867 Wednesday, Aug. 19, 1867 Saturday, Sept. 12, 1857 Wednesdayiflopt. 2, 1867 Saturday, Sept. 20, . 1867 Wednesday, Sept.Bo, 1657 Saturday, Oct. 10, 1817 Wednesday, Oct. 14, 107 Saturday, Oct. 24 1857 Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1867 Saturday, Nov. 7. 1867, Wednesday, N 07.11, 160 'Saturday, N0v.21, 1867 Wednesday, Nov. 26, 1857 Saturday, Dee. 5, 1867 Wednesday, Deo. 9, 1867 Wednesday, Deo: 22, 1867 !or &night or panage, apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS, 10. 66 Wall itraor, N. Y. BROWN, SHIPLEY A 00. _Liverpool. r ' STEPHEN KENNARD A CO., ST Austin' Priam London. IL G. WAINWRIGHT A 00., Earls. The owners of these ships will tette roloonnin Ma for gold, silver, bullion, specie, jorelry.pr ecdous stones or metals, unless Ma of WWII:IL r podtherefor, and Dm velure thereof upraised therein' - " pal tt piana lodes. G OLD' MEDAL PIANO FORTES. 814iIINWAY k 80N8 ItANDPAOTDBEItg, 84 AND 88 WALKER BTRBET, NNW YORK, Received the following fret prize medals In eempetl• Non with the beet mantifhoturers of Boston, dart York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. TWO PIRBT PRIZN MEDALS at the Ifetroiolitati Fair, iVaabingtou, Mar0b,1245. A GOLD MEDAL at the Crystal Palace, New York, November, 1855, (being the only Gold Modal given for Pll2lOll within the hot six yeere.) A GOLD MEDAL ot.the Maryland Institute; Dalt'. mer 6,1856. - TEE ifIIIET PRIZE MEDAL at the Tar, Crystal Palace, New PorkiPlovember, MO. Among the 'judges were the first musical' talent of the country, such as M.. Maim, Gottschalk, Mellenhaupt, and ninny Ohara St. &13, Pianos (with and without iron • frames) are warranted for three years, and a wtitten guarantee given, Pianos picked sad shipped mahout charge. Prices moderate. 0e27-tf ALBERT WEBER, PIANOFORTE tx MANUBAUTI3II2II, NO.lO West BrOad way, ew York, mole .Inanufacturer of the celebrated Concert Plano. The aebacriber would inform hie numerate friend/ and cuitdmere that he has' greatly enlarged him manufacturing department, In order to meet the increase in deputed ter his MlTllllllled Pianos, and an every piano, especially tope end touch , la personally superintended by the SubSeriber, the public bo warranted an In strewn:4l44(3h, for beauty, strength, and durability, power and sweetness of tone and touch, stands unser plated. Itte piano sold at the lowest manufacturerf' ,pricat. A ca blerespeattully solicited. 0c29.0m ercflaftf Wailortf. JOHN P. DOHERTY, WORYSIILT FITZ( KELLY LATH WITH LUKENS, KBLLY, 4 00., TAILOII, 814 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH, Has now with him the beet Tailors that aro engaged in the business in this country. Caantws Rorer, formerly the loading tailor of this city; u. Amino, formerly cutter for 0. Roth & Co., and late Coat and Veal cutter with Lukens, Kelly, & Co.; 11111111 V Waooge, the beet Pants and Vest cutter in the Unite& States, for years cutter with Poplerrla, under the Irving House, Broadway, and with Deplerris & Pettus, under the St. Nicholas Hotel, Broadway. The moat unremitting attention paid to the wishes of all who patronise the establishment. The best of 'Clothes made at moderaie prim, for credit, low prices for mill. oel3•tf JAMES SH ER ID A.N, MERCHANT TAILOR, Noe. 16 66618 Bouth NINTII STREET, ABOVII 011EBTNUT. A isms and well eeleoted stook of OLOTITh and OAASINUNNO slwsys on hand. - AU Clothing mule st this Nstabllihment will be of the beet quality, end in the meet filehionable style. Particular Attention given to UNIYONII ()LOTH. ING. sunvf Sittititurg . B. KITE & CO. FURNITUII.I4, BIDDING, AIL No. in (lot. 128 ) WALNUT at., Philodelphis. A new and gape:log AO. of Eprlog Bodo. INDIA B. S era . außl fin GAS I GAS f I GAS I II—TILE tr.;lDEß signed would respectfully call the attention of the public to the fact that they bate and are daily reducing the price of Philadelphia Gee, from 8215 per 1000 feet to the lost price of $1 60 per 1000 f rot, by their ,MODEL REGULATOR, which Rates 35 per cent , a clear saving of 75 cents on 0.25, thereby redoes: the price front $2 25 to $1 50 per 1000 feet. We ere daily putting the Regulator on all the princi pal and prominent buildings In the city, churches, librariescfsetoried, hotels, and other Nubi le building'. It bas also been placed on at the Phlisdelphia Ex ch.ene Rendre& of certificates in Door of the said Big walor, from those haying tried it, showing the noose marl, 'elm be seen At our office. Blore-keepors and the public generally are requested to send in their orders. Cost of Regulators from id ureards, according to Site, Orders through liicod'e Despatch promptly attended to. lr. D,—fifty onergetid, entorprielng, and persevering Mal wanted, to martinis for the 1516 DEL REGULATOR; ca make froze $2 to $5 per do ROBERT T. RETORT & CO., Oftice No. 44 Bouth Fifth street. next to Dlood'n Doi-patch. 5,000 GALLS. WHALE OIL, 1,000 gall. Elephant 011, 00 We. No. 1 Lard 011, for aale by OROADALE, REIMS, tr. CO., nolo4f Po, 30411, polywpro Avon,. ATURDAY, NOVEMBtFt 21, 1857. 9111 E BEST ASSORTMENT or LEHIGH .11. AND SCIWYLKILL COAL is at DORdIAN'S YARD BROAD STREET, abase Tine. Sold at reduced prices. Call and see. ocSl.l3w K NOWLES' COAL DEPOT, NINTH and WILLOW.—The Spring Mountalu, Sugar Loaf, and Haslkon Lehigh Also, best Sabuylkill Coal, for isalo. Terms cash. ocil2.lm* 224(1 LBS. IS A TON.—BUYERS a swimmers are Invited to examine our stook of "M nd UGU LOCUST MOUNTAIN and BLACK HEATH COAL." Our Coal te selected expresely for family too; being carefully screened, wo will warrant It free from slate and duet. "We sell 2240 1b..," being " 240 lbs. more" than sold by retail dealers, at 45 cents lees per ton." • Also. on hand a full supply of " BROAD TOP BITU. MINOUS COAL" for Steem.generatlng, Illacksrulthi ng, and Rolling -mill purposes. This Coal cannot be n 1 *Wed. Yards, BROAD and VINE—Big Sign, ' 4 2240 LBS. IS A TON. • [seB.3m] LEIGHTON es 00 C OA LI COAL I COAL I—TAGGART'a OBLEBRA.TRD BPIttNO MOIINTAIAI COAL. J. dr. B. OAWIT ICS OURENWOOD, TAMAQUA COAL GEORGE W. BNYDRII , O PING FOREST BOLEUYL RILL COAL, .RA.NDALL k MEREDITU Hare for sale, and are constantly recelTlag from above celebrated Oollierlea, COAL OS ALL SIZES. 'There fa no Coal ruined anywhere, equal is quality these and a trial will convince any one of their great superiority. Our Coal la very carefully screened at our yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free from elate, dust and all Impurities. Our PRICES areas LOW as the VEEY LOWEST. Orders left, at our Oahe, No. 161 BODIN FRONT street, above Walnut. Orders left at our Yard, OALLOWNILL Street, bolo* BEIOAD street. Orders left at our Wharf, WATER street, above 0A1... LOWRILL—or sent to either place per Despatch Post, will receive prompt attention. Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and ex. amine onr Ooal before purchasing elsewhere sud-tf Q.CHUYLKILL AND LEIIIGH COAL.— I am daily reoeiving, at my yard, the beet quality o. BOIWYLKILL AND ENRICH 00AL. My customers, and all others who may favor me with their orders, may rely on getting Coal thatwill be satisfactory to them.. I No inferior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW PHIONS. AI,EXANDER CONYBRY, N. N. dormer of Droad and Cherry Bt,a, LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.- DALY, PORTER It Oa, COAL DEALERS, No. 821 PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep constantly on hand, at the very lowest rates, a full supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. au 1-8 m .lIMBER AND COAL.—MONTGOMERY & NULL having connected the Coal wits the Lumber business, Inform their Mende that they have made contracts for a supply of the best gelatines of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, and are now ready to re. calve orders, Twelfth and Prime streets. Orders may be left with Mr. B. KILPATRICK, No. IS 13. PINTA street, or with Mr. WM. D. NEALL, corner PINE and WATER streets. auld-gm tiarpware. QUAKER CITY ,NAILS, hiRROIIA.NT BARS, RIVIIT IRON, • Manufitetured at FOUNTAIN GREEN ROLLING MILL, on the Schuylkill, above Spring Garden 'Water Works. WAREIIOUSS, lea North WATER Street. QUAX.EIt OLTY NAILS are warranted equal to any made. oeit4t JOIN( lIALDISNAN, Agent. THOMAS E. BAXTER.-11ARDWARE J.OUTTINBY ab nide. AND de No. of /LAMENT 6na BT. bovo Moth. sw N 1111140106 'an Mince anb.Eignois. OLD WHEAT WHISKEY.—E. P. MID DLNTON & BRO., No. 5 North FRONT St , ina porteri of Oognae and Rochelle Brandies, lloltead (lin, Scotch end Irish IShiskey. Also, solo proprietor of the Old. 'Wheat Whiskey. E. P.'sl. & Bro. have on band the largest and beet stock of One old lifonongsheis, Bourbon and Rye Whiskey of any dealor in the United States, all of which is highly improved by age. nol-3m - - - IIitAN.DIES.-:at Met Castilion," Marett, A-0 and other Cognacs of variant vintages, in half pipei and Ouster eseks ; Yellesolalnltoehelle Brandies, pale and dark, In half pipes, half nags, and one-eighth casks. Imported and for sale by HENR BOLILEN & CO., sada 2= and 22.3 South Fourth street. DORT WINE.—In bond and entitled to de bedtttre 250 Mb' ht. Joseph's Pll2O ;Woo Port Wine, In qrs. and eighths. • Ton puncheons John Ramsay Islay Malt Scotch Whitt her 2 years old • Plfty piyee Anohor (11e. blatett, Martel, Bouvet, and 7. J Dopy Brandies, al of which I offer to the trade at reduced prices. Jot 3. P. 2091A5, an27-3mos MI and 90 B. Pont St.. below Walnut. ALEXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND LIQUOR INVER, NQ. SSA Boehm* Corner o egonos sad SOUTH lit:sots. oul-17 I. LEWIS, IMPORTER AMD DEALER • IN FINN arpnes,Luttrons, CIO,ARB, he., 2d dontit 211111 Street , Philadelphia. aul-17 BRA.N.DIES.—PInot, Castillon & Co., Ma rest & co., and other brands of Cop:afoot various vintages, in half pipes and quarter nimbi • Palleroilin Boehelle Brandies, pale and dark, intalf pipes, quarter etas and one-eighth nuke, all in Custom brows stores, imported and for sale by a:NH . lff BOI.MEN & CO., and NOII. 221 and 243 South Yoarth street. Surtiacts. MACGREGOR HOT—AIR FURNACES IVA Bold by CHADWICK & BRO., &MOND Street Brat door *bore Duo. MurlB.3mos IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT NEW OAS CONBUDIING FURNACE CHILSON'S NEW CONE FURNACE, after having been put to the most severe test, during the two COLD WI or 1868 AND 1867, has proved to be the most powerful healer in lA, world, stir ing from X to X the fuel over any of the beet furnaces now in me. Taxan tuastaosu are oonstruoted with a cast Iron • ash pit, and a broad, shallow pamehaped fire pot, lined with drwbrick or iron staves. The fire pot la sarmount ed with A SERIES OP 00NREI, ea TAPERING RADIATORS, large and broad at their 114186, but tapering to email aper tures at the top, and uniting with the anular chamber, through which the heat and smoke pass to the due. Toe VIOLA products of oornbuetion in the form of smoke and nines, are auspended directly over the fire, •CeNII.IIRDOT eon:Tressed into the tapering Coons An° CONTINUALLY IMPOUND to the direst action of tke rays of beat and light from the Thin heat and light is brought to a rocas I anew Cone, not unlike the IMPACTION OP TER SON'S RAYS, too focal point through an ordinary lane, causing the MONA AND asses to liecome uitensely heated and tho roughly 00191/NAD by this operation the °NOES eon owes are lunis 11QUALLY AvAILAIILN with the runt ITSNLV for heating purposes, while, in other fornsoug, It IS (lAMBIC Ors AND WANTID IN ego °BISECT. All persons &WOOS of obtaining the beet and MOST DOONOIIICAL KEATING APPARATUS, shoold not fail to examine the„Naw Gael OoNNUMING CONN PUNNACII; before purchasing any other. The as of architects and builders le particularly re- Vested. " 'ARNOLD dc WILSON, (Sitocessors to EL A. Harrison,) ani•tf Opp N os o it bi nWeA eLNUnT eSgutr 9i,ttorittpa at Zuv. LEWIS S. WELLS, ATTORNEY AT it-a LAW, N 0.2 AIRY dTBRET, NORRISTOWN, Pa., will ahead with punctual), and to the boot or hie ability, to all busk.= entt'Skttod to his cora. nol-Sm nANIEL DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY Jur. AT LAN, Southeast Corner of EIGILTH and CAW Maros* Pkilladelphla. aul•IY jN YER , S TR 0 SSE, ATTORNEY AT /Lk, W, ONNTtlit street, Pottsville, ra. so4-lp petuing ltlachinez. AGOOD SEWING MACIIINE.-HUNT, WEBSTER, & On., beg respectfully to introduce themselre to the public as the manufaeturert of the IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE, tutapted to manufacturing or family purposes. , Free trona the objections which have been urred against those already known In this market, TUNS MACHINE COMBINES THE GOOD QUALITIES OF THEM ALB, and will be sere to commend itself, upon 07eaaltlnntlan; to families , tailors, saddlere, ebeemekers, and seamstresses. Those In want of ♦ GOOD ARTICLE, that will make a handsome leek stitch work LITTLE NOISE, that will REM, BIND, STITCH, RUN, or GATHER; indeed, that will give entire satisfaction even after they love been used for years; are invited to salt at our room' , 820 OLIESTNIIT Street. RUNT, WEBSTER, & Co. Bowing of everry deeoription executed in the hest pos. MIDI manner, and enreasonsbTe terms. Ban:Ties of oar worg sent by mail to any part el the UnitchlStates. h2l-tuthe W. EWING MA CHINES .—GROVER, 110 BARER, & CO '8 UNRIVALLED SEWING MA CIIINES still retain the confidence of the public, and their popularity Increases, After yearn of trial It Is de monstrated beyond all ',mention that it Is the popular klachine. and the only one upon which any reliance can bo placed to work well on all kinds of shoes. The fact that It does one-third more work in the same time, and does it better; that it Is the least liable to get but of repair, being simple in its construction; that it woken the least 1101110, and that It is acknowledged on all hands that it is best for a new beginner, hay given the pro prietors a demand for It to such an extent that they arc Obliged to delay the tilling of orders In many canoe for months. Over eight hundred are In operation in this city, and the cue has yet to occur where a person who hen purchased Pon h 4,3 exchanged it for another kind. Taking into vanstilerom 4140, tlie feet that those who employ from 15 to 40 kends jp their shops, doing the work for the tesnufacturers, witkout exception, une this machine In preference to any oi.her kind, and al ways recommend them In preference to ut ietv. it would seem unneemary for the proprietors to advertise their excellence, or set forth their superiority:. The umlersigned, BOLE AtighTB for the sale of these Machines. ilwaya have a supply, and bays made such arrangements that they sell them upon terms that will meet the wishes of all. Plinio other iiiachines sold In this market, it is freo frono oil hafringentents of other patents. intoTnnt, 2i.tr pparait figosns, LYNN. QEWING MAQIIINI g t —PRATT'S 1.0 PATENT—PRICES PROM 512 TO rP. The "LADIES ' COMPANION , in the moat simple, durable, compact, and cheap . machine for family ace over offered to the public, sewing equally well upon all kinds of fabric, and without purkertng the cloth, leav ing no bad cord on the back side of the work And ab waysfoirrning the thread when stepped. They sew from two to twelve hundred stitches per minute, wing but one thread, and without rewinding. Thu stitch can be Varied from •Ore tp lefty to the inch. Any one can learn to operate them In half en bony Printed direo. flans anamnpany °Olt machine, by irbo any one can use them. We ere enabled to offer thew PROM , net, chines at the above low price;; u We are not obliged to pay fifteen or twenty dollars license for liorrowofl pa tents, this machine being made under our own patent. In every part, and Infringing upon or using no other. There are some hundreds in constant use in this city and vicinity, which are giving the best satisfaction. Every machine le warranted to give satisfaction. Ladles and gentlemen are invited to cell and examine them and their work, and judge for themselves. ham ' lee of work, and drawings, with description, Cent to any pad of the country by mail. Saletrooms 113 IV43IIINGTON Street, Boston, mad 077 BROADWAY, New York, 00 2.7-tf OSIN.--600 BARRELS SOAPMAKERS 1108fii, to artfiql per echoonor J. n. Inanner War lode b 7 MARTIN le. DIACiALlara, *OOl- 11N North llfiaar •troAt. FLOORING BOARDS—•2B,O3O foot Jarc. Das flooring board/ 4.58 W, fbr lido by MARTIN it MAC/M.IBTM% 111, MAIO Wrtor LENWOOD CEMETERY OFFICE, NO. 1 4,4 113 WAWUT C#14,191 , Utr eauinfia innbo. SAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN. TEREST—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM• PANY ALNUT STREET BOUTILWEAT CONNIE OP THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPDXATED DY lOU StATI Or PINISYLIVIIIA. Money is received in any Sum, large or email, and In• terott paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The office Is open Glory day front 9,Pelock In the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, end on Monday and Thursday evenings till 9 o'clock. LION. HENRY L. RENNICR, President, ROBERT BELEM:KIR, vice President. WK. J. REND, Secretary. ntaseroaa : Hon. Heavy L. Benner, 0. Landreth mums, Edward L. Carter, D. Carroll Brewster, Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry, R. Ashton, Henry L. Churchman, James B. Smith, Francis Lee. Money Is received and payments made daily. The Investments me made in conformity with the provisions of the Eharter, In REAL }STATE MORT• ilettiES, GROUND RENTS, and inch Prat alas' securi ties as will always insure perfect security to the deposi• tors, and which cannot fall to give permanency and sta bility to this Institution. aul•ly O. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER GENT. STATE SAVINGS PIM. N. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS PUNE. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.- FIVE .1 I PER GENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. N °. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.-PIPE PER CENT. STAIN SAVINGS PEND. atil-]y illatinntrg anD itan. 91.1113T1. T. %lAAIOB. J. T/1:1011AN WILLIAM 11. intastaz. SOUTIIIVARIC FOII.NDRY, YIJITII AND WASHINGTON STRUTS, PHILLIALFIDA. - - • • MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressuretteam Engines, for Land, River, and Marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, k.e., Out ings of all kinds, either Iron or Braes. Iron frame roofs for Use Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, .ifo. Retorts and Use Machinery of the latest and most Improved construction. Every deSeription of Plantation machinery, suck as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Train., Detonators, Titters, ' Pumping Engines, /Cc. Sole Agents for N. 11.illieuz's Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nasmyth , s Patent Steam Hammer, J. P. Bole' Patent Valve 'Motion for Blast Machinery mod Steam Pumps. Superintendent—B. 11. BARTOL. auS-y RICHARD NORRIS & SON, LOCOMO TIVE BTEA3I ENGINE BUILDERS, atimcr, MOULTON, FAIRMW AND emit° GARDEN lITRZETas PHILADELPHIA. SMercluslvely in the manufacture of OMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. Manufacture to order Locomotires M any arrange ment, weight or capacity, for the use of Weed or Cake, or Bstumetutios Coal in fir crud* Awe, or ANTURAOITX COAL, WITSMIT inITILICi stove, oaa On MIL In dee*, 'material and workmanship, the Loomno time produced at these Works are equal to, sod not 62- °Allen by any, The materials need in conetruction are made on the opot, ant bonus the bast quality and mast reliable Mock. The lam extent of Shope, and Com plete Equipment of Mathifury and Tools, enable them to execute the EIEBT OF WORE WITH GREAT DESPATCH, , OP ANT ARRA/tan/OW ADM:Mu:D. OHTLLIT OAR WHIRLS, HAURAKI) AXLM, With Yorginga of any also or form, • IRON AND AMASS CASTING% And WAOMND WORK generally: - DIORAMA VIORIMI. MINIM tannin NOnkli. • PENN STEAM ENGINE ANA BUIL xe WOll.llB. REANEY, NEAFIE & CO., micrpo.q,A.ND JEN NNEEIta meonuitsTs, BNif i sa-humuts, BLAox aIIITIIS AND POUNDERS. Having for many years been in successful operation, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Marine and River Engtnee , high end low present., Iron Beate, Water 'Pontur, Propellers, &a., &e., respectfully offer their services to the public, as being buy prepared to contract for Engines of all sins, Marine, River, and Stationtuy. Having sets of patterns of different sines, are prepared to execute ordere with quick despatch. Every deeeription of Pattern making made at the shortest notice. nigh end Low Pressure, flue, Tuba• ler and Cylinder Boilers, of the beet Pennsylvania char. coal iron. Forging' of all sloes and kinds; Iron and Braes Castings of all deeniptions; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connoted with the above business. • Drawings sad spreificatlorks for all work dose at their establishment free of charge, and wort guaranteed. The subscribers bate ample wharf dock room for re pairs of boats, where they ash lay in perfrot safety, and are prorided with shears, bloats, fella, to., &0., for raising heavy or light weights. THOMAS BEANNY, JAGOB G. NEAUH, JOHN P. LEVY, SUCH sod P AMARAL Otreets, Einmaingtos NOTICE. -CHESTNUT STREET 111111X113. PLANS AND ESTIMATES for a Bridge cm the River Bchuyililli, on the line of Chestnut larva, in the City of Philadelphia, will be received by the Chief En [(Neer and Surveyor, at the DEPARTMENT OF SUR VEYS, City Building, FIFTH Street, he'nw Walnut, unUI tbs second day of January, 7858. P-feJ Bridge to be of the following dimensiona, without any pier, or with not more than one pier in the water-way p the materials of conatruction throughout to be indutructi- We by fire. Distance between abatmente... • 356 feet Width of Bridge, out to out, not leas than.. 42 "" Elevation above loot water 37 For an arch the springing line ahould not be leather' eleven feet above low water. The Plans and Estimates will be received under the arrangement and conditions specified in the ordi. bane. of Councils, approved November 2d, 1101, as fol- lows, via : SECTION 2 That all plane and estimates to be received by the Chief 21agineer and Surveyor of the City of Visite delphia, each plan and estimate to bear a private mark, and be accompanied by a sealed communication having a corresponding mark thereon, so that the name of the designer may not bo known until the plan meet ap proved shall have been selected Section 3 That all such plans and estimates shall, when received. become the property of the c ity of Phila delphia, and shall be presented within two months after the passage of this ordinance, when it shall be the duty of the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, by and with the advice of the Committee on Surveys and Regulations, to invite a commission consintleg of three civil engi neers, who, In conjunction with the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City, shall examine and decide upon the relative merits and applicability of the plans presented, to the Bridge site proposed, and report to Councils the number of plane received, the names of the designers, and the character and estimated cost of the three plane by them preferred. SBOTION 4. It shall be the duty of the Chief Commis sioner of Highways, upon a certificate presented and signed by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, to issue warrants In payment of the cost of the aforesaid adver tisements, and elect in favor of those persons who may hive presented the three plans preferred by said coin , mission; to the first in point of merit, the sum of 2400; to the second, $260, and to the third $100; said warrants to be charged to Item No. 10 of appropriation made to the Departnient of Highways, 2ce., for the year 1867, approved March 16, 1857.1 For further Information, or for cross section of river, address STRICRLAND KNEASS, Chief Engineer and Surveyor City of Philada. notbdtjan3 MARCIIANT' 8 ORYSTALOGRAPIIB, OR PIIOTOGRAPILIO NINIATIIIIII.9 IN OIL, N. R. corner of SIGIITII nd LTIOIIBT. The above pictures differ assent.ally from anything ever before offered to the public. Their softneee, and truth of color and outline, extraordinary minuteness and aceurecy,of detail, insure, of necessity, the greatest fidelity of resemblance ; while the severity of the or deal to which they are exposed in manipulation equally settles the queetlon of their permanence. These facts .enable the subeenber to offer them, with the greatest satisfaction and confidence, to the public end 'to his friends. They are sectored by tettera patent to, and can le had ONLY of R. D. MARCHANT. • nWr -- Portraits of the cabinet, and life sloe on canvas es heretofore. se 184 m flustio L AMP S .—THE PUBLIC IS respectfully informed that Offices have been opened by the District Superintendents of Public Lighting, at which citizens ere requested to give information respect ing accidents which may happen to the rubliefamps; or of any failure in ligbtlog or extinguishing them at the proper time; or if not properly cleaned and In good lighting condition. The Rooks will be kept by Joseph Daily No. 808 Wharton at., Fast Ward; Charles Cart, No. 18 Booth Seventh street, Nintli IVani; Llimm (3. Kirk, No. 1439 Kutchinsop street, Twentieth Ward; hi. W. Deshong, No. '4.31 'Coates areet. Fifteenth Ward; Thos. V. Dowlby, Ofilee, Twenty-Fourth Ward, (West rhiladelphia;) Id. U. 81 , Faddeu, Gas Office, Twenty. Second Ward, ( Germantown ;) Wm. N. 'Market, (las (Mice, Twenty-Third Ward (Frankford,) and at the Gas Office in Seventh street, below Market. By order of the Trustees of the Philadelphia flu Works. A. J. oel.em eaperintendent of Distribution. PHILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY -IL N. W. Oor. THIRD and CHESNUT Ste. L. PIiLOUZN au CON, thankful for the liberal pa. teenage heretofore accorded to their listablLihment; and &Wren* to merit its corkinnance, would announce to Printers and Publishers that their new CPROIMIN BOOK in now ready, and from their increased facilities, are now prepared to furnish every thing necessary in a complete Printing Ketablielenent, at the shortest no. tin. Their long practical experience In the butinen, And the fact of their persoual superintendence of th e manufacturing department, justifi r es them In assorting that they ran furnish a more durable and better ne ighed article then their cotemporarleg. Those, therefore, - who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them preying to purchasing elsewhere. QU type taken at 9 cents per pound, In exchange for new at epeahnen priees. and-tf Ci OLD MINE FOR SALE.—TRE SUB 101' erriber offers for nate, with a perfect title, the property known an the REID GOLD AND COPPER MINE, attested 8 miles from Concord, Catarrna county, North Carolina. With the mine is a plantation of 745 acres of excellent land, well watered and wooded, and a hinge MANSION ROCK with barns, miners , houses, powder and engine house, and other buildings; new steam engine, 45 horse power Chilton mills, stamps, Pguips, Ac., embracing all the machinery and tools ne hessiiry fpr the full equipment of a mine, In good order. The mine hoe Pee)) YAtked at, iptercale for the last 60 yearn, and has wrap' 'bon 1 4 44414 to resident pro. ',Hams, but has never been worked for any length of time with en engine and machinery. The shine and galleries are well constructed, the stopplugs hare never been taken out and from 50 to 75 miners can bet profit ably employed in the old workings. On the property is a formidable vein of copper end lead, which MA never been worked, and a new gold corn has been discovered since the iiret of this month, at which three men hare been at work, taking out fifteen hunhe dred dollars a day, sp pr ed ospect of its contlnuae. n o.a m NARLES 4, GlLzkia,lBlßreaa..z. • • °REAP SUMMER FUEL.—GAS COKE, NJ of egoollen t g nal Ity, ill sold ei the PTIILA R.F.L PIMA GAS WORKS for the reduced price of dee cents* bushel, and may bp obtained In large or mall quantity by op plying at the Use Ofdee, No. 20 South SIIVENTII Street To Purchasers by Wholesale, it Is sold st the Works, in First Ward, by the ton, at a price egaitalent to An thracite, a 1,4.60 per tan. (Signed,) T. O. OItIOSON, .Inglneer. P III4IO W.PUIS 0.0 Woass, Aug. 28, au2f-tf fIOAOH, ENGINE AND DOTEL LAMP `l.-1 ractorp of E. W USSIIERS, N 0.109 (lete 43) South ElOlllll, below Chestnuttreat, ban become a Baring of 60 per cont. to our SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MERCHANTS, and also the convenience of having their old Carriage Lampe new silver-topped and bottomed, and mot by axpreas to all parts anl2 11 m 1 EVA r48,—10,000 —PIII nrris n, : A E Cards pre [lour: A. OA. r”,. O 1a... The a was cIutRAN aIM 1 0416 W D 1 P1.1..10. Pn".. 4. 4.1.• ... V A Iri.SELIII 01.11j4 1 O.M . We tras 111 4 , 1.0.1,00. leer. rept, Nts 1.11....• , D .1 •, I ~. 0 , 0 0 1 " Ty• Thmmtni Cloth pew /*Ma i E .10 W .. (1. van \defile—VD 8 i ftYtJa !"7.I IF °U-JrElt B "" . • -• D ARCUS BAST, No. 2O NORM THIRD STIIRET, wnOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER, Mu for sole THE AMERICAN READER—a new book, designed by Ito author, A. p. HALT Toon, for the use of the higher olused In the Audeodes and &hoots of A.suerlca 4, lit dim oraltigit copy, no44m inonrance Cgompanito LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM PANYr-f --The PCNN MUTUAL LIPS INSURANCE COMPANY, Southeast Corner of TRIED and DOOK Streets. Capital, i 612,726.03. INSURSZ LIVES short tours, or for the whole term of life—grants an Led endowments—pur e-Wee life on interests in Real &Atte, and makes all contratts depending on the eontingenaleS of Life. They set as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Guardians. TRUSTIMI. Daniel L Miller, Sawnel K. IRAs', Benjamin Coates, William Martin, Richard 3. Newbold, James B. McFarland, William I'. Hacker, Joseph 11. Trotter, William H. Kern, James Ruston, Samuel C. Huey, Theophihis Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Edmund A bonder, Henry C Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, fludalplins Kent, John W. yornur, William H. Carr, RBIs 3. Atelier, Edward 1' Mott, Umiak J. Christian, William Robertsori, Joseph M. Thorns', Warner M. Basin. John Q. Brunner, P.B. Richter, Easton. DiAUL L. Dimia,a, Praddent. SADIIIEL B. EITO.LEB, Vies Preet. JoNs W. 110150 R. Sureties. til3-ly HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN SURANCP COMPANY-016ms No. 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia The followfue statement or the affairs of the company to published in conformity with I provision of Ito charter PRIMIOMS RICLITRD FROM wooer 1, 3536. TO 101131 31, 1857. Fire premiums 438,'M 81 lamina premiums 217.703 62 Perpetual premiums .224 Ott Total amount premiums taken. 8 2 256,747 43 Earned are premiums 25,42 98 Earned marine premiums—.. 1 . 66,006 136-160,011 68 Deduct return premlame...... Met earned n 6835909 Marine 1015 , 01 paid. $93,885 75 fire losses 8,031 11 • 1101 ; 916 86 Salvage re. calved... STBO 67 ll:Aymara- ce h. .. .4,351 67 e In/ar um 2 911 62 —8,083 66. 92,536 76 Expenses for commissional to agents. abatements In lieu of scrip, salaries, office rent, furnishing office, books, sta tionery, Ike Profit and loss Net profit... Cash on band .11SSMS. F12,515C0 Dille receivable 119;207 02 Bonds and mortgages 103,000 00 Stocks :92,100 00 Rock note. 142,900 00 Due by agents and others ' 22,312 93 4754,096 84 DIRECTORS. P. M. Potts, Wm. P. Leech, , C. E. Spangler, R. T. Heusi I, Abraham Rex, ' H. H. Houston, Wm. H. Woods, Jos. R. Withers, George Howell, Abraham P. Eyre, Y. Ed gm Thomson, W. Ralgicl, ID, G. sower, . ' Charles P. Norton, John W. Berton, John H. Lamar*, 'lceman Haupt, James E. Stiles Nathan R. Potts, H. H. Shillingford. PERCIVAL M. POTTS, President O. E. SPLIIOLUI, Vice'President. W. H. Woods, S ecretary. 0c22 R. T. Hallam Treaswer. FURS INSURANCE. /RUNG GABBEN I'IRE:INSURAticE COM PANY. CAPITAL PL28,000, PAID IN CAP/I, AND SECURELY INVRESED, binell, N. W. CORNER OP SIXTH AND WOOD STS., SPRING OARDDN S.. _ CHADTHIL PERPETVAL. MODS PROMPTLY PAID. DIADOTOIIII. John 'Dohnert, • Mary M. a, - David Woelpper. I.4Willaainasek Benjamin Davis, John Lindell, John Evans, Jr • Charles held, Anlei, Part, " Witham Woo . James Dnraell,, John-D. Strrozwon, Jacob - S. Mintzer, Ganda Stoddard, • Thos. D. Tillinghast, George K. Childs. JOAN H. DOELDVIT, Preeldent. L. KIIIIIIItItAiIt, Secretary. .sept 2t—ly NEPTUNE INs lIRANCE COMPANY.- 011.1031 414 WALNUT $O. Franklin InaUdinsos CAPIT F L N $l O OO O 0 0 , W AR/NE INSIJILANOR.:' PAW/LAOS Torriamite TO $OO,OOO. • This Company. la now /ally aerie - WI, and prepared to mate all kinds of bllnnace addnst 10110 or damp by. Wire and Marina Patna at turnout Mac &MOM. 11. C. LAAJOHLIN President. RiallAsz alum* The priwkiast; CEO. /IMP, se l aTow,__ DEBILOTWOP. • r'ft.re leader, W. 0. Statesbary, R. bt. Oarlils, 0.0. Batter, Oen. &salt. isslB-1 H. 0. Laughlin, D. Sherwood, ITm. Oeboune, Blehird Mel,* T. T. Showell, rpE QUAKER OITY•INS I RANOI 003146 NY, Mee No. 408 pate 93) 196LNIIT at. Capital end Sumoles, $260,000. This Company eontinnte to make lemma" itnet tom er damage by Tire and the Perils of the Sea, Wand Navisatios end Transportation, at entment rates. OTTIONR2. presitent-480. N. HART Tim haellent-11. P. 11088. secretary and Treasurar—lL h. 0013091111. L. Assistant Beeretary—a. 3 /.IIIITLTA. =TOM. George R. Hart, ' D. W. Dailey, It. P. Ross, o,harlea a. Imlay, A. 0. Cattail, Wm. D. Lewis, Jr., Joseph Edwards, J. L. Pomeroy, John G. Dela, Andrew D. Chambers, Hon. Henry M. Puller, 11. R Couskall, Yoater 8. Perkins. Samuel Jones, 211. D., John 11. Chambers, A. Y. Cheesbrougl. an 8-lY ARCTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMFA- Illi, NEW 10111S.—OiSce, No 92 Wall street. ad joining the Mechardos' Bank—Cash Capital, $250,000, with a surplus. This Company insure Buildings, Mer chandise, Furniture, Teasels in port and their Cargoes, and other property, against Loss or Damage by Pire and the Risks of Inland Nangatiou DIRECTORS. Henry Grinnell, Joshua L, Pope, Caleb Barstow, Battu B. Grates, Henry 0. Brewer, Henry Davis Edmund Penfold, 0. H. LIW6I, Hanson R. Coming, Theo. POUICOIIII, it. Ogden Haggerty, VIA& E. ItfOrtall, Thomas Moans% Ate.. It. Yam Nest, John H. RATIO, William A. Cary, Albert Ward, Thomas S. Nelson, Charles ELIA); James W. Phillip, Lords Larat, Charles A. Marry, Samuel G. Glidden, Edward Macklin, Steplt. Carebreleng, Wm. B. Shepard, Thomas Scott, Charles L. Yrnt, John Ward Lathrop L. Henry it. Bogert, Wiillarn B. = li cl4 - Peter Idea, Hatay Thayer, Benjamin 0 Yield, Ole. Wastreldt, A. B. Yrothinghato, Salmon Taylor, Thee. 7, Young.,. Henry B._ Bleenere. Samuel L. Mitchell, ALMOST WARD, President. Runkle A. Oexs.nr, Secretary. ' see 10-ly ItrANUFACTURERS' INSURANCE 1.7.1 COMP.olY.—Charter Ferpethal. Granted by the State of Pehositraata. Capital, 000,000. lire, Maria% itatt laud Trauportition. 9/13010118 • • . Aaron B. LlWnoott, • Chubs WU*, Wm. A. es, Alfred Weeks , - ' Charles J. P ield, James P. Smyth, Wm. H. Thome J. Rinaldo Sank, , Wm. Neal,• . , Jolts P. Simons, AARON 11: IaPPDMOTT, President. WM A. RHODES, Tic. President, .., ALPRND WRENS, Secretary. : . . J. W. MASTER*, Surveyor. , This Company wax organised with a Gash eternal, and the Direotani hairs determined to adept the %main' su to Ita available renorcea—to observe prodsnoe in conduct ing ita affairs, with a prompt adjruitment of leases. Office No.lo Merchanta' Niehaus, Philadelphia. ant-dly ITIA - EROT SNCE MI COMPANY 0 No. ZIA WALNUT Street, o • RINK 11.181r8 on Vagnels, LA.ND TBABISPOB.TA.TIO Osage, Boats, awl other ALL Tali PEOPITS rand, eio ample security DI"• • MUTUAL INSII- P PHILAD.ELPEILL—Ogice • poetuk (ha Kuban*. 11A rgues_ and part IN 11 ELM pm Awrovoli, 23MMZ;I Edward Mania Mlles, Jolla M. Odenhelmer, Mahlon Williamson, Samuel J. Sharpleo, IsseoJeltes, Henry Preant, Edward Jams, William L. Springs, Franklin C. Jones, Daniel Haddock, jr., William Taylor, James Murphy, Wm 7. Smith, A. J. Antal*, Samuel L ' 'Y. Bakker, Al on B. Alabama?, lasaitt, • Thomas 8. Yoder, Gustavus Bnglisb, Jamas H. Stroup, Allred Sauto, , A. 11. Cattail (Marisa B. Oiratairt, Samuel Robinson, John O. Haler, /ohn P. Steiner, Henry (Rambo, Wm. .1 Caner, rentelort. littrmyiresideat. '3 TT, Tielaspoident. • • aul-ly XD`WARD lIA ALl'ltSto BA. Joint Cl.'Pxrvia, floors - - C HARTER OAK FMK AND MARINE NJ INSURANCE I.I:O3I.PANY op EAREEORD, CONN. cash Capital $3C0,000. Loam In Philadelphia stud vicinity adjusted at the PADadaptiO Office. By leave we refer to p i D. S. Brewn & Co., Ma. lice . Zoe! Jonee, Phila. Ohaffees. Stout & Co., " Hon. Rufus Choate, Boehm Hanker, lea &Co " Ilon. M.S. Wi i li um. Cerra We have facildee for acing any amount of Insu rance In the moat reliable Companiet. PHILADELPHIA GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 413 (old No. 144) CHESTNUT ST. THOUPBON k ROOD, . anloSitt Agents. . . . • Cumber. .UMBER I LUMBER ! I—The subscribor, -kJ who has for several years occupied the premiere at Sloan's Planing Alin, Kensington, has removed to COATES...SPRY:RP adjoining the Phamix Planing Mill, on Delaware aver.ue, where be Intends keeping a Large assortment of Carolina and other floor ing boards, steps, risers, theiving, railing, fencing and ethirold boards, thoroughly seasoned and well worked. Per sale et the lowest cash prices: Purchasers are in vited to call and examine for themselves, and every ef• fort will be made to give astisfaction. Orders received and supplied at the aborted notice for ale kinds and siren of Southern yellow Pine, Theber and ihuntling. aul-tf 8. 8. ItlODva Art Proof Saco. SALA3UNDEE SAFES. • large wortment of RUNS a; WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAJIANDIR LAM, VAULT DOORS, For Banta and Stone. BANK LOOKB, uad to any non is use. IRON DOORS, SUUTTRRS, On al good terras as an other ettablithwersi in the United !Defoe, by EVANS A WATSON, No. 26 South FOURTH street Philadelphia. PLEASE 4IYE VS A CALL. au.13.41 erommtesion Mertbartts. I H. CHASE& CO. J. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 43 North YRONT and 44 WATER Btreat t PlifldslpLia CONSTANTLY RECEIVING CLOVER SEED - - On consignment from the {uteri's* of Penneylnnis, where our uew Oleanlog Mitt to so* in general use. tm li i ir Also, TllloTlit AND BED TOP always or 10241 HANDY & BRENICER,-00.WMISSION aIEfIOILINTS and Dealers in Potato and Amer dean lIARDWASI and OUTLIRY, Nos, i 3, 2.3 and 27 North PIPTH Street s last aid. above Clommesco street. PhasAelphia.' CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION' 'MR mu CHANT- ind"Tinporter of lIANLNA: "EGAN, (New) us Want skeet, beyond story. m 1.17 9rOWESTERN TRAVELLERS. 13PRING AND SUMMER ADBANGIIMENT NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. TWO DAILY TRAINS PRO3I.I3ALTI3IOIIE T. PITTSBURGH AND THE 1T17, , T On and affer June Ist, 1557, TWO DAILY THAI will lease Cal Teri Station for PAtebaren acd all We ern and South or Northwestern cluts THE HORNING MAIL TRAIN - - - • Leaves Baltimore daily (Smelt y exceptel) at S IS M. emniaatang with the Tram over the Great Pe: 'yields Railroad, And arriving in Pittsburgh st 1 A. M. THE AFTERNOON EXPRESS TRAIN Lwaves Belt/more daily (ianday excepted) at 3 P. for Harrisburg. TUE NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN Leaves Baltimore EVERY NIGHT at 10 P. H , tecting with the Lightning Express over the Penns Taal& Railroad for Patabrugh.arnving at I NI P. M. CT' AH these trains connect closely at Parable with trains over the Parsirwrgi, Fret Trager rr. Mirage iloaeutd, and its Northern, Boathern a Western conseet.uns. Pr.rrercr. , for Chicago. Rock id.a. Baran ton, lowa City, Miltnaukce, Dubuque, Et. Paul', Mao lOU, and other ci ttes in the Northwest. wills. Ott ivadnd miles of !rare: and its ionrs .n t me, wi fear less changes of oars, by taking this nuts.. re Passengers for Cleveland. Sand:take, Toledo. as Detroit. go by title route. and the tine is maga:lllw being : ll3 miles shorter than by any other route. 117 - Passengers for Bt. Louis, In Bandpahg. Ten Haute, Cairo, and all points on the 1g.., and Epp. HissiSaippi, make less changes of cars. ant armee ma. Ve.DC• Of any other route; and to Cilacmanam. Dayton, Louisville, °this: prominent egos. as gale as by en other route. All Western Beggars CHECEID TEIR.OrGEI ac kandisi vita rem . - - - The 816 Aid. connects closely with Ripress Trait over the Dauphin road for Willis-m.l,m Llmot Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Pails. and Canada, Thu forming the most direct railway route to No:ten - eater Pennsylvania and Western New York. Ps set.eers wt! flud this the shortest, cheapest., and molt gsPeditioa route to Niagara Falls and Canada. Throogh Tickets are lamed to Philadelplil* via Cc lumbia and Lancaster by all the trains at .7:1 ran: train having sure connections. FaSSCV.ers by the route 140.1 treaselled bridges. arsiali the Inev.vverkiene. of ferrying across; the Susquehanna river. Passengers for Hanover, Manchester. G etlyvhdrg, Pm mittaburg, Culiste . Clumbershorg, go by :la trains a 8.13 A. 11., sod 3 P. 31. WIISTII bar - ER BRANCII. Tha Care on this road make one trip par day, cernect. Ing with the train at 3 P. If. For THROUGII TICKETS and furthcr ii.toculatica apply at the Ticket Office, Cairert Station. It. E. carats of Calrert and Franklin 'treats. sep..T3-tf C. C. ADREON, 50,888 el 83 40-181,283 27 DIEISINS YIL VAN IA RAILEUAD.—'IIIE OREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connerrtuu; the At lantic Cities wi th Western, North-western. sot &T,ntl - western :Ames. by a coutmcous Railway direst. Tb's Road also connects at Pittsburgh with daily line of steamers to all ports on the Western ILvera and at Cleveland and Sandookv with Steamers to all parts so the North-western Lakes; making. the Rust Dutscr, CHEAPEST and RELIABLE ROUTE by which Yra:gt can be forwarded to and from the GREAT WLST. RATES BETWEEN PIILLADELPHIA AND PITIP BURGIL. 124,075 82 YLRIST DLL sa—Boots, Shoes, EAU, and Caps, Boots, Dry Gods, (in boxes boles and trunks), Drugs, (in boxes and bales) Yesthers, Tars, d." &MID CLASS—Domestic Sheeting, Shirting and Ticking. (in original • hales), Drags (in casks), llardwarro, . Leather, (in rolls or boxes), Wool, and Sheep Pelts,Eastwud, gc....15e. per 10c, lb Titian Cixas—Anrits. steel, Chains, (in tasks), Hemp, baton and Pork, Felted , (loose or in sacks), Tobacco, Minuted axed, (except Cigars or rat &c., ko Cde ..or 100 its POPIIn Oils" C Zee, Fish, BYO., Beef, and Pork., (In sulks or boss eashrard). Lard and Lard Oil, Nails, Ma dab, errnan Cis', Tar, Pitch, Eosin, &a 51e. par 100 Its Pboon--75c. per bbl., natal further coXoe. }!Como:-42 per bale, not exceeding, 100 Ib3. Weight, until further notice. Jr, sltf*tg Goods from any ye;ut WA. Itspig , Wnlar to Karr package ria nn,j, : vans R4iiroa4, ,, All Goola consigned to the .\g to ci thus Road, st Philladalpltia, or Pitttburgh,val be gitbout detention. 1111110111 Agr37l.—Huria. Wonnley S. Co .phis, Tema ; B. It. Sass &Co . t. )10 ; P. G O'Kciry -/c. Co., kranstille, Indiana; Durneinil, Soil A. Co , and Carter & Jewett. Lotnivil:r. Ky.. it C &run, M. 114.12415, Ind.; H. W. Drown A. and Irwin & Co., Cincinnati; N. W. Unit= & Ohio; Leath & Co.. No. 54 Kilby street, 1:0,tor. ; Leech /r. Co, No. 2 Astor !louse, New York. No. 1 It diiirn it. and iso. 8 liattary Plant, New York; E J. Eni.eder, Philadelphia; & Koons ; halt arra ; D. A. INAltart ) rittaborgb. NBW .YORK LINES.-TILE CAMDEN A 1 - AND MIDDY RAILROAD AND I'll /LA DM MLA AND TRZSTON RAILROAD CO3IPANI — .S LIN/ e. IMAM TEULADNLYIIIA TO NEW TORE., AND WA - - Leave ma fellows. viz t Pau. At 1 A. 22., from Kensington Depot, TIA Jenny Olty, Mail At 6A. M. via Camden and Jersey City , N. J er. Amainmodation At 6A. Y., via Camden and Amboy, Aaroma.x:.i tioa 2 At T A. - M., via Camden and Jersey City. Morning Mall I At 20 A. M., by steamboat Trentou, mad Jitney City, Morninx Express 3 At 2 P. M., via Camden nod Amboy, C. az. I A Ex. press 3 At 5 P. 51. via Gulden and Jersey City, Evemlsi. Mall 3 At 3 P. If. via Camden and Anoixy, 'reel= At 3 P. 31.,via Canniest and Amtcy, Man, bClaas. At 6P. M. via Camden and Amboy, Acc,....,,t5t104, t104, IseClass At OP. M. via Camden tad Amboy, Mon, 2a CU.'. The 6 P. 31. lint runs daily, all others En_isr. orptal. XXprees Lines stop at the prinnipal eat: se. ; i ris , Per Belvidere, Eaaran, Ylewin•ton, Ac.. at CA and 4 P. 31 , from Wenut Strett For Water Gsp. &ran:on. ..tesharr Montrs. Great Der.d, Ac ,atdA 11 , Low Lackawanna at Weet..rn /or Freehold. at 6 A 51. ar.d 2 P. M /or Mount Holly at A. M., a,-,1 2y,S amt 5 P WAY LINES TOT Mato], Trenton toe., at Ana 4P. M WAT LLNI4 ffMl!Ni==l Steamboat RICHARD STOCKTON for Ern-lentovs, ax,:t toteroodistr places at Y P Steamboat TRIS.IIO# tor Tau-ny at 10 aml 11% A. al., anA 4 P. Id. M. All lines, inept 1 A. Id , leave Walnut etas lellaif. ID - 7ifty potUtde of baggage only Allowed etch pas imager Pin-wagers nre prohibited from tali..; s i .my thing as baggage tint their wcznoi, arrarel my weer City gown,. to be part der earn T.i.e Coin pay limit thins responsibility for taggsre to tine dotal. per pound, and will not be liablo for iuy araouat to yond $lOO, except by special contract IL ADELPHIA, GERMASTOWIiN AND NOR RIB TOWN BAILLOAD TER ARBANGE.MEST.-o.a. sad after 51.C. , 1: DAN, Nth, 1857. _ . Lear. Philadelphia at 0. 73,i, S.L. 9S. 11S A M.. 2, 3-10 ran. 4,5, 0, 2. 9, and 11 P. 11. Loan Gortenntoorn at 6[t, 7-55 mia S. 9, 1 S A. It 140, 310 min. 4. 5,6, 2.8, and 10 P M. The 72.3 o'clock A. 31 rein from (I,rmantorn will stop only at Wayne Stlieet Nathan Leave Philadelphia ►t 9.21 =nn. ,2 ►n 6% P M Lem Germantown 820 min. A. 31 . I .0 =on and 5.44 min P.M. Lama Cheatact 11111 at T 31,540 sad 1-10 zu a A 31 13140, 340, 040 and 740 mia. P 31. Leave Philadelphia. 9:W A. it ;in..] 65, P. M Leave Cheatorit Rill at S A 31.,1246 P M YOB MANATUNK, CONStloßociii4s Az%D Nt.npui. Leave Philadelphia at 13,,ti, 9, 11 A. M , 3 .13,, SA, •1 11 P. M. Leave Norristown at 7. 9., 11 A M , 3 an. 1.5 40 P 11. Les» Rills&'phis at 9 M., anl 3P. M. Lee n* Itomatown at 7 A. 31 , Ltd 5 P CIIRSTRR 'VALLEY RAILROAD OR DOWNING Learnt Iggladelplaia at BX A M ant 3l' M. Lame Dotenizztoses at Ix A. M as 1' M H. K. SMITH, Saperiatt 0.1-ot Depot, Moth an.l Green streets, 113.1e1; Ma. FORTH PENNSYLVANIA WINTER ARRANtIY.MENT. POE BSTME.II.I3I. XAFTON, ALLENTOWN. 31 A ti CO CIIIINK,WILKESBALtRE. DOYLE:, Ti.Ov N, A. On and titer Wedneeday. Noceist, , : 4:h. 1;.7.:. the tram co. this rand will hie Phllsdelthis 111.1 (Sun ders eleepted) es lotions: Fdr Bethlehem, EaSioll, Allentown )lunch Ctuot Wilkeabsrre (I:sprees) at Q A 31 For Bethlehem, Allentown. ant Mauch Chntt. (Ex pres,) in Connection with L. V It ft at t Es,ten . ty stage, from Iron 11111 Station, at 2 15 P. 31. For Doylestown, (Accommolotan.) at 4 20 1•, M. For Gwynedd, do. at 10 A 31 Oa Tuesdays omt Fridays tba IOA trslr. 'via run through to 'Doylestown, :cueing Doyle+town t,. return at 1.85 P.M Years Bethelem (lapress".) at 9 A 2 2.; LeaMs Doylestown, (Aecounnaistion,l et t Leant Gwynedd, do st _d P. 9! ON StND.II - 9. For I Fn al Gwynedd 915 A. M I GicyL9,l.l ^'9 P M Doylestown 119) P M I Day1.....t,a - n.... .. '..:, A 31 Faro to Bethlehem ct :...) • Mauch Chunk L.. ...,) “ Wilkegb,-, 4ZO I'At'SENC El: D Ei'or. FRONT an! WILLOW F.:3 . I'hll3 .311.1,19 CLARE: ,t,.n t viral\ TED. OIL THEITED STATES V CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied. untoarttad t , ca, n. whom will bo given good pay, board, euthio,, and medical attendance Vey from to 1t72 - .2 le:.a nth No moo baring a wife or child will Le A pi. ly for 310EhTED SERVICE, at No SI7 31ANKE r ctrcet above inghth, north aide. Oct 3,2 m 500 AGENTS WANTED.-A II( IME_ BTEA D FUR $lO '—Thad Derision Worth of Farms and Burping Los, iu the ,:old of Eclpeper county, Virgin,. to be dsv.l 1 von,t /o,oooaubecrihrrs, en the 7th of Doren:l,r. S_lb serlptiora only ten dollars down. or Ofteon J. Pore. eye bolt down, the rest en d , hvery of the .1,1. Etc., subscriber will got s Randal,: Lot or ors Form. r-,..nr; sn Thine from 010 to r.d.04.11) These farms sn t tut ore sold so cheap to wince settlements, ~, being reserved, the increase in the value of a itch will compensate for the apparent low price now aired. Up wards of 1.3.10 lots and farms are already roll. and a company of settlers galled the Rappthsanock. Pioneer Association" is now forming and will soon col. inen, a settlement. Ample security will be pain for the f uth hal performance of contracts and promo,. \ arty 0.000 acres of land, in different part. of I . 4r.;it.'a tea at command, and will be EOM to settlers at fro n /1 up to 1300 per acre. Ultql.3:lotta• 15 the sr,tl is ail rasa es given. Wood-mittens, coopers, farmers. dc, are scooted, and five hundred A i ze,..te to obtain atibreril..-rs, to whom the most liberal inincen.ents wAI to given ame ikontewrste that they are making .5'.:00 pAr e full particulars, eubscrlytioas, agencies. Zto ly to E . DAUDER. anlif-tr Port Royal, Caroline counts, Va. SULLENDER & PASCAL, HATTERS, saltm No. S. SIXTH or..t. ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, S2O CHESTNUT wrnt, fez-w ants , PACKAGES, HERCILANDI t EE r . 13A.N.K. ..N011.3 P.VP.CELS aud SPECIE, either by its o•en LINES, or in troacectlon with other EXTILESS COMPANIES, to oil the prizeilea TOWNS and CITIES of the Crated States. E. S. SANDFORD, (Iguana FavpwrintArtiont, COTTON-2010 bales good Middling to Mid- Nu suns tab cotton, In stare end kr sale by DUSTIN k iIACALISTIsR, 119 North Water itzest, Uailtaabe FOB THE NORTH. 1 - .)3 p4rlV EL n. HOL'ETOII, General Preixbi ngtea:. EL J. LO'4BALItT, Servant... dent, Altrx.za. Pa WU. Y. GATZM.ER, C h. A. R R CO. R. R- ktoum.u., A v ut Tr. IL EL Co FOB GERMANTOWN ON S. rxDArs CM:3I'NET HILL RAILI.:O3D ON SE.NDA TS ON SUM 'AY TRAINS FOR PRILADELPIIIA Qla i . WILLIAM t ROYAL L, Ist Lieqt 21 Itegt. cre , v3:ry, Rezraltm4 (.3.zeT fats, Caps, £-c
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers