rAI4OI - A :-..,Mtstaiold AMC oral -An.3 ;14°148';:ire11it..4144.4*. i2B''to " lrin►c is if 'Anaolortalitim oesAYetlio ap. Q ; pre `:"l4l`lo" , !nletiryMitierl: they had , been. OmMOted.,tiftlf.tlMlAelt,'nfbis idiots ~ driveringitit; Mid ilyetteit and belted - Mit: 7 : lda Arai , , - Weed eb -- eold,',to Good ',OPP ' rer'' , apologetically, "t . ..,! , :tbilltlkinebodyla 'Walking oyer graves" old.** vethere II no, liirrGokchild leak. at •Idie, but idle lay with' his head enwreatkedin ateeken. • ' "I~tg:one hate PiOodettild. " no • one% at,your grate; Laure. you,"; gold tha" old Manz- -' " tfiti'W COMO,lii:and ;glint the'doof;arielio. now. oat down. He did - not - bend himself t 46 sit, , aa other *pie^ do,- . but , seemed to ;sink , bolt",:nplight;, ' 'viatef,,,until the' chair stopped - . . I • ss H y friend ;, Idle,PP, said Goodehild, introduce , a third person 111tO',4M-cOitv,Matillea;, ' , ' , u I am,"„ said the old man, WlthOnt looking at B s at Mr. - Idle'aaerviceio , • • , • • • ,?•14f,y,O*are an. old inhabitant - of this place,” - • Francis Gocideldld reenttied, . Y!roo t a.yikt!Cati : deci d ii point thy, Mend' 'alid...llVeXejtlddilbt moining; They !amigo:Menai/ad mill:iMala.at the castle,. L be- - Man: 4,:21,x0 theitiagel fruied , tiaards„that noble Allit. *is latirtied," replied the old unit; *lto the Willi wall:: When you atellod DPI you ,see its 'atonesexpanding and conireetiog violently; 'and e similar expansion add eon- , U4OlOl seem to take Plane In Pin own howl and treast...,,-Then;"-there..is a vwdt of tee aid', iiirthq . tUdie; :* and 4 . the vett* 8~ 1 hitO`the tdr,,end, yen' tumble , lNWil 41, W' elpicottVi -,..,1, , , , ~ .Hirerivat•appeared•to trouble Idle, , lle put.. it' his. three*,.l 40 tilkrlJA. neck from sidirto aids:; He was err. oie..imaw of t 1 * lien character of , face, and his' eie siiilliiiillOesihWhOi3lat'llii , ' o 4, oll 9'Kell o If by,- , little book istihaknanli.:',Ut.. GoedidOld -, .felt exceedingly , : uncondbrtable,, ifidlkiiiiiliiitAk th9,Xillit'llitt,lllt; fit y d not c01d.41„,..whg, , ' , :,,.y 3• . ....,.. ." • f , • twit. Algona description, sir," lie observed.: , , -1 4 1 .4,strolig . fiehtetlene'.tho' old .-!411 re- ' 39610 i - ,, .c: . ' - `:''.'''' --': • '. : , ' ' , *gide It likeitloi;ditii*.iiioited•:. , -tii. Mt.. , Themes Idlqi,,,,k s it nsesties Jay, oitliits , ,bitels , *l to w/tikkidli,..4.iftt, ~, UY Pik , , One Olt Rillklii ~ same .14o'; '. enatauma tit:WV-Hr.@ Elessithild-belltivedkeliari ", •jersitisrer thr.ci4O.,ftioditxatill fr9llkt4lA,_*sl i bi* -, to-ida:own 4 .iindikentlittiohAm**,,,fillft, Golodthild Iro,l,ssittlinphitoCisseatnte,ekshis , ' .r.i'!` thilie,ind.,trith'ilidlitisieiCuldtettdt'f , - Preceillit,;Wit, i bad till; iiittfignlliiinal** "Ponlikkalkeiug...foron4Uninok!ACita.pa men'' along Wise two fel films; from - that mo i nen oll..., - 41,:i . ...:-+ ..,..„ ei ~ 44- , t ....... ' , Pal ' &WA tell if 'to l ytil?.:,eild„tho old plan; in a 00411% 1 4'5:A tiV)ilard. ' l ' '' ' W,/littV,..! 'naked Frintis Gocachild. " “Yon know where it took place. Yonder !" Whether he pointed to the room above, or to the room below; or to any room in that old house, or to, e room in some„ other Aldhlnise, . in that bid ' own; leir. i ,Gtodchild was not, nor is,,nor ever'sati .1,6; sure. go ', , ,yes Confusedby the,etrcumstance, that the right fore fi nger • 'of thogtoe old Man seemed, to dtp itself in one of•the threads of lire, light itself, and 'make, a fierr,etart in ,tho .air,- ae`i, it pointed seme where. ,• Having pointed somewhere, it went out. , .. , et Yottknow she was a bride," said the old man. - , c 1 know they still send up bride.eakeP Mr. , Goodehild faltered. to]: his •is a. very op pressive air." , , . .. . . l'..giShe. was a , bride,". said the -old man. , if She he was 'tt fair,. , Itaxen-haired,Aarge-eyed • girl, who had no . - charatter, .to purpose., , A. weak, credulous, incapable, helpless nothing. Not like her• mother.' - No, no? It washer. ftther, whose character She reflected. a Her mother had taken care to secure I iiirerYthing to herself,:for'ler own life',' when i tilt, 'father of this girl '(a.ohild at that time) , died—of 'sheer" helplessness- '• no other die order=and then he "renewed the acquaintance i that bad once` Subsisted between• the. Juother ' and him. He . nad :been ' put aside for the; flaxen -haired, largo-eYed "man.&ar, nonentity) 1 with money. Ho could overlook that for mo- 1 .. ney. _ne , ii:iitrted ' d imnie niati On in `money. ~ ec :,SO,,lie ferumOd I°l4, side of that 'woman, the. Mother ' made love to her again , danced - attendance on her, and submitted ;himself (toil lier whims.;'": She; Nested' upon ,him'every i whim she hail, or could invent.: ilelicire , it. ,, =And the more ' e bore, • the. more be 'wanted corupensation in money, and tho more, he !wil ri3Olveorfo' have it. , 'ff Buti to I Before he, got i, • she , cheated bini. 'in ' d#o ;of, her impetioni states; atm .frone i and never • thawed' again. - - She imt he lends to her ;flood *one tlight,: uttered a •cry iltiffeuedi lay lk that -attitude ',- pertain bolus fiddied. ' And he loaf 44„'ho'conmenotio •I'retii (her in.money,,yeti :.Blight- and-murrain - 9kteir-.`:*A°C'P' R e PPY•2!-:: :'"'" ' " ' ''' ''"elicit' , hatedf " throughout that second eS , Prime% and hadionged'for retaliation ;on heft lie now oonntinfeltetther eignatame it :'ant in; strument, leaving 'all she had to leave-0,11 <-1:10.--"o'''-'"---•---.)--- ----,...reenrsowriourse property Ovid ÜbsoletelypandLappofittiu Messer, _the daughter's guardian._ '• When , ihi tali& itr tinder 't the2Pillow ;it •thii,bed;on ~• Which' iwe , laY, he bunt down ill the • deaf - 4, Peith;licid whisperedl - ; i, gtstrealt!'lliid4 4.,have d eter m ined a leig time :that; Aced' or ',Aire, - yde Mdst r uielfernm cempenkalltin i ifis•So, now there were only two lift r -whie 304 7 Were* - lie, -- and the fair- ttaxedlhisired, 1 8 41 0 - o YetfoOlieli 'Asughter, , *be atteryriards • -become the bride: --: -. ' - , • s .g Ile put her tdictietil. hi: a Oohed) =dir', oppressive, ancient house, he put her to legeril :with =a watchful ,- . atal ynnecrupblena 'Whined. n-elfy Worthy lady,',he said ," here's a mind , to be formed.; wit yenlielplde•to form it?' She accepted the Atitht. :ter which she, too, wanted compenMtiOn ii meney, and hadit. , t o This girl waslintned; in ,the fear of hid, <JO 4 the_conviction that::Age wits no ca cape from bid, 'She itaii, taught; frord' the thst;to'regard him - as her Miura husband-r -thivmaitwhe' must inlay her—the destiny :that'..:inforehadosied. , ,her,--the appointed,cer v4intythittcould,never, be evaded. , 'The PoOr fool was,rort<ovhite mr,mr.",iii their hands, and • _took' the - IM tert Pinsi that:. they; teit men her. It hardened with tide.; It became a part of herself—insepareble from herself,' and °ray, to be torn' away from her ,by tearing life away cc Sitwell years she'llved in the dark houie and Ili' gloomy gaiden.' lie-wits jealous of " fik very' light ;aid ale' getting to heti' aid they, kept her disci. :Ile etoppsd• the wide **Chimneys, shaded the little windows, left ' , . - the• stroxig-stenideCivy to wander where',it , would over tbe ' honsotront,• the moss to ' accumulate -ore Ile -unteimmed fruit-trees In the' fed-walled garden; the weeds to overrun its green and yellow walks. lie aurrouided her with images 'of sorrow and desolation.' -'' He 'eatised ' her to be filled with fears of the ~...:plerie lied or the atorlea that were 'told of it. and then; on ,preleif Of correcting' them, to be lerVidd ." IV; iii) 401400;4 or made to ' 'shrink about ,it in the dark. - When her mind •" t d 'Wig niosepreised'andfullelteof terrors, then <. he would come out of one of the kiding.platiee from which he_.,overlooked her,: aid 'present himself as,her sole resource. < i / This; by', bein fr om her childhOod the -one eni,boddiefir h i t life presented hi harlot pOwer coerce ' an poi erla relieve j Polv.o to' yblerkiititl.pikditelodee', , the , aseendenby oyer _, heitjeiakneatt < Was,ielcured. She was tWenty. ' • ..-one",yearsEltnit:twenty-one days, old f sehau hte :,,, i, I:fretted. her,lol4o4eoosu . helms, a . . -, -- , Aqtilfultvtlqul V, 6, t ~, k; - , i .A , ,-:,- ' ... f, , ,:„,,,., .,', • . o'<kre dierldhinshisaittii.4smti ",t tiniPc lie , bald Telt thitrelib' ehli be ' ..'—alone-,.and„ther,.ol494l'llis.olBa 117' night, to:the scent df Aier -- ong p, iii' She turned te l 'hird'hiton the threshold ini; - , the rain r 5 dripping. ova 'lll- poach , 141 ~f,. ld; , , .., , ~ „ - 14 . -•i ' t •A ~,<%, ":„, '' o' 0 , sir, ft le ` the' deathAritelOielitng trot a cyelf f 'tie Intritered. -i t Arid if it were?' de 0, air i' ' she 'returned tre him, i look ldndir on mei and 'be . merciful to, me! I beg your, pardon. I Wlll , 4clanything yhu wish, if You wit U;01.1r /0410 ine l' ''' -, , < , Si Th a t had become, thii.poor fool'aeontiant 'Fong t,.. < O 4 - 12eg your: pardon,' and< 'Forgive ; ,me f', l. ''. ,'• ~ r ,.,,• , ', t rr She -Wesmot weth•hating be felt nothing but contempt for her. But idle bad long been in x44tiyaq, end; hO , had, lon been weary, and -''the,work Wee.,near . its en d , and had , t o be •• , • 7- r4orked out. -, , .., ~ ' _ .< , i , $ Yen fool,' be sai d., up , the stairs!' ;.,' i .'<erStui otkledyery . quickly, inttralripg, cf. -,' ~ Will do linything ,pm . wi s h fwhe n u ono a ' : t: Into the; bride's <chamber, hieing been a little ~ ".', rbtarded by the heayy thataninge alba greiit . door, <for th ey , ivere gone lathe horse, and he , Po ,-, ; , h t i l reyraliged that the people who attended on ~'' , I '‘: thaid Should edrimand gci, in the daY,'),he found hi4',Withdistiid 40 4 , ;the ',.'inetimit',e,erheri and - ? I • there: standiutpreased ngithist the 'Pilielh,ig as i went& hty.e , 'shuitilt." ,. tiwesagla ,it i her eit-lreir<ill -Wlkllliejit ber - facer and her lar .. goeyeistariagiatildmlin vague terror. , . , , "-- crligarelo ti efraldor?.., Goirteited. pit . ht , ,L --:, .,i.f , Iwill;cloUlthhglon with. ,I , Oeglyonr rin . - Iminfoni , atimilergictelflBlth p r ir., mOnutOu9R, . 14 ,,ithne.arijvthid.„ , , •' • +.‘, 1 1 , . ,- IC 1 . IfPri : ifkl 4A l tr ' ilfOre 14,..a.grigtiOli r t.f4Vrtimust• 444 , 44 - ?II tOrtrWrOif;1403704 1 "0111104 I You .cei, ": 1 1 1 $1 *en. bIL _OherOliaieng a ged 4.0 , t , , i 4 n you larre!tittAl4Vl4l al Jr. „ .. 2. and comic oidi ilitilyZAW 'ili k kil MI" ' f 41 ;;: - lkovreAllereti,ttiltirt L = , I. shthellplist .. ' c , v , l'ign" yottaliakaiter-trWthnut"; , r, Then put 4 44 1 009 8,41141 .4. t° it l il?',iis Wien k -1 ' - ..,' Pit *IVO s9' o9 o"ritlibir t 0 le PliOit -, 141140, • touid*r*,, l o un v t I wql will try my.titirms net i t ' --If-yourerlo Will only forgive MO I' " 'Own it her deski• and ddarabe Ife,often, passed in"' :a l ad'out ofthe , room,!to 'observe her, and at. tifEt**lo,hb'e'rfilottly and laboriously writing :repeating te herself the words, she copied, in appearance,quite mechanically; head thout - caringler'endeavorlog to' compr them, srp , :jhat idte' did her task,: Re saw:her follow the'directioaa she bad 'received, 113,411 portion. amint,hlght, when they Were alone again lit the same bride's clamber, and he drew his ;chair hOluth;.,site timidly '' approached Mtn-from her distant seat, took the paper from :her bosom and gave it into his band. secured,all her' possessions to hini, 'in the event of her death. Ile put her before him, face to face, that , he might look at her ,steadily ; and lie asked her, in so many .plain Words, neither fewer nor more, did she know that 7 • • - Tliern'weie spots, of ink upon' the bosom Or her' 'white 'dress, 'end' they made her face look whiter and her eyes look larger as she nodded her, head. , •There 'Were spots of ink upon the,hand with which she stood before him, nervously plaiting and folding her white skirts. , •12fo,toolr, her by the arm, and looked her, yet , more closely and steadily, in the Rum. t " Now, die f I have done with you. °She shrunk, and uttered a low, suppressed ig am not going to kill you. I will not endanger my life for yours. Tho =ride . sat betbro her in the gloomy bride's hareber, day. after, day, night after night, Hooking the word at her when be did not utter it. As often aa her law lantueaningQ yes were Oiled thibands dean which aim rooked her heads to-the Merudgure, sitting with crossed arms and Wiled forehead, in the chair, they read in (Wel*, When sbe'dropped asleep in exteinstiiett, aim was nailed back to shudder cawatikostveas by , the whisper, Die I , shudder } fBtt' wort her old entreaty to be pardened, She Watt answered, Die When tdan tvad out.watetted and out.suffered the long `night ; v:ditto rising atm flamed into the sombre !room, the beard it bailed with Another day :andltot dead?—Die . . t . " Shut up -in • the deserted, mansionolloof from an mankind, and engaged alone in such.a Istruggle,without.nby respite; it Came to this— ithat either.he mist• die or she. lie kneW it Ire/ well; and concentrated his strength against 11*.feeblenein.' Hour ' s upon , hours he held lei bYtholi; when her. lota WAS black whore ihohelditi an , .do her Die!. . • 1 ' V •, It;sutei ; ''_•., upon ; a windy morning, be- Ilirei's " , .:: go computed the time to be thalf- , > , r; - :but his- forgott watch bad TO' , Fitts,".ink holoyild - not - - Shit; l i ve itgOtt • akeriAW4' , IW,titOl ,alglgt, Witty loaldiauddirti ,, Cir44ll4 . •tirst'of that kwa: - kit a adiediagiyeavvew—and ho had had 4 0 :1 1 * .011jifoyar c hor lid*. Since then, aim ' Seeti 4iSitiCii tbdionaop of ihd panel ling where:she hadunnk down; and he had loft lia4ttfid had-gone back with his , folded arms latidrisia knitted forehead. o his chair. w,Paler in tho pale light, more colorless [than ever in the leaden dawn, he saw her corn herself along, the floor towards him—a white 'wrech,.of hair, and, dress, and wild `eyes, pushing itself on by an irresolute aid - bending band. ' 0, forgive me! ,I, will do anything. 0; sir, pray tell me I may live.' • • 4 Die 1" • . • gtc/i..ze you at, resolved.? • Is there no hope for me V. • • 4 1Ior large eyes strained themselves with wonder and fear; wonder and fear changed to reproach ; reproach to blank nothing. It was done., He was. not at first sosure it was done, but; that the morning suti . was hanging jewels in her-hair—he saw the diamond, eme rald, and' ruby , glittering among it in little points, as he stood looking down at her=when he lifted her and laid her on her bed. :,•,( 4 , She: was soon laid in, the- ground. And now they were all gone, and he had compen sated.himself well. ((lie bad a mind to travel. Not that he meant'to waste his . money, for he was a pinch ing man and liked his money dearly, (liked nothingelse, indeed ' ) but that be had grown 'tired . of the desolate house, and wished to turn tali hick 'upon it and 'have done. with It. But the house was worth? money, and money must not be thrown away. He determinedlo Bait befOrehe went. That It might look the loss wretched, and bring ,a better price, he hired some laborers to work in the overgrown gar den, to cut out the dead wood, trim the ivy that„drooped,in beaVy Masses over the win dows and gables, and clear the walks, In which thii wed& were growing mid-leg high. ,(( He worked, himself, along with them. Bo worked later than they did, and, one evening” at dusk, was left working alone,, with his bill hook, in his hand—one autumn evening, when the bride Was five weeks dead. ; 4 ( It grows too dark to work longer,' he said 'to himself,' I must give over for the night.' I - Ile detested the house and was loath to. enter It. He looked still° dark porch waiting for him like a tomb, and felt that it was an ac cursed house, - 4eF to,the, porch,' and near, to where he, stood; _was a tree whose branches ' 'waved before the old bay-Window of the bride's , 'aim:lier, 'where it bad been done. The tree swung.,:suddeuly, , and .made him' start. It iftvung egebti although the night was still. Looking'- np into -it; ho 'saw a figure among , wee the figure of a young man,' The "ace' lotiketb down_as hia_lookod ..uutr — crarKea — gaw. swayett; the figure riggly,,descended, unit slid upon' its feet be fore:hiniv • slender _youth of about her age, with long light brown hair. , • - I ., Y , Wkkistthief are you 7' he said, seizing the >jrO liar: , ‘' The young, man, in shaking himself free, swung him a blow with his arm across the face, and throat. ; ,They closed, but the young man got from him and stepped back, crying with great eagerness and horror, 'Don't touch me I would as neve be touched by the Devil!' ' "He stood' still, with his bill-hook in his hand, looking at ,the young 'man. For the young man's look was the counterpart of her lastlook, and he had not.cipected over to see that, again. • • • ' jig am no thief.' Even if I were, I would liatrbave colli - of your 'wealth, if it would buy me the Indiem.' :You murderer!' 41 ( What:, " I climbed it,' said the young man, point ing up into. tile tree, 'for the first time, nigh four years ago. "I climbed itto look at her. I saw her: - i-spoke to her. I have climbed it, many ktime, to witch' and listen for her. I was a boy, hiddmi among its leaves, when from that bay window 'she gave me this l' ' - to lie showed a tress of flaxen hair, tied with a mourning ribbon. " • • • ' " Said the ruing man, was a life of,moarning. She gave me this as a token of it, and a sign that she was dead to every ono but you.,lf I had been Older; If•I had, seen her soone, rniight have' saved her trod, you. But.,sh, was 'fast hi _the ,web when I first climbed" the-tree, and what could I do then to break it?' a In saying these ,voids, he burst into a fit of 'Sobbing and ,crying; , weakly at first, then passionately. '''Mtirderer I climbed the tree on the night When. you brought her back. I beard her, from the tree, speak of the death-watch at the door., I, was three times in the tree whileyou were shut up with' her, slowly killing her. I .saw her, from the tree, lie dead upon her bed. I have watched you, from the tape, for prooth and traced of your guilt. Thar' manner of it' is ahaystery Me' yet, bkitl will purtme you nation have • reuderbd up your life to the hangman: , You shall never, until then, be rid of tie. , I loired her I I can know no relent in towards you,' Murderer, I loved bar!' t.," The youth was barn-beaded, his hathaiing lutteied away in his descentil t om the tree. He 'Moved towards the gate. He had to pass him .to get to, it. ,The're was breadth for two old- Tasitiotted Attrriages,abreastf and the youth's Allorrenee A openly expressed in every feature ttf„ _bid face • llmt of his body, and very • ffilr#d, to bearrhadt-werge-enough to keep itself *ifiAlatangljuit He (hy ,which I mean the wther) hadmofstirred hunt or foot, since he had stood atilt to look at the boy. to faced l`pitAdj.#o l / 2 f;lo'foil010 him with his eyes; t Nek, 447 the' bard liglit-hroWn titer; as turned to him, he saw a red carve atretcliti , from his hand o'l4 He know, before be threw the bill-hook, where it had 'alighted—l say, had alighted, and not; would • alight ; for, to 'his A c par perception tbelting was done before he did it. It cleft the head, 'and it remained there, and theboy lity, on his face. He buried the body iu the night, at the feet , oftheiree. As soon as it way light in theMorffing, he worked at turning up all the ground near the tree, and hacking and hewing at the neighboring btishes and undergrowth. When the laborers came there was nothing suspicious, and nothing was suspected. But he had, in a moment, defeated all hit precautions, and destroyed the triumph of the aphelia° holed, so long concerted, and so successfully worked out. Ho had got rid of the bride; and had acquired her fortune with- Mit endangering his life ; ' but now, for a death by which he had gained nothing, he had evermore to live with's rope around his neck. "Beyond this,. he was _chained to the hOuse of gloom and horror,'Which , he could not en ' dare. , Being afraid to sell it'or to quit it, lest discovery should he Jima°, lie was forced to live in it. He hired two old people, man and wife, for his servants; and dwelt in it, and time, Was the dreaded it. His great diffichlty, for a long garden; Whether he should keep it in trim, whether he should suffer it to fall into its former state of neglect, what would be the least likely ITay'A ? f attracting attiMtion ii He" took the middle course of gardening himself; lit his ;evening leisure, and of then 'halling,*,old,Serving,man to, help him i but grtMlvet, letting ;Mtn weik,fhere alone. And beklnsde,:himaelf an, artier, over against the ItpeovhOrche_ could 'ait and gee that it was ' • 0i Aa ihe 'seaeons changed; and the • tree 44004,1 j Mind pitreeived dangers that Were 1,1071111403. i 4 #l9 tiith/ hi pot. 1111 r PRESSO'4:44I4O*; calved that the alp* boughs 'Were growing Into the form of the young man—that they tomb ?the shape of him credit 'sitting lit a Corked branch; swinging 'in the 'wind. In the time of the falling leaves he perceived that they clime down from the tree, forming toll-tale letters on the path, or that they had a ten dency to heap themselves into a church -yard mound above the grave., When the 'tree was bare, ho perceiv e d that n tl ltrtehe, boughs' swung at him the ghost of the blow the young man had given, and that they threat ened him openly: In the spring, when the sap was mounting in the trunk, he asked him. self, wore the dried-up particles of blood mount ing with it n to make out more obviously this year than last, the leaf-screened figure of the young man, swinging in the wind ? cg However, he turned his money over and over, and still over. Ile was intim dark trade, the gold-dust trade, and most secret trades that yielded great returns. In ton years ho had turned his money over so sunny times that the traders and shippers who had dealings with him, absolutely did not lie—for once—when they declared that ho had increased his for tune twelve hundred per cent. w He possessed his riches Ono hundred years ago, when people could be lost easily. Ile had heard who the youth was, from hearing of the search that was • made after him ; but it died away, and the youth was forgotten. u The annual round of changes in the trop had been repeated ton times since the night 9f the • burial at its foot, when there was a great thunder-storm over this place. It broke at midnight, and raged until morning. The first intelligence lie heard from his old serving pian that morning, was, that the tree had been struck by lightning. IC It had boon riven down the atom, in a very Ourprising planner, and the stem lay in two blighted shafts ono resting against the house, and one against 'a portion of the old red gar den-wall in which its fall had made a gap. The fissure went down the tree to a little above the, earth, and there stopped. There Was great curiosity to see the tree, and, with most of his former fears revived, he sat in his arbor—grown quite an old man—watching the people who came to see it. i; They quickly began to come in such dan gerous numbers, that ho closed his garden. gate and refused to, adnilt any more. But there were certain .men of science who, tra velled fbom a distance to examine the tree, and in an evil ,hour, ho lot them' In—Blight and Murrain on them., let tbera in I ' &They wanted to dig up the ruin by the" roots, and closely examine it, and tbo earth 'about it. " Never; while he lived! , "They , :offered money for it. They Men telintlAt whom' he could have bought by the gross, oltit a scratch' of peh I 'Re the Wed thetnithe'l :garden-gate . again, and looked and barred. w But 'they +wow beit, on doing what they -!anted to do, and they bribed the old servipg !ms tharable4 Wrote!) who regularly Com.' iplainell when •he received his tvages, of being ;underpaid--and they stole into the garden by • night with their lanterns, picks, and shovels, and fbll to at the tree. He was lying in a tur. 'ret-room on the other side of the house, (the bride's chamber had been unoccupied over since,) but ho soon dreamed of picks and shovels, and got up. c% Ho came to an upper window on that side, whence he could see their lanterns, and them, and the loose earth in a heap which lie had him Self disturbed and put back, when it was last turned to the air. It was found! They had that minute lighted on it. They were all bending over it. One of them said, g The skull is fractured;' and another,'See here the bones;' and another, See hero the clothes;' and then the first struck in again, and said, A lusty bill-hook!' , f Ho became sensible, next day, that ho was already put under a strict witch, and that ho could go nowhere without being followed. Before• a week was out, he was taken and laid in hold. The circumstances were gradually pieced together against him, with a desperate malignity and an appalling ingenuity. But, see the justice of mon, and bow it was ex tended to him Ho was further accused of having .poisoned that girl in the bride's cham ber. He, who had, carefully and expressly avoided imperilling a hair of his head fot her, and who had seen her die of her own incapa city! ft There was doubt for which of the two mothers he should be first tried ; but the real one was chosen, and he was found guilty, and cast fordeath, Bloodthirsty wretches! They would have made him guilty of anything, so set they were upon having his life. tt His money could do nothing to save him, and he washanged. /am he, and I was hang ed at Lancaster castle with my face to the wall, a hundred years ago t" gault Salto. HOMESTEAD FOR $2,00! LAND DIS -InnitvrioN!! CHANOS FOB FOOll MEN ii The Northwestern Mutual Land Benefit Association will make a grand distribution of $30,010 worth of real estate and maps to its members. The number of mom bees Is limited to 16,000. $2.00 and fire letter stampe per memberahipor a share. Any individual tending $lO and the stamps, shall be entitled to six shares; or any person pending $lO with six names with tbeaddross of eaoh, carefully written, shall be entitled Mein shares. The following is the real imitate to be distributed : No. 1. An improved farm of 80 awe In Cooke Co., Illinois, glued at $B,OOO No. 2. Au improved DOM of 160 acres in White side's Co., Illinois, valued at 3,000 No. B. An Improved farm of 160 sores In White sides Co., Illinois, valued at 8,000 N 0,4. An exciellontprivate residents inDulumus 's,ooo lowa, valued at No. 5. 160 acres superior farmland In Cooke Co. ' Illinois, vetoed at 2,000 No. IL 160 acres well pine timbered in Wanperma 00., Wisconsin, valued at 2,000 No. T. A , 10_0 . 1 ot and dottage tesideno• In CM y • • OM No. 8. .uve;superittlaid In Whiteside. Co. Illinois. valued at 1.000 No. 9. 160 scree good land in Chippewa Co., Wisconsin, valued at 960 No. 10. 160 acres good land in Ohlppewsy Co., Wisconsin, valued at 960 No. 11. 160 acres good land la Ohippeway 00., Wisconsin, valued at 800 No. 12 160 sores good land in Dunn Co., WM ommin, valued at 800 No. 18. 80 aerie good land in Marshall Co., lowa, valued at 600 No. 14. 80 mires good land In Marshall Co., lowa, valued at 000 No. 15. 80 acres good Janata Marshall Co., lowa, valued at 600 No. 18. 40 acres good land In Marshall 00., lowa, valued at 300 No. 17. 40 acres good land in Linn Co., lowa, val ued at 800 No. 18. 40 awes good land In Linn 00., lowa, val ued at 300 N 0.19. 40 acres good land inLbmoo., lowa, val tted at 800 No. 20, One building let in Dubuque, lowa, val.: ued at 800 N 0.21. One building lot in Sterling, Illinois, valued at 800 No. 22, Ono building lot in Sterling, Illinois, valued at . 800 No. 23. One building lot in Sterling, Illinois, valued at .800 • . No. 24. 46 acres farm land in Grant Co., Wiscon sin, valued at 800 No. 86. -40 sores farm land in Grant CO., Wiscon sin, valued at 300 No. 26. 40 acres land in Grant Co , Wisconsin, valued at 240 No. 27. 40 sores land in Grant Oe., Wisommln, valued at 240 N 0.28. 40 sores land In Crawford Co., Wisoonsin, valued at 200 No. 29. 40 sores land in Crawford Oe., Wisconsin, valued at 200 No. 30. 40 acres land In Cirawfordoo., Wisconsin, valued at 200 N 0.31. 40 acres land In Monroe Co., Wisconsin, valued at 200 No. 321 40 sores land In Monroe Co., Wisconsin, valued at 200 No. 38. 40 awes hind in Jackson 00., Wisconsin, valued at 200 No. 34. 40 sores land in Jackson Co., Wisconsin, valued at2oo No. 35. 40 acres land in 'Bad Axe Co., WhICOI2IIO, Tattled at 180 Net. 86. 40 gores land In Bad Axe Co., Wisconsin, valued at 160 No. 27, 40 sores land In Bad AM) Co., Wisconsin, valued at 160 No. 88. One lot In Felten, Illinole, valued at 160 No. 39. One lot in Fulton, Illinois, valued at 100 No. 40. One lot in Fulton, Illinois„ valued at . 100 The distribution will be conducted fairly and honor ably. The names and address of stockholders shall be written on as many email cards as they have 'harem, and the whole placed in a box, and tho first name taken out shall be entitled to the. Improved farm No.l, In the above list, and the next takon out will be entitled to No. 2, and so on until the 4b Item of real estate are all distributed Then •to each of the remaining 14,000 stockholders will. be sent a cheap map of a Western State or Territery. A fUll account of the distribution will be forwarded in a printed circular, to each member of the Association, with the names and address of such as may receive the real estate—to whom also the deeds will be sent and Immediate pouesslon given. Minh ap- plication must be accompanied with $2.00 and five letter stamps. Address LINDELL, JONES & 00., au-I8 Chicago, Illinois. LANDS! LANDSII—I OFFER,FOR sale the following valuable LANDS to &Mini- WESTERN (nOItOIA. All 'premix are hereby eau ttatte4 ageing ireepaaalag upon tor of the N. Oeteber,lBs7. T. R. BLOOM; 618000, 0080818.1 , 80088ir. Ist Distrleties. 60, 70,, 97, ~ 2/1114'001,1TT, 7th Dletrlet—No. 888, 9th do—Nos. 18, 828, 826, 333, 869, 378, 879, 880, 410, 406 408. 10th Dishict—Nos, 44, 46, 47. WORTH COUNTY 7th Dimtrlct—Nos, 12,t, 525. 15th do 11, 12, 65. 16th do " 20, 27, 38, 239. LIU COUNTY Ist Marla—Nos. 130, 100, 108, 100 13th do ~ 4,181 14th do , I 113, 144. 161 h Dlitriot—No. 91 TZHEMLL coax?: 11th District—Noe. 123, 250. 12th do 14 108, 201. It iNDOLPII 000NTT. Bth District—No. 144. MILLER 00 7Y. 12th Dlstrlot—Nos. 200, 221, 222, 2V., 224, .220, 247, 88 373, 370, 396: 18th do " 6, 18, 19, 28, 36, 76, 891, 392, 391 DllOl7OB UOUNTT 14th District-14m 130. 271 h do !, 100,246. DOOLT CIGUNIT Ist Matelot—Nos. 7, %I 211, 212, 213, 244, 221,222, 2'n 224, 225, 220, 227, 228. 24 do " 155,237. 7th do . 1 211, 9th do 1 110. 11008 TON 000 NIT Bth 111044ot—No. 214 PULASKI COUNTY Stb District—No. 102 TAYLOR COUNTY. 13th District—Noe. ST, 88. Itth do 6; 64. oe2B.tf _ RUSSIA AND AmERWAN TARRED OORDAGNI.--a superior articles, manufacture and for sale by WMAYER, NITL= ecsa.. as &t/ • No. ea N. Water it.. &pa N. avfilf• COTTON -100 bales Gulf Gotten, in store and for Asia by bLiSTIN & MACALIBTBII, sal 110 Werth Water Street VLOOSING BOARDS-26,580 foot Oaro -4., thy' poring bowie, alba, for sale luxplf MA,OEITIM ' ' Up $llO Wtttr WKS, • • ron — Liv.POOL—VIIIRS AY , owing 10 —The Pardiet fible SlittAbliti- PliilA, ORO. 01/ARL4 .B .U.S OO1 "a, will nail 88 above Oabin WEllge *al ............... ...... $BO Second cabin 4 Steorage IS Second Cabin and St, wirage'Passengers found with Provisions, according to the American passenger act. For freight or passage, apply to WS. RICHARDSON 4 CO. Drafts on the Ageata sums to cult, from 1.1. up wards, noW FOR SIN FRAIgCISCP.—THE FIRST class 01Ipper Ship MARY ROBINSON, Captain Memo, and the magnificent A 1. Clipper Ship Captain WtHosoß, Will have quick davit& from New York. For freight, apply to BISHOP. SIMONS & 00., nolfkllf 120 (late ao) NORTII IV/lABVES. Ft R N" .-- ORLEANS. LOUISIANA LINE. —To null with quick deapatch.—The re markably fast-sailing Ship MARH4UX7, Berryman meet- r, in now loading at Race street wharf, and having a largo portion of her cargo engaged and going ou board, will havo quick deapatch. • • • iThippere will please hurry their bills of lading to the counting-house for signature. For balance of freight epoltou band at to cIIIIIOI',SII4ONS, & 00., 120 (Into Oft ) Nowta WHARVES. Agents at New Orleans, 0.. t, AIRIIKER & CO, The Margaret hollow at tho lowest rates, and will take steam down tho Delaware and 'up thaidiallasippi. nol7 QUIP JOSEPII JONES FORS . I , RAN -1.7 OISOO.—To sail with quick nespittch.—Freight taken at reduced rates..A.The beautiful clipper chip JOSEI'II JONES; Nelson Pendleton, conolutoder, now completing her leading OO.ROollatreet wharf, ham over three.foorthe of her• cargo on 'board and.nearly all of her capacity engaged, will coations to receive freight for a few days, and, sail as above. Shippers will please complete • Mete engagements without delay, and hand in bills of lading for signature. Per balance of (Night, which will kto taken at very low rates, apply on booed, Or to BISHOP, mow & CO., 120 (Wean) NarthlThoves. SAVANNAH STEAHSIII P LINE. STEAMSHIPS STATE OF OHOESITA AND - KEYEITONEI , ,STATE, In conAequotico of the deprepeed 'state et erode, the above uhlies will be withdrawn Ibr the primed. October Mb. ••. • • A. 1111110 N, FOR lIAVANA••••WRII:.quiIak, dompatcl4 Tho ooppored and opppor•futesiefl Alp - NAPLES, Captain Xertroin, will be despe,tohed && above tea few • days. Nor tr,;4l4orkitn t i xa i tjp t'9 ,2oNll, If. 004' uo n,,dif t ' ' 170, (ate 90)) 91 North INherver. . • VARE RHDITOED TO SOUTHAMPTON A: AND lIAYDI4,-22)6utiriflocult Sttmluthip VAN. ERBILT, Ddiatlt lititftul,, V1Mu15tM0r,,,6,269, toes, 1 0/111 mil prom New York fir dq6 ' 'om DbutlOptos mut tb r etepton 414 NeTr Ifivie for ew "York. Biturdey titit, 24 Saturday.V., ... .... Doo. 6' 'tisturdif DO. 26 Priti pt !Mine—Ent oob/ta, 0100; second 05216,' Big DpSels delirerto to LOollob and Parte, If or freight palisge apply TORRANCE, ,N Agent, • No. 6 Nowlivi Greeu,ew York. ' , Litters for England gut Dun>po, pro.paid, 26 cents each belt' num*, (by efitlosdfo Of ptudagestsmps If from otbir elkioo,) will be received at `lie. 6 Bowling-green, New York, up to ng o'clock on the morning of sail. oclo-11 GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE TO EU 110SE. Pleat Cabin $BO 1 Second Cabin .....1150 Iu the first-ohm paddle-wheal steamship 4,D51191 2,000 tone, O. IL LUDLOW, Commander, and NORTU STAR, 2,600 tone, P. E. Laverne, to nail front pier No.' , 3 North River, at noon precisely, carrying the 11.NITED STATES MAILS, via: Leave N. York for, Southampton, Bremen for , Southampton , vro and Bremen. Southampton for Now York. Ariel, Saturday, Oct. 31. Wededay r Nov.4. - N. SaVy, Oct. 31. Saturday, N0v.28. Wedi'd'y, Deo. 30 These steamers touch at IIAYRE. Specie delivered in London and Paris. Nor passage and freight, "play to D. TORRANOE, Agent, No. 6 Bowling Green, Now York. oelfhtf D FRANC 4,1857. Steamship Company.—The :hips At ltAOO, 11,t)00 tout, oi FULTON, MAO' tone, or, will leave Mir York, the year. 1862 .62, on poR ENGLAND A New York and Havre United Eltates Mall lifteam David Line a commander, • 361110/11 A. W ' otton, common , Havre and Southampton, fo the following days: LIVIN II 1857. 1838. • t'Mx: 8" Vo aY' Arno,' do. Moral 0 A u ra l F t O - tgy" I Halton, do. May 20 Fulton, Bitutdzy, Aug. 22 Arego, do. Elope. 12 Pultoo, do. Oct. 17 etrago, do. Nov. 14 Hutton, db. Deo. 12 sliiSi Arego, Wednoadv, Ang.26 Fulton, do. Nopt. 83 Arno, do. ..068. 91 Fulton, do. • Nov. 18 Arno ; do, Dec. 16 1863. • Arago, Tuomday ; Aug. 25 Fulton, do. Sept. 22 Arago, do. Oot. Fulton, do. Nov. 17 Arago, do. Doc. 16 1685. - Dutton, do. Jan. 12 Patton, Ado, do. Neb. 9 Arago, Fulton, do. March 9 Fulton, Arago, do. April 0 Arago, Fulton, do. May 4 Fulton, taw°, do. . June 1 Arago, Fulton, do. June 20 Fulton, PRIOR or neaten . Prom New York to Southampton 41 Harr!-Flat 0 1 b 10 , ; Second Cabin, $76. From Marro or Southampton to New York—!lent Cabin, 800 trace ; Second Cabin, 600 trance. For freight or pumtge, apply to BIOII,TIAIES LIVINGSTON, Agent, Broadway. WILLIAM ISELIN, Itarre. ORNERY & CO., ." Soithiton. i AMERICAN EUROPEAN EXPRESS AND EX- " ORANOR 00. ane ITHE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL A- UNITED STATES MAIL BTEA3l.lil2B.—Tte Rhlpal composing thus Line are : The ATLANTIC, Capt. Oliver Eldridge. ' The BALTIC, Capt. Joseph Comstock. The ADRIATIC, Capt. James West. ,ftheee ships have been built by contract, expressly for Uovernment service; every care hu been taken in theft construction, no also In their englnee, to ensure strength and speed, and their auonimodetiens for pasamigne are unequalled for elegance and comfort. Price of passage from New York to Liverpool, In first cabin, $130; in second do., $l3; from Live rp ool to New York, 30 and 20 &tine's. No Dern:lsm:used unless paid for. The ships of this Rue have improved watertight bulk heads. PROPOSED DATES OF SAThING. raosi saw woax. I tier ztairarooz. Saturday, June 20, 1857 Wednesday, June 24, 1857 ittiltP, IV it — , ged,„l,7;;; 22: Saturday, Aug. 1, 1867 Weduseday;'Aug. 6, 1837 Saturday, Aug. 15, 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 19, 1857 Saturday, Sept. 12, 1857 Wednesday, dept. 2, 1957 Saturday, Sept. 26, 1857 Wednesday, Sept. 80, 1861 Saturday, Oct. 10, 1857 Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1857 Saturday, Oot. 24 1857 Wednesday, Oot. 28, , 1147 Saturday, Nov. 7, 1857 Wednesday, Nov.ll, 1867 Saturday, Nov. 21, ' 1867 Wednesday, Nov. NI, 1857 Saturday, Des. 6, 1867 Wednesday, Deo. 9, 1867 Wednesday, Deo. 22, 1867 For freight or pima*, apply to EDWARD K. OOLLINS, No. 58 Wall street, N.Y. BROWN, SHIPLEY & 00. L Liverpool. OTE9IIEN KENNARD L JO., 27 Austin Friars, London. B. G. WAINWRIGHT & 00., Pert. The owners of these 'hips will not be accountable fqr gold, ellyer, bullion, specie, jewelry.pr irolous atones or' metals aisles& bills of ladlogi c nod therefor, aral the value thereof expressed therein aul-tf piano Soria. G OLD MEDAL PIANO FORTES. STEINWAY & SONS, MANUFACTUDERB,BB AND 88 WALKER STREET . . . NEIV YORK, Received the following first prise medals in competi• Von with the beat manuiacturers oflioston, Now York, Philadelphia, and .lialtiotoro. TWO FIRST PRIZE MEDALS at the Metropolitan Fair; Washington, March, ISIS. A GOLD MEDAL at the Crystal Palace, New York, November, 180, (being the only Gold Modal given ler Pianos within the last sit years.) A GOLD MEDAL at the Maryland Institute, DAHL. mere,lBs6. THE FIRST PRIZE MEDAL at the Fair, Oryatel Palace, New York November, 1856. Among the Judges were the first musical talent of the country, such as It Mason, Gottschalk, Wollenhaupt, and many others. St. & S. Pianos (with and without iron frames) ate warranted for three years, And a Inlttat guarantee given. Pianos pecked and chipped withot4 charge. Friuli moderate. 0c27-1f; ALBERT WEBER, PIANO FORTE 31ANUFAOTURNIt, N 0.166 West llroadrray, New Yortr, sole manufacturer of the celebrated Concert Plano. no Subscriber would Inform hie nnumreue friends and on 01:mere that he has greatly enlarged hie manufactorlng depsrttnent, In order to meet the Increase In demand for bid unrivalled planes, and as every plea°, especially tom end touch, is pereoually superintauded by the oubscriber, the public will be Warranted an 4 1- itrument which, for beauty, eireoell, awl d4fabjlity, power and sweet:lSM of loon an 0144, atipon goo. passed, Every plum 'old at the lowest mongfacturets ., prices. A call is respectfully solicited. , 0c,29,13u1 Illertbant (Editor°. JOHN P. DOHERTY, yO9MI4LT WILL LILLY Ot. LATH WITH I,IIKIIBIB, KELLY, & 00,, ' TAILOR, 814 CHESTNUT STEgnr, 4BOVE EIGHT* llas now with him the best niters tbst. are engaged In the business in this country. OFILRIAS Bobs:, formerly the leading tatter of Nita city ; M. EATBIIII, formerly cutter for 0. Roth dr. Co., and late Coat and Teat cutter with Lukeue, Rally, it' Oo.; Many Wiener', the beet Pante and Veld cutter la the United Estee, for years cutter with Deplerria, under the Irving Uouao, breed web owl with Deplerril & Pettus, under the St. Nichols. Uot.lt Broadway. The most unremitting attention paid to tits ailahei of all who patronise the eetabliehuient. The beat of Clothes owls et moderate prices for credit, lout pricer for earls. oala4f, TAmEs SHE R I DA.N, 'ALERCHANT a/ TAILOR, Nos. 16 andlB South NINTH STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. • - • A large and well 'eluded plonk of CLOTHS and QA6911114111t0 always on hand. AU Clothing made at thi! Establishment will b of the beetquality, and in the most fashionable style. Particular attention given to =Nowa CLOTH ING, au6-tf furniture LE. KITE & CO. . FURNITURE, WEDDING, dm No. No. 4.18 (late 129) WALNUT e Iphiat., Philade. A new and importer style of Riming Bede. LIDIA B. HITS. Jpprz WAvrom lull Om GAS 1 GAS ! ! GAS 1 I I—THE UNDER eigned would respectfully call the attention of the public to the fact that they hare and are daily reducing the price of Philadelphia Gas, from $2.25 par 1000 feet to the low price of $1.50 per 1000 f set, by their MODEL REGULATOR, which Bares 35 per cent., a clear loving of 75 cents on $2.17, thereby reducing the price from $2 26 to $1.50 per 1000 feet. We are daily putting the Regulator on ill the princi pal sod prominent buildings in the olty, churches, libraries, factories, and other publie buildings. It has also been dlaced on at the Philadelphia Y.:- change, Ifundrede o certificates in fifer of the said Regulator' from those having tried it, showing the' above eavi ' ng, eau be neon at our office. Store-keepers and the public generally are requested , to send in their orders. Cost of Regulsters From s o ' Upwards, according to RILL Orden through ,111000't Despatch promptly attended to. N. D.—Fifty energetic, enterprising, and persevering men wanted, to centime for the hIODBL ItSKILLTOR can make from $2 to $5 per do), xonEnT & CO., Office No. 44 South Fifth street, next to Bloodis Despatch. GALLS: WHALE OIL, 5,000 1,000 gall. Elopliant Oil, • 60 Ws. No. 1 Lard 011, for sale by , OPpestimm,,rEntoN, do 00 04194 , /44,19411 , iMairfkre 1404g,t NOV,RI}MER 1847. /ME BEST ASSORTMENT or LEHIGH AND BOItitYLRILL COAT, Is at It 1: 1 011ArAN , E1 YARD, BROAD MUT, above Arius. Bold at reduced prices. Call cud gee. ocal-Ow I~NOWLES' COAL DEPOT, NINTH Loaf, and Hazleton Lehigh Aloe, best Scbuylkill Coal, for sale. Tema cash oct23.lln* LBS. IS A N.—MITERS 221-7 () and consumers are Invited to examine our stock of "Llidll4lll LOCUST MOUNTAIN and BLACK HBATH 00AL,i , Our Coal Is "elected expressly for troll use; belug carefully screened, we will warrant it free front elate and duet. We sell 2210 lin.," bein .1 g 240 lbs. more" than sold by rotall dealers, at 40 25 cents ltica per ton." Also. on hand a full supply of BROAD TOP BlTU nuNous OVAL"" for Steam-generating, Blacksmithing, and Bolling-mill purposes. This Coal cannot be ex celled. Yards, BROAD and VINE—Dig Sign, 2240 LBB. IS A TON. tseB.Bo3) MUM:LION & 00 CV OALI COAL COL I—TAGGART's CELEBR SP! A ATED RING MOUNTAIN LEH= 00AL. J. 4 R. GARTER'S GREENWOOD , TAMAQUA GOAL GEORGE W. RNYLEIVB NINE FOREST 13011UYL /S/14, GOAL. RANDALL & MEREDITH Nave for isale, and are constantly receiving from above celebrated Collieries, COAL OF ALL SIZES. Think no Coal mined anywhere, equal in quality these and a trial will convince any one of their great superiority. Our Coal ie very carefully screened at our dardi; and we will warrant It perfectly free from slate, uet and all Impurities. Our PRICES areas LOW as the VERY LOWEST. Orders left at our Ofice, No. 161 8013111 FRONT street, above Walnut. ' Orders left at our Yard, OALLOWIIILL street, below /WOAD street. Orders left at onr Wharf, WATER street, above CAL LOWIIILL—,or sent to either place per Despatch Foot, Mill metre prompt attention. Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and el. Woo our Coal before purchasing elsewhere. aud-tf kOHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL.— I am daily receiving, at my yard, the best quality o. BOUIJILKILL AND LEIIIOII 00AL. Dly customers, and alt others who may favor me with their order*, may telptotting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. No Inferior Coal kept at this establishment to attar at LOW PRIONB. 'ALEXANDER OONVERY, aul-tt N. N. corner of Broad and Cherry lite. 1 .EHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.- AL-1 DALY, PORTER & 00., GOAL DEALERB, No. 021. PRIAM Street, above Eighth, loop constantly on Itausl at Ma Tory lowest rates, a full supply of Lehigh !tad , obnylkill Coal. au 1-6 m LUMBER AND COAL , .—MONTGOMERY NNALL having conneeted the Coal with thu Lumber businees, inform their friends that they hare 'made contracts for a supply of the bust qualities of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, and are now ready to re tells ordere, Twelfth and Primo streoto. Orders may be left with Mr. S. KILPATRICK, No. 13 B. FIFTH Street, or with Mr. Wid. D. MULL, corner PINE and WATER streets. atfl64.3m 'fItTAICER CITY NAILS, MERCHANT BARS, RIVET IRON, Manufactured at FOUNTAIN GREEN ROLLING MILL, on the Schuylkill, above Spring Garden Water Works. WAR4HOUSE, 103 North WATER Street. madQUAKER OITY NAILS are warranted equal to any e. . JOHN HALDEMAN, Agent. nirmomAs E. BAXTER.-HARDWARE A. barnN U i T t Eß m Y u IAnDnT OOILSi Nopb. t 9l 0 MAR n K u ET - nmT. A GOOD SEWING MACHINE.—AUNT, WEBSTER, & Co., beg respectfully to Introduce themselve to the publio as the,manufacturers of the IMPROVED SEWING MACUINE, !stapled to manufacturing or family purposes. Free from the objections which have been uried ig alnst those already known in thin market, THIS b i IACHINI4 COMBINES THE GOOD QUALITIES OF THEM ALL, and will be sure to commend itself, upon examination, to families, tailors ' saddlers, shoemakers, and seamstresses. Those In wantof A GOOD ARTICLE, that will make a handsome lock-atitch, work WITH LITTLE NOISE, that will HEM, BIND, STITCH, IWN, or GATHER ;' indeed, that will give entire satisfaction even atter they have been used for years, are Invited to call at our mum, 830 CHESTNUT !Bonet. HUNT, WEBSTER, di Co. Sewing of every description executed in the beet pos. slble manner, and on reasonable terms. Samples of our work seat by mall to any part of the United States. u22-tuths VIIATZ sounumpros 1867. SWING MAC 111 NE S.—GI2OVER, I , 7DABYD, & CO.'S UNRIVALLED SEWING MA CHINES still retain the confidence of the public, and their popularity increases. After years of trial it is de monetrated beyond all question that it is the popular Machine, and the only ono upon which any reliance can be placed to work well on all kinds of shoes. The fact that it does one-third more work in the same time, and does it better; that it is the least liable to get out of repair, being simple in its construction; that it makes the least noise, and that it la acknowledged on all hands that It Is best for s now beginner, has given the pro- prietors a demand for it to much an extent that they are obliged to delay the filling of orders in many caste for months. Over eight hundred are in operation in this city, and the case has yet to occur whore a person who bas purchased one has exchanged It for another kind. Talanginto consideration, also, the fact that those who employ from 16 to 40 hands in their 'hops, tieing the work for the manufacturer", without exception, use this coaching in preference to any other kind, and al ways reoommend them In preference to others, It would Mk= unnecessary for the proprietors to advertise their audience, or sot forth their superiority. The underslgned,l3o4E AGENTS for the sale of these Machlnee, always have a supply, and have made such arrangements that they sell them upon term that will meet the wishes of all. do. Jon. 18 do. Tab. 10 do. Mar. 10 do. April 1 do. MA 6 do. June 2 do. . /ono 80 Unlike other klathine..4l in this market, it is free from all infringements of other patent.. BAKER dc BROTHER, no OINTHIL SQUAkIi, LYSN. V n EWING MACHINES.—PRATT'S PATENT—PRNIES FROM $l2 TO $25, The " LABIBB , COMPANION" is the most simple, durable, compact, and cheap machine for family use ever offered to the public, sewing equally well upon all kinds of fabric, and without puckering the cloth, leav ing no bad cord on the back side of the work, and al. waysfasiswing the thread when stopped. They sew from two to twelve hundred stitches per minute, using bet one thread, and without rewinding. The stitch can be varied from flee to fifty to the inch. Any one eau *re% to operate Them in half an hour. Mated dire. (tons accompany earn machine, by which any one can use them. We are enabled to o ff er those superior ma chines at the above low prices, as we art not obliged to pay fifteen or twenty dollars license for borrowed yrs. tents, this maehtee being made under our own patents in every part, and infringing upon or using no other. There ate mum hundreds in constant use in this city and vicinity, which are giving the best satisfaction, Seery machine Is rearranged to give satisfaction. Ladies and gentlemen are invited to call and examine them and their wort, and judge for themselves Rumples of work, and drawings with description, sent to any part of the country by mail. Salesrooms 113 WABBINGTON Street, Boston, and 177 BROADWAY, New York. or 27-tt fleASS's EAST INDIA PALE ALE.— '...11! The consumers of this celebrated beverage need no description of its qualities, or evidence of Its excellence, beyond the benefit they have derived from Its ueo since 'lts introduction Into this country; to those who have not yet made 613 aNuaintance with this CROWNING Malt Liquor, it may be well to state few foots ; DASS'SEAST INDIA PALE ALE . _ . • . • • Owee Its excellence as a beverage to the superior quality of the hops and malt, the mineral properties of the river water Immediately communicating with the brewery, and the scientific skill applied In Ha manufacture. BASS'S EAST INDIA. PALE ALE . . . . Not being sweetened or strengthened to please vitiated palates, is, therefore, neither heating nor heady, but stomachic and appetising. HAWS EAST INDIA PALE ALE le the delight end eolace of the Indian Subaltern in his fouling bungalow—the worthy rival of broody lame°. . . DABS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE /4 the Oink without which no tiffin can bo complete— no journey by dnwk possible, DASB43 NAST INDIA PALE ALE . . . la the favorite drink in knirland of lord and bagwau Mayhew and nurse BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Ia the muoh•achotred tonic for Invalids nod persona of weak Interiors. . . HAM'S MAST INDIA PALE ALE Will Imp la all climates; and Is owl at all meals—lna cbeon t dinner. or supper. HAM RAST INDIA PAVE ALI! . - - Is pronounced by the medical faculty one of the mos wholesome beverages that can bo taken, and Is found ti be not less agreeable to the palate than it Is breeda to the health. BASS'S EAST INDIA PAVE ALE Ts linlYersally conceded to be unrivalled in excellence by any other imported into the United States. Dealers and consumers will Sod it their interest to give this Ale a preference. For sale in cask and bottle THOMAS MckiliLLEN, Agent and Consignee, 44 BEAVEII St , N. Y. 04 1044 4 Pohnonleo , e, William et., corner of Beaver, and Chambers, corner of Broadway. Sittberlandle, t 8 ripe street. Derry's, IS Pine street, 4lohsr4Ban a lbyter, /40 Water et. 00Orgil W. Bargees, 483 Broadway. H.B. Gosling, 831 Broadway. not-am BEEN SANDATARL OF NEW JERSEY. G NEW JERSEY FERTILIZER COMPANY Is now prepared to receive orders for this Importapt Immure. For all lentil upon which ashes are beneficial, the Marl Is more than a substitute. Yrefessor Cook, In his annual report to the Legislas t4re of Wow Jersey, says "The value of these marls is bog, seen In the rich and highly cultivated district which boo beep improved, almost mule, by their use ; but it may be Interesting to examine the causes of their great value in Agriculture, and tp compare them with other fertilisers. For example : The potash alone may be taken at so average of live per cent. of the whole weight of Marl, a bushel when dry weighlog eighty pounds, and In the proportion mentioned would contain four pounds of potash ; this la nearly as much as there lap p bushel of unleached wood ashes." And again— it Is pruhehje that the great value of the Marl is to be found ip the fact that t pontstinti nearly all tho sub.. ataneea necessary to make up the lob gf one common cultivated plants. riles,delivered on boon! vessel, et the wherves of the ooipany at realised Ileighte, on Bataan bay, New Jersey, seven cents par bushel. roe further ['Arlie:l -lan, see oireular wont free of poatago. Orders for other fertilisers will reoulve prompt attention. Address either of the undersigned. 011ANLEs MARS ',resident, Nicol,'lle Post Office, New Jersey. TAPPAN TOWNSEND, Treasurer, No. 82 Nassau Arent, Nero York. GICOROK W. ATWOOD, Secretary, No. 26 Ceder ate eet New York. N. IL—Those wishing Marl for Spring nse should order Immediately, to secure its early shipment. Orders will be ailed In rotation oct 29-9 on LONGWORTIV O MHO WINES GENERAL AGENCY 14)R $!4 By a special arrangement with Mr. LONG WORTH, I am enabled to offer hie Win., in largo quantities, upon the hewed and best *mum The Wines to be delivered -In Cincinnati, and forwarded by usual meane of convey. once (railroad or steamboat) direct to the purchaser ; by which the expenses of morage, ooninalatiOnt, double freight, etc , will be avoided. No order,' under thin arrangement will be forwarded for tem than terenty.five cases. All orders must be directed ouly to By the present arrangement a handsome profit on these wipes eon be made by the wholesale dealer. ‘ Sparkling Catawba, vintage 1853, quarts. Do do do do pints. Do do do 1852 ,quarts. Do do de do pints, • ,stirs C4t1.011, vintage len, quart., ' ` Do' do extra, vintage 1852, quarts. Sparkling Isabella, do do do Ottll Catawba, In casks, of various qualities. Catawba Brandy, of superior quality. FRED. B. OOZES:NB, General Agent for the sale or N. Longworth's Wines, , . 78 WARREN STREET, (opposite Hudson River Railroad Depot,) not..tim . New Enna. OSIN.--600 BSRRELS SOAPMAKERS ~ .11 . ste ROBIN, tO 1/1610 _vat' schooner J. 11. nom, rolek• , MANSTIN & lIAOALIOTEB, lip North Witter street. f)arbiamre Dewing illachince TUI STATES. TO IVHOLESALE DEALERS FRED. S. DOZZENS, 13 WARREN Street, New Yoe' Oanings Inttbe. IAVING PIIND-FIVE PER CENT. IN TEREST—NATIONAIi SAFETY TRUST COM PANY —WALNUT STREET SOUTH-WEST CORNER OF THIEL, PHILADELPHIA. /I , IOOBPOR/nD BY THA ST/T1 Of NNIIBTLYINIA. Mousy le received in any sum, large or email, and in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with. drag al. The office is open every day from 9 o'clock In the morning till 7 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 0 o'clock. LION. lIENItY L BENNER, President, nOlffilllT BELPRIDGX, Vice President. Wu. J. /Liner., Eli:rotary. DiasoVolB: Bon. Henry L. Benner, I C. Landreth Maine, Edward L, Carter, F. Carroll Brewster, Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry, Sam'. K. Milton, Henry L. Churchman, James B. Smith,. Francis Lee. hfoney is received and payments made daily. The investments are made in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, In REAL ESTATE MOR'T• GAGES, GROUND RENTS, and such Scot chusasecuri ties no will always insure perfect security to the &pod. tore, and which cannot fail to give permanency and ate bility to this Institution. " (241) DOCK STREET.—FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. N - 0. 83 (241) DOCK STREET. FIVE 11 an CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. INTO. 83(241) DOCK STREET.—FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. Ir B' (211) DOCK STREET:—FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. anl-ly illarbinerp anb ]ran. gAMUML Y.WHIMICK. 4.TAIJOILNUSRIIOI WILLIAM H. WIRAICK. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STRUT!, PUILADULPHIA. • • MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND BIACIIINISTI, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, ace., Cast ings of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, Ac. Retmts and Me Machinery of the latest and most improved construction. Every description of Plantation machinery, much as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pane, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, Ac. 8010 Agents for N. Rillleux's Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Numyth's Patent Steam Hammer; .1. P. Ross' Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Blum Pumps. Superintendent—B. H. BARTOL VIICHARD NORRIS &SON, LOOOMO - STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, TTTTTTTT NIII STREET, HAMILTON, 7AIIIVIIII AND HERING GARDEN STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. lugagod exclusively In the manufacture of LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. Manufacture to order Locomotives of any arrange - mint, weight or capacity, for the use of Wood or Coke, or Bituminous Coal is els crude stale, or ANTHRACITE COAL, W!T0001 IMITVING 850511, 018 01 VIZI. In design, material and workmanship, the Locomo tives produced at these Works aro equal to, and not ex. °elle/ by any. The materials used in construction are made on the spot, and Insure the beet quality and most reliable stock. The large extent of Shope, and Com. phis Equipment of Machinery and Tools, enable them to execute the REST OF Haiti WITH GREAT DESPAToff, Or ANY ARRANGA t iIENT RISQUIRED. • MULLED OAR WIIRRLS, lIAMMKRRD Alan, With Yorginge of an else or form • IRON AND BRAS CASTINGS,' And tdAOllll , ll4 WORK generally. lIIONARD 11014111/1 gul./y HENRY LATIKLB NOSRIO PENN STEAM ENGINE AND }UM ER WORKS. REA.NEY, NEAFIE & CO., PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS, BOILER-MAKERS, BLACK SMITHS AND POUNDERS. Having for many years been in successful operation, and bee. exeltudrely engaged in building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low pressure, Iron Boats ' Water Tanks, Propelleni, &a. &0., reapectfully offer their services to the publld, as tieing fully prepared to contract for Engines of ail "lies, Marine, Biter, and Stationary. Having sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every deecription of Pattern.making made at the shortest notice. High and Low Pressure, Flue, Tubu lar and Cylinder Bollera,ot the best Pennsylvania char coal iron. Forging' of all Glees and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings of all description; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, Lad all other work connected with the above Maine's. Drawings sad specifications for all work done at their establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed. The oubscribers have ample wharf dock room for re pain of boats, where they can lay in perfect safety, and are provided with cheers, block., fall., ikc., for raising heavy or light weights'. THOMAS BEANEY, JACOB G. NEAP'S!, JOHN P. LEVY, sal.y BRACH and PALMER Streets, Kensington NOTICE.-CHESTNUT STREET muvum. PLANS AND ESTIMATES for a Bridge over the River Schuylkill, on the lino of Chestnut street,in the City of Philadelphia, will be received by the Chief En gineer and Surveyor, at the DEPARTMENT Of SUR VEYS, City Building, 17111TII Street, below Walnut, until the second day ofJanuary,lSK Said Bridge to be of the following dimensions, without any pier, or with not more than cue pier in the water-way; the lamellate of construction throughout to be indestructi ble by fire. Distance between abutments . 380 feet Width of Bridge, out to out, not lone than.. 42 ~ Eleration above low water 37 " For nu arch the *Kluging line should not Do leas than • eleven feet above low water. The Plans and Estimates will bo received under the arrangement and condition specified in the ordi• nance of Councils, approved November 2,1,180, as fol. lows, via Slotiox 2 Thnt all plans and estimates to be received by the Chief Engineerand Surroyor of the City of Phila delphia, each plan and estimate to bears private mark, and bn accompanied by a sealed communication haring a corresponding mark thereon, so that the name of the designer may not be known until the plan most ap- proved shall have been selected Seovio• 3. That all such plans and estimates shall, when received, become the property of the City of Phila delphia, and obeli be presented within two mouths after the passage of thi•ordinance, when it shall be the duty of the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, by and with the advice of the Committee on Surveys and Regulation, to invite a commission, consisting of three civil engi neers, who, In conjunction with the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City, shall ezninine and decide upon the relative merit, and applicability of the plane presented, to the Bridge site proposed, and report to Councils the number of plans received, the names of the designers, and the character and estimated most of the three plane by them preferred. Szeirios 4 It shall be the duty of the Chief COMUlie• stoner of Highways, upon a certificate presented and signed by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, to issue warrants in payment of the cost of the nforeaild adver tisements, and also in favor of those persons who may hitt° presented the three plans preferred by said com mission ; to the erst in point of merit, the sum of 1 400 i to the second, F 250, and to the third slooi said warrants to be charged to Item No 19 of appropriation made to the Department of Highways, /Sc., for the year Bei, approved March 15, MIL For further information. or for cross section of river, address STRICKLAND KNEASS, Chief Engineer and Surveyor City of Philad a. nee-4*LO MARC I c I R Y AN B T T OR PHOTOGRAPHIC SIINIATURES IN OIL, N E. corner of EICIIITII soil LOCUST. The above pictures differ essentially from anything seer before offered to the public. Their softness, aid truth of color and outline, extraordinary minuteuess and accuracy of detail, Insure, of necessity, the greatest fidelity of resemblance; while the severity of the or deal to which they are exposed In manipulation equally settles the question of their permanence. These taste enable the subscriber to offer them, with the greatest satisfaction and confidence, to the public and to Us friends. They are secured by letters patent to, and can be had ONLY of 8 . D. MARCHANT. IV" Portraits of the cabinet, and life use on canvas as heretofore. tti 18-3 m PUBLIC L AMP S.-TIIE PUBLIC IS respectfully Informed that Offices hare been opened by the District Superintendents of Public Lighting, at which citizens are requested to giro information respect ing Accidents which may happen to the Public Lamps; or of any failure in lighting or extinguishing them at the proper time; or if not properly cleaned and in good lighting condition The Books will be kept by Joseph Bally, No. 808 Wharton et , First Want; Charles Carty, No. 18 South Seventh street, Ninth Ward; 11Iram O. Kirk, No. 108 Hutchinson street, Twentieth Ward; Si. W. Denhong, No. 2231 Coates met, Fifteenth Ward; Thos.V. Dowlby, Mae Office, Twenty-Fourth Ward, (Went Philadelphia;) Si. 11. M'Finlilen, One Mee, Twenty- Second Ward, (fierinantown;) Wm. N. Market, Gas Office,•Twelity-Tillril Ward (Frankford,) and at the Gas Office In Seventh street, below Market, By order of the Trustees of tho Philadelphia Use Works. A. J. KITE, ocl-Cm Superintendent of Distribution. 1311ILADEEPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY- N. W. Cor. THIRD and CHESNUT St,. • _ . L. PELOIIZE & SON, thankful for the liberal pa tronage heretofore Accorded to their Establishment, and Ostrow' to merit its continuance, would immune° tp Printere and 'Ptiblishers that their now SPECIMEN 1100 K is now ready, and from their increased facilities, Are new preplUA ttoo f 14111111,1 Glary tgigg pecessary in a complete hinting Establishment, at the shortest no tice. Their long practical experience In the business, and the feat of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, justifies them in asserting that they can furnish a more durable and better fin ished article than their cotemporaries. Those, therefore, echo desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them previous to pure:uling elsewhere. Ohl typo takon at 9 Conte per pound, In exchange for nen at specimen prices. and-tf (21.01 . 41) NINE FOR SALE.—TIIE SUB scriber offers far 010, with a perfect title, the property known as the REID (ALI/ ANp coppvit MINE, situated 8 milts from Concord, Chibitergn county, North Carolina. With the mine is a plantation of 145 acres of excellent land, well watered and wooded, and a largo MANSION HOPE, with harps, miners , houses, powder 0114 engine bona°, and other buildings; new steam enpue, 45 borer power; Chillw mills, stamps, pumps, .ko., embracing all the machinery and tools ne cessary for the full equipment of a mine, iu good order The ;tune has been worked at intervals for the last Jo years, and has always boeq prOatralie to resident pro prietors, but has never been worked for any length of lime with an mine and hetehihery. The shells and galleried ale q ell constructed, the stopping have never been taken out, and from 50 to 75 miners can be prollt aldy employed In the old workings. On the property is a formidable vein of copper and lend, which has never been corked, and a new gold rein hos been discovered since the host of this mouth, at o loos three men have been at work, taking out fifteen hundred dollars a day, with a good prospect of its continuance. no2.Bna eIIAItLES J. GILBERT, 181 Broadway. CHEAP SUMMER FUEL.-GAS COKE, of excellent quality, is sold at the 11111141.1:1,P111A G4 8 11'0%3 for the reilaml rine Pfore . cents and may ba obtained In largo or smallloantfty by ap plying at the Um Ofilee, No. 20 South SNVNNTLI Street. To Purchasers by Wholesale, it le mold at the Works, In Prat Ward by the ton, at a price equivalent to An thracite, a *I 50 per ton. (Signed,) J.O. 011E0N, Engineer. PuILIDIMPUIA 043 Woage, Aug. 2d, IT. "2" COACH, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP Factory of E. W USSHERB,No.IO9 (late 43) South EIGHTH, below Chestnut street, has become a saving of 50 per cent. to our SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MERCHANTS, and also the convenience of having their old Carriage Lamps new ellver-topped and bottomed, and !opt by swan. to all parts attl2 17 EVANN,-10,000—PRINTIM! A Carats per Illlour4 w .6:A IMO. A D Plata.!Pia Y., .1 Mr late pIAUF Fa+ vt•t.. ~,,, Yove Ti 6 e.... R A ulna. P11bb.0193040...t. D Mae Pmb 11 la as sm E lOW MARCUS BAST, No. 204 NORTH THIRD STREET, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER, Has for sale THE AMERICAN READER—anew book, designed by Ha author, A. D. K 1431 Ten, for the use of the higher alums in the Aendenges sad Behoole of Menke -4 the deeen or shills mg. nazis. Insurance Companies. LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM PANT.--The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INEUR.LNUE COMPANY, Southeast Corner of TRIRD and DOOR Streets Capital. $817,72603. INSUItES MEP. for short tense, or for the whole term of life—grants annattiee and endowments—par chasm life on interests in Real Estate, and makes all contracts depending on tbs contingencies of Life. They set as Executors, Admmistrators, Amigneee, Trwitees, and Guardians. TRUSTIES. Daniel L, Miller, Samuel E Stokes, Benjamin Coates, B anima Martin Richard 8 Newbold, James B McFarland, William P. Hader, Joseph 11. Trotter, WHilam 11. Kern, James Edstoo, Samuel C. Huey. Theophilus Paulding, Cbarlee Hallowell, Edmund A Solider, Henry C. Townsend, Daniel L. 'Hutchinson, Rudolphus Keut, John W. Hornor, William IL Carr, Ellis 9 Archer, Edward T Stott, Samuel J. Christian, 'William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner 11. Ruin. John G. Brenner, P.B Miehlar, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER, Prealdent. SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vice Prea't. Pole W. Holism Secretary. nil-ly HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN SURANOo COMPANY—Offhie No, 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia The following at•tement of the again. of the company hinublished in conformity with • prorloion of IT. charter . ertzmimas R.l.llqu ynkom AITGCAT 1, MO, TO •COCRT 31, 1357. • • Fire premiums Marine premiums ... Perpetual premiums M 729 81 21779363 2.21 00 Total amount premiums taken Earned tire premium 25,012 98 Earned marine premiums 155.005 00-160,078 50 Deduct return premiums Net earned $169,159 09 Marino losses paid. $03,885 75 Pere lanes paid.... 8,031 11 $101,916 88 Salvage re ceived.... F6O 57 Interestre- • calved ... 4,351 57 It, a - Insur ance '2-,971 62 —8,033 66 93,633 70 Expenses for coin:o,2lone to agent., abatements in lien of strip, salaries, office rent, furnishing office, books, sta. 4ionery, ko 60,386 67 Profit and loss 63 40-141,223 27 Net prat $24,076 $3 •SSZTEI. Cash on Laud $12,515 99 L,IIe receivable 119,281 02 Londe and mortgages 165,000 CO Stocks Z 92,100 00 Stock notes 142,900 00 Due by agents 'and others 22,312 93 $764,095 89 DIRECTORS. • P. 11. Potts, Wm. P. Leech, C. E. Spangler, R. T. React], Abraham Rex, B 11. Branton, Wm. Woods, Jos R. Withers, George Howei I, Abraham P. Eyre, J. Edger Thomson, W. Reiguel, C. 4. Sower, Charles F. Norton, John W. Sexton, John IL. Berman Haupt, James E. Stiles, Nathan R. Potts, 11. Shilling/ord. PERCIVAL Id. POTTS, President. C. It. SPADOLSII, Vice President. • W. 11. WOODS. Secretary. oc2l R. T. Basalt. Treasurer. F IBS INSUILLNVE. SPRING GARDEN. FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY. CAPITAL. $199,000, PAID IN CASH, AND SECURELY DIVESTED, MICE, N. W. CORNER OF SIXTH AND WOOD STS. SPRING GARDENS. OFIARI Z ER PERPETUAL LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. BIREPTORS John 11. Dohnert, Henry M. Phil, 2, Timid Woelpper, Lewis Shinnuk Benjamin Doris, John Lundell, John Ems, Jr Charles Field, Auley DI. Park, William IL Woo . James Durnell, John B. Stevenson, /scot. B. Blintreo, Curvin Stoddard, Henry Homer, Thos. D. Tillinghast, George IC. Childs. JOHN IL CORNER?, President. L. ICRUNDIGAAR, Secretary. sept 21-17 NEPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY.- 1E OFFICE 414 WALNUT St., Franklin EtuiLlLags. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO, WITH PRIV I LEau To IN CRIIABIS TO 600 , 000 This Company Is now fully organ sed, and prepand to mike all kinds of Iruourance against tau or damage by Firs and Marine Perils, at ecnetat rates. OPPICERS. H. 0. LAUGHLIN President. nicrikan SHIELDS, Vise President GEO. SCOTT, Secretary. DIRECTORS. 11. O. Laughlin, D. Sherwood, Wu). Oalunme, Richard Ehields, T. H. flhawall, THE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, Office No. 40S (late 92) WALNUT St. Capital and Sumltts, 1250,000. This Company oodtinuei to make Trammell agalast loam or damage by Fire and the Perils of the Sea, Lamed Navigation and Transportation. at current ratio. OFFICERS. President—GZO. 11. MART Vice President—S. P. ROSS. Secretary and Treasurer—H. R. COGOSHAIN, Assistant Bwerstary—S. H BUTLBE. ZOTOBS. George 11. Hart, I. P. Ross, A. 0. Oattell, Joseph Edwards, John G Dale, Hon. Henry N. Waller, Faster 8. Perkins. John H. Chambers, Cu 8-17 I. W. Dailey, Charles Ct. Imlay, Wm. D. Lewis, Jr., J. L. Pomeroy, Andrew B, Chambers, 11. It CoggslAD, Buoual Jones, Id. D., A. F. Choesbrough. ARCTJC FIRE INSURANCE COMPA NY, NEW TORK.--01Sce, No 29 Wall street, ad • joining the Mechanics' Bank -.. each Capital, $250,000, with a sur pin". This Company lulus Building', Mer• shindigs, Furniture, Taught In port and the Cargoes, and other property, against Lou or Damage by rinsed the Blake of Inland Naugation. DIRECTORS. Jahn L. Pope, Rena R. Orme, Henry Davis O. H. Lilienthal, Than. Polhemua, fa. Inaba R. Horgan, Alm. R. Van No.; William A. Cary, Thomas 8. Nelson, lama W. Phillips, Chula A. Macy, Edward Ilineken, Wm. E. Shepard, Chutes L. /rat, Lotbrop L. Sturges, William R. Found, Emery Thayer, Oro. Weatfeldt, 2ahnon Taylor, Henry R. Blossom. Henry Grinnell, Caleb Bartow, Henry 0. Brewer, Edmund Pantold Gannon H. Corning, Ogden Haggerty, Thomas afonagan, John H. Earle, Albert Ward, Charles Euton, LOUIS Lorut, Samuel G. G lidded, Bteph. Cambreleng, Thomas Scott, John Ward, Henry K. Bogert, Peter Eden, Benjamin 11. Field, A.B. Yrothingbam, Thee. F. Youngs, Elembel L. !Rebell, ALBERT WARD, President. RINKAID A. OAILzT, Secrotsay. an 1017 11P N UFACTURERS' INSURANCE COMPANY.—Cbarter Perpettia. Granted by the State of Pennsylvania. Canals!, $BOO,OOO. Plfv, Marine, and Inland Transportation. DlllO7OBB. Aaron S Lippincott, Cherie, Wins Win. A. Ithodea, Alfred Weeks, Charles J. Yteld, James P. Smyth, Wm. B. Thomas, J. Rinaldo Bank, Wm. Nazi, John P. Simone, AARON S. LIPPLECOTT, President. WM A. REIODF.S, Vice Preaident. ALTRED WEEKS, Secretary. J. W. MARTIEN, Surveyor. This Company woo equaled with a cash 'spits', and the Directors hove determined to adapt the business to Its available resourees—to observe prudence in minded log its affairs, with a prompt adjustment of louse. Office No. 10 Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. 11111 E MERCANTILE MUTUAL INSU -11 COMPANY OF PIIILADFLPITIA —Office No. 222 WALNUT Street, opposite the Exclumge MA RINK RISKS on Yencels, Cargos. and Vieights. IN LAID TRANSPORTATION A I RS, per Railroads, Ulundi, Boat', and other carriages. ALL TUE PROFITS divided annually among the M ewed, and ample security In easels of loss. D:1101011. Thomas T. Butcher, Algernon E. /stammer , Alfred Passlll., Thorn's 8. Poster, (Judaea' English, James H. Stroup, Alfrel &ode, A. G. Callsll, Charles D. Caretslre, Bantnel Robinson, John 0. Keifer, John P. Steiner, Usury Crumb°, Win. J C4ZIBT, ORRIS N A BS, President. 'flee President. sins-ly Edward Hutto Milee, John M. Odenheimer, Mahlon Williamson, Samuel J. Sharpless, Isaac Jenne', henry Preant, ildward G. James, William L. Springs, Franklin 0. J 0130.11, Daniel Haddock, Jr., William Taylor, James Murphy, Wm F. Smith, A. J. Antelo, Samuel L • RAWARD LIA AL/S.ND /00 O. Esstxn, &trot& pIIARTER OAK INUIRANCM COMPA IRE AND MARINE NY or HARTFORD, CONN. Lome' to Philadelphia and ilculapAia Office. Cult Capital 000,000. vicinity adjusted at the PA By leave we refer to D. 14. Brawn & Co. Phil*, Ron. Joel /ones, Phila. Chaffs. Stout & Co., " lion. Rufus Choate, Roston Hacker, Lea &Co , , i Hon. T.. S 'Williams, llart'd Ws have facilities for p acing any amount of Insu rance In the post reliable Companies. PHILADELPHIA UENERAL INSURANCE AUENCY, No. 413 (old No 145) CHESTNUT sr. THOMPaON & 8008, Agents. ilailroati Eines N onnt PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WINTER AItRANGEMINT. VOR BETNLEUESI, EASTON ALLENTOWN, MAU C II CLIDNE, he. On and after Wednesday, November 4tb, 1957, the trttnn On MU road will leave Philadelphia daily (Sun • delta excepted) u : Fdr Bethlehem, Easton Allentown Mauch Chunk, and Wilkesharre (Express) at 9 A M. For Bethlehem, Allentown, and Mauch Chunk, (Er pres,) in connection with 1.. V. II It and Easton, by stage, from Iron lids tit Woo, at 3 13 P. M. For Doylestown, (Accommodation.) at 4 30 P. M. For Gwynedd, do. at 10 A. 91 On Tuesdays and Fridays the 10 A. M. train will run through to Doylestown, leaving Doylestown to return at 1 38 P.M TRAINS FOR PIIILATIFLKIIA Lease liethelvm (Exprevs,) at B A. 111., ►nd 2 2S P.M Doyle.,town, (Ataammodationd at 6 35 A. M Leave Li tv,y0064, do at 220 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Yoe I From Gwynedd 915 A. M. I Gwynedd a2O P.M Doylestown 42.0 P. M Doylestown ....... A. M. Pure to Bethlehem $1 50 4 Manch Chunk 2 1 , 0 44 {Vilkeabarre 1 50 PASSENGER DEPOT, PROIiT and WILLOW Sts . Phile ELLIS CLARK, Agent. Lumber LUMBER I LUMBER 11—The subscribor, who has for several year, occupied the premises at Sloan's Planing Still, Kensington, has removed to COATES STREET WHARP, sdioining the PhretaLt Planing Mill, on Delaware avenue, where he Intends keeping large assortment of Carolina and other door looscds, stenrisers, shelsing, fencing and scaffold hoards; thoroughly seasoned and well worked. Tor sale at the lowest cash prices. Purchasers are In vited to call and examine for themSelres, and every ef fort will be made to give satisfaction. Orders received and supplied at the shortest notice fur els kinds end sisal of Southern yellow Pia, Timber and Bcsuitling. aul•tf 8. 8. 11100111. elot4ing. of/ARPR'S MRN ' S AND BOYS' 0 OLOTH/Ne l 148 Nitta NUMB Most ) Infirm Arsh as 4 Nis 1P44-11 . _ .~ ._. ~aiilroa~ra. TIWESTERNITSAVELLIMS. PBING AND SIMMER ARRANGIHINTS. NORTHERN cErtrita, itAaway. TWO DAILY TRAINS PROW RAMIE= TO PITTSBURGH AND THE On and after June Ist, 1867,_ TWO zukuir TZAIN will leave Cared Station for Pittsburgh aad a/I Watt• ern and &nth or Northwestern silks. Tit S HORNING NAIL TRAIN Lenten Baltimore daily (Sunday excepted) at SAS A. NI connecting. with the Mail Train over the Great Pew. syleania Railroad, and arriving in Pittsburgh at 1.24 A. M. THE AFTERNOON EXPRZES TRAIN Leava• tuattmore daily (Sunday eateratt) at 3 r. x for Ilarrirborz TUE ISIQIIT BEM'S= THAW Leaves Baltimore EVERY NIGHT at 10 P. kt., eon pectin with the Llghtniog Express over the Pewit yenta Railroad for Pit:Waugh, arriving at 120 P. Y.- ED - All These traim connect Comely at piilib with trains over the Piustargi, Fags Wayna= ['imago Railroad, and ill Northern, ficeathent sad Western conaections 117' Passergers for Chicago, Bock Wand, Daril ton, lowa City, Hilmankee, Dubuque Et. Paul's, x son, and other lending cities In the NO/thereat, village% oat hundred miles of haul and The Aosta to dugs, with four lea, changes of care, by taking this mate. iv- Passengers for Cleveland. Sandusky, Toledo, _and Detroit, go by this route, and the tine is aseoaLind. being 113 miles shorter than by any other route. fir Passengers for St. Loma, India=potta, Terre Haute, Cairo, and all points an the Lover and Upper Missies:FA make lean therroa of ears, and arrive in ad vance or any other route; and to Cincinnati, Cola:Awe, Dayton, Louisville. and other pracolcilent cities, as quick as by any other route. All Western Baggage MUCKED THROUGH and, Aandled with care. $354,741 43 The 11.16 A.Y. connect/ closely with Exeter 'lnas over the Dauphin wed for Wfillarraport, Main, Rochester, Buffalo Niagara Falls, and Canada, forming the most Buffalo, railway route to Merins/we Pennsylvania and Western New York. Passengers Till and this theshortert, chea=and most expeditious route to Niagara and Through Tickets are famed to Philadelphia iris Co lumbia and Lancaster by all the trains at 11.1 each, sack train having sure conneetfons. Pliedligers by this route avoid trweelled bridges, and all the Ineaaverdence of ferrying strewth° Pacquetumina dew. Passengers for Renewer, Menctiestse. Gettysburg Ass - mittsburg, Chambersinarg, st; by the trails as 8.15 A. , and 3P. M. WBATIIINIITER BRANCH. The Can op thin mwt massone tripper day, weasel ing with the train at 3 P. M. Per THROCGII TICE:SYS and farther tarermaticie, apply at the Ticket Office, Calms sterim i , N . B . mine of Cavort and Franklin streete. sepl2-11 C. C. AMMON, Sept. YNNSYLVAItiId KAILKOALP.--1111 GREAT DEXTRAL BOOTS, consartissy A& Untie Citlea with Western, North-wedern, sadlinst& western States, by a continuous Rahway tired. This Road also eonnasts at Pitniburyjs with daily Ilse of ateamers to all ports on the Western Siren, and at Clerelsol and Sandusky with Steamers to all ports an the North-western Lakes • the :wet DIRW?, CHEAPEST and RELIABLE RO which Pringle can be forwarded to and from theSESAT WERT. RATES BETWESS PRELADELPICIA AND PITT& BURGH. hear Cues—Banta, Shoes, Hats, and Cape, Books, Dry Goods, (in boxes bales and trunks), Drugs, (in boxes and bales) Feathers, Furs, to 90a. par 1101 Stemma CLses—Domeatte Sheeting, Shirting and Ticking, ( in origins( balm), Drugs (to nata), Hardware, Leather, (in rolls or boxes), Wool, and Sheep Pelta.Fsatward,tc.iftc....tga. pas lee ib TIMID Class—Anvils, Steel, Chains, (in casks ), Hemp, Dawn and Pork, Baltthi o (loose or is sacks), Talmo, manufactured, (except Cigars or sa l ka., to Oi e., ear 100 lbs Foonnt Cuss—Cotes, Tub, BMOC; Deaf, and Pork, (in eaaka or boxes eastward), Lard smi Lard Oil, Nails, Soda Ash, German Clay, Tar, Pitch, Bonn, to We. per LSO Gs FLous—Lie. per bbl., until farthar noties, plerorrox—S2 per bale, not exceeding WO Ike. weight, until further notice. in shipping Goode from any point But of PUMA' phia, be pailarulsr to MARE package o tie Pessrylrwaiw Railroad." All Goods consigned to the Arante of this Road, at Philadelphia, or Pittabargh, trill be forwarded without detention. WRZICIT Aczni.—Harris, Worodey &Co., lkonadaie, Tenn.; R. P. Baas & Co . Bt. Louie, Mo.- P. O. Willey & Co. Bewaring, Indiana; Diamond, & Co., and Carter &t Jewett, bromine, Ky.; R. C. Mel drum, Or. limn, Ind. ; IV; Brown & Co., sod Ire% & Co., Ciotti:matt ; W. Graham & Co., faaeseino, Ohio; Leech & Co, No. &I Hilby street, Beaton; Lime& 2 n & Co., No. Astor orm, Near York. , No. 1 William et. and No 8 Battery Plate. Now !ark; E. J. esdkafre. Philadelphia ,• Itorraw t Items, Banisters; D. A. Bterari, Pittsburgh- AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND YRILADILYRIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S Mr& FROM FRILADILLYELA. TO NEW IDIM, AND WA Leave al Moira, via : Pass. At I A. M., from Ilenalagton Depot, via Jenny City, Mail Pt At BA. H., via Carden and dusky My, Nam 3115. ay Accommodation .... Ate A. Si , via Carodea sal Amboy, leareamets tion,.., At T A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Mara* 2 Mail a At 10 A. M., by steamboat Trenton, via Tasody sad Jersey City, Morning tiArtul I At 4 P. 31., via C•c•etu, aad Arley, C. sad A. I:s -prees p At 6 P. M. via Camden sad Jersey City, gusto; Mail s At 3 P. M. via Cuaten sad Amboy, Accunseada• tics, Ist Clan 3 At 3 P. M. via Canal= sad Amoy, Aaraamda. tioa, Zod'Clato I At 6 P. M. via Camlaa sod Amboy, Aosossmolsa tion, le t 2 At 6 P. 11., via Camden and Amboy, Asomeadac Loa, 2od Clam I The SP. M. line ma daily, all ileitis 3wadaya at eaptad. George Minster, W. C. Btetesbury, R. M. Carllle, 0.0. Butler, Geo. Scott. [aal9•y Ispress Lines stop at theA tz eil shallows sly: For Belvidere Easton. ' 'SSA. awl 4 P from l Walnut strain Ycr Water Gan, Stroninbarg, Scranton, 11 - iStrebunt Montrone, Great Bend, let., atl. X., eta Zrehoot . Lackawanna at WV.= Itahros2. . . , For Yroohold, ►t6 A. M. add 3 P. M. /or Mount Holly al 7A. M. a.nd SIX, 3 aad P. IL WAY L6i33 /or Bristol, Pronto, WAY /Id at 3 sad 4 P, X. ILL'IE lot Palmyra. astsoocao, Snooty, Ttaxttogtoso, Dootioo to &0., at iP. M. itteamiocat RICLIAID lITOCISTON fat lkorteatomm and totem. die* places at 2X P M Steamboat 111112t1t.9 tor Timmy 41111 sod Mk' A. M., sod 4 P. M. L. Les lines, azaept I L K. loan Wslawt large wharf. Mr/Ifty ponds et baggage alay allowed soda pais. meager. Passengors prolLibitast bona Ulan soy Mang am Doglegs bat their westing sprint AR Mg. gage beer Slty pounds to be paid for extra. 'Thiess pony limit their reaponsilallity for bonne totem beim per poand, and will not be Hebb, for day assoant be yond 1100, except by special contract. WM. IL GATZMXIL, Most C. A A. R. IL CO. R. R. MORRELL. Agent Ms.. Tr. R. R. 00. SP R 171 G ARRANGEMENT.—PINN SYLVANIA C.ILNYRA.L RAILSILAD.—SeatieIa direct connection with the PITTSBURGH, SORT WATAR AND MICAH° Lin Far Clncianati, Louisnlle, /reheaspoile, Clevelar:d, Terre }lento, Chi.o, lb adranee of ill other roZtet oat of PhiWolph.to. Ibrmntog CIOu roaseczuna sol:4 alt At Foos WttO. ens Rat/roads. - . . Leave Philadelphia, for Pittsburgh and western cities from the Penntvirania Railroad Paueriver Station, aonth-cast corner of ELEVENTH and M• striate, (entrance on Eleventh street.) as fullwas Mail Train at 7 A. Y. Plat Line at 12 SS, P. M. Express Mail at 11 CO. Mein. Columbia It. It. Line leaves for Ilarrisbneg at 2-Xt, P. If , Lancaster ).lecomanodstion,) at 4 3), P. M. The Express Mail rant daily, the other trains, Ka days excepted. For further particulars era handdinls, at tb• dliensik starting•polnta. Paaser.;ers from the Weer. •ill find thls the shortest and most expeditions route to Philadelphia, Ualtimore, Mew York or Porton. THOMAS MOORE, Agent, Passenger Line Penr_aplesain Railroad Co. Philadelphia, February, 1651. 5a1.17 1)11 I L A DE LP ILIA, GERMANTOVCICX 1 AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD —WESTER AREANOLHLNT--On ani alter lIONDIT. Ocizber ISSL . . FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 6,7 X, S. 9X, 11X A M., 2, 3.10 min. 4,6, 6, 7, 9, and 11 P. M. Leave d ennantown at 6X ,1.3.5 min 9,9, 10X A. , 1-10, 3-10 min 4, to, 6, 7,8, and 10 P. 11. frr The 1.3 S o'clock A M. Train from tientoantowa will stop only at WalnePtfeet .Salton. Leave Philadelphia at 9.30 2 and 6X P. Y. Leave Germantown 11.20 min A. 31 ,I :0 D. 5611 5 45 ruin P.J. Leave Chestnut mu at TX 340 14)310-10 rain. A. M., 1240, a -to, 6-40 Ind 740 min. P 11. - - - Leave Philadelphia. 9-20 A. M .2 and 5% P. IL Leave Chestnut 11111 at SA. M.,12-SO end 5-9/ P. M. FOR MANAYUNK, CON2IIOIIOCR3II AND 11011.1513- LeaTs Philadelphia at 63 , 9, 11 A. 11 , 3,4 X, 6%, and 11 P. M. Lease Hordatowa at T, 9..11_A...11., 3 and 3.49 P. W. Leave Philadelphia at A A M., mid S P. M. Leave Norristown at IA. , and P. M CIIESTER VALLEY RAJLROAD POE DOWNING - . TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 6X A. M., and S P. M. Leave Doctlegtoini at TX A. 11 . lad 1 P. M. 11. S. 9111111, Soperuttealeat. Depot, Ninth and Green streets. Ph ilsielpitla CHANGE OF HOURS.-PHILADEL PRIA, WILMINOTCLI AND BALTDIORR RAIL ROAD. On and after Wednesday, Nor. 11,1117 PAMENGEB TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA For Baltimore at S A. M ,1 P. 31., (Espreas,) and 11 . M. Wilmington at 8 .1 11.,1, 330 and 11P. For Nev Ca.tle at 8 A. 11., and 330 P. l• 1. For 31o1Iletown at 8 A.ll. and 3.30 P.ll. For Dover at 8 A. M. And 3.33 P. M. Far Seaford at 8 L. M. TRAthS BOA PAILADYIBILIA Leave Baltimore at 3.40 3 Fapreaa, 11 ♦ /1., aat A 33 Leave Warning:on at 7 1 . 3 and 11* A. X, aid 2.51 d 9 55 P. M. Lease New Cantle stll eb A. 14., and 11-i A P.M.. Leave Middletown at 10 15 A. M and 8.03 P. *. Leave Dover at 13.15 A. M and I' P. M. Loa,* Boaioyd of 4 Co P. M TRAINS FOR BALTIMORR Lam Wilmington at D.* A. M., 2 P. IL and 12 15 OUNDAYS only at II F. M. honk Phill.sl.lpels to Baltimore. do, do. a 23 P. M. Troll Baltimore to Philadelphia. BALTIMORE AND HAVRE DR ORACZ ACCOMMO DATION TRAIN Leaves Hare de °meat 8.60 A. M. Leaves Itsitiaore at 4.00 P. M. Freight Train,. with Passeager Car attached, will raa iu follows : Leave Philadelphia for Pert7rille and intemediato plates at 500 P. M. L 09.11 Wllmtagton tor do. do. 050 P M. Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Orare at DP. M. oe 9.1.-ly 13. M. 7.13LT0N, President. SULLENDES, & PASCAL, HATTERS, auldm No. BS. HUTU twat, PhlladephlB. ITIHE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, _e_ CHESTNUT STREW) ranrards 14TIVIE2 PACXAGNS, IdERCHANITISE, BANS NOM SPECIE, either by ha eon LI MES, or In emanate with other ILITRIEB COMPANIES, to all the prteetel TOWNS ant 0111.1111 of the Malted States. S. S. SAND7ORD Gemmel Sooarieteoieet• (101111 R-200 bales good Middling to lid- Shag 'Fair Cotton, In .tos *ha for ado by MARTIN & 11110ALIMA, sal 119 North Wear street HOTEL AND SLIME EARGgs,_. 9 Boltsailia by %UDR= lb M I SS IL MOM IN ng. FOR THN NORTH. H. H. 11=8703, essicral heists Ages& H. LONLtraliT. Ilaperinindeat, Altorola s Ps. YORK LINES.-THE CAMDYN ROAD. RI. Loa 11, /CMS City, tier Orlesat, Sr. Pauli, TEIROUGH TRAINS g e S Di; CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD ON BVtiDATS ON SUNDAYS, §ats, Q apcf, &r Hill
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers