- 77, • " „ TA,..rPt•NYA!!Xt,ick! „. `ariirit toiIiV...KNOVOIty" • linarin>d lame Altai entail's .6 K 42 9 17 , 01,!,,0re7.!-="11ob Bor.” DpltUt FLOSSIE. : * 49 ..:X.4.-PPollt•tVPYP° ,l ' Tatar, illgYll OplllttllMUNed_ 0014 DM Lthuattat44, concluding Id* 44 11 altarS,• . aninerattOldisifitg . Of the JIM Troop Phi . ladalpissa City•aalkstry,--Thhitiroalonored corps anniverstst7 at _their Armory; en - Tuesday,e*ening.- : -We believe that ittselroeplit'theToldestlnilltary 'body in the United Statile; Troop';Wittilorin ed' hi 1774, aid have eliF*eli4 oven aOtli , e ergenizidlon. Although yhejiterted Onee pealed from the .Ito cot s o ilajok, sire glad toatate that the shmit Spirit thstaptuated the numbers of 1770' still ex lets. -,Zie Netter what, the:oeeasion may be, Whether. ltstippOss erloti emit soine'diatinguished guest, or nOtaajOarA eyer - thistemains of some illustrious - 6**s:re:at-ill times ready to respond to the 411 otrtheli:tenunander.' 'The Troop has some ltallitthlapilies in its possession, among whioh are tbemolcue Carried in the Battles of Trenton and Prilleeton, severed' letters front General Washing to!),-ana an- their pay-rolls, ho., during their Ber lin ialboeYebatiOnatj struggle. - Rua .gtiate Sale.--James A. ,Freeman, - anc= ember; add the following real estate last °venlig at the Philidelphralsohange, vim .• . Three three , stety briek houses end lot' of ground esat, side of Second itreet„, 20 feettiront and' 100 feet deep, $9O grauarketiat,, hold for_ $000;:a lot of ground with - ronithrUtitoq'lirick and one frame house thereon; east Stiteut,washington street, sold Wet', aull% 121 fitrilieli,; g5O Imola:rout, :sold foi. $112.• ; a threa.eteryhriek tavern sthnd and dwelling, two , 4 0 44 hick- building - and lot of ground s on llstate. rlde tt'll*erstatreet,' between- Race and - feet' front and,eittending in depth ell rest 4flieliel,cield for $4,800. • ' - /Sastre Oft Pxfapon.•••••,•Thili evening at Con= 'Who his' - resided for- many - . 7 stionAstin the attend will leetnre on Japan. - He Ifisiagteleetslllll;- G oVerranerit'und people of rd ati,,tlw ifiateina; arts, - temples, religion, and -,arohitectari,:clia trill also 'discuss the policy ',of the Geid•ritineni of Japan In regard to its inter 's-enrol with other nations. `Mr. Doty ought to be well glialillectto speak on this - interesting subject, *tut See:shall helhny to god public • expectation #0 1 1 1041 :2. , _ • ' notice-tn-lbe, ` 124010,11 15. 4 0.00 1 i00int OttllOnlinles 41*etioraint'iMeittell Vie re,sprtists grcnutAirtll beloaftef,be - MOY,OttroreeC 'The weekly poviallty ispoits etihe oltlhavebeen 'of late - incoinplete, ,owing to the neglect of Some of the persons who have 'charge of the :burying grounds.' The pinaltyfor non-compliance with the The Case ol,lify.-Wainihrfaht.,The hear ing in the ease of hte,-,Wainwright, President of the Commercial Bank; has again beet% postponed mutilate afternoon. ,- .At..the hearing yesterday, - before -Alderman. Helfriabt, nothing was allotted which haenot already been • published: District Attorney Mann and J. Ale x ander Simpson' con duet the prosecution: • ' -• ' • ' .Rieh min; named John Cohen, was arrested 012 Adillphi street; yesterday morning, for palling out, a Inifo,'and attempting tostab.a womai'whoza he mot there, as he was Walking along: Re had withltim a tiekot for brad, and -also quite , a considerable amount of iiteney-Lolinf the last men worthy of charity.... DeatkalePhiladelphia'Shipma4er.- 7 0ap. pahateblusoa,t, Ormhooner B. Wattson,' died at Havana preilene oth tnet,, of'Yeliew fever, aged ,• about At home and ..abioad'.he was gintorably,knowu, andlis decease will be regretted Ivy's large oisoliof friends. '.Clittrch.—A • new ' and aplendid organ has ,reeently'been erected in All Protestant - Ohurch,., Tirelfth street; below Fitzwater: • The instrument, a very atmerioi rem, was manniastured by George Jardine a &n f orgart builders, New York. • • ' „ , Divitiitid Body Recoveeed:—.4be, .od y , , :an unknown drowned - woman was found yesterday morning, in the Schuylkill at Pine street• wharf. The body - seems to have been in the Water for some Stdden l Dertih.—Sohn McGuigan died very Ariddeody,l - yesterday morning. In .Biddlo- street, bOtweiln'ltithtpthird end - Zwentylfourtb; Fif teetitliivird.—:'Coroner Fstuser was sent to hold an Ateet; No; 229 1. O. of 0. F.— Tliomeinberii orthle lodge hays appropriated Vid 'for tholsonetifOrthiSildowi'mni orphans of their deoeasoil mOmbero;,,': -1: '; - „ViT : .,y.j'p-Km,s': , 001 i MAltEnvii YESTBEDAT.—PriIimps one of the trait cheering evidences of the times is, that - our Mar kets netnithstandini the superabundance of everything I. thatline it ittk present time; are cleared with usual premptuem and that, too, by persons who are evidently able ind•willing to - pay good prices. Bev* of our markets were' yedaday gdepliod abundantly with all kinds of good things In the eating_ line. and from the &leerily withirhlob they were de/loathed, we are sure lair venders will bear testimony that people arc de.' termtned'td lire well, be times as they may. fisiopeaking, of ',the .pyics,r of, marketing, we May notientla~tao centegoori many loadfnuirrticles' of: provision f ' purely' the-resilient Fhteh has( recently found its way into our untrintirriopetutione.to great extent, and hashad the end' not only to tax the consumer with Via imount of- the 'modulator's profit; but lute, by.yrithhoirling - certain 'articles ,when there was really no scarcity r of them, Inilat . i4to an unreasonable 'irritant the - plea of these art.cles hr, the hands of -their thereto er'inetliatrtagorrisilo feeling ln the • Mind - of ;no 40°010,0;01a cozninunitY, against these Middle: reeir speenhiterS. Tble Is partly, attributable-to the lent of ,thelvhiyhm &twain =weer:yea fattened upon wiilipe - 41'ilghti-erothbre 7 dir "acupYint iz*ket -stands on the street, for instance, from which they, are .4sieluded by • city ordinince,*also, banana) Our pee- Ail; are.arena t 3 being obliged to pay , toammishin,MerelYbeCanse . in InconsiderahleMunber -of . those. who are benefited by it see proper I. hawse upon the many.- _ `- 5 . Tes SiCithit,MAliaaT.-StOOka are going up at prevent abo itsl4 .. .rapfilly as they went down some two menthsainme, lOrtines have Veen made by speculations ist*Metitg; end the ,oseeessfut. Speculators, hale tn • vosts4staall portion of their profits In the purchase of elegant garments at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of liNiteiniNoe. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, abaSafMath... . ii*StrICENG Busingse. Tho Readers of the PRIV} will hear, with pleasure, that w number of cotton-mill,, &clods', etc., have reenmed operations. XtII boiled =that that banks, generally, will resume their specie payments soon, "and that affairs will brighten up alloyettheicilitry;, Our readers ,desiring anelegent end icasicable Salt of clothes, at co at price, iteoinnentle‘t6 Patronise the Isahlonable Empo. ritunaff Oliften, 'Albright, tc tlo., in Jayne's fall, No Ilthestnat street, who are Contlnuing them sales at .coat, for the purpose of keeping their hands employed. PIINNSYLVANIA BANK NOTES.—The confidence in these fiepreciated, ,, promises to pay} l is evidently not entirely lost in certain quarters. We noweee it Min °uncoil in our advertising columns that the retail' dry=goods housea B. F.:Whom:in, in street,'Sbove Ninth, 'offers to receive these nista it win payment for goods. This is a good op. iertinity ter those whohavi them on baud to, get rid of, them without submitting toe shave. " BY THE PILOT LINE. LETTER FROM NEW YORK. ,(491otTespo!acOmee of The Ppose.] , Nate Yoatc, Nov, 18,--5.2.0 P. M. The flnafloinl news by the Niagara, from Liver pool, announcing ,the rise iu the rate of discount ortlui punk of England to nine par cent.; and a Rivera' *inure In consequence English money market, bas oonaiderably dazoiedlbo ardor ,ITstocir ,eldieulators,,and caused a gloomy feeling street.' It was, to a certain extent, to be ' • exPented that-the Continual drain in bullion from the ERA of England to this country, added to the wand _, wast e East India Conspany and the Anemia' press on the ocurtinent of Europe,'would neces sitates farther advance in the minimum rate of diecount, so as to atop the efflux of the precious metals:, •- - . It is natural . A that such course should cause a severe preasuri. andthat several failures would + .'reeultfrom it ;,,,bet refill am of opinion that there - will be no pants iii"lngland,,stid that things'will right tbartuselves; because :the proper precautions; ancrsie others: - will be taken, and because the corn • mitultY lieve'lly - ntest implicit confidence in the ability, and honesty of the di -, f:':l4teteribithelfank - of England. • .4f:l - .:;ln'thia,,likle - the , difference between the pr4esure tire end on the other side. llere the banks cause panitOecause Alta - publie'—and justly—have no confidencel.bn their management; and there, the 'bare' perfect -Confidence, • and suffer pa. tiontly, - believing that it is for their ultimate irded.-j'thinit it Very probable that the Bank of -England will raise the rate of discount - gill higher, • if they And dt neeessary to do so, to stop the ea • port of gold,' and I think we may took for aaoyere Pinta: on tile other aide until the demand 'but I cannot believe in epanie--a suspert „,,c Aden of the Par& of Edgland, and the other bug-a are Circulated here as authentic. • Ihe delve has ooneiderbly checked the rapid and bleyentoperationSof the stack beaid,.and cruised epsoudefers for a rise to halt a little.. This is hardlyto be regretted; end if there is a Bottled .iettotton fer-'afeiv- days, ikorill be, lees injurious thisrther.rittpid foliation which was to bo Aidekethen settling day, for the recant purchases ariadVaiteeisinie round.* the money market , thave nothirignmitecommunionte. - The banks have.plenty of money, are ready to' - , ...,,,4eratit; hat itomot flni any one good• enough to rowdy, it. ,;This iegiterally so. In the street there also no elitinge - .,-' , The reign of the 'shavers t its uptiet overi and notaries nubile are Stiff active • -frmirthree" to five - ' Tiknortow begins the nsisr.,:eisternredemptionlottheir otirranoy, by VA the country bitaki. It is believed that nearly all .1; ,qthoes institutions have agreed to the.proposal, and Alta diffentity_:- IDetnestio Letierigens qtthted tui'follows by Thomps on ,- Morse, - • , , r/.; Bay, }_per ot. pro m , ; se lf. 1, ;State chtirenay (until Thursda,Y), par.. . • *,pe r seat: die. 2ilaw Oral. lb 0 , 1 Ix 3 nibliolptlia • • 21a21 -," 41 aft 4`.:4 141 * „ Sind to s , , taL : A A 000 lidli T61041' - 6 a6l "th', om i wirenteety, ihdittutvatut Ito: • • - • • al • 'r 4fttliOle44,loßnsin fk a d - _ o IPIM 9,lool4.ltOrants 8 414.10w5: - SrepAr 4 . 4‘r: . Buying. Selling. Pei Aire.' liter horst, 1007,', - s- -lle, E ASP'S" lgs *, go, ,srerindta..: - ' • POO . ' l O R 4911111 ~,~~'~r l '~2':." j , k`~'i:,wiarv+f`,ws blljq~~9 , ;. _S Y:.:'T~S'Y'~i':'-s{. Etiteign Exchange 11 dull and intooe at yodel , . Im:illness at the' Clearing House w4 B- i-Obsariegi 812,429,207 - 90. -Balances paid in oohs $1,138,99716: ' Ihe Sub Treasury received to-day 8189,07 0 he; paid 11207,847 91 (including 850,000 California drafts) leaving-a balance of $4,992,104 84. The ()minims reoelpts for duties are $Ol,OOO. ' The sales at the first board of the stook Ex change were unusually huge, openitg in most oases at yesterday's rates, but falling off at the close, under the influence of the Niagara's news. State and bank stooks hold their price rather firmly, but the fall in Railroad stooks being from 0 to 4 per cent. At the Inwood board they fell still lower, with free sales. New York Central fell 2, with .prlvate sales at 771 ; Reading 1 ; Erie 10 ; La Crosse and Milwaukee 3 ; Cleveland and Pittsburgh 1 ; Galena and Chicago 1; and Cleve land and Toledo 11; RHnd s Central advanced 19. NEW YORK STOOK , EXORANOB SALES, Nor 18: BROOND BOARD. 8000 Missouri Cis 79 96 Mich Smitten It 20 24009 11l Oen Bd 86 78 do 20 60 OumberPdtoal 1031,' 70 do 21,x 600 do 10 46 Panams'll 60 do • • 101( 50 . do bBO 00 100 N Y Oen It 78X 100 • do '1,60 90 60 do 78,X 160 11l Central • 96 760 do 78 ISQ do 00,g 100 Erie Railroad 38 300 °lei& WEN IL 13 26 do 17% 100 Clerk Tel It 42% 10 do 17 500 do 41% 80 Olev Co& Clan 90 200 do 530 42 Cal & Ohi R ,80 100 • do b3O 41% 200 Reading R 43 100' do 414( 10 do 431( 1000 Ohio lk It R blO 80 26 - . 'do 43)1 10 do 80 100 doa 48% 25 do • 79% 60 do ,43,44 60 do bS 79% 300 - do ' 44 240 La Cr & Mil 9s, 10 60 Inch Cent R 67 I 200 do fOX • .3130 XII& Bliss It. EIS 32.4 I ~ ^ y„ ` t J.-~n. . . . Asuza.—The market is heavy and lower for pots; sales at $B.Bl/48.871. Pearls aro inactive at $6.60. OOFFSII.—At the auction ,sale this morning, a &aline of le was subiUtted to on Rio. The sale was as follows ; 182 bags at Nall ayerago 0.64. Oorrox.—The market continues quite languid, and in the absence of important transactions, we are unable to give any reliable quotations. FLOUR, &e.—The demand:for Western canal flour is fair ; prices are Withodt itopitrtant change, The arrivals are not large. ' The sales arelo,ooo bbls at $4.43545 for oom mon to good State; $5.1045.30 for extra do; $4.83 43 for superfine - Indiana and Michigan; $5.40a $8 for extra do; $5.46a58 for common to good ex tra Ohio ; 85.7047.25 for St. Louis, and $6.60a $7.75' for extra Cieneseeiclosiog heavy for extras. Canadian flour is offered with more freedom, and is lower; the inquiry Is More limited; 'sales of 600 bbls at $546.50 for extraArands,' Southern'llOur Is:Without quotable change; t h e demand is more active; the low prim- here, as compared with southern Markets, is attraoting the attention of the trade—sales , 0f.1290 bbls at 55.1045.25 for mixed to good brande - Baltimore, to:, and $5.40a56.75 'or the better grades. = - Rye fiouris quiet at $3.5044.75. Corn meal is heavy at $3 00 for Jersey and $3.75 for Brandy wine. Buckwheit flour is in request at $24.25 per 100 Onam.—Holders of Wheat are firm, at prides rather ,above the VISITS of buyers. The sales are moderate; - about 24,000 bushels at 125a1360 for Southern red; 140a1630 for white do; 75a970 for damaged do; 1140 for red 'lndiana ; 1200 for com mon white Michigan ; 1010 for red Iowa; 1150 for rod Kentucky and 108a110 for Milwaukee Club. Rye is in fair demand; sales of 18,00 bushels at 7547 a. Oats are in good demand at 43a470 for State and Western, and not plenty. Barley 10 firm; sales 7,000 haslet, State at 7546 e. Barley malt is in fair demand at 9541.05. White beans are more plenty—salesof 200 bus new at $1.621a51.68:. Canadian peas are scares and nominal ; sales to some extent, to arrive. Corn is very =area and fiagain better ; sales of 6,000 bus at 80420'fer western mixed ; other kinds are seams and nominal. firroAus.—The inquiry Is very moderate, and prices continue to recede. The traneaotlone include 020 hhds Cuba at 410 cash, in bond, for export, and 100 do at sane, duty paid. Porto Rico sells slowly at Bic. Stuart'S refined are lower—sales of loaf at lie, crushed at 10,1 e, ground at 100, and circle A crushed 101 e.., , , , Twas.—The sale of to-day was composed entirely of blacks, being the first offering of the new crop. The attendance was good,' and about two-thirds of tho offering sold at 3111a313efefOolongo, and 2.1.a23i0 for Ankoi, showing.", falling off in price of nearly 200 per lb front July Vrioes for the fortner, and 100 for the lattei. There is a moderate business doing in greets, at trivate 4 at steady prices; sales, how ever, are eon ned entirely to, the actual wants of Jobbora. - • „ :TOBAOOO.—Tho business is fair at steady prices ; sales of 110 bluisKentudity and Virginia at 7al7ie; 104 bales Havana at 304350; 40 bales Vara on pri vate terms, and 20 eases seed leaf at 250. PaoviStosrs.—A fair demand for pork, but at easier prices for now mess ; old is heavy ; the sales are 275 bbls at $l7 for prime ; $19.50 for old and new, mos t and $lB 50 for thin mess $2O for clear. Beef Is in fair demand, but with ' large arrivals M 'heavy—axles of 120 bbls at $047 for country lathe; $6.50a510.50 for do mess; $l4 for repacked Western mess, and $l5 for extra do. ••• Bilme.taess- beef Is heavy at s2las2s. Reef baine are steady at $14.50417; sales of 70 bbls. Baoon is quiet at .12a1230.• Cat meats are scares and nominal. • Dressed hogs are In demand at 61a7#. Lard is ;fiat but steady, owing to the light stook—sales of 25 bbls and tos at 12a130 far now and old. Butter is abundant, t i e demand fair—aalos of Ohio at 12a170, and State at 1 . 4200. • Oboes° plenty at Oldie. NEW YORK CATTLE MARKET.—At market 2,lBlJ:reeves, 170 cows, 411 vest's, 10,394 sheep and lambs, and 3,453 swine, which shows from last week a decreased 1,371 beeves, 80 veals, 812 sheep, and 2,198 swine. , Large numbers 'of initretvere detained by breaks in the Erie and Central roads, and a lot of Ken tucky steers, by the washing away of the bridge at Lioking. Prices of cattle improved full one dent tollchoice animals; with no' strange' in inferior stook. Bales are - made for prime" beeves - at 10/o , by weight. Good cattle brought 100, Average! selling Flee 910. 31. r. Wheeler, an experienced' drover, got 101 e for a few. Cows have. declined somewhat thereon, few prime milkers in market. Sheep and lambs were better daring the week, but had on 59041468 day gone back to last quotatlona. 'Wale LIM, Piano dull at cis for corn fed, and 510 for 'lop, kV.; • (Reported for The Preen.] TURKS ISLAND—Brig Lilian, Sonner-2500 bushels malt, 11 A Bonder tr. Co. ' ,50,arirte 3tttellvettre. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 10, 1867• BUN RIBES 7 9-Buti BISTB 4 61 81611 WATIIt 212 • • • - . - Brig Lilian. Sumner, 26 days from Turks Island, with salt tos A Bonder & 00. - Brig °nous, Baker, 6 days from New Bedford, in bal last to Shober. Smiting A On , BchrJas MoOloskey, Stebbins, 4 days from Middle. town, with stove to captain. Bohr John 0 Brooks Graham, 7 days from Portland, with plaster, tco, to ' Baker. ' Bohr Smith Tuttle, Mayo, 7 days from Provineetown, with sods. to G A Wood. Bebe King Dove, Donoho, 7 days from Alexandria, with mdze to T Webster, Jr. - Bohr Geo Krebs, Emerson, 3 days from Baltimore, with mdze to T Webster, Jr. Behr Three Sisters, North, 3 days from Baltimore, with mdze to T Webster, Jr. Bohr South Wind, Marshall 3 days from Baltimore, with mdze to T Webster, Jr. Bohr Sarah A Hammond, Paine, 7 days from Boston, with mdze to David Cooper. - - Behr Tantamount, Davis, 6 days from Boston, in bal last to Brown & White. Behr Edwin Reed, Green, b days from Beaton, in bal last to Brown & White, Bohr Millard Plllmore, Tuttle, 5 days Isom Boston, In ballast to Brown it IThlte, Bchr Bits, Packard, 6 days from Boston, In ballast to Brown & White. • Solar It 11 Porter, Henderson, 3 days from Zgg Harbor, In ballast to 0 Hecksher do 60. Bebe Clomp, Yates, 3 day* from Egg Harbor, In bal last to De Haven & Morris, Bohr Transport, Tilton, 3 days from 'Egg Harbor, In ballut to John R White. Bchr Obu Henry, Merrick, 6 days from Dennis, Mau, In ballast to captain. tlobr Treasurer, Plober, 4 days from Providence, in ballast to Rogers, Slnnickson & Co. Bohr B M Maddock, 'Williams, 4 days from Illddle town, Cit, In ballad to Tyler, Stone & Co. , f7chr Puts, Grate, 4days from Goshen, NY, In ballast to Lewlo Rothermel. Behr Hannah Wiliettn, Ortrimer, b dila from Rox bury., in ballast to John R White. Sohr Little Taylori Taylor, 4 daye from Newburgh, N Y, in balled to Van Dusan, Norton to Co. dohr A blEdirards, Edwards, 4 days from Norfolk, in ballut to Brown Jo White &Yr Hoary Bill, Taylor, 2 days from Milford, Dal, ,with corn to Jai Barratt & Son. Sehr Ire. Ward, Till, 2 dAys from St fieorgo, Del, with wheat to Jae Barrett & Behr Delaware, Denby, 2 dap; from Odom; Del, with wheat to Ju Barrett & Bon. Behr John 0 Remy, Bradley, 4 days from V i enna, Dtd, with lumber to JW Bacon & 00. Behr R Fisher, Mason, 3. days from Baltimore, with Nal to J W Baton # Oa. Sloop Brady, Burroughs, 3 dayi from Milford, Del, with bark to ,1 W Bacon k 00. OIMARED: - Ship Sirocco, West, Liverpool, Workman & 00. Barque nalnhort, Kerlin, Richmond, T A Baikal & 'Brig Abby Elleti, Gilchrist, Portland, G Stockton.. Brig Thus Walter, Illorth, Antigua and a market, Jauretche & Oarstairs. Behr II Wrightington, Wrightington, New Bedford, Itepplier & Bro. Bohr Marina N, Etheridge, Washington, NO, Myers & Bolton. Bake Ohm Henry, Merritt, Lyon, Benordt, Lewis & Bohr Tatitancotuit, Davie, Portland, Brown & White. . Behr A E Edwards, Edwards, Petereburg, de Bohr Hillard Pllhnore, Tuttle, Boston, do Bohr Zile Packard, do • do Bohr Bdw ln Reed, Green, do do 13chr Btag, Townsend, Richmond, Blakiston, Cox Co. Bohr Martha Hall, Storer, Camden, Me, dO Behr Adele Pena, Carteright, N Bedford, do fiche 0 id Twat'hell, Boyle, Westchester, do Behr Treuurer, Metter, Roston, Rogers, Manichean & Co, Bohr 'ft 8 Porter, Henderson,Pallldiver, Chas A Meek eher & Co. Sohr Shaddook, Williams, Hartford, Tyler, Stone & Co. ' • Behr Cicero, Yates, New Bedford, Be Haven & Morris. Bchr Vesta, Cirace, New Loudon, L Rothersnel. Behr II Willetta,Oraumer, Providence,John ft White. Bohr Transport, Tilton, Yerplank River, do • Bohr Lizzie Taylor, Taylor,. Newburgh', Van Rosen, Norton & Co, Btr J 8 &river, Dennis, Balthi;ore, A Groves, Jr [Per Steamship Niagara, at nallfaX.] (UT TRLZGRAVK TO TOR YRIBII.I ' HFLI FA:, No IS. Arrived—Nor 2d, John Herman, Uamburg. 4th-Harriet Beale, at Antwerp. FFILVD FOR NOW TORO. 2d-0 Scranton, from uniting Roads. 6th—Cone Linn, from Ulaegowi Orient, from Liver pool e e, th--Oreat Western, from Liverpool. • salaam 700 FR* ORI/AIWS. . let. Bawler, C H Ludlow, from Bremerhaven. 4th—Eittltan, from Liverpool. oth—Warbler, from Liverpool. ' 6111,110 /OR PRILADILPIIIt. , 56th—Mirerot, from Bordeaux. EST 11111LX611010 - yreep6adenee'df the Philadelphia Baohanato 0/0.2 ISLAND, Noe. Is. 5 M. belrwrioutitui Amite Scott, for LondondetrYi a harm moral Soal sehra bays gone to sea to•day 4 &WHS.( )rig midare lagers pound ID. Wind —weather moderate. Unis THOS. B. UllOlllB. ..nps,TILIIO342X4 - . 'l(ll#MPrtN'!4P! i ilB. slips Zookoat from Oft knu9lit4, itiUl Tr lor StyPal4pors, innnlatione. ARRIVED ehip Sirciodo, for . I;l4erpoisi, left her berth itt BiILB the foot of iihippen street at 3 P M, yesterday, in tow of tugs 3' 1:4 Nissfle arid Matt 'White, having on ,board four cabin arid 80 second cabin' and steerage pas. sengern, end a cargo comprising 148 hhde 62 tcs 60 bbls molasses, 5,654 bids Hour, 303 do rosin, 130 blids bark, 100 tierces 100 bble beef, 50 do pork, 200 bags pipiento, and 100 do clovereeed. MEMORANDA Steamship Ariel, Ludlow, from Bremen via South ampton, arrived at New York 17th Inet. Ship Polynesia, Perking, from Boston July 23d for San Francisco, watt spoken Sept lath, lat g 1 5, long 42,5 i W. Ship Morning Light, Johnston, hence for Panama, wu spot en 3d nit, lat 5 N, long —. Barque Elk, Swift, for Bahia, cleared at Bolton 17th Inst. Barque Virginian, Miller, from Rio de Janeiro, was below Baltimore yesterday. Brig Isola, Griffin, cleared at Boston 17th that tar this port, Brig Emma Eger, Relly, hence, wee below Charles ton 16th inst. Ache David Faust, Moslander, hence at Wilmington, NO, 15th inst. Bohm E H Rowley, Godfrey, hence at Charleston 14th, and 0 A Heeksher, Stubbe, on the 25th !net. Mire Lansdale, Whitmore; R II Daly, Peterson, and John If Williams, Smith. hence at Boston 17th Inst. Bahr Bernie L Smith, for Delaware Oity, called from I Fall River 14th nst. Bar John It Price, from Elizataithport, NI, at Fall River 16th Met. • " Was Gaselle, Coombs, hence for Boston; Lamartine, Johnson, and Alice Lee, Clark, from Bolden for thin port, remained at Holmes Hole, A hi, 16th Met. Behr Jacob White, Carlisle, cleared at Baltimore 17th hut for Wilmington, Del. • Bohr Arletis, Obese, from Norfolk, bound to Antigua, put Into gton, NO, 16th inst. in Loft Norfolk onWilmin the 7th, and OR the night of thedistress. 10th eprung intuit badly and could not carry eall on it; sprung aloak in ruddernase. carried away stays,and sustained other damages. Will repair and proceed her' voyage. Iler cargo consists of staves, shingles, &c. Behr Ida de la Torrey, Maxwell, cleared at New York 17th inst for It Thomas. Behr Maty Dolphins, Mayne, ler Philadelphia, sailed from Caws 11th inst. Behr RS Miller, Henderson, from Charleston, arrived at Georgetown, 861,10 th Inst. Bchra Yankee Boy, Risley, and Harriet & Bums, Tice, for Philadelphia, Balled from Hartford 17th inst. Behr Emellne, for Philadelphia, sailed from Now Ha ven Ilth.inst. Sabre 11 A. Weeks, Weeks; W P Phillips , l3mlth; Tri umph, Artie; Sophia Ann, Smith; Eli Townsend, Wil liams; 0 A Greiner, Weaver; Revenue. Careen; Wm L Dayton, Babcock; 'New Jersey, Worth; Martha, Baiter, and Ohae Parker, Compffin, hence, arrived at Boston 17th lust. Behr Flight, North,ltenee at Norfolk I6th Inst. Behr Ann Plckrell, Mikes, hence at Alexandria 17th Inst Schre Florence, and L J Ogden, sailed from Alexan dria 17th Mat for Philadelphia, and J L Bodnar for Providence. Steamer bf W Chapin, Grumley, cleared at Hartford 16th inst, for this port. , . . Bept 28, In the Straits of Fuca, barque Merchantman, Boyd, from an Brendle°. 0011, lot as, long 50 Bard barque Calcutta, 16 days from Boston for Genoa. . , Oot S, lat 47 84 N, long 128 W, barque Ork, Trask, from San Branclaco for Stollacoom. . . Oct 4, lat 21% N, long 85,14, ship Samuel Lairretdo, Patton, of and from Boston Bent 14 for Australia. Oct 16, lat 2.3 50 N, long 25 15, brig 3 - 11 Goorge,"of Baltimore, from 8t Johns, NP, for Pernambuco. FOREIGN PORTB Ar at Halifax. 6th lust, ach Margaret Bennett, Bennett, Baltimore. Ar at St Stephen 7th loot, soh J P Johnson, Johnson, New York, and cid 12th for Calais. Old at Quebec 121h'inst, ships York, Conway; Hinge thwn•' Wallace,Connie. Greenock; Espindola, Panne. mark, London; barque Hosendale, Oawell, Shields. • Old at do lath, ship Lady Milton, Richardson, Liver pool barques Lord Riveradale, Thomas,; Dromahair, Gilan, Anlrosaam Danzig , Schroetar, Chat ham. llatro—ln port Nov 3, steamship Fulton, Wottou, for Now York, Nov 17th; shire Bazaar, of Richmond, Stew art, for do Noy 5; Bavaria, Townsend, do Nov 18; St Nicholas, Brandon do do; &nman, McNair, for do sailed Nov Ist; Emily A Hall, of Portland, Wyman, for New Orleans, do; Oasla. of Portland, °reeds, for New York, Nov 10; Pepperell, of Saco, Twambly, for New Orleans, Nov 7; Ann Washburn, Minott, do do; Ellen Stewart, Wamberale, one; siarolino Tucker, Oongden, do; Sewall, Mori!, do; Jacob Badger, of Prospect, BM plea, do; Mary Bangs, of Boston, Somas, do; Peerless, of Boston, Shilling, do. Havana—ln port oth instant, ships Ashburton, * Crocker, old for Savannah in ballast, (before reported for Boston;) Kossuth, Batchelder, for Falmouth, E, and orders, £2170 Gd (3800 boron;) J S Harris,. Pren tice; Oliver Moses, Otis; Geo Turner Dyer; Tuskina, Fahlowl, and S Larrabee, (Span) Rod rigues wag; Forti tude, Lou!, and Clara Ann, Patten, ding; barques Hype rion, Lane, (or Royd) for New York 11th; Albartina, Barton, for do 10th; B 11 Halo, Crowther, for Pensacola 11th, to load lumber and return to Havana, as $ll per M foot, (140,000 feet;) Saranac, Bigley, for Savannah, cldi.Chilton, Pennell, for Valencia mon, wills leaf to bacco for the Spaniel; Government at]. 6214_ per bale, (5.000 bales; Ottawa. Reimer, for Falmouth, Eng. at £3 (1500 boxes;) Sierra Nevada, Foster; N Corwin, Mount ford; leacoochee, --; Grotto, &Men, and Corne lia, Morton, wtg; John newton, Gardiner; J X Morales, Burmeister; Express, Sandberg cambia, Beau; How ard, Stanwood. and Gen Jones, Tenon nag; F Lermig, Higbee, nor; brigs Mary Capon, Johnson, for New York loth; Fanny, Weeks, Sea Belle, Barstow; It It Haskell, Snow, and 0 Perkins, Brown. ding; Director. Kirwan, and Capella, Rehr, wag; Alfred Exall, Reading, and Jan Pierce, Melville, unc; miss P Barkelew, Hopkins, for Newport, RI. cid; .Wintemoyeh, Morrow; 0 II Molar, Hopkins; B Watson, (8 mints,) wtg; Col Lester, Delaney, do; Lydia Gibbs, Watson; 51 Farrow, Blabs. dell; 0 Pendleton, Rogers; Calliope, Buckley, and Eme line Batch, Bourne, diag. DOMESTIC PORTS . _ . NEW YORK, Nov, 18.—A rr Steamabip Meinphiti, Stetson, Charleston; Ship David Deadley, Magna , Ant werp; Brige Jessie Rhynaa, Sherman; Wheyaw, Balti more; Barque Gleawomi Glover, Galveston; Behr Fair fax, Mott, Georgetown DC. Old Steamehipa Columbia, Derry, Oharleston; Florida, Crowell, Savannah. BRISTOL, Novieth—Ar, brig Loch Lomond, Fran* Fall River, to load for Havana. • . . WILMINGTON, N 0, Nor 13th—Went to sea, brigs Borah ,Wooster for Martinique, and Jacob Dock for Gibraltar and a market. 14th—Brig Edwin for West Indies, and (Ran) Jo. hanna Erns for Mil, Eng; sehrstYm A Ellis for New York; Sarah L Htlin for Ponce, P It; Araminta, and flbeet-Anebor for Baltimore. BOSTON, Nor. 17th..—A.Arrived, brig J W Sawyer, Le)gbtaa, New Orleans. Cid, ship Megunticook, Van Dohlen, New Orleans; barque Charles Tampon, Brooks, Charleston. Sailed—barques Hamilton; A U Kimball; Sylph; brig Albert Adams; sett Wm Wilson; and from the Ronda, ship SilrerStar. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS Up to 12 o'clock Last Night. GIRARD HOUSB—Ohestuut Street, below Ninth. John P Roberts, Petersburg 0 II Smith, Wilmington MP Hit*, Baum? , J W Maury & la, Del T Atwood, Pa'' • • ' Ffeary Tyson & la, Belt • Miss W (fitting°. Bait Mien L Tyson, Balt DII Hirsch & ale, St Louis Dr Turner, N Y V 0 Sanford, Nantucket Mrs Sanford & dau, Nan't W N Wood NJ A Boyd, Lebanon, Pa John F Steinman, Lancaster Mies 9 Steinman Pa J Stickuey, Ba t t Buehler, Harrisburg John° Hobson & la, Va Jos A Storer, Ye. A A Wightman. N J J W Harrison A wife, N J 0 Whitman, N J Capt A J Smith, II 13 A • Jll. Baird, Cal J B Sheffield, N Y Chas Al Basin, Lancaster David B Stout, Reading JF W Deninger, Reading R Bonner, N Y Henry G Thompson, N Y Jon Loata Frederick, AM Jos Airily, Providence, It I FII Richmond, Prove, It 11 Washburn & la, Conn G T Davis Charleston, N 0 '' B 0 Townsend, N Y BR Bp ulding, Bnstor,,dass A Strong, Boston, Mass A Vau dervey & la, L I Gostoan & sister. L I II Winter, N Y Thou Hair, Albany; N Y 0 T Northam, Itiolt'd, Vs O B Blanchard, Boston,Mass OK Watts, Carlisle, Pa A B Young . , Wash'n,D 0 G 8 Ledyard & wife, N Y Alfred Ladd, N Y Dr Boyd, N Y J Nagle, Jr, Chesnut Hill AM 0 lanes, N F Richard Gorman, N Y F Deals, N Y 11. Von Umtata, N Y II S Brown, le Y W Radd, San 'Fran'o, Oat N B Falconer, N Y H Wright, Glasgow A B Van Olinda, N Y Geo S West, Philo UNION HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth. John Roberta, Pa Chas Rhodes, Pa J Carter, Tamaqua R A Heaton, Tamaqua II Bherer, Chicago B Cadwallader, Doylestown E McLure, Allegheny City W Benjamin, Trenton W Evans, Trenton .1 Crampton, Trenton J Clayton & wife, Del Mien Clayton, Del Richard Clayton, Del J Consul, Danville Mrs Etalker, Chester co H Birch, Reading J Russell & la, Phila W France, Allegheny city Wm Wood, Freeport, Pa ' J 8 Baker, Harrisburg NJ Sullivan, Elmira, Pa 8 Bradford, Harrisburg J McFadden, Harrisburg II H Fimball, Ohio BIEROHANTS , HOTEL—Fourth st., below Arch. CB Gillespie, Brady's Bend J W Marshall, Virginia E Julhut Lancaster, 0 J Patton Thompson. Phila. Z Patterson, Pittsburgh WW II Davis Davies],lle ThosJ Silk, Pittsburgh Gee Smith, Pittsburgh Wm Colwell, Kittaning Sirs Mahon, Washington Sirs Smith, Washington Mrs Hale, Maas W Beipel, Allentown, Pa J L Hatch, N Y J A Eystor, Chambersburg T W Cooper, N J N Wooloy, DrJohn Henry, N Y M a Conover, Del co, N Y Hlt Wharton, N Y D B Marshal, SI D, Pa W Packard, Ohld A Haak, Lebanon, Ps AMERICAN HOTEL—Ohestnut. below Sixth at. It J Low, Cincinnati, Ohio 0 Burnes, Cincinnati It Burnes, Cincinnati W Spalding, Harrisburg R J Barton, Tyrone co, Pa Blj Matthews, Ohio 0 8 Watson, Baltimoro B 8 Watson, Baltimore 8 II Harrison, N Y R P Johnson, N Y II R Wilber, Mara Win Crook, Mass Ceo Kimble, Now Bedford 8 Rumeey, Conn L C Harrison & la, Boston B Baton, N Y John B Lewis, N Y 0 B Thompson, N Y Win II Panning & la, IS 0 A E Thayer, N Y J W Linißie, Phila A Thompson, Trenton E M Reed & la, Conn 0 W Chapman, Troy, N Y It J Burtt, N J NATIONAL ROTEL—Bate street, above Third. H G Spencer & la, N O W L Simons, Georgia Rogors, New York P, Kleinert, Mt Carbon Her P D Egan, New Hope W P Ritual, Nazareth, Pa Wm Miller, Catasaugua, Pa NJ Headier, Pottsville W Sohopp Bethlehem Geo W Morgan, Pottsville Saml Hendrick, Snyder co Geo Spangler, Snyder co 0 W Deckard, Mt Patrick John Gilmore, Pa II Si Dodworth. New York T J Dodworth, New York PI Mayo., New York M K Botsford, New York D L Downing, New York II Tissington, Now York T Klogeland, New York Mr Geolgol, New York A II Brown, Now York T Ritter, New York G II Ritter. New York A Aschl,'Now York P 'Beep, New York Mr Wober, Now York Mr Lubde, New York Mr Boehm, New York Mr Weingarten New York Mr Grow, New York Mr Concklin, Now York Mr Eng'moan, Now York Perry Reber, Pennsylvania Mrs Rubor & dau, Pa S Shinier, Allentown B Chatham, Pa M Rayser,'Now York J A McCord, Pottsville Jacob Haenahen, Reading N Philbin. Pa E A Eepow, Easton Jedediah Irish, Pottsville STATES llNlON—Market street. abovo Sixth. J Taft, Phila. A It Spring. Phila 'David McKeehan, Clearfield It 8 Maxwell, Lancaster J N Swift, Lancaster Edw 17 Swift Lancaster John Cordon, Lancaster P B Decker ac la, N York Wm Baker, Christiana Alias L Shober, Lancaster Miss B Shober, Lancaster It Kauffelt, Wrightsville Aired Minnight, Pa John MeV ey, Harrisburg Alex D Boggs, P It II if/ 8 Smith, Reading E McDonald, Pottsville ilea Johnson, Now York II A Larkins, Lancaster John :Madison, Harrisburg BLACK DEAR INN—Merchant streot, bel. Fifth. W Caldwell, Maryland F H Bolger, Mfilltntoon W Rolso, Cheater co Robt Lyle. Chester co John Huey, Chester co Edmond Meter, Chester co A F ysleutine, Cheater to Mrs 11 biller Cheater co Mr. B Miller, Chester co J T Pollock ls,Ohes'r so ginner Moore, Chester co Thos Hooper, Cheater co M Thomson, Cheater co L 11 Relfsnolder, Ohes'r co (leo D Hodgson, Cheater co BALD EAGLE 110TEL—ThIrd street, abr. Collowhtl Oboe Wain, Bucks co Geo Weil', Buda co Daniel Reed, Schuylkill co II E Reed, Schuylkill co A 8 Bobropp, Bethlehem Anderson Calvin, Pa Philip Reese, Easton Oeo Reimer, Ohio Alex Mentser, Ohio Joe Emrich, Pa r, Pa Philip Oches, Pa Milton'i Benner, Pa BLACK BEAR 110 TEL—Third et., above Callolollll Job' lanes, Buinneylown David Messer, Pottsville 0 Finney, Nekthampton Mrs Finney & son, North Philip Bowers, Penns ampton - BARLEY SHEAF—Second, below 'Vine greet. Cornelius TOIIIIIOII, BOAS Co Jonathan Rich, Ducks Co J W Cowell , Pt Pleasant Jacob Reed, Lawrenceville Then Ent, Lambertville I G.Tbomss, Doylestown CI Bailey, New York Dr J Dyer, Ducks co Thos J Janney, Newton Samuel Craven, Hartsville Edw Bretz, Doylestown John Dyer, Backe Co M ADISO N angE—fiecond street, above Market P MoTeigh, Pittsburgh Mr Brovro & la, N Ms Ashton, N J James Lake, Del Solomon Buehler Pa . B. L Mattocks Ohl, Job's L Olayteo L aid. L &althorn, N Y Whoa d Yhthetbat, Macs #lol4 l ifitintuittliPtimagiwirtkowstika4iii-asiti ... $20,000 if the Notes of the Bonk of Pena• , gyivania will be taken at par for Centlemen'S Beadl• Wade Clothing, Wrappers, Show's, Meted/reward, Um brellas, Clothe, Caeelmeres, Vaginas, Medias, Canton Flannels, ha., &o.; wholesale and retail. " ilosans k Co.; • 611 alison Street, between Fifth and Slath, Market and Chestnut. nold-6t* For Perfumed Breath, White Teett4' and Beautiful complexion, use "• Balm of 1,000 /lowan." For dressing Ladies' hair, use "Woodland Cream, • new Pomade." It curls Gentlemen's hair beautifully. W. P. Faretoos, & Co., Proptleton, N. Y. For sale by T D. Peterson, SO6 Chestnut; Samuel Rimes, Twelfth and Chestnut; A. D. Durand, 116 Chest; nut;, T. II Peters es Co., 716 Ohestnut; G. G. Evans, Gift llook , store, 430 Chestnut; 0. 8, Hubbell, 1410 Ohostunt; French, Richards, 4c. Go., Tenth and M►r+ ket ; A. D. Taylor, Ninth and Walnut; Dr. blorrDou, Seventauth and Chestnut; J. W. Slums 4, BM, Eighteenth and Twenty-Second and Marketp Edwinl obristmenn, 702, Ohestnut; Thomas Lancaster, corner Eleventh and Walnut. nol2-1y S. C. Dewsld, Commission Business In Com mercial paper and negotiations or lows, 68 W.11.1i41 Br., opposite the Exchange, Philadelphia. no10•Ym Bower's Infant Cordlal.•••Thla Invaluable Cordial le prepared from a yarlety of the meet chigoe ma efficient aromatics known in medicine, and Is the moat perfect and reliable minative extant for intent; cad young children. By its powerful influence a speedy ours Is effected In all ease, of Ch aid ' windy pains and spasms. Belleville and mitigates much of children's guttering during denti4 Mon or teething, and by its soothing properties trail outlines pain of the bowel's, looseness, vomiting, &d. The Infant Cordial has bi3come 16 standard resaisli, and has been need in thousands of ease* with the most abundant sums,. No family should be without It. Prepared only by HENRY A. Slowest, At hie Drug and Chemical Store, 1 ' N. E. corner of Sixth and ilreen eta., Phi ladelphft. To whom all orders mantle addressed. And for Gale by Druggists generally. an 184 y Notes of the Bank of Pennsylvania taken a PAR. CLOTHING AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. THE ENTIRE STOOK OF A WHOLESALE CLOTHING HOUSE, Manufactured expregsly for Poll Soles, will now bo sold AT lISSLIL, At greatly Reduced Prices, for Cash, tio7-tt At No. 1 Nort4 PIWTH Street Bank Notes of the PENNSYLVANIA HANK FOR UMBRELLAS, BY WU. 11. RIOIIANDSON, No. 418 MAIMIT BUM Seamen , ' Saving Plana—Office SOS Walnut anent, one door west of second street. &celeste de:. posits in mono of One Dollar and upwards, from chases of the community, and allows interest at the rain of live per cent. per annum. 019ce open daily, from 9 until 9 o'clock, and on Men day and Saturday until 9 In the evening. Pa °Went Franklin Pell Trenonror, Charles M. Morrie; Beare tary, James B. Pringle. Jackson, . JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT STREET. Cheeks, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, Bill Heads, Cir culars, (lonia, and all other kinds of Job Printing, at prices to suit the times. Cabinet Ware and UPHOLSTERY, 624 WALNUT ST; OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE SQUARR. GEO. J. HENKEL'S, 624 WALNUT Street, or2l-Sra • Late of 173 Cheatatit Stzeet Sarin,/ Fund—Five Per Cent. intereet—Na Meal Safety Trust Company, WALNUT Street, south west corner of Titian Street, PICLAMILIMIA. Open daily till T o'clock, and on MONDAY end PRIZSDAY Eves/Nos till 9 o'clock, Deposits recelred and pep merits made daily. Assets Invented In Mar. Dansirs, MORSOAGID, GROUND RaNTB, and other first-doss amyl ties, as the charter directs. nob of nthatncto ty n, N. . J P AoUn Lth eKNIGHT, nt, B by at he a M rop ay ton Township, Bucks county, Pa., to LIZZIE R., dadiehter of Benjamin Yansant, of Bensalem Township, same county. On the 17th Instant, by Alderman Charles F, Rolf. frith, Mr. PRANOIS FINGER to Miss I,IARGARET REITER, both of this city. On the 9th instant, at 81 Paul, Minnesota, ABA W. NORTH, of this city, in the 30th year of his age. Ills relatives and male friends are respectfully inrited to attend the funeral from the residence of his father in.lavr, L. W. Glenn, No. 219 Bduth Ninth atreet, below' Walnut, on Friday morning, 2011 inst., at 10 o'clock.' To proceed to the Woodlands Cemetery. n019.2t0 On the 10th Instant, Mrs. SARAH WALLINOS, aged 80 years. On the 10th Instant, at her late realdonce, Chester county, Mrs. ANNA SHEPHERD. On the 17th instant, WILLIAM RENNEDAY, aged 31 years. On the 10th Instant, Mrs. ELIZA JANN SON, aged 46 years. Ou the 17th Instant, MARTIN O'CONNELL, la thit 224 year of his age. On the 17th instant, Mrs. REIIECOA. 11...811USTER, widow of the late Charles Master, in the 79th year of her age. Err Notice.—The Directors of the rutb. Ward Democratic Reading-Boom, baring learned that certain Unprincipled persona are collecting money for the uao of the lame, the Democratic, citizens, of the Ward aro hereby informed that no parson or potione ate, itt the present time, authorized to collect money for the same. By order of the Board of Directors. • nolo - JOB. Y. DURNBY Suntan.; (EV"— Sixteenth Ward Rellet Assoclatint...4n adjourned Meeting will be held at the ResALeg-Room, corner or Laurel and Rachel strseta, on PRISM' EVENING next, 20th Inst., at 7 &dank. AG Inter ested in the cause are respectfully invited to attend. JAOOII 0. SLEMMER, Chairman. Jona S. PAINTER, Secretary. it, FURS! FURS!! JOHN FAREIRA. & CO., Imparters, Manufacturers, and Darden in RANDY FURS, FOR LADIES AND OIIILDREN. Having manufactured an Immense Stook of PM* with the expectation of doing our usual Imaineaa, the present pressure of the Mame, and comparative stagna tion of trade, have left us with an unusual amount of Stock upon our shelves. It Is to meet this difficulty that we have now DETERMINED To close out our ENTIRE" STOCK At Prices actually less than TUEIR COST TO MANUFACTURE! We have ale(' on hand a large and complete ansort moot of GENTS , FURS, OOLLAELI, /co All of which will be sold at very MARKET St., bet. Eighth and Ninth, nol9•gw South side CITY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE. PAIL/DILYIII/, November 19, 1857. Persons having claims against this Peptatmout will present their bine on or before the let day of Demi ber, 1857. FOR NT.-A MODERN THREE. Story Brick Dwelling-house, with .brick back buildings, all the modern improvements; with a large garden, well-stocked with fruit trees and shrubbery, situated In West Hillialelphia, on Market 'trust, be tween William and Mary etreeta, south aide. Rent, ElOO per annum. Apply to ALFRED NESMITII, No. 411 MARKET Street, 6 doors above Fourth stmt. n01941* LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. AIAXWELL dc SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES, 1026 CHESTNUT Street, four door* below Eleventh And 316 EL SECOND st., below Spree.. FACTORIES. —Nos. 92 and 97 GEORGE St., Tenth, and SECOND Street, near union. Orders made at a few hours' notice. oe lmlf 'NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES.—The ship PHILADELPHIA, Captain Pool, from Liverpool, is now ready to discharge at Shippenstreet what Con aignees will plesso deliver their permits to the Custom house officer on board. All goods not pervolted lb Ave days will be Gent to public store. nol6 THOMAS RICHARDSON It CO. TOR SALE-THE NEW AND ELE ging private residence, No.I229OIIESTNUT St 22 feet front byl6o feet in depth, to Chatham street. Built in Tory superior style, with every modern couveolesce, comfort and improvement. Apply on thepremises delly 12 to 4 P. St, n01043t, If * PENNSYLVANIA BANK NO T E 8.- For Bale, a well•secuted GROUND RENT °M HO, upon three brick dwelling house and lot on Hancock street, south of Master--48 feet front, 103 feet deep-- punctually paid In quarterly payments. Pennsylvania Bank notes will be taken for It. Apply to I. O.PRICE, corner of SPRING GARDEN and THIRTEENTH Streets. n016.2w %ARM:MESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S YURNISIIING STORE and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUIPAOTORY, No, UM CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The 'Mention of Southern end Western Merchants, and Strangers, is partioularly Invited to this improved ant of Shirts, the most perfect fitting artiole made. At whole sale and retail, cod made to order, auf.tylf ATM. D. ROGERS, CARRIAGE RE-' F ♦ psaltery, 1,009 anti 1,911 CHESTNUT St., 'bore Tenth, ie now open for the este of every description of Carriages, comb ining style, durability % and elegance of finish, from tho Manufactory, at the oorner of SIXTH and MASTER Streets, to which tho attention of oitiseme, and Southern and Western gentlemen is respeothrl l 7 called, N. 11.—Espeelst attention given to carriages for re palm in the shops connected with the Repositorr. En trance en Chestnut street. 0011-atu & tb4m TAUCTIONEERS.—A thproUgh practi l Salesman, well posted, would make an engage ment to ory Evening Sales during the winter. Address EDWARD, at 4. I', Sites' 0tt1ce,152,14 WAL NUT Street. noll-tuthsaS • NIA N I L A •FLOF.T.—SUPERIOR MA 0.11. NILLAL NOPB, manufaaturad and for sale by WEAVER, & 00., ana-af Ne 4a N 22 N. 'Whams 57000 TONS of MITCHELL CROAS dale's Improved supe r PHOSPHATE OF LIMA, for este by 0160ASDAL A MILO: ft 00 n010.4f No. MI N • Delaware avenue. WELOOME RANGE.—B r om u OH AD vnOR k WRO 402 N RIMOWO Rt evilS Rm CIi!ES P. 041,1)WELL—Wholegide d Ratan waxy andtriati Natdidazar, No. 4 North 101311. TR sow." , ao4 M OBS -17 bales Carolina More, tor late by MARTIN Ie MADALIBTER, 514 I North Water SOW, Special Xotiteg. !Marriages Deaths U LOVES, LOW PRICES OEOItUE 31. 1111.1., JAMES M. LEDDI, City Oonunlenlouero JAMES LORAN, 1710.2w-ood 1134 %o °vbs. "VARD.- OURIVEDI BTODDAST k 00 Have now arranged, and for sale Rich style SILK r HODES A QUILLS. $l6 " " " 't VOLANT $l4 and 15 POPLIN `i Is $5 It 55 Rich Paris printed MOUBSEWN DsLAINE.9, 40, 44 and 50, Hick Pads *sited Preach hISIRINGES, 62g. ibloh Paris ratio striped do. Ing . Choke style GASSI.IIIRIS PLAIDS, Y7K . ' Wrench 3111114NO1iS, 55,02 g ,70 and 75. OASIEHERIS, 62g. Aad—• • BROGUE LONG SHAWLS, $O, $lO, $ll and $l2. PUNCH BLANKET SHAWLS. The above have been purchased at the late Auction, Spies In New TOrrand Phlladelphls, at greatly reduced prices, 440, 462 &ail 464 N. SECOND Street, above Willow itircELßox •fIiPIONE, TO-DAY THE dreateet Beira In AIND ON DRY OOODS Seer offered, at onif•half the usual prices. A splendid sraortment of BROCIIR LONG AND SQUARE SHAWLS, At about one•balf the mat prices. trIIItNILLIt SHAWLS At from 22 40, i 4,16, 16,11, ss, at less then one-half the usual prices. XtialTlE , °LOANS AND TALMAS, The beat At ea, at crue-htlf the regular prices, CLOT' YOE LADINO' CLOAKS, • At one-half tba regular prises, from BIM, St, S 1 25, 50, IN 75, O. ' -41KININSI BARGAINS— The largeetailowtinent ' ow:taw/MD' DRESS TRIMMINGS In the eitt,_at.testr than half..prlee. ' IMMIIIFEROM AUCTION, All ebaktand bolds, and real Yreueh, from 60 anti, 42, ri? teats— decided Batgalos. MoELROY, $ no No. 11 South NINTH Street. BLANKETS.' O,D,RWEN•STOPART Hanlon hontoui ni:tok'nilitoOook of Roams AND BOMBOIO BLANKETS, Which Oro merke4 itt • .088A,LIfitifinfaitir)4110k8'. ' " 44062•h t id 4sll SOUND Street, nolo-I,t ' 4 • l "' shore Willow. 1 1 11Tift ,ZONTINDE TO C , lsitir Skink of KNOWING ZEPHYR for a short time longer, at the lOW price of 16% ovate per ounce, and warnwit it treat inipooni Go*: - ' Attire an anortment 6 '6O.o.RTAT Bpt.T . t. 0n , ru, 14 1,' At the loweit market trice. ' " BLACK 'HAIL FliihiQlo,„„ ' -- dead . twelVe nod lt htif „ ' ' Toxother with our,olitAl AiliOnliweilf dr iddled' ' Ddlid Trimiointi, Cloth TodoelOiridibge, Ice , It the relit, ce*. pri unrAort , , • , noih- et N. W. xrptfre cluitirr sic CODDS FOR . MEN AND BOYS' WIN- T.Elt WEAR. 011R.IVEN STODDAtT h RRO. ' wail the sittetition of buyeroto the extensive Stook of BROAD oLoras, CASSIMEIIIIS, SATTINETS, And VESTINGS, To be found In their Wareroom, most of which hare 'beepArerchased at the late forced Auction Sales, at VOA* 4epreoisted prices. -N46.460, 462 and 454 N SECOND Btreot, above Willow ..411= W. E GOODS. VANS & CO., 820 CHESTNUT Street, open THIS MORNING a large tunortment of FRENCH GOODS, JUST BOUGHT AT TSB GREAT AUCTION BALE IN NEW YORK. Amongst them are ' nollt4H GREAT BARGAINS. ANOTHER CHEAP LOT ALL-WOOL NLANKETS —V. E. AItCHAMDATILT, N. E. corner Of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, will open THIS HORNING 500 pairs of extra she heavy Twilled Hibbest•bound "french Blankets, at $1 50,;1 15, $2 50 la, IPritS, U 5,0 50 , $44 117, and S S; also, 100 1220 Comfortable', at 11 15 and $2. GREAT BARGAINS IN MUSLIM!. . .. . . Yard.,lde heavy Sheeting Melding, at ag, 8,9, 10c. YlaeShirtingß', at 0, 8,10, and 12g 0. Plilow•caee Malin', extra width, at 11c. Store for great bargain", N. E. corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. nolB-4t trLISH HOSIERY AND UNDER TESTS. EHARPLESS BROTHERS Have received an invoice of a very desirable make— Women's and Misses' COTTON' ROSE. do. do. BALBRIGGAN HOSE. Men's long and half do. Saxony, Vigonia, and Merino SHIRTS. ' Elastic Silk /SHIRTS and DRAWERS. AT MUM= PRICES. CHESTNUT acid EIGHTH Sta. COOPER & GONARD, Menufactarera of Fine CLOTH CLOAKS, AND DIALNIEI IN MEN'S AND NYS' WEAR, • BLANKETS AND DOMESTICS, SHAWLS AND DRESS GOODS. • •• ESPECIAL BARGAINS in the following named goods : Ensile& Chintzes, Wool Belaines, Satinets, Union Cassinieres, Woollen Long Shawls. Droche do. 8. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Ste. N. B.—Pine Cloaks made to order. Daily additions to the stock. noll3.dOt SACRIFICES. OUR ELEGANT STOOK FANCY DRESS TRIMMINGS WILL 116 BOLD B,BOARDLESS OF LOSSES, DURING THE 5E.4.50.1V, Or ORDRIt TO INCRUST 001 LIST OF CUSTOMERS OUR FACTORY OPER:ATMS, WH Alta BRUM ZEPHYRS, All colors, 17 cents per oz. *EEL SPRING SKIRTS $3.76 each. BREECH WORKING COTTON, 17 cents per dot. SIIETLAND WOOL 10 etc per os. J. G. MAXWELL & SON, 1026 CHESTNUT STREET, nol4-1w Below Eleventh REMOVAL. - L. J. LEVY & C 0 ~ IN ANTICIPATION OW REMOVAL TO TUM SPLENDID NEW STORE, Now Wog erected for them to CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGLITII, live determined, fora porlod of 30 DAYS, To dlagoae of a largo amount of their Stock now in a tore at very LOW PRICES FOR CASH. They Invite the attention of the Public and their Cue town/ to one of the meet complete aseortmenta of lITA.PLZ AND FANCY GOODS To be found in this country, which will be disposed of for the period named, at such prices so will insure their isle. CHESTNUT STREET, noll•tf NEXT TO THE CUSTOM HOUSE HEAVY BROWN COTTONS ,One Thousand Bales SUBETINOS, SHIRTINGS, AND DRILLS, /ROY TITS LAWRENCE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, JACKSON .COMPANY, (INDIAN DEAD,) AND NASHUA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Of their various widths and styles, vrhioh are offered for sate for tlret•class paper r on SIX MONTHS' CREDIT, by the Agents of the Companies, ALFRED BLADE & CO., no4-1m 39 LETITIA STREET. PENNSYLVANIA. BANK NOTES TAKEN AT PAH FOR DRY 000DS. i'be subscriber offorp for a fear days hie entire stock of goods at prime TO SUIT TILE TIMES, and receive in payment notes of the Pennsylvania Bank. This, to ouch as may have any of this doubtful paper on hand, la offering a great liaduooment, as his stock Is one of the best in the city. Please give him an early call. B. F. JOHNSON, n014.01* 911 Market at., above Ninth, north side. GREAT SALE OF LADIES' CLOAKS. A FURTHER REDUCTION IN PRICES has been determined on by the subecrlbers, In con MILTa of the continued pretence. S I ES' peI ENGLISH BEAVER CLOAKS, $2 formerly $350. 800 MISSES' MiIOLISII BEAVER. CLOAKS, $3 60. formerly $.5 50. 250 SUPERIGH TRENCH BEAVER CLOAKS, $5 to $B, coat to import $7 to $lO each. LONG BLACK BEAVER CIRCULARS, $B, fonntirly $l2. RICH BLACK VELVET CLOAKS, All 20 per cent. below colt of production. J .W. PROCTOR & CO , Successors to Got. Bulpin & Co., nI3 2mo d 708 CHESTNUT street. BBANKOF PENNSYLVANIA.—FOR A few days longer, we will take the Notes of the above Bank at par, for Goods, at the reduced prices. We are offering immense bargain. in CLOAKS AND MIDAS. A great variety of atylea at less than the cost of material; Broebe Long and Square Shawls, Stella and Blanket do., at extraordinary low prices. DRESS GOODS, of every description, at a ascriflce. KID GLOVES, Ribbon; and Embroideries, at prices that defy ell competition. LINENS, FLANNELS, and DOMNSTICS. QUILTS AND COUNT.EBPANES.—A full lino, at ex- Unordinary low prim. I DO not mistake the Store. F. tr.. T. H. BELCHER'S, nIB et 8. W. corner Eighth and Spring Garden ate. FIVE PER CENT. PREMIUM FOR GOLD. 001;1 1,4111111011 bo recolvett ae 021 DOLLAR AND ny , mess Plnn in payment for DRY GOODS, on and a ft o tab der, at the em Store, N 0.923 Market Street, between Ninth end Tenth, north elde, ci en si t o tr A ty sA n c er t , , a ie n ie d , h e nl be ng been oi I purchased Sa Our er other'l present bi n 1: r i E n L i h c al* No. 923 Market it., nobliatett North Ode, between Ninth and Tenth. JQ.UN B. STRYKER, JR., Matsuda Dealer in ' - - AUCTION DRY . 600 . 133, No:13 DANK Argot, rbiladolphla, ooti-214 oaks; ban 7tttetion. In THOMAS & SONS, MIA Nos. 109 and 141 SOUTH WM/TR STRUT, (Formerly Nos. 87 and 69.) REAL ERTATiI, STOOKS ha. Public Bales at the Philadelphia Zzehange every Tuesday ETtitallig• Ilandldlls of each property Issued sepnrately, In addition to which we publish eu the Saturday preci ous to each sale one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving full description of all the property to be sold on the following Tuesday. DIV FURNITURE SALES AT TILE At BTOILE every Thursday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE ir7" We have a large amount of Real Estate at Pri vate Sale. incioding every description of City and country property. Printed Lists may be had at the suotion Store. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. ieVr" Real Estate entered on our Private Bale Re. glstor, and adrertised occasionally to our Public Bale Abstracts, (of whleh 1,000 copies are printed weekly ' ) free of charge. LIBRARY OF THI LATE ROBERT F. WALSH, Debt CARD.—We will WI on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, December Ist and 21, the racial° miscella neous library of the late Robert F. Walsh, log., Corn' prising elegant editions of rare and raluable book.. on various subjects. 11-7 Catalogues with full particulars will be ready three days previous to the day of sale, and the books arranged (or examination. BALE o.l' SUPERIOR, I . I7IiNITURE, ELEGANT VlAlfo ' 4o67`il, &c. 0A21) —Our sale, at the Auction store, th,e (Thurs day) morning, will Include, besides six hundred lots of elegant second-hand furniture, an elegant Scharr, 7 octave, piano -forte, ace mirrors, flue tapestry Brue. eels, and velvet carpets, china and giase-ware, plated wares, superior book eases, superior beds and balding, large number of stoves, Various kinds, comprising au attractive assortment, and worthydbe attention of those desirous of purchasing. ire Catalogues now ready and the articles arranged for examination. REAL ESTATE SALE—DECEMBER lit. Administrators' Sale—Estate of Richard Paxson, Dec'd, formerly of Dr. Shippen. ELEGANT COUNTRY BEAT AND FARM, ABOUT SIXTREN MILES FROM MARKET STREET, AND THREE FROM BRISTOL. Our mile let December will include the valuable country seat and farm, 16T acres, with superior improve ments, known AS " YARLHy, ,, situate on the heights, on the west side of Neshamony Creek, between the Bristol turnpike and the Newport road. ii:7" Full particulare In handbills. Orphans' Court Bale—Estate of William U. Lennen, deceased. FRAME DWELLING, Mar WARD. Frame dwelling, north side of Wood street, between green lane and Levering street, Twenty-drat Want. Orphans' Court. Sale—Estate of Lynch, minors. TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE. Two-story brick house, Thirds' court, between Tenth sl u fleyenth stieets, below Locust. " NEAT MODERN, RESIDENCE. ,Nleos nedquodogn redidenza, No. 153 North Fifteenth ntisc:SgabdoyerAtch eqnvonienepstreet, fink:l w t ith modern Improve blanil. M YWO'HANDSOMW NEW RESIDENCES, Nos. IS% 1823 patatiolc, PLACE,..DETWEEN. NIGH NINETEENTH AND )3PRUCIE AND STREETS. Two handsome nine fotir-iticd'y brink- ?wideness, with threOlory back buildinggiand rapists , with all the modlitp impterenT n tsl i coneettlence . They will be. soßseparetely. me te nicsmesion. 'rpm VALI/ OLN LOffl; 'WALNUT armpl i • • • • . WEST PIIILADELPRIA. ,Three valuable. lots, Wahmt street, east of Marls, retta street—each 60 feet front, 220 feet . deep to York street. Clear of all Membrane°. Administrators' Peremptory Bale. A THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, TWENTY FIRST STREET. Algo, • three-story brick dwelling, Twenty-first street, below Hamilton street. 'CRREE•STORY BRICK STORE AND DWELLING. Tlaree.story brick store nod dwelling, Ridge avenue, below Oxford etreet, TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING. Two-story brick dwelling, Columbia, avenue, east of Ridge avenue. PEREMPTORY BALE.—TIIIIEE GROUND RENTS. Throe ground rents—one of $l2O, one of $36, and one of $3O per annum, Executor's Peremptory Bale—Estate of Charlotte Basler, Dore!mod TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING. Two-story brick dwelling, with back-buildings, west aide Bt. John street, above Noble street. Same Eaatate, GROUND RENT—SIO2 A YEAR A well loci:trod yearly ground rout of $lO3 a year on prbporty Delaware Front and Water streets, between Vine and Oallowhill streets. Sale absolute. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. Three-story brick dwelling, No 1017 Vernon street, between Tenth and Blerenth, and Parrish and Brown streets, LOT OF GROUND. Lot of Ground southwest comer of Columbia avenue and Twenty-sevouth street. Sale Noe. 130 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FINE MIRRORS, ROSE WOOD PIANO-FORTES, VELVET OARPEPS, &o. This Morning, At 10 &sleek, at the Auction Store on extensire as. sortment of eecond-hand furniture, diners, pianoforte, carpets, &c . ,Jran families declining houeneeping. EC/ANT ROSEIVOO6_PIANO .. • . Also, a superior rosewood pituo, 7 octavea, made by B. N. Seller. Sale at. No. 1725 Arch street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, VELVET CARPETS, MIRRORS, OIL CLOTHS, Ac., Ac. Oa Friday Morning, 20th instant, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at No. 1725 Arch street (above Seventeenth), the entire superior furniture, An , all =de to order, and been but little used. ID'day be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of sale. SALE OP NEW kIEDIOAL BOOKS. On Saturday Evening, Nov. 21, at the auction store, Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth street, an assortment of valuable medical books. ID — Pot particulars see catalogues and the books, which will be arranged on Saturday morning. Salo at No. 1012 Walnut Street. FASHIONABLE FURNITURE, SPLENDID ERARD GRAND PIANO, LARGE FRENCH PLATE MAN TEL AND PIER MIRRORS, ELEGANT CURTAINS, CHANDELIERS, CARPETS,' 0 1111 L U WALL. BRACKETS, BOOK-CASES, he., he. On Wednesday Morning, 25th instant, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at No. 1012 Walnut street (west of Sixteenth street), the fashiona ble furniture, Erand piano forte, mirrors, carpets, he , he., of a lady removing to the country. ID — Full particulars in catalogues. May be examined the day previous to sale from 11 to 3 o'clock. AT PRIVATE BALE, Sham in the Academy of Music; Point Breeze Park ; Philadelphia, and Mercantile Librarici ; Atheneum, &c. 55,000 WANTED on mortgage on a 'valuable pre *smut - . VETOLBERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 431 WIEST NOT Street opposite the Custom [louse, between Fourth and Path Streets. • SPECIAL SALE OP FURS. On Monday morning, 211 instant, commencing I,t I.UX o'clock precisely we will sell, without reserve, a large and valuable consign ment of . fashienably made, furs for ladies', gents' and misses wear, consisting of Wines, carriage capes, muffs, victorines, pelortnes, gloves, caps, culls, kc., made of Siberian squirrel, inpt, sable, stone martin, ermine, chmehilli, swan's down, A.c. 110— The whole will be arranged for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale, when the la dles and gentlemen of this city aro respectfully invited to attend. %tmusemento lIE A TLE Y's ARCH ST. THEATRE. E. L. DAVENPORT'S BENEFIT, FRIDAY EVENING, NOV. 20TH, 1867. Bulwuris admired play of RIO lIEL U ; OR, THE CONSPIRAOY.XI Cardinal Richelieu, (let time)....Mr. E L Davenport. Julie De Mortemat Idea E. L.Davenport. Adricn De Mauprat Mr. Wheatley. Count De Banos Mr. Dolman. Josph Mr. W. S. Fredericka. Francois Miss Anna Cruise. To bo followed by the popular Drama, in two acte, entitled : TIME TRIES ALL; OR, A LESSON FOR LOVERS. Mr. Leeson Mr. Thayer. Tom Tact Mr. J. 8. Clarke. Laura Leeson Mrs, D. P. Bowers. Funny Tact Miss Emma Taylor. lloz Book no open. nolS.2t* WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Les too, Mr. E. A. Marshall; Stage Manager. Mr. John Sefton. Prices —Dtess Circle and Parquette, 25 cents; Upper Circle, 26 cents; Secured Sesta, ais cents; Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 50 cents. Box Office open from 9 o'clock A M. to 3 P. M. Doors open at 0)g o'clock; performance to continence at 7, precisely TIIIB (Thursday) EVENING. Noy. 19th, 1857, . Will be performed FIRST NIGHT; OR, A PEEP BEHIND TILE SCENES. Achille Telma Durant ...... NOVELTY EMMBIN wHEATLEY's ARCH ST. THEATRE. —SOLE LESSEE ..... W. WHEATLEY, THIS (Thursday) EVENING, Nov, 19th, 1357, Will be presented CHARITY'S LOVE. Capt. Algernon Mr. E. L. Davenport. Charity Mrs. E. L. Davenport. 11011 ROY; OR, AULD LANG SYNE. Rob Roy Macgregor Campbell.... Mr. E. L. Davenport. Helen Macgregor Mrs. D. P. Bowers. Sams or Patoß.9.—Boxes. 25 cents • Secured Seats, 33; Orchestra Stella ; 60 cents; Boats ill Private Doles, 75 canto; Gallery, 13 cents; Gallery for Colored Persons, 26 cents; Private Bog in Gallery for Colored Persons. 38 cents. ]lox Office open from 10 A. M. until 3 P. M. • Doors will open at 6)i o'clock; performance to commence at 7, precisely. NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST., 11 Ii SAR NIOIITII. DUCKLST'S SERENADERS. THIS (Thursday) EVENING, Nue.l9th. Will be preseute4 2TIIIOPIAN I.IINBTKRUT AND DANCING. 801INAAIDITLA. Dinah Mies 0. 101tert. LEIZMIIMM=I NOTICE--In order to bring this great entertainment within the reach of all, the manager would respectfully announce that the price of admission ham been fixed, to all parts of the house, at TWENTY-FIVE CENT.I ONLY. Doors open at 7 ; Curtain rises at half past 7 precisely. B. E. HARRIS, Fele Lessee and Manager. sANFORD' B OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Street. above Chestnut. ETHIOPIAN PERFORMANCES THIS EVENING. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by Sauford's Troupe of Stara—New Dances by the Sanford Children Doom opou at 7 o'clock—to commence quarter before eight. To conclude with A LAUGHABLE AFTERPIECE. Admittance BS qeuts. illoncn SCULL, CAMBLOS, & CO., BANK..EI, No. 35 South Third Street. The higliost primium paid for AMERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORK EXOTIANUE. llncurtent Funds bought and told. Stocks bought sod sold on commission only. nolo-2m* -- ill W. TIN(xL Y CO., BA. — NKERS JUN No. 97 South THIRD Street, PlalladelphLe• COLLECTIONS promptly made on all azoeulble pants In the United States and Canada. Stooks, Bondi, &o. Bought and Sold on Conseateelen. trilearrent Dank Notes, Cheeks, he., bought at the lowed rates. Deposits reealeiell and Interest allowed, as per erre• - nor 2-9 m molt CONGRESS RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAD wiciac & 880, N 0.202 N. BROOND Streit. 020)0 9irox WE LC GIN RANGE.—SOLD BY CHAU V V . W/011 do Dm), IN N. SJOOND At. 0044. t Oalsis w 20i* , , JAMES A, FREEMAN, Ationdrelra, cm. 423 WALNUT STRUT Aim IPOTTITH. ILARD-SAL! Of no trenpu) irtratirrels-rnis. V'. We bog Iwo to interns tho piddle that we held nor regular weekly salsa of Fu,ruiture ever Tuesday at our SPACIOUS SALES ROOM, NO. 1 6$ WALT STREET, whore every riegiblo attention is given to ob tain the highest prima for thegosals of those who may favor us with consigurnentil. letatlles haring portloos of their furniture to diepostiot, or those declining bows keeping and not wishing ages at their own dVell ear l have their furniture CAREFULLY hamovsr OUR SALES ROOM, WHERE TLINT WILL lIMAIAL BETTER PIWJES FOR THEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY CAN OBTAIN FROM ANT OF THE SURE'. TURE DEALERS OR ANY OTHER AUCTION STORE IN THE OITE. ET Persons favoring us with consignments can rut altered thattheir property will not be sacrificed. ITT Coutmiuleal more moderate Wm thaw shulytel by any other Auction House In the city. Ceaeigraneate respectfully national. OS. Ogg paid Immediately al* the goods eve soli. REAL ESTATE SALM, DECEMBER 2,1, 1837. This We will Include.— Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Long Minors. PROPHESY, MARINER STREET. A two-story brick house and lot of ground, on the south side of Mariner street, 96 feet west of Thirteenth street, 18 fset front, 47 feet 1 Inch deep. /32 ground rent. AT PRIVATE SALE. A. first-cisme Printing Off leo, with stood mof heli um, four printing premed, two Ruggles and ono Ada= Type and everything necessary for the holiness. Apply at the Auction Stars. MOSES N A THA N S, AUCTIONEER 17R: AND COMMISSION IaRROHANT, B. R. emu RIXTII and RAOI4 atreets. • AT PRIVATE BALE—GoId and silver patent lever, Lepine, Englab, Berle., and Trench matches, jewelry, of every description, musical instruments, to., do. • AT PRIVATE BALE—Arrepged on second Soar, household furniture, of every description, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking glasses, Laney articles, itet., Out-door sales attemlei to minimally by the Mistime Ser. (Mugu' very low. Consignments of retrains* clothing, Jewelry, AL an ,solleitiel. NATHAN'S PRINCIPAL LOAN 017101, 8.8. Corner of Sixth and Race Streets, Where money will be lotued on gold and silver plate Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry G Hardware, oods, Grocerler, Segue, ardware, Cutlery, rualturs, Rid ding, Hones, Vehicles, Harness, Stooks. and on all ay tales of value for any length of time agreed ani ati mars satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estab lishment. hf. . IiATNANB, NOTIOII.—AII goods forfeited at liariuma's Loan Office, 8. E. cornet of dlith and Rao. 'trot', will be sold at public sactioic, on Tuesday wonting, 24th of November, at 10 o'cloc k , unless depositors call prevloua thereto, and pay charges, and retiov their certilloatea. Moses Nathan', 8. E. corner of Binh and Buie Weida, Nierthirs , s GREAT BALM 01 ROBIBITEDIIOOIIB, Will tale place On Tuesdaj Horning, November 11th, al 10 o'clock, at Moses Nsthanahr auction store, 8. It:corner of Sixth and Race sheets, in the second-story room—entrance from Race street. It will maraca the largest assortment of goods ever offered at public auction, comprising a tares astl t i a tez eel assortment of supernal, overcoats, Beg bas, dress and bock coats, holiness pats, vies, handkerchiefs, boots, shoes, umbra shirts, thy goods, costa, 'pants, and vest pattersa, , nsahnlers, jopi merino, dame detains semi . 41rd* dre dresi patterns, UM and eblldrenhs !pi ,L. and, shoes, gum/ blest, allls, amino, apil eltitis j talcoas, saps, u 55,,,........ ,2 oraps, silk; stet , plaid 'ikoktUiii, , OOP shmeli, , parasols,' " hedsigiroolt,' • 4nit -,' ' blankets, 'heists, pillow-oases, ,booliai, loteu I skates pistols, smel li ng-trunks, valiset tutu cookikstoves, sad•lrons, musical 'this not ' ; ' • elegant olltor-plated tes•aet, chini gliad mid ware,• cigars, daguerreotype dames, emnplota,,wa lixtoroo, microscopes surveyor ' s instromants, made by, Knox & Sillllll, paintings, engravings, laklng-glissea, and a thousand other artiolis. Particulars keresfter., WEBB'S groat sale of forfeited Watches,, jewelry, ' Gunn, Pistols, Musical Instmmenta, willtak• place shortly. Dna notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of Dry Goode, Clothing, Bedding ? at e., being forfeited collaterals, will tea* place shortly. Due notice will be given. AT PRIVATE BALE, AT RAIN THE USUAL BELLING PRIOES.—Double-bottomed and hooting case gold patent lever watches, of the most sp.. proved makes; hunting case and open face gold escape ment lever and lepine watches, fulAjeweled; fine gold enameled lever and !opine watches for ladies',• gold jewelry of every description; silver lever and lapine watches. In hunting cases and open face; sliver English, Swiss, and Trench watches; a general assortment of fur niture, beds, mattresses, mirrors. &o. OUI.DOOR SALVS SOLICITED, and charges to salt the times, low. Consignments of every description of goods solleited for public; °cyclists sale. MONEY ADVANCED can't and every kind of goods, for public or private sale, or to be held for a Hunted time. Cho es low. SSAMUELNATIIANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OPYICE, No. 112 Sou th THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Year at., only eight doors below the Exchange. Henn of business from 7 o'clock, A. 11., until 10 o'clock in the evening. Out-door salsa, and males at the Auction House, at• tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL *2OO 000. Estabitthedfer the lass 174irry Years. Advmaces made from one dollar to thousands on Dia moods, Silver Plats Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, MC! chandise, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Mules) Initrumenta, Gnus, Homes, Carriages, and Goode of every description. EMSM2O;M= All advances, from one hundred dollen and upwards will be charged 2 per cent. per month i 1600 and over, the lowest market rate. This Btore House having a depth of 120 feet, haai►rge Ire and thief-proof vaults to store all valuable*, and prt eats watchmen for the premises • also, a heavy tram ranee effected for the benefit of all ' persona having goods advanced upon N. B.—On aenount of haring an unlimited capital. thin °Mee Is prepared to make advances on more math factory and aelommedating terms than any other Is thin pity. Money advanced to the poor, in mall =mutts, with out any charge. AT PRIVATE BALI. Gold Patent Layer and other Watches, levelly, and °lathing will be sold at reduced prices. aul-ly GEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER N. N. owner of BABSON and SOUTH &rests above Second. .11VENING BALES. BALKS ItVY..I3Y SATURDAY . At TX o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware Cut lery, licmsekeeping Articles, Clothing, Wetches, Jewel ry, Fancy Articles, ko. insurance trompattits. P' .'. $ ' A .• " - $ : COMPANY, OP TUN ,BTATE OP PINNBAVA. • • Aid- SPLK).OOO. -• 4. DAVID JAYNI, M. D., President. THOMAS 8. BTXWART, Tie, Pres% EMIT, 8. MOON, Secretary. aIRARD FIRE ictiCN COMPANY, PU 802 WALNUT street, west " fin aIBKB Wm. M. Saida, Johu Anapach, Jr., U. N. Burroughs, J. B. Hughei, ' Y. D. Sherman, Wm. P. Hacker, J. P. Steiner, H. A, Shackelford, Hon. JON! Hon. O. W. WOODWAHD, JNO. S Una B. Amman. Assl F OR SHER IFF CALEB S. 'WRIGHT, 711711 WORD. Subject to Democratic rules FOR SHERIFF ALDERMAN GEORGE MOORE, /DIME WAND. Subject to Democratic Rules. FOR SHERIFF JAAIES G. GIBBON, irwllvtir-esCoND WARD. Subject to Demotrath Rolm FOR SHERIFF, EDWARD T. MOTT, TWELFTH WARD RIIRJECT TO DEMOCRATIC RELIC COlB2m* WANTED, FOR THE 'UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will he given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from $l2 to $22 per month. No man having a. wife or child will be emoted. Apply for MOUNTED &ENTICE, at No. SIT MARKET street above Eighth, north side. EM n M II Mr. Chanfrau WILMA!! B. ROYAL!, • let Lieut. 2d Regt. of Cavalry, oct 6-2m* Recreating Officer E 5 ass attb China Mire JEW STORE. NEW GOODS MAKEISEN & WITTE, MASONIC HALL, 713 CHESTNUT sr., NAYS NOW ON NAND • Complete sod splendid assortment of WRITE , GOLD BAND, and DECORATED FRENCH CHINA.; BOH MIAN, CRYSTAL, and COLORED GLASSWARE; RISC, VARIAN, LAVA, sad TERRA COTTA WARES, besides the greatest variety of FANCY ARTICLES, • which will be cold at lower prim thin at awywhollar store is the United States. CAVING FUND.-UNITED STATES e.. 7 TRUST COILPANY, earner at THIRD and 01INST. NUT Streets. Large and small sums received, and paid bask on de mand, without notice, with FIVE PER OENT NET from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. • Office llonrs, from 9 until 5 o'clock every day, and on BIONDdY EVENINWS from 7 until D o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on England, Ireland, and &otland, from £1 upwards. Prealdeat—OTEPTlllN R. CRIWYORD. Treasurer—PLlNY FISK. Teller—JANlE3 It. HUNTBR. sil7.lylf CITY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE, PIIILMAILTUIA, NOV. 3,18.57. NOTICE —The Board of Reviaion will meet It Ma Office on the following named days, from 10 o'clock A. M., until 1 o'clock I! M. Ist and 24 Wards au Monday, November 9,1857. 3l 4th " Tuesday, " 10, '• sth oth Wednesday, It 11, ti 7th Bth tt Thursday, " 12, tt 9th 10th it Friday, 13, 11th 12th it Saturday, " 14, 13th 14th ti Monday, it 10, it 15th 19th it Tuesday, ti 17, it 17th 18th " Wednesday, tt it te 19th 20th II Thursday, 't 19, " 2lst 22d " Friday, 20, ti 234 24th " Saturday, " 21, " The Assessors of the several Wards will be particular in attending upon the days of the locating or their Ward.. GEOROB M. HILL, JAMES M. LEDBT. I Board of LAMES 1,041 AN, PETER ARMERVOTER, Revision. WILLIAM V. McORATII, navy-dt2lst YON'S PURE OHIO CAT A " BA Brandy Is more valuable am a medicinal remedial agent than the thousand quack nostrums of the day united. Lyon's Catawba Brandy renovates, renews and life. atreugthene the system, aiding fMgeetion,e dispelling Flatulency and the canoe et dieeue. carefully packed in boxes of 1 dozen each for trans. portntion. Price $1.23 per Pottle, with discount to declare. Bole wholesale agents— , FRENCH, RICHARDS, & OQO. N, cor. Tenth and Market its., Phila. For ule by Horn, corner Third and Drown. Zeigler et Smith, tor. Second end Green. Dugan ' corner Third and South. • And Drti lets and Grocer, generally. nol&Itt SPIRITS TURPENTINE-200 bble Spits Turpootino, to win, for We by )I4.9WIAOLLIBTIR, en 1 ortk /Nat ;level, r.l) MARINE INSIJR r He. )f THIRD. ONLY TAKEN." Prolll. Jer. Walker, Jno. Medlar*, Tho. 0/11Te A. 8. Gillett, Barnum Sheppard, Semi. Jones, Joseph Shipp, H. D. 'L TONES, President. I, Vice Prealdent. . tloMuct.te, fieeretary. ItantSetratary. no2-Inrif Political nol7-1m illanto. fIROPO3ALS IP OR ERECTING THE E. °mom HOD/Uti tee., at Raul Amboy, New Jeremy. TittaStrer DlZalaranwp, Watitlerow, Depbember Met, PILOPOSALP will be reesited 4WD Dspertmentastd ilia Sigh day of November, A. D 1.07, at 12 o'clock noon, for the construction of the Custom Nome, Peet lletre, and Court Noon", arthorised to be .meted at Pldrill AMBOY, New/ army, warding to the plans Lad epeeilleetious impaired at this Department; said proposed" to be either foe the whole building, or +SW ate for the dillerent kb:stool work; bit. of pared. mut In every rase meempany each bid, with the amount of each kind of work, and the total same% mewled set; the Department reserving the right to reject or accept the Proposal. hereby ladled, or say part thereof. whey is deems the listerat of "the United ittatme . = It; the Department siio reserves the right to the bids of say poses or pergola wham there le Jost mime to believe will not faithfully perform the contras's, as which they have attempted to obtain by Wired: Sit and all bids when there shall be parties in intermit eh* do not jell" In the bide, and all bids that apse terest*•- llon are below a fair price for the wort. Bids wall not be received to ma, and no entree wIL he awarded to • bidder eaten details are furnished the Department of the prime of the ditereat bads of work sad moterials, which dual le .abject to the mes asn of the Department, so that it may adapt the abate or part of the bid, as the interests of the United SUMO may require. Hanel/ per cane. of the 142011.12 t of mart dame, aid materials delivered mearding to contract pies (said amount to he ascertained by an eittmate of so ',twat of the Department appointed for that purpose.) will har paid from time to tune as the mirk paregreisse, and tea per mint. retained until the completion of the centred. and the acceptance of the wort, de , by the spat afore. said, and be forfeited in the event of nondsillhamet of contract. Contract will be awarded only to inastawbeildeas and ateehanielp; and the aalignment thereof, sweeps b 7 Ma sent of the Secretary of the Treasasy, will bye foefelt tire of the same. RukoPropcsal mutt be secampanied by a written goer ante,. mined by two retporukble perwoup (certided to be to by th e United Iltatee Metric; Judge, er Attorney of the uld Dietriet), in the tun of $6,000 for the Want work, or of a proportionate wacant ot say pt Shea the bidder will, when required, ii his prepoeat be aceePted, enter Into a contract and bond, with proper end *an cient socurities, for its faithful performance. Porno of Bond and Certilleate required WI be fur nished on application to the Department • Plana, aperifitatione, and working drawings, will be ready on the let of November , whoa they ran be had an application to the Department. - No bid will be towsbiered cairn it fully rosy/its, in ail tb details. with the ontsiresetete of ate alter. liana let. She proposals mart be seat to this Department, ad dressed to the Secretary of the Treasury, sail plaialy endorsed " PBOtOSALS FOR TH.S PERTH datilOT CUSTOM HQUSS,' , anti will be opened at on. o'clock of the last day' named for recelyieg thrums. - HOWSLL COBB, decretery of the Tommy. oat- th oktn-bth24 T - TNITED STATES POST—OFFICE, IN NW. TEN CITY ON PRILIDEPHIL.. • • Widui tROPOSALIL ter ipappijiag matertala end yeriniastehlp required In erection aml emetrtustior of a PO4;01110. , the City of PhlledolPhlnt for the United Mabee Pastishe Department, will he re mixed at the Mlles of the Amd*rrgneti.comisubirsonac for the bellding , No. 1011 Smith Anna Stmt, on at before the twelfth day 6f December next. - Contracts .will be awarded only to master-builders and mechanics. Each Worm! most be accompentod ;by a written guarantee, signed by two responsible per sone, to the sweet Aid the bidder, will, when requited, if hie proposal be smelted, enter into a contract end lestidviOt proper net enllidient Me imitated for it' faith .;lll=7"' tilde on be won • ..... n rerrat • late of Me drehitent, Jetta lif' IS Likely 'Widmer, lama eimiyireemettref senteainte and work nildt=l/ .6. t ; r moat be mint to 'the olio's of t h e Com.' ,inifonsr atid - mddrahmtl to- John line; and endorsed '"Pitoposet kr thetljelded Ittatel:Poet-oftee et Philit 'delrPbot," efd VII be:opened ad noon lathe Inannamen Iday for reserring,the 11=16, . SIM • 110r/i4e4.2 ' • 'Oominiertoner. . - • goals aitb iessausaiils. MBROHANTS' H¢TEL, NORTH POUNTH Alenna utiow, • PHILIWILPHIA. 1101713381 N t 80N8, Puniness. • JONES'. • A. &OH STREET SALOONS, . 727 and 729 ARCH STREET. To the Ladies, as well a.II to the whole public, these Saloins ore the most attractive In the City, and in splendor of adornment led finish ere ■eperlor to soy to this country. BREAKFASTS, DINNRRS, AND SUPPBRS, Served up tattle choked and toast e.xpeditious style. Every variety of FANOY AND ORNAMENTAL CONFECTIONERY, FRUIT OF ALL KINDS, DOB CREAM, JELLIES, GAME, AND OYSTERS, Con"tautly ready for list Blurbs profusion. PLAIN, TANCY, LTD OftllatZ3TAL . CAKES AND PIPS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW YORE TEA BISCUIT,. And, In fact, all the VARIETIES, LUXURIES, and DELICACIES of every clime and country_ BALLS, PRIVATE PARTIES, Presentation Supper", sad Families 'applied at the shortest notice and on seasonable terms. OPEN ON SUNDAY AFTERNOONS AND EVENINGS, A eontinnance of the patronage hitherto so liberally bestowed by the public is respeetfally solicited. aIS y IL B JONES, Proprietor. RETRY BROTHERS'S RESTAIIIINT, TH South THIRD Street, opposite the new YeaagT. •aata Unread Oe PRICES REDUCED. We tontinuo to koop our platoons 21. Sind/us Horton twat wittt *Tel, oormentonro in rowed to private ponied'. - We hare also made arransomenti to serve hi our com modious Basement a variety of well-prepared Cold and Warm Dished, at prices to Butt and answer the waive:k lieg of Ike times. Our 'Wines and Liquors are not surpaased by coy in the city. nolo-tuthiks-lm PSTRY BROMISM. CAMPBELL'S RESTAURANT.— ' XI SON, Wild Ducks, Torkey, Osseo, GrAM••• Prate Mambo Chlricatlque, Opiasehique,Drineese Dair„ Abet s= iaid Cove Oysters, with IT. variety of GAME, aid or domestic, in memo- Green Turtle Soap sad Terrapin Suppers served op at theahorteat notice, at JOHN CAMPBELL'S, No. 1417 CHESTNUT &sot, op polite the State House. K.B.—No impetus or rains has been 'pinta by the Proprietor In fitting up this new establishment in the most sumptuous manner—the second story being fcr the sccommodation of Private Parties for Divans, &Timm, /to. 11Y Lamm for Ladles towards alitkairilat. I I • 1 4 4r.i 4' BM SALOON, No. 2111 Clortor's .y. ' 7 n 4 - dolphla. MaGOWAIPS RESTAURANT, SOUTH west corner of BROAD and WALNUT.—Game. and all other deltoids' in sauna. 71b1lies sunlit d with Oysterson the aborted entree. IePT-,21 lITAMAR gr. BUTZ, PORTER, ALE KJ AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 330 (new N 0.938) North THIRD Street, Thlladelphls.--Sblning orders prompt)y attended to. fire Proof Safes. SALAMANDER .SAFES. A large saaortment of IVANS WATSON'S PRILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDS3 VAITLT DOORS, Tar Banks and Mosta. RANI Loon, Noll to any twirls au. IRON DOORS, SUIITTNRS, On U. good terms u any other establishment to the United States, by STARS & WATSON, No. SS Smith FOURTH street Philadelphia. outsffles. COMMUSSiIiIrI illentants. PLEASE GIVE VS A. CALL 11. CHASE & 00. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 48. North VRONT and 44 WATER Street, ThilledelphlA. CONS I'ANIZT LICE/ Vll4 CLOVER SEED On consignment from the interior of Pennsylrante, where our new Cleaning Mill is now in general nos. Also, TIMOTHY AND RED TOY always on hand. ul2-tf 111NDY & BRENNER-COMMISSION MEACTIANT3 and beeline In ?octave and Am.- new' HARDWARE and OUTLERY, NO.. 23, 23 and 2T North WIPTEL BUeet, Rut aide above Commerce street, Philadelphia. anl-tf CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER CHANT and Impostor of HAVANA REGAIVS, (New) 138 Walnut street second story. aul-ly edema antr Cigars f4AV.A.NA CIGARS—A handsome sem 11. Event, sink as ligtre, tholtaza, ' Mama, Gloria, Jupiter, Wont., Oeurarelautes, Torrey Lopes, Union Americana, °repo, Flora Cabana, he., de, ke. t in X, If, 1-II ant MO es, of all sizes and quail llas, le Wieland oosuttantly reediting, and for sale low, by - CHARLES TEFF, (now) 11S WALNUT Street, below !locoed. second story FIGARO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS HKt7AR9 — J aboice Levolto of time celebrated brand, on board brig "New Jr.," daily expected from Maar* and for sat low, by CHARLES TITS, • (New) /MI Walneet stme, below &cola, , aal boomed Flom Tlowing Sa)OF THE NOTES OF THE ,000 DANK OF PENNSYLVANIA yin 1,. taken at par for CLOTHS, OISSINIERES, SATTINEFS, Vertinga, Flumes, Muslin', Umbrellas, Gentlemen's Wrappers, Shawls, Shirts, Drawer', foolery, Gloves and Cravats Atm— GENTLEMEN'S READY MADE CLOTHING. A large consignment of which has just been termed, eouipilslog a splendid assortment of )Isesna,Banirrips, dseks, Dress stud Trott Costs. business Cants, Pants and Vests, to be closed oot, lerkedersle or retail. at bit 11INOR Street, between Filth and Sllth. Market and Chestnut streets. 3IONROE k CO., Importers, Jobbers and Commission Iferefents N. ft —Consignments whetted and ad.ramees taa.le al6-3t* ALE -I.BSOLUTE.—LOUIS lIANO, No. 1104 MARKET Street, eeeond door some Elev enth, offers his entire Stock of ready-nude CLOTHING et halt price. Fine Dress Frock Coate 5,5 50 56 60 $7 53 ll Sank Overcoats. 500 600 700 Dearer Bancap Coats 500 600 700 New style Raglan Costa 600 7 00. 900 1,01/0 Brown London Etna... Coate. SOO worth 11 00 Pine Black and Fancy Cass. Pant... 175 STS 3TS I am now forced to Nell the entire Stock on account Of POEM pecuniary circumstances. This notice is posi tive, sod not like a good many offer. to eell at cost; but I am obliged to sell, and will sell anyhow at any price mas r than be sold. Sale commences ati A. 31. till 9 P. 31at LOCIS 11.1.N0t6, 1101 5113t1IST St., wont door ;Move 'Eleventh. bolt-6t Bank Notices. T HE PHILADELPHIA BANK. poiLanzi.pin., November 1T,111.57. At the Annual Election, held yesterday, the follow ing named gentlemen wore elected Directors for the waningyear THOMAS ROBINS. &men, P SWISH. JOSHUA LoNarrarnt, QIIINTIN CLICPEtiLL, RICHARD D. WOOD, JOHN W. CLAGEORS, JOHN WRIIIII, JOSEPH SWIFT MARSHALL Mu g Lzwis E. minimum LILAC RTAILI, mt, ABRAHAM ERRS, MC =IMO. And at the meeting of the Board of Direefors, held ada day, Taonsaß 'ROBINS, Req., Ira/ unanimmely to.st•cted hugest. 50144) B. S. CQXIOII, 0141431 t
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