The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, November 19, 1857, Image 2

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lA. , PRESS ,
417 0111111TNUT STAMM,
'At 1 '44.'4444441114‘iiiiy. I'l4
Tide paper Is 'pahlishod expilaidi far
--" ItlativotailA •ent(ltrUcrloll, •
AtiArn, Tut' has trass:
Tlrid,la arir,litiy, Mats; sat til , ASlactlo SUSS', 'stars
rha:diartara et Mks last **Sitar in
All b6idea Ship •• , '
' • tc.4)flt !Toss
Yaet beluoldali la Dolma 10 alaiSch Tilt MORNING.
Cairiceir.:o,2p7,:to shoat wrappers,
atihshad;raimii,f4#'ss!/11,/5ai."..:," ;
tii:e-,iiitEnY Puss.
tior tea week ending
.BAtiplAtAber 21, U Aim midi at • out counter:
T*ll*o4o4its, tlipCirOolt annually Intat , sojig and
f6litd4 ,
10/11 ;;IXt ► A'l 0!1 40AJNAT ,01:IBA AND .
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itrstagligeroi )1T - 111LIGNAPH AND
t ;_111,i118, Ifaog, wAsprNocas, c4Lipbuxu.,'
inistokizoN, pi, Tag' raw Wadi* OF Taw
istwAtis or tuna Borg:
wsint,xuavuow.ov TUB DIULLDELPRIA UAL
culittr9 ., Dipog WITHOUT aMoki. ,
THH OLD,MANI;STORT—D/ Oumataiflocoss. •
- F00,E1411 3111110ELL&NEOUS NEWS.
FIIO3f - ArAICk -
"LATLIe FEoif zu.nopio.
THE cArrtritE or.pkuu.
101X)rf ph) ITHI'EOPLE.
TiI*MIGRATIbIf 'PROM rigtimrb.
**oil AssyrAtloNs IN WAR.
, L431.11.!-ETE4STERS. ,
A t010E...813031 OLDtVIEGINTA: ,
143tr.E.PPION OP 111101i9 0015NTY
novvro, EAIBE - A stow:
VApP r IO7SEN- AND ;101L8ON,
TOE WEEKLY PRESS L famished to ' Pub c9rlbers at
per Year, in ittiaricr,..for Qui Ales Opp, land clubi
or twenty, , when . lent to ono Albers, $2O, liaArance.
for, cal* at tha‘oontiter of Tan Poses of,,
fice;itrionliypers, relay fcir malllrit.
'persoiur sewEnir WOO ,or twenty or wirer rdll *we
' mind shit oc:dir•a,
reefed carlias Oil; dui prier of 11:20
'Par araina pad, 'and, paid itd 'vanes: ", This' la in
areariinre with au: itiblistied rata; and iota of oar
,linva'aferlni*ed- tt: Var hantrlir4 tralpst as
' 46 id*ri to 4hla:ala. -
, .
• rntirr Pan a ";....Ttre Rule of EilltarT
telaironiez ; The 114eiliceite and Governor
Walker t'')i elite 'Midi!: Nettlena Of•:,,Tbef Wood
man and•Tarriesa 'Affair;
.Alionumeeld.Sea ;
Sabrneririe :Railway Exploration; _General
"Mena. • Foes= Pane—The Old Maa'a Story,
by 014rles Dlokely. , ' • • • '
Wf!`:toti!:ijish ; .thiFi morning' the = schedule
adopted' by the Kansas ~ Oonetitutional Pou
f vention:,. .Contrary to what we , conceive to be
the , true' intent and meaning Ut the Kansas
, Nebraska Act, the resolutions of the Cincin
nati Platform, the inaugural Address of Mr.
3613011AXAN, the recomniendationa of Governor
Wararna, the pledges of many of the members
of that Convention, the general expectations of
the in defiance of tbe truitprinciples
efliberal demoCratic government, thatbodyhss
retbSed to submit itswork fairly to, the citizens
.et,,lCarisas.: , There is no honest sitbmissioif of
the'new:Constitution to : the adtion. or the pee
-kis provided that they nasty vote for
as thri Constitntiori,with slivery," or for, a the
Constitution :without slavery," but they can.
not vote ,against the Constitution no matter
, much they may be opposed to its pro
visions. They ' are not allowed an 0p
.,. portUnitY, '"of saying whether , they do or
• do - not . desire., the doOument frarned , by
' thin Con*ention, to be their fundamental law,
, and Ogle abnegation of thiaprlillege they are
deprived of the full exercise of that right of
touting - their.oaiOnstitutiOns to which they
are entitled .1;) , every cOnsideration'orjustice
and right. The proposed' election is . is s less
coMpidte and, more . OtTensiivelorm 'than that
•by. Which Loom , Islavormos . obtained tim con.
drmation =of his munuisption of the.'post.
`thou- Emp,oror • from .the Pienols, peo.
- '•While he refused to give them% an op.
'portnnityto'voto for such candidates as they.
preferred, ho still submitted the, proposition
whether he should -or should not be placed
riperttlie throne. Ho at least gave' them a
chance • to. vote hits, *new- ff. they desired to
do so. 'This right the Kaunas Consititutional
Contention toffiteti t tai peoPle of that
• , TerriMry;,...,The pervading idea of &moorage
r - ' go,vernMent ts, that all pubilo - roisrosaittotiveri
- 0:14 officials aro , More Sot : raids, whoa 'high.
ast - duty is to guard the intoreitiv: &Mt
;614 the will of O„liiithOi P•?ifoe:7,t l *_, of
„ ,people r .the only true soverohißt• -The
• Cdtwarition has anted as- though it wad the!
Sidalottbd ierritu tbodgh it was
deteriuMed to'faiteu and Make binding its sc.,'
uSitlaPreeeid__lMlle99 l 94tateS ths99o l k. 9
afraid) that it was. raid) ilopt4u nk
afraid Art . *: its ; Werit to the foss actima
of—the :people—afraid, to' do its "duty, mid
to, place the - power, of trial judgment upon
proceOlugs where it belonged—in the
-handier those most deeply latereited in them.
s ltillSTonStitution 'mite 'a majority of ' the
'people italiaas, they would vote for it in.
, -
any event t and it would become their fuudamett—
' tallafir. - .If it "dries not conform to the views,
and requireiaa'nts of a majority of illo
sena of Kansas, they should have an oPporta-i
nity of voting
,againat it. This proposition_
seems i s6;lear; that, we:are surprised that 1t
slainlebe questioned, in, any Oozier. ,Even:
the Chuvention Was not altogether destitute of ,
, some idea of the pale* of this principle, for,
it proposes to leave the people say whether
they are to iurVe 'the Constitution with or War
.: out slavery: What right had It to limit the ixoser
bf'the: people to action upon merely ems'
t„;',',ttinistioniatitt to.c, onflne,theli judgment even
upon that by narrow boundaries? The whole
'"..,P O thf3, citizens of that Territory.
~,',,There warrant ,tor ,dividing and
- 'we can , conceive no just and proper rowel for"
Pl44WSidug:Ltheir"sovereignty, The'whole.
:ttireir wears , the aspect of , mere
- tiviiithi,e#iedleut;---Whinh Should pleat with
no `; - Thereare other 'features cif this
, sehedide eidrsordinary ehsraehsr, but
not',; continent 'Open thim new:, We
iegret.!anit deplore.,tixe.eotionlef,the'Costren
:T-1164.,04.0,01482:114,.. how slight a dial**
ifteliontodthe - Wheli body of the people of
eAhe'Viriltufry, it dieitli f 4liappointed,tieitll
';111411Or L nuti:giteulm'odult:orown, its; talonby
aoreike t edthusihayoplosed foeerittheiaaatis
OkkOte;ytho have dammed so lologrtigibid
- • o.4 , oeratie party on the ion of *gaged
And brought the cieiting
644 4 pf its Teiiiitollsl 41M9010/ tit it , SW
.49N1% ;
. .
There are not wintinetiipse - q,. horalleve;
that this, of all our difeeiltietriii the meet
menacing. Oertninlyi'hate:setOnte indicate
that , Governor Tonna was Preparing, as Well
Ms:preaching for war. There have been no con.
filets so stabborn as those of fanaticism. Men
fight, no matter how absurd or wicked their
theories ' to-the..bitter end for their religion.
From thednys ofi the Crusades down to the
Native American riots,-the -bitterness, arising
f rom dippermene between septa, or hostility to
a certain form of belief or siperstiticin, has been
for s.oeitain .period of , time unconquerable.
-remains to -be - peen whether the Mor
. Merle will furnish,' a confirmation or 'an ex
ceptien •to this rule, We have abundant
confidence in the judgment of our General
Administration ; but this new complication
May defy all its sagacity. We place great
reliance upon the adiancing column of the
AmeriCan troops; bat here, again, the con
presented, where they shall begin
andupon what grounds shall proceed. There
are none of the austere virtues about Barrounn
.. Milani: 'He ial'a wretched etecutive; keeps
loom accounts; and, thanghfull of, pretension,
4ar as boldly defied the laws of the country,
I taste his dealingeWith the Federal %averment,
as be defies the laws of decency. That
fanclara'wietehed impostor should take to him
, 'mg, for his authority, the lessons of the Bible,
;tad that he should attract upright men and vir
i taionalweseen to his standard, is neither more nor
olifiateuattdisgrace to our age. Public opinion
riftiltaijustify any rebuke of his misdeeds,
'as it' he and his crew Were Ito many Sepoys
"eningedin open , assassination and brutality.
thernot, , indeed; the , Sepoys of civilian
. than/ they not murder the noblest of in
? Do they not.;, pollute and degrade
:the: most ylituoue women? Do they not
-Imbrute and mislead Mon created in the image
rrfkl 44:4? And yet, whiletall this is so,
36 ~illll'regnite mueldeliberatiOnand eautleff-L 4
.tiny -110:1414031044031idtiii-4o abaft) this dew
inumemad. bia.clans, and con.:
cefitratted them at Salt take City. Hie power
over his deleded victims may be understood
frOu. the manner in which they have responded
tia";.*-Cali----eyen those who had settled in
Garscin i t, Valley and other distant points,
haying , broken up and abandoned their house
hold gods to`follovihis lead: It is said that
hiti Objent" is to keep the Government troops
Out' Utah .until
_spring ; and then, if he
finds it necessary to fight or fly, to adopt the
latter alternative, and to remove, by rapid
marches, to British Alberto, or the Russian
These two Stites of this Union, which may
be called hard-money States, teach us most
impressive lessens. Situated at the two ex
tremes of the country, and dependent for their
prosperityruion different causes, the trial . in
'eitch:of a hard-Money basis for all their State
aid local transactions, and their refhsal to en
courage the issue of hank paper, have placed
them wholly above want, and in a large degree
protected them from the prevailing bank
iti2tcy. California, at last acdounts; was
looking , forward to a more certain and
prosperous future than the best anticipa
tions could have predicted one year ago. &me
of the leading.operators of the State may go,
doWn in the crash; but the people will be
protected, because the circulating medium is
sold and silver, and bank notes excluded by
those quarantine laws in finance, which are
never rigidly enforced without producing the
bed remits., The case of Arkansas is even
more strikingly in proof of the enormous
advantage of a hard-money practice, in the
miyment ,of labor and of taxes of all kinds,
thereby promoting the good of the whiffe.
The condition ,of Arkansas .is thus stated
by an ,Arkansas paper: "$200,000 in gold
and silver in the treasury, and the State not
one cent in debt on her own account! By
the meeting of the next Legislature, this sum
will be nearly doubled. Alas! what wreck and
Ada our Deraecratie office-holders have made
end are .making of the State's prosperity. But
Worse' and worse. Within the last three years:
over One million and a half' of the debt in
curred on Socount of the banks, has been
paid, off,,and this; too, without taking one
cent ,of the people's money."
- •
Whieb arrived WHAM.%
yesterdasr, left Liverpool ou the 7th lust. Her
news is most important.
'The Bank of England had advanced its rates
of discotint to iiine per cent.—a higher rate
than we recollect having ever been fixed by
that establishment.' - Notwithstanding this in
crease (five Per Cont. being the ordinary rates
of discount, and sometimes even less,) the de
mand for money continued great. The Bank
of liambiirg had 'also raised its rate of dis
count to nine per cent. The Bank of France
had made no increase, and its amount of gold
had been augmented. On the other hand,
the weekly
,return of the Bank of England
showed a decrease in its stock of gold of $3,-
800,000. There was no doubt that gold was
leaving all parts of Europe for the United
States. About $600,000 have been brought by
the Niagara.
The effect of tke action of the Bank of Eng
land was to affect the money market, (in which
the latest telegraphed rate was 88; for Con
sols, after much fluctuation,) to affect the pro
duce market, and alio to depress cotton and
breadettiffs. •
Many considerable failures had taken place
in London and Liverpool, • and more were in
evitable. The great firm of. NAYLOR, VICKERS,
& CO., had suspended payment, with liabili
ties estimated at from $3,000,000 to $5,000,-
000. It wad asserted (us mai) that their
• aisets would more than cover the amount.
That great failure! should take place, not only
in England bat'also in France, was to be
looked, for ffem the moment it was announced,
as it pas gen, that ono steamer carried back
as much as $8,000,000 of protested French
bills, and $16,000,000 of protested English
Lilis on the United'States.
Under the circumstances, the mercantile in
terest in Glasgow and other great trading and
manufacturing places were dialing on the Go
vernment to interfere, and induce the Bank to
be less stringent. The Times thought there
was'no necessity for this, and such extreme
action would scarcely take place.
political news by the Niagara is said to
be unimportant. Parliament had been further
prorogued, until the l7th December, which
Means that it would not meet until the usual
time, about the end of January.
Prom India Otero was no further news, nor
irsa,a mail quite due when the Niagara left
England: rAt a civicdinner given to the Duke of
Oitithridie - (c,otiOt to Queen VICTORIA, and
,Oetaipander-itt-OitieF of the,Axilyti on the °c
ession of his being Presented with, the freedom
of the, city of London, he spoke strongly in
favor of the most summary vengeance against
the Sepoys. On the same occatilon, Mr. DAL-
Us, the Ainerican Ambassador, spoke of the
Sepoys; as the enemies of the human race.
The Niagara isdue at Boston this forenoon,
and it is possible that wo may receive our files
of foreign papers by 'her, at a late hour to
night, ,
Mr. Peterson has issued, uniform with his
Bvo. edition of Dickens, the 'last productions
of that eminent writer. They are "The Two
Apprentices, with a M istory of their Lazy
Tour," and the affecting tale, also from House-
hold Words, called " A Wife's Story," This
reprint is very welcome in the present dearth
of 'new books of interest. Mr. Peterson, we
see, has actually got up all of Dickens's. In
thirteen volumes, at throe dollars the ,whole
set! This Is the extreme of cheapness.
The Philadelphia Monthlies for December
(G-odcy's, Peterson's,' and Graham's) have
,reached us, and, are richly illustrated. We
pie ad guilty to not having yet had time to do
more than look at the plates.
WE will, to-morrow, lay before our readers
a full and authentic report of the masterly ser
mon of the Ray. FIIANKIa MOORE, on AU-
Tow, of' Trinity M. S. Church, pronounced
On Sunday evening last, Persons desiring
atm copies of Tau. Passe, containing this
masterly sennon,will please leave orders at our
Picusirtveath Bmr..-4 , loasrs.
72/ii and Oitionacutit, the ooaninissioners
- 4'iii)Ointed.bk Governor rcitrxenr ' 4 1.0, audit the
accounts of this hank; arrived in this city on
Tuesday, and are stopping at Jones's hotel.
D2r Seversl interesting articles, crowded
RIO of IcodaA bop, Wiii aprohy tio•aaorrow.
FROM wAsntriattor
Correspondence of The Preen
From “OccaMonol.”
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17th, 1857
The approaching session of Congress will bo ex
ceedingly Interesting In many respects. It may
be that new combinationiand developments of par
ties will take place; it is certain that many prepa
rations will be commenced, if not completed, pre
paratory to the great battle for the succession. •
I do not believe that Governor WALKER will be
as bitterly assailed by the south as hie opponents
anticipate. The course of the St. Louis Repub
can, which supports him for his rejection of the
frauds in Kansas, and the moderate and conservative
example of the Richmond Enquirer and Exami
ner, aro indications that do not promise a unani
mity in the proscriptive war deelared against him
by Mr. PETOR, of the South; Mr. BARKBDALE, of
the Misorrippian, and Mr. hattatta, of the New
Orleans Delta.
Mr. Toenail, of Georgia, a man of growing pow
er, just re-elooted to the Senate, is expected to take
the lead against WALKER, and is Indeed spoken of
In some of the papers of the South as the Demo
°ratio leader in the Senate. Notwithstandiag the
reeoneillation between JEFFERSON DAVIS and
himself, it is surmised that they will hardly be as
cordial as their supposed agreement against the
Governor of Kansas might lead others to infer. I
am (dearly of opinion, however, that Mr. HUNTER,
Of Virginia, Mr. FITZPATRICK, of Alabama, Mr.
JOHNSON, of Arkansas, Mr. DAyARD, of, Delaware,
:Mr. PEARCE, of Maryland, and even Mr. BROWN,
of Mississippi, (who likes Governor WALKER grout.
ly,) vrill not be ready to follow any man's lead
against Governor WALKER, simply because the
Governor refused to allow a set of desperadoes to
cheat at an °lotion in Kansas. The two new (ex
pected) Senators from Minnesota, Meesre Rtes: and
.BIIIELDS, will no doubt speedily follow the se
coptabee of the State Constitution recently adopt
ed by the people of the Territory. This makes the
account stand in the Senate fifteen slave to seven
teen free States; and if Kansa/ and Oregon should
be admitted during the session, the result will be
Aileen to nineteen.
, .
The idie that Oregon will beieme a Slave 'State .
is an absurdity, although it is reported that Gen.
Jon LANE is in favor of incorporating a slave
provision in the Constitution of the nets' Slate.
If this result should follow the efforts of parties,
my prediction is, that in a very few years slavery
will be forever prohibited in Oregon. You will
perceive that Judge DOUGLAS, in his spoil in
Chicago, makes ,no allusion to the propriety of
submitting the question of the Constitution of
Kansas to the people of that Territory, but eon
tents himself with generalizing. I have no doubt,
notwithstanding this, the Chicago Times speaks
his sentiments in favor of giving the whole ques
tion of slavery in Kansas and their whole con
stitution to the people of that Territory.
Governor Watt= Is expeeted in Washington in
the course of this week. The Missouri Senators
will, it is surmised, be greatly indisposed to take
. up the cudgels against Governor WALKER, the sen
timent in Missouri being very decidedly in his
favor. •
Vicb•Proeideut BRECKINRIDOB 19 expected here
In a few days, and will not go into the new house
said to be erecting for him, but will take board-
The Central Amorloan treaty is a groat thing
for California. It will open the old Nicaragua
route, and will thus furnish new facilities to emi
grants, and cheapen the rates now controlled by
the Panama monopoly. The substantial condition
of California will attract a largo emigration from
the old States, especially now that she is becoming
not only an agricultural as well as a mining, but
also a manufacturing Commonwealth.
Hon. DAVID C. Dominus: has rented the cow•
fortabla furnished the corner of Tenth
and H streots In this oity, of which he will take
possession on the first of December
' If Mr. GIITURIS is elected to the] Senate !rem
Kentucky, you may expect some propositions on
the subject of the tariff, which will revise the bit
terness of certain of his opponents in the Southern
I understand that the War Department is quite
oonildent that the military preparations against
the Mormons are amply sufficient, and that success
is certain to crown the xpedition. .
You may rely upon it there will be considerable
changes in our diplomatic corps. Much anxiety is
felt, and attention paid to the subject of the pur
ebasesof Cuba, which you broached in Tux Nixes
a few weeks ago. It is now said that both Mr.
DALLAS and Mr. MASON will return—the latter
Finally, tho indications are that the entente
cordiale between Frames and England is daily
weakening, and that the latter, instead of looking
to Louis NAPOLSON fer support, finds her true In•
terest in peace and cooperation with the United
States. Lotus Neror,zon claims to exercise more
moral power in Europe than his great uncle ever
did, and looks forward to such a policy as will do.
grade Great Britain into a second•rate power. In
the meanwhile, our cotton and our commerce are
everything to Great Britain, and you need not he,
at all astonished, if under this state of feeling we
should entirely arrange our troubles with Spain,
Mexico, and New Grenada. OCCASIONAL.
Wasuisamr, November 18th, 1857.—A1l man
ner of rumors aro flying about. One gentle
mai has it from reliable authority that there
is organising en expedition for the conquest of
Cuba; another, that general WALKER has been
invited by one of the hollow of Yucatan to take
part iu the civil broil going on in that petty Re
public, and that, when he has conquered peace and
power there, he will make it his point d'appui 'for
a general and indiscriminate maraud into the sur
rounding States. Still others allege, on authority,
that Hayti is his destination, or that ho is on his
way to Sonora to avenge the massacre of Colonel
CRABBE and his followers at Cavorca.
The Administration does not look with any favor
on these expeditions, and will make every exer
tion to defeat them. If acquisition of territory bo
necessary, they aro for securing that object in a
fair way and on the payment of a proper compen
Just uow the decided ground taken by our Go
vernment against Ilramcatt, and in favor of Ni
caragua, has been the direct moans of gaining for
us Important privileges from that State, and will
indirectly be of advantage to us in many other re
General Scorr has issued a general order, com
mending to the army the gallant conduct of the
troops, on different occasions, since the beginning
of last year. It is lengthy, and names all those
deserving of particular distinction.
A remark was made to me recently by a gentle
man,'a soldier and long a resident of Europe, which,
Injustice to the fine citizen soldiery of Philadelphia,
I will give you. Ile read with much pleasure, in
Tne Pease, the proceedings in the dedication of
the armery.of•the National Guards, and then said
that ho had done so because of his high appreciation
of, and interest in, the volunteer companies of Phila
delphia, derived from seeing the Washington Grays
'while on a visit South some two or three years ago.
lie hid then noticed the drill and marob ing of that
company, and in precision of movement and the
soldierly bearing of its members it was unsurpassed
by any be had seen in all Europe. "Praise front
Sir Hubert Is praise Indeed."
• The Commissioner of the General Land Office,
yesterday, submitted to the President of the United
States for signature, a patent, No. 2, of swamp
and overflowed lands in the Indianapolis and
Vineennes districts, Indiana. enuring to the said
State, under.the grout of the 28th Septemher,lBso,
'embracing ,19,722 20-100 acres. X. Y.
Twentytive Lives Lost—General Hamilton
Among the Number.
NEW Gamins, Nov. 17.—The TOEIW steamship
Opelousas, from Berwiek bay for Galveston, came
in collision with the steamship Galveston at mid
night on the 11th Inst. The Opelousassrnk almost
immediately, oarrylng down twontpilve of her
passengers, including General Hamilton, of South
Carolina. All her officers and crew were saved.
NMY ORLEANS, Nov. 18.—The steamers Ope lou•
Du and Galveston both belonged to the same lino,
and plied between Berwick bay and Galveston.
The Opelousas sank in about fifteen minutes after
the collision. Eighteen of her passengers are
known to bo lost, including General Hamilton, and
the loss of life is probably more than this There
were ilfty-six passengers on board.
The Galveston was somewhat disabled by the
collision, but the captain and crew succeeded in
oaring the officers and crew of the Opelousas, and
many„of her passengers.
Front Washington.
WASIIINGTON, Nov. 18.—It it believed that
Costa Rica will retire from the possession of San
Juan river, as soon as she is informed of the
negotiation of the recent treaty between the Uni
ted States and Nicaragua.
Sir William Qore Ouseley arrived in this oily
Sailing of the Canada.
BNITON, NOT, I.B.—The stomnship Canada sailed
at noon for Liverpool, via Halifax, with nearly
$200,000 in epeole.
Wisconsin Election
Damon', Nov. 18.—The Superior (Wisoonsin)
Chroniole, of the 10th inst., reoeived this evening,
says that Douglas county gives Cross, the Demo
cratic, candidate for Governor, 117 majority, whioh,
it 10 slainced, LpsWss his oisstisr+,
The Niagara at Halifax,
Arrival of $500,000• to Spades-
Cotton Declined Xd.—Beendsturts Lower.
Hamm, November 18.--The Cunard
steamship Niagara, Captain 11Lohman, arrived
shortly after midnight last night, with Liverpool
dates to Saturday, the Ilth Inst. „throe days later
than brought by the Ariel and City of Washington.
She left Liverpool at 1 o'clock on Saturday after
Among her passengers in Senator Sumner, 'of
Massachusetts, who returns home improved in
heaith, and will probably resume his seat in the
United States Senate at the ensuing session.
The Niagara left this port at 5 o'clook this morn
ing, and will be duo at Boston' about noon on
The Niagara mot the Collins steamship Atlantic
shortly after leaving Liverpool, so that that Areseg
resulted port on Saturday afternoon, bat theiteint
ship Vanderbilt, whioh sailed from New 'York on
the same day, (24th ult.,) had arrived- at South•
ampton two days previously. , • ,
The Niagara passed at 9 o'clock A. M., on the•
Bth,. off Saltees, the Royal mail steamship Altai
from New York, for Liverpool; on the 12th:1R
lat. 50 19, lon. 39 10, ship Centurion, Vona west,
was passed, and on the 13th, a steamer steaming
The United States steam frigate Niagara let*
Plymouth on the sth inst. for home. Her oftlieri
bad a farewell banquet given them by the ceps.;
mender and officers of the British dag•ship on that,
The 'Vanderbilt grounded off °owes owing to a,
think fog, hut succeeded In getting off without
The IN itigaiiibringol:33,ooo in specie for lialifex
and.f.8!),058 fih. Boston.
Parliament has been further prorogued 14:; the
10th of Deoembor,
Finnnoial affairs were still paramount in Im
portune°. On Wednesday the fourth Consols fell
to 89. There WAS inereased anxiety and pressure
in the money market, under the apprehension of a
further riso in the bank rates, but the heavy pay
ments of tho fourth were well mot. Tho aspen.
ton of Powlos, Bro., & Co. Was announced; their
acceptances amount to about .1:50.000. The rate,
of discount at Hamburg was advanced to nine Pei
On Tbnrsday, the sth, tho Bank of England, as
apprehended, raised the rate of discount from
eight to the unprecedented rato of nine per cent.
This movement failed to abate the demand for mo
ney, which continued without diminution through
out Thursday.
The Times thinks the continued pressure must
be mainly caused by alarm and the consequent
desire of every person to be over supplied., •
Suggestions were current that the Government
should be 'called on for palliatives, but the Times
argues that there icno shadow of pretext for srieh
a step. The Times nays: " Al! olasseaof the pub-
IM must be well aware that If the nation should
so pitiably lose its self-possession as to give way to
panic, there is but one remedy, and that the Go
vernment will be compelled to adopt. There can
be no need, however, by formal proceedings to
proclaim' the belief, and to cause the degrading
contingency to be regarded not only as possible,
but probable."
The funds fluotuated about a half per coot,
during tho day, closing at 88/aBsf.
Froth all places on the Continent various sums
in speoie were said to be in course of transmission
to America.
The suspension of Naylor, Vickers Sr, Co., of
Sheffield, and baying a branch ilrm In Amerioa,
waaannounced. Their liabilities were estimated
at from £OOO,OOO to £1,000,000 sterling, and their
assets were believed to be £200,000 in excess of
the liabilities. Their diMoulties were believed to
be temporary, and were said to be caused solely
by the cessation of remittances from America.
Messrs. W. Orr & Co., in the river Platte trade,
have aloe suspended.
At a public meeting of merchants at Giturgow a
deputation was appointed to proceed to London,
to wait vpon the Government and urge the ne
cessity of Immediate measures for commeroial re
The applications for money at the Bank of Eng
land on Friday were numerous, but no new diffi
culties transpired. Consuls advanced early in the
day, but subsequently a reaction took place.
The Times urges a suspension of the export of
specie to India, and thinks India rich enough to
be left to her own resources.
The Daily News believes the Glasgow deputation
arrived in London on Friday evening. They will,
t is understood, urge upon the Government the ad
visability of suspending some of the provisions
of the Dank °barter not, as was done in 184 Y.
Movements, with a similar °hint, may be shortly
looked for in other districts.
Tho freedom of the city of London and a splort
did sword were formally presented to the Duke of
Cambridge on the 4th instant.
The Lord Mayor gave a grand banquet in honor
of the event, which was attended by several Cabi
net Anniston and foreign Ambassadors, including
the American Minister, Mr. Dallas.
The Duke of Cambridge, in a spoooh, said he had
a letter from Sir Colin Campbell, emphatically de
nying that there was any difference between him
and the Governor General of India. The Duke
extolled the conduct of the British army in India,
and advocated its maintenance in an efficient state
of warlike establishment.
Earl Granville defended Lord Canning from
°bargee with which ho had boon assailed, but to.
timatod that If thoy should prove true, ho should
be prepared to sacrifice hie pereonal feelings to a
some of public duty.
Mr. Dallas after making some remarks appro
priate to the event of tho day, spoke as follow!
in regard to the Indian mutiny : "Sympathy has
been invoked from foreign nations, in reference is
the state or affairs in India. I am not here t
speak as to the extent to which my Government, o:
the people of the United States, sympathise wits
the struggle of England against India. That b
not the thought I wish to express.
The thought I wish to express is in reference b
the treatment that is to be dealt to those who bra
distinguished themselves in the field of crime it
that unhappy region. Now crimes are of variois
descriptions. A mutiny and murder are heavy
crimes—they aro dark and gloomy crimes—lnt
they were committed in almost every country, and
under almost every Government. Penalties ale
specifically provided for these crimes in the rs
speotive criminal codas of various countries. 'Lit
such crimes be punished wherever they occur, se:-
cording to law—that is the first and clearest Pris•
eiplo of action,
"But there are other crimes—trims at least of
another character, which become so monstrous
as to assume the attitude of enmity to the human
race—not merely crimes committed with reference
to the power of India—not merely crimes inimical
to Europe and civilization, but crimes that consti
tute their perpetrators what pirates aro, and wba
cannibals in the Fejee Islands are—enemies b
the human race, and meriting, not from one no
tion, not from ono people, but from the whole of
the human race, summary and exemplary I exti•
" This, as it appears to me, is not the langtageef
any particular individual, of any pesticide coin
try, but the language of human nature; etnd, al
though I am unable to say bow far such hinging*
may be concurred in by the great body of my
fellow-oltitens en the opposite side of the Atiattle,
yet I think I know them well enough to aaythat
no language can be too strong, no words too fin
pressive, no force too sudden, no blows too se'ere,
for crimes such as those which have been perpe
' tutted in India."
Lord Brougham officiated at the inauguration of
Queen's College, Liverpool. In the scone If his
remarks he strongly denounced the eneouragement
of the African free emigration by Franco; sating
that it was reviving the slave trade, and dunag
, ing the cause of civilisation and commute in
The Liverpool Borough Bank was paying all
depositors under $2OO.
The prohibition upon the export of Woe &a.,
from the Baltic, has boon removed.
The kings of Sardinia and Greece have each
subscribed 10,000 francs to the India relief land.
The London Times has en article on (antral
American affairs, and hopes for an amkutlle
juetniont of all pending auditione out of Sir W.
Gore Ouecicy'e mission, and an early realization of
the rapjeoted canal across the Isthmus.
No further attempt has been made ,to taunt*
the Leviathan. An examination ohoweiltist there
was not the least twist or deflection in the vessel,
and that she sits as fairly on her cradles ee on the
morning of the attempted launch. there is
no more liability to settle now than there was be.
fore. The second of December N the day fixed for
the next attempt. The engineers are coaident of
a successful result. .
A suit in the Admiralty Court, by theewners of
a (largo on board the American ship Andrew Fos
ter, against the owners of the American ship Tus
carora, for causing the loss of the formes vessel by
a collision in the Irish channel, has rosubed in fa
vor of the owners of the lost cargo.
The Tunis Paris correspondent says . "It is
pretty certain that the Emperor is muck annoyed
at the turn things have taken in the Prinolpalities.
'Neither the Austrian nor the Turkish Ambassador
has been invited to Compeigne. Something serious
must be going on at this moment at Constantinople,
if it be true, as reported, that Thonvenal has
suspended relations with Itesobid Pasha; though
not with the Government. Ii is added that M.
Thonvenal has been left alone in the matter."
The Paris Bourse continues unsettled, but with
out any great fluctuations.
The J' do oprroefondont or tho PeUy /iowp nye
,has been reported that eighty millions of
frappe in' English bills,2andibrtymilliona in billn
onAhe Tni,ed States; have' heen returned pro-
The Indkiendenoe Beige suiserts that reorniting
for English service is going on looretly in Prance,
and one h u ndred franca is given to each recruit.
It was rumored in London on Friday that tho
Bank of France had raised its rate of discount, but
the Daily News' correspondent telegraphed that
11aulf or t Franoe hack n?t idoliniiod the rate,
hopiSig 'to find Other 4eand of sollpioteotion:
,More is some questien,m. to She right of exporting
I 'On Friday, the funds in Paris closed at OK 700.,
-and 84.3. The thikßank of France is
said toloweinerefiseC trona 190,000,000 fames. to
198,000,000 f.
The ministerial crisis eontinued. M. de Bronker
had been °ailed hi by the King, but had not sue
ended, }n forming a ministry. A dissolution of
the' Uhamber was considered probable.
A reclueVon in the Austrian army is said to IA
positively decided upon. It will be the largest
reduction since 1848. Thirty generals are to be
placed oath') retired liet. It is believed that fifty
millions of florins will be saved yearly by the re
A Vienna despatch, of November 3d, says that
'the Credit Bank bee to-day taken a step likely
to otiose extensive embarrassments." It is in want
of money, and has demanded payment from those
persons who have ,obtained advances on Govern
ment and private stook
• ~,,VBerlln letter says that most of the German
States have noticed the Prussian Government that
they adhere to the measures projected by Prussia
and Austria in the Holstein question.
ismorted that the British Government have
mitferran official vote to the Diet, olaiming jus
t 30 for the Doubles.
' A late despatch says that England, Prance, and
iimisla have offered their good offices in the Hol
stein question.
Bantam, November s.—The statement that a
Convention would be held to consider the affairs of
the Principalities and the Holstein question is offi
Itittneri of adother •minteteriel oriels bad bean
etymill&but they proved to rest on a slender
' %e latest dates from Liebon report a considera
ble decrease In the number of deaths from the
epidemic, and the inhabitants wore returning.
Groat damage has been caused in Lombardy by
Contineecial Intelligence
Lirstroot, Conon litssesf.—The Broker's circular
Says the 'Wee of the week wore 22,000 bales, including
1,400 oa speculation, and 700 for export. The market
opened with an advance of ,t( Xd, but the Vanderbilt
atricei, with the advance in the rate of discount, and
tha sttingeney in the money market, caused a panic,
and prices fell too range of about .iid 47 pound below
the rates of the 80th ult. The sales of Friday were
ipin hoes, the market closingvery dull at the following
tiketations, which are nominal : Orleans fair Bpd, Or
leans middling Bd, Mobiles fair BXd, Mobiles middling
7Nd, Uplands fair Bd, Uplands middling 'IX& The
'stock was 821,000 bales, of which 158,400 wore Ameri
Breinistutts market was generally quiet, with a declining
tendency. Messrs. Richardson, Spence, & Co., 'quote
Sioux very dull, and In some canoe declined le. Wheat
quiet and slightly declined since Tuesday. Corn very
dull, and in some instances In lower; Western Canal
Plour 26a Work Ild; 'Philadelphia and Baltimore 27e
Werth ; Ohio 303; red'Wheat as Bdo7s 7d ; white 78 ado
PR 3d; mixed and yellow Corn 363 6,14378 ; white 90s.
LIVERPOOL PROVISION Master.—The Liverpool Pro.
VISION market was very dull. ?defiers Bigland, Athays,
4s' Co., James Mollenry, B acon and
itlittra, quote Beet dull, Pork dull, qui et, Lard
declined 2bBs, and variously quoted Meads. Tallow
+sales unimportant, and quotations nominal; North
American O. Pine Cheese was firm at Mobile.
' Liverteoot. Promos, Dlsaiter.—The brokers' and
Other circulars quote Ashes quiet at 4s Idst4s 6d for
bOth pots and pearls. Sugar hoary and 2.3 lower; gro
cery aorta almost unsaleable. Coffee quiet; miles tin.
important. Rice heavy and Is lower. ' Carolina 245.
Rosin dull at 4s Mesas 8d for common, and sseles 8d for
Medium to Eno, Quercltmn Bark—Philadelphia Oa
8d; Baltimore Ts ild; Fish Olin—nothing doing; Linseed
'Oil doll at 870 04038 Spirits Turpentine dull at 365.
LIVERPOOL FMK= MAMET.—The Liverpool freight
market was without change, with but a small business
do ing. In ps.seengere there was ecarcely anything
LON g DON MARKETS —Baring & Bros. Circular says the
stringency in the money market produced an almost
•total suspension of business in the colonial and foreign
produce market. Breadstuff* quiet and unchanged.
Flour 250295; white Wheat, 500840; rod, 45m461
Nothing doing in iron, and prices nominal. Sugar de-
Milled 3s, and heavy. Rice heavy, and slightly lower.
Lard dull, and declined 2s ; quoted 70e. Linseed cakes
Instated y demand at .6110.8.11 lOs for Now York, bbl*,
Sperm Oil £7B. Linseed Oil 881038 s Bd. Rape and
Olive Oils slightly flower. Saltpetre declined a trifle.
Tallow declined to 520 for delivery in all the year. Tea
ha but little demand and prices weak; common blacks
were Idend lower; common Conroe quoted Is ld.
Spirits Turpentine steady at 395. Tin declined 3s.
&MN or Teses.—The advice* from Manchester and
the manufacturing districts generally are unfavorable.
There were no sales of importance making.
LONDON MONET illseeer.—The Bank of England pub.
llama two returns; that ending October 31st shows a
decrease In bullion of .8028,000, and that ending No
vember 4th, a decrease of £133,000.
' Console for money closed on Friday at 68,i; e 8334, and
.lier automat 68le're85.
AMMAN Sgocies.—Messrs. Baring Brothers quote
the business limited In American Becuritioe, but Slate
Steaks were more offered, especially Pannayiranies.
They quote Penn'a certificates, 71073 ; dd do bonds,
1877, 74e78.
The London papers of Friday report the following bu
siness on Thursday Illinois Central shares, 10012 dirk
emit ; Erie 3d mortgage bonds, 03%
MAVNN Mauer —pm the week ending the 4th lost).
—The Cotton market opened buoyant, but closed with
'a declining tendency Orleans tree ordinates,. 120 f.;
males 9,000 bales ,• stock, 70,000 bales. Brcadatuffe quiet.
Wheat tending downward. Ashes quiet and nominal.
Cdo'ce quiet and slightly lower Oils dull asd nominal.
NOTWons quiet, but steady. Rice dull. Sugar heavy,
!dumbly lower. Lard firm. Whalebone no
The Latest Markets.
'l,lrearoot, Saturday, 1 P. M.—blesera. Richardson,
Spence, tt. Co state that Cotton to very dull, and prices
aro nominal. Ratimated sales to -day, 1,800 bales.
Breadstuffs quiet but eteady.
YMT1510124 dull but steady.
Lard dull and nominal.
LONDOS, Saturday, 12 M.—Consols for Money close at
• .
Mr Whotiright, Mr Horner, Mr Sprague, Sir P
Sykes, Mra Tetamins and maid servant, Capt Sykes,
Mrs Adam, Mr George Henry Tee - online and lady,
Mrs Korn, BOY B G McClaren, Hon Thorn's Peters,
Mr Smith, lady, and two children, Mrs Ryerson,
Mr J 0 Safford, Mr Bayley and lady, Mr Walter
A Watts, Miss G H Brown. G F Adams, B Stern,
Greenfelder, '
J (1 Kimm, Miss Bayley and
servant, Stephen Knight, George °Mee, J 0
Smith, J 0 Johnson, Charles Leiscesne, Fen.
nell, Rev Jonathan Short and lady, Lovett, Burdett,
Hort. Franklin, J McPherson, Wheelwright, J R Pot
ter, Ferguson, Ruech, Henry, Jervis, Grinnell. Captain
Mocker, Captain S Wallace,
A Walter, Rich Kennekirt,
W II J A Druillard,S hiaeury, Hon Chas Sumner,
Wheadley, Binder, Albert Vickers, !darken, II II Wil
liams, 0 Pickering David Thompson, Walsh, Strachan,
0 Willismson, J &Smith and maid servant, lI Mory, Mr
Leach, Alexander !Gordon, Dorton, Miller, Ritehuder
and lady, Gainer!. Tan Mute, Prascher, Floorings, Mine
Griffiths, Watson, Steele, Rlemensahnelder, Scholz,
Hayes, Howard,
OiIATILKSTON, Nov. 17.—The sales of Cotton to
day were only 900 bales. Prices advancing.
SAVANNAH, Nov. 17.—One thousand bales of
Cotton were oold to-day, with an improvement in
AUGUSTA ' Nov. 17.—The sales of cotton to-day
were 1,500 bales, at firm prices, with an advancing
Bevrtuons;, Nov. 18.—The Flour market is
steady ; sales of Howard street at $5.25, and City
Mills at $5. Wheat is selling at $1.08a51.20 for
red and $1.22a51.35 for white. Old white Corn 72
a 75 cents; yellow 73a78 cents, and new white 55a
00 cents - yellow 00a70 cents.
Now ORLEANS. Nov. 18.—The sales of Cotton
to-day wore 3,500 bales, but business was checked
by the receipt of the Arabia's advlces, and prices
fell in consequence. The market closed very ir
regular, and accurate quotations cannot be given.
The receipts for the past three days have been
only 900 bales. Molasses has advanced la. ; sales
of Western Mess Pork at Sl6tSl7; Lard In kegs
$l4• Starling bills on London $1.06x51.03; bills
on Now York 98.
[Reported for the Prow.]
DISTRICT Cover, No. I.—Judge Stroud.—ln the
ease of Robert Ewing vs. Bangs k Maxwell—an
action for rent, before reported—the jury returned
a verdict for the plaintiff, $610.68. Alfred C
Gowen, Esq., for the plaintiff; Messrs. Phillips
and Gerhart for the defendant.
George S. Adler vs. William L. Fitzgerald. An
notion on a chock. Verdict for the defendant.
Bonham, Eeq., for plaintiff; Wetherly, Eeq., for
Andrew J. Parker vs. John Boyeo and William
Brady. An action on a proculinory note. Verdict
for plaintiff, $121.60. O. Brewster, Esq., for
plaintiff; Samuel P. Ball, Esq., for defendant.
Edward Wallace vs. Wm. J. McOapdiess and
John Carrick, trading as McCandless Qo. An
notion on a promissory note. Verdlot for plain
tiff. $207.40 D. W. 0. Morris, Esq. ' for plaintiff ;
J. W. Mclntyre, Esq., for defendant.
Ann Monk, administratrix of Ann Ascough,
deceased, vs. J. W. McCurdy k Bnn. An action
for wages Verdlot for plaintiff, $247.10. George
Jenkin, Esq., for plaintiff; Amos Briggs, Esq., for
George S. Twitohell vs The City of Philadel..
villa. An notion to recover the price of n lot on
the corner of Ninth and Locust streets, which the
plaintiff alleges had been purchased by the city
for a usarket•house On trial. Judge Parsons for
the plaintiff; Messrs. Porter hod Ashusend for the
DISTRICT COURT, No. 2—Judge lure.—ll. C.
Nuts ct. Daniel L. Miller, Jr. An action on two
promissory notes. No defence. J. Jones,
for plaintiff.
Dem Imhoff et. al. vs. Louis Drown and wife.
An action on a promissory note. Jamesli. Gowen,
D 9., for the plaintiff; George. W. 'Thorn, Eq., for
the defendant.
COUMON PLEAII—Judge Thompson—ln the cage
of Bridget O'Connor vo. Mary Gormley, a feigned
Issue to try the validity of the will of Francis Gra
ham, before reported, the jury returned a verdict
for the defendant and against the validity of the
will Wm. L. Hirst and D. W. C. Morris, Einirs
fore plaintiff, L C Cassidy and A. Miller,
Beg fol , the defendant.
The court was occupied the rest of the day with
road cases and miscellaneous argument list.
QUARTER SESSlONS—lmportant Conviction of
Passers of Counterfeit Money.—Somuoll Illart,
Thomas 110t1011100k, and Jacob Brlsoh, who were
charged with passing counterfeit three dollar notes,
on tho Mount Holly Bank, of Now Jersey, were
found guilty yesterday morning. This is the most
hisportwit conviction that has boon had in this
oourt for a long time, and groat credit is duo to
the District Attorney for the promptness and do
termination with which ho prosecuted the ease.
Every effort that ingenious and able counsel could
make, and all that could be done by unscrupulous
parties was done to retard the trial of the ease, hut
In vain. The only regret is, that the wealthy
beokerof those parties could not be brought to
Justice at the saute time with his unfortunate and
guilty tools.
The community would be muoh benefited by the
cionvietion of such parties who often escape the
'penalties of their offences by some inexplieable
hocus-pocus. If this conviction will have the effect
of deterring others of the oraft from flooding the
city with their trash, a great public benefit will be
obtained. The District Attorney for the Common-
Wealth Meal /pull and Small for the defendants,
This body adopted the followiog
SECTION 1. That no Inconvenience may arise by
reason of a change from a territorial to a perma
nent State 'Government, it is declared that all
rights,. actions, prosecutions, judgments, claims,
and contracts, as wall of individuals as of bodies
corporate, except the bill incorporating banks,
by tiro last territorial Legislature, shall con
tinue as if no such change had taken place, and
all processes which may have issued under the
authority of the Territory of Kansas shall be us
valid as if issued in the name of the State of
See. 2. All laws now of force in the Territory
of Kansas, valid aro not this Consti
tution, shall continuo and bo of force until altered,
amended, or repealed by a Legislature assembledby the provisions of this Constitntion.
. . - . • •
Sec. 3. All tines, penalties. and forfeitures ac
cruing to the Terntory of Kansas shall inure to
the use of the State of Kansas.
See. 4. All reeognizances heretofore taken shall
pass to, and bo prosecuted in the name of the
State of Kansas; and all bonds executed to the
Governor of the Territory, or to any other officer
or court, in his or their °Melo' capacity, shall pass
to the Goverdor and"corrosponding officers of the
State authority, and their sucees-ors in office, and
for the use therein expressed, and may he Neil for
and recovered accordingly; and all the estates or
property, real, personal, or mixed, and all judg
ments, bonds, specialties, cases in action, and
claims or debts of whatsoever description, of the
Territory of Kansas, shall inure to and vest in the
State of Kansas, and heeded for and recovered in
the same manner and to the satne.extent that the
same could have been by the Territory of Kansas.
Sec. 5. All criminal prosecutions and penal ac
tions which may have arisen before the change
from a territorial to a State Government; and
which shall then be pending, shall be prosecuted
to judgment in the name of the State of Kansas ;
all actions at law and suite in equity which may
bo pending in the courts of the Territory of Kankas
at the time of the change from a territorial to a
State Government may be continued and trans
ferred to any court of the State which shall have
jurisdiction of the subject matter thereof.
Sec. 0. All officers, civil and military, holding
their offices under the authority of the Territory of
Kansas, shall continue to hold and exercise their
respective offices until they shall bo superseded by
the authority of the State.
SEC. 7. This Constitution shall be submitted to the
Congress of the United States at Its next ensuing'
session; and as soon as official information has
been received that it is approved by the game, by
the admission of the State of Kansas as one of the
sovereign States of the United States, the president
of this convention shall issue his proclamation to
convene the State Legislature at the seat of Go-•
vernmont, within thirty-one days after publication.
Should any vacancy occur by death, resignation,
or otherwise, in the Legislature, or other office, he
shall order an election to fill snob vacancy: Pro
vided, however, in cane of refusal, absence, or dis
ability of the president of this convention to dis
charge tho duties herein imposed on him, the pre
sident pro tempore of this convention shall per
form said duties; and in ease of absence, refusal,
or disability of the president pro tempore, a com
mittee consisting of seven, or a majority of them,
shall discharge the duties required of the president
of this convention.
•Se C. 8. The Governor and all other officers shall
onter upon the discharge of their respective du
ties as soon after the admission of the State of Kan.
sae as one of the independent and sovereign States
of the Union as may be convenient.
SEC. 9. Oaths of office may be administered by
any judge, justice of the peace, or any judge of
any court of record of the Territory or State of
Kansas, until the Legislature of the State may
otherwise direct.
Sze. Ift: After the year ono thousand eight hun
dred and sixty-four, whenever the Legislature shall
think it necessary to amend, alter, and change
this Constitution, they shall recommend to the elec
tors at the next general election, two-thirds of the
members of each house concurring, to veto for or
against the calling of a convention; and, if it ap
pear that a majority of an the citizens of the State
have voted for a convention, the Legislature shall,
at its next regular session, call a convention, to
consist of us many members as there may bo in the
house of representatives at the time, to be chosen
in the same manner, at the same places, and by
the same electors, that Choose: the representatives ;
said delegates so chosen shall meet within three
months after said election, for the purpose of
amending, revising, or changing the Constitution.
See. 11. Before this Constitution shall be sent to
Congress for admission into the Union as a State,
it shall be submitted to all the white male inhabit
ants of this Territory for approval or disapproval,
as follows : The president of this convention shall,
by proclamation, declare that on the 21st day of
December, 1857, at the different election precincts
now established by bite, or which may be estab
lished as herein provided in the Territoryof Kan
sas, an election shall be held, over which shall
preside three judges, or a majority of three, to be
appointed as follows : The president of this con
vention shall appoint throe commissioners in each
county in the Territory, whose duty ashen be to ap
point three judges of election in the several precincts
of their respective counties, at which election the
Constitution framed by this convention shall be sub
mitted to all the white male inhabitants of the Terri
tory of Kansas in the said Territory upon that day,
and over the age of twenty-one years,for ratification
or rejection, in the following manner and form :
The voting shall bo by ballot. The judges of said
election shall cause to ho kept two poll-books by
two clerks, by them appointed. The ballots oast
at said election shall be endorsed "Constitution
with slavery," mad '•Constitution with no slavery."
One of the said poll-books shall be returned within
eight days to the president of this convention, and
the other shall be retained by the judges of elec
tion, and kept open for inspection. The president,
with two or more members of this convention,
shall examine said poll-books; and if it shall
appear upon said examination that a majority
of the legal votes cast at said election be in
favor of the Constitution with slavery, he shall
immediately have the same transmitted to
the Congress of the United States, as herein
before provided. But If, upon such examination
of said poll•books, it shall appear that a majority
of the legal votes cast at said election be in favor
of the Constitution with vs slavery," then the
article providing for 'slavery *hall bo stricken from
the Constitution by the president of this conven
tion, and no slavery shall exist in the State of
Kansas, except that the right of property in slaves
now in this Territory shall in no manner be inter
fered with, and shall have transmitted the Consti
tution so ratified to the Congress of the United
States, es hereinbefore provided. In case of the
failure of the president of this convention to per
form the duties, by reason of death, resignation,
or otherwise, the same duties shall devolve upon
the president pro tern.
SEC. All officers appointed to carry into
execution the provisions of the foregoing sections
shall, before entering upon their duties, be sworn
to faithfully perform the duties of their offices;
and, on failure thereof, be subject to the seine
charges and penalties as are provided in like ease
under the territorial laws.
Sae. 13 The °Moors provided for in the pre•
oediug seotions shall receive for their services the
same compensation as is given to officers for per
forming similar duties under the territorial laws.
SEC. 14. Every person offering to vote at the
aforesaid election upon said Constitution shall, if
challenged, take an oath to support the Constitution
of the United States ' and to support this Constitu
tion, if adopted, under the penalties of perjury
under the territorial laws.
Sze. 15 There shall be a general election upon
the first Monday in January, 1858, at which elec
tion shall he Amen a Governor, Lieutenant-Go
vernor, secretary of State, auditor of State, State
treasurer, and members of the Legislature, and also
a member of Congress.
See. 15. Until the Legislature elected in accord
ance with the provisions of this Constitution shall
otherwise direct, the salary of the Governor shall
ho three thousand dollars per annum ; and the
salary of the Lieutenant Governor shall be double
the pay of a State Senator; and tho pay of mem
bers of the :Legislature shall bo live dollars per
diem until otherwise provided by the first Legisla
ture, which shall fix the salaries of all officers
other than those elected by the people at the firet
Sze. 17. This Constitution shell take effect and
be in force from and after its ratifioatidh by the
people, as heroinbefore provided.
Groat oimiteruont was plotted in North William
street last night by the murder about half-past ten
o'clock of an Italian named Francis Vincent,
dealer in winos and liquors, in his store, No. 15
North William street. Mr. Vincent was a re
spootablo citizen, about fifty years old.
lie habitually carried about him large sums of
money, which ho took no pains to conceal, and
this was doubtless what cost him his life.
Mr. William Hilton, an old gentleman, passed
the evening at his place, and 'is the only witness
of the murder. His testimony at the coroner's in
quest, subjoined, contains all that is known of the
circumstances. The officers, on searehing, found
that Vincent had been robbed. A largo roll of
bills remained In one of his pockets, but his watch
and chain were gone. These were subsequently
found in the street.
No clue to the murderers remained, but the po
llee during the night and this morning Made three
arrests on suspicion. Tho parties arrested WO An
tonia and Joseph White, alias Bianco, Italian
barbers, found at No. 1I) Vandawater street, to
which place they removed about three o'clock last
night, and Ajiguel do liesona, alias de Lorenzo, a
tall swarthy Italian, who was found at No. 5 of
the 8111110 street.
These parties hail liven suspooted of an attempt
to commit a similar murder at 139 Pearl street, a
week ago last Monday night.
Coroner Cannery this morning ompannelled a
jury at theliouso where the murdar was committed,
and proceeded to investigato the ease,
Wm. Milton, the only tallness who saw the mur
der, sworn: I live ut No. 4 North William street;
know deceased; I entered his storo about VI
o'clock last evening a man and a woman wore
thorn; they soon left. and directly after three
men 0114130 in; ono of them was rather tall and
thin, wearing a moustache, of very dark com
plexion, something like negro blood.
I took eon glass, and refused to take another ; a
conversation in Spanish, apparently friendly, fol
lowed, and deceased drank several glasses with
them ; two sat au Vincent's right hand and two on
his left While talking, ore of them struck at
Vincent. and Ile fell over ; it was the tall, dark man;
could not see whether he had anything in his
hand, it was dono so suddenly ; it was almost ns
quick as a flush of powder; then in a motnent all
four sprang upon their foot as if it had been pre
meditated among them; and the throe who first
'came in rushed upon Vincent; then the table and
all on it fell over ; 1 sprang to my foot, and the
man who came last, and sat next to me, immediately
attacked me; I rushed to the door, but could not
open it, though it was not locked ; some one must
have been outside holding it; the man followed,
and struck me on the head with some instrument;
it might havo been a bottle or decanter; at that
moment the door was opened from the outside, and
they all rushed out together; I followed them out,
and saw Mr. Mark Cohen, private watchman, a
little below, towards Frankfort street, and told
him the noon had knocked Vincent down ; Mr.
Cohen, private watchman, and I went to Vincent's
house and found deceased on the floor dead ; they
searched hie pockets and found a roll of bills; they
commenced counting it; I think I recognised a
man at No. 5 Vandewater streot as one of the
throe who first mime In; I think I should recog
niso all three if I saw them
The witness then stood up and examined the
eountonauees'of all in the room. Pausing at the
prisoner, Lorenzo, he said, "I think that Is one
of them. I am quite sure of It."
The Coroner asked if he recognised White.
it No," said he, " I do not."
White—No, sine, sir. I was not there at all.
Lorenzo said something in very broken English
about haying boon called out of bed at 11 o'clock.
The witness said he could not swear positively.
Lorenzo wail very nervous and excited, and anxious
to be thoroughly examined. Witness raid the first I
glance he bad of this man he recognised him to be
one of the three men
Dr. Finnell read the report of the post-niortens
examination by himself and Dr. Ferguson. They
found three wounds on the anterior portion of the
chest, two on the loft, and one on the right side.
Each I , lB3.about an inch in length, and their direc
tion transverse to the middle line of the body.
Two of the wounds touched the lungs, and one
wounded the lower part of the body. All the
wounds are fatal in their character.
Wbon the police came down William street, on
their way from the coroner's office, to the station
house, with the prisoners in charge, they were sur
rounded by. the mob—auzious to get a glimpse at
The three prisobereare relatives. D.
,Lorene is
the'unole of the two Whites. One of these was ar
rested in a barber's shop in Courtlandt street, and
the other at a place in Greenwich street.
The wine shop whore the horrible deed was
committed is about twenty-five feet square, with a
small bar and a number of wine-casks arrangea at
one end. In one corner is a cot Bedstead, wherein
deemed was accustomed to sleep, and which, with.
II round table and a few stools, comprises all the
furniture of the room. Our reporier visited the
place about one o'clock this morning, and
found, the murdered man lying in his blood just as
he dred.
A sergeant of police and a half a dozen of pa
trolmen wore guarding the store, and (reel); help
ing themselves to sardines, brandy, wine, cigars,
and other provisions, by way of passing the time
pleasantly They carried on their feasting on the
murdered man's goods tight over his gory corpse,
cracking 'jokes on the quality of tie wine, &c.,
with nonchalance that, to say theleast of it, was
extremely disgueting.
Brlkham . YOunro Proclamation In Full
WastimaroN, Nor. 17.—C01. Johnson's letter,
together with Col. Alexander's, was received at
the War Bepaitment to-day, confirming the de•
struction of the supply trains; also a letter and
proolamatien Prom Brigham Young, which I here
with send you, and Col Alexander's reply. Col.
Alexander was within thirty mil es of Fort Bridger,
which place is occupied by Mormon troops, when
he received the following letter from Brigham
Young, through the commander of the "Nauvoo
Legion :"
"Great Salt Lake City, Sept. 29, 1857.
"To the Officers Commanding the Forces now
Invading Utah Territory :.
"Sin : By reference to the act of Congress, passed
Sept. 9, 1850, Organizing the Territory of Utah,
you will End the following:
"Sac. 2. And be it further enacted, that the
executive power and authority iu and over said
Territory of Utah shall ho vested in a Governor,
who shall hold his office for four years, and until
his successor shall be appointed and qualified, un
less sooner • removed by the President of the
United States. The Governor shall reside within
said Territory, shall be commander-in-chief of
the militia thereof, fte., 4 4a.
"I am still the Governor and Superintendent of
Indian Affairs for the Territory, no successor hav
ing been appointed and qualified, as provided by
nor have I been removed by the President
of the United States. By virtue of the au
thority thus vested in me, I have issaeft and
forwarded to you a copy of my proclamation
forbidding the entrance of armed forces into
the Territory. This you have disregarded.
I now further direct that you retire forth
with from the Territory,• by the same route
you entered. Should you deem this impractica
ble, and prefer to remain until' spring in the
vicinity of your present encampment, (Black Fork
on Green River you can do ep in peace and unmo
lested, on condition that you deposit your arms
and ammunition with Lewis Robinson, Quarter
master General of the ,Territory, and leave in the
spring as soon as the condition of the roads will
permit you to march ; and should you fall short of
provisions, they can be furnished you upon making
proper application therefor.
"General D. R. Wells will forward this. and
receive any communication you may have to make.
" Very respectfully,
" Governor and Superintendent of Indian Affairs."
The following is the proclamation referred to by
Brigham Young :
" CITIZENS or Urea—We are invaded by a hos
tile force, who are evidently assailing us to worn
plish our overthrow and destruction. For the
last twenty-tive years, we have trusted offieiabi of
the Government, from constables and jasticei to
judges, governors, and presidents, only to be
scorned, held in derision, insulted, and betrayed.
Our houses have been plundered and then burned,
our fields laid waste. out:principal men butchered
while under the pledged faith of the Government
for their safety, and our families driven from
their homes to fled that shelter in the barren
wilderness, and that protection among hostile
savages, which were denied them in the boasted
abodes of Christianity and civilisation.
"The:Constitution of our OKILIECOII country guaran
ties unto us all that we do now or have ever claim
ed. If the constitutional rights which pertain unto
us as American citizens were extended to Utah
according to the spirit and meaning thereof, and
fairly and impartially administered, it is all that
we could ask—all that we have ever asked.
"Our opponents have availed themselves of pre
judice existing against us, because of our religious
faith, to send out a formidable host to accomplish
our destniotioh. We barbital] no priiilege nor
opportunity of defending ourselves from the false,
foul, and unjust aspersions against us befera the
nation. The Government haj not condescended to
cause an investigating committee or other persons
to be sent to inquire into and ascertain the truth,
as Is customary in such cases. We know those as
persions to be false ; but that avails us nothing.
We are condemned unheard, and forced to an issue
with an armed mercenary mob, which has been
sent against nil at the instigation of anonymous
letter-writers, ashamed to father the base,slander-
MIS falsehoods which they have given to the pub
lio—of corrupt officials, who have brought false
accusations against sis to screen themselves in their
own infamy, and of hireling priests" and howling
editors, who prostitute the truth for filthy lucre's
"The loses which has Gms been forced upon s us
compels us to resort to the groat first law of self.
preservation, and stand in our own defence—a
right guarantied unto us by the genius of the in
statutions of our country, and upon which the
Government is based. Our duty to ourselves, to
our families, requires us not to tamely submit to
be driven and slain without an attempt to preserve
ourselves. Our duty to our country, our holy re.
ligion, our God, to freedom and liberty, requires
that we should not quietly stand still and see those
fetters forging around no which are calculated to
enslave and bring us In subjection to an unlawful
military despotism, such as can only emanate, in a
country of constitutional law, from usurpation,
tyranny, and oppression.
"Therefore, I, Brigham 'Young, Governor and
Superintendent of Indian Affairs for the Terri
tory of Utah, in the name of the people of the
United States, in the Territory of Utah, forbid,
"First—All armed forces of every description
from coming into this Territory, under any pre
tence whatever.
"Second—That all the forces in said Territory
hold themselves in readiness to march at a mo
ment's notice. to repel Any and all such invasions,
" Third—Martial law is hereby declared to ex
ist in this Territory from and after the publica
tion of this publication; and no person shall be
allowed to pass or repass into or through or from
this Territory without a permit from the proper
"Given under my hand and seal, at Great Salt
Lake City, Territory of Utah, this fifteenth day of
September, A. D. eighteen hundred and fifty
seven, and of the' Independence of the United
States of America the eighty-secoud.
"Britomax Yourw."
Tho following is Colonel Alexander's reply to
Brigham Young :
October 2, 1897.
"BRIGHAM YOUNG, EsQ., Governor of :oh
"SIR : I have the honor to acknowledge the re.
Oeit of your communisation of September 29,18:4,
with two copies of a proclamation and one of the
lave or Utah and have given it an attontivo con
sideration lam at present tho senior anctcotn.
mending officer of the troops of the United States
at this point, and I will submit your letter to the
general commanding as soon as he arrives here.
" In tho meantime, I hive only to say that these
troops are here by the order of the President of the
United States, and their further movements and
operations wlll depend entirely upon orders issued
by competent military authority
"Very respectfully, E. B. AtmannErt."
Among the documents is a letter from Col. John
son, dated from the camp, on the three wings of
the Sweet Water, addressed to Adjutant-General
McDowell, Now York, in whioh he confirms the
burning of the contractor's trains by the Mormons.
He says the Governor's escort is four days' march
behind him, with two companies of dragoons, Ile
knows no reason why Col. Alexander !tumid at
tempt to reach Salt Lake by lieu ricer, excepting
from the fear that the Mormons have burned the
grass op the shorter route. He adds: "If I could
communicate with Col. Alexander I would direct
him to take up a good position for the winter at
Ham's Fork. The road is besot between this and
Ham's Fork with companies of Mormons, so it is
doubtful whether I shall be able to commtinioate
with Col. Alexander."
It is supposed at the War Department that the
troops aro all in good condition, as nothing to the
contrary Is said in the despatches.
On the receipt of the above despatches a special
meeting of the Cabinet was immediately called,
but nothing has transpired with reference to their
WEDNESDAY Evnstau, Nov. IS.—The market
for Broadetuffs continuos very quiet, and the de
mand for Flour is mostly limited to the wants of
the local trade at from 83.2.5 up to s7as7 50 for
common to extra and fancy family brands. as to
quality. . Shippers are not buying at the present
time, and ...A holders aro freo sellers at the
former figures. Rye Flour and Corn Meal are
inntivo, with further small sales of the former at
$1 50, and the latter at $3 ISI per bbl fur country
meal. Wheat is dull today, and there is not
much offering, but the demand is limited at 120 a
120 c for rod, and 130a1350 for white, the latter for
prime; about 4,500 bus, mostly of the latter de
scription, have been sold. Corn is in steady demand;
about 4,000 bus old yellow have been taken at SOc.
and 1,700 bas new, mostly .Fersey, at 50c. Oats are
unchanged and about 1,000 bu Penn'a brought
nye is selling at 73a75c, the latter for Penn'...
Cotton rules dull and a small business doing at
previous quotations. Groceries are unaltered, but
the demand is confined to the wants of the trade,
who buy cautiously at former figures. Provisions,
little or nothing doing, and the stocks are almost
exhausted. Whiskey is firm, some 500 bbls Penu'a.
and Ohio have boon sold at 22a2210, and Ws at
211a22c; it is now held higher.
ending Nor. 15.)—Sperm—We notice a continued
demand for export, and further sales of 1,500 bbis
In parcels, including some lots landed from the
Tidal Wave, from Fayal-1.300 Ws at 31,,and 200
do at $l.Ol per gallon, caah. These sales are
mostly made to realize money for immediate we—
holders selling no more than enough to meet their
present wants--anticipating an upward tendency.
IVhale remains very quiet—sales since our last 150
bbls at 850 per gallon. Whalebone—We do not
learn of any transactions whatevar M the market.
Camden and Amboy lltailresit Matter--41tate a
' meat of the Witnesses. '
[Prom the Trenton Daily True amerleanl
Having been informed that a salt has been in
stituted against W. W. Decked for a most atm. ,
!sloes slander in charging a very respectable gen.
tteman with an attempt to potent him while a
guest in his house, nothing odd induce the under- ,
signed to take any notice whatever of his recent
card, p p u p b e li a i r li s e t d o inbe, tha t the T rt h te g ne ross , ba miatemen
t the
a te
of facts should be corrected, and that the public, ,
unacquainted with Mr. Deckert, and, his unfortu
nate mama for auspicsams, should be interlined of t
the facts that actually occurred, by those present
on the occasion to which his card alludes,
The undersigned being in the room et the time
of the alleged attack upon W. W. Iteekert, itt the
office of the joint companies at Princeton, dome -
It their duty to make the following statement of
- -
facts : Mr. Deckert says in hie card. : "At this mo
ment some one (I think Richard Stockton) seised's -
bundle of valuable papers from under my arm, -
which I insisted upon having before I would leave
the room, which were then procured and returned
to me by the secretary, and, at the same moment, -
John P. Stockton seized me by the collar with
both hands. and I was knocked down and severely
beateh by the united e ff orts of the eon:abode - is and '
his sons. and was only rescued from farther injury
by the interference of the president."
I Mr. Deokert's papers were on the table before
him, where he placed them, and were not teethed.
untithir. Green handed them to him.
Mr. Decked had been before the board in the
morning, when ho was requested to state the
grounds of la charges and suspicions. -Bei un
hesitatingly denied that belied made any charges,
and stated that he had no fact upon which to
ground his suspicions ; and the board having been
informed by the gentleman to whom he had first
communicated has suspicions, that he had said
t• that he could feet from the company_ from fiat
to ten to one hundred thoueernd do l lars /torah -
money," told him that he might retire---aftar •
which they passed a unanimous resolution, ap
proving the action of the executive committee an,
discharging Decked from his employment in the
service of the companies, stating that he had ad
mitted that he beano fact upon which to feendhis
suspicions. • •
The busineat for which the board bad been oon-•
vaned having been finished, the board adjourned.
While they were at dinner with some invited
attests, among whom was Mr. John P. Stockton,
Mr. Dnokert sent two different applications to the
president of the railroad company to be permitted -
to come in. The permission being granted,' he
came in, when, abandoning his charges add sae- -
pinions in relation to the companies' affairs, he
stated that he bad yet to learn tbat any enema L"
above suspicion—that even Commodore 8
was not-above suspicion; that some one, at
time, had said in Washington that he had 'acted --
improperly In regard to the building of the United
States steamer Princeton. . Having been called to
order, in consequence of the entire irrelevance of
this new attack, be denounced the whole board for
conspiring and combining against him, upon which
he was ordered by the president of the rail mad
company to retire. Mr. John P. Stockton took
him by the arm to lead him to the door, and while
in the act of opening the doer to permit him to
pass out Decker struck him a blow in the faoe,
upon which Mr. Stockton knocked bins down—and
upon Deckert crying out "Mercy, mercy ! Save
me ! for God's sake, gentlemen, save me!" Mr.
Stockton turned away of his own accord, and left
During the whole of this time, Commodore
Stockton was'at the other end of a room about
forty feet !ono. Robert and Richard were at a'
considerable distance—several persons being be
tween them and Mr. Deckert. We saw no person
strike Mr. Deckert bet Mr. John P. Stockton.
Fourteen of the eighteen members of the beard
were at the meeting; one of the absentees was
represented by his son. The secretary himself
delivered the notices stating the object of the spe-
cial meeting at the offices pf the New York direc
Joan W. Idioms,
JOHN L. McKomar,
E. A. &Psalm,
JAMES Peanign,
JAS. g.
I know the above seal
the board adjourned, van
James NEILsox,
Jso. R. Mouses,.
Cement to be correct Intl
ten I left town.
JOSEPH 0. Joussow..
PUILLDKLPHIA, NOTelilber ig, 1857
The news from England by the Niagara, - at
Halifax, reached the board of brans while in
session, and produced a decline in the snots, which
were before selling quite spiritedly. The fluctua
tions in prices will be beat shown by the report of
sales. The news; however, is not of a character
to take any oae by surprise.
Nothing was more natural than that, after the
excitement of the first news of the victory at
Delhi had somewhat passed of, the English
financiers should turn their attention more par
ticularly to the news from America, and to the re
sults it was likely to produce in their midst. And
`the first of these results was most likely to be a
further advance in the rate of discount by the
Bank of England, as a still more effectual cheek
upon opeoie shipments, and that, under the opera
tion of this advance, consols should decline. Tin
greatest wonder of the reflecting, during all, the
late excitement in the moneyed world, has been
the high prices ruling for consols.
The news,ftherefore, that the bank has raised
the rate Of discount to ninalter tient , •that eels*
have declined, and that lower price' are ruling for
American staples, is only what might marenaifly
hive been looked for, and partakes of the character
of the intelligence that may be expected by the
arrivals from England for some days,to ems.
When the accounts of the favorable tam in finan
cial matters here are receivedin England, and the
shipments of gold for the ordinary purposes of trade
give place to the customary operations of exclusege,
the rates of discount in England will fall as rapidly
as they have risen and we look for a speedy
return of bedews activity between the twoenen
tries and of prosperous and busy timer. • '
The Bulletin hes obtained from the Reading
Railroad Company the statement upon which was
based the intelligence respecting that company's
financial arrangements, published a few days
since :
$8,83,741 23
830,317 18
E 12,004,338 40
3,333,400 00
3 339,603 00
001,980 00
Bonds due in lf.Bo
Mortgages on heal Estate
$7,094 950 00
2,8M,2t8 00
Floating debt
Total Debt
/9,917,168 CO
Total, representing the Railroad and the
other property of the Company,056 10
To provide a fund for the settlement of the float
ing debt and the bonds due in 1860. a new issue of
57,000,000 of mortgage bonds has been prepared,
bearing six per cent. interest, and convertible into
the stock of the company; about onahalf to be is
sued at once to fund the floating debt, and the re
mainder to be retained an•issued until wanted for
the 1860 bonds. The mortgage to secure this new
issue of bonds corers the entire property of Atte
Company, and it has been duly executed and 're
corded, a large amount of property having been
acquired since the former mortgage WAS executed.
The net income of the road, after deducting all
expenses and repairs for maintenance of way and
perpetuating the rolling machinery, was in
-1854 52,010,423 21
1535 2,444,432 70
1956 1,944,722 12
1857, about .. 1,560 000 00
Making, on an average of four years,
a net yearly income of 51,014808 27
The annual amount required for Cou
pons, after the Floating Debt has
been funded, will be
Surplus $1,346,893 27
which affords en ample guarantee for the regular
payment of the interest on all bonds of the com
pany. Taking only the present year's limited
business, the net profit will show a surplus orer the
amount required for coupons of $550.000 to
The stockholders of tite new Bank at Reading.
the Union Bank, held their first regular election
for thirteen directors on Monday, to serve for the
ensuing year, which resulted as follows : David
McKnight, Henry P. Robeson, Mayintry A. Berto
lette, Joseph Mahler, Joseph &Iwo, C. H. Hun
ter, Joseph Henry. Levi J. Bertoiette, David E.
Stout, Jacob Bushong, Reese Davies, Jeremiah
Hagentnan, Peter G. Bertolette.
The following are the footings or the lest weekly
statement of the Boston banks:
Nov. 9. Nov. 16.
Capital :Lock.. ..9.31M0,000 $31,960,030
Loans and discia. 50,530,600 50,764,000 Inc. 6153,403
Specie 3,337,000 3.694,900 Inc 351,900
Doe fm other Bks. 5,952,500 5,753,500 Dec, 199,000
Due to other Ilk.. 4, 29 5,000 4,417,W0 Inc. 13,900
Depocitt 14,178,500 14.993,500 Inc. 815,900
6,22 ,000 6,141,000 Dec. 82.000
November IS, ISST
fisporterl by R. Manly, Jr., Stoeb Brag?, No
801 'Walnut street.
6000 N Penn It 63 lots 55%
1000 do 55 X
1050 do SSX
1000 Lehigh 'Vol 1065.,65
1000 Catalrissa , lt 7i..463
500 Ms Coal Co 61-80
1300 City it as Its PR.BSX
600 City 6s lote.BsX
4000 Penn 53 10t5.85
120 do lots. 95
2000 C&A 6s 1t5.69
200 Penn 11 10e
10 do 55.1046
103 do 10t5.10 , 1,
33 do lots.lo
50 Long Island 11-10
60 do ......
50 do 10 k s
Caliteisss It loss. e
00 do .... —O5 8
100 do • • • • • •. 5 •
.".4 do esnn.s in mx,
6030 Penn 5s 851(
10(0 Peon It Be 55%
(3 Itendlng R..10te.23
100 do s s srnkin.lll , g
100 do
_JO do ..ssltint.='
15 do 22A;
IMO entwine.% Ft T0...40
1000 Ilu Coal Co 65...80
1000 C&A R
51100 do 'l5 „lots 09
6000 N Penn Ft 6310t5.55
WO Morris Coal 61...68
WOO City It a....P8. 15 . 5 X
300 do 65X
1000 City Sie 85X
1000 Lehigh Sal R 6a.65
1000 Peon 51 861(
63 Penn P......10t5.411(
10 do
. 22 X I
50 Reading R. .... e3.'_35
100 do eash.22%
1S do lots .23,4
50 do .—dars.'n'4,
eo do .lotsasi - n.23 , 4
•'X do lota. v
100 do .....h5w0.22X
50 do
UM do .....b3wis.22 } 4
290 do ....14tab3.2'24 t
ILO Rohl Nsr pfd 10t5.19
93 Lehigh Scup 1at5.2.3
23 do 1 8.173
5 Peoo R. .... sawn .41
2 do 41}6
2 Rear Meadow B.
Norristown R .5" ti
I Camer.Amb R 93
4 RarrisOurg R 54
13 do .... 3de v 1.3 5.
15 Morri4 CI pfd Icts.4oV
199 Girard 8k....10t5. 93i
1 Methinks , Bank.2s
900 Reading R lotsbs.."a
20 do 1.5.P.2 V
20 do V k
30 Catamifts R iota,. 21,
100 Seta No. pfd...32.133i
12 Mectuaim' Rank.. 22
210 Reading 11 ...10t5.22..'N
1W do tiarn.22K
10 do b 0.22%
WI do 10ta.22X
20 N Penn R...10te.10
30 do 9%
8 Canoeists R 9%
100 do 7A7
17 Norris Canal p11..30,1i
30 Loz,glaland E.... 10
SO &hi Nan pfd lou.log
20 Cosuol 8ani.......21
200 Reading It_
House of the Good Sittpkerd.—Actlae ar
rangements are now being made, under the =par
intendence of a competent committee of path
men: for a grand concert on Thanksgiving night,
the 26th inst., at Concert .110, Chestnut street, in
aid of the Home of the Good Shepherd. The
object is commendable, and we doubt net that the
concert will prove very attractiva'aad nacoaidal.
9,917,1118 06
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