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' ' 14'1111 4(..4f 00Itti4t,a/k DOUAI/ ' 7,204,ii' - „0,,,,;,..,.0„„,,; TOSS . . • ~ . , , ';.'l tk...• li' 4 ' . . a larkiiii,,blyin alnico to; thist • 'lSt) #.1 4 s.t.:• 3l4 Atertaid ,-Y4ll° !irOPrietil• - p4j ion.ofiloo or ;TUB, WMNIEGY , O4IIB, No, 411 :,00ekisItt'itolot,amnadelpItia:, —1 • • tAr-AR ' ON'.B 'INIMITABLE v v: 001iNDIVI.V.FOR TEID - 11BAD; Mahe *bite to - , ODNVJODL"ItINDOT • ' ' • iiil l 4•llthi2ditalts andlatiat Adegantiet wh.teb imrort "IfiINT H, COMPORT, AND DURADILITT. tillehtlekamiXre. Intottod to MI and examine.- • • ,• • - :: 0 04• 5 414-. , •• 4 , 1 1 ) ' 01 cF4r 413 3 . examine.,- "VALITABLA:LIBRAir -B 00IC 8 . T - 191111111111115 DT - • • . 1 % 13.; WEDPLELD, • exam, ,wsw. YORK. 0,0 .41 , 1.1.: , ficlormils OP THE Tailor. BAR. By the Bight lalorelaell, ICE: Baited, with a Memoirand .: , '..2rilfeicie:by B. Shelton Maclienie, D. O. ' Sixth BM einekribleyoftridt and 'fee-Miele letter. .;.21121 floo2 l 2lB • ihißitOltAß.l3.. By Professor Waxing :,1-liKtoethart, a - emit/Mom. and Dr. Region. Bdited, 41 111 . Mieolire end Bohm, by Dr:11. Shelton biackensie, Jlititke, In ii-Mdidda, with primps and tic "- • . DWI 111180BLLABIBIll. The almeelienemm Writ. 'or ik•' lateeith Memo ir hisd Bete', by 'Br.'-11.4heitiiildackensii: Complete • Stolaases,eritiaPortrait.r. Price, per yol„ oloth,sl. - .'4nrop tallrap;',lloN.4oltN PIIILPOT DIIIIHAN; =Semi Wm. Homy Conran; with Notes and Ad. )y Dr. B. Shelton disckensie, and it Portrait fitaalmile." Third Naltion. 12n10., cloth. ,ItalkililAlnißl2 AND ;Tali OILiHtEtTLIS; • Slmi;beiottbe ant' of Lady' SiOrpaies"Nofrols .LBSAMMix:- 7 With sat Introduction and Notes, by ablrr lilDieltegi'Aismicencle. 2- tole., 12mo. oloth. ,FIetaniGICNifiBIESTOKCII; Personal Watches of his Time. i-BySir,Jotteltr , Barrington,,wlth Matra- Alm aby Dolor. Toorth.,Naltioo.. , With Memoir by . H-DrAilackensie. 1.2in0 ,;olotti,' 'Piton $1.26. • PlaogXll , 4,llo 01"81URIDAN,-. Mismoiri,-Of the of ithii ; Biala Hon.. Richard ; Whaley _Sheridan. , -By _Thome! Moore; wijit :Pertrelt end ' fac4tinlie, Iri(ilucciernittlim. , 2 Tole, .10114.or.aDkvarr, a'y rc R.:Sb,lton Ala& quid, Thintltdition....l2me., Moth. ."1 , 112 EtsTop.T.ol THE AR 'PUB PRNINSULA: , Bider Eienerti Sir W. EP; Napier; from , r the - in: ii-2120ris4102.fixfisedrr.'editioh,• with tifty•five Maps int ibex, tam Portrait on Steel, sod a complete index, Cobr'l2niiiirioth.-"Pricit II PO. - • ", • iLPBNISBI7I.4.Ii WAR, .oo:opiate in I'nel,', Wolucal . Y. Huntington,' lea p t? , : 4 ( Aleetier&a. , l-'vol;f1,1 mo. Prooond 14 , • -- . 41143 ; " r1 1 .1161(4 , 9 t Young4gritan. x. Heouwee. 2 Tols.',l2e/o.', etc*: - ,rice 22. -. • - ~, - __, ~,-,74s a rcrii r ia - noitilbWi: 1,, ,', , I , ..<.TipoOme , • Alw:Wialuis of•isW.camermi ' For , Vtalre a l* 1 011 11 Ying Pebito UM op their' - . 6 thiftifie , 61 loit „.es, - 'clot,* to erteilot to itel S on '- :=l o6l viti v ittam,t u rz t a tv i i i ii ~. film:ll'4p= TaAcistOok,=4l Moot igfait 41.11.artr. &AO - 4. 0211381',Ntili STREET. ' ' - , Menuteritirere of,, - • - B 1 iertopoini,6,BlJ,Tillt, WARN, rider their. kkajmetiohe on .tba premium' eielusively" -._DMandiltivirieivi are Invited to vlidt ibm• mann , , • ,WA.TOECES: , eifin4g.stooi of Superior, • Watcliest, of ill ,the 'celebrated makers. •• • Necklaces, " Pmealeto; Snaked, ' ? fi nger! Rho, 5.4 ether articles in_the Diamond trikfterlasii• oi NNW DEMONS will be made free .of - elutrge for those wieldnir work made to order: cf. RICH ,GOLD : ,TEW,'BIArt. „*.tieestidui Aueutineue et,ell =te now atyle. of Plea IT1 4 , 16: 11 fa* '° ,4 0; 44 0Pil Nur, (*I; (*Unite, Akarialsite, r - CASTORS,: SWEETS, , i"- Also, Brener , arid Karp% CLOCKS; of newest - styles, i miiiriet ;quality, ' ' - " anlAtwkwly PEQUIGNOT, 11A241FAOTIMR3 Or WiTOO , - VID^ swiroarsEs .0/ WATOBIIIII .1/!i , o9lTru vamp a MEET, BELow Osam' u 7, Piquoios. "''', Atroutationutaitir. .. . TAMES .111.;CALOW.E.LL ''.dt,C.o,, . , ... . 4.1, - ', tut. 48,2 onsairryT, BZW.W. Vigra iITRERT, i , Importers of - Watobee. and Fine Jewelry,. idanntactu. ten of 'Eltarlinz'acel Standard - a Allier" Ten Sits; Yorke and spoosai anti Agents for the nalentOherles,Frohbeto , s new semes - GOld itedel Louden Timekeepers—all the sties ontland; prloes $950, $275, and MI, ' •-- . 1 • Bue l l. and BiiisaWatchee at'the lowest picas; i, —.• Ude fashionable Jewelry, -, . Shadiabland American Plated Warne. :- , "WU -.', . „ . ........ ..., .. ,' • - 1344.#11,1 4 11' & U. LWO litolleiritall or • ' " lqo: If.oll` Obooinnt Street; above VIVA,' op" Maim, Constantly on Itsad and or solo to the Trade IPA Pro, _OOMMUNIPN- BERVIOX SSTS, -thin 004.13 NVAITSIO BA& t' ' .tirrs i oisToss,-Kterns, groom; yokss i - I; , • • LADLIZoto., • - , T , P 1141 109 , P l O l l , 11 k 4 4 41 of 4:4 4 1 , 44;5147 mum" k SOX:, -MANUTARTURERS OF SIL VER, w 4 as , vastastwa) 1812,). "44 IL W. ODDNDH. 'DUN AND OHNDRi ' A hap Wort/nut of SILVSS Yi MU, ol ovei , y de. Oaki4 lo 4 , constantly an hod, or ludo to order to swab any pattern dbered.. , Importori perasia:.Ao Birwingbaru itolortet 4 - Egiacllt3 `,.P; DIIS3CiSQ 'Si SON,, late of ' . pitWba...,: Oariow.4. t',i.,'.Whbleiiitla MANIJPAO ' raa Cl/P Jiliqupt l aot 011XSTNOT etre,t, Phila. ApLh P~ • Tit, . - ,-- _... , , ~ . , ,„,,„„ m „,,,„,,. ~ , i ! ..11.1...... tka", 77- ' - ' 7 . . _ _K-INt SF OR Y., & PURE 4' clasinti/GISTABOR (far the lanitdry) Imo Mud a greater celebrity thanluis ever been obtained „:fir any other Much, . " - Thie has been the result of its Marked superioritY in :rfmality, gad *invariable uniforanti,, ' , • , The public may be - aagured,of „the „continuance of the lolgh standard now established. • - The prigbletlen is ever % A tons dail,V; and the demand has egtehded;throughont the whole United States, pod _to foreign, contitrieg.: - Working thud on a very large scale, 'Maunder a'rigld • system, timpani able,to Secure 6, perfect uniformity In inequality throughout the year, This la the great de. gal,eratam finlch•nasking, and Is realized now for the tizettinie, d - ' • - Thij pert' bent Ste,reli that cai*, pwirs, and no oh„ . Wea-wele Wentod:by_ coneumers, and ,thig, will be • , phled to them* the Grocers gml ova es their customers , blverternef Which la the' beet, and ask for it—othei , • Win thavircand btrlikely to. got that article on which ilea far.sptnat can be made, • Mr, ialteforthag, been engaged intlemanntacture ot •Mira conttutaMalyfof the bet 7 years, and during the w h o l e of tho-Peitod the March made under hte super ',- vision hue been; bernyr any guentloa, the beat, in the ;,macket,, For the drat 11 - years he had charge of the works or Wm.. Colgate 5c.,,00., at which period he in , Tented the protein of the manufacture of Corn etarcb. Ask for - ICIBUIPORD'iI STARCH, as the name • -",-; unrego his recently been, token by another factory. It fa "ktby al/,' beet - grocers In nearly every part 'Orthe etnutry, - • - 1 , 4 KIROBIOB I /-& - tiOMB Oat too cowl BritltoH 6 . ,:ite , peddlngsf,'Ac.) bag obtained an equal celebrity 'with their ater,,ob, for the; lettodET.' .Thig article la per. **Ur Pore, ago emerrreePect, equal to the beet 544 .51 0 6 , 4 1 47 Itrayti battles ,baring additional quell • this witich rezidir it invaluible for the demurs,. • • .P9tato•Mara: hm I.eau ititortoYedy Vaeked sino aold fitarchi endives given Nee Impressions to many the teitilrynitid our Corn Starch.. • • remits beat dellehey,and purity, it la ;Igo entep4 we as a fUet for Infants and Ingelidoe -h, N. 'KELLOCiti ds - 00,, Agents 19 6 1 17140 N Mireet; tfi. T. i ' i t 4 01tEklit t rii or OMITAgg. SIIG:AIt-th NiE ••- # .0.ND.416 baebele foetal° by „ I OROMALD, PEntogy & co , „.„ . 1404 t , c ; 41 1 .1ew Delaware avenue. , ItiAt:4l.,B4iiiiiire 'Wilted to au Ter ArA.4.6.1 immane - oix was od• Sopei Ole& we eark A:70,-, - 1211/±trit*wr 613 , 010 r , * ity V V77l7. 7. ittinii;Prithali '"V Alfir ; 7:114 1 . 014 PSI!If noNIMO; To. T-14,y. - . • -1 , 111:11.11 11; 1 - v•`o! thipltio4 i!14.• . t 14.1r,,, , ':1 1 .4 , , SA • 1411 fi:l6.4,4i,tii,ioOtibi‘ ri , tfittaitl9.4t;;, ? . .. . WOO :COO 'Y2OO i.!‘t '(4 lioWiss).:4 , 9lo 00 - I/ 44•• ‘ , 41:;.orrome, !pi in lipoit..ol*lt, ,„ .00• 0 4' 1 0.40 aiiiritato fot PRESS. ANDBE'sT 'APER IN:THE COUNTRY. 15ats. VOL. .1-NO.. 95. ebutaoount. , , ... , A OBIT:RN;- M.A.S'O/ip:i FEMALE ..4 -I k." OOLIMIR. • • , , FAOULTIr : , . . • , J. DANT, A.la.,.PrielPoilt, .Lequrer od liellma Selefite t ' W. R. 0; *MOB, A. 11., Prittelpel, Teeebei le ell 7Zrw:ORATriIRLD, A. bi.,;Teether ie theOel. ,Ifte i nielrt . 1n40t.. _ DRUM, Tay ' 1:e; in ' iriat ' ary Depart. , Aire. JULIA A. moitToaciter of Musk. Mrs. AIM V. DARBY' Teacher of Drawing and Painting.- ' ' The session of this In/MO:Mon commenced otekhe lirettiO)lPAY,ln OWN*, and will continue nine and a halt•M'onthe, • 'TUITION, PER YEAR: PriMary Department, PO; Intermediate Department, $4O f.Oollese.Department, $5O; Incidental Pee, $2; Graduation lee,, $5; Elisio ,ou Plano or Gultar,"sso; ]trie,Or Instrument, $5 ; Penell or llonoehromat4* Drew. Snot, $2O; Water Color Painting, $5O l'Olt Petit g, $4O; I Preneltatid Latin, each, $OO. • • • • The Tuition Pees mat be settled before opy pupil will be entered. , - ..• ' Board can be obtained In private initthee at 10.2.60 Per month; including IplUbing, woOd, and lights. tholtilstitntiona posseirses sdrantiget for illustration inzatursdßotenee superlorto those of any shear one la the &nth. There is nod to be Smut, in' an, Female Sehool., pore endiplete Ohendral and Philosophical Ap, peratne o andlimorivextbnalre Oabbaet for tirusWing All btsnehee of Rsterat Ilistory. These means are in - All, the College bid/snip ma • nederioing repairs, and everything will be -made as, lonalortable an poo. Auburn is as heathy as tliare le any , neceealty for. It; Oprild net be healthier . , wales. the people aboold never die at air. The President and Principal have the entire control of the Institution, and any Inquiries addreescd to either of them will meet with prompt attention. N - h.—Persona wishing water, coils, or ores analysed, may line it done by sending to ' .9titi4rs Yirtteellok Z'AU4T: , :orlsg*LV "EX T/i Alirr SirnblelA r t r iii,tbiGhlting of two Tuttn, WTI.' filette4Y on the EXCIOND WILEPIESDAY of September, Saltless the Jamb Wednesday of, June following, - ' Normal Clue, Troy, Female Seminary—Tuition tree. Winter Term conimencing September 10Th. The charge, fer taltion and board, including all lie cautirles cdnneoted frith it, such u roma rant, washing fuel, : tight, etc:, is MS per annum. , Au additional °lage ls made' for music and the Other ornamental brit:when of female education. Where( a fixed sum is preferred, saio per , annum (one-half , payable at the mmunetwoment of each term) will be received, and for it the ;pupil entitled to nil the ahranthiges of the Lnati lotion, • ' Pupils may enter at any period of ;the term, and are required to pay only from the/time of entrance. The Institution 'furnishes all posible facilities for a thorough course of useful end ornamental education. The Principals areasetstod• by more thou twenty Pro- Magus sad Teachers. • 1 . Extensive, courses of Lectures are annually delivered by Professor:rep. Chemistry, Natural Philosophy, Peel°. y,•Botany, deh'enomy, and Elocution. This Institution Is furnished' with a valuable library and extensive Philosophical Apparatus, a well-selected I Walnut of Minerals _and Shells, and 'Maps, Charts, i Globes, and Models.. • ; Every facility is afforded. Err the Thorough study of the .Preach language. The •Preneh teachers reside in the family, and adapt their system , of instruction to the flue of the language triconversation. :DIPLOMAS see awarded to young heltee who here plumed tietisfactorp'examlnations in The fall course of B.ngllsh - stradies, with Intin, or one of the modern languages. ClElLsirvtakrat to those who have com pleted the partial course. , The pupils are received into The family of,the Princi pals, in whioh every, arrangement is made for their physical education, and the improvement of their man nere and MOWS. They occupy private rooms, two in each, the rooms of the female teachers and that of an Ez rieneed nurse being among those of the young The edyantagee of thie Institution are the result of the' sotionizoodeted Atailities of more than thirty years of its onward progress. , Cirtirlam containing More particular information may be obtained by application to the Principal!, John • Willard mid Sarah L. Willard, Troy, N.Y. The tenni for day eaholani are SS per starter for the introdnetoty olasa of llnglhiti stales, T hese are Bead ing, 'Writing, - Spelling, Grammar, Arithmetic, Itudl meats of Geographg, Geography for beginners, and Geology for beginners. Igor the mooed clime $T per quarter. Thie includes all the branches constituting the extensive course of Eng lleh ' . TRUSTEES. BENJAMIN' MARSEIALL, President. JOHN 11. WILLAUD, Seoretary. - Mayor and Recorder of Troy, ex-officio. ' -Benjamin Marshall, John D. Willard, Robert D. Millman, Thomas W. Ithitchtord, Jeans Q. Rama, •Slim K. Stow„ .Jas VailSchoonhoren, Jonathan Edwards, Gao:R. We. , Thomas Olowes, Joint A. Grirrold; ' John Manary, 'Utill . iOnni. . 0c29-0m UALL: , OF ST.- JAMES THE LESS, PHILADELPHIA. A PAMILY BOARDING IiONOOLVOR .80 1 18 . . - ►B. R. &trent, MOTU. . , The Armlet &melon will begin on TUMID — AT, Sep tember T. - llirentrati my be, obtarnea at the Dock Stem of H. SCOollllttearner TIGHTS in afrEsTNUT or Of4lool*ijogtomokralle of **yarn Phila. auivom NOTICING SO NEEDFUL TO , ENABLE 4.psioongoulle' tad Wilde, to gate • ihariot thtr world's goods ikod'embtortiras a • • < ~ ..11118LNESS. IDUCIATION. • • Lvrof slloi/Dl/03 , 11178 - INESS AOADIDIT, Noe. „118 04160 SIXTH Streett, iesr RAOE, :10/ i'fmnien DD MONDAY, SEPTEMEXII Ist, for Dal tala,4l4l , t , tilatitee;tyr.bittalie- g a knowledge of jrlit.TUNtjao4l.-NDIPIcbIG AND Aurraktmo 1444•4140044141gai10Tt %rig • '• • le aging, that ;WWI t it y r• 4 . lo4l4r , Oripariass.4444fm4 4 ITTENDEX 4 i PIULADELPIIIA. 00M , BIERCIAL UOLLE•aIf, _S. E. torus:. of SEVENTH :41344 CHESTNUT Streefi, Second and Third, Storlo,, 3130IGNE1Pitia, PENIUNSIIIP; exi OOMELNEOLAL HAWS AND Fouls. '; COMALERCIAL CALCULATIONS. • LECTURES; - . , Each Student hu Individual lastructlon from oompe terkt and attendee Teacher', puler the, immediate 47.4,8 pa l 17: 1 61. ° 11: t B i e b eti:e en In the Country has charge of '77 ;l l e r es ti a eland i.e Depa rtm nee . aniens and get a Catalogue of yefos, eo. ocBl PROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUT E, WEST PHILADELPHIA. No *slow whatever Is more like a private The course or study la extensive and thorough. Pro. besot &venders will neater. a ft* more pupils under iburteen years of age into his family. Enquire of Name. L. S. Silver and Mathew Newkirk., or Col. L. W. ilorney, Editor of this Paper, whose 90111 or wards are now Members of his family. • septl4-tf itgal Notiree. • •"ifif TH - E.ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -IL CITY AND COUNTY OY PHILADELPHIA, Eetabe of DANIEL MUMMY, decessod.—Notice Se hereby given, that the Widow of the mid decedent has presented and filed in the said Court an appralsement and her petition, claiming to retain the personal pro perty therein mentioned, under the act of 14th of April, 1851, and the Court will approve the came on FRIDAY, the fourth dey of December, 1867, unless exceptions be filed thereto. ; AUTLIVIt M. BURTON, - , no18.11);254,0* Attorney for Widow Epote onb Shots. IsiU . ` 442, ' SOUTHEAST CORNER OF AIXICKBT and MTH Streets, f. 0 entleoieu , s Best Patera Leather Older Boots. a' - " Calf r ' do. do. I as aar Potent Leather Oxford This. a< , t{ , Celt do., do. a • a Pat en t L ea th er and Calf narrow strap Shoes. Boys' and ?Soothe Patent Lenthen and Oaf Skin Salter Boots and Shoos. shl-tf or sale by GRO. W. TAYLOR. FAIL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. --JOUR S. TISOMBON & CO., No. 814 MAU; RIET atreet, end Kos. 8 and 6 FRANKLIN PLAOH, hills new In store a largo and se ell-essorted stork of BOOTS and MOBS, of City and Xastern manufacture, width they odes for sale on the best terms for Cash, or on the usual oredlt. ;Sums Ark - invited to call end emmtne their stock. nulAttf AltrD CANDLES, REMOVAL from 187 8011TII FOURTH STREET, to my Manufactory, 10 and 14 RELIEF STREET, be tween Lombard and south, and Front and Second sheets. - Thankful to buynumerons recede for their past favors, I solicit a continuance of the same, having enlarged my msonfactotrao as to enable roe to have constantly on hand a large Stook at Well4easensd Soaps, free from Pith OD; Palm. Varlegated,WL Ito Honey, Castile, and all kinds of toilet Soaps, Chemical Olive Soap of pure Material, Settled Pale, and Drown Soap, English Sal. Soda and Pearl Starch,. Sperm, Adamantine, and Tallow Candles- of all adzes. constantly on hand. Having adopted the osah system,l am enabled to sell my goods at the lowest prism!. P. CONWAY. Philadelphia. It. 8.-418.ith paid for Tallow and Grease. no 14.6 m 500. iitIrDN,V, 119 1 3 0 1 ,01; worth of Farms and Building Lots, In the gold region of Culpeper county, Virginia, to be divided amongst 10,200 subaeribers, on the 7th of December, 1867. Bub aoriptionS only ten dollars down, or fifteen dollars, one half down,,the rest on delivery of the deed. Nvery subiariber will get a Betiding Lot or a Farm, ranging in value from $lO to $26,000. These farms and lots are sold so cheap to induce settlements, a sufficient number being reserved; the Increase In the value of which will compensate for the apparent low price now asked. Up wirda 0fi,860, lots and farms are already . sold, and a coMpany of 'enters called the Rappahannock Pioneer Mewl/Morel 10 now forming and will soon commence a settlement. Ample Security will be given for the faith ful perfornianott ,of contracts and promises. Nearly 0,090 sores &land In' different parte of Virginia, now at command, and will be bold to settlers at from Strip to 10/oper acre. Ihiguestionable titles will in all eases be' gins. Wood-cutters, "eoopers, farmers, Ice., ore taunted, and Sae hundred Agent obtain subscribers, to whom the most liberal inducements will be given. me *genie write that they are making $2OO per month. Tor full partioulars, stlbscriptdoue, agencies, &a. apply to R. BARRER mat - tf Port Royal, Caroline county ira, '~LOVER SEED. NOTICE TO PENN ./ SYLVANIA FARMERS AND STOREKEEPERS. ,The undersigned are now prepared to purchase for dash, prime Clover Seed of the new crop. Xenni l irmla storekeepers and tamers, by sending samples to our addresii, can, at all times, ascertain the price at which we are buyng. Parties wishing samples, by which to be governed as to quality, can have them sent by mail, by addressing ne. , J. ll CHASE & CO, seulO-ti 48 North Front, and 44 Water streets INdED MEAT.— The subseribor has 'commenced menutsettiring his Ne Plus Ultra • MINDED MEAT, Which he offers to his Customers JO ZANOR Or WAIL QUANTITIES. Orden through DLOODT, DIBVATOII will be penal tualli attended to. JOSHUA WRIGHT 1111{9m 41 HPILING GARDEN and FRANKLIN ett BRAN SLACK—ENGRAVING, DIE ir t '; l l.:. p lillnag find Embossed Printing, Envelope end lowa ;mid egifSny a Storwberry Street, between Norket fold Obeetnut Street s an72-1v ' 'cluwwooD oEmsTraY-071110E, NO, 11 1 1„ yittipm t,, bidev 441 UV ,Otrangitz[o:Stiibe in Vbiliibelphin. , . Fertile benefit of strangers and .other s who may de sire to Tilt any of our public institutions, we publish Oar anneled pet. FUSLIO micas or AIRISNNTAIS: Academy of Music, tOporstic h loorr.er of Broad, and Locust streets. Arch Street Theatre, Arch, above Bth etreet. , , Parkinson's Garden, Chestnut, above Tenth. National Theatre and °lrma, Walnut, above Eighth. Sandford's Opera Houseathlopian,) Eleventh, below Market. • Walnut Street Theatre, nertheast corner Ninth and Walnut. ThomeuPs Varieties, Fifth and Chestnut, • , Thotnaals Opera Houl), Aroh, below Seventh. ' aura AND sOUISONS, Academy of Natural Sciences, corner of Broad and George greet*. • • Academy of Fine Arts, Ohestdut, Above Tenth. Artiste Fund Hall,fohestout, above Tenth. Franklin Institute, No. 9 South Seventh street. estrivetutiv INSTITUTIONS: • Almshouse, west side of Bohuyikill, opposite South street. Almshouse (Friends'), Walnut street, above Third. Association for the Employment of Poor Women; No. , Se/ green street . Asylum for Lost Children, No, 56 North Seventh street. Blind Asylumsßate, near Tiantieth street/ • - Christ Church Hospital', No. 8 Cherrystrert. • 014. Hospital, Nineteenth street, near Coates, Olarkeon's Halt, No. NZ Cherry street. • Dispensery, Fifth, below Chestnut street. Petunia, Society fOr the Relief and Employment of the Peer, No, 72 North Seventh etreet,, Guardians of the Poor, office No.. 56 North Seventh street. • German Society Hall. No. 8 South Seventh street. • Home for Friendless Children, corner Twenty-third and Brown streets. ' Indigent Widows , and Single WoreezosSoclety, Cherry, east of Eighteenth street. Pena Widows' Asyhun, West and Wood streets Eighteenth Ward. •• ' )(amnia Italh Chestnut, above Seventh street. litittsts3en Asylum, corner, of Race'and Twenty-first 7.l4"ortaifa DiteitaaryiNo'.:lopribgriarden - strest. k.ttily I , Orpl'us uta, (oolorett,)•Thlrteenth stresti near Oallowhill., , , Odd Fellows' Hall, Sixth and trainee street. Do. do. S. E. corner Broad and Springs:hr. den streets. • . Do. • . do.' Tenth and South etreete. Do. do. Third and Brown streets. . Do. do, Ridge Road, below Wallace, Pentulylvania Hospital, Pine street, between Eighth And Ninth. Pennsylvania Institute for the Instruction of the Blind, corner Race and Twentieth street. Pennsylvania Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons, Sixth and Adolph] street/. ' Pennsylvania Training School for Idiotic. and Feeble- Minded Children, School House , Lane, Germantown, office No. 152 Walnut steet. Philadelphia Orphans' Asylum, northeast or. Nigh teenth Ind Cherry Preston Retreat, Hamilton, near Twentieth etreet. Providence Society, Prune, bob:181x% street. , Southern Dispensary, No. 98 Bhippon street. • Union Benevolent, Association, N. W. corner of Seventh and Seasons streets. ' Will's Hospital, Rate, betireen Eighteenth and Nine. teenth streets. St.. Joseph's Hospital, Girard avenue, between Fif teenth and Sixteenth. - Spisr.opsi Hospital, Front etreet; between. Hunting. don and Lehigh avenues. Philadelphia Hospital for Diseasee of the Chest, S. W. corner of Chestnut and Park sts, West Philadelphia. POOLIO BUILDINOS. 0111740111110U11e, Ohestuut street, above Fourth County Prison, Passynnk road, belowißeed, City Tobacco Warehouse, Dock and Spruce streets. City Controllers. Office, Girard Bank, second story. Commissioner of City Property, office, Girard Bank, Second story. City Treesprer's Office, °tree Dank, second story. City Commissioner's Office, State Hanle. City Solicitor's Office, Fifth, below Walnut. City Watering Committee's Office, Soethwut corner Fifth and Chestnut. trairmount Water Works, Fairmount on the Schuyl kill. Girard 'fruit Tressarer's Oftice,Pifth,above Chestnut. "louse of Industry, Catharine, above Seventh. 'Masa of Industry, Seventh. above Arch etreet. Bono of Refuge, (white,) Parrish, between Twenty second and Twenty-third street. House of Refuge, (coloredd Twenty-fourthi between Parrish and Poplar streets. Realth 01Soe, corner of Sixth and 81111101 M. ionic of Correction, Ruh Rill. Marine ilospitsl s Gray's Perry road, Wow South street. Mayor's °Men, 0. W. corner Fifth and Chestnut streets. New Penitentiary, Coates street, between Twenty drat and Twenty-second streets. Navy Yard, on the Delaware, comer. Front and Prime streets. Northern Liberties Gm Works, Maiden, below Front ,street. Poet Office, No. 237 Dick street, opposite the .Itx. , change. Post Office, Kensington, Queen street, below Bhaoka mason etreet. Post Office, Spring Garden, Twenty•fourth street and Pennsylvania Avenue. Philadelphia Exchange, sooner Third, Walnut and Dock streets. Philadelphia Gas Works, Twentieth and Market; office, No. 8 8. Seventh street. " Pennsylvania institute for Deaf and Dumb, Broad and Pine streets. poem , . Trait/ Monument, Beach,-above Hanover +afoot.' Public High School, S. E. corner Broad and Green Public Normal School, Sergeant, above Ninth. Recorder's Office, No. 8 State House, east wing. State Home, Chestnut etreet, between Fifth and Sixth streets. Sheriff's Office, State lions% near Sixth street. Spring Garden Commissionor's Hall, Spring Garden and Thirteenth streets. Onion Temperance Hall, Christie% lames Ninth street. • L ; United States Hint, earner of Chestnut sa d. onnfper streets, • j in t !..4l lM T i:.4.*M't* , ' 4 lP l ,o: * i e l t6 a !l ., ttk;Cad Otathlag tqulpage, tomer Of Twelfth and Girard streets. United States Quartermaster's Office, corner of Twelfth and Girard streets. COLLIGEO. College of Pliandeoy, lane street, above Seventh. Eclectic Medical College, Mines street, west of Sixth. 'Chant College, Ridge road and College Avenue. Ifomceopathie Medical College, Filbert street, abet Eleventh. Jefferson Medical College, Tenth street, below George. Polytechnic College, corner Market and West Penn Square. Pennsylvania Medical College, Ninth street, below Locust. 'Philadelphia Medical College, Fifth street, below Walnut. Female Medical College, 229 Arch street. University of Pennsylvania, Ninth street, between Market and Chestnut. University of Free Medicine and Popular Knowledge, No. 68 Arch street. iOOA7ION OF 00ORT/3. United States Circuit and District Courts, No. 24 Fifth street, below Chestnut. Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Fifth and Chestnut streets. Court of Common Pleas, Independence nail. District. Courts, Nos. 1 lila lap Corner of 811th and Chestnut streets. Court of Quarter Sessions ; corner of 131:th and Chest• streets. EFILIOIOI7II INSTIVEITIOSIO ESMiiMil;==El American and Foreign Christian Union, No. 144 Meet nut aired. !Merkel% Sunday School Union (new), No. 1122 Chestnut street. Amenean Tract Society (new), No, 922 Chestnut. Episcopal Reading Rootns,'lll Walnut greet. Menonint, Crown street, below Oallowbill street. Pennsylvania and Philadelphia Bible Society, corner of Seventh and Walnut streets. Presbyterian Board of Publication (new), No. 82 Chestnut atm t. , Presbytorian Publication Ilona°, No. 1884 Nhestnut street. Young Men's Christian Association, No. 102 Chestnut stmt. Northern Young Blen , s Christian Association, Ger mantown Road and Franklin. Philadelphia Bible, Tract, and Periodical Office (T. Btaktores), No. /535 Arch street, first bowie below RIM !greet. north side. Lutheran Publication &cloth No. 733 Arch street, below Eighth. RAILROAD LINES. Penna. Central K. R.—Depot, Eleventh and Market. 7 A. DI., Mail Train forpittitintrgh andlhe West. 1266 P. DI., Fast Line for Pittsburgh and the Welt. 2.80 P. M., for Harrieburg and Columbia, 4.30 P. M., Accommodation Train for Lancaster. 11 P. M., Express Mail for Pittsburgh and the West. ' Beading Railroad—Depot, Broad and Vine. 7.80 A. M., Express Train for Pottsville, Williamsport, Elmira and Niagara Falls. 3.80 P. M., as above (Night Express Train.) Now York Lines. 1 A. AI, from Kensington, via Jersey City. 8 A. M., from Camden, Accommodation Train. 7A.DI from Camden, via Jersey City Mail. 10 A. N ' ~ from Walnut street wharf, via J ersey olty. 2 P. SE via Camden and Amkoy, Express. 8 P. DI., via Camden', Accommodation Train. P DL, via Camden and Jersey City, Mail, 6 P. IC, via Camden and Amboy, Accommodation. Connecting Lines, 6 from Walnut street wharf, for Ilelvldore,Easton, Water (lop, Licrauton, As. 6 A. 614, for Freehold. 7 A. DI., for Mount Holly, from Walnut street wharf, 2P. DI., for Freehold. 2.30 P. 81., for Mount Holly, Bristol, Trenton, leo, 8 P. M., for Palmyra, Burlington, Bordentown, As. 4 P. AL, for Belvidere, Beaton, 'co,, from. Walnut street wharf. 6P. tt. for Mount Holly, Burlington, &o. Baltimore R. R.4—Depot, Broad and Prime. 8 A. M., for Baltimore, Wilmington, New Castle, Mid dletown, Dover, and Seaford. 1 P. M. for Baltimore, Wilmington, and New Castle. LIS P. M., for Wilmington, New Castle, Middletown, Dover, and Seaford. . P. M., for Perryville, Fast Freight. 11 P. M., for Baltitnore and Wilmington. North Pennsylvania R. R.—Depot, Front and Willow. WA. M. for Bethlehem, Easton, Mauch Chunk, As. 10 A. M., ter Doylestown. Accommodation. 2.15 P. M., for Bethlehem, Buten, Mauch Chunk, Au. 4.80 P. Si., for Doylestown , Accommodation. 10 A. M., for Gwynedd, Accommodation. Camden and Atlantic R. R,—Vine street wharf. 7,80 A. M. for Atlantic City. 10.46 A. M., for Haddonfield., 4 P. M., for Atlantic City. 4.40 P. M., for Haddonfield. For Westchester. DiColumbia R. It. and Westchester Branch. Prom Market street, south aLte, above Eighteenth. Leave Philadelphia 7 A. M. Oil 4 P. M. " Westchester 6.89 A. M., and 3P. U. BO NDATB Leave Philadelphia 7 A On . Id. " 'Westchester 3P. M. Vi'eatcheiter Direct 'Railroad open to Pennelton, drubbi From northeast Eighteenth and Market streets. Leave Philadelphia 6, and 9 A. M. 2 4, and 0 P„. M. 1, Pennelton, Grubbs Bridge, 7,8, and 11 A. fd, and 4 and, 6 P. It. On Saturdays last train from Pennelton at 7 A. 81. Oa SURWATB Leave Philadelphia 8 A. M. and 2 P. M. Pennelton 9,4 A.M. and 0 P. M. Germantown t /Yorristetes R. fi.—Depot, 9th and Green. 6,9, and 1 1 Norr for A. M., i and 8, 4.45, 6.46, and 11.15 P. 14., stown. 6A. M. and 9 P. 61. for Downingtown. 9,8, 9,10, and ]1.90 A. M. and 2,4, 6,8, and 9 . M. for Oheatnut 11111. 9,7, 8,9, 10.16, find 11.30, A. M., and 1,2, 8.10, 4,9, 8,7,8, 9, and 11.80 P. M., (or Germantown. GAGter Valley R. R.—Letwe Philadelphia 6 A. M. and 3 P. M. 1411,10 Downingtown 7,V A. M. and 1 P. M OTEAMIIOAT LINES. 2,80 P.M., Richard Stockton, for Bordentown, trans Walnut street wharf. 10 and 11.4 A. M. and 4 P. 11., for Taeony, I ton and 'Bristol, from Walnut street wharf. I 9.90 A. M., Delaware, Boston, and Kennebec', for On* , May, first pler below Spruce street. 7.80 A. kf., and, 2, 8, and 6 P. U., John A. Warner and Theresa A. Morgan, for Dristcd, HpOols, kg, PHILADELPHIA, Tin# f THURSDAY, x.cv.E4pri, H4;1867. pi. THE RULE Or MLLITA.ErEEHILtiIi ? 1 al Many years ago, Lord Malmo, in ( !s tory of England, tracing the rise and PrPgreW of the Toritish Empire in India, said z,crl may also observe on this oceasion s :that of the three most eminent chiefs who ever fought in British' India—Lord OLIVE, Sir Exits Covir;a4d g , tr' Anruun Wiermxtmor—that they gainie ,lt battles of Plassey, of WandeWash, kind At' Assaye, at' the ages, respectively; of ikhirti; two, thirty-three, and thirty-four. , Ate may hence, perhaps, be doubted (rmtiVithstandlitif' Nome'rocent and most brilliant eiampleifo tee; contrary) whether the more modern•praetiet• of sending forth to the militarY•comit4o is that unwholesome climate elerantili4Y s lie,e bending beneath the weight'lif v0re,..10 4 10 a s )l cases entirely consistda Iffth he, reihMs : l3,V;', which our Eastern greatness, was acitirni." . In connection with this rem - twit; as respeettithe general question of officering the 14110 4d... partments of the military service, wo.mliy no tice. that WoLva wag young -*hely inrielttri the arms of victory, that Inattetrorldi;,4t onty in the vigorous prime of,lnatrhoW44l.' was appointed to Chief turnituzilaatrt . ce.,l dons war of Independencfri, l and ihht, Oe. • ratrotore's victorious career in ~ thrk lOninirpla occupied the space intorreMlClAttern v i his thirty-ninth and ferty.tontile'yetti;•' that he won the battle' of Virelerloo:o7heP , he was forty-six years old. Morooyer,44-' ret,cox assumed the eommand'4rthe ," y, of 0 Italy at the age of twenty-six, and Said, !t . • ply to some one who sneered Itt,':thti . , a old.; meat of such a young man i r‘lnitiO'rertl Or I shall be a dead man or an 914.0. p jp3:l , No doubt, as Lord MAHON adllOarthOrtillswi) been some brilliant exceptions in thls 440 •I' , - 3 . , 'as well as in Europe and India ;.b‘t 4 el general rule may be held to. Standj,ge ; that aged generals aro not best calcuiated•for supremO military command in settiativarihrer• particularly in India, where the voode of:tighy. ing, something like the 1 . /mi.:WO :systbuhlif Spain, requires activity of bfigy . ,ali weit'aiief mind. • ' I . For the most part, few peoplti,fare_dptindo. conviction as to the advance :or years . in tbilr ; own persons. They are caretphtii, mar : progress which Time has made en their Mhal., and neighbors, but do not observe its traceil 'IT , . themselves. "Poor fellow! how test the ages," is a common remark,feena theie4o themselves are more senile still. 'Anieng, the many instances, in the writinge of Dieli4o which show how closely and philosophiciagy, he studied human, nature, in its various pi* sea, is the churchyard conversation,,relatedAn rt The old Curiosity Shop," where , two'sibd men, a sexton and his assistant, grow its#4-,, lons over the death of an old woman, of, their own standing, and unanimously agree that We must have been a good ten years older thin she pretended to have been. The old *i'm separate, each with his mind greatly reilbrivl by the conclusion they have thus ordvalet; and ono says, pointing to his Mend, ftrobt creature, he Is breaking very fast—his mitt j'. quite gone," while the other, ebucklingly,(Old yet pityingly mutters, that his friend tr colarn4 last long—as it was melancholy term hejsat his memory was decaying." We never, see , ourselves as others seo us. , - , • • There has just turned' up a notable' exotalill flcrition of this truth. 4t,,PlinftibßOuigli East Indies, (in the heart or the disaffeicted: region,) General Lam), a veteran of 0104.. six years, of which seventy lifEki , bqen*qt in the army, held chief command, ando - Aiaa personally so disqualitied,l'i*VekilAfa vice, by years and blip, 11481 , tibilk lilitedon Tintae ..pelet64-**:', . : ‘ l :o44'Nt; ,ton 4 Sur 01# i; --s ", 11 11 7, 09 1 10t,bil better 4 tti"d ' iki,nait 3 W' , ( 4 ipip4Ate 0 :4010'ilfl : i 1c0' 1 i r4 T.!, . 1.4:0,."0 - TheoW%oniatits, as might bo expected, . went to India. Instead of acting by way of gentle hint on the mind of tho gallant and , aged general, they rendered him irate. Be would retain his command, ho would not prac tice the virtue of resignation, he ignored his own ago and infirmities, and defended Aiwa(' thus : tt Although from my gouty feet I am physically unequal to active bodily exertion, I assert that in judgment and intellect I am fully equal, if not superior, to any of the younger commanders at Dinapore." The idea of a general, in command of an army, unable ham gouty feet, to cross a horse is so abstird that not even Punch could imagine my thing more ludicrous. As the Times curtly said, "A General ought not only to have judg ment and intelligence but also feet." The Pr- suits of civil life may generally bo followed up without as active bodily exertion," (Indeed, Lord PALMERsTON is frequently a martyr to the gout, which does not disqualify him fain ' acting as the head of British Executive;) but, except In the case of Marshal SAXE, Vi l 0 was convoyed to one of his battles in a litter, from transient physical inability to mount e horse, we never heard of any victorious Generd who had not taken active part in the warlike proceedings of each battle-strife. When bodily and disqualifying inffirnalf' , thus prevents a commander from what General Ltioyn correctly describes as " active bodily exertion," he must command—by proxy. However brilliant the plans which he may dray up, he must leave others to execute them— without being able personally to see that hb orders are fully understood and properlf carried out. If this be not incompetency we know not the meaning of the word. Culpable incompetency it cannot fairly be called, thotigh it Is as injurious as if it were culpable. The case in question is an apt illustration of the weak and watched system of employment by seniority, which prevails in the British mili tary- service. That because A's commission as General is dated ten years prior to that if B, is no reason why, when the interests of a nation—its honor, its territory, its prestige— are at stake, A, who is eighty-six years olc, and "physically unequal to active bodily ex ertion," shall have the command, simply or the score of seniority. One would think that mental and physical efficiency ought to be more valued than simple seniority. It is a lino thing to venerate old age—it is u foolish thing to make senility take the place which of manhood can best oecithy with gain and credit to the country. . When Watmeroyou went to the defence of Spain and Portugal—in which ho baffled NA-' POLEON'a best troops for flee years—helm :1 the advantage of having the Marquis Wsuirstay, a Cabinet Minister, for his brother, through whose influence ho was appointed, over the heads of a crowd of general officers, most of whom, like. LLOYD, bad plenty of years, but were "physically unequal to active bodily ex- ertion." ThIS was an exception. The military career of NAPOLEON, as well as that of WEL LINGTON, terminated when each was about forty-six years Old. NAPOLEOWSgreat lieuten ants, the 3farehala, of the Empire, were all young men when they had fought their way to rank and eminence. For NAPOLEON, repu diating the 'fatal system of seniority, in the military as well as In the civil service, adopted and pursued the common-sense and practical plan of putting the pro men in the proper places. He wouldate ° i f ' :have in vited disappointment and det b -patting, a gouty old man of eighty-six into the chief command of one of the most important pro vinces of his empire. There is little doubt that England will reco ver her dominion in Ilindostan—how to retain it, afterwards, will he the difficulty. Gouty old generals, who stand (or rather who sit) self confessed as "physically unequal to active bodily exertion," Must be put upon the shelf, :at once and for ever, if British India is to be retained. In other words, an entire change of system in the military and civil administration of Hiudostan must be made, and made most thoroughly. Youngblood must be infused in to that system. Henceforth, British India uutet be governed with ell the gleam Mut. 4Y, NOVEMBER 19, 1857. by the 'chance of a revolt breaking out, .14M' moment. England looked upon India Mir Completely subjugated that any idea of 1 4tedeitiridl6ulons. The events of the last MI months have fatally and fearfully told an ther story. It may appear that the condition and pros. 'pests of India are of little interest to us in the United States. Not so. The advance Or deeline of civilization in all parts of the world dots much concern tlB, as members of the kroaChunian family. Much as India has been misgoverned, who can doubt that if sho threw off the British yoke,- a relapse into bar barism must follow, that is a retardation of Ovilizatlon. The fearful lesson which the English have had—the experience how even the trampled worm will turn and bite—ought tp teach,thent henceforth to attempt Justice to r. psiia r .which has been so long neglecteil or refused. That Justice granted, Civilization Cannot fail to 'be progressive, and Hindostan May 'gradually take a station among the na gons'of the earth. It is our interest that she :41191i14* LOLA MONTEZ. In tlte4nieritiottow'Jourattf for July, 1843, WO' opening article, ithderetood to bitrom the pen 'or dire Of 'the ablest iaineat aotomplisped Jurists lißMlnsylunia;tiati devoted eirounistattoes in 'will& Madame Lola Monter. wee copoerned in leranuti and Bavaria. This lady has latelj,"at traded so much attention in this city, from her brilliant and truthful lectures, that we belieVed reprint of the article in question Might be inte resting to many of our, readers: Madame Lola , Mentoz has favored us with the. following com• Imupleation in reference to part of Its contents : 'to the Editor of The Press : "Sol: Myattention has been called to an article, in relation to myself, published in the American Law Journal,' in 1848, and while feel truly thankful to the distinguished gentleman who wrote the article, I think that I ought, in justice to Myself, to eall attention to two points which aro liable to do me great injustice. "First. Tho phrase, in Dujarier's letter, ' This :explains why I have slept alone,' is erroneously translated from the original, and should have been rendered, why I did not see you before I slept,' which, as you will perceive, makes a ma terial difference.—l way also state, that it was well known to all such men in Paris as Damns, Wiry, and Emile Oirardin, that I was, at the time Of bin death, the affianced bride of Dujarier. Audi was, at that time, living Tinder the pro tootlon of Doctor and Maclaine Azain. Dr. Azam was one of the principal physicians at the Hotel Dieu. The gifted and respected Dujarier woe killed in November, and we wore to have been Assented in the following summer. It was arranged that Alexandro Dumas and the celebrated poet Mini, the best friends of Dujarier, wore to ac company us on our wedding tour into Spain. " Secondly. I deny that my conduct in Bavaria Was such as to give any body the right to say that .:there wore improper relatiozs between Inc and King Louis. It was certainly very natural for the general world to infer otherwise, from the extraor dinary position which I held at the Court of Mil -1 niph. And this Influence was darned over the ' world by the fanatic and Austrian party, whose power in Bavaria I had for ever injured. „ " happily, there are now in the United States, many persons of Bavaria, of high standing there, who know that the Queen of Baiaria was my firm friend. and when the gold of Austria was thrown to an ignorant people for whose welfare I was eaorifieing myself and position,' producing those political reverses which made it necessary for me. at last, to fly before the insidious power which I had attacked, the dear good old Queen was seen by the people to weep at the windows of the Palace. "I take great pleasure in stating these farts, bemuse it le evident that the article In the 'Ameri own Law Journal' was written. by an able and candid man, who had no wish to do me injustice. "To the thousand malicious falsehoods which hate been published against me, I hero never re plied, it being my determination to leave the events of my life to History, while I leave my calumniators to that God who has ordained an enpeolal Ant for the punishment of "All Liars," andAsthe, If the Bible boa true book, will find the next world a good deal hotter than they have made this one to me. "I sun, with great respect and gratitude, "Your obedient servant, , . "Lot a Mos!M• " November 16, 1857." With this introduction, we annex the article on Which it comments.-1E1). or Too PRESS. TRIAL FOR MURDER IN FRANOE.—LOLA MON IL'Z On the 28th of March, ldta, an interesting trial took place at Rouen, in which Bouvallon, one of the editors of a paper published in Paris, called "The Globe," was charged with the murder of rihicalef, the editor in chief of " Lo Preece," a well.known and highly influential paper published In the hum city. Although the alleged murder took place at Paris, circumstances rendered it mi. , °emery to remove the trial to Rouen. The defence was, that the deceased was killed by the accused in a duel, according to the rides of honor regulat ing such combats, It was gravely objected, on the part of the prosecution, that the defendant was not entitled to avail himself of these laws, because, at one period of his life, he had been guilty of stealing a watch ! The larceny of the watch was clearly proved en the trial to have been committed in January, 1840; and the accused, being interro gated on tho subject, so far from denying it, said d I committed a fault of youth, and cruelly have I expiated IL" To en inquiry as to what hearing the introduction of such evidence could possibly have on the ease, a distinguished lawyer answered that "a French jury would only tolerate duels among men of honor, and a man would forfeit his privilege to commit murder if it was believed ho had ever been a thief." Connected with this criminal accusation was a civil suit for damages, by the mother and nephews of the deceased. By the French law, if a man wounds or kills another, he is liable to pay the wounded person. if he lives, or hie next of kin, if he dies, damages for the civil injury done them. The criminal charge is sub. wtted to a jury, of whom seven may return it ver diet. The civil action, both as to law and fact, is decided at the same time by the court, without the intervention of a jury. The witnesses an , not se lected by one party and the other, because their testimony may be favorable to any particular VIM of thecae°, but for the puraose of obtaining ail the information that can bo had ; and berme it is that the judge, and not the counsel, proceeds to inter rogate them with the sole design of establishing the truth. Forty-six witnesses wore examined. The first was Alexandre Slums. the celebrated and popular writer of the day. Being asked, in the usual form, what his profession was, ho answered. "I should call myself a dramatic pont, if I was net in the birth plaeo of Corneille. " This answer touched the hearts of the audience, for Rouen was the birth pine of the ,two brothers Pierre and Thomas Corneille, and, although snore than two hundred years hove elapsed since their birth, their memory is still honored by the inhabitants. Du. mas wee the common friend of both the parties engaged in the duel, and, being informed that the weapons selected were pistols, and knowing bow unskilful Dujurier was, sent his son with bins to a shooting gallery, where he was able to hit a Mark as large as a man only twice in fourteen times! But the testimony of Carnes wont strongly to the respectability of the parties as men of honor! ' The duel grow out of something which occurred at a dinner party given In one of the most celebrated [ ea tablithmente at the Pallas Royal, at an expense of Ilfty•flve francs ($11) per head. The Prreldeut, on the trust, instructed the jury that to kill a man in It dual is murder by the law of France; that the fact of killing being proved by the voluntary discharge of a loaded pistol, the de• feculent was chargeable with the Ohne imputed Ito him ;, but that the jury bad a right to declare that it was done under alleviating circumstances, 4e. After ten minutes absence, the jury returned their verdict in the following form : The foreman rising, and being asked, " friths accusation true !" answered, "upon my boner and my conscience, before God and man, the declaration of the jury is, No. The accused is not guilty." The arguments then commenced in relation to the did' cult for damages, whioh was tried by the court alone without a jury, and the differenoe in the result shows, what is very common in this coun try in the trial of griming cases, a wide dittbrenee of opinion between the court and jury. In the criminal prosecution, the accused, as we have soon, was acquitted by the jury; but in the idyll suit the court awarded to the widow-mother and the aerators of the deceased the sum of 20,000 francs ($4,000) damages, with costs, and ordered that Bouvalion, in ease of default in payment, should ni imprisoned two years. We have already brought to the notice of the wader one celebrated witness, Mr. Alexandre Cit• Ms. Diet another witness was examined who has anee gained an equal celebrity, although of a elm meter somewhat different. Lola Monter, was ex amined as 6 witness, . She was an article of tho Theatre Port Ht. !stadia, a Spaniard, who spoke Ponds imperfectly, and her connection with the &hued may be amertained from the following letter, which 'he wrote to her on the morning of tie duels • "MY LEAF. LOLA : I am going out to fight with *obi. This explains vrhyl have slept alone, and Way I do not come to see you this morning. I have need of all my calmness. At two o'clock all will be over. A thousand embraces, icy dear Lola, my goad little wife, whom I love so much, and the thoughts of whom will never leave me." Mlle. do Mentes In her testimony spoke highly of the kind nod amiable qualities of the deceased. She had expressed a desire to be introduced to Derivation and to go to the dinner, but Dujarter pritively refused to allow it. She received the letter, on her return from rehearsal, and huno dlstely took measures to prevent the duel, but it who too late. it I WAS," said she, in her testimo ny, "'A SETTLE SHOT THAN DIVJARIER, AND Bouvatrow WANTED SATISFACTION I WOOLD KAYE FOOOHE Itl3l MYSELF." She received the corpse from the carriage, and the emotion which ale then experienced was still visa's in her testimony. Dejarler evidently entertained a warm affection for her, as, in addition to his farewell letter, be WOW A Will, op the morning of the duel, leaving her the principal part of his estate. ilia interest in "La Presse glove was an item of considera ble importance. It was owned by a joint stock company, and was divided into tweuty-five shares, each share selling, at the time of the duel, at 60,000 francs, ($12,000), and each share receiving' an annual dividend of $1,478. Dninrier, by his ability as a writer had raised the establishment to i this value, and n addition to his salary as chief editor, owned eight shares, valued in the aggro gate at $96,000. The duel was fought' in March, 1815, in the Bole de Bologna. liouvallon was the challenger, and, at the first fire, shot his antagonist In the head, and killed him instantly. The trial, as already stated, took place on the 28th March, 1846; and Lola Monter, after receiving the corpse from the earrings, superintending the funeral, and making the necessary disposition of her interests under the will of the deceased, left Paris to forget the scenes and the eireumstanees connected with the sudden and violent death of her best and only friend.. The trial itself possesses an interest with our profes sional readers for the light which it throws on French jurisprudence. But recent political events in Bavaria have created an increased interest in the ease for the view which it presents of the true character of the extraordinary female who bas since wielded the destinies of that kingdom. The erinllagratlon of tome is remembered 1 ing perpetual infinity upon the name of Nero, while the munificent rebuilding of the city by the tame emperor is almost forgotten. It was the fate of Maohlavalli, by the authorship of a single work, to fix a stigma on his reputation which has outlived all the_ great achievements of a long life of useful ness. The story of the boy who drove a nail in the wall every time he committed an evil deed, and drew one out whoa he performed a good one, is constantly illustrated in life. The good deeds may bo More numerous thpn the bad ones, and the good that men do may far otthreigh, In temporal im portance, the evil of their lives; still, so contami nating is the nature of crime, that its marks re main, like the black holes in the wall after the nails had been drawn, to maculate the reputation' witch had else been spotless. Thus with Lola Monte% : she possesses some traits of character and Lae performed some Ms which would command our admiratipa at once were it not for the cloud which a grievous sin has thrown upon her character. But let justice be done. even to her. The truth can work no injury to any one. After leaving Paris she made her next apperir once upon the theatre at Munich. Her association with the literary and political circle in which Da jarier moved in Paris had made her familiar with general literature, and with European polities in partioular. The beauty and race powers of mind which won the attachment of her talented pro tector in Paris, made a rapid conquest of the King of Bavaria. The masculine energy and cou rage which prompted the effort to save the'life of her friend by hastening to the duelling ground, with the intention to stand in his place in the deadly conflict, enabled her to acquire an ascend ency over the minds of others. The extent of her influence in Bavaria is shown by her success in driving the Jesuits from power, remodeling the eab:net of the king, an. , e recting all the important measures of hie administration, Leaving her improper relations with that sore reign to the just judgment of an enlightened public, and passing by her elevation to the rank of Countess of Landsfelt, as a eircumetanee not calculated to disturb the equanimity of plain re publicans who place but little value upon patents of nobility. it is due to the cause of justice that a fair record be made of the public) acts of these parties, so far as those nets have had alt influence upon the kingdom under their control. Where there is so much for morality to condemn it is diffi cult to see aught to commend. The King of Bavaria, .with all his faults, is somethingof a poet—bas a taste for the line arts— is a great advents for internal improvemen t—and has done a groat deal for the cause of religion and of human liberty, Among the churches built by the King aro the St. Ludwig's church, the Alter Ileiligen chapel, the Thoatiner church, and the Au church. Among the public buildings built by him. aro the new palace, the Glyptothek, with all its statues; the Pinaoothek, with its statues ; the Odeon, the Pubile, Library, the University, the Clerical School, the School for the female children of the hehilltY, the Feldherrenhalle, filled with statues; the stained glass manufactory; the Arch of Triumph, the Ruhmeshalle, the Bazaar, the new palace, and the Walhalla. Nearly all of these magnificent structures have been erected and the statuary which many of them contain paid for with the King's own money. The canal which unites the Main with the Dan ube, and thus creates an uninterrupted lino of water communication frSrui Rotterdam to the Black Sea, it is said, owes its origin to the King'of Bava ria. Ills friends also claim for him the merit of having first conceived the idea of the Zollverein, which i s usually attributed to the King of Prussia. 110 was the prime mover of the plan for the na tional railways of Bavaria, and took a most active part iu originating the company for running steam boats from the highest navigable point of the Dan ube above Donanwerth, down to Regensburg. He also introduced, for the benefit of his people, the Landrathe system, under which the actual culti vator of the soil is protected in his independence, and is no longer the trembling slave of despotism. Under this system* he may obtain from the state, on fair and moderate terms, the money 'mammary to improve the land and carry on his farming ope rations to advantage. It is true, he must pay an annual rent for the land; but Ida condition as ten ant is accompanied with the privilege of becoming the absolute owner of the fee simple by.the pay ment of a certain number of years' raft in ad vanee. 'A lewleararlitbor *ambles die tenant to become the owner. The King came to the throne filled with the most liberal ideas. Ile was about to admit his people to a very largo share of political freedom, but be be came suddenly alarmed by the revolutionary move ments of 1830, and took to his counsels the Jesuits. Whether from the dictates of his own altered mind or through, the inftuonce of those counsellors, it is not our purpose to inquire, but it is alleged that his government degenerated into a low, petty tyranny, under priestly influences, accompanied with a rigid censorship of the press; and it became intolerable to all but the favored few. In this stage of Bavarian affairs Lola Illonter. mado her appearance. She obtained permission to dance upon the 'theatre at Munich. Ifor beauty and distinguished manners attracted the notice of the King. On further acqnaintanco with her, he became enamored of her originality of character, her mental powers ; and of those bold and novel political views which she fearlessly and frankly laid before him. Under her counsels, a total revo lution soon after took place in thillavarian system of government. The existing ministry Wore dis missed; now and more liberal advisers were cho sen; the power of the Jesuits was ended ; Austrian influences repelled, and a foundation laid for mak ing Bavaria an independent member of the great family of nations. These favorable results way fairly be attributed to the talents, the energy, and the influence of Lola Mentes, who received, in her promotion to the nobility, only the usual reward of political services. She became Countess of Landsfelt, accompanied by an estate of the same name, with certain feudal privileges and rights over some two thousand souls. 11cr income, in cluding a recent addition from the King of 20,000 florins per annum, Is 70,000 florins, or little more than £3,000 per annum. In addition to whieh, she has private property of her own in the English or French funds, a groat portion of which, it is said, consists of shares in the Patois Royal at Paris, left her by llujarler in his will. It is alleged that relations other than political exist between this extraordinary female and the King of Bavaria. This, fact is too notorious to be dented; and the conduct of the parties in this re spect must receive the condemnation of every friend to morality. The King is a married man, sod nevertheless has improperly permitted himself to become passionately attached to the Countess of Laudsfelt. This attachment enabled her to work out the great . polltleal changes which have taken place in Bavaria ; and it is but just to acknowledge that it is the political use she has made of her relations with the King, and dot the Immorality of that con nection itself, that has brought down upon her most of the vehement censures which the defeated party have bestowed from time to time, accompa nied by the bitterest calumnies. The moral India , - nation which her opponents displayed was, unfor tunately, a more sham. They had not only tole rated, but PATRONIZED, a female who formerly held the equivocal position which the Countess of Lands felt recently 'sold, because the former made her self subservient to the then dominant party. give even the Evil Ono his duo. Let even Lola Mentes have credit for her talents, her intelligence, and her support of popular rights. As a political cha racter, she held, until her retirement to Switzer land, un important position in Bavaria, besides having agents and correspondents In various courts of Europe. On foreign polities she has clear Ideas, and has been treated by the political men of the country as u ,substantivel power. She Always kept state secrets, and could be consulted with safety in oases In which liar original habits of thought ren dered her of servluo Acting under her advice, the King bad pledged himself to a course of steady improvement in the political freedom of the peo ple. Although she .wielded so much power, it is alleged that abo never used it either for the pia motion of unworthy persons, or, as other favorites have done, for corrupt purposes; and there is rims son to believe that political feeling influenced her course, not sordid considerations. For the foregoing foots in relation to the public merits of the King of Bavaria and the now Coun tess of Landsfelt, we aro indebted to an article In Frazer's Magazine. And wo refer the professional reader to the Law Reporter of August, IS-10, for n more extended account of the trial of Bouvallon. The Republicans and Gov. Walker. !Prom the Now York Tribune:l IVA:MOUTON, Saturday, Nov. 14. When the question of Walker's confirmation as Governor of Kansas 0011103 before the Senate, it is probable thut the determination of the question may depend upon the Republican Senators. Al ready speculation is rife FM to the course thereto likely to pursue. It is conjectured, on the one hand, that they will leave the contending factions of the Democracy to fight out the quarrel among themselves, and on the other, that they win throw their votes against Walker. The argument in furor of tho latter course is, that it will embar rass the Administration, and tend to widen the already serious broach in the "Democratic" ranks. That the rejection of tiovernor Walker would hare this effect is certain, hut it is equally certain that it must be his rejection by Demo. erotic," and not by Republican votes. Th e R e . publican Senators cannot oppose his confirma tion, without placing themselves in a factious attitude. An opposition fur reasonable cause Would bo justified by the country, but not an op position a kith bad no . other motive than to harass the Administration. WHAT 14 MAN 7—A young lady answers: " A' thing to waltz with, a thing to flirt with, to take One to places of amusement, to laugh at, to be married to, to pay oim's bills, to keep ono comfortably." Not far from the truth. A TALKATIVE member of Parliament was re proaching one of his colleagues for not having "opened his mouth" the whole session. "You aro mistaken," he replied, "for I yawned through all your apooohes," TWO CENTS. TARIFF NOTION For The Preec] . DELAWARE Cornier, Nov. 18, 1857. In sending the communication under the above caption, which appeared in your valu able journal of Monday last, raid so not with the idea of carrying on a newspaper war with persons whose views differed from my own, much less with those who agree with me. My remarks were intended to defend the tariff acts of 1846 and 1857 against the silly charge of being the cause of the financial crisis, and to show how a prohibitory tariff would be Injurious to the very interests that now make so much clamor in favor of it. I am, there fore, astonished to fiud your correspondent "Franklin," who assumes precisely the same ground that I do in favor of,a continuance of a "reasonable tariff," and does not cast con sdre the upon revenue laws as they now staid, making objections to the theories advanced by Me. The two paragraphs which lie quotes from . my, communication are quite analogous to eack other, and lila remarks, do .not conflict them,larther than he entirely miaunde my meaning in regard to foreign agentfieft. have ito ojectionto people fromall globe settling among tut, bringing • r47 -2 "7. and their skill with them. I‘tnettgYS'-•-,lii prove that a,proldbitory tariff con be c 7 ed net only by stnuggling; but by i r igenciaa of European concerns, established on our Shores. Certainly, if we want to 'encourage home in -1 dustry, let us do nothing to injure our own citizens. In regard to labor, we cannot irn -1 port too ranch of it—Evsay rcuAmtowm InISIDEAN MSG EQUAL TO A CANTAI, or plea TNOMILAND DOLLARS TO TAN NATION AT musoz, as by the most menial service b win,pcddde d the interest on that awn. The mother country having fed him, clothed him, and educated bun s If he have any of the laid-named commodity, each ship-load that Messrs. Cone's bang over should bo hailed with joy; just tie muth as an arrival of told from California eheeri situ the midst of the _panic. We went men-,produ cers—we cannot have too many of they;, and if Paddy now and then takes too lively mi In terest In our elections, before hers leglillyenti tled to do so, we must excuse film, on the ground that he believes he is struggling for freedom—his children make the better citizens, American notions being instilled into them. "Franklin" gives quite a dissertation on the banking question, a subject not touched unon by me, becausei did not relate to the points that I was discussing. He is no doubt right in charging the crisiepartially to that as as it has had a great share in produc ing it, but his argument is net at ail strength ened by calling them t; rag mills" and other hard names. Local banks are useful in their way, and are a necessary part of the great division of labor in all large communities; but many and important modifications and restrictions are re quired in their management, and the nearer we get to a specie basis the better; but I deny em phatically that the " tariff and the currency is re ally one question." The currency, as provided for by the Federal Constitution, is as good as any other on the face of the globe ; every. other civilized power authorizes the issue of paper money. It is a mistaken notion that banks increase the capital of a country. We are blessed with but one institution of the kind In our country, and we certainly would be no richer if we had a dozen of them. An in crease in the number of our barns would not give us one bushel more grain, or one ten more hay. We make a mistake in placing gentleinen at the bead of moneyed institutions who are en tirely unfit for the duties which they under take. Finance is a science, and it requires men of more than ordinary minds to grasp it; and as long as our Government avoids "tinker ing" with tho business or finance of the people, she will remain strong, and while we may now and then have a tlnancial crisis, as all nations before us have had, we will reap some salutary lessons from it, and know how to conduct our selves better in future. ci Franklin" says we want our labor PAID ill a currency of the same value as the labor of Europe (what does he mean by this 7) is paid in, and then the Willis not of very great con sequence, as we have the RAW warEaux, and the food, and the people to make and the people to consume—all on the spot." De allows nothing for export. A family confining its buti ness (operations within itself 'cannot be any better ow on the 81st of December than it was on the Ist of January previous. It Is by the ex change of commodities, having transactions with our neighbors, that we acquire wealth. It pays the inhabitant of Massachusetts to ship Yankee buckets to France, and to import Pa risian knick knacks from thence better than to. saa,kp, them at home. , , In conclusion, .I.2satura.to "Franklin'`'two of his sentences, as they appear particularly appropriate to his own coinnmnication— , . A lot of words are not always a lot of good IDEAS. What wo want in this country Is plain common sense." I shall not deem it incumbent upon me to continue the discussion with him. G. Moll. The Woodman and Furness Affair—Letter from Mr. IVoodmou, (Prom the New Orleans belts, 10th.) A CARD.—i have heretofore refrained from any notice of the numerous publications, false and libelous as some of them have been, respecting the unfortunate relation which has existed between Mrs. Caroline iVoodman and Mr. Gardner -Fur ness, of New York. I should continue silent on this subject were it not for the publication of the scandalous proceedings by writ of . habit:A torpris gotten up by this heartless viljain, before a judge of the Supreme Court of New York, under the pre tence of rescuing Mrs. W. from confinement, but really with the view of again obtaining possession of her person. I believe that the letters exhibited at the trial of this cause, and published in this evening's Del ta, purporting to bo letters from Mrs. W. to Mr. F , aro forgeries. They are not characterized either by her habitual language or style of composition. If in her handwriting, they must have been pre pared by Mr. F. or his attorneys, and copied by her at their instance. So far as they report re f/larks baring been made by me to Mrs ii'., they are false. It is difficult for one placed as I have been to reconcile the exercise of a husband's legal autho rity with that degree of humanity duo to a deceiv ed and guilty wife. It was my misfortune that ohs ehould have erred, but it would have been my crime had I abanlioned her to the fate which, with out the exercise of my legal authority, meet have befallen her. I therefore took such steps as would place her under the protection of her kindred so soon as mine should be withdrawn. That I adopt ed the only effectual course of effecting this cud, the following statement NM show: Oct the day after I had detected the guilty con nection between Mr. F. and Mew W., at the'New York Hotel, a friend, whose family were absent from the oily, kindly received Mrs. W. beneath his roof, where she enjoyed every comfort. Her brother reached New York nest day, and had a long Interview with her—her declaration to the contrary in ono of the published letters referred to, notwithstanding. She then disclosed the fact that M r. Furness's presence at the New York Hotel, and his having followed her up wherever she bad gone, had in view the extortion of money from her. 'The affidavit made by her a few days afterwards, and now published seriatim in the Delta, will disclose at once the villainy of Mr. F., and the sufferings of his unhappy victim. At this time she did not appear to realize her position, and, although I urged her immediately to accompany her brother to Mississippi, and remain with her parents, she refused to go. Her brother promised, however, to take ladies then under his charge to 'Virginia, and then return for his sister. Mrs. W, had been in the habit of taking opiates to excels, and hating procured burden= at this time, Indulged in such free use of it as to be quite unmanageable, as sell as incapable of re rdiaing her condition. After consultation with her brother, I resolved. with his approval, and after having advised her parents of my design, to place her temporarily in a private asylum, where she would receive medical treatment suitable to her nervous derangement, and be protected from fu ture contamination. ,What else could I have done? I could not abandon her. I had kept her four weeks at the homer my generous friend, greatly to hie inoonvenience, and could not any longer abuse thii privilege. The result has justified my courts. Deprived of opiates, and properly treated, she improved so much, that, upon consultation with her physician, I promised her that she should be sent,,to her parents in the month of November. I saw her but once after the was placed at San ford Hull, and then no allusion was made to the past ; no word of reproach was made by me. She expressed herself satisfied to remain until I could send for her, according to my promise. All her letters wore sent to her tether, soother, and bro. Cher, and I consulted them. I had not only their approval, but their gratitude. On my return from New York, I visited her ' parents. in Mississippi, and made arrangements with her brother to go to New York and bring her to her parents. Ile accordingly left Mississippi on the 24th of last month, previous to the commence ment of Ills proceedings in New York, and without nuy knowledge of there having been any inter ference with his sister, and should have reached Now York by the 4th of November. I have to-day learned that she left New York with him on the sth of November. While I remained in New York, after placing hor at Sanford Hall, her physioian visited the city twice a week. I invariably called on him, and received from him a note lrom her, in which she ad Invariably acknowledged the kind treatment ehe was receiving : I specially instrnoted him to spare no expenee in making her comfortable, and to permit her to ride out in a carriage when she was desirous or doing so, but always in company with an attendant. Having done this, I thought I had performed my whole duty. After I had lett New York, her self-cdnstliuted protector, not satisfied with having destroyed her peace and reputation, having for several yearskept her in a state of distraction, and extorted from her large rums of money by violence nod threats of e xposure in a seriesof letters now in my possession, endeavored to retrieve his character by affecting to be the champion of her whom he had so•basely injured. • Had my aim been more successful at Now York, his death would have been a just retribution and a publio blessing ; but the greatest punishment, to ouch a wretch is to have gained safety by flight, and to.remain through life an object of contempt and aversion anionic all thole who scorn depravity, Nzw 0111,3111(0, 2.10V1 90 0,0, Treopar, NOTIOX TO COASZSTONIPERIS. TA* ism" *az thrq lo l,o - adm ow hi:m.lw lon Ivory amosaaleatfon outatlorsomoofoosotk SW— namo of *ka ' Fn ' Fad to fame irreatites tn. typoirsply, net we *Wit a &sit tiiaH mitt. W. dull to Ersatly oldissd to gentisassa la PUMA. TAWS fad Othitr dads' toe sessidbatfass ttso ecr• nit sou at the day m that, rtlLaly Ssesidtdds, thir roadiddd at thd pausda#4 acpsddrd, t 1. 1212 ""_ De. yordatios, and soy information SWAIM bs totonottait to tir gums! ?parr GENERAL NEWS. The editor of q Greensburg (Pa,) Demo rrat has received information of the death. in Dubuque county, Jews, of John Ifenusn, Jr., formerly of Adamsburg, in Westmoreland county, Ps. ,It appears that there was a serenading at the house in which Mr. H. lived, on Thursday night, the sth inst., and, as is usual on sub oa-a. lions, liquor was plenty. Mr. 111 said he could drink more liquor, though he was ant aceactoased to it, and be able to plough the next day, than any man present He drank betireen a pint and a quart, and. in a short time after, gave a scream, and fell dead. -Henan taken inirstitehouse. and laid before the Are. The remainder of theparth thinking he was only drunk, blity* tboe: and went to bml, and it was not genelegly twirri , that be was dead until morning, though he was I novae within an hour after drinking the liquor. He was about twenty-six years of age, eraser andisdne trines, and leaves a wife and one or two chlitipta. Be went to lowa a couple of, years sines, with his - father, where he was engaged in firming. About forty q /he - tnic l iiihflYell w or king this id the city of New York left foi the West (la a Tuesday afternoon, under the char ge , of Mr. C. C, Tracy, who MU also accompanied by rreompvny of - °melees boys, from the CeAtent-Office. Drew , skins, sewers or Al' irditnnihreedien,' faatory rls, pen-makers, and parasolworkers, composed fliiishistrocatiimsr indastriens young women who thus availed thomeetyna of tunity Up per kehetter their condition ute West. The young wri il mini Were neat ittd..lnisicitt of appearance, and looked peeectly 11: 1 11 at the fortunate epooli of their liras which lin/mg ate. time when they'had Entered lynch - :} rete ithe want of employment during tlie'dati'Cileid' .1 ,- . • We have news frord'Sferre l Leat:,to the 21st of September. The emigption *heroes of the Frenekota, the coast . battled ref; eisSirp — ielon ' that the Nen •''ft• Napoleon wan' ittineveneve re vive, the flare trade. The piitistr trillions were nehishalf brilistels nali log under Spanish and American cobra had been captured, among thew akevAnierlean beta Me Jane and William Clark...".-Tha *reps esf,.t colo ey promised an abundmitAtield.. The-Liberia Herald had heenAnmn_Onedfornltut of adequate patronage. Therb r hiff beini sWed` ilea! of atek ness at Accra. The following arethis itsancit or the persona who were killed by tbei _.'uf the steam-tag Noah P. Spragglit Dilo6ll,llBlll4lgin, a few days since : first nate, John Italasdeli, ((Conneaut, 0.; second engineer, Samuel Woodward, of Detroit; twovrheelamen, Sanford Everett, Opringteld, Pa.. and John McPherson, of Cattarengns, - N. Y ; the cook, Wet Sanford, and two Bremen, Stephenson and J. °Elver ' colored, of .fanherstbarg,. C. W. Captain James Snow, of Buffalo, escaped with bet little injury- The fast engineer, Thomas Allen; of Buffalo, bass leg broken, and isslightly scalded. A man named Vincent, who kept a drinking saloon at Nos. 15 and 17 North William street, New York, was killed on Tuesday night in a sod le which took place between him and ems foreigners, who assaulted him with the intention of getting possession of some money which be had on his person. He was stabbed three times in the breast and died soon after. The murderers escaped with the Money, and not one of them has yet been arrested. At the session of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Maryland, held in Baltimore, on Tuesday bight, the follow ing. officers were elected: Charles Webb, M. W. Grand Master; Anthony 'Kimmel, B. W. Deputy Grand Master; Wm. MoClymott, B. W. G. S. Warden; Robt. Gallaher, R. W. G. J. Warden; Joseph Robinson, R. W. G. Secretary, and Samson Cariss, Treasurer. On Wednesday morning of last week, a man by the name of Geo. Rennick, formerly of Swat* Pa., while walking on the track of the Pittsburgh and Cleveland -Railroad, near Steubenville, C, was struck on the forehead by one of the ears of the down gravel train—ids skull smashed in, and the scalp torn off the top of his bead. Beteg a robust man, it is supposed that he will recover- . Mr. Zechariah Albaugh, aged one hundred and nine years, died at the residence of his son, in Licking county, Ohio, on the Bth inst. The de ceased was born in Maryland, In 1748, where ha resided until the oommencement of the mole tionary war, when he entered the army as a pti rate soldier, and remained in it until its claw Mr. John KauMet, an old citizen of York, Pa., died at Wrightsville on Saturday last. Ho was at one time sheriff of York county, and re presented York in the Howe of Representativea at Harrisburg. He was a man of sine( integrity, and was respected by all who knew him. Sohn Davis, of Swedeshurg, 3lcttgong!ty county, Pa., was killed a few day( sinew by twang thrown from his wagon. Lewis Getzelman, sear pentar, died suddenly in Lower Merino, taxi:Alp, in the name County, on Thnrsday night. -William H. Wilson a well-known grocer Of Baltimore, died suddenly, id that city, ori fiondal• night. Bo had; up to a few days before his death, a plaice of laratistee for 510,000 on,his life, and neglected to have it renewed. George,' Stiwa ormerly a Clergyman, has been &meted a4-New Or!ear, ebariod with, the murder pc Marx Thread: • Chattel Shaw, freight-master, Iran ran user and killed but week, on the South Carolina rail road. Capt. Bea, convicted of incendlariarn at Inawortb,ltic, has been sentenced. to the State prison for ten years. Joseph Kront, of Doylestown, Pa., died in that town last week, from injuries received by being thrown from a home. Samna Enty, a teamster, was accidents/1y killed at Fox Rill, Montgomery county, Pa., last week. Brigham Young is a native of Vermont, and in the .58th year of hii age. William Geis&e died in Baltimore from the effects of poison. A Romance at Sea [Prowl,* Cronies, Nov. ]7.1 The Secretary of State at Madrid hz.s communi cated to theMittisterPlenipotentiary of thetnited States in Spain the following declaration, trans mitted through the Minister of Marine and made before the captain of the port at Tarragona. by D. Jose Boseh, captain of the Spanish brig - Jaeinto: On the 22d of July last, at seven o'clock in the morning, in north latitude Zti deg. S min. and west longitude 34 deg. 30 min., being bound for Spain from Now Orleans, after being out thirty-three days . , I perceived a boat with people who were waving a white handkerchief, and pulling in the direction of my brig. Believing they were ship wrecked, I instantly gave orders to bear down to them, and, being side by aide, they told 1110 that two days before, being out in pursuit of a whale, they, during a squall, bad lost sight of their barque, in which they bad left behind the wife of the captain, who was the man that was speaking to me, adding that she was in an interesting posi tion, having with her besides a little boy and two other persons. A little further north I perceived two other boats, all belonging to the American barque Alto, Captain Thomas H. Lawrence, of New Bedford, whence be had sailed 43 days before. The men of the said boats, numbering in all eighteen. having been taken on board, exhausted from fatigue, were provided with food and clothing, and seeing the, despair of the captain on account of the loss of his family and his vessel in the midst of the sea, I re solved at any hazard to & o in quest of them. The stormy weather, the foreign idiom of the captain— whieh did not permit me to clearly understand the direction where the barque might bo found—the time which had passed since they had last sight of their ship, and my own obligations to continue my course, after haring experienced thirty-three days of bad weather—all of tbe:e powerful reasons did not induce me to give tip my resolution of aiding those unfortunate men and consoling them in their affliction ; and trusting to Providence and my good cause I steered to the north. We passed the day without perceiving any ves sel, and the night overtaking us without baring attained our purpose, we pamed it with the utmost vigilance, the captain being in a state of extraor dinary prostration and anxiety, which increased my determination to continue my enterprise. The dawn of the 234 came on, and my vigilance was redoubled ; atlo A. M., the watch at the masthead descried a sail bearing X. N. E. 1 immediately stood fur it, and, with a freshening wind, at eleven o'clock I distinguished a bargee. I induced the captain to go aloft. encouraging him and trying to console hint in every possible manner, to see whe ther he could make her out ; and at half•past ven. 0,4 bad crowned my undertaking and ful filled my wish—it was the barque Alto. The trans ports, of Captain Lawrence were unbounded; ho embraced me. and offered me a large amount of money when he should get on board. which I re fused, for I would not crown my act by accepting, money. When u. short distance from her, I lowered the boats and carried the crew and the eaptoin to their barque, where, in feet, I found a poor young lady, with a babe in her arms, breathless. and In the greatest agony. The captain, after the first effusions of his 'joy, repeated his offers, insisting upon my accepting them, but which I refused, as before ; and having received the benedictions of all on board, I re turned to my ship to continuo my voyage. Submarine Railway Exploration in Maine. fere* ,Erootatle Tubular Diving.flell. [From the New Tork Daily Times.] The exploration of the two tracks of wave, of the submarine railroad at Hunter's Point: was made on Monday. in hlaillefert's new bell, with entire success. The object of the exploration was to ascertain whether the two large iron sheave, placed upon the track two menses ago. were to working order. To ascertain this, the .Bro,tatte Tubular Diving-Bell was floated over the sheaves, in eighteen feet water, and lowered by allowing the air to escape from the outer shell. The expert- Fent was witnessed by e number of engineers and divers, with greet interest. As soon as the bell had been lowered, the men entered it by the tube, the upper portion of which remained above the surface, and proceeded with their work. When they came up, they said the light admitted through the tube, enabled them to see clearly what was below, and to do their work. What surprised those on shore most, was their announcement of the fact that they heard what was said on shore, one hundred and fifty feet distant. The divers remained below five hours, when they came out to dine, and then re turned and remained five hours longer, euttingand boring timbers. Having finished their work, they Caine up again, anti spoke in high terms of the success of the experiment. While in it, the ope rator has at all times an opening through valved mat-boles in the tube, to above the surface, to which he can get out without external assistance, or without requiring to move the bell. The area of the bell used is 33 feet at the bottom, which af• fords entl4lent working spate thr boar men :it ORM.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers