•tii' , .? -7- ;'' i.:,-,;,:,'Ai:',L-','-''-. • • t "Ot faidtlilit4•..llre eta te h ave t o "Mt cited .}e - talk ° e Pat '4.o43l4ti24'j— , Y4#4.0 iCij ' Or hfbAtfotge DOXAMASTSI4,43O South at ^xjJPr~.ai:7 iris. ‘,. Otto* t ; - t 7 • ' • aad'll4l4 Stelae -14ta : nopartuere.ttaalag IlklentOtaiteltifeoo,',Ald, otuthloalaventia day of lia• ,_)A.v.- 41 . 4867, ?1itaka innll *senate' a general , an fir**, lakiriandoralgadd„, la tenet, tot the lantont dr y - tiriditate; *blob laid assignment le•duly'ro 1, 41111a3elpbt 7 a; alktiferionor Indebted.' to Reid - IttiOU ttt 0-frA,l ISAAO+B. WATERMAA'Autimbili .taitiat 'ai't matt Second rea Ma.° ,Agonzsi3ORFILAITW :COURT FOR: THE 7 5:!4 -001314 TrOTT11.114DELPHIA:—Eitafilibff Tftof);' T* delagoeid;':' , Tho..:ouditor , appointtni ' nadit - nett lo:lnd„ieljastAlie:acaeruitnt.Ebenerer Mandl sa d' ~ Z ompiro.tteritoodibxecutdrs TifoMASAMITII;d9- • 01116 4filof Ow the trod aboonatot.the said tdonniters, ' „reader-the the said THOMAS SMITH, 499easod. Ott9ndAd4he Andes 9f • his - appolduient on TUESDAY, the:l4th dey Novara - - best AC.D.dISST; et 4 d'elook't -AL• 'at' his dace, VV.' mythBoT.lf Street,: bald* PRVNE'eIo itte city' of , CLAY, Orloenti•Al itTARY,ORFILA.RS' COURT. FOR :THE (ITT AND COUNTY 010 PHILADELPHIA . ,• ' -- • 'NetetetbldOMNHlLLNß;derneved: .01;ad" iter,Mindated - ,by the - .Canit.t.‘itindit rOl Ds* dkirttrattnn or the itanderlsing from. the Bale or the , ; deggideClO ream rat* ' paid into Cohrti"tvilFineet the - ltOtleirin AtiOntruit , ofticei - Ile South' stillielrolATHUßSDAY;Noveinber2B,lB47, - it'd ' . 9Awg.toiV!- 15.111Ek' , COURT ' OF- CIMINO IEVRAR, ,r , - J1L•11111.48.11,1f.D13.PH1A VOIJNyTi - itto t roll' T , Ndlye Übe) for • • 410/18 ':,..llkitadyf,'• by ber 40a1Cit }MIAOW 4 " -AoAinotr,t rinierater . 111M7, rar'llottrin, "the matted a rale upon the reepeedant to chow cotes Toby , - a divorce a viniculo mitrirobnii ottorigioirr bo decreed in thelibare`case:,l lteturbible - Noreiriber. Se, ism 41.31. ' - J. T. DELSTIntLING, - , 3,021,2en5w Attorney for Lthgleat. NOTICE- 7 -1 N-111. V; ORP.ITANVf COURT YHlrt • 7lO/011LEUTIV-Ori,q9cr..!qX,o_R•RittWriEf i• i`B;-48/Ut_tteoo4so4,;. Bar Vegstliattitios: ,• -. • „ • . , • . Vo"peirelo D e nials; 'John 0. Darnele,-Emily Vett, etihett Sr. Fish, /Marietta Barnes, °barks Barna., Ilea . • jousts M. Dopiele,',Austlei Deliets,, "Louis e Debieis, and ' De Forest_ oltiels, And "+ll,e,therp9issonel 34?torested the abort estate -- , ...lrotiliViiebtifhotlitok Qat the Ciairtjaaoltruned -Zatetiptin'allibil - tetttieti3,ntetegtod )11 thi'atirosp eatefe c te iepplorifilitaDourt o.loKit, thii.4th dmr ct• De, teibto'r,A,7l - 10;14 .iVoloik IC" aid" &toot& or refuse 'the 'reel estate at the '!tppreleemeot made by the, ilhiriff lad InettestoF.44tfektife 71 1 1-the laulo should: • itot.„ho oRld; • t , .t.EoEsslit DIDDLE, • - , '.."..Attersitr,or • , • efiinneaa ITIeN' , 3 , I. ON-I 0% FE IT ALE "•• • •, •••••,*;::‘ ,,,, RiattriTY • M.,i,Presidenty Lii , e!nre,r oa:Nitur4 • At 4.7# 0:, , .R.77.7041, - .A. • 77.1.,• Ptitiolpan. Tim* • 'A -L • - • -". ' • SO. 0. W. 0111TP121.0, A:. 7d., Tauber 0c11.• • , .„,' Y.- l( Tqe.her irl prtriary.Dipiiik:„ Yrs, JULai. , ./WPRIOBi, Timber' of Mule - , Alm 'orLu Teinber ot , prining and Thr i feesionlo t last it u on `ingesmeit on t e ffetoberieud , wilreonlitiut TIIII9 and , ..I.retatlOlim!P„Elf, ' Pfßairenartro9nt, 130 flotermedietellinartmant, - neu age' Deputes , . eut, $4O; Incidental Yee; igradtiatlOn Yee, s3 m Steele. on Piano or Lipner, 850 treengfistrutneht, $0 Pencil or Ventibrionttle prat'. itig,lffemNeter Dolor Painting, $3O; $4O; 7lrenehinnt LOW, etch,- s2‘.o - ?kit ;Vuitton:: lfeeemuse , bejeottied t foia ; anypupil wllllmr;enterreL, , -Beifed can be obtained ,- in - pilvatte , feiblilent at 11.50 , "ilri-pc. ll o , lll 7 fuhiel, ',mod, And 3lghte. utfon pommies advantages for; -illustration In UMW, Belem° auneriorto those of - any Stellar one ;31 4 is not to be found, balmy tamale Sok nel4o,lo,hemoimal mut Xbilosophleil Ap.; anti Moriostenebre, Cabinet. for illustrating , ati btf4olll4 - .oftfebaral clUatory. -These meant ire in , Alt ire Aindergoips 'repairs, - . and madw emutorteele Anbien healthy . es there hi any necessity' for. It Multi - not healthier, unless the people "should TIM inye,the•entire control. of th6ltiltitution , sad ang Soluiriee &greeted to either of tbilektmillAmetyith prom t attention. fil •*.ausoiM wishing wt. r, sods, or ores analysed, InlylinTeltflinep try:sending '• • •, • ?Professor T. DARBY. Pitb.rrEtrArFl.";gola I ICA - Conitettoi-or. two, Twaxo,' , will'.com.' um* ,oisritiOIQPID,IirEDNISDAT of tleptemberi rad alifot the Viredooodarld Juno following? Vormil ° Masi, Troy Foonlo Sominary , —Tolttont Crab.: WirAor ?arm oomwwnFtog September - The charge for tuition and. board, including all no , dessaries ommeetedarith itfauck sus roma rent, wash itX, $225 per Runner.' Anridditieval 'Marge hi'maile for tondo andstlux other ornamental: brinetimof Smelts edecatiom, where a fixed Pre •Mted,;s3oo . por„ annum (one.balf payable it the comnulobementhr each term) will be received, and for , ft thl,P9 l 4l44leti to elltheadvantogea of _ the /MO Mit inter;at any,perlod. °flit terms sad are terlied,te paronlY from time et entrance, whfilhatimmioti: furnishes:la possible liteilities for a. Ikoro cenisa.el,useful and ornamental education:, M /dissipate. timaptialokby mom' than- twenty;Pro% Sam o rditial Teaahere., , , ; ;• s• r _Exts,Wlrroetusee,of, locluivastre anausally - dellrerear • bl•PrOMorahli Chem istry, Natural Philosophy, (look tnk and /location. IT. *•=lrilltin I lied with a valuable Library sad Velt 6 23 0 66 6./ nl ;:lpforehee?o , Wolivielectod‘ eabla : 111 4 6 re 1 - 10 4!. • 6 0 4.,t.h 4 / 1 1 ,11 T • , ori Attee sitndylit , tiir - age: The /reach fasekervreside in , Abotandly,..and adapt their system of hmtvectiott rte'thu of.thtiaagnalteli(oterrersationii .... • ..ts DlPWM.Wirestwardedf,tor,young;:ladies 'who have plaseriatlehiatorremunliatiomalnlhe, full course of Snglbdi - etudiet • With Latin, or one, of: the - modern .9-0 111 F4 (1 4/ 1 .lito those', Who have corn.. plated thktarual come. • , The pa am recatlifed Into - alact family of the /rind- pale, in' le leli"eicty, .4candemout ,l made for their physical (duration, andflie improvement Of their man ners-and worth, •Pley eviappprirate' reonisq - two in emit, .thireemtbf.thiferpile. teseheratudthat of r and igilerli , ml' rear: Am,iiliidicg emend those pf..the. young ' Theid?ir~ta~ei of this Inetilistinn Me the rteault of the arooiiiiii* atlikrfacilltiee of more than thirty years • Of its tt4trani progress... t • ," OirMilatirConta,MitiX more Particular Information may Tr obtained • by , application .to, Me. Yr/nal:pair, john K. viiiitvadd aarah L: Willard,;Treh N. T.. , r; r=" • ' Theterealer defscholais AMP per quarter foribe hiTTodtiehel:/ clime of ,Endilah,Mudlea, —Thee° are Reid , WrOl og ' 4414, dreannari Arithmetic; manta erfhlectrePtifiAteoliruPikt • for heginn6ll), and lileoloYMr *Amara. , r. , •• - • /or the Added clues $t pee rinarter.• This imitate all the brandheaxeraititutiogthe patensive'connui of /op Itah attiditit.V.`;!, , : , • - , • . • •'" • • Presidept. -, 7onn,ll!,,Wstietun,Bscretary, —' • •- - - IfaY6r dad Boarder ef Troy, Cu-Officio.. Itenternin Marshall, , John Dirr Willard Ihsbatct D. diyiman, Thome W.lllatahrord, Jorearth Beartt, - • dilas K.l3tow, Jalrf/1111 Behowchoven i ,• 'lengthen Edwards, _Thome Clowea,. • ' - r - lehtfATElMMiterld, /olinMallary, Ifrl 011biatf. '" 0r29.8m •-• 11.3fAiLL ittkittESTHE : )LESSi AM JLEIL kgrAIIMIEE&. • , A;MUM: J10ARD,1642 RONOOLVOII , BOYS, '" 'Eli B. It. thatua i - EINOI•ott•Z - "f • 3Affo°Sivi7li!!ogin.-Pir TQE9DAZ Sep O(~obiaPs ma WeEilkEvikd lEO4' a El. 200K1114`8,,YA:tonise EIGHTH , and OILESTECUT or. 0c01t,746 btlehiq:lkllt, 7 " 7 "" 7 1 ,,- -i:3 ; . - Fseijk --; inl74Soi • • L O stf: itiEBOO.IIV, TO , ENABL,E :paroonsi 'wadi mid female, to stda a . akene Of ttdi TOW* pod., arid oorarerna = - .'" '3 I 7BINISS :21DUCIATION. • Llipt : lllto7llEßS' manatraw AvAramy, N0e.148 and ISO =TIT Street,- near BACA Will nem Witp,ttoDAM,'lSßP-Tplatitt lot, tor . tit and es 'kiln:seine a knowledge of - • • . warrant, raok.-antront AND AtuTaiirio , sdusplide4 inethodSn A abort time. :_ • - _THI LSIDY'S take 'plaloara,l4 awing, th at during ea poet last a larta,:iunaber of ponions acquired a MINIMS TlPUOn.TlON;analillag many to senora pro:, Stab% &tattoo, and Aare to proanoote their baldness OplarlidiOAS Suaeessfaily„, au22-3un. 011ITTEIOViNe' 0 4 1 111LADELPHIA , COM- Muueriti;oof,LigniB. L arnar of 88YRITI1 Mat 011,18TMIT Stitads, Second add Thirdlitorler. - 'Boox-KERP,not,,PElibtaliBlllP,•evorystylo. - COMMOROIU 14190• AND /- • • 0010iER0LWOMANHATIorte. • ]tech 0090 basiseUridual, totem:aloe from comm. tout aidrattoottro Voodoo's,- ;fader. the formodfata Illifillrfleoll of tho Prinoipal.. • " Om at the Beat Pontoon in the Country has charge of the WrltlarDopartmoot. - ; • . Please eau and coo Spoolooms sad a ct a•COalogt• of Tam, ite. 15111111.01rESSOW 5../LUNDF.II INSTITUTE ; Wfitr . ;; ' • -' Betatuary trblat,oror la more Inca r.prtuato Vagiopurse c.f study to oitenidrii sad thorough. Pro. haw Smudgy, reottir 4 1 4.erf, MOTO rtril land or th 5.0. 6 1.4 6, b*,,bo to iialjr mam - or it' Slifer utd gatbiw Nowitirt s or 0(4.4: term, iditer of MU Paper, irbea arirpest Sr. sairtuembare of tio i ty. - m Nomi optl44f 0663 - fitme!.. mop 443,' 801:PPIIMAST optliss. OP MARKET and 11,IFTIE Stride: Quathisilauls Sod Patent Leather Halter Boots, • a - a l'itout.Le.sthOr Word Tim ,CC IC oaf , do. do. .1. Paton: .Leather *ad Chdr.naivow strip' j . - . • - Bois' AM , Youth' 'PAt_dat loather azd Car Skin Mater *KO kid Rhooll. ltdr d!dd by: PALL ATOOKOF'DOOTS AND SHOES. JR: --40SEP1111. TUOMPSON, & No, 814 MAN MST Streit, ane, - Nos. - 11 eud f NR4NKLIN P 1 ,4011, - 11 A.ye start( 6, l arga , ,and well-assorted atoala "Din 7 b an.ralOtfti Clet and Nostere- reszotartore, oh they, offer-tor We 9u the -4 r. . eild ter,eui for, Oseth, ar ON - Ovrted 0 . 114' and amino Wilt skink. CANDLES.' ' . • IJ REMOVAL' fiiitorlST 8017TIt'FO ‘ URTII'STISEET4 be my Mititifitetdry,l6 "and It 1.1:3;11,1i •STItEET be, tweet , Lat9lark rioo•Apa Second Thankful to inynunietopsfellss foitheie pea ferois,' I solicit co n ithu i .eo thi,'esiiie, bevies enlarged uty. osnowtory se tette tuabit, me to have constantly on hand a liwko!Af<fetr. of welt-seetetted Soaps, free from flab Oily Yelm. Tartlegate3 eihltcllTObey; Daetile atd. all kinds of toilet Soaps, Pkiemical,Olico,Soap of pure material, ffettted Pala; and WOO Spap, Englteh Sal. Soda and' Pearl Staych t Sperm, 1 1 ,1 1 1111 4 , 1 1 , J and TAPPI , • eandiet of ell , r h ea 'cortltstatlp,,,on - jtanci. geeing telopted the cash eyeteni,4 bob eetibled tb melt ley goods at the lowest paces.LE, CONWAY, Philadelpble: • N. B..—Ulitipiirlint Tallowltict Dreamy 4 no 11-6D3 1140 El = ,MIL IGa ii4lootivin • PN• - - D Id 1tA4 3 1 , ithieb hi , win* to lenknontothqrs In • , Ori 6 rsAlitTuAii*Pto9Pll jA/PATOtt mill }ie,paoa %ant atee al ‘2 - f r!=! 1.W4441-494yrt,. Os ',D A A toc i e.** ISAltNifir ' #l= i , !' t , 40,94 ~_ __, _ r.kr.tV :i.,p,Wi .rpc , t'sx f.'iq;;;illikli•if 4,4* -• •11'4'1!li . ',Wt ,41 . !--ia -A 'iP- -- ' 10.4' 04 "iiVi - TAvvilift - tf 'HP - -.`" -.. 'l'll 133ines and tignore. DbETOl 5lk ): 9 l O , 4'104 Nortti FRONT St., lm , portent of posne,o ,110 Konbnue Brendle - a' Holland Gin, Seetch and Irish Whiekey•l Also, sole 'proprietor, et tlio Old Wheat Wtilekey,' V. T. Id: - to Rio. have. on hand ilieliirkest'ifid be aioelr.i:X One old Plonangatielik, llotirbon, and Rye , Whishey of atIT dealer in the United States, all of %flitch is highly improved by age, noT-Sin 115tRANDIES:— . . cc Pinot Castlllon " Marett, ,vad other, cogr,e, or various vlntaieo, In hAll plppee3atal 'ptter was; Yellevoleln Rachel e Brendle'', palb snti3irlcila half plpeg t halroaoks, and•outoalghtli mob 10pOrtalf,told'ior sale bY • HENRY BoiILEN & CO. , 402 2 • • 221 and 223 konth Fourth etre et: • 130113 and entitled to dd JJ bentairo 250 Alaska ,J,osephia, Pura Juice Por Nuns, end eighths. , Ton puticheona Joku talay Malt liantabWhia ki 2 yeara old, Wife) , plpot Ancb - or Wu, garett, hfortel, Bouvet, end J. J Dupu Braaten, al. oL which I °fres to the, trade at reduced prices, • 709. TON" ,lign27,4lnon 'as and £OO B. trout Eit.. Delo* Walnut. . ; A LEXANDED V. 'HOLMES, WINE AND Liquon. STORE, No. 220, Southeast Corner o ORORGE and ROOM' Streets, - •u 41 '110•I:LEWIS; IMPORTBR AND DEALER' • IN vita WINES, LIQUORS, ,OIGAPS, leo., 28 South PIPTEI Street, Philadelphia. URANDiES.—Pinet, ()Astilion & Co., Ma- . iLlt tett & Co., end other brands of COplaCS of various vintages, In half pipes and quarter casks = Pelievoisin Rochelle Biandlee, pal'eltud dark, in halt pipes; quarter Osaka and one-eighth wake, 9nstem House stores, imported atrit for isle by - - • trxxxv swam , : k 00., Mac 221 and 223 &loth 'Youth street. lti AC GRE GCiR HOT - -AIR PURN A.OES - sold by'OII.ADTOOK et ORO., BSOOND Stroet Frei door slava Rona auRlB-Bmos MFORTA.NT IIifP,ROVEMENT-4 'NSW GAS CONSUMING MANSON CHILSOMS; NEW CONE FURNACE,. after having been put to • the -moat aevore teat, during the two COLD wurase OP 11366 two 186 T, has proved to be tile: most powerful heater in the world, saving from '~ to X the fuel over swot the beat furascee now to nee, .T dam 1041PAOSS ere constmted with a oast iron rah ,pit, and , a broad, ehaliow palsatisped fire pot, MOW with lire-brick or iron etavea, The fire pot is surmount ed with • - A SOROS 0/ .00NEB, oe TAPOILING RADIATORS, large and broad at thelrhase, but tapering to small 'per taxes at the topi and uniting,witb the smiler chamber, 'through , ,whicis the,heat • and smoke pass to the due, Tins ProdtiMe. of combustion in 'the, form of ..stnakA and,:inalsa,-„ave testommded directly over this fire, dolman or compreaand_into , tbn tapering Cones and oesprinnatzs, Ranson to the direct motion of tae rata' of heat and light from the fire. ;This heat and light is brought to a 700118 1 LON Ogee, not unlike the • . OOLIZOIION.OF THE SUN'S RAYB, ' 14 a foestpolut through an ordinary lens, causing the IMMO AND anus to become- intensely hosted and tho roughly, Coasomin, by trite operation the' amoral AND Qualm Ara 1411 ;1417ALLY ATAITUDLIII with thd Imams for heating purposes, while, 10 other furnaosts, it DI OADILIN,D OYIP AND WASTED IN 'WI °DINNED. All , pirsone desirous of ObtAIDIDD, the best and ' MOST VONOMIOAL MATING isrpnitATOS,, should nbt fail to amides, the 'Ng* CONEDINING Con 101/NAOl‘, before waiving any other: The at. **talon of sizahitooa and builders la particularly re quested. r , ARNOLD & M.I.8011; (ilneeessors to B. A. harrison,) No. fat WALNOT Street, Opposite Indepondence Ituar . 91110MAS , F. GOODE. At. . - - , ATTOIII4EY - a T LAW, Boyclion, lifechlenburg. County, Vs., Attends to prol'Aisteuel business to the Courts of Meth ituiburg, Lunenburg, lialiliel, and Charlotte eounties. •AVPI2III3 20 ~ , , . - Shipleiglikltue; Philsdelphia. , Baptist & White, New 'York.' • Vanier, Bro., & Co., Baltimore, . 'Smyth, Stone, & Banks Petersburg, Va. ',.- A.dte & Gray, Itiebesend; Ye.— . toe2l-s&w.2ns 1141PENOVAL.—OLAY & JONES, ATTOR ALL noym•at•Law. bare removed their LAW'OFFICII from No. ISIS. Fifth St., opposite Tudepondeimo Square, to ;No, ins. SOSITEL -PISTII STREET, below liroue street.• n09701.11,t0 T 1 ,8 WI S S. WE L'L S, ATTORNEY AT A..-u0tr,14 , 5:2, AIRY STRUT, NORRISTOWN, Pa., .1011 attend ertth pluietnallty, and to the beet of hla ,stblllty, to all business 'entreaed. to hte osee.. , oet..Bne DANIEL DOUGHERTY; ATTORNEY AT LAW, Southeast Omer of SIGHTII and OUST Streets, YbSsdelphia. attl.l7 IN YEE"S TEO USE, ATTORNEY AT .LUL LAW, CZNTRE street,Pottiville, ss. au44y SALAMANDER SAYER. large aalortment of . i NUNS & WATSON'S , MANUFA,CTUAZD ittlethilliDgEt -VAULT, DOOP4I, Tor Banks and Stores. • BANE LOOKS, Equal to any now hi tow. IRON DOOB.B,'SUUT &e., Ofi ea good terms se any other eatobtlehniont In the United States, by • . EVANS k WATSON, ' No. SO iionth7/19VISTEf street, Thiladelphls. nula-tf PLEASE GIVE US A GALL Qtaminiesian lUerellaitte. •I• H. OHA.SH 8:170.' • 47 0 _ azsznAL • • • POROMPIOIf. MERCHANTS,- --- ~113'rrortin.4m, and 44 W-024 Street, `Platindolphit. CL O 0101. VER S lANNU,ltnenrtinn ,,, t - , '1•• • „ On Conegnainnt from the 'dotted. 'of Pennsytvards, whcire our' now Gleaning MITI is now in gOneral use. , :TIALOTIIY-AND • ORD TOP always on Bso,-,tf ;ANDY; Bi, SRENITER—COMMISSION NINEDIIANTS and Dealers In Foreign and Awe. Skala 111ANDWAIIE and•OUTLERY, Nos. 23, 25 and 27 North FIRTH titreet, East Ws aborsOommeres street, Philadelphia, „ „ aul•tr intIARLES TETE, COMMISSION MEN ONANT and 'lmporter of HAVANA REHABS, (New) In Walnut street. mond story. sally TINITED STATES - POST-OFFICE, IN 11,-) 'TIIEI CITY OP TIIIIADELIPIIIA. • SEALtaI PROPOSALS. ' for eupplying materials and workmanship required ire the erection and construction of a Post-office building in the City of Philadelphia, bertha United States Poet-office Department, will be re ceived at the office of the undereigned, Conehilssioner for the building, No: 206 South POURTII Street, on or befdre the twelftlfday of December next. Contracts will be awarded only to master-builders and tneehanics. Ruch Proposal must be accompanied by a written, guarantee, aigned by tiro responsible per eons,' to the effect that.,the bidder, will, when required, - if hie proposer be accepted, enter into a contract and bend with proper and aufficient see nrieties for its faith ful performance. Plans and specifications for the building can be seen tipon application at the oftimeof the Arehlteet John kleArthur, Jr., No. 10 Mercantile Library Building, whore every information respecting materials and work manship will be given. . The proposale muat'be sent to the office. of and mbisioner, and addressed - to John Rice, and endorsed PProposals foi the tinited States Post-oflice at Phila. delphia," and will be opened'at noon of the last-named day fur receiving the same, • JOHN RICE. nor 12-dtdel2 „ ,Commirsioner, 'HAVANA 0/GAIIS--A. handsome assort.' went, molt is Figaro, • Partys% ) Cabanas, ' Sultana, Gloria, - Jupiter, (totem, Ganeerclantes, -,,lorray Lopes, - —Union Americana, 'Orsjon, P lots Cubans, dco., &e., in ")61.0 and 1.10 oXes Of all sizes and quail tiee, in e2ke and constantly receerlog, and for sale low, by - - MAGUS TWIT, Lew) 130 WALNUT Street, below Second, Second story RIGARO, CABANAS AND PARTAGLS BBGARB.—A 'holee invoice of these celebrated brands en board brig Noir Ib're,„ ,l dally expeeted from tievent end for seta tor , by EILUADMEI TETE, ' (New) 188 Walnut greet, below second, Bernd Story, 1111EIMANT8' .HOTEL, " , P ail.. • NORTH YOUBTA MISR& , , , , ANOVA MANINVo .P4ILADELPIII4,, $0444f KAMM( & solo; Paorapyrole JONES'" ;: ARCII. STREET SALOONS, 727 and 729 ARM STREET. ,;''To 'R10144101, as well as to the whole public, those Saloons are the meat attractive he the Oily, and in inlander et, adornment and finish vie earierior to any in country. BREAKFASTS, DINNERS, AND SUPPERS, Ruud up in the'citelcast and meat expeditious stile. Every variety or FANCY AND ORNAMVNTAL 00NPEOTIONERY, FRIII2' OF ALL KINDS. 10E CREAMS, JELLIES, DAMS, ANit orszmns, Constantly ready fur visitors in profusion. - PLAIN, PANOT, AND ORNANNNTAL tIi*ESS AND PIER ,OF lIVERY DESCRIPTION. YORK TE.4 BISCUIT, And, to fut, alt the VARIETIES : LUXURIES, and DEIJOAUIES of every clime and country. BALLS, PRIVATE PARTIES, Piesontation Coppers, /and Nawilles supplied at the ohorteet notice and on reasonable teroni, OPEN 'ON SUNDAY AFTERNOONS AND F,VENINO S. A einithniance of the patrobige hitherto se liberally bestowed by the public in respeatfally solicited, raj y It JONES, Prop cater. 480: W. TAYLOR CAMPBELL'S RESTAURANT.—VBNi sort, Wild Ducks, Turkeys, Gems, arouse, Yrceli Wawa, Ohlucatique, Opluachique, Princess day, dime corn, and Con Oystsrs,, with every variety of GAMS, wild or domestic,. in season. Grotto Turtle Soup and terrapin: Suppers served tip at the shortest notice, at 3017 N CialPitklt,i,l, No. 627 011ESTNI3T street, posits the Stets House,' N.11. - ,•••No expanse 'or pains has been spared by the Proprietor. An fitting op this nertestablishreent in the molt seutptlions , rnanner—the second story being for the accommodation of Private Parties for Dinners, Stippura, Ckc. Entrance 1'00,3414V:0as Sixth street, n 0 Yl.Brn WiLLIAM allrY LAGIR 11 BiAOON, 232 Outor , i Pbila - - : sep22,4lm 111 090WAN'S RESTATIRA.4T,' SOUTH .LIEL west.aornee of 11110 AD and WALNUT.--Otiar sod all, other eoljeaeles in sesame :Fam!liOg eqp 111 d loth a - toiled the allorteok netted, asp?-Pm jak., OVAL.—r.- BRADY & CO'. 'HAVE ,rqmoved their Ranking . house to ]26 B. THIRD Eitr9frt;shOve Deck. 414 ) 0 131 21., - 6004AIIKEL5 so.pmAyaus •RAV TiOlantJ io !lido° Por lOhoonor 7. g. planner _A *moat by DUSTIN & MACIALISTBIi, RM.; , , I.l9lforth vat.? droAt ALOOME E4NGEt4Boiii , st • URAD4 Yn9LaVigl9r 40 PAPOPD oult Sttrnares. 2lltortup at Kam. , Prielif Safes illtoposals llobatrecanb Cigaro. fjoiclo anb tteatanranto. THE PitiOr:PRILAD . ELPRik WgriNESIDAY 4 NottrYtitgll 1857. tanb 1 .1.-...noWyenneweeeen.weeetrevwerevew,ww.os _ elitra i rrAl s / 6 A $2,001 TANI) 'ffrie ! I ..011ANCIE 2011 POOR stf I The Northwestern Mutual' Lind Benefit Aso ,elation will make a grand distribetion of $30,000 wortt,l of real estate and maps to Ste members. The number of meal hers is limited to 15,000. 52.00 and five letbsr stamps pe r membership, or a share. Any Indleldwal sending 510 and the stamps, shall be entitled to sly shares; or any person sending $lO with nix names whtb. t headdress of end', eat hilly written, shall be entitled lo six obelus. The hollowing is the real estate to be distributed No. 1. Mn Unproved farm of 80 acres to Cooke Co., idued it 1,3,000 No, 2. An int i lioved farm if 160 sores to White sides, Co., I inefi, valued it 8,000 'No.II. • An improved farm of 160 acres In White. sides Oa:, Illinois . valued at N 0,4. ' Au excellent private reeldehae in Dubuque, lowa, valued at 3,000 No. 6. 180 acres superior farm land In Cooke ' Illtuote, rained at. 2,000 Ne, 6. 168 acres well pine timbered In Wanpacca Co., Wisconsin, valued at 2,000 No. Z. A good lot and cottage residence / in Obi cage, Mind:, valued at 2,000 No. O. 160 sores superior land In Whitesides Co., Illinois. Valued at 1.000 N 0.9. 160,1mita good land in Chippewa? Co., Wisconsin, yoked at 080 No.lo. 180 acres good land in Chippeway Co., Wisconsin, valued st 960 No. 11. 100 Ayres good land In Ohippeway Co., ' Wieconsin, valued at 800 No, 12, • 180 weir good land in Dann Co., eonain, valued at 800 No, 18. 80 acres goad land In Marshall Co., Uwe, Vaned at 600 No. 14. • 80 acres good land In Marshalloo,, lowa, valued at 600 No. 15. BO mares goad land la Marshall Co.,lowa : valued at 600 No. /6. 40 amen good land In Marshall Co.,lowa valued et • 000 N 0.17. 40 acres good land In Linn Co., lowa, 'Val ued at SOO No. 18. 40 sores good land la Lion 00., lowa, vat: . Mid at " SOO 510. 18. 40 gores good land In Linn Oa., lowa, val. _tted at 800 N 0.20. One building lot in Dubuque, lowa, yid uod at • goo N 0.21. One building lot in Sterling, Illinois, valued at 890 No. 22. One building lot iu Sterling, Illinois, valued at 800 No. 23. One building lot in Sterling, valued at . 800 No. 24. 40 acres tam land In Grant 00., Wiscon sin. valued it . 800 No. 20. 40 auras farm land In Grant 00., Wisoon• • sin, valued at' 200 N 0.28. 40 acre, land to Grantee , Wisconam, valued at ' 240 N 0.27. 40 aoree land in Grant Co., Wilminsta, ' valued at 240 No. 28. 40 urea land in Crawford 00., Wisconsin, valued at 2QO NIL so. 40 acres laud In Cranford Co., Wisoonsin, valued at 200 No, 80. 4.0 acres land In Crawford 00., Wistenoln, valued at ' • N 0.31, 40 acres land in Monroe flo,, WI/0011CW, valued • • 200 No, 32. , - 40 urea land In Monroe Co., Wisconsin, Valued at 200 N 0.83. 40 sores land In Jackson 00., Wisconsin, valued a 200 No. 84. 40 woes land In /salmon Co., Wisconsin, valued at 200 NO. -40 keret land In Ded , Axe 00., Wiesonsla, valued et 180 No. 38. , 40 sores land In Bud Ale Co., Vitsconaln, valued it 100 No. 37. 40 !ogee land In Bad Axe Co., Wlscomiln, valued at,, • 180 No. 88. One lot In Fulton, Illinois, valued at 160 Na. 39. One lot in Fulton; Illinois, valued at 100 No. 40. One lot la Fulton, Illinois, valued at 100 The distribution will be conducted fairly and honor ably. The Amnia and address of stockholders shall be written on as many small carde as they have !land, and the whole placed In a box; and the first name taken out shall be entitled to the Improved farm No. I, In the shove list, and the next taken out will be untitled to No. 2 and so on until the 40 items of real estate are all diatributed Then to each of the remaining 14,0 , 00, Stockholders will be sent a cheap map of a Western State or Territory. A full Account of the distribution will be forwarded in a printed circular, to each member of the Association, with the names and address of ouch as may receive the real estate—to whom also the deeds will be sent and Immediate possession given. Bach ap plication must be suocunpentedculdh $2.00 and Ore letter stamp. Address • 1.111.1)ELL, .10N118 St CO., an-18 Chicago, j niloicE FAAM LArma rug SALE.— VV TUB ILLINCEIBORNTRAL RAILROAD 06.311 5 ANY to now prepared to eon about 1,500,000 sores of choice Panning lands, In 'lsnot' of 40 acres and upwards, on long creditor. and at low rates of Intereat., These lands were granted by the Government to aid in the construction of this Bowl, And are among the richest and most fertile in the world. They extend -from North-Nast and North-West, through the middle of the State, to the extreme South, and include every 'variety of climate and productions found between those parallels of latitude. The Northern portion In, chiefly prairie, interspersed with fine groves and in the middle and Southern sections timber predominated, alternating 'with beautiful prairies and openings. The climate is more healthy, mild and equable, than any other part of the sounter 7 the air is pure and bra cing, while living streams and springs of excellent waist abound. Bituminous Coal ie tatenalvely mined and eupplles a cheap: and, desirable fuel,;being furnished at many polite at $2 to $4 per ton—and wood ten be had at the saute rate per cord, Building Stone of excellent quality also abounds, which can be proeured for little more than the expense of tranaportation. The great fertility of there lands, which are a black rich mould, from two to five feet deep, and gently roll lug; their e*,tiguity to Thu road, by which every feat lily is furnished for travel and transportation to the principal marketer North, South East, West. and the economy, with which they can be cultivated, render them the raorteraluable investment that can be found, and present the most favorable opportunity for patrons of indwarlons habits and small moon. to *vitro a cOut fortable independehco in a few yearo. Chicago is now the greatest grain market in the world; and the facility and economy with which the products of these lands ohn be transported to that market, make them much more probable, at the prices asked, than those more remote at government rates, as the addi Clonal cost of trensportation is a perpetual tax on the hitter, which must be borne by the producer , in the re. duced'price he reoolrea for hie grain, rkc. That idle is perfect—and when the final payment/ are made, deeds Cr, executed by the trustees appointed by the State, and in whom the title is vested, to The put., chasers, which convey to them absolute tit les in fee elm; pie, free and clear of emery incroxibrance, lien'or snort he prioes are from VS to $llO Interest only peict. Titeray per ot. will be deducted trout tbe,price (or 4 nowt who parttime/ on iOrlgqaditj glob netts Palahlo iri tyro, three, four, nveand'ai*leara gflardat°, and are required to Improve one-tenth annually .for fire pate, so as to have one.half the land under cultivation at the end of that time, Competent surveyors will acoompauy thceie who wish to examine these Lands, fres of charge, and aid them In making selections. The Lends remaining tumid me as 'rich and valuable as those which have been disposed of. 8110TIOlittl. MAYS Will be sent to any one who will enclose arty cents la postage stamps, and books or pamphlets containing nn morons Instances of sucessent. farming, signed by re spectable and well known farmers living iu the neigh. berhood of the Railroad Lands; throughout the State— also the cost of fencing, price of Cattle, expense of har vesting, threshing, eta„—ot any other information— will be cheerfully given on aPplication, eltherpersonally Or by letter, in kng,lish, Brunch, or Germano addressed to • JOHN WILSON. Land Oorrimbuiltinav of the Illinois Central Chloe in Illinois Nara l gikoad Depot, Opicago, 11. linols. apt. J4IVDSI LANDS!!— 'OfTEnFOR Bale the following valuable LANDS in SOUTIL WESTERN (3110DGIA. All persona are hereby cau tioned agalnot trespaseltig upon any of them. Oetober,lBs7. T. R. BLOOM, Macon, Oa. AODQ➢RRYY COVNTY lid District—Nom. 80, D 5, p 7. BAILER mime. 7th District—No. 338. 9th do—Noe. 18, 318, 329, 333, 309, 378, 979, 380, 410 400 10th District—Noe,4[!, o 4 3 o, 41, WORTH 00IINTY 7th Maria—Nos. 121, 625. 15th do , 11, 12, 61 16th, do 26, 21, 38, 230, - LER COUNTY. lot Matttot—Nos. 130, 100,148, 106 lath do I , 4,183 /4th. do ,4 119, 144. SUMPTER COUNTY. 15th District—No. 91. ' 7ERRNIA. COUNTY 11th District—Nos-128, 259. 12t1t do " 198, 201. nesloocru 001724 TY gth Distant—No.l44 lIILLAA 001 MITT. 12th District—Nos. 299, " , •,21, 222, 222, 224, 226, 2671 337 375, 376, 306. 13414 do << 6, DI, 10, 29, 36, 70, 291, 392, 394. DBOATUR °MINTY 14th District—Noe. 130. • trth. do " 100, 246. DOOLT COUNTY 14 Millet—Noe. 7, 2ilB . 211;212, 21,3,214, 221,222,223, 221, 223, 226. 227 , 228. 24 do I. 162, 237. Itt6 do 211. 9th do 4 110. HOUTON 0001 PIT. 6th Dlstact—No. 214 POLLIM COUNTY Bth District—Ng. 102. TAYLOR COUNTY /8111 Dletrict—Noa. 87, 88. 14111 do a 88, 61. CIF FICE OF THE COMMERCIAL MU TUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, COMMERCIAL BUILDING, b 7 and 159 WILLIAM STICEST. New Ems, July 23, 1857. The Trustees, , in conformity to the charter of the Company, submit the following statement of its Waits en the 30th of June, /857: Premiums on Risks outstanding 30th June,lBsB 1215,012 75 , PrOmitime received during the year ending 1 30th June, 1857 780,127 31 Total Premium' (No Policies have boon issued upon Piro Rieke disconnected with Marine•Bleks.) • ?MAIMS marked off as earned for thoyonr ending Mb Juno, lin *T40,224 tiCP Lousy and Exponos..— Retitru Premiums Be-lnierancee .. $520,096 13 .. 65,202 10 .. 62,534 51 $8 8,23* 80 The Assets el t' were an follows: Notes in lawman of Premiums Premium Notes and Bilis Receivable, Loans on Stocks, Stocks and other Securi Ma, Salvage, and Re-insurance Olalinti,. Cash In Banks e Company on the Jett June, 1851, Otal A stets .....• . • • • The Board of Trustees have this day resolved, that an Interest on the Six Pax Um% on the outstanding Scrip of the Company, be paid In cask to the holders thereof, er their legal reproilentativeli, on and after TUESDAY, the 11th or AUSuat dext, The Board have also declared a Scrip Dividend of TxX PYa C,InT, on the not earned Premiums of the Company for the year Wing 30th June, 18.57, for which certill- Catee will be Weed on and after TUESDAY, the 11th of August next. By order or th Board, ' itY D. KING, secretary T J: V 8 Henry W. Barstow, Janie* 0. 8011, Charles L. Prost, Geo, B. Idosewood, Sheppard Gaudy, Maslen (Wow. Ceplias H. Norton, Robert 11. Borden; Cornelius W. Thomas, Thos. B. Coddington, Moses Taylor, K. Corning, % James W. Phillip Jolio G. Minima," William 11 Brodie, Louie 8. bellows, Willard M. Newell, Jacob A. Corey, Oliver Wetmore, Charles P. Hattie, BAWL CRIMP. j 1 no2-8m ADMAN B. 1107 TEES. Josiah 0. Low, Stephen D. Harrison ' A. Sale, James L. Adams, John 0 Seaman, (Modes W. Blossom Anson G. Phelps, Edward Ssportas, John P. Clark, James IL Mulford, . SCUS K. Everett, ' t!olivler Livingston, T.Wilham krotit, William It Kirklan, Henry A Heiser, Eben B. Crocker, John 0, Jackson, Joseph F. Navarro, Wm, W. T. (ireenway, SMITH, Propident. , LT4EI3, Viee-Premident ItVS SI A AND AMERICAN TARRED CORPAGM.—a superior article, manufacture and tai sale by WEAVER, VrTLER & RO., • an R.tf No. 22 N. P7O.A. at , k. 22 N. Wbar.os CCOTTON-10OWoo Gulf Cotton, In titoro ant for a Ile by • itisTrx & MCALISTER, ad 110 Mirth Wat Ave ftlysitt CARL P. •814:1"E ‘- -- Wholosaln NI and Mon war owl OANA hinntiftognoor, No. Noah youwatAnot.aaj "Oftt . 4NS. - - - -=I;I)'~TAtA • LIN sqa VI, gal* deepatch.—The re markably feat-sallldg 1p • AtAREIARET, Berryman tnasP.r, it now /9a410g at,llace street wharf t AO having a large portion - of her cargo engaged and going on beard; pill have onlck deePatolt. akippers will please hurry their bills of lading to the countinghouse algoature. For balance of freight apply on hoard or to , Iluatoalmote,4 C 0.... • '124 (late ad) ItOll,TEt A g e nt' at New Qe,/denes p. J. aitigKEß, h CO. The Margaret 'laiurea , the' loweat rates, and wilt fake steam down'thoDolalrire awl up thi.ldlesliodppl.. nol7 HIP JOSEPIV3ONBS FOIrSA'N FRAN CI9CO.—To will with gulek despateh.—Frolght taken at reduced rated.—the beautiful elloper. whip JOSIIPIi JONES, Nelson Pendleton, =commander, new completing her loading at nitre Stella, wharf, baa over three•fourthe of .her' ear on on bond and nearly all of her Capacity engaged, will continue to receive freight for a few days, and gall as abbr.. Shipers will please complete their engagemente without delay, andhand In billa of lading for signature. For balance of freight, which will be taken at very low rates, apply en board, or to ' DISEIOP, SIMONS de 120 (Intone) Werth Wharves. SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE iPS STATE spEAmsiI OF GEORGIA AND In RYsTONE STATE. c.nsequeue. E 0 the Jemmied state of trade, the above ships will be wttladrowtt for the present. October letb. F t ON HAVANA—With quick despatcl - I. Tho coppered And copper . ..fastened ahtp NAPLES, Captain Eastman, will be despatched ma above in a few days. For freight or passage, apply to BrBllOP, , SIMONS, Marroo., .120.(late 88) North 0.. I. 7 4ARE REDUCED AND 11AVRE.—The o DEDDILT, Edward Itlggini will sail • From New York for South- From Southampton and aropton and I.lavre. Havre for New York. Saturday - Oct. SI Saturday. ..... ~..Nor. 14 Saturday Doc.G Saturday Dec. 211 Price of Passage—Pint cabin, $lOOl second cabin, F6O Specie delivered trkLondon and Paris For freight or pang° apply to D. TOBRANfIE, Agent, , Nirg Dowilug 001011, New ork. Letter/ for Engladeand Europe, pre-paid, 2 2 cents each half ounce, (by encloaure of postage atarapa if from other eitlea,) will be received at No, 6 Flowling.green, Now York, up to 11.1 i o'clock on the morning of sail ing. 0020- tt !TREAT REDUCTION IN ARE TO EU _ ROPN. Fiat Outdo $BO I Second Oahin $6O In the drat-class paddle-wheel 'eteiroship ADBIRL 2,000 tone, O. b. LUDLOW, Commander, and NORM STAR, 2,600 tone, P. N. Urania, to mil from plow No. 8 North Meer, at noon proolsely, carrylajthe 'UNITED STATES MAILS, via: Leave N. York for Southampton, Bremen foe , ; 4athrovpton vie and Penmen. Southampton„ _for New York. Ariel, Satorday t Oct. 31, Wede'day,Nov.d. N. Saiy, Oct, IL Saturday, Nov, 9.9. ISt ode WI, Noo. 30 Thee° eteamere tooth at HAVRE. Specie delivered in London and Parte, For passage and freight, apply to D. TORUANOS, Agent,No. 6 Bowling Green, New York.oo104( LIOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE,IBS7.-- .11.: New York and liarre Steamehij, Company : The United States Blati Steatuatupa AItAGO, 2,500 tons, David Linea, commander, and YULTON, 2,600 tone, James A. Wotton, commander, will leave New York, Llano and Southampton, tor the 1 , 0011857 an 68, on the following days: • • . Vulton, Saturday, Aug. 22, Arago n do, Sept. 12 Puna!, do. Oct. 17 Arago n do. IPA , . 14 Walton, do. Deo. 12 1,11/tll HAUL 1851'. krago, Tuesday, Aug. 25 Fulton, do. Sept. 22 krago, do. Oet. 20 Fulton, do. Nor. 17 Arago, do: Deo. 15 1858. Patton, do. Jan. 12 drag°, do. Feb. 9 Fulton, do. Mande 9 Arno, do. April 0 Fulton, do. Slay 4 Argo, do. June 1 Pultou, do. inns 25 , MOB 0? YASUO/II From Now York to Southampton or Same—Birgit Cabin, $180; Second Cabin, $76. Brow Havre or tionthamptot, to Nee York.—Virel Cabin, 800 trace; Second Cabin, 6901tAnes. Pm /Ivrea or Possaget.aPPi e tz , ..., MOSTI,MBR LIYINO N, Agent, '7 Broadway. WILL aliel INRGENT, ,( }Lorre. CROSKBY lc 00. If South'tou. ' AMERICAN EIIROPEAIIi SX.PREBB AND EL, ,It • Pale. ' OIIdNOB 00. sue THE NEW YORK Atilt LIVERPOOL ..11- UNITED STATES MAIL STlLilliLitßAl.—The Somposing this Line are : The ATLANTIC, Capt. Oliver Welds., The JIALTIO, Oapt. Joseph Oranatook. The ADRIATIC, Capt. James West. ,ittIOR6 ships have been built by contract, enormity for tiorornment nerrice• every care has been taken their sonstruotion, as alio ' in their engines, to ensure strength end speed, and their aocommodations for passengers are anottualled for elegance and oomfort, PriCo of passage from New York to Liverpool, in drat cabin, MO; in second do., $7l; from. Liverpool to Now York, 30 and 20 witness. No berths secured unless paid for, The ships of this line bate improved widevtlght balk heads. PROPOSED DATES OP SAILING, ' PROM 117, roux, PROP LIVERPOOL. Saturday, hue 20, 1857 Wedrieeday, June 24, 1867 Saturday, July 4, 1867 Wediiisday, July ,8, 1867 Saturday, JulylB, 1857 Wednesday, July 28, 1857 Saturday, Aug. 1, 1867 Wednesday, Aug. 5, 1857. Saturday, Aug. 16, 3857 WediaesslanAug. 10, 1857 Saturday, Sept.l2; 1857 Wedueiday, Sept. 2, 1857 Saturday, Sept. 26, 1867 Wednesday, Sept. 80, 1857 Saturday, Oct. ID, 1857 Wednesday, Oot. la, 1857 Saturday, Oat. 21. 1857 Wraday, Oot, 28, 1857 Saturday, Nov. 7, 1 067 W noday, Nov, 11, 1857 Saturday, Nor: 21, ' 1867 W esday, Nov. 28, '1857 Saturday, Dee. 6, 1851 Wednesday, Deo. 0, 1867 ' - Wednesday, Deo. 22, 1867 'or freight or passage, *KO to EDWARD .11 . , 00I•LIMI Ho. 55 Wall street," N. Y. nitowN, 81111'1,SY bo. L Liee ti lool. STEPHEN IiIiNNARD tlO., 27 Austin Prlars, London. R. 0. WAINWRIGHT Is 0D.,-Parls. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for gold, silver, bullion, specie, lownlry.pr eoloris stones or toetale, unlesa bills of lading:?: nod therefor, and the value thereof expressed therein tul-tf 13inito Sorteo G OLD MEDAL PIANO FORTES. STEINWAY & SONS, MANICFADTMIERB, 84 AND SS WALKER STREET, NEW YORK, • Received the following Biel priXe - mselais In corneal. lion' ith the beet manufacturers orßoetou, New York, Philadelphia, and Ba ltimore, TWO FIRST PRIZE MODATS 113 the ' Metropolitan FairtWashOW o a, March,lBss, A OOLD MEDAL at the Crystal Palace, New York, November, 1855, (being the only Cold Medal given for YinnosS within the last nix years.) • A GOLD MEDAL at the Maryland Institute, Balti more, 1856. pluze BIEDAL M the' Fair, Crystal Pelee°. Now York November, 1810. • Among the judges were the first musical talent of the country, much am M. Mason, Gottschalk, lgollenhaupt, and many others. St. tc 8, Pianos (with and witholit: Iron frames) are warranted for three years, and'f 'mitten guarantee given. Pianos packed and shipped,wlthent charge. Prices moderate. 0c27-tf A LBERT WEBER, PIANO FORTE m.ANUFACTUSIER, No. ]55 Wist Broadway, New York, solo mantifacturer of the . celebrated Concert Piano. The subscriber would Worm Me numerous friends and customers that lie has greatly enlarged his inanunioturing department, In order to meet the increase lis demand for his unrivalled Pl 4 toa , and as every piano , especially tone and touch, is personally superintended by the subscriber, the public will he warranted an in strument which, for beauty, EtroogLlz t and durability, power and sweetness of tone and tough, stands unser passed. Every piano sold at the lowest toaauracturers , prices. A call is respectfully solicited. 0W39-4u Alerrbant giailcirs. JOHN P. DOHERTY, POMMY wicK antic LATE WITH 1411/1118, ICELLY, & 00., TAILOR, 614 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH, Iles now with him the best Tailors that are engaged In the business In this country. CHAHLEd ROTH', formerly the leading tailor of this city; Id. KAYSER, formerly cutter for C. Both & Co., and late Coat and Test cutter Witli Lukens, Kelly, & Co.; lisNiir IVAO.Ntilit, the beet resits and Vest cutter in the United States, for years eater with Deplerrie, under the Irving House, Broadway, and with Depierrls & Pettus, under the St. Nicholaillotel, Broadway. The most unremitting attention paid to the wishes of all who patronise the establishment. The best of Clothes made at moderate prices for credit, Imo prices for cash. oo13•t! JAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR No. 16 andlB Bondi NINTH STREET, ABOVE OILEBTNUT. A large and well selected stock of OLOTBEI and CABSlAtilltliB always on hand. All Clething made at this ltstablisliment will be of the beet quality, and in the most fashionable style. Particular attention given to UNIVORDI INC?. itud.tf $975,140 14 Surniture. U B. 'KITE & CO zz _sue IMINITURNABEDDING, No. 41.8 (tats I'N) 'WALNUT It. Philadelphia. d new and superior style of /Spring Beds. LYDIA B. Itruic. JOONITI WALTON 41131 $201,156 60 406,164 12 fIAS I GAS ! GAS ! !—THE UNDER !LA 'Aped would respectfully call the attention of the public to the fact that they have stud aro daily reducing the price of Philadelphia Oas, fr0:1142.25 per 1000 feet to the low price of 41.00 per 1000 foot, by their MODEL ltittilllATOlt, which caves 35 per cont., a clear saving of 75 cent. on $2.25, thereby redly:dog the price frees 52 25 to SL.OO per WOO foot. We are daily putting the Regulator on all the prlncl pal and prominent haFldtnge in the city, churches, libraries, factories, hotels, and tithe!public buildings. It has also been placed on at the Philadelphia change. Itundreda of cortllicateo in favor of the said Regulator, front those having tried it, showing the above paving, can bosom at our office. there-keepers and the poblio generally are requested to send in their orders, Cost of Regulators from $6 upwards, according to size. Orders through Blood's Despatch promptly attended to. • N. D.—Fifty energetic, enterprising, and persevering men wanted, to cauvass'for the ?pow, It ROCIATOR can mho from $2 to $5 par day: ROBERT T.' RNIMIT & CO., Office No, 44 Booth Fifth street, 0c24.1m next to Illood'S Doepatch, $719./0 04 CITY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE, Nor .1, 18,17, NOTE)))—The Board PIMaPELPPIA or novlbiou will meet at t his Mee on the following named dap, from 14 o'clock A, M., until 1 °Minsk P, let and 2.c1 Worth on Monday, November 0,1817. 3d. 4th Tuesday, . 10 , y 6th 611 t " 'Wednesday, 11, 7th Thursday, a 12, I' oth 10th • YAW, 13, 11th 12th " Saturday, 14, 13th 11th a Monday, lO, lath 16th Tnesday, 11, a' 17th 18th a IYednesdny a 18, 19th 20111. - Thursday,' ' 19, 21st 221 a Friday, • F.: i• 234 24th " Sitturdsy, , 21, The Awes ore el the several Wardle will be particular to attending upon the ciaya of the meeting of their Plots. 3 3 A l if tk i 8 8•1 11' 4 1 0 . GEORGit • oat o . • prrion AVOIDIRMITER 2IoaRATI,WILGIADI V; 11011.dt2/st • , TO SOUTHAMPhipTON' ..agnificent steams VAN. , s, commander, 1,,208 tong, LII.I,Y6'COVE. 1 1&58. [Amp, Saturday, Sao, Yu/Rod) do. Sob. 6 Aram do. Maroh 6 Salto% do, April 8 Arago, do, May 1 Sutton, do. Nay 29 I 1.1.1'771 80ttestActrcog. 1867, Arko, Wednesday,d Aug, 26 I , ,Ottoa, do. 8.44.28 Arno, do. Oct. 21 Pones, , do. Nov. 18 JINN do. Leo. 18 1868. YultoO, - . ' 'do. Zoo. 18 p A . ritg lo o n , , 4 0 o o 1 1 0 0 Amu, , do. April 1 Patton + do. 811)' 6 drako, do. Juno 2 • Pullou t do. hoot 30 ripltE BEST ASSOUTMENT oa L'EHIGH 'AND SOIWYLKILL 00ALIA at • II DORMAN'S YARD, . , , Vale. Bold at reduced prices. BROAD and STR nee.T above oelt.oNv K." , .01YLES' COAL DEPOT, NINTH . and WILLOW.—The Spring Mountain, Sugar Loaf, and Hazleton Lehigh Also, beet Schuylkill Goal, for ante. Term cash. ofet23-Im* 2240 LilS. IS Am__BrrYEßS and consumers are Invited to exine our Moak of "LEHIGH LOCUST MOUNTAIN an am d BLACK HEATH COAL." 'Our Coal Is selected expressly for family use; being carefully screened, we will warrant, It free from slate and dust. We sell 2240 lbs.," being ' 4 240 lbs. more , ' than sold by retail dealers at '''2s cents less per ton." , Aigo, on band a full supply of " BROAD TOP SITU. MINOUS COAL" for Stuninlonerating, IllacksuaLlug, and purposes. This Coal cannot be ex , called. Yards, BROAD and VINE—Big Sign, "2210 LBS. IS A TON. po S-Sul] LEIGHTON & Co COA. L t COAL I COAL'!-TAGGARTH3 OELEBRATED BPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH COAL. J. &R. OARTRIN REKNWOOD, TAM A QUA COAL GEORGE W. FINYDER'S PINK FOREST BORITYL RILL 00AL. RANDALL & MEREDITH Hare for sale, and are constantly receiving from above celebrated Collieries, COAL OE ALL SIZES. There is no Coal mhsednywhere, equal la quality these and a trial will COLIVilleO any one of their groat Superiority. Our Coal to very carefully screened at our vials, and we will warrant It perfectly free from elate, dust and all impurities, Our PRICES areaa LOW ea the 'That'll LOWEST. Orders left at our Office, No. WI SOUTH IRONT street, above Walnut. Oulors left at our Yard, OALLOWHILL street, bele. BIOOAD street, Orders left at oar Wharf, WATER street, above OAT, LOWHILL—or sent to either place per Itespatch Post, will receive prompt attention. Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and ea.. aniline Our Coal before purchasing elsewhere. au4.tf R,CHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL.— I am daily receiving, at my yard, the best quality o. SODUYLIIILL AND receiving, COAL. My customers, and all others who may favor we with. their orders, way relez gett i ng Coal that will be satisfactory to them. No Inferior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW MOM. ALEXANDER CONVERY, N. E. aoraer of Broad *lad Cherry Ste LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.— DALY, PORTER & CO., COAL DEALERS, No. BSI PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep coustantly on hand, at the very lowed rates, a full eupply of Lehigh awl Schuylkill Coal. au I-6ru LUMBER AND GOAL.-MONTGOMERY & NEALL having connected the Coal MCI the Lumber business, Inform their friends that they have made contracts for a supply of the beet qualities of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, and are now ready to re ceive orders, Twelfth and Prime streets. Orders may be lett with Mr. B. KILPATRICK, No. 13 8. EMIL street, or with Mr. WM. D, NEALL, corner PINE and WATIIIt streets. au/8-3rti garbware QUAKER CITY NAILS, DIERGHANT BARS, RIVET IRON, Manufactured at FOUNTAIN OREEN ROLLING MILL, on the Schuylkill, above Spring Garden Water Work,,. WAREHOUSE, 103 North WATER Street. 1 :11/ARRIt CITY NAILS are warranted equal to any made. on9.tf JOHN HALDEMAN, Agent IpROMAS E.BAXTER.--11ARDWARE CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. 910 MARKET BT. hove Plinth. Font)/ aide, Philadelphia 1.f1,0 crewing 111a0into WING MAC HINE S.—GROVER, A, BAKER, & CO.'S UNRIVALLED SEWING MA. MINES still retain the 'confidence of the public, and their popularity. increases Al ter years of trial it In de monstrated beyond all question that it is the popular Machine, and the only one upon which any reliance can be placed to work well on all kinds of oboes. The fact that it does one.thlrd more work in the same time, and does it better ; that it is the least liable to get out of repair, being simple in fie construction ; that it makes the least noise, and that It Is acknowledged on all hands that it Is beet for a new beginner, has given the pro. prletora a demand for it to ouch an extant that they aro Obliged to delay the filling of orders in many cases fpr months. Over eight hundred are iu operation in this city, and the cane has yet to occur where a person who has purchased one ham exchanged It for another hind. Taking Into consideration, also, the fact that those who employ from 16 to 90 hands in their shops, doing the work for Ike inapufactorers, without exception, 1.180 this machine in preference to any other* kind, and al ways recommend them in preference to others, it would seem unnecessary for the . proprietors to tuivortiso their excellence, or set forth their enperlority. The undersigned, SOLE AGENTS for the sale of those Machines. always have a supply, and have made ouch arrangements that they sell theta upon terms that will meet the wishes of all. Unlike other Machines sold in this market, It is free from all itaringonieutfl of ether patents. BAI(Elt & BROTHER, on 27-tf , 0111OZHAL 8 , 4 - OAUIt, LYNN. Q. EWING WACIIrNES.—PRATT'S PATENT—PRIOES PROM' $l2 TO P 25. The " LADIES' COMPANION" ie the moot simple, durable, awaited, and cheap machine , for family U4l) ever offered to the public, sowing equally well upon all kinds of fabric, and without puckering the cloth, leav ing no bad cord on the back side of the work, and al wayejastening the thread when stopped. They eew from two to twelve hundred stitches per minute, acing but one thread, and without rewinding. The stitch can be varied from live to fifty to the inch. Any one coo learn to operate them In half an hour. Printed direc tions accompany each machine, by which any one VW no. them. We are enabled to offer them, superior ma chines at the above tote prices, as we are not obliged to pay fifteen or twenty dollars license for sorrowed on tents, this machine being made under our own patents In every part, and Infringing upon or using no other. There are acme hundreds in constant use 111 this city and vicinity, which ere giving the boat satisfaction. Every machine Is warranted to glee satisfaction. Ladies and gentlemen are Invited to call and examine them and their work, and Judge for themselves. Samples of work, and drawings, with description, sent to any part of the country by . mill. Salesrooms 113 WASHINGTON Street, Boston, end 577 BROADWAY, New York. as 27-tf BASS'e EAST INDIA PALE ALE.— The consumers of this celebrated beverage need no description of its qualltlea, or evidence of Da excellence, beyond the benefit they have derived from Ito use since its introduotion Into this country; to thouf who have not yet mado au aCquaintance with this CROWNING Malt Liquor, it may be well to state a fow facts : • BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALP. Owes its excellence as a beverage to the superior quality of the hops and malt, the mineral properties of the river water Immediately communicating with the brewery, and the scientific skill applied In its manufacture. BASS'S EAST INDIA. PALE ALE Not being sweetened or strengthened to please vitiated palates, hi, therefore, neither heating nor heady, but stomachic and appetising. BASS% EAST INDIA PALE ALE Is the delight and solace of the Indian Subaltern in his fuming bungalow—the worthy rival of brandy . . PASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Is the drink without which no tillin can be complete no journey by dawk possible, BASS'S EAST INDIA. PALE ALE re the favorite drink in England of lord and bagman duchess and nurse. BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE In the much admired tonic for invalids and parsons of weak intortors. ' BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Will keep in all etiolates; and is goad at all meals—tun choon, dinner, or supper. BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Is pronounced by the medical faculty one of the most whelesome beverages that can be taken, and is found to ho not less agreeable to the palate than it is beneficial to the health. BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Is universally conceded to be unrivalled in Motional) by any other imported Into the Gutted States. Dealers and consumers will find it their interest to give this Ale a preference. For sale in cask artd bottle by THOMAS MoMULLEN, ApoVand Consignee, 94 BEAVER St., N. Y. On sale at Delmotilco , s, William at., corner of Bearer, and Chambers, corner of Broadway. Sutherland's, lb Pine street. • Berry's, 10 Pine street. Itichardson & Itcyter, 120 Water et. George F. Burgess, 483 Broadway. N. B. Gosling, 337 Broadway. no2-oin REEN SA.ND MARL OF NEW JERSEY. G NEW .11111.9EY FERTILIZER COMPANY Is now prepared to receive ordera for tLie important manure. For all lands upon \stadia:Mee aro beneficial, the Marl more than a substitute. . . . Professor Cook, In his annual report to the Legisla ture of New Jersey, says: ""The value of these None is best seen in the rich and highly cultivatO district which has been improved, almost urade, by their use ; but it may he interesting to examine the causes of their great value In Agriculture, and to compare theme with other fertilisers. For example The potash atone may be taken at an average of live per cont. of the whole weight of Marl, a bushel when dry weighing eighty pounds, and In the proportion mentioned would contain four pounds of potash; this is nearly as much as there to in p bushel of unleaelcd wood ashes." And again— it isprobable that the groat value of the Marl is to be found in the fact that it eoutains smart} , all the sob stances necessary to make up the ash of our common cultivated plants. Pelee, delivered on board vessel, at the wharves of the company at Portland Heights, on Itaritak Day, New Jersey, toren cents per bushel. For further particu lars, see circular sent free of postage. Orders for other fertilizers-will receive prompt attention. Address either of the undersigned. CIIAttLES SEARS, President. Ricoville Poet (Mice, Now Jersey. TAPPAN TOWNSEND, Treasurer, No. 82 Nassau street. Now York, a gam.: W. ATWOOD, Secretary, No. la Cedar street, New York. N. B.—Those wishing ALI I for spring ono should. ardor immediately, to secure its early ahipment. Orders will he filled in rotation. act 20-tini L ONGIVORTIPs 01110 WINES. GENERAL AGENCY FOR ALL THE STATES. TO WHOLESALE DEALERS. special arrangement with Mr. LONG WORTH, I am enabled to offer his Wham in Mtge quantities, upon the lowest sod best terms. The Wines to ha delivered In Cincinnati, unit forwarded by usual means of once (railroad or steamboat) direct to the parcLaNeo ; by which the expenses of storage, coMinissions, double freight, etc,, n ill bu avoided. No orders under this arrangement will be forwarded for less than twenty-five cues. All orders must 110 directed only to ' FRED. S. bOZZENS, 'WARREN Street, Nide YURI( By the present arrangement a handsome wont On these wines eon be made by the wholesale dealer, Sparkling Cutanba, vintage 1833, quarts, Lu do do do pints. Ito do du 1852 quarts. Dn do de do pints. :Rill Catawba, vintage 787.1 t, quarts. Do de extra, vintage 185'2, quarts. Sparkling Isabella, do do do Mill pahaba, In cooks, of 'whin+ tittalities, Catawba Brandy, of superior quality. FRED.S COZZENS, General Agent for the sale of N. Leugworth's Wines, 78 WARREN STREET. (opposite Hudson River Railroad Devoid nutl-fon Nrw lotiK. 500 AGENTS WAN TED.—A. 110111. E FIT EAD FOR $lO !—Third Division,—s6lo.ooo Worth of Farms and Building Lots, in the gold region of Culpeper county, Virginia to be divided amongst 10,200 ,übseri here, on the 7th ' of December, 1867. Sub strlptiolis only ten dollars down, or fifteen dollars, cm ber down, the reef on delivery of the deed. Every eabtcriber will get a Building Lot or a Fare, ranging in value from $lO to $26,000. bee farms nod lots are sold so cheap to traduce settlements, a sufficient number being reserved, the incrome In the value of which wilt compensate for the apparent low price now asked. 1.7 p, wards of 1,360 lots and farms are already sold, and a company of settlers called the !! Rappahounock.Ploneer Aesociatiou!! is now forming and will soon commence a settlement. Ample security will be glean for the faith ful performance of contracts and promisee. Nearly 46,000 acres of land, in different pasta of Virginia, now at command, and wilt be sold to "wafers at from $1 up to $3OO per acre. Unquestionable titles toil/ in nit ruses be peen, Wood-outters, coopers, farmer", he., are wanted, and eve hundred Agents to obtain subscriber', to whom the moat liberal inducements will be given. .4inle agents write that they are making $2OO per month, or fall particular', aubsoriptione, agencies, Ac. , apply N. Ran% unit . Pint Royal, Ratans ['Only, VII. QAVING FUND--FIVE PER CENT, IN TERNST—NATIONAL BARMY TRUST 0011I PANY.—VALIUT STRUT, SOUTH-WI:MORN/MI ON TIIIND, Isuouronsup ST TOR STATE OP PP,MATLYANTA. Money h revolved in any anio, large or rull, and in terest paid from the day of depoalt to the day of with drawal. The office ie open every day , front ()o'clock In the morning till 7 o'clock In the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 0 o'clock. MON. lIENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT SIMPRIROK, Tice President. Wit. J. Ryan, Secretary. DISINTOSEI: non. floury L. Renner, C. Landreth Manne, Edward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brewster, Robert Selfridge, Joseph 6. Berry Rama. K. Ashton, Henry L. Churchman, Jllllll.B B. Smith, Francis Lee. Money is received and payments made daily. The investments are made lu conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in REAL ES'T'ATE MURT. GAGES, ()ROUND RENTS, and such first cla s s tiocurt .. time ss will etwaya Insure ;turfed security to the deposi tore, and which cannot fail to give permanency and sta bility to this institution. sully MO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE P.ER OENT. STATE SAVINGS FOND. ou'O. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER VENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET, PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS POND NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET. FIVE / 1 PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. sul-1y Slatbinern ant, _iron. gliton •. MIRRIOI WILLIAM IL 1100010 K. QOUTITIVARK FOUNDRY, PIM AND WASHINGTON STRUTS, PITILADIILPIIIA. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND 'MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low pressure Steam griglaeo, for Laud, River and Marine service. Boilers,Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, eco., Cast ing., of all kinds, either iron or Brass. Iron frame roofa for Cita Works, Workshops, Railroad Statioue, k.' Retorts and Gas Machinery of the lateat and moot Improved construction. Evory description of Plantation machinery, such ss Sugar, Saw and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pane, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Piltem Pumping Engines, ,te. Solo Agents for N. Rill/ours Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nasmyth's Patent Steam Hammer; 3. P. Bees' Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pump,. Superintendent—B. R. BARTOL. atd-y RICHARD NORRIS & SON, LOCOMO- STEAU ENGINE BUILDERS, extriOrtarstri Forums; EILIEU,TON, VAIRYIEW ADD SPRING GARDEN STREETS, PHILADXLPHIA. Ilugaxed exclusively br the ursamdactere LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. Manuraoture to order Locomotives or soy aminree. wont, weight or capacity, for the use of Wood or Coot, Of Bituminous qeiit is ifs crude s/atr, or • ANTHRACITE COAL,' IfITOOOT.SMITTINO SMOKE, GAS OS PISS. In design, material and workmanship, the Locomo tives produced at these Works are equal to, and not ex celled by any. The materials used in construction are made on the spot and insure the best quality and moat reliable Stock. The large extent or Shops, and COD. piste _Equipment of Machinery and Tools, enable them to execute the BEST OF WORK WITH GREAT DESPATCH, OP ANT ARRANGEMENT RECI(IgRED. CHILLED OAR WHEELS, HAIIIIRRED AXL.IIIB, With Yorgings of any big* or form, IRO'S' AND BRASS CASTRIGS, And hIACHINE WORRtenerally. RIORARD VORMAII. HEMET LATIMER NORMS. MIMS ' PENN S TEAM ENGINE AND BOIL ER WORKS. REANEY, NEAFIE & CO., rBAOTIOAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS, BOILER-MAKERS, IILACK SMITILS AND FOUNDERS.. Having for many years been In succeasfal operation, and beau exclusively engaged so building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low presence, Iron Boat, Water Tanks, Propellers, Am., Re., respectfully offer their services to the public, as being 101 l spared to contract for Engines of all SiZeil, Marino, River, and Stationery. Having sets of pattern, of different altos, arc prepared to execute orders i rith quick despatch, Every description of Pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low Preasure, Flue, Tubu lar and Cylinder Boilers, at the best Pennsylvania char. coal iron. Forgings of all Masa and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings of all descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and specifications for all work done at their establishment free of charge, east work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf dock room for re pairs of boats, whore they can lay in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, Ate., fro., .for railing heavy or light weights. THOMAS REANEY, JACOB 4.1, NEAVLII, JOHN P. LEVY, aul-y REACII and PALMER Streets, Remington NOTIOE.-CHESTISIIT STREET 11 BRIM:. PLANS AND ESTIMATES for A 'Bridge over the River Schuylkill, on the lino of Chestnut street, In the City of Philadelphia, will he received by the Chief En pincer and Surveyor, at the DEPARTSIENT OF urn. VEYS, City Building, FIFTII Street, below Walnut, until the second day of January, 1858. Said Bridge to be of the following diutenedinc, without any ploy or with not more thou out pier In The water - way ; ' the materials of conatructlou throughout to be indestructb We by tiro, Dbdance between abutweata... 380 feet Width of Bridge, out to out, not less then.. 42 " Elevation above low water . ST " For an arch the nprining line should not be less than eleven feet above low water. The Flan% and Estimates will be received under the arrangement and conditions %pacified in the ordi nance. of Councils, approved November 2d, 1857, as fol lows, viz : _ SCOTIUN 2. That nil plane and estimates to be reoelveil by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City of Phila delphia, each man nod estimate to bear a private mark, and he accompanied by a Reeled communication having a corresponding mark thereon, no that the name of the designer may not be known until the plan most ap proved obeli have been selected. SSOTIOX 3. That all Ruch plane and estimates shall, when received, become the property of the City of Phila delphia, and shall be presented within two months after the passage or thin ordinance, when it shall be the duty of the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, by and with the advice of the Committee on Surveya and Re4ulationn, to invite a eoaltribelOrt, consisting a three civil engi neers, who, in eenjunction with the Chief Engineer and Surveyor of the City, shall examine and decide upon the relative merits and applicability of the plans presented, to the Bridge site proposed, and report to Councils the number of plans received, the lumen of the designers, and the character end estimated cost of the three plans by them preferred, SvorzoN 4. It shall be the duty of the Chief Commis sioner of Illghwaym, upon a certificate presented and signed by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, to issue arrantn In payment of the cost of the aforesaid miser tisements, and also in favor of those person,' who may have presented the three piano preferred by said cons. inissiou ; to the nod in point of merit, the sum of $100; to the second, $l5O, and to the third $100; said warrants to be charged to Item No. 10 of appropriation mile to the Department or Highways, &c., for the year 1857, approved Mardi ld, 1857.1 For further Information, or for cross section of river, address STRICKLAND KNEASS, Chief Engineer and Surveyor City of Philada. no6-dtjan3 MARCTIANT' S OR YST ALOGRA pIIB, OR PIIOTOURAPIIIO MINIATURES IN OIL, N E. corner of EIGHTII. sod LOOUST. The above pictures differ essentially front anything ever before offered to the public,. Their softness, and truth of color and outline, extraordinary Minuteness and accuracy of detail, insure, of necessity, the gfeatest fidelity of resemblance; while the severity of the or- deal to which they are exposed in manipulation equally settles the question of their permanence. These facts enable the subscriber to offer them, with the greatest eatlafaction and confidence, to the public. and to his friends. They are secured by letters patent to, and can be had ONLY of E. D. MA CHANT. fp-- Portraits of the cabinet, and life size on canyon as heretofore. ao 18-3 m VD) UB LIG L A.IiIP S .-TIIE PUBLIE - 1 - S 1 respectfully informed that Offices have been opened by the District Superintendents of Public Lighting, at which citizens are requested to give inforroatioq, respect. lag accidents which may happen to the Public ramps; or of any failure In lighting or extinguishing there at the proper time; or if not properly cleaned and in good lighting condition. The Books will be kept by Joseph Daily, No. 808 Wharton et., First Ward; Charles Carty, No. 18 South Seventh atreet, Ninth.Wardi Hiram Kirk, No. 1438 Hutchinson street, Twentieth Ward; M. W. Deshong, No. 2231 Coates cruet, Fifteenth Ward; Thos. V. Bowlby, Gas Office, Twenty-Fourth Ward, (West Philadelphia;) M. 11. 111 'Fadden, Gas Office, Twenty. Second Ward, (tlerniantown;) Win. N. Market, Gas Office, Twenty-Third Ward (Frankford,) and at the Gus Office in Seventh street, below Market. By %order of the Trustees of the Philadelphia Gas Works. A. J. 111 TE, ocl-8m Superintendent of Distribution. PIIILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY- Zl. W. Cm. THIRD and CHESNUT Ste. L. PELOUZE h SON, thankful for the liberal pa. teenage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and desirous to merit its continuance, would announce to Printers and Publishers that their now SPECIMEN BOOK is now ready, and from their increased facilities, are now prepared to furnish every thing necessary he complete Printing Establishment, at the shortest no tice. Their long practical experience in the business, and the fact of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, justifies them in asserting that they can furnish a more durable and better fin ished article than their cotemporaries. Those, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them preview to purchasing elsewhere. OM typo taken at 9 Genie per pound ) In exchange for now at specimen prioos, aul-tf CIOLD MINE FOR SALE.—THE SUB- Null norther offers for sale, with a perfect title, the property known as the *REID 1101. D AND COPPER MINE, situated 6 miles from Concord, Ephraim% county, North Carolina. With the mine is a plantation of 45 acres of excellent land, well watered, and wooded, end a large MANSION HOUSE, wills barns, miners' houses, powder and engine house, and other buildings; new steam engine, 45 horse power; Chili Bis mills, stumps, pump, ho , embracing all the machinery and tools no ressary for the full equipment spf a mine, in good order, The lame ling been worked at intervals for the last 50 years, 11111 i bag always been protitable to resident pro prietors, but hag never been worked for any length of time wills au engine nod machinery, The shafts and galleries two NY 011 constructed, the stopplugst have never been taken out, and from 50 to 75 miners can be profit ably employed in the ofd workings On the property in foiloidable vein of copper end lead, which has never been worked, and a new gold vein has beets discovered mince the first of thin month, at whirls three men have been at work, taking out fifteen hundred dollars a dab with a good prospect of its continuance, nn:-Ons CHARLES .1 I/ HAIM, 181 Broadway. 0141.3A1 3 SUM MER FUEL.-GAS COKE, of excellentquality, la sold at the PIIMADELPIIIA GASWORKS for the reduced price of live cent, a buallet, and may be obtained in large or email whautity by ap plying at the Gee 01110, No. 20 South 1313VENTII Street. Purehneere by Wholento, It to 0014 at the Works, n Eiret Ward, by the ton, at a price equivalent to An. hraclte, a Is 2 t per ton. (Signed,) 7 . C. CRESSON, Engineer. PBILA OAS Worms, Aug. 2d, 't7. au27.tf 00ACII, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP NJ Factory of E, \Y E5:4.11E14, N0.D30 Hate 43) South MOUTH, below Chestnut street, hoe become a saving of 60 per cent. to our SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MERCHANTS, and also the convenience or having their old Carriage Lamps new sliver-topped and bottomed, mod moot by morass to all parts sold 1y 32 D V ANS,-10,000-L—Piti INTEDi A le Currie per {Your! ~..6% W The Pre , olhat ..Ls 0ve,10.1,1 by tles .LaY Via. 1 .4 D eaut one, P.... *I elaut., ,„, jib „ P.• h. h. ism... ..,ts •,-- TtA, Ness (lit A. X.l.hahm. ' , ~le lar' Prio9, Cutiml th..U. D L „,,,,,, crE, of I's - Ten Thoosaml Carole per Hesr,ts ir, 010 X' . * Dv., b. hl,l<-1:-Frrlee• Irma: misc.& ". i D cgAnTEY , YQUINIII , STL II 2mcbc,Imt. .... MARCUS N..20 .13A s o S it T r , II 'THIRD STIIItIT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLRE, Das for sale THE AMERICAN READER—anew book, deßigneil by its author, A. D. BALD TARR, for the we, of the higher ONSISPS io the Acadetujem and fieboola of jtootript—hy the ilizqu qr plagle cop' . 1102-2ra IFR A N INSURANCE ANT) TRUST COM PY --The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Southeast Corner of TRIBE and DOOR Streets. Capital, $512,720 INSURES LIVES for short terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and ondowments—pur shame life on interests in Real Estate, and nukes all oontracts depending on the cootiogeneles of Life. They art m Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Guardiane, TIMIITR6II. • Daniel L Miller, Samuel E. Stokes, Benjamin Coates, William Shrills, Richard S. Newbohj, James B. McFarland, William P. hacker, Joseph 11. Trotter, William H. Kern, James Paurtotr, Samuel C. Huey, Theophilug Paulding, Charles 'Hallowell, Ethuund A Souder, Henry C. Townsend, Daniel L. llutchinson, Itudolphus Kent, John W, Kornai., William 11. Carr, Ellis S. Archer, Edward T Mott, Samuel J. Christian, 0 linam RobortSon, Joseph hI. Thomas, Warner M. Basin, John G Warmer, P. S. Michlerr, Easton. DANIEL L. ARILDIS, President. SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vice Preet. Zona W. Noma. Secretary. nl3-ly irTOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN A—a. SURANPE COMPANY—Office No. 412 WALNUT street, Philadelphia. The following statement of the Wear* of the company Is published fu conformity with provision of its charter PROXIUMB ATOM% ED FROM AUGUST 1, MO, TO AUGUST 31, 1957, - FIVE Firs premium Marino premiums,,, Perpetual premium Total amount premltuns taken .arued are premiums ...... 25,072 06 ----- Earned marine premiums 105,005 0 0-180,078 56 J. VAOGI I / 3 1 IMHIOX Deduct return premiumq Net earned Marine i 01.38 paid. $03,855 75 Vire Imes paid.... EOM 11 Salvage re Interest re. ceived...4,351 67 e Weir anee 2 971 62 —8,083 68— 93,833 70 Expenses for commissions to agents, abatements in lieu of scrip, salaries, office rent, furnishing office, books., sta tionery, Eke Profit and lose Net profit ASSITS. Cash on hand....... 212,916 83 Bills receivable 119,26 T 02 Bonds and mortgages 165,000 00 Stocks 292,100 00 Stock notes 142,000 00 Due by agents and others 22,312 93 DIRECTORS. P. M. Potts, Wm. F. Leech, C. E. Spangler, R. T. Renal I, Abraham Rex, 11. U. /Jourdan, Win. 11. Woods, Jos. R. Withers, George Howell, Abraham P. Byre, I. Edgar Thomson, W. Raißuel, O.G. Sower, Charles F. Norton, John W. Sexton, John 11. Lewars, 'Herman naive, James R. Stiles, Nathan R. Potts, IL 11. Shillingtord. PERCIVAL M. POTTS, President C. E. ElritiOni, Vice President. W. 11. Wooos, Secretary. 0c22 R. T. %assn.. Treasurer. FIRE INS.URANCE. - SPRING GARDEN DIRE INSURANCE COM _ . . PANY. CAPITAL $128,000, PAID IN CARR; A2D SECURELY INVESTED, OFFICE, N. W. CORNER OF EILETII AND WOOD FITS., SPRING GARDENS. CIIARTER PERPETUAL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIRECTORS. John 11. Dohnert, Henry M. Phil, s, David Wuelpper, Lewis Shinned( Itenjumin Davis, John Landell, John Evans, Jr Charles Field, Auley N. Park, William E. Woo . James Darnell, John D. Stevenson, Jacob S. Mintzer, Cumin Stoddard, Deasy Homer, Thos. D. Tillinghast, George K. Childs. JOIIN 11. DOUNERT, President. L. lIRTIMBIIAAR, Secretary. eept 2.l—ky N _ EPTUNE INSURANCE COMPANY.— onnor 414 WALNUT St., Franklin Buildings. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. CAPITAL $100,600, WITH PRIVILEGE TO INCREASE TO 600,000. This Company Is now fully organ zed, and prepared to make all kinds. of Insurance against ion or damage by Fire and Marine Perils, at current rates. OFFICERS. H. O. LAUGHLIN, President, RICHARD SHIELDS, Floe ?radiant. OED. SCOTT, Seeretmw DIRECTORS. • IL. 0. Loughlin, D. Sharwood, Wm. Osborae, Blebaril :3hlelds, T. F. Showell, T"QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, °Wee No, 408 (late 08) WALNUT St. Capital and Surplus, $250,000. This Company continues to make Insurance naiad loss or damage by Fire and the Perils of the SA, /stand Navigation and Traneportattou, at current rates, OPPIOERS. : President—(l SO. 11. BART Vice President—E. P. Rom . Secretary and Treasurer—U. R. 000136 HALL. Assistant Secretary—S. U. BUTLER. ROTORS. George 11. Umt, B. W. Bailey, B. P. Ross, Ottariee G. Imlay, A. 0. Cattail, Wm. O. Lewis, Joseph Edwards, J. L. Pomeroy, John 0. Dale, Andrew R. Chansbera, llon. henry M. Fuller, 11. R Coggehall, Poster 8. Perkins, Samuel Jones M. D., John 11. Chambers, A. P. Cheeabrongh.l au 8-I.Y AII.CTIO FIRE INSURANCE COMFA NY, NEW TORN.-081m, No 29 Wall street, 'ad joining the Mechanics' Dank—Cub Ospital, $250,090, Irish s surplus. This Company Insure Bnildings, Mer chandise, Narniture, 'Vessels in port and their Cargoes, and other property, against Lou or Damage by Fire and the Risks or Inland Nrongstion. DIBROTORB. Henry Grinnell, Joshua L. Pope, Caleb Baretow, Rufus R. Graves, Henry O. Brewer, Henry Davis, Edmond Penfold; 0.11. Lilienthal, Hanson K. Corning, • Theo. Polhonsus, jr. Ogden Haggerty, Blight R. Morgan, Thomas ?donna% Abut. R. Van Nest, John H. Earle, William A. Cary, Albert Wani, Thomas ES, Nelson ' Charles Beaton, James W. Phillips, Louis /gmut, Charles A. Mary, Samuel G. Glidden, Edward Ilineken, Stepp. Cambreleng, Wen, E. Shepard, Thomas Scott, Charles L. Frost, John Word, Lothrop L. Sturges, Henry K. Bogert, William R. Fosdick, Peter Pdes H . Kmory_Thayer, Benjamin . Field, Geo. Westfeldt, A. IL Frothinghans. Salmon Taylor, Thos. P. Young's, Henry B. Blossom. Samuel L. Mitchell, • ALBERT WARD, President. Baseman A. Oanalir, Secretary, au 10-1 y lt/FANUFACTURERS' INS UR ANCE COMPANY.—Gharter Perpetual. Granted by the State of Penneylvanls. Capaal, $500,000. Ern, Marine, and Inland Transportation. D15H070215. Aaron S. Lippincott, Charles Wlsa, Win. A. Rhodes, Alfred Weeks, Charles J. Field, Zanies P. Smyth, Win. D. Theme, J. Ririalilo Sank, .Win. Neal, John P. Sh.llooll, AARON S. LIPPLNCITT, President. WM A. RHODES, Vice President. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. W. MARTI - EN, Surepyor. Thie Company was organized with a cash "spite, and the Directors have determined to adapt the business to its available resources--to observe prudence in conduct ing its affairs, with a prompt adjustment of losses. Office No.lo Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. ani•dly THE MERCANTILE MUTUAL INSU JR- 'RANCE COMPANY OF EHILADELPEITA.—Office No. 222 WALNUT Street, opposite the Exchange. MA FINE Rims on. Vessels Cargoes , and Freights. IN LAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS, per Bailroade, Canals, Bosta, and other serrtagea. ALL THE 'PROFITS divided annually among the As sured, and ample aecnrlty in esooc of lose. DIUOTOgB. Edward H arris Miles, Thomas T. Hatchet, John M. Odeuhelmer, Algernon E. Asliburrier, Mahlon Williamson, Alfred Fassitt, Samuel J. Sharpie's, Thomas S. Poster, Isaac Jeanes, Gustavus English, henry Preaut, James P.. Stroup, Edward Q. James, Alfred Slade, William L. Springs, A. G. Cattall, Franklin O. Jones, Charles B. Carders, Daniel ifsiblock, jr., Samuel Rubinson, William Taylor, John C. Keifer, James Murphy, John P. Steiner, Wm. P. Smith, Minty Cirambo, A. 3. Antolo, Win. J Caner, Samuel L. reutoborg, EDWARD lIARRIS MILES, President. ALFRED FASSITT, Vice President. Joan Cl. Kassala, Secretary. anl-ly CIIARTER OAR. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY or HARTFORD, CONN. Ceah Capital 11300,000. Losses .in Philadelphia and vicinity adjuated at the Philadelphia Office. By leave we refer to ( D. 8. Brawn kCo., Phila. Hon. Joel Jones, Phila. Chun., Stout & Co., ,4 Dori. Rufus Choate, Roston 'tacker, Leah Co., 4 ' Hon. T.. 8. Williams, Hart'd We have facilities for p acing any amount of Inett. racce in %be moat reliable Companies. PHILADELPHIA GENERAL INSURANCE AORNCY, No. 4.1.3 (old No. 145) eIIESTIOUT ST. THOMPSON k ROOD, Agent'. N ORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WINTER ARRANGEMENT. FOR BETIILERE2I, EASTON, ALLENTOWN, NATIO 11 °MINK, WILBESBARRE, DOYLESTOWN, Y,c On and after Wednesday, November 4th, 1857, the trains on this road will leave Philadelphia daily (Bun. dasB4ixeepted) as follows: For Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown Mauch Chunk, and Wilkesbarre (Express) at 9 A. M. For Bethlehem, Allentown, and Mauch Chunk, (Ex, peen,) in conneetien with L. Y. It 11. and Enetou, by atage, from Iron 11,11 Station, at 2 151'. M. For Doylestown, (Accovacidatiou,) at 4 30 P. M For Gwynedd, do. at 10 A, N Du Tuesday's avid Fridays the 10 A. M train will ran through to Doylestown, leaving Mejlextowe to return at 1.30 I'. 111 TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethe (Expreni,) at 9 A. 91., and 225 P. M Leave Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 639 A. M Leave Ciwynedd, _ do. at 220 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Forl From Gwynedd ......015 A. M. lliwynedd 2 20 P. 31 Doylestown 450 P. 31. 1 Doylestown 6.55 A. 31, Fare to 11Mhtelfin $1 SO tl Alnueh Chunk 0 t 4.1 lc 1111kenbarre 450 PASSE:C(IEII DEPOT, FRONT and WILLOW Ste . Plots ELLIS CLARK, Agent. Ir UMBER I LUMBER ! !—Tho lltibscribgr, who Juan for several years occupied the premiees at Sloarils Planlug Mill IZensington, has removed to COAT BS STREET"WHARF' adjoining . the Phcenix Platting Mull, on Delaware avenue, where he intends keeping a large assortment of Carolina and other floor ing boards, steps, risers, shelving, ceiling, fencing and scaffold boards , thoroughly eeneolled and well worked. For sale at the lowest cash prices. Purchasers are in vited to call and examiue for themselves, and every ef fort will be made to give satisfaction. Orders received and SUpplied at the shortest notice for al* kinds and sizes of Southern yellow Pine, Timber and Watling, no t -tf 8. 8. at.ollTv• 11 ARPE'S MEN'S AND BOYS' /0 CLOTHING, 148 Ninth /011Welf. ihnot, baton's Arch And /440, ano-17 nourance 838,129 81 2 7.10., G 2 224 00 £-56,737 43 $169,3a 09 Sioi,9lo se 60,386 CT 63 40.-144,283 2T $24,076 82 8154,025 81 °purge Hunter, W. C. Btoteaburf, R. M. Cathie, O. C. Butler, Gee. Exeett. cm:o2-y tiailronb iucL tumber. erloMing VsAtilroaba„ TO WESTER,N , TRAVELLERS. SPRING AND SUMSIBit ARRANORMWSTS, NORTHERN CENTRAL Bait, ir4 y. TWO DAILY TRAINS FROM DALTIBIOILN TO PITTSBURGH AND TAB WBST. On and after Jane Ist, ISM, TWO DAILY TRAINS will leave Calvert Station for Pittstemsh ad all West ern and South or Northwestern THE MO/LYING MAIL TRAIN Leaves Baltimore daily (Sunday excepted) At A. A. M. connecting with the Mal Train over the Great Pena- Miraula Railroad, and arriving in Pittsburgh at LID A. M. _ THE AFTERNOON .EXPRESS TRAIN Leaves Gail:non daily oundsy excepted? At 3 T. 31 for Harris - VIE NIGHT EXPRESS TRAM - Leaves Baltimore EVERS' NICHT st 70 P. M., eon netting with the lightning Express ore, the Penney'. sputa Cailroad for Pittsburgh, arriving at 1.20 P. at. ID" AU these trains connect closely at Pittsburg with trains over the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne awl Chtragir Railroad, and its Northern, Southern and Western connections. ID Passengers ror Chicago, Rock Island, BarlW , ton, lowa City, wits,sukce, Pubsgae, St. Paul's, af, son, and other leading titles in Ohs. Northwest, wslis► one hundred mitts of pore/ and tea tears In time, With four IMF changes of oars, by taking this route. irj-- Passengers for Cleveland, Sandusky, Toledo, and Detroit, go by this route, and the time is unequalled, being 113 miles shorter than by any other route. try - Passengers for St. Louis, Indianapolis, Terre Haute, Cairo, and all points on the Lower and Upper thealsaippi, make less changes of rare. and arrive in ad vance of any other route; and to Cincinnati, Colo! , bus, Dayton, Isitntarille, andother prominent cities, as quick as by any other tonte. All Western Baggage CHECKED THROUGH and Aandled wilh care FOR THE NORTH. The 8.15 A.hl. connects cloeoly with Snafu Trains over the Dauphin- road for Williamsport, Elmira, Rochester, Buffalo, Kimono, Falls, and Canada, thus forming the moat direct railway route to Northwestern Pennsylvania and Weatemi New York. Passengers will and this the shortest, cheapest, and most expeditions route to Niagara Falls and Canada. Threogh Tickets are 'aimed to Philadelphia via Co lumbia and Lancaster by all the trains at $3 each, each train having ware connections. Passengers by . this route avoid tresselled bridge., and an the ine,,orgolenes of ferrying across the Snagnehanna river, Passenger. for Hanover, Manchester. Gettysburg, Em tnittsburg, Carlisle, Chamberaburg, go by the trains at E. 15 A. 10,, and 3 P. M. 'WESTMINSTER lIRSICCII. The Care on this road make one trip per day, connect ' ;rig with the train at 3 P. 31. THROUGH TICKETS and further information, ' apply at the Ticket Office, Calvert &Mica, N. R. corner of Calvert and Franklin exeeto. sep2S-tf C. 0, ADItEON, Burt. iII,bENNSYLVANLI, NAILKOAD.-11114 GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the Al. 'antic Citiea with 'Western, North.weatern, and Eauth - western States, by a contintous Railway direct. Thin RO.l also connects at Pittsburgh with' daily line of steamer. to all ports on the Western Rivera, and at Cleveland and Sandusky with Steamers to all porta on the North.western Lakes; making the mast BRUT, CREAPEST and RELIABLE ROUTE by which Freights can be forwarded to and from the GREAT WEST. RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPII/A. AND rims- BURGH. F Isar Cuss—Boots, Shoes, Hats, and Caps, Books, Brj Goods, (In boxes bates and trunks),Drugs, (in hoses and bales) Feathers. Furs, aro 90a. par 100 ,bt 811.0350 Cusse—Dornestio Sheeting, Shirting and Ticking, (in original bales), Droge (inmate), Hardware, Leather, (in rolls or boxes), Wool, and Sheep Pelts , Eastward, ic e. per Ita, Iba Talon CLass—Anyile, Steel, Chains, (in casks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted, (loose or in Backs), Tobacco, manufactared,(except Cigars or out &a., lac 950., per Ido the FOURTH Ciase---Coffee, Biel, flacon, Beet, and Pork, (in oaks or hoes eastward), Lard and Lard Oil, Nails, Soda Ash, German Clay, Tar, Pitch; Rosin, ?co - Ode. per 100 Hs Fiona-76c. per bbl., until farther notice. EXCorroa—s2 per bale, not exceeding 500 lbs. weight, until further maitre. in shipping Goods from any point East of Phlladel phia, be perticular torahs package " rio Preesair(nein Rai/read." All Goode consigned to the Agents of 'Ma Road, at Philadelphia, or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. Yasontw W011211e7 k Co., Memphis, Tenn.; R.P. Bass & Co., St. Louis, 110. ; P. G. O'llllaf & Co_ Evansville, Indians; Dotnesnal, dc Co., and Carter A Jewett, Louisville, Ky.; it. C. Afel drain, Madison. Ind.; it. W. Dawes & Co., lad Irwin' A Co., Cincinnati; N. W. Graham do Co., Zanesville, Ohio; Leech & Co., No. At Eliby street, Boston; Leech & Co., No. 2 Astor Ilonae, New York. No. 1 tf ilhsm it. aud No. 8 }lottery Plata New York; E. Speeder, Ybiladolphis Magtaw k Roans, Baltimore; D. A. Stewart, Ylttsbargh. H. IL 11011840 N, Genarat Preight Amt. U. I. LOISSAY_WP, gaPeriatealkat, Altoona, Pa. 'NEW YORK LINES.-THE CIatD.EN .L AND A3IBOY RALLEOAD AND PRILADELPTITA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S LINER, - /DOM PRILADSLPEIA TO NEW YORE, AND WA Leave as follows ' 'els Pau, At 1 A. AI., from ICenelngton Depot, via Jamey City, Mall At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, New Jer sey Accommoolstlon At 6 A. M., lie Camden and Amboy, Awe:trade tion.„.„ • 2 At 7 A. 3fi., via Camden and Jimmy City, Morniter Mali a At 10 A. M., by steamboat Trenton, vie Taco; and Jersey City, Morning Exprees 3 m. At 2 P. M., s Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Rt .. press 3 At 5 P. 81. via Crandon and Jersey City, Proning flail a At 3P. 31 via Camden and Amboy, Antommada- Con, let Clam - 8 At 3 P. 11., via Camden and Amboy, Aecommodee lion ' lad Class. 1 At 6P. eta Camden and Amboy, Aeconuncda ton, lot Clam 2 At 6 P. 31., Til Camden and Amboy, Actommoda• Con, tad Class The 6 P. 31. line nma daily, all others Setedaya ex cepted. Xxprese Linea stop at the phi' gulps! stations only. . For Belvidere, Easton, Flemington, Ike., at 6A. and 4 P. lg., from Walnut street wharf. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkerbarr &outrage, Great Bead, &c., at 6 A. M., ris Delmar Lackawanna at Western Ilaitroad. For Preehald, at 6 A. IL and 3 P.V. Nor Mont Holly at T A. M. and 2,4, 3 and 6 P. If WAY M. lot "Bristol; Trenton, 434. at 2)4 44d 4P. M. WAY 4131414 FMS3;U= Steamboat ItteffAßD MORTON for Bordentoina and intermediate plates at 9X P Steamboat TitEte.t.49 for %La:ay at 10 and 11% A. IL, and ,t P. AI. M. Mt Mau, wept leas Walnut Ores whtut. 117 - 1 . 14ty pounds or baggage only allowed each pu goner. Passengers art prohibited from takhig any thing u baggage but their wearing apparel. All big gage over bay pontula to be paid for extra. The Com ploy molt their responsibility for baggage to one dam. per ponod, and will not be liable for any amount be yond $lOO, except by special contract. Wk.!. Y. OLASZYLP.R, Agent C. & A. R. R. CO. B. B. lIORRELL, Agent Phila.. Tr. B. R. Co. SYRING ARRANGYMYNT.--rEN N SYLVANIA. CENTRAL. RAlLEOAD.—Ranningla direct connection with The PITTBBIIROIT, FORT SFATINTR AND OHIOA4O RAIL ROAD. For Cincinnati, St..Louls, /ow. City, Louisville, New Orlearot, St. Pants, Indianapolis, Cleveland, Nausea, Terre Haute, Chicago, Nebragsn. In advance of all other routes out of Philacielplua. Reuling elm coanetlion with. all the Great Dili ens Railroads. THrItOIIGH TRAINS Leave Philadelphia, for Pittsburgh and western citing, from the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Station, south-oast corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET streets, (entrance on Eleventh street,) as follows : Mail Train at 7—, A. M. Fast Line at 12 At, P. U. Express Mail at 11 00, Night. Columbia R. It. Line leaves for Harrisburg at 2.34, P. /L, Lancaster )Accommodation,) at 4.70, P. M. The Expreas Mail rune daily, the other trains, Rua. days excepted. For farther particular]; see hand-bills, at the different starting-points. Passengers from the West will find this the shortest and most expeditions route to Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York or Boston. THOMAS MOORS, Agent, Passenger Line Pennsylvania Railroad Co. Philadelphia, February, 1857. PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWYN AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD —WINTER ARRANGEMENT—On and lifter MONDAY, October I9tb, 189 T.. . _ . FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 0,7 X, •SX 11)‘,./14; A. M., 2, 349 min. 4,5, 6,7, 9, and n5l. Leave Germantown at 631,7-35 min. 8,9, 10X A. 1-10, 310 min. 4,5, 6, 7, 8, and /0 P. St. ET. The 7.35 o'clock A. M. Train from Germantown will stop only at Wayne Street Station. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 9 20 min. 31., 2 and 671 P. St. Leave Germantown 820 Mitt. A. 51., 1-10 min. and 5.45 min P. St. CIIESTNUT HILL P.AILIOAD. Miii===S=l Lenve Chestnut 11111 at 7 k.B-50 sua 10-10 min. A. M., 12-50, 5-40, 5-40 and 240 min. P. M. ON SIIIiDAN'a Lame Philadelphia, 9-20 and 6.11. P. M. Lana Chestnut 11111 at 8 A. M., 12-.50 and 5-20 P.M. 1011. MANATUNK, CONSIIOIIOOENN AND NORRIS- Leave Pliiladelabla at GS, 11, 11 A.ll , 3,4 s, 51i. and 11 P. N. Leave Nonistown at 7„ 9,11A....11., 3 and b 10P. ON SUNDAYS Leave PhiladelphiAnt 3 P. 11. Leave Norristown at 7 A. M., ansls P. It. DRESSER VALLEY RAILROAD FOR DOWNING Leave Philadelphia at 61i A. IL, and 31'. Leave, Lownisoio.sra ax 7,4,. A. It , A.. 3,11 P. 31. 11. K. SMITH, Superintendent. Depot, Moth ana. Green streets. Philadelphia, pIIANGE OF HOURS.-P HII. A DE I,- 'kJ RUA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE R&M ROAD. On and after Wednesday, Nov, 11,1837, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA For Baltimore at 3 A. M., 1 P.M., tExproos,l and 11 P, M. For Wilmington at 8 A. 11,1, 3.30 and 1/ P. M. For New Cootie at 8 A. M., and 310 P. M. For Middletown at 8 A. M. and 3.30 P. For Dover at 8 A. AI. and 3 30 P. M. For Seaford at 8 A. IL TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8.40, Szpreis, 11 A. M., and 6.23 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 7.f.6 and 11 45 A. AL, and 2 SS and 9 55 P. It. Leave New Castle at 11 06 A. 11., and S'S P.ll. Leave Middletown at 10 15 A. 31 and b 05 P. 6.1. Leave Dover at 9 15 A. M. sue 1 P. M. Leave Seaford at 4 00 1' 11 TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave Wilmington at 015 A. 51., 2 P. XL and 12.15 A. 51. SUNDAYS only at 11 P. M.re from Philadelphia to Baltime. do. do. 6:23 P. M. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. BALTIMORE AND 11AVIIII Dll GRACE ACCOMMO ATION TRAIN Leaves Havre de Grime at 6.60 A. M, Leoveo Bailin:ore at 4 001'. Id • Freight Tram, with Pasamiger Cat attaches, wilt yen as foliotia : Leave Philadelphia fur Perryville and inter:2,4Di." plates at 5 Oto Y . M. Leave Wilmington for do do, Bru P. M, Lt. 3,, Baffin:ore for fravre.de.Grace •‘.t .-, 1 , M. oc 31-1 y S M. FELTuN, Present. fiats, Caps, zG-r ILILLENDER & PASCAL, 8814 m No. BS. SIVA( I 5i 7 2. 14 . lU:dolphin ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, 920 CHESTNUT forwards PARCELS, PACKAGES, MEHCRANDIZE, BANN NOTES and SPECIE, either by ita own LINES, or to a:sneak/4 with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the pzincipal TOWNS and CITIES of the Trolled States. N. B. SANDFORD. General gar Ari rvimat. COTTON -200 bales good Middling to Mid. dling 144 °°"43n lll' Ilt atA' Tl2 l." tr. 1710 431 AL1 e bY Bll£3 7 eta . 119 North Water street. HOTEL AND SUMMER RANGES.— Sold by 011ADWItia & BRO., 2041 N. BSCOND imx3l3-Dvos,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers