i -,- : z •:- ---,- , ,-- /,far „ --,,.*,' 0i, , ,,, J= , Tll g'r Y ',' •': . ' 1741,9 , r-VIV : IW - dib orsior, rierohont: or Man - 1 11 , 111 V 872.11:Wi'll'ilAtait;'14.1.'aoliNE14 or Mora AND„.W4l,lgpf areeere.r`laar_[}entloalWn"—,4Noy ±:Nariosit-'Paeirer,~P~canr"erxarr, six - Etwiric !7:-Ducklays Opook - IFoope. , , - STUB! Lore 011111112Stit,-4thloplizi 'oonoluding wltk • Isughablfi afteryiece.„ n aukttr e o rveklisiiiriii Inprx ittIi,PILSTNPC 810.— 4 iooncart* ,. " layamostio &o - , , The Retporter • t the P,rese among the Itvgdit Bale4:--An" adjourned meeting ,of, the bread bakers of the city wee hold last evening 'at, the Globs hotel ; Sixth street; below Chestnut. 'l'he ettendhtloi.wita, large, And; the prootiedings were parthlipated in with.' much spirit by those into- T4tedne theohleots of the assemblage.- The fol lowing constitution wan read and adopted: We; the breed bakers of the city of-Philadet phia; do hereby,forur ourselves into an association for ,the Mutual ;benefit . and protection of each ether, ,attd for - the goierareent of said assooiation, adept the following , 0 00NSTITUTION. • ARTICLE I... This association shall be styled the Bread Bakers' Association of the city of Philadel phian. "ART. 2. The officers of the association shall consist of a president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer; who shall be elected by ballot on the third Tuesday of November, who shall perform the duties appertaining to their. - respective offices, as laid down in the constitutions of associations gene-, rally.. The meetings ef the MssOolation SIMI' be held on the third. Tuesdayof every month, at such hour and-place as may be'agreedbi a majority .meeting of the members at any regular of the as teciation:- Special meetings may be called by the president at Any convenient time, by his receiving a written request signed by at least five members, notice of said meeting to bo published in two of the daily papers'of the city. MAU bearing a reputation of re spoOtability, and carrying on the bread-baking bum esa for 'himself in this city, can become ammo , her .bY signing this constitution, thereby pledging himself twcontorm to-the rules and regulations of the same.- - - ART.I: It shall. belles duty of the assoolition, for the ;protection thereof, to elect a oammittee of. three of its nienstierikto he :called-the ptoteotive atailinittei,'Whiles:duty,ft• shall ; be:.toAefead .ns, a;gainit'auniclitwillatis artifileeta - from time to time have appear ed;, and as from time io tit:6o'May ap pearfn the'papers of this oily AMA articles as pus represene.onr busineseentirely, not' only in the size of Mir loaves; not only In' the price of our flour;' not-Only in the improbable and erroneous . profit of snob barrel bakedi..but -represent us as tails and knaves ; and mixing into our bread such deleterious and,poisonous ingredients as alum, plaster of Paris, saireratus, .to;„ &0., thus souring and prejudicing the minds - of -many customers against us, and by those false statemeets doing us much injury. The expenses of the committee in curred lu tholischerge of, their duty shall be paid by the association. • • • - • ART. 6. It shall s be'the duty of every member to vondnet himself respectfully at all meetings of the association, and to bo governed by the order of the' president ;..any- member shall have the pri vilege Of speaking at any meeting by arising to his test and addressing" the pleading °Meer. "Aar. 7. And for the mutual advantage of the Members of this association, it shall be • the duty of oath Member to report at each regular monthly meeting, to, the secretary, for him to insert in' the' black book, (whieh book it shall bathe duty of tho secretary to keep,) the names of.all non-paying otis tomets—whom said 'member has just reaseti to be, liege has ned4olreto, pay---sneh as do not seem to tnithe such effort to pay as they might do if they were honest, Sad neme rn ber of this association shall sort - C.l.4th" breed any person whose name is thus recorded, until hoer he shall pay to the baker making the. oomplaint. his bill ' , for bread ; pro viding such debt has been eontraoted'after tho'ilrst annual rneeting'of this association: ; - "Ant. S.' Etteli member of ' this, association each' shall at monthly meeting pay into the tree-, awry the sum of tee canto, to dofray.tim necessary expenses of the association—such as use of room, lights, stationer)) ,to. • ' (Aar. 9. This constitution may be altered or amended at any stated meeting of the association by a We-third vote of the members, present, pro vided'sneh proposed alteration or amendment has recelitteCat. least one month's notice given at any regidaristated Meeting." .. ' Aftei the!adoption of tbo, constitution, an indi: vidual (a Gentian) arose, arid moved that all per sons in the recraltelto were not bakers be requested to retire.-' motion'ha stated Was intended to include the reporters: -s ii.eplOY and, deoidedly in teresting - debate ensued upon, the merits of this motion, Odell wo refrain front .publishing, To say the least coneerbing it, we may state that it' was not of the most dignified and gentlemanly, °bantam. . Our reporterstatett to the President of the Meet ing-that be was 'connected with Tan PAWLS, but had no desire whatever to remain where his pre sence ',Vita undesirable. lie thought that AS the meeting ices a public, one there ;meld be no harm doge in having at least a. brief report of the busi ness transacted for the information of the public generally, The president then said. to the meeting that the reporter of Tau Rouse' ties in the room, and that he hoped nojobjeallon ;mould ' he ,made to his presence.' .Tna - Pursa t 'said he t is, a new and spi rited newspaper, and It his not; like others; at tempted to burlesque our proceedings. Probably it may be foundlieroafter tube ab adVocatd dour cause. - - . „ • These remarks, bdivever, did nor ' calm the troubled Awaters.: A !number of individicals stated : that the reporters', appeared 4o , take delight in throwing -addisidit upon--' everything done by the bakers. ,They referrell'-to - -- reporte which appeared in a liunday:!paper, and„-were • particularly severe in their remarks onthatibeet: Two or throe persons contended that reporters bad an unquestionable:sight at all public gatherings, and -that it was ,undignitied to attempt to hinder thent'in - the pursuit of their legitimate business. One indiyidnal stated that the reporter for 4 Sun day paper "must have had very bad learning, ta be ' , didn't kuow bow to write' grammatical, and that the ignorantest baker in the city could teach, him how to parse by a transposition of„ sentences, according to Lindley Murray, the correotost gram marian in the eity. 2 ' This learned speech sour re ceived with some allow of enthusiesm‘by. those who can pretty severe glances upon our innocent, reporter„Who wits seated quite unconcernedly:in a corner. - Just before he - lett the president said "Gentlemen4on have the motion. Shall the reporter of the Penes be,exoluded?" "Mr. President," said' he mover of the motion, "before that question istaken I have but-a single word to say. I-WaS under the impression—,l—." Without waiting to bear the conclintion of the sentence, the reporter who bad quite unexpectedly indneadscomuch - entertaining and 'edifying die sullen, teak up his hat and Very politely, bade "good evening", to the assemblage. Ile: is, con sequently, itnabia to record, he vote on -thellvery important „question : "Shalt the reporter of the Pnasehe excluded?" • - - - • , Stiks"ofßeal %Estate, Sloth, Vie.-The, foI lowing sales were made yesterday evening by Mesons. Thomas 4 Sons, at the Philadelphilv Ex Outs*: •A famished pew, No. 95 Methodist Trinity °barely Eighth mover, nil - ova:Race, $3O ;' 20 shares American Academy of Music, from $250 to $257.50; share in the Philadelphia Library, $25; share Mercantlie`Libiary, $8; share in the Philadelphia Athentenni, $l4; three-story brick store and dwel ling, northeast , earner, 'of Eighth and Federal streets, $1,850; neat modern residence, No. 412 South Eleventh street, $4,000; neat modern dwel iing,fNe:.lllo South Fi ft h' street, $1,775. . , , "Wei eating 'Bretenif Cascs--Yeater day afternbon, amen named L..E. Goldsmith was taken before Alderman -Egon, lon the charge of obtainingmermy , and 'goods, with intent to cheat and defrand W. Pelletier, the proprietor of a pub; lie hope'on-,Wtdmit street. between, Fourth and Fifth. streets, by ~pissing drafts on him, in part payment:for his - entire establishment. One of the drafts, for $1,667, purports to have been drawn by M. C. Mordecai, of Charleston, 8: C. at eight, on L. C. Goldsmith'," the defendant. It bears date of October 1,1857, The othei draft is for the suiu of $628; and purporta to have been ',drawn by A., Benton, ,enson, CO., and Is dated September 12,18t7;'From - the evidence.developed, we pre sent the following brier narrative of the tremolo- Mr; Goldsmith forleVerat weeks past bad been serving Mr. Pelletier with cigars, and recently'' ho entered into a converioition with Galena) illtohner about, the bank - Panic, and said that he owitedeon slderable property in New Yorkoilkieb, be , in,. tendecrto ielrand invest 'in this city. He finally had it talk with Mr. Pelletier, and proposed to.purchese his establishment, and finally the contract was made, and the notes and drafts above mentioned were handed to Me:?. Previous to this, the proprietor had , handed money over, to Mr. Ctoldernith. • ' . The latter, at times, had several conversations with Col:lllichner, the bar-tender, and proposed that, inasmuch us he was well acquainted with the businesS, custoiners;4o. , , that he, had bettor take, 'an interest with - ritilf4' • The , eolon'el t , however, not having any ,money-, to, spare, declined, but gold smith made arrialkeinetitetbat ho shoud have, nn Interest in the , Odbairo• - • • Ile obtained -from thecoltinel,thp aim of alma one bandied dollars, and told him to, have the haute done tip Inlirst-itite,stylo, , and to make the contract with the painter, the-'paper-hanger, gari titter, pluiriber, 'itc„ - to do their, work at omit pekes, to bp sate that they should do, the work at five per tent; off„ Money was an object at this time " - . These arrangemente werereade, and ware about going Into fall effect, when it was diseovered that one of the drafts-4hat signed by Mr. Mordecai— wen pronounced, by a certain Mr. Tobias, who rout applied to cash it, no a forgery ; or at bast he sus pected it to be so, In:- the meantime, Mr:Morde cai had',4ittrohased house No. al Clinton street, sold by M, Thomas d hen, auctioneers, with ether property, one night loot week. The' purchase-money, as appears on the margin of the pamphlet.of sales, woe to be paid down in a week. It baguet been paid up to tem present time. Pending these proceedings, Mr. Goldomitlt told Mr. Pelletier that he espeofed an arrioant of.mo pay te btought to-this city by his"wife, and that he Mr.. P., had. better go to the New York boat tind'ineet"with hfr. Goldsmith, and raeive the money from. h'er' Mr. P. end a friend went there, hut Mrs. a. was von r..qo/;_Thisbold attempt at what, seems to bolo obtain Mr. Pelletior's house,;by false representa tions, having boon fully fond out, treasures were at, onoe adopted, to have Goldomith arrested. The pro Per measinnoo were adopted, and the pri soner vita, taken into. custody in New York, and brought:to this eityrby, Meer Tagged. The no. cued was committed in default of $2,000 bail. The ffeitibn•of Balis..-7-The :Ration of balls may now td,sald to have'commeneed in good ear , nest. .Our city ;assesses several large halls, Which 'ate now nightly thronged witieyonth, twenty, and fashion, and many dense snerrilt if eerninpfor getfoluess of the want and woo w h ich Ich exist to the great world ivithhut: , There la moosathing sugges ' tive in the'eloieAtf a ball-rotan Beene, whet, Ake, dancers' revelry bar ended , and the ,binoly.ttillitestvimswers to-,the (inlet of the otty o streeti,:,:altight' lends ' tiesit no - ; More 'ln ": the obalingeeene ;lone IN the, choral of beenty and 'the eflontlf..;-'llay, life herb repeals the story of t tide:pageant; mighty. nations,';WittGtheifillironging multitudes, have pained -awa%:.-Thsknight to - disappearin g •the gray ef , theedyfinetagmorticand the garlands ;eft indsint seem: Ithe crushed 19 , 11jAe.booit x604049'61 riesideattt , -4iii,hii'lluietiltig, about halt ce c tea,VOiatiteilMoiraiqtas tugeuxtis.:44, cart wsx4p t re tls )40, ,Arob l 'by imamate* of, the.-inisTer attached to theibirt," 41tarrafeiso* with sleW bruises, s(buy, late Of lifolauntent Bonin Baltimore; in atisoolatiOn with Mi. Samuel L. Little, who has hrid great expe rience in the hotel business, has refitted and re-' furnislied, Sn a most rich and tasteful manner, Guy 's Hotel, Seventh street, above Chestnut, which will in future be conduoted on the Buropean prin ciple.' The house wild be kept by Messrs. Guy d; Little, and the interior arrangements of the hotel will be Superintended by Mrs. Little, daughter of the elder Mr. Guy, who was so well known to the gastronomes of Baltimore and Washington. We wish the establishment every prosperity, under this new and improved management; and, as a oulinay curiosity ; annex the bill of fare, for a pH. vote patty of ten, at this hotel, on Monday even. log PROZSII OYSTSItS, CHABLIS. Soup a/a Julienne. Sherry. Boiled Chambord Sauce Jobannesberger Cabinet. PRTIT PATTIES Terrapins—blarylaud etyle— Moot aud Obandon's Green Seal Imperial. Boiled Rheasauts—Eoglish Sauce, With Jerusalem Artiobokea and Cauliflowers Boned Hain. Roast—Oblonsague fiance. , ' tout Saddle of 'Ven is otat on, wioes. th Currant Jelly and P Champagne Zl•appee. CANVAS-RICE DOOL3, WITII 11011 NY AND MINT Old Cheese and Old Port. FRUITS AND lONS. Vanilla Cream, Harlaquip lee, Bisque Glade bfarangues and Grecian Wafere. ORSIBTALIZSD . . Brandy Petelleo, - Peers, ' Apples ; Oranges, arapes, and Olives, PINS OLD MiDDIA.L. Presentation to Philadelphia Fire Corn pisnies.—We learn that a committee of the Frank lin Engine Company of Washington, D. C., will shortly visit this city for the purpose of presenting the Good 'Will and Weceacoe Engine Companies with two Valuable and elaborately wrought silver pitchers as a testimonial of the esteem in which they are held by their Washington brethren. These two companies arejustly ranked among the ,most efficient in the Philadelphia Fire Department. For Liverpool—The packet ship Thomas Li. `Perkins, Captain Wayne, for Liverpool, left'Ship pen street wharf yesterday, in tow of tugs J. L. ,Pusey and G..W. Cook. The following items emit prise her freight : 15,200 bushels of corn, 3,914 bar rels of flour, 400 barrels of rosin,2oo barrels of molasses, 583 bags of oloversee, 100 hogsheads 104 bags of bark, and 55 bales of cotton. Lod Injured.—Yesterday morning a couple of lade were playing with powder, in the vicinity of the Southwark Canal, and one of them, Robert Currey, hod his hands and face burnt by an explo. don. Be was taken to his residence, in the aieini tY, and was attended by Dr. Xarnmerly, who hap pened to be in the neighborhood. • Robbery--The grocery store' of James Ellis k Son, Ninth and Spring Garden streets, was broken into on Monday night and,robbed of $2O in pennies. No arrests made. Hospital Case,—Michael Ro'ee, aged thirty five years, was adinitted to St. Joseph's Hospital yesterday with freeturo of both bones of his legs, caused by a fall whilst unloading Me wagon. A Noble Woman. The New York correspondent of the Boston Journal writes the following: "Ono of the citizens of New York, a gallant, whole-hearted, and noble fellow—who Is better known in the country than any other man who lives in Now York—whose house has been the home of all the great men of the land—and who has the same great gift that Clod gave Solomon—" largeness of heart"—he, to the surprise of everybody, failed. All porsonssup posed the house wee immensely rich, and was daily dab* money. It was said that the failure was occasioned by the outside speculation of a partner. All that this gentleman had, and all imbed - earned, was at 9000 given up to his creditors, and he began life again, as he , began ,it thirty years ago, with the same spirit and' energy, with. the same cheer-- fulneas and the same liberality. Nis affairs were, as far as popible, then' kept from his wife. But with the quick, keen eyes of affection she saw that More was involved in the affairs of her, husband than heohose tostate to her She is a woman that had her birth and education under the unwelcome sky of New England, but her mental and moral training were - .had under those influences that have raised.up so many men and women of mark and talent in our land. : -Asking nothing from her husband about his matters,, this lady visited' her husband's lawyer aad heard from him the fail measure or the evil that had fallen on his future. Nor resolution was at once taken. She knew that her husband: valued his honor more than all the wealth of the world,' and he felt that that honor seemed to rest under a cloud. She held at the East a large and valuable property, which was exclusively her own. She ordered the papers to be drawn at once, placing all the property in the hands of her husband's credi tors, resolving to partake with him of all the con sequences of the lossef property. She then sought Out her husband, told bun what she had done, and with a smiling face bade him look cheerfully to the glowing future before them. Noblo woman ! wor thy of the best days 'of Roman fortitude ; worthy to be ranked among those noble women described in l the Word of God, whom the children rise up and- called- blessed," whose husband "sitteth among the elders„nt the gate of the city t " of whom bar husband says, "many daughterS have done virtuously, but thou excolleet them all." CITY ITEMS. OVR ROTAIL DILY-GOOD6 /10178E8.—ThOrn is probably no department of mercantile entarpriso in Philadelphia, in which our superiority has been more practically asserted, than in this branch of the dry itiods trade.' Uwe except the mammoth establishment of ;Alexander T. Stuart 4' Co., on Broadway, New York—iind'which Is really a wonder In Its way—we may Petty lay claim to the finest marts for the retailing of dry goods In this country, and perhaps In the world If suckhesisea as Arnold, Constable, Co., Amen Back rat least that liras: and we believe Is 06w,) snit some othiirs.ot New• York, hive obtained a wider colt). 'brtty • In other States, throughout the South and West, it li due to the extra efforts they befouled° through the press, and notte any advantages In point of superior stocks, or more splendid edifices. Bitch establishments as those of L. J. Levy & Co., Thomas W. Evans Cr Co., and Bbarpless Brothers—two of which Re located on Chestnut street between Eighth end Ninth, and where the other is also to be as moon as their new house is completed—are a credit to our city, and not unfrequently are they the subjects of handsome compliments from visitera from a distance. We have, moreover, among ns spores of other houses, which, if they do not fully equal, In point of magnificence, those. we have named, feria at least no Inconsiderable potato of attraction. Of these wo -might name - the old and .firmly established houses of Eyre & Landau, Corwin, Madded, & Co., John Kiehl & Bons, Charles Adams, T.& J. Perkins, A. MeElroy,V. E. Archainabult; Cooper & Conard, Tbernley & Chins and many others, all of which am widely and favorably known, and command a very respectable portion' of:thw trade of our city and State: , , The firtnneselvith which the great mass of our retail houses have withstood the pressor° of the times is a proud , ,conament upon the manner% in which their hominess to Condlioted. TOthose Of their number who Were caught by this financial storm-with stooks of goods upon their shelves,„ranging in value from a hun dred thousand to & quarter of s million of dollars, con sequencez of a disastrous 'character might well have been anticipated, Yeti instead of being made to RUC comb to the ~s uspendlug', avalanche,, some of them have, bypassing through it unscathed, won for them selves an enviable name among commercial men. The house of Thomas W. Suns, k 00., already re ferred to, wee caught in thie gale, heavily freighted with shack; bet by dint of shrewd management, or some master-stroke of mercantile policy, they have—as we are credibly' informed—succeeded in making the pre ,'sent season one orscarcely secondary activity. Adopt ing the policy of adapting, the prices of their stock on ' bend to the current dekeolited ratan, at which whole -1 ule stocks were offered, ,they soon attracted a throng of customers despite the stringency of the ceases, and instead of being lurched' with a heavy ,stock, were soon obliged to replenish it, and which—from the prompt ness with which they were enabled to meet their en 4agenaenta--they had facilities afforded them in the way of advantageous prices, by which they Lave been doubtless handsomely , Nstiefited. The interior of the house in which they do. busipeos is moot admirably arranged for the purpose in every particular. , . To give a detailed description of this beautiful edifice Would be over-lengthy, and really unnecessary, as there are, probably, but few of our citizens—especially the lady portion of them.-who hare not dread: anticipated it by personal observation. Many of the pods they sell are directly imported from Europe for their own special retail sales, Mr. Evans, the senior partner of this enterprising firm, sailed for Sorow, on a purehaslng tour, in the Arago, 04 tut Saturday. —" Words aro things; and a small drop of ink, Palling like dew upon a thought, produces That which mitten thousands think) , If the, thousands, who daily pores. the columns of She Passe, can be induced to think (what is really true); that the, largest, best,,,, and cheapest stook of Glothing Iln the, country la now offered at actual cost prices at the fastilonible 'emporium of Clifton, Albright, & Jaynels Uall,” No. 827 Ohistmit street, then our ink will have made them think to good purpose. Gan; ElOoii Town.—Lieut. (lowa] Winfield Scott; who is now in the city, came to take part in the dedicatory services at the new armory of the National Guards. While the General is in town he will - take ad • vantage of the opportunity to procure that new suit at the Brown Stow Mottling Alan of Rocklin & Wilson NOS. 603 aid 600 Chestnut street, above Sixth. LETTER-BAGS - At Ma Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship acme!, Vest Liverpool, soon Ship Joseph Jones, Vowel's Ban Francisco, soon SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. FROM TUE UNITED STATES. I=2lo . . Canada Boaton, &a. Liverpool Nov 18 Arabia - Nep York Liverpoid 'Nov 24 Illaagow • .New York Glasgow Nov 25 Ariel t New York Southampton, atc..Nor 28 • YVON 811.110P.5. FROW toe DAY Ariel Southampton New York Nov 6 Niagara...Llverpool Boston Nov 7 Atlantic . . ... . ....Liverpool ' New York Nov 11 Vanderbilt... Southampton Now York Novl4 Rearm° Liverpool New York ..... ..... Nov 18 New York ..... ...Glaapyr Now York ..... „ .Nov 18 Fulton' ' Havre New York .. Nov 18 . Anplp &Mon— —Liverpool Portland, ecc,,, Nov 25 ACaritte Intelltgence. PORT OF PHILAIOIMPIDA, Nov. 18, 1857. 7 6--ISBN SETS 4 G 2 811 N AIRES - • • RION WATER 0 ARRIVED _ . Bargee - Ernestine Giddings, Rose, 6 days from Bos ton, In ballast to captain. • Brig Boston, liatehins, 8 days. from New York, in *Wa t t. A Bonder & Co. Mit W Wrigbtington, Wrightington, 8 days from Wail River, in ballast to Repplier & Co. : If Carlisle, Winstnotei3 days from Providence, in ballast, to Repplier& Bro. .. Behr W.A.llammond, Paine, 0 days from Boston, in ballast to eaptaln.- - Beheld Vassar, yr , Orapo, 0 dart from New Bedford, with oil to A 8 Aahmead; " • ' Hchr Harsh :Risher, Fisher. 5 days from Fredericks iiergi With feed to Bewley; Wilson & Co. [. • soklitar.r, Maude 2, & Co. a from Camden, Del, with .00rn to Bewley Wiisoa ilehi Henry Wolfe, Atkins, g days, from Milton, Del, with wheat and corn to Bewley, Wlttoci& 00. —Behr 7ohn,lifinny; Turpin, 4,days from Po onoke dfd '4l4' 'MAO tid Maloney. , • ' Xpobi kek.g:Floher; 81rditiribsi2 daylfroM 0111fOrii, Behrt boa to J Ifeoobey. John M Bartlett, s, 2 days from Turner's Orliekijdd, 911t1 to Richardson it Overman. WEnNEsnmt; NoirEinit is, 1851. Behr 'Henry TIM, Layton, 1 day from Milford, Del, with corn toles Darratt d-, Bon. CILDARDD. Steamship City of Richmond, Mitchell, Richmond, T Webster, Jr. ler Bohr Blown, Daideon, Nevis, WI, John F Peniaton. Bohr Tryphenia, Nickerson, Boston, N Sturtevant & Co, SabSarall N Smith, Smith, liostun, Audeureid & co. Behr Caroline Graham, New Steven, Repplier & lire. !Rohr bi It Carlisle, WirisMora, l'rovideaee, do Behr A 'Tamil, Ruins, Boston, L Audenreld & Bohr Hannah, 'avant, Newman, Newboryport, Gee A Wood. Str Sarah Jones, New York, W ld Baird Co. Strli Willing, Claypoole,lialtimore, A Groves, Jr. (Correspondence of the PhiladelphiaKschange , ) I.IIMIB. Del.. Nov. 16, 6 A M. The ship Orpheus, for Hong Kong, end a barque un known, with several colliers, went to sea yesterday af ternoon. Therein a barque now at anchor elf the Over fells, outward bound. his. Refire left the harbon this morning for Philadelphia. Wind B—weither coot and cloudy. Yours, &o, WM. DI. HICKMAN. [BY VELIORIPII.] (OorreepOnde nCe OAPE IS of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LAND, Nov. 11.6 P M. No vessels have passed either in or out to-4ay. Wind fresh from NW—weather pleasan T t. Yours, dm., HOS. 8.1111E11E9. THLVOLIPILf • fOorresixtudence of The Press.) Roston, Nov. 17. Arrived, ships Clarissa and Courier, from Calcutta; Art Union, do; Robert Patten, Manilla; barques Inman, Rio Grande; Ida, Sierra Leone. SAYANNAII, Nov n. The steamship Augusta, from New York, arrived here this morning. CHARLESTON, Nov. 17. The steamship Marion, Foster, from New York, ar rived this morning 11W11101tANDA • - Steamship Glasgow, Goodwin, from Glasgow 31st tilt, arrived at how York yesterday. Steamship Danononia. Schwensen from Gamburg, arrived at New York yesterday. Steamship North American, Grange, from Quebec, ar rived at Liverpool 3d lent, Steamship Daniel Webster, Miner, for Davao& and N Orleans. cleared at New York yesterday. Ship Gerald, Crowell, for St Thomas, sailed from Cardiff 31st ult. Ship Bilersile, Coats, from Now York, sailed from Rio de Janeiro about Sept 17. Ship Othello, Greenleaf, from Callao, arrived at Cowes lat test. Ship Morning Light, Knight, from Chincha Islands, standing east, was spoken 3d nit, lai 6, long 29. Ship Keystone. !Saarland, from Callao for France, which. put into Talcahuano Aug 28 leaky, remained Sept 6th. Ship Magnolia, Pepper, from Galls° for Bristol, ar rived at the Pill 22 inst. Ship Western Ocean, Flamilton, for Philadelphia, was to sail from Calcutta about Sept 26th. Ships Tonawanda, Julius, for Philadelphia 12th, and Stalwart, Lucas, for do Boon, were advertised at Liver pool 4th last, Ship Fanny Mehonry, Smith, at London 2,1 inst. from New York. Ship Xelfthaven, Cooper, from Callao, at lirouwers haven 31st ult !Mips Samuel Appleton, Doane, and (Irma°, Wood, from Chincha Islands, with guano, were below Balti more 16th Inst. Ship Samuel Appleton, Doane, from Chincha Islands, via Ilaropton Roads, arrived at Baltimore yesterday. Barque Bine Wing, Burnham, from Rio de Jaheiro, was below Baltimore yesterday. Barque Aaron I Garvey, Willar, for Philadelphia, was at Sierra Leone Sept 26, (not so before) to sail about Oct 20. Barquo Urania. Turner, hence at N York yesterday. Barque Edward Cohen Burgess', from Leghorn for Philadelphia, remained at Gibraltar 24th ult. repairing. Barque Azof, Simmons, from New Yorkoda Lisbon, at Cagliari 2341 ult. Brig Mary E Jades, Jones, from Baltimore. was at Montevideo Sept 29,.walting orders; cargo unsold. Brig Calvert, Barnes, unc, was at Sierra Leone 26th Sept. Brig Caitlin, Ford, hour°, arrived at Cienfuegos let Inst. Brig Georgia, Carlisle, from Boston for Philadelphia, remained at Efolinesllole 10 A. al lath inst. Brigs Ormus, Baker, from Now 'York for Philadelphia, and Lillian Sumner, from Boston for do, sailed from Newport 14th Inst. Behr Madeira Pet, Craig, from Liverpool for St Mi chaels, put into Holyhead tid inst. for more ballast. Schr Juliette, Chase, from Boston, arrived at Wil mington, Wel, lath Mat, Sam Sea Ranger, Darrow, hence at New Bedford 14th inst. Sohn Sea Bangor ond3t Might, hence, arrived at N Bedford 15th inst. Schr Sarah. Benson, for Philadelphia, sailed from N Bedford 16th inst.. Behr W A Hammond, Powell, cleared at Savannah 14th inst. for Philadelphia. Schr Hackman, Bateman, hence at Richmond lath inst. Wire Jae English, Neal, and Emeline Rickey, Tice, hence, arrived at New Haven 10th Mat. • &bra Sarah Betsey, Betsey, and Eveline, Stevens, hence, arrived at New Haven 16th inst. Bohr 'Neptune, McGee, for Philadelphia, Railed Prom Now Haven 16th inst. ' Behr North Pacific, Marcy, hence at Boston ttth Inst, Behr Jane N Williams, Smith, hence for Boston, sailed from 'felines Nolo 16th inst. Mira Brasil, It A Weeks, Ohms Baker. Now Jersey, Gazelle, 0 A Greiner, W L Dayton, and Mary Anna, hence for Boston, at liolmeallole Itth inst. Mira 1111 Daley and 9 C Willetts, hence for Medford, and B Townsend, Williams, for Cambridge, arrived at Relines Role 14th inst. Mire j C Patterson. W 11 Dennis, and R R Berry, hence for Boston• arid S L White, do for Cambridge, ar rived at Holmes Nolo 16th inst. Sabre Laniartine and Alice Lea, from Boston. for Phi ladelphia, arrived at Relines IfOle 15th inst. Behr It Butler Crosby, and Harriet & Beam, Tice, for Philadelphia, cleared at Hartford 15th inst. Behr Eliza Eh inton, Taylor, sailed from Newhuryport 15th inst. for Philadelphia. Odor Restless, Smith, hence at Salem 15th inst. Bohm Empire, Price, and Sophia Godfrey, Williams, hence at Providence 15th Inst. Etches I If Cannes, Long; F A Reath, Jewett, and Jae II erred. Davis, from Boston for Philadelphia; Smith Tuttle, Mayo, from Provincetown for do, and Damon, Moller, front Calais for do, sailed from Newport 14th inst. MARINE MISCELLANY Schr Betio, Stevens, from 8t Jago de Cuba for Balti more, before reported +a-reeked on Currltuck Beach, was an A 1) vessel of 153 tone, built at Baltimore In 1863, and Insured in Philadelphia for sgooo. Tho cargo, which consisted of 132 .tons of copper ore, e•as consigned to Kirkland, Chase Jc. Co, and supposed Insured In }UM MOM. New York, Nov 17—The ship Jeremiah Thompson, previously reported as being on tire and scuttled at pier SO, E wee last evening got [gloat by the use of five steam pumps. Ship Ellen Austin. Garrick, from Liverpool, at New York yesterday, reports: Nov 10, Ist 42 20, long 60 44, passed the mainmast and part of the hull of a vessel; also 40 or be boles cotton; the hull and mast had been on fire. and had not been long in that situation; (pro• bably the nowadji, before reported burnt at sea ) SPOKEN. Nov 4, Int 44 60, long 99 32, skip Dreadnaught, from New York for Liverpool. DOMESTIC PORTS NEW YORK, Nov 17—Arrived, steamship Nashville, Murray, Charleston; ships Ellen Austin, Garrick, Li verpool, Oct 17; Charles Cooper, Hanson, Antwerp; barque Mason Gregor. Sylvester, New Castle, ling; schr Potomac, Barry, Alexandria. Old. steamship Vir ginia, Jewett, New Orleans; ship C D Iderwin, Merwin, Bristol; barque It II Gamble, Powell, St Marks; brig Ashbey, Thema, Constantinople; sabre Fleet Wing, Davis. Apalachicola; Angeline, Stew, Havana. BOSTON—OId, ship Win P Storer,Comery,Liverpool; brig Albert Adams, Mayo, Wilmington,'NC; mime Wm Wilson, Gibbs, Amid; Agate, Atkins, Cape Ilaytien; Grace flintier, Paine, New York. 514—wind W—ship Silver Star, and anchored in the Roads. FALL, IttpEß,—.Bld 14th, mars Tram Smith', lifcGiv ern, Alexandria. Richard Borden, Arnold, Baltimore; R C A Ward, Edwards, Rappahannock, BRISTOL--Sid 14th. brig Maria Ingraham, Unman. PROVIDENCE—Ar 14th, brig Factor, Titus, Carde nas; 15th, sdhr Sarah E Jones, Jones, Alexandria, Bid schr A P Penne, (Br.) St John. NB. NEW PORT—Ar 14th. S A 51, salty II B Grindle, Bart lett, Turks island—touched for orders. Bld, brig John Balch, Eddy, Havana. In port. achra Sarah Ann, Benson. of and from Cam den for Norfolk, getting a new ,libbootn; Angeretta, Henrietta. NM lIAVBN—Ar Ibth, Br barque Atalanta, from Shields. PORTSMOUTII—Ar 14th, brig Crimea, Stinson, Wil mington, NO; saws 0 L Vandervoort, Wicks, Franklin, La; Ruphomia, Illdrldgo, New York, PORDION PORTS Liverpool—Ar Met ult. Ashburton, liradish, and Rm. Ore State, Briars, New York; Trimountain, Dudley, St John, Nil; Ontario, Wood, New York; Universe, Mut chinon, Montreal; let lost, Florence Nightingale, Gale, Boston; Reformer, Soley, St John, NB; 2d, Bridgewater, Barstow, New York; Trenton, Green. St Stephen, NB The Resolute, Freeman, from New York, had not ar rived. Sld 31st nit, West Point, Harding, New York; Avon, Moans, New Orleans; Centurion, Caulking, Now York; Morning Star, McKenzie, Charleston. London—Paltered towards 31st ult, Lew Chew, Bey burn, St. Stephen, N B; Argo, (se) Benson, New York; 2.1 lust. John Bunyan, (Br) Henry. Sydney, N 8 W. Old 30th, Albatross, Knots'les, Newcastle and Boston• Mat, Liverpool. Kearney, Now York (old train Deal tat Last, and passed Portsmouth WO Weser, Wenzen, New Orleans. Botered out 30th, Gertrude, Spedding, Oatootle; Mat Sumatra, Abbott Port Philip; 2d lost, Maverick, „Ufa, ditto. Orwresend—Arrived Zil Mat, Oregon, Archer, from Quebec for London. Deal—Ar 30th tilt, S Knapp, York, from London for Newport and Point de Calls; Arthur, Wallace, from do for New Orleans, (and both attiled;) let not, Britannia, Patten, from do for Mobilo; Nor Wester, Gregory, fm do for Cardiff and Singapore; Lucy klileabeth, Sargent from do for Boston, (and three sailed;) Oregon, Archer, from Quebec for London. (and proceeded;) American Eagle, Moor, from New York for Loudon, (andproceeded4 Sid lint tilt, Francis A Palmer, Johneon, from Lou. don for Sydney, N S W, (end was off the Wight let teat); Emily Barnum, Sitnes, from do for Port Philip, (and was off Beachy Head let lost) ; Charles A Farwell. Croaker, from do for do; Times, Andrew& from do for Punta Arenas; Hartley, Howes ' from do for Now Orleans. Off Dungeneas, 27th nit, Magdalene, llaake, of dud fm Bremen for New Orleans. Falmouth—Ar 2d lost, Vancouver, Jenkins. Singa pore, and eld 3d for London. Sld 3d, Colombo, Stewart, (from Rangood) Amsterdam. Newcastle—Bid prey to 28th nit, Nordstjernen, Jor genson, New York; Milford, Starkey, New Haven, Ct; Mantilla, Trovongnard , Charleston. Greenock—Sld 29th tilt, Bannockburn, Bruce Charles ton. Put In 80th, Viln Chase, Derry, from London and Youghal, for Charleston. Cork—Sld 28th tilt, Esther, Dinuntek, Charleston, and from Queenstown 301. h. . . • Stockholm—Cld 23<1 on, llarlequin Catgenr, Ammer.. 1118Inore—Ar 30111 tilt, Telegraph, Gllei, Cronstailt, for 13ostoa. Bremerhaven—Ar 30th ult. Cotiolan Steengrairo, N York; President Sinkit, nom. do. S,ld 29th ult, Corn stitution, Limit, New York; 30th Saranac, Pulloutlnk, Wilmington, NC. Broworalurron—Arr 31st ult. Delfthitren, Cooper, Ilamburg—Arr 30th ult, Donau, Moyer, N.York. llelroot—Arr 31st, Leila, Halts, Baltimore; Hero, °Stafford, Bro%torsbneon. Ready for sea Beth ult, Itzstaloeu Weleiter, Buses, for New York. Antwerp—Arr 30th ult. Express, Patterson, AVM]; 2d lust, Inn, Tuprnan, Charleston. S 1& 'll lust, E Scranton, Spencer, Now York• ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOT' Up to 12 o'clock Last Night GIRAIID lloll9E—Chealnut Etna. below Ninth Plias E Hall, N Y NBh aiI,NY WO Wyman, Salt biias Wyman, Lowell II 0 Williams, 'Havana G W Lewis, N H P Nilson. N Y 11 A Pillage, N Y • . D El Coffin, N Y 8 Busby Wilmington SI Do Groot, Paris Joe Duncan, N 0 W Thomail and lady, N Y Dr Bernard, Chicago J P Roman, Md II P Alexander, N Y P Lansing, N Y 8 L Watkins N Y • E Fidler, Washington Id J Ilaslop, halt P Higgins, Washinton J J Waggoner & la, Ira J Id Marcia & in, N Y W Williams, Pa 0 Pliolpentlein,,,Pa • Jos J Bates, N J W II Wardell, England 1' B 'Naylor, N Y bl P 0 1 1lern, Bait G Goodwin, England 0 W Harrison, Torreedale N Derickson, N Y Morris Tammy, St Lou is 0 A Cane, St LOUIN 1 , E Bridge, New Cacaos Itobt linger. N Y A J Mullany & la, Ala A A Belocor, Cal Wm ilfurwlu, Balt 0 A Vinal, Boston 3 V Williams, B 0 lieory Palmer, N Y W T Bearn,s N Y J W Watson, N Y I+ Fischer, II Orleans J N Kunkel, Md A Lewis & son, Cincinnati G Logan, Nl7 J 0 Heilman, Pa J Creswell. Huntingdon Dr ill Warden, California D Skater, California If Ef Tilton, Boston M if Adams, washiogton: It Bigelow. N Y 4 13 Walter, Pa Henry Tailor, Baltimore E T Mathews & lady, Wash John IDgmbothaw, Balt MiIItOHANTB 7 HOTEL-PoUrth Strad, below Arch, D Trehara, Mauch Chunk 8 Townsend, N Y ' S Dross & la. N Y N Power, Wooster, Ohio J Ouulbort, Pittsburgh W Henry, Pittsburgh L Rater, Pittsburgh J Back, Pittsburgh Wm McLean, Shippensbarg John A Nevin, York, Pa m Patton. Columbia D N Ropes, N Y 0 L Griswold, Ct Hon D 0 Broderick, Cal NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third, Sarni T Nicholson; N J Henry ltiodltion,Pittaburgh RS Stokes, West Chester W S Dreitenback, Lebanon 0 0 Drunner, Bethlehem J T James, Beading It E Warted, N J Jacob Miller, Harrisburg Geo Simons, N Y R Watson, Doylestown J Dungan, Pa J W Power, Pa Geo Loinbatd, P a Lewis Neither, Dauphin co J W Blum, Dauphin co, Pa 'Wesley Moss, Ross Lewis Boyer, Lichuylkil/ co B Wilson, Danville Charles Brown, Danville A E Wetzel, Ileulaburg AMERICAN HOTEL• Chestnut street, above Fifth. bl L Hipp, Troy. N Y J 2.1 Cox, Delaware L N Bellinger, Texas P A Whim, Coudereport hI fit RhOdoe, Taunton 8 D Brain, New York B. Id Jones k la. Dorer Del B F Jones, Phila B Drown & la. Baltimore 8 Brown, Baltimore 0 Campbell. N Y IN Campbell, N Y 0 It Reed, Washington .0 Johnsen, Baltimore B Johnson,Balti more II 0 (West, Pa W (Ethane & la, N J Mies Oithens, Trenton,N J Mast Oithens, Trenton, N 3 II I' Ashe, N 0 W Williams, Va 'Edward Smith. NO E 8 Smith, N 0 W Hawkins, Conn Nathan Fegley, Pa John Simpson, Pa II W Barton, N Y 0 N Hippie, N Y Nm Heisler, N Y B e rn Curtis, N V 9 8 Morgan, N V D L Longford, Balt C L Lansford, Baltimore ' UNION HOTEL--arch greet, below Fourth. John Carter, Tamaqua, Pa Dr Hawley, Phoenixville Chas C Morrison, Illinois Mies Boyle, Phoenixville M E Cross, Del co Saml Johnsen, Ohio Benjilf Crawford, Did Peter Kimball, Ohio L M Funk. Ohio C Ilertzel & la, Mechanicsb K Fisher, La Fayette, 0 J Stouffer, Chambersburg Jacob Lehman, Ohninbersb John Fagan, blecbanleab Mrs Heckman, Easton Miss Heckman, Euten P R Wetzel, Easton Sand Taylor. Easton, Pa Geo li Marker, Hazloton Lewis A Buckley, Easton Harvey Birch Reading Mica a V McLellan, Ps Wm McLellan & la, Pa Lewis Plitt, JohnstoWn 0 C Whitaker. Pa W hl Leo, Reading Miss Mary M Green, Easton Sarni Richter & la,Tloga cc A Trosell, Lancaster co 8. Bowman, Lancaster co Bernhard Kahn, N Y S Powers and lady, lowa STATES UNlON—Market street, above Stith. KW 11 Karrlt, Baltimore Jno 0 King, Chicago M W WiMama. Pittsburgh ABU Wash Mitten, Mobile J K Morgan, Ohio J P Gillman, Mississippi EI Arnold, Parana Cleo Gay, York, Pa 1/Small dc Is, Bch Haven al It B Small. Bch Karen Jno Robinson, Milton, Pa Tolbert Ktrat, Masa 0 Drake, Erie, Pa Jot Kronerberger, Pa J Eminger, Mechanicsburg Wm Adam' and lady, Pa J S Iliestand and lady, Pa E Haight, Buffalo, N Y BARLEY SIIEAF--13econd, below Vlne'street. Denj Kennedy & le, Ohio Wm Kennedy & la,.(11410 Jacob Reed, Lawroucovillo J It Torrence, Doylestown Mrs Hughes. NJ, Wm P Tomlinson, Pa A G lime, alontfey co Franklin Comely, Pa Wm Livogey, Bucks co P Dlakey k la, Ducks co Jos Flowers, Ducks co John Farrell & in , Pa Smith Berner, Poulenc, Dreary 0 Parry, Attleboro' Franklin Cadwallader. Pa Wm lloppoolc, N Wm Brown & sister, Pa John Barnsley, Newton, Pa Isaac Wright, Ducks co Jos Stackhouse, Attleboro' Cleo Parry, Bucks co Oliver Allen & la, Pa Edwin Kota, Doylestown J B Simpson, bucks co Jonas Ely, Bucks co Stacy Brown, Brownsburg 'Henry Pickering, Newton Ww Wilton, Pa Abel Kelsy, Carbon • BLACK Linn MOTEL—Third at., above Calionhiti. Benj Berndt, Milford, Pa J Johnson, Perkeomenv'le Free Hartzell, Ridge Valley Ephraim Horeb, ;lianas'lle Nathan Landis, District Jesse B Conrad, Doraville Casper Roads, Byberry If Gribbe, Upper Milford Wm Blanck, IClineavllle If Thomas, Prawnla Geo Di Kehler. Elston, Pa Mahlon A Seller, Pa A Clayton, Southampton Geo K Levan. Reading Chas Leval, Prineetowu J K 11111, Earlville John Bechtel, Bechtelvllle Wm Flack, Ducks co Frank Hersh, Sienna& It Ackerman; Zionsville Jacob Miller, Pa A Hoagland, Bucks co J Sehlateror, Perkelman 01111)C3 Praia, District PALL) EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, ahic, If Bickel, Johnstown John Felker, Monroe go (lea Philll a, Stroudsburg HA. Yells, Reading Semi Arnold, Monroe co, Pa John G . Pork, Balt P Doan, Lancaster co, Ps Ella Kepler, Schuylkill Co Joe Klock, Schuylkill co A Seborte . Hamill Chunk Jos Doerle, Wridenavtile Ephraim Feltz, Bucks co B Hunter, Bucks Co MADISON HOUSE—bleainel street, above liarket J II Oliaso, N Y • T Lewis. N Y T W Ilan, Milford, Del Wm A Munn Del Mrs Jefferson, Del Ills& Smith, jlol J W Avian & la, Ind W P Logan, Ind Daniel F Connell, N Y Deno. 1, Seguin, N Y T P Collins,Cbesapeak city Reuben Jacobs, Pa BLACK DEAR INN—Merchant street, bel. Pirth. Jesse P Walton, Chester co David Walton, Chester to Thos Ganthrop. Pa Gerard Conrad / P Conrad, Pa James Michner, Pa Lii Shafer, Pughtown, Pa Geo It Mark, Pottstown Wm Adams, Darlington, Md John 0 Powley, Pa E A Morton. I'hlla John Yealtly, Pa A Lyons, MA iiperial ,Notireo Professor Saunders' Institute.—At half•pas three o'clock P. M., Thursday, the 10th inst., Thomas Fitzgerald, Esq., editor of the City Item, will deliver an address, by request, to Processor Saunders , Institute, is the Ifsli of the West Philadelphia folitute, at the weekly public examination of his pupil.. Mr. Fitzgerald Is well known as an accomplished lec turer. The public are Incited to hear him. Professor Saunders' Institute was addroised on last Thursday by J. 9. Silver, Esq., And the Rev. Dr. Wads. worth, D. D., with the usual eloquence of those die. tingulahed speakers. Col. Porney, Dr. Choesseuen, J. B. Colahan, Esq., Dr. Blackwood, Wm. D. Baker, Esq Judge Sherwood, and others, bare consented to address Professor Sounders' Institute on these weekly oe. cantons, Certainly no better menus could be devised to improve tho taste, judgment, and heart of his pupils : and to ele vate their alms, than to bring before them weekly the Brat speakers of the community to instruct, advise, and stimulate these at this important period of their lives. These, and similar liberal provislcins made by Profes sor Saunders, are appreciated by the public. At no time have more applications been made for places in his Seminary than during the lest few weeks. The following gentlemen, whose . sons or wards are tinder the rare of Professor Saunders, are offered as references: Messrs. Mathew Newkirk, J. B. Colahan, E. 8. Burnett, Wm. D. Baker, J. 8: Silver, John A. Goodell, John C. Mitchell, Thomas B. Watson, Sant'l Itoore, John Menden, Arthur Cowton, Thomas Fitz gerald, editor of the City Item, J K. Mcilwain, non. N. B. Browne, Hey. Messrs. Levy, Wood, Ewing, De. Ifuston, Col. J. W. Forney, editor of Tess Pam, Capt. Israel Togdes, U. S A , and others. Patrons, such as desire to be more particularly in formed respecting this Seminary, can apply for circu lars to PROFESSOR SAUNDERS, nolB4t West Philadelphia Institute. $20,000 of the Notes of the Bank of Penn sylvania will be taken at par for Gentlemen's Ready. mado Clothing, Wrappers, Stooklo,f3hlrte,Droworo, Um brellas, Clothe, Caraltneres, Veetings, Mullins, Canton Fin eels, he., tic., wholesale and retail. Manton & Co., bll raison, Street, between Fifth and Sixth, klarkot and Chestnut. noli—OtW For Perfumed Breath, White Teeth, and Beautiful complexion, use '•Lalm of 1,000 Flowers." For dressing Ladies' hair, use "Woodland Cream, a now Pomade." It curls Gentlemen's hair beautifully. W. P. FECTRI!)O6 & Co., Proprietors, N. Y. For sale by T 11. Peterson, 300 Chestnut; Samuel gimes, Twelfth awl Chestnut; A.ll. Durand, 718 Chest nut; T. It. Peters & Co., 710 Chestnut; G. G. EYIIII6, tllf t Book-store, 419 Chestnut; 0, S. Hubbell, 1410 Chestnut; French, Richards, & Co., Tenth and Mar ket; A. dl. Taylor, Ninth and Walnut; Dr Morrison, Seventeenth and Chestnut ; J. W. Slates & Bone, Eighteenth and Twenty-Second and Market; Edward Christmann, 702, Chestnut; Thomas Lancaster, corner Eleventh and Walnut. not:-ly S. C. Downld, Commission Business in Com• inercial paper and negotiations of loans, 56 WALNUT Sr., opposite the Ruching°, Philadelphia. nolo-202 Dower's Infant Cordial....Thls Invaluable Cordial le prepared from a variety of the moat choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and la the mist mirfect and reliable minative extant for infanta and young children. By its powerful influence a speedy cure Is effected in all cases of Cholic, windy pains anti spume. Relieves and mitigates much of children's sulfuring during denti tion or teething, and by its soothing properties Usu. guinea pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, doe. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been used in thousands of canes with the most abundant enemas. No family should be without it. Prepared only by Jimmy A. Bowan, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. corner of Sixth and Green ate., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addressed. And for sale by Druggists geneially. au la-ly Notes of the Bank of Pennsylvania taken at PAit.• CLOTHING AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. THE ENTIRE STOCK OF A WHOLESALE CLOTHING HOUSE, 'Manlikelured expressly for Fall Sales, will pow be sold 1.7. BRIM, At greatly Reduced Prices, for oa.th, rio7-tr At No. 1 North FIFTH Street Bank Notes of the PENNSYLVANIA BANK FOR UMBRELLAS, BY WM. 11. RICHARDSON, 0011-lm No. 418 I ..IAREVT 8T12087 Seamen's Saving Fund—Office 209 Walnut street, one door west of second street. Receives de• posits in some of One Dollar and upwards, from all clestesof the community, and allows Interest at the rats of five per cent. per annum, Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Moo day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. Preslden Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Merles M. Morrie; Bare tart', James B. Pringle. Jackson, JOB PRINTBR, • MERCHANT STREET. Checks, Notes, "Walla, pm) Lniting, Bill Henan, Oir .ettlars, °ante, and all other kind , ' of Job Printing, prices to Molt the Hum. 0017-ly Cabinet Ware and UPHOLSTERY, 624 WALNUT ST, OPPOSITE IN DEPEN DENCE nun& GEO. J. HENKEL'S, • 624 WALNUT Street, orTI-Bna Late of 173 Chestnut Street Saying Fund—Five Yee Cent, Interest—Na Coast Safety Trust Company, WALNUT Street, south. meat corner of THIRD Street, PLULADRLPHIA. Open daily till 7 o'clock, and ou blounsr and THURSDAY NVENINOS till 9 o'clock. Deposits received and pay ments Made daily. Assets invested in BEAL ESTAIII, broaroAass, Giouen Deers, and other first-alass securi ties, as the charter directs. nob lORPHANS' N TIIE COURT FOR THE J. CITY AND 00UNTY OF PIIILADIILPIIIA. Estate of DANIEL MURPHY, deceased.—Notice is hereby given, that the Widow of the said deeedent has presented and filed - in the said Court an appraisement and her ;nation, claiming to retain the namenai pro perty therein mentioned to the value ot $3OO under the art of 14th of April, 1851, and the Court wi l t approve the aame RitIDAY, the fourth day of Decomber 1817, unless exceptions be filed thereto. ARTHUR 11. BURTON, n018.19-20-20* Attorney for Widow. Itarrinee At Tf ilkesbarre, Pa., on the !trailing of Thursdkf nth instant, by the Re?. John Domain, pastor of the Presbyterian Church. Miss LOUISE J DUNLAP, of Vilkesbarre to DEWITT C. COOLEY, Esq., Of St. Paul's, Minnesota. On Sunday 16th Inst. by Roo. N. Reston. Mr. HI RAM .1. MESON to Miss RESTER E. OKAPI?, of Routing', PA - clate Of thie eity, On the Ittleult , by Rev. W. Illaclairood, D. D. Mr. CHARLES H. CARPENTER to Miss MARY ELIZA BETH READ, both or this city. Meatha On the 12th instatthr MARY W. MANN, wife or Robert K. Mona, la the Wetear of her ago. Ou the 16th instant, WILLIAM WOOD, aged 90 years. On the 16th instant, aged 10 years, Mlas MARGARET POWERS. On the 14th instant, Mrs. SARAH SMITH . , In the 60th year of her atm On the 10th instant, Mr. JAMES DUFFIN, in the 26th yearor his age. On the 16th Instant, WM. R. HUY, in the 30th year of his age, On the 19th inetgat, after a short illness, WM. H. RICHARDS, Br. On the 14th loot., JOHN S. HAMILTON, in the 324 year of hie age. , E' Fifth Ward Relief Itleetlag....An ad. Journal Meeting of the citizens of the YTfth Ward will be bold at the hope Hose Mouse, Union, below Second street, TlllB (Wednesday) EVENINO, the 78th fist,, at IX o'clock. MO. It, KENNEY, It Chairman pro, tem. [1:7" grand gnetimpment of Pennsylvania I. 0. of 0. be eatol-Auclual &salmi will be held on WEDNODAY, at 6 o'clock P. M. at the usual place. noli-tu&le . 01J8T1t3, Grand Batiks. THIE GLOBE—THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF coNGEmB9.-1 publish now my annual Pro. spectral of TUB DAILY GLOMS, and TUX CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE AND APPENDIX, to remind subscribers, and in. form those who may desire to subscribo, that Congress will meet on the Mat Monday of next December, when I shall recommence publishing the above•namod pa pers. They have been published so long, that most nubile men know their character, end therefore I doom It needless to give a minute account of the kind of matter they will contain. TIIN DAILY GLOMS will contain kreport of the Do. bates in both branches of Congreiffii Its taken down by reporters equal, at least, to any corps of ehort.hand writers In thls, or in any other country. A majority of them will, each, be able to report, verbatim, ten thous. and words an hour, while the average number of words spoken by fluent speakers rarely exceeds seven thousand tire hundred Words , an hour. When the debates of a day do not bake More than forty columns, they shall appear in the Nay' Citogs of the next morning, which will (contain, also, The pew* ttf the d4y, together with such editorial articles as may he suggested by riming events, /Vie oleo any Intention, front time to time, as occasion may require, to publish nay reminiscences o fi the public men with whom I have been associated during the lard twenty-eight years. Anecdotes of General Jackson, and the leaders Of the patty which he conducted, and the leading men of other parties, will, I believe, be in teresting now When partisan bitterness has abated. In lumantlog the reporter of the debates of Congress, I deemed It proper to any that the (hone would,' never be a partisan paper. This pledge will not ho forfeited by Introducing as a contribution to history the political traits of character widch distleguished the public men of my time. Although I am, and intend to remain, a thorough Democrat, I will never obtrude my principles lu a way to make their obnoxious to any party. 'But in regard to persona knit events which go to make up hie tpfy,T hope to make the Oboes an honest memoir; aod with that view asn ;pm:dyed to speak Independent: ty of ell_partiee. Trim ildotrauessiossi, Oioae ate APPENPIX will con tain a report of all the Debates in Congrese, revised by the eposkent, the 3feintsgas of the President of the United Statem, the Annual Reports of the fiends of the Bungee Departments,' the Laws paused during the BMW and copious Indexes to all. They will he print. ed gi'double royal sheet, In book form, royal quarto size, each number contal eing sixteen pages The whole will make, It is believed, between 3,800 ant 13,900 pages, no the long sessions for many years have rouged between those numbers, and the next session will be what is termed a " long one." This, I believe is the ghespest work ever sold in any country, whether a re. prlut pr printed from manuscript copy, taking for darn the average number wgilim the long gessimis since the year 1848. The average number of page* le end the average number of works on a page la 1,397, oonsequeritlY the average number of warms of a long session Is 9,299,712. Ac I have sold to subscribers that number of wattle for six dollops, it fellows that they have paid less Wilt and one-half cents for every 100,000 words I hare furnished them, 'while I have paid my reporters $0.20 for every 2,397 words, of this work, in manuscript. Ilse any other bookeoller, any. where, ever sold a book in the tint instance, while It Was {WW ii to low a rate ? I believe not; nudge strong Is my boiler, thatl haply agree to give to any person who shell prove the pottery a pomp - tete vet of The de bates runuing back to the year lS?j, ineking fertydhree quarto volumes, which 1011 fpr I 4 a rtilliale• An act of Oongreee eutherlees these mere to go by mail free of postage. The next epsilon will be without doubt, an unusually Intereeting one, AS It wilt he the first under a new Adndnistration, and several complex questions must be discussed in it; for example, the currency, Kansas, revenue, and other questions. The °sone will be, as heretofore the only source from which foil de bates can be Obtained. - ' TERMS: ?pr 4 copy Of the DAILY Loos one year Fin s aapy of ltis RAI I,T OP DR NIX elalltir.,•.• For a copy of tho LILT 411.044 euring t see Foraelon copy of the CoSofteseloSAL 4.lLoas Aso Al' raNnix, and the laws passed during the session 6 00 Bank notes, current to the 'section of the country where a subscriber resides, will be received at par. The whole or any part or a' subscription may be remitted in postage stamps, which Is preferable to any currency, except gold nr , paper win net be Omit unless the money accompa nies the order for it I cannot Word to exchange with all the newspapers that desire the atone; but I will send the DAILY ULMER during the session to all who shell publish this prospectus three times before the first Monday of next December. Those who may publish should send their papers containing it to me, marked with a pen, to direct attention to It. • JOAN O. RIVES. Wapgisurox, October 27; 1857.1.1 n 018.31 tfielinitg $2llOOO - LT.Fir i.lgf.},'lvi.„li."wll E l Too talon at par for ' oLo'rus t OASSIMERES, SATTINETS, Vestlogs, Blumele, Muslim, Umbrellas. OentlemeoPs IVsappers, Shawls. Shirts, DraWofl, UOll/Ory, Worts and Cravats. Also— GENTLEMEN , B READY bIADI: CLOTHING, A large consignment of which has just been received, comprising a splendid assortment of Raglans, Bangupe, Sacks, Dress and Frock Coats, business Coate, rants and Vests, to be alma) oak, wholesale or retaH, at 511 MINOR. Street, between Fifth and Sixth Market and Chestnut streets. SIONItOk & C 0.,. Importers, Jobboraand COlllaliBBlol2lMerchaurs, N. 8.--Consignments nolielted and advancea made. nlll.3t# ALE ABSOLUTE.—LOUIS lIANO, No. kJ 1104 MARKET Street, second door above Elev enth, offers his entire Stock or ready-made OLOTIIINO et half-price. Vine Dross Frock Coats $0 DO $0 60 $7 60 Deaver Sack Overcoats 600 000 700 Deaver Damp Coats 500 000 700 New style Raglan C0at5............0 00 700 000 1,000 Drown London Deaver Coats.. 5 00 worth 31 00 lino Black and Yam Cass. Pants.. 176 275 375 1 am now forvid to sell the entire Stock on account of some pecuniary circumstances. This notice Is posi tive, and not like a good many offers to sell at cost; but I ant obliged to sell, and will sell anyhow, at any prico rather than be sold. Sale commences at 7A. 51. till 9 P. 51., at LOUIS HANOI', 1104 MARKET St., second door above Eleventh. nolli•Ot shipping VOR LIVERPOOL.-THIIIISDAY, DF OE3ISEIt 10.—The Packet Ship PIIILADEL. PRIA, Capt. ()Junin;B. rOOLE, will alai as above. Cabin paenage PO Second cabin . . Steerage 18 Second Cabin and Steerage Passengers found With Provisions, according to the American passenger act. For freight or passage, apply to THOS. RICHARDSON & CO. Drafts on the Agents to aunts to suit, from S 1 up wards. nolB FOR SAN FRANCISCO.—THE FIRST etue Clipper nip MARY ROBINSON, Captatu :HARDING and the magnificent A 1 Clipper Ship VI KING, daptain Woollies will bare quick despatch from New York. For freigh t apply to II nor, SIMONS, k CO., nolB4ltf 120 (late u 0) NORTH WHARVES. HE PHILADELPHIA BANK. POILADEL- At the Annual Election, hag named gentlemen wore ensuing year : THOMAS ROBINS, SAMUEL F. SMITH, JOSHUA LONGSTRETII, QIJINTIN CAMPBELL, RICHARD D. WOOD, JOHN W. ChAtillOßN, JOHN WELSH. JOSEPH SWIFT, MARSHALL HILL, LEWIS R. ASIIIIURST, ISAAC STAILU ABRAHAM HART, LENNIO. And at the meeting of the Board of Diroctorn, held Ude day, THOMAS ROBINS, Esq., wee unanimously re-elected President, nolB4t 'l/lA, NOVolliber 17, 1817. eld yesterday, the follow elected Directors for the D. CO7tIEOYS, Cashior OR SALE.—ONE OF GROVER & 11A ,E RIVING MACHINE:I, Outset in, proyed,) boen in use only a few weeks. Reason of sale, want money. Cost 8115. Will be sold cheap. Marcum ATAIA 11., illood's Despatch. nolSatle A MAN AND WIFE AND A LADY CAN be accommodated with a choice of Booms with lloard, in a mall family, by applying early at No 731 South TENTH Street, nolB-It* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE firm or REIgB BROCNIV.RIi & CO., Imvototore ox- Isting In New York and Philadelphia, is this day DIS SOLVED by ninths' consent, and that the business of the firm will only be carried on for the purpose of li quidation. SlguoJ,. ENOCII MIMS, ISAAC REISS, JAMES REISS, M. GANS, JOMN IepTTETt. nol6,l3t&tutha-0 November 18 NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. The ship PHILADELPHIA, Captain Pool, from Liverpool, is now ready to discharge at Shippen street wharf Con signees will pleas.) deliver their permits to the Custom house officer on hoard. All goods not permited in five days will be sent to public store. noll3 THOMAS RICHARDSON h CO. FOR SALE-THE NEW AND ELE- gout private residence, No, 1728 CHESTNUT St 22 foot trout by 150 feet in depth, to Chatham street. Built In very superior style, with every modern convenience, comfort and Improvement. Apply on the promised doily 11 to 4 P.M. nolo-0t it 4 DENNSYLVANIA BANK NO TES.— vov %mu', a well-secured G ROUND RENT of $2lO, upon three brick throning houses and lot ou Hancock stroet, south of Master-4S feet front, 1011 foot doop— punctually paid In quarterly payments. Pennsylvania Bank notes will be taken for it. Apply to I O. PRICY:, corner of SPRINO (URDU and THIRTEENTH . Streets. nolfollw GREAT REDUCTION OF PRICES. Indica , FURS polling oil regardloce of cost. CHARLES OAKNORD ec SON, Importing end manufacturing rurrlore, 1324 CREST. NOT St below Seventh, will Clone their entire dock o Ladles' Yuri, without rognrd to coot. 5,000 GALLS. WHALE OIL, 1,000 gall. Elephant W Ott, be e. No.l Land Oil, for sale by CROABDALN, PEIRCE, h CO., No. 104 N Delaware avenue Va./OILING B r O ARD3-23,680 tiSoiOtii .r Bus flooring boards, tiflost, fopsale by AIAOALIETZII nl 11D Nall). Watar Atm** sgiPIRITS TURPENTINE-200 bbls Spirits 1.7 Torpeatine, to arrive, for aale by MASIIN # HAVALIBTEIt, au I INforth Water street. 3/I ,I N I L Lt i, ROPI; t II7I7 f RIOR t. MA ILLt R° %eta, oguirtocr, anL 4 ? Nn ,N, Warr at, and Mt N..intattes 50)00 TONS • of KITCHELL & OROAS tale's Improved, super PHOSPHATE OP LIME, for Aldo by OEOASDALp, PRIME h 00 lloto.tf No. 104 N. Delaware avenue. MOSS -17 bales Carolina Moss, for sato by MARTIN & hiACALIBTER, old 116 North Water litrest, 2 tma6emetilo. ..... WIMATLEY's ARCH ST. TITELTRE. E. L DAVENPORT'S BENEFIT, FR ID A YEW:VG, NOV. 20TH, ISM. Dulwer's admired play of T[/. RICIIELIEU ; OU, THE CONSPIRADY,,,ca Cardinal Richelieu, (let time).. • . Mr. E L Davenport. Julio Do Mortemar Mrs E. L. Davenport. Adrian Do Idauptst Mr. Wheatley, Count De Bernie Mr. toilette. Josph Mr. W. B. Fredericks. Francois Miss Anna Cruise. To be followed by the popular Drama, in two acts, entitled : TIME TRIES ALL) OR, A LESSON FOR LOVERS. Mr. Leeson Mr. Thayer. Tom Tact Mr. J. 8. Clarks. Laura Leeson Mrs. D. P. Bowers. Fanny Tact Miss Emma Taylor. Box Book now open. ••WHEATLEY's ARCH ST. THEATRE -SOLE LESSEE W. WHEA.TLEY THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, Nov. 18th, 1857, Will ba presented MERCHANT OP VENICE GUY MiNNERT:M} i OR, TIM alii3Y;9 PROPIIECY Col. Mannering Mr. Tannehill Meg Merrilles Bme or PRlONS.—=horde, 25 cents; secured Beats, 38; Orchestra Stalls, cents Seats in Private Boxes, 75 cents; Gallery, 13 cents; Gallery for Colored Persona, 25 cents ; Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 cents, Box Nice open from 10 A. M. until 3P. If. Doors Will open at oh o'clock; performance to commence at 7, precisely. WALNUT STREET TREATRE.—Les- Iee, Mr. E. A. Marshall; Stage Manager, Mr. John Sefton. Prices.—Dress Circle and Parquette, 26 cents; Upper Circle, 25 cents; Secured - Seats, 37X cents; Private Box and Orchestra Seats, 60 cents. Box Office open from 9 o'clock A, M. to 3 P.M. Doors open at tlyi o clock ; performance to commence at 7, precisely. TIM (Wednesday) EVENING. Nov.lBth, 1867, Will be performed POOR GENTLEMAN. Dr. 011spod Mr. Ohaufrau. Emily Worthington NOVAT;i: ''' 31'8. janBl'an NATIONAL THEATRE, 'WALNUT ST., NEAR EIGHTH. BUCKLEY'S SERENADERS. THIS (Wednesday) EVENING. Nor. IBth, Will be presented ETHIOPIAN MINSTRELSY AND DANCING. BONNAMBULA. Dinah Min 0. HilTest. LIFE ON THE MISSISSIPPI NOTICE—In order to bring this great entertainment Within the roach of all, the manager would respectfully announce that the price of admission has been tiled, to all parts of tho home, at TWENTY-PINE CENTS ONLY. Doom open at 7 ; Curtain rises at bait past 7 precisely: S. IL IfARRIS, Sole Lessee and Manager. Q,TATE POULTRY SOCIETY OF PENN sviNANIA ! FOURTH GRAND ANNUAL EXHIBITION AT JAYNE'S BUILDING, CUESTNUT, BELOW SEVENTII STREET, TIIANKSOITING WEEK. n01441* SANFORD'a OPERA ROUSE— isLIWENTiI Street, above Chestnut. ETIIIOPIANPEAFORMANORS THIS EVENING. Ethiopian Life illustrated by Sanford's Troupe of Stars—Now Dances by the Sanford Children. Doors open at 7 o'clock—to commence %muter before eight. To conclude with A LAUGHABLE AVTEAPIEOE. Admittance 25 cents. riptionEtu". VARIETIES— MTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Re-engagement of Messrs. MOUTON and DUNBAR, NOTICE.—Mr. MAGILTON will appear every 'inn ing during the week as THE MAN MONKEY, 1n the tartly part of the performance. For further information sea Public Ledger. E iitertainments commence at 7g. Admission 10 cents. 0016-310 Tfarg Ql6oobo AUCTION GOODS. TI[OS. \V. EVANS f 00., 620 CHESTNUT Street, Will open THIS MORNING a large aseortment of FRENCH GOODS, JOST DOUORT AV Tilt GREAT AUCTION SALE IN NEW YORK. Amongst thew AM nolB-31 GREAT BARGAINS. ANOTHER CHEAP LOT ALL-WOOL JILANKETS.—V. E. ARCHAMBAULT, N. E. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, open THIS MORNINU 600 pairs of extra 100 heliTy Twilled Rlbbon•bound French Etanketa ' at $1 60, Si 76, $1 60, $ 2 75 , $3 25, $3 60, 84, U. $O, $7, and $8; also, 100 large-Ate Hotnlortables, at $1 76 and N. •• • . PLEAT BARGAINS IN MUSLIN& • Yardetvlde heavy Sheeting bluelies, at 6,tf 9,10 c. Yule Shirtless, at 0,8, 10, and 12%c. Pillow-ease Aluvlitiv; extra width, at 11c. Store for great bargains, N. E. corner .F.LEVENTII ed MAR . MARKET Streets. nolB-4t UNGLISII HOSIERY AND UNDER vxsTs. SHARPLESS BROTHERS Have received an invoice of a very desirable make— Women's and Misses' COTTON' HOSE. do. do. BALBRIOGAN HOSE. blen'a long and half do. Saxony, Vigonla. and Merino SHIRTS. Elastic Silk SHIRTS and DRAWERS. AT EIDOOSD PAWNS. CHESTNUT and. EIGHTH Sts. COOPER & CONARD, Manufacturers of Vino CLOTH CLOAKS, AND 0001.01/8 Itl MEN'S AND HEMP WEAR. BLANKETS AND DOMESTICS, SHAWLS AND DRESS GOOD& ESPECIAL BARGAINS In the following named goods English Chintzes, Wool Delaines, Satinets, Union Camimeree, Woollen Long Shawls. Brodie do. S R. corner NINTH end MARKET Ste. N Cloaks numb) to order. Datly additions to the stock. nolo-dfit SACRIFICES. 0 Il It ELEOANT STOCK FANCY DRESS TRIMMINGS WILL BY SOLI, REGARDLESS OF LOSSES, DURING THE SEASON, IN ORDNIC TO INCIINASC 000 LIST OF CUSTOMERS AND KEEP IN WINTER WORK OUR I'ACTORY OPERAT[VES. WE ARE HEWN ZEPHYRS, Ell colors, 17 cents per oz. Tout% SPItiNG SKIRTS $3.75 each. FRENCH WORKING COTTON, 17 cents per doz. SHETLAND WOOL 10 etc. per on. J. G. MAXWELL & SON, I0•:0 CHESTNUT STREET, Below Eleventh REMOVAL. L. J. LEVY & CO., IN ANTICIPATION or REMOVAL SPLENDID NEW STORE, Now being erected tor them in • CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH, Unve determined, fora period of 30 DAYS, To dispose of n large amount of their Stock now In storo at vary LOW PRICES FOR CASH They invite the attentiou of the Publlcand their Cog tamers to one of the most complete egeortmezits of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS To be found lu this country, which will be diepozed of for tho period named, at such prices al will insure their CHESTNUT STREET, noll•tf NEXT TO TUE CUSTOM HOUSE HEAVY BROWN COTTONS Ono Thousand Bales SIIEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, AND DRILLS, rliint TB LAWRENCE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, JACKSON COMPANY, (INDIAN BBAD,) AND NASHUA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Of their various widths and styles, which are offered fo solo for drat-clam paperort SIX MONTHS , CREDIT, by the Agents of the Companies, ALFRED SLADE & CO., not-lm 39 LETITIA STREET. PENNSYLVANIA BANK NOTES TAKEN AT PAR FOR DRY GOODS. The subscriber offers for a few days hill entire stbck of goods at prices TO SUIT TILE TIMRS, and receive in payment notes of the Pennsylvania Bank: This, to such as may have any of tbia doubtful paper on hand, it °doing a great Inducement as his stock It one of the best in the city. Please gip, bun au early call, . . B. P. JOHNSON, nol4•9lst 911 Market st,, above Ninth, north alaa GREAT SALE OF LADIES' CLOAKS. A FURTHER REDUCTION IN PRICES has been determined on by the subscribers, in con nemignee of the continued pressure. 600 MISSES' ENGLISH BEAVER CLOAKS, $2 formerly $360 300 MISSES' ENGLISH BEAVER CLOAKS, $3 60. formerly $5 60. 250 SUPERIOR FRENCH BEAVER CLOAKS, $5 to $B, coot to Import $7 to $lO each. LONG BLACK BEAVER CIRCULARS, formerly $l2. RICH BLACK VELVET CLOAKS, All '2O per coot. below cost of production. J PROCTOR Successors to Qeo Dolph, & Co., 013 lose d 708 CHESTNUT street. BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA.-FOR A few days longer, we will take the Notes of the above Bank st par, for Goode, at the reduced prices. We are offering immense bargains In GLOAKS AND TALIIAB. • A groat variety of styles at lesa than the cost of material. Broche Long and Square Shawls, Stella and Blanket do., at extraordinary low prices. DIMS GOODS, of every description, at •sacrifice. KID (MOVES, Ribbons, and Embroideries, at prices that defy all competition, LINENS, FLANNELS, and DOMESTICS. faCILTS AND COUNTIIRDANES.—A full line, at ex traordinary low prices. Do not mistake the Btore. P. tk, T. If . DELMER'S, n1.66t B. W. corner Eighth and Spring Garden ate, JOHN B. STRYKER, Jig., Wholesale Dealer In AUCTION DAY 6001:3, No. 11 BANK Otteet s Philadelphia. potl•Rcp fialeo bp %Intim. nn THOMAS & SONS, li~• Nos. In and 141 SOUTH FOURTH STRUT, (formerly Nos. OT sad 09.) REAL ESTATE, STOOKS, ito. Publie Sales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening. V - • Handbills of each property Issued separately, in liddltion to which we publish on the Saturday previous to each aide one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving full descriptiorw of oil the property to be sold on the following Tuesday. IL) FURNITURE • HALES AT, THE AEOTION STORE every Thursday morning. REAL ERTATE AT PRIVATE BALL fl=" We hare 4 largo amount of Real Estate at Pri vate gele, including every description of City and country property. Equated Lista may be had at the auction afore. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. D. Real Estate entered on. our Private Sale Re gister, and advertised.oceasionally in our Pubtie Sale Abstracts, (of Which 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) free of charge. .Me. B. L. Davenport Ittra. IL L. Davenport . . LIBRARY OP THE LATE ROBERT F. WALBII, Esc , . CARD.--We will cell on Tuesday and Wednealay evenings, December let and 24, the valuable miscella neous library of the late Robert P. Walsh, Esq., which contains a large number of rare and valuable kooks, on various subjects. 11:7 - Catalogues with full particulars will be ready three days previous to the day of sale, and the books arranged for examination. Mrs. D. P. Bowers SALE OP SUPERIOR, )IJRNITEIRE, ELEGANT • PIANO-PORTS, &c. ()ABB.—Our sale, at the auction store, to-morrow morning, will include, besides six hundred lota of elegant seoond-hand furniture, en elegant Schen., T octave, piano-forte, fine mirrors, fine tapestry Brus selsoind velvet carpets, china and glass-ware, plated wares, superior book came, superior beds and bedding, a large number of stoves, various kinds, comprising an attractive assortment, and worthyithe attention of those desirous of purchasing. ILA' Catalogues now ready and the articles arranged for egiunittation. REAL ESTATE SALE—DECEMBER let. Administrators' Sale—Estate of Richard raison, Dec'd, formerly of Dr. Shippen. ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT AND FARM, ABOUT SIXTEEN MILES. BROM MARKET STREET, AND TERRE EROM BRISTOL. Our sale let December will include the valuable country seat and farm, 167 acres, with impeder improve ments, known as "PARLEY ," actuate on the heights, on thewest side of Nesternony Creek, between the Bristol turnpike sad thc, Newport road. 11:r hourYo rticulars to handbills. Orphans' Ct Sale—Estate of William Lennen, demisted. PRAMS DWELLING, 21av WARD. Frame dwelling, north aide of Wood street, between Green lane and Levering !street, Twenty-first Ward . Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Lynch, minors. TWO-STORY BRICK. HOUSE. Mr. Chanfrau Two-story brick hoagie, Eerie , court, between Tenth and Elerenth streets, below Locust. NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE. Also, neat modern retedence, No. 153 North Fifteenth street, above Arch street, finithed with modern improve ments and conveniences. TWO HANDSOME NEW RESIDENCES. Nos. 1809 AND ISM DELANEY PLACE, BETWEEN EIGH TEENTH. AND NINETEENTH AND SPRUCE AND PINE STREETS. Two handsome new fear story brick residenios, with thrountorx back buildings, and replete with 41 the modern improvements and convenience . They will be cold separately. Immediate possession. TUBER VALUABLE Leas WALNUT STREET, WltBT Pill Ii LPIIIA. Three valuable lots, Walnut street, east of Marge retta street—each 56 feet front, 220 feet deep to York street. Blear of all Incumbrance. Admlniatratan , Peremptory Sale. A THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, TWENTY FIRST STREET. . . Also. r. thros-story brick dwelling, Twenty-first sliver, below Ilio rt nilto street. - . THREE-STORY BRIOK STORR.AND DWELLING. Throe-story brick store and dwelling, Ridge avenue, below Oxford street. TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING. Two-story brick dwelling, Columbia avenue, east of Ridge avenue. . PEREMPTORY SALE.—TIIREE AROUND RENTS. -Three ground recta--one of $ll4, one of VA and one of sao per annum. • Executor's Peremptory We—Estate of Charlotte Render, Deceased • TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING. Two-story brick dwelling, with back-buildings, west aide. St. John street, above Noble street, Sale Noe. 139 end 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR PURNIVURE, PINE etIRROPS, IROSE WOOD PIANO-FORTES, VELVET CARPETS, &a. On Thartdii tlondsig, At 10 o'clock, at the Anetion,Store, an extensive u aortatunt of second-hand furniture, mirrors, piano-forte, carpets, ke., from families declining housekeeping. ELEGANT ROSEWOOD PIANO. MSM=SI;=I Palo at N 0.1725 Arch street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, VELI'ET CARPETS, MIRRORS, OIL CLOTHS, &e., &c. Oa Friday ?detain. " 20th instant, at •10 o'clock, by cat doge., at No s 1125 Arch street (above Seventeenth), the entire superior furniture, &c , all made to order, and been but little used. frrhley be examlnod at 8 o'clock ea the moroing of ule. -••- • - . FASHIONABLE FURNITURE, SPLENDID ERARD GRAND PIANO, LARGE FRENCH PLATE MAN TEL AND PIER MIRRORS, ELEGANT CURTAINS, CHANDELIERS, CARPETS, 0 RHO L U WALL BRACKETS, BOOK-CASES, Ac., %kr. Oa Wednesday Morning, 25th instant, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at No. 1012 Walnut street (west of Sixteenth street), the fashiona ble furniture, Erard piano forte, mirrors, carpets, Ac , An., of a lady removing to the country. lr Full particulars in catalogues. May be examined the day previous to sale from 11 to 3 o'clock. Shares in the Academy or Music; Point Breeze ?ark ; Philadelphia end Mercantile Libraries ; Athenieum ; k c. $5,000 WANTED on mortgage on a valuable pre port? on Walnut street. NNIMPT 'aslggatoit.ggralns_ .r 4 u'r Stroet, opposits 3hs Chistaps _Rousso, Between Fourth and Fifth Streets. CARD.—We invite the early and particular attention of the trade and purchasers generally, to the peremp tory Bale Or AR extensive assortment of fashionable furs, cloth cloaks, embroideries, laces, bonnet 'velvets, and millinery goods generally, to be held at our store WA day, by catalogue, commencing at 10 o'clock, pre cisely. Also, an assortment of city.mado clothing, consisting of coats, Mimes, cassimere pants, silk and satin tests, HOSIERY tioow. Also, a lino superior English and American hosiery goods. Also, au assortment rich colors chenille shawls, &o N. B.—The x hole are now arranged for examination EXTENSIVE SALE OP FURS FOR LADIES' AND _ GENTS' WEAR. This Morning, lath instant, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, we will sell by catalogue, for cash, a large and valuable consignment of elegantly mails furs for ladies', gents' and misers wear, consisting of taimas, capes, victorines, pelerines, rum*, cute , caps, gauntlets, and gloves, Inane in the vadat fasbionablo manner of Siberian squir rel, mynx, sable, stone martin, Bohemian latch, rock martin, chinchilli, swan's down, ermine, beaver, seal, kc. . . . Also, a general assortment of city made fall and winter clothing, consisting of ON} TIIOUSAND GARMENTS, Such an Overcoats or all descriptions, Pants of black and hinny mixed cassimerd, Tests of silk, satin, cashmere, and velvet, LAMB ;S WOOL SIIIRTS AND DRAWERS. Also, 100 dozen gents' wool and merino shirts and drawers. Also, gents' wool comforts, wool hose and half hose, wool shawls, wool bowls, wool gloves and mitts, scarfs and cravats. SPLENDID CHENILLE SHAWLS, SCARFS. Ac. Also, a line splendid 10If chenille shawls, chenille 'mead's, Ac. EMBROIDERIES AND MILLINERY GOODS. Also, a general variety of French ant Scotch em broideries, bonnet and trimming ribbons, French artifi cial.. Ac BILK-YPLYEP RIBBONS AND CLOAK GALLOONS. . . - Also, 60 caatona silk-velvet ribbon's, and elegant gal loon trimmings, satin ribbons ' silk fringes, &c. LADIES , CLOAKS, TALM.kS AND MANTILLAS. Mso a line !adios' velvet and silk cloaks, cloth Ul tima, silk mantillas, barques, cloth dusters, Ae , with a large and general assortment of staple and fancy articles, suited to present sales, and worthy pastiest ticular attention. • o . 9amples and catalogues early on the morning of sale. SCULL, CAMSLOS, & CO., BANKERS, No. 3S South Third Street The highest premium paid for AMERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORK RXOTIANOE. trocurreut Funds bought and gold. Stocks bought and sold on couunlssior;only. nolo-2m* W. TINGLEY CO., BANKERS J-JIP.. No. 37 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLEOT lONS promptly made on all aocesaible points In the United States and Canada. Stocks, Bonds, /to., Bought and Sold on Comm Winn. Unourrent Bank Notes, Checks, &c., bought at the lowest ratee. Deposits reeelveg and intermit allowed, as per agree. meet nor 2-3 m - 1 4 - NIVE PER CENT. PR EMI UM FOR .12 GOLD. OOLD ULLAI3 Will be received AA ON! DOLLAR AND ril E CENTS £OOO, iu payment for DRY GOODS, on and alter this day, at the New Stare. No. 9:23 Martel strut, between Sloth and Tenth, north aide. Our stock is entirely new, and hsvipg been purchased at the present Unr.sr SACRIPICS, can be sold lower than at any other store in the city. SAMUEL 8 lIESS, No. 923 Market st., nol4.lw* North side, between Ninth and Tenth, J EW STORE. NEW GOODS. MARXBEN tr. WITTE:, _ . MASONIC HALL, 213 CHESTNUT HATE ,OW ON HAND A Complete and splendid assortment of WHITE, GOLD BAND, and DECORATED FRENCH CIIINA,• I.IOIIE MAN, ORMAL, and COLORED GLASSWARE; 8180, PARIAN. LAVA, and TERRA COTTA WARM, besides the greatest variety of FANCY ARTICLES, which will ba sold at lower prices than at any similar store in the United States. N D.—Goods loaned to Puttee on reasonable terms. oc 27-tt -- - WINCHESTER Si SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING wron, and PATENT MOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. TOO CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street. Philaelphia. The attention of Southern and SY ()stern Merchants, and Strangers, to particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the most petted fitting article made. At whole sale and retail, and made to order. out-lilt LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. • NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. O. MAXWELL & SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES, 1058 CHESTNUT Street, four doors below Eleventh And 318 8. SECOND St.. below Spruce. PAOTORIES —Nos. 95 sod 9T HEORGH St., Tenth, sod SECOND Street, near Thalon. Ord ere made at a few bourn' notice. ee72 4mlf f TON'S PURE OHIO CATAWBA 1..r1 Brandy is rdora valuable as a medicinal remedial agent than the thousand quack nostrums of the day united, Lyon's Catawba Brandy renovates, renews and life. strengthens the system, aiding Digestion, dispelling Flatulency and the cause of disease. Carefully panted in boles of I dozen each for trans. portation. Price 11.25 per bottle, with diacount to dealers. Sole wholesale agents— IREXCH RICHARDS, & CO. N W. cor. Tenth and Market, ate., PhDs. For Side by nem corner Third and Brown. Zeigler& Smith, cor. Second and (}rem. Dugan, corner Third and South. And Druggists and Grocers generally. C 1 LEN WOOD OENETERY OFF/OE, NO. 11 1 A 1111 WALKIN 1.1 Imism 111711, MI UV Sale at No. 1612 Walnut 9treat AT PRIVATE BALE CLOTHING CITY MADE CLOTHING illonen. Ohm nnb Cbina Ware JAMES A. FREEMAN', AVOTIO CARD NO -BALE OF 11. 422 WALNUT STioLD REET, 00al UTY" We beg leave to Inform the publis VW,* bait our regular weekly tiles of Furniture every Tuu . e= our SPACIOUS BALES ROOM, NO. W BT BEET, where every poeentie Ettoxit i° n /fr u ' 11;'* taro the highest prizes for the goods of th ose 140 Mr favor us with consignments. /wales haviag Partialliagt their furniture to dispose of, or those declining Aouser keeping lad not wishing sales at their own thretttelpi , can have their furniture CAKTAIILLY REMOYST..III4 01111. BALES 8008, WHERE Tiny WILL BRAM , BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR FORSYTHIA - THEY CAN OBTAIN FROM ANY OF THE .111=t- TUBS DEALERS OB ANY OTHENAI7O2ION IN THE CITY. irr Persons favoring as with amalgamate alit I* lamed that their property sill not be ascridaeL. Comminalone more moderate than thou data by any other Auction House In the city. Comigrunents respectfu ll y solicited. IJIC - Ir Wee paid immediately alter the goods arsold. REAL ESTATE. BALK-TEIE EEENIRIE. MD We will 'Muds— Orphans , Court Sale—Estate of Patela Smith, Der,d. 'MESE 1101NE8 AND LOT 01 GROUND, NORTH BiCOND STRBST Three three-etort brick houses and lot of groan& east side of Second street, 170 feet north from Matto street, 20 feet front and 100 feet deep. ,Xlgivand: rent. Orphans' Court Hale--Fame Estate. FIVE MOUSES AND LOT, WASHINGTON STREET, KENSENCITON. A lot of ground with four three-story brick, MO_ frame hoo.se thereon, east side of WinthingtOxi 4094 ‘ 80 feet above Master, 24 feet front and 121 feet doer, to Phillip street. 00 ground rent. Orphans , •Coart Sala—Estate of Andrew Lindsay, TAVERN STAND, NORTH SECOND, ABOVE RAWL - A thrbeatory brick tavern stand and dwelling, tow. story brick back. building and lot of ground, on the *sat: side of Second street, between lance and Vine strettaill feet front, and extending in, depth 40 feet 4X inches, then narrowing to 143.; teat, and extending the farther depth of 19 feet 7 Inches, making in 61100 feet dear of all incumbrances. Err $2,500 may remarry If desired. , trp $5O to be paid on each or the above when the 11.101) is struck off. REAL ESTATE SALE, DECEMBER. 21,1451 Thin sae will include— Cull ant' Court Sale—Estitto of Long Minors. PROPERTY, MARINER STREET. A two-story brick house and lot of ground co the south side of Mariner street ; 96 feet west of Tklrtientlit *treat, 10 feet front, 4 feet 1 inch deep. VS Went rent. .1101 INT MORIAII CEMET - ERY STOOK. This Evening. 18th inst., at the Exchange, will be sold previous to sale of real estate '4 shares stock in the Mount Moriah Cemetery Co. /17-g5 to be pelt on each share when the suns la struck off. AT PRIVATE BAIL A Bret-class Printing Oars; with a good ma of bud nett, roar printioK prestos, two Ruggles sad one lams Type and everything necessary for the hardsteig. Apple at the Auction Store. MOSES NA TUA NS, AUCTIONEER. AND COMMISSION MISCHANT, B. B. eosin SIXTH aid RADA Streets. . . AT PRIVATE SALE—GoId and elver patent Inez, llngllah, Swiss, and hunch watches, jewelry, of every description, musical instrument, km, do. AT PRIVATE BALE—Arranged on second door., household furniture, of every descripkian, tads, mat • tresses, carpeting, looking glasses, fumy articles, di, &c., /Lc. Out-door gale' attended to personally by the Anakine eer. Charges very low. Consivennenta of fussitare . clothing, jewelry, de. ke , solicited. NATHAN'S PRINCIPAL LOAN OPIIQtj 8. E. Corner of Bitth and Race Streets, = Where money will be loaned on gold and silver plats Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Clothing, Dry °ends, Groceriee, &gars, 'Hardware, Cutlery, Imaltare, Skid ding, Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Stocks, and on ell me. poles of value for say length of time 'greed ca. on wen satisfactory and liberal terms than at any tither eetah llehment. If. 141ATHAN8, NOTIOE.--All goods forfeited at Nathan's Loan Office, S. E. corm of sixth and Race streets, will be sold at public auction, on Tuesday morning, OM at November, at 10 o'clock, unless depordtursarEpreviests thereto, and pay charges, and renew their =Welton Moses Nathan; S. E. corner or Sixth and Race Amin. NATIIANS'S GREAT SALE OP YOREEITED GOODS,. Will take.place On Tuesday Morning, November 24th, at IO o'clock, at Moses Nathansfs - - auction store, B. N. corner of Sixth mg /Lscs strutter - in the second-story room—entrance from Uses street. It will embrace the largest assortment of goods seer. offered at public auction, competing a large and= Tat assortment of super fi ne overcoats, &Want, • drew and froth coats, business coats, pants, 'Tests, handkerchiefs, boots, shoes, umbrellas, shirts, dry , goods, costs, pants, and ves t patterns, silk, cashmere, merino, debage, delaine and oblong dresses andr dress patterns, labes , and children's gaiters, boots sad shoes, gums, silk velvet, silk, merino, and cloth cloaks, tennis, capes, barques, mantilla!, superfine berth*, crape, Bilk, atelLs, plai d woollen, mecum, and other Shawls, parasols, bedspreads, *tills, comfortable', blankets, sheets, pillow-cases certain , books; steel ekatea, pistols, trsvelling-truriks, valises, furniture cooking-stoves, sad-lrons, musical instruments, and elegant silver-plated tea-set, china, glass and crockery ware, cigars, daguerreotype camera, complete, with fixtures, microscopos, surveyor's instruments, mate by Knox & Shaba, paintinys, engravings, looking glasses, and a thousand other articles. Particulars hereafter. - WEBIPS great sale of forfeited Natalie' Jeweler, - CilaWS,l 4 lltole, Musical Instruments, ice., wtetakeplace shortly. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great sale of Dr Goods, Clothing, 11 4 Wiret s . d.c., being forfeited collaterals, will take place abAirtl7. Due notice will be glen. AT PRIVATE SALE, AT HALF THE VISUAL BELLING nueEs.—Double-bottomed and hunting case gold patent lever watches, of The most ap proved makes; hunting 01.10 and open face gold escape- ; went lever and begin e watches. fall jeweled - • fine geld enameled lever and 'spine watches for ladles'• go/4 jewelry of every description; silver lever sod In. watches, In hunting cases and open face; silver Swiss and Yrench watches ; a general Miartimant tor! niture, beds, mattresees, mirrors. &c. OUT-DOOR SALES SOLICITED, sadchargea to wit the times, low. Coneiguaiebbr at every deeeriptirtre at for, p4blici 1116114 mortify ADVANC.IDrre all sad every triad if= for public or private sele, or to be bold tor a ' - ' time. (Runes loy. SAMIIEL NATILANS, AUCTIONNESi and MONEY LOAN OPIUM, No. 119 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, oppcolte Peer at., only eight doors below the Factrange. Henri of business from 7 o'clock, A. X., antil lii o'clock in the evening. Outdoor sales,and sales at the Auction Hoots, at tended upon the mat satisfactory terns. CAPITAL 1200 1 000. • Hstahlisitedfer du las: Thirty Wars. Advances made from one dollar to Commands on DX mends, Silver Plata, Watches , Jewelry, Hardware, Her chandize, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars r Musleal Instruments, Gum, Hanes, Carriages, and Coeds of every description. All good' can remain any length ad time agreed upon. All Adria_ ,ces from one hundred dollars and upwards! w Ul the lowest market be charged !I perate. r cent. per month; 1500 and cover, This Store House having a depth of LI) set, healer's are and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pot sate watchmen for the premises • also, heavy hunt ranee effected for the benefit of all personahaving "coda advanced upon N. 8.--On account of .having an nalludted capital, this office is prepared to make advanera on more satin. facto 7 and aocommodating term, than any other In this etty. Money advanced to . the poor, in anal unovata, out any charge. AT PRIVATE BALI. Gold Patent Leverand other Watehem, Jewetry, sad Clothing .111 be sold at reduced pricm, anl-ly GEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER N. S. comar of DAIMON and 130IITIE Streets Om &mod. MIMING SALM, BALMS &VERY SATURDAY HYMNING, At 7% o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware .Col lery, Housekeeping Articles, Clothug, Wetches; ry, Yancy Articles, ace. 4nsuralur Companies. 001010NIVEALTII FIRE INSURANCE N.-/ column, OF TIM ETAT?. or PRNNSYLVA NIA .--018ce, N. W. Corner FOURTH and WALNU, Directs, Plulsdelphts. Dobscribeci Capital, WOAD. Peld-np Capital.l2oo.ooo. DAVID JAYNE, M. D., Pre&!dent. THOMAS B. STRWAST, Vice Preen. Sawn. B. Moos', Secretory. GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSUR ANOE COMPANY, PHILADILPHLA—OiIoo, No. 802 WALNUT street, west of THIRD. °' BITS BIM ONLY TAMEN." Dt1109.018. Wm. kt. Swain, Johi3 dmspatb, Jr., H. N. Burroughs, J. B. Hughes, P. D. Sherman, Wm. P. Hacker, J. P. Bteiner, H. A. abarkelford, Hun. /OA JONRB, President, Hon. O. W. WOODWARD, Vice President. • . Jso B. Secretary. Jame B ALTOID, Assistant Secretary. no 2-30-11 Jar. Walker, Juo. McClure, Tho. Cravat, A. S. Gillett, Yuman Shop Sate. Jones, C. IS D., Joseph Klapp, M. D political. FOR SHERIFF CALtII S. WRIGHT, FIVIII WARD, :object to Democratic roles FOR SIIERIFF ALDERMAN GEORGE I.lOOltE, tOURTO Subject to Democratic Rules. FOR SHERIFF JAMES G. GIBSON, TWESTY-BECOsD WARD. Subject to Democratie Rules. FOR SHERIFF, EDWARD T. MOTT, TWELFTH WARD SUBJECT TO DE.I4OCHATIO ROLM 00.16-2 M. ilJant6. AV -ANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bolted, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attondance. Pay from net to V 4 per month. No man having tt wife or child wilt be accepted. A ppll for MOUNTED SERVICE, at No. 81T tialtßlT street shore Eighth, north side. WILLIAM B. BOYALL, let Lieut. 2d Begt. of Cavalry, Recruiting Officer oat 5-2 m SAV.I"IsTG FI7ND.--lINITED STATES P,7 TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and Cain- NUT Streets. Large nod small sums received, and paid bank on de mand, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER EST from the dm , of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Mice hours, from 9 until 5 o'clock every day, and oft MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until a o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on inland, Ireland, and Scotland, from .£1 upwards!. President--STEPHEN CEAWPOED Treasurer—PLlNY FIBS. Teller—JAMES R. MONTER. F URS! FURS!! FURS!!! REGARDLIISS OF COST CIIAS. OARFORP .t SON, No. 624 CHESTNUT ST., snow strzYru, Are selling their LARUE AND CAREPDLLY SNLECTED STOCK LADIES , FURS AT PRICES TO SUIT TUB Tt3lB.Y. We would advise our lady friend* to eall itanaidlately and secure a litegain. ruillit-mwte-St CLOVER SEED.—NOTIOE TO PENN SYLVANIA FARMERS AND STORRILISPIERS. The undersigned are now prepared to parchase for cub prime Closer Seed of the nowerop, Pennalnas itodgeepers and farmers, by sending. samples to oar address, an, et all times, asoertain the prat at which we ar e Inyilag. Parties wishiag samples, by which ist be governed ai to quality, eau have them mat hyena% by addressing 11J. ' OM= % st . sonlittf ia North heat. and 44 Wait DITRMAR & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 630 Ow No. 938) North THIRD Street, Panadalidds.--ablepim orders prompU: attended to ‘ jai t( r t i a i 1 0 nol7-Im* tos-3ta**
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